New Approach To Leran Vocabulary For SSC

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A new approach to learn vocab

1. Abase: अपमानित करिा , िीचा दिखािा
Meaning: lower; degrade; humiliate; make humble; make (oneself) lose self
Mnemonics: : abase-abe(a slang used to degrade a person)+shhh(se)usually
an attempt to degrade a person's
opinion..overall goes to humiliate a person....
Synonyms debase, bastardize, canker, cheapen, corrupt, debauch, degrade, d
emean,demoralize, deprave, deteriorate, lessen, pervert, poison, profane, pro
stitute, subvert,vitiate, warp
Antonyms dignify, exalt, honor; ameliorate, amend, better, enhance, enrich,i
mprove, meliorate, perfect; clarify, clean, cleanse, purify, refine, restore; resp
2. Abash: अपमानित करिा
Meaning: embarrass
Mnemonics: : What happens when u get a bash? (bashing)....u
get embarrassed.
Synonyms embarrass, confound, confuse, discomfit, disconcert,
discountenance, faze, fluster,mortify, nonplus, rattle
Near Antonyms calm, comfort, console, relieve, soothe; cheer,
encourage,hearten; assure, reassure
3. Abate: कम करिा
Meaning: To reduce in amount; Put an end to; subside or moderate
Mnemonics: : ab+ate , conc on ate, if u ate (spent) all ur money , ur property comes
to an end (abate)
Synonyms decrease, decline, de-
escalate, die (away or down or out), diminish, drain(away), drop (off), dwindle, ease, e
bb, fall, fall away, lessen, let up, lower, moderate, pall,phase
down, ratchet (down) also rachet (down), recede, relent, remit, shrink, subside,taper, t
aper off, wane
Near Antonyms appear, emerge, show up; blow up, distend, elongate, lengthen
Antonyms accumulate, balloon, build, burgeon (also bourgeon), enlarge, escalate,expa
nd, grow, increase, intensify, mount, mushroom, pick
up, rise, snowball, soar, swell,wax
4. Abbreviate: संक्षिप्त करिा
Meaning: shorten
Mnemonics: : abbreviate has root brev (brief) in it; brev (brief)
means in short.
Hence meaning of abbreviate is to shorten something.
Synonyms shorten, abridge, curtail, cutback, dock, syncopate,
Antonyms elongate, extend, lengthen, prolong, protract,
enlarge, expand, maximize,
5. Abdicate: गद्दी छोड़ ििा
Meaning: renounce; give up (position, right, or responsibility)
Mnemonics: : ab (root ab means away as in abandon) + dic
(dictatorship) + ate (to eat and hence reduce) : means to give
away (or reduce) dictatorship and hence to give-up power.
Synonyms abnegate, cede, relinquish, renounce, resign, step
aside (from), step down (from),surrender
NearAntonyms appropriate, arrogate, assume, claim, confiscate;
seize, takeover, defend, guard, protect, safeguard, secure
6. Aberrant: अिनतक , पथभ्रष्ट
Meaning: abnormal or deviant
Mnemonics: : ab (away) + err (error) + ant : focus on ERR and ANT. Ants
normally move together in a queue. imagine all
these ants moving randomly like a group of honey bees. That would be
abnormal behaviour.
Synonyms exceptional, aberrated, abnormal, anomalous, atypical, especial,
exceeding,extraordinaire, extraordinary, freak, odd, peculiar, phenomenal,
preternatural, rare,singular, uncommon, uncustomary, unique, unusual,
Antonyms common, customary, normal, ordinary, typical, unexceptional,
unextraordinary, usual
7. Abet: अपराध में सहायक होिा , उकसािा
Meaning: assist usually in doing something wrong; encourage
Mnemonics: : a+bet a bet generally assists you to do something wrong
Synonyms incite, brew, ferment, foment, instigate, pick, provoke, raise,
stir (up), whip (up)
Antonyms bridle, check, constrain, curb, discourage, hold, inhibit, regu
late, rein(in), restrain, tame; allay, calm, quiet, settle, soothe, still, subd
ue, tranquilize (alsotranquillize)
8. Abeyance: प्रसप्ु तावस्था , स्थगि
Meaning: suspended action, a state of temporary inactivity <our weekend
plans were held in abeyance until we could get a weather forecast
Mnemonics: : it seemingly sounds like ab+yawns.... so, think of something like
'students started yawning and so the
teacher gave them 5 mins break' i.e. temporary suspension...
Synonyms cold storage, deep freeze, doldrums, dormancy, holding
pattern, latency,moratorium, quiescence, suspended
animation, suspense, suspension
Antonyms continuance, continuation
9: Mundane : नीरस, साधारण, साांसाररक
(adj) lacking interest or excitement; dull; the u da e aspe ts of dail life
(adj) of this earthly world rather than a heavenly or spiritual one; the
mundane world
Mnemonics: M-Mundane sounds like Monday. After an exciting weekend,
Monday is just another mundane day.
Synonyms everyday, nitty-gritty, prosaic, terrestrial, workaday
Antonyms heavenly, nontemporal, unearthly, unworldly
10. Prosaic: नीरस, फीका, बरस, मामूली, शुष्क, साधारण
(adj) lacking imaginativeness or originality; p osai la guage a t o e
the e pe ie e
(adj) commonplace; unromantic; the asses e e too p eo upied
prosaic day-to-day concerns
Mnemonics: Prosaic – Prozac is a tablet given to depressed people.
Depressed people are dull and unimaginative
Synonyms average, common, commonplace, cut-and-dried (also cut-and-
dry), everyday,garden-variety, normal, ordinary, routine, run-of-the-
mill, standard, standard-issue,unexceptional, unremarkable, usual, workaday
Antonyms abnormal, exceptional, extraordinary, odd, out-of-the-
way, strange, unusual
11. Slobber: लार टपकना, थूक, लार
(verb) have saliva dripping copiously from the mouth; She u te ded to
slo e
(noun) saliva dripping copiously from the mouth; slo e s u g i hite
strings from her jaw
Mnemonics: Slobber – this slow bear slobber a lot.
Synonyms drool, slaver, saliva, spit, spittle
12:Relinquish: छ ड़ना, त्यागना, त्याग दना, छ ड़ दना, अलग करना, अलग
कर दना. हाथ उठा लना
(verb) voluntarily cease to keep or claim; give up; he offe ed to eli uish
his post as acting President
Mnemonics: relinquish = release your wish
Synonyms cede, cough up, deliver, give up, hand over, lay
down, surrender, render, turn in, turn over, yield
Near Antonyms keep, retain, withhold
13.Valiant : ददलर, पराक्रमी, बहादरु , विक्राांत, िीर, शूर, शूरिीर, साहसी, बहादरु ाना, िीरतापूणण
(adj) possessing or showing courage or determination; she ade a alia t effo t to
hold her anger in check
Mnemonics: Valiant –> g eat effo t a t i the alle
Synonyms bold, courageous, dauntless, doughty, fearless, gallant,
greathearted, gutsy, gutty,heroic (also heroical), intrepid, lionhearted, manful, stalwart, stout, sto
uthearted,undauntable, undaunted, brave, valorous
Antonyms chicken, chickenhearted, chicken-
livered, coward, cowardly, craven, dastardly,fainthearted, fearful, gutless, lily-livered, milk-
livered [archaic], nerveless, poltroon, poor-
spirited, pusillanimous, spineless, spiritless, timorous, uncourageous, ungallant, unheroic,weakhe
arted, yellow
14.Effervescent: उत्तजित, उत्साहपूण,ण प्रबुदबुद, चमकता हुआ, उत्साही ि अतत अनुरागी
(adj) vivacious and enthusiastic; effe es e t ou g people
(adj) (of a liquid) giving off bubbles; fizzy; a effe es e t i tu e of heap i e,
fruit flavours, sugar, and carbon dioxide
Mnemonics: effe ti e s e t lagaoge toh ladki o u hale gi… (Your scent can make
girls effervescent)
Synonyms bouncy, bubbly, buoyant, crank [chiefly
dialect], exuberant, frolic, frolicsome,gamesome, high-spirited, vivacious
Antonyms low-spirited, sullen
15. Brusque: अशशष्ट, बअदब, रूखा
(adj) abrupt or offhand in speech or manner; she ould e
brusque and impatient

Mnemonics: brush kyun??? I dont want to brush and kiss you!

Synonyms abrupt, bluff, blunt (also brusk), crusty, curt,

downright, short, short-spoken,snippy, unceremonious

Antonyms circuitous, mealymouthed

16.Virulent: उग्र, िहरीला, तीखा, द्र ही, विषमय, विषाक्त, विषला, सांक्रामक
(adj) of a disease o poiso e t e el se e e o ha ful i its effe ts; a
i ule t st ai of i flue za
(adj) bitterly hostile; a i ule t atta k o li e alis

Mnemonics: viru =virus = poison

Synonyms bad [slang], bitchy, catty, cruel, despiteful, malevolent, malicious,

malign,malignant, mean, nasty, spiteful, vicious, hateful
Antonyms benevolent, benign, benignant, loving, unmalicious
17. Wallop: प्रहार,खूब मारना, ज र स मारना
(verb) strike or hit very hard; the alloped the a k of his head ith a
sti k
(verb) heavily defeat (an opponent); e e e alloped Mila
(noun) a heavy blow or punch; I ga e it a allop ith oot

Mnemonics: wallop = wall + up , wallop padte hi wall ke upar chad gaya

Synonyms bump, collision, concussion, crash, impingement, jar, jolt, jounce, k

ick, shock,slam, smash, strike, impact
18. Consternation: घबराहट, व्याकुलता, सनसनी
(noun) a feeling of anxiety or dismay, typically at something unexpected; to
he o ste atio he a ould t sta t

Mnemonics: conster (~monster) + nation, monster in your nation will cause

synonyms:dismay, perturbation, anxiety, distress, disquiet, disquietude, disco
mposure, angst,trepidation
19.Hysteria: शमरगी, िातोंमाद
(noun) exaggerated or uncontrollable emotion or excitement.
(noun) an old-fashioned term for a psychological disorder characterized by
conversion of psychological stress into physical symptoms (somatization) or a change
in self-awareness.

