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Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb. and writing, especially among the younger generation.

And we should
proud of that because one of the BI Corner has been established in
Good morning judges, and good morning everyone. this school, our beloved school.
First of all I would like to ask all of you to give thanks to the presence of
Greatest ALLAH SWT, who has given us the blessing and guidance, so As a student, I definitely support all the programs made by Bank
Indonesia because they are very useful for everyone. So we must
that we can gather here in this beautiful place. And also I don't forget
espouse everything that makes this country even better everyday.
to deliver sholawat and salam to our prophet Muhammad SAW, who
has brought us from the darkness, so we are always in the right way. This is the end of my speech. I hope we can take a good lesson from
Ladies and gentleman what I deliver today. I ask forgiveness for any words and behave which
are not supposed to be. Thank you all for your kind attention.
Do you know Bank Indonesia? Bank Indonesia is the central bank of the
Republic of Indonesia. As the central bank, Bank Indonesia has five Wassalamualaikum Wr. Wb.
major roles:

- First, Bank Indonesia safeguards monetary stability through the

use of interest rates in open market operations, while also
employing other instruments.
- Second, Bank Indonesia has a vital role in building the sound
performance of financial institutions, particularly in the banking
- Third, Bank Indonesia’s powers include the maintenance of a
robust payment system.
- Fourth, Bank Indonesia is able to tap its research and
monitoring capabilities to access information on threats to
financial stability.
- Fifth, Bank Indonesia operates the financial system safety net
under the central bank lender of last resort function.

Not only that, because concerned with education, Bank Indonesia also
established BI Corner in the hope of increasing the culture of reading

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