List of Projects Calling For Investment Into Ninh Thuan Province, Period of 2015 - 2020

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Independence – Freedom – Happiness

(Issued by the Decision No.102 /QD-UBND dated 11/3/2015 of Ninh Thuan Provincial People's Committee)
N (billion VND)
Total: 72 projects
*The land rent:
- The project is exempted from the land rent during
- It is expected to the basic construction duration up to 03 years from
receive 50 - 60 the date getting the decision to lease the land and
thousand visitors continues to be free of land rent for the next 11
per year. years from the date of completion and operation
- Proposed land under the provisions of the Decree No.
- Chapor Fall is located near Phuoc Binh National Park which contains a area: approx. 40 46/2014/ND-CP of the Government stipulating on
primeval forest ecosystem characterized with rich and diverse ha;there includes: the collection of the land rent and water surface
vegetational cover, beautiful landscapes, fresh air and temperate climate the area of purpose rent.
in all year; this tourism area consists of many poetic waterfalls conversion of *Corporate Income Tax:
complexes in which Chapor is the largest fall with the height of 50-60m; forestry land - Take the preferential tax rate of 10% within 15
Exploting ecological potential water flows through the year. utilization for years as stipulated in the Decree No. 218/2013/ND-
and Chapor waterfall system; - Chapor Tourism Area is located near 27A Highway route to Da Lat and buildings and CP dated 26th December 2013 of the Government
Ma Lam Hamlet, Domestic, joint
Chapor waterfall building Chapor eco-tourism the South of Central Highlands so Chapor eco-tourism and Binh Phuoc infrastructure will detailing and guiding the implementation of some
1 1 Phuoc Tan Commune, 200 venture or 100%
eco-tourism area area as a sight of Ninh Thuan National Park can been connected to Raglay cultural tours, Bac Ai not exceed 20% of articles of the Law on Corporate income tax.
Bac Ai District. foreign capital.
to meet the needs of local and traditional vestiges, Pi Nang Tac stone trap, Da Lat and Central the total area in - Tax exemption for 04 years, tax reduction of 50%
international tourists Highland tours. line with Decree of the tax payable in the next 09 years for the
- Transportation: Project Area far from Cam Ranh International Airport No. 23/2006/NĐ- corporate income from investment projects under
about 50km so flights from Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City to Ninh Thuan CP of the the provisions of the Decree No. 218/2013/ND-CP
can fly off and on in a day. Government dated dated 26th December 2013 of the Government
- Infrastructure: The province has currently built the route to project area. March 03, 2006 on detailing and guiding the implementation of some
implementing Law articles of the Law on Corporate income tax.
of Forestry *Import duties: Exempted from the import duties
Development and on goods imported to create fixed assets in
Protection; the accordance with the Decree No. 87/2010/ND-CP of
remainder is the the Government dated 13th August 2010 detailing
forest area’s rental. the implementation of the Law on Export and
import duties.
- To call for
- Ninh Chu-Vinh Hy-Binh Tien Tour Areas are confirmed as key areas investment of high-
of the province, which can connect to most of tourism areas: Eco- class eco-tourism
tourism, cultural tourism, adventure sports tourism... projects.
- Nui Chua advanced tourism area is located in core area of Nui Chua - Proposed land
National Park with primeval forest ecosystem covered by beautiful, wild area: approx. 250
and poetic bay and seas with fresh air and temperate climate in the year; ha; there includes:
the project position is under the plateau at an altitude of 500-700m the area of purpose
Invest in advanced eco-tourism compared to the sea level, the terrain is relatively flat and separate from conversion of
obtained five-star standard surrounding areas so the whole tourism areas are overlooking to East forestry land
with the big and closed scale China Sea; it is expected to propose the construction of Casino with the utilization for
The core of Nui Chua
for international groups in sufficient scale to serve the project area. buildings and
adjoins subzones in
High-class tourism order to develop kinds of - Infrastructure: Coastal Road passes through the project area and infrastructure will
2 2 Vinh Hy hamlet, Vinh as mentioned above 5.000 Domestic
spot of Nui Chua tourism charaterized and connects the other tourist areas finished to create a section considered as not exceed 15% of
Hai Commune, Ninh
valued the natural landscape, the best section of Vietnam, and shorten the distance and time from Cam the total area in
Hai District.
connecting to other tourism Ranh airport to the project area; Besides the national electricity system line with Decree
areas though traffic systems, was fully connected across the whole route. No. 23/2006/NĐ-
road, seaway and airway. - Needs of development: .With the orientation of Ninh Thuan becoming CP of the
the energy center of the country in nuclear power, wind power, solar Government dated
electricity which are sector groups required to gather the large number of March 03, 2006 on
foreign experts, along with the formation of large industrial zone in the implementing Law
Northern and Southern provinces will create huge demands for pleasure of Forestry
and entertainment of investors, professionals and tourists. Development and
Protection; the
remainder is the
forest area’s rental.
- Nhi Ha mineral water mine reserves of 80 million liters/year granted
the license by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment with
- Building a bottled
the mining capacity scale of 250m3 day; the degree of water heat
mineral water
standardized high quality standards with quality criteria as follows: pH:
producing factory
8.33; Fe: 0,072mg/l; NO3: 0,07mg/l; Chlorine: 24.09 mg/l, favorable to
with automatic
Production of Invest in plants for bottled the production of bottled water;
production line and
mineral water mineral water by automated - Currently in the province there is only 01 mineral water plant in Tan
Nhi Ha Commune, spa & mud bathing Domestic, joint
combining with production lines; combined to Son town, Ninh Son district with a capacity of 14 million liters/year as mentioned above
3 3 Thuan Nam District. service. 150 venture or 100%
tourism and form resorts with mineral (currently in the investment phase).
- Expected foreign capital.
mineral bath in water, mud, relaxation, - Favorable location forms spa resort combined with Tan Giang Lake
Nhi Ha commune. healing. and Pôrômê Tower eco-tourism areas.
250m3 per day..
-Transport infrastructure: The traffic project area connects with the
'- Proposed land
National Highway 1A and the North-South Railway far from Cam Ranh
use area: approx.
International Airport about 80 km.
5 ha.

- Located below Nui Chua National Park in which a biological variety of

dry characterized area is now being under preservation, and the 20m-
high waterwall chains are suitable for adventure tourism intergrated with
sea and eco-bio tourism.
Exploiting the ecological - This is the area adjacent to National Highway No. 1A and near 02
potential and Kien Kien Fall cities of Phan Rang - Thap Cham on Ninh Thuan and Cam Ranh in - A resort meeting
Loi Hai Commune, system, building Kien Kien Khanh Hoa provinces, far from Cam Ranh International Airport about 3-star standards Domestic, joint
Kien Kien stream as mentioned above
4 4 Thuan Bac District eco-tourism as one of the 30 km to the North so it is profitable in the development of service and - Proposed land 150-200 venture or 100%
eco-tourism area
attractions of Ninh Thuan commercial industries; and now the district has a large number of area: approx. 100 foreign capital
Province, to meet the needs of projects being implemented as Binh Tien Tourism Area (20 km to the ha.
local and foreign tourists. Northeast), Resort Ganesa - Phuoc Chien Eco-tourism area (20 km to the
Northwest), Du Long Industrial Park project (3 km to the South) and
some other small resorts. With the available potential, investing in Kien
Kien fall eco-tourism is very positive.
- Exploiting the
- Project area unexploited should still remain unspoiled beauty with
potentials and the
meandering stream system, we can say this is a very ideal area for
Exploiting the ecological system of Sung
investing in eco-tourism zone and organizing adventure sports activities
potential and Sung Trau stream Trau stream,
as well as combining the exploitation of the divesified and rich kinds of
Phuoc Chien system, building Sung Trau turning Sung Trau Domestic, joint
Sung Trau stream cultural bringing Rắclây character.
5 5 Commune, Thuan eco-tourism as one of the eco-tourism area as mentioned above 80-100 venture or 100%
eco-tourism area - The project area has convenient transportation system: near Highway
Bac District. attractions of Ninh Thuan into the beautiful foreign capital
1A, 27B, far from Cam Ranh airport about 40 km and Nha Trang about
Province, to meet the needs of sight of Ninh
80 km, with the potential to attract tourists from other provinces and
local and foreign tourists. Thuan .
build combined tours combined.
- Proposed land
area: approx. 50
Exploiting the tourism
- Nam Cuong sand hill far from the center of the city of Phan Rang in
potential of coastal areas in
Thap Cham about 8 km to the Southeast as a new tourist attraction in - Building a group
Ninh Phuoc district, building a
Ninh Thuan. The unspoiled sand dunes located on the village of Cham of sports tourism
group of sports tourism and
Nam Cuong sand An Thanh Commune, ethnic minority. The sand dunes area is located near the windy coast.Its and marine leisure Domestic, joint
marine leisure complex
6 6 dune eco-tourism Ninh Phuoc District. wild character and the amazing sand created by nature is attractive complex. as mentioned above 200 venture or 100%
combined to forms of
area tourist area with the full potential; with convenient transportation system - Proposed land foreign capital
entertainment such as:
(located near the Highway 1A traffic route and provincial coastal road area: Approx. 500
Bungalow pleasure house,
coming into operation), the project area should be less inhabited so the ha.
sports on the sand, sand
compensation for the clearance is less.
sliding, sand bath ...
- The project is located at the intersection of key areas of the national
tour of Dalat - Phan Rang - Nha Trang, was identified as one of the key
Form tourism areas with
areas of tourism development strategy of the country. This area has many
synthetic types of tourism such - Building tourism
large and beautiful sand hills characterized for dry regions with
as ecotourism sea, surfing, areas with the
beautiful, pristine, quiet and fresh beaches, longer than 3 km are suitable
climbing, motor racing on the national and
Phuoc Dinh for this kinds of adventure travel and marine eco-tourism with the Domestic, joint
Mui Dinh tourism sand, conquer the lighthouse, international scale as mentioned above
7 7 Commune, Thuan national and international scale. 2000 venture or 100%
area commercial urban, golf course, with kinds of
Nam District. - Infrastructure: Coastal Road passes through the project area, transport foreign capital
... Building attrative and complex tour.
links to Highway 1A, the North-South railway; far from Cam Ranh
unique tourism areas with the - Proposed land
International Airport about 75 km. The project area has the national grid
national and international area: Approx. 700
system passed being convenient for connection to put to use when
scale. ha
implementing the project.

