Assessment of Pulp Vitality: A Review: Velayutham Gopikrishna, Gali Pradeep & Nagendrababu Venkateshbabu

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DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-263X.2008.00955.

Assessment of pulp vitality: a review

Blackwell Publishing Ltd


Department of Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics, Meenakshi Ammal Dental College, Chennai, India

International Journal of Paediatric Dentistry 2009; 19: 3–15 confusion as to their validity or appropriateness in
different clinical situations.
Aim. The aim of this paper is to provide the clinician
Background. One of the greatest diagnostic chal- with a comprehensive review of current pulp
lenges in clinical practice is the accurate assessment testing methods. A key objective is to highlight the
of pulp status. This may be further complicated in difference between sensitivity testing and vitality
paediatric dentistry where the practitioner is faced testing. A biological basis for pulp testing is also
with a developing dentition, traumatized teeth, or provided to allow greater insight into the inter-
young children who have a limited ability to recall pretation of pulp testing results. The rationale for,
a pain history for the tooth in question. A variety and methods of, assessing pulpal blood flow are
of pulp testing approaches exist, and there may be described.

because pulpal degeneration can occur

without accompanying symptoms3.
Diagnosis in dentistry may be defined as ‘the 2) Diagnosis of pain: The origin of most oral
process whereby the data obtained from pain is pulpal2, but pain localization may be
questioning, examining and testing are combined difficult, and may require a full range of
by the dentist to identify deviations from the tests as well as a careful history and exam-
normal1. The diagnosis of dental pulp status ination. A number of authors have
should be seen as a synthesis of history, clin- acknowledged the value of pulp testing in the
ical examination, special tests, and radiological diagnosis of pain in the trigeminal area4,5.
examination, and not as the outcome of any Furthermore, case reports have illustrated
one specific test. Vitality testing is an impor- the value of pulp testing in identifying pul-
tant aid in the diagnosis of pulp disease and pal pain from other conditions such as
apical periodontitis. If the pulp is deemed to myofascial pain dysfunction syndrome6
be severely compromised as a result of the and referred pain7. Conversely, a normal
diagnostic testing, then endodontic treatment, response to pulp testing may eliminate the
or indeed extraction, may be indicated. diagnosis of pulpal pathology in oro-facial
Ehrmann2 has proposed three key uses of pulp pain of unknown aetiology.
testing in clinical practice: 3) Investigation of radiolucent areas: Radiolucent
1) Prior to operative procedures: Pulp testing may areas at the apices of teeth may be the
be indicated for selected teeth prior to result of periapical extension of pulpal
restorative or orthodontic interventions, pathology, but may also be due to other
particularly where pulp health may be in pathological processes, or may, in fact, rep-
question. The absence of symptoms or radi- resent normal structures. If pulpal patho-
ographic changes alone may not be taken logy is not responsible for the lesion, the
as conclusive evidence of pulp vitality, associated teeth would be expected to give
a normal response to vitality testing. Peri-
odontal lesions, cysts, fibrous lesions, con-
genital abnormalities, and even neoplastic
Correspondence to:
processes may all produce periapical radi-
Gopikrishna Velayutham, Meenakshi Ammal Dental College
– Department of Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics, olucencies similar to those associated with
Maduravoyal, Chennai 600010, India. pulp degeneration7,8. The mental foramen
E-mail: and the incisive canal are two normal

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4 V. Gopikrishna et al.

