Recognition of Emotion From Facial Expression Following Traumatic Brain Injury

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Recognition of emotion from facial expression following traumatic brain injury

Article  in  Brain Injury · October 2005

DOI: 10.1080/02699050500110033 · Source: PubMed

114 384

2 authors:

Vanessa Croker Skye Mcdonald

Nepean Hospital UNSW Sydney


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Empathy after traumatic brain injury View project

Training communication partners of people with TBI View project

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Brain Injury, September 2005; 19(10): 787–799


Recognition of emotion from facial expression following

traumatic brain injury


University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia

(Received 20 May 2004; accepted 15 February 2005)

Primary Objective: To assess three domains of emotion recognition in people with traumatic brain injury (TBI).
Research design: A between group comparison.
Procedures: Twenty-four participants with severe TBI and 15 matched participants without brain damage were asked to label
and match facial expressions with and without context. The participants with TBI were also interviewed regarding changes in
subjective experience of emotion.
Main outcomes and results: Participants with TBI were found to be significantly impaired on expression labelling and match-
ing, but experienced some improvement when provided with context. Negative emotions were particularly affected. Affective
semantic knowledge and face perception appeared to be relatively intact in this group. The majority of participants with
TBI reported some change in the post-injury experience of everyday emotion, although the pattern of changes differed
greatly between individuals. Reduced subjective experience, especially of sadness and fear, was associated with poor emotion
matching but not emotion labelling.

Keywords: Traumatic brain injury, emotion recognition, perception, affect, facial expression

Introduction may contribute to difficulties in regulating, moni-

toring and inhibiting behaviour. However, the possi-
Severe traumatic brain injury (TBI) results in a range
bility that social skill difficulties commence at the
of neuropsychological deficits that lead to diminished
level of affective processing has also been raised
psychosocial functioning. A great deal of research
[7–9]. This is supported by a growing body of evi-
has been undertaken to examine the cognitive and
dence to suggest that individuals with TBI are poor
behavioural sequelae of TBI, as well as the outcomes
at recognizing emotion conveyed by both speech
for this population. What is relatively less well
and facial expression [7–14].
understood, however, is how TBI impacts upon
TBI is typically the outcome of motor vehicle acci-
emotional processing.
dents, sporting accidents or falls [15]. These insults
Changes in the social and emotional behaviour of
usually result in diffuse brain damage, although the
an individual following TBI have long been noted. ventrolateral frontal lobes, inferior orbital cortices
More recently, these changes have been hypothesized and temporal lobes are noted to be particularly
to influence post-injury social skills that, in turn, vulnerable to injury. Damage to these areas can
have emerged as one of the major barriers to success- result from direct impact to the frontal areas or
ful reintegration into family, community and work from impact to other parts of the skull that, in turn,
environments post-injury [1–3]. Changes in social causes the brain to rebound off the bony protu-
behaviour following TBI include self-focused speech, berances of the anterior and middle fossae. It is of
insensitivity, inappropriate intimacy and disclosure particular note that research with primates has
and talking out of turn [4–6]. Executive dysfunction identified specialized neurons in the temporal visual

Correspondence: Skye McDonald, PhD, School of Psychology, University of New South Wales, Sydney, 2052, Australia. Tel.: (61) þ 2 9385 3029. E-mail:
ISSN 0269–9052 print/ISSN 1362–301X online # 2005 Taylor & Francis Group Ltd
DOI: 10.1080/02699050500110033
788 V. Croker & S. McDonald

