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Stake holder management

Correct Answer: # 2

Question: The responsibility of stakeholder expectations management usually lies with the:

1. Project management team

2. Project manager
3. Project team
4. Project manager, project sponsor, and project management team

Justification: The project manager is responsible for engaging and managing the various stakeholders in a

Reference: PMBOK® Guide Fifth Edition, page 405-406

Correct Answer: # 4

Question: You, as the project manager, are planning to document relevant information on interests, involvement,
influence, and impact of project stakeholders. Which of the following processes should you follow?

1. Stakeholder Analysis
2. Plan Communications Management
3. Manage Stakeholder Engagement
4. Identify Stakeholders

Justification: Option 1: Stakeholder Analysis is a technique used to identify and classify stakeholders and their
interests. It is used when identifying stakeholders; however, it is not the name of the process itself.

Option 2: Plan Communications Management is the process of determining the information needs of the project
stakeholders and defining a communication approach to satisfy those needs.

Option 3: Manage Stakeholder Engagement is an executing process which involves working with stakeholders to
meet their expectations. The current project is in the initiating phase as stakeholder-related details are just being

Option 4: Identify Stakeholders is the process used to identify all those people or organizations impacted by the
project and document relevant information on their interests, involvement, and impact on the success of the project.

Reference: comments
Correct Answer: # 3

Question: In your project, you actively manage stakeholders engagement in order to meet their needs and
expectations. Doing this is very beneficial, however, it may not help to:

1. Increase the likelihood of stakeholders` acceptance of the project goals

2. Influence and negotiate expectations of stakeholders to achieve project goals
3. Ensure stakeholders` awareness of all project details
4. Uncover and discuss stakeholder issues and concerns

Justification: Manage Stakeholder Engagement involves communicating and working with project stakeholders to
meet their needs and expectations. Actively managing the expectations and engagement of stakeholders should
increase the likelihood of project acceptance and support, and should also minimize stakeholder resistance. This
process also involves negotiating and influencing stakeholders in favor of achieving the project goals. Addressing
concerns that have not yet become issues and anticipating future problems is useful for managing project risks.
Doing all this however, does not ensure that stakeholders are fully aware when they should be, and in fact, it is not
always desirable for stakeholders to be aware of ALL project details.

Option 3 (i.e., Ensure stakeholders` awareness of all project details) is not recommended. The project manager
should try to manage information, so that only appropriate and relevant information reaches the appropriate
stakeholders. comments

Correct Answer: # 3

Question: The processes used in Project Stakeholder Management are

1. Identify Stakeholders, Plan Stakeholder Management, Manage Stakeholder Expectations, and Control Stakeholder Expectations
2. Identify Stakeholders, Plan Stakeholder Communications, Manage Stakeholder Engagement, and Control Stakeholder Engagement
3. Identify Stakeholders, Plan Stakeholder Management, Manage Stakeholder Engagement, and Control Stakeholder Engagement
4. Identify Stakeholders, Stakeholder Management Plan, Manage Stakeholder Engagement, and Control Stakeholder Engagement

Justification: Project Stakeholder Management includes the following processes - Identify Stakeholders, Plan
Stakeholder Management, Manage Stakeholder Engagement, and Control Stakeholder Engagement.

Reference: PMBOK® Guide Fifth Edition, page 392, figure 13-1 comments: Manage Stakeholder Expectations, Control Stakeholder Expectations, Plan Stakeholder
Communications, and Stakeholder Management Plan are not processes. The Stakeholder Management Plan is an
output of Plan Stakeholder Management.

Correct Answer: # 4

Question: You are the project manager in a pharmaceutical company and you are involved in managing
1. Organizational process assets updates
2. Change requests
3. Project management plan updates
4. Stakeholder Management Plan

Justification: The Stakeholder Management Plan is created as part of the Plan Stakeholder Management process.
The other options are all outputs of the Manage Stakeholder Engagement process, which is the process being

Reference: comments

Selected Choice: #
Correct Answer: # 4

Question: You are in the process of identifying the relevant stakeholders in the project. In this context, which of the
following is/are relevant output(s) of this process?

