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Name: Clent virgil Elcano

Topic: Chapter 7(Drug Abuse: A Social Menace)

Instructor: Rian P. Maisog, MAED



(NSTP-CWTS Drug Abuse: A Social Menace)


Drug is very dangerous. If used properly, a drug is a substance that can help a person by
treating the illness, alleviating pain and restoring vim and vigor. However, using a drug for
wrong purpose and dosage is another story. It also tackles the drug misuse, abuse, and
dependence. A drug is abuse when a person uses it excessively and indiscriminately, beyond its
medicinal purpose. This chapter also classifies the dangerous drugs based on Dangerous Act of
1972. Drugs that are commonly abused and stages or patterns of drug abuse. It also enumerated
the common causes of drug abuse and its effects.


Drugs are very dangerous because it has a health and community effect. In our area I
have observed that most of the crimes are drugging the cause. There are massacre, robbery, rape
and more than one of the various syndicates selling it. There are children who are lost paths and
families who are in a state of ruin. Really sad and scary. I see teenagers who are already drug
users. I am afraid and worried for their future.

Drug addiction is largely a consequence of poor social conditions: unemployment,

uncertainty in future, daily stress, severe neuropsychiatric states. All this gives reason to escape
from reality into the world of illusions with the help of drug intoxication. Parents should guide
their children so that they can protect them from harm.


Education and counseling are very important to face problems, stresses, disappointments
and failure in life. These should be taken as part of life. One should utilize a child’s energy in
some other activities like sports, music, reading, yoga and other extra-curricular activities.
Whenever, there is any problem, one should seek help and guidance from parents and peers
Name: Eleonor J. Lintuco

Topic: Chapter 8 (Safety, First Aid, Disaster Preparedness)

Instructor: Rian P. Maisog, MAED



(NSTP-CWTS Safety, First Aid, Disaster Preparedness)


This chapter includes the conceptual, overview of disaster management, disaster

continuum, disaster and development. It defined disaster as a threatening event, a danger or
source of harm. The disasters divide into five parts the man- made, technological, natural-
technological, complex emergencies and natural disaster. terms of its It enumerated the
Emergency response to this disaster, its Rehabilitation, Reconstructions, Mitigation, Prevention,
and Disaster Management. It also includes the Major Kinds of Hazards its Examples, Typical
adverse effect, Causes the Adverse effect, Possible Risk Reduction Measures, and Specific
Preparedness measure. It also gave awareness because it has a topic about Family and
Community Disaster Preparedness.


The disasters that are happening around are frightening. We cannot stop it because it
really happens whether we like it or not. We have many experiences like earthquakes. It's really
scary because the world is shaking. If there could be no earthquake but it does happen. There are
still floods. Many properties are destroyed. As a motorist, I have seen a lot of road accidents.

Therefore, human being will always need the nature for the survival of their life, and the nature
always need the human for maintaining and everlasting its environment. In some cases, humans
tend to exploit nature but irresponsible to manage environment. They have not been fully able to
express natural events and do not try to find an explanation than faced with more advanced
technology reducing the victims of disaster. People have the ability to find advanced technology
through education and experience that can be analyzed scientifically, with logic and progressive
paradigm. Then any disaster event at least can be minimized. Disasters should be viewed as a
reminder of the destruction of the world, in which we live and the need for the restoration of our
relationship with the Creator. So, if we continually blame God, we may never be more mature
and wiser.


Disaster threats accompany people practically everywhere and often people are
unconscious of the fact that one day the disaster may strike and change their life dramatically. In
such a situation, it is extremely important to get prepared to potential disasters and know how to
act and behave in different situations. To put it more precisely, it is necessary to have a clear plan
of action in case of a disaster and, what is not less important, it is necessary to clearly understand
what real natural disasters can really occur in the given area, for instance the IUB area, because it
is apparently useless to prepare for a flood in a desert or ignore threat in such area as IUB. In
such a way, it is obvious that in order to come prepared to a disaster it is necessary to know
possibly more information about the disaster itself, its effects and ways of prevention, and have a
clear plan of action if the disaster’s prevention has failed.
Name: Clent virgil l. Elcano

Topic: Chapter 9 (Environmental Awareness)

Instructor: Rian P. Maisog, MAED



(NSTP-CWT Environmental Awareness)


Global Warming and Greenhouse effect, the La Niño and La Niña Phenomena,
Earthquake, Flooding, Deforestation, and also gives information which is managing
our solid waste. Because at the rate we are producing waste, we will soon find ourselves buried
in our own trash. Acid Rain, which is the phenomenon that occurs, when nitrogen and sulfur
compounds, emissions from motor vehicles? Its effects on the Structure. Vegetation, and on
Humans and other Animals.


One that is very common we always experience is the El Niño phenomena. I remember
when I was a child way back years ago, the El Niño phenomena strikes the Philippines. The heat
is increasing. All the Agricultural Crops have died. Our palay that my father planted did not
survive. Some animals died because of the extreme heat. There is no water on the irrigations and
the farmers are suffering.

