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CELL a] under go division b] Divide but not

BIOLOGY-2 seperate c] Do not divide.d] Fuse with each

1. An Anti codon is most likely to be
found in 12. Steroid hormones are synthesized by
a] Intron b] Exon c] t-RNA d] r-RNA. organelle called
a] Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum .
2 When centromeres are found very close b] Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum.
to the end of the c] Matrix of Mitochondria.
Chromosomes they are called as- d] Ribosomes.
a] Astra centric b] Metacentric c]
Acrocentric d] Telocentric. 13.Ribosomal RNA conserved through
3. A Membrane bound Na+ - K+ ATPase a] 16S r-RNA b] 18S r-RNA c] 45S-RNA
is an example of d]5S-RNA.
a] Antiport b] Uniport c] Symport d]
Passive deffusion. 14. How many number of Nucleotides in
one full turn of DNA helix
4. A Function of liposomes is – a] 9 pairs b] 10 pairs c]12 pairs d]
a] Respiration b] Digestion c] 8pairs.
Excretion d] Secretion.
15. A Plasma membrane phospholipid
5. Glycolytic enzymes are located in which serves as a precursor
a] Cytoplasm b] Mitochondria c] For the synthesis of an important
Nuceleus d] Microsomes. second messenger in many
Ligandreceptor interactions is-
6. Extra cellular and Intra cellular
digestion takes place in a] Phosphatidaly choline b] Phosphatidyl
a] Protozoa b] Porifera c] Cnideria d] serine .
Plantyhelminthes. c] Phosphatidaly ethanolamine d]
Phosphatidyl inositol.
7. Pompe’s disease is caused by the
absence of enzyme 16. Which of the following cell organelle is
a] Collagenase b] Glycosidase c] mismatched with function
Peptidases d] Deoxyribonucleases a] Golgi apparatus – post transitional
processing of proteins.
8. The self replicating organelles of b] Rough E.R – Metabolism of
animal cell are xenobiotics.
a] Centrosomes – Kinetosomes b] c] Nucleus – RNA Synthesis.
Kinetosomes – Microtubles. d] Mitochondria –ATP Synthesis.
c] Centrosomes – Microtubles d]
None of the above. 17. An Inhibitor of prokaryotic and
Eukaryotic protein Synthesis
9. Dipliod somatic cells of higher a] Tetracyctine b] Actenomycin c]
vertebrates divide by Cytohheximide d]  – Amantin.
a] A mitosis b] Mitosis C] Meosis d]
Mitosis & Meosis. 18. Digestive vacuoles in Eukaryotic cells
10. 3’ end of t-RNA usally have a] Mitochondria b] Lysosomes c] coated
a] GCA b] CGA c] CCA d] AUG. pits d] Ribosomes.

11.During Metaphase of Meosis -1 the 19. Glycolytic Enzymes are located in

centromeres of homologous a] Mitochondria b] Cytosol c]
Chromosomes Microsomes d] Ribosomes.
30. Synapsis is-
20. Mark the odd oneout a] Junction between two neurons.
a] D- DNA b] A- DNA c] B- DNA d] L- b] Temporary union of chromosomes in
DNA. pairs.
c] Union between two bones.
21. In photo synthetic green leaves starch d] Interrelation between two unrelated
is located in - species of animals.
a] Peroxisomes b] chloroplasts c]
dictyosomes d] Mitochondria.. 31. Which of the following is not an energy
transducing membrane
22. Diploid cells are formed in a] Plasmamembrane of blue green alage.
a] Mitosis b] Meiosis c] 1& 2 d] Dipliod b] Mitochondrial enter membrane.
cells do not exist. c] Thylakoid membrane of chloroplasts.
d] Mitochondrial Inner membrane.
23. One of the following does not match.
a]UAA b] UAG c] UGA d]AUG. 32. Glyoxysomes in germinating seeds
participate in the conversion of
24. The following chromatography is useful a] Fatty acids to proteins b] Fatty acids
for separation of amino acids to sugars
And carbohydrates. c] Fatty acids to starch d]
a] Adsorption chromatography b] Gel Carbohydrates to lipids.
chromatography .
c] Gas chromatography d] Paper 33. The genetic material of cancer causing
chromatography. retro virusesis
25. In DNA bases are attached to they a] DNA b]RNA c]DNA & RNA d] protein.
sugar unit of pohynucleotide
Chain C-1through 34. Desmosomes are involved in-
a] - Glycosidiclinkage, a] Protien Synthesis b] Anchoring of cells
b] β- Glycosidic linkage together .
c] ; ΒGlycosidic linkage. c] Cell division d] Migration of cells.
d] None of the above.
35. Which of the following is a nucleoside
26. Newly synthesized protein in Eukaryotic a] Cytosine b] Inosine c] Xanthine d]
ribosomes under goes Thymosin.
Modification in
a] Gol gi complex b] Ribosomes c] 36. Mathew messelson and fFranklin Stahl
Cytoplasam were associated with
d] Endoplasmic Reticulam. a] Genetic code b] Replication of DNA
c] Double heticle structure of DNA d]
27. Hypoglycein inhibits One gene-Oneenzymetheory.
a] RNA Synthesis b] Fatty acid synthesis
c] DNA synthesis d] Protein synthesis. 37. The Sugar component of ATP is-
a] Deoxyribose b] Glucose c] Ribose
28. Following material used in adsorption d]Fructose.
a] Alumina b] Mgcl2 c]Cacl2 d] Fecl3. 38. Reverse transcription is a
a] RNA directed RNA synthesis b] DNA
29. Nucleolous is the site of synthesis of directed RNA synthesis.
a] DNA b] r-RNA c] m- RNA d] t-RNA . c] DNA directed DNA synthesis d] RNA
directed DNA synthesis.

39. The two strands of DNA are

a] Identical b] Parallel c] Anti parallel d]
40. What are base pairing rules for DNA
a] A-G, T-C b]A-C, T-G c] A-U, C-G d] A-
T, G-C.

41. Which of the following is not required

for DNA Replication
a] DNA ligase b] DNA polymerase c] RNA
polymerase d] Free Nucleotides.

42. A connecting link b/w Glycolysis&

Kerb’s cycle.
a] Acetyle CO-A b]Citric acid c] OAA d]
Oxidative phosphorylation.

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