1. Stakeholder register and Stakeholder Management Plan

2. Stakeholder Management Strategy
3. Organizational process assets updates
4. Stakeholder register

Justification: The output of the Identify Stakeholders process is the Stakeholder register.
Reference: PMBOK® Guide Fifth Edition, page 392, figure 13-1

Correct Answer: # 1

Question: Identify Stakeholders is the process of identifying all people or organizations impacted by the project
and to document:

1. Stakeholder interests, involvement, and impact on project success

2. Stakeholder needs and address issues as they occur
3. Project requirements from stakeholders
4. Stakeholder needs and define a communication approach

Justification: Option 1: This is the correct answer. Project stakeholders are persons or organizations such as
customers, sponsors, the performing organization, and the public who are actively involved in the project, or impacted
by it.
Option 2: Manage Stakeholder Engagement is the process to communicate and work with stakeholders to meet their
needs and address issues as they occur.

Option 3: Collect Requirements is the process where project requirements are gathered and documented.

Option 4: Plan Communications Management is the process which is used to determine the project stakeholder
information needs and to define a communication approach.

Reference: comments

Correct Answer: # 1

Question: Stakeholder analysis is used to systematically gather and analyze quantitative and qualitative
information on stakeholders

1. Stakeholders are identified based on degree of interest

2. Stakeholder register templates are created
3. Stakeholders are influenced to gain support and reduce negative impact
4. Stakeholder registers from previous projects are used

Justification: Stakeholder analysis is a technique of systematically gathering and analyzing quantitative and
qualitative information to determine whose interests should be taken into account throughout the project. It identifies
the interests, expectations, and influence of the stakeholders and relates them to the purpose of the project.

Reference: PMBOK® Guide Fifth Edition, pages 395 and 396

Correct Answer: # 3

Question: During the Identify Stakeholders process, the project manager identifies all people or organizations
impacted by the project, and documents relevant information regarding their interests, involvement, and impact on
project success. Once identified, a plan needs to be created to keep stakeholders engaged throughout the project. In
this context, which of the following statements is incorrect about stakeholder management?

1. Stakeholders exert influence over the project and its deliverables

2. It is critical for project success to identify stakeholders early in the project
3. All critical stakeholders should be engaged at the same time
4. A strategy or approach may be developed for engaging each stakeholder

Justification: It is critical for project success to identify the stakeholders early in the project, and to analyze their
levels of interest, expectations, importance and influence. A management strategy can then be developed for
engaging stakeholders and determining appropriate levels and timing of involvement to maximize positive influences
and mitigate potential negative impacts. Stakeholders should therefore be engaged at the appropriate time, not
necessarily at the same time.

Reference: comments
Correct Answer: # 2

Question: While identifying stakeholders, you plan to group project stakeholders based on their level of authority
and their active involvement in the project. You can do this by using:

1. Power/Interest grid
2. Power/Influence grid
3. Influence/Impact grid
4. Salience model

Justification: There are multiple classification models used for stakeholders analysis, such as:
• Power/interest grid, grouping the stakeholders based on their level of authority (power) and their level of concern
(interest) regarding the project outcomes;

• Power/influence grid, grouping the stakeholders based on their level of authority (power) and their active
involvement (influence) in the project;

• Influence/impact grid, grouping the stakeholders based on their active involvement (influence) in the project and
their ability to effect changes to the project’s planning or execution (impact); and

• Salience model, describing classes of stakeholders based on their power (ability to impose their will), urgency (need
for immediate attention), and legitimacy (their involvement is appropriate).

Reference: PMBOK® Guide Fifth Edition, page 396

Correct Answer: # 2

Question: As the project manager, you are currently involved in monitoring stakeholder relationships and adjusting
plans for their engagement. Which process are you currently working in?

1. Identify Stakeholders
2. Control Stakeholder Engagement
3. Manage Stakeholder Engagement
4. Plan Stakeholder Management

Justification: Control Stakeholder Engagement is the process of monitoring overall project stakeholder
relationships and adjusting strategies and plans for engaging stakeholders.

Reference: PMBOK® Guide Fifth Edition, page 409

Correct Answer: # 2
Question: If you are describing classes of stakeholders based on their power (ability to impose their will), urgency
(need for immediate attention), and legitimacy (their involvement is appropriate), this can be referred to as:

1. Group decision technique

2. Salience model
3. Power/Influence grid
4. Influence/Impact grid

Justification: Salience model describes classes of stakeholders based on their power (ability to impose their will),
urgency (need for immediate attention), and legitimacy (their involvement is appropriate).

Reference: PMBOK® Guide Fifth Edition, page 396

Correct Answer: # 4

Question: In your project, while identifying stakeholders, you want to create a Stakeholder Register. In this context,
this document should NOT contain which of the following?