- Form a forest
ecotourism resort
- The project area is adjacent to Da Lat, far from the city of Phan Rang -
Form a forest ecotourism combined with
Thap Cham about 70 km to the North-West, Phuoc Binh forestry has a
Phuoc Binh National resort combined with high high levels to meet
Phuoc Binh eco- height of about 500 meters above sea level. Wonderful natural system of as mentioned above
8 8 Park, Bac Ai district. levels to meet the increasing the increasing 50 Domestic
tourism area Phuoc Binh forest associated with legency Pinang Tac rock trap to
demand of domestic and demand of
contribute to the development of ecotourism combined with the
international tourists domestic and
historical and cultural Raglay indigenous peoples.
* The land rent:
- The project is exempted from the land rent during
the basic construction duration up to 03 years from
the date getting the decision to lease the land and
continues to be free of land rent for the next 11
years from the date of completion and operation
(when the investment project is located on the scale
of districts) under the provisions of the Decree No.
46/2014 /ND-CP of the Government stipulating on
the collection of the land rent and water surface
* Corporate Income Tax:
As a shopping center,
- For the investment projects on the scale of
sightseeing, entertainment area With the advantage of the project site is located in the center of the
districts: Take the preferential tax rate of 10%
Building systems In districts of Thuan to serve the people of the district and the city of Phan Rang - Thap Cham, adjacent to the
within 15 years as stipulated in the Decree No.
of commercial Bac, Ninh Son, Ninh province. The trading activity populated planning area, the main roads, the lifeline of districts and Proposed land Under the Domestic, joint
218/2013/ND-CP dated 26th December 2013 of the
9 9 centers, Phuoc, Thuan Nam is under the modern model provinces should be very favorable transportation, exchange of goods area: about 0,38 – Project's venture or 100%
Government detailing and guiding the
supermarkets in and Phan Rang-Thap with methods of service from distribution sites, contributing to the development of trade and 26,5 ha subscription foreign capital
implementation of some articles of the Law on
the province. Cham city. civilization, convenient to meet services of the neighborhood areas; Project site is clean soil
Corporate income tax. - For the investment projects
the growing shopping needs of (compensated), convenient for investors in the project exploitation.
on the scale of districts: Tax exemption for 04
the population.
years, tax reduction of 50% of the tax payable in
the next 09 years for the corporate income from
investment projects under the provisions of the
Decree No. 218/2013/ND-CP dated 26th December
2013 of the Government detailing and guiding the
implementation of some articles of the Law on
Corporate income tax.
* Import duties: Exempted from the import duties
on goods imported to create fixed assets in
accordance with the Decree No. 87/2010/ND-CP of
the Government dated 13th August 2010 detailing
land rent: Theofproject
the Lawison Export and
exempted from the
land rent during the basic construction duration up
to 03 years from the date getting the decision to
- The area is near the downtown center of Phan Rang Thap Cham city,
lease the land under the provisions of the Decree
Vị trí đầu tư dự án gần trung tâm Thành phố Phan Rang - Tháp Chàm,
No. 46/2014 / ND-CP of the Government
Nothern-East corner adjacent to city’s major streets and also the infrastructure is fairly - Proposed land
stipulating on the collection of the land rent and
of Street 16/4 and For construction and sale of completed with system of electricity, water supply, drainage, area: approx. 0,12 Domestic, joint
Complex of office water surface rent.
10 D10, My Binh ward, trade centers and office communication which is convenient for connecting to the planned area ha 45.00 venture or 100%
and trading center *Import duties: Exempted from the import duties
Phan Rang-Thap buildings. and for transporting and promotes developing the regional economy. - High raise foreign capital
on goods imported to create fixed assets in
Cham city. - The province hasn’t so far set up any standard office buildings for lease building
accordance with the Decree No. 87/2010/ND-CP of
to meet the needs of local entities. These are favorable conditions for the
the Government dated 13th August 2010 detailing
project investment.
the implementation of the Law on Export and
import duties.
*The land rent:
- The project is exempted from the land rent during
the basic construction duration up to 03 years from
the date getting the decision to lease the land and
continues to be free of land rent for the next 11
- Khanh Hai town is eco-socio administration center of Ninh Hai
years from the date of completion and operation
province as well as sea tourism key point of southern-east coastal chains
under the provisions of the Decree No. 46/2014 /
which is mentioned as Ninh Thuan’s tourism gateway. Dam Nai is 2 km
ND-CP of the Government stipulating on the
far away from Ninh Chu beach that is the most beautiful with big hotels
collection of the land rent and water surface rent.
in Ninh Thuan province in line with Ninh Hai district’s general tourism
- Construction *Corporate Income Tax:
potential. This location is also of many charmingful natural scenes and
items including: - Take the preferential tax rate of 10% within 15
mountains like Nui Chua National Park, Vinh Hy Gulf... that attract
Building high-class years as stipulated in the Decree No. 218/2013/ND-
most of tourists coming into the province and become the provincial sea
hotel with 500 CP dated 26th December 2013 of the Government
Lot C, Khanh Hai Constructing luxury hotel, tourism urban area in future.
Luxury hotel, rooms; trade detailing and guiding the implementation of some Domestic, joint
town, tourism and trading center to - The project area is located in the center of Ninh Hai district where is
11 tourism and centers and articles of the Law on Corporate income tax. 300 venture or 100%
Ninh Hai district, serve domestic and near Phan Rang-Thap Cham city, joining with National Highway No. 1A
trading center. conference; - Tax exemption for 04 years, tax reduction of 50% foreign capital
Ninh Thuan province international tourists. and No. 27, also near Cam Ranh international airport, with a complete
outdoors of the tax payable in the next 09 years for the
basic infrastructure for implementing the project
entertaiment area. corporate income from investment projects under
- Transportation: The project location is adjacent to Yen Ninh street
- Proposed land the provisions of the Decree No. 218/2013/ND-CP
where people can easily reach the city by other big Muoi sau thang tu
area: approx. 2,0 dated 26th December 2013 of the Government
streets , Nguyen Thi Minh Khai, also connect to National Highway
ha detailing and guiding the implementation of some
No.1A through Yen Ninh street, provincial road 704 and Vinh Hy-Binh
articles of the Law on Corporate income tax.
Tien coastal road to Cam Ranh airport.
* Import duties: Exempted from the import duties
- The situation of water and electricity supplies, drainage and
on goods imported to create fixed assets in
communication sytems is ready for connection.
accordance with the Decree No. 87/2010/ND-CP of
the Government dated 13th August 2010 detailing
the implementation of the Law on Export and
import duties.


- Prime Ministrer granted Decision No. 55/2007/QĐ-TTg dated April 23,
*The land rent: The project is exempted from the
2007 on Aproval of key prioritized industry list for the period 2007-
land rent for the whole rental period under the
2010, and vision to 2020 including renewable energy (wind power)
provisions of the Decree No. 46/2014 / ND-CP of
mentioned as the key industry and benefits from the policies of
the Government stipulating on the collection of the
development promotion.
land rent and water surface rent.
- Ninh Thuan province is located at southern end of Truong Son
*Corporate Income Tax:
mountainous chains and coverd by three mountains closely towards the
- Take the preferential tax rate of 10% within 15
sea: 2 in the North and the South towards the sea, 1 in the west adjacent
years as stipulated in the Decree No. 218/2013/ND-
to Lam Dong highland. According to WB case study, Ninh Thuan is one
CP dated 26th December 2013 of the Government
of the provinces of Vietnam having the highest windspeed, the average
detailing and guiding the implementation of some
speed is 7.1m/s at the altitude of 65 meters and wind compact from 400-
articles of the Law on Corporate income tax.
Building an independent plant 500 W/m2 or above, the highest is in the southern area of the province,
Planned lot No. 3, Loi Proposed area: 320 - Tax exemption for 04 years, tax reduction of 50% Domestic, joint
for producing wind energy that where the speed can get from 18 to 20 m/s (at the altitude of 12 meters).
1 Wind Power Plant Hai commune, Thuan ha of the tax payable in the next 09 years for the 120 venture or 100%
contributes to national There are 14 areas of wind potential all over the province, approximately
Bac district, Ninh 30MW. corporate income from investment projects under foreign capital.
electrical supply 8.000 ha, which mainly concentrates in 3 districts: Ninh Phuoc, Thuan
Thuan province. the provisions of the Decree No. 218/2013/ND-CP
Nam and Thuan Bac. Especially, Ninh Thuan province is hardly been
dated 26th December 2013 of the Government
affected by storms and of steady wind capacity during 10 months per
detailing and guiding the implementation of some
year with the speed from 6.4 to 9.6 m/s that will be stable for the wind
articles of the Law on Corporate income tax.
turbine generation. - Besides, investment on renewable energy in Ninh
* Import duties: Exempted from the import duties
Thuan province will be convenient and low-cost due to the close distance
on goods imported to create fixed assets in
and the ease of connection of national electricity network; furthermore,
accordance with the Decree No. 87/2010/ND-CP of
its terrain and transportation are convenient for wind turbine installation
the Government dated 13th August 2010 detailing
and operation. So, the project will contribute to locally increase the
the implementation of the Law on Export and
electricity generation and to develop the provincial economy and
import duties.
employment for better budget increase of the province..
- Prime Ministrer granted Decision No. 55/2007/QĐ-TTg dated April 23,
2007 on Aproval of key prioritized industry list for the period 2007-
*The land rent:The project is exempted from the
2010, and vision to 2020 including renewable energy (wind power)
land rent for the whole rental period under the
mentioned as the key industry and benefits from the policies of
provisions of the Decree No. 46/2014 / ND-CP of
development promotion.
the Government stipulating on the collection of the
- Ninh Thuan province is located at southern end of Truong Son
land rent and water surface rent.
mountaineous chains and coverd by three mountains closely towards the
*Corporate Income Tax:
sea: 2 in the North and the South towards the sea, 1 in the west adjacent
- Take the preferential tax rate of 10% within 15
to Lam Dong highland. According to WB case study, Ninh Thuan is one
years as stipulated in the Decree No. 218/2013/ND-
of the provinces of Vietnam having the highest windspeed, the average
- Proposed area: CP dated 26th December 2013 of the Government
speed is 7.1m/s at the altitude of 65 meters and wind compact from 400-
approx. 7,88 ha detailing and guiding the implementation of some
500 W/m2 or above, the highest is in the southern area of the province,
- Capacity: articles of the Law on Corporate income tax.
Communes of Phuoc where the speed can get from 18 to 20 m/s (at the altitude of 12 meters).
Building an independent plant Approx. 50MW - Tax exemption for 04 years, tax reduction of 50% Domestic, joint
Phuoc Dan wind Huu, Phuoc Thai, There are 14 areas of wind potential all over the province, approximately
2 for producing wind energy that including cycle 1 is of the tax payable in the next 09 years for the 1,300 venture or 100%
power plant. Phuoc Hau, Phuoc 8.000 ha, which mainly concentrates in 3 districts: Ninh Phuoc, Thuan
contributes to national of 12.5MW and corporate income from investment projects under foreign capital.
Dan town, Ninh Nam and Thuan Bac. Especially, Ninh Thuan province is hardly been
electrical supply. cycle 2 is of 37.5 the provisions of the Decree No. 218/2013/ND-CP
Phuoc district. affected by storms and of steady wind capacity during 10 months per
MW. dated 26th December 2013 of the Government
year with the speed from 6.4 to 9.6 m/s that will be stable for the wind
detailing and guiding the implementation of some
turbine generation.
articles of the Law on Corporate income tax.
- Besides, investment on renewable energy in Ninh Thuan province will
*Import duties: Exempted from the import duties
be convenient and low-cost due to the close distance and the ease of
on goods imported to create fixed assets in
connection of national electricity network; furthermore, its terrain and
accordance with the Decree No. 87/2010/ND-CP of
transportation are convenient for wind turbine installation and operation.
the Government dated 13th August 2010 detailing
So, the project will contribute to locally increase the electricity
the implementation of the Law on Export and
generation and to develop the provincial economy and employment for
import duties.
better budget increase of the province.


