Assignment 386 2 4

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Solved Assignment

Code 386
Autumn 2018

Written by Daniyal Iqbal

Present by Studio 9 (AIOU)
Compulsory English – I (386)

Level: Intermediate

Semester, Autumn,2018

Total Marks: 100

Provided by Youtube Channel Studio 9

Assignment No. 2

(Unit 6-9)

Q.1 Learning how to apologize for one’s mistakes is a very important factor in one life. In Unit 6 of
your text book you have learnt how to apologize. Given below are situations for which you have to
apologize with reasons. Follow the example. (10)

Example: Situation: You didn’t complete your assignment.

Apology: I am sorry, I forgot.

i. You broke the window while playing cricket.

a. Please accept our most sincere apologize for this mistake.

ii. You lost your father’s mobile.

a. I am really angry with myself for what I did.

iii. You reached school late.

a. Sorry sir, I apologize for being late.

iv. You accidently bumped into your friend while running.

a. It really is my fault, I apologize for that.

v. You instigated a fight in the class.

a. Pardon me sir, I will not make this mistake again.

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Q.2 In Unit 6 of your text book you have learnt what Descriptive Writings is. Write a descriptive
paragraph of around 100 words about the scariest place you have ever visited. (10)

Haunted House

I wandered lonely through the towering oaks and I saw in the distance a scrappy run down cottage. A
tree with branches like arthritic fingers towered around it. This cottage looked like no-one had been
there for thousands of years .It stood in a dark, misty, mysterious, spooky forest. The house stands
coiled between trees and it had minor fragments of glass shattered on ground.
As I scuttled forward it I touched the door and it collapsed. So I tip toed with my heart in my throat. My
thoughts and fears now started to spiral around my confused head like a dangerous whirlpool and I was
absolutely petrified. As I stood still bats flew at me like jumbo jets.

I stared to explore. I crept into the garden it was like an over grown rainforest. The garden gate was
hanging off its hinges. As I raced forward the ground in the house was green with mould and so were the
walls. As I was getting hypnotised into going deeper in the ghostly house you could hear a dim moaning
and it got louder and louder. We were in the room with a screeching ghost which smelt like a dead
rodent. There he was starring at me was a bony, ragged old man.

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Q 3. Match the words/phrases in column A with column B. And rewrite them by adding the linking
words given in the box. Take guidance from Unit 7 of your text book. (10)

1 Promise me that you will phone me as soon as You get to the airport.
2 I’ll take some money with me just so that I see something I want to buy.
3 Jen promised to look after Harriet’s cat in case She was on holiday.
4 I set the alarm for 6:30 in the morning before I wouldn’t miss the train.
5 You mustn’t forget to lock the door until Leaving the house in the morning.

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Q.4 Express your opinion in one sentence about the following issues. Follow the example. Further
guidance is there in Unit 7 of your text book. (10)

Example: Smoking In my opinion smoking is injurious for health.?

i. Following Latest Fashion In my opinion following latest fashion is a complete waste of

time and money.

ii. Facebook Friendships I think Facebook friendships is not reliable.

iii. Over eating I believe overeating dangers for health.

iv. Playing cricket In my opinion playing Cricket is in trending.

v. Having cats as pets I know cats want more care than dogs.

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Q.5 There are situations in life where one has to use polite expressions for disagreement. Read the
following sentences and write down polite expression of disagreement. Foloow the example. Read Unit
8 of your text book for further guidance. (10)

Example: Would you like to watch a movie with me?

I would love to but I have to go home now.

i. Will you do all the chores today?

a. I would love to but I am ill.

ii. Could you help me in cleaning the closets?

a. I would very much like to but I am busy at the moment.

iii. Will you pick the kids up?

a. I’m afraid I can't as I have to do my assignment.

iv. Join us for a cup of tea.

a. I would love to but I have to do my home work.

v. Come let’s play a game.

a. I’m afraid I can't as I have to do my assignment.

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Q.6 Develop the stems (relating a cooking recipe) given below in the form of a paragraph as you
have learnt in Unit 8 of your text book. (10)

a. Cut the onions in rings.

b. Dip them in batter.

c. Heat some in batter.

d. Throw onions in oil.

v. Fry till golden brown.