1. Identification information
2. Assessment information
3. Stakeholder classification
4. Stakeholder management strategy

Justification: Stakeholder register is the main output of the Identify Stakeholders process. This contains all details
related to the identified stakeholders including, but not limited to:

Identification information: Name, organizational position, location, role in the project, contact information;

Assessment information: Major requirements, main expectations, potential influence in the project, phase in the life
cycle with the most interest; and

Stakeholder classification: Internal/external, supporter/neutral/resistor, etc.

Reference: PMBOK® Guide Fifth Edition, page 398 comments: The stakeholder management strategy would be incorporated into the stakeholder
management plan.

Correct Answer: # 3

Question: Which of the following is NOT a valid input for the Identify Stakeholders process?

1. Enterprise environmental factors
2. Procurement documents
3. Project scope statement
4. Project charter

Justification: The project scope statement is not created until the scope has been defined (Define Scope process).
Stakeholders must be identified first and requirements collected before the project scope statement is created. The
other options are all potential inputs to the Identify Stakeholders process.

Reference: comments

Correct Answer: # 2

Question: You are the project manager of a $20 million project, and you are struggling to manage the needs of all
the stakeholders. You decide to classify the stakeholders, which you hope will enable you to focus on the
relationships necessary to ensure the success of the project. In this context, which of the following is NOT a factor
that you should consider while classifying stakeholders?

1. Stakeholders’ interest in the project

2. Hierarchy of the organization
3. Stakeholders’ involvement in the project
4. Stakeholders’ influence on the project

Justification: Most projects will have a diverse number of stakeholders depending on their size, type and
complexity. While the project manager`s time is limited and should be used as efficiently as possible, these
stakeholders should be classified according to their interest, influence, and involvement in the project.

Reference: PMBOK® Guide Fifth Edition, page 394

Correct Answer: # 2

Question: In your project, you use an issue log or action item log to document and monitor the resolution of issues.
You focus on documentation and timely resolution of issues because unresolved issues can:

1. Be escalated to the project sponsor

2. Be a major source of conflict
3. Become undetermined risks in the project
4. Have adverse effect on all project parameters

Justification: Issues are clearly stated and categorized based on urgency and their potential to impact the project.
An owner is assigned an action for resolution, and a target date is usually established for closure. Unresolved issues
can be a major source of conflict and project delays.
Reference: comments

Correct Answer: # 4

Question: Two project team members have resigned from your company. However, you are able to negotiate with
functional managers in your organization to quickly acquire two more resources as substitutes. From a stakeholder
management point of view, this can be referred to as:

1. Pre-assignment
2. Corrective action
3. Approved change request
4. Resolved issue

Justification: Unavailability of resources is an issue, and by getting two appropriate resources quickly, you were
able to resolve the issue quickly.

Reference: comments

Selected Choice: #
Correct Answer: # 2

Question: During the Identify Stakeholders process, which document may provide some initial idea of who the
stakeholders are for a project?

1. Communications management plan

2. Project charter
3. Human resource contracts
4. Responsibility assignment matrix

Justification: The project charter is an input to the Identify Stakeholder process which provides some initial
information about the project’s stakeholders, such as the sponsor, customer(s), team members, and
groups/organizations involved in, or affected by the project.

Reference: comments
Correct Answer: # 4

Question: Which of the following would NOT be considered a useful Organizational Process Asset when
identifying stakeholders?

1. Lessons learned from previous phases

2. Stakeholder register templates
3. Stakeholder registers from previous projects
4. Organizational culture for identifying stakeholders

Justification: Stakeholder register templates, lessons learned from previous projects or phases, and stakeholder
registers from previous projects are all examples of Organizational Process Assets useful during the Identify
Stakeholders process. Organizational culture is an Enterprise Environmental Factor to be considered, not an
Organizational Process Asset.

Reference: PMBOK® Guide Fifth Edition, page 395

Correct Answer: # 3

Question: Which of the following is used to classify critical stakeholders on a project as a "manage closely"

1. Identify Stakeholders
2. Plan Stakeholder Management
3. Stakeholder Analysis
4. Plan Communications Management

Justification: During the Identify Stakeholders process, stakeholder analysis is a technique used to gather and
analyze information to determine the project stakeholders. This technique includes the classification of stakeholders.
The Power/Interest Grid is one model which can be used for this purpose.

Stakeholders who have a high level of authority (power) and high level of concern (interest) regarding the project
outcomes, fall into the "Manage Closely" quadrant of the Power/Interest Grid (please refer PMBOK® Guide Fifth
Edition, page 397, figure 13-4).