structures which may also present as

Pulpal innervation
periapical radiolucencies.
In addition to the mentioned uses, Mumford It is important to have an understanding of
and Bjorn4 suggest three further uses for pulp pulpal innervation characteristics in order to
testing: appreciate the rationale for, and mechanisms
1) Post-trauma assessment: Vitality testing forms involved in, tests of pulpal sensitivity. Within
an important part of the examination and the coronal pulp, nerve bundles diverge and
review of traumatized teeth. However, the branch out towards the pulpo-dentine border,
validity of test results is controversial and and emerge from their myelin sheaths13–15.
will be discussed fully in a later section. Nerve divergence continues until each bundle
Vitality testing is also important in determin- looses its integrity and smaller fibre groups
ing the treatment needs of teeth involved in travel towards the dentine. This course is rel-
jaw fractures9, and those affected by surgical atively straight until the nerve fibres form a
trauma, such as subapical osteotomy10 or loop and a resultant mesh termed the nerve
vital transplantation procedures11. plexus of Rashkow. Terminal axons exit from
2) Assessment of anaesthesia: Grossman advocated their Schwann cell investiture and pass between
the use of pulp testers to assess whether a the odontoblasts as free nerve endings15. This
tooth is completely anaesthetized following nerve plexus is most well developed in the
injection of local anaesthetic prior to oper- peripheral pulp along the lateral wall of coronal
ative procedures12. This would, however, and cervical dentine, and along the occlusal
seem unnecessary in normal clinical prac- aspect of the pulp chamber.
tice. It has also been suggested that pulp Two types of sensory fibres are present in
testing may be a useful adjunct in experi- the pulp: the myelinated (A fibres) and unmy-
mental studies which specifically seek to elinated C fibres. The A fibres predominantly
evaluate the effectiveness of different innervate the dentine and are subgrouped
analgesic drugs4. according to their diameter and conduction
3) Assessment of teeth which have been pulp capped velocities into Aβ and Aδ fibres. The Aβ fibres
or required deep restoration: The prognosis of may be more sensitive to stimulation than
teeth which have been pulp capped or the Aδ fibres, but functionally these fibres are
required deep restorations is clinically grouped together. Approximately 90% of A
assessed on the basis of reported symptoms; fibres are Aδ fibres. The C fibres innervate the
clinical palpation; and percussion, radio- body of the pulp. The Aδ fibres have lower
graphs, and pulp testing. Thus, vitality electrical thresholds than the C fibres, and
testing may play an important role in respond to a number of stimuli which do not
determining the outcome of various pulp- activate C fibres16. Aδ fibres mediate acute,
capping procedures. sharp pain and are excited by hydromechani-
cal events in dentinal tubules such as drilling
or air-drying17.
Vitality assessment methods
The C fibres mediate a dull, burning, and
The ideal pulp test should provide a simple, poorly located pain, and are activated only by
objective, standardized, reproducible, non-painful, stimuli reaching the pulp proper18,19. C fibres
non-injurious, accurate, and inexpensive way have a high threshold and can be activated by
of assessing the condition of the pulp tissue. intense heating or cooling of the tooth crown.
In endodontics, pulp testing strategies may Once activated, the pain initiated by C fibres
involve sensitivity tests such as thermal or can radiate throughout the face and jaws. C
electric pulp testing (EPT) which assess whether fibre pain is associated with tissue injury and
there is response to a stimulus. These are the is modulated by inflammatory mediators,
most common methods employed by clinicians. vascular changes in blood volume and flow,
The other form of pulp testing is to evaluate and increases in pressure20.
the tooth’s vascular supply by using laser Doppler As the intensity of the stimulus increases,
flowmetry (LDF) or pulse oximetry. more sensory nerves are activated, and this

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Assessment of pulp vitality 5