cortex for processing facial expression [16] and a understands that loss can lead to sadness, one may
direct projection from this region to the orbitofrontal be better able to detect sadness in someone if aware
cortex [17]. Furthermore, neuroimaging studies that they have experienced loss. The extent to which
with healthy controls have demonstrated that areas people with TBI can use context to inform emotional
such as the right inferior occipitotemporal regions judgements requires investigation. In the only study
[18, 19], the right and left temporal cortex, the amyg- to date to examine this, Milders et al. [9] asked
dala [18–20], the left inferior frontal cortices [19, 21] people with TBI to match verbal labels to pictorial
and the right anterior cingulated gyrus region are situations implying a range of different emotions.
critically involved in processing facial affect [19]. Their participants were poor relative to controls.
Similarly, studies of people with focal cerebral lesions These findings suggest that emotion-processing
[22–26] have implicated regions within the bilateral deficits do extend into the semantic system.
frontal cortices, temporal lobes, insular and amygda- However, the use of pictorial material can tap into
lae as associated with loss of facial affect recognition. broader visuoperceptual difficulties rather than
As these regions are often damaged in TBI, deficits in semantic judgements per se. Thus, the extent to
processing facial affect may be anticipated. which people with TBI are able to utilize semantic
Indeed, an increasing number of studies have knowledge of emotions to ameliorate deficits in
reported pervasive deficits in emotion recognition emotion recognition remains unclear.
following TBI affecting recognition of emotional The third system of potential importance is one
expressions in static stimuli [7, 9, 10, 13], taped that enables one to subjectively experience emotions.
speech [7, 9, 12] and naturalistic videotaped Some researchers have suggested that capacity
portrayals [8, 11, 27]. Performances on tests of for empathy may be closely linked to the ability to
(affectively neutral) face and voice quality recogni- recognize emotion in others [34–36]. For example,
tion have been found to be either normal [7], or, if McHugo and Smith [34] found that exposure to dis-
impaired, unrelated to emotion [9]. Thus, problems plays of facial affect produced spontaneous changes
processing affect cannot simply be attributed to in observers’ skin conductance and facial muscula-
visual or auditory perceptual impairments. In addi- ture, approximating the expression of the subject.
tion, Hornak et al. [7] raised the possibility that These findings suggest a direct link between the
emotion recognition deficits may extend to the recognition and experience of emotion that is adap-
subjective experience of emotion. Working with a tive, enabling one to rapidly identify the emotional
group of people with brain injuries from a range of state of the target without the need for conscious
aetiologies, they obtained self-reports of participants’ processing [35]. Furthermore, lesions to the amygda-
ability to experience various emotions since sustain- lae and frontal cortices have been specifically asso-
ing brain injury (sadness, enjoyment, anger, fear ciated with a reduction in autonomic responding
and disgust) and found that several of the partici- to negative facial expressions and other affective
pants with TBI reported blunted affect, particularly stimuli [26, 37]. A similar finding has been reported
for negative emotions such as sadness. For example, in a sample of 15 people with TBI [38], although
one participant with a TBI reported, ‘I have no a relationship between reduced responsivity and
feelings . . . I can’t tell if I have emotions — I can’t impaired identification of facial emotion was not
tell if I’m saddened . . . I don’t get really sad’ (Case found, possibly due to the relatively small sample
10, p. 261). Total alteration in subjective emotional size in this study.
experience also correlated significantly with emotion With some valuable exceptions [9, 38], studies
recognition performance. On the basis of these investigating emotional processing in TBI, to date,
results, it was speculated that the observed deficits have primarily focused on emotion recognition. No
in emotion recognition performance might have one study has examined deficits in perception,
been part of a ‘wider emotional disturbance’ [7]. semantic knowledge and subjective experience in
The ability to read the emotional state of others a single TBI sample. It, therefore, remains to be
is likely to depend on the integrity of at least three seen whether the observed deficits are specific to the
processing systems [28]. The first is geared towards perceptual recognition of emotion or whether they
perceiving and decoding non-verbal signs of emo- extend into semantic understanding of the situational
tion. Indeed, there is clear evidence to suggest that determinants of emotional responses and to the
the ability to recognize emotion from faces and the subjective experience of emotion. The possibility
ability to recognize faces per se are dissociable [7, that TBI leads to differential difficulties with some
10, 29–32]. The second system is a semantic emotions relative to others also requires examination.
system that contains knowledge of the situational There is some evidence to suggest that, despite het-
determinants of emotions. This contextual informa- erogeneous neuropathology in the TBI population,
tion can often be used by an observer to disambigu- impairments in emotion recognition are greater
ate another’s emotional experience [33], e.g. if one for negative emotions such as sadness, fear and
Recognition of emotion following TBI 789

disgust, than for positive emotions such as happiness brain injury units in Sydney, Australia. These referral
[10, 27, 38]. sites were requested to recommend participants
The purpose of the present investigation was to with TBI to the study who had no known primary
assess performance across three domains of emotion sensory deficits, aphasia, agnosia, psychosis, immedi-
recognition: recognition of facial affect, semantic ate memory difficulties or difficulties with face
knowledge for emotional states and situations and recognition that would otherwise preclude participa-
subjective emotional experience. The authors chose tion. Participants who were known to have some
to restrict attention to recognition of emotion in existing difficulty with socioemotional functioning,
the visual modality, as facial expression is thought i.e. poor social skills (through self- or staff-reports)
to be the most powerful non-verbal conveyor of were particularly sought. Six participants demon-
emotion [39–41]. strating abnormally poor performance on a test of
On the basis of existing literature on TBI and face perception were excluded from the study
other brain-damaged populations, several predic- according to selection criteria and data from another
tions for the outcome of this research were proposed. participant was excluded due to non-compliance
First, it was expected that individuals with TBI with the testing.
would be significantly impaired when asked to iden- The 24 participants remaining included 17 men
tify the emotional expression of a target, replicating and seven women of average age 37.9 years
the findings of previous studies [7, 9, 10, 13, 14, (SD ¼ 12.6). The mean post-injury period was 8
27]. On the basis of previous findings [10, 13, 27] years (SD ¼ 8) and average duration of post-
the possibility that the participants with TBI might traumatic amnesia (PTA) was 83 days (SD ¼ 43).
evidence a greater impairment for recognition of All participants were documented to be in PTA for
negative emotions, specifically fear, sadness and longer than 24 hours (range ¼ 7–151 days), placing
disgust, compared to others was also considered. them in the severe range for TBI. As is typical of
Secondly, this study examined the capacity for this population, there was significant heterogeneity
individuals with TBI to use contextual information in the types of injury sustained. The majority of
in making inferences about the emotional state of injuries were sustained in motor vehicle accidents,
another person. In an extension of previous work in although some were caused by falls, assaults and
this field [9], contextual information was provided sporting or work-related injuries. Pathology on
to participants with TBI in the verbal modality, examination was available for 21 of the 24 partici-
thus bypassing any problems processing ambiguities pants and revealed skull factures (4), contusions
in pictorial material. This study examined not only (10), subdural, subarachnoid and intra-cerebral
whether individuals with TBI have access to seman- haemmorhages (13) and penetrating injuries (2). In
tic knowledge of affective states, but also whether nine cases, there was documented frontal pathology.
they can use this contextual information to aid Six participants had initial damage localized to the
emotion recognition accuracy. right hemisphere, while five had damage reported
The final prediction for this investigation was that in the left hemisphere and a further 10 had report-
there would be an alteration in the post-injury experi-
edly bilateral damage. These initial reports of the
ence of everyday emotions for participants with TBI.
damage sustained are only a gross indication of the
There has been no research to date on the subjective
site and extent of neuropathology with many micro-
experience of emotion in a pure TBI sample, although
scopic lesions and neuronal shearing undetectable
the data from Hornak et al.’s [7] mixed sample study
using the available clinical tools. None-the-less they
is certainly suggestive. Their results also indicated
provide an indication of the variability of damage
that those with the greatest alteration in subjective
typical in this group as well as the significant pres-
emotional experience tended to evidence poorer
ence of frontal pathology. On average, the partici-
emotion recognition accuracy. Given that emotion
pants with TBI had achieved 12 years of education
recognition is associated with empathic reactions in
(ranging from 8–18 years). All had been employed
the normal literature, the more specific prediction
prior to their injuries in occupations ranging from
was made that subjective reports of a reduction in
unskilled (4) to skilled trade or clerical (15), profes-
emotional responsivity in people with TBI would be
sional or managerial (3) or student (2). After their
associated with poor emotion recognition in others.
injuries, the group experienced a significant drop in
employment status with only two people in employ-
Method ment and the remaining 22 either unemployed or
working in a voluntary capacity. Estimates of pre-
morbid intelligence were available for 20 of the 24
Thirty-one participants who had sustained severe participants with TBI and all were estimated to be
TBI were recruited from three major metropolitan of at least average pre-morbid intelligence, with the
790 V. Croker & S. McDonald

