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Flight Control System for a Micromechanical Flying Insect:

Architecture and Implementation∗

L. Schenato, X. Deng, S. Sastry
Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences
University of California at Berkeley

Abstract 2 MFI Overview

This paper describes recent results on the design
and simulation of a flight control system for Mi- The design of the MFI is obviously guided by real
cromechanical Flying Insect (MFI), a 10-25 mm flying insect studies, however, the challenging re-
(wingtip-to-wingtip) device eventually capable of quirements for a feasible fabrication, such as small
sustained autonomous flight. The biologically in- dimensions, low power consumption, high flapping
spired system architecture results in a hierarchical frequency and fast robust control, have forced the
structure of different control methodologies, which development of novel approaches and new technolo-
give the possibility to plan complex missions from a gies.
sequence of simple flight modes and maneuvers. As
a case study, a stabilizing hovering control scheme
is presented and simulated with VIFS, a software GROUND BASE
simulator for insect flight. MFI’s
Index Terms– MFI, insect flight, hierarchical
control, hovering, switching control.



1 Introduction Trasduced



Unmanned air vehicles, UAV, have been a very CAMERA GYROSCOPES


active area of research, since they are indispens- External

able for various applications where human interven-
tion is considered difficult or dangerous. Despite
that recent remarkable achievements obtained with ENVIRONMENT

fixed and rotary aircrafts [8] [4], their use in several

tasks is still limited by their cost or by their size. Figure 1: MFI structure
However, the latest advances in insect flight aero-
dynamics and in microtechnology, seem to provide
the sufficient tools to fabricate flying micro-robots
mimicking real flying insects. Despite flying micro- The goal of the MFI project is the fabrication of
robots have limited payload capacity and require an electromechanical device capable of autonomous
still air, their unmatched maneuverability, low fab- flight and complex behaviors, mimicking a blowfly
rication cost and small size make them very attrac- Calliphora, which has a mass of 100mg, wing length
tive for cost-critical missions in environments which of 11mm, wing beat frequency of 150Hz, and ac-
are unpenetrable for larger size UAV’s. tuator power of 10mW . The demanding require-
This paper describes the design and the imple- ments for the fabrication of the MFI, such as small
mentation of a flight control system for a Microme- dimensions, low power consumption, high flapping
chanical Flying Insect being currently developed at frequency and fast robust control, have forced the
UC Berkeley. This system is responsible for plan- development of novel approaches and technologies.
ning missions, planning flight paths, generating tra- The fabrication of such a device requires the design
jectories and sequence of flight modes, and regulat- of several components. In particular, it is possible
ing the MFI motion along simple trajectories. to identify five main units (Figure 1), each of them
responsible of a distinct task: the locomotory unit,
∗ This work was funded by ONR MURI N00014-98-1- the sensory system unit , the power supply unit, the
0671, ONR DURIP N00014-99-1-0720 and DARPA. communication unit and the control unit.





Mission Panner





Trajectory planner

FORCE SENSORS Find object energy
territory source


Flight mode
Fast Forward Hover Steer left
Figure 2: Neuromotor control physiology in flying in- forward OPTICAL FLOW

sect ...

Wing kinematics control

angle of wingbeat stroke rotation
..... .....

