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By L. O. HOWARD, M. E.

The marvelous development of the petro­ Two years and a half ago, with no im­ of the wells have been producing fo
leum industrY has been lost sight of in this mediate supply of crude oil, there were ty-two years. Forty-four are now f
age of aviation, yet the latter wonder owes men wHh faith enough in the growth of ation, and prospocts are excellent
its success to this very development. the industry,' and the feasibility of estab­ sti1l further increase in' production
In 1859, in Pennsylvania, ,some men were lishing a refinery in Salt Lake, to go ahead new areas are being>
putting down a well for salt, and were and build a small plant, with a view of put­ Some of this crude oil comes from {
greatly chagrined when the tools came up ting out about th~rty barrels of petroleum pany',s wells and some from inde,
covered with a greasy, irridescent ilquid, a day This original plant covered one· operators. The production of these:
having a disagreeable odor, which would quarter of an acre. far in excess of the refinery's pres~
ruin any salt, which city and sit
might be found in that are being D;I
viCinity. o th eIr ' re,finer
There was one, how­ take u~ the,
ever, the first of the especially in '4
011 magnates, who per field.
soon found a way to Contents of th
put the newty discov­ Oil. ~
ered liquid to good The crude
use and to start a for­ tains the f
tune in oil. He put the percentages 0
sub.3tance up In small eum products
bottles and went up teen per cent
land down the coun­ three degree.
try, selling a wonder­ thirty-five pet
ful new patent medi­ water white 1
ten per cent
cine, "a sure cure for
oil, four pet'
lameness, rheumatism,
paraffine WJ
and kindred ailments."
the balance,
His venture was a suc­ ricating oils,
cess. spindle and ~
Somewhat later, it for high at:
was discovered that chinery, enf
the liniment would turbine oils, ~
burn. Then began the ;non-<earbon ~
era of sooty coal-{)il lValve oil, f<:

lamps. Progress in re­ Recelvinj( Yards and Stills of Utah 011 Refinlnj( Co. cylinder lub~

fining the crude oil was slow. For many The growth of the Utah Oil Refining The oil is brought to Salt La~

years, gasoline, a distillate driven off be company has been phenomenal since that tank acrs of 12,000 gallons capacil

fore the much desired kerosene, was con· time. Today, it has a plant covering five IMethod of Treatment. ~
sidered worthless, and either thrown away, acres, employs many men, and produces The oil is discharged from
or returned to the wells, to lighten the crude daily 153,000 pounds of finished oils. This Ing through a. pipe line to a
petroleum. Gasoline has now become the was demanded by the' extended use of pe­ tank of 292,000 gallons
most valuable constituent of petroleum, far troleum and its products.
otustrlpping Its earlier rival, IThe supply of crude oil' for the refinery
its utilization has made
14 T H ES A L T LA K E MIN I N G REV lEW, S E PTE M B E R 1 5, 1 9 1 2.

With a refinery already established at ident and general. manager; A. Hamilton, "The last annual report to the share·
Salt Lake, any new field coming in, tribu· vice-Pl'esiden~and .superintendent of the holders of the Iron-Silver mine, Leadville,
tary to this city, will be able to market its refinery; Wr B. Sage, of Cleveland, Ohio, which has been prodUcing ore since 1878,
oil immediately and convert its crude into secretary and treasurer; Earl Casey, as­ shows that the average value of the ore
cash, thus making It not only an interesting, sistant superintendent; Paul F. King and mined and sold for the preceding year was
but also a commercial pro'posiUon, without D. H. Sherman, lubricating engineers. $6.02 per ton, yielding a net profit of $2.47
per ton, although the ore had to be hand
sorted Into four grades.
"The Stratton-Independence mill at Crip­
ple Creek, from its completion in 1908 up
to a recent dat~, had treated 90,000 tons of
dump 'material and low-grade ore from the
mine, averaging about $3 per ton, at an
average netproftt of over $1 per ton. This
mill opened the way for the profitable treat­
ment of millions of tons of low-grade Crlp.
pie Creek ore previously worthless as un·
available. It marked the beginning of a
new epoch in Cripple Creek, and Is fully as
Important as the driving of the Roosevelt
drainage tunnel. The Portland and Golden
Cycle mines have since built similar . mills."
Expensive investigation is often essen·
tial in working out a process that will be
best suited to the ore to be treated. Before
undertaking the construction of the new
cyanide plant just coonpleted at the mine,
the Portland company had its metallurgists
at work for several years at a total ex·
pense of $75,000 In solving the problems

Supt. Thorne has issued the following

report of the July operations of the Gold­
Crude 011 Storage Tanks, Utah 011 Refining Co.
field Consolidated Mining company of Gold·
awaiting the tedious construction of a re­ Many thanks are due to the president field, Nevada, to President Wingfield:
finery. and general manager, who kindly furnL3hed During the month of July, 1912, the
The Utah Oil Refining company i,; con­ much of the Information concerning the total production of your company was 31,­
trolled by large eastern and local interests. plant, and greatly ass!sted the writer in his 907 tons, costaining $474,955.84, or an av­
The local officers are. J. C. Howard, pres. visit of Inspection. erage of $14.89 per ton, of which 29,000 tons
were mllled with an average extraction of
IMPORTANCE OF LOW GRADE ORES. "For every ton of ore running $100 per 91.05 per cent and 2,907 tons were shipped
ton and upwards ever taken out in Colorado, of an average value of $16.52 per ton, the
In connection with the continued pros­ there are more than 500 t0113 averaging $10 net recovery from all ore being $13.69 per
perity of old districts, the following discus­ per ton r('ffllaining to be taken ~lUt. Owing ton. The total net realization to your com­
sion of conditions and metallurgical ad­ to improved mlnlllg and metallurgical pany was $238,278.70, or $7.47 per ton.
vancement in Colorado, by Thomas Tonge, methods and reduced costs the relative Development Work-2,923 feet of devel­
opment work; was performed during the
is of great interest: profit is about the same.
month of July, 1912. i
"The decline in the average grade of
ore in Colorado is simply a stage in the
"Usually $10 {Jre will not stand the ex­
pense of mining, freight and smelting Operating Costs-The total cost of min­ •
. . 1I
evolution of the Il1;ining industry, not only charges. It involves local treatment. The Ing, development, transportation, milling,
In Colorado, but everywhere else," says Mr. metallurgical progress in recent years in office and general expense was $6.41 per
Tonge. "The great mines. of the world concentra.tion, separation and cyanidatlon ton, distributed as follows:

are those economically and profitably min. has been great. Mining, including stoping and develop·
ing and treating big tonnages of medium "Several Colorado instances of up-to-date ment ............................ $3.18

and low-grade ore. methods may be cited. Transportation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .08

"In 1878 the average value of the ore "The Tom Boy mine in San Miguel Milling , . ........................... 1.97

mined and treated in Colorado had to be county, remote fram railroad, pays steady Marketing . . . ...................... .05

about $100 per ton to leave a profit, as and liberal dividends on ore running less General expense ................•.... .40

against the ~verage value in 1899 of $25 than $10 per ton, by means of local treat­ Bullion tax .......................•.. .05

per ton, including concentrates. The avo ment, marketing the separated products, Marketing ore shipped ............... .66

erage value has since been much further (gold, silver, .lead, zinc iron) at best prices. Construction •..................•..... .07

decreased, by reason of improved mining The operations of this mine for the month
and metallurgical methods and reduction of of July last show an output of 10,500 tons Total cost of operation ............ $6.46

freight and treatment charges, bringing still of ore, yielding $65,500, or a little over $6 Miscellaneous earnings ............ .05

lower grade ore within the range of profit· per ton; expense, $40,500; profit, $25,000,
able treatment. or 38 per cent on the gross output. Net cOllt per ton .................. $6.41


ii j £ 2 i 1 ;
THE SAL T L A K E MIN I N G REV lEW, SEPT E M B E R 1 5, 1 9 1 2. J
last ten years, we must allow


tention of the metallurgists hE

sUy been divided and amply re~

II closely related problems such

and fume control.
(Improving the Blast Furnace, Cont.) and by swinging the hanger to a horizontal If we are not mistaken, i
With large furnaces mechanical feed is position, may also remove it. The furnace furnace of larger dimensions W'
highly desirable and generally used, This top can thus be quickly put in order at blow­ tried out In the UI&ited Sta~
has involved various matters as to furnace ing,in, or cleared for blowing,out. The periment proving a total fail
covering, size of charge, packing of charge sketch indicates the general arrangement gard to the design of' other lar
and distribution of coarse, fines and coke, as seen in section. Of course each small one of which is mentioned by
For meeting each problem and attaining detail was developed to attain the best available details are too scan'
the desired result hardly any two plants metallurgical results; and deviation is ac­ of intelligent discussion. The
use exactly the same means, The vertical cordingly thought to result in immediately Australian furnaces described
flue with charging from cars dumped side­ impairing the work, It may be added that which .have somewhat larger;
wise as Installed at Laurium is described more perfect mechanical operation in which than our 48 by 17f; inches fl
in detail by Collins: A!merican practice has the piles of charge are not left, did not have less capacity. From this
been to take the gases away through an prove satisfactory. Proper distribution of that in furnace design we are
opening in the end of the furnace directly the burden is naturally of extreme Import· cally at a stand,still. Econom:
beneath the feed floor. This leaves the ance at the beginning of a furnace cam· Uon and better metallurgical r
entire top of the furnace free for the pass­ paign, or after barring down and as long doubtless be attained with 1:
age of charge cars. As space must be left as the shaft is clean. After the "hang" from which we judge that the I
so that the charge will not ,roll into the has accumulated, and especially when the design is not yet uttered.
down,take, this involves inserting the construction is considerable, other factors The accretions which usua'
"spreader" jlJ.3t below the floor level both completely outweigh any influence from the the furnace shaft so profound
to break the fall of ore and adjust the dis. distribution of the charge. lines, without necessarIly imIlO
tribution. The internal configuration or "lines" of city or results, that one won
In our large plants the charge is as­ a furnace has a great deal of infiuence on shaDe is. indeed. the best p,
sembled in appropriate layers in the long both the rate of smelting and the results this cou-nection the accepted di:
car; first slag at the bottom and abo-ve this attained. The sketch which is here given blast furnaces is especially su~
coke, bedded ore, roasted or,e, limestone, illustrates a transverse section of what is nace men find the present type
iron ore, etc., each in one or more layers. probably the most satisfactorily operating so practical, that for incident
After the car has been run from the furnace in America. The dimensions are idents worth relating, they t
"charge" to the "feed" floor and is directly not much dilferent from those given by recall the former days of the ~
above the furnace the bottom is opened lIes ten years ago. His ideal furnace called and canvas connections. The
and the charge falls into the furnace. for 48 Inches at tuyeres, 10 inches bosh excuse for leaking of air as <

After the building of the present Murray and 16 to 17 feet of charge column. This is now made: Metal pipes E
smeltery months were consumed in experi, oorresponds closely to the Murray furnaces: bustle pipe to the tuyere boi
menting to determine the best details for the furnaces are, however, longer at the turn, can be bolted tight to the
car construction, spreaders, and furnace tuyeres with taller jackets, and would be 'packing in all the joints.
tops. As finally determined on the bottom rated for at least ,fifty tons more than the The paper plug apprises us
of the car consists of a fiI"m V,shaped longi. 140 to 150 which Ilea estimated for his fur­ rising slag while the peep ho
tudinal ridge. from eacvh edge of which the nace. valve and removable front. ~
two long hinged doors swing aW\ay. when The "hearth Inteu,3ity," a quotient ob· the Eilers' tuyere, meets ev
loosened to drop the charge. The charge tained by dividing the 24-hour neutral which can arise during blowil
drops quickly of its own weight, the attend· charge tonnage by the square feet cross­ ting off blast, or plugging or
ant swings the doors together with one lever section at tuyeres, was 'given for a variety slagged tuyeres. The present
and clamps the dogs which hold them with of furnaces in the table of the last issue. comparatively si'mple but ma,1i
another. As the tops of the Murray fur­ As both the blast pressure and character ment on the leaky and awkwai
naces are closed by almost level iron plates, of charge are independent of the furnace only a comparatively few yeat
leaving an opening 27 inches wide, the length size, the intensity of different fnrnaces Is In regard to the accompi
of the furnace, quite a lot of the charge pile3 not strictly comparable nor is that' of any the art of getting metal and f
up in ridges along each side of the mouth. ore furnace al ways the same. slag, it is to be questioned if c
These ridges of charge are then immediate­ The chemical. mineralogical and physi, have proven entirely satisfacto
ly pushed in by a Imln with a Shovel, and cal character of the furnace charge, together slag-pot forehearth or settler m
one or more pieces of thin sheet steel pull· with atm.ospheric conditions, constitute such ceded by the brick lined forehE!
ed over the mouth. The spreader consists tremeiHIDUi3I l'actors of £urnaee operation reverberatory settler; while'
of five 3-inch angle bars, each the length that our furnace rated at 200 tons does far less perfect work. t
of the furnace, and all so bound together might smelt less than 150 tons of charge not yet as commonly used. B
mth braces as to form a long. sharp root at one time. while under other circumstances far from perfect work, the t
with two slots, through which much. fine it might do better work with the tonnage tangular settler is a rather et
ore will sprinkle down onto the center of 'doubled. The maxi'mum that such a fur­ to keep in order. T,he slag •
the burden, while much, coarse will be de­ nace as sketched has smelted is probably be further cleaned in large t
flected to the sides of the shaft. The a little over seventy,five 4·ton charges dur­ are tapped so as to retain ti
spreader is suspended in the top of the ing 24 hours;' if, to this 300 tons of "neutral" large bottom button, which,
shatt by four hangers passing beneath the charge there be added 45 tons of foul through the furnace. ,
spreader, and fitting into'straps riveted to slag and 37 tons of coke, we have 382 tons The settler has to do for ~
the longitudinal plate supports. Three men for the total burden, If we have seen little j
can lift a spreader out, one end at a tIme, progress In blast furnace design during the "'Eng. & Min. Jour., May 2~

16 THE SAL T LA K E MIN I N G R E.v lEW, S E PTE M BE R 1 5, 1912.

actly what the thickener does for the sludge firebriCks only for the lower portion of the wells as large as 10 inches by 12 inches
in ordinary ore dressing. But the eompari­ the lining and the narrow zone between on top and 14 inches square at the bottom."
son is as to purpose only; there is no sIm­ the jackets and main girder Bupports. In Blast Furnace table the last "Murray"
ilarity in results_ The different conditions Small settlers or forehearths commonly lose furnace marked "Private" given as 1909,
are obvious. In particular, the thin, wide, their usefulness because of crusting, rather Murray; Steel Jackets; 48 inches by 164
superficial overflow, which is vital to the than because of burning through, even when inches; 20; 4-in.; 36 oz.; 16 ft.; 240; 4;
thickener, is apparently out of the question lined with common brick. At times one change to Private; 1909; Murray; Steel
with slag. A cursory observation on the will break out, but it is of advantage, even Jackets; 48 inch by 176 inches; 20; 4-in.;
now of material thro'ugh the ordinary fore· then, to have the more easily S'IlleJted com· 36 oz.; 16 ft.; 250; 4.
hearth indicates only a gross separation of mon brick. o
matte and metal from slag, a conclusion The curb of recent furnaces is made of FOR GREATER SAFETY.
. abundantly confirmed by the finding of rieh steel, say a half inch thick, heavily sup­
skulls in the slag pots afterwards. When ported by clamped rails or massive strip] A world,wide movement for greater safe­
we consider the amount of matte usually of even 3-inch square steel. The sides are ty among the several million men who work
carried in the settler, there is small actual joined to the base with an angle iron riv· in the mines, suggested by Dr. Joseph A.
settling capaeity; when badly crusted the eted to each, and every joint in the plates Holmes, the director of the United States
settler hardly more than merits the name covered with a strip and riveted. Bureau of Mines, was inaugurated at the
of a matte "trap." Iles states that for six A curious matter of opinion exists as Pittsburg experiment station of the bu·
years his slag averaged only 0.84 ounces to blast furnace foundations; some, with reau September 13, wlhen government offi­
silver and 0.53 per cent lead, with the Hofman and 'Collins, considering a huge cials from the leading nations of the earth
bullion going 266 ounces in silver. There block of poured slag the best possible base convened to discuss the great problem be­
is little reason to think that present reo against which we have the statement of foo-e them. Invitations to participate in
sults at most smelteries equal such clean no less an authority than lies, that such such a conference were extended by the
slags. It would be interesting to know the a block Is the worst possible. The Ameri. federal government through the state de­
average results at the two largest smelteries can Smelting and Refining company has partment and the American ambassadors to
near Salt Lake, as well as specific data dismantled various fairly modern plants, the different foreign countries that have . ~
as to why they retain the small fore­ but we are not aware that any specific mining interests, including Great Britain,
hearths and usual slag pots. information on the lIubject has become Germany, France, Belgium, Austria-Hungary,
As to the application of modern refrac· available. Mexico and Canada.
tories to the lead blast furnace there Is The lead furnace we have arrived at The army of coal miners throughout
little to be said. Water jacketing pro­ after some fifty years practice in this coun­ the world numbers more than 3,000,000 men,
vides for the zone of most intense heat try, is a tight steel box, on the most sub­ and each year between 6,000 and 7,000 meet
and corrosion, leaving the crucible, stack stantial foundation possible, holding the death through accident. The death rate
and settler as the only parts needing pro­ bricked-in crucible, on which rests the zone among these men in 1910 was 2.11 in every
tection. The crucible shell, or curb, is of water jackets. On portions of the same 1,000 employe{!. In the United States alone,
usually lined with brasque and the interior foundation stand the four strong cast-iron in the same year, 2,834 men were ,killed in
finished with fire brick. The most desir· posts, which support the massive masonry the coal mines, or 3.91 In every 1,000 em·
able shape of the crucible is not fully rec­ shaft, joined to the jackets by a smaller, ployed. With conditions worse in the
tangular, but with a sloping fioor at the easily built in, zone of fire brick, and rest· United States than in any other country,
back. Both this and the level portion will ing on steel beams carried by the posts. it is expected that the conference of ex·
be built in the shape of an inverted arCh, No intentional opening exists in either curb perts will result in great good to this coun­
the brick fitting perfectly after being dip­ or bricked-in portion of the -crucible below try, and perhaps a lessening of the death
ped in a fireclay wash. Such a lining will the level of Its top. The well, a cavity rate in the world.
last indefinitely if the furnace is kept In thinly separated from the main portion of The prevention of coal dust and gas ex­
blast. the crucible, is not far from the top end, plOSions in the mines will be the general
The whole crucible gradually becomes so that a channel can always be cleared, theme of the conference officials, who will
saturated with sulphides and infiltrated downward, to connect well and breast. Each continue in .session at PittsbUrg for ten days.
with lead, and the space originally filled jacket is individually held in place by The United States has the only experimen­
with molten' lead becomes ever S'Illaller braces to the girders supporting the shaft, tal mine is the world and the visitors, who
and smaller during a run, through accumu­ and to change anyone, the onl:y interrup­ are anxious to see it, will witness actual
lation of infusible compounds, in particular tion is in shutting off the blast long enough coal·dust explosions in the mine. Nearly all
zinc sulphide. After a campaign, the cru­ to pull out one and set the other in. Verti­ of the visitors are the heads of explosives,
cible may be dug out, and, if the furnace cal fiues are a thing of the past. The whole testing stations in their respective coun­
is not dOWn too long, the crucible may be top of the furnace is free for poking, bar­ tries and the conference will endeavor to
used again. On long standing, a saturated ring and the passage of cars which can develop more uniform, and if possible, new
crucible swells and breaks up. dump the charge in quickly. In short, fur­ methods of testing explosives. It is be­
In a lead blast furnace there is no naces are built to run continuously, and to lieved that such a conference will contrib·
severe abrasive action of the 'settling charge capacity. Aside from such exigencies as ute largely to the initiation of Improve.
on the Inside of the shaft. In the first In· strikes and ore shortages, they do run for mentSJ ill- mining and will be helpful in
stance, the charge column is low and the months, and even years, with only trifiing the adoption of safer mining equipment
pressure not great; in the second place, deductions from full elapsed ti'Dle. and methods.
sublimation of galena quickly coats the o
walls, the bricks become impregnated and CORRECTION TO LAST INSTALLMENT. It is proposed to increase the capItal
a shaft tends to get smaller instead of Near Clove, when speaking of the lead stock of the Butte & Superior Mining com­
wearing larger. At times blowholes may well it says, some furnaces now have pany of Butte, Montana, from 250,000 to
eat into the 'Dlasonry, but It the furnace is the wells as large as 10 inches by 12 inches 350,000 shares, the proeeeds from the sale
properly managed, that will occur seldom. on top and 14 inches square at the bot· of this stock, at $37.50 per share, to be used
Good practice is to build the shaft of com­ tom." for further exploration and the purchase
mon brick, firmly ·bound with iron, using Change this to, "some furnaces now have of adjoining properties.