Mnemonics: h ste ia = histo + ste … eates lot of excitement… dinosaur

Synonyms agitation, deliriousness, delirium, distraction, fever, feverishness, flap, furor,
furore, fury, frenzy, rage, rampage, uproar
Antonyms calm, calmness, peace, peacefulness, placidity, quiet, quietude, repose,restf
ulness, sereneness, serenity, still, stillness, tranquillity (or tranquility), tranquilness
20. Infringement: अततक्रमण, अततलांघन, उल्लांघन
(noun) the action of breaking the terms of a law, agreement, etc.;
violation; a i f i ge e t of the la
(noun) the action of limiting or undermining something; the i f i ge e t
of the right to privacy

Mnemonics: infringe = in + firangi –> pakistani firangi crossing LOC and

o i g to I dia… infringement

Synonyms contravention, infraction, breach, transgression, trespass, violation

Antonyms noninfringement, nonviolation, observance
21. Scathing: तीखा, हातन पहुांचान िाला, नक ु सान पहुांचान िाला
(adj) witheringly scornful; severely critical; Kej i al launched a scathing attack on
the Prime Minister
Mnemonics : scathing = scary + thing

Synonyms acerb, acerbic, acid, acidic, acidulous, acrid, barbed, biting, caustic, corrosiv
e,cutting, mordant, pungent, sardonic, satiric (or satirical), scalding, sarcastic, sharp, s
mart-aleck, smart-alecky, smart-mouthed, snarky, tart
Antonyms amusing, droll, merry, playful, sportive, waggish; gentle, mild; bland; good-
humored, good-
natured; diplomatic, polite, smooth, suave, urbane; affable, cordial, genial,gracious, ho
spitable, sociable
22. Scamper: तजी स द ड़ िाना, भाग िाना, रफूचक्कर ह िाना
(verb) (especially of a small animal or child) run with quick light steps, especially
through fear or excitement; he s a pe ed i like a o e g o pupp
(noun) a a t of s a pe i g; he heard the squeak and scamper of rats

Mnemonics : s a per = s a + per … s a karke scamper

Synonyms dash, gallop, jog, run, sprint, trip, trot

Antonyms amble, saunter, shamble, shuffle, stroll; crawl, creep, dally, dawdle, dillydall
y,drag, lag, linger, loiter, poke, tarry; lumber, plod, trudge; hobble, limp
23.Sacrosanct: पवित्र, पुण्यमय, पुनीत
(adj) (especially of a principle, place, or routine) regarded as too important
o alua le to e i te fe ed ith; the i di idual s ight to o k has ee
upheld as sacrosanct

Mnemonics : Sacrosanct = Sacro (100 s) + sa t ; so ethi g ust e

sa red here.
Synonyms hallowed, holy, inviolable, sacred, unassailable, untouchable
Near Antonyms blasphemous, irreverent, profane, sacrilegious
Antonyms deconsecrated, desacralized, unconsecrated, unhallowed
24. Seclusion: तनहाई, अकलापन, एकाांतता
(noun) the state of ei g p i ate a d a a f o othe people; they enjoyed
ten days of peace and seclusion
Mnemonics : seclude — opposite of include

Synonyms aloneness, insulation, privacy, secludedness, isolation, segregation,

separateness,sequestration, solitariness, solitude
Antonyms camaraderie, companionship, company, comradeship, fellowship, s
25. Sedulous: पररश्रमी, महनती
(adj) of a pe so o a tio sho i g dedi atio a d dilige e; he watched
himself with the most sedulous care

Mnemonics : seducing a lady is no doubt a sedulous task

Synonyms active, assiduous, bustling, diligent, employed, engaged, hopping, i

ndustrious,laborious, occupied, busy, tied-up, working
Antonyms free; asleep, dormant, latent, lifeless, quiescent, sleepy; inert, pass
ive; dead,dull, slow; inoperative, nonoperating
Antonyms idle, inactive, unbusy, unemployed, unoccupied
26.Siesta: द पहर का आराम
(noun) an afternoon rest or nap, especially one taken during the hottest
hours of the day in a hot climate; e e o e had a siesta fo a fe hou s

Mnemonics : ford fiesta mein siesta

Synonyms catnap, doze, drowse, forty winks, kip [chiefly

British], {h,1}nap, snooze, wink
Related Words repose, rest; slumber; bed
27.Subjugate: अधीन करना, िीतना, गल ु ाम बनाना, दास बनाना
(verb) i g u de do i atio o o t ol, espe iall o uest; the
i ade s had soo su jugated ost of the populatio
(verb) make someone or something subordinate to; the e ule fi l
subjugated the Church to the state

Mnemonics : su jugate = Su + jhug ga e e e saa e..

Synonyms dominate, overpower, pacify, subdue, subject, conquer, subordinat

e, vanquish
Antonyms discharge, emancipate, enfranchise, free, liberate, manumit, releas
e, spring,unbind, uncage, unchain, unfetter
28. Misconstrue: गलत समझना, अशुद्ध अथण करना, गलत अथण लगाना
(verb) i te p et a pe so s o ds o a tio s o gl ; his i diffe e e a
easily be misconstrued as arrogance

Mnemonics : miscontrue = missing the truepart

Synonyms misapprehend, misunderstand, misinterpret, misknow, misperceiv

e, misread, miss,mistake
Antonyms appreciate, apprehend, catch, comprehend, conceive, fathom, get,
grasp, grok,know, make out, penetrate, perceive, savvy, see, seize, take
in, understand
(noun) a countless or extremely great number of people or things; riads of i se ts
da ed arou d the light a o e head
(noun) (chiefly in classical history) a unit of ten thousand; the ar as orga ized o a
decimal system, up to divisions of 10,000 or riads
(adj) countless or extremely great in number; the riad lights of the it
(adj) having countless or very many elements or aspects; the riad politi al s e e
Myriad दस हजर, हजारों, अनगगनत सांख्या, असांख्य, बशुमार, लाखों, हिारों
(noun) a countless or extremely great number of people or things; riads of i se ts
da ed arou d the light a o e head
(noun) (chiefly in classical history) a unit of ten thousand; the ar as orga ized o a
decimal system, up to divisions of 10,000 or riads
(adj) countless or extremely great in number; the riad lights of the it
(adj) having countless or very many elements or aspects; the riad politi al s e e

Myriad = My + Raid,,,, Myriad money ke karan mere yahan raid pad gayi

Synonyms innumerable, innumerous, countless, numberless,

uncountable, uncounted,unnumbered, untold

Antonyms countable, enumerable, numberable

Proselytize फुसलाना, धमाणन्तरण करना

(verb) convert or attempt to convert (someone) from one religion, belief, or opinion to
another; I ot here to prosel tize
(verb) advocate or promote (a belief or course of action); Da is a ted to share his
o ept a d prosel tize his ideas

proselytize = hypnotize

Synonyms missionize; brainwash, influence, sway; propagate

Antonyms secularize; dissuade
Nonchalant बपरिाह, उदासीन, तनलणज्ि
(adj) (of a person or manner) feeling or appearing casually calm and relaxed;
ot displa i g a iet , i te est, o e thusias ; she ga e a o hala t shrug

nonchalant = non + challenge (koi matlab hi nahi hai)

Synonyms apathetic, casual, complacent, disinterested, incurious, insensible, indiffe

rent, unconcerned, uncurious, uninterested
Antonyms concerned, interested
Nibble कुतरना, मुांह मारना
(verb) take small bites out of; he i led a is uit
(informal) show cautious interest in a commercial opportunity; there s a A eri a
age t i li g
(noun) an act or instance of nibbling.

Synonyms bite, mouthful, morsel, nugget

Nibble कुतरना, मुांह मारना
(verb) take small bites out of; he i led a is uit
(informal) show cautious interest in a commercial opportunity; there s a A eri a
age t i li g
(noun) an act or instance of nibbling.

Synonyms bite, mouthful, morsel, nugget

Nexus बांधन, सांपकण, सम्बन्ध, ताल्लुक़, शमलीभगत, साांठ-गाांठ
(noun) a connection or series of connections linking two or more things; the e us
et ee i dustr a d politi al po er
(noun) a central or focal point; the e us of a go er e t i this ou tr is No. 10

e us = e t to us… li k

Synonyms catena, catenation, concatenation, consecution, ch

ain, progression, sequence,string, train
Nexus बांधन, सांपकण, सम्बन्ध, ताल्लुक़, शमलीभगत, साांठ-गाांठ
(noun) a connection or series of connections linking two or more things; the e us
et ee i dustr a d politi al po er
(noun) a central or focal point; the e us of a go er e t i this ou tr is No. 10

e us = e t to us… li k

Synonyms catena, catenation, concatenation, consecution, ch

ain, progression, sequence,string, train
Nomad आवारा, बंजारा, घुमक्कड़
(noun) a person who does not stay long in the same place; a wanderer; Doll as a
o ad ho had fi all take root i Ha aii
(noun) a member of a people that travels from place to place to find fresh pasture for
its animals and has no permanent home.

o ou are ad … keeps o roa i g fro it to it ..

Synonyms ambulant, ambulatory, errant, fugitive, gallivanting (also galavanting), itiner

ant,nomadic, perambulatory, peregrine, peripatetic, ranging, roaming, roving, vagabon
d, vagrant,wandering, wayfaring
Antonyms immobile, nonmoving, settled, standing, static, stationary; motionless, still
Nomad आवारा, बंजारा, घुमक्कड़
(noun) a person who does not stay long in the same place; a wanderer; Doll as a
o ad ho had fi all take root i Ha aii
(noun) a member of a people that travels from place to place to find fresh pasture for
its animals and has no permanent home.

o ou are ad … keeps o roa i g fro it to it ..