attack frequency amplitude timing

3 Overview of Insect Flight WINGS ACTUATORS



The feasibility of fabricating a device capable to

generate sufficient lift to sustain itself, does not im-
ply the feasibility of stable flight. Therefore, the
MFI requires a control unit which must stabilize Figure 3: Design architecture for the control unit
the flight and, eventually, show complex behaviors of the MFI.
and plan trajectories. Unfortunately, the difficul-
ties, which have to be faced, are numerous.
First of all, little is known about the flight con- nonlinear and the values of its parameters, like
trol in real insects [2] [1]. It seems that there are physical dimensions or elasticity, often present
two levels of control, as shown in Figure 2. At some variability from the nominal ones, due to the
the low level the halteres, which are biological gy- manufacturing [9].
ros, control the wing kinematics in order to keep Finally, the MFI is designed to show complex be-
the insect body in hovering condition. This type haviors, such as planning articulated trajectories to
of control seems to be local and passive, since it accomplish a desired task. In order to solve these
always works to maintain the insect body in hov- problems, it has been proposed an hierarchical ar-
ering position, no matter what the insect is trying chitecture .
to do. At the high level, the brain, stimulated by
visual and physiological stimuli, works like a tac-
tical planner, since it plans a trajectory based on
its ultimate goal, like finding food or fighting an en- 4 Control Unit Architecture
emy. Differently from the halteres, this type of con-
troller cannot modify directly the wings kinematics, The hierarchical architecture, partially inspired by
but can only force the kinematics of the hanteres real flying insects and UAV research [4], decom-
themselves. Consequently, the modified kinematics poses the original global control problem into a
of the halteres indirectly alter the wing kinematics, multilevel set of simpler control problems. More-
thus forcing different flight modes, like forward mo- over, thanks to this approach, the controllers on
tion or steering. This control architecture is prob- each level can be designed independently of those
ably an effective way to safely recover from large on higher levels, thus allowing the possibility to in-
external disturbance to the body dynamics such as crementally build more and more articulated con-
sudden wind gusts, and to limit the hazards of ag- trol structures. Figure 3 shows the architecture
gressive maneuvers. In fact, it has been observed proposed for the MFI control unit. It is possible
that anytime the insect body attitude exceeds some to identify four main levels: the mission planner,
safe threshold, the low level control locks out the the trajectory planner, the flight mode controller
higher level, recovers a stable hovering orientation, and the wing kinematics controllers.
and only at that point, it releases the control to the Each of them has a specific task to accomplish
higher level. and ,apart from the top level, is made of several
Another important difficulty for the design of a controllers. Moreover, this architecture is built in a
flight controller is the high uncertainty of the aero- top-down structure, namely each level can interact
dynamic model for insect flight. Though the quali- with the lower level, but not vice versa. Finally,
tative aspects of the aerodynamics involved are be- the two higher levels act like switchers, since they
coming clear [3] and though it is possible to safely simply select one of the possible controller at the
estimate the mean forces averaged over a whole lower level. The bottom level, instead, continuously
flapping cycle, no exact quantitative model is avail- controls the wing kinematics. As a consequence
able for the instant forces, at present. the control unit presents a mixture of discrete and
Moreover, the electromechanical model is highly continuous dynamics.

