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Katrilya ng katipunan
Activity Teachings of the
Historical context katipunan of the
About the author sons of the people
About the text relevance
Association of the
sons of the people
For items 1-5, identify the word/words described
by each item using the shuffled words.
For items 6-9, choose the letter of the correct
For item 10, SURPRISE!
He is the one who
established the
Katipunan. IOFONACBI
He is the one who
established the
Katipunan. BONIFACIO
He is a fellow Katipunero
LMOIEI of Bonifacio who wrote a
number of poems and
ICANOJT essays for the society
He is a fellow Katipunero
EMILIO of Bonifacio who wrote a
number of poems and
JACINTO essays for the society
The symbolic
name of Jacinto
when he joined IKAINGPN
the Katipunan in
The symbolic
name of Jacinto
when he joined PINGKIAN
the Katipunan in
The pen-name used by Jacinto
ASIMD in editing the Katipunan
newspaper, Kalayaan, and
WILA being the author of several
literary writings.
The pen-name used by Jacinto
DIMAS in editing the Katipunan
newspaper, Kalayaan, and
ILAW being the author of several
literary writings.
According to Jim
Richardson, it is
the best known of ALYIKTAR
all Katipunan text.
According to Jim
Richardson, it is
the best known of KARTILYA
all Katipunan text.
Bonifacio saw the _________ of the efforts of the
Filipino propagandists and organized an underground
movement against Spain.
a. effectiveness
b. success
c. futility
Bonifacio saw the _________ of the efforts of the
Filipino propagandists and organized an underground
movement against Spain.
a. effectiveness
b. success
c. futility
The Kartilya contains the following except one.

a. teachings for the neophyte Katipunero

b. teachings of the wife of the Katipuneros
c. guiding principles of the society
The Kartilya contains the following except one.

a. teachings for the neophyte Katipunero

b. teachings of the wife of the Katipuneros
c. guiding principles of the society
The Spanish term cartilla means:

a. primer used for grade schools

b. primer used for secondary schools
c. primer used for the members of Katipunan
The Spanish term cartilla means:

a. primer used for grade schools

b. primer used for secondary schools
c. primer used for the members of Katipunan
According to _________, “The Kartilya is the best
known of all Katipunan texts.”

a. Jean Richardson
b. Jim Richardson
c. Jack Richardson
According to _________, “The Kartilya is the best
known of all Katipunan texts.”

a. Jean Richardson
b. Jim Richardson
c. Jack Richardson
KKK was a revolutionary society that
espoused independence and freedom
for the Philippines through force of
 He established the Katipunan, it was
the first move of independence that
began on July 7, 1892.

He saw the futility of the efforts of the Filipino

propagandists and organized underground
movement against Spain.
Kataastaasang Kagalang-galang
Katipunan ng mga Anak ng Bayan (KKK)
 a revolutionary society that espoused
independence and freedom for the Philippine
through force of arms
 The recruitement process of the - separation of the Philippines from Spain
Katipunan followed the Masonic - development of the Filipinos as citizens of
initiation rites while its structure was their own nation once independence was
said to be based on Rizal’s aborted achieved
reformist organization.
 He was born on December 15, 1875 in Tondo, Manila.
 He was the son of Mariano Jacinto and Josefa Dizon.
 He finished his elementary education in a private school
then took up secondary education at Colegio de San
Juan de Letran.
 He studied law at University of Santo Tomas where he
developed a love of reading and improved his skills in
 Unfortunately, he had to stop his studies when the
Philippine Revolution began in 1896.
 He joined the Katipunan in 1894 at the age of 18 and
took the symbolic name Pingkian.
 Through his enthusiasm and ideas, he became a guiding
light to the members of the society.
 He wrote the Kartilya as well as the oath of the
Katipuneros. He used the pen-name “Dimas Ilaw.”
 He served the Katipunan in different capacities: secretary, fiscal, editor,
and appointed General by Bonifacio in 1897.
 Jacinto continued the fight against the Spaniards even after the truce
following the Pact of Biak-na-Bato.
 He was wounded in the battle against the Spaniards in Magdalena,
Laguna, and was captured.
 He was released after he managed to convince the Spanish soldiers that
he was a spy in their service when he showed them military pass issued to
a man he killed.
 He hided in Manila and sent a letter to Apolinario Mabini in Malolos
stating his plan to continue his law studies.
 His plan was discontinued when Jacinto had to go back to Laguna to lead
his fellow patriots in the war against the new enemy, the Americans.
 He established his headquarters in the town of Majayjay where he
unfortunately, contracted malaria.
 He died on April 6, 1899.
“the Kartilya is the best known of all Katipunan texts”
“the only document of any length set in by the Katipunan prior
to August 1896 that is known to be still extant”

