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VOL. 158 No. 4

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Panama Spots Shame Barbary Coast; NY. AS CUETO Amusement Industry Heartened

Companionate Femmes Reap Harvest By Prospect of Ease in War Curbs

KEEP 'EM OFF ST. Show business was considerably
Colon, Panama, March 8. Calling upon air facets of the en- heartened this week by a turn of
Fiflv-seednd street was never 'Victory' to Fold Wings
tertainment industry. N. Y.'s Mayor : Sinatra Too 4F to Play events and pronunciameutos out of
Nor the Barbary Coast. Washington. Easement
like this. Due to Transit Beefs Fiorello H. LaGuardia has come up Evans Role, Sez Widow of gai
.either. •'Welcome, Sucker!," in fact. with an idea to keep the people off for pleasure-driving this summer,
nothing until Washington, April 3; the streets and out of the Times Chicago. April 3. greater availability of freon for
.'means practically
Moss Hurl's "Winged Victory," Square area on V-E Day. which is Rights to film the life of Honey theatres, nlteries, etc.. resignation of
you've been through Puhama. Sharp-
Boy Evans have been cleared with War Mobilizer James F. Byrnes and
est ot the clippcries of New York, originally booked beyond July, will expected to set the pattern for cele-
the late minstrel man's widow, hul statement that certain other
'Frisco or New Orleans might be wiiid up its lour in Richmond. Va..
brations in hundreds of cities
latter, Mrs. Minnie Evans. 77. whose

Aunt Polly's Tea Room in Peoria throughout the nation. priorities would be eased, all point
April 21. Foldo is considered the re-
He is currently lining up an en- home is now Chi, said last week she to the end of the' brownoid. end of
compared with the going-over given never would have sanctioned it. if
Good-Timc:-Charlies sult of e'rit.ieisivi against the Army for tertainment rosier comprising all the the curfew, return of racing, and,
the one-night
she'd known The Voices was going to of course, an early V-E Day.
most of them in uniform) in this
t touring in face or transportation sit- vaude acts. ..legit, film and radio per-
play the part of her husband.
tropical pleasure-mart at the world's uash. sonalities in N. Y. City,' who expect Already the nitcrics. rondhousea
to be in the metropolis when the
"Frank Sinatra can't sing half as
cross-roads. Air Forces show has netted nearly and hotels are gambling against Vic-
well as Honey Boy," she said, "and
Texus Guinan's famed drink-'em- $1,500,000 in its stage and screen ver-
European phase comes lo an end, iory-in-Europe Day by signing big
besides, he's too skinny." Added she'd
up-quick gals are strictly from "for a mammoth, all-day and pos- names. Meantime all radio and
sions for Army relief. GI predecessor. rather have Bing Crosby, Gene Kflly
Louisa May Alcolt next to the Latino sibly late-ihlo-lhc-nighf" -cclebrrtion- press communications are standing
Irving Berlin's "This Is the Army," or even Mickey Rooney play the part
quaffing companions served up for netted $7,000,000.
in the city's largo parks, namely Cen- — "but not Sinatra!"'
by for "big news" momentarily.
tral and Prospect parks. Picture theatres and all other places
itinerant servicemen by the local
spots.' Most amazing is the plain,
In this way. Hizzoncr believes he of amusement have, plans for. de-
unabashed hook with which the
will draw from 3,000.000 to 4.000,000 corum and mass behaviorism set up.
slicker is parted from his roll. No Patron, Denied Theatre Now Yorkers suburbanites to
and Show Biz a Target Radio is particularly alerted.
subtlety here —
but the boys take it
one central location, where they can
be controlled more easily, where (What, Again?)
Theory persists, that any Amtrl-
sporiingl.v. With money hardly an Admish, Wins Judgment in R.R. can mass celebration for V-E Day
rioting can be prevented and case
object when it's' perhaps the flr«t should be sidestepped. A factor in
(Continued on page 54) Racketeering Probe this thought is that a complacency
chance they've had to spend it in In Unusual La. Suit .

months. resulting from an earlier celebration

Progress of the war to take con-
New Orleans, April 3. Chicago, April 3.
might curb defense production— and
in an opinion involving the valid- Charges that show biz biggies, in-
( Continued on page 22) there are still the Japs to be kayoed.
ity of notices printed on theatre cluding stars, producers, directors,
Louisiana supreme court
tickets, the Even Stale Music clc, are able to obtain reservations
has awarded a patron judgment for on transcontinental trains on a mo-
Harvey' Click Cues $250 against Saenger Theatres, Inc., ment's notice while ordinary citizens Danny Thomas Gives
as- damages for humiliation and em- must wait weeks, and often months,
Backing Harvest For barrassment occasioned by his evic- Sells Like Nylons before acquiring space were hurled by Frere Buddy All His
tion from a Saenger theatre on May Senator Roland V. Libonati (Dcm.-
Music business continues so bull- Chicago) at a hearing here Monday
Pemberton's 'Next' 1, 1943. High court's opinion re- Continued on page 50) Cafe Gags While on Air
versed both the first city court and ish that, with growing paper short- (

Since the click of "Harvey" a'. Danny Thomas, now with the
tlio48th Street, N. Y„ Brock Pem- the Orleans Parish Court of Appeals, ages, some publishers arc berating
which had held the theatre was hot themselves for their haste in having Fanny Brice alrer, is .bequeathing his
bertun has received many offers cafe material to his brother Buddy,
from persons wishing to buy in on liable. George Vogel was the
plain- cleared out old folios, sax solos, or- USO-CS Disturbed As
chestrations, etc. This has been a who recently started in show busi-
liis next production, not yet se- tiff. ness. He said that use of his gags by
Concerning the theatre's defense periodic custom, lo save storage Names Forget Pledges
lected; There are quite a few will) .

Buddy will serve the double purpose

Continued on page 55) space, but. as it develops, anything
pieces of "Harvey," mostly friends i

with music notes seems to sell. A Disappointment at the reluctance of getting his favorite brother start-
„flLEeMber»-ws»*-Aateisettc IN^yr- of vaude anc" riitery headliners to ed and at the same time keep the
who staged and owns the major in- windlaTfTor one publisher is that he
hns unloaded a floor-space of music come through with their -services- as family name before nitery patrons!
terest in the show with the
manager, 'Arsenic' StiU Paying ("just because I was loo lazy, mind promised for short lours of domestic It's been agreed that Buddy will
most other, having investments of
you, and it had nothing to do with hospitals is being voiced by USO- get some material of his own and
$500 and $1,000.
Off; Splits $60,000 any foresight or vision because Camp Shows officials. Approached after setting himself on the floor,
One angel is a well-to-do Brook- last fa" by a special committee will follow with some of the stutf
vnlte who put in that's a lot of hooey.")
!- $5,000. The story "Arsenic and Old Lace" went off It's gotten so that some publishers
headed by Marvin H. Schenck. many Danny did in the boites. •

is told that sometime

before the the boards early last summer but are using their old. stock with new names promised to donate four or
. Neither want their relationship to
show was produced he started
read- Lindsay and Crouse are still paying six weeks in the spring, after exist- reach the feuding stages, a la Jerry
ln S the script at home> bu , fcll covers (there's paper for covers and )

dividends to the 20-odd backers. Last (Continued on page 20) (Conlinued on page 10) and Buddy Lester.
asleep, the script
falling to the floor. week the Santa Claus duo split up
His wife .picked it
up and, after a near-$C0.0n0. along with letters
leading for a short time,
she laughed starling with "Dear Lend-Leascr,"
(Continued on page 55) the enclosed checks explaining the
"Arsenic" was OUT
RUSSIA W0R-1 IN S.F. Latest
ripened from royalties on two com- Sydney. March 27.
panies in England, one from Ireland Summer and circus are as Ameri-
FORCES U.S. PIC REVISE and a goodly chunk from Warners can a combo as ham-and-eggs or
on the picture version's profits. seven-and-elevcn. and devotees ot
Washington; April 3.
secretary of State Edward "Arsenic" was budgeted for $30,000 the tanbark entertainment get their
R. Stet-
11 but capitalized at double that figure, annual vernal upbeat at the first pipe
clll ^' '^V toda 5' revealed that the
latest divvy renccsenfs. .100.1/',
"Waicniower Over To- oo the
snort of- the- calliope, in '.'iQ.-^v.ivjn.Ma.
morrow," explaining of the original total. The angels pre- the opening concussions of 40
oaks, would have, to
Dumbarton viously had gotten their coin back
pieces of brass at Now York's Madi-
be revised be-
wre release. It was slated
<or screen- 20-fold. Next gravy-spreading is due son Square Garden. This to point up
's m
the nation's 10,000 houses be- in summer, when Warners kicks in the interesting contrast presented in
tter the,. United sonic more and Piccadilly makes an- Australia where without seasonal

Nations' Security
conference in San Francisco and other remittance. cue or fanfare, the famed Wirth Cir-
•ready showing in some houses. "Arsenic" in London has passed cus this year rounds out the 70th
ee will be made to conform its 1.000th performance. Paris is due anniversary of 'continuous, all-ycar-
with new voting rouiid performances at .the same old
lineup of the con- to get it soon with Berlin pencilled
C Film ori G'nally had each na-
in. spot, the Olympia. in Melbourne.
"on ?taking
publishing in book Created in 1874 by the father and
part represented by one There is talk of
™te. Russianow gets three (Ukrai- form the humorous communiques of four Wirth brothers, the circus in
uwn and White Russia
Soviets figure Messrs. Lindsay & Crouse
to their this current year is still cntrcpre-
aadlUonally), but the U.
S. has only "angels" in- accompaniment to the neurcd by the children of two of the
°"e ballot. checks. II would give Frank Sulli- brothers. George and Philip, and
I See review of short on Page
10] van that much more column fodder. (Continued on page 54)
! s — :

Pix Studios in Radio to Stay But ; SCULLY'S SCRAPBOOK

mmmmmmm By Frank Scully «"'» «»<>;
Postwar Budget Slashes Seen Due Futurama, Cal., March 31.
Believing that "Variety's" duty to
readers does not end with theatre
Radio directors ol the major film <

grosses, our slanguage professors at the Jack Conway College have

companies and their agency con- been
tacts are of the opinion that the cur-
Wanta Bet It's Wet? hunting down the direction words and their meanings will take in
rent large-budget expenditures on Los Angeles, April 3.
new world order. 1

the air by the film. companies will be V-E Day means Dry Day in People who scoff at long range planning will certainly not find much
jomewhat curtailed alter the war. according to Ray
this vicinity, on
but the film industry will still be an Adams, prexy of the Southern which to feed their negations at the San Francisco conference or at San
important nadio customer. California Tavern Owners As- Quentin across the bay. The trend seems to be all in the direction of
Current overall gross by radio sociation.. Not only taverns but cooperation, mutual aid and a new language to handle a hew world.
from pictures amounts to nearly $10,- retail and wholesale, liquor

000,000 per year, which includes local

will be more basic than basic English, more confusing than Esperanto but
stores will shutter for the day as
shows sponsored by the major film soon as the good news is flashed easier to learn than French.
companies, spot announcements ex-, There are inmates of the world's largest canitorium, which San Quentin
from Germany.
ploiting openings and present attrac-
Is, working on 10-year plans. Because it runs under the beneficent baton
tions on local outlets, and special 146th WEEK!
of Warden Clinton Duffy, San Quentin is known- among the underworld

promotional programs. After the


war, according to plans being blue- Dinah Shore Invited cognoscenti as the original Duffy's Tavern. The "San Quentin News'.' is
printed by the major film distribu- "BLACKOUTS OF 1945" its trade paper. Here are some samples, as proof of the trend, which the
tors advertising-exploitation depart-
ments and agencies now, the adver-
To Sing With Philly's ElCapitan Theatre, Hollywood, Cal. rag is carrying among, its classified ads:
"Other shows nmy vunie and b'O—
tising dollar will revert back to its need 1 say inure?" "Wanted, partner. I am looking for a keen, intelligent, alert, quick-
pre-war state of division among vari- Robin Hood DeU Orch AL JOLSON. minded young man as partner in a mind-reading act. One doing. 10 years
ous media, but more money will be Philadelphia's longhair concert-
or more who will be willing to study and apply himself, Great possibili-
spent on air promotion than prior goers will get a pop singer when
to the current conflict. Dinah Shore sings at the al-fresco :
ties. Apply the Office of the News.' Ask for Brains Monahan."
Before the war, it is pointed out Robin Hood Dell, July 5. Dell man- Never That We Knew Another advertises: "Palmist. Will read your palm and foretell the-
by various admen, radio promotion agement in the past, has frequently future accurately; 17 years' experience as mitt-reader, with largest carnival "..
and advertising began to pay off suc- injected a lion-classic name, but it's on 'Variety' Anyone in the world. I have helped thousands. Ask for the Professor. Sundays
cessfully, on the basis of per dollar usually been with a classical tie-in. in lower yard."
spent in this medium. So that, now. Thus Paul Whiteman has frequently An
when the pic companies are looking appeared there to do a program of
Looked Like Still another: "Lifer wanted to go on 50-50 with me in purchasing a $25
life-subscription to 'Reader's Digest;' Taking no chances on these verbal
forward to the day when publica- Gershwin music while Benny Good- Memo to the Editor:

What happened to me should 'only contracts or unwritten. Atlantic Chartcrs. he adds, 'Answer by letter'."
tions will again be able to accept man clariheted. concertos. There is
large compaigns from the film in- no such tie-in with Miss Shore any have happened to Sinatra. All be- A
fourth advertises: "Wanted, music copyist: men with experience in
dustry, with the release of more and more than there was two seasons ago cause I made the mistake of wearing transposing preferred but inexperienced help will be trained if their quali-
more newsprint, radio figures impov- when Judy Garland was a guester. a bowtie and have been accused of fications are satisfactory."
tantly in the plans of the majors. looking like a road company of The And for a clincher: "Lost, a Dream Book, last Monday in the big yard.
Dell has also set Jeanette Mac- Voice— if you look real fast.
The film companies have definitely Needed badly. Please return to the. Office of the.News."
Donald for July 19. While this is My mistake was to accompany .

(Continued on page 22)

considered another concession to Sinatra to a Little Italy rendezvous
New Phrases
the non-classicists, Miss MacDonald of choice antipastp, and I wound up
is expected to set herself with the
Almost any letter in the modern underworld alphabet is so full of new
FDR, Labor Heads, Stars very anti-bobbysoxers after Ihe' paslo twists and surprises as to confuse anybody resting on his dialectics since
longhairs with operatic and light they almost gave me. The guy. they
— George Raft first flipped a silver dollar on the silver screen. Observe how
Set for Closed -Circuit
opera airs before doing any pop were after

Sinatra lammed it — far behind is "bumped off." Once as lethal a phrase as the language af-
through an open window across the
forded, it now means nothing more than losing a seat on a plane to some
Both dales are being played oh backyard, but I did it the easy,
animal with a higher priority, Already it has been supplanted by "blazed"
Radio Rally for 7th Loan a guarantee and percentage. frontdoor way. It wasn't so bad
arid even that is fading. fast.
Washington,. April 3.
when they climbed down the sky-
view lop of our taxi, but the insult- In San Quentin their, goods are more durable.. How would you: for, in-
The nation's corps of Seventh War
to-injury was their added ire when stance, define words like "little brother?" Louse cage? Made? Mainline?
Loan salesmen will meet in Mutual Berle Faces Philly Rap
Broadcasting System stations from discovering I wasn't Sinatra but just Mark? Mechanical rat?
coast-to-coast Saturday afternoon (7) another undernourished guy who If you heard a guy. say, "Well, I tell you I got a license to pack my little
for a closed-circuit rally over the
In Club Broken
happened to wear a bowtie. Dates brother," would you know the diplomat meant a small revolver? You
network featured by pep talks and Philadelphia, April 3. And I'd like to have had a rec- know what a louse is, but if you. heard two characters say, "The clerk of
specialties from Government leaders^ The B'nai B'rith organization in ord made of what that Columbia this louse cage is going to charge us extra if we use the flit;" would you

and stars of Broadway and Holly- this city is readying a protest to recording exec, Manie Sachs, who know he is referring to a cheap hotel or a hat? He could be referring -to
wood.: Program will be piped from Equity against Milton Berle for was with us, said after both of us both. .
- '

1:15 to 2 p.m. twice within six weeks failing to took the rap for The Voice. Most people think they know all the implications of "to make,"- but the
Washington portion will lead off honor contracts calling for his ap P.S.— Sachs, incidentally, is just an modern underworld uses
it for small time larceny, ie., "I don't mind being

with President Roosevelt followed by pearance at functions sponsored by undernourished guy who doesn't made for my cigarets but now I got a lot of useless matches left oyer."
Sec. of the Treasury Henry Morgen- the group. even look like Sinatra period.
Bernie Woods alias Wood If you heard a guard say to a prisoner, "i don't care how hard you
thau, Admiral King, Gen. Marshall, Initial instance of the comic's fail-
worked on it, you are going to stick to the main line," would you know
the AFL's Bill Green, ClO's Phil ure to show up occurred Feb. 25 at
he was referring to the ordinary prison fare as opposed to food from the 1

Murray and others. Bob Hope and a donor rally in the Academy of Vbonaroo?" If you heard a prisoner say to another, "He is so full- of lead
Bing Crosby are skedded from Holly- Music attended by 3,500 members of
wood along with Frank Morgan, Di- the lodge who paid $12 per person
Joe L Brown's Repeat
that the. mechanical rat blows a fuse when he walks' through it," would
nah Shore, Joan Davis, Rita Hny- to get in. Berle, who was to. get you know that the mechanical rat is the electric eye-detector which is used
worth, Orson Welles, Edgar Bergen, $2,000 for the date, asked out one Overseas Performance
to supplement the guards?

Betty Grablc, Van Johnson, Kay Ky- week before, because he was. booked Joe E. Brown has gone overseas "The McCoy" alone seems to have held its meaning through the years.
ser, Jerry Cooper, Fred Astaire, ct a). into the Roxy, N. Y. He offered to again for USO-Camp Shows, for his That gives you some idea as to the changes which are already in the hop-
Music contribs will be handled by pay- the difference between the fourth such trip offshore. Left Coast per, and if speakeasies are functioning again you may as well know what

Mark Warnow and Harry James $2,000 and the fee to have Frank last week with a variety-unit of four the mobsters are talking about. It was not paying attention to what
orchs plus songs by Crosby and the Fay, Belle. Baker and Bert Wheeler people. dreamers like Brains and the professor Were teaching that probably fin-
Metopera's Robert Weede. appear. He also said, according to Comedian will be away 10 weeks. ished off Flattop, the Brow. Gravel Gertie, Shakey, Measles, Pruheface
Treasury participants include Ted those in charge of. the affairs, that and May and June, the Summer Sisters.
R. Gamble, m.c, Ned Shugrue and he would appear here on the cuff,
Tom Lane. Event is latter's brain at another affair scheduled for April Songstress, 14, Concert

child. In addition, brief statements 2.

will be read from Henry Kaiser, On the strength of Berle's promise
Offers After Gets Big Bow
Walter Gifford, N. W. Clement, Don- to show, B'nai B'rith hired Town Highly laudatory notices accorded life With a Gagman's Son
ald Douglas and other industrialists. Hall for last night (2), plus an orch Elaine Malbin upon her initial con-
Platter of the program will be taken and a supporting bill, going into the cert 'last Saturday
off for broadcastings to the general hole for $1,500, which came from York's Town Hall have excited con-
(31) in New Lipscott , ——_ .
By Alan :

public at later dates if bond: drive the organization's charity fund. siderable comment on Broadway. Hollywood, April 3.
leaders so decide. Yestci-itoy--- mwu4»s- iMe&doy), Child, jmcal nrad'gv- who s„ not v et Dear addy: ' D
Berle wired the committee that he 15, packed Town Hall, and early this When will your show stop working the camps? I miss you so much.
was grounded in Jacksonville, Fla., week offers were made for appear- Will you please come home when I'm awake, so I can look at you r face.
1 9th Century Schumanns where he had gone to entertain ances in several directions. Sigmund
Otherwise I will never see it again, because you will have it buried in the
troops at Avon Park. Leonard Or- Romberg, who is in Mexico City,
asked that she come there by plane big green file in- the closet. Daddy, will you play with me again, like you
NextLonghairs Into Pix ion", chairman of the,affair, said that to sing with his concert orchestra
he checked with the airlines and used to when you were demonstrating fountain pens and fruit peelers in
Hollywood, April 3. they said there were no planes and also with the outfit's radio pro- the window
Metro handed Clarence Brown his gram. of Lemke's drug store? Gee; we were all so happy then. Cut-
grounded between Florida and
firstmusical assignment as producer-
Philly. More than persons Telegraphed message was received ting pictures from comics is much more fun than cutting jokes from books.
• 2,000
director for "Long of Love." Story by Dr. Leo Michel, Miss Malbin' Even mother don't play with me anymore. She's too busy every night,
showed up, members and prospective
concerns Clara and Robert Schu-. uncle. The medico, w.k. as a physi-
members, entering the hall free of by the radio with a pad and pencil and all she ever .says to. me is
mann, pianist and composer respec- cian to show, people, is expected to
charge. Everybody did a burn when "Shh, be quiet!" Once, when she was angry, she told me you never would
tively of the 19th century. handle her professional appearances.
announcement was made that the
Film will be based on a play manu- have married her if she didn't know shorthand. I sent you the benza-
An offer for her services-, with an-
comedian wouldn't show. up.
script by Bernard . .
Schubert and drene you asked for by parcel post; also the 21 "Insults," the 31 "Mar-
other, name orch was also received,
Mario Silva. riages" and the six "Easters."
but the girl's mother will keep her (Remember your promise daddy? I get a
Spitalny's Arena Tour? nickel for every one that's a boff.) Mother wants we to remind you not
in school for the next two or three
.years. to forget to. mention the butcher's name in the next broadcast, so we can
Lt. Cdr. Eddie Peabody Phil Spitalny's Hour of Charm get that steak, and also that she's gonna have a baby.
orchestra may tap a new field, the
(Now Ex) Radio Guesting arenas and gardens, on the same Nothing else daddy, except Al Schwartz called and said if you don't
Eddie Peabody, vaude headlincr rc- setup as he's clicked in concert.,
Junior Cashes In please stop using Bob Hope's jokes, some day he'll come into pur house
_s.ejjtjx dispJiaEged; Jxm:. t.he_ .N_v.y. : -...inbn.. H....Hwi*-.aoi_L_his.' "eaieral. ....... ._ Sacramento. April 3. and suddenly close your file, which naturally would crush your skull.
where he was a lieutenant command How babies cash in on unemploy- Also the drift' boarcT caiied,' They saTd tliey heard' your last' show »'>d
manager, George Tyson, came in
er at the Great Lakes Naval Train- from Pittsburgh to huddle Spitalny ment insurance was disclosed by Sen- you're not essential.
ing Station, Chicago, will .be doing for a tour of the Arena Managers ator John Shelly as an argument to Your.lovin' son, •

radio guest shots before coming east. Pliilo.

Ass'n stadia at a reported 50-50 from exclude minors from such benefits.
First commercial airer will be on the first dollar deal. -
Five- week -old child .played about
April 7 for the Miles Laboratory two minutes a day for two weeks in a
"Barn Dance" emanating from Chi- Marx Bros/ Pic Return Hon
WYKN SUIT BACKFIRES Hollywood picture at $200 a day. Oscar for Tokyo 'Rip'
cago. Others are being, lined up by .
When the kid returned to his cradle,

the William Morris Agency. Los Angeles, April 3. his parents collected full unemploy-
Hollywood, April 3.
Hollywood, April 3.

Mrs. Verna B. Maloncy filed a

ment 'insurance. Marx brothers are returning to the Nipponese version of this year's
$10,000 counter-complaint against screen through a profit-sharing deal
BEARD EAST FOB LEGITER Keenan Wynn's $80,000 damage suit with. David; Loew. Their first pic-
Oscar Derby was won by a picture
Hollywood, April 3. Todd's Coast Tan titled "Rip Down the Stars and
for Injuries sustained in a traffic ac- ture, still untitled,
is slated to roll
.Monty Woollcy winds up four cident Mrs, Maloncy declares it Hollywood, April 3. in August. Stripes," according to radio reports
months of guesting on the Rudy was the actor's fault Mike Todd heads east Friday -(5). GroucHo, Harpo and Chico have registered here. : . .
Vallee .airshow April .12, heading Wynn has been In- the hospital He's been sunning himself for three been away from films: since 1941, Tokio production was awarded
east for a Broadway stage- show. ever since his' motorcycle and Mrs. weeks at Joseph Schenck's Palm when they appeared in "The Big 5,000 yen. the price of a small Amer-
Adolphe Menjou will replace. Maloney's car Collided March 11. v Springs abode. Store" under a Metro 'contract.
, ican bomb.
Wednesday, April 4, 1945 PICTURES


Nick Schenck May Step Into Pars
Curfew-Defying Toledo Indie Says

Stalled Deal for Loew's N. Y. Houses Hell Sue Majors for Withholding Fix
Unless Nicholas M. Schenck,
pres-* Toledo, April 3.
Reportedly concerned over the in-
ldeiit ol Loew's,
steps into the pic- in io pr oduction
n • i ri n
1 J Jack O'Connell, manager of the
composing dif-
view to
Depinet's Ariz. Rest ^m»»n
J^ - -
by /dip in grosses for RKO ? 4^
Pete Smith Encores Award curfew-defying Loop theatre here,
ture with a
i 1
began" his third week of operating
Hollywood, April 3. '

Hollywood, April 3.
ferences believed likely, any
further studio output (not. including outside until. 5 a.m. by appealing from a To-
Ned Depinet »now recuperating
negotiations with Paramount to
from heart attack in Phoenix. RKO
producers) in relation to' the higher For the second consecutive year ledo area WMC
order that he close
budgets, Floyd B. Odium, RKO Pete Smith wins a citation from the his house at midnight, while film dis-
20 of its pictures in the
distribution prexy left Cedars of
cover board chairman, has been going over National Safety Council for turning tributors were considering what ac-
Greater N. Y. Loew theatres will
be Lebanon Hospital 10 days ago, where the studio situation with a group of out "the best, motion picture on oc- tion they would take on Government
he was under treatment. ; RKO toppers. While domestic ren- cupational safety released during the
held up until C. C. Moskowltz, v.p. requests that, they withhold their
Y. operations for tals for the fiscal year 1944 were year." Metro shorts producer is the product from the 750-scat house.
In charge of N. Grad Sears still in N. Y! Hosp. re-
Loew's, returns, to New York.
He around $34,000,000, a substantial first to win the award two years in Meanwhile, the possibility of a zero
cuperating from heart attack. -.

ceiling on manpower for the theatre,

left for Miami,. Friday (30), follow- slice of this revenue accrued to in- succession.

ing added conferences

with Pa'r sales dependent producers releasing Winner for 1944 is "Safety Sleuth.*: brought several offers by Tolcdoans
officials last week; While some through RKO whereby the distrib For 1943 it was "Seventh Column," who said they would be willing to
headway had previously been made, earned only a selling fee. work in the Loop without pay to
N-Y. Theatres Not

no additional progress was reported Odium has been, huddling on the i

keep the house in operation.
during the past week. Coast with N. Peter Rathvon. RKO Hearing on Loop's appeal from

L Tries Singles WMC


Since the negotiations with Par in- prexy; John Whittaker. executive as- Toledo order that it close at
volve a majority of its product so sistant- to Rathvon; L. Lawrence' St. midnight will be held tomorrow
far available this season, and
an In Rental Freeze Green, RKO director, and Lt. Com- (Wednesday). Meanwhile, O'Con-
estimated more than $2;000,000 in mander Fred Ehrman (Lehman Bios, nell says that unless Warners
services the Loop with films booked
rentals, it is likely that Schenck
at partner). Latter secured. leave of ab-
this time will take the matter
Litigation which, it is learned, has
i» been discussed by various exhibitors sence to participate in the discus- But Back to Duals for April 10-12, he will sue for WB
seek a n -N. Y. State, who are being asked sions, indicating importance of the breach of contract; Films are "Old
his own hands or ultimately
St. Louis, April 3. Acquaintance" and "Mark Twain."
settlement in the event Moskowitz for- higher rents from landlords be- huddles.
is unable to reach a
deal suitable to comes a problematical course to take, Both studio costs and rental re- Not much progress is being made Warners also withdrew April 17-19
booking of "In Our Time." O'Coii-
both, companies oh his return from now that two new supplemental refit turns on the company's own output in the move fostered by Harry C.
wouldn't be the first control laws have been passed at Al- have been under criticism within Arthur, nell says that under his contract a
Florida. It Jr., head man for Fanchon
RKO some time. RKO heads, it booking may be withdrawn on 14
time that Schenck has settled prpd- bany exempting what is referred to for :

& Marco's local interests, to elim- days' notice but. hot cancelled and
Some years ago when' as "place of public assembly."-


uct deals. is understood, are flnecombing all

inate doublefeatures in approxi- must be furnished for showing at a
Par was selling en bloc-- and had In both bills this is described production details.
later date.
trouble. Schenck himself stepped in tersely as "a theatre, motion picture From, current indications produc- mately 112 theatres in St. Louis and
house or theatre, sports arena or tions such as "None But the Lonely Efforts to close the Loop, which re-
and compromised differences. St. Louis County.
An interesting sidelight in con stadium, or exhibition hall." Origi Heart" and "Experiment Perilous," sumed its pre-curfew hours on March
In June. 1943, Arthur attempted
19, are expected to end up in court
nection with Par product that has nal rent control measure made no reported costing in the neighborheod
to have these" houses commit them-
eventually, but O'Connell has said
become stymied in the N. Y. area mention of theatres, causing exhibi of $1,000,000. will show considerable
selves to single features. 'However, that unless he can operate the early-
through difficulties with Loew's is tors and their attorneys to believe losses. "Days of Glory," which
he encountered opposish. The smaller morning schedule, it does not pay
that the latter, from accounts, is
that they might be included with so- was a (airly substantial budgeter, re-
called commercial establishments. owners said they would be expected him. to keep open at all.
having trouble in filling shorts re leased last season, was also among
Because of doubt as to how the to single-bill, pix that had been John L. Craig, Columbus, state War
quiremcnts through not getting the the disappointing grossers, as were
used in a double-feature program at Manpower Commission director, had
briefles. from Par. However, this atre properties figure under the rent several -others including "Tender
ceiling, plans were being laid to the dehixers aiid also would be ex- requested all film distributors to
Comrade." Meantime no release or pected

element is of- minor Importance so

to play "A" pix that had withhold
bring several test ca'ses in order to their product from the
far as influencing a deal is con production date has thus far been re-
get a ruling. This may still be done been screened in connection with a Loop. He said that tour major film
cerned. ported for "Sister Kenny," on; which stage show.
contrary to the supplemental bills there was an initial script cost of ' (Continued on page 10)
signed last week by Gov: Dewey
A compromise was affected where-
some $50,000. Denying the first re- by the smaller houses would follow
which exempt specified ''places of
port in "Variety" last year that .the
MCA EXEC POWWOW ON assembly." policy of the deluxers;
"Kenny" had been temporarily plan was followed for a time but in
Edelman, Jim Geller Lon
Reported that, numerous In-
shelved, C. W. Koerner". studio head, recent weeks there has
been a dis-
where have or are ex-
landlords have asked exhibi
then stated that the picture would tinct return to the old policy, with

Depart Bros. Lot Warner

Jules C. Stein, prez of Music roll in the fall (1944). even the larger houses reverting to
tors for stiff increases. An instance Forthcoming product such Hollywood, April 3.
Corp of America, has summoned his as duals: Several weeks. .ago, for in-
was the Astor, N. Y., tenanted for Lou- Edelman leaves Warners to-
branch execs to the Coast for a pow- "Spanish. Main," (Technicolor) which stance, "Meet. Me in St. Louis" and
many years by Loew's, which on ex-
is .reported completed, cost well over day having severed relations with
wow attendant to the takeover of the piration of its lease in December "Thirty Minutes Over Tokyo," which
Leland Hayward agency. Charlie $2,000,000. "Bells of St. Mary's," Leo had been single-billed in the de- the studio. Currently, he is nego-
was asked for a heavy boost in the .

tiating with both Paramount and

Miller and Sonny Werblin left from McCarey production with Bing luxers, were teamed at the nafaes".
yearly rental. Loew's is said to have Metro for a producer berth. Edel-
New York over the weekend, pick- Crosby and Ingrid Bergman, one of
cpsidercd probing the matter from
ing up Maurie Lipsey and others en the biggest bud geters o n th e RKO man couldn't find story material that

the rent freeze angle, but finally de-

route. schedule, is an independent "produc- would enable him to make more pix,
Hayward's offices east and west
cided to drop the renewal negotia-
tions it had entered into, throwing
tion by McCarey-Crosby.
so brought his Warner connection to
embrace some 50 people, which man Independent product being re- an ending. His last for the company
the Astor back into the hands of its .

power must be absorbed, along with owners, the City Investing Co. leased through RKO, meantime, has BANS 2ND-'CRIME,INC.'
was "Hotel Berlin."
the impressive roster of talent han
Companion rental control bills boosted the overall distribution pic James J. Geller, who held the post
Chicago, April 2.
died by Hayward such as his wife Dewey week tuue Samuel Goldwyn output ("Up of story editor at Warners for the
signed by Gov. last .

Crime doesn't pay in Chi any past three years, left last 'Saturday
(Margaret Sullavah), Hepburn limit increases to 15% of the June 1. In Arms" anoT^Princess and the
Stewart, Gable, et al.
1944. figure. Pirate"! and International Pictures more, as witness the Chi Police Mo- 431 ). No successor yet.
Hayward would become an execu releases ("Casanova Brown") have tion Picture Censor Board's latest
tive veepee of MCA and Nat Deve turned out $3,000,000 grossers. Re- ukase, announced Monday (2) on
probably treasurer in the mer- 'RIOCABANA' SHELVED BY turns on the reissue of Walt Disney's "Crime, Inc.," PRC's saga of New
"Snow White" are already reported York's w.k. mob, Murder, Inc,
20TH UNTIL WAR'S END at around $1,300,000 with a total of PRC exchange execs here, who had

3i;SS8#CS—=i*{7teted Vf5*ett~disv?ib«— 'the" "epic "Set "for" midwest preem at
lam Hollywood, April 3. Trado Mark Registered :

tion is completed. Balaban & Katz's Garrick last week,

Production of Riocabana," expen- FOUNDED BY BIMB SILVERMAN
Rathvon is expected back in New expressed surprise at- the board's Puhllslietl WruUj bj VABIKTT. ta«.
Eric Johnston's Talk sive musical at 20th-Fox, has been York from the Coast around the move in view of the fact that it had Sid Silverman, I'reuldenl
shelved until after V-E Day, to await middle month, although re- ISI Weal 46th St., Now. fork 19. N. T.
Will H. Hays, head of Motion Pic Of this already been passed by the N. Y.
better travel facilities between Hol- turn may be delayed. Ned Depinet,' State censor board without a cut.
ture Producers & Distributors Assn.
lywood and- Brazil, the picture's na- RKO Radio prexy, who has been They're appealing the board's deci- SUnflCHIPTION
again pointed up Eric Johnston, head
tural background. Phoenix, may qlso Annual ..... .110 Foreign Ill
of the U. S. Chamber of Commerce, convalescing- in sion with Police Commissioner HinK'o Copies 2ti Cents
Original idea was to send a camera return to N. Y. about the same time. James AJlman.
last week by issuing an official com
ment on the statement by Johnston crew to Rio de Janeiro for process
It's the second pic with theme of 1M
footage and shoot the picture at the Vol. 158 No. 4
William Green and Philip Murray crime and corruption in a big city
Westwood studio. New plan Is to
Harry Cohn' Denies
to management-labor post- that the board has rejected. Other
war cooperation. Johnston is sched- ship the whole company to Brazil as
being Monogram's "Dlllinger," which INDEX
soon as transport restrictions are
lued to join MPPDA
in the near fu
Cast includes Carmen Mi-
Any Intent to Sell is still on the shelf awaiting a deci-
ture in an executive capacity, with cased. sion by Allman. Board also an- Bills 50
randa. John Payne, June Haver and.
his duties likely to be evenly split
Color Retire nounced "Garransson's Boy," Swed- Chatter r. ....... ... 55
between N. Y. and Washington Martha Stewart, with William Lc- Out in
Bavon producing. ish-language film released by Film Reviews . 10
Hays comment was: Harry Cohn, reported retiring as Scandia; Inc.. has been tagged
active head of Columbia Pictures,
House Reviews' 20
"This is, indeed, a long step in the "adults only." It made 15 cuts in the
issued a denial of this, and re- Inside! Legit ..." 52
Gets 'Past' has
right direction toward that peace at . . .. .

Chapman 87 pix (357.000 feet) reviewed in

home so necessary for the mainte Marg. veals also that David O. Selznick Inside Radio ... 28
nance -of world peace. World peace Hollywood, April 3. neither offered $3,000,000 nor has an
for which we are so earnestly striv- Marguerite Chapman, on loanout option on his (Conn's) slock in Col.
ing grows from united effort and from Columbia," draws femme lead Cohn adds that the supposed value
understanding and has its roots in opposite Fred MacMurray in "Pardon of the stock is. ridic and, besides, he
Goldwyn Would Nix Pix Music r . . . 44
the communities. There can be no My Past," first venture by Mutual has no other personal plans than to Night Club Reviews . . ... 48
lasting peace in the community un- Productions, an indie company head- remain in the position he has occu- For 10 Yrs. in Germany Obituary .... .. .... 50
less neighbors live and
act as friends ed by
MacMurray and Leslie Fcnton. pied for 25 years— as president and Hollywood, April 3. 44
Nor can there be any unsolvable Film goes to work in 10 days at production head of Columbia Pic- because of its record
problems around a table where each General Service Studios, for Colum- tures Corp. during the past 10 years,, should
Pictures ............... . ... a
is willing
to recognize the funda bia release. A previous story mentioned Selz- never again be allowed to produce 24
mental American principle that the nick had invested in some Col stock. motion pictures, in the opinion of Radio Reviews . . . . 39. .

rights of men are equally

sacred and Indie Hakim's New
That phase of the story is not denied.Deal Samuel Goldwyn. independent pro- 7 Frank Scully . . . . ... 2
sacredly equal."
Hollywood. April 3. From this stemmed the report of -
ducer, who recently returned from a
Vaudeville .. .\ ...... ... 48
interest in buying a more
. .

Robert Hakim is working on a Selznick's four-week trip to England for the

Federal Economic Administration, War Activities .... 11
new production deal lb be an- vital share of the
•Trans-lux's 189G Net business. '

Trans-Lux Corp. (newsreell net nounced shortly, with offices at Gen- trade, story had it that Cohn A . Boosting films as a morale builder,
Profits for 1944 totalled $199,104, eral Service Studio. might be interested in concentrating both for soldiers and civilians, Gold- DAII.V VABIKTT
compared to $140,514 In 1943. Although he is co-producer with on two or three top pix
• per annum, wyn declared, "This industry will (Published In Hollywood bj
Showing was made despite an in David Loew on "Hold Autumn in without the burden of carrying an never realize the real worth and po- . Dally Variety. Ltd.)

tency of motion pictures in the war 116 a Tear— $12 Foreign-

c ease In
Federal state and Cana- Your Hand," Hakim will not be as- entire studio load, but this is
dian taxes to
$94,147, nearly three sociated with him in the new deal. strongly refuted. effort."
To the Theatre Men
Wednesday, Aprtf 4, 1948

of America:


Burbank. California
Wednesday, April 4, 1945
Brazil'sAbout-Face On. U 13 Wk. Net $1,083,601
What To Do With The USSR to Ease U.S. Pix Universal Pictures consolidated New Checking Co.
.Rio <le Janeiro, April 3. net. profit was $1,083,601 for the tirst^
13 weeks of the corporation's fiscal
German Film Industry? Fact that Brazil has finally estab-
lished relations with Russia for the
year ended last Jan. 27 as compared
with $1,214,001 in corresponding Gets Under Way
By DARRVl. F. ZANUCK time .since (he czarlst regime is first period of preceding fiscal year.
Recently organized .by five major
Before Federal income and excess .

.rice-president of expected in picture industry circles

(IWr. ZuiiiicK-,'
38 Injured As Ceiling to bring a complete about-face in the
distributors to handle the checking
profits taxes, the company's consolw
20ih-Fo.i-. irrole litis Article /or a of percentage engagements, Confi-
dated net profit amounted lo $1,737,-
recent issue af-Jlw bulletin of the Falls in Texas Theatre altitude of Brazilian censors -on dential Reports, Inc:, opened offices
American pictures.'- Brazil and also 601 as compared with" "$1,946,70.1 in
Society for the Prevention oj World Odessa. Texas, April .3.

Monday (2) In all of the 31 exchange

Argentina, to' a considerable extent, like period in preceding year.
. ;

Wnr lll.i When coiling of .the Odessa -theatre have been vigorously opposed to keys, with around 4,000 managers,
. .. „j collapsed last. Wednesday nisht (29). pro-Russo getting into assistant managers, supervisors And
The day of roc koning ie at hand )g anything -

we e injured, none scri- screen productions pi' newsreels. This

checkers employed as a starter. The
tor Germany. When that day conies, ously. Twin City Indies Agaii personnel has been carefully* chosen
record attitude has held up U. S. features
let us hope that the sinister The theatre was packed at the time, depicting Russia in a favorable light. and are bonded. According to Jack
of the Gorman motion picture indus- a dinner. show. H. Levin, head of the Copyright
try will not be left out of the final For years all reference, lo Russian After Distribs, Pledge
... _ , ^Protection Bureau, who's v.p. and
accounting. victories or scenes with a Russian lo-
The danger is real. It is not thai cale showing natives .in a happy AlU tO DlVOrCement «eneral manager
,w »«»•*«*»'»»
for Confidential
Reports, the number of employees
the United Nations will fail to con- Thalia (Chi) Counsel mood have been sharply pruned by

Minneapolis, April 3. will be, raised to approximately 5.000 .

Eider the .subject of films in drawing the local censors when uncovered in


After two years of comparative by May 1.

their blueprint .for the control of * Denied Reversal On
newsreels. The anti-Russian altitude docility, Twin City Independents are
Intent of the organization. Levin
Germany after the war. It is thai has held, up the release of Metro's again after distributors' scalps. stressed, is to cooperate with ihe :

such, consideration may not go deep for months. With

enough or far enough.
/Russian recognilrecognition officially set.
They've replaced Henry Greene as exhibitor in every way and render
president of their organization, whatever service that is possible,
To deal with the subject realistic- Chicago, Api'rl .3. 1

Metro hopes to obtain approval North Central Allied, with Bennie •

while, at the same lime, of course,

ally, a good many of the pet but A plea by Lester Murray, counsel shortly for showing the picture in Berger, independent circuit owner, providing reports on results of per-
antiquated notions' about motion for Thalia theatre, to Federal .fudge this country. "Song" was passed in
and announced appointment of a centage engagements in behalf, of
pictures will have to go out the William A. Holly to reverse judge s Argentina, but only after severe cut-
committee "lo alleviate present dis- distributors that will be strictly con-
window. It will be necessary, too, decisions of last Feb. 6 :and 8. up- ting.-

tributors' exorbitant rental demands." fidential and free of aiiy'. tampering,

to bring many of bur spokesmen up setting jury's finding of $105,000 for Not known here what Argentina
Reversing a previous stand, they've as far as can be humanly attained,
to dare on what motion pictures the former Thalia owners, was re- will dp 'regarding Russia, but felt

also decided to support the; theatre or taking unfair advantages, trick-

have come to mean in recent years* jected by Judge Holly. Thursday that its entry into Allied ranks may
divorcement bill, aimed at the Min- ery, etc.' All employees are being
and on their potentialities for good (29). following which .Murray indi- ultimately bring about similar recog-
nesota Amus. Co. (Paramount cir- forced to pass strict tests on bund-
or evil. cated- he'll now take the case to the nition.
cuit), how pending in the slate leg- ing.
The fact is that few outside the circuit court of appeals. ,

islature. Confidential Reports, Inc., a N. Y..

Industry recognize these potentiali- Murray based his pica on the ar- Following a special "emergency corporation, was organized following
ties or are aware of the. vast and gument that Sam Gbrelick, -RKO
significant changes which, the. film


meeting," it was announced a com- long planning and discussions by
branch, manager here, testified in the mittee has been authorized "to take RKO, Paramount, United Artists,
industry has undergone under the Jackson Park theatre trial a year
impact- of war.. Too many still are ago that RKO.- as producer and dis-


up the matter of prohibitive increas- Universal and Columbia, which have
es in film rentalsXwith the Office of received stock in CRI in proportion
prone to regard films -as escapist tributor, was also tied in on- a mo- The 3-for-l common stock splitup Price Administration and with sen- to the investment made by each in

froth without real meaning or im- nopolistic theatre ownership deal,

of Loew's, Inc:, was approved by the ators and congressmen." The an- selling. up the company.
but that, he 'denied this during the
It is unfortunate that this is so, special meeting of company stock- nouncement revealed that a fund has According to the« certificate of in-
Thalia hearing.' thus, according to been raised for the purpose of em- corporation,, filed Jan. 10 last and
for unless we properly understand
Murray, perjuring himself. Murray holders last week in N. Y., with ac- ploying legal talent and for news- signed Thursday (29) of the past

and evaluate motion pictures we tried to go into a rehash of the whole tual split being made on April 9.
may leave to the vagaries of chance trial, but Judge Holly cut him short, paper and radio advertising to in- week, capital stock of CRI is $20,000,
a weapon which can be used for in-
Whole stock splitup plan was form the public ot the independent the number of shares being 200 at a.
claiming plaintiff's case- had been par value of $100 each. The shares
calculable good or harm in shaping okayed, which means that common exhibitors' "terrible plight."
based on charges of conspiracy, At a previous meeting a few weeks are in five classes (A, B, C, D and
the future. shares will be increased from 4,000,-
which were never proved.
It has been used for. evil in the 000 to 6,000,000. Elimination of 300.- ago, the same organization voted to E), each "group being 40 shares.
"Gorelick's testimony in the Jack-
dictator countries and used, it must 000 preferred shares also is included, withhold support -from the theatre Privileges, voting powers, etc., of
son Park case was not brought up divorcement in the Minnesota each class varies.
be admitted, with great cunning and this representing the only preferred bill
in the Thalia trial," Judge Holly Officers are John J. O'Connor, v.p.
efficiency. The record is there,
said. "I fail to see, at this late date,
now outstanding. Certificates for state legislature. After the "emer- '
plain for all to read. It is a record two additional shares of Loew's com- gency meeting,", however, it was an- of Universal, who's president: Harry
how I can consider it."
nounced "there was a unanimous D. Buckley, v.p. of UA, holder of
of the debauchery of a great art mon for each one held will be
and educational medium a black —Judge's announcement
Murray and
mailed about May 9. Shareholders vote in support of the bill." The the post of treasurer; and C. J. <P«t) .

record that should be highly in- appeal by rebuttals

will not be required to exchange statement said "this organization has Scollard, executive assistant to
structive to the planners of the Myles Seeley, defense attorney, who their present certificates.. pledged Itself to fight and work for Charles M. Reagan, Par's distribu-
future. stated Gorelick had no duties in con- divorcement bill so long as the tion head, who's secretary, plus
Special meeting also okayed hew
The dictators were quick to seize nection with theatre operations of personal service contracts for Nich- producers and distributors will be Levin. Scollard at Par is in charge, 1

control of the film facilities in the RKO; that he had no intention of in the exhibition business." of various exchange operations and
olas M. Schenck, president; Eddie

countries under their- sway. The deceiving the court, and that it Mannix, Al Lichtman and Benjamin certain labor matters but like the
motion picture industries of Ger- wasn't till • year or so after the other officeholders in CRI. is not di-
Thau, and reelected the old slate of
many and Italy felt the heavy hand Thalia went out of business that directors. New pact voted to Schenck rectly associated with sales. It was
of the dictators even before they RKO's theatre-ownership of the 7 CONVICTIONS OF THE
intentional that the officers should
calls for extension of the old con
began to stifle the press. The screen RKO-Grand theatre here was set. not be, it's pointed out.
tract, from Jan; 1, 1947, to Dec. 31,
was used to pave the way for aggres-
1949,' at his present $2,500 weekly
While the CRI certificate of in-
sion by conditioning the mind -of Washington, April 3. corporation does not say so spe-
salary plus 214% of combined net
the masses to a belief in the absurd
STAR BUILDUP CAUSES profits ..after certain deductions. New The U. S. Supreme Court '.yester- cifically, it is officially stated that
theories of the master race, the glory Ihe company will confine Its opera-
contracts for Mannix and Lichtman day (2) nixed an appeal that it re '

of war and the moral and material tions strictly to the checking of per-
PIC run from Jan. l v 1944 to March 1 view the convictions of the seven centage
benefits to be acquired by brute engagements of film.
1954. with compensation staying the ex-IATSE officials who shook down
force. Hollywood, April 3,
same.. Thau's new pact covers the Metro, Paramount, 20llt-Fox, War-
Later, the screen in those lands Paramount is switching the release

ners, etc., for over $1,000,000, The

became an outright propaganda schedule on Hal Wallis product, same period but calls for salary trial in N, Y. federal district court
boost from $1,750 to $3,000 weekly, #
U. S. to Hear Contest
(.Continued on page 11) pushing "You Came Along," cur-
plus 0.7% of combined annual prof- resulted in l'0-year sentences and .

rently in work, ahead of "Love Let- a $10,000 fine each for Louis Cam-
ters,"- recently completed,
its not to exceed $200,000.
pagna, Paul de Lucia, Phil D'Andrea,
Of Interstate Theatres
Directors renamed were David
Casanave's Bid to FCReason is Llzabetti Scott, making
Bernstein, Leopold Friedman, Eu-
Charles Gioe, John Rosselli and

In Assessments Tax
her screen debut as- co-star with Francis Maritpte. Louis Kaufman
Cummin'gs "You Came gene V. Leake, C. C. Moskowitz, W>1
Robert in
Ham A. Parker, Schenck, J. Robert drew a $10,000 fine and a
Franchisers Doesn't seven Dallas, April ;3.

Along." After seeing Miss Scott in year sentence. Disputes between Uncle Sam and
rushes and hearing her husky voice,
Rubin, David Warfield, Henry R,
The racketeers were convicted for members of the Interstate Theatres
Mean It's a Takeover something like Lauren Bacall's, stu- Winthrop and Joe R. Vogel. collecting "protection" money on group, involving more than $320,000
While Charles L. Casanave is un dio execs decided to give her Rubin, who presided at the meet- threat of calling strikes tn tie up all of income and excess profits taxes,
derstood negotiating with indepen buildup- campaign to Introduce her ing, said there would be no tax-sav phases of the industry. They carried are scheduled to be heard by the'
dent franchise-holders who are tied to the general public. ing as a result of slock splitup. an appeal to the second circuit court Tax Court of the U. S. in the com-

up with Film Classics to join a new .

David Bernstein, company treasurer; in New York and when it upheld the ing week.
distribution-production organization said that earnings in the second trial court, they appealed to the In five petitions members of the
there have been no negotiations for H. Pitches M. Warner quarter were running about the same "high court In Washington. group are contesting deficiency as- .

his purchasing Film Classics.' as a year ago, which would make sessments by the Bureau of Internal
Franchise-holders in FC might To
Exhibs for 2-Reeler the' first six months of T^oew's fis- Revenue for the years 1937 through
also Tie in with another distribution For the first time in years, Harry cal year have a net profit of around 1941. Largest of the assessments,
production unit, such as the organi- M. Warner has written a personal $7,000,000. However, no definite fig
Hikes Budget Rep
totalling $158,450, was against the On
zation Casanave is reported plan ures are available as yet. Galveston Theatres, Inc. The other
letter to exhibitors, boosting a pic-
ning. They would still continue as New -directorate met. after the Tinted 'Concerto' Pic contesting petitions were filed by the
FC units, however, and may have to ture released by the firm. It is
time that
stockholder session and elected the Hollywood, Apuil 3.
Brownsville" Amus. Co., Interstate .

secure FC homeofflce approval be- probably also the

first Circuit,. Inc., and Albuquerque The-
same slate of company officers, Republic paid $100,000 for screen
fore making outside deals of this
Warner has ever taken such a step these atres, Inc.
including Schenck. president rights to "Concerto," the American
in connection with a short. The cases, consolidated for hear-
type. Bernstein, v.p. and treasurer; Rubin Magazine story by Borden Chase, ing,
E. L. Alperson and "Nicky" Gold Letter, asking for quick showing W. F. Rogers, E. will be heard by Judge C. V.
A. Schiller, Licht- based on the -career of Lee Keith
hammer stated last week that there of twp-reeler, "It Happened in man, Mannix, Howard Dietz, Mosko- (Mrs, Chase), onetime .cb,jld prodigy Opper of Washington.

have been no negotiations with Springfield," was addressed to ex witz, Vogel and Sam Katz, vice- and concert pianist. "'.':•''
Casanave or anybody else to "take hibitors all oyer the country this presidents; Friedman, secretary Picture is slated as the flrsl pro-
over" Film Classics. week. It stresses civic importance Jesse T. Mills, comptroller.
duction by the Frank Borzage unit, 'Yearling; Youngster Inked
of this, which was made at
to be made in Technicolor oh. a Hollywood, April 8.
Springfield, Mass. The short shows

'Green Mansions- Rights budget said to be $1,600,000, a new Claude Jarman, Jr., 10-year-old
that city's methods of teaching chil
financial record for the Republic lot. Kid
To Cassidy ; dren the real meaning of democracy
PRC Go-By „. Studio Contracts ... from Nashville; Tenn., was
Chase is doing the screenplay, daled^jgnea ,or the role ot Jody in The
. .

racial tolerance and better citizen <

Hollywood; April 3 for an early J uly staj t; * \eariing." winding up a sixmonth

James B. Cassidy has straightened search by Metro scouts.
Declaring that Warner Bros, made Hollywood. April 3
out copyright difficulties sur-
all Youngster will be sent to. Ocala,
the picture "as part of our effort to William Castle, dir., renewed, Col, Secondary Sale of 5J>,000
rounding the W. H. Hudson novel, Fla., where Clarence Brown is direc-
combine good citizenship with good Milton Rosen, musical director, U,
"The Green Mansions," and has pro- picture-making," the letter slates: Shares of Universal Stock ting the picture, recently takeiv off
moted a New York bankroll for its Dplores Day, actress,. Metro. the shelf, where it had been gather-
"This picture can do much good for Dixie Wanda Hendrix, actress, WB, Secondary offering of Universal
filming on a $2,000,000 budget. Script ing dust since an abortive attempt
civilization. It is good entertain- Anita Alvarez, actress, Col. Pictures common was made last
was completed months ago. ment, and a timely subject of week. Blyth & Co., and Graham,
at. production several years ago.
It is Rod Cameron, actor., Universal.
Copyright tangle was brought up much You will find the
Interest. •
Donna Hamilton, actress, 20lh. Parsons & Co., offered 55,000 shares
recently by Harry Gourfain, indie people of your community will wel- Oliver. Drake, dir., renewed. Mono. a't $22.75- a share. This is the price McCormick'fl Coast O.O.
producer, who declared the novel •
come it. Church, school and. civic at which U
Marguerite Belle, actress! ,20th.' common has been sell- '

Hollywood, April 3.
was in public domain in various groups will support it. It will earn Mary Jane Woods, actress. 20th. was

parts of the world, and announced

ing in .recent dealings. '.11
S. Barret McCorrriick,
ad- RKO
good will •for your theatre. I am
. I.A. Bezzerides, writer. Par. bought up promptly the day offered. publicity chiefj\got in yesterday i2)
his Intention of filming a small- sure you will want trim picture. Virginia Sale, actress, Warners. Additional slock was handled ap- from the east for a fortnight of hud-
fcudget "Green Mansions" for PRC Since it Is just- a matter of booking Dorothy O'Hara, designer. Par. parently fpr the estate of a former. dles with Perry Lieber, studio flack
release. On advice of its legal de- it quickly, I am anxious that you Clem Bevans, actor, 20th-Fox. Universal stockholder, none of chief, and a gander at new product

partment, PRC has abandoned the give it your best possible playing C.Harriman, asst. prod., Bennett shares.' being offered by company Terry Turner, company's, exploita-
Gourfuin project. time." Bertram Millhauser, writer, U. officials. tion, head, joins them Thursday '4).

Wednesday, April 4, 194S


Pix Biz Spent Over $15,000,000 in 1944 8 H'wood Unions Told by Producers To
To Sell Many Billions in Bonds; Since Return to Jobs Today (Wed.), or Else;

Pearl Harbor Donated $24,800,000 Pix If

raw stock shortage continues
it .may force major dis- Sorrell Challenges Strikebreakers
tributors to realign releasing sched-
Dining 1944, the motion picture
ules in order to- meet the emergency. 4- '
Hollywood, April 3.
Industry spent more than $15,000,000 It is likely to force back release, Members Of eight striking unions ':

participating in war bond drives, Borzage's One Pic Deal dates two weeks to a month. were informed by wire by the pro-
and actually sold $64,778,625 worth
Hollywood, April 3.
'People' Prove Scarce ducers yesterday (2) that unless
Coupled with the dearth. of avail-
of bonds in two of last year's war Frank Borzage, currently produc- Hollywood, April
able raw stock, per Government 3. they returned to work by tomorrow
loan drives in the New York area Radio broadcasts are interfering
ing and directing with his own unit orders, it takes! more prints than (Wednesday) "men from other avail-
alone. In addition, the industry, With the filming; of the Pine-Thomas
at Republic, will make one outside usual today to handle their average able sources" would be hired to.
linre Pearl Harbor, has contributed production, "People Are Funny," but
picture a year, as permitted by the accounts. Where only 200 prints carry on work of keeping film pro-
16 mm. gift films of an estimated, not because of any aerial disturb-
terms of his contract. were heeded to cover something like duction going. Threat to hire strike-
value of $24,800,000. ances on the sound track.
Hitherto a director only, Borzage 12,000 theatres, it is now taking up- breakers was answered by Herbert
These are the figures' announced
is negotiating with a. major lot as wards of 300 prints. Each print Six members of the film cast have Sorrell, Conference of Studio Unions
last .week, by the War Activities
producer-director on his outside formerly was played in 60 theatres. radio assignments which keep one prexy, with offer to have men back
chore.; At present he is readying Today, it can be used in only 40 of them away from the set every to work by. tomorrow (4> if the
The report showed that distribu- "Concerto" as his first job at Re- producers agreed to abide by the
Doubling on airwave and cel-

theatres. day.
torsand exhibitors spent large sums
to advertise War Bond shows, ar.d
Extended runs of many topflight
luloid are Rudy Vallee. Frances . WLB decision covering jurisdiction
Langford. Jack Haley, Ozzie Nelson, of the Set Decorators.
tiistribs waived
rentals thea- film — features are partly blamed for this
Art Lirikletler and Roy Atwell. Sorrell restated his position, "This-

tre men cancelled regular shows, need for additional prints. Figured
^sponsored bond preems and 15.110
Labs Will Work Out that prints play 25% longer in'big
is not jurisdictional strike and can
be settled any time you decide to
free shows, and. provided time and flrstruns. Besides this, the need for
Labor Plan in Event deal with us."
space for children's preems and additional prints is accentuated by Educational and Training
free movie days. These house the fact that numerous projection
CSU also -moved on the San. Fran-
cisco office of the War Manpower
waivers represented
more than Raw Film Curb Grows machines are not in topnotch repair
Pix Get Stock 50% Raw Commission protesting issuance of
$4,500,000 in admissions,
In the event the shortage in raw-
because of difficulty in getting re-

availability certificates to workers

The bond sales in the New York stock makes it necessary to further
placements. Also films are not as
who might be. called in for jobs held
area alone amounted to $28,418,550
curb laboratory operations in the well inspected, it is reported. Tilt and Will Higher Go
by strikers.
iii the Fifth War Loan drive, and Raw stock shortage and print sit Washington, April 3.
east, producer and independontly- While waiting for arrival of Dick
were lipped by 31% to a total of nation is so bad that it's estimated Producers of educational, training
controllcd'labs have agreed to try to Walsh; IATSE prcz, from New York,
$30,358,975 in the sixth drive.
work out some equitable plan with that the same print, in some in and factual films draw a 50% in- executive* board of Local 44 (prop-
The 1G mm. gift film service, at stances, is in use nine months from crease' in direct allotment of 35 mm. erty men) voted unanimously for
Ihe Motion Picture Laboratory Tech-
the end of 1944, had provided 24.867 the original release in firstruri the raw stock for the second quarter of
nicians. Local 702 of the IATSE, the International to take over action
prints 'of feature films and 26.341
covering approximately 1.800 mem- at res. This means that small coun 1945. WPB announced Friday (30). following a rebel meeting of some
shorts for showing to servicemen
bers engaged in printing and proc- try houses,
really get worn-out First quarter allocation totaled 1,500 IATSE members at Hollywood
overseas. WAC
report estimates
essing of film. prints, with resulting squawks to the 5,000,000 feet; and this goes up to Legion Stadium Friday night.
daily showings at with 156 fea-
3,500, 7,500,000 feet for April, May and
Meantime, the only appeal so far .
distributor. Eugene Mailcs and Erwin Hentschel,
tures' shipped from N. Y. headquar-
in view of less work was made by Schaefer Sees Film Easement June. WPB said it would probably leaders of this "rebellion." were sus-
ters of the Army Overseas. Motion
Paramount covering its Astoria. L. I., be still higher during the third pended from membership by board
Picture Service. There are 21 ex- Returning to N. Y. from Washing-
lab which has slowed up partly be- quarter. because of their actions.. The meet-
change centers in the 16 circuit. mm ton over the weekend after con-
Huddling with WPB early last

ing on Friday set up a 'jurisdictional

Of the 2,241 subjects shown in cause of film having piled up due ferring with War Production Board .

week, the Industrial Film Producers committee with power to act in dis-
newsrccls in 1944 more than 1,100 to delay in moving a deal with the officials and pressing for additional
were war scenes. Around 35<:;. of Loew metropolitan N. Y. circuit. In- rawstock. George J. Schaefer, chair- Advisory Committee pointed out putes between unions. It was pointed
its overall consumption is less out workers on the committee are
the shots were of the European phase stead of \going on a three or four- man of the War Activities Com- that
pre-war, even with the extra directly involved, know the prob-
of the war and 14% dealt with the day weekly basis, as suggested, 15 mittee, believes some relief is in than
Pacific zone. Newsreels^devotcd only members of Local 702 who are em- footage turned over to the industrials lems better than Walsh, and the IA
sight. «»• .

8% of footage to political events, de- ployed by Paramount elected to take by- the Army and Navy added to it. International and could sit down
Citing that producers are now with
spite the Presidential campaign. all of last week off in order to ease The industrial group makes pix on committees from -
able to print only pictures that are
Since May, 1943, some 13 trade pa- the situation. A total of 80 lab work- order for the armed forces and is
going into current release, for show- granted chunks of the Army and
machinists, electricians, etc,, and
pers and magazines represented in ers are on the payroll at Astoria. reach amicable accord that would
ing in theatres, Schaefer in a state- Navy terminate walkout.
the WAC 'contributed 833^4 pages of Par also has a news lab in N. Y., allocations for that purpose. Hentschel in
ment which he issued Monday (2) secret meeting of I A locals
advertising to the Industry's war but it is running at. normal.
. .

WPB officials pointed out that
held last night (2) charged
effort representing
$272,834 value. Lab owners have agreed wjth. many of the companies are doing a
IA take-
During the. same period trade pa- Local 702 that if It should become over ojt local was "undemocratic"
"I am certain after a review of all far larger business than before the
pers devoted 13,554 columns of hews necessary in the near or distant war due to Army-Navy orders, even and that "Walsh will be asked to
the facts with respect to the 50%
to war activities. future to restrict operations, newer •film credit reserved for the indus- . though the industry as a whole is withdraw from the picture." Pro-
posal restated that the rank-and-
Report states that 8,000 of Holly- employees would be laid off first. try, that the War Production Board using less stock. Future allocations
woods male workers entered the Except for the breather' given Par will continue to make available the are to be developed on a system
want to work out a. peace to
end strike.
combat forces. Of the 1.501 from the last week, all of the 18 eastern same amount of film as in previous using 1941 and 1944 as the two base
Screen Actors Guild 49 were stars labs are continuing their present quarters, which approximates 30,- years for distribution to individual Meantime, pleas of not guilty wer«
payrolls on a five-day week basis, but entered yesterday by W. E. Fred- '
Screen Directors Guild reports
132 000,000 feet or. 120 million a year." firms. '

members in service and the Screen since rawstock became scarce there Speaking of the scarcity of positive Since the educational and factual erikson and Anthony E. Schiavon*
Writers Guild is represented has been very little overtime and ,
stock, Schaefer makes the observa- producers also use large quantities (Continued on page 20)
by 230.
No accurate tabulation is vouch- only occasionally has it been neces- tion that "shortage of any critical of 16. mm. footage, WPB commented
sary to operate on Saturdays or material, whatever it may be, creates in a statement:
safed of the number of other indus-
try employees in
the service, but es- a problem for the manufacturer and
"Because of increased military de- RENTAL STUDIOS FEEL
timated that some 40,000 Vast majority of the printing is the consumer, and is bound to cause
from the mands, supplies of 16 mm. color film
in the east by N. Y„ Long
, trade entered service.
Island and northern New Jersey
confusion and misunderstanding."
are tighter than ever before; 16 mm. SLUMP DUE TO STRIKE
Hollywood Victory Committee re-
labS, big five being Paramount The WAC
chairman, who is also negative film continues scarce in re- Hollywood, April 3.
ports that 94 film stars lation to demand, but supplies of
and perfdrm- Patlie, DeLuxe. Warner Bros chairman of Lester Cowan Produc- Business in rental studios is doing
erj of somewhat both 16 mm. and 32 mm. positive are
tained troops on
lesser status enter- (known as Ace Labs) and Consoli- tions which releases through United less scarce than a few months ago, a tailspin because of the strike, al-
the battlefronts. Ac- dated. However. in addition to Artists, pointed out that up to now though only two of the five in town
tors and actresses
averaged 50 ap- some printing and processing on the film made available by the Army since military demands for positive are picketed. Crowded to capacity in
pearances daily for 1944, with a total film have recently lessened. It is,
Coast by major distributors, all has enabled the industry to print recent months, they have only, four
W 18,331 appearances in 2.363 events. sufficiently far enough in advance to however, impossible to estimate fu- pictures in production.
Technicolor is handled out there.
Tins was in addition ture requirements for 16 mm. posi-
to hospital ap- The Lab Technicians union is now permit new product to be shown in tive film." David O. Selznick's "Duel in the
in process, of negotiating a new con- the Army camps as fast as it was Sun" and RKO's "The Bells of St. •

tract with the lab owners to sup- produced

and long before. it went Mary's" are in work on the RKO-
into national release.
SAG DICKERING FOR plant the one which expired March 'Hopalong' Stays Witb Palhe lot in Culver City. Interna-
10, No hitches are anticipated and "Since the 30 million feet made tional's "Tomorrow Is Forever" on
the Samuel
employers have agreed in writing to
Local 702 that any new deal reached
Army," stated
the purpose of
Sherman for 11 Years Pine-Thomas Goldwyn lot and the
picture, "People Are
_ Hollywood, April 3. will be. retroactive, to thai dale. making prints of finished
release Hollywood, April 3. Funny" at PRC. The Pathe and
Request for resumption of nego- product in advance of release date Harry Sherman corraled "Hopa- Goldwyn studios are the only rental
tiations on- proposed
modification of and was, taken from the original long Cassidy" for 11 more years lots picketed. On completion of the
Basic agreement
between producers International Oscar stockpile, it seems only proper that through a copyright deal with Clar- current productions, no new pictures
and Screen Actors the Army now put back Into the ence E. Mulford,; author, and is are slated to slart on these lots tor
Guild has been
fl'ed with
E. J. Manhix, prexy of Planned by Academy stockpile the said allotment and it readying to resume the scries. Un- at least two. weeks.' nor at Califor-
producer's. be divided proportionately among derstood William Boyd will return nia 6r General Service, which have
Association,- by Jack Hollywood, April 3.
"ales, SAG Ihe companies.. I am certain when to the title role. recently washed up all shooting.
executive secretary. Special Achievement Award, a
. Dale's the War Production Board, have It be Sherman's first filming
in accordance is new entry in the. Oscar Derby, is be-
w 'tU clause in 10-ycar been able to analyze all the facts, In a year, during which
more than
agreement ing warmed up for next year by the they will follow this procedure." he has been active in the manage- M-G Exits War Films In
w nich provides for meetings in April Academy of Motion Picture Arts
ment of the California Studios, on
aCh yCaV Pact ex P' re s in May- and Sciences. Award is for any

picture, no matter whore produced,

which he holds a lease. His last Favor of Mufti Pix
The Guild is asking for which contributes the most toward SCHLAGER'S 'NAVY' PIC productions were "Buffalo Bill" and
Hollywood, April 3.
increase . Woman, of the Town," released last
n niinimums
for all players in international understanding. Metro is eliminating war pictures
lower wage
brackets. Waller Wanger, Academy prexy. VIA UNITED ARTISTS and instructing its producers to rush,
will appoint an International Awards Hollywood, April 3.
development of non-military scripts.
Committee which will include rcpre- Sig Schlager leaves for New York~ Susan Hayward's 'Deadline' Studio's only combat film currently
'Moonstone' Re-Polished in production is "They Wore Ex-
senlalives from the Allied Nations. today (3) and will be gone for about Hollywood, April 3. pendable," now on location in Flor-
Hollywood, April 3. two weeks to confer with United Susan Hay ward,- recent mother of
. ...
ȣ ^.nt Wilkie
Collins' mystery WeshnerY Crosby Chore Artists regarding his next release,
'O'Brien's Navy."
twins, returns to pictures, as one of
Due to progress the stars in "Deadline at Dawn," as Understood the company is aiming
.'^^TIit Mopnstone; will be made 1

David "Skip" Weshner will handle

oyjVainervwith Arnold Albert pror of war, film originally intended as a at foreign markets, particularly in
the publicity and advertising, cam- a loanoul from Paramount to RKO.
and Ni S el Bruce pencilled in melodrama will be converted into Europe, where war is no longer en-
f«T. ?
101 a top role. paign for the forthcoming Bing Harold Clurman, formerly with tertaining. Belief is that the best of
a comedy.
Crosby indie production. "The Grenl the Group Theatre, makes his debut the war yarns recently in prepara-
as^Jili!"! was recently announced John L.", which stars newcomer Schlager negotiated release deal as' a film director in "Deadline," tion will be held back for the pres-
0 * Production, but later Greg McClure. here with Georgo Bagnall, produc- scripted by Clifford Odots and pro- ent and produced several years after
•b^ffi* It's an United Artists release. tion contact for United Artists; duced by Adrian Scott. . peace is signed.
• Wedaesday, April 4, 1945

"We waited for

hours to see M-G-M's
Mrs. Miniver'
and never a
squeak out of me."

"Call me a heel

but I didn't

mind the block-

long lines for M-G-M's

'Random Harvest'."

"We were patient

when they hung out
the S.R.O. for M-G-M's
'Mrs. Parkington.' We
took such a shine to it.'

"We didn't mind

the long hold-out for

M-G-M's 'National Velvet.'

It gave us
such a lift!"

Kup Selling Bonds!

,/eduesday, April 4, 1948


The story of the Kissless Bride and the man
who walked in his sleep is convulsing New
York in Record-Bfeaking World Premiere!
Carl Esmond • Patricia Morison • Felix Bressart • Screen Play by Donald Ogden Stewart • Based on the Play by
Philip Barry • Directed by Harold S. Bucquet • Produced by Lawrence A. Weingarten • An M-G-M Picture
Wednesday, April 1915

story has suspense, It embodies • his girl friend helps him get out i>»
dragged in and overworked. Biggest Green
The Corn howls arc the scenes depicting Benny
Is Miniature Reviews very natural love angle, it works on the clutches, coming close to becom.
the tear duels without becoming nig the fourth victim. '

Warner Bros, release of Jnrk Cherlok and others dangling from atop a.
production. Star* Uette Davl»: features .
"The Corn Is Oreen" tWB). over sentimental, and ends on a note ^Competent acting is turned in bv
Sennett. Havold
John Wall. Joan LiiiTlnc, NIkoI Ui-u.-c, llhys 40-story building. :
.Bctte Davis for b.o. impact in which makes Arlen symbolic: of all concerned, and direct ion f«
Williams Itoirilliiil Hun. Mllihcil Dunnnck. Lloyd and the other yesteryear com- every demobilized soldier and of all smooth enough to iron out wrinkln
Directed by Irvlnt: Rainier. Ilnsed on |>l»y
explored this laugh-suspense, the EtheJ Barrymore stage hit.
ics his buddies who lost lives, limbs or in a story that comes close, to
«i wiiiii- name l>v Kinlyn \Vllllum«: adapta-
lion I'nii-y llohlnson anil r'rank Cnveil: trickpretty thoroughly decades ago "the. Horn Blows al Midnight" health because of the war. When complicated at times. There'sbeine
editor l-Yederlik Kb-liard'-: >uincin. Sol and that it's necessary to use the old (WBI. Benny name will assure Johnny finally is aided toward self- particularly funny sequence, on!
xIiiiiIUk .Mnnh stuni here -indicates story weak- ex- .

I'uliiu. At lluiljwuo.l. N. Y..


fair returns 'for this lightweight identification, a.; the- film ends and ccllently done by Lc-wery, Miss

20. Ilnnnlng lime, III WINS,

n<Mlr Davis
ncsscs, fantasy. he gets (lie gal, the two lovers Weaver and Jack Norton as a near?
JlINi Muffin third trumpet in a
Benny plays
The squire. ,. Nl>:cl UlUVO
"Counter-Attack" (Coll. Paul emerge as the embodiment of the sighted drunken window-dresspr.
. . . ,

Illiys Williams radio orch.

stationFulling asleep hopes of the war generation for a
Mr. Joia-s . .

Muni in Russ-Nazi war drama


Mr*. Watty . . : Itoxallnil

Ivan during reading of dreamy commer- world that will feel the sacrifices
MII.H'iMl Diinuoek an
Miss Ronberry . . .

.Arthur Shields cials, Benny dreams he's, anficl, headed for fair b.o^ made were worthwhile.
Will Davis.
third class, in Heaven— and still play-

iioi U Hughes Unknown" (Rep). It's a credit to everybody who had

Nin-a PiikIi i

ing third, trumpet. . The Big Chief,

"Identity Toledo
OKI Toin

win iiuKhw
. .

l.lwellyn I'mv'l).
. . • . .

. ,


...Tony KIIIh
Roy disgusted
with conditions, on the
planet earth, dispatches Benny, to.
The angel to
Excellent topical- theme, very
well done. Looks like a. sleeper.
anything to do with the film, from
(he original yarn to those who timed
the distribution for the period co-
Continued from page 3
companies— Metro, RKO, 20th and
L~ —
Thomas. Klllolt Dare earth to destroy it. is "Cisco Kid Returns" iciding with the San Francisco
security powwows. Although film is Warners— Had agreed to the request,
horn promptly at

I. eslle Vincent blow his special

John Ontn. . . .
Duncan Renaido stars in o\ay '

Dal F.vnns midnight, the blast to do away with . . .'Hubert Cherry

outdoor dualer. a low-budgeter, production is smooth and he was awaiting similar word
..liiillih l.'alhey
lork Walt the
earth. Benny flunks his first .
and easy throughout, direction shows from four other film firms.
The llrotim he stops to save a "Castle of Crimes" (PRC)
Cwllym. .I'tnt*". ...... .ileus Ross blasting try when
concern for precise detail, acting is Late last week (30) 0!Connell re-
Ithts Norman. itdhoi in-fc-cot
. girl from jumping off the building.
. : . : i . (British). Whodunit for duals. uperb. Alien and Cheryl Walker ceived notice from Joseph
Owen Kaleski
Tudor Jiivk He's given another chance and muffs '.,
"Fashion Model" (Mono). re excellent, as Johnny March and
head of the Cleveland off ice for War- '

An, l iiiii-ti.iiti'lin:
that too when the horn is stolen, re- the widow of a man killed in France.
Jalm D.lll l.oirillK
almost falls off the
I tl Good murder-mystery comedy, And Bobby, Driscoll. who mistakes ner Bros., that it was withdrawing itg
iMor s nn Evansi (Hissle, Wally) covered and he
building. Dream ends there with for duals. Arlen for his dead GI father, proves bookings into the house for April
Benny back in station orch. himself as not merely a cute kid but 10-12 and 17-19. "I am not giving you
Not the type of screen material that Heaven, as depicted, is certainly not also a reul little a.etor. any reason," Kaleski told O'Conntll.
ordinarily has general appeal, "Corn a very soul-satisfying spot. Its por-
Parks is seen briefly, though. capably,
You have- taken upon yourself
been produced by along with a large supporting cast.
is Green"' has well trayal as a satire on government and the responsibility for attempt- i Inco Kid Hwtnrnt4
Jack Cticrlok and the boxoffice Zoltan -Korda's direction lacked '

the many bureaus and sub-bureaus, ing to disrupt the private eon- the finesse and thoughtfulness that M,,i,(im-Hin relniae of Uhlllp M. Kuiane
'draught--jot the Bctle Davis name in- etc.. may disturb some- audiences: odui-iion. .Niars Diiiu-aii Henuldo; fea-
tract relations of companies supply-
might have placed this screen dish
sures it at the gate. It was a big
' .

Alexis Smith, as. secretary to heav- iics HoKcr Pryor. Marlln (.iarralniiu. Oe-
Broadway legit hit with Ethel Barry- ing films to. the Loop Theatre," the
on the lop rungs of the entertain- llla CalleJn. Dlreiled by Johii P. Mc-
en's Big Chief and with an angelic ment ladder. Steiu arlhy. Siieeiinlay. Helly BilrbrldRe: cuni-
letter said. "Fortunately, most of
more as its star. .'
yen for Benny, hasn't too much to do I lurry Neumann: edllor. Marty fnlien.
The performances, not only of Miss in the plotting. Same goes for Do-
Xew Voik. N. v., waek.of Miirch '4fi.
these companies .will, I am certain, -'«<.

Davis but of two newcomers to the lores Moran as hotel cigarct girl who
mil. Ilunnliit; nine, «4 MINS. ecognize their legal obligations and
screen. John Dall and Joan Lorring, has a yen for super-crook Reginald
Identify Isco. ..................... .Duncan Rcnalilo
will not allow themselves to -be used
Nigel Bruce Republic- release of Wnller c'oliuea and ani ho,. .Marl (iarralaKa '

together with those of

Gardiner. Latter, along with Allyn llouHrd. Ureiherton production, direcied by lloslia
further the whims of Republic -
. ,

.Cecilia Oalleju
end others, capture attention, arid. ad- Joslyn and John Alexander, two Oolinea.' Suns Rlchnrd .'Arlen, t'heryl un Is. Hotter Pi-yor servant, acting without, legal an- , . .

miration far and above that of the fallen, angels,. whip over some of the Walkev; features Roger l'ryor. Bobby 'onwiiy Aiuhimy Warde . .

story itself, which is somewhat slow Guy DrUcoM. Lola. Lane, Ian Kellli. OriKlnnl. '"'t'e Kriix Lelber thorityv Should any company breach
pictured funniest moments. Kobert Newman; acrcenplny, ntchard \Veil; Mrs; Piik*
Vicky Lane its contract, you. are, of, course, the.
in the first half.: Several sequences Kibbee is the Chief and Mike Ma- -amera, Krneat Xllter; editor John Link.
ea,neile Jail Wiley
could have been edited more sharply. cause inducing such breach, and we'

zurki aide to Gardiner's skulldug- 1'radOHhoun. N. Y-. March to, '43. .Uun- Nnni-y .shai-oii Smliii , .

While the exteriors of the Welsh gery.

olriK time. 71 MISS. reiinhiKs • i!y Kendal! hall so regard you." •

countryside with appropriate photog- Raoul Walsh's direction is not as ^nlly Johnny March .nirhard Arlen I«

w ...Kva I'ulK

O'Connell's appeal questioned the . . .

....Cheryl Walker ..Eimuelt Lynn

raphy are almost entirely dreary and forte as the pace and punch he
dis- .MnHlrecor.
Itoi-ks l>ounelly. Hover JM-ycir legality of the- curfew, the authority
depressing, they reflect not only able plays when handling an action story. Voddy. LorliiRr. under the curfew; the WMC
...Bobby DriNCOII "Cisco Kid Returns" has romance, of the . . . -

production effort, but also the mood


put with \Vnada. Mine

of the Emlyn Williams* play and its
Special effects are dealt,
Heaven fantasy ppr- Major Williams.
Ian Kellh ard-riding action, comedy and mys- authority of the Toledo direc- WMC
lavish hand for Joe tli'anowakl. lohn .yot-reMt tery in sufficient quantity to please tor; declared application of the cur-
locale. Brog.
Miss Davis, doing the emotional
Mrs. AnderHon...
Mr. AnilerRon.

Sara I'nddon hoss opera audiences.

l-'orreat 'I'ayUn-
low-budget few to the Loop was unfair, unrea- A
and serious-minded school mistress Krankle. ...Frank Marlowe B" for the duals. sonable, and -a gross, discrimination . , .
. . . . .

of the story^ whose sociological ideals

Harry. JIarry Tylar Duncan Renaido is starred in this and deprivation of property without
spur her to untiring efforts in. raising
Colonel '.Marlln. Counter-AUack
Nelaou la^lKh one. having succeeded Ceasar Ro-
due process of law, and branded the
. . :

Columbia produellon and releaw. Sihia Aui-lloneer. Charles Williams mero, now in the Navy.
He enacts Toledo
the I. Q. of lowly Welsh mining Paul Muni: features ^Mar e uer le < hap- Needles. WMC

-...Charles Jordan director's order, as ar- .

folk, is cast in the kind of role she mnn. Larry Parka. Dire-led by /.ollun Spike Dick Hi-illl the outlaw Samaritan in neat fashion,
Screenplay, John loward l«- jNurse ^Marjorle Manners with the aid of Martin Garralaga, bitrary, vehement, and inconsistent
does well. It's one of her best to Korda
I .

from plw by J.W and PhlUP Si-ven- -Muloi' Cop. .... .„ Eddie Baker who supplies comedy relief as Pan- with any regulation, program, or pol-
date and one of great, sympathetic Ion, son baaed upon the llussian
orlitlnal by
impact. Dall, her protege, who's dif- Ilya Vershlnln and -Mikhail. Ituderman; cho, and Cecilia Callejo, as the gal. icy of the WMC.
This picture is socko from every Rest of the cast gives fair '

ficult to handle, is much less an ad- Cameru, jtmico '"*"'!»-,""/' support.

and Al Olark npislc; M.. angle, from the original story to the Yarn finds Renaido proving he is
mirable character, though audience Charles Nelson Two More In D. C. Defy Curfew
W. Stoloff. Previewed. N. V. March 30. production, direction, acting and noWhe kidnaper of a young child,
interest stays with him all the way.

45. Runnlnn time, »0 SUNS. editing, and to the very timing of Washington, April 8.

He's presently appearing in the legit, AlAvel Kulkov Paul Muni having taken her in protective cu's-
the release on a topical subject that The Lamplighters Club is still go-
"Dear Ruth," on Broadway, but un- LlS Elenko. ........ .MKr K uerlie today to prevent her death at the
l*«ri y JfarKfl. concerns the friends and "relatives o( ing strong, opening up at midnight
der contract to Warners, same as Miss Galkronye
.V. .. -Philip Van 7-andt every GI who's been wounded or
hands-of the same gent who mur-
Lorring. The youthful Miss Lorring Colonel Semenov Geor K e Mncready killed in this war. On dered her father. . . . . . .
-. .
and running until dawn. -War man- .


all scores, it
is also a very intriguing type. As vnatvnV
Roman Bohnea Settings are in the usual outdoor, power director Eugene Connolly has
appears to be a sleeper.
the trollop Bessie Watty, she is par western groove, and camera work is threatened to cut off the elecl/ieily.
Richard Arlen is the soldier re- proportionately clear-cut. Direction
ticularly socko in the final reel, when turned from the French warfront and script have loose ends, but not Joe Burko says he will use candles;
returning to the village- with the
Glermann without knowing who he is. He Two other clubs have, joined the
news that she has borne Dall's ille- Waller ....... Krederl.-k enough, to hinder the picture's
challenge to the Byrnes curfew. They
.Paul Andor takes the temporary name of Johnny
This development, Krafft" chances! Sten,

gitimate child. Ivan Trleaault March and starts are the Spotlight club at 17th and M
nrlllnarzer'. out over the USA
from which Miss Davis has sought SueMer™.'.'.'.--. .'1-mMlt Dm** to try
to establish his own identity. streets, NW, and the Professional
to shield Dall, so that it would not Huebsch. r«nl« Adjon
Trevor Hardelte In his travels he visits what comes
Cacrile of club at 5th and streets, NW. They
Crimes K
interfere with his going to Oxford, Petrov kallnev

General .Richard Hale close to being a cross-section of (BRITISH-MADE)

ends the picture on a rather tragic American homes the home of a PRC release of Waller C. Mycrofl pro open at midnight, sell no liquor ex- —
note for the schoolmistress, who ^lars Kenneth Kent; fealures cept setups, with customers expected '
Ibee, in his "Variety" review of former truckdriver in Connecticut,
agrees to adopt the baby so that Dall the Broadway opening of the play the home of a former architect in Ulana by
Ohuivhlll, Belle Ohryslall. Dlrei-teii
Harold .French. 9<-reenplrty,' Doreen
to bring their own booze.
may go on with the future she has "Counter-Attack" in February, 1943, West Virginia; a tough, young kid Montaubery k based on book by -A. E>, -W
planned for him. The parts played observed; "War plays have found who works for a gambling syndicate Mason; camera. Wnller Kai-vey; edllui'
by Dall. and Miss Lorring, incident- the going -difficult. :and while this in Chicago; and finally the home of B. R. .isrvls. At Ne'w Voik. I*. T.; week .

of ^lai-eli 1*8,- '4.1, dun). ItunnlnK lime,

ally, are those done originally on one is timely, having a Russian-Nazi a farmer couple in Iowa.
Broadway by Richard Waring and background -and is very well per- AH. MINS.
Kenneth Kent
Wherever he goes, Arlen helps the l/lKliei-lor Ifnnalld.
Thelma Schnee. formed, its chances are limited. Im- people he Ily Hsihiwe.... .Ulaua t'hiiiclilll C'onUuurd from page 1 . . .

Except for Miss Davis, heavy Sression is it will be better as a intimately, visits understand more Ann 1'pi-nlt: .....Belle Chi I'M" II .•

Welsh and English accents figure in

in the terms of their own Jim Kroblsher .Peter Murray-Hill ing dates or contracts were filled, or
lm." The latter hope is .never ful- family's dead, why. "the war rilfford KvstiH after their shows closed.
the speech of most members of the filled wholly despite Paul Munfs fought, was Muuflee ;rhovenel..
cast. These accents, at first a little role portrayed so capably by Morns on normal
why it is their job to carry Miidams Harlnwe. .T.oulse liauiplon
To date, less than 40% of name
. .

.. .Cnlherlne l.neey
activities, and how they Pranelne
Hollard.. .

difficult to, become accustomed, to, Carnovsky in the stage -play. Only will perpetuate Qlradot. Aubrey Dester stars who> promised their services'
the life of their Boris Rnvlurt Tames Kati-inii-t have fulfilled their pledge, accord-
may serve as a deterrent in the 'hin- moderate boxoffice indicated. loved one by working toward a lean C'ladeh. .Ivor Barnard
. . . .


terlands, at least. In the first place, the scope of this Happier U.S.A. in a peaceful world, ing to Camp Shows. A few, who of-
Bruce, playing a stuffed-shirt drama has not been widened from
squire; Rhys Williams \and Mildred its legit limitations of one-setting, skiUful Mw0k hands,
55 of a klnd which,' in less A British production, being re- fered themselves for the summer, i

..Durmock. teaching associates of Miss majority of footage taking place in heavy sermon,
could have become leased/In this country by PRC. "Cas have yet to be heard from. Bui ma-
sojrt of :a jimet- tie of Crimes" is an uninteresting jority of the others, with their serv-
Davis, and Rosalind Ivan, a Cockney the -blocked-by-debris cellar of a preachment issued
housekeeper, are all in the groove on factory on the eastern front. Sec- by O.WI. But th whodunit geared for the duals. ices now due, have reneged. Back-
the accents. They, as well as lessers, ondly, the picturization lacks the There's not much mystery as to bone
of their support, according to
acquit themselves very creditably, imagination and skill that such an who murdered the wealthy spinster. Camp. Shows,
is still the standard
Latter is obsessed with the thought
There are a number of the cast important subject (Russ-Nazi psy-
that, her relatives are just waiting vaude act the Jan .Murrays. Hal
. Watehtower Over — ..

who are repeating for the screen chological and battlefield warfare)
roles they created on the stage should have. Somebody missed the for her to die so they can Inherit her Shermans, Roy Smecks. Dave Apol- Tomorrow
namely, Williams, Misses Ivan. Dun boat on this one, although Columbia (DOCUMENTARY) money. lons, Carr Brothers and the like. The
nock and Gwyneth Hughes. Char. should not suffer too much finan- War Activities Committee of the M„. Film is. loo- wordy and it's hard for names, with, some honorable excep-
cially, since the film obviously was lion Picture Industry release American audiences to understand tions, have run out of them.
of .In v
produced at -a minimum of overhead. Dressier production. Kcalurea secre- much of the dialog because of the ac A more critical Situation exists in

The Horn Blows

tary of State Bdward R. cents. Acting is stilted, although
at After several brief sequences lead- Lionel Stantler. Oram Mll.-hell
Kenneth Kent, as a police inspector, the Negro talent departments. Camp
ing up to the' destruction of a Nazi- .1,,-
captured factory by Russian para-
muhiin Hale, Miles JJnnder. i;'ooi e
^iii-i-n. Screenplay by Hen iicrhi:
K gives a fairly strong performance, Shows has received requests from

Hollywood, March 30. troopers, who were wiped, out, Muni script by. Karl Lamb. Directed l,v belter than anyone else in the cast. the Army for overseas units "to be
Warner Bros, release of .Murk Helllnire and his co-guerrilla Marguerite John Cromwell and Ili,,,,l,l lOeis- Dreary lighting impedes much of the headed by a Negro personality."

•ani.-ra. Lesler White; .naiinior. "

pioduml Stni-H Jiii-k Benny, Alexia Chapman cower seven Nazi soldiers

- .lain, -values. Steii Negro GIs want to, see their favor-.
Smith: features' Dolores Moran, Allyn-Jos- in the basement of the factory. From Previewed In N. V. Maivh
N3. ttunnlnc lime. IS 'MINeV ilcS comparable. to the Paulette God-
Jyn, Ileainald Gardiner, Guy Klhbee. John
Alexander. Directed by RaOuT WalHh '
this point on the film bogs down Fafihion dards, Ann Sherldans, Bob Hopes Model
6rreenpliiy'. Shim 'Hellnmn' and James V
into a study in characterizations, Monogram release of William Slrohbiirh and Jack Bennys who have gone
(See Page 1 News Story)
Kern, based on. Idea* by Aubrey Wishers Muni intent on ekeing information Although., some of the lop
jiroiluelioii. gestures Robert Lowery, .

camera. Sid llickox: special erfec-tH, Law-


from his captives, latter intent on Mriijorle .Weaver, Tim Ityan, l.o'rna tliay, overseas— the Lena Homes. Hazel

rence Rullcr; -editor, ".Irene Morra; music, getting the pair to give up the ghost names in the film industry co- Diirolhy (.-hiisly. Dii-ei-led by William Scotts, Marian Andersons, Ethel Wa-
Franz Wasman. Trnileshuwh L,. A. March and become their captives, It all is operated in: making of. "Watch- .Hsainliiie. .^.lory by Vlrtor llunmiond .

si-i'eeii|>ltiy. 'I*lin Itvah -slid -Vlr.lor Ham ters, Rochesters and .Bill ••Robinsons..
21). '-13.. Running: lime, 80 MINH, tower Over Tomorrow," this 15- Harry
done with dialog, of course,; except iiionil: i-amera. T^AiimHllli; editors Some of these have entertained on
Ellas bi.-th....
..?HeV Benny
Alexin -Hull
Dolorea Mora
:for some asides showing the -Reds .

building a bridge slightly under, the

— minute documentary explaining
workings of the Dumbarton Oaks
-. . .
" Dan Milnei- anil William Austin.
IfriHiklvn Strand. ,N. V..
week of Malrh short domestic tours. Not one has
-4R. nuiilliiiK liino, ,1B .MIMH. gone overseas.
Oaldro. ... ..... Allyn Joaly Conference emerges as a heavy- .11.
. . .
waterline right under the noses of
flioiny O'Hi'ien.; Koliert Taiwery
Archie Drxler Heginahl Gardiner the enemy across
a river, and their
;. .
handed, treatment that will 1'oiik.v IliMiiipy. .Alarjorie Weavei Some of the older stars are not
. ,

.The inner. .... .... ...Uuy Klbhec .

consequent surprise counter-attack much of its- important content to 0 Hara: Tim Ilya in good enough physical condition .

DoreltiUH. ...... lolin Alexiimler Yvonne. Nir'na

. . ;
miss its mark. Film was made ...
for such a tour. With the others, say
. . . . .

Sloan. : .Kmnklln PaiiKborn that pushes the Nazis back. .

Mine. Celeste........ ..Dorothy Chrlsl
Mlwi noilhnliler...^i Martcnrel Dumoi Muni's simulation of drowsiness . . .
with little imagination. It pon- tlro^an.' ..'.-.., Dewey Roblnsoi Camp Shows officials, it may be" a .-.

Junior. ...Hobby Iilake because of lack of sleep leads his tificates. Ma He. ........ .. Sn.llv Yarnl-H
case of taking advantage of Hie cur-
T.Aily Slovi'r ....... Klhel Oi irTICH
German captives into revealing the Only worthwhile achievement shift]?**: lark No, . . I

Thompfinn .. . I'aul Harvoy . :

here is the explanation of 'the la rvey \'a u A.lyii.. Harry l)e|i| rent talent prosperity, or lack of t:o- 1

naillo nnnount:er. .. .Tr.uiuun Bradley important battle information he is .lossd-ii .....Nell Cnili

..Kdwaril Knnne opeiation from the booking

. . . .

Iluiniihrey RurTciiy. .Mike M11/.U1- seeking. The Nazis, always the practical plan evolved at Dum- Duval .

Several standard Negro acts have


I.hw ..Tolni'llraw stubborn supermen, are convinced barton Oaks for preservation of Davis... .. .John Vnlenlliie . ...cedrlv Slevei

Tony. . . . . iMorrsiy Alpei they will be rescued by their com- the peace. But it's done in such .
expressed a desire to go across; Dor- '. < ;

Clerk Tut O'.Mooro a way as to inspire a lack of con- her

rades. Finale, as in the play, finds
fidence This is a murder mystery in -which othy Donegan wanted to go. bul
the rescuers clearing away enough in the plan.
This one will have to lean heavily debris Technique used here is to have there are three murders, yet it's all agents; nixed the idea, advising tliat
to enter tfie cellar. - Latter pleasant., good-humored and not she was booked up until next
on Jack Benny to draw. It's;a light-' are first heard chatting in German Lionel Stander, as a workman
weight comedy that never seems able which proved to
be a trick. •and Grant Mitchell, in a scholiu-lv all in the chiller style. good ligh .
Christmas.; Lionel Hampton wanted

to make up its mind whether to be role, bandy the problem while
comedy for a dualler. ;lo gfl over, but that's about as far. us
The star gives forthright.treatmerit Story centers in' a fashionable it's gone.
fantasy or broad slapstick. There ate to his role, as does Miss riding a subway. John Ncsbitt .

Chapman; dressmaking .establishment wher

some good laughs but generally '-The who has many opportunities to dis- commentary intervenes to -give two of the slay ings lake place, one
Horn Blows at Midnight" is not-solid. play her histrionic ability and comes
The pace wavers, a portion of the through surprisrfigjy—w-ell,~:jJatro
an illustrated lecture on the con-
ference; Ben Hecht's writing isn't
victim being a model and the second
the secret owner of the place. Stis

plot is in questionable taste, .and the Meller, as the Nazi officer, who is too impressive on this 'matter. Comedian Jack Gilford going over-


finished product is not substantial, weeded out from the others -through picion centers. '.on -the stock boy
seas for USO-Camp Shows.

Acting honors are carried of! played by Robert Lowery, whose I

either for entertainment or boxoffice. Muni's diligence and spills the beans, by photogenic Secretary of Stale "Over 21" company, headed by
girl friend Is another model, Mar
Benny works hard for. his laughs supplies the venom and arrogance Stettinius,, who delivers the pro-
! :

•nd some come through with n sock, to his part, which was built up to log calling attention to the im-
joi'ie Weaver. A number of churac Helen Ford, first legiter to go to ;

tei-s are involved,, and the boy South Pacific, has returned after
but generally the chuckles are importance for the- picture.- Larry '

portance of the conference/ Jose. suspected of all three murders. But seven months out,.
. " ,

Wednesday, April 4, lfW WAR ACTIVITIES' 11

Mobile Unit in Naziland

German Film Industry Sam Pinanski Putting the Accent
Finds Hillbilly Rates
Continued from page (.

medium and Anally a part and par- reprisals and persecution has been a
machine, doing the millstone about the neck of the in-
Nod Over Frankie Boy
Of 'Showman's Drive on 7th War Loan
eel of the war
master's bidding without thought or dustry- for many years, It has pre- With American 7th Army Sam Pinanski, national chairman
cueslion. It descended to depths
of vented free expression on the screen : in Germany, March 22.,. of the .7th War Loan campaign for.
and distortion almost and retarded its development* The Primary means of entertainment the motion picture industry, has ap-
beyond belief. Terror films, exult- loss has not been merely to the in- along this Army front in Germany, Even That's Too Many pointed all state chairmen for the
ing in the barbarous cruelties, in- dustry. .It has been to the nation where USO-Camp Shows can't get drive from May 14 to June 30. All
flicted on helpless peoples and cities, and to the world. Few of those to and films are insufficient, is the state chairmen are theatre operators.
rnade<heir appearance—for example, within' the industry will soon for- 7th Army Mobile Radio Station, This Washington, April 3. Idea is to accent that the 7th will
"The Destruction of Warsaw" and get an incident, in Washington a few particular broadcasting unit has.
War has cut sharply the number be the "Showman's Drive."
"The Conquest of Crete." Propa- months before Pearl Harbor. A been here since the landings in of picture theatres operating in Ber- Tom J. Connors, chairman of -.--the
ganda films were exported to the committee of the United States Sen- southern France and before that in lin and Tokyo, U. S. Department of distributors' division, has also ap-
rest of the world still at
peace un- ate—a committee composed princi- Africa and Italy. Unit spends 18 Commerce reports. As of the end of pointed exchange area distributor

pally of Isolationists—called the en- hours daily dispensing news, music, February, it is claimed, only 31 pic- chairmen and district distributor
der various .forms of pressure.
tire industry on the carpet, We stood comedy and drama for men at im- ture theatres were still running in chairmen-.
Poison on Celluloid accused. We were accused, of all mediate front, as well as in rear rest Berlin, the rest having been mostly Detailed campaign plans are ex-
— Week after week^ more than 100 things, with making pictures which areas. Its vans follow the 7th as the bombed out. The number may be pected shortly .-

million people in The" conquered might "be offensive to the hyper- Army moves forward, right into ac- still' lower at present. Before the Pre-drive campaign plans got uri-

lands were' served a steady diet of sensitive Nazis. It was a farce, of tion. war there were 400 film houses in der way last week with the. arrival .

poison on celluloid. course, but it was a dreadful farce: For bulk of its programs, unit re- Berlin. in N. Y. of Charles M. Thall. San
American- films 'quickly came un- For we were in effect, told again "to lies on American Forces Network . Tokyo shut down 82 of its 220 film Francisco, coordinator for the Coast,
der the ban because they
showed a stick to the meaningless and innocu- which beams program's from Eng- theatres Feb. 1 to save electricity and David B. Wallerstein, Chicago,
more decent way. of life. The dicta- ous, to divorce ourselves from real- land, and the Armed Forces Radio and fuel and to release the em- coordinator for the midwest, E.. W. .

of the ity, or undergo inquisition from any

tors were properly fearful .
Service in Los Angeles which sends ployees for war work. How many Street, Knoxville, southern coordi-
effect of such films on the
popula- willful group temporarily in the
weekly transcriptions of most popu- have since been destroyed by U. S. nator, is due in New York shortly.
tions they were leading to disaster. saddle. lar, domestic programs. In addition bombing is not known. Pinanski has announced the divi- .

They quickly recognized that motion The press, fortunately for the na- it uses prognms like "Command sion of the country by stales kas
pictures, because they so persua- tion, was not compelled to undergo Performance," "Mail Call," "G. I. follows: :


sively combine the spoken

word and the same inquisition, though its Journal," "Personal Album," all spe-
the "guilt"^if "guilt" it can be called—
Canada Cites Execs M-G Joseph Kinsky, east (12 states):
the visual image, represented cially produced for. armed forces Connecticut, Delaware, Maine, Mary-
greatest tool yet. forged for i.nflu was greater than ours. The service abroad. Most important item on
Players for Pic land, Massachusetts, New Hamp-
encing the mind and the heart of rendered to the nation by the press broadcasting schedule is the news, shire, New Jersey, New York, Perm- ;

man. Here was a universal lan- would never have been nearly go- the unit carrying either a full news Hollywood, April 3. sylvania, Rhode Island, Vermon t.
. guage, easily understood. Arbitrary effective if the publishers had been broadcast or headlines every hour, Metro execs and players were Virginia, District -of Columbia".
restrictions and flagrant censorship exposed to the same threats and in addition to special remotes (like presented with citations by John J. Thall, Coast (11 states): Arizona,
became the order of the day. fears. "Report to Europe," "American Fitzgibbons, chairman of the Cana- California, 'Colorado, Idaho, Mon-
That is one reason why motion It is vital, I must repeat again, .•
News Letter") picked -up from the dian Motion Picture War Service tana, Nevada, New Mexico, Oregon,
pictures must receive thorough
and that all these matters receive thor- U. S. Committee, for their work in the Utah, Washington, Wyoming.
understanding consideration in the ough attention in planning for the Popular program is "Number production of Tommqrow, John Wallerstein, midwest (12 states):
councils of the United Nations. It future. They must not be left to Please," request show heard every Jones," filmed to promote the Cana- Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas,
ii also a very good
reason for deal- chance. Given the opportunity/ the night for an hour. Unit gets terrific dian War Bond campaigns. Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Ne-
ing realistically with the German motion picture industry can give mail on this in. answer to requests Honored were Louis B. Mayer; braska, North Dakota, Ohio, South
film Industry. On the basis of
their much. We have the tools, the will for songs, singers and bands. Old Jerry Bresler, producer; Harry Dakota, Wisconsin.
own record and works, you can no to use them and the knowledge to songs are still the most popular, Beaumont, director; Carey Wilson, Street, south (13 states): Alaba-
more trust the German film makers use them properly. unit finds, including tunes that were writer;
Spencer Tracy, Phyllis ma, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia,
to stick to entertainment than you hits when the GIs left home, such
Thaxter, Fay.Hplden and Henry Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi,
can trust the German munitions as Glenn Miller's "Serenade in Blue,'
Daniels, players. North Carolina, Oklahoma, South
makers to manufacture plow-shares, jimmy Dorsey's ."Tangerine," Carolina, Tennessee, Texas West ,

Unless the German film industry is

absorbed or extirpated we may look
Bad Timing Hurts "White Cliffs of Dover," etc. Belt
able classics requested are Basle's
RogersRoy Facing Virginia.
Exhibitor, distributor and public-
forward to a post-war series of ap- "One O'clock," Goodman's "Bugle
Another Draft Exam
ity state chairmen will hold three s
parently innocuous little comedies

Call Rag" with most popular being Hollywood, April 3. regional meetings to formulate- the
dedicated to the theory that while
Hillei\ the fool, may have lost the Red Cross in Chi Artie Shaw's "Begin the Beguine.' Military status of ROy Rogers, Re-
industry's participation, First meet-
"Rum and Coca Cola" so far hasn't public's warbling cowboy, is still in ing, for chairmen of 19 eastern and
war, Germany and the German peo made much impression over here. doubt although it was reported that southern states and the District of Co-
pie were never actually defeated Chicago, April 3.
On same program, station ran a con- his Army induction was slated for lumbia, will be held in N. Y. next
and that Der Tag is yet to come. It Chi area's Red Cross theatre re- test for most popular crooner which Tuesday (10) at the Hotel Astor.
June 5. Actor's deferment will carry
is impossible to draw a line of de-
him past the 90-day-after -examina- Second session will follow Monday
ceipts haven't been counted yet, but harrowed down to Frank Sinatra
marcation between the German it looks disappointing, to say the and hillbilly Roy Acuff, Sinatra (16) at the Blackstone, Chicago, and
tion period, meaning that he will
munitions industry, which manufac- least. Warner Bros. Theatres, for in- running a bad second* in the finals. third confab will be. held same day

have to be examined all over again

tures weapons of war, and the Ger stance, collected only $18,000 so far Another pop program is a series of. in Denver.
man film industry, which manufac- —$2,000 less than in the last drive. French lessons. some time in June. Rules call for a Ted R. Gamble, national director
second physical in case the candi-
tures weapons of propaganda. They Besides optimism on part of audi- of Uie War Finance Division of the
must, for' the future safety of .the .ences roused by good war news, oth- date is. not inducted within three
Treasury Dept., will be present at
months of his first exam:
world,, be treated in exactly the er factors blamed for what looks
tame manner. from here like a poor showing are
1DAYPASS' TRYOUT the N. Y. and Chicago sessions, along
Deferment was granted by Selec- -WjLthJPjnanski and members of the
A detailed and comprehensive that drive was started In mid-Lent tive Service chiefs in Washington, national committee.

plan for the control of films in Ger and on March 15— income tax day. for a combined rodeo and military
"Three Day Pass," newest Army hospital tour, opening- this
week in
many must be worked out. It must Another gimmick in Chi and —
cover all foreseeable contingencies. probably the heftiest of them all, Special Services blueprint show (No. Chicago and carrying through New 'Big 5' Opposes Arthur's
Otherwise, Nazi film capital might where neighborhood houses are con- 4),' tried out recently at Fort Ham- York and New England. Rogers re
seek sanctuary in. some friendly cerned—is the weak pull of the In- ilton, N. Y., is to be extensively re- cently wound up his last scheduled ;

film role in "The Man From Okla-

Proposal to Intervene
land, such as Spain or Argentina, grid Bergman trailer—weak, that is vised, wlth-Cpl. Harold Rome writ
and there set up shop again, Or it to say, hot through any production ing several songs, and. new sketches homa" at Republic. The Big Five (Loew's, Paramount, .

might infiltrate into neighboring fault but because of the logjam of to be added. A book-thread is also Warners, RKO and iOth-Fox) yes-

countries, such as Sweden, and there Pix that's resulted in many nabe to go in, show to be ready in about today (Tuesday) filed a motion be-
gradually take over film control by houses here never having exhibited a month for blueprinting.
SgL Lobel Dies in Action fore Federal Judge Henry W. God-
dint of superior skill, knowledge or a Bergman feature. "Gaslight," for Score of "Okay, U.S.A.," blueprint dard in N: Y. opposing the order re-
Sgt. Walter T. Lobel, formerly of Fanchon & Marco and
overwhelming' financial pressure. one, is still being held up in many No. 3, has just been recorded by Columbia Pictures exploitation staff, cently granted
Some sort of international control situations, and "Bell Tolls", is an Lyn Murray, to be used for demon- killed in action in South Pacific, ac the St. Louis Amusement Co., giving
board obviously will have to be ^et even dimmer prospect, with auds stration purposes in acquainting- (Sis cording them the right to go to the U. S. Su-
to word received- last week preme court to determine whether
up .and given wide powers. Under consequently hot familiar with the with the show material for local pro-
in N. Y. He was a tail-gunner in the they should ' be permitted to inter-
Its authority,, the various film com- actress as a screen personality and duction. Bob Hope is to do a one- Army Air Forces, and previously vene in- decree, proceedings. St.

-panies of England, France, Russia collection power of trailer thereby minute intro, as did Jack Benny .

had been wounded but returned to Louis companies, controlled by Harry

and the United. States could readily weakened. similarly for "Hi Yank" blueprint .

duty. C. Arthur, Jr., and associates, about


establish branch studios in Germany No. 2, which Andre Kostelanetz re- Lobel joined Columbia's exploita- two months ago. went before Judge
or the satellite nations. They could corded!
Hollywood's Total tion staff to handle radio in 1941, but Goddard on a motion to intervene.
use production facilities of their

Hollywood, April 3. left to join the armed forces the After it was denied, they appeared
own importation in_addition to what- following year. Previously he had before Federal Judge Francis G. Caf-
ever plants were usable in the Nazi- Film industry wound up its 1945
fled countries. These films, would be Red Cross Fund drive with total
Employes in Armed been with Hal Roach, Republic and N. Y. for the right to appeal.
Consolidated Films companies. He Big Five maintains Supreme court,
supplemented by imported produc- contributions, of $705,537,
tions approved by the international $50,000 ahead of its .best previous

Forces Now
Total 4,058 was 26 years old, and is survived by has no jurisdiction on intervention,
control board. The companies oper- record. Campaign ended in a gallop Though there have been some dis- his mother. one of the grounds being that no Anal
ating within Germany would be sub- after a temporary slow-down be- charges, the number of
Warner .
em- decree has been entered into.
Lt. Francis C, Hicks Wounded
In addition to ployees now in the armed
ject automatically to the* restrictions cause of the strike.
of their own countries and the limi- going over the top, the studios totals 4,058. according to a tabula- Albany, April 3. Al Daffs 25th Party Anni
tations set up by the international helped the Greater Los Angeles col- tion made by the WB
personnel de- Lieut. Francis C. Hicks, former
group, lection to exceed its quota with a partment.
Killed to date are 58. asst. mgr. of St. George, Staten Before Hopping to Europe
The proposals here are naturally total of $5,441,917. The Warner studio accounts for Island., and previously doorman at Al Daff, Universal International
outlined only in their broadest Leading studios were Metro, with 745 former employees
now in serv- Palace, Albany, seriously wounded v.p., was honored by Universal, for
terms. The details must be filled iti $120,225; 20th-Fox, with $113,169, and ice. Balance are from the
home- in' Germany last week, serving with his 25 years of. service with the
department and: theatre the crack 3d Armored Division since company just prior to hopping off
later.- But in any discussion of the Warners, with $90,960. 'Labor' unions office; sales
heaviest is the cir- it landed in Normandy on D-Day. for Europe yesterday (Tues.). The
functions of the screen' in"the post? and guilds made 20,328 individual circuit. Affected
war world, it ii highly essential that contributions for a total of $215,710. cuit. . Lieut. Hicks is a brother-in-law of foreign executive was given a parch-
the matter of freedom for motion Lieut. Commander Larry Cowcn, ment scroll by Jos. Seidelman, Inter-
pictures be not overlooked.
L. A. to N. Y. USNR, who recently went on the in- national proxy, in commemoration of
Below Par Here, Too

active list afler four years as Naval his long service.


Free of Interference Harrisburg, Pa., April 3. Milton Bio'w. intelligence officer and who was
. Daff goes' first to Great Britain,
To contribute, their full share in Nate J. Blumberg, since appointed managing director and then likely will visit France
Collections by Harrisbiirg's Down-
re-educating the world to peace, mo- town theatres in the recent Red Olin Clark. of Proctor's Troy and upstate public- and other continental territories. He
tion pictures must have a relatively Billy Daniels. only recently returned from- an
Cross War Fund'campaign were con- ity director for Fabian theatres. .

free hand.. They must be free from Julie 'Gibson. He was

siderably under figures of other overseas inspection tour.
unnecessary government interfer- years, with four of the five houses .Dorothy Gilchrist. Corp. Perrln Killed made 'company's Far East and Mid- .

ence. They should and must have reporting a total of only $5,824.39. James R. Grainger. Pittsburgh, April 3. dle East supervisor in 1940 and was
the same privileges and safeguards Roy Haines. Robert Perriri, formerly of Liberty in the Orient when the war started.

as are guaranteed the press. Unless Crawford Hubbard. theatre here, was killed in action re-
the screen is free, within the limits 18 Fabian Theatres, $17,411.95 Lou Levy. cently in European theatre. •
of decency and good taste; motion Albany, April 3. Barbara MintZt

Perrin, who was with Harris

J. Carrol Naish.
Hollywood, April 3.
pictures, the American motion pic- Ten Fabian theatres in the Albany^ Amusement Co., here, was a corporal Irving Starr terminated his pro-
ture industry, may easily become a Jfack O'Mara. in the Army.
area collected $17,411.95 in the Red' ducer contract with 20th-Fox by mu-
victim of partisan strife and political Cross War Fund Drive this year. Gregor Rabinovilch.
Herb Sanford. tual agreement and checked out '

reprisal, It would be thus robbed This compared with last year s total
°t Us value and its opportunity of of $16,235, James Saphier. N. Y. to L. A. after one year on the lot.
Last Starr production was, "Some-

Sig Schlagcr. Harry Green.

contributing materially in the work Nine other Albany film theatres thing For the Boys," • Technicolor
of reconstruction. during the Red Herbert Stothart. Jack Kapp.
collected $14,051.30
To be blunt, the fear of political Cross drive. .
Sam Wood." Jack Melvin. picture.
12 Wednesday, April 4, 1945


Wednesday,. April 4, 1945 PfitefET? a
Wednesday, April 4, 1915

There's a in your future!

A Some day— when America's biggest . . ..' But that's not all! Many other re- to start

however, the
production plans. Meanwhile,
Ford resources are
job is done — peace will return. And finements will be found in this new Ford. full

with it will come a new Ford car that's Smart, improved styling that will have a being used to help speed final Victory.

roomy and sturdy. youthful A new both inside


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And, of course, the famous

. . . you'll have the kind of gentle , out. thrift

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So packed with comfort. In front seat or ditional with Ford cars.

back, you'll find yourself at ease, relaxed. . . . When the time comes, we'll be ready

"THE FORD SNOW IrilMt ifafhifttitt, wcWttri mi ckMW. Evtm Sw*!. NIC Mtwwk. 2:00 F.M., E.W.T.,1:M P.M., C.W.T., 12:00 »., M.N.T., 11:01 A.M.. P.W.T.
Wednesday, April 4, 1$4S '

St." (Par) and "Ministry Fear" (Par)

faves'-Vaude, Wow $63,000, Tops On;

(2d wk). $3,100 in 3 days.
Orpheum (H-E) (2,000; 45-80)
"Frisco Sal" (U) and "Fog Island"
(PRC). Bright $11,000 or near. Last
— Easter Big on B way; Tours-Goodman
week, "Hotel Berlin" (WB) big $13,-
Tomorrow'-Vaude 33G, Have 32G, 5th 500.
Paloraar (Sterling) (1.350; 30-$D— Terrif 88G, Affairs Huge 45G, torn
"Utah" (Rep) plus stage. Good •

Chicago, April 3. + $10,000. Last week, "Lucky Night"

Bie Easter holiday weekend cues Practically fours'* (Par) (2d wk).
(U) and "Jade Mask" (U) plus stage,
the hefty grosses thli stanza. "Here slow $8,000.
33& Blimp 15G IVithout Love 134G, 2d

Big $14,500. Last week. $15,000.:

Come Waves," with straight vaude Paramount (H-E) (3,039; 45-80)—
the Chicago Denver (Fox) (2,625; • :35'-74)-*
bill leads the parade at fffhis Man's Navy" (M-G) and
"Thunderhead" (20th) and /'Circum- "Nothing
witii great $63,000. Only other new- But Trouble" (M-G). - A total of nine new shows broke at near $8,000 to be held. Last week,
stantial Evidence" (20th); day-date Fancy
comer. Tomorrow the World," with
$13,000. Last week, "Tree
with Esquire: Hefty $19,000. Last Grows" (20th). (2d wk), big pn Broadway for Easter and but for "Rough. Tough" (Col), mildish $6,000.
Jane Withers and Tommy Djx head- week, $12,800.
two exceptions; all are good to smash. Riroll (UA-Par) (2,092; 70-$l. 25 .

a "Hotel Berlin" (WB) and Roosevet (Sterling) (800: 45-BO)—

ing Mage show, also looks like "Affairs of Susan" (Par) (ad^wlo,..
-winner at $33,000.
"Dancing Mauhattan" (Col), also Es- "Hotel Berlin". (WB).
. From Or- Take on' Good Friday (30) and Satur- Went, to a very big $45,000 on first
H o 's mainly are up over the last quire, nice $14,000. pheum. Big $7,000. Last week, "Co-
Esquire (Fox ) (742; 35r74)—"Thun- Eds" (U) '(2d wk), fine $5,100.
day (31) was under expectations but week ended last night (Tues.) and.
frame, biggest gains being chalked on Easter Sunday (1 ), with good appears in for a good run. Final four
derhead" (20th) and "Circumstan-
up bv "Have; Have Not," with tial Evidence" Winter Garden (Sterling) (800: 25- weather, downtown houses did land- days on third week o£ "Bernadette"
$32,000. and Tree Grows Brooklyn"
' (20th), also Denver. 50)— "Winged Victory" (20lh) and offitfe biz. Monday (2) also was away (20th), brought back here at pop
at $30,000.
Tall $3,700. Last week, "Hotel Ber- "Sing Neighbor" (Rep) (3d run). above normal for this day of week. scales, was slender $6,000.'
lin" (WB) and "Dancing Manhattan" Modest $3,000, Last week.'. "French-
Estimates f«r TUs Week Paramount, only combination house Roxy (20th) (5.886; 60-J51.20)—
Apollo (B&K) (1,200; 55-95)
(Col), also Denver, $3,000.
—man's Creek" (Par) and "Till -Meet
Orpheum (RKO) (2,600; 33-74)— Again" (Par) (3d run), good $3,600.

Other than second-run State with a "Tree In Brooklyn" (20th) and

"Meet Me St; Louis" (M-G) (2d wk). "Music for Millions" (M-G) and new bill for Easter, finished the first stagcbill hcaucd by Victor Borge and
Great $14,000. Last week, hot $13,000. "Nothing But Trouble" (M-O). Fine week last night (Tues.) with "Prac- Joaii Edwards (6th-nhal wk). Lifted
Chicago (BacK) (3,900; 65-95) $14,000. Last week, "Thin Man Home"
— tically Yours." Benny Goodman band, by Easter to strong $78,000 on fifth
"Here Coine Waves". (Par) with Hal (M-G) and "Dixie Jamboree" (PRC), Condos Bros, and Bob Evans regis- week through last, night (Tues.),
LeBoy. Dean Murphy, Eileen Barton $15,000.
heading vaude. Boflo $63,000. Last Paramount (Fox) (2,200; 35-74)—
•VELVET SMASH tering a terrific $88,000. The State, while fourth was bit over $77,000.

with "Song to Remember" second- "Royal Scandal" (20lh ). with Hazel

week. Till Meet Again'* (Par) with "Eadie Was Lady" (Col) and "Rough,

run, plus Enoch Light band and Jean Scott, Jackie Miles and The Hart-
Mary Raye and Naldl pn Stage, small Tough" (Col). Nice $8,000. Last Carroll. looks a good $29,000. mans on stage, opens next Wednes-
Rivoli, which' begins its second day (11).
^Garriclt (B&K) (900; 55-95)
week, "Molly and Me" (20th) and
"Sing Song of Texas" (Col), sad
— ;
week today with. "Affairs of Susan."

;State (Loew's) (3,450; 43-S1.10)—


"Fighting "Sun-
Lady" (20th) and .

$5,000. dragged down; a mighty $45,000 on "Song to Remember" (Col) (2d run),
day Dinner" (20th) (3d wk). High RUIto (Fox) 33-74)— "Tree in
(878; Boston, April 3. initial seven days ended ldst night Enoch Light, orch and Jean Carroll.
Last week, good $10,000. weekend
Grand (RKO) (1,150; 65-95) — Brooklyii" (20th). after week at Den-
ver Esquire. Brisk $3,500. Last week,
: Biz has swung baclyto good levels (.Tues.). while another, the Criterion, Big and
with "National Velvet" going to a also ending its first week last night, (lien should bring week to a' good
okay gait since

"Three Caballeros" (RKO) and "Song to Remember" (Col), after 4 wow total, day-date at State and hit a fine $30,000 with "Between Two $29,000 or belter: Last week, "Pan-
"Night Club Girt" (U) (2d wk). Nice weeks downtown, thin $2,200. Orpheum. Women." "Corn Is Green," at the Americana" (RKO) and, in person.
$10,000. Last week, sock $11,000.
Estimates for This Week Hollywood; should get a very good Tommy Dix and Menasha Skulnik,
Oriental (Iroquois) (3.240; 44-95)— $33,000 despite- an opening that was very disappointing at under $20,000.
."Tomorrow World" (UA) with Jane Boston (RKO) (3.200: 50-$1.10)— slow. The little Gotham, with "Col- Strand (WB) (2,756: 60-$i.20)—
Withers. Tommy DIx heading stag* "Circumstantial Evidence" 120th), onel Blimp." looks stout $15,000 oil "God Is Co-Pilot" (WB) and. Cab
show. Solid $33,000. Last week.
''Alaska" (Mono) with Les Brown
Prima Lifts 'Fog and Spike Jones orch on stage. first week. Rialto is good enough at Calloway orch
Strong $30,000. Last week. "Frisco
$8,000 with "Mummy's Curse" to week
(2d wk). Ended' first
at better than anticipated,
Sal" (U) plus "Sons o' Fun" unit on

orch. slim $22,000. hold. Disappointing is the $22,000 for House going to sock $64,000.' while . .

Palace (RKO) (2,500; 63 : 95) stage, big $27,000.

"Belle of the Yukon" at the Palace. on holdover it will probably hit $65,-
"Here Come Co-eds" (U) and "House —
of Fear" <U) (2d wk). Fine $20,000.
Last. week, okay $18,200.
Wow Del.
Fenway (M-P) (1,373: 40-74) "Earl Carroll's
"Hotel •Berlin" (WB) and "Town opened at the Republic, Saturday

Went Wild" (Rep). $Iot so good (31). is mild at about $6,000.

Vanities," which 000. Remains on.
Victoria (Ma urer) (720: 70-$1.20)—
"Thunderhead" (20th) (3d wk). Gath-

Roosevelt (B&K) (1.500; 56-95)— Detroit, April 3. $4,000 on holdover. Last week, $5,500. An amazing $126,000 on As first ering fresh momentum for likely
"Winged Victory" (20th) (4th wk). Post-Lenteh bounce-back Isn't Majestic (Shubert) (1.500:40-74)— week (Holy Week), setting a record $16,000 or over, strong. This beats
Steady $18,500. Last week, neat *"'• what was expected In some quarters. "3 Caballeros" (RKO) (6th. wk). for thai religious period, was in it- second week's $15,000, still plenty of
*jg ooo summer Isn't helping. Early weather Okay $4,000. Last week, $5,000. self out of this world, but the $134,000 profits Goes further.
State-Lake (B&K) (2,700; 55-95)- Downtown will top loop this week Memorial (RKO) (2,900; 40-75)— the Music Hall will hit for the sec-
"Have. Have Not" (WB) (6th wk) with "Fog- Island" and -Louis Prima "It's a Pleasure" (RKO) and "Crime ond session of "Without Love" tops
Smash $32.000... Last week, trim orch on stage. On the solid side are Doctor's Courage" (U). Off to slow even that. Its highest Easter week
$29,000. "Woman in the Window" and "One start, but building; looks nice $24,000. the theatre has ever had. "Glory of
United Artists (B&K) (1.700;- 55- Body too Many," at the PalmsrState,
»5>— "Its a Pleasure" (RKO) (2d and "Music for Millions" and "Dou-
Last week.. "Murder, My Sweet" Easter" pageant, always a strong
(RKO) and "Want a Blonde" (U). draw, will be held a third and, pos-
Hotet-Vaude Big
wk). Fine $13,500. Last week, "Belle ble Exposure"' at the United Artists, $22,000. sibly, a fourth waek. Strand, much
of Yukon" (RKO) (3d wk), 3 days, fresh entries. Metropolitan (M-P) (4,307; 40-74) smaller stageshow operation, will
and "Pleasure" (RKO), 4 days, brisk and have a terrific second week rcurrently
Estimate* for This Week
Adams (Balaban) (1,700; 60-86)—
—"Practically Yours"
"High '
(Par). 'Strong with "God Is My Co-PilQt' and Cab 28G Paces Wash.
"Frisco Sal" (U) (2d wk) and $28,000 or over. Last week. "Tree Calloway's band at $65,000. Goes a
"House of Fear" (U). Former moved Grows Brooklyn" (20th) (2d wk), third. Washington. April 3.
"Hotel Berlin" will lead the down
'Bring Girls' Good 13G from Fox. Fine $9,000. Last week, boff $24,000. Estimates for This Week
town parade this week, with children
"Hangover Square" (20th) and "Guy, Orpheum (Loew) (2.900: 35-75)— Astor (City Inv.) (1,140: 60-$1.25> —
Gal" (Col), swell $10,000. "National Velvet" (M-G). Great "Princess and Pirate" (RKO) (8th boosting "Thunderhead" to nice ses-
InMpk/CabWOK Broadway -Capitol (United De-
$30,000. and holds. Last week. "To-
night, Every Night" (Col) and "Love

wk). Given lift by Easter, will hit

(2.800; 60-85)—"National Vel- troit)
nice $25,000 this, week, beating prior
Estimates for This Week '

10G, 'Keys' Nice UG (M-G) and "Blonde Fever" (M-

Moved here after' two weeks at
Mystery" (Col) (2d wk). $20.00!).
Paramount (M-P) (1.700: 40t74.)— frame's $22,000. Holds.
CaplC-ol (Loew) (3,434: 44-72) —
Capitol (Loew's) (4.820: 60-$1.20>— "Thunderhead" (20th) with vaude.
Minneapolis, April 3. United Artists. Brisk $15,000. Last "Hotel Berlin" (WB) and "Town
Went Wild" (Reo) (2d wk). Modest orch, "Dorian Gray" (M-G). Xavier Cugat Neat $25,000. Last week. "Hangover
After a -surprisingly big Holy week. "Have, Have Not" (WB) and Square" (20th), average. $22,500.
Lena Home, others, on stage
Week, current session Is okay. "Keys "Jade Mask" (Mono), fine $13,000 on $13,000 after $14,000 first. .
Columbia (Loew) (1,234; 44-72)—
(5th wk). Looks to get a stout $65,000
of the Kingdom," "The Three Cab- moveover. State (Loew) (3.200: 35-75)— "Na-
currently, final week. Last week was "Music Millions" (M-G). Smart
alleros." and "Bring on the Girls" Downtown (Howard Hughes) (2,- tional Velvet" (M-G). Very big
$62,200. "I'll Be Seeing You" (UA), $9,000. Last week, "Naughty Mariet-
are the sturdy, newcomers. 800; 60-85)— "Fog Island? (PRC) and $18,000 or over.. Last week. "To-
Louis Prima orch on stage. Wham night, Every Night" (Col ) and "Love
Sammy Ka.Ve orch, Rosario and An- ta" (M-G) (reissue). $8,500.
Estimates for This Week tonio, Paul Winchell, open tomorrow Earle (WB) (2.240; 30-90)— "Hotel
Mystery" (Col) (2d wk). S10.000.
Aster (Par-Singer) (906; 15-25)— $34,000. Last week, "Pride of Yan- Berlin" (WB) with vaude. Boffo
kees" (RKO) (reissue), plus Ann Translux (Trahslux) (900; 20-74)— (Thurs.).
"Dangerous Passage" (Par) and Corio, Smiley. Burnett, others, Criterion (Loew's) (1,700; 60-$1.25) $28,000. Last week. "Ministry Fear"
okay "Cisco Kid Returns" (Mono) and
(2d (Par). $18,300.
"Babes' Swing St." (U). Good $2,400
$19,000. "Accused" (Mono). Reasonable $3,- —"Between Two Women" (M-G) Keith's (RKOV (1.800; 34-66) —
ta 3 days. Last week, "Nevada" 800. Last week. "Cowbov. and Lady" wk).
Substantial $30,000 on initial
(RKO) and "Hi, Beautiful" (U) spUt Fox (Fox-Michigan) (5,000; 60-85)
seven days ended, last night (Tues.). "Here Come. Go-Eds" (U). Crix

—"Bernadette" (20th). Back at pop (FC). and "Silent Barrier" (WB) (re-
with "Big Showofl" (Rep) and "Ac- Final four days on third week of praised it but won't get over nice
scale at house where it did smash issues).. $3,500.
cuse Parents" (PRC), okay $2,600 in
biz, Fine $26,000. Last week. "Fris-
"Keep Powder Dry" (M-G) was short $13,000. Last week, "Frisco Sal" (U),
• day's. of $13,000, fair. $11,500.
Century (P-S) (1.600; 44-50)— co Sal" (U) and "Destiny" (U), Globe (Brandt) (1,416; 60-$1.20) Metropolitan (WB) (1.800: 30-55)—
"Tree in Brooklyn" (20th). Moved about same. Tleasnre' Slick $16,000 —"3 Caballeros" (RKO) (9th wk). "She Gets Her Man" (U). Mild $2,300
Madison (United Detroit) (1,800;
here from State. Still rolling at fine
60-85)— "Irish Eyes" Picked up amazingly since the week- in four days. "Tonight, Every Night"
(20th)- and
•7,000. Last week, "Practically end, and on basis of probable $20,000, (Col), opened Monday._Looks $4,000
Yours" (Par) (3d wk), good $6,500, "Summer Storm" (UA). Okay $6,- In Cincy; 'Square' Boff excellent, will be held over. Last in 3 days. .

Gopher (P-S) (1,000; 40)—"Be- 000. Last week. "Parkington" (M- '

week, moderate $12,500. Palace (Loew) (2,778: 44-72)— "Be

trayal from East" (RKO), G) and "Bowery to Broadway" (U), Gotham (Brandt) (BOO; 6O-$1.20)— Seeing You" t (UA) (3d wk). Wind*
Wild $3,000.
Fairly $5,000,
Last week, "Utah"
9G, 'Velvet' Okay at 14G "Col. Blimp" (UA). Doing very well
up with $17,000. Second week was
(Rep), okay $3,200: Michigan (United Detroit) (4,000; -Cincinnati, April 3. brisk $19,500.
GO-85)— '"Now Tomorrow" (Par) and at $15,000 for little-seater. Goes into
Lyric (P-S) (1,100; 44-60)— "Thun
»"3 Is Family" (UA) (2d wk).
Three fresh releases have enough a second week. Friday (6). Conclud-
derhead" (20th). Here lrbm- Radio Big Easter bloom to overcome sags on ing five days, on 12th round of "Em-
$28,000 after first week's choice holdovers and raise the overall manuel" (UA), nice money-maker
City. Stout $6,000. Last week, "Bell
Tolls" (.Par) (2d wk), good $5,500. $32,000.
downtown score above Holy Week. here, was mild $4,000. .
Palms-Slate (United Detroit) (3,- In their b.o. order, the newcomers
„ Orpheum (P-S) (2.300; 44-60)—

000: 60-85)

"Woman in Window" arc "It's a Pleasure," "National Vel- Hollywood WB) (1,499; 50-S1.20)— (

Three Caballeros" (RKO). Given

nne campaign. Okay $10,000. Last (RKO) and "Body Too Many" (Par). vet" and "Hangover Square." J'Corn Is Creen" (WB). Short of 30G, TO TORRID CLEVL
Last week, "Bell strong first few days, but since has
week. Great $19,500. Cleveland, April 3.
"Having Wonderful Crime" EsKraaCes for This Week gathered much speed, initial Week
(RKO), Tolls" (Par) (2d wk), trim $14,000. "National Velvet" looks like it may
Radio City (P-S) (4,000; 44-60)- United Artists (United Detroit) Albee (RKO) (3,100; 44-70)— "It's ending tonight (Wed.) looking very -finish a length ahead of other key
Sturdy $16,000. good $33,000 or over. Here for an in- houses, although "Murder, My Sweet"

Bnng on (2.000; 60-85)— "Music for Millions" a Pleasure" (RKO).

Girls" (Par). Good $13.
(M-G) and "Double Exposure"
... .Last week. "Keep Powder Dry" definite run..' Concluding eight days also got off to strong start. Latter
on eighth week of "Roughly Speak- being hypoed by Johnny Long's band

Last week, "Thunderhead (Par). Sturdy $18,000. Last week/hM-G

week S15.000;
$17,000. "National Velvet" (M-G) and

CaplJol (RKO) (2.000: 44-70) ing" (WB) *as slow $10,300. — at Palace. "Three Caballeros" also
(2,300; 44-60)^"Keys "Blonde Fever" (M-G (2d wk), "Song of Bernadette" (20th). Quiet Palace (RKO) (1.700; 60-$1.10)— at Hipp.
of Kingdom" (20th). Good $11,000 $13,000. $5,000. Last week. "Music Millions" "Belle of
Yukon" (RKO). On disap- doing fine
Last week, "Tree In Brooklyn

pointing side at only about $22,000, Estimates for Thii Week

(M-G) «2d run), ditto.
dio City.
same after first week at Ra- Family (RKO) (1.000 30-40) but holds. Last Week, "Murder, My
— Allen (RKO) (3,000: 44-65)— ''Hotel
Uptown (Par) (1,100; 44-50>-r "Crime' Doctor's Courage" (Col) and Sweet (RKO) (3d wk), got $18,000 Berlin" (WB) (m.o.). Okay $7,000.
u 'Music' 14iG,'SaI'llG, ''Dar cins rin Manhattan" (Col), split despite Holy Week. Last week, "Here Come Co-Eds" (U),
Have, Have Not" (WB). First nabe Paramount (Par) (3,664; 60-$1.20)— $5,000.
with "Chiindu Magic Island'' (Indie)

Big $4,000. Last week.

'Navy' 13G, Seattle Aces o'r.d "When Thicr Mods Thiei" (In- "Practically Yours" (Par), Benny "3 Hipp (Warners) (3,700: 44-05),-
^ V ° ry Night " (Col) g00d die). Average $2,000. Last week, Goodman orch. Condos Bros, and Bob Caballeros" iKKOl. Sturdy $20,-
$3500 '

Evans (2d wk). Big from the gun, 000. Last week, "Hotel Berlin" (WB),
April "Leave Slondie" (Col) and "Horse
^jforld (Par-Steffes) (350; 44-80)
"Mr. Emmanuel" (UA). Good $3,000
— Seattle, 3. ,

While Lent is past, the tailcnd of Phantom" (PRC) divided with "Mur- came under the wire last night satisfactory $14,000.
Holy Week is cutting into takes a bit der Television" (Indie) and "Mutiny -(Tues.) at exceptionally fancy $88,000 Lake (Warners) (800; 44-65)— "Ob-
ror tins house. Last
week, "Tin Pan this week. "Music For Millions," Elisnore" (Indie), ditto. and begins .second week today jective, Burma" (WB) (3d wk).

Alley (20th) (reissue), $1,800.

"Frisco Sal" and "This Man's Navy" Grand (RKO) (1.430: x 44-70) —
(Wed.). .Fourth lap for ^'firing On Moveover still going well at $3,200.
are doing best. "Hangover Square" (20th). Socko Girls" ,(Par>. Ink Spola, Ella Fitz- Last week, $2,800.
$9,000. Last week. "Bell Tolls" (Par) gerald and Cootie Williams orch
was Ohio (Loew's) (1,200; 44-65)—
Estimates for This Week "Practically Yours". (Par)
erhead' Pacing Blue Mouse (HamrickrEvergreen) (2d wk). sweet $5,500.
(800: 45-80 )— "Tree in Brooklyn" Keith's (United (1,500; 44-70)
okay $50,000.
i —
Radio Cilv Music Hall (Rocke- Neat $7,000. Last week, "Ministry
Moveover for fellers) (5,945; 60-$1.10)— "Without Fear" (Par), about same.

20th). From Paramount. Big $6,000. "Bell Tolls" (Par). 55-95)—

Denver, Great downtown Dull Love" (M-G). .annual "Glory of Palace (RKO) (3,700;
$22 J00 j ,ast week. "Bell Tolls" (Par). (6th third sesh.. $3,500. .

Last week. "Frisco Sal" (U), pleas- Easter" pageant and supplemental "Murder, My Sweet" (RKO) plus
wk). steiidv $4,600.
stageshow (2d wkr. End of Lent Johnny Long orch on stage. Boff
Fifth Avenue (H-E) (2,349; 45-80) ing $0,500.
Lvrlc (RKO) (1.400: 44-70)— "Hotel pushing gross to sensational $134,000 $30,000. Last week. "Pan-Americana"
and holds further. Initial seven days, (RKO) with Louis Prima orch on
out thin w«>ir
front this
rront Qf tk. SH.oOO in 8 days. Last week, uarK Berlin" (WB) (m.o.). Brisk $6,000.
.^l 1

qU irc Bta
week at the tv,„,,o..
ta g0?d 401 bi « else-
Walers" (UA), big $13,000, Last week, "House of Fear" (U) and including portion of. Holy. Week, stage, hot $25,000, and big in view of
whei? Liberty (J&vH) .(2,349; 45-80)— '.'Man in Moon St;"* (Par), sarrie. drew terrific $126,000. In both cases week. -. '

Palace (RKO) (2.600; 44-70) it's ft new high for the house on these State (Loew's) (3.450; 44-85)— "Na-
"'Seeing You" (UA) (5th wk), Good
tional Velvet" (M-G). Smash $19,500.

Estimates for ThU Week $7,500 after big $9,800 last week. "National Velvet" (M-G). All right particular weeks: . .

A '" d(» n 45-80)— $14,000. Last week, "Hotel Berlin" Republic (Brandt) a.064 50-$1.10) Last week, "Between 2 Women" (M-
"„ el (Fox) (1,400; 35-74)- Music Box (H-E). (850; ;

Ber ,in " <WB) and "Dancing "St. Louis " (M-G) 4th wk). Nice (WB). no
complaints. $12,000. —"Earl Carroll's Vanities" (Rep). G), $17,000.
ML?,i, ,
Manhattan" ,

(Col), after week at each S7.000 after great $7,900 last week. Shubert (RKO) (2.100: 44-70) Weak $6,000 but holds nonetheless. — Stlllman (Loew's) (2.700; 44-65)—
Music Hall (H-E) (2.200; 45-80)— "Keep Powder Dry" (M-G) (m.o.). Last week, third for "Utah" (Rep), "Between 2 Women" (M-G),
Tr e in "Hangover Square" (20lh) and 'Cir- MUdish $4,500. Last w.tek,. "Tree poor $2,000: $6,000 on m.o. Last week, "Practi-
n£$L Brooklyn" (20th).
moveover, 5 $6,000. cumstantial Evidence" (20th). Brisk Brooklyn" (20lh). fourth downtown BliltO (Mayer) (304: 40-85)— cally Yours" (Par; (m.o,), lively
»«nham (Cockrlll) (1,760; 35-70)- Last week, "Man Half Moon stanza, good at $4,500.
"Mummy's Curse" (U). Good enough $9,200.
16 Wednesday, April 4, 1915


Wednesday, April 4, 1945 J^RlEff IT




Wednesday, April 4, 1915

'TREE' SPROUTS TALL 'Pleasure'-Vaude Solid 32G, Frisco;
LA Perks; Tours' Socko 48C 2 Spots, $20,000, BEST IN K.C.
Kansas City. April 3.
Biz bore is swinging upward
'Berlin' Sturdy 30G, Tree 18G. 4th
'Picture 56G in 3, Hdurder' Nice 44G week, with strong new product help-
"A Tree Grows in Brooklyn,"
Uptown San Francisco, April ,i.

day-and-da'tc at the Esquire, "Hotel Berlin," at Fox, and "Its

and Fairway, out in front.
a Pleasure," plus stage layout, at
Estimates for This Week
In 2, Roughly 54G in 3, Square 51G, 4 Fairway and Key City Crosses Golden Gate, are best bets this y cck,
Esquire, Uptown with biz up most spots after Holy
iFox-Midwest) (820, 2.043 and 700; Week lull.
40-G0)— "Tree in Brooklyn" (20th). Estimated Total Gross Estimates for This Week
Los Angeles, April 3.
Torrid $20,000. Last week, "Suspect Tbl* Week ........ $2,969,406 .
Fox (FWC) (4,651; 55-85)— "Hotel
new bills opened in the past
Two tU) $15,000. (Based on 23 cities, 188 l Ilea - Berlin" (WB). Sturdy $30,000. Last
week to bid for Easter trade. Broadway Grosses Midland (Loew's) (3,500; 45-65)—.
tres, chie/ly /list runs, including week, "Thin Man Home" (M-G) and
comedies and three that lean to hor- "Between 2 Women'" (M-G) and
Com- Blonde Fever" (M-G), $27,000.
ror and murder are on list. "Nothing But Trouble'' (M-G). Big N. Y.)
Paramount (FWC) (2,646: 55-851—
paratively the best showing is being Estinuteo Total Gross $18,000. Last week, "This Man's Total Gross Same Week
Bernadette" (20th), five days, and
made by "Practically Yours, with .
This Week . $679,008

Navy" (M-G) and "Eadie Lady" Last Year .$2,J59,M0
Three Caballeros" (RKO), two
strong $48,000 in two Paramount
(Based on 16 tlienlres) tCol), lusty $13,000.

(Based on 25 cities, 186 theatres)"

days; Rousing $25,000. Last week,
"Picture Dorian Gray, in
Total Gross Same Week
atres. of Newman (Paramount) (1,900; 46
Caballeros," fair $19,500.
three houses, looks good $56,0UU. Last Year $446,000 65)— "Bring oh Snappy
Girls" (Par). Warfteld (FWC) (2,656; 60-85)—
My Sweet, heads for
.while. {Based on 14 theatres) $13,000. Last week, "Roughly Speak Tree in Brooklyn" (20th) (4th wk).
nice $44,000 in two spots g"(WB) (2d wk), steady $9,500. days, and "National Velvet"
"Roughly Speaking" is catching $54,-
000 or over in three houses
Orpheum (RKO)
Three Caballeros" (RKO) and
(1,500; 46-65)-
Tours' Dandy six
(M-G), one day. Modest $18,000.
Last week, "Tree, $20,000 On third-'
! '

over Square" is hitting $51,000 •Great Momenta (Par). Rousing

four locations. "Three
'Velvet' Smooth $15,000. Last week, "Hotel Berlin" Fr*nels St. (FWC) (1.400;

13G in Indpls. —wk).'

which went way over hopes oiv ini- ;
iWB) and "What a Blonde" (.RKO), "Objective Burma" (WB)' 4th
sessi6n. looks solid $25,000
on fancy $ll;50O. '

tial -

So-so $9,000: Last week, okay

second week in three spots. Tower (Fox- Joffee) (2,100; 38-60) $12,000.
Estimates for This Week —"Circumstantial Evidence" (,20th) Indianapolis, April 3.
Cartbay Circle (F-WC) 11.518;
50- , St. Louis
and "House of Fear" (U) with stage While no spectacular figures will
(FWC) (2,133; 55-85)— "Thin
Home" (M-G) and "Blonde
$W_"Hangover Square" (20th) and revue. Dandy $11,000. * Last week, be posted, Easter Week shows a Fever" (M-G) (moveover). Satis-
"Swing in Saddle" (Col). Trim
$8,- St. Louis, April 3. "Gal Loves Music" (U) and "Night general upswing here. Top dough factory $13,000. Last week, "Here
000. Last week, "Tree
in Brooklyn End of Lenten season. is resulting Club Girl" (U) plus vaude,-
is going to "Practically Yours" at Come Waves" (Par) (4th wk), $10,-
(20th) (8 days), good $M°0 more robust biz with "National $10,000. the Indiana, with "Thunderhead" at 500.
Chinese (Grauman-WC) (2,048; Velvet" snaring top coin. Circle and "This Man's Navy" at Golden Gate (RKO) (2,844: 60-95)
$1)— "Square" (20th) and "Saddle Estimates for This Week Loew's both close contenders. —"It's Pleasure" (RKO) plus stage
(Col): Okay $12,000. Last week,
Loew's (Loew) (3,172; 30-60) — L'ville Better, 'Velvet' Estimate* for This Week show with Allan Jones and Jean
"Tree" (20th) (4th wk), W.000. . National Velvet" (M-G). Sock Circle (KaU-Dolle) (2,800; 32-55) Parker. Solid $32,000. Last week,
Downtown (WB) (1.800; 50-$l)- $22,000.Last week, "Be Seeing You" —"Thunderhead" (20th) and "Dou- Girl Rush" (RKO)Vaughn plus
"Roughly Speaking"
(WB). Nifty (UA) (2d wk), big $11,000. Boff 16G, Utah'-Vaude ble Exposure" (Par). Hefty $12,500. Monroe orch, $28,000.
WfltiO. Last week.
"Hotel Berlin' Orpheum (Loew) (2;000; 30-60)— Last week. "Ministry Fear'! (Par) Orpheum (Blumcnfcld) (2,448 40- :

(WB) (3d wk), closed at $15,000. Be Seeing You" (UA). Fine $6,500. BigllCThnnder'd' 12G and "Man. in Half Moon St." (Par), 85)— "Tonight, Every Night" (CoU
Egyptian (F-WC) (1,538; .50-$^)- Last week. "Me, My Gal" (M-G) and $9 000 (2d wk). Okay $10,500. Last week,
Journey Margaret" (M-G). Louisville, April 3:
"Dorlin Gray" (M-G). Hitting $16,,
• $4,500. v Indiana (Katz-Dolle) (3.300; 32-55) husky $17,300.
week, "Music Millions (M- Ambassador (F&M) (3,000; 50-60) With the religious season over, —"Practically Yours" (Par) and United Artist (Blumenfeld) (1.202:
500 Last "National Velvet"
G wk) oke $8,000. —"Tonight, .Every Night" (Col) and biz is perking. "Dangerous Passage" (Par). Dandy 40-85) t- "Delightfully Dnngeious"
Fo2r Star (UA-WO (900; 50-$D- "Kid Sister" (PRC). Neat $14,000. looks potent at Loew's State. $13,000. Last week, "Objective (UA) (2d wk). Modest $8,500. Last
(20th). Good *4.500. Last Last week. "Experiment Perilous" Thunderhead'' and "Grissly's Mil- Burma" (WB), $12,500. week, below average at $10,000.
•Tree" .

"Naughty Marietta (M-G) (RKO) and "Eadie Lady" CCol), lions" is likewise lusty at the Rialto. Keith's (Indie) (1.200; 35-65 >—
week handsome Estimates for This Week
u-eissue) (2d wk-6 days), $12,000. 'Pardon Us"'(UA) and vaude. Nifty
Fox (F&M) (5.000 50-60)—"Tree
Brown (Fourth Avenue) (Loew's)
$5,000 in 4 days. Last week, "Under
Gund (F-WC) (968: 5q-$l)-"3 Qa- in Brooklyn" (20th) and "Ever Since
40-60)— "Practically Yours" Western' Skies" (U) and vaude, 'VELVET'
(1.000; DOES FAST
Show-OfE (Par)
Venus" (Col) (2d wk). Brisk $16,000and "Dangerous Passage" $4,700, same time.
balleros" (RKO) and "Big (Par). Medium $3,500 on m.o. Last
Last after boff $26,000 first session. Loew'a (Loew's) (2,450: 35-55)—
(Rep) (2d wk). Neat $6,500 *iu,-
Missouri (F&M). (3,500; 50-60) —
week, "Troe in Brooklyn'' (20th), "This Man's Navy" (M-G) and FINISH 24G, PITT. TO
week, away over hopes at sock
"Crime, Inc." (PRC) and "Power of good $4,000 on m.o "Blonde Fever" (M-G). Solid $12,-
Pittsburgh, April 3.
Whistler" (Col). Good $8,500. Last Kentncky (Switow) (1,200; 30-40) 000. Last week, "Between Two Wo> Easter Week biz is better,- but not
°2iawall (G&S) (i.ipp; —"Woman Window" (RKO) and
From East" (RKOX .»™ week, "Hangover Square" (20th) and Bowery to Broadway" (U). Fair men" (M-G) (2d wk). neat $9,000.
in too big. Best entry is "National Vel-
traval 32-55)—
wk). Lyrle (Katz-Dolle) vet," racing to fast, finish at Perm.
"Rogues Gallery" (PRC) (2d "Lucky Night" (U). $8,300. (1.800;
St. Louis (F&M) (4,000; 40-50)

$1,700. Last week, "Thin Man Home" "Objective Burma" (WB). Average
Okay $5,000. Last week.50-80)—"Be-
$7,400. Estimate* far This Wesk

Elite (G&S) <900; "Now Tomorrow" (Par) and "Min- (M-G) and "Abroad 2 Yanks" (.UA-), $5,000 on moveover. Last week,
"Gallery" istry, Fear" (Par). So-so $4,000 Last $1,600. "Torrid Zone" (WB) (reissue) and
Falton (Shea) (1.700; 40-65)

trayal East" (RKO) and Loew's State (Loew's) (3.300; 40- "Enemy of Women" (Mono), sturdy "Thunderhead" (20th). Great $13,000.
in Window" (RKO
(PRC)t2d wk). Fair $2,000. Last week. "Woman 60)— "National Velvet" (M-G). Boff $6,900 flrst-nin. Last week, "Frisco Sal" (U), okay
week, $2,800. and "Sunday Dinner" (20lh), $5,000. $8,500 in 10 days.
(WB) (2,758; 50-$l)— $16,000. Last week, "Dark
(UA) and "3 Is Family" (Col),
Harris (Harris) (2,200: 40-65) —
"Roughly°s1eakinV' (WBV Bugged $11,000^
''Song of Bernadette" (20th) (2d wk).
Last week. "Hotel Be r "» Pulling after 4 days of h.o., and
(WB) (3d wk). cicsed at $8 500. Hdlly Fancy, Tree* Tall 40-60)— Mary Anderson (People's) (1,000: Boff. Dull; 'Pleasure'
"Hotel Berlin" (WB) (2d won't get over $11,000 in 11 days.
Los Angeles (D'^wn-WC) «-™ 7
j Fenn (Loew's-UA) (3,300; 40-65)—
)—"Dorian Gray" (M-GJ Hefty
$27*000. Last week. "Muslc^Million.
wk). Catching plenty of attention at
36G, 'Window/ Load 31G over $7,000. Last week, solid $7,600. Bright 'Co-Eds' "National Velvet" (M-G). Going to 14&
big $24,000 despite slow stajt. Last
National (Standard) (2,400; 50-75)
Wg) (3d wk) okay „ —"Utah" and vaude headed
week, "Here Come Waves'* (Par) (2d
Orpheum (D'town) (2.200: W-85) 'Frankenstein' Fat 17iG by Gil Lamb. Virile $11,000. Last (Rep) Fine 12G, 'Musk; 15G wk). nice $13,000.
—"My Buddy" (Rep)- With Tito
Philadelphia, April 3. week, "Sing, Neighbor" (Rep) fcnd Buffalo, April 3. Rlti (WB) (800: 40-65)—"Here
Guizar and Ice Revue on
Bluebeard'7 (PRC) plus' vaude, Biz still remains mild here. Best Come Waves" (Par). Moveover looks
Last week. "Jade Despite Good Friday blues, biz for
Okav $23,500.
(Mono) and "See My Law- current week is rosy. Running neck
yer" (U) with vaude, slow $".700. and neck for top honors are Tree 60)

"Thunderhead" (20th) and —

bets are "It's a Pleasure." "Music like $3,500, good here. Last week,
Blalte (Fourth Avenue) (3.400; 40- For Millions" and "Here Come Co. "Meet St. Louis" (M-G), trim $2,600
Eds." » for fifth week downtown.
Pantages (Pan) (2,812; ,50-$l>- Grows in Brooklyn" and "Woman in 'Grissly's Millions" (Rep).
"Murder. My Sweet'- (RKO) and the Window." Also in the chips are $12,000.
Nice Estimates for This Weeks Senator (Harris) (1,750; 40-65) —
"Eadie Was Lady" (Col). Sweet "House of Frankenstein* and "Song Last week, -practically Buffalo (Shea) (3,500: 40-70) "Tree Grows Brooklyn" 1 20th) (5th

week, "Song Remem- Yours" (Par) and "Dangerous Pas- "Music For Millions" (M-G). Cheer wk). Second session here after three
Last both newcomers.
and to Remember," sage" (Par). $13,000 and moveover. ful $15,000. Last week, "Hotel Ber at Harris, strong $5,000. Last week,
ber" (Col) (5th. wk-9 days) 1 Estimates for This Week Strand (Fourth Avenue) (1,400; lin"' (WB) and "High Powered' okay $4,300.
"Leave to Blondie (Col), fine $16,'

Stanley (WB) (3,800; 40-65)— "Mu-

Aldlne (WB) (1,303; 40-85)-''Song 40-60)— "Suspect" (U) and "Lucky (Par), brisk $15,500.
5 Medium $4,500. Last Great Lakes (Shea) (3,000; .40-70) sic Millions" (M-G). Maybe $19,000.
°Paramonnt (F&M) (3,386; 50-$l)— to Remember" (Col). Neat $17,500. Night" (U).
"Practically Yours" (Par) and 'Dou- Last week,- "Roughly Speaking week; "Molly and (20th) and —"Bring On' Girls" (Par) and "Man best here in several weeks. Last
(Par). Handsome (WB) (2d wk). Okay $12,500. "Jimmy Steps Out" tUA) (reissue), in Half Moon St." (Par). Hefty week, "Hotel Berlin" (WB). fair
ble Exposure" 40-85)— about same.
$30,500. Last week, "Bell Tolls Arcadia (Sablosky) (600; $14,000 or over. Last week, ^'Tree $13,000.
(Par) (2d wk). nice $16,300. "Objective Burma" (WB) (2d run). in Brooklyn" (20fh) (2d wk), big Warner (WB) (2,000; 40-65)—"Ho-
tel Berlin" (WB). (Moveover). Nice
Paramonnt Hollywood (f&M) Opened last Sunday. Last -week, '2 $13,500.

(1,451; 50-$D— "Practically Yours" "Here Comes Waves" (Par), fine"$4,- Women' Strong lft. Hipp (Shea) (2,100: 40-70)— "Hotel $7,000. Last week, "Objective Burma'
(Par). Stout $17,500. Last week. 600 second week;" second rtTff. ; Y^~-BevMn'' CWB) and -ftifeii Powered'" (WB), only $3,000, also m.o.
'Bell Tolls" (Par) (2d wk), go,od Boyd (WB) (2.580; 40-85—"To- Pro?., Tree' High 17C (Par) (moveover). Neat $9,000. Last
night, Every Night" (Col) (2d wk). week. "Nothing But Trouble" (M-G)
S8 600
Hlll'street (RKO) (2.860; 50-80)— Trim $16,500. Opener was nice and "Main St. After Dark" (M-G),
$24,- Providence, April 3.
"Murder" (RKO) and "Eadle" (Col). 000 plus- extra $3,200 for 1-day Earle Post holiday spurt is carrying all $7,000. 'Wa?es' 'Velvet' 21G, 18C
Good $23,000. Last week, "Song 8h g stands to nice grosses. "Tree Grows Lafayette (Basil) (3,300; 40-70) 1

Remember" (Col) (5th wk : 9 days) Earie '(WB) (2,760; 50-95)— "Dan in Brooklyn" is the town-topper,
and "Leave Blondie" (Col), sturdy gerous Passage" (Par) with Charlie with Loew's State's "Between Two
Here Come Co-Eds" (U)
House of Fear" (U). Sturdy $12,000.
and Tleasore 16G Balto b
$1 Spivak orch and Buddy Lester. Women" also strong. Last week. "Eadie Lady" (Col) and Baltimore, April 3.
EW»' (FWC) (1,370; 50-$D- Bahgup $25,000. Last week, "Eadie Estimates for This Week "Sergeant Mike" (Col), oke $9,000. Pre-Easter slump made itself felt
"Dorian Gray" (M-G). Average Was Lady" (Col) with Jerry Wald Albee (RKO) (2.100: 44-60)—; "It's Mth Centary (Ind.) (3.000: 40-70) all around here but strong product
$12,500. Last week, "Music Millions orch, Bill Robinson, oke $19,500. —
a Pleasure" (RKO) and "House of —"It's a Pleasure" (RKO) and line-up and subsequent jump in
(M-G) (3d wk), robust $7,300.- Fox (WB) (2,245; 40-85) "Tree in Fear" (U). Opened Tuesday (2). Sec- "Grissley's Millions" (Rep). Solid weekend trade helped build okay
Slate (Loe,Ws-WC) (2.404; 50-$l) Brooklyn" (20th). Boffo $30,500 ond week of "Three Caballeros" $14,500 or over. Last week. "Having figures.
—"Square" (20th) and "Saddle" plus solid $5,500 for 1-day Earle (RKO) was nice $9,000 in 5 days. Wonderful Crime" (RKO) and "Mile Estimates for This Week
(Col). Nice $21,500. Last week showing. Last week. "Thunderhead Carlton (Fay-Loew) (1,400: 44-55) Fill" (RKO), good $10,000, Centary (Loew's-UA) (3,000: 20-
"Tree" (20th) (4th wk), good $14, (20th). modest $17,000. e
—"Roughly Speaking" (WB) (2d
60) . ''National Velvet" (M-G>. —
500 Karltun (Goldman) (1,000: 40-85) run). Peppy $5,600. Last week, "Ob- Strong $21,000. Last week. "This
United Artiste (UA-WC) (2,100; —"Be Seeing You" (UA) (2d run) jective Burma". (WB) (2d run), good 'Pleasure' Smooth At Man's Navy" (M-G), all right $13,-
50-$D—"3 Caballeros" (RKO) and (2d wk). Nice $7,000. Opener fine $5,000. 300.
"Big Show-Off" (Rep) (2d wk) $8,000. Fay's (Fay) (2,000; 44-55)—"Wom- $8,500, Standout Omaha
Hippodrome (Rappaporl) (2.240;
Sturdy $12,000. Last week, over ex Keith's (Goldman) (2,200; 40-85)— an in Window" (RKO) (2d run) and 20-74)— "It's a Pleasure" (RKO) plus
pectancy at boff $21,000. "Between 2 Women" (M-G) (2d vaude. Healthy $7,500. Last week, Omaha. April 3. vaude. Okay $16,000. Last week,
Uptown (FWC) (1.790; 50-$D— run). Excellent $8,000. Last week "Utah" (Rep) and vaude; $7,000. Paced by her three personal ap- "Having Wonderful Crime" (Col)
"Square" (20th) and "Saddle" (Col), '.'Guest in House" (UA), $7,000.
Last week, .'Tree"
Majestic (Fay) (2.200; 44-60)
Pleasure" knocked over all -Holy

pearances, Sonja Henie's "It's a plus Clyde Lucas orch, fairish $14,-
Neat $9,500. 9SsstbMr*~(MtB> -.tfflMliJMfeSRfe "Tree in Brooklyn" (20th). Packing 700.
(20th) (4th wk), down to $4,400. "Hotel Berlin" (WB) (2d wk). Dip- them in at socko $17,000. Last week,
Week hopes for smash total at the Keith's (Schanberger). (2.460; 20-
Wllshlre (FWC) (2,296; 50-$l )— ping to fairish $17,500 after big $28,- "Roughly Speaking" (WB), nice Brandeis. Paramounl's "I'll Be See 60)— "Here Come Waves" (Par).
"3 Caballeros" (RKO) and "Big 500 opener. $10,000. ing You" looks to get the lop coin. Best-in-weeks here, boffo $18,000.
. .• •

Show-Off" (Rep) (2d wk). Firm Stanley (WB) (2,760: 40-85)- Metropolitan (Snider) (1.300: 44- Estimates for This Week Last week, "Frisco Sal" (U), modest
$6,500. Last week, great $12,900. "Woman in Window" (RKO). Boffo 55)—"One Romantic Night" (UA) Brandeis (RKO) (1.500; 16-60)— $10,200. -
Wlltern (WB) (2,500; 50-$l)— $31,000. Last week, "Music Millions" (reissue) and vaude on stage. Two- "It's a Pleasure" (RKO) and "Rough, May fair (Hicks) (980; 25-55) —
"Roughly Speaking" (WB). Smooth (M-G) (3d wk). bright '$15,500. day weekend date, good $4,500. Last Tough" (Col). Sock $8,500 and holds, "Dangerous Passage" (Par). Average
$14,000. Last week, "Hotel Berlin Stanton (WB) (1,475; 40-85)— week, "Jade Mask"' (Mono) and Hal Last week,- "Roughly Speaking" WB) $4,000. Last week," "Shadows in <

(WB) (3d wk), flnaled at $7,000. "House Franksteln" (U>. Going to Maclntyre orch. nice $6,000. and "I Love Mystery'' (Col). $7,000.
Night" (RKO), $3,400.
super $17,500. Last week, "This Man s Playhouse (Snider) (1,300:44-55)— Paramount (Tristates) (3.000: 16 New (Mechanic) (1.680: 20-80)—
'Sudan' $10,000, Waves' Navy" (M-G), mildish $8,800 on "Now Tomorrow" (Par) and "Till 60)— "Be Seeing You" (UA). Big $12, "Tree Grows Brooklyn" (20th) (4th
holdover. We Meet Again" (Par). Under new 000 or near. Last week, "Thunder- wk). Holding well at $8,000 after
15G, Both Bi? in Munt'l policy, changes bills Sundays and head" (20th). $9,000. $8,800 last week.
Montreal. April 3. St Louis" (M-G). Terrific $16,500. Wednesdays. Last week. "Great —"Bring on Girls" (Par) and "Main
Orpheom '(Tristates) (3,000; 16-60) Stanley * (WB) (3,280; 25-65) —
"Roughly Speaking" tWSi. Sturdy
Trade is in upper brackets all Last weelt, "Woman in Window" Flamarion" (Mono) and "Home in St. After Dark" (M-G). Light $8,500,
(RKO) (2d wk), sturdy. Indiana" (Mono), good $5,000. $15,000. Last week, second of "Hotel
over this week. . .

50-80)— Last week, Fear" (Par)

Estimates for This Week Princess (CT) (2,300; 30-52)— State (Loew) (3,200; "Two !'Mlnistry of Berlin" (WB), fair $12,800.
"Sunday Women" (M-G) and "Nothing But and "Her Lucky Night" (U), $8,200. Valencia (Loew's-UA) (1,840: 20-
Palace (CT) (2,700; 35-62)—"Here "Fighting Lady" (20th) and Omaha (.Tristates) (2,000; 16-60)— 60)—'.'This Man's Navy" (M-G)
Come Waves" (Par). Sock $15,000. Dinner" (20th), Great $7,500. Last Trouble" (M-G). Strong $16,500. Last
Last week, "Guest in House" (UA), week, "Youth On Trial" (Col) and week. "Tonight,
Every Night" (Col) "Thunderhead" (20th). Moved from (moveover) over house average at
$9,000. "Strange Affair" (Col), $5,500. and "I Love Mystery" (M-G) (2d Paramount for second week plus $5,500. Last week, "Be Seeing You"
Strand (United Amusements, Ltd.) wk), sound $10,000. "Gal Loves Music" (U). Modest $7. (UA), $5,800 on m.o.
Capitol (CT) (2.700; 35-62)— "Su-
dan" (U) and "Night Club Girl" (U). (715; 35-45)— "Utah" (Rep) and Strand (Silverman) (2.060: 50-60)— 500. Last week, "Practically Yours'
Rousing $10,000. Last week, "Mas- "Bonanza" (Rep). Over average "Practically Yours" (Par) and "Dou- (Par) and "Trouble" (M-G), fairish "Kitty O'Day" (Mono). Fair $2,400.
$8,000 on m.o. Last week, "Keys of Kingdom
ter Race" (RKO) and "What Blonde" $3,000. Last week, "Prisoner Zenda" ble Exposure" (Col). Opened Mon-
(RKO), average $8,000. (UA) (reissue) -and "'Caught in Act" day; Last week, "Unseen" (Par) and State (Goldberg) (865: 12-50)— (20th) and "Fighting Lady" (20th),
Loew'a (CT) (2,800; 35-67)— "Meet (Col), fairish $2,900: "High Powered"' (Par), nice $12,000. "Thin Man Goes Home" (M-G) and $2,300.
1918 19
Wednesday, April 4,

Wednesday, April

Paramount, IS. Y. little Line of four girls are

to do. Si ate, i\. Y. turn by being cute in the strangest Chicago, Chi
cute and well-costumed but appar- positions. The Bairds display as Chicago, March 30
Ben »i/ Goodman's Orch (19) with Enoch Liohf Orch with Leslie neat a marionette turn 86 one could
June Harney. Bob Hayden, Teddy
ently Were having their first re- James and Danny Sullivan; Patsy Dean Murphy, Hal Le Roy, Eileen
hearsal Judging by roughness of wish for, only the naughty strip- Burton, Lou
Brewster; Jean Carroll, Ladd Lyon; Breest Orch

Wilson, Bed JVorro, Trummy Young, their work. An added act for local teaser doll being off key. Bran. Here Come the Waves" (Par).
Condos Bros. i3). Bob Ei'niis; "A Remember" (Col.)
booking was Twinkle Watts, moppet
"Practically Yours" (Parr, rerieired Keith's, Indpls.
skater. Enoch Light, returning to Broad- Light and airy affair at the Chi-
in "Variety," Dec. 20, '44. Dave Barry, on 30-day furlough Indianapolis, March
cago (inked In for three weeks, inci-
way after several years' absence, 31.
of from Uncle Sum's khaki; is earning brings with him a piayable but unex- Elmo Tanner, Troy Lynn. Cleo dentally) is teed off by a one-maii

citing band, and an audience-parliei- Florenz. 3 Thornlou Kids. Al Sam- band number by Lou Breese, orch
pation liimmick, "date with, a disc." uels ft Jai Lela, Ami Suler; "Pardon leader, playing house organ, guitar,
idi'<."jf-«-!iicl-.-i.s lo get three singers US" 1UA1. fiddle, clarinet, trumpet, tuba, dime-

got everything. It's fast, is well bal from among patrons on stage, have store fife, trombone and banjo.
with good music, vocals, Carol Gray, moppets, are bin sellers them make a recording and get audi- Keith's is having a prosperous Numbers' range from "Pomp and
8 need
with their twin xylophone and tap ence reaction on the playback. Only Easter wrek with a light, but pleasing Circumstance" on the organ to "Pic-
dancing and comedy. And it's bull's-
act. Youngsters are cule. one play- :

trouble with most -of these ideas is combination of acts. Top billing is colo Pete" on. the fife, which gives
eye entertainment.

Benny" Goodiiian's new orchestra ing il deadpan and the other turning !
that it turns the show into an ama- accorded Elmo Tanner, formerly an idea. Handiest with the banjo,

tops the bill. While the combo of on the

personality, Bros. teur night, sometimes good for laughs with Ted Weems band. He whistles Breese nonetheless reaps big mit-
four trumpets, three trombones-. Ave and other limes quite pathetic. What such tunes as "Stardust," "Nola," tihg for a strenuous stint.
sax, four rhythm, is not in the same Karle. Phillv makes soine of the turnouts think "Make Believe" and a comedy num- Hal Le Roy is showmanship plus
league with orchestras-Goodman has Philadelphia. March 30. they- have talent is something for a ber he calls -'The Whistler's Mother-. in fast laps lo tunes, "The Beat"
fielded in the past, it nevertheless Charlie Spieak Orch (19). with psychologist to figure out. in-Law." All lo good audience re- and "Let's Go.", Finale is a demon-
does a very pleasing job. Per usual Irene Daye, Jimmy Saunders; Buddy At show caught, a Brooklyn hiddy sponse. stration of how easily it's all done,
with B.G.'s bands, it emphasizes Lester, Di.vie Roberts; "Dangerous singing "Night and Day-' got a "get- .Ann. Suler provides vocal highlight with Charley Wagner, 'drummer,
"beat" and jazz. But, the material Passnpe" (Par). t.he-hook" reaction. Another young- or the show, registering plenty of gumming up the works for laughs
presents is tasteful jazz; il might ster had a» fairish voice. Bill there and a noisy bowoff. -•-
And personality in her expressive war- .

" Despite a bad case

be said it's commercial jazz. Playing in an Easter selling, with was only one who behaved normally. bling at "I Wunt a Cave Man," "I '

of tonsil ills,
when heard mot once, but thrice), drapes of soft, pale colors, Charlie
: The audience, however, found it all Thought I'd Die" and "Digga, Digga I which almost snafued her stint at
audiences got a' big bang out of it. Spjvak's orchestra puts a little interesting and got a few laughs. Doo." Al Samuels functions smooth- the opener, Eileen Barton conlribs
as they did out of virtually the en- schmaltz into its arrangements,
Otherwise. Light's music has. no ly as emcee and teams smartly with "Beginninglo See the Lighl." "My
tire show. paced by leader and his hot trumpet. particular distinction. His two chirp'- Jai Lela for laughs in their musicom- Dreams Are Getting Better," "Pally.
Strangely enough (and strangely Band numbers set the pewholders ers. Leslie James, a nicely gowned edy routine. Gal's siren dance also ' Cake Man" and "Dear Mr. Sinatra" .

is the word) Goodman is diluting his to feet-tapping. They, include "Liza.". looker, knocks olT two numbers per- to good returns.
tuff with laughs. In one place the okay. Troy and Lynn score with
"If You Are But a Dream" and functorily, while Danny Sullivan their unison dances. Dean Murphy pads plenty with
'giggles are deliberately aimed, for. "Solid 'SI even.-" latter a jump- does well during his turn. Rest of some oldies, but once he gets rollilig
In another they're spontaneous. B.G. rhythm number. Cleo: Florenz has something nifty
the lineup emphasizes, the lop-hcavi- on the impressions the crowd's wilh
uses his sextet in one spot, making Jimmy Saunders (who sang on ne'ss, of the singing depaj'.tmejit on -the in the puppet line, skillfully pulling him. Hildegai'de- takeoff, his new-
it up with Teddy Wilson; Red Norvo local radio stations under the tag of show as a whole. the strings on dolls that Impersonate est, wows 'cm, as. of course do FDR
and bassist "Slam" Stewart (work- Sonny Saunders) gets a hangup wel- Patsy Brewster does three numbers
Mae West. Bette Davis and Jimmy and Eleanor, Hepburn, Gable, etc.
ing with the band only as featured come from the homelowner.s as he in her own slol. while Jean Carroll Durante. The Thornton kids are a .Mikei
people), drummer Morey Feid, gui- lets go with nice vocalizing on has. lalking-singing-comedy turn.
hit with their hill-billy music. Using
taristMike Bryan and the maestro. "Lets Take the Long Way Home," Miss Brewster, who was in the last a uke, ocarina and drums, they play
Together they turn out jazz bits "Dreams" and encoring with "Beau- Copacabana show, makes a nice im- and sing "Beer Barrel Polka."
based on "After You've Gone," "Slip tiful Lady." "Three Little Sisters" and "She ll Be
Disc," and during them Stewart Irene Daye, bomphish blonde, nets
pression in her first two numbers. A
Com in' Round the Mountain" with a Unions Told
bows his bass (in tempo), interpo- pleasant voice and Betty Huttonish
plenty of whistles from the. young real country twang. Biz okay when 25 Continued from pace 7
lating bits of familiar, medley in mannerisms hit the mark. But the
wolves as she steps' up to the mike caught. Corb.
third' number at the catching was

auch a way and so unexpectedly that for a go at "Candy," "Everytjme We before Judge Louis W. Kaufman, to
be tickles everyone's funnybone. unintelligible. assault charges growing out of as-
Say Goodbye," and .."Sweetheart of commercial. Earle, Wash.
Yet, the music stays legit and it's All My Dreams." Miss Carroll's stuff is serted battery on Ray H. Webb,
great. In another spot during the Buddy Lester is a surprise. Gang Material and delivery are boff. and Washington, March 30.
picket, near Paramount studio Satur-
closing, "It's Got to Be This Or That," which saw him hit the bigtime dur- she walks off to a solid hand, being Calgary Bros., Jim ft Mildred
day. Pair asked for jury trial, which
song by Trummy Young and Good- ing a long run at the. Club Bali a the only turn on the bill to
encore. Mukay, Barbara Blaine. Roxyettes,
man himself, Norvo does a bit on his couple,of seasons ago wondered how Ladd Lyon's acrobatics, with his Jo Lombnrdi's House Orch; "Hotel was set for May 9, To prevent

vibraharp, using oversized padded the guy would make out with his brother as an audience plant, are up Berlin" (WB). possible recurrences of outbreaks
mallets, that's a big howl. Combined material sapolioed for the family- to his usual sock standard. -
He between pickets and union members
with Goodman's tongue-in-cheek' type presentation houses. Lester walked off to a hearty salvo. Jo Lombardi's orch opens show still working, studios were policed
vocal and the all-around effective- doesn't need the indigo stuff. He Biz light on Good Friday night. with overture of hit tunes from yesterday by additional members of
ness of the tune itself, patrons are starts off strong with a series of Jose. "Oklahoma," with Doris Taylor as
.Los Angeles City police.
aent away in a. happy mood. rapid-Bre gags;- then finishes with soloist. Roxyettes follow in "Poor
Little Rhode Island" for nifty en- Producers meanwhile stated pro-
Surrounding himself with such whammo takeoffs on.Harry Lauder, National, L'vllle
fine artists as Wilson, Stewart, and Lawrence Tibbett, John Charles Louisville, March 30. semble number. They introduce Jim duction in studios would continue .

Norvo was a .smart move on Good- Thomas and others. Gil Lamb, Donna Dae, Russell ft
and Mildred Mulcay for sock har- with 2S pictures reported in work
man's part. Wilson does a piano Dixie Roberts, petite hoofer, nils Rene, Bob Coffey. Conuiill * Dale, monica playing, ranging from Lizst's now and six more scheduled to start
solo up front that clearly demon- her slot nicely with a neat routine Earle Keller's Orch (10); "Utah" 'Second Hungarian .Rhapsody" to this week. Following meeting of com-
strates the reason for his reputation. of Comedy taps. (Rep). jive._ pany heads here and in New York
Norvo'a Work is in the same, cate- House about three-fourths Ailed Calgary brothers follow with their it was stated everything possible
gory. As for the bandsmen, the when reviewed (Good Friday after- Current bill is headed by Gil slow-motion technique, sold effec- would be done 'to keep firms before
standout is Morey Feid, who is com- noon), shal. Lamb, Hollywood comic, who starts tively. They do some tricks to show
. — unknown
uniutunii Jil
in the tl DUE
uic trade. lenses.


out with a bit of chatter anent his their acrobatic ability, then their
does a tasty job of sparking die

Hl»», Bait* work in pix. but then goes into a version of a hold-up. For an .en- First official roughhouse of the
sextet and band without being- ob-
Baltimore, April laugh routine, which is plenty on core, their burlesque on the "Shad- strike broke out on the 19th day <30)
trusive. B.G. has two new vocalists 2.
with tbe band, Jane Harvey, cute WaUonSitters (2), Lenny Gale, 8 the solid side. Does a separate rou- ow Waltz" gels them plenty of when Ray H. Webb and his brother,
Lucky Girls, Eddie Manson 4 Co. tine while bridging the supporting laughs. Barbara Blaine scores with W. H. Webb, prop men, were slugged
brunet, who does well with, "I'm
(2), Felice lula House Orch (12): acts, and has patrons pounding their her acrobatic*' dancing. Roxyettes after leaving the Paramount Jot.
Gonna See My Baby," and promises "It's a Pleasure" plams plenty at the close. Of course, close the show with another- slick
fetter things. Bob Hayden does fair (RKO).' Police booked Frederikson and
on "Candy" and "Sweetheart of All he's given swell synchronization off- dance routine. Arke.
Schiavone, who said they were stu-
My. Dreams." Nicely paced layout builds well stage by Bob Coffey, who garners a
vice hand on his own for liis play- dio carpenters, on battery charges.
•There are only two acts with under eraceelng of Lenny Gale, who
ing of the Gershwin "Rhapsody in
Tawer, K. C. Later in the day, protesting mem-
Goodman. Both are outstanding. also holds down competent, spot on Kansas City, March 30.
Condos Bros., perhaps the best tap his own. Blue." . Al Zimmey, The Lambertis (2), bers of IATSE held a meeting in the
act in the business, are assisted this Eight Lucky Girls, in attractive Donna Dae, former Fried Waring Frank Pax-ton. Helen Marie Watsoii, Hollywood Legion Stadium and de-
time by their shapely sister. Eve costuming, get matters' under- way songstress, cops applause- for her Tower Orch (9) with Norma Werner, nounced their president, Walsh, for
Together, they polish .off three of with some, ensembje and, challenge song series, including "Somebody and Eddie Schooler; "Circumstantial ordering them to act as strikebreak-
their lightning tap routines and sock hock dancing and tumbling, setting Loves Me." ''AH of a Sudden." "Very Evidence" (20th) and "House of ers. Keynote of the meeting was
em over for all the appreciation the slot for Eddie Mansoii It Co. in the Thought of You," "Accentuate." and Fear" (U). voiced by Irwin Hentschel, prop
kids with the stubs can give, bob deuce. Manson is a harmonica play- a medley of "There Goes That Song
Evans, ventriloquist, who has been er of above-average ability and the Again" and 'Together." man;' who was recently discharged
Plenty of variety this week .at
co. Is a femme pianist who accom-
overseas with the USO for some
time, is spotted in the middle, the panies knowingly and contributes a
Opening turn had a little trouble Tower comes up with stage show by Columbia for refusing to do a
getting their equipment set up in that clicks all the way. carpenter's work.
Urging IATSE
featured spot. He's on for 20 min- mite of her own.
tues or so and every minute counts Following a swingy opener, Man-
front of Earle Keller's -band, which House orch segues from opening members to refuse to work outside
the repartee between he and dummy- son gives out mightily with "Be- is this week working on stage. How- theme into, an Easter medley, Norma their jurisdiction, he said:
cracking like a whip. His is a fine guine," followed by a virtuoso inter- ever, Lamb
covered confusion with Werner vocals "Easter Sunday With "This unfortunate situation of
act. pretation of Enesco's "Roumanian
some glib remarks, and then the You" and Eddie Schooler.' "Discov- union brothers fighting each other
pair, Russell and Rene, went into a

ery Night" entry, sings "The Palms" has been brought about by inter-

producers of this s'how did an ex-; Rhapsody." Earns encore of "St.

elever routine of trampoline bounc
eeptipnal job with backdrops, virtu- Louis Blues" and leaves stubholders to start proceedings. Al Zimmey, ference with problems that are not
clamoring for more. ing. Lad sports a comic getup, songwriter, doubles as m.c. and han-
Jlljrthe only way pit shows of this which he litter sheds for some familiar to the international union
type can be dressed. One Gale takes hold next, with gags dles chores nicely.
produc- straight flips, somersault^ etc. heads."
tion bit with Goodman, wherein and mimicry of all the familiars go- The Lambertis, acrobatic duo,
the ing over Weil; Followed by Wxtson Con will and Dale, mate comic .

Most of those at the meeting were

P.ho?,P!«>rescent gloves with a tall blonde' partner, game; open with a fast balancing turn.
? ai
on Sisters, who sew up matters solidly
Frank Pax ton, mental wizard, fol- members of the psoperty. craftsijifiP
!*ort I,
°' l*i
w.hat • '-^ Fin 8ers,"
might have been ex-
is far with smart timing and punchy song laughs with eccentric terps and aero
dance comedy stuff. Conwill also lows with a rapid-fire statistical act. union, which decided not to return
peeted of it, however.. delivery. Vets know all the tricks Calling for the names of cities from to work until the strike is settled,
Wood. and make them count to the maxi- does a clever Charlie Chaplin im
personation which registers. audience, he gives out in machine- rather than follow- Walsh's orders to
Orphean, mum. Fanny's hoofery is a solid gun fashion with, those of the appro-

L. A. sender. Nice biz at first show Hold. be strikebreakers.

_. _ Lo* Angeles, March 30. priate newspapers, hotels, theatres, Edwin T. Hill, secretary-treasurer
Lucky Girls come back for a flashy
Adam*. Newark

THo Guizar, George Arnold's "Ice etc., to garner okay hand.

of local 44, declared the mass meet-
Revue clincher of aero stuff and pyramid
with Jeanne Sook, Brincfc-
building, employing 'some good solo Newark, March 29. Following some nifty control work ing was an outlaw gathering.
Umt 2? £
rTi (4); W\ Wood
V Spears
Watts, Dave
and ensemble tricks. Tony Pastor Orch (17), with Dick by Helen Marie Watson, brunet
Dyer, Stubby Pastor, Jimmy Vin- terper, Al Zimmey takes over in the
Rebel Bulletin
Biz good. Bum.
VW.Jody 4 Carol Gray; Howe ^ cent, Ruth McCullouflh; Pat Hcnning, closing slot. Using nifty material, Rebellion in the IATSE ranks
Orch (10); "My Buddy" (Rep". Cora ft Bill Baird, Beth Farrell; he mixes patter and songs smoothly broke out Tuesday (27) in the form
Orlealal, Chi "There Goes Kelly" (Mono). to register solidly. His get-away biz of a bulletin, mimeographed and

••Tito- Guizar
is proving that his Chicago, March is an audience-participation stunt in
.... . 30. circulated among the studio work-
singing style and guitar are as forte Jane Withers, Tommy
Dix, Ches- Solid jive is the keynote of this which
servicemen are called up for ers, protesting against the use ot
In a fllm-vaude spot as a nightclub. ter Fredericks ft Kaye Wilson, smart show, with Tony -Pastor get- a hat-changing bit providing addi-
Latin star is putting on topflight Christtani Troupe (5), 4 Eloinj, Ray Earl. union men as strike-breakers.
ting a big welcoming hand from the tional laughs. Biz good. .

snow, for Orpheum patrons this week Org* (12); "Tomorrow the younger element. The ^maestro par- Meanwhile picket lines continued
and finds it hard to get oft stage be-
World" iUA). ticularly knocks them off with con- lo hold
tight at all the studios.
cause of encores. At show caught he fidentially sung intimate songs,- like Strike leaders announced that, plas-
was an ace showman giving a va- Combo of name-draw
ty ?' bis numbers, ranging from and first, run pic presages good tid-
stage bill "Making Whoopie." .
Stale Music terers had walked out again al
Rio de Janeiro," "Besame Mucho." ings at the Oriental b o. this week Other smackos are garnered by a
hot version of "Funhuli, Funicula/' page — Continued from .1 .
Warners, declaring they had had no
intention to return to work until the
"GusdalejaKa"-3r.d othew-to- a flnel» Swoon appeal of Tommy Dix, in the jive-lingosd "Robin Hood," "I'm
encore of "Irish Eyes Are Smiling" deuce spot, is terrific, despite the (Jdntessih'g,'- and ' "Oiie Meat Ball," have even upgraded the price/ mark- strike was settled, Herbert Sorrell,
and "Rancho Grande." Ken Murray

fact that delivery and material are in all of which Pastor smiles amiably, ings, but still the public eats' it up. Conference chief, .and E. J. Maniiix;
took time out from an El Capitan more on the John Charles Thomas sings Johnny-one-note style and
in a producer representative, conferred
matinee in Hollywood to take a bow side than Sinatrawise. Controls nifty plays some mighty good tenor sax. As is well known, many a pub- again without result.
with Guizar. vocals of "Beguine," "I Got Plenty lisher prints up "special arrange-
The band help is on the ball as Battle of bulletins continued
_ Sharing top billing with Guizar is o' Nothin'," and "Buckle Down, Win-
well. Dick Dyer, who gets increas- ment" stuff by this or .that name in- Wednesday
socki" and "The Lord's Prayer" for (28) with one sponsored
George Arnold's "Ice Revue." Froz- ingly smooth, tosses in "The Song Is strumentalist, or gets out folios with by
en portion works under handicaps sock returns. Carl Cooper and William Bar-
You," "More and More" and ''On the name singers ot maestros as the rett,. IA international
due lo .slow-freezing ice and minia- Jane Withers' act was somewhat .Sunny Side" for blue .chip reception. veepees, and
pseudo-"editors," and even this old Roy
ture rink but does offer novelty. snafued through inability .to coax On -the distaff side is Ruth. McCul-. stuff is moving off the shelves. In Brewer, Walsh representative.
Best of the show Is Jeanne Sook, a service man- up on stage for jitter- lough, pretty but dressed in a striped' Meanwhile, .Sorrell insisted that
looker who's agile on the blades and bug contest. Her chirping of "Ac- fact, salesmen are now instructed to
job which does her no good.. Her any. sets built by strikebreakers be
routines her Hawaiian and other Cen-Tchuate," "Lime and Coke" and numbers, all to .the good, include ration music, naturally favoring the

torn. down and reconstructed before

numbers pertly for attention. Skater "Hollywood Glamour" get only mod- "Saturday Night," "Accentuate the older and best accounts. settlement is made. He also indi-
bad two nasty falls at show caught erate palming. Positive" and "Beginning to See the A sidelight on this public avidity
due to tiny rink and bad ice. Also cated that if the delay in settlement
Four Elgins, who open, do all right Light,"
•showing up excellently are the for sheet music is the ,bieak for Ed continues, demand may be made for
with a hat-switching stint, as do Stubby Pastor is on for two trum- Marks' firm which has a "Radio City
Brinckmann Sisters, who do a poodle Chester Fredericks and Kay Wilson, pet, ditties— "Sundown" and "After
the payment of pickets during the
routine and another using "Begin Folio" exclusivity,' by arrangement
who hurdle the handicap of follow- You've Gone." Jimmy Vincent biffs strike.
the Beguine" for mood. Ahold is ing Dix by the time-honored method the hardware in "Little Joe." with. Rockefeller Center, in which
Cleanliness is next to godliness in.
spotlighted in a "Top Hat" turn, the of putting everything they have into the firm is housed, Marks has long
poodle piece and the jazz finale with Pat Henning's shy comedy and the old copybook maxims, but there
their comedy taps and spills. Chris- funny imitations register, although since discovered that tourists buy his
rMJss Sook. Woody Spears is m.c. are exceptions in the film strike,
tiani troupe's teeter board-tumbling some of his gags are turkeys. Beth music for the Radio City souvenir
and tenor with revue but Is given turn closes big. with janitors refusing to cross picket
Mike, Farrell adds zest to a torso-twister folder,, as much as anything else.