- Forming and developing area
of speciality fruit trees with
area of 600 ha, planting fruit
trees under farm scale at the *The land rent: The project is exempted from the
area where there is potentiality land rent for the whole rental period under the
making fresh, quality fruits, provisions of the Decree No. 210/2013/ND-CP of
ensuring food sanitation; the Government dated December 19, 2013
combining with building stipulating on policies of promoting investors of
products-processing plant at rural and agricultural development.
Developing area
province in form that Investor *Corporate Income Tax:
of special fruit-
cooperates with households, - Take the preferential tax rate of 10% within 15
- Ninh Son district area has climate and soil condition proper with trees with area of
instructing technique, years as stipulated in the Decree No. 218/2013/ND-
planting and developing special fruit-trees with large output which can 600 ha in form
supporting capital and product CP dated 26th December 2013 of the Government
serve to process types of fruit-juice and products, candies, etc. Fruit that Investor
sales. detailing and guiding the implementation of some
Developing area quality is good, less competitive with Southern East and West fruits due cooperates with
- Striving to 2018, it is articles of the Law on Corporate income tax.
for speciality fruit Tam Ngan 2 Hamlet, to difference in season; labour source at project area is plentiful, households, Domestic, joint
completed new planting of - Tax exemption for 04 years, tax reduction of 50%
1 trees combining Lam Son Commune, industrious, and hard to study; land fund for cultivation is still large, instructing 200 venture or 100%
282.23 ha, to 2020 it is of the tax payable in the next 09 years for the
with building fruit Ninh Son District. favorable for project implementation. technique, foreign capital.
completed to upgrade complex corporate income from investment projects under
processing plant - Convenient traffic system: Located in Highway 27A across Da Lat and supporting capital
garden of 79.77 ha, increasing the provisions of the Decree No. 218/2013/ND-CP
North Highlands, near North-South railway line convenient in and product sales,
total area of special fruit trees dated 26th December 2013 of the Government
transporting, exchanging goods. combining with
up to 400 ha; to 2028, it takes detailing and guiding the implementation of some
building products-
entire 400 ha in business, articles of the Law on Corporate income tax.
processing plant at
achieving average productivity *Import duties: Exempted from the import duties
of 8.1 tons of fruit/ ha, on goods imported to create fixed assets in
reaching output of 3242 tons, accordance with the Decree No. 87/2010/ND-CP of
meeting demand of domestic the Government dated 13th August 2010 detailing
market and exporting in the the implementation of the Law on Export and
future, firstly at market in import duties.
province, especially in Phan
Rang - Thap Cham city and
industrial parks, tourist area.

- In Communes:
Thanh Hai, Nhon Hai,
Vinh Hai, Ho Hai và
Xuan Hai, Ninh Hai
Forming fresh
- In Communes:
vegetables at
Phuoc Hai, An Hai, - Forming fresh vegetables at
potential areas of
Phuoc Son, Phuoc potential areas which meets
1.640 ha through
Vinh, Ninh Phuoc demand of fresh vegetables in
cultivation model
Cultivating and District. provincial area and - Climate and soil condition of project implementation areas proper with Domestic, joint
with households;
2 processing fresh - In Communes: neighboring provinces through planting and developing types of vegetable; cultivation fund is also large, as mentioned above 10-50/project venture or 100%
vegetables Phuoc Ninh, Phuoc cultivation model with convenient for implementing project; traffic system is convenient. foreign capital.
Nam, Thuan Nam households; technical
capital aid and
District. instructions, capital aid and
product sales.
- In Communes: Lam product sales.
Proposed land
Son, Luong Son, Ninh
area: Approx. 10
Son District.
ha – 50 ha/project
- My Binh Ward, Van
Hai Ward, Phan Rang
- Thap Cham City.
- Dry climate and soil in Ninh Thuan province are very suitable for
planting neem trees. The total area of neem trees is about 2,600 ha now,
and planned to increase up to 7,500 ha in 2015, together the area in Binh
In order to utilize the material Thuan province this area will be totally summed up 10,000 in the Approx. 10,000
source of neem tree, which is a following years. It is said to be fulfill the demands of raw material for tons of various
Production and
Phuoc Nam typical tree in the province, for production such as insecticides, medicines, fertilizers beauty products products/year. Domestic, joint
processing of
3 commune. Thuan processing bio-products, (branches, leaves and neem shells). '- Proposed land as mentioned above 160 venture or 100%
originated neem
Nam district. insecticides, high-quality - The project area is passed through by North-South railway, near area: approx.2,6 foreign capital.
tree products
beauty products for domestic National Highway No. 1A or No. 27, or Ca Na and Cam Ranh harbors ha
market and exports. (40 - 60 km distance)... No factories of neem tree production have been
invested so far within Ninh Thuan province as well as the neighboring

- In Phuoc Tien
Commune, Bac Ai
- Project implemented areas has relative flat terrain, can develop large
- In Communes:
- Forming and developing high grass field serve breeding; climate condition is suitable with breeding
Quang Son, My
quality dairy and beef cows in cattle in general and dairy and food cattle in particular; Plentiful food
Son,Tan Son Town,
according to modern, high-tech source meets a demand of breeding with large scale.
Ninh Son District
process, contributing to - Currently, in provincial area where there is no slaughtering and cattle
- In Phuoc Huu
improve value, productivity of processing plant in large scale with modern technology, toward
Raising high-tech Commune, Ninh
domestic animals; combining processing of high quality products, sanitation, supplying to large Proposed land Domestic, joint
dairy and beef Phuoc District
4 with building concentrated markets as Ho Chi Minh city, Hanoi and export. area: approx. 100- as mentioned above 500 venture or 100%
cows combining - In Communes:
slaughterhouses applying green - Project location near Highway 1A, 27A, 27B, North-South railway line, 300 ha foreign capital.
with building Phuoc Ninh, Nhi Ha,
technology, veterinary Cam Ranh International airport convenient in transporting, circulating;
slaughter houses Thuan Nam District.
sanitation to ensure food Besides, it is supported by initial investment: Road, power, water to
- In Communes: Loi
hygiene, meeting fresh meat slaughtering base; the local supports and promotes land clearance
Hai, Bac Phong,
supply to domestic market and implementation, delivering fresh soil to investor when performing
Thuan Bac District.
export. project in the area of Phan Rang - Thap Cham city.
- In My Dong Ward,
Phan Rang – Thap
Cham City.

- Forming and developing

grass planting area, hybridized
Proposed land
maize and other agricultural - Project terrain is relatively smooth; ably improving into area
area: approx. 50-
products to supply material specializing in grass, hybridized maize and other agricultural products
300 ha, , under
Planting grass and source for production, with high output, meeting a demand of food processing to breeding
In communes of Bac the mode of
building preliminary treatment and (maize output reaches about 6,500 tons/year, manioc output gets 2,000 Domestic, joint
Phong, Loi Hai, cooperation with
5 preliminary feedstuff processing plant; also tons/year and other agricultural by-products to serve in breeding, etc.; as mentioned above 50 venture or 100%
Thuan Bac district local households to
treatment and supplying nutifood to having plentiful labour source, cheap labour. foreign capital.
develop the
foodstuff livestocks sector inside and - Traffic system is relatively convenient: Near Highway 1A, North-South
planting area and
processing plant outside the province; railway line, Cam Ranh International airport.
to purchase the
enhancing stability in feedstuff
raw material.
production for livestock,
poultry, dairy and fisheries .

Son Hai Hamlet, Forming center for commercial

Project implemented location has proper climate condition, fresh sea
Commercial Phuoc Dinh aquatic cultivation to supply Proposed land Domestic, joint
water enivironment, less pollution proper for breeding high quality
6 aquatic cultivation commune, Thuan commercial aquatic products area: approx. 50 as mentioned above 100 venture or 100%
aquatic commercial products; traffic condition is convenient: Near sea
in Son Hai, Phuoc Nam district meet domestic consumption ha foreign capital.
route of province, North - South railway line, etc.
Dinh communes. demand and export.
- Coast 105 km long, Ninh Thuan fishery can exploit all year round, as
one of 04 key fisheries of the whole country with total relatively large
- Forming Seafood processing fish, shrimp store, ably exploiting about 55,000 tons/year (in which fish:
zone of province, contributing 52,972 tons, shrimp: 400 toms, cuttle: 1,700, other seafood: 828 tons),
to improve value of goods, in total area of aquatic breeding over 1,600 ha, estimated harvested output
order to meet a demand of over 11,000 tons, many highly economic value can serve for processing
market inside and outside the industry and export.
Phuoc Minh Proposed land Domestic, joint
Investment in province. - Currently, in the provincial area where there are 04 export aquatic
7 Commune, Thuan area: approx. 17 as mentioned above 80 venture or 100%
seafood processing - Providing high quality processing plants operating, their capacity gets about 5,000 tons of
Nam District. ha foreign capital.
industrial zone. standard products, meeting a complete-product per year (equal to 10,000 tons of material), export
demand of consumption value about 20-25 million USD/year.
product, ensuring market - With available material source, plant location near Highway 1A and
inside, outside the province Highway 27, near Cam Ranh port (40-60km), these are convenient
and toward export. conditions for project investment.
- Project location is near Ca Na fish port, so it is very convenient for
procurement of seafood; near Highway 1A, traffic system is favorable.

- Ninh Phuoc
- Investing in new construction
District: Hieu Le
of clue markets, central market
Hamlet, Phuoc
in the area of communes under
Hau Commune;
districts to form commercial
Ruong Yen, Phuoc
center with good
Dan Town
infrastructures, clean, civilized
(approx. 2,2 ha)
business environment, meeting
Investing in new - Ninh Hai
a demand of sales business and
construction of District: salt –
supplying vital living goods to - Project location, market is bordered with crowded resident planning
clue markets, producing area of Under the Domestic, joint
In districts of Ninh residents in the region; creating areas, main roads of the district, province, so it is very favorable in
8 central market in households in as mentioned above Project's venture or 100%
Phuoc, Ninh Hai and jobs, increasing income to transporting, exchange goods from distribution places, contributing to
the area of Khanh Hai Town subscription foreign capital.
Thuan Bac. local residents; contributing to develop trading, service of neighboring areas.
communes under (approx. 2 ha)
upgrade, improve local's
districts - Thuan Bac
infrastructure, enhancing
District: Cluster of
stability of public order,
Communes of Tan
environment sanitation and
Hai, Xuan Hai, Ho
sustainable development to
Hai (approx. 3,3
resident community, enhancing
ha); Loi Hai
socio-economic development
of the region.
(approx. 2 ha)
- Supply fresh water source to - Currently, there is no fresh water supply plant to Phuoc Nam Industrial
Phuoc Dinh Under the Domestic, joint
Industrial park, titan projects park, titan projects located in district area as well as to whole Thuan approx.12.000 m3
9 Building supply Commune, as mentioned above Project's venture or 100%
located in district area as well Nam district. Therefore, the project will bring high efficiency when per day night
fresh water plant Thuan Nam District subscription foreign capital.
as whole Thuan Nam district. implementation deploy.
*The land rent:The project is exempted from the
land rent during the whole rental period under the
provisions of the Decree No. 46/2014 / ND-CP of
the Government stipulating on the collection of the
- At present, in the provincial area, there is one domestic sewage land rent and water surface rent.
handling plant with its capacity about 250 tons of sewage/day, not * Corporate Income Tax:
- Organizing, collecting and meeting province's demand of sewage. Therefore, investment in sewage - Take the preferential tax rate of 10% within 15
treating sewage, minimizing handling plant is extremely necessary. years; Tax exemption for 04 years, tax reduction of
environmental pollution in the - Medical sewage handling at present is not concentratively handled, 50% of the tax payable in the next 09 years for the
Home waste Proposed land
Quang Son district, producing micro- technology is not modern, so it does not ensure environmental sanitation. corporate income from investment projects under Domestic, joint
treatment and area: 1-2 ha;
10 Commune, Ninh Son organic fertilizer meeting the - Convenient investment location, distant from Tan Son town center the provisions of the Decree No. 218/2013/ND-CP 15-20 venture or 100%
micro-organic Capacity of 40-60
Disrict. demand of the district, the about 7 km and as central point linked with communes in the area of dated 26th December 2013 of the Government foreign capital.
fertilizer tons per day
province and the country in district, so it is favorable in collecting, transporting sewage to plant. In detailing and guiding the implementation of some
production plant
term of agricultural Ninh Son district area, there is at present no sewage handling plant; articles of the Law on Corporate income tax.
production. power, water supply, traffic infrastructure available, convenient for *Import duties: Exempted from the import duties
project investment. on goods imported to create fixed assets in
accordance with the Decree No. 87/2010/ND-CP of
the Government dated 13th August 2010 detailing
the implementation of the Law on Export and
import duties.