Synonyms ambulant, ambulatory, errant, fugitive, gallivanting (also galavanting), itiner

ant,nomadic, perambulatory, peregrine, peripatetic, ranging, roaming, roving, vagabon
d, vagrant,wandering, wayfaring
Antonyms immobile, nonmoving, settled, standing, static, stationary; motionless, still
Arson आग लगान का अपराध
(noun) the criminal act of deliberately setting fire to property.

arson – arre son, yeh kya kiya tumhne.. aag laga di..
Culinary पाक शाला सांबांधी, रस ई का
(adj) of or relating to or used in cooking; uli ar skills

culinary = curry = cooking related
Replica प्रनतकृनत, प्रनतरूप, प्रनतरूप
(noun) an exact copy or model of something, especially one on a smaller
scale; A elie as ph si all a repli a of her other

replica – rep.. rep.. repetition – same face

Synonyms alterego, carbon, carbon-copy, clone,

counterpart, doppelgänger (ordoppelganger), double, duplicate, facsimile
, likeness, look-alike, match,mirror image, twin
Antonyms archetype, original, prototype, converse, opposite, reverse
Halcyon शांत, खुशगवार, शान्ततपूर्ण

(adj) denoting a period of time in the past that was idyllically happy and
peaceful; the hal o da s of the 1960s
(noun) a mythical bird said to breed at the time of the winter solstice in a nest floating
on the sea and to have the power of calming the winds and waves.
(Greek mythology) a woman who was turned into a kingfisher.
hal o ole toh halke di … halka halka sa eh asha…

Synonyms calm, hushed, lown [dialect], peaceful, placid, quiet, serene, still, st
illy, tranquil,untroubled
Antonyms agitated, angry, inclement, restless, rough, stormy, tempestuous, t
urbulent,unquiet, unsettled
A new approach to learn vocab

Root : AB
Meaning : ( off, away from, apart (prefix) )

1.Aberration विपथन, असामान्यता 2. Abdicate त्यागना

 the fact or an instance of  to renounce a throne, high

deviating or office,
being aberrant especially  dignity, or function
from a moral
 standard or normal state
Root : AB
Meaning : ( off, away from, apart (prefix) )

3. Abject : अधम, दयनीय, दीन-हीन 4.Absence अनप

ु स्थथतत

 sunk to or existing in a low  a state or condition in

state or condition : very which something expected,
bad or severe wanted, or looked for is
 cast down in spirit, not present or does not
exist : a state or
 showing hopelessness condition in which
or resignation something is absent
Root : AB
Meaning : ( off, away from, apart (prefix) )

5.Absolute 6.Abstinence
 पर्
ू ,ण असीम तनरं कुश, परम,तत्त्ि,  परहज़
पूरा, पूर्,ण पर्
ू तण या
• the practice
• free from imperfection of abstaining from
• being, governed by, or something : the practice
characteristic of a ruler or of not doing or having
authority completely free something that is wanted
from constitutional or other
or enjoyable
restraint <absolute power>
• having no restriction,
exception, or
qualification <an absolute req
uirement> <absolutefreedom>
Root : AB
Meaning : ( off, away from, apart (prefix) )

7.Abstract 8.Abundance
 सार  प्रचुरता
 difficult to understand  an ample quantity
 a summary of points (as  relative degree of
of a writing) plentifulness
 usually presented
in skeletal form
Root : AB
Meaning : ( off, away from, apart (prefix) )

9.Abbreviate 10.Abnormal
 संक्षिप्त करना  असामान्य
 to reduce (a word or • deviating from the normal
name) to a shorter form or average
 intended to stand for the  <a person with abnormal
whole  [=exceptional] strength>
• unusual in an unwelcome or
problematic way
Root : ABIL
Meaning : ( aptitude सहज योग्यता, handy आसान )

1. िमता योग्यता 2. सामर्थयण ,योग्यता
 the quality or state of  the quality or state of
being capable being able
 <the ability of the soil
to hold water>
Root : ABIL
Meaning : ( aptitude सहज योग्यता, handy आसान )

 अयोग्य , असमर्थ
 lacking capacity, ability, or
 for the purpose or end in
Root : ABS
Meaning : ( off, away from से दरू , संकोच करना, apart
अलग-अलग, के अततररक्त )

 अपहरर् करना  संयमी
 to seize and take away (a  marked by restraint
person) by force especially in the eating
 <The girl was abducted by  of food or drinking of
kidnappers.> alcohol
Root : ABS
Meaning : ( off, away from से दरू , संकोच करना, apart
अलग-अलग, के अततररक्त )

3. AVERSION Other examples :

ृ ा

 a feeling
of repugnance toward ABSTRACTION,
something ABSENT,
 with a desire to avoid or
turn from it ABSTAIN,

Meaning : ( bitter , कटु, कठोर, दुःु खद )

 कसला, तीखा  कड़वापन
 sharply or bitingly critical,  the quality of
sarcastic, or ironic in
temper, mood, or tone
being acerbic
Meaning : ( bitter , कटु, कठोर, दुःु खद )

 बिगाड़ दना  sharp and harsh or
 to make more unpleasantly pungent in
violent, bitter, or severe taste or odor
 <The new law
only exacerbates the
Meaning : ( bitter , कटु, कठोर, दुःु खद )

 कटुतापूर्ण
 angry and
bitter : caustic, biting,
or rancorous especially in
feeling, language, or
 <an acrimonious dispute>
Root : ACOU
Meaning : ( hearing, सुनने की क्षमता )

 ध्ितनशाथर
 of, relating to, or
experienced through the
sense of hearing
 <is a
bird's acoustic organ
similar to a human's?>
Root : ACRO
Meaning : ( pointed, upper, top, first )

 abnormal dread of being in  आददिर्र्णक शब्द
a high place : fear of  a word (such as NATO,
heights radar, or laser) formed
from, the initial letter or
letters of each of the
 parts or major parts of a
compound term
Root : ACRO
Meaning : ( pointed, upper, top, first )

 कलािाज़ • the upper fortified part of
 one that performs an ancient Greek city
gymnastic feats requiring • a usually fortified height
skillful of a city or district
 control of the body elsewhere
Root : ACT
( move, go, do, drive चलाना, अभियान ,कमथशक्क्त, urge
आगे बड़ाना ,उत्तेक्जत करना, दृढतापव
ू क
थ अननु य करना , प्रेररत करना , प्रोत्साहहत करना act )

 कायणिाही करना ,  सक्रियतािादी
 a thing done  a doctrine or practice that
 an act of will emphasizes direct
vigorous action especially
 <an emergency
in support of or opposition
requiring action>
to one side of a
 the manner or method of controversial issue
performing  <political activism>
Root : ACT
( move, go, do, drive चलाना, अभियान ,कमथशक्क्त, urge
आगे बड़ाना ,उत्तेक्जत करना, दृढतापव
ू क
थ अननु य करना , प्रेररत करना , प्रोत्साहहत करना act )

 दश्ु मनी मोल लना  एकदम सही
 to make ineffective or  to call for as necessary
restrain or neutralize the or desirable
usually ill effects of by
means of an opposite
 force, action, or influence
Root : ACT
( move, go, do, drive चलाना, अभियान ,कमथशक्क्त, urge
आगे बड़ाना ,उत्तेक्जत करना, दृढतापव
ू क
थ अननु य करना , प्रेररत करना , प्रोत्साहहत करना act )

 प्रततक्रियािादी  पूिण प्रभािी
 relating to, marked by, or  extending in scope or
favoring reaction effect to a prior time or
to conditions that existed
or originated in the past
Root : ACT
( move, go, do, drive चलाना, अभियान ,कमथशक्क्त, urge
आगे बड़ाना ,उत्तेक्जत करना, दृढतापव
ू क
थ अननु य करना , प्रेररत करना , प्रोत्साहहत करना act )

 कारोिार करना  िारतालाप, पारथपररक क्रिया
 to carry on business  mutual or reciprocal action
or influence
Root : ACU
Meaning : ( sharp )

 तज़, धारदार, नुकीला  कुशाग्रता
 characterized by  keenness and depth of
sharpness or severity perception, discernment,
 lasting a short time or discrimination especially
in practical matters
Root : ACU
Meaning : ( sharp )

 an originally Chinese
practice of inserting fine
needles through the skin
at specific points
especially to cure disease
or relieve pain
Root : AD
Meaning : ( to, towards, near (prefix) )

1. Adequate 2. Adhere
 पयाणप्त, योग्य  चचपकना, समथणन करना
 sufficient for a specific  to hold fast or stick by or
need or requirement as if by gluing, suction,
 of a quality that is good grasping, or fusing
or acceptable  to give support or maintain
Root : AD
Meaning : ( to, towards, near (prefix) )

3. Adjourned 4. Admission
 थथचगत करना  दार्खला ममलना, थिीकृतत
 to suspend indefinitely or  the act or process
until a later stated time of admitting
 to move to another place  a fee paid at or for
 acknowledgment that a
fact or statement is true
Root : AD
Meaning : ( to, towards, near (prefix) )

5. Admonish 6. Adventurous
 चतािनी दना, डााँटना  उत्साही, जोर्खम भरा, साहमसक
 to indicate duties or  disposed to
obligations to seek adventure or to cope
 to express warning or with the new and unknown
disapproval to especially in  characterized by unknown
a gentle, earnest, dangers and risks
or solicitousmanner
Root : AD
Meaning : ( to, towards, near (prefix) )

7. Adversity 8. Advocate
 विपस्त्तजनक स्थथतत, कदठनाई  आग्रह करना, समथणन करना
 a state or instance of  one who pleads the cause
serious or continued of another before
difficulty or misfortune a tribunal or judicial court
 e.g. : showing courage in  one who defends or
the face of adversity maintains a cause or
Root : AEDI
Meaning : ( house, temple )

 नततक उन्नतत  ऊाँचा उठाना
 a large or massive  to instruct and improve
structure especially in moral and
 a large abstract structure religious knowledge
Root : AER
Meaning : ( air )

 िायुगततकी  आकाशीय, हिाई
 a branch of dynamics that  of, relating to, or
deals with the motion of occurring in the air or
air and other gaseous atmosphere
fluids and with the forces
acting on bodies in motion
relative to such fluids
Root : AER
Meaning : ( air )