results in a progressive increase in the sensory sensitivity, they are actually conducted for
response. The response to a given stimulus will different diagnostic reasons. A response to cold
be greatest where neural density is the high- usually indicates a vital pulp, regardless of
est. Key variables known to affect the response whether that pulp is normal or abnormal. In
to pulp testing are the thickness of the enamel contrast, an increased response to heat is
and dentine, and the number of nerve fibres suggestive of pulpal or periapical pathology
in the underlying pulp. Lilja21 found that the that may require endodontic intervention24.
highest concentration of neural elements was
in the pulp horn region. A progressive decrease
Cold tests
in the number of nerve fibres in the cervical
and radicular areas was observed. Similar find- Cold thermal testing causes contraction of the
ings were reported by Byers and Dong22. Pre- dentinal fluid within the dentinal tubules,
sumably, the direction of the dentinal tubules resulting in a rapid outward flow of fluid
is also important in establishing pulp test within the patent tubules25,26. This rapid move-
responses in various parts of the tooth crown. ment of dentinal fluid results in ‘hydrodynamic
The dentinal tubules run an almost straight forces’ acting on the Aδ nerve fibres within the
course from the incisal edge of anterior teeth pulp–dentine complex, leading to a sharp sen-
to the pulp horn. In multi-cuspal teeth, the sation lasting for the duration of the thermal
course of tubules is somewhat curved and test27. A variety of cold tests may be employed,
resembles an ‘S’ shape. Because it is princi- the major difference between them is the degree
pally the fluid in the tubules that conducts of cold that is applied to the tooth.
electrical impulses from the pulp tester elec- The most common pulp testing method
trode to the pulp, the shorter the distance employed by practitioners is to seek a response
between the electrode and the pulp, the lower to a cold stimuli. Ideally, cold testing should
the resistance to the flow of current23. be used in conjunction with an electric pulp
tester so that the results from one test will ver-
ify the findings of the other test. If a mature,
Sensitivity testing
non-traumatized tooth does not respond
Currently, the most widely used vitality testers either to EPT or cold, then the tooth may be
assess the integrity of the Aδ nerve fibers in considered non-vital28. However, caution should
the dentine–pulp complex by briefly applying be exercised when testing multi-rooted teeth,
a stimulus to the outer surface of the tooth. as they may respond positively to cold, even
If the Aδ nerve fibres are successfully stimu- though only one root actually contains vital
lated, the patient will respond by acknowledg- pulp tissue.
ing a short, sharp sensation/tingling from the The cold test may be used to differentiate
tooth. A positive response indicates that the between reversible and irreversible pulpitis. It
nerve fibres are functioning (to some degree), should be noted, however, whether stimulus
but does not give any indication of pulpal application produces a lingering effect or if the
blood flow. If there is no vascular supply to the pain subsides immediately on removal of the
pulp, it will rapidly become anoxic and the Aδ stimulus from the tooth. If the patient feels a
fibres will cease to function. It should be noted, lingering pain, even after the cold stimulus
however, that there may be instances, such as is removed, a diagnosis of irreversible pulpitis
following trauma, where there is a blood flow may be reached. Conversely, if the pain sub-
to the pulp, but the Aδ nerve fibres are not sides immediately after stimulus removal, a
functioning. diagnosis of reversible pulpitis is more likely.
The clinician should also take into considera-
tion other factors such as a history of pain on
Thermal testing
lying down and the duration of pain. The diag-
These tests involve the application of cold and nosis of reversible/irreversible pulpitis is only
heat stimuli to a tooth, to determine sensitivity a clinical diagnosis and may not correlate with
to thermal changes. Although both are tests of a histological diagnosis.

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6 V. Gopikrishna et al.