by decreasing attendance charges.


permitting the synchronous motol
used to correct power factor, in if
which the power company wa3 W
make a considerable reduction in
Of late, much .attention has ,been given be built, that at the Leonard, is equipped of power. In this new Central COl
to the institution of economies in the min­ with two 550 H. P and two 660 H. P. indue· Plant the cost per horse power )
ing of copper are, and one of the principal tion motors. The third plant, that at the be in the neighborhood of $25. 1
steps towards the reducing of tJhe cost of Bell, has four 600 H. P. motors. Rope drive The compressors were 'built by 1
copper per pound has been the gradual, but is used in the three plants m'entioned. 'berg Manufacturing company. .Th.
continual, displacement of steam plants by For the last plant, known as the Central into a large receiver system, cons
installations of electric power, Wherever Compres30r Plant, it was decided to in· a eonsldera1ble number of steel
• p03sible, direct electrification has been the
rule. In places where this has not been
crease the size of the unit over anything
attempted previously, to use direct connect­
some of these are shown In Fig. 2,
pressure is maintained hydraulicall,
feaSible, compressed air, produced by elec­ ed drive, and to Install synchronous motors. water tank being located on a hill i!
trically driven compressors, has often 'been Accordingly, at this plant there are installed tance above the receivers, By thu!
used to advantage. The next step towards three 1200 H. P. engine·type synchronous ing the compressors to pump inl
securing greater economy of operation has mO'tors, built on the shafts of the air com· ceiving system and ca.using the
been to centralize the electrically driven pressors. Two of the3e motors are shown machines in whloh the air Is used
compressors. in Fig. 1. A fourth 1200 H. P. motor Is on upon the3e receiVers, the individ\
The various propertie3 of the Amalga­ order and two more of the same size are pressors operate contfnuously at I
mated Copper company, in the Butte dis­ to be ordered at a later date, making the and maximu.m efficiency, large v
trict of Montana, probably have the largest ultimate capacity of the plant 7200 H. P. in load being taken care of by su
shutting down an entire compress.
A novel method is used in star
synchronous motors. The valve­
the compressor is arranged with a
tion, somewhat similar in purpose
used on a locomotive, but consider
ferent in deSign. By means of 'I
motion, the valve motion may ·be'
and by introducIng compressed air ~
receiver system, the compressor mf
tuated as an air engine. In this wa
pressor may start Its synchrOnoll
and bring It up to the 'Proper speed
chronizlng it with the power SUI!
A refinement has been added to uh!
board equipment furnished at thl
by means of which the motor may
mati cally .connected to the supply 11
it reaches the proper speed, thu
nating the necessity of sync:hron'
hand. This refinement consists of
matic synchronizer, so arranged th
erates, 'by means of solenoids, U
swUehes between the bus bar and
dividual motor. While this autom
View of the 1.200 H. P. En&'ine Type SYIl.chronous Motor Built tin the Shaft of the Air Compressor
ture is not always used, it acts as
output of copper in the world for the same The economies of electrification are ap­ safeguard to render the station l
extent of territory. For this reason, and parent when it is considered that the cost !lable,
also 'because the district is comparatively of one horse power per year, generated in A still further safeguard is pro'
limited in area, this company has led in the Butte district :by steam, varies from having the motors designed so till
the building of large electrically operated $80.00 to $125.00, while for isolated e16ctri­ solutely necessary, they may be st
central compressor installations. cal .installations the cost per horse power supplying current directly to the ~
Particular advantages have accompan· year was reduced to $60 to $35. By cen· The field is provided with a cage t}
ied the centralization of the air compressor Itrallzing these plants, fUrther economics lng, Wihich, while ordinarily used tt
staVons. Where formerly each mine ran its were effected, both on account of reduced hunting, permits the motors to ~
own compressors, there are now four large maintenance, and of the fact that duction motors '<It starting. This IX
compressor stations, which have displaced the load factor on these centralized plants starting is used only in ca3e of en
most of the isolated compressors formerly was very much better than the load when no other means of starting'
used, viz., those at the Neversweat, the factor on individual installations, thus sav­ able. The feature has, however, 1
Leonard, the Bell, and the new cen'lral com· ing a considerable investment in motors advantage that the 'Plant can still Ii
pressor plant located adjacent to the sub· and compressors. The use of large direct from a: complete standstill, even~
station of the Great Fialls Power company. connected ;synchronous motors resulted in is no air In the storage system, '
The plant of the Neversweat is the oldest. still further economies by permitting a bet· A considerable quantity of the,
At this point there are installed three 300 ter efficiency per unit to be obtained; by ed air from ,this central compr.wj
H. P. and one 800 H. P. induction motors, reducing the cost per horse power lnstalled; Is used to operate the very larj
driving air compressors. The nl!xt plant to by eliminating, the loss in rope transmlsson; engines at the various shafts,

18 THE SAL T LA K E MIN I N G REV I E W, S E PTE M B E R 1 5, 1 9 1 2.

its immediate yicinity_ The balance is used the engineers of the mining company. For on the Missouri river by the Great Falls
to operate the pneumatic drills used under­ a long time there was considerable doubt as Power company, and transmitted approxi­
ground. to whether synchronous motors of this size mawly 100 miles, under a pressure or 110,­
The hoisting engines now pneumatically could be made 303 reliable as induction mo­ 000 volts, to the point at which these mo­
operated, were formerly operated by steam. tors. It was thought that if there were any tors are installed_
To adapt them for air operation, only a few very large variations in load, or If unfor­ ---0'--­
()Ihanges were required. It has 'been fIg­ seen circumstances distu:rbed the normal SELLING WAY'S POCKET SMELTER.

·ured that the economy in hoisting, secured condition of the electric power supply, the
by the use of compressed air in the man­ motors might fall out of step. So when The prospector and small operator is
ner here described, will reduce the cost of synchronous motors were finally decided up.. coming into his own again. There is a
copper approximately one-half a cent per on, very rigid guarantees, regarding suc­ strong demand for new properties, the gov·
pound which, considering the tremendous cessful and continuous operation, were re­ ernment of.ficials are showing a disposition
output of the Butte mines, means an im· quired from the manufacturers, but the to co·operate, and everything points to a
mense annual saving. machines have more than lived up to their big resulIllption of prospecting and develop­
Calculations of the cost of hoisting by elec­ guarantees. Since the early part of 1910, ment this fall and early winter. A reflec­
tricity direct, indicate that the economy of when the first synchronous motor was put tion of these conditions is .shO'Wn In an al­
electric hoists would be even greater than into .operation, not a single failure ot any liance recently completed by the Way's
that secured by the use of compressed air; soril: has occurred, and although the power Pocket Smelter company.
but, on the other hand, the installation of supply during this time has often been un· The sales of this company have reached
electric hoists would have meant the entire steady, and despite the fact that there have such a point that it has become advisable
discarding of the present equipment, the been large variations in both voltage and to separate the manufacturing and sell·
ing organizations. In the future, Way's
Pocket Smelter company will devote its
entire time to making smelters and in ex·
perlmental work along new lines_ The sell·
Ing organization will be J. W. Swaren &
Company, 112 Market St., San FranciSCO,
Cal. In the future all orders for Way's
smelters and supplies should be sent direct
to J. W. Swaren & Company.
In addition to the Way Procesll this new
company will handle a complete line of ma­
chinery and supplies ordinarily used by
prospectors and new properties. Mr. Swa­
ren has been a prospector hllll3elf, and he
fully appreciates the difficulties met in get· - .
ting equipment and supplies while out in
the hills or on the desert. His personal
attention will be given to securing for the
customers of this new firm the best mate­
rials on the market.

The Las Vegas Age has issued a Pros·

perity Edition, which gives many interest­
Central Compressor Plant of the Anaconda Copper Mining Company. Butte. Mont. ing facts as to history and mining condi·
purchase of considerable equipment that load, none of the motors have' ever fall'Sl tions in Clark county, Nevada. Mention is
would be of no service except in connection
with hOisting, and further, to obtain the ad·
vantages of a storage system, such as is af·
forded by the receivers at the 'Central Com­
out of step nor has there ·been any dl"posl·
tion on their part to hunt. For this reason
it .\las been recently decided to double the
capacity of the original installation.
made of the old Potosi mine, a famous lead
and zinc producer of the fifties, and the
prominence of Utah men in those days.
The most important mining enterprises tri­
pressor Plant, motor-generator·sets with The three motors now installed, and the butary to Las Vegas are the South Nevada
large fiy-wheels and storage batteries would one now on order are all rated at 1200 H. Mining company, of which G. W. Hillegas
have 'been necessitated. For these reasons P., 3 phases, 2400 volts, 60 cycles. The:;: and Paul Watelet have control; the Arden
and ce:rtain other considerations, it was not have an overload capacity permitting con­ Plaster company, which has important gyp­
considered feasible, In this particular in­ tinuous operation at 25 per cent overload sum products and ships several cars per
stance, to electrify the hoists themselves, and 50 per cent overload for one hour. Prac­ day from its mill; the Potosi, which .still
although for most installations tlhe direct tically, therefore, they are 1500 H. p. mo­ ships 600 tons per month of zinc ore; and
electrification of the hOists will prove more tors. On account of the slow speed requir­ other clahn3 in the Vincent, Triangle and
economical than -the use of electrically ed, due to their being direct connected to Mesaba district. The Issue is well printed
compressed air. large compressors, they have ninety..srx and embellished with many good cuts of
On account of the importance of the poles, giving a speed of seventy-tive revo· interesting points, and biographies of the
mining operations In Butte, the great ex· lutions per minute. They were 'built by the leading men of the county.
pense of even temporary shut-downs, and Westinghouse Electric & Manufacturing o
particularly on account of the compre€sed company, The dimensions are probably The mines in the Stockton district of
air ibeing so largely used for hOisting pur· larger than any other synchronous motors Utah are reported to be very active, and
poses, the reliability of the apparatus to be ever built for the class of service. shipments are steadily increasing, as a re­
nsed was given the greatest consideration by The electrical energy used is generated sult of the 'present high metal prices.
Ii 2
THE SAL T LA K E MIN I N G REV I· E W, S E PTE M B E R 1 5, 1 9 1 2.

TRUE CONSERVATION. our present knowledge, this one supply must tending back over three years, Il
serve as a basis both for the needs of the made a satisfactory ag'reement
In the preface to Bulletin 47, Note3 on present and the tar greater needs of the fu­ owners of the North Moccasin fe
Mineral Waste, written by Charles L. Par­ ture. chase of that .property.. It co,
sons, chief mineral chemist of the Bureau "In a higher way our mineral resources 2,000 feet in length along the i
of Mines, which has Just ·been issued, Dr. should 'be regarded as property to be '<Ised formation between the Barnes-Ki
Joseph A. Holmes, the director, givb .. his and to ·be beld in tru3t, with regard to both north and the Kendall on the SQ!
v:ews upon what he terms real or true con­ the present and the future needs of the "The Kendall - mine has pro'
servation. country. It should :be remembered that than 700,000 tons of ore, and ha
Dr. Holmes say.3: "During the past year, neither human labor, nor any human agency, 450,000 in dividends.
in producing 500,000,000 tons of coal we has contributed to their origin or to their "The Barnes-King under tl
wasted or left un~erground, in such condi­ intrinsic value, and that whatever rights ownership, produced about 300,0
tion that it probably will not be recovered the individual may possess have been de­ ore, and paid dividends amountin
in the future, 250,000,000 tons of coal; we rived from the general government and 000. The new company, beglnll
turned loose into the atmosphere a quantity ftom the state as the original owner. The tions in January, 1907, mined 23
of natural gas larger tlian the total output state does not Surrender its right, and which produced $828,110 in 'bullib
of artificial gas during the same period in should not neglect its duty, to safeguard mine was closed down in June
all the towns and cities of the United States; the welfare of it3 future citizens, by pre­ no more pay ore in sight. Wit:
we also wasted or lost, in the mining, pre­ venting the wasteful use of these resources. age yield in bullion of about $3.1
paration, and treatment of other important Though the individual may claim the right the present company made very I
metalliferous and non'metalliferous miner­ to use the resources in proportion to his ·but the best ore extracted cam
a13, from 10 to 15 per cent of the year's pro­ needs and the needs of the community, he ore body extending from B
duction of such minerals. These losses certainly has no right to waste that which ground into the North MoccasiI
serve to indicate the importance of inquir­ is not needed for present use, 'but is certain owners of that property took oli
ies and investigations by the federal gov­ to be needed hereafter. same ore body 25,000 tons of,
ernment for the purpose of lessening the "Those in charge of the investigation3 of produced $127,000 In bullion, or a
waste of essential resources; investigation3 the Bureau of Mines recognize the rights $5 per ton. With the C03t of I
on the same general lines as those looking and duties of the federal government as be­ milling deducted, and the expenJi
to a reduction in the loss of life in the min­ ing .limited to the carrying on of inquiries in constructing a tramway to tl
ing operations of the country, 'and the far and investigations, with a view to deter­ mill, the ·profits were not large,
more extensive investigations looking to the mining the nature and extent of this waste a cave occurred in the workingl
more efficient production and use of agri­ of resources, the means by which it may ers stopped mining.
cultural products, both of wh:ch are being be diminished, and the setting forth of the "The Barnes-King Developmeli
conducted by the federal government. facts in the case. has undertaken to purchase the I
"In a consideration of the possible activ­ "The present report embodie3 the results casin on the following terms: P
ities of the individual, the state, and the of certain preliminary inquiries as to the property, $150,000; $5,000 to b
federal government in ·behalf of a less waste­ nature and extent of- this waste. It will cash, and the balance out of nel
ful use of our mineral resources certain be followed by a more detailed report on the mining operations, and within
facts' and principles should be kept clearly subject, as soon as the necessary inquiries time. From the bullion returns E
in mind, namely: and investigations have ·been conducted and the Barnes-King is to retain $3,
"That the present generation 'has the the results put in shape for publication. for mining and milling, and tUI
power, and it will exercise the right, to use "In the preliminary work along these per cent of the balance to the ?
as 'much of the country's resource3 at it lines, the repre3entatives of the bureau have casin until the purch3l3e price a
actually needs; there can and there will be received the cordial co-operation of the en­ tioned has been paid.
no such, thing as stinting the present gen­ gineers and chemists associated with the "We propose to repair the B
eration by bottling. up resources for the use varied mineral Industries of ,this country, shaft, and then develop the NortJI
of the the future. and also of the owners and the operators of ground by means of an incline
"That the nation's needs are not ..likely tothe mines and the metallurgical ·plants." be run under the ore body frO)
be curtailed; these needs will increasl1 with Copies of this bulletin may be had by level of the Barnes-King mine.
the extent and diversity of tile nation's in­ addressing the Director of the Bureau of will require a considerable ini'
dustrie·3, and they will increase more rapid­ Mines, Washington, D. C. we believe that our costs of ]I
ly than popula.tidn increases, for the reason ----0'---­ milling when we begin to extra,
that the per-capita consumption of mineral not exceed $3.50 per ton, and th#
THE BARNES KING DEVELOPMENT CO. be a:ble to make some profit ~
products is rapidly increasing; and_
"That the men of this generation will for the North ;Moccasin propeJ
not mine, extract, or use these resources, New developments in Barnes-King Devel­ terms outlined above. ' ..
at continuous financial loss to themselves, opment company's affairs have been an­ "About two years ago the Piij
in order that something may be left for the nounced by C. W. Goodale, general man­ property was offered to the E
U3e of future generations; there can 'be no ager. The properties are outside of Butte, Development company, but under
such thing as a mineral industry without Montana. The Piegan-Gloster mine near conditions which were not satisit
profits. Mary.>3ville, has been purchased, C. C. Swin­ have just executed an agreeme.
"Furthermore, it should be clearly under­ :burne, treasurer, states that, after paying owners, by which we may P~
stood that - the mineral resources of this the options of $5;000 each on the. North property under the following teq
country have required long ages for their Moccasin and Piegan,Glofiter mines, the down; $20,000 Sept. 20, 1912; ,
accumulation and that, of· these r~sources, first of which was mentioned in our last 20, i1913;$2£,OOO Jan.. 20, 19j
the nation has but the one supply. There issue, there remains on band, $288,153.81. July 20, 1914. Total, $125,000. f
are no known substitutes available to meet The circuiar letter, issued to stockholders, "After the second payment .t
the nation's further need3 when that sup­ - by Mr. Goodale follow3: deveiopment, which will be aCl
ply will be exhausted and, to the best of "Your directors after negotiations ex­ taken, should ·be sufficiently
20 THE SAL T L A'K E MIN I N G REV lEW, S E PTE M B E R 15, 1912.'

the company has the privilege of paying

plishment, and is in keeping with Mining these companies paid OUt $8,923,9.04 in divi­
$75,000 on or before March 20, 1916, and
aI\d Engineering World's oft·repeated state­ dends, as compared with $8,537,430 in 1911.
receiving title, thereby saving $25,000 on
ment that mining, when carried on on a Since incorporation these companies have
the purchase price.
business plane, .will yield profits equal to enriched shareholders to the extep.t of
"The property is located near Marys· any industry and will exceed a large ma­ $131,140,201.
ville, Montana, the terminus of a branch jority. The securities-holding corporations, nine
of the Northern Pacific railway. It in­ Companies operating copper properties, in number, divided among shareholders this
,clude3 about 200 acres of. patented ground particularly, have .at last begun to feel the year $12,965,904, as compared with $9,896,­
and several claims held by location. and effects of the improved .copper prices, for 556 paid by' eight companies in 1911. To
covers about 9,000 feet along the Piegan· 27 of these were able to declare dividends date these nine companies have paid out in
Gloster vein. Nea.r the middle is the old totaling $24,122,999. This compares with dividends $146,227,399, a 71 per cent return
Gloster mine, which was actively worked $21,107,285 in 1911 and $15,44.0,012 in 1910. on the outstanding $205,205,790 share capi­
from 1880 to 1888 down to a depth of 500 Since incorporation the 27 companies men· taL
feet, arid produced several million dollars tioned have paid out in dividendS $357,­ The accompanying table give3 the divi·
in gold and silver bullion. It is :believed 998,454, a return equivalent to 158 per cent dends paid during August, the date of pay·
that by better, modern methods of treat· on the outstanding $227,277,082 share capi· ment and the amount per share. For total
ment a good deal of ore left in these work­ tal. dividends paid by these companies since
ings, or which may be developed by deeper By reason pf its present large holdings, incorporation and for dividends paid by
exploration, wi!1 yield a profit, but this Anaconda is far in the lead in point of other companies previous to August, see
cannot be verified, as the mine is full of dividends paid in 1912, having diSbursed no ta·bles elsewhere In this Issue:
water. less than $6,386,250, and to date has $65,­ Dividends Paid In August.
"The Piegan claim, which ha3been 658,75.0 to itl! credit. Utah Copper ranks Per
worked by tunnels, has yielded about 10,­ second for the year, with $3,750,00.0, and Aug. Share. Amt.
000 tons of. fair grade,and the company's to date has paid out $14,451,263, Gammel. Al<li3ka Mexican, Ala .. 28 $0.35 $63,000
engineers, after a careful examination, re­ & Hecla is third for the year, with $1,800,000 Alaska Trea.dwell. .... 28 .75 150,0.00
port 23,000 tons in sight, assaying $8.50 but since incorporation has divided among Alaska United 28 .50 90,1.00
per ton, which should yield a net profit of its shareholders no less than $117,660,.00.0. Ama!. Copper • 26• 1.0.0 1,538,879
~ •••• #

about $90,000. In the gold-sllver-lead-zinc class 135 com­ Amparo, Mex. • 10 .03
••••• 60,.000
# ~

