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Name: Karleen Jezzah G.


Subject: Educ 200 – Socio-Philosophical Foundations of Education

Time: Sunday, 7:00-10:00

My Philosophy of Education

I strongly believe that education is to continue to live and exist in spite of ordeal or

difficult circumstances. It is called survival. Education for survival is the response to the rigid

demands of our society nowadays. I have the confidence that character education and practical

education are the necessary ones to survive. These two are the bases of my philosophy of


As for me, I am fixed that character education should take place first before any other

subjects taught inside the classroom. Character education enables the learners in school and

community to understand, act on ethical values such as respect, justice, civic virtue and

citizenship, discipline and responsibility for self and others. It is more important to nurture and

promote the ethical, social and emotional development than the intellectual development of

individuals. Character education develops learners to become moral, caring, critical, responsible

and disciplined individuals.

One of the most important characters or traits that every individual should possess is

discipline. It is practicing oneself to obey rules or code of behavior by the use of punishments

and consequences. If individuals own discipline within themselves, all the others values and

traits follow. With discipline, there will be lesser problem when it comes to classroom

management as well as how to evaluate the performances of these young minds. However, it

cannot just be developed with the help of punishments; there should be positive reinforcements
also. With this, the rules and code of behavior inside the classroom are viewed as guidelines for

academic success. Discipline brings sustainable development into a person’s life. It teaches an

individual to be respectful and responsible.

Discipline does not develop in every distinct overnight. Inside the classroom, the teacher

should impose several rules in which the learners follow in order to develop discipline. First, the

teacher should define what she wants inside the classroom. She should describe the kind of

changes of behavior required. Second, the teacher herself should be the role model. Lastly, the

learners are accountable with their actions. If they commit mistakes or errors, there should

punishments or consequences received by the learners; if they perform well or do good inside the

classroom, rewards and reinforcements are given.

I am also confident that practical education is more important than solving mathematical

problems, memorizing the elements in periodic table or composing an essay with perfect

grammar. It is more essential to teach cooking, carpentry, fixing basic electrical issues, driving,

first aid and all other practical courses. These are the skills which, if not all, but almost all the

learners must learn, because these are the means of survival of our daily living.

In conclusion, teachers should shape the learners to be practical in many ways as well as

to take account of their actions on day to day basis. Teachers must educate young minds to

survive and young minds must desire to be educated because they need to survive. Survival is

applying practical skills in dealing with distinct personalities and different ordeals every now and

then with discipline.

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