 िाय-ु सतनक  a science that deals with
 one who operates or the physics and chemistry
travels in an airship or of the upper atmosphere
balloon of planets
Root : AER
Meaning : ( air )

 to put air or a gas into
(something, such as soil or
a liquid)
Root : AG
Meaning : ( move, go, do, drive, urge, act )

 अमभकताण, गुप्तचर  संथथा
 one that acts or exerts  the office or function of
power an agent
 something that produces or  an establishment engaged
is capable of producing an in doing business for
effect another
 one who is authorized to
act for or in the place of
Root : AG
Meaning : ( move, go, do, drive, urge, act )

 कायणसूची, गुप्त उद्दश्यअ  फुती
 a list or outline of things  the quality or state of
to be considered or done being agile
 an underlying
often ideological plan or
 e.g. : a political agenda
Root : AG
Meaning : ( move, go, do, drive, urge, act )

 being clotted or congealed  यहूदी उपासनागह

 the house of worship and
communal center of a
Jewish congregation
Root : a/n
Meaning : not, without

1. Abyss 2. Achromatic
 without bottom  without color
Root : a/n
Meaning : not, without

3. Anhydrous
 without water
Root : a
Meaning : on

1. Afire 2. Ashore
 on fire  on the shore
Root : a
Meaning : on

3. Aside
 on the side
a, ab/s
from, away, off

1. Abduct 2. Abnormal
 carry away by force  away from normal
 not normal
a, ab/s
from, away, off

3. Absent 4. Aversion
 Away, not present  the act of turning
away from
a, ab/s
from, away, off

5. Abbreviate
 to shorten
Root : a/c/d
Meaning : to, toward, near

1. Accelerate 2. Accessible
 to increase the speed  easily entered,
of  approached, or
Root : a/c/d
Meaning : to, toward, near

3. Admittance
 allowing into
Root: acro
Meaning : top, height, tip, beginning

1. Acrobat 2. Acronym
 a "high walker"  a word formed from
the first (capital)
letters of a word
Root: acro
Meaning : top, height, tip, beginning

3. Acrophobia
 fear of height
Root : agr/i/o
Meaning : farming
1. Agriculture 2. Agribusiness
 management of the  making money by
land utilizing land
Root : agr/i/o
Meaning : farming
3. Agrarian
 relating to the
management of land
Root : alg/o
Meaning : pain

1. Neuralgia 2. Analgesic
 pain caused by a  a drug that makes one
nerve pain free
Root : alg/o
Meaning : pain

3. Nostalgia
 aching for the familiar
Root : ambi, amphi
Meaning : both, on both sides, around

1. Ambidextrous 2. Ambiguous
 able to use both hands  having more than one
equally meaning
Root : ambi, amphi
Meaning : both, on both sides, around

3. Ambivalence
 conflicting or opposite
feelings toward a
person or thing
Root : ambul
Meaning : walk, move

amble ambulant

 to walk in a slow,  walking or moving

relaxed way around
Root : ambul
Meaning : walk, move


 a vehicle that moves a

Root : ami/o
Meaning : love
amiable amity

 friendly, pleasant,  friendly and peaceful

lovable relations
Root : ana
Meaning : up, back, against, again, throughout

analysis anatomy

 a close examination of  the structure of

something something as visible
when cut up for
Root : ana
Meaning : up, back, against, again, throughout


 not being in the right

place in time
Root : andr/o
Meaning : man, male

androgynous android

 being both male and  resembling a human

Root : andr/o
Meaning : man, male


 hatred towards men

Root : anim
Meaning : life, spirit

animal animate

 a living organism  to make alive

Root : anim
Meaning : life, spirit


 of balanced spirit
Root : ann/enn
Meaning: year

anniversary annual

 a date observed once  happening once a

a year year
Root : ann/enn
Meaning: year


 1,000 years
Root : ante
Meaning : before, in front

antecede antemeridian

 to come before  before noon

something in time
Root : ante
Meaning : before, in front


 a small room before

the main room
Root : anth/o
Meaning : flower

chrysanthemum and amaranth anthology

 names of flowers  a collection of

treasured writings
Root : anth/o
Meaning : flower


 half plant, half animal,

like anemones and
Root: anthrop/o
Meaning : human

anthropology anthropomorphism

 the study of mankind  giving human form to

non-human things
Root: anthrop/o
Meaning : human


 the love to mankind

(expressed through
good deeds)
Root : anti
Meaning : against, opposite of

antibody antiseptic

 a substance that  preventing infection

destroys micro-
Root : anti
Meaning : against, opposite of


 opposing social norm

Root : apo, apho
Meaning : away, off, separate

aphorism apology

 a short expression of a  an explicit expression

general truth of regret
Root : apo, apho
Meaning : away, off, separate


 a small dash used in

place of an omitted
Root : aqu/a
Meaning : water

1. Aquarium 2. Aquatic
 a water container for  relating to water
Root : aqu/a
Meaning : water

3. Aquaculture 4. Aqualung
 The rearing of aquatic  A portable breathing
animals or the apparatus for divers,
consisting of cylinders of
cultivation of aquatic compressed air
plants for food. strapped on the diver's
back, feeding air
automatically through a
mask or mouthpiece.
Root : aqu/a
Meaning : water

5. Aqueduct
6. Aquarium

 a pipeline for water  a tank or pool or bowl

filled with water for
keeping live fish and
underwater animals
Root : arbor
Meaning : tree

1. Arborist 2. Arbor
 someone working with  - a shady area formed
trees by trees
Root : arbor
Meaning : tree

3. Arborous 2. Arborescent
 having many trees  Tree-like in growth or
Root : arbor
Meaning : tree

5. Arboreal 6. Arboriculture
 Living in trees  The cultivation of trees
and shrubs.
Root : arch/i
Meaning : chief, most important, rule

1. Archbishop 2. Archenemy
 the highest ranking  chief or worst enemy
Root : arch/i
Meaning : chief, most important, rule

3. Matriarch 4. Monarch
 a female who rules  a king or queen
a group
Root : arch/a/i
Meaning : primitive, ancient

1. Archaeology 2. Archaic
 the study of ancient  belonging to an
cultures earlier period
Root : arch/a/i
Meaning : primitive, ancient

3. Archive 4. Archaeoastronomy
 a collection of  The investigation of
historical materials the astronomical
knowledge of
prehistoric cultures.
Root : arthr/o
Meaning : joint

1. Arthroscope 2. Arthritis
 a tool to see inside a  inflammation of a joint
Root : arthr/o
Meaning : joint

3. Arthropod 4. Arthralgia
 invertebrates with  Pain in a joint
jointed legs, like
spiders, crustaceans,
Root : art
Meaning : skill

1. Artifact 2. Artisan
 object made by a  a person skilled in a
person's skill craft
Root : art
Meaning : skill

3. Artist
 a person who
creates skillfully
Root : astro,aster
Meaning : star, stars, outer space

1. Astronaut 2. Astronomer
 a person traveling to  someone who studies
the stars the stars
Root : astro,aster
Meaning : star, stars, outer space

3. Asterisk 4. Asteroid
 - a star-shaped sign  A small rocky body
used as a reference orbiting the sun.
Root : astro,aster
Meaning : star, stars, outer space

5. Astrobiology 6. Astrology
 The branch of biology  The study of the
concerned with the movements and relative
study of life on earth positions of celestial
and in space. bodies interpreted as
having an influence on
human affairs and the
natural world.
Root : aud/i/io
Meaning : hear

1. Audible 2. Audience
 loud enough to be  people who listen to a
heard program
Root : aud/i/io
Meaning : hear

3. Audiovisual 4. Audience
 relating to sound and  The assembled
vision spectators or listeners
at a public event, such
as a play, movie,
concert, or meeting.
Root : auto
Meaning : self, same, one

1. Autocrat 2. Autograph
 a person who governs  a person's own
with absolute power signature
Root : auto
Meaning : self, same, one

3. Automatic 4. Autonomy
 moving by itself  political independence
Root : aud/i/io
Meaning : hear

5. Autobiography 6. Autocracy
 a book or account of  a theory favoring
your own life unlimited authority by
an individual
Root : aud/i/io
Meaning : hear

7. Autograph
 a person's own
Root : avi/a
Meaning : bird

1. Aviary 2. Aviatrix
 a large enclosure for  a female airplane
birds pilot
Root : avi/a
Meaning : bird

3. Aviation 4. Aviator
 the art of designing or  A pilot.
operating aircraft
Root : avi/a
Meaning : bird

5. Avian
 Anything avian relates
to birds. Avian flu is
the bird flu, which
birds can pass to
Root : ALACR
Meaning : ( swift, lively )


 Brisk and cheerful  Brisk or lively

 Someone  quick and eager
with alacrity shows
cheerful willingness and
eager behavior, like a
kid whose mother has
told him he can buy
anything in a candy
Root : ALI
Meaning : ( other, another )

 A claim or piece of evidence that
 a name that has been one was elsewhere when an act,
typically a criminal one, is alleged to
assumed temporarily have taken place:
 Your alibi is evidence that proves
 Jitendra Veer Pratap your innocence. If you were making
cookies with your mom when
Singh alias Jeh Singh someone raided your sister's piggy
bank, your mom is youralibi, since she
knows you were with her when the
crime was committed.
Root : ALI
Meaning : ( other, another )


 being or from or characteristic  arouse hostility or

of another place or part of indifference in where
the world
there had formerly been
 Something that's alien is
different or foreign. In science love, affection, or
fiction, space alienscome from friendliness
other planets. In reality,  When
illegalaliens come from other
countries. you alienate people,
you make them stop
liking or caring about
Root : ALI
Meaning : ( other, another )

 incapable of being repudiated
or transferred to another
 Something that is yours forever,
that can’t be taken away and
given to your little brother
instead? That something would
be called inalienable. The word
refers to a natural right that
cannot be revoked by an outside
Root : ALL
Meaning : ( other )


 any of several  being everywhere

different crystalline equidistant and not
forms of the same intersecting
chemical compound  parallel means similar, or
 “calcium carbonate happening at the same
occurs in time. A story might
the allomorphs calcite
the parallel lives of three
and aragonite” close friends.
Root : ALL
Meaning : ( other )


 a short moral story (often  hypersensitivity reaction to a

with animal characters) particular allergen; symptoms
can vary greatly in intensity
 The figurative style known
as allegory has nothing do  An allergy is a physical
reaction to some specific food
with alligators — unless or substance. If you have
you're telling a story anallergy to cats, they'll make
where alligators represent you itchy and swollen no
evil forces snapping at matter how much you love to
humanity pet them.
Root : ALL
Meaning : ( other )


 the usual method of

treating disease with
remedies that produce
effects differing from
those produced by the
disease itself
Root : ALT
Meaning : ( high )


 elevation especially  an instrument that

above sea level or measures the height
above the earth's
surface above ground; used in
 Something that is far
above sea level — such
as Mount Everest — is
said to have a
high altitude.
Root : ALT
Meaning : ( high )


