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The technical aspect is an important part of a research which discusses the

essentials and operational activity of the project. It is about what the study is all

about, what technology is involved, how the project is made, how much the project

cost, how and for whom will it work and when will it be available in the market. This

questions are to be answered in this section of the study.

Hyper Deals as a mobile application platform for advertising sale, deals and

promotion needs to undergo thorough study on its technicality and marketability

components. Its technicality will give information regarding with the technology

involved in the making of the application, how the application is made, and how

and for whom this application will work. Its marketability component will answer

how much does making and using the application cost and when will it be available

and how it will work when it is already in the market. Its two main user groups,

customer and business entity, will be given a clear cut on why should Hyper Deals

be approved to be out in the market and be used as a form of advanced way of

advertising sale, deal or promotion of a product or service. This aspect of the study

gives the overall guidelines of the use of the application.


This proposal study is an application entitled “Hyper Deals” which is

developed in the platform, Android studio. Android Studio is the Integrated

Development Environment (IDE) for Android operating system wherein it is built

C H A P T E R T W O | 14

on JetBrains’ Intellij Idea software and develops application with an Android

operating system. This IDEA offers a Model-View-Controller method that can

easily manipulate the application to work. The application is integrated with Google

Maps Android API which allows the users to use it for better navigation of the store

that the researchers decided to collaborate with and the users can also customize

their mapping information. The Google Map was developed by Google which has

certain features to help the users identify the location in the best and fastest way

possible and it offers satellite imagery, street maps, and 360 degree panoramic

view of streets, real time traffic conditions, and route planning by foot, car, bicycle,

or public transportation.

Hyper Deals is a Mobile Platform for advertising. Its main feature is that

business owners can posts their latest deals and promotions in the system which

will then notify the users nearby of the location about the store’s deals and

promotions. In addition, there are certain features of the app that will allow the

users to customize their accounts according to their preferences. This application

will have two types of users: the ordinary users and the business owners. Ordinary

users also known as the consumers will get to receive notifications and view the

stores account to check for the latest promotions and deals. While on the business

owners point of view they are able to posts in their accounts and put hashtags

according to their target customers. Hyper deals is bringing the advertisement of

products to a whole new level making it hassle free for both the seller and the

C H A P T E R T W O | 15


Hyper Deals, as a mobile platform for advertising sale, deal and promotion

of a product or service, was made to meet the need of the two main user groups,

customer and business entity, in product buying, service availing, product and

service promotion and advertising. This application will be functioning in a

systematic format wherein the user group partake a great involvement on its

functionality and usage. It is through this step that will explain how Hyper Deals

work from its nativity down to its actual usage in the market. This will incorporate

the flow starting from its making down to reaching the user groups mobile devices.

This part are subdivided into three section for each group of interest. The

Developers’ Section that discusses the overview how the application is made. The

Customer User Group Section that explains how Hyper Deals work for these users.

The Business User Group Section that exposes how business entity use the



1. Application Making Stage

Hyper Deals is made through using an application-making studio for

Android compatible devices. This is how the Hyper Deals application

components are made and will explain the technological intervention behind

this advertising mobile platform. Hyper Deals has its own identity embodied

by its symbol illustrated below. The shaking of hands symbolizes an

agreement between the customer and the business while the colors, blue
C H A P T E R T W O | 16

and red, symbolizes that the app is made by Filipinos. This logo will also

be the identity of the business center of Hyper Deals, the Hyper Deals App

Advertising Center.

Figure 1. Company Logo

a. Application Overview

Hyper Deals is a mobile application for people who likes to

wander a lot that likes to avail special promos from different stores or

businesses. Whenever a user pass near a store that has a sale, special

deals, and promo, they will be notified in an instant as they pass by. So

in that notification, it gives an overview of what sale, special deals, and

promo is being offered. The business entities that uses Hyper Deals are

being stored monitored and work as geo-fences. These geo-fences are

set by the business itself in order for their sale, special deals, and promo

be known or exposed to its targeted market.

b. Application Program uses Use Case Diagram(UCD)

This Use Case Diagram shows the Hyper Deals significant

C H A P T E R T W O | 17

actions by each user groups. It also shows the main functionalities of

the app.

