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Re: Specification

All works furnished by the Builder must be to the satisfaction of the Architect or Engineer with the right on their
parts reject any or all such work or parts not in accordance with the contract and the decision of the Architect or
Engineer as to quantity is final and all work rejected by the Architect shall at once be fixed to the satisfaction of the
Architect or Engineer.

The Builder shall make a personal supervision of the work and shall have a competent foreman stationed always
on the construction for the purpose of receiving communication, directions and order from Architect.

The Architect or Engineer must have complete access to any part of construction and shall render such
supervision as to check the corrections and/or the interpretation of the plans and specifications as executed by the
Builder, if in the exercise of his duties, the Architect finds my personnel of the builder incompetent he shall notify the
builder immediately so that the builder can make the proper arrangement discharge said can and replace his with a new
and experienced one.
The Architect shall be the sole interpreter of the plans and specification and his decision in case of doubts disputes
and misunderstanding shall be final and binding of both the owner and builder.


The plans and specification shall be considered as cooperative and all the labor and materials mentioned in one
and not mentioned or indicated in the other or vice versa shall be done by the Builder as if these are duly mentioned in
If no numerical condition appear on plans, all drawings shall be carefully followed according to the scale of the
drawings, but if they are indicated, the numerical notations must be followed and not the scale of drawings.

It is duty of the Builder to carefully examine compare and verify the Date furnished by the Architect and in case
of doubts , refer the matter promptly to him for his decision because unless such doubts are referred to the Architect. The
builder shall be held responsible for all the imperfect work done.
Detailed drawings shall be furnished to the Builder of all the important parts of the work that he wishes to be
explained more accurately. All parts of the Construction which have been done or executed without these detail. (Except
when a written order or authority from the Architect to do so has been previously obtained) shall be replaced and
reconstructed as per detailed drawings shall be at the expenses of the Builder.
No change or alteration shall be done on the plans without the consent or authority of the Architect and should
any change or alteration shall be done necessary, be it and addition or omission. The Builder must give an estimate of
work and period it could be finished, and this shall be approved by the owner before the work is done or executed.

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