CO2 Is Innocent

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CO2 Is Innocent

What should be done when a simple demonstration, an experiment costing a

few Dollars, reveals we have been lied to by government scientists and grant
recipients in a $1 trillion fraud for 30 years? A fraud that has harmed our
science education profoundly, as we will here prove.

This scam threatens the nation. "Global Warming" aka "Climate Change" is
the most successful science fraud since alchemists claimed to transmute
lead to gold with the yolks of Griffin birds, a mythical bird just as "Man
caused global warming" is a myth.

Federal bureaus and programs are today a full employment program for
30,000 science Ph.D.s at $90,000 to $150,000 per with an annual net cost of
$3.6 billion per year. Most are working on myths and nonsense projects.
But, forgive them: No physical scientist believes atoms are like little solar
systems with electrons spinning around a nucleus like planets around the
sun. The Bohr atom is a myth they can teach, get paid for, support a family,
love and support a family, such is "global warming." However this myth has
gone too far and is now a real threat.

CO2 is said to be a "powerful greenhouse gas" but it is only 0.04% of the

atmosphere. The idea CO2 controls the atmosphere is utterly ridiculous. The

American Meteorological Society, AMS, did not consider any gas a part of
the atmosphere unless it was more than one percent of the atmosphere until
the AMS was given $1 million annually by the Obama Administration to say

There are no "greenhouse gases" forming a solid, clear layer topping the
troposphere to make Earth a greenhouse by capturing IR physically as light
through infrared, IR, radiation totally reflects at any angle less than 45
degrees and only transmits at a rate equal to the sine of the incident angle for
a net transmission a significant fraction less than total. Dr. Jim Hansen,
Ph.D., author of the concept claims IR heats the atmosphere overnight as
Earth re-emits IR energy captured during the day, but overnight temperature
records show steady temperature declines from sunset to sunrise, but no one
challenges this lie. Such is the grip on warmers wanting to keep their jobs.

There is less CO2 at the top of the troposphere as it is heavy, diffuses at less
than half the rate of nitrogen and oxygen and, per Graham's Law of the
diffusion of gases. There is little air at 60,000 to 100,000 feet in any case.

Gases cannot form solid transparent covers as gas molecules are not in
contact. Solids and liquids have molecules in contact to form surfaces.
CO2 is not the infrared energy, IR, absorber "global warmers" claim it to be.
It is 1/7th the IR absorber as H2O per molecule.

Water vapor absorbs 99.8% of all energy warming the atmosphere. Most of
what is claimed for CO2 is not true, but for the grant seekers it is the tool to
demonize "fossil fuel" for new taxes, controls and building bureaus plus
more taxes, fees and fines. You will here see the truth of the matter with a
simple demo-equipment.

Dr. James Hansen, Ph.D. Astrophysics, talks of "forcing" when speaking

of the role of carbon dioxide, CO2, in the atmosphere claiming it forces other
molecules to heat air! Searches of physics and meteorology Internet sites
and reference books do not reveal any theories or equations for "forcing."

The controlling mechanism is defined by the Le Chatelier Principle, but Dr.

Hansen never mentions it in papers or talks when he accepts yet another
award check for "saving our planet!"

The real science of the atmosphere, Meteorology, long ago declared there
were three significant gases in the atmosphere: Nitrogen, oxygen and water
vapor before the AMS sellout. Each gas has far more than one percent, the
minimum amount the American Meteorological Society said is required to
be significant in the physics of the atmosphere.

Meteorology ignored CO2 as it is only 0.00040 decimal part of air, 0.04%.

Totally insignificant physically, but powerful politically as CO2 is waste
from 80% of all energy production. It is the key to Federal grant givers.
Ph.D.s blame whatever they wish and none challenge them but defer to their
superior knowledge with billions of Dollars in grants to demonize CO2.