A simple means of applying a cold stimulus

Heat test
to a tooth is to wrap a sliver of ice in wet
gauze and place it against the buccal surface, Heat testing can be undertaken using a stick
comparing the reaction between the test tooth of heated gutta-percha or hot water. A gutta-
and a control tooth. Pencils of ice can be made percha stick, preferably base-plate gutta-percha,
by filling a plastic straw with water and freez- is heated with a naked flame or an electric heater
ing it in an upright position in a refrigerator. until it becomes soft and glistens36. It is then
Ethyl chloride (boiling point – 41 °C) may be applied to the vaseline-coated surface of the test
sprayed onto a cotton pledget, resulting in the tooth. It is purported that a tooth surface tem-
formation of ice crystals, prior to application perature as high as 150 °C can be achieved with
to the tooth. Dichlorodifluoromethane (DDM) this technique37: gutta-percha softens at 65 °C and
(boiling point – 0 °C) is a compressed refrig- may be heated in delivery devices up to 200 °C.
erant spray, which can similarly be sprayed This test may be difficult to use on posterior teeth
onto a cotton pledget for cold testing. More because of limited access. A further disadvantage
recently, ozone-friendly non-chlorofluorocar- is that excessive heating may result in pulp
bon sprays have been introduced in certain damage38. Prolonged heat application will result
countries29. in bi-phasic stimulation of Aδ fibres initially,
Another effective cold stimulus is frozen followed by the pulpal C fibres18. Activation of
carbon dioxide (CO2), also known as ‘dry ice’ C fibres may result in a lingering pain, therefore
or ‘carbon dioxide snow’ (boiling point – 72 °C). heat tests should be applied for no more than
For testing purposes, a solid stick of CO2 gas 5 s. However, inadequate heating of the gutta-
is prepared by delivering CO 2 gas into a percha stick could result in the stimulus being
custom-made plastic cylinder and the stick is too weak to elicit a response from the pulp39.
applied to buccal surface of the tooth. This The use of hot water, administered through
investigation is particularly effective when an irrigating syringe under rubber dam
trying to assess teeth that have been restored isolation, has also been described as a means
with full-coverage metal restorations30. Rickoff31 of thermal testing40. Frictional heat may be
reported that CO2 snow applied to a tooth for generated by using a rubber cup intended for
5 min did not jeopardize the health of the prophylaxis (without paste) against the buccal
pulp32, nor does it damage the surface of the aspect of a tooth40,41. The normal use of ther-
enamel. On the other hand, CO2 may cause mal tests on teeth has been shown not to be
pitting of the surface of porcelain restora- harmful to healthy pulp tissue31,42.
tions when applied for as little as 5 s33. When
testing with a cold stimulus, one must begin
Electric pulp test
with the most posterior tooth and advance
towards the anterior teeth. Such a sequence The objective of EPT is to stimulate intact Aδ
will prevent any melted ice water dripping nerves in the pulp–dentine complex by apply-
in a posterior direction which may cause ing an electric current on the tooth surface. A
stimulation of other teeth, thereby giving a positive result stems from an ionic shift in the
false response. dentinal fluid within the tubules causing local
Ice-cold water is another useful and inex- depolarization and subsequent generation of
pensive test. The tooth under investigation an action potential from intact Aδ nerves43.
should be isolated with rubber dam and then The electric pulp tester is a battery-operated
bathed with water from a syringe29. Cold tests instrument, which is connected to a probe that
should be applied until the patient definitely is applied to the tooth under investigation. It
responds or the stimulus has been applied for functions by producing a pulsating electrical
a maximum of 15 s34. Overall, cold tests appear stimulus, the initial intensity of which should
to be more reliable than heat tests2,35. Further- be at a very low value to prevent excessive
more, there is a general consensus that the stimulation and discomfort. The intensity of
colder the stimulus, the more effective the the electric stimulus is then increased steadily
assessment of tooth innervation status29,30,34. at a pre-selected rate, and a note is made of

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Assessment of pulp vitality 7