*Land rent: The project is exempted from the land
rent during the whole rental period under the
provisions of the Decree No. 46/2014 / ND-CP of
the Government stipulating on the collection of the
land rent and water surface rent.
* Corporate Income Tax:
- No big-scaled plants of manufacturing and assembling diesel-engine
- Proposed area: - Take the preferential tax rate of 10% within 15
and renewable energy generatorsneem have been invested so far within
approx, 2,5 ha years; Tax exemption for 04 years, tax reduction of
Ninh Thuan province for the domestic and exported market.
Diesel and Building the plant for - Approx. 50-100 50% of the tax payable in the next 09 years for the
Kien Kien hamlet, Loi - The project location is adjacent to National Highway No. 1A and near
renewable energy manufacturing and assembling sets/months for corporate income from investment projects under Domestic, joint
Hai commune, Thuan Phan Rang-Thap Cham city in the province and Cam Ranh city in Khanh
1 operated generator generators to fulfill the diesel-engine the provisions of the Decree No. 218/2013/ND-CP 43 venture or 100%
Bac district, Ninh Hoa province, 30 km away from Cam Ranh international airport in the
manufacturing and domestic electrical needs and generator; 50-150 dated 26th December 2013 of the Government foreign capital.
Thuan province. north, the infrastructure has been invested and convenient for project
assembly factory exports. sets/months for the detailing and guiding the implementation of some
implementation. The area is rather big for easily enlarging the scale of
renewable enery articles of the Law on Corporate income tax.
generator. *Import duties: Exempted from the import duties
on goods imported to create fixed assets in
accordance with the Decree No. 87/2010/ND-CP of
the Government dated 13th August 2010 detailing
the implementation of the Law on Export and
import duties.
- As estimated by World Wind Electricity Association (WWEA) to 2015,
global wind electricity capacity gets 600,000 MW and to 2020 reaching
about 1.5 million MW. In Vietnam, wind electricity potentiality gets
about 513,360 MW; in which, Ninh Thuan's wind electricity potentiality
gets about 21,432 MW, therefore demand of using wind electricity
equipment to generate electricity serving demand of projects in the
*Corporate Income Tax: Corporate Income Tax:
province, neighboring provinces and toward export is rather large.
Take the preferential tax rate of 10% within 15
- At the area of neighboring provinces as Binh Thuan, Binh Dinh, Vung
years, from the date of starting business, tax
Tau, Lam Dong, etc. wind electricity is developing very strongly,
exemption for 4 years, from the date of taxed
income declaration and reduction of 50% of the tax
+ At Binh Thuan: There is at present one wind electricity project at Binh
payable in the next 9 years for the corporate income
Thanh commune, Tuy Phong district run into operation with installation
from investment projects under the provisions of
Wind turbine Producing wind turbine blades capacity of 30 MW; besides, in the provincial area, there is potential
Depend on market the Decree No. 218/2013/ND-CP dated 26th
blade and wind Phuoc Nam, Ca Na and wind turbine towers for areas of wind electricity with total area of 23,549 ha, installation capacity Domestic, joint
demand in every December 2013 of the Government detailing and
1 2 turbine tower or Du Long industrial wind power projects in the expected is 1,570 MW. 1.200 venture or 100%
phase. guiding the implementation of some articles of the
manufacturing zones. province and neighboring + At Binh Dinh: Separately Nhon Hoi economic zone planned 283 ha in foreign capital.
Proposed area: Law on Corporate income tax.
plant provinces the North to develop wind electricity. At present, there are two investors
Approx. 10 ha * Import duties: Exempted from the import duties
deploying two projects with total capacity over 50MW.
on goods imported to create fixed assets in
- Investment in plant at the province will take advantage of plentiful
accordance with the Decree No. 87/2010/ND-CP of
labour source, low carriage charge, reducing production price
the Government dated 13th August 2010 detailing
remarkably compared to import.
the implementation of the Law on Export and
- At present some Industrial parks have invested rather complete
import duties.
infrastructure, having location located close to Highway 1A and North-
South railway, near Cam Ranh international airport, distant from Ba
Ngoi seaport 50 km and distant from Ca Na seaport 15 km according to
road, infrastructure is rather fully invested, very conveniently for investor
to implement the project.

- Developing re-creative energy (solar energy) is province's objective in

the next time, investing and constructing solar cell panel production
Applying high-tech solar plant in Ninh Thuan province not only meets demand of using solar
Manufacturing of energy products; producing energy cell panel for domestic civil, industrial purpose but also can tend
solar energy cell panel serving households to foreign export.
20MW/year Domestic, joint
panels (the process Phuoc Nam or Du and solar energy equipment; - Investment in plant at the province will take advantage of plentiful
2 3 Proposed area: as mentioned above 200 venture or 100%
of assembling to Long industrial zone. contributing to national energy labour source, low labour cost, carriage charge, reducing production
approx. 10 ha foreign capital.
make the final security, enhancing socio- price remarkably compared to import.
products) economic development of the - Infrastructure at project location is rather complete, near Highway 1A,
province North-South railway line, near goods port and Cam Ranh International
airport is favorable conditions for investor to implement the project.

- As estimated by International Energy Agency (IEA), solar energy to

2050 can generate about 9,000 TW/hour, equal to 25% of required
Solar energy energy for consumption of the whole planet. In Vietnam, Ninh Thuan
Producing equipment, spare
equipment and Industrial zones of province's solar energy potentiality holds 5,960 MW/57,528 MW Domestic, joint
parts used solar energy to meet Proposed area:
3 4 spare parts Phuoc Nam, Ca Na, compared to the region Vietnam Middle provinces, thus demand of using as mentioned above 400-500 venture or 100%
a demand of domestic Khoảng 5 ha
manufacturing Du Long battery for civil equipment is rather high and effective. foreign capital.
consumption and export.
plant - At present, demand of using equipment friendly to environment as
solar energy for lighting, traffic lights, telecom product, etc. is very high
and is tend of the world.
- According to economic development orientation to 2020, Ninh Thuan
will develop over 06 key sector groups, in which it has priority to
Producing high-quality develop 02 energy, industrial sectors. Moreover, building 02 nuclear
mechanical product serving power plants at Ninh Thuan, setting up a demand of mechanical
electrothermal production, ship-industrial sector development to serve construction of 02 nuclear power
building, wind electricity, solar plants; producing, processing, repairing wind electricity, solar energy
energy, hydroelectricity, equipment, etc. However, mechanical bases currently at Ninh Thuan is
nuclear power equipment and only small, odd, surrounding Ninh Thuan there is no mechanical plant.
Mechanical Industrial zones, and Domestic, joint
other mechanical equipment; Therefore, demand and potentiality of mechanical production and Proposed area: 5
4 5 manufacturing clusters in the as mentioned above 150 venture or 100%
increasing interior rate, mechanical repair is very high. ha
plant province foreign capital.
attracting other industrial - Currently, Phuoc Nam Industrial park has relatively fully invested
manufacturers; raising export infrastructure, located close to Highway 1A and North-South railway
value, creating foreign line; distant from Phan Rang - Thap Cham 15 km in the north, distant
currency income, contributing from Cam Ranh International airport 70 km, distant from Ba Ngoi
to industrial sector seaport 50km and distant from Ca Na seaport 15 km along with road,
development. infrastructure is rather fully invested, very conveniently for investor to
implement the project.
- Demand set up for developing mechanical industrial sector,
Producing products as high-
manufacturing sector to create products as high-quality spare parts and
quality accessories and
auxiliary parts serving car, engine industrial sectors and agricultural,
auxiliary parts to serve car,
forestry, industrial sectors is very high. At the province where there is at
engine industrial sectors and
present no plant for these products, so domestic consumption demand
agricultural, forestry, industrial
Manufacturing and export is very high.
sectors, contributing to
plant of auxiliary Phuoc Nam industrial - Currently, Phuoc Nam Industrial parks has invested infrastructure Proposed area: 02 100% foreign
5 6 increase in interior rate, as mentioned above 100-200
parts to serve car, zone. relatively completely, located close to Highway 1A and North-South ha capital.
attracting other industrial
engine industrial railway line; distant from Phan rang - Thap cham 15 km in the north,
manufacturers, raising export
sector. distant from Cam Ranh International airport 70 km, distant from Ba
value, creating foreign
Ngoi seaport 50 km and distant from Ca Na seaport 15 km along with
currency income and
road, infrastructure is rather fully invested, very conveniently for investor
contributing to industrial sector
to implement the project.