Wednesday, April 4, 1945

Helen Davey, formerly of Ingersoll,
made manager of Uptown.

Turner Shifts Some RKO Exploiteers; Arthur Lone named manager of

Ingersoll here.

McFarland, director adver-

Panama Shames Barbary
Theatre Corp.,
Continued from page 1
tising Tri-States
named successor to J. J. Deileh, cenlration off. this area has consid- of the bar, so they don't -even take
Briefs From the Distribution Centres buycr-bookcr. Latter returns to
N. Y. in an executive post with erably reduced the trade from what any mixing. Whatever they are com-
was a year ago. But after-dark posed of matters little anyway, be-

Paramount theatre dept., April l.

Following changes in the Pacific has never been leased. Building was Russ Fraser, assistant to McFarland, uduslry is slill such an important cause the gals make no effort to drink
owned by the Shrine Temple until
Coast division bt RKO's exploitation is new director of advertising for part of Panuma's economy that a them. The freshmen may take a sip
eight years ago. when purchased by
department were announced yester- Tri-Stales.
fix put in by the smavl -money crowd or two to make It look kosher be-
Kaplan firm. Quimby ooerates the
day by Terry Turner, unit manager: Paramount, Palace, Jefferson and credited' "with abortively finishing fore the waiter sweeps the glass
Al O'Camp has been switched to Los Emboyd in Fort Wayne. Dallas' Vaudfllmer
off a typical Ccnlral American poli- away and they're ready to order an-
Angeles from the Seattle-Portland of Dallas, April 3. .
territory, with Earl Rentes succeed-
Quimby announced extension tical revolution here a few weeks other, but the more experienced,
has lease on the Palace for IS years. All Dick Darling named manager of
ing him; Bidvvell McCormick recently bought by Harley
ago. When a gang of hot-bloods de- unabashed femmes don't even bother
stage shows at the Palace will be Wade,
been named to cover the. Denver ter- Sadler. House will also brine back ided the President must be elim- touching the stuff, just sip the small
ritory, and Ed Terhune the
Salt moved to the Serine, and only lirst-
a weekly stage bill with "Vannelle's natcd by force and £1 Prcsidcnto glass of coke which goes with each
Lake Citv area. run films shown at the Palace.

Mtisical Revue of 1945" featured. decided he liked the food and ioctg- Blue Moon. The waiters, all of them
Fred- Calvin, who was assigned
Bills will change each Sunday. ng lie was getting at the local While obviously, ex-sleight-of-hand artists,
Dallas-Oklahoma City territory, has Kalmenson, Blumenslork to Chi
Harley Sadler, who holds interest House, Die machine guns were take care of making the shot-glass
resigned, effective April 15. Ben Kalmenson, Warners' general several theatres in Texas, pur- turned out. Somebody was bound to and its contents vanish.
sale's manager, and Mori Blumen- chased the Wade hero. House policy
UA's Chi Confab
stock, eastern ad-publicity director, changes from straight pictures to —
Kcl hurt and did. Immediately the The clip for each Blue' Moon Is
J J Uniier, western sales left for Chicago Monday <2) to con- films and vaude. U. S. Army and Navy, not to have $1—10 dimes, 100c, U. S. cur-
ager for United Artists, began
a fer with officials of Balabnn Kalz. & The 4,400-seat Fair Park theatre their men injured or in any way in- ency. Out of this the doll gets 40

series or several sales

huddles at Will discuss new product and cam-
terri- will to make it okay for
remodel volved in domestic political shin- No subtlety at this point, either.
UA exchanges the Chicago paigns.
First session, in more touring units. Drastic vemodel- dies, slapped the out-of-bounds card Each time the sucker lays his
tory Monday <2).
ng is to be a postwar project.
Chicago was attended by Rud Lon- Harold Thorpe Adds Another on Panama. buck on the table (there are no '

xenz, district manager; Nat Nathan-, Siegel'sNew House Result was that the revolt was labs) , the waiter fishes a celluloid
Philadelphia, April 3.
ten. branch manager, and salesmen called off within the weick. Appar- hecta from his pocket and hands it
from the local UA. office. Meetings The Riinnemcde, Runnemedc. N. J.; Oceansidc, Cat, April 3.
They line up at the
ently, it was figured, the country to the gal.
are also scheduled in Milwaukee, sold to Harold Thorpe, who operates Fred W. Siegcl bought property on
Indianapolis, Ransas theatre in' Woodstown, N. J. this city's main thoroughfare for was not worth being president of cashier's desk at the end of the
City and St. Louis. Northampton. Pa., will vole on postwar construction of de luxe film

without the coin poured in by Amer- evening and draw their cut. Be-,
Sunday films in November. The same house. Currently he operates the ican dog faces and gobs. At any rate, tween 50 and 100 checks is the usual
TOobber's Trek measure was licked live years ago. Palomar and Margo theatres here. there was little or ho effort to veil evening's work. The level is kept,
William F: Brooker, promotion
Herman Wobber. west coast dis- head for Paramount, named nic CressweH's PEC Spot the reason for nixing the rough high' by a completely business-like
trict sales manager for zOth-Fox, attitude on the part of the "B's."
Tor Salvation Army drive house routine or to camouflage the
who is in charge Of the company s chairman
which started yesterday iMon.).
Kansas City, April 3.
gents who forced the decision; A They'll snuggle and pet and chatter
20lh anniversary celebration during Noms B. .Cresswelli past three away in Spanish, dance and be per-
April, left Saturday (31) for Den- years manager for' Commonwealth World War doesn't go on forever
ver. He will also visit Salt Lake A. B. Morrison's $.1,000 nor are golden eggs perennially to
joined sales staff at PRC.
ircuit, fect companions as long as their

City, Los Angeles and San Francisco Memphis, April be plucked.3. George L. Morche succeeded consort doesn't balk at their ordering
In connection with the drive. Plans Benefit show here last Wednesday
• George Hinton on RKO sales staff,
Twe Major' Spots Blue Moon about once every 90
returning east in about a. week. (25) night netted $3,000 to pay off seconds. At that rate, of course, it's
Two major spots and dozens of
debt on home of ailing A. B. Morri- D. C. Variety Donates $6,423 easy for a guy to reach the end
Alliance's Takeover minor ones corral, the drinking
son, veteran theatre manager who" Washington. April 3. of either his roll or his patience and
Chicago, April 3. has been out of action since a fall
money here in Colon. It's uncertain
At a Rotary club luncheon meet find, presto, his lady-of-the-moment
P. J. Dee, president of Alliance three years ago. All show biz joined ng, Rudolph Berger. chairman of
how many outlets there are for the .

Theatre Corp., Chicago, has taken*a in presenting party at Mid-South Welfare Committee of Variety Club more basic form of vice: Colon, at obliged to make a fast trip to the
20-year-lease on the Jefferson theatre Fair Grounds Casino in his honor. Tent No 11, presented a check for the Atlantic end of the Canal, is in powder room. Somehow, even be-
property. Fort Wayne. Ind., beginning Morrison had managed legit.houseSi $6,423 to Col. Henry Ervin, treas- the Republic of Panama. It adjoins
fore she gets there,' however, she
Dec. 31. 1946. when the current amusement parks, etc.. in early days, urer of Washington Boys Club Foun Cristobal, which is in the U. S.-con has discovered another lonesome
Quimby lease exDires. House wi'l be and was associated with Loew and dation.

trolled Canal Zone. male, has sat down beside him, the
completely rehabilitated as a
first Warner theatres more
This recently. represents receipts, less tax,
It's just a case of crossing the waiter has 'miraculously appeared
run theatre. Quimby Theatres leased from recent Ice-Capadcs matinee, before she's' even seated, and she's
the Jefferson since. 1913. Trl-States Manager Shakeopa run under Variety Club's sponsor street to go from Cristobal to Colon,
Alliance, owns and operates thea ship, with the cooperation of Rotary but what a difference that street
ordered a Blue Moon.
Des Moines. April 3. .

tres in Rokomo, Anderson, Marion, Club and Station WRC. Club loyally makes. Cristobal boasts a U. S. Both the Copa and Florida stage
G. Ralph Branlon, general man
Terre Haute, Vincennes, Peru, Frank- ager Tri-Staies Theatre Corp., has supnorts the Boys Foundation, which Government-operated filmery and a lengthy and tired floor shows, consist-
fort, Logansport. Rochester and Del ing almost entirely of femme war-
named Harold Lyon, ex-manager seeks to eradicate juvenile delin USO as its contribution to pleasure
phi in Indiana, and in Chicago. Otta Illini theatre, Moline, III., successor quency and operates a summer home hunters. Colon offers the Club Flor- blers and terpers. They seem to go
-war and Marseilles, III., and Fond du
to Eddie Forester as manager Des for boys. ida, the Copacabana and anything on interminably, with no one paying
Lac, Wis. Moines theatre here. Forester re

New Drive-In else (except a wife and kids and trie much attention. Surprisingly, the
cently purchased theatres in Cum
Mr*, gnlmby Acquires Shrine berland and Masscna, Iowa. little shack back in Jersey City) shows are strictly on the sedate side
Willoughby, O., April 3.
as far as flesh display goes. On that
Fort Wayne, Ind., April. 3. Davis Alexander, formerly with New 2,000-seat picture house being that a soldier, sailor or merchant
The 2,000-seat Shrine, built in 1926 Strand here, becomes manager planned on southwest outskirts by seaman would be seeking. Most of same score it might be said that the
at a cost of $1,600,000, has been mini, Moline. 111. George Lawson local investors who have purchased a the Army trade is in on leave or management frowns on any over-
leased by Mrs. Helen Quimby, owner formerly of Roosevelt here, named nine-acres site. Space adjoining the furlough from the numerous air '
heavy public necking by patrons
of Quimby Theatres, for 20 years, be- manager of Strand. Betty Hensler, theatre will be. available for a new and "B-girls" and the gala do a lot
fields and installations that surround
ginning May 1. from Raplan Realty formerly of Hiland here, becomes shopping center. Trustees for in- of fast sparring to keep themselves
Co., for $380,000. House, has always manager of Roosevelt. Georgia vestors are. Mayor C. B. Todd, Ed the Canal throughout Central Amer
been used for civic affairs, large pub- Shannon, moved from manager of ward M. Weyls and J. B. Robinson ica and the islands of the Caribbean pure." On the other hand, any ar-
lic gatherings, concerts and legit, and Uptown to manager of Hiland.

Many of the sailors likewise haven' rangement a customer makes with

made a liberty for months in a port his Latino partner for cementing

Admish Bite Idea They'rewhere there have been women Inter-American solidarity after the
Vt's 10% got to make up for a lot of joints shutter at 2 a.m. is, of course,

New York Theatres

Montpelier, Vt., April 3. lost time and have their fun fast
An amusement tax of lc^on each
10c admission, to net at least $100,000
Club Florida, biggest of the Buzz
obliges them —at a stiff price,
strictly on his own.
A popular trick
when a guy. reneges on more Blue
with the gals,

a year, was one of a number of rev- Moons after buying maybe 25 or 30

leries, regularly employs 100 gals '

enue-raising possibilities suggested of them, whisper In his ear

to amuse the lads and part them is to
by the ways and means committee of something about just a few more,
"GOD IS MY CO-PILOT the Vermont House of Representa-
from their dough, while the Copa
Warner Bros.
New Ml! BUTE DAVIS tives.
second largest, does it with about
50. Femmes, majority of them fai
then it will be 2 o'clock and you'll
take me home and we'll have fun,
Higher taxes on alcoholic bever-
DENNIS MORGAN la Warner Rro*. Hr»!
ages and cigarets and a Sc levy on
lookers (even the trade was fussy
if huh? That line is strictly sucker bait.
Don* Clark • Royanad Master » —which are imported from There are too many-back exits which'
Aloa Halo i
THE CORN IS GREEN all meals over $1 also were among
the committee's suggestions.
it isn't),
country of * Latin —
a gal may use if she chooses— after
In Person America. It's the Good Neighbo. she has changed her clothes prepara-
CAt CALLOWAY Policy in spades, with angles Nelson tory to going home.
Aad III*-Mamnln' Jin Jubilee" Jeaa DALL • Jaaa LORRING Rockefeller never thought of. Top As for the other department of
Kitra Addrd AltrattloB
SISTER ROSETTA THARPE Kegel RRUCE • Rhys WILLIAMS Pix Studios ping off the Club Florida crew is Colon's pleasure-catering, It's Just
jingle entry from The Bronx, who about as open as the hookwork In
'way & 47«h St. STRAND • way at SI tt St. HOLLYWOOD Continued from page 3
skidded in about two years ago, dis the niteries. «Sals" dtffl't-botiiCT-l<r
decided to maintain strong radio acl covered it provided more loot than walk the streets or employ pitchmen.
and promotional campaigns, but hauling hash on Fordham Road and On one avenue, their bedrooms face
ADIO has been hanging around ever since the street (up one step and save
CITV MUSIC HALL Paramount PrenentB
Clnuderte Colbert and
Fred MacMdttaj In
execs point out It Is to the interest
of good public relations not to edge There's no tax, either, she has &g- nothing) and when there Isn't
YOURS" in on former appropriations to other ured out, on the $150 to $200 a week customer the double doors are open
Tn Perium
Bean? GOODMAN and Oreh.
media,- such as newspapers, maga-
zines, etc.
she knocks down, so she's stayiog and the fact is plain to see. La belle
on till the gravy train dries up. sits on a chair in the doorway. On

BOB EVANS with Jerry O'Leary Net SUiuaa N.S.H. There's no open rule against it, a real hot night she might move
These pic execs are convinced that but it seems to be quite clearly un- her chair to the sidewalk.
Spectacular Stag* Production*

network programs are not the prop- derstood in Colon that bringing your Of these proceedings the Army
er way to advertise and exploit their own gal to the Florida or Copa isn't and Navy wisely, take a liberal view.
films. Two
recent debacles, in this approved by the management. They They recognize that any attempt to
BETTY SMITHS respect, were the RKO "Hollywood apparently figure that if you bring force the Panamanian government to
Showtime" stanza on the Blue, and yourself and your roll they're clamp down would merely drive the
A TREE GROWS the Metro -"Screen Test" program
on Mutual. However, they believe
equipped to supply everything else, business underground, That means
The spots are similar in layout and the servicemen would be forced to
that by steady sponsorship of stan- operation. There's a big open front, go to taxi drivers and others for ad-
Released by RKO Radio Pictures INBK0OiayN„2?. zas on local stations, and heavy spot with a long bar and many tables fac- dresses. Result is that they would
NOW—IraRdt's Glob* a, OyyftXC*'- « tMiWiini mitt
campaigns at proper times, the air ing the street. Back of that is a still get driven out into the country
KUA T 7* a»..i 30* y. aBBBBaaBaanani
waves pay
Metro, for instance,
off at the
has a pol-
larger room with a band, medium- somewhere and frequently be rolled
size dance floor and tables banked and beaten. Gals likewise would be
icy of year-round sponsorship of around the sides. Florida also has forced into poor, unclean quarters.
stanzas on independent and network a balcony overlooking the terp space Instead, the section of Colon given
jlThurs., April
stations throughout the country, plus
added expenditures for spot an-
nouncements at expedient intervals.
from three sides. Decor is heat and over to the joy-girls Is heavily pa-
plain, which is about all that can trolled by U. S. Military Police, and
be said for it. Shore Patrol, as well as native
T0NI6HT CORIO STARTS TOMORROW Pointed out that film industry Is
"B" for Blue Moon Panamanian cops. Effect it of an
AND EVERY Nan Bae and Randolf Scott Gjpay ROM Lee convinced radio plugs reach listen-
Mr*. Waterfall Filling the front tables in the bar- orderly, leisurely and well-scrubbed
NiGHT Dlaaa Shore Bob RarM ers at a time when they are making
Clrno Miller room are the "B-glrls," as they are "shopping" district. MPs and SPs
la Tecnnleolar Maderealrea 'BELLE OF THE YUKON* up their mind where to go for enter-
tainment. The. public, too, is getting
known to the customers. "B" stands have plenty of conveniently-located
An RKO-Raillo Picture
for "Blue Moon," which is the drink Marias and when a
used to hearing about attractions at serviceman
they order from" the waiter in Span- comes into the area, having had a
their local film houses on 'the air.
ish before their innocent patron can little too much to be fully cognizant
Postwar, it is believed that the ma-
FONTAINI •RENT jor distribs will continue spending get a word out. A
"Blue Moon" is of his actions, he's Immediately
Jjosa-iWTTEii : important coin in radio, but inde- hot, as most people think, merely picked up and sent to his ship or the
\SlL**Yt: In

colored water. Each one is guar- MP or SP stations for safekeeping.

pendent producers, who make two or '

"THE AFFAIRS OF SUSAN" three pictures a year on 'limited anteed to have at least two drops No charge is lodged against him and
budgets, will be forced to spend most of a raw brandy In it that gives it a as soon as he is fit to make his own
A Faraineuat Plctnre
of their coin, if not all, In newspa- rough but alcoholic taste. Hundreds way he's released. For more than
CAPITOL RIVOLI. I'way and 49th St. pers and magazines. From this an- of them are made up early in the two years the method has worked
gle, radio will suffer. evening and stand on trays back perfectly.
Wednesday. April 4. 194$ 2S



X^alter Waiiger has always demonstrated the

vision of a real showman, with such diversified

pictures as" Arabian Nights," "Algiers," "Foreign

Correspondent," "Blockade," "Eagle Squadron,"

"Stagecoach," "Gung Ho!" y

With his newest Technicolor production,

"Salome, Where She Danced," Walter Wanger

successfully brings to the screen a new person-

ality in Yvonne DeCarlo, in addition to giving

the industry a truly exciting motion picture.

Universal believes that the trade in general

will share its enthusiasm for Walter Wanger's

production, "Salome, Where She Danced."

with YVONNE DeCARLO - rod cameron • david brucc • waiter slezak

• Morjorie
Rambeau • J.
Auoci'ate Producer,
Edward Bromberg

Wednesday, April 4, 194 5

Straus' 30G Broom

Nathan Straus, WMCA iN. Y.) |NAB to Lobby in Illinois Against
Blue Changes Monicker June 15 But topper, is a "bug" oh cleanliness.

Since he moved in as station

Seems head, the place has never been Proposed Radio Libel Legislation
Can't Use ABC Tagline, It so clean. He walks around the
joint testing for dust, etc., at Chicago, April 3.
The Blue network bows out June* every opportunity. Spurred, by the Introduction' last
of Result: Cleaning for bill the week
In Springfield Of a radio libel
15 coincidental with the addition [Three Shows Waxing On
10 possibly a few more,
affiliates to Kraft Nixes Sinatra outlet lias risen from a $6,000- law, Les Johnson, 9th District direc-
the web which is adopting the
tag, $7,000 per year item to approxi- tor of the National Association, of
American Broadcasting Co. All air Subbing for Crosby mately $30,000 per year. Coast for Summer
Sale Broadsasters, Is taking steps lo op-
Identifications, letter heads,
physical pose the bill in its present form.
Sponsors of "Kraft Music Hall"
Hollywood, April 3.
properties, etc.. of the network
are Through an oversight, the Res- NAB
making the switchover as of that (Bing Crosby) Thursday night NBC -
Three shows go into the wax works
olutions committee- failed to draft a
show has nixed Frank .Sinatra as a this week for a. summer sale. Mar- resolution at the association's 9th dis-
^rfo official attempt will be made to summer replacement for Der.Binfile
shoves off Tor I he Pacific
War Dept. Okays lin Hurt, the Miss BeXilah of "Fib-, trict meeting .here last week object-
use ABC as a monicker, although when latter ber and Molly," gets' grooved in a ing to the bill, and
Johnson will per-
network officials make no bones war zone this summer.
sonally contact many of the Illinois
about thinking that would make art In view of fact that the Voice's comedy, setto: Roche, Williams.
state legislators with a view toward
excellent popular tagline cued to present non-exclusive. Max Factor 'Assignment' Sale Cleary is interested in as sub for substituting a bill more acceptable to
slogans such as "The ABC of
radio, contract permits him to take on an Al Pearce. John Can adine is taking
the broadcasters. -.preliminary A
Threatened legal difficulties added stanza it was felt that he

etc. a flier as "The 'Quiz Monster," an hearing on the bill proposed last
having to do with prior claims on might be the logical guy to step in offshoot of the ex-Dubonnet qiiizzer, week by- Senators. Downey and Con-
the initials by such outfits as
the for the Crosby hiatus period, but But No Takers 'Slop That Villain." nors, will be held tomorrow night
Arizona Broadcasting Co. and Asso- Kraft couldn't see it that way. Frederick Bros, is packaging. Wil- 14) in Springfield.
ciated Broadcasting Co., lor instance, As result the KMH -summer re- The War Dept. has given its okay liam Frawley in "Rogue's Gallery,"
Among the important resolutions
enter into the picture. placement program is still up in the for the sale of the CBS Saturday a cops and robbers tale. passed at the NAB meeting was one
As a result, Fred Smith, web v.p.v air with nothing definite in mind. afternoon sustained "Assignment
asking the board of directors to
at a luncheon tossed last week J. Walter Thompson is the agency :

Home," on condition however that it reaffirm the association's stand as

tThurs.) to announce the change-

be spotted at a time that will permit

and being unalterably opposed to the
over, said microphones, banners for a larger audience draw. Condition,
other insignia used for identification F-C-B's Campbell Petrilloplatter demand and the
when pictures are taken of broad-
casts would not carry ABC markings.
B&A Miffed Over loo, it's reported, is that sponsor be
identified at beginning and end of
program, but without elaborate plug
"made-work" principle which it ex-
emplifies.. The meeting also adopted
a resolution covering libel, and slan-
He didn't seem to know whether routines,
mikes, etc., would be perfectly blank, CBS asking approximately $2 Divorce Cued To der, reading as follows:

Soap Swan Song;

whether continue
they'll to be Seek Station Protection
000 for the rehabilitation show,
labelled Blue (though regarded un-
"Whereas, under present laws In
which has been hailed as one of the
likely) or whether some other many states, radio broadcasters are
most significant programs' to hit the
sort of identification gimmick would
air in months. At the moment, no Jack Carson Exit not protected against suits (or libel
be decided upon by June 15.
Continued confusion orrthe part, of
Ask Lever 'Out' takers are rer/prted, although Cela-
and. slander in instances beyond the
control of the broadcaster, and
iiese Corp., sponsors of the "Great Cone & Belding loses its end
listeners and some public officials "Whereas., despite all preliminary
Reportedly .peeved 6Ver the fact Moments in Music" program,. ex- of the Campbell Soup radio business
over the fact that the Blue network they're being tossed off the Swan pressed interest some lime ago.
precaution, libelous and slanderous .

formerly was an NBC unit and, hi Soap Monday night CBS show in' Plan of CBS programming dept
when show goes off statements can be made by a speaker
the Jack Carson
many minds^ still is, was advanced favor bit Joan Davis, Burns & Allen, the air at the end of its present 13- over the air before he could be cut
is to' spot the show in one of the
as the prime reason for .the name it's understood, are asking for a re- aluable night segments when week cycle. Account will retain the off by the
engineer, and
change. Then, too, Smith declared, lease from their Lever Bros, con- Whereas, there has been at least
hiatus time rolls around, if the show 8-8:30 p.m. Wednesday night niche
web officials think American Broad- tract, despite the. fact that the bank- remains, unsold. Under sponsorship,
one court opinion on record which -Is
casting Co. is a "swell" name, espe- roller !wanls to switch the comedians on CBS, but Ward Wheelock, Phila- favorable to the broadcasters but
Harry Salter and his Port of Em
cially so because of the acknowl- over to the Lipton Tea account. Lat- delphia, takes over. that as yet the United States Su-
barkation service orch must with
edged importance radio is going to not considered or
ter is currently represented in net- raw, with an all AFRA-AFM cast Latter agency, thus winds up as the preme Court has
play internationally in the postwar opinion on -such a case,
work programming by the "Inner ompulsory, although Maj. Edward l only agency handling radio end of rendered an
reconstruction period. the broadcaster in a
Sanctum" show. Byron will stay on as director. the Campbell business, handling the which leaves
Stations joining the Arhn. B'casting The Davis-Swan Soap deal was position of unwarranted risk and ex-
"Radio ReaderV Digest" show -on
Co. June 15 include three Cowles
Bros, outlets, WNAX, Yankton, S. D.;
wrapped up oyer the weekend, the "Words At War" Summer Sale CBS at 9 Sunday nights, as well. pensive defense, to say the least,
comedienne getting the Lever "ro- NBC's "Words At War" will again Wheelock is currently looking for a therefore,
KRNT, Des Moines, and W.COP, Bos- mance" after United Drug passed, up "Be it resolved that, through its 1

WFTL, Miami; WPDQ, be- sponsored as a summer, replace summer replacement for the Car- ,

ton, also directors, the National As-

Jacksonville; WFBR, Baltimore;
its option: She'll go into the current
ment show/ with three bankrollers son show, which may go into the board of
Monday night B & A spot. currently angling for the program. spot earlier than the. end of the 13-
sociation of Broadcasters be request-
WCAE, Pittsburgh; WEEU, Reading, The B & A-Swan divorce the to exert its efforts and influence
Last, summer Johnson's Wax week cycle should Carson be in ed
Pa.; WRJN, Racine, Wis., and culmination of long-time ill-feeling, to the end that broadcasters in each
WLAW, Lawrence, Mass. bought the public service show, spot ducted. He is 1-A despite fact he
though B&A's relations with Levers NAB district seek legislation in their
KRNT, WNAX, WPDQ, WFBR .have been amicable enough. It re ting it in the favored Tuesday night has a family and his wife (former respective states providing adeqiiate
WCAE and WLAW are 5,000-watt Fibber McGee and Molly" slot. Kay St, Germaine, radio singer),
calls that Bill Goodwin, announcer protection to .broadcasters where

stations. WFTL has 10,000-watts, on the show, and Young & Rubicam, Latter sponsor this year has a must recently had another child and deserved
WCOP is a 500-watter and WRJN agency on the account, called it quits cal lined up. Campbell Soup account has been such protection is just
instances Involving charges
uses 250-watts. WEEU operates on Goodwin's contract after squab- the target of several strong pilches In any.
direct or Im-
with 1,000-watts (daytime). Acqui by other agencies within the past of libel and slander,
bles over the announcer's ambitions plied."
sition of these outlets, with: others to tie in with the program's comedy six months, most recent being by the
said to be in the offing, is part of a format rather than put strict em This Year Only
William Esty agency which almost This general resolution will be am-
plified and changed to fit the needs
long-range program designed to in- phasis on his announcing chore. set -the Jimmy Durante show for
sponsorship by the advertiser; but of Illinois stations as affected by
crease the network's coverage and Contract with Lever negotiated by
Is aimed at sections where listening

just missed out.- Dick Marvin, head bill now In the state legislature.
the William Morris agency for Miss
audiences, at the present time, need Davis gives her complete control of
13 By Corwin
of radio for Ward Wheelock, former
ly was head of radio at Esly.
plea to fortify the Illinois state
constitution with a clause protecting
the package and terms similiar to radio as "one of the modern means
Understood most of the newcomers Original plan of Norman Corwin
those recently offered by United of speech and communication," a 14
have postwar plans for power in

Drug. Understood she received to do a 26-week series for CBS to

creases. Missouri's recent clarification of rar
iwo-year firm offer for $17,000, with span the spring arid summer seasons Vera Vague, Phil Silvers, dio's rights, was made in a Chi
increases of $1,000 for each of the has now been snafued, with the
Times editorial Thursday 29>. In <

two succeeeding years. A sizable writer - producer - director limiting the editorial the legislature was
sum, said to be around $100,000, will his activities this year to a cycle of Jane Frazee and Orch
Radio, Tele In be spent yearly for exploitation. 13 which will bow in on the network urged to go beyond a. bill recently
introed to put radio in the same
Deal involves only Miss Davis and either in June or July. Next Season Possibility category with the press where Hbel
no one currently identified with her Several factors have led to de-
For one thing Corwin feels Half-hour comedy show starring is concerned, revising the hoise-and-
Sealtest program. She will have the cision.
Frisco Prevue exclusive and final sayso on what that to do justice to a 26- week cycle, Vera Vague and featuring pic comic
buggy facets of the bill of rights
goes into her show and will choose and the kind of scripting and pro- Phil Silvers with singer. Jane Frazee
Radio and video will hold their her own writers and director. duction he wants to do, would re-
own United Nations conference pre- plus Gordon Jenkins and orch, has
quire devoting a full year to the
liminary to the official gathering at planning and work, and he wants been packaged by Foote, Cone .

San Francisco. By invitation of

NBC's "University of the Air." the Oboler's Switcheroo
sufficient time in order to do pic- Belding. Stanza was auditioned on Another $675,000
ture work, write a play, etc. Fur- the Coast Monday <2), not for any
International Educational Assembly ther, he shoves off in another week particular client, agency having
will hold a five-day session in New Mutual On Cued Preem
for San Francisco to wrap up the strong belief in sale potentialities of
York, April 12 to 16.
Interchange of scientific and cul
hour-long CBS show that goes on the package. Loss in Blue Biz
tural achievements among nations,
V-E To Day
Imminence the night before the peace parley Miss V.ague's deal with FC&B is on
opens. And after that he goes over- an exclusive basis, nullifying all Despite every effort of Chet La-
particularly by radio and television, Arch Oboler, who arrived in N. Y. seas as part
of the plan whereby the prior auditions she may have done
will be discussed by delegates from' last Wednesday (.28) to get his new lop producers and directors
Roche Co. toward maneuvering &
can get the network programming schedule
this country and from 24 other Mutual Thursday night series roll a first-hand glimpse of the war or deals she may have been con- aimed and
templating. In this way, it's re- at client satisfaction
United Nations. Some of the sessions ing (show bows in tomorrow <5) scene to permit for .

realistic, factual ported, she is showing her loyalty to grooving shows Into niches deemed
will be held at NBC studios, and night with- first four programs out of
programming presentations. the agency, which handles' the Bob •most favorable for audience pull,
other meetings at the.Parkside hotel. N.. YD, did a last minute script job Then the "13 by Corwin" upon his Hope show for Pepsodent, stanza she those Blue cancellations continue to
Education leaders Will participate on his trip from the Coast. As a return.
has been appearing on for the past mount..
In special forums on radio and tele- result, preem performance will be
three years. With Owens-Illinois, sponsors of
vision, attend several broadcasts, an original, "Strange Morning." the Fred Waring Thursday night
and be. given a special television which will deal with V-E Day and,
demonstration at NBC's WBNT. says Oboler, permit him to say. a lot
Format of the show is built around show, calling
the character she portrays on the
it quits
and Ford moving his Friday night
in June •

Radio's place in helping educational of things he' want^. to. say. Original- Hope airer. She has obtained a re program
developments in liberated countries plan was
with an adapta-
to teeoff
AGAINST theKRKWOOD into the Sunday afternoon
lease from the latter in even NBC slot vacated by "Those We

will be given special attention at tion of Irving Stone's "Lust for Life" the new show is sold prior to Hope'
Hollywood, April 3. Love" (5s in last week's
the sessions. which now goes in on April 12. Ray- Procter & Gamble may test Harry return to the air in the fall. En "Variety"), the scramming of the
mond Massey willstar on third Einstein (Parkyakarkus) in a quar tire setup of new deal was handled
two programs out of the Blue pic-'
Danny Webb Vice Donald show, "House I Live In," based on Uer hour comedy strip" in competition by Wynn Rocamora, of A. & ture adds Up to an additional annual
Earl Robinson's song, which Obolei' with Jack Kirkwood. Some of the Lyons, while Ed Gashman, head of loss in the Blue's revenue of $675,000.
On 'Guess Who' Quizzer specially wrote with Massey in mind. letter's stations would be given over; FC&B radio department on the While they open up two valuable
Danny Webb, vaude comic, who Oboler, who just wound up his lo Parky and the one making the Coast, produced the audition re ,
time niches, the Thursday night 10
recently was honorably discharged Metro pic, "Crime of Joan Ellis." best showing survives. Cincy soap- cording. o'clock slot (Waring) and the 8 p.m.
. after four years in the armed forces^ based on his "Alter Ego" radio play, makers are not loo happy with the Friday spot.. (Ford), which would
takes over as m.c. of Sheffield's starts work on another air script Kirkwood stanza and Lou Tilterton normally attract bankrol.ler interest,
"Guess Who" on May 11 replacing ;

adaptation for Metro, "I'll Tell My of the Compton agency, has been QUIZZER AS A&A SUB nevertheless both vacancies are cal-
Peter Donald. Quizzer is heard on Husband" upon his return lo the around lo try to 'bring some* orderly Ruthrauff Si Ryan has set "Name culated to pose a sales problem for
WOR Saturdays at 7 p. m. Cousl. Mary Aslor did the original j
situation comedy out of the chaotic Itand Claim-It," quiz show with Ken the web 7 in view of the stiff Friday
Donald reportedly asked for a hike radio play. Deal will be on the same melaitge. Delmar as m.c, as summer replace "Aldrich Family" opposish from CBS
In his $200 per week salary from the terms, with Oboler getting free reins Carr Stanton of Dancer, Fitzgerald ment for Amos 'n' Andy, -beginning -and the Abbott and Costello "inter-
sponsor beginning with the; new 13- on writing, techniques, etc., "andNio & Sample is making the pilch for the June 29. ference" on NBC.
week cycle of the show, and, when interference." Parky show and on telephonic Same agency is competing 5- with
turned down, asked out of his pact While east Oboler has delivered to orders from Cincy took a 30-day op-; Young St Rublcam for "The Falcon" Washington.—Eleanor Howard has
-which did not terminate until next his publisher the manuscript of a ,
t ion >on the package, He's, due back as summer replacement for Bob
. returned to WOL to resume her pro-
August. 30,000-word from his years' In radio. shortly to get it on. wax. , Burns. . .
, gram for women, "Listen Ladies."
Wednesday. April 4, 194S RADIO 25


The WOV Decision
TRY EYES Sales Gab With News Okay by Femmes,
Too often the laws of the land and their enforcement are Just
taken for granted. But a decision such as that handed down last
week by the Federal Communications Commission nixing the
proposed sale of WOV, the N. Y. indie, kinda makes one pull up
Men Divide on Practice, WOR Finds
short. Refusal of the FCC to go along on the unloading of the Among women in the New York
Bulova-owned station to the Mester Bros., who are in the edible Washington, April 3. area it's more than two-to-one in
oil business, brings into the limelight the obligations -incumbent The FCC faces a precedent-making Accentuated Negative favor of commercial plugs on news
upon the station operator. For in handing down its decision the , issue in the current row between One of those "coming home to programs. The men are even-ste-
FCC clearly outlined the requirements of the Federal Communis WPEN, Philadelphia, and the Gospel roost" situations cropped up last phen on the proposition.
cation Act and the licensee's responsibility to the public. Radio clerics, who are asking -the week in connection with the These figures were compiled by
Commission to force WPEN to con- Durante - Moore - United Drug Crossley, Inc., in January, for. WOR,
In order faithfully to evaluate the qualifications of potential tinue selling them air time. deal which finds the show bow- Mutual's New York outlet, and an-
operators, the boys In Washington must be guided by past If FCC
should rule that the sta- ing out of the Wm. Esty fold nounced last week bythe station's
business performance and the integrity and moral character of tion must continue carrying the Gos- and into N. W. Ayer's hands. president, Theodore C. Streibcrt.
pel group programs, it would, for the It's reported that Tom Luck- According to Streibert, the survey
the applicant. So far so good. Fot\as long as the members of the
first time, step actively into the busi- enbill made a pitch to pact outfit deliberately phrased its ques-
commission are chosen wisely they can always find available the ness of directing what programs sta- United Drug (Rexall) to keep tion so as to bring out the maximum
information to guide them In their decisions. tions must and must not carry. Move the D-M combo under the Esty reaction against commercial plugs.
On the face of things, that WOV
transfer certainly doesn't also would open the door to similar banner, with the sponsor recall- A total of 5,847 men and women of
pressure from other cities to have ing that when an appeal was all income groups in New York City,
merit an FCC green light. As pointed out by the Commission,
certain stations carry specific pro- made to Luckenbill some weeks the two adjoining counties of West-
it is clear that the transferees do not possess the qualifica-
. . . .

grams. ago to line up the Schnoz for a chester and Nassau, and across the
tions essential to operate In the WOV
public interest, and have If FCC turns thumbs down On the
series of transcribed shows in Hudson River in northern New Jer-
failed to establish that they are capable of being entrusted with request, other stations in various connection with Rexall penny sey, were asked: "Do you object to
those responsibilities." It further concludes that the Mester Bros. parts of the nation may see fit to sale, the Esty radio head gave it advertising on news program ?"
expect to increase the statlorijs profits 'by selling more time* even
' drop some of their sponsored relig- a quick nix. Most of those questioned were
though the station's schedule already shows 75% of the broadcast ious programs. It was pointed out by women, totaling 4,914. The femmes
one source here that a precedent of brought a score of 67% without ob-
time on weekdays and 83% on Saturdays devoted entirely to
" FCC forcing stations to sell time to jection to the plugs, 32% who didn't,
commercial programs, . . .
certain clergy could create another like the commercials on news pro-
Certainly In these lush times any station that is operating suc- Father Coughlin network, Several Durante^Moores grams, and 1% without opinion.
can bring in more than just an adequate profit on the
cessfully stations which dropped the radio The men divided equally, 48.4%
priest were subject to pressure from having no objections, 48.7% object-
investment. But it wouldn't bode well for the future of radio If
Coughlinite groups in New York, ing, and 2.9% having no opinion.
licenses were handed out without careful Investigation; If stations
were run purely for the profit haul and the 100% commercial
Philadelphia, etc. But FCC never
took any action.
5^ Yr. Drug Deal; Streitbert pointed out, in announc-
ing the results, that "favorable re-
motive without due consideration to the public service program- WPEN is owned by the Philadel- action on the part of women weighs
ming aspects. phia Evening Bulletin,' largest eve- heavily, because of their numerically

or other radio can't compete as an advertising me-

ning newspaper in America, which Ayer Gets Acc't dominant position in the radio au-
Somehow bought the station Jan. 2 last from dience. Women nave always been,
dium alone. It where it Is today, and any attempt
That didn't get Arde Bulova for over $600,000. The Deal whereby United Drug (Rex- and probably will continue to be,
to reduce Its function without these limitations will hobble it. sheet is conservative and highly all) grabs the Jimmy Durante- the greatest and most consistent,
Naturally you can't just parcel out unrestricted control of the air- thought of in its home community. Garry Moore show calls for a five-, radio listeners in the average family.
lanes to the highest bidder. You're dealing in something that After it notified 16 radio church pro- In view, of this fact, any estimate of
and-a-half-year contract, with the
cannot be sold In its entirety, for Joe Doakes owns a share of it, grama (all of the so-called Gospel public reaction to news commercials
or Fundamentalist groups) that it usual options, thus exceeding even should be tempered by what ma-
too. the
was cancelling their contracts effec- the $4,000,000 outlay which the jority of American women inter-
Close vigilance by the FCC upon licenses and a checkup on their tive yesterday (2), several of them bankroller had earmarked for Joan viewed think."
promises can do as much for the station operators as for the (Young People's Church of the Air, Statement on Polley
Davis. Deal with latter blew up
Inc.; Word of Life Fellowship, Inc.; Simultaneously with the announce-
Wiley Mission, Inc., etc.) petitioned recently, United Drug allowing its ment of the figures resulting from
FCC to force WPEN
to continue their option to lapse after inability to get the survey, WOR issued "a statement
contracts. Later, William S. Bennett, on commercial
a favorable spot on either NBC or policy," which reads
attorney for the group, filed a sup- as follows:
Fitzgeralds, Kollmars.' 150G Take plement in which he charged that the CBS. "WOR believes that radio advertis-
Durantc-Moore combo (show and ing, When properly conceived and
Bulletin, when it. applied to purchase
WPEN, wilfully withheld from FCC format stay intact, including Georgia executed, constitutes a real service
the information that It planned, to Gibbs, Roy Bargy orch, etc.) rep- to the .radio audience. When, how-
From WJZ-WOR AM. Sweepstakes cancel these programs.
Asks Consent Cancellation resents a $12,500 to $15,000 week-
ever, the methods used irrititate the.
listener and cast doubt on the au-
Seven spot announcements "The Commission was deceived to ly talent-production nut for UD, thenticity of the claims made, afl
Baltle between WJZ and WOR, 12 noon.
moves will be sold daily On this WOR such an extent," stated Bennett, "as which has been, anxious' to re- advertising and all radio suffer a
N. Y., in their checkerboard program-
stanza. to warrant it in cancelling its con- turn to bigtime network loss of acceptance, and the radio au-
to package same type early morning sent already' given" for the sale of ming. (Some years ago it spon- dience is thereby led to distrust
Surprisingly,, both programs are
allows (or clients without large
practically sold already, despite the
the property from Bulova to the Bul- sored the Detroit symph with De- much that is true and useful.
budgets, finds Ed and Pegeen Fitz- fact that they are not on the air In
letin. In its reply filed Saturday (31), Wolf Hopper). Fact that the CBS "WOR w'ill, therefore, not accept,
gerald, on the former station.' and their new spots yet. WOR is selling
WPEN declared a survey showed that Friday night 10 o'clock spot went advertising that is exaggerated, un-
21.1% of its air time, or 28 of its 121 with the Durante-Moore combo natural or over-styllzed, either in
spots' on its show at $100 per on a

Dick and Dorothy (Kilgallen)' Koll- hours of weekly broadcasts, had been clinched the deal. Show tees off for content or presentation, and will dis-
three to seven basis, and $123 per
mar, on the latter outlet, slated for going to religious programs, the bulk new sponsor this Friday (6); last continue any advertising whjoh *e-
for one time or twice per week. WJZ

a coin harvest believed unprece- of them sponsored. It said it was car- week marking the bowout under comes, for any reason whatsoever, a
price tags range at the base rate of
rying more than a "reasonable" share Camel ciggie auspices. source of irritation to listeners.
dented for this type program. $125 per spot, but is permitting

of the religious programs in the Phil- Phil Cohan continues at the pro- "The application of this policy
Within the next 52 weeks, the sponsors major announcements of adelphia area. It charged that the
minute or minute-and-a-half. and duction helm, with at least two of does not forecast the indiscriminate
Fitzgeralds, who move from WOR to Fundamentalist group had "a near the four principal writers, (show had elimination of any practice, such as

WJZ, are expected to earn for them- minor spots of 15 and 30 seconds; monopoly" of religious air time. On eight scripters in all, including four middle commercials in news, re-
selves on-a percentage basis at least Kollmars will play host to the Sundays, for example, from 7:30 a. subsid writers), also staying on, corded spot announcements or sing-
$75,000, while Dick Kollmar and press and their sponsors at a cocktail to 11 p.m., the entire time of the sta- Contract also ties up the comedy ing jingles. It does mean that these
Dorothy Kilgallen (Mrs. Kollmar), party in the Sork club, N. Y., next tion was given over to commercial
pair for special transcribed series and all other advertising practices
who succeed them, should garner a Tuesday (10), and will also star on religious programs.
for sale locally in connection with must conform to the general prin-'
like amount. Latter duo will be on a preview air show over WOR. Fri- "The effect of this use of substan- ciples set forth above. None of these
annual Rexall penny sale.
the air seven days per week, while day U3>, from 8:15 to 8:30 p.m. tiallyall of the station's broadcast practices is objectionable in itself.
the foumer pair will broadcast five time every Sunday," said the reply, TomLuckenbill tried desperately
Each has. in certain cases, caused'
days per week locally, and on the to hold on the Wm. Esty-built
"completely excluded any opportuni- much irritation and justified com-
web each Saturday. ty for the station to allot time to
comedy show after collapse of the
plaint. It is the exaggerated and
Campbell soup deal last week, try-

other Protestant, Catholic or Jewish

This earning
only the
figure represents
morning shows of each duo. M-G Nixes Air denominations, or to sell time on ing to gel in under the Sunday
night option-expiration

harmful use of these devices that
will control in the interests of
and docs not include future plans Sunday to anyone other than these both its advertisers and its listeners."
commercial - religious broadcasters." with a new client, but realizing it
being readied by both Mutual for
It was charged further that some of
was a hopeless cause over the Easter
the Kollmars, and the Blue for the
Fitzgeralds to spot them full web on Show For Judy the programs had small' listener ap-
weekend he waived a premature re-
lease on the show after the Friday
either a co-op or entire network peal and some unduly emphasized
broadcast in order that N. W> Ayer
sale basis. Latter couple are already
Hollywood, April 3. appeals for funds. WPEN wants to Permanent Foldoat End
limited amount of religious and Durantc-Moore could expedite
»«t to go into the 6:15-6:30 p.m. Back to the mines, boys, there'll sell a
the I'nitcd Drug Deal.
across-the-board slot on the Blue be no Judy Garland show next fall. time during the week and to allo-
Of Current 13-Wk Cycle

starting in June, in. which event cate gratis certain other time.
Metro has ruled against it and that WPEN added that its new stand
their earnings would run about makes it final. Half dozen clients "Which Is Which?", the Ken
9150,000 per year.
.were interested in the young singer,
has been endorsed by the directors 'MAN CALLED X' TO
BE Murray show sponsored by Old
of the Philadelphia Federation of
Pickups at Home among them Borden's and an un r Churches. Golds, heard. CBS Wednesdays at
Fitzgeralds will air each morning identified account with a firm offer HOPE REPLACEMENT 9:30 p.m., goes off the air for good
from their home on of $7,500 for herself and a Sunday Chicago, April 3.
from WJZ al the end of its current 13-week
":50 to 8:15 a.m/ Eight time, so it wouldn't interfere with "Man Called X," used as a sum- cycle. Jim Andrews, radio head of
spot an- Earl Wilson to Solo
nouncements will be accepted for her picture work. Metro still said mer replacement last year for part
each of their Monday through Fri- no. of the hour-long Lux Radio Theatre
Lennen Sc Mitchell, agency on the
day morning shows, and a similar Studio has its reasons, for keeping Without Paul Douglas stanza sponsored by Lockheed, will
account, returned to N. Y. last Sat-
amount for their network chore on Star o(t the air but ain't saying. be the 1945 replacement for the Bob
urday (31) from the Coast, and "is '

Paul Douglas bows out of the Earl

Saturdays. They begin the network It's anybody's guess and everybody's Wiison Sunday night White Owl presenting several different pro-
Hope show. Foote. Cone and Beld-
lob on Saturday ing are currently dickering with grams to the sponsor as a replace-
(7), and their WJZ guessing! show on Mutual this week (8» at ex- .

two ment.
stmt on Monday (16). piration of initial 13-weck cycle. He Herbert Marshall and other
Kollmars, who also" will broadcast tied: in on the repartee format with screen names to play the leads in Originally "Which" was, slated to
rrom their home,
will have both Philco's Set Summer
Wilson who will henceforth go it the mystery show. Hope bows off go off for the summer, getting a re-
the air June 5 for his summer placement for 13-weeks, and then
Philco plans remaining on the air alone. No
«neir four-year replacement for Douglas.
old son and two-
year-old offspring on dropping the Douglas' exit will probably mean hiatus. return in the fall. But that's all off
the stanza again this summer,
each day. .On slight downgrading In the $2,000 Repiacement for the Fibber Mc- now. Should the program decided
Sundays they will Hall of Fame format and replacing a
name guests' as an added with Paul Whitemon and his. music. weekly budget, of which $1,000 has Gee show will be some type of upon as a replacement click during

cut been earmarked for guestars. with musical show, with Jack Lewis, of the off -rating summer months, It will'
? y 5°:. They will be heard from 8:1 Still 'indefinite whether it'll be
a m Mondays through Satur- to a half hour or continue for the Wilson reportedly in for $500 a Nccdham Louis Si Brorby still mull- stay on in September. If not, an-
"iys, j '

stanza. ing several offers. other stanza will go in next season.

and on Sundays frdm 11:30 to full hour.

26 RADIO Wednesday, April 4, 1<M.>

Smith Charts New Estimated Weekly Network Program Costs: 1945

(Night-time and Day-time Overall Costa Include Production Expenses, Actors, Musicians,
Blue Bally Idea
Writers, Royalties, Freelance Directors, Transportation, Prizes, Etc., But Not Radio Time)
In the works at the Blue network
under the direction o£ Fred Smith,
public relations and advertising v.p.,
publicity setup and approach. It's
A Date With Judy" $4,500 Turn's Roche, Wms. & Cleary NBC Helen Mack Aleen Leslie
touted by Smith as something "brand Abbott & Costello 17,000 Camel Wm. Esty NBC Dick Mack Joe Kirk
new" in network operations and, ac- Adventures of Onle & Harriet" 7,800 Int'l Silver Young & Rubicam CBS» David Alton John Medbury
cording to reports,' entails a sweep- "Aldrlch Family" 8,500 General Foods Young & Rubicam NBC Ed Duerr Clifford Goldsmith
ing ''blueprint" job, with charts be- 'Amanda Honeymoon- mil" 1,500 PhiUips Chem. Dancer-Fitzgerald CBS Hummerts Nancy Moore
ing drawn up outlining duties and "America In the Air" 2,500 Wrlgley J. Walter. Thompson CBS Les Wcinrott Les Weinrott
functions of the ballyhoo brigade. American Album" 3,100 Bayer Dancer-Fitzgerald NBC Frank .Hummert -
Agency Staff
Setup is based on systems used by "American Melody Hour" 2,000 Bayer' Dancer-Fitzgerald CBS .
Frank Hummert Agency Staff
Smith during the political campaign- Amos 'n' Andy" 10,500 Lever Bros. Ruthrauff St Ryan NBC Don Clark CorrelL Gosden
ing for Wendell Willkie and during

Andrews Slaters -
8,000 Nash-Kelvinator Geyer. Cornell Blue Manrile Manheim Stan Davis
his tenure with the Treasury Dept. CBS Thomas McAvity F. Hugh Herbert
Washington hypoing war bond
"Corliss Areher" 3,000 Anchor-Hocking Wm. II. Weintraub ,

in Blue
"Jack Armstrong" 1,900 General Mills '
Knox-Reeves James Jewell Irving' J. Crump
campaigns, etc. He explains that "Armstrong; Theatre" Armstrong Cork CBS Kenneth Webb Agency Staff
3,000 B.B.D.&O.
the new. operation stresses decen- Quaker Oats
"Aunt Jemima" 2,000 Sherman K. Ellis Blue Palmer Clark Jean Simpson
and will result in an or-

"Aunt Jenny" 2,000 Lever Bros. Ruthrauff & Ryan CBS Patricia Bowman Agency Staff
ganization which can be speedily
whipped into shape for "big pushes"
"Bachelor's Children" 2,800 Wonder Bread Ted Bates CBS Burr. Lee Bess Flynn
Backstage Wife" 2,000 * Sterling Drug Dancer-Fitzgerald NBC Lou Jackobson Albert Bannister
on certain shows during which the Ballahtine Show CBS
3,500: P. J. Ballantine J-. Walter Thompson BillWllgus Ed Rice
entire personnel .will ''be recruited
Ethel Barryraore 3,500 Aluminum Co, Fuller & Smith & Ross Blue . Robert Nolan Transamcrican
lor super-bally efforts.
What happens to the other net- Jack Benny 22,500 Lucky Strike Ruthrauff St Ryan NBC Bob Ballin Bonny Staff.

work shows during these individual Edgar Bergen 15,000 Standard Brands J. Walter Thompson NBC Earl Ebl .. Edgar Bergen
"big pushes'* was not explained by
Big Sister" 2,000 Lever Bros, Ruthrauff St Ryan CBS Thomas Victor Julian Funt
Smith, but it's presumed the chart-
Big Town" 2,500 Ironized Yeast Pedlar, Ryan CBS Jerry McGill Jerry McGill
ihgs and blueprints take care of this
"Blind Date'' 4,000 Lehn Fink & Wm. Esty Blue Tom Wallace - Ken Raught
and other details which, up to now, "Blondle" 8,500 Camel Wm. Esty CBS Don Bernard Johnny "Green
haven't been disclosed. Boston Symphony 12,000 AUls-Chalmers Compton Blue Addison Amor Ira Marion .

Understanding is that publicity Mai. Bowes* "Shower of Stars" 8,500 Chrysler .

Ruthrauff & Ryan CBS '

Robert Reed Joseph Hevesl

staffers will riot, as in the past, be Eddie
Bracken 10,000 Standard Brands Kenyon & Eckhardt NBC Mann Holiner Agency Staff
assigned to certain shows to handle Breakfast Holly wood" In B n
K 500 „ ( Procter & Gamble Compton Blue Bill. Johnson

releases, inquiries, etc., and work in

) Kellogg Kenyon & Eckhardt
cooperation with ad agency and per- "Breakfast Club" 3;500 Swift J. Walter .Thompson Blue Lew Green Reed Johnston
sonal flacks. Instead, all Blue pro- Bright Horizon*'* 2,000 Lever Bros. Young St Rubicam CBS Day Tuttle Kathleen Norris
grams will be lumped together and Dick Brown Show 2,000 Formflt Co. Buchanan MBS Pat Sieps
BUIIe Burke Show" Lambert & Feasley CBS

handled collectively by the staff, 3,500. Lambert Pharm. Axel Gruenbcrg Virginia Cooke
which will continue under supervi- Burns * Allen 12,000 Lever Bros. .
Young St Rubicam CBS Ned Tollinger Willie Burns
sion of Earl MulHn, publicity di- Bob Bums 10,000 Lever Bros. Ruthraiilf St Ryan NBC Sam Pierce Howard Harris
rector, and Art Donegah, his as- Can You top This" 5,000 Colgate-Palmolive Ted Bates . NBC Roger Bower
sistant. Judy Canova 4,500 Colgate Sherman-Marquette NBC Joe Rincs BillDcnding
Newsroom nets Flack "Capt. Midnight" 1.900 Ovaltine Hill-Blackett Blue Allan Wallace Robert Bun t
One man from the department al- "Carnation Hour" li.OOO Carnation Milk Erwin-Wasey NBC Harry Gilman Charles Lewis, Jr.
ready has been assigned to the web "Jimmy Carroll Sings" 6,000 E. R.Squibb Geyer; Cornell CBS A. J. Guisalbert Vernon Welsh

newsroom to work in conjunction Jack Carson . 9,000 Campbell Soup Foote, Cone & Belding CBS Larry Berne Henry Taylor
with G. W. "Johnny" Johnstone to 'Carton of Cheer" 6,500 Raleigh Russel M. Seeds NBC Joe Mansfield
publicize news coverage by the Blue "Cavalcade of America" 7,000 Du Pont B.B.D.&O. NBC Paul Stewart
as well as individual exploits and "Chatham Shopper" I, 500 Chatham Mfg. W. H. Hackett. Blue Martin Colby Lois Long
achievements by the net's overseas "Chesterfield Time'* 3,500 Chesterfield Newell- Em mett CBS Martin Block
reporters and special events men, "Comedy Theatre" Lenhen NBd
12,000 Old Gold Si Mitchell Tom Sawyer Harold Finberg..
Smith's new idea, from what can "Coronet Storyteller'' Coronet Mag. Schwimmcr Si Scott Blue
2,000 Ted MacMurray Ruth Walliscr
be learned, is bound to call for close, "Counterspy" ,3,000 Mail Pouch Tobacco Walker & Downing Blue Leonard Bass Freelance
scrutiny on the part of agency men, "Crime Doctor" Biow CBS
3,500 Philip Morris Max Marcin Max Marcin,
talent, and sponsor reps since it ap- "Stella Dallas" ,

I. 750 Phillips Chem. Dancer-Fitzgerald Richard Leonard Helen Walpole
pears such a radical departure from Joan Davis-Jack Haley
10,000 Sealtest McKee & Albright NBC Bob' Redd SI Wills'
methods in vogue at the other net- ,

Borax McCann-Eiickson CBS

"Death Valley Sheriff" 5,000 Dorothy McCann Ruth Woodman
works which, it may be assumed,
haven't overlooked many bets in
Detroit Symphony 7,500 Reichhold Chem. Grant MBS
figuring ways to interest the public
"Dr. Christian" 4,000 Chesebrough Mfg. McCann-Erii'kson CBS
in their operations and programs.
"Doctor I. Q." 4,000 Vick's Chem. Grant NBC Evelyn Elam
"Double or Nothing"
The streamlined ballyhoo system Morton
3,000 Pharmaco Ruthrauff St Ryan MBS John Wellington John Reed King
takes effect as soon as the publicity
Downey 3,500 Coca-Cola D'Arcy " MBS Jerry Mara Hector Chevigney
department gets established In its "Duffy's
Tavern" II, 000 Bristol-Myers Young Rubicam
St NBC J;t"k Roche Abe Burrows
new quarters on the second floor of
Jimmy Dorante-Garry Moore 13,500 United Drug. N. W. Ayer CBS Phil Cohan
"Early American Dance Music"' 2,000 Ford Motor J. W. Thompson Blue JWT
the RCA building, one flight closer Radio Dept. JWT Radio Dept..
to the ground than -their present'
"Eleotrlo Hour" 11,500 '
Light &
Power Cos.. N. W. Ayer CBS Charles Herbert Rupert Pray
"Everything for the Boys" 10,000 Autolite Ruthrauff & Ryan NBC Dave Loring
"F.BJ. in Peace and War" 4,800 Procter & Gamble Biow CBS '"

Mux Marcin Fred Collins

"Famous Jury Trials" 2,500 Williamson Aubrey, Moore & W. Blue Carl Eastman
EIGHT RADIO NEWSMEN "Fibber McGee ic Molly" 10,000 S. C. Johnson Noedham, Louis & B. NBC Underwood
Cecil. Don Quinn
Jimmy Fidler 3,750 Carter Products Small & Seiffer Blue Dave Drummond
"First Llne"
Jimmy Fidler
ON ETO ASSIGNMENT : 4,000 Wrigley '
Arthur Meyerhoff CBS Bobby Brown Ken Robinson
"Fitch Bandwagon" 5,000 F. W. Fitch L. W. Ramsey NBC Win. Laurence
members ot the Association Bernadlne Flynn
Eight Rick Vollacrts
1,000 Crisco Compton CBS Al Chance Pete Peterson
ot Radio News Analysts, who will "Freedom of Opportunity" 3,000 Mutual Benefit Arthur Meyerhoff MBS Joe Ainley Agency
broadcast many of their programs "Friday on Broadway" Staff
3,500 Anacin Dancer-Fitzgerald CBS Frank Hummert Agency Staff
directly from the' Continent, ar- The Ford Show
rived in London by plane over the "Front Page Farrell"
6,000 Ford J. Walter Thompson NBC JWT Radio Dept. JWT Radio Dept.

weekend European "Gaslight Gayetles"

for a tour of the
1,700 Whitehall Pharm. Dancer-Fitzgerald NBC Richard Leonard Robert Shaw
6,500 Procter & Gamble Biow NBC Ward Byron
Theatre of Operations. "Glamor Manor" Will Gllckman
5,000 Procter & Gamble Benton & Bowles Blue Les Harris
Included in the group were: "Grand Central Station" Freelance
Quincy Howe and Joseph Hirsch, "Grand Hotel"
3,000 Pillsbury McCann-Erickson CBS Bill Rousseau Freelance
3,000 ' Campana Wallace-Ferry-Hanley NBC Joe Ainley
CBS; Howard Barnes. Mutual;
"Grand Ole' Opry" Freelance
Lowell Thomas, John Vandercook "Great GUdersleeve"
1,500 Prince Albert William Esty NBC Kenneth McGregor
and Cesar Saerchinger, NBC; "Great Momenta In Music'' 6,500 Kraft Needham, Louis & B. NBC Cecil Underwood
George Hamilton Combs and Johan- "Greenfield Village
8,000 Celanese Young St Rubicam CBS Ernest Charles
Choir" Ford Margaret LewerlK
1,000 J. Walter Thompson Blue JWT
nes Steel, WHN. Charlotte Greenwood Hallmark Foote, Cone & Belding
Radio Dept. '
JWT Radio Dept
Tour came about when Steel, 7,000 Blue Thomas F. Smith Jack Hasty
"Guiding Light" 3,000 General Mills Knox-Reeves NBC Joe Ainley
secretary of the analyst unit, asked Irrm Phillips
"Hop Harrlgan" 2,000 General Foods Young & Rubicam Blue Bob Maxwell
permission of the War Department '
Agency Staff
"David Harum" 2,500 B. T. Babbitt Duane Jones NBC Arthur Hanna
to go overseas, and the latter in Peggy Blake
turn suggested that the news analyst
Bob Hawk 2,500 Camel Wm. Esty CBS Al Foster
Gabriel Heatter Tom Riley
unit send a group over instead. Blue 6,500 Barbasol, Zoriite. Br win Wasey • MBS Joe Brattain Heatter
network turned down the trip for Semler
correspondents, believing that
Helen Hayes 3j000 Textron J. Walter Thompson MBS
Its .
Neal Hopkins Hopkins
they may still be overseas when the
"Hello Sweetheart" 600 " Gum Laboratories McJunkin Blue Hal Makelim Harry Hess
"Here's to Romance" Bourjoia Foote, Cone Si Belding
United Nations Conference opens • 4,000 :

CBS Fred Bethel Amy Freeman

later this month in San Francisco,
"Highways In Melody" 5,000 Cities Service Foote, Cone St Belding NBC
Hildegarde'a Raleigh Boom
Tom Hix Margaret Lewerth
and not wishing to weaken its staff 8,500 Brown-Williamson Russel M. Seeds NBC Jack Simpson
for coverage of latter. Blue news
"Hollywood Mystery Tim*" 4,000 Jergena Lennen & Mitchell Blue Travis Wells Lou Vittes, J. Epstein
Sherlock Holmes Petri Wine Young & Rubicam
chiefs also pointed out that their
Bob Hope
3,000 MBS Glenhall Taylor Denis Green
coverage of the ETO is satisfactory, 19,000 Pepsodent Foote,Cone & Belding NBC Andy Love Hope Staff
so execs felt it was not necessary to Hedda Hopper 3,500 Armour Cone & Belding
Foote, CBS Fred Bethel Hedda Hopper
send any more correspondents at "House Party" 5,000 General Electric' Young Si Rubicam
"Hymns of All Churches';
CBS Mary Harris Agency Staff
this time. 2,300 General Mills Dancer-Fitzgerald NBC Homer Heck
"lee Box Follies" Fred Jacky
Tour, slated for at least 30 days, 6,000 Hire's Root Beer N. W. Ayer Blue
"Information Please" Socony
. CecilUnderwood Wen Niles, Don Prindle
will take' the newsmen to the front, II, 000 Compton NBC Dan Golenpaul
as well as major European capitals, "Inner Sanctum" 4,500 Thos. J. Llpton Co. Young St Rubicam
Ivoryne Show
CBS Hi Brown Freelance
and possibly an audience with the . 900 Gum Labs. McJunkin. MBS Hal Makelin Claire Ball
Pope. Hugh Gibson is subbing, for "Lorenzo Jones" 1,500 PhiUips; Bayer
Joyce Jordan
Dancer-Fitzgerald NBC" Steve Gross T. At M. Ferlro
Lowell Thomas and Morgan Beatty 2,000 General Foods Young & Rubicam CBS Ralph. Butler Julian Funt
is pinch-hitting for Vandercook "Just Plain Bill" 1,500 Anacin Dancer-Fitzgerald NBC Gene Eubanks Peggy Blake
while they are overseas. Other cor- "K-C Jamboree" 2,550 Jacques Mfgi Leo Burnett NBC Fred Jacky

Jack Mitchell
respondents will endeavor to broad- Danny Kaye 16,000 Pabst Warwick & Legler CBS Dick Mack Sylvia Fine
cast by shortwave. "Keep Up With the World" 3,500 Elgin J, Waller Thompson Blue
Transamer. Staff Transamerican Staff
Jack Klrkwood Show 4,000 Procter Gamble Compton
"Kraft Musie Hall"
CBS Jack Hill Klrkwood, Bill Grey
Cece Underwood on 'Follies' 15,000 Kraft J.Waller Thompson NBC Ezra Mcintosh Dave Gregory
Cecil Underwood takes over direc- Kay Kyser 8,500 Colgate Ted Bates NBC Paul Phillips

tion of the Nilcs-Prindle "Ice Box "Let Yourself Go" Carl Herzingcr
11,000 Eversharp Biow CBS Irving Mansfield
Follies" show for Hires for four "Let's Face the Issue"
Hal Block
1,500 C. ft'O.RJt. Kenyon & Eckhardt MBS
weeks, contract being negotiated over "Let's Pretend" 2,000 Cream of Wheat B.B.D.&O.
weekend. N. W. Ayer is the agency. "Life Can Be Beautiful"
CBS Nila Mack NilaMack
2,750 Procter &
Gamble Compton CBS Ollie Barbour Don Becker. Carl Bixby
Underwood succeeds Jack Rourke. "Life of Riley" 6,700 Amer. Meat Inst. Leo Burnett Blue Don Bernard li ving Beecher
Wednesday, April 4, 1945 RADIO 27
"Listening Post"
Guy Lombardo
Curtis Pub. Co.
Larus & Bro.
Warwick & Legler
Henry Klein
George Lothar
NYU Workshop
"Lcne Ranger" 1,800 General Mills Dancer-Fitzgerald Blue Fran Striker
"Lora Lawton" 2,500 B. T. Babbitt Duane Jones NBC Arthur Hanna Helen Walpole
"Lum * Abner" 3,000. Miles Wade
"Lux Radio Theatre" 17.500 Lever Bros, J. Walter Thompson CBS
Blue Robert Dwyer
Fred MacKaye
Lum: 'n*
Sanford Barnett
Abner Semester Set
"Ma Perkins" 3,300 Procter St Gamble Dancer-Fitzgerald CBS-NBC Phil Bowman Henry Sellinger The 1045 session of the New York
Ted Malone 2,500.. Westinghousc . McCann-Erickson Blue University. Summer Radio Work- .

"Manhattan Merry-Gq-Round" 3.200 Lyons Tootfi Powd. Dancer-Fitzgerald NBC Frank Hummert Agency Staff shop now being lined up by Dean
"March of Time" 4,000 Time, Inc. Young & Rubicam Bluo Lester Vail Frank Nprris Paul McGhee'.
Director of the
"Mary Marlln" 2,500 Standard Brands Thompson: K. 8t E. CBS Jay Hanna Jane. Cruisenberry Workshop again fdr a third year

"Perry Mason" 2.500 Procter & Gamble. Pedlar, Ryan St Lusk CBS Ted Sisson RUth Borden will be Ttobert J. Landry. CBS Di-
"Mayor of the Town" .. 5,500 Noxzema Ruthraiiff & Ryan CBS rector of Program Writing. Frank
"Mediation Board" . 2.000 Serulan Spector MBS A. L. Alexander Mullen, executive vice president of
"Meet Yonr Navy" 2,500 Raytheon Mfg. Burton Browne Blue Navy Supervised Navy Supervised NBC. \vlll head Landry's list of
"Melody Roundup" 2.500 Goodyear Young & Rubicam NBC F. Van Hartesveldt special guest lecturers.
"Mr. & Mrs. North" Woodbury Lennen & Mitchell Instructors and their subjects for
.2.500 . NBC John Loveton Vittes, Epstein

Pedlar & Ryan 1945 as entatively set include:

"Mr. District Attorney" 7,500 Bristol-Myers NBC N '
Jerry Devine Jerry Devine
Writing: Charles S. Monroe. CBS.
"Mr. Keen" 2.000 Kolynos Dancer-Fitzgerald CBS Hummerts Agency Staff .

Tom Directing: Ernest Ricca, freelance.

Mix' 2,400 Ralstpn Purina Gardner .
Al Chance •
George Low ther
Betty Moore Triangle Club 1.000 Moore Paint St, Georges St Keyes Blue George Wie?t Ira. Marion
• News-Publicity: Leon Goldstein,
Frank 'Morgan Benton & Bowles

. 8.500 General Foods Al Kaye •

Wni. Hampton Education: Frances Wilder. CBS.

"Music America Loves": 7,500.
RCA ; J. Walter Thompson Blue . Lester O'Keefe Harry Herrmann
Acting: Wallace House, NYU.
"My True Story- 2.000 Libby, McNeil J. Walter Thompson *
Blue Joan Albers Freelance
"Mystery Theatre" 2.500 Mplle young & Rubicam NBC . Frank Telford Freelance
"Nutlonal Barn Dance" 5.000 Alka-Seltzer Wade NBC '
Ed Freckman Pete Lund. Jack FrosO
NBG Symphony
Mester Bros. Plan Appeal
10.000 General Motors Arthur Kudrier / NBC Arthur Austin David Hall
N. Y. Philharmonic 10.000 U. S. Rubber Campbell-Ewald CBS James Fassett Earl McGill
On FCC Ukase Banning
"One Mail's Family" 4,500 Standard Brands Kcnyon & Eckhardt, JWT Blue Carleton E. Morse Carleton E: Morse
"The Open Door" 3,000 Standard Brands Ted Bates CBS Sandra Michael
!Our Gal Sunday" " 1,500 .
Anaein Dan'eer-Fitzgerald .


. Steve Gross Jean Carroll

Their WOV, N.Y., Deal
Murray and Meyer Mester within,
"Parker Family" 2,000 Bristol-Myers Pedlar. Ryan Blue Ollie Barbour Prisciila Kent the. next two weeks will appeal the
"People Are Funny" 3,000 Wings! Russel M. Seeds NBC John Guedel Wm. Franchey findings of the Federal Communica-
"Portia Faces Life" . 2,500 General Foods . Benton & Bowles CBS Kirby Hawkes '
Mona Kent tions Commission denying applica-
"Prudential Family Hour" 9.500 Prudential Benton & Bowles '
Bill Rousseau Carl Bixby tion by the brothers for purchase of
"Quick As a Flash" 2,000 Helbros Watches Win. H. Wointraub MBS '
Dick Lewis . WOV, N. Y., from Arde Bulova and
"Quit Kids" 6,000 Alka-Seltzer Wade Blue Forest Owen John Lewellj'n .
Harry Hcnschel. Should the appeal,
of the findings by the FCC against

"Radio Jlall of Fame" i5,500 Philco Hutchins '

Blue Myron Duttbn Sol Sacks
the pair, which were made' public
"Radio Reader's Digest" 10,000 Campbell Soup Ward Wheelock . CBS Wnv Robson :

last Wednesday (28) in Washington,,

"Report to the Nation" 4.000 Continental Can B.B.D.&O. CBS Paul White CBS News Staff
be denied, as is expected, the outlet
"Reveille Roundup" 2,000 Grove Labs. Russel M. Seeds NBC Flora Bash Flora Bash . .
wjir immediately be put on the block
"Right to Happiness". 2.250 Procter & Gamble Comptoi) NBC Frank Papp John Young

again, according to a Bulova spokes-

"Road of Life" 2.750 Procter & Gamble Compton NBC Gilbert Wilber ;
Irna Phillips

Boy Rogers: 3.500 Goodyear Young & Rubicam . MBS Francis Van.Har- .
Paul Frankel Purchase price was in the neigh-
desveldt borhood of $300,000. Part four of
"Romance of Helen Trent" 2,250 Bisodol-Kolynos Dancer-Fitzgerald CBS Ernest Ricca Mary Reeves the Pnding by the FCC is pointed
"Romance of Evelyn Winters" 2,500 Manhattan Duane Jones CBS Ernest Ricca Marie Baumer out in the trade to be especially sig-
Rosemary 2,500 Procter & Gamble Benton & Bowles NBC Don Cope Elaine Carrington nificant. For in this point leading;
"Saturday Night Serenade" 4,500 Pet Milk Gardner . CBS Roland Martini Erma Proetz toward a statement, that "the appli-
CBS William Lawrence cation should be denied," is a strong
"Screen Guild" 8.500 Lady Esther Biow '
Harry Croriraan
"Second Husband" CBS Martha .Atwell Elizabeth Todd
warning to the industry that FCC
R, L. Watkins

2.000 Dancer-Fitzgerald .

"Service to the Front" 3,000 Wrigley Arthur Meyerhoff CBS Ted Robertson Doris Si Frank Hursley Chairman Paul A. Porter means
MBS business in his recent declarations
"The Shadow" 2,000 D. L. At W. Coal Ruthrauft & Byan Robert Steei Freelance •

' against too much commercialism,

Dinah Shore 12,000 General Foods Young & Rubicam NBC Walter Blinker Sid Veliiika, Howard and not enough public service pro-
gramming 6n stations throughout
Glnny Slmms 4,500 Philip Morris Biow NBC Cal Kuhl Milton Merlin the country. The Commission at

Frank Sinatra 14,000 Max Factor Smith & Drum CBS last, according to. those in the trade,
Mary Small 4,200 D. L. Clark B.B.D.&O. Blue Ed Wolfe Freelance had an opportunity put its worn-.,
"SmlUn" Ed MeConnell" 2,000 Brown Shoe . Leo Burnett NBC Art Jacobson Hobart Donavan ings into action. By the very act of
Kate Smith Hour 13.500 General' Foods Young St Rubicam '
CBS Ed Downs Jean Holloway adding part four to its findings on
Kate Smith Speaks 2,250 General Foods Young St Rubicam CBS Ted Collins Jane Tompkins the WOV
*ase. the signified .itFCC
Phil Spltalny 6,000 General Electric B. B.D.&O. NBC David White Alton Alexander has: its fighting gloves on, and will
"Spotlight Bands" , 12,500 Coca-Cola D'Arcy 'Blue Bob Salter Rosemary Eoyle not pull any punches, according to .

"Stage Door Canteen" 8,000 Corn Products C. L. Miller CBS Roger White Agency Staff observors.
"Steel Horlsens" 3,000 Allegheny Ludlum Walker & Downing MBS Keyes Perrin Agency Staff The Bulova interests, which own
Bill Stern 2.000 Colgate . Sherman & Marquette NBC Bill Stem . Barney Naglcr WNEW, N. Y., are confionted
"Stradivari Orchestra" 2.000 Prince Matchabelli Morse International NBC John Mitchell Helen Zimmerman with the FCC rulling against the
"Supper Club" Chesterfield NeweU-Emmett NBC Bill Moss Dave Hanmer same owner for two or more stations,
"Suspense" 6,000 Roma Wine Biow CBS William Spier Freelance in one city. Because of the strong,
"Sweet River" Hill-Blackett CBS Irving Mansfield Charles Jackson wording of the preliminary ruling
2,300 Slaley Mfg;- .'.

MBS Russ Young Pat Blacken by the Commission, it is reliably re-

"Swing's the Thing" 1.700 Brach & Sons Hill-Blackett
ported that several other bids for'
"Take It Or Leave It" 5.000 Eversharp . Biow CBS Harry Spears .
Edith Oliver the station are being considered al-
"Tangee Varieties" / 6.000 Geo. W. Luft Co. Warwick & Legler Blue Dec Engelbach ready. In any event, Bflrova will
"Tangee Serenade" 4.500 Geo. W. Luft Co. Warwick & Legler Blue ' not own the outlet for. many more
"Telephone Hour" 8.500 Bell Telephone N. W. Ayer NBC Wallace Magill' Norman Hasten months.

"Teiia and Tim" "

1,500 Cudahy Grant CBS Harry Holcombe Peggy Beckmark
"Terry and the Pirates" Quaker Oats Sherman, Marquette Blue Cyril Ambrister Al Barker
2.200 WOKO Appealing Scram Bute
"Texaco Star Theatre" 8.500 Texas Co. Buchanan CBS Henry Souvaine .

Albany, April 3.
"The First Line" * 2,500 Wrigley Arthur Meyerhoff CBS Bobby Brown Nelson Shawn '
will appeal the FCC ruling
'Theatre of Romance" 3.500 Colgate Sherman. Marquette CBS Marx Loeb Freelance which denied, effective April 27, its
"Theatre of Today" 4.000 Armstrong Cork B.B.D.&O. CBS Cameron Hawley Freelance. application for renewal ol the license
"Thin Man" '
5.500 General Foods Young & Rubicam CBS Hi Brown Milt Lewis, Gene Wang for CBS' Albany outlet A rehear*
"This Is My Best", 6,000 Cresta Blanca B.B.D.&O. CBS Wayne Tiss Freelance ing will be sought, and if necessary
John Charles Thomas Westinghouso McCann-Erickson -NBC -
Clare Olmsfead Foster Carling later, an appeal will, be made to the
Dorothy Thompson Trimount Clothes Emil Mogul MBS^ MBS News Dept. Miss Thompson courts. Under the FC's action, the
1 .000
"Those We Love" 5,000 General Foods Young tic Rubicam CBS* Tony Tart Agnes Ridgeway station, credited with being one of

"Those Websters" 4.500 Quaker Oats Ruthrauft & Ryan NBC Les Weinrdtt Al & Priscilla Kent the biggest '.money makers in the
NBC 1.000' watt class, will have to go off
"Time to Smile" 15,000 Bristol-Myers Young & Rubicam Ted Bliss
NBC Harry Bubeck Bob Carman, Helen the air the last week in Aoril.
"Tin Pan Alley of Air" 1.850 Leaf Gum Bozell & Jacobs
Tom FCC alleged that WOKO, Inc., vio-

Williams. Judy
Chester Gerlach lated commission rules by conceal-
"To Tour Good Health" 1.500 E. R. Squibb B.B.D.&O. CBS Chester Gerlach -.

ing the real ownership of 24';, of

Toastles Time" General Foods Benton & Bowles CBS Al Kaye Mac Benoff
. 8.500 its stock,. This stock, the commis-
"Today's Children" 2.500 Gcnerul Mills Knox -Reeves NBC Guilbert Gibbons Irna Phillips
sion said, was represented by the
"Town Meeting" 5.000 Reader's Digest B.B.D.&O. Blue George V. Denny company as owned by R. K. Phelps,
"Dick Tracy" Sweets Co, of Amer. Duane Jones Blue Wiley Adams George Lothac actually continued the FCC. these
"Treasure Hour of Song" 4,500 Conti .
Bcrmingham, Castle, St P. MBS Roger Bower shares were owned by Sam Pic'.tard,
"Truth. or Consequences'' Procter & Gamble Compton NBC Ralph Edwards Ralph Edwards former v.p. of CBS, and his wife.
"Two mi Clue" . 2.500 General Foods Young' & Rubicam '
CBS Harry Ingram Ed Ettinger,

General M'Hs Dahcer-Fitz CBS Hummerts Lawrence Klee

"Valiant Lady" 2,500

dy Vallee 10,000 Procter & Gamble Kastpr

Sweeney & James
NBC Ed Dunham Ed Dunham
"Voice of Firestone" 3.500 Firestone. :

"Vox Pop" 3,750 . Emerson Drug McCann-Erickson '';..• CBS Dave Grant TO M.C. SUN. AIRER
Chcm. Dancer-Fitzgerald NBC Frank Hummert Agency .Staff
Tommy Dorsey without or-
"Waltz Time* 2,500 Phillips his
Fred Waring Owens-Illinois J. Walter Thompson Blue BillWilgus Fred Waring chestra becomeson the a fixture
Jerry Wayne Show Young Si Rubicam Blue Robert Wcenolsen Martin Stern RCA program Sunday afternoons
7,500 Borden ...
"We Love and Learn" 1.750 General Foods Young Si Rubicam NBC Martin Stern (NBC-4:30. p.m.), starting April 15.
"We, the People, at War" Gulf Oil Young & Rubicam CBS Li:isay MacHarrie Ted Adams Maestro has made a number of ap-
Beulah Carney

"What's Cooking?". 1,200 Boy-Ar-Dce Foods McJunkin Blue : Earl Bronson '
pearances on the program with hie
"When a Girl Marries" 2,500 . General Foods Benton Si Bowles "NBC Dodie Yates Elaine Carrington band the past few months and RCA.
"Which Is Which?" .
'9.500 Old Gold Lennen & Mitchell CBS S. James Andrews Harold Finberg was so impressed with his m.c.'ing
Earl Wilson _ _ __' 2.000 White Owl J. Walter Thompson MBS Homer Fickett Joe Bigelow that the idea for him to handle that
Walter Wtnchell Jergcns Lennen & Mitchell Blue S.James Andrews W. Winchell - chore was hatched.. He replaces
'.'Womanin White" 2.500 General Mills

Knox-Reeves NBC Herb Futran . Jrna Phillips Louis Calhern.


"Woman of America" 21 Procter & Gamble Benton Si Bo.wlcs. , NBC Lillian Stein f eld Cliff Thornas Doisey's theatre and one-night
Warwick Si Legler Blue Tevis .Huhn Len Finger route had been completely set up
"World of Song" 4.000 Sherwin-Williams

Russel M. Seeds NBC Homer Heck Wm.. Franchey following his closing last Wednes-
"World Parade" 4.000 W. A. SheaiTer \

Muxon CBS Creston Pumphrey Agency Stift day (28 j at the 400 Club. N. Y. With,
"The World Today" 3.700 General Electric
the setting up of the radio program,
Alan Young Show 5.200 Bristol-Myers Doherty. Clifford Si Shenfield Blue Eddie Pola Alari Young his bookings were rearranged so '

"Young Wldder Brown" 1.000 Haley's M. O. Dancer-Fitzgerald NBC Martha Atwell Elizabeth Todd that he'll have weekends off to. come
"Pepper Young's Family" 2.200 Procter St Gamble Pedlar & Ryan CBS St NBC
Chick' Vincent Elaine Carrington into N. Y. alone for the show. Ilia
"Your Hit Parade" 11,5011 Lucky Strike Foote. Cone & Belding CBS Jack Meakin Bob Smith . band- will lay off each weekend. .- •
, .

"Wcdaecdajr, April 4, l o ts
Add Look-Alike. MMH VMM M « *> *>*>*>*> •*>•»• -»+.»++^
Pittsburgh, April 3.
Inside Stuff-Radio KQV

rubbed their collec-

eyes the other morning From the Production Centres
Col Abe Schechtcr, who bowed out
topper to don a uniform, was toasted at a -luncheon
Monday >2) at 21 Club,
<Joft Connolly)
NBC's news and so/vial events
when reporting for duty, they
walked Into the news room and
+mmmmmmo «««++«««« *)*)»»++;; *)
N Y Fact that the event was under Ring: Features.speculation,
auspices has created some conjecture in the trade, with
whether the shindig wasn't the prelude to wooing Schfchler
as to
into the
saw a dead-ringer for..FDR look-
ing over the teletype copy, lie
was Introduced wound as the .
Joan Lane
MW \yho, for the past,

two and: a half years as trade press aul in

Hearst fold when he leaves the service. Ule's an ex-INS
Cor a couple of station's new news' editor, Dun the CBS press dept. has been giving the trade guys an ace assist, checks
Schechter, however, says 'taint so; he's back in. the States Delano.
whore, its
weeks before returning to the Pacific theatre of operations Resemblance (he presidentto
out of the network on Friday .*«) jo join Crowell-Colller, where- she'll
mnstenniiulin? news-
generally agreed, he's been doing a hangup job of came as no surprise when handle publicity for Woman's Home ^Companion. Leo Mlshkln takes over
radio releases under Gen. MacArthur. Luncheon idea,
which brought out
KQVers learned that Delano is Uie web trade post. .

hundred of Schechter's radio associates, including network, tnnners,

half a a third or fourth cousin of the Sid Reznlck' back in harness after severe sinus attack. .Robert R. Sum.
r.nd now with King ;.
originated with John'McKay." ex-NBC press dept. head White House occupant.
the. boys has joined Radio Advertising Go. station reps as president. He w« t
Features, being that if- the network contingent didn'i bring

together; somebody should. „ , . . . .

with CBS
for over Ave year*', in network sales and radio sales; Shu* that
of Seheshtcr s disclosui©
Luncheon was revelatory from the standpoint time he has bceii connected with the Mutual' as asst. sales manager.
of news-radio setup in Pacific: of how releases are
geared to catching a.m. Cbi Execs Put Blast On Felix Jloit, who

WXYZ, Detroit, due in Manhattan (his

'resigned .front
and pm dailv (leatHincs- with particular emphasis,
on hitting the networks
Jack Rcnnv, et al. commercial. 1-rOm Army week to take up duties' as writer on new CBS serial "Cimmarron Taver'ii'i" -

so as not to break in on a
network-press ^cor- KSD'sBorbachCoeJTo
sianripoint. SclirchLcr had his beefs, too. chiding the which bows in April 9. ...Group ot radio writers traveled to L'HItli. street -

to fall- in. With -sclietlules set up by- the

respondents -(or -failure.
His Stand on News Flags Public Library in Harlem. Saturday artcrnoon (31). to attend lecture on.

was "Negro Writers in United States". .. .Thelnia Hitter (wife Of Young &
bv Arthur Lyons chilled the deal whereby Joe Kincs Chicago, April 3. .
Squawk put in
Rubicam's Joe Moran increasingly active as radio actress these. days.
to head up all 'radio activities 'of Famous Artists « Feld?u:in-.Bhini
agency ). . ,
Stormiest session of the Chicago ) .'.

T.i Lvons it was slightlv irregular Rines. affiliated with a competitive Radio Management Club
since its 'Dr. Thomas
cons ulting psychologist, seriously ill last week'/. ..
Jersild, CBS
Canovu. Both organiza'ibn three years ago. was
a»cncy 'should direct a 'radio show starring his client, Judy Fritz idea based on skip- tracers called-
Blocki. pedainfjr new "program
written guarantee tftat- the 'singed here last week when- George. "Reward" .. .Larry Mcnkin classified '1.A. .Abbott & Costollu's pawn-
Kincs and Charles Foldhinn offered Lyons "a . . .

O.ark l'.uu:;li would never be a client of .Famous .

Artists -din-nig Rin'os But.b::eh; .manager- of USD. St. ,'-
broker routine drew adverse' word-of-moutJi last week from rare-conscioiis
to withdraw Loiiis, incurred the wralh of p'rac- listeners who .considered it disparagement of minority.
tenure of office, but this -overture 'was scorned. Rines sought; .Ned Calmer to . .

lo the en- ticr.lly every member prcssnt Willi

from (he Canova show to go .along with Fcldman. but yi'.-l-'ed address Utica iN.Y.) C, of C. April 17. with George Crandall, CBS press
with his remarks about (he elimination boss, also going along.' It's Crandall's home town.
treaties of Carlton Alsop, radio Shcrnian-MainUcUe.
lo slay, .Bob Hawk's appeal . .

with Moc. (Sale. but retains orjiiiddle commercials in newscasts. (or playing cards for the C I s has now lopped the 500,000 mark, including.
the show. Rines recently ended his association
a piece of the Andrews Sisters' radio package.
Bnrbnch, as goes! speaker, had been-

Braille cards tor blinded vets. One tow n With 05 families sent in 1 11 decks:
invited by Ihe club to discuss the
Pick and Pat set for repeat on the NBC Chesterfield show next Wednes-
Video' admits it's in Ihc.loarhhig stage on Ihe technic:.! side, but
seem- St. Louis Post-Dispatch's campaign day (11) . .David ,ahd; Judio Bard arc the writers 911 Mutual'* "Poiriu"
. .

angle against "plug iislies'.' in newscasts


ingly doesn't know it has something to Ir'aigi' on the trade, relations stanza. .Biggie Levin. Chi ageiil. a N. Y. visitor, as was Maiinic Kisner,
. .

too. A lew weeks ago one of the big nets pushed

some guests around when which he unequivocally supports. the Cleveland radio:, p.a., lasi week .lack Mel vita, publicist for several . . .

reviewer who In the: arguments thai followed the


they came to see a tele show. tot-week." it was DiiMont. A top air shows originating in Holly wood; back to the Coast Friday- <«.i after,
Burbach was literally torn
had telephoned' for proper arrangements in advance found tickets, waiting
two weeks in N. Y. ...Alia Wines sponsoring ''Confidentially Yours" on
for him for the public theatre— instead of for a small room
where he co\ild apart: Nobody agreed with him. WNEW three •-nights per week. Show was formerly, on WOR-. .tony
Consensus of upihioh was thai the. . .

see the show the way he would' at. home. When he was.
finally: admitted Stanford now head of lelevision. among other duties, for Waiter
to review— P-D'.s .campaign is an unhealthy .1.

to this room, and got settled lo see the show he was assigned Lewis H. Avery, Thompson. .PrisCilla Kent lo discuss Writing With a Stopwatch" at the •

leave "because some move against radio.


a public relations man came in and asked that he Pen and Brush club's Tuesday afternoon lea On April 10. .. .Special army
Blue officials came suddenly.'' Reviewer started to leave, but it seems
NAB director, hurled Ihe charge plane chartered to take Milton Boric and Cpnoyet Girls '.(accompanied by
that the Posi-.Dispa ch's -vicious
another spol was found for the customers froni'i the Blue. Marty Goodman and Frank Berlei ui Camp Avon, Florida, for show over
campaign" in taking the issue' to- the'
the Easter weekeiM. .Billy Rcdlleld. Harold Huber and Lamonl .lohnsoii
public instead of working it no! . ,

Pini-sixed little mng published monthly by WQXR. New York


through regular channels of NAB. added to respective casus "of "Lora Lilwioii," •The Strange Romance of Ever
turns out to have the second .largest circulation of any music publication

was a"slap at the industry inslead of V| t Winters" and •'Amanda'

' Anita Cohan a new addition lo "The .

The piece is really a promotional bit. which the station an aid. as the newspaper misht be-

in the coiinlrv. Romance of Helen Trent". .Rene Gekiere added to cast of "Stella,. Dallas" . .

has been publishing since 1936, listing its programs and furnishing
program .

while Staats Colsworlh joins "Lorenzo Jones? crew. .. Chester SI ration,

thing, lieve, and
w;as •'iiiviling" gov-
notes for its longhair.' musical program.. Listeners subscribe to the added to "Valiant Lady."
ernment control of radio.
or pay a dime a throw for a single copy. After being 'subjected, to intense
Largest circulation of any music mag is held by Elude. WQXR's program admitted thai IN CHICAGO
Cornish, qucs ioiiing, Burbacli
notes conies next, with 25.000 paid customers. Editors are Ann using the middle commercial was Eddie and Faniiy Cavanaugh. Chi s oldest radio team, celebrate 23rd
Walter Diehl and Alfred Simon. more a mailer of good and bad laste year on the air this week. .. .Bob Swezcy and Carl Hayerlin, Mulual v.p.'s,
which drew a retort from Helen in town for the Ade Hult. cocktail parly at Hie tavern club. Shindig was
Two NBC programs gel salute rroni Writers War Board in its April re- Cornelius, of NAB. who- said she

and thrown by the town's radio execs on a co-op basis to cclebraie Unit's
port, board tossing out bouquets lb "Our Foreign Policy" "Sal. 7 p.m.) thought 'it bad laste for a newspaper being upped to general inaiuiger of the iiet's midwest territory ... .Mary
"The Army Hour"..'* Stin:, .3:30 p.m.). With maximum praise expressed by to attack what radio was doing by

because of the. Frances Desmond and Ruth Ran have been added to cast of '"Women In
five bombs, board rates four bombs to "Foreign Policy"

airing its problems in public. Evelyn

. -

:Ne\v Carl Wester-Wayne King combo have three nigliltime


way Slate Dept. officials thus familiarize, (he public with the government's Stark, radio director- of the M:;c- jthb'ws ready for. sale, first a revamped version of "Tom, Dick and Harry"
. ,

foreign policy, clarifying international affairs, and three bombs to "Army


world Farland. Aveyard. .agency, asked: hit the air last week over the Blue as a sustainer.
Hour." War Dept. program dramatizing Army activities throughout

Burbach. -"If. commercials on. news-

.Julian Benlley WLS

and thus boosting morale. have beep so objecliona'nle. Irna Phillips currently vacationing in Arizona
. .

casts |

why dOC'sii't, KSD forvet about the news editor is. overseas as a -war correspondent. .Paul Hughes has been . .

The Frank. Sinatra program ran inlo last-minute script troublps last

cash register and put ilieiiv on sus- added to the cast of "Backstage Wife". ..
Mike Connors, producer.: w ith
week March 2B> when show was broadcast from the'U. S. Naval Training tainiilR?"
1 WBBM.-CBS. for the past two years, resigned last week. to try his band at.
School for Waves at Hunter. College in the Bronx, N. Y. Report by Burbach on a telephone freelancing. .Nancy Evans was signed. as a vocalist by the Blue la>l week .-.

When Navy officials discqvered shortly before airtime that Sinatra and survey made two weeks hgo in SI. '....Staff of General Amusement Corp.. threw a parly over the Week end
Bill Goodwin had a comedy sequence in which they
were impersonating for Art Wecn'is. licad of the Chi Office for the past three years, in honor of
during which.
of Loo
on a Sunday, t.OOa
Waves, thev said "no dice, any place else okay, but not before a bunch

calls were made betwecif 9 ami his being upped to v.p. aiid moving lo GAC's N, Y. office. Wecms-
Waves." .with result that an lllh-hour. script swilcheroo had to be master- 5 p.m. with the question. "Do you Bob, takes over midwest territory

Boyce Smith, Blue tenor, skedded to.

minded. miiid. the interruption for- the spon- marry Marian Lord iMiss Merchandise Marl of 1944) in June. .' Sing . .

sor's advertising in the middle of a new servicciiieii's show, bowed in' over' WIND Moiulay <2
Sailor Sing," 1 . . .

National Assn. of Broadcasters- has issued a guide book for radio chair- news broadcast?", was voted as
Van Haaften. formerly with KMBC. Kansas City, joined the WBBM an-
men »fl"Radio and Public Service" by Dorothy Lewis, co-orditiator- pf weighted and not a fair represent:!^ nouncing staff April 1.

listener activity. Contains information on- the strides beuig made by public tibn of the likes and dislikes of SI. Lt. Dick Posl, toimer announcer, was killed in action in Ger- WBBM
service broadcasting; listener's role in American radio; how to improve .

Louis dialers even though the fig- many, last week. .. El Henry, j list back from a month's tour as advance
listening habits: co-operation with community radio projects, and many ures showed 3B''< beefing and lil'I press rep for "Breakfast in Hollywood." Blue show currently louring Ihe
other subjects, some of the. suggestions and procedures being based on not minding the commercials. country, is the town's most traveled flack. .Fred Waring is skedded to
experiences of radio chairmen themselves. To date 20.000 copies ot the
. .

lead a choral group of 10.000 school kids at the music festival this summer.
publication have been released. Ryan Attacks I'ost-Dlspalvh Session which was set by Bill Hansen. Waring rep, ^vill be aired Mulual
Cincinnati. April 3. ....Thompson Bartlelt. formerly on (he "Meet the Missus show." is cur-
Philip Morris' "it i-ays to Be ignorant" show 011 CBS claims il holds Slaps at newspapers: that have rently a. transport pilot with Northwest Air Lines. .Lt. J. W. Proffer look
Some kind of record for employing old experienced troupers. A statistician
. .

criticized Ihe radi o ind ustry's com- over as exec officer in charge ol all radio activities for the Navy in the
with nothing more worthwhile to do has figured out that show's tour prin- mercial policies: and at the Aiiien-" Chi area last week. He .succeeds Lt. I.
F- Jacobson, who goes to sea:...
cipals—Tom Howard. George Shelton, Lulu McConnell and Harry Mc- can Federation of Musicians for ils Danny Thorn as in town for-a few days after his stint 011 the Fanny Brie*
Naughton— have been in show biz as vaudevillians for a total of 141 years. wage demands for platter turners, show. Comedian goes overseas for USO Camp Shows next month....
lal;cii by J. Harold Ryan.
•were NAB
Pepsbdent Co. is playing around Willi the idea ot sponsoring a second
president; al a two-day session of nighttime half hour.
Agencies Fed Up With XURLEY'STDLLCORWIN'S Ihe association's 7th district held I

last we,<:k in Ihe Gibson hotel. #J\ .; HOLLYWOOD

War? Camp Show Airer CLIENT, WRITER HOLDS Ryan branded a s"e'xlremely short
sighted" a St. Louis' daily iPost- The Army reached out last, week and ptillcd into khaki John Conle,
Norman Corwin is reportedly doing Dispatch) which complained that "jockey'' to Frank Morgan 011 that Java show, and Merwyh Bofiue. w ho for
Gets a Kicking Around

a burn over the inclusion of his "My radio commercials are out of propor- years has been' Kay Kyser's Ish Kabibble. Benton it Bowles d.waiting ;

Client Curley" in the folio of.half^ tion to entertainment and informa-

client reaction on Bill Gargan's emcee shot on Maxwell House before
"Advertising agencies are sick of
hour dramatic plays being offered as tion service. He deplored the $90 committing him as a regular.
the war." Thai was the gripe voiced a summer replacement by Richman- Jack Bcnliy takes his shots late in May for.hls offshore jaunt which will
scale for 25 hours' work that, he
by one radio production man last Sanford radio production outfit in said, is being received by union consume most of his 17-week respite from Lis/MFT. . .Bill Spier produc- .

week as a result of ah experience in the "Radio Proudly Presents" reprise musicians in Chicago and St. Louis ing the two Hollywood originations of the Texaco show with Victor Young
package. tapping thi beat. .. Jack O'Mara, Blue net sales promotion manager -out
trying to market a package with a for playing records.
. Claimed by, Corwin that (here was The powwow was attended by 40 this Way, will spend three months at the home office, .Vic Knight is now . ,

camp show gimmick. no final authorization for the use of Ohio and Kentucky station execs a lieutenant in ETO. .Don Thornburgh milling and mulling with CBS . .

"In one day." he said, "three agen- "Curley" and that no terms had been aiid reps of nets and ad agencies, western affiliates in Frisco. .Jack Benny took time out to make a seven-, . .

cies threw that package back at us— agreed upon. Factor, too. in Corr and 20 officials of. Cincy stations and minute commercial film for L'uckies. It's part of his radio deal.

win's peeve is another deal involv- agencies. took on KCRA. Sacramento. Cal., indie, as a -supplemental oullct NBC
merits, but merely, be-

nol 011 its

ing rights to "Curley" which has top . .Bob Coleson. cx-radip chief for N. W. Ayer in Hollywood, moved in at . .

cause ils format called for presenta- priority. OVIVs domestic radio division as assistant lo "Corney" Jackson: ... .Maxine
rncc Th
tion before soldiers and sailors in Richmaii-Sanford package, is being
\«1 Ab
vy«n Smith, press head for J. Walter Thompson on the Coast, on the mend arter
camps, apd before wounded in hos-

offered al $3,800 a hosp siege. —
.John Mclnlire gave up the title role in "Bill Lance" lo go I
. .

So Chinese Officials Say Ted Green's hiij Montana ranch. Pat McGeehan look oyer
iiito temporary retirement on
Package Okay For Alrlnj Fun,'.' starring Beryl Wallace, dropped 'after' four
. .. .Gilmore"s "Furlough
"Apparently, they Ihink the war . is
was absorbed by -General Petroleum 'and new agency. 'Smith.
years. Client
over, They insist <in what they call $275,000 for Scripps Embassy the&. Drum, decided 011 a new show on a new network-, CBS. .: Virginia
officials in .

•postwar .format:' Well, they over- LT; S. have given an okay -to a radioCooke, candidate of Irna Phillips on the best young writer ticket, signed
look one point. There will certainly V*..;;FM Cleveland
series based on Sax. RohmerV- "Dr. to script the new Billie Burke show for Listerine.
| Axel Gruenberg, late
be at least a couple of million'mcn Cleveland, April 3. Fu MancliUi" packaged by Ted ) producer of Drert Star Playhouse, flips.lhe cues.

Fitch Bandwagon due. . .

in our services for. ycars to come, if E. W. Scripps Co., Uirough its sub- Green and currently making agency for another overhauling: Rick Vollaerls is the new .writer.
There ar*- . .

both the Nazis and Japs were licked sidiary, Scripps-Howard Radio, Inc., rounds. Film version of Robmer's j, be at least three agency 'men holding down jobs on the. strength

by next Tuesday. And what about has applied to the FCC for permis- character was recently called off, their "admitted ability" to deliver Fred Allen when he feels up to /.lie

the' wounded, the dozens or scores of sion to construct commercial FM since it allegedly', placed the char- weekly "grind" again ... .Local 47 of the Musicians. Union has tabooed
hospitals, hliohc hundreds .of hos- and lelevision stations in Cleveland. acter on the wrong side of the mor- flying its members to out-of-town points since that near-crackup >oiue
pitals, whore, these boys will be Reported cost of proposed FM out- ale fence. months ago. .Jimmy Saphicr's trip: east said to be significant in more . .

housed, perhaps for "11 long time? let, here would run up to. $100,000, .However, in the ail version, as ways than one. .The ante goes up on the guestar budget on Nelson . .

Some people in advertising are cer- while ..the lelevision set-up would scripted by.'.Nat Colwe.ll. Fu will Eddy's "Electric Hour" April 15. The reason is Jeanette MacDouuld and
tainly short-sighted." come to approximately $175,000. supply his' cunning to aid Chinese. the price is 3G. ,
W«da<!i«Uf, April 4, WIS





TO M mum-.

• Stations WKY
and KLZ bow in esteem to the ten other stations cited
by Variety for 1944 Shownianagement awards and particularly to WLS,
Chicago, and WSR, Atlanta, with which WKY
shared honors for out-
standing service to farmers, a distinction in itself.

TO WKY and klzS*) listeners and sponsors-

• The shownianagement activities of KLZ and during 1944 to
which Variety has given acknowledgment have not been isolated spurts.
Despite the accomplishments of 1944, both WKY
and KLZ are conscious
of still great obligations in the future. . These stations accept their challenge

and pledge their thinking, their facilities and their resources to continuing
to serve listeners and advertisers "beyond the call of duty."



so J4G5IETT Wednesday, April 4, 1915


< it

/ .

• when WKY's farm


Less than a year ago, service de-

partment was organized under the fulltime direction of iKAPIOl |SC»EEH| | MIMIC I ISTAGEl
Edd Lemons, long a leader in Oklahoma farm affairs, the
promise was made that this department was "being geared
to render a service without a peer or parallel both in Scope
and practical usefulness." Variety's recognition of WKY's SHOWMANAGEMHfT AT WAR
service to farmers "beyond the call of duty" is evidence man [E^kiMs^ibi
that this pledge has been kept. It is evidence, furthermore,
that the Credo of the WKY Farm Reporter has become t
program of action: "To contribute to the security of life
on the farm: to the' advancement of the science of farm-
ing; to the social and economic advancement of our
farmers; fo the conservation of the soil resources of our
S,..i.( IM4 J)^U
s'tate; and to the proper utilization of its fertility."

The "extra step" WKY took in its service to farm

listenerswas only one of many extra steps WKY takes
continuously to serve every segment of its huge audience,
every phase of community interest.
As Variety puts it: "Even a 'Variety' tenderfoot can
understand WKY's part in the life of its community.
It's as; sharply branded as any prize Oklahorna steer.''
Wednesday, April 4. #4f PtiSSESFt si


• "The inertia that envelops too many network stations,"

said Variety in its 1944 Showmahagement Citations, "par-
ticularly in these war days when alibis can be pulled out
as easily as recordings, is not evident at KLZ. KLZ could
have doneits job the easy way, drawing almost exclusively

upon the CBS program output.

"But when KLZ mapped- out its wartime operation
many months ago it was determined to make its local
programming: a stand-out feature. KLZ not only made
the promise but came through with the performance.
"In almost every category, KLZ home-rhadc thinking;
writing and production asserted itself."

. KLZ's accent on local programming, on doing a net-

work-quality job on local program! of specialized interest

and service has brought it numerous other citations, both
local and rfational. Variety's award, one of the most
coveted in the -industry; is the tenth; significant award •

which has come to KLZ since 1940, in the fields of pro-

gramming, publicity, public relations and merchandising.
Greatest of all rewards, however, is the ever-growing
majority, esteem and loyalty of Denver region listeners.
S2 PTSSIffff Wednesday, April 4, 1945

• There is deep significance in the fact week, year after year . ? using their heads,
that stations WKY
and KLZ, affiliated in hearts and facilities to serve the people ...
management, were two of the 12 stations taking the extra steps beyond the call of
singled out by Variety from among the duty . these things are routine at KLZ
nation's 900-odd radio stations for plaque and WKY, things which add up to note-
awards in its 12th annual Survey of Show- worthy showmanagement.
management. Recognition by Variety, however, would
It is recognition by an authority of un- be empty without the supporting vote of
questioned prestige of the sliowmanage- listeners in the areas served by WKY and
ment know-how behind these stations. It KLZ. Fortunately, there is overwhelming
points out a fundamental characteristic, a evidence that the cumulative effect of tlm
family trait, common to all properties and type of operation has established these sta-

affiliates of the Oklahoma Publishing tions as top favorites in the esteem of their
Company which make them landmarks in listeners. This type of operation has paid
their communities. off in many ways, not the least of which it

Doing ah inventive, ingenious and ag- the way it pays off for WKY and KLZ
gressive job, day after day, week after advertisers.

C 13 S 560 KC

WKY # ',y
NBC 930 KC
1 /// < >! :


Wednesday, April 4, 1945 RADIO ss
ARMY BONER PUTS WAR Lotsa Husbands Won't
Nets, Except MBS, Do Nothing Till You Hear From FCC
PRISONER (?) ON AIR Think Idea's So Funny
An Army PRO slip-up which may United Radio & Television Produc-
Skip V-E Plans make some American family
as well tions, new Arm headed by publicists
Chi Exec Warns on Walky-Talkies
some radio station very unhappy Harry Sobol and Jay Faggen, .has
Radio networks biggies are just was discovered last week by a sta- packaged a comedy -stanza titled Chicago, Apr. 3. campaigns, with salesmen informing
confused as anyone else about which airs one of those shows "Holiday for Husbands," starring
tion let. that walky-talky sales- the gullible,' "Go ahead and buy one
on which recorded voices of GI's are man, postwar successor to the Fuller and get your FCC license later."
when V-E Day may come, or Guy Kibbee, Ned Sparks, Zero Mos- ,

brought to the air "direct" from the Brush man, get his foot in the door And, inasmuch as there are only a
whether there will ever be a def- fronts. tel and Taylor Holmes, which will when peace comes, warns a top net- certain number of wave lengths -

inite date and time when the Ger^ In this instance, the show used the be waxed tonight (.Wed.), for poten- —
work exec here at least, not until available in any one market, smart
maas will surrender and victory be- voice of one boy who was inter- tial sponsorship. you get your wave length assign- cookies now mapping out their deals
viewed by an Army guy about an in- ment from the FCC. may need Federal supervision before
comes official. Outfit also has air rights lo a Scot-
teresting,heroic exploit. Boy told The "I wanna buy a jeep". cult is they go hiucn farther.
A web survey ha:; brought out that how he was lost' behind Nazi lines, land Yard series, based on flies of hefty, according to the exec— but "After a couple of years, with the
no plans whatever for that unit, and "Voice of the .Nation,"
the Blue has but Anally made his. way back to "wait'll you hear ihe. clamor when expected expansion in FM, it might
own audience participation program.: not be so bad. But'the equipment
. marking V-E Day. "We're not even unit. the 'gimme^ a walky-talky!' kids get
going— that'll really be something, be unloaded on the market
on a flash basis" is the word from Parents of the kid heard the will
BHte. broadcast, immediately telephoned especially in view of the fact that, much quicker than we can get into .

w+iile only a small percentage of the the swing of FM. Take. Chi, for
. CBS also says tt his made no
the station tearfully for further in-
Video Oater Octet Slated .. .. ;

formation about the kid, saying they

"There will be no public can be assigned wave lengths, instance, where 70% of the homes
plans whatever. Hollywood. April 3.

had not heard from him since De-

V-E Day," declared one Colum-
thousands of the gadgets will be have phones," warned the exec- "I'm
cember. Few days later, father Calamity Jane, who never heard dumped on the market from both bringing up this point because w-l'i
bia exec who ought to know; "We ex- of films or radio, will break out in Government
phoned again, slating he had just re-
pect the Germans just to fall apart,
and manufacturers' can be tuned to only one specific re-
ceived official notification that his video as the central character in a stockpiles when the war's over." same as those two-way police
•with various army, units, some per- ceiver,
series of eight westerns to be made
haps large, surrendering her* and
boy is a, prisoner Of war. Exec, who claims it'll be one of car outfits. So if only 10% of that'
Trouble is that, for valid security by International Theatrical and the biggest rackets in .radio unless 70%— and I'm pegging it' low— should
there— but no ovejr-all, official un- .

Television Corp., headed by George the public

conditional surrender of the country reasons, the recording was not. dated; is warded, said that syndi- want one, you'd have the most ter-
PRO Hirliman. rific jam of applications to the FCC
•as a whole. Therefore we are not seems Army should have cates have already been formed to
planning anything like a definite V-E checked the casualty and prisoner,
Herman Wohl has been signed as buy up the surplus w-t's (now used you ever saw. And plenty of the
lists before releasing record to un- producer -of the series, which will be mainly by Signal Corps, tanks, air- customers would be stuck with gear
Day program."
suspecting station, filmed in^l6mm color." craft, etc.), and plan house-to-house they'!) never be able lo use."
NBC also thinks there will be' no :

V-E Day. This network plans to

pick up its foreign correspondents,
, but is saying nothing . about any

other special events In the making

for V-E Day. The word from this
events and news chief,
net's special
William F. Brooks, is that NBC plans
for V-E Day are/ however, only part
of an Over-all plan projected 10 years
Into, the future, involving greater

news coverage around the world.

Best prepared for V-E Day (or
perhaps only the one most willing
. to reveal plans In advance) is Mu-
tual. Detailed MBS
plans have been
made, by director of special features
Tom Slater, news division manager
John Whitmore, network traffic chief
Floyd Mack and Les. Learned, in
. charge of engineering.
Mulual's plans call for special -

shows, some of them of an hour's'

length, to originate

with WOL,
Washington; WOR. New York: WIP,
Philadelphia; WSAY, Rochester: Fun Is cooking, when Mildred Boiley give* her speetof
CKLW, Detroit: WGN, Chicago; and
KHJ, Los Angeles. In addition there brand of meal-making magic over WCOP.
will be pick-ups from "Main Street"
in various parts, of the U. S. A. and
Canada, and remotes from London "Food le Fun" Is a refreshingly new and different
and the war fronts.
participation program. Mildred It setting
Many indies are also planning
special V-E Day programs. One of H up at BoitonVWCOK after five years of wowing the
the independents in York is New
sure that the next important special
event will be the Russian capture, of and>^B^|k>:b^^^j^Krspaper coltti
Berlin, and is on the- alert for that
achievement "with a special salute
angled on the Red Army. The Bflil^ formwl^ wre-fire. Most'

10 cc^^fehe|p||k5e it or not/

Cal Kohls Resignation

Reed>«mts 6\Mi~ iM*t :

of «hem oi
On LA. to N.Y. Journey?
Blow, agency head, re-
turned from the Coast over the
> i*^MU0^%ijfa» are top£

weekend reportedly with Cal Kuhl's

resignation as ohief of his radio de- ther?
!*•>•' .»'
partment In his pocket; Kuhl has
until June 1 to ride out his $25,000
per year pact, but reports have him
quilting before then, so as not to
oause any embarrassment to Stan
Joseloff, new agency ether unit chief,
when latter goes out to look over the
.-Wnl'y.uyjc'ijietv.pjjs. ^vt-WKkv— --.
When Milton Berle airer for Ever-
sharp on CBS Wednesday nights goes
off for the summer, a mystery pro-
gram will replace, according to re-
ports. Sponsor has not decided
whether to bring the Berle' show
back next season or cancel. How-
•ver, the Biow radio dept. is to '

audition a new type show with the

comic as star, and If that's success^
ful, Berle will be
back. lop on wfUp^^S.
Sponsor has been shelling out up-
wards of $11,000 per week for the its and fl^all

Berle show, which has never gar-

nered a satisfactory rating, despite!
fact that $5,000 per-week-calibre
gueslers are being used regularly as
" a hypo.

Represented nationally by the Katz Agency

M.O.M'i "M mlc for Million"

M p.m.. EWT

tn4Utl>flli 4< UI4IIUvlllllJ..>t> > '>""''- ll<" i ' 1 «J . • "• » »» JJ ..'«».* f. . S« I 1 4 . ii» 11 > v.- .-i *» * I'D Ll 'M ; ./It 41* j ci,1*«J»CJ«A .
Wednesday, April 4, 1945
Series for 'Dinnerbelf TO TRIPLE PERSONNEL For Grand Claimed Due SIGNATURING FOR BMB N ABET Oyer Petrdlo
St. Louis, April 3. Chicago, April 8. Chicago, April I. Washington, April 3.

Cued to China Invasion With the plea that tha Broadcast National Labor Relations Board
KMOX is to be the regional hubSuit for $1,004 against Alex Drier,
Measurement Bureau would have to
Chicago, April 3. of CBS' AM, FM news commentator, was filed in. Cir- be accepted on faith for the time be- yesterday (2) upheld the decision of
and tele broadcast-
Through arrangements made with ing in postwar plans now being cuit Court here
Thursday (29), by ing, Hugh Feltis, BMB prexy, wound its examiner in giving the National
the Chinese News Service, WLS will National Concert and Artists Corp., up the 9th dlstsjct meeting of the Assn. of Broadcast Engineers and
worked out under the direction of
air an exclusive series of five-minute seeking to recover 10 per cent of NAB here last week with tha sign- Technicians bargaining power for
transcriptions as part of its "Dinner- Frank Faulkhor, radio research engi- Dreier's $845-a-week salary since ing of 84% of the stations repre- platter turners, despite
James C.
bell" program, 12-12:30 p.m. daily, neer who recently became the top last Dec. 9, figure purportedly repre- sented. BMB roster now includes 473 Petrlllo's threat that his musicians'
starting about May 1. Broadcasts will commlsh.
man of the local CBS outlet after his senting talent agency's outlets. Only Chicago outlet Joining union would order a strike against
be shortwaved f.rom Chunking
Army. under- Under one-year contract which was WGrT, the others preferring to NBC and the Blue if It did so.
discharge from the It's
picked up and recorded in California Dreier signed with NCAC in Feb., stand pat for a while. Ruling upheld an intermediate re-
and then rushed to WLS for re- stood in local radio circles that plans 1944, suit charges all contracts and
Although Feltis did not run into port by Howard Mayers, trial ex-

broadcast. call for three new transmitters and renewals made during that year the same trouble as ha did at the aminer,
who found that the Blue
Broadcasts are tied up with the the tripling of station personnel. were subject to cut for agency. New York meeting he did encounter
and NBC were engaging in unfair
expected invasion of the China Coast Station will originate programs for Dreier is broadcasting for Skelly Oil some opposition from Ralph Atlass,
labor practices by refusing to bar-
by the U. S, armies and in keeping the entireweb as well as carry those Co., under renewal of contract signed president of WIND, who charged gain with NABET.
with NBC in Sept., 1942. Decision also .

with the San Francisco conference. piped from other centers. that, ifmeasured by BMB standards held that fear of strikes was not a
and methods, only one Chicago valid defense for. such a position.
newspaper could be considered as -

having primary coverage of Chicago.

Main objection to the BMB plan is
the primary, secondary and tertiary
WGN joining the
Frank Schrelber, station man-
ager, said: "As far as WGN is con-
cerned we consider the BMB to be
the first effort of the industry to es-
tablish a sound basis of self -evalua-
tion. WGN is delighted to be the
first major Chicago station to sub-
scribe to the bureau."

AND AGENCY AFRA Appeals Decision

In 'Lone Ranger' Case
Detroit, April 3.
The Regional War Labor Board
here has received briefs from the
American Federation of Radio Art-
ists, appealing the recent decision of
a WLB panel in the ''Lone Ranger"
case. Panel had ruled for WXYZ Local Advertisers
vs AFRA in the matter of a "dispro-
portionate discount" on talent fees in
connection with the program, AFRA
Can You Answer These Questions? wanting- a rate equivalent to those . Know
used by other stations in similar
areas airing national network shows.
AFRA is asking that WLB recog- Utah's sheep, cattle and hogs broeght
nize that network broadcasting is $54,531,000 of new wealth Into this
(Score twenty for each correct answer. A score of a hun- fundamentally different from any state last year, according to prelim-
dred is excellent. Eiplily. good; siitu, fan. Below sixty will other industry, in that when you
haue Tio effect on your radio career

but you 7iiiolit owe broadcast a network program it's
inary figure*. That average* mere

itto yourself to look up the ansiuers.) heard everywhere simultaneously, than SI ,000,000 a week—and live,
hence being national rather than •rock it jett one of Utah's basic In-

local. Rales for net commercials dustrie!, |uit ene of the reasons why
should be the same regardless of
Dullness It good here.
where the airer originates, it's held.

What well-known radio program, American Jap

soldier bringing in AFRA has contracts with other De-
now available, lias been asked by prisoners. The astonishment on troit stations as well as similar cities To reach Urah'i radio homes and —
like Cincinnati, and wants the same that meam 970 home* in every 1,000—
the Special Services Section of his superior officer's face brings scale from WXYZ that they get from
local and national advertisers know
Army, the explanation from, the young the other stations.

the United Stales in col- Appeal is being they can
.made by AFRA's national counsel, depend on KDYL, the sta-
laboration with U.S.O. to pre- soldier, "I'm trying to get on Mortimer Becker. tion that brings re-
." Fill the blank space
pare twenty or more units' of ^jjJfsSio; tarts, for eiampw:
that show for presentation to with the name of the interna- SPORTS ANGLE ON QUIZ Salt Lake's foar
New typo half-hour quiz show
the boys overseas? tionally famous radio program. largest department
packaged by Cecile Robinson has
three agencies giving it the 0.0. for stores coniistentty-
prospective clients. Program spots ate KDYL
sports personalities, but on topics of
general interest.
What program when on
listed by two-thirds of the
the air, This same program, after a lay-,
off of a year and a half, came
Audition program has Mel Allen
as omcee and also spots Dolly Stark.
V 1

is Lefty Gomez and Phil Weintiaub

newspapers in America as a best bark to the air in one of radio's among others.

ltet? (An unique record, by most competitive spots; and .

San Antonio— Betty Lee has been

] NBC -

the way.) started off with a Crossley of 9.2. named director of women's pro-
grams Nnllnnttl Reprefttnlitilf/o
at KABC, a newly-created
In . that same tough spot it
post. JOHN ILAIR 1 CO.
rlimlted to 0 13.7, and its lowest
.jfaan.naJ.dr.op._wa9.. to 8;9. Us..
When the members of an Army average Crossley was 10.9 for
S(a) division operating in the India- the two years in that same lough
Burma theatre of action recently spot. What was the name of the
found a little, bombed-out kid in how ?
a pile of rubble and adopted the
war-torn waif, what name did
Will B'U I ^HZMfe
they give the boy?
The nickname of an im-
portant Army
headquarters in Washington is
Recently "Esquire" magazine thename of a radio program.
(b) published a cartoon showing an What Is the name of it?

(For the correct answers to the above questions SEE PAGE 134 OF
[and in this issue, on page 39.] What you'll find there isn't a press

agent's bfurb—it's the Icind of writeup every sponsor hopes he'll get

for his radio program —and if it t weeks you enough, you'll want this

program for your sponsor beginning now. A. telephone call to

\ & 1

PLaza 8-2900 will bring you even more potent information.) But, Bill— you'll ruin the act If you keep eating Wheatles'
Wednesday, April 4, 194S RADIO 85

Waltham Boys Time' On Femme Inroads

Don Lee Buys Ever since women started to Radio Engineers Headed For Topdog
Blue V-E Tele Parade take over, many jobs
formerly .

Waltham Watch Co. will sponsor held by men gone to

war, the
the time signals during the Blue net-
work's five-hour television program
.radio industry has had its share
of the femme influx. But in two
Role Postwar, Can Write Own Ticket
Hollywood, April 3.
oil DuMont's WABD, * N. Y., oh V-E fields, according to an informal Radio is set to enter a new era, over," said one prominent radioman
Dpn Lee has picked the site of its day. survey, the women, are really in what one. prominent radio man last week, "the industry settled back
new studio, facing Vine street and on its haunches and let the commer-
Deal was set Monday (2) by Paul — in droves. calls the "engineering cycle," as soon
two blocks south of NBC's Radio cial boys take over.

City on Sunset boulevard. On the Mowrey, Blue video chief, and Don Women are among the top as the war's over; :

"If you examine radio's record in

90,000 square foot tract will rise the
McClure, television head of N. W. time buyers among top New Dozens of top ranking engineers the thirties, you'll find that was the
Ayer, acting on behalf of the bank- York agencies now. One radio
Coast chain's new plant to cost who are in the armed' services or second phase, the era of the adver-
roller. Sponsor, which will be only exec noted at a luncheon the
around $500i000. Overall investment engaged in warplant activity are tising salesman and business promo-
advertiser getting commercial plug other day that, out of 20 time
approximates $750,000 and ground being tabbed quietly by networks ter. In a way, no one was to blame.
on the stanza, is shelling out $1,000 buyers present, 12 were women;
will be broken as soon as men and and independents alike for some of Industry had invested heavy dough
private for the one-timer. And women have been taken
material are available for the highest paid jobs in the developing, radio; it was entitled ,

construction. Transaction still in in more and more on the engi- .

The scramble to a break. But the pendulum had

for. this valuable talent
escrow was negotiated by Lewis neering NBC now has
side. is already under way, although in certainly swung too, far. Public serv-
Allen Weiss, general manager of the three women doing strategically some instances the engineers con- ice was given only lip service. En-
Rosel Hyde Vice Denny important engineering jobs for
country's largest regional. cerned are not themselves aware that, gineering development was at a min-
Two-story structure will contain
Washington, April 3. -
. —
the network one of the gals a fat. contract awaits them as soon imum, except in laboratories where
Charles R. Denny, Jr., took the happens also to be very attrac- it looks they may be free to listen
as the public hadn't the slightest ink-
lour audience studios, each seating

oath as an FCC commissioner last tive, and is taking a degree as an an offer from private civilian, ling about the exciting new proc-
from 400 to 500, and six smaller stu- Friday (30K The Commission imme-
be streamlined
Facilities will
electrical engineer soon, Most
non-war enterprise. esses under development,
diately appointed Rosel H. Hy de, as- of N. Y. indies have women as- Radio biggies will agree, although "By the end of the thirties', both
with every modern engineering and
sistant general counsel in charge of sistants in the engineering de- off the record, that the industry had the engineer and the program direc-
functional refinement with sufficient
broadcasting matters, Denny's suc- partment. It's that way through-gone through an engineering slump tor started to come back into their
floor space to anticipate the needs
cessor as FCC general counsel. out the country, too. In video, that set in in the late twenties. own. But then the war period
of television and frequency modula-
The vacancy left by Hyde went to DuMont's WABD studio has as Allowing for individual deviations, came. Even before we were actually,
..Weiss and his assistant, Willet a surprise appointee, Vernon L. Wil- many girls in it as men. the "cycle" reckoning stacks up in the war. all radio engineering ex-
kinson, special assistant to Attorney something like this: The twenties perimentation had to be put under
Brown, arc approaching the building
General Francis Biddle. Leonard H.' was the era of radio engineering strict security wraps.
plan from an unorthodox stance. In-
stead of putting up a building and
Marks, who had been FCC attorney
in charge of new applications, moved
Dallas —
On Saturday (31) the "growing pains," and much was ac- "The war has helped radio tre-
then laying out the floor plan they're' "Early Birds" program, aired daily complished in bridging the gap be- mendously. Not only because, like
up to the post of assistant to the over WFAA, observed its 15th birth tween the one-lunger and the 50,000; so much other business, it made
doing it the other way around. An
engineering firm will be called in to
general counsel. This slot had been day with a' special broadcast origi watter on the. transmission end, as profits allowing, it to reinvest sur- —
get up the operation, after which
Vacant since last November when nating from the stage of the Ealace well as between the crystal set and plus profits in public, services. It
Pete Shuebruck resigned to join theatre. Program is considered one superheterodyne in reception. helped programmatlcally because the
the architects will take over. "The
- cellophane comes on last," said James L. Fly, his former boss, in of the oldest daily morning programs "But once that period of c irly ex- American listener had become ac-
Weiss, which is his way of saying .
New York. on the air. perimentation and imnrovement wns Continued on page 42) 1

. the new plant will be functional

firstand ginger-bveady last.
Lease on Don Lee's present plant
adjoining RKO studio runs out at
year's end but time extension will
be given by the picture company,
which takes over the premises.
Weiss is hopeful of ground-breaking
. ceremony by early fall.

Presenting Michael Scott'

Goes FnD CBS Net April 16
Chicago, April
"Presenting Michael Scott," a show
heard for several weeks last year
3: .

ana ^//la/eea/ taiadet /Ae/n a/t

over WBBM which used the soap
opera technique in presenting adap-
tations of famous, works, will be re-
vived April 16 as a sustaining fea-
ture over the full CBS chain:
Program will be aired five times
weekly from 2:15 to 2:30 p.m. fCWT)
teeing off with a serialized Version
of "A Tale of Two Cities" using a
cast of four, organ accompaniment
and complete sound effects. John
Barnes will continue to script and
direct and Ken Nordine returns as
Michp.el Scott, the narrator.

In what the New York Times acknowledges as "the most satisfactory job yet done", the
British Cleric Lauds
Peabody Radio Awards Committee has selected "radio's honor roll for 1944".
Air Freedom in U. S.
Cleveland, April 3.
Religious racketeers were respon
sible for the ban placed on so-called Five programs broadcast coast to coast were cited for distinguished service to the Amer-
gospel radio programs by some
broadcasting stations in the U. S ican listener, and so were the achievement* of ten stations and individuals. These are the
opined Dr. Herber Lockyer, of
Liverpool, England, internationally winning programs carried by nationwide networks:
known cleargyman who conducted
Holy Week services in Cleveland
lastweek. Outstanding Educational Program: "The Human Adventure" (mbsJ
Dr. Lockyer pointed out that un
scrupulous persons used religious
Outstanding Entertainment in Drama: "Cavalcade of America" (nbc) and Fred Allen (cbs)
programs, in the solicitation _of
Wioney and ""abusetr the freedom of
'Outstanding Entertainment in Music: 'XneTeiep'horte Hour*' (nbc)
expression they enjoyed on the radio
in this country."
Outstanding News Commentary: Raymond Gram Swing (*Bc)
"I am afraid," he said, "you Amer
icans do not fully appreciate the
freedom of your radio. If I had $1,
000,000 I couldn't
buy time for a re- The Mutual Broadcasting System sincerely congratulates the skilled .men and women
ligious program on British radio
stations.It simply isn't done be- responsible for this stellar radio fare. Our nation is surely privileged above all others in
cause we do not have commercial
programs," he declared. its regular access to entertainment and enlightenment of this calibre. We extend equally

sincere greetings to the stations whose programs were individually honored by the Peabody
Overseas for USO Since Jan.
Committee for 1944; wlw, Cincinnati; wtac, Worcester; wnyc, New York; wibx, Utica;
'43—Now In Germany
koin, Portland; wfbl, Syracuse; kvoo, Tulsa; kmox, St. Louis; kfi, Los Angeles, and to

Col. Edward M. Kirby of the War Department.

We are particularly pleased at the honors won by Sherman Dryer, producer-director of

"The Human Adventure" for Mutual, and his able staff, working with the University of

Chicago and the Encyclopaedia Britannica. That this is the only network-financed, net-
Dlr.i PHIL C08CIA work-presented program among all the Peabody winners is- gratifying, too—but the creative

personnel behind all fine radio on all networks and all stations merits a profound bow
from all ojt us engaged in the business of broadcasting.


! ! .

Wednesday, April 4, 1913

He "Glamorizes" the Ladies to . .


When this beauty authority recommends
clothes, hair-dos, cosmetics, anything a woman To Prove the Pulling Power of
this Unique Performer—
buys— gals open their ears and their purses!

Funny thing about -women! When they want advice on

how to "pretty up"— they usually turn to a man.
And when that man's a famed beauty authority— a
"glamorizer" of Hollywood's brightest stars— you can 12:35 to 1:00 p.m.
bet they take his advice fast MONDAY-SATURDAY 1130 ON YOUR DIAL
Let him recommend a lipstick, for example, and presto!
That brand is on every gal's lips!
No wonder Richard Willis is a godsend to merchants
with clothes, cosmetics or coiffures to sell

Six days a week over WNEW, this former head of a

Hollywood make-up studio tells the ladies what dress to

choose— what eye-shadow to use— by analyzing real-life
womeu who bring their problems before his mike.
An unusual program? Of course! WNEW's built a
reputation for doing the unusual— with unusual selling

That's why we suggest you contact "Sales" now. And-

discover how you can get in on this remarkable new
program while there's still a little time left. NEW YORK 22, NIW YORK

Wednesday, April 4. 1945 RADIO •7

WEB OF INDIES FOR Mnsc, Dramat Sastamers

FCC Allocations
ST. fa NBC Cuceflatioi Gaps
St. Louis, April 3. NBC will replace two* sponsored
Decish Doe Soon The Gricsedieck Bros. Brewery is
the second makers of suds locally
half-hour slots with
shows, first starting next Saturday
Postwar Radio News Coverage
that will bankroll the play-by-play night (7), other to begin following
Washington, April 3. '

phia^ Cleveland^ and Seattles of

Chicago, April
baseball of all home games of the Sunday (15).
frequency allocations
FCC's final
Cardinals and Browns during the A super-hypoed postwar news' Europe and Asia, In other words.
are probably due within the next
First show that went off last .

International postwar reconversion

forthcoming season. With the four un-
weeks, it is hinted here.
Saturday, <31) was Brome-Seltzer's coverage of .world events, world,
equalled in history, is seen as the problems throughout the
couple of major stations, KMOX, KXOX, KSD
is set a.s the outside limit, be-
"The Saint" which will be replaced
May 1
and KWK tossing b.b. out of the war approaches its climax. Net- however, will, it is felt,, change all
cause "that is the date the Commis-
in the 7:30-8 p.m. niche by the musi-

window because of net and other cal stanza "Serenade lo America" works are expected to lie up with this. The thousands of good stories
sion is due- lo report its final allo- commercial commitments, Oscar

expected to pour out of Europe

featuring a large orch conducted by wire services (Associated Press,
cations to the Slate Dept. Zahner, v.p. of Ruthrauff & Ryan, Leopold Spitalny and Robert Mer- United Press, International News when peace comes will be tough
This isexpected to include short- has lined up WIL, an indie station, Service, etc.) on unparalleled deals enough to get adequate coverage on,
rill, winner of the Metdpcra Audi-
wave siijwcslions which will be con- to handle the games, tions, as well as other vocalists. Deal that will increase the income of the especially with increased interest
sidered at the inter-American con- latter anywhere from $2,000,000 to in foreign affairs on' the part of
The Eu- WIL will pipe the play-by-play lo put in 'a sponsored show at this
ference in Rio this year. $4,000,00" a year.- At the same time, listeners. And Americans will want
ropean situation regarding interna- stun* to a web consisting of KHMO, hour was snafued when most of 22- to know. more about Asia, the Near
Hannibal; KFRU, Columbia; KDRO, station hookup which took the head- the arrangements will cost' nets
tional shortwave will remain in only a little more than: they're East and Latin-America too.
abeyance until some time after the Sedalia; KFVS, Cape. Girardeau (.all ache easer show refused to lake an-

Nazi surrender. Mo.); WJPF, Herrin. III., and other bankrolled stanza from the —
spending now but for better cov- a cinch that nets' won't be

WKRO. Cairo, III. Charles E. (' Gab- web, preferring -to sell the -time erage than if they were lo do the able to spend the huge sums neces-
One of the last matters to be set- locally, since the hour is station news job as they did in peacetime. sary to build staffs to get a good
by") Street, former manager of thft
tlerl before announcement of the time locally, since the hour is sta- job of world news coverage. So it's
Cardinals, will do a 10-min. pre Nets undoubtedly won't want lo
frcoueii'cyallocations is said to be tion time, anyway. practically in the bag that they'll
game stint and then add his com- earmark thebig chunks of coin
the 'troublesome Other stanza, slotted tie in with- the news services, which
ments throughout the games. Har for the 12; 30- postwar that they're putting out
ry Caray has been brought by Zah- 1 p.m., Sunday niche, is a dramatic now are already geared for the job.'
for news and special, events.
ner from KXOK to do the play-by- program starring Lula Vollmer, nar- However, because they were never
WLW LIMITING MIDDLE, play stuff. rator,
stories with rural
This stint replaces the
very heavy in the correspondent ABTHUX SIMOH TO WIND
dept. before the war— when they Chicago, April 3.
Sfradivarius musical chore, featur-
OPEN NEWSCAST PLUGS Dallw— "Fightin' Texans"
aired ing Pual Lavalle and
spotted news staffers in world capi- In line with WIND'S policy, since
a string orch, tals only— Ihey were always far out- separationfrom WJJD, of im-
Cincinnati, April 3. each Friday over
with Felix WFAA
bankrolled by Prince Matchabelli. distanced in intensive coverage by
proving its broadcast schedules by
Put into effect Monday (2) by gen. McKnight under sponsorship of the
'mgr. Robert E. Duhville, WLW
limits First National Bank of Dallas, has Latter show ends its NBC run next the wire services. The news serv-
the gradual addition of live talent
shows, Arthur Simon has joined the
to 30 seconds commercial announce- been awarded a special award by Sunday (8), moving over to CBS fol- ices, besides casing the capitals, had
station as assistant to Ralph L. At-
ments at opening of newscasts orig- the Dallas Adv. League £.« ah out- lowing Sunday and will be heard at correspondents spotted in many
lass, president, as a step for further
inating on the station. Policy change standing radio presentation.

8 p.m. - other overseas burgs, (he Philadel- expansion in this field.

also holds middle commercials to 90
seconds and specifies that they come
only after complete coverage of
day's principal news. Misleading
commercial introductions such as

"flash bulletin" or "here is some

good news" are taboo. I only radio station in The aH
Policy varies from, that of affili-
ated NBC which prexy Niles Train- broadcasting history to rtceivo thtso
men explained recently bars middle I

I THREE AWARDS in one yoor

Old Gold, Walgreen Will
Sponsor Chi Baseball
Chicago, April 3.

Old Gold cigarettes IP, Lorillard

t Co.) and the Walgreen drug chain
.again will alternate co-sponsorship
of the Chicago Cubs baseball games,
which will continue to go exclusively
over WIND beginning April 17.
Plays will be called by Bert Wilson,
who won acclaim for his sportcast-
ing of Ihe games last season, assisted
by Wayne Osborne, former star
pitcher of the Pacific Coast League.

Beginning April 5 and continuing

through April 11, Wilson will broad-
cast "Cub News" direct from the
spring training quarters at French
Lick. Indiana and Louisville. Ky., 'in-
cluding tiie exhibition game on
April 8 at Louisville between the
Cubs and Cincinnati Reds. The
presented to WTAO for
news periods, heard Monday through
Saturday. at 6:30 p.m. ICWT) are "Helping to make One World —r Blueprint for Future"
being sponsored by the Chicago Na-
tional Lague baseball club, through
Arthur Meyerhoff & Co.

Columbus— J. Harry Moore, Cin-

cinnati high school teacher and for
*7*4e Peafodf Awafid
several years night newscaster for by the GEORGE FOSTER PEABODY COMMITTII)
\\CPO there, has been' named Ohio
Director of Industrial
Gov. Frank J.
Relations by
Lausc tv».. Moove is P
presented to WTAO for
member of AFRA which supported
him in his unsuccessful campaign
for Congress.
Wolfa* o/ the Community it &*umi"

The do Pont Radio Award for1944

presented to WTAO for

" .outstanding public service in encouraging, promoting and


developing American ideals of freedom and for loyal devoted

service to the nation and to the community . . .

fteprei.nied by RAYM1R I

"w irrsrs i _. . WTAG W ORC E
S T E R ,

Wcdncwky, April 4, 19 15


"For outstanding and meritorious public service in

encouraging, fostering, promoting and developing
American ideals of '.freedom, and for loyal and devoted
service to the nation and to the community it serves?'*


Alfred I. duPont Award

"The Pulitzer Prize of Radio"

If* Quoted from the presentation made by the Alfred I.

duPont Award Committee to Station WJR at the St.
Regis Hotel, New York City, Saturday, March 10, 1945.]

BASIC STATION, Columbia Broadcasting System G. A. RICHARDS Pres

and General Manager EDWARD PETRY & COMPANY INC Nal ional Representative
Vice-Pres. •
Wednesday, April 4, 194S RADIO REVIEWS 39
made at flying fields right after the "WORLD PEACE FORUM" "TALENT THEATRE"
planes returned from forays. Emcee: Sumner Welles With Glnny. Slmms, Edgar Falrrhlld
The Rhine Journey -BBC Version

Musical bridges and features Announcer: Don Lowe Orch., Frank Graham, announcer,
came from the Coast with AAF In- Producer: Alexander LeflwloB others
strumentalists and a male chorus, 30 Mlns.; Men, 10:30 p.m. DIrector-Prodaeer: Cal Kutal
It isn't surprising that —
BBC past masters in the art of documentary directed by Lt. Col. Eddie Dun- Sustaining Writer: Milton Merlin

reporting should nave come up last week with one of the most nota- stedter, kicking in with sock treat- WJZ-Blue, N. Y. 30 Mlns.; Toes., 3 p.m.
ble gripping and exciting "on the scene" battlefront accounts since, to ment of Air Force tunes, including a As part of its educational program, PHILIP MORRIS
paraphrase the announcer, "radio went to war." In a 15-mlnute
"Winged Victory" medley. geared to the United Nations security WEAF-NBC, N. Y.
actuality broadcast as part of the "London Column" series which is
Only sour note was a misguided confab which opens at San Francisco (Biou>)
carried by about 50 independent stations in the U. S. (WMCA in N. Y.) on April 25, the Blue has booked
drama of the fateful crossing of the Rhine was attempt to add lightness to the half- .Ginny Simms' show opened with a
all the 'breath-taking four; Monday evening round-lable new format in March. Gimmick is
hour by -recreating the experience of
ciptured in a full, detailed description by BBC reporters. Atop an ob- two wrecked flyers in the Pacific talks. Leading the discussions and to put on the air professional enter-
servation post on the bank of the Rhine; crouching in the bow of a washed up on summarizing the views of the pro- tainers who have been, in the armed
a remote island. Pay-
Buffalo fighting the currents of the red waters sharply illuminated by gram's guests is Sumner Welles, forces or busy .With USO-Camp
off line in which tribal chieftain
the burning buildings on the east bank; prcoariously dangling a mike grunted former Undersecretary of State, Show work, and need assistance in
to one of the flyers, a Lt.
connected between a towing plane and a glider for the crash-land on Brown, "Me name Brown, too," was probably the one layman in the U. S. 're-establishing themselves.
the other side, the BBC correspondents took the listener through the an example of "cute" radio writing who comes closest to knowing the sors make an effort to get Spon- talent
tense seconds that must have seemed like hours as the men of the 51st

State Dept. mind and its past foreign

Highland Division waited for H-hour: one could hear the chicken fry-
at its worst: It must have read bet- buyers to listen, with a view toward
Then ter than it sounded, otherwise it's getting jobs for the guests, so that
ing the bagpipes playing, right through the last 30 seconds. hard to sec' how the sequence, could On the precm (2), Welles invested airer becomes an auditioner for
the Rhine journey itself, even more tense during" the wait of the men a warm, human quality and w;is
possibly have been included in an show
(or the enemy to open Are and the mike picking up the crackling of otherwise impressive script. Donn. —
anything but pontifical which is all people deserving a break.
When heard (27), Miss Simms*
(femes from the burning buildings. lo the good, purpose being to. inter-
characteristic British understatement and calm- guests were Shelby "Tex" Atkinson,
It was all done in est as many Americans as possible
singer and former member of the
ness radio's parallel to the visual "Desert Victory" documentary film "THE BILLIE BURKE SHOW" instead of merely those who can't
of the African campaign, yet the
very "playing down" of the fateful
Producer: Axel Gruenberg take, opinion that isn't given in National Barn Dance ensemble, who
assault only accentuated all. the tenseness and drama of the crossing. Writer: Virginia Cook Groton accenjs. Welles' guests on has just been discharged from the
BBC has made some recordings of the broadcast. It's a recording that the opener were tops in their field: Navy; George Dunn, a, vaude come-
Announcer: Tom Dickson dian with a rustic routine, who gave
will stand as one of the notable documents of radio war reporting. Special music: Matty Malneek Yale "proxy Charles Seymour, who
Rose. 19 months' time to the USO; and
is one of the world's great academic
30 Mlns.; Sat. 11:30 a. m. Mike Trowbridge, a good' baritone
authorities on the history, achieve-
WABC-CBS, N. Y. 'ments and failures of Woodrow Wil-' who supported Jcanette MacDonald
"THE FIGHTING AAF" its successive chapters recount deeds son's League of Nations efforts; in one M-G-M picture before he
H. Arnold, James of heroism on all fronts calculated (Lambert & Fensley) pollster George Gallup; Florida's went into the Army.
With Gens. II.
to generate pride at home and in the Guests heard were definitely not
Doolittle, Ira Eafcer.Carl Spaatz^, Billie Burke's show, aired for new Senator Claude D. Pepper.
Eddie Dunstedter wltlr ranks of the Army's air arm. The sponsor (Listerine .Tooth Powder) Welles opened and closed the pro- amateurs, carrying out format's
fA. Col.
program likewise is another out- for the first time Saturday (31), gram, speaking from WWPG, Palm promise. Of the three performers
AAF drch and chorus, Sft. Frank
standing example of wartime co- wove commercials into the program Beach, while the others were gath- caught, two were good and one will
Gallagher, Sft. Ben Gaj-e, Cpl.
operation between Government and in the same light, fluffy manner ered at a WJZ studio in N. Y. Dis- never be missed in the profession,
Fete Leeds, Sft. Martin Black,
industry with the Blue network and typical of the scatterbrain, breath- cussants agreed that people of U.S.A. but sponsors and producers are to be
Pvt. Larry Dobkln, T. Sft Hal
the air force combining facilities and less Burke formula. It made for in- are "long on interest, short on facts" congratulated for doing their part in
Gi'bney, Don Lowe, ethers manpower to build the show. offensive product plugging, rightly when it comes to the real issues in- giving these people a chance to be
Producer: MaJ. Frederic Brlswn Highlights of precm (31) were "in- cued from the very start by the an- volved in Dumbarton Oaks, Yalta judged for professional merit.
Writers: T. Sft. Warren Lewis, Cpl. pcrson" reports on combat accom- nouncer's airy, gushing remarks that and Frisco .talk-fcsts, and tried to That prime' purpose is being ac-
Keith Fowler plishments from AAF headman, "everybody in the studio is all a- clarify some of the issues, from a complished is proved by fact that
3D Mlns.; Sat., 1:30 p.m. Gen. H. H. "Hap" Arnold, and his twitter because they want to make healthy, cooperative viewpoint. two of the guests Heard in the first
Sustaining key subordinates. Gens. Jimmie Doo- good for a new spsnsor," and con- Altogether, the program, was a good month of the new format have al-
WJZ-Blue, N. Y. little, Tooey Spaatz and Ira Eaker. tinued in the light banter between effort in the direction of sound peace ready been signed up for jobs. Both
This newcomer to the Blue net-
Gen. Arnold's portion of the pro- Miss Burke and announcer Tom thinking. More discussions of this are singers. Michael Dowd, just out
work's Saturday afternoon sked gram was partly culled from his of- Dickson on the same subject. Simi- type, by really able participants; of the Navy, was given a film con- .

ficial report to the Secy, of War and lar Burke inanities marked the mid- should go a long way to make of tract with Republic, and former
should have been dedicated to Gen. this war's peace treaties something aerial gunner Bob Matthews has
BlUy Mitchell, pioneer military ad- typified the General's forthright program commercial. Only criticism
character, vitality and aggressive- of the plug was the triple-header, different than the Versailles pact, been given a. job at the Florentine
vocate for air power whose tangles which, the late Lloyd George had Gardens in Hollywood.
Army and ness as well as his willingness to top-heavy listing at the start, with
and misadventures with called "the most abused,
bureaucratic red tape adds up to a share kudos with the Navy, Marines the gushing opening, regular an- . least
and Armv ground forces. nouncement, and star's kidding-plug, perused document in history." "ONTARIO PANORAMA"
shameful episode in U. S. history. With Gordon Sinclair, Alan Savage,
"The Fighting: AAF" is a frank and Scope of "Fighting AAF"- knows all before the program got under
no limits. Gen. Arnold aired from way. ((testers.
outright pitch for preservation of a
Washincton. and, by transcriptions As for program, it continues a
'What's the Good Word?'
Producer: Alan Savage
strong air arm after the war and
also for that necessary corollary, a
healthy aviation industry.
made "on location," Doolittle was sprightly show, keeping up a live
beamed in from England, SpaaU pace and quality throughout. Miss
From WNEW 30 Mlns.; Fri„ 9 p. m.
spoke from a European base, and Burke got in her amusing, somewhat
"What's the Good Word?," gram- CFRR, Toronto
Cued to these objectives are the Eaker was recorded in Italy. In ad- malapropish gags, while the story it- mar stanza formerly heard on N. Y. (Cocfc/leld-Broum)
equally important motives, victory dition, wire-recorded interviews self cleverly mixed in a farce about indie, WNEW, gets a full Mutual net- While sponsor's product is going
over the Nazis and Nip. ; at the earli-

with pilots and. crew members of Easter eggs, black markets, and an work airing beginning April 15, once mainly to the services overseas, with
est possible date and a lasting peace fighter planes and bombers are being Alice in Wonderland court-trial, the weekly, in the 10:45-11 p.m. slot. little for domestic civilian consump-
based on our ability to protect bur used to point up the program's "on- while working in a serious touch tion, Willards was quick to grab
homeland and outposts. Obviously Stanza features Maxwell Nurnberg,
the-scenes" emphasis. Planned, are showing up black market operators "Ontario Panorama" three weeks
this means military strength on land, sequences recorded during actual in eggs and gasoline. Miss Burke was
Brooklyn high school English teach- after the program started out as a
at sea and in the air. missions with the flyers themselves her top-form feather-brained self, er, who gives his slant oh proper use sustaincr, with two other would-be
Rewards on the morale front also describing the. action. On teeoff with a smart cast in support. of ^vords, phrases and pronouncia- sponsors bidding. According to EI-
are to be expected from "AAF" as "• (Continued on page 40)
program, however, interviews were Bron. tions.



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DAVE ELMAN • 515 MADISON AVENUE, New York < PLaz»«8-2900

40 RADIO Wednesday, April 4, 1943

Radio Reviews
Continued from paga.St i

liott-Haynes rating, "Ontario 'Pano- was proven again by the sets. These
rama" is second highest in popular- were so artificial they bordered on
ity in Canada of any program origi- the amateurish,
nating here on Fridays, leader being But the telefan who is willing to
a musical- show series. overlook such things, during this
Design is to revive old home- stage of the game, could have viewed
town memories, with advance man a performance that was sxSiMLJit^m
visiting the specified town a few screened very well, bringing out
days ahead and lining up interesting images that were clear and un-
personalities who are interviewed on blurred. Staging, too, was at par, the
that week's program by Gordon Sin- telescoping of the entire play into
clair and Alan Savage. Program is several short scenes, none of' them

WE'RE doubly-sponsored by a local service

club or Legion branch and broadcast
from the spot's town or community
requiring more than three people at
a time, resulting In smoothness that
was tailormadc to the narrow con-
hall. Audiences pay 25-50c admis- fines in which the television actors
sion, all of which goes Into the serv- must work.
ice club's coffers, plus a $50 cheque

HONORED from Willards. Type of interviewee

includes local "characters" for com-
edy; people in unusual occupations;
law-enforcement officials, heroes,
Follow-up Comment
etc. Sinclair and Savage have a pre-

TO WIN pared introduction and set of ques-

tions for each of the seven inter-
viewees, but latter speak extempo-
Kathleen debuting as a
radio script writer with Monday
McStay. (2) CBS "Bright Horizon" program,
turned out a workmanlike job for
"HEADLINE EDITION" Lever Bros., with a family yarn that
'VARIETY'S' With Taylor Grant, Albert Leltch
Ulmer Turner, Via Reed, others
was sprightly, literate without being
literary, and natural. Addition of
the high-priced novelist highlights
Producer: Richard L. Tobln
the net s interest in hypoing its day-
Supervisor: Adrian Samlsh
lime serials as well as its desire to

PLAQUE AWARD 15 Mlns.; Mon-Frl., 7 p.m.

WJZ-Blue, N. V.
The Blue's new cross-the-board
cut into the Blue's lush a.m. field:
Another CBS soaper, off the air
since Jan., resumed same day (2) in
"Young Dr. Malone," the recital of
evening news feature is a good a young country medico's mishaps
special events show. There's nothing returning under sponsorship of
particularly new in it but it's easy .Procter & Gamble, vice General
on the listener. Plan is to pick up Foods.
commentators and guests for inter-
views in New York, Chicago, San On "Author Meets Critics," Earl
Lonej. before the 1944 "Variety" Show- Francisco, etc., as well as to flash Wilson stressed today's nileries as
latest news and dramatize parts of being perhaps comparable to the
management Awards were made. To- the news in"March of Time" fashion. coffee-houses of Samuel Johnson's
ronto listeners were giving most promis- When heard (29). guests were Eric day. Bennett Cerf cracked that of
Johnston, president of U. S. Cham- the N. Y. Post's 32 pages there's
ing acceptance to CKEY's style of radio ber of Commerce, who talked about practically a columnist for every
Hie postwar labw-industry pence
page, after discounting two pages of
entertainment. code he 'released the day before, the c«mics and two of news. Wilson,
AFL's Bill Green, and CIO's Phil credited a competitive publisher,

Murray; arid the commander, of the Jack Goodman, of Simon & Schuster,
In less than four months operation, their Chinese Navy, who is in San Fran- for giving him the "8-Ball" title.
cisco. Latter's voicing was very dif- Sterling North was the other guest
enthusiastic response skyrocketed CKEY ficult to understand. Fault was not critic and John McCaffrey an ex-
his; special events people discovered cellent moderator. Because of the
into FIRST PLACE in Toronto during day- long ago that our Chinese allies arc nature of Wilson's book it called for
EUiott-Haynes ratings told better fighters than English speakers. utmost judiciousness in terminology
time hours. Spotting him on this program did when discussing it over WHN, N. Y.,
the story. They showed that during De- not help listener any, even if it may but all did it with good taste and
have contributed toward unity with not too pointed emphasis on Wilson's
cember CKEY had a 20 to 13 margin over a respected ally. journalistic penchant for flatties,
their nearest competitor in Programs First Except for this one spot, however, falsies, etc.
show was worth hearine. with Tay-
in Popularity. Since then we've not only lor Grant doing a particularly good
held our —
position we're improving it
job as emcee.

each and every month.

Television Reviews
The reason for this swell progress is no
secret. We're simply giving our listeners Narrator: House Jameson, with Rob-
ert Shaw's Collegiate Chorus
what they like and plenty of it. Two-hour Producer: Dr. Herbert Graf
shows of continuous music by top musi- Scenic Designer: Ray Kelly
30 Mlns., Saturday, March 31, 8 p.m.

cal organizations with a minimum of Sustaining
interruptions by station-controlled com- NBC's television department last
mercials. dramatic news every
Brief, Saturday night (31) staged one of
the best produced, most entertaining
hour on the hour twenty-four hours a and yet dignified, programs on a
subject that does not lend itself
day ... less selling . more entertain-
. .
readily to such treatment. Memor-
ment able stanza was "The Story of '

Coming as it did the eve of Easter
Sunday, at a time when other video
We're proud to be in "VARIETY'S " se- stations in the metropolitan area

lect circle of 1944 —

Award winners holding were off the air, set owners who
turned to television to pass the time
of evening that night were given a
the Bronze Plaque for Local Station Initia- rare treat. Although dignity pre-
tive. —
We're not surprised we're pleased 4„ V> vailed throughout, the closeups" of
religious paintings, displayed with
Oa time with the right timq
though that recognition has come from the voice of narrator House Jameson — in the office* of time buy;
the "Bible of Show Business." in the background reading from the
scriptures, plus the excellent choral
ers from coast-to-coast —
work of Robert Shaw's Collegiate that's one reason. Weed ft
Chorus were excellently mounted Company keeps' 'i weadjf
and clearly televised.
Camera crew at NBC was in rare flow of i Igned contracts in
R«pr*MHtattvM: form on this video show, aided, of tfaemail of Weed-represent*
course, by the production guidance
ed stations.
H.erbert Graf. They were on
the u
beam, centering every pictorial
closeup, garnering good shots
Moitraal of the

*»«w York
cftoir, the narrator and the

ing indeed, considering the

praying in the neat church setting.
Incidentally, the stained glass paint-
ings and reproduction of the
of a church, Including the choir
pulpit and pews was forthright stag-
\ \ I ) ( i
)M P \ \V
studio space in which the setting
was built.
S(en _

DIAL 580 0'. CHiC-'-GC

With Michael Fltxmaurlce, Sheppard
Menken, Joy Gotten, Richard Sell.
Viotor Thorley .

Producer-Director: Bob Emery

30 Mins.; Tueg„ March 27, 8:3* p.m.
An excellent performance of a
good play was put on the video screen
by WOR's "Brownstone Theatre"
•when it presented "David Garrick."
The entire cast was competent, with
socko performances turned in by the
two leads, Michael Fltzmaurice as
the famous Drury Lane actor who is
in love with the daughter of a rich
man from London's "City," and Shep-
pard Menken as the father who
wants to break up the affair; Re-
mainder of cast, Including Richard

TORONTO Seff, Joy Gotten and Victor Thorley,

also performed well.
That video is not quite mature en-
tertainment, in spite of an excellent
performance and really fine lighting,

rlllk . N.w Y.rk IJ, N.Y
Wednesday, April 4, 194S

Here at the Blue Network we've made some In the two weeks we added 13,976,320

interesting progress recently in one spe- additional impressions per week to our morn-
phase of this radio business. We seem to
cific ing audience! And of course this increase came
have been able to influence more and more to us from the other networks.
people to hear the shows our advertisers are The advance Hooper reveals that for March
putting on. the Blue was the only network to lift its Share-
It started a few months back. We had some of-audience while the other three networks
new we wanted to try. From the experi-
ideas dipped. And, as you know, the Blue's average
ence many of us had in selling products, we rating of all morning programs is the highest
thought it might be well to approach the sell- of the four networks.
ing of entertainment the same way. So we be-
This is just a beginning
lieve we've added some new thinking to sound
With progress like this, naturally we're
promotion effort.
planning other promotions. We're confident
In place of routine promotions, we set out we're going to get the same kind of results
on Planned Promotions. We
coordinated the with them, too. It's given us a promotional
efforts of our 196 stations the way a manufac- philosophy that can be summed up in two sen-
turer coordinates" dealer- effort.
It was obvious that the impact of 196 sta- SHOWS TO OFFER THE PUBLIC (and ours
tions,working with agencies and advertisers, are getting better all the time). SECOND,
would-deliver many more the Blue. YOU HAVE TO LET PEOPLE KNOW ABOUT
THESE SHOWS (and it looks like we've hit
The Sunday Night Promotion
on a good way of doing this).
First—we charted a Sunday-night-on-the- All this adds up to a pretty important thing
Blue promotion. It was only an experiment. to radio advertisers: Now's a good time to get
Nobody knew how it would come out. your franchise on the Blue!
The individual stations took the plan, en-
hanced it with their own ideas and their own
enthusiasm, and here's what happened:
6,800,000 more families were attracted to the
Blue on Sunday night this in spite of well-
. . .
organized previous promotions by the two other
major networks. BROADCASTING
The Morning Promotion COMPANY, Inc.
worked once. So it was tried again.
Well, it

Next came the Morning Promotion. Head-

quarters formulated the Plan. 196 stations put
it into effect. The results?
42 RADIO Wednesday, April 4, 1945
will shortly up that to 300 watts.
Even on the reduced power, how- Stand. Oil, hd., Adds
Radio Paradise of Top Bills Sans ever, fan mail is received from as Radio Engineers
far as 1,500 miles away.
The Navy acquired the outfit only
Continued from pace IS WBBM for News Blanket
about last October from the Army, and more con- customed to finer, Chicago, April
Plugs Reported From Pacific Area

which had it set up in a tent. The

programs— and Recent inking of contract fo-- i>;
Army look its transmitter with it. sistent public service newscasts weekly over WBBM lio-e
Admiralty Island. Feb. 22. twisting would be. even if WVTD however, in preparation for moving he will have to continue getting it
didn't have a clear-channel fran- into the -Philippines, -and the local alter- the war, or lie' 11 let us hear by Standard Oil Co.- of Indiana
Flip Iho switch on your radio out
chise On a primary market area that Navy men to whom the call letters from him in no uncertain terms. part of outfit's five-year radio adr
here almost any time- of the clay and and frequency were turned over And the war has brought about tre-
includes so-and-so many thousands

verlising program. Company's ob-

you can make the 10,000 miles be- of GIs. a handful of natives, and found that'sabout all they had. Un- mendous progress In radio engineer-
millions of square 'miles of salt like the Army, the Navy had no bud- ing. jective is to become the principal
tween the Far Central Pacific and
water. getary provision for entertainment sponsor .of news and sports broad-
New York disappear faster than a Writers' Growing Stature casts in the territory served by them.
The Hooper-toppers of which etherizers. So radio technicians' Ray-
1()-spol nl the Stork Club. Of. course. ;

"The program director and tha Standard i.s developing its spon.sor-
WVTD boasts are. of course, platler- mond 'B. See (ex-North American
there's not much' use in indulging
i/.ed. They're included in the Ki2 15- Aviation, Kansas City) and Alfred O. writer are already in their own how, ship of this type program, station by
Schwarzi ex-Bell Laboratories. Mor- and will keep their place after vic- station, as time becomes available
in lhat old American habit of dial- mjmitc sides which are provided the
outlet each week by the Armed listown. N. J.) had to start from tory. Parenthetically, some of the with broadcasts now being heard
twisting, because you have a Choice
over 16 stations, two to three times
Forces Radio Service. Most of the scratch. Their original 50-watt trans- biggest names in radio have found
of -exactly one But who
station. out how dependent they are upon daily from three to seven days a
discs are off-tho-air pick-ups, with mitter, as with their hew 300-waUer,
wants more than a one-point landing the product blurbs dubbed out, al- does not contain a single part ex- — writers suddenly yanked away from

with a weekly layout like this: though a number are specially-made —
cept tubes that at one time or an- ihem by the armed services and the No middle commercials are used,
Comedy: Charlie McCarthy. Great each week for AFHS. They circu- other hadn't been thrown in the junk writer, from here. on in, is going to
announcements being confined lb '

Gilderslcevc, Jack' Benny, Allan late through two circuits— "The Jun- heap by .ships stopping here or by command greater, respect than ever. opening and closing spots of the
Young. Popcyc. Blondie. Burns and. gle Network" and "The Mosquito the Navy's official radio dot-dasher "But on the engineering end, the programs which are heard over sla-
Allen. Amos 'n' Andy. Bob Hope, Network." In addition, they go to in the Admiralties, it takes con- biggest things are going to happen tions In Chicago, Denver. Des Moines,
Fibber McGee St Molly. Frank Mor- ships at sea and Army bases which stant attendance with screw driver,
after. the war —
and the engineers are
Detroit, Indianapolis, Kansas City',
gan. .Tack Carson. Durante and are out of range of the "network" pliers and soldering kit to keep the going to be topdog in radio. Some Milwaukee, Minneapolis, Omaha and
Moore. Aldrich Family.- Duffy's Tav- outlets. In those. cases, they're played station on the air. people in radio are trying to kid St. Louis. In some cities more than
ern. on p.a. systems. The outlet unshutters at 6:30 each themselves by saying that there are one outlet Ls used.
Music: Sammy Kaye, Andre Kos- "Voice of Admiralties" morning and continues until 8 a. m. no real new developments, of real
telanetz, Hour of Charm, Rudy Val- WVTD. which bills itself "The U resumes at 11 and runs to 1 p. m.. value to industry as a result of the
id- .Fred Waring, Ozzie Nelson. Voice ol the Admiralties." is one of cutting in again at 4 and operating war. They are either deluding Chicago Dept. Store
Johnny Mercer, Raymond Scott. Kay the 12 stops (there are a couple until the Onal sign-off at 10:15. The .themselves —or are trying to delude
Kyscr. Dinah Shore, John Charles more about to be added in the timing lakes the station off the air others. B.R/s Wounded CIcr
Thomas. Eddie Condon, Martha Philippines) on the "Jungle Net- during the hours the men are at "In Washington, recently, the FCC
Raye. Jumes Melton, Mildren Bailey. work." Its operation is pretty much work and unable to listen. Chicago, April 3.
had six members of the radio in-
Guy Lombardo, Band Wagon. Hit typical of all. except for the fact Much of the talent for „the live dustry sit in on a secret hearing Bankrolling the first show of its
Parade, Spotlight bands. Boston that it is the only Navy-operated shows is provided by Negro Sea- where Government engineers really kind to be sponsored in this terri-
Symphony. NBC Symph...Ncw York kilowattcr on the web. All the oth- Bees who have built and maintain told something. Of course, the six
tory, Carson Pirie Scott and Com-
Philharmonic. Metropolitan 'Opera. ers are strictly Army, although ca- the base. They have a fine choral
men were sworn to secrecy, and are pany, State street department store,
American Album of Familiar Music. tering to the entire armed forces group and choir. Then there are maintaining silence. But all you
Add to these: Information Please. trade. "Jungle" call letters run in remotes, such as play-by-play ac-
have to do is watch tha faces of have signed a contract, for a 15-
Cavalcade of America, plenty of jive series from WVTA through WVTB, counts of important local ball games, these
men when you talk to then) ininule variety program for wounded
by unbilled top names, frequent etc.. up a rpund-table.' and even studio-audi-
about new developments. They GI's beginning April B over WMAQ.
news broadcasts, plus about 10 local Operating at 1480 kilocycles, ence shows. The studios have been don't say anything.- but you know Titled "Variety." the show will be

shows a week and no commercials WVTD has an output of 50 watts. converted by the SeaBces from a they're hep to plenty. broadcast Mondays, Wednesdays and
— and you can see how futile dial-

An almost-completed transmitter former officers' mess hall. A "That'j! why, very quietly, radio
Fridays from 3:15 to 5:30 p.m.
sailor-artist. Anatole Pudovkin, pho- (CWT) front various Army and
scouting for the best
tographer's mate second class, of people are out Navy hospitals in this area, and will
engineering talent they can ac-
Oxnard. Cat. is presently decorat- feature the Art Van Damme instru-
ing them with murals. quire for postwar work. The en- mental
quartet and Jeanne Mac-
gineers will be able to write their
The studio piano looks like some- Kenna. singer. Guest stars will be
thing the Japs might have left after own ticket. The new era. the en- used from time to time.
be the
the American invasion of these gineering cycle, Is going to One of the features of the program
islands 10 months ago. biggest thing in radio yet."
It is minus will be a letter writing contest in
three keys, and has to have a large
which families of servicemen and
electric bulb continuously alight in
Pittsburgh.— The team of Sylvia women in this area will have the
its innards to keep the moisture out
Rhodes and Pat Burke (Mr. and opportunity to win a $100 war bond,
of its tired strings.
Mrs.), formerly of in Cincin- on each show, for tha GI they write WLW
nati, have returned to her home about, Contract is for 13 weeks and

Akron Eddie Butler is now air- town for a new commercial over went through Burnet-Kuhu with
ing a 10:15 p.m. sports program each KDKA. It's a Saturday evening shot Lou Tilden handling negotiations for
Friday over WADC. sponsored by Breakfast Cheer coffee. NBC-WMAQ.



WFBL wins national recognition AOAIN! Tho loading; radio itatlon in a rl.h market
wlni citation in the 1945 George Potior Ptabody award*
, , . for "Syracuio on Trial"

. . . Thii WFBL program alio received tho ftrrt prlic for public ditcutsion programs
In Ohio State Univerjity* Radio Institute) contort.

In newi . . .entertainment. . . public torvlco

. . .and educational program* « , , WPBl
hat boon tho loader for 23 yoaral


' u t [ *
t T i r ; U A T
0 N ,\ I R [ !>
R [ WNU 1 I V E 5
WeJfnd«y, April 4, 194S 4t

faster than you can say Umbriago


... . starting sponsorship of the
Durante-Moore show
on CBS this Friday night!

Meeting mid-air with unexpected speed, United Rexall Drug

and N. W. Ayer got together this week with CBS and the
Jimmy Durante - Garry Moore show.

Now that the initial shock is over we've paused to

untangle arms and legs, and sort out noses:—
we've stopped to probe this promising pile of merchandising
plans, showmanship, and facilities.

And, out of this talented heap, we've arranged the following

line-up for your inspection.


Jimmy Durante United Rexall Drug Co. The full CBS network
Garry Moore for Rexall Drug Stores Friday night at 10

Georgia Gibbs and Products

Roy Bargy's Orchestra
Howard Petrie
Directed by Phil Cohan

by the Agency: N. W. Ayer

44 ORCHESTRAS—MUSIC Wednesday, April 4, 1915

Euclid Beach to Bank Curfew Cues War Plant WARNING TO PUBLISHERS

On Local Names This Booking Name Bands ON PAPER RESTRICTIONS
Bands at Hotel B. O.V
(Presented, herewith, as a weekly tabulation, is the estimated cover
Cleveland, ApVil 3. Music publishers were warned bj chares business beine done by name bands in various New York hotels.
Yean Ditto Crystal B. War workers in this area have the Music Publishers Protective Dinner business (7-10 p.m.) not rated. Figures after name of hotel give
Cleveland, April 3. .kjrk.ed._so .Jpudly about their In- Ass'n last week to expect a further room capacity and cover charge. Larger amount designates weekend and
Because of transportation difficul- ability to enjoy entertainment since tightening in the paper situation. holiday price. Compilation is based on period from Monday to Saturday.)
ties here, Euclid Beach Park is post- the curfew was ordered that the MPPA pointed out that reductions » Cp»«r» Totsl
poning itsSpring opening to April personnel director of one plant near in the allotment of wood pulp to " 18
... ,
I lint Cover*
Bund Hotel I'liiyed Week On Uiit*
2G and budgeting for local bands . here has sold the management on processing mills would result in a Hal Atoms* .Lexington (300; 75c-$1.50)

24 1.G00 43,700
only this year. the idea of buying home bands and. drop in the supply of the type paper Boyd Raeburn New Yorker (400, $1-$1.'50). ...... .. 1 1,475 2,200
Gene Beccher's crow, which opened staging its own affairs. used to print sheet music, orches- Jimmy Dorsey. Pennsylvania (500; $1-$1.50).
.. . 7 2.C75 -35.050
the park last season, will launch its Thompson Products, manufactur- trations, etc. Leo Reisman*. .. Waldorf (550; $2) 2,500 54,025
week-end sessions. George Duffy's ers of airplane parls, is consequently There is no indication yet whether George Paxton. .Lincoln (27$: $l-$l!50)
. . . .. 6 1,000 7,025
orch,- now at Cleveland's Hotel Stnt- bringing in Ted Lewis' orchestra for the above moves' will result in Guy .Lombardo. .. Roosevelt (400: $i-$1.60) 27 2,300 69,450
until May 18, starts the Beach's an affair April 10 and Les Brown's

ler, definite cuts in the amounts of pa- Charlie Spivak ...Commodore

(400; $1-$1.50). 0 1775 775
ballroom on a full-week basis May crew April- 29. per pubs will be able to use in the
19. Duffy unit utilized its day oil second quarter of this year. The *- Asterisks' indicate a supporting floor show. New Yorker, Bilunore. have
Sunday (1) to open nearby Crystal Song Bards quartet joins Jimmy MPPA's advice was in the nature of

ice shows. Lexington. Hawaiian floor show.

Beach's dance floor, which will op- Palmer's orchestra at Roseland Ball- warning to conserve as much as t 3 days.
erate only on week-ends all se:>F«". room, N. Y., this week. possible,

Buddy Franklin (New Walnut Room, Bismarck hotel: 4C5; $1.50-$2.50
i min.). HolyWeek cut Franklin-Talia draw down to 2.G00.
Bob Grant (E!tnpire Room, Palmer House; 700; $3-$3.50 min.). Even

From the KING CROSBY PRODUCTION Hildegarde felt the effect of Holy Week with drop to 8,400.
Woody Herman (Panther Room, Sherman hotel; 950; $1.50-52.50 min.).
Herman packin' 'em in with ropes up most of the time. Great 0,700.
Dick LaSalle (Mayfuir Room,' Blackstone hotel; 465; $2.50 min.). Combo

"THE GREAT JOHN L" week of Dwight Fiskc and Georgie Price, who opened (30) pulled good
Ted Weems (Boulevard Room, Stevens hotel: 650; $3-$3.50 -min.). Weems

2 SONG CHAMPIONS and big floor show doing sellout biz. Five nights brought excellent 6.C00.

By Los Angeles
Freddy Martin (Ambassador; 900; $1-$1.50). Hit solid 4,300 tabs with
several SRO nights.
Joe Reichman (Biltmore: 900: $1-$1.50). Smash Easter Week
JOHNNY BURKE and JIMMY VAN HEUSEN in around 4.250 covers for this spot.
biz raking

The Ballad Winner Location Jobs, Not in Hotels


A Gay ClaridKC (Chez Parce; 650; $3-$3.50 min.). Religious holidays hurt
here to some extent, Willie Shore playing to around 4,500!
Del Courtney (Blackhawk; 500; $l-$2.50 min.). One of most popular
spots in town, Courtney keeping patronage level up to fine 4.300.
Irving KosUI (Latin Quarter; 700; $3-$3.50 min.). Also hit by Holy
Week. Lou Hollz and Dorothy Donegan brought irr around 3.000.

FRIEND (Los Angeles)

Frankle Carle (Palladium, B, Hollywood, second week). Dipped slightly
but still plenty of profit with 26,000 entrees.
Jan Garber (Trianon, B, South Gate, second week). Looks for better

OF YOURS coin after Lent, but only 8,000 last stanza.

Lelchton Noble (Slapsy Maxie's, N, Los Angeles, 16th week). No change
in shows; no change in business at capacity 5,200.
Benny Carter, King Cole Trio (Trocadero, N, Hollywood, second week).
Carter too jumpy so Carlos Molina will return this week, but 4,750. covers
just the same with two rooms filled solidly.
: — ^
A ireadu Recorded By

ASCAPs Neb. Headache Top Tnes You Books foi

An All-Time Favorite
Has Fire; Appeal
FRANK SINATRA-Columbia Cites Coercion Charges I CAN'T GIVE
Omaha, April 4.
TOMMY DORSEY-Victoc The ASCAP here still
has plenty of fire. Latest manifesta- BUT LOVE
tion of the continuing infringement
battles due to this State's anti- Music by
RING CROSBY -Decca ASCAP law is charges of threats
and coercion, made in a. motion for JIMMY McHUCH
. .

retrial in Federal District court here Published by

JERRY WALD- Majestic by defendants.
Suit was brought by ASCAP
against Nebraska hotels, amusement
places and radio stations.
ART KASSELL— Muzak On March 20, Federal Judge John
Delehant held one section ot the
Nebraska state law banning ASCAP
VINCENT LOPEZ-NBC Trans. from the state
Defendants then attacked the de-
as unconstitutional.

cision on grounds that in 1941 the

U. S. supreme court refused to up-
hold a similar ruling. Defendants'
now seek to subpoena Max Towlc,
The Novelty Knockout Lancaster county; James
Reed, Lincoln, Neb.; B. Collins and

HE WAS A John G. Paine, ASCAP's N. Y. gen.

Yale C. Holland, Omaha
attorney, and W. S. Living-
Lincoln theatre operator, as
well as others.
Charge is made that the plaintiffs
'.'.'.'.'.'.V. .-J.

tried to compel defendants to urge
repeal of the anli-ASCAP law; also
that defendants .were threatened
"with enough more infringement
actions to drive them out of busi-
ness unless they helped repeal the

GENTLEMAN statute."
Senators Ladd
J. Hubka, of Bea-
and Fred A. Seaton, of Hast-
recently introduced a bill to
repeal the anti-ASCAP law.

within the next
It is
expected to come up on the floor for
And OMwr Famous
Orehtrtrq Leaden
Use tills ISxS VTSl'AT. record
aoim hits of over JflO l>u>>-
liHlier**, )>Iuh old favorllos.
cluden lead sheets and lyrlcj
of chorus. SAMrLKS FliKK.


BURKE & VAN HEUSEN, Inc. Jack Flynn Out of WM

New York 19 TUNE-DEX
Jack Flynn, in charge of the band
MURRAY BAKER, Professional Manager department of the William Morris
agency's Beverly Hills office re- TOP PEOPLE ARC DOING
1619 Broadway. New York 19. N. Y. signed last week. Flynn came into T*. TOP TUNE
N. Y.' about two weeks ago and,
Hollywood Chicago following huddles with
here, parted with the office.
Morris office lias /not yet picked
Flynn's successor.
Wednesday, April 4, 1945 ORCHESTRAS—MUSIC 4S


Columbia, Victor Take Rap At Mercer, BMI Would Like Pubs to Testify

Call Disc Release a Breach of Faith

In ASCAP-Marks Suit Hat They
Both Columbia Records and RCA-
Victor's recording division are con- While American
Federation of
siderably annoyed at Johnny Mer- Jack Kapp to Coast Musicians executives are not discus- Fully Control Rights to Songs
cer's Capitol Record firm for what Jack Kapp heads west tomorrow sing reasons for their continued in-
they feel was a deliberate breach (Thursday) for a couple of weeks. terest in the salaries of bands on lo- Broadcast Music Inc., which with
of an agreement. It's the Decca prexy's first Coast cation dates, observers familiar with
E. B. Marks' is suing the American
All have recorded the Mercer- o.o. i.i four months. AFM procedure, and those who have Monroe's Yippee . Society of Composers, Authors and
Har^ftd Arlen song, "Out of This some insight into the union's affairs, Vaughn Monroe is faking a new
World," from the Paramount film of feel that this summer's annual con- tack in his recording for RCA- Vic- Publishers in N. Y. Supreme Court
the same name and, it's asserted, —
vention will hear about the situation. tor western songs. Maestro did a over the rights to certain song's in
there was an accord among the three
Arms that the discs would be re-
Jordan's Rap Vs. For months now the AFM's head- session on the Coast recently, dur-
men have been interrogating leaders ing his band's stay at the Palladium
the Marks catalog, seemingly isn't so
sure of its case. During the past
leased simultaneously in June, since booked on so-called "loss" location ballroom, 'during which two of the
the film won't be released until early week, BMI executives have been urg-
bookings. At first the union heads songs cut were cowboy items titled
Capitol's recording, by singer Jo
Cafe Goes to were interested mostly in N. Y. lo- "Cool Water" and "Columbus Geor- ing various major publishers' repre-
sentatives to get the pubs onto the
cations. Later the scope of their gia Blues."
Stafford, hit the market last week, American Federation of Musicians questioning began widening to take He was accompanied on both by a witness stand to testify that in their
catching Columbia's Woody Herman last week advised! Louis Jordan's in spots all over the country. They sagebrush ,wcs(l_j^up^cjlled The opinion the publisher of~a song owns
and Victor's Charlie Spivak versions manager, Beryl Adams, that his case started the querying after a hot dis- Pioneers. all rights to it, not the writer.
flat on the shelves. Both companies against the Three Deuces club, 52d pute 'over Tony Pastor's band play- This tack by BMI is surprising to
hit the celling, and now Columbia Street, N. Y„ jive nitery,. has been ing the Roosevelt hotel, Washington, executives of the music business
emphatically states Herman's release turned over to local 802. Latter since it indicates that BMI now is
was on an old contract at a huge weekly
won't ever see light. Columbia feels instructed to investigate and stop, the financial loss.
that Mercer's idea is to give his own practice of advertising
Top Orch 1-Niters not sure of its position. In fact, it
has been stated by people close to
"guest" ap- It has been rumored recently that
company a break on his material. pearances, without authority, of the BMI faction that the latter was
the ultimate aim of the AFM is to surprised when Justice Ferdinand
He's part owner of Capitol. noted names, which other 52d street- present before the annual member-
According to the Edwin H. Morris spots as well as the Deuces have
music firm, which publishes the been doing lately, to the discomfort
ship meeting this year a plan where- More Accessible Pecora did not grant ASCAP's mo-
tion for dismissal last week. There

by the national office itself will take has been a lot of discussion that pub-
tune, there was an agreement on the of booking agencies. One-night promoters in the east
over jurisdiction -of all name band lishers have been taking the suit too
releasing of the platters, but that In his original complaint, Jordan location dates. How it would be and parts of the middlewest are now
complacently, that,
. '

Capitol's came out via slip-up. if it is decided

It's asked the AFM for $5,000 damages, worked is anybody's guess, but cou- getting more top-name combos to
claimed Mercer agreed and gave or- which he was advised against BMI then the writers will
couldn't be pled to the above idea would be play than they have, had for a

ders to hold Stafford's disc but that allowed. have a 'dear cut hold on the small
However, the union gave scales laid out for individual bands couple of years. There was a flurry rights to tunes. Pubs are complacent
It was scheduled and marketed be-
permission to Jordan to take his case on the basis of their operating costs. of names last spring and summer in
cause the parties controlling that into civil court.

because they feel that a decision one

phase got mixed tip. How the individual locals would the same territory, but all were very way or the other won't disturb them
Situation grew out of the Deuces take to such a move by the national brief routes laid out by only a few since, In the case of ASCAP, the lat-
advertising an appearance by Jordan office is a moot point, but several are topnotches. ter would have the rights no matter
for one night while the leader was said to be aware of the national's With bookings played within the who was decided owned them.
Rep Opens Chi Office playing the Paramount theatre, N. Y. "intentions" and are steaming over past week oV two, those that are
Greater portion of both pubs and
Republic Music, which recently This house has clauses in all con- it now being worked out, and those writers are members of ASCAP any-
revised its deal with Broadcast tracts forbidding work or advertis- expected in the future, one-night
way and the major percentage of
Music, Inc., with an eye toward ex- ing of. such for definite periods be-
"Where is the Chicken in the promoters with spots big enough to each assumed to be lifetime members
pansion, has opened a Chicago office. fore and after dates at the theatre. guarantee good returns have had
not assignees- for -10, 15. or 20 years.
Paul Salvatore, former Chuppell rep Chicken Chow Mein," an Al Trace,
and will have cracks at Benny BMI-ASCAP suit was adjourned
in that city, switched over to Re- Victor fonng composing back- Sammy Gallup, Stephen Wise,. Fred Goodman, Tommy- and -Jimmy Dor-
after last Wednesday (28) morning's
public last week to take over lat- ground music for "Masquerade in Spielman brainstorm, is being pub- scy, Sammy Kaye, Woody Herman, session until Monday (2). Nothing
ier's Chi branch. Mexico" at Paramount. lished by Bregman, Vocco &' Conn. (Continued oh page 46) (Continued on page 46)

MILLS MUSI C# IN C* '* proud to announce the release of

MORTON GOULD'S sparkling store for the Charles R, Rogers production


* A United Artists Release Starring


tyoul Qtiead S<MUf& (Lyrics by Edward Heyman)

professional copies and orchestrations available


ORCHESTRAS-MUSIC Wednesday, April 4, 19ir»
Camarata to Score Harry Junes Getting
Vogel Again Tops Ruggles' British Film
v "Toots" Camarata, arranger for- tip In Infrlafemeit Suit Plenty Offers to Tie
merly with Jimmy. Dorscy's orches- Infringement of the song, "Happy

Rossiter in 'Some
tra and now with Decca Records as Birthday To You," was charged by Up as Music Co. Par
a conductor as well as arranger, has Clayton T. Summy Co., publishers, Hollywood, April 3.
been signed by Wesley Ruggles to in two separate suits filed last week 1

Harry James has had humorous of-

score the English-made film, "Lon- In N. Y. federal court against Louis
fers from music publishers the past
don Town," for which Jimmy Van Marx & Co., Inc., and McLoughlln
These Days Fight Heiisen and Johnny Burke wrote the Brothers, Inc., music book publish-
few weeks since the cancellation of
his deal with Grand Music became
lunes. Camarata leaves for Holly- ers. Actions seek damages and an
Chicago music pub- wood soon to discuss the score with
Will' Rossiter,
known, Leader assertedly has had
accounting of profits."" plans offered him calling for 50% and
lisher, again was blocked from Burke and Van Heuseh. and in about According to the complaint,.
claiming the renewal rights to the a month goes to England to begin
mort partnership in small but es-
"Birthday" was infringed upon by tablished outfits for lending his name
song. "Some of These. Days." com-! work. the Marx 'company in publishing a to them.
posed by Shelton Brooks, Negro He has secured a release from his "Play-A-Way Piano Book," and by
composer in 1910. U S. Circuit .
Decca contract. McLoughlin Brothers, in publishing
Contrary to other reports, James
Court of Appeals last week affirmed has no definite publishing plans.
a "Sing-A-Song Player Book" in 1939
lower court judgment, which and. 1940.
He had
a brief talk with' Edwin If.
awarded renewal rights to Jerry FINLEY IN GOVT. HUDDLE "Birthday.", originally known as
(Buddy) Morris, but that never went
Vogel's publishing company. beyond the initial conversation. '

"Good Morning To All," was com- .

Rossiter, original publisher of ON TRUST SUIT VS. MCA posed in 1893, by Patty S. and Mil- Leader's arrangement with Grand
called for a guarantee of $25,000 an-
Ihe song, has battled Vogel for the dred Hill.
Larry Finley. operator of Mission nually to him. It will end June 1.
renewal rights since 1938. Rossiter
won the first round, when the dis- Beach Park, San Diego, huddled in
Washington Monday (21 and yester-
trict court, gave him a declaratory Archie GoUler-Johnny Lange tune.
judgment. Vogel came back with day with the Department of Justice .