the read-out on the digital display when the

Test cavity preparation
patient acknowledges a warm or tingling
sensation. The read-out is not a quantitative This test may serve as a last resort in testing
measurement of pulp health, but simply for pulp vitality. It is only considered when the
provides evidence that the Aδ fibres are suffi- results of all other tests have proved inconclu-
ciently healthy to function44,45. sive. Its value in clinical practice has been
The electric pulp tester is technique sensitive largely anecdotal as there is no evidence base
and has a number of limitations46,47. The require- to support its effectiveness. The test cavity is
ments of an EPT are: an adequate stimulus, made by drilling through the enamel–dentine
an appropriate application method, and careful junction of an unanaesthetized tooth with
interpretation of results. Tooth isolation during good isolation. This may be achieved under
EPT is essential. Drying the enamel, placement rubber dam with a small round diamond bur
of an interproximal plastic strip, and use of in a high-speed handpiece with adequate
rubber dam can prevent the spread of electrical coolant. The patient is asked to respond if any
impulses to adjacent teeth or gingival tissue48,49. painful sensation is felt during the drilling
Electric current can also be transferred between procedure. If the patient feels pain once the
adjacent teeth through contacting metallic rest- bur contacts the sound dentin, the procedure
orations49. A conducting medium should also be is terminated and cavity is restored.
used to ensure that maximum current passes
from the electrode to the tooth surface50,51. A lab-
Local anaesthetic test
oratory study by Martin and co-workers52 con-
cluded that the interface medium made no When dental symptoms are poorly localized
appreciable difference to either the voltage or or referred, an accurate diagnosis is extremely
the electric current transmitted. However, a more difficult. Sometimes, patients may not even
recent study did demonstrate that different media able to specify whether the symptoms are from
influence the responses gained from electric the maxillary or mandibular arch. In such cases,
testing53. and where pulp testing has proved inconclu-
There are several considerations regarding sive, an anaesthetic test may be helpful. The
optimal placement of the tester electrode. The technique is as follows: using either infiltration
response threshold is reached when an ade- or an intraligamentary injection, the most pos-
quate number of nerve terminals are activated terior tooth in the area suspected of causing
to attain, what is termed a summation effect54,55. the pain is anaesthetized. If pain persists once
An area of high neural density should have a the tooth has been fully anaesthetized, the
relatively fast and strong response, and requires tooth immediately mesial to it is then anaes-
the least electric current23. Therefore, the most thetized, and so on, until the pain disappears.
desirable area of assessment in incisor teeth is If the source of the pain cannot be even localized
at the incisal edge, where the enamel is thin- to the upper or lower jaw, an inferior alveolar
nest or absent. The tester should be applied on nerve block injection is given; cessation of pain
the tooth surface adjacent to a pulp horn, as indicates involvement of a mandibular tooth.
this receives the highest nerve density within This approach has an advantage over a test
the pulp16,22,56. This position equates to the cavity, which may incur iatrogenic damage.
incisal third region of anterior teeth and the
mid-third region of posterior teeth. The thresh-
Limitations of sensitivity testing
old for response may be influenced by the
thickness of the enamel and dentine overlying
False positive results
the pulp18,57. Thus, the response threshold for
healthy teeth may be lowest in incisors, slightly A false positive response is where a non-vital
greater in premolars, and greatest in molar tooth appears to respond positively to testing.
teeth. A recent study has revealed that the This may occur in anxious or young patients
optimum site for tester electrode placement on who may report a premature response because
molars is on the tip of the mesiobuccal cusp58. they are anticipating an unpleasant sensation23,51.

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8 V. Gopikrishna et al.

Necrotic breakdown products in one part of a vitality test indicates the test’s ability to identify
root canal system can conduct electric currents non-vital teeth. It is defined as the ratio of the
to viable nerve tissue in adjacent areas, thereby number of persons with a positive test result
resulting in a false positive result59. Contact who have the disease divided by the total
with metal restorations may also result in number of persons with the disease who were
conduction of the current to the periodontium, tested68. A test with a sensitivity of 0.80 there-
giving a false vital response; the same may fore has an 80% chance of achieving a positive
occur with inadequately dried teeth60. result when individuals with the disease are
Specificity, on the other hand, describes the
False negative results
ability of a test to detect the absence of disease68.
A false negative result means that a vital tooth Thus, specificity of a pulp vitality test indicates
has not responded positively to testing. This the test’s ability to identify vital teeth. It is
may be seen in teeth with incomplete root defined as the ratio of the number of patients
development, which have a higher threshold with a negative test result who do not have
to testing, and require a stronger stimulation disease divided by the total number of tested
than normal to elicit a response61. This is patients without the disease68. A test with a
because teeth erupt and become functional specificity of 0.80 has an 80% chance of return-
before completion of neural development62,63. ing negative results when performed on persons
In these conditions, cold testing has proved without the disease.
more reliable than EPT34,61. The sensitivity and specificity of cold, EPT,
Following injury, traumatized teeth may not and pulse oximetry69 are given in Table 1.
respond to thermal or EPT due to nerve
rupture64. The pulps of these teeth, however,
Correlation with pulp histopathology
may still be vital as their blood vessels remain
intact or have revascularized. Therefore, Conservative procedures, aimed at preserving
traumatized teeth should always be carefully pulp vitality, can only be effective if the status
monitored at periodic intervals as their nerve of the pulp is accurately assessed35,59. Responses
fibres may subsequently regain function. to vitality testing, however, correlate poorly
Interestingly, orthodontic tooth movement with histological findings. Seltzer et al.35
has been shown to produce changes in tissue described a ‘sense of inadequacy, often bor-
respiration with a resultant reduction in blood dering on frustration’ accompanying attempts
flow and possible anoxia of Aδ nerves65. Cave to predict the pathological state of the pulp.
and co-workers reported that orthodontic Numerous studies have confirmed the lack of
force increased the response threshold to correlation between various pulp testing
EPT. The effect was almost instantaneous and methods and the actual histological condition
could persist for up to 9 months following of the pulp2,39,59,70 –74.
treatment66. Despite the acknowledged lack of correlation
Patients with psychotic disorders may not between test threshold and the specific histo-
respond to pulp testing51. It has also been logical state of the pulp, it has been found that
reported that individuals who are under the there is a statistically significant relationship
influence of sedative drugs/alcohol may either
not respond or respond to stronger stimulation
due to their increased threshold to nerve Table 1. Sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value
excitation67. (PPV), and negative predictive value (NPV) for the cold test,
electric test, and pulse oximeter test.

