To Run Program: at This Link

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To run program

Open "src/run.m" in Matlab

Modify "config" variable in the beginning to change input parameters
Run the script to get output waveform

The configuration is contained in "config" variable. Modify this following parameters to get desire
• config.pitchScale pitch scale ratio
• config.timeScale time scale ratio
• config.resamplingScale resampling ratio to do formant shifting
• config.reconstruct if true do low-band spectrum reconstruction

For example, if we want to change a female voice to a male voice with a slower speed we can set
config as follows: config.pitchScale = 0.7 % pitch shifting down config.timeScale = 0.8 % time
scale down config.resamplingScale = 0.75 % formant shifting down config.reconstruct = 0 % do not
do low-band spectrum reconstruction

"Experiments" folder contain all experiments used to evaluate the quality of the program.
There is a video show how to do experiments at this link.

Other Source Code

"src/private" folder contains three functions of Matlab Signal Processing Toolbox
• Hanning windows
• Cross Correlation (to calculate AutoCorrelation function)
• Median Filter (to do pitch estimation pre-processing)

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