Figure 2: Use Case Diagram

This use case diagram shows the main actions or functionalities

that actors can do through this application. We can observe that there

are several basic actions for the customer users to do like registering,

setting promo preferences, getting notification of nearby promo or

deals, viewing promos in the Google Map and viewing a detailed list
C H A P T E R T W O | 18

about the featured promo with the necessary information needed from

the advertisement like contact numbers and website. The businessman

users can create promos and deals on the app themselves, put details

and design profiles for the advertisement they are creating, view

dashboard of how does their advertisement perform and its reach in the

market and respond to calls and messages of the customers.

c. Application Program uses Use Case Narratives(UCN)

The Use Case Narratives of Hyper Deals shows the specific flow

of how every platform, field and option of the application performs to

aim a specific goal. The use case narrative explains on how each use

case functions and works on the entire application.

1. Application Uploaded in Google Play

After the application has been made, the next step to take into

consideration is how the application will reach the user groups. In order to

realize this, the application must be uploaded to Google Play, an online

application store for Android compatible devices.


2. Application Downloaded by the User Groups: Customers and


Hyper Deals will now be available for download in Google Play. The two

user groups, customers and businessmen, will be able to download the

application for free.

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3. Application used by the Customer User Group

After the customer user group downloaded the application, they will go

into step by step process of filling up fields required by the application

program to run. This will enable the customer user to use the entirety of the


a. Registration

The customer will be led to the application

platform wherein they will enter necessary

information like last name, first name, email

address, password and confirming through

checking the terms and conditions of using the


Figure 3. Customer User Register Platform

Table 1. Use Case Narrative: UC 01 Register

Use Case Search Business
Actors Customer
Purpose To gain access and login to app

Overview In this use case, Customers are required to input the

fields that are needed
Type Required
Precondition Registration Button is tapped

Post condition The account was successfully created

Flow of events
Actor Action System Response
Enter necessary Validate inputs
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Register account Approve registration

b. Profile Viewing and Preference Setting

The customer using Hyper Deals will

be led to another platform of the application

wherein they will see their account profile

and set their own promo preference

according to their needs and wants, taste

and likes.

Figure 4.Customer User Preference Setting Platform

Table 2. Use Case Narrative: UC 02 View Profile

Use Case Set Promo Preference

Actors Customer

Purpose To filter receive notification

Overview This is to receive only notification from desired

promotions by filtering or setting promo categories in
the application

Type Optional

Precondition Tap the set category preference in sliding bar

Post condition Get filtered notifications


Actor Action System Response

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User tap set Prompt Categories of items


Tap certain Shows subcategory and its items with its checkbox
Check desired Save to database for future references
item groups

c. Notification of Nearby Sale, Deal or Promo

They will receive filtered advertisement

whenever they are near to a business entity

where the good or service they would like to buy

or avail can be purchased.

Figure 5. Sample Notification Message for Customer User

Table 3. Use Case Narrative: UC 03 Get notified nearby deals/promo

Use Case Get notified from nearby promos

Actors Customer

Purpose To let the customer know when he or she is in a

nearby deals/promo

Overview In this use case the customer gets notified to a

nearby promo whenever he is near or enter the
specified area radius of a certain deals/promotions

Type Essential
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Precondition Promo must be include from preference of the user

in categories
Post condition Get push notification when able to enter geo-fence


Actor Action System Response

Just walk around Systems track location of the user whenever it

the area changes

Entered certain Push notification of detected geo-fence promo to the

area that has user.
promo geo-fence
in it.

d. Google Map Sale, Deal and Promo Integration

Through the Google Map technology,

customer user will now see nearby sale, deal or

promo offered by different business establishment

registered in Hyper Deals. Google Map will display

the business entity where their sale, deal or promo

is offered, the business logo and its exact location.

