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Republic of the Philippines directly nor indirectly given their consent to the deportation.

The involuntary guests were

SUPREME COURT received on board the steamers by a representative of the Bureau of Labor and a
Manila detachment of Constabulary soldiers. The two steamers with their unwilling passengers
sailed for Davao during the night of October 25.
The vessels reached their destination at Davao on October 29. The women were landed
G.R. No. L-14639 March 25, 1919 and receipted for as laborers by Francisco Sales, provincial governor of Davao, and by
Feliciano Yñigo and Rafael Castillo. The governor and the hacendero Yñigo, who appear
ZACARIAS VILLAVICENCIO, ET AL., petitioners, as parties in the case, had no previous notification that the women were prostitutes who
vs. had been expelled from the city of Manila. The further happenings to these women and
JUSTO LUKBAN, ET AL., respondents. the serious charges growing out of alleged ill-treatment are of public interest, but are not
essential to the disposition of this case. Suffice it to say, generally, that some of the
women married, others assumed more or less clandestine relations with men, others
Alfonso Mendoza for petitioners.
went to work in different capacities, others assumed a life unknown and disappeared,
City Fiscal Diaz for respondents.
and a goodly portion found means to return to Manila.
To turn back in our narrative, just about the time the Corregidor and the Negros were
putting in to Davao, the attorney for the relatives and friends of a considerable number of
The annals of juridical history fail to reveal a case quite as remarkable as the one which the deportees presented an application for habeas corpus to a member of the Supreme
this application for habeas corpus submits for decision. While hardly to be expected to be Court. Subsequently, the application, through stipulation of the parties, was made to
met with in this modern epoch of triumphant democracy, yet, after all, the cause presents include all of the women who were sent away from Manila to Davao and, as the same
no great difficulty if there is kept in the forefront of our minds the basic principles of questions concerned them all, the application will be considered as including them. The
popular government, and if we give expression to the paramount purpose for which the application set forth the salient facts, which need not be repeated, and alleged that the
courts, as an independent power of such a government, were constituted. The primary women were illegally restrained of their liberty by Justo Lukban, Mayor of the city of
question is — Shall the judiciary permit a government of the men instead of a Manila, Anton Hohmann, chief of police of the city of Manila, and by certain unknown
government of laws to be set up in the Philippine Islands? parties. The writ was made returnable before the full court. The city fiscal appeared for
the respondents, Lukban and Hohmann, admitted certain facts relative to sequestration
Omitting much extraneous matter, of no moment to these proceedings, but which might and deportation, and prayed that the writ should not be granted because the petitioners
prove profitable reading for other departments of the government, the facts are these: were not proper parties, because the action should have been begun in the Court of First
The Mayor of the city of Manila, Justo Lukban, for the best of all reasons, to exterminate Instance for Davao, Department of Mindanao and Sulu, because the respondents did not
vice, ordered the segregated district for women of ill repute, which had been permitted have any of the women under their custody or control, and because their jurisdiction did
for a number of years in the city of Manila, closed. Between October 16 and October 25, not extend beyond the boundaries of the city of Manila. According to an exhibit attached
1918, the women were kept confined to their houses in the district by the police. to the answer of the fiscal, the 170 women were destined to be laborers, at good
Presumably, during this period, the city authorities quietly perfected arrangements with salaries, on the haciendas of Yñigo and Governor Sales. In open court, the fiscal
the Bureau of Labor for sending the women to Davao, Mindanao, as laborers; with some admitted, in answer to question of a member of the court, that these women had been
government office for the use of the coastguard cutters Corregidor and Negros, and with sent out of Manila without their consent. The court awarded the writ, in an order of
the Constabulary for a guard of soldiers. At any rate, about midnight of October 25, the November 4, that directed Justo Lukban, Mayor of the city of Manila, Anton Hohmann,
police, acting pursuant to orders from the chief of police, Anton Hohmann and the Mayor chief of police of the city of Manila, Francisco Sales, governor of the province of Davao,
of the city of Manila, Justo Lukban, descended upon the houses, hustled some 170 and Feliciano Yñigo, an hacenderoof Davao, to bring before the court the persons
inmates into patrol wagons, and placed them aboard the steamers that awaited their therein named, alleged to be deprived of their liberty, on December 2, 1918.
