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Rationale of the Study

Commerce and industry has become an important part of every person’s

daily activity. From buying value meal in Jollibee in the morning for breakfast, using

hygienic supplies for body cleaning supplied by Safeguard, wearing apparels for

comfort and protection made and distributed by Bench, travelling for leisure and

recreation organized by a travel agency where you only need to pay a package,

and setting out with the family for a dinner date at Lantaw. All of these are relating

to business activities. Exchange of goods and services through the use of money

or monetary instruments has incorporated these business transactions.

Businessmen creates these products and offerings in exchange of monetary

rewards given by the buyers. But how does this goods and services, products and

offerings, come to the hands of the consumers? It is through advertisement. The

art of introducing products or services to the people.

Marketing personnel carries out the function of introducing these goods and

services to the market, to the people. This people help businessmen sell and

dispose its products and offerings to the market. The channels used by them

include visual promotions through flyers, tarpaulins and billboards. Other

companies spend for television promotions on its products and services. Recently,

technological advancement produced an idea to marketing people to extend the

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promotions of products and services in social media platforms like Facebook,

YouTube and Instagram. These channels greatly contribute to the success of most

of the businesses that are into selling products and services through advertising.

Advertising is a technique used by most businesses in making their market

offerings known to the people and be disposed for a profit or revenue. It has come

to pass from generation to generation of business entities and its corresponding

marketing department. It has significantly evolved and improved together with the

development of technology. From printed materials to electronically produced

advertisements, todays advertising system can be concluded to be a state-of-the-

art way of exposing market offerings to the public which in turn create better

opportunity for business’ products and services be known not only in the local

market, but in the global setting as well. Today’s technology has helped to make

the people’s lives easier to live. Invention of smartphones with corresponding

operating systems made possible to put to every people’s hands the chance to see

the world in a click and get what they want in a blink of an eye. The long journey

going to the marketplace before has been shortened to seconds in buying goods

online and through delivery services. Together with these improvements is the

introduction of electronically created application programs. Examples are

Snapchat in taking creative photos, Bitcoin in online currency trading, Pinterest in

browsing high quality images and a lot more available in Google Play and App

Store. How about an application for the market personnel for advertising?

Hyper Deals is one of these electronically created application program

created to help businessmen and marketing personnel in creating profit or revenue

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for the business. This application will enable businesses to advertise their market

offerings in a more advanced way through the use of technology. This application

will target the customers more accurately through the use of preference setting

and account registration of the user. This will also enable sales, deals and

promotion mapping through the Google Map integration to better locate fitted

preferences of the user. This application program will change how marketing,

specifically advertising, work in this generation. Hyper Deals will create an impact

in the market in the field of advertising and promotions. An application useful for

the user and productive for the business entities. Hyper Deals will be the latest and

newest mobile platform for advertising. The technologically advanced advertising

application of this millennial generation.


Every business entity have something to sell. It may be in a form of a

product which is tangible or the intangible other called service. Aside from thinking

about the production, one important consideration every businessman always put

to priority is to how introduce these market offerings in the markets. Marketing is

the answer in the form of advertising. Advertising techniques and strategies has

evolved. From being only printed media advertising, marketing personnel now

explore other way of promoting market offering in the use of technology. Recently,

social media advertising booms. It gives good sense to the businessmen to

advertise their product online. It has become now the trend, advertising in social

media platform like Facebook. But is this enough to satisfy the need of both the

businessman who aims for a profit or revenue and the customer who wants to
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satisfy his need? It is time to present this study wherein the researchers will

introduce Hyper Deals. A mobile application program design only for online

advertising. This application will change the face of advertising.


This study aims to leap the way of marketing and advertising of business

entities from the traditional posters and billboards toward technologically

developed electronic mobile application program, Hyper Deals, to produce more

profit or revenue to business organizations in the market and give ease of choosing

a certain good or service for the consumers through the personalized preference

setting of the app. This study also aims to provide valuable information to the

academe and the University of San Jose Recoletos students, staffs and

administrators. The future researchers are also considered in making this research

to provide a better understanding on the topic discussed in this study.


Business sectors’ marketing techniques will be updated into highly

innovative electronic mobile application program with the advantage of less cost

advertising and advanced way of goods or services advertising in the market.

The Consumer Market

Consumers will now have the convenience of easy choosing, shopping and

buying of every good and service they want to avail with the personalized

preference setting of the Hyper Deals application program without cost and comfort

of hassle free purchasing.

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According to De Vaus (2001), research design refers to the overall strategy

that you choose to integrate the different components of the study in a coherent

and logical way, thereby, ensuring you will effectively address the research

problem; it constitutes the blueprint for the collection, measurement, and

analysis of data. It is a tool used to make sure that the study conducted is

relevant and useful for the prospected users of the data gathered by the

researchers. The design used in this research is crafted in order to meet the

needs of the academe and the school administration of University of San Jose

Recoletos as to its being a research university. The researchers and the future

researchers of the related topic are also considered to provide necessary data

and information that is deemed important in carrying out this study. This is to

ensure of providing the most useful and factual information that will be needed

in order to carry out the purpose of the study and to make sure that the project

will be realized as to its marketability aspect.

Research Environment

A marketability study on Hyper Deals, a mobile application program for

advertising, was conducted in University of San Jose Recoletos main campus

in Magallanes Street, Cebu City and business entities in SM City Cebu,

Robinsons Galleria and Ayala Center Cebu. The respondents were college

students of the said university and business owners, managers and marketing

officers of these business entities. They are chosen by the proponents due to
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the relativity of the topic as to these two group of respondents and an easy

gathering of data due to location and convenience.

