Lessons Enlgish A1

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Monday January 14th

English A1, group 15

Lesson A, Unit 1

Objective: At the end of the lesson, students will be able to:

- Introduce themselves and others by asking and answering the question “what’s your/his/her/their

1. Team building activity: Arrange the students into two teams and have each team stand in a circle.
Give the first student in each team a ball. The first student begins by saying their name, e.g. 'I'm Ryan'.
The first student then passes the ball to the second student. The second student repeats the first
student's name and then says their own name, e.g. 'He's Ryan, and I'm Kate'. The second student passes
the ball to the next student. The next student continues, e.g. 'He's Ryan. She's Kate, and I'm Amiko'. The
game continues until all the names have been said. If a student forgets the name of a teammate, the
team starts over from the first student. The first team to finish wins the round and scores a point.

2. Syllabus presentation: show the units, the evaluation system link libro
3. Classroom policies: read out the ones from the Language School (in Spanish)

4. Lesson A ENCOUNTER: show the slide and demonstrate the questions and answers on page 6. Ask
some students to help out. Have everyone repeat the questions and answers.

5. CLARIFY: post your name on the board. Then, hand cards with name titles to some students. Ask them
to paste the cards next to the corresponding name. Check answers. Then, have them look at the
vocabulary about titles on exercise 2A page 6. Ask them to guess which one is for you.

6. REMEMBER: Play hot potato for exercise 2b page 6.

7. Grammar CLARIFY: post scrambled questions on grammar chart on the board (one color each). Ask
volunteers to come to the front. They will unscramble them and ask them to a classmate. Emphasize on
the singular and plural form of verb, as well as the possessive adjectives. Draw their meaning on the

8. Grammar REMEMBER: Have students work on exercise 3A and B on the slide.

9. Grammar INTERNALIZE: Students write 5 sentences with my, his, her, their, our.

10. Grammar FLUENTLY USE: Make two groups. Give out cards to differentiate. Students from the same
group ask each other (at least 5 people). Then, they make groups of four (two people from each group)
and have them ask each other about their classmates’ names by using the questions with verb be + the
corresponding possessive adjectives.
January 15th

Lesson B, unit 1

Objective: spell first names and last names by asking the question “how do you spell your…..?”

Team building activity: play grouping to remember names

Pre: students take turns coming to the front to get a letter from a bag. They will call out the letter and
have their classmates repeat. Provide feedback when necessary. Play saying the alphabet by throwing a
ball to someone. They need to say the next letter.

Play the conversation on page 8. Students practice it in pairs twice. Provide pronunciation feedback
after monitoring.

Emphasize on the questions for spelling. Choose a few students to practice them by asking them to a

Play the listening part. Students do it on their notebooks if they don’t have the textbook.

Students build two cards similar to the ones in the exercise (name tag, school id, attendance roster, gym
card, library card, etc) Then, they choose two classmates to fill out the cards with by asking their names
and how to spell them.
January 16th

Objective: ask and answer yes/no questions with verb be regarding occupations and countries of origin.

Community builder: Make two groups. Choose a representative from each group. Then, spell out words
for them to write on the board. The first person to spell the word correctly scores a point for their team.
5 words will be spelled.

ENCOUNTER VOCAB: Show pictures of different famous people, their names, occupations and countries
of origin. Then, ask students to repeat.

CLARIFY-REMEMBER: Give out cards with the vocabulary to pairs. They need to come up with at least
three more names. They will share with the class when done. Play the conversation on activity 2 page
10. Students repeat. Emphasize pronunciation of words that are more difficult to pronounce.

VOCAB INTERNALIZE: Make groups of 3. SA play the role of Sandy, SB plays the role of Jacob. SC plays
the role of Kevin. They will use their own names but they need to think of an occupation and a country
and city of origin for SC. Model the conversation. Then, groups practice for 5 minutes. Choose two
groups to perform for the class.

GRAMMAR ENCOUNTER: direct students’ attention to the questions and asnwers in the grammar chart
on page 11. Play the audio.

GRAMMAR CLARIFY: Explain the subject pronouns and the forms of verb that go with each, as well as
the structure of the yes/no questions and their answers.

GRAMMAR REMEMBER: Provide matching cards with exercise A on page 11. Students look for their
partner, check answers. Then work on part B as a class.