exception of two who were known to be in the low labelling task according to convention, but was
average range pre-morbidly. excluded from subsequent tasks where the goal was
Fifteen control participants (10 men and five to assess participants’ ability to discriminate between
women) without neurological history and matched distinct emotions. In accordance with prior research
for age, sex, education and occupation of the TBI in the field of affect recognition, sadness, anger, fear
group also participated in this study. Participants and disgust were considered to be ‘negative’ expres-
were drawn from the community and participated sions and happiness and surprise wee regarded as
on a voluntary basis. The control group had a ‘positive’ expressions.
mean age of 43.7 (SD ¼ 11.2), had achieved 12.5
years of education (SD ¼ 2.0) and were all employed Expression labelling (context-free). In this task,
in a range of unskilled, skilled and professional occu- participants were required to match each photo-
pations. Both groups were comparable for age, sex, graph of facial expression to a printed verbal label.
education and pre-morbid occupation. The TBI Photographs were shown one at a time, with four
group, however, had a significantly greater propor- exemplars of each expression presented in random
tion of participants who were currently unemployed order across a total of 28 trials. Half of the photo-
(2 ¼ 34.93, df ¼ 5, p < 0.0000) relative to the control graphs featured male subjects and half featured
group. female subjects. After examining each photograph,
participants were asked to choose a verbal descriptor
for the expression, from a list of seven corresponding
to the emotions represented in the series (the options
All participants were presented with one task of were read aloud by the experimenter where parti-
visual discrimination and face perception and four cipants had reading difficulties). List order was
tasks of emotion recognition. There were two tasks randomized for each participant.
assessing perceptual recognition of emotion, one task
examining semantic knowledge of emotions given Matching expressions (context-free). Participants were
contextual information only and a final task assessing also presented with a matching task which bypassed
perceptual recognition of facial expressions given the need to produce verbal labels. Photographs used
contextual information. Participants with TBI were in the matching task were different to those used
additionally interviewed regarding perceived post- in the earlier labelling task, to minimize carry-over
injury changes in the intensity or frequency of effects. In order to prevent confusion, participants
emotions, based on the brief interview previously were asked to choose the correct emotion from
reported by Hornak et al. [7]. an array limited to four alternative photographs.
The four alternatives comprised the correct emotion
plus three foils reflecting one similarly valenced
Test of face recognition and visual discrimination
emotion (positive or negative) and two of the
The short form of the Benton Facial Recognition opposite valence. All four photographs were shown
Test BFRT [42] was used to assess participants for below the target. Four exemplars of each of the six
accuracy in face recognition and fine discrimination expressions were presented in random order, i.e. 24
of black and white photographs. In this task, parti- trials with half of the presentations featuring
cipants were required to identify a target individual male subjects and the others female subjects. All
from a set of six photographs. Early items of the photographs in a given presentation featured subjects
BFRT involved matching identical front-view photo- matched for sex but of different identity in order to
graphs and later items involved matching front-view prevent participants matching on the basis of physical
with either three-quarter view photographs or front- attributes.
view photographs under different lighting conditions.
Semantic knowledge of emotions. Participants were
presented with 18 verbal scenarios (three exemplars
Emotion recognition tasks in random order for each of the six emotions) and
All photographs of facial expression featured in the were asked to report how a person would typically
emotion recognition tasks were taken from the feel if that event occurred, e.g. ‘How might a person
Ekman and Freisen [43] Pictures of Facial Affect feel if they were being chased by a large vicious dog?’
series. Photographs were printed in black and white Participants were then asked to choose the most
and were selected on the basis of reliability data [43]. appropriate emotion from a list of four verbal labels.
The six emotions represented in the series were As with the matching tasks these comprised the
happiness, sadness, anger, fear, surprise and disgust. target emotion, a foil of the same valence and two
A neutral category was included in the context-free foils of the opposite valence.
Recognition of emotion following TBI 791