Sensitivity and specificity Test Sensitivity Specificity PPV NPV

Sensitivity denotes the ability of a test to Cold 0.81 0.92 0.92 0.81
Electrical 0.71 0.92 0.91 0.74
detect disease in patients who actually have
Pulse oximeter 1.00 0.95 0.95 1.00
the disease68. Thus, the sensitivity of a pulp

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Assessment of pulp vitality 9

between the absence of a response to pulp describe the sensation. In most cases, how-
testing and the presence of a completely ever, the resultant sensation is perceived as
necrotic pulp35,39,74,75. The traditional view that ‘unpleasant’, and this is a considerable disad-
a lowered threshold to pulp testing indicates vantage when full-mouth vitality testing is
hyperaemia or acute pulpitis, and an increased performed2.
threshold indicates chronic pulpitis is question-
able76. It must also be remembered that there
Effect of dental development
is a poor correlation between symptoms and
pulpal histopathology77,78. Many authors have observed that erupting
teeth show an increased threshold value to
EPT12,59,61,76,88 or may give no response89, even
though their vitality is assured. Sensitivity to
Ingle and Beveridge79 have proposed that patient electrical stimulation appears to be related to
responses to pulp testing procedures may be the stage of root development89. Kaletsky and
considered objective. Many other authors, Furedi76 have suggested that primary teeth
however, would disagree due to the subjective with resorbed roots may also have an increased
nature of pain2,5,80,81. Thus, any attempts to threshold, but this has been disputed in children
correlate intensity of response with pulpal over 10 years of age90. In contrast, Fulling and
condition are complicated by this issue of sub- Andreasen61 found that thermal testing with
jectivity. The use of a ‘control’ tooth, on the carbon dioxide snow gave consistently positive
opposite side of the mouth, has been proposed responses irrespective of the stage of dental
to remove subjectivity from an individual’s development. Nonetheless, the stage of dental
response82. This, approach, however, is still development should certainly be taken into
open to criticism as there is no way of know- consideration when undertaking pulp testing
ing whether the ‘control’ tooth itself is in young patients, especially following trauma
normal35. Furthermore, Mumford5 reminds us to immature permanent incisors89.
that, as response intensity does not represent
pathological state, comparative testing contrib-
Multi-rooted teeth
utes little further information.
Grossman12 has noted the problems of assess-
ing the vitality of multi-rooted teeth when the
pulp is vital in one root canal but not in another.
Reiss and Furedi83, and Schaffer84 have reported
that patients respond differently to pulp tests
Effect of drugs
on different days, and at different hours of
the same day. Reproducibility of pulp testing Several authors have stated that sedative,
is therefore an area for concern and may relate tranquillizing, or analgesic medications
to the variable state of mind of the patient12 increase the threshold of stimulation of pulpal
as well as the lack of intrinsic accuracy of nerves in some patients12,91. Interestingly, the
several types of commercial electrical pulp same effect has been noted with placebo
testers51,73. medication92.

Unpleasant sensation Age influence

All methods of pulp testing require the patient With the exception of newly erupted teeth,
to indicate when he or she feels a sensation. the age of the patient (10–73 years) appears
Naylor85 and Greenwood86 consider that pain to have no effect on thresholds to pulp
is the only sensation elicited by stimulation of testing93–96. This would seem surprising in
pulpal nerves. This has been challenged by view of histological findings of pulpal nerve
Mumford and Newton87, who reported that calcification and decreased neural density
patients use many words other than ‘pain’ to with increased age97,98.

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10 V. Gopikrishna et al.

