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A Brief Manual on Hydropower Studio Model

A Manual on
Hydropower Studio Model

Prepared By:
Khimananda Kandel
Hydropower Expert
Mobile: 9851070202

January 2018

Developed by Khimananda Kandel

A Brief Manual on Hydropower Studio Model


AEPC Alternative Energy Promotion Centre

AWI Annual Wetness Index
BoQ Bill of Quantities
DHM Department of Hydrology and Meteorology
GIS Global Information System
Hz Hertz
IRR Internal Rate of Return
kM Kilo Meter
kV Kilo Volt
KVA Kilo Volt Ampere
kW Kilo Watt
kWh Kilo Watt Hour
LCOE Least Cost of Energy
MW Mega Watt
MWI Monsoon Wetness Index
NEA Nepal Electricity Authority
NPC National Planning Commission
NPV Net Present Value
PPA Power Purchase Agreement
RERL Renewable Energy for Rural Livelihood
RL Reduced Level
ROE Return on Equity
VAT Value Added Tax
WECS Water and Energy Commission Secretariat

A Brief Manual on Hydropower Studio Model


1.1 Data Inputs ....................................................................................................................... 5

1.2 Assumptions ..................................................................................................................... 6
1.3 Key Features ..................................................................................................................... 7
1.4 Hydropower Studio Output in Front Page.......................................................................... 9
1.5 Scope of this Model ........................................................................................................ 12
1.6 Who will be Benefitted ................................................................................................... 12
1.7 Hydrological Analysis Approach .................................................................................... 13
1.8 Hydrological Analysis Output ......................................................................................... 15
1.9 Automation of Transportation Distances ......................................................................... 17
1.10 Design features ............................................................................................................... 19
1.11 Automation of BoQ......................................................................................................... 19
1.12 Automation of Rate Analysis .......................................................................................... 19
1.13 Auto Generation of Salient Features ................................................................................ 21
1.14 Automation of Project Cost Estimation and Output ......................................................... 24
1.15 Output for Revenue Generation ....................................................................................... 25
1.16 Financial Analysis Output ............................................................................................... 26
1.17 Selection of Best Alternative Option ............................................................................... 26

A Brief Manual on Hydropower Studio Model
1.1 Data Inputs
This model allows 3 sets of hydropower database to process at a single time. For analyzing more sites,
the same sites can be copied and can be used. There are 23 inputs to this model in the input sheet as
shown in the figure below.
Dundun Dundun Chunban
S.N. Particulars Gad(Duikholi 1) Gad(Duikholi 2) Khola(Duikholi 3)
1 District Rolpa Rolpa Rolpa
Name of
2 Local Body Duikholi 1 Duikholi 2 Duikholi 3
Name of the Project
3 (River Name_1 ….n) Dundun Gad Dundun Gad Chunban Khola
4 No: 1 2 3
Coordinate of Longitude 82.579967 82.553859 82.54107
(Decimal Degree) Lattitude 28.473188 28.478418 28.524745
Coordinate of Longitude 82.56053 82.536406 82.53263
(Decimal Degree) Lattitude 28.478736 28.477223 28.502449
Catchment Area
7 km2 97.1 115 51
Monsoon Wetness Index
8 Wetness Index (mm) 1220 1220 1220
9 RL of Intake (m) 1600 1460 1560
10 RL of Powerhouse (m) 1519.64 1408.78 1460
11 Gross Head (m) 80.36 51.22 100
12 Total Length of Waterways (kM) 2.439 2.356 3.791
Length of of Headrace (kM)
13 Water Ways (km) 2.338 2.28 3.403
Length of Penstock (kM)
14 (Intake-Forebay) m 0.101 0.076 0.388
15 Toposheet No: 2882 11A 2882 11A 2882 07C
Roadhead Distance (kM)
16 Roadhead (kM) 35 28 34
17 Roadhead Name Korchawang Korchawang Korchawang
Distance from PH to Grid (kM)
18 Substation (kM) 25.5 24 20
Musikot near Musikot near Musikot near
19 Location of the Nearest Grid Bhalakcha Bhalakcha Bhalakcha
20 Sand Available Distance (kM) 65.39 48.1 51.5
Madi Khola and Madi Khola and Madi Khola and
Lungri Khola Lungri Khola Lungri Khola
21 Sand Available Location Junction at Sari Junction at Sari Junction at Sari
22 Nearest Market Centre Tulsipur Tulsipur Tulsipur
23 Province No 5 5 5
All of the above databases, can be collected by using topographical maps , GIS Maps of Nepal and
Google Earth Map.

