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McDonald’s Draft (2010). Modified by Kreassig and Gould (2014) for use with student teachers.

Revised August 2015

Teacher: Yarbrough Date: 2/5/19

Title of Lesson: Book Jigsaw Poster Cooperating Teacher: Wyman

Core Components
Subject, Content Area, or Topic
Science – Light Energy
Student Population
Lewis - 26 Students: 13 Girls, 13 Boys
Wyman – 26 Students: 11 Girls, 15 Boys
Learning Objectives
 Describe the difference between sound and light waves.
 Explain how light travels.
Virginia Essential Knowledge and Skills (SOL)
5.3 The student will investigate and understand basic characteristics of visible light and how it
behaves. Key concepts include:
a) transverse waves
b) the visible spectrum
c) opaque, transparent, and translucent
d) reflection of light from reflective surfaces
e) refraction of light through water and prisms
VBO Writing
5.7 The student will write for a variety of purpose: to describe, to inform, to entertain, to explain, ad
to persuade
d) write a clear topic sentence focusing on the main idea.
Counseling Program
EC7 Recognize the benefits of both individual initiative and teamwork.
Poster Paper
Chromebook – Discovery Ed
Jigsaw Book
High Yield Instructional Strategies Used (Marzano, 2001)

Check if Used
Strategy Return
X Identifying Similarities & Differences 45%
X Summarizing & Note Taking 34%
X Reinforcing Efforts & Providing Recognition 29%
X Homework & Practice 28%
X Nonlinguistic Representations 27%
X Cooperative Learning 23%
Setting Goals & Providing Feedback 23%
Generating & Testing Hypothesis 23%
X Questions, Cues, & Advanced Organizers 22%
Check if Used Strategy Return
McDonald’s Draft (2010). Modified by Kreassig and Gould (2014) for use with student teachers.
Revised August 2015
X Teach Others/Immediate Use of Learning 95%
Practice by Doing 75%
X Discussion 50%
X Demonstration 30%
X Audio Visual 20%
X Reading 10%
X Lecture 05%
Safety (if applicable)

(min.) Process Components
5 min *Anticipatory Set
 Ask the question: What is the difference between they way that sound and light
waves travel?
 Have the students use whiteboards to write their answers on, then walk the
room to see understands the difference.
1 min *State the Objectives (grade-level terms)
 Brightly describe the difference between sound and light waves.
 Elatedly explain how light travels.
2-3 min *Instructional Input or Procedure
 TSW explain to students they will work as a table to create a jigsaw poster with
information from assigned page in book (remind them they can also use
Discovery Ed to add more information).
 TTW discuss with students that they are not simply copying information from the
book. They need to be creative and find the important information that needs to
be shared with class and provide the information in their own words.
*Check for Understanding
 TTW walk the room when students discuss material as a table while creating

15 min *Independent Practice

 TSW create a poster to highlight important information within their section.

 TTW keep a mental note of the students that are contributing to the conversation
while in their groups.
 When each group presents make sure that all students have participated in
some way.
 The group should not be reading from the poster and should show some type of
25-30 *Closure
min  TSW present their posters to the class.

Differentiation Strategies (enrichment, accommodations, remediation, or by learning style).

Learning Styles: This lesson will focus on visual and auditory learners.

Classroom Management Issues (optional)

Set the standard of what is expected while creating chart. TTW use the random student app to make sure everyone is
contributing, which will help keep attention and stay on task.

McDonald’s Draft (2010). Modified by Kreassig and Gould (2014) for use with student teachers.
Revised August 2015
Lesson Critique. To be completed following the lesson. Did your students meet the objective(s)? What part
of the lesson would you change? Why?

*Denotes Madeline Hunter lesson plan elements.

Intern Signature Cooperating Teacher Signature Date

McDonald’s Draft (2010). Modified by Kreassig and Gould (2014) for use with student teachers.
Revised August 2015

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