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Seismic Rehabilitation of Existing

Presentation Topics:
1. How to define a Rehabilitation Objective
per ASCE 41.
2. Data Collection and Testing.
3. Analysis Requirements.
4. Modeling.
5. Results Evaluation.
6. Design and Rehabilitation.
What is ASCE 41?
 It is mainly a combination of two FEMA
 FEMA 356 – Technical Requirements
for Seismic Rehabilitation of Buildings
– Superseded by ASCE 41.
 FEMA 274 – NEHRP Commentary on
the Guidelines for Seismic
Rehabilitation of Buildings.
 ASCE 31 – Seismic Evaluation of
Existing Buildings (supporting
Why use ASCE 41?
 To improve the seismic performance of
any existing structure:
 ASCE 41 addresses rehabilitation of
Architectural, Mechanical, Electrical
and Structural systems.
 ASCE 41 can be used to rehabilitate
historic structures.
 Where performance based
rehabilitations are desired.
What is required for the
1. A Seismic Evaluation must be performed
to identify deficiencies to be rehabilitated.
ASCE 31 (Formerly FEMA 310) can be
used for the evaluation.
2. Define the Rehabilitation Objective - a
combination of a Target Building
Performance Level, an Earthquake Hazard
Level, and an Objective Classification.
Target Building Performance:
1. Structural Performance Level: ASCE 41
1.5.1 and Tables C1-2,3, & 4 define six
• Immediate Occupancy (S-1)
• Damage Control Range (S-2)
• Life Safety (S-3)
• Limited Safety Range (S-4)
• Collapse Prevention (S-5)
• Not Considered (S-6)
Tables C1-2 to C1-4 defines typical
damage that accompany these levels.
Target Building Performance:
Damage increases

Primary component – Any structural element that resists loads and

deformations from seismic loads in addition to gravity loads. Secondary
component – any element that resists deformations + gravity loads.
Target Building Performance:
1. Nonstructural Performance Level: ASCE
41 1.5.2 and Tables C1-5 & 6 define five
• Operational (N-A)
• Immediate Occupancy (N-B)
• Life Safety (N-C)
• Hazards Reduced (N-D)
• Not Considered (N-E)
Tables C1-5 & 6 define typical damage
that accompany these levels.
Target Building Performance:
Damage increases
Target Building Performance:

Example: N-A + S-1 yields 1-A Target

Building Performance designation.
Earthquake Hazard Level:
 BSE – 2 Event: An earthquake with a 2%
probability in 50 years of being exceeded.
This is an earthquake with a 2500 year
reoccurrence period or the MCE as
defined in ASCE 7 or IBC.
 BSE – 1 Event: An earthquake with a 10%
probability in 50 years of being exceeded.
This is an earthquake with a 500 year
reoccurrence period or the design event
defined in ASCE 7 or IBC.
BSE – Basic Service Earthquake
QUIZ ???:

What document did ASCE 41 replace?

 The History of Future Architecture.

 Texas Architect.
 FEMA 356.
Rehabilitation Objective Classes:
1.Basic Safety Objective –
typical for Ancillary structures
(Office buildings)
2. Enhanced Rehabilitation
Objective – typical for Critical
or Essential structures
(Hospitals, Fire stations, Police
3. Limited Rehabilitation
Objective – (Other less critical
You and your client define the req’d Class.
Rehabilitation Objective:
Now that you have defined you
Rehabilitation Objective what is

 Data Collection
 Analysis Requirements
 Modeling
 Results Evaluation
 Design and Rehabilitation
Data Collection:
1. From existing plans OR
2. From a comprehensive testing program

Requirements depend on your Rehabilitation

Objective and the information available
to you from existing plans.
Testing is needed to obtain enough information
to build the linear or nonlinear model.
Material testing to support modeling can be
very expensive and time consuming.
Data Collection:

Knowledge Factor – scale factor to reduce element

capacity due to uncertainty in element composition.
Comprehensive plan required when exist. dwgs
don’t have enough information.

Wall thickness and wall to column

connection check.

Steel coupons and clay tile wall sample for

testing. Use ASCE 41 to determine number
of tests and locations.

Core drilling of foundation to determine

concrete material properties.

Concrete cores for compression testing.


In-situ shear test of a clay tile wall.