A Brief Manual on Hydropower Studio Model

1.2 Assumptions

Some assumptions have been made for using this model. The assumptions are as following.

 Discharge of the river is estimated by using Hydest Method, Modified Hydest Method and model
generated by using DHM monthly data. The average of the three methods have been adopted in
flow estimation.

 Precipitation data can be collected either from precipitation data of Department of Hydrology and
Mateorology (DHM) or by using New_LocClim (Local Climate Estimator Software).

 Total headloss in waterways is taken as 10% of the total head available from Intake to
Powerhouse for the estimation of Power Output.

 Overall Efficiency of the proposed project is taken as 85% .

 Length of headrace, penstock, distance from existing or proposed substation, nearest roadhead
and distance of sand availability was found out by using GIS Map, Google Earth and available

 Approximate design/sizing of headrace, desanding basin, forebay and penstock pipe (diameter
and thickness) is made for the identified alternatives.

 11 kV or 33 kV transmission line is proposed for power transmission and unit cost of 11 kV and
33 kV transmission line is prepared by including the cost of swithching station.

 Water to wire cost is taken as certain dollar per kW.

 It is assumed that the main construction materials and equipments will be delivered from stations
namely; Birtamode, Itahari, Mirchaiya, Bardibas, Hetauda, Narayangadh, Kathmandu, Pokhara,
Butwal, Bhaluwang, Tulsipur and Atariya.

A Brief Manual on Hydropower Studio Model

 Government standard has been followed for the estimation of rate of material. For generalizing
the study, the rate of materials at Baglung district is taken as base rate and rate has been increased
by certain percentage for remote districts with remoteness factor provision in cost estimate model.

 For remote districts like Humla, Dolpa and Mugu district provision for transportation by air is
also considered.

 Revenue estimation for July to November, tariff rate is taken as Rs. 4.8 / Unit and for December
to June Rs. 8.4/Unit is considered. Tariff rate for revenue generation is increased by 3% per
annum for 8 consecutive years and after this the tariff rate is fixed as constant as per the NEA
tariff provision for small hydropower projects.

 Insurance cost is taken as 0.3% of total project cost annually. Royalty is taken as per the
hydropower policy of Nepal.

 Financial parameters have been presented for all investment and equity investment options.

 Hydropower project is compared with solar power plant by using Least Cost of Energy (LCOE)

 Physical contingencies for Civil, Electro Mechanical (Water to Wire), Penstock/Hydro

mechanical are taken as 10%, 2.5 % and 5% respectively. Similarly VAT/Tax is taken as 13% and
in case of Electromechanical items (Water to Wire) tax is taken as 1% .

1.3 Key Features

Some of the features available in this model are as followings.

 Hydrological Analysis by Hydest, Modified Hydest and DHM Database Based New Model
 Switching Option for Q45, Q65 and Q80
 Design Automation for Headrace (Canal/Pipe), Desanding Basin, Penstock (Dia and Thickness)
 BoQ and Cost Estimate Automation
 Approximate Sizing of Electrical Equipments
A Brief Manual on Hydropower Studio Model
 Automation of Transportation Distances (Major Supply Points Defined)
 District wise Rate can be used.
 Revenue Generation as per NEA PPA Provision.
 Financial Analysis (All Project Cost / Equity Investment)
 LCOE comparison for Hydro and Solar Mode
 Comparison of Different Hydropower Alternatives
 Reviewing of the Feasibility Study and Detailed Feasibility Study
 Generates brief summary report
 User Friendly and Useful Planning Model for Hydro Projects

A Brief Manual on Hydropower Studio Model
1.4 Hydropower Studio Output in Front Page

The above studio has both input and output cells. The normal excel cells are the outputs and all the
buttons available are the input to be given in the studio by the user. In this studio following inputs are to
be given.