Effect of periodontal disease Assessment of pulpal vascularity

There are conflicting reports as to the effect of

Crown surface temperature
periodontal disease on pulp testing responses.
No increase in pulpal stimulus threshold has Thermography or temperature measurement
been reported in the presence of periodontal has been previously used for variety of facial
disease or bone loss70,94,98. Bender and Seltzer99, conditions, but it has not gained widespread
however, produced a very comprehensive paper acceptance. Temperature measurement, as a
in 1972 which examined the effect of perio- diagnostic procedure for human teeth, has
dontal disease on the pulp. They stated that been described with the use of thermistors,
there was strong inferential evidence that teeth infrared thermography, and liquid crystals.
with periodontal disease may have associated Cholesteric liquid crystals, which exhibit
pulpal inflammation and degeneration. different colours when heated, have been
previously employed to determine pulp
vitality110. The underlying principle was that
teeth with an intact pulp blood supply (vital/
There is no evidence for a difference in per- healthy pulp tissue) had a warmer tooth sur-
ception threshold to pulp testing according to face temperature compared with teeth that
the gender of the patient100–102. had no blood supply.
Surface temperature of teeth has also been
measured over a period of time at 15 s inter-
Effect of trauma
vals using an electric thermometer attached to
Several authors have highlighted the unpre- a surface probe, placed in contact with the
dictable response of a tooth to pulp testing tooth111,112. These studies showed that, following
following trauma59,76,103,104. Immediately follow- cooling, only vital teeth showed a subsequent
ing traumatic injury, teeth often fail to respond rise in surface temperature.
to conventional pulp testing methods. This Thermographic imaging is a non-invasive
temporary loss of response is caused by injury, and highly accurate method of measuring the
inflammation, pressure, or tension to apical body’s surface temperature. It has been used
nerve fibres105. It may take 8 weeks, or longer, to demonstrate that, following cooling, non-
before a normal pulpal response can be vital teeth were slower to rewarm than vital
elicited106,107. Bhaskar and Rappaport108 found teeth113. The disadvantage of using this tech-
vital pulp tissue in a series of 25 teeth which nique is that the teeth must be isolated with
has sustained trauma and did respond to rubber dam, after which a period of acclima-
conventional vitality tests. They concluded tization is necessary prior to imaging114. The
that conventional pulp tests are simply tests technique is complex and requires the subjects
of sensitivity, and as such, have questionable to be at rest for 1 h prior to testing114.
value in predicting pulp vitality. For this reason,
they recommended that endodontic therapy be
Transmitted light photoplethysmography (TLP)
delayed in the case of traumatized teeth, and the
pulp tissue considered vital in the absence of TLP is a non-invasive technique used to monitor
a sinus tract or periapical radiolucency. A more pulpal blood flow, and has been successfully
accurate assessment of pulp vitality would be applied in animal and human studies115,116. It
made by determining the presence of a func- has been suggested that TLP incurs less signal
tioning blood supply, thus allowing the healing contamination from the periodontal blood
potential to be evaluated at an earlier stage. flow than is the case for LDF.
Moreover, delay in diagnosis can lead to severe
complications such as inflammatory root
Laser Doppler flowmetry
resorption109. Therefore, it is important to
determine the status of pulp in such cases to LDF is another non-invasive method for assess-
evaluate the necessity for root canal treatment. ing blood flow in microvascular systems. Its

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Assessment of pulp vitality 11

