Final Examination Compre

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1. When a client is confused, left alone with the side rails down, and the bed in a high
position, the client falls and breaks a hip. What law has been broken?
a. Assault
b. Battery
c. Negligence
d. Civil tort
2. A client who had a “Do Not Resuscitate” order passed away. After verifying there is no
pulse or respirations, the nurse should next:
a. Have family members say goodbye to the deceased
b. Call the transplant team to retrieve vital organs
c. Remove all tubes and equipment, clean the body and position appropriately
d. Call the funeral director to come and get the body
3. A document that lists the medical treatment a person chooses to refuse if unable to
make decision in the:
a. Durable power of attorney
b. Informed consent
c. Living will
d. Advance directives
4. A confused client who fell out of bed because side rails were not used is an example of
which type of liability?
a. Felony
b. Assault
c. Battery
d. Negligence
5. Nurses agree to be advocates for their patients. Practice of advocacy calls for the nurse
a. Seek out the nursing supervisor in conflicting situations
b. Work to understand the law as it applies to the client’s clinical condition
c. Assess the client’s point of view and prepare to articulate this point of view
d. Document all clinical changes in the medical record in a timely manner
6. The nurse practice acts are an example of:
a. Statutory law
b. Common law
c. Civil law
d. Criminal law
7. The Republic Act that refers to the Magna Carta of Public Health Workers:
a. R.A. 2382
b. R.A 2544
c. R.A. 7305
d. R.A. 6425
8. Nurse Jannah gives a wrong medication to a client. Another nurses employed by the
hospitals, as a risk manager will expect to receive which following communications?
a. Incident report
b. Oral report from the nurse
c. Copy of medication kardex
d. Jurisprudence Nursing
9. Republic Act 7164 known as “Nursing Act of 1991” embodies the Regulation of Practice
of the Nursing in the Philippines. A member of the board must be:
a. Citizens of the Philippines
b. RN and holder of Master degree
c. 10 years of continuous practice of the profession
d. All of the above
10. Under the PRC Board of Nursing Resolution No. 8, nurses can be allowed to insert
intravenous solution after duly accredited by:
a. Department of health
b. Philippine Regulation Commission
c. Association of Nursing Service Administration of the Philippines (ANSAP)
d. Philippine Nursing Act 1991 (RA 7164)
11. Alexandra is tasked to organize the new wing of the hospital. She was given the
authority to do as she deems fit. She is aware that the director of nursing has substantial
trust and confidence in her capabilities, communicates through downward and upward
channels and usually uses the ideas and opinions of her staff. Which of the following is
her style of management?
A. Benevolent –authoritative
B. Consultative
C. Exploitive-authoritative
D. Participative
12. She decides to illustrate the organizational structure. Which of the following elements is
NOT included?
A. Level of authority
B. B. Lines of communication
C. Span of control
D. Unity of direction
13. St. Raphael Medical Center just opened its new Performance Improvement
Department. Ms. Valencia is appointed as the Quality
Control Officer. She commits herself to her new role and plans her strategies to realize the
goals and objectives of the department. Which of the following is a primary task that they should
perform to have an effective control system?
A. Make an interpretation about strengths and weaknesses
B. Identify the values of the department
C. Identify structure, process, outcome standards & criteria
D. Measure actual performances
14. She plans of assigning competent people to fill the roles designed in the hierarchy. Which
process refers to this?
A. Staffing
B. Scheduling
C. Recruitment
D. Induction
15. She finds out that some managers have benevolent-authoritative style of management.
Which of the following behaviors will she exhibit most likely? Discuss
A. Have condescending trust and confidence in their subordinates
B. Gives economic or ego awards
C. Communicates downward to the staff
D. Allows decision making among subordinates
16. The nurse manager has asked that all staff nurses develop effective leadership
competencies. How should the staff nurses interpret this request?
a. This is an unrealistic expectation, because only managers are leaders.
b. If the nurses learn about and use relevant leadership and management theories and
styles this is possible.
c. In order to become leaders, the staff nurses will have to emphasize control, competition, and
getting the job done.
d. Unless the staff nurses possess the traits of a natural born leader, this is an unrealistic
17. What are the qualities that define a leader who uses laissez- faire?
A. She involves the group in planning and in decision making
B. She oversees everything to come up with good quantity and quality of output but provides
little autonomy and self- motivation to her members.
C. She tends to be passive and puts the responsibility of decision making to others.
D. She would foster independence in your team by promoting motivation and creativity.
18. This is a common trait of a leader which is defined as his ability to possess honesty,
responsibility and maturity in the working area.
A. Integrity
B. Personality
C. Intelligence
D. Flexibility
19. You are the head nurse in the pediatric department. Your roles in the planning process in
the hospital include the following, except one:
A. Act as link between higher- level managers and non managers
B. Directly responsible for the actual production of nursing services
C. Represent the organization
D. Answers C & B
20. You are asked by your instructor to differentiate a leader and a manager. Which one is
A. A leader is focused on purposes but a manager is focused with structures and processes.
B. A leader does the right thing and a manager does each task the right way.
C. A leader has a short term view while a manager views work in long term duration
D. A leader rely on trust while a manager rely on control
21. Supervision and delegation fall to what phase of the management process?
A. Organizing
B. Directing
C. Controlling
D. Planning
22. The process or activity of optimally utilizing human resources to achieve predetermined
goals and objectives in the most efficient and effective way possible is:
a. Directing
b. Controlling
c. Planning
d. Organizing
23. As a manager, you cannot evaluate:
a. The performance of the employee
b. The behavior of the employee
c. The risk taking characteristics of the employee
d. The attitude of the employee
24. .Which of the following is a function of management?
a. Doing
b. Staffing
c. Sampling
d. Maintaining
25. Reaching toward an objective or striving to meet a mission statement would fall into what
part of management?
a. Planning
b. Directing
c. Controlling
d. Staffing
26. Supervisors have the tendency to spend most of their time on this function:
a. Directing
b. Controlling
c. Planning
d. Staffing
27. Which managerial function clarifies the boundaries of authority and responsibility within a
a. Planning
b. Organizing
c. Directing
d. Controlling
28. Which is not a characteristic of a good directive?
a. Open time element
b. Appropriate wording.
c. Compatibility with objectives.
d. Reasonableness.
29. The process of setting goals and establishing guidelines for meeting them is called:
a. Planning.
b. Supervising.
c. Evaluating.
d. Managing.
30. Which of these statements best describes the concept of reinforcement?
a. Rewards are negative reinforcements.
b. Punishment and reward are both reinforcements.
c. Punishment cannot be a reinforcements.
d. Punishment can never be fair.
31. When she presents the nursing procedures to be followed, she refers to what type of
A. Process
B. Outcome
C. Structure
D. Criteria
32. Which of the following is evidence that the controlling process is effective?
A. The things that were planned are done
B. Physicians do not complain.
C. Employees are contended
D. There is an increase in customer satisfaction rate.
33. She plans of assigning competent people to fill the roles designed in the hierarchy. Which
process refers to this?
A. Staffing
B. Scheduling
C. Recruitment
D. Induction
34. Ms. Caputo learns that some leaders are transactional leaders. Which of the following does
NOT characterize a transactional leader?
A. Focuses on management tasks
B. Is a caretaker
C. Uses trade-offs to meet goals
D. Inspires others with vision
35. She finds out that some managers have benevolent-authoritative style of management.
Which of the following behaviors will she exhibit most likely? Discuss
A. Have condescending trust and confidence in their subordinates
B. Gives economic or ego awards
C. Communicates downward to the staff
D. Allows decision making among subordinates
36. In planning, conceptualizing the purpose and the aspirations of the organization is essential.
What statement gives a false description of a vision?
A. It reflects what the organization wants to be
B. It is written to magnify the various activities and it is projected with a broad time frame
C. It reflects why the organization exist
D. It uses action words in present tense
37. This phase occurs when the community organization has already been established and the
community members are already actively participating in community wide undertakings
a. entry phase
b. organizing-building phase
c. pre- enrty phase
d. sustenance and strengthening phase
38. A systematic study designed to collect data about a community, but costly and time
a. epidemiology
b. home visit
c. survey
d. interview
39. It is the phase of community organizing that is the formation of more formal structure and
the inclusion of more formal process of planning, implementing and evaluating of community
wide activities.
a. pre-entry phase
b. sustenance and strengthening phase
c. organizing-building phase
d. entry phase
40. Refers to a systematic approach, a study of health condition of a community, involving the
collection, analysis and the interpretation of data including statistical data.
a. diagnosis
b. medical health diagnosis
c. nursing care diagnosis
d. community health diagnosis
41. A major expanded role of a nurse today and in the future is:
a. Health insurance nursing care services
b. Health maintenance organization
c. Manage care at home
d. Hospital nursing services
42. Welfare of the patient is more likely to be observed if health team members have
knowledge of the:
a. Human Rights
b. Patient’s bill of rights
c. Magna Carta for health workers
d. Professional code of ethics for nurses

