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Chapter 5.

1 Faraday’s law and Lenz’s law

Discipline Course-I
Paper No: Electricity and Magnetism
Lesson: Chapter 5.1 Faraday’s law and Lenz’s law
Lesson Developer: Mr. N K Sehgal
College/ Department: Hans Raj College, University of Delhi
Chapter 5.1 Faraday’s law and Lenz’s law


After going through this chapter, the reader would be able to

 Be able to appreciate the ‘symmetry’ in nature vis-à-vis electric and magnetic field.
 Know about the experiments, done by Faraday, and Henry, to show that electricity
can be produced from magnetism.
 Get familiar with the concept of magnetic flux or the flux of magnetic field, through
a surface.
 Be able to understand that only a changing magnetic flux can induce emf.
 Know and ale to understand the statement of Faraday’s law of electromagnetic
 Know the general meaning of the term ‘emf’, associated with a source.
 Be able to arrive at the differential form of faraday’s law of electromagnetic
 Know the statement of Lenz’s law.
 Appreciate how Lenz’s law is consistent with the law of conservation of energy.
 Get familiar with the concept of ‘eddy currents’.
 Know about the practical disadvantages and advantages of ‘eddy currents’.
 Know about the concept of motional emf and be able to derive an expression for the
 Be able to appreciate the source of energy that produces the ‘motional emf’.
 Understand how the concept of ‘motional emf’ can be linked to a proof of faraday’s
law ( of e. m. induction)
 Appreciate the importance of Faraday’s law (of a e. m. induction) in our day to day

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Chapter 5.1 Faraday’s law and Lenz’s law


we start this chapter by discussing the kind of reasoning that might have motivated Faraday
to do his experiments on ‘producing electricity from magnetism’. We next talk about the
different types of experiment done by Faraday and by Henry. We then introduce the concept
of ‘magnetic flux’ and understand that it is only a change in magnetic flux that can result in
an induced emf.

We next talk about Lenz’s law, its importance vis-à-vis the induced emf’s direction or
sense and its consistency vis-à-vis the law of conservation of energy. We also talk about the
concept of ‘eddy currents’ and disadvantages and advantages, associated with them.

We finally talk about the concept of ‘motional emf’, derive an expression for this emf
and try to understand how this concept can be regarded as providing a kind of proof for
Faraday’s law of electro-magnetic induction.

Faraday’s Experiments
We know that the subjects of electricity and magnetism were initially studied and
developed, as two independent subjects. However, there were surprising ‘similarities’
between the two. These similarities received a severe jolt when it was found that

(i) a ‘magnet’ could not be separated out into an independent north pole and
independent south pole.
(ii) A current carrying wire behaves like a magnet and could, therefore, be considered
as a source of magnetism.

The latter discovery, made by Oersted and Ampere, changed our basic perceptions
about the subjects of electricity and magnetism. It was realized that there are no
independent sources like independent positive and negative charges for magnetism.
Oersted and Ampere’s experiments showed that ‘currents’, i.e., moving charges need to
be regarded as the basic source of magnetism. Charges ‘at rest’ produce only electric
fields. However the same charges, when in motion, produce not only electric field but
also magnetic field.

It was this realization, vis-à-vis, magnetic fields, that is said to have set Faraday’s
thinking. He thought that of electricity (i.e. moving charges) could produce magnetism,
the reverse should also be true. It should be possible, he reasoned, to get ‘electricity’
from ‘magnetism’. With this aim in view, he thought of, and did, a number of
experiments. After many failures, he finally succeeded in doing a number of experiments
that helped him to show that one could indeed get ‘electricity’ from ‘magnetism’.

The basic details of Faraday’s experiments are given below:

(i) Experiment 1:
Faraday observed that if a strong magnet, moving(nearly) horizontally, were
made to approach a stationary (nearly) vertical coil, an electric current flows
through some suitable device (like a galvanometer, or a tiny bulb) whose two
ends are connected to the two ends of the coil. We also observe that
(a) This current flow lasts only as long as the magnet is moving relative to
the coil.