Producing to make high

quality mechanical product,
machinery serving agricultural,
forestry, industrial sectors as:
- Demand set forth for developing mechanical industrial sector, machine
thermoelectricity, ship-
manufacture to serve construction of 02 nuclear power plants; producing,
building, wind electricity, solar
processing, repairing wind electricity, solar energy equipment; serving
energy, hydroelectric power,
agricultural, forestry production is very high, etc. However, mechanical,
nuclear power equipment and
machinery manufacture bases at Ninh Thuan are only small and odd,
other mechanical electrical
surrounding Ninh Thuan province where there is no mechanical,
equipment, contributing to
Agricultural, machinery manufacture plant. Therefore, demand and potentiality of
increase in domestic rate, Domestic or
forestry, industrial Phuoc Nam or Du mechanical manufacture is very high. Proposed area: 02
6 7 attracting other industrial as mentioned above 100-200 100% foreign
machinery Long industrial zone. - Currently, Phuoc Nam Industrial parks have invested relatively ha
manufacturers, increase in capital.
manufacturing complete infrastructure, located close to Highway 1A and North-South
export value, creating foreign
plant railway line; distant from Phan Rang - Thap Cham city 15km in the
currency and contributing to
north, distant from Cam Ranh International airport 70 km, distant from
develop industrial sector.
Ba Ngoi Seaport 50 km and distant from Ca Na Seaport 15 km along
with coast, infrastructure is rather fully invested, convenient for investor
to implement the project.
To exploit potential factors,
material sources available at - Wood material source at the local meets relative demand of using ship-
the local to develop ship- building; located close to Highway 1A, North-South railway line with Ca
Overhauling 1,000
building sector with modern, Na station, waterway distant from Cam Ranh port 40 ~ 60 km;
ships/year. Ship-
advanced equipment, communication system, national electrical network is invested to the Domestic, joint
Ship-building and building 500
7 8 Ca Na industrial zone. contributing to improve project area. Land area can be extended according to investment scale. as mentioned above 30 venture or 100%
repairing plant ships/year.
product quality, improve labor - Currently, at the province where there is ship-building and repairing foreign capital.
Proposed area: 05-
productivity, reduce price, plant in large size, modern technology, that can meet a demand of using
07 ha
create jobs, enhance income to ship, off-shore fishing-board of fisherman inside and outside the
laborers and eliminate hunger province.
and reduce poverty.
*The land rent: The project is exempted from the
- Currently, in Ninh Thuan provincial area, there is no electronic, civil land rent for the initial basic construction but not
Building electronic, civil electronic spare part plant, in the future, a demand of using electronic exceed 3 years, and 3 years of free land rent from
electronic spare part plant with spare parts is very necessary for many projects in industrial fields as: the date of completion of the construction under the
advanced technology, less wind electricity, solar energy, auto production, etc. Thus, demand and provisions of the Decree No. 46/2014 / ND-CP of
Electronic, civil impact to environment; potentiality of producing electronic, civil electronic spare parts are very the Government stipulating on the collection of the
Domestic or
electronic spare Thanh Hai Industrial increasing domestic rate, high, serving domestic demand and export. Proposed area: 02 land rent and water surface rent.
8 9 100 - 200 100% foreign
part cluster attracting other wood - Thanh Hai Industrial Complex is located in favorable traffic route, is ha *Import duties: Exempted from the import duties
manufacturing manufacturers; raising export intersection point of key traffic route of provincial Highway 1A, on goods imported to create fixed assets in
plant value; creating foreign provincial Highway 704 and Highway 27; distant from Phan Rang - accordance with the Decree No. 87/2010/ND-CP of
currency income; contributing Thap Cham city center 04 km; having complete, simultaneous the Government dated 13th August 2010 detailing
to develop industrial sector. infrastructure system, meeting production demand of advanced the implementation of the Law on Export and
technology. import duties.

*Corporate Income Tax: Take the preferential tax

rate of 10% within 15 years, from the date of
Investing and constructing
starting business, tax exemption for 4 years, from
production plant and providing
- In Ninh Thuan province area, there is at present no metal product plant the date of taxed income declaration and reduction
metal products serving
serving for industrial and construction sectors. of 50% of the tax payable in the next 9 years. Thời
industrial, construction sectors
- Currently, some Industrial parks have invested rather complete gian tính miễn, giảm thuế under the provisions of
inside and outside the
infrastructure, located close to Highway 1A and North-South railway the Decree No. 218/2013/ND-CP dated 26th
province; Investing modern Under the Domestic
Production of line; near Cam Ranh International airport, distant from Ba Ngoi seaport Proposed area: 02 December 2013 of the Government detailing and
9 10 Phuoc Nam and Du technological equipment, Project's capital.
metal products 50 km and distant from Ca Na seaport 15 km along with coast, ha guiding the implementation of some articles of the
Long industrial zones improving product and labour subscription
infrastructure is rather fully invested, very conveniently for investor to Law on Corporate income tax.
productivity, reducing price,
implement the project; Land area can be extended according to *Import duties: Exempted from the import duties
creating jobs, improving
investment scale. on goods imported to create fixed assets in
labourers' income, contributing
accordance with the Decree No. 87/2010/ND-CP of
to socio-economic
the Government dated 13th August 2010 detailing
development of the local.
the implementation of the Law on Export and
import duties.

Making investment in
building production plant and
supplying products such as
- Currently,there are no frame and steel truss production plant in Ninh
frame, steel truss to serve
Thuan province to serve industry and construction sectors.
industry and construction
- Currently, some industrial parks are invested in relatively complete
sectors inside and outside the 20.000 tonnes/
Industrial zones, and infrastructure, are next to National Highway 1A and the North-South Domestic, joint
Frame, steel truss province; investment in year
10 11 clusters in the railway; near Cam Ranh International Airport, 50 km from Ba Ngoi as mentioned above 120 venture or 100%
production plant modern technology equipment, Proposed area: 02-
province Seaport and 15 km from Ca Na Seaport by road; of which infrastructure foreign capital.
improving product quality and 05 ha
invested are relatively complete, which is very convenient for investors
labor productivity, reducing
to implement the project; Large land area facilitates to expand
costs, creating jobs and raising
investment scale.
incomes for workers,
contributing to socio-economic
development for localities.
Exploiting raw materials Currently, some industrial parks are invested in relatively complete
available at locality to make infrastructure, are next to National Highway 1A and the North-South
investment in building material railway; near Cam Ranh International Airport, 50 km from Ba Ngoi Domestic
Proposed area: 03 400
11 12 Production of Phuoc Nam and Du factory in order to serve Seaport and 15 km from Ca Na Seaport by road; of which infrastructure as mentioned above capital.
building materials Long industrial zone. construction works in Ninh invested is relatively complete, which is very convenient for investors to
Thuan province and the implement the project; Large land area facilitates to expand investment
neighboring provinces. scale.
Exploiting raw materials
available at locality, building
facing brick factories to
Currently, Phuoc Nam Industrial park has been invested in relatively
diversify and add value to
complete infrastructure, is next to National Highway 1A and the North-
products of stone; providing
Construction of South railway; near Cam Ranh International Airport, 50 km from Ba 300.000 m2/year Domestic, joint
facing brick meeting high
12 13 tile manufacturing Phuoc Nam and Du Ngoi Seaport and 15 km from Ca Na Seaport by road; of which Proposed area: 02 as mentioned above 300 venture or 100%
quality standards to serve the
plant Long industrial zone. infrastructure invested is relatively complete, which is very convenient ha foreign capital.
domestic market and exports,
for investors to implement the project; Large land area facilitates to
contributing to structure shift
expand investment scale.
of industry towards increasing
the proportion of exported
facing brick processing value.
Exploiting raw materials
available at locality, building
There is enough material to meet the needs of dyeing devitrified stones
facing brick dyeing factories to
with a capacity of over 100,000 m2/year.
diversify and add value to
- Currently, some industrial parks are invested in relatively complete
Construction of products of stone; providing
Industrial zones, and infrastructure, are next to National Highway 1A and the North-South 100.000 m2/year Domestic, joint
coloring tile facing brick meeting high
13 14 clusters in the railway; near Cam Ranh International Airport, 50 km from Ba Ngoi Proposed area: 03- as mentioned above 100 venture or 100%
manufacturing quality standards to serve the
province Seaport and 15 km from Ca Na Seaport by road; of which infrastructure 04 ha foreign capital.
plant domestic market and exports,
invested are relatively complete, which is very convenient for investors
contributing to structure shift
to implement the project; Large land area facilitates to expand
of industry towards increasing
investment scale.
the proportion of exported
facing brick processing value.

Making investment in modern

equipment and technology to - Currently, there are no consumer product, garment and footwear
improve product quality, factory to serve domestic market and export in Ninh Thuan Province.
Production of develop domestic and - Currently, some industrial parks are invested in relatively complete
Phuoc Nam and Du Domestic or
consumer goods, international consumption infrastructure, are next to National Highway 1A and the North-South Proposed area: 02
14 15 Long industrial zone. as mentioned above 200 100% foreign
garment and markets of consumer goods, railway; near Cam Ranh International Airport, 50 km from Ba Ngoi ha
footwear garments and footwear, Seaport and 15 km from Ca Na Seaport by road; of which infrastructure
creating jobs and contributing invested are relatively complete, which is very convenient for investors
to socio-economic to implement the project; Large land area facilitates to expand
development of the province. investment scale.
- Currently, there are no footwear factory to serve domestic market and
Making investment in modern
export in Ninh Thuan Province.
equipment and technology to
- Currently, some industrial parks are invested in relatively complete
improve product quality,
Construction of infrastructure, are next to National Highway 1A and the North-South 2 million pairs of
Industrial zones, and develop domestic and Domestic, joint
leather shoes railway; near Cam Ranh International Airport, 50 km from Ba Ngoi shoes per years
15 16 clusters in the international consumption as mentioned above 30 venture or 100%
manufacturing Seaport and 15 km from Ca Na Seaport by road; of which infrastructure Proposed area: 03-
province markets of footwear, creating foreign capital.
plant invested are relatively complete, which is very convenient for investors 04 ha
jobs and contributing to socio-
to implement the project; Large land area facilitates to expand
economic development of the
investment scale.
Exploiting raw materials Currently, Phuoc Nam Industrial park has been invested in relatively
Construction of
available at locality, creating complete infrastructure, is next to National Highway 1A and the North-
wood processing Phuoc Nam industrial Under the Domestic
timber materials and civil South railway; near Cam Ranh International Airport, 50 km from Ba Proposed area: 02
16 17 factory and zone. as mentioned above Project's capital.
products, art objects to serve Ngoi Seaport and 15 km from Ca Na Seaport by road; of which ha
originated wood subscription
the market inside and outside infrastructure invested is relatively complete, which is very convenient
the province for investors to implement the project.
Building raw material factory
to serve wood processing
sector in order to exploit
potentials, raw materials
available locally to develop
Large forest land area, ability to take advantage of raw materials at
industry, make investment in
Manufacturing locality, particularly imported raw materials for production development
modern equipment and 10-15 thounsand
plant of materials Industrial zones, and are very favorable thanks to being near Cam Ranh port (about 40 ~ 60 Domestic, joint
technology, improve product tonnes/year
17 18 supplying for clusters in the km), the North-South railway, National Highway1A or Highway 27, the as mentioned above 10 venture or 100%
quality, improve labor Proposed area: 01
wood processing province North-South railway, Ca Na and Thap Cham stations; Infrastructure foreign capital.
productivity, reduce costs and ha
industry investment is relatively complete, which is very convenient for investors
develop consumption market
to implement the project.
in the country, create jobs and
raise incomes for workers,
contributing to socio-economic
development at locality.

