A Poor Man Had Twelve Children and Worked Night and Day Just To Get Enough Bread For Them To Eat

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A poor man had twelve children and worked night and day just to get enough bread for them
to eat.Now when the thirteenth came into the world,he did not know what to do and in his misery he
ran out into the great highway to ask the first person he will meet to be godfather.The first to come
along was God.The poor man talked to the first person he met.After he knew that he was God,he left
the Lord and walked on.Then the Devil came and talked to the poor man.They talked and after the Devil
introduced himself the poor man left and walked on.He walked on and along came a spindled-legged
Death striding toward him.Death introduced himself and he said that he makes all men equal.After
that,the poor man decided that he liked Death as godfather.Death said that he will make the child rich
and famous.Then they both agreed and Death made a perfectly fine godfather.

When the boy was of age,the godfather walked in one day and gave the boy a herb which is his
christening gift. The godfather said to the boy that he will make him a famous doctor .But they have an
agreement.Death said that if the young man will cure patients,Death will stand at the patient’s head,the
young man can cure the patient but if he stands at the feet then the patient will now belong to Death.It
wasn’t long before the young man had became the most famous doctor .He looks at patients and right
away he knows how things will satnd.One day a king fell ill.Then Death came at the king’s feet which
means that there will no herb that can cure the king.But the doctor reversed the king’s position and
treated him and the king came to a perfect health.And Death became angry at the young man and said
that he will let it pass this time.Soon after that, the king’s daughter became ill.When the doctor came
he saw Death at the sick girls’ feet.Because of the doctors’ will to marry the princess he changed the
position of the sick girls.And the doctor treated the girl and came to a perfect health.

And Death became angry when he knew that he was cheated of his property the second time.He
grabbed the young man and brought him to an underground cave.And there he saw thousands upon
thousands of lights burning in rows.There are big which belong to children.There are middle-sized which
belong to couples in their best years.The small ones belong to old ones.Death said that the flames are
the life lights of mankind.And the doctor asked Death to show his life light.Death then pointed to a stub
threathening to go out.The doctor was terrified and requested Death to light him a new one.But Death
told him that he couldn’t.A light must go out before a new one lights up.Death made us if to grant him
his wish.He reached for a tall new taper.But because he wanted revenge he purposely fumbled and the
little stub fell over and went out.Thereupon the doctor sanked to the ground and had himself fallen in to
the hands of Death.

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