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Chapter 5.1 Faraday’s law and Lenz’s law

(b) The amount of current flowing increases with an increase in the

(relative) speed of the coil with respect to the magnet.

(c) The sense of current flow gets reversed when the magnet is ‘turned
over’ so that its other pole now approaches the coil.
(d) The sense of current flow also gets reversed when the magnet (held
the ‘same way’) is made to recede away from the coil.
(e) There is no current flow when the magnet and the coil are at rest with
respect to each other.

(ii) Experiment 2:
Faraday next did another experiment in which the magnet was held stationary
and the coil was made to approach (recede away) from the magnet.
The observations, in this experiment also, were essentially the same
as in the first experiment. It was again observed that the flow of current
lasted only as long as there was a relative motion between the coil and the
(iii) Experiment 3:
In this experiment, the magnet was replaced by a coil carrying a current. The
experiment was first done by moving the current carrying coil and keeping
the other coil (connected to the galvanometer or (tiny) bulb) at rest. It was
next repeated by keeping the current carrying coil at rest and moving the
other coil relative to it.
In both these experiments, the observations were essentially the same
as in the first two experiments.
(iv) Experiment 5:
This experiment was again done by using two coils, as in the above two
experiments. However, the two coils were now kept at rest relative to each
other. Here it was observed that there was only a momentary current flow.
The (momentary) current flow was there only at the constants the key in the
current carrying coil, was ‘pressed’ or ‘released’.

Magnetic Flux
The flux of the magnetic field, through a surface, is defined in exactly the same way as the
‘electric flux’. We say that the flux of the magnetic field ( ), through a surface S, is given by

i.e., The magnetic flux , through a surface S, is simply the surface integral of the
magnetic field over the surface.

Clearly, then, the flux of the magnetic field, through a surface S, would then be

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Chapter 5.1 Faraday’s law and Lenz’s law

(i) Maximum, when the (magnetic) field lines of the given magnetic field are
directed normal to the surface S, at all points of the surface.
(ii) Minimum 9equal to zero) when the (magnetic ) field lines, of the given, magnetic
field, are directed parallel to (or along) the surface S, at all points of S.

Linking Faraday’s Experiments with the concept of magnetic flux

From the results of Faraday’s experiments, and the concept of magnetic flux, introduced
above, we can say that

(i) We get the (induced) current flow in a coil only when the magnetic flux, linked
with the coil, changes. There is no (induced) current when the magnetic flux,
linked with the coil, does not change with time.
(ii) The more the change in the magnetic flux in a given time, the more is the
induced current. This implies that the (induced) current floe, in a coil, is
dependent on the time rate of change of the magnetic flux linked with the coil.
(iii) The sense of current flow, through the coil, depends on the nature of change of
the magnetic flux linked with the coil. This implies that if the current flow is in
the (say) anticlockwise sense when the magnetic flux, linked with the coil, is
increasing with time, it would be in the clockwise sense when the magnetic flux,
(linked with the coil) is decreasing with time.

Faraday’s law of Electromagnetic Induction:

All the above results can be neatly out in a compact form in terms of a simple law
which we now refer to as faraday’s law of electromagnetic induction. According to this law:

The magnitude, of the emf induced, in a given coil, is directly proportional to the
(time) rate of change of the magnetic flux linked with the coil.


The sense of the induced emf was, later on, specified through a rule given by Lenz.
We shall discuss this rule little later but can note that this rule requires us to put
above mathematical statement in the form:

The constant of proportionality, in this relation, is taken as unity in the SI units. We

therefore, write

Recalling that

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Chapter 5.1 Faraday’s law and Lenz’s law

Interchanging the order of differentiation and integration, we can also write

Did You Know?