Step 1 : Select Probability of Excedence (Q45 or Q65 or Q80 to be selected)

Step 2 : Select the district name
Step 3 : Select Hydrology Basin (Options 1 to 14 are avaialble ranging from Tamor River Basin to
Chameliya River Basin, the major rivers of Nepal)
Step 4 : Select Headrace Canal for Headrace Canal and Penstock Option and Select All Headrace Pipe
for all pipe in headrace and penstock.
Step 5 : Select Proposed diameter depending upon the headloss. The headloss in percentage is available
in the main studio just after the input. In case of all penstock pipe, total headloss can be taken to upto 5%
and in case of Penstock Pipe only it is recommended to limit headloss within 3% range.
Step 6: Select the proposed Width of the Desanding Basin. It will give the size of the desanding basin as
output in the main studio.
Step 7: Give the input for Length of Forebay (m) and Width of Forebay depending upon the required
discharge holding capacity of tank. The height output in main studio is the minimum vortex height.
A Brief Manual on Hydropower Studio Model

Step 8 : Select Transportation Category (Extremely Remote where transportation by air is required,
Remote are the districts defined by remote in Latest Subsidy delivery Mechanism of AEPC and Normal
are the other normal districts)

Step 9 : For Extremely Remote case following botton appears in the studio.

for Extemely remote case, click in applicable Rate/kg for air transportation (Rs.) for transporting by Air.

Step 10 : For Remote Case, click in the remoteness factor. The remoteness factor have been ranged from
1.1 to 2. (1 means the normal district rate and 2 means the rate of materials have been doubled, so make
input depending upon the remoteness of the location with prior knowledge of rates).

Step 11 : Select 11 or 33 kV line whichever is available in the project.

Step 12 : In equipment cost per kW include the rate per kW (Water to Wire) in dollar. Generally 400 US
Dollar to 600 Dollar per kW can be assumed for preliminary study.)

Step 13 : Give conversion rate of Dollar in the cell in right hand side of input 11.

A Brief Manual on Hydropower Studio Model
Step 14: Give input to the Bank Interest Rate.

Step 15: Give input to the loan repayment years (5, 10, 15, 20 and 25 years can be selected)

Step 16: In Rate Analysis input, select district name if detail district rates are available, otherwise select
default for the study. For entering the actual district rates, please right click on the worksheet button and
select unhide. In the available sheets in the worksheet, select Rate Analysis Model 1and give input. In
this sheet only the following inputs can be given.

Table : District Rate inputs

S.N. Particulars Unit Rate (Rs.) Remarks
1 Cement (OPC)-Nepali Bag 750
2 Reinforcement (dia. 8mm~16 mm) kg 85
3 Binding Wire kg 100
4 CGI Sheet Sqm 500
5 Gabion Wire (all gauge) Commercial kg 100
6 MS Plain Sheets for Penstock kg 100
7 Easy Load "Metalled Road" Rate/kg/km 0.022
8 Uneasy Load "Metalled Road" Rate/kg/km 0
9 Load/Unload "Metalled Road" Rs/kg 0.31
10 Easy Load "Gravelled Road" Rate/kg/km 0.066
11 Uneasy Load "Gravelled Road" Rate/kg/km 0
12 Load/Unload "Gravelled Road" Rs/kg 0.31
13 Easy Load "Earthen Road" Rate/kg/km 0.132
14 Uneasy Load "Earthen Road" Rate/kg/km 0
15 Load/Unload "Earthen Road" Rs/kg 0.31
16 Transportation By Porter "Easy Load" Rs/kg/km 1.921875
17 Transportation By Porter "Difficult Load" Rs/kg/km 1.921875
18 Skilled Labor Per Day 800
19 Unskilled Labor Per Day 600
The rates given in above table are the default rates. The portal is developed for all 75 districts of Nepal.

In the main studio, all the cellss with Click bottons are the input cells and all the other cells are the output
cells displayed for observing the key features of hydropower projects like installed capacity, design
discharge, size of headrace/penstock, penstock diameter/thickness, headloss in hedrace pipe/penstock,
factor of safety in penstock thickness etc.

The model is recommends pelton turbine for head more than 100 m and for upto 100 m gross head
francis turbine will be selected automatically. This sheet also compares the Least Cost of Energy (LCOE)
with Solar Power Plant.