4.1 Mission Planner amplitude, Φ, the mean stroke angle, φ̄, the ro-
tation timings at pronation and supination, tstart
At the top level of the control unit there is the and tend . Note that each wing have its own param-
mission planner. Based on the sensory input from eters which may differ from the other wing. Other
the visual system, the communication unit and the biokinematics parameters can be considered, but
power supply unit, it selects the appropriate task. those mentioned here, are sufficient to generate any
This structure not only allows the possibility to flight mode [3].
send commands to the MFI from a ground base, like The visual information is not used at this level for
”find object X” or ”explore region Y”, but also fa- two main reasons, one related to real time control
vors the development of autonomous decisions. For issues and the other to noise in the sensors signal.
example, a low value of the energy level would force First, the time required to process visual signals
the selector to choose the behavior ”find sunny is longer than the time for inertial signal, and may
spot” to recharge the MFI batteries. be not fast enough to provide effective feedback,
since the MFI is designed to have a wingbeat fre-
4.2 Trajectory planner quency of 100 − 200Hz.
Secondly, the dynamics of any mechanical device
The second level corresponds to a set of several is given, and controlled, by its angular and linear
complex behaviors labeled as “explore”, “find ob- velocities. As a consequence, in almost any kind of
ject”, “find energy source”, “return home”, “escape feedback approach, it is necessary to estimate these
from enemy”, but only one of them can be active at velocities. Since the visual system can measure
a time. These are only some of the possible choices only displacements, their first derivative must be
and others may be added. taken to obtain the corresponding velocities, thus
Each of them is generated by a different con- giving rise to large estimation errors if the data are
troller, which is ultimately a trajectory planner noisy. The inertial sensors, instead, measure di-
since each behavior requires that the MFI fly from rectly the forces which are simply proportional to
one place to another. No a priori policy is loaded accelerations and velocities, thus providing a more
into these controllers, just the ultimate goal is spec- robust estimation.
On the other hand, this level presents the prob- 4.4 Wing kinematics controller
lem to redefine those generic goals into a formal
control framework. The bottom level consists on a single controller that
Based on visual input information, each con- generates the electrical signals for the actuators in
troller selects an appropriate sequence of flight order to generate the wings motion corresponding
modes from the lower level to follow the desired to the biokinematic parameters given by the flight
path. This sequence is not fixed but may be re- mode controller. This controller receives input in-
planned to take account of noisy sensors and exter- formation from force sensors placed at the wings
nal disturbances in the body dynamics. base. This input information can be directly used
to estimate instantaneously the position and ve-
locity of the wings, thus improving wing motion
4.3 Flight mode controller control through feedback.
The third level contains the collections of all possi-
ble flight modes available to the MFI. In particular,
they are hovering, fast forward, power efficient for- 5 A case study: the hovering
ward, take off, land, steer left, steer right, move up, flight mode
move down, move sideward. As for the types of be-
haviors, the choice of flight modes is arbitrary, but In this section, we focus on the design and imple-
it should be rich enough to generate any desired mentation of the hovering flight mode, i.e. we want
trajectory and motion. the MFI to stabilize about a fixed point in the space
Each flight mode is provided with a controller [xd , yd , zd ], regardless of its orientation. To simplify
that takes the input signals from the inertial sys- the analysis we assume perfect state information,
tem, namely the accelerometers and gyroscopes, i.e. position, attitude and velocity of the MFI are
which provides an estimate for attitude and ve- accessible, and direct control of wings kinematics,
locities of the MFI body. Based on this informa- i.e. we neglect the actuators dynamics. Although
tion, the controller chooses the appropriate values these are strong assumptions, the problem of stable
for the biokinematics parameters of the locomotory hovering is still a difficult problem, since very little
system, and they are updated every few wingbeat is known on real insect flight control algorithms.
cycles, depending on the measured body dynamics.
The biokinematics parameters correspond to 5.1 Switching control approach
those particular features of wing motion that are
responsible for flight. They are the wing beat fre- Similarly to aerial vehicles based on rotary wings,
quency, f , the mean angle of attack, ᾱ, the stroke such as helicopter, flying insects control their flight