 An altar is a raised  of high moral or

area in a house of
worship where people intellectual value;
can honor God with elevated in nature or
offerings. It is prominent style
in the Bible as "God's
table," a sacred place
for sacrifices and gifts
offered up to God.
Root : ALTER
Meaning : ( other )

ALTERNATE Altercation

 every second one of a  noisy quarrel

series  Altercation is a nicer
 On a checkerboard, word for "quarrel,"
black which is a nicer word
squaresalternate with for "fight."
white ones.
Root : ALTER
Meaning : ( other )

 one of a number of  Your alter ego is a

things from which only person to whom you are
so close that he almost
one can be chosen seems like an essential
 Whenever there is an part of you, and who
alternative, it involves understands your unique
a choice. perspective on the
Root : AMBI
Meaning : ( around, about, both (prefix) )


 Ambient is an adjective used  mixed feelings or emotions

to describe an aspect of the  Someone who
environment that completely shows ambivalence about a
surrounds you, but in a mellow person or thing has conflicting
way, like ambient music feelings. If you love your mom
played softly throughout a but find her totally
restaurant, or embarrassing, you might
theambient orange glow feel ambivalentabout having
during a setting sun. her give a presentation at
your school.
Root : AMBI
Meaning : ( around, about, both (prefix) )


 a particular environment or
surrounding influence  Ambition is a strong
 An ambiance is the mood or desire to achieve.
setting of a place. You might
like the ambiance of a certain  a person has
restaurant because the ambition, the goal is
lighting and decor makes you
feel comfortable and happy. usually wealth, power,
or fame.
Root : AMBI
Meaning : ( around, about, both (prefix) )


 having more than one  equally skillful with

possible meaning each hand
 ambiguous when you  ambidextrous
need to describe
 Ambidextrous people
something that's open to
more than one
have the ability to use
interpretation. both hands with equal
Root : AMBUL
Meaning : ( walk )


 someone who walks  able to walk about

about in their sleep
Root : AMBUL
Meaning : ( walk )


 an acrobat who  An ambulance is an

performs on a emergency vehicle that
tightrope or slack rope transports people to
the hospital in
Root : AMI, AMIC
Meaning : ( friend, love )

amicability amicable

 having a disposition  characterized by

characterized by friendship and good
warmth and will
Root : AMI, AMIC
Meaning : ( friend, love )


 A friendly, pleasant  a state of friendship

person could be and cordiality
described as amiable.
Airline flight
attendants tend to
be amiable.
Root : AMPL
Meaning : ( spacious, large )


 greatness of  increase in size, volume

magnitude or significance
 Amplitude describes
something there is a lot
of, or abundance.
Root : ANDR
Meaning : ( man )


 having both male and  Hating males

female characteristics
Root : ANDR
Meaning : ( man )


 a morbid fear of men  Having more than one

Root : ANX
Meaning : ( worried, distressed )


 (psychiatry) a relatively  When you are anxious,

permanent state of you are very concerned or
worry and nervousness worried, but it can also
occurring in a variety of refer to when you are
mental disorders, usually quite interested in
accompanied by something. You might
compulsive behavior or be anxious to improve
attacks of panic your performance in math
class after falling asleep
during a big test.
Root : ANX
Meaning : ( worried, distressed )


 a tranquilizer used to  a feeling of mild

relieve anxiety and anxiety about possible
reduce tension and developments
Root : APERT
Meaning : ( open )


 equipment designed to  a natural opening in

serve a specific something
function  an man-made
opening; usually small
Root : APO
Meaning : ( away (prefix) )


 Apocalypse is a word  For an object in orbit

that means "the end of around the earth,
the world" — or the apogee is the
something so destructive point that is highest or
it seems like the world furthest from the earth
has ended in a place,
like a major earthquake.
Root : APO
Meaning : ( away (prefix) )


 An apology is what
you say or do when
you want to let
someone know (or fool
them into thinking) that
you regret something.
Root : APT
Meaning : ( fit, join )


 inherent ability  the process of

 When you have a adapting to something
talent or do something (such as environmental
well, people say that conditions)
you have
an aptitude for it.
Root : APT
Meaning : ( fit, join )


 A clumsy, incompetent  having or showing

person — or an
ineffective action — knowledge and skill
is inept. and aptitude
 Inept people are dumb
or clueless; they don't
understand things. More
than that, inept people
are bad at what they
Root : ARCH
Meaning : ( rule, govern )


 a state of lawlessness  a series of ordered

and disorder (usually groupings of people
resulting from a failure or things within a
of government) system
Root : ARCH
Meaning : ( rule, govern )


 A monarch, such as a  the male head of

king or queen, rules a family or tribe
kingdom or empire.
 an autocracy governed
by a monarch who
usually inherits the
Root : ARCH
Meaning : ( rule, govern )


 a political system
governed by a few
Meaning : ( ancient, OLD )


 An archaeologist is a  so extremely old as

scientist who studies seeming to belong to
human history by an earlier period
digging up human
remains and artifacts.
A new approach to read NORMAN

Root: Ego ~ Self
EGOIST ~ Self-centered, Full of oneself
EGOTIST ~ Boastful
ALTRUIST ~ Interested in welfare of others
• Root: ALTER ~ Other
Root: ALTER ~ Other
• ALTERNATE: Skip one and take other

• ALTERNATIVE: Choice (Other options)

(Make into other)

• ALTER-EGO: Close or trusted friend

(Other self)
ALTERCATION:Verbal Dispute; Argument
– FRACAS ~ Noisy quarrel
•INTROVERT: Shy; Keeps to oneself
• EXTROVERT: Outgoing and social
• AMBIVERT: Both Introvert and Extrovert
• Intro ~ Inside; Extro ~ Outside;Verto ~ Turn
• DEXTROUS: Skillful
– Latin Root: Right Hand
• ADROIT: Skillful
– French Root: Right Hand
• Root: AMBI ~ Both
• AMBIDEXTROUS: Skillful with both hands
• SINISTER: EVIL (Latin Root: Left Hand)
• GAUCHE ~ Graceless; Unpolished
– French Root: Left Hand
• GAUCHERIE: Socially awkward act; Tactless
• Root: MISEIN ~ Hate; ANTHROPOS ~ Mankind
• ANTHROPOLOGY: Study of Mankind
• MISANTHROPE: One who hates mankind
 • Root: MISEIN ~ Hate; ANTHROPOS ~ Mankind
 • ANTHROPOLOGY: Study of Mankind
 • MISANTHROPE: One who hates mankind
• Root: Phil ~ Love
• PHILANTHROPIST: Gives generously to charity–
 • Root: Phil ~ Love
 • PHILANTHROPIST: Gives generously to charity–
• Root: Gamy ~ Marriage; Poly ~ Many
• MISOGAMIST: Hates marriage
 • Root: Gamy ~ Marriage; Poly ~ Many
 • MISOGAMIST: Hates marriage
• Root: GYNE ~ Woman; ANDROS ~ Man
• ASCETIC ~ Practicing self-denial
How to Talk about Doctors

A Gynaecologist

An Obstetrician
A Paediatrician

A Dermatologist

An Ophthalmologist
An Orthopaedist

A Cardiologist
A Neurologist

A Psychiatrist

this specialist treats

the female
reproductive and
sexual organs.

Root Word ≈ gyne → women

logy → science
Gyne + logy = gynaecology
adj. gynaecological
An Obstetrician
This specialist delivers
babies and takes care of
the mother during
and immediately.after the
period of her pregnancy.
Root Word ≈
Obstetrix → to stand-midwives
stand in front of the woman in labor to
aid in the delivery of the infant, midwife.

The suffix -ician, as in obstetrician,

physician, musician, magician,
electrician, etc., means expert.

Adjective: obstetric or obstetrical

A Pediatrician
This specialist limits his
to youngsters, taking care of
babies directly after
birth,super-vising their diet
and watching over their
growth and development.
Pediatrics is by etymology
the medical healing of a

Root Word ≈
Paidos → child
Iatreia → medical healing
-ician → expert.
A Geriatrician
A geriatrician is a medical
doctor who is specially
trained to meet the unique
healthcare needs of older

Root Word ≈
Geras → old, elderly
Iatreia → medical healing
Geras + Iatreia = geriatric
* Pedagogy :

the leading of
Root Word ≈
Paidos → child
Agogos → leading

*A pedagogue :

a narrow-minded,
dogmatic teacher.
a person who stirs up
public feelings
especially of discontent

Once elected,
demagogues use
political power to
further their
own personal
ambitions or fortunes.
A Dermatologist
specialist who treats
all skin diseases.

Root Word ≈
Derma → skin
Logos → science

Derma + logos = Dermatology

 a hypodermic (Greek, hypos) of
or relating to the parts beneath
the skin

 the epidermis is the outermost

layer of skin

 a taxidermist whose business is

prepares, stuffs, and mounts the
skins of animals
 A Pachyderm
is an animal with an unusually
thick skin, like an elephant,
hippopotamus, or rhinoceros

 Dermatitis
is the general name for any skin
inflammation, irritation, or
An Ophthalmologist
The physician whose specialty is
disorders of vision
(myopia,astigmatism, cataracts,
glaucoma, etc.)
may prescribe glasses, administer
drugs, or perform surgery.