Michael Faraday


was an English scientist who is known

for his distinguished work in the field of
electromagnetic theory and
electrochemistry. Though his formal
education is very less, yet he was one of
the most important scientists in the
history. He was the one who discovered
the phenomenon of electromagnetic
induction, which somehow proves that
the dependence of electricity and
magnetism on each other. He was also
responsible for sighting the famous
phenomenon of diamagnetism and
electrolysis. It was because of his
findings in electromagnetic rotary
devices that pave the path for practical use of electricity in the field of


The General Meaning of the term ‘EMF’ of a source

The EMF, or electromotive force, as we know is not a force; rather it is associated
with the ‘work done per unit charge’. It is associated with a ‘source’ that causes the
otherwise randomly moving charge carriers (usually the ‘free electrons’ in a conductor) to
acquire an organized (small) ‘drift velocity’.

The common source of EMF is the ‘battery’ which, when connected in a circuit, helps
to set up an ‘electric field’ that makes the ‘free electrons’ acquire a drift velocity in a
direction opposite to that of this drift velocity. The line integral of this electric field ( )
around the closed path in which the current flows, equals the EMF ( ) of the battery. Thus

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Chapter 5.1 Faraday’s law and Lenz’s law

The battery, however, is not the only ‘source’ that can cause a (directed) force to be
exerted on the charge carriers. We now know that a moving charge carrier (charge = q)
experiences a ( Lorentz) force, , in a magnetic field, , where

Here is the velocity of the charge carrier. This force per unit charge, would, therefore,
be . We can, therefore, also regard the line integral

as the emf of a ‘source’ (of the force) associated with a magnetic field.

Assuming to be perpendicular to each other, and taking to be

directed parallel to , this integral would have a value (for constant values of )
equal to

We can, therefore, think of the term, , as the ‘EMF’ of a source associated with a
magnetic field. Since ‘EMF’ is the line integral of an ‘electric field’, we can think of a
‘changing magnetic field’ as a ‘source’ of an ‘electric field’.

Differential form of ‘Faraday’s Law’:

We can now put the ‘mathematical form’

of Faraday’s law, in its equivalent differential form. We have

If is the ‘electric field’ associated with this ‘EMF’, we also have

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Chapter 5.1 Faraday’s law and Lenz’s law

Did You Know?

The use of the term ‘Electric field’, for the ‘force per unit charge’, due to a source
like a battery ( or the one associated with a magnetic field), has to be interperated,
and understood, with a little care. The line inetgral
, of this ‘electric field’, around a closed path, equals the ‘EMF’, , of the
source. This line inetgral ( around the closed path) is, therefore, not zero. This
electric field is, therefore, not a conservative field.

The electric field, defined in electrostaics, (due to charges/ charge configuration), is

however, conservative in nature. The line integral of the (electrostatic) electric field,
(due to charges at rest), around a close path is zero.It is this characteristics, of the
(electrostatic) electric field, that enables us to define a (scalar) function, called the
(electrostatic) potential in electrostatics.

We must therfeore realize that the only similarity between the ‘electric field’, due to
static charges and that due to static charges and that due to a battery ( or the one
associated with a magnetic field), is that both imply: ‘force per unit charge’. The
conservative nature, of the electric field, is there only for electrostatic electric field,
i.e., the electric field due to the ‘static charges’. It is NOT there for the ‘force per
unit charge’- referred to again as an ‘electric field’- due to other ‘sources’.

Therefore, in terms of this electric field, we can write


We therefore, get

We, refer to this result as the ‘differential form’ of Faraday’s law of electromagnetic

Did You Know?

The differential form Faraday’s law, shows in an almost explicit way, that a
‘changing magnetic field’ can be regarded as a source of ‘electric field’

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Chapter 5.1 Faraday’s law and Lenz’s law

Lenz’s Law
We have already noticed that the ‘sense’ of the emf induced in a coil, (due to a change in
the magnetic flux linked with it) was given by a rule discovered by Lenz. Lenz discovered
this rule in 1835. According to Lenz’s law:

‘The sense of the emf, induced in a coil, is always such that it opposes the very
cause that, in the first instance, resulted in the production of this (induced) emf’.