Figure 6. Google Map Integration Platform

Table 4: Use Case Narrative: UC 04 View promos in Google map

Use Case View promos in Google map

Actors Customer

Purpose To view nearby promo in places to places

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Overview In this use case Google map is lunch to for the user
to view location of promotions
Type Optional

Precondition Tap promo map tab

Post condition Map and promo markers is loaded


Actor Action System Response

Tap map tab Displays map and markers

e. Viewing Detailed Sale, Deal or Promo


The customer now will be able to see the

detailed information about the sale, deal or

promotion they have chosen in the application.

They will also have the chance to contact and

browse the business entity and its website.

Figure 7. Advertisement Detail Platform

Table 5: Use Case Narrative: UC 05 View promo list and featured promo

Use Case View promo list and featured promo

Actors Customer
Purpose View feeds of promo and featured promo of the app

Overview In this use case customer can view the feed of promos
in certain tab and it also has the featured promo of the
Type Optional
Precondition Tap the Promo Feed Tab
Post condition Promos are loaded
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Actor Action System Response
Tap promo feed Redirect screen to promo feed tab


4. Application used by the Business User Group

This part discusses how business user group use the application to

create advertisement on its sale, deal and promotion, and realize more profit

or revenue through this mobile advertising application program. Through

Hyper Deals and its technology, businessmen can now create an online

promotion of their market offerings in low cost advertising.

a. Registration

The business entity can now register in Hyper

Deals through entering the necessary fields such as;

last name, first name, email address, password and

confirming a checkbox of the terms and conditions of

using the application platform.

Figure 8. Business User Registration Platform

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b. Creating Advertisement through Hyper Deals

The business user group can now create an

advertisement about their product or service sale,

deal or promotion in a mobile platform. They just

need to fill up the fields that will create the

advertisement directly from the application which

includes ___________.

Figure 9. Business User Adding Advertisement Platform

Table 6. Use Case Narrative: UC 01 Add Create/Deals

Use Case Add Create/Deals
Actors Business/Store owner
Purpose To create a certain deal in the application for
customers to see
Overview In this use case the store owner pays a certain price
for its deal to be added in the application in specified
dates( date started and end)
Type Optional
Precondition Tap add deals button in certain area
Post condition Payment is paid
Actor Action System Response
Tap add Displays required input fields or data entry to
create/deals complete creating deal

Submit Prompt payment methods

Paid necessary Adds the deal created by the store owner and set
payments geo-fence around its area of store

i. Advertisement Customization

The business entity using Hyper Deals can customize

their own advertisement to be encoded using the application

C H A P T E R T W O | 26

platform according to their policy, style or template.

Table 7. Use Case Narrative: UC 02 Detail and design deals profile/detail

Use Case Detail and design deals profile/detail
Actors Business/Store owner
Purpose To add customization in profile of promo

Overview In this use case the store owner adds customization

to the detail profile of certain promo that the store
owner create he or she may add more pictures for
users to view
Type Optional
Precondition Go to profile section of added promo
Post condition Have created promos in the app
Actor Action System Response
Customize promo Displays customization from the store owner

ii. Advertisement Monitoring

One of the useful element of the Hyper

Deals is the ability of the business user group to

monitor their advertisement using dashboards

included by the developers to the application

program. Through this, the business user group

can evaluate how effective their posted

advertisement in the application and the

distance it has reached. It will also help the

business user group to evaluate the Hyper

Deals’ functionality as to mobile application

program advertising.
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Table 8: Use Case Narrative: UC 03 View dashboard of promo reached

Use Case View dashboard of promo reached

Actors Business/Store owner

Purpose To know if the posted promo advertisement have

reached customers and view its actions and feedback
Overview In this use case store owner can view promo reached
of the promo advertisement he or she put in the
Type Essential

Precondition Tap certain tabs

Post condition Have created promos in the app


Actor Action System Response

Appoint schedule Prompt Necessary Date tabs for the user to input
Tap reached tab Can view whether its post is being sent, viewed,
interest and dismissed.
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Hyper Deals Service Flow

1. Registration Platform
This figure aims to successfully register the user and login for

Figure 10. Registration System Flow

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2. Customer User Group Preference Setting Platform

This figure aims to set promo preferences in order for the user to filter

received push notification when entering geo-fences area of store.