This models gives the IRR, B/C Ratio, NPV and Return on Equity in the Main Studio. In the estimation
of Return on Equity, Loan to Equity ratio is taken as 70:30.

Step 17: With all above input is given then select Salient Features Project 1, Salient Features Project
2 and Salient Features Project 3 and print the doucment to generate the automated summary report of
the projects.
A Brief Manual on Hydropower Studio Model
1.5 Scope of this Model

This model is a tested model in the consulting work of National Planning Commission (NPC) of Nepal
entitled " Study and Analysis of Optimal Distributed Generation for Access to Grid Electricity for
All in five years with participation from Local Level Government". This model has been tested for
456 hydropower projects ranging from 500 kW to 1 MW installed capacity. For now, this model is
designed for upto 1 MW installed capacity. In near future, it is planned to develop model to study the
hydropower projects for upto at least 10 MW.

Mainly this model can be used for the following areas.

1. Preparing the comprehensive hydropower study at Local Bodies by Local Government. There are
more than 300 Local Bodies where this model can be used.

2. Preparing the district level hydropower study reports for all hilly districts of Nepal (For more than
40 districts) by District Coordination Committees.

3. Preparing the Provincial Level Hydropower Study Reports by Provincial Government.

4. Preparing the River Basin Master Plan of particular River basin where there is huge potential of
Small Hydropower Projects by the Government of Nepal.

5. Preparation of desk study reports of hydropower projects for licensing purpose by developers for
submitting in Department of Electricity Development (DoED).

6. Preliminary Review of the Hydropower Projects by the Private developers.

7. Preliminary Review of Hydropower Projects by the Banks and Financial Institutions investing in
hydro sector.

8. Comparision of alternative sites in hydropower projects.

9. For the Preparation of Feasibility study of hydropower projects by Alternative Energy Promotion
Centre (AEPC)/Renewable Energy for Rural Livelihood (RERL).

10. For the Preparation of Feasibility Study of hydropower projects by private consulting Firms.

11. This model is very much useful for the academicians in the University and the Students carrying
out the thesis work in hydropower projects.

1.6 Who will be Benefitted

Potential users of this model are as following.
1. Engineers and Consultants working in Local Bodies of Nepal.
2. Engineers and Consultants Working in Provincial Level.
3. Engineers and Consultants Working in Hydropower Sector in Central Government.
4. Alternative Energy Promotion Centre to promote Mini Hydropower Projects all over Nepal.
5. Private Consulting Companies working in Hydropower Sector.
A Brief Manual on Hydropower Studio Model
6. Hydropower Experts and Academicians.
7. Students carrying out higher study in Hydropower.
8. Hydropower Developers.
9. Banks and Financial Institutions for the review of hydropower projects.
10. All stakeholders in hydropower sector at national and international level.

1.7 Hydrological Analysis Approach

Hydrological Analysis in this model has been generated by using the following three methods.
1. DHM/WECS (Hydest) Method
2. Modified Hydest Method
3. DHM database based model

DHM/WECS (Hydest) Method

Hydest method was developed by Department of Hydrology and Meteorology (DHM). The main input to
this sheet is total catchment area, catchment area below 5000 m, catchment area below 3000 m and
Monsoon Wetness Index (MWI). In this model (Hydropower Studio Model), it is assumed that all the
catchment areas lies below 3000 m for the simplification of the study. Monsoon Wetness Index is the
cumulative precipitation over a basin from June to September.

Modified Hydest Method

Modified Hydest method was developed by Department of Hydrology and Meteorology (DHM) in the
Year 2004. The main input to this sheet is total catchment area, catchment area below 5000 m, catchment
area below 3000 m, Average Basin Elevation and Annual Wetness Index. In this model ,average basin
elevation is taken as the RL of intake plus 600 m. Apart from this, it is assumed that Annual Wetness
Index (AWI) as 120% of Monsoon Wetness Index.
DHM database based New Model
The hydrological analysis shows that the discharge is relatively higher in the eastern region and goes on
decreasing in western region. The basin wise hydrological coefficient (discharge per unit catchment area
in m3/s) for the different river basin is as following.