Thus consider a case in which an emf gets induced in a coil due to an increase in the
magnetic flux linked with it. According to the Lenz’s law, the emf would get induced in such
a sense in which the magnetic field produced by the current flowing (due to the induced
emf), would tend to decrease the magnetic flux linked with the coil.
A simple way of understanding the Lenz’s law would be this: Let the
north pole of a magnet approach a coil. The current, flowing in the coil (due to the induced
emf), would then be tend to make the face of the coil, facing the magnet, as a N-pole. This
is so as the coil would then oppose the cause (the approach of the N-pole towards it) that
resulted in the production of the induced emf.

Did You Know?

A simple rule, for finding the direction of induced emf, was given by Fleming. It
is known as Fleming’s right hand rule. This rule can be conveniently used when a
conductor moves in a plane normal to the magnetic field present there. According
to this rule:

Let the thumb and the first two fingers, of the right hand, be stretched to make
them mutually perpendicular to
one another. If the first finger
points in the direction of the
magnetic field, the thumb points
in the direction of motion of the
conductor, the second (or central)
finger would give the direction of
the induced emf or induced

Lenz’s law and the laws of Conservation of Energy:

It is easy to realize, and appreciate, that Lenz’s law is consistent with the law of
conservation of energy. To see this, let us, for a moment, assume that the sense of induced
emf is such that it supports the cause to which it is due. That would imply, in the example
of magnet quoted above, that the approach of the N-pole of the magnet, towards the coil,
would cause the induced current to make the face of the coil, facing the magnet, to behave

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Chapter 5.1 Faraday’s law and Lenz’s law

like a S-pole. The coil, would then pull the magnet towards itself and this process would
continue, by itself. There would then be a continuous production of induced emf, and
therefore, induced current, ‘all by itself’. That, would be violation of the principle of energy
conservation, as it would imply ‘getting energy out of nothing’. Hence the sense of induced
emf cannot be such as to support the cause to which it is due. It has to oppose the cause to
which it is due, as per requirement of the principle of energy conservation. We, therefore,
say that Lenz’s law is consistent with the ‘principle of energy conservation’.

Eddy Currents

Faraday’s law, of electromagnetic induction, tells us that whenever the magnetic flux
linked with a coil, or a conductor, changes, there would be an induced emf set up in the
coil, or the conductor. This induced emf would be able to send an induced current
through the coil, or conductor, only if the coil or conductor were to make a closed circuit.
Consider a solid metal conductor present in a region in which the magnetic field
continuously changing with time. There would then be an induced emf between any two
(random) points on the conductor. The conductor, by its very nature, forms ‘closed
circuits’, so that induced currents would also flow through it. The ‘closed circuits’ on the
conductor, would be all randomly distributed so that the induced currents would also
flow along ‘random paths’. The shapes of the ‘current loops’, so formed, ate very much
like the ‘eddies’ that can exist on the surface of a pool of disturbed water. We, call these
currents as ‘eddy currents’.
Eddy currents are, therefore, currents flowing along randomly oriented paths, on the
surfaces, and in the bodies, of the conductors that are present in a varying, or ‘changing
with time’, magnetic fields.
The flow of current, through a conductor, results in the production of heat. Eddy
currents are, therefore, accompanied by production of heat, which in general, is nothing
but a waste, or loss of energy. We, therefore, usually regard ‘eddy currents’ as a clear
cut cause of wastage of energy. The presence, in most of the situations, is therefore, an
unwelcome presence. We need to take steps to minimize the wastage of energy caused
by ‘eddy currents’.
The transformer, used in Ac circuits, or any other metal part, present in AC circuits,
represents devices, where ‘eddy currents’ related energy losses, are undesirable.

Reducing Energy Losses due to ‘Eddy Currents’

A simple way of reducing energy losses, in

devices like the transformers, is to laminate their
cores. Lamination simply implies the cutting of
the solid metal core into thin sheets or ‘laminas’.
These laminas are coated with ‘insulating paint’
and then, joined together, to get back the solid
core. However, because of lamination and
insulation, the paths available, for flow of induced
current, are very much reduced. We, therefore,
have a significant, reduction in the flow of ‘eddy
currents’. This results in a significant lowering of
relevant ‘eddy current loses’.