Reference: comments

Correct Answer: # 1
Question: It is important for the project manager to effectively engage stakeholders throughout the project life cycle
in order to ensure support of the project

1. Compare current to planned stakeholder engagement levels

2. Keep stakeholders satisfied
3. Engage stakeholders
4. Analyze the effectiveness of the Stakeholder Management Plan

Justification: The current engagement levels of all stakeholders needs to be compared to the planned
engagement levels required for successful project completion....The project team needs to identify the desired
engagement level for the current phase of the project, based on available information.

Reference: PMBOK® Guide - Fifth Edition, page 402

Correct Answer: # 3

Question: It is important to gather and analyze all relevant information to determine all project stakeholders and
what their respective interests, expectations, and influences are. It is also useful to identify stakeholder relationships
that might enhance the project

1. Stakeholder Directory
2. Stakeholder Analysis Matrix
3. Stakeholder Register
4. Stakeholder Management Plan

Justification: The Stakeholder Register is a project document which includes all the details related to the identified
project stakeholders, such as identification, assessment, and classification information.

Option 1: The Stakeholder Directory may be used as another name for the Stakeholder Register, but the PMBOK®
Guide does refer to this document as the Stakeholder Register.

Option 2: Stakeholder Analysis is used to gather and analyze information to determine the project’s stakeholders and
then classify them in order to identify an approach strategy. A variety of models can be used to analyze and classify
stakeholders, including the Power/Interest Grid, Power/Influence Grid, Influence/Impact Grid, and Salience Model.
Results from the analysis are documented in the Stakeholder Register, not the Stakeholder Analysis Matrix.

Option 4: The Stakeholder Management Plan is a subsidiary plan that defines the processes, procedures, tools, and
techniques to effectively engage stakeholders throughout the project.

Reference: comments

Correct Answer: # 3
Question: You are the project manager working on a project to develop a new 4-color erasable pen. The customer,, is very excited to offer this innovative pen to participants in their PMP prep boot camp class, as it will
allow them to erase mistakes made when creating their detailed process chart. PMstudy also wants to use the pen to
help promote their other brands like and, so they have asked for their affiliate
logos to appear on the pen.

They also want the product development to be rushed as they are running low on current inventory and want their
next order to consist of the new pen. Since the product is a new concept and the customer is an important one, you
decide to create a prototype of the pen during the design phase.

After reviewing the prototype, PMstudy

1. The CEO changed his requirements after seeing the prototype.

2. The team rushed through collecting the requirements and developing the prototype, since the timeline was tight, so they missed some
key requirements.
3. The CEO was not identified as a key project stakeholder.
4. All of the requirements approved for the prototype were not implemented.

Justification: It is important that all relevant stakeholders are identified during the Identify Stakeholders process. If
key stakeholders, such as the company’s CEO in this case are missed, it is likely that change requests will need to be
processed later in the project to accommodate requirements that were not captured during the Collect Requirements
process. In this case, it was a good idea for the project manager to create a prototype of the product to mitigate the
risk that the customer might not be happy with the end product. This allowed the CEO the opportunity to see and
comment on the product and have his requirements addressed before the project and product delivery was complete.

Reference: comments

Correct Answer: # 4

Question: Given the current and desired engagement levels of stakeholders in the following Stakeholder
Engagement Assessment Matrix, which would be the most important gap to be addressed by the project manager as
soon as possible?

Stakeholder Unaware Resistant Neutral Supportive Leading

Sponsor C D
Team Member C/D

C = Current Engagement Level; D = Desired Engagement Level
1. CEO
2. Team member
3. CEO and Sponsor
4. Sponsor

Justification: The sponsor is a critical stakeholder on a project since he/she provides resources and support for a
project, and is accountable for enabling and promoting the project’s success. If the sponsor is currently "resistant", it
would be important to find out and address the reasons why, and then try to get him/her to at least be "supportive", if
not "leading" to ensure the project’s success.

Options 1 and 3: The CEO is currently "neutral" so is neither supportive nor resistant. He/she does not play a leading
role in the project like the sponsor so this would not be an immediate concern as the current gap between current and
desired for the sponsor.

Option 2: The team member is exactly where he/she should be as current and desired levels are the same.

Reference: comments

Selected Choice: #
Correct Answer: # 3

Question: Managing stakeholders allows the project manager to increase support and decrease resistance from
stakeholders with the ultimate goal of project success. Which of the following are outputs of the Manage Stakeholder
Engagement process?

