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HR Interview

Now the final section. The only one solution to crack the interview is keeping yourself cool. And
always think that they are taking your Interview to select you , Not to reject you. Be friendly,
polite with them……
First Interview
Me: Good afternoon sir, May I come in?
HR: Yes , and be seated.
Me: Thank you sir.
HR: So XYZ r u tired for waiting long time?
Me: Not at all sir. I am going to be a IT professionals and no word like Tired in their dictionary.
HR: Show your group work capability.
Me: I told about my project …and leadership on that project.
HR: Which quality of leader do you find in your self.
Me: I told and explain them about 10 leadership quality with example.(This is common question
in infosys)
HR: What is the crucial decision in your life that change your self?
Me: I told about my school life computer Education…and my interest on computer……
So many questions on teamwork and leadership.
Sometimes they take two rounds of HR interview.So be prepared for that also.
Second interview
HR: Sorry XYZ for taking your second interview.
Me: Sir, Its my pleasure to get chance to sit in front you again.(Always show the politeness &
good Behavior)
HR: What is your week points?
Me: ……
HR: What is your reaction when one rectify ur week points?
Me: …..
HR: How do you react when a misunderstanding is happened in a group work?
Me: ……
HR: give some example on you real life..
Me: …….
So many question on my daily life….
HR: what is your best subject?
Me: Physics.
HR: Tell me about Black Hole.
Me: give a cleared ideas.(they impressed)
Hr: Tell something on current Computer related physics.
Me: I told them the use of quantum theory on 6th generation computer. Actually I heard it from a
HR: (they are really too much hearing these and encouraged me to join all the seminars)

HR: So XYZ nice interview with you.
Me: Its my pleasure.(I shake hand with them)
I will hope this information will helpful to you and you will get the job in your dream company.
1) Were you confident that you would clear the first round?
2) Did you prepare for the Infy test?
3) What books did u refer?
4) What are your strengths? You would have to give an example for your strength
so be ready for it. (if u say positive attitude as strength, give an example)
5) Do you like music? what type of songs?
6) What are your other strengths?
7) How do u relate it to u?

Suppose if u rejected this time how will u react?

9) What are your hobbies?
10) Are you ready to go abroad if we have to send you?
11) Gave some puzzle to solve. They just see how you approach the problem not
the solution.
12) Do you have any questions?

1. You so look different in photo than in person, why?

2. Just leave this resume. Tell us something personally about your self.
3. Why did u take up Master's in Multimedia and then discontinue?
4. Why aren't u seeing your self as a flash developer now?
5. Tell us something about your project?
6. Does it apply only in Telephones
7. What are real time practical applications of this project?
8. What do u feel about this trainer job?
9. with what kind of questions your students have approached you?
10. not technical . Regarding job opportunities and faking experiences? I said I would not support it
and these questions didn't come up in class.
11. Why should Infosys take you?
12. Can u plant 4 trees equidistant from each other in a piece of land ?
13. A Car travels 5m/hr from A to B and 10m/hr from B to A find
average speed.
14. U find a piece of torn paper on the road and u pick it up and find just four lines without no date or
information. After reading the 4 lines u get interested in the article and want to read the whole
matter. How will you find it out?
15. In all these days what did you learn related to software?
16. How did u enjoy ur college life?
17. Any extra curricular activities?
18. Any other field other than software and multimedia that interests you?
19. What kind of dancing and are u trained in it?
20. What do u think about relocating to Orissa?
21. What about working in Mysore? I think they test ur attitude here. But I said I would be tough
working in North India.
22. Are u married? Since I had problem relocating.
17.Any questions ? no
23. When did u start wearing glasses?
24. why no glasses in photo?
25. why no lenses now?
Ok fine.
All best
U will receive a mail in 2 to 3 weeks.Bye.

Introduce youself.
HR: Tell me about your father and his occupation
HR: Tell about your brothers and sisters.
HR:Your percentage is good in 10th but it dipped in 12th.can you expain why ?
HR:what was your rank in AIEEE.
HR:you have left some blank spaces in your form??
HR:then you shoud write NA(not applicable)
Note: Dont leave blank spaces in the form.
HR:Tell me about your birthplace.
HR:what are your hobbies that are different from others??
Note:Be Careful to tell about your hobby. Prepare for your hobby earlier.
HR:Define leadership.
HR:what qualities a leader should have?
HR:Tell me two instances where you acted as leader.
HR:Ok!what are ethics and morals in your opinion?
HR:ok solve this puzzle.(he drew a simple figure and asked to count the no of
HR:Wall is 30 m high.frog climbs 3m and slips 2 in one hr.what is the time to reach
the top.
Ans. 28(Do solve it)
HR:one bag 10 red.other 20 take out 1 red and 1 blue how many balls to be
taken out.
HR:tell the diameter of earth.
Good communication skills are a must. Do get training in it!!
HR:Define leadership.