Root Word ≈
Ophthalmos → eye
Logos → science or study
Ophthalmos + logos = ophthalmology
Oculus → eye

1. Ocular an adjective that refers to the eye

2. Monocle a lens for one (monos) eye,

sported by characters in old movies as
a symbol of the British so-called
upper class

3. Binoculars field glasses that increase

the range of two (bi-) eyes
A Orthodontist (Orthodontia)
The orthodontist specializes in
improving your "bite," retracting "buck
teeth," and by means of braces and
other techniques seeing to it that every
molar, incisor, bicuspid, etc. is exactly
where it belongs in your mouth (the
straightening of teeth).
Optometrists are not physicians, and do not
perform surgery or
administer drugs; they measure vision, test for
glaucoma, and
prescribe and fit glasses.

Opticians fill an optometrist's or

ophthalmologist's prescription,
grinding lenses according to specifications;
they do not examine
A Orthopedist (orthopedics)
Root Word ≈
Orthos → straight or
Paidos → child.
by etymology,
straightens children.

the specialty treats deformities,

injuries, and diseases of
the bones and joints (of adults
as well as children, of course),
often by surgical procedures.
A Cardiologist
This specialist treats
diseases of the heart and
circulatory system.
Root Word ≈
Kardia → heart
Logos → science
Kardia + Logos = cardiology
a cardiac condition refers to some
malfunctioning of ·the heart

a cardiogram is an electrically
produced record of the heartbeat.

The instrument that produces this

record is called a cardiograph
A Neurologist
This physician specializes in the
treatment of disorders of the brain,
spinal cord, and the rest of the
nervous system.
Root Word ≈
Neuron → nerve
Logos → science
Neuron + Logos = neurology

Neuralgia is acute pain along

the nerves and their branches
Root Word ≈
Neuron → nerve
Algos → pain.
Neuron + algos = neuralgia
Neuritis is inflammation of the nerves.

Neurosis combining neuron with -osis, a

meaning abnormal or diseased condition
an illness characterized by
excessive use of energy for unproductive
purposes so that personality
development is hindered or stopped

Neurotic is both the adjective form and the

term for a person suffering from neurosis.
A Psychiatrist
psyche+iatreia= psychiatrist= a mind-healer.

This specialist attempts to alleviate mental

and emotional disturbances by means of
various techniques, occasionally
drugs or electroshock, more often private or
group psychotherapy.

Root Word ≈
Psyche → spirit, soul, or mind
-osis → abnormal or diseased condition,
Psyche + osis = psychosis
A full-blown mental disorder is called a
A Psychologist
syche + logos = psychologist = one who studies the mind
Psychology is the study of
the mind and of thought
, feeling, and behaviour or is
the scientific study of human
and animal behavior and
mental processes.
A psychologist is a
professional who evaluates
and studies behavior and
mental processes.

A person's disturbance
is psychic if it is emotional or
mental, rather than physical.
Psychopathic (psychopathy)
someone suffering
from a severe mental
or emotional disorder.
Root Word ≈
Pathos → suffering or disease
Psyche → spirit, soul, or mind
Psyche + Pathos = psychopathy

Psychopathy is usually characterized by

antisocial and extremely egocentric behavior and
often commits criminal acts, without anxiety or
guilt, in order to obtain immediate gratification
of desires.
A Psychosomatic
(of a physical illness or other
condition) caused or aggravated
by a mental factor such as
internal conflict or stress.

Thus, a person who fears the consequence of

being present at a certain meeting will suddenly
develop a bad cold or backache, or even be
injured in a traffic accident, so that
his appearance at this meeting is made impossible.

Root Word ≈
Psyche → spirit, soul, or mind
soma → body
Psyche +soma = psychosomatic
a system of psychological theory and therapy which
aims to treat mental Psychogenic disorders by
investigating the interaction of conscious and
unconscious elements in the mind and bringing
repressed fears and conflicts into the conscious mind
by techniques such as dream interpretation and free

Genesis = birth or origin
A Psychotherapist
the treatment of mental disorder by psychological
rather than medical means.

the indicated treatment for Psychogenic

(or psychosomatic) disorders, or for any personality
A Orthodontist (Orthodontia)
The orthodontist specializes in
improving your "bite," retracting "buck
teeth," and by means of braces and
other techniques seeing to it that every
molar, incisor, bicuspid, etc. is exactly
where it belongs in your mouth (the
straightening of teeth).
A Pedodontist
specializes in the care of
children's teeth.
Root Word ≈
paidos→ child
odontos→ tooth
paidos + odontos = pedodontia
A Periodontist
a gum specialist.
Periodontists are also
experts in the treatment
of oral inflammation.

Root Word ≈
odontos→ tooth
peri- → around, surrounding
peri+ odontos = periodontist
An Endodontist
Endodontists are dentists who
specialize in maintaining teeth
through endodontic therapy
procedures, involving the soft
inner tissue of the teeth, called
the pulp and in root-canal

Root Word ≈
odontos→ tooth
endon→ inner, within
endon + odontos = endodontist
An Exodontist
a dentist specializing in the
extraction of teeth.

Root Word ≈

odontos→ tooth
ex-→ out

ex + odontos = exodontist
Optometrists are not physicians, and do not
perform surgery or
administer drugs; they measure vision, test for
glaucoma, and
prescribe and fit glasses.

Opticians fill an optometrist's or

ophthalmologist's prescription,
grinding lenses according to specifications;
they do not examine
Metron is the root in many other
1. Thermometer an instrument to measure heat
(Greek therme, heat).

2. Barometer an instrument to measure atmospheric

(Greek baros, weight)

3. sphygmomanometer a device for measuring blood

(Greek sphygmos, pulse).
A Orthopedist (orthopedics)
Root Word ≈
Orthos → straight or
Paidos → child.
by etymology,
straightens children.

the specialty treats deformities,

injuries, and diseases of
the bones and joints (of adults
as well as children, of course),
often by surgical procedures.
Osteopath (Osteopathy)
a system of complementary
medicine involving the treatment
of medical disorders through the
manipulation and massage of the
skeleton and musculature.

Root Word ≈
osteon→ bone,
pathos→ suffering,disease.
Osteon + pathos = osteopathy
Podiatrist (podiatry)
is a branch of medicine devoted
to the study, diagnosis, and
medical and surgical treatment of
disorders of the foot, ankle and
lower extremity.

Root Word ≈
pous,podos→ foot
iatreia→ medical healing
podos + iatreia = podiatry
The root pous, podos is found also
1. octopus the eight-armed
(or, as the etymology has it, eight-footed)
sea creature
(Greek okto, eight).

2. Platypus the strange water mammal with a

duck's bill, webbed feet, and a beaver-like tail
that reproduces by laying eggs
(Greek platys, broad, flat-hence,
3. podium , a speaker's platform, etymologically
a place for the feet.
(The suffix -ium often signifies "place where,"
as in gymnasium, stadium, auditorium, etc.)

4. Tripod , a three-legged (or "footed") stand for a

camera or other device {tri-, three).

5. Chiropodist , earlier title for a podiatrist,

and still often used. The specialty is chiropody.
Root Word used≈

Cheir→ hand
-mancy → foretelling or prediction,
graph→ write

the treatment of the feet and their
ailments by hand.

handwriting, especially as distinct
from typography.

the supposed prediction of a person's
future from interpreting the lines on
the palms of their hands; palmistry.
 Memory key: Agog sounds like
‘Gog(Goggles)’. I got agog by
AGOG seeing a gog(goggles) on a
Meaning: dog.
highly excited by
eagerness,curiosity  Synonyms: awestruck,
,anticipation enthralled
 Antonyms: uninterested,

 Usage: Her supporters were

agog at the idea.
 Memory key: Agog sounds like
‘Gog(Goggles)’. I got agog by
AGOG seeing a gog(goggles) on a
Meaning: dog.
highly excited by
eagerness,curiosity  Synonyms: awestruck,
,anticipation enthralled
 Antonyms: uninterested,

 Usage: Her supporters were

agog at the idea.
 Memory key: The word cloister
sounds like ‘close oyster’. Imagine
CLOISTER a closed oyster with a pearl inside
it. The pearl is secluded/isolated
seclusion, isolation, a from the outside world. So,
place where monks cloister means isolation or
and nuns live seclusion.

 Synonyms:confined, monastery,
religious, residence
 Antonyms: open, public

 Usage:They left the cloister and

wandered in search of food.
 Meaning:wickedness, malicious
fun, micheif, black magic
 Memory key: The word devilry
seems to be derived from the
word ‘devil’. It means evil and

 Synonyms:rascality,
 Antonyms:humanity, clemency,

 Usage: Children always get into

some devilry in schools.
 Memory key: The word erudition
sounds like ‘every edition’.
Imagine a person who has read
ERUDITION every edition of every book and
Meaning: magazine. He must be very
knowledge aquired knowledgeable. So, edrudition
by study, research means learning and knowledge.
learning, scholarship

 Syn. : learnedness,
 Ant. : ignorance, illitracy

 Usage : I hope that her

erudition and legal background
will have made her more open
minded and secular in outlook.
 Memory key: The word glutton
can be memorised as ‘ glucose
GLUTTON tonne’. Imagine a person who
can drick glucose in tonnes.
An excessively He must be glutton.
greedy eater,
insatiable, very eager
for something  Syn. : eater, feeder,
 Ant. : who eats very less

 Usage : He is glutton for

 Memory key : the word mundane
sounds similar to ‘Monday’. After
enjoying the holiday of Sunday, the
MUNDANE employee of a company is unwilling
to go to office. He says, “Now
Meaning : again Monday,These dull and boring
Common, ordinary, assignments”, So,mundane means
dull, banal, dull, banal,ordinary.
 Syn. : quotidian, workaday,
routine, ordinary, everyday
 Ant. : heavenly, unworldy,

 Usage : I fear that my project

may appear trivial and mundane.
 Memory key: The word onerous
can be memorised as ‘Owner
ONEROUS Rush’. Our owner is such a
troblesome person that we rush
away on seeing him. ‘our owner is
troublesome, very onerous’. So, nerous means
involving obligation burdensome and troublesome.
or responsibilities

 Syn. : cumbersome, demanding,

 Ant. : easy, facile, effortless

 Usage: The child found his

duties increasingly onerous.
 Memory key: The word aghast
can be memorised as ‘a ghost’.
AGHAST After seeing a horror movie,
everyone was aghast. So, aghast
means filled with horror.
Filled with horror or
 Syn. : afraid, dismayed,
appalled, shocked
 Ant. : fearless, unafraid

 Usage: When the news about

the terrorist attack came out,
they were aghast.
 Memory key : The word petulant can
be memorised as ‘pet you lent’. One of
my friend wanted to have a pet. So, i
PETULANT lent him my dog as a pet. After some
Meaning: days that froend of mine called me up
Irritable, bad and complained, ‘the pet you lent is
tempered, fractious, very irritable and bad tempered.It
always tries to bite me’. So, petulant
means ‘bad tempered and irritable’.