Figure 11. Preference Setting System Flow

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3. Getting Notification by Nearby Sale, Deal or Promo Platform

In this figure user walk around and area by the power of background

processes the app detects of every location changes of the user if a user

entered a geo-fence the system will then push a notification to the user of

the geo-fences stored that is detected in area of the user.

Figure 12. Notification Message System Flow

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4. View promos in Google map

This figure aims to make the user know of what promos are in nearby

places by the use of the Google map.

Figure 13. Google Map Ad Viewing System Flow

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5. View promos in list and featured promo

This figure aims to have the user view the promos in list manner in

which he or she can efficiently swipe through promos it also can view the

featured promo by the app.

Figure 14. Advertisement List System Flow

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This figure aims to have the user view the promos in list manner in which

he or she can efficiently swipe through promos it also can view the featured promo

by the app.

6. Business entity registration

This figure aims to show the process of every business user who

will use the app.

Figure 15. Business User Registration System Flow

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7. Creating Advertisement

This shows how the business user will create an advertisement in

Hyper Deals.

Figure 16. Creating Advertisement for Business User System Flow

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8. Viewing Advertisement Report on Dashboard

This figure shows how the business user uses most of its important

features, the viewing of advertisement report. How long does it reach and how

many customer user views the ad within a specified radius area.

Figure 17. Viewing Advertisement Report for Business User System Flow
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Hyper Deals as a mobile application is created through the use of electronic

technology. It has different raw materials. Its materials are characterized to be

intangible, electronic in nature. It has no physical appearance, but only digital.


Android Studio is an application maker wherein

mobile application developers used to create

applications in an Android hardware format.

Figure 18. Android Studio Logo

The developers also created an account to

Google which cost up to $25.

Figure 19. Google Play Developers Account Logo

Java is the programming language used in Hyper

Deals since this application is an Android application.

Figure 20. Java Programming Language Logo

C H A P T E R T W O | 37


Firebase is a platform which allow to

build web and mobile applications without

server side programming language. You can

store users’ data on its real-time database

Figure 21. Firebase Logo

Which sync data among users’ data in no time. (Retrieved from

Data Storing

Mobile application needs to be protected from

viruses. So the developers have put data protection on the

application. Android assumes that developer will have their

own encryption system unlike the Apple technology that

Figure 22. Android Operating System Icon

have iOs Security Guide.

HTTPS in the data transferring tool used

by the developer in creating this application.

Figure 23. HTTPS icon

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Blank Clean Paper

A clean white paper made out of

processed tree that serves as the writing

device for the contract. This serve as the

reservoir of the ink or toner from the printer

Figure 24. Bond Paper Image

These materials are mostly free except that the developer needs a Google

Developer Account with $25 payment.



Merriam- Webster Dictionary define tools as something (such as an

instrument or apparatus) used in performing an operation. It incorporates as to

how Hyper Deals is made through the use of online instruments or software. These

instruments performs as to be able to create application now named to be as Hyper

Deals, another tool in helping businessman advertise their offerings through the

use of technology.
C H A P T E R T W O | 39

Android Studio

Android studio is the main tool used in creating Hyper Deals. It works as an

editing platform wherein the developers navigate

through its tools and options in order to create an

application. It can be downloaded for free and

compatible only with Android hardware.


Java is a language programming tool in

creating a mobile application program. It works

together with the Android Studio for both tools are

Android compatible. It serves as the language maker

of an application.


Hyper Deals is made to advertise business’ product and service. This

is the very reason why this application is made. Hyper Deals is for all business

entities who would like to advertise sale, deal or promotion of their market

offerings. In line with this, Hyper Deals management need a document that will

become a proof of understanding between both parties, management and

business entity, called the contract in which all the stipulations will be written to
C H A P T E R T W O | 40

have a smooth transaction between the two. This document need to be printed.

That is why we have this equipment to carry out the function of the said printing of



An electronic device that have a monitor and central processing unit that

serve as the file keeper of any document encoded to it using a keyboard. This

device is used to have better archiving of

important business files and documents

such as the contract. Computer may be in a

form of desktop or laptop. These two types

of computer is mostly used by business

entities today.