Batter Ring Onion Recipe:

Soak onion rings in a bowl of ice water for 1 hour; drain and pat dry with paper towels. Whisk 1 cup plus
2 tablespoons flour, milk, egg, 2 tablespoons vegetable oil, and salt together in a bowl until smooth.
Heat oil in a deep-fryer or large saucepan to 375 degrees F (190 degrees C). Dip onion rings in the batter,
working in batches, until evenly coated and arrange in 1 layer on a plate. Fry the battered onion rings,
working in batches, until browned, about 5 minutes. Transfer fried onion rings to a paper towel-lined
plate using a slotted spoon.

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Q.7 Look at the picture given below and develop a story with a proper beginning middle and end.
Read Unit 9 of your text book for guidance.

Must Watch Meena Story

Climb The Tree

(If you want to eat food)
Meena is a cartoon character from South Asia. She is a spirited, nine-year-old girl who braves the world
– whether in her efforts to go to school or in fighting the stigma surrounding HIV/AIDS in her village. In
this story, Meena sets out to climb an age old tree called “Cedrus Deodara.” Cedrus Deodara was full of
juicy, tempting and ripe fruits. Day after day, Meena sat under the tree and dreamt about eating the
fruits. She thought it was impossible to climb the tree because it was a very big tree. Twice he
attempted to climb the tree but he fell down and could not reach the fruits. Meena became desperate
to eat of its fruits. Finally one day, Meena embarks on this life changing journey of climbing the tree and
eating the fruits on the tree.

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Q.8 Given blow is an incomplete story. The end is missing. Predict its end. You may take guidance
from Unit 9 of your text book.

The Crystal Ball

When he arrived at the village, he called all the people and showed them the crystal ball. The citizens of
that village took the crystal ball in their hands and turned it around with surprise. Suddenly they heard a
voice from inside the crystal ball, which said, “I can fulfill your wish.” One person took the ball and
screamed, “I want one bag full of gold.” Another took the ball and said loudly, “I want two chests full of
jewelry.” Some of them wished that they would have their own palace with a grand door made from
pure gold, instead of their old houses. Some others wished for bags full of jewelry.

All their wishes were fulfilled, but still the citizens of the village were not happy. They were jealous
because the person that had a palace had no gold and the person that had the gold had no palace. For
this reason, the citizens of the village were angry with each other and stopped speaking to each other.
The gardens in the village where children used to play were no more. There were palaces and gold
everywhere. The children became terribly unhappy. Only Nasir and his family were happy and
contented. Every morning and afternoon he would play the flute.

One day the children of the village took the crystal ball to Nasir. The children said to Nasir, “When we
had a small village, we all were happy and joyful.” The parents also spoke. They said, “In one way or
another, all of us are unhappy. The luxurious palaces and jewelry only bring us pain.”

When Nasir saw that the people were really regretful, he said, “Even though the crystal ball asked me to
wish for something, I have not done it so far. But if you really want everything to return to its own place,
then I will wish for it.”
Everyone happily agreed. Nasir took the crystal ball in his hand, turned it around and wished that the
village would become the same as it was before. In a moment, the palaces disappeared, the green
gardens appeared, and the same old village full of trees was there.

Once again the people started to live happily and the children played under the shade of trees. Nasir
continued his contented life every day, playing his flute at sunset. Its sweet sound was heard throughout
the beautiful green village.

Q.9 Scan the given article and answer the following questions given at the end.

i. What is the story about?

a. The story about that Magellan wanted to prove that the world was round and through his
explorations he did prove that the Earth is round.

ii. Who was Ferdinand Magellan?

a. Ferdinand Magellan was a Portuguese maritime explorer who, at the service of Spain, led the
first successful attempt at world circumnavigation.

iii. why did Ferdinand Magellan’s men the?

a. Many Ferdinand Magellan’s men died of starvation and disease.

iv. Where was one ship deserted?

a. One ship deserted while in the passage and returned to Spain, so fewer sailors were privileged
to gaze at that first panorama of the Pacific Ocean.

v. who were the ultimate survivors?

a. Only one ship and 17 sailors under the command of the Basque navigator Elcano survived to
complete the westward journey to Spain.

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Q.10 What is your favourite season? Summer, winter, autumn or spring? Select a season of your
choice and express at less five reason for your choice. Follow the example. (10)

Example: Summer: Summer is my favourite season because of the vacations.

Spring: Spring is my favourite season because Spring season is very effective; when it comes it wakes up
everything in the nature like trees, grasses, flowers, crops, animals, human beings and other living things
from the long sleep of winter season. Human beings wear new and light clothes, trees get full of new
green leaves and branches and flowers become more fresh and colorful. Everywhere fields become full
of new grasses and thus entire nature looks green and fresh-looking.

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