"Easter Sunday on the Prairie," Danny Beckner orchestra follows

the next three nods by getting a re-
over his $3,000,000 anti-trust suit hustled into release by Decca, with Al Donahue at the Aragon ballroom,
against' Music Corp. of America. He Los Angeles.
versal and a new trial upon appeal music by Guy L'ombnrdo's crew.
to the Circuit Court. At that time
was accompanied by his attorney.
Finley filed the suit vs. MCA a
Vogel charged Rossiter obtained a
renewal in 1926 by fraud, by getting fortnight ago in California over his
Brooks to sign a paper allegedly inability to buy MCA's top
bandleaders and artists for his spot.
granting foreign rights, which Ros- Continued from page 43
siter later claimed was for renewal Agency's exclusive servicing agree-
ment with Wayne Daillard, operator unusual has been produced since its
of the opposition Pacific Square ball- resumption.
Upon retrial, the district court
room, set up the dispute:
found that Rossiter's 1926 contract However, during the week there
with Brooks was unenforceable. was a flurry of excitement over a de-
Lower court found that this docu- cision made in Supreme court, N. Y.,
Nazis Even Muscled In in a case instituted by Gail Kubik,
ment, purporting to transfer "all
copyright renewals," was an assign- serious music writer, against the.
ment of an expectancy, operated On French Music Pubs American Composers Alliance. Lat-
only as contract to transfer the re- U, S. music publishers are only ter is an organization similar to
newal rights after', the original now learning from French publish- ASCAP and .since May, 1944. it has
28-year-term, and was invalid for ers with whom they had tieups that been affiliated with BMI. Now, with
lack of consideration. Rossiter ap-
pealed this decision. The higher
when the Nazis took over that coun-
try all firms holding coin for U. S.
ASCAP developing the licensing of
the concert field, it has been anxious
to strengthen its repertoire in that
mi by
court denied it last week. owners or affiliates were to turn it Lvfit .
direction. Kubik sought to withdraw
Circuit court held that "no con- over to a German company set up
sideration therefor was offered or for that purpose. In this way some
his material from ACA
and trans-
fer to ASCAP. ASCAP. wouldn't ac-
paid by plaintiff to Brooks." adding U. S. pubs lost monies due them and
"it has been universally held that others didn't.
cept him until the ACA
tieup was
broken. ACA demurred, stating' he
a mere promise to pay does not con- Francis Day, of Paris, last week
had assigned its rights until 1946.
stitute a valuable' consideration advised Bregman, Vocco Sc Conn
within the recording acts." He sued.
that they were able to hold out some
Justice Peck, who sat on the ACA
The circuit court order further 51,000 francs on. Hitler's horde and case, last week decided that ACA
held that Vogel's renewal rights, were posting the coin forthwith had no hold on the writer's material
assigned in 1937 by Brooks, "con- (about $1,000). and awarded him the decision. The
tained a specific agreement to pay BMI faction in the suit with ASCAP
-Brooks 50% of the gross receipts,
a promise more generous than any
Asks Dismissal oyer Marks were jubilant over it,
asserting that this decision affected
suggested by Rossiter, -who finding In 'Blossom Time' Suit the Marks case in their favor. Other
his hold upon the author becoming
Claiming that the right to license music attorneys cannot see it this
precarious, attempted successively
the broadcast rights to the musical way. Even one of the attorneys in-
to' procure various definite commit-
numbers in the operetta "Blossom volved in the Kubik-ACA fight could
ments. It seems perfectly clear that Time" was obtained from Fejst,
Inc., not clearly explain the effect one. can
there is no such thing as an agreed publishers of the
tunes, after Feist have on the other.
royalty without an assignment," the became
a member of ASCAP, the Kubik's complaint against ACA
circuit court added. latter, in answers filed last week in asked for a declaratory judgment. He
Vogel was represented by- Milton N. Y. federal court, asked for dis- claimed that he applied for member- Knte Smith—King* Men on Fibber
Rosenbloom, of the law firm of missal of an infringement' suit ship in ACA jn May, 1940, and was MKiec— Uob Haanoa on Buyer's A«-
O'Brien) Driscoll &
Raftery. brought by the Karczag Publishing accepted, but never signed a formal ulrln— Mnntmttah Merry-Go-Round—
(iaallalit Oayetlea—Guy Lonibardo on
Co., Inc., copyright owners of the assignment of rights to his music.
ChelKcn CliHrettea aad Treainiry Hour
Operetta. In May, 1944, ACA made a deakwlth
—Horn Sc Hnrdart—Sthnffer Hrer—
Feist and ASCAP are defendants BMI and the latter wouldn't com-
McINTYRE CLEARED FOR in Karczag's suit, which charges that plete it until written assignments
rjiiiilt Trio—Breakfait Clou— Toronto
the former granted the broadcast were secured from all ACA mem-
OVERSEAS USO TRIP rights to ASCAP without their bers. Kubik wouldn't sign. ACA All or* doing
Hal Mclntyre's orchestra has been knowledge or consent.- Karczag as- claimed that written assignment or ,

cleared by the government for its serts that only the publishing and no Kubik's rights were theirs since
projected USC -Camp Shows overseas mechanical rights were granted Feist the organization is a performance
trip within the next few months. in 1919. Karczag asks the court to society and no one would join for
Mclntyre opened Friday (27) at the void Feist's agreement with ASCAP. any other reason. In other words,
Commodore hotel, N. Y., for six ASCAP. denying all allegations, that membership alone constituted TOBIAS & LEWIS
weeks and it's not likely he'll go bc- further asserts that its rights to li- assignment of material. Kubik coun- li.10 SKtli Avenue, New York, N. I.
fpre the run expires. cense broadcasting of the songs also tered with the claim that if assign-
Mclntyre would be the first leader came from the writers of the tunes, ment was a condition of membership
of a full-sized band to go overseas. Sigmund Romberg and Dorothy Don then he was never a member because
Several were slated to make the trip, nelly, when they became members he never made an assignment. It
including Benny Goodman and Abe of the socitey. was pointed out that, until the BMI Sally Is So Sweet to Me
Lyman, and others have signified deal, ACA had never 'gone about
l.vrlcn, MuhIo nml Pulillxlieil h.r
willingness. Small combos like Spike
Jones' crew have been the only mu- Mysels Draws Army M
collection of fees for performances
D. itself, but rather acted as a protec-
sical groups to go. Pittsburgh, April 3. tion agency to assure its members 1301 Bronsvrlck Street
"Sweethearts" To Go, Too Songwriter Sammy Mysels is back against pirating, below-minimum BALTIMORE 23, MAIUI.AND
"Sweethearts of Rhythm." all- home from the wars with a medical fees. eld.'.
girl Negro orchestra, is slated (or an discharge. He was in the service for
overseas USO-Camp Shows tour. nearly three years.
THURSDAYS ON NBC Troupe of 20 would be largest band folks here for a couple of weeks
Visiting his

FOR to go offshore, as well as be biggest Mysels then will return to N. Y. to
Negro attraction sent overseas resume writing.
("Porgy and Bess" unit totaled 17). Mysels is wearing the Purple
Girl outfit is well known in trade, Heart, result of wounds received in
- wirk hm although most of its work has been Italy. He wasn't seriously wounded,
ABBOTT <pnd COSTELLO confined to one-night stands. Played however. ELLA MAE MORSE
Apollo, N. Y., three weeks ago.
SHOW Anna May Winburn is leader. Band
BILLY MAY and His Band and
is owned by Mrs. Ray Lee Jones.
Continued from, page 45; ALL THE BOYS AT CAPITOL
Les Brown, Gene Krupa and pos-
WILL Southland Ballroom, N. Q.,

To Liquidate and Pay Off

sibly Harry James. James is ex-
pected to play some one-nighters
during his trip cast to play the

New -Orleans,
Alfred G. Rickefor has been ap-
April 3.- Astor hotel.
Jimmy Dorsey's orchestra has been CAPTAIN KIDD
OSBORNE pointed liquidator of the Southland
Ballroom here by Judge L. Rob-
ert Rivarde. Appointment was made
at the instance of Peter W. Murtcs^
booked on an eight-night series of
one-nighters that will return him at
least, $25,000 in guarantees, an un-
usual figure even for. that high-
And Hii ;.
and Joseph Hare, co-partners in the priced' band. He has a chance of
HOLLYWOOD BAND venture which, they said in their grossing more than $30,000 in the
petition to the court, "turned out to period since most of the dates are
be a financial failure." percentage deals.
Personal Moaogemont Spot instituted a name band policy
last October. Since early in March,
String starts in New England

April 19 and continuous through

S01 MADISON AVI.. N. Y. .22, N. Y.
EDWARD SHERMAN creditors have sought to collect debts, three dales 'in Canada and a $4,000
IEVERLY HILLS some through court action, others flat private party in Rochester on
threatening. April 26.

Wednesday, April 4, 1945 ORCHESTRAS~MUSIC 47

10 Best Sheet Sellers

NBC, CBS, Blue, Mutual Plugs (Week Ending March 28) Publishers See New Exploitation Idea
Dreams Gelling Better. .Santly
TITLE PUBLISHER Little On Lonely Side. .Advanced

Afler Awhile .Starlight

Via Spotlight Bands' Hit-Song Airer
I'm Beginning See Light..Grand
A Little On the Lonely Side .Advanced
Saturday Night Brand
All Of My Life
~. .Berlin
Candy : Feist
Coca - Cola "Spotlight Bands"
Anywhere— t'Tonighl and Every Night". Bourne
Sweet Dreams ..... .Remick
Candy • • • • • Feist
. .. .
broadcast may *ooh present an idea
Thai's Irish Lullaby .. .Witmark
Dream : • • .Capitol
Just Prayer Away.... Shapiro
Dick Rose to Debut Band similar in a way to the Lucky Slrika
Easter Parade Berlin "Hit Parade." D'Arcy agency, holder

More and More .T. B. Harms
. . At La Martinique. N.. Y. of the coke account, is mulling •
He's Home For a Little While,.., .....Famous
Meet Me in St. Louis Vogel
Grand Dick Rose, arranger, is. forming an plan by Pete Dorain, of Chelsea
I'm Beginning to See the Light
I Should Care —
f'Thrill of a Romance" .Dorsey orchestra of his own. He's setting
up an 11-piece combo, which will
Music, whereby each band playing
the drink shows the six nights of
I Walked In— f'Nob
Hill" Miller
Away Shapiro CONDON'S JIVESTERS HOP open at La Martinique, N. Y. nitery, each week would play what would
Just a Prayer
.Robbins lat£ this month, replacing current be called the "Spotlight New Song
Laura— t"Laura"
Home— f'Here eome Carl Ravazza. of the Week," That is, the same song
Let's Take Long Way Waves" ...Morris
B.O.TO $4,000 IN PH1LY would be played each night by a
More and More— f'Can't Help Singing" T. B. Dick Rogers, former maestro, is
Philadelphia, April 3. said to be handling Rose. different: band, Method of selecting
My Dreams Are Getting Better Santly
the songs is now being discussed.
My Heart Sings—f'Anchors Aweigh" Leeds .Crowd of 2.500 paid approximately
Saturday Night the Loneliest Night
Slcighride In July— f'Belle 61 the Yukon"
— ..Barton
$4,000 to hear the first jazz concert
ever to be presented at the staid
Publishers approached on the idea
are hot about It. They, of course,
Academy of Music, home of the Phil- Barnet and Billingsley Deal see an avenue via which a new song
Someday Somewhere .Chelsea
ly orchestra, Monday (2). Concert
Sweet Dreams Sweetheart— t"Holly wood Canteen" Remick that creates enough Interest to be
Sweetheart of All My Dreams Shapiro was presented by Eddie Condon and For Hollywood Casino Off selected to ride six. straight coke
his "hot jazz" aggregation.' It was first
There Must Be a Way Stevens Hollywood/April 3.
broadcasts would get very desirable
stop on lour of the Condon unit. added exploitation. Not to mention
This Heart of Mine— f'Ziegfeld Follies" .Triangle
Negotiations fdr the take-over
Twilight Time C-P Concert got plenty of attenMon the fact that to do such a song on
You Belong to My Heart— 1"3 Caballeros" Harris from longhair music crix and of Zucca's Hollywood Casino by a broadcast, each of six bands would
You're Not Foolin Anyone But Yourself Viking symph-goers, who were curious about Glenn Billingsley, Charlie Barnet have to make arrangements of it.
how the other half "plays." Portion and other maestros fell through at This would tend toward making
' Leflit musical. of i he .show was broadcast over WIP. their jobs easier, since convincing
t FilniHSical. Ihe last moment. Final terms of
a bandleader to spend money for an
the sale did not suit the prospective arrangement, and thereafter play it
Sinatra's 4 Sides With Oops! Pappy of 7, Deferred buyers.
on the air, is a major part of thf
Cugat for Columbia Buffalo, April 3. Original agreement called for ex- job of stimulating the interest that
eventually. If the tune has anything,
Frank Sinatra will make four sides Herbert Elwell, "Cleveland Plain Again, Plans Own Band tensive renovations, which were not
catches the eye of commercial broad,
WilliXavier Cugat's orchestra for Dealer music crick who composes on Pittsburgh, April 3. included in. the final document. casts.
Columbia Records before leaving Ihe side, showed up here recently Pee Wee Lewis (Louis Sturchio) Coke show is, of course, a com-
N. Y. again for the Coast. by invitation to conduct his piece, who made headlines all over coun- mercial, but the shows rated as most
,Cugat did a similar quartet with Introduction and Allegro, when the try last year when draft board put Eddie South, fiddling maestro, will
valuable to a tune's sales are Ihe
Bing Crosby lor Decca. Buffalo Philharmonic orchestra pro- hirri, the father of seven children, in recruit, train and be concertmaster very top. rated ones.
Songs the singer and Cugat will grammed Jt. 1A, is organizing a dance band of his
of the fiddle section that will aug-
make haven't as yet been selected. Elwell, however, wasn't allowed own. He drew another deferment.
conduct his work. He had no
ment Lionel Hampton's band at his
to Lewis now work* with Maurice Panchd1 ! orch goes into the Plaza
Dmitri Tiomkln inked to score union card. Officials forgot to ar- Spjtalny'G KQV staff band. His own Carnegie Hall, N. Y., concert hotel, N. Y., Friday (6) with Carroll
"Payment Due" for King Brothers. range the details. outfit won't Interfere with that post April IB. Paige, new vocalist.
" "

48 VAUDEVILLB Wednesday, April 4, 1915

here, Their music Is a blend of
Dorothy Dorben To sweet and swing that If distinctly AGVA's Matt Shelvey
AGVA Won't Accept Rents' Gaims Vs. Stage Stevens H. Shows
Chicago, April 3.
Show opens with 'band novelty. In
Off on a Nationwide
which a number of the musicians
Dorothy Dorben, former producer share the spotlight with leader, that
of the Edge water Beach hotel shows, puts the customers in nice mood. Inspection and Gab Tour
Members Til listing' Pact Is Honored has been signed by Robert Williford, Marie Bono warbles "I Dream of
Matt Shelvey, national administra-
managing director of the Stevens You," "Begin the Beguine" and other
performer involved had previously hotel, as producer and tajent buyer faves to net plenty of palmpoundlng. tor of American Guild of Variety
American Guild of Variety Artists
been suspended and should not have of the Boulevard room shows. Miss Corday and Triano, dance team, Artists,left last \yeek for a pro-
lastweek notified the Artists Repre-
sentatives Ass'n, N. Y. agent group, been booked in the first place. Union Dorben, who succeeds Anthony Z. follow with nifty routines. Their longed tour of the south and mid-
that it would no longer process also feels that lack of cooperation Nelle, is currently in New York lin- work is smooth and clever. High west. He will also go to the Coast.
olaimi of its members against AGVA by agents has practically nullified its ing up acts for her first production, spot of act is Spanish cape dance During the trip he will look into
done to music of "Caprice Espag- the effects of the curfew and con-
members because the agents have check on recalcitrants. opening May 4. nole."
tact local AGVA reps and agent
, ,.

failed to submit booking lists weekly, Shelvey was emphatic that de- For seven years up until her Guy Cherney, vocalist, making a groups.
•a required by the current AGVA- cision will remain until the ARA
resignation last full. Miss Dorben quick return appearance here, scores Shelvey's first slop will be in
ARA pact. steps in and remedies the situation.
had complete charge of booking and with such pops as "Trolley Song,"
Matt Shelvey, national administra- "Little On Lonely Side," "Nobody Texas, to work out AGVA represen-
producing the Edgewater shows. .

which has
tor of. AGVA, claimed that due to But You" and others. tation in that territory,
Since leaving she has placed lines expanded nitery operations consid-
-Hie consistent failure of agents to Dick Roberts, band vocalist, also
Mexico Plans Tourist in several locations over the coun- erably within the past year.' He then'
lend their booking sheets to the grabs his share of the applause with .

try, Including the Rio Cabana here, several numbers.


union, the latter could not check on sees Florida AGVA reps and also
which are expected to be given no Foster emcees show and his outfit the Florida Agents Assn. Next stop is
suspended members and unfair Hotels Expansion as soon as current contracts expire.
places. This has caused no AGVA keeps the dance floor jammed. in San Francisco and followed by a
Hollywood, April 3. Lim.
Utile contusion when agents enlisted Los Angeles meeting with. Flprine
AGVA's aid to straighten out sub- Mexico City, playground for Hol- Bale, Coast' rep, and agent groups
lywood's heavy spenders, is prepar-
sequent tangles', only to Arid that the
ing for peace with construction plans

HARTFORD JUDGE MULLS It to Cabana, f 'hi

On the way homo Shelvey will
(or new hotels and amusement spots Chicago, March 30.
stop off at Chicago to meet with the
to attract the flood of tourists ex- RINGLING AIDES' FATE Gene Baylos, Dorothy Claire, Bill
Chicago Guild of Nilery Operators.
Gary, Line -(6), Cee Davidson Orch
pected when the war in Europe Whether four operating heads of, minimum. During Shelvey's absence. Dave
$3 and $3.50
Cappella»d Patricia ends. the Ringling, Barnum & Bailey cir-
Fox. head of -the N. Y. local, will
are favorite of ours but Not only Mexico City but Tampico cus will be accorded a new trial in Though this spot is suffering from handle national administrative mat-
and Acapulco are getting under way connection with the fire disaster of budgetilis due to the curfew, current ters.
SELDOM have we seen with elaborate entertainment resorts. last July 6 in Hartford, or their lineup of
three singles, enhanced by
them DANCE BETTER than three neat routines of the Rio Ca-
One in Acapulco, financed by a Gen- prison sentences suspended, may b<: bana line, stacks up as pleasing fare.
they did last night at the eral Motors representative, is slated decided by Judge William J. Shea Gene Baylos, a glib gabster, heads
BOWERY, where they are to open next Jan. 1 with plush trim- of that city on Friday (6). That the bill and overcomes the handicap PERFORMERS NOW IN
ming.'; and a high tariff. was date set by the court for the of working to a small audience by
headlining. Patricia is the circus men to report for imprison- constantly pounding in machine-gun
epitome of grace; CAP- If >mi nrr In Niht'mI S**rvlrrn «r tint—
ment, two days after the big top got fashion with a succession of gags and for ImmfHllulr u*« or poMt-wnr rrtuni
PELLA'S HANDLING IS PER- Negro Tenor, Ex-Concert, started. It opens tonight (4) at days, chatter. Most gags have seen better,
. to hImiu' litiiilneHb.
Madison Square Garden, court hav- but as a whole his material and
FECT . . . They have several keep customers in a laugh-
Hcr« It o Service You'll Always
new numbers. Dvorak's
To Cafe, Back Into Opera ing- suspended the sentences, which delivery able mood. Baylos goes in for panto
Paul A. Smith, Negro tenor with range from one to seven years, so tp get good results. FUN-MASTER GAG FILES
"Humoresque" arranged by that the show could start operating.
a- concert background, has been re- Dorothy Claire, vivacious, person- MfMWn Cotnrtly Mulerlul fur
Ray Bloch in the manner oi discovered as an operatic possibility Defendants were in Hartford Mon- able blonde, socks over a quartet ol
All TyiM* lVrformrni
''Holiday for Strings" very as result of an engagement in a day (2) when the present proceed- pop songs. Gal makes a stunning ap- . Kiirh Script < onlulan Over 100

beautiful . . . by Herschell nilery. Cafe Society Uptown, N. Y. ings were argued. Stated by those pearance iii a metallic-fabric gown. Klir«-I<'lre (ittip* —
¥1.011 KMrll

close to the RBB outfit that the show Bill Gary registers with laps, all
Not. 1 Thra 10 Now Ready
Hart, Detroit News. He's been signed for a Salmaggi
cannot play under canvas if the highlighted by ballet steps.
nlukt* Ctircka I'uyuMe (o
presentation of Verdi's "Othello" at
•1u*t doord Dorothy Dorben. as usual, has pat-
men are jailed and that it will shut terned .Mull (<> •'Fiir.-Mni.ter"
BOWERY. DET. (the Brooklyn Academy of Music, her ensembles in expert man SOU \V r.4tli 81.. NV.Y York Cll> IB. N.Y.
.vow April 14.
down after the Boston Garden dnle. ner. Cee Davidson is okay in intro-:
NICOLLET HOTEL. MINN. That the RBB outfit will be forced ducing the acts; his orch plays the
into bankruptcy is also intimated, show excellently and satisfies the

W SRO in K. C.
Kansas City, April 2.
in which ev«nt payment of the payees with his dance music.
claims to victims' estates could not
be made. Understood that a com-
Anything Can Happen

Far yaude-nlte alirka, radla M.C.'i. ilnlln.
dauMa*. annauoctri. pradaetn. dlio -Jockim.
Twelve performances of
Capadcs of 1945" grossed an estimat-
ed $143,600 and broke all records at
mittee of victims' kin are among
those who pleaded for a suspension
of the sentences.
Organizations which also appealed
KnibaniNV. Phlll?
Philadelphia, March .29.
Gerry Keauer, Lilo Dnrrish, Main

hud- ludrr*. ipeaktrt. •amici. the Pla-Mor Arena here: Montana, George Clitford, Pat Slieu-

itMiet, mnnlclani, ventrllaa, cammantatan. for leniency have no connection
writ an. tartaanlsti, ate. Each show of the engagement, with the circus. Included are promi- tin Qrcli (5); no couer; dinners $2.50
which closed last Sunday U), was nent Broadway managers, who sig- up.
hr*-M«ir«r Goo. Rita Net. 1 Thru 10
a sellout. - natured a message sent by the
91.05 Per Script. Pottoaa Prepaid Like most Philly spots. Embassy
League of New York Theatres, and
has pruned its entertainment nut,
Each Pll* Contains Over 100 Sock all the talent unions. That appeal cutting out gal line and lull orches- Ot'prsras for VSO
G09*!! First 'Ice' in Worcester was sent by Paul Dullzell of Equity, tra. But business continues bofto.
Make Checks Payable to Worcester, April 3.
who set forth in a long telegram Show- is all-femme. save for m.c.
PAULA SMITH that it represented 40,000 actors ir George Clifford, quondam hoofer I'rrlm: KICK KfftlAKItS
First ice show in City's history will
Mall to "Fno1 M»»ter" be staged Friday, Saturday and
legit, pictures, radio concert and v who doubles as host and keeps
I W. Mth St.. New York City IB. N.Y
Sunday (6-8) .when Frank Duffy,
opera fields. Also known to havo things popping in Embassy's Glamour
Worcester's dance impresario, brings
sent appeals are groups of church- Room. V

the "Hollywood Ice Revels" to town.

men, holelmen and business people Mata Montaria, eye-filling brunet.

Duffy also turned his hand to Sun-
day vaudeville
with a seven-act
this week
bill in
(April 1)
located in the numerous stands that
the big top usually plays.
registers with a routine of sock Latin
dances. Gal has lots of fire and isn't
at all feazed by tiny dance space in
which she does her fandangos.
Little Theatre. member of the fam- Lilo Darrish,
which runs Ruby Foo's, sells her SILLY SYMPHONISTS
Night Club Reviews ily
songs well, leaning to the Latin


Albany, April 3. Mavfaitr Rmm.
4 hi
rhythms (Baba-loo, etc.) as well as
a" new iune "The Yanks From the
Banks of the Wabash."
— "Your varttoa of Ram and Coca
Cola li faitant mIH»«. record of
Comtc-Satirtit Blonde Gerry Keaver. also clicks oar catalogue."
Entertainment Corp. of America (BLACKSTONE HOTEL) .

with her vocals featuring swing ar-

STH WEEK has been chartered to conduct an
Chicago, March 31. rangements of "Shortnin' Bread," "It A. I. GREEN
agency of all kinds. Offices in New Georgie Price, Dick LaSalle Had to Be You" and "Take Me Out
CAPITOL. NEW YORK York. Capital stock, $20,000. Direc- Orchestra (9); $2.50 minimum.
Natl Mai Record*
to the Ball Game."
LEAVING SHORTLY tors: Richard M. Nesbitt, 993 5th Ave.; Pat Shevlin's band takes care of .
Leon C. Tooker, 39 East 54th St., and Bringing to the microphone the show accompaniment and dansapa-
POR OVERSEAS seasoned showmanship of a veteran,
attorney Isidore L. Rosen'zweig, 1480 lion in workmanlike fashion.
MCA Georgie Price is just the sort of at- Shal.
Broadway. traction that fits perfectly in this in-
timate and swanky room. Opening
with "The Richest Couple in Town"
>+- »»»*«««>»/
and. then- into his signature song, Amnrlc u'm f«rr-
"Bye Bye Blackboard." which is the Circus Review maul rralMlinant

««»« »«-»-»-«•«« ««»

f r n I M r » IIm
cue for other identification tunes, wnrld'n forfiin«»Mf
Price is Price when he mimics Jol- ,HUnarllon> . .
son doing "April Showers" and Can-
tor singing' "If You Knew Susie."
Huitoell Bros. I'lreuN Oa Martaa. Tlla Culiar. kIMy Hainan. Danny
Of his new stuff the income tax Hollywood, March 29. Kan. larry Laitar, Jaa C
Laarli. VaUt &
Yalanda, Carman Cavallara. Cnll GalamM.
lyrics to "Figaro. Figaro" with Price Russell Brothers-Pan Pacific Cir- Xavlar Cuaal. Data ElllnlUn, Henry Klnf.
acting out the perplexities in mak- cus, an expansion and. glorification Phil Ohman.
ing out the income tax form, is one of the former Clyde Beatty-Russell
Bros, truck show gave its initial per- H. O. HOVER, 8413 Sunial Blvd.. t. A. 46
of the best and funniest things he
has ever done. Other new bit is an formance indoors at the Pan Pacific
impression of Joe Stalin singing Auditorium here tonight.
"Pistol Packin' Mamma" that packs Attempts to exploit the show as
the official national opening of the
laughs. Still usinc the Hitler take- I'atrltLta rUminon*
circus season, a la Madison Square Kronlna Slur
off with "Dcr Fuehrer's Face" and vt'anlilnajtoii

sings "School Days" in a traveling Garden and Ringling Bros., by mo-

picture studio publicity hook-
mike as he lets some child in the au-
dience do a few lines of. the didn't Quite jell. However, there THEOnMACK
TRIPLETS With Saltalny
Has to beg off. was a sufficient' sprinkling of film KurliL .Milrrlil
I'erional Mai.
notables in the 4,500 audience to sup-
Dick LaSalle and Orchestra (the
the inherent circus glamor.
former Neil Bondshu group), com- plement 1617 Braadway 1650 Braadway
posed of piano doubling on ac-
The show got away to, a slow start
and moved jerkily thereafter, evi-
cordion, bass, three violins, drums,
dently suffering from lack of ex-
sax and two clarinets, is an ideal perienced razorbacks and rigging NEW COMIC'S COLLECTION $2
combination. Library runs from men. There was a near-serious mis-
musicomedy tunes and waltzes to hap when one of the lovelies of an FREE CATALOG
the more modern rhumbas and pops, aerial swing act collided with a wire UK \VUITK KOU HKAItl.lNKKS
all of which are purveyed in expert
that shouldn't have been there and 4iiI«h anil Hvnny
manner. Morg: •


lost a few spangles from her trunks.


Most of the individual acts are Si-p-rtl-K SOIIi Knml

tops, or close to it, with Emil Pal- Iaiik IkUb.I t'lly ^,.N. I.
Blue ltnoni. IV. O.
lenberg's educated bears. Arturo and
. Doraita Konybt's exhibition of high-
New Orleans, March 29. school horsemanship. Myrtle Comp-
Chuck -Foster Orch (14); Guy ton's Wild West, the Flying Concel-
Cherney. Corday & Triano, Marie los and the clown numbers deserving
Bono, Dick Roberts; Minimum $1.50 especial mention. Flavian, ilavy nrlnt) In all aim.
Saturdays and Sundays. . The performance needs only a
•Ma Iran yaur awn phata m '8>lD
•* " S
miallw. In laraa nuantltlai
smoothing out, which it will un- law aa 5a a»«h: wdctrd alia it. .
cA tlA 11 *
Current layout is rich in .enter- doubtedly get during the 18-day
, Mill aralari ararywhara. Wrlta far . SU'**-
tainment.' Pefsonable'young Chuck scheduled run at the Pan Pacific, to Iraa aanalaa. Prlaa Lint V.
1AJ| ««
Foster and his crew rank highly make it high-grade circus entertain-
amnne .the •bw.ds th'.-.t olaved ment 15} W. <«tfi St.. New V<irk l». N. V 1
. .

Wednesday, April 4, 1945 VAUDEVILLE 49

Bobby McDonald to Head

General Amus. Starts Court Action New Unit Now Being Cast Roxy, N. Y., Signs Carl Ravazza (Sans
Bobby McDonald, who had been
a civilian cast member of "This Is
the Army," will head a new' vaude
Vs. Andy RusseD on Pact Breach unit which Robert Conklln is pro- Band) for Three Six-Month Periods
ducing for Joe Wright.
Hussell has touched oft a-f
Andy Unit, titled "So This Is Broadway," •f Roxy theatre, JT. Y.. is starting a
long-term program with object of
tussle between himself and General will carry a book theme, with lyrics
Lido's Clean Slate and music by Anthony Casey arid Gleason Leaving 'Girls'? building up television attractions.
Amus. Corp., wiring the agency last Edward Kling. Mayhew and Evelyn Beginning has been made with the
Indications, that Jackie Gleason
week <27) that he was cancelling Club Lido, Norfolk, Va„ which had •

Sisters, Lem Wells Trio, Conroy Sc .signing of-a three-year contract with
GAC been on the unfair list of American may leave the Al Borde musical Carl Ravazza under which the
their management contract. Lee, Johnny Barnes and line of eight
"Follow the Girls" after June, is
Guild of Variety ;ArUsts for some girls round out cast. singer, how at La Martinique, N. Y.
has had the singer on a seven-year time due to unpaid salary claims, seen with his being submitted for. a nitery, will play the Roxy six months
agreement, which still has about six was restored to good standing with vaude tour at $3,500 by General each year as leader of a stage band,
years to run, and his action began an the talent union last week. Amus. Corp. singer and emcee and All in the rest
immediate legal battle. First round
George Rohanna, operator of the
club, came to New York last week
Biz Curphooey Under Equity's rules he can leave
after June 1, when all run-otthe-
of the year on the 20th-Fox tele-
Boston, WIXT.
vision station in
occurred Monday (2) morning on and paid off $500 salary claims, in- piay contracts expire. However, if Ravazza is also figured to make an
the Coast, when the singer was sub- volved in the .'unfair action, and there aren't a sufficient number of occasional film .for 20th-Fox, thus
pocnaed for examination prior to signed new agreement with' AGVA.. But All Hopin vaude weeks at that price to make
his departure from the show suf-
keeping him in the family since the
court action instituted by GAC. Roxy is operated by Fox. He will
ficiently profitable, its likely that junk his own band and work solo,
GAC has the singer on member- Billy Rose, president of the Allied
remain. So far there are no and starts with the Roxy between
ship to the American Guild of Varie- AGVA
Cracks On Down Food St Entertainment Industries of
takers atthat price. Aug. 1 and Sept 3 this year.
ty Artists, American Federation
Greater New York, recently farmed
who returned
Radio Artists and American Federa- A. Balaban, this
Niteries Abusing Extra cafe and restaurant organization, week from the Coast where
tion of Musicians, since both he and Harry Richman Set For
GAC are affiliated with those unions. says he's taking nothing for granted been looking over talent, hopes via
Russell scheduled to make a film
Matinee Regulations despite the resignation of James F. this plan to build Ravazza Into a
soon and as yet he has not become a Continual abuse of the chance Byrnes, War Mobilizer, who clamped La Martinique, First N.Y. money-making personality. Deal, .

member of the Screen Actors Guild. granted smaller N; Y. niteries to the midnight curfew on places of
he said, calls for a starting salary of
When he does GAC will have him stage weekend matinees as a means amusement Feb. 28.
Cafe Date Since Riviera $1,000 weekly with $500 increases
of recouping some of the losses due until $2,500 is reached.
tied up in that field. Harry Richman, following an -ab-
Sam Stiefel, manager of Mickey to the curfew, has precipitated a The organization, he said, is Ravazza engagement will bring
sence of several years from New
Hooney, recently completed a deal tightening up of the rule by the adopting a wait-and-see attitude and about a change in the Roxy policy.
hopes that. Judge Fred M. Vinson,- York cafes, will play his first nitery
whereby he became a 50% partner American Guild of Variety Artists. date at La Martinique in late April
During Ravazza's stay, house will be
in Russell's ownership and manage' AGVA originally sanctioned a single
Byrnes' successor, will live up to out of the name-band market en-
Byrnes' promise that restrictions on at a salary reported to be $2,500.
ment with George (Bullets) Dur- matinee weekly, either Saturday or His last local nitery date was at tirely and will augment him with
gora, now in the Army. Stiefel paid Sunday, if the union was satisfied
amusements will be lifted come V-E name acts. They'll use. an Occasional
Ben Marden's Riviera, Ft. Lee, N. J.,
Bob Moss, who was Durgom's part- that the extra, revenue was nec- when he headed the highest priced name orchestra when Ravazza leaves
ner, $27,000 for his share of the essary for continued profitable op- The Byrnes announcement, long cafe package up to that time. On at the end of each six-month term.
singer. eration. expected, failed to cause any excite- the same bill were Joe E. Lewis, It's Balaban's idea that Ravazza's
Apparently a large majority of op- ment among the bonifaces. They're build-up will not force the house to

Sophie Tucker and the Chandra-

erators put their own interpretation still shuttering at midnight and tak- by-pass any name male singers that
Kaly Dancers.
on the regulation and went ahead ing their losses without squawks. become available. House production
Simultaneously, a departure
Jerry Lester's $3^00 with two matinees weekly without Nitery business, for the most part,
in talent buying -iWicy of La Mar- can take care of that problem.
permission. At any rate, AGVA has has taken a further drop during the Paul Ash, present Roxy pit con-
tinique which f ty^plbrrnerly taken
At Roiy,N.Y., Expected notified all nitery operators that last week because of longer periods
chance on developing new cafe tal- ductor, will be retained in an ad-
double-header matinees are out and of daylight and further cut into the visory capacity during Ravazza'*
ent and has been considerably suc-
To Start New Coin Fight that even if giving one afternoon early dinner business. cessfully in that line (Danny Kaye stay and will resume with a pit
show, they must first get clearance However, all those who were con- and Danny Thomas) Spot rarely band each time Ravazza leaves the
Another upward evaluation of from the union. v

sidering closing for the summer shelled out such heavy coin for an house.
prices for comics playing Broadway
have by now dropped the idea. act There will also be some changes,
houses is expected now that Jerry

Byrnes' promise that V-E Day would in present stage construction.

Lester has been set for a return date It's

at the Roxy, May 23 or 30, at $3,500

Bea Lillie Previews OK see the end of many restrictions to- planned to lower the line-bf-vision
weekly, the highest salary he's re
gether with the fear that other spots Coney's Lima Park May and cover the present pit with an
celved until now. It's an increase of Nitery Act at Charity would gobble up their regular trade, illuminated glass floor, during Ra-
have caused a change of heart. Not Open This Season vazza's stay. Band will then be on-
$1,000 over his last date at this house. The Victory Brunch at Monte They'll hang on until several weeks
Bookers of other houses expect Carlo, N. Y., nitery, on Easter 'Sun- stage.
after V-E Day, at least,' waiting the
Luna Park, Coney Island, may be
that the consequences of this con- day, for a war charity, was a capital dark this summer for the first time Building of personalities is not a
end of the curfew period. new
. tract won't be funny. Last upheaval show as Ed Sullivan emceed it, with in many years due to the difficulty idea with the Roxy. They pre-
some time ago came after it was Beatrice Lillie, Bill Robinson and of securing materials and help to viously tried it with Bob Hannon,
learned Jack Durant dTew $2,250 Frank Sinatra as the promised at- Oble's Extra. Hour of Booting rebuild the property, plus legal com- Archie Bobbins and Eddie Peabody
weekly at that house. Immediately tractions, and all showing. '

Cleveland, April 3. plications resulting from last year's among others, all of whom had long

all comedians negotiating for N. Apart from the auctioning, etc., fire. term dates there. Paul Ash was
Difference between eastern and
houses started pointing out why they that attends every similar charity, Until recently, Luna was ready to originally brought in on the same
only one hour, but it's
should get more than Durant and a Miss Lillie's repertoire of satirical wartime Is be sold by its present, owner. Pru- theory, after long stays at the Para-
couple did succeed in getting hefty songs points her up anew for a class enough to give tipplers in
several mount, N. Y, and Oriental, Chicago.
dence Bonds Corp., to Jacob Schiff,
increases. cafe act She has nixed any dou northern Ohio towns a loophole for an attorney, for a sum reported to be
bling, so long as she is in "7 Lively 60 extra minutes of drinking. around $275,000. Schiff was inter-
Arts" at the Ziegfeld, N. Y., but she There are two nearby towns re- ested mainly in the realty value of
has a pat routine in that satire on maining on standard time that can its 13 acres, it's said. However. Harry Lenetska Out
Dark Congress H., Chi, French diseuses, "I Love Paree"; a run their bars until 1 a.m. wartime Schiff now says he has lost interest
torchsong burlesque, "Wind Round without violating liquor control reg- in the deal because of legal entan- Of Gale Agency; Lew
Room Sought as Nitery My Heart"; "Three Little Fishes' ulations. City of Ashtabula is on glements.
Joey Jacobson, operator of the
and "Fairies in the Garden." eastern war time but Ashtabula Contributing to Schiff's decision
Chez Paree, and Ralph Berger,- of Bojangles clicked, per usual, and County outside the burg is on east- was the suit brought in the N. Y,
Harry Xenetska resigned this week
ditto The Voice, who was particu- ern standard time. supreme court, last week, by Bill
the Latin Quarter, both Chicago, are as secretary of the Moe Gale agency
larly, gracious hanging around over Miller, who operated the park for
reported dickering for the long It didn't take the barflies long to in charge of the vaude department.
two hours during the auctioning several years. Miller claimed his in-
darkened Collonnades Room of the discover that when all the .jiight Lew Leslie, former legit producer,
until his next-to-closing act. terests were being jeapardized by the
Congress hotel; in the Loop. Room spots closed at midnight in Ashta- has been named to head the vaude
Sullivan did a very okay job intro-
. sale and asked that a stay be grant-
hasn't been open for several years. bula, it was still only 11 pjn. out- division. Leslie moves in Monday
ducing the celebs and pyramiding ed. So far no decision has been
Jacobson and Mike Fritzl, of the the bids. Ringside
tables were $300
side the city limits. terrific A handed down. <9).
Chez, are seeking hew quarters since hegira as a result takes place every
the building housing the club was
to $1,000. Abet. Pending this decision, Luna Park Lenetska holds a 10% piece of
night at that hour. Innocent pedes-
cannot be sold, nor can it's opera- Gale's operation and it's said this
•old several weeks ago. Berger's trians have been virtually knocked
Owners tion as an amusement resort be de- will "probably be bought back."
quest of the Collonnades is attrib- Mex. City Nitery down and trampled on by the bat- cided upon until Miller returns from
uted to desire for a larger location
Both are said to be offering the
Dub U.S. Curfew Laugh a talions of still-thirsty Ashtabulans
rushing to a roadhouse across the
Florida, where he's running the
Mexico City, March 27. Copacabana, Miami Beach nitery,

hotel a percentage deal.

Night club proprietors here just
county line to spend the better part

which means opening In time for 2 Zephyrs File Cob

of another hour, and the State the summer season doubtful.
laughed when the curfew was is

Buddy Lester to Walton U. S.

slapped on their colleagues in the
Liquor Board can't do anything
about it.
Claim Vs. Count Bam
Small Club Bookers Sunk The Two Zephyrs have filed a
Out Local niteries don't generally open Same ironic situation in reversed
of Earle, Phila. By Curfew; No Buyers claim for $86 against maestro Count
until 10 p.m., and run until around English will exist in the town of
Philadelphia, April 3. Hamilton, O., when it goes into war Basle at the American Guild of Va-
Booking a comic into a nitery di 5 a.m. Bookers of small club dates and
rect from a run at the Earle, S-W
time this month. County outside it vaude packages for shindigs spon- riety Artiste. Amount involves oyer*
will remain on eastern standard sored by fraternal organizations and time pay for extra performances,
vaudefllmer, is being tried this week
by Jack Lynch, operator of the Wal Saranac Lake time, under which likker regula- social groups have been kayoed for which act alleges they did whtit
By Happy Benway tions are enforced at -midnight, so duration of the curfewsion era.
ton Roof with Basie unit.
He's signed Buddy Lester, who Saranac, N. Y., April 3 Hamilton is expecting a huge inva- Such of these affairs as will con-
Act's AGVA contract called for 30
started a week's stay at the Earle Birthday greetings are in order to sion, of out-of-towners who will un- <
tinue to run their spring dances are
brushing acts in favor of straight performances weekly. Money uv
Friday (30); Lester wiir start his Marie Gallagher, Alice Van Ness, doubtedly take advantage of its one-
Walton run Thursday (5), doubling Eddie Burke, Emerson Buckley and ,hour later booze curfew. dancing as the main course. Even volved is for- extra performances
his last night at the theatre.
Gerald Uvannl.
Chateau Club became Cleveland's those that have switched to week- given when unit played the Down-
Howard Levy doing O. K. on his end matinee sessions are not using town theatre, Detroit some time ago.
job after receiving his all-clear pa' first curfew fatality last week when any acts. Zephyrs have since left the unit
pers here. Harold Perelnian, who had dropped
Supplying talent to private parties
Salvin Buys N.Y. Hotel Scenes from "Passion Play," pro' all its entertainment, finally threw
Is also out, according to the bookers,
by Mathea Merryfleld, kudoed up the sponge. Spot was sold to Tom
Sam Salvin, veteran cafe boniface, duced the townsfolk who attended per Bontempo, who will install an en- because of the inflationary price tags AGVA Strike Threaten!
now an exec at Monte Carlo, N. Y., by formance at local church. the performers rotating within this
has bought the .Hotel Shoreham, on Stanley Rauch off to New York on
tirely different policy.
sphere have placed on their services! Ciro's Over Lester Pay
West 55th street, N. Y., as an invest- a 10-day furlough. Lodges and other groups which usu- Los Angeles, April 3.
ment. Eddie Rehberg given okay for mild ally had talent at their monthly
Clro's was threatened with a walk-
The apartment hotel also houses exercise. Carole Landis to Do blowouts refuse to up budgets from
out by the American Guild of Va-
the famed Robert's restaurant, Carl Kern, handed discharge pa the usual $75 to $100. Agents claim
which Salvin may eventually take pers, leaves for home this week. Theatres at $5,000 Per there's still a lot of that business
riety Artists,' but at the last moment
over and operate as owner-manager. Walter Kirschbaum, former 'acro- Carole Landis, who recently closed Libby Holman and Josh White were
bat, shot in from Reading, Pa., for around at these prices but no takers
ordered to stick it out pending settle-
checkup and a month's rest. on Broadway in "A Lady of Ques- among performers. ment of a salary dispute between
Dolly Dawnto LaConga Cliff Farmer, Rufus Weathers, Ar tion,'' will do a series of p.a.'s at Jerry Lester, comic, and Herman
thnr Slattery and Harry Schrager
Dolly Dawn has been set for La lipped for meals at the Rogers. $5,000, plus overages. She is booked
BEVTJE Hover, operator.
Conga, N. Y., starting May 18. She Write to those who are I1L for the St. Charles theatre. New Or-
Los Angeles, April 3. Lester declared he had $9,000
precedes this date with a stand at Paul Small's all-sepia stage revue, coming for four weeks' work, but
Frank DaUey's Terrace Room, New- Wesson Bros., now at the Beach' leans, starting April 12, and. the Ori- "Rhapsody in Rhythm," opens April Hover explained he had an agree-
ark, storting April 16. ental, Chicago, April 20. 6 at the Mayan theatre with Ethel ment with Lester's New York repre-
comber, Miami Beach, are set-to re.
Miss Dawn is former bandleader turn to the Pierre hotel, N. Y„. April Miss Landis will probably do one
. Waters starred. sentative, Miles Ingalls, to reduce the
and vocalist with George Hall's or- 10. Act played that spot some weeks more date before returning to the Ben Carter and Mantan Moreland 'weekly $2,250 salary after the mid-
cbestra. ago. Coast draw featured spots, night curfew was ordered.
so Wednesday, April 4, 1945
Harlan Dixon Honry Barman
Tho Kuiik It Walton pjneere

Variety Bills WEEK OF APRIL 6

Jimmy O'Drlea
Hilly CirilTUh
Will Ward
Singer MldKetj
Mouslo l'owell
Old RMMiimnlHB

11 Jurobson Oro
Hinrk flub
Moruk'fi. Ore
l.rnio Huliit Oro
Sian Keller Oro
\ rrMtlllet*
Jan Hnri KHi> duliHirt
OIk:\ \\ o.v (ova Copney * Ayera
Noniernl* In connection Willi bills below Indicate opening «I»t of aliow Sadie Hanks Rob llopUina MAX HOFFMAN, JB. :
a member of the Academy of. Magic
whether full or «|>lll wrrb Mlml Cartler Hob 1'ouKlim .
Max Hoffman, Jr., 43, veteran which had only 12members includ-
i Ji I'm
I Oro 1 1- Marian Nilea
liusrm Corner M Bcruere Oro actor, died in his apartment at the ing the late Harry Houdini.

Harrv Ucfrouri Ore /nnxlhjir Hotel Buckingham, N, Y.^ Saturday Survived by widow
I'llll.AOKI.I'IIIA .1 i'mi ii- l>Htvn
Clark's Mnwnllant Dnoley WilMin

and three
Ciirnutu (II) Keaion & Armlleld Harold Oreen (31). brothers.
Tin- MiuillHili* Washington .Son id iuMmv -

FroHli men Maurice Km (O Details in Legit- section.

iMiil & Mil C ratio HiMTiinl «l)
Mars Trio Huell Thomas
liaV.j* l.oniN Jin-dun
:iner-]M|lnr Ore
Korn Kobblcra IV e wee Mnrquetle MAI BEATTT

Ajmih & Kxlrolllta

Site Srhntz Ore I'eiers

JOSEPH O'BRIEN May Beatty, 64, former stage aiid

Riimnnliin Vlllnrre f.eon "I .ii Mnrleji Joseph O'Brien, 45, editor of Uni-
NMV VOKK CITY N Kne & Waterfall >h>tro|Hilllmi
fiplkr Jonex Ore
<tl-H) I'Yetldie UuiiRlan
.MllithlltlHIl Pens Jennie Coldmeln Claude MoplchiH Orr
versal newsreel, died March 29 in
screen actress, died in a Covins,
Cm.iIImI (.%> Ann Corlo Vera Nlvn Ralph 1'onl Ore Calif., sanitarium, April 1, following
S:iiniii> K.i t »• Glenn Miller Mml's srKi\<;t-iwi.i> WOUNNOCKKT N. Y. He had been operated on
\'AM\ Willi liOll WASHINGTON f'oilii 8q.-.' (ft-M>:- \>w
INirk (fl-K) a long illness. She entered the pro-
niM.u lo X- A n o il
l 1 Ca|>ltol (tV>
Cl> tie Jordan i.lrla Mm i*N \- Morris about two years ago, and returned
fession at the age of seven in her
Hlftll* (.".) Fonlnlnea Mildred Wiiync '/•In I ue to his. duties at Universal for about

Hup or Haro -Cool father's theatre in New Zealand,

Walty-' llotig
M uriah Sift .
.\h- 1 1
.Dim iiiond-
'S a U'wopd .Steppers Show Biz a Target a year. However, he was forced to
leave his work in June, 1944, and
later playing in Gilbert fit Sullivan
iVtt Claire .Mom nun Kid -

Continued from pake. 1 operettas in Australia,

never was' able to resume activities.
O'Brien started in the film busi-
Her real career started in England
(2) before the Illinois Stale Senate
where she was a musical comedy
Cabaret Bills Committee- investigating bluck mar- ness at 14 as a. developer for the'

and dramatic actress Starting in 1906.

Paramount ket operations in travel. Libonati got old American Biograph Co. He as-
in early experiments with After playing the feminine leads in
in his licks on show people, during sisted
George M. Cohan plays In Australia,
NEW YORK CITY a routine quiz of railroad officials on color films and worked on war pic-
she went to Hollywood, in the early
N K W VOKK CITY' MINNKAPOMS how reservations are secured. tures for the U. S. during the first
I'HrHiiiuiinl (4 > '
Ornjieuni <fl) Hi IV I Guy Ml Kssrt Ho lit**
Prompted by complaints on 'part World War. He joined Pathe News '30s, playing in such films as"Pricle
K*li (..imilinaii UlC Vaughn Monroe Hd ICilici Gilbert. Slun 'Keller Ore and Prejudice," "Little0 Lord Faun-
f;«ih Kt'anx Guy Kihbee Kerntft tirtiuer tUit Ii Clenry of the public that favoritism is being in 1927 -as make-up editor after
Hmim ZlRBy Talent Harold Wlllard llolel (.rxmiioa working as cameraman and film edi- tlcroy," "Show Boat" and "Forever
(•nilii.-t .

Momi KhI
shown, probe was staged in Chi be-
K\r l iHiditx Jane Sinter Jock llyan tor with the old Kinograms newsreel. and a Day," her last film. She was
CUM "\«0 Xoiton Sis '
diaries Strickland Tn m Kt\ua cause it's the rail center of the na-
Fox Movietone the widow

I liieimo HI) 8<>(TH HKNO Tim my BuVna Tnlitna tion. Senator, answering his own As photographer for/ of William Lauri, actor.
I>-:.n MiniOn iPtiluce (A) Bill Kolney Mail* News he made, some Survived by a daughter.
Mukihana ' question, "How do' the big shots get of the initial
Ink Spots Ray fln> utin riett*
l.eKoy 1511a Fit xfcera 1<1 Ittun A iicel Harold Aloma Ore space?" shouted: "It's, because the sound news pictures. He also photo-
ItVfful (C» Cootie Williams J?d KvMyn Knlirhi '
llolel l.lnriifn .

railroads want publicity." graphed the annual target sessions of PAUL MISCH
Prima A Orc Coke Poke Kddic MnyehofT Goo raxton Ore'
Paul Misch, .70. veteran pressor
I, ft.
the U. S. Navy, and obtained many

Clioi»l;i icerj* Slim -Thomas Ucrnhnlx lltHfl New Yorker Passenger traffic manager J. R.
Moriarity (Santa Fc) aiid E. L. Par- fine scenes on Navy cruises. and valet for the N. Y. show busi-
dee (Chicago St North 'western) de- O'Brien joined- Universal newsreel ness for 35 years, died in N/Y.. April
nied this was true, although what in 1P32, moving up to editor in 1938 1 after a long illness. He gained
BOOKING THE NATION'S LEADING INDEPENDENT the- Senator was getting at was ob-
VAUDEVILLE THEATRES vious to even those who can manage
In lining memory ot n y dmr'wiro nod lltelimg pal-
only a cursory glance at Chicago

EDWARD SHERMAN AGENCY dailies while coming in on the 8:45.

Here's how it works (and it'.s some-
Willi 4e|>nrlril A|irll Dili; 'IH.1i. In HoIIthoimI, fiilir. l'mlsa you my. dear »lrl.

NEW YORK BEVERLY HILLS. CAL thing that's been going on for years
PARAM0IIN1 BUILOINO CALIFORNIA BANK BLOC not. just during wartime i: Show biz
character boards a train in Holly- '

wood (or New York). Passenger reps when Tom Mead was elevated to wide reputation for his work in re-
TOLEDO F'eml Rulley Mary J.ine I.-aWsod. in either. city immediately wire their managing director of the reel. He pairing and cleaning costumes of
Roy IJiivIh
outstanding shows.
MIAMI Furumount (6-8)
NurliiTl l-'iicoiil Jerry* Mti)>cs publicity offices that the; -.characters aiso produced the shorts series, "Va-
Olymiiin <4>
Ink Spots'
li CiitHitnon (3) cilly I'etcrson .

are on such-and-such a train, in riety Views" and "Person-Oddities." He got his first big start in 1908
AUK'S fur*- Sui^rl* Mary Jano >*eo '

Tli.i tili-mis I'lla ' Fltzeernlrt (Lplo.wn) Jfnyil llneburn Ore space so-and-so. Chi office then gets Mead continues as managing director when the late Flo Ziegf eld gaye-him
nimii- I'nurliiry Cootie Willliimx )>il ".liiinuy S:iVn. lintel '
reliflHVtiiinlit out notices to photo editors of local and also as producer of these shorts, an order to repair costumes of "The
Hulln Soul Kiss.'.' a musical show. He did

Tuny f«ke i Poke Sumii ii 1 1 1 >- l>o»ey Ore

l-Vf.rn r
sheets, who send out phologs and/or which he has been "doing for about
.1 1 1 1 1

Knrl l.imi}<4l> Girls i'Km Thomas 1'iiul A Smilll Ti-ilily Wallers

every Zicgfcld show after that, and

AVin I-"rnnklin 1'aMl Piiliner interviewers to meet the train. two years.
Gene rield (3)^ Hotel rierro, In denying the charges." Moriarity

Survived by widow. .
numerous- other. Broadway shows,
bld.lliill Ore P.uNHeil Swnnn
I'nfe CMM-lcty Slnnloy Melbii' Ore said: "We don't have large numbers including those of Klaw &. Erlanger,

RKO Mary
Lo.u .Wnm
of movie stars traveling anymore.
llnlrl l'luia LOCKE EDWARD Cohan & Harris, David Belasco.Jhe
lima its and Charles B. Dilling--
Jtn rRnru l.eeda
I t!i
Ruy Uenson Ore Most of these who do ride the trains Edward Locke, 75. playwright and Froh'nians
Cliff JnckHon . Hotel Koosovelt obtain their reservations al the Gov- actor, diofi at the Percy Williams ham.
1'liU Mooro Oio Iiombarilo Ore
ernment reservation bureau, a unit home near East lslip, L. I., N. Y., 1 Survived by his widow.
ALBANY Rex Weber '
Carol* ;il liniel nnvoy' Flaw
Vnlll.r (19) Chester Dolphin Silvln \\: Cnrisllun Kay Kljnlier set up. by railroads to act as a clear- April,'!. First of the popular plays
Tommy Uorsey Ore W & Jean Brown t'lliiiiic Miilioy Roy Fox Ud ing house for miiltary needs, because by Locke was "The Climax" which HERBERT W. FORSTER
Nip Nelson COLlfMBt'S <"!ilK»ry Bros PhlJ Burton
l.ano & Claire Stevfiis Br & B\g B Georginna Bannlster- they are touring military camps and was produced in 1909. It was so Herbert ,W. Forster, 47, advertising
RONTON Palace (8-») Short y tlolrl SI. Regis hospitals or appearing at war bond successful that at one time the play manager '
of Western Electric Co.
BtMton. Sons o' Fuii l.aiiipllRlilerA (4) Josephine Houston
Splk** J tines Oj'c SAS FBAXCIWO l.ury Gillette Brali-lce Sc Gbmes
rallies." was being presented by six road (ERPI), died March 30 lri N. Y. after
Plnek Hros Golden Gate (28) B I-ane & Clulr* l'red Miller Oro Another confab will be held April companies. Film version of the play a heart attack..
Juily Manners The Rlmacs .Hen Yoat (4) 'l' Brooks Organ
^lurviH >1lmH Clirls- Cross Frank SorreJl •
l>nrotliy Shay. 16, at which time women who work is now being distributed by Univer- . . After starting as a chemist for an
CI.RVKLAND Jean -Parker Sliep Flelda Ore I'.iul sparr Oro in various reservation offices will be sal! .
American Metal Company in Mexico,
Pnlnr* (2B) West L'exing (.'hhIho Ruhh« l^uszlo Ore
Johnny Long Ore Allan Jones
Olca BovlanovH Hotel Toft subpoened and committee will re- . Locke, who was born in Engluand, .
Forster returned to N. Y. to become
Ad Ik KuznetzolY Vlneenl Lopez Ore ceive and make recommendations for
came to the U. S. in 1884, starting his a newspaper reporter. He started
Simeon KarzaefC Hotel Wolrtorf-A legislation to correct travel problems. with Western Electric in 1924. He
C'odolbnn Ore Csrnl Bru<-e career here as an actor. He first
Club. IS .lolin Sobastlan •

played in stock. One of his first legit

became the company's press repre-
Al Hixon l.eo Relsman Ore sentative in 1930 and laterbecame
Warner Joe Mann Iceland
MARRIAGES shows was with David. Warfield in

information manager. He moved up

Ann Denis Prankie Mnrlowe "The Music Master.' He quit the
(laye Dixon * Whirlwinds Gloria Dalchan to Harry- A. Ross, to ad manager in 1940.
Mnrela Kent Tanya Tamara stage in 1906 to write.
Survived by widow and two
NKW YORK CITY Gloria Jean Vlhee,iU liornon •
l.tni MAi'tin Ore

Dallas, March 28. Groom is presi-

Among his other' plays were "The daughters.
Htmml (6> • Nip Nelwon .Gordon Andrews iHmm? Relly's

Cab (*Hllo\vny Ore Mux & Qai>ff Cnpncabnnn T.a lluhlo dent of Ross Federal Service, which Revolt." 'The Bubble," "Land of the
il<din*>0 & Jean WASHINGTON T 8c Sally Be Marco Joan Colvlna checks percentage film engagements, Free," "Dangerous Years," "Frieda MLLE. JOSEPHINE
3U Koiieiln
J)Uie HobeiiH RudyA IiMm
Dulty Sauliers Earie (6> ralfly Brewfiiar Jo Ann Coll)er Evelyn Ashlin to Klaus Landsberg, Laughs," 'The ..Dancer," "Swanee Mrs. Mary Josephine ^Hogers, 54,
Tlia C'tthhlelten Roxyeltes Itnland TwIiih Aloma River," "57 Bowery," and The Love billed in heryounger days as Made-
PHD. A OB] .PHI A Andree. Andre A B Mnrly Marlin Oro Renee Hollywood, April 2. Groom is di-
Karle (6) .Tim & Mil Mulcay Con Rt'ucn Rnaila Call." . moiselle Josephine, circus aerialist,
Raymond Scot I Ore Dorla Taylor Dick Wilnon Orcb Diane Page. rector ot television at Paramount.
Locke was a member of the Amer- died -March 27 in Los Angeles after
Annelle Hayes to Mark Stevens,
ican Society of Dramatic Authors & a heart attack while working in the
Beverly Hills, Cal., March 30. Bride Composers, Authors League of boxoffice of the Russell Bros, .

Independent Amtriea'f Loodltq ls)d«p«ad«flt and groom are screen players. America, Actors Equity and the show. Born while her' mother was
traveling with a small tent show,
Agent Barbara Canterbury to Gordon Lambs Club.
Wilson, Los Angeles, March 27. Bride Survived by widow^ a daughter Mrs, Rogers spent practically all her
Muxle Hull
(6) IJbertr ("i-8)
t. EDDIE SMITH is with RKO casting department;
and a sister. life as a trouper.

Surviving is her daughter, Norma Kalrfux EMZAUKTII 1501 Broadway groom was an actor before joining
Cnrpp de Hnllet Adrlenne Pnrker HARRY McDONALD Rogers, elephant trainer with the
Oil Mnlson Joan Joyce Now York the Navy.
Ko«y (e) Eddie Foley
Harry Russell circus. McDonald, 54, New England
Kdivard Sis Elizabeth Wolfe to Jeffrey Ber- publicity; manager for- Universal,
Vlr-lor Borge
A I (jordon 3 I'YolllckerN nerd, Beverly Hills, Cal., April 1. died during his sleep. March 27, at MAURICE DONNAY
.ln:in KdwnrdH KITOHBIRO Groom is producer at Monogram. Hartford. Conn. McDonald was Maurice Donnay, 86, playwright
1'h ul Ash Ore Lyric (7-8) Dliimouil llnniealiu* Carter & Hons
LONG ISLAND Lew Baker Bob Hull Jos CfipeUn Ore' manager for several theatres during and member of French Academy,
Jamaica IIARTFOKl> I. ft Pierre
J'Ynnk Bonn Kin hit* Jul dan his career in show business which died. March 31 in Paris. Donnay's
State (6-H)
L Armstrong Orc-

T«tono) Knya Ihil 1' I Hi MM BIRTHS he entered in 1917. He first -was most familiar work' was "Amants.'*
l'Jnuiia l-'riiiirla .t»»rr> * Tnrk Mr. and Mrs. Andy Potter, daugh- Most of his plays 'and books were
'I'm rl
Vfl lire
Blll Balloy
Buck & Bubbles II.lzcl ManKCun < .1 llnrkctt CIs New England division manager of -

Man-in Dulo M ter, Glendale, March 27. Father is Fox Theatres, a position he held for written before the first. World War,
(due i" Mil) Tommy Rynn I'ocil Lcwln
it. 'hi to B(l
(illh only) nOI.YOKK
1.h a radio producer. li years. In 1931 he became division but he stijl held a position in French
Chsrles & Barbara Clorln l<eRoy ..Tn iiiafTotd
Indian- Pine Room Hilly Bunks l.eith Victor Mr. and Mrs. Billy Hinds, daugh- manager for RKO Theatres, both, in letters through his membership in
I Mi k Snmrl (HO)
Henry HMJ Qunninieycr Vnl.Irvlnpr ter, Pittsburgh,' March 24: the French Academy, which started
.IkIiii Ooldle Milrhell Jtiollier Toni Kelly Father is N. Y. and Boston. McDonald went
0:si*e Smart Klleen- Ford MLclutel KiltviirUs announcer at KDKA. to RKO Theatres in Boston in 1938. in 1907.
BALTIMORE i.ols Lee Mori Held Ore

lllniimlronie (5)- -
Joan Sc J Hutlon \intent Trnyera Ore
Carl Jlnvazza Oro
Mr. and Mrs. Leo'Lefcotirt. daugh- He had. been manager of the N. Y. During the Moliere tercentenary, .

a l.urhy GIiIh
Msnson CO
I-IiiiIIa 1IOLY0KK 4110 Club Ijirin Oimrtei
ter, Hollywood/March 27. Father is Hippodrome, in 1930-31 and joined in 1922, he visited the U. S.
WslHon Sis Valley Arena (8) Duke MllinKioii Ore Jirtino Vfnccnt a film publicist. Universal in January, 1944,
Charlie Splval Ore Miu iilio Bd M;i?.7.i>ne-Abbnlt D
L^/ilils <lule
Pnt Valcay MnvniHi-Mudrld Mr. a;id Mrs. Michael Dowd. twin Survived by widow, two brothers, WILFRED A. SMITH
Mate (6-7) ClorJi. (.ilib'orl •

Fnnlie & Keed John Hilton Hun Suxon daughters, Los' Angeles, March 26. Charles( N. Y. zone manager of RKO Wilfred A. Smilh, 44, head of
D«.rrow Sis
Aim* Bennett Father is vocalist with Kay Kyser's Theatres, mnd Irving, a commentator Akron Theatre Owners and Mana-
1'ilnr (loitn'Z. M.uold 4i I<(iln
j^illy Menuher Raymond 2 )lu/./. t n\ ihidynii U'ondera
(lobs A ClAl (Two to Ml) Jli-hijiie .Inrow '

Hen lipvn orchestra. on WEEI, Boston;, and a sister. gers, died March 23 in Akron. Smith -

t Sc
(»-ll> NKWARK lintel
Iwmis Buluneoiirl
- AmbiisHiiilnr
W fnl WV.Iah
Mr., and Mrs, Maurice Zololow. son.
managed the Majestic theatre there,
Reglnl Arinmg (!) M;iriy Ueck Ore J. WARREN KEANE
J n Ion l.iiitdn Oro New York, March and was active among Ohio indie
Ainioiid or .Pnulette Tilon nuniplnn Ore
Hotel A M or
l.« Kiibn'n lllru 31. Father is mag J. Warren Kcane, 60, magician for
MmriH St Ryan Tho Nk^lillngules Thelina ('arpentor writer. exhibitors. Widow, a daughter and
KiihertA'H Circus 2 .ZephyrM .los*> 'Mornnd Oro .Mervyn .Nelson years on the B. F. Keith and other
BKOOK a son survive.
BOIiMI PATKHSON rion l^rry Ore Cailiiiid Wilnon Mr. and Mrs. Michael Doyle, son, vaudeville circuits, died March 30 in
llrook 0-H> Majestic (0-8) llolel llrlniont O.iy, Dawn- St Puflk
Jaek oV Sully Tnylor Rence Sc Calvert jVlnnlcA Boynr Hollywood, last week. Father is dia- Brockton, Mass., after a brief illness.
Oene Tommy Judy Kelly
Polny Carrot Cedrle Wallarn A logic director at Warners. - WILLIAM F. GOSSNER
l.fon X radio's
The former vaudeville actor had William F„ Gossner, 52, associated
I. on Kltr. LaBlanca & Gnrrln Jerry IicwIh! .

Sgt. and Mrs'.' D. John Philips,


(Two to nil) ToU Lenry Hurl I-;n«ley Kildlo Dnvla traveled not only in this country, but with Metro's exploitation and royi-
CAMDtCN Uauller's Brleklny's lliinny )iyii-pi« calvir-rt Sin daughter, New York, April 1. Father also in Europe, Australia and Can-
Towers (6-»)

C.irolo alty departments for the last eight

(»-ll> was formerly publicity manager for

Arliii) it (.onstielo
PeKKy Marlowe June Sc Marl in J*Hya«>n Re On*

.!<»« fbrjor ada with his magic act. He had been years, died at Putnam Vallcy/N. Y.,
Valentine Arno Bonnett llolel lMMioore It A .1 I'uyaee the shorts department at Par; mother in big time vaude for about 30 years.
Cody & Cody r>on Zelaya Joan U.Uclyft Hherry Brllton is former Edith Schaefer, attorney
March 30 after a heart attack.
Hons & Coyle 8 Gobs Sc A Gal Ann W'aiTen Art Wanor Ore Born in San Francisco, Keane Survived by his- widow and a
Stevens Bros & B rAWTL'CKKT at Par.
Randy Stewart; Monte Cnrifl came east in 1900 and went into show
CHICAGO Capitol (8) Uddy Rui;orM Ore niek Ouaparre Ore brother.
Oriental (6) Jaek Ooldle Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Rubin, business. He married the former
HotAl f llMinsdilnl-f .l«»nri Murray I-'
P Flunks & .Innlcs Don Zelaya. *j, -

Clin rlle S j ilvnk Oic Alberto Oro daughter, in New York, April 2. Fa- Grace C. White, musician. He
retired Mrs. Vincent B. McFaul, 57. wife of
Pleli & not Remy

Lolg Lee TTiiTel 'WTkI© OHjen'e ther is N. Y. district manager for from the stage about 30 years
potina Dae Joan & .J Ifullon Don Baker Ore '
(MrooklyD) ago. President of Buffalo Theatre, Inc.,
Cvnvllle * DMe Doris Drew Hnlel r.dWnn .lorry linker American Society of Composers, Au- Kcane was a charter member of the
operating the Shea (Par) circuit,
C'hloo Mam (One. to All) Oeor^e Raur Oro Vlckt RoUet-U -
thors and Publishers. -Society of American Magicians and
(Continued on page 55) ...

W^n^ay, Aprtt 4t 1948 LEOITIMATB 81

Sboberts Boy Majestic,

'Jake Jammed in Pitt Crossfire Ticket Agencies Caught Off Guard
Chi, to Reopen in June
Chicago, April 3.
Between Crix and Femme Columnist The Shuberts have acquired the
Majestic theatre. Acquisition gives
By Court Verdict Vs. McBride's;
them Ave theatres hare.
Pittsburgh, April S. .

Plana are to reopen the house,

Terrific panning "Jacobowsky
the Colonel" took
from all three Dolin's 1-Night Stand At
which has been dark for 11 years,
some time In June if priorities ean Ruling Bars AH From Delivery Fee
first-string critic* l'*st be obtained for its refurnishing.
Pittsburgh A
major, surprise in ticket agency
week resulted feud of sorts be-
in Met in Horok's Ballet Leas* for house was obtained
was the decision of Justice
through Monroe Properties, Inc,
tween the local reviewers and Flor- Anton Dolin and Tamara Touman-
ence Fisher Parry, who
writes a ova ushered In S. Hurok's spring
Shubert-controlled real estate organ;
lcation, who bought the Majestie the-
'Gnest b
House' 1st For Lloyd Church in N. Y. supreme
court last Wednesday (28), the Jurist
dally column of comment for the season Sunday night (1) at the Mat. ruling against McBride's contention
atre and office building from the
Press. Crix here were not so much The former, and his partner Alicia
Lehman Estate at a reported $300,000.
Anglo Co. in London that it was legal to collect delivery
concerned about the play as they Markova, currently appearing in "Quest in the House," which had charges on theatre tickets. In up-
were with the performance, labeling "Seven Lively Arts," will perform a Broadway run a couple of seasons holding License Commissioner Paul
it one of
the sloppiest jobs turned for the Ballet Theatre on the nights ago, will probably be the first pro- Moss' opinion that 75c plus federal
In all season by a
professional cast "Arts" has no show, meaning Sun-
duction, to be done in London by taxes constituted the ultimate price
with a Broadway rep. Main com- day. City of Bridgeport Anglo-American Productions which permitted by the state law, the court
plaintwas tha't players, particularly Other divertissements were "Fancy has been formed to present Ameri- stated that McBride's did not come
Oscar Karlweis, were virtually talk- Free" and "6ala Performance." can plays In the British Capital. into court with "clean hands," indU
ing to themselves and couldn't be "Free," which had Its own chore- Anglo-American is headed by Jack cating in his opinion that the agency
heard beyond first couple of rows.
Roasts apparently got under Mrs.
ographer, Jerome Bobbin*, In the Backs Legit Rep Waller and Peter Deal ing, the latter practiced abuses in the collection of
cast, was the suggestive theme upon how In New York to line up plays. delivery fees. The decision, there-
Parry's skin since she has been which Bobbins and composer Leon- City of Bridgeport, Conn., is going "Guest" will probably be done In fore, bars delivery fees by all agen-
boosting "Jake" ever since she saw ard Bernstein based their now suc- into legit producing with a six September at the'Saville theatre, cies.
It in New York nearly a year ago. cessful legit, "On the Town." weeks' spring drama festival at where "3 Is a Family," produced by The decision was one of the most
Columnist labeled it the finest war The house was Jampacked with Klein Memorial Auditorium start- Waller and directed by Dearing, is lengthy ever handed down in a
play of this or any other season and standee* to the; door. The one dis-
' ing April 14. City Is to do .complete no"w playing. theatrical case, consuming nearly
has been urging Pittsburgh theatre- cord were the late arrivals through, financing. Has engaged Theron four columns of small type in tha
goers to see it at all costs, devoting out the performance, blocking out Bamberger, producer of "Tomorrow Law Journal last Thursday. (29).
her entire Sunday column day be- the stage from time to time. the World" and summer theatre Ruling, which affects all agencies,
fore 'show opened to singing its
operator, as general director, latter
to have complete control of produc-
Moss Upheld On started by stating: "In a metropolitan
area with a cosmopolitan population '

So the reviews were something of tions, casting, etc. All monies will such as the City of New York, tha
a shock to her. and she defended her go through city's hands, actors and business of the plaintiff and other*
previous stand by taking it out on
first-night audiences,
Frisco Op To others being city employees with no
2 Ticket Verdicts .is one of convenience and neces-
Pittsburgh's social security deductions, etc. sity for a. great number of people,
claiming that the Crix were influ- Auditorium, built only five years residents and visitors. But because
enced by proverbial chilliness of Paul Moss, New-York license com-
ago privately and donated to city, of repeated and long-standing abuse*
premiere customers locally, which in Tour in East is very modern and seats 1,900. Has
missioner, had a
week, winning three decisions,
day in court
/ it has become the subject of statu-
turn defeated the stars right put at played concerts and touring legit tory regulation. .the charge for ad-

the outset. According to Mrs. Parry, The San Francisco Opera Assn. two of which dealt with
ticket agen-
attractions, although recently United mission to theatres and other place*
cast just laid down their arms and next season will embark on a four- cies. He won
against McBride's,
of amusement is a matter affected

Booking Office has switched its .'When it was ruled that the commis-
surrendered when they realized it booking* to the Lyric. Aud, how- with public interest and subject to
week tour for It* first trip east of sioner rightfully prohibited the col-
was no use trying
to de-ice the ever, has no air conditioning. supervision for the purpose of safe-
the Rockies. Two operas will be lection of fees for the delivery of
packed house. .

City approached Bamberger orig- guarding the public against fraud,

tickets, and he was upheld in refus-
Mrs. Parry was also worried lest trouped, "Luoia," with Lily Pons as inally, through Comptroller Perry ing to issue a license to Joe Gransky. extortion, exhorbitant rates and
the Theatre Guild and other pro- guest star, and "La Boheme," with Rodman, on the idea. Bamberger former ticket broker. Supreme Court similar abuses. . .
ducers might scratch Pittsburgh Jussi Bjoerllng and Dorothy Klrsten.
will use Richard Skinner, producer Justice Morris Eder handed down 'Any' delivery charge made by a
from their, list of cities because of Tour will start Jan. 14 and end of recently short-lived "Signature."

the latter decision. He is the same (Continued on page 94)
local first-night audiences and the Feb. 9, taking lit San Antonio, Hous- as general manager; Charles Parsons jurist who previously reproved Moss
refusal of reviewers to allow, for this. ton, Dallas, Birmingham, Chatta- as stag* manager, and Arthur Levy as being "capricious and arbitrary"
"Can you' blame this astute organ- nooga, Atlanta, Detroit, Cincinnati, on publicity. Plans similar type

in granting or withholding licenses. MAX HOFFMAN,

ization (Guild)," columnist conclud- St. Louis, Minneapolis, Des. Moines productions and actors as at his Gransky managed the downtown
ed, "if after reading the damning re- and Denver. Columbia's Fred Bucks County Playhouse in Phila- branch of the Supreme agency, head- UNEXPECTEDLY
IN N. Y.
ports of 'Jacobowsky and the Colo- Schahg is doing the booking. delphia. Bridgeport season would ed by Willie Deutsch. which was de-
The Frisco troupe, of which With a Broadway career, again in
nel' by. our Pittsburgh critics, it finds .
end in time for usual siiminer sea- tected for overcharging and the li-
sight for him on the strength of hi*
Itself speculating on what might Gaetano Merola is general dlrettor, son of Bucks, although no plans have cense was revoked. In asking the
have been the commercial and artis- usually plays its home town and
performance in "Good -Night,
as yet been set for the latter. court to compel Moss to grant him
Indies," the sudden demise Saturday
tic fate of this valuable piece of Los Angeles, and. occasionally Port- a license so that he could go back
property if the Guild had risked. Its land, Ore., and Sacramento. Next (31) of Max Hoffman, Jr., was par-
into the ticket business- on his own,
ticularly distressing to friends In tha.
premiere to the mercies of Pitts- fall, however, prior and in addition FIELD SUBS FOR EVANS Gransky denied implication - in the
He collapsed in hi*
burgh audiences and Pittsburgh to eastern trip, It's booking a seven- violations. Moss testified that the profession. .

critics? And could it be blamed if, week Pacific coast tour from Seattle gypping was done while Gransky. apartment at the Hotel Buckingham,
in the future, it would reconsider, to San Diego, for. the longest opera
in charge of the branch, and so New York, and expired soon after
and re-fashion its policy to omit this season In Its history. Wilbur Evans has been out of "Up the court tossed out -the application. his wife, actress Luana Walter*, who
erstwhile favored and favorite city Bjoerling, lead Metropolitan Opera In Central Park," Century, N. Y.. Last season Moss issued and then Is well known in Hollywood, sum-
from its bookings?" .
tenor,. who has been home In Sweden for the last week, Robert Field of suspended Deutsch's license, latter moned a doctor. The actor was to
Mrs, Parry did admit in her col- the last lour years, will be the first the cast taking over the baritoning. going to court and winning the case. have entered a hospital that day
umn, however, not having attended important singer to come out of Understudies went into action in In a third ruling last week Moss was after a series of stomach hemor-
the opening performance

Europe since the war. Expects also other shows, too, an attraction be- upheld in ruling that 10% was suf- rhages, presumably brought on bf
that a theatregoing friend, "wise In to rejoin the Met. The San Fran- ing forced to suspend for one per- cient remuneration for employment ulcers. .

the ways of actors and .audiences," cisco tour also won't Interfere with formance because the sub .was hos- agencies placing unskilled labor in Hoffman appeared in "Ladies"
reported that "Jake," as performed Miss Pons' Met appearances next pitalized. It was "Dark of the jobs. Double that percentage was' during its two-year run at tha
on Monday night (26), deserved what season. Diva is now In Paris, fin- Moon," 48th Street, Carol Stone be- sought. Blackstone, Chicago. Although
It got. ished with her USO-Camp Shows ing taken ill. Marguerite Lewis Tried to Cut Royalty
James Ellison was co-starred, -with .

foxhole tour, but resting there for stepped In after one missed per- On the debit side Moss figured in Skeets Gallagher during the show'*
two weeks from the strenuous-tour formance. Miss Lewis is understudy a transaction in connection with engagement at the Royale, N. Y,
by doctor's orders. Singer there- for Beverly Roberts of "Ten Little •You Can't Take It With You." which ended March 24, Hoffman w**'
STAGEHANDS ISSUE fore missed Monday (26) Telephone Indians," Plymouth, but learned Miss Commissioner, as managing director regarded as Gallagher's principal
Hour and will miss concert date to- Stone's lines overnight of the N. Y. City Center, where the support in registering
the play'*
0N0VERT0NS' PROP morrow (6) In Springfield, Mass., Owen Martin was absent, from Kaufman and Hart comedy was re- laughs. He was' to have opened hi
Vincent Jacob), business agent' of and April 11 In Cincinnati. Met- "Oklahoma!" St. James* for the first vived, asked Morris Jacobs, as rep- Boston Monday (2) with "Ladies,"
the New York local of the stage- opera has also oancelled her Boston time since the show opened two resentative of the authors, to reduce Miss Walters was also due to enter
hands* union, took the stage at the appearance Saturday (7) In "Lucia," years ago, Paul Shires replacing. the royalty, which is $500 weekly. the cast that night. She will join tha
Forrest, N. Y , last week, at a mati- Patrice Munsel replacing. Miss Pons, Lawrence Brooks of "Song of Nor- Moss said he was acting as producer show later in the week. John Hub-
of the ••evival, though actually Frank
nee, and declared the curtain
would however, Is expected to fill her Met way," Imperial, was also forced McCoy is being billed, as presenting bard, who was in tha No. 2 "Ladies,"
not rise unless the management
of engagements in Cleveland, April 20, abed and Loren
Welch subbed. was brought on from Hollywood to
"he Overtons" would give the prop- and Chicago, April 30. the play, his silent partner being
replace Ellison, while Al Downing
erty man extra pay that the J. J. Leventhal.
Met, incidentally, has added
demanded. The performance did go Rochester, N. Y., to it* own spring Stone in 'Red Mill/
Dot When the billing was advertised. went into Hoffman's part.
For a time Hoffman was a cub re-
Jacobs wrote tartly to Moss, calling
on, with the players
exasperated. tour, It being last stop, on May 7, Which
Starred Her Pappy porter on "Variety" in New York,
his attention to the billing and mak-
.The prop Is required to supply on way back from Chicago. "Lucia," Dorothy Stone and husband ing demand for the full royalty as He started a collegiate engineering '
fresh "wine" (gingerale in a with Miss Munsel, will be heard. course but left school at the request
bucket Charles Collins leave for the Coast agninst 10% of the. gross. It was in-
ol >ce) and to secure
cigarets. That next week to appear in a stock com- dicated "Can't" got around. $7,000. of his mother, Gertrude Hoffman, to
is dubbed an "qulslde" duty, for Isn't It Nicer
which the property guy gets $3.50
To pany production of Victor Herbert's which means the royally was $700. join her in a dancing act.
"The Red Mill." Pair are appearing Just what Moss's interest was In try- At school young Hoffman was
extra per performance.
Paul Czin- Grow Rhodedendrons in support .of Fred Stone (Dorothy's ing to cut the show'.s nut wasn't prominent in athletics, notably at
"er, who presents Tascadilla Prep, Ithaca, N. Y., whero
"Overtons," was Season's champ low grosser was re- father) at City Center. N Y., in clear.
out of the city at the time,. he played football. He suffered -a
The-per- vealed to be "Eternal Cage," which "You Can't Take It With You,"
jormance proceeded with water in- stopped abruptly at the Barbizon- broken collarbone on* season, in
which closes its tour Sunday '8).
stead of "wine," and
the smokes Plaza hotel theatre last Thursday
were supplied by the stage manager.
"Mill" originally starred Fred AGATHA CHRISTIE PLAY 1918. Tascadilla was a good prep
(29), when the total gross In nine Stone with Dave Montgomery school and spawned some notable
J- J. Leventhal,
who has a piece bf times was an estimated $300. Show (Montgomery & Stone). He was NSG
IN LONDON BOW gridders, especially on the Cornell
Jne show, later instructed the addi- wasn't advertised. teams for which it prepared.
tional coin to be
sought for the Coast revival but
paid, but the actors Closing of "Cage" leaves "It's a London, April 3. Later his Broadway musicals in-
we still burning over the incident, Gift" the honors in the matter of claimed he was too old for it now. Two new stage entries are not cluded "Sweet Adeline," "Captain
especially the dancing angle.
"je "situation" arose because the
small potatoes. It moved to the Na- given much chance. "Gaieties." which Jinks," "Good News" and "Jack and
show's backstage crew changed opened at the Winter Garden March Jill." Hoffman gravitated to Holly-
from tional from the Play house, last week Los Angeles, April 3.
a road prop to 29, is rated unlikely tq. last long. wood, returning
a local union man. and the count on Saturday added up Billy Gilbert was inked by Edwin to the stage when
to something less than $1,500. Top for Lester to direct the revival of "The It appears hopelessly unrehearsed. "Ladies'* was' produced out there.
"Gift" is $4.20, but that's a virtually Red Mill" for the Los Angeles Civic "Appointment With Death," which Miss Hoffman now conducts a danc*
mythical price because the manage- came into the Piccadilly March 31.
'OklaJ' Itinerary Light Opera Association. studio, while her musician husband
is Agatha Christie's latest whodunit.
ment is attempting to two-for-one the Lester also signed' Odette My'riil Max. Sr., is in the orchestra of. "Ok-
_ Buffalo, April 3.
However, it is not up to the author's lahoma," St. James, N. Y., he also
Flans for keeping the National flopperob. for the Counters role in the same
standard. Seems likely for a mod-
jonipany ot "Oklahoma!" running show. being the pit crew's contractor;
erate run on the author's reputation.
"rough the coming summer were Fridolin'g Tour Hoffman and Miss Walters wer*
revealed during its engagement Ottawa. April 3. wed 10 years. Previously he was
"unalo week.
Gatien Gelinas, Montreal stage
Shows in Rehearsal Porter a Treasurer Now |
married to Norma Terris, Thelma
Show will go into Philly in the comic known as Fridolin, In Ottawa "The Hollywood Pinafore"- Max Irving Keyser. treasurer at Roynle. ! White and Helen Kane, now Mr*.
early summer,
with plans for a sum- huddle with. National Film Board Gordon. N. Y., sent a porter to the bank :
Dan Healy. With Miss Terris he
mer stay there and followed "Memphis Bound"— John W-ildberg, urday (31 > morning with a check for appeared as a nitery team at the old
by sev- which is covering his show, "FrJdo-. ;

erol weeks more in Washington, Rector's.

linon, '45," with stills story. Vinton Freedley. $1,200. to 'lave cash that afternoon-
0re and environs. Company "Fridolinon" shuttered after eight "Devils Galore'l-^-John Clein. for window -ale changed Porter had 1
Funeral services, strictly private
tuui !?
*"I then hop to the Coast, and
will weeks at Monument Nationale the- "Common Ground"— Ertw. Choale. a letter of idcntifR-alion and cashi ' his mother's request, were conr

'?««, the 45 ' ie seaso " touring the "too Hot For Maneuvers"— Jimmy' t|ic check. ;,
cled at Campbell's, N. Y,~,' yes-
w west and at Coast stands.
atre, to teeoff run at the Capitol.
Qudbce. April 19. Elliott. i!r '-. /I ' t. .
.. . ' ' a .

IS LEGITIMATE Wednesday, April 4. 19JJ

And Still Doe* Biz

Plays on Broadway The
James, N.
girls in "Oklahoma!" St.
V., don't have, to fend
Inside Staff-Legit
off any stray guys who may still
Tennessee Williams, the 31-year-old author whose "Glass
The <«ln*s Meiing«rl«* jlhe townsfolk .to point up n par.illRl
Iwilli today's 'event's: The ilea lias be around. They have gone on. drew
press plaudits when it opened at the Playhouse, N. Y„ last
ki.iic ionium im.,1 i...nis J. snm-i p...- i
d WUSSOf m0 c eloquently in sustained licderkriinz and raw Salitri«v
(31), was born in Mississippi.
j j, j | ( First play by him'-was produced in
,.;V!™- »,rr»L7E& onion binge. Boston


:;;;: ' n^-v^-i -i.. Time t« come.- by the Theatre Guild but never came to Broad-way, It was called
IV, j Id, :iml IM.lie JikhIiiii:: f:-:inii. llllcl film "Wilson. Kvcry night a deckhand "Bailie
mid Antlumv St.tU'M
of the. Angels," with Miriam Hopkins starred. "Angels" ran into
Julie il;t>iluli IIiij-.-*..
The ides' is scrambled up wuli a fetches, the smelly slufT, and Ted censor
ll\ lliiwlint; mill ..M-.lfKii .'"Hen: H'-llil!-. .1" ship trouble and it was reported to be anti-religious in theme.
xii. IZHU'i- k kl;iK" IW>'V !>' iluation involving- a tyrannical Hanimerstoin, the stage' manager, That was
N\ V. father-in-law. an idealistic son-in- has to lake a snack of it to pro-
disputed by the author and Miss Hopkins,, who agreed with reviewers
I'mil H.iu li-> .1 1 : t'.liiv llim--'-. and
M ii ::i *i.jh inn: law, a loo-ile.volcd- daughter, and a tect .'himself:- Ruth Weston, of
snowmen that Williams would make a name for himself in the- theatre
Mm li.-i- , 1 .mil i-m- T.i.ilui
predatory girl-friend. Nugenl palms the cast, started the odoriferous Fact that "Angels" opened in the Hub the same night as "Ladv i
Sim I-Mdle ll.'Wliiiy n the
II. -i limiulili-r .
Inlie .ll:i>.l"i allthis off with dialog that is occii- pastime. Dark" with Gertrude Lawrence, and thereby drew second-string reviewers
I'll- Oiitli'ikitili I 'lillei-. . . . . . . .\iillmli
sionally w itty: but more often syn- may have caused some of its -tribulations. '

Ihclic and strained: His direction, Williams took the drama course at the University of Iowa..
i the took time olT from his acting', Attention
Chicago's drama critics ..-rayed over - was -drawn.- to that school recently because Howard Richardson and Wil-'
"Glass Menagerie" 'when it opened
chores in "Voice of the Turtle" for
the stint is sialic. So. for that mat-
N.Y. CRIX HUDDLE NEXT liam Bcrney, also southerners, wrote "Dark Of the Moon," at the
there, and the Loop hounds' didn't, ter, is most of the acting.
Street, while doing post;graduale work .at Iowa U. Williams was twice
climb out on a limb by a long shot.
It is heart-warniing, excellent the-
' gave his father. J. C. Nu-
Elliott WEEK ON 'BEST PLAY' given Rockefeller playwriting grants upon recommendation of the Dram-
New York Drama Critics Circle and National- and he was awarded a prize from, the American! Academy
gent, some of the play's better lines, atists Guild,
N which Nugent pere gets off with Institute of Arts and; Letters in recognition of his writina
Lnurette Taylor's
It is show, Tuesday (10) to will huddle next

some flavor and flourish. But other talent.

villi co-star Eddie Dowling the,ruh-
. .

cast members run from adequate

choose (he best play of the season.
iier-up. Critics have long been pre-

down: and in. some instances a long usual it will make its selection
dicting that Tennessee Williams Inspired by the Buffalo Children's Aid Society, a bill that would
way down. John Archer, as an ideal- n advance of the. Pulitzer commit- have
would eventually.-deliver as a play- istic !yoimg newspaperman fighting raised the age' limit for kids making professional appearances in
wright, and he has done just that
tee, which is due; to announce its New
for the Wiisonian ideal, is less sure prize award on May 1.' York from. 16 to 18 years of age was introduced in Albany during the
with this two-act. four-person drama of. himself than he was in the recent recent assembly session. After James F.- Reilly, acting for managers,
Setting is a flat overlooking an alley .Last season the critics were criti- and
"One-Man Show." while Jeanne- Cag- cized plenty for. Alfred Harding, of Equity, opposed the proposed statute, it was killed
in St. Louis. refusing to make In

ney, as his wife, disappoints.' Robert committeei Sponsors of the measure said they thought they were helping
Again Julie Haydon is playing- op- -'j
Keith"" lends .sOme'strengtniTsltnough aily selection, with (lie result that

posite Dowling. as she did in the the rules were changed so that there showmen ra'ther^than aiming to curtail the Use 'of juniors.
not enough-, to the disagreeable role

Pulitzer prize-winner. "Tunc of Your Principal object of the; bill

was to stop roving bands of upstate youngsters
of lnc dogmatic father-in-law. Mcr- could not be a "bye" season again.
Life." "Anthony Ross, has been cedes McCambridgc. as the other While the quality of the plays pro- who have been barging into bars and roadhouses, putting on impromptu-
around for some time but never in a woman, is uneven, although good in
duced during the 1943-44 period may shows and collecting throw money.
clicker comparable to "Menagerie." her important love, scene with the
First act distinctly better than, have: been questioned, the current
is '
newspaperman. Christmas packages sent by Equity resulted in nearly ibov response
the second. because of the long

season lias brought forth a number


Lueinda Ballard's 1919 costumes from members In uniform. The parcels Were sent by responsible firms
romantic second-act scene, that ends of concededly fine shows, critics and
and Raymond Sovey's set catch, the
in That part of the
Broil. Pulitzers being expected to have a strictly in conformity with Army specifications. However; thousands ot
flavor of the period.
writing laudable but it's a sort of
is problem trying to make a selection. others have yet to receive the gifts, which jammed the V-mail headquar-
audience letdown. Neither Miss A suggested solution is that more ters on the site of the former Madison Square Garden Bowl (Bill Carey's
Taylor nor Dowling is on stage then. tady in Danger than one play be cited, although the folly) in Long Island City last fall. 'Reported some weeks ago that 30,000
Miss Taylor's enactment -of a Till Alli'rt nil linn. l-'iiiliei' .iirotlnrliun of such packages, were dumped in the open somewhere hear the Pacific coast.
rules of both groups make rio pro-
mother seeking to find a mate for ineliiilnijiin iii. Iliive'in-ts dine Hrrnc) by. Max
her crippled daughter is her best per- .Affupl mill Kirklnnd. ..t'eatni'i'.*
Alexiimlei' 1 vision for a '.'split decision." The matter 'is something of a scandal. One soldier in the South Pacifto

formance, far transcending her "Peg Helen Alexaniler .Klrkland. Vli-ki

('uiiiiiiiiiKX Mini <'lijiein-e Dej-wenl.

A simple majority of those pres- was sent no less! than six Xmas packages, but a couple of weeks ago he
O' My Heart." presented when she l»y -Dervvem iteliliiK hy llHrry (lOi'rion Ben-

ent! plus proxies of Circle members wrote and said none was received.
was one of the most attractive' acr nett. Oiieneil hi Bi-oailhurst. N. Y., Mul-eli absent, will decide the critics' win-
tresses who trod, the boards.. She
ai; 'J.-i: »».m'l
ner. -'.Howard Barnes, who. heads the Internal trouble in the cast of "Naughty Marietta," being trouped west
laments her -marriage, because her Kill Sett. in ...... .James Gnnnn .

Sefirin ........ t'laiie reviewers, planed overseas' Sunday' of Chicago by Reed Lawton, ocourred recently. The players were asked
man was a hard drinker, a fellow .Hniiii-H .-.-.Helon
connected with the 'telephone com-
Mriu* MiKlKei1 . .
.'. tl) with a bunch of radio commen- to take. a salary cut, but at least one actress refused and was given notice,
I)r. Kniin-is I5i-ei*4nilii. Aiexun'der Ktrktand
tators on behalf of Army Public Re-

pany in the long-distance division, Kylviii Meitile! .Vk kl CumihlnKx . .

which. -obligated the manager to pay her return transportation. The girl
which led him to wander about until Amlvew .Meinle. ::.... ..Rodney Mul.elinnn lations but left his proxy. George (s said to have been required to go to the district attorney in Butte, Mon-
his demise.. Khi;I •' K iiri . . )P«ul KuliietKh . .
Freedley. secretary of 'the Circle, is tana, and t|ed up the boxofflce until the coin was forthcoming.
-I !li lpf~. tiHln*<-l<»»- Hlli-k^
I . .Cliircnce Derwent
Perhaps he took It on the lam be- Petectiye lleiini^ Mal-nh Riiiinld Alexander. due to preside. Operetta has been playing high school auditoriums and- shows in such
CuiiHlplils l v nXMi>n. llndiion Kaunxett "The Glass Menagerie," which
cause of her nagging, at which she .

Ki-eilei-lt.-k -Sinltli.' Gary Bllveru spots that are not. under Equity regulations. Therefore the company has
Is a past mistress. Tom, the son. opened at the Playhouse Saturday some Equityites and some non-members. Lawton was jammed up with
works in the warehouse but hankers (31), was hailed as a winner, but it Equity summer before last when: he conducted' cummer stock in Toledo.
to Join up with.. the merchant ma- Those Detroit critics indulged in arrived loo late for Pulitzer con-
rine, which he does/ He' can't go to wishful thinking when they pegged sideration,
deadline being March 1.
the movies forever to escape the in Danger" a good thing, which "Lady "One Touch of Venus" laid off last week and Mary Martin, returned to
tongue-lashing of his mother. Laura it isn't. At least they inspired false
New York. She. attended the premiere of "The Glass. Managerle." Play-
Is the crippled daughter whose only hope within a couple of young, aspir- house, Saturday (31 ) dolled- up in the tallest pearl-colored Easter bonnet
Interests in life are collecting little
glas» animals and playing old rec-
ing managers, and they fooled Lee. L'Ville Operettas
Shuberl, even though, he went out
Bow in th.e house.
In contrast, Sid Phillips, legit man for Metro, was the well-dressed niati
ords on the phonograph. Tom brings there to gander the show before .
present, sporting a raincoat, umbrella and rubbers, by gum. It wa9 a
one James O'Connor, who also works booking it in. to Govt Transit Snag starry night.
In the warehouse, home to dinner. Australian import is wrongly billed Louisville, April 3.
Mother can't understand how it can as a comedy -mystery, for there is
Louisville Park Theatrical Assh Karl Bernstein, press a genii ng "Memphis Bound," colored-cast musical
be that such a chap,- with an Irish nothing to laugh at in the story of
middle name, too, isn't addicted to Japanazi doings in Melbourne. A has decided not to stage musical starring Bill Robinson ana being produced by John Wildberg and Vinton
booze. O'Connor .was worshipped black cat is thrust through the open shows this summer at Iroquois Am- Freedley, suggested, the title to the managers. Thinking up titles is one ot
from afar in high school by Laura, window of a ground floor apartment phitheatre. Step was taken volun- Bernstein's extra-curricular ouffo specialties. He handled' the press for
he being an athletic hero, and they but how the feline is involved in the tarily, in line, with the Government's a number of musicals produced by Freedley and the late Alex Aaron?
Set along very well, but after an em- murder of a chauffeur, killed when policy against' functions -involving and named- that duo's successful "Heads Up," "Tip Toes"' and "Funny Face,"
race and kiss he realizes it was go- his face is scratched by fingernails extra transportation.
ing too far. He won't call again, for dipped in a lethal 'drug, Is never ex among others.
he s going steady with another girl plained. Anyway, the guy's body The open-air amphitheatre is quite
a distance from the center of town, Reports that Dale Melbourne, Australia actress, was leaving the tour-
Dowling appears in a dual role, falls out of a closet, a technique used but officials felt that inasmuch as
"Mr. and Mrs. North," among ing production of "A {toll's House," are untrue, according to a telegram
that of the son and also, the narra iii
patrons are drawn from all over sent out last week by James B. Cassldy, of. the show's management.
tor. Standing in the alleyway with others.
the pea jacket and skull cap of an Monica., the wife of an American KentuEky and southern Indiana, a
able seaman, he tells part of the story war correspondent, is supposed to be resumption of the summer, operettas
which isn't enacted. His perform anoilier victim of the sinister psy would be contrary to 'Government
ance is one of the best, logical and chiatrist. Gresham. who has the ad wishes. Met Opera, City Center Mae West to Close in Chi
suitable for him. Miss Haydon, as joining flat.. Inspector Burke pins the
Operettas have been staged at the
the daughter. Is cast in a part that murder on her and she is arrested.
amphitheatre since 1938. except in In Exchange Setup Though Biz Holding Up
seems perfect for her, a wispy, sor- Aussie cops must be a peculiar type
1943, .when the shows were moved
— "Catherine Was Great," with Mae

rowing girl. She Is believable and they permit Gresham to take Mo Added stimulation to the increasing
quite in contrast to her streetwalker nica out of the clink so he can "treat" to the National theatre to make West, will wind up in Chicago next
interest In opera is being noted In'
lh "Time of Your Life," in which her for hysteria. Just as he is about them more accessible. the "good-will" setup in New week, although the show could con-
she didn't resemble any type of such to inject poison, back comes the in where an Informal lnter-oity ex- tinue there for a longer period. Mike
a dame. .Ross, too, is a fine selection, with assorted dicks who spector change of artists is going on be- Todd aims to play as many dates as
his O'Connor being an authentic off the Nazi assistant. Jap bump A 'Heie Today' Slated tween the Metropolitan Opera Co. possible before the end of May,
type. He and Miss Haydon play the displayed now and then, makes flag
when Miss West wishes to close.
love scene admirably, the yarn a.11 the fuzzier. For Overseas Revival and the fledgling City Center Opera "Catherine" is due In Detroit April
Miss Taylor recalls so effectively Co.
Helen Claire is the near-victim and Here Today," George Oppenheim
with St. Louis to .follow. Figured
the days of her young womanhood, gets some audience sympathy. Kirk er comedy, originally- produced by In the two seasons of the latter's 16,
when she was the belle of the levee land appears as the phony Nazi med that the star could clean up in one-,
Sam H. Harris in 1932 with Ruth existence, at least six young sing-
and New Orleans, that audiences will ical man. Clarence Derwent is rather ers have graduated from Center to
nighters, but she has declined; to

believe it was true. She is now a diverting as the cross-examining in- Gordon, will be staged for overseas play such dates.
frowzy, aging woman, constantly spector, while Vicki Cummings is by USO-Camp Shows, Robert H. Met. Six prominent Met singers Despite the show's goodly stay on
worrying about her daughter and lively as the wife of a newspaper- Gordon directing;. In a new shift,' have given their services to the Cen- Broadway to excellent grosses and
picking on Tom. Miss Taylor has man; in fact, she's about the only at- Camp -Shows has fedded Maurice Mc- ter. The six "graduates" are Regina also on tour, "Catherine" Is still in
been away from'the theatre for many tractive character. Ibee Rae. summer' sfcck producer, as Resnik, Hugh Thompson, Jennie Tou-
seasons but her performance in
the red. It cost as much as some

casting director bn all legiters and rel, Martha Lipton, Thomas Hayward
"Menagerie" will probably bring'fur- musicals to produce, and because of
musicals. Daily Cpxcept Sat.) inter- and Joseph Laderoute, the last two
ther laurels when the critics name
the standouts' of this sparkling sea-
to Musical -
Timony Do views., are held
an unusual agreement between Miss
Camp Shows' •just having been chosen winner and West and. Todd, she receives 50%. of
son. Ibee With 150G Budget Workshop, 102 W. 39th street, N. Y., runner-up in the Met air auditions. the
operating profit, plus royalties.
2 to 4 p.m. Six Met singers appearing with the
Chicago, April 3, Lee Shubert has a piece of the at-
Camp Shows is leaving entire pro- Center group are Dusolina Glannini, traction.
A Place of Our Own James Timony, Mae^ West's busi duction of "Up In Central Park" Natalie Bodanya, John Dudley, Mack
Jplin Colden' prodw-lton (In 'apxoHutlun ness manager, has purchased the mu musical foxhole version in hands of Harrell, Enid Szanlho and Doris
with Klliott Nugent comedy. "The Devil to Pay," by and Rol.^il Mont-
gomery) <if iiuiirtu In t'i:-ce r.rtx. W Mien
sical the Michael Todd _ office. Howard Doree. Last two will appear for the ~ Engagements
and dlrerled by KilKeiH: del hy Heyni.tiiri Leonard Keliei. local bandleader and Bay will supervise" the production Center next Thursday (12), when the
tinvey: continues. I»urinri;i Rutin-J. Op'riied -composer; and negotiations are tin ,
and do the sets. Helen Tamiris stag- opera company opens its spring, sea-' Bertha Belmore, Ruth Holden,
(I Roy If, N. 1'., April 2, '43, W.IUI top
way for Harry Ritz to head the ing the dances and Sanfmy Lambert son with Wagner's "Flying Dutch- Peggy French, John Robb. Otis M.
($U opening highlj.
Mtnicte .Juhnu .'.'I'finl K;ivor cast, with parts also for Jimmy and
. . the book. War Dept. hasn't okayed man." This is one of the Center's Bigelow, Frances Thaddeus; "Mar- .

Pela Relf. Lihn "Howes Al Ritz. Timony, reveals he's doing


..Jeanne I'Hflney
the production for overseas as yet two neW productions this Spring, the riage Is For Single People."
Naiii-y Moni'tie,,
(tharies Bodily. ......... .KiiIktL lv.elili
this on his own— with 'ho backing but no hitches are expected. Todd other being' Gounod's "Faust,'' in Arleen Whelan, Philip Loeb;
John? Ward. ., .'.'.«i>rti. A.niilil. from Miss West.
office ran ads in dailies last week for which' Roberto Silva, Mexican film, Paul McGrath, Luther Adler; "Com-
payid Mnnroe.. ...luhn Avi-lier mon Ground."
Sam Heddy. ;J; V. Nutfenl
. . .
Production will :be started eithe -
ballet girls arid singing men. and opera star, will appear.
Mm-y Jjorlmer."., Mercedes ^lc-c *« liiljrldKo here or fin the Coast within the next Jean Darling, Murvyn Vye. Jean
Aupiinlii .l»ll» J'Hlll two months, with costs running
up to Casio, Bambi Linn, Peter Birch, An-
Tleni'> iBHi-rum*.. ......... Jiu-k- 1 Inward
Mlhe Mi-Cioai-ly Antlnmv BlHlr around $150,000, Timony says. Jack
, ,
. .

Clarke's Coast Musical Casey Replaces tawis na belle Lyon, "Carousel."

Joe K.iplHfi .'Woire Hnrcell Mess has been appointed Tirnony'ji . Jan Kiepura; "Polonaise."
Mrfl. Brandt Helen Cui-ew local representative.
Jackson Clarke, former known as As €hl News Critic Virginia Field, Madeleine Cliv«,
A. J. Clarke, the London ajid New

Susana Garnett, Barbara Robbins,


Chicago, April 3.
Elliott Nugent as author is strug-
York agent, is-' east from Hpllywood Robert Casey has been named Chi Kalherine Emmet. Marjorie Mil- '

McArlhur as St. L. .Maestro where he will produce "One Day in Daily News drama critic, replacing liard. Fay Baker, Ruth McDevitt;.
gling" far beyond his .depth in. "A
Place of Our Own." He has an in- St. LouiV, April 3. May-.", musical, based on the old Lloyd Lewis, who quit to write a "I'll Be Wailing."
teresting if obvious idea. 'but his play .Edwin McArthjur, American con Charles W. Bell-Cai'io & Saiiders book. Wilms
Latter's final stljit for the Rosemarie Braricato.
is talky and dull, with fe,w glimmers ductbr-compo«r .and concert pianist; legit. As "Elsie." musicalized from sheet was on "Sing Out, Sweet Spence, Muriel
Walter Cassell.
of humor or drama to save it. has been choJen by the Municipal "Disconnected Honeymoon/' the orig- Land!" Saturday (31). O'Malley, Frederic Persson. Joseph
The play, set in a .small' Ohio town Theatre Assn. to maestro the tooters inal farce by Bell, it ran 39 weeks on Casey, for 24 years with the dally r Macaulay, Stanley Harrison. Jack
In 1919, discusses Woodrbw Wilsnn's during the 1945 season of al fresco Broadway in 1923. has more recently been a war- corre- Sheehan, A. J. Herbert. Roberl.
yain attempt to enlist the U. S. in the I
entertainment in the Forest Park Clarke is modernizing H with spondent for the Newj. fle's also Stuart; "The Great Waltz" (Detroit
League of Nations and Its effect on | theatre teeing off June 7. tunes by Sissle and Blake. had a number of books published. Civic Opera).
Wednesday, April 4, 1945 LIOITIMATB S8

'Spirit' Lags, $8,000

Venus in Chi Debut HOG Advance; In Week at St. Louis Most B way Shows in Sharp Drops;
St. Louis, April 3.
Holy Week and several days of
continuous rain comboed to clip the
^Catherine Dips, 17G, Indians Off, 13G b.o. activity at the American theatre, Barretts' Great $20,500 in 1st Week,
and Noel Coward's comedy, "Blithe
Chicago, April 3. 4- Spirit," wound up a one-week stand
Saturday (31) with a fair b.o. record.
Holy Week mads its inroads on
most boxoffices last weak. Changing
picture brought in two new shows,
'Marriage' Honeymoon
With the house scaled to $3.05, eight
performances grossed ah estimated lenagerie Cinch, "Lady Danger NG
$8,000. Although piece was back for
'Sing Out, Sweet Land," reopening
the third time in as many seasons Broadway grosses during Holy (35th week) (C-1,117; $3.60). Slightly
the Great Northern under Shubert In N.H. Uncertain |3,800 crix were liberal with their posies Week for the past couple of seasons better last week, when the gross was
management Saturday (31) night,
New Haven, April 3. for Mona Barrie, Reginald Denny were suprisingly good but there
and "One Touch of Venus" making $8,000; should stick through spring,
the and Lilian Harvey. were very sharp declines last week.
its local debut last night (2) at Holy Week and a not-too -enthusi- "Seven Lively Arts," Ziegfeld (17"th-
Opera House to an advance sale of astic press held breakin of "Mar- The American has shuttered for That also applied to a number of weck) (R-1,626; $6). One of the big
riage Is for Single People" to a com- the next fortnight oue to lack of shows which had been getting big grossers definitely affected by cur-
available shows but relights April money. Only the standouts held to few; $32,000 claimed.
"Dear Ruth" takes'over the Harris paratively light gross at Shubert last .16 with "Jacobowsky and the -Col- (orm but some were slightly affected Wife/' Golden
from "Ten Little Indians" on April weekend (29-31). At $3 top on four onel."
"Soldier's (25lh
16 the latter replacing "Catherine performances, take approximated though not because of the curfew week) (CD-769; $3.60). Dropped
especially. A couple, of impossible markedly last week, when the gross
Was. Great" at the Studebaker.. Mae $3,800.
Ki'ossers are still lighted but only the approximated $5,500.
West opus moves out of the Stude- Houset is taking a fling at pix
baker on April 14, opening its tour this week, but gets back on the legit backers know why. "Song of Norway;" Imperial (32d
at the Cass, Detroit, April 16, and beam next week (12-14) with "Over 'Barretts of Wimpole Street" drew week) (0-1.427; $6). Among the
thence to St. Louis. Blacks tone has ,21." Following week brings the new 'Carousel' Nifty real coin. "The Glass Menagerie" gross toppers that have not been af-
booked Jacob Ben- Ami and his Ed Chbdorov play, "Common was accorded 100% press and looks fected; count being over $41,000.
Yiddish troupe for 10 performances Ground" (10-21). like cinch. "Lady in Danger" was 'Star-Spancled Family," Bilt-
. ;
of "The Miracle of the Warsaw pasted' and got very Utile after open- (D-926; $3.60). Presented by
Ballet Russe de Monte Carlo is Philip A. Waxman and Joseph Kip-
Ghetto" beginning April 16, and on pencilled (or late season
May 1* "Jacobowsky and the -Col-
date..' $23,000, Boston ing night. Two new plays and the
Ringling circus are the opening at- nis; written by B. Harrison Orkow;

opens Thursday (5),

oner comes in for a run. Boston, April 3.
tractions this week.
Estimates for Last Week
"Ten Little Indians," Plymouth
"Carousel," big Theatre Guild Estimates for Last Week (39th week) (D- 1,075; $3.60). Slipped
"Catherine Was Great," Studebak- Current Road Shows show, opened here Tuesday (27) and Keys: C (Comedy),. D (Drama), with most of the field last week; tak-
er (3d week) (1,400; $4.20). Dipped (Period Covering April 2-14) looked like winner from the start de- CD (Comedtz-Droma), R (Revue), ings around $9,000; low gross to date.
to $17,000.
"Ten Little Indians," Harris (21st "Ballet Russe"— Royal Alexandra. Show spite some reservations in the notices. M (Musical), O (Operetta). "The Glass Menagerie," Playhouse
generally liked and, with The- - "A Bell for Adano," Cort (17th (CD-865; $4 20). Opened last Sat-
week) (1,000; $3). Last two weeks Toronto (2-7). atre Guild-Theatre Society backing, week) urday (31) after getting cheers and
here. Moving to Studebaker April BUekstone —
Parkway, Madison came pretty near the top on first
(D-1,064; $350). No Holy
complaint for fine war drama, coin in Chicago; rave notices.
16. Dropped off to $13,000. (11-12). week notwithstanding unfavorable which again topped $22,000; that's ca- "The Hasty Heart," Hudson (13th
"Sing. Out, Sweet Land," Great "Blithe Spirit"—Coliseum, Evans- theatre week. "Two Mrs. Carrolls," pacity, all performances. week) (D-1.094; $3.60'). Wont off
Northern (1,400; $4.20). Under aus- ville (2); English, only other show in town last week, further with the field, but should
Ind'plis (3-4); "A Place of Our Own," Royale <C-
pices of American Theatre Society- took an expected drop on its third come back; rated around $10,500.
Theatre Guild, opening perform- Hartman, Columbus (5-7); Shubeit- week here, but was also big consider- l,0o4; $3.60).

Presented by John
ance (31) was sellout $3,000. Lafayette, Detroit (9-14). Golden, Elliott Nugent and Robert
"The Overtons," Forrest (8th .

"Blossom Time"— Hartman, Colum- run of warm Week and the strange Montgomery; written by Nugent;
ing both the week) (CD-1.060: $3.60). After
"Voice of the Turtle," Selwyn weather here all week climbing -fairly
to good money,
(26th week) (1,000; $3). Moat suc- bus (2-4); H. S. Aud., Steubenville (one day registered 85 degrees, mid- opened Monday (2); mild press. , slipped to around $7,800 last week.
cessful show in town; Half-year (5); Virginia, Wheeling (7); Park, summer level). "Anna Lueaata," Mansfield (31st "The Voloe of the Turtle," Morosco
mark finds receipts still up at $19,500. Ybungstown (9-10); Mishler, Altoona This week got off to a start with week) (D-1,041; $3.60). Backers cut- (60th week) (C-986; $4 JO). Not
(11); Rajah, Reading TI2); Playhouse, Jacob Ben-Ami's troupe in "Miracle ting up around $20,000 monthly, so, complete sellout recently, but off

Wilmington (13-14). of the Warsaw Ghetto," here for one that one week in every four is all only slightly, better than $20,000.
'Chicken' OK $7,900, "Caroosel"— Colonial, Bost. (2-14). stand, only at the Opera House. profit; $20,500.
"Bloomer Girl," Shubert (26th
"Up In Central Park," Century
"Catherine Was Great" —
"Dinner for Three" followed Monday
(2) at the Plymouth; "Marriage Is week) (M-1.382; $5.40). Has com-
(9th week) (0-1,713; $6). Bit off at
midweek matinee and some boxes on
'Dinner for 3^,200 baker, Chi. (2-14).
for Single People," Wflbor. same pleted halfyear engagement and still
"Chicken Every Sunday"— Shubert, night, and "Good Night, Ladies," Shu- selling out; pace is $33,500.
several evenings, but -gross way up;
$48,500, tops all by wide margin. .

"Dark of the Moon," 46th Street

New Ones Philly (2-7). bert, ditto. The Metropolitan Opera

In Philly; 3 REVIVALS
"Dear Bath"— Cass. Detroit (2-14). Co., already virtually sellout for its (3d week) (D-1,319; $4.20). Drawing
"The Barretts of Wimpole Street,"
Philadelphia, April 3. "Dinner for Three" —
Plymouth, 12-performance stand, opens at the goodly- money though not selling Barrymore (1st week) -(D-1,900:
With the usual Holy Week hurdle Bost. .(2-14). Opera House Thursday (5). out; second full week bettered' $18.-
$3.60). Off to great start with flrit
successfully spanned and no espe- "boll's House"—kwcust St., Philly Ahead are "Over 21," Colonial, 500 and would have topped $20,000 week approximating $20,300, exciU
cially disastrous business resulting,
(2-14). April 16; "A Doll's House," Wilbur, but one performance cancelled be- lent.
Philly's legit houses are now back on same night; "Kiss and Tell," Plym- cause of cast principal's, illness.

te Sullivan— May (air, Port- '/The Tempest," Broadway (10th

a full-time booking schedule for the outh,, same night; Ballet Russe De "Dear Ruth," Miller (16th week) week) (D-1,900; $3.60). Will prob-
rest of this month, and a majority land (2-4); Metro. Seattle (5-14). Monte Carlo, Opera House, April 23, (C-940: $4.20). With road company
"Good Nile Ladles"—Shubert, Bost. and "The Student Prince," Opera now playing, sock laugh hit will vir- ably start trouping soon; slipped to
of them are set for steady bookings around $14,000; "Memphis Bound"
throughout May. (2-14). House, April 30. tually double, its earnings; $18,700
next attraction.
Two houses lighted all last week "Harriet"— Biltmore, L. A. (2-7); Estimates for Last, Week and more every week. "You Cant Take It With Ton."
were the. Shubert and Locust, and Russ Aud., San Diego (9-10); Civic "Deep Mrs. Sykes," Booth i2d

"Carousel," Colonial (1,500; $4.20). N. Y. City Center (C-2,693; $2.40).

both did okay if not sensational Aud., Pasedena (11)
r Civic Aud., Theatre Guild show was generally week) (CD-712; $3.60). Felt the pre- Rather mild, but notices good enough;
trade. Former had "Chicken Every
Fresno (13); Sr. H. S., Sacramento endorsed in the. press and catches Easter drop sev.erely, which wasgen-

$7,000 cctimated; Closes Saturday (7);

Sunday" (2d week) and got estimated cral except for the smashes; dived
(14). great audience response every show. to around two-week date.
$7,800. while the Locust had "Dinner $5,000.
for Three," mildly-regarded tryout, "I'M Be Waiting"— Walnut St., Phil- Still runs over-long but woHting "Firebrand of Florence," Alvin (2d IN LITTLE THEATRES
which reported $8,200 in its only full ly (2-14). hard here during its three- week ses- week) (M-1,357; $6). Mixed press af- "Eternal Cage,'' Barbizon Plaza
week here, comedy having .opened "Jacobowsky and the Colonel" sion to prune. Theatre >juild-Amer- fected new musical's chances; tak- Hotel. Just evaporated; nine times to
previous Thursday night. "Chicken Hanna, Cleve. (2-7); Hartman, Co- ican Theatre Society auspices made ings around $22,500 last week, mostly nearly zero takings.
Eyery Sunday," originally listed for lumbus (9-11); Taft Aud., Cinn. (12- for $23,000, estimated, on seven per- from theatre parties.
only a single week, is holding again formances, wow considering dis- •'Follow the Girls," 44th Street
this week, giving comedy three stan- counts, Holy Week opener and May (51st week) (M-1,462; $4.80). Nearly VICTORY' DESPITE THE
"Kiss and Tell" (2d Co.)— Kalurah, weather. Second week current..
zas in all here. a year on Broadway and slated into
In addition to the aforementioned Binghamton (9); Masonic Temple, "Two Mrs. Carrolls," Shubert (1,- another summer; dropped to around
Shubert holdover, last night (2) saw Scranton (10); Capitol, Wilkes-Barre 500; $3.60). Lost ground on third $27,000. WEATHER, $33,000, DC
three shows bowing in, all for two- (11); Lyric, Allentowh (12); Lyric, week through Easter .holidays, sum- "Foolish Notion," Beck (3d week) Washington, April 3.
week stands. They were James B. Bridgeport (13-14). mer weather, etc., but estimated (CD-1.214; $4.20). Eased off around "Wingod Victory" ran into summer
Cassldy's revival of Ibsen's "A Doll's "Life With Father" (2d Co.)— $16,000 very favorable. Closed Sat- $1,000 but still big grosser, with tak- weather here' (temperature In the
House," at the Locust; another tryout Geary, Frisco (2-14). urday, March 31. ings approximating $21,000. 80's four days) and only annexed
(n6t a preem, however), "I'll Be "Harvey," 48th Street (22d week) $33,000 in eight performances. Ca-
"Marriage Is for Slnrle People"—
Waiting,'! at the Walnut, and that
persistent perennial, "The Student
Prince," at the Forrest.
Wilbur. Bost. (2-14).
"Oklahoma!" (2d Co.)— Erlanger,
DEL SLIDES; TOT iC-923; $4.20). Capacity-plus $19,000.
"Hats Off to Ice," Center (41st
week) (R-2,044; $1.08). Slipped to
pacity would have been $42,000.
Easter Sunday matinee and evening
performances are expected to swell
Next week's only newcomer will Buffalo .(2-7); Nixon, Pitts. (9-14). 13G, ZASU ^20,000 but, with matinee daily this
$8,200 week, the gross on the second week at the
be a single week's engagement of the • "One Touch of Venus" — Civic will do all right; engagement National theatre. To accommodate
Yiddish offering, "Three Genera- Opera House, Chi. (2-14). • Detroit, April 3. may suspend during^pring, as usual. the 42 musicians it was necessary to
tions, with Maurice Schwartz, at "Othello" —
Chief, Boulder i4); Grosses continued on the toboggan "Hope for the Best," Fulton (8th kill "A" row. The regular orches-
the Shubert, but on the 16th there Aud., Denver (5-7); Erlanger, Chi. here last week. week) (C-940; $4.20). Doing fairly tra, which was laid off, was paid by
will be three, "Blossom Time" at the (10-14). "The Searching Wind," at the Cass, well but dipped somewhat -last week, the E. street house, some $800
Shubert, "The Two Mrs. Carrolls" fell off from $16,500 in the first week weekly.
"Over SI"— Acad, of Mus., North- to just over $13,000 last. week. It where approximate gross was nearly ,

(return) at the Forrest, and another $11,000; "Common Ground" booked Elisabeth Bergner, In "The Two
new one (a preem), "Too Hot for ampton (2); Court Sq., Springfield was followed Monday by "Dear in April 26. — Mrs. Carrolls," is rolling up an im-
Maneuvers," at the Walnut. Last- (3-4); Plymouth, Worcester (5); Hor- Ruth." "I Remember Mama,". Music Box mense mail-order sale. It is the first
Darned may not make bow until ace Bushnell Aud., Hartford (6-7); Zasu Pitts, in "Ramshackle Inn," (24th week) (CD-979: $450). An- visit of this European actress to the
Tuesday or even later in week al- Metro, Providence (.9) Lyric, Bridge- at the Lafayette, took a dive from other cleanup, drama that does not
; capital. She will be followed by
though now advertising Monday port (10-11); Shubert, New Haven $13,000 to $8,200 for the third week. vary, house getting all it will hold; Lillian Hellman's "The Searching
start. Gene Lockhart in another
new (12-14). She continues another week, when nearly $22,000. Wind," then "Sing Out, Sweet Land,"
Spirit" is scheduled to come
one. "Devils Galore," is set for the "Ramshackle InitP— Shuberl-Lafay- "Blithe "It's a Gift," National (3d week) Theatre Guild musical.
in. Holy Week, war news and sum-
ette, Detroit (2-7): Shea's, Erie (9); mertime were, blamed for last week's (CD-1.164; $4.20). Why this play con-
Locust on the 23d, that house appar-
ently being dark the week of the tinues only the bleeding backer
Rochester (10-11);' Erlanger, big fall-off.
18th. On the 30th, "Oklahoma!" Aud., knows; it got less than $2,000 last Turnaways of 100G For
comes to the Forrest for a summer's Buff. (12-14). week.
stay (and probably more, besides) San Carlo Op. Co.— City Aud,, St.
and in early May, "The Holly wood Jos. (2); Music Hall, K. C. (4-7);
Current London Shows
"Kiss and Tell," Bijou
week) (C-614; $3.60). Eased off to
'Harriet' Seen in L A.
Pinafore is listed for the Shubert. Mem. Aud., Joplin (8); Mosque Aud., $7,500 * but long stayer aimed Into Los Angeles, April 3.
Springfield (9-10); Kiel Aud., St. London, April 3. summer; one-setter not costly to Rolling into a second capacity
Louis (12-14). "Another Love Story," Phoenix. operate.. - week at the. Biltmore, "Harrier took
'JAKE' RAPPED BY PITT "Searching Wind" '

Nixon, Pilts. "Appointment Death," Piccadilly, "Kiss Them for Me," Belasco (2d- away another $29,000. Leglter, how-
(2-7); Hanna,' Cleve. (9-14). "Arsenic & Old Lace," Strand. week) (C-1,077; $3.60). Management ever, has turned down over $60,000
CRIX BUT NEAT 20G "Sing Out Sweet Land" — Gr. "Blithe Spirit," Duchess.
hopeful; around $8,000; under first
week but drop not nearly as much
from would-be ticket buyers, who
have kept a steady line In front of
Northern, Chi. (2-14). "Emma," St. James.
Pittsburgh April 3. •
as for other new ones. the: boxofflce for almost three
Jacobowsky and Colonel" had the "Student Prince"— Forrest, Phila. "Gaieties," Winter Garden. "Lady In Danger," Broadhurst (1st weeks. Estimated that $100,000 will
*UDscriptioii list in its corner last (2-14). "Gay Rosalinda," Palace. week) (D-1,100; $3.60). Takings in be lost gross in turnaWay business
week, so combination of Holy Week "Ten Little Indians" (2d Co.)— "Great Day," Playhouse. four times $2,500 or less, most of before the run finishes this week.
and lambasting by the critics didn't Harris, Chi. (2-14). "Happy & Glorious," Palladium that on opening night. Ken Murray's "Blackouts of 1945"
have too much effect on the Theatre "Tropical Revue"— Biltmore, L. A. "Honeymoon," York's. 'Xafflnt; Boom Only," Winter Gar- held up to capacity in its 144th week,
Guild hit .Playing at $3.60 top (in- (9-14).
"Irene," His Majesty's. den (14th week) (R-1,522; $6). Has pulling standard $14,800. "Maid in
cluding tax), show did around $20,- slipped plenty, and two performances the Ozarks" slumped to $9,000 in its
wo, which is pretty good considering "Two Mrs. Carrolls"— Ford's, Balto. "Laura," St. Martin's.
on Sunday, now; dived to $25,000 or 25th. week at the Belasco, but ex-
(2-7); Nat'l, Wash. (9-14).

tune of season. Even had the "Madame Louise," Garrick. less ld&t week pects to- pick up now that Easter is'
heat "Voice of Turtle" (2d Co.)— Sel-
Y> buck, since warm wave was "Meet Navy First," Hippodrome. "Late George Apley," Lyceum (19th over. "Honey in the Hay" stayed at
around at the time. wyn, Chi. (2-14). "Night Venice," Cambridge. week) (C-993; $4.20): Strong draws $2,800 in its 14th week at the Mu-
.J-01*! crix weren't Impressed by "Winged Victory" —
Natl, Wash. "No Medals," Vaudeville. were little sjiected last week, and sart.
0w s lon * Broadway run and blast- (2-7); Ford's, Balto. (9-14). "Panama Hattie," Adelphi. this one was over $17,500.
.2 the
er .
poor opening night perform- "Peek-A-Boo," Whitehall. "Life With Father," Empire (278th
««-*' .° ne even "siting, as a $64 ques- week) (C-1,082; $3.60). Standing up Ballet Russe Fine
on now "Jake" ever lasted 'Othello' $24,300 "Private Lives," Apollo.
a year much better than many new shows ~
Ji _V
ew. Xork Some refunds Were "Quaker Girl," Stoll. and probably made some, coin last $16,000 in Toronto
»Mr following notices, but 7 not
- *
In Weekat Frisco "Three Waltzes," Princes. week, around $9,000. Toronto, April 3,
ma *e mor ' tnan 8 s,ifiht San Francisco, April 3. "See How: They Hun," Comedy. "Oklahoma," St. James (105th Missing the Monday (26) opening
den" Paul Robeson, starring in Theatre "Strike It Again," Wales. week) (M-1,529; $4.80). Has passed because of transportation schedule.
••^ifH7. So**1 advance for current Guild's "Othello," jammed 'em to the "Sweeter Lower," Ambassadors.. two-year mark; $31,000; limit of Ballet Russe de Monte Carlo grossed
<^? h,n *. Wind." which got sub- rafters at the 1,550-scat, $3.80-top
wn circularizatlon and offered Geary last week for $24,300. "The Assassin," Savoy; standees.
"On the Town," Adclphl (14th
a fine $16,000 for seven performances
at the Royal Alexandra hen, with
t ;T,t "Three's a Family," Saville.
IS "J"OMribers at reduced prices, and Curran closed Its second (and final week) (M-1,426; $5.40). Somewhat 1,525-seater scaled at $3 top.
"Tomorrow World," Aldwych.
S£l JoU2,W8 "Oklahoma!"
Sm for three week) of Gilbert and Sullivan reper-
"While Son Shines." Globe
off, but at around $34,000, musical is Group Is In for a fortnight, with
* Mr?- here as else- tory with $14,500, lair for 1,776-seat, winner. second week showing an axcaptional

i£h„. ^,
where; tlx are already
afca premium. $3-top house. "Tears Between," Wyndhams "School for Brides," Ambassador advance sale of nearly $15,000.
Wednesday, April
54 LEGITIMATE 4, 1945

40-Wk. Operetta Season

Plays Out of Town For Paper Mill Playhouse
Show Biz Maps V-E Fetes
Newark, April 3.

I'll Ita Walling keeper, and Augusta Roeland, as a Continued from pate 1
wife who can't have children because
A 40-week operetta season is in
Wilmington, Del., March 29. view for Paper Mill Playhouse, in the congestion on other sections of in with round-up blurb covering
of her experiences on Corregidor, arc
Hairy M. Goetr production ot comedy-
donna In three note (four scenes) by Helta both capable. The victory gal, as nearby Millburn, one of the few the city. Police will be stationed In their circuit on the big day.
].itnibert. Directed by David Burton; nol- portrayed by Marjorie Milliard, is large numbers throughout the park
Stewart Chaney; costumes. Rror'a Equity-operated operetta stocks.
tlnir, properjy Irritating. and in the Times Square area, keep-
Houston. At Playhouse, Wilmington, Mnrch David Burton's direction at times- Opening is set foe April 23, with Par Issues Plans For
2U-31, $12.40 top.
Ruth McDevItt overcomes the static quality of the Frank Carrlngton continuing as ing people moving and Informing
and Stewart Chaney s living manager, assisted by Agnes Morgan, them where the city's celebrations
V-E Day Plant Close
Kutti Barbara Robbhm
•• play,
Daffy Snanim Garnetl oom setting is up to' his usually high are taking-place.
.AURuata Roelnnd
Maytlme" will be first of .10 pro- Hollywood, April 3.
jean standard. Klep. N. Y. City and suburban radio
Anne FuwcfU Kalhorlno Alcxumler jected works scheduled lor runs of False alarm of Hitler's surrender
Harriet Wlieeclnn . . . .^Catherine Dnunel three, four or more weeks. Follow-, stations,and newspapers are set to caused so much confusion on the
..Vlrclnla Flelfl
Linda Mac Brlnklcy. . .Marjorle Milliard Marriage In for Single ing are "The Cat and the Fiddle," exploit the event to the hilt. Whe'n film lots that Paramount has issued
several independent and network ra-
. . .

People "Naughty Marietta," "Count of Lux-

dio stations in N. Y. heard that the
a set of logistics for V-E Day, which
embourg," "Sweethearts" and others will be heralded by a five-minute
While timely in theme and well New Haven, March 29.
to be chosen from among "Rose of city-owned outlet, WNYC, was seek-
Holdcm iirmluctlon oC a eonicdy In blast on the studio whistle.
written in spots, "I'll Be Waiting" Huili
ing exclusive' broadcasting rights to
iron -acta (rour acenea) by Stanley, lllch- Algeria," "Roberta," "Blossom Time," If it comes before noon, the studio
fails to impress as a Broadway en-
d». Sinned by Edward Clarke Lllley: set- 'Bittersweet" and "The Mikado." the entertainment and patriotic pro- will close for the day and reopen
try. Kroriorirk Vox. Opened at Sliuberl
promisingly enough,,
ceedings in Central Park, they con-
It- starts off heaire. New Jtnven, March L'9.. top.
$:l next day. as usual. If it comes after
with the setting an old Washington t, utile Dlaenhower frVancea. ThutliletiH tacted the Mayor, who immediately noon, the gates will close for the
mansion inhabited by Ave officers' X'n:i T:*lay
gave them permission to air the balance of the day and all the 'next
Mrs. Sibyl UeruKa Ucrttia 'Roliiiore
wives waiting for their men to re- nneth Jlevuba Joul Mnrston Ticket Agencies event at any time of the day they day.
turn; a genteel lady of the Theodore Cynthia Weber. . '.I'cmiy French desired. As a result. New Yorkers at
Roosevelt era, a victory girl from Ilcena Howe Ttwli Holden Continued from page SI
...John Iiolib
home or at work will keep up with
Florida,and a maid whose husband Horace PendcrRast Knrcn Mcvcne no matter how bona what is going on in the city's biggest Vinson Vice Byrnes
lly renderRaei..
The Spencer ticket broker,
in the Merchant Marine.
is .Bivb K»nnedy
Ade and whether or not it calls for entertainment endeavor in history at Washington, April 3.
problems of war wives get heavy- An Mipreaainan (itne '
all times throughout the day. Resignation of James F. Byrnes
handed treatment from author Reita Young Lady ..JKu-llyn Sable
special services (delivery) which
Lambert and only occasionally does News Bulletins Throughout Monday (2) as Director of War Mo-
the play show signs of life, due in "Marriage" comes in the not good- the broker is under no statutory bilizationand Reconversion appeared
large measure to the all-female cast. not bad classification. Without bene- obligation to perform, Is illegal if it Arrangements are being made to here as a certain Indication the V-E
The victory gal, it develops, is fit of a cast name, it slips unobtru- causes the total cost of the ticket to keep those who go to the parks in-

Day and the lifting of the midnight

pregnant and names the husband of sively into the theatrical picture, de- exceed the original admission price formed on what is happening all curfew, brownout and racing ban are-
one of her companions as the father. livers a few laughs and a bit of obvi- plus 75c (and tax). .the delivery over tlie world on V-E Day through
The ensuing complications comprise ous romance, then goes on its way
just around the corner.
charges referred to in the complaint frequent news bulletin flashes from
the plot, with the big question just as unobtrusively. It impresses While Byrnes had been seeking to
are unreasonable and designed to the stage. Wire services will co-
whether the wife can forgive her more as film material, with an Eddie operate in this endeavor.
quit since the middle of last year,
erring mate. There is much talk Bracken type character, than as a circumvent the general business law. the President got him to agree to
about wartime morals and the like, legit possibility. For Broadway it'll By reason of the premises, the plain- Show biz, already
personalities stay on until the European phase of
ending in a weak and unsatisfactory need more than is currently revealed. tiff (McBride's) does not come into have assured LaGuardia that they
the war was about finished. Fred
third act when the wife decides the Fashioned on screwball lines, scriDt court with clean hands. .. are anxious to cooperate. M. Vinson, head of the Federal Loan
victory girl is fibbing, and that's that. involves a flock of show biz proto-
MoBrlde's Testimony Officials of other cities, who have Agency, who succeeds Byrnes, has
The play's main appeal is to types including a famous playwright,
wom'en, being written much in the a top femrrie Hollywood columnist, a "The plaintiff, as its presidency' learned of LaGuardia's V-E Day had one experience with a branch
manner of a woman's magazine story. film exec,. an Errol Flynnish idol, and (John McBrlde) testified, makes a plans to prevent property damage, of show biz. It was Vinson who
A topnotch cast is headed by Virginia sundry members of cafe society. It's delivery charge to patrons. .when rioting and boisterous
sought in vain last year to pressure
Field, as a wise-cracking war wife pretty much of a hectic conglomerar in fact no delivery is made by the have evinced interest to
the point Jimmy Petrillo into giving up his re-
who doesn't expect husbands 3,000 tion. sparked by the unseen play- plaintiff."
where they, too, have started the cording ban, after WLB had failed.
miles away to be faithful. She has wright, who never appears on stage,

ball rolling toward a similar event.

the choicest dialog arid comes through whose practical joking antics spe- McBridc was asked: "Where you
with a clear-cut characterization of cialize in toying with femme emo- get. ticketsfrom the theatre itself, Name Bands to Co-op
a girl who can handle any situation. tions in far-flung quarters of the or just order them and they are Mayor LaGuardia's "Victory Com-,
Katherine Alexander plays the globe. picked up, by the person there (at .
mittee." solidifying plans to help New
Wirth Circus
rather stuffy wife whose husband is Reginald Hecuba, the unseen there a charge?" Continued from page

supposed to have strayed but she is scripter, while in Fresno has pro
the boxoffice), Is Yorkers celebrate V-E Day, has l

handicapped by the playwright. posed to -a simple young farm girl

Answer: "Yes, we charge a delivery made arrangements, through Harry constitutes a monument to the family
Katherine Emmet Is believeable as who takes the situation seriously. Hefor all of them because you couldn't of Music Corp. of America, Moss, and a national .show biz institution
the genteel mistress of the mansion, leaves California for his Gotham differentiate, getting the two tickets whereby certain Sands available in to the Australians.
and Ruth McDevitt draws laughs as home and then overseas Army ser- from a theatre might happen once N. Y. will be immediately rushed to
a comedy maid. A nice bit is con- vice, asking the lass to wait for him. in 50 times." the Mall, Central Park, and Prospect
When all other foreign- shows had
tributedby Susana Garnett- as a Instead of staying put In Fresno, the shuttered up at the beginning of
It appears that prior to Oct. 21, Park, Brooklyn, etc., to help cele-
harum-scarum gin. who refuses to girl, Lottie Disenhower by name, the war, the Wirth girls came out
1939, no charge for deliveries of brate the bjg event.
believe -her- husband, reported miss- pops up. at the New York penthouse of retirement and -solved the acute
tickets was made by McBride's, but Plans are not completed to the
ing, is dead. of Hecuba, currently occupied t>y his manpower shortage by pitching in
Barbara Robbins, as the house mother and a stuffed-shirt brother since then, "despite the repeated point where definite bands have been

themselves. With' the versatility

Kenneth. Latter is engaged to so- statements of the witness that he Is singled out, but no matter how long possible only in those born and
ciety belle Cynthia Weber who has not engaged in the delivery busi- the Hitler polishing takes, the agency

reared on the lot, they doubled up

ambitions of winning a "Miss Stork ness, his conclusion is erroneous as will keep tabs on bands it can in- '

PLAY PUBLISHERS Club" contest. Lottie captures the established by the evidence from the stantly call to fill the Mayor's bill. on the bill and in backstage chores,
... of 'Awes end mem/ prize, also the town, also three pro
books, records and witnesses of the Vincent-Lopez, playing the Taft ho-
and kept up the unbroken continuity
ofW eVir/agrtikad.playa posals, and ends up by marrying of performances.
SONO Of BERNADETTE Kenneth, in whom she has instilled plaintiff that the delivery of tickets tel, N. Y.,'for the past several years, Doris is the managing director, of-
TOMORROW THE WORLD enough character to brush off the Is in practice not only a part of the for example, is likely to be one band ficiates in the boxoffice and, with
LOST HORIZON HIGHLAND • calculating Cynthia. business, but a profitable part because of its constant availability.
sisters Madeline and Gladys, does an
FUNG EVE OF ST. MARK BEST • Frances Thaddeus plays Lottie with sometimes the accounts for deliveries
aerial rislcy and inverted balancing
a disarming naivete but not too much were segregated and at other times

polish. Joel Marston does -okay by the income, from deliveries went into
London's V-E Plana act; for'a climax they hang from the
Kenneth. Bertha Belmore gives vet' the general income of the busi London, April 3. dome and butterfly around on a

eran skill to a farcical matron as .-wivel arrangement. Eileen (Mrs. Al-
ness. ... Bars, restaurants and nlteries will
signment, and Ruth Holden's inter fred Clark) is ring mistress, jumps
pretation of the Hollywood column- "When tickets were sent from the be open in London on V-E Day, ac-
ist-lush is amusing. Peggy French main office to a branch (St. Regis cording to announcement by police
in to put the big bulls through their
Incorporated 1BB7 divertissement, arid later appears in


combines eye-fllling appeal with a hotel, mentioned), the plaintiff re' commissioners today. a liberty act with six white and six
crisp delivery to register as Cynthia. garded this
AAAAAAA AAA Karen Stevens likewise rings the bell chaser.
in the visual. department. Bob Ken-
as a delivery to the pur Bobbles have been alerted, and
... And individual delivery plans made to let Londoners cele-
black horses and an elephant in a
ballet and mounting routine.

nedy makes a zestful character of the charge was made to each person
brate the way they want tc^ with — Gladys features an .haute ecole

egotistical film idol, and Islay Ben- (hotel guests wlib purchased tickets
cops ordered to treat population tol- horse act with five-year-old "Monte
ANGELS son comes through as a housemaid. from the stand in the lobby) eyen erantly, and allow plenty of leeway
Dialog is spotty but generally ac- though the actual deliveries were except in cases of violence or de-
Cristo," in ballet and goose steps,
waltzing and skipping to musical ac-
TIN) badmrt of roadway thewri, ceptable; staging is commendable in made in a single accumulated deliv struction- of property. On the whole,
companiment, as well as the usuat;
NatMt. aMr«t»M, aaentt th*) bringing some degree of cohesion out ery to the branch . the charge for police have been ordered here, it is
. .
highschool routine. The music, inci-
of the jumbled ingredients; femmes*
(vtdtd I* pravloai play a. Th* ftftt delivery was Increased from 25c to understood, to assume "fatherly" at- dentally, Is by phonograph, tended
are beautifully gowned: single set of
coaptott imatdi I* 1Mb M4 penthouse living room is in excellent 50c in October, 1941 ... a delivery
titude toward celebrants.
by the two Wirth boys, too young
IxfltpMfobl* re prodietfs. Bone. charge was made when tickets were If V-E Day crowds become unman- for military service,
taste. who accompany
delivered from the hotel stand to ageable, plans call for taking taxicabs the discs, playing the rolls on the
$25 ftr Volume
the hotel room by a bellboy. ... off some streets and for suspension' drums.
LEO SHULL, Editor Irwin Plans Legiter bus service.
Hotel Transactions of May Wirth is still remembered as
12t Watt 4trb Slrae*. Now York 19 Los Angeles, April 3. one of the greatest equestriennes of
Lou Irwin is aiming at Broadway "Branches at hotels Biltmore, Mc
all time. However, she now lives with
with "Cup of Fury," his recently Alpin, Commodore, Pierre,' St. Regis, Day's Imminence V-E
her husband, Frank Wirth, in Forest
purchased legiter, written by Wil- Waldorf-Astoria and Savoy Plaza
I LOST A MANUSCRIPT liam A. Noble and. George Savage; (some stands changed hands in re- Alerts All Theatres Hills, L. I.
Other acts now on the bill include
college prof. cent seasons) had no allotment of Chicago, April 3.
II wm
handed te uatebedy la errer Buaday eight .

Capt. Michael Wislang, 19-year-old

(Mirth 25 between 12 mldnliht end 3 A.M.) In Play "was recently staged in Seattle tickets for sale over the counter Theatre circuits here are expected Sydneyite,
ihectrMia ef REUBEN'S Rettaaraat (Sato St.). purchasers had to pay for delivery of to huddle soon on definite format to in a lion number; The
as "Five Shall Forgive," a psycho-
Mantiicrlpt aaiei were la Nulla eavelape end
tickets from the main office to the follow on
Three Jacks, acrobatic comedians;.
cardboard bei. MaauKrlpt valaaMe te leur only. logical mystery. Irwin intends to V-E Day, following Blue Mile. Gillette with the Leonora
Ptoaie .relura C.0.0. tie meueater la Mln Helea move It to New York next fall. branches." In commenting that Mc Network's false
peace newcast TueS' troupe, on the swinging ladders; The
Payae. Ml Ma Ave., er dlratoy to Reuben't. Bride's did hot wish to deliver .tick
Reward, at eeurie. and taaak nil BO math!
His new exec aide is Lou Green- day (29) which -had switchboards of Walhallas, acrobatics; Violet and

span, ex-tradepaperman. ets to offices, or apartments by means all

major theatre circuits here Gloria, aerial contortionists; Aerial
of Western Union or other delivery jammed for hours
with calls from Laconas, on the double trapeze;
services, which would mean no profit
house managers asking whether Broadway Brothers,, jugglers; Maxl? .

to the agency. Justice Church said they should close the b.o. or not, in mo Duo, Willie
"The fundamental error of the plain order, to avert a possible onslaught Mae, Alice Grant on
tight and bounding wires; Mlie. M«-
tiff seems to be that it conceives it
by merrymakers. rie in the'revolving web; Joyce and
self entitled to a net profit of 75c per .

Answer in all cases was "No, wait dog; Three Myrons, risleyites; Chrls-
ticket, after deducting* its or some
till it's definitely confirmed," but tini troupe, bareback
of its expenses, delivery expenses event had riding; Miss
execs of Balaban & Katz, Zetta, looping the loop, and the Fly-
even when there is no delivery, tele Warner Bros., Allied, Essaness,
Alii ing Covettes, aerial gymnasts.
phone calls, amount of work beyond ance, Schoenstadt, etc.,
planning a The clowns are Don Grant, Toa
the ordinary. confab to discuss what to do when Freedo, Jack Storey and the Zac-
"The gross profit of 75c is the ceil the real thing comes along.. chirii-Cavallini troupe, Bruca Hutton,-
ing or limit which the Statute has Interesting sidelight on th'e sit- Wirth press agent -for the past 10 .

put upon the plaintiff but the uation came to light when amuse- years, formerly represented the N. Y.
. . . . . .

court agrees that every charge in ment ad manager of one of the Dramatic Mirror and is remembered
excess of 75c per 'ticket is not ab dailies here advised that his sheet, by many American showfolk. .

solutoly prohibited
- yet as well as the others, are taking it
. . ;
When asked what she does for new
charges as made by the plaintiff in for granted they're to pull all ads acts, now that talent can't be Im-
addition to the 75c, plus taxes, are, on the big day (in fact, they were ported very easily, Doris laughs and'
to say the least, unreasonable. alerted to do it the day the Blue answers: "We will never rim out of

"The statute has invested in the jumped the gun), although they've new acts as long as we can think
commissioner the exclusive author as yet received no word from thea- of new names. Real, oldtime circus,
ity to promulgate such rules and tres that they're going to close shop, performers' were taught to do every^
regulations as may be deemed neces It's known, however, in spite of the 'thing, from aerials to clowning, so
sary for the protection of the pub uproar lor shuttering, that BfcK for we work 'up a new* act and give the

lie subject to review therefore by one have got their ad, titled "A old performer&^n'ew names/ and so

the courts." Prayer on V-E Day," all set to tie the show isutfiways fresh."

Wednesday, April 4, 1945

ington about his production, "Now
It Can Be Told."

CHATTER Mickey Rooney drew a- front-page

layout in the Feb. 24 edition of The
83rd Spearhead, service publication
printed overseas.
Irv Kuplneck, Chicago Times col-
Gene Lyons Leaving Pageant
umnist, paying first visit to -Holly- with .the-British publishers more di-
Eugene Lyons is resigning as. edi-
wood, found self barred from lots rectly, and" (2) many- may engage-
singer,-died, and Betty Smiley Is
tubbing on Tunes and Tempos show. tor of Pageant for which- he left
due to the strike. in . multi-lingual >.ibiishihg. .

Pittsburgh Drama League has Raymond

Dannenbaum, former the American Mercury - editorship The phase stems from the
Mrs. Si Fabian ailing. awarded $500 first prize in its
second 20th-Fox (lack, upped from captain last summer when Alex Hillman present Reader's Digest vogue of
Hal Wallis doesn't reach here until annual playwriting contest to Ralph to major in charge of the U. S. Army proposed the new monthly digest- publishing in a numbci > of lan-

Luther Angel lor his play, "Prelude," General Publications in Paris.
the 20th. ,

which deals with life among the Byron S. Harvey, chief of trie Har- form mag. Lyons is- turning back guages. As regards the other rights,
82, of F. F. Proctor, fell
Widow, his stock interest in the periodical, the U. S. and Canada publication
room and' broke arm. poor and shiftless in Northern Flor- vey eatery system, and T. G. Gurley, in order to concentrate on a couple
in hotel
prexy of the Santa Fe railroad, took- rights were one thing, but now the
Seamon, of Treasurers
Morrle Gene Fuller, who played Dexter, aprivate gander at a rough-cut of of books. Yank pubs will go after the foreign
union, lost mother Saturday (31). the boy next door, in No. 2- company
"The Harvey System" at Metro. . English-speiking market: This is
Dinty Moore's sloughed, for ration of "Kiss and Tell" for more than a Turnabout Brushoff another wartime evolution, with
points on too much steaks, and chops. year, returned cast this week
Marvin Schenck and Charles C. when comedy reopened Monday Hollywood, according to Editor St English now almost a must auxiliary. .

Moskowitz off on a Florida vacation. night in Williamsport, P«. Fuller Publisher, is largely a figment of the language in all countries.
Paul Coates, ex-newspaperman, By Les Bees press correspondent's imagination. Sundry reports of expansions by
had been out of company on account .

with Dorothy Ross publicity office. Harry Hirsch celebrating 21st "As against the 1% legitimate news the popular periodicals also persist.
ot imminent call to service. He was
Russel Crouse elected to American anni as burlesque impressario at that stems from the movie metrop- Look is said to plan a hew women's-
Theatre Wing board, •"replacing the turned down. Replaced
Tom Gray. Alvin this, week. olis," sez E&P recently, "99% is fab- weekly. Saturday Evening
late Arthur Richman. Hotel RadissOn Flame Room has ricated flim-flam that the corre- Post supposedly has its eye on. a
Drama critic Kelcey Allen's wife, Glover & LaMae, Rita Oehman and
Anna, in Manhattan General hos- spondents contrive with the assist- picture mag. a la: Life, and Life's
Hollywood Melody orchestra. ance of the picture publicists."

pital under observation. publishers (Luce) are supposed to
Son of Tim Murphy, backstage Jose ..Ferrer tested at 20th-F6x. Entirely sold out for three-week 1
notes 338 reporters in Hollywood—
. yen.' aSatevepost or Collier's type
doorman of Lyceum, killed in action. Alan Ladd did food short for OPA. run, "Ice Follies". at Arena not even 293 accredited newspaper and maga- of t'cncral weekly.
Three other sons' in services. - running newspaper ads.
Steve Broidy vacationing at Palm zine correspondents listed' with Hays
Jimmie Gillespie, vet exploiteer, Al Putz, M-G-M sales manager, Saturday Review of Literature is
Springs. recuperating, in St. Barnabas hos- office, augmented' by 45 foreign mag another said to have its eye on a
up from Atlanta on.: visit, accom-

Hal Wallis on siesta at Palm pital after major operation. reps. Also lists 24 photogs, Esti- -

general- weekly for taking over its

panied by wife and. daughter.
John Tuerk now company manager, Springs. Morton Gould guest - conducted mates there are 500 press agents em- title and revitalizing' it,, much
of "Seven Lively Arts," Ziegfejd, and John Brahm hospitalized with eye Minneapolis Symphony orchestra at ployed by 105: companies, citing
Luce did with the Life tag,, although
infection. Sunday afternoon benefit concert. Metro's staff of 65 as largest group.
Abe Enklewitz is house manager. Elizabeth Talbot-Martin into completely changing the format.
Lt. Edward F. Flyhn, Jr., son of Arthur Treacher became an Amer- Nicollet Minnesota Terrace Hotel In its roundup, E&P devotes a long
electrician of "Up in Central Park,"

with paragraph to "Daily Variety," citing

ican citizen.
Century, cited for bravery in New Shirjey Temple

Cappella Patricia and

vacationing at tin orchestra. .-'-.. Perry
Mar- &
an amusing anecdote when Arthur
Jack Benny's Big Chance

Guinea. Palm Springs. Jack Benny becomes a fan mag

Billy Evidon, Schwartz, currently readying pro-

MCA's Herman Citron here for June Haver bought a home In Columbia salesman,ofinfantry .

lieuten- duction on a Warner film about Sitne.

writer, for one edition, as reviewer
another fortnight, glomming shows Cheviot Hills. ant, with Gen. Pattori's army in Ger- dropped of the Jack Skirball production, ''It's
into ."Variety's" - Coast
talent, etc. He's in the film dept. of Eddie Bracken, and Barry Sullivan many, Killed in action. in the Bag," in which the Fred Allen
the agency. classified' 1-A. offices to check bid .files and saw a
Three stage underlined Sime review of his own (Schwartz) person takes a number of slaps at the
Bob Milford, back from Hollywood, Reed Hadley turned down by for Orpheum attractions are Vaughn Monroe, Benny person without a comeback, on'
will rejoin the . Max Gordon man- Army doctors. April Sigmund Romberg, April musical, "The Bandwagon." When
recovering from 23-24, 6; the screen. Benny ogled the film at a

agerial staff. Due*, back on Coast in Eva. Tanguay and Woody Herman, April 27. Scnwartz told producer Jerry
private showing aranged by Screen
the summer. serious illness.
Lt. Jackie Coogan rumored for a and
Minnesota Amusement company Wald, "My wasn't even name Guide, and .is Winding up a number

Ex-p.a. Pvt. Sol Jacobson no long Minneapolis Star-Journal join- mentioned in the review," Wald

er a rifleman but turning out a daily medic discharge. ing to give free morning show at replied, "Well, you can fix that. Just of swings at his friendly enemy, in
newssheet for 29th Infantry Divi . Sonja Henie. to Hynes, Cal., for a Radio City theatre type and without '.a comeback.
for service men's don't mention Sime's name in your .

sion, somewhere in Germany. Red Cross' rally. children. It is one gag in which Benny
Otis L. Guernsey, Jr., covering first Pat Clark, Warners starlet, laid, up picture."
doesn't have to say, "Is that so."
nights for: Herald Tribune during ab- with bronchitis.
sence overseas of Howard Barnes, Henry O'Neill hospitalized for Co to Go
with Bert McCord standing by. general checkup. CHATTER
Ben Sonnenberg, the p a , has pur- Alan Curtis soaking up sunshine Patron Denied
Monthly mag which probably has Norman Corwin did the Memorial
at Palm Springs. shortest title, named. Go, resumes Day poem for Collier's.
chased the former Stuyvesant Fish .
Continued from page 1 ; .

town house in Gramercy Park and an Frank Walker, postmaster general, ; publication with May- issue. Editor- George Jessel assigned by Collier's
adjoining six-story structure for $85,- gandering studios. publisher Arthur Best dropped sheet to write a series of yarns about
Bob Tracy, International Aim edi- that its. tickets carry in small print when he went into Army three years,

000. He formerly occupied it as les- the legend that the management re- in Hollywood.
Duke Ellington has completed tor, reclassified 1-A. ago. He was discharged recently.
Darryl Zaniick returned to work serves the right to refuse admission Mag's assistant editor is Louise Mc-
' Wallace Stegneiy novelist, ap-
score of "The Wishing Tree," which pointed West Coast editorial rep for
Irving Shapiro will produce, with after desert vacation. on the ticket by refunding the pur-
Ethel Waters and Josh White starred. Ed Wynn bought home in Bel-Air chase price, the. court held that until Laughlin. Signed up fo ramusement Houghton Mifflin.
to be near son Keenan.
columns are Richard Watts, Jr., for Russell Maloney "profiled" Leon-
Peggy Phillips back in N. Y. after such a legend is called to the atten- 1

Elizabeth Taylor laid up with, tion of the theatre; John T. McManus for. films,
a year on Coast scripting for Uni- customer it is not bind- Lyons iN\ Y. Post) in to-
versal. She's now publicizing "Com-
broken bones iiv'her foot. and Harriett Van Home for radio. morrow's New Yorker.
mon Ground" out of the Dick Maney Robert Wilder, N. Y. Sun feature ing upon him;
writer, joined Metro staff. Vogel, accompanied by his wife, Harold Clurman .will: tell the story
office. Mr. Fratt Says No of the Group Theatre i-N; Y.) in. "The
Bill Terry, who has played several went to the theatre on the Satur-

Benito Collada due back at Sara- Ted Pratt/ author of "Miss Dilly Fervent Years," due in June from
nac late this month for final checkup soldier roles, classified 4-F. day in question. He purchased two Says No," finds himself in same

before discharge. Mike Fish to Chicago to visit his tickets and with his wife went into Knopf.
Meantime again mother,- who isiseriously. ill.
situash as the main character, a
Robert- Newman^is novelizing his
managing his E| Chico, the Village the theatre. Then, according to the
William Goetz celebrated his birth- opinion, a receptionist noticed studio secretary who wrote a book ,

screenplay, "Identity Unknown," for

..nitery, that and then nixed offers for it.
Columnists Earl Wilson and Louis day on the International lot. Has printing by the Zi ft Davis Publish-
Sobol have a $10 and $15 "piece" Sam Marx- returned to his Metro Vogel was walking with a crutch, five play offers from Broadway pro- ing Co.
desk after a month in New York. and "informed him that he would not ducers and two film offers.
each of John Wildberg's forthcom- Yes, the name for an editor is
ing "Memphis Belle." Capt. John Patrick, author of "The be permitted to witness the show be- Has nixed play offers so far in
Just a per- Hasty. Heart," guesting at Warners. cause of his crippled condition." correct--the' new editor on Street tc
sonal gag. search for satisfactory playwright.
Louis. B. Mayer, hosting General

Mitchell Lcisen, Par director, ar- The manager was summoned and Smith's "The Shadow" is William
rived in N. Y. Thursday (29) from Juan F. Azcarate. Mexican film. exec. explained that, in the interest of the If latter doesn't materialize soon, De Grouchy.
Al Jolson, bridegroom, returned safety of will take one of pix offers. -

Coast, to catch various Broadway .

its patrons, the theatre had Random House will publish Ten-

to work at his Columbia producer

legitshows with a view to judging adopted a rule or policy against the nessee William's' play, "Glass Menag-
theirAim possibilities. " '
desk. Burl Ives Profiled '. erie," which preemed favorably at

American Theatre Wing workroom, Bette Davis sprained an ankle and admission of crippled' persons on .Two staff members have PM
is working at Warners in a wheel Saturdays, Sundays or holidays. callabed on profile and two-page the Playhouse, N. Y.
under Jeanne Carson, storting drive Dic key Meyer, -first accredited
among chair. Regulations of the theatre also re- picture spread in April-l^-Sateve-
the profession for old clothes,
including stage costumes, for over- Roxann Hilton, screen actress, to quire that crippled persons must sit "temme photog in the Pacific, will
marry William Jacobson, jeweler, in section near exits, when they are post of Burl Ives, ballad _singer who
seas distnb in liberated cover pix and yarns for Fawcelt
areas. June 1. does a weekly spot "on "Radio
Publications, specifically Life Story
John Ridgely playing his 120th admitted on Mondays through Fri- Readers Digest,"
J. C. Sieja, one-hnlf of nitery '

dance team of St. Clair and Durand, "Danger days.' mag.

is now film role for Warners in was written by Helen Ross,
ship's tailor on a battlewagon
Signal." Ted Amussen, ex-Farrar it Rlne-
in South Pacific, while wife is danc- and pictures were taken by Arthur hart
Frank Smith moved from Popular associate editor, now an appren-
Y under name ot Doroin y to Superior Pictures as publicity
Leipzig. >
tice chief petty officer, slated for
Durand '

Will of the late Beatrice Wanger,

Jan Duggan, star ot "The Drunk-
'Harvey' WJPB's Comic Mag Crackdown
combat correspondent with the Navy
dance instructor and sister of Walter
wanger, film producer, revealed she
ard" cast, recovering from appen- — Continued from pate 1 A WPB
crackdown, last week
in the Pacific.
Noel Meadow
compiling a volume
leit an estate of
dectomy. forced the recall from New York of whacky "letters to the editor" un-
"more than $20,000," Corp. Gene Haas, former cowboy so heartily that he awoke. Right newsstands of two new comic mags,
K^ ^ ot hich ls left to another
bi other, Henry.
reported killed in action in then he decided to buy hi on "Har- Pop Pop and Twinkle. Twinkle
vey." Among those who could have has been published by The Spotlight
der tentative title "Vox Pops."
Looking for contribs. Address 141 E.

M James
Cagney soft
yard to Robert Wru-
his farm at Moss Hart gifted Barbara Stan- secured a share but didn't was Jules Co., and the other by R. B. Lefflng-
44th street. N. Y.

SS 5, wyck with some rare prints for her "An .Uncommon Man, " book on
on '
- attorney. Ed McNamara. new house.
Brulatour. well Co., both of Chicago. Henry Wallace by Dr. Frank King-

"£ ld lr ' end .of Cagitey, lived
on the James Mulvey, Goldwyn company Some of those in on "Harvey" WPB said neither had a paper don, is first publication of Readers
larm until his death last fall. veepce, in from New York for stu- won't have to worry over finances
Cag- consumption quota for the publica Press, new publishing' division of
ney bought the farm in dio confabs. for the rest of their lives. A thea-
1936.. tion of magazines, since neither was Readers Book Service.
June Storey bought a half interest tre treasurer who has a $3,000 in-
in a nitery owned by Frances Faye terest is figured to get $100,000 on
publishing magazines in 1942, the Barry Faris, International News
Phtsbfligh in Las Vegas. base year. The number of copies Service exec, being given an indefi-
his investment. That figure: is based
Nunnally Johnson returned, to his of both printed far exceeded the nite, leave of absence to write a book
,r ... , By Hal Cohen International chores after a Broad .on profits from the play and his
"small business" exemption from the about his recent tour, of the Pacific
n™w Club P lanni n«
rummy tournament.
?- big gin way vacation. share of the picture rights, which
Lt. Frank Farrell, ex-amusement probably won't be disposed of for
quota order. The mags were pulled battle area. Seymour Berkson moves
"i'.tty. Allshouse elected president back in N. Y. by the distributor up to succeed him.
of Pittsburgh ed N. Y. World-Telegram, married several years.. Gotham News Co.
Models Club for 1945. Doris Warner. Anne Fromer, m,.e. of Magazine
Marge Nelson oh her way back Digest (Toronto) in N. Y. this week
home Masquers Club celebrated its sec-
after USO tour of CBI theatre. ond year of - weekly entertainments Beth Brown Dramatizing Novel and getting in a couple of guest-
Agent Sid Marks walking with a '
Beth Brown, novelist-playwright, shots (Martha Deane, Ellcry Queen,
„ for servicemen.
ane the result of being hit
by an Orson Welles bedded with throat

Board of Pittsburgh Playhouse has infection, halting work on "Tomor- Continued from pace 56 — '
latest book, "Universal Sta
etc.) as coincidental exploitation for
climbing' to the best-seller the Canadian periodical.. Jessyca
row Is Forever." ranks, is now at work getting her
" Gi " aS d,rec tor tor Russell, N. Y. ed for Mag Digest, set
1945-46 Joe Frisco returned to work in died in Buffalo, March 29- She suf-

book, "Wedding Ring," into play

Charley Foy's supper club after sev- fered a relapse while recovering the dates.
P<>rsey 1 reported to have form. For .the same reason that the N. Y.
oought *into, eral weeks in Las Vegas. from an operation.
newly-organized Del Al Singer, ex-lightweight champ, Times nixed a '"Variety" mugg's re-
Micas band. Pubs' Many Postwar Plans
out of Army and working as extra view of Earl Wilson's "I'm Gazing
^William. (Fuzzy) Pfarr has quit Reese Prosser. .79, minstrel show With. V-E Day in view, all pub
in "They Were Expendable." Into My 8-Ball" as "too hot," the
Sterling Holloway, out of Army, singer, died in Cleveland, March 8..
assuiUnt city editor's berth with
llshere are stepping up plans for N, Y. Herald Tribune chopped Ben-
to direct and play in "Desert Song" Prosser sang in Al G. Fields, Lew
Hildebrand joining Marjoric

expansion after having nursed them nett Cerf 's review", of. 'the same book
r>= *1 for Los Angeles Civic Light Opera Dickstader and Honey Boy. Evans

wsw next week.w

for Tnany. month's until paper short- about 70%. It did 'retain, however,

Woi" en i» ar" program on

Co. minstrel shows.
William Goetz succeeded
He also toured' .'in
Walter vaudeville.
ages eased. Firstly, magazine and Cerf s caption, "8-Ball With a Zing
Irene Cowan, of continuity depart- :

book publishers alike are certain 1

Wanger as chairman of the motion to It" .

named head of publicity and picture division of the Jewish Wel-
that the boom will continue because Julian Messner, Inc., offering prize
Promotion for WJAS. Mrs. Daisy Schwimmer, 39, wife of
fare Fund. Americans have become so inured
Esmond and her mother, Eva Walter Schwimmer Schwimmer & to any and all reading. Especially
for best book combating Intolerance

a house has added another gold Jill

? No
restrictions on form
hJLJ0 h,onor loU 'or Lt. Sidney Moore, working in the saipe Colum Scott agency, died at Highland Park, in
Booth, killed in action.,

bia picture,. "The Bandit of Sher

. 111'., March 26.
will it be true of the 1 1,000,000 serv- — play, novel, biog, essay—or on

»3 ck Allan, baritone with Lee Kel- wood Forest.". ice, .men who read anything and writer, who may be citizen, alien, GL
jpn s orch, placed in 4F
because of Lt. Benn Levy, Constance Cum Charles F. Church, father of Ar- everything.
. established or newcomer. Prize. Is :

Punctured eardrum. mings' -husband, reported recuper- From the book viewpoint, the
thur B. Church, president of Midland £3.000, with half outright award and
la x ating from shrapnel wounds in Lon-
aof: ? . Silverman, former man-
8 Broadcasting Co., operators' of American publishers are now intent half as advance against royalties.
tL ^LS J
Walners R itz theatre, was
t '
don hospital:
wounded in action in Germany. Louis de Rochemont back at 20th- KMBC, Kansas City, died there on getting nil international right's, -
Closing date for mcs. Jan.. 1, '46.
Mother Of Muriel Cn'*" ^1, KDKA March •which morns (1) they'll compete w'.'A piiW^i'An. in
Fox follnwi'nc FBI huddles In Wash- 24. '
. .
Wedaesday, April A, J<H5


Its a Pleasure


VOL. 158 No. 5

4RIETYPilbllwlied Weekly »t 1K4
Kntered aa secoud-clem mutter December

Wt»t 46th
Street, New York
1905, m



N. T., by Variety. Inc. Annuol sulmcrljition, HO. Single coplpn. 21 cent*
the l'ont Oftlco at New York, N. Y., under tlie net ot Murcli S, 1879.-

11, 1945 PRICE 25 CENTS

— S $46,864350 COST i : ; :
r— '
— — ;
; :
—— :

Fix to Lay Off 100% on Any Attempts 1945 SKYROCKET Jimcrow Nixes Rochester (PicX Rahn;

To Cash In on the Frisco Confab Negro USD Units Find No Bias Abroad
Prompted by Secretary of State
ADDS $7,540,650 As against anti-Negro discrimina-
Edward R. Stettinius, Jr.. and the tion disclosed In Memphis and al-
Sponsors of network radio. shows
Hays office, Hollywood has tiiken Gyp Spots Redound shelled out $4G.864.350 during the
Robeson Fixes Concerts leged in Los. Angeles last week, come
the vow of non-commercialism dur- reports from abroad of fair treat-
ing the United Nations' Security
Legit Niteries past year for talent and production To Fit Son's Grid Sked ment to talent, the reports coming
The legitimate New York niteries on their various programs. $7,540.-
Conference in San Francisco, start- Paul Robeson, returning to the from Negro entertainers themselves.
are getting' concerned over mount- 050 more than in the previous 12 concert field this fall after two years Memphis affair involved banning of
ing April 25. As far as the motion when
ing squawks ancnt gyp-and-take. months, the talent bill
in legit with "Othello," has advised the United Artists
picture industry is concerned, it has amounted to only $39,323,700. (Eddie Small)
Apparently some, bistros are at- Columbia Concerts, his tour, mana- film "Brewster's Millions" because
been unanimously agreed thai there
tempting to equalize matters by Each week the network shows gers, that he wouldn't take any fall of Rochester's importance in film.
will be no attempt made lo capital-
' heretofore unknown extra charges. jolted the nation's bankrollcrs for bookings that conflicted wjih the Los Angeles mlxup involved con-
ize on the confab.
Following meeting of industry ad- Even the regulars are not immune $1,201,650. exclusive .if time and line
Cornell University football schedule. cert appearance of Muriel Rahh,
from upped tariffs, extra couvcrts charges, as detailed in "Variety's" Robeson, who once was an All-
vertising-publicity heads, under the soprano.. Overseas statements were .

auspices of the Hays office, in N. Y. and bread-and-butter charges, wrong 1945 Program Costs Index published American at Rutgers, wants to see answers to rumors that Negro head-
count on number of drinks, etc. in the radio section last week (4). all the Cornell games because his
last Monday was decided that
(9), it liners 'don't want to go overseas to
Nightclub operators have been no- The 1944. index (April 19, 1944) son, Paul. Jr., plays end on the entertain troops because of stories of
there would be no advertising of
showed a weekly total of $1,008,300 team.
any pictures to be screened for the ticing a further decline in grosses discrimination abroad, the state-
delegates as a means of hypoing b.o. since the days have been getting
for nctw-irlc stanzas, $103,350 less The request presented a booking ments proving definitely that tha
They think that with the than th 1945 total. Annual totals problem on finding adjacent towns
at regulur theatres. There is to be longer. rumors are without basis or fact.
were fi.^vicd on an average run-of- for Friday night dates. So far, three
no hookup of any type with the curfew remaining in effect' as sum-
Conference, cither in publicity or mer comes on and daylight hanging
the-sbow period of 39 weeks. —
have been lined up in Binghamton, Rochester "Inimical?"
These figures, of course, represent N. Y., night' before the Princeton-
exploitation material, of pictures be- around until 9 p.m. or thereabout':, Memphis, April 10.
Cornell game at Ithaca'; in Hartford,
ing shown in San Francisco during weekly takes will continue down- only an estimate of the nation's ra- The City Board of Motion Picture
ward. dio talent bankroll inasmuch as the night before the Yale game at New
the powwow. Censors has issued an edict banning
People hesitate about stepping into "Variety" program listings, of neces- Haven, and in Hanover, N. H.. night
As result of the decision, under- the United Artists film, J^Br_CWSlejc!g
sity, make no attempt, to include
before the Dartmouth game.
night spots' before dark, apparently.

stood that any exploitation plans Millions."

calling for a tieup with the Con- every one of the web-sponsored The ukase was signed by chair-
ference are being changed. Report- programs. All news commentators, man Lloyd T. Bjnford, who made no
ed that United Artists for instance, are not included and bones at all about the reasoning be-
for one,
'Menagerie' Wins

the many shows aired on regional

which had previously made a tieup
with the San Francisco Press Club Why Barbers Go webs likewise are omitted. Also not
hind the ban. It's strictly Jim Crow-
ism: Said Binford.
for "Blood on the Sun" (Cagney included were shortlived programs "Brewster's Millions" has Ro-
production), has called the cam- aired during the past' year but chester (Eddie Anderson) In an im-
paign off, in line with Industry pol-
Out of Business yanked prVpt to publication date ot
the index. '
» \
N.Y. Critics Prize portant role. He has too familiar a
(Continued on page U>> \ \ * (Continued on page 46)
Nevertheless, the startling in- "The Glass Menagerie," latest hit
The longhair concert field con crease in talent costs is reflected
tinues to become one of the hottest on Broadway, at the Playhouse, was
truthfully in the compilations and
Chi Educator Dishes Out show biz potentials of the moment bears out the unmistakable trend named yesterday (10) the best play Much Ado About Montez's
for pop entertainers. which has been the cause of so much of the 1944-45 season by the N- Y.
Latest agency lo join the "con- discussion and complaints during Missing Luggage Gets
Sweet and Lowdown Gab .

cert" parade is the A. & S, Lyons

Drama Critics Circle. Membership
the pasl year or so.
agency, which, last week established in the latter comprises most of the
Factors underlying the skyrocket Sun
To Kids About 'Variety- a concert department headed by reviewers on New York dailies and Spotlight hv Chi
trend arc numerous. Revised pay
Chicago, April 10. Jerry Cargill. recently placed on the-
rates achieved by the American half a dozen leading magazines. Chicago, April 10.
It's subversive propaganda,
that's Army's inactive list, after 'he served Federation Radio Artists
of and The Tennessee Williams drama. In Maria Montez got what every
what it is, the type of chatter dished as a captain in special services in pressagenl in every film exchange in
(Continued on page 47) which Lauretle Taylor and Eddie
out by George Jennings, director of the South Pacific. town dreams about Monday (9),
Chi public school's FM station, Billy Rose is hitting the field with Dowling are starred, can also cop when she passed through Chicago
WBEZ. the production of "Concert Varie- the Pulitzer prize. It was thought wilh her husband, Lt. %Jean Pierre
You havc 10 bc nills to read ties" starting around June 1 either Synthetic Rubber Boost when "Menagerie" opened March 31 Aumont, en route to Hollywood: a
variety." That's what he said. lie at his Ziegfclcl. theatre, if the cur- the play had arrived beyond the three-column picture, spread and a
said it in so many words to the -
Pulitzer deadline -but latter is column of copy— and all on page 1.
rent "Seven Lively Arts closes, or '
To Cue Synthetic Gin? April 1. Only she got it in reverse. It was
children of Chicago in his at some other house in New York
weekly "From the Library'' chat last Increased use of a substance em- definitely not flattering.

As presently contemplated each "Menagerie" got nine votes out of

Wednesday ploying alcohol and tiscd lo make The paper is the Chicago Sun,
(4). When he was a col- show will have a four to eight-week a total of 14. No previous winner
lege student, he said, he had synthetic rubber will be responsible which has been beating the drums
a pro- run. Deems Ta.vlor. according to was- so preponderantly selected.
fessor in abnormal psychology for the growing void in whiskics for an investigation of black mar-
who Rose, is the only one set for Ihc "Harvey," 48th Street, got two votes,
made "Variety" required reading within the ncx.l few months. Affect- ket conditions in the sale of Pull-
for series so for. while one each was accorded to "I
the class.
ed, of course, will he the nation's man reservations. Spread showed
Next seasor. will probably see a Remember Mama." Music Box, and
He campaigned very stealth 'v-likc, 225.000 pn-salc 'drinking places, in- Miss Montez counting her luggage

bumper crop of vaude performers "A Belt for Adan.o/' Cort. Most sur-
sneaking up to the payofl line -with cluding 75.000 cafes and nigh clubs. I
in the Union station between trains.
and bands playing longhair emporia prising feature of the critics' session
history of Sime, the "Stix Nix" They've already felt the pinch: Two pieces were missing. She started
such as Carnegie, and Town Halls, held at Ihe Algonquin hold was the
type of headline, rule of four-letter The substance— called butadiene failure of one member to .make a out from New York Sunday (8 1 with
In addilion to W, Colston Leigh, -^lasl December used \io'', of the
bylines for reviewers, how a word choice. He was Louis Kipncnbcrger including
21. eight hatboxes, it
whose "Invitation to Fame" series nation's alcohol manufacture. The
(Continued on page 20; of PiVI. who. it's believed, either fig- seems! but somebody stole two of
has already started. Variety Pro- percentage has "::ow been upped to
ured that there have been too many the en roule.
grams, Inc.. headed by Leonard 55'.;. And unofficialfrom fine plays this season for anyone to
reports "This quickly became obvious lo
'Roller Vanities' May Pull Jacobson and Joseph Fink, which Washington are that there \Von't bc a
select o best, or he didn't like any of (Continued on page 16)
put on a Carnegie Hall show Satur- liquor holiday this year,
$1,000,000 This Season 'em well enough, although his no-
day- (7), 'will slagc a dozen concerts durinu which, the War Production
Harold Steinman's ".Roller Vani- tices belied the latter.
at Carnegie Hall next season, many Board would permit Use of alcohol Welles-DeMille Debate
ties'; will wind up
its current season of which will use vaude, cafe and for the manufacture of distilled There was a secret ballot, prior to
m the black for the first time in its (Continued On page 20; spirits. Since Oct. 8. 1942. alcohol th<5 actual voting. At thai lime On Unions' Right to Levy
three-year history next month, has been diverted entirely to war Wolcott Gibbs. of the New Yorker, Sacramento, April 10.
otemman expects a $1,000,000 gross, production, excepting for two liquor named "Trio." He intentionally made Arguing pro and con before Stale
double last year's take. 'Life With Mother' Soon holidays. Since August. 1944. there the straw choice to rile Paul Moss, Assembly industrial relations com-
Stelnman last week made arrange- •
Howard Lindsay and Ru'ssel have been two periods of one month the license commissioner, who forced mittee in Sacramento Thursday night
ments for the fourth edition of the

each— August. 1944. and January. Ihe drama out -of Ihc'.Belasco re-
Crousc's lon«-nwailed "Life With - (12), Orson Welles and; Cecil. B. De- :
sjow. Gae Foster of Fanchon cently, thereby starting a
& Mother," sequel to "Life Willi Fa-, 1945— during which the industry has cep.s'Or.
Mille will oppose one another on bill;
Marco will again do the production. been permitted to make spirits and Hurry.
ther."on .which they've been work- .

to prohibit unions from levying as-

« « estimated that production co-st.- ing some years, is reported ncaring George Frecdley, critic for the
allowed the alcohol for that purpose. sessments on members for political
w jl be' over $200,000. Next edition completion. Distillers, starting last month, be- Morning Telegraph and in charge of
• w "l unveil in Montreal, purposes..
Sept. 1. Probably Will have it ready for gan to make cuts to the drihkeries. the N. Y. Public Library's theatre •
Welles will* represent CIO and
i» w
ent Bhow wind s "P in Rochcs- fall production at their Hudson the- and are expected to make them even department, presided as the Circle's NCPAC in opposition to bill, while
«r May 2Q. atre. N. Y. more drastic in May. secretary. .
DcMille will support proposal.
MISCELLANY Wednesday, April 11, 194;
jtttfttttttftttMttttttttttttttmiMMM MHUl. I

Lack of Foreign Importations No Bar

mmmmm, By Frank Scully j
To Ringling Circus, Big dick in N. Y. Tog Vue, CaL, April 8.
By JACK PULASKI Box beer caps and diplomatic pouches are pouring into our
For the fifth straight season the quarters as legal tender lor pages of the Dictionary of Doubletalk,
foreign talent sources, formerly des- Y&R Eyes Carole Landis which
the press bunch and foreign emissaries of 39 nations believe might heln
tined for the big top, have been, shut Not a Bad Idea them to weather the Gab Fair' scheduled, for San. Francisco.
off and for as many years skeptics
And It's
Half-hour quiz show slanted for Language professors of the Jack Conway Memorial College have an
have been writing off the circus. avalanche of requests and have put In a call for the services of Warden
GI's and built around Carole Landis
However, this year's Ringling, Bar- Clinton T. Duffy of San Quentin, head of the original Duffy's Tavern. He
num & Bailey show is one of the (agency gagster suggested "why is it
necessary to -build an't/thino around in turn, has put everybody from Frank Gingg, William Orr, Clyde Wil-
most colorful since its varied direc- liams, Jack Buck and Jerry Sletz down to Inmate Number 88558, who
tors began to hypo the performance Miss Landis"?) is skedded for audi-
announces the prison's radio programs, to the task of deciphering the code
with the penicillin of stage acoutre- so that the protocol boys and the press bunch can understand what the.
ments. Plan is to line up the program as
others arc talking about. 'Convicts working on navy assault boats, trans-
The costume color schemes at- one of the summer replacements for
port bunks, rigging blocks, submarine, nets, ship fenders and cargo nets
tuned to the general presentation are the Young &. sked.