The modern world has created so much need for unlimited materialistic possessions that we want
to consume more and more every day. We only thrive to posses what is in demand in the circles
we move, but those possessions hardly have any real value to us. Hence, the house is simply a
shelter for our heads that acts like a storage space to store our material possessions. Similarly,
earth is only a place where we live and which is the unconditional supplier of things we need and
want to lead our life.


There is no way in which we can replace nature or live without it. We are a part of the
nature itself and we have to protect it. It is only fair as nature takes care of us by giving us the air
to breathe, the food to survive, and so many resources to make life easy. We have to become
aware of the little things that we can do to keep our environment healthy, as like the earth we
only have one natural world.
Name: Clent Virgil L. Elcano

Topic: Chapter 10 (Other Relevant Social Concerns)

Instructor: Rian P. Maisog, MAED

CERA No.10


(NSTP-CWTS Other Relevant Social Concerns)


Social awareness gives you the ability to understand and respond to the needs of others.
Improve your social skills and gain the respect of others as you apply the ideas on this page.
Understanding other people's feelings is central to emotional intelligent the school has an
important obligation to help, minimize such problems if not entirely eradicate them. Some of
more serious problems are: Juvenile Delinquency and Crime, Sex Problems, Poverty,
Alcoholism, Brownouts, Lack of Peace and Order, Population Explosion, Gambling, Traffic
Congestion, Unemployment. ce.


Some Families who suffers poverty will do harmful things enable them to survive. Like
the Juvenile Delinquency. I always heard news about that there reason for committing that crime
is because of poverty and they will not get punished because our law protected them. Because of
that they will do it again and again because they will not get punished or go to jail.

These people are all being affected by the problem in different ways hence each has a
different suggestion of the solution to the problem. Implementation of recommendations is
equally as hard since everyone being affected is supposed to take part and this does not
necessarily happen.


These are all problems with massive consequences for human wellbeing. Each of them is
itself the manifestation of complex social and behavioral forces. And solutions will require the
artful design of new institutions. None of this is simple. But there is no doubt that our society
needs the knowledge and methods and awareness. If we are to have a good chance of solving the
problems we face. And this means that the social sciences need to take on the task of practical
engagement with seriousness and commitment. New ways of coordinating social behavior.
Name: Clent Virgil L. Elcano

Topic: Chapter 11 (Volunteerism: The Wind beneath the Wings of Social Transformation)

Instructor: Rian P. Maisog, MAED

CERA No.11


(NSTP-CWTS Volunteerism: The Wind beneath the Wings of Social Transformation)


Volunteerism is considered the most fundamental act of citizenship and philanthropy in

the society. It is the extension of being a good neighbor. A volunteer is a person who is a light to
others, a person who remembers, to do the thing to make other people happy, and a person whose
charity is also gives information about being and how to become a volunteer.
Volunteering can help you explore and develop your interest and potentials.


Part-time jobs during term-time or temporary jobs during the short vacations are all
useful, if you can manage your time effectively. However, you should ideally aim to get a
substantial period of work during the summer vacation - either vacation work or internships.

Volunteering is a way of giving back to your community while developing important

social skills and gaining valuable work experience all at the same time. Volunteering is not only
effective, but it's a good way to meet people, learn, and develop social skills. By helping or
supporting others, you learn and use in your everyday life.


Not only is volunteering a rewarding experience, but it helps teenagers' reputations. By

giving up a few hours of your day to clean up the local community park, you may bring a
lifetime of happiness in some child's life. Or provide shelter and warmth to a family who lives on
the streets by volunteering to help in building them a home. Why not spend a little time helping
others, because in the end, what goes around comes around.
Name: Clent Virgil L. Elcano

Topic: Chapter 12 (Introduction to Community Service)

Instructor: Rian P. Maisog, MAED

CERA No.12


(NSTP-CWTS Introduction to Community Service)


One of the most common and simplest definitions is that community is “an aggregation
of families and individuals settled in a fairly compact and contiguous geographical area with
significant elements of common life, as shown by manners, customs, traditions, and modes of
speech. It also enumerated the types of communities. It also narrated the brief history of
community organization in the Philippine setting. Community service are identified by an
institution of higher education, through formal or informal consultation with local non- profit,
governmental, and community based organizations, as designed to improve the quality of life for
community resident, particularly low-income individuals, or to solve particular problems related
to their needs.


Our NSTP-CWTS subject in this semester gave us a project where we were assigned to
conduct an outreach program. It's new to me because I have not experienced it yet. I only see it
on television and newspaper. As we do this I am amazed because it is really fun and you are still
helping your neighbor. Their smiles and their participation were sufficiently grateful for all the
tiredness we had. If you have a chance to experience the community service again. I'm very
grateful for this subject to give us a chance to play.

Doing community service, a person will find themself and be exposed to the lifestyles of
other people, which also tend to make the volunteer more aware of the needs of the less
fortunate. Volunteering also contributes to the result of more teenagers being more grateful for
everything they have they can give. Develops an increased sense of social responsibility a global
view of society and a heart for "giving back" and helping others.


Taking part and volunteering teaches compassion and understanding. One of my favorite
things about community service is that there are opportunities and choices right in your very
neighborhood. You can volunteer for something you really believe and have an interest in, and
can volunteer as much or as little as you'd like or have time for.

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