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Civil Engineering RCC

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THE GATE COACH All Rights Reserved 28, Jia Sarai N. Delhi 1-  26528213, -9998
Civil Engineering RCC


1 Limit State Method 1-31

2 Working Stress 32-67

3 Limit State of Collapse in Shear 68-80

4 Bond and Anchorage 81-90

5 Torsion 91-96

6 Design of Beam and Slab 97-123

7 Column 124-145

8 Footing 146-153

9 Level 1 154-167

10 Level 2 168-178

11 Level 3 179-184

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THE GATE COACH All Rights Reserved 28, Jia Sarai N. Delhi 1-  26528213, -9998
Civil Engineering RCC

Chapter 4
4. Bond and Anchorage

One of the most important assumptions in the behavior of RC structures is that there is
proper bond between concrete and reinforcing bars.

When steel bars are embedded in concrete, the concrete (after setting) adheres to the
surface of the bars and thus resist any force that tends to push or pull this rod

Thus the term ‘bond’ describes the means by which the relative movement between
concrete and steel is prevented and the intensity of adhesive force is called bond stress

Bond stress is defined as longitudinal shear stress acting on the surface between steel
and concrete.

Bond between steel and concrete is due to combined effect of adhesive resistance
frictional resistance and mechanical resistance (for deformed bars)

The adhesive resistance is provided by chemical gum’ produced by concrete during


The bond due to friction is provided by gripping of bars due to shrinkage.

The friction gives considerable bond resistance. With increasing force in bar, the
adhesion is loose first than the friction between concrete and steel.

The mechanical resistance is provided by deformed bars only (not by the plain bars).
The deformed bars have lugs, or corrugations and give higher bond resistance by (not
by the plain bars)the deformed bars have lugs, or corrugations and give higher bond
resistance by providing an interlock between steel and concrete.

In deformed bar, adhesion and friction become minor elements, and bond strength is
primarily dependent on bearing of concrete against the lugs or corrugations.

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THE GATE COACH All Rights Reserved 28, Jia Sarai N. Delhi 1-  26528213, -9998
Civil Engineering RCC


Both bond stress in reinforced concrete members arises due to two distinct situations.
(a) the change in the bar force along its length due to variation in bending moment in
this length. This type of bond force is called flexural bond stress.

(b) form the anchorage of bar in case of tension or compression. This type of bond force
is known as anchorage bond stress

Flexural Bond Stress

As discussed above, the flexural bond arises along the length of the bar when change in
bar force occurs due to variation in bending moment
Consider the segment between two section ab and cd, spaced dx apart of a R.C beam
as shown in

Let M be the bending moment at section ab and M + dM be the bending moment at

section cd. Let T and T + dT be the tensile forces developed in steel reinforcement at
ab and cd respectively

Now, M = T jd
and (M+dM) = (T+dT) jd
Hence, dM = dT. Jd
or, dT = change in bar force
If bf is the bond stress acting along the surface of bar, then for equilibrium
Bond force acting along periphery of bar = change in bar force dT
or bf [dx O] dT

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THE GATE COACH All Rights Reserved 28, Jia Sarai N. Delhi 1-  26528213, -9998
Civil Engineering RCC

where, O = sum of perimeters of all steel bars resisting tension,

or, bf (dx O )
dM 1
or bf .
dx jd O
But Shear force = V
Hence, bf
jd o
The stress bd at a particular section is called local bond stress. Thus, the flexural bond
stress is directly proportional to the shear force and inversely proportional to the sum of
perimeters of the bars at the section

Anchorage Bond stress and Development Length

Anchorage bond stress arises when a bar is carrying certain force. In anchorage bond,
it is necessary to transfer this force in the bar to the surrounding concrete over a certain
length. The length. The length of bar ‘L d is required to transfer the force in the bar
Fa steel bar embedded in concrete and subjected to a tensile force T. due to this force,
there will be a tendency of the bar to slip out and this tendency of the bar to slip out and
this tendency is resisted by the bond stress developed over the perimeter of the bar
along its length of embedment. This required length L d is called anchorage length in
case of axial tension (or compression) and and development length in case of flexural
The development length is an embedded length of the bar required to develop the
design strength of reinforcement at the critical section

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THE GATE COACH All Rights Reserved 28, Jia Sarai N. Delhi 1-  26528213, -9998
Civil Engineering RCC

If is the nominal diameter of a bar then

Tension, T = ( 0.87 fy) Ast
T = (0.87 fy)
This force must be transferred form steel to concrete through bond acting over the
perimeter of the bar along its length of embedment L d
If bd is he average bond stress then
Force = bd x( )Ld
For equilibrium 0.87 fy bd Ld
0.87 fy
4 bd