GRAMMAR INTERNALIZE-FLUENT USE: student write down three yes/no questions using the vocabulary
previously studied. Then, they need to ask them to three classmates.

January 28th


OBJECTIVE: Ask and answer questions identifying everyday items through the correct use of this/these,
a/an, and regular plurals.

COMMUNITY BUILDER: give out cards with letters to students. Then, call out a question. They need to
stand and line up to form the question with their letters. Once they question is formed, they will ask it to
the person next to them. Questions:

 How are you today?

 How was your weekend?

VOCAB ENCOUNTER: give out labels with the vocabulary on page 26 to students. They need to look for
the corresponding items around the classroom and paste them. Check answers and practice

VOCAB CLARIFY/REMEMBER: choose students randomly to come to the board and write the names to
the items in the slide.

VOCAB INTERNALIZE: in trios: students look for items in the list that they have in their bags. They will
practice using the possessive adjectives and the vocabulary. For example: It´s your book, it’s your eraser,
it’s your watch, etc.

GRAMMAR ENCOUNTER: play the audio and show the image for the conversation on page 26 (track 38).
Have students underline the questions.

GRAMMAR CLARIFY: have students focus on the grammar chart, explaining how it is divided into
singular and plural. Choose some students to demonstrate how those questions and answers are
applied in real life (set up two desks at the front with different objects).

GRAMMAR REMEMBER: students complete exercise individually. Then, they practice asking and
answering in pairs.

GRAMMAR-VOCAB INTERNALIZE/FLUENT USE: students make groups of 4. Then, they organize their
desk putting two and two together. They put different things on both places and ask and answer
questions trying to identify what they are and whose items they are. Model the conversation.
January 29th

Lesson B, unit 3

Class objective: ask and answer questions to identify classroom items.

Community builder: students stand up and sit down at the count of 3. The last person standing needs to
ask a question with that, this, those, these to another classmate.

Presentation: Play track 40 from page 28 activity 1. Students will number the pictures they hear.

Play again for students identify the questions in the conversation. Ask some of them to write them on
the board.

Introduce the activity 2: interactions and have students listen to the conversation. Practice the
questions about asking for new words in English.


Students will get in pairs by taking a number from a bag. They will have 5 minutes to practice the
conversation with the words and questions on the book. Then, each group will perform the conversation
in the middle of a circle (desks will be put into a circle).

Production: students choose 6 objects from around the classroom. They will take turns asking for their
English translation. Each conversation will be videoed by another pair so that they can check and
provide feedback to the group later. Pairs become groups of four, one pair videos and provides
feedback to the other.
January 30th

Lesson C, unit 3

Class objective: Describe clothing items using colors and possessive pronouns

TEAM BUILDING: students change seats. Choose two students who come to the front. They have to take
the marker. If they do, they have to ask how to say the word on the board in English to the one who

ENCOUNTER: call out words from the vocabulary on page 30, students wearing those items come to the

CLARIFY: Show the slide for those items people are not wearing. Practice pronunciation for all the

REMEMBER/INTERNALIZE: students are given a piece of paper. They need to draw their favorite piece of
clothes. They need to color it too. They will write this is my favorite _____________ and paste it on the
board. Everyone checks spelling. Students write their names at the back

ENCOUTNER GRAMMAR: play the conversation on page 30. Draw attention to the possessive pronouns
in it.

CLARIFY GRAMMAR: show the grammar chart. Explain the use of possessive pronouns, whose and ‘s.
use realia when possible. Call out examples and ask some students to write them on the board.

REMEMBER: student work on the exercise individually. Check advanced students’ work first. Then, have
them help checking the rest of their classmates work.

INTERNALIZE/FLUENT USE: collect the drawings from the board and group them into 4. People whose
clothing is in the pics get together and ask each other about the clothing following the example on page

WRAP UP: ask random students a few questions about some of the drawings.
January 31st


Class objective: identify general and specific information from simple readings and conversations
regarding favorite clothing items.

COMMUNITY BUILDER: students stand up and make a circle. Tell them that one of them (for each three)
needs to bring an object. Then, they take turns passing the object saying the possessive
adjectives/pronouns. Example: SA to SB: whose book is that? SB: it’s mine. SC to SA: whose book is that?
It’s hers/his. Groups who do it will, may sit down and get a candy.

