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WHAT ARE THE DIFFERENT KINDS OF ROCKET FUELS? "HE only engine capable of operat ing in airless space is the rocket which needs no outside air for combus- tion, In place of atmosphere, the rocket must have an oxidizer to make the fuel burn — usually liquid oxygen, which must be kept at 272 degrees below zero, . F., and must be handled carefully. Rockets burning solid fuels demand Gasoline |Combustio LIQUID FUEL SOLID FUEL Specine Tera: 264 The Ngele to How Is ay to rocket dosign is red, and neshonical ‘ae opt to cau, specite Thrast: Aare 250 Soli fuel easly sored and handled, bu fuel combustion hard to conte Fuel with Perchlorate Ignition less care, but the fuel combustion is more difficult to control. The first rocket engines had moder- ate thrust — the one in the X-1 deliy- ered 6,000 pounds — but the U. S. is now building engines with 2 thrust of over a million pounds. This is the stu- pendous force needed to put man into space and onto a celestial planet. Aluminum, Aoating Hydtagen in kerosene Fluotine Oxidizer Liquid Oxygen METAL FUEL EXOTIC FUEL specine Theast 373, Specite Thrust 385 rote vet te socket 1 sly me ‘recler speed and longer leace ‘eanying ‘opociy, bat eifeuk to tore ond hondle

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