147th WEEK! were excused on the grounds that they were in more essential industries
as effective as anything in stage
than talking peace ill time of war, but the others were urged lo work

magnificence, and despite the short- -

age of solo stars the RBB show is KEN MURRAY'S overtime to break the. language bottlenecks already developing around
the Gab Fair.
an exhibition that is well worth- "BLACKOUTS OF

while. On the whole it's a demon- 20th Pays Spivak El

Capitan Theatre, Hollywood, Cal. Nearly a thousand correspondents are begging for priorities, claiming it
stration of showmanship, using the is more important that they know what the diplomats are talking about
"Six times for me and the current
best available talent, making it look show Is the" best yet." than It is that the diplomats know what the diplomats are talking about.
better than it really -is.
Bob Ringling can take a bow just 20G, Pk Not Made DICK POWELL.' These correspondents are being housed in the Palace hotel— all of them.
This means that bald Jimmy Abbee may have to carry Margaret Bourke-
as he modestly did opening night White's camera equipment as well as his own; which would not be new
when given a Washington citation Charlie Spivak's orchestra, which
for the RBB contributions in sale of was
under contract to 20th-Fox for 1NGRD) BERGMAN TO DO for him. The U. P. Packards, being man and wife, may double up and

no questions asked unless Earl Wilson shows up. " • '

war bonds. Address of a Treasury another picture to be made -some- ^

Department aide, who spoke through time this year, has been paid
off in ANDERSON PLAY IN '46 The Palace hotel, is not far from the Civic Auditorium and the -audi-
studio and the agreement torium is across the plaza from the city hall where Mayor Lapham is gild-
the loudspeaker to tell of Washing- full by the Ingrid Bergman, returning to
torn up. Spivak received $20,000 for ing the keys to the city. Lapham is a Harvard guy who was prez of the
ton's appreciation, took about five Broadway, is. not due until autumn
film, which was the Hawaiian steamship line. Tourist trade being non-existent, and pineapples
minutes, just about the time the pre- not making the year. 'She is slated to be
Wednesday (4) night ran price he would have gotten had he so expensive leathernecks think twice before throwing them at Japs,
miere last ,

starred in "The Girl From Lorraine,"

past the midnight curfew. made it. Lapham took over the handshaking routine for the. duration. The upper
by Maxwell Anderson, which the bracket boys in morning coats are to be fenced in chiefly at the Mark
For the first time there Is an in- Spivak apparently had set aside' a Playwrights Co. will present. Film

termission at the halfway mark, so part of this summer for the making star's previous appearance in legit Hopkins and the Fairmount. Both have excellent views of Alcatraz,
that a cage can be erected for the of the film. Company, advised him was in a revival of "Liliom," with known as the Rock, and San Quentin, known as The Big House, after the
wild-animal display. Seasonally for that it wasn't ready for him at. the Burgess Meredith, Metro picture of the same name. San Francisco was picked so the moral
at the 44th Street,
some time there were three steel time and asked for a postponement. N. Y.,.in 1939. New play is based on would not be missed: Those having larceny in their hearts to begin with
arenas for the Alfred Court assort- He agreed, it's said, but later his at- Joan of Arc.

will end up where all dictators do these days if you give -them '-enough
ment of big cats, but never again be- torneys demanded the film be made Anderson is due to deliver another
cause of runways which blocked »t the time originally agreed upom play for the 1945-46 season, while Tips

three exits., and caused most of the Studio thereupon paid him off. Robert E. Sherwood of the author- To those who have learned their lesson and want no more of interna-
casualties at tfie Hartford fire disas- manager group is also writing. Play- tional gangsterism these footnotes to the Dictionary .of Doubletalk. will
ter last July. Now a baker's dozen wrights expecting to have three prove valuable. Be on the alert if you hear somebody say '"That mudhen
of lithe, tigers, leopards and pumas
are poled into the big cage from
BIZ OPENS STRONG plays in rehearsal during the coin- needs a little brother." It means his critics think he is determined to

ing summer. In fact, the outfit is make the security conference a success and needs to be liquidated by a
single car-like affair on wheels, and readying one of its .busiest seasons. six-shooter, If they add that "a jury would be better than a little brother,"
they are trundled off in a like man- IN Y. N FOR CIRCUS they mean two six-shooters. If one suggests, "Perhaps we'd better hold
."'' Ringling, Barnum. and Bailey cir- court in the street," start running! That means they plan lo shoot it out
For the first time the wild-animal Gar- Pasadena Recommends with even the law.
display is really made sexy. Six cus opened at Madison Square
showgirls, as scantily clad as they den, N. Y., on- schedule last Wednes- That "mudhen," incidentally, derives. from the convict who maintained
would be in a Broadway revue, enter day (4) to an excellent War Bond Play to Little Leghs his innocence through the whole of a "fin-up," a five-year sentence. "He
the cage. One or two were trainers house, and business thereafter was Pasadena, April 10. was so law-abiding," said his colleagues, "he wouldn't even draw straws
Mn the Court turns, which have been Al Rote's drama, "State of Mind," to see who swept- the cells. Said it was gambling." The
mudhen is not to-
disposed of: all strut their stuff as strong. Capacity was anticipated has' been recommended by the Pasa- be confused with a "Square John." John is a reformed criminal determined
if they were on at the old Ziegfeld over the weekend, which climaxed dena Community Playhouse to the to go
. '
straight. The mudhen is a phoney upholder of law and order. The

or Carroll. One of the lookers— and the Easter holiday, .but attendance National. Theatre Conference for convention will have plenty of both. The good ones are "bonaru"— excel'
they are that—drapes a tiger around
did not fully meet .expectations.

simultaneous coast-to-coast produc- lent. The others are stinkeroo which requires no. translation. Other de-
her neck, and the tough guy doesn't tion in the nation's leading com- coded phrases which may help are "broom," which means reporters are
mind at all; in fact, seems to like Reason ascribed was the tilt in ticket munity and college theatres. / coming and it's time to. scram; "cat," which means an informer; "Cecil,'*
It. Another has a striped cat roll prices. Rote play is the first submitted by which means cocaine; "chop it up," which means to! discuss the matter in
over. William Story actually, puts committee, and "duck," which seems to have taken the place of "chump"
Agencies stated that boost of in- the Pasadena group to the Confer-

the animals through most of, their ence's New Play Committee in five for a chump. Any diplomat extolled as having a heart of gold had better
termediately priced tickets appears
paces, while the showgirl assistants years. In- past years, Elmer Rice's not rely on a deputy who is eulogized as being "copper-hearted." 11 means
are Florence Bailey, Joyce Fay, Lu- to have made it loo expensive for "Judgment Day" and Maxwell An- he is by nature a spy. The Dictionary of Doubletalk' is full of synonyms
creca Darney, Vcrena Lawrence, Pa- the average family to take their kids. derson's "Eve of St. Mark" were for informers. "On the Erie'' is one and "a tall weed in the grass" refers
tricia Walsh and Madeline Kries.
Tickets that cost $1.80 and $2.20 each produced under NTC auspices.
to the same thing..
Ban Overtime If a diplomat hears that the committee is adjourning lo a "creep joint"
last year are now $2.50 and $3. Those
Ringling meticulously prepared the Ann Blyth's Broken he may as well face the fact that without counter-espionage he is lost. A
show at Sarasota, Fla., rehearsals go- prices include the 20% federal ad-' creep joint is a gambling place which moves its location nightly. Should
ing on for four weeks. The first per- mission tax, which applied last. sea- Back From Accident he also hear the confidential documents are in the "crib" and her name
formance was unusually smooth, al- son, too, but the increase in some Hollywood, April 10. is "Binah," that would mean simply that the papers are in a safe and would
though an hour overtime, but the sections, including end arena, is
. Ann Blyth was hospitalized yes- have to be blown by nitroglycerine, "Dinah"' being presumably double-'
whistle never sounded. .Fred Brad - around 50c. Top price of $5.50 (tax terday (9) from a broken back she •talk for dynamite.
na, the esquestrienne director (that included) as against $4.80 in 1944. received in toboggan accident Sun- While even the youngest fish in the state department knows the "McCoy"
ringmaster stuff is out), was on the Opening night saw the Garden day (8) at Lake ArroVvhead. Phy- means something authentic, practically no one not privy to this column
job with his silk topper, quietly not- nearly Ailed, attendance being sicians stated actress would be knows that around Duffy's Tavern the "Crow McGee" means just the op?
ing what went on and mentally jot-
quoted as better than 14.000 persons, bedded for at least three months. posite. So rumors suspected of being spurious come from the "Crow-
ting down where tK'e show will he

who secured' tickets through the Injury necessitates actress being McGee wire service." If anybody "dummies
up" it means he is not talking.
cut and speeded after opening night.
purchase of War Bonds, there being replaced in film role she was cur- If there is an "eye" in the lobby, that's doubletalk for a .detective and
There, too, is a minimum of an- rently working in at Warners.
nouncements, Ringling sticking to no actual admission charge. Since the reason for the freeze.

his plan of pianissimo ballyhoo dur-

the RBB show has had bond pre- In San Quentin a new arrival is called a "fish." A "gee" is not a "grand*
ing the show, his direction being that mieres the houses have been excel-
Shirley to Wed but a man. "A gear" is a queer one, a-"gunscel" a young gear.
the show shall speak for itself. lent, whereas in former years the -Hollywood, April 10. If you hear two picture names (1) Mae West and (2) Mary Pickford
Livingston's general color debut performance was lightly at- Shirley Temple revealed over the they mean H) a place that is wire-tapped, a hot spot, unsafe for unin-
scheme for the costumes, in shock- tended. More than $3,000,000 in weekend her betrothal to Sgt. John hibited talk, and (2) a successful job, a sweetheart. The latter is a burg-
ing pink (that's what dames call it: bonds were sold, about the same as George Agar of Army Air Forces. lar's highest praise for another bandit's performance. Crudely but suc-
not this mugg), and hues of blue. for the first night last year. Actress, who will be 17 April 23, cessfully accomplished, it is called a "Jesse James." Reference to a "short
Show gets off to corking start visu- has promised she won't wed the 24- story man,"- in double-talk, refers lo the writer of fictitious checks, also
ally^ with the ensembles in ballet year old GI for two or three years. known as a "paperhanger." •

formations as the horsewomen dp

Any diplomat on the honest side of the house overhearing a reference'
their stuff, the whole idea being 20TH PACTS CBOMWELL to "sniff the e'ggs," need not suspect his breakfast so much as his life.
"drcamlined for beauty," as Bev Kel- Hart Writing Play While
Hollywood, April 10. means execution by lethal gas. And, of course, any reference to stenog-
ley describes it in the program. Color
John Cromwell drew 20th-Fox raphers or typewriters should be reported immediately to the police. For
background is heightened by green Overseas; Other Briefs director contract calling a for seven "typewriter," like a few other hardy perennials, has hot changed its mean-
sawdust on the track and carmine Moss Hart is writing a play while years without options, something ing since the neo-Capone era. It still means a machine gun.
ground cloths in the rings.
Ernestine overseas for USO-Camp Shows in So any diplomat intent on doing; it the hard way may as well accept
rare in the film industry.
Spotlighted then is
"Man Who Came to Dinner." Director recently,, moved into the the fact that even with all this knowledge the Rock and the Big House
(Continued on page 46)
Westwood lot to pilot; the Ernst Lu- are bulging with proof that crime doesn't pay. Nobody could have com-
John Vickery, first prominent art-
ist to go overseas to sketch GIs, is
bitch production, "Cluny Brown." —
mitted more than Hitler and look what it has brought him a footnote in
J. E. Hoover OK's FBI Script back from the South Pacific. —
the Dictionary of Doubletalk reading: "Paperhanger a cheek-klter* writer
Is Bromfield Kidding? of fictitious checks." He couldn't have got a shorter obit if he had stuck
Hollywood, April 10. Ruth Aarons, champ table-tennis
Chicago, April 10.
to interior decorating. T_
T.-F.dfiar Hoover okayed the script player, is back from overseas exhir . /

of "Now 'It Can Be Told," story of bitions. Half-hour harangue on how his
the FBI, to be produced by Louis Mischa Elman plays at Ft. Mon- prediction
be a food
a year
ago that
in the
U. S.
Berlin to Hop From N. Y. Burl
Ives, Barber
de Rochemont at 20th-Fox. mouth April 25.
Lloyd Nolan and William Eythe, has come true with a vengeance, To H'wood for Crosby Pic
heading cast will, take a two-week and that we're on the verge of Irving Berlin is due back In New Team for Folk Ballads
course in the FBI: School at Quan- Oliver Morosco Hurt starvation, was delivered by York from Washington today (Wed.)
Louis Bromficld ("Mrs. Parkihg- Half-hour show was auditioned
tico. Va., to get into the proper Hollywood, April 10.
ton," etc.) before members of the after making his report, to the War Monday (9) in Chicago featuring
mood. with'
Oliver Morosco, 69, is in St. Vin- Chi Executives Club in the Dept. following three and a half Burl Ives and Red Barber,
cent's hospital with a shattered right Grand Ballroom of Hotel Sher- sponsor signaturing reportedly all
months on tour with_ "This Is the

arm and internal injuries as' result man last week. set. Mildred Fenton package has
Hollywood, April 10. of a traffic accident last Thursday Army" In the Pacific. His last stand Barber doing the narration treating
Members, number 470, heard
D:ck Powell, who switched from (5) night. the talk following a big lunch- was in Manila, where the company with American folklore, with Ives

crooning to crime in "Murder/ My Following additional surgery Sun- eon, menu being: lake trout, ris- is now situated. on the balladlng end.
Sweet," continues his new baddic day (8) in an attempt, to save his sole potatoes, tossed salad, corn Death of Mark Sandrich, Para- Latter is currently touring in the
career In his next starrer at RKO. badly shattered arm, Morosco was muffins and assorted rolls, coffee mount producer-director, will hasten Theatre Guild's "Sing Out Sweet
Picture is "Cornered," based on a reported in better condition. He (with cream and sugar), ice Berlin to Hollywood to handle de- Land" and is Sunday nights
story by Ben Hecht, Herman Man- slept well Moffday night, and is in cream and cookies. No seconds, tails o_n "Blue Skies," forthcoming for his 13-week "Radio Reader's Di-
kiewiu and Czenzl Ormonde. . good, condition today (Tues.). however. Bing Crosby starrer. gest" series.
Wednesday, April U, 1945 PICTURES


Distribs See $1,000,000 More For jor Cos. Ask WPB Action to Avert

Top Pix Sold Special Instead Block Film Shortage for Army Theatres
Pictures may soon become unavail-
Major distribution execs estimate .

able for showing in the U. S. Army

that the cost of placing
a top quality Federal Bureau of Investigation is
Beaver Mug Fan reported checking into what is be-
No Pix-Radio in S.F. Camp circuit, comprisihj; hundreds
film in a block instead of selling it ,

Washington/April of theatres, unless raw film alloca-

Hollywood. April 10. lieved to be a vast raw film smug- 10...

now represents close to Unshorn George International aspects of films tions are stepped up by the War
as a special for 20 years, gling or black market racket, said to
Thai's We' estimated loss "Gabby." Hayes, bearded buck and radio are. not expected to be Production Board for major U. S.
$1 000.000. be in operation largely in Mexico,
considered at the coming Frisco distributors.
in rentals a distributor would
which aroo of the Alms, has been un- although it may' extend to other
difference masked as a secret hobbyist. He conference, according to Stale Films Tor Army camps have hith-
receive as a result of the countries which have been getting
erto,been printed up around 60 days
selling terms. owns Hollywood's largest .collec- raw stock from the U. S. A. Report Dept. spokesmen.
In the basis of the berore. .general release to. civilian
specials normally yield tion of early American shaving U. S. industry circles is that raw For the present! at least, it is
While in
theatres. As a result of the raw
mugs. felt that planning an interna-
higher returns, of course, the ratio film has been selling in Mexico for
stock shortage distribs are how com-
relation to a block around 10c per foot (price is less tional security organization will
of the Increase'in pelled to use all available .him to
hot involve discussion of the use
gale has reportedly -been hypoed be- than lc per foot in the U. S. A.).
print up pictures scheduled for regu-
of the media.

cause of the relatively higher war- On the domestic front, also, un- .

lar release.

time admission scales in key situa-


tions and the scramble for preferred

Carter Barron As
derstood that the FBI has been
called in to check up on what is de-
Some 30.000,000 feet of 'raw slock
originally earmarked for distribs as
playing time because of the booking scribed as Ihe "photostat racket"
a credit on Army bookings for the
bottleneck in the keys. whereby smaller users of raw film Metro's $200, first quarter of 1945 have not been
Three Metro pictures placed in
blocks— "A Guy NamedJoe," "Two
Hays Rep (not major distribs or pr'oducers)
in D.C.?
have been allegedly gelling several
made available thus far, although
the George J.. Schaefcr plan is being
Girls and A "Lassie
Sailor" and limes their allocated supplies from mulled by WPB
Washington, April 10.
Come Home" —
though among the
Rumor persists that Carter Bar-
raw stock dealers and laboratories. For Lewis Novel Distributors have been obliged to

It has been the. common practice

company's big grossers, are calcu- set.back from two to four releases .

ron. Loew's regional rep here, Is among major film companies to send Metro last week closed deal for
lated to have earned about $1,000,000 each as a result of the current raw
being considered as the man to put only a photostat copy- of their offi- the screen rights to "Cass Timber- film
less in rentals than if they had been squeeze.
new life into the Washington office cial raw Aim allocation orders from lane," Sinclair Lewis' new novel,
sold as. specials. ("Joe" has grossed Indications are that unless provi-
close to $4,000,000, "Sailor" around of the Motion Picture Producers and the War Production Board to the which will yield the author an es- sion is made for raw stock alloca-
$3,000,000 and "Lassie" approxi- Distributors of America, Inc. (Hays labs. Labs would accept photostat timated $200,000 or better, exclusive tions whereby future civilian thea-
office). reproductions since major companies of remake rights. It's for Walter tre releases
can be printed up im-
mately $2,600,000).
time secured keep original requisition okays in Pidgeoh. This is the second $200,000 mediately for Army theatres "the lat-
Additional playing Barron is generally recognized as
home office flies. Report is being in- book to be purchased by Metro be- ter will be out of Aim within the
for pictures sold as specials is typi- doing the best goodwill job for the ,

vestigated that smaller users of Aim fore publication within the - past next two or three weeks. Barring
what, is considered a new
fledlJ)y_. industry with Government biggies
have been making several photo- year, exclusive of "Green Dolphin a stepping up of allocations In the
high ot'approximately 775 full week now under way in the city.
bookings for "30 Seconds Over
static reproductions of orginial WPB Street." the M-G Award novel, near future the Army circuit will be
quota forms and getting raw film which will net the author $175,000. obliged to rely on prints which may
Tokyo," which was sold as a special, in several places on each replica of and the publisher $25,000. The other not be in Use by the distribs. al-
•Understood that from 300 to 400
M-G's 'Green Mansions' an allocation order. $200,000 book buy was "The Green though with the current shortage of
full week dates is considered ave
In case of raw Aim black market Years," by Dr'. A. J. Cronin. prints, few picture's could be with-
rage for pictures sold in a block. In traffic across the border, suspicion Other top buys in recent months drawn,: from regular releasing chan/
addition' to the larger number of full (Elizabeth Taylor) As
in trade circles embraces two sali- include "Forever Amber," which neis.
weeks there is also to be calculated ents. Either U. S. allocation holders 20th-Fox purchased for around
the increase in running lime for . Opposish to 'Robe'? have been sending the film out of $200,000.pending okay of a screen
smaller situations where bookings Washington. April 10.
the country for a quick turnover at version by the Hays office; "Lion
are jumped to five days where Hollywood. April 10.
. Stanley Adams, head of the W?B
a luige profit, or producers in other in the Streets." bought by James
houses formerly changed programs Metro purchased (11m rights to countries, getting American stock Durable Goods Division, who has

Cagney: "Great Son," by Edna Fer been personally handling raw film
after three or four days. "Green Mansions' ,, from James B. have been selling the film instead of

ber. which Mike Todd plans to film

(Continued on page 18)
Cassidy for $150,000 over the week- making pictures themselves. "The Razor's Edge." by Somerset
end. Plan understood to star Eliza-
Meantime, as reported exclusively Maugham, Which 20lh-Fox is pro-
in "Variety" several weeks ago, the
P. L. SALTONSTALL AS beth Taylor in film. War. Production Board is giving seri- One of the expensive properties


Only. last week Cassidy reported a ous consideration' to the proposal for currently being offered to studios
ALLPORT'S AIDE IN ENG. New York baiik was financing him increasing raw stock allocations 16 for screening is "Townsmen." by MOTIF DUE IN ILS. PIX
Philip L. brother of
Saltonstall. $2,000,000 to make the yarn in Tcchr the film industry by around 120,000.- John Sedges (nom de plume), for
the governor of Massachusetts, who
nicolor. Cassidy paid RKO
$3,500 000 feet annually' and dropping the Which A. & S. Lyons agency is re- La Belle France figures prominent-,

for the film rights four years ago. plan to place a 285-print ceiling on (Continued on page 46) ly in most U. S. film company pro-
was the (list International Depart Following payment of agency fees, pictures regardless of requirements. duction-schedules as result of the
ment representative of the Motion title clearance tolls in many coun- substantial volume of current and
Rodgers Raises Issue
tries, etc., Cassidy reportedly will forthcoming literary material deal-
Picture Producers ft Distributors While several major distribs did Arts-Sciences Group ing with -that country. Also, several
net some $60,000 on the W. H. Hud-
Assn. to be assigned for overseas not like the 285-print ceiling none film producers' are planning to rush
son novel, which has long been in except William F. Rodgers, v.p. and
service, will stay in England with
the public domain in many coun- general sales manager for Metro,
Wants Representation to Paris for picture background ma-
F. W. Allport. MPPQA
rep in Great tries. terial as soon as visas and .ranspor-
Britain, for gome time.

made an issue of the proposed ruling.

Only recently did Cassidy manage Rodgers. it is understood, was of
At the Frisco Confab tation are available.
he will go to Paris to cover Europe Besides Sol Lesser, who plans to
to clear up registration of title in the opinion that If a 285-print ceil- Art, science and the "profes-
in .his capacity of liaison officer be- film part of his scheduled "Paris
tween U. S. Aim .companies, foreign U..S. when Harry Gourfain
sought ing 'were imposed it would be nec- sions" (law, engineering, etc.) wanf
Canteen" abroad, Lester Cowan has
American version only
governments and the U. S. State to make an essary to revise the entire system of a seat at the peace table. The Inde-
(Continued on page 18)
Department^ of film: (Continued on page 16) pendent Citizens Committee of the
Metro's buy is understood to be Arts. Sciences ft Professions an-
Saltonstall temporarily
at ' least
nounced last week that it is inviting
will supplant Harold Smith, who not only as a starrer for Miss Taylor
colleagues in principal United Na-
was MPPDA rep in Europe until the who hit stardom in "National Vel-
Nazis took over, in Paris. S.mith vet." but also as competition to s tions for an International session,
who has been handling MPPDA for- Frank Ross' fllmization of "The and that it wants representation at
eign dept. work in N. Y. since the Robe." Stories -do not conflict but the Security Conference which opens
Trndo Mailt Rtgletered
at San Francisco on April 25.
into Paris.-is rated so both arc spectacles and both
slated KOtlNDKD BY 81ME flltjVBRM AN
Germans went
valuable via his knowledge of all .for nigh-budget treatment. Jules Break for Indies Well-known show biz figures are
members of the committee, and par-
I'ulilhhrrt .Wfvkljr by VARIBTY. In*.
Silverman, President
foreign country setups that he Goldstone represented Cassidy in SI<1
Chicago, April 10. •
ticipated in the planning of the cul- ir.4 UVsl 4«lh Si., New Yorll 19. N. T.
likely will be kept in N. Y. on treaty sale to Metro.
or tariff work for some time: Logjam of majors' A
and B prod- tural .confab. Included are play-
ucts in Balaban &Katz's Loop wrights Elmer Rice and Marc Con-' SUBSCRIPTION
With the Federal government do AnilUHl Foreign.
runs cues the trend for a break for nelly; Peter Lyon, president of Radio f 10 . .

lng- postal censorship work on the Slnclo C'oplen 86 Cenu

Col. Picts' Suit Claims indies here, with PRC's "Town Went Writers Guild; Fredric, March; Paul
.Coast for about three years, Sal
Wild" booked into B&K's Granada N. Turner, representing Associated 1M
tonstall spent many years ii
No. 5
England and is acquainted with trx
'Dear Ruth' Plagiarism and Harding, nabe houses, for three Actors & Artists of America; Wil- Vol.158
various angles in that country. He
days starting Friday (6) and into liam Feinbcrg, 6f the American
Columbia Pictures has started suit circuit's Riviera for a triple play Federation of Musicians; and N; Y.
will work with Allport to familiarize
against Joseph M. Hyman and Ber- starting April 13. Newspaper Guild chairman John T.
himself with latest motion pictui

nard Hart, producers, and Capt. Nor- Pic will then play B&K's B. C
and McManus. film critic for the news- Bills . ...... «
affairs both there and in Europe.
Current tendency of industry ex- man Krasna, author of the. current —
"first-week'' houses in other words, paper PM. Sculptor Jo Davidson is
Film Reviews. ....
Broadway legit hit, "Dear Ruth," for the entire circuit. committee chairman, and announced
ecutives is to stay out of France House Reviews. . .12
until the French government indi- alleged plagiarism. he was taking up plans with Secre-
Inside Legit 45
cates a desire to have U. S. film, of- Columbia alleges that a story., tary of Stale Edward R. Stettlnius,
Inside Music ;...'... 39
ficials called "Dear Mr. Private" which
Mexican Film Troupe Jr. •

their country to discuss
in Inside Orchestras•

details distribution and exhibi T

of Columbia bought in 1942. was pirated Inside Pictures .16
'tion. Thus
far the French have op- by Krasna. It asks for an account- Invades for Pic RKO Stokowski to Star In Inside Radio .• 30
--posed allowing
film industry envoys
ing, damages and an injunction. Hollywood, April 10. International ........... . . 16
obtain passports so they could dis- Summons and complaints were Troupe of Mexican screen players, Legitimate '..... 44
cuss picture business matters there. served on Hart and Hyman, accord- headed by Cantinflas and guided by 'H'wood Bowl' Indie Pic Literati ; 47
No clear picture of what rules, regu- ing to Schwartz & Frohlich, Colum- Santiago Reachi. proxy of Posa Films, Hollywood. April 10. Music 35

bia's attorneys.
Paramount recent- checked in at RKO to
lations or embargos will prevail in sUrl work Nat Goldstone and John Arthur New Acts. ; . : 43
France will be obtained until the "Ruth" sold to
Magnificent Tramp."
Col. is filming its on "The are cooking up a picture titled "Hol- Night Club Reviews 40
current government is stabilized, ac- ly for $450,000.
First Hollywood picture for Can- lywood Bowl," based on activities in Obituary ..... 46
cording to belief held in New York. own story, both based on a GI letter;
linfias, Mexico's leading comic, will that amusement center and starring •
Orchestras • .
writing idea. Screen
be filmed simultaneously in English maestro Leopold Stokowski. Pictures 3
and Spanish. play will include footage of this Radio .... ..... . . . 21
Alice Faye Resumes Work year's Easter services, the Gershwin Radio Reviews; '.
Hollywood, April 10. Col. Buys More Land memorial concerts and other impor-.' , Frank Scully. 2
Hollywood. April tant events staged in the Bowl. Unit Review...........;.... 42
Alice Faye. out of pictures lor al- ^ .
Nick Schenck West

most vo years returns to 20th-Fox '

Postwar expansion at Columbia is Cornel Wilde has been offered the Vaudeville 40
reported planning
Nick Schenck top romantic role opposite a femmc War 11
<°_ co-star v Linda Darnell in indicated by the purchase of land .
is Activities... .. . ..1 J .*......•

not yet named. Harold Aden is com-

Fallen Angel. adjacent to" the studio on Gower to leave N. Y. for the Coast shortly.
He will huddle with Louis B. posing the score,, to be played by UAILI VARlKTT
Top-budnel picture rolls in about slreel for $350,000.
three an apartment Mayer and Ben Goctz. among others, the Hollywood Bowl orchestra, wilh (Pulitlahed ID Hollywood by
weeks on location at PUrho Purchases includes Dally Variety. [.Id.)
Producer* arc

feach, with Otto Preminger pro- building- which will be moved to on production in the U. Sr and Great Stokowski leading. $10 a Tear— 112 Foreign
Britain. negotiating a major release outlet.
ducing. make studio space.
i .

PICTURES Wednesday, April 11, 1945 .

U's Madness Vice Monsters

Jules Stein Finally Consummates His .
. Hollywood, April 10, Hollywood Colonel Investigation
Universal is breaking away from
old fashioned homicide and going in

Merger of Hayward-Deverich and MCA for psychological goose pimples In


three chillers lined up .for early pro-

As Headline-Grabber for Solons
Hollywood, April 10. Washington, April 10.
Upper-case mysteries are "Uncle
Follow ins negotiations of more .The Aim industry appears headed
than three months, papers were Moulton to 20th Harry," "The Third Eye" and "The
Black Angel."
He Should Know for a new "Hollywood colonels"
signed over the weekend' for merging Hollywood, April 10. Hollywood, Aptd 10.
type of investigation here which
ol MCA Arlisls. Hayward-Deverich. Thomas P. Moulton, chief sound George Jessel, producer.
Beverly Hills, and Lcland should break loose with plenty of
Inc., of engineer for Samuel Goldwyn. Jerked George Jessel, actor, out
Hayward, Inc.. of New York, to con-
.shifted to a similar post at 20lh-Fox.
4A's Intent on Getting of the east of "The Dolly Sla-
front page publicity aimed at the
tinue to operate under these names Shift fills the vacancy left by ters" at 20th-Fox. >
studios and theatre chains.; There Is
for the present. Edmund Hansen, who resigned to Rival Screen Extras Producer Jessel didn't think; considerable doubt, however, that It '

Merger, which makes the consoli- spend a year regaining his health. actor Jessel was the proper type
will accomplish anything.
dation of these 'interests the biggest The
artists' representation- organization
Groups Into Accord to play the- role of George Jessel; headache is a probe an- ;

nounced (8) by the Senate Small

in show biz. effective on
becomes Hollywood, April 10.
Business Committee headed by Sen-
Thursday will give the or-
<12>. It HAROLD LLOYD'S HEAVY Possibility that the Screen Players
alor James E. Murray (D., Mohf.) to
ganizations some 70 executivesto Union and Screen Extras' Guild may .

BRASSHAT PREVIEWS go into the matter of large c-hains ol

affairs of its varied clients in get together is seen with disclosure
this country. Beginning on Thurs-
that Four A's is sending, an inter-,
U picture theatres crowding out small

day the Hayward-Deverich organiza- Los Angeles, April 10. national committee to the Coast
PYLE'S 'GJ. JOE' FOR indies.

tion will be housed with MCA

Harold -Lloyd Corp; filed a three- Group, which will either be headed
in. the Print of "G.I. Joe," Lester Cowan Masterminding the investigation is
tatter's building in Beverly Hills. way plagiarism. suit against Univer- by Paul Dul.lzell or George Heller, production, is to be sent to Ernie Dewey Anderson, secretary of the
Radio and orchestra departments of sal Pictures, demanding damages of is expected this week to investigate Pyle and three U.S. generals in three committee, who was formerly con-
MCA will in turn be moved on that $1,700,000. attorney fees of $115,000 both charter applications of SPU chief theatres of war prior to show- nected with the old TNEC which in-
dav to Havward-Deverich Bldg.. at and destruction of three films re- and SEG. Although Four. A's is re.- ing in the U.S. One of the prints vestigated pictures several years
Pic- pprtedly in favor of SEG, SPU's cer- is to be sent to Gen. D.wight D. back. There is considerable belief
9200 Wilsh'ire blvd. cently released by Universal.

In New York MCA will move its tures-named in the action are "Her tification by NLRB, giving it juris- Eisenhower in France, another to here that the committee, whose re-
legit dept. to the Leland Hayward Lucky Night," "She Gets Her Man" diction over the extras, presents a Gen.' Douglas MacArthur in the cent hearings have flopped badly as
office at 444 Madison aye. Both Hay- and "So's Your Uncle." Co-de- real problem. SEG sponsors prob- Pacific and the third to Gen. Mark
' headline-grabbers, wants something
ward and Nat Deverich will become fendants with U are Clyde Bruckmah ably will insist that their members ClaVk. in Italy. surefire to get a newspaper and
vice-presidents of MCA Artists in and Warren Wilson, screen writers, be allowed to enter SPU without Understood that George J. Schae- radio play. Anything which would ..

addition to becoming veepces of who worked on the Lloyd pictures initiation payments and also de- fer, chairman of board of Cowan be likely to bring heads of the Big
their own organizations. Both have
arid were later employed by Univer- mands a new election o.f officers. Productions, is. ..planning to' preeilv Five consent decree companies to,

signed 10-year employment contracts sal. Some SPU members indicate will- the film in the U.S.' around July,
. Washington to testify should have
with joint corporations: Besides.
Plaintiff asserts "Her Lucky ingness to waive initiation fees but likely In Indianapolis, Ind., Pyle's no trouble in that direction.
Hayward will become one of the ex- Night" was lifted from the Lloyd are adamant on keeping the present home town.
It is pointed out in some circle*
ecutive board of all MCA orgsniza- starrer,' "The Freshman." Demands officers oil grounds those recognized
which are Music Corp. of for that if results were the only thing
this complaint include $500,000 by the NLRB are entitled to select

tions, •>

America. Management Corporation sought, the matter could be. safely

general' damages, $500,000 special officers of their own choosing.
of America, and MCA Artists Corp.
damages, $50,000 attorney fees, an Four A group is expected to con-
20th Gets of Chi 95% left to the Anti-Trust Division of the

All personnel of all companies

Justice -Department. Anti-Trust is
injunction restraining future copy- tact both sides in effort to get them moving for divorcement in the Big
will remain intact under the merger. Area Houses for Anni ,
right infringement, destruction of together with idea of immediately Five case and has promised to breaK
In Hayward-Deverich office here, be-
negatives and prints, and an ac- issuing a charter, calling upon the Chicago, April 10.. up all the large non-affiliated chains,
sides two chiefs who move into 'MCA

counting of profits. Screen Actors Guild to support- the A mere 5% of the 775 theatres in .

on Thursday, are Roy Meyers, Felix if possible.

For "She Gets Her Man," assert-, group recognized in negotiations their territory haven't as yet been
Barry; Joe Donahue, Doug Whitney. with producers. About the only thing a Senate in-
Roland Mader, William Midgeley
edly hoisted from "Welcome Dan- lined up for that "20th-Fox trade-
vestigation could accomplish, aside
ger," the Lloyd company asks $150.- mark on every screen" gimmick by
and Baron Polari; now in Army, of from publicity, would be another
000 general and $150,000 special 20th's exchange here, but Tom Gil-
executive staff, and al lofftce per- collection of Neely bills aimed at
damages, attorney branch manager, promised
sonnel. New York personnel or Hay- $25,000 fees, de-
PA. INDIE S liam,
SUIT Herman Wobber, TRUST blockbooking, .etc. It will also have/
ward office that .will be supplement- struction of prints, etc. For "Sb's Coast' division
the effect ol stirring up all thi
ed with the MCA legit group are
Your Uncle," declared to be pirated manager visiting- here last week, ,

Paul Streger,

Katharine Brown, from Lloyd's. "Movie Crazy," the

T0_ APRIL 19 that all houses in his territory, in- TRIAL ON wolves in Congress who like to take
plaintiff wants $200,000 general and. brought against cluding northern and central Illinois an occasional, poke at Hollywood.
John C. Elliott, Maynard Morris, Anti-trust suit
Larry White, Charles Renthal, $200,000 special damages, $40,000 at- Paramount, Metro, 20lh-Fox and and majority of towns in northern Murray's Statement
Frances Pindyck, plus office staff. torney fees, demolition, accounting RKO by Harry N. Ball, who controls counties of Indiana, will be set be- Senator Murray's statement, in

Hayward-Deverich offices have and whatnot. Buckman and Wilson the Penn, Ambridge, Pa., alleging he fore, company's 30th anniversary -which- he. announced his InvestigaV
around 300 clients, with 80 of them are named along with Universal in is being unfairly deprived of product celebration winds up April 28. lion of "this apparently widespread
handled through H-D here, balance the first two suits but in the third, by these distributors, goes to trial Wobber is visiting, various ex- problem," says in part:
Including 92 playwrights being serv- only Bruckman and the studio are April 19 in Pittsburgh federal court.
changes throughout the country in "A complaint received from an in-
~ Triple damages are sought but no his official capacity as anni
iced in Hayward offices in New defendants.


dependent motion, pioture theatre

York. There were various legal amount is specified in the complaint leader. -'owner in my home town. .of. Butte,
technicalities and tax problems that A preliminary injunction had been Montana, charging that the gieat
caused negotiations for the merger Heavy Adnrish Tax Bill previously applied- for to restrain producer-exhibitor monopoly is us*
to extend Over a three r month period. dislribs from selling to another thea- and Lewin Reunite Loew ing unfair, coercive means to destroy
London Plans tre butwas denied. his business,/ is typical of charges
Introduced in Calif, The Penn at Ambridge. which Ball For de Maupassant Tale
Jules C. Stein stated last night that made by many other theatre. opera*
now owns was formerly operated by Hollywood, April
MCA Artists, Ltd., the company's Sacramento,- April 10:
For the next production partner-
tors throughout the country. * ,

London office, which has been closed Anastius- Natopolous, a Paramount

Bill imposing a 10% state lax on The vital importance of motion :

for the past six months, will be re- partner. When the house was sold ship venture David Loew and Al-
all amusement admissions was in-

bert Lewin. will film Guy de Mau- pictures as a medium for*
opened as soon as an executive of troduced by Assemblyman Jonathan Natopolous already had a new thea
tre under construction which was passant's "Bel Ami." Negotiations
munication of thoughts and Ideas
the combined organizations can get Hollibaugh, who declared it would gives the public a real stake in them.
to England and put it into operation. bring $55,000,000 into the California
named the State. ;Whi)e Ball de- are on for George Sanders to star
manded retention of first-run of the for possible United Artists release. Any practices which result In re-
This office will specialize in servic- treasury in the next tworyear fiscal straint of trade, or prevent Hie ev
ing film, radio, legil talent and plays. period.
product the Penn had been playing Loew will produce with Lewin
all along, the distribs preferred to writing and directing. hibition of Alms in any area of thjs
Vaudeville dept., which prior to, the Measure calls for 70% of the tax country would infringe on the pub-
grant first-run to the State. Pair's last joint venture was
war wa6 an important cog in the receipts to be turned over to the
London operations, in the future will cities,20% to the counties and 10' Product involved is all of Metro "Moon and; Sixpence." lic interest in that territory.

. be secondary. to the state.

and one-half each of Par, and RKO "The latest complaint from Butte
Hayward, who started in the 20lh-Fox. Warners, which has two charges that, nine out of the IS the*

theatres in Ambridge, get the rest atres formerly existing in Silver

agency biz with Myron Selznick, Stork Stalls 'Lona Henry'
Inc., started his own company in TURNER, GARFIELD. CO-STAR Bow County, Montana, have been
New York shortly thereafter. About NAZARBO HIKED BY COL Hollywood, April 10. absorbed by the major eompanies or
Hollywood, April io. Production of "There Goes Loria
eight years ago he and Deverich. forced out of business by their com-
Metro borrowed John Garfield Hollywood. April 10. Henry" has been- postponed by Bene-
who was a vice-president of the petition until only- three theatres' re-
from Warners to co-star with Lana Columbia upped Ray Np.arro to dict Bogeaus because of the ex-
Selznick agency, went into biz for Turner in "The' Postman Always full directorship after five years, as mained, in Butte in 1932, all owned
themselves. Besides his agency in-
pected birth of a child to Loretla by one major producer-distributor.'
Rings Twice." an assistant.
terest Hayward is interested' in legit
Young, who had been inked for the It was contended that the indie
Picture, based on the James M.I First chore as pilot will be the
title role. exhibitors "are being subjected to a
production, haying "A Bell- For Cain' novel, ..will be produced by Charles Star-rett starrer,. "Outlaws of,
Adano' running in New York, and is Carey Wilson.
1 " Picture will be shelved until the relentless squeeze, forcing them to
." the Rockies |
star is able to work again. Mean- close their theatres, or else suffer
also interested in aviation schools in
Arizona and New Mexico as well as while, Bogeaus Is putting finishing absorption by the. major producing
being director in and one of TWA touches: on his latest production, companies and the large theatre
"Captain Kidd."
the founders five years ago of South-
west Airways,' Inc. Joe Cooper Vs. Par May Be Settled
The' statement quotes MPPDA fig-
Various MCA personnel, who. came ures that independent theatres,
here from the enst to attend meet- TintiirinY Film which were 88% of the total in 1933,
ings of the outfit, and members of
Hayward's New York office," who With New Colo.-Neb.-Okla.Pard Deal Peter .
Hollywood. April 10.
Tinturin, songsmith - pro-
dropped to 58% by 1941. "Durinsj
the same period," it adds, "the num-

were here during finals of negotia- Differences between Paramount for a settlement.If unable to reach
ducer, left for New York last night ber of theatres belonging to larg«
tions,though not participants, have (9) to huddle with United Artists unaffiliated chains increased from
and one of its midwest partners, an agreement; however, suits-will go
returned or are returning this week ;

execs. 15% of the total to 28%. The num-

Joseph H. Cooper, which extended to trial.
to their headquarters. Discussions center on the first re- ber of the chain systems also in-
over' a period' of many years and In one action brought by Par, the
Hal Hackett, Bart McHugh of N.-'Y. lease of his indie Signal Productions creased from 233 in 1933 to S57 i»
came to a head through three suits first, the company alleged that
radio division of MCA, and Maurie takeoff film, "Never a Dull Moment." 1941." Murray claims that in Butte
in 1943, may finally be composed, Cooper had violated a partnership
Lipsey of Chicago, left here Friday. the. indies were denied" first and sec-
without necessity of further action. agreement covering theatre interests
Paid Streger, of Hayward' office, left
Saturday. Charles Miller, of MCA, That, in turn, Is. likely to pave the in Colorado. The other, brought on M00NEY GOES TO DOGS ond run product,
headed for New York yesterday with way' for a new Par-Cooper partner- behalf of Par theatre department Hollywood, April 10. "Such' charges as these," he eon,-

Katharine Brown of Hayward office ship over the Colorado, Nebraska execs, sought ah accounting of as- Martin Mooney shifts from cops-
tjnued, "certainly warrant Investi-

leaving today. On Friday Sonny and Oklahoma theatres involved. A sets over Cooper-Par houses in Lin- and-robbers to dogs in "The Gallant gation. Similar, coercive measures
Werblin, Herb Rosenthal and attor- new partnership', on a permanent . coln, Neb. Shepherd," which he will produce are described In other complaints.
ney Morris Schreicr leave for New basis like that of others in Par, was Cooper's suit, asking for damages for PRC, starting late this month. "An objective: Investigation will be
York with stopover in Chicago for in the works when relations were of $250,000, alleged that Par had Picture, dealing with the adven- made of these and other charges to
a band meeting en route. Harry broken through litigation. wrongfully used $138,581 of advance tures of a military canine, was origi- correct any evils which might be
Berman, in chame of lax matters for Three suits were brought, two by money which was withdrawn , from nally slated as a Jack Schwartz pro-
found to exist.- We must make cer-
MCA, will remain here indefinitely. Paramount and. one of a counter- the Lincoln Cooper-Par partnership. duction but PRC bought Hie filming tain that the field of motion picture
character by Cooper. In an effort to Cooper charged that as result of rights. exhibition is open to all competitor*
avoid trial of the issues, which in Par's crediting this advance to over- on equal terms. Returning men of
LODER SNAGGED DP 'WEB' all suits are very involved, negotia- head,, while a similar '.amount ad- Robson't Tri-Ply Pact the armed services must be giy^n
Hollywood, April 10. tions toward, an amicable settlement vanced to Cooper was credited to Hollywood, April 10. their fair chance to open and suc-
Waller signed John Lodcr have been , started, it is learned. him as salary, he was forced to settle RJCO handed Mark Robson. former cessfully operate motion picture the-
to co-star with Nancy Kelly in the Meantime, the three legal actions, an income tax claim of $100,000 in film editor, a three-way ticket as atres; Our studies,, reports, nego-
psychological whodunit, "The Web." which were scheduled for trial this 1937. The additional $150,000 was producer, director and writer.; tiations with, complainants and pro-
Picture goes into production at month in N. Y., have been marked asked, by Copper due to injury of Currently Robson is scripting ducer-distributors groups should'
<3<:.ner;-l Service Studios for Republic off the court calender. Attorneys de- his business reputation and credit "Chamber of Horrors," which he will prove beneficial to the whole Indus-
release. . i . ; •
'•>• •
cline-to- comment as to the outlook standings. i->:,- ;• *

direct, with Val Lawton producing. try and to the * general public."
. j a '

Wednesday, April- 11, 1945 PICTURES

Meek Not Mild
UA Curbs Free Air Guest Shots For Hollywood. April 10.
Hollywood Film Strike in 5th Week;
After years of meek and
mousy roles, Donald Meek cuts

Fix Stars; No More Ad Lib Interviews loose

and gets his woman in
Gets Married" at War-
Sorrels Blast at IATSEs Walsh
Following confabs with several* ners. Washington, April It.
producers. United Artists has decided National Labor Relation; Board
Tossing meekness.
aside his

fo ban free l ar io S uest snots *

or flltn Instead of Banko You Meek bests Bob Benchley to a Bcrcovici Pressing Suit yesterday (Mon.) notified the
stars- (willi very few exceptions)
in Hollywood strikers it will con-
radio . department,
Can Expect the Horrors gay divorcee: ' :
Vs. Chaplin's 'Dictator' duct oral arguments here, April
the future.
Martin Starr, has already Chicago. April 10. Hollywood, April 10. 26, on the dispute between
Horrible fate, in the form of a new IATSE and the Studio Painters.
vetoed several radio appearances for Depositions will be taken here
time ex- scare gimmick for midnight show- Trading Effect of 3-1 week from two witnesses in ac- The step has been taken at the
stars.- despite loss of air this
releases. UA ings of honor pix. lies in store for by Konrad Bercovici request of the Painters. It fol-
ploitation—valu.es_io~ tion fifed
Simultaneously. "'UA clamping audiences post-curfew, as result of against Charles Chaplin, which goes lows by • couple of weeks the
a corpora ion. "Horror. Inc.;" formed Loew Split Will Not Be
down completely on ad lib programs I
to trial shortly in N. Y. federal recent bearings on the Coast by
by five Film Rowers here last week. an NLRB examiner.
for stars. Contention is that catch- court.
as-catch-can interviews, even on net- Backers are keeping it quiet, pend- Felt Undl After May 9 .

he helped The final NLRB ruling In the

ing lifting of curfew, but understood, Bcrcovici charges
work-affiliated stations, show the -Loew's. Inc.. officially set its 3- Chaplin in scripting of "The Great hot jurisdictional scrap will be
Interviewers it's a series of hair-raising sound- for-'l stock based on the coming sessions
film stars up badly. splitup plan in action -

Dictator" and was to' have received

track effects designed to scare payees, Monday (9) through
sound smoother than the stars, with the issuance of a percentage of profits from the
plus the transcript of the Coast
tilled "Zombie Horrors." Incorpora-
the latter frequently pausing at in- 2,000,000 additional shares of com- pic. Witnesses to be examined have
tors are Larry Stein. Warner Bros.
tervals -when unprepared to answer mon, which raised the' total issued been called by Bcrcovivi, and a rep;
Theatres; Irving Mack..Filrnack; Phil Hollywood. April
long series of: questions. to 6,000,000. This will cover the .
resentative of Schwartz & Frolich",
While the two moves restricting and Mike Shcpard. Globe Poster, and 5,055,327 shares of common Highlight of the fifth week of the
needed attorneys for Chaplin, is here to
radio appearances of film stars mean
Herb Ellisburg, Studio theatre. to handle the 1,685,109 shares now studio strike was a verbal battle be-
conduct examinations on his behalf.
sacrificinga great deal of radio ex- outstanding, when the 3-for-l dis- , tween Herbert Sorrell and Dick. .

ploilation. producers and stars are tribution is completed. Corporation Walsh. Sorrell opened a broadside
reported favoring the action. Feeling ( also eliminated 300,000 shares or at the IATSE prexy. Walsh, Sunday
among film producers is that with :

preferred, which was part of the night (8) at a mass meeting of studio
stars worth a minimum of $2,000 or
$3,000 for a guest shot the air plug
split-up plan, recently approved by Edelman to Par;
unionists at Hollywood Legion Sta-
the stockholders. dium. Sorrell declared W«alsh had
lor a picture, often used at the Company announced that it would "received thousands of dollars' from
end of the program where it does
little if any good at the b.o., is rela-
Of Jersey Houses not mail additional shares to present
Other Switches
the S2.000.00p IATSE 2% assessment
stockholders until May 9. Stock- racket."
tively insufficient compensation. Re- After declaring the current strike
Starting to discuss deals last week holders do not have to turn in then-
action at UA
is likely due to increas-
Hollywodd. April 10. 93% won. Sorrell stated: "I want to
among radio producers with distributors following opening
ing resistance
present 'certificates, the additional
Plenty of manpower checkerboard give you people, and particularly
of a N, Y. office, Independent Thea- shares due them simply, being mailed
and sponsors to payment of large

moves this past week, those of the IA. an idea of the kind
tres Service, Inc.. new booking asso-

to each shareholder; The effect of

fees for guest stars. .

Lou Edelman left Warner Bros, as of errand boy Walsh really is. We
While curbing free guest shots and ciation has cornered more, than 56% additional shares in N. Y. stock ex-
a producer and checks into Para- get rid of Willie and then we get
eliminating ad ljb shows, independent
of the New Jersey indie theatres change trading likely will not be .

which are sold oiil.of N. Y. felt until after May 9 although the
mount May 1 to function as one of Richard Walsh. Walsh was in on all
producers are planning to increase Henry Ginsberg's associate produc- of this. He. was a vice-president and
Basis upon which the combine stock exchange has not set the ex-
radio exploitation for films via larger will
ers. Henry Blanks is leaving WB. became president. If he had been a
act, date when additional shares will

appropriations for spots, station operate, learned, is to assess a

I is

be traded in. where he was making top pix for bad veepee, he might not have
breaks and time on participating percentage of film rental costs 'to several years, and is slated for a
programs. each of the thculres involved 'as a- known what was going on, but if he
Metro berth. Mark Hellinger, hav-
"It's in the Bag," Fred Allen star- buying-booking fee. Some booking had been a bad veepee I don't think,
ing given his one year's notice to
ter, is one of the first films UA combos charge a flat fee while others-
CHI ALUED'S CAMPAIGN WB last fall, becomes an indie pro-
they would have made- him presi-
scheduled to \>4 sold mainly via lake a percentage, of gross business ducer in November, having nixed
radio in this way. "Bag" will be rather than rental. "You remember there was a 2%
several other major studio offers.
given the largest radio campaign Independent Theatres Service tees VS. INCREASING % PIX grab in the IA a few years ago. I
Sol C. Siegel bounced back to Par-
ever set for any release. UA off ;wilh 43 theatres, leaving only 80
amount from Columbia, and D. A. know you boys who paid it will re-
Chicago, April 10.
For", every $2 spent in newspaper independent houses for the N. Y. Feeling against percentage pix Doran, long .Harry Cohn's aide on member. Well. Mr. Walsh, who has
advertising UA
will spend around exchanges to sell and of the (alter gained momentum last week When stories, etc., joins Siegel at Par. An- always been an errand boy, was er-
$3 In radio because of the nature of figure. 25 are in the Brandt booking Allied exhibitors, following three- other new Parite is Irving Starr, last rand boy for Willie then. When they
the Allen film which calls particu- combine. Others and the number of hour confab in Jack Kirsch's cut up the first $125,000 in Washing-
office, ditto. at 20th-Fox.
larly for selling via radio. In some theatres are Walter Reade 15 ), St. make James J. Geller has resigned as ton. Mr. Walsh got $4,080. I don't
( .
voted to joint protests to dis-
key cities UA will spend five times Cloud Ul>. Cocalis (101, Leon Ros-
as much on radio as on any film ever
tributors here against increase in WB story editor and is said to have know what he did with it. Maybe
enblatt (5). Raritan Theatres (4),
released by UA in the past.
percentage deals, claiming they'll several propositions. Graham Baiter he shoved it down a sewer or gave
and 20 scattered individual opera- pass up big chunks of upcoming A
* (formerly Gene Towne's writing it to the poor, but anyway, he paid
lions. product if the trend gets. any worse. teammate) is sitting in pro tern. income tax on it, and that wasn't on
Theatres, whose owners have salary. That was a cut of the 2%."-
WALLACE'S 2-A-YEAR AT given up individual buying to go into
Particular beef this time is on the
Sorrell's Figures
ITS, are Associated Theatres' of N. J.
March-April percentage pix, totaling
Sorrell then listed various
SAN WOOD'S DEAL Lee Newbury (10). Harry eight, which is four more than in GOLDBERGS PLAN

COL; (14V, 12 amounts which he claimed had been

Hecht (4), Dave Snaper (4), Henry previous two months. They are turned over to Walsh by AlLani-
Hollywood, April 10. Brown (3), Irving Dollinger (2) and RKO-Goldwyn's "Princess and Pi ALL-NEGRO PICTURES gan and John S. Risley, whom he
rate," 20th-Fox's "Irish Eyes" and
Richard Wallace has been inked by six singletons.

"Keys of Kingdom,"" Par's "French identified as former International

Columbia to a director pact calling, Al Suchman. buying-booking exec Hollywood 'Pictures Corp. (jack
man's Creek," M-G's "Parkington" and Bert Goldberg), pioneer in pro- representatives for lATSE. He de-
for two pictures annually. Wallace for the Schine circuit, resigned that ,

some instances Risley and

and "Meet Me in St. Louis," U's duction of Negro pictures, plans- clared in
lust finished directing Sol C. Siegel's post recently to take charge for ITS.
"Can't Help Singing," and UA's program of 12 features' for the com- Lanigan .paid income taxes on
Independent production of "Kiss and Jack MelUer, former buyer for Asr
sociated, js Suchman's assistant.
"Since You Went Away." ing year. It's the'' most ambitious amounts before allegedly turning
Tell" at Columbia.
producing schedule the Goldbergs (Continued on page 18)
He has. received no story assign-
ments as yet. .
Minn. Indies at It Again ever have' undertaken. They will
Sam Wood will, make one picture spend more than $600,000 in turning
for Columbia this year under a deal
Minneapolis, April 10.
out the 12 pictures, an average of PAR'S f 16,488,000 FOR
North Central Allied, independent twice per feature usually
whereby the studio .turns over to spent.
him its interests in three story prop- SEPT. 1 warpathDEFERRED TO
exhibitors' organization here, on the
aganst distributors because Films will be made in Hollywood '44 A BIT AHEAD OF '43
erties which were jointly owned by Joseph Tushinsky leaves Charles of. allegedly excessive film prices and instead of in Miami, where the
himself and the company. Yarns are R. Rogers upon expiration of his Goldbergs Despite heavy Federal normal and
appealing to the OP A and Congress have formerly produced.
"Tetania." "Turnip's Blood" and contract. April 15. Tushinsky was to for relief, hopes that excess profits -taxes and provision
* the Government First picture will go into production for Paramount esti-
"The Land Is Bright." have been associate producer on will bring about theatre divorcement not later than June 15, with release
Understood Wood, currently in the "My Wild Irish Rose." the saga of and will throw mated earnings were $16,488,000 for
its influence in that of one a month planned. Two scripts
wants produce "Tetania" year ending last Dec. 30, about -a
Nff* 1 to ' in Chauncey Olcolt. but film was held direction. are ready for shooting, being "Holly-
Trance for ihdcpcndent»release. $340,000 increase over 1943. Par's
up due to raw stock situation. It's

After a visit to the state capltol,

wood Murder Mystery" and "Negro
now slated for a 1 starting prexy Bennie Berger says he's con- Boys Town," latter based on activi- showing was made in the face of
, dip in earnings for final 1944 quar-
date with Technicolor commitment
Le Baron Leaves 20th vinced that the theatre divorcement ties of Hill City outside of Pittsburgh ter, this December quarter showing
s\vitched to. conform with the new which is under boys' management
bill now before the Minnesota state estimated earnings of $4,012,000 as
legislature, requiring the Minnesota similarly to Boys' Town in Nebraska.
against $4,486,000 in corresponding
'Riocabana' Shelved Rights to "Rose" are owned by
Amus. Co. (Paramount) to relinquish quarter of 1943.
Rogers and the corporation, Film
Hollywood, April 10 its theatres in this state, has no Company's estimated earnings,
With "Riocabana" shelved by 20th-
Musical Pronations.
chance for passage. In consequence, Goldstein Tops Coast af-
ter all charges, provision for con-
Fox because, of wartime complica- his organization will not go to bat tingencies and all taxes, are equal to
tions, William Le Baron checked off for it, he made clear. Office for Mike Todd $4.39 per common share against $4.30
the lot after four years as one of .the Rep Plans Mozart Biog When the divorcement measure Hollywood, April 10. a share in. 1943. Final quarter earn-
company's top-budget producers. was up for consideration before the ings dropped to $1.07 per share as
Leonard Goldstein, who checked
Among the pictures he made during To Cover Full Life sub-committee of the lower house's
out of his Columbia producer berth, against $1.19 a year ago.
his stay at the West wood studio were general legislation committee, not a
Hollywood. April 10. becomes Coast representative-' for The estimates revealed that of the
"Stormy Weather," "Wintertime," single person appeared for or against
Republic will film a biography of Michael Todd Productions in all mat- total profit for 1944, there was in-
"The Gang s All Here," "Greenwich it. Berger points out that the bill
Mozart instead of a short period of ters pertaining' to screen or stage. cluded $1,745,000 representing Par's
yillage."""Sweet and Low Down" and lacks influential support in the legis-
his life as originally planned in Before leaving for New York, direct and indirect net interest as a
'Don Juan Quilligan," recently com- lature and asserts "Politics already
"Mozart's Trip 16 Prague." Herbert Todd indicated that his first film pro- stockholder in combined- undis-
pleted. have been employed to kill it,"
Yates, company chief, decided the While the sub-committee of three duction will be "Great Son," based tributed earnings of partially owned
Le Baron announced plans to re-
turn to the lot whenworld conditions
subject was worth a top budget and recommended that it be reported on the Edna Ferber .
novel, which nog-consolidated subsidiaries (large-
ordered the studio to shoot the favorably, the action under the cir- has sold 780.000 since It was pub- ly theatre companies and circuits);
permit the filming of "Riocabana," lished late in January.
works. cumstances has no significance and In 1943. this amount was $1,556,000,
which he had prepared for shooting.
Musical is based on a Brazilian tale,
New lag "The Immortal." with
is indicating that theatre earnings for
a sub-title. "Mozart and the Women
(Continued on page 11) this type of Par subsidiary in the
and 20lh-Fox decided to postpone its
in His Life." II will he produced by
Allenberg Re-Tops AMG past year continued ahead of 1943
filming until transportation condi-
Herman Millakuwsky and contain Hollywood. April 10. even in great ratio than total net
tions make it possible to send a
troupe to Rio de Janeiro to shoot the
eight of. Mozart's outstanding com- Film Diwys Off Artists Managers Guild elected profit for the parent corporation.
positions. •
for the Bert Allenberg president
story in its natural habitat. Washington, April 10. sixth consecutive term and handed
Before moving into 20th-Fox, Le
Baron served long terms as produc-
Picture dividends amounted to him a gold identification bracelet, as Doubles list U Megger
only $400,000, in February, as con- a reward for his continuous per-
NTExecs Start Tour

tion. chief at Paramount and RKO. Hollywood. April 10.

trasted with $2,300,000 for Febru- formance.
Universal has. increased its rostel*
Los An'«eles. April 10. ary, 1044. according to the Dep't of
'Others returned to office- for the of directors to 15. of whom nine dou-

Harry Cox. ,1'ihii Ori'loro and Tom Commerce. Reason for last year's next year were John McCormick,
Feist Pilots Cantor Pk Page, r,\.lioniil Theatre.-, execs; left nice melon, it was explained, was a veepee: Ralph Blum, secretary, arid
ble as producers.

for Milwaukee to joii* Charles P. special RKO dividend .in February Harry Friedman, .treasures. .Producer-directors are*
Hollywood. April 10.
RKO assigned Felix Feist .to direct Skoiiras. proxy, on a swing around of that year, which was not repeated Waggner, Roy William Nelll, Frank
the forthcoming musical, tentatively the circuit. this year.
• Ryan, Fritz Lang. Ford Beebe, .

"lied "The Calico Kid," co-starring Tour will he the first for Skouras For the three-month period De- GOLBEN'S 'SABDI'S' PIC —
Charles Barton, Ray Taylor and
Eddie Cantor and Joan Davis. in 18 mouths, and will be devblcd to cember, January and February— film Eddie Golden 's next film will be Lewis Collins. Directors are Charles
Dance routines, for the show/which checking upon operation, and per- industry dividends totaled $7,800,000. titled "Breakfast at Sardi's," based Lamont, Arthur Lubin, Robert Siod-
sonnel. Will return lo Los Angeles off from $9,100,000 for the compara- on the Tom Brcnneman radio show. mak, Jean Yarbrough,
Erie Fenton
an early western background.
">U be handled by Ernst Matray. about April 27. ble period a year earlier. UA release has been reported set. and John HolTinan.
P^RiEft Wednesday, April 11, 1945

"Add 'The Enchanted Cottage' to the

ever-growing list of fine Hollywood

efforts. By its own merits, this at-

traction carves itself a splendid niche

. .. Here is a film which rests heavily

on the believability and the integrity

of its principal
performances and the -

steady, yet understanding, hand in

1 >

its direction. It is a happy circum-

stance to report that this proves
"A natural, both as to box office and entertainment"

111>J1 R TTTSfSl "Gives one the feeling of having discovered 6ome rare jewel"
-Hollywlod Reporter
jr? ~WTT? n VTT7JJJ? J) J? "
WiU p,ay a merry * une al tne DOX-o ffic e
^Variety |£p
I-jV M-JmX. Jl WW JTIjC/jflJLi "One of the months most noteworthy screen events." -Boxoffic* "J

Q/")/")7\7"f "In the top bracket/* -Hollywood Variety

O-V/vAl 1 • "Deeply moving . mhas tremendous appeal for women."
*-Film Daily
"Timely t r „ should prove beneficial to box-office."

—Showmen'* Trade ftev/ew

"Unusual love story will get the women's vote." -Jholxhibitor
Wednesday, April 11, 1945

Back in that strange world called "Home"

A pilot finds his dreams rata
shattered ..,.-» a girl despairs of
ever being adored ... .-/til ..they

meet by a miracle of love and

keep a rendezvous with rapture . I


|Th« moij of l hero,

J facing hit gtcitcsl
PS crisis when bt comet

|rt bom* to k>v« sgsJal.


Robert Young


Full pages In the biggest notional magozhtes to a total of

-Publications like WOMAN'S HOME COMPANION -
reproduced herewith appears In Woman's
*5« Homo Companion, Collier's, Woman's
Day and thro* fan magazines.


Wednesday, April I], 19 13
Thin Man' Fat $12,500,

LA. Slips: Hun Man 50G in 4 Spots, Indpls.; 'Hotel' Nice 13G Frisco Mild; 'Velvet' 27G, 'Square
Indianapolis, April 10.
Figures for new dims tend to

hit average marks again this week.

'Murder Fast 29^G, Tours' Sturdy "Hotel Berlin" at the Indiana is set- Fairish 256, Pleasure '-Vaude 28G, 2d
ting a steady pace, followed by
"Thin Man Goes Home" at Loew's. San Francisco, April lu.
Estimates for This Week Biz not too. hot here -currently.
34G, Both in 2, 'Gray' Okay 41G for 3 Circle iKatz-Dolle) (2,800; 32-55)
—"Bernadette" (20th). Modest $7,500.
Key City Grosses Three openings
this Week will fail t 0
gross take of flrstruns to really,
Last week. "Thunderhead" (20th)
Los Angeles, April .-
and "Double Exposure" (Par), socko Estimated Total Grou big level.
Only one new bill here this week SI 3.000. very high for straight film This Week ...... $2,146,898 Estimates for This Week
end it's mild so that the total lake for Broadway Grosses bill here. (Bnserf oh 22 cities, 183 tlien- Fox (F-WC) (4.651; 55-851— "Hang,
the 'session, will be off. New entry Indiana iKalz-Dolle) (3,300: 32-55)
Man Goes Home." which fres, c/iie/ly /Irsi runs, Tiicfudinp over Square" -(20Uv). Ordinary $25 .
is "Thin —"Hotel Berlin" (WB) and. "Girl 000. Last week, "Hotel Berlin"*
looks modest $50,000 in four, theatres. Estimate* Total Gross Rush" (RKO). Sturdy $13,000. Last N. Y.)
However, second stanza' of "Prac- Total Gross Same Week (WB), satisfactory $28,500.
This Week. $626,000 week. '"Practically Yours" (Par)
tically Yours" in two houses is

and Dangerous Passage" (Par), $13,- Last Year $2,831,190 Paramount (F-WC) (2,646; 55-85
Based on 16 rlicnfres)
sturdy $34,000. "Murder, My Sweet", "Bernadette" (20th), 2 days, and

500. (Bnsed on 21 cities, 174 theatres)

also is satisfactory at $29,500 in two Total Gross Same Week (Indie) 35-65)— "Music Millions" (MrG). 5 days. Av-
Keith's (1.200;
spots for second session. Last Year..,.. ....... $618,509 "Big Show-Off" (Rep) and vaude. erage $19,000. Last week, "'Berna.
"Roughly Speaking" and 'Picture < Based on 15 then res I t
Oke $4,800 in. 4 days. Last week, dette," 5 days, and "Three Csiballe*
of Dorian Gray." each in their second "Pardon Us" (UA) arid vaude, $5,000, 'Co-Pilot' Record at 11G, ros" (RKO), 2 days, $15,000.
stanzas in three houses, will do $40,- same lime. Warfleld (F-WC) (2,656; 60-85)—
800 and $41,000 respectively. "Three '
Loew's (Loews) (2.450; 35-55)— "National Valvet" (M-G). Okay $27,.
Caballeros" Is closing out its thud PhiMy Off on Balmy "Thin Man Home" (M-G) and "Eadle Aces in L'ville; 'Murder' 000. Last week, "Velvet," 1 day, and
frame in three houses at possible Was Lady" (Col). Fancy $12,500. "Tree Grows in Brooklyn" (20th); 8
$18,000. Weather But 'Co-Pilot' Last week, "This Man's Navy" Hot 7G, 'Bernadette llG days, $18,000.
Francis (F-WC) (1.400: 55-85)—
Estimates for This Week
Carlhav Circle
80-$l )_-\Thin
Man Home" <M-G)

Tall rlc Tree
(Lyric) (1,600; 32-55)— 25G *™ (M-G) and "Blonde Fever" (M-G),.
Trade is
Louisville, April 10.
brisk this week in spile
"Hotel Berlin" (WB). Moveover.

Strong $12i000 on m.o. Last week,

"God Is My Co-Pilot" is

Practically Yours" (Par) and of li.o.'s. "Objective Burma" (WB). $9,400.

and "Nothing But Trouble" (M-G). Philadelphia, April 10.
Dangerous Passage" (Par). Solid standout at the •
Mary Anderson, State (F-WC) (2.133-: 55-85 )— 'Thin
Stout S8.000. Last week. "Hangover Balmy weather over the week-end on moveover. Last week, where, it will hit a new house mark. Man Home" (M-G) and "Blonde
Square <20lh) and "Swing in Saddle" slowed up biz somewhat, but "God Is $6,000 "Objective Burma" (WB), okay Estimates for This Week Fever" (M-G) (2d wk). Neat $10,000.
(Col), ditto. My Co-Pilot" and holdover of "Tree $5,000, also m.o. Last week, sturdy $14,000.
Chinese (Grauman-WC)
- <2,048: Grows in' Brooklyn" are setting a Brown (Fourlh Avenue) (Loew's)
S0-$1) — "Thin Man" 1M-G1 and boff pace. (1.000: 40-68 )--^hundeFhead M20lh)
; United Artists (Blunienfcld) (1,-
207; 40-85) "Brewster's Millions"
"Trouble" iM-G). Fairish $12,000.
Estimates for This Week and "Grissly's '"Millions" (Rep). Stout
week, (UA). Backed by solid bally, thump-
Last week. "Squiire"- i20th) and Aldlne (WB) (1,303: 40-85)— "Song
$5,000 on moveover. Last
"Practically Yours" (Par) and "Dan-, ing $16,000. Last week. "Delightfully
-Saddle" (Col). $12,400.
Downtown (WB) 1.800: S0-S1 ) 1
to Remember" (Col) (2d wk). Hefty
$17,000 after sweet $18,500 last week.
'Co-Pilot' Fancy gerous- Passage" (Par), $3,800. Dangerous" (UA), $8,800.
Orpheum (Blumenfeld 2.448; 40-
••Roughly Speaking" iWBl (2d wk.) Kentucky (Switow) (1,200; 30-40) l 1

Arcadia (Sablosky) (600; 40-85)—

Steady $17,000. Last week, $19,500. --"Barbary Coast Gent" (M-G) and 85)— "Adam Had 4 Sons" (Col) and
"Thin Man Home" (M-G) (2d run). Brazil" (Rep). Good $1,800. Last "Only- Angels Have Wings". (Col). 9
Egyptian (F-WC) 1.538: 50-$l)^
Fair $5,500. Last week. "Objective,
"Dorian Gray"-iM-G) (2d wk.). Nice
$10,500. Last week, hetty $16,600
Burma" (WB), $6,300. second run.

23G, Pitt s Best week, "Woman in Window" (RKO) days, '-Tonight, Every Niglu" (Col),
and "Bowery to Broadway" (U), 2 days. Sad $10,000. Last week, To- '

Boyd (WB) (2,560: 40-85)— "Ex-

Four Star (UA-WC) (900; 50-$D— periment Perilous" (RKO). Okay $1,700. night," thin $11',000.
Pittsburgh, April 10.
"Square" (20th) and "Saddle" (Col) Loew's State (Loew's) (3.300; 40- Golden Gate (RKO) (2.844; 60-95)
Every. Stanley is cinch leader this week
Neat $5,000. Last week, "Tree $20,000. Last week. "Tonight. 60)— "National Velvet" (M-G) (2d —"It's a Pleasure" (RKO). plus stag*
Night" (Col), $16,000 on holdover. with "God Is My Co-Pilot." only big
Brooklyn" (20th), $4,600. wk). Tapering to okay $11,000. Last >how with Allan Jones, Jean Parker
$50-$l >— Earle (WB) (2,760; 50-95)— "Pan- new picture in town. Harris' had Last week,
Guild (F-WC) (968;
Raymond 'Molly and Me" in for a full session,
week, robust $16,000. (2d wk). Trim $28,000.
"Three Caballeros" RKO)' and "Big (
Americana'.' (RKO) with Mary Anderson (People's) (1.000; wow $34,560.
and Gloria .lean on stage. but yanked it after four brutal days.

Show-Off" (Rep (3d wk.) Closing at Scott orch Estimates for This Week
40-60)— "God Is Co-Pilot" (WB).
$4,001)1. Last week, okay $5,900.
Neat $22,500. Last week. "Dangerous Breaking house record here at ter-
Passage" (Par) with Charlie Spivak Harris (Harris) (2,200; 40-65)— Last
HS»«ndl «C&S) (1.100; 50-$D— "Be- rific $11,000. Likely holds.'
trayal From East" (RKO) and orch, Buddy Lester, good $23,500. "House Frankenstein" (U). Came in week. "Hotel Berlin" (WB) (2d wk), 'Unseen' Bright $11,000
"Rouges Gallery" (PRC) (3d wk.). Fox tWB) (2,250; 40-85)— "Tree in without notice yejterday, when okay $5,800.
(20th) (2d wk). Solid "Molly and Me" (20th). was yanked:
Near $2,000. Last week, low $2,700. Brooklyn"Opener was potent Latter
National (Standard) (2,400; 50-75)
In Clever 'Song' Husky
Elite (G&S) (900; 50-80)— "Betray-
$25,000. $31,000 barely got $3,500 in 4 days, —"Bowman Field Welfare Show"
for one-day Sabbath including Saturday, brutal. Last with Sunday p.a. of Jimmy Durante.
al East" (RKO) and "Gallery" plus nice $5,800

(PRC) (3d wk). Vcy dull $1,000. showing at (Goldman)

Earle. week. "Bernadette" (20th), back for
(1.000: 40-85) third time, only $11,000 in 11 days.
House scaled at $1 to $3. and $2.50
to $100 for boxes. Benefit show in
25G, Xrime'-'Sons' 22G
Last week, $1,500. Cleveland, April 10.
Fulton 40-65)—
Hollywood (WB) (2.756; 50-$l)— —"Can't Help Singing" (U) (2d See-
run). (Shea) (1,700; for six nights. Last week, "Utah"
week. "Be "Thunderhead" (20th) (2d wk). H.o. is a reai eye-opeiier
"Roughly Speaking" (WB) (2d wk). Tuneful $8,000. Last fine $7,000, okay at $8,000, and may stay for
(Rep) and vaude headed by Gil "The Unseen"
Trim $12,500. Last week, hefty $17,- ing You -(UA> (2d wk), Lamb, healthy $12,000. week at the Stillman, "Song
second run. third week. Opener was strong Rial to (Fourth Avenue) (3,400; 40-
Keith's (Goldman) (2,200; 40-85)— $13.000; 60)— "Bernadette" (20th). Return to Remember" Is doing town's top
Los Angeles (Dtown-WC) (2,097;

50-$!/ _ "Dorian Gray" (M-G) (2d 'Hangover Square" (20th) (2d run). Penn (Loew's-UA) (3.300; 40-65) — date at pop prices. Good $11,000. biz with smash session at the Hipp.
week. "Between "National Velvet" (M-G) (2d wk). Last week, 'ThunderheBd'' (20th) Estimates for This Week
wk). Heads lor $21,000. Last week Fairish $6,000. Last '

2 Women" (M-G), $8,000. second run. Still in profit column at $14,500. Last and "Grissly's Millions" (Rep), great
stout $28,200. Allen (RKO) (3.000; 44-65)— "8
Orpheum (D'town) (2,200; 65-85)— Maatbaum (WB) (4.692; 40-85 )— week, boff $23,500. $16,000. and over hopes.
Caballeros" (RKO) (m.o ). Nice :

"Nevada" (Rep) with "Gay 90's" "God My Co-Pilof" (WB).

Bangup Rllx (WB) (800; 40-65)— "Hotel Strand (Fourth Avenue) (1,400;
40-60)— "Murder, My Sweet" (RKO) $6 000. Last week. "Hotel Berlin"
revue on stajie. Only $18,000. Last $32,000 plus good $4,500
on Earle Berlin" (WB). Moveover. Won't bet-
and "Nevada" (RKO). Strong $7,000. (WB) (m.o.), big $8,300.
week, "My Buddy" (Rep) with Tito showing, Sunday .(8): ter $2,400, if that. Last week. •"Here
Hipp (Warners) (3,700; 44-86
Guizar and Ice Revue on stage, nice Stanley (WB) (2.760: 40-85)— Come Waves" (Par) (4th wk), fine Last week. "Suspect" (U) and '

"Woman in Window" (RKO) (2d $4,000. "Lucky Night" (U), medium $4,500. "Song to Remember" (Col). Husks

wk ). Fancy $25,000. Opener w^s tor Senator (Harris) (1,750; 40-65) $25,000. Last week, "3 Caballer©!™
Pantages (Pan) (2.812: 50-$l) (RKO), $17,500.
"Murder; My Sweet" (RKO) and rid $31,800. "Her Lucky Night" (U) and "Leave
"Eadie Was Lady" (Col) (2d -wk) Stanton (WB) (1,475: 40-85)— to Blondie" (Col). MildisH $2,600. Lake (Warners) (800: 44-6B)-j
Fine $14,000. Last week, sturdy $19 "House Frankenstein" (U) (2d wk) Last week, fifth of "Tree in Brook- 'Perilous' Trim $16,000 "Hotel Berlin" (WB) (m.o.): Good
400. Brisk $10,000. Opener was smash lyn" (20th), husky $4,400. $3,000 on third week downtown. Last
"Objective Burma"' (WB) <3d
Paramount (F&M) (3.389: 50-$l)— $17,000. Stanley (WB) (3,800; ,40-65)— "God Leads D.C. Newcomers week, wk), $3,100.
"Practically Yours" (Par) and "Dou- Is Co-Pilot" (WB). Only new big
ble Exposure" (Par) (2d wk). Nice picture in town, excellent $23,000 Washington, April 10. Ohio (Loew's) C1.200: 44-66)—
$21,000. Last week. $28,000. Last week, "Music Millions" (M-G) Holdovers will' cut down totals this "Between 2 Women" (M-G). Mov«.
Paramount Hollywood (F&M) U.- 'Thunderhead' Loud At $18,000. week. "Experiment Perilous" at over. After 2 weeks at other Loew
451; 50-$l) —
"Practically Yours" Warner (WB) (2,000: 40-65)— "Mu- Keith's, is outstanding of newcomers. stands, brisk $6,500. Last week,
(Par) im.o.;,

2d wk). Robust $13,000. Last Moveover Estimates for This Week "Practically Yours"
$18,500, Leads Seattle sic for Millions" (M-G).
Mildish $6,500. Last week, "Hole
'$17,000. Capitol (Loew) (3.434: 44-72)— $6,800.
Hlllstreet (RKO) 50-80)— (2,890: Seattle. April 10. Berlin" (WB), $7,500, also m.o. "Thunderhead" (20th) with vaude Palace (RKO) (3.700: 55-95W
"Murder, My Sweet" (RKO) and Biz is holding up well this session, headed by Murtah Sisters (2d wk). "Having Wonderful Crime" (RKO)
Great $22,500. First week hit steady plus "Sons O' Fun" unit on "Mur-
"Eadie Lady" (Col) (2d wk). Hjtting with "Three Caballeros," "Belle of stage.
$15,500 after good $20,000 last week Yukon" and "Thunderhead" outstand- $27,500. Moderate $22,000. Last week,
RIU (FWC) (1.370; 50-$l
)— "Dorian ing. 'Pleasure' Smash .161S, Columbia (Loew) (1.234: 44-72)— der, My Sweet" (RKO) with
Gray" (M-G) (2d wk). Average $9,- Estimates for This Week "Keep Powder Dry" (M-G). Nice Long orch on stage, $24,500. 44-6»)
500. Last week, neat $12,600. Blue Mouse (Hamrick-Evergreen)
Denver, 'Bern'dette' $9,000.
Last week. "Music for Mil State (Loew's) (3,450;
"National Velvet" (M-G) (2d wk).
State iLoew's-WC) (2.404: 50-$l)— (800; 45-80)— "This Man's Navy" lions" (M-G) $8,000.
"Thin Man" (M-G) and "Nothing (M-G). From Paramount theatre. far below great
Denver, April 10 Earle (WB) (2.240; 30-90)— "Hotel Strong $15,000 not
Berlin" (WB) with- vaude (2d wk). $19,200 last week.

Trouble" <M-G). Nice $21,000. Last Robust $6,500. Last week: "Tree in '.'It's a Pleasure," doing biggest bi
week, -"Square" (20th) and "Saddle" Brooklyn" <20th) (3d wk). hot $6,000. for a single house this week, is so Boff $21,000 after big $26,500 opener. Stillman (Loew's (2,700: 44-86)-r
(Col). $22,500. Fifth Avenue (H-E) (2.349: 45-80) strong currently it will win a hold- Keith's (RKO) (1,800: 34-66)— "Unseen" (Par). Big $11,000.
United Artists (UA-WC) (2.100: 50-, —"3 Caballeros" (RKO) and "Town over at the Orpheum, one of few 'Experiment Perilous" (RKO). Nice week. "Between 2 Women" (M-G),
$1)— "3 Caballeros" (RKO) and "Big Wild" (PRC). Great $15,000. Last pictures. to earn such an honor. $16,000. and holds. Last week, "Here
smart $9,300 on m.o.
Show-Off" (Rep) (3d wk). Stout week, "Music Millions" (M-G), $15.- Estimates for This Week Come Co-Eds" (U). $12,000.
$10,000. Last week, $12,700.
— 600. Aladdin (Fox) (1,400; 35-74) — Metropolitan ( WB) (1.800: 30-55)
Uptown (FWC) (1.790; 50-$l) Liberty (J & vH) (1.650: 45-80
."Thunderhead" (20th) and "Circum-
"Thin Man" (M-G) and "Trouble"' "Eadie Lady" (Col) and "Rough. stantial Evidence" (20th), after week
—"Tonight. Every Night" (Col). In
for 10 days, and will get $8,000. Last
(M-G). Fine $9,000. Last week Ready" (Col). Mild $6,500. Last at each Denver. Esquire. Big $8,000. week, "She Gets Her Man" (U), $3,-
"Square" (20th) and "Saddle" <Col). week, 5th of "Be Seeing You" (UA).
neat $9,000. $7,400.
Last week, "Hotel Berlin" (WB) and
'Dancing Manhattan" (Co!), good
500 in 4 days. $17,500 IN ST. LOUIS
Palace 44-72)—
Wllshlre (FWC) (2.296: 50-$l) — Music Box (H-E) (850: 45-80)— $5,500 on m.o. "Bell Tolls" (Par).
Okay $19,000.
St Louis, April 10.
"3 Caballeros" (RKO) and "Big "Music: Millions" (M-G). From Fifth Denham (Cockrill) (1.750; 35-701— Last week, "Be Seeing You" (UA) "Flame of Barbary Coast" and
Show-Off" (Rep) (3d wk). Finales Ave. Grand $8,000. Last week. "Meet "Practically Yours" (Par) (3d wk) (3d. wk). $13,500. "House of Fear," with a solid'session,
at $4,000. Last week, down to $6,000. St. Louis" (M-G) (4lh wk). good and "Double Exposure" (Par). Fine
Will'ern (WB) (2.500: *0-$l) — $6,300. $11,500. Last week, "Practically
will pace new entries this week.
"Roughlv SDeaking" (WB) (2d wk), Music Hall (H-E) (2.200: 45-80)— Yours" (Par) (2d wk), big $14,500. Estimates for This Week
Steady $11,000. Last week. .big $16,-

"Bernadette" (20th). Return dale at' Denver (Fox) (2,525 35-74) :

— Siegel Winding Up Col.
Loew's (Loew) (3.172; 30-60)-r
800, above hopes. pop prices. Modest $8,500 in 8 days. "Roughly Speaking" (WB) and Biz Prior to Joining Par "National Velvet" (M-G) <2d wk).
Last week, "Hancover.Square" (20th) "Crime Doctor's Courage" (Col), Strong $18,500 after boff .$22,000 in
and "Circumstantial Evidence" 20th ). day-date with Esquire. Good $15,000.
Hollywood. April 10.
first session.
Sol C. Siegel. who goes in May 1
SAG Totals Drop $9,000.
Orpheum (H-E) (2.600: 45-80)— and
Last week. "Thunderhead" '(20th)
"Circumstantial Evidence" as executive aide, to Henry Ginsberg
Orpheum (Loew) (2,000: 30-60)—
- .
"Be Seeing You" (UA Trim $6,500 I.
Holly wood April 10. "Belle Yukon" (RKO) and "House 20th). also Esquire, big $19,000. at Paramount, for New York
, 1 left or near same as that of first stanza.
Withdrawals from the Screen Ac- of Fear" (U). Strong $14,500 or over. Esquire (Fox) (742; ,15-74) — yesterday going to confer on
(9). Is
Ambassador (F&M) 3.000; 50-60 )—
tors Guild exceeded new members Last week. "Frisco Sal" (U) and "Roughly Speaking" (WB) and "Kiss, and Tell,"
"Fog Island"' (PRC), big $12:400. "Crime Doctor's Courage" (Col),
possibilities of ""Bernadette" (20th). Good $13,500;
last month, with 210 going out and which he produced with F. Hugh Last week, 'Tonight, Every Night
only 197 coming in. Of the with- Palomar (Sterling) 1.350: 30-$l V also Denver. Nice $3:000: Last woek.

Herbert for Columbia release, get- (Col) and "Kid Sister" (PRC), $12,-
"Docks New York" (Mono), plus •Thunderhead" (20th) and "Evi-

drawals. 33 were for military pur-, ting a pie-release in New York. 500.
stage, with Hunt/ Hall in person. dence". (20th), also Denver, big
poses, while 17 returned soldiers
Good $10,000. Last week, "Utah" $3,750. Figures' on getting it Into Radio Fox (F&M) (5,000; 50-60)— "Flame
were reinstated.- (Rep) and vaude. $10,200. Orpheum (RKO) (2.600: 35-74)— City Music Hall for July date, with Barbary Coast" Rep artd "House
( )

One of the military withdrawals Paramount H-E) (3.039; 45-80)— "It's a Pleasure"' (RKO) and "Great
< release to come, in September. of Fear" (U). Solid $17,500. Last
was Mickey Rboney and one of the Thunderhead" (20th). Smash $18.- Mike" (PRC). Smash $16,500. and week, "Tree in Brooklyn" (20th) end
Last week. "Man's holds. Last week. "Music Millions" "Ever Since Venus" (Col) (2d wk),
reinstatements was..lack Holt, who 500 or close.
Navy!' (M-G) and "Nothing But M-G) and "Nothing But Trouble" big $16,500.
had served nearly three': .years in
Trouble" (M-G). $13,400. (M-G). fine $14,000.
CONTACT GIBiL FOR U Missouri (F&M) (3,500; 50-60)—
the Army. ' Hollywood, April 10. "Strange Illusion" (PRC) and "Man
Roosevelt (Sterling) (800: 45-80)— Paramount (Fox) (2,200; 35-74)— '

"Frisco Sal" (U). Moveover. Bid "Bernadette" (20th). Fine. $8,500. Tale of a femme song plugger Alone" (PRC). Nice $10,500. Last
JUDY CANOVA'S NEXT «6.000/' Last week. "Hotel Berlin" Last week, "Eadie Lady" (Col) and forms the basis of "Idea Girl." pur- week, "Crime, Inc." (PRC) and
Hollywood, April 10. (WB) (2d wk). good $4,900. "Rough, Tough" (Col), fine $8,000. chased by Universal tor production "Power of Whistler" (Col), $7,000.
Winter Garden (Sterling) (800: 25- Rialto (Fox) (878; 35-74)— "Hotel name St. Louis (F&M) (4,000: 40-50)—
Next starrer for Judy Canova will 50)— "Hollywood Canteen" (WB) and Berlin" (WB) and "Dancing Man
as a musical, featuring several
bands. "Circumstantial Evidence"
be "Hayfoot, Stra.wfoot." hillbilly "Great Mike" (RKO) (3d run). Fine haltan" (Col), after week at each and' "Rough, Tough" (Col). Good
comedy to be produced by Columbia.- Charles Barton will produce and
$4,000. Last week, ''Winged Victory" Denver,. Esquire, Aladdin. Good $5,000. Last week, "Now Tomorrow
Charles Marlon wrote the original (20th) and9 "Sing Neighbor" (Rep) $2,700. Last week, "Tree in Brook direct as soon as he 'completes his (Par). arid "Ministry of Fear" (Par),
story. ;< (3d run), $3,300. J* „ lyn" (20th), moveover, fine $3,500.
• current chore, "Way 'For a Lady." $4,300.

) . — )

Wednesday, April 11, 1945 PICTURE GROSSES

Thunder'd' $6,000, Balto;
E0.'s DuH Chi: Hotel' 33G, 'Square 'Waves' Giant 16G, 2d N. Y. Stout; 'Seeing You-Kaye Record
Baltimore, April 10.
Solid list of holdovers with excep-
tion of"Thunderhead" is doing okay
14G, Perilous' 22G, Trim New Entries this week. Of repeaters, "National
, Tonight'- Vaude 32G, /Susan
Velvet" at Loew's Century and "Here
Chicago, April 10. Come the Waves" at Keith's arc reg-
No records for Loop this stanza, (20th) Orpheum third
istering strongly.
with holdovers slowing the pace.
"Hotel Berlin," getting a sock $33,000
Last week, "Thunderhead"
for session.
Century (Loew's-UA) (3,000; 20-
Estimates for This
44G, Tours -Goodman 75G, Big H.0.s
"Hangover Square." moveover plus "Gal Loves Music" 60)— "National Velvet" (M-G) (2d
at Roosevelt:
$14 000 at Garrickt.and "Experiment
(U), grand $10,000. wk). Holding up mightily at $17,000 The Capitol and State, latter sec- Last week, "Song to Remem-
Perilous," $22,000 at Palace, are the,
Brandels (RKQ) (1,500; 16-60)
— after boffo $20,400 last week. ond-run. are the only houses' on ber" (Col) (2d run), Enoch Light

only new entries.

"It's a Pleasure" (RKO) and "Rough,
Hippodrome - (Rappaport) (2,240; Broadway currently with, new shows. orch and Jean Carroll, hit $29,500. '

Tough" (Col) (2d wk). Socko $8,000 20-74)— "It's a Pleasure" (RKO) plus Both are pulling heavily. Dip from Strand (WB) (2,750; 60-$1.20)—
H.o.'s doing best are "Here Come
or over, only a bit below big $8,600 vaude (2d wk).. Okay $13,000 after Easter week is less than might nor- "God Is Co-Pilot" (WB) and Cnb
Waves." hypoed by Dean Murphy, Calloway orch (3d wk).: Remains
of first session. all-right initial sesh at $15,600. mally be expected, with most of
Hal LeRoy, Eileen Barton, at the
Chicago, to fat $52,000; "Tomorrow
State (Goldberg) (865; 12-50) — Keith's (Schanberger) (2.460; 20- holdovers standing up very strongly; very strong at $55,000, while second
60 )— "Here Come Waves" (Par) (2d
Good -
the World," with new stage bill
"Winged Victory" (20th). Cap on Thursday (5) brought in frame was huge $64,000. Holds
$3,000. Last week, "Thin Man Home" wk). Bullish $16,000 after rosy $18,- Be Seeing You," with the Sammy fourth.
headed by Chico Marx arid Donna "I'll

Dae, Oriental, $30,000; "Tree Grows (M-G) and "Kitty O'Day" (Mono), 300 ihitialer.

Kaye orch, Paul Winchcll arid team Victoria (Maurer) (720; 70-$1.20)—
fourth frame at United $2,200. Mayfalr (Hicks) (980; 25-55.)— "She of Rdsario and Antonio on stage. "Thunderhead"
(20th) (4th wk).
Brooklyn," May get up to sturdy $15,000 this
Ai'tNts. $18,000; and ''Have, Have
Gets Her Man" (.U). Average $4,000. Exceptionally big from the opening,
Last week, "Dangerous Passage" week, holding. 'Last week was a bit
Not," sixth at State-Lake, $20,000. house will hit $92,000' or' over, new
~ (Par), at $3,200. over $16,000.
Tab Week high under present stagehand policy.

Estimate!: for 'Yours' Reusing . New (Mechanic) (1,680; 20-60)— Playing "Tonight and Every Night"'
Apollo (B&K) (1,200; 55-95)— "Thunderhead" (20th). Fairish $6.- on second run, plus Ann Corio, Nan
"Meet Me St. Louis'* (M-G) (3d wk). In Modest Del; 'Co-Eds' 000. Last' week, fourth of "Tree in Rae and Mrs. Waterfall. Glenn Mil-
Pert $9,000.Last week, okay $11,000.
Cbicaco (B&K) (3,900; 55-95)—
"Here Come Waves" (Par), with Hal Oke25G,Husic'16G) 2d
Brooklyn" (20th), $7,200.
ler's Modernaires, State looks to do a
(WB) (3,280; 25-65)— swell $32,000 or over.
"Roughly Speaking" (2d wk). Stout Music Halls "Without Love,"
Tilts I Dorsey
LeRoy, Dean Murphy, Eileen Barton '
Detroit, April 10. $12,000 after good $15,200 opener.' "Glory of Easter!' spec and added
heading vaude (2d wk). Sharp $52,- Valencia (Loew's-UA) (1,840; 20- stageshow continues to draw might-
000. Last week, wham $61,000.
Garrlck (B&K) (900; 55-95)—
While nothing is sensational in

loop here, generally grosses aren't

the 60)— "Nothing But Trouble" (M-G). ily, with the third week heading for
Okay $4,000. Last week, VThis Man's a sock $126,000. Particularly steady
Tear' 40G in Hub
"Hangover Square" (20th). Opened bad. Downtown probably will again Navy" (M-G). moveover, $5,300. are "God Is My Co-Pilot" and Cab. Boston, April 10.
Saturday (7). Big $14,000 or better take the top spot with "Strange Calloway's band at the Strand, with Many holdovers this week with
looms. Last week, "Fighting Lady" third session heading for big $55,000. Tommy Dorsey 's band -boosting
Illusion" coupled with Mills Bros..
(20th) and "Sunday Dinner"- (20th
paramount ended its second week "House of Fear" to great session at
Lulubelle & Scotty and others on

rast night (Tues.) with "Practically

(3d wk), great $10,000. stage. Fox and Michigan will level
the RKO-Boston. "National Velvet"
Grand (RKO) 55-95)— Yours." the Benny Goodman band, is still going strong at State and Or-
(1.150; off for the second spot, former
"Heie Come Co-eds" (U) and "House Condos Bros, and Bob Evans at' a pheum.
with "Here Come Co-Eds" and

of Fear Big $10,500. 1

Last very fancy $75,000. Begins third sesh Estimates for This Week
(U). !
"Under Western Skies" and the lat- today (Wed.).
week. "3- Caballexos" (RKO) and ter "Practically Yours" and
with Boston (RKO) (3,200; 50-$1.10)—
"Night Club Girl" (U), 6 days, and
"Co-eds" and "House Fear," 1. day,
"Man Half -Moon Street."
in $15,000 Tops K.C.
Straight film holdovers, include "House of Fear" (U),
"Affairs of Susan," a strong. business- Dorsey orch on stage.
and' Tommy
Estimates for This Week Boff $40,000.
fine $10,000. Kansas City, April 10. getter for the Rivoli where it ended Last week, "Circumstantial Evi-
Oriental (Iroquois) (3,240; 44-95)— Adams (Balaban) (1,700; 60-85)—
"Bernadette" (20th). Moved over Biz at the deluxers is spotty this its second frame last night (Tues.) dence" (20th) and Spike Jones orch,
"Tomorrow World" (UA) (2d wk) ..

.Week. "Tonight and Every Night," at $44,000. "Corn Is Green" is hold- strong $30,000.
Donna Dae head- from Fox. Big $11,000 sighted. Last ing up well at the Hollywood at
with Chico Marx, with "Youth on Trial," at the Mid- Fenway (M-P) (1,373; 40-74)r-
Fat $30,000. Last week, "Frisco Sal" (U) (2d wk) and $27,000. also on second week.

ing stage show. land, is reaching for top coin: "God -Jree in Brooklyn" (20lh). Great
"House of Fear" (U), fine $9,500.
week, with Jane Withers, Tommy Is My Co-Pilot," with "The Jade Estimates for This Week $8,000. East week, "Hotel Berlin"
Dix on stage, great $33,000.
troit) (2,800; 60-85)
"Now Tomor- —
De- *

Mask" at the Orpheum, is a strong Astor (City Inv.) (1,140; 60-$155) <WB) and "Town Went Wild" (PRC),
Palace (RKO) (2,500; 55-95)— "Ex- runner-up. —"Princess and Pirate" (RKO) (9th $6,500.
(RKO) and row" (Par) and "3.1s Family" (UA) Majestic (Shubert) (1,500; 40-74)—
periment Perilous" Estimates for. This Week wk).
(3d wk). Here after two strong Sliding considerably since "3
"What a Blonde" (RKO). Smart Uptown and Fairway Easter at. $18,000 or bit over, but OnlyCabaUero's" (RKO). (7th wk).

weeks at Michigan. Nice $16,000. Esquire,

$22,000. Last week, "Here Come po- Last week, "National Velvet" (M-G) (Fox-Midwest) (820, 2,043 and 700; satisfactory for ninth Week. Last $4,000. Last week, $4,500.
eds" (U) and "House of Fear" (U), 6 40-60)—"Tree in Broklyn" (20th) (2d week, including the holiday, frothy Memorial (RKO) (2,900; 40-75)—
and "Blonde Fever" (M-G),-<3d wk),
days. and "Experiment and brisk $15,000 on m.o. wk). Lusty $13,000. Last week, big $27 000
It's a Pleasure" (RKO) and
"Blonde," 1 day, brisk $18,500. Doctor's Courage" (U). Building
Downtown (Howard Hughes) $19,000. Capitol (Loew's) (4,820; 60-$1.20)— to up
Roerevelt (B&K) (1.500; 55-95)— nice $26,000 in second week. Last
(2.800; 60-85)— "Strange Illusion" MidUnd (Loew's) (3,500; 45-65)— "Be Seeing You" (UA), Sammy Kaye week, $24,000. '
"Hotel Berlin" (WB).. Socko $33,000. (PRC) and- Mills Bros., others, on "Tonight, Every Night" (Col) and orch. Paul Winchell, Rosario and An-
.Last week, "Winged Victory" (20th) Metropolitan (M-P) (4,387; 40-74)
stage. Fine $30,000. Last week, "Youth on Trial" (Col). Nifty $15,- tonio. Sensational $92,000 or better Practically
(4th wk). 5 days, and "Berlin" (WB), "Fog Island" (PRC) and Louis Prima Yours" (Par) and
000. Last week, "Between 2 Women" in view, new high under current High-Powered" (Par)
2 days, fancy $18,500. orch on stage, bettered expectations (M-G) and "Nothing But Trouble" stagehand policy here. Begins sec- Good $22,000. Last week, (2d wk).
State-Lake (B&K) (2,700; 55-95)— at wow $38,000. ond frame tomorrow (Thurs.). Last $28,000
(M-G), fancy $16,000. Orphenm (Loew) (2,900; 35-75)—
"Have, Have Not" (WB) (6lh wk). Fox (Fox -Michigan) (5,000; 60-85) . Newman (Paramount) (1,900; 46-. week, "Dorian- Gray" (M-G), Xavier National Velvet" (M-G)
Keen $20,000. Last week, robust —"Here Come Co -Eds" :
(U) and 65)— "Bring on Girls" (Par) (2d wk ). Cugat orch. Lena Home, others (5th Strong $23,000. Last week, (2d wk).
$24,800. "Under Western Skies" (U). Good hot $30,-
Slick $10,500. Last week, healthy wk). excellent $65,700.
United Artists (B&K) (1.700: 55- $25,000. Last week, "Bernadette" Criterion (Loew's) 60-$1.25)
95)— "Tree Grows Brooklyn" (20th) $13,500. (1,700;
— hramwnl (M-P) (1.700; 40-74)—
(20th), back at pop scale, great $28,- Orpheum (RKO) (1,500; 4C-C5)— "Between 2 Women" (M-G) (3d n .Brooklyn" (20th).
(4th wk). Solid $18,000. Last week, Great
000. "God Is Co-Pilot" (WB) and "Jade wk). Good $20,000 on second week, »TZT£~! 0 weck "
Hote l Berlin"
stout $23,000. Madison (United Detroit) (1,800: Mask" (Mono). Stout $13,500. Last ended last night (Tues.)' after sub- TwiS (WB) andJdS*
- -

Woods (Essancss) 55-95)— 60-85) —

"Tonight, Every Night"
"Town Went Wild" (PRC);
week, "3 Caballeros" (RKO) and stantial $30,000 on first. only $10,000.
"Its a Pleasure" (RKO) (3d wk). (Col) and "Hearts Young. Gay" Globe (Brandt) (1,416; 80-$1.20)—
Trim "Great Moment" (Par), trim $13,000. State (Loew) (3.200: 35-75)— "Na-
Last week, snappy Great $6,100. Last week.
$12,500. (Par).
Tower (Fox-JofTee) (2,100; 39-60) "3 Caballeros" (RKO) (10th wk). *,°,niJn V? ,vet " (M-G). "(2d wk). Big
$15,400. "Irish Eyes" (20th) and "Summer
"Great Flamarion" (Rep) and "Lights Dropping to near $10,000 but fSir $17,000. Last week, robust $18,000
Storm" (UA). $5,900 in repeat.
Michigan (United Detroit) (4.000: On Again" (PRC) plus stage revue. enough, while last week, over Easter, Translox (Translux) (900; 20-74)—
60-85)—"Practically Yours" (Par) Strorig. $11,500. Last week, "Circum- was $19,500. "This Man's Navy" Crime, inc." (PRC). Smash $7,100.
stantial Evidence" (20th) and "House (M-G) opens Saturday (14), Last week "Cisco Kid Returns"
and- "Man Half-Moon St." (Par). Gotham (Brandt) (900; 60.-$1.20)— 0) and Accl 'sed" (Mono), fair M
(U) with vaude. okay
'Burma' Bright Fine $24,000. Last week, "Now To-
morrow" (Par) and "3 Is Family"
of Fear"
$10,500. "Colonel Blimp" (UA) (2d wk). Fine i £S,
$13,000 or over 'not far behind tee-
(UA) (2d wk), big $28,000. off week's $14,700. Here indef.
Palms-State (United Detroit) Hollywood (WB) (1,499; 50-$1.20)

11% Tops Buff. 00-85)—"Woman in Window"

(RKO) and "Body Too Many" (Par) 'Pleasure
(2d wk). Looking for fine $15,000
Lush $15,500 —"Corn Is Green" (WB) (2d wk).
Holding up okay at $27,000 or near
this week, sturdy though short of
2 Women' Boosted Bj
Buffalo, .April 10. after first week's great $19,500. In Prov.; fours' Boffo powerful. Continues. Initial week
Monroe; Kibbee Big 23G,
Many holdovers this week but
United Artists (United Detroit) was $32,000. robust.
they won't slow the pace. Top new (2,000: 80-85) —
"Music Millions"
16G, 'Tree' Big 13G, 2d

Palace (RKO) (1,700: 60-$1.10)— Mpk;

entry is "Objective Burma" at the (M-G) and "Double Exposure" "Belle ofYukon" (RKO) (2d wk).
'Music' Sweet 14G
Buffalo. (Par) (2d wk). Choice $16,000 ex- Providence, April 10. Under hopes at $17,000, and goes out. Minneapolis, April 10.
Estimates for This Week pected after first week's sturdy $19;-
epidemic of holdovers hit the Last week, disappointing $21,900.
An another big week for the loop
Buffalo (Shea) (3,500: 40-70)— "Having Wonderful Crime" (RKO) with the combo of Vaughn Monroe's
'Objective Burma" (WB). main stem this week, with all doing opens tomorrow (Thurs.).
Stout band and Guy Kibbee on the stage
$17,500. Last week, "Music for Mil- steady trade.. Albee's "It's a Pleas- Paramount (Par) (3,664; 60-$1.20)
Two Women"
lions" (M-G), $17,000.
Great 'YOURS' WOW $19,000 ure", which starts its second week —"Practically Yours" (Par),- Benny
"Practically Goodman orch, Condos Bros, and
plus "Between pushing
— 'Bring Lakes (Shea) (3,000; 40-70)
on Girls" (jar) and "Man
today (Tues.), and
Bob Evans (3d wk). Rounded out
Orpheum far out in front for sock

PACES MUD CINCY Yours," at the Strand, look best bets second week last night (Tues.) at session. "Music for Millions" and
Half-Moon St."- (Par) (2d wk).
Strong $15,000 or near. Last week, of new films. very fine $75,000; first was sock "Roughly Speaking" are doing well
hefty $16,000. Cincinnati, April 10. for the Slate and Radio City respec-
Estimates for This Week S88.000.
Hipp (Shea) "40-70 1— It's a -spotty week for the ace Radio City Music Hall (Rocke- tively. •

Albee (RKO) (2,100; 44-60)— "Iti a fellers) 15,945; 60-$1.10)— "Without

Music Millions" (M-G) (moveover). houses, currently. Of the four fresh Estimates for This Week
Cheerful $10,000. Last week. "Hotel bills currently, only "Practically Pleasure" (RKO) and "House of Love" (M-G), "Glory of Easter"
Aster (Par-Singer) (900; 15-25)—
Berlin" (WB) and "High-Powered" "
Yours" is on the click side at the Fear" (U) (2d wk). Carries oyer spectacle and supplemental stage-
Albee. Tuesday. Last week, nifty $15,500. "Night Club Girl" <U) and "Power
(Par) (2d wk), $9,500. '
bill (3d wk). Still amazing, this Whistler" (Col). Good $2,000 in 5 '

Lafayette (Basil) (3,300; 40-70)- Estimates for This Week Carlton iFav-Loew) (1,400: 44-55) week looking a monumental $126,000 days., Last week. "Dangerous Pas-
Here Come Co-Eds" (U) (2d wk) Albee (RKO) (3.100; 44-70)— —"Roughly Speaking" (WB) i3d or over. Easter frame (2d) brought sage" (Par) and "Babes Swing St."
and 'Destiny" (U). Trim $11,000. "Practically Yours" (Par). Smash downtown wk). Good $4,000 arter gross to $132,000. record for. thai
i U $2,200 in 6 days.
l w eek with "House of Fear"
. . $19,000. Last week, "It's a Pleasure" trim $5,500 in second stanza m.o. holiday here. Entire show, includ-

Century (P-S) (1,600; 44-50)—

(U), bright $13,000. (RKO), big $18,000. Fay's (Fay) (2,000: 44-55)— "Have, ing "Glory of Easter," holds. "Bring on Girls" (Par). Moveover.
J-Jth-Centnry (Ind.) (3,000; 40-70) Capitol (RKO) (2.000: 44-70)— Have Not" (WB) and vaude on stage. Republic (Brandt) (1,004; 50-$1.10
— Its a Pleasure" (RKO) " and "It's, a Pleasure" (RKO) (m:o.). Fairish $6,500. Last week, "Woman "Earl Carroll's Vanities" (Rep) — Fair $5,000. Last week, "Tree in
Brooklyn" (20th) (3d wk), $7,000.
Grissjcy's Millions" (Rep) (2d Wk). Grand $8,000. Last week, "Berna- in Window" (RKO) (2d run), healthy (2<l-r>nal wk). No dice, a sad $3,000 Gopher (P-S) (1,000; 40)— "Enter
> fter ^st week's dandy dette" (20th), $7,000. lhis week and $5,000 for opener be- Arsenc
$15 000

Lupin" (U). Mild $2,500. Lost

Family (RKO) (1,000; 30-40)^ Majestic (Fay) (2,200; 44-60)— ing snake-eyes in both cases. "Hitchr
week. "Betrayal from East" (RKO),
"Fog lslandV (PRC) and "Let's Go "Tree in Brooklyn". (20th) (2d wk). hike to Happiness" (Rep) opens
Steady" (Col) split with "Son of Sockeroo $13,000 after wow $17,000 Saturday (14). Lyric (P-S) (1,100; 44-60)—"Thun-
Fury" (20th) and 'Hongkong Nights" Rlalto (Mayer) (504: 40-85)—
'Seeing You' opening sesh. derhead". (20th) (2d wk). Neat $6,-
$12,000 For (Indie). Par $2,600. Same lusi Metropolitan (Snider) (1,300; 44- "Mummy's Curse" (U) (2d-flnal wk). 000. Last week,
fine $6,000 after
week for "Doctor's Courage" (Col) 55)— "Cisco Kid Returns" (Mono) Good enough at $6,000 or better, smash
session at Radio City
and "Dancing Manhattan" (CoJ) di- while initial week was good $8,500.
2d Straight WL, Omaha -

vided with "Chandu Magic" (Indie)

and Spike Jones orch on stage..
Three-day weekend was record $10. ;
Rivoli (UA-Par) (2,092; 7»$1. 25)—
Orpheum (P-S) (2,300; 44-70)—
"Between 2 Women" (M-G) and
Omaha, April 10. and "Thief Meets Thief (Indie). .

Last week, "One Romantic

"Affairs of Susan" (Par) (3d 'wk).

Big news here is the sVnash biz Grand (RKO) (1,430: 44-70)— 000.
Exceptionally consistent, second Vaughn Monroe orch, Guy Kibbee,
being registered by "Til Fairish $6,000. Last Night" (UA) (reissue) and vaude.. week through last night (Tues.) hit- others, on stage. Looks smash. $23,000.
Be Seeing "Suspect" (U).
fairish $4,500 in two-day weekend ting big $44,000, only $1,000 less than Last week,
"3 Caballeros" (RKO)
°u at the Omaha, after a big scsr
week. "Hangover Square" (20th).
sion at the Paramount. stand. the great business garnered the first. (44-60), solid $10,000.
Goes to Or- $8 500
t»layhon«e (Snider) (1,300; 35-40)— Radio City (P-S) (4,000; 44-60)—
pneum for, third downtown stanza. Keith's (United) (1,500: 44-70)— Koxy (20th) (5,886; 60-$1.20)—
"Ministry Fear" (Par). Mild $5,500. "Music for Millions" (M-G) and "Royal Scandal". (20th). with Hazel "Roughly Speaking" (WB). Okay
Estimates for This Week ''Main St. After Dark" (M-G) (2d
Last week, "Bell Tolls" (Par), third Scott. Jackie Miles, Dick Brown and $12,000. Last weck, "Bring on Gills"
Orphenm (Tristates) (3,000: 16-00) downtown sesh. so-sb $4,000. runs). Runs from Sunday to Hartmans in person, opens today (Par), $12,000.
- Durk Waters" (UA) and "Circum- Lyric IRKO) (1,400;:, 44-70)—
Wednesday, good $2,000. Last week. (Wed.) after six lush money-making Stale (P-S) (2.300; 44-60 )— "Music
lant'al Evidence" (20th). Hefty "Hangover Square" (20th) (m.o.). 'Now Tomorrow" (Par) and "Till weeks with "Tree in Brooklyn Millions" (M-G). Strong $14,009.
11,000 or close. Last week. "Bring Dull $4,000. Last week, "Hotel Ber- Meet Again" (Par) (2d runs), nice (20th ), plus' Victor Borge and Joan Last weck. "Keys of Kingdom"
Un Girls" (Par) and "Main St. After lin" (WB) (2d run), ditto. $2,500. Edwards. 'Finale was strong $74,000, (20th). good $11,000.
Dark" (M-G), $11,300. Palace (RKO) (2,600; 44-70)^ State (Loew) (3,200; 50-60)— "Two while over Easter bill hit $78,000. Uptown (Par) (1,100; 44-50)— .

Rftf"l?2 <Tristates) (3,000; 16- "Guest in House" (UA). Quiet $10.- Women" rM-G) and "Nothing But
l,oun ' Only one ot,her picture re- "Hollywood: Canteen" (WB). First
wnTn Bernadette " "Oth).. Modest 500. Last week. "National Velvet"' Trouble" (M-G) (2d wk). Swell $12.- mained here six weeks, that being nabe showing. Fairly good $3,000.
a regular scale. Last
week. (M-G). solid $16,000. 000 after hitting sock $17,000 in first. 1
"Wilson: (20th). Last week, "Have, Have Not" (WB).
*n 2
Be Seeing Strand (Silverman) (2,000; 50-60
You" (UA ). big $12,000. Shubert (RKO) (2.100: 44-70)—
Slate (Loew's) (3,450: 43-$1.10)— 'oig $4,000.
Omaha (Tristates) (2,000; 16-00)— "National Velvet" (M-G) (m.o.). "Practically Yours" (Par) und "Tonight, Every Night". (Col) (2d World (Par-StcfTcs) (350; 44-60)—
^oc Seeing You" (UA) and "Under Great $8,500. Last week, "Keep "Double Exposure" (Col) (2d wk). run), plus, on stage, Ann Corio, Nan "Keys Kingdom". (20th). Moveover.
Western Skies" (U). Terrific $12,000. Powder Dry" (M-G) (2d rim), good Opened Monday. First week was Rae and Mrs. Waterfall. Modern- Nice $3,000. Last week. "Mr. Em-
Ji)d so big it goes to "Thunderhead" $G,000. wham $16,000'. aires. Excellent $32,000 or over on manuel" (UA), only $1,800.
u WwJiy, April 11, 1945
' " .

Wednesday, April 11, WAR ACTIVITIES 11

Theatre Wing's Music War Committee 7th Loan's Pix Drive Tees OffinN.Y.

Tuned Up for New Bond Campaign Hollywood, April 10.

Joan Blondell, renewed, 20th-Fox. As Leaders of 19 States Confer
With 21 tunesmiths now at work* Frankie Carle, bandleader; RKO. -4- Motion picture industry's pre-drive
on songs for the new bond drive, Ilse Lahn, writer, Sol Lesser. campaign, preceding the launching
attention is being focused, on activi- THIRD YANK STAFFER of the "Showmen's Seventh" War
ties or the American Theatre Wing's
Arthur Pierson, dialog, 20th. Adele Mara New Rep Star
Loan campaign teed off yesterday '

Although Coleen Gray, actress, 20th-Fox.

Music War Committee. Hollywood, April 10. (Tues.) when drive leaders of 19

the trade had thought It dormant,

/ Anne Revere, renewed,. 20th-Fox. Adele Mara will star for Republic states met in New York at the Hotel

the committee haa been actively en- Unusual instance of a war corre- Robert De Haven, actor, Col. in "Canteen Hostess," a high-budget Astor to set final plans. Company
gaged in work on several Important spondent engaging in battle and so' Dean Stock well, moppet, Metro. Technicolor production based on a presidents attending included Barrrey
W ar and homefronU. Results of its meeting death, occurred recently '

Edward Bernds, shorts dir., Col. %

story by Martin Van Laas. Balaban, Nate Blumberg. N. Peter
work are now being evidenced in when CpL Robert Krell, 21,- of Miss Mara recently carried the top Rathvon and Spyros Skouras.
many ways. Success of Frank Brooklyn, N. Y., staffer on Yank, Gilbert Pratt, writer, Columbia. role in "Song of Mexico," filmed Ted Gamble, nations: director,
Loesser's "Rodger Young," for In- Army weekly, was killed in action Lucy Knoch, actress, Paramount. chiefly in Mexico City. War Finance Division, U. S. Treas-
stance, points up the committee's March 24, a few hours after jumping Sam Baiter, writer, Warners. ury, touched qrl the basic inflation-
activity. to cover an- airborne offensive across; ary symptoms- which War Bond pur-
Jacqueline De Wit, actress, U. -

In the two and half years since it the Rhine. '

chases are designed to combat, ex-

was founded, the committee has had Unlike civilian war correspond- Margery Stapp, actress, 20th -Fox. plained why the Government needed
-2,500 songs submitted to it. One ents, Yank staffers are permitted to John Cromwell, director, 20th-Fox. 57,000,000,000 in E bond sales and
hundred have been approved, and carny weapons and engage in com- Ann Richards, actress, RKO- KILLED, PITT NOTIFIED gave a graphic summary of the dif-
put on the official list. The com- bat. Krell, acting the paratrooper Pittsburgh, April 10.
ficulty in selling that volume of
mittee has been unique, in embrac- first before getting his story, after Two- former Pittsburghers in the bonds to individuals. He said that
ing all facets of Tin Pan Alley, lyric jumping.joined with three GIs in an film biz were reported killed iii the drive would last three months
writers, composers, publishers, ex- attack on a German tank, all four action last week. One of them was because of the tough job ahead.
ploitation men, writing war songs being killed. He makes the thlfd Glenn Miller Day Lt, Melvin S. Barrett, who used to Gamble stated that Government
for civilians and GIs, as part of the Yank staffer to be killed in action, work here in Par's ad sales "and war expenditures during March ap- —
war effort. Sonfi have been of all Sgt. John Bushemi, well-known later was head of that department proximately $8,900,000,000 were —
kinds: (a) written specially to order photographer, dying on Eniwetok, for same company in Cleveland of- greater than for any month since
for various military divisions or and Sgt. Pete Paris being killed in
. an He died while fighting with
fice; the the war began. He said that the
' .

services; (b) special aongs for morale Normandy on D-Day. Army ski troops in Italy. An ex- peak in expenditures had been
or public education; (c) songs for A Major Glenn Miller Day on marine, Barrett enlisted in the AAF reached because the American fight-
apecial drives, like bonds; (d) .songs June 5, in connection with the in September, 1942, and later trans-
ing forces had reached peak of fight-
for factory Incentive, like Lunch- Len Fields Oat After Seventh War Loan drive, is the sug-; ing strength. He .added that in-
ferred to.the ski troops.
time Follies; (e) songs for soldier gestion of Robert M. Weitman, man- dividuals had acquired $80,000,000,000
Other who made supreme sacrifice
in new money 'since war broke out,
shows, like "Three-Day Pass"; aongs
for hospital use, etc.
Years in the Navy aging director of the Paramount,
N. Y. It's to be a national affair
was Lt. Louis Dattola, asst. mgr. of
that of this amount; some $43,500,-
Hollywood, Apra 10. Miami theatre in Sprlngdale before
Oscar Hammerstein, 2d, committee on the radio with leading picture 000.000 had been invested in War
Leonard Fields, former Republic houses putting Oh special shows or he went into the service. His par-
chairman, has been .its sparkplug,
ents, former Springdale exhibs, now Bonds, and that the objective of the
with Jack Bobbins most active producer, is out of uniform after pageants only
with admission
live in Florida. Lt. Dattola, who coming drive is to tap as large an'
among the publishers, and Irving three years in the Navy. Fields, vet through purchase of war bonds. In starred in football here at Carnegie
amount as possible of the remaining
Berlin, Irving Caesar, Bob Sour, of the last war, was over 40. when N. Y. there'll be a soldier pageant and "hew" money.
Tech, was a nephew of Rudy and
Frank Loesser, Richard Rodgers he enlisted in the. Navy as CPO, ah all-star show at the N. Y. Para- Bob Weitman, Paramount theatre
Sal Navari, veteran local exhibs, and

among the numerous tunesmiths/ quartermaster of navigation. He was mount. House will close., early for (N.Y.) managing director, chairman
a cousin of Bart Dattola, New Ken-
Songs written to order for the in many major engagements in both this one performance, the evening of of special events committee for the
sington theatre owner.

services have, included Irving Ber- Atlantic and Pacific oceans, as navi- June 5 and operate on a reserved "Showmen's Seventh," outlined plans
lin's "There Are {Jo Wings In a Fox- gator, and wears the Purple Heart seat policy. for stimulating sales via a military
hole"; Loesser's "Rodger Young"; besides numerous other decorations. Weitman announces that tickets Bill Jackson Missing pageant to the Paramount theatre on
the Oscar Hammersteln-Richard He will rest for a month before for the special June 5 show at his Pittsburgh, April 10. June 5. Theatre has been scaled to
Rodgers "We're On Our Way"; Mil- returning to studio activities. theatre will be ready for sale before In the service less than 10 months yield $4,000,000 in- Bond- sales and
ton Drake and Elle Siegmeister's the Seventh War Loan officially and overseas only four, Private Wil- Weitman believes that it will be a
"Great Guns"; Meredith Willson's opens on May 14. The idea is that liam K. Jackson, infantryman and sellout. V-Dlscs of the performance
"Hit the Leather": Arnold Shaw and the Major Miller gala would precede former exec Of the Mid-State Thea- are to be mailed to armed forces, all
Lewis Allen's "With a Pick and a Chi Campaign
"free movie day." tres, indie circuit headquartering in over the world and. the event will be
Shovel and a Gun," and Clarence
Stout and Buck Ram's "Halleluiah
Continued from pare • S Major Miller, the maestro, is offi-
cially reported "missing over Eu-
^ Clearfield, Pa., has been reported broadcast.
missing in action on the .German Free Shows, Etc.
. .

8-9-10." it uridohutedly will die in the com- ope." front. Jackson was almost at the As in previous War Bond cam-
Bcsl known of the civilian morale mittee of 21. draft age limit when i>e was in- paigns, all national distributors have
songs are Seigmeister's "Freedom ducted last January. agreed to make pictures available
Train," Milton Drake's "Der Fueh- Chi Indie's Arguments FITZPATRICK SHIFTS At that time, he came to Pitts- to theatres for the Seventh War
rer Isn't FeelingVery Well," Woody Chicago, April 10. burgh for a big farewell, party Loan campaign for preems, chil-
Guthrie and Earl Robinson's "Dirty
TRAVELOGS TO ENGLAND tendered him by all qt Film Row dren's morning preems and Free
. .

Jury which awarded Jackson Park

Overalls." and Millard Lampell and here. Jackson, was a son-in-law of Movie Day.
theatre $390,000 in triple damages Hollywood, April
Earl Robinson's "Song of the Free 10. Howard J. Thompson, who owns Under this agreement the distrib-
Men." and attorney fees in anti-monopoly James A. FitzPatrick shifting his wife utors will furnish for one perform-
is Mid-State Theatres, and has a
suit against RKO. 20th Century-Fox, Traveltalks to England, where he
and one son. ance only, known as a War Bond
Warner Bros., Loew's and Balaban will do a series of films on the re- Premiere, any film the exhibitor has
& Katz a year ago, had ample evi- habilitation of shattered British under contract, but not earlier than
Curfew..Hurt Changed dence to sustain the verdict, which cities. ''.... Al Bluraberg's Croix de Guerre
30 days prior to its availability for
distributor-defendants and B&K are Tour, arranged by the Min- Philadelphia, April 10.
British, booking at "'this theatre, provided
Absenteeism in Chi now seeking to reverse, according to istry of Information, will start June M/Sgt. Albert Bliimberg, former
the Stanley Warner
the exhibitors having clearance do
briefs filed by the indie theatre's at- 1 and take about three' months. Re- manager of
not. object.
Chicago, April 10. torney, Thomas C. McConnell, with Midway here, awarded the Croix de-
sulting pictures will be released by Apublicity, advertising and ex-
Month-and-a-half of curfew hasn't
resulted in that
Circuit Court of Appeals today (9). Metro. Guerre for bravery by the French ploitation committee, which has been
lower rate of absen- Arguments for and against judgment Government. He is attached to the
teeism among war plant workers, been appointed to serve during the
for theatre were thereupon set for 6th Armored Division of Patton's
nor has it brought any noticeable drive, includes Jerry Zigmond (ex-
May 7.
F-WC Gets 330G From Third Army in Germany. Sgt. managing director of the Newman
effect m their efficiency, according
Blumberg is a brother of Irving
to officials of Brief charges distribs with "all- theatre, Kansas city, and siated-'to
war plants here. In- Blumberg. director of publicity and join John Hertz,. Jr.'s, Buchanan
dustrial execs embracing conspiracy to create a So. CaL for Polio Drive
admit it's undoubtedly advertising of the Stanley-Warner
saved coal, one reason system of release with fixed price* agency ), William Boley (Buchanan),
advanced for by means of clearance contracts ne- Los Angeles, April 10.
circuit here.
the Byrnes directive,
but claim it's gotiated ahead of all independent Al Finestone (Par), Bernard Kam-
Fox-West Coast Theatres turned
had no marked effect on work of ber (United Artists), Ernest Moel-
theatres." Appeal for new trial isn't over $332,526. representing collec-
J. Rosenfleld, Jr„ in Army
their employees. ler (Buchanan), Nat Strom (Buchan-
Among plants justified, it further s!".tcs, because tions in 10 Southern California coun-
checked for attendance figures Jonas Rosenfleld., Jr., ass't adver- an). Jack Alicoate, representing the
were it was proved that distributors ties,' for the 1945 Infantile Paralysis tising manager of 20th-Fox, and for- Trade Press; Sam Shain (20th), Wal-
Douglas Aircraft. Carnegie-Illinois wrongfully deprived the theatre in drive. Ament (Pathe), Alec Moss
Steel, Westinghouse Electric, Swift &
C weeks. Check was delivered to Joseph M. mer president of Screen Publicists ton C.
Co., and International Harvester. Guild, N. Y., headed for the armed (Par), Sid Mesibov (Par), Henry
Schenck, state chairman, who esti-
It was also argued that the Chi awaiting induction. Spiegel (Columbia).
Absenteeism was fairly low be- mated the total California receipts at forces. He's .

fore the curfew, system- of release is "designed to Prez of SPG for two terms, he was Leonard H. Goldenson, Paramount
personnel managers $1,500,000, almost twice the amount I

of companies listed suppress competition of subsequent succeeded this year by an advertis- v.p. in. charge of theatre operations,
agreed, and it's collected in 1944.
renamed at about the same level run theatres in order to fix admis- ing associate in 20th, Harry Hoch- has been appointed chairman of the
since. sion prices in the Loop and pre-re- feld. SPG members tendered Rosen- National Advisory Committee for
Hangover treatments are also L. A. to N. Y.
relatively small, with lease runs in which defendants main- fleld a cocktail party) at the Aslor the "Showmen's Seventh" War Loan.
head nurse of tain a monopoly." hotel yesterday (Tuesday). Advisory Committee Includes a
Westinghouse plant reporting her Gene Bryant.
dispensary treats 15 to 18 patients
The Chi system, it was argued, was Kay Francis. group of industry reps who are
a created not by custom or historical available for consultation with na-
«y. approximately the same num- John Fisher. ^
ber as pre-curfew, considerations, but by contracts be- Edward Golden. Kazan, Moran Return tional committee and state and re-
and that very few tween distributors which were illegal gional committees for War Bond
are of the mal-de-fourroses Bert Granet.
One Carnegie exec even went so because they fixed admission prices Daniel G. Greenhouse. From So. Pacific Tour campaign matters.
iar as to say a in all' Chi theatres and verdict was Joe Higgins. C. J. (Pat) Scollard, h.o. distribu-
check on work at- Hollywood, April 10.
"buttressed by proof of conspiracy Irene. tion exec, has been named by Bar-
tendance figures a week after cur- Elia Kazan and Eddie Moran re-
lew went into effect Feb. 26 drawn from, reluctant and hostile Hugh King. ney Balaban as Paramount's chair-
showed witnesses and was not denied by any
turned from a special Government
• slight increase in absenteeism, and Lou Lockett. mission to the Pacific War area
man on the Seventh War Loan drive
responsible officer of the defendant John Masterson.

in the metropolitan N. Y. area, tak-

that figures haven't where they taught servicemen to
even yet re- companies." Walter Mayberry. ing in h o. and subsidiaries.
turned to normal. construct and provide entertainment
Seven-point briefs also argued that Lewis Milestone. W. C. Michel, 20th-Fox executive
Despite the fact that the been for themselves.
lid's the facts that injury to theatre's v.p.'. has been named chairman

on six J. J. Milstein. of
weeks, Charles P. Casey, business was admitted by distributor Boys in uniform were shown how
Bob Muck. the Home "Offices Corporate Invest-

"ate WMCdirector, repudiated witnesses is further proof that new Irwin Nathanson.
to write, stage and act with their
ments for the Seventh War Loan
nrm s reports, claiming it's still too called for: And, further own talent. Tour required six weeks
trial isn't Harold F. Oxley. Drive in the New' York area for the
early to judge real and was accompanied by Capt.
effect of the cur- that distributors' attempts to "ex-
jew because
M. B. Paul.
Lanny Ross, of Special -Services.
War Activities Committee. A. W.
turnover and absen- plain cause of damages also.indicetes
teeism records "cannot N. Peter Rathvon. Smith, Jr., 20th-Fox eastern sales
be fully eval- judgment should remainstalus-quo." Everett Rlskin. manager, will serve as chairman of
uated at this time." Reports from Okinawa Films Brought In
Oliver Sabin. activities for the N. Y. film branches.
he admitted, show no Washington, April 10.
Sol C. Siegel.
change as yet, "but changes may be 'Blithe' Co. Returning Abe Silvcrberg. Okinawa action film Irving Lesser is general chairman of
First batch of
expected later, and. we hope, for the London, March 29.
Phil Silvers.
—40,000 feet of it— was brought to the N. Y. area War Activities Com-
better." Spirit" company, which
"Blithe Peter Tinturin. Washington last Thursday by Lt. mittee during the campaign.
came over eight months ago and en- Michael Todd. John Munroe, ex-Movietone lenser
tertained the 8th Army for last six Robert Vogel. now shooting combat stuff for the FITZGERALD BATES STAR
Hodge's London Hop months, returns to the U. S. next Perc Westmore. Navy. Hollywood, April 10.
T 0mas Hod «e assistant director week. Herbert Yates.
*Munroe directed 105 Army and Barry Fitzgerald, Oscar winner,
«* *u '

01 the Film Division of the British Cast is headed by Peggy Wood, Navy cameramen making films of will star as a boarding house keeper
information Services, left New York with Valerie Cossart Doreen Lang, the initial landings and of the de- in "Third Avenue," slated for sum-
wsiAvcek for England for a month's Virginia Barton. Ethel Intropidi N. Y. to L. A. struction of the little Nip suicide- mer production at Paramount,
.visit. Sam boas which were wrecked before New
Hollo Peters, Geoffrey Lumb, and Katz. Story, of modern life in york
He will headquarter at the BMI Edward: O'Connor, who is manager Nat Wolff. they had a chance to launch torpe- is being scripted by Anne Froellck
°"»ces in London. and stage director. Ralph Wonders. does at our craft. and John McNulty.

Wednesday, April 11, 1948 P^RttfY

^ < Yes, hold plenty of extra time for Lubitsch's^J^A ROYAL SCANDAL"!
14 FILM REVIEWS Wednesday, Apri^ 11, 1915

Salome, Where She de Sylva is. supposed to have paid

for the "Stork Club" title. And that Miniature Reviews
A Medal for Beany little different from her usual
couth blowsy parts and gives it her
Hollywood, April
Daneed goes for Rose and the 76G he's sup- Paramount release ot Paul Joneo produc- usual treatment. Peter Whitney does

(Songs) "Salome, Where She Danced* twin assignment as the hot-very-

posed to have gotten for his rights. tion. Stars Dorothy Ijunour and Arlui'o de
(TECHNICOLOR) They should pay Hollywood. Wotta (U-Wangcr) (Songs; Color) Cordova; features J. t.'prrol Nalsh and -Mlk- bright Fleagle boys, and Barbara

Beautifully filmed drama headed lutll RaBumny, Fernando Alvnrado and Pepper comes on late
Vnlversal release of Waller Wanger trailer!
Frank MvIIukIi. Directed by Irving I'lvlicl. as Bonnie, es-
f Alexander' production. Slurs
tiolllzen) But, basically, none of these ideas for strong b.o. .Screenplay, Frank ilutler, with additional caped from jai.1 and wanting hrr hid-
\\oiine do Curio: features llnd Cameron.
dialog by Jack WnKiier. bused on story by den loot. Mabel Pnigc completes ihe

is any good if the production values "Diamond Horseshoe" (Mu-

l>n\UT IIiiiit. Wa'lior Sli r.nk. AH>ert Dekkcr,
Mai-Julie llainlii'ali, .1. lalward HinnililiK. miss. Producer Bill Perlberg and sical; Color) (20th), Betty John Steinbeck and Jack WaKiier; camera, wejrd family as Grannie.
Dlncn-.l by I'hnrlea j*anliinl. Screenplay. scripter George Seaton, who is also Lionel Lthdon; special elTei-ts, liorduit Jen- Production dress, photography, etc
Grable-Dick .Haymes starred in nings: music. Victor Young; editor, Artbur > "'
JaiiM-encr Smiling* frvon original by Mlrliiu'l making his debut as a director, made
Hal .Mohr. W. Howard socko filmusrical. SVhmldl. Reviewed In projection room, are expert for plot background.'
' •

J. Phillips: .-nhicra.

t.recnr: Tradr- sure of everything. April 4, '<:>. ftunuliiK. time. 1» .MINS. Brog.
eilllur. lliiavi-ll Scnoellg.'lrrh'. "The Valley of Decision"
nliuivn .N. V.. Anrll I'l. 'Vi. -
Ilunnlng lime. For one thini;, the basic story is .olltnsierra. Ihu-othy laimoiit-
ns mixs. solid. You could call the Diamond (M-G). High caliber drama for Joe ^Morales ..\rluro dc t'onlnva-
SHlnme Ytonne de Carlo Horseshoe the Creep Club and Billy carriage and trolley .-trade.' Head- t'linricy Martin. . I. t-ari-ol N*ul»-tt Seared Stiff
Jim Nod raini-ron Itaphilel ^'alallna ..Mlklliih lUiKumny
David llimi' Rose might be Joe Blow for nil that ing for lush b.o. cain.

l--iM-uumlti Alvarinlo Hollywood, April 10.

i*hllo Kleu-a

a -l.-vf . .

Walter sioiak matters. True, it lends an authenti- .t'liarley Dluule Paramountrelcaso or Pini'-Tlntina;. pro-
"A Medal For Benny" Par) i
/.uck Mllilis. . .

Fnink M. UiiKh illlctlpn. Associate protlui-i-r. 'Ma\\iell-

Vi.n n •-
. Alln-i-l !)»kki'i-
city and realism which arc undeni- HilKar Jjivi'kln. . .
Sltini»,Slavs Jilck Haley.. Ann Savauc. Di-
2t(iidiiin. .'. .Marjorie Mamhcau Dorothy Lamou'r. and Arturp de Toodles t'asll-o Husllii Moreno
able. But more potent are the plot rected by Frank MvDnnalir.

S.-i uiilay
l' K.vur '.Max .J. Kdward ltvoml»»-rK .

Cordova in neat entertainment. rantura's Mayor. lirant Mitchell

OeolTrvy Homes and -Ma.wvoll. Sham-: rami-
Dr. l.lng .'Abner llilierman components. It builds a solid heart The General Douglas Dumbrlllo- era.
Fred Jackmun, Jr.: cilliur.
Cenvial l i i' .John: laltcl story in a manner which is enough "Murder, He. Says''' tPar). .

SmltlK Tr'ndenhown I-oa Apm-li

.... .Kurt .Knlrft aiu-ii
Hlsiniirk .:
Avihur llulil
of a switch on the backstage formula Broad comedy with good box- Paramount hot only has a real I.-.. Uunnliik- lime. 0.1 MINS.
H::rii'iiili r : .

Paiialcl: .Netdnr Palva to make it different. office prospects. sleeper in "A Medal For Benny,"
Larry Billot Haley

111 iiiliTMin Betty Grablc and Dick Hay mcs are .Uavin Mujr
but also a picture that lifts two
Sully Wiirii'n; \nn Savaue
.Will Wright "Seared SUIT (Pari. Light Itvacon Mnrkhum..? ll n tiai.Macl dine.
costarred and this,: bf course, puts
. .
Kin Itr
players to new histrionic heights.- .Wda
i .

) lenry ........ Joseph Haworlh weight comedy mystery, fair

. Flo, It'isi^jn. . . . ... . , . . . 'Alio. Hon
the crooner ;Over solidly as a film

I.aiv ..Malt McHllKll They are Dorothy Lamour and J. KiniTson. Cooke. .Artliill- .\» l -HWni-lh

Salnim- I'.liih: Ponl Adams. Barbara Hales. juvenile.': 'William Gaxton 'plays dualer.
Carrol Nalsh. The performance ' .Mink... i . . .i;ci>i'kc II. Simla

Pauii Kennedy. Kathleen O'Malley. Kami Haymes' father, the lead at the Horse- t'h.'irlcM Wuldeck.... . .I.n. iiai ili-neul

flamMr-. Jean Trent. .Kerry Vaughn.

"The Bullflrhterit" <20lh). turned in by Arluro dc Cordova is I'reston Waldcck... I ii-ii l.iltMli-ld
shoe, forever squabbling with Miss

Routine Laurel and Hardy com- also one that will not pass un- I'anl llin-st
Grable, the No. 1 cheesecake. Haymes noticed. Film should do good biz Mrs. I'llunii'll Kcane Prof. Wlsnerv. .Hoberl
Notable for many gorgeous scenes gives up medicine for a stage career,
edy for twin bills. !*onke.. .. .......... .I'llly Malyon
on the singles when once the word-; Oliver Waldeck

r.u-ldv Swan
in Technicolor, plus the introduction and while Miss Grabic starts out un- "Leave It To Blondle" (Col). of-mouth gets around. Jtlchnrdson
i. . . .


I'tyor , It-'i;i'i-.
of Yvonne de Carlo, a gal whom der a cloud she emerges the. noble
. . ,

New "Blondic" entrant up t6 dual "Benny" runs only 79 minutes,

Walter Wanger discovered after a influence to get him back to his M.D. standard. bet it is 79 minutes packed with' "Scared Stiff" is a thinly spaced
nationwide search lor a lead, "Sa- studies, an objective in which Gaxton fast r moving entertainment, out- programmer about a
lome, Where She Danced", has strong fails and for which he had blamed "Fog Island" (PRC). A chiller milquetoast
and good dualler. standing performances and true-to- chess player who turns reporter. It's
entertainment value. Aided by good his son's romantic vis-a-vis.. lifc mounting. never believable but does manage
exploitation it should do well at the Interlarded is convincing dialog as "The Town Went Wild" "Benny" is backgrounded against to inject a few chuckles around Jack
boxofficc in all situations, although Seatoit contrived it and also directed (PRC). A lesser- dualler. the Mexican fisherman wharves ad- Haley's autics. Strictly dual product
there is a no-name cast. so well. Phil Silvers noes a convinc- jacent to any California city from that's not up to the standard of pre-
Kay "Hollywood And Vine" (PRC).
Despite the fact that the story-lii\e ing stagemanager, - Beatrice San Diego to Montei-ey. Benny, who vious Pine-Thomas small-budgeted
and screenplay contain several, dis- (from radio) is the lovelorn old gal, Superior comedy for double bill. never appears on the screen, is the features.
jointed attributes, the picture im- featuring her yesteryear .songs; and settlement'sbad boy, yet one of Haley is seen as a dope who doesn't
presses because of the settings, color Gaxton is completely convincing as whom his aged father (Naish) is know news, even when it knrfeks him
and money that obviously was put the over-intense father Of the boy, .
Tay Garnett's skillful direction and proud. -Ruled out of. the locale by down. After fumbling all assign-
into it by Wanger. Miss de Carlo, a bent on keeping him clear of show the high calibre trouping, that means the courts, Bennyis not heard from ments he's given one more chance,
looker with lots of talent, should go business. Willie Solar reprises his most favorable word-of-mouth to -

for months; then, suddenly, the only because the rest of the paper's
far with more experience and the Standard specialty, realistically Out strengthen the value of the marquee Chamber of Commerce is notified stair are out chasing an escaped
buildup which Universal is currently of one of Rose's Diamond Horseshoe names headed by Greer Garson. that a hometown boy has been sangslcr. Sent to cover an annual
giving her. She formerly played bit fevues. Carmen Cavallaro has an While emotional quality will partic- awarded the -Congressional Medal of wine festival in a nearby .town, the
parts in several Hollywood lesser OK albeit somewhat wasted specialty ularly appeal to the femme trade, Honor for. having killed, single-
dope goes to the. wrong place. En
productions. She makes capital of in what is supposed to be a non- there's plenty of meat to lioffl the handed, 100 Japs in the Manila area,
route a man on the bus is murdered
her big chance, however. She emotes descript Village spot. male patron as it unfolds. before being extinguished by a
and suspected. Bus passen- Haley's
•w.ell, dances and sings capably, and Mack Gordon and Harry Warren The Marcia Davenport novel of the sniper's bullet. gers are confined in an old inn and
the camerawork of Hal Mohr and W. have, handtailored. a set of songs same title contained enough mate- From there on out, it is Sinclair winery while waiting arrival of a
Howard Greene do her justice at all which bolster the libretto handily, rial for any number of pictures, and Lewis' "Main Street," with press-
slow-moving sheriff. .

times. Supporting cast of Rod Cam- and dance stager Hermes Pan has scripters John Meehan and Sonya agents, bankers and city officials,
Long arm of coincidence has placed
eron, as a roving newspaperman; Da- done tricks with his material. Apart Levien have made, wise choice on all of whom in the past brushed off Haley's
girl friend, Ann Savage, a
vid Bruce, as the one whom she loves from the usual ballad contenders, and what they plucked from the tome, as old Charley, trying, to seek his favor. femme detective, Veda Ann Borg,
above all the others; Walter Slezak, there are two good ones In "I Wish I a basis of the film. There are a few Naish's speech, as he finally accepts
and sundry characters on the same,
as. the wealthy Russian: Albert Dek- Knew" and "The More I See You," changes in characters and twisting the posthumous award on behalf of bus. Miss
Savage wants to buy a set
ker. as the Prussian military official, there's imaginative staging arid cos- of events but no reader of the book his boy,is something memorable.
of antique, jeweled chess men from
and Marjorie Rambeau and J. Ed- tume-setting, as in "The Mink La- will be able to quarrel with the film's Miss Lamour, loyal to- Charley, the twin brothers operating t lie inn.
ward Bromberg gives fairly impres- ment" (dream sequence); a gay and results. It's a class attraction from because she -was lopg betrothed to Miss Borg is seeking to recover
sive performances. colorful "Acapulco," an old-fashioned
any angle as delivered under the Benny, and the ne'er-do-well Joe them for a client, from whom they
Story takes reporter Cameron from melody vs. jive number, capped by a production supervision of Edwin H. (de Cordova) are in love, but Joe were stolen by Barton MacLane, the
the final surrender of General Lee good rhythmic tune, "A Nickel's Knopf. enlists in the Army instead of escaped gangster.
He, in .turn, had
in the Civil War to Berlin where he Worth of Jive." Plot picks up the Scott clan, a marrying her in the final' fade, be- sold them to the twins and now
meets Salome. After she helps him Per cinematic, custom, some of Pittsburgh pioneer steel family, at cause, he too, doesn't want to ruin wants
them back for getaway coin;
find out the starting date of the Ger- these so-called cabaret revue num- the time Irish Mary Rafferty comes Charley's illusions. Moafc.
For good measure, script also tosses
man-Austrian war, the Germans dis- bers could happen only in Madison to join it as. in-between-maid. The in a child prodigy to further confuse
cover that she is a spy, but she flees Square Garden, but this again is ac- tale of unfulfilled love between the
Marder, He Saya the issues. Barton shows iip at the
to America before they can capture cepted Hollywood license by now. servant girl and young Paul Scott, inn and from then on it's one long,
Hollywood, April
her. On the way across the desert, On the other hand, the Diamond
one of the family's sons, is beauti- .Paramount release of K. -D. l^shln pro- overdone chase. Haley finally cap-
the reporter, her music teacher Horseshoe decor and policy are some- fully and movingly dealt with by duction. Slant Fred MiicMurrnv reatures :
tures the gangster and the murderer,
Bromberg) and Salome run out of times so faithful it's startlingly fa-
• performance, direction and writing. Helen Walker, Mai Jvrle Main. Dli-ecled hy but the dope still doesn't know he
funds and she gives a performance in miliar, even unto a lyrical ad for the Mary rises to post of family confi- tieorge Marsluill. Scivenplay,- Isnrhresloiv; has a story and only apologizes for.
a mining town,-only to be robbed by joint, such as the line, 'Two shows dante, succors the young daughter story, Jack Moffltl; camera. 'I'beodor. Spar- muffing the grape-squeezing celebra-
kuhl; special errecls.'Coiiltin-Jennlngs, Paul
bandits who had been preying on the every night (without a cover)". through trying love affairs, and gen- T>rpac:. editor, l.eltoy stone; score, Holie.rl tion.
town. Leader of the bandits falls for The opening and closing flash erally manages the Scotts whom she Rmmett Polan. 'J-radeshown tx>a AnKeies, Cast tries hard and there's nothing
her, returns the money and, at last, numbers are dandy. Gaxton, as the has grown to love as her own. It's April (, llunninij lime. KB MINN. particularly wrong with its work, but
she winds up in San Francisco where showman-chef who dishes up the en- all told so credibly there is little of Pete Marshall -.-Fred Mac.Murrsv the way it all jells leaves it still-
she becomes the toast of the town tertainment menu, opens with a mix- make-believe about it and therein t'lalre Mathews Ile|vn. Walker pretty shaky. Brop.
Ma*tnle Johnson .Marjorie Main
through the good offices of Russian ture of spices, and ends with "des- lies the strength of its drama and po-
•Many Fleairle .'Jean Heather
moneybags Slezak. Then comes the sert," an imaginative chapeaux dis- tential word-of-mouth draw. Mary Mr. Johnson:... ......Porter Hall The Bullflghiers
denouement. play that will probably give. John- carries the family through minor and Men Kleaxle jvier Whitney
Picture is replete with action and
Sally Victor. Frederics, Walter Flo- major crises and in the end .saves the tarandma Fleagle Maliel 'Psiite (ONE SONG)
rell, et al. ideas. Bonnie Fleagle. llarhara Pepper 9hh-Fo.t release of William iranl pro-
the usual western accoutrements. beloved steel plant' for Paul Scott duclloii. Stars Stan Istm-ei nl illiver
However, there is romance and other The kaleidoscope of cocktailery and when less-interested members of the Mardy: Margn WmMc. Hichat-d
: features

sequences which will please the nitery fun in which the stellar pair family would sell out. Story ends on This one tosses logic but the win- Lane, Carol Andrews. Dlosa- I V-drllo. Dl-
women. It's got everything that engage is compactly done with a that note with, only the promise thatdow and devotes itself to broad slap- reeled iiy Mat St. Clair. Scic,iipla>. W.
Scoll Parllng; camera. Xoi-Ihti Mi-mllne.
makes for good b.o. except a strong series of shots. The. funniest is not she and Paul, although unable to stick. Laughs clock heavily and pace .

editor. Stanley llabjohn. Tra'di->diiitvp In

story-line. Art directors John B
too broad a satire on one of those marry, will find happiness in uncon- moves so swiftly audiences won't X. Y. April 0, '4fi. Running linn-. Al Ml NR.
Goodman and Alexander Golitzen dance-on-a-dime. jampacked jam ses- summated love. have a chance to discover it is a lot r,Hiirel and Hardy v Ylleiii*HveB
sion joints on 52d St. There's also, a
Music score by Herbert Stothart of to-do about nothing and thinly
'J*nnKerlne Mi-rKO \\*iHiile
(latter is also associate producer) Hot shot Coleman ...... Itli-bin'.l T.'
had a field day in bringing this one good running gag about "the show sets an unobtrusive background mood premised
until it's well over. It's
llattle Blake . . . .t'ai'oi. Amlreivs
through, since the strings were off must go on," and the spectacled Phil for the Individual performance gems. strictly
escapist fare that will play (
'onclilta ,',,,, .... .Dlosa INisiellct

the bankroll and they made the best Silvers is solid in one satirical obli- Casting is of uniform excellence,
hilariously as top material in all situ- HI Rrlllante
,, ,. . l-'raiik Mct!own
Fred MacMurray's name on ItHlpb Ssnford
./of it. Four tunes are oldies of the gate to "Climb the Highest Moun- topped by Greer Garson's superb ations,
Mr. Gump Irving ttnmp
•"Civil War e"ra, couple of which have tains." He also ad libs a clarinet solo the marquee will also help the box-

work. It is only in the initial scenes Viihho Kit Liara-nft

lived through the years. via an offstage mike which is strong that Miss Garson. physically, doesn't office along. Spanish Girl .fail-i-iiini' lie Wnoil
Steh. Prosecutor.
for laugh returns. Vigorous, but certainly not subtle, . . .Knimeit VohsU
quite fit the picture of the young Master of Ceremonies Ilucrr Netiry
^hile Haymes looks a shade too Irish girl, but as characters and the direction by George Marshall punches Judke.
Diamond Horseshoe adolescent as Miss Grable's romance story mature she rises to every de- the many sight gags and physical Hotel Clerk
:i;us (ilasxmlre

iiafad Storm
(MUSICAL; TECHNICOLOR) interest, which is no unvhivalrous re- mand. Gregory Peck, playing oppo- comedy to gloss over fact that main l.llls. ..lav .Vovello
characters are thinly disguia-ed por- . Mil(bth|e-^,.,,.Our Zane'.' -. J.^''""! i'-;it»e.c„
20i n-Kux release of
William Perlberg pn . flection on the highly photogenic site as Paul Scott, Is standout." He Atiendunt: M.iv Waaner
JimiMin. Mum Brtiy tirnble, Dick traits of a number of sordid mid-
Haymes; femme, he overcomes that as the has the personality' and ability to Walter roriiinal
rein urea inn silvers, William (Saxton. west bad boys and girls. They are
Bea- footage progresses. Per usual Miss command and hold attention in any Te.vsn. .-
I la ii|,- Warden.
trice Kay, Oilmen Oavallaro.
Willie Solar,
Jlninaiel DumoiU. Directed '-mid -written by Grable handles her song-and-dance- scene. "Tobacco Road" in actions
all strictly Mexlvan Policemen I Umn'iiiKiieif,'

ology for socko results, and Haymes' and dress and only fact that they are Stcvan Uariel)
bc-urgo s.'aton. Suggested by play of Donald Crisp, the senor Scott; played for broad laughs keeps them
kenyiin Nicholson, produced by Chaa. I. crooning, always acceptable, is played
Wagner: songs. Mark Gordon-Harry Vyar down and his dramatic role is ac- Lionel Barrymore, Mary's mentally from
being repulsive. Script piles on Newest adventure of Laurel & .

ren: .laiucs. Hermes Pan; music, ''Alfred and. physically crisppled father; Pres- Hardy finds the pair in Mexico City
cented. He should click in pix, evi the corn thickly in detailing story
Newman, Chas. Henderson: arrangements, ton Foster, steel workers' union of the weird Fleagle family,, outlaw with the little guy winding up an
Herbert Spencer: edltnv, Roht. SlmiiHon. dencing nice ability with lines. As
leader, and Marsha Hunt, as Con- unwilling matador. "The Bullfight-
hillbillies, and what happens to a
Tr«d»>diowii April 3, '40. Running lime, for Gaxton, this is perhaps his best stance Scott all give assured per- ers" sticks close to the accepted L&H
KM MIXS. screen performance to date, in a solid Trotter Poll man, collecting rural
Itonnic 'Culling. formances. Character of Constance data, when he crosses the Fleagles' formula and should do no better and
Belly Gi-nhle believable assignment.
. .
Jne Davj*. ,|r .,.,.'. .blvk Ihiymes has been given a happier English path. no worse than previous films starring
Hllnky Walker..:, Phil Slivers marriage than in the uook. and John the duo. dualer. A
MacMurVay is the Trotter man,
Joe Davis. Sr:
Claire WMIIaJlis...
. William
.Healiloe Kay
(iji.vlnn The Valley of Itoclsloa Warburton as her husband is a cast sent into a mountain district to And The comics and director Mai St.
Hollywood, April 10.
asset. Gladys Cooper (Mrs. Scott), out what has happened to previous Clair have added, nothing novel to
ft.'armen ('avnllaro
Speclali ies. ........ . IWillie Solnr Metro release -of Krivvln >l. Knnpf pro- Reginald Owen (McCready), Dan Trotterites polling the section. It
the exasperation, etc., routines on
.Mrs. Staii.Hyli...ii . . Mai-ffaret - lhimont duction. StilrK (ireer (varaou. (ireKur.VrPevk; Duryea (Willie Scott), Jessica Tandy seems they have done okay until ap- which Laurel & Hardy have been
Harjior .. Uoy nenmni realities. Donald .(VIsp. Linitel llitrryniure., (Louise Kane), Marshall Thompson cashing in with result that, except

Preston Foster, Marsha llunt. Directed by '

proaching the Fleagles, who don't
.(ji>orKe Melfnrd
. ... .
Tay (larnetl. Screenplay. John .Meehan. (Ted Scott), and Barbara Everest like strangers and calmly bump them for locale, ''Bullfighters" differs little
Caller. ...Hal JC- DaivKtiu
. . .. , .

Sonya r.evien: hAsed on nnveJ liy Mavela (Delia) are each factors in the play- efforts. Supporting cast, from earlier
I>nni-v Director ...Kenny Williams off. The Fleagles are searching for
'lUf-i'iiv. Keed lad lev
UaviMipnri : vaiiiiTa,
nuilciibei'K*; .Joseph ing that add to the credit side. Oth- with little to do, does it acceptably
. . . I
si-ore,. Herltert jsiinhati: *|H>clal effect*. A. $70,000 in loot hidden by Bonnie
Hai inel Player. ....UddiA.Ai.iirt ers, too, are worthy. enough.
f» ruya n
. .
Arnold (jlllesple. Warren Xewcombe: editor, Fleagle (a facsimile of the midwest's
. . .Kilwartl (fai-CHll Production appurtenances measure
8lam4ie Si-well. Tradeahimli Ijis AnKcles, cigar-smoking femme bandit, Bonnie
. . .

tViiiihfj'lic Woman.

Fiery Diosa Costello gets a chance
'..Ituih April '-in. nuiinlnic lime, UK MIX**. up to the usual top Metro quality, to display her cooch rhumba in a

.\rary KafTerly ...... .Kreer Usivon

Parker). Latter is in the jug. for her
fiilll SVoll 'tjreKory I'et-K
with fine camera work by Josetih crimes and rest of Die family is try- cafe song-dance specialty.. "Biin. Bam
"Diamond Horseshoe" should be William St'irii. ..... Donald Crisp . . ,
Rultenbcrg and special effects. ing to pull a doublecross with the Boom," and cashes, okay. Sequence
plenty lucky for everybody. This I'sl llulTei ly, rn.onel Hnrryniure Brofj. coin.' Helen Walker is also on the gave lots of evidence that shears had
. . . . . • «
Technicolorcd tilmusical has every- lint .llreiiiisn. I'reslon Foster . .

scene, seeking the money to save her been used plenty to reduce the tem-
thing for the b.o.— flash, glamour, Otinslailce Sriili .... Marsha Hunt
('larlsMi Scott .'. .ijlndyit Ooapev . . . . .
M-G'S MOPPET OCTET father, a bank teller falsely accused perature of the dance routine. Margo
stars, tunes and entertainment. Alcl-reinlv IteKlnali) ()weu . . . of stealing it. Woode and Carol Andrews are easy
It's a cinch to hasten the saloon William Sl ut Jr. Dun Put-yea I . . . ... .-. .

Hollywood, April 10. on the eyes during their brief chances
Louise ..lesKlva Tanily . . .
Continuous chases, fights, etc., keep
cycle which is already underway Oell ., ..Uarbai-tL Rveresl .
. .
of .
Dean the issues in a mad shambles before and Richard Lane and Ralph San-

with Paramount's "Stork Club." Ted Si-olt -.Marshall 'rhnmpson Stockwell, who
recently clicked In
MacMurray and Miss Walker barely fprd, as the bullfight impresarios,
Metros "Weekend at the Waldorf," Kate .Hhaniinn .flernhllne Wall ;. . . . . ; . .
"A nchors A weigh," makes a total of escape with their lives and the odd handle themselves acceptably. .

not to mention the assorted ideas of Mi'.". V'nllahiih. Kvelyn Piiokson . . . , . .

lilies'.. ... Jobn "Wai-hurton .'

. . . .
eight moppets on Metro's term con- characters are rounded up by the Interspersed in the final 'action
building pix around other w.k. bis- Mr. .I.aliieiire (^a)lnrd.. Russell Hick* law. A funny sight gag is phos- centered on Laurel's unhappy experi-
tract roster. '.
tros such as the Copacabaha and .hllla tlaylard...- .......... sfm-y Tiord phorescent effect achieved on some ence in the bullring are several ex-
Latin Quarter, and hostelries like the (!ullalKln..- .'.-:-.'. Arthur Shields Other kids drawing regular sal-
of the players who are being slowly cellent shots of actual bullfights high-

r.nilie ...Dean Stockwell on

Astor and Plaza. . .
aries the lot are Margaret

poisoned by Porter Hall, the' wacky lighted by one or two.topiiblch ex-

.\li-y; r.aiireni'e tiayli<ril. .Mary ('lltTler
After Sherman Billingsley sees O'Brien, Butch Jenkins, Sharon Mc- husband of Ma Fleagle. amples' of exciting cape work by
what 20th-Fox did for Billy Rose's "The Valley Of Decision" is certain Manus, Skippy Hpmeler, Elizabeth MacMurray and Miss Walker do bona-flde exponents of the Spanish
West 46lh street (N. Y.): cabaret, he boff boxoffjee. There is a human Taylor, Jane Powell and Claude Jar- creditably by their assignments. Mar- pageantry. There^- also ar c a couplf .

should give back the $100,000 Buddy -quality to Its drama, brought out by man, Jr. jorie Main finds role of Ma Fleagle (Continued on page 20)
Wednesday, April 11, 1945 t^RIETY 15


This is for all the neighbors of America to see and sigh

and sing about. It is glad and sad and funny all rolled
into one great entertainment, We'd be very proud
to have you tell your crowds that M-G-M made it!

Keep Selling Borvfcf \Fv3

. A i .


16 INTERNATIONAL Bt, .Miirl1a> I'Iiiit, Trafalgar Hi|W«


Fear Anti-Nazi films in Argentine Inside Stuff-Pictures
TO IMPORT FOR LONDON Contests are out in the Washington .'newspapers, but "A Song to Re.

London. April. -10. member" has broken the spell with the live Washington newspapers co«
Will Stay Banned Despite Govt Move who imported severni
:hs. ''who-
Jbc. "Sachs. severe!
0 p C ,„ijng. The competition will pick the best dramatic actress and singer
American .musicals to England, dur- T)le bour( 0 f judges will'be composed of. Bryson Rash, radio editor of

Montevideo. April )0. — : ——— ing World War I, is leaving for the Wa!m ng on Star. Sonia Stein, radio editor or the Washington

United Slates during the week of Bul k)a „ di general manager of WTOP. Harry Anger, managing director
Post Carl
Even the switchover of Argentine i
_^ , j t> n ;

April 16. He intends to negotiate , hc Eal le theatre; Sam Galanty. division manager of Columbia
to me anti-Axis side is not going to i
Pressburger and Powell :

for English rights to Broadway hits al , d u u! j 0 ,„..-drama editors of the local dailies. Auditions will begin next
make any immediate change -in pol- Want U.S. Stars for Brit. on behalf of Jack Hylton.
icy as regards maiiy anti-Axis screen
Monday illii in the studio of station WfOP.
Eirieric Pressburger and Michael Sachs will make his U. S. head-
productions, it's predicted here. Thjs
Powell left New York
for the Coast . quarters at .the offices of the Wil-
policy has ':epl Argentine picture

Souvenirs of adventures that cost him plenty are. going to be sent to

Sunday 'Hi seeking two U. S. leads liam Morris agency in New York.
.patrons from seeing many American

productions such as The Dictator." •

for "Matter of Life and Death," , !
— : — '",' film critics of the N: Y. dailies as a gag in connection with. Par's forth-
which they are planning to produce coming "Sally O'Rourke-' by Jack -Mclnerwy, publicity-advertising direc-.
Reason for this is thai (he Director.; ]

in England. Story is an original by tor of the N. Y. Paramount theatre. ^Amused by recent- usage of thc old gag ',

de Especlactiios Publico?, who lias-' -

Pressburger. While in Hollywood of sending critics somelhing'VemiiHling them of a picture, such as saplings
appointed himself enterlainmeu^dic--,
tutor of Buenos Aires, has ruled that
the producers also try to nr-
will Sir Ben Fuller on "Tree Crowns in Brooklyn'' and a hotel key on "Hotel Berlin,'' Mclncr-.
range for Technicolor availability. .
ney has dug tip iriutuel tickets he inherited from racetracks where his
no legit or serpen performance can ;
Unit plans two films annually in horses didn't run; fast enough, for '".O'Rourke."--';.
be given without his. personal okay. England.' First completed. "I. Know
His approval also is necessary on
All propaganda and exploitation ma-
Where I'm Going.'' is not set for dis- DueinN.YM Eng. I How soprano down to a pop singer is a problem
to whittle a high-soaring
tribution in the U. S: thus far.
on a major lot. Chief result thus far is that one of the studio's top musical

terial. While Seiior Solognesi, new Sydney, April 10/

amusement boss, may lake a more !
'.'.'" •
directors has resigned in protest. Mindrul of the singing of Judy- Garland
iiv-Bcnjamin Fuller will visit New
h n _ n nr in "Meet Me In Si. Louis." the studio aims to star its soprano in a musical

lenient attitude later, right now he r • _ 1

appears to have liked: things closer j HcWJ ICnSIOD IVUIcS III
next "July,
of new shows and
in seti'rch'
then proceed to
based on Chicago's World's Fair of 1893, with songs of that era. Producer
to Mussolini than to the United has instructions to go. high on tlic budget and low on the gal's vocal
Nations. Argent. Bop Musicians;
talent for Australia's major circuits.
calisthenics, .:'•.
He will be. on the lookout for peo-
Censorship also covers newsreels, ple and programs in legit, vaudeville
and little pro- Allied material is al- Sixth producer takes off with. "The Enchanted Voyage" at 20th-Fbx,
lowed to pass.
Trims Size of Bands and revues fields.
after five olhors had made false starts and 20th-Fbx had run up. scripting
Montevideo. April 3. He is also showing increased in-
bills of more than $150,000 since the Robert Nathan yarn was bought for
Argentina's musicians are the lat- terest in films. Sir Benjamin is said
$30,000 in 1935. Walter Morosco, the sixth skipper, finally got the story
group to. be hit by the social leg- to be planning to book independent
OM Union Squabble est
islation enacted by the military 1 Aim product, postwar, through his
into shape, with the. scripting aid of Elick Moll. Lloyd. Bacon Hirer!*, start-
ing in June. '

owji distribution setup here, He is


regime in that country. New. meas :

Linked to Outbreak u res have thrown the show world also looking forward toward extend-
ing his own cinema loop in this Recent, reports that Loe.w's might reacquire the Ziegfeldi N. Y., or that

into .confusion, hitting radio net-

country. Billy Rose, Who owns it, would dispose of the theatre to someone else,
Of Mex. Pix Sabotage works, nileries. theatres, restaurants
are augmented by talk .that RKO
was interested in obUiining the house.
Mexico and cafes. Early closing rules, made Sir Ben's -son, A. Ben Fuller, and
City, April 10. Rose, whose "Seven Lively Arts" i legit) is current at the. Ziegfeld, de-
to s ave f«el, are forcing the early his partner, Garnet Carroll, will be
The Mexican picture industry's- in- .

losing of n.tenes, cafes and re*-' given charge of the entire Fuller
hies that there js any deal with or others, adding, that he isnTeriler- RKO
ternal strife continues, latest being taining any thought of selling it.
'U'urante In. this notoriously 'latc-to-. setup here,
an outbreak of apparent sabotage in
three, important exhibitor areas. bed city: This has meant niuch un-
employment for musicians and nilcry Only one of the seven racketeers, whose convictions on picture industry
Trouble has been reported In Mon- shakedowns was upheld, last week-by the :U. S.-Supreme Court, was for-
entertainers, and was bad enough.
terey, industrial key city, and in
But on top of this the recent en-
Plan Dubbing of Russ merly ldenliAed with the IATSE, this being Louis Kaufman, who was biz
several cities of Puebla and Tabasco
forcement of a Pension Law for all rep of the Newark operators' local: Even he. like the six Chicago racket-
states. Pictures in' which "Canlin- Only Kaufman was ever a card holder.
"commercial employees" has created Pix for Latin-America; eers,'- were- never IA officials.
flas" (Mario Moreno), Jorge Negrete
a problem for Argentine musicians
and Maria Felix are starred appar-
ently, are the only ones hit; Films •
and all outfits using orchestras. Ac- Would
Sync in Mexico Following Metro's lavish expenditure on a hotel .set for "Weekencl
cording to the interpretation of law, construction
had been tampered, with so that ex- Mexico City, April 10. the Waldorf," Paramount has- spent an estimated $75,000 for
musicians and nilery entertainers, Mexicon hostelry layout, one of the largest ever erected on the
hibitors were unable to screen them. Alfred Gomez Vega, who repre- of a

are classed as "commercial employ- one respect the Paramount out-Waldorr»

Believed here that, the mobster for "Masquerade in Mexico:" In
ees" and must therefore accept the sents Russian Aim and stage inter-
work is an outgrowth ol recent ests in Mexico* has announced that
the Astoria. It has a tropical, patio with a swimming pool.
union trouble since all three stars
8% deductions on their pay. Em- - '

ployers must contribute ll't,. This Russian Alms will have Spanish dia-
against whose pictures the sabotage logue. Pictures will be dubbed in by Major Freddie Brisson states he doesn't know where those reports
unexpected extra burden has caused it's not. so. at,
was directed were leaders in the many entertainment enterprises (in- Mexican artists: Present plan is to Rosalind Russell doing a Broadway play started, because
started a Tnclure
move which saw six locals breaking cluding radio networks to pull in distribute these synced versions least for a couple of years. His wife, Miss Russell, just
away from National Cinemato- throughout the Americas, on her home lot. Columbia, has "Sister Kenny" next at RKO, and then
their horns and limit expenditure to
graphic Industry Workers, union to
the minimum.
Gomez stated that he now is work another loanout at Warners. .

form their own. District' attorney's

Because orchestra leaders are. cus- ing on the dialogue of the Russo
office probing the sabotage, worst
tomarily .paid a round sum out of
Aim, "Wait For Me" which is based
of, .
was in Monterey, where
\yhich which they in turn pay their musi- on Russia's most popular wartime
three film theatres were deprived of
cians, there is a dispute over who
song. '-.-'-
Much Ado Raw Film
Salvador Carrillo, boss of the Na-
should be responsible for the 11 r
Some critics of the law claim that

— Continued from page 1 sis Continued from page 3

Union now waiting trial for

manhandling Gabriel Flgueroa, ace
the average musician or entertainer
would have to -work for 50 years to
CIM PITCH FOR MEX everyone .
within shouting distance distribution radically since Juggling
of prints from one exchange area to
cameraman and active in the union of the red-haired Dominican ac- another had not proved very satis-
become, entitled to a .pension. This,
has denied that he instigated the PIX is because the average musician only
ACTOR ARMENDARIZ tress," said the Sun. "She was al- factory,, particularly in the case of
sabotage: He also denied the charge Pedro Armcndariz. Mexican Aim
lias 60 to 150 working days per most tearful as. she told one and all, Technicolor pictures.
made by David Silvia, a prominent year. star under personal contract for U. S. re-
film actor, that he blackjacked pro
everytime I go to Chicago, some- . Under a print ceiling, it Is

Cited that the leaders of many pix to Mary Pickford and Hunt body has steal something. Eight '
ported Metro and possibly other dis-
ducers.out of $50,000 (Mex) per pro second-class orchestras often earn Slromberg, is guest of. honor at func- beautiful Lily Dache hats last night tribs would have been' obliged to
duction -to guarantee freedom from less than the members of their units tions arranged by the Committee of
and now. only seex.'. She bahged the curtail selling to. some exhibitors.
labor trouble on each new picture and don't have enbtigh capital to Inter-American Affairs in Washing- .
side of a baggage car with clenched Thus, if in a given area a picture be-
contribute the 11% required by law. ton this week fostering Pan-Ameri- (1st. 'I weel not move until they
come came available for some 50 exhibi-
Union groups are agitating for re- can relations. back. I weel sue. somebody.: I weel tors, the disfrib might only be able
Yaughan Vice Fisher consideration of this legislation or Among the affairs at which he will
cry'." to sell to 30 or -40. The others would
for a pension law designed especial- speak, today 11)^ tomorrow, Friday time
which headlined the have to be left out and playing
The Sun,
AsstGJt. of Empire-U ly for the show world, but mean- and
As 'Saturday arc: a luncheon at the
yarn, "Chicago gets a dunce cap, would be opened. to other dislribs

while the authorities are inexorable United Nations Club; a ball sponsored unless the latter were also -restricted,
Toronto, April 10. thief leaves the Montez with only
in their enforcement of the 'measure, by the club at the Willard hbtel; a recounted that at. the same time by a print shortage.
Following resignation of Frank six Dache hats," also
and it is. suspected by many, that the luncheon, sponsored by the CIAA; appeared embarrassed industry reps .continue dissatisfied
Fisher as assistant g.m. of Empire- "Aumont
government aim is to nil its de- public celebration of Pan-Amcricafl of raw film
Universal Film's, slot has been filled day at the Inter-Departmental aud. when he saw people counting his with the current method
allocation in general, however. While
, by ^rnnk.y.a'ighaa, accotdiag-lo.j'ji.-.
nouncement of A. W. Perry, g.m.
pleted coffers.
/vhbwc d -by .*«eft«ss -wHh-
Franklin D. Roosevelt. Vice-Presi-
— ••
wife's bagga ge, wh ich outdid even
her array of names, which— if hone nie' WPB. as p>evloWy"'Te^ovted-m-
"Varicly," is entertaining idea of
Fisher is now chief booker and buyer dent Truman,, members of the cabi- of them have been stolen— goes like
manufacturers sup*
of Odeon Theatres of Canada after Radio, Pix Talent Get net and both houses of Congress. He this: "Mrs. Maria Antonia Gracia letting raw film
industry after Government

post was vacated by Ralph Dale, who arrives in N. Y. next Monday (16), Vidal y de Santos Silos de Mac ply the
needs are satisfied; film leaders say
now is partnered with Samuel Fin-, for several days before returning to Feeters de Aumont."
gold in the running of the latter's
Payoff Brusbof fin S that this is by no means a solution to
the Coast. Photogs couldn't beguile her into
Ontario chain of 10 houses. Nick While most major American film the problem.
Armendariz is slated for a role in smiling, the daily reported, until
Main, supervisor of Odeon,. also re- companies' expect dubbed versions of. Hunt Stromberg's next pic, "Dis- Contention is. that the film indus-
Aumont took a hand. Then, fleet- try should come first in raw film al-
signed to go into the Fingold part- Holly wood-made pictures, to improve honored Lady." and tremulously, she did. locations after the Army aiid Navy
ingly .

nership. '

the postwar markets in Latin-Amerr "Travel," she said, "is beastly these

requirements are met. At. present

Now mustered out of the Royal ica as well as many other foreign days."
Canadian Air Force, Vaughan joined countries where English is not com- the raw film stockpile is first sliced
the Sun tied it all up neatly with up in relation to the requirements
Universal in .1924, stayed on after monly spoken, the talent outlook for
Current London Shows campaign with:
the Empire-Universal merger in 1937. both radio and film players in many
its blacketeering of the Army, the Navy. Government
London, April. 10. "Meanwhile,. members of state sena- agencies and the Forgein Economic
soiith-of-the-border countries contin- "Another Love Story," Phoenix. tor Roland; V.. Libonati's committee Administration which covers film al-
Graham Named Aide ues slim. Main reason for the latter "Appointment Death," Piccadilly. investigating black market condi- locations to foreign countries. The
situation Is that wages for both "Arsenio * Old Lace," Strand. tions in the sale. of Pullman reserva-
To Pratchett at Par screen and air performers remain balance of the raw film supply j«
"Blithe Spirit," Duchess. tions prepared for their next session then allocated to the film biz. Ameri-
Robert L. Graham, formerly Para- low. "Galetiee," Winter Garden. here April 16. At the last hearing can film business, it is emphasized,
mount's managing director in Mexi- Pay for picture, and radio people, "Gay Rosalinda," Palace. on Ap'rii 2, Libonati charged that shouid come ahead of the various
co, has been named assistant to A. L. are reportedly especially low in "Happy ft Glorkms," Palladium. film stars are able to obtain reserva- Government agencies, the FEA and
Pratchett; company's Latin-Ameri- Chile, where a topflight announcer "Uoneymoo'n," York's. tions at a. moment's notice while
the foreign -'countries needing film
can division manager. Graham has was sought for a salary of $50 <U. S. "Irene," His Majesty's.

ordinary citizens must wait for from the' U. S.


been special overseas rep for Par in money) per month. "Madame Lanlse," Garrick. weeks.". In this connection, it is understood
Spain for the last 18 months. He "Sleet Navy First," Hippodrome. Miss Mohlez and Lt. Aumont left that while Stanley B. Adams, direc-

had been company's chief in Mexico "Night Venice," Cambridge. for the Coast last' evening. The tor of the Consumers Durable Goods
prior 1o that for, three'years. 1
"N» Medals," Vaudeville. lieutenant- had no .trouble with his Division of 'the WPB, might be in-

Graham will be stationed in Schless to Europe "Panama Hattle," Adclphi. luggage— a canvas zipper bag and a clined to recognize the merit of the
Mexico City. "Peek-A-Boo," Whitehall. canvas uniform case. industry claims, he has been under
Robert Schless, Paramount's gen-
eral manager for Europe, North Af- "Private Llves,"'Apo)lo. .
strong pressure from various Gov-
rica, and the middle east, is scheduled
"Three Waltzes," Princes. ernment agencies. to make, film avail-
Mex. NCIC Elects Staff to leave for England this week prior "See How They Run," Comedy. WB's Mexican Deal able to other users first:— '.

Mexico City, April 3. to assuming charge of Par's Paris "Strike It Again," Wales. Reported that Nelson Rockefeller,
National Cinematographic Industry headquarters. "Sweeter Lower," Ambassadors. For 19 Theatres assistant Secretary of Slate and the
Chamber, has picked new officers for The only other U. S. film company "The Assassin," Savoy. Operadora 19 Mexican circuit of Mexican Ambassador personally ap-
1945-46. They ore Luis R. Montes, European chief to reach Paris thus "Three's a Family," Saville. -
theatres has contracted to play all peared to make demands on Adams
prez.; Raul de Anda, v. p.; Ernesto far is' Joe Hummel. Warners' new "Tomorrow World." Aldwych. Warner product for the coming year. for raw fllpi stock for Mexico. This,
Santos, treas.; Roberto Cervantes, Continental boss. Henri Michaud, "While Sun Shines," Globe. "To, Have -or Have Not" is set for of course, was merely one instance
secretary, and Juan Perez Grovas; assistant to Schless', is scheduled to "Years Between," Wyhdbams
preem in Mexico City at Chapultcpec of the pressure on the WPB
for raw
manager. go to Paris later this month. .
."yellow Sands," Westminster. theatre March 31. . Him for foreign countries.
Wednesday, April 11, 1945
P^RiEfr 17


Churchill, Roosevelt, Stalin at tht Yalta Conference, Scene from "Blood on the Sun" starring
prelude to tht San Frandtco World Security Conference. Jame* Cagoey and Sylvia Sidney.

Only ONE picture so timely, so important, it is

selected by the San Francisco Press Club
for this unprecedented event!
For the greatest assemblage of international leaders, statesmen and journalists
in world history! To be held during the week of May 1.


• Directed by


Screenplay by Lester Cole • Additional Scenes by Nathaniel Curtis • From a Story by Garrett Fort

. . . • • • • • A HISTORY-MAKING U. A. RELEASE!
Wednesday, April 11, 1945
Pinup Stand-in for Mama
Odeon of Canada's 50 New Houses, Kid Pinup story to end all pinup
Chicago, April 10.
Union Pulls Projectionist O'Connell
stories is the one concerning
Ann Kronn. 17-year-old Balaban
& Katz usherette whose photo Forced to Shutter in Toledo Curfew
Club Promotion; Briefs From Distribs appeared in a recent issue of cir-
cuit's house organ, "Balabaimer,"
day (Tuesday) for confabs on cur r and who thereupon began re- Toledo, O., April lo.
Vancouver, B;.C, April 10.
ceiving fan mail from service- Jack O'Connell's fight to keep his
rent operations,
Plan lo build 50 new
theatres in
They are meeting with Joe Bern- men over the world, among
all Jane Haver Goes Straight Loop open until. 5 a.m. in spite of
Canada within two years after the
hard, g.m. of theatres; Harry Kal- them Ray Pavey, sailor whose Hollywood. April 10. the, midnight curfew, has not ended
war, at cost of $7,500,000; and imme- home is in Mason City, la.
mine, assistant gen. mgr., and others. June Haver draws the first straight he told "Variety," although early.!
diate organization of kids' film clubs Tar got leave a month ago and
throughout the Odeon chain, an- '"'
called on Miss Kronn, only to dramatic role of her screen career morning operations were halted last
Gas Scbaefer III "The Enchanted Voyage," to be Thursday (5) when the night-time
nounced here by P. L. Nathanson, Unci she was out. Her. mother in
Gus Schaefer, RKO northeastern
. ;

Toronto, president and managing di- was however, arid, what

there,, produced by Walter Morosco and di- projection operator quit at midnight,
rector of Odeon Theatres of Canada. manager, is ill at New-
district sales
with one thing and another,
: rected by. Lloyd Bacon at 20th-Fox. tor the second consecutive night.
Kids' clubs project stunt origi- ton hospital, Newton, Mass. Pavey and Mrs. Kronn, a di-
Currently Miss Haver is playing Wednesday night when the booth
nated and successfully operated by vorcee, were married last week. one of the title role* in "The Dolly operator walked out, O'Connell's
parent company, Odeon of England. 80-Year-Old Doorman
Sisters" on the same lot. wife squeezed into the vacant spot
J. Arthur Hank recently bought 50%
of Odeon Canadian and selling oldr
Eters tl. rough kids is first of several
British ideas to be copied by Do-
minion circuit, Nathanson said.
Edward McQuaid. of London, con-
Worcester, April 10.
Joseph Asselin, oldest theatre-door-
man'' in' the city, observed his 80th
birthday. He's at the Capitol.
Ralph Eaton: resigned as Plymouth
theatre manager. Ed Harrison, from
Film Strike
Continued from pace 3 Film Salesmen's
and kept the Aim, "Tale of Forgotten
Sins," on the screen until closing
lime. "
Members of Local 228 of IATSE
voted at a meeting last week to deny
troller of Odeon National Cinema Springfield office of E. M. Loew's, in money over Walsh. He saicVWalsh
services of union operators after,
Club for Boys and Girls, accompa- charge temporarily. had given the impression *ib the
nied Nathanson to west coast to
start ball rolling. Idea is to tic Ca- Levant's Albany. Pilch
membership that he had turned
money over to either Isidore Zevin
Union Now Cold rhidnight to the Loop, stating they
wanted to obey the mandate of the
War Manpower Commission, accord-
nadian chains into parent policy Albany. April 10. or Willie Bioff. "Maybe he did," Sor-
which is to establish theatre reputa- Film salesmen in other parts of ing to John B. Fitzgerald, Cleveland,
The Albany Variety Club will pre- rell declared; "I don't know where
tions for communi'y service. .Gaudy sent Oscar. Levant in his "Concert

the country are' going ahead with international representative. "The

colored .membership cards, letter- with Comment" at the Palace theatre the coin went. Maybe that was a .
unionization, but in the largest of majority of our members have sons,

heads, etc., and impression club hard clean transaction. I'll leave that up the exchange centers. N. Y., a seller's brothers, and other relatives over-
May 18. Recital .will feature George
tocrash— "secret society stuff," says
Gershwin music for the benefit of to you to. judge where the money guild has died aborning, from all in- seas and we feel that they would

McQuaid will be used as comeon.
the cliib's Heart Fund. -Herman L. went." dications, following; reported pres- want us to support them," the union
Club will meet for special Saturday Ripps. Chief Barker and Metro man- sure against organization by dis- official said.
morning programs of meticulously ager, heads the committee in charge. Sorrell declared that Risley had
delivered $3,300 to Walsh in 1937, tributing companies. In some cases O'Connell said that Ralph O. Sny-
selected pictures of educational type, Herman Jacobs is Albany manager
though McQuaid aids first idea is to of Confidential Reports, Inc., new $5,700 in 1938, $5,200 in 1939 and' $2,- men are said to have been called der, Toledo area director and WMC
entertain. checking company of several majors. 800 in 1940. He declared Lanigan on the carpet and flatly warned not his principal protagonist in the con-
Ultimate aim is for Odeon to make Ross-Federal will continue to check had delivered $2,392 to Walsh in to unionize, while in others sellers flict, had earlier asked the union
own special kid Alms at Toronto :for 20th-Fox. 1935, $8,936 in 1936, $6,374 in 1937, learned indirectly that the bosses withdraw its projectionists from the
studio, admissions, above operating looked askance upon the steps that Loop, but that they had refused. Ap-
expenses, being ticketed for this $5,700 in 1938, and $5,200 in 1939.
El Paso Theatre Chance were being taken. One of the larger parently more pressure had been
El Paso, Texas, April 10.
In a statement to the press Mon- •majors, however, apparently did not brought to bear on
Plan is to have clubs operating in the union, said
Jack Frank Bettis named manager day (9) night, Walsh replied, 'The mind since it brought not the slight- O'Connell, blaming international
most of Odeon houses by end of '45. charge which Sorrell makes just
Vancouver will get the biggest of Crawford operated here by C. E. est pressure, direct or indirect. headquarters in' New York.
Leon. Hilgers has goes to show how far he will go in
play in company's postwar spending, Hilgers and H. S.

« ^
As result of distributor displeasure "It is inconceivable that an Ameri-
with more new theatres planned for left as manager of house, although trying to justify his action in tying and no further organizational actjvi can union would so willingly breach
-retaining a half interest in theatre.
this city than, any other in Canada.
Norman G. Hines named city man- up the studios. What' possible .bear- ties, a majority for unionization now
its contract without any labor dis-
Most sites for the 50 new houses al-

ing this, matter could have on his

ready are
been acquired.
ZSZTXTZSKZ ff£ actions, even if it were true, he does
being very improbable, salesmen pute' being involved,
leaders point out that now the com
and this when I
am the only theatre owner in Toledo
was manager of Pines theatre at not explain. So far as my personal panies are placed on the defensive allowing operators
J. I. English. Odeon architect, re-

vacations with
Lufkin. record is concerned, I can assure since, if anything happens to any
cently returned from England, Na- pay," he said.
thanson said, and postwar theatres Mr. Sorrell, if it is any of his busi- film peddler who was active in
Theatre in Hotel Ballroom The fight to keep the Loop going
will, embody many English designs. ness, that every cent I have received unioneering, they might claim dis
past midnight, started on March 19,
Howard Boothe steps up into Brit- Pittsburgh, April 10. from the International Alliance, with crimination. That, of course, would
manager post WB's first-run site in Fairmont, has widened into feud with War-'
ish Columbia district
the exception of my own salary, has depend upon the circumstances, but ner Bros.
vacated by David Gricsdorf, who re- W. Va., for probably the remainder O'Connell announced that
been spent in the interests of the feared that with so many theatres
signed to enter distributing field in of the year at least will be the ball- the Loop would not show any War-
room, of the Fairmont hotel. That Alliance. I defy anyone to present now. in booking combines, selling
Boothe. who was Gries- ners Alms henceforth "under any

spot will be used as a theatre until any proof to the contrary. staffs may be cut for that reason.
dorf's assistant, joined Odeon in This was an after-
. Feb., '41. when chain bought his circuit rebuilds its Fairmont house, "The Federal authorities who in- Some weeks back a committee of circumstances."
math, of a notice from Warners'

Dunbar which was completely destroyed by

theatre, Odeon's first acqui- film, salesmen huddled with Richard
vestigated the entire Browne-Bioff Cleveland office that it had can-
sition in Vancouver. Chain now op- fire couple of months ago. matter have gone over my record
F. Walsh, president, of the Interna
celled, bookings into the Loop for
erates 28 houses in B. C. Exhibition in the hotel begins on tional Alliance of Theatrical Stage
with a fine-toothed comb. It has sat- April .10-12 and April 17-19. Though
Griesdorf, an Albertau, left United April. 21. Deal was closed recently Employees, to discuss affiliation. The
Artists in Los Angeles in Dec, '41, when Harry Kalmine, head of WB isfied
them. It has. satisfied members no reason was given, the Loop's de-
fact that Walsh did not commit him-
to join Odeon; had previously been theatres, came on from New York and of the IATSE, who have twice self and, in opinion of sellers, is ap
fiance of the curfew was said to have
general sales manager for Jimmy with Moe Silver, zone chief here, and elected me president. Therefore, I
parently stalling on an answer, is been responsible.
Roosevelt's production company. Joe Feldman, his assistant, went into am afraid, it will have to satisfy Mr. Regional director in Clever WMC
another factor discouraging a guild
Parting with Odeon was amicable. huddles- with hotel management. Sorrell."
'.' '
. land Monday (9) postponed Loop
K. E. Hayter, district booker, be- Projection booth will be installed in N. Y.
Meanwhile, the National Labor Re- The temporary president of the theatre case which it will review
comes supervisor of B. C. suburban on balcony of ballroom. lations Board granted a petition of
theatres in shuffle. proposed guild (they preferred that either April 11 or 18. Delay will
Fred Joyce Joins Cowan Michael Luddy, IA attorney, for oral to "'union"), who's with one of the
give all members time lo read O'Con-
Grand Bapids Tent Tees Off George J. Schaefer, chairman of arguments on April 26 in Washing larger companies, states that if his nell's testimony given at hearing in
Grand Rapids, April 10. the board of Lester Cowan Produc-
ton. Sorrell branded the move as fellow sellers have gotten scared Toledo last week.
Prominent film men of Chicago, tions, has appointed Fred Joyce mid- another attempt to stall matters. and fear reprisals, he's not going to
Detroit and other cities, as well as west exploitation rep for Cowan Pro- Production Slowed do another thing about it. The tern
officers of the national organization, ductions. He will work out of Chi-
Production, certain studio execs porary v.p. has pulled out com
including national Chief Barker R. J. cago under direction of Al Margo-
admitted, had slowed to walk, al- pletely. Gay Paree
O'Donnel, will attend inaugural ban-
quet here at Pantlind hotel, April
lies, who headquarters in N. Y.
though Alms were still being made. When the movement tc organize
film salesmen was begun, it was
— Continued from page 3 e
18, when the Variety Club of Grand Painters, machinists, carpenters,
Rapids, Tent No. 27, joins the na- Plenty Turnover in Chi stated that the- main objective was discussed plans to visit France in
decorators, etc., were revealed as
tional group. being called in from locations in security, severance pay, seniority connection with his "Free Press"
Maj. Gen. Ralph Royce, AAF Per- Theatre-Xchange Staffs Florida, Arizona and New York, on rights, sick benefits, etc., rather than production. Metro, with film titled
sonnel Distribution Command, is to Chicago, April 10. wires coming from Fred- Moser, biz wage scale or hours. "Heaven On a Picket Fence"
be principal speaker. , It's been a week of turnovers in
representative of the N. Y. Scenic '
planned, is figuring on shooting some
theatre and exchange personnel here. of the scenes In France. Paramount
1,460-Seater Artists. Moser stated he was order-
Shea's Fred Joyce, United Artists p.a. for has a Parisian yarn under way while

ing his painters off Florida locations

Shea Theatres plans to build a past six months, is leaving the ex-
change to take over new. Tom Fiz- and no more men would be fur-
Action other majors are also reported mull-
new 1,400-scat theatre in Bradford, ing material with a French motif.
Pa., according to plans announced dale publicity office set up here by nished until Sorrell gave the green Continued from page 3
by E. C. Grainger, president and Win Nathanson who has taken over , light. allocation, headed west for the Coast Production execs point out that In
general manager. New house will Fizdale's account while latter runs Janitors' local also joined picket last weekend. Adams was to huddle view of the substantial number of
be built on the site of the old Shea the late Myron Selznick's talent lines Monday, strengthening mem- with the studio people on the stock new books being written about
theatre, with circuit buying adjoin- agency in conjunction with Jimmy -
France much of this type of material
bers already out. Walsh's appeal situation, and also to discuss other
ing property to give plenty of room Saphier, Hollywood talent agent. is bound to find its way into the
for men to keep up studio produc- industry supplies, with particular
for new house. Chick Evans,, who has been Joyce's studios.
tion met with no help from union- reference to post-V-E Day prospects.
Present Shea house will be razed. assistant at UA
and who, prior to What is considered one of the
Work starts as soon as material is joining UA, spent 15 years with ists of various groups now out on Some sources here are consider-
made available. Metro in Cleveland, St. Louis, At- strike or those in sympathy with the ably concerned over the proposal drawbacks, in some trade circles, is
that most of these yarns are built
lanta, etc., is the new UA
director of walkout. that WPB get out from- under raw
Texas' 10% Idea Too exploitation, Chi area. Lucia Perrigo Revolt is also reported spreading stock allocation to the industry and
around collaborationist
Austin, Texas, April 10. and Stan' Kramer will divide duties In studio IA ranks with members ments. Some studios are wary of
leave it to be worked out between
Theatre interests throughput the of Ted Tod, Warner Bros, pictures of Laborers' JLocal 727 walking oft this subject, considering that stories
the studios and. film manufacturers.
state have been on the job here in: p.a., with Tod taking over publicity
several lots rather than do the work being bought now will not hit the
the legislative mill to forestall a bill for WB
in Washington. Al Weinberg
Feeling here is that this could easily
of men now on strike or who refused screen until perhaps 18 months later,
to establish a state tax of lc on and Arline Callies, under supervision lead to a situation whereby big users
Apprehension when collaborationism may conceiv-
each 10c theatre admission or frac- of Charles Ryan, WB Theatres as- to cross picket lines.
is felt too that William McFetridge,
would grab everything in sight and
ably be a dead issue. Another view
tion thereof. The measure, intro- sistant zone manager, assume pub- crowd out the small indies.
International prexy of BSEIU, might is that various individual treatments
duced in the lower house, was sched- licity and advertising chores of Larry At the same time, the amount of
uled, for committee hearing this Stein, p.a. and house manager of decide to order out janitors, elevator of the subject, when the films are
surplus raw stock which the Army is
week. Judge '
Frank Strickland, three Hammond, Ind., houses for WB operators, and other theatre mainte- finally released, may be politically
.getting ready to release continues to
lobbyist for circuit interests in Theatres for the past 14 years. Stein nance people throughout country. or commercially unsuitable.
Texas, Don C. Douglas, in charge mount This surplus, to be told on a
resigns May 1 to open a publicity Trouble was looked for if Walsh at- Although studios are looking main-
of public relations for the Robb & office of his own. tempted to move in strikebreakers,
ly for non-collaborationist or war-
basis, was originally
Rowley Circuit, and Henry Reeve, Harry Turrel, district manager, figured at about' 2,000,000 feet. It is
material, bulk of the
prez of Texas Theatre Owners, were will add the. three WB Hammond
with various IA locals threatening now up to something between 5-6,- backgrounded
literary output of all types continues
on hand to oppose the measure. theatres (Parthenon, Paramount and an open breach if such action takes 000,000 feet and the^Army is not
Orpheum), formerly managed by place. Flareups already took place finished inventorying.
with a war background. Contempo- v
Frawley 25 Yrs. With Paramount Stein, to his regular district. Turrel late last week with several men be- rary authors apparently find It diffi-
Not all of this surplus would be cult
G. B. J. Frawley, who was in the is dropping Shore theatre, Chi, which ing badly beaten after they left work to leave the war out of their
available for release to the studios.
banking business before going to will be added to Herb Wheeler's dis- at various lots. Strike leaders' and writings. •-

Paramount, rounds out 25 years as trict, with Turrel, who. formerly And there is no Indication how much
studio execs denied knowledge of
is spoiled. It is all overage and dates
a Par exec, April 19. Leaving the handled eight for WB, now running any of incidents.
National Bank of Commerce, N. Y., 10, arid Wheeler, formerly in charge back to the time when the armed
25 years ago, Frawley joined Par to of nine, now handling .10.
Efforts of Walsh to recruit return-
forces thought they could store raw Snipping Eight Pix Par
ing veterans for jobs were blocked
reorganize the picture company's Shakeup in Balaban & Katz cir- stock indefinitely without- spoilage. Hollywood, April 10.
financial setup, later taking over su- cuit also popped when A. J, "Happy" when R, Jensen of the Veterans' Bu-
reau cautioned the studios that Fed- Editing rooms at Paramount are
pervision of exchange auditing, sales Meininger, manager of B&K's Gar-
statistical and cash register divisions; rick in the Loop for past few years, eral laws do not permit the use of AMES' FACT crowded with eight features in theTWO-WAY EK0
He is at present liaison officer be- resigned to manage' Strand, a Tele- returning soldiers as strikebreakers. Hollywood', April 10. shearing process, includi ng the -Hal

tween Par's' financial and distribu- news house in Cincinnati, starting Studio painters nixed strike benefits Stephen Ames closed a two-pic- Wallls production, "you uame
tion departments. Tuesday (10). Ambrose Conroy, man- at- meeting Sunday, declaring $1,500 ture deal with as producer of Along," and the Pine-Thomas com- RKO
ager of Southtown for past six years, daily was rolling into treasury in "Sinbad the Sailor" and "The Fabu- edy, "Follow That Woman."
t Warner Zone Managers to N. 7. succeeds Meininger; George Romine,
payments from men working on lous Invalid" in Technicolor. Others under the shears 'are "The
Moe Silver, Warners Pittsburgh Harding, follows Conroy into South- open lots; that outside work was George Yates and John Twist are Lost Weekend," "The Well Groomed

«one manager; James Totmah, his town, and Harry Odenhahl, Congress,
assistant; C. J. Latta, Albany zone succeeds Romine at Harding. No available for entire membership; and scripting "Sinbad." "Invalid" is based Bride." "The Virginian," "Hold that
then voted to continue "building up on the Hart-Kaufman Broadway Blonde," "Cross My Heart" and
head and his assistant, Charles A. successor- has -as- -yet been named for .

Sriiakwitz, arrived in N. Y- yester- Odenhahl. our war chest for an emergency." show. "Masquerade in Mexico."
Tftdiiesday, April Ij. jg4| 19

This advertisement, 20th of a series appearing in national maga-

zines, points out to 35,000,000 readers (of Time, Life, Newsweek,
^Liberty, Redbooki Fortune, etc.) that Warner Bros, productions
and yVarner Bros, policy are equally distinguished!

today «^I?' faa ^utahoW-

o/ its' ^ tie ,n
"voltiaVl^ ^'n


SUspect »

Tj >ere'i * *
a forth

special ente' '

^wt' ^ 001

That picture an
si* Vear* f

foUcs even We
said,%C "call,

Br°s. intend
Ws > *><>, tW m
i-n '

ScrMn Ploy by Jo Pogono & Alvoh Botsio • Mutlc by

Other currant Warn»f Bros, producttoni

' . .. . .
. — ,

20 PICTURES Wednesday, April 11, 19|,>

itpeters out into tiresome obvious- Low Countries and early days on the
ness. Strictly h lesser d,ualler. Russian front showing wn'nton de-
All-Star Bond Short, 'SfHringfield' Film Reviews Story centers about two feuding struction everywhere. Jap shots pic-
ture the sneak attack on Pearl Har-
Continued from page 14 s next-door neighbors, played by Ed-
ward Everett Horton and Tom Tully.
Each has a son, and one has a daugh- bombing of Shanghai; the surrender
bor; the shelling of Hongkonu- the

Tlie Bullfighter* Two neighboring youngsters of Corregidor and the taking of .un-
Tolerance Pic Have Socko Appeal of exciting crowd shots with fight-
ter too.
are in love, elope, and discover in fortified villages of China. Some of
ing, bulls running wild through a process of getting marriage license the film has been seen in ncwsrcols .