Table 8 : Province wise discharge variation based on DHM mean monthly flow of gauge stations
Q45 Q65
Name of (m3/s/km (m3/s/km Related
S.N. River Basin 2) 2) Gauge Stations Provinces
Mai Khola (Rajwali),Puwa Khola
Tamor River (Sajbote),Tamor (Majhitar),Tamor
1 Basin 0.0331 0.0166 (Mulghat) Province 1
Arun River Arun River (Uwa Gaun),Arun River
2 Basin 0.0477 0.0219 (Turkeghat),Sabha Khola,Hinwa Khola Province 1
3 Sunkoshi 0.0405 0.0223 Helambu,Balephi,Bhotekoshi,Bhotekoshi Province 1
A Brief Manual on Hydropower Studio Model
River Basin (Pachuwaghat),Panauti and 3
Tamakoshi Province 1
4 River Basin 0.0319 0.0171 Tamakoshi,Khimti Khola and 3
(Likhu Solu) Likhu Khola,Taktor Khola,Dudh Koshi,Solu
5 River Basin 0.0432 0.024 Khola Province 1
airab,Kulekhani (Thulokhola),Manahari
Bagmati Khola,Lothar Khola,Bhotekoshi
Trishuli River (Syaprubensi),Trishuli Betrawati,Palankhi
6 Basin 0.0283 0.0154 Khola,Tadi Khola Province 3
Marsyangdi Khudi Khola,Marsyangdi,Chepe,Marsyangdi
Budhigandaki (Bimalnagar),Marsyangdi Province 3
7 River Basin 0.0311 0.0186 (Goplingghat),Budhi Gandaki and 4
Seti Khola,
Modi Khola Seti Gandaki ,Mardi Khola,Seti Khola
8 River Basin 0.0414 0.0247 (Phulbari),Madi Khola (Sisaghat) Province 4
Modi Khola,Myagdi Khola,Kaligandai (Seti
Kaligandaki Beni),Andhi Khola ,Andhi Khola Province 4
9 River Basin 0.0291 0.0157 (Bhorlangpul) and 5
Modi) River Madi Khola,Jhimrukh Khola ,Jhimrukh
10 Basin 0.0145 0.0085 Khola Next Province 5
Bheri Khola
(Sarada) Sarada Khola,Thulo Bheri ,Bheri River Province 5
11 River Basin 0.0165 0.0092 (Samajighat) and 6
Sinja Khola,Tila Nadi,Humla
Karnali River Karnali,Karnali River,Karnali River
12 Basin 0.0175 0.0097 (Benighat) Province 6
Seti Kailash Khola,Budhiganga,Langur
(Budhiganga) Khola,Sailigad,Dhuggad,Seti River,Seti
13 River Basin 0.0232 0.0155 River Next Province 7
Chameliya Surnagad ,Jamari (Baitadi),Chameliya
14 River Basin 0.0217 0.0142 (Nayalbada),Naugragad (Darchula) Province 7

This model generates the hydrology of the model based on Hydest Method, Modified Hydest Method and
the DHM database based new Model and the average discharge of the above three method is taken as the
design discharge. Switching option is available for Q45, Q65 and Q80 in this model. So, this model is a
dynamic model which is very useful for the study of large number of hydropower projects at the same
time. This model can be used by hydropower designers, practitioners, academicians and planners in
multiple aspects ranging from hydrological analysis to automatic report generation and many more.

A Brief Manual on Hydropower Studio Model
1.8 Hydrological Analysis Output
The hydrological output of this model is as followings.

Figure : Available and the Design Discharge in the River

A Brief Manual on Hydropower Studio Model
This model generates flow duration curve for all the three hydrological models and the average value.
The generated curve is as following.

Figure : Flow Duration Curve of the River

A Brief Manual on Hydropower Studio Model

1.9 Automation of Transportation Distances

It is assumed that the major supply centers of Hydropower Equipments and Construction Materials in
Nepal are as following.