"Besides these known ore bodies, there panies contributed to the 1912 total to. the Buffalo, Ont. ......... 5 ..02% 15MO
are possibilities of finding others in such extent of $24,219,987, and to date have to Bunker Hill & Sull .... 3 .20 65,400
an extent of mining ground, and your diree­ the:r credit $267,585,515, a 102 per cent Butte-Alex·Scott, Mont. 15 .50 37,500
ton decided that the company was justi­ return on the $261,871,997 issued capitaL Champion, Mich. ..... 1 1.00 100,0.00
fied in making the cash payment ana un­ Of the above 135 companies, 68 operate Cliff, Alaska ......... 1
~ .05 5,000
dertaking further development. properties in the United States, and they Colo. Gold Dredging ... 10 .25 25,00.0
"There is no mining equipment at the paid dividends during the year totaling Coniagas, Ont. ........ 1 .45 360,000
mine, but in the old Gloster mill building $14,213,525, and to date $172,973,36.0. Crown Reserve, Ont. .. 15 .05 85',442
there is ample room for any mill machin­ Far in the lead for the year is Goldfield Elkton Con., Colo ...... 24 .01 25,00.0
ery which may be required. Con. of Nevada, which has enriched share­ Fremont, Cal. · ...... 28 . .02
"George T. Mct}ee, formerly manager holders to the extent of $4,626,877. This Frontier, Wis. ... , ... 9 2..0.0 2,478
at the Barnes-King mine, has been again company also leads among the 1912 divi­ Golden Cyde, Colo, ... 1 ..02 30,000
engaged as manager, and will have full dend payers in total disbursements, having Grand Central, Utah .. 25 .05 25.0.00
charge of the company's new ventures. divided among shareholders during the few Greene Cananea, Mex. 31 .25 606..0.00
"The directors have had under consid­ years of its life $22,773:.060. Tonopah and Greene Con., Mex. . ' 3.0 .4.0 ..
eration more than 100 mining propositions Tonopah Belmont, two' other companies Hecla, Idaho ." ....... 20 .02 2.0,000
during the last three years, and the North operating in Nevada, rank second and Homestake, S. D. ..... 25 .50 109,000
Moccasin and the Piegan-Gloster are the third, the former having paid out $1,200,.000 Int'l Nickel, pfd ...... 1 1.50 133,689
only ones within our financial means which and the latter $1,125,000. Int'! Sm. & Ref....... 31 2.00 200,000
we have been jU3tified in accepting. Seventeen ,Canadian companies disburs· Jerry Johnson, Colo ... 10 .01 25,000
----0.---­ ed dividends during the year amounting to Lucky Tiger, Mex...... 20 .05 35,767
RESULT OF HIGH METAL PRICES. $6,381,987. Nipissing leads for the year .
Miami, Ariz. ......... 1 :50 371,288
with $1,350,0.00, and in total disbursements Mohawk, Mich. ..... " 1 2.50 250.000
As compared with the same period of with $8,640,000. Coniagas ranks second for Parrot, Mont. 26
0 •••
.15 34,478
••• •

1910 and 1911, says the EngineeriIig and the year with $960,000, and to date has paid Pittsburgh-Idaho ...... ..04 32,120
Mining World, American mines and met­ out $3,800,000. Crown Reserve is third for South Eureka, Cal. ... 1 .07 20.999
allurgical works show increased dividend the year with $707,531, and to da.te is cred­ IStandard, B. C. ..... 10 .02% 50,0.00
~ .
disbursements during the first 8 months ited with $4,323,598. Tennessee Copper .... 1.0 1.00 200,000
of the present year. Fifteen Mexican companies, handicapped Tuolumne, Mont. 0" •• 15 .15 120,0.0.0
By reason of I\igh metal prices, 135 by the continued turmoil in the republiC, United Copper, Wash .. 1 .01 10,000
,American properties have yielded profits have been able to declare dividends du'rlng United Verde, Ariz..... 3 .75 225,000
in the shape 'of dividends so far this year the year totaling $3,594,475. Since incor­ Wasp No.2, S. D ....; .. 15 .02 10,000
totaling $57,356,881. This compares' with poration these fifteen ~ompanies have divhl­ Yosemite Dredging, CaL 15 .01 2,400
$54,865,316 in 1911 and $48,301,333 in 1910. ed among shareholders $52,901,941. Santa
Since incorporation these 135 companies Gertrudi!! leads for the year with $997,632, It is reported that the Utah Copper com­
have operated their properties so success­ with Dos Estrellas second with $75.0,000, pany is to electrify its shovels and railroad
fully that holders of their stock have been and to date, $11,505,.000. Medco Mines of at Bingham, Utah, u3IIig motors in place' of
enriched to the extent of no less than El Ore ranks third with $36.0,000. the present locomotives. The' company has
$758,324,170, a return of 1.07 per cent on Six metallurgical companies show a begun the use of power of the Teilurlde
the combined capital of $703,642,.029. Slight increase in disbursements as com­ Power company for its compresSQrs and un'
This is, indeed, a remarkable accom­ pared with, 1911. During the present year derifrouftd' haulage arid lighting.
~-~-- ~----.-

THE SAL T LA K E MIN I N G REV I E W, SEPT E M B E R 1 5, 1 9 1 2.



Mlala.. MachlaeFT aad Supplle•• Mlae aad Stoek nealen;

The Committee on Science and the Arts Pall!"
Bogue Supply Co. • .••••••..•••... _. . . . . 9 Orem &- Co....................... ~

of the Franklin Institute of Pennsylvania, Denver ll'lre Clay Co. .................• 4

has awarded the Ed~rd Longstreth Medal General Electric Co. . ... _. __ . . . . . . . . . . .
Jeffrey Manufacturing Co. •••••••..••••
Clvtl aad MIDln&' Ea&,laee"
Adamson, W. G. • ••..••...•.....•~
of Merit to John Prue Karns of Boulder, Lane Mill & Machinery Co. . ...•...... _. 4 Arnold, Fisher & Calvert ...... _ .~
Jones & Jacobs, Mill Builders ... _.. _. . . • Burch, Caetanl & Hershey ..•. _. ;a
Colorado, for his Tunneling Machine, in Minneapolis Steel & Macl'l1nery Co.. _•. •• • 6 Brown, G. Ch'ester .... ,': .... '. •. :-.11
consideration of facts "wh'ch indicate that Portland Cement Co., of Utah ......... _•. 43 Burke, James J •.•....•.........•.
Richmond, F. C. Machinery Co. . ..... _. ~ Craig, W. J •••••...•• _.•••.......
the Karns machine will operate with econ· Revere Rubber Co••••.•..••• _. _ .• .•. .. . I> Deseret Construction Co. • .....•••
Roessler & Hasslacher Chemical Co. . _. . 42 Fiske, Winthrop W. . ............ .
O'Il1y within the limits of commercial utility, Salt Lake Hardware Co................. 44 Galigher, T. W. . •...•..••........
and possibly with a very considerable de· Trent Engineering & Machinery Co...... 10 General Engineering Co. " __ ....
Union Portland Cement Co •... _......... 43 Howell & Kingsbury •.•.... '•...•
gree of economy, depending on Its durabil· Utah Fuel Co.. ...... ......... .......... n Ireland, T. W. . .................. _
ity and the continuity with which it can be Utah Fire Clay Co. .................... 40 James, Geo. D_ ..••••...... _ . __ ..
Westinghouse Electric & Mfg. Co. ...... . 7 Jennings, E. P. • •.•.•...... _. _.. :
kept in operation." Z. C. M. I. • •...........•..... _..... - . _.
7 Lee, Murray . _.•.................
As early a.:; the fifties, efforts were Pack. Mosher F. • •..•...•..•••... ,
B ..akh... Hoa.e•. Peet, C. A. . __ ....... _....•.......
made to perfect a satisfactory tunneling Merchants' Bank ......••...............
38 Pulsifier, H. B. ..•.•••... _...•••.
McCornlck & Co. •••••••••••••........•
38 Roberts, J. C. . _. _. _. ___ ......... .
machine, and in 1851 and 1858, patents were National Copper Bank .............. _. .•
38 Satrord, J. L .....••..••... __ ..... .
taken out in the United States and Eng. Walker Bros....•................. 6 and
23 Sliver Bros. Engineers & Contract'
Utah State National Bank __ . . . . . . . . . . 3~ Troxell, L. E. . ....... _.. ___ ..... .

land for such machines, and many have Utah State School of Mines .....•
A ....7e... ....d Met..lIur....... Vl11adsen Bros. . .........•. _.....

bee patented since, but these proved im· Widdicombe & Palmer .•........

A. F. Bardwel1 •.•..•••.......•..•...... 39 Walker, H. C..•...... __ .. _..... .

practicable. Blrd·Cowan ••••. _••...••..•• _. . . . . . . • . • 39
Crismon '& Nichols •••••. _.•••. . . . . . . . .• 39 Zallnski, Edward R. . .. _..• _... _.
The Karns Tunneling Machine is con­ Currie, J. W. ...•.••.••••.............. 39 MI.eelianeou•.
structed to drive a six-foot hole in rock Officer & Co., R. R. ..••................• 39
Century Printing Co_ .........•.
Union Assay Office .................... 39
without the use of explosives. The hole is Utah Department Denver Fire Ciay Co... 39' De Bouzek Engraving Co........ ..
made by steel cutters, inserted in a circu· Hotel Stanford ••••••... _..•••••.
Ralltoa .....
lar head, to which is imparted a reciprocat­ Gardner & Adams ............. ..
Bingham & Garfield Ry. ...............• 36 Mountain States Tel. & Tel_ Co. ..
ing motion, from the cylinder of what is Oregon Short Line •. _ . • • • . . . . . . • • • • • . • all Official Directory of MInes •...•••
practically a very large air-drill, and ro­ Salt Lake Route ......................
40 Nephi Plaster Co•..... ___ .......•
Rio Grande Western ••.•..••...••••••• 40 New Era Motor Co. _..........••',

tary motion through a rifled nut. The lat­ Railroad Time Tables ••••••.•••• ~
Mlal..&, Attorne7•. Salt Lake Stamp Co............ ..

ter motion is intermittent, the nut being Smith & Adams, Tents •....•...•
Booth, Lee, Badger & Lewlshon........ 38
provided with dogs, and the head is rotated Bradley. Pischel & Harkness .. _... __ .... 38 Shlplers, Commercial Photograptt;f
TOOele Smeaer •••••••••.•••.••••
a few degrees on each back stroke of the ca1lahan, D. A., Mining Law Books.... 38 Utah Junk Co. • ••...••.••..••••• ~
shaft~ which carries it, so that the cutters Davis & Davis ........... _. .. . • • .. . • • .• 38 Utah Ore Sampling Co•.•.••••••••
Higgins, E. V. ••.•..• .••........... .•• 31 United States Smelting Co. . .•••.
strike in a different place at each stroke. Pierce, Critchlow & Barrette .. _. . . . •. . . 38 Whitaker, Geo. A., Cigars " _... __
The shaft is sixteen inches in diameter and
about twenty feet long, and substantially total per day for interest, depre­ menst for- the convention.
made. Reamers are provided for maintain­ ciat:on and operation, $180. At a rate of Dr. Joseph A. Holmes, direct
ing the gauge of the tunnel. All moving drilling of eighteen inches per hour, the bureau of mines, will be on tl
parts are carried on roller bearings. cost of excavation is about $5 per cubic speakers, which wlll include sor
The committee watched the operation of yard. Taking the average figure for driving national authorities on mining.
a machine at Johnstown, Pennsylvania, driv­ an 'eight-foot tunnel at $10 per cubic yard, t!on, treated in its true .3ense, an.
ing a tunnel through horizontal strata of this means a saving of one-half in operat· the greatest possible use with the
coal and a hard, close-grained rock. The Ing cost. The initial cost of the machine sible waste, will be one of the
tunnel had been driven ·150 feet. The rate would be greater than in the ordinary topic~ to be dis·cussed.
of driving was one and two feet per hour method, but the compressor plant would o
at eighty and 160 strokes per minute, re­ be about the same. THE GRANBY SMELTE
spectively. It was driven from a eompres­ o (Special Correspondenc&
sor of a capacity of 2,500 cubic feet of air AMERICAN MIINING CONGRESS. Grand Forks, British Columbi,;
per minute, compressing to 100 pounds per ber 10.-The Granby smelter
square inch. The weight of the recipro­ (Special Correspondence.) Forks, B. C" broke its year's
cating parts of the machine was about seven Spokane, Wash., Sept. 23.-With the ex­ 'cenUy, treating in one week 25,1
and a quarter tons, and the stroke, seven pected arrival in Spokane in a. few days of ore, bringing the year's total thus,
inches. The tunnel surface was smooth and Secretary James F. Callbreath and Assist­ 252 tons. The high price of coit
the gauge well maintained. The chips re­ ant Secretary Walcott, of Denver, active 13 inducing the company to PI
moved ranged from one-eighth Inch to one preparations for the annual convention of greatest possible tonnage of oil!
inch. The temper of the cutters is varied the American Mining Congress will be put provements at the smelter are;
for different parts of the face, to maintain under way. The convention will be held reasons for the increase. To,!
an even wearing surface. The chips were November 25 to 30. year the company has ,produce~
removed by :flUShing through an eight-inch En route from W:ashington, D. C., to Spo· pounds of blister copper, 395,Q
pipe. kane, Secretary Callbreath is making stops being sent to the refineries last l
The inventor claims that the cost of in Pittsburg, Chicago and other eastern production in the Kootenayanll
drilling can be cut eighty per cent with his cities, arousing intere3t in the congress. distrl-ct3 was again well above ti
machine. The complete cost of installa· Local offices in charge of Syuney Nor­ and totaled 52,441 tons and t~
tion is estimated ro be about $30,000. Op­ man have ,been opened in Spokane at 701 the year jumped above the miW
erating cost per twenty-four hours is es­ Paulsen bulldlng, and interest among min. half ton mark, the output tiO
timated at $160, with coal at $3 per short
1,'524'600~ tons.~ S,m~e~l~~ter,~,~r~ec~e~iP~ ~, ~
ing men of this section 'is running high. On
ton, and labor at $3 per twelve-hour day. the arrival of Mr. Callbreath a large gath· were 47,161 tons; for the ye ~

Interest and'" depreCiation are figured at ering of mining men will be held ro wei· 1,372,733 tons. .!r1~t~}~sbiJt­

twenty per cent or $20 per day, making the come him and to take up further arrange· Trail were 64 ton~, ~aru~a at $

_. - ',-"="
22 THE SAL T L A K E MIN I N G REV lEW, S E PTE M B E R 1 5, 1 9 1 2.

thousands upon thousands of tons of ore well to silver. Zinc, likewise, has shared
which could be handled at a handsome prof­ in the general advance.

It if cheap power could be secured. There It is clearly evident that mining In the
are many mines in the,3e district" with a west is due for a great impetus. New pro·
quarter of a million blocked out in their motions are daily reported, and capital
workings which are noW idle, but which seems eager to acquire good mines and­
could be operated successfully by the in­ prospects; in fact, the supply of good prop·
Published Seml-Mopthly by Will C. Higgins and
stallation of an electric power plant at a erties held at reasonable prices is much I
A. B. Greeson.
cost of from $35,000 to $40,000. less than the demand. All this indicates a
P. O. Box 1137 Phone, Wasatch, 2902
It seems strange that opportunities of healthy future.
Office, Rooms 434-435 Atlas Block, West Second

South Street.
this character are not more quickly rec­ ----o'-~~-

WILL C, BIGGINS ••..........•••••... Editor

ognized and seized upon by capitalists and WILL MAKE GREATER SAVING.
A.. 8. GREESON ••......... Ma'''''IU'r
investors. A $40,000-plant would not only
SUbllCrlptloll Rate••
supply electric energy for one mine, but (Record, Ely, Nev.)
One Year .................................. $2.50
three or four, and the industrial feature
Six Months .................... _........... 1.50
While the great plant of the Steptoe
Single Copy .......... _.......................15
of such an enterprise is considerable, as Valley Smelting & Mln!ng company at
Foreign Countries In the Postal Union .• __ '.(10

Subscription Payable In Advance.

such a plant could also be used for manu­ McGill has about reached its capacity for
facturing purposes in valley towns, and gross tonnage, with a steadily maintained
Entered November 29, 1902, at Salt Lake
City, Utah, as second-class matter, under Act an extensive lighting system inaugurated, demand on the mines for 10,000 tons of
of Congress ot March 3, 1899 as well. ore a day, the possibilities of the plant for
Advertising Rates: Advertising rates tur­ ----10)--:--­ increased savings are the subject of con­
nlshed On application. INCREASED METAL PRICES, stant experime!lt. One of ·the greatest
Contributor•• sources of loss in the concentration of cop.
H. B. Pulsifer. A. L. Sweetser. Since our last issue, there has been a
W. H. Calvert. H. W. McFarren. per ores is the tendency of the tiny par­
LeRoy A. Palmer. Maynard Bixby. very gratifying advance in the price of the ticles of mineral to escape in the fOl'm of
Alex McLaren. B. F. Tibby_
J. Eliot Johnson. metals. Of most importance In the inter­ "slimes." A small experimental plant is
mountain region are the increases in the now handling a portion of the slimes and
AdvertlllfllC AceDde••
price of copper and lead. Copper stood at effecting a large additional saving and when
DENVER Colorado.-The National Advertis­
Ing Co., Quincy Building. seventeen and four-tenths cents for some the problem has been more fully worked
NEW YORK.-Frank Presby Co., General time, but has now advanced, at the time out a special plant with sufficient capacity
Advertising Agents, 3-7 West 29th Street.
SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA.-Hamman's Ad­ of writing, .to seventeen and flfty-()ne hun­ to handle all the slimes from the mill will
vertising Agency, South Pasadena, Cala. dredths cent3 per pound. Lead has ad­ be erected. With ore running less than 40
SAN FRANCISCO.-W .W. Ross Co., Pub­ vanced in the same period from four and
lishers' Special Representative, 1006 Call Build­ pounds of copper to the ton, it is of course
Ing, San Francisco, Cal&. onehalf cents to four and seventy-()ne hun· a mechanical impossibility to save all the
dredths cents per pound, and some quota­ values, but the recovery of an additional
x tions were made on small lots as high as pound of copper per ton of ore In a plant
five cents. handling 10,000 tons a day will amount to
ELECTRIC POWER FOR MINES. The continued high level of prices and_ a very handsome figure annually.
the advancing market mean much 'to west­ The repumping system at the Steptoe
Every mining camp In the west should ern producers. Many small mInes, hereto­ concentrator is now sending back to the
be able to secure electric power for the fore unable to ship, are now coming Into mill from 5,000 to 5,500 gallons of water a
operation of its mines and mills. No mat­ prOduction. Old dumps, many of which are minute. A new ten-Inch volute pump is be­
ter if fuel for the generation of steam available in the Tintic district of Utah, ing installed in the pump house as an aux·
power is abundant and cheap, the appli­ are being reworked for the value lost in ilIary and a new steam pump with a capa­
cation of electric power Is cheaper, more the days when only highgrade ore could city of about 5,000 gallons a minute has
convenient and more reliable. In the ab-· be shipped ,at a profit. -been ordered but will not be Installed for
sence of wood for fuel, or when a long wa· Better prices mean better smelting con­ several months as an addition to the pump
gon haul is involved where coal has to be tracts. The advantages are not alone limit­ house, 90x45 feet in size, must be built to
used, many good mining properties are com· ed to the actual cents per pound increase, make room for it. The new settling ponds
pelled to operate at a very close margm but are reflected largely in the better feel· have been allowed to fill up with slimes so
of profit, or to close down -altogether, un­ Ing prevailing as to the success of Individ­ that the mud might seal the earthen walls
less the ore is exceptionably high in grade. ual mines, a feeling which is always in the of the ponds, but now that this has been
In the west, Where the use of electricity is air at a time when prices are advancing. accomplished the mud will be flushed out
becoming so common, there are still many Not only are many old producers com· by hydraulic pressure and the ponds will I
camps which have not, as yet, been sup­ ing back, but there is great inducement to in future serve their purpose of supplying
plied with this convenience, this necessity;
and the mines of these districts can show
any amount of $6, $10, $12 and even $15
and $20 ore, which cannot be handled and
prospecting and development of new prop­
erties in those districts which have long
had a few shippers. Relering again to the
Tintic district, the past two weeks have
clear water to the repumping plant.
; ---0'--­
A deed of trust to secure the Issuance
of first debenture mortgage bonds of $200,­
treated at a profit on account of the high seen all records broken in the matter of 000, bearillg. 7 pet cent interest, has been
cost of fuel for power-generating purposes. tonnage shipped. This 'may be assigned, issued by the Central Republic Mining com­
And yet any of these camps could be sup­ ;lin great measure, to the feeling that min­ papy, with Thomas H. Brewer, president
plied with electric power, although ten, ing is again picking up, as evidenced by of the. Fidelity National bank of Spokane,
twenty or fortr miles from some stream market conditions. and Ortho Dorman, as trustees. -The bonds
>YIp.ere this power could be generated. In Silver has maintained its high level will be Issued to enable the company to
the west, today, there are a number of camps around sixty·two cents an ounce, a factor start extensive development of its prop­
which are practically idle because of the which is always a gratifying one to produc­ erty, comprising the Valley View, D. D.,
fuel and power problem; and, the mines ers of that metal. All that has been said FingerbQard and Evening Start claim, in
of these camps can make a showing of in regard to copper and lead applies equally the Republic district.
;. &