1. Issue log, Change requests, Work performance information

2. Change requests, Stakeholder assessment matrix, Project documents updates
3. Issue log, Change requests, Project documents updates
4. Change requests, Organizational process assets updates, Team performance issues

Justification: Outputs of the Manage Stakeholder Engagement process are: Issue log, Change requests, Project
management plan updates, Project documents updates, and Organizational process assets updates.

Reference: PMBOK® Guide Fifth Edition, page 392 (figure 13-1)

Correct Answer: # 2

Question: Which project document is used for documenting and monitoring elements under discussion or in
dispute between project stakeholders?

1. Dispute log
2. Issue log
3. Change log
4. Problem log

Justification: Issue log: A project document used to document and monitor elements under discussion or in
dispute between project stakeholders.

Reference: PMBOK® Guide - Fifth Edition, page 544

Correct Answer: # 1

Question: Which of the following tools or techniques are used in all three of the Identify Stakeholders, Plan
Stakeholder Management, and Control Stakeholder Engagement processes?

1. Meetings and Expert judgment

2. Expert judgment and Information management systems
3. Meetings and Communication methods
4. Interpersonal skills and Management skills

Justification: Meetings and Expert judgment are tools that appear in all three of the Identify Stakeholders, Plan
Stakeholder Management, and Control Stakeholder Engagement processes.

Option 2: Information management systems are used in the Control Stakeholder Engagement process.

Option 3: Communication methods are used in the Manage Stakeholder Engagement process.

Option 4: Interpersonal skills and Management skills are tools used in the Manage Stakeholder Engagement process.

Reference: PMBOK® Guide Fifth Edition, page 392, figure 13-1.

Correct Answer: # 4

Question: Engagement levels of stakeholders can be classified as follows:

1. Unaware, Resistant, Balanced, Supportive, and Aware

2. Unaware, Against, Neutral, Supportive, and Aware
3. Unaware, Resistant, Neutral, Aware, and Leading
4. Unaware, Resistant, Neutral, Supportive, and Leading

Justification: Analytic techniques are used to assess the current and desired engagement level of stakeholders
which can be classified into Unaware, Resistant, Neutral, Supportive, and Leading engagement levels. This
information can be documented in a Stakeholders Engagement Assessment Matrix.

Reference: comments
Correct Answer: # 1

Question: You are the project manager for a high-priority project that involves the creation of a new product that is
expected to bring the company out of debt within one year of the product

1. Advise her that the feature cannot be incorporated

2. Implement the feature since it sounds like a great idea
3. Talk to the CEO about his wife’s suggestion and see what he thinks
4. Tell her you’ll speak with some customers and see what they think about the new feature

Justification: Since the feature was not a previously approved requirement and is not a request from a relevant
project stakeholder, it should not be implemented and would likely be considered gold plating. If the project manager
determined that the feature may be a valid one, then he or she could take it through the change control process to
see if others agreed. Individuals like the CEO’s wife, who are not relevant project stakeholders, need to be properly
monitored and controlled. She is very interested in the project, but since she is not an employee of the company, she
is not a relevant stakeholder so she has very little power and legitimacy. As the project manager, you could continue
to keep her informed if this was considered acceptable in the company, but she should not be continuously
discussing the project with other team members who should be engaged in completing their scheduled project

Reference: comments

Correct Answer: # 2

Question: You are working on a project that your company recently won through a bidding process. It is still very
early in the project, but the project charter is complete and you are now creating the stakeholder register. Which of
the following would be useful to help you identity the project stakeholders:

1. Procurement statement of work

2. Procurement documents
3. Business case
4. Project management plan

Justification: Since this is a contract that was awarded to your company, the Procurement Documents (e.g., RFP)
will have information about who some of the project stakeholders are. This would be a good starting place to gather
information about key stakeholders and their respective roles in the project.

Reference: comments
Correct Answer: # 1

Question: You are the project manager for a high priority project for your company. You just came out of a meeting
with the project sponsor where you informed her that the project

1. Identify the operation’s manager as a valid stakeholder and review his requests and possibly take them through change control.
2. Tell the team members to confront their issue and work it out among themselves.
3. Tell the team members you will advise the operation’s manager that the team will discuss his requests and get back to him.
4. Tell the team members to stop wasting time arguing and get back to work since the project is behind schedule.

Justification: In an operations or manufacturing setting, it is desirable to include operational stakeholders, such as

the manufacturing manager and other plant and production personnel, as relevant stakeholders for the project. Since
they will be creating the final product deliverables, they may have valuable input that should be considered
throughout the project life cycle. Engaging operational stakeholders in the project’s planning and other phases will
help to mitigate or eliminate project risks or post-project issues.

