Guide Question For PNCO Promotion Interview

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Guide Question for PNCO Promotion Interview

1. If ever you WELL BE PROMOTED to the next higher rank,what can you offer to the PNP as well
as the citizenry?
2. As designationhow are you going tp harmonize the changes under the current administration?
3. If you given to change to suggest something for the PNP organization in what particular
aspectwould you wanted to change and why?
4. What is your personal view and understanding about promotion?
5. If yu are given the cahnce to chnage your self, what particular change mignt be done necessary
in performaing an effective police duties and why?
6. In curbing criminalities particularly henious crimes, do you agree extra judicial killings or
summary hearing execution is the best solution and why?
7. Do you agree that the death will held deter criminality?
8. What particular personal approach to taken in oerder to control something in the effecient
maintenance in expecting peace and order?
9. Do you believe that the work of being a member of the PNPcan be measured alone by the
number of hours rendered in a day?yes or no and Whay?
10. Do you agree that the proposed suspension of the writ of Habeas corpus can curb the existing
lawlessness especially in Mindanao > yes or no and whay?
11. What have you contributed the realization of the PNP’s Anti-illegal Drug campaign Oplan project
double barrel?
12. When you are designated as a team leader of an operating unit and confrontingsituation where
you have to choose



1.What is PGS

A, performance Governance System

2.What is QSL and Cite one objective of it

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