THE SAL T LA K E MIN I N G REV lEW, S E PTE M BE R 1 5, 1 912.

gods. But, in prospecting, you must take back with 'them looked good, ev
conditions as you find them. A prospector But, I knew that gold could nc
The Prospector should not slight a new section because the those chalk cliffs, and so gave ~
and His Burro lime does not just .3uit him, because the no serious thought. The next m
quartz and the porphyry do not correspond boys went out with some rcipe~
to his ideas of what forms a desirable com­ 'their equipment. They did not
bination, or because the granrte is lacking that night, and I began to feel:.
in feldspar. He must remember that he is worried. Along during the altern
not making 'the Jormation, and that he must second day, however, they broke
take it as he finds it, with a chance of on a run. I think they must haVE
finding something big with geological condi­ powder rags and corsets, for Ui
tions different from that in which great divi­ more like a remnant of the lost
dend-payers have been found in before; for, even the raggedest of present-da
'gold is where you find it,' and not where tors. But they were happy, all
you believe It ought to be. and the samples of gold-bearing II
"You say that you don't see how a man had in their sample sacks set·
can ,find anything unless wise guy had wild. After they had rested a~
previously furnished him with a chart and told me of their adventures. It
detailed map of the country, like those pro­ until nearly noon, the first day 01
vided by the U. S. Theological survey, the top of the cliffs, by a roundal
"A bobtail flush is nothing to what the which are so pretty.and nice to look at, a.nd, After eating lunCh one of the bo)
tenderfoot prospector will :put over on the that as far as you are concerned, you do not the other to the mouth of the ell.
veteran miner,once in a while," said the see how the tenderfoot could have the heart rope they 'had taken with them.
prospector to his burro. "The old·timer who to dig in barren ground when he could not other tied his end to the trunk 7
is long on information, even if he thinks he tell a piece of pyrite from rock fiecked with and slid down. The cave was 1
has four aces in his hand, is often beaten gold, if he should find either; which goes ger than it looked, from my car
to a finish by the young fellow who drifts to show that you would not make a good, little spring broke out of acre"
into camp with a mine sam,ple bag in one enthusiastic tenderfoot, or an old, dyed-in­ feet in. The boys had candles v
hand, a mandolin in the other, while a crop­ the-wool prospector, ndtwithstandlng· the and soon began making an exp1
tailed dog follows in his rear. The old fel­ fact that you have traveled with me, in the the cavern. After going in a d
lows in the camp wag their heads when they hills, many years, and should have absorbed 100 feet the chalky fOl'Illation gay,
see him, and those of tender heart begin to some mining lore, along with your daily ra­ a fissure in rhyolite took its pIa"
worry about his future, for they do not see tions, without being conscious of the fact. olite not being visible from the (
how he can make good when they know they Why, you haven't brains enough to make low. After following the cave f(
have spotted every good thing in the dis­ even a green tenderfoot, two of the green­ 100 feet they bumped up against
trict. Still they extend the glad hand, for est of which stumbled into my camp three of the fissure, a body of quart:!
the fresh, spicy air of the newcomer catches years ago. These boy.;; are big guns, now, in width, and which was fairly
their fancy, and he is a good fellow to have and look more like steel trust magnates than gather with wire gold. They knE
around. If he wants to know where there is men w·Jtb have made fOl1tunes in the hills; about metals to know nothing bt
a good place to prospect they will tell him and, as we have run out the chuck-a-wallas silver, in that region, could ex
to go anywhere, as the country is all good. and looked into the bedding for snakes, I condl'tion, and, although overjo:
He takes them at their word and goes out will tell you how 'these youngsters came not surprised at their discovery
and locates a bonanza in the serpentine, into our district and found a· whaling big was What they were outprOo3pecU
which, the old·timer had often maintained, mine that we had been looking at for they worked for an hour or two
could not be mineral-bearing. Or, his dog months without having any idea of its exist. decided to return to camp with !
chases a chipmunk into the underbrush, the ence. At the Ume I mention two boy·" from pIes. When ,they got back to the
tenderfoot follows, and finds a strong ledge St. Louis bumped hito camp one· day, as real troubles began. Not being ai
of $150~re within a hundred yards of where full of push as a bottle of pop, and "know­ steeple-chasers, they had difficulty
the veteran prospector has been camped ing so little that even my burro felt asham­ ing uP. First one would slip a
for six months. The tenderfoot does things ed for them. One of the boys had a powder then the other. Finally onegav
the old-timer would not think of doing, and rag in his kit, and I believe the other wore tirely, but the fellow with the t
prospects a stre'tch of country that has been corsets. All that I could say of them was managed to get up ten or twelve I
condemned for many years by the veteran that 'they were alive,' and nothing more. by grabbing at the few scattEl~
miner, just because he doesn't know any They made the camp hilarious, however, and growing in the ·crevlces in the fa
better, as· everything looks alike to him; took a great deal of interest in the pros­ cliff, he managed, finally, to re~
with the re3ult that he finds more good veins pect hole I was tlinking. One day they. where he collapsed from ov'er:.e:xt
and ledges than the average prospector asked me to direct them to good pr03pect­ ter an hour or two he succeeded .~
would find in ten years; ·and, all of the old Ing ground. I pointed to some over·hang­ up his partner and they ca.mped~
grizzlies wonder and shake their heads, and ing cliffs, on the bare face of one of which the night. The next morning thej
eventually accredit the SUCCe£B of the new­ there appeared 'to be the opening to a cave, ing but re;t, and Ilhey were a to"
comer to nothing but sheer luck. and told them that was likely ground. As lot when they finally got into
"You cannot confine mining to a mere a matter 1)f fact, however,. noth!ng but an up with them, the next day
system," contJnued the ·prospector," none eagle could get to it, and the boys were a rope ladder,a.nd(was
whatever. Wheat stacks, to be goo'd, must short of eagles. They started out, however, I saw their discovery. Back of
be made with just sO much flour in them, as' joyous and as confiden't as a baby with
a ·proper amount of baking powder, a few 'a full nursing bottle. That night they came
teaspoonfuls of bacon grease and a pinch in leg-weary but enthUsiastic. They had
of salt. \\'ben all is ready a skillful hand made their way to the base
at the skillett turns out a dish fit for the


24 THE SAL T LA K E MIN I N G REV lEW, S E PTE M B E R 1 5, 1 9 1 2.

was amazed at the showing. A company was are good illustrations of the· chamber-de­
formed, an aerial tramway installed, and posit class. Gash-veins are the most dis­
the fir3t few carloads that went out con­ CAMP·FIRE CliATS
appointing of all veins to tile miner. They
tained the ramson of a Caesar. The boys are nothing else but small cracks which
helped in development and eqUipment, and, derived their mineral values. either frQ'm
before two years were rolling in wealth and The mere fact that you have a "true the surrounding rocks, or, what seems more
the whole country looked upon them as be­ fissure" does not in the least add any addi­ probable, by infiltation from the surface. I

ing expert mining men who had style and tional value to your prospect. There have They seldom attain a depth of more than
system in their prospecting. been thousands of fissures discovered and a hundred feet, gradually pinching out with
"1 want to tell you, Old Long Ears," con· worked which never produced better depth. They will very seldom show tal.C
cluded the prospector, "I never pass up than Irish dividends. Although a true fiSt lining. As c~acks may Tesult by either con­
anything after that experience, and would sure is a very desirable find in a mineral· traction, by folding or the cooling of igneous
as soon prospect around a badger hole on a ized district, it would be utter folly to dis· rocks, the number and variety of said
sandhill as in a lime-belt cut by a porphyry card any other mineral deposit simply be­ cracks is easily explained; but the gen~sis
dyke. I .no longer look for gold where it cause it does not show the earmarks of a of their ore bodies is still open to dispute
oul¢:tt to be, but am always expecting to fissure. As some of the richest mines de· and varied theories have been advanced on
find it where it really is; and there you are, rive their wealth from other than fissure de. this subject. 1mpregnatiQn veins and s~ock­
and then some." posits, it will be of great use to the prospeCt works are rather related to the fissure vein,
---o--~- ....
tor to familiarize hhmelf with all clasess class. The ore bodies consist of slilall
LOW GRADE GOLD ORES. of ore deposits found and recognized so seams all through the vein·filling, some­
far. Different classifications exist, but times branching out for great distances into
(Colorado Springs Telegraph.) the field man cannot err, consid· the walls of the deposit. They are mostly
The work of the Portland Gold Mining ering only the following: }<'issure veins, found in igneous rocks. Fahlband depo.3its
company's mill at Victor, Colo., in the treat­ contact veins, segregation veins, bedded never ca'me under the writer's observation
ing of low grade ore, is an object lesson to veins, chamber deposits, gash veins, impreg. in this country, and he has never heaTd of
the mine operators of the entire Cripple nation veins, and stockworks. Fahlband de· any being reported. If fissures cut or cross
Creek district, in the opinion of George M. posits are not met with in this country. through different formations, and the ore·
Taylor, general mill superintendent of the Fissure veins are best recogniz>ed by bodies only appear when a certain forma·
company, who gave· out some interesting fig­ their regular strike, and if several veins tion (in most cases shale or shiet) makes
ures on the operation of the mill today. A are found in the district they will generally the walls, while the rest Is barren, the de­
few days ago, for the first time .since the run parallel to each other_ They will ex· posit will belong to the Fahlband class.
mill opened, the amount of ore treated hibit a more or less banded structure of o
passed the 6Oo-ton mark, 625 tons of rock often different minerals. They mostly SMELTERY SUPERINTENDENT KILLED.
being run through in twentY-four hours. show the well-known talc selvage; but, if
This ore had an average value of $3.20 a there has been little dip or plane faulting, S:meon C. Hazelton, superintendent of
ton and the net profit to the company is they may, as the 'miner says, "be frozen the United States smeltery at Midvale,
$1 a ton. The net profit of the mill for to the wall and still be fissures." They Utah, was killed in an automobile accident
the month of July is close to $18,000, al· strike for long distances and extend to great on the evening of September 6th. With
though the actual figures have been made depths. Contact veins should, as the name three companions, bound for Salt Lake City,
out. implies, lay between to or more dissimilar he was struck by a street car, while at­
"Every day in the Cripple Creek dis­ formations; but, if they cut ,across the tempting to avoid collision with a carriage
trict," said Mr. Taylor, "there are from five formations, as they often do, they should A gasoline explos:on added to the horror
to fifty tons of rock of just as good or bet· be rather termed fissure veins. Segrega· of the occurrence. Mr. Hazelton and one
ter grade thrown on the dumps at every tion veins will also sometimes show the cOlmpanion died before reaching the host
property that is being worked at all. This banded structure of fissure veins. Their pital.
rock ·can all be worked at a profit of $1 a veinstone will .3how more or It~ss crystali· Mr. Hazelton was unmarried and about
ton jU3t as we are dOing, and when one zation. The ore-bodies will be Irregularly thirty·five years of age. He came to Salt
stops to consider the unlimited quantities distri\>uted; the. veins will follow the stra­ Lake a few years ago from Philadelphia,
on the dumps of the district, we can con· tification of the surrounding rocks closely, Pennsylvania, to take charge of the Ameri­
ceive what the net results would be." exhibiting thereby a more irregular strike can Smelting & Refining company's plant
Ten and fifteen years ago-yes, five than fissure veins in general. Signs of fault­ at Murray, and later assumed the super­
years ago-ore was discarded as worthless ing are seldom observed. Bedded veins or intendency of the United States smeltery.
that ran $5, $6 or $8 a ton in gold. Today, blanket veins will only be found between Mr. Hazelton was well liked by all witll
handsome profits are being made on rock sed'mentary rocks. .They lie ,l}aTalle\ to whom he came in contact, and his loss will
that average.;; only $3.20. And when It Is the stratification and will follow all con­ be keenly felt.
considered that, during the days when tortions Qf .the enclosing beds. If found ----0'---­
science played less a part in the general at the top of a former anticline they will 'Valter Hal'vey 'Veed, .manager of the
scheme of extracting the ore from thh hll1s necessarily crop in two places; one outcrop Calumet & Sonora Mining company, oper­
and the gold from the ore, there were tens dipping away frOlm the other. These de· ating in Sonora, Mexico, announces further
of millions of "pay stuff" thrown. over the posits were laid down, originally, horizon­ improvements' at the property. The shaft
dumps, the possibilities of the mining alone tally. Our Mercur mines are an illustration will be enlarged to a size permitting two
almost surpass comprehen3ion. of this class of deposits. Chamber depos· hoisting compartments. The shaft was reo'
its are always found in limestone or other cently deepened by raising from the 525.
The Chief Consolidated of Eureka, Utah, soluble rocks. Ore bodies of varying ex­ foot level, and a new drift hll.3 been com'
has over $200,000 i.n its treasury, and is tent and purity, of mostly lenticular shape, menced. The dry mill Is operating one shift
shipping regularly. It is expected a divi­ without any connection or connected only a day. A recent shipment of copper con·
dend will' be paid when the net earnings by small seams, make up their mineral centrates to the Cananea Consolidated smelt
Teach $250,000, which should be at an early wealth. The United Verde Copper mine and tery at Cananea, contained fifteen per cent
<l{lte. the lead-silver mines of Eurek;a, Nflyada. q°l>Wr ,
-- r - -­
~ --
&ill.III.I_______1III3_ _..._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. ._ _. ._ ....


MASON VALLEY DEVELOPMENTS. and netting about $5 per ton. Messrs. THE WILBERT MINI
Sonne and Alberts have a lease and bond
(Standard,Leadore, I"dat
In an interview in The' Salt Lake Trib· on this property for $20,000, which they
The 'Wilbert" Mining- & ~
une, A. L. Jacobs of Salt Lake, makes some would not sell now for four times that
pany with field of operation hi
interesting comments on the Mason Valley amount. They are experienced mining men
district, is pushing ahead wltl1
district of Nevada, as follows: and they have developed large bodies of
energy, .aince the necessary rel'!
"The Mason Valley property has been shipping grade ore.
mill have been completed, all~
opened by means of a series of tunnels, "About a year or two ago the McCon­
for the enterprise now forecastlil
the lowest of which, the No.4, is about nell property was leased by Goldfield peo·
succe£s. The equipment of the
550 feet from the surface," said Mr. Ja· pIe In behalf of a French syndicate, upon
at its maximum is of 150-ton3 ca
cobs. a report 'made by Engineer O. A. Palmer
prises a Blake crusher, rolls, C1
"The mine is connected with the tracks of Salt Lake City. Thep .spent about $70.­
James and Wilfley tables, two I
of the Nevada Copper Belt railroad by 000 in development and then threw up their
and a "return" through which t
means of an aerial tram, the capacity of lease. It seems, however, that they did not
crushed tine enough are conve~
which is about 2000 tons dailY. The man­ fol:ow the advice given by Mr. Palmer, but
be ground over again. Ore b
agement has opened the vein along its Mr. Sonne proceeded to follow his recom­
at the mill is 200 tons. Just at
strike for 1200 feet, the ore shoot being mendations, meeting with the results al­ mill is treating a'bout 85 tons i
anywhere from twenty to one hundred feet ready stated. This illustrates some of the per day, which quantity will :
in width throughout this distance. uncertainties of mining."
creased to 125 tons. Concentrati·
"As the management widens its surface When asked in regard to the Mason
Tatio of 4 to 1. F'rom the crude
explorat:on, new surprises are being brought Valley smelting plant, Mr. Jacobs said it
ters the crusher, to the fin13b
to view continually, and I spent a consid­ was operating with all the smoothness of a a saving of seventy·five· per (
erable time In going over the surface, see­ watch. The .one furnace is treating about ues is effected. The mm is ,
ing enough to convince me that new bodies SOO tons daily on an average. The perfec­
steam power, which, although ..
of ore will be disoovered, when the com· tion with which smelting operations have attendant on freighting the he,
pany gets ready to prospect untouched been carried on from ·the first hour of work ery over wagon road from the
ground. In sending several surface cuts in· reflects great medit upon General Man· road point, Is great, will pro,
to the mountain, the management has op· ager Jules Labarthe. The capacity of the in the long run against water I
ened Its lime flux!ng rock, and in so doing plant is now being increased to 1900 to 2000 tions via a long flume, usually
a fine body of red oxide was developed, tons daily. The sintering plant is to be ice in the winter.
which averages two per cent copper, con­ enlarged at an early date. As soon as the The mines of <the company
stituting a splendid..fiux. plant reaches its logical capacity Mr. Ja· north ·by south in a big contil
"All the lime rock and red oxide ore is cobs expects to see the company's own re­ zite, limestone 'and granite, the
handled by contract at an extremely low fln:ng plant installed. mation being the hanging walt
figure per ton. It is conveyed through Conditions throughout the entire district which is on a contact fi3sure.
chutes from the surface to the No. 4 tun· are extremely gratifying, says Mr. Jacobs, working re.presents a vertieaJ!
nel level, where the loading station is 10' and numerous properties are being added outcrop of only. 250 feet. 'l'hrQ
cated. The several levels have been con· to the active list right along. of openings,good miIl dirt lJ
nected with raise to the surface, and in do· ----<0'---­ posed on the vein fur the disU
ing this work the management has driven NOVEL METHOD OF GRADING. feet, and, it is estimated that.
into good ore bodies where they were not al­ prominent workings of the "W
together expected. Concerning the excavation being made are from 40,000 to 60,000 tons (
"It had been a year since I saw the for the new hoisting 'plant for the Nevada­ ered, ready for 'breaking down
property, and I am satisfied that if the Wonder mine, the Mining News of Wonder, through the milL Exclusive 0
mine were to be sampled and its resources Nevada, makes the following comment: on ore, a systematic course of­
measured today, a larger tonnage of 4 per The excavating is being done just back is being pUI'3ued.
cent copper ore would be shown. than then of the present hOist building, and to avoid The Holman air drills, whi(
existed. It is my opinion that there nre danger to the building and to the men in use since the placement .
more than 1,000,000 tons of 4 per cent cop­ employed on the surface from the heavy compressor and 150 h.p. englii
per ore now blocked out. blasting, a tunnel was run in at a.n: angle excellent satisfaction. Total i
"The tram at the present time handles from behind the blacksmith shop, and when which is divided into two shift:
about 150 tons of lime rock, and between this tunnel was in far enough a raise was forty men.
250 and 400 tons of oxide and sulphide made to the surface. A chute has been A. S. 'Ross, president and1l
ores daily, just as required for fluxing the built at the bottom of this raise and a ager, H. S. Knight, of Salt Ld
custom ores at the smelters and to af­ track laid through the tunnel to the dump. and treasurer and M. M. Joh4
ford the food for the one furnace now As the rock is blasted down from the sides engineer of the company, art
in service. Outside of the 300 to 400 tons of the raise it falls into the chute, is the magnificent showing of"
of Nevada Douglas copper ores received drawn off into cars, rolled out and dumped, Which has crossed the boundal
dailY, there are about 125 tons delivered without· shoveling at all. Shooting from prospective stage to that •
by small mines to the smelter each day. inside this glory hole eliminates danger And to Mr. Johnson must !
The custom ores are carrying a consid­ of flying rocks to those working about the credit for the adequate mill
erable excess of silica, the Mason Valley collar of the shaft. its adjustment, thereby
ores contain a fair excess of iron, hence ----0----­ of the plant.
it is better business to conserve the Ma­ The August production of the Miami Although' it Is

son Valley ores for fluxing purposes than Copper company, near Globe, Arizona, was the hlll to Arcb and

to rush their extraction. 3,048,750 pounds. This is about the capaci­

"Among the shippers ty of the present mill, and t:he advisability
. is'
26 THE SAL T LA K E MIN I N G REV I E W, SE PTE M BE R 1 5, 1912.