Reference: comments

Correct Answer: # 3

Question: The project manager needs to effectively engage stakeholders throughout the project life cycle.
Analytical techniques can be used to identify the current and desired engagement levels of each stakeholder. This
information is captured in:

1. Stakeholder analysis matrix

2. Analytical forecasts
3. Stakeholders Engagement Assessment Matrix
4. Stakeholder register

Justification: The Stakeholders Engagement Assessment Matrix (see below) is used to document current and
desired engagement levels of project stakeholders.

Stakeholder Unaware Resistant Neutral Supportive Leading

Stakeholder 1 C D
Stakeholder 2 C D
Stakeholder 3 DC
C = Current Engagement Level; D = Desired Engagement Level

Reference: comments

Correct Answer: # 1

Question: You are in the process of identifying the relevant stakeholders in the project. In this context, which of the
following are relevant output(s) of the process?

1. Stakeholder register
2. Project document updates
3. Organizational process assets updates
4. Stakeholder register and project document updates

Justification: Stakeholder register is the only output of the Identify Stakeholders process.
Reference: PMBOK® Guide - Fifth Edition, page 392, figure 13-1

Correct Answer: # 2

Question: What are common updates made throughout the Project Stakeholder Management processes?

1. Project Documents, Project Management Plan, Enterprise Environmental Factors

2. Project Documents, Organizational Process Assets, Project Management Plan
3. Organizational Process Assets, Issue Log, Stakeholder Register
4. Organizational Process Assets, Stakeholder Management Plan, Issue Log

Justification: Project documents such as the Stakeholder Register, Project Schedule, Issue Log, and Change Log
may be updated throughout the Project Stakeholder Management processes. Various organizational process assets
such as project status reports, lessons learned documentation, and project records (e.g., correspondence, memos,
meeting minutes) may also be updated. Finally, various components of the Project Management Plan, such as the
Stakeholder Management Plan, Communications Management Plan, Human Resource Management Plan and
potentially other subsidiary plans, may need to be updated due to stakeholder management activities.

Option 1: Enterprise Environmental Factors (e.g., organizational culture or structure, government or industry
standards) are not typically updated throughout the Project Stakeholder Management processes, but they may be
used; so you will see Enterprise Environmental Factors as an input in the Identify Stakeholders and Plan Stakeholder
Management processes, but not and output.

Options 3 and 4: Although these are all correct, option 2 is more inclusive. You should choose the most inclusive
response when there are multiple correct options.
Reference: comments

Correct Answer: # 4

Question: You have just started working on a project to construct a new toll highway that has been recently
approved by the government. You are aware that some local residents are opposed to the construction of the
highway and a group of them have been lobbying against it. Some seem to be concerned with the noise from the
traffic on the highway, others with the potential that they may need to relocate due to the highway

1. Residents of the city

2. Government employees
3. Lobbying group
4. All of the above are stakeholders

Justification: Stakeholders include all individuals and groups who are involved in, could impact, or be impacted by
the project. All of these are valid stakeholders. Residents who live in (and near) the city will be impacted by the new
highway. Government employees have already been involved in decision-making and would likely be providing
further input and approvals needed throughout the project. The group of local residents lobbying against the highway
should also be identified and their expectations considered. Even though they are negatively impacted by the project,
they should still be identified as stakeholders and managed throughout the project.

Reference: comments

Correct Answer: # 1

Question: Which one of the following is not an input to the Manage Stakeholder Engagement process?

1. Project Management Plan

2. Change Log
3. Communications Management Plan
4. Organizational Process Assets

Justification: In the Manage Stakeholder Engagement process, the Project Management Plan is not listed as an
input, but instead two of its subsidiary plans – the Stakeholder Management Plan and the Communications
Management Plan – are listed. The Stakeholder Management Plan provides information on how to manage and keep
stakeholders involved in the project. The Communications Management Plan includes information on managing
stakeholder expectations in terms of their informational needs. These are the main plans needed to Manage
Stakeholder Engagement.
Reference: PMBOK® Guide - Fifth Edition, page 404 (figure 13-8) comments: Option 2: The Change Log has information about changes that stakeholders need to be
aware of, so it is a valid input here.

Option 4: Organizational Process Assets used here might include stakeholder communication requirements, change
and issue control procedures, and relevant historical information from previous projects.

Correct Answer: # 4

Question: Which of the following processes is Information Management Systems a tool for?