Matching facial expressions to context and context- Results

provided expression labelling. In this task participants
Group differences in performance accuracy
were presented with 24 scenarios, one at a time and
were asked to select a facial expression appropriate All raw scores were converted into percentage
for the subject of the story. For example, ‘Susan is accuracy scores. Independent group t-tests (two-
celebrating with a friend after winning a holiday in a tailed) were performed on total scores from the test
competition. . . Choose the facial expression that best of face perception and each of the emotion recogni-
matches the way Susan would be feeling’. As with the tion tasks. Alpha was set at 0.01 for each comparison
previous two tasks, four choices were presented: the to adjust for inflation of the Type 1 error rate
target emotion, a foil of the same valence and two associated with multiple comparisons (Bonferroni
foils of the opposite valence. The photographs in this procedure).
task had been presented earlier for the context-free
labelling task, to aid direct comparison between the BFRT: Test of face recognition and visual
two task formats. discrimination. While participants in the control
Participants were then asked to look at the face group generally achieved higher accuracy scores on
they selected and to choose an appropriate label for this test than participants in the TBI group (t ¼ 3.01,
the expression from a written list of seven choices, df ¼ 37, p ¼ 0.005), both groups scored within the
as for the earlier context-free labelling task. Thus, average range for this measure [42]. Both groups
scores on the context-provided labelling task could performed better for the easier BFT items where the
be compared directly with scores on the context- target and choice faces were matched for perspective
free labelling task to examine the effect of context and lighting than for harder items where the target
on accuracy of expression identification. and choice faces differed in terms of these charac-
teristics, F(1, 37) ¼ 91.30, p < 0.0001. There was no
significant interaction between item type (easy vs
Interview: self-reported changes in the hard) and group (F(1, 37) ¼ 3.65, p ¼ 0.066).
experience of emotion Performance on the BFRT did not correlate with
performance on any of the perceptual emotion recog-
Participants with TBI were interviewed regarding
nition tasks for either group, suggesting that emotion
their ability to experience and perceive each of the six
recognition performance was dissociable from face
emotions in daily life. For each emotion, they were
perception in this sample.
asked to indicate the extent to which their experience
or perception of that emotion had changed
Emotion recognition tasks. Figure 1 shows perfor-
following TBI. As in Hornak et al. [7], participants
mance accuracy across each of the emotion recogni-
were required to indicate subjective change on a
tion tasks by group.
seven-point scale (1.5 ¼ dramatic decrease, 1.0 ¼
Table I shows the distribution of participants
marked decrease, 0.5 ¼ mild decrease, 0 ¼ no
with TBI across percentile ranks, relative to the
change, 0.5 ¼ mild increase, 1.0 ¼ marked increase,
performance of participants in the control group.
1.5 ¼ dramatic increase).
Clinically significant impairment is defined as a
level of performance at or below the 5th percentile
Procedure for the control group.

Participants were presented with the context-free

expression-labelling task first, followed by the Labelling expressions and matching expressions in
expression-matching task. The BRFT test of face a context-free task format
perception was then administered, followed by the Compared to the control group, participants in the
semantic knowledge task and finally the matching TBI group were relatively less accurate in labelling
expression-to-context task. The interview for TBI emotions shown in facial expression (t ¼ 8.66,
patients was typically conducted at the end of testing. df ¼ 36.96, p < 0.001, equal variance not assumed)
All tasks (with the exception of the interview) were and in matching like facial expressions (t ¼ 3.93,
presented in a multiple (forced) choice format. df ¼ 31.1, p < 0.001, equal variance not assumed).
No time limit were imposed, although all partici- Performance on the labelling task did not correlate
pants were generally able to respond to each item significantly with performance on the matching task
within 10–40 seconds. The examiner prompted par- for either the TBI group (r ¼ 0.16, n ¼ 24, p ¼ 0.453)
ticipants to choose the most appropriate response or the control group (r ¼ 0.37, n ¼ 15, p ¼ 0.180).
when they appeared hesitant or ambivalent about While this is not surprising for the control group
their answer. No feedback on performance accuracy given the small amount of variance in their perfor-
was given during testing. mance on these tasks overall, it was of significance
792 V. Croker & S. McDonald

Figure 1. Performance accuracy for each emotion recognition task by group with TBI compared to group with no brain
damage (NBD).

Table I. Percentile ranks for participants with TBI relative to the group with no brain damage for each emotion recognition task: number of
participants in each percentile category.

Context-free expression Expression Semantic Expression matching Context-provided expression

%ile labelling task matching task knowledge task to context task labelling task

>50th 0 1 15 4 5
25–50th 1 0 5 3 10
10–25th 0 11 0 9 0
5–10th 1 3 0 0 5
<5th 22 9 4 8 4

that no correlation was found within the TBI group selected, whereas the control group demonstrated
despite the variability of their performances and near perfect correspondence between the face
suggests that these two tasks measured largely chosen and the label assigned (F(1, 37) ¼ 5.29,
independent aspects of performance. p ¼ 0.027). This pattern of results suggests that
participants in the TBI group were relying more
heavily on contextual information to choose labels
Semantic knowledge of emotions and matching for expressions than the information contained in
expressions to contextual information the facial expressions themselves.
On the test of semantic knowledge for emotions,
both groups performed with a high level of accuracy The influence of contextual information on emotion
with no significant difference between groups recognition performance. To compare the effect of
(t ¼ 0.324, df ¼ 37, p ¼ 0.748). Thus, participants in contextual information on labelling facial expres-
both groups demonstrated good understanding of sions, performance on the earlier context-free expres-
the affective labels presented in this study and the sion labelling task was contrasted with performance
situations to which they typically apply. on the context-provided expression labelling task.
When required to match facial expressions with an Both groups demonstrated a significant improvement
appropriate context, the TBI group again performed in labelling accuracy when contextual informa-
less accurately relative to the control group (t ¼ 4.15, tion was provided compared to the context-free con-
df ¼ 32.27, p < 0.001, equal variances not assumed). dition (F(1, 37) ¼ 79.93, p < 0.001). The degree of
A post-hoc exploratory analysis indicated that improvement when moving from a context-free con-
participants in the TBI group chose labels that dition to a context-provided condition was greater for
corresponded more closely with the contextual infor- the TBI group (F(1, 37) ¼ 21.1, p < 0.001), although
mation than the facial expressions they actually the control group performed better overall.
Recognition of emotion following TBI 793

Table II. Group means (and standard deviations) for emotion recognition tasks by emotion.