 Syn. : peckish, cracky, ill natured,

fractious peevish
 Ant. : accomodating, amenable,
compliant, genial

 Usage: He is moody and quite petulant.

 Memory key: The word
enervate sounds like ‘energy
ENERVATED watse’. So, enervate means
deprivation of force.
To deprive of force or
strength, destroy the  Syn. : debilitate, devitalize,
vigour of, weaken
enfeeble, exhaust, jade
 Ant. : strengthen, revive,

 Usage: I was enervated due

to excessive exercise.
 Memory key: The word
enervate sounds like ‘energy
ENERVATED watse’. So, enervate means
deprivation of force.
To deprive of force or
strength, destroy the  Syn. : debilitate, devitalize,
vigour of, weaken
enfeeble, exhaust, jade
 Ant. : strengthen, revive,

 Usage: I was enervated due

to excessive exercise.
 Memory key: The word
inebriated sounds like in a
INEBIRATED ‘brew’ated situation. Brew is
relatedto drinks and alcohol.
Intoxicated, So, inebriated is used for a
heavily drunk person who is heavily drunk.

 Syn. : drunken, boozy, tipsy

 Ant. : sober

 Usage: Driving should be

avoided in an inebriated
 Memory key: The word
inebriated sounds like in a
INEBIRATED ‘brew’ated situation. Brew is
relatedto drinks and alcohol.
Intoxicated, So, inebriated is used for a
heavily drunk person who is heavily drunk.

 Syn. : drunken, boozy, tipsy

 Ant. : sober

 Usage: Driving should be

avoided in an inebriated
 Memory key: The word acme
sounds like the famous
ACME cosmetic brand ‘LAKME’.
After applying LAKME, her
The highest point, beauty rises to its acme. So,
summit, peak acme emans the highest point.

 Syn. : apex, zenith, apogee

 Ant. : nadir, bottom, base

 Usage: The empire was at the

acme of its power.
 Memory key: The word expunge
sounds like ‘sponge’. Now a days,
EXPUNGE a magical sponge is availabe in
the market that can erase every
Meaning: stain from your wall. So,
Erase or remove
completely, wipe
expunge means to wipe out or to
out, efface efface.

 Syn. : take out, delete

 Ant. : create

 Usage: After a bad break up, I

am trying to expunge those
 Memory key: The word plenitude
sounds like ‘plenty dude’. My
friend was worried about my
PLENITUDE financial condition. I comforted
Meaning: him by saying ‘ I have plenty
Abundance, dude! I have Plenitude’. So,
plenty, profusion, plenitude means abundance and
fullness, plenty.

 Syn. : abundance, copiousness

 Ant. : scarcity, paucity

 Usage: A plenitude of food, air

and sunlight is available in this
 Memory key : The word strife
can be memorised using the
STRIFE phrase ‘struggle with your
wife’. If you are
Bitter conflict, strugglingwith your wife that
discord, means a conflict has

 Syn. : struggle, battle

 Ant. : concord, peace, truce

 Usage: Diplomacy is the best

way to end strife.
 Memory key : The puerile sounds
like ‘pure smile’. As we grow
PUERILE older, our smiles become
cunning. Pure smiles are only
Meaning: there in childhood. So, the word
Pertaining to a
child or
puerilec(pure smile)vreminds me
childhood, of childhood, especially childish
childish, silly activities.

 Syn. : immature, juvenile

 Ant. : mature

 Usage: Stop making puerile

 Memory key: The word verbose
is derived from ‘verbal’. The
VERBOSE word ‘verbal’ is related to
speaking. Someone who speaks a
Meaning: lot is verbose.
Use of too many
words, wordy
 Syn. : long-winded, prolix
 Ant. : terse, concise

 Usage: Whenever possible, the

code has been kept as straight
forward as possible and rarely
 Memory key: The word verbose
is derived from ‘verbal’. The
VERBOSE word ‘verbal’ is related to
speaking. Someone who speaks a
Meaning: lot is verbose.
Use of too many
words, wordy
 Syn. : long-winded, prolix
 Ant. : terse, concise

 Usage: Whenever possible, the

code has been kept as straight
forward as possible and rarely
 Memory key: The word
warmonger can be memorised
WARMONGER in hindi as ‘war mangne wala’.
So, warmonger is someone who
A sovereign or wants war.
political leader or
activist who
encourages or  Syn. : war hawk, war hound,
aggression or
warfare towards  Ant. : peace loving
other nations or
 Usage: Hitler was a
 Memory key: The word
warmonger can be memorised
WARMONGER in hindi as ‘war mangne wala’.
So, warmonger is someone who
A sovereign or wants war.
political leader or
activist who
encourages or  Syn. : war hawk, war hound,
aggression or
warfare towards  Ant. : peace loving
other nations or
 Usage: Hitler was a
 Memory key: The word potent
can be memorised as ‘pot ant’.
POTENT Imagine an ant lifting a heavy
pot, if an ant can do that, it
MEANING: must be very powerful. So,
Powerful,mighty potent mean powerful and

 Syn. : robust, strong, influential

 Ant. : powerless, impotent,

 Usage: I want to make the anti

corruption agency more potent.
 Memory key: The word potent
can be memorised as ‘pot ant’.
POTENT Imagine an ant lifting a heavy
pot, if an ant can do that, it
MEANING: must be very powerful. So,
Powerful,mighty potent mean powerful and

 Syn. : robust, strong, influential

 Ant. : powerless, impotent,

 Usage: I want to make the anti

corruption agency more potent.
 Memory key: The word acumen
sounds like a ‘a quick man’. The
one who thinks very quickly and
ACUMEN is menatlly very sharp. Acumen
MEANING: means insight and mental
Mental sharpness,
shrewdness  Syn. : perspicacity, astuteness,
acuity, ingenuity
 Ant. : bluntness, dullness,
obtuseness, stupidity

 Usage: Capable lawyers with

business acumen are valuable to
any firm.
 Memory key: The word estrangement
sounds like a ‘a strange man’.Imagine
a person who has survived a serious
accident,but whose face has been
Meaning: severly distorted.Wherever he goes,
Alienation, children shout. ‘A strange man.He
disaffection,making must be an alien’. So, estrangement
unfriendly, to
remove or keep at a means alienation.

 Syn.: isolation, parting,

 Ant. : connection, friendliness

 Usage: The quarrel stranged the two

 Memory key: The word irate
sounds like ‘eye red’. Whenever
a person becomes angry, his
IRATE eyes become red. There is also
MEANING: a Hindi idiom for this, ‘Gusse
mein aankhein laal ho jana’. So,
Angry, enraged, irate means angry or enraged.

 Syn. : ireful, angry, ballistic

 Ant. : delighted, pleased,
happy, elated

 Usage: When she did not come

from a party until midnate,her
father became irate.
 Memory key: The word accrue can
be memorised as ‘our crew’.
Consider a situation where a ship
ACCRUE company owner is addressing a
shareholder meeting. ‘We are
MEANING: making profits.Our crew is
To increase over a constantly increasing. We are
period, natural growing’. So, accrue means to
growth, addition grow.

 Syn. : accumulate, augment, build-

 Ant. : dissipate, disperse

 Usage: I am still paying off the

debts accrued during the marriage
of my daughter.
 Memory key: The word abridged
can be split into ‘a’ and ‘bridge’.
ABRIDGED The travelling time between two
places was cut short because of
MEANING: the construction of a bridge.
To shorten So, abridge means to cut short.
without losing the
meaning, to
condense  Syn. : cut-short, curtail,
 Ant. : uncut, unabridged,
elongate, protract

 Usage: An abridged edition of a

book is its condensed version.
 Memory key: The word
grimace can be memorised as
GRIMACE ‘grim face’. Grim face means a
sad face, which suggests pain
and disapproval.
A facial
 Syn. : frown, glower
disgust, pain or
disapproval  Ant. : smile, grin

 Usage: When Aishwarya

rejected your purposal, the
grimace on your face sends a
universal message.
 Memory key: The word
cerebration has been derived
CEREBRATION from ‘cerebrum’, which is a part
of the brain. The brain is
MEANING: involved in thinking and
Thinking, contemplation. So, cerebration
contemplation, means thinking over a problem.
cogitation  Syn. : mental synthesis,
 Ant. : ignorance

 Usage: That single inventive

cerebratiom made him millions.
CEREBRATION  Memory key: The word
cerebration has been derived
Thinking, from ‘cerebrum’, which is a part
contemplation, of the brain. The brain is
deliberation, involved in thinking and
cogitation contemplation. So, cerebration
means thinking over a problem.