use in teeth was first described by Gazelius and

Pulse oximetry
co-workers in 1986117. Since then, the technique
has been widely used to monitor dynamic This is an oxygen saturation monitoring device
changes in pulpal blood flow in response to widely used in medical practice for recording
pressure changes and following administration blood oxygen saturation levels during the
of local anaesthesia. administration of intravenous anaesthesia. It
The technique utilizes a beam of infrared was invented by Aoyagi in the early 1970s121.
light produced by a laser that is directed Pulse oximetry is an entirely objective test,
into the tissue. As light enters the tissue, it is requiring no subjective response from the
scattered and adsorbed by moving red patient.
blood cells and stationary tissue elements. The pulse oximeter sensor consists of two
Photons that interact with moving red blood light-emitting diodes, one to transmit red light
cells are scattered and frequently shifted (640 nm) and the other to transmit infrared
according to the Doppler principle. Photons light (940 nm), and a photodetector on the
that interact with stationary elements are opposite side of the vascular bed. The light-
scattered but are not Doppler shifted. A emitting diode transmits light through a vas-
portion of the light is returned to the photon cular bed such as the finger or ear. Oxygenated
detector, and a signal is produced. Because red haemoglobin and deoxygenated haemoglobin
blood cells represent the vast majority of absorb different amounts of red/infrared light.
moving objects within the tooth pulp, The pulsatile change in the blood volume
measurement of Doppler-shifted backscattered causes periodic changes in the amount of red/
light is interpreted as an index of pulpal blood infrared light absorbed by the vascular bed
flow117,118. before reaching the photodetector. The rela-
Gazelius and colleagues proved that LDF tionship between the pulsatile change in the
can reliably differentiate between healthy absorption of red light and the pulsatile change
and non-vital teeth117. Furthermore, LDF in the absorption of infrared light is analysed
readings have proved extremely accurate in by the pulse oximeter to determine the satu-
predicting revascularization in experimen- ration of arterial blood121.
tally replanted dog teeth 119. Indeed, using Earlier studies by Schnettler and Wallace
this methodology, pulp revascularization reported a correlation between pulpal and
has been shown to re-establish at around systemic oxygen saturation readings using a
4 weeks following tooth replantation, which modified ear pulse oximeter probe on a tooth122.
is much earlier than would be expected They recommended its use as a definitive pulp
from standard sensitivity tests 119,120. It is vitality tester. Kahan and co-investigators
generally agreed that LDF assessment for subsequently developed a customized probe, in
human teeth should be performed at conjunction with a commercial pulse oximeter,
4 weeks following the initial trauma, and for pulp vitality testing123. Unfortunately, the
repeated at regular intervals up until accuracy of the commercial instrument was
3 months. The disadvantage of LDF relates disappointing, and was not considered to have
to motion artefact due to uncontrolled predictable diagnostic value. The critical require-
movement of the probe when placed against ment of using pulse oximeter in dentistry is
the tooth. Thus, there may be a need for a that the sensor should conform to the size,
modified mouthguard or splint to stabilize shape, and anatomical contours of teeth. Sec-
the measuring probe on the tooth surface in ondly, the sensor holder should also keep the
order to obtain more accurate and reproducible light-emitting diode sensor and the photore-
readings. Blood pigments within a discolored ceptor as parallel as possible to each other so
tooth crown can also interfere with laser that the photoreceptor sensor receives the
light transmission. Care must also be taken to light transmitted through the tooth. Moreover,
ensure that the false positive results are not the sensor holder should allow firm placement
obtained from the stimulation of supporting of the sensor onto the tooth to obtain accurate
tissues. measurements.

© 2008 The Authors

Journal compilation © 2008 BSPD, IAPD and Blackwell Publishing Ltd
12 V. Gopikrishna et al.

Gopikrishna and colleagues later developed What this paper adds

and refined a pulse oximeter system for assess- • This study has provided a comprehensive review on
ment of human pulp vitality124. The group the different approaches to pulp vitality assessment.
compared the accuracy of their pulse oximeter • It has highlighted the limitations of pulp testing on the
basis of sensitivity, and has provided the biological basis
dental probe with thermal and electric pulp for vitality testing on the basis of pulpal blood flow
tests, and found that the probability of a measurements.
negative test result (indicating a vital pulp) Why this paper is important to paediatric dentists
was 81% with the cold test, 74% with the • Diagnosis of pulp status is particularly challenging for
electrical test, and 100% with pulse oximetry69. the paediatric dentist, particularly for young children
and those who have suffered dento-alveolar trauma.
The probability of a positive test result (indi- This paper describes the vast array of factors that may
cating a necrotic pulp) was 92% with the cold influence responses to pulp testing, and gives the clinician
test, 91% with the electrical test, and 95% for a valuable insight into the diagnostic value of such tests.
pulse oximeter. The investigators also com-
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oximeter dental probe with EPT and thermal References
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