arrival. The women were given no opportunity to collect their belongings, and apparently
were under the impression that they were being taken to a police station for an Before the date mentioned, seven of the women had returned to Manila at their own
investigation. They had no knowledge that they were destined for a life in Mindanao. expense. On motion of counsel for petitioners, their testimony was taken before the clerk
They had not been asked if they wished to depart from that region and had neither of the Supreme Court sitting as commissioners. On the day named in the order,
December 2nd, 1918, none of the persons in whose behalf the writ was issued were fiscal requested that the replica al memorandum de los recurridos, (reply to respondents'
produced in court by the respondents. It has been shown that three of those who had memorandum) dated January 25, 1919, be struck from the record.
been able to come back to Manila through their own efforts, were notified by the police
and the secret service to appear before the court. The fiscal appeared, repeated the In the second order, the court promised to give the reasons for granting the writ
facts more comprehensively, reiterated the stand taken by him when pleading to the of habeas corpus in the final decision. We will now proceed to do so.
original petition copied a telegram from the Mayor of the city of Manila to the provincial
governor of Davao and the answer thereto, and telegrams that had passed between the One fact, and one fact only, need be recalled — these one hundred and seventy women
Director of Labor and the attorney for that Bureau then in Davao, and offered certain were isolated from society, and then at night, without their consent and without any
affidavits showing that the women were contained with their life in Mindanao and did not opportunity to consult with friends or to defend their rights, were forcibly hustled on board
wish to return to Manila. Respondents Sales answered alleging that it was not possible to steamers for transportation to regions unknown. Despite the feeble attempt to prove that
fulfill the order of the Supreme Court because the women had never been under his the women left voluntarily and gladly, that such was not the case is shown by the mere
control, because they were at liberty in the Province of Davao, and because they had fact that the presence of the police and the constabulary was deemed necessary and
married or signed contracts as laborers. Respondent Yñigo answered alleging that he did that these officers of the law chose the shades of night to cloak their secret and stealthy
not have any of the women under his control and that therefore it was impossible for him acts. Indeed, this is a fact impossible to refute and practically admitted by the
to obey the mandate. The court, after due deliberation, on December 10, 1918, respondents.
promulgated a second order, which related that the respondents had not complied with
the original order to the satisfaction of the court nor explained their failure to do so, and
With this situation, a court would next expect to resolve the question — By authority of
therefore directed that those of the women not in Manila be brought before the court by
what law did the Mayor and the Chief of Police presume to act in deporting by duress
respondents Lukban, Hohmann, Sales, and Yñigo on January 13, 1919, unless the
these persons from Manila to another distant locality within the Philippine Islands? We
women should, in written statements voluntarily made before the judge of first instance of
turn to the statutes and we find —
Davao or the clerk of that court, renounce the right, or unless the respondents should
demonstrate some other legal motives that made compliance impossible. It was further
stated that the question of whether the respondents were in contempt of court would later Alien prostitutes can be expelled from the Philippine Islands in conformity with an Act of
be decided and the reasons for the order announced in the final decision. congress. The Governor-General can order the eviction of undesirable aliens after a
hearing from the Islands. Act No. 519 of the Philippine Commission and section 733 of
the Revised Ordinances of the city of Manila provide for the conviction and punishment
Before January 13, 1919, further testimony including that of a number of the women, of
by a court of justice of any person who is a common prostitute. Act No. 899 authorizes
certain detectives and policemen, and of the provincial governor of Davao, was taken
the return of any citizen of the United States, who may have been convicted of vagrancy,
before the clerk of the Supreme Court sitting as commissioner and the clerk of the Court
to the homeland. New York and other States have statutes providing for the commitment
of First Instance of Davao acting in the same capacity. On January 13, 1919, the
to the House of Refuge of women convicted of being common prostitutes. Always a law!
respondents technically presented before the Court the women who had returned to the
Even when the health authorities compel vaccination, or establish a quarantine, or place
city through their own efforts and eight others who had been brought to Manila by the
a leprous person in the Culion leper colony, it is done pursuant to some law or order. But
respondents. Attorneys for the respondents, by their returns, once again recounted the
one can search in vain for any law, order, or regulation, which even hints at the right of
facts and further endeavored to account for all of the persons involved in the habeas
the Mayor of the city of Manila or the chief of police of that city to force citizens of the
corpus. In substance, it was stated that the respondents, through their representatives
Philippine Islands — and these women despite their being in a sense lepers of society
and agents, had succeeded in bringing from Davao with their consent eight women; that
are nevertheless not chattels but Philippine citizens protected by the same constitutional
eighty-one women were found in Davao who, on notice that if they desired they could
guaranties as are other citizens — to change their domicile from Manila to another
return to Manila, transportation fee, renounced the right through sworn statements; that
locality. On the contrary, Philippine penal law specifically punishes any public officer
fifty-nine had already returned to Manila by other means, and that despite all efforts to
who, not being expressly authorized by law or regulation, compels any person to change
find them twenty-six could not be located. Both counsel for petitioners and the city fiscal
his residence.