By ABEL GREEN crowd of aficionados. thai legal -documents indicate they but the majority of the footage s i

Two ex;.aordinary 'shorts are "Bullfighters" will deliver its share may be brother and sister. -In due new. Although there aren't many
chops at the prospect of playing it. shots of cither of the Axis partners
available to the Htm industry both ,
Idea is to get widest circulation, and of laughs but not much more.. time, legal tangles are unsnarled, the
previewed this past week. One is Domi. lovers are united and the battling on the defensive there are enough to
Connors normal 687-
states that the
show how the. tide has -turned; Ger-
titled "All-Star Bond Rally." a 19- fathers become closest of pals.
print allotment has been upped to mans are seen retreating from the
minule subject with a cast that reads 1.200 prints, so as to get exhibs to I.«>fcvc It to Blondie The complications could have been
like a benefit bill, and. or course, is funny. But direction had Horton and
Russian blows and one of the high
show it at every show, not just the
geared for the 7th War Loan. No (SONGS) Tully jtct as if they were burlesque- points of the picture shows the burn-
quickie supper shows, etc., prior to
ing of Berlin and what it brought to
question about its importance and the Bond pilch.
•iillimlnii vi-lciiM* of Hurl Kelly inoililif ing whole theme, which story does
Bcrliners. Another view shows our

value for every theatre, every exhib- linn.-; l-Vainifs I'cnny S.lni;li:lun. AriUni- not call for; while Freddie Barthol-
every fan. With V-E day virtually here, it is l.ukv. Slmmx. DlrectPtl.liy Ai»l»y Itir- airmen bombing Tokyo. Lack of
feared that a possible formal armis- Si iTfiiphty, Connie l.rc; ,'iniipni, l-'innz
omew; who is the lover, acts merely
embarrassed. Chances are many cus- shots showing the Axis getting a lick-
But equally important is
tice may cause a cessation in Bond-
I*', dinner; Ciirioi-. .Al Chirk. Al I'li.riiniiiiliiL.
ing is probably due to bcini; too busy
short <20 mins;). "It Happened in llinuklyn, wtrk of April 5. *4.V ttmili Iiik tomers will be too.
buying at a time when the need is U MINS. at the time to take any pictures.
Springfield," written and directed by From practical show biz
l inn-.
so great. Film has good exploitation possi-
Crane Wilbur;, produced by Gordon and ODT perspectives, this j:un 7
iii.imiii-. .. . ...:'.. Penny SIiikIcioii
Hollingshead. This is a socko appeal

packed 19 minutes should forTend


I.urry Siunnn
. Ai-llinr l.nkf Hollywood and Vine bilities. Although ;
Maj. Whyiock
to decency and Americanism, an ex-
. . :
could have done a better job of edit-
the idea of Hollywood stars' bain- Kiln Ro^ri's. . , . Miirjnrli* Vi'i'iivrr I'Ki: i-i'lr-imr uf l.rnn I'ViiiiikcfM |ii-,,(ii K-i ion
ing it probably will not be noticed
position of American democracy and storming, unless absolutely neces- .1. i\ IJIlliil.L., Iinliilhiin Hnl»* Slnri< -Inline KIIIkiiii. Wiiniln Mi-KiivV frn.
racial tolerance at work. It should
sary, to hypo dwindling sales. This l-:.l.lii> llmier. . ,
..I'hlrk- rillllnlliv urn** hYmiklyn I*iiiikI>,,i'ii :| ,„| Uniii'h \j,„-_ much by the public. Bud Pollard's
Diinny .Miiinmm Min. Dirfcli'.l '
liy Alvxl.i •rhuin-Tii.vla. narration and Edward Craig's niusi-
iorever muzzle any potential bigots. Alv lli.
is a canned all-star, gala show avail-
... ... . . .

Murjtnle Aim .Mnlrhip

Srlf«"li|>l:iy. Kiliih WiUklim niul- (1iurli>n
It presents the famed Springfield I'.iukif. cai score are tops and do a lot lb
able to all. For free. And for Uncle Wlllliims from nrittliijil xiiny li\- ,\| Ihs WhI-
: . '

.Mis. ........... Knlii .Moi'Kun make the subject interesting.

(Mass.) Plan for promoting civic har- Sam.
Mr. riiilillf ......... Ai'llinr Siuu-e
klnv. Wlllkiiiix hii.i Wiliiml Vmilmi. :

mony by .teaching the youth of

. . . . .
Mil IIiiikiiii. A| New York. X. v.. ui-i'k ol Morg.
[turn .... .Kilillf Ai-llff
for "Springfield." a competent M:i
As A lull nun, ill, ^
ii . . .
!l. '-I.-., ilnir. .IB .MINS.
America from its formative ages on Ill-Ill'}-. ,.v. Kml Cinff
comprising Andrea- King, War- "Illr. .'..-

cast, l-'ri-y Milium

what brotherly love really means. link llli-.V , . . . Kltl.imi

Not for naught will the ••Youth on ren Douglas, Charles Drake, John M;ik'illl..i M lJild Ulnnne .
. . II
" '
lui ... Wiin, In M.-Ku,
Oualcn. William Forrest and. Arthur Dl|l*y
1 1 1
Ilorwlf VK. .....I lino'
Parade" program on a nationwide
hookup of 80 CBS stations April 28 Hohl, depicts what mob hysteria tan
. .

H. BriiK.n.. :..lliilnli Miirciiii
I-Yiinklvii I'ii'iiKlHirn
Chi Educator
do to .stir up neighborhood hatreds Columbia has a staple neighbor- IVih ir
pay tribute to Hairy M. Warner in . I.fon HpIiihi Continued from pace I ;
foreign-born cit- hood or duals commodity in the Kllinil'l
recognition of his efforts in prodiic: against. peaccloving.
I I. Villi
Kiuiiiv" Wi AV
or phrase like "big hand"
ing "Springfield." Not for naught has izens. In this case Qualen is
the be- Blondie" series, so that It was a Ann
- . . . ll I .1-
is nixed
.Kinlli I. inn:

the Warner Bros, prexy broken a loved storekeeper. John

Knudson. good idea to renew it after a two- .li'likliiM

Warren Douglas), year layoff. "Leave It to Blondie" Clir.-k

; .Knlii'ii iirclt: when .overworked, and how he
lifetime practice and written his first with son
a i . . . . I'lnii U.- WilllmiiK
to see holds to the acceptable average of liny Whitliy wished there were a similar rule in
direct-lo-lho-exhibitor letter m'ging wounded in action, -returning
. . .

-Mini IV'Wi-y ftohln-uin

father's shop vandalized. the

nix some of the

maximum dating of this vital short. his scries. Alluill.-y IIihI-oii. IV lllitK effect to current
llope-Crosby-Slnatra-Kibber, et Al. Miss King! as the Springfield' The story is a little hard to lake, Allnriiry \Yjl«,in. ....j,...linin,lln llllo.lrn
dire radio jargon. Then he gave it'
.loi* inrivj.lit.yl. : Hilly
Back to the "Ail-Star Bond Rally." schoolteacher, takes the GI and his but the film has the usual agreeable
- Hmii'iII.-I
.AsM.«l:i'nt Dln'i-l,.i D'olliil.l Ki'i:r the works.
Darryl F; Zanuck produced it for the buddy to the Mass. town to prove small-town situations and typical

. AlilCTll .'.'..;
I.illlnn lironhnn
War Activities Committee of Motion how, at the Charles Brookings mild comedy bits. In addition, it has -IiiiIk**, . .
I.ilm Kill,, II
"There are a vast number of read-
Picture Industry for its participation School, the town has fought and won a couple of songs for novelty and •
({.lU'lllHII . . . Im-k Knviiioiiil ers of the magazine," he said, ''who
It's a some very amusing moments when
l'h:irli>H' Jiii^Iiiii
in the forthcoming 7th War Loan; its fight for racial tolerance. I)n.-lor .on I'l m kor
have never been more interested in
Tom Connors. 20lh-Fox distribution a tiptop exposition, not too preachy, the bewildered hero. Dagwood Bump-
. I

•ll^llllK Hlll-iMil '...Mill TilKKiirl show business than to buy a ticket

veepee, is distrib chairman of the replete with attention-getting, hard- stead, develops a cold arid tries some of admission to a movie or play
drive. Fanchon proditced: Michael hitting action. home-made remedies. yet they read 'Variety' regularly.
The Bumpstead household has en- As the this film is title implies,
Audley directed: Don- Quinn au- One of the deftest production nice- about Hollywood. Aimed at satiriz- In fact. I once had a professor who

thored: James Van Trees photoged; ties is when the film goes, silent and tered a songwriting contest. Dag-
Alfred Newman did the musical only shows the hatemonger's distort- wood and Blondie are in it because
ing the picture, capital, it achieves .
made •Variety' required reading in
considerable success, resulting in a a class in abnormal psychology."
score; Fred Serscn was on special ef- ed features as he spews forth his they rashly issued separate large
well produced comedy on an adult
fects; Emil Newman, musical super- poison. There's the message also that checks for charity and can't cover. Something in the way of oops!
level. Decidedly a superior item for
visor; Stanley Rabjohn edited: Tom if children didn't assimilate the pho- The kids are in it to help .out the was his next remark:. "But that isn't
a double bill.
W. Baily was a production coordi- bias and prejudices from their elders folks. Dagwopd's boss is in it to land
The satirical barbs are aimed at exactly what I- mean." Pulled
nator, and Jimmy McHugh and Har- they'd, be unaware of any hates. It's a real estate deal. There's a dark-
old Adanison wrote the stirring "Buy all well gotten across. haired woman real estate prospect the commander of a big movie studio self out of it fast, however, by pro-
and a brunet singing teacher., both who has a dozen members of his ceeding to discuss the big play given
a Bond" theme song which distin- *

guishes this Short. of them complicating Dagwood's ex- .

ramily working for him. a brasshat grosses, how ex-showbiz servicemen
Get this cast: Bob. Hope emcees: istence and arousing Blondie's jeal- eccentric producer, and the industry anxiously await their copies, etc.,
participating are Bing Crosby, Frank
Carroll Signs Engel ousy. Dagwood, as usual, blunders in general which is shown capable but without ever bothering to go
Sinatra, Fibber McGee & Molly, Hollywood, April 10. his way out of it all. of making a star out of almost any- back and explain exactly what he
Harry James' band. Betty Grable. Penny Singleton and Arthur Lake body or anything. In this instance, did mean by that crack. Windup, ap-
Harry Engel, former casting di- the fabulous film concern- makes a
June Haver, Linda Darnel). Vivian carry out familiar roles with ease, parently thrown in as a sop to the
Blaine, Jeanne' Crain. Faye Marlow, rector at Republic, signed
with Earl star out of a dog. and the takeoff re-
-with young Larry Simms in strong

sults in some genuinely funny busi- wounded vanities of as clean a liv-

Harpo Marx and Carmen Miranda. Carroll to represent the night club support. Direction is smooth and ing, as mentally sound a group of
Not just walk-ons or walk-lhroughs operator's properties for film pro production adequate for this modest ness.
journalists as are to be found any-
either. The enlireriD minutes are so duction, as he did in the recent case budgeter. Broil. Best in the piece, in addition to the
skillfully meshed and edited that of "Earl Carroll's Vanities." dog which really deserves, top billing, where In the world today, was:.
only Marx's harp solo seems a shade are James Ellison as the writer newly "The girl who types up my -scripts
overboard. Deal also calls for Engel's assist Island Fog plucked from the sidewalks of New came to me when she read the lines
This is a marquee mouthful which ance In Carroll's theatrical enter PRO rflcnse of I**on Fromkt»HK piothu tlrin. York and ordered to do a script above and asked if. all the writers
should make every exhibitor lick his prises after the war. Si ai'» l.lnn*-! Atwlll, Jeanne <'owim. Ororxt- about Hollywood; Wanda McKay,
Ziici-d; frntui'«8' Veda' Ann Roiif. S,lnnitn
who for 'Variety' speak the way they
DuUKhiv. Directed by -Terry Miliar. Sn^fn-' is cast as the gal
made write. No, they don't^-'Variety' haa, who has
{t\dy. Pierre Gendron. Vihis^iI nn *•! l^lnwl her way to Hollywood in the hopes
siolv l<y HcrnH'Mne Ani<u*: .cuniei'M. Iru of, becoming a star: and Enimett been a fine training school in
the art
,\I(hk;mi. At N>w York. X. Y„ week of Lynn as the owner of a -hamburger of writing for many."

New York theatres

April 1>. '4.V. ItunnlnK Lime. 70 MISH.
\tfo rtr:iinKti"
Ci:iinKti ....
Air-- Uli.-hnclO...
GhU. ;
Geni'K« /.nt'co
J.Miel Aiwlll
Ii>i nine Cuwilii
. I
stand who rises lp heights as land-
lord of valuable Hollywood real es-
tate. Lynn's performance is socko
ShiiKin IJiiiictun
, \>il;i Ann ItnVit
topping that of /all others for gen-
uineness and real fun.
Why Barbers
EinHInf ItrmiKon
Dr.. I.ykr. .
. Jit<'Qiie Mm-
\ Ihii
Inlin \Vliiln*\
Cnr s .

S Continued from page 1 ss

BETTE DAVIS Warner Uron. New Hill
A lift ion. ... i tSt-tn-jte l.lny.l
Behind (he Knemy Lines legit people, in addition to the' regu-
Sturrlov lar classical artists.
lm Woriwr Irei. Hitl DENNIS MORGAN A
chiller with strictly .stock situ- (Newsreel Documentary)
ations, this picture is nevertheless Glulie Kilm I'n. (Ji.nn>.-, X. .luvim) rdmsp The road Is also looked upon to
D«M • Raymond Maitty A good
Alan HaU
well, throughout. of i-ul'llll'ril Niul
oiniiUfil hy MhJ. Hii.h Dnrr WDvlm-k:
mllon. Burt Pi.IIbiiI: k.„ii.. Bilwiinl v.yulr
kjiiI lllnm. Bllllnl mill produce the longest routes ever'

given for pop concert people. Many


111 P*?t'NOIl Story revolves around a man once Al Mi.ilri.f. (;iili-,i(t„, A|.i-II 4. -tr,. nilnnliiK high school and college auditoriums
CAB CALLOWAY rich who had served a prison term llnif. Ilfi >IINS. in smaller towns are expected to
John DAIL • Jom LORRINa And Bit "Junipln' 4 lie .Inbllw" for embezzlement, and his efforts to
house regular concert scries.
AMrd Attraction
avenge not only his conviction but
also the. murder of his wife. On his
As the name indicates this captured
Several years ago,. Music Corp. of
footage gives the American public a
r-ayot >i.i st. HOLLYWOOD •'way & 47th St. STRAND foggy island estate for a weekend view
of the war from the eyes of America, in buying out the CBS tal-
are gathered the gifoup of men and ent subsidiary, Columbia Concerts,
Nazi and Nip cameras. Much of the
women he suspects of having been stuff waj shot in the early days of Hie

sold the longhair segment to Leigh.

responsible for his downfall. Other
BADIO characters are there, including a for-
conflict, both on the European and Since then, MCA
has started its own
ClMiHlctle Colbt-rl
Krfd MicMum; la
and CITY MUSIC HALL Pacific rronts and was apparently
mer cellmate, of the ex-convict, an meant
escaped lifer who somehow turns up as propaganda to prove to the
concert department headed by Harry
Squires, who switched from the Wil-
"PRACTICALLY YOURS" Jap and German home fronts that
Brnay fiOOIIMAN mid Orch.
J'ernon "WITHOUT as butler, the vengeful man's step-
daughter, and her college sweetheart;
their armies and navies were in-
When the doings are over, all in- vincible. That was when things were
liam Morris office.
The field is

especially lucrative.
BOH KV.4NS with ,l»rry O'Mnry
LOVE" volved in the plotting and counter- going their own way.
plotting had met their just deserts, German scenes take you back to
Most dales are played on percent-
ages, some running as high as 70%
Spectacular Stag* Production* and the sweethearts go back to the the rape of .Poland, conquest of the of the lake.
mainland presumably a happy couple.
George Zucco plays the principal •

role for all it's worth, and is given

Oil SCRKEN excellent support by the others, prin-
h .
IN PERSON cipally Lionel Atwill. Ian Keith and
f Thurn.. Apr. 12
. .Donald JAY George Lloyd. Good acting is sup-
OTO.NNOR plemented by smooth production,
IV««y JOSTYN combining to lift a murder story
RYAN that's not too subtle into a picture
Radio's "MR that's above the mediocre.
ltd* Groat" ATTORNEY"
The Town Went Wild does not matter to us whether the client we are
5X™ It

serving is a housewife, or the sharpest of diamond

4 7th Si.
i «06ers1 s ;*
lyn X. Y
to appraise as accurately as
We try to receive everyone courteously,
we know how, to make
offers as generous as the market can possibly allow.
Randnir Krott Gjphj Roue 1m
! SHIRLEY IBmitHsu,?^"* ': Hint'
Duviil 1'iinivny.
I inn'. "iB MINS. .

..... I'reiUlif RlN1inloinc» The result-to us-is a reputation of which we

tube -fSSss?*;
. .

Ilin-rJxiin ,. lumex r.iiliui
DlMh Sher* lob torni Kvi ri lt I'niiwuy. . . . Kihiiiril Kvrmu llnrlnn proud. To you, we hope, it suggests a firm in which
}I:i i-rlHnii '.
..'......•.... '.'1'nni
JliimiilnL- you can repose your
. An RKO-nnillo PIcLuie
CAPITOL .Mnhhin ll:iiTlnnn.. Mlnmi Ci.inl.i-ll
l.iii'lll^ <
nnu:iy ;{ Itulli |><.
fullest confidence.
Mllllo Wnikrr. UoIk-iim smliii
-luil|;i> lliiiirle., MhiiiI« 101. in Mi-
Mr. Tu-rpille-. <'liiirli>s lliillnn


I<>i i-Ih Tn) li,i

-hn,[li'C nf .llir Hrmi'p.. ., ...Ilninlv 4
'itl In
In .-
Hollywood, April 10. llii- I'liblk- UfrndPl\ Mnnli- Ciilliiin
Joe Kane will produce and direct I Dl.-nrli l Alliirnry. . . .I'liiirli-.i MmIiIIiMkii

"THE AFFAIRS OF SUSAN" his own "Bells of the Gold

Vv*i\ ftiirlnn
.'.Will w'rlahi

A FuranMivRt rklure
Coast;", Republic, starting in May. 'I'lie W'nli-hiniin. . ,-. . . , > ICunnell r,\nu Jteevcs. Dnrulliy VhukIiii
Picture will deal with adventure, .

RIVOLI, R'way and 49th St. and romance in the early days of This'piclure has a fair story which
California, •
could, have been good comedy. But
Wednesday, April 11, 1945 KADIO 21

WHAT IS A DIRECTOR? EXECS, WRITERS 'Big Push' Bally at Blue Raises

It's probably a sign of growing "maturity" that a trade fuss is
developing as to the proper functions and status of the director
as and against program executives and, perhaps even more
sharply, the writer. It's high time this issue was clarified. Bad
'Don't Shove Us Around' Agcy. Beefs
as the director's position has been on occasion it is generally
FRET AT TREND Scheduled revamp of the Blue
much better than the position of the writer. In fact a writer usu- By GEORGE ROSEN
network's publicity setup by Fred
ally has to become a director, or a package producer, to achieve Smith, public relations and adver-
Radio directors are making a sen- Pepsodent Doesn't Smile, tising v. p. slated to be put into op-
weight in the profession. But meanwhile that little fact about sational pitch secure for their

eration in about six weeks, has al-

writers doesn't interest directors who are understandably con- profession near-absolute power over
Ditto Frances Langford ready aroused squawks from some
cerned with. improving their own, nobody else's, standing. ail production, writing, re-writing,
casting and other essential steps in Combo of Frances Langford and advertising agencies represented by
Years may have to,pass before anything like a truly adult rela- radio program-making. Something Spike Jones as the summer replace- shows on the web. Latter point up
ment for the Chase Ic Sanborn-Char- that while it's all very well for pic-
tionship obtains between directors and writers on the one hand very like a basic straggle is going
on behind the scenes in New York lie McCarthy show hit a snag last ture companies or others who con-
and executive showmen on the other. Meanwhile radio has the week with Pepsodent, to whom Miss trol the product to introduce such
City with the directors' demands be-
"compromise." This is a system under which nobody wins. And Langford is under contract for the an innovation as that outlined by
ing interpreted by program admin-
since nobody wins, nobody has any satisfaction. It's this con- istrators, supervisors, coordinators, Bob Hope stanza, cutting in with a Smith, in the case of network shows
stant lack of artistic glorification that gets radio people down. editors and writers as "self-glorifica- "ho dice." where a coordination of activities is
Talk to some of the musical conductors and arrangers. Talk to tion at everybody else's expense." Spike Jones outfit is still set with required on. the part of sponsor reps
sponsor reportedly trying to line up and agencies 'as well, it doesn't add
the directors. Talk to script editors. And if they're in a confi- The radio writers are. particularly
upset at the directors' demand lor either Gracie Fields or Beatrice Lil- up to fair treatment for all con-
dential frame of mind, talk to the vice presidents. For real all- Miss cerned. Similarly, squawks are di-
lie for a comedy-singing spot:
round frustration radio's prize exhibit is the veepee. unchallenged privileges of studio re-
write of scripts in disregard of the Fields held down the McCarthy slot rected at the fact that the web
creative interest. One element among last summer. :

should have exposed the idea to the

Meanwhile maybe a director should think of himself as a .

the writers has been anxious to con- agencies first instead of proceeding
director, not as a writer. There is a distinction. Hollywood found
demn this slant outright, but an- without any consultation.
it. Radio needs to find It. In Hollywood there Is "genius" on other faction has argued that the re- ... "Principal beef appears to be di-
every level. Writing genius, producing genius, camera genius,
even lighting genius. It seems doubtful .that all the genius in
ports of director attitude may have
been exaggerated in trade gossip
Sinatra-Al Levy rected at the Blue's plan to concen-
trate its "big push" on shows appear-
radio has been bestowed by an allwise Providence ori directors

and that Jerry Devine. head of the ing on the web on a given night.
; alone. directors group, was also a writer Thus, for instance, all energies will
and would therefore "be reasonable/'
One network official admitted that
Whole Show On be directed at doing a super-duper
job over a month's period on pro-
the directors were asking for the grams appearing on the net's Thurs-
moon, but .smilingly hazarded a guess
Webs Better Off Than Other Media that it was all poker-playing lor con-
night programming sked
(that's the night they're planning to
cessions. "But if they did get what start with). The following month the
they say they want, us mere busi-
In view of recent talk of air per- bally staff will let out all the stops
ness men might as well quit. The
in Cig Famine Despite Recent Exits directors would be top dog all the
sonalities mulling the possibility of on Friday shows, .etc..
wresting control of their programs The agencies contend that white
Bow out of R. J. Reynolds (Camel)-" from the agencies and in fact by- such an operation may work effec-
.Behind the directors' present tac-
as sponsors of the Jimmy Duranle- passing the 15%ers, the manner in tively in the promotion or advertis-
tics is a long history of "resentment"
Garry Moore show on CBS within a 'Doctor Fights/ Again against what the. directors call "in-
which Frank Sinatra and his man- ing departments, it's unfair to the
few months after George Washington terference by the bosses." Also the ager, Al Levy,
have taken over.
sponsor or agency in a case where

Hill (Lucky Strike) relinquished to question of "too many bosses." complete control of the Voice's "you'll have to wait till we get

Colgate another major nighttime web

For Schenley on Already much trade talk has re- Wednesday night CBS Max Factor around to the Saturday shows," par-
show, Kay Kayser, has highlighted Schenley again will replace "This volved about the basic issue of who show is viewed in some quarters as ticularly in instances where pro-
the manner in which the tobacco Is My Best" for the summer with is, or who should be, dominant in the first real evidence that the thing grams lend themselves to immediate
tycoons have been tightening their the dramatic penicillin show, "The program control.. The more philo- can be done. publicity campaigns to tie in with
advertising purse strings in view of Doctor Fights." Stanza, to be heard sophical point out that the law set- During the past several weeks (Continued on page 30)
the civvic ciggie famine. The fact in the CBS Tuesday night slot at tled that a long time ago by making while the show's been originating
remains, however, that of all the 9:30. tees off June 5 lor 13 weeks. the broadcaster (i.e. business man) from N. Y., Sinatra's manager has
media involved in the adv.-cxploita- However, Raymond Massey, .who responsible for operation in the pub- been sitting in the' control booth
tion campaigns (newspapers, mags, played the lead on the "Fights" lic interest. One body of opinion is masterminding the production job.
billboards, etc.) radio billings on series last summer, may not be avail- sympathetic to those situations in The only suggestion of any agency Everybody Wants
ciggie accounts have suffered least of able this year because of pix' com- which the director is confined pretty being involved in the Factor-Sinatra
all. Factor, of course, is recognition mitments. much to his stop-watch computa- deal, for that matter, is the fact that
among the bankrollers that the air tions. Another body of opinion thinks the Coast agency. Smith Drum, &
shows have the "most terrific sales directors tend to be arrogant and has been mailing in the commercials To Get Into The
impact., and they'll point to the fact, to have a "messianic complex."
each week. Otherwise it's a Sinatra-
as well, that you can- give, the im- 1935 Juve Policy ''It's okay to upgrade directors."
Levy production, although on the
pression via nighttime network pro- one writer put it, "but if it's at our Coast-origination shows
a CBS pro-
gramming (hat you're going whole —
expense and it usually is —
duction man generally sits in. And Burns-Allen Act
hog on advertising, v against the brethren."
while Sinatra himself is under the
- So far as Camel's is concerned, it's Nixes CBS' 'Hawk' Most writers seem to feel that a
Music Corp. of America wing, so far
With Lever Bros, releasing Burhs>*
still four to one in favor of radio, radio director is a natural enemy be- & Allen from their contract at be-
as the air show's concerned there's
despite Ihe dropping of the .Durante-. The new CBS juvenile daytime cause most directors are convinced
Moore combo, which was grabbed up serial."The Sparrow and the .Hawk." that they can out-write most writers
little or no MCA
control involved. hest of the comedy team who were

skedded for a preem later this (a few of them can) and they act ac- Further 'pointing up the independ- yanked off the Swan Soap show in
last week by United Drug. It's esti- favor of Joan Davis, the expected
mated that the Reynolds outfit cur- month ran smack, into psychological cordingly in the studios. William N. ence' of the "Sinatra-Levy pack-
tailed its adv. budget (in all media) barriers last week, with result that Robson of CBS is famous in this con- age." the. Factor account man for the B&A free-for-aH got under way over
He has openly stated over agency who's been east- in recent the weekend. It appears to be a
at least $4,000,000 in the ^asl year, the network may be obliged to scrap nection.
and over again "Don't take radio weeks suggested that the Voice, who question of who's got the best time
wilh the lone Reynolds radio casu- the entire . thing and' start from
scratch. • writers too seriously. Their scripts winds up his N. Y. stay tonight and facilities to offer, with Camp-
alty accounting for $1,000,000 of lhat

are just the starting point on which (Wed.) make a Chicago stopover bell's Soups, Philip Morris, Standard
amount. CBS'psychologist-consultant on
we (directors) build a show." while heading for the Coast, in view Brands and Borden's, among others,
Similarly, the Lucky Strike ad re-, programs, Dr. Thomas Jersild, of
Directors arc said to be especially of the midwest Factor market. BirJ reportedly in there pitching for the
trenchmenls in dailies and mags far Columbia University, gave Ihe
.hostile to "editors" whether from that's as far as he got. team.
exceed the billings represented, by moppet airer a nix, pointing to net-
the Kyser show, with Hill scram- networks or agencies. Most directors Latter bankrolled whose deal with

work policy on kid shows formulated

ming out of dailies altogether and banning crime scripts geared want to do their own editing. Judy Garland fell through when
in 1935,
confining himself to three national Actors also play a part in the di- Metro refused to okay her air. show,
to juve audiences. Kirkwood Show
mags. The same proportion applies rector squabble. It's pretty well Isn't appears to have slim chances, how-
Larry Menkin was commissioned since B&A would be spotted
known around New York' that some

to Chesterfields, which is passing up ever,

to script "Sparrow." dealing with a
the printed media but concentrating
kid helping his flying 'school in-
directors arc consistently intimidated The Same Since P&G on the Blue in the Sunday night
on its NBC and CBS 15-minulc by certain prosperous self-assured slot currently occupied by the Jerry
structor-attorney father to ferret program. Young &
musical formats, with Chesties even
out home-front menaces (there were
actors. In their struggle to build up Experts Went West Wayne
which handles-
hopeful of capturing the full 7-7:30 their studio prestige against such sit- both the Swan Soap
even some hopes that it might de- Hollywood, April 10. and Borden accounts, would,
CBS- segment cross-the-board. And uations directors have the full sup- of

velop into a moppet "Mr. D.A." The Procter Sc. Gamble experts course, like Ip keep the comedy duo
* there's no diminishing of the Raleigh port and sympathy of program offi- !

show) but CBS programming dept. cials to liquidate themselves as part )

have come and gone and the results iii the Y&Rfamily.
radio ad splurge via its Hildegardc
was obliged to go along on' the of the process. The attitude of some
of their handiwork stick out like a
and "Carton of Cheer" shows:
psychologist nix, despite some feel- sore thumb on the Jack. Kirkwood
If Warwick &
Legler gets the
actors to some directors has to do show, it will replace the .Sunday
ing at the network that the policy with a conviction, right or wrong, show. Dropped were producer Jack
night "Radio Reader's Digest" on
laid down in '35 has become out- Hill, comic Billy Grey and singer
Georgia Gibbs Scrams that they are way ahead of the di* CBS opposite Winchell on the Blue.
moded and -what applied to those rectors in trade savez and experi- Don Reid. Replacing Grey as Kirk-
Reported that Campbell's has been
days shouldn't necessarily hold in ence. wood's zany accomplice' is an old
Durante Show; Philco Deal anything but happy over the "Digest"
current-day thinking. The whole crony of Kirkwood's on the Coast.
rating. Understood Ted Bates \K
Exit of Georgia. Gibbs from the thing is further complicated by Tommy Harris. He'll also do a bit of
warbling vice Reid. New producer
making a B&A pitch to Standard
Durante-Moore show last Friday (6) Menkin's draft call' up. He's skedded 'KATE SMITH
SPEAKS' Brands, while if Phi) Morris cops the
stems from the singer's longtime dis- to don uniform in 10 days, is Paul Franklin and the writing
duo they would replace Ginny
budget gets a fast hypo.
satisfaction with her. spot. When pro-
gram was still under the Wm. Esty
Further huddles are skedded on
"Sparrow" wilh possibility seen that

Continuing with Kirkwood are his

banner for Camel's she tried to get script may still be made to fit
Add Kale Smith to the' list of air frau, Lillian Leigh. Jeanne McKcon
a release from her contract. It wasn't specifications but with new writer
personalities planning reservations .and Irving Miller's band. Murray
only a question of coin, but also be- required.
on the Frisco Special in connection Bolen of the Compton agency super- 'Silver Theatre' Reopens
ing held down to a single song. wilh the forthcoming confab. She vises production.

When show switched over to the pl;>ns trip in connection with her
United Drug account last week new.
PLAY daily "Kale Smith Speaks" show. For Straw Hat Season
sponsor reportedly was willing to up Clifford Goldsmith, who authored While on the Coast, her Sunday "Silver Theatre." which bowed
her $500 salary, but singer asked Ihe Broadway legiter, "What a Life!" night show would originate from
'Archie' to Europe off
the air last year to make way for
for $1,250, which cued her exit. Mar- is writing a new play, as yet un- Hollywood. Medicos have nixed Ed Gardner's
the Ozzie Nelson-Harriet HiUiard
ion Hutton went into the show last titled.That's the main reason why request that' he be allowed to go into
week with N. W. Aycr agency scout- he's checking off as scripter t>r Ihe All-Girl Orch Stanza .
the Pacific combat zone to entertain show, is being revived this summer.
ing around for a permanent choice. "Aldrich Family." which he owns. A 3'D-uhit all-girl orchestra led by troops when hiatus time rolls .
. Show goes back into the same Sun-
Miss Gibbs is skedded to go into Sam Taylor was originally set to Antic Kullmer. playing symphonic around for "Duffy's Tavern." Rea- day night CBS spot it held fbr sev-
the Philco summer show.- She'll
t;:kc over the scripting chores, but and light operatic music, has been son: climate. eral years and for the same sponsor.
femccc as well as be the singing star, he. loo, has a Broadway Icgiler in auditioned by several ad agencies in
As result Gardner will head for International Silver, as summer re-
.idea being to develop her as well as tlu- works. "Aldrich" writers are a half-hour format for a possible Europe lo play for the Army of Oc-
. placement for the "Ozzie and Har-
a non-singing personality. currently being set. summer replacement program. cupation in Germany. riet" show.

Wednesday, April 11,

IS RADIO 194.$

Marion Hutton's 'Romance

'Remember Public Service?', FCC Asks Marion Hutton has been signed for
Office of Peace Information
a straight 13-wcck run on the Bour-
Tipdff that the Office of War Information acknowledges an early end
jois "Here's to Romance", show. She
of European hostilities and is therefore veering its course towards edu-
starts April 26 and will co-sar with
In Holding Up Station Renewal Bids Larry Douglas, show's mainstay.
cation for peace is evidenced in Jhe new slant OWI radio mc.--.ii«es
are now taking. As an illustration of the "from here on" line to be
Singer has been doing a lot of
pursued by the OWI via radio, the CBS midnight station-break Inst
Washington, April adio work of late, guesting on vari-
getting lough on sta- week 13) carried the following announcement:
The FCC is ous shows.
tion license renewals.
Breakfast Rentals "The future of every American depends on the peace that will come
Applications for same have been Program devoted exclusively when the war is over. There must be no World W-ar III. Everybody
gelling the eagle-eye from the. com- to real estate advertising. "Real agrees to that. Congress and both political parlies arc united in the
. in recent weeks with a sub- Kstate Reporter,"

broadcast on WMCA
will, soon be
iN. V.),
Bill Ray, NBC, In desire for a world-wide organization to ensure permanent peace. But
stantial number having been ap- no one nation, alone, can achieve that aim. It can be attained only
proved on a temporary basis only Monday through Saturday, 8:05 >vhen all the nations of the world— in spite of any minor differences-
until the board satisfies itself that to 8:15 ajn. Show will feature unite in peace as they have united in war. The United Nations' has
public service pledges, have not *nd individual descriptions of prop-;
Reply After Chi been formed not only as a war. team but also as a peace team. We
will not be given the brushcioo by erly offers, aimed at the break- have learned how to work together. With victory wc must all wo:k
station owners. fast table audience; Program for peace.. That work was begun at Yalta and Dumbarton Oaks.. It
Of 40 renewal bids considered will undertake to buy, sell, or will be carried on at the coming San Francisco conference..; Every
Monday (9), the FCC tabled six, ap- rent any kind of property-
Blast At Radio American should resolve to make world peace a reality. Let's think
proved 16 with" reservations and homes, lots, office space, apart- about if and' discuss it. Let's make it succeed."
okayed the remaining 18. Basis for ment';, etc. Chicago, April 10.

the Commission's delaying actions One unique feature will be an Eight-column editorial., blast in
has been difference between sustain- "Exchange Apartments" dept. Chi Daily News last week at the
ing and commercial hours carried by "Reporter" will be available
the stations now and the breakdown lo participation sponsorship.
entire radio ''industry for Blue net-
work's false peace rumor of March U. S. Judge Rules for WPEN, PhiHy,
listed on original applications filed 27, bylined by" John S, Knight, edi-
by the owners. Naturally, with in- tor and publisher, drew a reply in
dustry-wide SRO conditions prevail-
ing, many operators have pared- .

FCC Disputes Fly

kind from Bill Ray,, manager of
NBC news and special events dept., No Injunction for Gospel Group
their sustainc.s and public service central division, who look Knight
commitments to the bone in favor of Philadelphia, April 10.
down the line in a long letter point-

taking on more sponsored shows. ing out some 'fallacies in the jour- Federal Judge William H. Kirk-
Gordon Set as Director
Letters to the stations asking for
statements of commercial and spon-
sored time breakdowns, outlines of
In WOW Argument nalist's reasoning.
Editorial tried to create the im- For Sherman Ellis in Chi
patrick oh Saturday
through his court
that he
Omaha, April 10. pression that all of radio is to blame Chicago/April 10. would, dismiss injunction procccd-
what local public service shows are
being aired and a "how come?" note The WOW
litigation opened again for the error of one major and one Ivan Gordon, former television
production exec with Young .& Rubi-
ngs filed by eight religious groups
seeking to learn why the operators' when the FCC and Justice Dept. at regional net, Ray said, thus tending
to create the impression that radio eam, N. Y., has been appointed radio against WPEN. The formal dismissal
have strayed so far from plans out- Washington favored upholding the
and the press are competitive. Ray's director of the Sherman K. Ellis order is expected to be handed down
lined when they first asked FCC for

right of the Nebraska Supreme particular beefs were on Knight's Chicago office succeeding Palmer today (Tues.).
a license have followed the delaying .

action on the renewal applications. Court to invalidate lease on WOW indiscriminate use of phrases like Clark. He will supervise the "Aunt
The groups, members of; the Gos-
but urged that legal processes be 'lush-voiced hams dramatizingJemina" shows. McLaughlin Manor pel Broadcasters Association,
suspended until the FCC clears prob- trivial news items in one breath and House codee "Supper Interludes" filed
the action' in Federal Court Fri-
lem of who is to own the license. extolling the virtues of El Stinko over WMAQand several news spots.
day r6) charging that WPEN,- re-
Position of the FCC and Justice cigars in the next without ever Clark, who had *been with the
cently acquired by. the Evening Bul-
CBC 89G Surplus Dept. attorneys was shown in a brief changing his pace;" "it's not my agency for four years; resigned ef-
letin, nad abridged their rights under
on file, last Thursday <5) with the purpose to pick a quarrel with either fective April 15 but left March 31, the FCC code by cancelling their
U. S. Supreme Court. the Hearst press or with radio, but with no definite plans for the future. programs as of April 1. They had
This contradicts the argument of simply: to remind them of their asked for a temporary injunction to
As of April 1944 James L. Fly, former FCC chairman, grave responsibility to the American compel the station to sell them time.
Ottawa, April 10.
who recently appeared as attorney public," and ;"handling news is a The Court had denied this plea also.
Canadian Broadcasting Corp. an-
for the Woodmen of the World In- new arid unperfected art with most
surance Society, owner of WOW, in radio people." Lumping radio with
MBS' Round-Robin The association, through its attor-
neys, indicnted they would carry
nual report for year ending March
an appeal to the Supreme Court to the Hearst press, Ray said, was the '
their case to the U. S. Circuit Court
31, 1944, shows net operating sur-
overrule the Nebraska high court. unkindest cut of all. of Appeals.
plus of $89,176. CBC total income
for that period was $5,232,041, in- without
Fly contended Nebraska court was
authority tb
"There's a clear and unmistakable
Invalidate break between news and advertising
Of New Sustainers In the suit the plaintiffs said re-
cluding $3,787,886 from license fees fusal lo sell them time was "mali-

lease to a* group of Omahans copy on all NBC broadcasts, and 1 Mutual programs v.p. Phil Carlin cious and discriminatory" and will
paid by receiving set owners and under the name of

$1,421,906 from commercial airers, cause this would usurp the FCC li
WOW Inc., be- can recall no instance, in which an Is busy these days auditioning and
ultimately prevent an audience of
the rest being miscellaneous. CBC's cense control.
NBC announcer or analyst drama- scheduling shows that he' feels will more than 1,000,000 persons in New
tized any item, trivia) -or otherwise," lend themselves toward garnering York, Pennsylvania, New Jersey,
expenditures totalled $2,713,977, in-
cluding $849,504 for wire lines, $930,-
WOW was leased in 1942 after the letter read in part. "If announcers an audience for the network. Delaware, Maryland and other slates
FCC approved transfer of license to ever resorted lo the tricky and un- Initial stanza will be slotted from from'' hearing "the gospel of Jesus
249 engineering, $206,177 administra-
commercial dept. and
WOW, Inc. Suit to invalidate lease substantiated wording used in the 2 to 2:30 p.m. once weekly starting Christ" and would shut off their
tion, $166,561
$109,171 press and information.
was later brought by a Lincoln pol- headlines of some newspapers to in- Sunday, April .29, titled "You were main source of revenue contribu- —
icyholder in the Woodmen Society crease their street sales, we would Bom to Be a Star," with Bill Gen ;
tions sent in by listeners.
Report, delayed almost a' year
who contended, that the rental was indeed be legitimate objects of at- nant as producer and Dorothy Arz The petition claimed that after the
(next one due for issue this June) inadequate. When the Nebraska tack." ner, the film director, as initial

lists a daily average of 7.18 hours of

Format comprises dramatic
money for radio time was deducted
Supreme Court upheld the suit, the Hostile attitude of some news-
from contributions, the balance is
commercial shows, or 16.7%. of total
society and WOW, Inc. joined in an sketches anent family and other
web time, with more than 60% of paper people toward radio, Ray used to maintain homes for aged,
appeal, holding that it threatened to problems.
the commercials originating in Can. cut off broadcasting by restoring, went on, indicates they're in fear of and other charitable pur-
On April 30, Elsa Maxwell in- missions activities would
Listing sponsored, shows originat- station management to the society being put out of business by news- augurates a Monday through f riday poses. Somelof these
tng in the United States, report

casters "although— I've never known have to be discontinued or curtailed

while leaving the license with the series on the web in the 11:16-11:30
• comments: "These sponsored pro- anyone in radio who thought this, or if the plaintiffs are denied radio
leasee. a.m. niche. Stanza, titled "Elsa's
grams with their internationally wished it. As a matter of fact, many Party Line," will have same format
time, the petition said.

known artists could not be excluded of us eVen think radio has helped
as her syndicated newspaper oolumn They declared they were unable
from the Corporation's networks un increase circulation of newspapers consisting
of chattel- and Interviews to buy any radio time
on any other
less Canadians are prepared to see Singers, Gabbers, Thesps by interesting more people ire na- with personalities. Show \yill origi- station, pointing out that WPEN is
the audience drift to American sta- tional and world affairs, just as we nate in San Francisco, where Miss the most desirable outlet inasmuch
some primarily for re-
tions." CBC also rejected consider- Wind Up as Top Execs believe radio is at least in de- Maxwell will cover the United Na- as it was organized
able business which was considered gree responsible for the increase in tions Security confab for Mutual ligious froadcasts when it was
below web standards. Spot an phonograph record sales, through Stanza will shift to Hollywood' for WRAX.
In Windy Chy Radio made
nouncements and most spot pro having more people familiar -
the summer and then to N. Y. origi
grams "except tiovt.) left to indies Chicago, April 10. with good music. At any rate, the nation next' fall.
with CBC concentrating on web That "top radio exec" who's al- total daily circulation of newspapers
' Carlin is refurbishing the format
ways- being quoted in inside dope in the U. S. has greatly increased of "Never Too Old" heard on the
Report kudos power of commercial stories from Chi is really a disap- since network broadcasting began. web Sundays from., 2: 30 lo 3 pin Big Biz Bankroll
'thows in putting over vital informa- pointed actor, singer, announcer or We believe! radio and the press are. Show will be shifted to the 4:30-9
tion. "It was found in two national musician, as is attested by lengthy complimentary, not competitive." p.m. slot shortly and will originate
campaigns that notable results were research into the subject. It's a dead
obtained from the co-operation of glveway, too, that at least a touch of
from a Hollywood theatre with sev-
eral new entertainment slants. Plan
For Blue s Gler
commercial sponsors of network pro ham is necessary in order to be a is to showcase old-time vaude acts
Old Gold Buys 'Name It' and their stars. With some of the top business-
grams," it soys. success on the production end of in the na-
Exchange sustainers from U. S radio. Here's why Web auditioned "Round Table of industrial corporations behind sponsorship of ;
accounted for 12.7% of 'sustaiher Jules Herbuveaux, program mana- For 'Which' Replacement Romance," forum program featuring tion getting
women the project, and some of the out-'
hours and from BBC for 6%. Of ger for NBC, central division, started discussions by four with s
After a competitive scramble dur- male standing radio-pix stars lined up to
commercial time, 2,669 hours were out as an orch leader; Walter Pres- as interloper. Elista Landl
WBBM program director, was a
ing which the summer replacement
film and legit star, is moderator,
head up the various programs, one
CBC originating, the remaining 39% ton, quizzer, "Name It and Claim It," cycles to. date
from U. S. U. .S.-originating' time singer, first big assignment being seemed set to land with Ruthrauff & others on show being Martha of the most ambitious
aimed at bringing home to the
included about 500 hours each from vocals for "O Henry" candy bar Ryan for the Amos 'n' Andy spot, Roundtree, who produces the pro American people the vital GI re-
NBC, CBS, Blue, with Mutual con- commercials; Paul McClure, director gram,. Florence Pritchard and Robin
Lennen & Mitchell stepped in last habilitation Issue will be aired over
tributing about 200 hours. of network sales for the Blue, cen Chandler.
week and grabbed the package for starting next
tral division, bowed in as actor and Vie Olivier is scripting a series of the Blue network
the Old Gold account. Understood month.
announcer; 'Bob Brown, director of
"Name It" will sub for "Which Is stanzas based on the "Father Brown* A 13 -week cycle, titled" "We Live
Knob Twisters at CBC Wrigley network shows "First Line'
Which" in the CBS Wednesday night detective character, which Carlin Again," which has already been
and "Service to the Front," used to spot during the hiatus period. hopes to spot on the web soon as a
Get Air Credit Billing be a uke player in vaude. replacement for one of the cur given the blessing of the Army, .

S. James Andrews. I&M radio di-

Ottawa, April 10, Bob Guilbert, commercial continu- rently-aired whodunit sta n r a s Navy and Red Cross, will get under
rector, sa^s the agency expects night, May 2, in the
Canadian Broadcasting Corp. air- ity acceptance editor at WMAQ, is a "Which" to resume with the show Mutual also is seeking a suitable way Wednesday
ers have assumed the practice of former actor; Buck Gunn, program time slot for the W. Colsten Leigh 9-9:30 slot being vacated by Elgin
for Old Gold in the fall, but that
giving control-room engineers bill- director of WGN, made his debut in .package, "Overseas Correspondent,' Watch, and will be aired once week-
showbiz as "The Singing. Usher" emcee Ken Murray would bow out which formerly -was aired on ly. It adds up to a $146,000 talent-
ing along with cast. As a rule, shows of
because of pressure of duties on
on CBC give cast credits just before the Virginia theatre, Champaign, other Coast commitments, prin- WNEW, N. Y. Program contains production nut, with the various
sign-off, ending with thc line, "Tech-
111.; Burr Lee, director of NBC's :
human interest stories about the bankrollers pitching in with $14,-
nical operation by '
." daytime soaper, "Bachelor's Chil- cipally his. "Blackouts" musical pro- war as reported by big-name covre 000 weekly. International Business
duction at Hollywood's El Capltan Machines Corp. is assuming spon-
dren," was a stock player. spondents.
Corp. figures boy at the knobs and theatre.
Everett Mitchell, director of agri- sorship of the initial program. Ford
dials is as important as players to "Name It," it's understood, Is get-
culture, for NBC, central division,, and General Motors are reported
air presentations.
was a singer: Gene Rouse, program ting a revamp with Ken Delmar, BOB MUCK, Y&R, EAST interested in defraying costs of one
originaly skedded as m.c, out and a
director for the Blue, central divi- Bob Muck, head of Young & Ruhi- or more of the stanzas. Among stars
Washington— "The Yawn Patrol." sion, was one of Chi's first announc- replacement being sought. cam publicity setup on the Coast, already lined up for the series are
platter-chatter show over WWDC ers;. Henry Sellinger, co-author 'of checked In at the N. Y- offlae yester- Bob Hope and Bihg Crosby.
from 1 a. m.- lo 6 a. in.,, is now be- "Ma Perkins," NBC daytimerj was San. Antonia.— Rex Pries, account day (Tues.) for huddles wijji radio gram has been packaged by Henry
ing handled .
by Charlie Bright. WGN's "Masked Violinist;" and Sem exec for KTSA has been named asst. publicity Chief Lester Gottlie.b and Souvaine.
"Great" Scott, the former disc Kaney, station relations manager for station mgr. Pries is also leader of a production execs geared 'To fall pro The various shows will
Jockey, has been promoted to .a day- WMAQ, was one of the country's local band playing Saturday night fit motion campaign. from hospitals and rehabilitation
time show of his own. first sports announcers. Olmos Club. Muck slays cast two weeks. . centers.
. . - .

Wednesday, AprH 11, 1948 RADIO 2S


New-Buaness, Cancellations for Mardi OPEN WEB TIME N. Y. Court Decish Rules for Velie
Following is a summery of the hours added and lost on the four
major Tietuwfc* for the: month of March:
Hears addea Houri I09I Hoort gained or lost Against Ted Collins Who Gets 12G Rap
—per week— —per week— — per week- A decision of extreme importance
Day Even- Day- Even- to the trade, particularly to the run-
tog time In, Daytime Evening Despite the increasingly - wide-
time of-the-mine radio actor, was ren-
1 5-Minnte Gulfspray Show dered

%hr. Vihr. %hr. % hr. gained'. spread talk of the inevitability of

CBS ... last week when the New York
2% hrs. sponsor reaction to high talent costs
NBC ... , 2Y* hrs. %hr; .4% hrs. lost 1% hrs. lost
and bankrollers scramming to other
A new 15-minute show for a sum- Court of Appeals. highest, in the .

Bl«e 4% hrs. l%hrs. lost fehr.loat' mer replacement has- been packaged state, affirmed a lower court order in

%hr. %hr. %hr. media when they open up, the fact
Mn»u»l ..l%hre. iy« hrs. gained . by Mildred Fenton for sponsorship the Jay Velie vs. Ted Collins Corp.
remains that the current mad sciam-
by Gulspray, through Young Sc case.
ble for even half-way decent time
The Blue network suffered the heaviest loss in biz during March with Rubicam. Air time- currently be-
hours (either cancellations or notice on either NBC or CBS. (when avail- Decision affirms that Velie, an
a total of five and three-quarters ing set.
was in' Collins' employ when
of cancellation), although the chief dent four and a quarter hours in — able) is evidence that the- so-called
radio brusheroo is still in the em-
Show will feature Earl Sheldon
he appeared in bit parts for four
its daytime sked—is attributed mainly to seasonal programming, in this and his orch, Jack Smith and Danny shows in a soap opera series, "My
bryonic talking stage.
instance involving the Saturday Metropolitan Opera sponsorship by Let the agency boys and sponsors
Seymour. Son and I," back in 1941, and there-
Texaco and the Sunday Met Auditions program sponsored by Sherwin- get wind of a half-hour segment fore was entitled to all social se-
Williams. Scripto 'Mfg. Go. also dropped George Hicks sponsorship. opening up on either of the two top curity and unemployment insurance
Nighttime casualties Included notice of Elgin Watch going off; Ford webs (and it doesn't have to be one benefits.
Motor off after May 31, and Owens-Illinois dropping Fred Waring in
June. Mutual gained an hour and a quarter via Carter's John J, An-
of those "heart of the evening"
niches, either) and, Judging from the
Radio Plans V-E It sets at rest, in all finality, the
fact that a bit player who may be
thony cross-the-board program and the new 7-Up show, despite loss gang up of sponsors seeking to wrest employed even once out of 500 per-
of Miss Swank-Slips (Jerry Cooper) and the Hartz Mt. Canary Sunday the time, you'd think they were pass- formances on a serial and appear
show. CBS' inheritance of the Listerine account for the Billie Burke
show (Servel cancellation was racked up In Feb.) was the factor in
ing out a pack of clgarets with the
Shows But Fears only for an hour's rehearsal, is
nevertheless an. employee of the
that web's half -hour gain, while NBC's one-hour loss stems from Take, for instance, the Saturday talent agency and not an indepen-
Emerson Drug's cancellation of "The Saint" and Prince Matchabelll's night 7 o'clock time on CBS, which dent contractor, as the agency, had
Sunday show. is being thrown "on the market"
through a reshifting of schedules
Sneak Preview claimed, and entitled to full protec-
stemming from Corn Products' bow There's a growing feeling, insofar Decision is also Important for the
out as sponsor of the "Stage Door
as setting up radio plans for V-E following fact. The radio series was
Corny, Nagging Plugs Menace US. Way Day are concerned, that Germany's produced by the Collins Corp. and

sold to General Foods as a package.;

capitulation will wind up as one of
Southern Courtesy those "don't look now, but Germany
Although Collins maintained little
control over the package, the court
why CBS
Of Feasting. Hollister Tells Hub Group
Reason is giving was actually knocked out of the
nevertheless held that Velie was an
Chelsea cigar'ets initial crack at war lastweek" affairs. Neverthe- employee of Collins instead of Gen-
the 7 o'clock Saturday night slot less, to meet the eventuality of there eral Foods.
Boston, April 10. -t
being vacated by "Mayor of the being a definite. V-E date, represen-
"Have fun with radio commercials Town" switchover stems from an tatives of the ,New York radio sta-
Court's decision will probably cost
unless you want the European sys- Standard Brands Backs embarrassing situation. Ciggies tions, including all the indies &nd
the Collins Corp. about $12,000,
tem, of broadcasting," Paul Hollister, are manufactured by Larus representing monies on several other
the flagship stations of the four
CBS v.p., told the Boston radio coun- OPA 'Coupons' on Blue Bros., who sponsor the Guy

major networks, met last week to
cases similar to Velie's, as well as
oil at its second spring meeting at Lombardo show on the Blue. his.
blueprint the five-hour, radio show
Boston U,, attended by 200 radio Office of Price Administration's It appears that the Larus boys
Money angle is also Important in
(from 5 to 10 p.m.) which will
and crusaders. former 19-minute stanza depicting
station reps, educators also own WRVA, the prominent had been held to be
that, if Velie
originate from the mall In Central
"Take away sponsor revenue and nation's fight against inflation in- 50,000-watter CBS outlet. in Rich- an indie contractor, radio employers
will be carried by all the
Park and
you take away the bricks and mor- augurates a 13-week half -hour series mond, and it's known that their, (Similarly. CBS has a 60-
would have saved $1,000,000. a year,
tar," Hollister continued. "To nag on the Blue early in May in the airing of the Lombardo show on which roughly represents tax on
minute Norman Corwin show in
commercials into' disrepute can de- 10:30-11 p.m.' slot once-weekly. Pro network has created their talent payrolls for the 1 % due
another readiness should V-E Day material-
stroy service of radio to people."
titled "Soldiers with Coupons,' some Offering of the federal government for social
gram, sensitivities. ize.)

He forecast an improvement in com- until last Monday night (9) was the time, however, is expected
security taxes and the 2.7% due the
Impressive talent lineup thus far
mercial plugs and that "cowcatchers
heard in N. Y. live on and WNEW to be a mere formality, with in- will have Mayor LaGuardia emcee-
state for unemployment insurance.
and hitch-hikers" were being dis- transcribed Decision is held in trade to be a
on 52 other stations . dications that the ciggie-station ing the marathon N. Y. show, aimed
couraged, while the singing commer- combined feather in the caps of
throughout the country. owners will cling to their Mon- at keeping people indoors and glued
cial was on the Wane. "Some are Standard Brands will pick up the day night 10 p.m. Blue segment. Emily Holt and George Heller, exec,
funny, but are only a passing fancy. to their radios. Commentators will
tab on production costs for the web
and asst. exec secy, at American
Jingles lack adhesion and perhaps include Walter Winchell, H. V. Kal-
Federation of Radio Artists; Morti-
airing with the Blue providing the tenborn, Gabriel Heatter and Wil-
some arc bad musically, but will wilt mer Becker of AFRA's national
only if they don't move merchandise.
outlets. Program will originate in Canteen" Friday night show. The liam L. Shirer, with additional top-

counsel, and Jaffe & Jaffc, who

N. Y., with Tex Weiner, OPA radio Pabst-Danny Kaye show takes over flighters being set. The 5:30-6 spot recognized the importance to actors
No one wants to offend listeners, es-
regional director for the nine east- the slot, effective April 27, with has been reserved, as an "exclusive"
pecially sponsors." of this unemployment question and
ern states, writing and producing. "Mayor of the Town" moving into for the N. Y. Philharmonic Orches-
Britain and the United States have followed the case through from ini-
common problems, according to John the Danny Kaye spot from its pres tra, which will be carried by WABC,
tial Dept. of Labor hearing through
0. Rennic, head of radio service, ent Saturday 7 p.m. slot. And while with possibility that the half-hour
the various courts.
British Information Service. "For "Mayor" has succeeded in garnering concert will be carried full network
a respectable rating hovering around by CBS. Among others who win
international cooperation, the prob-
lem will fall to radio and especially
Paboka Platters the 9 to 10 mark, the fact remains take an active part are Raymond
to the U. S., which has the most the 7-7:30. segment hardly comes un Massey, Lawrence Tibbett, Lucy
complex radio set-up," he said.
' der the heading of ideal time (which
also means a 4 o'clock in the after
Monroe, Leopold Stokowski conduct-
ing the City Symphqny Orchestra of
Rating Dips Cue
"Radio has powers. The spoken word
gets right inside people. The appeal
To Stress Morale noon Pacific airing). N. Y„ the Coast Guard Band and
to hearts and consciences will do But take one look at that line
angles the Army Band. List, of course, is
Morale and educational
the job." forming on the right and you'd think
stressed by Ham Fisher in his Joe it was the top rating spot in radio.
only in skeleton form, with many
others from all phases of show biz
Hasty Hiatuses
Calmer Baps Censors
Ned Calmer, CBS correspondent Palooka comic strip will likewise be CBS is keeping under wraps the currently being lined up. Tendency this year appears to be
explained that gathering war news pointed up in a new transcribed air number of potential sponsors inter Each of the five hours will take for air shows to check off earlier
was a great deal of luck, for "the ested in the slot, but admits that on a different format to lend variety than usual for the summer hiatus
built around the champ in
most industrious don't alw'ays get series the boys are in there pitching. And to the show. Religious groups will period with an earlier* fall return
which will be marketed in-
the breaks:" He deplored some of uniform indications are that Chelsea cigarets be tied in with the project, with lined up. Last year the norm pre-
the youthful censors charged with
dependently by Fisher and his busi- which sponsors the Guy Lombardo talks skedded by Bishop Manning, vailed with most of the shows check-
examining copy sent by veteran ness associates. show on the Blue, gets first crack Rabbi Stephen S. Wise, etc. ing back on^the air around Oct. 1.
newsmen. Palooka strip has been kudoed at it (see separate box) though Further huddles are skedded in Slump in ratings, which appears
Edward Weeks, editor of Atlantic time and again by Army and Navy whether it'll pass up its present the next few days to complete the to be more drastic this year than
Monthly, president of the radio officers for its easy-to-understand Monday 10 p.m. spot on the Blue is details. . heretofore with majority of shows
council and chairman of the meet- approach on wartime subjects aimed problematical. Also in the running suffering from below-par sets-in-use,'
ing, cited the BBC's policy as an at GIs and the people at home. last week was "Stage Door Canteen

has cued the desire of the stars to

example for American radio to fol- Fisher, at the request of the military under new sponsorship (Bendix lay off earlier than usual. Many of
low. He poked fun at radio com- bigshots, has been doing special Pa- Aviation was reported interested in BLUE W00S BEECHAM them, for that matter, wouldn't mind

raercials. looka cartoons cued to education of the show) but the deal has reported calling It quits now or a month hence
At the afternoon sessions, Hollis- the boys in uniform on basic train- ly cooled off since then. Similarly, AS LONGHAIR CHIEF and return to the fold in Sept. rather
ter and Adolph Schneider, NBC ing, health, treatment of prisoners, Kenyon &
Eckhart agency would
In the works at the Blue network than meet the
red-faced poser:
news editor, discussed "Freedom of etc. like to take over the spot on behalf "what was your rating when you
is a deal to bring in Sir Thomas
Listening," which swerved to argu- Palooka platters are being script- of a triple-sponsor interest.
Beecham as concert music director went off this year?" For it's, gen-
(Continued on page ed by Harold Conrad, Brooklyn
,32) '
erally agreed that the rating boys
of the web with Paul Whlteman
Eagle boxing writer, and produced staying on as director of the popular
won't love them near as much in
by Sgt. Jack Hurtell. Karl Swen- CBS Spots Arthur Godfrey June as they do in September.
WARD BYRON TAKES ON son's doing the title role, with Lee
music department. Whether or
the Beecham deal goes through the
Dixon cast as his buddy, Jerry Full Network in Morning Blue will form its own American
LURK'S JOB AT BIOW Leemy. Discs already waxed have ,
Symphony orch made up of the best Look for Fireworks
Ward Byron, until recently radio Horace McMahon in supporting cast Replacer for 'Air School concert musicians available.
head at Moe Gale agency and pro- and Harry Balogh. Madison Square Groundwork for the proposed
ducer Garden, N. Y .fight announcer, on
of P&G's "Gaslight Gaieties," ,
When the Columbia network's
American symph has been laid On Cwhing's WJRAirer
"School of the Air" goes off, for 20
has been named eastern production for the teeoff introductory chores. through formation of the group Detroit, April 10.
weeks on May i, Arthur Godfrey
head of the Blow agency, succeed- Stories are slanted along lines of the George Cushing, news editor of

goes into the 9:15-9:43 a. m. cross- Beecham teed off with Saturday (7)
ing Walter Lurie, who resigned. He daily strip with Palooka and his pal in the first of a series of longhair WJR, has taken on a 5-day- week
Pacific theatre. the-board slot full network.
will continue to hold the reins on on Army duty in the In addition he'll continue to be concerts.
stint with a new
5:30 p.m. program,
Exhibition bouts ore worked into Beecham will baton the orch for "The Editor's Desk." Previously,
"Gaieties' in addition to his new

heard via his transcribed morning

the scripts to preserve the ringside only -air appearances were on
atmosphere, which, of course, will
series on W
ABC (N. Y.") in the 8:30- 'four concerts to be followed for six
weeks by Max Goberman, musical
Sunday 'in the "In Our Opinion"
James. L. Stevenson, NBC com- 7:45 slot and on WTOP, Washington
mentator, succeeds Byron at the carry the
main burden ^aftcr the director of the Broadway show,: "On forum.
from 7:45 to 9.
Gale office. Sevenson' was recently war. Godfrey's format will be essential- the Town," and for three weeks by Program obviously is not going
discharged from the armed forces. Fisher, in direct control of the ly the same as on his D.C.-N.Y Frank Derezowsky, Russ composer. toduck controversial subjects. Harry
Byron has been in the radio busi- entire radio operation, says he plans broadcasts with some added gim- Show each week will present the W. Anderson, a veepee of General
ness for the past 15 years with NBC to. pursue the propaganda line after micks currently being worked out by preem of a work especially com- Motors, is scheduled in to explain
on the Coast and as producer of peace, using the strip and radio the CBS programming dept. Unlike posed for radio plus premiere per- why the GM
plants will not recog-
several topflight web stanzas includ show to drive home rehabilitation, his regular program, however, the formances of- many other composi- nize the Foremens' Union, a hot
tog the Fitch "Bandwagon." (Continued on page 34) network show will be live. tions.

Wednesday, April 11, ]<MS

merica s youngest network


cMMCMft of

One of the best-informed men in America* on inter'

national relations who is free to speak has joined

the American Broadcasting Company as Advisor

on the Peace.
We figured out the other day that our We secured as our advisor on world
radio audience in the course of a week peace an experienced diplomat and
totals the equivalent of five hundred statesman Sumner Welles, former Under-

million listeners. And we feel that such Secretary of State.

an audience deserves the best that radio In addition to giving us his guidance
can give it. There's an obligation, too and counsel, Mr. Welles will appear per-
an obligation to know what, we're to/king sonally oh a series of programs designed
about. So we looked around for a com- to ."give every American a seat at the
petent authority to guide us. Conference table."


We set up a group of four conferences on The conference to follow will bring to
the subject of World Peace. The first Blue listeners people of similar experi-
two of these have already been heard ence and reputation along with Mr.
on the nights of April 2 and April 9. Welles. Well informed, unbiased author-
With Mr. Welles were such men as ities will hold informal discussions ... as
Senator Pepper, President Seymour, of interesting as though they were meeting
Yale University and Dr. George Gallup. in your own living room.
Wednesday, April 11, 1943 25

will do about the


^cial drama BP*^
wiUw „t*a«P«c^
outthew^^* down -to-earth
A broadcast
'™f*>Joee box
W ill
draW b le 8 e
K + vtows how
the com- j. ,t from San
direct Bay mond
^ Award w>nne ,

- on ^htnt perhaps better c *ai Peabody

thmk.they can he
V hat Iwing also
than true meaning
SwdTornlinson.Dav^ otherB
?££<h0e MorBe
nW eUes V
Abbe, Tony
IS w*lter Kietnan,
of the the
ine tn e Conference, \an
Ear GOd
"Time views6 ^


People you know— programs you enjoy — bringing the

Conference down to earth for you!

addition to other Conference coverage Kaltenborn and other top analysts. "The March
IN Time" you a Time's-eye view of the
described on this page, the entire evening of of will give

April 26 will be devoted to the Conference. Conference and' what it means, Fred Waring will

interpret music of the United Nations,and "The

All sponsors and advertising agencies are
Victory Parade of Spotlight Bands" will offer a
cooperating in slanting their regular programs
musical interlude with a special guest com-
toward the Conference.
Newscasters and commentators will round up
These, and many other programs in the sched-
the news for you. Lum and Abner (left) will
you every viewpoint on the
ule below, will bring
present the down-to-earth small-town viewpoint
tremendous decisions to* be reached in San
on the Conference. "America's Town Meeting
of the Air" will bring you Raymond Swing, H. V.


Featuring Sumner
Beginning May lit, Mr. Hit
weekly broadcasts
Will originate from
Franciaco April 22nd end
29th, end will

originate Irom Sen
Originates from Sen
originate from Sen
Frencisco April 22nd end Franciaco, beginning

CONFERENCE Welles. April 16, 23, with

autttanding educators,
statetmen and leader*
will do a
on the conference.
Francisco until the Con-
ference closes.

on the Conference in sub-

sequent broadcasts.
29th, end will comment
on the Conference in sub-
April 23rd.

through Fri.,
In foreign affaire. sequent broedcaste.

SCHEDULE Tuotday*,
1*30-1 llOO P.M. EWT
0:00-0:15 P.M. EWT
6:30*6:45 P.M. EWT
7:00-7:15 P, M. EWT Sunday*,
0:00-9:15 p.m. ewt
1:00-1:15*. M. EWT

Th* Victory Paradt of EARL GODWIN

FORUM" EDITION" He'll tell you what the
Wi» originate from Sin Will from 8on Will cover the Conference A ipecial dreinalic pro-
A musical Interlude plus man in the street thinks
Frincisco. beginning beginning from a human Intereit gram, written by Ben Featuring people who
Frincisco. '

Oison Welles, moderator. about the Conference.

Hecht, on April 25th, the a special guesl commen-
April 23rd. April 2ird. viewpoint, originating Delegetes and commen- meke the news from San
deytheConferenceopens. tator.
from New York,
tators will review past Frencisco. Thar (days
through Fit, Mm. through Fri, events end meke predic- 1*0-6:16 M. EWT
I.lMao Men. through Wad. April 25th, Thar. AprH 26th
P. M. EWT 11:15-11:30 p. m. [WT Frl.,
tions. Mm. through Fri.
1:09-6:13 P.M. EWT 0:00-9:30 P. M. EWT 9.30-9:55 p. M. EWT
7*0-7:15 P.M. EWT
10:30-1140 P.M. EWT


Wednesday, April 11. 1945
"ARCH OBOLER'S PLAYS" Public Service? With Karl Swenson, Geoffrey Bry.
("Strange Morning")
Tho Blue network's exclusive ant, James Vaa Dyke, Helen Lewis.'
Tolerance 'Between Musk With Charlotte Holland,
Adams, Joseph Julian, Paul Mann,
roundtable broadcast (9) from
Akron by a group of topflight
Frances Chaaey, Will Hare, Chet
Webster. Frank Lovejoy, Carl
Maurice Ellis, Louis Van Reolen, Washington correspondents, on Frank,. Brad Barker, Jack Mc-
Quite a guy. that Alan Courtney. Radio could use more like him. Larry Ilanes, Lamont Johnson, the coming United Nations con-
(N. Y.) disc jockey, whose thoughts area Brlde
Not so long ago the Sylvan Levin oreh ference in San Francisco, was Producer; Jerry Devlne
necessarily restricted to crooners or jivesters, built up a considerable Writer-Producer: Arch Oboler marked or marred by a series of. Writer: Lawrence McArlhur
rep"via his "Tolerance Through Music" sessions. Now. in his.
Musical Score: Gordon Jenkins personal attacks which John Mins,; Frl.,
'•1280 Club" programs, Courtney is inserting a capsule thought in a 8:3ft p.m.
30 Mins.; Thurs., 1ft p.m. O'Donnell. of the N. Y. Daily EQUITABLE LIFE
manner that is no less articulate though completely different than that Sustaining News, leveled at President WJZ-Blue, N. T.
used by commentators or spielers. _ WOR-MutuaL N. T. Roosevelt. Seldom, if ever,
Speaking in a quiet, conversational tone with verbiage cued to platter at least since the Haps attacked
(Warwick li LegUr)
audiences, Courtney each night slates simply, almost like a guy
who Arch Oboler's returned to radio
Jerry Devine has delivered again
intolerance and preju- and back bearing the standard Pearl Harbor, has the Chief
can't believe it's so, a glaring flaw that accents he's
Executive been subjected, on the
if the first broadcast in this new
Sandwiched between two Frank Sinatra recordings last Thursday Blue network series is any criterion
dice. in of those that have faith in radio. His air, to such bitter criticism and
(5). for example. Courtney chatted informally
and supposedly naively Geared to drive home the efficiency
original play, "Strange Morning," charges of bad faith.
on the seven answers received by the N. Y. Daily News Inquiring None of his press colleagues and thoroughness with which the
Photographer the day previous. He- was kinda shocked at the implica- which marked the premiere last .

Federal Bureau of Investigation

agreed with him, in fact, Mal-
tions that were apparent in a 5-to-2 ratio for a soft and

considerate Thursday (5) of his new 28-week guards the lives/ properties of
colm Bingay, Detroit Free-Press US
treatment for a defeated Germany. He couldn't believe it but it fright- Mutual once more proves
series for editor, who acted as moderator,
citizens, "This Is Your FBI" got off
ened him Still, in very few words, he must have made many people repeatedly observed; in a most
to a racing start as it dramatized its
conclusively that good- and. inspired
think of the horrors that resulted from the last soft peace administered friendly tone, that O'Donnell
activities leading to the downfall of
who wanted do the Christian thing. He didn t hammer writing can emerge from the pen of
by a people to
was talking about past history "Willie Sebring, Spy." Although all
the artist who is creating for. air
away at the thought. He Just has a way of throwing it out. It's plain; .

and was making no constructive events being portrayed oit the series
production, not only because he has
you don't have to think twice of what he means. That's different from but because he contributions to the discussion. are based oh actual FBI case his-
the politicos, the economists or the guy who gives statistics.
something to say, tories, names of the principals, natur-
Daily News man charged the

Yes, quite a guy this Courtney, certainly something new. He should in a fluent and dramatic man-
says it
ally, are being nomme-de-networked.
ner that in no way suffers by tlie President with responsibility for
be able to enter a lot of living rooms where the multi-syllabled, highly- the Pearl Harbor sneak attack Eschewing a violent cops-and-
polished spielers couldn't catch ail ear, Rose. compactness that radio time de- .
robbers approach or a Superman
mands of the script Oboler's script by the Japs; said there might not
have been a war, except for theme, Devine and scripter Law-
points uo the advantages of writing, ,
rence McArthur banked On restraint
FDR, and declared that the vot-
"THE FRESH-UP SHOW" His emceeihg was light, directly for radio, with a full appre-

Song." and non-heroics to hit the Jackpot

bright and assured. The Bennett ciation of its. techniques, over the ers had never been given an op-
With Barney Grant; Annette War- portunity to decide whether Spy Sebring was shown to be an
ren, Waltei Klnsella, Artie Elawr, instrumentalists and voices hit the handicaps inherent in adaptations ordinary, matter Of fact citizen of
mark consistently,, both on support- from either stage, screen or books. they wanted to have this country
Hildegarde Halliday, Jerry Law- enter the conflict. German birth who sought to cover
rence, Lee Brody, Jim Backus, ing contribs for the soloists and with Certainly the Obolers and the up his espionage activities by volun-
David Terry oreh and chorus their own specialties, "Scarf Dance," Corwlns are fully aware that it Isn't teering as an air-raid warden and
Director: BUI Harding "Same Sort of Girl", and a fantasy necessary for them to ape the three- posing as a patriotic American.
Writer: Ed Blrnbryer on Sousa's "Washington Post March." dimensional drama as presented in "SIB THOMAS BEECHAM CON-
However, after FBI suspicion was
pjn, Bennett's arrangements pleased pix and legit, nor must they limit DUCTS"
30 Mlns.; Wed., 8:3ft
With Bloe Network Symphony Oreh aroused following information leaks

SEVEN-UP BOTTLING CO. throughout. themselves to the single dimensions cued to waterfront movements in the
Producer: W. Lerey Marshall
WOR-Mutual, N. Y. Commercial approach is gentle of the novel. For in this new realm vicinity of Sebririg's home, the G-
Announcer: Mlltea Cross
(J. Walter Thompson)
and brief being confined to quickies in which they're pioneers they know M
men went to work. Result—good-
MIihk Sat, 4 p.m.
to' open and close and a half-way full well the values they can project bye Willie.
Situation comedy requires experi- plug that, on teeoff show, was gaited How clues were tracked down, de-
through the two-dimensional kilo- WJZ-Btae, N.
enced treatment lrom the person to scientific progress in industry pendency on laboratory and hand-
cycle presentation. Limited only by
around whom the situations are en- (especially Ford plants) which is The Blue Network Symphony Or- writing experts, close cooperation
their own creative abilities, writers -

acted. Barney Grant, the star of the speeding victory and chestra, which teed off under baton between FBI
agents and headquar-
will provide for radio, and having the
new Seven-Up show, has neither the added safety when the: assembly scripting advantage of directing their produc-
of Sir Thomas Beecham' Saturday ters and other hallmarks
of. J. Edgar
timing nor the air ken to hold up 30
lines resume automotive, production tions, can. interpret their ideas and (7), is obviously the Blue's attempt Hoover's department
spontaneity that ex- to build up a home. Oreh comparable pointed up in a
were nicely
minutes of .
for civilian needs. tight script aug-
pected to draw laughter from audi-
words through the performers,
to NBC's and Columbia's symphonic mented by Devine's
This: first Ford show on. NBC whereas the novelist must depend deft
ences, and succeed In sustaining in-
should have provided pleasant lis- upon the individual reader's limita-
aggregations. The Blue has taken Casting was tops with Karl direction.
terest for that length of time. As a its staff ensemble, augmented it and Geoffrey Bryant, as
tening for all with the exception of tions to give full value to his ideas. the G-men,
result, this program, which had a with Philharmonic and Metopera and James Van Dyke,
the spy, carry-
fairl good script on its initial show Blue networkers mourning its loss. Too long absent from radio (he's musicians, for: a 80-piecc ensemble ing the heftiest burdens.
last Wednesday night (4), will have
Donn. just completed a Metro film based on of respectable proportions, artistic- Sound effects also helped the over-
tough sledding. his "Alter Ego" air play), Oboler's ally as well as numerically. A little all
new Mutual series, at least on the haste, and indecision seems to have waterfront ranging
result from lifelike
Surrounded by several of the best "CIMMARON TAVERN" basis of that getaway production, is accompanied the procedure, since
backgrounds to Brad:
in the business, including With Stephen Courtlelgh, Ronnie concrete evidence of Phil Carlin's the orch's name was only hit on day Barket's canine kick-in as the spy's

Walter Kinsella, iii the role of an Lias, Ethel Everett, Tony Burger, programming
faithful dog. who turned out to be a
Irish policeman; Hildegarde Halli- hypo for the web. or so before the initial concert, and tipoff guy as far as the forces
..Nell O'Malley, Carl Emery; Bob From a standpoint of production, di- the program aired as of law
day, Artie Elmer, as the boss, and "Sir Thomas and order were concerned.
Hlte, announcer rection and acting, it benefited from Beecham Conducts'' instead of the
others, Grant flounders at the most Thomas I. Parkinson, prexy of
inopportune times—when he should Producer John Diets Oboler at his best. The casting was symph's name. Sir Thomas will Equitable Life, was on for one
only plug
be playing his lines for all they are Writer: Felix Holt uniformly tops and the direction of conduct the four April concerts, and J. Edgar Hoover, himself,
worth. Maybe his performance was 15 Mlns.; Mon.rThur.-Frl., 8:39 p. m. such a quality as to drive home the to be followed by guest leaders, al- livered another sponsor
message at
due to nervousness, but whatever Sustaining drama without letting it become though the goateed batonist will the^ close, probably the first time
the reason, dialers at home do not WABC-CBS, N. T. melodramatic. doubtless, take over again, the series such an important public official has
From a scripting standpoint, chalk supposed to be a regular summer been drafted to read a commercial.
realize, or care to know, of such CBS' obvious crusade to dress up
They'll listenif the program its daytime programming sked is ap- this up as one of the jobs Oboler
feature for the Blue. Commercials linked protection, as
isgood; if a turn of the dial and parent in. the new serial "Cimarron can be proud of. In "Strange Morn-
not, The volatile Englishman is one of supplied by the FBI, with similar
they go somewhere else for enjoy- Tavern." Serial, trying to recreate ing" he's chosen a subject first in- the the few topnotch conductors, like protection in the life insurance
ment. color, and drama of old southwest, minds of everyone V-E Day— and — Leopold Stokowski. who has the
knack of whipping a raw ensemble
field— peace
safety, etc.
of mind, security,
Stanza revolved around Grant's has earmarks of careful attention uses the personal and dramatic to
and study. Opening program Mon- emphasize the important subject intoshape quickly, of making a sec- Chalk "FBI" up as something
efforts to play up to his boss, despite
ond-rate ensemble play well over its worth while inasmuch as there
his meek nature. He goes to dinner day (9) was a little topheavy, too matter that emerges from his play. head, and of making a first-rate
but gets Into trouble much going on, too many characters On the day. of Germany's collapse. seems to be no reason why Devine
with tlie boss, . .
group sound and Co. can't keep oh delivering
when stuck with the check. While being introduced, in a too-elaborate Oboler brings home forcefully the this world.
like something out- of
Saturday's initial airer consistently.
this basic pattern is- evolving, the
attempt to get airer successfully on need to remember the -nature of the Donn.
its way. But it had flavor and pacS enemy. Through his protagonists, who showed a good ensemble playing
stooge? are intertwined in the script very well and promising to do even
for some good laughs. Especially to hold one's interest. are body-scajred, hospitalized .sol- EVERETT HOLLES

Program should prove an attrac- [ diers he proves why we can't become

better. Program, consisting of short News .Commentary
worthy of mention- is the boff musi ..
works by Nicolai. Elgar. Handel,
cal aggregation of David Terry, plus tive addition, to the daytime sched- sentimental and soft. In conclusion
Delius and J. Strauss, was' well up i* i*!?*-jj" 0n - thro
p.m. Frl., 8*5
the chorus of blended voices which ule, with its wealth of material to the reactions of these men who to concert standard.
he has choralled for this show. An r fall hack on,
, in frontier days, In- could fight no more, convinces the 1
WBBM, Chicago
nette. Warren, singer, has a fair voice dians, scouts, traders and soldiers. sympathetic and understanding nurse Milton Cross sing-song manner of (McCann-Erickson)
and" with- experience should score Setting is a Grand-Hotelish frontier to cry out that we at home must re-
delivery and his florid introduction Holies, recently transferred from
strongly. Her delivery of "Candy' tavern, a crossroads of Oklahoma- member our responsibilities to com- of Sir Thomas has its distractions. the post of assistant to Paul While
and "Beginning to See the Light
. Missouri- territory, where travelers, pletely destroy the enemy and also It was a little undignified and con- CBS news head in New
York, to
was pleasant. traders and fighters stop to relax, those flaws in our civilization that descending, as well as naive. WBBM-CBS news editor in Chicago.
would make a man hate to return to Beecham, as conductor, needs neither
Best part ot the stanza was the swap yarns and scrap. Bron.
buildup nor phu;.
Joins the ever-increasing number of
. briefness of the commercials, which a world of unequal opportunities. Bron newscasters in the Windy City with
seconds In mature treatment. Oboler has these broadcasts. Holies' appraisals
totaled one minute and 45
in all. Following an intro that show
"KLA-HOW-YA, TILLICTJM!" are done in a restrained, free and
assumed, that in the victory to fol- FORUM FOR DEMOCRACY'' easy delivery with no overemphasis
was sponsored by soft-drink concern, With Fet« MeDeaaM, Juliette, CBC low World War II the tumult and Cnalnwwn, Samuel L. M. Barlow-
nothing was heard about the product Vancouver Playhouse Players, Ray the shouting will restrain itself to a on certain segments of news and
Mary Berg, Herbert C. Pell, Con- without the stark predictions overly
until more than 20 minutes had Norrls Quintet, John Avison oreh more fruitful rejoicing. Rose. gressman Cecil R. King, I. F. Stone
passed, when announcer Jerry Law- and chorus used by some of his colleagues.
30 Mlns.; Fri. (April •). 10 p.m. Commercials are used at the be-
rence delivered a brief plug. Clos- Writer-Producer: John Wickham Sustaining
ing announcement likewise just Barnes "BUILDERS OF VICTORY" ginning and end of the broadcasts,
Announcers Dick Hallett Director: Max Loeb
WOV, N. Y. with no middle plug, giving the lis-
mentioned sponsor's name. Sten. '

30 Mlns.; Toes., 10:30 p.m. Writer; Arnold Perl This forum staged entirely by "Fo- tener eight minutes of uninterrupted
SastaJntaf Music: Miguel Sandoval rum for Democracy," an organization news. Holies is a distinct asset to
"THE FORD SHOW" CBR-CBC, Vancouver Announcer-narrator: John Thomas devoted to discussion of war and '
the list of radio news disseminators
With Lawrence BfMks, Robert Rus- Originating the studios from
IS Mlns.; Sal, 3:45 p. m. peace problems vital to America, is from the Chicago area. Af org.
sell Bennett oreh and chorus, Dor- Sustaining given airtime once a month by the

where Alan Young, Fletcher Markle

othy Xlraten (guest) and Andrew Allan springboarded, WABC-CBS, N. Y. New York indie, WOV.
For picking "THE NAVY REPORTS"
Producer: Maulce Holland "Kla-How-Ya, Tillicum!" is eyed by Feeling that certain branches of this program as a public service, the With Brooklyn Navy Yard Band,
Writer: Ed Rice Canadian radio for promising mate the armed services are being neglect station- Is fo be congratulated. Rest eemductod hy Chief Muslelaa Gor-
30 Mlns.; Sun., 2 p.m. ed while other branches are grab of the credit, however, goes to the don Gladsen; Johnny Thompson,
rial, principally comics. The preem blng off publicity and public atten organization itself, which conducts
(3). however, fell far short of ex- Irene Walsh, NickKcnuy, emcee,
pectations and a lot of rebuilding Uon, must be behind such programs the forum from a New York hall, others
(J. Walter thompsan) as "Bunders of Victory," the salute station only stringing a line into theWriter: Yeoman Hal Davit
will have to be done before airing is
Topnotch music, and production on clicko. to the Seabees which CBS ihaugu place. Produoer: Tod Williams
this Ford stanza Which shifted this rated Saturday (7). Whatever the Subject this time (6) was "War 30 Mlns.; Thurs., 8 p.m.
"Kla-How-Ya, Tillicum!"
week (8) from the Blue to NBC British Columbia Indian for "Wel-
(title Is case, the feeling is a natural one, and Criminals, Crime and Punishment." Sustaining
make it a welcome addition to the the followup commendable. Participants were people who really WHN, N. Y. •

come. Friend!") is 80% musical with

Sabbath afternoon program roster. lop honors-. going to Avison 3S>piece Saturday's opener was a straight- know the subject and pulled no The Navy has been' slower getting
Lawrence Brooks and Bobert Bus- band and the warbling Juliette, ca- forward presentation of the work punches in talking about it. Mary into domestic radio, by comparison
sell Bennett's oreh and choristers the Navy s construction battalions Berg, who escaped from the Warsaw with the Army. But it is doing an
nary who debuted with the old
are direct carryovers with Brooks unsung heroes using tools instead- of Ghetto, and saw Nazi atrocities at excellent job now, if this program Is
handling introductory stints in addi-
Alan Young Buckingham CBCer,

who also gets in on the lines. Ray guns— are doing. It was also a thrill- first hand, read a powerful short ap- a criterion. When heard (5), the
tion to bacitoning throughout. The ing dramatic account of an air strip peal calling for punishment of those show was a distinct credit to every-
Norris' five-piece git-crew was stilt-
"Stars of the Future" approach used being built on Guadalcanal under responsible for massacres which she one connected with it.
with up and coming ed, hugging the score all the way..
on the Blue the fire of Jap planes. Told in a good witnessed. Others included the for- The Brooklyn Navy Yard Band un-
guesters spotted has been dropped, Airer teed off with Indian atmos- mix of narration and dramatization, mer U. S. representative on the Al- der Gordon Gladsen can swing some
however, in favor of a name- guest phere in lines for Ballet, McDonald, airer was an eloquent though down lied War Crimes Commission in Lon- very good Jazz and, occasionally, beat
policy. Soprano Frances Greer is Avison and Juliette, using "Ugh" to-earth tribute to the men behind don; a Congressman who has intro- a powerful boogie. It did both' on
out. dialect. Comedy .script okay but the fighters, to their bravery under duced a bill calling for trial and pun- this stanza. Johnny Thompson and
Jane Froman, skedded to guest on voicers left it unmilkcd and flat. fire, and to their ingenuity in meet- ishment of the war oriminals: a Irene Walsh, guesting vocalists, sang
the teeoff, was forced to cancel be- Unbilled Playhouse characters in- ing all emergencies. spokesman for lawyers, who touched as if they had been working with
cause of illness and Dorothy. Kirsten, cluded Hi Holler' man and femme Program goes a long way to dispel on the legal aspects, and a journalist the band for weeks, instead of merely
who'll also appear next week (15) who merged Uppington, Vera Vague the poison that worker and soldier who has written competently on the for a one-shot appearance. Nick
was rushed into the breach. She and Bllhe Burke types. Nothing are worlds apart in this war. Aired subject. Kenny had just the right voice for
was a hit and seems made to order original. by CBS in collaboration with the
for a permanent member of the Ford
The diplomat. Herbert C. Pell, took his emceeing job (which is also a
Avison opener was "Saludos, Aml- American Federation 'Of. Labor, pro more time than the others, but he guest spot), and handled himself like
troupe if it's decided to add a song- gos." followed later ftv show by
gram pointed out the share that or- also had more to say and packed a professional. The fact that he is
Stress to team with Brooks, a la the .

"Swanee River", arrangement and

Blue format. Miss Kissten's brilliant .straight presentation of "Saturday
ganized labor has in our fighting more punch. For a few minutes; near also an old sailor from World War I
forces. Organized labor's assistance the end, the argument became a bit days was emphasized just sufficiently
rendition of Fritz Krelsrert "Stars
In Your Eyes" rated top honors on
Night Is the Loneliest Night." Juli- to Navy personnel was also stressed warm, with a disagreement between to make the listener feel that he
ette used pop tunes as well as her by Vlce-Admlral Morrell, guest the lawyer and the newspaperman, really belonged oh the show.
Sunday's preem.
for Me" Guest naval personnel this_time
Brooks, the "Song of Norway", teeoff, Gershinw's "But Not speaker on the program.. but that dispute only helped to en-
iter,. also scored although faint signs
from "Girl Crazy." .
Thirteen-week scries will empha- liven the session. Samuel L. M. Bar- were Lieut. George M. Cohan
of huskiness could be: detected dur- General impression was that 'en- size labor's role in paving the road low, the composer, proved a smooth cousin of the late George M.) ana
ing "Laura" and in the "Band Played tire cast knocked themselves' out to to victory and to Tokyo,, by dramatiz- emcee, who not only knew (lis sub- Capt. George Currier, director. Navy
On" grand finale, a full-cast produc- make the preem show count, and it ing events or holding interviews ject and how to handle the partic- advance bases, Atlantic. Both hai
tion that sparkled. Brooks' best showed. Program carried on CBC's from all corners of the globe. ipants, but also has an excellent voice interesting stories to tell— Cohan a;
effort was the opening "Pesert Trans-Canada web. Gorm. Bron.
and real radio personality. Car*. (Continued on page 34)
Wednesday, April 11, 1945 RADIO 27

WOV Lifts Overall Biz, Just Relax, Boys

Channel Hearings
Lingoes Lag a Little Bob Rowley,
Detroit, April 10.
newscaster at
FM Allocash Squabble Before FCC
W.1R here, got a letter last week
Italian-language time on the New from another announcer at
Dae for Delays York indie WOV is decreasing, while WrCA. "Ashtabula. O. the latter Seen Leading to Senatorial Probe
E-.iglish-languagc time as well as said that he was named Bob
Washiug'tun. April 10 |

liowlev. too. and wa.-. having a Washington, .April 10. ler. few statements like
"to. face a
overall business is going up, accord-
Tlit' e'ear channel hearings

devl of ;i time explaining to the. Some possibility of a Senate in- •

Mr. McDonald's now, rather than
ing to a report for the station's lirsl
vhich open May 9 will be or a prc- quarter, business in 1045.

local folks in Ohio how he could vestigation into the new FCC fre- '
the millions complaints which
nature only. A Her about gel lo Detroit ano hack so fast quency allocations hinted, as the is may hereafter if FM is
days o"t scs-Ions the The report, made ipublic by g.m; between broadcasts. FM' broadcasters continue their bat- placed in a portion ol the spectrum
u,-o or three,
•'hearings- will, be continued,
probably Ralph N. Wei), shows that overall t'e n-'iiM being shoved upstairs in where interference will destroy lis-
biy. in the first three months of '45 To a little more'eom- tti" p.ieli'imi. tenors' enjoyment."
i,";;! (he fall. j
plicalcd. lie Ohio announcer

counsel Tor (he

Spearman, went lip by 14 a 'V, as omp:.iod to i Ti'iJ.FM people, who have carried Wheeler sent a copy of this on lo
said that there was another
pnal 'Broadcasters and Louis 11)44.'. Significant, how^vor, is Vh it. I their scrap to the Senate interstate: McDonald, who subsequently replied
y ho'iibre who had iiiade his lite
'Commerce Committee, foci that its.I to', the..senator that he was not al-
: the clear while Italian., time weal up only

Cn'. well, loir, h by having' the same name
chairman. Burton K. Wheeler «D„ tempting to pressure FCC. McDon-

the rise in English.. imc was

ianaol group, have 'staled that they
days to prepare Hi'-;.
, I

—a E )b Rowley Who was a Mont.) may decide on hearings this aid added that no new evidence was
need' another CO to !)0 sports writer, oh the Cleveland mqntlT before the final allocations developed, on March 12 and 13 when

.'the. ar.uments. Station op'cValos in Italian Torn!

their' material" for Plain Dealer.

•Ti=rc is some boiler- that the

cliar H::t0a.m. lo (> .p.nV, giving the rest! are 'announced. FCC -conducted, a secret hearing lo
channel people, liguring FCC will of its time 7-8:30. a.m. ;:-)d U p.m. '!
. 1
The Deli ; it Bob Rowley was Last Friday Wheeler released
receive testimony'-- oil the subject
rule against tha.n; will-
to midni^h,) to English 'programs.-
able to write i'i:;ck and explain hUrrs on.-the- FM fight rrom FCC which the. Army had marked 're-
thai, there are iust two of thorn. ehairman Paul A. Porter and E. F. stride He' charged that seven of
make every efforl to -drag the case

The Cleveland Plain Dealer Bob McDonald, Jr., president of the Ze- the e' t prop;"<ation experts who
out as long as possible-
A- GRACE M00RE-GIV0T PACKAGE Uov.Jcy and he are both the nith Radio Corp., who opposes, the tcstidc at the public hearings were
At present there arc 25 Class.
clear channels and 21 Class 13-1 clear »'. s; me guy.
proposed new allocations. Porter's FM where it now in favor, of keeping
H.-lt-boiir \;a;iei.v [y t...:'aivi letter to Wheeler was in response is and that FCC was not following

channels being used in-lhe nation. ing Grace Moore w th George Givol.
to a statement by McDonald. Por- ihe weight of the evidence in chang-
Among, those who have tiled ap-
Minerva Pious and Morey Amster- roi llaiiil. Ore.— Jack Wassan, for ter charged McDonald was circulat- ing the location.
piv.rahces for the hearings -arc NBC. dam, backed by Van Cleave and his

the past- yea; -uncl-a-balf on the sales ing his -statement to all purchasers of
CBS the Blue network, the Cro.slcy ort-h. was auditioned last week for t; IT ol' KG W. has been made sales Zenith receivers "in an attempt to Minneapolis. The University .of —
Corp.: KOMO. Seattle: KSL, Salt potential sponsorship.. mgr.. He. replaces- Norman; Sugg, prcssuve the Commission into, giv- Minnesota has been authorized to
Lake City; KTHS. Hot Springs, Ark.; Stanza is n W. Colstcn l^iiuh pack- who left KGW to set up his own iivg him what he wants." chnnge its station's call letters rrom

KWKH. Shreveporl. La.; Wc'sling- age: .publicity, busi icss in Memphis..

I would much prefer," wrote Por- WLB to KUOM.

Stations. Inc.; WBAP. v '

; Radio
F-ut Worth; WWSW, Pittsburgh:
WL1B, Brooklyn; WE W, St.. Louis;
W'SGN, Birmingham. Ala::- KFAR.
"•Fairbanks, Alaska: Sioux Falls tS.
Dak.) Broadcasting Assn.; KOL. Se-
KTBS, Shrevepprt. La.: Louis
Wasmer, Spokane: John D. Keating,
Portland, Ore.; WCAE, Pittsburgh:
WHEB, Portsmouth; N. H-: WOAI..
San Antonio; KFVD
and KFI, Los
Angeles; KYA, Frisco; WHO, Des
Moines; Regional Broadcasters Com-
mittee; KMBC, Kansas City; WFAA,
Dallas: WSM, Nashville: WHAS.
Louisville; WHAM, Rochester; WJ.R, .

Detroit: WCAU. Philadelphia; WWL,

NewOrleans; WSB, Atlanta: WGN,
. Chicago; KDKA, Pittsburgh: KPMC,
Bak'ersfield. Calif.; WPTF: Raleigh,
N. C; WEBC, Duluth; WQXR, New
York; WCAR, Pontiac, Mich.: WHK
Cleveland; WHKC. ,
WHKK, Cleveland; 'New York State
Farm Bureau Federation and N. Y.
State Conference Board of Farm Or-
ganizations; WNYC, New York;
KUTA, Salt Lake City; KFBC,
Cheverine: KOB; Albuquerque; The
Yankee Network; WJW. Cleveland
WISH, Indianapolis; WMC, Memphis:
KOIN, Portland, Ore.; KDYL, Salt
Lake City.; WSOC. Inc.; WTBO,
Cumberland, Md.; King Trendle .

Corp.; WTCN. Minneapolis: WBIG

Greensboro, N. C: National Council
of Farmers Cooperatives: Radio
Committees of the L and Grant Col-
lege Assn., and the National Associa
tion of State Universities:. .

Philly Schools Line Up

Frisco Confab Features
Philadelphia, April 10
Lowdown on the United Nations,

confab in San Francisco will be

given Philly school children by lo-
cal radio stations which have ar-
ranged special programs in conjunc-
tion with school authorities.
All principals of public and high
schools have been "briefed" by Ger-
trude A, Golden, chairman of the
radio committee of the school board, In History** Tlie Nation's Station Is proud to receive, tkis weeli,
to arrange special assemblies to lis-
one of radio s most coveted citations^— tlie 1944 George
ten to broadcasts direct from Frisco
as well as interpretive programs Foster Peabody Radio Award for "Outstanding Re-
from local experts.
Alec Griffin, WIP-Mutual news
commentator, will make special
Year porting of the News.

transcriptions in Frisco angled to lo

eal school kids which will be flown It is gratifyjng testimony that we have administered
of Decision!
here and rebroadcast. is .
.Well our self-appointed task of making the millions
planning a special broadcast from
Independence Hall on April 27 with who dial 700 in the four-stale area of WLW-land
Katharine Clark, station newscaster,
holding discussion with- kids repre- "the best informed radio audience, in the world .

senting every nationality at the

"isco parley, on subject why Philly,
should be permanent home ol United It is an inspiration to continue to use our best efforts
Nations Council. KYW
also is plan-
to improve this "outstanding reporting of the news
ning special shows.
in 1045 . . . and thereafter, so long as news shall
RAY IVES, OKAY, RESUMES retain Its urgent importance to the nation and to the

Jay Meredith Also Bark In Cast of people we serve.

CBS Serial "This Life Is Mine'

The characters of Jeff and .Jane

•Her an absence of some months
have been written back Into the CBS

serial "This Lile
Is Mine" by au-
thors Lynn Storie and Addy Rich-

ton. This"
restores 16-year-old Ray-
mond Ives to active radio acting ;

•Her a serious automobile accident "Tka A/aiion i \ Station

'n early winter
when he suffered a
Woken shoulder. Jay Meredith re
•"roe as Jane. MVUION Of TH( CHOllfY COtrODATtON
Meanwhile the part of Donn Pad-
<bigton has passed from Eric Lin-
** n lormer
film player, to John
Wednesday, April 11, 194.3

12 years of comedy unexcelled is no accident !

The George Foster Peabody jury put on its woolsack Foster Peabody Radio Award for 1944. It's the high-

the other day and looked over the radio performance est one we can confer. You get a medal with it. You
of 1944 throughout America! get it for Outstanding Entertainment in Drama. You
And then it reached into the CBS galaxy of rare get it for comedy. You get it for comedy unexcelled
and varied and wonderful entertainment and laid over a period of twelve years."

hold on a star who was temporarily trying to hide "Thank you" said Mr. Allen. "Let's leave Willy

from sight. Me gave the jury a slight scuffle, but was


and Nilly out of this. I'll cherish the medal myself."

hauled, skeptical and grumbling, into the light. Durable excellence isn't an accident on CBS. It's

Dusted off, he turned out to be a comedian. F. no accident that more Peabody awards and citations

Allen, of Allen's Alley. Allen of the Texaco Star for 1944 went to CBS programs and 'stations than to
Theatre on CBS. The same Allen who took a holi- any other network; no accident that CBS radio has

day last summer to go make a motion picture, and won a total of 20 out of 52 awards and citations since

who isn't quite so sure it was a holiday. The same the Peabody Awards were first established. Excel-

Allen for whom the CBS latchstring dangles— for lence is the CBS target always.

whom millions of loyal CBS fans are keeping that But no winner on any network ever deserved it

candle twinkling in the network's window. more. In plain words, this couldn't happen to a nicer

As he blinked in the glare of the jury, its com- guy than Allen. We congratulate him, and the jury
posite voice, through a loud speaker said: of the George Foster Peabody 1944 Radio Awards
"Mr. Allen, willy or nilly, you now get the George on its perception and daring.

Wednesday, April 11, 1945 29

id is no

1 A few weeks ago two CBS affiliate-stations, WTAG KMOX, St Louis, a special citation for regional

(Worcester) and VVJR ( Detroit ) , won both major excellence in public service (A CBS station)

duPorit Awards for outstanding service to their com-

What is more, of the 17 stations who were "finalists'*
munities in 1944.
in the Peabody judging, 12 were CBS stations: those

2 Variety's "Showmaiuigement" survey, made by just cited, plus these—

the radio editors of the nation, gave 4 major awards
WCAU, Philadelphia WBT, Charlotte WGAR,
• •

out of 7 to stations of the Columbia Network; recog-

Cleveland WJR, Detroit
• WBBM, Chicago •

nized for either award or special "high-light" com^ KLZ, Denver KQW, San Francisco

ment 19 stations on CBS.

Thus, in the span of a few recent weeks, the public
3 Now the George Foster Peabody jury, reviewing
spirit and technical performance which characterize
1944 accomplishment, honors the typical station on this single network have been

WTAG, Worcester, for "Outstanding Public Serv- forcefully demonstrated not once but three times by
ice by a Regional Station of More Than 1,000 representative and impartial juries. With niore than
Watts" (A CBS affiliate) 20 of our stations blushing in the pleasant limelight,

WIBX, Utica, for "Outstanding Public Service by we need point out simply that this overwhelming
a Local Station of 1,000 Watts or Less" (A CBS evidence of station strength of character is not an
affiliate) accident. It is the^direct and well-earned recognition
KOIN, Portland, a special citation for regional of a philosophy shared by every CBS station between
excellence in public service (A CBS affiliate) the oceans, and out in Hawaii and down in Puerto

WFBL, Syracuse, a special citation for regional Rico: "He best serves himself who best serves his

excellence in public service (A CBS affiliate) own people."

This is CBS.... the Columbia Broadcasting System



Inside Stuff-Radio
Raps Upton Close For
Implying' Allied Heads
^»f»» »«*« Wednesday, April 11, 19t.r»

MM t >»»»

Songwriter Irving Caesar is pamphleteering the amusement.' trade with From the Production Centres
his proposal for an International Radio Ciuuranlce Agreement, which lie Are 'Ogres of Deceit'
thinlcs should be discussed on the. San Francisco agenda. Idea proposes New York, April 9.
that the contcrencc adopt the agreement, wherein eacn signatory guaran- Editor, "Variety":
tees that its people shall be given the irrevocable right of listening to Davidson Taylor back for month furlough at CBS after Jong slim with
In his regular Sunday
U. S. propagandists in Paris Ethel Owens will vacation in California
official uncensored broadcasts' ot a member-nation without interference or evening (8) over WOR-Mutual, Up- then resume radio acting in
N. Y. interrupted by her recent spell .with
censorship. -
ton Close rather adroitly made the Olson 4 Johnson's stage romp "Laffing Room Only" Robert Hudson
Caesar looks on his plan as one of (he many foundations for a perma- Soviet's recent, denunciation of its and Jack Weir Lewis of Rocky Mountain Radio Council have strenuous-
nent peace structure.. The scheme involves foreign news being freely treaty' with Japan sound like a de-
summer mapped out running radio course at University of Denver The
transmitted and received on a reciprocal ba:-is. Caesar believes this ex- director of what Hummert serial cannot gel his actors to stop kidding
feat 'rather than a victory for the in
change will, give fundamental proof of the friendschip of one state for the studio, including -the dress rehearsal'.'. .'. .-Richard P. Porter, 121-year-old
another. He also believes thai a government refusing to accept the plan, United States. Without actually pul- apprentice of CBS. program department and son of Dick Porter or Roche,
once adopted, would confess to all other peoples as Well as to its own,
it's ling it in so many words, he clearly Williams 4c Cleary agency, is summering in program writing division of
that cither had no faith in its own position or wanting to keep its people
it that network: .. Allan Meltzer to Coast May l*'for' three-month Slav....
implied that our real^cnemies in this
in ignorance or thralldom. Suggested plan is being issued by Caesar un-
war are not the. Germans and Japa- Johnnie Johnston resumed on CBS Chesterfield show last night (fues.)
der title of "Peace By Wireless; the People's Weapon For Peace." Brewing nese and the fascism they represent, after Florida rest to recover from illness. .. .More changes in CBS press
in his mind since he sailed on the Ford Peace Mission ship in 1915, the dept. Newest additions are Janet Pomeroy, who switched over from Paul
but primarily" President Roosevelt.
plan has been brought .'up to dale to conform with Dumbarton Oaks. While's newsroom, and E. Joseph Sage, out of Syracuse
Stalin and Russia, and Churchill 5nd Blue, too, fall-
England. The clear inference was ing into that semi-classical Sunday afternoon' mooct. with 'Musical Bouquet"
One of the first postwar applicants for a helicopter is going to be Tony that these Allied leaders are verita- bowing in for Pinaud's on April 22. Slanza features Earl Sheldon's orch,
Weitzel, who recently left the Detroit Free Press to take on a dual job ble ogres of trickery and deceit. Paul Frenet and Lois Marlowe. Deal handled through Century Artists.
of columning both for the Detroit News and its radio station, WWJ. In Donald .Cook, in legiter "Foolish Notion,'" appearing on Mary Jane '
Docs this sound exaggerated? '

fact he's handling a triple-header by keeping on his broadcasts via WJR. Kroll's WOR airer April 19. .. .Richard Baschart, lead in "Hasty Heart."
Well, after repeating his familiar as-
Where the helicopter comes in is tha.t on Thursdays Weitzel goes on the sertion* that the President is craftily on Jane Cowl WOR show same date. .. .David Golhard and Rene Gekiere
air at WJR from 6:15 lo 6:30 p. in. Ten minutes later, at 6:40 p.m. he goes join "Valiant Lady": .. Roland Winters and Dorothy Francis added to
using his emergency war powers as
on the air at WWJ, a good four miles from WJR. through downtown a cloak io hide his real purpose of "Lora Law ton" cast' while Irene Hubbard and Cora Smith join "Amanda"

.traffic. He's made it every time -so far. crew. ."Second Husband" takes on Ellen Mahar. .. .Timmie THyler, Vivian

regimenting America into a collec- . .

Weitzel. along with his seven columns for the newspaper, has five broad- Holt and Sleven "Hill are the trio of newcomers to "David Havum"...
tive economy, he maligned our
casts week days from WWJ. and Thursday and Saturday sendings from Matty Norman, new head writer on the Sammy Kaye Friday night Blue
English allies with the statement
WJR. that they, were "at last" assembling network show, with Sam Carlton assisting. .Jay SOmmers off the. Danny
. .

a licet in the Pacific and a few words Kaye show writing staff, Pete Harkins replacing .... Edith Fellowes. from
Novel promotion stunt, launched by WNEW, the; N. Y. indie, last week, later simultaneously smeared Eng- films, in N. Y. for radio work. .. ."Brownstone Theatre" on Mutual usina;
In connection, with its new children's show, "Books Bring Adventure." land and whitewashed our Japanese guests as listener hypo Peter Donald now playing .lead on Mulual'a
Station is flooding the Big Town with bookmarks calling attention to kid

enemies by saying that the la:',tv got "Poirot" whodunit, succeeding Harold Hubcr.
series, thousands of them being distributed in department stores and all
into the war when they "star'ed out Al Schacht skedded as permanent emcee on the sports quiz show pack-
branches of Public Libraries in N. Y. and Brooklyn. Program (a tran- to be an Asiatic Britain."
scribed series) bowed In Sunday (8). (Continued oh page 321
Implying that Russia's latest diplo-
matic move has sinister meaning for
Asia, Close wondered whel her wo
would "permit China to be made an-
other Poland," thus casting doubi of
the future and assuming injustice in
the Polish situation. He next hinted
that, now that the Japanese are be-,
in? humbled, Stalin and lh;\v may

"again" form, a "Slavic" team.
He went on to accuse Roosevelt of
wrecking peace attempts at the Lon-
don naval conference ot 20 years
II Of US St WIP ago. which he indicated was called
by Herbert Hoover. He next de-
clared that our leaders, in tiyiiv to
"sell" us the San Francisco confer-
ence, are attempting "to create a
are very proud of having re- body without a soul." Adding that
the whole affair is "an unpleasant
mess." he pictured the present peace
plan as a "monster with three lists."
plainly intending the listener to
ceived Variety's 1944 Plaque identify the "fists" as the President
Churchill and Stalin.
Whether this kind of talk in tii.:e
of war is treasonable, seditious oi
merely the irresponsible expression
Award for "fostering racial of a warped mind, it certainly is
deadly similar to the Axis propa-
ganda line. And. as it preaches mis-
trust of our leaders, suspicion of our
allies and doubt of the things for
which we fight, it is. unquestionably
good will and understanding" defeatist and may reasonably be said
to tend to "give aid and comfort to*
the enemy." Nevertheless, the lact
that such a series remains on the
air during the war is a tribute to the
. . . and it was a particularly democratic faith of the American
Freedom of speech, if it is to mean
anything, must mean not merely the
right ot someone of whom we ap- THREE-FOURTHS of all hogs, grain, cattle and poultry pro-
nice birthday present for Phila- prove to say what we agree with,
ducod each year, in the United States it direct from the aroa
but of someone whom we hate and
have a contempt for to say what served by MVN. "Mr. and Mrs. Farmer" have billions of
seems to us venomous, repugnant
and even dangerous. It is a credit lo dollars to invest, spend and speculate with . . Mississippi

delphia's oldest radio station ths American public that. despife

insistent voices spreading Valley Network was established to blanket this area wherein
poison, they have steadfastly main- our 79 affiliated stations reach
tained their
... 1 ,600,000 farm radio fam-
confidence in their
popularly chosen leaders, their be- ilies (urban families within this coverage are not counted).
lief in their country's future and
on its twenty-third anniversary. their determination to work out
their own destiny in -democratic Our programs will command tht largest rural audience because of rh*
fashion. Hobe 'Morrison. factual information Ht« farmer will receive ai well at the entertainment.

To merchandise and >tll your products moit effectively to the eicluslv*

'Big Push' ruralaudience consider one of the special farm features of MVN . . (doa'f

Continued from page wait too long to do It—time Is eelrfg optioned now for Sept. 1 starting date).

Ihe tempo of the period, current

thinking an important premiere, elc.
Stand in Line
Snag cued the Blue network's
4:00 A.M. Mississippi Valley Time (complete network)
new publicity approach has slymied
sale of an important morning quar- 7:00 A.M. Agriculture and the News
ter-hour niche on "Breakfast Club." MO A.M. Features for "Mrs. Parmer"
reported. Client, it's understood,
12:15 P.M. News and the Parmer's Views
has asked for a little exjra promosh #

and ballyhoo effort as part of the

For Cost Estimates <nid Further Details Contact Anu NCBS Office
deal and the sales department, nat-
urally, is anxious to go along.
Request passed along, lo veepee


Fred Smith in N, Y. was greeted
with, a "so sorry" reply, it's under-
Mississippi Valley Network
MUTUAL AMU ATI stood, followed by explanation that
"big push" procedure currently Is

Repreierifec/ Nationally by Goo. P. Hollingbery Co.

reserved for nighttime programs, the North Central Broadcasting System inc
a.m. promotion plan having been
completed some lime back.
Client, naturally, is wondering,
"What goes on here?"
Wednesday, April 11, 1948 PTSSlEFf 81



The Du Pont Company of Wilmington, Delaware, sincerely acknowledges the- E

contribution of all these 344 women and men whose effort and performance in
1944 have brought a signal honor to Du Pont's radio program.


wins the
Dave Titus

Betty Allan

Vera Allen
Jack Arnold
"for outstanding entertainment in the field of drama'' Henry Meyer
Ralph Reed
Georgia Backus Henry Westoyer
Jack Bailey
Stewart Bair


Brad Barker Pat Curel-Sylvestre Thomas E. Holland June Lockhart Ernest Newton .
Sidney John Smith
Griff Barnett Virginia Curley Skippy Homeier Janet Logan Norma Nilsson EricSnowdon Robert Armbruster
Bernice Barrett Jane Darwell Bob Hope Frank Lovejoy Jean Noble Hester Sondergaard
Donald Bryan .

Wendy Barrie William Davidson J.Alex Hovier Dorothy Lovett • Jeanette Nolan George Sorel
Arden Comwell
Harry Bartell Boyd Davis Fred Howard Lung
Charlie Betty Noyes Guy Sorel Ned Freeman .

Charita Bauer •Dix Davis David Hughes Kenneth Lynch James Nusser AnrrSothern
.Woody Guthrie
Ed Begley Humphrey Davis Walter Huston Herbert Lytton •.. Pat O'Brien Richard Stokes
Gurney Bell Barney Dean TimmieHyler Edmund MacDonald Harold Olsen Anne Stone Earl Robinson
Harry Bellaver Olive Deering House B. Jameson Wally Maher Santos Ortega Chester Stratton
Donald Voorheea
Bee Benaderet Brian Donlevy. Leon Janney Jack Manning Frank T. Pacelli Roderick C. Sutton
Barbara Lee Benton Alfred Drake Robert D. Jellison .
Fredric March Franklin Parker Karl Swenson
Thomas J. Bernard Michael Dreyfuss Edwin Jerome Edward Marr Warren Parker Deems Taylor SOUND TICHNICUNt
SaraBerner Joe Du Val Ted Jewett Truda Marsan Edmund Penney IreneTedrow
Conrad Binyon Florida Edwards William Johnstone Herbert Marshall Walter Pidgeon Renee Terry Parker Cornel)
Martin Blaine Jack Edwards, Jr. Owen Jordan J. Frank Martin, Jr. Mario Pirrone .
John Thomas Jimmy Flynn
Ray Bloch and Chorus Ralph Morgan Edwards -
. Gerald Kean Raymond Massey Rupert Pole Howard E. Tollefson Ted Holmes
•Shirley David Ellis Jack Kelk Thora Matthiason Harry Powers Sybil Trent Al Malvin
BurtBoyar Dellie Ellis Doris E. Kemper Myron McCormick •Norman Price Lana Turner Leona Schatan
Horace Braham Stuart Erwin Robert Kerr John H. Mclntire '
Donald Randolph LureneTuttle Clem Walters
Lloyd Bridges Morgan Farley Guy Kibbee Howard McNear Frank Readick David S.V^ile
LeeBrody Stanley Farrar Adelaide Klein Jack McTaggart Robert Regent Albert Van Antwerp WRITERS
Joe E. Brown Parker Fennelly OttoKruger Tyler McVey Edward G. Robinson Jean Vander Pyl
Mary Brown Jose Ferrer Henry Kruse Louis Merrill Larry Robinson Evelyn Varden George Albee
Lalive Brownell Neil Fitzgerald Peg La Centra G. Blayne Millar Victor Rodman Walter Vaughn Maxwell Anderson
Bob Bruce Michael Fitzmaurice Alan Ladd Lee Millar Tony Romano Paula Victor Arthur Arent,
Arthur Q. Bryan Lawrence Fletcher Jessie Royce Landis Edwin Mills King Ross George Wald Erik Barnouw
Geoffrey Bryant Joan Fontaine Harry Lang George Mitchell Bill Roy Janet Waldo Sylvia Berger
Floyd Buckley Dick Fpran Frances Langford Shirley Mitchell Henry J. Russell Jim Waldrop Norman Corwin
Donald Buka Donald T. Forbes Bobby Larson Thomas Mitchell Rosalind Russell Peggy Webber .
Merrill Denison
Gaughan Burke Joe Forte Robert Latting Robert M
ontgomery Dick Ryan Virginia Weidler
Bernard Feins
Francis X. Bushman Preston Foster Charles Laughton John Moore Patricia Ryan Barbara Weeks Paul Franklin
Floyd A. Caton Janet Fox Danny Leone Patrice Munsel Virginia Sale Dwight Weist Frank Gabrielson
Howard Chandler Carl Frank Abby Lewis George Murphy Stefan Schnabel Bert D. Whaley Robert Gessner
and Chorus Carol Monroe Fraser Forrest Lewis Maurice Murphy Ellwood J. Schumann Patricia Wheel
Isaiah Lee
Pattee Chapman, Conrad Frederick Ronald Lias John Wesley Neher Henry M. Shope Richard Whorf Isabel Leighton
Ken Christy Jayne Frennan Norman Lloyd George Neise. Everett Sloane Richard Widmark
Peter Lyon
Helen Claire Sarah Fussell Gene Lockhart Dick Nelson Howard Smith Jan Wole
Arthur Miller
Robert Irby Clarke Clark Gable
Martin Wolfson
Paul Peters
LeoCleary John Garfield Barbara Jean Won g
Robert L. Richards
Robert C. Cole Dyana Gayle Betty Worth
Silvia Richards
Tom Collins William H. Wright
Will Geer .

Norman Rosten
Jerry Colonna Hal Gerard Eustace G. W. Wyatt
Laurence Schwab
Pint© Col vig Agnes Young
Louis Gilbert Efcith Sommer
Dorothy Compton James Gleason Young
Robert Tallman
Eva Condon Golden Gate Quartet PaulZaremba
Daniel Taradash
Frank Graham Jack Zoller
Oily Cornell
Milton Wayne
Pauline A. Connell Virginia Lee Gregg Halstead Welles
Hans Conned Glenn Wheaton
Richard Conte
Charles W.Griffis
John Griggs
' E. I. du Pont de Nemours & Co. (Inc.)
Morton Wishengrad
Eleanor Cook Larry Haines Stanley Young
Wilmington 98, Delaware James Bannon
Tommy Cook David S. Harris Clayton Collyer
Grace Coppin Stacy Harris Better Things for Better Living .. .Through Chemistry Ted Pearson And the Du Pont Com-
Lois Corbet Nell Harrison pany't sincere acknowl-
Gayne Whitman
Staats Cotsworth Ruth Ann Hartmann Roland Winters
edgement to the NBC
Joseph Cotten Helen Hayes work, to the talent offieet,
George Coulouris Mary Frances Heflin literary agents, to authors

Cathryn Cragen Juano Hernandez CAVALCADE O F AMI It I CA OIRICfORS and publishers.

John Crawford
Phylliss J. Creore
Paul Hilton
Donald Hirst
Every Monday Night.,. Full NBC Network Don Clark
And to our advertising
agency. Batten, Barton,
Richard Donald Crenna Kenneth Hodge Homer Rjckett Dwttine & Osborn, Inc.,
8:00— 8:30... E.w.T. 7:00— 7i30...C.W.T.
Walter L. Crockett John Hodiak Harold McGee for planning, supervision
Rebroadcast 8:30— 9:00...P.W.T. 9t30— 10:00.. .M.W.T. '

Mary Jane Croft Charlotte Holland Paul Stewart and production.


Wednesday, April 1], 1915

Grant Adv. Takes Over
KTUL Tula Joins Amn. Legion For From the Production Centers Grace & Bement, Detroit
Continued from pace JO Dallas. April 10.
Grace 4 Bement, Inc.. 'advertis-
Roadshow 'GI Bill of Rights Cavalcade aged by Cccile Robinson, with Mel Allen, now in the Army, only
as m.c. for the audition record cut last week.
filling in
ing agency of Detroit, has been ab-
sorbed by Grant Advertising. Inc.
commercial aspects and that the pro- Slork delivered third offspring and flrsl son. Sat. (7), at Midwood hosp,
Tulsa. Okla.. April 10.

according to Will C, Gram, prez of

gram will at no lime be available Brooklyn, to the Charles E. Rynds. Pop is Blue vcepee. An eight-pounder,
march on the nets and latter agency. The entire personnel
Slealing a Entire expense of the youngster's been named C. E.. Jr.: '.Blue's Moc Hastings scripting the
lor sponsorship. . .

of the Detroit firm will function as

larger radio stations. KTUL. Tulsa's
the campaign will be borne by Sir Thomas Becchanv Saturday symph scries ...Jimmy Savo signed for a major unit in the Granl structure,'
CBS affiliate, has gone all out to. KTUL and Ihe Legion. new cycle on NBC Chesterfield show. with Edward R. Grace as v.p. or ihe
champion the cause of returning
So far-is as known this is Ihe first
Sid Reznick scripting "Gaslight Gaieties" wilh Will Glickman. .Ben . .
parent organization.
organized traveling cavalcade of
Gross back all tanned up from Florida vacash. .Harriet Van Home due
service personnel— and their "Bill of Grant among, ihe top
. .
is listed 15
its kind, involving a radio-Legion in from Coast tomorrow (Thurs.) ... .Gene Hamilton lakes over the nar-
agencies in annual billings. It has
lie-up in concerted effort to acquaint ration, previously done by actors, on the Blue net's good-will program, pioneered in the Latin-American
Beginning Saturday U4>, KTUL. C.Is and'-'.their relatives with the "Saludos Amigos". .. Doris Grundy, former Conover beauty, has landed
field, with modern agency operations
in cooperation with Joe Carson Post. "Bill of Rights," running parts on "Bright Horizon" (CBS) and "Dick Tracy" (Blue).... in Mexico City. Monterrey. Rio de
American Legion, will sponsor a se- -
The first' "Cavalcade" appearance Patsy Campbell cuts a birthday cake today (Wed.) Pure Oil has picked Janeiro, Sab Paulo. Bueno.s Aires,
ries of public meetings on Saturday Okmulgee. Saturday (14).
will al at up the option of Lylc Van for another year. .. .Charles Harrell. director Havana and Caracas. These seven
afternoons in 18 key cities of eastern
Onlv other definite date so far ar- of the Bine's "Headline Edition" show, classified 1A this week. .: ."4.000 offices, plus established facilities
Oklahoma. Called the "KTUL-Amer- ranged is Ciaremore (28). There will Years of Television." book authored by Richard Hiibboll. production man-
New York. Chicago. Dallas and Mi-
ican Legion Cavalcade," the troupe, be at least 11 other programs and ager of WLW's broadcasting division, and published three years ago by ami and
Detroit, will give Grant
consisting of the Joe Carson Post possibly more. including shows
G. P. Putnam, is being readied by Harrap. English publishing firm, for clients the facilities, of a network
band and entertainers from KTUL. al Muskogee. Miami. Bar.tlcsvjlle. .

release in England and the British Empire. coverage of this hemisphere.

augumented by local talent' in the Vinila. Pryor. Wagoner. Pawhuska.
respective communities, will present Sapulpa. Brislow. Nowata and Drum- Norma .'Bobbins, in Cincy for the pasl year at WLW, being auditioned .
Other offices are lo be opened in
a one-hour broadcast on each occa- right.
by the networks here for a sustaining series! .. .Ed and.Pcgcen Fitzgerald the near future, Grant announced,
sion. Following the program, there sold solid with 1C sponsors and waiting list for new WJZ show starting naming London, Los- Angeles. Syd-
will be informative short talks by next Monday (10) .Mrs. Ted Steel looking for a young, ingenuish rhythm . . . ney, Auckland and Shanghai-branch-
representatives of the Legion, the BARNEY M0L0H0N TO WFA singer for new variety show she's got in the works. .'. .Stewart Miller, out es as in the planning stages.
U. Veterans Bureau, the Okla-
S. of the Merchant Marine, has joined Joseph Hcrshey McGillvra sales staff.
Washington. April 10.
homa State Department of Rehabili- He was previously with Blue and NBC; and before, that with CHML.
with matters con-
tation, etc.. dealing
Barney Molohon, year
for the pasl
Hamilton, and CFPL. London (Ontario). Washington Mrs. —F.D.R. was
chief of information for Treasury guosl of Eleanor Howard on WOL's
cerning the welfare of returning Kate Smith marks 14th anni on air May 1. .CBS vcepee Frank Stanton
War Finance's radio information

Listen Ladies" air show last week,


soldiers, sailors and Marines. Ex- calling meeting of company-owned station managers in N. Y. April 30 and
service, has resigned to join the pro- plugging for Red Cross contribu-
perls of the "Calvacadc" also will
grams division of War Food Admin- May 1 and 2 Exit of Peter Donald as emcee o.f the "Guess Who?" WOR tions. Platters of the' program were
conduct a question and answer ses- quizzer cued to differences over six-week cancellation clause in contract.
istration. Molohon has a background then flown to other Copies' stations,
sion after the broadcast for the bene- Danny Webb takes over on May 11 Herb Sanford, N. W. Ayer Coasl
ex-service men and women
of radio writing and production in WCOP. Boston, and WHOM. N. Y.,
fit of
N. Y. and Los Ahgeles prior to join- radio exec in and out of N Y! for huddles on Durante-Moore show take- for rcbroadcasts.
who already have been mustered out over. Arthur White, accounl exec on show and Sam Hartford, of United
in ing the Government just after Pearl
and for relatives of those still
Poller Darrow,
Harbor, lie has also written several Drug, teamed up with Sanford Tor back to Coast trip.
service. '
Ayer exec on Hires dceounl. also to Coasl.
Purely Public Service
John Esau, geh; mgr. of KTUL. Succeeding him al War Finance is

emphasized that the project is purely Meryl Friedel. recently in charge of IIS CHICAGO ...
a public service feature with no exploitation al WLW.
Frankl'yn McCormick may drop, oul of the "Hymns o( All Churches"
show for General Mills when he becomes the m.c. .on the Wayne King

summer replacement show for Jack Benny ... .Bill Ware, manager of
KWFC. will join the Paul Raymcr Chicago office staff shortly. Florence . .

Warner, former education director of WBBM and now wilh the Cowlcs
outfitin the same capacity in New York, in town for a short look-see.
Radio will lose an educator in the next few months when she resigns to

get married lo a New York radio cxec....Slu Dawson heading for the
Coast this week to do some more work on the Charlotte Greenwood show
....Actors Club of Chicago now has 150 members plus a completely, re-
modeled building of their own.
Mutual central division skedded to take over a whole floor in the
Tribune Tower in the nexl few weeks with a second floor to be added as
soon as space is available. Variety club of Chicago annual benefit affair
... .

May 6 may be broadcast over a Mutual coast-to-coast hookup... .Mrs. Jim

Hanlon; wife of WGN press dept. head; gave birth to son last week....
Bob Ewing. formerly Blue network central division research staffer, has
joined the NBC central division spot sales staff. He replaces Lou Tilden
recently upped to network, sales. .. .Frigidaire is planning to hit the air-
ways in the near future with a half-hour nighttime show.


The fall rumdr crop is being harvested early. High on the scuttlebutt
list isreplacement of Larry Stevens on the Jack Benny show by Don Reid,
who has been thrushing with Jack. Kirk wood. .Town is flooded" with .

auditions ot situation comedy shows. Everyone seems to want them for

summer duty and the best selling point is that they can be wrapped up N.i.«nol SolfVU.p'Htnt.i;.. • P.tfl H to;*.' C.-P».*
for less than $5,000. Latest of the regulars lo go "situash" Is the Nilcs-
Prindle sesh for Hires which is currently a joke-slugging match....
Charles Vanda took up the reins again as executive producer at KNX-CBS
after- three years in the Army. He sheds his silver leaf, campaign ribbons
' Overseas for USO Since Jan.
and decorations April 14. .. .Leith Stevens, after long service in Australia
for OWI, getting the baton itch again. .. .Bill Lewis, thoroughly sunbaked,
'43 —Now in Germany
hiked back to N. Y. after getting the House of Bracken back in order.
Comic's draft call still indef Jack Runyon planning new Hollywood
. . . .

programs for Portuguese population of Brazil. His Office of Inler-Arrier-

ican Affairs to date has conceived, produced, shortwaved and plattered
more than 2.000 shows for the Latin Americas. .Murray Bolen, Coast ...

«I Does Outstanding
W of
head of the Compton agency, relieved Floyd Holm of production of. "Truth
Or Consequences" so he could hustle back cast for another assignment.
Dick Powell says he was promised by Niles Trammell that Filch Band-
wagon would definitely not be moved out of its longtime Sunday spot on
NBC next fall. Rumor has it that Amos 'n' Andy is 'earmarked for the
. .

ExnontfioH! niche when Fitch's 52 weeks' notice is up. ...It is fairly clear by now
thai Lever Bros, will go for a big name picture producer as permanent
loom- replacement for C. B. DeMille on Lux Radio Theatre.

Continued from page 23

mem on "freedom of radio." ending

with a poised question by Harold
Felolws. WEEI gen. mgr., on "Who
is to make decisions on who is or is
hot entitled to free air time to
voice propaganda.". Gilbert Seldcs.
CBS director of television programs,
speaking on "Radio and the Future."
it. pleaded for more wavelength alloca-
tions for FM and television. He
didn't advance any great hope for
Judith Waller, director ot educa-
tion. Midwest- 'division ot NBC. was
chairman of the education and ra-
dio panel. She felt that radio should
raise the cultural and educational
level of the masses, and Mrs; Harry
S. Wright, president of Massachu-
setts Parent-Teachers Association,
deplored poor grammar, used in
broadcasting, and pleaded for em-
phasis on parent training in bring-
ing up children. Other 'speakers
were John Salt, BBC: Dr. W. .Lin-
wood Chase, professor of education.
/VW'/ >«/»;• •' "'V) , <)isiiih'>mti I t'< v
Boston U.; Frederick C, Packard, as-
sistant professor of English at Har-
REPRESENTED NATIONALLY BY IHE KATZ AGENCY vard; Dr. John E. Collins, master of "Noo-o, I'm not a professional athlete. I'm Just getting in shapc^
^— m^mjmu 1 itfimn'in mumimmi—
. hum
, ,
Boston Latin School. ,, to do four benefits this week."

Wednesday, April 11, 1945


Paper Salvage Sponsor

U. S. Faces $250,000,000 Headache For WWJ's 'Men Action' Porter Tells Peabody Diners Radio
Detroit, April 10.
"Men ot Action," new series via
In Postwar Shortwave Disposition WWJ here sponsored by the Waste
Faces Biggest Challenge Postwar
Paper Salvage Campaign, puts the
A quartei>billion-dollar headache being operated by OWI. There is station's' femme broadcaster in ac- Pointing out that radio entering ter Peabody Radio Awards presen-
faces the U. S. radio industry. As Radio Algiers, which the French tion, too. Fran Harris, WWJ's wo-
another phase of tation dinner held at the- Commo-
developments on the international may claim but which is still in the man newscaster, has been assigned still its
dore hotel, N. Y. He stated that
diplomatic and military fronts hist hands of Allied Psychological War- to the new series which started ment—the organization peace
radio's most urgent continuing prob-

week brought peace closer to reality, fare Board. Sooner or later, "loo, April 9 and runs from Monday and reconstruction through inter- lem is Ihe further improvement of
the industry faced more ""ni-j-enl ly_ the Allies will also have to decide through Friday at 12:10 p.m.
national cooperation— Paul H. Por- program standards.
than ever the need of defining -its who lo run the 15O,0UO-vvatl Radio
New show features personal news ter, chairman of the Federal Com- In speaking of the industry's part
relationship to the colossal short- Luxembourg;.' ot Detroit and Michigan men in ac- munications Commission, last, night in the forthcoming United .Nations
wave setup developed by Ihe Gov- The physical plant used for short- lion overseas and it ties iir the vital ilO) declared "This challenge calls Security Conference to be held later
ernment during the war. . wave in this country alone valued need for waste paper with their bat- of unstinting this month in San Francisco, he de-
for the same kind

Shortwave radio has made great conservatively' at $250,1)00,000. Most tle stories, t Program also tells ot patriotism, broad vision arid imagi- clared that volume and speed of dis-
strides. As of June, 1942, six months of this money, of course, came out of promotions, wounds and decorations nation that radio mobilized to. fight seminating the news will hoi be
after. Pearl Harbor, there were only. Government coffers. What worries a as reported by the various branches Ihe war." enough. "Radio must bring us un-,
14 shortwave transmitters in opera- lot of people primarily, however, is of the armed forces. Porter spoke at the George Fos ilorslanding, also." he added.
tion, two of then, on IheCoasl. The nol what to do with the physical
programs they broadcast wore mere plants. The headache is caused by
itokens. Music went on plaUcrwise. future operational plans.
Commentators'. hi .'foreign languages Can> Just Sell 'Km
were few in number. Everything Everybody agrees that disposal of
about Ihe shortwave industry w-as on a batch of radio transmitters is some-
a low-budgcl'. level. NBC. and CBS thing far different than sale of steel
had established liaison with some plants or aluminum mills built by
South American stations, with CBS

the Government during the war. 'Dis-

being out in front, but the expenses
posal of heavy

industry may cause

for shortwave developments had lo some internal difficulties in the U. S.
be met entirely by the webs, there economy. But gelling rid of the
was no financial return whatever, radio transmitters is a real that can-
and the item was strictly in the not be accomplished without taking
luxury, category. Into account the relationship of
There are now 39 DX transmitters America to the rest of the world,
in this country twith one built future peace and good will among all
and not yet operating). Against nations. •'


the two Coast stations- circa 1942, .

Last month Sec. of Navy James
there is now an even dozen. In
Forrestal made a. suggestion that one
addition, there is ABSIE. in London, giant corporation be organized lo
built by the British government but control all American foreign com-
munications postwar. It was his idea
that this corporation would be man-
aged by private interests, but be
subject to "limited" government- su-
A shower of. brickbats immediately
descended upon Forrcslal's head. No-
body liked the idea, except possibly
some Navy brass hats of the profes-
sional sailor class. Paul Porter,
chairman of the FCC, 'couldn't see it.

Newspaper publishers yelled that

freedom of the press was under at-
tack..Conservative columnists like
Arthur Krock of the N. Y. Times
sniffed suspiciously and hinted
broadly that the whole plan was
probably a New Deal plot. And the
liberal N. Y. Post's Washington 'cor-
respondents indicated their disagree-
ment with Forrestal by suggesting
a half dozen alternative plans.
Significant, however, was the fact
that the radio industry itself, while
doing lots of thinking on Ihe subject
was not doing much talking about
it. Reason, to those in the know,
was obvious. The radio industry is
not anxious lo take over the giant
shorlwave setup entirely on its own.
Foreign listeners have come to ex-
pect a. good deal from "The Voice
of America." Programs have been
of excellent quality throughout the
war. and the quality has improved
as, our success in combat be-
came greater. Private radio injju.sli
is not anxious to lower that quality,

but is also fearful of the tremendous

expenses involved in operating the
colossal setup of foreign broadcasts.
The radio industry knows also
that the ore-war ratch-as-catch-can

method of operating shorlwave ra-
dio would be a disservice to the best
nteresls of the U.S. It will no longer
be feasible 'to have- American
stations competing with one another
for foreign attention.. Foreign lis-

teners won't know what to make of

the USA if they hear one- American
radio station plugging one political
parly, line, while another goes off
onto an entirely different lack. Some
coordination, at least on the policy
level, will have to exist and that —
will mean Government "interfer-
Somehow, the American' radio in-
dustry -will have lo figure out the
gimmick. A
lot of thinking is being
done on the subject. But those in
the know say that, unless that think-
ing is cryslalized very soon, and a
common course of action Is outlined
fri~concrete'TeTftls, ih«rif«lustr>~wi!!
LAWRENCE GOLDEN find itself needing much more than
mid . N«w T..k 11. N.Y.
aspirin for that quarter-oNa-billion-
dollar headache.


Washington, April 10.

The FCC today (Tues.) announced

Itwill shortly set a date for hearing
on the »ale of WINS, N. Y , by
Hearst Radio, Inc., lo Croslcy Radio,
Inc., of Cincinnati.
Deal is for a reported $1,750,000
cash plus $400,000 worth of airtirne
for Hearst's two N,Y. papers, 'trie
Mirror and Journal-American.

M-S-M's "M rnlc for Million*" Philadelphia. —

Two ex-Syracuse
spielers have; joined the announcing
*rl.lBj— <.IIH— 10 p.m., EWT staff of KYW
here. They are Waiter
Robinson, formerly of WAGE, and
Robert G. Walter, of WFBL.
34 RADIO Wednesday* April 11, J<)15

very good throughout. But Ije video I

viewer wants something beyond good

voices, which he can get over his
Brickhouse Quits WGN
Radio Followop
Television Reviews old radio sel. And wilh due allow-
ance for technical experimentation, For Freelance Ballcasts
he has a right to expect greater
Team of Jimmy Durante aiid Chicago. April m.
imagination a.- to choice of artistic
"SCHFIIKRAZADE" ing 'for guidance via television could material as well as to casting ol th.- I
Garry Moore bounced into their new Jack Brickhouse, who has been on
(Itallcl) h:;ve seen and hc"iri about baseball, .artists. Cars. I sponsor bracket for United Drug the WGN
announcing stair since 1!)4|)
With l.a Meri. Meia Ooorian, .Itmu. the' ircus. H'c hi'Kiis ['ark zoo, trees Friday night in the same CBS niche has .resigned, effective April
and successful is, ij
La Merl's Nalya dancers and Itower.-. the they've occupied for Camels without freelance.
Broadway musical "On the Town." Iriclchousc originally
RAI.AHAN * KIT/ TELEVISION Program stuck close to .

Producer: RiiJ- Nelson hitch.

joined the station as a baseball an-
60 Mlns.: Sun. ''(8), 9 p.m. The items were well chosen for a ("Tluirman Thiirklc's Thumb") inrinal the boys have been using on
Sustaining Baedeker With Pal Biilliam. .lor WiNn.n.- Bill the ciggic account and Roy Bargy's
nouncer, did a hitch in the U. S.
rounded halt-hour to
WABb-DilMont, N. If. whal's in the city .during tlx
on 1
Vance and Mrs. K. fox; Dean baton also carries over. Exit t>f Marines .
and rejoined WGN when
R:iv Nelson, v.p. of Ihe Charles month of April. Whal there was Murphy. '..hdicshIoiis: Jenya. pian- Georgia Gibbs from the fold.- how- medicatly discharged. In the mean-
M. Storm agency .shot live works on to. show camo through very well by ist: Eran fair's ever, made room for Marion Million time Ihe station dropped ballcasts
this one. a full-hour ballet perform- voice, and finite clearly enough Director: Helm Carson on a guest basis.. Latter trilled one and Brickhouse was used oil general
ance ol' Rimsky-Korsakov's ."Sche- through a combination of good light- Cameras: EsMier Kajewskl, R :cliel I song. "No Doubt About it," in nice assignments, reaching his
peak last
herazade." interpreted by La Men in::, competent camera work and Stewart

and her company of 14 Nalya a clear screen. But the people ami (10 .Mills.: Wed. I April 41. :t p.m.

— summer, when tic did both the Tte-
public::n and Democratic coin -in ons
dancers. Musical .portions were things actually .shown, except Tor MARSHALL E1EI.D * CO. I
"Words Al War" last week (3) on

NBC did an etlective dramatization from the Stadium over -Mutual.


records wilh (he ballet score cir the he really amusing and well handled
! i Wit KB. Clura-o I

Cleveland Symphony orch accom- niar'onelles. wore" hardly worth all


Perhaps il's just as well for Mar- of William II. Beveridge's "Full Em- His first major assigiun-.-m as a
panying ihe troupe. the trouble. It was strictly an ama-'
shall Field A Co. that 'there iii'en'l ployment in a Free Society." wilh freelancer will be announcing play-

Production, camera work. etc.. lour SllOW:

, many television receivers in. the area Ben Kagan doing the scripting. It by-play.' broadcasts of tlie Chicago
were, okay and. the Hindu dancers Tl;- owner or home video re- .1 served by WBKB. for such shows as was notable mainly because it sim- While Sox baseball games over
acted as though Ihey knew wha reiving sol would hardly have fell "Thurman Thurklo's Thumb." spon- plified an economic plan which WJJD ror the entire
1A4.T season,
they were about. The routines con- bhmelf compensated for his trouble.
sored by them on this matinee' tele- should be taken -out of the realm of
sisted of a lot of arm waving, star- and expense, even if lie were ready
| cast, certainly won't make many words and made understandable to starting April 17. He will continue
ing and stamping, or feel, some ol il to make due allowances for the cx-
friends.' -Not that they shouldn't be any GI or workingman. The clarity to be heard on .WGN as well.
very graceful and other portions a poi imenta] period through which
'iiuinendod for a nifble esperimenl. of the highlights presented were of
little on the grotesque side. tolev sion must pass both technically,
I "ml somewhere along the line a good course brought home lo belter ad-
"Scheherazade" will never sell and artistically. The fact is that. On
j idea went astray and ended up a vantage via dramatization. The! 'Washington Story' Set
many soap flakes. Dunn. "llu- technical side. Ikcrc- was little . dull affair. Maybe il was lack of questions and answers would con-
about which one could complain.' It preparation: maybe it was Ihe cast, vince all who had previously rele- For Blue I
in Preem May
was on the talent side .thai the show or maybe il was director Melon Car- gated Ihe Bcveridge Plan "to the I

-APRIL IN NEW YORK" fell down. son's. slow pacing; l>ul- il iusi didn't realm of the economists that here is "Washington Story." half-hour
With Al Schachl, Charles Goff. Anne Al Schachl. billed as "lh clown jell. Wi illon by Bill Vance, who something thai not only holds hope once-weekly stanza dealing w ith the
Jackson. Mary Heck.ul. Barbara prince of baseball." may be funny did an narration job. the
excellent for the average guy but is easily people who make the news.' in the
Dale, Ernest Theiss. Sue Hastings on the diamond, but as a tcievaudc script is based oh the idea that one within his power lo comprehend.
nation's capitol. tecs off- on the Blue
Marionettes directed by Marion act he just didn't come through. The has to have a "green thumb" to be in the 2-2:30 p.m. lime slot on Sun-
Robbie Robb Bronx Zoo was represented. by fewer a good gardener. Martha Tillon debuted as new day. May 6.
Producer-Director: Paul Betanger specimens of "wild" life than one Opening shots showed Pat But- singer on Milton Belle's "Let Your-
Writer: I.ela Swift could see in any pel-store window. tram. of National Barn Dance fame, self Go" stanza last Wednesday night Marquis Childs. syndicated news-
Announcer: Sidney N. Berry The circus 'paintings and the samples poring over seed' catalogues, gelling 14) doing okay on "Tieo Tjco." .She paper columnist, will relate a human
30 Minx.; Thur. (April 4). 9:30 p.m. -
of New York flora were static, as ready to start a Victory garden. Next replaces Eileen Barton. interest story on each program,
Sustalnlne they appeared on the video screen. scene had him digging and planting Joan Bennett guested and clicked wilh other personalities to be
WCBW-C'BS. N. Y. The same was true of the scenes and. after several weeks without wilh Berle in a travesty on who-
changed weekly.
A monthly feature of the CBS from "On the Town." Only the success, the neighbor nexl door, dunits that packed plenty of laughs,
video effort is a program showing marionette work, among all the pres- played by Joe Wilson in Groucho with Joe Bcsser also adding to mer- "Chaplain. Jim."- now heard in Ihe
the interesting' things to be seen entations, was performed on a really Marxian fashion, advises him to con- riment in his swish routine. niche, shifts to Sundays at 11 a.m.,
during that month by a serviceman professional level. fer wilh Mrs. Fox. garden counsel- beginning May 6, while "Symphonic
or otfrer visitor to the metropolis. "The voicing, both by the announcer lor for the Ficl stores, who tells Gary Breckner, replacing recently- Flight.-' musical show' with dramatic
On this stanza (41 the audience look- and the three background voices, was him what to do: use Vigaro. insecti- inducted John Conte as emcee on the war stories, changes title to "Pacific
cides, ele. the show could have used
I Frank Morgan program Tor Maxwell Flight" and moves from the 11 a.m.
either or both and the 'garden is an
House on NBC displayed a knowing Sunday spot to 10:30 to il p.m. on
immediate success. Butlram played mike technique, an easy style of
Thurkle in his usual rustic manner spieling and ability to handle lines,
Wednesday nights starting May 9.
and Joe Wilson was acceptable as 1he , Mis Hrsl show (S) went off smoothly
friend. Mrs. Fox was ski red stiff. program capitalizing on Hie replace-
All except Wilson weren't up on ment by having Breckner explain
their lines. his presence. Rest of layout pro-
Most entertaining bits were the ceeded in usual manner. ;

ingles that preceded the skit. Fran

Harris proved herself an interest- SheafTer "World Parade;" which
ing newscaster in. the opening niche: has had several changes of person-
Dean Murphy, playing across the alities in the past few months, has
street al Ihe Chicago '-theatre, came remained, on an even level of en-
over to do his impressions, practi- terlainmenl wilhal. Latest changes
cally his entire vaude 'routine, and are Lou Breese, who took over di-
Jenya. pianist, showed keyboard skill rection of. the 22-piece orchestra from
in the playing of "St. Louis Blues" Dr. Roy Shield, and Phil Kinsman,
and 'Honeysuckle Rose." Camera- who replaced John .Riatt as vocal
work on entire hour was good most soloist. Both are capable replace-
of the time. ments. Max Mill. who took over.

news from Upton Close last Dccem-

ber. continues in that capacity, sup-
plenientcd by a guest newspaper-
Radio Reviews mnii, usually short-waved from
overseas. If any criticism can be
; Continued from p.-ur e 2« - made of the program, il is that this
portion is a little loo long, splitting
a flier who holds the DFC and other
the musical numbers by more min-
decorations, the captain as a respon-
utes than necessary.
sible officer whose job is to place
entire "cities", of naval men on for-
eign bases. Jimmy Durante on "Atlantic Spot-
Gimmick al end of show is to light" (NBC) berore leaving last
Saturday for the Coast with a
When Murphy Products Company bring lo the microphone Ihe fariiily
of a Navy man. giving family op-
stopoff at Louisville, introduced Ed-
portunity lo wax a greeting to .their die Jackson, his pal and partner of When the bell itnai» M Tai*r
(feed*) recently renewed sponsorship vaudeville days, as he put it. Asked
boy. In this instance, family was one Ior the tun of every btuinetf
from Brooklyn. Pa. Ma and daugh- what Lou Clayton, also of the former
ter handled themselves very natu- Jackson, Clayton and Durante trio, is day, Weed mea come out of
of the 9 to 9.30 p. m. portion of the rally with dad's thick Irish brogue doing. Schnoz said: "He's doing their corners from coast-to-
giving this part of the program a nothing: he's our manager." When
asked to step closer to the rpicro- cout, ready for the kiod of
warm touch.
WLf National Barn Dance, it marked The entire program, from writing
I phone for the overseas program.
Jimmy cracked, "ff / get any clu*tf
action that make* time mean
and producing to final performance

I'll be nosing over the White Cliffs

money for ulenblc tutioaj'
on tlie parts of professionals and of Dover."
the ISth year for Murphy on the same guests alike, made for good listening
which, incidentally but importantly,
"The Army Hour." on its third an-
helped knit a
closer bond between
program and the same station. Many the home front and our lighting
niversary over NBC (7) saluted, via
a letter from Sec. of War Henry L.

WLS advertisers have thus renewed

naval men. Cars.
Stimson lo president Nlles Tramell,
the network and its affiliates for
"high public service'' in providing w i;i:d
for from lOto 15 years, with an adver-

tiser-loyalty that is based on the fun-

D Palooka Platters

Continued from page

other postwar
messages. He's 'appointed John Ross
the public al home with a first-hand
report of the war on distant battle-,
fields the world over. Stimson ob-
served that on the broadcast three
years ago marking inauguration of
the program, he had expressed the
WI) ( ( i\1 I' \ \ ^

gen. -mgr. of the radio project, and

hope it might be a "vehicle for keep-
damental fact: WLS GETS RESULTS I
salesmen already are on the road
ing Americans at home informed of:
the progress of the Army." This it
lining up deals with independent had done during the past three years,
stations throughout the country to continued Stimson. bringing reports
line up local sponsors for the dally direct from the front lines.. the voices Vtrll. Kolka, Will lliK'k Mr
quarter-hour program. of our troops "into the homes." as llruilv for Hadlo AMlltnini-iil* Shortly
they had liberated countries or cap-
In line wilh Palooka's "clean
tured territory. The Army Hour,
-health" approach Fisher is limiting wrote Secretary Stimson. had moved
sponsorship so thai cigar-el. compa- with the Army from the defensive to
nies, wineries, breweries and kin- the offensive phase of the American
dred production oulfHs will not be '
war effort, and would continue to be
able to sponsor the program. He's broadcast until the objectives of final
pointing towards dairies, etc., and victory had been attained, no matter
already has a commitment from an
how long this might take.
Omaha milk and butter outfit to Guy Lombardo . does a mellow
bankroll Palooka in about 30 mid-
west communities. '
pitch for; Chelsea ciggies. using w.k.
state songs to point up the sundry
tobacco blend* from Virginia. Mary- (On Inat l»u ut Smlilli*
Palooka had a brief fling on CBS land, Tennessee, Carolina*, etc. Trumping Trip In MpkIi-i>>
in 1932. but Fisher, this time, says I'nliltilt >-; Arthur rln« AoMx-l:iln«
he's not angling .for a network spot, n: W. Mtli St..' N. V. «'.

preferring to deal direct with station WRC Hps Briefer,*, Junter

owners and retain complete control Washington, April 10.
of his property. Burton Bfidgens, WRC producer,
has been upped to continuity ac-
Washington. —
Kenneth Banghart, ceptance editor of the NBC outlet,
staff announcer for WRC, the NBC
Carleton D. Smith, station mgr., an-
nounced last week.
station here, switches to the NBC Brldgens succeeds Eugene Juster,
New York announcing staff effec- who becomes asst. program mgr. In raz mux nuis.
author ol M«t
tive April 15. charge of public service.

Wednesday, April 11, 194S ORCHESTRAS-MUSIC 85


AFM Expected to Begin Drive Shortly Horace Heidt Turned Down by AFM
To license All Personal Managers On Try for Release From MCA Pact
American Federation of Musicians*
IT EQUITABLE Hollywood, April 10...

is again mulling action on the per-' War Production Board last week American Federation of Musicians
eonal manager problem. While union in N.Y. last week rejected Horace
ASCAP Anni Confab issued an order on. the consumption MCA Shifts Bandsmen
officials refuse comment, it is ex- of paper by the music industry that Heidt's case against Music Corp. of
Annual membership meeting of the Hollywood, April 10.
pected that within, the next month will seriously Injure, music publish-
America, by which the leader hoped
be a drive to license
American Society of Composers, Au- Music Corp. of America signed to. secure release from. his. manage-
or so there will ers and can have the. effect of tem-
all p.m.s under
AFM rules and reg- thors and Publishers. last week (S) porarily putting major and minor
Herstiey Martini former band leader, ment contract with that agency.
at the Ritz-Carilon hotel, N. Y.. went to head act department in San Heidt's case against MCA, filed some
ulations. A
blank for this purpose
off smoothly without any untoward
firms out Of business a good part of
Francisco office, succeeding Sam time ago, claimed that MCA's han-
has- already been prepared. incident Usual president's and treas- each year. Analyzing the direc-
Hosey, shifted to a similar post in dling of his band was not to his ad-
During the past week, there, have urer's reports were made. tive shows up a "weakness" in its
the Beverly Hills office. vantage, and it asked release from
been many rumors concerning AFM construction that might under cer-
action in regard to personal man-
Meeting was followed by cocktail
and dinner parties at the hotel. tain circumstances allow an over-

In the company's band— depart- a contract that still has several years
ment, Craig Flannigan, San Fran- to run
agers. They involved demands the supply to. some publishers and not
and Art Rowley, Beverly Hills,
cisco, Heidt's claims against the agency^
union will make upon p.m. relations enough to others.
changed places. are too long to cite individually, but'
with artists. They were only ru- New ruling is a double-compliance one of his arguments covered his de-
mors. But they will be followed by
action in the matter of licensing.
No Barren Prices order; that is, it places the burden of
restricting paper use on both pub-
sire of last summer for a booking at
the Pennsylvania hotel, N. Y. He
Last year, the was hot on AFM lisher and printer whereas until now
claimed that the agreement for the
the subject. Numerous meetings oc- restrictions were solely on printers Another Dispute hotel date was deliberately booted
curred between union officials and a themselves. It reads that individual
group of the most important man-
For Barron Band publishers will be limited henceforth
about by MCA until his scheduled
appearance at the Capitol theatre,
agers. Licensing was one of the ma- to 75% of their consumption during
N. Y- made the hotel booking im-
jor subjects. Nothing came of the either of the years 1841 or 1944,

whichever they choose as a basic

Over Capitol Disc possible.
confabs, however, and nothing was
heard of the situation until last As Subs Maestro .

year, or five tons, whichever is He

Heidt recently broke up his band.
is said to have made this move
greater. The five tons given pub- deliberately on advice of counsel to
Release Avoided

Blue Barron's orchestra is unique lishers as a choice isn't 'likely to strengthen his case at the union, so
among name bands that have lost « : the basic yardstick for consump- that he could point out that MCA's
their leaders to the services. His tion by any major house since that Capitol Records almost got into management forced him to retire'
band is the only one that has man- amount of paper equals only about another recording release dispute
Poll Bands On aged to continue operation under
substitute leaders and get money
250,000 piano copies, it's said. Year
1941 Isn't likely to be used as a basic
last week by scheduling Johnny
from maestrolng.
Along with. Benny Goodman and
iMercer's version of "Atcheson, Tope- another important maestro,. Heidt re-
that's claimed to be commensurate measure either, since during that ka and Santa Fe" to hit the market cently filed briefs with the pur- AFM
with its prewar price. year the radio broadcasters and the May 1. Tune, by Mercer and: Harry porting to show the unfairness of
New Song Idea Barron has been in the Army for
almost two years and during that
American Society of Composers, Au-
thors and Publishers were at war
Warren, is from the Metro, film, "The long contracts with agencies. These
Harvey Girls," which won't be re- briefs claimed that when a long .

D'Arcy ad agency, which handles, time his band has been led by and music sales were far off.- That leased until the fall. Harry Link, agency agreement is within a' year
the Coca-Cola account, has been Tommy Ryan. Toby Wilson, and now leaves 1944 as the .logical choice for general manager of Feist, which will or two of expiration the agency in-
checking various bandleaders who Kirk Wood. Barren's name always future consumption measurement by publish the score, had advised Co- volved puts all sort of pressure on a
consistently play; the coke broadcasts has been. above the subs. most publishers. This year would lumbia, Victor and Decca of this, leader for a renewal; and if the lat-
as to the advisability of installing on When a leader goes into service, even give publishers a sub-normal and a July 1 release date was agreed ter is not forthcoming the leader's .

the shows the new song idea cited in if he's any sort of a name, his band supply since printers were then sub- upon. It will be adhered to by all interests are not properly handled
last week's "Variety." It confined invariably caiinot be continued with- ject to 75% of what they used in firms including Capitol, after dis- by the agency. He agitated for a
its questioning to. those bands which out, him. In such cases, it's the 1941. However, it's figured to be cussions between Link and Glenn one or two-year agreement, which
have played the greater number of leader's name and presence that the best choice, in most cases, of the Wallicks, Cap gen. mgr: agency men think unfair in the cases
broadcasts since the six-a-week count at the three' allowed by the WPB. Capitol, of which Mercer is prez, of young bands. Much time, effort
b o., and if. he's miss-

series was inaugurated in Septem The uneven distribution will occur however, scheduled :its waxing for and money are often spent building
ing the price of the band drops too .

ber, 1942. .
far to permit the same operating this way: If during 1944 a publisher May 1, two months ahead of the new outfits and under short-term .

In some of the cases negative an had one or more hit songs which others. Link's sensitivity is that' per- contracts such effort could go to
costs, which, in turn, forces lowered
swers were. drawn on the idea of boosted. his paper consumption, then haps the other diskers may think he waste if the band was able to move
standards of personnel and perform-
playing a new song on each of six he will be in the fortunate position okayed Mercer's Capitol recording, elsewhere after its incubation pe- -

ance, and ultimately of course, de-

broadcasts a week. Some of the top of having goodly amounts of paper especially since the songwriter hap- riod.
the saleabilily of the outfit.'
bandleaders have had quarrels with stroys available to him this year. However, pened to have also co-authored the
certain publishers and flatly refuse those that did not have sizable hits score.
to play their songs, and they, natu-
rally, would not like to be put in GAC SHIFTS KRASNY last year will be in trouble. If those
positions were reversed this year,
Last week Capitol's release of "Out
of This World," a Paramount film
. the position of being forced to per- which frequently happen* in such an excerpt (.written by Mercer and Harry James In
form a song' marketed by a publisher TO STRENGTHEN COAST unpredictable business as the music Harold Arlen), hit the market many
with whom they might be unfriendly Milton Krasny, executive v. p. and industry, then one publisher would weeks in advance of the supposedly
or stay off the broadcasts. find available to him more paper agreed upon general release coinci-
general manager of General Amus.
Since the scheduling of the best
Corp., moves his headquarters from than he could use. while the other dental with Victor and Columbia in Music Co. Deal
names possible is the desire of '
wouldn't have half enough to satis- June. The Aim isn't due for release
N; Y. to GAC's Coast office May 20.
D'Arcy, this problem must be taken fy the demands of one or more hits. until July. Jo Stafford waxed it for Though Harry James never .went
The transfer will in no way affect
into consideration. However, Judi- Some, consequently, would be tem- Gap and it's already on the market, far in negotiations with Edwin H.
cious booking and .tune scheduling
Ralph Wonders, boss of the Beverly (Buddy) Morris for a music firm of
porarily forced out of business until whereas the Woody Herman (Col)
Hills branch. He will continue in
might eliminate the problem. new quotas were available. his own, he has completed a deal
that capacity. and Charlie Spivak (Victor) waxings
D'Arcy's idea, promulgated by Pete with Burke- Van Heuscn, a Morris
Purpose of the move is to The music business, since the are being held back.
Dorain, of Chelsea Music, is to use
shortage of paper, has' been careful •In the case of the "Atcheson, Tope-
subsid. He has worked out an ar-
strengthen the Coast layout by in-
a new song on each of six weekly
stalling an executive- capable of —
with the stuff and also careful to ka" tune said to be of the "Chatta-
rangement with Sidney Kornheiser,
broadcasts under the title "Spotlight
Ni>\y Song W^fcJ'....Sot52j«j!re making final decisions. At first, abide by all regulations. An order nooga Choo-Choo" genre — there is
general manager, whereby whatever
tunes and instrumentals he picks up
^vra^f^tp- the aboy^ame through ^another c omplicati on
rrt i

or-ltStrWrrr-^ri'sideni ttl via Decca,

to be selected in a way not yet set- 'frioiiias '

last year, but was rescinded* atter iiP' which is*i?EflWm*g*SrT

yiVufflTftg* aft Vivf

tled. GAC. was mulling

staying on the shared on a 50-50 basis. B-vrFs start
tervention with Government officials of the "Harvey Girls" tunes. with
Coast permanently, where he has a will work on them but arrangements
was decided that by Walter Douglas, chairman of the Judy Garland re-creating her own
ranch home. It haven't been completed as to bow
board of the Music Publishers Pro- tunes from the film on wax.
Rockwell should remain in N. Y.,
Douglas, however, the latter costs will be underwritten.
Caught in Berlin, Tells tective Assn. Metro, which owns Feist, will
however, to supervise the agency's would not comment on the latest pa- henceforth deal sternly with any po- Burke-Van Heusen also has work-
expanding radio department. Krasny per order except to state he was tential offenders on broken releases ed out a deal with Vaughn Monroe,
Of City Blitzed to Rubble was then delegated. Plan was for- aware of it and had already contact- by making a specific condition of the who for some time was considering
Fernando Diaz, trumpeter with mulated last week while Wonders ed WPB officials on the matter. release date in lieu of- waiving the setting up a Broadcast Music, Inc.,
band at El Chico, Greenwich Village was here on a visit to his ailing statutory 2c. royalty, which is cut
affiliated firm. Monroe's company
(N. Y.) nitery, in 1935 was playing mother. He has since returned west. to lV-ic. Thus, avers attorney Julian
under the B-VH banner will be
In Paris in sundry Montmartre bis- Other changes in GAC's person- T. Abeles, copyright specialist for
strictly a collection agency for roy-
tro's until deciding to accept an en- nel include bringing Art Weems in Final Arguments Due In
Metro, a condition of the cutrate alties on material he has placed
gagement in Berlin. He got caught from Chicago the end of this month royalty can be a specific release dale elsewhere and will not be an active
In the war and was hemmed In until as a replacement for Mike Nidorf, BMl-MarksCaseFri.(13) of the disks. Otherwise, per U. S. publishing house. It's called Mon-

repatriated on the S. S. Gripsholm now associated with Jim Peppe and Copyright Law, a "notice of user" is man Co.
Taking, of testimony in the Broad- BH, which plans expansion under
Sammy Kaye.- Krasny 's present

several weeks ago. all that is necessary for any record-

cast Music-E. B. Marks suit against Kornheiser and prof. mgr. Murray
Cuban by birth, his-marriage to a duties will be partially assumed by ing company to wax the tunes.
the American Society of Composers, Baker, also has made a deal with
German: girl was tabu for "Aryan" Weems and the remainder by Cy
reasons but he had freedom of the Donner, who moves in from the
Authors and Publishers was com-

Duke Ellington for a piano solo se-

city excepting that when the Allies auditing
pleted last week (7). Sum-ups by ries and has taken two tunes from
department. Joe Jacoby,
came over by plane he was denied formerly with Warner Bros., will re- both sides, however, were postponed LOUIS JORDAN'S FIVE King Cole titled "If You can Smile
until this Friday (13) upon request and Say. Yes" and "Shy Guy."
shelter with the Nazis, and how he is place Donner.
back to tell the story is something Bob Weems. brother of Art, who
by BMI attorneys. Goldmark, Colin OVERSEAS IN JULY Hoafty Carmichacl's "Doctor, Law-
he says he can never answer. & Kaye. Louis Jordan and his Tympany yer; Indian Chief," in Paramount's
was running Frederick Bros.' Chi
Diaz describes all the familiar office, moved over to GAC's Chi Last witnesses on the stand were Five have signed to go overseas for "Stork Club," also will be marketed
Berlin spots— the deluxe Hotels branch Monday i9) to replace the J. Rosamond'.' Johnson and Bud USO-Camp Shows, making second by them.
Eden, Adlon, Bristol, the Bahnoft latter. Greene, writers >of two of the three Negro band to sign in a week. .Other
am Zoo, the Kurfuerstendam—by tunes upon which BMI-Marks suit is
is "Sweethearts of Rhythm." all-
•n expressive "phoot." It just ain't based. They are co-defendants in girl outfit Dick GObert May Be 1st
there any more, just rubble, a city the action with ASCAP.
that Is 85% non-existent, so effective
Haber, Desfor Upped Jordan is set for three months
Haber as
Julius overseas duty, to follow directly Disc Jockey Overseas
has been the -Allied blitz. Appointment of .

after his second Paramount, N. Y.,

Back in N. Y. he consumes at asst. director of ad. and sales promo- engagement. Latter shot, inked for Dick Gilbert, WHN's singing disc
least 12 oranges a day, walks around
Ellington to Par, N. Y. jockey, is first of the platter spinners
tion dept. announced by Charles B. June 13, is slated to run four weeks.
"i wonderment looking
at all the
Duke Ellington has been signed to volunteer for overseas entertain-

Brown, ad director of RCA Victor

for the Paramount theatre, N. Y. ment with USO-Camp Shows, having
available and- can't believe
edibles, '

we still have such plenty in light Division ot Radio Corp. of America. He'll play the house later this year, Ben Selvin's Disk Tour requested '.'combat area" assignment
°f what he has
seen in Berlin. Haber was formerly director of pub- on an as yet undecided date. Un- Ben SlIvui, v.p. of Associated Pro- in the Pacific zone.
derstanding is that. Harry Levine. gram Service (Muzak ), on a 10-day Having passed his preliminary
ataasMorgan has bought a home house booker, will bring him in recording expedition to Chicago. physical last week, Gilbert now is

"i Harold D. Desfor. formerly assist- when a. spot is available. Roy Shield and Art Kasscl are two trying to arrange his contractual and
Beverly Hills and will henceforth
spend the majority of his time on ant to Haber, named director of pub- Ellington's last B'way date was at of.: the orchestras already signed for personal affairs in order to get away
toe Coast. licity. the Capitol. these Associated waxing sessions. for a three-mouth tour.
' ., . .

Wednesday, April 11

London Pub Committee

Bands' at Hotel B. O.'s
Small-Town Series RACIAL AMITY TALKS To Investigate Payola
(Presented herewith, as a weekly tabulation, is the estimated cover
Philadelphia. April 10. charge business beltip done by nam* bands tn various New York hotels.
As Postwar Cushion Frank Sinatra revealed that he
Evil Can't Stick Together Dinner business (7-10 p.m.) not rated, Figures after name of hotel a\ve
maium \v'a> planning In enlist big names in London. March 29. room capacity and cover chary*. Larger amount designates weekend and
The two leaclin.u conrerl 1 -

holiday price. Compilation, is based on period from Monday to Saiurdan.)


show business to help him in hi> Tin Pari Alley's troubles anent
rnonls. Columbiu Concerts ami .V.i-
ampaign against racial itilolcrancc songpliiggint: 'graft-, looked like they Cover* 1'olul
tional Concerts: and Artists Cori>:. Weeks Punt Cnvrra
are c.shioning themselves for live and juvenile delinquency. He told might come to- a head for a while, (Innd I'lnyrd W eek On Unl. HolH
about plans at a parley with
his but it now looks like il will go on Hal Aloma*. ........ 25 1,750 45 450Lexington (300; 75c-$1.50)
expected post\vnv decline the in . .

amusement industry as they did — more than 200 representatives of the longer. Boyd Racburn 2 1,425
, .New Yorker
3.S25 (400, $1-$1.50).

after the last war -by such organi- student bodies of public, parochial Music Publishers' Assn. recently Jimmy Dorsey Pennsylvania (500; $1-$1.50). ...... .. 8 3,150.
38 800
zations as Community Concerts and and high schools at the Fellowship appointed a sub-committee to deal Leo Reisman*. .Waldorf (550; $2)... 19 2,750 50.775
Civic Crncerts. These concert scries House here last Tuesday (3*. with evil with publishers giving it George Paxton. .Lincoln (275: $1-$1.60). ......... .. 7 1,150 8,175 .

full support. After several meetings, Guy Lombardo. .Roosevelt (400; $i-$1.50). 28 2.475
in small towns throughout the U.S. Sinatra, presenting a side rarely 71.925

and Canada grew out of the depres- seen in his public appearances, told .throe prominent publishers, Chap- Hal Mclntyre. .. .Commodore (400; $t-$1.50). ..; 1 1,675 2.450
pells. Keith. Prowse, and Feldmnn
sion fol'owing the las( war: Origi- of his concern over the growing tide
wilhrdrew from committee, but * Asterisks' Indicate, a 'supporting floor, show., New Yor/.er, Bilonore,
nally a way of establishing solvent of bigotry. have
auspices in towns that, had deficit promised to accept any decisions ar- ice s'hoics. Lexington, Ha icaiian floor slioiu.
"I don't want my children to grow

trouble, the plan was later adopted rived at by other members.

up in a world in which hate against Result has been temporary holt,
for totvns that never had concerts
at all.
people of other races and creeds with committee having decided, at Chicago
exist." he lold the kids. Sinatra last meeting. March 27, to instruct
The two series, created and serv- said he would probably return here Buddy Franklin (New Walnut Room, Bismarck hotel; 4G5; $1.50-$2.50
Fred Day. head of Francis, Day &
min.). Franklin and new show showed slight gain to 2,800.
iced by non-profit divisions of the next month for another huddle with
two bureaus, is claimed to have cost the school, leaders.
the managements $250,000 before
Outside of his appearance at the
Hunter, who is chairman, to use a Bob Grant (Empire Room, Palmer House; 700; $3-3.30 min.i. Htldcgarde
little gentle persuasion oh the trio to picked up after Easier, new back at great 8,900.
return. Meanwhile, the investiga-
they began to see results; Today Woody Herman (Panther Room, Sherman hotel; 950; $1.50-$2.50 min.).
there are about 600 towns in the two
Academy of Music for his regular tion is held up. Herman jammed 'em in all week and a Saturday matinee, Terrific 7,800.
.Wednesday- night radio show, there Dlok LaSalle (May fair. Room, Blackslone hotel; 463; $2.50 min.). Georgie
series, 90% of them small, running :

was little of the hysteria and fan- Price lifted patronage to excellent 2,500.
from 50,000 population down to 5.'-

000. They get from three to (lve aU

fare which unsually greets^ a visit SHUBERTS SEEK STAY IN Ted Weeras (Boulevard Room, Stevens hotel; 650: $3-$3.50 min. ). Weeins
fractions a season, depending on
from The Voice. Tickets were given has ropes up here several times during the week. Excellent 6,600.
to a "selected" audience by WCAU, LANE MUSIC TUSSLE
their membership. Usual annual fee
If a town's series has 1,000
CBS outlet here, but somehow many-
is $5.
Additional evidence will be pre- Los Angeles
members, they can be serviced with found -their way to the bobby
sented by the Shuberts, producers
headliners. If membership drops to brigade. of the play "Laff in' Room Only," in
Freddy Martin (Ambassador; 900; $1-$1.50 min.). Standard 4.300 tabs.
500. they'd get lesser attractions. In But the jamboree at the staid old Job Relchman (Bi It more: 900: Sl-Sl.SO min.). Gets 'cm in early and late
an attempt to strengthen a request
this way, although a depression Academy— home of the-Philadelphia
for a stay of arbitration proceedings
for sock 4,300 covers.
brings a decrease in members, Orchestra and Met— was enough to

instituted at the Dramatists. Guild

there's a nucleus left to ease a slump last the PhiUy gendarmes for a long
by Burton Lane, writer of the show's
in the trade. It's on such factors as lime. The ancient walls reverberated
musical score. Argument for the Location Jobs, Not in Hotels
these series in small towns that the time and time again with the
stay is to be heard next Monday
bureaus count to carry them through swopnatra squeals as The Voice hit
(16 heforo Supreme Court Justice
Gay Claildce (Che/. Paree: 650; $3-$3.50 min.). Bir. increased some after
coming slack times. the mellow notes in his radio stirit Aaron J. Levy in N.Y. He recently Lent, Willie Shore drawing around 4,700.
The two series have turned out to After the broadcast the cops had reserved decision oh the Shuberts' Del Courtney (Blackhawk; 500; $1-$2.S0 min.). Popularity of Sat. and
be a good investment for the bu- to shepherd "Sinatra beneath the stay motion.

Sun. matinees and big night attendance brought patronage to fine 9,000.
reaus, a great aid to young artists, Academy's "Catacombs" to the Stage Shuberts will claim in their new Jrvlng KosUI (Latin Quarter; 700; $3 -$3.50 min.). Bounced back after
and a cultural contribution. The Door Canteen in the basement for a evidence that the Guild's minimum Lent. Lou Holtz and Dorothy Donegan playing to very good 4,200.'
plan has been studied by '.manage- shot before the servicemen. Sina basic agreement upon which Lane
ments in other countries, and al- tra also did a show the next day bases his claim to small rights in (Lot Angeles)
ready adopted in South Africa as a (Thursday; at the Naval Hospital. his score, is invalid. They Will cite
result. It's being studied now in Frankie Curie. (Palladium, B, Hollywood, third week). Up to fine 30,000
a recent U.S. Circuit Court of Ap- ~
such varied areas as England, Aus- admishes.
peals decision which held that the
tralia and South America for post- Jan Garber (Trianon, B. South Gate third week), Built to 8,500 pay olas.
basic agreement was in violation of
war adoption there. Maestro, Musicraft Get the Sherman anti-trust act.
Lelghton Noble tSlapsy Maxie's, N, Los Angeles, 17th week). Plenty of
turnover equals capacity 5,200.
Lane's action against the Shuberts
RKd acquired rights to the old
MT ring, Distrib Corps. .

at the Dramatists Guild asks $150,000

King Cole Trio-Carlos Molina (Trocadero. N, Hollywood, third week).
King Cole and Molina pumping crowds into both rooms, with 4,750 tabs as
•ong, "California, Here" I Come..' for Hollywood, April 10. damages for blocking a deal he made
with Bregman. Vocco & Conn to a result.
use in "Back to Bataan." Schwartz announced the
publish the songs from the play.
formation of two new companies to
Shuberts didn't want the. songs ex- Gene Krupa's orch takes a two-
DONT SHOOT manufacture and distribute
product of Maestro and Musicraft
ploited until the show's run was Masters' 'Scatterbrain' week vacation prior, to opening at
THE BARTENDER Record outfits west of the Rocky
completed and claim that under the Capitol theatre, N. Y., around
their contract with Lane they have Trips Camp Maestro the end of May.
this right.
Olympic Record Corp. will manu- . Detroit. April 10.
SMITH ft SCHUSTER facture and California Record Sup-, It seems Frankie Masters'
Made Pefclliken ply, Inc., will distribute platters for orchestra was scheduled to come in
US0 •roadway, New York Maestro and Musicraft on the west- Finley Completes D.C. to a mid-west Army camp on an
CO. 5-4497 ern, slope. Army bomber. Camp's brass band
Huddles on MCA Suit thought it would be a nifty to go
Larry Finley. operator of Mission down and serenade his combination
OUR CURRENT CATALOGUE Beach Park, San Diego, who's suing with its theme song.
Music Corp. of America for $3,000,' Big bomber whizzed in and the


000 in an anti-trust action under the camp band blew itself purple. In- AM Otfcor Pomoei
A Lovely Ballad Sherman has received a flood of stead of Masters' crew, out stepped
act, Orcneitra Loaders
letters and wires the past fortnight the Commanding General. Highly
Uss this 3x6 VISt'AL. r«cor«
A STORY OF TWO CIGARETTES from band buyers all over the coun-
try. Most are aimed at cheering him
flattered by .the welcoming serenade,
he asked what was the name of
of song lilts of over 180 pub-
lisher!, plug old rayoiltes. Tn-
cluflea lead ulieeta and tyrlca
By STONE It, J.\Y null MAHKKR on. and a substantial portion seek to that lively piece with which he was .

of chorua. SAMPLES FHBE.

give his case active support. Still being greeted.
others suggest the formation of band Bandleader triad on several shades iei»
A RHYTHM MORALE "LIFTER" buyer associations with a view toward of the rainbow before blurting out,
banding together to stand off all "Scatterbrain."
€ARRY Q M, BR OTHER, XUWBYJttlt^jlS: agencies
; w, » I.u.i (till ! : -.vitV
By BOB t.MlKOI.I. and HOWARD Pllll.l.irH Dept. of Justice in Washington last One of those rare occurences, a
week on the case but refuses to com- change in the personnel of the Guy Top Tunes toi feulBoeks
ment on results. His attorney, Jack Lombardo band, has brought Cliff
A Novelty Jump Rau, was with him at the meetings. Grass into the sax section. He's an
An All-Tim« Favor it*
CAPTAIN KIOD Eddie Stone Replaces
ex-Blue Barron and Gray Gordon
Grass bowed in when Jimmy
By ROY AIFItKO nnri MAHVIN >'ISHKK Lombardo in N. Y. Brown dropped his saxophone to AMERICAN
Thru Finn 1*1111011 All Different Willi .MIX MONTHS t.\tr AhrAri Of Tliein
Eddie Stone's orchestra replaces segue into the vocalist spot exclu-
Guy Lombardo's
for the summer at sively. Brown's been with the Royal
Roosevelt hotel, N. Y. Stone, Canadians two years.
with Freddy Martin for a long time, Music by . .
MARTIN BLOCK MUSIC has had his own band for several Buddy Welcome, formerly with
working in the midwest. Jan Savitt, is sinking with Baron JIMMY McHUCH
501 MADISON AVI.. N. Y. 22, N. Y. years,
I.AKRY TAVI.OB—<icu. M»r. Roosevelt is first date in N. Y. Hugo'a band at the Totem Pole, Bos- Published by
NKW l'OBK ciuca<;o HOLLYWOOD Band is currently at the Roose- ton, weekends. He's spending the rest
velt hotel, Washington. of his time in a defense plant.

W* Art frond, to Announce the A* q u little n of




Recorded by DUKE ELLINGTON, Victor 20-1626—LENA HORNI, Victor 10-1611

BURKE and VAN HEUSEN, Inc., Murray Baker, Prof. Mgr. nit iroadway. New York 19. n. y.
Wednesday, Aprtt 11, 1948 IT

STAPH*©©* in. N* v -

April I Oh. 1946.

To Wh . m h Moy Concern:

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88 ORCHESTRAS-MUSIC Wednesday, April 11, ]<H5

10 Best Sheet Sellers

NBC. CBS, Blue, Mutual Plugs (Week Ending, April 7) 10 Best Sellers on Coin-Machines
Dreams Getting Better. .Santly .
Follouino i« list of the most ptaved popular nines on the networks for the .(Records below are grabbing most nickels this uieek t?i jukeboxes
Till Beginning See Light. .Grand
Jrom throughout the country as reported by operators to "Variety.'' Names of
week beginning Monday and through Sunday, April 2-8,. 5 Candy ... .......Feist
more tlioii one band or vocalist after the title indicates, in order of popu-
to 1 a.m. List represents the first approximately 25 lenders in alphabetical Little On Lonely Side.. Advanced
larity, tvhose recordings are being played. Figures and names in paren.
order some cases there are ties, accounting for a longer list). The Laura .Robbins
(in. thesis indicate the number of weeks each song has been in the listings
Just Prayer Away. .... .Shapiro
compilations the. NBC, CBS. Blue and Mutual Networks, as repre- 'and .respective, publishers.)'
Sweet Dreams Remiclc
sented IVEAF, WABC.
XVJZ and IVOR, N. Y., and are based on data Les Brown Columbia
b|/ Saturday Nnight Bartoii 1. Mv Dreams Getting Better (7) (Santly).

(Louis Prima
provided by Accurate Reporting Service, regular checking source Of the All of My Life. .Berlin Hit

music TtubUshing industry Dream .

..' Capitol 2. Rum and Coca-Cola (13) (Feist)...,.,.. Andrews Sisters Decca
TITLE PUBLISHER Srl'm Beginning to See. Light (6) (Grand), C ° lumbia
j Ellington' "
After Awhile , Starlight . .Victor
A Little On the Lonely-Side - Advanced Terrace Room, Newark, ( Dlnoh Shore':'...- Victor
4. Candy (3) (Feist)
My Pied Pipers
All Of


Anywhere t'Tonight and Every Night"
. .

^r.-rBourne— — To Fold for Summer 5 Little On Lonely Side (8) (Advanced)..

Frankie Carle ... .Columbia


. 6. Saturday Night Is Loneliest (10) (Barton)' Frank Sinatra ....Columbia

Close As Pages In a Book— ""'Central Park". '. .. Williamson Frank Dailey will fold his Terrace
Dream Capitol Room. Newark, for the summer More and More (T. B. Harms) Victor.
Ev'rytime ABC about May 24. Spot has no air-
7. (5) ......
j ^yComT^: '
'.W ] Victor
Ev'ry Time We Say Goodbye—•'Seven Lively Arts". Chappell conditioning apparatus, and though 8. Sentimental Journey (3) (Morris) . Les Brown ...... Columbia
Didn't Know About You .Robbins it remained open during last year's
Crosby -Andrews .... .Decca
Always Be With You hot weather, business was way off; 9. Accentuate Positive (13) (Harms)..
I'll .Broadway (Johriny Mercer Capitol
I'm Beginning to See the Light. Grand hence the decision to fold this year.
10. Don't Fence Me In (21) (Harms).... Crosby -Andrews ..Decca
I Miss Your Kiss ..Republic Doiley may reopen his Meadow-
I Should Care— t'Thrill of a Romance"; .Dorsey brook, Cedar Grove. N, J., in Au-
Just a Prayer Away.... gust if the curfew i» lifted before Gus Edwards' tunes, "School
Let'sTake Long -Way Home— f'Here Come Waves"
..Morris then. He has Harry James booked Music Notes
Days," "See Saw," "By the'' Light of
More and More— f'Can't Help Singing" T. B. Harms for Aug. 15 and if conditions are the Silvery Moon" and the title song,
My Dreams Are Getting Better right the date will be played at will be used in "Sunbonnet Sue" at
My Heart Sings— t" Anchors Aweigh"
Saturday Night Is the Loneliest Night
— Saritly
Meadowbrook; if not James will re- Sam Coslow inked by John Wild- Monogram.
open the Terrace Room. James, in- berg to write lyrics for a stage
Sentimental Journey .... .... . , Morris cidentally, reopened Meadowbrook musical on Broadway next fall.
Sweetheart of My Dreams— 1"30 Seconds Over Tokyo" ..... .Shapiro last fall, the spot subsequently dos-
There Must Be a Way .... Stevens ing when the curfew was clamped
Eddie DeLanfe and Saul Chaplin
This Heart of Mine— f'Ziegfeld
Twilight Time
You're Not Foolin Anyone But Yourself
Follies" ........ .Triangle
Dailey has only one band booked turned in two tunes for the Colum-
.Viking into the TerraceRoom to follow the bia picture, "Song of Broadway."
You Belong to My Heart— 1"3 Caballeros" . Harris current Sonny Dunham. That's
Randy Brooks, who opens April 17
t filmusicat. • Legit musical. for four weeks.
Nacio Herb Brown doing the mu-
sic for "The Kissing Bandit" at
about the new Sensation
Throughout the Nation they'™ talking Herb Magldson and Allic Wrubel
cleffed "Seven o'Clock in the. Morn-

BLONB The New Smash Novelty Ballad
Home" and
for the
Way Home."
"Heaven Is a Place Called
"I'll Buy That Dream"

RKO picture, "Sing Your

lyric bV ,

again and again GOS **** •

Sing it once and you will sing it Gene Krupa wrote two tunes for
'George Whites Scandals of 1945" ^0l,C ,erK on«»
at RKO.


Sidney Miller and Inez James

four songs for
at Universal.

Words by
Music by
BELL LEIB J. PFEIL Edward Kay assigned as musical
director on "Casa Manana" at Mon-
.Chorus ogram..

Hans Salter to compose and con-

duct scoring on "Uncle Harry" at

Enre • well,__ your Blond Sail- or must leave for a - while, dear. Universal.

Mills Music Co. will reissue "Kit-

ten on the Keys." written by Sam
Coslow and Zez ConCrey more than
20 years ago.
Fare • welT7l__ send me off with a kiss and a snii
Jule Styne and Sammy Cahn
turned in seven songs Tor the Colum-
bia picture, "Tars and Spars."

$ dear. All my love and do - vo - tion I will leave jn your rare,

Jimmy McHufh-Harold Adamson
song, "Buy, Buy a Bond," will be
used in the forthcoming War Loan

Ary Barroso completed tunes for

Riocabana" at 20lh-Fox and leaves
As deep as the o - cean, and as true as a
this week for Brazil.

Max Slelner composing the score

Kate Smith —Kluia Men on Fibber
for "San Antonio" at Warners. Mi<1m — Bob Hamioii en Hnirr** At-
l)lrlu— Mnnlinllan M«rry-Uo-lto«na—
myr. When my jour- trey Is • d - -ver,. fc you'll be Duke . Ellington's song, "Every. Uimllilit (JnyetlfM —tiuy I^iinbiirdo om

Hour on the Hour," to be done in

ClialwnCUnnltu' and TrraMiir.v Heur
"People Are Funny." —Horn ft Hunlart— Hrtiuefrr Hm-

wait - i'nj
Hij I know,
f i
) M'l' Fare
well , -
my sweet
J ,

Kurl Weill
writing several new
songs for Mary Pickford's screen
fandt Trio— Hreakfa»l Club— Toroato


Callln« ,lH<k Owfn. on Tin ran

All are doing .

adaptation of "One Touch of Venus."

Johnny Mercer and Harry Warren

turned in a special song for 'The OH! MOYTLE
Harvey Girls" at Metro..
1256 Slilh Avenue, New York. K, I.
ling, - your Blond. Sail - pr must go. Jimmy McHugh and Harold
Adamson turned in the score for
Copyright 1937 by Mill* Musin Inc., 1619 Broadway, New York, N.Y. "Nob at 20th-Fox. with inci-
. Hill'

Copyright 1945 liy Mills Music. Inc., 1619 Broadway, New York, N.Y. dental music by David Buttolph.
All Rights Reserved
SaDy Is So Sweet to Me
International Copyright Secured
Ljrrlca, Miislc^niiil
Max Slelner scoring "San An- riil«ll«licd li.r

tonio" for Warners with a 75-piece

1201 nronmvloU Street

Ned Washington is composing the

title song for David O. Selznick's
Ingrid Bergman starter, "Spell-
Kurt Weill, composer of the orig-

inal score for the legit version of

JACK MlilS *.fc..«.nd Mr. «» « lWm * "One Touch, of Venus," in Holly,

wood to compose for Mary Pick'
ford'a film production.
Wednesday, April 11, 1948 ORCHESTRAS~MUSIC
British Best Sheet Sellers SETTLE JOE DAVIS-NAT
Inside Stuff—Orchestras—Music (.Week JBndino Mar. 29) Victor Seeks To
Death of a "James Confrey" in Hot Springs, March 12, and identi- Together Connelly An out-of-court settlement was
fied as "a
former pianist with Paul Whiteman" prompted a newspaper- If Go to Ireland Cinephonic
Double Artists

whether it could mean "Zez*' Confrey, composer reached last week between Nat Na-
man's query to "Variety" Pretty Kitty Blue Eyes.. .Connelly
of "Kitten
on the Keys," who. was never Whiteman's pianist, but who did That's Irish Lullaby. .Feldman
. .
zarro and Joe Davis over the Red-
with him in concert. The "Keys" Confrey is very much alive. Rosanna Cinephonic caps act. Under terms of the settle- RCA-Victor is going in for dou-
Confrey was 60— "Zez" is about 20 years younger— who played Trolley Song Sun ment, Davis drops his suit against bling artists on recordings along the
The Springs
for KTHS
there, and also sang with the choir. He liact come to HS suffer- My Guy's Come Back. . .Maurice Nazarro asking damages for use of lines Decca has worked for some
arthritis and was supposed to be a retired letter carrier. The Do You Ever Dream .Maurice the "Redcaps" title and Nazarro
ing from . . .

time. Victor, however, has suc-

6tation manager' states he was' under the impression his (James) Confrey Little Fond Affection. Dash drops his suit against Davis in which
as 'Zez" and as composer of "Kitten." he sought an accounting of profits ceeded in getting only the King
had 'identified himself You. Fascinating You. .Maurice .

for a series of recordings made by

: Sisters to work with Freddy Martin,
Davis while act was still under con- In other cases it drew emphatic re-
One of the Chicago music contact men, who isn't liked nny too well
tract to Nazarro.
among his local colleagues, sunk lower in their estimation last week when On the Upbeat jections of plan.
advantage of a co-worker and disabled him for several Following settlement, Redcaps
he took unfair Al Donahue moves his orchestra inked a five-year pact with Davis Recently, the company sought to
days. Unable to
get along with the negative one, another contact man who
phone his resignation to N. Y. when he was
out of the Aragon Ballroom, Ocean calling for 20 recordings a year on get Perry Como to work with
shared offices, was about to Beach, Cal., May 3, after a 28-week the Joe Davis label. Sons and in-
Ihe breaking of a blood vessel that laid him Charlie Spivak. He would't go. It's
kicked in the groin, suffering. run. He'll play const one-nighters strumental group will be allowed to
said also that Victor approched
up for four days

and theatres for 10 weeks and move record two of their own tunes out
right back into the Aragon there- of every three cut. Dinah Shore on the idea of making
Conn, which will publish the score of 20th-Fox's a couple sides with Artie Shaw, only
Brcgmiin, Vocco after. Difficulties originally started when to run into the same negative an-
"Diamond Horseshoe" dim. has been ordered by the film company to Repcaps, originally known as the
Eddie- Condon's jazz group has Toppers, unbeknownst to Nazarro, swer.
change the billing on all copies to coincide with the change in billing,
. .

prominence with Betty Grable. Miss Grablc been booked at the City Center, their personal manager, made a Cutting two artists on the same
giving Dick Haymes equal .