PRE-READING: show students the reading on page 32 and have them identify the clothing items.

DURING: have students pass around a bag with the reading pieces. Students take turns to read the one
they get. Correct pronunciation.

-Choose random students to answer the comprehension questions. Show answers.

PRE-LISTENING: introduce the listening by looking at the pictures and identifying the items.

DURING- GENERAL: students check the things they hear (track 49). Choose a student to check on the

SPECIFIC: play it again for students to check the color and other information that describes the object.

READER ACTIVITY: divide the first three chapters into the class (around 7 people in the same chapter).
They need to choose a word from their assigned chapter and post it on the board. Then, each student
explains how the word they chose relates to the story (in one sentence).
February 4th


CLASS OBJECTIVE: describe different means of transportation in the simple present using affirmative
and negative statements

COMMUNITY BUILDER: Show unit 4 warm-up slide. Students work in groups of 3. They will be given a
color sheet where they need to write as many things as possible from the slide in 1 minute. The group
that has more things in their list wins. Give out candy.

ENCOUNTER: show the slide with vocabulary. Then, students repeat the phrases.

CLARIFY/REMEMBER: Show images again but without the names. Then choose random students to call
out the transportation names and spell them.

INTERNALIZE: students stand in a circle. When they hear a transportation way they use, they need to
come to the center.

GRAMMAR ENCOUNTER: play the audio from Mariela on page 36. Students practice afterwards. Choose
random students to practice aloud.

CLARIFY/REMEMBER: simple present statements (negative and affirmative)

Post an example of each on the board. Then, have some students identify the structure. Give out cards
with different subject (pronouns or proper nouns) and verbs to students. They need to come up with a
new sentence using the structure given.

Present the verb have and go. Explain that they need to be added –es but follow the same structure.

Students work individually on the exercise A, and then write 5 sentences individually based on exercise
B. After that, make pairs and each pair is going to write what they other person told them.

WRAP UP: some students read their sentences out loud.

February 5th


Class objective: ask and answer questions about time using specific expressions for each case.

COMMUNITY BUILDER: Give out scrambled sentences in the simple present to groups. They need to
organize the sentences on the board. The group who finishes first scores a point.

PRESENTATION: show the images on page 38 and have students practice the phrases to tell time.

Then, have students match the different times to the clocks. When they find their match, they need to
come up with a new time and write its text.


Individually, students write a time (in numbers) on the card they’re given. Then, they stand up and show
it to three classmates for them to tell them what time it is.

Show the conversation on page 38 (track 55). Students practice repeating and then they work in pairs to
recreate it using different ideas like what time is the exam, the party, the meeting, etc and checking
whether they are early or late.

Play audio to practice reduction of to (track 56).

Play audio for listening practice (track 57).


Individually, students create 3 questions. They need to ask them to at least three people. Then, they will
prepare a short report to present to the class.
February 6th


CLASS OBJECTIVE: ask and answer about daily routines using yes/no questions in the simple present

COMMUNTY BUILDER: make two groups. Each groups sends a representative to the front. They need to
write what they hear (a time). the one to finish first scores a point.

ENCOUNTER: students watch the Mr Bean video for getting familiar with routines.

CLARIFY: students call out which activities on page 40 were mentioned in the video.

REMEMBER: students choose three routines from the textbook and write them down on their
notebook. Then, they stand up and pair each other with a classmate wearing a similar color. They will
spell each other the routines they have.

GRAMMAR ENCOUNTER: Present the conversation on page 40 (track 61). Students listen and check new
vocabulary. Then, draw their attention to the questions with do and does.

CLARIFY: give out cards with the structure elements in the yes/no questions. Post two sample questions
on the board and have students with the cards place them in the corresponding place.

REMEMBER: Delete the subjects in the sample questions. Give out cards for students to write new
subjects. Then, they come to the board and paste it into the corresponding space.

Students work on exercise A individually.

INTERNALIZE: Then, make two rows of facing desks. They need to interview each other using the
questions in exercise A.

FLUENT USE: Create 4 questions: 2 with do and two with does on a chart copy they will be given. They
will ask at least two people.

ASSESSMENT: Choose some students to report the results of their interview using affirmative or
negative statements.

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