43. What care strategy has the Department of Health used for accessibility of health:

a) deregulation of health services

b) regionalization of health services
c) opening of barangay wellness clinic
d) primary health care
44. How can nurse promote the role of nursing in health team care:
a. interpret nursing health team
b. act as a change agent
c. observe standards of nursing practice
d. clearly specify nursing contribution to health care
45. Which of the following is the most distinguishing characteristic of a profession:
a. respect rights of co-workers
b. orientation towards services
c. attention to care and needs of client
d. attitude of helpfulness
46. To prepare for professional practice in the next century, you should:
a. review nursing in light of future needs
b. update knowledge required of changes in roles
c. competence and ethical work behaviour
d. sensitive to needs of others
47. The most important specific characteristics of a true professional nurse is:
a. accountable of her action
b. observe professionalism
c. competence and ethical work behaviour
d. sensitive to needs of others
48. What is the most important contribution of religion to the practice of nursing?
a. respect for life
b. humanistic view of man
c. spiritual health of patients
d. high value on service to fellow men
49. Thrust of our government for special program is globalization. For nursing, this means:
a. opportunity to work abroad
b. agreement on terms of nurses employment
c. exchange in nursing knowledge
d. borderless nursing practice
Situation. You have 5 patients in Ward X. A student nurse is also assigned to your patients.
50. Who is directly responsible for the safe care of your patients?
a. The student assigned to patients
b. you as the staff nurse
c. the clinical instructor
d. no one
51. Which of the following statements is true?
a. student are accountable to their clinical instructor
b. students are liable for their errors in the practice
c. students cannot be held liable for their error in the practice
d. students are accountable to the head nurse

52. One of your students was requested by a doctor to assist in an abortion procedure.
Your best action is to:
a. leave the student to decide for herself
b. tell him “no” as she is still a student
c. refer him to the head nurse
d. tell him that abortion is not legal in the Philippines

53. One student sought your advice regarding the patient who confidently told her he killed
someone. Which is the best note:
a. keep the information to yourself
b. you may disclose information after the patient’s death
c. if summoned in court, you disclosed the information
d. this is privileged communication hence cannot disclosed anytime

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