Hansen's "Forcing" hypothesis is not defined anywhere, but he claims man-

made CO2 "forces" molecules to control water vapor, the major molecular
air heater. Hansen talks of a molecular hierarchy 185 years out-of-date in
physical science: Pre-Wholer charlatanism. Freiderich Wohler proved there
is no hierarchy in molecules in 1832. We apply the Le Chatelier Principle,
removed from textbooks after 1988. as it is appropriate:

"When a system at equilibrium is subjected to a change of concentration,

temperature, volume, or pressure the system reacts to counteract the effect
of the change and a new equilibrium is established."

The only gas in air responding to pressure or concentration changes is water

vapor as water can exist as a solid, liquid or gas in Earth's temperature range.
The addition of any gas to the atmosphere causes water vapor to change to
liquid with a 1200:1 volume reduction. The Le Chatelier equation for air,
with non-involved gases, is:

[H2Og] x [CO2g] = [Kt]


The "[ ]" brackets are for "moles/liter" which is the sample mass over the
molecular mass in grams for each substance so we are accounting for
relative numbers of atoms or molecules. We omit nitrogen and oxygen
which do not participate in this process. Changes in the result would not be
different were they included, but they complicate calculations and promote
the chance of errors. Let us add CO2 and solve for water vapor:

[H2Og] = [Kt] x [H2Ol]


As CO2 increases H2O gas, water vapor, declines, leaving the system as
liquid water. Where these are the only two gases capturing heat from
sunlight the heating of the atmosphere declines as the American
Meteorological Society, AMS, IR 1959 chart shows as we are driving a good
IR absorber from the system with a poor absorber, swapping H2O for

We consider the band between 0.5 microns and 15 microns as that is the
significant range. The areas under the curves are those of IR energy
absorption in that band. The IR areas of absorption for CO2 total less than
1/4th those for H2O vapor. The location of a the water vapor IR absorption
areas is in shorter waves of IR which have more energy by:

E = (h x c)

E is energy, h is Plank's Constant, c = speed of light and w = wavelength.

Again, where "w," the wavelength, is in the denominator of the equation and
the energy of a wave declines as the wavelength expands.

If the smaller area of CO2 absorption is analyzed considering wavelength

with the "E" equation we find that every H2O molecule absorbs over seven
times more IR energy from sunlight as does each CO2 molecule. Thus,
swapping CO2 molecules for H2O per the first equation reduces the heating
effect on air by seven times. Therefore, adding carbon dioxide chills the
atmosphere. We can test the concept with two "stick" thermometers and two
2.5 liter bottles of soda, 1/4 teaspoon of baking soda and one milliliter, 20
drops of vinegar.

"Stick thermometers, -10°C to +110°C on Ebay are $2.35 each, two with
postage are less than six Dollars. Add a medicine dropper, baking soda,
White Distilled Vinegar and a "Philips" screwdriver with a one-quarter
inch diameter shaft, all of which are common household items or in stores
for a few Dollars. All items will not exceed eight Dollars and you get to
drink the soda or give it to the kids.

Medicine droppers make 20 drops per milliliter, ml, per the physics of water
drops the and manufacturing standards for use by pharmacists, physicians
and patients for the accurate dispensing of medications.

Thermometer accuracy is confirmed by putting them into a tall glass filled

with ice water for a good test. They should track precisely on warming.
Return any not agreeing as they rise. They are usually quite accurate.

Plastic bottle caps are drilled by a Phillips screwdriver with a 1/4 inch shaft.
Heat the tip an inch over a candle flame for a few seconds. The handle
insulates so you can hold it. In one bottle you can make one hole in the
center of the cap and push the thermometer through three inches. Then:

Push the hot tip through a plastic cap on two sides just inside enough to
avoid the threaded wall making holes just large enough for a thermometer
and a hole for adding vinegar, drop-by-drop.

The single hole bottle is the "control" for reference. The "Two holer" has a
port for adding the vinegar, acid. Both get foil "hats" to shade both the
thermometers, as illustrated.

Thermometers are pushed into caps three inches while the plastic is soft. On
cooling they freeze in place, but can be removed by careful twisting, with a
thumb and forefinger at the cap by applying gentle twisting force and with
patience on your part. Have faith, it will come out.