Industrial parks are invested in relatively complete infrastructure, are

Enhancing the value of
next to National Highway 1A and the North-South railway; near Cam
agricultural products of the Under the Domestic
Ranh International Airport, 50 km from Ba Ngoi Seaport and 15 km Proposed area:
18 19 Agro product Phuoc Nam and Du province, serving the needs of as mentioned above Project's capital.
from Ca Na Seaport by road; of which infrastructure invested are over 02 ha
processing plant. Long industrial zones. domestic consumption and subscription
relatively complete, which is very convenient for investors to implement
the project

-Currently, Ninh Thuan province has 01 beer factory and some bottled
pure water facilities; no beverage factory to serve markets in the
province and the neighboring provinces. 100 million liters
Serving the consumption needs Domestic, joint
Production of -Currently, some industrial parks are invested in relatively complete per year 500
19 20 Phuoc Nam and Du in the province and the as mentioned above venture or 100%
beverage plant infrastructure, are next to National Highway 1A and the North-South Proposed area: 1-2 (25 triệu USD)
Long industrial zones. neighboring provinces. foreign capital.
railway; near Cam Ranh International Airport, 50 km from Ba Ngoi ha
Seaport and 15 km from Ca Na Seaport by road; of which infrastructure
invested are relatively complete, which is very convenient for investors
to implement the project

Utilizing raw materials

- The project site is near Highway 27A to Dalat and Southern
available at locality, building
Highlands, Highway 27B to Cam Ranh, North-South railway; Ba Ngoi
adobe brick factory to meet the
cargo harbor, which is one of 10 major seaports of the country, about 70
Adobe brick increasing consumption Domestic
km from Cam Ranh International Airport, facilitating the circulation of Proposed area: 70
20 21 manufacturing Phuoc Tien industrial demand for building material as mentioned above 50 capital.
goods. ha
plant cluster. inside and outside the
-Project land is clean; compensation and land clearance is not required
province, contributing to
when the project is implemented; therefore, it is very convenient when
creating jobs and increasing
allocating land to the investor.
budget revenue.
- Demand of packaging for industrial, agricultural, aquaculture
production and for industrial clusters is quite huge. Currently, Ninh
Thuan province has only one enterprise producing carton packages with
Exploiting the advantages of Proposed
capacity of 4,800 tons products per year; The demand for other package
raw materials available in the capacity:50 million
Packaging Industrial zones, and products supplying for the province and surrounding provinces is not Domestic, joint
province to produce tons of products
21 22 manufacturing clusters in the satisfied. as mentioned above 140 - 150 venture or 100%
packaging types to serve per year.
plant province - The infrastructure system in industrial zones is fully invested; The foreign capital.
markets inside and outside the Proposed area: 3 -
project site is located near National Highway 1A, North-South Railway,
province. 4 ha
near Cam Ranh International Airport, 50 km away from Ba Ngoi sea
port, 15km away from Ca Na sea port by road. These are very favorable
conditions for investors to build factories.
- Ninh Thuan province has relatively large cattle and poultry yields,
especially goats and sheep with the highest yields compared to other
Efficient exploitation of cattle
provinces in the region such as Khanh Hoa, Binh Thuan and Lam Dong
and poultry available at locality
Industrial zones, and to the total quantity: cow: near 110,000; goats, sheep: 150,000; chickens, Domestic, joint
Cattle, poultry with modern and advanced
22 23 clusters in the ducks, geese: 1.5 million; pigs: 71,000. At least 5-10 ton as mentioned above 80-100 venture or 100%
processing plant technology, ensuring food
province - Currently, Ninh Thuan province has only small sized cattle and poultry products per day. foreign capital.
safety and hygiene, catering for
slaughters, no large-sized factory of slaughtering and processing poultry
the domestic market and
and cattle meat; modern technology, oriented to processing the relevant
hygienic products of high quality to serve big markets such as Ho Chi
Minh City, Hanoi and export.

- With coastline of 105 km length, Ninh Thuan fishing grounds can be

exploited around the year. Ninh Thuan is one of four key fishing grounds
Contributing to increasing the of the country with total relatively large reserves of fish, shrimp;
value of commodities, exploitation capacity of approximately 55,000 tons/year (including fish:
stabilizing food production for 52, 972 tons; shrimp: 400 tons; octopus: 1,700 tons; other seafood: 828
cattle and poultry and tons); the total aquaculture area is over 1,600 hectares; estimated yields
Manufacturing aquaculture at locality; is over 11,000 tons; many types of seafood of high economic value may Production of Domestic or
Industrial zones, and
23 24 and processing providing products which meet serve export and processing industry. 10,000 ton as mentioned above 300 100% foreign
clusters in the
plants for seafood, high quality standards, meeting - Currently, Ninh Thuan province has four exported seafood processing products per year. capital.
canned food and the needs of consumer food, factories with a capacity of 5,000 tons/year (equivalent to 10,000 tons of
feedstuffs. ensuring hygiene and food materials), export value of about U.S.$ 20-25 million/year.
safety, serving markets inside - With available raw materials, the factory's construction is near
and outside the province. Highway 1A and Highway 27, near Cam Ranh port (40-60km), which
are very favorable conditions for investment in the project.

*The Land rent: The project is exempted from the

land rent cho during the whole rental period under
- The province includes 97 medical stations in which consists of 18 the provisions of the Decree No. 46/2014 / ND-CP
provincial stations, 14 district stations, 65 ward and commune stations of the Government stipulating on the collection of
with 1,380 beds. While there is only a Nam Thanh waste treatment plant the land rent and water surface rent.
- Building medical
with the capacity of 250 tons/day, not meeting the needs of waste * Corporate Income Tax:
waste treatment
treatment of the province. - Take the preferential tax rate of 10% within 15
and collection
- Medical waste treatment has not currently implemented in years; Tax exemption for 04 years, tax reduction of
factory for the
concentration with the poor technology so environmental sanitation has 50% of the tax payable in the next 09 years for the
purpose of
Build medical waste collection not ensured. corporate income from investment projects under Domestic, joint
Medical waste Thuan Bac district protecting the
25 and disposal to protect - Industrial park and complex such as Phuoc Nam, Thanh Hai, Thap the provisions of the Decree No. 218/2013/ND-CP 20 venture or 100%
treatment plant. environment.
enviroment Cham was put into use; Du Long, Doc Ham, Tri Hai and Hieu Thien are dated 26th December 2013 of the Government foreign capital
Proposed capacity:
expected to put into use in the coming time. It is forecasted the total detailing and guiding the implementation of some
approx. 50 tons per
amount of hazardous waste generated from daily operations of the articles of the Law on Corporate income tax.
production area, plus daily hazardous waste arising from medical sector, *Import duties: Exempted from the import duties
- Proposed land
power and 07 existing industrial production plants is about 47 tons/day on goods imported to create fixed assets in
area: approx. 05 ha
in the province. Therefore, the construction of waste treatment plants in accordance with the Decree No. 87/2010/ND-CP of
general and medical wastes is essential. the Government dated 13th August 2010 detailing
the implementation of the Law on Export and
import duties.


*The land rent: The project is exempted from the
land rent during the basic construction duration up
to 03 years from the date getting the decision to
lease the land under the provisions of the Decree
No. 46/2014 / ND-CP of the Government
stipulating on the collection of the land rent and
water surface rent; After the basic construction
- There are branches of universities and not any university in the - To fulfill the
duration: The project is exempted from the land
province. The neighboring provinces in the region have not any bachelor training
rent under the provisions of the Decree No.
international standardized university. The development of industrial need within the
59/2014 / ND-CP of the Government.
zones, construction areas of two nuclear power plant and renewable province and for
*Corporate Income Tax:
Building international energy plant in the province in the future will be an important driving the others and
- Take the preferential tax rate of 10% during the
university with the modern force for the establishment and development of the Training Center with serving children of
International whole project operational period; Tax exemption
Phan Rang – Thap scale, including many majors high quality human resources to meet the learning needs for people in foreign experts and 100% foreign
2 1 Standard for 04 years, tax reduction of 50% of the tax 250
Cham City and training high-quality the provinces, the provinces in the region and the country. senior engineers capital
University payable in the next 05 years for the corporate
human resources for the South - The project position is located in an planning area with other training when they go to
income from investment projects as stipulated in
Central and Central Highlands. institutions such as the International Vocational School, Vocational Ninh Thuan to
the Decree No. 218/2013/ND-CP dated 26th
College, The project area is located in the center of the city with build nuclear
December 2013 of the Government detailing and
convenient transportation,appropriate environmental for education and power plant.
guiding the implementation of some articles of the
training. - Proposed land
Law on Corporate income tax;
area: approx. 6 ha
*Import duties: Exempted from the import duties
on goods imported to create fixed assets in
accordance with the Decree No. 87/2010/ND-CP of
the Government dated 13th August 2010 detailing
the implementation of the Law on Export and
import duties.