UTAH COAL MINES. It is probably more than they will earn THE BEAVER·UTAH.
until the new railroad line is fin!~hed and
(Price Advocate.) in operation, but it is perhaps conservative (Press, Beaver, Utah.)
Without discrediting the future possibil· to estimate that United States Smelting One more evidence of the permanency
ities of the precious metal mines of Utah, is today meeting less than 5 per cent of of the Newton district comes to hand in
it is becoming more evident each day that this interest charge out of its own earnings. the form of the assayer's certificate from
the fuel industry is one of the most prom· This percentage will steadily decline as the the Crismon and Nichols office in Salt
ising in the state. 'Close observers have coal output is increased up to and beyond Lake, on a sample taken across the bot·
attached more importance to coal mining a million tons." tom of the fifty· foot shaft on the Beaver·
here than the average person, and the en· ---~o-· ­ Butte property. The assay 'shows 0.60
trance of the United States Smelting, Min· STRIKE IN YELLOW DOG. ounces silver and 6.90 ounces gold, valued
ing and Refining company into the coal at $138 per ton. The bottom of the shaft
business is considered of greater import· (Star, Winnemucca, Nev.) is about4x6 feet and is being sunk on the
ance among eastern financial interest3 than S. L. Baker and John Yates are in town vein. The Butte has steadily increased in
most western ,people realize. from Dyke, in the Pine Forest range. The value from $8 at the surface to the present
But we are just entering upon the pos· former is superintendent of the Yellow Dog fancy figures.
SIbilities of the coal industry in Utah. The property, on which a phenomenal strike of This in itself is very gratifying to the
Knights have acquired some good coal prop· gold ore was 'made a short time ago. owners, but it is not all by any means.
erties near the properties recently taken The latter is a pioneer of the camp and Recently the vein has been prospected on
over by the United States Smelting como. with his associates owns the adjoining the surface for a distance of six hundred
pany. Some other big mine and smelter ground to the Yellow Dog, on which there feet by numerous cross·cuts, and for the
people have been quietly taking up coal are excellent exposures of ore. Their ar­ entire distance on a four to four and one­
lands, as a result of their location near rival in town corroborates what has been half foot vein values of $10 a ton have been
a railroad where either a fair haulage rate said about the rich discoveries in the camp obtained.
is assured, or their close proximity to a of Dyke and as a proof of the assertion It is fair to assume that the values will
market makes it possible for coal roads to Messrs. Baker and Yates brought in a large hold to a fair average in the prospected
be built. Of the coal lands here acquired number of samples of ore that are ex· territory and allowing that the average is
by the United States Smelting company the tremely rich in gold. In fact, the ore will only $25 a ton it would give a total valua­
Wall Street Journal has the following to compare favorably in richness with that of tion of $200,000 above the 50·foot level in
say: National, Rexall and even the great Gold· the six hundred feet of known gold·bearing
"Directors of United States Smelting field camp. Samples brought in from the ground.
company who have 'within the last few Yellow Dog claim were taken from the face Work will be prosecuted on this proper·
weeks examined the company's coal lands of a 200·foot tunnel that encountered the ty as rapidly as possible. The shaft will
speak with great optimi3m of the outlook ore body at a perpendicular depth of 120 be sent 'down another fifty feet before mak­
for earnings in this direction within a rea· feet and are exceptionally rich In gold. ing any attempt to follow the vein, as it
sonable length of time. It will at the out· Some of the pieces aTe covered with small is a moral certainty that the gold is there
side be but two years from date before the nuggets and particles of gold are scattered the entire length of the outcrop, With
Utah company, the coal subsidiary holding in profusion over the rock. One piece has the installation of the quartz mill on North
title to these twelve thousand acres of coal so much of that yellow metal that it Jooks Creek and the completion of the tramway
lands, finishes the construction of its eighty· as If it was poured into the oxidized por· across the foot hills, this property will have
mile road to connect with Union Pacinc and tion of the ore. at least 50,000 tons blocked out and ready
give it an additional outlet for its coal. Sev­ Messrs. Baker and Yates are very enthu­ to break down for the crusher.
en surveying parties are now in the field, and sIastic over the prospects of the camp and o

a few week3 will see this portion of the believe that it is in the making one of the NEW MILL AT MANHATTAN.

work finished. The general location of the richest sections in the state. There is
line is definitely established and rights of ledge after ledge outcropping throughout The camp of Manhattan, Nevada, is to
way are secured. th whole district covering many miles and have a new 150·ton mill, which is to be
"The present facilities of the coal 1>rop­ nearly all of them .are gold·bearing. erected by the Manhattan-Big Four MJining
erties are confined to a connection with the Charles Everson is another prospector company. The mill will be gravity type, de·
Denver and Rlo Grande, by a twenty·three· who is in town from the camp and he has pending on amalgamation as the main
mile branch owned by the Utah company. fine showings on his claims. He is also means of recovery. It is planned to tram
The Gould road is giving excellent service one of the pioneers of the district and has the ore from the shaft to a Blake crusher,
and is doing its part in helping get a larger accomplished considerable development work whence it will go by gravity to ten 1.050.
production of coal to market. 'When the on his claims. He states that in all his pounp stamps, crushing through four mesh;
coal properties were acquired it was stated workings he has uncovered nice bodies of there to two 85-ton tube mills, which will
that production was at the rate of five hun· free·milling gold ore. grind the ore to 150 me.h. After this sec·
dred thousand tons yearly. The curt'"ent Other claim owners in the camp are Al ondary grinding, the pulp will pass over
output 13 about seven hundred and fifty Gay, D. A. Johnson, J. E. Hawley, J. G. Fos­ thirty·six feet of stationary amalgamated
thousand tons and this rate will gradually ter, Mr. Alley, James Robins and as.sociates, plates. It is expected that the pulp from
increase, so that by the tlrst of Janu!l.!'",7 It and all have good showings of ore. the plates will be of sufficiently lowl grade
is likely the mines 'will be outputting the o to discard for the present.
equivalent of a million tons yearly. The Day·Bristol Consolidated Mines 0---­

"W,hen the United States Smelting went company, of Pioche, Nevada, is shipping fifty The Michigan·Utah Consolidated Mining
into the coal bus~ness last spring, it financ· tons of highgrade ore, daily, from Its company has been erecting an aerial tram­
ed the purchase of these eoal properties Gypsey mine, and will soon be shipping way up Little Cottonwood canyon near
through sale of $10,000,000 6 per cent note3. forty tons a day from its May Day mine, Salt Lake. The route is a diftlcult one and
This calls for an annual interest charge of and twenty tons from its Iron mine. H. F. the completion of the tramway will mean an
$900,000. This is considerably more than .Widdecombe is mine manager for the com· . increase in shipments. Smeltery settlements
the coal properties are today earning net. pany. have been on the basis of $30 per ton net.
m b U


IRON BLOSSOM. Eureka Reporter: The dri\l

Jesse Knight, president of the Iron Blos­

A round the State driven over into the Gold ~hl
from the 1600 level of the Lom!
som MinIng company of Tintic, Utah, has Beaver Press: A fund of $3,000 has mine is now fully.400 feet W1ithla
,announced that a 100.ton concentrating been raised here to be expended in pros­ company's ground and for' t~
plant will be built by that company. From pecting for the extension of the Rob Roy weeks it hllls been cutting tIi
experimental work, extending over the past vein in Newton district. The parties own­ good looking quartz. So,me OJ
year, it is estimated that the saving by con­ ing the ground adjoining this fam;ous prop­ found but it has not been Of.
centrating will be fifty per cent more than erty think they have an excellent ()hance nature. This is an important
by the present method of shipping to the of (Jutting the vein and are going right to velopment for the Gold Chain
smelteries. work on the proposition. will cut the ore bearing sec'
The mill W1ill probably be erecwd at Sil­ property fully 700 feet below
ver ,City, where water is plentiful. It is be­ -Park Record: Conditions are again im;­ point at wjhich work has been
proving at the NeW' York Bonanza. Thurs·
lieved that $6 ore can be treated. There is iMilford News. It is report
day of this week a nice bunch of ore was
much ore of this grade in the Tintic dis­ North American Mining comPI
uncovered on the 200 and Manager McGill
trict, which would become available if the claims in the LiMoln district
is in hopes that the body will prove per·
new mill wa" successful in treating' it. In miles from Minersville, and sevl
manent, which appearances indicate it will.
connection W1ith these plans, the lowler southeast of Milford, will star;
Ore b again being raised to the surface
grade ore of the Iron Blossom will be no in the very near future. Th
and in all probability another shipment
longer shipped to the smelteries, but will has wPrked off and on for the
will soon be ready for marketing at the Lit­
ue held in reserve for the mill, resulting in three yeal'S and has disclosed
tle Bell.
the curtailment of the production by forty good ore; but permanent bodil
per cent, and the consequent laying off of Beaver Press: The latest advices from yet ,been reached. George E. C
I$ny men. It is expected, hoWjever, that the King of the Hills IS to the effect that ly of Pioehe, but noW' living iJ
the development work, now being planned, the tunnel work is going on at the rate City, we understand, is the II
will provide for the employment of most of eight feet a day, and that the machin­ director ot ,the company. C.'
of the men. . , ery is all working to perfection. Some lit­ is the president. Just as soor
There has been no mlll building in Tintic tle difficulty has been experienced in the details .can be arranged and. ad
in the last ten years, and none are now in operation of the whim which is being used will be started with a force of
operation. The success of the Iron Blo3S0m for hoisting water, but the defect has been
Park CUy Record. General,
mill would mean much to the district. The remedied and noW' everythil1g is moving
G. McMillan of the 'Daly West sp
method of treatment is not announced. along like clock work.
of days at this property the
Ol---~ Milford News: At the Moscow, during week. He. reported that the ~
VERTI,CAL COPPER CONVERTERS. the last week, a strike of ore has been able conditions continue at bot
made which is arousing considerable In­ mill with the usual tonnage mal
For many years, there has been consid­ terest. It seems to be the character week The gentleman Informed
erable difference of opinion amo~g metal­ of ore as that struck heretofore and to that an extensive campaign O'!
lurgists as to the relative advantages of the be about five to six feet in width. The velopment was planned, and U
barrel and vertical types of copper convert­ actual extent of it has not as yet been tract recently awarded to Jal
ers. The barrel type has perhaps been in developed. but according to past history of llwee and Sons of Denver, 'i
more general use in copper smelterie3, the the mine, Matthew Cullen say·s, it promises much prospecting and. opening
Boston and Montana plant of the Anaconda to be the best thing the Moscow has ever territory in this big property
Copper Mining company, at Great Falls, had. ultimately result in much goo
iMontana, being almost the sole representa­
Richfield Sun: The Outzen Mining Co. ,City. Mr.•McMillan is enthusl;
. tive of the .vertical type. The size of con·
has four men at work driving its tunnel timistic as regards the future {
verters at this plant has been steadily in­
into the mountain. The company expects camp.
creased, and most comprehensive experi­
ments have ,been carried out. Finally a to get the main lead in a short distance Vernal Express: A coal de
large type has been perfected, which is be­ and when it does find it it will certainly $10,000 was consum:mated this .;
ing rapidly adopted at many .smelteries, and have a bonanza. It is a known fact that by the Pack & Young eoal m
seems to be the most economical to use. this group of claims is very rich and it hands. The new purchasers'
The Greene-<Cananea 'Consolidated Mining will only be a case of time and hard work Pack and L. H. Allen. By the
company has installed one at Cananea, Mex· ,before the company will reap its reward. they come into possession ot
L. iII. Outzen is very much elated over and most developed coal mine iI
ico; the Calumet & Arizona Mining com­
pany will install five in its plant at Doug­ . the present showing of the tunnel and
says he wlll find the big lead or bu'st.
basin. rrhe vein Is fuJI five
ness and gets better with ev
lass, Arizona, and the Copper Queen, three.
The smelwry of the Arizona Copper com· Milford News: R. H. Burke and Robert depth. The new! owners havst
pany at Clifton, Arizona, will have three, Finley, who have a lease on the Cortez on a larger force of miners a~
and the United Verde, at Jerome, expects .claim in Elephant canyon, belonging to Mrs. ing bins and loading chutes. .
to install some. The Arizona smelteries Sophia Woodhouse, of Beaver, are continuo capacity now Is about 2M toM
will use the .size which is nineteen feet ally showing samples of rock w'ith free will be increased to meet the
high and twelve feet in diameter. .The lat· gold 'visible td the nak;;ed eire running the trade. L. R. Pack will ~
est practice at Great Falls favors even hundreds of dollal'\s to the ton. They went mine. The .purchase Includ1
larger sizes. to Beaver and back on 'business last week, mine 136 acres of patented co,
---'--0)---­ returning to Milford Thursday. They have a ,filing on 160 acres of other i
The Wyoming Mineral Development a. prospective deal on hand for the handling ing the mine. i
company has taken over the Victoria Gold ot this property on a larger scale details ----o,---~

com;pany and the Free Gold group, near of which will be announced later if it goes It is reported that oil has i
through successfuHy. In the W.I", "U,•• In Id

Centennial, Wyoming.
• -
THE SAL T LA K E MIN I N G REV lEW, S E PTE M BE R 15, 19 1 2.
COLORADO. ::: tons of 350-ounce ore. McGuire & Co.
shipped 3 tons of :lOO-ounce ore. Ramonds
Adjoining Slales Georgetowll Courier: The Capital mill & Co. opened up a streak of ore this week
is running steadily on ore from the com­ in their lease which gives values of 250
ARIZONA. [lllny ground in the Cap;tal mine, and a ounces in silver with high lead values.
Range News: The Standard steady and heavy production of concen­ These le3sees expect to commenCe ship­
company, whose property is located ments of ore in the near future.
trlltes and large retorts of gold are being
between Dragoon and Johnson, owned by sent out regularly. The mill is running o
Owen T. Smith, has begun fUrther develop­ IDAHO.
on about 100 tons of ore a day and it now
ment on its property. Mr. Smith has just
looks as thought the ore bodies in the com­
returned from a successful bUSiness trip.
pany ground would keep it running indefin­ Wallace Press·Times: It is reported that
and ample funds have beeu supplied lO
itely. a strike of considerable importance has
finance the property for the next two years.
Thi3 property has all the earmarks of mak­ Idaho Springs "'fining Gazette: Schrieber, been made on the property of the United
ing a mine and is situated between the Cen­ Schoffer and Roller, leasing on the Treas· Lead company a short distance below Os·
turion and Republic. Mr. Smith is an able ure, have opened a streak of rich ore, for burn. The strike is represented as being
mining man of experience and has con­ which this old mine i3 noted. Two months in a drift on the ledge from the long cross·
fidence in the .property. ago these parties secured a lease on a cut. The property lies on the south side
block of ground and proceeded to work of the valley. Formerly it wa3 known as
Prescott Courier: It is reported that the
without any blow or bluster and the result the German-American. Dr. W. G. Pickerell,
Emporia mine3, one of the best gold prop­
is that after a few weeks development, of Spokane, is manager.
erties close to Prescott, will shortly be
they have at the sampler a shipment of .:Mackay Miner: J. A. Phegley of Arco,
un"l',ratered and that the development of
twelve tons of ore that wiIl run over ten in company with John Walsh and George
the property on a large scale will be re­
ounces per ton. There are now six men Serfe!t, visited the Columbia Standard
sumed. In a recent issue of the Courier
employed at the works. group of claims, In which Mr. Phegley is
a quite extended descript'on of the Emporia
Telluride Examiner: The Primos Chemi­ largely interested, the fore part of the week.
properties was printed, and it now appears
that the m,ines are about to make good. cal company is working a force of men This property has a fine, 'strong six-foot vein
The first work to be done, after unwater­ on a large deposit of vanadium ore, which of "good copper ore exposed in several
ing, will be the driving of a level to con­ Ees in contact formation between Bear and places, and is considered to have some of
nect the two shafts, thus affording stoping Fall. creeks, on the south side of the San the best ground in this section. The gentle­
ground while additional sinking i3 being Miguel river. Recently th13 company tried men in control of the property are planning
done. out an auto 'truck, guaranteed to haul six some extensive develQpment Work.
J!'lorenee Blade·Tribune: J!'rank Vincent or seven tons of ore from their property Wallace press·Times: Henry Leeper, of
is assorting a carload of copper OTe at his to the mill, but it is understood the truck Coeur d'Alene, who has charge of the work
Butte mining claims, situated fourteen miles did not make good, and will be shipped on the Pennsylvania Mining company's
east of Florence, and will ship it to Doug­ back to the selling cOmpany and teams will property, formerly known as the Mastadon,
las. The ore runs over 17 per cent copper be put back to do the hauling. about fifteen miles southeast of Wallace,
and about $10 gold per ton. It also car­ Ouray Herald: The grand news reached in the St. Joe district, was in the city yes·
ries som!;l silver. The combined value of Ouray last Sunday that the Camp Bird had terday preparing to take over a second load
the three ·metals runs the ore up to about cut the vein again, this time on the 500 of supplies. He has been employing four
$60 per ton, a very nice shipping product. foot level after crosscutting about sixty feet men in development. He reports an en­
Frank ha3 been prospecting in that district from the shaft. The strike was not con­ couraging showing on the property. The
for a·bout two years past, and he and Henry firmed until Tuesday, when Manager Cox forest fire two years ago wiped out all
Zeuner, postmaster at Price station, are stated to the Herald, that "it would add surface improvements on the property, and
partners in some gold claims, in that 10 materially to the prosperity of the Camp destroyed a vast amount of good timber.
cality, that carry high·grade free gold ore. Bird." On the 400 foot level, the vein is Mullan Progress: The Snowshoe com·
Frank is a sober, industrious miner and nine feet wide, and at the new di~covery pany is still drifting east on the ore 'body
prospector and will make a "stake" in the it has proven to be two feet better. Sample in the lower tunnel. One crosscut has been
Butte district if he keeps his strength and and specimen assay,> run five ounCes in run to the footwall and shows a body of
health. gold. The ore is a lead-sulphide product. sulphide ore 25 feet wide, ·similar in ·char­
Prescott Courier: Development of the .By Wednesday night, they had drifted thirty aeter and mineral contents to the ore being
properties of the Arizona-Portland Mines feet both ways on the vein. No one knows, milled by the Snowstorm. Assays across 25
company, whose large group of claims are for certain, the exact length of the shoot. feet show from 2% to 9 per cent copper.
situated close to the rich strike of the Georgetown Courier: The past two The average will be about :I per cent. The
Commercial Mining company in Copper weeks have witnessed some exceptionally
drift is being continued east on the hang.
Basin, continues steadily and with good re­ . fine 'shipments of ore from the various
ing wall, and a'bout the first of the com­
sults. A small force of men is engaged in leases on the Seven-Thirty and Dives-Peli­
ing week another crosscut will be run to
running a tunnel upon a claim of the group, can property. Paracchini & Co. shipped
the foot wall. So far all of the ore is
which i3 about three-fourths of a mile from 24 tons of ore which gave returns of $150
good mill feed.
Copper Bas!n, and the tunnel has reached a ton. These lessees are operating in a
Mullan Progress: The Carbonate Center
a length of over 100 feet. O. W. Blicken­ winze below the Hercules level and have
Maning company has [been organized !to
staff, of this city, who is one of the prin­ a streak of ore running from one to four take over the property formerly owned by
cipal stockholders of the company, recently feet in width. They expect to have about the Tombstone Mining company, east of
returned from a trip east, where he suc­ 40 tons of this ore and 40 tons of con­ Mullan. The incorporators of the new com­
ceeded in obtaining needed finances for centrating ore ready for shipment early pany are John Foss, Archie Gillis, John
future development work. He reports that. next month. Oscar Johnson & Co. made Erickson, Thomas G. Kennedy and O. A.
while money is by no means easy, there a shipment of 4% tons of ore which re­ Larson. The old stockholders in the 'fomb­
is money to be had for legitimate mining turned values of 300 ounces in slIver with stone coIniPany will be given the opportun­
enterprises. high lead values. Randahl & Co. shipped ity to secure the same number of shares
:.iii ., • iu