were permitted to submit memoranda. The first formally asked the court to find Justo
Lukban, Mayor of the city of Manila, Anton Hohmann, chief of police of the city of Manila,
Jose Rodriguez and Fernando Ordax, members of the police force of the city of Manila, In other countries, as in Spain and Japan, the privilege of domicile is deemed so
Feliciano Yñigo, an hacendero of Davao, Modesto Joaquin, the attorney for the Bureau important as to be found in the Bill of Rights of the Constitution. Under the American
of Labor, and Anacleto Diaz, fiscal of the city of Manila, in contempt of court. The city constitutional system, liberty of abode is a principle so deeply imbedded in jurisprudence
and considered so elementary in nature as not even to require a constitutional sanction. As to criminal responsibility, it is true that the Penal Code in force in these Islands
Even the Governor-General of the Philippine Islands, even the President of the United provides:
States, who has often been said to exercise more power than any king or potentate, has
no such arbitrary prerogative, either inherent or express. Much less, therefore, has the Any public officer not thereunto authorized by law or by regulations of a general
executive of a municipality, who acts within a sphere of delegated powers. If the mayor character in force in the Philippines who shall banish any person to a place more
and the chief of police could, at their mere behest or even for the most praiseworthy of than two hundred kilometers distant from his domicile, except it be by virtue of
motives, render the liberty of the citizen so insecure, then the presidents and chiefs of the judgment of a court, shall be punished by a fine of not less than three
police of one thousand other municipalities of the Philippines have the same privilege. If hundred and twenty-five and not more than three thousand two hundred and fifty
these officials can take to themselves such power, then any other official can do the pesetas.
same. And if any official can exercise the power, then all persons would have just as
much right to do so. And if a prostitute could be sent against her wishes and under no Any public officer not thereunto expressly authorized by law or by regulation of a
law from one locality to another within the country, then officialdom can hold the same general character in force in the Philippines who shall compel any person to
club over the head of any citizen. change his domicile or residence shall suffer the penalty of destierro and a fine of
not less than six hundred and twenty-five and not more than six thousand two
Law defines power. Centuries ago Magna Charta decreed that — "No freeman shall be hundred and fifty pesetas. (Art. 211.)
taken, or imprisoned, or be disseized of his freehold, or liberties, or free customs, or be
outlawed, or exiled, or any other wise destroyed; nor will we pass upon him nor condemn We entertain no doubt but that, if, after due investigation, the proper prosecuting officers
him, but by lawful judgment of his peers or by the law of the land. We will sell to no man, find that any public officer has violated this provision of law, these prosecutors will
we will not deny or defer to any man either justice or right." (Magna Charta, 9 Hen., 111, institute and press a criminal prosecution just as vigorously as they have defended the
1225, Cap. 29; 1 eng. stat. at Large, 7.) No official, no matter how high, is above the law. same official in this action. Nevertheless, that the act may be a crime and that the
The courts are the forum which functionate to safeguard individual liberty and to punish persons guilty thereof can be proceeded against, is no bar to the instant proceedings. To
official transgressors. "The law," said Justice Miller, delivering the opinion of the quote the words of Judge Cooley in a case which will later be referred to — "It would be
Supreme Court of the United States, "is the only supreme power in our system of a monstrous anomaly in the law if to an application by one unlawfully confined, ta be
government, and every man who by accepting office participates in its functions is only restored to his liberty, it could be a sufficient answer that the confinement was a crime,
the more strongly bound to submit to that supremacy, and to observe the limitations and therefore might be continued indefinitely until the guilty party was tried and punished
which it imposes upon the exercise of the authority which it gives." (U.S. vs. Lee [1882], therefor by the slow process of criminal procedure." (In the matter of Jackson [1867], 15
106 U.S., 196, 220.) "The very idea," said Justice Matthews of the same high tribunal in Mich., 416, 434.) The writ of habeas corpus was devised and exists as a speedy and
another case, "that one man may be compelled to hold his life, or the means of living, or effectual remedy to relieve persons from unlawful restraint, and as the best and only
any material right essential to the enjoyment of life, at the mere will of another, seems to sufficient defense of personal freedom. Any further rights of the parties are left
be intolerable in any country where freedom prevails, as being the essence of slavery untouched by decision on the writ, whose principal purpose is to set the individual at
itself." (Yick Wo vs. Hopkins [1886], 118 U.S., 356, 370.) All this explains the motive in liberty.