*The land rent: The project is exempted from the

land rent during the basic construction duration up
to 03 years from the date getting the decision to
lease the land under the provisions of the Decree
No. 46/2014 / ND-CP of the Government
stipulating on the collection of the land rent and
water surface rent; After the basic construction
- To fulfill the duration: The project is totally exempted from the
bachelor training land rent for the projects in the districts, and the
- There isn't currently any high-quality high school with the international need within the others in Phan Rang-Thap Cham city applied as
standards. province and for provisions of the Decree No. 59/2014 / ND-CP of
- The development of industrial parks and construction areas of two the others and the Government.
- Develop high-quality schools nuclear power plant and renewable energy plan in the province in the serving children of *Corporate Income Tax:
In all districts and with many levels of coming time will attract a large number of foreign experts to live and foreign experts, - Take the preferential tax rate of 10% during the
Phan Rang-Thap international standards to serve work in Ninh Thuan, so the construction of schools at all levels with supervisor whole project operational period; tax exemption for Domestic
3 2 Standard Schools 160
Cham City the people of the province and high quality international standards to serve the learning needs of people engineers coming 04 years, tax reduction of 50% of the tax payable in capital
for all Levels
foreign experts living and in and outside the province; children of experts and foreign laborers is to Ninh Thuan to the next 09 years for the corporate income from
working in the province. necessary in Ninh Thuan. build nuclear investment projects in districts of the province and
- The project area is located in the center of the city and the district; power plants in the Tax exemption for 04 years, tax reduction of 50%
planning areas and training institutions such as the International province. of the tax payable in the next 05 years when project
University, the Vocational College,... - Proposed land is launched in Phan Rang-Thap Cham city’s
area: approx. 4-6 location under the provisions of the Decree No.
ha 218/2013/ND-CP dated 26th December 2013 of the
Government detailing and guiding the
implementation of some articles of the Law on
Corporate income tax.
*Import duties: Exempted from the import duties
on goods imported to create fixed assets in
accordance with the Decree No. 87/2010/ND-CP of
the Government dated 13th August 2010 detailing
the implementation of the Law on Export and
- To fulfill the
bachelor training
- The province has not formed preschool with international quality need within the
standards; The development of industrial parks and construction areas of province and for
two nuclear power plant and renewable energy plan in the province in the others and
- Meeting the needs of pre-
the coming time will attract a large number of foreign experts to live and serving children of
school education in the
In all districts and work in Ninh Thuan, so the construction of schools at all levels with foreign experts,
International province and for children of Domestic, joint
Phan Rang-Thap high quality international standards to serve the learning needs of people supervisor
4 3 Standard Pre- foreign experts, supervisor as mentioned above 120 venture or 100%
Cham City in and outside the province; children of experts and foreign laborers is engineers coming
Schools engineers coming to Ninh foreign capital
necessary in Ninh Thuan. to Ninh Thuan to
Thuan to build nuclear power
- Project position is in the center of the district and the city, convenient build nuclear
plants in the province.
transportation, safety, away from the factories, mills, ... for teaching and power plants in the
learning. province..
- Proposed land
area: approx. 3-4
- Building the
- There is currently only a 01 vocational college in Ninh Thuan to serve
- Building the International International
the vocational training and high-school vocationals for labor force in the
Vocational College with scale Vocational College
annual training of 400-500 with scale annual
- The development of industrial parks and construction areas of two
Phan Rang-Thap skilled practitioners for many training of 400-500
nuclear power plant and renewable energy plan in the province in the
International Cham City; districts sectors to meet the demand for skilled
coming time will be an important motivation for the establishment and Domestic, joint
Standard of Ninh Phuoc, Ninh high-quality human resources practitioners ,
5 4 development of high-quality training center of the province. as mentioned above 120 venture or 100%
Vocational- Hai, Ninh Son and for parks, industrial zones and meeting the
- The project position is located in planning areas and training foreign capital
Schools Thuan Bac complexes, businesses and demand of
institutions such as the International University, the Vocational
economic and social vocational training
College,...and in the center of the district and the city, convenient
development needs of the in and outside the
transportation, safety, away from the factories, mills, ... for teaching and
South Central and Central province.
Highland provinces. - Proposed land
area: approx. 3 ha
*The land rent: Exempted from land use charges
for the lands under the construction of technical
infrastructures and social infrastructure to be
transferred to the State or not in business as
stipulated in the Decree No. 02/2006 / ND-CP
dated 5th January 2006 of the Government on
promulgating the Regulations on the new urban
- Its position is near the main roads of the city; with the high-speed
in Phuoc My, Do zones.
Development of railway, highway roads, leading convenient transport of inter-provincial
Vinh and Bao An Building new urban area and - Model urban. *Import duties: Exempted from the import duties
urban area in the regions and accelerating economic development along the highway Domestic, joint
wards, Phan Rang – forming house stocks in - Proposed land on goods imported to create fixed assets in
1 1 North West of routes.. 1500 venture or 100%
Thap Cham city, Ninh modern urbans of architectural area: approx. 550 accordance with the Decree No. 87/2010/ND-CP of
Phan Rang-Thap - The planning location approaches the main road with the quite foreign capital
Thuan province planning and infrastructure ha the Government dated 13th August 2010 detailing
Cham city completed pavement structure, power supply system, water supply,
the implementation of the Law on Export and
favourable communications for the connection to the planning areas.
import duties.
- In addition, the project will be invested by the
province and support the investment in building the
technical infrastructure and social infrastructure
within and outside the fence of the project; support
the investor in the task of project plan clearance.
- Khanh Hai Town is an administrative, economic and social center of
Ninh Hai District, and a tourism center located in tourism system of the
South Central as well as a gateway of marine tourism areas of Ninh
Thuan. Dam Nai is far from Ninh Chu coast about 2km, the best
Forming new urban areas in
beautiful coast of Ninh Thuan, where there are currently many hotels
the Southern of Khanh Hai
with the big scale associated with the common tourism potential of Ninh
Town to gradually complete
Tourism urban Hai District owning many beautiful landscapes such as Nui Chua
the development of tourism Domestic, joint
area in the South Khanh Hai Town, National Park, Vinh Hy Bay, attract the majority of tourists to the Proposed land
2 2 areas near Dam Nai with many as mentioned above 500 venture or 100%
of Dam Nai, Ninh Hai District. province and become marine tourism area of Ninh Thuan Province in the area: approx. 43 ha
kinds of modern eco-tourism foreign capital
Khanh Hai town future.
and development of marine
- The place is located in the traffic routes connecting to Yen Ninh street
tourism services, mountain and
(along coastal area of the province), with the good infrastructure. The
province is investing to build road along Dam Nai to develop Khanh Hai
new urban area and Dam Nai tourism area. Adjacent to traffic route 702,
from here to Highway 1A about 06km, near Khanh Hoi habor (about
2km) is both a fishing port and cargo port.
- Thanh Hai is the gate of the North and Northeast of Phan Rang City -
Thap Cham , the natural area of 253,830 km2; the population in 2010:
90,209 people; until 2020, Khanh Hai town is expected to merge with
Phan Rang City - Cham Tower and at the time Thanh Hai will become a
center of Ninh Hai district.
Building new urban area and
In Nhon Hai - Total natural area of the planning research: 1,505 hectares; the scale of Proposed land Domestic, joint
Thanh Hai urban forming house stocks in
3 3 Commune, Ninh Hai population: 20,000 people (2020); 25,000 people (2030); the scale of area: approx. 100 as mentioned above 560 venture or 100%
area modern urban of architectural
District building land: 500 hectares (2020), 650 hectares (2030) ha foreign capital
planning and infrastructure
- Have convenient traffic system such as Highway 1A; provincial road
702, 704, 705, North-South railway, Ninh Chu fishing port, My Tan
fishing the furture includes North-South highway, coastal road,
Vinh Hy port, Ninh Thuan 2 nuclear power plant, creating the
groundbreaking for the district and facilitating the project.
High class garden Forming modern urban area
The project location has the relatively completed infrastructure:
house urban area with the low construction Domestic, joint
Khanh Hai Town, convenient transportation system, near Highway 1A, provincial road Proposed land
6 4 in the North of density to gradually complete as mentioned above 145 venture or 100%
Ninh Hai District. 702, 704, 705, North-South railway, coastal road...; power and water area: approx. 43 ha
provincial road the development of Khanh Hai foreign capital
supply system is very convenient for the deployment of the project.
704. tourism urban area.
- As a marine tourism area located tourism system of the South Central
and a gateway of marine tourism area of Ninh Thuan province; the
project location is far from Ninh Chu near 2km where there are currently
Building new urban area and many hotels with the big scale associated with the common tourism
forming house stocks in potential of Ninh Hai District owning many beautiful landscapes such as Domestic, joint
Khanh Hai urban Khanh Hai Town, Proposed land
7 5 modern urban of architectural Nui Chua National Park, Vinh Hy a driving force area to as mentioned above 150 venture or 100%
area Ninh Hai District. area: approx. 25 ha
planning and technical and motivate the development of tourism economics associated with the eco- foreign capital
social infrastructure. tourism activities, community tourism, Dam Nai water surface space and
exiting community.
- Near to the center of Phan Rang city - Thap Cham, linking to Highway
1A and Highway 27, near to Cam Ranh International Airport.
Investing in project location near the centre of Phan Rang - Thap Cham
My Hai Ward, Phan Building new urban area and city, adjacent to the main roads of the city; project location has the quite
Dong Nam 1 Rang –Thap Cham forming house stocks in completed investment infrastructure; power supply system, water supply, Proposed land Domestic or
8 6 as mentioned above 300
urban area City, Ninh Thuan modern urbans of architectural drainage, communications to facilitate the connection to the planning area: approx. 30 ha joint venture.
Province planning and infrastructure area, the circulation and accelerate the economic development in the
Investing in project location near the centre of Phan Rang city- Thap
My Hai and Tan Tai Building new urban area and Cham , adjacent to the main roads of the city; project location has the
Domestic, joint
Dong Nam 2 Ward, Phan Rang forming house stocks in quite completed investment infrastructure; power supply system, water Proposed land
9 7 as mentioned above 500 venture or 100%
urban area –Thap Cham City, modern urban of architectural supply, drainage, communications to facilitate the connection to the area: approx. 67 ha
foreign capital
Ninh Thuan Province planning and infrastructure planning area, the circulation and accelerate the economic development
in the region.
- The project is located at the intersection in the key tourism areas of the
Building new urban area and country including Dalat - Phan Rang - Nha Trang identified as one of the
forming house stocks in key areas of tourism development strategy of the country. - Forming new
Phuoc Dinh
modern urbans of architectural
urban areas with modern architecture and infrastructure to serve the Proposed land
Phuoc Dinh urban Commune, Thuan Domestic or
10 8 planning and infrastructure; housing needs for travelers, professionals to the province to build and area: approx. 560 as mentioned above 1,500
area Nam District, Ninh joint venture.
creating tourism urban, resort
work at nuclear power plants forming urban tourism and resort ha
Thuan Province
combined with extra activities
combining to a picnic and recreation activities.
and entertainment activities.- Areas near the project area has the national grid system passing for
convenient connection in use when implementing the project.
*The land rent: Exempted from land use charges
for the lands under the construction of technical
infrastructures and social infrastructure to be
transferred to the State or not in business as
stipulated in the Decree No. 02/2006/ND-CP dated
5th January 2006 of the Government on
- This area has a beautiful landscpale being planned as a major tourism
promulgating the Regulations on the new urban
development in the province; the regional tourism development and
urban functions and services associated with Dam Vinh Hy water space,
Investing the construction of * Import duties: Exempted from the import duties
Vinh Hy fishing villages and mountain landscape ecology; Domestic, joint
Vinh Hy tourism Vinh Hai commune, tourism urban area combining Proposed land on goods imported to create fixed assets in
9 - Population size: 5,000 to 10,000 people; urban construction land: 150- 170 venture or 100%
urban area Ninh Hai district. with the outdoor and area: 30 ha. accordance with the Decree No. 87/2010/ND-CP of
200 m2/person. foreign capital
entertainment activities. the Government dated 13th August 2010 detailing
- Located far from Phan Rang - Cham Tower about 42 km; adjacent
the implementation of the Law on Export and
coastal road connecting the provinces of Highway 1A, Highway 27, and
import duties.
Cam Ranh International Airport.
In addition, the project will be invested by the
province and support the investment in building the
technical infrastructure and social infrastructure
within and outside the fence of the project; support
the investor in the task of project plan clearance.

*The land rent: Exempted from land use charges

for the lands under the construction of technical
infrastructures and social infrastructure to be
transferred to the State or not in business as
stipulated in the Decree No. 02/2006/ND-CP dated
Set up a high class ecological 5th January 2006 of the Government on
Dinh river’s flow is smoothly along the location that is an outstanding
urban area integrated with promulgating the Regulations on the new urban
strength to make an environmental landscape of the area, to develop
tourism, where both technical zones.
riverside-garden tourism integrations, and to create a space for the local
and social infrastructures are *Import duties: Exempted from the import duties
people and tourists’ entertainment and relaxation; presently this Proposed land Under the Domestic, joint
Dinh riverside In the North and synchronously modern to make on goods imported to create fixed assets in
10 essentially is agricultural land for temporary shelters and half- area: approx. 830 Project's venture or 100%
urban area. South of Dinh river. a beautiful beautiful landscape accordance with the Decree No. 87/2010/ND-CP of
consolidated houses, thus the compensation is rather low to facilitate the ha subscription foreign capital
in the city’s Southern-West, to the Government dated 13th August 2010 detailing
new construction for developing ecological tourism, villas; This location
exploit and highly value the the implementation of the Law on Export and
is also of National Highway No. 1A, Tu Duc street, Thong Nhat street as
land and to preserve Dinh import duties.
to facilitate the urban linkage development.
river’s specific scenes. - In addition, the project will be invested by the
province and support the investment in building the
technical infrastructure and social infrastructure
within and outside the fence of the project; support
the investor in the task of project plan clearance.
*The land rent: Exempted from land use charges
for the lands under the construction of technical
infrastructures and social infrastructure to be
transferred to the State or not in business as
stipulated in the Decree No. 02/2006/ND-CP dated
5th January 2006 of the Government on
promulgating the Regulations on the new urban
Infrastructure zones.
development in Son Hai 2 Hamlet, - The project location is located in the land area regulated by the State so *Import duties: Exempted from the import duties
Building and completing Proposed land
residential area of Phuoc Dinh it is convenient for compensation, clearance plane and the land is on goods imported to create fixed assets in Domestic or
13 11 infrastructure in residential area: approx. 29,09 90
Son Hai 2 hamlet, Commune, Thuan entrusted to deploy the project development; power and water supply accordance with the Decree No. 87/2010/ND-CP of joint venture.
area in Son Hai 2 hamlet. ha
Phuoc Dinh, Nam District. system, convenient transport for the project deployment. the Government dated 13th August 2010 detailing
Thuan Nam the implementation of the Law on Export and
import duties.
- In addition, the project will be invested by the
province and support the investment in building the
technical infrastructure and social infrastructure
within and outside the fence of the project; support
the investor in the task of project plan clearance.