Table : Major Supply/Market Centers Assumed

S.N. Major Market Centres Districts to be Transported Remarks
1 Birtamode (Jhapa) Taplejung, Panchthar, Ilam and Jhapa Province No: 01
2 Itahari (Sunsari) Sakhuwasabha, Terhathum, Dhankuta, Bhojpur Province No: 01
Possible Supply Centres in Future with quality Province No: 01 and
3 Mirchaiya (Siraha) road 03.
Udayapur, Sindhuli, Okhaldhunga, Khotang, Province No: 01 and
4 Bardibas (Sindhuli) Solukhumbu, Ramechhap 03.
5 Hetauda (Makwanpur) Makwanpur Province No: 03
Province No: 03 and
6 Narayangadh (Chitwan) Dhading, Gorkha, Manang, Tanahun, Lamjung 04
Kaski, Parbat, Myagdi, Baglung Eatern Part,
7 Pokhara (Kaski) Syangja Province No: 04
Baglung Western Part, Gulmi, Palpa, Province No: 04 and
8 Butwal (Rupandehi) Arghakhanchi 05
Province No: 05 and
9 Bhaluwang (Pyuthan) Pyuthan, Rolpa 06
Province No: 05 and
10 Tulsipur (Dang) Rukum, Salyan 06
By Road and Air in Karnali Region (Dolpa,
Mugu, Humla, Jumla and Kalikot), Dailekh,
11 Kohalbur (Banke) Jajarkot, Surkhet Province No: 06
Darchula, Baitadi, Bajhang, Dadeldhura, Doti,
12 Atariya (Kailali) Achham, Bajura, Kailali Province No: 07
Kathmandu Valley, Nuwakot, Rasuwa,
13 Kathmandu Sindhupalchowk, Kavreplanchowk, Dolakha Province No: 03

Table : Distance from Major Supply/Market Centers to particular locations

Distance Distance
S.N. Atariya (Kailali) (kM) Kohalbur (Banke) (kM)
1 Dadeldhura (Amargadhi) 121 Surkhet (Chhinchu) 62.92
2 Dadeldhura (Bagarkot) 135 Surkhet (Botechaur) 87.9
3 Baitadi (Khodpe) 145 Surkhet (Majhkada) 110
4 Baitadi (Patan) 167 Surkhet (Rakam) 115
5 Baitadi (Bhumeshwar) 179 Jajarkot (Jagatipur) 165
6 (Darchula-Baitadi) Satbanj 184 Jajarkot (Khalanga) 210
7 Baitadi (Shreekot) 195 Jajarkot (Dhime) 240
8 Baitadi (ShreeKedar) 208 Jajarkot (Bhur) 190
9 Darchula (Gokuleshwor) 233 Jajarkot (Karkigau) 205

A Brief Manual on Hydropower Studio Model

10 Darchula (DATU) 288 Surkhet (Birendra Nagar) 90

11 Darchula (Baluwakot) 295 Dailekh (Upallo Dungeshwor) 165
12 Darchula (District Headquarter) 306 Dailekh (Chupra Bazar) 176
13 Baitadi (Dasharathchanda) 206 Dailekh (District Headquarter) 185
14 Baitadi (Jhulaghat) 232 Dailekh (Dada Parajul) 176
15 Baitadi (Shikharpur) 167 Dailekh (Awal Parajul) 185
16 Bajhang (Bitthad Bazar) 175 Dailekh (Rawatkot) 187
17 Baitadi (Kuwakot) 193 Dailekh (Dullu) 176
18 Bajhang (Sunkuda) 196 Surkhet (Kunathari) 121
19 Bajhang (Chaudhari) 224 Dailekh (Layati) 185
20 Bajhang (Chainpur) 253 Dailekh (Chaumunda) 198
21 Bajhang (Surma) 261 Dailekh (Badabhairab) 193
22 Doti (Seti River Junction) 172 Dailekh (Jagannath) 200
23 Doti (Dipayel Height) 175 Dailekh (Naumule) 215
24 Doti (Sanagau) 215 Dailekh (Bhawani) 212
25 Achham (Sanfebagar) 256 Dailekh (Kusapani) 198
26 Achham (Timilsain) 267 Dailekh (Karnali Belibridge) 216
27 Achham (Mangalsen) 291 Kalikot (Manma) 250
28 Achham (Babla) 260 Kalikot (Dahaphatgau) 262
29 Bajura (Kuldeumadau) 272 Kalikot (Ranchauli) 291
30 Bajura (Badimalika) 286 Kalikot (Jite Bazar) 323
31 Bajura (Kolti) 310 Jumla (GhodeMahadev) 302
32 Jumla (Raralihi) 306
33 Jumla (Khalanga) 328
34 Jumla (Kalikakhetu) 308
35 Jumla (Dhapa) 326
36 Jumla (Birat) 340
37 Mugu (Seri) 350

Distance from major supply/market centres to the particular locations is estimated by using Nepal
Distance Calculator tool available in online.