issuing the writ of habeas corpus, and makes clear why we said in the very beginning
that the primary question was whether the courts should permit a government of men or
Granted that habeas corpus is the proper remedy, respondents have raised three
a government of laws to be established in the Philippine Islands.
specific objections to its issuance in this instance. The fiscal has argued (l) that there is a
defect in parties petitioners, (2) that the Supreme Court should not a assume jurisdiction,
What are the remedies of the unhappy victims of official oppression? The remedies of and (3) that the person in question are not restrained of their liberty by respondents. It
the citizen are three: (1) Civil action; (2) criminal action, and (3) habeas corpus. was finally suggested that the jurisdiction of the Mayor and the chief of police of the city
of Manila only extends to the city limits and that perforce they could not bring the women
The first is an optional but rather slow process by which the aggrieved party may recoup from Davao.
money damages. It may still rest with the parties in interest to pursue such an action, but
it was never intended effectively and promptly to meet any such situation as that now The first defense was not presented with any vigor by counsel. The petitioners were
before us. relatives and friends of the deportees. The way the expulsion was conducted by the city
officials made it impossible for the women to sign a petition for habeas corpus. It was
consequently proper for the writ to be submitted by persons in their behalf. (Code of Consider for a moment what an agreement with such a defense would mean. The chief
Criminal Procedure, sec. 78; Code of Civil Procedure, sec. 527.) The law, in its zealous executive of any municipality in the Philippines could forcibly and illegally take a private
regard for personal liberty, even makes it the duty of a court or judge to grant a writ citizen and place him beyond the boundaries of the municipality, and then, when called
of habeas corpus if there is evidence that within the court's jurisdiction a person is upon to defend his official action, could calmly fold his hands and claim that the person
unjustly imprisoned or restrained of his liberty, though no application be made therefor. was under no restraint and that he, the official, had no jurisdiction over this other
(Code of Criminal Procedure, sec. 93.) Petitioners had standing in court. municipality. We believe the true principle should be that, if the respondent is within the
jurisdiction of the court and has it in his power to obey the order of the court and thus to
The fiscal next contended that the writ should have been asked for in the Court of First undo the wrong that he has inflicted, he should be compelled to do so. Even if the party
Instance of Davao or should have been made returnable before that court. It is a general to whom the writ is addressed has illegally parted with the custody of a person before the
rule of good practice that, to avoid unnecessary expense and inconvenience, petitions application for the writ is no reason why the writ should not issue. If the mayor and the
for habeas corpus should be presented to the nearest judge of the court of first instance. chief of police, acting under no authority of law, could deport these women from the city
But this is not a hard and fast rule. The writ of habeas corpus may be granted by the of Manila to Davao, the same officials must necessarily have the same means to return
Supreme Court or any judge thereof enforcible anywhere in the Philippine Islands. (Code them from Davao to Manila. The respondents, within the reach of process, may not be
of Criminal Procedure, sec. 79; Code of Civil Procedure, sec. 526.) Whether the writ shall permitted to restrain a fellow citizen of her liberty by forcing her to change her domicile
be made returnable before the Supreme Court or before an inferior court rests in the and to avow the act with impunity in the courts, while the person who has lost her
discretion of the Supreme Court and is dependent on the particular circumstances. In this birthright of liberty has no effective recourse. The great writ of liberty may not thus be
instance it was not shown that the Court of First Instance of Davao was in session, or easily evaded.
that the women had any means by which to advance their plea before that court. On the
other hand, it was shown that the petitioners with their attorneys, and the two original It must be that some such question has heretofore been presented to the courts for
respondents with their attorney, were in Manila; it was shown that the case involved decision. Nevertheless, strange as it may seem, a close examination of the authorities
parties situated in different parts of the Islands; it was shown that the women might still fails to reveal any analogous case. Certain decisions of respectable courts are however
be imprisoned or restrained of their liberty; and it was shown that if the writ was to very persuasive in nature.