1. Plan Stakeholder Management

2. Manage Stakeholder Engagement
3. Identify Stakeholders
4. Control Stakeholder Engagement

Justification: Information Management Systems are used to collect, store, manage, and distribute information in
various methods and formats (e.g., hard copy, electronic, tables, spreadsheets, presentations, graphical). Standard
tools are used by the project manager to capture, store, and distribute information to stakeholders about project cost,
schedule, and other performance data. The project manager consolidates information from several systems and
distributes reports to project stakeholders.

Reference: PMBOK® Guide - Fifth Edition, pages 392 (figure 13-1) and 412 comments: Information Management Systems is also used in the Manage Communications and
Control Communications processes which also involve gathering and reporting project information to stakeholders as

Correct Answer: # 3

Question: You are the project manager for a project that involves developing a very important product for the
company. While executing the project plan, you notice that there are a lot of disagreements and conflicts occurring
among project team members, specifically regarding approved changes to the product. You review the Change and
Issue Logs to gather some information about what the conflicts could be about. After doing this, what should be your
NEXT step?

1. Allow the team members to work through their disagreements without your involvement
2. Ask a senior team member to help the other members resolve their issues
3. Meet with all team members, listen to each perspective, and facilitate conflict management and consensus toward project objectives
4. Have each team member discuss how he/she believes the changes should be made
Justification: While the project is in executing phase, it is not uncommon for there to be conflict and disagreement
among project team members. The role of the project manager is to effectively manage stakeholders and promote
appropriate stakeholder engagement. It is therefore important for the project manager to have strong interpersonal
and management skills. Examples of interpersonal skills include building trust, resolving conflict, active listening, and
overcoming resistance to change. Examples of management skills include facilitating consensus toward project
objectives, influencing others to support the project, negotiating agreements to satisfy the project needs, and
modifying organizational behavior to accept the project outcomes.

Option 1: The team has already been trying to work out disagreements without success so the project manager must
now step in.

Option 2: The project manager is ultimately responsible for managing the project team members; this should not be
delegated to other team members who may themselves be involved in conflicts.

Option 4: This may be a valid exercise after the project manager explores option 3 if the issues are primarily about
how the changes to the product should be made.

Reference: comments

Correct Answer: # 1

Question: You are managing a large software development project which involves an external customer.
According to the Scope Management Plan, the customer is expected to be verifying product deliverables when
completed throughout the project. This is especially important due to the complexity of the product requirements. You
have sent a few of the software modules to the customer for deliverable acceptance as scheduled; however, she
appears to be busy and is slow responding to emails and voice mails. The project is starting to fall behind and
product acceptance risk has increased. What should be your NEXT step?

1. Schedule a meeting with the customer to discuss the issue and explore ways of increasing current engagement
2. Ask the project sponsor to contact the customer and discuss the impact to the project
3. Ask the customer to provide another contact to verify the deliverables
4. Provide the customer with extra time to verify the modules and change the project schedule accordingly

Justification: It is the project manager’s responsibility to effectively manage all stakeholder engagement
throughout the project life cycle. Any issues that arise should be addressed promptly to limit negative impact to the
project. At this point, the next step is to try to deal with the issue with the customer first by using appropriate
management and interpersonal skills.

Option 2: The option of involving the project sponsor can be explored if option 1 is not effective.

Option 3: This is also not an immediate next step but can be explored later if the sponsor decides that her schedule
cannot accommodate the demands of the project.

Option 4: Allowing extra time for the customer to verify the scope could have significant impact to the project
schedule and other parts of the project management plan, so this would not be the best choice at this time.

Reference: comments

Correct Answer: # 2
Question: During which process would the project manager most often need to use skills that influence others to
support the project and facilitate consensus toward project objectives?

1. Identify Stakeholders
2. Manage Stakeholder Engagement
3. Plan Stakeholder Management
4. Control Stakeholder Engagement

Justification: These are examples of Management Skills which are tools for Manage Stakeholder Engagement.
Reference: PMBOK® Guide - Fifth Edition, page 408 comments: While the project is being executed, it is the project manager’s responsibility to ensure that
all stakeholders are involved as needed to meet the project objectives. This can be accomplished through effective
Management Skills.

Correct Answer: # 4

Question: Issue resolution is necessary to address obstacles that can prevent the team from achieving its goals. In
order to manage and resolve issues that arise during project execution, you develop an Issue Log and assign each
issue to a team member to ensure there is accountability for resolving specific issues by a target date. The Issue Log
is generated and updated in which Project Stakeholder Management process(es)?