*The land rent: Exempted from land use charges

for the lands under the construction of technical
infrastructures and social infrastructure to be
transferred to the State or not in business as
stipulated in the Decree No. 02/2006/ND-CP dated
5th January 2006 of the Government on
Infrastructure promulgating the Regulations on the new urban
development in zones.
new residential Lac Tan Hamlet, Building and completing - The project location is located in the land area regulated by the State so *Import duties: Exempted from the import duties
Proposed land
area alongside Phuoc Diem infrastructure in residential it is convenient for compensation, clearance plane and the land is on goods imported to create fixed assets in Domestic or
14 12 area: approx. 50 250
coastal road in Commune, Thuan area along coastal road in entrusted to deploy the project development; power and water supply accordance with the Decree No. 87/2010/ND-CP of joint venture.
Phuoc Diem Nam District. Phuoc Diem commune. system, convenient transport for the project deployment. the Government dated 13th August 2010 detailing
commune,Thuan the implementation of the Law on Export and
Nam district import duties.
- In addition, the project will be invested by the
province and support the investment in building the
technical infrastructure and social infrastructure
within and outside the fence of the project; support
the investor in the task of project plan clearance.
*The land rent: The project is exempted from the
land rent during the basic construction duration up
to 03 years from the date getting the decision to
lease the land and continues to be free of land rent
for the next 11 years from the date of completion
and operation under the provisions of the Decree
No. 46/2014/ND-CP of the Government stipulating
on the collection of the land rent and water surface
- Ninh Chu Port has approved to plan the development of deep-water *Corporate Income Tax: Take the preferential tax
4 wharfs for 5,000-
harbor system in the South Central by Ministry of Transport up to 2020; rate of 10% within 15 years as stipulated in the
10,000 ton-
Upgrading to cargo port to be - Along with the formation of industrial park and complex, mechanical Decree No. 218/2013/ND-CP dated 26th December
container ships,
Investment of able to receive ships with the plants, factories producing solar power and wind power, the coastal 2013 of the Government detailing and guiding the
in Khanh Hoi village, total length: 660m
Ninh Chu cargo load of 10,000 tons, meeting resorts ... will contribute to form the economic exchange clues, implementation of some articles of the Law on
Tri Hai commune, with handling Domestic or
11 13 port receiving the needs of waterway development of economic zones, urban areas and coastal industry. Corporate income tax; Tax exemption for 04 years, 500
Ninh Hai district. capacity of 1-1.5 joint venture.
10,000 - tonne transport of Ninh Thuan - The construction location of port has more favorable conditions, tax reduction of 50% of the tax payable in the next
million tons per
container ships province entering to a covering located next to the coastal road of the province, near Highway 09 years for the corporate income from investment
development period. 1A, far from Phan Rang City - Thap Cham 15 km to the Southwest, far projects under the provisions of the Decree No.
- Proposed land
from the port and Cam Ranh international airport about 70 km to the 218/2013/ND-CP dated 26th December 2013 of the
area: 15 ha
north. Government detailing and guiding the
implementation of some articles of the Law on
Corporate income tax.
* Import duties: Exempted from the import duties
on goods imported to create fixed assets in
accordance with the Decree No. 87/2010/ND-CP of
the Government dated 13th August 2010 detailing
the implementation of the Law on Export and
import duties.
To set up 12
wharfs for general
cargo ships of
- Doc Ham port is a cargo port approved to plan the development of
Building and operating the deep-water port system of Vietnam by Prime Minister up to 2020.
DWT, for bulky
cargo port to serve the needs of - The construction location of port has more favorable conditions as
cargo ship of
Investment of Doc local and international close to Highway 1A, far from Phan Rang City - Cham Tower about 35
100,000 – 200,000
Ham cargo port transport and trade; Forming km to the Southwest, far from a seaport and Cam Ranh International
Ca Na commune, DWT, for liquid Domestic or
12 14 (15 million tonnes the economic exchange clue to Airport about 90 km to the North; project plan has geological stability as mentioned above 5000
Thuan Nam district. cargo ship of joint venture.
per year) create motivation for the and basically completed the clearance compensation.
50,000 DWT. The
development of industrial - Along with the formation of industrial park and complex, mechanical
handling capacity
zones, urban and industrial plants, factories producing solar power and wind power, the coastal
is expected to be
areas near beach. resorts ... will contribute to form the economic exchange clues,
25 million tonnes
development of economiczones, urban areas and coastal industry.
per year
- Proposed land
area: 30 – 40 ha.
- As planned, the strip in the south of the province is determined as
Forming industrial clusters
industrial development, the project location is located near Doc Ham
with synchronous and modern
deep-water port, it is expected to the load of port landing up to 250,000
Infrastructure infrastructure to attract
in Phuoc Nam tons, and the large industrial areas in the south of the province such as
development in investors into the sector focus, Proposed land Domestic or
15 15 commune, Thuan Phuoc Nam, Ca Na is currently under construction. as mentioned above 500
Hieu Thien contribute to reducing area: 70 ha. joint venture.
Nam district - The project location is located near Highway 1A with the adequate
industrial cluster environmental pollution from
power supply systems, water supply . Located far from residential areas
scattered production facility or
to facilitate the drainage system layout of industrial waste, waste
in residential areas.
handling systems, sewage polluting the environment.
Synchronized developing the
technical infrastructure of the - Ca Na area in Thuan Nam district, is with the strengths in infrastructure
Technical industrial zones and calling for and natural conditions to serve renewable energy. Geographical location
Proposed land Domestic, joint
infrastructure background investors to invest is near Highway 1A; adjacent to Ca Na commercial sea port project (can 5000
16 16 Thuan Nam District area: approx. 1000 as mentioned above venture or 100%
development in Ca new and renewable energy receive ships with the load of 50,000 tons). Ca Na Industrial Park has
ha foreign capital
Na industrial zone industry as well as mechanical implemented the clearance compensation approximately 30% of the total
manufacture and high-tech land area.
- Building synchronized
industrial complex, calling
secondary investor to invest the
processing production plant of
available sources of the
province and neighborhood
- Bac Ai has unformed parks and industrial complex; scattered and
areas, to strengthen industrial
unfocused production and processing facilities in the local
development, handicrafts in
- The project position is located near Highway 27A to Dalat and
Technical Bac Ai district; attract
Southern Highlands, Highway 27B to Cam Ranh; North-South railway;
infrastructure in the Southwest of secondary investors to
100% of communes with roads to the town center; near Ba Ngoi- cargo Domestic, joint
development in Phuoc Tien concentrated areas to Proposed land
17 17 harbor is one of 10 major seaports of the country, far from Cam Ranh as mentioned above 200 venture or 100%
Phuoc Tien, Bac commune, Bac Ai contribute to reduction of area: 75 ha.
International Airport is about 70 km, to be convenient for transportation foreign capital
Ai industrial district. environmental pollution of the
of goods. And far from high-Da Nhim-Phan Rang voltage power lines
cluster scattered production facilities;
about 0,3km.
create the employment and
- Land is clean, not compensation, clearance when implementing the
increase the income for people
in the district in general and
Phuoc Tan commune and
Phuoc Tien in particular center
area, contributing the increase
of the industrial load in the

Building synchronized
industrial complex, calling
secondary investor to invest the
processing production plant of
- Ninh Son district has unformed industrial parks and complex; scattered
available sources of the
Technical and unfocused production and processing facilities.
province and neighboorhood
infrastructure - The project position is located near Highway 27A to Dalat; the West 400 Domestic, joint
areas, to strengthen industrial Proposed land
18 18 development in Ninh Son district. and East near to natural forestry, the South near Highway 27B, the North as mentioned above venture or 100%
development, handicrafts in area: about 70 ha.
Quang Son near agricultural land; the stable geological sites; and material areas foreign capital
Ninh Son district; attract
industrial cluster focused on the production and processing of agricultural, forestry, minal
secondary investors to
products; the living water supply passes and near power system.
concentrated areas to
contribute to reduction of
enviromental pollution of the
scattered production facilities;

Forming industrial clusters Ninh Hai District has not formed industrial parks and complex; scattered
with synchronous and modern and unfocused production and processing facilities; Project location is
infrastructure to attract adjacent to the main transport routes, near Khanh Hoi port (1.5 km);
infrastructure Domestic, joint
investors into the sector focus, which is both fishery and goods port, far from Cam Ranh International Proposed land
19 19 development in Tri Ninh Hai District as mentioned above 240 venture or 100%
contribute to reducing Airport 70 km, far from Ba Ngoi seaport about 50 km and not far away area: approx. 25 ha
Hai industrial foreign capital
environmental pollution from from Port Ca Na Beach; also adjacent to salt production areas; the stable
scattered production facility or geological sites, water and power supply systems... facilitate project
in residential areas. implementation.
To set up Dinh
river downstream’s
dam with buttress
structure in the 500
To prevent overflows of the meter-wide area
tide into the land on both which is distant
banks of Dinh river (stream from Dao Long I
flows through Phan Rang-Thap bridge 1.8 km
Cham city and An Hai As plan, investors will directly fund the project expenditures, Ninh towards the
commune, Ninh Phuoc Thuan provincial People’s Committee to make best conditions for the downstream,
Tan Tai ward, Phan
district’s area); to create a investors to refund from other projects of supplying the dam water for including the
Construction of Rang - Thap Cham
fresh water resevoir of 04 civil and production utilization, nhà đầu tư thu lại một phần kinh phí bỏ items: Overflowed Prioritized mechanism for water supply projects on
20 Dinh river city and An Hai 700 Domestic, FDI
million m3 capacity that will ra từ dịch vụ cung cấp nước. National budget will be supportive for dam at the water taxation, land or water utilization, etc...
downstream dam commune, Ninh or PPP
supply water for civil and compensation, site clearance, resettlement and some expenditures for reservoir: its length
Phuoc District, Ninh
production utilization, aslo additional works under the prioritized mechanism for water supply is the same as river-
Thuan provinve.
improve climate of Phan Rang- projects on taxation , land or water utilization, etc... bed width of
Thap Cham city; meet the 240m; regulator
needs of tourism development valve system, boat
and integrated public traffic for or ship anchoring,
urban development.. bridge over the
dam (the bridge’s
length is 480

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