by controlling their attitude and the magnitude of where [a, b, c] are appropriate constants and the
the vertical thrust [8]. However, differently from control inputs, [ux , uy , uz ], can assume only two
aerodynamic forces exerted on helicopter blades, discrete values, {−1, +1}.
aerodynamic forces on insect wings are highly time- Before proceeding further, we want to remark
varying along a wingbeat and are complex to model two facts. The first fact is that the constant [a, b, c]
analytically. Moreover, the total force and torques are in reality time-varying parameters that depend
on the MFI body are the result of the forces gener- on the insect orientation and wing kinematics. The
ated by the two wings. Therefore, techniques like second, and most important, fact is that the con-
feedback linearization [6] and robust linear control trol inputs [ux , uy , uz ] cannot be chosen continu-
[5] are likely to fail, unless a better understanding ously and independently. In fact, the inputs can be
of insect flight dynamics is available. Instead, we changed only every wingbeat and they take positive
derive a very crude model for the aerodynamics and or negative values only on average inside a wing-
we implement a switching controller that, based on beat. As a consequence, it is hazardous,to design,
feedback error, selects among a set of wings mo- based on the Equations 3 an aggressive controller ,
tions. Each of this wings motion, can generate pos- that asymptotically stabilizes the MFI position.
itive or negative net torques along one of the three
main body axes.
As a first approximation, neglecting nonlinearity
5.2 Wing kinematics for attitude
and coupling among variables, the dynamics of the control
MFI is given by: Before presenting the control scheme, we need to
generate a set of wings kinematics that provide the
θ̈ = Ip−1 τp (t) desired control input. Although little is still known
η̈ = Ir−1 τr (t) about optimal wings motion in terms of power con-
sumption and maneuverability, recent work done by
ψ̈ = Iy−1 τy (t) Dickinson’s group [3] have evidenced how a differ-
ẍ = m−1 Fv (t) sin(θ) ent mean angle of attack and the phase of rotation
between the two wings, can generate asymmetrical
ÿ = m−1 Fv (t) sin(η) instantaneous forces along a wingbeat, thus giving
z̈ = m−1 (Fv (t) − g) (1) rise to positive or negative mean torque and forces.
Intuitively, the mean angle of attack can modulate
where , [Ip , Ir , Iy ], are the moment of inertia of the the magnitude of the aerodynamic forces on the
pitch, roll and yaw axes, respectively, [τp , τr , τy ], are wing: lift is maximal at an angle of attack of 45o
the corresponding torques generated by the wings, and decreases for different angles. The advanced or
m is the total mass of the insect, Fv is the mean delayed phase of rotation respectively increases or
aerodynamic vertical thrust, and g is the gravita- decreases both lift and drag at the stroke reversals.
tional acceleration. If the orientation angles of MFI These findings suggest how to select wings kine-
are small the position dynamics can be simplified matics that generate desired torque. Figure 4 shows
as follows: only some of such kinematics. In the scenario (A)
the wings have the same motion stroke angle mo-
x(4) = m−1 Ip−1 Fv (t)τp (t) tion and the phase of wings rotation, ϕ(t), is ad-
y (4) = m−1 Ir−1 Fv (t)τr (t) vanced on the back of the insect body and delayed
on the front, giving rise to a net pitch down torque.
z (2) = m−1 (Fv (t) − g) (2) In the scenario (B) the wings have the same stroke
where the index in the parenthesis stands for the angle motion, φ(t), but the phase of rotation for
order of the derivative. Though this is a very crude the left wing is advanced on the back of the insect
approximation, it clearly evidences how position body and delayed on the front, and it is opposite
control can be achieved by controlling only three on the right wing, giving rise to a net clockwise
parameters, the pitch torque, τp , the roll torque,τr , yaw torque. In the scenario (C) the wings have the
and the vertical thrust, Fv . However, analytical ex- same stroke angle motion, φ(t), and phase of rota-
pression for those parameters as a function of the tion, but the right wing has a smaller mean angle
wings motions is currently hopeless. Nevertheless, of attack, giving rise to a net right roll torque.
if we can find wing motions which are guaranteed to In particular, we parameterize the wing kinemat-
generate on average positive and negative roll and ics as follow:
pitch torque, and sufficient vertical thrust to bal- φr (t) = φl (t) = Φ sin(2πf t)
ance the gravitation force, we can further simplify
Equations 2 as follows: ϕr (t) = Υr [sin(2πf t) + νr sin(4πf t)]
ϕl (t) = Υl [sin(2πf t) + νl sin(4πf t)] (4)
x(4) = a ux
y (4) = b uy where f is the wingbeat frequency, Φ is the max-
imal stroke amplitude, ϕ = π2 − α, is the rotation
z (2) = c uz (3) angle, defined as the angle between the wing profile

A Del.
B Del.
C .
Del. Adv. ROLL .

. . .

PITCH YAW α = 45 α = 30
y y y

Adv. Adv. Adv. Del.

x x x

Figure 4: Open loop wing motions that can generate: (A) pitch, (B) yaw, (C) roll torques. The arrows represent the
instantaneous aerodynamic forces acting on the wings. The circles with a cross or with a dot correspond, respectively
to the perpendicular component of the force entering or exiting the stroke plane. Adv. and Del. stand for advanced
and delayed rotation, respectively.