Research Methodology and Instruments

A quantitative or descriptive market research was used to conduct the study

through the use of questionnaires drafted by the proponents of this study.

Fields or questions relating to the study and of the application was formulated

and given to the respondents where they have to respond to it by checking

boxes as to how many are applicable to them per item, yes or no and frequency

for both the respondents. The survey was made through personal contact with

the respondents for the both groups. The survey questionnaire was also

specialized per group. Customer user survey questionnaire comprises seven

questions while business user survey instrument comprises six questions.

Please see appendix A and B for the survey instrument. The survey was

conducted through visiting classes of the college students in the main campus

with the permission of their instructors and professors while interviewing and

answering for the business user in SM City Cebu, Robinsons Galleria and

Ayala Center Cebu.

Research Respondents

The respondents of our study are divided into two groups. The first group

are on the side of the customer users. They are the college students of University

of San Jose Recoletos main campus in Magallanes Street, Barangay Kalubihan,

and Cebu City. The second group of our respondents are the business user. They

are comprised of business owners, managers and marketing officers of business

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entities in SM City Cebu, Robinsons Galleria and Ayala Center Cebu. A total of

489 respondents will be interviewed or will be ask to answer the survey

questionnaire. Customer user, comprising the college students from four college

of University of San Jose main campus, are allocated with 360 respondents out of

the 489 and 129 are answered by the business users comprising business entities

in SM City Cebu, Robinsons Galleria and Ayala Center Cebu. The numbers are

allocated proportionately in the three malls.

Limitation of the study

The proponents want to give the best results as to the topic of this study

which is the marketability aspect of Hyper Deals. All effort has been exerted but

there are really things that cannot be done at to considering factors in

accomplishing the tasks necessary to make in this study. The proponents unable

to use random sampling method because of time constraint. It is supposed that the

respondents from both groups need to be chosen by statistical machines but it was

decided to choose them subjectively. The business user sample population also

has been modified form the standard .05 margin of error to .08 due to time

constraint and resources for travelling and schedule of the said respondents.

These things limited the proponents to get the best results for the survey but they

are still optimistic in giving the users of this data enough information as to the topic

of this study. The proponents still exerted effort to be as factual and systematic in

the conduct of this study. The proponents have also found that internet or data

connection limits the application as to its serving capability. Internet or data

connection is an essential tool for the application to work. Without these

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connections, it would be hard for the both users of the application to use Hyper

Deals. These limitations are part of the study and of the application itself but this

will motivate both the proponents and developers of Hyper Deals to work hand in

hand in limiting these limitations in order to realize the goal of both the study and

app to unleash and discover potential improvements.


This particular study involve both business and technological aspect which

means that there are some terms that are hard to grasp and understand especially

those what we call jargons or special terms used at a specific field of study or

profession. In this part, we shall be highlighting those unusual words or terms and

give its definition in order for the readers of to have a better understanding of the


Android Studio

Android Studio provide developers the tools to build an applications for an

Android OS Platform.

Application Program

An application program is a comprehensive, self-contained program that

performs a particular function directly for the user. (Technopedia)

Business Entity

Business Entity is created and formed by one or more persons for the purpose of

trading or doing business. And it is made by filing of contract or documents.

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Dashboard visually display all of the most important information needed to

achieve a certain objective, it consolidates and arrange all of the information on a

single screen.


Encryption is the process that developers use to convert data to unrecognizable

or encrypted data mainly to protect sensitive data.


Geo-fencing is a feature of a software program that allows the developers to set-

up triggers that will notify a device if it enters or exits the boundaries set by the


Integrated Development Environment (IDE)

This is a software suite that developers use to write and test software. It also

contains code editor, compiler or interpreter and a debugger which are basic

tools that developers use.


Java was originally designed to develop programs but later became known for

developing websites. It produces software that developers can use multiple


JetBrains’ Intellij Idea Software

This is used especially for the development of programs.

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Language Programming Tool

A programming language is a computer language engineered to create a set of

commands, instructions and other syntax use to create a software program.

Programming language uses accurate algorithms to control the behavior and

output of a machine.

Mobile Application Platform

This is a software tools room for designing creating and maintaining mobile

applications. In short, this is where developers encodes and creates mobile


Model-View-Controller Method

MVC is used in developing modern user interfaces. This also allows the

developers to significantly reduce the time in developing applications with user



Relates to money which it is supplied to and it circulates in the economy.

Monetary Instruments

This is the coin or currency of legal tender of the Philippines or any other country.

Drafts, checks, notes and other similar instruments where title thereto can be

passed by assignment, endorsement or delivery are just some of the examples of

monetary instruments.
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Platform is a single software tool that is use to create, design, maintain and run a

whole application.

Production Capacity

Production Capacity is define as the amount of product or service that a business

entity can generate in a given period using current resources.


Reservoir refers to a place where great amount of something is kept in store.


Smartphone includes advanced technology that it does not only make phone

calls and send and receive text messages, it can also send display photos, play

videos, check emails, surf the web and can run third party that has full



Stipulation is a requirement or condition that a party can demand to be part in an



Systematic is using a system or a regular and orderly method. (Merriam-


Use Case Diagram

Use Case Diagram is the primary form of software requirements for a new
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system program underdeveloped. And this is also used to identify, clarify and

organize system requirements in \system analysis.

Use Case Narrative

This is use to emphasize editing features and describe the steps associated in

creating an event.

User Groups

User group is a set of people who uses specific hardware or software product.

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