1. Manage Stakeholder Engagement

2. Control Stakeholder Engagement
3. Manage Stakeholder Expectations
4. Manage Stakeholder Engagement and Control Stakeholder Engagement

Justification: The question asks where the Issue Log is generated and updated. The Issue Log is an output of the
Manage Stakeholder Engagement process. It is also an input to the Control Stakeholder Engagement process so it is
used and updated there as well.

Reference: PMBOK® Guide - Fifth Edition, pages 392 (figure 13-1), 408 and 411 comments:

Options 1 and 2: These are correct options, but it is important to read all options and go with the most inclusive

Option 3: Manage Stakeholder Expectations is not a valid PMI process name.

Correct Answer: # 1
Question: You are working with your team to execute a project which involves implementation of 50 new Base
Transceiver Station (BTS) towers throughout remote areas of the country in order to improve wireless communication
services. The project involves many internal and external stakeholders which you have been managing throughout.
Current schedule performance is 1.3 and cost performance is 1.1 and there are no pressing issues that require
escalations at this time. The sponsor is a very high-level executive in the company who fully supports the project.
However, he seems quite nervous these days and has showed up at the past two team status meetings during which
he diverted the team discussion away from the usual agenda to issues that did not involve the project team. What is
the best NEXT step for you to pursue?

1. Speak with the sponsor separately to discuss his present concerns and offer to provide any other required information outside of the
team status meetings.
2. Since the sponsor is a high-level executive, you should allow him to attend the meeting and address his concerns there.
3. Ask the sponsor not to attend any more meetings.
4. Ask the sponsor to submit his issues prior to the meeting so you can add them to the Issue Log and the meeting agenda.

Justification: The project sponsor is a very valuable stakeholder to the project since he/she is accountable for
enabling project success. Some sponsors may be over- or under-involved in projects which could adversely impact
the project’s objectives. In this case, the sponsor is causing some distraction for the project team members by
attending team meetings and bringing up issues that should not be part of the regular status meeting. The project
manager should first have a discussion with the project sponsor to understand his present concerns and offer options
for him to get any information he needs instead of attending regular team status meetings. It is the project manager’s
responsibility to manage stakeholders to ensure the project’s success and to also ensure that they are all engaged
when appropriate.

Option 2: Although the sponsor is a senior manager, he does not need to attend regular team status meetings, but
rather should be involved when issues need to be escalated, or when required for authorizing changes, phase-end
reviews, very high risks, etc.

Option 3: The sponsor does not usually need to attend team meetings but this option is a bit drastic. There are times
when the sponsor may want to check in and provide support to the project team so he may occasionally attend a
meeting. Also it would not be a good idea for the project manager to ask the sponsor not to attend any more meetings
as the authority of the sponsor is usually above that of the project manager.

Option 4: It’s always best to include all issues to be discussed in the meeting on an agenda; however, that’s not the
real problem in this situation and the issues being brought up by the sponsor are not relevant to this meeting.

Reference: comments

Correct Answer: # 4

Question: Which of the following statements about project stakeholders is not correct?

1. Stakeholders influence over the final characteristics of the product is usually highest at the beginning of a project.
2. Stakeholders may passively or actively detract from the success of the project.
3. Stakeholder identification is a continuous process throughout the entire project life cycle.
4. Stakeholders’ levels of responsibility and authority remain the same throughout the project’s life cycle.

Justification: Stakeholders have varying levels of responsibility and authority on a project, but this can change
throughout the project life cycle; so option 4 is the "not correct" statement.
Option 1: The ability of stakeholders to influence the final characteristics of the project’s product (without significantly
impacting cost), is highest at the beginning of the project and generally decreases throughout the project life cycle.

Options 2 and 3: These are both correct statements as per the PMBOK® Guide -Fifth Edition, page 31.

Reference: comments

Correct Answer: # 3

Question: The project manager develops the stakeholder management plan in order to do all of the following,

1. analyze needs, interests, and potential impact in order to effectively manage stakeholders
2. manage stakeholder expectations and engage them in project decisions
3. identify stakeholders and document their contact information
4. understand stakeholder communication requirements and level of stakeholder engagement

Justification: PMstudy notes. The stakeholder register is used to identify stakeholders and document their contact
information. All the other options are part of the stakeholder management plan.

Correct Answer: # 1

Question: The primary reason the project manager should maintain stakeholder relationships by following the
stakeholder management plan is to

1. receive continued stakeholder support and manage expectations

2. comply with organizational project completion requirements
3. collect project requirements
4. validate accepted deliverables

Justification: PMstudy notes. The project manager should maintain stakeholder relationships to receive continued
stakeholder support and manage expectations.

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