 Syn. : mental synthesis,

 Ant. : ignorance

 Usage: That single inventive

cerebratiom made him millions.
 Memory key : The word
abscond can be memorised as
ABSCOND ‘a bus of cons’. In many
movies, we generally see a bus
of cons escaping from police
To escape, to custody. So, abscond mean to
leave without

 Syn. : decamp, flee, run off

 Ant. : appear arrive, stay

 Usage: The cashier absconded

with the money.
 Memory key : The word
abscond can be memorised as
ABSCOND ‘a bus of cons’. In many
movies, we generally see a bus
of cons escaping from police
To escape, to custody. So, abscond mean to
leave without

 Syn. : decamp, flee, run off

 Ant. : appear arrive, stay

 Usage: The cashier absconded

with the money.
 Memory key : The word
apocalypse can be memorised as
‘a big eclipse’. According to a
APOCALYPSE prediction, in 2012, a big eclipse
MEANING: wouldhave led to an Apocalypse
(complete destruction of the
Complete world).
destruction of the
 Syn. : catastrophe, calamity,
tragedy, disaster
 Ant. : good fortune, wonder,

 Usage: The modern world is

encountering an era of ecological
 Memory key: The word ravage
sounds like ‘revenge’. Whenever
RAVAGE a person wants to take revenge
on an enemy, he wants to
MEANING: destroy him completely. So,
To destroy, ravage means to destroy.

 Syn. : wipeout, demolition,

 Ant. : to build

 Usage: If the third world war

breaks out, it will ravage the
whole world.
 Memory key: The word servile is
derived from the word serve.
SERVILE The one who serves is servile.
That is, a person who acts as a
MEANING: servant or who is submissive.
characterizing a
slave, obsequious  Syn. : subservient, slavelike,
 Ant. : free, unsubmissive,

 Usage: His servile

characteristics made him
infamous among his friends.
 Memory key: The word servile is
derived from the word serve.
SERVILE The one who serves is servile.
That is, a person who acts as a
MEANING: servant or who is submissive.
characterizing a
slave, obsequious  Syn. : subservient, slavelike,
 Ant. : free, unsubmissive,

 Usage: His servile

characteristics made him
infamous among his friends.
 Memory key: The word jocund
may be related to ‘joke’.
JOCUND Someone who always cracks
jokes. He must be very
cheerful and merry. He must
be jocund.

 Syn. : joyous, jolly, jovial,

 Ant. : joyless

 Usage: My group is witty and

jocund one.
 Memory key : The word temporizing
can be memorised as ‘temper
rising’.Have you ever waited for
TEMPORIZING someone at a bus stop?. After
some time when the person does
MEANING: not show up, then your temper
Avoid making a starts rising. You become angry
decision in order over the delay that the person is
to gain time , to causing. ‘Your temper rises because
delay of the temporizing’.

 Syn. : balk, delay, equivocate,

hedge, hesitate
 Ant. : quickly deciding

 Usage: The opportunity was missed

because the mayor still temporized.
 Memory key : The word
tedium sounds like BBM (
TEDIUM Blackberry Messenger). To
MEANING: get rid of tedium, let’s chat
Boredom, tedious on BBM.

 Syn. : banality, ennui,

 Ant. : exciting

 Usage: He is fed up of the

endless tedium of his job.
 Memory key : The word
extravagant sounds like ‘extra
EXTRAVAGANT wage’. When a person gets extra
wages, he becomes extravagant.
So, extravagant means one who
Who spends a lot of spends a lot of money.

 Syn. : lavish, prodigal,

profilgate, spendthrift
 Ant. :thrifty, restrained, frugal

 Usage: The company has been

making extravagant claims about
the drug’s effectiveness.
 Memory key: The word
libertine can be memorised as
LIBERTINE ‘liberty teens’. Every parents
knows that if excess liberty is
given to teens, they become
An immoral
person (esp. In
libertine (immoral).
sexual matters)

 Syn. : pervert, decadent

 Ant. : moral

 Usage : The man is known for

his libertine character.
 Memory key : Berserk
contains ‘Beer + Sarak’.
BERSERK Beer peekar dimag sarak
gaya. I am going Berserk.
Mad with violet
anger, frenzied,  Syn. : crazy, insane, out of
madly excited
one’s mind
 Ant. : sane, balanced, calm

 Usage: A man went berserk

with his gun and took a lot of
 Memory key : The word Daunted
can be memorized as ‘down
DAUNTED teddy’. Imagine a sad teddy
bear. He is looking discouraged,
MEANING: his morale is down. So, daunted
To discourage, to means disheartened or
dishearten discouraged.

 Syn. : dismay, demoralize,

 Ant. : encourage, embolden

 Usage: I know you will recover

soon don’t be daunted.
 Memory key : The word Daunted
can be memorized as ‘down
DAUNTED teddy’. Imagine a sad teddy
bear. He is looking discouraged,
his morale is down. So, daunted
To discourage, to means disheartened or

 Syn. : dismay, demoralize,

 Ant. : encourage, embolden

 Usage: I know you will recover

soon don’t be daunted.
•Meaning – To lower in rank, prestige, or esteem, to humiliate.
•Synonyms – Debase,degrade,humiliate.
•Antonyms – dignify, honor, respect.
•Usage – He felt abased when his clothes were removed.
•Meaning – to decrease in force or
intensity, to decrease in amount or value.
•Synonyms – Subside, Decrease, Wane,
Slack, Slake.
•Antonyms – increase, intensify, magnify.
•Usage – We were waiting for the storm
to abate.

Meaning – To make short or shorter, To reduce in force, efficacy, or

Synonyms – shorten, abridge, curtail, truncate.
Antonyms – expand, extend, increase, lengthen.
Usage – SHIT is abbreviation of __ __ __ __ .

Meaning – to renounce a throne, to give up, to surrender.

Synonyms – relinquish, renounce, reject, cast off, disclaim.
Antonyms – assert, assume, challenge, claim, defend, defy, hold,
maintain, remain, retain, treasure, usurp.
Usage – Bush abdicated his power.

Meaning – : to actively encourage, to assist or support.

Synonyms – aid, assist, support, encourage, incite, instigate.
Antonyms – hinder, obstruct, interrupt, restrict.
Usage – Abu Allibi was killed for abetting Bin laden.

Meaning – Sunk to a low condition, cast down in spirit

Synonyms – beggarly, degraded, wretched, miserable.
Antonyms – Exalted, proud.
Usage – Children dwelling in abject poverty.

Meaning – to renounce upon oath, to give up.

Synonyms – renounce, repudiate, forswear, recant.

Antonyms – desire, wish, long for.

Usage – Mr. Bush abjured his rights.


Meaning – the act of washing or cleansing as a religious rite.

Synonyms – bath, washing, cleaning.

Antonyms – // comment if you know

Usage – Man taking ablution in the pure waters of Ganga.


Meaning – to deny oneself,

self-denial, self-renunciation.

Synonyms – give up,

renunciation, denial, relinquish.

Antonyms – assert, assume,

defend, defy, hold, remain,
retain, usurp.
Usage – Swami
Vivekananda abnegated all the
luxurious of material life.

Meaning – A place where someone lives.

Synonyms – residence, home, dwelling place, house, place.

Antonyms – // comment if you know

Usage – The dream abode.


Meaning –put an end to, to make null.

Synonyms – annul, terminate, nullify, cancel,

Antonyms – continue, approve, retain.

Usage – World should abolish nuclear weapons

as well as work :).

Meaning – unpleasant, causing disgust.

Synonyms – abhor, hatred, detestable, loathe.

Antonyms – love, adore, admire, worship.

Usage – everyone abominates terrorists.


Meaning – having existed in a region from the beginning.

Synonyms – indigenous, native, originals.

Antonyms – immigrant, foreigner, incomer.

Usage – Its difficult to find aboriginals in metros.

Meaning – to wear down or tear
away by friction.

Synonyms – chafe, rub off, wear

away, erase, erode, scour, scrape.

Antonyms – smooth.

Usage – Frequent brakes abrade tyres


Meaning – Harsh and rough in manner,

substance that abrades.

Synonyms – scape, rough.

Antonyms – likable, pleasant, smooth soft,


Usage – abrasive brushes.


Meaning – to cut short, to reduce the length.

Synonyms – condense, shorten, abbreviate, reduce.

Antonyms – elaborate, expand, extend, increase,


Usage – The London bridge abridges the gap

between two islands.

Meaning – to abolish, to cancel by an authority.

Synonyms – abolish, annul, annihilate.

Antonyms – continue approve, retain.

Usage – Let us see if new laws abrogate the right to


Meaning – the act or process of cutting off.

Synonyms – removal, cutting off, shedding, sloughing.

Antonyms – attach, join.

Usage – The picture depicts the abscission of a branch.


Meaning –to depart in a sudden and secret

manner, esp. to avoid capture and legal
Synonyms – hide, depart, run away, flee.

Antonyms – arrive, stay, reappear, remain, be


Usage – Forces are searching the absconded Bin


Meaning – Loosed from any limitation, perfect

in quality and nature.

Synonyms – Uncontrolled, Unrestricted,

Authoritative, dictatorial, autocratic.

Antonyms – Accountable, limited, responsible.

Usage – Adolf Hitler wanted the absolute power.


Meaning – to set free from an obligation or the

consequences of guilt.
Synonyms – forgive, discharge, pardon,
vindicate, set free.

Antonyms – charge, convict, excoriate.

Usage – Lord Jesus absolves us all from our sins.


•Meaning – To refrain from

something by one’s own choice.
•Synonyms – refrain, withhold,

•Antonyms – pursue, persist.

•Usage – Abstinence is the key

of life. abstain from sex

Meaning – a concept or idea not associated with

any specific instance, existing only in the mind.
Synonyms – theoretical, complex, conceptual,
unrealistic, unpractical, hypothetical, abstract.

Antonyms – concrete, definite, real.

Usage – abstract art is very valuable these days.


Meaning – hard to understand.

Synonyms – obscure, abstract, esoteric,

difficult, obsolete, recondite.

Antonyms – clear, easy, lucid, simple,


Usage – Abstruse subjects are hard to

Meaning – characterized by wrong or
improper use or action, using harsh insulting
Synonyms – Insulting, slanderous,
calumniating, disparage, maligning.

Antonyms – Praising, eulogistic, laudatory,


Usage – Using abusive language and insulting

30. ABUT

Meaning – to touch along the border, to border upon or end at.

Synonyms – adjoin, border, neighbor, meet, touch.

Antonyms – // comment if you know

Usage – The 2 properties shown in Figure abut one another.

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