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Members of Groups 3 :

1. Yuniar Dyah Anggraeni A320160258

2. Nova Nur Khasanah A320160259 Class E
3. Destiyana A320160260

Summary of Genre Based Instruction (GBI)

Genre based instruction, where teaching and learning focuses on understanding and
production of selected genres of texts, have been identified by Rodgers (2001) as a major
trend in English Language Teaching (ELT). Teaching and learning around texts or genres has
become increasingly influential in mainstream ELT in a number of situation, including
‘’primary, secondary, tertiary, professional and community teaching contexts’’ involving
“native speakers of English as well as ESL and EFL learners.
An overview of Genre Based Instruction:
1. Genre as means has a means for analyzing text has become a means for better pragmatic
and linguistic understanding of texts. (Johns (2002))
2. Genre in classroom practice recognizes that the features of similar group of text depend on
the social context which is created and used. (Hyland (2004)).
3. Genre is called as a group of texts that share specific discourse features.

Underlying Principles of Genre-Based Instruction

 Linguistic Principles
Has varied theoretical bases in Linguistic , such as Rhetorical Structure Theory in
North America (Mann & Thompson, 1988). Analysis also examines the lexico-
grammatical features of genres to identify the linguistic features chosen by users to
explain the choices in terms of social and psychological contexts.
 Learning Principles
Develops the concept scaffolding, a process through which a teacher or more
competent give aid to the student, and reduces this aid as it becomes unnecessary.
Scaffolding is the way the adult guides the child’s learning via focused questions and
positive interactions.

Pedagogical Application
Vygotsky’s ideas of learning have been operationalized in genre based ELT through
the nation of the curriculum Cycle by systemic functional linguistic such as Derewianka
(1990) and Butt et. al. (2001).

Classroom Implementation
In Materialized in two learning cycles and four in which joint construction and
scaffolding talk play important roles. The Cycles in Classroom Implementation of Genre
Based Instruction :
1. Building knowledge of the field or context exploration.
2. Modeling of text or text exploration based on model texts.
3. Joint construction of text.
4. Independent construction of text or individual application.
Sample of Genre-Based Instruction

 Narrative
 A narrative is a text that tells a story. The story can be imaginary or based on a real

 Communicative purpose
 To entertain the reader

 Example of narrative text

 Short stories, folk tales, legends, fabels, myhts

 The organization of narrative text

 Orientation
 Complications
 Resolutions


Learning language is a social activity, and is the outcome of collaboration between the
teacher and the student and between the student and the other student in the group. The
marriage between Vygotsky’s ideas on learning and the systematic-functional grammar has
resulted in the notion Curriculum Cycle. The goal is to help learners to do things with
languages independently through mastery of text types and genre.


1. Genre Based Instruction is an instruction for learning English which is applied in our
new curriculum and used to aid student in organizational skills.
2. – The product approach : this is traditional approach, in which students are
encouraged to mimic a model text, which is usually presented and analyzed at an early
stage. The stages is model texts are read, consists of controlled practice, organization
of ideas, and the end result of learning process.
 The process approach: writing tend to focus more on the varied classroom activities
which promote the development of language use. The stages is : generating ideas by
brainstorming could be discussing qualities, student extend ideas into note form,
organize ideas into a mind map, write the first draft ,and drafts are exchanged.
 The genre approach: that writing is a social activity with particular power relations
and social conventions.

3. According to Lock (1996), in terms of language education, the systemic functional

perspective does not focus on the distinction between grammatical and ungrammatical
linguistic forms, but rather on the appropriateness of each lexico-gramatical choice for
a particular communicative purpose in a particular social context. As the author points
out, “the primary concern [of systemic functional linguistics] is with the functions of
structures and their constituents and with their meanings in context” (Lock, 1996: 1).
4. According to Halliday (1978), what unites these aspects of language education is that
learners are expected, through a contact with language as substance, instrument and
object, to create a system, a meaning potential, from the instantiations of language
(texts) they are exposed to. And the key to this transformation is the context of
situation, that is, “the coherent pattern of activities from which the discourse gains its

5. Different about between a text and genre.

 Genre is a class of communicative event, the members of which share some set of
communicative purposes. For example, personal letters tell us about (their writers’)
private stories and film reviews analyze movies for potential viewers.
 A text is a semantic unit, a unit of language that makes sense. For example, a
conversation, talk, or a piece of writing can be called a text only when it makes
6. 1) Narratives
Social function: to tell a story usually to entertain.
Generic Structure : a. Orientation
b. Complication
c. Resolution
2). Recounts
Social Function : (Personal, Factual) tell what happened.
Generic Structure : a. Orientation
b. events
c. Reorientation
3). Information Report
Social Function : Provide factual information
Generic Structure : a. General classification
b. Description
4). Instruction
Social Function : tell the listener or reader what to do.
Generic Structure : a. Goal
b. Materials
c. Steps
d. Result
5). Explanations
Social Function : explain how or way something happens.
Generic Structure : a. General statement
b. Sequenced explanation
6). Expository
Social Function : present or argue viewpoint
Generic Structure : a. Thesis
b. Argument
c. Recommendation
7. ZPD is the zones between what Vygotsky calls ‘actual’ development (what the
Learner can do in the future, with the help of others now). Every act of learning
occurs within a ZPD, building of the learner already knows and can do.
8. a). Object-regulation refers to the role played by concrete manifestations of
culture in the environment(in example : object and artifacts, rituals, routines,
and daily practices, documents and valued texts, and so on) that function as
sign systems that mediate learning.
b). Other-regulation is the key to such a manifestation is the role played by
significant others in mediating learning. Such significant others may include
parents, elders, teachers, and more expert peers, who through talk and other
means provide explicit or conscious as well as implicit or unconscious
guidance to the learner. For example : playground activities, may take the
form of explanations of the meanings of the activities.
c). Self-regulation this is the stage in which the learners process and manipulate
by working independently. For example : the presence of more capable
others in a child’s learning environment enables him/her to be involved in
cultural events at social level that eventually develop the her/his individual
cultural identity.
9. curriculum cycle is a series of stages of activities (phases) which are organized in such a
way that student can master the competencies that must be achieved in learning with the way
role is active.
10. the four stages of learning :
a. Building knowledge of the field or context exploration.
Example : students build culture context, share experience, discuss vocabulary, grammatical
patterns and so on
b. Modeling of text or text exploration based on model texts.
Example : students listen to statmentts of short functional text, conversations, and
monologues, that are geared around a certain communicative purpose
c. Joint construction of text.
Example : they need to demonstrate their speaking ability and to show confidence to speak.
d. Independent construction of text or individual application.
Example : students are expected to be able to speak spontaneouslyor to carry our monologues
11. in the first cycle integrates the development of speaking and listening skill

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