The volume of "2.5 liter" soda bottles is actually 2,725 ml. Use bottled
or well water to avoid municipal water chlorine and fluorine. Put 325 ml,
into each for a net air volume of 2400 ml over water.

This simulates Earth's air very well as 71% of the planet is covered by water,
And, 14% is covered with green plants that put almost as much water vapor
into air as do the seas. 15% of Earth is desert. Add 1/2 tsp of salt to both
bottles to simulate sea water for greater simulator accuracy.

2,400 ml is 1/10th "molar volume" of air at 20° Celsius, a common

room temperature. "Molar" is from "mole," a contraction of "molecular"
meaning the volume of a gas with a mass of one molecular mass in grams.
28 grams for nitrogen, N2, for example, as each nitrogen is 14 atomic weight
units and there are two of them in "N2."

To determine how much baking soda and vinegar to use for creating a
test atmosphere we use chemical relationships based on sums of relative
weights of the elements in the compounds for the reaction to produce CO2.

Hydrogen, the lightest element, is defined as one atomic weight unit and
has two atoms in each molecule so it has a "mole" mass of two grams and
gas volume of 24,000 ml at 20 Celsius degrees.

Gas volume is the same for 32 grams of oxygen, O2. 28 grams of nitrogen,
N2, or 44 grams of CO2, carbon dioxide. Every gas has a "mole" volume of
24,000 ml at 20°C and each has the same number of molecules per mole.

Air is a mixture of three principle gases and eight "trace" gases, meaning
we know they are present, but they are of no consequence. CO2 is in that
class having only 0.04% and to be of consequence in the atmosphere it had
to have more than one percent according to the American Meteorological
Society, AMS, the authority for our real climate scientists before Obama.

The only gas changing quantity in air is water vapor as it can exist as a
solid, liquid or gas in the range of temperatures on Earth. When it condenses
the volume shrinks by a factor of 1200. No other atmospheric gas does that.
H2O absorbs energy from sunlight far better than any gas in air, seven times
more than CO2. Nitrogen and oxygen capture virtually no infrared energy.

In our atmospheric simulator we add known quantities of CO2 to the

present day 400 ppm CO2 air with baking soda, NaHCO3, and White
Distilled Vinegar, that is five percent acetic acid, CH3COOH, using the

NaHCO3 + CH3COOH ---> CH3COONa + H2O + CO2g

84g 60g 82g 18g 44g

Sodium bicarbonate, NaHCO3, plus acetic acid, CH3COOH, combine

to make sodium acetate, water and carbon dioxide gas, 44 g of CO2 is
24,000 ml, at 20°C, and we want a tiny amount. Our task is getting it

Today air has 0.04% CO2 that is 9.60 ml per molar volume of air per
24,000 x 0.0004 = 9.60 ml or 0.960 ml/0.1 mole for our 1/10th molar
volume bottle.

We will add CO2 to test two "warmer" hypotheses: (1) Dr. Joseph Romm, (
See: claims by 2100 AD we
will have 1,000 ppm of CO2 in air and America will be a desert over

104°F, 40°C and: (2) Where the AMS stipulated no gas is to be considered
in air physics with less than 1% by volume so we will have a test atmosphere
at that level of CO2 to see the effect of the 10,000 ppm per AMS standard.
Will it melt the bottle? It should if Dr. Romm is correct.

Baking soda, sodium bicarbonate, has a mass of nine grams per teaspoon.
Adding a quarter teaspoon measure will be 2.25 grams in solution, which is
0.0267 moles and much more than we need, but we'll control the amount of
CO2 generated with the acetic acid from White Distilled Vinegar.

White Distilled Vinegar is very pure 5% acetic acid food product containing
50 grams per liter or (50g/60 g/mole) = 0.833 mole/liter or 0.000833
moles/ml and 0.000833 mole/ml/20 drop/ml = 0.0000417 mole/drop which
makes 0.0000417 moles of CO2 per drop of said vinegar added to dilute
water solution of NaHCO3.

