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Risk Assessment and Management of Gas Transmission Lines,

in Alamout natural gas pipeline

Iraj Mohhammadfam1*, Morteza Abdoli2, Fakhroddin Ghasemi1

1-Department of Occupational Health Abstract

and Safety, School of Health, Hamadan Introduction: Using natural gas as a clean, plentiful and
University of Medical Sciences, Iran.
inexpensive source of energy in recent years has progressively
2-Department of HSE, Science and increased in Iran. Pipelines are the most common system to
Research Branch, Islamic Azad transport natural gas from field to different regions of Iran.
University, Tehran, Iran.
These pipelines always pose risks to surrounding population and
environments. The aim of this study was to assess the potential
health, safety, and environment risk of Alamout natural gas
Methods and Materials: In this study Kent-Mauhlbauer
method was used to assess risks of Alamout natural gas pipeline.
Data collection was performed through field measurement and
Results: The results of the present study reveal that there are
three level of risk in the path of pipeline including; high (10%),
low (1%) and very low (89%). There is no moderate risk in the
path of pipeline. Also there are seven high risk areas that must
be considered as a target of risk control measures.
Conclusions: In this study, seven high risk areas were
recognized that must be placed in the center of risk management
programs. Also the highest risk of Alamout natural gas pipeline
was related to third-party damages that can be reduced by public
education programs, regular inspections and using enclosure in
high population density areas.

*Corresponding Author: Keywords: Safety, Kent-Mauhlbauer, Natural gas, Pipeline,

Iraj Mohhammadfam; Department of
Occupational Health and Safety, School
Risk assessment.
of Health, Hamadan University of
Medical Sciences, Iran. ►Please cite this paper as:
Tel:0098 811 8255963 Mohhammadfam I , Abdoli M, Ghasemi F. Risk Assessment and Management
Email: of Gas Transmission Lines, in Alamout natural gas pipeline. Jundishapur J
Health Sci 2013;5(3):175-182

Received: 2013/5/6 Revised: 2013/7/28 Accepted: 2013/7/29

Risk Assessment and Management …. 176

gas pipelines[7]. Third-party damages are Natural gas is a clean, plentiful and
caused by people out of pipeline inexpensive source of energy that is used
organization and are very important in widely for domestic and industrial
pipeline risk assessment because pipelines consumption in Iran. In comparison to
not located in controlled areas and they are other sources of energy, natural gas has
accessible for humans living in the vicinity advantages both in terms of energy and
of it. In another study it has been said that less pollution production[1,2].
external forces, material failure and Despite all of these advantages, extracting,
corrosion are the first, second and third transporting, distributing and using of
main causes of pipeline failures[8]. Kent- natural gas, due to its energy content
mauhlbauer method, an indexing method, (about 30 kJ/m3or 1000 Btu/ft3), has many
covers all parameters that can cause health, safety, and environment (HSE)
pipeline failure also their potential risks for surroundings[3]. In Iran, natural
consequences. This method was gas is mostly transported by pipelines.
successfully used for a decade. Long-distance pipelines, commonly
Universality, low cost and no need of pipelines pass through the agricultural
special software are of the most important lands, population centers, power lines and
features of this method [9–11]. cross rivers. Historical data proves that
Accordingly, in this study Kent- pipeline burst or natural gas leakage could
Mauhlbauer method was used to assess the lead to catastrophic accidents. In a study
risks associated with natural gas pipeline done by B. Sovacool, natural gas pipeline
of Alamout, Iran. Thus the main aim of accidents occurred from 1907 to 2007, 81
this study was to assess the potential natural gas pipeline accidents were found
health, safety, and environment risk of to lead to 709 deaths (i.e., 8.75 deaths per
Alamout natural gas pipeline. accident) and loss of over 3.7 billion
Case study dollars. Also In 2004, due to the explosion
Alamout gas pipeline started from of a natural gas plant in Belgium, 14
northwestern of Qazvin and ended in people were killed and over 200 were
northwestern region of Alamout. This wounded. In the same year, gas leakage in
pipeline was designed to convey 1700000 Paraguay caused a fire that led to the
(m3) of natural gas per day. The pipeline deaths of over 250 people. In 2009 gas
length is 50 km and its diameter is 12 leakage caused the biggest fire in Moscow
inches throughout the pipeline path. The after the Second World War[5]. In
pipeline is made of three layers of addition, pipeline failures have many
polyethylene. The pipeline passes through adverse environmental consequences.
12 population centers with a population of Fleeger et al[6] explained that water
between 11 and 2748 people in the contaminated with materials such as
northwest area of Qazvin. The highest natural gas, has many direct and indirect
population density is located in kilometers effects on aquatic ecosystem and
of 9 to 16 with a total population density of surrounding populations.
457 people per square kilometer. The Looking back on these accidents and their
distance between the population centers potential consequences and to prevent such
and the pipeline was between 600 to 1800 accidents, it is truly necessary to assess and
meters. Also this pipeline is located in the manage the risks posed by natural gas
vicinity of high voltage power lines in pipelines. There are various methods for
kilometers of 7.168 to 7.752 and crosses assessing risks associated with natural gas
north of Qazvin in three points (15.981, pipelines. For example Thomas method
17.224, and 18.589 km). The entire path of estimates the failure rate of gas pipelines
this pipeline is high and has a very high based on empirical data, but because of
seismic potential, according to the seismic ignoring the third-party damage factors
hazard map of Iran. The 46.951Km to this method could not be used for natural
Jundishapur Journal of Health Sciences, Vol.5, Serial No.3, Autumn 2013
177 Iraj Mohhammadfam et al.