accomplish its purpose, it must be taken cognizance of and decided immediately by the
appellate court. The failure of the superior court to consider the application and then to A question came before the Supreme Court of the State of Michigan at an early date as
grant the writ would have amounted to a denial of the benefits of the writ. to whether or not a writ of habeas corpus would issue from the Supreme Court to a
person within the jurisdiction of the State to bring into the State a minor child under
The last argument of the fiscal is more plausible and more difficult to meet. When the writ guardianship in the State, who has been and continues to be detained in another State.
was prayed for, says counsel, the parties in whose behalf it was asked were under no The membership of the Michigan Supreme Court at this time was notable. It was
restraint; the women, it is claimed, were free in Davao, and the jurisdiction of the mayor composed of Martin, chief justice, and Cooley, Campbell, and Christiancy, justices. On
and the chief of police did not extend beyond the city limits. At first blush, this is a tenable the question presented the court was equally divided. Campbell, J., with whom concurred
position. On closer examination, acceptance of such dictum is found to be perversive of Martin, C. J., held that the writ should be quashed. Cooley, J., one of the most
the first principles of the writ of habeas corpus. distinguished American judges and law-writers, with whom concurred Christiancy, J.,
held that the writ should issue. Since the opinion of Justice Campbell was predicated to a
A prime specification of an application for a writ of habeas corpus is restraint of liberty. large extent on his conception of the English decisions, and since, as will hereafter
The essential object and purpose of the writ of habeas corpus is to inquire into all appear, the English courts have taken a contrary view, only the following eloquent
manner of involuntary restraint as distinguished from voluntary, and to relieve a person passages from the opinion of Justice Cooley are quoted:
therefrom if such restraint is illegal. Any restraint which will preclude freedom of action is
sufficient. The forcible taking of these women from Manila by officials of that city, who I have not yet seen sufficient reason to doubt the power of this court to issue the
handed them over to other parties, who deposited them in a distant region, deprived present writ on the petition which was laid before us. . . .
these women of freedom of locomotion just as effectively as if they had been imprisoned.
Placed in Davao without either money or personal belongings, they were prevented from It would be strange indeed if, at this late day, after the eulogiums of six centuries
exercising the liberty of going when and where they pleased. The restraint of liberty and a half have been expended upon the Magna Charta, and rivers of blood
which began in Manila continued until the aggrieved parties were returned to Manila and shed for its establishment; after its many confirmations, until Coke could declare
released or until they freely and truly waived his right. in his speech on the petition of right that "Magna Charta was such a fellow that
he will have no sovereign," and after the extension of its benefits and securities A writ of habeas corpus was ordered to issue, and was issued on January 22.
by the petition of right, bill of rights and habeas corpus acts, it should now be That writ commanded the defendant to have the body of the child before a judge
discovered that evasion of that great clause for the protection of personal liberty, in chambers at the Royal Courts of Justice immediately after the receipt of the
which is the life and soul of the whole instrument, is so easy as is claimed here. If writ, together with the cause of her being taken and detained. That is a command
it is so, it is important that it be determined without delay, that the legislature may to bring the child before the judge and must be obeyed, unless some lawful
apply the proper remedy, as I can not doubt they would, on the subject being reason can be shown to excuse the nonproduction of the child. If it could be
brought to their notice. . . . shown that by reason of his having lawfully parted with the possession of the
child before the issuing of the writ, the defendant had no longer power to produce
The second proposition — that the statutory provisions are confined to the case the child, that might be an answer; but in the absence of any lawful reason he is
of imprisonment within the state — seems to me to be based upon a bound to produce the child, and, if he does not, he is in contempt of the Court for
misconception as to the source of our jurisdiction. It was never the case in not obeying the writ without lawful excuse. Many efforts have been made in
England that the court of king's bench derived its jurisdiction to issue and enforce argument to shift the question of contempt to some anterior period for the
this writ from the statute. Statutes were not passed to give the right, but to purpose of showing that what was done at some time prior to the writ cannot be a
compel the observance of rights which existed. . . . contempt. But the question is not as to what was done before the issue of the
writ. The question is whether there has been a contempt in disobeying the writ it
The important fact to be observed in regard to the mode of procedure upon this was issued by not producing the child in obedience to its commands. (The
writ is, that it is directed to and served upon, not the person confined, but his Queen vs. Bernardo [1889], 23 Q. B. D., 305. See also to the same effect the
jailor. It does not reach the former except through the latter. The officer or person Irish case of In re Matthews, 12 Ir. Com. Law Rep. [N. S.], 233; The
who serves it does not unbar the prison doors, and set the prisoner free, but the Queen vs. Barnardo, Gossage's Case [1890], 24 Q. B. D., 283.)
