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What is the chronology of the formation of Malaysia?

1945 - Malayan Union concept was established by the British Imperialism government to
establish a crown satus nation that path way to formation of Independence of Malaya.
However, many local objected the motion as it expells all the 9 states monarchy Sultanes
roll in political issues and excludes singapore from the union.

1947 - After seeing the uprising and riots among the Malays, British decided to replace
the motion with the establishment of The Federation of Malaya but the talks on the
Chinese and Indian immigrants continues.

1948 - Malaya entered the State Of Emergency period due to the uprising Communist

1949 - The First Malaya General Election, in which winned by the Alliance Party
comprising UMNO (Malay), MCA (Chinese) and MIC (Indian). The British now
understand that the Malayan people wanted a multi racial nations. This gives the
Immigrant their citixenship with the consents of the majority Malays population.

1955-1956 Tunku Abdul Rahman led a group of Alliance Party leaders to London to
negotiate about the independence Of Malaya. Finally, the negotiation is achieved in
February 1956 and the independence is officially given.

1957 - Independence and formation of The Federation Of Malaya at 31 August 1957.

1960 - The Communist rebels became weaker and weaker, leading to the uplift of the
State of Emergency to be abolished for the first time since 1948

1962 - Talks on giving independence to Singapore, Sabah, Sarawak and Brunei between
local leaders and British. Singapore seems to be fine to enter Malaya. However, Brunei
opposition leaders object the motion and cause chaos that lead to the abandon of the
decision to enter Malaya. Sabah and Sarawak generally agree to enter however was
objected by The Phillipines and Indonesia. Phillipines claim their sovereignity over
Sabah while Indonesia wants to form a vast Malay nations that includes Malaya. UN
decided to run a survey over locals of Sabah and Sarawak through Reid Council and
Cobbold Council. Eventually Sabah and Sarawak agree to enter Malaya.

1963 - The Formation of The Federation of MAlaysia is established at 16 September

1963 comprising 9 states of Malaya, Sabah, Sarawak and Singapore.

1965 - However due to disagreement and misunderstanding among leaders of central

government and Singapore authority, Singapore left the Union at 6 August 1965 to form a
seperate nation.
Sejarah pembentukan malaysia?
The first move towards the formation of Malaysia came in 1961 when the idea for the
formation of a wider federation comprising the Federation of Malaya, Singapore,
Sarawak, Sabah and Brunei was mooted by Tunku Abdul Rahman. Tunku's
proposal was generally accepted by the people of malaya and Singapore but raised doubts
in Sabah and Sarawak.However, the proposal was opposed by the Philippines as they
asserted a claim over Sabah. The proposal also received opposition from Indonesia where
it was viewed as a neo-colonialist plot by Sukarno and the powerful Indonesian
Communist Party.The proposal also had an immediate effect of accelerating
constitutional development in Sarawak, Sabah and Brunei. Elections were held for the
first time in Brunei and in Sabah in 1962. A joint- Anglo-Malayan commission headed by
a former of the bank of England, Lord Cobbold, visited sabah and Sarawakin 1962 and
reported that the majority of the states favoured the formation of Malaysia.

However, continued Philippine and Indonesian opposition led to the sending of a United
nations mission to Borneo in 1963, which also reported that the public opinion was in
favour of joining Malaysia.

Thus on 16 September 1963, the formation of Malaysia which consisted of the Federation
of Malaya, Sabah, Sarawak and Singaore was formally promulgated.

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