The next step is to calculate leak impact 49Km of the pipeline path is located
factor (LIF). LIF is representative of adjacent to the Shahrood River.
accident consequences and evaluates
impacts of probable accidents on Methods and Materials
surrounding environment and people. This In this study Kent-Mauhlbauer method was
factor is calculated by following equation; used to HSE risk assessment of Alamout
pipeline [9]. Error! Reference source not
=( ℎ ) found. shows the diagram of this method.
×( ) Equations 1, 2 and 3 were used to calculate
×( ) final score of risk.
×( ) (2) In the above equation
In equation 2 product hazard depends on Third-party damage factor: Any damage
natural properties of carried gas. Product caused by people out of the pipelines
hazard is composed of acute hazard and organization is known as third-party
chronic hazard score. Acute hazard itself is damage factor. At first, index sum must be
sum of the three properties of product; determined. This index is representative of
flammability (0-4 pts), reactivity (0-4pts) accident probability and sum of four
and toxicity (0-4 pts). Chronic hazard parameters. Equation (1) shows these
score depends on long term effects of parameters.
product and range from zero to one. Leak
volume index represents the amount of =( ℎ − )
carried matter that leak out of the pipe in +( )+( )
form of gas, liquid or combination of them. +( ) (1)
The total amount of leakage is calculated
by summing leaks volume before Table 1 lists some variables that must be
insulation (including leak detection and considered in the calculation of the third-
reaction to it), leak volume after isolation party damage factor score.
(drainage or decompression time) and Corrosion index: The failure caused by
reduced spill volume (secondary corrosion is one of the most common
containment). A release of carried matter mechanisms of pipelines failure. There are
in pipelines can affect a region that three types of corrosion; Atmospheric
depends on both characteristics of carried corrosion, internal corrosion and
matter and receptive environments. Also subsurface corrosion. Atmospheric
pipeline parameters including pipe corrosion deals with pipeline components
diameter and internal pressure flow rate is that are exposed to the atmosphere.
important. Dispersion index evaluates the Internal corrosion deals with the potential
relative size of affected region. Types and for corrosion originating within the
quantities of recipient surrounding pipeline. Subsurface pipe corrosion is the
environment were evaluated as receptor most complicated of the categories,
index. Receptors include creatures, reflecting the complicated mechanisms
structures, agricultural land and so on. underlying this type of corrosion.
Receptor index is sum of the population Design index: This index evaluates
density, environmental considerations and whether design criteria and principles are
high value area scores. considered. There are several detrimental
Through field study, all required factors in design index, these factors and
parameters were determined and final risk their scores are shown in Table 3
score for each segment of pipeline were Incorrect operation: This parameter
calculated using equation 3. evaluates and quantitaties pipeline failures
caused by pipeline employees in phases of
= ⁄ (3) system life cycle range from design to
Based on final score of risk, pipeline operation and maintenance.
sections were classified in four groups;
Jundishapur Journal of Health Sciences, Vol.5, Serial No.3, Autumn 2013
Risk Assessment and Management …. 178

Also GIS software was used to depict the high, moderate, low and very low risk as
risk map of pipelines. At the end of this shown in Error! Reference source not found..
study control measures and activities were This classification helps management to
suggested in order to achieve risk prioritize risks and allocate resources for
assessment objectives. risk control.