Happy Surprised Angry Sad Fear Disgust

Labelling TBI X (SD) 3.96 (0.20) 3.29 (1.04) 3.0 (1.02) 2.21 (1.02) 1.63 (1.24) 2.33 (1.05)
NBD X (SD) 4.00 (0.00) 3.80 (0.40) 3.47 (0.52) 3.53 (0.52) 3.0 (0.76) 3.67 (0.62)
Matching TBI X (SD) 3.88 (0.45) 3.75 (0.53) 3.00 (1.18) 2.83 (0.92) 2.79 (0.78) 3.21 (0.93)
NBD X (SD) 4.00 (0) 4.00 (0) 3.87 (0.35) 3.73 (0.59) 3.47 (0.64) 3.87 (0.35)
Semantic TBI X (SD) 3.00 (0) 3.00 (0) 2.93 (0.27) 2.64 (0.5) 3.0 (0) 2.8 (0.43)
NBD X (SD) 3.00 (0) 3.00 (0) 3.00 (0) 2.8 (0.41) 2.87 (0.35) 2.93 (0.26)
Context matching TBI X (SD) 3.96 (0.2) 3.04 (1.3) 3.29 (0.86) 3.63 (0.65) 3.00 (0.98) 3.33 (0.76)
NBD X (SD) 4.0 (0) 3.87 (0.35) 3.73 (0.46) 4.00 (0) 3.87 (0.35) 3.47 (0.64)
Context labelling TBI X (SD) 3.92 (0.41) 3.71 (0.62) 3.83 (0.38) 3.63 (0.58) 3.33 (1.09) 3.67 (0.48)
NBD X (SD) 3.93 (0.26) 4.00 (0) 3.93 (0.26) 4.00 (0) 3.8 (0.56) 3.6 (0.63)

TBI ¼ Participants with traumatic brain injury; NBD ¼ Participants with no brain damage.

Performance accuracy for different emotions. greater drop in accuracy rate for negative emotions
Inspection of the data for tests of perceptual emotion relative to positive emotions than the control group
recognition suggested poorer accuracy in perfor- (F(1, 37) ¼ 17.67, p < 0.001). Once again, within
mance for some emotions compared to others. Mean positive emotions there was no difference between
accuracy scores and standard deviations for task by groups when matching either happiness or surprise.
emotion and group are presented in Table II. Within the negative emotions participants with
In general, it appeared that positive emotions TBI were poorer than controls on all expressions
(i.e. happiness and surprise) were better recognized (sad: t ¼ 3.38, df ¼ 37, p ¼ 0.002; angry: t ¼ 3.37,
than negative emotions (anger, sadness, fear and df ¼ 29.05, p ¼ 0.002; fear: t ¼ 2.81, df ¼ 37,
disgust). To test this observation, a 2 (group: TBI p ¼ 0.008; disgust: t ¼ 31.96, p ¼ 0.004).
vs control) by 2 (valence: positive vs negative)
mixed ANOVA was conducted for each of the Matching expressions to context. Participants in both
perceptual emotion recognition tasks. the control and TBI group evidenced greater
accuracy for judgements of positive expressions
Context-free expression labelling. The results indi- than for negative expressions (F(1, 37) ¼ 4.46,
cated that both groups were more accurate in p ¼ 0.042); however, there was no significant
identifying positive emotional expressions than interaction with group membership. The participants
negative emotional expressions in the context-free with TBI were poorer on surprised (t ¼ 2.94,
condition (F(1, 37) ¼ 53.95, p < 0.0001) although df ¼ 28.06, p ¼ 0.007), sad (t ¼ 2.84, df ¼ 23,
there was a greater discrepancy between accuracy p ¼ 0.009) and fearful faces (t ¼ 3.95, df ¼ 31.31,
for negative expressions and positive expressions p < 0.001). They were the same as controls on the
for the TBI group than for the control group remainder.
(F(1, 37) ¼ 11.81, p ¼ 0.001). In order to identify
the specific emotions contributing to these effects, Labelling expressions in context. All participants
t-tests were conducted on the means for individual found the positive expressions easier to label in
emotions within each valence category, controlling context than the negative (F(1, 37) ¼ 8.14, p ¼ 0.007)
the -level for family-wise error rate in line with and there was no interaction. Participants with TBI
the Bonferroni procedure. The TBI group was no were similar to controls on all but the sad expressions
different to the control group when labelling either (t ¼ 3.19, df ¼ 23.0, p ¼ 0.004).
surprise or happiness. Within the negative expres-
sions the participants with TBI were no worse than
TBI performance across different emotion
controls at judging anger but were poorer on each of
recognition tasks
the remaining three negative emotions (sad: t ¼ 4.65,
df ¼ 37, p < 0.001; fear: t ¼ 4.292, df ¼ 37, p < 0.001; Post-hoc Sheffe contrasts were specified using the
disgust: t ¼ 4.45, df ¼ 36.92; p < 0.001). Psy2000 program for Windows V2.0 (School of
Psychology, UNSW, 2000). The results indicated
Expression matching. Again, participants in both that participants in the TBI group performed
groups were found to be more accurate in matching significantly worse on the context-free expression
facial expressions for positive emotions than for labelling task than for any other emotion recognition
negative emotions (F(1, 28) ¼ 64.3, p < 0.001); how- task (F(1, 23) ¼ 83.44, p < 0.001), but that both
ever, participants in the TBI group evidenced a emotion labelling and emoting matching out of
794 V. Croker & S. McDonald