 The Kartilya was printed as a small pamphlet that was

distributed to the members of the Katipunan.
 cartilla – primer used for grade schools during Spanish period
 like cartillas, this document served as the primary lessons for the
members of the Katipunan
 presents the teachings for the neophyte Katipunero
 guiding principle to the society
 it ends with a document of affirmation by the member to the
society’s teachings
To those who want to join
this association
Have a full understanding and knowledge of its guiding principles and
main teachings, it is necessary to make these things known to them so
that they will not, tomorrow or the next day, repent, and so that they
may perform their duties wholeheartedly.
Pursues a most worthy and momentous object:
- To unite the hearts and minds of all the Tagalogs by means of an
inviolable oath
- To find the true path of Reason and Enlightment
To those who want to join
this association
 Foremost rules:
- true love of the native land
- genuine compassion for one another

 Poor, rich, ignorant, wise – here, all the equal and true brethren.
 As soon as anybody enters, he shall perforce renounce disorderly habits and
shall submit to the authority of the sacred commands of the Katipunan.
 All acts contrary to noble and clean living are repugnant.
To those who want to join
this association
 If the applicant merely wishes to know the secrets of the Association, or to
seek personal gratification, or to know who are here in order to sell them for
a handful of silver, he cannot proceed.
 Only actions are demanded and esteemed.
 The duties to be performed are exceedingly hard, especially if one
remembers that there can be no dereliction or willful evasion of duty without
the exaction of a terrible punishment.
 If the applicant merely desires financial support relief or wants to lead a life
of bodily comfort and ease, he had better not proceed.
To those who want to join
this association
 The misfortune that threatens the Filipinos to contemplate this things that
are sacred and the sufferings they made to endure by the reign of cruelty,
injustice and evil.
 The need for money, which today is one of the main things upon which we
depend to bring sustenance to all.
 The punctual payment of dues is required: one peso upon entry and then
twelve and a half centavos each month
 The funds cannot be expended without the consent of the majority.
To those who want to join
this association

All this must be thought over and deliberated upon

calmly, as it cannot be accomplished or endured by
anyone who has no love for his native land and no
genuine desire to promote Progress.
Teachings of the katipunan
of the sons of the people
1. A life that is not dedicated to a great and sacred cause is like a tree
without a shade, or a poisonous weed.
2. A good deed lacks virtue if it springs form a desire for personal profit and
not from a sincere desire to do good.
3. True charity resides in acts of compassion, in love for one’s fellow men,
and in making true Reason he measure of every move, deed and word.
4. Be their skin dark or pale, all men are equal. One can be superior to
another in knowledge, wealth and beauty… but not in being
Teachings of the katipunan
of the sons of the people
5. A person with a noble character values honor above self-interest, while a
person with an ignoble character values self interest above honor.
6. An honorable man’s word is his bond.
7. Don’t waste time, lost wealth may be recovered, but time lost is lost
8. Defend the oppressed and fight the oppressor.
9. An intelligent man is he who takes care in everything he says and keeps
quiet about what must be kept secret.
Teachings of the katipunan
of the sons of the people
10. Along the thorny path of life, the man leads the way and his wife and
children follow. If the leader goes the way of perdition then so do those
who are led.
11. Do not regard a woman as a mere plaything, but as a helpmate and
partner in the hardships of this existence. Have due regard to her
weakness, and remember the mother who brought you into this world and
nurtured you in your infancy.
12. What you would not want done to your wife, daughter and sister, do not do
to the wife, daughter and sister of another.
Teachings of the katipunan
of the sons of the people

13. A man’s worth does not come from him being a king, or in the height of
his nose and the whiteness of his face, or in him being a priest, a
representative of God, or in his exalted position on the face of this earth.
Pure and truly noble is he who, though born in the forest and able to
speak only his own tongue, behaves decently, is true to his word, has
dignity and honor, who is not an oppressor and does not abet oppressors,
who knows how to cherish and look after the land of his birth.
Teachings of the katipunan
of the sons of the people

14.When these doctrines have spread and the brilliant

sun of beloved liberty shines on these poor Islands,
and sheds its sweet light upon a united race, a people
in everlasting happiness, then the lives lost, the
struggle and the suffering will have been more that
Teachings that embodied the moral and nationalistic
principles of nation that fought for independence.
Sense of nationhood still holds true when the cultural
and historical values of every Filipino are threatened by
the onslaught of foreign influences brought about by
today’s globalization
It established not only the rules for the members of the
organization but the principles for the citizens of a
nation once independence had been achieved.
It is significant to the lives of modern Filipinos as it
reads like a simple creed for living in the light of many
changes occurring at present.

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