Figure 1: Diagram of Kent-mauhlbauer method

At first, index sum must be determined. This index is representative of accident probability
and sum of four parameters. Equation (1) shows these parameters.
=( ℎ − )+( )+( )
+( ) (1)

Table 1: Third-party damage varibles and calculation

Variable Range of score
Minimum depth of cover 0-20 pts
Activity level 0-20 pts
Aboveground facilities 0-10 pts
Line locating 0-15 pts
Public education programs 0-15 pts
Right-of-way condition 0-5 pts
Patrol frequency 0-15 pts
Total score 0-100 pts

Table 2: Corrosion index calculation: sum of the atmospheric corrosion (0-10), internal
corrosion (0-20) and subsurface corrosion (0-70) scores
Atmospheric corrosion 0-5 pts
Atmospheric type 0-2 pts
Atmospheric coating 0-3 pts
Product corrosivity 0-10 pts
Internal corrosion
Preventions 0-10 pts
Subsurface Soil corrosivity 0-15 pts
condition Mechanical corrosion 0-5 pts
Subsurface Cathodic Effectiveness 0-15 pts
corrosion protection Interference potential 0-10 pts
Fitness 0-10 pts
Condition 0-15 pts
Total score 0-100 pts

Table 3: Design index calculation

Variables Range of scores
Safety factor 0-35 pts
Fatigue 0-15 pts
Surge potential 0-10 pts
Integrity verification 0-25 pts
Land movement 0-15 pts
total 0-100 pts

Jundishapur Journal of Health Sciences, Vol.5, Serial No.3, Autumn 2013

179 Iraj Mohhammadfam et al.

Table 4: Incorrect operation index is calculated by summing design (0-30), construction (0-20),
operation (0-35) and maintenance (0-15) scores
Design Construction Operation Maintenance
(0-30 pts) (0-20 pts) (0-35 pts) (0-15 pts)
Hazard identification

MOP potential

Safety systems

Material selection









Drug testing

Safety programs



Mechanical error preventer



0-4 pts

0-12 pts

0-10 pts

0-2 pts

0-2 pts

0-10 pts

0-2 pts

0-2 pts

0-2 pts

0-2 pts

0-2 pts
0-7 pts

0-3 pts

0-2 pts

0-2 pts

0-5 pts

0-10 pts

0-6 pts

1-2 pts

1-3 pts

1-10 pts
Table 5: LIF calculation
Risk index range
Acute hazard 0-12 pts
Product hazard
Chronic hazard 0-1 pts
Leak volume 0-1 pts
Dispersion 0-1 pts
Receptor 0-1 pts

Table 6: Classification of risks based on their scores

Level of risk range of risk score
High 6600-6896
Moderate 6897-7193
Low 7194-7490
Very low 7491-7787

Risk assessment results showed that there kilometers) of pipeline path, respectively,
are seven high risk areas in the path of while there is no moderate risk section in
Alamout pipeline that are 5+300-5+885 pipeline path (Figure 2).
Km, 14+300-14+700 Km, 15+980-16+550 In the present study the risk map of
Km, 17+730-18+350, 34+230-34+825, pipeline path was depicted using GIS
44+930-45+400 and 47+000-49+000 Km. software. This map shows the risk
These seven areas formed 10% (5 associated with each section of pipeline by
kilometers) of the total path of pipeline. color codes. Also in this map the location
Also low and very low risk areas consist of of 8 at risk popula on centers are shown.
1% (500 meters) and 89% (44.5

Jundishapur Journal of Health Sciences, Vol.5, Serial No.3, Autumn 2013

Risk Assessment and Management …. 180

Series1; Series1;
high risk
very low high risk;
risk; 1; 1% 10; 10%
low risk

very low risk

Series1; low
risk; 89;

Figure 2: Risk distribution across the pipeline path

Map guide
Risk classification
very low

risk area

Figure 3: risk map of Alamout pipeline

The main issue of Alamout pipeline is the cause fatigue in the pipelines due to
high third party damages index score. dynamic tension in the soil, and lead to gas
Because of being located in uncontrolled release in the surrounding environments.
areas, proximity to population centers and Jo et al[13] expressed that third-party
crossing the main road in eleven points, the activities in the pipeline path increases the
traffic of people in the immediate vicinity probability of pipeline failure. Public
of the pipeline is high. Bajcar et al[12] education programs and regular inspection
reported that too much traffic on route of are two common ways to reduce third-
gas pipeline as a third-party damage can party index score. Another way is to
Jundishapur Journal of Health Sciences, Vol.5, Serial No.3, Autumn 2013
181 Iraj Mohhammadfam et al.

enclose the pipeline with protective fences

that is impractical for all path of pipeline Acknowledgements
but very helpful in the area with high The authors declare that they have no
population density. conflict of interest. This study was funded
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