A Brief Manual on Hydropower Studio Model
1.10 Design features
This studio model has the following provisions for the design of hydropower components.
1. Hydraulic design of Headrace Canal by using Manning's equation.
2. Hydraulic design of desanding basin for all alternatives.
3. Estimation of Penstock Diameter for Penstock Pipe for all alternatives.
4. Estimation of Penstock Pipe Thickness for all alternatives.
5. Approximate sizing of turbine size and type.
6. Approximate sizing of generator size and type.
7. Approximate sizing of power transformer size and type.

1.11 Automation of BoQ

This model has unique feature to automate the designed sizes of all the civil and hydro mechanical
equipments in bill of Quantities. Detailed Bill of Quantities is available for all the designed components.

1.12 Automation of Rate Analysis

This model has unique feature to automate the designed sizes of all the civil and hydro mechanical
equipments in bill of Quantities. Detailed Bill of Quantities is available for all the designed components.

The model has provision to include the following rates district wise. The default rate adopted in this
model is as following.

Table : Default rate of material and labor used in the model

S.N. Particulars Unit Rate (Rs.) Remarks
1 Cement (OPC)-Nepali Bag 750
2 Reinforcement (dia. 8mm~16 mm) kg 85
3 Binding Wire kg 100
4 CGI Sheet Sqm 500
5 Gabion Wire (all gauge) Commercial kg 100
6 MS Plain Sheets for Penstock kg 100
7 Easy Load "Metalled Road" Rate/kg/km 0.022
8 Uneasy Load "Metalled Road" Rate/kg/km 0
9 Load/Unload "Metalled Road" Rs/kg 0.31
10 Easy Load "Gravelled Road" Rate/kg/km 0.066
11 Uneasy Load "Gravelled Road" Rate/kg/km 0
12 Load/Unload "Gravelled Road" Rs/kg 0.31
A Brief Manual on Hydropower Studio Model
13 Easy Load "Earthen Road" Rate/kg/km 0.132
14 Uneasy Load "Earthen Road" Rate/kg/km 0
15 Load/Unload "Earthen Road" Rs/kg 0.31
16 Transportation By Porter "Easy Load" Rs/kg/km 1.921875
17 Transportation By Porter "Difficult Load" Rs/kg/km 1.921875
18 Skilled Labor Per Day 800
19 Unskilled Labor Per Day 600

In this model, Portal has been developed to enter the district rate of all districts of Nepal.

Table : Generated output (Adopted Rate of Materials and Items at Project Site)
S.N. Particulars Unit Rate Unit Remarks
Cement (Ordinary Portland
1 Cement) 750.00 Bag At Project Site
2 Sand 7,080.37 m3 At Project Site
3 Agreegate 2,209.15 m3 At Project Site
4 Stone 1,955.00 m3 At Project Site
Cutting Bending and Fixing
5 Reinforcement Bars 119.43 kg At Project Site
6 Penstock Fabrication 180.69 kg At Project Site
Gabion Making with material and
7 filling 4,938.68 m3 At Project Site
8 Earthwork in Excavation 533.03 Cum At Project Site
9 Earthwork in Backfilling 355.35 Cum At Project Site
10 Dry Stone Soling 3,732.90 Cum At Project Site
Stone Masonry in 1:4 cement
11 mortar 14,445.92 Cum At Project Site
Stone Masonry in 1:6 Cement
12 Mortar 11,753.26 Cum At Project Site
13 PCC(1:3:6) in Foundation 14,253.01 Cum At Project Site
14 PCC (1:2:4) in Structures 17,167.82 Cum At Project Site
15 PCC (1:1.5:3) in Structures 18,755.38 Cum At Project Site
16 Wooden Formwork 514.59 m2 At Project Site
17 20 mm thick Plastering 673.06 m2 At Project Site
18 12.5 mm thick Plastering 517.58 m2 At Project Site
19 CGI Roofing 508.65 m2 At Project Site
33 kV kV Transmission Line cost
20 per kM 1,861,249.76 kM At Project Site
Powerhouse Generating
Equipments all (Turbine,
Generator, Governer, Valves,
Switchyard and Power Transformer
21 all) $500.00 per kW