Y., for. a jazz concert May 14, scries of records under

was given solo star billing in the film, Hence all title cuts -fur
at first
N. the name of disc, as Decca has been doing for
where he'll trot out substantially the Repcaps. Upon discovering this Na- some time, has ils pros and cons.
Hack and white, sheet music and orchestrations have been changed. Quan-
under original billing will be used, however. same group he's using on his cur- zarro then booked them under the Decca does it to strengthen new or
tity of copies printed
rent one-nighler trek. new name because of their added fading artists by coupling them with
popularity due to the discs. Davis personalities hot at. the b.o. Of
Will Osborne Is rounding up a bunch of star musicians to staff the 20- Le Roy Brown, formerly with then sought to restrain Nazarro from course; there's also the idea that
piece band he will lead on the Camel show'Thursdays-NBC ) with Abbott Lionel Hampton, has organized his using the tag he had given them and such procedure allows better cir-
It Costello. Eddie Miller, Matty Matlock, Fidgy McGrath, Nick Fafool, own trio in Pittsburgh is at Holly- Nazarro' filed a counter-suit asking culation of the secondary talent in-
Jimmy Hardy and Paul Geil are a few of the men signed to join the band, wood Show Bar. for an accounting of the profits of volved, since if they didn't cut dou-
which starts on the shows April 19. the recordings. ble they might not cut at all, or at
Ian Garber band, inked for a mu- least very little. . .

suical fcaturette at Universal. When Decca couples two out-

One bandleader now aroiind N. Y. solves his own transportation prob-
lems in an unusual way. While the rest of his orchestra travels by train Paine, Finklestein In standing names like Bing Crosby and
Benny Carter and Carlos Gastcl the Andrew Sisters, however, they

to dates, or by bus, if the date is at Army camp, the leader himself drives Teeoff to England
dissolving their band management put the pressings but with 75c labels
the truck carrying the instruments. He likes to drive and figures piloting
pact. John G. Paine, general manage)' of whereas either alone sell at 50c,
the vehicle, usually done by a band boy, is a means of avoiding the hustle
American Society of Composers,
the This has brought beefs from coin-
and bustle of wartime train Jtravel.
Chick Floyd orchestra checked Authors and Publishers, and Her- machine operators who figure either
intoTown House, Los Angeles. man Finklestein, its resident coun- alone has the strength to carry a
Although not generally known in London's Tin Pan Alley, Lewis Ilda, sel, leave sometime this week for discing— at 50c. per. Rebuttal lo
who has collaborated with Box & Cox in such hits as "The Greatest Mis- Don Trimmer orchestra opened England. Pair have obtained travel this, however, is that, singly, the
take of My Life," "Quack, Quack" song, "Angels Never Leave Heaven," the new L. A. nitery, titled Jerry's priorities and have been awaiting two names would cost operators
"Chocolate Soldier From the USA," "Just a Little Fond Affection" and Joynt, formerly the Clover Club, They were more than they do together.
clipper reservations. .

luch new ones as "Dream of Yesterday" and "I Want to Sleep in Fevvers" have gone Monday (9).
supposed to
Is really Irwin Dash. Dick Winslow leaving his band to discuss music
Trip is strictly
temporarily to enact a pianist role Performing
the with
Columbia Records is so enthused about Benny Goodman's recording of in "The Blue. Dahlia" at Paramount. Rights Society, with which ASCAP Cugat's Copa Props
"It'sGotta Be This or That" that it has stopped pressing the single side has been unable to huddle since the Copacabana, N. Y., due* to open Its
his band made of it and it will be remade as a two-sided arrangement.
Dave Matthews, former arranger start of the war. main room April 20, has set Mary
for Harry James, has organized his
Tune; written by singer-composer Sonny Skylar, is being used by Good-
own band, with Kay Starr vocaliz- Ganley and Don Dennis as support-
man to. close his Paramount theatre, N. Y., performances.
ing. Hal Mclntyre's orch will double ing acts to Xavier Cugat.
between the Strand theatre, N. Y., Cugat, following his departure
Plenty of bids to Feist for OK to use "Rum and Coca-Cola" as ad theme Tab Smith, former saxLst for sev- and the Commodore hotel, N. Y., for
from the Capitol will All in at the
by sundry rum outfits, especially with the summer coming on. Music pub eral sepia orchs, is organizing his four weeks. Opens at Strand April
must nix, if only for the reason that Coca-Cola's permission is also own band and is breaking it in on a 14 and doesn't finish current Com- Statler hotel, Washington, starting
required. one-night tour in the South. modore run until mid-May. April B.

HiJ % C li €© 0 ©^ AU 5
fr II 1619 BROADWAY • N. Y. 19 > LON MQONtY, Gen. Prcf. Mgr.
— !

40 VAUDEVILLE Wednesday, April 11. 1945

routines throughout. Laurence, of
La Tasha
Si Laurence, contribs BERLE DENIES BLAME
Night Club Reviews nil ly contortion dance that gels
Later with partner does a
i to Be Shy
whirlwind adagio that also, clicks.
400 Club. IV. Y.
% i
Moss is banking on juvcs in Keep Claude Mathis recites border stories Milton Berle has denied any de-
shlittois off the spot and figures El-
lor guffaws. Ruth Durrell handles
Duke Ellington Orcli >>ni
- u> " ...-.I.
Johnny Hodges, Ray Nq ce 'l,"' L

hrnfttous the guy to bring the hooters several vocals for nice returns.
liberate standup in failing
an April benefit date before the
to keep
Of Right Spirits
c ~.. .:.. and shaggers
Stewart. Lawrence Brown. Sonny] !
in. . . .
Four La Vernes practically
Vocally, the Duke is well fortificil Philadelphia chuptcr of the B'nai
Greer, Joe Wanton, Toff Jordan, Al with Al Hibbler spotted for ballacK knock themselves oul in a rough and Jewish fraternal organiza-
Hibbier. Joj/a Slierntl. Marie; $1 tumble Apache dance that's a
and some exciting blues shouting and
cover weekdays. $1.50 ueel-cnds. enime warbling capably handled by
«/ter 9,'
thriller. Pianoing, comedy
son'.s of Arren and Broderick are
and tion. Through Martin Goodman, of
the William Morris agency radio
.gags Onlke'sV-EDay
Sherrill and Mario. The iriiko' ,Ii>ya
another high spot of revue. Con- department, who accompanied Bcrle
_ ...
strongjo hsl_ inch-
kicked up on. Hibbler opening night
i- . •
,, j

tortion grace and dancing of Flor- on an A von Park (Fla.) Air Base date
Chicago. April 10.
foi a s „ 0^ t spcll b t not lon( enoXte h . ,
All Chi nilcries will close on V-E
vidualiy each one of Duko Ellin to spoil his opening shot.
ence Hin Low,, is another standout the previous Snturday, it's claimed
ton's hired hands now ensconced at Hcpsters. lot 'course, react at once
of this highlv diverting revue.

Bcrle was grounded in Jacksonville Day, and theatres will be asked to
Nat Moss' 400 Club. While no (loor- to Ellingtonin but the uninitiated Tiep. because of Army regulations forbid- shutter "if such action
show as such is being presented al is deemed
might respond better if more popular ding civilian passengers in Army
the Slh Avenue spot, the brillia'nce hits were included in the band's cata- Coronet, Phllly necessary," Ukase in form of special
planes in instrument flying weather.
of the band's instrumentalists and log.- Place was comfortably filled Phifadelp/iin. Aril 5. city ordinance forbidding the sale
the maestro's unfailing, showmanship opening night (Wed. >. Do>iii. Alan Gale. Vie Derter. Ritinhero.s. Arrangements were then said to
and pleasant selling tactics make for of liquor on the big day in any spot
Lee Bonn, Line (6),. £arl Denny have been made at Avon Park to get .

a continuous floorshow as lorts as Berle a priority on a National Air- within the city limits was clamped
they're on the stand. C'hl Orcli
$2 up/
Marine Ko«m.
(li); no cover, $3 niiii'., dinners
lines plane, but the C-47 which flew on last: week following message from
Opening night (4) brought out the (Kl)GEWATEB BEACH 1IOTK1.I
usual delegations from the prol'esh Chicago, April 4. from the base to the Jax field ar- Mayor Edward J. Kelly to city coun-
Alan Gale, .longtime favc in Philly, rived loo late to make connections. urging that the occasion be
but pluggers had little luck. Elling- Mr. Baliatitiiie, 3 Ross is cil
making a return appearance at
ton, for the most part, stuck to his Sheers. Terry O'Donnell. Dorothy his old stamping ground to the de- Consequently, Berle and Goodman marked with prayer and thanks-
own unique catalog to trot out the. r Mild Dancers (10), Emil Vmirins light of his following. Guy has in- had to lake a train which would giving rather than in hoopla such as
flock of standards long identified with Orch (17) tuifJi Trttdy Marsh mid creased in stature and knocks him- have arrived too late for the Philly
occurred on Armistice Day, 1916. Ia
his band. Truth to tell., there's so George Devron: $3-$3.50 minimum. self out trying to please the cus- date. -
. his message, Mayor said he felt ac-
much talent in the organization the tomers. With a load of fresh material tion necessary to avoid property
soloists, with the possible exception Pretty dreary stuff, with the usual and gags, When it was known that Berle
Gale has the customers damage of overzoalous demonstra-
of Johnny Hodges, don't get a fair exception of some pert teiping by guffawing from his intro until he couldn't get to the affair in time,
bows oft with his Union Square Goodman says he phoned the lodge
chance. to showcase their waves.' the Dorothy Hild dollies. :

Nevertheless tr\impeters Rex Stew- The Amazing Mr. Ballunlinc's •

soap-boxer routine. officials explaining the plight and Ordinance specifically

art. Taft Jordan, Ray Nance (latter magi tricks rabbit in hat, bird in —
Lee Bonn, diminutive entertainer, then sent a telegram explaining closing of bistros, at the same time
calls for

also doubling on fiddle.) and Billy bag. scissored rope, torn newspaper, is another clicker. The lillle blonde Berle's inability to be there. permitting hotel rooms and package
Anderson show to advantage with etc.— never work, as planned, but no- dances, sings, bangs a lot of boogie stores to carry on providing no
Stewart spotted up front once for a body could have planned the small' out of the S'teinway and. then when Lodge officials checked airlines,
palmwhacking when you'd think she's ready to keel over, which reported no planes grounded booze is sold. Fine of $25 to $200
torrid and sock specialty. Joe Nan- amount .
of is

ton and Lawrence Brown share troin- 'caught. Apparently it's an act that, she grabs a gob from the audience between Philadelphia and Florida.
provided for any offender.
boriing spotlights and drummer goes over better in vaude than nitcr- for some jitterbug dancing. No airline company, explained "There should be no interruption
Sonny Greer holds things well in es. However, he has a by-now Vic Dexter, youthful juggler, has a Goodman, could have known about '

to war work, because there can be

hand as far as rhythm control is con- standard turn that deserves a belter flashy act that's patterned for a Berle's particular predicament. .
no real victory until Japan is
cerned. boite. crushed. Labor will respond pa-
In addition to the visual appeal Ross Sisters' acrobatics are also The Rumberos, Cuban duet, bang Goodman said that Berle. is will-
triotically and stay on the job, It
generated by the solo cbntribs the out of place here. Singing -stint and bongos, dance, sing Latin jive in ing to play the date any time gratis.
band, as always, plays strictly for boogie routine to open don't mean a lively fashion. The April 2 affair was to have been should be a 'business as: usual' day
the persian slashers with result- that thing, as former can't be heard and The "Cover Girls" (line) are real for free also, in order to compensate in every phase of the war effort."
the 400's ample, dance floor gets a latter isn't put across very well. lookers, neatly gowned and routined. them for an- earlier date when he Ordinance was passed unanimous-
heavy play right up until curfew. Backbond hanky pickups from plat- Band under baton of Earl Denny, ly, becoming effective immediately.
on form arc spectacular but customers does able accompaniment for show. couldn't appear.
Full band effects, often a little
the loud side when the eight brassists were icy. Denny also m.c.'s the proceedings. Maj. W. D. Bunton, public rela-
Terry O'Donnell in deuce spot,

let go with open horns, are strictly Room capacity-rilled, when re- tions officer at the Avon Park Base,
geared to the dancers. Obviously tenors nicely but wears out
his wel-
viewed (Wed. supper).' Shot. in a letter dated April 6 to Good-
come with too many.Auld Sod tunes.
man, commended Berle for his per- •-»-•*>
But pipes are powerful and he makes
a pleasing appearance. Rearrange-
ment of routine would help him con-
-»-•>- *
formance and regretted that Bcrle
was unable to reach Philadelphia on
Line's teeoff is a ballet to "Jean-
nine." crooned by George Devron.
and "Waltz of the Flowers." to cue
| N. Y. Nitery Followtips
time because of Weather conditions.
Maj. Bunton wrote, "In explanation
of the Army planes beirfg grounded
The Hartmans have been in a when commercial lines were main-
•+• «» REGAN
LADY ETHEL the show's springtime theme, blos-
couple of films but Hollywood is still taining flight, the Army is much
soms festooning the room, which, in- missing a bet in Paul Hai'tman's com- more
cautious regarding weather
cidentally, looks like a wedding cake
AND edy pan and great sense of comedy
on a bed of parsley— for this stanza values. This has little to do with conditions as their pilots are pot as
well experienced in crosscountry
only, hoped. Girls, holding their
branches, are grouped' to look like a dance
exceptionally well developed piloting.
travesty routine which is do-
It was most unfortunate FOR
lilac bush, following which there's that his train was also delayed."
much waving of twigs to Tschai- at ing a somewhat sensational business

Goodman deprecated the episode, USO

DR. JESTER kowsky.
Closer is "Quilting Party," where-
the Hotel Plaza's Persian Room.
N. Y., but is an obvious evolution for declaring "It certainly seems unfair
in girls in old-fashioned patchwork
these seasoned troupers. As they for an artist to receive a kick in the
their burlesques on the pash pants for traveling 3,000 miles to do
Marvels of Mafical gowns get coy in blacklight, pinning stand, ballroomologists. with some wrinkles a performance at an Army camp,
strips of cloth on a screen and com-
fcrctptloR ing up with Victorian patch picture
(Continued on page 43) which is out of the way and. which w * y, 9
titled "The Helping Hand," depicting had made an urgent plea .for enter- AL W°h£; ROBERTS
SUAVi a child helping an old man row a tainment." Havfca; Appaoratf With Seat* of
Not much footwork in this Ryan-Lou Wallers Tommy
MrSTIFflNA boat.
one, but it's a warm, nostalgic closer.
Conover Girls appeared on the
show with Berle.
tb* Lapdtaq I — la tht Country

HILARIOUS Wayne King, out of the Army, re- Contract Dispute Settled Suck Ai:
sumes as bandleader about June 1: OrrlH Tucker Artie Sliaw
orch's arrangements, meantime, un- Controversy between Tommy Shrp Flcliln Heary Uumm
der baton of Emil Vandas. who's Ryan. singer, and Lou Walters, Neil Fontaine to

MC New IVtrr Vaii Slrtlra

llorarit Hrhlt
Sent IhtrlH
T«4 WeeltlM
skedded for first fiddle spot when nitery operator, was amicably ad- Vlnrenf l^ipea Tlill llarrlx
King takes over, sounds more and justed after a hearing at American at Yorker Hotel Show New « III OalHirnt KiiT Kytter
more like the Waltz King's every Guild of Variety Artists last week. Al Hoiml'ilf Fntnklo MuAtahl
Hruny <;<HHlmaii CIihh. Knley
day, and that's good. Trudy Marsh Neil Fontaine, son of Evan Bur-
Complaint alleged Walters wanted
handles her chores as band's thrush roughs Fontaine, and long-term fix- Now o* 4tk Wood With Dal
capably. Mike. an out on contract he had signed with
ture at Jack Lynch's Walton Roof,
Ryan for two-week date at tlie Latin Coartnoy, lockhawa, Chicago
Quarter. Detroit, April 23. When Philadelphia, where he formerly .

Seal lie Show Box.

mutter was set for arbitration by handled the band, will make his
StiirtliiK April ljttin Quarter. Det.

Seattle. April 5.
AGVA, Walters notified union he New York bow at the New Yorker
A. B. Marctis' "La Vie Paree Re- would pick hotel. April 30, as emcee of the new
vue." Arren & BToderick. Florence up contract and play
ice show going in simultaneously
Hin Low. Ruth DiirTeU. Claude Ryan. wilh Sonny Dunham's orch.
Mathis. La Tasha & Laurence, 4 Ln (

Vernes. Diutpht Gordon, Line (12). . t,.. «>«-,.

Others so far set for the blades '

rr 'H?«£s_Orch (10); $1.18 miiii- ~Hi Ice MiSSeS layout include Joan Hyldoft. Arnold Equipment
m „m .
v "*"*"" —
Conversion from theatre unit to • Worcester. April 10. |

HaSllot aBdleaees la tit* betier lintel floor show presentation of A. B. "Hollywood Revels"- show
rooms all o»er tab continent la a Onipla Marcus' "La Paree Revue." 40-
Ice Hub's Bradford Roof To ;

frat far tab anaslns; oonple, demmi- people production, (mostly gals) is couldn't openon time Friday (6) at llronil<iiHlliic Hid Nateil
ef retina; their unbelievable feat> of working out nicely at Mike Lyons' the And. Performance was canceled
Reopen With Five Acts Inwtertionntlmix mi the Bmlh> far
mental acJlttr. Especially lmpre*aed and Show Box. Conversion was potent Bradford Roof. Boston, feeling
enlhaslassla an those wlio are skeptical when two of the three equipment
that curfew will soon be lifted, is
before they ebaJIciure these brilliant hm-ii- enough to bring nice returns via ap- "llorin rm<iillj played n TommiiHl TtrftittO'
plause and coin at the gate. Despite trucks got in nine hours late. re-opening April 12. Talent is in- nm-r* fur J*re«lilnii Kuatcvelt iml Ills Cahlnet.
Ullats. Truly one of the HKAMON'S First truck arrived with the Tliry r,jrgnt iIIiih!i.v :nul nureil nt Ml Iniptr*
curfew which means bo. clicking definite: comedian Allan Gale may siiimlitniM <,r (licilrlrnl anil pnlltli-al Hating
halts around 10:45 when the 2nd scenery on time, but the second, head opener, however. Room, tVAMIINCTUN TtMES-nEBAtD
M.CJL. NEW YORK (final) night show goes on, biz is with 20 tons of iron floor panels
which closed last year after the 30%
good. used to create a skating rink, drew nitery tax (subsequently reduced to Dlr>: NirHoaal Coacort Artkrt Corp.
Changeover job by Leon Miller, up at 6 p. m. Friday, followed 20
producer,, is nicely paced by the
20%) went into effect, .will, use
minutes later by the "icemoblie," around five acts and a local band.
singing emcee, Dwight Gordon. machine which freezes the water. Decision to reppen was reached
IMPORTED TINSEL Harry Reed relinquishes baton to Thougflh carpenters and electri- when it was learned that the Rit7.
Immediate delivery on approxi- Jules Shankland, who's with the
cians went_ to work immediately it
mately 25 brilliant colore used iW show, but presides for dansapation roof wil remail) shutt ered this sum

stage tackirounrts. lobby dlaplaya. etc. and also 'at the organ; was found impossible-to go on before mer.
Color cards and prices furnished on 10 p. m., and Frank H. Duffy, pro- PATTER! WISEXRAX! STORIBI
request. This is a big floor show for Seattle. For Viude-nlte club*. ratU M.C.'i, tlaiM,
Customers wanned nicely to the moter of the show, advised holders
Rainbow Color Company of 1,700 tickets for the first perform- Cafe Societys' Swap double^.' announcers, praaikars. aloe r**m**
Nat Inc.
one-hour entertainment. aireclori. band laadiri. aaaakan,
iMOfi. maplclani, vtntr|ta, ctmnantatara,
1S41 8. TVabaah Ave., Calcuiw 0. III. Well gowned and plumed panadc ance could exchange them or get a Cafe Society Uptown and Down Mrrltert, cartHnlita, ate,
of "gals" open, with other okay refund. to^vn. N. Y.. switch shows next week,
Fan-Motter Cckj Fllot Not. I Thra II

He reararnged schedule to call for Phil Moore's band moving uptown,

matinees and evening performances Edmund Hall's band going down- $1.05 Por Script, Pottofio PrtpoM
IS MINUTES OF GLORIOUS ENTERTAINMENT on Saturday and Sunday. town. Uptown opens new show Mon- Each Fllo CoRtalm Ovor 100 Socfc
day (l(i) with Beatrice Kraft, dancer: Gaat !
Susan Bolin, singer, and Jimmy
AFE1 Make Checks Payable
Getting New Home Savo. to


Allied Food and^ Entertainment In-
dustries of Greater, New York, cafe
and restaurant owners organization,
Downtown opens new show Tues-
day with Josh White. Imogcne Coca
and Mary Lou Williams.
W. S4th
tv "Fan-Master"
Me» York CUT l». H.I.

is. negotiating for lease of entire

three-floor building on Eastsidc BfN JANE


N. Y. Option to buy is being put
into contract.
E. Claude Mills, paid executive
secretary of the group, and entire
move into new build-
office staff will U.SjO.-CAMP SHOWS, INC.
MftH HUMAM ROHNTHAL ClrcJ* 9-4SSS-4 ing. After occupancy, AFEI will
atari.: MHHR RMITal, nsraaaaaial WUdu., New Yaefc
launch a membership drive.

Wednesday, April 11 x 1945 VAUDEVILLE 41

BeaKalmus to Supervise
North's Testimony Held Big Factor 'One Meat BaD' at Carnegie Hall As
Jersey Resort Talent
Bea Kalmus, vaudc andnitery

Vs. Ringfing Aides in Court Inquiry songstress, has become

entertainment at the West End and
supervisor of
Vaude Cuts Longhairs for One Nite
of circus of David Blanchfleld, in charge of Colony Surf clubs, West End, N. J., Vaudeville, whose resurgence has Block, "Danse Espagnol" by De Falla
The expressed opinion for the coming summei It's her first
people who attended court proceed- rolling stock, was suspended/ court .

been spoken of fondly these past and Ravel's "Tzigane." He took

ings in Hartford last week, when explaining its ruling by stating the such job. She's hereteofore confined
herself mostly to performing."
few years, has wound up at of all — a couple of earned bows, but effect
sentences— tor alleged negligence in defendant admitted he was hot es- places— Carnegie Hall! Yeh; the would have been better had he been
disaster last sum- sential to the show.- The two clubs, adjacent to each edifice of the music masters has spotted earlier on the bill.
the Ringling fire
, me r —
of Ringling, Barnum and Ringling, while on the stand, qual- other and operated under a dual finally succumbed
to. an entertain- Miss Bishop, a looker nicely
by membership, are currently planning ment that has long since been
Bailey operating heads were modi-
fied the claim' of indispensability field gowned in a wide bouffant, skirt,
the court had any idea saying that, individually, all de- an intensive program that will in- thought dead. And so Carnegie, doesn't seem ready for the big time
fled, is that it.
sentences, it was fendants may not be so classed but, clude legit stock, lectures an.d con- which the comparatively recent
in She's weak in the. upper regis-
of suspending the yet.
certs in addition to the regular name past has also creaked under the
dissipated by the testimony of John collectively, operation of the show ters, and voice sounds too harsh for
variety bills. Reopens June 22. cacophony of jazz and swing con-
Ringling North.- A state witness, he would be definitely affected. Ques- the classical work she's attempting.
are not tion of whether the show would ob- certs, has taken another step in
said that the men involved Mata and Hari scored a succession
RBB tain the necessary liability insurance bowing to tradition. There may yet
indispensable to the circus. of show-stops with their satirical
the incumbent operating' staff was be the day when a famous slogan
people declared, that North thus vir- II dances. Opening with a rib of old
will be paraphrased to read:. "The
tually put the skids under the
show- forced out was mentioned in court
by one of the defense attorneys, and
'Sons of Fun By '

best acts of all go to Carnegie Hall."

circus acrobats, they whammed the
house. It took them a while to get
same time the Ringling that may be the deciding factor as You can bet your last pack of into other costumes after each num-
At the
cigs— and probably your last-
family row over control of the big to whether the show can operate in
ber and during the entire time house
top, which had been smoldering
two' years, flared, up
for the open.
again. Court suspended the start of the
Any Other Name that there wasn't a disgruntled long-
hair in the joint— er auditorium — kept yelling for more. Similar re-
ceptions greeted them with the fakir
the past
Saturday night (7), when a couple
North was formerly in charge of the Smith, and Aylesworth sentences so dance, a blues interpretation and a
of promoters, Leonard J,acobson and
circus hut was voted o ut. H e repre- that they can at least get the show sports satire. For the audience's
sents the" minority stockholders in under canvas. They started for Not So Good B.0e Joseph Pink, put on their bill for
one night only.
money they could have been the
RBB, who own 37% of the stock. Sarasota, Fla.. early, this week to only act oh the bill. However, they
There are pending legal proceedings ready the equipment and are due The Shuberts and Music Corp. of One Ment 'Bnll" nt Cnrneoie had to rush back for their spot in
against his cousin, 'Robert Ringling, to start serving time on June 7. America got tangled last week in a Hnli; "LaTTin' Room Only." the Ols'en-
who heads the show's production de- dispute that promised for a while to Yeh, you read it right. Bach, Johnson revue at the Winter Garden.
partment. become a major court fight. ;

Beethoven, Haydn, Schubert, Rach- Savo has been wowing 'em at the
On the stand, North said that other Little Flower Driving MCA had bought.for the Downtown maninoff,' Toscanini and now "One — Cafe Sqciety Uptown nitery forlwo
executives could replace George W. theatre, Detroit. -which it books ex Meat Ball." It must be the limes. years with such numbers as "It's
Smith, 'the show's general' manager, clusively, the tab version of "Sons Even meat balls have an unrationcd Love, Love; Love," "Mandalay,"

but he added he didn't know if they

On War Dept. to Ease
O' Fun." SJiow was to open-Friday appeal these days. "One Meat Ball," "Black Magic" and
"River Stay Way
were available at this lime. He men <t3) under the billing "Olsen & The show's click emphasizes the the by-now classic
tioned Art Concello as qualified but
Servicemen s Curfew Johnson. Present." Last; Friday (6) virtual revolution at this longhair From My Door>" .
He repeated his
success with these numbers here..
It is known throughout circus circlesAttempts to get the War Depart the Shuberts advised MCA through emporium,, more "concerts" of this
that Concello owns and operates the to relax its restrictions on post
ment (he William Morris agency, which type are in the offing. Carnegie Since the longhairs went for the.
Russell Bros, "circus, now on the midnight attendance at restaurants has been booking the unit, that should eventually' wind up a "must" pop artists in a big way, it's feasible
with bars are being continued by
Coast. Roland Butler, for years chief neither the names "Olsen & John- for the agents and bookers. This is' that they may well be educated lo-
of the RBB press department, has New York's Mayor LaGuardia, who son," nor the "Sons 0' Fun" title actually a showcasing for acts. Pay go for the regular vaude fodder on.
the publicity post with that show has a considerable segment 6f: pub- could be used at the Downtown, is' a bit better here, acts getting Broadway. This concert is likely to
Concello was a flier lic opinion behind him in his at-
Flying Con- I Respite the fact the unit had already regular club date salaries or more. J_pxo vide_ a -trailer for Billy Rose's
played dates in Cleveland, Colum- And talent playing here can be. sold forthcoming "Concert Varieties" and

cellos), and when North was head tempt to give servicemen the same

man with RBB they were close pals rights as civilians in this respect. bus, Hartford, Newark, etc., under the idea of prestige. the W. Colston Leigh Sunday night
and the acrobat was assigned a post The Mayor in his Sunday (8) that billing. promotions with longhair and vaude
Thie Jacobson-Fink team, opera-

afternoon radio address oyer people. Jose.

- of assistant director of the Ringling Since the. b.o. value of the unit ting as
Variety Concerts,
. Inc.,
. (how. asked military authorities to rescind was solely in the names of the com cleaned up $4,200 for the night at a
this "childish" order, as servicemen
Under-Canvas Bow In D. C. ics and the show's title, MCA's the $3 top.
in other towns are not. kept out of
Plans call for the outfit to open atre department, headed by Johnny For the longhairs the concert was Taps and Martin Block
places authorized by the War Man-
under canvas in Washington, D. C, Dugan, blew a fuse when informed eminently successful. They not only
power Commission to remain open
early in June but how much further the billing was out. Wires went get entertaining readings of Bach's Involved in Case Before
after curfew hours.
U will troupe nobody around the back and forth between the agency Concerto in C Minor for Two Harp-

The N. Y. Mirror immediately got

at Madison Square Gar-
now theatre and the comics and the house sichords and String Quartet, by
den, N. -would venture to guess
behind LaGunrdia in this battle. In
was threatened with a shutdown for Teddy Wilson, Yella Pessl and the Over Singer ARA New
yesterday's editorial (10) it pointed
It had been declared that without the week because a substitute show NBC String Quartet, but got a ter- Dave (Taps) Schorenstein is pre-
oufc that the "military rule is re-
the key men the show could not op couldn't be lined up on such %hort rific bang out of Mata and Hari's paring a squawk to Artists Repre- ;

gretted by civilians and resented by Ass'n against Martin

erate outdoors. However, Judge
servicemen. It works a distinct
notice. Not one that meant any- dance satires, and more than a few sentatives
William Shea ordered four of the hardship upon the latter, most of thing at the b.o., at least. laughs out of comedian Jimmy Savo. Block, charging that Block willfully
men. imprisoned; InstcadOM the two whom In the end, the Shuberts won out, induced Harry Priene,. a singer,
are enjoying well-earned Liberal Longhalra
signed with Taps, to break his con-

to seven-year sentences first imposed leaves .from duty when they visit The unit will play the house on
One thing about the longhairs— tract with him.
on Smith and Leonard Aylesworth New York. schedule, with the "Olsen At John-
they're open-minded and will take
bost canvasman, they are to be im- son" and "Sons" billing deleted. Action before ARA is based on the
"It serves no purpose of the cur anything well done. Thus the
prisoned for a year and a day to five few— the conservation of fuel and What it will be called isn't yet defi- classic treatment, of the 17th cen- fact that Taps, having signed a con-
years. Estimated that they will be manpower; it contributes nothing to nite. Show had been booked on a tract covering the screen, vaude and
tury drinking song, "All You That radio fields with Prien, obtained
eligible for parole in eight months morale; it amounts in practice to a $8,500 guarantee against a percent- Are Good Fellows," done by Miss
and 20 days. Same sentence goes stupid partiality against the service-
. age, which of course was revised Pessl, and the swing arrangement a job for him with
Jimmy Dorsey's
for James A. Haley, vice-president men and in favor of the civilian downward. ? orch at the Frolics, Miami, and then .;

of that piece by Wilson got equally tried to place him with Martin
of RBB, instead of a longer stretch The silly brasshat rule should be big milts. Wilson then pianoed Block.
He started serving his time In Feb- wiped out immediately." "Body and Soul" and "Hallelujah,"
ruary, although, had a new trial Since then, according to Taps,
However, military authorities had Miss Pessl countering with
been granted, or the sentences sus- not acted yet. Army public rela
ICE FOLLIES' LAYS OFF, with Renagle's "Early American Dances,"
Block attempted to. sign Prien him-
self, giving Taps a cut on the singer.
pended entirely, he would have been tionsspokesmen said that there has "Tic-Toc-Shoc" by Couperin and
REOPENS IN SEATTLE However, Taps objected to some of
included proceedings. Sen-
In tfie been nothing new on the situation Scarlatti's "Spanish Sonata in C
tences for Edward Versteeg, elec
the terms, including a clause grant-
and the same order is still in effect "Ice Follies" has finaled its season, Minor" was productive of hearty ing Block power-of -attorney and the
tn'cian, and William Caley, fire Meanwhile optimism regarding re- the skating outfit now being on a applause.
right to switch agents at will. Under
watcher, remained at one year. That peal of the Byrnes order is mount month's vacation, being dated to re Other classical offerings on the terms of the contract Taps refused to:
ing. Military successes in Europe open in Seattle May 10. Shipstad bill were by Bernard Kundel), accede to, the first $10,000 worth of
and a hoped-for early V-E Day\ls and Johnson show closed a three' violinist, and Adelaide Bishop, colo- bookings would be gratis with a
regarded as meaning the end of the week dale at the Arena, Minne ratura. Kundell, youthful virtuoso, graduated scale beyond that until
PERFORMERS NOW IN m i d n i g.h t shuttering. Winchell's apolis, last night (10), a new ad
displays real feeling for the violin. Block was getting 25% of all gross
ARMED FORCES Sunday night broadcast predicted vance-sale record being claimed for In all. he gave a satisfactory per- moneys earned by Prien over $100,t
It you are In Special Service* or not that the Byrnes blitz would be ended the engagement. --
formance of "Nigun" by Ernest 000 annually.
for Immediate uno or pout-war return in about 10 days. Reported that approximately $50,
to »ti«i«v hn.ln.—
Ti n i ~ g-rev T-v-Vjaoag-g .t.°rles ..%r>4

C0C — *fl— R}?-: I-.-oai-ieiy; w e '"p..-i&'iz.'zsypj?.,
Here It a Service You'll Always many bars around N. Y. are con- Last year, when the "Follies" played
Want tinuing to operate post-midnight. the same city. 82% of capacity over
FUN-MASTER GAG FILES The cafes still attempt to get them a similar three-week period was
Contain Modern Comedy Material for out by specified hour, but their ef- sold before the show opened.
AH Type l'errurmui forts aren't as frantic as they were
Each Script Contain* oftr 100
NurerFIre Garni—Vl.AII Karh during the early days of the order.
Net. 1 Thru 10 New Ready Many straight bars are selling until
Make Cht-cka Payable to 1 a.m., under the hour of grace al-
NVA Benefit Turned Up
PAULA SMITH lowed by the Mayor. However, serv-
Mall to "Fan-MaHter"
$6,590; Heavy Expenses

t» W. Uth St., New Tfork City 1», VS. icemen are barred after midnight.
Annual National Variety Artists
benefit held at the Imperial theatre,
Saranac Lake New York, Feb. 11. netted $6,590, ac-
• By Happy Benway cording to. report made last week by

AL TRACE Saranac, N.
Send birthday greetings
Rinzler, Albert Bagdasaian
Y., April
and Carl
Lou Handin, president of. the organi-
Show grossed $13,474, but after
And Hit Benny Ressler back ozoning after government tax of $2,694. $600 thea-

furlough to Brooklyn, N. Y. tre rental, stagehands, musicians and


•ILLY SYMPHONISTS Oscar Price checked out of the house stair salaries in addition to
Rogers sanatorium, but will remain ticket sales- handling, expenses were
HMrd regularly en WOR- in downtown colony until. autumn. far greater than last year.
Edna Hagan, legit actress, shot jn
Mutual network* for th* from Brooklyn as a newcomer at Meeting voted life membership in
the Rogers. NVA for "Senator" Ed Ford, Harry
past 30 months. Abe Selignian elated over visit Hershfleld and Joe LaurieV Jr., tri-
from wife last weekend. umvirate of the radio show, "Can
Dir.: STAN ZtCKEB Vilmos Gymes. former, boniface of
You Top This?" for having chair-
the Club Fe'mina. Vienna, off to N.Y.
City on. a 10-day furlough from the manned the
show for two successive
Rogers. ' .
years. Also issued a vote of thanks
Among those upped meals at the to" Joe Verdi, head of the .;rtrcttoin
Rogers are Alice Farley, Emerson nicnl committee.
Tie Unheard, Feb. 17, If 45. Carrol Phelps, Rufus
Weathers. Arthur Slaltery, Harry
Schraeger and Joan Ellon. Dick Madden, Navy flier recently
THE MACK TRIPLETS Kathcrine Wolfe, Eddie Slagus.

Tom Pontz and Helen Grupp. all discharged from service, named

_ 0» With T«ur Phil Billalny Jack

M'lil. .Mutrlal
IYi-oiikI Mil.
newcomers at the Rogers, respond- Bcilell's assistant in the cafe MGA
W Bretaafit ISM fruiwiy ing to treatment nicely.
Write those
are 111.: department.
Wednesday, April 11, 1945
vides a few laughs, "Rum and Coca- Capitol, IN. Y. of pipes, but apparently Is afraid to Slate, N. V.
Victoria l*aiat>c, London Cola." employing the voices of Mon-
ISt go. Singing low into the mike
Sammy Kaye Orch with Billy
niav be okay on the air with englt Ted Claire, Edwards Bros (31
London, March 19. roe and all the gal singers, is a tor- Cardini t2). Nan Rao and" Mrs'
Arthur Wright, Nancy neers hypoing the voice with a twist

Will Hay tt Co., Phyllis Robins, rid finisher. House wall filled
Norman; Ernie (Cecil) Rudisid, of a dial, but it doesn't quite ring Waterfall tMnude Darisi. Ami
Jack Sc Daphne Barker, Canton Saturday -morning show caught. "Chubby" Silvers, Four Kayedels; the bell in a theatre, especially with Corio, Glenn Miller's Modernaires
Palmer, Freddie '& Parmer, Stain- Rees,
Rosario 4 Antonio with O. VlllariiiO; a lot of noisy bobbysoxers In the With Paula Kelly; "Tonight a,S 0
less Stephen, George & Jncfc D 'Or- Pan! Winrhetl; "/'II Be Seeing You". pews. Roy Stevens does a combo Every Night" (Col)"
monde, Victor Barna & Alec Brook.
CleeJ & Moroney. Pepiiio. Ji Circus.
Keith's, lndpls. (l/A). recieu-ed in "Variety,"
Dec. trumpet and vocal specialty.
.20, "44. Gloria Jean, petite and pretty, Standard vaudeville with three of
Florence Whiteley Girls. Indianapolis, April 8.
registers in her three numbers— the Ave acts' in the sock
Hemiiiie's 'Midgets (16). Pattr Jo calegorv-
Sammy Kaye's sweet band, .hum'-, "Siboney;" "Night, and Day" and the others so-so. Ann. Corio
Latter number is Acts) is the headliner, with tNew

Jack Hylton's vaudeville revival Adkins, Gene FieldsV'Marfell j fc Mig- "Lord's Prayer.
bering 17 men in addition to three
at Vicpalace has proved such a non; "Big Shotv Off" (Rep). vocalisUj, is a welcome Broadway re- exceptionally well sold. Gal has a Millet's Modernaires. featuring Glenn

money -spinner that he is continuing pealer both from an audience and sweet soprano and nets' a heavy Kelly, getting supplementary Paula
the policy. Keiths divides its variety hour this
boxoffice point of view. It's his ^fTT= ing.
Difficulty in getting loplincrs lias week', between a lilliputian revue,. Nip Nelson scores with varied -im-
J-icrmihe's Midgets, and three speci-
ond recent Broadway theatre engage- Ted-Claire is emceeing the layout
caused him to try and briiig over ment, previously being seen at the' personations of radio personalities
alty acts to make Up a nicely bal- and bands winding up with a boff and he's a vet at this sort of thing'
some attractions 'from the Continent, earby Strand. doing well enough by those Chores!
with , Maurice Chevalier. anced program. The midget per- singing "Home on FDR
formers come on after the individual
Much is. crammed into the 48 min takeoff Of He has a solo comedy: turn, in which
That proved last-minute flop, as lies being done here and all the way.
the Range." It's- funny without be-
Ministry of Labor -refused to sanc- acts, to close in fine style. They have ing disrespectful of the Prez., his affectation of a snowbird gets
fast and nicely balanced diver- laughs.
tion permit for Fernch star to make everything needed for-a snappy unit. _l's Max *and his Gang is a: dog act
winding up for novelty' and
Bob Hermlne. who juggles a bit sion,

trip. Result is entire bill again' com-; Kaye's "So You Want that's novel. Guy does the same Nan - Rae and Mrs. Waterfall
laughs with (Maude Davis) are making, one of
prises local talent, with paucity of and manages the. -revue, first presents tricks as his troupe of purps with
lo Lead a Band" stunt. Two outside
acts apparent by Hylton having to a miniature swing band in lively dogs 'and master doing nips, leaps, their f lequcnl repeats at the Stale,
acts of the show-stopping stripe are
retain three acts from last program.. versions, of "Hi Neighbor" and "Beer and- they, loo. manage to garner
on the bill with Kaye. Paul' Winchell etc., in unison.
But, with all that, bill is quite en- •Barrel Polka;". Following turns by House about three-fourths filled chuckles, particularly. the latter with
in favored position near to closing

the little people, who, aren't identi- "dumb" manner.

with his socko ventre turn of .-'exec-l- when reviewed
tertaining. (Friday afternoon). her .

Stainless Stephen, on second, has fied on the bill, include a well-, ent material: and superb technique. Shal. The bill's sock acts are the Mod-
nifty line of gab. mostly directed to routined apache dance, a cute -strip- .erriaires along with the Edwards
by a tiny charmer while
he has ah effective encore ses-
American forces, of which there was tease sion with Kaye himself. The other Bros, in their strong acrobatics, and
Suite a sprinkling at show caught, suspended from a rope by her teeth, outside act is the team of Rosario and
Oriental, ( hi the ever-dependable Cardini with his
loast of his recent trip to Burma, a' boxing exhibition, and some' classy Chicago, April 8. manipulation of .cards, cigarels, et al>
Antonio, accompanied oil guitar by
where he entertained the forces, rs balancing, tumbling, and trapeze
G. Villarino. Spanish gypsy dancers; Chico Mnr.v, Donna Dae, Frankie Modernaires close, and seemingly
quite unnecessary; Nor is his crack work." After Hermine demonstrates who, rate way out in front or their Com-.ille.-'& Sunny Dalei Dick * nothing could follow, them. They're
about Colder 's Green (London sub- his juggling skill, the midget mili-field, are doing two routines highl- Dot fiemy. Perry Fravk & Janice, sturdy all the w>y with their vocal-
urb occupied by goodly portion of tary band closes proceedings with ighted by speed and novelty. Like
foreign refugees) in good taste. plenty of pomp in "God Bless Anier- Winchell, over very big when caught.
: :

Ran Lang House Orch (12); "To- izing.

inorrou' the World" 'WAY. One of the three Edwards Bros,
Otherwise, act is funny.. ica" and "Anchors A weigh.'* Among the slick' arrangements of has a game leg. but that doesn't
Gaston Palmer, the much-traveled The Mai'tells' & Mignon .get the the Kaye band is the opener. "My
Quality and quantity peg this as affect the value of the act: if any-
French juggler, Is still supreme in good start with, a smart Gal Sal." which features his Four one
show off to a thing, he enhances the turn, since
of the best straight vaude bills
his class. Has ingratiating personal- acrobatic and adagio routine. Patti Kayedets vocany. Another is one of
to play here in months. It's a welN the chap really does some amazing
ity and does some clever work with Jo Adkins.* soprano, registers nicely
Kaye's. recent recordings. "Saturday balanced session of comedy, terping stunts,
billiard cues and balls. His topper in "A Little on the Lonely Side."
Night," soloed sweetly and effccr and vocalizing. Cardini, of course remains- the
Is still' getting eight spoons mlo eight Sweethearts " and '"A Heart Thai's lively by iand singer Nancy Norman. Perry Frank and Janice pace with epitome of showmanship, a sure bet
lasses simultaneously, which reaps Free." Gene Fields, who serves ac-
f ig hand and plenty of laughs. She follows that up with "Little a smart twirltap; then guy solo taps -
anywhere.- -

ceptably as emcee, offers nifty im- Home;" Arthur Wright to "Beguine" and they pair again in Ruby Zwerling's house band has
Stumming platinum' blonde Phyl- personations "of Peter Lorre. Fred While He's out

is brought early to vocal "Air "Check to Cheek." Bright costumes, been brought on stage from the pit
lis Robins, just back from long tour Allen. Charles Boyer. among others. ways" and scores stoutly. Further

fresh routines and ballet movements for. this show. Knhn.

in middle east, entertaining the Biz fair when .caught. Corb.
forces, gets big hand for medley of
down Billy Williams, a tall, lanky to showcase the fast footwork send
numbers, mostly pops, and. for fellsw who has plenty of personality them off big.
Adams, Newark Donna Dae, in a form-revealing

laughs, manages to inveigle Ameri- and a non-jitteroo voice distinguished

can naval man from audience to by fine diction, sings "Don't Fence gown, socks, over "Somebody Loves Unit Review
Newark. April 5. Me In.", aii excellent arrangement, Me." "Aft of a Sudden- My Heart
help her sing a number. Well liked,
with plenty of competition for sing- Lionel Hampton Orch (18), with and follows up with- "Happy Land Sings" (with segue to "Very Thought
Rubel Blakely, Dinah Washington. Somewhere." He^ can't miss copping of You") and "Beginning to See the
ing gag.
Cleef and Moloney, acrobats with Arnet Cobbs, Herbert Fields, Earl a hand at any time. Light." Less well known. "You llhapNodv In Rhylhat
nifty tricks and comedy chatter, are Bosiock; Billy It Evelyn Nightingale. In addition tG some of the clown- Stepped Out of a Dream." from (MAYAN. I.OS ANGELES)
comparatively new for West End. 2 Zephyrs; "The. Birth of a Star'' ing, including some by Kaye's drum- "Ziegfeld Follies." is dressed up with
Los Angeles, April 6. .
and welcome. Boys look good and VAstor). mer.' Ernie (Cecil Rudisill. "Chubby" some pert patter to top a sprightly
Vcnide'reime fn tu'6 oris, produced

Silvers is featured in a downfront turn. -

Jack and by Paul Small; stars Ethel Waters;


acquit themselves well. .

Dick and Dot Remy, in trey spot,


Daphne Barker are sophisticated Lionel Hampton's all-sepia orch tenor sax scjlo of -'The 9:20 Special." with Maiitaii Moreland and Ben Car-
couple, with songs that are cleverly is plenty torrid. Pandemonium at the very much in the hepcat groove. gel over big with handsprings, splits,
ter, Dynamite Jefferson, Dusty Fletch-
Femme's. mimicry of fa- standee opening (April ,5) and the Stage setting and lighting merit crocodiles, etc. High spots of act. are.
lyriced. er, Tiiiimie Rogers, 4 Step Bros., Sav-

mous stars is very biting and. clever. house management immediately de- distinct approval. Since Kaye's or- stout gal's moppet getup and busi- age Dancers (.8) Jubilee Kids U6K ,

Making one of his rare appear- clared a brand-new 8-a-day policy ganization is a large one. it impres- ness, and guy's handstands on roller Bitd Harris, Ann Jenkins; .music
ances in vaudeville, Will Hay and for remainder of the run. The for- sively fills "the Cap rostrum. skates to close-
director. a W d e in a r Guitersoii;
company of three cause plenty mer- mer vibraphone star with Benny Business very big here at opening A Charley Chaplin impresh at this I

opened April t>. '45. at Mayan thea-


Char. late date may be anliclimaclic. to say

riment in one of his scholastic of- Goodman has assembled a crew of Thursday (5). tre. Los Angeles; too. $3 Saturday
ferings. Act mainly comprises show- h*t artists, given them free rein in the least, but Frankie Conville sells
night, $2.50" other nights.
ing up the illiteracy of the head by jamming and adds his own peppery it convincingly. Sunny Dale, tall
the pupils. Hay announces .that he stage behavior to create a full hour
- Apollo. IV. V. blonde stooge, takes some rough

put on his first skit at this house, of Harlem incendiarism to bbffo re- mauling amicably and helps tre- '
Paul Small, doing alright with the
Jimmie Lunce/ord Orch (17) with mendously with tricks that
some 20 years ago. ception. Trenier. Tu>ins. Margaret Watkins,
won't pale faces and achieving some rep
comedy as the savflfcr of vaude, has made

Pepino. replete with dogs, mon- Tricky arrangements and a band work, hoofing, etc.
Jesse St James, Chuck & Chuckles;
Chico Marx lops it all satis-

keys and ponies, injects plenty' of ful of gadgets help Hampton but his Tim Moore. Crackshot Hackley fyingly. a complete switch to colored talent,
comedy in his offering, mostly com- own wide-grinning, whirling dervish Viuian Harris; "Big Bonanza" W. w. right hand index

and conies off' badly. The show he's

finger gets a workout in a classical
ing from good team work of the ca- style is the main point. The latter (Rep). built around Ethel Waters is funny
version of the second movement
nines, making effective closer. includes all the fervor' of a cheer in spots but strictly freshman the
from the "Beer Barrel Polka." fol-
Holdovers are Victor Varna and leader and its effect is electric. The Harlem's lone vaude house has an rest of the way. The program gives
Alec Brook, George and Jack D'Or- irickeroos making- the band different altogether pleasing lineup paced by lowing which Ray Lang, orch leader, no credits so the assumption must
joins in a piano-fiddle rendition (boys
monde. and Freddie and partner. are a pair of double bassos, giving
the crack Jimmle Liinceford orch ^really rend it. too) Of "Moonlight be taken that Small had a hand in
House .practically, capacity on a driving downbeat; a. lett-handec, and interspersed with standard acts everything including the theatre,
afternoon show caught. Rege. guitarist, two alto sax soloists (Bo "Cocktail,"— tricked out with some
that have seen service at. this spot fancy derriere-bouncing on which he has taken over on lease.
stock and Herbert) of. amazing yir the piano
previously. However, more femme Routining and production are' the
luosity. and Hampton's standout talent could be used as singer. Mar- stool, and standup keying by Chico
Orpheiim, Mpls. playing of vibraphone, drums and Headline)-, also beats out "Gypsy
Watkins is the sole outside gal Love Song," interlarded with "Jin-
chief debits. Not until 10:40 does
and then she
Minneapolis, April 7. piano. He also uses drumsticks to garet
on the would be wiser the
Miss Waters stroll in,
bill. It if
gle Bells" and "Woodpecker Song," holds the' stage for a half hour.
Vaughn Monroe Orch (18) with 4 beat rhythm out of a doghouse, two male teams were not on the complete with business of pounding

Timmie, Rogers spills his full rou-

Norton Sisters and Rosemary Calvin. while juggling! same bill.- but with the lack of talent, tine in the first half and goes home.
Jane Slater, Guy Kibbee; "Between Top numbers, from standpoint of around, it's probable thai present the keys-withr an orange. Payees
audience frenzy, are '.'Hamp's Boo- lineup • wanted more. Mike. Ticket buyers of sepian revues, al-
Tu.'o Women" (M-G) couldn't be avoided. ways expect, above all else, a line of
gie-Woogie." and "Flying Home" Lunceford's crew (eight brass, five frisky gals. There are probably six
With Vaughn Monroe's orchestra The latter has the fans even singing sax and four rhythm) gels the Tower, K. C. who cavort in what must pass as a
delivering a neat package of music afong with Cobbs' boff tenor sax house on Its side with a variety of
Kansas production number. In fact there
and song, and Guy Kibbee furnish- solo, jump and novelty tunes, sidemen City,. April 6.
Rubel Blakely pitches some mike Mary Beth Hughes, Bee-Ho Gray are two, and both pretty boring. The
ing some laughs, this show packs a getting a chance to register solo.
good boxoffice punch. wooing on "You're Mean to Me" and "Body and Soul" and "Gonna See Dorothy Tillman, Rollini, Janice Jubilee Kids are 16 of. step-ladder
The Monroe orchestra with its "Candy." Could be brighter to Belasco; Val Williams, Tomer Orch size, nsg. Small's mistake is calling
maintain- the show's pace. Dinah
My Baby'' are outfit's top efforts.
this a musical revue. It's vaudeville^
nine brass (including Vaughn him Lunceford introduces a novelty (9). with Norma Werner; "Great
self), Ave saxes and four rhythms Washington's husky voice and forth- vocal note with the Trenier Twins. Flamarion" (Rep) and "When Lights and not good vaude at that.
...and with._ five feminine singers, is, right style brighten up her Singing The routine is Worked so that one Go On Again" (PRO. Actually, Miss' Waters is slowing
of coursel'lip to snuff musically and of-.. "Swoon. Swoon. Swoon" and s'P.ger dops a number, runs, into the down to a zephyr. She's saving
vocally. Its bill-of-fa're runs strong- "Wish You Were Waiting for" Me." wings and other one comes out for -Current Tower layout. with Mary ' what's left of her pipes for the talky.
ly to song, but there's no stinting on The Nightingales hand in several his turn. Audience is consequently Beth Hughes from the films getting spicy numbers with her olvii
the musical side and. without entire- neat tap routines. The Zephyrs

led to believe that chirping is by the top billing, is one of the best stage naughty interpolations. Natch, she
ly neglecting the sweeter stuff, the boys with a fantastic sense of com shows here in many months.
same male. Unveiling, when both saves "Stormy Weather" for the en-
boys give out in a manner particu- edy. are socko in a slow motion Show gets under way as house
come but for bnws. gives house a core but did an unprofessional thing,
larly satisfying to the swing fans.- dance. Bran surprise, and dual boogie number band adds a few new touches to when caught, in dismissing the or-
Band gets a hot start with "Candy adds a few laughs. Miss Watkins "Melancholy Baby,"- with Norma chestra "until we can get together."
Hop." Then Rosemary Calvin, the IIKO, Hostoa does a show-stop with the blue "One Werner taking, the vocal. Val Wil- She might have spared the pit crew's
band's featured singer, scores with Hour Gal." liams is m.c.
feelings by having it whispered in-
snappy interpretations of "Ain't That Boston, April 6 In opening spot, Rollini balances
Tommy Dorsey Orch Jesse
and James, doing their
with stead of making a public announce-
Just Like a Man" and "Accentuate standard noofiiig' \vhile ;.b».lancins himself neatly on a panel atop a
the Positive." Andy Bagni from the Four Seniiiiientalisis, Bonnie
Lou. trays, ment of it. It was evident to every-
and a few aero stun'.s. gel a rolling cylinder to good returns. Dor-
band draws the mike for his sax Williams, Lane & Claire. Stuart one that the orch was having a
bis reception while Chuck an<l othy Tillman follows and scores with
solo, "All the Things You Are." Foster; "The House of Fear" (U) imprcshes of Gracie Allen. ZaSu
rough time. So the accomp. as it
Chuckles, with comedy hoolii.g. song should have, was handled by her
Jane Slater is an attractive tap Pitts, .Bctte Davis, Vera Vague and
dancer with some unusual whirl Here for the first visit in" eight and vibe solos, also knock oft :i

Eleanor Roosevelt. Her mimicry

seemingly I'm-scared-lo-deathrof-hcr
routines. years. Tommy Dorsey trombones to
Comedy skit this ueek is bv Tin; tops. pianist.
Stepping from the band platform near -sellout with orchestral jolts lor On after. Janice Belasco. tiny "Dis^ Mantan Moreland and Ben Carter
cheering bobby-soxers.
Mb-.»re. Cracks-Hot Hackley arid :

to the footlights, Johnny Bond stirs Vivian Harris, good for the covcry Night" terper, Bec-Ho Gray rate second billing with their patter
us'ial h's;
the risibilities when he lends his From theme, "Getting .Sentimental returns.
ties things up nicely with his rope
' but Dusty Fletcher in a drunk act
pipes to "I Wuve a Wabbel" and Ov«;r You." through firs', band opu.;. spinning, knife-throwing and banjo- polls the most laughs. There's a -

then does a bit of trumpet tooling. "Sone of India" to the smash -close picking. singer named Flora Washington (the
"Warsaw Concerto" demonstrates "We'll Git. It," stomp-happy audi Karle. Phillv Mary Beth Hughes, in closing spot, program is a deficit for- identifies*.'
the band caii handle real music: and ence stays with Dorsey and his gang, wisely avoids the usual Hollywood tibn) who should never attempt
Philadelphia, April 6.
it's highly listenable, the pianist's "Boogie-Woogic" set 'cm. moaning .

gab. After a brief greeting, she "Holiday For Strings." Aside from
solo work meriting particular ap- and Buddy Rich cavorts like six
Raymond Scott Orch (17) tpith
proval. Monroe's' robust voice is u'n ed Indian idol at' drums after
Dorothy Collins. Roy Stevens; Max sings three pops in a nicely modu- Miss Waters the vocalizing is ragged.
heard to good advantage in a pair of year. and a half in Marine Corps
It Gang, Gloria Jean. Nip Nehon; lated- voice.. "Candy," "Every Time Four Step Bros: lake care of the
"Pan-Americana" (RKO). We Soy Goodbye" and "Accentuate hoofing segment' and with good ef-
old favorites. "Donkey Serenade" Also sensational but less seat-jtnash the Positive." Off to enthusiastic fect.Dynamite Jefferson is a toothy-
and "Tangerine." The good-looking ing is Charlie Shavers' trumpet solo,

mitting. Earl. sepe who swings chairs and holds

Four Norton Sisters- join him in the "Summertime'." Raymond Scott breaking in his is
up three tables, with his molars.
vocalizing when he goes into "There. Bonnie Lou Williams, with fou new orchestra for
a tour of theatres,
Small will never gel .(He Holly-

I've Said It Again." "Tabby the oomphjtic dolls. The Sentimental. sts and judging from his breakin dale N. Y. Curfew Folds Spot wood mob downtown for this one.
Cat" and "My Heart Sings" fare well wows with- "Sloighride in July,' .
here at the Earle. the tour should be Helm.
at the girls' hands. Youthful ,Bobby "More and Morel"! "Candy." and "I
' Rerjees Little Club, Greenwich • ',"'.
a success. »
Rickey goes beserk on the drums Should Care." /As for Lane. & Claire '
All Scott's boys need is a little zing Village, N. Y.. folded last week as a
and makes ''I've Got Rhythm" a eccentric dancers expert at somer in their showmanship. Arrangements curfew casualty. Renee Sheppard.
standout number. saults after straight stuff, they hit are okay and selection of band num- .operator, will reopen if and when Chico Marx to St. L. Spot
. "Sam, You Made the Pants Too wrong note by toning down volume bers ditto. Latter range from pops the curfew is lifted. : . Another attempt to use names as
Long" and. "Vitamins" are perfect Tor mythical sleeper in audience like "My Dreams Are Getting Bet- Small capacity spot. Which had a trade hypo during 'curfew is being
vehicles for the comedic singing when fans howl for. bang-bang nov ter." ."Saturday Night." "Little on been
and distinctive vocalizing elty. Stuart Foster does near-Sin
using Ave acts on its, floor show, made* by the !400 Club. St. Louis,
ability the Ebnely Side" to specialties like
tossed out the talent when the mid- which has set Chico/Marx starling
Style of Ziggy Talent from the band. atra with "Night and Day." Dorsey "Powerhouse" and '-Toonerville s

Guy Kibbee from Hollywood, im- smoothly solos Dave Rose's version Trolley." night closing edict ushered in. Sans April 28. '

presses. on personality, and his brief nr. "Smoke Gets in Your Eyes." Blonde pprothy Collins, vocalist talent biz nosedived to make further He'll go to the spot after a week
. monolog. mostly abdut women; pro- Dame with the band, has an excellent set nperatlon unprofitable. at the Earle. Philadelphia.
' . . ' .

Wednesday, April 11, 1948 49

pepped considerably. - Roberto &
Ahoia are olass Spanish steppers;

New Acts Yayito Trio, all-male, give out with

characteristic Mexican comedy song
routines to self-guitar accomp, anfl
Thomas Rios heads the okay native
Variety Bills WEEK OF APRIL 13
and Yank clansapation. Abet.
ANN COBIO hazardous. In short, what Miss
Bolin needs now mora thin any- Of the recent replacements in the Kamerals to esnMetloa with bill* below Indicate opening day of show.
Songs, Talk °
whether roll or tpllt week.
thing else is proper counselling. The Latin Quarter, N. Y., show, Homo f
1C Mlns. Vincent is the most significant. He's
Loew'a SUte, N T. voice Is there. Kflhit,
topping the bill, replacing Billy Blue Augel Roy Fox Bd
D«or Ann Corio: Vine, which seemingly makes this a Evelyn Knight Phil Burton
Id never have known you You JIMMY haven for-headlining fat men, both Eddie MayehoK Georglnna Bannister
wear clothesi Lotsa clothes, Too it BEVERLY FAYSEE Hotel St. Bed*
Dancers Vine and Vincent being somewhere Loew Bernard!
Pearl Bailer Josephine Houston
many clothes. 8 Mlns. near the 300-pound mark. Norbert Faconl Beatrice & Oomea
On 42d street, where I saw you Leon A Eddie's, N. Y.

Vincent remains a fine performer U Culttlson («) Fred Miller Ore

strip down to nothing but my em- on delivery and with his comedic Care BodeU T Brooks Organ
barrassment, y«u were really a Jimmy
There are some rough spots In
flail,but his material is spotty. He
NEW YORK CITY Mr Dim Attorney (Uptowa) Dorothy Shay
and Beverly Paysee's routine Capitol (12) One Van Jimmy Savb Paul Sparr Oro
vaudeville, you're not
. '

standout. In has the ability to sell, and to the Sammy Kaye Ore Watson Sla
which need polishing, but overall ef- .
Hunan Bolin Laszlo Oro
showing much—ah, talent.

provincials who frequent the L.Q. Rosarlo & Antonio WASHINGTON

fect, of their act is okay. Youthful Paul A Smith. Hotel Taft
How well do I remember when and nice-looking duo start with a
much of his inferior stuff gets over, Haul Wlnchell
Slate (1«> Capitol (1*) Win -Franklin Vincent Lopes Ore .

you strutted down the runway at but when he pulls such business as

Rene Field (3) Hotel WaMorNA

ballroom routine punctuated with ef- Peggy Taylor 3 Jimmy Dorsey Ore.
the Eltinge or Republic. How you Ed Ilall Oro Carol Bruce
fective spins unbuttoning his coat and emphasiz- Le Roy Bros Bslb Farrell John Sebastian
and has the femme fol- Cafe Soviet*
used to pick out the oglers-^and run lowing with a taps number. Pair ing the hugeness of his stomach; • Murtah SIh Pat Hennlns (DOWDtOWB) -
Leo Rolsman Ore

your Angers through their skin. You wind up with fast jitterbugging. Re- faint funny. There's no more Mary Lou Iceland
were one for the baldheads, all right. slovenly appearing, a person as a Itai-bara Leeds

Franltle Marlowo
routining to have them start with the Cliff Jackaoo Whirlwinds
But burlesque has allowed a lotta j.b number, broken by the taps, and
sloven fat person, and this type of
1'hll Moore Oro
Tanya Tamara
Moss to gather. It doesn't look as ballroomology last would set them
presentation is in particularly bad Paramount CarnlTal Lou Martin Oro
though the officials will ever .let it taste, particularly at a dinner, show. Silvia & Chrlatlan Jimmy Bent's
off better. La Rublo
come. back. For the same reason the biz of the Ullalne Knlloy
Kid, vouA'e a looker, and the boys
A .little more apprenticeship in birds is not in good taste. Other- NBW YORK fTlY Eileen Barton Calgary Bros Jean Colvlna
are all" for yuhi As you say, you lesser spots and they'll do okay in

wise, Vincent has a strong tenor that Paramount (11) Hal LeRoy Elevens Br & Big B Rudya Lj nn
Jo Ann

Benny Goodman Or MX A MI Shorty Collier

haven't got much talent for vaude-
ville", but af,ter by-passing your pri-
vaude. Jose. he can use straight or for comedy
purposes with equal results..
Hob Evans
rondos Bros
Olympus (11) Lamplighters
Adams aY Ca'nvoner) LUry Gillette
W Aloma
Reneo .

mary emphasis, the guys can. still see Don Saxon is a singing newcomer Eve Comics Murk Plant U Lane A Claire Roslta
JOE. SOJER CHICAGO Kay & Kay Ben Yost (4) Diane Pass
'a certain amount of charm that's got to the bill, used mostly for produc- '

Carter 4 Roaa
. .

HCclric OulUr Chicago (11) Helen Pim-I?h Prank Sorrell

'em in your corner. That modified tion numbers. Ross and La Pierre Dean Murphy The Albertoe' sl|«p Fields -Oro Joe Capolto Ora
. '

strictly a cheater, < Mlns. are comedy additions and get laughs La Cob is,

strip, of course, is Casino Rotas

and, along with the chatter, you'll
Leon * Eddie's, N. Y. out of their hoke band impressions, Olga Baclanova Blaine Jordan
Although strictly instrumental acts Adla Kuznetxolt Hal Klsher
need something more sturdy. while the rest, of the lineup remains
Simeon Karzaelt 'Jerry & Turk
Anyway, you can always go back are rarely used in cafes and vaude, a sock pop-price buy, particularly :

RKO Codolban .Oro J Hackott Gls

to the old Howard in Boston.
Joe Sojer has sufficient musical abil- the always -boff Mazzone - Abbott Clnb .IS Uachlto Bd
Kahn. ity and showmanship on the electric Apache troupe, Ben Dova's fine Al IFIxon La MaittntqM
guitar to merit attention. He han- drunk turn, the niftily acrobatic Joe Mann Jo Stafford
dles the instrument well, gets lots Geraldine and Rae Hudson, and the BOSTON Tommy Dorsey Or, Ann Denis tooii Victor
Boston (It) Nfp Nelson .(aye Dixon Val Irving
Singing of swing interpolations into his arr amazing Gloria Gilbert In her toe Milt Britton Bd Lane &. Claire Marcla Kent - Tonl Kelly
14 Mlns.
rangements and provides enough twirls. Kahn. Ted & Flo Vallett DAYTON Johnson Vincent Bernon Gil

Zanzibar, N. T. body-bounce on the hot licks to offer Mlnevltch Boys MKO Gordon Andrews O Socasses Ore
Johnny - Wood A Kelly CoparaDana Carl Ravazza Oro

Although the Mills Bros, have been eye appeal.- George Faxton's orchestra, formed Bonita Granville Bemie Cummlna Or T A Sally De Marco Ijitln Oaartot . .

around for more than a decade, out- Could be used nicely in produc- only about a year ago, remains the
fit has undergone a series of changes
tion numbers in vaude or cafes. most important of the newer bands,
so that it's hardly identifiable as the Jose. as emphasized in its current N. Y.
same act that they started with. Of stand in' the Blue Room of the BOOKING THE NATION'S LEADING INDEPENDENT
course, Donald, Herbert and Harry
Mills are still the mainstays with a (3) sically,and with bookings shortly at
highly listenable blend of harmony Songs the Capitol theatre, N.Y„ and the
that doesn't lose sight of the melodic
line for a moment. But John Mills,
8 Mlns.
Leon * Eddie's, N. Y.
Pennsylvania hotel, N. Y.— the latter
the most important prestige spot In
Sr., originally the boys' coach, is now Although the Calvert Sisters :(3) —
the country it stands an excellent NEW YORK BEVERLY HILLS, CAL
doing the vocal bass-booms in a have some rough edges around their chance of becoming an important PARAMOUNT IUIL0INS CALIFORNIA BANK BLDt.
manner that makes for a full back- harmonies, it's minor. They're po- name.
ground without being obtrusive. He's tentially good. Trio; of youthful Paxton, an excellent arranger, has
been on that job ever since John, blonde lookers are garbed like bobby- Romo
soxers aind make a nice appearance
four trumpets, three trombones, five CLEVELAND 3 Fontaines Dixie- Roberts . Vincent
Jr., guitarist and bass, died about sax and conventional four, rhythm. l'alace (12) .
SAN FBAN'CIRCO Patsy Urewster -
Mazzone-Abbott D
four years ago. A
straight guitarist, on the floor but would show up bet- Several weeks ago he dropped his 4 Ink Spota
Ella ntzecrald

OoMen Gate (11)

Holand Twins
Marty Martin Oro Don Saxon
Gloria Gilbert
Clifford White, has also been added. ter In stockings, instead of being .

four-ply string section; which will Cootie Williams Or The Rlmacs Coo Hoecv Harold A Lola
Altogether, ifs still a crack sepia barelegged. Dick Wilson Ores) Hudson Wondsrs

be reinstated along with the addition Coke & Poke Chris Cro»s '

group, whose popularity has been Harmonically they shape up well of two French horns. Combination Slim Thomas . Jean Parker Diamond Horseshoe Ben Dova '

heightened by the recording clicks in the rhythm numbers, doing "Is COLU.MBrS West eV I.exlng Bob Hall Wlnl. Walsh
as it now stands, however, turns out Allan Jones La Pierre Marty Beck Oro
of "Paper Doll" and "You Always You and "Slip of the Lip" to. good
Is" excellent music, geared more for
Palace (17-19)
Frank Ross Le Bo baa Blcs
Hurt the One You Love," which results. Jose. ballads than jump, a style with which Llonol Kayo Tbelma Carpenter
they do here as encores. it does well; Its arrangements, some
Emma Francis Mervyn Nelson
They start with "Cielto Lindo," go Hazel Mangcao I Garland Wilson
done by the leader and others by Warner Marcla. Dais Day, Dawn Dusk
Into "Till Then" and "Lazy River,!' CAROLO outside writers, are smart pieces of Cecil Lewln Monica Boyar

all of which get big returns. Roller Skating work in all tempi. Paxton, nice Gloria LeRoj Cedrlo Wallace I
Jose, 4 Mins. Billy Banks Leoa * Eddls's
looking and personable, plays trom-
Leon A. Eddie's, N. Y.
bone and tenor sax, alternating with
NEW YORK CITT Black Bros Bill Quentmeyer
Mitchell Brother
Eddie Davis
Strand (13) Judy Manners Calvert Sis
HAL FISHER Although basic idea of the act,
the two sections. ." Cub Calloway Oro. Mavis Mima Michael Edwards' Carolo
rhumba on

Comedy skates, is novel enough, Holmes & Jeu n. Mort neld Oro Joe Sojer
Virginia Maxcy and Bob Dupont WASHINGTON Vincent Travera Oro B A J Parses
IS Mins. Carolo's exposition of this theme handle vocals. With the Blue Room's Dotty Saultera
Tharpe Earlo (IS) 400 Club Sherry Britton
La Conra, N. Y. She's devised no acceptable
falls flat.
p.a. -system perennially bad, it's diffi-
Sister .
Duke Ellington Oro Art Waner. Oro
routine, and has no attention-getting The Cabalettes Roxyettes
Mi!<:hlto Bd
Hal Fisher has the kind of act that cult to get a clear line on them. PHILADKLPHIA Arnle'Tfartntan Monte Carlo
will either go over terrifically well tricks. Even fails to impart fluidity Karle (IS) Graysons IfaraBa-MadrM Dick Gaeparrs On
Both, however, seem to handle their 'I'he .

in her movements, which should be Spiko Jones Oro 3 Swifts Sonny King Jean F Murraj
or fall flat with as much force. With chores well, Miss Maxey concentrat- Pilar. Gomez
fairly easy for a good, skater. Cos- Alberto Oro
the house packed with the Broadway ing mostly on rhythm material and Rozzlnl detjea'a
mob on his first night his indigoisms tuming is also below par. Jose.
Dupont on ballads. '
Wood. HMalne Jarow (llrookl/a)
hit the mark. Whether they'll do that m
Hotel A basse dor Helen Kane-
bdependent Louis Betancourt O Dan Hcaly
on succeeding occasions remains to Current show at La Conga, N. Y., Jules Lands Oro Jerry Baker
be seen. Hotel Altar

C— looks like a hit. Three of the bill's Eileen La Marr '

Dressed in tux and working in a Nitery Followups four acts bring heavy mitt returns, ELIZABETH
Jose Morand Oro
Ron Perry Oro
Doris Dawson
variety of hats and a wig during one the other needs some adjustment.
NEW VORK CITY Hotel Betmoal
Jimmy O'Brloa
number, he. has sight value and good Continued from page 40 s^sl Mnsln HaU (12) TJberty (12-1B) Billy Griffith
.As his new comic, boniface Jack L«e Fairfax J A
8 Taylor Plaza-
Will Ward
comedy material. He's no novice in Harris' has set Hal Fisher (New Coriis de Ballet Gene Bedlnl A Joe Palsy Garrett Marqulta Rivera
of their own,' make for a solid hour Jerry Lewis
Edith Valley Don Caballero Ora

the business, having extensive cafe Acts). Jerry and Turk jackpot, with Gil Malaon.
of fun. This is a belated catching but Millard A Marlln Bert Ensley Old ftt*4Biaalaa
background. La Conga, however, is comedy hoofing. There's lots of con- HazelBoxy (11) .

there's nothing tardy about their S'-ott Al A Connie Fanton Jimmy Byrnes Jan Bart
his first N. Y. date. He wintered in burlesque of a jitterbug-iteam; the trast in the raucous dame and som- Jackie Mllvs HARTFORD Artlnl A Consuelo Olga Woytova
the Florida boites. Payso'n Re Oro

satire on the flirtation couples; the nolent guy. Male, however, with a lllck Brown Slate (tt-IB) Sadie Banks
Gypsy Rose Lee Hotel Bfltnoro Mlml
Mainstay of his act are two very
Arthur Murray tutors, with Grace sleepy, slithering dance style, gets The Hartmnns Raymond Scott Ore Joan nyldoft
Joe LaPorts Ore
blue songs and a series of comedy Paul Ash Ore
Hartman's exaggerately polite broad most attention. LONG ISLAM* Bob Williams
impressions. He'd do better if he Elaine Jordan in her first Broad- A Jean
A's; the "Gypsy Violin" hokum; and Jnmalrn (»«-!») Miller
-shortened his numbers to give them way test makes good with a choice Don Xclnyd NEWARK
more force. Does quite a bit of mug-
ging also, as in the Mcx drunk im-
their bolero buffoonery. Incidentally,
Pancho, just out of the Army, is back
with a tiptop dance band in support.
assortment of rhythm tunes. All her
songs are fast and familiar. It Would
Tolla Gall
3 Latllp Sis
Jerry Walil Oro
Jo Stafford
(IS) .

AMtnica't U«4llif M iptui t u .

prest). ' Jose. be interesting to see what she can Johnny Morgan
Per usual, Mark Monte's Continen- Hope Ht Coyle
Ballard A
<tn with a ballad,. Maria and Enrique (It only) ReTe

tals (relief- band) alternate.--ilbc!.-
(New Acts) provide the Latin flavor
with flamenco work. Jose.
C'oty * Coty
Luck & Lucky
Majestic (ie-18)
Aimond A Paulede
John Sebastian and Carol Bruce Joe Marlln 1501 Broadway
» Mins. Frank Donnlae Janet Stevens
La Conga, N. Y. went into the Waldorf -Astoria's Leon tc Eddie's new springtime BALTIMORE Uaro A Corda
Wedgwood Room, N. Y., last week, revue Hippodrome (13) Al Slovens Naw York
These youthful terpers display a provides okay eye and ear Gloria Jean Roberta's Circus
the harmonica player proved the
fair amount of proficiency at and two-act show, when caught
fodder. However, it's still Eddie Da- Dean Hudson Oro ue-is)
flamenco, but routines as seen here hit of this vis who pulls 'em in with his ribaldry, The Chords Kollette A Marie
aren't commercial enough for run-
opening night (5). Possessed of an familiarity with the patrons and Joe Arena Dixon A Blolse Ann Warren Bos era Cotwes
refreshing personality Royal (13) Floretta A Co Itnndy Stowart Harry Lefcourt Ora
ofrthe mill nitery patron. It's pretty ingratiating, showmanship. Since the midnight Eddie Foley
mouth- Louis Armstrong Or Kddy Rogers Oro Clark's Hawallaaa
obvious that they've had limited ex- and the ability to blow a shuttering, Davis has pared his act Slim & Sweels 4 Crackerjacks Hotel CoaaaMdan Harold Orosa'
excellence, he
perience in commercial spots, since organ with unusual considerably but if he accedea to the Stepln Fftchlt PAWTUCKET Charlie Splvak Oro Freshmen
routines fail to point up anything took the staid Wedgwood patronage patron's wishes, he'd be on all night. Reds & Curley Capitol (IS) Hotel Dixie Mars Trio
into camp with ease. "Tico Tico" State (12-H) Oalray 'Bros Don Baker Oro Korn Kobblera
outstanding. Accompanying Davis is another Dell Doon Joan Hudson Hotel EdlsoB Big Schata Ore
. Male rrtuggs too heavily. Instead "Man I Love," "Malaguena," "St. long-termer here. Sherry Britton, Dixon & Elolse Murphy i George Baar Oro BomaslaB TfUaf*
Of denoting fire with his facial James Infirmary" and "Horra Stac- who adds to the Montmartre .flavor J!ddle-Eoloy_. Louis A Arnold Essex House Jennie Goldstein)
twitching, he only makes the audi- eata," all colorfully arranged, plus a with song and strip. She tied up the Kollette A Marie (Two. to All) Stan Keller Oro Vera Nlva
ence feel that he's trying to show off fine sense of humor and a boyish de- house when caught with an over- (1S-1S)
PlllLADELPHIA Ruth Cleary Henry Bonnan
dlvery of ad lib lines, Is what he indigo version of "Rum 'n Coke." Haln Hamilton 31s Carman (18) Hotel Leilagtoa R Walton Dancers
Ms ivories. Jose. BOrND BROOK Mom Kal
\ offers. And it's plenty. Miss Bruce Rest of the bill is detailed under Brook (14-16) Jean Dawn

Tapu Kaua H Jaeobson Oro

came on here opening night with a New Acts. Paul Rich Tall ma Splvy's Root
Jose. Arnold Relsa
?USAN BOLIN* badly paced song routine, and on top Dorothy Eddy Morris A Ryan '

Mallo Splvy
ongs & Joan The Guardsmen Moklhana Carter A Bowlo
Mlns. of it talked too much and did three Herman Hover has cornered Libby
(Two to nil) PBOVIDKNOE Harold Aloma Ora Jayne Manners
Cafe Society Uptown, N. Y. songs more than necessary. Opening Holman and Josh White for a couple CAMI>EN Metropollt'n (13-16) Hotel llacoln Stork CIVb
Charlie Snlvak Ore Morales Oro
A fine contralto voice and a with "Accentuate Positive," then "I of weeks at Ciro's, Hollywood, and Towers (18-15)
The BanDeldn Max & Gang
Geo Paxton Oro
Hotel Now Yorker Ernie Hoist Oro
knowledge of how to sing are Should Care," a Gershwin medley, the unusual act not only brought
P & M. Crane Cook A Brown Mary Jano Lawson Stan Keller Ora
requisites that Susan Bolin possesses, "My Heart Sings," "Lorelei,"
"Molly down the opening-night house, but SPRINGFIELD
Clayton & Phillips Jerry Mapes

but What Is probably more important Malone" and "Corns for My Coun- has kept most of the^nitery crowd

Harry Marlln Court Hq (1«-18) Billy Peterson Kitty Carlisle

than either of the above Is Miss try." "Malone"! and "Heart Sings" talking since then. Zclalne Jack Goldie Mary Jane Yeo Copse; 4 Ayers
CHICAGO 3 Edwards Boyd Raeburn Oro Bob Hopkins
these were
Bolin's void in selling. She's plea- were her best, and even Early American, blues delivered in Oriental (13) The Blanchards Hotel PeansTlvanla Bob Douglas
•ant-looking but her choice of tunes, slightly overdone. However, she's a complete informality is the show- Woody 'Herman Ore Morey A Eaton '

Glen Gray Ore Marian Nlles

« least at this catching, are all in a looker who demands attention all the stopping merchandise sold by Miss Eunice Healy Fullers Stylists . .
Hotel Plena M Bergere Ors
similar vein. Also, Miss Bolin needs way. Leo Reisman's orchestra plays Holman and White. Former Is head

Don Cuminlngs J A. J Hutton Wesson Bros Zaostbea
to be dressed more attractively, and for the acts and dancing, doing a and shoulders above most thrushes Stanley Melba Oro Dooley WIIbob
Wood. in this field and has put the music
Margaret Scott Son A Sonny
she had best do something with her smart job of both. Hotel Plata Maurice Rocco
hair as well. '
on a concert basis. White's guitar Hartmans Buoll Thomas
Has a typical rich blues voice wiv= Roslta Rlos brings a nice Latin work, -as a single, is notable in. it- Cabaret Bi Pancho Oro Peowoe Marquetta
a range that suggests she doesn't vecal' quality to El Chico, still a self. Pair sing separately and duet Hotel BobasTsIt Peters 81s
nave to use the mike being employed Greenwich Village institution and for encore finish that leaves the Guy Lombardo Ore Leon La Morles
Hotel savoy Plaos Claude Hopkins' Or*
flere. Did four slow tunes when nuw, in its 15th year, perhaps the audience limp. Sock lighting aids SEW YOBS CITY Kay Klmber Ralph Font Ogs
jaught, only one of which was in the outstanding class Spanish nitery. in the act as well.
typical pop vejn, which is a big mis- N. Y. With Benito Collada actively Phil Ohman's musicrew suits the BUI'S Oaj N'f Charles Strickland
Blbel Gilbert Jimmy Burns Charlie Barnet into the Trianc/n,
Jake. An unrecognizable tune done back as managing director, although Strip crowd perfectly, with plenty

Berale Graner Los Angeles, May 22, followed Jun«

unknown makes still under a limited routine because of tophat tunes from, both sides
by. a comparative of Bill KoIssf
Harold Wlllard
recognition for her all the more of his recent Illness, the show has the border. Huts, , Jack Ryan Q»jr JO's Quartette 19 by Jack Teagarden.
. .

44 LEGITIMATE Wednesday, April 11, 1945

'Jacobowsky' Nifty
Easter Week Builds on Broadway; Tenus'-Mary Martin-John Boles Set
$22,700 in Cleveland
Cleveland, April 10.

menagerie' Capacity $17,500 in 1st Untouched by a rainstorm and un-

predictable temperature, "Jacobow-
sky and the Colonel" banked a boffo
Chi Pace, $47,000; 'Sing Out' OK 21€
$22,700 al Hanna last week -at $3.60 ^ Chicago. April in
top. Out of eight performances, six New boxoftice champ of town
Full Wk* Ice Doiib'es Holy Wk, 406 were s.r.o.
Following current "Searching
'Dear Ruth' $14,000 is "One Touch of Venus." with
Mary Martin, at the plush Opera

Wind." the llanna is going durk one In 1st Wk. at Detroit House, Rush for tickets
Easter week started weakly on laugh show passed scconrt-ycar mark; '
week rather than try. lo compete "
forced the management
and scooted to around $9,500. Dctroil, April 10. to install
Broadway but pyramided against Metropolitan Opera Co. visit
grosses went up along the line with "Kiss Them for Mr," Bclasco i3d Nothing exciting in the rialto fig- two extra ticket wickets to take care
at civic auditorium. Carl Hanna's ures lusl week. of the long waiting lines, and
few exceptions. "LafTing Room week) (C-l.07.7: $3.00). Management .

house is reopening April 23 with

Only"' jumped upward $8,000. while giving his one plenty of chance; i
"Dear Ruth" (road company), in additional office force is being kept
ZhSu Pitts' "Ramshackle Inn." its first week al (he Cass, got ap- busy flllmg mail orders. Present ad-
"Hats Ort to Ice'.' more than doubled slightly up: around $8,500.
"Lady In Danger." Broadhuiist. proximately $14,000 al a $2.50 top. vance sale indicates at least $200 000
its Holy Week takings. That attrac-
tion .was particularly hard hit by Taken off Saturday after week and
It continues for another week be- will be chalked up for the four-week
the curfew, it being indicated that half: $3,000 is liberal estimate; "Too fore "Catherine Was Great" comes run. Most other attractions gained
its type of patronage has not been Hot for Maneuvers" slated lo follow. in April 16: after '
Easier, only exception being
coming to town in comparable num :
"Lafflnir Room
Only," Winter Gar- "Ramshackle Inn," at the Lafay- "Voice of the Turtle." which dropped vv
bers to those prior to the midnight den (15th -week) (R-1.522; $6). Went ette, bounded back slightly from its to $18,500. :

bell and the brownout. up at least $8,000; gross close to $36.- third week skid to finish the last Estimates for Last Week .

"Glass Menagerie" Ls the new sock 500: Sundays helping.

week with $8,800. It was followed
"Catherine Was
addition to the list, playing to ca-
pacity for $17,500. "A Place of Our
"Late George Apley," Lyctum
f20th week ) iC-993: $4.20 >. One or
In 2d Hub Week in Sunday by "Blithe Spirit," set to
hover for two weeks.
baker <4fh week) (MOO: $4.20).
, :

Own" drew an adverse press and Civic Light Opera Co.. opening Moves on next Sat. (14 to make way i

lie fine plays of the season, and only Boston. April 10. Holy Week iii the face of all theatre' for moveover of "Ten Little Indians"

was yanked after one week.

few 'gallery seats not occupied:
a While reaping its share of adverse tradition, for its fivsl presentation. from the Harris. Gaiued to hit
Estimates for Last Week nearly $18,000. criticism. "Carouser looks tremen- "Great Wallz." tucked in
a choice $19,200.
Keys: C {Comedy), D XDravia). "Life With Father," Empire (279lh dous for second week. Metropolitan $50,000. There are still 10 weeks to ''One Touch of Venus." Opera
CD (.Comedy-Drama), R (Ret'tie). shouldweek) (C-1.P82; $3.60). Run leader Opera has usual sellout biz in old run in the huge Masonic auditorium House (3,600: $4.20). Public going
M (.Musical).,0 (Operetta). pick up: has been around $9,-
000 toi- some weeks.
Boston Opera House. First four days here. big for Mary Martin-John Boles
"A Bell for Adano," Cort (IBih of 12-day opera cycle grossed about Leo Filzpalrick, vice-president and combo. Took excellent $47,000. .

"Oklahoma!" Si. James (106th $60,000. No seats left at any price. general manager of station WJR. "Sing Out, Sweet Land," Great
week) (D-1,064; $3.20 1. First click week) Never any
to announce a summer layoff, which
(M-1.529: $4.80). A surprise, regardless of two-year was re-elected president of the com- Northern (1,400; $4.20). Drew mixed
variance here, and there's always the Chicago run. is revamped ancient pany for the third time to shape up notices but Theatre Guild subsciip-.
starts June 30 for six weeks; nearly .

limit of standees: $31,000. shocker, "Good Night, Ladies." with plans for the 1946 season. tions kept receipts up to $21,000.
$22,500. .

"On the Town." Adelphi (15th cornily sexatious romp through- "Ten Little Indians," Harris (22d
"A Place of Our Own." Royalc. week) M- Getting a lot

1.426; $5.40 i.
Turkish bath, leaving censor un- week) Moves to Stude-
After a weak press it was decided ( •
(1.000: $3).
after one or
money tor low-cost operating mu- moved. Looks as though it could run baker next Sunday
to close
week's stay.
Saturday (7),
sical; jumped to' $36,000. a year in town hungry for laughs at
'OKLA.!' RECORD littlefor total of $13,500.
(15). Picked up

"Anna Lucasta," Mansfield Ambassador

<32d "School for Brides." any price. ''Voice of The .Turtle," Selwyn
week) (D-1,041: $3.60). One ot few- CtOlh week) (C-1.117: $3.6Q). Took 'Dinner for Three" quit finally 66G, 2 WKS., BUFF. (27th week) (1.000: $3). Dropped a
shows that played an extra perform- surprising leap, going to $11,000: had last Saturday night, after one poor grand but still very good at $18,500.
Buffalo. April 10. (Easter Monday); that sent tapered off sharplv. week with $4,500 gross to Plymouth.
•Seven Lively Arts," Ziegfeld (18th Against toughest opposition ever
takings over $22,000. At the Wilbur, "Marriage Is, For-
"Bloomer Girl," Shubert (27th w«elv> Improved to
$6). Single People," clanked into second
encountered by a legit attraction
.week) (M-1.382; $5.40). Varying around $34,500, best figure in some week after initial $6,000 gross and "Oklahoma!" piled up a record
here. 'VICTORY' $42,500
conditions do not affect the hits, and weelisi- said to be quite profitable at marker in two weeks at the Er-
is due to folcb Saturday, April 14.
langer. Despite Holy Week. Pass-
this musical wonder collects $33,500
every week.
that level.
Soldier's Wife," Golden (26th
Estimates for Last Week
"Carousel," Colonial (ls500: S4.20>
over, Shrine Circus and Interna- IN WEEK AT WASH.
week) (CD-789: $3:60). Another suc- tional Hockey League play.bfTs, lat- Washington.. April
"Dark of the Moon," 46th Street (2nd week). Tops for Theatre Guild 10.
(4th week) (D-1,319; S4.20 (. Un- cess perked' up smartly and ter two doing turnavi ay biz. the The- "Winged Victory" in its final eight
is about $20,500 against estimated
ns-ed $8,000: cinch into summer. atre Guild musical, at the highest performances at the National grossed
usual of play with incidental
type gi first week at $23,000. due to run scale
music a vital factor: went close to Song of Norway/' Imperial (33d ($4.20) ever set here, went ,o estimated $42,500. Cooler weather
higher third and last week. Authors standing
$20,000; among spring's few* good week) tO-1.427: $6). Couldn't get still tussling with second act.
room every performance, . helped some. For the fortnight the
things. much more than it has right along; including matinees and Good Friday. show grossed $75,500 or $10,000 under
"Good Night. Ladies." Shubert fl.- Gross climbed to $66,000 for the
"Dear Ruth." Miller (17th week) over $41,000 for invader fromtCoast. 500; $2.50) Ust week): Over $18,500, capacity.
(C-940; $4.20).. Held to usual sched- "Star-Spangled Fanvly," Biltmore splendid.
fortnight, an all-time legit high for Elisabeth Bergner in "The Two
ule and counted up more than $18.- (6-926: $3.60). Premiere postponed Buffalo. Mrs. Carrolls-' comes' 1
in with prac-
700. which is laugh play's capacity from last week; opened last night tically all seats sold for the six night
pace. 115G Seen for Pitt performances. She is assured of a
"Deep Mrs. Sykes," Booth (3d Little Indians," Plymouth
"Ten WAITING' NSG $6,000, Pittsburgh. April 10. very good week, with: only matinee

week) (CD-712: $3.60). Slightly im- week) (D-1,075: $3.60). An- (40lh .
Il was the same story here with tickets available.
proved last week with $5,500 the other good thing that won better 'HOUSE' $6,700, PHILLY "Oklahoma!"/ Day tickets went on The National will be air-cooled
count: disappointment so far. grosses; and count topped $10,000. sale at b.o. for Theatre Guild musi- this summer, with the War Produc-
"Firebrand of. Florence," Alvin "The Glass Menagerie," Playhouse Philadelphia. April 10. cal smash, which opened three-week tion Board releasing materials for
(3d week) (M-1,357; $6). Business tlsl week) (CD-1,865: $4.20). Newest Easter Week didn't bring the big engagement at Nixon last night the installation. This means that
way under expectations; last week surefire -'hit: capacity all perform' biz expected by many, but as a mat- (Monday), all that was left were a the house will be operated in July-
around $19,500: high scale may be ance.s: gross around $17,500. ter of strict record, following Mike couple of thousand $1.20 scats in the August.
deterrent: "Hollywood
. Pinafore" "The Hasty Heart," Hudson (14th Todd's decision not to bring "Mexi- second balcony. All the other paste-
mentioned for house next month. can Hayride" on tour, there wasn't boards had been, disposed of via mail
week) (D-1.094: $3.60). Didn't re
"Follow the Girls," 44th Street spond as well as expected last week, a great deal of variety in the holiday orders, and firstpractical-week was
Ballet Russe Record .

(52dweek) (M-1,462; $4.80). Bounced when pace topped $12,000. stage fare. "Student Prince," play- ly consumed, by subscription list.
back to big money last week, when - "The Overtons," Forrest (9th week) ing its 12th engagement here in Mail-order deluge was so great
$23,500 in Toronto
gross approached. $32,000. Philly. easily copped the week's that less than 15% of those who Toronto, April 10.
(CD-1.060: $3.60). Another show that honors with $17,600 in the first of Biggest gross in the history of bal-
"Foolish Notion" Beck (4th week) was in on the Easter Week upward wrote in for ducats got them.
(CD-1.214; $4.20). One of the sea- surge; around $10,000, .with those two stanzas at the Forrest; operetta Show will do capacity $115,000 let in Toronto was chalked up last
son's better shows, getting excellent is. almost certain to beat that mark here on engagement. $40,000 for each week at the Royal Alexandra here
two-for-ones a factor. by a couple of grand, maybe even when "Ballet Russe de Monte Carlo"
money despite critics; $21,000. 1
"The Voice of the Turtle," Morosco ot the second two weeks and around
"Harvey," 48th Street (23d week) more, this week-. $35,000 for the first on account of re- did a terrific $23,500 on second week
(61st week) (C-980; $4.20). Swell
(C-923; $4,20). Played nine times Week's other two openings drew ductions to season ticket holders. of troupe's engagement. Scaled at a
tliree-per.«on play getting, great tepid notices and reacted at their
last week, rabbit comedy getting very, light $3 top, 1,525-seater did
money, going up to $20,500.
$20,800: what a cleanup! respective boxofflces accordingly. turn'away business all week after an
"Up In Central Park," Century First-string crix went to "I'll Be
"Hats Off to lee," Center (42d
week) (R-2.044; $1.98). With a (10th week) (0-1,713; $6). Less than Waiting." tryout al the Walriut after $29,000, 'Harriet' SR0 advance sale of close to $15,000.
Gross for the fortnight's engage- .

matinee daily the gross more than three months and out on the clear a short break-in down in Wilming-
went over the $49,000. which outdis-
men! totaled ah amazing $39,500.
doubled: topped $40,000; likely to go ton. The general concensus was 'Bfockoots' $14,800, LJL
off after this month with new edi- tances all contenders. n.s.g. and the show was lucky to get
tion in June: San Carlo opera slated REVIVALS its $6,000 .on the week. Nice cast Los Angeles,. April 10.
Shows in Rehearsal
May 9. "The Barretts of Wlmpole Street." was credited with that. Second- "Harriet" wound up its three-week
"Hope for the Best," Fulton (9th Barry more (2d week) (D-1.900 stringers went to James B. Cassidy's stand at the Biltmore Saturday with "Carmen Jones" (road) — Billy
week) (C-940; $4.20). Spurted and $3.60). They are sure going for Kit revival of Ibsen's "Doll's House" at another $29,000 SRO week and a Rose.
went to $13,000: best money since Cornell and her most romantic ap
starting weeks. pcarance; skied to $22,500.
the Locust and they were equally total haul of $87,000 for the run.
lacking in cordiality. However, Biltmore picked up Katherine Dun-
"Memphis Bound" — John Wild-
berg, Vinton Freedley.
Remember Mama," Music Box "The Tempest," Broadway (lHh there were some real marquee ham's "Tropical Revue" for an eight-
(25th week) (CD-979; $4.20). Among week) (D-l, 900: $3.60).
. Somewhat names here and local Ibsen fans day session on Sunday night. An-
"The Hollywood Pinafore"
— Max
elite of the season's productions and better, but $15,000 isn't real coin in wanted to see the production with a other bow-out for the stanza was Gordon.
sells out all performances; went big house. resultant $6,700. There were some "Maid in the Ozarks," which floun- "Devils Galore"—John" Clein..
even higher than usual; $22,500 rumors late last week that Cassidy
was going to cancel second session,
dered badly with
drop to about Ground" Edward a —
"It's a Gift." National (4th week) $4,200 on the 26th and blackout Choate.
(CD-1.164; $4.20). Bargain ticket* but it's all set and looks about equal
. ground $4,000; little chance
OTHELLO' PEAK $24,500 to first week.
week. Show's run at the Belasco
"Chicken Every Sun- was good for $229,900 overall.
"Too Hot For Manenveis"—Jimmy
indicated for this one. day," originally skedded for only a Elliott.
Ken Murray's "Blackouts of 1945"
"^'?* „* nd XeJl" Bijou (107lh
week) (C-614: $3.60). Unpredictable

IN FINAL FRiSCO WEEK single week, completed a three

weeks' stay at the Shubert with a did usual capacity $14,800 for its
San Francisco. April 10. very tepid $5,800. 145th week at El Capitan. "Honey
Final week of -Theatre Cuild's
"Othello." starring Paul Robeson,
in the
for 15th
Hay" carried off aother $2,800
week at the Musart. Paul
opened his all-sepia revue,
reached a peak. figure of $24,500, with 'Wind' Weak $10^000 Tko beckon of roadway tbowt.
YOUR PLAY capacity houses Holding up consist-

ently in the 1,500-seat S3.60-top Geary

"Rhapsody in Rhythm." at the
Mayan^ to mixed notices Friday. Nomm. adoVtssMt niMts rboy —
lavottod la pravtow ptay*. Tfco first
Week at Pittsburgh conplvra MtMrch In rhls fitkk

Adjoining Curran theatre TTar
save for travelog lectures.'
*f '
Not much Interest here last week

Current Road Shows MttAMMoM* to proa *m


in "The Searching Wind." and Lil- (Period Cowering April 9-21) $25 Per Volum*
New pitlviH.rd ulutc pror«M permits
"Othello" Colo. SBO lian Hellman drama wound up with Blackstone —
Parkway, Madison
xnmll cillrlons of !M
to 500 «opl«»,
weak $10,000 at $3.60 top. Although (11-12). Mem. Aud., Louisville (15-
beuiillfnlly cloth bound, at extremely Denver, April 10. show wasn't a regular subscription 16); Coliseum, Evarisville (17-18);
128 Watt 4Mf Slraat. Now York 1«
low prlre per ropy. The type It
iMtrmunrut ; luter edition* cost even Paul Robc-on in "Othello." appear- play, it was offered to subscribers al Hartman, Columbus (19-21).
lens. Tills prorriw Includes the use or ing in Denver and Boulder. Colo., the season-ticket reductions, but few "Blithe Spirit—Shubert-Lafayette,
halftones Hnd line cots. Write for under the A. M. Oberfelder banner, on the list took advantage of the Detroit (9-21).
free booklet. "HOW TO OKI YOI H smashed all records in both cities. In chance to pick up a "bargain."
HOOK IN PKINT." Boulder, college, town near Denver, Park, Youngs-
Oh the whole. "Wind" got better town (9-10): Mishler. Altoona (11);
the 2.600-seat auditorium was sold notices than it did in New York, with-
THE HOBSON BOOK PRESS out to a $5,100 net— $6,200 with tax. only one pan. Other two were
Rajah. Reading (12); Playhouse, Wil-

S2 Vonderbllt Avoim
In Denver the show appeared in the
.1,271 -seal municipal auditorium, and
pretty close to being raves, Opening
was about $1,100 and every per-
(13-14); Shubert, Philly
—Mutical Comedy
. .

NEW YORK 17. N. Y. in three nights and a matinee. broke formance down the stretch stuck "Carousel" —Colonial, Bosl. (9^14), Dramatic or
Wan Great" — Stude-

all records wilht $22,000 net— $26,500 around that figure. "Catherine Show

tax paid. Every performance in

baker, Chi. (9-14); Cass, Detroit. (15- (ict In Touch Wlib
both cities were sellouts.
SUMMER THEATMS Bergner-'Carrolls'
21). Al WILSON
"Common Ground"—Shubert, New
A Directory* for Aetor »- D!
San Carlo Opera 12G Hefty £18,800, Balto Haven (19-21). Eddi* Smith Agcy. Kg? TV.
rectors, and; ' "Dear Both"— Cass, Detroit (9-
theatre Operators. What Baltimore, April 10.
Telli The- In 5 at Kansas City There was magic in the name of
14); Harris, Chi. (15*21).
Are Occupied or Unoccupied,
atres '
"Devils Galore"— Play houie,
Kansas City, April 10. Elisabeth Bergner in "The Two Mrs. Wil-
What Producers Are- Now or Soon Five performances by the San mington (20-21).
Catting, Types of Shows, Plays to Carlo Opera Co. in the Music Hall of
Carrolls" at Ford's here last wee/:
when a robust $18,800 was at traded boll's House"—Locust St., Philly SAMUEL FRENCH
Bo Produced, Etc. 50b the Municipal Auditorium here end- to the b.o. in spite of lukewarm re- (9-14); Wilbur, Boston (16-21). SINCE IS30
ing last Saturday (7) grossed an es- ception of the play by local crix.
I LEO SHULL iditer timated $12,000.
Gilbert & Sullivan—Metro. Seattle Play Broken and
"Winged Victory": is on tap cur- (9-14); Temple, Tacoma (16); Capi-
12t W. 48lfc St., Now York City > The 2,572-seal house was scaled .to rently with a. sellout chalked up Authors' Representatives
Yakima (17); Bismarck Aud., New Vork
PakiHM fey ACTORS CUES $3 for four night shows, and to $2.50
for a single matinee.
well in advance. Relurn of "The
Student Prince" set to follow.,.

(Continued on page 47), •

td Wast «!»>
frost lib Mroet,
h— Ansela
- . .

Wednesday, April 11, 1943 P^RfETf LEGITIMATE 45

Bamberger Gives Up
'Menagerie a Three-Ring Circus; Bucks Playhouse, Phllly Defamation Suit' Vs. Moss Would
Theron Bamberger, who dlreeted
the Bucks County Playhouse In
B.O. Hit With Managerial Headaches Philadelphia the past three summers,
Stop Indiscriminate Ticket Beefs
and at New Hope, two sea-
Pa., the
A hit with -a headache— that's the years ago and is now getting more sons 4- Angered by are alleged to
than- $1,000 per week in "Menagerie"
previous, will not resume his

ironic classification of Broadway's slock season in
be phoney complaint^; made to Paul
oyalties, L. A. Lite Opera Sets.
Although his writing tal- Moss, the N- Y. license commission-
Quaker city this J

"The Glass
was previously recognized and summer, preferring to wait until
latest legit success,
ent at least one ticket broker: plans
Menagerie" at the Playhouse. There's rewarded in some measure, Williams after the war to return to his orig-
Advance Sales Mark er,.

to sue 'for damages on the ground

inal Bucks County spot.
nothing wrong backstage, where Ed- had an assortment of jobs before Los Angeles, April 10. of defamation of character. The idea
Menagerie." Reason given is Increased ex- Los Angeles Civic Light Opera was okayed by an attorney familiar
die Dowling co-produced arid Btaged The Jobs: bellhop,
penses. handyman," elevator operator, tele- Last Summer's operating Assn. reports advance mail orders
doubtlessly his outstanding with 'agency: matters, he expressing
what is
typist, waiter and reciter of verse costs at the Beilevue-Slratford ho- amounting to $105,000. in less than the. opinion that such retaliatory
click, in which- he is co-starring with
in a Greenwich Village eatery. where the Playhouse performed,
tel, one week for its 1945 seasbn, high-

were 20% up over, the 'previous sea- measures could stop indiscriminate
Lauretle Taylor. It's the managerial est in the history pfThe group. squawks to Moss or Mayor LaGuar-
son, with prospects no. better for this Only customers were
the snags. Louis solicited last '.-:':
end that figures in year. Although. Bamberger didn't year's guarantors and Subscribers,

Dowling's producing part-
Sijiger, AT AM INSURANCE PLAN lose money last summer iri his op- numbering 4,200.
Recent case in point had Moss
Boxof flee; sale for summoning
a broker to his office Tor
ner, been getting into •very-
has eration, he only broke even up to Individual performances open April
questioning; after getting a letter
body's- hair and it all started in Chi- DUE FOR BIG CHANGES the last and eleventh week, when
the Monty Wpolley production of
23. '
from a woman who said she wanted
cago, where the play tried, out. A meeting of the press agents "The Man Who Came to Dinner" put to buy tickets for a hit and was told
by a clerk the price would be $12.50
The battle in the front of the house chapter of the Assn. of Theatrical
Agents and Managers last week re-
him in the black. 'ROSALINDA' CO. TO GO each. Indications were that no sale
is mostly between
Singer and Harry Meantime, Bamberger will operate
vealed that the group insurance plan to her was made or attempted but
Fromkes, who bought the theatre recently accepted will be radically
a six-week spring stock season at OVERSEAS FOR USO the commissioner quizzed the broker
Bridgeport, Conn opening at the
from William. A- Brady last year, but changed. Reason is that the annual ,
The louring company of "Rosa- | and one of the clerks, which meant
Klein Memorial Auditorium April 24 they were absent from the office for
there' are others involved. Singer premiums would be too high accord- linda," which recently 'closed; -on the

with Rachel Crdthcrs' "Susan' and more than two hours.

having refused to ing to the age data compiled. road, is being taken oyer; as a unit
will be recalled -as God," starring Ilka Chase!
Average age of ATAM-ers is 44 by USO-Camp Shows for overseas. Credibility of at least a percent-
let J. J. Shubert see "Menagerie'' Troupe will number 35 people for age of complaints is questioned by
years, much higher than anticipated,
on the curt when it played the. Civic,
and the cost of approximately $19 one of Camp Shows' largest units.' brokers, they contend that any per-
Chicago. Both Singer and Fromkes for- each $1,000. policy was under- CHORUS EQUITY GROUP Everett West and Ralph Herbert, son can write the commissioner 'and .

are new to show biz. Singer raised estimated. Original plan called for of the original Broadway company- got attention from him whether they
some eyebrows in Chi. where he said the union to pay $5 on each policy are slated for leads, with Lorraine were overcharged or not. Some

he'd "rewrite" show business. ATAM now Is considering han- Bridges and Margaret Ray in feniinc agency people say that disgruntled
Alex Yokel is materially involved, dling the Insurance Itself, death
A group, within Chorus Equity is roles. Josef Batt, who directed on would-be patrons may complain be-


being general and company manager seeking pay in excess of demands Broad.way, will conduct. Larry Bo I- cause the broker docs not have tick-
benefit to be $500 per member:
reported sought by the union after

"Menagerie"— that is, in theory: ton will be stage director. els for the shows they desire to at-
«t. Largest number of membership obits |

the recent general meeting of the Camp Shows will also produce an- tend. The season's flock of capacity
. Singer allegedly is trying to domi- in one year since the union was .

nate all around. Yokel brought ensemble section of Equity. They other. "Dear Ruth" legiter, (list one hits brought about the theatre surge
formed was 14, the lowest being
Dowling and Singer together, the seek rehearsal pay of $30 weekly in headed by Dorothy McGwire beijig and the skied demand for tickets.
three. Figured that if each member
latter financing the production, for
addition to overtime during the final set to go: "Ten Little Indians" also Moss- and the mayor thought they
pays $20 for the ATAM Insurance, a
which he has 75% of the show. It week of rehearsals for musicals. Be- now in tiyout stage. In works are could fix up the supply and demand
fund of $10,000 would be raised an-
was agreed that for his participation fore the demands are formulated "What a Life."' "'Three Men on: a situation early in the winter by
nually, more than, sufficient to be
Yokel was to receive 5% vof Dowl- another session of the chorines will Horse" and "Here Today." keeping' hit. tickets out. of the agen-

self-sustaining. Those in favor of

ing's 25% interest and the same share
be necessary before, the increased There's been some misapprehen- cies! That caused such a 'commotion
the new plan say that a lower annual
of Singer's. Dowljng delivered, and insurance premium Is possible or
compensation ideas would be consid- sion about interviews being held at among managers that the mayor
not until this week did Singer ered by Equity's council, controlling Camp Shows' 39th street N.. Y.) cancelled the order.

that the amount of death benefit

finally come across. He also shook body of both groups. Workshop. General call for talent is There are showmen who don't
should be raised. A considerable

If the chorus branch goes through for'professlonals. with an ambitious think any of the ticket brokers is
hands with Fromkes who has" his percentage of ATAMers. is compara-
fingers crossed.
.with its agenda for higher rehearsal legit program skedded. Camp Shows "lily-white," but the agency people
tively youthful but there-are plenty
When the show was in. Chi the pay plus lifted minimums, Equity isn't seeking amateur talents^ haye their side of the argument, too.
of oldlimers. especially among road
-billing created Yokel with having membership is logically slated to They complain they are liable to
agents and managers.
supervised the production, but such seek higher, levels. Rehearsal pay of double jeopardy whenever charged
$20 weekly applies to both Equity
Harry Green Luring with violations. If found to have
credit. is now out, al Singer's order
Yokel graduated from press agen and the chorus. Minimum pay for Coast Talent to B'way breached the legit code rules and
try to successful managerial status
Pasadena Skeds Eight legiters is $57.50 and for chorus In
Hollywood, April 10. to have been disciplined by the code
some seasons ago by presenting New York, $40.
Harry Green, associated with Jack enforcement board. Moss thereupon
"Three Men on a Horse," also at. the Plays for Strawhat Pearl and Milton Berle in a legit demands the records and either
Playhouse. Pasadena, April 10. production deal, is in town to round takes them into court or suspends
Singer Barred From B.O. Eleventh annual Midsummer
1st Come, 1st Served up talent for three shows they, will their licenses.

stage on Broadway. There appears to- be two sets of

When settlement time arrived for Drama Festival of the Pasadena For ZaSu in Pittsburgh checker-uppers on the agencies, .one
Community Playhouse will open Trio starts off with "Queen of the
the first full N. Y. week of "Men

Pittsburgh, April 10. hired by the code people, the other

June 26, with "Tomorrow and To- South," authored by Edward Childs
agerie," the goings-on may have been ZaSu Pitts' official opening in being the license department. 6tarT,
Carpenter, followed by "The Spirit

humorous to .anybody but the par- morrow" as the first offering. "Ramshackle Inn" at the Nixon Won't
is Willing," written by J: Francis plus city detectives. Though brokers
ticipants, all of whom were thor- Other plays on the program are: be until Tuesday night, May 1, since are aware that they are under scru-
Jones, and 'The American Plan," a
oughly steamed up. By then Singer "Golden.Boy," July 3-8; "The Petri- the regular Monday performance has tiny in two directions, some take
rhad been barred from the boxofftce fied Forest,'' July 10-15; "No Time been
comedy by Green and Pearl.
sold Out completely to the. chances by charging- high prices to

and he's said to have subsequently for Comedy," July' 17-2?: "Mary of Westihghouse Clerks Assn. Organi- avid playgoers who insist on seeing
demanded that somebody send -word , Scotland," July 24-28; "The Chil- zation is permitting critics, however, A. P. Waxman's
Revue show-: regardless of the asking price,
upstairs to the' theatre's office that dren's Hour," July 81-Aug. 5; "Coun- to. catch the show then. A.. P. Waxman planning a "dance —and not loo frequently they are

he was going to punch Fromkes in sellor at Law," Aug. 7-12, and Westinghouse is peddling every revue' by Tom B; Johnstone, tilled caught. 1

the nose. Eventually Singer vamped "Mourning Becomes Electra," Aug. seat. In the house, regardless of lo- "May and December." .

without getting the settlement check, 14-19. cation, for $1.50. plus 30c. tax, and , Is ..interested in The Hartmans,
which ordinarily would go to Yokel
as company executive. But it seems 'Shoes' Preems Ciitrate
it's being run like a movie, with currently doubling between the Ho- Shuberts, Chi
first come, first served. tel Plaza and Roxy theatre, N. Y.
Civic H. O
that Yokel has no bank account for To Sponsor Operettas
the show, that assertedly being one At Grieff, Union City Chicago, April 10.
of Singer's "new" ideas contributed Supposedly with a non-Equity Shuberts and the Civic Opera
to. Broadway. cast, "Old Shoes" was due on the House management will again jointly
Last fair Fromkes was inclined to boards of a Onion Gity, N. J., house :
Inside Stuff-Legit sponsor a season of summer operetta
of the Playhouse or lease
dispose called the Grieff theatre on Tuesday at the Opera House in a deal set here
It after the theatre had a couple (10) night. Esta Borden got star Harry Fromkes. owner of the Playhouse, N. Y., credits the "Variety" last week by J. J.' Shubert' and J. C.
of flops. Singer had a pjece of some- billing withMurray Brown featured. notice on "The Glass Menagerie" for his securing the new hit for the Thompson, representing the Opera
thing called "Bonanza, which lasted '
Show Is described as a "gripping theatre. When the play opened in Chicago, it was covered by Mike (Mike House interests, with project getting
. .briefly in Pittsburgh, then disap social, comedy drama with music," Connolly), review -appearing in "Variety's" 39th Anniversary issue last underway May 10. Opening show,
^peared. Before the fiasco Singer Brown being the author, while Por- Jan. 3. Same day the edition appeared on the stands, Fromkes trained not yet set, is dependent on avail-
wanted to rent the theatre but ter Grainger supplied the score. to Chicago. After seeing a performance he decided to book "Menagerie" able talent, with possibility that sea-
couldn't come to terms with Those back of the show took no arid to reject an offer to purchase the Playhouse, In addition to a 52-weck son will lee off with "Cyrano de
Fromkes. After "Menagerie" opened chances on having an empty first rental deal. Bergerac.'' •

in January, the latter sped to Ch 'Night, so distributed slips, which, Last year's season, which lasted 12
Some weeks ago it was reported from Chicago that Eddie Dowling was
and booked the show into the Play- with 80 cents, entitled bearer to an to be dispossessed from his offices in the St. James (N. Y.) theatre build- weeks, chalked up total grosses In

--house. After/that the two new show orchestra seat. Slips were called u ing, property being owned, by the Shuberts, but the actor says the Item excess of $200,000. Tickets this sum-
men started playing financial check- "window privilege." was incorrect. It was presumed that such action was taken at the in- mer will be scaled from $1.20 to $3.
srs with each other. Finally agreed stance of J. J. Shubert because he was denied cuffo courtesies to see
. that the play should open in New Jubilee' St. L. Teeoff "Menagerie," by Louis J. Singer, Dowling's partner.
York on March 31 but' Singer' had It seems that Ray Whitlak'er of the Shubert. off ice had written Dowling
•the right to bring it. in arty 'Vme. ,
St. Louis, April 10.
fLi^ej atJ)U|W bim, to please find other office space as his.quar-
Awan Retops Bible Play
e'SrTPafitef werV needed for the firm's additional clerical" work. Hollywood, April40> - -

dark, Fromkes asked Singer to make bowling stressed his close association with the Shuberts, especially Lee
Adrian Awan
returns as executive
of the Municipal Theatre Assn. spon-

tbs premiere dale definite so that Actor-producer has had the same qtiarters for more than 10 producer of the Pilgrimage Play,
sor of al fresco entertainment in the Shubert.
"It's .a Gift" Cno.w at the National); James, outdoor religious drama, which will
10,000-seat Forest/ Park playhouse years, amoving there when the late Boris Said operated the St'.'
could oome into the Playhouse, for open its 19th season -here in July.
June 7. Sked also includes "Now formerly called the Erlanger.
Pilgrimage Bowl in the Hollywood
two weeks. Singer agreed provided

Moon," "Cat and the Fiddle," "Ro- hills has been improved since last
Fromkes pay him $2,000, which was berta," "The O'Brien Girl," "The
N Y. World-Telegram last Wednesday (.4) had a Carol Taylor-bylincd year
done. While this was going on, it's through a. $40,000 appropriation
Fortune Teller," "Bitter Sweet," story on Antoinette Perry called "Lady Dynamo." Yarn detailed Miss by Los Angeles County.
alleged that Singer tried to spot

"Firefly." "Mme. Pompadour," "Three Perry's activities In' the theatre and out, plus her secretarial' duties -with Following, its summer run here,
"Menagerie" -into another Broadway Musketeers," "Sari," and "Pink the American Theatre Wing, which takes in the flock of Stage Door Can-
the play will make a tour of key

house and applied to the United 4teens. It's a Wing function to supply the original financing of those cities, its first showing on the

Lady:" road.
Booking Office.
. Booker there be- soldier-sailor oases. •
; ;
came suspicious of Singer's "tactics" Miss Perry, though born arid raised in Denver, Is quoted by Miss Taylor
» and refused to entertain the Idea, Nugent'. Delay I could just sit down and pat the Duncan'* S. A. Concerts
as .saying: "New- York is my town.
being aware of the Playhouse con- Elliott Nugent, now starring Tn
curbstone of it;" Since the' story appeared friends have been calling her Todd Duncan,. Negro baritone, who
, Singer assertedly. planned to the Broadway hit, "Voice of the the Wing's champ curbstone-patter. created the role of "Porgy," leaves

skip that little document entirely. Turtle," was slated to go overseas

Miss Perry staged "Harvey," 48th Street, and with Brock Pemberton, for South America April 14 to in-
Tennessee Williams, who wrote June iVfor USO-Camp Shows as
\ [.
who presents it; owns the major share of the hit. Same combo put across augurate a new concert plan there. ..
v "Menagerie," got himself some pub- lead in his own comedy, "The Male some seasons ago. That show started Preston Beginning with a concert on April
"Strictly Dishonorable"
Ncily last week when, in an inter Animal," wheV a personal matter 18 in Guatemala City, Duncan will
Sturges on his way to the top.
'view, he squawked about taxes, say- nixed the deal.
spend eight weeks, touring through-
Ing that the "tax situation is pretty Actor, however, plans to fill the
A. J Clarke, planning to produce a modernized musical .veVsioh of Carlo out South and Central America arid

Unfair to playwrights" because "in assignment some time,in late sum-

and Sanders' 1923 musical "Elsie," isn't to modernize the book as erra- Mexico, singing to the first subscrip-
.. one year they are taxed for some- mer or fall.
tumed. Carlo and Sanders who, together with Sissle and Blake, furnished tion audiences ever organized in
.; -thing that may represent as much as
original numbers, will be more or less responsible for the modernization, Latin America by a U. S. concert
Jve years' work, besides which they Gus Seblrmer, Jr., will open a .10-
contributing 50'.;; of the score, using only, a few of the old nurribcrs Horn bui-c.-ui— Columbia Concerts, I*c.
nave to live on the money for an- wceJc summer stock season at the
'the original production and adding new modern numbers. The new title. His program will include several
other five years." Strand theatre, Stamford, starting
"One Day In May," is theirs, taken from one of their numbers from the of his numbers from "Porgy and

Williams got $17 weekly as an June 4, for his second season sit the jBess,'!.. --
'-'Usher at the .Strand, N. forrner show.
several Coririectlcut spot.'
46 Wednesday, April 11, 1915

various niteries as manager, door- to be renamed the United Nations

man and waiter during his lifetime, theatre during the Conference.

Julian Wrljht,
died in
52. composer of- pop
London, April 5.
Schedule of screenings will be In
charge of an industry committee
composed of Claude Lee and Fay
Reedcr, Who will be in San' Francis-
Ringling Circus
Continued from page

Clark, Lizzie Hahnaford's attractive


Among his best remembered num-

co; Jason Joy and- Charles Einfeld, kid, whose bareback exhibition
bers ate "1 Belong To You" and "All ij
GEORGE H. NICOLAI Tor the late H. H. Fra/.ee and also in Hollywood, and Howard Dietz, classy.; Equestrienne strength al
By Yourself in the Moonlight:" the
George H. Nicolui. '80. fornier Comstock * Gi'sl. In' recent years

Arthur DeBra aiid Glen Allvine. in start is also emphasized by t|

executive. secretary., of -the Producing he was rarely in the Times Square i
N. Y. Loyal-Repensky family, crack riders
Managers Association, died in Palm district. Mr«. Frances Smith,, 58. mother of In addition there will be a Con- Moved up early, too, are Tiebor s sea
Beach. Fla.. April 4. He had retired Charlie Murray.' Jr.. and former con- ference theatre for showing docu- lions, with Clown Emmcit Kelly
from sItow business' in 1938 and had. "DAVID IIKLLMAN cert pianist: died April 2 in Holly- mentary films. This theatre will
be pleading for bits of fish, too. In. the
lived in Florida. since then. Al lime Di-.vid llellma.n. 59. Chicago thea-
wood. available upon application to the first aerial display; the Erwingos
of retirement 'he was manager or the li e operator and 'exchange official
Mini officer of the secretariat for ! stand- out, Cora Davis being the only theatre .in N. Y.. since 19H. died in that city. March
i Mrs, Julia Kugels, mother of the the showing of pictures from all. single trap act;
Nicolai spent. the early part of his" 31. Part owner with his brother. late Jeanne Easels, actress, died governments represented' at the Horses, horses, horses— and more
life in Milwaukee, where he met F.. Maurice. United Arlisls salesman, April 5 in, Beverly Hills, Calif. Bur- Conference.
horses. Most attractive of the girl
D. Stair and both engaged in handling/ of the Erie theatre! he later, took ial will be iti 'Kansas City, Mo. Barney Baluban, Par prexy, is ex- riders is blonde Kitty Clark, a sturdy ;

legit bookings. When Stair com- over Lyicla. theatre. He also was ecutive chairman of the committee girl who works in a number, of turns,
bined with John Havlin and moved

treasurer for Filin Ex- Daughter of Walter Brianl, of the co-operating 'with the Government. including the chariot race. Bobbie
offices to New York, he became gen- changes, which had^offices here and Briaiils. a- vaude act. died in New Howard Diet/., Metro v.p. in charge Mead'or. is another rider who attracts
eralmanager of the Stair & Havlin. in Indianapolis. St. Louis and Mil-
York. April .3. of advertising - exploitation - public- attention. The display is topped off
which booked pop-priced legit at- waukee, retiring from picture busi- ity. chairman of the planning
is by William Heyer, astride the steji-
tractions into some 80. theatres ness in 1934. committee. ping spade-ace black equine "Star-
throughput the country. The cir- Survived by his. wife. two sons,, MARRIAGES Film industry plans for coopera- less Nite." That sure is some nag,
cuit prospered for years but finally daughter. -brother aiid four sisters.
Mrs; Cleo M. Black to Niles Tram- tion with the Government at the the routine being flnaled with pace-
gave way to motion pictures. mcil. Quecnstown. Md., April 7. Conference were submitted lb Stet- stepping to the tune of. Irving Ber-
After the collapse of the pop- HARRY RUSSELL HOFTON Groom is pre/, of National Broadcast- tinius last Friday (6) in Washing- lin's "This Is the Army, Mr. Jones."
priced circuit, Nicolai remained in Harry Russell Hoplbn, 45.' Mm. " ton by the War Activities Commit-
ing Co. _ : Aboiit this time the laughable Kelly
was found dead by his wife.

New York and did some legit pro- actor

Barbara Brition and Dr. E. J. tee. fences himself to with a tiny picket

ducing on his own. When the Marjory, in Hollywood the night of

C/.ukor. Glendalc. Cal., April 2. Bride gadget. Absent from the riding con-
was formed in 1917, he became April 7. .Apparently he was the vic- is actress; groom is her
a" screen ' tingent is Ella Bradiia for the first
business- manager. time since B.BB combined. She's re-
Katharine Aineche to James Breen, Jimcrow tired.
Los Angeles. April 7. Bride is a Continued from pj«e 1 Deems Taylor, has
IN MEMORIAM written three
sister of Don Ameche: groom, now in
way about him. The picture presents special numbers for the show, and
GAIRIEL L. HESS the Army, is a son of Joseph Breen, too much racial mixture. We don't at the debut conducted Merle Evans 1

of the Hays office. have any trouble down here with band for the spec,; which closes for
APRIL H. 1*40 Fern Barry to Donald E. Hill. race problems, and we hope we don't intermission.
"Alice ". Procession is
Hollywood, April 1. Bride is screen have any. I regard this /picture's in Wonderland," and regardless of
actress. treatment of Rochester as inimical the fact that the mythical characters
; Long to Harold L. Taylor, to public welfare."

are supposed to fascinate just kids,

executive secretary and remained tim of an overdose of sleeping Las Vegas. April 2.-Bride is an orch
In other words. Bin ford would they haven't got' an exclusive on that
- ,

until the organization was disbanded. tablets. vocalist:

have little objection if Rochester or type of unusual procession. It's adult
He was also a forfqer trustee of the Hopton went into pictures in 1930 Winnie Day to Ralph Gilbert, Hol- any other Negro were shown in a fave. too. In the parade is a shiny
Actors Fund, and a member of The after a stage career. He. appeared .in lywood. April 6. .Bride i» researcher ,

"mixed" picture as the good natured. calliope, which a guy played, but it
Lambs. •'College Lovers.'' "Call of. the Flesh" and groom on production staff of
fool -getting/ kicked around, but a was drowned out by the band.
Survived by widow. and "The Criminal Code." Warners; film giving a Negro an "imporant While the razorbacks dismantle the
" Audrey. Swanson to Ensign Wm, role" .offends Binford's sensibilities. cage for the animal act. which opens
PERCY MOORE JEROME LOUCHHEIM Remick. New York. March 31, Bride This is the first instance in years, the second part, the Wallendas are
is. a member of Phil Spilalny's. All-
Percy Moore. 67, veteran actor, Jerome Louchheim, 71, Philadel- .here. _oJ the banning- of a picture in on. It's the combined high-wire
died April 8 in N. Y. He had played phia contractor, who once was re- Girl orch: groom was legit ancTradid toto for racial reasons, although the act. there being six in the turn, three
in many legit productions and had putedly .the largest stockholder in actor before enlisting in Navy. board has been very zealous of late being girls, Helen, the pretty on»,
been executive secretary of the Columbia Broadcasting System, died Norma Helen Moray to Sgt. Har- in cutting Negro scenes from a lot still being in action. The elephants
Episcopal Actors Guild since 1927. :'last week in Philadelphia. He was a
vey Du Paul; New York. April 6. of pictures. That tendency has been follow, and while it is virtually un-
Bride is daughter of Norman H; Mo-
Making his first stage appearance major stockholder jn CBS when it Warners
on the increase since the war started. changed the routine is snapped up.
ray, sales manager for
in Montreal in a stock company, he was organized in 1927, but a year Entertainers like Cab Calloway and The liberty horse display was
shorts dept. Lena Home have been sliced out of skipped on the first night because of
went with E. H. Sothern's repertory later sold most of his holdings to
Vivian Zak to Michael Sage, in
organization which was one of his William S. Paley. now company pix, although VCabin in the Sky" the late hour. Those billed: Roland
Chicago, April 9. She's with WOR,

first big show business ventures. He president. At one time a director of was allowed to. run In downtown Simpson, Tagadore Hilding and Gor-'
N. Y.: he's Paramount film player.
also played in several Shaw produc- the corporation, Louchheim resigned houses. don Orion.
Helen Fingeret to 1st Lieut. The board's ruling is now clear
tions with Arnold Paly. '.-Later about three years ago. Lalage is again a solo acrialisl. a
Charles. (Dink) Freeman, Jr.. in Dal- There will be no "mixed" pictures blonde looker with plenty of stuff up
Moore appeared in "The Traveling Survived by a son, Capt. Henry
las. Groom is son of Interstate The- anywhere in town, but there will be there. Flying acts are just fair, the
Salesman," "Cat and Canary," "The Louchheim, of the Army Special
atres (Texas) exec: bride non-pro. no objection to showing films with Clarkonian Claytons and the Royals
Dummy," "Adam: and Eva," "The Service Division,, stationed in N. Y. .

Brat," "Jonesy," "Shannons of all-Negro casts in houses catering to being salvaged from other such
SERVER LEON Negroes only. Working in the middle dur-
Broadway," "C i n d e r e 1 1 a Man,"
"Maggie Pepper," "Arabian Nightr
H. BIRTHS turns.
Incidentally, just before "Brew- ing that display are Victoria and
owner with his H. Server Leon.
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Hechtlingcr, 48.
ster's Millions" got
mare," "Young Sinners." "A Lucky brother, C. D. Leon of the Leon the nix, the Torrence. a thrill act close to the
daughter, Los Angeles, April 5. Board also banned "Life of John rafters. The Kirhris are back again
Break." "Scotch Mist" and "Man theatre circuit in Texas,, died in -

Father was in publicity al 20th.-Fox

Who Came to Dinner." Dallas. March 30. He had operated before joining Navy.
Dil.linger," but that veto apparently with their revolving silver airplane,
A former recording secretary for theatres in Amarjllo, El' Paso, had nothing to do with the so-called also at the top of the Garden, next
Mr. and Mi's. Hugh Harrison, .

the Lambs Club, he also was a mem- Brownsville and seven other Texas "race" angle. to closing.
daughter. Hollywood. April 3. Father Muriel Rahn'a Mixup
ber of its council and chairman of spots. There's a concentrated acrobatic
is with 20th-Fox Hackery. Charges of discrimination are be- display which includes the Yacopis,
Survived by widow, .a daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Frank. Allan, daugh- ing aired as result of attempt of best known of the groups. There,
four brothers and two. sisters. ter, St Louis. April 5. Father is an-
IN LOVING MtMORY OP OUR Muriel Rahii, Negro soprano, to sing too, is .theLin Tang Troupe, which
nouncer with KMOX
in that city.
in Los Angeles, attendant unpleas- was formerly the Nailto tight-wire
DEAR. FRIEND Mr. arid Mrs. Max Ehrlich. daugh-
AMIE ROGERS antness leading to cancelling of her act. The front somersaulting girl is
ter. New York. March 30. Father is
HAL HALPERIN Amerigo LaPaglia. pro-
fessionally as Arrtie Rogers, died in
49. known radio script writer:
Lt. (j.g.) and Mrs. Albert. Forbes,
appearance. Negotiations
opened between pick Campbell,
. out of the act, having gotten married
and joined up with the Russell Bros,
Buffalo last week. LaPaglia was a singer's husband and New York circus. There are two bar acts, the
Kattiryn and Alan Ceralli son. Los Angeles. April 8. Grand- manager, and L. E. Behymer, well-
vaudeville performer, formed' the
father is Ben Englander, Producers
Chambertys and Lopez Trio.' with
team of Corlelli & Rogers in 1919 known L. -A. manager, for Miss Adriana and Charley on the tram-
Corp. of-America veepee' Rahn's appearance this month, singer
the committee on admissions. He and toured many circuits including poline working in between. Actual
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Ford Martin, wanting a small hall for the purpose;
was a member of the Players direc- Loew'-s and Pantages for years. finale has the ensejnbles on the stage
son. Glendalc. Cal.. April 6. Father
torate and. chairman of the John Survived by widow and two and Behymer suggesting the Wil- in a routine fashioned by Paul Os-
is Monogram chief accountant.
Drew Fund. brothers. shire-Ebell theatre. card. It's called "Amazonia." girls
Mr. and Mrs. Ormond Ruthven. Last week Campbell,
Survived by widow and a sister.
son. Los Angeles'. April 8. Father is
who is also going through formations while the
coordiator of Negro talent at USO- chariot races are on. Clowns are
GEORGE FITZGERALD assistant to Al Lichlman. Metro vee-
NED EORIS Gamp Shows, received wire carrying working especially well this season.
George -Fitzgerald, 50: veteran pree._
Behymer's singature stating: "Sorry, Yen. they still do the flrchouse "by
Ned Edris, 5D, theatre owner and vaude- performer, died-in New York
_.Miv and Mrs. Fayard Nicholas.
.. E.bell theatre management will not demand."
operator of Tacoma. died April 3, March 30. ' son, Los Angeles;" April 5. Father '

permit colored entertainers from

in that city. He had returned re- Fitzgerald had been in vaude for is one of the Nicholas Brothers, now on
cently from a trip to Mexico, where Sorry report Ebell
. . .

more than 25 years in an act with vaude act.

change of front."
he contracted a severe cold. Edris Theatre Is used
partner known as Bigelow and Fitz-
was a Aim salesman before becom- gerald.
regularly for concerts, Negroes in- Metro's $200,000
cluded, and only last month offered
ing an exhibitor, first owning thea- ^m Continued from page 1 s^a
Josh White on a program with Libby
tres in Centralia and Chehalis.
Pix to Lay Off Holman. ported asking $150,000. John Day

21 yrmrn nj^ ^^t0^.pUji\Ltt^j^ :
* '•

Tacoma. and a few years ago con imy Snitzer. 19, son of Lou 8
iBililliiiic'v •

solidated his interests with the John Snitzer, Hollywood- agent, died in icy. "Sun" was to be preemcd at :
•Carmen in the Broa3w•ay*1eWfr HPanny 'Wlrzrnin-,' handling -tt* ,

action Miirch 22 while serving with S4;80 top under the sponsorship ot "Carmen Jones," has been concertiz- additional
Hamrick theatres there. Included payment based on book
the U. S. Army 6n the German the Press ing this season and is booked for a
in the string are the Blue Mouse; :
C'ub as the picture soled-: sales, which, it is estimated, .will net
front. Surviving are his parents; a .ed most appropriate 'for Coast, tour this spring. Ebell mana-
Music Box, Temple and Roxy. '
. the week Lewis approximately $200,000; In-,
Surviving are his widow and sister .aiid a brother. Ensign Lou gement has denied a discriminatory eluded in the deal are the film re-
a of the Conference. .....'
Snitzer, Jr., now in South Pacific. policy despite the Behymer wire,
brother. Only advertising on standard film make' rights for which/Metro would
citing the recent Josh White appear-
releases is to be used. 'in San Frartr forthcoming Gertrude Lawrence bl-
CLARENCE (BUD) COULTER CARL SCHLEGEL ance. Attendant wait and mixup og.
Cisco periodicals during the confab, "A Star Danced,'" is 'reported
caused Campbell to .cancel the L. A.
Clarence (Bud) Coulter. 58. one Carl Schlegel, 69. former baritone with no reference to the Conference, asking $350,000 plus 5% of the gross
of first -harmonica players in vaude- is understood. for the screen rights.
with the Metropolitan Opera, died it .

ville, died in Buffalo April 4. Start-

20 Colored I) SO Units
in Brooklyn. April 5. He bad been No Seal at the Table USO-Camp Shows has sent 20 Metro's deal for
ing as a dancer in New York about an
with the Met from. 1913 to 1927. While the much-discussed possi- Negro units overseas in the last two calls for payment of $150,000 plus
30 years ago; Coulter perfected the
years— for .lengthy tours, and it's pay an additional $50,000. Random

Upon. retiring from opera, he made bility of a scat at. the Conference
tParmonica for public entertainment ;

many concert tours throughout U. S. table for the motion picture indus- known that 'during this time only one House publishes tha book in the falL

and composed music for his own. acts. try, has. thus. far. failed to material-
Survived by daughter and son. story of discrimination has cropped

Metro's deal for Carl ''Sandburg**

During the first World War he ize. Ihe film industry is cooperating involved
presented service shows at Newport,
up. This was in Italy, when some; "American Cavalcade"
fully with the Dept. of Stalo along of $10,000 when the out-
R 1. His last stage appearance was CAPT. ROBERT SMITH officer asked the unit visitiqg a camp payment
lines outlined by- Stcllinius. to-eat in the 4cilchen instead of with line was first submitted with three
al Shears Buffalo theatre 10 years Capt. Robert Smith, 25, son of Scheduled lb 'start April- 25 are the GIs at mess. 'When the' unit subsequent payments of $30,000 each
ago. Arthur Smith., unit manager at daily Mm showings exclusively
for manager informally complained following. Sandburg, retains publics--
Metro, was -.killed -while piloting a i
official' delegates to the Conference, the Commanding Officer, the offehd- lion rights, and further payments
GEORGE ILLMENSEE combat plane over Hainan. China, the press,
the secretariat and others

ing officer' was promptly busted and by Metro are understood predicated

.../George Illniensee. 86. died in his according to word received by his holding ,

credentials. Balanced pro- disciplined for .90 days. fln book sales.
sleep at his home in the Bronx last father in Hollywood.
gram is planned, representing selec-

Returning Negro unils report no Under -the deal for Booth Tark-
Friday (6). He was an auditor and tions from the sludios of the coun- segregation of audience, whites and ington's "Josephine." Metro paid
puWic accountant who handled the Herman Eckstein, 65, known by. tries participating in the confabs, at colored silting together/ Sole com- the novelist $5,000 with subsequent
financial records of a number, of Loop hounds for years as "nighttime the Alcazar theatre, donated by plaint is that they don't get enough payments of $25,000 and $15,000 plus
Broadway- theatrical enterprises. mayor of Chicago," died in" Chi Charles Skouras, National Theatre: Negroes to play to, there .being so
First uptown assignments were April 4. Eckstein was employed by 20c for every copy of the book sold
prexy, for the purpose. The house is many more' whltei tt<6ops abroad; above a-'specifted figure.
Wednesday, April 11, 1945 47
at the Stadium Friday (13) and stays
until Sunday, May 6.

CHATTER Warner Bros, are angling to sign

Hildegarde, current at the Palmer
HOuse, for a role in "Night and Day,"
the film biog of Cole Porter.
David B, Wallerstein, Balaban &
Non-Profit Paper Plan
Katz district manager, has been
Pirlh Shephard, with whom pro- loaned to the 7th War Bond drive to Several mag publishers with lots Major Eugene Reynal (and Hitch-
co-ordinate theatre activities.
Broadway ducer is under contract.
Jack Hylton is holding Will Hay Jack Barnett, Fox-Movietone cam-
of new titles on their hands but no cock) out of the Army.
paper are reported contemplating Michael Sheridan sold "Modern
Paramount's Bob Schless slated for over at Victoria Palace for extra eraman and author of "I Shoot the
week, instead of three' weeks which Works" skedded for a dinner talk the adoption of some gimmick sim- Salome," a yarn about Yvonne do
Europe any clay.


at the Variety club, Friday (13). ilar to the one being used success- Carlo, to Collier's.
Mrs Paul Muni hospitalized at.Mt. original contract called for. Arthur
gallbladder op. Askey expected to replace him. Gene Krupa and his new sym- fully by the new reprint digest, This Edith Head's- new book on femme
Siuai following phonic orchestra booked for combi-
his 48th Frederick Carter, secretary to Month. fashions, "What Are You Going to
Bish Lenihan celebrated Associated Theatre Properties, in nation concert and dance program at
this week.
year in show business hospital as result of fracture sus- the Arena Sunday evening, April 22.
Latter* came out in March with a Wear?", will be published in Octo- ,

i-ouis Lotitd on job at the

Martintained in lorry accident. Expected Fred Waring makes first local ap- big splash published by Associated bcr
being, hospitalized for
B eck afier to be indisposed for several months. pearance in eight years when he di- for the Promotion of International Charles Lee, Philly Record book
week. Cicely Cburtneidge off to the rects' a choral of 5,000 voices at Sol-
Understanding, Inc., a non-profit or crick, to do monthly column for '

rora Gibbs recovered from pneu- Mediterranean area to entertain the dier Field Musical Festival this sum- ganizatibn in Canada, with some big Readers" Scope, beginning with May
box- forces for ENSA for six weeks, ac- mer.
monia and back in Broadhurst names on board. Backer is reported laSUC.
companied by Hartley Power. Lat- Louis LIpstone, former production
offlcc. /
„ to be Harry Donnenfeld, owner ot Bill Ornstein, Metro p.a., has two
in ter postponing his appearance, in manager of the Balaban & Katz
Good profile' on Jimmy Walker; .

Action Comic, who. also, owns all pieces coming up in forthcoming is-
the NY. Sunday
Times mag section Bernard Deironfs play, "He Sez chain, and .now musical director of .

Murder, He Sez.v by James Hadley Paramount, Hollywood, is renewing rights to Superman title. sues of Pageant and Swing shortly,
byS. J. Woolf. Chase. This Month's gimmick revolves latter a new monthly published in

solo dancer in.


acquaintances during his annual

Tunc Ars'cn. -npw
"Follow the Girls," 44th Street,
around Canadian law which permits K. C. .

Walter Immerman, .Balaban & Sammy Blum, screen actor, has

Tom Bodkin's find. a non-profit organization to get all
Katz general manager, and Harold crossword puzzle die-,
Arthur Hammerstein: in town from Hollywood 'Stevens, Paramount exchange man- the paper it wants. Thus, the mag completed, a
tionary, with 200,000 synonyms and
Palm Beach, On way back to
his ager, appointed chairmen of the 7th can' build up circulation and good-
Joan Cauifteld laid up with bron- War Loan drive. Immerman for cx- 60,000 definitions for autumn publi-
farm at Evanston, 111.
will until war is over, using paper
hibs and Stevens for distributors. cation.
^W^oerne^ in^xt^ <T «
freely. After, war, private" interests
could buy the sheet from the non-
Frank Nugent, former New York
play survey.
lor his usual Ed Peskay in town, for Popular newspaper man, signed as motion
profit outfit, while latter is properly
Sister of Tillie Leblang Jasie died Pictures huddles. of Good Housekeep-
picture, editor
last week, just a
few weeks after Joe Danny Kayc returned after three Pittsburgh an'd legally liquidated,
ing mag, with headquarters in Hol-
T.eblanc's widow passed on. weeks in the east. By Hal Cohen 'other N. Y. publishers are said to lywood.
Marian Spitzer in from Hollywood, James Wong Howe iaid up with John D, Holahan named press- be looking around for non-profit or- Arthur Kober using. Moss Hart's
awaiting return, from .overseas ptomaine poisoning. Kcnnywobd Park. ^ ganization ideas to use as pegs for N. Y. apartment as a studio work-
agent for
husband, Major Harlan Thompson

John Carradine lost his suit for new magazines. Losses on such ven- shop while the- latter is touring
The A. J. Balabans' daughter, Ida custody of his two sons. Eddie Peyton has reopened his old ;

tures could be absorbed by surtax USO-Camp

in French Shows abroad- with
Peter Loire returned from stage nitery on Steubenville
Joy, has been specializing
chansons from Canadian radio sta- Victor Borge booked into Syria deductions, while investment would "Man Who Came to Dinner."
appearances in New York.
t,0 George "Sheriff" Hickey bought Mosque for Shrine party April 25. pay off postwar. Paper is the biggest Dorothy Cameron Disney, whose
St Regis Roof opens its summer, 960 acres near Palm Springs. Ex-WAC Betty Tallent' has joined headache, and a non-profit outfit mystery stories appear under the
season April 26 with Paul Sparr and Tom Kettering promoted to Veepee staff of as music librarian. WWSW could print in Canada and get all the Random House banner, currently
Theodora Brooks music moving up- of Frederick Bros. Artists Corp. paper it wants under "this set-up overseas for the Sateyepost for
stairs; No other entertainment. Pin-Up Girls, roller-skating quar-
Salvatore Santaella. concert pian- hew show. at Nixon Cafe. while building circulation in the pieces on civilians in wartime.
Victory must really be near; there s ist and cafe owner, sued for divorce. tet, heading
machines Variety club celebrating fifth anni U. S. A. .King Features' syndication of Ben-,
gum again in the automatic Fred Datig rejoined Metro's cast- William Penn ho-
and the skyplane adwriters are back. ing department after a year's illness. of its quarters in nett Cerf s "Try and Stop Me" start-
More, cigarets would be the con- Stan Laurel and Oliver Hardy
Mag \Paper Deliveries Cut 13% ed in 27 papers Which pay up to $75
vincer Juggler Bobby Jule, home from a weekly for the daily column. The
celebrated 20th anni as film comedy long tour, going overseas in a USO Because of the paper shortage,
When Benito Collada, El Cliico
N. Y. Journal American and 'Chi
boniface, was recuping in Tucson he team. unit. WPB, last week ordered Ihe maga- American
Lon Chancy lost his film wardrobe Ellen Varga, local dancer, has gone are slated to add the' col.
ambulance for $75 to drive

hired an zine industry to cut paper de-

in a Are at his San Fernando Valley to, the Coast with the Chandra-Kaly Yank, the Army weekly, opened
him Nogales, Mexico, where he
to home. liveries to publishers by 13% during
troupe. its newest, edition on Saipan in the
wanted to see a bullfight. John Huston, former film director the current (second) quarter. For Mariannas, three weeks ago. Be-
Leonard L. Levinson writing the

Otto Krenn now handling weekly

now in' the Army, divorced In Las Monday night broadcasts from Nixon the same reason paper deliveries to
Jerry Wayne (Borden's) radio show Vegas.
cause locale had no civilian presses
backstage for WCAE. book publishers are being cut 15%. to work with, Yank used a portable
in between polishing his operetta,
Mr. Strpuss Goes to Boston,": which
Jinx Falkenburg stopped a tennis
ball with her optic and came up with
Archie. Tarshis, has replaced Steve WPB explained,^ however, that this press for the first time.
Gpl, Tom
Felix Brentano will produce. DeLach on the sax with Piccolo does not necessarily mean a slash in O'Brien is editor. Saipan edition is '
a shiner. Pete's orch at Trelon.
Spyros Skouras' third anniversary Bette Davis celebrated her birth- consumption. The publishers arc Yank's 116th throughout world.
as president of 20th-Fox, fell on Joe KriSs; formerly ot WJAS staff allowed to make the difference in
day with a parly on the "Stolen and now a bombardier in AAF, back
Monday (9J. He will spend the be-

Life" set. paper consumption by eating into

ginning ot the fourth year in Europe, after ye'ar in England.
Joan Barry reopened her paternity Helen Chope, Mercur Music Bar their inventories. Those publishers
as he's due to fly over this week.
. Hilda Simms, "Anna Lucasta'
suit against Charles Chaplin in Su-
perior court.
hostess, on job again after being without enough inventory to keep Current Road Shows
laid up for- 10 days With bad ankle. thfiir use. at 100% of quota are ex-
lead.. will be awarded plaque by U.S.

Rube Smiri. discharged from the Continued from page 44

Coast Guard Saturday (14) night at Lt. Bob.McKee, former WCAE an- empt from the restrictions. The
Army, is back in Hollywood to open nouncer, and later with webs In Chi-
Servicemen's Center, Harlem, as ' idea Is to spread the available paper Bismarck (19); H. S. Aud., Grand
a night club. cago, has arrived somewhere in
"outstanding Negro* actress of year." where it is most needed. Forks (21).
Lieut. Tim Holt and his B-29 crew
Lt. (J.g.) Julius J. Epstein in Navy South Pacific.
visiting studios before taking off for
Kitty (Mrs. Lou) Gilbert, wife- of
"GoodNIU Ladles"— Shubert.Bost,
Photographic Service under Cdr.
the South Pacific. the Warner manager, has gone to Frazler's and Mok's Books (9-21).
Gene Markey. His twin writing-
Arturo de Cordova planed to Mex- N Y. to spend some time with her "Harriet"— Russ And., San Diego
brother, Philip G. Epstein, also a George Frazier's Life mag profiles;
ico City for a film chore, on leave
Warner Bros, producer, may join up
from Paramount.
pal, Ann Corio. .

"Show Town," by Michel Mok (a (9-10); Civic Aud., Pasadena (11);

Sr. H. S.,
Oscar Serlin, producer of "Life history of . Broadway), and Metro's Civic Aud., Fresiio (13);
Berri Bernard now a veepee of the
Fizdale pressagentry, with Win With Father." in from New York "Weekend at the Waldorf," forth- Sacramento (14);' Geary, Frisco (16-
N-.thanson heading the outfit. Tom
for several weeks. Washington coming film, are on Random House's 21).
Jimmy Stewart, former film star, "I'll Be Waiting"— Walnut St., Phil-
Fizdale is concentrating his talents agenda. Firm, however, is limiting 1 '

upped to colonel in the U. S. Air . Glen Echo Park opens for season ly (9-14).
pn the Jimmy Saphicr talent agency its publications because of paper.
Force in England. on April 14. "Jacobowsky' and the Colonel"—
In Hollywood.
Thomas Reilly returned to War- New Globe theatre, Arlington, Va., ANavy, book,, by Quentin Reyn-
Leonard MacBairi, Monte Carlo .

opens Thursday. April 26. olds, is his next for RH. Hartman, Columbus (9-11); Taft
p.a., assigned by B. G. De Sylva to.
ners shorts, department after three '
"Peer Gynt." Catholic University's Aud., CInn. .(12-14); American, St.
be technical adviser and do special years in Ihe Navy.
Mary Lavinia Spreckles returning venture into Ibsen; selling out Louis (16-21).
promotion on "Stork Club." Mac- R&H's Pamphlet House

to show business after divorce from nightly. "Kiss and- Tell" (2d Co. )— Kalurah,
Bain handled publicity at the Stork
Fred Allen comes to town next Reynal & Hitchcock has estab- Binghamton' (9); Masonic Temple,
for four years. John D. Spreckles III.
lished a subsid, Pamphlet House,

Katharine Littlefield checked in week the premiere of his pic-

for Scranton (10); Capitol. Wilkes-Barre
Mitchell Leisen, Par director, and
Billy Daniels, Par dance director, re- from New York to handle ice ballet ture, —
"It's— - Bag."
in the
.. „ — . for the 25c. market, on the theory
(11); Lyric, Allentown (12); Lyric,
scenes for International. National Symphony orchestra has the public would like modern ver-
turned to the Coast Friday (6). Lei- Bridgeport (13-14); Plymouth, Bost,
eugaged the Water Gate on the Poto-
sen was in NX
seeing legits with Comm. -
Lieut. ~„ S. H. McConnell in
from "Washington' to 'cotrfer'
... .

o'n "a mac from June 18 to July 28,

sions of the type of screeds for
which Steele Boswell, et al., became
(16-21). " '

picture possibilities, while Daniels With Father" (2d Co.)—

came on to seek teachers needed at Merchant Marine picture. Frank LaFalce of Warner Bros, "Life
Catherine Craig reports her hus- appointed publicity chairman for the Geary, Frisco (9-14); Civic Aud.,
Par's* dance school on the Coast. Same house, incidentally, is pub-
band, Capf. Robert Preston, has been Seventh War Loan in this area. San Jose (15); Aud., Oakland (16);
Edmund Plohn, manager of the lishing the* Labor Book Club vol-
cited for combat flying in Europe. College of Pacific Aud., Stockton
Edward Arnold succeeded the late National theatre, vacashing. with umes in a tieup with the United (17) ; Jr College Aud., Sacramento
London Mark Sandrich as vice-chairman of Scott Kirkpatrick subbing for him. Auto Workers. (18) Metro, Seattle (21).

-Major Eric Maschwitz promoted

the Hollywood Victory Committee.
Buddy Craig returned to work at
Marriage fs for Single People" — '

to lieutenant-colonel. Gillette's Pro-Plx Piece Wilbur, Bost. (9-14).

RKO. after three months out with a. —
Louis Jackson plans to turn "Lis-.,
bon Story" into vehicle for Richard
•factored- ."ptae. *artau»ed in an auto Air Talent took somebody from within the
It "Oklahoma!" (2d Co.) Nixon,
crash. picture industry to point up "The P'itts. (9-21).
Philip Wade
Seymour Nebenzal's son, Harold,
turning successful commissioned as a lieutenanUin the
Continued from page 1

Worlds Most Pressured Industry" in "One Touch of Venus" — Civic

broadcast series, "Mild and Bitter," James C. Petrillo's American Fed- the current (May) Esquire. Opera House, Chi. (9-21).
Marines, after service in the South Author is Don Carle Gillette, of "Othello"— Erlanger, Cbl. (10-21).
into play.
eration of Musicians this past year,
Joan Ling, who
recently left Cur- naturally',; added to the annual radio the Warner Bros, homeoffice Hack- "Over 2i"— Metro, Providence (9);
Irving Mills closed out the flack
tis Brown, play brokers, has opened department of his Holly wood. office, bill. But the chief cause behind the ery, and he details succinctly and Lyric, Bridgeport. (10-11); Shubert,
own offices. with authority how the_ pix biz is New Haven (12-14); Colonial, Bost.
with all future publicity emanating boost, of course, is the amazing man-
Mabel Constanduros has new play
up her sTecve titled "Semi-Detached" from New York. Lner ^l^n5li". .on the hot seat • 16-21).

described as tragi-comedy.
Antrim Short, casting 'Veen' •dfrectb'r**-fftc
e to lack Tr
- "Ramshackle Inn" Shea's, Erie —
Republic, observed his 39th anniver- (9): Aud;, Rochester (10-11); Er-
.Sydney Box planning to screen ot late. Price tags such as Jack New. Yorker's Largesse
sary in show business, starling as a langer.' Buff. (12-14); Royal Alexan-
Chari 0 (t e .Frances' play, "Western Benny's. $22,500" for instance, and The New Yorker has a pension
.wind,". before' presenting it oh stage.
player with Jimmy Gleason In
stage '---• dra. Toronto (16-21).
Danny Kaye, a newcomer, latching; plan veteran.' contributors


1906. for' its

Harry Saltznian, who is with Sari Carlo Op. Co. Mosque. Aud.,
UNRRA, here from Paris and off to Roy Rogers, singing saddler, gets onto $16,000. his first time put of the which may be adopted by other Springfield (9-10); Kiel Aud 6t.
America,; expecting to return end of two pages of color photography in bani, are examples. Eddie Bracken prosperous periodicals. The mag, M

April. '
• Look mag May 1. He's going to likewise moved in on a 10G propo- withholds a small portion of pay-
Louis (12-14); City Aud., Peoria (16-
Washington to start his rodeo-hos- sish, -.even, though his program is de- 17); Univ. Notre Dame, South Bend

A. G. Allen, formerly chairman of ments to writers, matches it, and il8);

pital entertainment lour. Cent. H. S. Aud., Kalamazoo
Associated British Picture Corp., void of high-priced names and gets reinvests it into a retirement fund.
appointed chairman of E. K. Cole, along without a nationally known 19); Keith's, Grand Rapids (70-21).
radio company. The New Yorker also has a bonus "Searching Wind"— Hanna, XJleve.
orch and maestro. system (25% extra and upwards) fo-
Allen & Unwin to publish "Dame Chicago <9-14); Nat'l, Washington .'16-2'*
These instances. are but highlights ils favored writers. And if a con t rib
Margaret Lloyd-George" by eldest "Slnr Out Sweet Land"
which, as
son (formerly Major Lloyd-George). Ted Lewis returns' lo the Latin in an industrywidee trend hits a certain number of pieces per
Northern, Chi. (9-21).
Deal set by Eric^Gloss. Quarter here when Lou Hollz checks yet, has shown no 'signs of abating. annum there's a supplementary .per-
Ronnie Blackie, quitting Charles out on May 12. - , ...
» Recent $16,000 dangle for a network
centage bonus on top of that.
"Student Prliice"— Forrest, Phili.
luckei- company, took three acts Arthur Willi. RKO talent scout, is show built around Judy Garland (9-21). ..

with him. They are Jewel and War- here with Mcrvyn LeRoy to assist in ('ultimately nixed by Metro) and .
"Ten LiUle Indians" (2d Co.)—
Ted Ray and Billy Russell. casting."The Robe." Hollywood Quarterly Harris, Chi. (9U4); Studebakcr, Chi.
Joan Davis' $17,000 a-ycar deal with
Dorothy Hyson (daughter of Dor- Harriet Collins, vocalist of Buddy Lever Bros.; plus a $100,000 cxploi- University of California and the 16-21). . (

othy Dickson) divorced

by Robert
uouglas- for desertion. Couple both
Franklin band at the Bismarck hotel,
will be sw.een- tested by M-G.
laUoii-b-.illyhoo slush fund, are evi- Iiollywood Writers Mobiliz ition are, "Too Hot for Maneuvers" Wal- —
dence enough "that the balloon is a. ne,w magazin.'.'; Holly-' nut St., Philly (16-2,1)!
™} stage until he served in' Fleet Pete M=n tin, Universal eastern tal-
A 'r
Aim. ent scouts here lor '10 days looking still going, up. -" • wood' Quarterly," to be publishe-i by.j "Tropical Revue"— Billmore, L. A,
alner Malachy's Miracle" staged over local talent and interviewing Joan Davii bally budget is only the UC Press. Periodical will bt dc- i<9-14).
« Embassy, Swiss Cottage, March writers. one of many such arrangements voted largely to films, radio and "Two Mrs. Carrolls"—Nafl, Wash.
0l b rief run
p2n» j u Generally well ac-
Nat Lefkowifz. Wm. Morris agency with sponsors of Jimmy Durante, television, with departments for mu- (9-14): Forrest, Philly (16-21).
bl,t religious theme may not comptroller, covering firm's attrac- sic and books. "Voice of Turtle" 2d Co.)— Srf-
«,.f» •..
suit, all Jack Benny, "Aid rich. Family" and .


tastes. tions in town and discussing deals

_Gmo Arbib dickering with Marcel

* many others also laying it out to . Kenneth Macgowan and John wyn, Chi, (9-21).
with lalent.-

let the public know Whom they've Howard Lawson will represent Hol- "Winged Vlct'.ry "— Ford'sf Balto,.
\ t0 Produce new play for him Barnes Bros. Circus, produced by .

a °i already
- hag. .permission; from the Berncs-CaiTiUlhcrs office,, opens got on, the air lywood on the editorial board. 19-14); Mosque, Richmond, (17-21).
48 Wednesday, April 11, 19^5

Week Ending Feb. 15, Palace, Clev. , HAMPTON
$ 8,788
Week Ending Feb. 22, Paradise, Det. ,
Second (fa**!
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5ubll»hfd Wtekly at 1»4 W(»t 46th Strcot, Now York 19, N. Y..- by Variety, Inc. Annual subscription, 110. Single copjoa, 2S c«nta
nterdd aecoud-daiw matter December 22. 1H06. at the Puat OITlce at New York, N. .*., under the act of March 3, 1079..



NX, Chi LA Vox Pop Pops Off On SEE SUSTAINED If V-E Day In by May 10, 7th War Loan
Air Hugs; 3-Day Lull Builds Yen To fe 1st Victory Loan, Honoring FDR
Hey, guy! You there! And the*
FOREIGN REWTALS Washington, April 17.
bunch who are always carping at By MORI KBUSHEN Death of Franklin D. Roosevelt
commercial radio. Well, what about See Boom Market For Continuation of high levels in U. S.
New Jive Song Bally For has created a number of problems in
What's your verdict on non- connection with the 7th War Loan
commercial radio? What's the coun-
FDR 'Fireside' Discs distribution revenues from foreign Bonds 10 Yrs. From Now' which opens .May 10.
try'* verdict? Last week must have
Washington, April 17. countries (around $170,000,000 annu- A new jive song approach to U. S: 1

The FDR spot on the opening

jlveh. everyone soma .Idea on non-
Ther* is considerable speculation ally) and either modification or post- War Bonds is "10 Years From Now," broadcasts Is expected to be taken
ponement of artificial trade restric- by Mack David, Joan Whitney and
commercial program tchedules as a here on which company will ba first over by President Truman. Several
on the market with a volume of tions on American films, is predicted Alex Kramer, which reverses the
teady diet. What's the answer? planned radio shows will have to be
in U. S. film trade circles as a result usual technique of "buy bonds." This
A tragic event swept' every com- records of Mr. Roosevelt's speeches. of vote for the extension of the
changed. For instance, Truman, aa
mercial program from the American Several are expected and should go song points up the values of cashing Vice President, had been skedded to
well. Lend-Lease Act in Washington on in on the War Bond Investments a address a bond meeting in Indian-
air last week. It was the only thing
radio could do. No doubt it was The recordings of FDR's radio April 10. decade hence. .
apolis May 11. That is now out, of
the only tiling radio wanted to do. speeches are now part of the na- Virtually obscured by the tragic Ted Gamble of the Treasury Dept. course.
And it did it well, A fine tribute tion's history. death of President Roosevelt and will give the song (Feist publica- No change is contemplated for
to a great man. Never before in momentous military developments, tion) semi-official plugging auspices. "Mr. and Mrs. America," the 16 ram.
£5 years of radio had anything like far-reaching, effects on U. S. trade of all-industry film made for the bond
ft been known. Nor is it likely to the extension of Lend-Lease In sup- drive, which contains a short mes-
porting price levels and living stand-
tVoBpen again.
'For four nights and three days it FDR Air Tributeards
abroad were overlooked for a
Curfew. No Racing
sage from Mr. Roosevelt. It is be-
lieved the emotional impact of tha
was a solemn radio in this country. late President's appearance in the
And now, following the respectful Noteworthy, also, it was President Qlm will be terrific.
pause, begins the analyzing, And Harry Truman, as vice-president, The FDR talk made for this film
there will be analysis. Cost $7,000,000 who brok« the 39-39 tie vote fti the
Stand -Truman

was the" one used April 7 in tha

Let's not say anything about that
(Continued on page 14) closed circuit broadcast lo war bond
,*rst night and day alter the shock Cancellation of sponsored pro- committees all over the country.
grams by the four major net- Washington. April' 17.
of the news, except to report that The message, taken directly from

those who made the announcements works and independent broadcast- Bright hopes in show biz aroused the sound track, was heard by be'
were reluctant to make them. Who ers throughout the nation as the en- MAJ. BOWES RETIRES by repeated reports that the wartime tween 800,000 and 1,000,000 bond
lire facilities of radio were placed
(Continued on page 19) midnight, curfew would be lifted by (Continued ou page 13)
at the disposal of the American pub-
lic for complete coverage of Presi-
FROM ACTIVE RADIO President Harry S. Truman in the
near future were dashed today as re-
Frisco Confab Shapes Up dent Roosevelt's death and to tell Maj, Edward Bowes is retiring
Irving Berlin Winds Up
on his sult of the Missourian's first press
the full story of its. effect on the en- from active participation
tire world, has translated itself into Chrysler-sponsored CBS Thursday conference. The Chief Executive
AsRadio's Show; World a loss in radio billings in excess of night program as of next week (26) declared he approved of the curfew, 3-Year Hitch in 'Army/
but will continue serving as an ad- as well as the ban on horseracing,
$7,000,000. That's the most conserva-
Hookups Rarin' to Go tive estimate placed by broadcasters visor on radio matters to the auto- and would not change either regula-
Nets AER $10,000,000
San Francisco, April 17.
on the amount of rebates involved mobile concern. By ABEL GBEEN
Boiler-busting tensions mounted in cancelling off commercial pro- One of radio's veteran personali- Questioned as to whether James F.
. In March, 1942, Irving Berlin com-
today (Tues.) in frantic prelude to gramming, with some possibility seen ties, Maj. Bowes will long be remem- Byrnes, instigator of the curfew and
pleted the final song, "This Is tha
the United Nations Conference on that when the final bookkeeping en- bered for his Capitol theatre, N. Y., turf restrictions, would return to of-
Army, Mr. Jones," and last March
tries are added up it may approxi- "Family" In the early days of broad- ficial Washington, the President said
International Organization, opening 24, Somewhere in the Pacific, the
• April 25, while outstanding precon- mate the $10,000,000 mark. casting. He achieved his greatest Byrnes was returning to his South songwriter wound up three --yeara
elave fact developed.that the confer- Never before in the history of the fame, however, with his "Amateur Carolina home but would always be
with the all-soldier show, "This Is
ence is overwhelmingly a radio show. (Continued on Pfge IB) ( Continued on page 50) available .for counsel and advice.
the Army." In the interim, "Tita"
International radio figures from Brit- grossed $2,000,000 from its U. S.
»«•,— Australia -aud Canada a,e h^* .sto'^a.laiir ^Bjid_*7,snftnnn_ from _the

ready gathering. The networks are Warner Bros.' fllmization. There is

prepared to concentrate virtually an additional 300,000 pounds ($1,-
•very topflight American commen- 200,000) due from the British film
tator in the editorial offices and stu- market. In all, the World War II
dios Installed a few feet from the
conference and committee chambers.
Every phase of the conference will
jfranfcim Delano &oogebelt counterpart of Berlin's "Yip Yip
Yaphank" of World War I will have
earned between $10-11,000,000 for
be exploited by radio through fo- Tyner; or a dancer, Mayrls Chaney, would con- Army Emergency which gets
Every so often arises the captious observation Relief,
rums, news, interviews, analyses bv
that Hollywood, the fourth largest American in- tribute to the casual entertainment at White all the proceeds.
celebrities. Microphone bigwigs wii)
dustry, has no friend at court. And that show House parties. Back from the Pacific, Berlin
he backstopped by strongly rein-
is most impressed with two high-
forced local staffs, plus Library Con- business in general is always the target when
gress and OWI radio people. Washington solons run out of page-one copy. A playwright, Robert E. Sherwood; a pro- lights: (1) the terrific job the V. S.
ducer, John Golden; an actor-manager, Eddie Army has done since it went into
OWTs European and Asiatic multi- show business, and (2) the equally
( Continued on page 35) With Franklin Delano Roosevelt in the White Dowling; and Hollywood film notables like the
(Continued on page 23)
House It was a question whether, or just how Schencks, the Warners, Zanuek, Wanger, Gold-
Paul Robeson much, show biz had to worry. There Is no ques- wyn, Capra, Cantor, and others, would con-
tion of FDR's respect and affection for our in- tribute their executive influence for more Critic 'Reviews' Broadway
Allergic to H'wood dustry. And show business' affection and re- widely necessary causes. Legit Show He Never Saw
Chicago, April 17. gard for Mr. Roosevelt. Philip Waxmanand Joseph Kip-
Paul Robeson is still allergic to Whether films for propaganda or entertain-
Hollywood. Actor, appearing here ment, talent rallies for Bonds, glamour ballyhoo ness, who came to Broadway with
In this issue of "Variety" la sketched only
currently in Theatre Guild produc- for infantile paralysis (March of Dimes), or the the flop "Star Spangled Family,"
tion of "Othello," is said
briefly Mr. Roosevelt's intimacy with show
to have re-
biz. But it's Indelible. Reprised are such high- dozen and one vital causes which show business last week, have a grievance against
ceived and turned down several of- must always sparkplug, FDR knew their worth. one New York drama critic. They
fers while on the Coast recently lights as his affection for movies. He was an
to And had deep appreciation for them all. stated he didn't attend the premier*
film the Shakespearean tragedy. ardent film fan. And an ardent enthusiast for but by lined a notice that was al-
Actor is still burned over alleged people of the stage and screen. And don't overlook what the President meant most verbatim the comment of •
mistreatment three years ago in to radio. Or what radio meant to FDR. Boston Bcribe who reviewed the play
aiming of "Tales of Manhattan." His mother, Sarah Delano Roosevelt, "dis-
when it opened In the Hub city, Th«
h * P rot ested scripting involv- covered" Dean Murphy, who became the White Yes, Franklin D. Roosevelt was a friend in- erring reviewer's "criticism" men-
r xt
House's favorite impressionist of both Franklin deed of show business, which is stunned and
es. Negroes .and unsuccessfully tried tioned interludes that were in tha
w get script changed. Is reported and Eleanor Roosevelt. A banjolng mounte- bereaved. Along with the rest of the world it first tryout performance, but which
lnB he ho P«9 to make a film of bank, Eddie Peabody; a pop pianist, Evalyn will hold him in evergreen reverence. Abel. had been stricken from the script
Othello" some time In England, by the time it reached Broadway.
where he also did the legit version He used exaot words, and in tb*
m 1930. (Continued on page 20)

Wednesday, April 18, 1945

Show Biz to Remember Roosevelt Amusements Close in FDR's Honor

The nation's amusement Industry in one form or another disrupted
Its schedules to pay tribute to Franklin Delano Roosevelt over
As Sparkplug in Its Comeback weekend as he was laid! to rest in Hyde Park, N. Y,
On Thursday, when he died, most of the nation's nlteries either

By NAT KAHN -f closed down entirely or dropped their entertainment after their dinner
There must certainly have been shows. On Saturday, when services were held in the White House
much satisfaction for Franklin 'Such Things As Dreams' many didn't open at all, while the nation's theatres, both legit and
Delano Roosevelt tn his knowing Arnold Moss, playing the Pros- pictures, were closed until past the matinee hour. Warner theatres
that he had led industry out of its remained closed all day.
pero role in "The Tempest" at
most chaotic period in history. Per- Ringling, Bamum & Bailey circus at Madison Square Garden joined
the Broadway theatre, N. Y., was theatres, niterles and restaurants in cancelling Saturday afternoon's
haps at this late date it may seem

anti-climactic to mention how par- the central figure of an unusual performance. .


ticularly intense was his interest in tribute to President Roosevelt's


show business. The measures he em- memory on the night, of his

ployed to aid it seem unlikely ever
to be paralleled.
How fortunate it was for the As he came to the footlights Amus. Biz Leaders Would Continue
amusement industry when
Mr. '

for the final "such things as

Roosevelt took office for the first dreams are made on" speech, 148th WEEK t

time in 1932. The early '30s had

been a trying period for show busi-
which' concludes the Margaret
Webster version, audience and
KEN MURRAY'S 'March of Dimes' as FDR Memorial
ness, as it was for all industry.
players sensed, that the occasion
El Capitan Theatre, Hollywood, Cal, B. KELI.EY
Performers did their acts on the was to take on a special and dra-
curbstone, and then passed the hat. a show can have 'oomph' _ Washington, April 17.

Heywood Broun planned a non-prof-

matic significance. Halfway "It
you've got it. Delightful entertain
Truman on Radio Show business lost a loyal friend
through his reading of the lines,
ment." President Truman really found when the great heart of Franklin
it musical for unemployed perform-
Moss was overcome with emo- Delano Roosevelt was '
ers. Vaudeville, which only a few
tion, broke into tears and was
ANN SHERIDAN. himself, in the "hot seat" for the
in Washington there
stilled. But
is talk of con-
short years before, had been the first lime since taking office
actually sobbing at the conclu- tinuing the President's Birthday
greatest single entertainment medium
sion. The lights were dimmed when on Monday (16) and Tues-
Ball, as a National Foundation
for millions of Americans, was on day his talks houses of
to both
on the hushed audience and tribute for the cause that was dear-
out. It was the era
and everywhere there
of the when the cast returned for cur-
tain calls, all on stage were so
Show People Had Congress, the American public
and troops overseas went out
est to his heart—to kill the dread
scourge of infantile paralysis.
was talk of cutting down. over the four networks. For one
visibly moved that .the audience The President's Birthday Ball be-
And so in 1032, when
the public can't dispute that FDR; Ameri-
also sat in silent tribute for sev- gan in Washington as a purely local
showed an apathy for high collars
and a prosperity long delinquent in
eral moments following the final Good Sense-FDR ca's "first radio President," is a
tough man to follow at the mike.
celebration. This correspondent
curtain. served as' executive assistant to Hay
turning a promised- corner, Franklin Washington, April Truman's Hooper rating (32%
17. Baker, Director of the Mint, Tor the
Delano Roosevelt came into office. '
of American homes) added, up to first one at the Hotel Shoreham in
Stories of the late President Roose
Show business had given him strong the third largest daytime audi-
Washington. But gradually it took
support. Treasurer of the Democratic FDR's Closest Friends velt's intimate contact with every ence as the nation, unfamiliar
on national scope, as the full dev-
National Committee was Frank C. phase of show biz are legion. Con- with the new President's speak- astation caused' by, poliomyelitis
'Walker, now the postmaster-general In Show Biz: Sherwood, gressman Sol Bloom, one-time Man ing voice, bent an intent ear on
spread throughout the. country.' The
but then active in operation of his his radio delivery.
hattan showman, and Hollywood's National Foundation for Infantile
Comerford circuit of film theatres.
FDR on the Radle Golden and Dowling Representative Helen Gahagan (Mrs. Paralysis took over the celebrations.
I can recall the first one at the
The new President had caught the John Goldenii, Eddie Dowling and Melvyn) Douglas, former stage star, Shoreham. We wanted the late Will
Robert E. Sherwood were closer to knew the Steve Early Will Not
President well, former be
public fancy. The intimacy and
. .
Rogers to be master of ceremonies,
warmth of his radio talks were held ing old political friend and latter an
President and Mrs. Roosevelt than and finally obtained him through -the
Mrs. Roosevelt. Both,
intimate of
largely responsible for helping radio . anybody elseshow business,
saddened by his passing, talked
Return to Pix; Set To good offices of Vice-President Jack
make its first important inroad on Some time ago Golden stressed how Garner and the late Senator. "Pat"
about Mr* Roosevelt's penchant for
the motion picture boxoffice. Dur- the President and First Lady were PA.
Investment House Harrison of Mississippi. There were

stage, screen, radio and other enter-

ing the September and October pre- the greatest friends of show business Eddie Cantor, Jack Pearl, Peggy
tainment .
ceding the election it was estimated
that $$0,000,000 was lost by film
ever to grace the White House.
"He found not only diversion and
Hollywood, April 17. Hopkins Joyce and how the gentle —
Golden slept in the Executive Stephen 'Early, press secretary to Will kidded her about her husbands,
theatres when patrons stayed close entertainment in talking with show
Mansion upon visits to Washington, President Roosevelt, who several for he was in top form that night.
to their radios and listened to cam- people," said Rep. Bloom. "He found
sometimes playing the piano and months ago announced he was re- Next year we had Ginger Rogers
paign speeches. And when Mr. also that they talked a lot Of good
singing his compositions to -divert sense. That's why he loved to have tiring shortly from his post' and as the sole star. She was thrilled
Roosevelt spoke the effect on thea- the President. The veteran pro- them around." going into business, will not tie in when she was called to the executive
tres was greatest. with motion picture business, where offices, danced for the President and
ducer recalls that at the age of 10 shown
It was not long after he took office The President had films to
he came from, in future.
the President came from Hyde Park Steve Early. Then Hollywood be-

that a little musical comedy juvenile (Continued on page 15)

to New York to see his first play. According to an authoritative came interested, great stars of (ha
went to him and pleaded the cause It was "The Black Crook." Golden
source,. Early will align himself with screen world made it an annual af-
of the vaudeville acton. The Presi-
recently received a letter from the Victor Emmanuel & Co. as its public fair. This commentator was many
dent was thoroughly familiar with President on the midnight curfew
Teddy Hart Loses In relations contact in Washington times at the White House where the
vaudeville and the theatre, as was
which may be made public before Emmanuel outfit has varied important stars congregated.
Woodrow Wilson, for whom he long. He saw Mrs. Roosevelt fre-
served as Assistant Secretary of the Fight to Break Will
interests around world including Like many another president,
quently and they often lunched at Republic Steel, Pan-American and Roosevelt liked to be surrounded by
Navy. He promised Eddie DOwIing,
Sardi's. American Airlines, and concern also pretty faces. He told District Com-
a longtime friend, that he would do Of Brother, LorenzHar underwrote Monogram Films stock missioner Young in 1941, "surround 4
something. Dowling had headed the Play wright Sherwood was" one -at .

Democratic Committee for Stage and the family in the White House since The will of the late lyricist, issue. me by pretty girls at tire luncheon."
and Screen, which did so much to the start of the war. He resigned Lorenz Hart, was sustained in New There had been considerable talk This admonition was conveyed to
win the Broadway and Hollywood from the Office of War Information York on Thursday 112) when Sur- that Early might, join Metro or pos- those who had charge of the seating
vote. He did the same in '38 and to help write the President's rogate James A, Delehanty granted a sibly represent film interests via arrangements, and when they sat -

'40, but was il| during the last speeches for his fourth-term cam- motion of Arthur J. O'Leary, attor- Hays office in Washington. Prior to down he was between Lana Turner
election and couldn't do the job. paign. .
The President liked an oc- ney, to dismiss objections to the taking over his post with President and Maureen O'Hara.
Mr. Roosevelt sent for Harry Hop- casional old - fashioned cocktail probate which were filed by his Roosevelt, Early had been with It was the late Jean Harlew- who
kins, then national director of the which he mixed for himself, Sher- brother, Teddy Hart, the actor. Paramount Newsreel. christened the president. "One Take
WPA. The President felt that actors wood, who sometimes joined him in The objections were based on the Mr. President." Because there were
and theatre craftsmen were un- a snort, conceded they were "pretty usual grounds that the will was not no retakes after the newsreels wound
equipped to dig ditches or do any- good." the last one made^ that it was not Hays Salute to FDR
their film. Miss Harlow was the i»35
thing else that would warrant a Dowling headed the Democratic properly executed and that it was star, with Robert Taylor. Baltimore
WPA wage. He told Harry Hopkins Committee for Stage and Screen dur- not freely and voluntarily made. It And Pledge to Truman asked to have Taylor loaned to them.
to do something about it ing the 1932, 1936 and 1940 cam- was offered for probate by William He went over to the Fifth Regiment
Will Hays, speaking for the film Armory. There he lost his watch,
In August, 1935, the Federal Thea- paigns. His friendship with Mr^ H. Kron and Richard Rodgers, for
industry, on the NBC program for. was mobbed by his ardent admirers,
tre Project was started under the Roosevelt dated back to the Wilson years Hart's songwriting associate,

President Roosevelt last Sunday escaped stripped to the waist.

national direction of Mrs. HaUie Administration, when FDR was As- who were named executors in the
(15), not only paid tribute to the
Flanagan, head of the experimental sistant Secretary of the Navy. Dowl- document, dated June 17, 1943. Hart White H»um Previews
sJLAto'^ae&Jsi:.Mr_ .Bnnsev.f >,t, whenl d'efl .Nov ?2r JJ>i3 _
late Presiden t's grea tness but also
President KooseveTtVas an afae'ruT"
Harry Hopkins and Mrs. Flanagan the latter became governor in 1926 By the terms of the will. Hart be- President Truman. His speech, de- movie
had been college classmates in Iowa, and when he was reelected in '30. queathed to his brother $5,000, a life fan. He liked mysteries, al-
and her experience in Europe and Illness forced Dowling to refuse to estate in 70% of the residue, and di- livered over WEAF. N. Y.,
follows: ways kept up with the newsreels.
America, as a student of the drama head a similar committee for the last rected upon his death that his widow, "Hollywood, and with -it the motion His office staff would call up the
and its experimental phases, was election picture industry, in every branch exchanges and, ( in the projection
Dorothy L. Hart, receive the income
wide. Mrs. Roosevelt, long a devotee for life, with the Federation for the
and activity from coast to coast, room on the second floor, they would
salutes the memory of President run the latest features. When he
.of the theatre, also became inter Hoy
t's 140 Aussie Houses Support of Jewish Philanthropic So-

Roosevelt a man great in spirit, went off on a trip he always »aw
csted. She consulted with Mrs. cieties as the ultimate beneficiary of
Flanagan. She became one of the Observe 1-Min. Silence the corpus. great in jnind, and great in heart. that the cruiser he traveled on was
prime forces behind the FTP, as- By ERIC GORRICK His sympathy embraced all peoples, supplied with the latest pictures.
The balance of the residuary estate everywhere, and his purposes en- The "Command Performance"
suming a direct interest that time Sydney, April 13. was left in trust for the benefit of encompassed the welfare of count- came into being on Christmas night,
and duties did not permit the Presi-
News of the death of President Kron and upon his death the prin- less generations to come. 1933, at the Majestic theatre in New
Roosevelt was received with deep cipal would be shared by his daugh-
FTP's 13,00* Employees "The Industry honors his memory York. I remember the "Life With
est regret by the Australian motion ters, Wini and Lucille Kron. Nine
At its peak, in 1936, the FTP em- picture, industry. by rededicating its all for the win- Father" visit at the White House as
Hoyt's cinema other individuals are left cash be- I had picked the
ployed almost 13,000 persons. There's chain, under direction of Ernest quests. ning of the war and for the crea- most enjoyable.
tion of the institutions of enduring show in Baltimore, before it
no doubt that it gave first oppor- Turnbull, observed one minute's
tunities to people of the theatre who silence in its 140 houses. Hoyt's

peace the purposes closest .to his to New York, and it gave Crouse-
heart. Lindsay confidence that they had a
would never have had that chance. rushed a special Aim from its news- Memorial H'wood
"And now to President Harry hit! The late Alison Smith (Mrs. Rus-
The list of actors and technicians reel library adding a timely com- S.
table with
prominent today in Hollywood and mentary. Audiences stood in silent
Hollywood, April 17. Truman, carrying forward these sel Crouse) was at-the head
Full support of film industry was
great tasks, the motion picture in- the President,
Howard Lindsay and
on Broadway, who got their early respect at all sessions. pledged yesterday (16) to Mayor dustry pledges its loyalty and the Dorothy SUckney. The President
experience on the FTP, is something Aussie commercial and national Bowron for a combined memorial to full support of- its energies, and, was gay and voluble that nifihr, gave
that would almost require WPB radio stations aired special programs the. work of President Roosevelt,
to in the gallant words of Mrs. Roose- his pattern for an ideal newspaper,
permission to publish throughout the day. Every branch be held in the Hollywood Bowl prob- velt, says to him, 'Tell us what we as far as editorial news matter aha
When Mr, Roosevelt defeated Alf of the amusement industry from ably April 23. editorials, were concerned. At a
can do to help.' "
Landon in 1936 for his second term, coast-to-coast paid' high tribute to a nearby table/this commentator was

Producers' association gave pledge

all amusement stocks were on the great leader. to mayor that services of stars, di-
mightily interested, wanted to know
high ascension. It had been some rectors and writers would be at his Helen Hayes' Next the President Roosevelt idea of how
years since there were $4.40 and No London Shows to run a daily journal. I could catch
disposal in "dedication to the task
$5.50 shows on Broadway, but even London, April 17.
Howard Lindsay and Russel a -word now and then. I asked. Miss ,
that lies ahead to achieve world se-
they were beginning to return. Crouse are hedge-hopping between Smith what the President had said,
At a meeting held Friday (13) by curity." Event is occasioned by the Blue
Thef President made no bones of American Army authorities, it was San. Francisco Conference which two plays these days. Producers are but she told me later in the
his affection and friendship for the decided: to cancel all Army installa- opens April 26. rushing through a play, as yet un-
(Continued on page 14)
amusement industry. Stars of the tions and Red Cross club entertain- titled, for Helen Hayes, play slated
•tage*and screen were constantly ments, including USO-Camp Shows, for fall production.
visiting the White House. It was a for the next three days Jpecause of HOSE iTJE—Paget 14, 15 Also busy on "Life With Mother," SCULLY—Page 14
(Continued on page 14) President Roosevelt's death. long-awplted sequel to LWF. :
— ..

Wednesday, April 18, 1945 PICTURES


Strangulation By Celluloid
The motion picture Industryis being slowly but surely stran- E
Metro Plans to Release Only Two
gled by ever-Increasing pressures from non-theatrical sources for
the limited raw film supply. The situation Is further compli-
cated by the confusion In War Production Board allocation
Features Monthly During Summer
methods. Confronted with mounting lechni-
How long before the squeeze In raw film supplies overtakes the With increasing number subse-
of" cal difficulties such as delays in
Keenan Wynn

exhibitor? Particularly the subsequent-run independent quent-run theatres throughout the Illness laboratories and the raw film short-

country complaining they, may be age. Metro is currently planning t»

forced to shutter because of short-
Halt Film a To Month
release only two features monthly

Never since Pearl Harbor has there been heard so much unfa- age of product in competitive situa-
Hollywood, April 17. during the summer of 1945. '

vorable criticism of the WPB's handling of the raw film problem. tiois, major distribution execs are Keenan Wynn. home from the hos- William F. Rodger*.' Metro v.p. ,
confronted with a new problem. This pital, will require two more months and general sales manager, has been

And some trade leaders cannot refrain from pointing out that i

takes the form of a large increase in of convalescence before returning to .'huddling with field and home office
when Harold Hopper was In charge of film allocations there was number of pictures being preemed in execs in New York thus week lo
a far more critical war situation to contend with. Yet supplies smaller cities and towns ahead of his role in "Early to Wed" at Metro. map distribution plans in line with
continued to flow smoothly, even if not as plentifully, to the key city openings. Eddie Buzzell, director, has washed
current developments,
As result of the smaller number up all possible dialog sequences

picture business, .