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Chapter 5.1 Faraday’s law and Lenz’s law

Putting ‘Eddy Currents’ to use

‘Eddy Currents’ are generally undesirable, or unwelcome, because they usually cause a
loss, or wastage, of energy. However, one can put them to good, or desirable, use in
some situations. Thus,

(i) ‘Eddy Currents’ can be used to produce damping or ‘braking effects’ in devices
like the galvanometer or vehicles like the trains. Because of very nature of ‘eddy
currents’ (as per Lenz’s law), these currents when produced, due to the
a. Oscillations of the coil in devices like the galvanometer. or
b. Motion of the train,

Would oppose the oscillations, or the motion, and thus produce a ‘braking action’.

(ii) ‘Eddy Currents’ are used to produce strong heating effects to melt and ‘ mix up’
the metals that may be needed to produce specific alloys. The relevant sets ups
use high frequency alternating currents and are referred to as ‘induction

Motional EMF

The concept of ‘motional emf’ is important as it can be regarded as an ‘alternating

way’ of producing an induced emf. It also in a way, provides us with a (kind of) justification
for Faraday’s law of electromagnetic induction.
Consider a ‘set up’ of the kind shown here.

Here KNML is a (incomplete) rectangular metal frame work that gets completed with a rod
LK that can ‘slide’ on the two parallel metal rods NK and ML. The area of the rectangle
would clearly depend upon on the position of the (sliding) rod. The whole (rectangular)
frame work is supposed to lie in a plane, the plane of the page here.
Let this whole set up be present in a region in which a uniform, time independent,
magnetic field, directed normal to the plane of the set up (the plane of the page) is present.
The flux, , of this magnetic field, linked with the rectangle MLKN, would depend on the
position of the (sliding) rod LK. As this rod slides, the flux would change. The rate of the
change of with the time, would then give the emf induced in the set up.
To find an expression for this induced emf, let us imagine that the rod KL is moving to
the right with a (constant) speed, . If the instantaneous value of the length ML (or NK) is
, we can write

Let be the magnitude of the (uniform, time independent) magnetic field present in the
region and let . We then have

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Chapter 5.1 Faraday’s law and Lenz’s law

The magnitude of the induced emf ( ) is, therefore,

We call this emf, induced due to a change in the ‘area present in the field, as motional emf.
This technology is used because the cause of a time rate of change of magnetic flux, in such
cases, is the motion of a conducting rod in a magnetic field.

A ‘Justification’ for Faraday’s law of electromagnetic Induction:

The above expression, for motional emf, has been obtained on the basis of Faraday’s law of
electromagnetic induction. We can, in this case, also obtain the expression for this emf on
the basis of the basic definition of emf:

Here stands for the ‘force per unit charge’. We notice that since the ord LK is moving with
a velocity along the x axis, and the magnetic field is along the z axis, the force
experienced by a charge q, in the rod LK, would be

The force is thus seen to be directed along KL. The magnitude, of the force per unit charge,
is, therefore,

Now emf equals work per unit charge. The emf, , is, therefore,

We thus find the expression for the emf obtained in this case, from its ‘basic
definition’, is the same as that obtained on the basis of Faraday’s law of
electromagnetic induction. We can, therefore, think of this equality (between
and ) as a kind of ‘proof’ fro Faraday’s law of electromagnetic

‘Source of Energy’ for the Induced EMF

We have already noticed, (as per Lenz’s law), that the induced emf always
tends to oppose the cause that produces it. Thus some source of energy has to
supply the energy needed to ‘maintain’ the motion’ required for maintaining the
induced emf. It is this mechanical energy, (spent to maintain the ‘relative motion’,
between the magnet and the coil)that reappears as the energy associated with the
induced emf/current.

It is interesting to note that, in the case of motional emf, one can do a ‘direct
calculation’ of the ‘work done’ in moving the (charges in the) rod and show that this
work equals the energy reappearing as ‘electrical energy’.

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Chapter 5.1 Faraday’s law and Lenz’s law

Did You Know ?