context were the two most poorly performed tasks later tasks, performing at the level of the control
(F(1, 23) ¼ 81.4, p ¼ 0.000). As noted earlier, the group.
accuracy of emotion labelling improved significantly
when the task format included contextual informa- Self-reported emotional change and performance accuracy
tion (F(1, 23) ¼ 81.4, p ¼ 0.000). The task performed within the TBI group. The absolute mean change
with the greatest accuracy was the semantic knowl- score for the TBI group corresponded to mild-to-
edge task, representing a particular strength for this moderate change in perceived post-injury experience
group relative to performance on the other emotion of emotions (M ¼ 0.68, SD ¼ 0.40: maximum possi-
recognition tasks (F(1, 23) ¼ 95.10, p ¼ 0.000). ble change score ¼ 1.5. Following the hypothesis
This pattern of results for the TBI group suggests that a reduction in subjective emotional experience
a particular impairment in the spontaneous recogni- may be associated with reduced emotion recognition,
tion and discrimination of emotion in facial expres- the actual mean change score was correlated to
sions, the impact of which was reduced by the emotion labelling (context free) and emotion match-
provision of contextual information. ing (context free) accuracy, i.e. a negative score
Despite these group trends, some participants reflected a reduction in emotional experience. Scores
evidenced contrary patterns of performance. For on the two emotion identification tasks were
example, two participants performed better on the expressed as Z-scores based on the control group’s
context-free expression labelling task relative to the mean and standard deviation (see Table III for
expression matching task and failed to demonstrate individual values). There was no association between
improved accuracy in expression labelling in the emotion labelling and subjective experience. In
context-provided condition. Conversely, five parti- contrast, the association between emotion matching
cipants who performed relatively poorly on the and mean change scores was significant, i.e. those
context-free labelling task benefited dramatically who reported an overall decrease in subjective
from the provision of contextual information in emotion were also those who were poorest at

Table III. Self-reported emotional change scores for the group with TBI.

Happy Surprise Z-scoresa Z-scores

Case enjoy shock Sad Fear Ange r Disgust Mean change naming matching

1 0b 0 0 0 0 0 0 4.64 5.97
2 0 1.0 1.0 0 1.5 0 0.25 1.99 0.80
3 1.5 0 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 0.75 5.96 9.42
4 0.5 0 0 0 0 0 0.08 3.31 2.53
5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 3.97 0.80
6 0 0 1.5 0.5 1.5 0 0.42 5.96 0.80
7 0 0 1.0 1.5 0.5 0 0.5 5.30 0.80
8 0.5 0 1.5 0.5 0 0 0.17 4.64 1.66
9 1.0 0 1.0 0 1.0 1.0 0.33 4.64 0.80
10 0.5 0 1.5 1.0 1.5 0 0.75 5.30 0.92
11 0 0 0 0 1.0 0 0.17 4.64 8.56
12 0.5 0 1.0 0.5 0.5 0 0.08 3.31 4.25
13 0 0 0.5 0 1.5 1.5 0.08 2.65 2.53
14 1.0 1.5 0.5 0 0.5 1.5 0.83 5.96 1.66
15 1.5 0.5 0.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 0 1.99 3.39
16 0.5 0.5 1.0 1.5 1.5 1.5 0.25 3.97 9.42
17 1.0 1.5 1.5 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.33 5.30 4.25
18 1.0 1.5 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.5 0.5 2.65 1.66
19 1.0 1.5 1.5 1.0 1.0 1.5 0.42 1.32 3.39
20 0.5 1.0 1.5 0.5 1.0 1.0 0.5 2.65 4.25
21 1.0 0.5 1.0 1.0 1.5 0 0.83 2.65 2.53
22 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3.31 0.80
23 1.5 N/A 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 0.3 0.66 1.66
24 0.5 N/A 1.0 0.5 0 1.5 0.2 1.99 0.80
% reporting
Any change 67 38 79 63 75 50
Decrease 29 25 17 25 17 29
Increase 34 13 63 38 58 21
Z-scores based on the means and standard deviations of the group without brain damage.
1.5 ¼ dramatic decrease; 1.0 ¼ marked decrease; 0.5 ¼ mild decrease; 0 ¼ no change; 0.5 ¼ mild increase; 1.0 ¼ marked increase;
1.5 ¼ dramatic increase.
Recognition of emotion following TBI 795