THE SAL T L A K E MIN I N G REV lEW, S E PTE M B E R 1 5, 1 9 1 2.

in the new company as they held in the

[Mine <'5- Smelter BUild~

Mr. Norton of Cleveland, Ohio, arrived here
old, 'by payment of their proportion of the last Friday night and departed at onee by
indebtedne3s standing against the old com­ automobile for Sprucemont. These gentle­
pany. The property will be developed by men are m,embels of the Spruce Mountain
the new company as rapidly as possible. The Rambler Mining company, ~
Mining & Smelting company and s.pent sev­
The ground is located on the same vein Rambler, Wyoming, will install a fifl
eral days on the mountain making an ex­ concentrating plant.
as the Carbonate Hill and Carney Copper amination of their holdings. They gave 6ut
claims, both of which have good showings no information as to what conclusions they The Reno Ruhl Mining company, ot4
of ore. arrived at, other than that they intend con­ Nevada, has decided to equip its pro
tinuing the development work which has with a 25-horsepoW1er hOisting plant
Hailey Times: C. ·C. Ruthrauff visited
been in progre3S for several months. It Is reported that a cyanide annex
the Con. Virginia property Saturday after·
Ely Record: The Giroux mines and its be built to the Brady mill of the Manh
noon to examine the condition of the shaft,
cam,P at Kimberly will soon have electric Milling & Orecom,pany at Manhattan
after the burning of the hoisting works sev·
lighting. The cement fOUndation;; are now vada.
eral years ago. The collar was found to
be only slightly Charred. On his return g'oing in for the big 'Corliss engine adjoin­ The Bullwhacker M,iilng compan:
east next month 'Mr, Ruthrauff intends to ing the engine room at the Morris shaft, Butte, ,Montana, expects to erect a J
arrange for building new hOisting works which will furnish the ,power for the dy­ Ing plant. Patrick Clark is president c
of fire,proof material, to be equipped with namos, which will have 440 voltage with company.
an electric hoist and other electric power a three-phase generator. The stations and The Cripple Creek Drainage Tunnel
apparatus. The present vertical -shaft, drifts along the sulphide zone will be II­ pany, of Cripple Creek, 'Colorado, ma
which is 270 feet deep, wtll be extended 11lIminated by electricitw, .and there will stall an electric power plant at the I
with an incline on the vein to a ,further also be plenty of "juice" for. the entire of its tunnel.
depth of one hundred feet, and drifts will camp at Kimberly. It is expected that the ,The Nevada Gold Northern Mining
be run both east and west, the former plant will 'be in operation in November, pany, of Fairview, Nevada, WI. F. S
to catch the ore shoot now leading down or early in December. general manager, has about decided to"
and west from the Relief, and the latter Ely Record: Ralph Kellogg, manager of its property with a big milling plant
to intersect the Hancock and Alta veins the Ely Con., visited the Cuba mine in Tb.e LaFountaine Bros., of Bo'
up the gulch. the Blaine district Saturday last, which Ferry, Idaho, will build a $25,000 flum
,~-o--- he controls under a two year lease, and the Lolo group of placer claims. GUY
was more than well pleased with the splen­ neaux, of Sandpoint, Idaho, is their
did showing the property is -making at the neer.
present time. He is working only a few It is stated that a strong COmPlfl
Tonopah Miner: Another new ore body men at the mine, but since his last trip
was opened up in the M1acNamara mine about to take over the Bi,Metal mines
they had taken about 400 sacks of ore which Kingman, Arizona, and that it is the:
this week about 100 feet east of 'stope twen­ is expected to average at least 80 per
ty-six. This was cut in a crosscut from tion to equip the same with a large m
cent in lead and 400 sacks which will aver· plant.
the east end. of dIjft twenty.,slx, which age 50 per cent, besides about 250 tons of
passed through thirty feet of quartz In ThePocohontas Copper Queen M
second-grade ore which will pay to ship.
Which were four feet of ore assaying from company, of Mayer, Arizona, W. H. Skj
A ,shipment of two cars of ore will be made
$25 to $30 a ton and this has now been general manager, will equip its pro
by the middle of the present month, and
drifted on for fifteen feet and gives every W1ith a neW' ho!sting plant and m,Ulln!
as lead is now $4.85 per hundred, it will
indication of yielding a large tonnage for chinery.
be seen that the I,ease is making good
the mill. money at the present time. Ben Ross of Silverton, Colorado,
Pioche Record: It Is reported from re­ Ely Record: Ore bin3 for the Copper­ build a cyanide plant for the treatme
liable authority that the deal which has Mines company have been erected on the ores from the Esmeralda mine, as WI
been pending for some time and which waste dump of the Nevada Con. at Star custom ores. The initial capacity 0
involves a controlling interest in the Prince plant will be 100 tons, daily.
Pointer, and immediately above the l\-lin­
Consolidated ,mine, has been consummated. nesota shaft, through which all of the ore ----0--­
It is said that the new management will is being hoisted, The cement foundation CONSTRUCTION NOTES.
take formal control within the next few is in for the hoisting engine, which is on.
days, and confirmatory of this report is the ground and will soon be in place, and The city of Tucson, Arizona, will
the announcement that Mr. A. Y. Smith, go into commission, after which the ore build a reinforced concrete waterresl
who is to be the manager, ""'ill be in camp from the, shaft will be, raised to the ore of 7,250,000 gallons capacity.
again within the next few hours, bins through an incline and dumped direct­ It is reported that Arthur Arms)
Winnlmucca Star. J. P. Turner, the well­ ly into the bins, from which it will be aud associates, of Ephraim, Utah, will
known -mining man, left Saturday With a drawn into cars for shipment as 'soon as build a flouring mill, and a grain elev~
load of supplies and tools for the southern the steel ralls are laid connecting the bins The county commis.sioners of Box
end of the Eugene mountains, where he will with the Nevada Northern track. In the county, Utah, utilizing the recent boni
start work on the old "56" copper mine. meantime shipments are continuea by Which realized $75,000, will soon ad'll!
This mine is situated not far from the wagons from the shaft to the siding near for bids for ,the building of sixteen
Humboldt river /Southwest of Mill City and Junction City. It is expected that ship­ bridges.
was located in the year 1856 by L. D. Vary,
who ,was passing down the river on his
ments by rail directly from the shaft will ---0--­
be commenced within a couple of weeks Patrick Clark of Spokane,
way W'Jth a party of emigrants to' the then when more miners will be employed and the Bullwhacker mine at Butte, Mont.,
great gold fields of California. As near the output from the property largely in­ on his return from the mine that
a's known it was the first quartz mine lo­ creased. development w1\l be continued
cated in the state of Nevada. tenaive scale, and that a
Wells Herald: 'C. H. Hand, of Los will be, '
Angeles, accompanied by E. E. Vessey
if r ;­

THE SAL T LA K EM' N , N G REV' E W, S E PTE M BE R 15. 1912. ~
L. F. Miller, in charge of the physics and j
{: Personal Mention electro·metallurgical department of the Col.
orado School of Mines, has been inspecting
I. Engineers and Mil/men I
the mines and smelteries in the principal F. Augustus Heinze is ill Salt Lake City.
A. Y. Smith of Los Angeles, California,
districts of Colorado.
was a recent visitor in Salt Lake. Frank H. Probert has returned to Call·
C. J. McGlynn, president of the Alta· fornia after an extended trip in Europe,
Grant Snyder, of Salt Lake City, has
Emerald Mining company,. will reside in
been visiting the mining camps of Colorado. H. C. Hoover, a mining engineer of Lon­
Salt Lake City. The mI'ne i.n Little Cot·
C. W. Gaby, of Ely, Nevada, is noW in don, England, and author of "PrinCiples of
tonwood canyon, near Salt Lake City, is to
charge of the ·tireat Valley mine at Hamil­ Mining" is in New York.
be opened up on a large scale.
ton, same state. Albert Frank, general manager of the
J. O. Gilchrist has returned to Pittsburg.
G. D. 'Wilkin, superintendent of the Mos· Ohio Copper company, has returned to Salt
PennsylVania, after spending two months at
cow mine near Milford, Utah, is visiting Lake City from the east.
the property of the Eureka·Ophir Mining
relatives in Ohlo~ cO'mpany in the Stockton district of Utah, Sydney II. Ball has returned to New
A. W. Brantlund has accepted a position in Which he is interested. D. F. Clinton is York, after examining some properties in
as superintendent of the Ruth mine, near manager of the mine. the Ural mountains, in -Russia.
Kingman, Arizona. Hansen E'vs'mith, of Duluth, Minnesota, William w;.rd, who has been in CoIOln·
R. R. Clark, of Muskogee, and 13. F. Hil­ who has been making such a success of bia, South America, investigating placer
liard, of Porum, Oklahoma, are visitiug the theSt. Marys mine near ,Milford, Utah, dur­ ground, has returned to Denver, ·Colorado.
Zero mine near Prescott Arizona. ing the past summer, has returned home Robert S. Lewis, a graduate of Leland
W. E. Young, of Chicago, Illinois, reo with the intention of returning to Star dis­ Stanford university, has begun his duties
cently visited the Rich Gulch mine, near trict at an early day. at the University of Utah, as associate pro·
Silver City, Idaho, where he holds an in­ R. C. Breemer, sales maI:\ager for the fe3sor of mining.
terest. Wm. Jes,30p & Sons. Inc., importers of high· Jules Labarthe, general manager of the
W. H. Smith of Shell Rock, Iowa, a grade tool and drill steel, was in Salt Lake Mason Valley Mines company, with proper·
stockholder in the Big Five Mine, at Idaho the first of the month. While here he com­ ties in the Yerington district of Nevada, is
Springs, Colorado, recently visited that pleted arrangements with Delos Irish to in Salt Lake City on professional business.
property. represent his company in this territory. D. C. Jackllng, president and general
W. C. Hunter, assistant superintendent H. B. PauUm, of Duluth, Minnesota and manager of the Utah Copper company, has
of the Montana-Tonopah 'Min!ng company, J. E. Curry, of Warren, Arizona, who are returned to Salt Lake City, from Butte,
of Tonopah, Nevada, has been in Oakland, connected with the accounting department Montana, where he has been examining the
California. of the Amalgamated Copper company, are Butte & Superior mine.s.
R. C. Kerens, vice-president of the San making an examination of the affairs of the F.' F. Hintze Jr., of Salt Lake has re­
Pedro, Los Angeles and Salt Lake Route, Giroux Consolidated cO'mpany at Ely, Ne­ turned to Columbia university where he will
with associates, was a recent visitor at vada. finish his course in geology. He wiH grad­
Tonopah, Nevada. J. L. Craig, J. V. Lyle and C. H. Jenkin· uate in 1913. Mr. Hintze devoted his .. um·
William J. Priestly, Jr., is in Brigham son, of Salt Lake, who are with the Ore· mer vacation to the study of the geology of
City, Utah, having resigned his position as gon Short Line railroad, recently visited the Cottonwood districts.
superintendent of the Rhodes-Hall mine, Milford, Utah, and, while there, made an o
}I'airbanks, Alaska. inspection of the property of the Mining POTASH PROPERTY WANTED.
Range Gold MIning company, in which they
O. Barlow Wilmarth, of Telluride, Colo­ I have a ready customer for a large pot·
are interested.
rado, general manager of the Colorado Car­ t,oh property. Would appreciate any infor­
notite company, has moved his residenoo to J. W. Power, of Twin Falls, Idaho, who
is largely interested in Jarbidge district, mation relative to a property of this kind.
Montrose, same state. Give all the details yoU possibly can and
Nevada, was a recent Salt Lake visitor, com­
Walter Wilson, who is' president of the ing here on important mining business. Mr. address ·same to C. A. W1" care of Salt Lake
Manhattan Amalgamated Mining company, Mining Review. Sept. 15, 2t
POWer is much pleased with conditions at
at Manhattan, Nevada, has returned from a 0>----­
Jarbidge and stated that the camp was im­
trip to Los Angeles, California. WILL SELL OR LEASE.
proving rapidly.
F. M. Bender, of Marion, Ohio, president
George St. Clair, of Ophir, Utah, mine OWner will sell, lease, or stock propo­
of the Golden Gate Mining company, has
manager for the Lion Hill Consolidated sition. A splendid copper, sllver·gold propo­
taken charge of the company's operatioIL3 in
Mines company, was in 'Salt Lake, last sition in Nevada. Six miles from Central
the Greenhorn district of Oregon.
week, with another 50-ton shipment of high· Pacific ~ailroad. Have shipped several cars
S. H: Douglas, of Salt Lake, has returned grade ore. Mr. St. Clair states that the of flne ore from upper workings. Owner
from Hazelton, B. C., where he made an in· mine is looking fine, and that development wants funds to complete lower tunnel.
spection of the Rocher de Boule mine which work is being kept well ahead of ore ex­ Property well equipped. Complete descrip­
he states, is in a flourishing condition. ' traction. tion to interested parties. Box 7615, Salt
W. H. Tangye is the new superintendent The Co;pper Era, of Clifton, Arizona, Lake, Utah. Sept. 15·2t,
of the Calumet and Sonora Mining corn. states that A. Lafave and wife recently ----40)---­
pany, operating near Cananea, Sonora, Mex. celebrated Hie 49th anniversary of their The Yukon Gold company, operating In
ico, and succeeds Charles Strachan in that wedding, For a number of years Mr. La· the Klondike district of Yuk(ln TerritorY.
position. fave resided in Salt Lake, and was quite Canada, handled in July, by dredging, 1,020,­
I. P. Allen, president of the Nonpareil ,heavily interested in mining in this section, 700 cubic yards of gravel, yielding $644,000
Mining company, and J. P. Burke and E. H, where he made many friends because of in bullion. The production for the season
Callahan, of San FranCisco, have been in­ his many sterling qualities. He is now eu­ up ·to July 30th, was $2,760,700 from 2,481"
specting the company's property at Vlrner, gaged in mining in the near vicinity of 100 cubic yards of gravel. These results
California, Clifton, are better than those of 1911.

THE SAL T L A K E MIN I N G REV lEW, S E PTE M B E R 1 5, 1 9 1 2.

[ Dips, Spurs and Angles l the properties ~f the Anaconda Copper Min. The plant was blown in May 29th,
ing company. should begin to show earnings during'
The Brown Mountain pyritic smeltery second half of the year.
The mines of Park City, Utah, produced at Ouray, Colorado, wi1l be blown in at The Chino Copper company, operatin
7,020 tons of ore during the month of Au­ an 'early date. The capacity will be 125 Grant county, New Mexico, made a pr9
gust. tons. tion of 3,618,226 pounds of copper in
The Lower Mammoth' company, of Mam­ A syndicate, headed by James .s. Doug­ gust. With the exhaustion of the OlfiJ
,moth, Utah, is shipping ore going from 35 las, of Douglas, Arizona, has taken over surface deposits, a better recovery is l!!
to 40 per cent zinc. the property of 1he Uniteq Verde Exten· made on the sulphide ores.
The Victoria mine, of Eureka, Utah, re­ sion Copper company In the Jerome dis· The improvement in the metal rna
cently shi:pped three cars of ore which trict of Arizona. and favorable smelting contracts have
brought the company over $6,000. The Rico-Well1ngt;on Mining companYi abled the Carisa Mining company of
A ten-stamp mill has. been erected by of Provo, Utah, recently paid $50,000 on the tic, Utah, to ship fifty or sixty 'ca;s of­
C. E. Warren, superintendent, at the Juanita bond on its property, the money coming from its old waste dumps, formed "
mine, near Prescott, Arizona. from are shipments from the companys mine the mine was a producer of rich ores.
at Rico, Colorado. The deep shaft of the Goldfield Me
The new boiler and compressor plant of
the Boston.Ely, at Ely, Nevada, is about The mall routing for Jarbidge, Nevada, Mining. company has passed the 1300·
ready to be put in commission. from Salt Lake, has been changed from level and it is planned to connect the 1
via Three Creeks, Idaho, to via Deeth, Ne­ foot level with the same level of the (;
The mill of the Maricopa Mines company,
vada, making a much shorter route to this field Consolidated. This' wlll assist the
in Lander county, Nevada, has been started. 'Velopment of both of these Nevada III
promising gold camp.
The company employl.3· thirty·five men. at depth.
The July operations of the Nevada Hills
The Iron Blossom mine, of Tintic dis· Mining company, netted over $64,000. The The Mushett & Wittenburg lease on
trict, Utah, has been mining about 100 tons average value of ore treated was $28.44 per Manhattan Consolidated, at Manhattan~
of fine copper ore, weekly, for sO'llletime ton, with a total production of 3,550 tons vada, Is preparing for a production of
past. and a recovery of 91.2 per cent. tons per day. Some very rich ore is
The Miami Copper company, of Arizona, Carl M, Owen, president,' and Martin to have been uncovered on the 130·
produced in July, a little over 3,000,000 level, and the same shoot is being SOl
Schwerin, general manager, of the Rico
pounds of copper, which breaks its former on the 250·foot level.
Mining company, have returned to New
record. York after spending a week at the com· Harvey M. Ross, manager of the N~
John Price, who is leasing on the Buck· pany's :property at Rico, Colorado. Mining company, operating near Kell
wheat mine, near La Plata, Colorado, is The Alta Consolidated Mining company, Idaho; has arranged for a power line J
preparing to ship a carland of high grade ,,·ith mines at the head of Little Cottonwood the Bunker Hill & Sullivan power hous
silver are. its property on Pine Creek. A seventy
canyon, near Salt Lake City, is shipping fifo
horsepower motor will drive a compre
The Colorado Mining company, of Tintic teen to twenty tons of lead·silver ore dally.
O. A. Jacobson is superintendent. of 427 cubic feet capacity.
Utah, has passed its dividend, in order to
The Silver King Consolidated Mining The placer property of the Dutch
keep its surplus unimpaired by the exten..3ive
development work to be undertaken. company, of Park City, Utah, has increased Mining company, in Humboldt county."
vada, has been bought by T. F. Brot:/;
An explooion of firedamp in the Clarence Its capital stock to 700,000 shares of $1 each,
of Salt Lake City. The property has I
pit, near Lens, France, on September 3rd, for the purpose of sinking Its shaft deeper
worked but little although about $tO!
resulted in the death of forty miners. The and acquiring adjacent claims.
in gold has been taken out. A large fore
mine is on fire and. w1Il have to be sealed The Gold Roads Mines company, a sub­ men will be put at work at once.
off. sidiary of the United States Smelting, Re­
fining & Mining company, has ordered twu The Goldfield Consolidated Mining •
Construction work commenced, recently
on the new mill of the Idaho Continental,' gasoline trucks, for service from its mine.. pany, of Goldfield, Nevada, has declarej
at Gold Roads, to Kingman, Arizona. regular quarterly dividend of thirty ~
near Porthill, Idaho. The mine, owned by a share, payable October 31st, to stocjQ
Spokane people, was financed by John D. The new Calumet and Arizona smeltery,
ers of record September nth. Tp,eam
Ryan. which It was orl~nally planned to blow,
to be distributed is $1,067,729, bringing
in August 13th, will probably not be blown
A. M. 'Wilson, who has made several total payments to date to $22,840,789
in before the first of 1913. The company
shipments, now has three carloads of car­ The Hecla Mining company, of Wal:
is now earning about $7.70 per share.
notite ore ready for shipment at his mines Idaho, paid dividend No. 110, amounti~
in the Paradox country, San Miguel county, Charles Cox, superintendent of the P. $20,000, August 20. This was the rei
Colorado. P. R. mill in Gilpin county, Colorado, reo monthly dividend, based on two ce~
The plant of the. Primos Chemical com· cently deposited in a Central CUy bank a share on an issued capitalization of $1,
pany, at CIIfton Station, Pennsylvania, has gold retort, weighing 657:. ounces and worth 000. The total amount of dividends in,
been destroyed by fire.. The company has $1,117, which was the result of one month's is $160,000, and the total to date ii"
extensive vanadium properties in western cleanup at the mill. 510,000.
Colorado. The Ely Copper company is planning to The iShannon Copper company, oJ.
The LOwer Mammoth Mining company resume operations near Ely, Nevada, by lng nea,r Metcalf, Arizona, has
of Tintic, Utah, expects to ship some of its sinking a shaft near the east boundary of dividend of fifty cents a share,
zinc ore this month. The deposit Is on its properties, to seek an ore body, bellev­ Qetoben 1st. This means a
the 1,500-foot level, and the showing is said ed to underly this location. The mine has $150,000, and II. total ()f $609,000. ~~._j_
to be good. been Idle since 1907. statement of the company" ~
The copper production of the
Montll,na, dlstri!)t for AUlPlst, wall ;:1S."bJ~.UU'U
p.;rl!!!ds, thll wb!\l)l
32 THE SAL T L A K E MIN I N G REV lEW, S E PTE M B E R 1 5, 1 9 1 2.

