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Subject Possessive Possessive Reflexive Object

Pronouns Adjectives Pronouns Pronouns Pronouns
I my mine myself me
you your yours yourself you
he his his himself him
she her hers herself her
it its its itself it
we our ours ourselves us
you your yours yourselves you
they their theirs themselves them

1 Fill in the correct personal pronoun into the gaps. The words in brackets tell you
which you should use.

1. _______reads a book. (Willy)

2. _______is green. (The blackboard)
3. _______are on the wall (The posters)
4. _______ runs. (The dog)
5. _______watches TV. (My mother and I)
6. _______are in the garden. (The flowers)
7. _______rides his bike. (Tom)
8. _______are dirty. (Robin's shoes)
9. _______has got a brother. (Diana)
10. Have _______ got a computer, Mandy?

2. Insert the correct personal pronoun.

1. The boys are nice to the girls. They are helping ______
2. Where's my cat? I've got a fish for ______.
3. I can do these exercises. I can do ______.
4. John likes his dog. He likes ______.
5. Teachers like children. Teachers like
6. The teacher is shouting at Peter. He is shouting at ______.
7. Peter can see his mum. He can see ______.
8. We can't do our homework. Can you help ______.with ______., Mary?
9. Let's play with Sarah today. Let's play with ______.
10. Can I go to school with ______., Sally?
11. Jeremy can't do his homework. I can help do ______.
12. You have got a biscuit. Can you give, too. I'm hungry.

3. Choose the correct pronoun

1. Jennifer told Mark that Jennifer would make lunch for Mark.
2. When Louise was given a rabbit Louise trained the rabbit to stay in the garden and not to
run away.
3. Carmen and I are good friends. Carmen and I work together for Kico.
4. When the children and I saw our friends, our friends were running towards children and me.
5. Peter and Ben hadn't revised for the test. Peter and Ben knew that Peter and Ben would fail
the test.
6. The football trainer talked to John and Alan. The football trainer told John and Alan they
were good football players.
7. Sandra was crying because the lost purse was Sandra's.
8. Simon was happy because the money, won in the lottery, was Simon's.

4. Fill in the right forms of the Possessive Adjectives.

1. I do not know (you) ______ lazy wife.

2. It is (we) ______ heavy car.
3. (She) ______ car is expensive.
4. Thank you for (you) ______ long letter.
5. (I) ______ slim daughter works in a restaurant.
6. We are tired but (we) ______ strong children aren't.
7. Do you like (I) ______ fat dog?
8. What are (they) ______ long names?
9. You live with (you) ______ beautiful wife.
10. This is (he) ______ big shoe.
11. We want to clean (we) ______ dirty shoes.
12. Oxford is famous for (it) ______ old university.
13. I know him but I do not know (he) ______ clever wife.
14. She dances with (she) ______ tall boyfriend.
15. I like (I) ______ interesting job.

5. Choose the correct possessive pronoun

1. These pens are Bill's and Sue's pens._____________
2. This office is her office. ._____________
3. That book is our book. ._____________
4. This coat is your coat. ._____________
5. That dog is my dog. ._____________
6. This hat is his hat. ._____________
7. These magazines are our magazines. ._____________
8. That pencil is my pencil. ._____________
9. Those books are George's and Anne's books. ._____________
10. Is this chair your chair? ._____________

6 . Insert the correct reflexive pronoun.

1) You don't need to help me. I can do it ______..
2) If we come too late, we won't be able to get ______.any popcorn.
3) Yesterday, Peter cooked lunch and burnt ______.badly.
4) If you two can't behave ______., then you won't be going anywhere today.
5) I had to help them finish off their homework, but really they could have done it ______..
6) I really need a break after this. I've tired ______.out.
7) We can buy the fish and chips ______., because we have enough money with us.
8) She wrote the exercises ______., but they didn't take very long.
9) He shouldn't think too much about ______., there are other people to be considered too.
10) Could you bring me a glass of water please?
11) Why don't you get it ______.?

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