emotion matching relative to controls (r ¼ 0.438, injury typically seen in this population. In addition,
p ¼ 0.032). the reduction in employment status post-injury of
the sample, while dramatic, is typical of this group
Change scores by valence. Change scores were noted [45–48].
to be more extreme for some emotions than for The TBI group appeared to have specific difficulty
others. A summary of self-reported changes in post- with facial affect recognition that was not attributable
injury subjective emotional experience are summar- to group differences in the ability to perceive faces.
ized in Table III. Although there was a statistically significant differ-
While there was a great deal of within-group varia- ence in BFRT scores between groups, both groups
bility for change scores across the different emotions, performed within the average range on this test
changes in some categories were more commonly according to normative data [42]. The between-
reported than others. Changes in the experience of group difference in performance reflected compa-
sadness and anger were the most common (79% ratively poorer performance of the TBI group for
and 75%, respectively), followed by happiness those test items requiring perceptual extrapolation
(67%), fear and disgust (63% and 50%, respectively) from the target image (e.g. recognizing what the
and, lastly, surprise (38%). Increases in emotionality target person’s face might look like in a three-quarter
were commonly reported especially for sadness view or when lit from underneath), which arguably
(63%) and far (58%) and were generally twice as fre- taxed participants’ visuoperceptual abilities to a
quent as decreases. Nevertheless, approximately one greater extent than any of the stimuli employed in
third of the TBI group reported a reduction in the the emotion recognition tasks. Indeed, participants
experience of happiness and disgust while between in both groups made a greater proportion of errors
17–25% of the group reported decreased emotions for items involving perspective or lighting change,
in the other categories. Of the different emotions, but there was no significant interaction effect with
a reduction in the experience of fear and sadness group. Most importantly, however, there was no
was associated with poor performance on the correlation between scores on the BFTR and total
Emotion matching task relative to controls (Fear: accuracy scores on any of the expression recognition
r ¼ 0.457, p ¼ 0.025, Sadness: r ¼ 0.484, p ¼ 0.017). tasks for either group. Thus, despite the less accurate
There was no association with a reduction in the visuoperceptual performance of the TBI group
experience of other emotions. relative to the control group (notably where mental
perspective transformations were required), emotion
recognition performance was, nevertheless, indepen-
Discussion dent of face perception performance in this sample.
Emotion recognition performance These results concur with those reported elsewhere
[7, 9, 10].
Consistent with the results of previous investigations, Within-group analyses also suggested a specific
the participants with TBI in this study were less problem with expression recognition for the TBI
accurate than matched controls in their judgements group. First, participants with TBI were significantly
of facial affect. This effect was demonstrated for each poorer at matching and labelling facial expressions
facial emotion recognition task in the study. than they were for matching front-view photographs
Participants in this study were selected, where on the basis of identity. Indeed, none of the partici-
possible, on the basis that they had experienced pants with TBI ranked lower than the 8–11th per-
some difficulty with post-injury social skills. Thus, centile for BFRT performance, whereas over half
the results of the study may not be generalizable to ranked lower than this on the expression matching
TBI populations without this difficulty. The inci- task and almost all ranked lower than this (below
dence of impaired social functioning following TBI the fifth percentile) for the expression labelling
is, however, high [3, 44], so the findings of this task. Secondly, facial expressions of particular
study may bear relevance for a sizeable proportion emotions (namely happiness and surprise) were
of the TBI population. Furthermore, while people accurately labeled and matched with consistency by
with social difficulties were sought, the group the majority of participants in the TBI group. If a
reported here are at untypical of the TBI population general visuoperceptual deficit for faces existed,
more generally. For example, the mean length one would expect to see impaired performance for
of PTA was not significantly difference (one sample basic BFRT items as well as impaired expression
t-test) to the mean PTA duration of 81.2 days recognition performance for all emotions depicted,
reported in a consecutive series of 100 people with not just for a select few.
TBI discharged from a comparable brain injury These results are consistent with a modular frame-
unit in an independent study [45]. This indicates work of face recognition such as advocated by Bruce
that this group was representative of the severity of and Young [49]. According to the model, expression
796 V. Croker & S. McDonald

and identity are analysed in divergent processing Alternatively, these results may be taken as
pathways following a common stage of basic support for cognitive models of emotion process
structural encoding. It is, therefore, possible for that specify separate neuronal pathways for select
recognition performance to be impaired for one of emotions. In particular, it has been proposed that
these functions and not the other [24, 26, 27]. negative emotions, such as fear, are mediated by
Given that there is heterogeneity in the localization discrete circuits involving the amygdala and orbito-
and severity of damage between individuals with frontal cortex [23], structures that are particularly
TBI, it is possible that individuals may demonstrate vulnerable to TBI.
a range of disorders reflecting disruption at different
points of this system. The participants in this study Semantic knowledge and the effect of contextual
were relatively normal on face recognition per se information
but abnormally poor when recognizing expression,
supporting the notion of divergence between the The TBI group matched labels of emotions to
processing of affect vs identity. In addition, the everyday contexts with a high degree of accuracy,
results suggested that, while the people with TBI performing as well as the control group in this area.
were impaired in their ability to both name and It would appear that the manifest difficulties the TBI
match emotions within categories, these two abilities group experienced on the expression recognition
were not associated. This would imply that these two tasks were not attributable to semantic access to
tasks rely, to some extent, upon separate cognitive words pertaining to basic emotional states.
processes and suggest that further fractionation of In contrast, when asked to match facial expres-
the emotion recognition system is warranted. sions to a context, many participants with TBI
were poor. Furthermore, they tended to choose
labels that corresponded well to the context,
The effect of valence: positive vs negative emotions but not to the faces they had actually selected. This
accuracy for context rather than facial information
Participants in both groups were more accurate in refines the earlier findings, suggesting that this
labelling and discriminating between expressions of group had specific difficulty understanding facial
positive emotions than negative emotions, suggesting expressions rather than emotion more broadly
that expressions of negative emotions were generally defined.
more difficult to classify (see also [10, 38]). The Evenso, both TBI and control groups evidenced
group with TBI, however, demonstrated an exag- a similar degree of improvement in expression
gerated recognition deficit for the negative emotions identification when provided with contextual infor-
(especially fear, sadness and disgust) relative to mation — in this case, information about the social
positive (happiness and surprise) in context-free context — although the TBI group remained less
task formats. These results parallel earlier findings accurate than controls throughout. Thus, for
[10, 50]. the majority of participants with TBI, access to
One possible explanation for this valence effect contextual information attenuated impairments in
concerns the number of discrete expressions belong- expression recognition. It would seem that, for
ing to each valence. Given that there are fewer these participants, knowledge of the meaning of
expressions of positive emotion than negative different facial expressions was partially available
emotion, the task of distinguishing among negative but difficult to access in the absence of other affective
expressions might be relatively more difficult. cues.
A related issue is that the decoding of expressions Importantly, this pattern did not hold for all
of negative emotions may require more elaborate participants with TBI. For example, two of the 15
processing than expressions of positive emotions, had very poor facial affect recognition and were not
particularly as distinctive features of negative expres- helped by contextual information. Indeed, although
sions may overlap (e.g. furrowed brows in anger these participants were fully aware of the meaning
and sadness, widened jaws in fear, anger and some- of affect labels and could also match these appropri-
times disgust). Any inefficiency or interference with ately to the context, they were unable to match them
normal processing resulting from neurological to facial characteristics. Nor could these individuals
impairment might see recognition accuracy rate fall match faces on the basis of expression. For these
below threshold more readily for negative emotions individuals, the problem was not access to the
than positive emotions (see also [51]). Indeed, meaning of facial expressions, but appeared to be
research with schizophrenic patients [52–54] and a more pervasive difficulty processing the percepts
stroke patients (typically with right-hemisphere themselves.
lesions) [29, 30, 53] has similarly revealed a specific The finding that semantic knowledge of emotions
recognition deficit for negative emotions. remains relatively intact for the majority of people
Recognition of emotion following TBI 797