The value of design bond stress for plain bars in tension prescribed by IS code are
reproduced in table 3.1

Table : Permissible bond stress in tension

Grade of concrete M 20 M 25 M 30 M 35 M 40 and above

Design bond 1.2 1.4 1.5 1.7 1.9
stress bd

Note: 1. bd for deformed bar is increased by 60% this is because for deformed bars,
the actual contact area of a bar with concrete is taken into account which is much more
than contact area based on nominal diameter
2. for deformed bars, these values shall be increased by 60 percent

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Civil Engineering RCC

3. for bars in compression the above values may be increased by 25 percent,

Development Length For Flexural Bond

Following equation gives the flexural bond the stress in the tension reinforcement at any
section of the beam, in case there is a group of bars of mixed size, the largest flexural
bond stress occurs at the bar with the largest diameter. If there are N bars of equal size

Jd O
Where O N = total perimeter of all bars in tension at the given section
Similarly, for a group of N bars with equal diameter, equation for anchorage bond can
be written as:

0.87 fy At L
bd d N
= bd d L O
0.87 fy At
or bd
Ld O
Equating bd form equation (1) and (2), yields
0.87 fy A t V
Ld O J O
0.87 fy At J
or Ld
or L d
Where J = lever arm
Where M 1 = moment of resistance with respect to tension steel alone at the section
under consideration (assuming all reinforcement at the section to[ be stressed 0.87 f f)
V = factored shear force at the same section

If the design bond stress bd is not to be exceeded the ratio M1/V must be equal to or
grate than Ld as an additional factor of safety, the anchorage length L 0 has been added
to the right hand side of equation (3) in the code, that is

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THE GATE COACH All Rights Reserved 28, Jia Sarai N. Delhi 1-  26528213, -9998
Civil Engineering RCC

Ld L0 or
The code IS: 456 (caluse stipulates that at simple supports and at point of
inflexion, positive moment tension reinforcement shall be limited to a diameter such that
Ld L0 C
Where L0 = sum of anchorage beyond the centre of the support and the equivalent
anchorage value of any
Hook or mechanical anchorage at simply support, and at a point of inflexion L 0 is limited
to the effective depth of the members or 12 whichever is greater; and
Erom equation (1), it is clear that flexural bond stress is maximum at the section where
shear force is large or where the sum of the perimeters of bars is minimum. Therefore,
the check for flexural bond becomes necessary at the section where shear force is
maximum and where bending moment is zero
the locations of such sections are:

(a) simple supports.

(b) Points of contra flexure

Now, L0 = sum of the anchorage beyond the centre of the support and the equivalent
anchorage value.

The dark potation shows the hook which has an anchorage value of 16 . The distance
of the begin inning of the hook form its apex of the semi-circle can be taken to be equal
to 3

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THE GATE COACH All Rights Reserved 28, Jia Sarai N. Delhi 1-  26528213, -9998
Civil Engineering RCC

Let s be the length of support

L0 x0 + 16 where x 0 x' 3
L0 x' 3 16
L0 x ' 13
If no hook is provided as in case of deformed bars,

L0 x'
(2) the code further recommends that the value of may be increased by 30 percent
when the ends of the reinforcement are confined by a compressive reaction. This
condition of confinement of reinforcing bars may

Not be available at all the tyes of simple supports. In simple supports of beam resting on
walls or columns, the reaction induces compressive stress due to which bar gets
confined, as shown in fig

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THE GATE COACH All Rights Reserved 28, Jia Sarai N. Delhi 1-  26528213, -9998
Civil Engineering RCC

Thus at simple supports where the compressive reaction confines the ends of
reinforcing bars we have

, M1
Ld 1.3 L0
Bends and Hooks

When the required straight development length (or anchorage length) cannot be
provided due to limited space at the end of beam in that case standard hooks or bends
are provided to find the full development length.

The common types of anchorage provided area U-type hook and L-type bend.
The anchorage value of bend shall be taken as 4 times the diameter of the bar for each
450 bend subject to a maximum of 16 limits the diameter of bars

The anchorage value of a standard U-type hook shall be equal to 16 times the diameter
of the bar

Thus the anchorage value of the standard value of the standard hook and standard
bend shall be taken equal to 16 and 8 respectively following figure shows he
dimensions of the hook and bend.

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Civil Engineering RCC

The minimum (internal turning radius ‘r’ specified for a hook is 2 for plain mild steel and
4 cold worked deformed bars.

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