40” x 40”

Flexural test of clay tile to determine out

of plane bending capacity.

Compression test of clay tile sample.

Analysis Options:
1. Linear static - LSP (considered the
least accurate)
 Linear model subject to lateral
loading determined by ASCE 41.
Similar to IBC / ASCE 7 equivalent
lateral force method.
 Allowed only for structures without
irregularities defined in ASCE 41
(basically the same irregularity
types defined in ASCE 7).
 Allowed only for some structures
which do not have any
irregularities defined for the NSP.
Analysis Options:
2. Linear dynamic - LDP
(considered more accurate than
the LSP)
 Linear model subjected to
response spectral or time
history loading.
 Allowed only for some
structures which do not have
any irregularities defined for
the NSP.
 V = 0.85 VLSP
Analysis Options:
3. Nonlinear static – NSP
(considered accurate enough
for most structures)
 Structural model with
nonlinear material behavior
assigned to structural elements
pushed to a static displacement
defined by ASCE 41. This is
called the Target
 Can be required by your client.
 V = 0.7 VLSP
Analysis Options:
 Required if any of the following are true:
 Buildings with non-orthogonal
lateral system.
 Building with a vertical stiffness
 Building which has a torsional
stiffness irregularity in any story.
 When the first mode period is more
than 3.5Ts with Ts = S1 / Ss p. 26.
 Any structure where the horizontal
dimension of any story exceeds that
of an adjacent story by 1.4.
Analysis Options:
4. Nonlinear time history - NDP
(considered the most accurate)
 Structural model with nonlinear
material behavior assigned to
structural elements subjected to an
earthquake time history loading.
 Required for certain structures
including those when R> Rmax. R is
a parameter related to the
structures’ capacity / the seismic
 Permitted for all structures and a
third party review may be required
for this analysis method.
QUIZ ???:

What should you do if the existing plans do

not have information on the existing
materials in the building?

A. Ask the Architect for more fee?

B. Initiate a comprehensive testing program?
C. Analyze the structure using the Nonlinear
Dynamic Procedure?
Nonlinear Modeling for NSP:
A model that considers material nonlinearity in
all elements which comprise it including:
1. Likely plastic hinge regions modeled with
FEMA 356 nonlinear hinges.
2. Material stress strain relationships
assigned to concrete, steel, masonry,
Fiber Reinforced Polymer (FRP) and clay
tile structural elements (etc).
Material Stress-Strain Relations as
defined by ASCE 41:
 Curve 1 – Ductile material with a post yield
residual strength (deformation controlled).
 Curve 2 – Ductile material without post yield
residual strength (deformation controlled).
 Curve 3 – Brittle material (force controlled).
HCT in shear. HCT in compress.
Force-Deformation Relations for Concrete
(Chapter 6 ASCE 41):

Q – applied load. Qy – yield force.

a, b, c, and d defined by ASCE 41.

The Engineer must use these relationships

along with definitions for points a, b, c, and d
to define material nonlinearity.
Nonlinear Modeling for NSP:
Acceptance Criteria – Concrete Hinges:

More stringent reqs

C – conforming transverse steel (ties).

NC – Nonconforming transverse steel.
Nonlinear Modeling for NSP:
FEMA 356 Hinges - Concrete:
Nonlinear Modeling for NSP:
Steel (Type 1 Curve):

Ductile Range
Nonlinear Modeling for NSP:
Concrete (Type 3 Curve):

Nonlinear Modeling for NSP:
Clay Tile – Shear Only (From Judgment and
published research. Allowed by ASCE 41 C1.2)

Zero tension

Shear yield

Comp Shear failure

Nonlinear Modeling for NSP:
Clay Tile – Compression (Type 3 Curve):

E2 = 0.1 E1


 SAP 2000 Advanced
 STAAD Pro Nonlinear

These programs are expensive per license

and require a “strong” computer to run the
models. Example 12 NL load combos
takes 20 hours to solve.
QUIZ ???:
The following represents what kind of material

A. Brittle.
B. Elastic-Perfect Plastic.
C. Ductile.
Nonlinear Modeling Process:
 For a Nonlinear Static Model you are
basically in need of establishing the
pushover curve for the structure and
verifying that R < Rmax. This is done by:
1. Defining the Target Displacement for the
structure at the control node:

Co – factor to equate a SDOF system to actual bldg.