Arizona Railroad's six per c~nt bonds bav­ The American B03ton Mining compl!.'l'y. National Reserve Bank of New York; Wil­
ing been retired. N. 1.. Amster, president, Diorite, Michigan, will install in its power liam A. Beaudry, superintendent of the min~;
of Boston, Massachusetts, says that the net plant a 500-kllowatt, 2300-volt Curtis turbo­ and Allen P. Bowie, assistant cashier of
profits for the fiscal year will be $600,000. generator. The order for this unit has !leell the State Savings Bank of Butte. It is ex­
During August. the Eva Mining company, p'llced with the General Electric company, pected that Allison will become president
<,perating in the Mount Nebo district of ·The International Smelting & Refining of the company and Cullen, secretary. The
Ftah, shipped about 200 tons of ore, of a company has spent about $6,01)11,1)00 in new finanCial state'Il1ent -shoWS $270,000 on hand.
g:-oss value of $6,000. George L. Hyde iB rjants and equipment, of which $4,000.ilOO There are 1,238,262 shares of a par value
president l!nd geenral manager; C. A. Hyde, was expended on th~ Tooele plant, in Utah. of $1 each, and the mines and mining prop­
,l{'e president; John L. Whiting. secretary About $3,000.00(1 came from earnings. erty are carried at a valuation of $1,378,363.
and treasurer, and Thomas West and M, W. The McKinley-Darragh-Savage mining The net profit for the year ending June
Bird, additi?nal directors. company of Cobalt, Ontario. recently 30, was $276,181. F. Augustus Heinze still
Work has been begun on the spur con­ shipped thirty-eight tons of ore, valued at retains the control.
necting th~ property of the Inspiration Cop­ $142,231. or a little better than $4,000 per Gr~en River Dispatch: Colonel C. E.
per company to the Arizona Eastern rail­ ton in silVer. which makes a new record for Loose of Provo was an arrival Sunday even­
way, and on the extension of the line from the district. The previous recorn were ing, accompanied by his ,son-In-law, Preston
Miami, Arizona, to the Inspiration Tunnel made by the Temiskaming Mining campany Peterson. They visited the Wimmers and
Site and the Live Oak mine. A number with cars containing $144,000 and $127,000 In drove out to the coal mines that they are
of new dwellings have been built near the silver, respectively, and the Casey Cobalt. preparing to open up and which are com·
portal of the Inspiration tunnel. with one shipment, whiCh returned $132,000. manly known as the old Farrer mines. They
The Arizona Copper, operating at CIif· The Calumet & Arizona and the Copper already have two men at work and by the
ton, Arizona, had a gross profit of $850,215 Queen Consolidated Mining companies of time snow fiies w!1l prObably be getting out
for the half year ending March 31st. Pro· Bisooe, Arizona, increased miners' wages fuel of very fine quality. A pipe line two
duction was 9073 tons of Bes~mer copper. tw~nty-five cents a day, beginning Septem­ miles in length is being construct~d to
Superintendent George Frazer of the smel­ ber 1st. The operators decided to share supply water for camp use at the Collins
tery will make a trial of basic converter some of the profits of the lat~ copper mar­ oil well. Contractor H. H. McFann and
lining, which has displaced the acid lining ket with their employees. This wage seal.. his crew have everything In readiness to
at many smelteries, during the past two is the same as that of Butte, Montana, begin drilling as '300n as th~ piping ar­
years. when considered on the day bas:s At rives to complete the water supply sys­
Butte, however, the miners must put in a tem. This well, being soclos~ to this
The Calumet & Arizona Mining company city, will soon be a pOint of interest to
with smeltery at Douglas, Arizona, has de­ full eight-hour shift, while in Bisbee. they
are only required to work. ·on an average, Sunday visitors, who will go out there in
clared a quarterly dividend of $1 per share, great numbers.
payable September 23rd. Sixty-five dol­ seven and one-half hours.
lars a share have been pa!d to date, or a At the recent stockholders meeting of o
total of $15,500,000. The Superior & Pitts· the Black Jaek and Plutus i'vllning com­ AMERICAN GEM OUTPUT.
burg, own~d by the Calumet and Arizona panies, operating in th~ Tintic district,
company, will pay thirty cents a share on Utah, the following officers were elected: American mines in 1911 yielded $2,700
the same date. Plutus Mining company, Jesse Knight, presi­ worth of diamonds, $9,500 worth of emer­
dent; Jacob Evans, vice-president; David alds, $215,313 worth of sapphires, and $44,­
The Braden Copper Mines company, Evans, dir~ctor and general manager; W.
operating in Chili, South America, is ex· 751 worth of turqUOise, according to figures
Lester Mangum, secretary and treasurer;
perimenting with fill~r grinding, for which just compiled by the United States Geologi­
J. William :Knight and George Havercamp,
purpose it will install a Hardinge mill and cal Survey. The total output of precIous
additional directors. Black Jack Mining
a twenty-two foot tube mill. It i3 hoped to stones in the United States last y~ar was
company. Jesse Knight, president; H. G.
increase th~ extraction above th~ present valued at $343,692; the production in ·1910
McMillan, vice-president; W. Lester Man­
figure of eighty per cent, If results are ;was valued at $295,380.
gum, secr~tary and treasurer; F. D. Kim­
satisfactory, the Minerals Separation com­ An important feature of the gem-mining
ball and Mr. Mangum, addition directors.
pany:s flotation process will be installed. industry in the Unit~d States during 1911
Harry Gestry and Levi Syphus, of St. was the result of prospecting at the Turner
During the month of July, the Tonopah­ Thomas, Nevada, recently made a most im­ emerald mine near Shelby, N. C. The qual·
Belmont Developm~nt company of Tonopah, portant strike in the old Savanic mine near ity of some of the gems and the value of
Nevada, treated 10,415 tons of ore, with a the Grand Gulch, just over the 'N~vada the gem material found in this deposit with
net profit of $114,081. The new mill at line, In AriZona. According to reports they a small amount of d~velopment work are.
Tonopah is giving very satisfactory results, put in one round of holes Is the old work­ promising, for the output included gems val­
and underground conditions at the mine are IngB, and broke into a body of solid, high. ued at $100 to $200 per carat and equal In
favorabl~. The next dividend will be paid grade copper ore. The lucky owners of this quality to the average rnn of the meraids
October· 1st, to stockholders of record on property, .at one time controlled by Col. H. from South America During the last three
September 14th. Twenty-fiv~ cents a share L. Pickett, of Salt Lake, but now of Tomb­ years this one locality in North Carolina has
will be paid. stone, Arizona, took out about $4,000 in ore yielded gems worth $10,500.
The r~port of the Ray Consolidated Min­ in about three weeks. They will continue Much Interest has lat~ly ooen aroused in
ing company, of Ray, Arizona, for the sec­ work, and expect to begin ore shipments the moss agates found in Montana, some of·
ond quarter of 1912, shows a copper produc­ at an early date. which are remarkable for their resemblance
tion of 8,952,074 pounds, from 374,609 tons At the last meeting of ·the stockholders to landscapes. By taking advantage .of the
of ore. The ore averaged 1.72 per cent of of the Stewart Mining company, operating arrangement of the dark seams and den­
copper. The recovery was 69.37 per cent near Wardner, Idaho, the following men dritic patches, patterns are obtained that
against 68.85 for the preceding quarter. The were elected directors to replace the old resemble· moss. sea growth, ferns, rushes,
cost per pound of copper was reduced from board: Edward J, Hickey, president of the trees, and landscapes with water and
10.19 cents to ·9.954 cents. The cost in State Savings Bank of Butte; W. E. Cullen: Islands. The cut gems consist of stones
June was 8.95 cents. Of Spokane; W. O. Allison, president of the suitable for use lubrooches, stick pins.
T HE SAL T LA K E MIN I N G REV lEW, S E PTE M B E R 1 5, 1 91 2. 33

watch fobs, belt buckles, and other orna­ stage of preparation to another; yet but to other houses to be compounded with puln'
ments. The gems cut from the Montana one teacupful of this harmless looking liquid and other substances into· divers kinds or
moss agate or mocha stone command good would be quite sufficient to destroy not powders and high explosives. By one prO:
prices, bringing anywhere from $1 to $200 only the factory but prety much everything cess it Is poured into a baSin filled witff
or $300 apieCe. Some Of the smaller stones else for a cons!derabledistance. There may pulp and by a hard rubber wheel is mlxeqi
suitable for stick pins, if the mossy or fern· be seen other work houses, separated by into a yellow porous substance. This Bub'·
like patterns are particularly delicate and uniform distan~es an.d connected. by nar­ stance is dynamite, ready to be loaded lnie!
beautiful. bring $25 each. row gauge tracks, wherein men work nitro· cllltridges, ThIs loading is accomplished ~
Most of Ameriacn diamonds come from glycerine and pulp cotton into dynamite machinery, the machine being ·fed great
Arkansas and California, although accounts and blasting gelatine. Under a nitrating basketfuls of the product at a time. A
have appeared in newspapers of the discov­ process the pulp becomes giant powder, Red dozen cartridges are thus made In a very
ery of theoo gems in Illinois and Texas_ The Cross, Hercules, Judson, ·carbonite, foreite, few seconds. The next step Is to pack the
most important find of the year in Arkan­ and other high explosives. For the perfec­ cartridges In cases to be removed to the
sas was an 8% carat white diamond-the tion of nitroglycerine the greatest .care must storage magazines. Giant gelatine Is ~
largest diamond so far found in the sta.te be exercised. During' the process of fusion substance almost thrice as powerful as dyna..
Another white diamond, of 322-64 carats, with nitric and SUlphuric acids in big Ca!' mite. It is made In the same way that
was also found. drons holding hundreds of gallons an ex·pert dynamite is made, although it Is handled
The largest emerald so far discovered in keeps sending a cooling stream through th~ in a separate house.
North Carolina. measured about 1 inch by coils in order to maintain the proper tern.
* of an inch by half an inch. It was about perature. It must also be kept constantly
half of a crystal split parallel with the agitated while it is undergoing this mixing


length. This piece has been cut into about process. Should. the temperature rise or
twenty gems, the largest of which weighs should the liquid cease to stir, a most de-­ (Press, Beaver City, Utah.)
about 3 carats. This stone has been de· structive explosion might immediately ocelli'. It is stated that work on the Beaver
scribed as having an excellent deep-green For the most part, It is said, explosions In Butte,in Newton district, is being ste~dl!!
color and as being particulalry beautiful at mixing houses are due to overheating and pushed along at a satisfactory rate. and
night. It has almost no visible, but insufficient stirring-though, it may be that a considerable quantity of $8 and $10
is slightly foggy In strong dayfight. added, few persons close enough to an ex­ rock Is being deevloped. The Butte is a
ConSiderable business in gems is done
plOSion to acquire information as to its close neig.hbor to the Beaver Bonanza. and
among tourists along the coast of Califor­
cause have ever lived to tell. It follows the Sheep Rock, which is now stacking ul!
nia and Oregon, the beach pebbles having
that even the most expert workers are In. a big shipment of $500 ore. No reports
peculiar textures" odd markings, and pleas·
no position to state with definiteness when have reached here this week of anythlnj
ing colors. Some of these stones have been
an explosion is about to occur. When it new at the Rob Roy, except that the velu
described in terms suggested by character­
has a.curred the survivors can only guess that was struck a few weeks ago Is keep.
istic features sueh as "enychthyol," "tlower.
at the cause. As a general thing accidents in ing right up to expectations, .and that •

stone," "wire agate," "fish egg," and "Jap­
dynamite and powder mills are exceedingly
anese stone. One company in Avalon, Cal., infrequent. Indeed, they are out of all pro·
has been engaged in cutting these stones portion to the risk. Many safety appliances
big shipment of high grade is being gol
ready for the Salt Lake market,
Repotrs eoming in from the King of th.
for several years. The stone is obtained are employed safety walls and embank­ Hills property in the Granite district a.r~

in all s'zea, from cobbles over 6 inches thick ments, hose houses, hasty exit doors; and to the effect that they have one of th,
to small pebbles, but good gem material is similar devices. The buildings are lighted biggest copper propositions in the country
not plentiful. Beach pebbles are collected electrically, There is no wIring at all In Recent operations there have developel! f
and cut for the tourist trade·along the coast the dangerous houses, which are lighted vein of high grade copper for a consider
of Oregon, as in southern California. The from the outside. Th~n. too, every article able distance with an average width 0:
tourists also collect these pebbles to carry used In and about the ma~hinery is made fourieen to eighteen feet, and an avetagi
off as souvenirs, ether polished or in the with peculiar care. Every person enter-. value of .more than 10 per cent copper, ant
rough. ing the grounds of a dynamite plant Is other values in gold and silver and somi
A copy of the surveys report on gems ., thoroughly searched-matches, ·knives, and streaks in the vein going as high as 2:
and precious stones, 1911, by Douglas B, all metalItc substances that could produce per cent copper. One of the most encour
Sterrett, may be obtained free on applica­ a spark being rigidly excluded. No danger aging things around the camp Is that out
tion to the director of the U. S. Geological whatever offers In the acid houses. Here side people have an envious eye on th.
the acids are. extracted from ores. In one property, and a number of overtures hav.
Survey, Washington, D. C.
house sulphuriC acid is mixed with .nltric, been made by different parties for a coli
- - - - - 0 ......- - ­
The ooids are then applied to glycerinll In trolling interest, but so far the ownem
DYNAMITE IN THE MAKING. the big vats In the mixing building already seem to be inclined to paddle their OWl
mentioned. In the mixing process the gly­ canoe.
(Internatio~al Investments.) cerine liberates the nitrogen from the acid, F. P. Kessler is in from the Old Cali!

To the casual visitor to a dynamite fac­ the sulphuric element taking up the water property, where he a.nd Will Hardy have I

tory there is little indication that tremen­ set free in the operation. The mixture, lease. He states that their tlrst car of or.

dous explosives are in ·course of manufac­ watched with the utmost care and care­ was shipped to the Salt Lake market oi

ture, for the general appearance of the place fully tested with the thermometer from time Monday and that they have plenty of shll

is peaceful enough. One sees in the mix· to time, In <the ·meantlme becomes nitro­ pi{lg ore in sight. The work is now bel,

ing building nitroglycerine being mixed in glycerine and is piped of Into another stage directed to the driving of a drift for a dij

thousands .of gallons and running down of perfection, being washed In warm water tance of sixty feet, for the purpose ~f gej

leaden gutters into great tanks. This pro­ and soda to free· it of any acid that might tlng under the ore so that it can be taki

duct Is driven by means of cold air through induce decomposition and explosion in late! out more advantageously. Mr. Kessler cau

a series of lead coils, is piped ~ff, drawn stages. The nitroglycerine is now drawn In not ·tell <the extent of the ore chute, b

off, poured off, and agitated tbrough one vessels and conveyed with the utmost carl' there Is sufficient high grade shipping ot


Room with Bath, $1.50 and $2.00

Per Day


Albany Hotel

This is something new for a Den­ I

The New Sparta Drilling Machines ver Hotel. Larger rooms with bath
Have recently won several competelive $2.50 and $3.00 per day. Try one
tests in drilling for mineral and water.
They are guaranteed to operate as suc~
of these moderate priced rooms with
cessfully by distillate as by steam. bath, and you will be pleased. New
These machines are built in either trac­
tions or portables with capacities up to Fire Proof Annex, _every room with
2500 feet. bath, completed July 1st, 1912.