We know that we get an ‘induce emf’ whenever there is a relative

motion between the magnet and the coil. When the magnet is at rest and
the coil (and, therefore, the charges in it) is moving, we can understand
the existence of induced emf in terms of the Lorentz (magnetic) force
experienced by the moving charges in a magnetic field. However, when
the coil is at rest and the magnet is moving, we cannot invoke the idea of
the Lorentz force. This is because the Lorentz (magnetic) force is zero
when the changes are at rest. How do we understand the production of
induced emf in this case?

The magnetic field, at the location of the coil (now at rest), due to the moving
magnet, would be changing with time. A magnetic field, changing with time,
can be regarded as a source of an electric field. It is this electric field,
associated with the changing magnetic field that is now regarded as exerting
a force on the charges. It is this force (due to the electric field) that (now)
results in the production of the induced emf!

1. Faraday did a number of experiments aimed at producing electricity from
2. Faraday’s experiments showed that we can get an induced emf in a coil whenever
the magnetic flux, linked with it, is changing with time.
3. Faraday’s law of electromagnetic induction is a quantitative expression of the
results of his experiments.
4. According to the Faraday’s law:
The magnitude, of the emf induced, in a given coil, is directly proportional to
the (time) rate of change of the magnetic flux linked with the coil.
5. We express Faraday’s law mathematically as:

Or, in a more detailed form as

6. The differential form of Faraday’s law, namely

shows, in an almost explicit way, that a changing magnetic field can be regarded
as a ‘source’ of an electric field.
7. Lenz’s law gives us the rule for finding the direction of the induce emf.
8. According to Lenz’s law: The sense of the emf, induced in a coil, is always such
that it opposes the very cause that, in the first instance, resulted in the
production of this (induced) emf’.
9. Lenz’s law is in accordance with the principle of conservation of energy.

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Chapter 5.1 Faraday’s law and Lenz’s law

10. “Eddy currents” are the currents that get induced in the conductor when it is
present in a (time) changing magnetic field.
11. Eddy currents are generally undesirable as they cause loss of energy. They are
minimized by using laminated cores rather than solid conductor as ‘cores’.
12. Eddy currents are sometimes put to good use. This is done in devices like
galvanometers and trains, etc, using magnetic brakes.
13. We refer to the induced emf, set up in a conductor moving in (a time
independent and uniform) magnetic field, as ‘motional emf’.
14. Motional emf, .
15. The concept of ‘motional emf can be used to provide a kind of proof for Faraday’s
law of electromagnetic induction.
16. The ‘agent responsible for maintain the relative motion between the coil and a
magnet, provides the mechanical energy that reappears as the energy associated
with the induced emf/current.


1. Fill in the blanks:

(i) Faraday’s initial experiments were aimed at producing _____ from _____.
(ii) The ____ _____, linked with a surface, equals the surface integral of the
magnetic field, over the surface
(iii) We get an induced emf whenever the _____ _____ linked with a
coil/conductor, changes with time.
(iv) The direction of the induced emf is given by _____ __________.
(v) ______ ______ refers to the emf, induced in a conductor, due to its motion in
a time independent, uniform magnetic field.


(i) Electricity; magnetism

(ii) Magnetic flux
(iii) Magnetic flux
(iv) Lenz’s law
(v) Motional emf

True of False

State whether the following statements are ’true’ or ‘False’.

(i) According to Faraday’s law: induced emf = (time) rate of change of magnetic
(ii) Lenz’s law can be regarded as a consequence of the principle of conservation of
(iii) The statement is an alternative way of stating Faraday’s law of
electromagnetic induction.
(iv) The term, B, in the expression motional emf = B lv, refers to the component of
the magnetic field, normal to the plane in which conductor is moving.
(v) The phenomenon of electromagnetic induction can be viewed as an example of a
direct conversion of magnetic energy into electricity.


(i) False (induced emf = - (time) rate of change of magnetic flux.)

(ii) True (This is correct statement).

Institute of Lifelong Learning, University of Delhi

Chapter 5.1 Faraday’s law and Lenz’s law

(iii) True (This is correct statement).