C1 – inelastic scale factor. Te – effective first mode period.
C2 – factor for pinched hystersis + cyclic strength degradation.
Nonlinear Modeling Process:
2. Push the model, using inertial forces
applied to the model in proportion to the
first mode shape, to the target
displacement and define the Static
Pushover Curve for the building. The
target displacement will vary for each
major direction of the structure. This
process is iterative and time consuming.
Nonlinear Modeling Process:
3. Define R based on the results of the push
over analysis. R is a measure of system
stability. Rmax is a measure of system

Cm – mass effective in the first mode and Vy is the structure

first yield force. y – yield displacement. d – target disp.
Rmax – roughly the same as R from ASCE 7.
Vy – structure first yield, W str weight, Sa – response spectra
acceleration at Te.
Nonlinear Modeling Process:
4. The target displacement is dependent on the
level of seismic activity expected at your
site, the soil properties of your site, mass
effective in the first mode, and amount of
viscous damping capacity of your structure.
Static Pushover Curve:
Actual Struct performance

Vd – maximum capacity
Static Pushover Curve:

capacity curve

ASCE Bilinear
pushover curve
Example – Simple Nonlinear Model:

Description: 2 – story reinforced concrete

structure with r/c second floor and roof.
Material nonlinearity assigned to the
concrete and reinforcing steel. Plastic hinge
zones modeled with FEMA 356 hinges.
Modeling and analysis completed in SAP
2000 Advanced for a BSE-2 event in
Albuquerque, NM.
24’ x 30’ bays with 2 – 12’ tall stories, 18” x
18” columns, and 6” thick diaphragms at the
roof and second floor.
Nonlinear Results Evaluation:
1. R < Rmax
2. Individual component behavior is within the
acceptance criteria limitations for that
component. This is dependent on the load-
deformation limits prescriptive to the
Rehabilitation Objective. (i.e. IO, LS, CP)
3. Individual component behavior is within the
limits defined by the governing code using
load combinations and  factors defined by
ASCE 41. (i.e.  = 1.0)
Rehabilitation Options:
 Addition of new concrete shear walls
 Use of Fiber Reinforced Polymer laminates
to strengthen masonry, unreinforced clay
tile, or concrete members.
 Add steel bracing
 Improve connection capacities
 Reduce structure mass
 Global stiffening
Rehabilitation Options:
Fiber Reinforced Polymers
Pre-cured system => BASF. Is a the process
of installing FRP “belts” or strips to the
substrate. Strips are fully cured prior to being
laminated to the substrate with epoxy.
Wet layup system => Fyfe. Is the process of
installing FRP fabric to the substrate following
saturation of the fabric with epoxy. This
process is “like paper mache”.
Rehabilitation Options:
Fiber Reinforced Polymers

FRP can add an additional 25% to 30% to

column capacities.
FRP Pull Test

ASTM D4541
Rehabilitation Options:
Fiber Reinforced Polymers

FRP can add an additional 50% to beam

Rehabilitation Options:
Fiber Reinforced Polymers

MBrace system from BASF

Rehabilitation Options:
Fiber Reinforced Polymers

MBrace system from BASF

Rehabilitation Options:
Fiber Reinforced Polymers
Rehabilitation Options:
Fiber Reinforced Polymers

MBrace system from BASF

Rehabilitation Options:
Fiber Reinforced Polymers

Fiber direction – FRP is typically a

uniaxial material

MBrace system from BASF

Rehabilitation Options:
Fiber Reinforced Polymers
Rehabilitation Options:
Fiber Reinforced Polymers

Nueces Courthouse – Corpus Christi, TX

Rehabilitation Options:
Fiber Reinforced Polymers
Rehabilitation Options:
Fiber Reinforced Polymers

FRP pre-cured laminates can give you

about 10 klf (5 klf for wet lay ups) per
side of additional shear capacity.
Rehabilitation Options:
Fiber Reinforced Polymers

Fiber direction – FRP is typically a uniaxial material

Rehabilitation Options: FRP Details
Rehabilitation Options: FRP Details
Rehabilitation Options: FRP Details
FRP Suppliers and Codes:
 BASF ACI 440.7


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