and the vertical, Υ is the maximal rotation angle each wingbeat, one of the possible wing kinematics
and the subscript r and l stand for right and left presented in Table 1 as a function of the control
wing, respectively. According to this parameter- inputs [ux , uy , uz ]. The control algorithm can be
ization, scenario (A) is given by, Υr = Υl = π4 , summarized as followed:
and νr = νl = 0.4; scenario (B) is given by,
Υr = Υl = π4 , νr = 0.4 and νl = −0.4; scenario νr = νl = 0.4 ux
(C) is given by, Υl = π3 , Υr = π4 , and νr = νl = 0. γ = 1.1 − 0.1 uz
Table 1 reports the mean wrench over a com-
7 1
plete wingbeat, due to wing aerodynamic forces Υr = γ + uy π
12 12
for several scenarii, and it evidences the compo-  
nents that are most largely affected. As expected, 7 1
Υl = γ − uy π (7)
the parameterization of the wing kinematics given 12 12
in Equations (4), generates wing motions that can
control body attitude and vertical thrust. This set The proposed control algorithm is simulated with
of wing kinematics, although arbitrary and limited, VIFS [7] and the results are shown in Figure 5.
is sufficient to control the MFI attitude and verti- It succeeds in stabilizing hovering, hoverer, not
cal thrust and to stabilize hovering or other flight surprisingly, the MFI evidences a chattering mo-
modes. tion about the desired fixed position. This effect
is mainly due to the fact that nonlinearity and
coupling among dynamic variables have been ne-
5.3 Feedback control and simula- glected. Moreover, since attitude stabilization was
tions not included, we notice a drift in the yaw orienta-
The feedback law is based on global errors, cal- tion, which, however, does not affect stability.
culated at the end of every wingbeat, which are In order to simplify the model, we do not take
defined as a linear combination of position and ve- into account external disturbances such as wind
locity errors averaged over a wingbeat: gusts and rain. However, our goal is to design a
controller with a large basin of stability, such that
¯ ¯ + K4 (x̄ − xd ) the MFI is able to recover the hovering flight mode
ex = K1 θ̇ + K2 θ̄ + K3 ẋ even from an upside-down position. As a conse-
ey = K1 η̇ + K2 η̄ + K3 ẏ¯ + K4 (ȳ − yd )
¯ quence, albeit wind gusts and rain may degrade
ez = K5 ż¯ + K6 (z̄ − zd ) (5) flight performance, they should not compromise the
overall behavior of the MFI. We will address this
where the constants {Ki } are empirically chosen. issue in future work.
According to these arrows the control inputs are

ux = −sign(ex ) 6 Conclusion
uy = −sign(ey ) In this paper we have presented a hierarchical con-
uz = −sign(ez ) (6) trol system architecture for flight control and man-
agement. This scheme takes inspiration from real
where the function sign(s) returns 1 if s is positive flying insects and greatly simplifies implementation
and -1 otherwise. and performance analysis of control algorithms. Fi-
To stabilize the hovering flight mode, we have nally we have proposed and simulated a stabilizing
designed a fixed scheduler that selects, at the end of controller for the hovering flight mode. Although

N Kinematic Parameters Wrench
rl rr vl vr Fx Fy Fz τroll τpitch τyaw
1 45 45 0.4 -0.4 -0.0215 -0.0015 1.2072 0.0208 -0.0939 -0.7202
2 45 45 -0.4 0.4 -0.0215 0.0015 1.2072 -0.0208 -0.0939 0.7202
3 45 45 0.4 0.4 -0.1384 0 1.2049 0 -0.7186 0
4 45 45 -0.4 -0.4 -0.0965 0 1.2117 0 0.5292 0
5 45 45 0 0 -0.0226 0 1.2324 0 -0.1009 0
6 60 60 0 0 -0.0479 0 0.7939 0 -0.195 0
7 45 60 0 0 -0.035 -0.0403 1.0135 -0.7452 -0.147 0.0652
8 60 45 0 0 -0.035 0.0403 1.0135 0.7452 -0.147 0.0652

Table 1: Mean Wrench Map over a complete wingbeat: forces are expressed in (ηN ) and torque in (ηN ·mm)

x−y−z position in spacial frame

20 tially, the controller will be implemented using off-
line sensors and processing unit, but, eventually,
controller unit and sensors will be integrated into

a single chip installed in the MFI device.

−20 px

500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000
7 Acknowledgments
roll−pitch−yaw angles in spacial frame The authors thank R. Fearing, M.Dickinson, S.Sane

for helpful discussions and insights.


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