While to help keep open as

of pictures being released this year, without Wynn. and is now working
trying j

Most of the major distributors have been obliged to postpone many film-shortage theatres as pos-
combined with long runs in key pn the elaborate "Fiesta" number, |

release of from two to four features as a result of the raw film which will take three weeks. Then sible, hands of Metro distribution
cities (raw film shortage is a con- |

shortage. Many Independent producers with completed negatives tributing factor also major distribs shooting stops until Wynn is ready
execs are tied, from accounts, be- I

know when they get raw stock allotments. And many His jaw, triply fractured cause releases are limited by the
don't will find they must supply features in to work.
manpower-materiel pinch.
Independent producers have postponed production because they subsequent situations ahead of the in a motorcycle crash, will remain
wired for another month.
don't know how they stand with the WPB for raw film allocations. keys in many cases. Three features are scheduled for
In non-competitive situations ex- May release, but plan discussed
All this is bound'to affect the exhibitor adversely— particularly among Metro sales heads is to re-
hibs can shop around for product
the independent exhibitor—sooner or later, There may not be from distribs with whom they have lease only two features in June, July
sufficient films released to provide an adequate flow of product to and .'.ugust.
the nation's screens.
not previously done business. Where
there is a competitive situation, how-
Better Outlook Among those who' have been hud-
ever, with all product signed by op- dling with Rodgers are John J. Ma-
The answer lies In the establishment of priority for the film
position houses, theatre operators loney, central sales manager: John
Industry second only to the Army and Navy. As long as other,
miscellaneous, agencies continue to command raw film priority
have been looking to their regular
sources of supply to alleviate the
On Big 5 Decree
E. Flynn,. western sales manager;
Ted O'Shea, eastern sales manager;
ahead of the film Industry the squeeze Is likely to continue. And shortage.
Speculating on rumors of an im- E. W, Aaron, circuit sales head; H.
a Government official not so long ago blithely assured film Distribs. for the most part, have M. Richey, exhibitor relations head;
been making film available in such pending change in the U. S. Attor-
industry representatives that they would not get more film even Alan F. Cummlngs, in charge of cir-
after. V-EDay. cases to prevent temporary closings.. ney General post, with Bob Harine- cuit operations, and E. M. Saunders,
It is admitted, from accounts, that gan among those mentioned as a suc- assistant general sales manager.
So much for the domestic and strictly commercial aspects. But this method of meeting the problem Sales policies and releasing pos-
what of the American screen's leadership abroad? cessor to Francis Biddle, film indus-
is unsatisfactory because features sibilities, are being mapped for such
High-ranking Government officials have long since recognized are deprived of the exploitation and try execs are inclined to angle the Metro top-budgeters as "Anchors. .

that trade follows the film. The paramount importance of (Continued on page .12) outcome of divorcement proceedings Aweish" (Technicolor), "Hold High
bringing the American way of life to the liberated and reawak- against the Big Five more favorably., the Torch" (Tech), "Ziegfeld Follies"
ening nations of the world has been widely heralded and (incidentally, Hannegan is more Tech), "Thrill of a Romance" (Tech), i

"Valley of Decision," "Weekend at

acclaimed within and outside Government circles. strongly mentioned for Frank C.
It has been generally acknowledged that the American film
Rank to Dominate the Waldorf," "Her. Highness and the
Walker's Postmaster-General post.) Bellboy," "Son of Lassie" (Tech),
the commercial-entertainment film—can do the "best Job. Yet, Film trade reps', considering the and others.
paradoxically, at a time when Intensified nationalistic Interests middle-of-therroad policy which ap- From accounts, negatives which
pears likely to be adopted by the have not yet been printed up include
abroad plan on limiting U. S. film distribution in the foreign field, World Film Mart Government towards private in- "Anchors," '"Ziegfeld." "Decision,"
there Is a marked tendency to disregard the forceful value of the
dustry generally,, believe there may "Waldorf," "Weekend." "Torch,"
American film as a national ambassador of goodwill.
be a stronger possibility of reaching "Highness and the Bellboy." Techni-
a compromise with the Department color printing on "Thrill of a Ro-
The slow strangulation of one of the most articulate imple-
ments in International relations continues.
Say Brit. Prods. of Justice on the Consent Decree. mance" reportedly started April. 13.
Possibility of working out a com-
Hollywood, April 17.
promise on the pending anti-trust
Thinking only in terms of global suit has never been completely


Studios Warn Employees to Stay On operations, J. Arthur Rank plans to abandoned. It is pointed out, also,
dominate the world film market in that if the court action is continued
the name of Britain. That's what it will be a long time before a de-
cision can be reached. Voluminous Resumption of stock market trad-
British producers Emeric Pressbur-
Job Until Official Flash on V-E Day ger and Michael Powell stated here.
interrogations alone, it Is estimated, ing Monday (16) for the first time
may take a year or two. since Franklin D. Roosevelt's fu-
Englishmen. Who produced "Colonel neral saw shares reaching the high-
In anticipation of the momentary* Blimp. v are in this country to get est level in seven years, with big-
German major studios in
either a Hollywood name star or un- pickup in volume interpreted as
Hollywood are warning studio em-
ployees to remain at their jobi until
DUVMER'S LONDON known to portray role of WAC in PLAN
indicating confidence in President
their next film. "A Matter of Life Harry S. Truman. N. Y. Stock Ex-
dismissed by. a proper authority.
Studios will receive the official flash AND PARIS PIX PLANS and Death." Pair also want Holly- AS TRIBUTE TO FDR
change* halted for two minutes for
from the offices of the Association of
wood male for featured role In film. (Continued on page 46) °

Hollywood, AP ril W. Powell and Pressburger, who are Washington, April 17. '

Motion Picture Producers in Holly- Julien Duvivier leaves for London indie producers under corporate One of the things under consid-
wood. (18) to direct "Lucky Dun-
tomorrow name of The Archers, get their fi- eration as a film industry tribute to
War Committee in N. Y.
Activities for Alexander Korda. Vivien
das" nancial backing from General Cin-
President Roosevelt is the release
has received report on the uniform Leigh will star for Korda's British ema Finance, which is owned by
policy which was worked out last Metro firm. Duvivier. then heads for Rank. through OWI-WAC channels of the
autumn for observance of V-Day. Paris to produce and direct a film They revealed Rank, through last of the Frank Capra Army orien-
Further precautions are now being with French and English versions. Trad* Mark Registered
Odeon. Gaumont and affiliates, now tation series, "War Comes to Amer- FOUNDED BT SIME SILVERMAN
takarMo insure against false reports Understood financing for latter
- (Continued on page 20)

ica." I'nbll.hed Weekly by VARIF.TI. Ih.

™«fli- conrOsTdn ^which" TTfay~~"resulc "itti'iT is alieacly-iiicured ar.i -negoti- Hid Silverman, President
from premature celebrations. ations are already under way with Pic, a six-reeler, is actually only 1(4 West 46th St., NeWvTork 19, N. T.
Producers have announced that several American releasing firms for part one, part two not having been
'because of the nature of the fight- distribution in this country. Edward Chi Variety Club's completed. It traces events leading SUBSCRIPTION
ing now going on In Europe and the G. Robinson probably will be starred up to the sneak attack op. Pearl AnmiAl 110 Foreign. .Ill
Copies. 26 Cenlv
Harbor with numerous shots of FDR .Single
likelihood that there will be no for-
mal armistice, it has been decided
if deal goes through. Show This Year to Be at important moments in the nation's
that V-Day and V-Hour must be de- history. Included are clips of Roose- Vol. 158 e^g3*&° No. 6
termined by a confirmed official Sig Schlager and Backer A Memorial to 'Hal' velt signing the first Lend-Lease bill,
statement that organized resistance' scrapping t he neutral ity bill, meet-
by Germany has ceased."
Setting Next Indie Prod. Chicago., April .17.
This years Chicago Variety Club
It V-Hour occurs before 12 o'clock Del Webb. Phoenix, Ariz., contrac- upon Congress for a formal declara- Bills .... 45
be a memorial to the late
benefit will
noon on any weekday the studios tor, and one of the owners with Dan tion of war at the historic joint ses-
Hal Halperin of "Variety." Per cus-
will close for the balance of
Topping and Larry MacPhail of the tom, La Rabida Sanitarium, in Jack- sion.
"N. Y. Yankees, ijow a major, finan-
is If arrangements are made for thea-
Jay. If it occurs after 12 noon from son Park, is the beneficiary of the House Reviews.. 46
cial backer of Sig Schlager, who last
.... ...
trical release. Army will provide the
. .
Monday through Friday the studios show's proceeds, and the Hal Hal-
will close for the
remainder pf the season produced the picture "Knick- perin Memorial will take. the shape footage for the prints. Whether or 48
«y and all the following day. erbocker Holiday," released through not the pic is shown theatrically, it 40
of a completely equipped room in
Should the official announcement be United Artists. his name. will be used by the Treasury as a Inside Orchestras . . . 40
received on Sunday the studi os will Both men were in N. Y. .for the An idea of the response may be 16 mm. subject for the 7lh War Loan.
. Inside Radio. . . . 39
remain closed the following day. If past couple of weeks and shoved gauged from the $22,000 already in.
V-Hour occurs Saturday, work will yesterday (Tues.l for the Coast,
off without a ticket sold, as against last NEWSREELS' V-E PLANS
be resumed as usual
the following will decide which of
where Schlager year's gross of $13,000: Donations Five newsreels companies have
Literati ... 51
Monday. four properties he will film first. He from film companies and local show- perfected plans for comprehensive Music .... 41)
Central Casting expects to close has a five-picture deal with UA, men, such as John Balaban, Eddie coverage of V-E Day. but are expect- . . 45
promptly W h en the news is received. over a two-year period, but; may be

Silverman, et al.. are expected to ing the most colorful material only Night Club Reviews ... 44
Jilling of studio calls for extras will stymied in making four pictures this

swell the' Memorial to Hal to well if it comes oh a weekday;


« halted until the scheduled re- year because of shortage. over the $50,000 mark. library shots, with closeups of prin- Orchestras
. .


, ...
opening day when, at 5 a.m.. Report that "O'Brien's Navy" will Show is scheduled for May 6 at the cipal Allied leaders, the reels have

an aug- Pictures ... 3

mented staff will resume filling the be filmed by him is premature, since Civic Opera House. laid out assignments that include
Schlager and Harry Joe Brown, who catching scenes in Wall Street, Times Radio Reviews. ...28
Metro's V-E ' Day film, starring will direct, haven't decided on which Square and

Margaret O'Brien, is titled "Victorv will roll first. That's' the purpose of H. M. Warner in N Y. ing
the leading broadcast-
and newspaper Wire
.Frank Sculljj,
. . ... . . . .. . . .

... '4!!

Europe." Picture, now in all M-G his return to the Coast. Producer also H. M. Warner due in New York rooms. War Activities. . .
"changes and in safes of Loew thea^ revealed that Producers, Corp. of from Coast Saturday (21) in con- Estimated that, given a break on

«e offices, is a reminder thai tho America, which madp "Holiday." has nection "Springfield Plan" short. the time of day. the. newsreels will DAILY VABIKTV
i-aciflc A-ar
is still on and designed
„ been disbanded, and all his future Producer is intensely absorbed in have their V-E Day specials in (Published to Hollywnnd by
a thanksgiving improvement plan back- Broadway theatres the same day that Dally Variety. Ltd.)
!? for the victory in productions will be made under his
film's racial
110 a Tear— III Foreign
fiur °Pe. ground. the news is announced.
| own name. .

Wednesday, April 18, 1945


1501 Broadway, New York 18, N.Y.
In cooperation with, /be War Finance Committee
tf /be United States Treasury Department


• *

"V\7XE of your War Activities Commit- do they look again to you for leadership in

v tee would like personally to thank helping make the Seventh War Loan an even

every one of you who did such outstanding mightier triumph. But . . . and this is some-

work in the Sixth War Loan Fan Maga- thing we know you'll be truly proud of . .

zine Contest. We realize the time and effort The motion picture industrys campaign
you put in on your campaigns. Your entries
for the Seventh War Loan will be completely
showed that! Yet time and the start of the
and precisely patterned on your expert
even bigger Seventh deprive us of that
showmanship in the Sixth!
In other words, the Seventh War Loan
But we can tell you this.
will be

Not only is the Treasury Department

highly grateful for your effort. Not only A real theatre man's campaign!
Wednesday, April 18, 1945


Church Papers Cheesecake Blast Hollywood Strike in Its 6th Week
Detroit, April 17.
blast at the recent trend, by Holly Wood to
A emphasize "the body" of
femme stars was laid down by the powerful Michigan Catholic here.
Archdiocesan newspaper, with an extensive circulation throughout the
But 29 Pix Now in Production
(Ute, base its attack on the fact that the cross, a major Christian Hollywood, April 17.
symbol, is being used in a decorative sense rather than in its religious French Government may embark Going week of the
into the sixth
significance. (
on a trust-busting campaign to

No Gov't Action
studio strike, film producers state that
break up the pre-war circuit domi- Washington, April 17.
Pointing out that the pix trade had been using a large number of 25 pictures were In work on nine
nation of the entire French, film in- Maurice Benjamin, here as
pictures lately along this line,, the Michigan Catholic commented,
These beauties have a cross on a neck chain and a very Bcanty bath- dustry—exhibition, distribution and MPPDA observer in connection major lots and four more got under
ing suit. ... The cross is no substitute for clothing." It went on to add
production —
according to French with the studio strike in Holly-
wood, believes no Government
way Monday (16), to be followed by
film reps in the U, S.
that a symbol of one significance to a large part of the public was. four additional' pix
later. Studio
Along with report of the much- action will be taken in the case
highly inappropriate when used casually In advertising slanted with a executives stated production was
discussed trust - busting rampage, before the National Labor Rela-
different emphasis. . 95% of normal complement

which is regarded as a strong possi- tions Board holds its hearing on
bility, there has also been talk of April 26. of employees in all classifications,
French government plans to nation- Couple of weeks back Holly- .
with 1,114 replacements, slightly
alize the French film industry. wood felt the Army or some \
more than one-third of number

WPB PoUing Studios on Plan to End Nationalization of the

cinema, though largely discounted
French other Government agency might
step into the situation, with the
claimed to have gone on strike six
weeks ago. However, Dick Walsh,
by government reps, has for a time possibility that Uncle Sam might IA prexy, issued a call yesterday
take over the studios. This feel- (15), asking for studio strikers to re-
been a live issue. Question raised
Gov't Fib Rationing; No Big Slash was whether the government could
take over the screen without curb-
ing is apparently gone now. Tiff
is going through routine chan-
turn to work under IATSE banner.
He claimed that charters have
ing individual effort and freedom of nels here and there seems not been issued by I A to Painters & Car-
Washington, April 17.
creative expression. Majority re- the slightest, indication that ,
penters and that one will be issued
First responses received here from NLRB would ask President Tru- shortly to Machinists. His announce-,
Arsenic and Old Lass sponse appeared to be in opposition
ment declared no initiation fee
producers Indicate that the industry to nationalization, man to step in. .

Hollywood, April 17. would be charged and that first

will notsupport the proposed plan Nationalization, from all indica-
One of Metro's most expensive pic- . .

quarterly 'dues would become pay-

to end WPB allocation of raw stock tures this year will, be "Lucrezia tions, appears likely to be limited able May 1. He insisted strike lead-
to each producer. WPB Is polling Borgia.'.' tale of the medieval mickey to heavy production rather- than ers, had failed to carry out- their
the studios to see if they want to
mixer, to be filmed in Technicolor. service industries, although, even as Selznick, Small promises and said this was the only
JOe Pasternak will produce and the film nationalization possibility Is opportunity under which the men
give the scheme, suggested at recent
Henry Hosier direct, starling in fall. being pooh-poohed, there is a pow- would be able to get their jobs back
buddies here, a chance.
erful movement afoot to nationalize at studios.
Feeling in sonie segments of the
industry appears to be that if the
the French banking system. Move to CSU Lots Meanwhile, Herbert Sorrell. *r the
bars do down, there will be a scram- KILL EXTENSION N Y. Plans to reduce the pre-war pow- Conference of Studio- Unloru.. was
ble in which the little fellows will er of the French motion picture the- Hollywood, April 17. conferring with representatives od
-David O. Selznick and Edward
get squeezed by the more powerful PLACES OF ASSEMBLY atre circuits, however, are regarded
as a strong possibility in many quar- Small are moving their two produc-
David O. Selznick on inking of con-
studios. The idea is to have WPB tract recognizing the WLB arbiter's
Albany, April 17 ters. Opinion expressed by official tions. "Duel in the Sun" and "Re-
allot an overall chunk of stock to the
award on Set Decorators. Selznick
The present definition outside New and semi-official French sources is turn of Monte Cristo," from strike-
industry and then have the raw York representatives were given a written
City, of places of Public As- that the theatre circuits in France bound RKO-Pathe studio in Culver
slock manufacturers and producers agreement with understanding an
sembly, which does not include cir- (Continued on page 12) City to Califsrnia and PRC lots to
divide it. answer would be forthcoming today
cuses, carnivals, state and county keep filming operations moving.
Published stories that Hollywood fairs, will remain, on the statute (17) or tomorrow. Agreement would
Latter, lots inked to abide by WLB
was due for another terrific raw books and will govern regulation allow "Duel in the Sun" to be re-
rulings on current walkout, so were
sumed an indie lot and for pref-
stock slash in the third quarter, be- and supervision by the State Labor Leserman States Raw greenlighted by Herbert Sorrell, erence to
be given SPU members
cause of increased Army demands Dept.. for at least another year. This CSU prexy. Selznick proceeded at in employment
for 'X-ray film, are grossly exag- is a result of the surprise defeat of of extras.
Film Shortage Holds RKO-Pathe after location work in
gerated and may be entirely phoney' the Department-sponsored Coridon- Arizona so long as previously pre- Only ftareup came when rocks
when the final results are in, accord- Washburn bill. A much broader defi- pared sets held up. He goes into were thrown through couple of
ing to informed sources. nition of "places of public assembly,"
Up Indie Pix Release California Studios today (17). windshields and several fist fights
which had been written by an ad- Film raw stock shortage is holding Small's script for "Monte Cristo" occurred as pickets at Universal at-
The only unquestioned fact is that
visory, committee to Industrial Com- up the release of several United was ready for shooting about start- tempted to persuade men to cross
the Army is asking sharp increases
Edward Corsi engaged for Artists pictures, Carl Leserman, ing time of strike and he has coasted
missioner picket lines. Lines themselves were
in itsX-ray .quotas for the quarter
months in a program to modernize UA sales manager, revealed yester- until he could get under way. He trebled at some studios following
beginning July 1. Huddles on this
building day (Tues.). Enough prints for dis- plans to start filming at PRC around layoff of pickets during the studio
matter are going on this week be- the 20-year-old standard
was Incorporated in the tribution are being made by UA as May 15. shutdown Thursday and Saturday in
tween WPB and Army officials, with code,
the negatives of the various produc- Meanwhile Hunt Stromberg, who respect to memory of President
the final determination of what the measure.
In the two bills introduced, places tions made by the company's inde- was forced off California lot due to Roosevelt. Support for strikers came
War Dept. will really need probably
of public assembly were defined as pendent producers arrive in N. Y. production delays, has since returned from Painters, Decorators & Paper-
•till some time in the future.
motion No particular producer is getting to General Service, where he will hangers of America, the Carpenters
Fact is that the operation of pro- any type of theatre, including and Screen Cartoonists Guild of
put "Young Widow" into production
ducing X-ray stock is considerably picture houses and any building or preference, according to Leserman. New York, who all sent messages to
different from the manufacture of enclosure where more than 100 per- On his recent trip to the Coast, with Jane Russell in lead role. Ida strikers assembled at mass meeting
88 mm, footage. sons could assemble for purposes of the UA sales chief noticed that the Lupino objected to script so Miss
To increase the Russell, who was on loanout from in a memorial to Roosevelt. Studio
X-ray output for the Army, the raw amusement, recreation, dining, trend in production is toward mil- carpenters are now in picket lines
stock manufacturers will drinking, etc. lion dollar pictures, and not in the
Howard Hughes for topper in "Dis-
turn to at least three days weekly, while
several other sources before thev The Ringling circus tragedy in cutting down of production costs, honored Lady," was switched to Lu-
carpenters outside of studios were
consider 35 mm. Hartford and the Cocoanut Grove he said. David O. Selznick's "Duel pino part. Stromberg now seeking
another "Lady," which he wants to told by International prexy, William
blaze in Boston were the immediate in the Sun," being made in color,
Hutchcson, not to cross the studio
UA's Raw Film Setup causes for formation of the com- will cost approximately $3,000,000 start in May.
picket lines. Painters International
mittee. when finished and will be his great- prexy, L. P. Lindclof, also wired he
Hollywood, April 17.
Umted Artists foreign print chief, Senator William F. Condon got his est picture, Leserman stated. How- LOOK BOOK LAUDS was giving full cooperation of union
Earl Dennison, is temporarily bill through the Upper House after ard Hughes' "The Outlaw," has fi- at all times, and that his men were
as- -
amending it to exclude "a church, nally received a Hays office seal
signed to Hollywood where
" clearing
he will synagogue, school or college." and will be distributed by UA with H'WOOD WAR EFFORT 100% behind the strike.
,h«»Bd,.fflr_p,lliK ation 0 f
dim to DA producers.
a Sept. 1 release fMor-fec-*d(?'>4- - The ft,; t^'a-<>/-T..^ok.!T"'3aTiri hgji-

Dennison, who is expected to re- UA

has 13 pictures awaiting, re- gotten out a significant and, at the
main here until raw stock situation Hartman Winds Pact lease, Leserman pointed out. Selz- same time, entertaining book, "Movie
nick's "Spellbound," which follows Lot to Beachhead" (Doubleday-
relaxes, will also
prints to go overseas. With Goldwyn; to B'way Samuel Goldwyn's "Wonder Man" Doran: $3.50), subcaptioned "The Two angles of television will lie
Hollywood, April 17. into the Astor, N. Y., on June 1, with Motion Picture Goes to. War and Pre-
..Production °* "AngeT- on My pares for the Future." highlighted in technical papers to be
Shoulder," slated for late May
by Don Hartman wound up his writ- "The Southerner" (formerly "Hold introduced at the semi-annual tech-
Charles R. Rogers, has been
set back ing contract with Samuel Goldwyn Autumn in Your Hand"), and the As Robert St. John states in his
nical conference of the Society of
to late July. and shoved off for New York to au- Bing Crosby production, "The Great preface, "There was a day when it Motion Picture Engineers in Holly-
In addition to the
postponement, thor and produce a stage musical, John L.," set to open out of N. Y. was considered smart to be cynical wood, May 14-1B. Klaus Landsbcrg,
sogers has closed all but starring Danny Kaye. the last two weeks :n May. about Hollywood. That was before the
his press war." Then follows a well-edited
television director forW6XYZ. run
end accounting Before leaving. Hartman com- by a Paramount subsid in Holly-
departments; as re-
suit of raw-film
pleted the screenplay for "The Kid wood, will outline how film produc-
from Brooklyn," to be filmed by
POLITICAL FOUNDATION tion and tele broadcasting can aid
next This is a condensation of a
Goldwyn as Kaye's starrer. each other, speaking from actual ex-
Following his picture chore, Kaye SET UP BY DE MILLE book" rei'ietn from its next issue perience in operating this station al-
which Saturday Reuieui of
19 OR 20 PK ALL WB w ill do the stage piece.
Birth of the DeMiUe Political
Los Angeles, April 17.
Literature asked the editor' of
most in the middle of a motion pic-
ture studio.
"Variety" to wrilc for that
Based on tentative plans, it now
Yd Hicks Doing Fairly Well Freedom Foundation was announced
here by Frank P. Doherty, attorney,
•Ralph B. Austrian. Television
Corp. v.p., will give facts and figures
John W. Hicks, Jr.. Paramount In- as an aftermath of Cecil B. DeMille's illustrating how film techniques are.
•PPears that Warner Bros, ternational president, was reported
will come suspension from the American Fed- better suited than live talent for a
er lhe wi,e tnis text and pictorial exposition of. Hol-
.»ji season (1844-45), doing as well as could be expected oration of Radio Artists for his re- majority of television studio pro-
ending Aug. 31,
with a minimum of lywood's contribution to the war ef- grams.
yesterday (Tues.) afternoon follow- fusal to pay a $1 levy in a recent
i» pictures and a maximum of 20. fort. Not the least of it is the final
ing an operation at the Memorial election campaign. Advances in wartime military and
former figure is the most likely, chapter Irea'/ig with the role of the
Hospital, N. Y., earlier in lhe day. W. spokesman for the movies in the postwar world.

J. Bassctt, naval use of motion pictures also

£°m indications, and sets a new all- Hicks was. under treatment about six

«me low in deliveries by this com- Los Angeles Central Labor Council,
In a kalidoscopic, yet meaty, re-
will be outlined at confab. Among
months ago. and finally went lb Palm.
replied: "You can't make a martyr other papers will be those by J. R.
pany. view, the job Hollywood has done is
Springs to recuperate early this year.
out of a millionaire over a dollar Alburger, -F. L. Hopper and R. C.
While WB spotted two pictures for The veteran head of Par's foreign bill." paraded. First came "prologue to Moody, all nf
Western Electric; and
this month. "God Is My Co- sales apparently was in poor health
war" ("Confessions of a Nazi Spy," Barton H.
Thompson, of Paramount
Si ?,f
"Blockade." "Judgment Day," "The engineering department,
April 7) and " tioTn B1 »ws at Who will
mu L
(April 28), only one will
since his illness last yo;ir.
'Rhapsody' in June - Mortal Storm," r'Escape," „ "Four
tell of flame-retarding materials
« available in May. This will be "Rhapsody in Blue," Warner's film Sons." "The Great Dictator"), when needed for motion pictures.
«cape in the Desert," which Ben Janet Wood at Col. biog of George Gershwin, goes into Hollywood was accused of warmon-
•vainienson, Warner general sales Janet Wood moves over from the Hollywood, WB's Broadway gering instead of
- the great patriotic
jwager, last week set for May 19. Metro to Columbia next week to showcase, in June. job the movie biz was doing to Jed Harris' July Pic
occlusive, of this picture, Warners become eastern story editor Twenty minutes have been awaken a western world. Jed Harris reports* to International
wrough April will have released :'
Miss Wood has been assistant to chopped from film's running time Thereafter the Axis on the march Pictures in July to direct one film.

0My 15 features. Olin Clark, Metro's story editor. since last fall when first run off. (Continued on page 45) It's for Nuniially Johnson.

The Showman Says:

No one compares with the American Showman for

delivering slogans that "Sock and Sell." He uses lan-
guage that is clear and direct and carries tremendous
popular appeal. That is why, since this is Total War
and America has one enemy . . . whether he fights in

Europe or Asia... the Nation's Showmen have adopted

the ringing slogan that will best urge the movie-going
public to buy more bonds than ever before in the
Mighty Seventh War Loan.



1501 Bnadway, New York 18, N. Y.
Is CHttratiM with tt« War Fiaanct CMmitttt tf ttw Uaitci States Treasury Detartatei

Wednesday, April 18, 1945 PICTURES
Tears Sans Sobs
Par's 22 in Preparation for 1945-46
Hollywood, April 17. Biz Too Good So Fewer Exhib Beefs;
flacks in Metro's

Exceeds the 19 Pix So Far Released

The number of Paramount pic--*
publicity mill suddenly wept,
and it wasn't because of the
emoting of any of the actors. A
studio cop accidentally dropped
Probably M Squawks *• With
Total Only 250G
the number of exhibitor
tures thatare .being prepared for a tear bomb. complaints . to homeoffices. having
production, totaling 22, .exceeds the
Pat Kirkwood Exchanged 'Lady' Becomes linguist lessened very appreciably, exchanges
that have been released, so Hollywood, April 17. Hollywood, April 17. throughout the country have be-,
(1944-45), while at pres- First American chore for Pat Kirk- Documentary Oscar winner, "Fight- come more liberal in' settling differ-
this season
wood. British film star, under the ex-
ent the company
has reached a hew ing Lady," produced by 20th-Fox in ences. It's estimated in distributor
change agreement between Metro's. association with the Navy, .will be circles that if all squawks made were
high in the number
of features that London and Culver City studios, will
dubbed in half a dozen languages,. to to be settled they wouldn't 'involve
are completed
but yet to be released. be top femme role in' "No Leave, No let the world know about the prow- ,
more than $250,000 in money for the
product includes Par's fifth Love," to be produced by Joe Paster-
season, embracing four
nak. Electric Saving ess of out fighting ships.
Charles Boyer checked into the
past year v
block this Following the Culver City job, Cited are the low number of
studio to do narration for the French clearance complaints made and the
pictures. Miss Kirkwood will return to Lon-
version, under supervision of Louis fact that cases taken to arbitration
Preparing for production at the don for "The Brighton Bells."

are 13 pictures to be
For All in Future de Rochemont. producer. have
been gradually diminishing.
Par plant Since the average exhibitor is mak-
made by Par itself; Ave which Hal Chicago,- April 17. .
ing more money than he ever did
and four
to be done
will turn
by B.
G. WB Expands Field One of themost interesting side-
lights on the dimout here is that ZOth-Fox Pays
before, he appears to be less con-
cerned about clearance setups; jt's
pointed out. Even where the exhib
DeSylva. exhibs have learned those vertical
gets film late he's generally mailing
Due to its heavy producing sched- signs advertising, the names of their out well. The yowling that exists,
ule Par is said to be considerably Exploiteers to 20 theatres aren't nearly as important according to sales observers, does
use of raw stock. for attracting trade as they used to hot come from the rank and Ale
overboard on its
Recognizing the need for more think they were. Balaban & Katz
The week ended last Saturday. and, as a result of fewer squawks,
extensive exploitation in order to have removed the verticles from two .

much of the steam has been taken

assure maximum patronage and- of their Loop Arstruns, Sta,t.e-Lake (14), which marked the conclusion out- of exhib organizations.
FRENCH ARMY NEWSREEL playing time. Warner Bros, has and United Artists, and the side-sign of a 17- week sales drive calling
One usually gets a vacant stare
brought Its field merchandising force on Warners' Stratford came down for salary bonuses and also.the sec- from
up to 20 with several additions and even before the dimout six months ond week of 20lh-Fox s 30th anni- asked about the decree.
i the average exhib now if he's
Instead of
French Army newsreel. produced probably will put on some others. —
ago, to be exact to cue the trend. versary celebration, was the biggest
talking .about that, they are present-
This is double the number of ex- in bookings that the company has
magazine format, is to be made
in Dimout has proved that, once ly more concerned with rawstock
ploiteers which Warners had" a'. year, you're established, it's silly to burn ever had. Shipments in short sub-
available to the U, S. newsreel pool situation, picture shortages, man-
During. the past week Mort all those lights, according to Charles jects alone during the past week were
on the same basis, (nominal charge) ago. power problems and the like.
as U. S. or British Government
Alms. BlumenstockT eastern publicity-ad- H. Ryan, WB's assistant zone man- greater than for all of the prior four An' impression .gathered in con-
vertising manager, took on three new ager. "Trend is more and more away months, while for the month of April
Gilbert Comte. distribution chief in tacting many exhibitors, was
men and effected, transfers for from verticals, initial costs of which it is expected that more shorts -will added, is that a great number of
the U. S. for the French Army Cine- be played than for all the previous .

matographic Service, who arrived others. Ira E. Epstein, formerly han- run anywhere from $4,000 for small- them feel that. they should be getting
nine months.
New" York last week to step up dis- dling exploitation in the metropoli- er neighborhood houses to $10,000 or a larger share of the gross. Many
Since April 1 over 90%. of the
tribution of French Army Subjects, tan N. Y, area for the Warner cir- more for the Loop Arstruns," Ryan
country's more than 16,000 theatres are anxious to lay aside, more than
is being aided by March of Time
in cuit and independent accounts, who. said, "to canopies, only. Besides the
have already played or are commit- they now can as protection against
presenting footage to the American has been in the service' for a year, initial layout, exhibitors are finding,
ted to play at least one 20th subject any postwar depression. Distribs on
newsreel pool. will act as assistant to Allan Kohan, especially during these days of man-
during the month, whether feature, the other hand feel that they are
Comte. who was*previously in Al- who is shifting from Seattle to take power shortages, that it's becoming short or newsreel
issue. So far the entitled- to as much of the exhibition
giers in the French government film care of the Cincinnali-Cleveland- increasingly difficult to have the
N. Y.. Albany, Buffalo, Boston and dollar as they're now receiving.
division and represented M.O.T. in Iiidianapolis territories. Other addi- sighs painted once a year and that's — New Haven branches are 100%. The
France before the war, said that all tions are, Ed Benjamin, former N. Y. on top of that monthly layout of
N. Y. .exchange, headed by Ray
American newsreels will likely get ^newspaperman and publicist, recent- $100, or more in many cases, for Moon, will, not only have something

the green light to resume operation ly discharged from military service, maintenance, including bulbs, juice,
of their 'own units in France as soon
as conditions are stabilized. (Indi-
who becomes field rep for the De- etc.
troit area, and J. D. Woodard, long
bearing the 20th label at least one
day on the screen of all the 1,200
"Dimout will show exhibitors theatres served out of N. Y., but of
Anti-Nazi fix OK
vidual U. S. newsreel operation in with Lucas & Jenkins In. Georgia, they don't, need verticals." Ryan this number 415 are using' something
France was recently terminated fol- who will handle Atlanta, New Or- continued,' Vunless they're used on from 20th every day during this
In Argentina Now

lowing the agreement reached for leans and Charlotte branch zones. a new theatre that needs to be es- month. Even all the foreign-lan-
an all-French reel). March of Time. Transfer set last week was Richard tablished. But even then I -would guage theatres in N. Y. City have
Stephens, now in charge of Cincin- debate the subject, because a new come through as a tribute to 20th's
which is classified as a monthly Montevideo, April 17.
newsAlm magazine rather than a nati, who takes over theBuflfalo ter- house is pretty well lit up by- its 30 years in business. Alfred Bolognesi, director general
newsreel. has retained the right of ritory April 30. In addition to the riiarquee anyway." of the Argentine 'government's the-
In the 17-week selling drive, end-
publication in France at any time. out-of-town appointments, Blumen- Check of nabe houses reveals that ed Saturday (14) as many as 26 ex- atre and Aim board, announced in
Comte explained that French Ar- stock recently brought Dan Karsch grosses slipped plenty during the changes exceeded quotas set for an interview In Buenos Aires last
into the ho. as assistant to Bill first weeks of the dimout, with many Lhem, which means the equivalent of
week that "The Hitler Gang" and
my Alms are produced in magazine other similar anti-Nazi
Brumbei'g. head of the field staff. customers passing up houses because three, weeks', salary for all of the pictures
format running about 1,000 feet per
would be exhibited in Argentina. He
edition. In some issues only one sub- Supplementing other reasons, the they thought they were closed. How- personnel in these branches frdm por- said that
the new policy, a direct
ject is treated while in others two Warner exploitation force is being ever, things are looking- up now that ters up. The order in which these switch from previous
expanded because it has bec%me evi- moviegoers are in the groove— and branches finished were Seattle, Port- tude there, would
official atti-
or three developments are handled'
extend to all pre-
within the one-reel running time. dent that exhibitors are now more the payoff, according, to ops, is that land, Los Angeles, N.V., New Haven, viously banned
pictures, such as
(French newsreels continue in a sep- showmanship-conscious than ever 95% of- them haven't even noticed St. Johns, Salt Lake 'City, Denver, "The Dictator,"
"Confessions, of a
arate category under the French before and, not being exploiteers the signs are down! San Francisco, St. Louis, Milwaukee,
Nazi Spy," "For Whom the Bell
Ministry of Information.) Any part themselves, are asking for more help Winnipeg, Boston, Philadelphia,
Tolls" and "Mission to Moscow."
or all of any French. Army reel sub- in putting over pictures. A4so, cur- Kansas City, Omaha, Pittsburgh, In-
mitted can be taken by any of the tailment of newspaper ad space has Cagney's
Frisco Preem dianapolis. Toronto, Calgary, Mon-
Thus far, there has been no relax- -

ation of censorship of newsreels, ac-

members of the U. S. newsreel pool. treal, Des Moines, Memphis, Buffalo,
necessitated greater use of other to word here.
Distribution of French Army reels forms of advertising, promotion and Sans Any UNBallyhoo Cincinnati, and Albany. Chicago was cording policy is that newsreels must not
Bolognesi's .

exploitation, chiefly tieups with war

the only branch among others' to Ah
in the U. S. has hitherto been con-
Regardless of denials. United ish for two -weeks' salary, based contain shots' showing the war in a ,

Aned chiefly to non-theatrical ex- plants, commercial firms, stores, etc., week in too harsh light, which might alarm
as reported last upon business done; while Vancou-
where cooperation is getting more Artists,
"Variety," plans to eliminate refer- ver came in for one week's extra peace-loving Argentinos. This means
hibitionthrough the France Forever
movement headed by Richard de generous all the time. the virtual butchering of American
ence to the United Nations Security pay.
Rochement. De Rochement states Building up the Warner exploita- Conference in the advertising and Nine branches running out of the newsreels since those today are more
that there has been a marked im- tion force is in line with the long- exploitation campaign for "Blood On money were Washington, Cleveland than 85% war footage.
provement in French Army Alms re- advocated policy of Charles Einfeld, the Sun,'? which preems in San Atlanta, Detroit, Oklahoma City
^ centlv and for .tha t much of the foot age v. p. in chargeof publicity-advertis-
JLr.ancisco. week of May ^2. The Min neapolis. New Orleans, Dallas Reaction
— In IT. S.
suitable' ing, calling tor"WB field men to t>e'|

inclusion in"\lari:h "of "T

preem. "of course^'will be 'held as ana CTft'ho'fte.- "flu UirWiJi'' LUtiillli aAi</e.~z,i~-
Time as well as other U. S. reels.

public relations representatives not previously scheduled under spon- lifting the ban on anti-Nazi pictures
only for WB i

but for the industry in sorship of the San Francisco Press has been received from Buenos Aires
Harry Thomas Succeeds
general whenever the opportunity
arises. Einfcld's theory is that any-
Club. TED BOLNICK BECOMES by U. S. Aim companies in N. Y., re-
In advising "Variety" of this deci-
cent requests from Argentina on
thing helping the industry will re-
Kalick as PRC Sales Y.-P dound 4o the benefit of WB as well. sion- Barry Buchanan,
advertising- BERGER'S GEN'L MGR. these films indicate the productions
will be in general circulation down
publicity chief for UA, stated that

j Minneapolis, April 17. there soon. For example. Paramount

Harry H. Thomas, for several years "everything possible is being done Ted Bolnick. former city manager only has had word that additional
eastern sales
manager for Monogram,
yesterday (Tuesday ) was named v-p U RACK CONVERTS CHI to eliminate tieups relating to the; for the Eddie Ruben circuit at prints and supplies on "Hitler Gang"
Conference in deference to the deci- LaCrosse. Wis., and one-time booker are
in charge of distribution and gen- needed. Warners recently was
whole. Un- for Paramount in this territory, who
7«»^«ale«-maBBger-<>f-PRC Pictures. 1UN BLAST INTO B.p..BI8 sion of the industry as a informed that censor officials wanted
-~.«e. succeeds Bert Kulick, who only ftp.vifceen on the. Coast recently, has to take .another look at "Confes-
Chicago, April 17.-.. 4 (Blood. Oa .Jh^^u^^h-We^Sa^
last week sold his
N Y. PRC fran- Thai '.blast at Maria Monte/, on Francisco Press Club was made long
bought an fhteres^viiritiicy aVHirtaAiaa ^fl

.,vm>w» •-a
chise to the company, as sales- man- j Bcrger independentx .. theatre
chain, Hence, Par soon believes both

p. 1 of the Chi Sun last week for blfore Secretary, of State Stettinius one of the largest in the. territory. "Gang" and "Bell Tolls." which pre-
ager. j

traveling with 21 pieces. of. luggage expressed his wishes to the indus-
He will become its general manager viously were barred from Argentine
.Kulick recently was honorably during wartime may have seemed, try, certain minor phases of the
in charge of all operations. exhibition, will be out on release '

discharged from the Navy, and ex- offhand, like a lost cause for Miss campaign cannot be undone at this
Bolnick replaces Gilbert Nathon- there shortly, Same treatment is ex-

Peels to take a vacation before an- Montez. but Ben Kat-/.. Universal ex- stage. Both United Artists and Cag-

son who. in turn'., replaced Merle pected on WB's "Nazi Spy" and

nouncing new plans. Thomas, who change flack here, capitalized, on it ney Productions plan to cooperate,
Potter when the latter went into the "Mission to Moscow." Metro was
in a bis way by grabbing ofT ad
is a veteran
in both exhibition and with the industry to the fullest ex- armed services. Nalhonson resigned told recently that an okay would be

distribution, takes over next Monday space al the bottom o( each or the in me.etj.iig the ^wishes of the' in order to devote more time, to his ready on "Song of Russia." RKO's
(23). eight front page columns. In one edi-
Stale Dept. regarding "motion picture own theatre interests. He owns and "hitler's 'Children" ami"' "Master .

of the..Sun Thursday 112), i

Frances Kulick, manager of the tion

stressing slar s "impetuosity."'
publicity during the Conference." operates houses in Detroit Lakes and Race" also would be okay for Ar-
company's N. Y. exchange, has also ;

Publicity on the preem will not Cloquet. Minn., in partnership with gentina tinder interpretation of new
resigned,, with no successor chosen. Plugs at $5 a half-inch, were for |

official attitude in that country.

refer 10 the Conference, it- was em- Bill Elson who also has the Palace
She took over when her brother. "Sudan." which opened at the RKO

Lawrence, entered the armed forces pha.sized. At a meeting of industry in downtown Minneapolis, Potter
Palace the' same day. and ij^'s the

three -years ago, advertising-publicity heads under was long a film editor and critic be-
time the sheet has eve'r let

them all go to one client at one
the auspices of the Hays office April fore he took the Berger post. Wallis East to Hoddle
9 it was decided that all major com-
panies would not capitalize on. the 'STORK CLUB* GETS DATE 2
Par on His Neil Pix
Hollywood. April 17.
U. N. confab by linking films to the
Horse breeding in Montana is O'BRIEN TO BE DUFFY' event, in advertising or publicity.
Hollywood, April 17. Hollywood, April 17.
oiamalized in "Stallion Road." pur- ;
Hollywoodi April 17. After weeks of delay, due to dif- Hal Wallis leaves Saturday (21)
ged in the galley proofs by RKO inked Pat O'Brieh to' star in BIRINSBTS PES CHORES
ficulties In arranging elaborate sets, for New York; to confer with Charles
Warners from the novel written by "Mike Duffy Presents." story by "The Stork Club." B. G. DeSylva's Reagan, Paramount sales manager,

Stephen Longstrect. Hollywood, April 17. first indie production. for Paramount, on release of two more of Wallis'
Nathaniel Curtis, recently purchased
Studio has assigned Alex Got»- by the- studio. Leo Birlnski is in from New York. gets the gun Thursday (19). indie production's on that lot. Films
to produce the tale, which: will Tale of a modern Phincas T. Bar- He will do some screen writing, Picture has a heavy cast, topped are "Love Letters" and "You Came

j* Published in book form eurlv niini will be screenplayed by the au- also Anish a couple of plays while by Betty Hutton and Barry Fitz- Along."
next month by here over the summer. gerald. Wallis will be done about a month.
Random House. thor of the original.
Wednesday, April 18, 1945

— . "

Wednesday* April 18, 1945 WAR ACTIVITIES

Pvt. Pix Industry Pronto in Europe In Nineteen fiftyfive Connors Asks 25% Jump in Free Movie
I By Georre S. Kaufman I

The bonds
* Excepting Germany, Says Bob Riskin tra la,
that you purchase today,
Days, Bond Preems, for Showmen's 7th
Tomorrow may' keep you alive,

Private interests may soon have* For each little dollar you pay* tra Distributors division of the "Show-
control again of the film industries' la,
men's Seventh" Was Loan drive will
In one
In most of the European decade away, tra
countries '45 R.C.
except Germany. Robert Riskin, DRIVE IN NEW little
Can easily help you survive.
MEROFF UNIT WINS seek a 25% increase in Bond pre-
mieres, children's preems and Free
So linger around while we set up a
overseas film bureau head for OWI, Movie Day pledges, it was stated in
indicated that fact last week upon HIGH; GRACE'S FILM For the
glorious, happy,, incredible
GI ACCLAIM IN CBI Chicago yesterday (Tues.) by Tom
his return to New York from the Denver, April 17. year; Somewhere in Burma April 10. Connors, national distributor chair^
Coast. Charles P. Skouras on Saturday That giddy and gay, almost edible man. During the. Sixth War Loan
distribs who used to do
American year, Benny Meroff and his "Funzaflre"
(14) telegraphed to N. Peter Rath- campaign there were 4,575. Bond
business in Italy have been offered von, president of RKO, national . OF NINETEEN FIFTYFIVE! now completing, an overseas
preems, 1,000; children's preems, and
the chance to resume'.routing their chairman of Red Cross drive, motion USO-Camp Shows stint with a tour 9,700 Free Movie Days.
own pix in that country, Riskin said. When that rolls around we'll have
picture industry, that the overall

through Burma, came in for official Connors announced that the dis-
The same true of Bulgaria, and
Red Cross collections of National plenty
o/. jack,
tributors division will be set up on.
Greece.. The French industry is al- For that's when the Goi)emment-|-C£)mmendat ' 0'l from Advance Section
Theatres amounted to $584,375, ex- .

the same basis as the exhibitor divi-

ready in private hands. gives it all bach; Three headquarters recently follow-
ceeding the 1944 collections by sion of the National Committee, with
As far as Germany is concerned,
We'll sally out gaily uiitli blood in ing a
$139,879. Established a new all-time performance in Nalong. three area chairmen. In addition to
however, no definite policy has been our eye.
high, as 1944 collections amounted to Unit, though dusty and tired after Herman Wobber, a western area
worked out yet, Riskin declared. So And here's just a few of the things chairman, John Flynn, Metro west-
$445,500 and 1943 amounted to a long trip among China-bound con-
far, in portions of Germany occupied that we'll buy:
ern general sales manager, will be
$269,462 voys on an uncompleted section of
longest, like the. Aachen area, the midwest area distributor chairman,
National Theatres Paper, clips, the Ledo Road, went immediately
Phychologieal Warfare Board (PWB) wholly-
is a
and E: K. O'Shea, Metro eastern gen-
owned subsidiary of 20th Century- Buggy whips, into a performance oh arrival, giv-
has been operating along "hard
Fox. Marshmallow candy, ing what the commendation called eral sales manager, will serve as
peace" principles, fllmwlse. No pic-

Napoleon brandy, "the most refreshing, spirited and eastern area distributor chairman.
tures at all are shown the German

Dynamos, rubbers and 20-course entertaining show witnessed by Connors asked for a report from
population. It is doubtful, in' Ris- Northwest Hits New High Too .

kin's opinion, whether any films will Minneapolis, April 17.- meals, members of this command in almost the distributor chairmen by April 28
Theatre Red Cross collections for Butter and nylons and automobiles. two years in this theatre." on the number of theatres pledged
be shown the Germans in the' near '

High heels, and said that every theatre should

future, except reels of decidedly this territory in the recent drive set Unit expects to return to the U. S. be contacted by May 1 if possible.
non-entertainment value, but useful an all-time high. With 110 theatres Flywheels, in June.

Hershey bars, Although 1,200 prints of the "All-

as propaganda. That.- policy, how- still left to report, the aggregate sum Star Bond Rally," 19-minute drive
ever, may vary from region to re- from 703 reporting theatres is $142,-
Kiddie Kars, .

subject, are being, ordered, there may

gion inside Germany, depending 403, compared to the previous high, Books of murders.
be a shortage of prints and arrange-
upon the psychological factors as $131,000, last year's complete total Iron girders. Prize Scanties, GTs
ments are being made to bicycle
analyzed by the PWB
there. John J. Fried], chairman of the War Juicy steaks both thick and carvy.
them, Connors recommended that a
Riskin announced that Billy Wild- Activities committee, has announced. Best seats in the house for "Harvey." Says Martha O'DriscoIl master booking plan be set up in
er,- Paramount director, is leaving The number of participating thea- Railroad seats for distant places,
each territory for booking arid dat-
Solid platinum shoelaces, Hollywood, April 17.
for Germany to work for PWB. tres, 813 out of 825, also broke the
ing films for the preems arid. Free
Wilder may work not only in pix. previous record, comparing with 743 Gorgeous coats of countless sables, Sans most of her professional :

wardrobe and various intimate gar- Movie Days.


but on general entertainment, and last year. Coca-Cola, racing stables,

concert assignments, as well, except And e'er we leave the festive scene. ments, Martha O'DriscoIl returned
radio. Grade Fields' Red Cross Film Gasoline and GASOLINE!! from a 30,000-mile, 11-week tour of Over 200 Midwest Execs
While in N. Y., Riskin said he in- Gracie Fields will make a film the Pacific war' area, accompanied
All of these yon'll boy, and how!
by Beryl In Chi Rally for 7th Loan
tends to discuss with film company short in Hollywood soon for the Au6
IF YOU PURCHASE BONDS Sid Marion.Cuffe, Frances Faye and
WAB Chicago, April .17.
chiefs here his proposal that the in- tralian Red Cross, for distrib in
NOW!! Out for
dustry 'set up its own subsidized houses there during the annual Au Her garments disappeared one by midwest the biggest haul to date,

distribs and exhibs met at

firm to make and distribute 16-mm. gust drive. Short will be made gratis one, the Universal actress explained,
cultural films postwar. These Alms by Fox-Movietone.
an all-day meeting at the Blackstone
would be for the export market only.
1-Nighting for every USO
time she hung them out on hotel Monday (16) to map the
Marjorie Lawrence made similar washday. Troupe put on more than
The OWI exec had announced the sho'r,t last year, which was shown in "Showmen's Seventh" War Loan .

150 shows and ..visited hospitals in

plan in Hollywood, where he esti- every town arid village in Australia Cures Cop Ventro, Hawaii, New Caledonia, New He-
drive in this section of the country.
mated that an initial Investment of in 'one -week, to great success. Hence, Among those present at the 10-
and the
drides, Tulagi, Guadalfcanal
hour huddle, including a luncheon
f 1,000,000 would be needed for the repetition of stunt, this time with Won't Turn Profesh -Russell. Islands.
at which the theme most underlined
venture. However, he declared, since Miss Fields. Detroit, April 17.
first broaching the plan he had come
was "the spirit of President Roose-
Whatever they say about ventrilo- velt moves us to bigger and better
to the conclusion that $500,000 would
quists being falsetto, Sgt. Wayne John Carroll Comes Home things this time," were national com-
be enough to start the. postwar cul-
tural-film project.
GI Infantry Show To Fernelius put his dummy voice up Hollywood, April 17. mittee members Sam Pinanski, Tom .

two miles. •
John Carroll, back in civilian life Connors, Ted Gamble and John
is the Detroit cop who
Plans Bra«ketted Spark 7th War Loan Drive gotFernelius
so good as a ventriloquist, work-
after Army service, checked in at Hertz, Jr. Also present were David
Hollywood, April 1Y Metro for top male, role in "The B. Wallerstein, division -manager of
"Here's Your Infantry," a one-hour ing with, his dummy. "Jerry McSafe-
Departure of Billy Wilder on a Kissing Bandit." Balaban & Katz, who's midwest co-
GI action show, staffed entirely by ty," to give the Detroit school kids
Government mission to Germany Role is Carroll's first on the home ordinator for the drive; Edward L.
overseas combat vets, will be used as safety lessons, that the USO grabbed
caused lot in more than two years. Kuykcridall, prez, Motion Picture
his co-producer; Charles main feature of ,7th War Loan drive him off for an overseas unit. The
Bracked, to drop plans, temporarily Theatre Operators of America.
by. U. S;. Treasury. War show, set Detroit police department gave him
for the production of "The Count of Will Sogers' Son In Martin G. Smith, pres. Indie Thea-
up last November by Captain Thom- a six-month leave with pay to go — —
Luxembourg" and "Olympla," which as Phipps, ex-scenario writer, and on his overseas junket to entertain
Hollywood. April 17. tre Operators of Ohio; Tony Sude-
they were to have made together.- Capt. Wm. B. Cowan, legit pro- the. troops.
James B. Rodgers. inducted into kum, prez. Crescent Amus. Co,
Currently Brackett Is collaborating ducer,' was tested in previous bond
Back home, Sgt. Fernelius* will re-
Army yesterday (16) at Fort Mac- Nashville; Fred ehrenberg, chair-
with Jacques Thery on the screen- drive, when eight units were used. man of board, MPTOA; Ed C. Beatty,
play of "To Each His Own," which sume his ventriloquist safety 'act for He is son of Will Rogers and as- Butterfleld Circuit, Michigan; Col.
Present setup calls for 24 units, the school kids and also
will probably be his next producer a radio spot sociate editor of Beverly Hills Harry A. Cole, Texas Federated
each playing two states, to cover en- over WWJ
with the regular police Citizen.

tire country, May 14-June 30, with program. Theatres, Dallas; Karl Hoblitzelle,
The cop has no ambition Interstate Circuit, Texas; Al Steffes,
100 officers and 1,000 men partici- to turn into a
professional perform-
pating. Show has three phases: (a) er. His
one-night stands all. over
MEMPHIS MUSICIAN KILLED Minneapolis exhib; Marc J. Wolf,
preparation for battle;, (b) attack on Europe was
Indianapolis exhib; and Pete Wood,
Joey Faye to Team With a cure. Memphis. April 17.
Ohio exhib.
enemy billboxes; (c) static display Lieut. Vernon P. Winton, 'former
and Vets are training cellist with the Memphis Symphony Chi exhib execs present included '

Sinatra for USO Tour at Ft. Benning. Ga.. for the show. 'Sisters' Trio Male
orchestra, was killed ina flight John Balaban, B&K; Jack Kirsch,
Hollywood, April 17. Hollywood, April 17.
. over Germany with the AAF on Allied; James E. Coston, Warners;
Frank Sinatra will start tour of Jimmy Durante, Lauritz Mclchior Feb 8, his parents have been' ad Edwin Silverman, Essaness; Arthur
European war zones .next month un- N. Y. Bond Rally Plans and Peter Lawford draw top male vised. Schoenstadt; Jules J. Rubens, Pub-
der USO-Camp Shows auBpices. Joey Mpre than 100 N. Y. theatre execs spots in "Two Sisters From Boston.'' He was on hTs ninth B-l 7 mission lic -Cisat .Statu. Sib*? Cv«a!
Faye, comic, and one singer will ac-
met at the Roxy, theatre, N. Y., yes- Metro musical is slated to start with the Eighth Air Force at the in the Seventh, besides Wallerstein,
company the Voice on'the trip. terday (Tues.) to map plans for what May 7. time. present were Walt Immerman, B&K,
- Sinatra will leave his radio show is to be known as the ''Workers
Cook County exhib chairman; Larry
one week early and will return after

Drive" participation in the 7th War Stein, Theatres, Cook County WB

13 weeks. He will pass most oMay- publicity director; Bill Bishop, M-G,
Loan campaign.
entertaining 'abroad at
Group met under the chairman- Ex-Showmen, in Service, Take Over downstate publicity director; Ralph
Lawler, Peoria, and Eddie Zorn,
—'in hospitals.
ship of Irving Lesser, head of the
N.'Y. area drive, and Maurice Kinz-
Pontiac, downstate exhib co-chair-
men; and Harold Stevens, Par, dis-
Arthur Mayer to Europe ler, campaign director. Objectives
outlined revolved about the activi- Change of 16 mm. to 35 mm. Film Sked trib chairman for the state.

On Red Cross Mission ties' of those campaign workers who

Establishment of regular 35 mm. O.: Capt. Mike Cullen, former west- fl.SM.WMM Aim
Arthur L. Mayer, operator of the actually do the work, contribute Denver, April 17.
motion picture theatres in Europe ern division manager for Loew's
Rialto, N. Y., who has been
very ideas and assume responsibility. Theatres; Lt. John J. Nicholson, for-
One billion dollars in"E" bonds
for American
merly with Warner Bros, theatres; is the 7th War Loan goal of the
active in war work since Pearl Har- forces, as first report-
_|pr, has been appointed assistant to L. A. to N. Y. ed exclusively in "Variety" (Jan. Western Regional Division. This aim
Lt. Carl L. Dorst, formerly with Par
Basil. O'Connor, national chairman
Lewis Alien. 10, 1945), is now well under exchange in Detroit; Lt. Joseph L. of the 11 western states, which con-

?f the American Red Cross, stitute the WRD of the motion pic-

and. in Pedro Armendariz. way, according to report issued by Lyne, formerly of Columbia ex-
his new capacity, will shortly leave ture industry's drive, was set by
to cover the European war theatres
Tom Bail'y. the War Activities Committe last change in Dallas; Lt. Edgar T. Bram-

Charles P. Skouras, area chairman,

w help formulate plans for addi-
Ed Casbman. week. WAC also announced that wel), formerly in Universal ex- in an address which he made Mon-
James Cassidy. Joseph H. Seidelman. president of change. Portland.
R. c. services for armed day (16) before 100 exhibitors and
Howard Diet?.. Universal International Films and Enlisted men are Sgt.-. George
forces aHcr V-E Day.
Mayer, who was in the Pacific as
Don Hartman. consultant to the Secretary of War Gaughan. Jr., for 14 years with Par- (Continued on page 26)
deputy commissioner of the Red Signe Hasso. on motion pictures overseas, is amount in San Antonio, Dallas and
Sam Horsh. leaving for Europe, to survey the Oklahoma City; T/3 Charles R. Ram-
Cross, returned to N. Y.
a couple
months ago to work on this year's John LeRoy Johnson. Army's film needs and speed the sey; formerly with the Buttcrfleld Dietz to Frisco on UN
Carl Lesernian. changeover from .16 '.mm. 'to 35 mm. circuit: Sgt. Victor J. Carlson, for-
«• C. campaign. Before taking up Cliff. Lewis. showings. merly 20th-Fox in Chicago; T/4 Motion Picture Sked
the Pacific assignment, Mayer was
Ray Millaitd Change is being effected gradually Richard Parks, formerly Warner
active as treasurer end assistant co-
James Mulvey. as the Army opens theatres, in towns theatre manager in Philadelphia;
Howard Dietz, Metro v.p. in charge -

ordinator, of War Activities Com- Of advertising-publicity, leaves N. Y.

Dorothy OIHara behind, the lines in Europe, with a T/4 Andrew F. Gorzo, Warner the-
mittee and film consultant to the
complete changeover to 35 mm. atre manager in Pennsylvania; T/5 tomorrow (Thurs.) to attend the
Secretary of War.
Bert Oliver.
Dick Powell. scheduled for the armed forces as Vincent Proctor, from RKO theatre United 'Nations Security Conference
Seymour Robinson. soon as conditions in Europe permit. projectionist in N.Y.; T/5 Harold E. in San Francisco in his capacity as
Norman Rockwell According to the WAC; 16 former Smith, formerly with Paramount' lab chairman of the Planning Commit-
N. Y. to L. A. Henry Tobias.. film industry men now in service are in Long Island; T/5 J. P. Sylvia, tee for the Motion Picture Industry.
Irving Berlin Sonny Tufts. in the motion picture branch of the Fox-West Coast theatre projectionist; He will be accompanied by Claud* .

Hermm Citron. Stella Ungcr. Special and Information Services in T/5 Howard T. Clark, Warner thea- Lee and Fay Reedef, The Committee LcRoy. Harriet Van Hornc. .
the European theatre of operations. tre manager, Milwaukee; T/5 Louis will advise on operation of the
Chucho Martinez Hal Wallis. Following officers are among the J. Burlon, Par home office account- United Nations Theatre where se- .

IrvingRapper Lawrence Wcinfiifi'tcn. first 16 Army men to take over the ing department; T/5 Irving Riener, lected films from the U. S. and other
Ha' i y Romm Joslv.Whitc. new assignment: Capt. Paul W. Pine, Warner home office purchasing de- Allied nations will be screened for
Jnmes and Bianca Stroock. Billy Wilder. formerly Shea Enterprises, Newark, partment. the delegates
10 Wednesday, April 18, 1945
Wednesday, April 18, 1945 11


.. . . .. I .. . ; . . . , 1 . .

Wednesday, April 18, 1945

An outstanding song or two when the Nazis were close to the
Patrick the Great band.
might also help. As stands, how-
it Miniature Reviews Russian capital, an 18-year-old Mos-
(MUSICAL) cow girl became one of Russia's epic Film Bust
Vnlver.ial i-elenae of Howard ncnedlet'pro^
ever, picture is just a passable
"Patrick tbe Great" (Musical) war heroines. She worked with the Trust
ductlon. Slat's Donnld O'Connor, l'cKxy
llyan; features Frances Doc. Donald Conk.
Story starts out to be tale of the (U). Diverting romantic, item
that should do well at b.o.
partisans behind the enemy lines,
was caught and tortured by the Ger-
s Continued from page J —
Kve Anlen. Directed by Frank Hyun. singing daughter of a rich man gone
Blury. June Hull. Frederick rind lUlrli broke. The «al is out to replenish "Two O'Clock Courage" mans, refused to squeal about her formerly held production in tight
Hl.i. k; nihiptatlon, Bertram MIllhaiiKci an.
the ramily coders and tries to land iRKO). Amnesia mystery; for confederates, and was hanged. On control.
Dmuihy Bennett: Konge. Sidney Miller, lmii
on radio. But she becomes involved this factuul material the Russian film Theatre Chains
James, Cliurlea Prevln. Charles 'robin*. Da- the duals.
vid K;i|ii>; editor, Tod 3. Kent; camera. a feud between two famous radio "I'll Remember April" (Songs) makers based the picture bearing
The chains financed or made it ,

>'r:ink llnluian. At State. N. Y.. week commentators, one of whom seems this femmc's name, "Zoya." But on possible to finance
.Ain ll IS. •4.1. nunnlnK time. .MINS.
.Donald O'Connor
M like a caricature of a real-life radio
(U). Passable dualler. the screen, the picture has too slow production and,'
independent film
directly or indirect-
l'nt Dnnnhuc, Jr..
libber. Then the story goes from a .."Flame of Barbary Coast" a pace,' judged by American film
Judy Waikln. .'
VeRKy Ryan ly, influence the type and quality
l.ynn Andrews. .'. . . ,. .France* Dee . .
murder, its solution and then (Rep.) rSohgs). Well made standards, and the story goes off into of
I'm Puiuih.uc. Sr. .1

.., ..:Dnnald Cook through the collaboration of the western. details about the gal's political devel- product. The large circuits provided
dean Mathews.....,-. .Eve. Arden
llu Wllsun , .Thomua tSomea
. .
same two guys. "Hitchhike to Happiness" opment in which most Americans the first-run outlets for films. Inde-

Vri-nlls Juhna Gavin Mulr Gloria Jean's singing is not par- iRep.). Mild show biz comedy; would hot be interested. Decidedly pendent film producers got first
Shiii Na>-j.eil ...Andrew Tnmbes ticularly distinguished, and Kirby At only for houses specializing in financing and then revenue, often
Irvlnjr Uacoii for the duals.
>lr. Mcincy.; Grant's is ditto, although latter acts Russian pix.
"Madame Sans Gene" (Sono). being completely dominated by the
well, as does Milburh Stone. As for The girl's life story is developed theatre operators. Such, at any
Donald O'Connor and Peggy Ryan the songs, only one that seems pos- Argentine-rr.ade version of through a long flashback pieced out is the rate,
as a song-and-dance team with to- French revolution story; mild picture given by French reps!
sible of catching on is a novelty with blurred news shots showing his-
maiitic iids and downs help mightily number called "Hittin' the . Beach U. S. boxofftcc. .
toric Russian scenes like the funeral Under the streamlined plans- for
to make " "Patrick the Great" a di- Tonitc," with music and lyrics by
"Zoya" Russian ). for spe-
( OK of Lenin. There is some good acting the revival of the French industry,
verting musical. It's hot the tops in Marty Roberts and Chic Dornish. cialty houses only. by one of her school teachers, played the- French government would set >

entertainment but with several lis- This number is done by a quartet "Llvet Pa Landet" (Scandia).
by Boris Poslavsky, but most of the up banking facilities for film produc-
tenable songs and a pleasing little whose members are not identified. rest of the cast does its job routinely. tion to begin with. Producers would
story the chances to do well at the
Swedish-made country story
with Edward Persson starred; The star herself is O.K. thus be free to. produce the type
boxoftice Bre quite bright. The run- Dmitri Shostakovich's music pro- of films they consider most
ning time of 88 minutes may be con- Flame wf Barbary Caast okay for foreign-language spots. vides appropriate background, but
sidered a little more than was neces- Meantime, decision regarding the
(SONGS, MUSIC) rises to beauty in one long passage
sary but no serious slowness of ac- Republic release of Joseph Kane product which, however, is accompanied on disposal of the three top chains in
tion has- resulted. Kane. Stars John Wayne;
inn. direvled by.
mantic lead opposite. Pcarce's easy- the screen by photography of a par- France has not yet been made, from
The story is built around Donald Ann Dvorak; fenturea Joseph Scnlldkraut. going comedy would register more ticularly stilted kind. On the other accounts. Pathe has about 35 or 40
Cook, a, musical comedy star.—and -William-- Kinwley. Virginia Grey, Rdssell with some needed material. William hand, photographic montages occur- houses in key situations, Gaumont
lick*. Jack Norton, I'aul Fix. Manart Frawley and Willy Trenk add a lit-
young O'Connor as his stagestruck Kipnen. Screenplay. Borden Chase; music. ring in spots are excellent. Howard has approximately 28, while Siritzky
son, plus Miss Ryan who, in addition Murloit Scott; orchestration. Dale Butts; tle more comedy, with Jerome Fast wrote a sensitive narration in reportedly represented from 50 to 60
to having theatrical ambitions, is also uncea. Ijin-y i.'chnllna: camera, Robert Cowan for the heavy. Bron. English, and it is done well by Donna houses.
plenty sweet on O'Connor. Virtually Dc-Ui-HRfC Trudcahown N. T.. April 12. '45.
Itunnlni: lime. »l MISS. Keath. Cars. Pathe and Gaumont, in bankruptcy
all of the action takes place at a Duke Fergus. .John Wayne
mountain lodge where O'Connor
mistakenly thinks Frances Dee, an
'luxen Tarry:
Tito Morell...
. .

Ann Dvorak
Joseph Schlldkraut
Madame Saas Gene since before the war, are now under'
bank control. In cases of some of the
Smooth Wylle:
. .

William Frawley (ABGENTINE-MADE) IJvei l*a aLandet

authoress, has fallen in love with :

Buenos' Aires, March circuit houses there have been nu-

Hlta Dane Vlnrlnla Grey :'
15. ("Ltfe

him. Meantime, Miss Ryan is bleed- Cyrna Ibinver. ....... nuasell Hicks Argentina Sono Film production' anil re-
in the Coontry") merous sales and resales of indi-
. . , .

ing her heart out but in the end

. , Byline I'unncra. . . . . Jack Notion lease. Stars Ninl Marshall; features Kdu- vidual theatres during the Nazi oc-
everything rights itself while the Allien' Jim ...... Paul Fix anlo Culllno, Adrian Cuneo, IailK A. Otero, (With Songs)
r. ttorman Manart Klppen Homero Carpena, Hermlnla Franco, Julio cupation and some difficulty is fore-
kid's father, Cook, hits it up with Scahdln Klbus production, and release.
MurlhH Eve Lynne Renato, Delly de Ortega. Ollmpto Bobblo Stars Kdvard I'erason. Directed by Bi-or seen in determining legitimate own-
Miss Dee. Dlsku; .... Mo re Lawrence and 'Vnto. de Scrre. Dli-ccted' by I.ula Cesar

Bugler. Baited nn Frll* Iteuler'a "store; ership of some of the houses.
In between are the several songs niiilati. ..Butterfly McQueen Amadori. Adapted by t'nnrado Naile Roto
lament, Sveh Theruiunlus. At 44(li si.
and dance numbers, a couple of a Hcmlivailrr. Rex Lease from the Ylclorien Sardoti' play, ramera, Cinema. N. v.. sim-tlng April 1. '45. Bun- some instances theatres have changed
•liw.y.. .Hank Bell
production nature, and the comedy Inl-^cslioe Brown... Al Murphy
noque 'CSiacoblnn. At Premier, Buenos nln* time. 105 .WINS. hands five or six times with the final
A particularly inviting song Aires, starting Mareb BraslK ...EdvarO Persson
relief. 15, '45.
Frans von IlambOH. i^eoiice Fajit
owner possibly having a legitimate
Is Tor the First Time" (Charles To-
. .

Republic evidently put much effort Axel von Rainbow ... .. ....... Rror BiiKlcr claim to the property.
bias-David. Kapp) which serves as a <ln Spanish; Wo English Titles) Frlda von Hainbow . ..UrlKltia VulberK
nlo this western but in spite of .
In any event, French officials are
single for O'Connor. "Don't Move," This picture was first released in Haversian ..; Ivor Kace
competent handling, excessive foot- Louise reported doubting the advisability of
"When You Bump Into Someone You del Plata, the big Atlantic coast Mar . . .Inerld Backlln

Kiiow," and "Ask Madam Zam"

age-militates against it. better-
resort, last January 27, to open the
. A Frits.
Carl BlTH-kman
Willy Petera permitting chain -operation to con-
than-average dualler. Kolbjorn Knudqen
tinue on the sanfe-basisTs: in"ihV
turned out by Sidney Miller and Inez
James, are others which score nicely
A Montana cattleman comes to new Ambassador theatre operated
there by Joaquin Lautaret. Its chief
Fru Brockmuu
Brolln. . .. . .
, Dagninr Rblieaen
..Albert Stabl pre-war era. There is a possibility,
scoff at the prc-earthquake Barbary
They are doubles for O'Connor and Coast of San Francisco and stays to claim to distinction are the lavish- also, that if chains remain in opera-
Miss Ryan.. A Latin-type number is like it; a "gentleman" gambler runs
ness of period settings and costuming (In Swedish; English Titles) tion ther* may be some form of gov-
•The Cubacha," also by Miller-James and the scope of its action, unusual "Life in thfc Country" is sturdy ernment supervision.
the most successful joint in the dis Swedish film fare because the whole
The cast supporting O'Connor and for an Argentine director. It seems With French government view*
trict until the guy from the tall grass
Miss Ryan At well into the pattern of to prove how quickly the Latin- picture in built around Edvard Pers- .

decides to take over; and the gam son, an outstanding screen star in channeled in this direction the re-
the story. Both Miss Dee and Cook Americans are learning their stuff.
bier's singer-sweetheart is also the' Sweden. Without this talented player port (not printed in "Variety") soma
give well-turned performances. Eve Scenes of the French Revolution and
toast of the town's haute monde. it would be just another foreign pro- time ago that J. Arthur Rank was
Arden plays secretary to Miss Dee, Through dialog, songs and music later at the Emperor Napoleon's
and herself commands attention as a' court are extremely well done, duction with the by-now familiar, negotiating for the purchase of tha
that's distinguished chiefly for the Swedish camera work
somewhat hardboiled blonde./ Gavin Chances, in U. S. look better than excellent Gaumont circuit appeared untenable.
fact that it sounds like 1945 instead counter-balanced by an elongated,
Muir and Andrew Tombes are Broad- of 1906, the story winds a tortuous
most Argentine films. Since then there has been an offi-
way producers who favor young Director Amadori has turned out trite story and a more trite title. cial denial of any plan to sell Gau-
path until .the earthquake breaks Stout entry for foreign-language and
O'Connor over his father for the lead things up and propels the pretty
another picture of quality, but the mont (not affiliated or connected
in anew 'show. Good character is wisdom of a semi-parody on Sardou's some arty houses.
with British Gaumont) to British or

Thomas Gomez, manager for Cook, dame into the arms of the cowboy play might be questioned. Nina Mar- Persson clowns in his usual sly
without a horse. But there is never style, doing several monologs, play- other interests. Since government
while for a few laughs there's Irving shall wins laurels in her first at-
any suspense in the piece, there is no ing- a corpulent Cupid part of the opinion is apparently* opposed to
Bacon, a professional type of fellow juxtaposition of characters,- no- inner
tempt at a more or less straight com-
who is trying to get a rest in the edy, although, she tends to overdo the time and part of time warbling folk chain control by French interests it
logic. One is conscious constantly of
mountains and doesn't. famous French laundress who be- songs. It's fundamentally a story is unlikely that chain control by for-
the dragging proceedings. about a count who wants to modern-
Howard Benedict's production Despite picture's lack of character came Dutchess of Dantzig but con- eign companies would be favorably
adequate and the direction of Frank tinued an "enfant terrible." She ize the farm that's left him by his regarded.
the songs sound good, the scoring is dad. with. Persson,' as the retired
Ryan steady. Char. certainly carries the audience with
pleasant, the photography is excel overseer, eventually making the ob- Shuts Out V. S. Financing
lent in one spot (earthquake se- her, both in comic and serious moods.
Eduardo Cuitino, who adds prestige stinate count see the error of his
If the trust-buEting plan is carried
Two O'Cleek Caw-age quence), and the acting is tops. Kane
does a better, job as director than of Argentina's National Comedy ways. It takes smart work by Pers- out against the French chains
the '

KKo-ltadlo release of- Ben Stoloff pro Theatre to this, is a vivid Napoleon son to prevent the obdurate count
dut-iion. Stare Tom Conway, Ajid Kulher
as producer. John Wayne handles .

while Homero Carpena also turns in from losing his huge estate while at- remote plans, which were aired In
ftird: features niebard Lane. BeU*-Jan« himself very well in the role of the
tempting to eliminate ^old farming U. S. film trade circles, whereby
Jean Brooke. Directed by Authony

man from the plains.. Ann Dvorak a very good performance as the sinis
ter Fouche. methods. American distributors would use ac-
Uumi. Screenplay. Robert B. Kent; baaed hot only sings well but looks and
on hi.n-y by Gtlett Burgess: camera. Jack Picture cashes in oh' the wave of Screenplay fashioned around Fritz crued frozen rentals to acquire large
acts the part of the nitery queen,
Mackenzie; editor. Philip Martin, Jr. A
Jtbillu. X. v.. week April 13. '45. Running Joseph Schildkraut as the gambler pro-French sentiment which swept Reuter's story is just one of those theatre holdings in France; would be
lime. Ml MINI*. is socko. Good support is turned in
Argentina when Paris was liberated things that's been done countless fully discounted.
Til* Man Tom Comer Should do well in this market. times before on the screen. But with The nationalization of the French
Tally Ann Kuiherforil
by the entire cast, especially by Vir- Persson present to make things move, film industry, however, according to

Unify ginia Grey as Miss Dvorak's rival Nid

Richard Lull -

the rather inane plot takes on added

Mark Kvans Leater Matlhew and William Frawley is OK as an- French reps, is unlikely, despite the
zest. "Life in the Country" is well
Mnillaiiil Roland Drew other gambler. Cars. produced with down-to-earth humor fact that Continental Films company
Helen. .
Uinnry Fame:II
Hellcjane Creei
Kl Intrasa dotting the better scenes. The coun- has been taken over by the govern-
rlarbaiH Jean Hrnnks Hllehhlke .« ("The Intruder") try background is so well reproduced ment and turned into a cooperative
.'XiiiteJ.. ^..Ji. .3J!UiL<5>
Dining. .Urynnl Wiiallbilin tSUSGST that it is likely to make one want to studio undertaking. It is pointed out
Film \Vnmllalea production and. release.
nepnlilli: iHi-x.,- u r Donnlil IT. Brown visit Sweden. that Continental was controlled by
Slara DnmlnKo Soler; featuiea ?4arcl*o Bua-
"Two O'Clock Courage" has less
production. Slara Al Peurce: featurea Dale quel*. Maria Klba. Carina Grellana. Di- Supporting the clever Persson are Nazi interests and that the company
Kvan*. Br.iil Taylor. Directed by Joaeiill
guts than its title; Film is a slow- rijtnib-y. Si-reenplHy. Jai-k
rected by Mnurlcbi Magdnleno. At Belmont. George 'Fant. Birgitta Valberg, Bror was confiscated by the French gov-
Tnwnley: baaed N". v.. week oC April 8, Running time, Bugler. Ingrid Backlin, Ivar Kage
paced, drab mystery about an am- nn i.rlainal by Manny Sen*. Jerry Ilorwln
7.1 MINS. ernment for that reason.
nesia victim. Situations- are obvious, camera. Jack Mnrta; edllnr, Fred Allen. and Willy Peters. Bugler also does
Al Republic. .V. Y.. April 14. '4D. fttinnltlK Juan Manuel nnmirez. Domingo Soler the creditable While the. film industry is not
the dialog routine. A modest budg- lime. ;t MINS. All term ............... .Nurclao Hlisquela direction, but the un-
. eter, it's strictly nabe duals stuff. Kffdini; '-Kimiy". icilis." Al Pe.irce Malildc i Maria Elba listed editor has permitted earlier likely to be nationalized, however,
Yarn concerns a man found wan- Alice Chare l)u|e Bvnna l.avnllc ;Ca!iua Urellalia sequences to run far too long.
. . there Is likely to be strong Govern-
dering in the streets by a femme cdb- .hie Mllchell Urad Toylnr t'aujmi- AKuatin lailnaa . .
; ment support provided by some for-
Sandy Hill William Frawley Tuna. ..!,o|tla Camurlllo
driver, the mag uncertain who he is. Tuny IUkk* Jerome Cowan
mula whereby creative expression is
but implicated by his clothes in a l.a.llslaiw ITcii«l<ii willy Trenk not straitjacketed.
.Dully Ward (In Spanish; No English Titles)
series of murders. Cabbie and man Arlene llarrla Collaborationists
make the rounds of various suspects,
following newspaper leads, until the
mystery of the murder of a theatrical
producer and subsequent homicides
Juan. Ha mtii II
Mr.i. Kaiiilall
Denni* Colby..-,.
Koitier Tvrin.i . ,l.\
Joyce Compton

nn and Jeanne Homer

Maude Kburno
Irvlna Bacon
This is a dull drama lacking box-
office appeal even for Spanish-speak-
ing audiences in this country, be-
cause of its odd theme, talkiness and
Preens For
Contlaned from page
Stix Meantime, problem of eliminating
collaborationists from the French
film industry Is apparently being
are cleared up, and the amnesia vic- "Hitchhike to Happiness" is a mild poor acting. increased sales values accruing to skirted to a considerable extent. The
tim absolved. comedy-drama about a budding song- Yarn deals with the nasty treat- films from key city preem hypoes, Direction Generate de la. Cinematog-
Tom. Conway and Ann Rutherford, writer and an aspiring playwright, ment received by an illegitimate There is also danger of loss of ac- raph ie Francajse, organized in 1944,
in the leads, give film some story with stock situations and a pretty youth from his father, despite, fact counts and permanent playing time is taking every precaution, of course,
Broad-jowled Al the boy is a cripple. In the end, by distrlbs unable to supply suffi-

strength, but overall effect is sowhat- familiar story. : through searching investigations of
Bron. Pearce, radio comic, ambles gently though, the father repents and cient product to .

ish. old customers who,


all applicants asking permits to work

through the principal's role, and changes his. attitude toward the lad in some instances, would eventually in the film Industry, But with so
there arc a few pleasant songs attrac- Settings are average. Camerawork
I'll ReaieaAer April tively sung by Dale Evans. On this is not outstanding. Domingo Soler
tie up with opposition distribs,
much .the industry inevitably

Offer Free Fix tinged with collaborationism during

(SONGS) "Hitchhike" rates a ride gives a fairly creditable performance,
rnivcrnul release of Gene Lewis produc- through the duals. but remainder of the cast fails to In some cases extreme measures the Nazi occupation, there would
tion. KMHiuvcs'Oloria Jenn, Kirby Oi-huI. Sfen have been resorted to by distribs in
Mllbmu Slone, Edward S. Bropliy, .Samuel Pearce plays a Broadway waiter impress. remain apparently only a small pro-
s. Illnds, Jacqueline de Wit. Ilobarl I'nv- with a yen to write plays, whose am-, showing exhibs that some playing portion of simonpure non-collabora-
anaiiKli. Directed by Harold Voiiiik. bish is a standing joke among show lime can be filled through extension tionists in the trade.
Si-i-, tnplay. by M. Coates WVb.ltor, frmn biz folk patronizing his restaurant.
sioi-y by i^ehe Letvla, baaed on "Amateur
Keya of playing time. One distrlb has Virtually all of the French .film
MKhU" by Mob Dillon; iiiuhIc ilirccinr. That is, all except Brad Taylor, (BUSSIAN-MADE) proved that certain top pictures can output was more pr_ less lined with
Kdgiu- Falrchlld; camera. .Ii-rnnuf A*l>. thumping the piano as he waits for be given a two-week run in what is or controlled by the Nazis during the
Tradcslinm Ailkino release of Nuyur.dct.(Mi>sciiw) pro.
In N. Y.. April II, '45. Itiin- someone to buy his first song, and
nlng time, . U M1NS. Dale Evans, who left the restaurant
din-Hun. Star* tiallna VudlanltKkaya. Dl
reeled by Lev Arlishlaru. St-reenplay '
normally a single week stand. Occupation when French interests
April. Jean
a nobody to become a Hollywood, ra- Ai'iishlnin and Boi l* Chlrakov: Knttllab nar
Distributor In one Instance offered were powerless to resist. It is now
Dave Ball Kirby Cilull railiiu and dialog. Jlmvaul Fnal. naj-wted to give the film free to an exhibitor
Winchester... . . ....... .'.Mllbilrn Slime dio songstress. found that none of those suspected

by Donna Ken lb; mualc. Dmitri ShnsUc if the theatre did not show a profit
shadow. ......... . .Edward S. Ilrnidiy. Miss- Evans, on visit to New. York, kovlich! camera. A. Chelenknv. T. Chen of collaborating will admit even. the
<;arneld . . . .Samuel s. ' Hind*< is: needed- by a show-producing trio At-...Stanley. N. T.. week of April H. '40, on the second week of a picture/Ex- slightest connection with the Nazis.
Whiiiprr. . ,/ac<|iiellno lie Hit
to make their new play a success. ItunnliiK lime, 8* MINN, periment proved successful when
lUHInga.,..-... ... .lloliart i^avniiiuiuh '
(A similar condition Is reported in
The trio. incidentally, are practical, Zona
.Italian Vo'dlanllakay
PoKce Inspector. ...Addition KIi-Iihi-iIh ,
X.oyo lie H I'hllil kal In HkvoriunvH
tried out. many German areas occupied by Al-
I>r. Arnillngc. . . I'levrc Wmkln jokers, palming the waiter off to a Her Mollirr Xenla *l.'aniiaiva. Such emergency measures, how- lied forces where few Nazis can be
J. r. ('HiirlKbt.. ......Clyde Fillmore
foreign producer as a -successful Her Fnl her Nikolai Kyzhnv' eyec, have proved inadequate! in
Mvp. Dari-lilgton. Mary l*'ni-bf * >
, , .

found who admit they belonged to

Child*... .Morgan Wnllaca Broadway playwright. She takes the Her Teacber. Tainura- Altxev
overcoming the widespread product
. ,

....... I'aul

Bnria Fnmin.
waiter's part, promises to appear. In a The Owl.
.Alexander Kuinetsev . . . the party.) Some, of course, have
...... Bprla. Poalavaky shortage. Distribs are reportedly
show he's written, to which the young KnpUHfiliinl Secrediry. ....... victor Voicliek been definitely tagged as "collabora-
Among items forgotten by those tunesmith's songs are added, and tiermun Officer Bnrla PodKOrn stymied arid faced with the alterna- tionists"and will be barred from the-
tlerimin Siibller, Iloman Pllatt tive of either foregoing key city French fl)m industry. But there are
responsible for "I'll Remember makes the show a success by her , ; . .

April" are a clear story line to back efforts. preem values or allowing theatres to tq,o many b^qerline cases, impos-
up good production, and lop singers Miss Evans has looks as well as a (Enplish Title; and Warralion) either shutter or tie up with compet- sible to Judge ooinjeojly, for a com-
to work with .Edgar Fairchild's good voice, and Taylor is handsome as ro- During the dark days of the .'war, ing distribs. . plete sweep to be made,
VrdiitMbf. April It, WW t^KlETf '

Wctluemlay, April 18, 1945
divergent from' those of Mr! Roose-
velt. Mr. Roosevelt got the popular

Pix Biz Bounced Back Fast After Sat . show biz vole.
Typical of how much faith Mr. SCULLY'S SCRAPBOOK
Shutdown; Readjustment Question Up

Roosevelt had in the Him induslry
is a note he sent lo Lowell Mclletl a
few days after Pearl Harbor. In
m m m M « +:
By Frank Scully
Nonny's Villa, PaJ., April 15.

this letter, in which he informed the .

.You'd get from Henry Pringlc's piece oil the "Bologney Barrage" in the

The closing of all of the Warner* head of the .Office' 'or Government
Reports that he was appointing him
P«« ,« h » l It wm practically • successful one-man war of
theatre?. totaling 450. for the entire'

T »«!« Hulold Saleinson. This .should please our public no end. since lh e
day Saturday <14> in tribute to our TRUMAN LIFE MEMBER the Government's film coordinator;. I

Mr Roosevelt made concrete '."sub- Sa, * e wi,s <mcp » Variety mugg. >.g.. and in France and- in Hollywood

late President.- Franklin D. Roose-


the Scully dynasty than hii heir-apparent. He .il was,

eesi'ions" that " the American nas bce " closer.. to
velt, is estimated' to have cost WB VARIETY CLUB
close to $1.000.000. A considerably
OF D C. motion picture is one of '.our most .'.vou may
remember, who dug up the origin or vaudeville, in France, aiicl in
media- in informing and ! Hollvwoo.d ho
hianaged one of Scully's many windmill-lilting campaigns
smaller but appreciable sum would Washington. April 17. 'effective' ,

The mo- and more successfully than. lhe candidate.'

figure for the Comerfprd circuit President Harry S. Truman is entertaining ; the citizens, I

here, and liked. lion picture must remain free inso- But as lhe SargcWould bo the first to admit this psychological war.
which, like Warners, remained shut- known to show, biz
I j :

Illustration is the fact that, last St. far as national .security will permit. wasn't really that simple. Many minds, most of (hem from show business,

tered all of Saturday il4> on orders


Valentine's Day, the Variety Club I waii( no censorship of the motion had a. hand- in papering
the theatre of war -'till "it tumbled the Italians,
or Postmaster General Frank C.

liiiii to a Igneheon and picture. want no restrictions aroused the French and ..stunned the /Germans. It didn't .show in the pic-
Walker, chain's president, and the here invited
I .

j j

gold card of lifctimel placed thereon wlvch will impair aire, bur the ace of psychological warriors was Woqdrow Wilson, who
Skouras circuit of 62 houses in N. Y. gave him the
. .j

honorary membership. He was the the .usefulness of thev.tllm other pounded out his ,own copy on his own portable. He it wjis who separated
and New- Jersey.'

president to be thus recog- '..than those very 'necessary reslric- the German people from' the army by declaring war oiv the Kaiser and
With exception of Washington. first vice : ;

nized by local theatre people. ;'. lions which the dictates of safety- the Prussian military and urged the peasants to do-likewise. They djd it,
D. C, houses sm'd some other scat- | '

While still a -senator, Mr: Truman make imperative. The motion pic- too.
tered instances, theatres reopened

had a tiff with picture people/. The. lure, especially as used by the Pf ingle details how General Eisenhower -gave the job of the paper bar-
at 6 p.m. Saturday and gross reports
senatorial investigating committee Federal Government, has a very rage to Colonel C; B. Hazcltiue, a West Pointer, who had taught military
indicate bigger business from that

which *he headed aired the "Holly- useful contribution to make during tactics. 1o most of his own generals. The nearest the Colonel had come to
hour on than had been expected. * the war emergency. ."
wood Colonel" issue. the job assigned him was iiv a paper chase of the cavalry, so the real work,
Sunday, on an average, was normal
This, however, heed give Holly- His letter to Mellett was not only had to be dune by people who had specialized in crystalizing public opinion.
for this lime of year or better. The
wood no concern. The; new Presi- typical of his belief in just a free But it was a good thing the task force was topped by a Pointer, as no one
trade on Saturday night (14) and
dent: is convivial, and likes people screen;, it was typical of his belief else could have broken down the resistance of his own kind' so well.
Sunday is cited as having provided and entertainment. As vice-presi- in a free show business.

The. marvel was that the Colonel could start out with a staff of 48 men
a considerable offset for the loss on
dent, he. was invited everywhere to and work it tip to 1,300. all skilled in the job of "dropping nickels over
Saturday. While larger downtown parties and- went because he enjoyed

operations usually attain about 50 * company and entertainment. While j the enemy." These nickels, or messages, were only a small part of the
of their day's gross by. 6 p.m. on Sat- the Presidency will prevent him
picture! They worked, chiefly on ;lhe promise that anybody will go any-
Continue 'Dimes'

urdays, in the vast majority of in- "from getting around, the show busi- where if he can get iii on a pass. More than two billion of these nickels
stances the percentage of the day's hess people who. are bound to meet Sj Continued from par* I ==
were dropped from planes or. shot over the enejny lines in shells, but the
take up to that hour scales away him in connection1 with the 7th War Room that it was all 'off (he record," real work came when radio and sound trucks started one-two. punching
down. In fact, there are many the- Loaa will find him a plain and very and she wouldn't reveal it. One of the enciny into giving .up and going our way.

atres which never play matinees friendly man. '

Mr. Roosevelt's secret ambitions was Filn Blc Comparison s .

anyway. ' <

The President plays piano, and is to buy *a country newspaper and War has .been compared so .often to football that it- might be refreshing

Rental Readjastnent*. expected to make. frequent use of the serve as editor. for a 'change to compare it to the casting, production and selling of a pic-
The question as to what adjust- little White House projection room' Jane Cowl and Peggy Wood must ture,- for this one surely followed that pattern. Col. Hazeltiiie had to sell
ments might be made by distributors to Which lhe- industry regularly sends remember his ringing laughter the Gen. Dooliltle to drop the pamphlets from planes. He had to sell Gen.
as result of the loss of valuable new films; night they brought down "Old Ac- Patton to let him lob paper instead of shells from his artillery, arid he had
playing time on Saturday' by being Picture people will remember that quaintance."- For the President was to recruit a staff that could make good "all this waste." It would haveto
closed a part of the dcy or all day Mr. Truman played piano at the Na- gay that night, merry arid light, and be a collection of civilians and soldiers, the latter being, experts in' the
long immediately came -up for .pre- tional Press Club a few weeks ago. as the midnight course was served at field of public relations more than they were soldiers, :

liminary discussion Monday (16) Bui and posed with' Lauren Bacall supper, you could feel his good M. Pri.ngle credits Oscar Dystcl of OWI as editor of (he French leaflet
with no concrete opinions as to what perched on top of the piano. On an- humor radiating, the room.

The section, though Dystel had never been abroad and spoke no foreign lan-
might be done. So far as. percentage other recent occasion he joined a President chatted gaily with Miss guage. He had been one of the editors of Coronet, which hardly could

engagements are concerned the dis- group of senators at a private lunch- Wood and Miss Cowl, while his "wife have been advanced as a credential for invading .France from Algiers.
tribs lost along with' the theatres ex- eon at the Capitol, at which Lana visited the surrounding table, stop- Lieu i. George Sleicher is quoted as saying in a conference. "You'll have,
cept that under the point system Turner was present': Later he posed ping a few moments at each. to ask the sergeant. He's my boss." The Sarge being T: Sgt. -Salemson,
with Saturdays rating as two points,. for a. picture with her holding his At the Cuff Links dinner when we who look over the desk of editor. .

Sundays three and weekdays one, arm. and He remarked: •

brought down the eminent Lau'rilz Certain people familiar with exploitation had to be combed from civilian
the situation becomes a bit involved. "Oh; my, I'll bet anybody would Melchipr of the Metropolitan Opera ranks as well as the army. Col. Hazletinc'.s right hand at the beginning
The- matter of weekend control fig give $1.50 right now to be in my House, the White House piano was of the campaigns in North Africa and Italy was none other than Oliver H.
urvs to determine holdovers also is place." not in tune, so we carted one lent P. Garrett of Hollywood. Others of pictures who moved in. and out were
something to be worked out but ex- by Harry Somerville of the Hotel Robert Riskin. Landy Lawrence, who managed Metro distribution abroad;

pected that there will be little diffi- Willard to the Executive mansion. Lieut. Pilad Levi. .Sgt. Bill Levy and Cedric Belfrage, who had been every-
culty in that direction in view of Cantor and March of Dimes thing from a Jseaverbrook boy on the London Express to Sam Goldwyn's

the circumstances bringing about Show Biz Eddie Cantor came prominently press, agent. Bob Sherwood. Sgt. Fabio Caen, of the Group Theatre, and
the closings. On flat deals it is ex- Continued from page 2
into the' picture when he originated Oriental playwright George Taylor, gave (he legitimate theatre a hand in
pected the distribs will, make some factor in the long series of Con- the March of Dimes campaign. It the project. But -lopping them in numbers was the radio contingent and
adjustments, although in some sales gressional v was gradually taken over by Nich of these the boys who had combined newspaper work with radio were
investigations by his
quarters the opinion was voiced that political enemies into the various olas M. Schenck of Loew's, as chair the tops. Peter Rhodes, onetime top U.»P. correspondent abroad, organized
the average exhib probably will "isms" of show business. And there man of the March of Dimes Commit- ( h' e whole Allied Force Headquarters radio monitoring system, aided by

take the rental loss along with that were also inquiries into the various tee. In 1944 it raised $.4,667,520.56 Duke Ellington (the Hollywood. "Click" .correspondent. not the band- ,

of gross. representing 42.8% of the over-all leader): Dick Lee. Jr.. New York- and Washington publicist; Cdpt. Carl
Government uses- of films as a
Loss to theatres throughout the propaganda medium for the. Admin- contributed to Ihis important cause. Zimmerman, now with the- Army Hour: Sgt. Fred Hensc.hel (who was; a
nation also entailed various fixed istration. Anything to make the re- President. Roosevelt was grateful, radio announcer with Zimmerman in Milwaukee); Sgt. Mark Snegpff, son
charges, such as rent, salaries of per- lationship between and sent this letter to Chairman of the Hollywood character actor; Fcrnand Genier, Louis Bertrand niid

the President
sonnel, etc. Schenck: Rene Le Cavallicr, all well-known French-Canadian radio announcers.
and the amusement industry un- .

"Before me are the 'figures for NBC's Capt. Fernand Auberjonois and Sgt. Fred Chambers also had a
the Motion Picture Industry's 1944
Taxed Wealthy Heavily hand on the dials, as did Capt. Jerry Stern, of Philadelphia, and Sgt.
March of Dimes campaign. Cer- Howard Tupper. These were backed by radio men like John Peyser and

The President was independently tainly no words from me are. need-

More Lend-lease wealthy, yet he firmly was against
ed to tell you that you have done
Bcrnie London and scores of radio technicians who moved' in and out
Continued front pace 1 the vast accumulation of wealth. He withou any billing whatever. Even poets were used. Even surrealist
a truly magnificent job. But I do
put through several tax. measures, poets, Andre Breton being among them.
Senate, thereby passing and sending and Hollywood and the theatre, with
want you to know that I fully un-
derstand what great wholehearted Tbe Newspaper Bunch
lo the White House the measure their vast incomes, were among •
Called psychological warfare, combat propaganda, or the bologney bar-
effort such results represent.
which assures Lend-Lease for an- those hardest hit. It alienated many .

rage, it look its place in the production line much as a press book and an
"Ii ^the mitfst o f a yea r of w ar
other year from June 30. The re- of his' fo/i-ivei"t»acXe;i'"ivh'u vis.
and deatn. you have p*aused to fcAtJlt/tWCtoil campaign lakes it» ^vw"Tii aLi;i.i,L|--a---fvartt«'e -picture, and Ml
' *
publican amendment, sponsored by the ball rolling against what then
save the lives of the stricken. And agree now that it paid off.
•• •

Senator Taft, would have prevented was spoken of, in awe, as the likeli- Because of the variety of problems that arose in a world at war. the
the use of Lcjid-Lease for postwar hood the President would seek a because the motion picture theatre
is so close to the lives and hearts
newshawks, due to their professional pliability cither in or out of uniform,
relief, rehabilitation or reconstruc- third term. The officialdom of show
of Americans, you have succeeded proved they were best-suited for the work of carrying out plans
tion even through the sale of mate- business was becoming increasingly
in interesting millions and millions printed by show people, magazine men and advertising specialists. The

rials to the governments concerned. wary of Mr: Roosevelt's leaning in this crusade. college professors and assorted linguists and propagandists drew -up at the
Considered in relation to the Dum- toward labor over capital. An aris-
barton Oaks plan, which embraces tocrat by birth, he had the interests "My -sincere and personal con- rear, but they were necessary to the success of the maneuver. A Capt.'.
the Bietton Woods monetary pro- of the comman man at heart. gratulations and appreciation for Orville Anderon organized the cooperative news agency in Italy to succeed
posals, the extension of Lend-Lease a success beyond all expectation." Stefani, a job which had to be done In a hurry, and even Joe Ravotto, of
But by 1936 he had done a job for (Signed) FranRtin D. Rooseuelt. -"Variety" and the U. P.; rushed in wilh his copy' to fill a gap in the French
for a full year promises to have a show business and national indus-
Roosevelt once observed: "I have literary line. »
strong bearing on the American film try as a whole. Boxoffices were up .

industry's export trade in the 12

long been of the opinion that a se- In fact, the production, were it not of such a patriotic nature, might-
50% over what they were four, years verest critic is'precisely what every find an infringement suit on its hands from Universal, as it was practically
month period ahead. previously, when Ihey had reached critic needs." He said it with a "One Hundred Men and a Girl"— Peggy Pollard, wife of Lieut. Dick' Pol-
Possibility of sudden termination their lowest ebb. And again, as in
smile that was charming and infecr lard, .being the -girl. -
of Lend-Lease has long been a 1932, radio was largely instru- tious.

The President had many Other girls got in only by remote control. Dorothy Van Doren's hus-
matter of concern particularly to the mental in reelecting'' Mr'. Roosevelt.
newspaper critics. band, Jerry Ross, the radio writer, was in on it, as was Sgt. Eugene Fodor,
U. S. film industry because of the His political enemies during the In talking to me about what show husband of Margie Klein of the Universal story department. But in the
effects On boxoffice receipts and con- entire campaign pointed to the Fed-
to bring down for the "Command main it was a man's job, mostly a newspaperman's job, for even those
sequently rentals in Great Britain eral Theatre, Project as a campaign
Performance," the President said: "I now in show business when tracked* down to earlier- periods, of their
<U. S. rentals around $00,000,000 an- maneuver; they said he'd scrap the
have so much of war that when I go careers se em to have puJLin their legwork for city desks- trying to sift
nually) and elsewhere abroad. Government theatre project as soon to the theatre for relief. I should
While the cessation of war spend- as he got the relief vote. But- he like the bologney from the barrage. From experience they knew what" would
to have a show wilh laughs."
ing in foreign countries will likely kept it together for two and a halt and what wouldn t go over.
Hollywoodians Loved It
It was nice of Pringle to throw lhe literati a laurel and most of all Jac*

result in a drop in theatre receipts years afterwards, until Congress,'

Hollywood began lo take the treks Lait's handsomest
in any event, the anticipated decline induced by the Dies Coromitlcc, re- nephew, T-Sgl. Harold Salemson. But he's going/to
lo Washington as keen enjoyment.
will be cushioned through Lend fused to allocate further funds.
have a tough time squaring .himself with old Post readers for failing to
They knew they would have to play credit old Post writers like Reuben Markham and Oliver
Lease. For -a. time, also, it is ex Warmonger Films - H. P. Garrett
six hotels, make personals in the
peeled, that foreign countries may be Then came * tbe ."warmonger" theatres, and be pushed around by Wc wouldn't give a brush like that even to a "Variety" mugg, j.g.

enabled to continue their U. S. dollar films, Hollywood was going after milling crowds. But they
payments to American distributors the Axis; and the isolationists were jt' in the spirit of the occasion, en- hear the laughter of children." The ment to our loved President, and lo
as n result of the extension of U. S. going after Mr. Roosevelt.
They joyed the luncheon, where the Prcs- Infantile Paralysis Foundation his humaiiilarianism, than lo con-
Government, aid. blamed him „for encouraging Holly .ident was present, and came back at rushed to 13 stales in the first 31 tinue the Birthday Ball as a tribute
President Truman signed the wood to make such pictures. And night for the broadcast. weeks of 1944 when more infantile to his great faitli and courage, as a
Lend-Lease bill in Washington yes- the President, feeling that war was And so for his great humanilari- paralysis cases were reported than crusading faith in his ideals. Here
terday iTues.). '
inevitable, knew it was'' important anism, his innate Kindness, his re- in any. similar period in.^fKyears. was a fine American, whose heart
to acclimate the public to a distrust spect for his fellow man was evi- - As. Nicholas M. Schenck says: "The bled for the sufferers from infantile


of the Axis. And so when Pearl denced in his.every activity. He was money you and your patrons helped p raiysis for he was' a victim, him- —
Harbor came the Amci-ioan citizen possessed of a flue sense of honor, pour into the war against this ter- self ^nd rose above it to become one

Hollywood, April 17.

was at least equipped morally to impelled by pure* patriotism and a rible home-front enemy must be of our greatest presidents. .

Two musical biographies in one deal with the Axis. strong sense of duty to give of his measured in terms of children's President Roosevelt, if he had a
Beethoven's and' Schubert's wjll be — In 1940 Wendell L. Willkie cap time, his boundless talent, and un- lives; not only saving them from wish, and that great voice could be
filmed by Universal, in Technicolor. tured the fancy of much of. the limited energy in a fearless task to death, but liberating them from the heard in the world again, would
Dual story will be produced and amusement industry, but, by and mr.kc this country safe for pence. crippling death, to which this dis- counsel that the fight go on until the.
directed by George Waggner, starl- large, Mr. Willkie's altruisms for So the show will go on, with this ease once doomed its victims." disease which is crippling humanity
show business were not too greatly slogan, "In the jingle of dimes, wc

ing, late- in July. There' Could be no grcfatcr monu- is no more. ' '
Wednesday, April 18, 1945 FICTUBES 15.

too muchaired on the President's

death and funeral and that in the
event of a Hyde Park pickup he FDR Revealed Keen Show Biz Interest
Vox Pop Pops Off didn't want the Sheaffer tag iden-
tified with the broadcast,
Continued from page 1
Sheaffer paid the talent cost on
cared much what was on
next day?
ed convincingly, that radio's handling
of the President's death and subse-
the program but gets a rebate on AsHY.Gov.; rs
thai night or the time.
next night? But. along toward the quent developments definitely clicked By JAMES L. CONNORS WGY. Gov. Roosevelt used the pow-
day and into the with the average listener. Never- erful Schenectady station, many
close of the second Albany, April 17.
of program after pro- theless, it was plainly evident that
Franklin D. Roosevelt manifested times between 1928 and 1932. It was
third night
music, with another non-commercial radio, as a steady over WGY
in the early part of 1932
gram of serious
night similarly scheduled— diet.. wouldn't And favor with listen- Show People keen interest in legitimate, film and
adio show business during his two
that he made a scries of "Reports to
day and
ers in this section. Continued from page 2 the People" on the various State de-
what of that? terms as Governor of New York


given U. a partments; these being the precurs-

him in the White House two or three State. 1928-30 and. 1930-32. A lover
H should have the S. They want' the Bennys, Hopes, .

non-commercial Joan Davis and Bergens, and real- he. regularly ors of the later, famed
idea 61 fireside chats.™
definite times a week. Sometimes/ he toook of the legitimate stage, broadcasts originated in the Ex-
radio Would the public like it day ize the sponsors pay those bills so
attended performances of the Capitol The
out? How many less re- whatever was sent along by Washi- company with ecutive Mansion and featured the
in and day are willing to listen to. plugs. : Players, a stock
ceiving sets would there be
in the
The. interviews follow: •: ngton pix reps. But there -were weekly! guests, and of traveling technique, which he subsequently

homes? Would the din of complaint

times when Carter Barron of Loew s. shows at the Capitol theatre. In employed wilh such mastery in the
against mid-news Dave Friedman.. 45. tobacconist: While House.
make the "II was the greatest tribute ever paid Frank Payette of Warner Bros!, and fact. Oscar J. Perrin, dean of Al- Variety" favorably reviewed the
commercials, or all commercials, bany managers, said Friday (13)
by radio. I don't think It was over-
a0U nd as a squeak? What do you
done and 1 could very well do with-
others would get calls from the
that Gov. Roosevelt had helped to series in its, radio columns perhaps —
think? What do you say? White House, asking for specific prolong the engagement of the stock the first time FDR had been "caught"
out regular shows for the. period of by a nationally-circulated publica-
Set you:

films. He was always supplied troupe, aiding it especially through

the world's mourning."

New York tion in the broadcasting filed. Chief

In promptly with whatever picture he a ticket sale promotion. Gov. Roose- differences
New Yorkers can take radio com-
Norman Tyre. 36, attorney: "I
velt: continued Perrin, entertained
between the talks, WGY
would have been shocked if radio wanted. The President was always on Monday evenings, and the Wash-
mercials or leave them alone, judg- at the Executive' Mansion many
reporter" handled it in any other way. Net- anxious to see all the newsreels pos- stars who appeared with the Capitol ington-Hyde Park fireside chats were .

ing from an "Inquiring works, made a noteworthy contribu-

cross-section obtained in mldtown
sible. And he had a personal fond- Placers and with traveling attrac- that they dealt largely with appro-
tion at great, financial loss and He often sent one of the priations, and they were given with

Monday (16) at the conclusion of maintained dignified programming ness for features with music and for tions.
mourning" Governor's big cars to the Capitol little attempt to lighten them by
the three-day "period of throughout." mystery story films. FDR's latter technique of leavening
to transport troupers to the Mansion
observed by the broadcasting indus- He couldn't get out. to see many
Arnold Greene. 4« »-xi driver: on Eagle Street! Perrin's son. Keyes, the serious with the humorous and
try after the* sudden death,
They did great job. but it kinda legit plays. But, according to Mrs. then an actor in children's parts, anecdotal. The intimate voice, the
Thursday (12) of President Roose-
dragged on too long. Sure, I missed Douglas, he read many plays and was one of those whom Mr. Roose- trick of talking to listeners as though
regular shows, but people weren't In books about the stage, and frequent- velt entertained. they were in the parlor, the friendly
was unanimously .agreed that manner, the "Friends and Neigh-
mood to laugh or dance. We all have ly discussed the stage with inti- -
Gov. Roosevelt was never too
the decision by networks and local to make sacrifices at limes like mates;

bors" greeting, were all employed

broadcasters to de-commercialize busy to cooperate' with the Capitol with a* smoothness
these. I guess." Ted Gamble has many stories to that a professional
theatre .on publicity and promotion.
their programs as soon as news of performer-might envy. The scripting,
Cpl. Jess Fenlon. 29: "What I tell about his frequent visits to the He frequently welcomed actors in as FDR got into the

the tragedy reached them was a wise national field,. '

heard I liked. You can't expect com While House in connection with War the Executive Offices on the second
one but there were a couple of sug- Bond drives. Gamble recalled today
of course got belter.
gestions that radio should have shut
edy and jazz from radio when floor of the Capitol and always dis-
As Governor, he was considered
everyone's spirits are' so low. Frank how, at the time Italy surrendered, played a willingness to have pic-
down completely after Thursday
ly, I wouldn't like such solemn mu and the President was up to his neck lures taken with him.. Mr. Roose-
by officials of and other sta- WGY
night except to air important news work on grave military problems, tions to be extremely radio-con-
sic and tribute as steady diet, but in velt attended the stock perform-
bulletins on the President's death he agreed to meet Ken Thompson scious—one of the first important
it's not too much to ask of us to ances on Friday evenings, being in
his successor's acts and statements holders of public office to recognize
honor memory of great man for such arid James Cagney to discuss war a. party of eight. Mrs. Roosevelt
and war reports every 'hour or half loan drive plans. usually accompanied him. Mr,
its efficacy as a medium for reach-
short time." . .

ing the masses. The fact his physi-


Bob Landreth. 43, filling station Last time he met with industry Roosevelt was a discerning and ap-
One of these suggestions came cal condition forced FDR to stay
operator: "II was dragged out too people was on Dec. 19, day before his preciative critic of acting and direct
close to the microphone helped him
from Mrs. J. Hurwitz, middle aged fourth inaugural. Nicholas Schenck ing. according to Perrin, who fre-
much and loo repetitious. Naturally, to become an outstanding broad-
housewife of Brooklyn. 'Thursday and state' chairmen of March of quently talked with him. His taste

we would have liked to hear some

night I sat by the radio and listened
of our favorites: but comedy and ..
Dimes came to Washington to plan leaned to light comedy; he did not caster. ;

to everything. That was because I the 1945 March of Dimes campaigp. care much for "heavy stuff."
jazz music would have been out of
couldn't was true. But by They went to the White: House, but Avid Film Fan
place. Radio did a great job. but to-
Friday I knew and all that organ
ward the end we tuned out rather were told befdffeharid that- the Presi He was also an avid motion pic
Mimics Fast Revise Do
i- music and talk just made me sadder. dent was very busy preparing for ture fan.
than hear same thing over and over The fact that he suf-
Of course, it was so important again." inauguration and planning confer
fered seriously from the after effects On
FDR-Eleanor Impresh
guess the stations had to keep going ence with Churchill and Stalin,

Dr., Louis' D. Boonshaft. 51: "In- of poliomyelitis his movements from The amusement industry and its
but I didn't listen very much— it was spiring music made up for loss of might give them only three or four 1928 through 1932 were perhaps
people, since 1932, have found, a fund
too sad." Mrs, Hurwitz said ordi other programs! No, didn't get mi n utes. The President kept them more constricted than they were

of humor in their impressions of '

nariiy she didn't mind listening to solemn tributes and would tor nearly an hour. later, when; he improved, mobility Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt.
advertising talk on the radio but
tired of A
have been in no temper to listen to with the continued use of braces number Of performers have achieved
thai "if they had kept it up right comedy shows or hit parades." —
and a cane made it necessary for a prominence akin to fame by their
•fler Ihe President died I would Lucy Curry. 26, nurse:. "It was a FDR to stay in the Executive Man impersonations of the President and
V-E Day

never buy another thing! they ad wonderful tribute'to a great man, al- If sion much of the time at night. He First. Lady. The "Eleanor and
vertised." though J never voted for him. I was generally had two shows weekly at Franklin" jokes have become le-
Continued from page 1
Mi's. Robert Palmer (she wouldn't thoroughly in. sympathy with radio's the- Mansion. Exchanges on Film gion, and 'so have many others deal-
say how old) housewife of Bayside, handling of long mourning period workers and was the last 'Roosevelt Row donated the Alms, the bookings ing with various aspects of the
L. I., said she got a "little tired'.' of and cancelling of regular shows speech made to any large audience. being handled by Charles A. Smak Roosevelt household or their tenancy
the radio after Thursday night and didn't impose loo much hardship on Platters of the message will also witz, assistant zone manager for
in the While House. Even Fa la, the
Friday and wished some of the reg- me." be used in the drive. Warner Theatres. Branch offices President's scottie, has achieved his
ular programs were on. "Of course, Benny Massi. 39. waiter: "I thought Ted Gamble, head of Treasury's. were always ready to send the latest share of prominence.
tie added, "1 wouldn't want any radio did a fine job and I was deeply War Finance Division, has been del- pictures, on a telephoned request, As a gesture of good taste, show
Jokes or things like that but it seems touched by reverence, and respect uged wilh telegrams from all over Among the guests at the perform people are expected to change all
to me some of the regular people inspired in us by radio programs." the country, many of them from antes in the Mansion —
that now.
it folly
is And so. as one Broad-
you get in the habit of listening to Mrs. Mary Edington. 48. .house- -picture and radio people, suggesting equipped for screenings — were Judge
way wag remarked, il may well
might have gone on in programs wife: "The spiritual uplift brought
ways in which the campaign can be Samuel Rosenman, Mr. Roose- throw a lot of comics and gag writers
about the President. If all radio was us all closer to God. 1 was loo im- turned into a tribute to FDR. Some velt's counsel, and Mrs. Rosenman; out of work.
like it was last week I don't think mersed in country's sorrow to even wires have suggested a complete James J. Mahoney, secretary to the.
I would listen to it half as much as think of shows we generally hear at change of slogan and theme, mak Governor, and Mrs. Mahoney, and
Dean Morpby Revises Act

I do now. Commercials don't bother home." ing the drive a memorial to the employees of the Mansion and the
me too much." great President. No decision will be Executive Office. Chicago, April 17.

The latter two
Dave Beaman, 41, chauffeur, of In Chicago made on any of this for a few days, groups were regularly invited. Dean Murphy, a close friend of
Mrs. Roosevelt, and

J-ilwoii -Heights: "It doesn'i~uiak<: Chicago. April 17. First reactions are. to carry the War Friends from Albany and other com- President and
called "the President's
any difference to me whether they
"Vox Pop" routine here in the Loan on as originally planned. munities also attended. Film shows frequently
impressionist," was playing
advertise or not. I only listen to
Loop brought. .out the fact that ab- Some suggestions have been re- were often arranged after Mansion favoriteChicago theatre here Thurs-
at the
what I wantand stop listening sence of plugs during the latter part
to ceived for a bond of special denom- dinners. informed of .Mr.
afternoon when
when those announcers come on of last week made a decided hit and ination bearing Roosevelt's picture. FDR was confronted with no im- day Roosevelt's death. He immediately
praising shaving cream or breakfast a large portion of Ihe city's listen- This idea is being considered fav- portant* legislation affecting show
food. That's the only way I can en dropped the impression of the First
ers would jusl as soon eliminate orably. business excepting a bill repealing' that ot the Presi-
Lady and reviseu
joy it. Of course, if those big com- them permanently; 1
A new War Loan poster, memori- the so-called motion picture censor- dent to an entire serious vein.
panies don't spend money for the Typical of the anti-plug brigade alizing Roosevelt, is now in work. ship law, introduced by Abbot Mof-
programs there wouldn't be any was traffic cop Abner Cunningham, fat Low. now with the State Depart-
If V-E Day comes before May 10.
radio. I just don't listen when the 3ft. at Madison and Wabash, who Switch Legll Reference*
the 7th War Loan is expected to ment. A very strong show of opposi-
commercials come on." said: "Remember. I'm here, on a become the First Victory Loan to be tion by representatives of the, three Lines referring lo or mentioning
Walter Rubin. 21, student, of street corner all day where there's dedicated to FDR. major faiths and of other important the President and Mrs. Roosevelt in
Brooklyn: "Naturally nobody a lot of noise, so it's a relief to get groups caused Low (later chair- Broadway legit shows have been
wanted to listen to commercials home and hear some nice music 'in- man of the' Ways and Means Com- hastily deleted or changed but all .

when all the news about the Presi stead, of a lot of noisy blabbering mitted, to announce he would switches were not effected by the
dent was on, but ordinarily commcr about' what sponsors have to sell." never have put the measure in were Thursday (12 evening performance.:
cials don't bother me too much, Going along with plugs was H. E:

FDR Air Tribute he aware of their opposition. A Probably the most radical changes

wbudn'l listen to the radio very Polland. .58-„vear-old floorwalker at Continued from page I serious attempt to knock but the were made in "Lafting Room Only".
often jf all programs were like those the Boston Store, who recognized industry was there such a sustained
censorship lav,; was made during the Winter Garden. All bits' in which
week—just lots ol peo-
lasl talking' and organ "the fact thai, there are period when the b.o. aspects of
regime of FDR's predecessor, Alfred Mrs. Roosevelt was travestied -were
music or records." ple -listening who wan I to know E. Smith! who voiced outspoken op- dropped entirely on the evening of

broadcasting were completely ig-

-- No Santa Claus"
something about products they're
nored. Radio's coverage of D-Day
position to it as "un-American." It the President's death. When the
buy. That's how was Gov. Smith who suggested that Olscn and Johnson musical first
A blonde secretary from
brand ot
using my-.'present
last June— the only other momentous
the reviewing, and licensing of films opened there was criticism over the
Jersey City. Miss Helen McKay. 22, occasion that even approximated the
shaving" cream.' 1 heard about it on placed in the State Education welter of gags about the First Lady;
likewise, wasn't bothered too much recapturing of time to keep the pub- be .

tried it. and haven't used Dept.— this was done in 1927— when in fact, there were few out front'
about plugs. "If the programs were the radio, lic posted on a fateful event— was
other kind since." being
the same it would be better. I sup- any marked by only a single day of pro- he became convinced that the Leg- who did not agree the bits as
• J>ose, not to have all that sales talk. gram cancellations and .absence of islature would not vote for repeal. tantamount to ridicule.

But how're you going to listen to commercials. Starts Radio Bally In '32 In "A Bell for Adano," Cort. there
Pickup Park From Hyde FDR :s use .of radio, one of his .were two dialect lines with Mr.
Frankie and Perry Como and the Particularly significant was the
Pen Roosevelt mentioned, one , being
Nixed by Sheaffer manner in which all network and strongest assets during the 1932 cam-

rest of the stars unless their spon-

(long) "Live President." It pro-
fo" put them on the radio. You 'ShearTei: World Parade" Sunday local station programming; from the paign and after election to the presi-
duced a- dull thud on Thursday. It
doh'i hear stars like that on the little afternoon program on NBC went on .first flash of the President's, death dency, was perfected during his. two
stations because they can't afford sustaining this week US'., sponsor to! long past the funeral rites, was
terms as Governor. He had, of was changed to- "Live La Guardia,"
which in subsequent performances
them. Radio as it is is all right." bowing out of picture whpri NBC
. .
keyed lo the mood and tempo of course, attracted attention as an out-
drew hearty laughter. It is stated
^Iim Banahan. 48, of East 37th insisted that it was going through the tragic event. There was a total standing air speaker during the
that New York's mayor is the sec-
•Ireet. allowed as to
how commer- with its plans for a Hyde Park blackout on comedy shows 'during "Battle of Madison Square Garden"
the period of mourning, program at .tlie 1924 Presidential convention
ond best-known American in Italy,
cials or nb he had stopped listening pickup and Don Hojlenbock com- of the; war drama. Another
formats underwent quick and dras- when Mr. Roosevelt served as floor locale

to (he radio
as of the* date they mentary on the interment o£ Presi-

leader for Al Smith. Incidentally, line, on sending congratulations to>


slopped horse racing. dent Roosevelt. tic changes, and those few commer-
cial shows.,that did go. on before those broadcasts and subsequent Roosevelt, now reads that Ihe mes-
Reported that Craig Sheaffer, pen sage be sent "to your country."
companv prexy and bankrollor of ar.y semblance. of normalcy was re- ones, including originations at the
In Hollywood In "The Hasty Heart," Hudson, a
show, wanted NBC to do an over- stored on Monday (i6), were limited Houston .convention in 1928, when
Hollywood, April 17.

almost exclusively to institutional FDR' helped Mr. Smith win the nom- line about "vitamins. and Roosevelt"
af Hollywood and seas pickup on war news on
Questioning the
Vine in the film capital demonstral- grounds thai there had already been plugs or eulogies of the President. ination, were heard in this area via has been changed to Santa Claus.-.
16 Wednesday, April 18, 1943



Keep Selling Bonds!

Wednesday, April 18, 1945 17
Wednesday, April 18, 10 15
•"Dee Brooklyn" (20th) (2d wk),
swell $13,000.

N.Y. Off Sharply But Scandal -Scott, Metropolitan (Snider)" (1.300; 44-
55)— "Docks of N. Y." (Mono) and
'Velvet' Sock 35G, Chi; 'Song' Loud 18G,
Charlie Spivak orch on stage. Week-
end run of 3 days, big $7,500. Last
week, "Cisco Kid Returns" iMonoi
Mfles-Hartmans Strong 75G, 'Crime' and Spike Jones orch, record $10,000 Herman Ups 'Blondie' 32G, 'Sudan' 20G
in three days,
State (Loew) (3,200; 50-60)— Chicago, April 17.
Dark Waters" (UA) and "3 Is a Grosses naturally suffered from the
week, a Pleasure" (RKO) (2d
Mild 13a 'Seeing You -Kaye 70G, 2d Family" (UA); Disappointing $12.-
000. Last week, "Two Women" run),
Family (RKO) (1.000; 30-40)—
effect of Roosevelt's passing, begin-
ning with the night of hjs death
(M-G )° and "Nothing But Trouble" (Thursday) when receipts dropped
Broadway- tolal is o(T sharply this rooklyn" (20th), plus Victor Borgc (M-G) (2d wk), solid at $12,000. "Guy, Gal" (Col) and "Castle of about 30%. ClOBlng of houses Satur-
week due to Roosevelt's untimely and Joan Edwards, was exceptionally Strand (Silverman) (2,000; 50-60) Crimes" (PRC) split with "Ox-Bow day (14) until 5 p.m. also took a
death and closing of all theatres, fine $72,000. —"Bell Tolls" (Par). Opened Moii-, Incident" 20th > and "China Girl"
healthy cnunk out of week-end
Saturday <14) up 10 6 p.m. except Slate (Loew's) (3.450: 43-Jl.lOi— day (16). Last week, "Practically (20lh) (reissues). Normal $2,400. grossesi
/or Warner's Strand and Hollywood, Patrick the. Great" (U) (1st run) Yours" (Par) and "Double Exposure" Last week. Fog Island" (PRC) and Despite, general letdown in the
Which remained dark all day. How- and, on stage, Jay Jostyn (Mr. Dis- (Col) (2d wk), trim $10,000. "Go Steady" (Col) divided with "Son Loop, two new pictures opened very
over, some houses are still doing trict Attorney on radio). Gus Van. ofFury" (20th) (reissue) and "Hong- well, "Song to Remember." at th»
nice or strong business! On Thurs- Watson Sisters, others. Considering kong Nighls" (Indie). okay $2,600.

Apollo, fine $18,000, and "National

day night 12), after news of FDR's everything, good at $25,000 or over.
1 Grand (RKO) (1,430; 44.70)^-
Velvet'; at the State-Lake, sock $35.
death, business declined around 25%, Last week, "Tonight. Every Night'.' "Practically Yours" (Par) (m.o.). 000. "Here Come Waves," held over
and was down about that much all of Col). (2d run), plus Ann Corio. Nan 'Roughly' Forte Nirty $8,000. Last week, "Suspect" for third week at the' Chicago, looks
Friday. Those houses .which opened Rae and Mrs. Waterfall, 'Modern-' (U ). $6,000. -

to do $44,000, with stage show headed

at 6 o'clock Saturday, day of the aircs, excellent $32,000.. Keith'* (United) (1.500; 44-70)—
by Dean Murphy and Hal LeRoy
funeral, in most cases did Surpris- "It's a Pleasure" (RKO). Second
Strand (WB) (2,756: 60-51.20) downtown "Leave It to Blondie," coupled with
ingly good business, while Sunday transfer for third flingi
<15l was normal for this lime of year
God Is Co-Pilot" (WB) and Cab Pitt. $13,000 in Mild week, "Ministry
$4,000. Last
Woody Herman orch at Oriental, Is
Calloway orch (4th' wk). Having headed for boff $32,000.
or a bit better. Monday (16). dead- Fear" (Par), about same.
been shuttered Saturday (14). final -Estimates for This Week
line Tor filing N. Y. Stale income tax, Pittsburgh, April 17. Lvric (RKO) (1.400; 44-70 )— "Tor-
w as genera ly brisk. days will be $34,000 or thereabouts', ,Biz naturally socked everywhere
rid Zone" (WB) and "9 Lives Not
Apollo (B&K> fl,200; 55-95)—
good enough. Third week was very "Song Remember" (Col). Fine $18,-

Several new shows were caught by by the death of Roosevelt. First-run Enough" (WB) (reissues). Surpris-
strong $51,000. "Horn at Midnight" houses, with exception of Penn and 000. Last week, "Meet Me St. Louis"
the untoward .events of the past ingly stout $6,500. Last week, "Hang-
week, among Ihcm the arrival at the
WB) and Vaughn Monroe'."'.' orch open Fultoh. were down all day Saturday:
over Square" <20th) 'm.o.), thin $3.-
(M-G) (3d wk). okay $11,000.
Friday (20). those two opened at "8 prm. Likely Chicago (B&K). (3:900; 55-95)—
Rosy. Last Wednesday ill), house 500 in 6 days.
brought in "Royal Scandal." with Victoria (Maurer) (720: 70-$1.20)— leader is "Roughly Speaking.", at
Palace (RKO) (2.C0O: 44-70)— "Su- "Here Come Waves" (Par) (3d wk)
Hazel Scott. Jackie Miles. Dick Thunderhead" (20th) (5lh wk). Penn. although even this won't be Last week, with stage show headed by Dean
dan" (U). Modest $10,000.
Murphy, Hal LeRoy. Strong $44,000.
Brown and the Hartmans on stage. Looks about $11,000. oke. while pre- loo big. "Guest in House" (UA). $10,500.
In spile of everything, however, first vious stanza was good $15,000. Holds Estimates for This Week Last week, sturdy $49,000.
Shuherl )RKO) (2.100: 44-70)—
week ended last night (Tues.) at a another week, with "Diilinger"
Fulton 40-65)—- "National Velvet". M-G ). Second h.o.
Garrlek (B&K) (900; 55-95)—
(Shea) (1/700; (

"Hangover Square" (20lh) .(2d wk).

strong $75,000. Slate, playing "Patrick Mono) due April 25. "Thunderhead" (20th) wk). sesh. All right $4,500 after big $7,000
(3d Nifty $12,000. Last yeek. big $l!r.goO
the Great" on first-run, with Jay Latest h.o. is only 4 days (actually last week.
Jostyn radio's Mr. District •Attor- Grand (RKO) (1,150: 55-951— "Ex-
three with Sat. shutdown). "Earl'
ney). Gus Van. Watson Sisters, and periment Perilous" (RKO and "What ) .
Carroll Vanities" iRep) opens to-
others in person, also has no squawks a Blonde" (RKO) (2d wk in Loop).
at around $25,000 or better. T'morrOw Brisk
morrow (Wed.). Brief third sesh is
likely slim $1,500. Last week, good
Mild $6,000. Last week, "Here Come
"Having Wonderful Crime" is un-
likely to get more than, a inild
$6,500. Ink Spots Boost Co-eds" (U) and "House of Fear"
(U.)..6 days, and "Experiment Peril-
Harris (Harris) (2.200; 40-65)—
$13,000 at the Palace. ous" (RKO) and "What a Blonde"
"Song Remember" (Col). Late starl
"This Man's Navy." which came
25y2G in Philly
will hold gross down to $11,000 in 6
(RKO), 1 day, pleasing $9,200.
Oriental (Iroquois) (3.240; 44-95)—
into Globe. Saturday 14 ). isn't so hot
but still satisfactory at about $16,000.

Philadelphia. April 17.

days. Last week, "House Franken-
stein" (U), in at last minute. Okay '
Tear 27G, Cleve.
"Leave to Blondie" (Col) and Woody
Herman orch on stage. Rugged $32,-
Most amazing of holdovers, in view
of 6'i-day week, is. the terrific $108,-
Death of President Roosevelt cast $8,500 in 6 days. ,

Cleveland, April. 17. 000. Last week, "Tomorrow the

a pall over Philly's show belt Thurs- Penn (Loew's-UA) (3.300: 40-65)—
000 or more that. the Music Hall will "Tree Grows in Brooklyn" Hipp" World" .(UA) (2d wk) and Chico
day and Friday with houses all "Roughly Speaking" (WB). Will at'
Marx heading stage show, fat $30,000.
gel this stanza! its fourth, oh- "With-
darkened Saturday. But. Sunday's have to be satisfied with about $13.- and ''Bring On the Girls" at State,
out Love." which holds over. Easter bullish attendance is helping. Spike 000. Got a little extra lift by reopen- Palace (RKO.) (2,500; 55-95)— "Su-
pageant will be dropped after to- Jones' initial appearance here cou- ing Saturday at 6 p.m. Last Week, are showing double-barreled power dan" (U) and "I'll Remember April"
night (Wed.). Though nearly $20,000
pled with "Destiny'' is selling a "National Velvet" (M-G) (2d wk>. this slanza. For combo bills, "House (U) Pert $20,000; Last. week. "Ex- .

under its socko opening week, Cap- nice mark at Eyrie, as is "Murder, big $11,500. of Fear." backed by Ink Spots, Blla
periment Perilous" (RKO) and "What
itol still will be in the chips, with a Blonde" (RKO) 6 days. "Sudan"
"I'll Be Seeing You."- the Sammy
My Sweet" and "Tomorrow, the Rltx (WB) (800; 40-65)— "Music Fitzgerald and Cootie Williams' band, and "April" 1 day, brisk $21,000.
World," both opening. this stanza. Millions" (M-G) (3d wk).- Moveovor.
Kaye band, Paul Winchcll and Ro Hardly will do $2,000. Last week. is giving Palace a hefty week. All Roosevelt (B&K) (1.500: 55-95 )—
sario and Antonio team, at an indi Estimates for This Week "Hotel Berlin" (WB) (2d wk). Snap-
downtown spots were closed till 6
cated $70,000. Other holdovers are Aldlne 40-85)— "Song "Hotel Berlin" (WB), $2,500. also
(WB) (1,303; py $25,000. . Last week, vigorous
to Remember 1
(Col) (3d wk). Fair
m.o. p.m. Saturday, and Warner houses
mild to okay. :

Senator (Harris) (1,750: 40-65)— $31,000. .

husky $16,800 second all day.
Estimates for This Week $12,000 after
"House Frankenstein" (U). Move- State-Lake (B&K) (2.700: 55-95)—
Astor (City In v.) (1,140; 60-$1.25) round. Estimates for This Week "National Velvet" (M-G). Sock $35.r
40-85)— over. Transferred from Harris, okay
Arcadia (Sablosky) (600;
Allen (RKO) (3,000: 44-65)— 'Song 000. Last week, "Have. Have Not
—"Princess and Pirate" (RKO) (10th Last week,- "Leave It to
Bell Tolls" (Par) (2d run). Opened $3,000. i

Remember" (Col). Moveover looks (6th wk), 6 days, and "Velvet. " 1 day,
wk). Looks fair $16,000, while ninth Blondie" OCol) and "Her Lucky
week was $18,000. satisfactory. Holds Sun. (15)' with about $8,000 in sight. Night" (U). $2,500.-

sweet $8,500. Last week, "3 Caoal- bright $21,000.

one more, with "Enchanted Cottage" Last week, "Thin Man Home" (M-G), SUnley (WB) (3,800; 40-65)— "God leros" (RKO) (m.o.), oke $5,000. United Artists (B&K) (1.700: 55-93)
fair $5,700 second run. —"Tree Grows Brooklyn" (20th)V
(RKO) to open April 27. Boyd (WB) (2.560; 40-85)— "To- Is Co-Pilot" (WB) (2d wk). Diving (Warners) (3,700; 44-65)—
Capitol (Loew s) (4.820; 60-$1.20)— Brooklyn" i20th). Big (5th wk). Swell $19,000. Last week,
morrow the World" (UA). Brisk to $10,000 in 6 days. Last week, fine "Tree in
"Be Seeing You". (UA), Sammy $22,000. $22,000 in 6 days. Last week, "Song $22,000.
$22,000 plus nice $3,500 for Sun. Woods (Essaness) (1.200: 55-95 )—
Kaye orch, Paul Winchell, Rosario
showing week, "Ex- Warner (WB) (2.000; 40-65)—"Na- Remember" (Col), swell $23,000.
and Antonio (2d wk). Should get periment atPerilous" Last
tional Velvet" (M-G). Moveover. (Warners) 44-65)— "3 ''It's.' a Pleasure" (RKO) (4th wk).
(RKO), satisfac- Lake (800:
after first week
stout $70,000 of take
tory $19,000. Satisfying $5,500. Last week. "Music Caballeros" (RKO). Routine $1,500 Good $9,000. Last week'; trim $12,000.
$89,500. new high under policy. Re Earle (WB) (2.760: 50-95)— "Des- Millions" (M-G), $6,500 on m.o. in 6 days; third week downtown.
mains on. tiny" (U) with Spike Jones orch. Last Week. "Hotel Berlin"! iWB)
"Sudan" (U) opens today (Wed
(1.700; 60-$1.25
Bullish $28,500, and might have done
more normally. Last week. "Pan-
(m.o.), good $3.200. 'In Bag' Fancy $15,000,
after 3 weeks of "Between 2 Women' J.DorseyUp&1nBag' Ohio (Loew's) ' (1.200; 44-65)—
Americana" (RKO) plus Raymond
(M-G). finale dropping to $13,080, Scott orch and Gloria oVan, good
"Unseen" (Par) (2d wk). Surpris-
ingly husky $7,000. Last week, "Be-
Bailo; Toors' OK 16G,
oke. Second frame was good $20,000
Globe (Brandt) (1.416: "60-$1.20)—'
$25,000 in Wash.; lid tween 2 Women" (M-G) ..(m.o.),
Fox (WB) (2,250; 40-85)— "Tree in
"This Man's Navy" (M-G). Opened Brooklyn" (20th $6,000. 'Waves' Hot 12G in 3d
j (3d wk). Bangup 55-95)—
here at 6 p.m. Saturday (Ut and on $25,000. Last week, neat
$25,800. 'Swig' 24G, 'Tree' 20G Palace (RKO) (3.700; Baltimore. April. 17. •

first week is heading for $15,000 Or "House of Fear" (U.) plus Ink Spots, Trade here was off with full and
Karllon (Goldman) (1,000; 40-85)
thereabouts, okay, holding. Tenth —
"Thunderhead" 1 20th) -(2d run). Washington, April 17. .-.
Ella Fitzgerald and' Cootie Williams partial closing by downtowners oh
week for "3 Caballeros" (RKO) was Fairish $7,000. Last week, "Can't With all downtown houses shut-, orch oh stage! Stagebill is the draw. Saturday (14) nicking totals. Of new-
off considerably at $8,500.
Help Singing" (U), bright $8,000 tered Saturday, grosses are down 'Grand $27,000. Last week. "Having comers, "Practically Yours" is faring
Gotham (Brandt) (900; 60-$1.20)— second run. this week. The Capitol, with Jimmy

Wonderful Crime" (RKO) with well at. the Stanley and there's some
"Col. Blimp" (UA) (3d wk). Okay Keith's (Goldman) (40-85)— Dorsey's band on stage, plus "It's in "Sons O' Fun" unit, slightly under action also reported. for "It's in the
$11,000 in sight; second was $12,000. "Dark Waters" Close par at $19,000.
(UA) (2d run). Fair the Bag," will lead the parade. Bag", at Loew's Century.
Last week, behind is the Earle with "A
Holds further. to middling $6,000. Song to State (Loew's) (3,450; 44-65)— Estimate* for This Week
Hollywood (WB) (1.499; 50-$1.20) "Hangover Square" (20th) (2d run), Remember," lauded by crlx. All "Brine On
Girls" (Par). Breezy Century (Loew's-UA) (3.000: W-
—"Corn Is Green" (WB) (3d wk), ditto. spots had a 6-day week. $17,000. Last week. "National Vel- 60)— "In the Bag" (UA), Saturday
Hitting a quite slow pace at ind Mastbanm (WB) (4.692; 40-85)— Estimated for This Week vet" (M-G) (2d wk), pleasing $14,- 6 p.m. opening hurt, but oke at $15,-
cated $14,000 for 6 days, this stanza. '.'God Is Co-Pilot" (WB) (2d wk). 000.
Capital (I/Sew) (3,434: 44-72)— 000. Last week, "National Velvet"
Holds. Second was slurdy $29,000. Okay $20,000. Opener was smash "It's in Bag" (UA) with Jimmy Stlllman (Loew's) (2.700; 44-85)—- (M-G) (2d wk), arlright $15,800.
Palace RKO) (1,700; 60-$1.10) $32,500 plus $4,000 on Sabbath Earle Dorsey orch on stage. Okay $25,000
"Having Wonderful Crime" (RKO "National Velvet" (M-G). Lively Hippodrome (Rappaport) (2.240;
Looks only $13,000 tops,' mild but
in view of one-day loss. Last week,
(WB) (2.760; 40-85)— "Thunderhead" (20th) (2d wk), $20,-
$9,000 on third round downtown. 20-74) "Pan-Americana" (RKO.) —
Last week, "Unseen" (Par), great plus Gloria Jean and Dean Hudson
holds. Last week, "Belle of Yukon" "Woman in Window"
(RKO) % (2d 000. $11,000. orch. Original 6-day booking cut to
(.RKO) (2d wk), mildish $16,000. wki. Modest $14,000 after hefty
Columbia. (Loew) (1,234; 44-72)— five by all-day closing Saturday.
Paramount (Par) (3,664; 60-$1.20) $22,500 opener last week.
—"Practically Yours" (Par), Benny "Be Seeing You" (UA). Average Okay $14,000 in 5 days. Last week,
Stanton (WB) (1,475: 40-85)— "It's a Pleasure" (RKO) (2d wk),
Goodman orch, Condos Bros, and "Murder, My Sweet" (RKO). Sur- $7,500. Last week, "Keep Powder 'SEEING INDPLS. YOU'
Bob' Evans (4lh-flnal wk). Hit prising $17,500. Last week. "House Dry" (M-G), wlid $9,000. steady $13,200.
rather hard by Roosevelt'.'; death and Frankenstein" (U), okay $8,500 for Earle (WB) (2,240: 30-90)— "Song Kelth'a (Schanbergcr ) (2.460: 20-
loss of Saturday matinee. But second week. Remember" (Col); Well treated by LEADER, SMASH 16G 60)— "Here Come Waves" (Par) (3d
suitable profit at $50,000 on third crix, neat $24,000 in 6 days. Last wk). Holding well at $12,000 after
week ended last night (Tues.). Sec- week, "Hotel Berlin" (WB) (2d wk), Indianapolis, April 17. . fine second round to $15,400. Closed
$19,000. Closing of theatres last Saturday till8 p.m. Sat.
ond was excellent $72,000.
Radio Cltv Music Hall (Rocke- 'Hotel' High 15G, Prov; Keith's (RKO) (1.800: 34-661— until 6 p.m. out of respect to the late Mayfelr (Hicks) (980: 25-55)—
fellers) 60-$1.10)— "Without "Experiment Perilous" (RKO) (2d "Sing Song Texas" (Col). All-day
(5,945; president, and Roosevelt's death, it-
Love" M-G). Easter pageant and
wk). Robust $10,500. Last week, Sat. closing cut take to below aver-
supplemental stageshow (4th wk). 'Pleasure' lOiG, H.O. marvelous $17,000. self, are reflected in this week's age, $3,500. Last week, "Gels Her
Metropolitan (WB) (1,800; 30-55)—
. '

This week, last for "Glory of Easter" Providence, April 17. grosses; Front runner is "I'll Be Man (U). $4,100.'

"Practically Yours" (Par).

.spectacle, will strike a very big $108,- Out of respect for Roosevelt, all $6,000. Last week, "Tonight, .Okay Every Seeing You," now on a stepped-up, New (Mechanic) (1.680: 20-60)—
000. Picture and stageshow holds. Rhode Island theatres stayed closed "Thunderhead" (20th) (2d wk).
> Night" (Col), $8,000 in 10 days. 7-show a day schedule at Loew's. Maintaining pace at $5,000 after okay
Last week, terrific $128,000. ,.- Saturday (14) until 6 p.m. Heavy Palace (Loew) (2,778; 44-72)—
Republic (Brandt) (1,064; 50-$M07 rush when houses reopened helped Entlmalea for This Week $6,600 inltlaler.
— "Hitchhike to Happiness" (Rep). but didn't cover the monetary loss
'Tree In Brooklyn" (20th).
Last week, "Bell Tolls''
Circle Katz-Dolle ) (2.800; 32-55) (
Stanley (WB) (3,280; 25-65)—
Sad at less than $2,000 for 6. days. caused by the closing. Grosses look (Par), oke at $19,000. '—"Roughly Speaking" (WB). Fair "Pi-acticallyYours" (Par).
Last week, "Earl Carroll's Vanities" .
healthy all around. $9,500. Last week, "Bernadette" '
good business at $16,000 .despite all-
(Rep) (2d wk), thin $3,000. House (20th). thin $7,000 on return date. day Sat. shuttering. Last week,
Estimates for This Wee* Indiana (Katz-Dolle) (3.300; 32-55) "Roughly Speaking" (WB) (2d wk),
has booked a repeat of "This Is the
— "Belle

Albee (RKO) (2,100; 44-60)— Yukon"

Army" (WB) for Friday (20). "Sudan" (U) and "Power of the BRING GIRLS' BRISK of
"Destiny" (U). Slow $10,500. Last
(RKO) and strong
Valencia (Loew's-UA)
(1.840: 20-
Rlallo (Mayer) (594: 40-85)— "Two Whistle" (Col ). Opens Wednesday
O'Clock Courage" (RKO). Curfew a week, ''Hotel Berlin" (WB) and 80)— "National Velvet" (M-G) (move-
major anti-b o. factor here. Mild at
(18). Last week, "It's a Pleasure"
(RKO) and "House of Fear" (U) $17,000, TOPS CINCY "Girl Rush" (RKO), oke $12,500. over). Good action at $7,000. Last
around $5,500. Last week, "Mummy's Keith's (Indie) (1,200; 35-65)— week, "Nothing But Trouble" (M-G. >.

(2d wk), nice $10,500. Cincinnati, April 17. "Song Miss Julie" (Rep) and vaude.
Curse" (U). (2d wk). okay $6,500. mild $3,700.
Carlton (Fay-Loew) (1.400; 44-55) Exhibs are not thinking in terms
Rlvoll (UA-Pai ) (2.092; 70-$1.25)—

Modest $4,000 in 4 days. Last week,

—"Tree in Brooklyn" (20th) (2d of b.o, this week. They are merely
"Affairs of Susan" (Par) (4th wk). run). From Majestic for third down- going through 'workaday motions and
"Big Show-Off"
same time.
(Rep) and vaude, LA CAVA'S 'VENUS' BEEF
Hurt considerably in past week (3d) town week, healthy at $6,000. Last patrons are momentarily mourning Loew's (Loew's) (2,450; 35-55)— Hollywood, April 17.
which -ended last night (Tues.) at

week, "Roughly Speaking" (WB) (3d the loss of Roosevelt. "Bring on "Be Seeing You" (UA). Socko $16,- Mary Pickford postponed the start
$32,000. though satisfactory. Second downtown wk), good $4,000. Girls" is fronting three newcomers 000, Xast week, "Thin Man Goes of -"One Touch of Venus" from June
frame was big $46,000. Remains on. Fay'a (Fay) 44-55)— by a wide margin. Home" <M-G) and "Eadie Was Lady"
(2,000;. ' 16 to" July 1 because of Gregory La
Roxy (20th) (5.886; 60-$1.20)— "Drums Along Mohawk" (WB) (re- Estimates for this Week (Col), $13,100.
"Royal Scandal" i20th). with Hazel Albee RKO ) 3.100; 44-70 (—"Bring Cave's resignation as director.
issue)and vaude. Peppy $7,500. Last < <
Lyric (Katz-Dolle) (1.800; 32-55)—
Scott, Jackie Miles, Dick Brown and week, "Have; Have Not" (WB) (2d on Girls" (Par). Big $17,000. Last 'Thunderhead" (20th) and "Double
La Cava walked out after clabhes
Har,tmans on stage (2d wk). Despite run) and vaude, $6,500. week, "Practically Yours" (Par), .
Exposure" (Par). Dandy $6,200 on with the producers over handling of
last week's setbacks, wound up first Majeatlc (Fay) (2,200: 44-60)— wham $20,000. moveover. Last week. "Practically the script!
round last night (Tues.) at strong "Hotel Berlin" 4WB). Packing them Capitol (RKO) (2,000 44-70)— ; Yours" (Par) and "Dangerous Pas- Kurt Weill has arrived and Mary
$75,000. Second week, of "Tree in in for solid $15,000. Last week,' "Unseen" (Par). Mild $6,500. Last
sage" (Par), $8,000, also m.o. Martin is due_ June 1.
Wednesday, April 18, 1948 19

This is Yvonne DeCarlo, the

girl whom Walter Wanger
selected from among
20,000 American beauties to
play Salome in his Techni-
color production, "Salome,
Where She Danced.
She looks like a million, and
that's just the half of it; the
other half is talent. In addi- She's "An Eyeful"
tion to being beautiful, she ...says Walter Winched
is a fine actress and has a great
gift for dancing and singing.

Universal believes her to be

box-office dynamite.

YVONNE DeCARLO^ROD cameron -david bruce • waiter slezak • albert dekker

Mar]0ri« Rltm beOU •'J. Edward Bremberj VScrwtiploy by Umt*m» SiaMIng,". From the ortglnol Kory by Mkhatl J. fMUi^t
Associate Pr**»cK, .ftmiw* fcy WAITM WANQCt
Wednesday, April 18, 1945
and "Skylark" (20th) (reissues). Slow
Last week, big #7,--
$3,500 in 3 days.
L A. Off; Pleasure' Best Bet, 37G in 2 °°TUih Avenus (K-E)
—"3 Caballeros" (RKO) and "Town
(2,349j 45-80)

Went Wild" (PRC) (2d wk). Fancy

Spots, Sudan' Okay 50G in 4, Millions'

$9,500 in 5,
last week.
days after great $19,000 Tkasure 22G, 'Caballeros' Sturdy 18G
Liberty (J & vH) (1.850; 45-80)—
Detroit, April'
"Tomorrow the World" (UA) and 17..!

"Let's Go Steady" (Col). Sock $11.- Biz Js on the ebb here with grosses

Thin 26G for 3, Tours' Big 28G, 3d Wk. ,500, and holds. Last week, "Eadie
Was Lady" (Col) and "Rough and Key City Grosses oft10% or more with one exception,
Exception Is "Tree Grows in Brook,
Ready" (Col), thin $6,300. . .

Los Angeles, April 17. t Mosio Dos (H-E) (850; 45^80)— Estimated Total Greta lyn," which is aimed for the big
Closing "f theatres last Saturday "Music Millions" (M-G) (3d wk). ...
This Week ........... M,217,I6« bracket* at the Fox. Downtown Is
for Roosevelt's funeral resulted in Broadway Grosses Good $4,500 in 4 days. Last week, (Based on 19 cities, 162 thea- way off usual pace since Olsen &

about 20% boxoff ice loss for the day. big $7,800. tres, chie/ty jtfJi rum, including Johnson and "Sons of Fun" iden-
it's figured here. But business
gen- Muilc Hall (H-E) (2.200; 45-80)— N. Y.)
erally was good the preceding Friday tistimatea Total Gross "3 Is Family" tUA) and "Dangerous tification was pulled off its current
Total Gross Sain* Week
and on Saturday (15). However, the This Weelt. .. $484,590 Passage" (Par). Okay $7,000. Last itage show, now going as "Jerks
Last War.
i . .
week, "Bernadette" (20th), neat $8,- . . . .
•week's total reflects this shuttering. Based on 16 rnenlres) Berserk." It's with "Identity Un-
Of new a Pleasure" looks
bills. "It's

800 in 8 days. (Based on 24 cities, 192 theatres)

Total Oross Sana Week 45-80)— known."
best at an estimated $37,000 in two ,....$697,W« Orpheum (H-E) (2,600;
Re- Last Year: "Belle of Yukon" (RKO and "House Estimates for This Week
spots. "Sudan." teamed with "I'll '"» {Based on 15 theatres) )

member April," is heading for an of Fear" (U) (2d Wk). Big $9,000 or Adams (Baloban) (1.700: 60-85)—
over in 5 (Jays after smash $15,500
7 Women

okay $50,000 in. four theatres.

"Brewster's Millions" and- "The last week. Hefty 'Here Come Co-Eds" (U) (2d wk)
and -"I'll Remember April" (U
Great Flamarion" should net $26,000 Palomar (Sterling) (1,350; 30-$D— For* ).
three houses.
over "Alaska" (Mono plus stage. Good mer moved from Fox, solid $9,500.-
or slightly in
"Practically Yours" is top holdover 'Scandal' Lusty S9.000. Last week. "Docks of N. Y." Last week, "Bernadette" (2oth $l0,r
$23,000, St. Louis
with niftv $28,000 for third session (Mono) with vaude, nice $10,100. 500.
in two spots. "'-'Roughly Speaking. Paramount (H-E) (3,039; 45-80)—
In three Warner theatres, which Thundorhead" (20th) (2d wk). Solid Broadway-Capitol (United Detroit)
St. Louis. April
closed dowii all day Saturday, is do-
ing $26,000 or close on third stanza.
13G in Mild K. C. $9,500 in 5 days, after superb $18,800
last week.
Between Two Women" is
best bet (2.800; 60 T 85)— "Practically Yours"

here this week. (Par) and "Man Half Moon St."

Estimates for This Week Kansas City. April 17. Roosevelt (Sterling (800; 45-80)—
Carlbay Circle iF-WC) (1,518: 50- Lake Placid Serenade" (Rep). Fine Estimates for This Week (Par) (2d wk). From Michigan, so-
Death ot President Roosevelt and Loew's (Loew) (3.172; 30-60)—
$1)— "Sudan" (U) and "Remember rainy weather reflected in lower $4,500. Last week. "Frisco Sal" (U). $14,000. Last week, VNow To-
Modest J7.000. Last (2d wk). oke $6,100.
"Between 2 Women" (M-G). Sock
April" 'U). grosses at the dcluxers here this Vel- morrow" iPar) and "3 Is Family"
•week. "Thin Man Home" (M-G) and week. The top-coiner is "I'll Be See- Winter Garden (Sterling) (800; 25- $23,000. Last week, "National (UA), third week downtown, nice
"Nothing But Trouble" (M-G), fair ing You." at the Midland, but "A
50)— "30 Seconds Tokyo" (M-G) and vet" (M-G) (2d wk), $15,000.30-60)—
$7,700. Dixie Jamboree" (PRC) (3d run). Qrphenm (Loew) (2,000; $10,000.
Royal Scandal." day-and-date at Es-. "National Velvet" (M-G). Good
Chinese IGiatiman-WC) (2.048; 50- quire, Uptown and Fairway, nearly Brisk $3,500. Last week. "Hollywood Downtown (Howard Hughes) (2.-
$6,200. Last week, "Be Seeing You"
SD— "Sudan" (U) and "April" tU). as strong. . Canteen-' (WB) (3d run). $3;100.
(UA) (2d wk), big $6,800. 800; 60-85)—"Identity Unknown"
Okav $11,500. Last week, "Thin Man Estimates for This Week Ambassador (F&M) (3.000; 50-60) (Rep) and "Jerks Berserk" unit on
(M-G and "Trouble" (M-G). S11.800.
Esquire, Uptown; and Fairway —"It's a Pleasure" (RKO): Fine stage. Thin $17,000. Last week,
Downtown iWB) 1.800: 50-$D— (Fox-Midwest) (820, 2,043 and 700;
• <
Last week, "Beriiadette" "Strange Illusion" (PRC) and Mills
"Roughly Speaking" WBV (3d wk). 40-60,)— "Royal
Scandal" (20th). Hub
Slips But 'Sudan' $17,000.
(,20th), $12,000. Bros., others on stage, fine $28,300.
Heading for $11,000. Last week, good. .

Spicy $13,000 or. tfver. Last week. Fox (F&M) (5,000: 50-60)— "Thiih Fox (Fox-Michigan) (5,000; 60-85)
Egyptian (F-WC). (1,538: 50-$l )
Tree Grows in Brookly n" (20th) (2d 16G, 'Seeing You' 37G, derhead" (20th) and "Hitchhike to —"Tree in Brooklyn" (20th). Socko
wk). good $12,000. Happiness" (Rep). Strong $21,000. $39,000. Last week, "Here Come Co-
"Dorian Giav" (M-G) (3d wk). Midland (Loew's). (3,500; 45-65)— Last week, "Flame Barbary Coast" Eds" (U) and "Under Western Skies"
Finales at $7,500. Last week, steady
Be Seeing You" (UA). Stout $14,- In 2 Spots, Both Okay (Rep) and "House of Fear" (U) (U), dipped to $20,000,
$10,400. Last week. "Tonight, Every $16,500.
000. Boston. Jan. 17
Four Star iUA-WC) '.900: 50-$D— Night" (Col) and "Youth on Trial' Missouri (F&M) (.3.500: 50-60) Madison (United Detroit) 1.800: 1

"Thin Man" <M-G) and "Trouble" (Col). $13,000. School vacations paYtly helped re- "Flame Barbary Coast" (Rep) and 00-85 )-r-"Casahova Brown" (RKO)
(M-G). Nice $5,500. Last week, Newman (Paramount) (1,900; 46- covery after, shock of President "House Fear" (U). Okay $9,200 and "Fighting Lady" (20th). Back iu .

"Hangover Square" (20th) and loop, okay $5,800. Last week, "To-
65)— "Obiective. Burma" iWB). Po Roosevelt's death plus Saturday Last week, "Strange Illusion" (PRC Every Night" (Col) and

"Swing Saddle" (Col). $5,300.. "Bring on and "Man Walked Alone" (PRC) night.
Guild (.F-WC) (968; 50-$D— tent $12,500. Last week. smooth $10,500
afternoon closing. Balmy weather
$6,000. "Hearts Young Gay" (Par), $5,900.
"Brewster's Millions" (UA) and Girls" (Par) (2d wk). initialer. also hit boxuffices. "Objective, Bur- St Louis (F&M) (4.000: 40-50)— Michigan (United Detroit) (4,000:
"Great Flamarion" (.Rep). About after boff $13,500 climbing steadily at Melropol "Have, Have Not" (WB) and "Under 60-85)— "It's a Pleasure" (RKO) and
Last week. "3 Caballeros'
Orpheum (RKO) (1.500; 46-65)
(RKO) and 'Big Show-Oft" (Rep), Mask" God Is Co-Pilot" (WB) and "Jade itan. Sonja Henie ended third big Western Skies" (U). Good $5,000 "High Powered" (Par ). Good $22,000.
(Mono) (2d wk). Nifty $10,- week at Keith Memorial in "It's a Last week, "Circumstantial Evi I Last week, "Practically Yours" (Par)
closed at $3,900.
Opener was strong $13,000. Pleasure," with "Sudan" a promis- dence" (20th) and "Rough. Tough and "Man Half Moon St." (Par),
Hawaii (.G&S) (1.100; 50-$D— 000.

Tower (Fox-.Toffee) (2.100; 39-60)— ing successor. (CoD.dilto. $23,000.

"Phantom Speaks" (Rep) and "Vanv
wire's Ghost" (Rep). Neat $8,000 Double Exposure" (Par) and "Town Estimates for This Week Palms- State (United Detroit) (3,-
Last week, "Betrayal From East! Went
Wild" PRC) with Bonnie

Boston (RKO) (3,200; 50-$1.10)—

. 000; 60-85)—"Guest in House" (UA)
revue. Healthy $11,- and "Kitty O'Day". (Mono). Average
(RKO) and "Rogues Gallery" (PRC) Baker and stage week. "Great Flamarion'-"
"Having Wonderful Crime" (RKO), 'Bern'dette' 10G, Mpls.;
$16,500. Last week. "Woman in Win-
000. Last with Bonita Granville, Milt Britton
(3d wk-8 days), closed at $2,300. (PRC)
Elite (.G&S (900; 50-80)—"Phan- (Rep and "Lights i On Again" on stage. Fair $22,000. dow" (RKO) and "Body Too Many"
vaude, orch, others,

tom Speaks" (.Rep) and 'Vampire's with Mary Beth Hughes and Last week, "House of Fear" (U) plus Tleasure' Modest 13G, (Par) (2d wk), okay $14,500.
Ghost" (Rep). Only $2,500. Last ("trim $10,200. Tommy Dorsey orch. wow $45,000. United Artists (United Detroit) (2,-
week, "Betrayal" (RKO) and "Gal- Fenwav (M-P) (1,373; 40-74)— .

'Hotel' Good $10,000 000: 60-85)— "3 Caballeros" (RKO)

lery" (PRC) (3d wk-8 days), $1,100 . ,

r ..... «wi "Practically .Yours" (Par). Fairish

Minneapolis, April 17
and "Crazy Knight" (Mono). Sturdy
cn ft $4,000. Last week, "Tree in Brooklyn" $18,000. Last week, "Music Millions"
H .".yw,od WB) (2.756, 5o-$D- tonight Fairish lZli, 1 (20th), $6,500. _ With Saturday matinees eliminated (M-G) and "Double Exposure" (Par)
"Roughly Speaking" (WB) (3d wk). Majestic (Shubert) (1,500; 40-74)— on the passing of President Roose (2d wk), nice $15,000.
Okay $8,000. Last week, neat $13,- Tops L'ville Filmers; "Mr. Emmanuel" (UA). 6kay $5,000. vclt, current offerings got a slow
000. Last week, "3 Caballeros" (RKO), start. Indication point to moderate
Lm Angeles (D'town-WC) (2,097;

000 grosses all along the line.
'CabaUeros'JHildllG $4Memorial

80-$l)— 'Dorian- Gray" (M-G) (3d Estimates for This Week

wk). Finished Rt $15,000. Last
Louisville, April 17,
(RKO) (2,900; 40-75)—
'Sudan" (IT) and "I'll Remember Aster (Par-Singer) '(900; 15-25)—
week, $21,000. Good $16,000. Last "Murder in Blue Room" (U) and Continued from pace 3
Orpheum (D'town) (2,200: 65-85) Theatre biz reflected the shock, April" (U). ;

— Roosevelt's death. week, "It's a Pleasure" (RKO) and "Sing Me Song Texas" (Col). Good
(Mono) with felt over news of
"Fashion Model"
Artie Shaw orcli on stage. Big $28, All downtown houses were closed Crime Doctor's Courage" (U) (2d $2,200 in 5 days. Last week. "Night takes in about 66% of British Dim
o'clock Saturday (f4). Rialto wk), robust $24,000. Club Girl" (U) and "Power Whistler" theatre grosses.
000. Last week, "Nevada" (Rep) until 6
lost consid- Metropolitan (M-P) (4,367; 40-74) (Col) split with "Let's Go Steady" Rank entered the film 'industry
with "Gay 90's" revue, so-so $18,000. with "Three Caballeros" because of this. —"Objective, Burma" (WB). Modest (Col) and "Made Me Criminal" When he backed production of a
PanUres (Pan) (2,812; 50-$D— erable juve trade week, "Practically (WB) (reissue), okay $2,400 in 7 religious short and then entered
"It's Pleasure" (RKO) and "Crime
Pace is sluggish generally this week. $22,000. Last
Doctor's Courage" (.Col). Fine $18. Estimates for This Week Yours" (Par) and "High Powered" days.
Brown (Fourth Avenue) (Loew s) (Par) (2d wk), fine $17,000. Century (P-S) (1,600; 44-60)— "Mu- whole-heartedly into all phases of
000! Last week, "Murder, My Sweet"
(RKO) and "Eadie Was Iiady" (Col) (1,000; 40-60)— "Thunderhead" (20th) Orpheum (Loew) (2,900; 35-75)— sic Millions" (M-G). Moveover. production and distribution.
(2d wk), strong $13,700. and "Grisslv's Millions" (Rep) (third "Be Seeing You" (UA). Okay $22,000. Good $7,000. Last week, "Bring on "No one ever signs a contract with
Paramount (F&M) (3,389; 50-$D— downtown week). Moderate $3,000. Last week, "National Velvet" (M-G Girls" (Par) (2d wk), fair $5,000. Rank," Powell declared, "for his

"Practically Yours" (Par) arid "Dou- Last week, -sturdy $5,000. (2d wk), big $19,500. Gopher (P-S) (1,100 44-60
word is better than any legal docu-

ble Exposure" (Par) (3d wk). Steady Kentucky (Switow) (1,200; 30-40) Paramount (M-P) (1.700; 40-74)— "Nothing But Trouble" (M-G). Fair ment."
$17,000 after good $22,100 last week —"Meet Me St. Louis" (M-G) and "Practically Yours" (Par). Average $3,000. Last week, "Arscne Lupin"
Paramount Hollywood (F&M) Murder in Blue Room" (U). Potent $15,000. Last week, "Tree in Brook- (U). mild $2,700. Pressburger disclosed many points
(1.451; 50-$D— "Practically Yours' $1,900. Last week. "Barbary Coast lyn," $12,000. Lyric (P-S) (1.100: 44-60)— of interest to American Film indus-
(Par) (3d wk). Smooth $11,000 Gent" (M-G) and '"Brazil" (Rep) State (Locx^ (3.200; 35-75
>—"Be "Roughly Speaking" (WB): Moved try: 1. Archers do its filming at Ted-
after stout $13,100 last week. $1,800. Seeing You" (UA). Good $15,000. here from Radio City. Okay $5,000. dington Studios, where executive of-
Loew's State (Loew's) (3.300; 40-
Hlllstreet (RKO) (2,890; 50-80)— Last week, "National Velvet" (M-G) Last week, "Thunderhead" (20th), fices and two sound stages were de-
"It's Pleasure" (RKO) and "Crime
60)— "Tonight. E<very Night" (Col) (2d wk), brisk $14,000. good $6,000 on third downtown week.
Courage" (Col)., Heading for $19.- and "Love Mystery" (Col). Fair Translnx (.Translux) (900: 20-74)—
Orpheum (P-S) (2,300; 44-60)— stroyed by Na2i bombs. Teddington,
"Docks of N. Y." (Mono). Strong $5.- "Hotel Berlin" (WB). Nice $10,000 or where Warners used to
produce their
000. Last week. "Murder. Sweel" $12,000. Last week. "National Vel
(RKO) and "Eadie Lady" (Col) (2d vet" (M-G) (2d wk). okay $11,000. 000. Last week, "Crime, Inc." (PRC) over.. Last week, "Between 2 Wom- quota pictures, was completely wiped
wk), good $14,400. Mary Anderson (People's) (1,000 big $7,000. en" (M-G), Vaughn Monroe orch. out by enemy air assaults. 2. Un-
Mti (FrWC) 50-$l)
40-60)— "God Is Co-Pilot" (WB) (2d Guy Kibbee, etc., smash $23,000 at der war conditions. English studios
"Dorian Gray" (M-G) (3d wk) wk). Still virile at $7,500. Last 44-70c scale. are operating at about 90% capacity,
Finales at $6,500. Last week, aver- week, broke all house records at Radio City (P-S) (4.000; 44-60)— government having taken over half
age $9,100. bumper $11,000. 'Velvet' Smooth $15,000, "It's a Pleasure" (RKO). Fairly good
National (Standard) (2.400; 50-75 for storage space and for making
State (Loew's- WC) (2.404; 50-$l) $13,000 or close. Last week, "Roughly


"Sudan" and > "Remember —"Fog Island" (PRC ) and vaude


Speaking" (WB), propaganda films. 3i-In England last

April" (U).
Stout $23,000. Last headed by Mills Bros. Got off
to a Buff.; 'Roughly' Fat $12,500.13G
State (P-S) (2.300; 44-60)— "Berna- year, about 35 feature-length pic-
week, .'Thin Man" (M-G) and slow start but doing wellhouse enough at tures have been made in England.
Buffalo, April 17. dette" (20th). First at pop scale
"Trouble" (M-G), off at $19,400 $13,000. Last week, was They have personnel to rnakc about

All theatres naturally are off. this Good $10,000. Last week, "Music Mil

turned over to local war plant'show.

United Artists (UA-WC) (2,100; week, but- not as much as. might be lions" (M-G), $12,000. 75 annually, which is .'reason Holly-
)— "Brewster's Millions" (UA) Rialto (Fourth Avenue) (3,100; 40-
80-$l expected. "Nulional Velvet" will get Uptown (Par) (1.100; 44^50)— wood players; technicians and crafts-
and "Great Flamarion" (Rep). Good 60)— "3 Caballeros" (RKO) and "Fal- top money. "Winged Victory" (20th). First nabe men are not encouraged to work
Last week. "3 Caballeros' con Hollywood" (RKO). Fairish .

loss of Saturday matinee Estimates for This Week showing. Good $4,000. Last week there unless they are experts with
(RKO) and "Big Show-Off" (Rep) $11,000, hurting here. Last week, "Berna- "Hollywood Canteen" WB). $3,000.
Any high-
40-70)— (

(3d, wk), stout $10,000. Buffalo (Shea) (3,500:

World (Par-Steffes) (350: 44-60)— no English counterparts.

Uptown (F-WC) (1.790: 50-$l )— dette" (20th). about same. "Hangover Square" (20th) and "Town ranking specialist, however, is
Strand (Fourth Avenue) (1,400: Went Wild" (PRC). Fair $13,000. "Keys Kingdom" (20th) (3d wk)
"Sudan" (U) Rnd "Remember April' 40-60)— "Frisco Sal" (U) and "Gal Last week, "Objective, Burma" (WB), Modest $1,800. Last week, $2,000.
<U). Average $8,500. Last week, British studios equipment is older
Loves Music" (U). Not quite up to good $15,500.
Thin Man" (M-G)' and "Trouble than that in this country, so ordinar-
(M-G), $9,000. .. par at $4,500. Last week, "Murder. Great Lakes (Shea) (3,000; 40-70)
Wilshlre (F-WC) (2,296: 50-$D— My
Sweet" (RKO) and "Nevada" —"National Velvet" (M-G). Neat ily it takes a little longer to make
"Brewster's Millions" (UA) and (RKO), .
strong $7,000. $15,000. Last week, "Bring on Girls" Critic features there. "Colonel Blimp,
"Great Flamarion" (Rep). Okay .
(Par) and "Man in Halt' Moon St." CoiKinued from page 1 however, was shot in 14 weeks, and
$8,000. Last week. "Caballeros' (Par) (2d wk), bright $12,000. was made for perhaps 75% less than
(RKO) and "Show-OfT" (Rep) (3d Tomorrow' Sockeroo Hipp (Shea) (2,100: 40-70)— "Ob- same sequence, as written by the it could have been turned out here.
wk). light $3,800. jective, Burma" (WB) (2d wk); Boston reviewer. Also, he' referred Rank, whose Hollywood visit has

Willern (WB) (2.500: 50-S1)— Modest $8,500. Last week, "Music to characters deleted since the Bos
$11,500, Best in Seattle Millions" been deferred until late May or early
"Roughly Speaking" WB) (3d wk). (M-G) (2d wk). trim $10,-
ton date. The young showmen are June because of huddles he is now

Nice $7,000. Last week, hefty $12,- Seattle. April 17. 000. / - •

.001), Seattle's day of mourning for Lafayette (Basil) (3.300: 40-70)— reported to have written to the. holding in London with
Roosevelt was obsei'ved by all the- "Frisco Sal" (U) and "Babes on .critic's managing editor about the Skouras, 20th-Fox prexy. is
.to make an American releasing
STARRETT S 1 1TH COL. ANNI atres voluntarily closing Saturday Swing St." (U). Nice $11,000.' Last review.
Until 6 p.m. Several first-run spots week, "Here Come Cb-Eds" (U) (2d Play was panned by all other —in fact,, a more-or-less universal
Hollywood. April 17.
are pulling out their holdovers after wk) and "Destiny" (U). sturdy $9,500. critics; too, some reviewers taking pact— with Skouras, which would
Charles Starrett is starting his 11th four 20th Century (Ind.) (3,000; 40-70)— a walk after the first act and others give him a 20th-Fox outlet in this
or five days. Best new entries
consecutive year on the Columbia are "Tomorrow the World" and "3 Is "Roughly and country. His contract with UA calls
Speaking" (.WB)
not remaining until the -finale.
lot, a record for saddle thesps in any Family." "Tomorrow" is socko. "Docks of N. Y." (Mono). Sharp $13,-
Show- lasted three nights, open- for distribution in Amerca of only
film studio. Estimates' for This Week 000 or over. Last week, "It's a Pleas-
Blue Mouse (Hamrick-Evergreen) ure" "(RKO) and "<Irissly's Million*" ing last
Tuesday (10) and folding seven pictures annually while Bonk
Star's .cne=j:ear__contrnct renewal
(800; 45-80)— "Song of Islands" (Par ) (Rep) (2d wk), okay $8,000. Friday (13); wants at least 15 screened over here.
•Included his horse, Raider.
WediieiulBy, April 18,194!l £1


Simply . . . without any pretense to fine writing . . we, who loved and admired.

HAL, address this message to his friends throughout the country.

little fellow" and the "big fellow" ... to all of those for whom he "did
to those whom he guided towards security. Yes! and towards affluence

We, his friends in Chicago, know HAL was a "War Casualty." When his health
failed him, he ignored the advice of physicians and friends, and drove himself day
afterday with all the verve and dynamic energy for a worthy cause or to help a
pal ... that was HAL.

There was something distinctly heroic about the last years of his life. He spear-
headed War Bond Drives; helped Chicago Service Men's Centers; led Red Cross
Drives, hospital shows, and other patriotic and charitable causes.


There can be no posthumous medal or ribbon for HAL . . . the only honor we
of show business can and wishto bestow, is a Memorial . . . an appropriate charity
to perpetuate his name.

The Illinois has chosen the La Rabida Sanitarium, which it

Variety Club of
sponsors. It is a children's sanitarium devoted to the cure of rheumatics of the heart,

without regard to race, creed or color. The Memorial will be in the nature of a
completely equipped and maintained HAL HALPERIN ROOM.

Being a sufferer of the heart himself, HAL had a deep affection for La Rabida
and a high regard for the excellent results this sanitarium achieved for children.

We are planning a HAL HALPERIN MEMORIAL SHOW at the Chicago Civic

Opera House on May 6th. In all probability you will not be able to attend it . -.- .

but,being one of HAL's friends, we are sure you will want to send us a check on
a donation towards this cause. How much? What do you owe his memory? An
ancient book asks, "Who shall command the heart?"

We know, you will be as generous as possible.

We are most eager, most anxious to make this Memorial a living reality. We
are working hard to do so for we are certain that HAL would wish it.

So ... just as if it were he, asking for some cause near to his heart, we ask
you to send us your contribution promptly as a tribute to his memory.


Variety Club Special

on. Chairman, John Bala ban

James Coaton
Max Halperin
Bill Hunt
Chairman Civic Committee,'' Johnny Jonei
Jack Klrsch
CHARLES F. GLORE Arthur Sclioenutadt
Edwin Silverman
J.. C. Thompson
JACK ROSS, Treasurer, Variety Club, Blatkalone Hotel, Chicago, Illinois

(A reprint of thit, without any further eomment, it being tent to many of the late HAL HALPERIN'i friend*
throughout the country. If yon are forgotten . . . pleate forgive . . . hut do not fail ntl)
MdtdVSTf Wtimt*dMj, April 18, 194$
' —

Wednesday, April 18, 1945 PICTURES 23

Fitter's Odd Jobs, Inc.,

Berlin's 3-yr. Hitch with 'Army' Wanna Curl Up in a Theatre Lobby
Continued from
In 50G Suit Vs. Par
pm« 1
Damages of $50,000 is sought by
terrific job the Special Services of-
ficers and staffs of the U. S. Army
he also hatched "There Are No
Wings on a Foxhole" as an Infantry
Walter A, Fuller, fUm^producer, and' With a Good Book?-Chi Started It
Odd Jobs, Inc., in a suit filed last
have done for all itinerant entertain- song. week against Paramount, in N. Y. Chicago, April 17. customers think the tomes arc given
ment to our global fronts. 'Heaven Watch the Philippines"
supreme court. Action -charges that It's not known yet whether best away cuffo, like dishes in the nabe
is dedicated to General Douglas C. houses, and act hurl when the sales-
Berlin should be in position to sellers will ever replace popcorn,
MacArlhur, in commemoration of Paramount breached an oral agree-
know. "This Is the Army" opened lady, Marcia Soban (and a looker),
his liberation of the islands, and he pop and candy as the most saleable says "That'll be $2.75 please;" Others
July 4, 1942, and stayed 12 weeks ment and infringed on his original
formally acceptod it on behalf of items in movie houses (outside of
(instead of the scheduled four) on idea for a series of ono-reel shorts,
think it's a rental library.
Broadway at $5.50 top, and never himself and President Osmena of depicting odd occupations of people.
movies themselves, of course), but Misgivings at first mostly cen- —
the Philippines, who had a repre-
did under $40,000 a week. It toured the Loop's Telenews is nonetheless tered oh the idea that it wouldn't
16 weeks, consumed' five more sentative present at the Leyte pre- Par, it is alleged, infringed by pro- off to a good start in that direction, work in a newsreel house tiecause
months in making the WB
film ver- miere of "this Is the Army" to re- ducing a similar series called "Un- with fast line Of new books stacked
: audiences supposedly rush in for a
ceive the song officially for the up in a "Book Bar" in the lobby. quick look at the news roundup be-
sion, and for the rest of the three usual Occupations."
years the soldier musical has been
Commonwealth. Just before leav- Everything's in slock, from Sophie tween dales or while waiting for a
According to the complaint, Futter
touring In England-Ireland-Scotland,
ing the Philippines, Berlin inserted Tucker's "Some of These Days" to —
streetcar have been broken down,
4tt months; in Italy five months; another new song, "Oh, to Be Home in 1935 negotiated with Par's short Edmund Stevens' "Russia Is No Rid- Goldflnger- reports. They sec a sub-
Again." Strictly a GI song, it's a big subject manager, the late Lou Di- Everything, that" is, but "For-, ject screened, he opines, and then
three months in Egypt, Persia, etc. dle."
hit with the boys. ever Amber"— but you can't get that want to read about it. advising Miss
(Middle East Command), and 3V4 amond, for distribution of the series.
Berlin looks back on tjie excite- Soban, as an afterthought, to wrap
months thus far in the Pacific. The At Diamond's request Futter used
in Brentano's or Kroch's either.
ment of his show following the Gimmick was started, according to
tour isn't over for the GI cast, but - lip a copy of "Sad Sack" or "Can-
Fifth Army in Italy and its progress Par studios for completion of the Sylvan Goldflnger, manager of the nery Row."
it for Berlin.

the near-civilization the- from Sicily to Rome. The England- first one-reel film and delivered '
newsreel mecca, with the idea that Stall, in a prominent spot in the
London, Edinburgh, Cairo, Scotland-North Ireland tour was same, while negotiations were under payees would be interested in glom- lobby, is Goldfinger's idea. He gets
atres in
another chapter. But the. one just way for signing of a formal contract. ming books like Sumner Welles' books wholesale from Western
Rome, Naples, etc., "Tita" found no his
past— the Pacific— where the need is Paramount. Futter alleges, decided "Guide to Peace," Ernie Pyle's News Co., retailing them at standard
theatres in the Pacific, only Jungles.
It was not until "Tita" hit the
so great and the jungle theatres so not to distribute the series, after a —
"Brave Men," etc. subjects, in other bookstore rates, ranging from $1.49
difficult, he accents as an even more proposed contract was submitted to words, that would tie in with timely for that marked-down "Tree Grows
Pacific that Berlin saw the magnifi- important job. him, instead went ahead and pro- events on the screen. It's been pay- in Brooklyn" job to $4.75 for "Col-
cent job the Special Services officers Berlin flew to Hollywood yester- duced its own one-reel shorts based ing off so well, however, since it lier'sPhoto History of the War."
were doing.- It brought home to him

how a soldier cast of ISO could be

day (Tues.) to assist Paramount in on his idea. Oral contract had was started three weeks ago at the — anyone wants to make any
"Blue Skies," the Bing Crosby called for an advance of. $5,000 rate of 30 to 50 volumes a day cracks about people who pay a
transported to eight different thea- starrer based on a Berlin song cav- against percentage of such distribu- that Goldflnger has added fiction as movie admlsh for the privilege of
tres within a week, each 30 miles alcade, which the late Mark Sand- tion and provided for additional a sideline. "Black Boy," "Tree buying a book, or about somebody
apart, and stages, lights, etc., set up rich was to have produced and di- shorts to be produced and distrib- Grows in Brooklyn" and "Apartment being curled up in the lobby with
through the great ingenuity of SS The untimely death of the uted. Damages and an accounting of.
rected. in Athens" are samples of the latter a good book while the main fea-
working in cooperation with Army 44-year-old Paramount director ne- profits from the alleged infringe- ture is on,, they're perfectly wel-
that are going good.
transportation facilities. cessitates Berlin's presence in Holly- ment are also sought by Futter. Reactions have been varied. Some come to.
Jungle Theatre* wood, possibly for most of the sum-
These jungle theatres brought mer. As soon as he finds a house
home to the veteran showman there "his family will join him.

is no such thing any more about

limiting the most lavish or the most
subtle of Broadway shows for the
GIs in the Pacific. If it's a question
of lines, Berlin cites how three mikes
made perfect amplifications 'so that WB CHIEF IN CANADA
a restless GI audience up to 16.500 Haskell M. Masters, veteran in dis-
in a jungle, could hear everything. tribution who, this past January re
As for costumes, his 160 GI troup- signed as president of Empire-Uni
ers had to travel with supplementary versal Films, Canadian releasing
clean Army and Navy dress uni- company, and as v.p. and general
forms, plus other costume changes manager of Odeon Theatres, joined

„ /
and thus any Broadway show should Warner Bros. Monday <16'i as gen
be able to compress itself to- five or eral sales manager above the border.
six changes and more than make the Prior to going with Empire-U and
grade with' judicious minimization Odeon,- both of which are controlled
of sets, scenery and costumes. by the N. C. Nathanson interests,
Berlin's personal record comprises Masters was western and Canadian
591 performances with "Army" all sales chief for United Artists. He
told in the U. S., England, Italy, Pa had been with UA 22 years, most of
cirte, etc. In the latter theatre this time in the Dominion.
"Army" played 49 shows to audi Ralph H. Clark, who was sent to
ences of 330,000, totaling a peak of Toronto from the Warner h.o. last
16,500 and down to 500. In addition fall to temporarily take charge after
Berlin did 79 personal shows by him- Wolfe Cohen had been transferred
self, only with a strolling guitarist to the foreign department in N. Y.,
for accomp, singing his songs to hos- will return to the h.o. as an associ-
pital ward and ambulatory audi ate of Ed Hinchy, head of the play-
ences. date department.
Berlin wouldn't express himself on
reported gripes from GIs in the Pa
cific that they "haven't seen a Holly
Dale Evans and Republic
wood name for months"*other than
to say that the Pacific is starved HEN sound pictures were first made pos-
fof entertainment, because the area
Talk Over New Contract
. . sible by Western Electric, a lot of people
is so vast. He did add that if the Hollywood, April 17.
stars knew what they were missing, Dale Evans, who recently .walked thought this new development was just an inter*
they'd go out in a hurry, for a won-
derful' experience.
o(T the Republic lot after two years
of riding in westerns, is huddling
eating novelty — too imperfect and too expensive
The songsmith refuses to approxi- with the studio on a new contract » to last. A passing fad.
mate the value of his contribution which will shift her to dramatic
an"iJw.ushfis.rifiLarjy reference JoJJie roles, with permission to accept It took real vision to 6ee what that early sound
fact he usually gets 10% of the pix ra'Jio chore's and make one outside might one day become.
and stage grosses. Even now his con- picture n year.
tribution approaches the $800,000 Miss Evans checked out a month Vision on the part of scientists
figure, based on the WB
film and ago after two years of equine drama who knew how
U. S. stage income. He does admit opposite Roy Rogers. much better sound could and must be made.
that three years of his time is the
only measurement he can place on Vision on the part of producers and
''Army." Pix Spineless on Negro who realized that sound meant
Goodwill Songs greater realism
Question—Lillian Smith which was bound to build
In England, 'where it opened its greater than ever box
tour at the Palladium, London, Nov.
Columbus, April 17.
10, 1943, "This Is the Army", helped Lillian Smith, author of the best
cement Anglo-U.S. relations, with selling novel, "Strange Fruit."
Continuation of that same brand
visiting royalty marking the occasion lashed at the motion picture indus- of vision and
of the Yank soldier show's tour. try for Its treatment of the Negro incentive will
fee needed after-
the war. The
Songs like "My British Buddy" at as a screen personality.
^enlist and the engineer
the tour's start to "Heaven Watch Commenting on the anti-Negro have learned much in
the Philippines" at the finish, have ban of "Brewster's Millions" in these last few years
of accelerated war
had their marked diplomatic and Memphis because of Rochester's im- research.
"ley Possess the
goodwill effects. Berlin was struck portance in the film, she declared knowledge and the
by the Filipino schoolchildren sing- have sound contrihnt. desire to
that the industry's lack of courage,
ing a parody on "God Bless Amer-
ica," with "Philippines" substituted,
shown by its
southern prejudice',
catering so easily to
is feeding racial
motion picturHne toma ^he
and decided to write a special bal- bias. of cnter^Lr *»•
lad, the royalties of which go to; the 'Certainly the motion picture in-
Filipino Boy and Girl Scouts Foun- dustry is strong enough not to be
dation, just as "God Bless America" dominated by the feelings of the
income goes to the U. S. Boy and South," she said, "and we of the
Girl ScoutFund (now over $130,000). South find it much easier to main-
In between Berlin was inspired tain our cancerous attitude .toward
to write the official 5th Army song, Negroes when the people of the
dedicated to General Mark Clark rest of the nation allow the pro-
and accepted by Army Chief of Staff. ducers to cater to our feelihgs. .Electrical Research Products Division
-General George Marshall. It's titled "I am for human beings and I

"'The Fifth Army's Where My Heart think it would be a good idea if

Is." Also while in Italy he wrote
a postwar song, "When the Boys
Hollywood would occasionally di-
rect itself with vigor on behalf of
Western Electric Company

Come Home," which he continued to huroan beings, and stop cringing in

use in the Pacific, and soon after fear of the 20% of the violently 233 BROADWAY, NEW YORK 7, N. Y.
arriving in the So. Pacific he wrote vocal southern lunatic fringe. Even
one for the .girls in service, the if that 20% stayed away in protest,
WACs and Red Cross nurses, titled the other 80 r would continue' to

"Oh for a. Dress Again." In between make for a profitable boxoffice."