Salt Lake Brancb 926, Kearns Building

J. c. ROBERTS, Manager
sigb t 10 keep the lcasers bll!:5Y ali ;c)unl'
sequent innocent purchaser, in good faith
and for a valuable conSideration, of the
Location by Asaociatea.-A location by
an association of persons is but a single lo­
So IlH:' dctire Ol)erations are to llf' (-om· same real property or any portion thereof, cation and not se!parate locations of each,
t:'1l{'('L! <\L tIle' Oak Lea[ propf,-'!'ty in a few whoEe conveyance 6hall hI" first duly re­ and will be treated as an entirErty under one
ty!-.!. Preparations are heing TuaU!:. to i11­ corded. Frank H. Waskey v. J. J. Cham­ locati<>n for >all purposes of marking boun·
rtU a stealll hobt at 1he V1"0I.lenly 0arly bers. Supreme Court of the United States, daries, doing assessment work. expenditure
',xt month. The maellillE'ry Ins heen pllr· 32 SUIl. Ct. Rep. 597. for patent. and discovery of mineral, and a
lased and is no"v ilJ trallsit and will ue Development Work.-Where an original .single dt3covery Is all that is required to
rought l1V from .\fiHorti as soon as it arc locator of a mining cJ.aim on unoccupied support it, and the :wsociates may maintain
yes. A ll<lrty ('onsi;;ting of L B. Bolli' pl1blic mineral lanc13 did some work in ex­ such condition of entirErty, though they con·
C. .\[cGany and W. :\f. Chris,ian went cavating a discovery cut, and then relocat­ vey.ed a specifiC part in consideration of the
nt On Tl1(>sday tn lnsJw('! rhe- property. ed the claim and further exc·3,varcd the dis­ undertaking by the grantee to do discovery
nd llwy n'port a tille IJoell' or ore has been covery cut and completed it so as to make work for the henefit of the associates.­
lwn"rl up ~ll(1 will I,., hrought to tl1f: S\Ii'. it of the necessary dimensions, ~nd thereby Merced Oil Mining Co. v. Patterson, Su­
aCe (fOl' J:;hlpmf>lJl as soon as the new completed the location of the gmund, he ac­ preme Court of California, 122 Pacific 950.
fJuilJll1t'nt b jJia("vd in l:Olllntission, 'The quired title, in the ahsence or. ?ny showing Lien on Mine.-A contract for the sale of
),ik Lear hab bf'cn rillE' to go into fIle sbilJ­ that the rights of another to the ground at­ mining claims, which provides 'that the
jag class [or sonw timE', but a lack of tached in the interim by virtue of a location purchaser shall keep posted on the prem­
'orking capital stood ill tlte way. This hy him.-Eureka Exploration Co. v. Tom ises notices signed by the vendor to the
ondiiion has lwen removed and regnlar Moore Min. & Mill. Co., Supreme Court of effect that he will not be liahle for labor
hipments will probahly follow. Cclorado, 123 Pacillc 655. and materials or machinery furnished for
----o---~ Locatlon.-The rule that a locator of a the premises, makes the purchaser the
RECENT MINING DECISIONS, mining claim on unoccupied public mineral agent of the vendor in keeping such a no­
lands cannot, by relocation, extend the time tice posted, and the vendor may not as
(l'l'eptll'pd lor The }\'1illillg Reyiew.) within which the necessary steps must be against laborers or materialmen avail him­
Lessee of Mine.-A h':"ee in possession taken to complete a location, applies only self of the failure or the purchaser so to
f a milling l'Iail1l in Alask,l lInee1' an agree, where right. of third persons intervene be· do, but the laborers or materialmen may
(e;'lt to work the !;am" con LllI;ously, and tween >the original location and the reloca· enforce their liens as authorized by the me·
ay over 10 the le,,,or a p~rcentage oI the tion, and the time wiJthin which the steps chanlcs' lien act of 1899 (Laws 1899. p
ainerals extracted, is a purchaser for a required to constitute a valid location is 261). Pike v Empfield, Court of Appeals of
ahwble (;onsiderathn, \YitJlii1 ltle meaning completed Is dmma>terial where they are aU Colorado, 120 Pacific 1054.
f the act of June, '"H)i) 131 g,~t. at L. 321, completed before the rights of .third persons ----<0)---­
03, chap. 786), title 3, Section 98, provid. intervene.-Eureka Exploration CO. V. Tom If you want to reach the men who make
19 that every unrecorded conveyance of Moore Min. & Mill. Co., Suprenii! Court of mines and equip them, advertise In The
eal property shall be void again'St any sub· Colorado, 123 Pacific 655, Mining Review.
THE SAL T LA K E MIN t N G REV t E W, S E PTE M B E R 1 5, 1 9 1 2. 35


Silver, 62% cent~; lead. $4.50; copper
Quotations on the local board Tuesday cathode, 17.40 cents.
mornIng, September 10:
Listed Stoek...
,,,i.gust 30.
Silver, 62% cents; lead, $4.50; copper There are no dark days
cathode. 17.40 cents.
1 Bid.r Asked.
Beck Tunnel .............. 1$ .09'h $ .10

Eingham Amalgamated ... , .06 .07

Silver, 62%
Au&,u8t 31.
lead, $4.50; copper
for those who use the
B· Jack . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.12 .15
cathode. 17.40
Camp Bi~d •.... . ........ 1.. " " . . .10

Cedar-Talisman . .........
Carisa . ...........................
Central Mammoth ........
CeI'tury . .................
. DO%,

.01 %




Septenl.ber 2.

September 3..
Silver t 62 %, cents; lead, $4.50; copper
Colorado Mining .......... .17 'h 1 .19

·····1 cathode, 17.40 cents.


Colorado Consolidated .15 1 .30

September ...
Consolidated Mereur ..... • .02 .•......
Crown Point •........ · .... 1 .02 'h .03 Silver, 62 %, lead, $4.71. copper
Dal y . .
Daly-Judge ···················1
• .............. 1. 00 1 6.20
5.80 2.00

cathode. 17.51
September 5.
Dragon. .........•........ ........ .35

East Prince ............... 1 .01'h .02

SilverI 62 *- cents; lead. $4.71.
cathode, 17.51 1A cents.
East Crown Point ........ i. .. .. .. . .00 I!!

East Tintic Consolidated .. 1........ 1 .OO';!;

September 6.
East Tintlc Development.. .OO';!; .01
Silver. 62%. cents; lead, $4.71. copper
Gold Chain •............. :. .35 .38
cathode, 17.51\4 cents,
Grand Central ............ .61 .70
September '1.
Indian Queen ............. .01 .01 'h

Iron Blossom . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.20 1.22'h

Silver, 62% cents; lead, $4.71; copper
Iron K!ng ................ .02 .04
cathode, 17.iil1A cents.
Joe Bowers ............... 1 .00'h ...•....
September 8.
King WlIliam •............ \ .03 .03'h
Sliver, 62'h lead, $4.85; copper
Lead King ............... .02
cathode, 17.41 'h
Leh! Tint!c .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .00 'A 1 .00'h

Lion Hill ................. 1 .04 V.. 1 .05

September 9.
Little Bell ........................ 1 .37
Silver, 62'h rents; lead, $4.85; copper
Lower Mammoth ......... 1
Mammoth . .•..............
Masonic Mountain ................



cathod·e, 17.4l'h cents.

Mason Valley • •..... . .. '112.00 13 .IH)

May Day........... ......

Mineral Flat .....•..•....

==:::--__ e"'s."I".-i.;H. i L. IClose

Chino Copper ....... 1 4,2QOI 43 %! 42'h 1-42'h

Mountain Lake ............ .04 .05

Goldfield Con. . ... _ .1 2.0QOI 3'h 3% 3%

Mountain Lake Extension '1' . . . . . . . .03

Nevada Con ........ 1 1,000\ 22'h 22% 22'4

Nevada Hills ..................... 2.10

Ray Consolidated ... ,. 7,300122 ,21 %, :i1 %

~~r;; ~g~~er"::::::::::::::1 :~~'4 :~~%. Tennessee Copper ..

Miami Copper ......
1,400 44%./. 44
1,200 29". 29'4 29 '4


Opohongo . . .............. 1 .12 .13

Pioche Demijohn .......... .09 .09%

Inspiration Con. . . " ....... 18% 18% 1814

Utah 'Copper ....... 2,600 6.% 65% 65%

Pioche Metals ............. .02 .03

Pittsburgh-Idaho .................. 1.10

Plutus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I........ .08'4

Prince Consolidated ....... 1 1.70 I 1.12'h

Rexall . . .............•.... 1........ .02 'h

I Sales I H 1 L IClose
The high power of its Zeiss­
Seven Troughs ............
Silver King Coalition ...•.
Silver King Conso:ldated.
!.. ......

1. 00
First Nat'l Copper •. )....... 1 2%
Giroux Con. ........
Nevada Utah .............. / 5c
3001 51!!
Kodak Anastigmat lens (f.6.3)
Silver Shield .... " ..... " . . 01 ~ .03 Ray Central ...............
Yukon Gold ...............
2 3 in .connection with the flexi­
Sioux Consolidated ........ 1 .04'h .05". 3%. 3'h 3'h
South Iron Blossom .. " ... 1 .00'''- .00'h Ohio Copp~r •.............. 1 85e 75c 75c bility of Speed control in the
Swansea Consolidated ..... 1 .06'h1 .07 New Keystone ...... 100 2 2 2
Tintic Central ············1 .01 1 • 01 ~ South Utah ........ . ....... 1 % 'h % Compound shutter make snap­
U. Tintic .................
Uncle Sam ................ 1.14
.01'4 .Ol%.
Mason Valley ......
Eraden Copper ..... 1
100 12 'h 12 'h 12%
900 1% 7 7
shots possible on days where a
Utah Consolidated .•..•....
Union Chief ...............
! .02
.02 'h

Ely Consol!dated ... 1 1.800 30c

La Rose ............ j 100 2%.
time exposure would 00 neces­
VIctor Consolidated ....... .04 .04 'h
Be:mont ...................
10 9%. 10 sary with an ordinary camera.
Victoria Consolidated ..... 1 .60 .64
TonO'pah ................... 7% 7 7
Wilbert. ................... .18 .21
Alaska ........•.... 6,000 9 8% 8%
Yankee Consolidated ...... 1 .Iv 1 .15%
The 3A Special makes pictUres of
Yerington Copper •........ 1 .06'h1 .10
Post Card size, 3l4,x5¥., inches using
Unlisted Stock... New York, Sept. 10.-Copper, firm; stand·­ Kodak Film Cartridges. It has a rack
I Bid. I Asked.
ard, spot, $17.25@17.75; September, U7.2S@
AIt"····Consoli-dated ........ '1$~-48- $--: 50
17.37'h; October. $l7.25@17.40; November, and pinion for focusing, riSing and
South Hecla ............... .12 .16
'$17/.25@.1'1.50; electrolytic, $17 .75@17.87'h; ·glidlng front, brHliant reversible
Thompson-Quincy . ....... .36 .38
casting, $17 .12'h@17 . 25. Exports of copper
New Yerington ............ 1 .n'h .13
thIs month, 6,118 tons. London copper, finder, spirit level, two tripod .sockets
Rico-Wellington ..........
Cardiff . •..........•...... ........
! .35 .43


steady; spot, £78 lOs; futures. £79 5s.

Tin. firm; spot, $48.12'h.@48.25; Septem­
and focusing scale. The be~lows is of
soft blapk leather, and the camera is
Pioche King ........ .'..... .05'A
ber, $48.10@48.20. October, $48.00@48.20.
Local exchange sales of tin, 100 tons. Lon­ covered with the finest Persian Mo­
Sales. don tin, dull; spot, £220; futures, £217 5s. rocco. A simple, serviceable instru'
May Day, 1,000 at 15c. Lead, strong, $5.00@5.20. London lead, ment, .built with the accuracy of a
Prince Consolidated, 100 at $1.70. £23.
Tlntic Central, 1,000 at l'hc; 1,000 at PAc. Spelter. firm, $7 .25@7.50. London spelt­ watch and tested with painstaking'
Shares sold, 3,100. er. £26 15s. care.
Selling value, $347.50. Antimony, quiet; Cooksons, $8 .45.
Iron-Strong and unchanged. Cleveland
Open Boord. warrantst 65s 7Y.zd in Lohdon
Lower Mammoth, 2,000 at 6'hc.
Silver King Coalition, 100 at $2.85.
Tintic Central, 300 at 1 'h c,
Shares sold, 2,400.
Seiling value, $419.50.
So far as known to the United States
Geological' Survey, the only bismuth bear­
Price $65.00

---0---­ ing ore produced in this country during Kodak Catalogue free lit tlte dealers Qr
LOCAL METAL M."-RKET. 1911 was in La Plata county, Colorado, by mail.
Au&,ullt 26.
Which carried 6 to 8 per cent of bismuth.
Silver, 62 cents; This ore, however, was sold for its gold and

Eastman Kodak Co.

lead, $4.50; copper

cathode, 17.40 cents. silver content. Another lot of stH! richer
."-U&,Ullt 2'/'.
ore was mined frO'IIl a claim about 35 miles
Silver. 61% cents; lead, $4.50; copper
cathode. 17.40 cents. southwest of Tularosa, New Mexico. The
AU&'WIt 28. ROCHESTER, N. Y..., The Kodak Clt~.
imports in 1911 amounted to 172,093 pounds,
Silver,61 % cents; lead, $4. 50; copper
cathode, 17.40 cents. valu-ed at $311,771.
THE SAL T LA K EM' N , N G REV lEW, S E PTE M B E R 1 5, 1 9 1 2.



TIME CARD. Will you he with us
(Etrect1ve May 19, 1912.) 10 the new huilding
)'.'lHITt. Dnily.
:1.' A.:\L .. Ogden. M(\Jad. Den­
Arrlv~* Depart Dally.
as depositor or ten­
ver. Omaha, I{ans~1s Provo, Manti, Marysvale ......... S:OO A.M.

City, Chicago, San Midvale and Bingham , ..•......• 7 :45 A.M.

ant, or both?
I;"'rnncisco. Ely nnd Denver, Chicago and East ........ 8:35 A.M.

intermediate points Park City ....•.......... ,........ 8 :20 A.M.

Ogden and Intermediate Points ... 10:35 A.M.

beyond Ogden. (Og~

den a.nd intermediate
Ogden, San Francisco. Portland .. 12:40 P.M.
Our new hanking
Ogden, San Francisco, Portland .. 2:45 P.M.

lloints only arriving) .. 8:15 A.M.

,',':'1' .. Ogden, I...ogan, Poca­
Midvale and Bingham ....... , .... 2:45 P.M.
rooms, into which we
Denver, Chicago and East ... ,.". 5:20 P.M.

tello. D0ise, Marys­

vilh:. Intermediate-­
Provo, Springville, Tin tic ........ 4 :50 P.M.

Denver, Chicago and East •....... 7:00 P.M.

will move this fall, ~,

Montpelier. Going .. 10:IQ P.M. II
",:'>r... Ogden and Intermo­
diat(> Iloints .. ,
..\.:\1.. ,()v€ l 'l<lntl LimHed~
G:ri:J P.M.
Ogden, Portland and Seattle ...... 11:10 P.M.

Arrive Dat:y,

Ogden, San Francisco, Los Angeles 8:15 P.M.

will he among the

finest in the west.
Omoh'-l, Chicago, Tin tic, Springville, Provo ....•... J 0:20 A.M.
Denver. St. Louis 3:20 P.M. Bingham and Midvale ., . . . . . . . . . 10:30 A.M.
.A.:\1 .. ,Los Angelos IJimited Denver, Chicago and East ........ 12:25 P.M.
Denver, SL Loui3
4:4::; P.M.
Ogden and Intermediate Points ... 2:10 P.M.

Denver, Chicago and East « •• 2 :35 P.M.

r.:\I. .Over:and Limited-- Ogden, San Francisco and West .. 4~55 P.M.
Ogden, Reno, S"'lCl'fl­
mento, San Frflnclsco .. 2:05 P.M.
Park City and Intermediate Points 5:00 P.M.
Bingham and Mldvale ............ 5:30 P.M.
; '-, 1'.1I.. , Ogden, TIoise, Port­ Provo, Manti, Marysvale ......... 6:30 P.M.
land. Butte '" ...... 4:;;0 P.M. Ogden, San Francisco, Portland .. 6 :50 P.M. BANKERS
:1 P.1\L .. Ogden, Sun Francisco.
11.:U... Oguel;,
Cache Valley, Mahul
6:55 P.M. Denver, Chicagq and East ........ 10:55 P.M.

Phone, Wasatcb, 2526.
~."I< t offlc." 301 Main S_t_r_e_e_t._ __
a,,!l Intermediate .... 11 :35 A.M. You can become a depositor through our
1",:\[. Ogden, Denver. Oma~ banking by mail department, no matter
J"l, Chicago, Park


City. Green RivQr where you live. Write for booklet.

and West, only. re­
turning) . . . ""." .12:40 P.M.
Cd) P.)L .. :\,1 (.It01' F'lyer~Ogdell
and Intermediate .... 9:35 A.l\f.
j :', P.).f.., Yellowstone Special
-Ogden, Pocatello.
Idaho Ii'aIls a:ld Yel­
lowstone Park (Chi­
cago and East and

San Francisco and

West. a'so arriving) .. 7 :40 A.M. The Scenic Line to the Great Copper

~~) ·P.'M... Ogden, Boise, Port~

land Butte ..... , ... , .10:30 A.M. Mining Camp of BINGHAM

t Y 'l'it·k... t OA'lcf', Hotel Utnl,. fl'el. Ex. lS~

. 'Ii I',,;nno, LOS AN{H.;I,ES .~ S.U,T LAKE

(Et'I'ective June 16, J91~.l

1. Ilion Stntion, SuJt Luke City. UtnJI.

AND Filter Cloths, Ore Bags, Camping Outfit., Anything
Made of Canv:u. Get our pri<.;et. Send for Cat:t!ogue
i--Los Angeles Limited.,
Los Angeles
5:00 P.M.
MILLS OF IlTA~ COPPER CO. 225·227 Edison Street, Salt Lake City, Utah

l--Tlie Oyor and, to Los An­ debris which has accumulated ar.ound the
geles ·· .................. 11 :50 P.M. .old W.o.odside shaft.
. ;:; l--:\Iiner's Loc-nl, 10 Tooele and
EUl'!'ka . . . . '" 7 :30 A.M. Excursions between
In early days,when the la·te William
:,;:~Gartiehl Local, to Garfield
and SmE'Iter ,... ():50 A.M.
Salt Lake Citp and Bingham
T. Gibbs was superintendent .of the W.o.od·
: -, - ~Tooeie SfjP{'ial, to Garfleld
nnd Smelter, illld Tooele,. 2:40 P.M.
Everp Sundap
side mine, the 'Shaft was 3unk toO a depth
; -Garfield Owl, to Garfiehl and .of 240 feet and s.ome very go.od .ore was
Smeltel' '"
\;l-··-Lynndyi Spt;(,jal, to Lehi,
..... 11 :00 P:M. $1.00 Round Trip enc.ountered but .owing t.o litigation which
Amerkan Pork, Provo, f.ollowed, the mine was cl.osed down.
Payson. "epili, Lynndyl.. 4:50 P.M.
i;:~~~ \Y;\llcy)C:t.iI, to 1'1'0\'0, Ne- The shaft at the Eureka mine is d.own
phi, San Pete Valley and
:'>[('n'll!' . . 8:00 A.M. For further Information aoply to anI) "Sail Lake .over 200 reet. Four years ago this mine
Route" or Bingham & Garfield Rat/wop Agent was unwatered down toO the 170-f.o.ot leveL
S-Los Ang'eles Lhnited. from
-or-­ At this point a highly mineralized ledge 23
~'-Tt~~~;~1t~n~l. 'fr'o'~l' i;o's' 'An: 11 :40 A.M. H. B, TOOKER, Oen" Pass. Agent feet in width between the 170 and 130 fo.ot
., gales . . . . . . . . , '" ....... 6:30 A.M. 617 MCCornlck 8uildlng SALT LAKE! CITY levels there are thousands .of t.ons .of .ore
.I::-:\fincr's Locill, fronl Eureka,
s:rver City. Stoc·kton. ready to be h.oisted t.o the surface.
t;t'~Ga'I~~'~j-~e i-,'o~[~l:' from
Smelter ............ 8 :50A.M. FREE.
"G~G"rfield Local, from Smelt­
er. Garfield .. , .......... 6 :00 P.M. (Gazette, Ge.orgto wn, Calif.) Sp.orting goods catal.ogue. Address W'·~1
:is-Garfield Owl, from Garfield.
Smelter, Riter "'""'" .12:55 A,11:. A Burch of Berkeley, was herethb week ern Arms & Sporting G.o.ods Co., Salt L:>kP
6~--1.(Fnndyl Special. fro]'n
Lynndyl, Nephi, Provo Clnd l.o.oking after his mining Interests. It is City, Utah.
IntermC'dlate points ." ... 10:05 A.M.
L -.l--.Valley Mail, from Nephi,
reported that Mr. Burch has b.onded the ------0------­
Provo, Mercur ....... 6:05 P.M, fam.ous .old Eureka and W.o.odside mines in
BlnghnlU &:: Gnrfte1.1 R. R,. Co~ this place, and that these mines will be
DEPART. The Salt Lake Ph.oto Supply c.ompany.
unwatered and th.oroughly proospected. 159 Main, headquarters f.or K.odaks, Cam­
1 r,g..-Sitlt I~"ke, to Bingham .. 7 :45 A.M.
l11-,Salt Litke, to Bingham .. 3:15 P.M. The h.oisting machinery at the Eureka eras, Supplies and K.odak Finishing. Mall
ARRIVE. shaft has been .overhauled. and ye3terday us your orders. Coome and see our new
1l0-,Bingham to Salt Lake .... 10:40 A.M. a man was put toO w.ork clearing away the
112-Bingham to Salt Lake ..•. 6:10 P.M. store.

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