(iv) True (This is correct statement).
(v) False (It is the mathematical energy spent in maintain relative motion
between the coil and magnet, that is being (indirectly) converted into

Multiple Choice Questions

Select the best alternative in each of the following:

(i) From the expressions, given here, the only one that is not consistent with
Faraday’s law of electromagnetic induction, is
(ii) We can get an induced emf by (I) moving only the magnet relative to the coil or
by (II) only moving the coil with respect to the magnet. The Lorentz (magnetic)
force concept can be used to understand the production, of this induced emf,
(a) In both cases (I) and (II).
(b) Neither in case (I) nor in case (II).
(c) In case (I) but not in case (II).
(d) Not in case (I) but in case (II).
(iii) We observe the production of an induced emf in a stationary coil when a magnet
is moving relative to it. The theoretical concept, that is used to understand this
observation, is the concept of
(a) Lorentz force
(b) A changing magnetic field acting as a ‘source’ of an electric field.
(c) A changing electric field acting as a ‘source’ of a magnetic field.
(d) A uniform, time independent magnetic field acting as a source of an electric
(iv) In connection with the ‘good’ or ‘bad’ effects of ‘eddy currents’, we prefer to use
a laminated core
(a) Both in a transformer and in a ’dead beat’ moving coil galvanometer.
(b) neither in a transformer nor in a ’dead beat’ moving coil galvanometer.
(c) in a transformer but not in a ’dead beat’ moving coil galvanometer.
(d) in a ’dead beat’ moving coil galvanometer, but not in a transformer.
(v) A uniform magnetic field, acts normal to the plane of 100 turns, each of area
2cm2, of a ‘search coil’. The magnetic field is reduced from 10 -2 T to zero in 0.1s.
the magnitude of the emf, induced between the terminals of the search coil,
would be (nearly)

(a) 0.2 mV
(b) 2 mV
(c) 20 mV
(d) 200 mV


(i) (d)
Justification/Feedback for the correct answer:
Faraday’s law namely

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Chapter 5.1 Faraday’s law and Lenz’s law

Can be put in either of the two form(b) and (c), given above by noting that

The differential form of Faraday’s law is

Hence choice (d) is the only expression that is not consistent with Faraday’s law of
electromagnetic induction.

(ii) (d)

Justification/Feedback for the correct answer:

Lorentz’s (magnetic) force acts only on a moving charge. Hence it does not come
into play in case (I) where the coil (and hence the charges) are at rest. However, it
comes into play in case (II) where the coil is moving. Hence choice (d) is correct and
choices (a), (b) and (c) are incorrect.

(iii) (b)
Justification/Feedback for the correct answer:

When the coil is stationary, the Lorentz (magnetic) force does not get exerted on the
stationary charges within the coil. To understand the production of induced emf, in
this case, the concept

“A changing magnetic field can act as a source of an electric field” was introduced.

Hence choice (b) is correct, and choices (a), (c), and (d) are incorrect.

(iv) (c)
Justification/Feedback for the correct answer:

Eddy currents cause undesirable heat energy losses in the core of a transformer.
However, they can be used to dampen out the oscillations of a (dead beat) moving
coil galvanometer. Lamination of the core can help us to minimize the effects of eddy

Hence the core is laminated in a transformer but not in a ‘dead beat’ moving coil
galvanometer. Hence choice (c) is correct, and choices (a), (b), and (d) are incorrect.

(v) (b)

Justification/Feedback for the correct answer:

We have

Here at t=0 and at t=0.1 s

Institute of Lifelong Learning, University of Delhi

Chapter 5.1 Faraday’s law and Lenz’s law

Hence choice (b) is correct, and choices (a), (c), and (d) are incorrect.

Give brief answers to the following questions:

(a) State faraday’s law of electromagnetic induction and write its different mathematical
(b) Write faraday’s law in differential form. Obtain this form from the usual form of this
(c) How can we say that Lenz’s law is consistence with the principle of conservation of
(d) Define the term ‘Eddy Currents’ and discuss one of their useful practical applications.
(e) Discuss in brief how the concept of motional emf proves useful in providing a kind of
‘proof’ of Faraday’s law of electromagnetic induction?

Institute of Lifelong Learning, University of Delhi

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