with TBI and can facilitate emotion perception, recognition are related, a more recent investigation
at least for some, has interesting implications for by Hornak et al. [50] has suggested that these two
rehabilitation. It suggests that conceptual reasoning aspects of emotional processing may be dissociable.
regarding likely emotional states may be a useful In that study, while bilateral lesions of the orbito-
strategy to ameliorate perceptual deficits. It also frontal cortex were related to changes to subjective
suggests that, in everyday situations where emotions emotional state, nor all patients with subjective
are perceived in context, deficits are likely to be less changes to emotional state were found to be
apparent than reported here. However, given that impaired on emotion recognition tasks or visa
there are many situations where the emotional state versa. A specific examination of the relation between
of another is not predictable, contextual knowledge reduced emotional responsivity and emotion
will not always be of assistance. At such times, recognition was not, however, reported. Nor did
deficits in facial affect processing will put the indi- Hornak’s et al. studies examine aspects of facial
vidual at a significant social disadvantage. expression processing beyond face labelling Yet, it
may be that changes to emotional experience will
be differentially associated with different kinds of
Subjective experience of emotion
emotion processing tasks.
There was a great deal of variability in the pattern In a review of both animal and human studies,
and degree of self-reported post-injury changes in Phillips et al. [55] argued that the immediate and
emotional functioning for the TBI group, although automatic identification of the emotional significance
most reported some change in intensity or frequency of a stimulus and the affective response to it may be
for at least one emotion (see Table III). A small mediated by a neural system that encompasses the
proportion of the changes reported appeared to amygdala, insula and ventral portions of the anterior
be directly related to the impact of disability itself, cingulate and pre-frontal lobes. In contrast, they
e.g. an increase in fearfulness expressed as argued for a separate system encompassing the
concern of being unable to effectively fend off or dorsal aspects of the anterior cingulate and frontal
flee an assailant. However, in the majority of cases, lobes and the hippocampus that mediates effortful
comments such as increased happiness, spontaneous regulation of responses to emotional stimuli as well
tearfulness and poor control of anger were seemingly as other cognitive processes that are called into play
unrelated to post-injury adjustment to disability. depending on the task. A similar dissociation was
Thus, the results suggest an overall pattern of reported by Adolphs et al. [22] such that damage
emotional lability, with individual variations in to the insula was specifically implicated in emotion
expression. Increases in emotion intensity were categorization failure, whereas the frontal operculum
reported approximately as twice as often as was involved when the task required naming.
decreases, a finding also reported in a recently According to our findings, the ability to match facial
study of patients with surgically excised focal, frontal expressions on the basis of perceptual characteristics
lesions [50]. Nevertheless, a significant proportion of was related to the ability to experience normal levels
participants — ranging from 17–29% — reported of emotion, whereas the ability to provide verbal
overall decreases in emotional intensity for each of labels for emotional expressions was not. Nor were
the six basic emotions. While Hornak et al. [50] the ability to match facial expressions and the ability
reported an association between absolute magnitude to label expressions related. This suggests that
of subjective emotional change and emotion recogni- (1) matching and labelling rely, to some extent, on
tion, this study found that it was specifically the different abilities and (2) matching, unlike labelling,
decrease in emotional intensity, especially in the area is partially related to the experience of emotions.
of fear and sadness, that was significantly associated These patterns are consistent with the dual route of
with poor emotion discrimination as measured by the emotion processing advocated by Phillips et al. [55].
matching task.
The relationship between subjective change in
emotional experience and emotion recognition is
an intriguing one that is, as yet, relatively unexplored In summary, these results suggest that the partici-
in the neuropsychological literature. Although the pants with TBI in this study were specifically
normal and developmental literature suggests that impaired in facial affect recognition relative to
the experience of emotions and the development of matched controls, replicating the findings of previous
recognition of emotions in others are intertwined, studies. They were impaired in both the labelling and
their functional association in people with brain matching of emotional expressions, although these
injury is not well established. While this study two attributes appeared unrelated. Semantic knowl-
accords with Hornak et al.’s [7] 1996 study in the edge for affective terms and emotional contexts
finding that emotional experience and emotion was unaffected, arguing against the suggestion that
798 V. Croker & S. McDonald

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