A Brief Manual on Hydropower Studio Model
1.13 Auto Generation of Salient Features

This model generates salient features for all 3 sets of data. The generated salient feature for Option I is as

Dundun Gad(Duikholi 1)
General Particulars Remarks
Name of the Project : Dundun Gad Mini Hydropower Project
Project location : Duikholi 1, Rolpa
Province No: : 5
Intake Coordinate : Longitude = 82.58, Lattitude= 28.4732
Powerhouse Coordinate : Longitude = 82.5605, Lattitude= 28.4787
Location of Nearest Roadhead : Korchawang
Distance from Roadhead : 35

Catchment Area : 97.1 km2
Q65 /(Adopted)Discharge : 1.56 m3/s

Power and Energy

Gross Head : 80.36 m
Efficiency % : 0.85 %
Power at Q65 : 941 kW
Total Annual Energy at Q45 : 6.787 GWh

Weir /Intake
Type of Weir : Concrete Gravity Type
RL of Intake : 1600 m
Type of Intake : Rectangular Orifice Type

Desanding Basin
Particle Size to be Settled : 0.2 mm
Length : 49.33 m
Breadth : 3 m
Height : 4.78 m

A Brief Manual on Hydropower Studio Model

Headrace Canal
Length of Canal : 2338 m
Width of Canal : 1.45 m
Height of Canal : 1.09 m

Length (m) : 30 m
Breadth (m) : 3 m
Height (m) : 2.56 m

Type : Surface Type, Steel
Length (m) : 101 m
Internal diameter (d) : 900 mm
Thickness (mm) : 7.00 mm

Type : Surface Type, Steel
Approximate Size : 18.40 m x 10.22 m
Reduced Level : 1519.64

Type : Francis
Number of units : 2
Turbine rated capacity : 2 x 470.5 kW Capacity
Gross Head : 80.36 m
Rated turbine efficiency : 0.89 %

Tailrace Canal
Type : Rectangular
Breadth : 3
Height : 1.09

Grid Connection
Transmission voltage : 11 kV
Line length : 25.5 kM
Connection point : Musikot near Bhalakcha

Power Transformer
Number of unit : 1

A Brief Manual on Hydropower Studio Model
Rating : 1400 kVA
Number of phase : 3
Frequency : 50 Hz
Primary (l.V. side) : 0.4 kV
Secondary (H.V. side) : 33 kV

No. of units : 2
Type : 3-phase, synchronous
Rated Power : 2 x 700 kVA
Rated Voltage : 0.4 kV
Rated Frequency : 50 Hz
Rated Power factor : 0.8 lagging
Rated Efficiency : 0.94 %
Excitation system : Brushless

Construction Period : 18 Months

Economic and
Financial Indicators
Project cost : 319.73 Million (NRs.)
Annual Revenue : 43.62 Million (NRs.)
Internal rate of return (IRR) : 10.28 %
B/C Ratio : 1.02
Net present value
(at 10% discount rate) : 6.61 Million (NRs.)
Cost per kW : 3205.45 US$

A Brief Manual on Hydropower Studio Model
1.14 Automation of Project Cost Estimation and Output
One of the unique features of this model is to generate the Project cost estimate for all the alternative
projects. Typical output for Option I is as following.

Table : Project Cost Summary

A Brief Manual on Hydropower Studio Model
1.15 Output for Revenue Generation
This model generates the revenue for all the considered project based on the Power Purchase Agreement
(PPA) rates of Nepal Electricity Authority (NEA). The generated output is as following.

Table : Revenue Generation for Alternative I

A Brief Manual on Hydropower Studio Model
1.16 Financial Analysis Output
It generates the financial analysis summary for all the studied projects. Financial analysis summary
generated by this model is as following.

Table : Financial Analysis Summary generated

1.17 Selection of Best Alternative Option

This model also compares the alternative options and ranks the projects as no. 1, 2 and 3 based on the
least cost per kW of generation cost. The summary output is as following.

Table : Selection of Best Alternative Option


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