Per the equation 0.0000417 moles of CO2 gas is 1.0008 ml to add 417 ppm,
parts per million in a 2.4 liter simulator. Thus one drop of acetic acid takes
us to 817 ppm, close to the figure of Dr. Romm's alarm and two drops would
put us over the top with 1,234 ppm of CO2. We would need a small fraction
of a drop to hit Romm's 1,000 exactly so let's give him the excess as we are
only interested in proving, or not, his concept and the difference is in his
favor, if anything.

When we add two drops of vinegar's acetic acid nothing happens! The
thermometer does not budge in spite of all Dr. Joseph Romm's peer-
reviewed papers!

To get to the "greater than 1%" standard the AMS had for 100 years before
Mr. Obama showed up with the national checkbook let us compute what we
need to exceed said standard and show what CO2 can really do! Each drop
of vinegar contains 0.0000417 mole of acetic acid and produces 1.08 ml of
CO2 so we need 21.9/1.08 ml/drop = 20.4 drops. We will use 21 drops to be
sure we are over the 1% threshold required by the AMS, the leading body,
authority of climate scientists and not Ph.D.s in Astrophysics raving about
molecules "forcing" one another! What does a molecular bloody nose look

Back to the lab we add acetic acid to bring the CO2 over the level of 1% per
the AMS requirement, by making 24 ml of CO2. Where we have 0.96 ml in

our test bottle naturally at 400 ppm and have added two times 1.0008 ml,
we need 24 - 2.0016 = 21.99 ml CO2 and the temperature declines! So we
track the test and control bottles through a full day and we see:

On a clear, blue sky day temperature in the Test bottle declines 1°C, but on a
cloudy or hazy day it may rise a little above the Control bottle as water in a
haze or cloudy sky strongly absorbs short wave, high energy IR. In no case
will the temperature rise over the 10ºC claimed by "global warmers." CO2
absorbs IR from the long wave side of the spectrum, but most of the energy
is on the short wave side. 0.5 micron IR light quanta have 32 times as much
energy as those of 16 microns. On an overcast day over 50% of the short
wave energy is captured by cloud water droplets.

When we have 1%+ CO2 in the test bottle on a very clear day we see a full
degree of temperature decline and the reason is the Le Chatelier Principle as:

[H2Og] = [Kt] x [H2Ol]


As CO2 increases water vapor declines and water vapor is a far better
absorber of infrared, IR, energy from sunlight by a factor of seven so the
temperature declines. If it is overcast or many clouds pass by the sun they
absorb most high energy IR and diminish the effect as we noted. The best
day for this test is one with clear blue sky dry air.

In any case, instead of rising to 104ºF, 40°C per Dr. Romm's, and other

warmer's predictions, nothing happens or the temperature falls! This is

experimental atmospheric science and exposes the fact "global warming,"
and "man caused climate change" promoters are lying, have political
agendas for more taxes, bureaus and regulations, but the simple fact is
increased CO2 does not heat the atmosphere. CO2 chills it! CO2 is innocent.


Note: A critic of this demo claimed the reaction generating CO2 cools the
water in which it is reacting and that is true, but where the quantities are so
small the effect is not significant. The system is really two reactions:

NaHCO3 + CH3COOH ---> CH3COONa + H2CO3g which is exothermic,

but it is followed immediately by H2CO3 ---> H2O + CO2 which is more
endothermic and exceeds the gain of the first reaction. In any case the
amounts are so small they are insignificant.

There is an experimental determination of the amount of heat change at:
baking-soda/ for a sample of 60 ml of vinegar and when translated to this
system has a temperature decrease of 0.0018 degree C for this case, an
amount so small it cannot be determined in labs today.

We here prove what we say with an inexpensive easy to perform demo-

experiment that shows CO2 increases have no effect on the atmosphere until
they approach 1% and then cause a decline, not an increase, as CO2 forces
water vapor out and it is a far better absorber of IR energy than CO2.

We offered a $1,000 challenge on a local radio station where many listeners

expressed belief in man-caused global warming and questioned the author's
sanity. The trial would be judged by three local elected officials who had all
been physical science majors undergrad. No takers appeared so we dropped
the challenge to $100, but still no takers. So much for the resolve of the
"global warmers."

Adrian Vance

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