1)why should we hire you?

2)What are the strong points in you?
3)How will you react to a negative phase of ur life?
4)Which latest movie have you watched?
5)what are your views about time management?

Best Rated Answer

Submitted by: Moparthi Aravind

Because I sincerely believe that I'm the best person for the job. I realize that there are many other college
students who have the ability to do this job. I also have that ability. But I also bring an additional quality that
makes me the very best person for the job--my attitude for excellence. Not just giving lip service to excellence,
but putting every part of myself into achieving it. In _____ and _____ I have consistently reached for becoming
the very best I can become by doing the following . . .
Above answer was rated as good by the following members:
alifff84, ruta202, alanina, neha.31588, eman4485, helpmeplez, surabhis22188

July 12, 2005 00:00:48 #1 .

Moparthi Aravind

RE: Why should we hire you?

Because I sincerely believe that I'm the best person for the job. I realize that there are many other college
students who have the ability to do this job. I also have that ability. But I also bring an additional quality that
makes me the very best person for the job--my attitude for excellence. Not just giving lip service to excellence
but putting every part of myself into achieving it. In _____ and _____ I have consistently reached for becoming
the very best I can become by doing the following . . .

Is this answer useful? Yes | No Overall Rating: +7

7 0

August 24, 2005 02:44:00 #2 .

sunil aggarwal

RE: Why should we hire you?

you should hire me because i sincerely believe in the work.i have no more words to explains my thoughts but i
strongly believe in myself.i am fully confident optimist coprative and a very sensible person
i believe in work not in luck
because i know our tomorrow completely depends on today

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1 1
September 05, 2005 07:55:28 #3 .
Deepak A Gupta

RE: Why should we hire you?

I am sure there would be many people equally qualified and technically strong as I am. But I don't think this is the
only thing necesary to succeed in the software. I can lend an additional value equally important in the form of
Commitment to the job in hand. without the above quality according to me all the prerequisite qualifications and
technicalities are worthless.

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August 16, 2007 09:13:29 #4 .


RE: Why should we hire you?

Because I am the best person for this post I know that there are people who have ability for this post but I do have
that ability as well. and I am bringing an additional quality for my job to put myself in archiving goals every time
and going for extra mile.

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December 04, 2007 18:52:41 #5 .


Member Since: December 2007 Contribution: 3

RE: Why should we hire you?

Because I have what it takes to fill the requirements of this job - solving customer problems using my excellent
customer service skills (or fill in the blank depending on the job you are interviewing for--maybe look at the skills
listed in the posting for the job and match them)."

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March 08, 2008 12:18:34 #6 .


Member Since: March 2008 Contribution: 1

RE: Why should we hire you?

I belive that I have capabilities in myself for this position and I am sure i have a work experience with tose
process equipment which are used in such organisation.

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April 13, 2008 03:03:12 #7 .


Member Since: April 2008 Contribution: 1

RE: Why should we hire you?


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October 23, 2008 20:39:48 #8 .


Member Since: October 2008 Contribution: 1

RE: Why should we hire you?

I have the ability to communicate to other people.

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January 28, 2009 12:16:20 #9 .


Member Since: January 2009 Contribution: 1

RE: Why should we hire you?

I have the experience and expertise in this area of customer support that is required in this postion I am willing to
work harder train harder then anyone that you have hired or thinking about hiring.

Tell me About Urself.

What are Ur Strengths and Weakness.

Explain Ur Project in Claymen Words and Do U Tested it or not

Why do you want to join in Infosys? What do u know abt us?

Why should we hire you? What can u do for us if you are Selected?

What are your strengths and Weakness?

What's the time you faced a lot of trouble in your life and how you solved it?

And some more questions like this,

And questions based on your Interests and Hobbies?????..

They stress mainly on your hobbies, so be careful in answering to those questions.

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