14 p^ssnpff VeJaeid»y, Apf U It 1945








Wednesday, Aprfl 18, 19W .
P^SilET? *5 '
t* Wednesday, April 18, 1945

Scene of Crime Encore

String of Spanish-Language Film Chicago, April 17.
It could only happen at th*
Biograph, Chi nabe whore John, Jump In Free Bond Preems
Dillinger got mowed down about Continue* from page
12 years ago:
Houses in Texas; Other Distrib Briefs Twoburglars broke the win-
down of the cashier's cage laBt
dlitributor representative! who
came from all parte of tha west to
Events Committee for the "Showmen's
Seventh." Jack Mclnerney, publicity
San Antonio, April 17. theirformer joint operation of Buf- Thursday night (.12), grabbed a attend the regional meeting at the director for the Paramount theatre,
moneybag, and escaped in an

Current (rend In the southwest is falo pictures theatres, has been Brown Palace hotel. This goal, set N, Y„ will handle press relations on
dropped and the petition filed In the automobile as William H. Brown,
to remodel store buildings lor houses manager of the. E-ssaness house, by Skouras, represent! 25% of the the "Major Glen Miller" War Bond
Bankruptcy Court for an arrange- show and the Soldier Pageant.
to show Spanish language pictures. who heard the crash, chased total amount of "E" bond!, namely,
ment with creditors under the Bank-
C. A. Lucchese, who already oper- ruptcy Act has been withdrawn by them to the curb. Brown later $4,000,000,000, which the U. S.
consent, according to Dipson's attor- reported to police the bag waB Treasury aims to sell in this cam- Webber Heads Coaat
ates three houses here, plans a large
full of ticket stubs. Herman Wobber, 20th-Fox division
modern showplace. In San Angelo, neys,
Feature that night was ''Some-
paign. It is the largest goal ever
the Concho Circuit is planning a Dipson Co. lias purchased certain set by a division of the motion pic- manager for the Pacific Coast area,
thing for the Boys."
hew house as is W. V. Adwell. notes amounting to 126,000 held by ture industry. has been appointed western area dis-
Eddie Joseph opened the Iris in Yellen upon which suit had been tributor chairman for the "Show-
Austin for Spanish films. Skouras' address was the principal
brought in Supreme Court, and also ment it's strictly a matter of making men's Seventh" War Loan drive.
Alfred Pena reopened the Cole in Yellen's stock in the Dipson Enter- speech made at the meeting. It was
a living. But try and- find one who's Territory includes 11 states. He will
New Briiunfels for the Latin Ameri-

prises. willing to trade a 2-A or 2-B classifi- highlighted by a tribute to Franklin

can trade. At Mirando City, Matilde
work in cooperation with Charles P.
cation for a 1-A by going into non- Delano Roosevelt in which the Fort
Chapa opened the Trinity. Skouras, National Theatre proxy, in
Great Need for Exchange Help
essential work! Logan chapel singers, an octet of that sector,
Albert Coppel purchased Latin There's not much evidence of it eight overseas veterans, Edna Hynes,
American Film Exchange, formerly Chicago, April 17. on tap as yet. but indications are Peter G. Levathes. of the 20th-Fox
Ex-.serviccmcu sauntering through organist and Chaplain I. N. Gray,
operated here by J. J, Jiminez,- and exchanges will have a flock of vets distribution department, has been
Film Row these days are in danger U. S. A., participated. Skouras gave appointed assistant to Tom Connors,
changed the name to Azteca Film on the job when branch execs, who
Distributing Co. Coppel formerly of getting conked and whisked into are alleged to know a thing or two great praise to Sam Plnanski, na-
national distributor chairman for the
operated theatres in Denver which Ihe sanctum sanctoriums of ex- about publicity, start hitting their tional chairman, for 'his leadership campaign.
he sold to J. J. Rodriguez of Dallas, changes, there to be put to work stride in. a drive to round up re- in this drive, and pledged him 100%
operator of the Pahamericano the- immediately, hs result of the recent turning GIs. support of the entire western region,
atre. \0 c 'oslash iii help mandamus by Phllly Tecoff
WMC. Direct effect on -exchanges which comprises Arizona, California.
The Ford. Big Lake. Texas, opened 20th-Fox' District New . Plans for getting the ''Showmen's
already operating with curtailed Colorado, Idaho, Montana, Nevada.
by H. Ford Taylor, managed by W. T: Seventh", off to a good start in the
Ash. .Taylor also operates the Ritz.
staffs has been practically intolera- Twentieth-Fox is setting up a dis- New Mexico, Oregon, Utah, Wash-
Philadelphia area were mapped at
ble in many cases, as 'far as the man- trict covering Salt Lake City and
its ington and Wyoming. This area com-
Ballinger. Texas. Denver territories, with Charles L. a meeting of campaign workers
power situash is concerned, thereby prises approximately 4,500 picture
cueing a hefty session of competition Walker, branch manager at Salt
theatres, or about 25% of the coun-
last week. A
series of four territory
Weatberall's House for services of. discharged yets,, who, Lake, heading it.
< Clyde Blasius, meetings, preceded: by a salesmen's
Huntsville. Texas, April 17. salesman at Salt Lake office, moves try's houses and of which number
unlike civilians, can pick any job Session in Philadelphia April 23, was
Construction work under way for they want— critical, essential or un- up charge there.
to take Both are 2,243 theatres are already pledged to arranged.
third house being built here by R.'B, oldtimers with 20lh-Fox. hold bond premieres, kiddie mati-
Weatherall, recently discharged from
classified. Among those at the meeting last
Full-time femme help hasn't nees, free movie days, as well as be- Friday were' Jay Emanuel,
Navy. Two houses are being oper- (13)
ated here by Sam Parish who is affil- proved the answer at all, according Leon Jacobwm Back coming issuing agents. Robert Lynch, Ted Schlmigcr. Lester
to several branch managers, while Hal Home, has returned Sgt. Leon
iated in the operation with the R & R To reach the one-billion cioilar "E" Krieger, I. Epstein, George Schwartz,
circuit. Wentherall .formerly worked
part-time workers, both male and Jacobson to his former post in the
female, who're permitted to work a press-book department at 20th-Fox. bond goal, Skouras urged the repre- Salem E. Applegate, Ben Fertel,
for Parish. sentatives in attendance to exert Lewen Pizor and others.
maximum of only 30 hours a week He replaces Roger Lewis, also a dis-
outside their jobs in critical indus- charged veteran, who has been pro- every effort to double the number of
Yrllen-Dipson Settle tries, are difficult to rind. Most of moted to the publicity department pledged theatres and to increase by Aussles Adopt Loesser Song
' Buffalo, April 17. the gals are too independent, is the under Jules Fields, where he will 100% the number ot bond premieres Frank Loesser's bond song, "On
Litigation between Samuel Yellen consensus, taking time off at the drop function as coordinator of N. Y.
and Lipson Realty Co.. arising out of of a hat. whereas with the male ele- theatre advertising, publicity and and free movie days and other the Road to Victory." will be iised
events in the drive. The number' for the first time in Australia for
of pledged theatres in this region at the forthcoming July bond drive.
the present, time constitute about Allan St Co., of Melbourne, own the
M. P. Associates' Fete
15% of all theatres in the country Australian rights.
The 26th annual charity dinner-
dance, under sponsorshio of Motion so pledged. Aussie legation- here asked for use
Picture Associates, due June 6 at the of song, and arrangements were
Waldorf-Astoria hotel. Morris San- D-Day Is Free Movie Day made with Loesser by Dorothy

ders pres.
National free movie day in U. S. Stewart, Allan's New York rep.
First of a series of annual awards
motion picture theatres has been set
to be presented to a personality for
tor June 6, anniversary ot D-Day
distinguished service in motion pic-
tures goes to George J. Schaefer, the invasion of Europe via Nor- Rep May Do Gael Film
national chairman of the War Ac- mandy. Samuel Pinanski, national Hollywood, April 17.
tivities Committee, and chawman of chairman of the film industry's par- Herbert J. Yates, Republic chief, ii
the board of Lester Cowan Produc-
ticipation in the Seventh War Loan cooking lip a deal with James A.
drive, announced that on that day FitzPatrlck, traveltalk producer, to
theatres will give free admittance to film a feature in Ireland.
StenTes, Frank Sued for Ads
each bond purchaser. FitzPatrick goes to England in
Minneapolis, April 17.
Minneapolis newspapers are suing Free movie day follows "Glen to do a series or shorts
W. A. Steffes, owner of the World, Miller Day," which is to be staged for the British government. Idea Is
loop first-run house, and W. R. June 5 under the direction of Robert to make the Irish feature when the
Frank, independent circuit owner M. Wcitman, chairman of the Special
British job is completed.
here, and Hollywood producer, to
collect for unpaid advertisements
used in the sheets during the run
of Frank's "The Devil and Daniel
Webster" at the theatre.
The picture had played the World
previously under its original title,
"All That Money Can Buy," and
New York Theatres
Steffes claims that he re-booked it
several seasons later as 'The Devil
and Daniel Webster" for Frank as a Jack Benny * Alexis Smith
test-run on a campaign devised by

the latter who agreed to pay for the In Warner Bros. Hit! BETTE DAVIS
considerable amount of display news- "The Horn Blows at Midnight" la Worn or grot. Hit!
paper advertising.
Frank denies any such agreement IN PERSON
and contends that although the en- VAUGHN MONROE "THE CORH IS GREEN"
gagement chalked up a substantial And Hi* Orchestra
gross and made a sizable profit lot With
Steffes he received an infinitesimal Also in Person Job* DALL • Jeoa LOURING

npHIS war |oe wall amount for rental. He alleges that oa lorl • Jeoa, Jack A Jady
MATURE eschSao. record of a
Steffes is liable for

the newspaper

Steve Events
will make yea preed of all the
'•a*" wmt *wa'«jal>" *f- r at titur loduCryl
— ^"^-s-V-nie.-.oc-ihc EranhrSXTea
B'woy ft 47th St. STRAND 'way at Sift St. HOLLYWOOD
have pitched la ta help wla World War It deal. RKO, which had a distribution
contract for the picture, refused to
aa Hi. aattlefroat and hama treat allhe. It approve the terms, but Frank wen, BAIIIO
li the thrllllao. story, la tort aad alctares, ahead with it just the same. >': mnunr JVrwnth
(.iaiiiletlM 4,'olbrrr
Fred MurMurniy
oof ealy of start floes lata ealforai aad cam-
oramaa la constat, bat of tochalelaat. eitras,
Rased House
Harrisburg. Pa.. April
to Reopen
Item? CIIMIDUAN and Ori
directors, writers, aredecers,
maa all deleo. o freer job that bad to bo
aad prodactloa Wilmer
ft Vincent's Colonial,
two months ago when fire
ravaged the building, will reopen
HOB UVANS with Jorry O'l^ao LOVE"
delae It rlf bt. . Spectacular Stag* Productions
April 25. manager Jack D. O'Rear
has announced. Repairs cost $50.-

OVER Manager O'Rear has been devoting

BOO PICTURES; 291 PAGES his time in recent weeks to manag-
ing Wilmer & Vincent's Rio here
Hp MIS It the Nilrl*| alcters>book what boapoai whoaof-
during the
illness of Harry Gold- i UO.V Ii
*- the Mai ladestry f o« fa war

what Hollywood coa- SC. J
trhsarad. what It taaaht *. I. Joe. ood what it looniad from Campbell Buys Another
hiss. The aaaaraata of movIo atea aad womea la action oa Hico, Texas, April 17.

the bottlo treat* aad soma treat aetolds

headredt of la
Paul Campbell purchased and is
operating the Palace here. He for- ROXY sv
breetfctefclRO, photos, lacfadiaa eiaay aovor bafara released. merly owned and operated the Coin
Handley, Texas, but sold out when
Here's tbo treat est thaw Hollywood hot ovor tHmed. Aad
tMi Is th* book that tofcai yaa bcblad rho iceeos. $3.50
called by
nia. He was turned
returned here.
his- draft board in Califor-
down and so has

7'." 5!

Pst firorse (Titrnto

RKO's New S. D. Exchange


RKO Radio last week opened
new exchange in Sioux Falls. S. D..
with branch manager Sherman W.
Fitch and his co-workers as hosts.
Exhibitors from Minnesota and Iowa
A Paramount F(cttir«
RIVOLI. I'way and 49th St.
Ao RKO- Radio Pk-tnn.

faVrereef as well as South Dakota attended

the house-warming. C00FEB ASSISTS JESSEL
LOOK Hollywood. Aprjl IT
to Mull R. C. Waron Lew Cooper, former legit and
MlhM by Donation of a .station wagon to
the American Red Cross by Motion
radio producer, was appointed pro-

Picture Associates. N. Y. organiza-

duction assistant on all of George *TlI. RE ttoTZsmnm •

I0UILEMY, BORAH Canto City, R. Y. tion of dlstrib-exhib people, will be

Jessel's future pictures at 20th-Fox.
up for discussion, at the meeting to- Starter, under the new arrange-
morrow (Thursday). ment, will be "Kitten On the Keys" CAPITOL 1 rasjViUd *

Wednesday, April 18, 190 BADIO 17


The manner in which radio responded to the death of President
BOW RECALL FDR'S BIG Lever Bros. Sizzle at Burns-Allen
Roosevelt, the good taste and dignity with which It acquitted
itself during the trying days which followed the tragic event, will
long remain in the memory of the public. Gone, for the harrow-
Refusal to Make With Gags Moil Nite
ing days, were any thought of commercial radio, regular schedules Lever Bros, reported plenty'
were scrapped, sponsors willingly disappeared from the scene At the vadio Industry views it.
miffed over refusal of George Burnt,
while all the resources of radio were mobilized to assume a Franklin Delano Roosevelt had a
'Deadline Edition' (and Allen) to broadcast their regu-
"* -

burden thrust upon the vast medium. vital effecton its policy. His death How the networks were forced, lar Monday night CBS Swan Sonp
lastweek, however^ threw wide open to cope with an emergency situar show on the contention that "we
The were humble at the opportunity offered them
finest artists
night of President don't want to be the first big comedy
speculation as to: President Truman's tion on the
to personally voice their deep feelings and so rose to new heights. Roosevelt's death (and illustrat- show, back on the air after three
feelings on radio and its future.
Cities,towns and hamlets throughout the nation arid all comers Coming at a time when the whole ing how effectively they ac- days of national mourning." As re-
of the globe were linked in one vast circuit as the major networks pattern of communications is on the quitted themselves) was the sult of Burns' attitude, it's now felt
brought to the listeners the reactions of a stunned and grlef- case of the Blue's "Headline Edi- that the comedy duo's chances of
threshold of changing, when tele-
tion" 7-7:15 show. getting a release from their Swan;
strlcken world. Simplicity was the keynote of the hou r: sincerity vision, frequency modulation and
Program, based on the life of Soap contract (which up to now was
banished from the air all affectation and personal egotisms. the international communications
system is about to open up broad President Truman, was a hurry- regarded as a .foregone conclusion
Radio, through each individual craftsman who participated and new vistas, the passing of Mr. Roose- up job; so much so that while following Swan's pacting of Joan.
through and complicated organization, provided the
its great the show was on the air it was Davis) have been jeopardized. Con-
velt who, more than any other, indi-
being delivered almost page by
130,000,000 Americans and all the peoples of the world who deeply
tract still has three years to go.
vidual, played a dominant role in
page from the scripting dept. to Some in the trade interpret Burns'
mourned the untimely passing of a great leader, the true com- charting the policy of the Federal
the mike. action as attempt to force the break
fort and sympathy of a step-by-step detailed description of the Communications Commission during
with Lever Bros, so they can take
It was through radio that' these 130,000,000 people in the; 12 years he held office, has left
last rites. on the Maxwell House Coffee show
the industry confronted with ttie
the past decade came to know their President's thoughts and

on NBC, as detailed elsewhere.

poser: "Who will' now be the guid-
voice intimately and it seemed only fitting that through radio Burns wanted to do a serious show
they should be enabled to hear the glowing tributes and great
ing light of the FCC?"
Mr, Roosevelt will go down as the
Criticize Yanking last Monday (16) "in keeping," and
homage, paid him, the deep feeling and profound sense of loss "first radio President" in American
without commercials, but Levers or-
that came from all walks of life, from the dignitary and. states- history. That's not only because he
dered Young & Rubicam, agency on
man to the midwest farmer and small town editor. held office during the period of ra-
dio's ascendency and utilized its fa-
Of Name Shows the account, to put on a substitute
show consisting of Felix Mills music,
Radio distinguished Itself in this moment of tragedy. That it
cilities to its fullest advantage, but
Psft Friday, vocalist,, and the Swan-
unhesltantly brushed aside millions In revenue during the period principally because of the interest^he
ettes musical group. Usual commer-,

of mourning Is proof enough that it is fully cognizant of its obli- manifested in control of communi- As FDR Tribute cials were read.
-Further pointed but by client that
gation to the public. And because it acknowledges its respon-
to the people it gave them its very best.
sibility As commercial programming can- comedy shows preceding B & A on
CBS Monday included the "GE
Reinsch Steps In cellations ; continued over the. past
House Party," "Thanks to the
Leonard Reinsch Is moving In weekend and loss in network
Yanks" and Jack Kirkwood.
aii a permanent member of the
'ran into millions of dollars (see sep-
arate story), feeling was expressed
Reverent Adult Treatment of FDR's White lloose staff as President
Truman's radio advisor and to by some network and trade execs
BAA Due For NBC Return

From present indications Burn* &

v -
that a great opportunity was muffed
head up the press and radio sec- Allen will be heading back to NBC
retarial function* for the Chief in keeping the stars off their regular
in the fall replacing the Frank Mor-
program. Question posed was: "Why
Death Earns Radio Nation s Respect Executive.
Reinsch, who has been direc- didn't the weekend comedians, de-
gan Thursday night show for Max-
well House Coffee (General Foods).
tor-at-large of NAB, manager of spite the necessity of last-minute
Radio faced and passed its biggest* Official release of B&A by Lever
the Jamea Cox radio stations scripting jobs to meet the occasion,
test last Thursday f 12) evening ;
Bros,, who are dropping the comedy
go on their regular shows in a seri-
when, with a suddenness that The Lonesome Train and director of radls for the.
ous vein 'to present another, more
duo from the Swan Soap program In
shocked the entire world, came the Perhaps no more appropriate Democratic National Committee, favor of Joan Davis, awaits the mere
has been Truman's personal serious side of our place in Amer-
tragic news of President Franklin D. analogy to the President's death " formality of Miss Davis signaturing
could be found than in the Earl radio advisor, a Job dating back her new pact. Meanwhile Benton ti
Roosevelt's death. 'His passing trans- Feeling was expressed that despite
Roblnson-Millard LampiH can- to the 1944 national campaign Bowles, agency on the Maxwell
formed the vast commercial broad-, the good taste and dignity with
casting system into a needed and ap- tata. ''The Loiiesome Train." when Reinsch helped Truman on House account, reportedly have B&A
hi* aired speeches. which radio acquitted itself in the under wraps when the expected Max-
preciated public service. treating with the cortege of Lin- emergency period, nevertheless the well-Morgan divorce becomes final.
Swinging into stride with a coln's body to Illinois, which was
Consensus In radio circles Is
that thli may assure broadcast- spotting of such programming would
smoothness that surprised even the originally produced last year by Latter has been a six-year associa-
ing one of the most powerful have provided a hypo to the even- tion.
medium's most ardent supporters, Norman Corwin on CBS and temp oed,
dirge-like commentary

broadcasting began coverage of the friends at court It has ever had Chief factor in Morgan scramming
'Which Decca has since recorded. marathon that prevailed.
solemn course of events and stayed many of the inde- In Washington. out of the General Foods picture is
As a result;
Pointed up as illustration of the
.on the job constantly. Announcers, pendent stations around the said to be his refusal to fall in with
impact of such star billings were GF's plan for a live rebroadcast for
engineers, programming execs, country recorded the half-hour cations.. The vigorous battles of the the two-hour NBC parade of net
scrlpters and all the individual* cantata with appropriate com- .the Coast. However, it's known In
FCC. in the past against monopoly in work stars and pix talent; the borf the trade that the show's tajing has
making up the network and inde- mentary to tie in with, the sol- radio anr[ against dual (newspaper- reaction to Orison Welles' talk Thurs-
pendent pattern of U. S. and Ca- emnity of the occasion. WNEW radio) ownership followed, in ef-
been disappointing in view of the
day night on the Fred Waring show program's cost.
nadian stations went to their posts <N. Y. ) recorded the program fect, the policies promulgated by Mr. the unusually effective last-minute
and remained there while an anxious Friday night <13), with tlie sta- Roosevelt. Realizing the inherent job engineered by Milton Biow in "Topper's" Summer .Spat
people sat by their radios sorrow- tion deluged with, so- many re-
dangers of the newspapers also con- setting three replacement shows for
ing, wondering and hoping. guests for a repeat that it was "Topper," fantasy based on the
trolling radio, and irrespective of his "Crime Doctor." "Pays to be Ig
Chief break for radio was. that the put on again Sunday 1 15).
norant" and Phjl Baker. books by Thome Smith, arid starring
announcement came at a time, short- knowledge of the virtual gangup of
Roland Young, goes in for 15 weeks
before 8 p. m., when many radio
newspaper opposition to his adminis- Cited, too,, as an illustration of
what could have been achieved pro as a summer
ly replacement for the
reporters and commentators were at tration, the President felt .strongly
gram-wise was the revised format
Maxwell House Frank Morgan stan-
their stationsready to go on the air United Nations Assn. In that this threat to control of com-
za on NBC.
or working on their scripts. munications could influence public used by Jimmy Durante and Garry
opinion. By the same token he also Moore who came midway
The w/b stations in Washington Burn Over WORBrushoff .

wanted to keep radio free from any

musical stanza for a FDR tribute and
in the

sent the tragic news out almost si-

- taulUneously jat 5:50 and 6:51 p. m.. On Bellamy Peace Airer
monopoly that might threaten free
expression of opinion.
recounting of "final Impressions" ob-
tained at the recent White House 38,700,000 Tone
as it was received!, f roriV^ftr^iiii'tf?'
American Assn. OTiTVr! K-atrttt^-
or — ^2<!—thft_siL'-face, rf.J £lt^al.Mndi-.

Correspondents dinner in Washing-

wires. Then came the dash to the
White House offices for additional is doing burn over
failure of cations point to the fact that "the "toiIT*Ho w w vKrr-jrath- -sr.^ws'-es- Dkk;*
details. Together with the newspa-
per and wire service correspondents,
Mutual to spot its special half-hour
show last Monday H6) over WOR,
Truman administration will be
friendly to radio and the ideals
Kaye, Fannie Brice and some others,
it's known, wrestled with last-min-
To FDRTragedy
the web's N. Y. flagship station. that Paul A. Porter, the new chair- ute format changes but finally can-
President Roosevelt's death last
the radio men arrived about 6 p. in.
or shortly thereafter.. Show, written by Norman Rosten man of the FCC, holds for radio. celled themselves off because they
Thursday (12) resulted In a peak
starring Ralph Bellamy, was And Porter. 011 the basis of his oper- couldn't hit on the right formula.
At web headquarters all commer- and ation thus far, is definitely commit- For the most part it was a "no
radio audience for that night of 38,-
to forthcoming Frisco peace 700,00 adults as more than 52% of
cials were cancelled immediately and keyed
parley and as such the assn. was ted to the path followed by his squawk" emergency, with the net- the homes in America were tuned
all regular programs were side- predecessor, James L. Fly. works agreeing to rebates right
particularly anxious to get a N. Y. radio coverage of one of the
in for
tracked. News coverage-took prece-
Claimed by the asSn. that
outlet. down the line for cancelled shows
top news stories of all time..
dence over everything. When fillers and sponsors who stayed on with
were needed, they were supplied via Rosten, Bellamy, et at., contributed Figures compiled by C. X. Hooper
a cuffo job on behalf of a vital Earle McGill Checking revised formats willingly footing the
liturgic or other solemn music. disclose that_ the peak hour was
bill per usual despite a single spon-
Most stations, including indies, al- public service pilch with under- .

reached between 6:30 and 7 p.m.,

lowed no mention of sponsors at all standing that program would go out Out of CBS to Freelance sorship lagline or institutional plug.
when the full impact of the nation's
until Friday night. After that, and full network and that only less than Earle McGill, the CBS producer- tragic loss began to take effect on
an hour before air time was any

until Monday afternoon, some spon- director is checking out of the 'net- the populace. Normal Thursday
sors were allowed to identify them- mention made of the unavailability work in June at the expiration of CRITICISM AROUSED night audience for the 6 to 7 hour Is
selves with programs, but "no sales of the N. Y. outlet. his current contract. He has been 19%, thus showing an Increase of
talks were aired. .
with Columbia for the past nine
BY CLAIMS OF 'SCOOP* listening of 300%.
There were minor fluffs at the
beginning of the cycle on Thursday
BORDEN DICKERS FOR McGill is leaving to <lo freelance Only flaw in radio's' beaut ot a .
Ironically enough, it remained for
President Roosevelt himself to top
evening, and a few mistakes. On one. and is undecided as yet record during the last week end
work Inst Thursday's audience pull, the
'let a commentator announced, er- GRABLE, JAMES COMBO whether he'll remain in N. Y; or go came from over-excitement of a Chief Executive having garnered the
to the Coast. If lie stays east he'll small handful of flacks. These guys
roneously, that the United Nations
Conference at San Francisco had
Hollywood. April 17.
do stage work in addition .to radio and they were a niinority, the ma- — greatest listening audience of all
time (79%) back in Dec, 1941, when
Borden's, anxious to get into big-
been called off. and contemplates some picture work jority being busy with more im- he delivered his war message to the
On another web. league programming, next fall 'it
should he go to California. portant affairs isenl out notes boast- —
for about 20 seconds, the air carried
recently dropped the Ed Wynn show people. At that time he attracted a
the bluest language radio ever lot Meanwhile there's a pending spe- ing about who beat whom, at how
and is currently represented by the cial Navy assignment which may many seconds past what hour on the radio audience of 62,100,000.
slip— some of the studio boys, ex- Jerry Wayne program on the. Blue)
take McGill oversells this summer minute-hand, with the sad news President Truman, in his talk to

cited, didn't realize, they were lalk-

is dickering for a half-hour package Thursday evening. Congress Monday afternoon (16), at-
"ig to. the customers; after he checks out of CBS.

.. teaming Betty Grable with Harry It was in execrable taste. But ra- tracted 10.850,000 adult listeners for
_Walter Compton, Mutual rep at James: Latter. is currently spotted dio was not alone here. One of the a Hoopefating of 32%. and here,
Washington, started broadcasting on the Danny Kaye show. Cleveland.—Three hew additions lesser but louder news-wire services again, the daytime .audience peak
"pm the White House a few min- Sponsor recently had Judy Gar- to the WGAR start are announcer did the same kind of crowing in u was attained by the late President
Jrtes after President Truman had land under wraps to succeed Wayne .Bob Neal. from W.JIM; commercial release delivered to editors by mes- Roosevelt, in Dec, 1941, when. 60%
taken his oath, and was stopped by. of the homes were tuned in, and in
in the fall. but 'Metro. nixed Ihe pic and script writer James Orgill from senger. They should have sent their
Secret Service men, who thought he
star's deal. Young & Rubicam is the WFMJ. and newsroom man George chief public relatfpns guy- by 20- Jan., '42, when he captured an adult
(Continued on page 38) agency on the Borden account. Kilbride from Cleveland Press. mule team. . audience of 35%.

Wednesday, April 18; 1*4$


NBCs 2-Honr Sunday Night Tribute

With Tom GUAr
Producer: Ted Cett
Director: Jack Grogan
IS Min*.: Son. (IS), 5:45 p.m.
A&C Gags m Bias Side i

How radio writers and actors can unconsciously disparage racial

Sustaining minorities was pointed up anew in a recent Abbott ft Costello broad-
WNEW N* 'Y. cast At a time' when more and more attention is being focused on the
To Pres. Roosevelt Sincere Memorial Tom blazer's original "Ballad for a
President." aired on the New York
manner in which racial stereotypes are Wing perpetuated, the A&C
broadcast has created some unfavorable comment in the trade,

By DON WALSH indie, "WNEW, Sunday (15) during Program, sponsored by Camel's through the' Wml Esty agency '
Duplicating its Saturday (14) af- the midst of the nation's mourning spotted Benny Rubin In a Jewish characterization artd using a strong
Dorothy Kilgallen (see separate re- for its departed leader, told the story Yiddish intonation.
ternoon program when leading lights view).
of the legitimate stage paid homage of Franklin D, Roosevelt in the sim- Sample of the dialog follows:
The FitzG's. as they refer to them- ple, yet touching, folk-tune metier.
to Franklin D. Roosevelt, NBC went selves, broadcast from their home JEWISH CHARACTERIZATION (with accept) Good evening, Gen- :

to Hollywood Sunday night (15) for Itwas unpretentious and simple but tlemen, I'm from the Friendly Credit Company. My
with clinking of dishes in the back- wrapped up effectively the enor-
•a two-hour (7-9) tribute it coopera- ground adding to the homey atmo-
it name is Auck—Tommy Auck.
tively arranged with the Motion Pic- sphere." Everything is all very good-
mous affection which the "little pep- COSTELLO: I think before I spoke to your brother— Mohawk.
ture Producers' Assn. and- the Holly- pic" of this nation hold for the. man C: But of course, I think so too. Now Mr. Costello, our
natured with mock quarrels and J.
wood Victory Committee. It was well corny jokes leading into plugs for who recognized their right to life, .
company makes a practice of examining all applicants
done and fitted the tempo of the sor- Pegeen, on liberty and the pursuit of happiness « for loans, a mere formality, if I am not too inquisitive.
all sorts of articles.
rowful weekend. The difficult pro*

Tuesday's (17) program, had some and battled to the end to bring them We have absolute faith and confidence in your honesty"
duction chores were handled by How- wonderful things to say about a cer- these blessings. COSTELLO: See that, Abbott? They trust me. .

ard Wiley. NBC's head producer on tain brand- of femme slips that "fit
Built around a recurrent theme J. C: Now Mr. Costello, please be so kind end place your
the Coast. like the skin on a banana.". Floor based on traditional American tunes, finger prints on this pad. I'll check with Washington

A topflight corps of writers, includ- wax, cleansing agents; coffee (there "Ballad" was interpolated with con- later after we take a sample of your blood.
ing Carroll Carroll, Carlton E. Morse, seems to be n law that coffee must versations and soliloquies represent- COSTELLO: You're gonna take my blood?
Glenn Wheaton and Don Quinn, were
recruited for the memorial, with mu-
be advertised on breakfast
grams) and a complete line of gro-
pro- ing the accomplishments of President
Roosevelt during his White House
J. C: Oh, just a couple ol quarts. We return
loan is paid up. ...
^ after the

sical portions handled by Maj. Mere- ceries including dog- food which gave tenure. Such cues as "Brother, Can
dith Willson. an Army orchestra, and Ed a chance to bark like several You Spare a Dime?'".. the WPA, TVA.
soloists. Talent presented reads like different breeds of dogs. This, it's Four Freedoms, and the international ADVENTURES OF BOSTON
mentioned in the winning letters.
a "Who?s Who" in radio and pix. respect and affection won by the late "BLACKIE"

presumed, demonstrates that, no Guest stars will be used on each

In order of appearance' the two- matter- what kind of a dog you own, President were all woven into the With Dick Kollmar, Maurice Tar- show with broadcasts originating in
hour program included Ronald Col- the food- mentioned will make it a basic pattern as voiced by Glazer and plln, Leslie Woods, Frank Love- the various Government hospitals in
man,- John Charles Thomas, Ken
champion. his guitar. "One, Two. Three;. One, joy, Bernard Lenrow, Jack Man- the Chicago area. Less than a min-
Darby chorus, Fibber McGee it Ed also read a poem (there seems Two, Three: Franklin D's the Man ning. Humphrey Davis, Bernard ute is used for commercials, the
Molly. Kay Kyser, Ed "Archie" Gard- to be a law covering that, too). It for Me." Dudley and Hank Sylvern (organ) sponsor offering the program more
ner, Ginny Simms, Dick Powell, Jo- was about the clothing salvage drive. "Ballad" was a fitting and respect- Director: Jeanne Harrison as a goodwill gesture than for the
seph Szigeti, James Cagney, the He also delivered a charity fund ful' tribute ranking with the best of Writers: Ken Lyons and Ralph Ros- purpose of selling merchandise.
Charioteers, Eddie Cantor, Amos 'n' drive appeal, jokingly, but appar- the others presented last week over enberg .. MOTfl.
Andy; Deanna Durbin, "Will Hays, . ently effective. In addition to plugs the nation's stations. Donn. 30 MM., Wed., 18 p.m.
Shirley • Ross. Bette Davis, Robert for specific articles, the routine also R ft II BEER
Young, Jack. Benny, Hal "Gilder- entails the reeling off by the femme; WOR,
Edgar Bergen, partner, of various stores where the
& Pearl)
sleeve" Peary.' HOME" (Paris
Television Reviews
Charles Laughton, Bing Crosby, products may be purchased. .

With Spencer Bentley, Florence Wil- Staten brewery should be

Ethel Smith, Bob Hope and Ingrid A lost dog also was advertised liams well satisfied with the new "Boston
Bergman. Harry Von Zell, Don Wil- along with a' plug for the Hobo Director-Producer: Richard Leonard Blackie" airshow It's bankrolling on
News, which recently: honored the '

WOR. N. Y. Teeoi": Wednesday (11) "LETTER TO YOUB SERVICEMAN"

son and Harlow Wilcox shared the Fitzgeralds with Writers: Frank and Anne Hummert With Bert Baohrach, Ken Farns-
a picture-layout. -

announcing assignments. Evidently it wasn't reproduced very 15 Mlns.; Mon.-Frl„ 11:36 a.m. had all the earmarks of being a win- wortb, Helen Twelvetrees, Dar-
The 'sincere grief of these show- well because Ed squawked about the MANHATTAN SOAP CO. ner—good storyline and script, top-
: othy Hart, Joey Faye, Harry
people, many acquainted with the ink being WEAF-NBC, N. Yt flight direction and strong cast, all
smudged on his picture. nicely molded to sustain 30 minutes' Supervisor: Paul
late President, was evident all along, It was brought (Duane Jones Co.) Mowrey
out that he once was
and the restraint with which they ex- a hobo. This new entry in the soap opera of audience interest. Dlrector: Harvey Marlowe
pressed their sorrow and sense of .
'The Fitzgeralds" have built their derby
is as timely as tomorrow's Unfortunately — and

this can be
Writer: Charles Spear
personal loss was touching. This was own personal following headlines, being focused on the prob- remedied easily there are too
over a pe- 39 Mlns.; Toe*., 8 p.m.
no entertainment program, as such; riod of years and it must be sub- lem of the returning American ser- many interruptions in continuity of JOHN DAVID STORES
It was an effort by film and radio stantial and loyal. They teed off on viceman from today's battlefronts. thought by plugs for the sponsor. WABD-DoMont, N. Y. (Blue Ne(-
Jiersonalities to express their
feelings WJZ with 16 sponsors participating And, based on the opening episode, The thing is overboard :on commer- work)
n the best manner kney knew. plus a waiting list. That means they this tight script promises not to be- ; cials, which were too wordy and .
Nine times out of 10 the variety
All-around excellence of the pro- sell goods and that, despite certain come maudlin. lengthy. Situation, too, about which format on television molds ilselt
gram makes it difficult to single out cri*i»-: apparently is why radio was Basically, the plot traces the be- plot of initial stanza was laid was into a click show. The Blue video
this or that portion for special praise. bor-.i. Donn.' havior of a typical Army man just very much like the plot of the first department has been the greatest
But all listeners must nave thrilled discharged after .three years of ser- program of the "Blackie"' series exponent of variety stanzas for tele- -

to .Charles Laughton's reading of vice. Opening sequence shows Bar when it went on the air last June vision with '.'On Stage, Everybody,"
Walt Whitman's immortal "When "BREAKFAST WITH DICK AND ney Cameron arriving home with^his over NBC for another sponsor. "Kiernan's Corner" and its latest.
Lilacs' Last in the Dooryard . DOROTHY" wife, Anna, now secretary to. a cor- "Blackie" cracks a safe in order to "Letter to Your Serviceman," which
Bloomed,*' written in tribute to that With Rlohard Kollmar, Dorothy. Kil- poration prexy. perturbed over get papers for a discharged service- last Tuesday (10) started a 10-weck
other great war. President, Abraham gallen possible reaction, One gets the Im- man who, upon getting out of the series sponsored by John David,
Lincoln. Eddie Cantor, -plainly near 49 Mlns.; Daily. 8:15 ajn. pression when he does arrive that Army, allegedly found his former N. Y., men clothiers.
tears, cued his sincere tribute to the FarUcipatmf Barney is more wrapped up in what business taken over by others. Later Program was staged especially, for
"March of Dimes" and the many WOR, N. Y. happened to his pals who fell in bat- ex-GI is found dead and Inspector servicemen in hospitals In the metro-
crippled children made strong and The New York radio scene seems tle than how he recovered from his Faraday tries to pin the crimes on, politan area, their commanding of-
happy because 6'f FDR's strength and to be adding, "breakfast nook badi wound. He 'finds his wife has be Blackie, including the hi-jacking of ficers having been notified by mail
courage in the face of great odds. nage" to such radio standbys as the come extremely efficient on all de 50,000 cartons of cigarettes. Natural- that .stanza was being videoed for
The couple in Wistful Vista likewise soap opera, quizzer, cliff-hangers, tails and almost resents how she's ly, it all comes out o.k. in the end
. the vets and wounded servicemen.
Impressed as they quietly discussed etc. Latest opus to barge into the laid out plans for his going back to and the hero is free to- cavort in Show was programmed with likes
the enormity of the world's loss, and early morning scene to speed com- work. next stanza. anddislikes of these men in mind,
as Fibber explained to little "Teeny" muters on their way and remind Scripters have pointed up that both As dramatized by one of the "best resulting in better visual acts than
Y., the program
Why the flags were at half-mast. office workers of just how much the reurned soldier and his wife have AFRA casts in N. on many similar stanzas heretofore.
Bette Davis and Robert Young, in time they have to make the bus or changed, whether they want to ad aired impressively. Dick Kollmar's Bert Bachrach. was shown dic-
Carlton Morse's "A Paean to Youth" Blackie, a role tating a letter to servicemen in his
subway presents Richard Kollmar, mit it or not. Barney sounds the performance as
Chester Morris, both in office, his phone being used to call
and James Cagney's fiery recitation from legit, and fourth-estater Dor- possible keynote of future chapters played by
of "The Common Man" highlighted othy Kilgallen. his wife, from their pix and on the air show last summer, in the various guests. Harry Balogli,
by saying that they catjlt go back to
the planned dramatic sequences, but 66th street home each morning. was uneven, but ^able support by fight announcer, listed the six best
the old days—that they must go
there was lots of drama also' as Free- Faraday; Frank fighters in history and then -told sev-
The Kollmars lean more to the cafe ahead and accept things as they arc. Maurice Tarplin as eral interesting boxing anecdotes.
man Cosden and Charles Correll (ap- soldier, and Leslie
society-Mayfair groove instead of the And he admits if is not going to be Lovejoy, as the nurse at the blood Cover girl Dorothy Hart, whose
pearing as themselves), Benny, down-to-earth type of. chatter dished easy. Woods, as the

countenance has graced mag covers

Richard Leonard did a smooth dl- bank, who got a play from
Peary. Kyser, Bergen. Hope, Crosby out. by their predecessors. The the hero,
Fitz- of national circulation many times
and others took their turns at the geralds, now heard via WJZ. recting-producing job on the Hum helped matters considerably. How-
NBC mike for personal tributes. separate review.)
as time
mert script. Florence Williams made ever. Kollmar will get beterdirection
in the past six months, pepped up
Also effective was tne message of goes on. Jeanne Harrison's proceedings by her casualness .

Important part of these programs a capable, realistic Anna Cameron throughout the. time she was before
Will Hays (from N. Y.) to pledge the is the of a good script by Ken Lyons 'and
gimmick of announcing the while Spencer Bentley; as Barney,
otherwise gave the the cameras. 'Joey Faye followed
film Industry's support to President "exact time''
every gave this role sufficient light and Ralph Rosenberg
Harry S. Truman, repeating the so people won't be couple of minutes shade to whet listener's appetite for stanza a hvpo. Musical
background with a comedy turn wherein, dressed
late for work, and, as a wrestler, he nearly knocked
future ventures of the returned sol- by organist Hank
brave words of Mrs. Roosevelt, "Tell' presumably, blame Sylvern ^enhanced
the broadcasters himself out. Helen Twelvetrees,
us what we can do." Glnny Simms. and sponsors, the continuity of .the whodunit.
also asked for national cooperation
which would be "bad dier. Combo of trim'stoi-y and strong Steii. former film actress, then was inter-
from a sales viewpoint, natch. The cast made this click despite the se- viewed by Bachrach and explained
with the new President. .

rest of the format consists of a lot rial's rather awkward title. Com- that she was preparing for a role in
The religious motif was prominent of informal' gab about anything un- mercials held down to hardly more "VARIETY AT 5:15"
a forthcoming Broadway show fol-
throughout with an opening hymn, der the sun. and, if the sales dept. than a mention of the product. And With Art Van Damme Quartet, lowing a USO-Camp

"Lead Kindly Light." followed by boys are on the job, a flock of com- Jeanne MacKenna, Kay Campbell, battle areas. Shows tour of
more indelible as a result. Wear.
Chaplain Lynn H. Brown's (Army mercials plugging various products Tool GUman Ken Farnsworth handled the spon-
Air Forces) prayer and John Charles from coffee to bras, or Producer: Parker Glbbs

"SING, SAILOR, SING" sor's brief plugs in commendable

Thomaa siftghig-'-'Ba'ttic-rJTnm-of- the garments, to paraphrase foundation W'tervBoh Carm*i» _.
— Other religious music included haven't latched on to
EarT Wil-
Republic" with the Darby choristers. son. The Kollmars, being newcomers, With Fran Allison, p»tl v
Venlda Jones
Ferd, 15 Mlns.; Mon., Wed., Frl., 5:15 ».m.

-fixihieri-, pointing -out that stiiwa
aircd over WJZ, N. Y„ each Friday

many sponsors
Deanna Durbin's superb "Ave Maria" as yet so program caught (Tues.) Prodooer: Lea WelnroU WMAQ, Chicago night, and inviting servicemen to
Writer: Sherman Marks send in suggestions for acts to be
and the Charioteers doing "Swing consisted of hubby-and-wife chatter (Biirnet-Kiilm)
24 Mlns.; Mon. thro Frl used on ensuing stanzas. Viewers
Low Sweet Chariot" and "Home in for the most part. 145 p.m. Designed for the entertainment of were also invited to guess identity
That Rock," Crosby closed with UNIVERSAL MOTOBS service men confined to Anny and
The Journal-American columnist WIND. Chicago of three sisters who looked practic-
"Faith of Our Fathers" after singing doubles a bit by Navy hospitals in the Chicago area, ally the same, and those who iden-
introing "names in (United Broadcasting Co.)
• Brahm's "Lullaby," accompanied by the news," and Kollmar this,. 15-minute. three-times weekly tify them correctly by name and
also adds the
Ethel Smith at the organ. First regular program to emanate stint should develop into pleasing number by mail will receive wallets.
personal touch by bringing in names
Other music aired included Thorn- of pals and relatives. He also read from. a military hospital in the Chi- fare as soon as the kinks are ironed Cameras were handled neatly, by
as' "Home on the Range," Shirley a poem, rather a difficult chore at
cago area, this new audience partici- out. Initialer (9) Wasn't much of a the DuMont technical and

Ross versions of "America, the Beau- breakfast time, but that's radio for pation show also marks WIND'S success from a musical standpoint. Harvey Marlowe's overall dii'eclion
tiful" and "Flow Gently Sweet Af- you. He read the poem pleasingly,
debut as a "live show" producer of
By the. time Col. John R. Hall, com- kept things moving along at a rapid
ton," Dick Powell (from Chi) vocaliz- though, despite the early hour. It
major proportions, after many years manding officer of the Gardiner Clip. Sien.
as a transcription, outlet. Aired di- General hospital, from which point
ing "Don't Give Up the Ship," Maj. was war-themed.
rect from the Recreation Center of the first show emanted, had wel-
Willson's version of his own and Vic- Also oh briefly was the Kollmar's
tor Herbert compositions and a Szi- daughter, Jill,
Great Lakes Naval hospital, the comed Mayor Kelly, who spoke a
an extremely cute kid, community sing-quiz not only gives few words, and Toni Gilman, guest "ABE LINCOLN IN ILLINOIS"
geti violin solo. according to her parents, but it was convalescent vets a chance to earn star, had done a dramatic reading, With Stephen Conrtlelfh, Alma
Morse rewrote parts of the biblical evident she's not did enough to have some pocket money but adds up and details o( a contest were ex- Mansfield, John McKee. Vinton
"Lamentations" for reading. by Col- developed a good mike voice so most good listening for the dialer. For- plained, there wasn't much time left Hayworth, Mort X. Stevens, Mary
man to point up the tragic situation of her patter was on the unintelligible mat Is simple. Each broadcast three for musical numbers. Mlohaels, ethers
in Europe as peace approaches. side. Another "guest" was the Koll- sailors or marines are chosen from ProduOer-Dlreotor: Edward Sobol
Closer was- Ingrid Bergman repeat- mars' man, Julius, who not only ar- Art Van Damme Quartet is fea-
the audience and asked to identify Writer: Robert E. Sherwood
ing the Roosevelt prayer broadcast rived on signal with more coffee but tured, a bass, vibraharp. drums and
two songs played by organist Venida accordion 45 Mlns.; Son. (15), 8:15 p.m.
to the world last year the night be- did a Burton Holmes on the Panama Jones. If they guess correctly, they
combo that specializes in
fore the election that returned the Canal and sections of South and Cen- swing stuff. Van Damme is in need
Sustaining .

are awarded two dollars and given WNBT-NBC, N. Y;

nation's leader to the White House tral America.
of some new arrangements if "Span-
Ave bucks additional if they sing, ish Town" and "Avalon" played on
for the fourth term he was destined hum or whistle one of the tunes. Undoubtedly one of the most am-
Dick and Dorothy have pleasant the opening show are an example of bitious shows since the advent of
not to complete. Patty Ford assists the contestants what he is going to offer on succeed-
deliveries and maintain an informal video, this was probably also one or
attitude throughout. Program seems and solos in addition to leading the ing shows. He should come up with the most successful programs yet
"THE FITZGERALDS" destined to be a money maker, for community singing, heard at the be- some newer and fresher tunes, How- televised.
With Ed and Pereen Fltigerald all concerned, for presumably it will ginning,, in the middle and at the end ever, group's musicianship is up to
Producer: Dick Charles sell merchandise. It undoubtedly will of the show. These' 'are faded for the minute, Jeanne MacKenna was
To impress about 60 guests, many
them from foreign countries, who
. .

29 Mlns.; Mon.-Sat„ 7:M ajn. of

serve as topriotch entertainment for the commercials. On the initialer tops with the warbling of "Poor Lit- had gathered in New York for a-
Participating many. Donn. the yets guessed and sang such songs tle Rhode Island" and Toni Gilman's
WJZ, N. Y. as "When I Grow Too Old to dramatic reading., in French dialect
1 four-day session of. the International
Education Assembly, WNBT, put on
The Fitzgeralds have their own Dream," "Apple Blossom Time," was okay: Kay Campbell acts as
particular brand of humor and small —
Washington. John Eisenhard, for- "Why Do I Love You?," "Don't mistress of ceremonies. * a two-hour program on Sunday night
(16), and the highlight of it was the

talk (and they can keep it) with merly with WCBA-WSAN, Allen- Fence Mc In" and others, and Patty Sponsor is offering a $100 war entire first act of Robert E. Sher-
which they break up a string of town, Pa., and with the Southern
Ford soloed with "Tico-Tico." It bond on each show for winning let-
commercials on this breakfast stanza might be a good idea to have her ters on why relatives or friends are wood's Lincoln play. Here the nar-
aired by WJZ. The pair shifted over
States Fairfax Petroleum Coopera- sing twice on
the shows. Fran Alli- proud because a certain service man row confines of the television stagr
WOR tive, has Joined .the staff of WOL as son, femcee, keeps the accommodate a '

from. this week (16) and have show moving or woman is serving their country. had to full ens*
been replaced by Dick KoTlmar and continuity and script writer. briskly. Morg. Bond is paid to the man or woman .
(Continued on page 54)
Radio's B.O. Potency Still Accented
DIRECTORS INT Mes Bros. Want to Unload WHOM,
In Nets' $32,057,233 2-Month Biz
Huddle With N'wk News Reps in N Y.

While estimated gross lime sales for the four major networks dur- . The Cowles Bros.,' from all indi-
ing February
climbed a half-million dollars over the same period last 1

for the month represents a dip over

By GEORGE ROSEN cations, are about to wash* up their
year, the $15,213,739 racked up
January's 16-million-plus figure. The Blue's $3,409,fi03 for Feb. paced ,
Mollifying gestures were made last Jergens Ups Winchefl Ante affairs with WHOM
and would lik«
the field on percentage increase (22%) over the previous February, :
week in New York City to smooth Jergens has upped its bid for Wal- to unload the N. Y. indie station as
while -Mutual'* $1,383,917 represented:.
14% decrease over the pre- over and heal the threat of bad feel- ter Winchell's radio renewal to soon as possible. It's reported that
in;; between radio directors, as such, $7,500 week, but the columnist, kid-
vious period in 1944. the Cowles' attitude is that they
On the cumulative side, the four-network estimated total for the and radio writers, as such. These
ding-on-the-square, would rather -

stubbed their toe in entering the

two months, $32,057,233, represents a
6%' increase over the '44 Iwo- gestures followed publication of a have some stock-participation deal.
iMrith period. The Blue's business climbed 28% while Mutual wound report of gathering impressions by This would mark Winchell's 14th New York market via their WHOM
year with the same sponsor as a acquisition and are willing to call
up with a cumulative decrease of 16%. writers and others that directors Sunday night newscaster.

it quits if a deal can be. negotiated.

Network Gross Time Sales were endeavoring to set themselves,
Overtures have already been
(.Estimated) up in. a position of "dictatorial" pow-
FOR FEBRUARY er regarding all production, editing, made, it's learned, to the Newark
1945 1944 Pel. writing, re- writing and casting op- Tout Elmo Roper Evening News, which recently ac-
Bine $3,409,(103 $2,799,504' -1-22 quired WBYN,_ whereby WHOM
'Colombia 5,362,405 5,356,803 -1-0.6 Meanwhile, it was emphasized by
would be sold to the publishing out-
NBC ....
.. 1.383,017
- Jerry Devine, president of the Di-.
rectors' Guild, that the directors do As Prexy of NAB fit it the latter dropped out of the

not regard writers as their, enemies, WBYN picture. Attorneys for the
$15,213,739 $14,703,594 but that the proposals as outlined in Cowles. interests met with the
contract demands currently under
FOR FIRST TWO MONTHS negotiation with the networks are But Chances Slim Cowles and Newark News represen-
1946 1944 Pet. primarily aimed at clarifying "what tatives in N. Y. last week to discuss
Blue .... .. $7,274,910 $5,695,204 + 28 is a director" and what his author-
The nominating committee of the a possible deal.
OclnmbU .. 11,274,782 11,015,861 +2 ity should be in relation to network National Assn. of Broadcasters met
Mitul .. . . 2.824,725 3,366,142 —16 and agency officials. Devine regret- in New York last week to mull the
NBC . . 10,682,816 10,050,435 •16 ted any adverse reaction that news list of potential candidates for suc-
of their point of view had created cessor to J. Harold Ryan, who is
$32,057,233 $30,127,li42 with the writers. Both Devine and stepping down as NAB prexy on
Pete Lyon, head of the Writers July 1. For the first time the name
o 1st Quarter
Guild, tended td "deplore" feuding. of Elmo Roper, of the Roper sur-
veys, was projected prominently in

CBS Sustains Chuckle Theme With

Devine promised "Variety" a copy
of the actual demands of his Guild,
the picture. More than half a dozen
are in the running for the impor-
Hike for WNEW
* but pressing personal business pre-
tant industry post. Further reflecting the current
vented him delivering the article and .

text of the demands as promised.

It's reported that the nominating bullish, aspect of the New York ra-
committee as a whole has not. been dio market and black-Inked book-
Three-Hour Comedy Parade

Considerable secrecy has prevailed

Fri. Nite
in the trade for the past several
any too enthusiastic over Ryan's per- keeping entries are the figures on
sonal choice for the job, Byron Price, the fir st-qu arter business racked up
months with regard to directors'
CBS Is about to grab top laurels* viewpoints and this secrecy undoubt- director of the Office of Censorship. by WNEW, the Bulova-owned N. Y.
on sustained comedy sequencing in

edly has played a good part in flam-

As a result Ryan, it's claimed, is not indie, which last year cleared In ex-
Srograms on a given evening. With Pix Defense on Morals ing imaginations of many other per
a little miffed over the brushoff
. cess of $1,000,000 net on the sale of
lanny Kaye moving into the 10:30 given his candidate. time.
Question of whether' moral stand- sons, not writers "alone, who saw
p.m. spot on April 27 following the In some authoritative quarters it's Figures for the first three monthi
ards have deteriorated during war- their prestige being stepped upon, ,

''Stage Door Canteen" exit, the net- expected that the top slot industry show that the station Is heading for
time in U. S; and whether films have Directors who were inclined to
work gains the distinction of wrap- job will go to either Don Elias, of another b.o. record, with biz thua
factor is stigmatize the original story as "ex-
ping up the 8 to 11 o'clock Friday been contributory ,

a WWNC. Asheville; Paul Morency, of

network airing in near aggerated" or "unfair" argued that
far up 28% over' last year. Mean-
night schedule, with virtually no in- skedded for WTIC, Hartford, or G. Richard Shaf- while, station personnel
"Town Meeting finds itself
terruption, for a three-hour laugh future via the Blue's except in rare instances, directors
are not in the position and not likely
of WIS, Columbus, S.
to, C—
at least cramped for space in its present
routine. Not since the days when o fthe Air." to occupy the berth until after the Madison
Program will spot film colony reps to be in a position to act the die avenue quarters with
Burns A Allen, Fibber McGee, & war in the Pacific is over. switchover to new* and enlarged
who are currently prepping a "de- tator. Meanwhile they thought in-
Molly, Bob Hope and Red Skclton hdqts. at 565 6th avenue not skedded
gave NBC a four-way Tuesday night fense of pix on the whole moral dividual instances of arrogance or
until after the first of the year.
parlay has there been such a con- question. Show will originate from roughshod treatment should not be

centration of network comedy shows the Coast.

taken as general. JOAN DAVIS IN NO. 3, WNEW biz hypo is typical of the
N. Y. indie stations' current wave of
back-to-back in one evening. How- The nub of the quarrel seemed to
prosperity, with indications that the
ever, in CBS' case it extends oyer an be the power (as sought) to change BENNY RATING DIPS b.o. "take" for '45 will hit new highg
even longer period. These include, scripts in the studio without the
For the first time since the Hooper
from 8 o'clock on, "The Aldrich Blue Tele Sets permission of the •writer. Directors organization set up its popularity
right down the line.

Family," the comedy-mystery "Thin said that was not the menacing con- surveys in November, 1934, the Jack
Man" program, "It Pays to Be Igno- dition excited writers charged, but Benny program has dropped out of
rant," "Those Websters," the Jimmy to this "apology writers replied it CA.
Buss Readies Scripts
Durante-Garry Moore show
Danny Kaye.
and . War DepL Tienp was the very heart of a writer's in
the "First Fifteen" listing on ratings
Newest Hooperating for the April
tegrity, that what he wrote and the
Chief weakness in the comedy link, Blue network television exec Paul way he wrote it should not be sub-
1-8 period puts Benny^in No. 17 spot, For Prospective Kid CBS
with a rating of 15.2 (audience pull
however (and one which CBS isn't Mowrey, has set a deal with the War ject to indiscriminate mutilation and on the repeat Pacific broadcast is not
any too happy about) is the "Web- Dept. enabling the web video unit to change. "What gives a director The computed in the figures which, if
'Sparrow and Show Hawk'
ster" program, originating from Chi- get newsreel films directly from the competence to improve in 20 minutes Carl A. Buss, who was the contract
they were, would hypn the rating to
cago. Fact, too, that the show breaks Army Signal Corps Photo, unit in or a half -hour the work a writer the recent CBS serial,
17.6 and sandwich him in between writer on
Bmack Into the middle (9:30-10) of Astoria, L. I. has spent. 20 days to complete?" was Charlie McCarthy and Eddie Cantor "The High Places," is preparing sam-
the comedy sequencing, doesn't im- Pact is significant in that thetor- one comment ple scripts for the prospective CBS
for 12th place).
prove matters any. Program, la- mer procedure was for television
Another significant aspect of the house show, "The Sparrow and the
country get Rehearsals Reveal Flaw*
belled in some quarters as a "road outlets throughout the to
latest Hooper tallies is the spiraling Hawk," following the sudden tagging
company 'Aldrich Family'," has a combat newsreel films from the NBC Directors -point to the faults and
of the Joan Davis rating, ihe come- of Lawrence Menkin for the Army.
current Crossley of 7.9, lowest in th*. video department, which had been flaws in scripts as revealed during This is the second of two .lew se-
dienne climbing into third place and
•Ix-show parlay, and while CBS pol- designated as the T.'irstributiia— unit '.K«nrar«a).jind of the need to fix up
demonstrating her current b.o. po rials for the 5:30-6 p.m. children'*
icy steers clear of throwing "weak for War Dept. newsreels. lines, and sometimes" scenes, to make
teney which cued the recent sponsor- hour on the w«?b. "Cimmarron Tav-
•Isters" off the net; nevertheless it's Now, under the new setup, Mow- them play smoothly. Writers say ship scramble following her Sealtest ern" by Felix Holt got going last
known that network execs fear that rey can get films directly from As- that's not the same as the privilege week under direction of John Dietz.
divorce. With a rating of 26.0, Miss
unless Quaker Oats, which sponsors toria, or from NBC, as he wishes. the directors want established on Davis climbed 6.3 points. Richard Sariville is CBS-tagged to
websters," upgrades their half- Will also strengthen the Blue net- their behalf. Here's the top 15: direct "Sparrow" when ready.
hour, its position in the evening s work's television newsreel exhibi- The argument between writers and There's been some delay making the
Bob Hope 29.5
continuous comedy format will in- tion on V-E day, speeding up tele- directors has been going "on for Fibber McGee & Molly 28 5 adventure yarn conform with CBS
vite tuning out and jeopardize the vising of films on DuMont's WABD, years. It has been aggravated by the Joan Davis 26.0 script program code for kids. Prof.
higher-rated Schnoz-Kaye programs N. Y., where the web will have ex- recent tendency to compel individ- Walter WincheU 25.5 Arthur T. Jersild of Columbia U. has
that follow. clusive use of facilities, by. not hav- uals to choose between the profes- Screen Guild Players 23.0 been conferring regularly on the
Status of the Philip Morris "Ig- ing to wait for NBC to get clearance sions. " Such personages as Nornrnn Bin'g Crosby 22.9 problem with Robert J, Landry, di-
norant" show, too, remains in the on reels. Corwin, Arch Oboler, William N. Lux Radio Theatre. 22.7 rector of CBS program writing di-
problematic stage, with the Biow Robson, Robert L. Shayon, Jerry "Mr. District Attorney". .... 21.8 vision.
Wncy, which handles the account, Devine and others got "famous" not Abbott & CosteUo. 19.0
reportedly looking around for a Baby Snooks Off June 10, as writers alone or as directors alone Kay Kyser 18.0
suitable replacement. What plans if but as writer-directors. Money- Charlie McCarthy 17.7
jny Milton Biow has for the spot Sponsor Surrenders Time makers like Clifford Goldsmith. . Eddie Cantor 17.2
Jjes keeping under wraps following Carleton E. Morse, Elaine Carrinj;- Hit Parade 16.3
•us recent return
from the Coast.
The Fannie Brice Sunday night
i.on, Irna Phillips have been as much Hildegarde
. . .

show on CBS goes off for summer on property-owners as authors. Now Bob Burns 15.5 Hollywood, April 17.
June 10, with General Foods, sponsors
Rexall that the practice of networks is to "Mr. and Mrs, North" 15.5 Class musical program starring
Promosh Payoff of the program, giving up. the time
segregate the functions and force a Rise Stevens and a rotation of name
for a 13-week period.
Boosts Schnoz' Hooper
Danny Thomas, featured comic on choice,
there are a number of opin- conductors has been packaged by
Despite the less-than-a-week lapse,
the show, goes overseas to entertain
ion-moulding directors who are no
Blackout on Plug-uglies
MCA as summer replacement for
in time between
its takeover of the longer permitted to write but who Socony- Vacuum's "Information
Jimmy Durante-Garry Moore show the Army
of Occupation in Europe,
continue to think of themselves as Cincinnati, April 'Please." Contracts are said to be
while Jerry Seclcn, who writes the -
"id the initial broadcast under the .writers,' and especially as unexcelled Beginning April 29 there be ready for signing with no' hitches in
sprigs, has been pacted to do
new sponsorship, United Drug's all- Thomas Eddie Davis judges of writing. three daily blackout periods on sight.
a Metro musical.
out promotion-exploitation
bally and wanted Scejen to do the score for n Clarence Menser, vice-president of WLW for spot announcements; Augmented orchestra will accom-
Placarding of its Rexall stores has straight or singing, oti most lac^a pany Miss Stevens and guest singer*
forthcoming Broadway musical, but NBC, is leader of the viewpoint that :

already paid oft rating dividends. tives, deordants, alkalizers and other in repertoire of operetta and fllmu-
latter preferred to take on the pix a director cannot be. defined, but

New Hooper tallies show the pro- assignment. something different in nearly all such items. sical scores.

Pant-climbed to 13.1, representing a cases. The difficulty in defining the Robert E. Diinville, general man

t.e upgrading
over its final broadcast Cleveland. — WGAR
has sold a job or of finding any measure-tape nger, who announced the ruling Sat- Ephlin to Gale A$ey.
Wler the Camel fold. That puts half-hour six-<Iay-a-week platter for quality in direction has often urday (14), specified the blackout Donald L. Ephlin has joined' the
jennoz & Co. one point behind the show at 8:30 a.m. to William Taylor been mentioned, in bull sessions in times an 7:30 to 8:45 a.m., 1.1:30 a.m radio department of the Moe Gale
A" "* 1
'a' Andy 14.1 pposition rntitt. i Sons dept. store. the trade. to 1:30 p.m„ and 5:45 to 7:30 p.m. agency.
so RADIO Wednesday, April 18, 1945

WCKY-MUTUALTIEUP High Prices for Sample

PROSPECTS NOT BRIGHT Scripts Enliven Competish"
Cincinnati, April 17.
While in New York this week For 'Aldrich' Assignment
Kenneth Church,' WCKY gen. mgr., Literary agent firm of Brandt
will huddle with Mutual execs on &
what niight be the final try to have Brandt has been conducting a search
the station become that network's for writers to handle "The Aldrich
affiliate June 1, when CBS switches Family" for Clifford 'Goldsmith,
from WCKY to WKRC, the latter
is withdrawing from the script job of
now Mutual.
Feeling in the local trade is that
the air show lie originated to write
another stage play. High fees paid
there is chance of a Mulual-
for sample scripts, reported around
WCKY deal, which would mean $500, and the promise of a fal con-
Mutual will be without an outlet in
tract price for the successful con-
Cincy, the nation's 19th city and
tender has brought out a lot of stage
13th market. Mutual is known to
and magazine writers to compete for
have made several offers to WCKY.

the assignment.
each one an ante-upper, yet under
figures expected by the 50,000-
No decision yet apparently.
Search for Henry the 4th
As an indie, WCKY will reduce its
Young & Rubicam, agency on tha
present rales to be competitive with
General Foods "Aldrich Family"
WKRC and WSAI, it has become

account, has started its quest for a

known. WSAI, a Marshall Field sta-
fourth Henry Aldrich. Dickie Jones,
tion, is linked with the Blue web.
who followed Ezra Stone and then
Cincy's other indie, WCPO, iu the
Norman Tokar in the lead role, goes
Scripps-Howard chain, is the exclu-
into uniform in a couple of months.
sive local baseball station this sea-
son and has already nixed Mutual Ed Duerr, supervisor on the Al-
overtures. drich show, plans looking over the
Mutual's only remaining bet lor a radio talent rosters in N. y., Chi-
WMPS, Inc., a wholly owned sub- Cincy sprinkling is via the new cago, Hollywood and San Fran-

Memphis, has
WMOH, a 250 watter in Hamilton. cisco, in the hopes that Henry the
sidiary of Plough, Inc., of O.. 20 miles distant, which can be 4lh will be !jet to move in when

WMPS, heard on most sets hereabouts. Jones steps out.

now assumed active operation of
Such a linking would calr for adver-
following transfer of ownership from the tising or listing of WMOH
schedules Fort Wayne. Fred Holt, .former

in radio tables in Cincy dailies. news editor at WOWO.. will take
Memphis Broadcasting Company. Closest, present Mutual stations charge of news at WIRE, Indian-
are 5,000-watt WIBC, Indianapolis; apolis.
250-walt WKBV, Richmond, Incl.,
The present, aggressive policy of and WLAP, Lexington, Ky., which,
it's reported, will be dropping from
WMPS will be expanded to further serve that hookup in a few months.

those who have come to look to this pro-

gressive station for results. And the bright Coast Station Donates

days ahead in postwar broadcasting will Revenue to Polio Fund

find WMPS contributing toward constant- II
Lps Angeles. April 17.
remained for an independent
ly increasing listener enjoyment through station. KFAC, to approach the
solemnity of the President's passing
an outlet embodying newer principles and with an innoyational touch. Time
sales from last Friday through Sun-
practices in the world of radio. day, estimated by Manager Cal
Smith at around $4,000, were do-
nated to FDR's pet charity, the
For 20 years, WMPS has been a factor Warm Springs Foundation.
In line with the policy of other
inMemphis and Mid-South broadcasting. stations, KFAC removed all spots

Now under its new ownership and with for that period and confined com-
mercials to mere sponsor identifica-
the same management, even greater things tion. Smith said that nearly all
clients contacted gave hearty ap-
are in prospect.
- As material and equip- proval to his plan. All programs
were made to conform to the na-
ment become available, refinements are tion's sorrowing mood, with lively
When the bell wtait n Tmt\*
music and comedy tabu.
planned in both quality and coverage of for the sure of every baatneat
day. Weed men come out of
broadcasting. Free Watch Plugs on Air
their cornet* front cont-to-
Shows Get Slapped Down coaw, ready, for the land of
WMPS is proud of its affiliation with Hollywood. April 17.
Planters for Bulova and Gruen.
action that make* abac aataa

the rapidly expanding Blue Network of who sneak in mentions of the time-
money for aale*-aba* i

pieces on comedy shows through the

the American Broadcasting Company. Sift of the product, got a fast heaver
ho from NBC la^ week. Practice
Through this network's facilities, as well got so out of hand that Sid Strotz
ordered a halt called.
own programming, Hereafter
as through its local

WMPS service to the public will continue

scripts will be closely examined for
the watch gimmick and comics told
that ad libbing the free plug would
\VK l- i)
to provide radio's outstanding educational not be considered cooperative in the
movement to stamp out the quarter-
and entertainment features. back sneak.
One watch recipient had his gift
appraised at $70. Bulova is doubling
Reach and. selljhis ircspoiisive^ growing
up with a largesse of tics generously
audience — in one of the nation's outstand- embftidef'e'd'wun'The "tra'd't name.

ing markets.

Vice President and General Manager.

SPOT SALES INC. "I ha?e them served right In the box.
on the back too."
I like the pictures

Wednesday, April 18, 1948 RADIO II


Legit Stars Pay Homage to FDR Marx Loeb Is Again Directing CBS Col. Palmer, Iowa Station Owner, Raps
Serial "This Life Is Mine"

In Dramatic 1-Hr. NBC Broadcast Paul Mann won

audition last week
the competitive
for the part of
Plug Writers and He's Not Fooling
By SAUL CARSON tra played the second movement Lt Todd Shepard in the CBS serial Chicago, April 17. fluctuation in changing tempos, with
minutes ov.r th. air from Schubert's "Unfinished Sym- "This Life Is Mine," written by Lynn Radio copywriters, by their igno- the result that the listener is dis-
For Stone and Addy Richtpn, It's the
phony" and the (how was over. gusted, closes his mind and ears to
Hit Saturday (14), the American beginning of a new story sequence. rance of ear salesmanship, and the commercials and doesn't buy.
Silently the artists filed out of the
theatre stood before- the world and Gertrude Warner and Michael Fitz- monotonous announcers have been Sales begin with the copywriter and
studio. Most of them went off alone,

maurice continue as leads. Meanwhile killing off listeners so fast that continue with the announcer, he
wept, It cried for the departure of Lytell caught up with Ethel Barry-
Marx Loeb has resumed as director today radio is selling but 1% of its said, and if most commercials were
lis great and good friend, Franklin more, held her aim as they entered of the serial.
listening audience, according to Col. separated from their tumorous mass
an elevator. A few soldiers, who had
Delano Roosevelt. Thelma Schnee, a pivotal character B. J. Palmer, owner of WHO, Des of cancerous words and projected by
somehow got onto the studio stage in the last sequence, has gone to San Moines, and
The show, which NBC
aired coast-
to see the show, straightened up and
WOC, Davenport, in an an announcer who was trained to
Francisco to visit her officer-husband, address before the Chicago Radio more
to-coast at 2 p.m., was announced as alked out visibly moved. sell, sales would result.
Paul Moss, also of show biz. Management Club last week.
a tribute to the memory of FDR The prayerful tributes, the touch- The colonel warned the industry
Palmer stated that copywriters, by that it should clean house and stop
from the American theatre. Biit it ing words had been spoken. The air throwing their copy together in a
program was over. But on. felt, ignoring the listener, who he desig-
was more, much more than that. It
somehow, that for these children of
Clifton MCA's Webb Show
hurry and using deceptive and over- nated as the forgotten man, and
was a tribute to the American the- Franklin Roosevelt, a" greater pro- Music Corp. of America is ped-
long wordage, combined with unin- mind its p's and q's or radio censor-
teresting delivery by most an- ship would become more than an
atre, which rose giant-like to a stat- —
ram in the spirit of his memory dling a show starring Clifton Webb,
ure almost as tall as that of the man lay ahead. For through the whole- based on an idea and script by
Sam nouncers, is driving listeners away idle threat. Once censorship starts
these showfolk had come to mourn, hearted honesty, the unglossed an- Taylor. Was originally a Leland from their sets. it will get out of hand, he said, and
Palmer believes that the industry the industry may find itself a gov-
uish of their grief, the manner in Hayward office package which went
There was a pattern to the show. ernment monopoly. One
That was inevitable. Arthur Hop- Inch they had paid their tribute ov^r to when latter organiza- is losing a bet by not training both
MCA persistent
offender may well break the dike
kins and Brock Pemberton had col-
they showed themselves as worthy tion merged with Hayward recently. copywriters and announcers for a
of a place next to Roosevelt's 'in Stanzas has a show business back- better job of air salesmanship.- The that is holding back government
laborated with NBC's top program control, he declared.
niers to give the stanza shape. In the
the palm of our Lord's hand." ground with Webb as an Alexander copywriter, he says, should develop
Woollcott-type character. Several ear approach and cut unnecessary
control room was NBC's national words that only make for confusion;
production director, Wynn Wright, .nibbles reported but no deal set yet.
HarrUburg. Harrisburg's new sta-
Leading the NBC orch was Dr. tion, WHBG, an affiliate of the Blue,
— eliminate superlatives, which stran- Pays Up, No Alimony Jail
gle copy, and write and rewrite Dallas, April 17.
Frank Black, playing mostly music will begin broadcasting on May 13. —
Des Moines. Ken Houseman, for- many times before putting the com-
Cowboy radio actor W. L. (Bill)
that he had arranged for the occa Work of remodeling the basement of merly with KGLO, Mason City, mercial on the air. The average an-
sion. the Blackstone building, where stu- Iowa, has joined the staff of KRNT, nouncer, he stated, lacks the proper Boyd paid $200 alimony here last
But the heart of the pattern was ios will be located, is rapidly near- Des Moines, and In the future will sales values in his language, has no week and escaped a threatened jail
the heart of show business, un ing completion. use the name Ken King. idea of shadings or tone and uses no sentence for contempt of court.
ashnmedly bared for the whole
world to see. And the life of the
show came from the genuine grief
the stark sincerity, the elemental
humanity of these people, for the
nonce just simple people weeping
lor the loss of the man they loved
Their dressing rooms were dark
this Saturday afternoon, since all
matinees had been cancelled. And it
was just as well, For none could
have done anything but the lines fit
ting this program. All else would
. have been acting.
Most r.f them had brought theii
own lines. There was no script to
speak of. Ethel Barry more copied
the 23d chapter of Psalms for her
. part. .Josephine Hull came with
a thumb-worn' -paper edition of S
James Barrie from which to read
movirfg piece. Frank Fay had hi
Whitman, from which he read "Cap
tain, My Captain." Canada- Lee had
come up with a part from Be
Hecht's "Tribute to Gallantry." And
Kddie Dowllng just threw away hi
script, sat down at a table mike and
ad libbed for two minutes.
Kddie Dowllng Overcome
Dowling told how a While House
car had brought flowers to the plao
in Maine where his own mother lay
dead, baek_inJL83.6. The flowers wer
from President Roosevelt; He talked
about FDR's interest in showfolk,
recalled Ihe President's order to set
up the Federal Theatre Project un-
der WPA, seemed to want lo say
more. But he couldn't. His voice
choked up. He just aat there and
cried into the microphone. Rcver
enlly, he prayed: "Oh dear Mr. Pres-
ident, I hope you are right in the
palm of our Lord's hand." Then he
pushed back his chair and ran ou
of the^ studio.
Most of the others had already
preceded Dowling. Walter Hampden
Hopkins, Bert Lytell and Pembe
ton had spoken briefly, followed by
M?.dy Christians, Lee, Franchol
Tone, Josephine Hull, Leo Carroll
Laurel le Taylor and Fay. Somehow
Dowling's overwhelming grief
seemed lo change the atmosphe
for a moment. There was a notice
able stiffening, as if so many of th
artistswho had been crying
tinually:said to themselves
or how to win the
now's the time to buck up.
For the
Bankhead's turn.
time in almost an hour
Baltimore market!
she pulled herself together. In a
clear voice, holding back her sol/6,
she read a special tribute from
Nathaniel A. Benson, president of Remember 1936? A second term and nine years ago. the 5 minute news period on Club 1300 six days a
1hc N. Y. branch of the Canadian week at A.M.
Authors' Association. Elliott Nu-
That's when Cloverland Farms Dairy* started on II

gent followed, Edna Phillips sang Baltimore's Big Home Town Station WFBR. It was
Gounod's "Ava Maria," the orches-
people— home town boys Remember the above facts when people start
natural that the Cloverland
to Baltimore's biggest
talking about RESULTS in Baltimorel Yes, If you
who grew from small beginnings
Overseas for USO Since Jan
want to know what to buy in Baltimore buy What
'43 —Now In Germany independent dairy— should turn to WFBR. . . .

the successful home town boys have always bought

Since then Cloverland has consistently been on and are buying today . . . W . . . F . . . B . . . R . . .

WFBR in programs of their own or on WFBR's

specials— such as Chib 1300. Right now they have * Agency: Katherine H. Mahool, Advertising


Wednesday, April J 8, 19 l.r


APRIL, 1935
Hie Johnson's Wax people put a veteran
comedy team, and a neiv kind of radio act,

on a modest network of 26 NBC stations.

JULY, 1936

After a year and a quarter on the air.,

Fibber McGee and Molly received a

Hooper rating of 7.0 — tlie first available

Hooper rating on tJiis slww.

OCTOBER, 1936-APRIL, 1937

Fibber McGee and Molly received a
winter season average Hooper rating

of 12.8.

^ 79 Wistful Vista is the legendary home of one from which their comedy blossoms so lustily.
of America's best -loved families —the boastful, Fibber McGee and Molly would be the first
blundering, big-hearted Fibber and his kindly, to acknowledge that a large share of their snc»
Irish-witted Molly. cess is due to Don Quinn, their writer, and to
They have been careful to retain their the makers of Johnson's Wax, their sponsors.
"hominess" because they realize that this Johnson's Wax officials have seen their failh
small- town wholesomeness is the good earth in this beloved comedy team more than jtisti-

Wednesday, April 18, 1945 S3


(The Story of Fibber McGee and Molly) NO. 2 OF A SETUES

OCTOBER, 1944 — FEBRUARY, 1945

Fibber McGee and Molly received an
average Hooper rating of 30 —
making them the highest-rated comedy
team on the air. Incidentally,

under the Crossley Recall system,

they received the highest rating

ever obtained by a half-hour program.

APRIL, 1945

Fibber McGee and Molly celebrate their

tenth anniversary on NBC. They are

new lieard over 141 NBC stations,
short-waved to troops in every part

of tlie world.

Fibber McGee and Molly reach an
estimated weekly audience of

10,000,000 families.

ihe program's popularity grew steadily

fied as two programs comprise the highest Trooper-
through the years until today Fibber McGee hour on the air.
rat ed
and Molly are good neighbors to some 80
millionAmerican listeners.
They are also good neighbors to Bob Hope, A good show, plus good neighbors, plus NBC
who has occupied the Tuesday nighl half-hour facilities is the NBC formula for developing
following them since September, 1938. The a great show.

roadcasfing Company
America's No. 1 Network
A Service of Radio
RADIO'S B5th ANNIVERSARY — f ITDGf D TO VICTORYI Corporation of America

ITednesdaj, April 18, 1945



WBBM's FDR Documentary Quickie C Tile Reviews
Continued from page M es

actors, against sets that would have

Aleen Leslie Dates 'Judy*
With M-G for $75,000
Pittsburgh, April 17.
Blue's Sunday (10:30 p.m.)
Aleen (Wetstein) Leslie, who first tainar, "Ont Foot in Heaven,"

To Get Airings on All Battleships made the play look ludicrous If they
weren't real. At times the action
went to the Coast several years ago with a powerful punch in a show
and camera and light crews as a part-time columnist for th* of democracy in action,
Chicagp, April 17, o'clock the last page .of the manu- was fast,
Pittsburgh Press, has just sold one-
was reported
had to work fast and skillfully. In last week being eyed by possible
Swiftness of production, to which script came from the writers, still other words, this well-known Broad- picture lights to her radio serial, "A sponsors. Web's sales department,
way play had to bo good or a total Data With Judy," to Metro for a sum
radio is often subjected, was put to to be rehearsed, and at 9: 30 p.m. through Murray Grabhorn, was cau-
flop when transferred from the legit reported to be $75,000. Deal cans •
tious, however, saying only that some
an acid test here last week when the show went on the air. So suc- stage to the video, studio. It was for additional payments if studio de-
Les Weinrott and a staff of WBBM cessful was the broadcast that the tops,
potential cash customers have been
cides to make any sequels based on persuaded to consider the program.
writers, musicians and actors, put Navy has requested permission to Stephen Co'urtleigh played a sensi- the air characters.
on a documentary half -hour show in make transcriptions of the airing to tive, convincing Lincoln,
who grew "One Foot" has an unofficial rating
in power as the pluy proceeded, and
Several months ago Miss Leslie
honor of Franklin D, Roosevelt, as a •be played on every battleship in the very good work was done by most of of 6.2, said to be one of highest for
quit a writing berth at Metro to
Navy man, in a litfle over two hours. fleet. devote her time exclusively to the a sustainer. Written t by Harwell
the other principals. Alma Mansfield
On top of the task of rushing as Ann Rutledge, however, looked radio show, which started as a sum- Spence, author of book by same title,
When notification of the Presi- the air version is produced by
dent's death was received Weinrott through the special Roosevelt show, unimpdressive, especially in close-up mer replacement lor Bob Hope a few
Weinrott was called upon to write scenes of this boyhood sweetheart of years ago and has since built rating. Stanley J. Wolf, supervised by Blue's
was rehearsing an episode of "Those
Websters." At its conclusion he con- a musical with narration to replace Lincoln. Cors. Jack Byrne, and directed by Mitciiell
the regular "Those Websters" Friday Grayson.
ferred with Les Atlass, Mayor Kelly
and Phil Wrigley and at 6:30 p.m. night broadcast over CBS, based on
Lurie Signs Walt Up
Everett Holies, WBBM-CBS news •These Were- Words He Spoke" and Blaine-ThompsonWith Dallas.—Dr. Fred D. Gealy of tha
rewrote the "America in the Air"
Radio Followop
editor, and Ken Robinson, were put Walter Lurie, who resigned a fort- Southern Methodist Univ. has been
to work on the script, assisted by Wrigley program, heard Saturday night ago as eastern program mana- named associate news editor on Far
musical director Caesar PetriUo and nights over CBS, to conform an epi- WFAA.
the President.
BosmII Davenport's beautiful and ger of the Biow agency, joins the Eastern affairs for
chief arranger Frank Smith. At nine sode in the life of late
moving "My Country" was given a Blaine-Thompson agency May 1 as
stirring performance on WNEW creative program head of its newly-
(N.Y.) Sunday noon, with Arnold expanded radio department. B-T,
Moss doing a particularly effective
Tom McKnight to Produce job as narrator. Half-hour program,
which has been in existence for 40
years, has' signified its intentions of
produced by Ted Cott, was specially
>repared as. a tribute to the late going out after network radio ac-
Billie Burke Raleigh Airer 'resident Roosevelt on a day, as counts, and in line with this move is
With Billie Burke starringprefaced on the broadcast, "that re-
In remodeling an entire floor above its
Raleigh's "Carton of Cheer," quires courage and surety for the
re- present quarters at 234 W. 44th St.,
placing Henny Yo'ungman tonight country." It was one of many Sab- N. Y., for its radio department, in-
(Wed.), comedy show originates at bath day programs highlighted on cluding construction of a small thea-
Y. stations appropriately tempoed
NBC on the Coast, airing for the N. to the period of mourning without

east at 3:30 with a Coast repeat at losing sight of dramatic values. Agency air operation is headed by
8:30. v.p. Marlowe Lewis, and includes
Tom McKnight, permitted by his Duke. " Ellington demonstrated his Dick Ash, time buyer; Lewis Mina-
Universal producer contract to do a versatility and musical wizardry bess, in charge of creative copy, and
M-O-M't "Mufejw MIIBoas" radio show, produces and Bob Hafter Saturday (14) on the Blue network Patricia Peck, assistant to Lewis,
UNITED BEKAIX DRUG CO. directs. Mort Lewis is the writer. with an effective tribute from his among others. B-T currently bills
VtMay—CDS—1* p.m., EWT Supporting Miss Burke in the MCA people to Pres. Roosevelt. Half-hour about. $500,000 in spot announcements
package are Florence Lake and John program, in unfailing good taste even on New York stations alone e;ich
it: LOU CLAYTON though performed by a "jazz" band,
Brown. - year, plus handling of spot and pro-
consisted,' for the most Dart, of Elling-
ton originals. "Moon THist," featur-
gram business for Warner Bros., its
chief client; Krasdale Foods, Reli-
ing violinist Ray Nance, made an Im-
pressive theme song bracketing ex- ance Textile Corp., Sharp & Shearer
cerpts from the maestro's "New Cough Drops and Tylon Beauty prep-
World a' Comin'," "Black, Brown and arations.
Beige" (his most ambitious projects
to date), plus "Mood Indigo," "Creole
Love Call," etc. Any doubt as to
Ellington's secure place in American Anne. Nichols has scripted a new
music was dispelled by the manner radio show, a fantasy titled "The Un-
in which this sincere tribute from usual Story of Herbie." Basic idea
the American Negro was translated was written and copyrighted back in
musically In a spirit of deep rever- 1940, but show was not put on mar-
ence wholly in keeping with the na- ket till this year.
tion'smood. No other dance band Halt-hour stanza was finished with
could have filled this spot without
arousing criticism. auditions -10 days ago' and is now in
market, being agenled by James
"From the Heart of the Negro Parks. Reported under consideration
Community" was the title of a spe
by several agencies. RAY
cial tribute to. the memory of Presi
dent Roosevelt aired Sunday (16) Cincinnati Twenty-six members of
over the N. Y. indie, WMCA. Stanza the WCKY staff now are in the
went on as week's edition of usual armed forces. Latest to be called is AUTHOR Or
mism'3 ncOTOtnjL
Sunday "New World a-Coming" prb- Wally Hahn, staff musician, who was ncjumscin ump. COMEDY
gram.which has Negro theme. inducted into the Army.
Speakers included Congressman A.
Clayton Powell, Dr. Channing Tobias
and Rev. Shelton Hale Bishop. All
are recognized Negro leaders. They
spoke very warmly of the late Presi-
dent, whom Powell called "the great-
est friend we have had since Lin
coin." They pledged support to Presi
dent Truman, but implied they would
expect him to continue policy in di-
rection of "new world" In tradition
of predecessor.
Canada Lee read Mr. Roosevelt's
D-Day prayer, giving it not only
body, but also warmth and beauty
and solos were sung by Muriel Smith
and William Franklin.
Antonio Stradivari's name, which
has been tied to Prince Matcha-
belli'scommercials over NBC since
1943, now hits the air over CBS.
Switch was effected with stanza last
Sunday (16). But it's still the same
gimmick, to tie the name oi the per-
fume with the masterpiece of price-
less fiddles.
When heard, the show was same,
too. The ensemble, well drilled un-
der Paul Lavalle and its concertmas-
ter, JacqUes Gasselin, worked
smoothly, producing rich, full tonal
quality for light-classical numbers.
Vocal soloist, too. was the same,
tenor Harrison Knox.
On this stanza, however, the preem
show stuck, to the general ban
against salesmanship over the air on.
the day of President Roosevelt's in-
terment: Sponsor was mentioned, but
no effort to plug the product.

Connie Mack, 80-year-old pilot of

the Philly Athletics baseball team,
guested on "Headline Edition" over
the Blue network on Monday (16)
night's stanza. Piped in from Philly
and interviewed by Tom Morehead,
the old master of b.b., who has spent
44 years in the game, predicted the
ball clubs should have a banner sea-
son this year and enjoy a greater
boom in postwar. However, he side-
stepped any commitment of predic-
tion how his team /would figure in
the pennant race by stating he, like
other pilots, would do the best they
could with material at hand.

Pittsburgh. Dave Lewis, editor of
Bulletin-Index, local news' weekly, .

for last several years', has resigned

to head a new publicity setup at
KDKA. Lewis took over bis new
duties last week.
Wednesday, April 18, 1945 PftrtTEfr RADIO as

'Welcome Dames' Sign Up Lombardo Stays Put

Frisco Confab As was anticipated, Larus Bros., Ail ing 'Alkies Anon.' Tricky Problem
Continued from pate I s At Mutual Prog. Office manufacturers of Chelsea cigarets
Mutual programs v.p. Phil Carlin and owners of WRVA, the CBS af-
language schedules will be paralleled
by Latin-American
broadcasts in
announced that women producers filiate in Richmond,. turned down the
and directors figure importantly in Saturday 7 p.m. slot for their Guy But WWJ Finds Answer Each Sat.
English, Spanish, and Portuguese un- his future network programming Lombardo show, preferring to keep
der Office of Inter-American
plans. its present Blue network Monday Detroit, April 17. gram which WWJbegan warily as
You wouldn't think the life stories an experiment every other Saturday
Movies are represented in conven- Martha Roundtree is the first gal, night '10 p.m.) spot. Main reason has now been boosted to a weekly
tional setup, but NBC n planning for nixing the bid was the fact that of
of several, whom Carlin has de- a bunch of ex-drunks make good
New show hits the Coast at 4 p.m. They show every Saturday.
shoot films for airmailing to cided to go along with on production radio listening— but they do! They
York and televising there. Rumor of shows. She will produce and also
prefer the 7 p.m. Coast audience. Alcoholics Ananymous has arrived
says that elaborate television gear
be a member of the discussion group As result the Saturday time, va- add up to the highly dramatic, ef- at a national membership of some
16,000 men and women since it began
on the. Opera House stage caused on the soon-to-be-aired "Round Table cated by "Mayor of the Town," fective "Alcoholics Anonymous" se-
cancellation of a proposal to bring of Romance" stanza which stars
which moves into the Saturday ries of shows which WWJ public nine- years .ago. Detroit has about
Oklahoma!" West, after bankroll Elissa Landi, film and legit actress.
8 oclock Danny Kaye niche (latter services to Detroit and environs each 500 —
members doctors, lawyers,
train accommodations had been
fl riil Miss Roundtree will also hold the
show switches over to Friday night) Saturday at 7 p.m. housewives, ministers, corporation
secured. remains open, with possibility that The A. A., as the members call it, executives, chemists, architects-
production reins on another show
now being molded at MBS for web Nash-Kelvinator may get a crack at is that remarkable group of men and people who consider themselves al-
Cultural events will be emphasized.
•Five symphony concerts will be airing, "How Things Got Started."
it. Latter sponsors the Andrews Sis-
women who have found life unman- lergic to alcohol —
people who sug-
•given, using world musical 'figures. Format of the contemplated half- ters on the Blue Sunday afternoons ageable because they can't stop gest that alcoholism is a disease
hour once-weekly session will, be nar- but again there appears doubt drinking, but who. are able to help which you can't cure by will power
it is still possible, there may
But be '

whether the bankroller will be in- each other recover from a seeming- any more than you can cure tuber-
staged a great extravaganza, "with ration and dramatization of the way
Hollywood stars. Also the biggest certain everyday modes and prac-
terested in switching over. ly hopeless state of mind and body. culosis by will power— and people
parade since Pearl Harbor. tices which are now commonplace It's not an evangelistic group it — who know that by helping each other
{hey have "helped 50% of their mem-
Bistros Look Up
Hitherto gloomy nitery restaurant
had their origination. NBC Mulls Pair For doesn't cater to wet or dry politics
it's only Interested the personal
in bers to recover completely, leaving
operators are cheered mildly, OPA Straw Hat Bookings problems of alcoholics who ask for 25% to go out on only occasional
NBC last week auditioned two Renders, and losing track of the other
and State Department today getting help.
together to supply extra rplion points Gas Plugs shows .which may go on the network And that's what makes it such a 25%. The medical profession and
needed to feed conference guests, Philadelphia, April 17. as .summer replacements for evening trick for radio to handle here is a — the clergy each claim to save only
"while making plans to import ra- Another old Philly firm has been commercial stanzas which will take a show where mail and telephone re- 2% of the alcoholics, with hospitals,
tioned pork and nonr'alioned fish, sold on radio as an advertising me- hiatus. sponse is counted only when-it comes asylums or death taking the rest.
poultry. Bonifaces are asking Wash- dium. Latest to fall is the Philadel- First is a 15-minute stanza called from potential A. A. members! And WWJ's interest also stems from the
ington to aid speeding extra food phia Gas Works, which has contract- "Vest Pocket Varieties." miniature a man or woman can become a mem- fact that alcoholism is listed as Pub-
here, since the problem is acute ed with WFIL for sponsorship of comedy-musical show with Ira Avery ber only when he admits he's licked lic Health Problem Number A, by the
earlier than anticipated. "Highlights of Music," featuring Mil as director. Other is a half-hour —
when he admits he can't stop asst. U. S. surgeon-general, and any-
The regular ration boards are han- Spooner and his organ. once-weekly stint, tilled "Hi, Pop," drinking. However, in spite of that, thing that radio can do to cope with
dling hotel and restaurant problems. Contractor 26 weeks was placed scripted by Dean Coffin, and starring the response has been amazing. It public health problems is all to the
A special board is operating to supply by he John Faulkner Arndt agency.
I Happy Felton. has been great enough so that a pro- good.
perhaps 5,000 visitors directly con-
nected with the conference, plus
probably an equal number of un-
official visitors with gasoline, shoes,
food. •

Hotels are frantic over the terrific

pressure'from many sides to supply
rooms in addition to Stale Depart-
ment needs for at least '1,100 dele-
gates, 500 members of secretariats,
and 1,200 press, radio and telegraph
WMC Helpful
War Manpower Commission is aid-
ing the State Department in a quickie
job to get, translators, clerks, recep-
tionists, ushers, pages, chauffeurs,
Conference will be strictly busi-
ness. Few frills are skedded during
30-day mourning period for
President Roosevelt.
Prices and quantities of liquor are
posted in bars, but many complain
the drinks are thin. Highjacking
robberies are feared possible because
of heavy liquor demand. This week.
Grison's restaurant was robbed of 100
cases liquors, cigarets plus currency.
Thousands of cases of deluxe liquors
are reported enroute from New
Midnight curfew is positively not
relaxed. Movie theatres offer little
special entertainment. Night clubs
stress Latin-American entertainment
entire entertainment industry
is straining brains and resources to
provide superlative amusement with-
in State Department directive, which
is seeking permanent goodwill for In BLACK AND WHITE
the city and nation.
Theatres include Helen Hayes in
"Harriet," and Curran'with "Carmen
Seven digits and a couple of commas. That's the dollars are earmarked for program improvement*.
SETTING FRISCO PICK-UPS sice of the increased moneys recently voted by We are determined to discover, create, and develop
Bill Flneshrlber Visits Coast for
the Mutual directorate, to be invested during the program fare that will win greater preference,*
Peace, Hollywood Details

William Flneshriber, assistant di balance of 1945 as a clear green light for well- around the entire radio clock, for the Mutual point
rector of broadcasts at the Columbia
Broadcasting System, left New York studied efforts to make this a more serviceable on the dial. We sre-determinerl tp buildLa Staff
Friday (13) for a month in California.
He will hit San Francisco first to equipped to originate standout entertainment, to
supervise special arrangements for network for listeners, for stations, for advertisers.
CBS coverage of Dumbarton 0*ks
follow-up. Hell go to Holly wood and for artists. foster the work of outside producers, and, by both
quarters of network afterwards.
Although with the network 10 Since late in 1944, Mutual has been subjected means, to achieve a store of program material
years as writer and executive. Fine
is making his first «rip to (he
to a more critical appraisal — from within — than designed for any advertiser's need and budget.

any outside observer could conceive. We prepared These are truly large orders. None knows their
Worcester. — Ann
Christy, forme
WTAG script writer, has been up
pointed radio' director for Howard detailed blue-prints for improvement and present- scope better than we who drafted them. But the
Wesson Co., advertising agency. Shi
also teaches script writing at Wor
ed them to the experienced owners of this network. seven digits are already at work, as black-and-
cester Junior College.
white evidence of our honest intent to fill these
Today we can report to you their enthusiastic

endorsement of our plans, confirmed in black and orders. We think you'll find Mutual more Inter-

white to the resounding tune of a seven-digit esting to watch— and listen to— than ever before.

increase. That adds a lot to any annual budget,

but that's what it takes to put our plans to work.

Our blue-prints call for marked advances in THE MUTUAL
MWMgWMflf stations, in engineering, and in sales— with service BROADCASTING SYSTEM
'4J Hilt, «>••.. . M.w T.,k jl. N T
underscored throughout. But most of these special
. .

Wednesday*. April 18, 1945

Hancock for a lew days to fight off that sinus attack after attending Utlca
C. of C. dinner last night (Tues.) with Ned Calmer. . Dick Fehr back n STANDARD OIL DROPS
with Benton 8: Bowles in publicity after two years in Army . . .Dolphe ,

From the Production Centres


ii Martin of WEEI. Boston, in N. Y. last week for publicity tie-up between
his program, "Youth on Parade," and Warners short, "It Happened in
Springfield" Other N. Y. visitors: John J. Cillin, Jr., of
and Don Davis, of WHB, Kansas City. .Bert Lytell may return to radio
in a special series by Yolanda Langworthy
tor of the NYU

Robert J. Landry as direc-

Summer Radio Workshop has lined up the following guest
. .
Middle commercials have been
nixed from news broadcast programs
sponsored by the Standard Oil Co.
St. Louis, April 17.

Ed Kobak, Mutual prexy. on week's swing around Cincinnati. Pittsburgh lecturers for 1945: Arnold Hartley, program manager, WOV: Frank Mullen, of Indiana under the terms of a new
Louis to Because of complications over executive veepee, NBC; Maurice Dreicer, freelance; Sgt. Millard Lampell; five-year patt recently inked.
and St. visit affiliates, clients, etc. . . :
William Fineshriber and Gilbert Seldes of CBS. .. .Evelyn Hart, late of commercials will be used only at the
the title, "The Man From C-2," Blue net sustaincr, which precms this .

George Crandall's staff at CBS now at Mutual, start and- finish of such programs
Thursday (19), has been changed to "Maj. Hugh -North, Military Intelli-
OWI domestic radio division chief and now an
John D. Hyncs, former In a telegram to KSD, owned and
gence." with. Staais Colsworth doing the lead and Cyril Armbruster direct- account executive at WNEW, was presented with a plaque signed by OWI operated by the St. Louis Posl-Dis.
ing. Premiere was to have been last Thursday, but was postponed be- regional directors in appreciation of his relationship with them. .. .Ralph patch (Pulitzer) which has been
cause of the death o( the President... Christopher Cross, BBC public re- Austrian, RKO
television department head, goes to the Coast late next waging a fight against middle com-
month on a speaking tour. .Henrietta Smith has switched from the Y4tR mercials and "plug-uglies " the spon-
lations manager, who has left tor S;m Francisco to help set up coverage
. .

radio research department to Ted Bates. .Rhea Diamond back at . . WNEW sors said, "Your campaign to eliml-'
of the conference, will slop in a number of cities on his way back to New as assistant io special events and publicity chief Jo Ranson, after two years nate middle commercials from news-
York to contact radio editors and station managers. .. NBC news staffer. with the OWI .Eda Heihcman joins "Amanda" cast.
. . . .John Graham and . . casts was the most important factor"
Eugene Speck, husband of. "Women of America" Doria Folliolt. is back Alice .Yourman added to ''Widder Brown". .Don Hancock, spieler for . . in bringing about the decision ol our

in N. Y. after working Warfare Board..

in Italy with Psychological
"Valiant Lady" and "Front Page Farrell" recovering from emergency advertising strategists."
appendectomy... Hejschell Hart, radio ed of Detrpit News; in N. Y. for a The oil company sponsors 15-rrims.
"The Soldier Who Came Back." new CBS daytime, serial which preemed fast look-see. newscasts over KSD at 7: 45 a.m. and
Monday (10), had a new writer next day. Fresh scripter is Bob Shaw.... 10:30 p.m. daily, except Sunday. Lo-
Conrad Nagcl to emcee the. "Silver Theatre" eight-week replacement lor Warren Gerz, of the Y. & R. radio publicity staff, into service this
Friday ....Ginny Simms last-inlnuie sub for Dinah Shore on the latter's cal bankrollers of KSD newscasts
Ozzie Nelson and. Harriet Hiliiard on CBS this summer. Jay Wesley set . . .
who have cut but the middle com-
for the announcing spot on the Bob Hope summer replacement. "Man program tomorrow (Thurs.), Miss Shore cancelling herself out due to
serious illness of father. .. .Thelma Rittcr into "Mr. Keen" show tomorrow mercials are the Phillips rctioleum
Called X.". .Cocktaileries in connection with air shows resume tonight
Co.; S. G. Adams Co.: -Mercantile-'
. .

(Wed.) with the "Mr. District Attorney" citation shindig at the R'ktz, flock (Thurs.).
Commerce Bank and Trust Co.: St.
of others skedded over the past five days being called off. Louis Union Trust Co., ano \he First
Rex Shepp. manager of WIRE. Indianapolis, and prez ot KPHO, Phoenix, IN CHICAGO ... National Bank St. Louis.
Ariz., is in N.-Y. this week conferring with NBC and Blue execs. Indian- Bob Buckley of Dancer-Fitzgerald-Sample to New-York to get acquainted
apolis station is NBC and one in Phoenix is Blue. .N. W. Ayer's radio . . with agency's eastern staff. He will be stationed there permanently
flackery being hypoed this month by two additions. New assistant to . starting June 1 ... .Sock Hettler, spot salesman, resigned ef- WBBM-CBS
bally chief Wauhillau LaHay in New York will be Dorothy Doran, for fective April 15 to join H. W. Kastor agency as assistant director of media
a ouriber of years radio editor ot Akron (O.) Beacon Journal. Chet Bower, ..Arthur Simon, appointed assistant to Ralph Allass; owner of WIND MARKET
who has been with Blue publicity department on the Coast since last June, three weeks ago. severed his connection with (lie station last week....
will become assistant to Ayer's Jean McFarlarid in Hollywood, Harry Stewart leaves the cast of K. C. Jamboree after the April 21 broad-
George Crandall, CBS press .boss, shuttling over to his upstate farm at cast to make his home on the Coast ... Guy Wallace, former contract an-
nouncer with WBBM-CBS, has joined the staff of as a featured WIND 1

John Blair, station rep, is opening a Detroit office In the fall ... Clifton
Utley signed a term contract with NBC through his agent, Biggie X. Levin
..Mike Connors joined the production staff of WIND last week. His
first assignment is "Sing Sailor Sing". .. .Mike Romano, Chi lawyer and
spare time actor, is readying his own radio show.. Joe Carrigan, owner of
KWFT, Wichita Falls, in town to lecture on radio station management be-
fore the ad club.... Ted Jardine, of J. Walter Thompson, off for a month's
vacation in Arizona,
P. K. Wrigley playing around with a new radio gadget that will call for
ah investment of $750,000. .WMAQ celebrated Its 23d birthday last week
. .

;ditto WLS its 21st. .. .Carolyn Guilbert. NBC staff singer-pianist

. mak-
ing a series of transcriptions for the Olian agency.
Hottest transcription deal in town is the "Westerners" with Curl Massey
being sold by the Johnny Neblett office. .General Amusement Corp. . .

signed the Dinning Sisters last week. .ditto Gay Clarldge. Deals were . .

signed through Harold Lee. .Donn Clayton, v.p. of North Central Broad-
. .
Local Advertisers
casting System currently in the east to open a New York office. .-. .Con-
solidated Radio Artists threw a cocktail party Monday after, moving their
office back to Randolph street. Know . .

Utah's sheep, cattle end hogs broaaht
With Ken Murray, who has made a pretty penny from his "Blackouts"
$54,531,000 of new woalrh lata thlt
vaude revue now in its third year at the El Capitan, taking his periodical
departure from radio with the April 18 broadcast of. "Which Is Which?," state last year, according to Pfollai-
the emceeing will be handled by guests, until the client, Qld Gold, decides Inory ' Agirot. That averaaof moro
what to do with the "guess who?"' quizzer. Bill Gargan and Dennis tkan %} ,000,000 a weelt—and live-
O'Keefe get the first call. What a spot for Fred Allen! Ginny Simms
•foek Is jait on* of Utah's basic la-
goes east for a month after April 25 airing. Biow radio boss and producer
of the show, Cal Kuhl, goes along to get a final determination of his stains dastrlei, |att on* of the nawM why
with the agency. Stan Joseloff holds down the office while Kuhl and bmlnats Is good here.
Maxine Andetson, office manager, are in the east. .'Sid Strotz's hiother- . .

in-law is a rabbit lover so the NBC Coast chief is now building hutches To roach Utah's radio homo*—aod
on his Bel-Air (very snooty) estate to take care of the overllow. .'Ed
. . .
that asoani 970 hopnot In every 1 ,000—
Cashman east to "talk Over things" wjlh Emerson Foote on Hollywood
tic's Bert Oliver, general manager of Foote. Cone & Belding office, also
local and national advertisers hnow
east.... Bill Forman. announcer for Kay Kyscr and Charlie McCarthy, they can depead'on RDYL, .the sta-
poured himself into olive drab. .. .Deal is simmering ftir Jack Oakie to pair tion that brlnai ro-
up with Joan Davis in the autumn. ...Stu Dawson in from Chicago to .

salts. Far eiarnple:

wrap up a show lor Frigidairc. .. .Sammy Kociner disced a comedy show
for Foote, Cone &
Bclding built around Wally Brown, Alan Carney, Salt lake's fear
Brenda and Cobina and Singers Gale Robbins and Larry Stewart ... largest deportment
Unless Herb Stanford can install rubber walls at N. W. Ayer- quarters,
Meet Witt's Lindsey Riddle- producers and writers of the Aim's three shows will be sitting in each
other's laps. .. .The Blue's Don Searle got back from the desert just in time
Our Studio Supervisor . . . . m, Facsimile,. Tele fnthuskistl to learn that he had been made a veepee to augment his title as general
manager of the net's" western operations. .. .Don Thornburgh taking a
When we need an alert engineer to fineE.T.s from the Mutual Network desert siesta for two weeks before things start popping in Frisco....
do a job that hasn't been done yet line, for "playback" broadcasts on Harriet Van Home finally got a choo-choo back home.... Bob Colwell
-and, especially, those jobs that ap- WHB. He's enthusiastic about three arou nd o n a hush-hu sh miss ion .. Mu tual-Don moved Dud Wflliam- .
-pi*«H}y- w*rir- cc-dOT/rf-'-HRrtltHe'r- ttfeat hc^h6"wron~Wfi'Brtoo
son to New York to emcee' its new "Queen For a Day" series. He will
our nun! At 33, he's old enough to
be a seasoned operator— yet young •SON© and DANCE PARADE'-wfth RUSH continue to preside over "What's the Name ot That Song?". .Hollywood . .

enough to tackle enthusiastically HUGHES. A full hour of popularj-ccordings. Canteen shopping around for a. radio tieup now that "Stage Door Canteen"
problems requiring vision and ima- broadcast Mondayi through Saturday* at 2 is off the .air. Jcannette. MacDohald repeats on. the Nelson Eddy show
. . . National Koproseatnllro
p.m -with popular Rush Hnghea of KWK
April 22.
gination. "ManCcr of Ceremonies. This pros ram JOHN ILAIt A CO.
Riddle desigaed and constructed KWK from
a 1.6 to a 4.9 Hoope rating morn-
—> '


"> ni>- and it has already won a

WHB's high frequency transmitters; 11Pin Kansas Cityl Quarter-hour

and his (and our) special pet is the tion sponsorships available, 3 to 6 day » weekly.
Rival Stations Nixed
"WHB Magic Carpet" our short- — THE FIRST FIVE" -with RUSH HUGHES.
wave truck for remote pick-ups be-
yond telephone lines. To inaugurate
the last War Loan in Kansas City,
RiddlcandWHB'sDickSmith lashed
Kansas City * "best seller" records, as re-

and rhythmic "extras".


P? r '*o daily by leading retailers— together

with their platter mates", uomefasctnating
. and the voice of
Rush Hughes I Forty-five inmates nightly,
Mondays through Saturdays, ats.lfip.m. Ask
Except for ads in the dailies,
Baseball Spots
Cincinnati, April 17.
the "Magic Carpet" to a landing
Don Davis for participation availabilities. WCPO had to do its own publicizing
barge about to be launched at the

Darby shipyards and rode down
the ways into the Missouri River
with it, while Dick Smith gave a
"wave-by>wave" description. That's
typicalof WHB's ingenious "special
GANTT. Nightly quarter-hour of rare "hot
jasz" recordings, .featuring the all-time
great names in jazz music with intelligent
andinlereslingcommentary by JamesCantt.
A sure-fire 7 p. m. feature available for spon-
. . .
of the fact that
sive baseball
Bids by Mort Wallers, general man-
ager, for


spot time to air the an-

is Cincy's exclu-
this season. QUIZ
events" broadcasts.
Riddle's hobby is to ride railroad
sorship now.

If you want to sell the Kansas

nouncement were turned down by
WKRC and WSAI, which carried
engines. He's a "swing band" fan ... WHB
a record collector... and cuts very
City market,
medium t
is your happy baseball heretofore; and by
WKRC's chief, Herman Fast, made
For WHB Availabilities, 'Phone DON DAVIS a flat refusal. Walter Callahan,
WSAI g.m„ did a last-minute refusal
at any of these "SPOT SALES" office*: WRITE OR PHONE
after a questionable acceptance, and
KANSAS CITY HArrlton 11*1
NEW YORK CITY . . . 400 Madison Avanue Eldorado 5-S040 countered with an aye .cm' an all-
CHICAGO . . . . . M0 North Michiaon . . ... FCAnklin RS10 season basis. LAWRENCE FERTI6 I COMPANY, INC.
HOUVWOOD . Hollywood Rival. at Cosmo HOUywxd 1310 Waite Hbyt, wlio did the play-by- (AOVERTISINQ ASENCV)
play for WKRC the past three years,

SAN FRANCISCO . . . . . S third Strtot . . . . IXbroek 3SS1

has switched to WCPO for the 1945 149 MAOJSON AVE NEW YORK 16, N. Y.
KEY STATION for the KANSAS STATE NETWORK stint. His assistant is Lee Allen,

Roams City • Wichita • Sallna • Great tend • Emporia from the Cincy Reds' office, and new PHONE: MURRAY HILL 4-3300
Kansas Kansas Kaunas Kansas
in radio.

Wednesday, April 18, 1945 ADVERTISEMENT

A A «
' I 37


mercials from newscasts originated by it, and
In the Interest of Radio has also barred newscast advertising which it
considers inappropriate, it admits an inconsis-
Last Jan. 18, the Post-Dispatch printed an edi- KSD
tency. has continued to broadcast NBC
torial whose first paragraph read as follows: hews programs which do not conform to the sta-
The time has come to urge the big radjo tion's own We
could correct this by
networks to change some of their practices ending our connection with NBC and diverting
regarding newscasting. In particular, NBC, its service to some other outlet. Our position,
Columbia, Mutual and the Blue Network
however, is that not only would that be to our
(1) should quit interrupting news broad-
casts with commercial plugs and
financialdisadvantage— we admit this frankly—
quit permitting these broadcasts to be spon- but we believe our listeners would lose more
sored by objectionable advertisers: than they would gain by such divorce from the
This editorial, and subsequent ones in which many excellent programs originated by a great
was explained and developed, have re- network.
the idea
ceived considerable attention in magazines and (9) NBC is the oldest national network—
in the press, and they have received particular pioneer in developing our American radio sys-
attention in publications whose primary concern tem. Its achievements in the fields of enter-
is the radio and advertising industries. In the tainment, of education, of newscasting, of cul-
course of the discussion, the Post-Dispatch posi- tural contributions in music and in the arts are
tion has sometimes been misunderstood and a monument to the principle of free radio. In
misinterpreted. We should like to clear up the subject under discussion, NBC was the first
some of these misunderstandings and misin- of the big -chains to outlaw the middle commer-
rnoc*(« to nswE mmxiM or the «ii
cial in newscasts,though its new rules permit
* * _j*
fudging at the beginning and end. In the mat-
ter of exercising control of sponsorship, how-
Here are two typical instances: J. H. Ryan, ever, NBC lags behind the
forces in the administration and Congress which Columbia Broadcast-
head of the National Association of Broadcast- ing System. CBS
have warned radio that Government mighjt be uses the middle commercial,
ers, in a speech at Cincinnati, saw in the Post-
but it long ago refused to permit distasteful
Dispatch attitude a threat to freedom of the
compelled to act if radio standards do not meas-
. sponsorship of its excellent network news
ure up to "public interest, convenience and ne-
radio. He argued against criticism of newscasts service.
cessity," for which radio is licensed. The sure
on the ground that it might invite Government (10) We recognize it is only natural for the
intervention. At a recent meeting of radio and
way to prevent Government interference, and
networks to be disturbed by a proposal whose
to discourage demagogues who would seek to fulfillment would affect an intricate series of
advertising executives in Chicago, the charge
impair freedom of the air, is for radio itself to relationships with advertising agencies and ad-
was made that, in essence, the Post-Dispatch
suggestion of Jan. 18 represented an attack on
set its own high standards for public service. vertisers themselves. The sponsorship of news
is one of radio's chief sources of revenue.
the radio, as a competing advertising medium: (5) It is not doing this when its principal con-
Other misunderstandings and misinterpreta- tribution to public service, .lamely, the broad-
tions may be cleared up by a restatement of this casting of news, marred, tortured and made
is (11) We believe, however, that the elimina-
paper's position. nauseating by those commercial announcements tion of the newscast plug-ugly would be to the
which have become known as plug-uglies. This advantage both of the networks and of the ad-
(1) To begin with, we r repent that radio has vertisers. They have a common stake in main-
is particularly true in time of war. As Leo J.
done a magnificent job in the transmission of taining the effectiveness of the radio appeal,
news, to the point that many people prefer to
Fitzpatrick of Station WJR, Detroit, aptly said:
now marred by the newscast plug-ugly. There
get their news over the radio rather than We must remember that practically all is a large percentage of the listening public
listeners have relatives or close friends in which does not willingly accept or which con-
through the columns of the daily newspaper.
the armed services, and that their interest sciously resents bad taste :ind interruptions in
New techniques, such as the roundups of ^vorld newscasts.
in newscasts is quite personal, quite emo-
capitals and battlefronts, have brought the war tional and sometimes becomes terribly trag-
(12) KSD's experience, and that of a growing
vividly to every American household. Too much ic, as they hear the names and stories of
listof other individual stations which have vol-
praise cannot be given to the networks for de- loved ones in the news. untarily barred the newscast plug-ugly, show -

signing these new techniques and for the gen- that the advertiser, as well as the public, is
(6) We are not criticising the commercial
eral excellence of the newscasts themselves. By pleased by the result. The latest advertiser to
sponsorship of news. We are criticising two
the very nature of its medium, radio's superior- adopt this policy is the Standard Oil Co. of
specific methods that have crept into the com-
ity over newspapers in trie immediate transmis-
mercial sponsorship of news. One such- method
sion of important news has long been obvious. is the interruption ofnews for sales talks. The (13) We
repeat we are making no attempt
The newspaper- "extra, '' once the 'fastest means and havff not the slightest desire "to reform the
other is news by advertisers who deal
the .use of radio industry." We have challenged only one
of communicating news of extraordinary impor- in palliatives for bodily aches and pains, stom- small phase of radio's activities. We think that
tance, is just about as dead as the dodo. middle interruptions in amusement programs
ach acidity and gas, body odors and a thousand
We and one equally revolting subjects. are in quite a different category from newscast
(2) repeat that the Post-Dispatch is as
interruptions. We have no quarrel with radio
jealous of freedom of the air as it is of freedom Of course, the advertiser who pays for the
(7) except in the matter of the newscast plug-ugly.
of the press. To imperil one is to jeopardize newscast is entitled to tell his reasonably-timed This is not a press attack upon radio. It is, we
the other. In its 67 years, this newspaper has story both at the beginning and the end of the believe, a constructive suggestion offered in the
fought for every form of freedom of expression interest of radio.
program. No one objects to that. Such news-
guaranteed in Article I of the Bill of Rights. . casts, as a matter of fact, are on the air. Two (14) Our position is a simple one. The plug-
(3) Just as the Post-Dispatch is supported —
examples and others could be cited are the — ugly, we hold, is neither good broadcasting nor
Lowell Thomas and Kal ten born programs. good advertising. News is news and the public
largely by advertising, so we believe that radio
is entitled to hear it reported with dignity and
should and must be supported by advertising. These open and close with commercial an-
good taste. We
hold that the radio industry
We believe this because the alternative would nouncements, but there is no interruption once whose function it is to serve the "public inter-
be Government ownership and control of ra- Thomas and Kal tenborn begin to speak. est, convenience and necessity" has far more to
+ * gain than to lose by eliminating the newscast
dio. The idea abhorrent.


plug-ugly lock, stock and barrel.
(4) It was precisely for .his reason that our (8) While the Post-Dispatch station, KSD, If radio did. so, it would fortify the great and

suggestion of Jan. 18 was made. There are nearly a year ago eliminated interrupting com- fundamental principle of freedom of the air.


38 RADIO Wednesday, April 18, 1945

Director Downey Sign Hal Cohen For CAL ASSEMBLY WANTS

Television Not Just Rumor to WHK, Morton Downey was sorry but
he found it absolutely impos-
sible to arra'nge to be in N. Y.
Another Year on KFI'S PURGE PROBED
Monday (16) to wax another Pittsburgh, April 17. Sacramento, April n.
Investigation of commentator pol-
Cleve. Outlet Sparks Stix Activity batch of transcriptions tor his
Coca-Cola song sessions aired
Harold V. Cohen, drama editor of
icy of KFI, Los Angeles, by Federal
Post-Gazette and "Variety" mugg Communications Commission is
via Mutual.: asked
Cleveland. April 17.
Reason Downey couldn't make here, has just been tagged to an- by the State Assembly in a resolu-
First postwar telecasts here will it was because he had to be in other year's contract by his present tion adopted by a vote of 65 to 3.
probably be flashed by WHK. which U. of P.'s Experimental Chicago to attend a board of di- air sponsor, Jerome Wolk & Bros.,,
Measure was introduced by Asscnv
has jumped the gun by filing an FCC * rectors meeting of the Coca- blyman Vincent Thomas of San
local furriers, on WJAS. Cohen's Pedro.
application for a 40.000-watt video Station in July Bow Cola Co. there. The Connecticut
program, "Cohening the Town," is 'a
warbler recently was elected to KFI recently purged six commen-
station and also leasing nine extra Philadelphia, April IT.
the board so now he's working once weekly quarter-hour shot every tators in line with its policy against
floors in its present downtown quar- The University of Pennsylvania
for. himself, at least in the Chi personalized or "slanted" analysis
Saturday evening at 6:30. '
ters to install a transmitter. announced last week that it v#ould of the news.
territory. Present series will continue
Every staff worker at WHK now open an experimental radio station through June 2, when Cohen goes
has to attend a television school, in- on campus starting about July.
off air for a six-week summer vaca-
stituted by H. K. Carpenter, station Dr. Arnold K. Deari. dean of student Bolton, Abbott, Scott tion, resuming on July 21 for 46
chief, to learn the fundamentals of affairs said he would appoint a com- Adult Treatment
the new medium. Manager rotates mittee of nine students and. faculty Switeh to WNEW, N Y. weeks. Format is an "Oscar for the
Week" thing in, which critic-column- Continued from page 27 ^=
employees three
through., "work members to handle the station.
Boff commercial job being done by ist picks best picture, performance,
groups," which are studying the Campus
news, plattered music, WNEW. N. Y. indie, has resulted "in had no permission to be at the spot
nitery act, gag, story, etc., of the
how-come of video production, diree- talks by students and faculty mem- the nabbing by that outlet of two an- " from which he tried to air. There
, tion, camera work, lighting, scenery, bers, skits and other programs will nouncers from Mutual's flagship.

was an argument and it got on the
etc. be under the direct supervision of WOR, N.Y., and a third from WLW, air.

These groups are getting together the students. Project will be han- Cincinnati. - On many occasions, especially
this week to try out several short dled by the Moore School of Engi- .Two from are Joe Bolton WOR Marshall Adams (A) WOL Thursday evening, announcers broke
dramas, a style show and puppet- neering at Penn.
down while on the air, commentators
and Greg Abbott, latter also under Washington, April 17. wept audibly. One Blue announcer
uhow, all of which will be recorded contract to Paramount newsreel,
Public reaction forced WOL, the broke down during the voicing of
by regular transcription methods as Dsn Barber I* <AAF' while Ralph Scott comes in from
drop plan the network identification.
well as by a 16 mm. camera. After Cowles station here, to its
Mobile, April 17.* Cinci'. Godfrey Near Collapse
soundtrack and film are synchro; Winding up his Keesler Field, for booting Cedric Foster news
Trio figure that from a long-range
Perhaps the most dramatic break-
nized, results are to be screened for program and sub-
2-2:15 p.m. daily
Miss., career with participation in viewpoint they will reap more coin down came on Saturday, when
study. three broadcast programs In five on the hep indie than .where they stituting a personality interview

Arthur Godfrey was describing for

Until regular television equipment days, Staff Sgt. Don Barber, pro- formerly hung their hats. Plan is to show/ by Marshall Adams. CBS listeners the procession of the
oan be secured, Carpenter said, this duction mgr. and m.c. of Keesler's use Abbott on newscasts and Bolton
The switch was made lor one day Presidential <cortege in Washington.
home-made trial-and-error method weekly, "Free For All" air show, on audience-participation and chatter and the wave of beefs by listeners His voice suddenly choked up, he
of teaching video will be followed to left April 7 for a new assignment as stanzas as ah. emcee among their' forced WOL to restore Foster, fitting sobbed into the mike: "Oh God, give
give station workers a running start. combat radio reporter overseas. other duties. Miss Adams into an earlier slot. me strength,.".-
Networks and indies alike outdid
themselves in bringing memorial
tributes to the air. Every religious
faith had its representatives on the
radio; churches and synagogues were
piped in: religious and lay leaders
were brought to studios and given
air.lime that normally is reserved for
the highest-price radio artists.
Shows that did go on the air
changed their formats, not only leav-
ing out commercials but also bring-
ing guests to their mikes to pay
tribute to the memory of President
Roosevelt. Women's shows concen-
trated on Mrs. Eleanor Roosevelt
and the late President's family. Chil-
dren's programs were tailored to the
.same theme, or left out entirely. All
chillers were oul. Not a comedy or
variety show .went on the air during
the entire period.
The joint BBC-NBC "Atlantic
Spotlight." at 12:30 p.m., Saturday,
became an international tribute to
the memory Of the late President.
BBC also relayed other memorial
.programs originating in London.
Webs brought comments from cor-
respondents- and from GIs straight
from the warfronts. Indies outdid
one another in arranging suitable
special events.
There was no let-up in the activity
until Sunday afternoon. Many execs
stayed on duty for 48 hours at a
stretch. Program departments did
heroic work. Perhaps one of the
most impressive shows ever pill on
the air. a tribute from the Amer-
ican Theatre (NBC. Sat., 2-2:56 p.m.)
was whipped into shape in two
Tne Armed Forces Radio Service
picked a number of shows for re-
broadcasl to GIs overseas.
By Monday afternoon, fairly nor-
mal operations had been resumed.
Some comedy shows were still off
the air. But on the whole, radio
l»nrlv <n pn hp otr in norma l.
Radio-was -proud-of-ifcsclf, and jiisti-


For vaude-nlt* Hubs,- ndto M.C.'t. ilnalei.
danblai. •.mutineers, producers, dllo Jotkeyt.
dlretlon, band I Bid vi tpeaken.
. camici.
sImiu. maglelaar. vcntrllfti, commfnfattrt.
writer*. urtoonUU, etc.

Ftm-Moitw Gog HIm Not. 1 Thra 10

$1.05 Par Script, Postage) Prepaid
Each HI* Contain! Over 100 Sack
Gags I!
Mxkn riirckR Pornble te
Mall lo "Fan-Mauler"
300 W. Mill HI- Srw Yoffc City It. N.T.

We, too, thank you Mr. Maish, and your agency, Rogers & — r-s — ;

"Happy Hank" over WNAC and The


Smith, for scheduling

Yankee Network, Monday through Friday at 7:30 A. M.
Avulliible Mot IS.

Now Producing Some Show

j4ccefrt**ct U THE YANKEE NETWORK'S ^ottttdaU** Same Sponsor—5 Years
Desires Connection
With Advertising
THE YANKEE NETWORK, inc. Agency or National
MemW of the Mutual Broadcasting System Writ*: Box 800, Variety
154 West 46th St, N. Y: 19, N. Y.

Wednesday, April 18, 1945 RADIO 19

Listeners Should Exert

Inside Stuff-Radio KTUL, Tulsa, Does 2-Way Pub Service
Influence to Get Better
Reason behind Sumner Welles' declsh to do his Blue network commen-
taries on the San Francisco peace conference from Washington, it's fell, Shows, Chi Confab Agrees
is his desire to steer
clear of any complications or possible sources of As Tornado Hits Night of FDR's Death
embarrassment at such a critical time in the nation's history. Former Chicago, April 17.
diplomat's wide circle of friends, not only in the U. S., but among foreign The listener slill plays an enor- Tulsa, April 17. Tulsa Blue station, and KBIX,
delegations, some fear, might lead to ticklish situations as far as State A notable example ol quick radio Muskogee, KTUL established radio
mous pail in the direction radio Muskogee
Dept. officials and staffers are concerned. With such momentous decisions coverage, as well as public service,
circuit directly into to
lakes, and must, some way, let the Ok-
hoped for, the former Under Secretary of Stale docs not want to take the
in broadcast story to northeastern
slightest chance of jeopardizing in any way. prolocolically or otherwise, stal'on know programs are was instanced Thursday H2) night
that Ihe lahoma listeners.
the harmony which is so necessary to the success of the historic conclave. doing the job. the program planner when KTUL, CBS* station in Tulsa, Through three-way hook-up. sta-
Welles' decision to remain in Washington was reached when he accepted tions were able to assist officials in
intends them to do, if educational came through in the Oklahoma
the network post, Robert E. Kiutner, veepee in charge of news coverage, tornado emergency which sli'ick al- directing emergency aid forces for
radio is to be a success. This was
most simultaneously, wilh news of entire tornado stricken area. KTUL
the consensus at the one-clay meet- staff stood by until sign-off at 11:30
President Roosevelt's death.
ing held here last week between .the p.m. offering to stay on ihdef, but
One of quickest deals for anetwork show involves the new Robert Q. Illinois Stale Congress of Parents With the network' Hooded by bul- .

informed by authorities situash was

Lewis comedy-variety stanza which NBC is using web-wide, 7:30-8 p.m., ai\fl Teachers and the Radio Council
letins and tributes to the President,
well -tn hand, thanks to radio set-
Saturdays, in the spot formerly occupied by "The Saint." of the Chicago public schools. station organized to handle Ihe dou-
up's aid.
Lewis, who had been doing an NBC participalioner six days a week at One of the biggest problems fac- ble disaster and rally aid for tor-
8:15 a.m., auditioned for his show, after deal was engineered by John E.. ing the general listener, according nado sufferers. By 8 p.m. KTUL had
Cibbs. on a Thursday. Next day he was signed, and day afler he was on to 'Mrs. H. L. Stigelmcir. stale radio established a two-way hook-up wilh Cleric Confers With Pope
the air. Reason for the rush is that NBC execs see in Lewis potential chairman for PTA and chairman of KOMA. Oklahoma City, in the storm
summer replacement for a sponsored program. It'j> sustainer now. Ihe. conference, is knowing where area. Bill Bryan. KOMA news edi-
On Catholic Radio Plans
Lewis is continuing his 15-minute a.m. show Monday through Fridays, the better type of commercial and tor, covered situash locally. Frequent Pope Pius has manifested
but has dropped the Saturday morning time. sustaining program can be found on interruptions to programs were made "keen interest" in the "accomplish-
the dial. This lack of knowledge is to broadcast requests for doclors and ments and the plans for resumption
'Darrcll Martin, Buffalo Eve News radio editor, shot a blast at radio not altogether the fault of the in- supplies for Oklahoma City and for of activities" of the International
dividual, she said, but often can be Antlers, where 60 died and 300 were Catholic Bureau of Radio and Tele-
press agents in his column last week. The p.a.'s, wept Martin, try to shove
injured. vision, a National Catholic Welfare
off a lot unfunny humor during summer doldrums, posing as fairy god- traced to lack of consideration* of the
better educational type programs by At KTUL Conference news story from Vatican
mothers trying to help poor radio editors who need guest columns to fl II 8:30 .again took over,
Ihe stations- themselves, newspaper covering similar lornado situash :i' City reports. His Holiness spoke with
space during vacations. Martin didn't mention, publicly, that he was one

Muskogee and at Taft. Karl Jansscn. the Rev. Isward Ditto, Dutch Domin-
of the first columnists who asked the flack boys to help him in just that radio-editors, etc.).
Other speakers were George Jen- KTUL program director, handled ican priest and head of the Bureau,
way some years ago.
nings, acting director of the Radio these two from Tulsa/ keeping in recently received in audience by the
Council and WBEZ-F.M; Robert constant touch wilh KOMA
by phono Pope.
WBBM and The Pontiff expressed the hope
Godofsky Resigns WLIB Cincy News Hypo Hoadley, educational direc-
teletype, exchanging info.
that "through common effort great
tor:Betsy Ross, speaking for Judith took up again .25 minutes
Cincinnati, April 17.
Waller, director of public service later,with Al Donaldson, chief an- good will be accomplished through
Resignation of Elias R: Godofsky
A policy of including at least five for NBC in Chicago; Paul McCluer, nouncer, on air with eye-wilness ac- the important apostolate of the ra-
as president and general manager of
network sales mgr., NBC central count of devastation. Report was dio,"Father Ditto said.
WLIB, N. Y„ was finalized Monday minutes of local news on all 15-min-
(16"), with Marvin Burger, secretary "humanly division, and Mrs. Florence Warner, augmented by graphic report from
ute newscasts, whenever
of the corporation that controls the educational director of WHOM, New Bryan, who was caught in Oklahoma GENE EMERALD'S HOSP SERIES
possible," has been instituted at York. City lornado area but escaped un-
outlet, succeeding him temporarily, Pes Moines, April 17.
and Paul Gould slaying on as sta- WCKY by Kenneth W. Church, hurt. Gene Emerald, singing emcee of
tion manager. exec. v. p. of the L. B. Wilson station. Philadelphia.— Miss Elliott B. Jef- By how KTUL had made contact the 90-minute, six a week variety
Godofsky, who held the post since Named to lake charge of the sta- fords, former asst. sales promotion by phone wilh KBIX. Blue outlet at series over KRNT, has inaugurated
the station went on the air in May, tion's expanding local news staff is mgr. of KYW. has arrived in the Muskogee, which had gone off air a new hospital scries for 'Schick hos-
McGrarh, who also Azores where she will serve as a Red
expects to go into radio station
ownership elsewhere.
Charles F.
directs the. station's publicity. Cross field worker. -
but whose equipment was still avail-
able: Later, through courtesy KOMC,
basis. '•.?
Clinton, Iowa, on a 13- week


WOR's ace pportscaster

brings you 908,969 sports-
eager fans wilh every',
crackling broadcast

^vsF-bpis.j^-m Stan Lomax's 12 rare and brilliantly successful

A partial list of the people for whom years on WOR has he been so well : prepared to do a praise,
Stan Lorn** has done onlilaiiding jolts. provoking job for the sponsor who will buy him imineiii«lely.
-A«b Ihera what f/iey think «f his more-fer-
lets show. For not only does WOR's Stan Lomax attract approximately
908,960. people every time he goes on the air, but jhese people
include all members of the family, in all income groups.
Thi6 is an extraordinarily diverse audience for a sporlscaster.
And when we say "diverse", we mean that in every 10 home*
checked by Oossley; Inc., the researchers found 26 Loinax-

ALUMINUM lislening people including 10 men, 10 women and 6 children.

U. S. CO.
Most important perhaps is that Stan Lomax has a remarkable

BROWN * WILLIAMSON CORP. appeal for all kinds of people:' We mean people who run the
gamut of income groups from A to E. It's undoubtedly this
JACOB RUPPERT BREWERY universal appeal that makes Lomax such a successful seller of
•ill kinds of products at all limes.
BRONX COUNTY TRUST CO. Now with one of the most sports-active years of the war about
to bow in. WOR thinks that Stan Lomax is the greatest invest-
TIDE WATER ASSOC. OIL CO. ment that a limebuyer could make for a sponsor, or a sponsor
for himself.

NOXZEMA CHEMICAL CO. —that poiver-full station, at 1440 Broadivay, in New York WOR Mutual
Wednesday*. April 18> 1915
Ex-Shaw Navy Orch
Robin Hood Deli's Disc Negotiation Back From England Inside Stuff-Orchestras-Music
Sam Donahue's Navy orchestra.
Feist's Harry Link got one of those, lucky Tin Pan.AlJey breaks with
formerly batoned by Artie Shaw, got
"Don't Say No, Say Maybe." out of "Thrill of a Romance," compared with

week after al-


With Columbia Burns Philly Orch back into N. V. last

"I Should Care," the latter an interpolation published by Tommy Dorsey**

: most a year in. England. Prior to

had own firm. As it developed. "Care." while concededly the better song, was
that the orchestra, under Shaw, I

need of funds, having to scissored considerably out of the final print and "Don't Say No" got the

iWpers are flaring in Philadel- ! lii be in

spent eight months or so in the

phia due to the disclosure that the make an annual pre-season drive plugs. However/ before release. Link had n\ade a deal with Dorsey for
South Pacific.

I for $20,000 in contributions .to offset both songs to be backed up. and his "Don't Say"' number to gel as inuch
Robin management, is
Hood Dell
The record royalties would Men in the band are currently on of a plug as "Care." considering that Dorsey would naturally favor his

deficits.- i

negotiating with Columbia Records I -therefore help eliminate this head- 30-day 'leave' after, which they will own song. The first Victor record so far has sold 287.000 platters.

to siqn Hie Dell outfit for li*hl- ache.

be -'.reassigned, probably to playing

Presumably, the Philadelphia Or- camps in this country. From down-under in Australia, last week, nuisic man Ray Walker heard
classical discs. Situation is burning
chestra Assn. was not consulted in for l^e first time in more than 20 years from an old friend of World War I
the Philadelphia Orchestra Assn..
the Dell-Columbia deal. It's known days. Bob Geraghty. \ .

which has no connection with the j the America Federation of
i .

During the last war Walker mel Geraghty in Paris, caught up with him
Doll itroup. It seems that with the Musicians' Philly was ap-
exception of three or four "first"
proached by Dell people and gave Palladium Still later in Cbblenz, Germany, then lost sigh! of him. In a letter to Walker
last week, Geraghty reported thai for last seven years he has been general
men. all musicians in. both bands are I
approval to the deal so long as it manager of Cremorne theatre in Brisbane, which he operates with Will
Identical. And the Phila. Assn. out- did not infringe on the Philadelphia Mahoney. the comedian. Geraghty wrote to Walker after seeing hitler's
fit already is under contract to Co-
Orchestra's rcpevtory. It's rumored,
loo, that Philadelphia Orchestra ot-
Beefing About ad in "Variety."
lumbia for serious works, having
moved to CRC last year after 30 i
ticials have protested to na- AFM Idea of Harry James resuming theatre work during his eastern dales
tional headquarters, results not
years with RCA-Victor. thiscoming summer was broached to the leader by Music Corp. of America
ASCAP Charges

Philadelphia Orchestra people are known. execs recently and drefv his usual negative reaction.

worried about the Assn's. prestige, Philadelphia Orchestra and Dell

James will play the Aslor hotel, N. Y., opening around mid-June: then
and 'repertory, if the Dell group cuts managements are distinct, with cool Hollywood, April 17. Frank Dailey's Meadowbrook in Jersey. one-ni;hters and a couple weeks
feelings existing between trTcm. Dell
for Columbia and also are bothered at the Sherman hotel, Chicago. After that he icturns west and may not

uses the orch players for a brief Maurice Cohen, operator of the
over whether the sales of its own Palladium daiicery. filed a second

come back for dates. Last year he told friends his trip east this year
band's 'discs will be hurt. Another seven- week al fresco summer season. \

' objection to the size of the license I

would be his last.
point that they're not happy about '

levied by ASCAP. asserting

is the fact that royalties from disc j irniin*>P PiniTAIhITr that the $3,000 annual bile is oiil of

Intra-trade politics highlighted the nuptials of a Bourne. Inc.. lelcphon-

sales of the orchestra under the Dell ftKUlA d tArllUL VAIL line with the amount extracted from iste, attended by both the~Saul BornsfeinT and Irvinig Berlin factions. When
name will go to the Dell manage- ,»-.'. mr « > the Aragon and Trianon. Chicago the string ensemble started playing "Always'' and "A Pretty Girl Is Like a
men, and not Into their own kitty, Melody," both Berlin songs. Bornstein at first thought it was a new kind
despite the fact the same musicians j THREATENED BY l'A ballrooms rated in the' same class as
of musical rib, but later joined in the merriment at the curious coincidence
the Palladium.
are involved. Dell people are known Gene Krupa has been placed in of the tunes.
1-A by his local Chicago draft board Cohen's first protest, filed with
and has been advised -"of-imminerit" Jlichard .1.. Powers, chief of ASCAP's Lester Sacks, who took over as professional manager of the new Stand-'
induction. His case is on appeal with Coast
office and later with New
wood Music Co. as of last Monday <16>. is new to the music business.
TOP HIT OF YISTEXOAY the Illinois State Selective Service
York, resulted in the information that
Brother of Manie Sacks. Columbia Recording Co. executive in N. Y he
Director, only so that he can fulfill, he was licensed according to estab- .

lished tables and was not being dis-

was formerly merchandising manager .of Lit Bros.' department store in

• •Ht rONUt it's emphasized, the forthcoming


Capitol theatre. N. Y.. date.

Capitol date is set for late in May
criminated against. Cohen wants to
know- why he must pay three grand

or early June, his second appearance

while the combined Aragon and Tri- Davis Allen replaced Don D'Arcy
at that house with his current band.
anon pay only $2,200. T.D.'s Waltz Album with Boyd Raeburn's orchestra at
Since Feb. 1. Cohen has refused fo Tommy Dorsey 's
orchestra, aug-
make his ASCAP His
the New Yorker hotel. N. Y.
mented by extra strings; re-
limit of non-payment is June 1: After corded a group of waltzes for RCA-
Slow Advance Sale that time, if he is not paid up. Victor last week in N. Y. for release
ASCAP can sue for copyright in- in album form. It's Dorsey's initial
For Pluggers' Concert fringement on every tune written by attempt at jjich material. In the s~w\s%"»-'':
a Society-member and played in the past, however, he has made special
Music Publishers Contact Em-
ployees Union is worried about the hoofery. things for Victor's Red Sc\l label.
progress of ticket sales for its an- Waltzes' cut last week included DUKE ELLINGTON
nual affair, set for April 28 at Car- such things as "Tales of the Vienna
negie Hall. N. Y. With the show- Woods." With the nine added Aid Other Fame-is
Frolics, Miami, Already Orchestra leaders
only 12 days away, the house is only strings,Dorsey used 34 pieces in-
about 50% sold out of a possible cluding his own trombone. INo this 3xB VJ3UAI. rscoid
gross of $13,000 or thereabouts, and
Booking for '46 Season of nnnif hits of over 130 iiuli-
tixh.'i-s, plus old' fnvorlles.
a meeting of MPCE
jjfflcials. was Frolics, Miami, name band nilery,
duties lead sheets mid lytic*

called for past Monday (16) to dis- which finished a month or so ago Selvin Majestic Adviser or chorus. SAMPLKS

cuss the situation. its most profitable season to date, is Ben Selvin. director of artists and
So far, the journal attendant to all already booking for next year. S|>ot repertoire for Muzak recordings in IKK)
union affairs such as this has piled has so far set Sammy Kaye for the
up a considerable amount. Almost same period in 1946 as he played the
N. Y., has been hired by Majestic
Records to act in an advisory ca-
N>» York 16 TUNE-DEX
$13,000 is already in the kitty from past winter (February-early March).
, pacity in the recording of light
|5; fa/;»w'infyt <^{f*?fflftrf mi) advertising, etc. Woody Herman negotiating;
js he classical material. He acts In the
«sno*n>eflti cofitacl S^ontkw Merrill to Solo has never played the spot. same capacity for all recordings

"E*#ott<rtton ^Dijw^«*»^ - In* - Robert Merrill, 27-year-old winner Flagler's Gardens, also in Miami, done by. WOR, N. Y„ for its "Fea- Sally Is So Sweet to Me
of recent Metopera audition contests, which at one time ran opposition to ture" label.
«l« 3, PHIL KORNHaSfft, Mon- Selvin retains his Muzak post. l.vrlin, Miiftlo and Publlnhnl h»
will appear with the Waring organi- the -Frolics,did not operate with
zation at Carnegje Hall. K. Y. (28); name bands the past season.- Its CAREL ALBRIGHT
Orel* He'll solo for preem of Norman Dello plans for next are uncertain. At -
Milt Rosen assigned as musical di- ISOt nrnnswlolt Slrml
Joio'ssymphony based on Stephen one time the two were bidding rector on "Shady Lady" at Univer- BALTIMORE 23, MARYLAND
Vincent Benet's "Western Star" against one another for talent. sal.



To Be Released Soon LES Columbia Reeord

BROADWAY MUSIC CORP. NEMO ROTH, Prof. Mgr. 1619 Broadway, New York 19, N Y.




BARTON MUSIC CORP. Chirlli Ross, Gin. Prof. Mgr. 1619 Brtaiway, New York 19, N. Y.
.Wednesday, April 18, 1945 S8TRAS-MU8IC 41

Paine in England
Minor Network of Plug Exchanges John G. Paine, general manager Combine Headed by Moe Gale Setting
of the American Society of Com-
posers, Authors and Publishers, and

By Lesser Maestros Burn Publishers Herman Finkelstein, attorney, ar-

rived in England Monaay (16) for Up New Rack String; Buy Out Olman
conferences with the Performing
Music publishers are currently A combine headed by Moe Gale,
Rights Society.
steaming over what they term the Pair left N. Y. for Washington last who s is now a partner in the opera-
"minor network of plug exchanges" Robert L Murray's Thursday (12) and went from there Cuffo Band Dances Again tion of Advanced Music, a Warner
by Clipper. Bros, subsidiary, has bought out at-
now being worked by deader? of torney Chauncey Olman's interest in-
lesser-known bands slnce^the curfew
Estate Goes to Widow Set for N. Y. Parks
the rack venture he and Barney

them on the air. 'Pubs claim Mrs. H. A. -Murray,,, widow of the Consolidated Edison will renew
put .
Young have recently attempted to
Robert L. Murray, director of
late again this summer the cuffo name
it's difficult enough to get plugs start. Within the next couple of
public relations for the American
v>hat with the greater majority of Society of Composers, Authors and
Reserves Decish band dances it has sponsored in weeks, as soon as a batch of 10,000
N. Y. public parks for the past two racks can be secured for placement,
top names interested in pushing Publishers, receives .his entire estate, years'. Company has contracted for the newest string of racks will be
songs marketed by firms of their according to his will filed in Sur- 54 dates in Central Park, Prospect placed in operation. They will be
On BMI-Marks

rogates Court, N. Y., last week. Park, various playgrounds, etc., all
own, without having to contend with serviced by American News Co.
Estate value is said to be within booked through General Amusement
non-names doing the same thing; Ypunff, a war vet. formerly with
$5,000,. including a small farm in Justice Ferdinand C. Pecora yes- Corp., which has an exclusive on Gem Music, launched the idea of a
Since the curfew, there have .been Vermont. Murray died Feb. 10 in terday (Tues.) reserved decision in them. string of racks four or five weeks
fewer programs out of N. Y. and Montreal while on a business trip the Broadcast Music-E. B. Marks Dates begin June 20, with opening ago, presumably due. to reports of
more from, midwest spots. It turns for ASCAP.

suit against the American Society of band yet to be selected. how well the long-established string
out that many of the maestros now Composers, Authors and Publish- operated by International Circula-
ers. However, in an unusual pro- tion was going. This string, super-
benefiting from this arrangement,
most of whom have had very little Feist May Buy cedure, Pecora stipulated the date
and time he will deliver a decision.
vised by the music publishers them-

air lime pre-curfew, also have a

piece of a music Arm or have "rela-
It's to be at 10 a.m. April' 25 in
Supreme Court, N. Y.\ where the
AFM Offers New selves through the Music Publishers
Protective Assn., now places initial
order for music in excess of 118,000,
And case was which means a lot to a publisher
tives" with a song, etc. they
Variety Music tried.
Attorneys for BMI and ASCAP starting a song. Each song, placed
have. lost no. time in aping the top-
name practice of exchanging plugs. Leo Feist, Inc., may buy Variety
didn't complete their summation of
the case until yesterday (Tues.). It
Disc Pact Form on these racks is selected on the
basis of requests from jobbers as a
Music Corp. and use it as a sub-
originally was to have been done American Federation of Musicians result of which the tune achieves a
sidiary for Metro Almusical scores.
Friday (13), but the death of Presi- has drawn up a standard form of
PRESS GETS BRUSHOFF Variety Music is owned by Arthur
dent Roosevelt set it back until Mon- contract for use between artists and
position among the first 20 "best
Freed, Metro's No. 1 musical pro- recording
day. When the attorneys finished companies. This is the Young had considerable trouble
ASTOSCCOMESTO L.A. ducer, and operated by his brother
summing-up, Pecora commended first time the union has suggested securing deals for music with pub-
Hugo Freed. lis bulwark is the old
Los Angeles, April 17. both sides for their preparation and any definite form of contract for the lishers. The majority of them were
Jacobs (Boston) band music catalog. recording
Arluro Toscanini, arriving in conduct during the trial. field; heretofore each com- reluctant to go into another rack
With the many M-G. pix on the
Southern California for the first time It had been expected, that Pecora pany had its own individual style venture, fearing an improperly su-
horizoiv, Harry Link favors a subr
in years, landed in a mess of discord would deliver a decision immediate- of agreement peculiar to each meth- pervised string might interfere with
sidiary outfit to handle the plussage. od of operation. New pacts are not
the moment he stepped off the train ly after the sum-up. the INT operation to the point
Arrival was accom-
Otherwise some of it may be segued BMI-Marks suit vs. ASCAP is over necessarily on AFM stationery,
at Pasadena.
into the Miller Music catalog, such
where its value would be destroyed.
panied by an announcement by Wil- the latter's claim of rights to tunes however. Another angle was the shortage of
as ."Anchors Aweigh," "Weekend at
frid H. Davis, manager of the Los. in tlfe Marks catalog, which over During last week, when, news of
, paper; they couldn't see at this time
the Waldorf" or "The Harvey Girls."
Angeles Symphony orchestra: four years ago was withdrawn from the new contracts was * circulated,
cooperating with something that
First two, however, probably will
"Toscanini is not sneaking today." ASCAP and leased to BMI on a per- there were reports of strong objec- wasn't established and chance size-
When Howard Bellew, newspaper retain the Feist Imprint. forming rights basis for the sum of tions by individual companies to able returns (INT %
of returns Is
photographer, aimed his lens at the $200,000 annually for five years. certain clauses. After investigation, less than 10%).
conductor, he and the camera' were GOULD TO REJOIN BURTON ASCAP contends that it still has a not one company could be found who Due to this publisher reaction,'
conducted forcibly out of range by a David Gould, formerly associated hold on the songs in the Marks would admit negative reactions to Young did not make one deal for
couple of bodyguards who destroyed with Bill Burton in the letter's man- catalog which were written or col- anything. Some claimed they hadn't music. None has been negotiated

installations, such as flashlight bulbs. agement agency,. will rejoin Burton laborated v\on by writers then even, seen a copy. In most cases yet by the new group headed by
Police quelled further rough stuff. on the Coast next month at which members of ASCAP. they were still in the hands of at- Gale, although they" are confident

time the agency will be expanded. torneys, who were, studying them. that the same barriers that faced
Sammy Kaye'a orch plays a pri- Gould leaves N. Y. May' 2. Jimmy McHufh and Harold Ken Rains, attorney for Columbia Young will melt away.
vate party in Erie, Pa., June 12, for Since Burton broke up his N. Y. Adamson have written' a tune titled Records, helped the union promul-
which it's drawing $4,000 flat, the office about a year ago to remain
' "There's a New Flag on Iwo Jima." gate the new agreement. His work Leenard Saea writing a book on
most coin for such a date the outfit on the Coast, Gould has been in Pair also wrote "Comin' In On a with the union was strictly in behalf trumpet improvisations, to be pub-
has ever gotten.. another field. Wing and a Prayer." of CRC, it's explained. lished by Robbins Music.
j . . . ....,
, . .

Wednesday, April 18, 19 IS


10 Best Sellers on Coin-Machines

10 Best Sheet SeDers
(Week Enditto, April 14)
Bands at Hotel B.O.'s
Dreams Getting Better. . .San tly ITaeks
Corrr* TelMl
Brown .Columbia runt
„ .. \ L(;s .......
I'm Beginning See Light. .Grand Bond Hot.l Plnyad «'wk On Hutu
1. My Dreams Getting Better <8> (Santly>. Lol ,j s prima ... ........Hit Candy .Feist

.Lexington (300; 75c-$1.50). 26

j ;
Hal Alonia*. . , . . t825 46.275
Dream ..Capitol Boyd Baeburh. .New Yorker (400, $1-$1.50). .. 3 t850 4,475
„ >. j.. 1 Harry James ... .Columbia
Prayer Away Shapiro

Tin Beginning to See Light (7j (Grand!..


Victor Just Jimmy .Dorsey . Pennsylvania (500; $1-$1.50) . .. 9 tl,875 40.675
I. Dilkc Eninelon

Little On Lonely Side-Advanced Leo Reisman* . . .Waldorf (950; $2). .. ..20 tl.32.1 58.100
( Dinah Shore . . . . .. ..Victor All of My Life. .Berlin George Paxton. .Lincoln (275: $1-$1.50) .. 8 t550 8,725
>. Candy (+r (Feist V .Capitol Laura ..Bobbins Roosevelt (400; $i-$1.50)... ..29
pj cct pipev.v Giiy Lombardo. tl.075
. ...
i. ;

.Columbia I Should Care ....... .Dorsey Hal Mclntyre. . .Commodore (400; $1-$1,50). .. 2 teoo 3,250
On Lonely Side (9! (Advanced i. Frankie Carte . ;

Belong to My Heart
4. Little, .
Les Bvown ..Columbia
5. Sentimental Journey (41 '(Morris > . . . . . .
. ;

\ Tommy Dorsey . . .. Victor Asterisks indicate a supporting floor show.

* NtW Yorker, has ice show.
More and More (T. B. HarmsVs ..... co m o. Lexiiiglon. Bill more.. Hawaiian floor shows,
6. (6> |"p cny ... Victor
ARMY BUYING 2D HAND t 4 dnys. t 3 days.
7. Saturday Night Is Loneliest (111 (Barton). Frank Sinatra . .

8. Rum and Coca-Cola (14i (Feist >....... Andrews Sisters ..... .Decca HORNS FOR O'SEAS USE Los Angeles
\ Freddie Martin. .. .. ..Victor Boston. April 17 Freddy Martin (Ambassador; 900; $1-$1.50). Kept up to solid 4,200 tabs
Dream (1) (Capitol? Army have heen buying
9. •

pj d pipers...., .... .Capitol b Ulcers
up musical instruments "Anything
— bv not closing Saturday night.
Joe Reiehman (Billmore; 900: $1-$1.50\. Blacked out Saturday night to
Away Bing Crosby .Decca
10. Just Prayer (1) (Shapiro) that will blare or bleat"— paying honor President Roosevelt and still had '3,500 covers.

anywhere from $20 to $350 per in-

strument, to be shipped overseas.
Officers picked up about 700 in
slrumcnls in one week here. Buddy Franklin (New Walnut Room, Bismarck hotel: 465; $1.50-$2.5I)
mih.V Pi es Roosevelt's death cued drop to 2,100 for Franklin and Enrica

& Novello.
Bob Grant (Empire Room. Palmer House; 700; $3-$3.50 miiD. Hilde-
Hampton's Carnegie Hall garde moves out Wednesday U81; she and Grant got only 7,200 last week.
Dick LaSalle (Mayfair Room, Blackslone hotel; 465; $2.50 min.). Here,
as elsewhere, a couple of shows were dropped, with a sparse 1,700 for
Lionel Hampton's concert at Car-
negie Hall, N. Y.. in conjunction
Georgie Price and LaSalle.
Tony Pastor (Panther Room, Sherman hotel; 950; $1.50-$2.50 min.). Pas
with Esquire magazine, which re- lor. skedded to open Friday (13 ) following Woody .Herman, postponed It

cently rated Hampton's outfit trie - to Saturday (14) when FDR news came in. A mere 3,600.
"New Band of the Year." drew a ted Weems (Boulevard Room, Stevens hotel; 650; $3-$3:50 niiii.'*. Not
house Sunday night (15) that was bad, considering.' Wcems and show including Con. Collcanp. Three Sailors,
over 80% of capacity. Slightly over etc., got 4.500.
$5,000 was grossed, most of which
wiil be divided up between various
charity organizations. Location Jobs, Not in Hotels
Hampton's band, one of the most (Los Angeles) :

Frankie Carle (Palladium. B. Hollywood, fourth week). Kept open alt

AND ON SOME OF THE entertaining in the business, staged
a .show that had staid Carnegie week and strong 28.000 admishes registered.
rocking like a boat. With such Jan Garber (Trianon, B, South Gale, fourth week). Still climbing with
GREATEST RECORDS EVER.. things as "Hamp's Boogie-Woogie"' 8.750 ticket buyers.
and "Flying Home." standbys of the
Lelghton Noble (Slapsy Maxie's. N, Los Angeles, 18th week). Closed


band, the joint was jumping, to say Thursday night and got plenty of coin with 4,600 Entrants. :

the least. Interspersed were ar- Carlos Molina. King Cole Trio (Trocadero, N, Hollywood, fourth week).
rangements which called for the in-
Good 4^000 tabs on the stanza.
clusion of 34 strings, rehearsed and
handled by Eddie South. In addi- (Chicago)
tion to the long list of band num- Gay Claridee (Che/. Paree; 650; $3-$3.50. min.). Dull here, loo. although
bers, Hampton spotlighted numerous wasn't as bad as it
4.000 for Clarldge, Willie Shore and Connie Russell
personalities from within the or-
might have been. ..

chestra, including Arnette Cobbs, resulled

Del Courtnev (Blackhawk; 500: $l-$2.50 min.). Cancellations
tenor sax; Herbie Fields, ditto; sing- Simpson's Marionettes.
drop to 3,200 for Courtney, Whltey Roberts and
ers Rubel Blakely and Dinah Wash-
ngton, who did "Evil Gal Blues"
and "Blowtop Blues," both with
Leonard Feather, their composer, on CINCY AFM SETTLES Top Tones tor Ton Books
piano. .

An All-Time FavoriU
For a band concert of. this type, SPANKED MEMBER'S
the show was unusually well pro-
duced. Excellent lighting by Leo
Cincinnati. April 17. I CAN'T BELIEVE
An out-of-court settlement was
lyric by Music by
Morgan, Strand theatre, N. Y., pro-
ducer, rated a nod. Only shortcom- reached April 10 in the suit of Wil-
ing of the evening was a mike sys- liam M. Knox, Cincy Symphony or-
tem that insisted on frequently, mis-
violinist for 27 years, against
the Cincy AFM local. He had eued Music by .

Robbins' Billy Rose Folio

for reinstaiemenl,
and a restrainer against final eollfc-
damages of $5,000
Publlahad by
Recordings by Robbins Music is getting out a tlon of $2,000 of a $2,500 fine assessed
Billy Rose "Diamond Horseshoe" by the union for his alleged .inter-
folio, to. tie in with the 2*0th-Fox ference las\ year with' negotiations
film's bally. This is separate and between the orchestra and manage-

COUNT BASIE (Columbia) apart from the Mack Gordon-Harry

Warren score in the film which
ment for a wage
Case was to have been heard that

leas Court.
Bregman-Vbcdo-Conn is publishing. day in
Knox it was an-
gels his job back,
Rose wanted- to include "That Old aaaai

(Columbia) Gang of Mine," a Bourne copyright, nounced, but other terms of the »•••••••
• ••••• aj
In the folio, but Saul H. Bornstein
refused to relinquish the copyright
agreement were nqjt disclosed. Ha
was represented by Clare G, Yar-
> •a•aa M ALL OR
a aa

wpod. local attorney; Joseph Pad- » a a a ai
for a competitive publisher.
way, chief counsel for tha American
f ederation of Labor, represented the
a a a • «.
iaa• •a
Art Franklin Better union.
I a a a a a.
Hollywood, April 17. One report had

GLEN GRAY (Decca) Arthur Franklin is reported im-
proving at Cedars of Lebanon. Para-
that the settle-
ment called for refunds of fines paid
by Knox and other members of tha

mount musical director and adviser orchestra, which totaled close to *

uibi muiic coireiATioN
collapsed over the .weekend and was
critically ill for a short time.
$5,000. One of the fined members is
Eugene Goossens, director, who paid NIW VMK • CHICAOO HCrtlYWOOP
Nurses report his condition better $1,250 and' was suspended for three
now. - .

LOUIS PRIMA (Majestic)

Chelsea •
Viking •


Announce Their Removal to Larger Quarters At


ClreU 5-7181

TRIANGLE MUSIC CORP* Chelsea Viking Saunders
Hollywood— NAT FREYER Hollywood— MAC GREEN Hollywood— HARRY HUME
Weil Coast Voder lite. Direction of ART SCHWARTZ
, , — .

Wednesday, April 18, 1.945 VAUDEVILLE 49

Shel?ey Back East Palace, Cleve., to Drop

$125 Act Asking 1G
Hollywood, April 17.
Matt Shelvy, AGVA- Chief, left

Stage Shows for Wks. 6

MCA Squeeze Play on N. Y. Hotels
here for San Francisco last night
Unless talent with sufficient b.o,
After Fill-In Date
(16) after completing six days of
confabs here. strength becomes available to it. In Stressing Carnival and 400 As
Shclvey huddled with Florine Palace theatre, Cleveland, will drop
Typical of soaring salary demands Bale, Coast AGVA head. He stops stageshows for around six weeks
If the $1,000
weekly the William in Chicago enroute back to New
Morris office is reported asking for York.
starting, May 10. Step was taken by
Profit-Making Orchestra
Pearl Bailey, colored singer, on the the RKO booking office after survey
basis of a fill-in date she played re- indicated nothing strong enough to Music Corp. of America Is at- has openly stated that it doesn't In-
cently at the Strand theatre, N. V. tempting to interest its best names in tend to buck the 400 or any other
All CoL Suburb Cafes
during and carry the house' May.
playing the Carnival Room, N. Y., and

She may settle for $750.

June. House will operate on
a emphasize the spot more as a band N. Y. spot of the same type. Its of-
When Tharpe took ill on
the current Cab Calloway show at
Get In Extra Hour Of straight pic policy. job than as nightclub' booking. In ficialshave said they will book
St. Charles also will close for the the event MCA succeeds smaller bands and rely on the ice
the Strand, Miss Bailey was rushed in inducing
the Blue An- Biz on Time Differential summer May 1. House,' operated by any of its top names to play the spot show. Other hotels that rely only
In. She doubled from
Harold Minsky, has no air-con- it will put a squeeze on N. Y. hotels on their bands and have no floor
gel. N. Y. nitery, for the few days Columbus, April
O., 17. ditioning system and will reopen in that unquestionably will have a ma- show, such as the Pennsylvania, will
lister Tharpe was out. Miss Bailey Justifying their decision to remain
has been getting $125 the Fall. jor effect on MCA's dealings with not be in as comfortable a position.
reportedly open an hour later than Columbus
weekly at the Blue Angel. It's now establishments, night clubs in Frank-
those rooms, • The 400 Club will close down for
being negotiated for her to tour for lin county, outside the city limits,
MCA has an exclusive on the 400 the summer after Benny Goodman'*
several weeks with Calloway In 'the- Club, which Tommy -Dorsey's or- date (he follows current Duke El-
have gotten a ruling that the curfew
atres following the Strand date,
must be; observed according to the AGVA Stalls Parchestra launched successfully Feb. lington). It reopens Sept. 6 with

probably at about $750. Miss Bailey 16. Not given much ot a chance, by Gene.Krupa. His is the only band
time prevailing in the locality where
is a sister of hoofer Bill Bailey. so-called wiser heads when it opened, definitely set for the fall. Sammy
the establishment is located. Group
the place ha's continued to do good Kaye may follow, then Tommy •

decided that since outside of Colum-

bus the county is observing state Deal for Russell business despite the curfew, and
offering important money
it is
to all top
ways 9 time, that time would govern their
AL W^J; ROBERTS curfew. As a le.suit county night

American Guild of .Variety Art- names money they can't turn down ft t f .

ists, in an unprecedented move, ad-

in favor of playing a N. Y. hotel
clubs will close at 1 a.m. Columbus
Havlaa Appaored la Soma of tea vised Paramount theatre. N. Y.. where the payoff isn't near as high.
time, giving lategoers an extra hour
Leading Nit* Clabs la the Coaatry booking officials last week, to halt In the event MCA gets top names
of amusement.
Such At: Ralph E. Gabele. area direc- WMC negotiations with the William Morris into'the Carnival, Ihey will have the
agency for singer Andy Russell until hotels between that and the 400 and
Latin Quarter. Boiton Glau Hat. N. V. tor, had earlier appealed to opera- . "Ifce
the contractual difficulties will be in a position to exert pres-
Last frontier. I VaQM Bowery. Dat. tors of county liquor places to volun- latter's
LMkout Hoult. Clan. Waltta flaaf, Phil.
tarily, close at Columbus with General Amus. Corp. were
midnight, set-
sure that's likely to give opportunity HEIFETZ
Latin Quarter. Chi. El Marrae*. Mantraal to lesser maestros under their man-
under contract
GMan Roud.. Clnn.
100 Club. Dei Mclnet
Traeadtra. Rffila
Lake Club, Sprlnafltld
time. Meanwhile, Robert Son n gen tled.
stale liquor director, said that the
stale can enforce the' curlew only by
recently notified Ihe agency
the agreement between them
New Yorker

hotel, N. Y., for one,

of tea

MTar*«ry Wcllea '

New ea 5th watt, tlachbowk, Chi. state, time, and could not force the was no longer' in force and subset

a* tbe Mana
Klartlna April 25. Latin Quarter, l)et.
Franklin county spots to close when
Columbus establishments do.
quently signed with Morris. This
followed a lew weeks after Sam 'GIRLS' TO BE LEFT BY A
Steifel, who also handles Mickey
Rodney, bought out from Bob Moss, MALE COMICS FOR YAUDE
a 50%
in the singer for
Male comedy leads in Al Borde's N
Morris immediately began submit- "Follow the. Girls" will leave the
Philadelphia, April 17,
the singer for dales and the
action followed. None of the
lcgiter in favor of
1, when
tracts expire.
after June
other talent unions under .whose con-
The old Trocadero theatre, Phill-y's
tracts Russell was lied to GAC Jackie Gleason has been set at the

REGAN last burlesque house, was ordered

closed Friday <13> by Director of
Public Safety James H. Malone, after
(AFRA, SAG hav; so far interfered

with Morris' new pact with the sing-

er, possibly because he hasn't been
Roxy, N. Y., at $3,000 weekly, to be,
played sometime during the sum-
mer. Tim Herbert will also play


I'oBilc-Sullrliit a minister had complained about the
offered for sale by the agency in some vaude houses. So far he's been
t'ONCI.IJDBD "lewdness and obscenity" and espe- STATE. N. Y,
S WKKS cially about the strippers.
those fields. -

Russell's dispute with GAC will go

committed to play out an old con-
tract he has with the Paramount, THURSDAY
CAPITOL.' NEW YORK The ''Troc" — as it's known locally
An attempt is now N. Y. Starting date hasn't been set.

Rnaaaenirat After
— is operated by Iz/.y Hirst, who also
to arbitration.
being made to bring AGVA. AFRA ,
Buster West is readying to go out
heads a chain of burley houses in Thanl4A fu Jena* K*y«
I1SO Orerwaii Toar
the east and middle west.
and SAG into the one proceeding as a single. His" wife and former ,

Mft. S. V JohD Singer

MCA rather than conduct three separate vaude partner, Lucille Paige, will

Minister Rev. E. A. E. Palmquisr,

exec; sec. of Ihe Philadelphia Fed-
eration of Churches, saw a show with
arbitration meetings with each tal-
ent union.
remain in "Hats Off to ice" at the
Center theatre, N. Y. He's being
submitted at $1,500.

Hollywood— Harry Moon
» !
PERFORMERS ROW IN a private investigator.
"It was obscenity itself." Dr. Palm-
No replacements have been set
yet for "Girls" although Ross Wyse, JOE E. LEWIS
ARMED FORCES quist told Malone. "The jokes were Joan Merrill to Yaude Jr., AI Norman and Charley Kemp-
If yea ar* In Special Hervlrea or not suggcslive, putrid and rotten. The
Joan Merrill is being submitted ner are being negotiated for by PHIL OHMAH
far imnmllata tine or pokt-war return gestures were suggestive, the dancers
to aHow bliKlaeiiai. for vaudehouses following comple- Borde. « ORCHESTRA
were scantily clothed. The strip
Hera li a Service Yoa'll Always tion of her stint on the. Edgar
teasers strip leased with a ven H. D. HOVER
Waat Bergen show. Duncan Slstera are set for the
Music Corp. of America is lining Troika, -Washington, starting Aprjl
MM Buaact Blri
PUN-MASTER GAG FILES After the house was. ordered
up the dates. 26. ;
Hollywaod it,
Contain Modrra Comedy Material (or closed, Jules Aifiss. manager, offered
AH Type Perfermera 1
to- allow Dr. Palmquisl to censor a
Hitch Sorljit 4.'6ataloi
Sare-FIre Gatv—(1.05
new show opening Friday >20) but
Not I Tkra 10 New Raae>
Make «:herka Payable to
clergyman' refused. Closing
put 30 chorus girls, stage
rAUI.A rlMll'JI

. Mall to "PuB-Ma*ter"
W. Mth 8*„ New York Cltj 1», N.I.
hands, musicians and other personnel
out of work. Headliners at the^show
closed were Winnie Garrett and
Frankie Lack.
The Troc opened in 1870 as Sim-'
mon.s and Slocum's Opera House. It
CAPPELUU PATRICIA housed several minstrel units until
'« :

1003. when it got its present name

:f ''.:M?#'';;:il
Jatf Cle*atl Ai and became a hurley establishment.
OWERY. Detroit '
Gypsy Dickers Detroit
Now HELD OVER Latin Quarter at $4,500
Twa More Waalu Negotiations are on for one of
Gypsy Rose Lees infrequent nitery
NICOLLET HOTEL dales. Deal is in the works for the

* IT S TIME f O*
to play the Latin Quarter. De-
troit, date, to be set. at $4,500. Pact
not yet inked.
Miss Lee Is currently playing
Anything C.un Happen
HANLON Thank* to Harbcrt Jocoby of the Bluo Anool
for a juit-completed four month •ngag«tn«nt

* rimai Witkly
Won. thru fri. 9 i
CLARK Decca Records won to be released
Sunday I P. A •two <:r azy pkopi.e" "Lass With the Delicate Air"
and "Grandfather's Clock"
2ln WCtK .


Exclusive Management
2I'.!!J ,,KA , B, «! A »' «:OHTl'MKK ANli
' '



3» Wait 34Hi Street

2.-,-^l-K Mill
.Sidney Ascher, Publicity

Koum M'J— I.O. u-MM lj>n c iKlnnil « ll.» I. .V. I.

— "

Wednesday, April 18. I'M 3

Merman ttylt of *ong aellmg.
(She even looks somewhat like Mer- Saranac Lake Belle Baker to Latin
Night Chib Reviews man). Her tunepacket include* "St.
Louis Blues," "Accentuate the Posi-
By HIM? Seaway'
Quarter. N. Yn in June,
tive," "If I Cared," "Saturday Saranac, N. Y., April 17.
really sends 'cm. Off to a slow start among After playing a return date at the
Rio tabaaa, Chi with a reprisal of preceding acts in
Night," others.
Terry Regis, cute brunette, warbles Will Rogers, Joe Dabrowski, Warner 1st B'way Nitery mYrs.
Chicago, April 13-. gag about a general
Naldi, Lenny Kent,
doubletalk, a flat I Wanna Get Married" in ingrati- cashier, was handed his all clear
Mary Raye & and a and "True, Mon,
private, ating fashion, winding up her stint papers. Ditto Jerry Rosenberg, child Belle Baker will play her first
To?ii Lau«, Barbara Blaine, Dorolhy True," Calypsong with too many with neat bit of hoofing. Broadway nitery engagement in sev-
Line (6), Cee Davidson * -

gorben verses, he finally hits his stride in Lynch has corralled a line of eight Lee Klemick. who graduated here
rch (8); $2.50-$3.50 minimum. takeoffs on various types of rhumba- lookers who can dance. The gals, some time ago, shot in for general eral years when she opens at the
addicts. decked out in eye-filling costumes, checkup, got an all-lear and left for Latin Quarter sometime around the
Spot was only about two-thirds Guy does some wicked, incisive click in their production numbers. home.
filled at the opener, to cue what hap- impreshes of rhuinband leaders a la Music is purveyed—and good by Vera —
Annacone, legit actress, end of June. She'll head an entirely
pens when you put on a new show Cugat; dramatic Latin serenaders, a Eddie DeLuca's boys. Room ca- checked in at the Rogers for rest new show which so far includes
on Friday the 13th—and a day after la Miguelito Valdez; Miranda-type pacity-fiUed when caught. Shot. rouine and general checkup.
the President died at that. To top purveyors of "Mama Eu Quero";
Ming Ling and Hu Shee, Noel Toy
After taking the Manaldi treat-
it all off, Naldi of the Mary
Kaye Carmen Amaya, announced (with ment, Sig Mealy was handed a gen-
and Billy Wells and the Four Fays.
and Naldi ballroom duo busted a rib much stamping) as the "Spanish Village Sara, IV- V. eral O.K. Miss Baker's Broadway appear-
during one of his lifts at the early Molly Picon," and some "Balinese Ann Comerford and Isabelle Rook ances, in recent years, have been at
Bill Acorn, Moore Sifters (3), AI
show and wound up in the hospital, hillbillies," meaning the Jack Cole
thereby having to bow out of the Dancers. Singsong version of "Tux Robinson, Tiny VJark. Eddie Ash- received their go-home papers last' Loew's State.
last show. man's Orch (7): $1 -$2.50 minimum. week.
edo Junction" and comedy tap top
Dance team and Lenny Kent, mak-. off a begoff stint. Eddie Slagus upped for mild exer-
ing his first local appearance since Barbara Blaine, in deuce spot, also Rural atmosphere of. this place,
hit Army discharge, share honors iipa scores with some fancy twirltaps, superintended in pleasant' homey Dorothy Martin cheered plenty by
layout that's topheavy with terping. high kicks, backbend taps and taps fashion by Tiny Clark as emcee, and surprise visit from her /oiks.
Hollywood, April IT.
Team do boffo routine, including on one foot, followed by a fast the good music of Eddie Ashman's Nate Mulroy, formerly of Benway Metro handed Carlos Ramirez
"Moonlight Sonata," two Latin twirls, boogie stint. Toni Lane, however, ensemble, put the customers who Si Mulroy, has recovered from recent leave of absence for eight weeks to
Viennese waltz and "Beguine," with isn't heavy enough in either the gave the spot capacity attendance illness and back on the job at the
latter dance nicely done despite vocal or personality dept. to sell on night caught 111) in receptive Chicago Daily. News. open the new Rio de Janeiro hotspot,
broken rib suffered by Naldi in one some weak material, including mood. Result was that two of the Casino Iquitandinea, next month.
of the tangoes, to top hand of the "Mama Eu Quero." "It Had to. Be three acts got good hands, showing Henry Hudson bedded again after,
•vening— top, that is, till Kent lakes You," "Don't Fence Me In," "Rum that guesters were adequate for the serious setback. ' Baritone will complete his film
•ver. (Write to tbos* who are 111.) role in "Early to Wed" before flying
and Coke," and a jazzed-up "Lover, place.
Comic, in nent-to-closlng spot, Come Back to Me." The Ashman dance music is tops
. south.
Dorothy Dorben's Bio Cabana throughout. Clark docs a good job
Lovelies, who still hold the title of when he supervises the square
best-looking, best-dressed line in dancing and puts customers through
Lena Home Booking

town, caper piquantly in a light rural games which the trade found
weight routine to open, in which thoroughly enjoyable. Negro Houses for 1st
they're garbed In smart, exagger- Al Robinson, ventriloquist, knows,
ated street outfits, and a medley from how to handle his voice, but lacks
"Up in Central Park" to close, com- potent material. His audience rib- Time; IOC's A", in DeL
eockimc- me t
plete with bustles and parasols. Cee bing doesn't quite come off either.
Davidson, orch leader, doubles as Bill Acorn and Moore Sisters, de-
Lena Home will play
sepia house since hitting
emcee, and gives a good account of tailed in New Acts, fitted in much
VCCE himself on both chores.

Mike. better.

Jaek Lynch's. Phllly


^r-» +• -»
» » »
time when she starts at the Paradise
Detroit. Friday (20).
fr-»»f heads a package which includes
Georgie Auld's band. Layout was

N. Y. Nitery FoDowups sold at a $10,000 guarantee plus a

Philadelphia, April 11.
Buddy Lester, D'lvons, Terry
Regis, Dolores King, Line (8). .Eddie
DeLuca Orch (6); no cover or min-
« -+--»-»-» *«+»
split over $30,000 gross.
Further dates are pending in Chi-
cago, San Francisco and Los Angeles, Marvels of Magical
Dorothy Shay is coming along in
D'SCOVfRT imum, dinner, $2.50 up. after which Miss Home will prob-
OIGGFi fine style and looms as a hot new Perception
chantoosey for the class cafe circuit. ably make a film.
Buddy Lester's billing here is Smoother, suaver, more assured and
"America's No. 1 Comic" and though with improved showmanship values,
that's taking in a heck of a lot of her repertoire at the Hotel St. Regis' MYSTIFYING
territory, the guy is panicking the Maisonette (N.Y.) is now big league. CIRCUS AERLALIST HURT
customers like no one at the Walton She gets over her CBS-Morton HILARIOUS
NELSON J SAUNDERS Roof lately. Gould antecedents and has suffi-
Lester knocks himself out at every cient novelty material to achieve IN FALL DURING SHOW
show making 'em laugh. He doesn't distinction, apart from her song de- Buffalo, April 17.
spare the horses and when caught livery. "Amen," "He Didn't Ask
(wed., supper show) he was on- for Mary Stevens, of Bloomington, 111,,
Me," "Walk Alone," "Uncle Chi- 23. a member of "The Flying
more than a half-hour before the huaha." "Feudin Fightin', Fussin' "
- .

"Looked like aodlence wu folnff i* palm-thumpers would let him call


(saucy hillbilly ditty >. "Love With a LaMars," is recovering in the Dea-
lot tliera to on all aldit." quits. Best laugh-getter is a trum-
Married Man," "Wanna Get Mar- coness Hospital here from a 40-foot
—Wukipctoa Xv*. Star pet-number that he's added to his ried," "Rum and Coke," is a nicely- fall sustained during the Shrine Cir-
repertoire. Also netting guffaws is variegated repertoire. She looks cus at Memorial Auditorium.
an item tagged "My. Sweetheart
mn s»Mtm
the gal with two heads."
well, knows how to handle her hands
at the mike, and generally registers.
She was knocked unconscious
BRia. Miutfil Perioqil Mft.
D'lvons continue to rank as pre-
when her head struck a trapeze bar
HAfttY COHEN PHIL FAR.ft.ELL miere ballroom team with their during a performance and although
IM7 BnWwty MO Bntdwty I
graceful and novel routines. she fell into the safety net. she bus-.
Dolores King, local gal, has an Helen Kane, boop-a-doop song- tained a spinal injury and lacera
stress, toplincs the new show at Oet- tions.
jen's. Brooklyn, and has them in. the
palm of her hand from walk-on till
POPU LARITY MUSTIMBE DESERVED finish. Songstress is considerably
FM THE PAST TOT YU*S JIM LITTEM A WtEX f HOI THE OTIIJ slenderized and off her it looks good. Senor Weuces Set For
Gal retains personality and delivery
that catapulted her to stardom in BaHllaaT •lleaeea In dia belter fcetel
HOW APPEARING IN PERSON AT yesteryear, Tees off with "Dance S.A. Date at Rio's Copa f-oonia all
over thl* caaflaeat U
n Mlmpla
for this anMilajr eon pie, nVnmu-
With the Dolly." .follows with "The
33 Fleet Is In," in which she essays a
Bookings for South American Ktrutlnjr their unbelievable fenl*
mental ajrtUtr. Esperlallr lmprrwil and


teen-age so-called Victory Girl, with
attendant comedy bit that wows 'em.
For encore does a medley of her hit
records and offs a solid hit.
casinos continue at a fast clip. Lat-
est to be contracted for the Copa-
cabana, Rio de Janeiro, is Senor
Wences, set to leave May 11. He'll
mtliufilaitlc are thane who are nUenllcal
before they ehallenjre then*
tallMtA. Trnly one of the

PICTURE FFATURED IN Ramon and Lucinda. mixed team; be on the same show -as Evelyn
click with expert ballroomology, Knight, nitery and vaude singer. M.C.A., NEW YORK
especially south of the border terp-
ing. Jerry Baker, from radio, scores, June Preisser. originally sched-
with a song session, comprising uled to leave two weeks ago for a
"More and Moore." "Strange Music." date at the Atlanlico: also in Rio,
"Sleighride in July," and Irving Ber- left last week, departure being de-
lin's latest. "All of My Life." Jimmy layed because of difficulty in ob-
O'Brien and Doris Dawson also do
okay in respective song sessions. Dan
Healy is nifty as emcee, weaving in
and out of the acts and spinning gags
taining a visa for her husband.
which help liven up proceedings And HU
Healy is quick and has a sure-fire TALENT WANTED SILLY SYMPHONISTS
delivery that keeps 'em guffawing.
Don Caballero's band provides musi FOR
Nawett Racerdlaq R«I«om en
cal 'baskground for show as well as
customer dansapation.
Mater bullet girl* Hail captain who
In addition to show given in main kitowB rootlne*. JHg-h .dive, women
'MM 1 dining room spot also projects addi preferred. Five »r »U-ple<'« haa«l that "FUZZY WUZZY
enn entertain. High I rapeie art
tional entertainment in grill and MNtATIONAL NOVELTY
MCACOU" cocktail lounge, with O'Brien and
(women). VmidevHIe net a. Coatm-t
IHrk KUwanU. ('urn of Sport In ml.
Miss Dawson doubling in that room, WililwtKHl, N. A. IVrNOiml latervlew Dlr.l STAN ZUCKEB
in addition to Will Ward, veteran New York. Inter.
A (i. i.i io..- c) ~ ' •
pianologist; Billy Griffith on Ham-
mond organ, and a couple other acts.
piu- EDDIf DAV 1 'j' o- Sans coyer or minimum charge in

hu! Sf either spot it's a good entertainment

J3 W.-^i 5
buy. Boff biz is the answer. Edba.
Dinning Sisters and Deep River CrsIi In on your old, worn. torn, tlldcarded THHATRICXTj fOSTI'MKS.
COCKTAILS AT 4 Boys have signed with General Pren»ea. Beltn, Kvenlntf Bug*, Handing, etc., containing; rblnentonex in mio
condition, lirliig In or mall your hriicles for our liberal eetluiate which wil.
Amus. Corp. Ed Klrkeby remains be iunh«cl to you. trj.on >vnr<i from you we will either forward oui- l-)i«iU ui
return your poKieHsiona linmedlntely.
personal manager of the Negro sing-
1IKXBV AMDl'A NONH, St& Atli At«. (near 82d St.), N. T. Ml 4-1429
ing group.



. . '

Wednesday, April 18, 1945 45

Jo Ann Collyer Jerry Baker
Aloma Kllreo T,a Marr

Variety Oil Is

Renee Doris DawBOu

Diane Pace
Carter & Hon
Jo* Cepelln Oro
Jimmy O'Brlas
Hilly Griffith
Will Ward
MarquMa Rivera
New Acts
).» <.'nne;a Don Caballero Ore
Hlalne Jordan Olll UtiiiniiihlHb
Hal Fisher
Mamnb la esnnecUan with Mil* below litdleat* onsalas toy of it»« Jerry /fc Turk
Jon Bart
what her toll or split «wk; J Haekeit Uls Sadlo Banks Songs With Concertina Songs
Mac hi lo Br) M nil Oartler
i 10 Mlns. Roxy, N. Y,
f.a Mnril.ttu.ue J mi- I jtl'iirie Ore Hotel Pierre, N. Y. Dick Brown is from radio, a
Hon Zelaya I.ora Lee .to Sift fiord Koten Corner
Harry Lftfrnnri Ore Margaret Scott is a pcrsonnble huskier, non-mikeclutciiing barytone
Brnlo Bros & Rila Miller & Jean l^eon Vimor
Clark's Hawaiian* singing blonde who occasionally uses who handles himself well and* sings
HOUND HHOOK Monty Wolf VhI Irving
Harold Green
Loew Henri
Brook (21-12) Harlem HlKhland's Tonl Kelly
(*S-2»> Oil Johnson Kreshmen
the concertina for self-accoinpani-
menl. She's been a standard at the
his pops effectively. He's given a
romantic buildup and -background by
Elaine Boyd Dodson's .VJimkeye KoraKKen Grc Mars Trio
Jimmy Kom Kobblers Hotel Pierre's Cafe Lounge and '
being surrounded by the Rbxye.ite.1
Jauieraon Morris' & Ryan Garl Kavar/a Oro
S\k Scbatz Ore- only recently graduated into* the as he opens with "Candy" and
MEW lOHK CITY Walter O'KceCe Hud & .1 Peterson PAWTIIC'KET Homo
Oimri«>r .

Romanian hostelry's Coiillon Room.


thence into "Two Cigarets" (done

Capitol (IS) Coley Worth tJcno Bcdlnl & Joe Capitol (22) Villas;*
Kanimy Knye Oro Eddy Mahann CAMDEN Mazzon*- Attimtt D Jennie Goldstein
Her repertoire the conven-
in informally, in a squatting position,
floes Ho Antonio WASHINGTON Towers .Campbell & l.loyd (.lorla Gilbert Vjtra Nlva
. at (20-21!)
Hoslla & Perez Hon tional class cafe idiom, some of it a surrounded by the reclining gnls),
Faul Wlnchell Capitol (19) Jean Dawn .Saxon Henry Berman
and thence into "You Belong to My
State (19) Hickory Nuts Paul Klch Knowllon a Harold & I.olfi R- Walton Dancers bit dated such as "Lili Marlene."
.s -Kings Evel>n Tyner Hurlon & Kayo* Lieut. EldrldKe 1 1 lid mo n Wonders H .Incobson Ore which even Hildegarde couldn't Heart," including a Spanish chorus.
Put Rooney tins Van Morria & Hyan rHU,AI)EI.PlllA Hen Dn\-a -
Splvy's Roof make the U. S. public believe "was This, too, is fortified by the femmes
Evelyn Knight BullaniHlilace CHICAGO Carman (10) Wlnl W.ilsh making a change to appropriate
Oriental (20) Mnrly Hvi*k Ore' 'nrier & Bowls
the soldier's real song of this war.".
Kollalle & Mlirle Le RuIihm Somehow it's misguided sentiment, spring costumes of pink design.
Uurlon &,.Teanelte TtTrO Jayne Manners
SKI make Co
Stanley' 'Burns Thelina (.;ar|ienter Stork lub Otherwise she does "Lucky to Be- Brown is so palpably GI material
Wyse Jr .& Mann Reynolds & While Mervyn .Wlson

nigolciio Bl'OX Wilson
.Morales Ore Me" medleyed with "Lucky Star," that a reference to his medical
Paramount Jimmy. Vey
Carule Kamlls rROVIURNCR
Day. Dawn
Dusk Stan Keller Oro
llolst Ore "My Heart Sings." a Georges Enesco discharge is in order. Otherwise he is
arrangement of a Romany piece, a tiptop for the best vaudfilmers and

KIJ/AHKTH Metropolitan Mnnl^a Boynr VersHllti-»

Liberty (19-22) (20-32) Cedrlc Wallace. 3 Kitty CarllBlo French chanson,: "Strange .Music" niteries. He dresses casually and
JiKW YORK CITV MIAMI Bird In nil jonn & J llul Inn l.eon a) Ftldle's Oopsey & Ay ere (Grieg), and finally "Lili." In Ihe looks well in blue business suit.
Paramount (IB) Olynipla -
( IS) Hone & Coylo l^rank Paris E.ldle Dhvlo . Bob Hopkins latter, the Stanley Melba band boys Abel.
Bunny •l.oodinan Bd Joey Drun Marks & Lucille Dub & II Hulund falvort Sis Hob Douplns
t'ftroln .Marian NMes
toast her vocally with a choral as-
Bob Kvans Phyllis Wllljii i 'ha rles As Harl>urs Kour Fanllnna LEROY BROS.
Omdns Bros I.flruwn & Marb'i .Sei-hi-iHl & '

Uiilu .
Shirley l.avllle Joe Sojer M Berftere Oro sist. In lolo Miss Scott is a pleasant (2)
Kve I'ondos Radio Aeea HAItTrOHO Eddie Huw:u-d H ^ I \'»yst-.e Za'nitlliar if not socko interlude for the better Marionettes
Sherry Bi ll tun f, Hampton Ore bistros. 9 Mlns.'
Art Waner Oio Son St Sonny State, N. Y.
Mimte Curio Maurlco Rorco Dick and Gene Wesson the top
l)i,-h GnHpHt-iD Ore Huell Tlioman new bill with their zany tnkcofi's on. Ah exceptionally clever puppet act
BOOKING THE NATION'S LEADING INDEPENDENT JfHti V Murray I'eewee Marquette Miranda, Brisson, Hildegarde, Mc- which can't miss anywhere.
Alberto Oro Peters Sis
VAUDEVILLE THEATRES OetJ>i.'*' Oitn Bason Carthy, FDR (since out, .of course), The Leroys work center stage in
. < :l Peepers and make for a bright turn. Melba, view of the audience most of the
I fell- n K ;< ne ClsufleHopkins Orr per usual, emcees and his band gives way. Their first character is a cute


Ra'Ph Font Ore forth with forthright d.msapation.
Alan Ritchie is now vocally fea-
littlegirl in a grass skirt doing a-
hula dance. Then they come forth
CAL tured with the combo. Abel. ' with a little boy and girl in a 'dance
PARAMOUNT 6UII.0.N9 routine, a very sockful interlude. An
So. Cal. Hotels Blackout impression of Gene Krupa at the
JAY JOSTYN drums, which closes, follows a down-
CHICAGO M'Karlaiul Drown State (20-22)
tie SPRING*'! ELII Saloons on V-E Day (Mr. District Attorney) stage dancing bit with two skeleton
Rrgal (18) MINMCAI'OI.IH Spike Jones Ore Court S<). (10-22) Novelty, Talk marionettes for which a light filter is
Orphcum i'i'.i'tA) Mavis Allms Terrl I.a Kraiu-iiiil' Hollywood, April 17. 10 Mlns. employed for effect. -
Billy Kr.Usllne B«l SlK HoniberB Ore Juily Munners
Ohuck & Chuckles OMAHA lllavk BroH'
l.llrky Clrls- V-E Day and the day following State. N. Y. .Over very big here, when caught.

F )farrls ft Jones

K<H-kvrH Orphrui-n (18) will be as dry as the Southern Cali- Jay Jbstyn is the popular Mr. Dis- Char.
i -
Adams (ID)

•J^Roy CtirrlriKion Bail Chi-i-oII'm Vmii'k Trumpet 2 . . fornia Hotel Association can make it. trict Attorney of the air. a half-hour
l.ouis J'rliua Ore :

.Msaiers He iliilllns WASHINGTON Cocktail bars in all hotels in that program Wednesdays over the NBC
The ImaKlnulors Howard (211)
group will be closed. networks, sponsored by the Bristol- IrvingtoD, N. J., Police
'liui-olii li'ei'ii .Brnie KJelda Ore
E. W. Caspn. secretary of the as-
Meyers Co. As a novelty turn for
I'ATKHSON Oorolhy IJiineKau stage dates, several of which have
MnJeallr (19-22)
lliiinilion *i Sis
Miller' Bros i l.oin
3 Tops
sociation, declared most hotels been played out-of-town. Jostyn gets Chief Doesn't Want Circus
throughout the country are planning across impressively and, when caught • Newark, April 17.
RONTON . ( OI.IMKI M to follow the same action. here, was well liked. Possibility of Ringling Bros, arid
l'nlnee (24-3A)
Kmlon (IV)

Cay nor Ross

I.PM Juvelyn He closes his. act strongly with a Barnum & Bailey circus playing
ft 3 WllCH
Cabaret Bills mbnolog in which he stresses the fact nearby Irvingtoh hinges on accept-
AValson Sin Dunny Orn,vr»on that wars place guns in boys' hands, ance by show officials,
of recom-
Gloria Jean
Johnny Morgan
Gypny Kune
DiLve Apolloi) Co .
Lauds H'wood teaching them how to kill.
mendations submitted by police
Milt Hcrlh 3 SAN FRANC INTO Continued from page S ^ Before this he cites a case of years The show applied for permit
gone by in which a candy-store pro-
forJune 25 to 27. Request is tabled
Dill's Ooy Ws Helalne .Tarow
its newsreel history. i.« spotlighted in prietor was shot in a holdup by a
hero of World War I. Jostyn. in his pending conferences with circus
Ethel Gilbert Hotel AmbuHKador Also Hollywood finally going to war
WEST and LEXING Uernle (Jrauer
Harold Willard
O (the official Governmental blessing
l.ouis Belancourt'
JuleB Lands Oro
hands, holds .the gun that figured in
the killing. Jostyn makes a very
Chief Holleran doesn't want the
following Pearl Harbor), with pro-
Jack Ryan
(3 wHkil Charles Strickland
llotel Astor
Jose Morand Oro duction of the first of the "training
good appearance and holds attention circus in town, contending there are
Jimmy Burns Ron l'erry Ore

throughout his routine. He works no buildings, or parks big enough to

6old«n Gaf*. San Francitee Bill Kslsey Hotel Brlmont
films", and enlistment of movie down front before a mike. Char.
Uay AO's Quartette house' the show. This leaves only
April 24—Orphttrm, Lot Asqctai Plnsa heroes and executives in either out-
Blue An tret Nanry JJonovnn tents, he said. (The circus would
Per Mgt.: TYI.KR MASON Mildred Bstley Jorry Lewis
and-out combat outfits or in the
1010 Broadway, New York 19 production and administration of RAY «V PEDRO have played Irvington last year on
KilUie Mayehoff Bert EHsley
Dir.: WILLIAM MORHI8 AUEN< V Bernards GruCe Jtellly Government Gymnasts the Hartford, dates had the commu-
Pearl Bailey Artliil & Cousuelo
Combat photographers; entertain- 8 Mlns. nity granted a permit.)
>>'orJ)ert Kaconl Payaon Re Ore Among Holleran's recommenda-

Apollo, N. Y.
Chltllson (3) Hotel DIH more ers on the foxhole circuit; movies at
CLEVELAND Golden Gala (IS) C«r« Bot5fel* Joan llyldoft Pair of lads who apparently are of tions are securing of seats to stands,
SUatlnK Ulai'ks (Uptown) the front months and sometimes
Palace (10)

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