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15 February 2019

Dear Parent/Carer,

Year 11 Revision During the February Half-Term Period

I write to thank you for continuing to support your son/ward in preparation for his external GCSE
examinations. The large majority of students are increasingly prepared and organised,
conducting daily revision. Please continue to monitor your son/ward on this profoundly important
matter. All students should be building-up their writing resilience in preparation for the external
GCSE examinations in May and June 2019.

Students have already been provided with their examination entry sheet. Please ask to see this
and check their entry documentation. For example, check that the spelling of their name is correct
as well as the accuracy of their date of birth (DOB). Any late name or DOB changes will cost a
minimum of £50. Information about non-written examination components will be communicated
by individual curriculum areas.

Further to this, it is now absolutely vital that your son/ward continues to revise over the February
half-term holiday period. To support this expectation, it is also profoundly important that your
son/ward and yourselves take the main responsibility for his academic progress. This can be
achieved by following a number of steps:

1. Quantity of revision: ensure that your son/ward revises for four hours each day over the
holiday period. Encourage them to revise in the morning and afternoon when they are
most attentive rather than in the evening. Spending some time with family is also
encouraged as a means of recharging and revitalising ahead of the busy term ahead.

2. Quality of revision: effective revision involves your son/ward using a variety of techniques.
He has been taught how to use these techniques; please visit the school website for a
summary. The most effective techniques include the use of graphic organisers, past
papers, flash cards, peer tutoring, rote-learning (learning quotes for English) and ICT
websites such as BBC Bitesize, Diagnostic Questioning, and SAMLearning.

3. Retakes and Pre-Public Examinations (PPEs): further internal mock examinations in a

range of subjects including core (English, mathematics and science) will take place in the
week beginning 4 March. Given this, it is crucial that your son/ward stays in the habit of
revising for all subjects. Encourage switching of subjects and topics within subjects.
Individual Candidate Timetables for these PPEs have been provided to all students and
emailed to parents/carers.


1. Complete past papers – visit the AQA website for specimen examination papers.
2. Sign up to the Seneca Learning website and join the Isleworth & Syon online classroom.
Complete the revision courses set by Miss Hannon.
3. Re-read the set texts for English Literature (Romeo & Juliet, A Christmas Carol, Lord of
the Flies, Power & Conflict Poetry). It is an expectation that your son/ward has re-read all
of these texts at least once independently before his summer exams.
4. Read a novel and some non-fiction texts over the half term break. This is especially
important for those students sitting the English language GCSE examinations in June,
where the reading material will be completely unseen. Please see the attached reading
list for some recommended books. The Guardian Opinion section, which can be accessed
online, is a useful resource for non-fiction reading.


1. Log onto 'Diagnostic Questions'; complete questions on topics you are less confident on.
2. Use the Corbett Maths website to answer questions as well as watch videos for topics
you are less confident on.
3. Use the Maths Genie website to access past papers and their solutions.
4. Attempt the 'A Little Every Day' questions for February that Mr Everett has emailed to
5. Complete your personalised PPA booklets that your mathematics teacher has provided.
You will be given the answers after the half-term break.

A list of other recommended websites to aid revision is posted on the school website.

If any parent/carer has not purchased revision guides and/or work books, it is never too late to do
so. These essential study support items can be bought from the school shop; please ensure they
are for the correct examination board if you decide to purchase these books at other retailers.
Your son/ward should know the examination board for each of his subject, alternatively, check
each curriculum page on the website (

Thank you for your continued support.

Yours sincerely,

Mr S Fisher
Deputy Headteacher

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