Figure 25. Apple Desktop Computer Image


A device that prints or produce any online or

electronic document through the use of either an ink or

toner and a blank paper.

Figure 26. Printer Image

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Metal Filing Cabinet

A furniture made out of wood or steel or

combination of wood and steel used to keep files

and documents. This will be used to keep the

documents that is connected with Hyper Deals

transactions like contracts and memorandums with

other business entity.

Figure 27. Metal Filling Cabinet Image


A device used to reproduce a written or encode file or

document through scanning.

Figure 28. Photocopier Image


As to the application production capacity, the researchers and developers

will monitor it through the use of software and program in the computer. For

monitoring application downloads, the developers will tap Google Play services.

For monitoring productivity of the application, the developers will use the Hyper

Deals system straight form the internet.

As to the number of possible users of Hyper Deals, there is no exact number

as to how many downloads it will get because it will be uploaded in Google Play

and Google Play will be the one to serve as the channel to download the app to
C H A P T E R T W O | 42

the interested users. The number of downloads will also be based on the

advertising of the application itself, Hyper Deals. Anyone who will download the

application can use all of its functions without restrictions except for the business

man that needs to pay for the ad they will be encoding to the application.

The researchers will be having a pilot run as to the introduction of the

application to few numbers of businesses. It will run from ten to 20 separate

business entities. As to the customer side, the students of University of San Jose

Recoletos Magallanes and Basak campuses will be invited to download the

application. As to the estimation of the number of students, a hundred will be a

sure digit.
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Headquarters Location

Figure 29. Google Map Screenshot of Hyper Deals Headquarters in Barangay

Panagdait, Mandaue City
The Hyper Deals team would like to renovate a bedroom to become an

office of the Hyper Deals Advertising Center. The proponents have chosen one of

the proponents’ house while the business is in its first year of operations. The place

for the proposed office of Hyper Deals will be in Barangay Panagdait, Mandaue

City. This is to save rent expenses in order to lower the administrative costs of the

C H A P T E R T W O | 44


Headquarters Design

Figure 30. Hyper Deals Headquarters Office Design

The bedroom turned to an office by one of the proponents’ residence is

located in Barangay Panagdait, Mandaue City. It that will serve as the

headquarters of Hyper Deals transactions will have three working desks for

manager, secretary and marketing relations officer. There will be no rent expense

for the house but the management of Hyper Deals will be the one to shoulder all

the bills relating to the business.

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The following supporting costs for the business are also included for these

are essential needs as to the operations of the center. This supporting costs are

as follows:


This cost is for the lights, computer units, electrical devices and other

machineries inside the office that need power to work in the form of electricity.

Visayan Electric Cooperative (VECO) will be the service provider of the business.


This also serve its important role in the headquarters because these

serves as the cleaner of all physical wastes disposed by the office personnel in the

comfort space in the office and also for cleaning plates and other utensils that will

be utilized inside. The water provider for the business will be the Metropolitan Cebu

Water District (MCWD).


This plays a very important role as to the application because this is

the communication channel where all transactions going outside and inside the

application will work and also to monitor the Hyper Deals performance in the online

market. The chosen internet provider of the business is PLDT.

C H A P T E R T W O | 46


This will be for the communications that will be send outside the company

and also to receive same information as to the business transactions like queries.

The telephone connection provider will also be the PLDT.

All these supporting operating costs are essential to run the business.

Without this, the business cannot work. These utilities has its own part to take in

the success of the business together with the other possible utilities that will be

used through the journey of the business center.


The researchers not found any waste related to the production of the

application since it is a digital platform available only to the devices. Regarding

with the use of the headquarters, there may be waste but only limited to normal

wastes like papers and plastic. This wastes will be segregated first to

biodegradable or non-biodegradable in accordance with RA 9003 wherein the

Mandaue City is imposing to its citizens. The said ordinance is ordering all

household, business establishments and the affected to observe proper

segregation of wastes according to its classification as to being biodegradable,

non-biodegradable and the other classifications. This waste will be transport

outside the office and will then be collected by the sanitary officers of the

government of Mandaue City.

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