court relieves him by compelling the oppressor to release his constraint. The
whole force of the writ is spent upon the respondent, and if he fails to obey it, the A decision coming from the Federal Courts is also of interest. A habeas corpus was
means to be resorted to for the purposes of compulsion are fine and directed to the defendant to have before the circuit court of the District of Columbia three
imprisonment. This is the ordinary mode of affording relief, and if any other colored persons, with the cause of their detention. Davis, in his return to the writ, stated
means are resorted to, they are only auxiliary to those which are usual. The on oath that he had purchased the negroes as slaves in the city of Washington; that, as
place of confinement is, therefore, not important to the relief, if the guilty party is he believed, they were removed beyond the District of Columbia before the service of the
within reach of process, so that by the power of the court he can be compelled to writ of habeas corpus, and that they were then beyond his control and out of his custody.
release his grasp. The difficulty of affording redress is not increased by the The evidence tended to show that Davis had removed the negroes because he
confinement being beyond the limits of the state, except as greater distance may suspected they would apply for a writ of habeas corpus. The court held the return to be
affect it. The important question is, where the power of control exercised? And I evasive and insufficient, and that Davis was bound to produce the negroes, and Davis
am aware of no other remedy. (In the matter of Jackson [1867], 15 Mich., 416.) being present in court, and refusing to produce them, ordered that he be committed to
the custody of the marshall until he should produce the negroes, or be otherwise
The opinion of Judge Cooley has since been accepted as authoritative by other courts. discharged in due course of law. The court afterwards ordered that Davis be released
(Rivers vs. Mitchell [1881], 57 Iowa, 193; Breene vs. People [1911], Colo., 117 Pac. upon the production of two of the negroes, for one of the negroes had run away and
Rep., 1000; Ex parte Young [1892], 50 Fed., 526.) been lodged in jail in Maryland. Davis produced the two negroes on the last day of the
term. (United States vs. Davis [1839], 5 Cranch C.C., 622, Fed. Cas. No. 14926. See
also Robb vs. Connolly [1883], 111 U.S., 624; Church on Habeas, 2nd ed., p. 170.)
The English courts have given careful consideration to the subject. Thus, a child had
been taken out of English by the respondent. A writ of habeas corpus was issued by the
Queen's Bench Division upon the application of the mother and her husband directing We find, therefore, both on reason and authority, that no one of the defense offered by
the defendant to produce the child. The judge at chambers gave defendant until a certain the respondents constituted a legitimate bar to the granting of the writ of habeas corpus.
date to produce the child, but he did not do so. His return stated that the child before the
issuance of the writ had been handed over by him to another; that it was no longer in his There remains to be considered whether the respondent complied with the two orders of
custody or control, and that it was impossible for him to obey the writ. He was found in the Supreme Court awarding the writ of habeas corpus, and if it be found that they did
contempt of court. On appeal, the court, through Lord Esher, M. R., said: not, whether the contempt should be punished or be taken as purged.
The first order, it will be recalled, directed Justo Lukban, Anton Hohmann, Francisco In response to the second order of the court, the respondents appear to have become
Sales, and Feliciano Yñigo to present the persons named in the writ before the court on more zealous and to have shown a better spirit. Agents were dispatched to Mindanao,
December 2, 1918. The order was dated November 4, 1918. The respondents were thus placards were posted, the constabulary and the municipal police joined in rounding up
given ample time, practically one month, to comply with the writ. As far as the record the women, and a steamer with free transportation to Manila was provided. While
discloses, the Mayor of the city of Manila waited until the 21st of November before charges and counter-charges in such a bitterly contested case are to be expected, and
sending a telegram to the provincial governor of Davao. According to the response of the while a critical reading of the record might reveal a failure of literal fulfillment with our
attorney for the Bureau of Labor to the telegram of his chief, there were then in Davao mandate, we come to conclude that there is a substantial compliance with it. Our finding
women who desired to return to Manila, but who should not be permitted to do so to this effect may be influenced somewhat by our sincere desire to see this unhappy
because of having contracted debts. The half-hearted effort naturally resulted in none of incident finally closed. If any wrong is now being perpetrated in Davao, it should receive
the parties in question being brought before the court on the day named. an executive investigation. If any particular individual is still restrained of her liberty, it
can be made the object of separate habeas corpus proceedings.
For the respondents to have fulfilled the court's order, three optional courses were open:
(1) They could have produced the bodies of the persons according to the command of Since the writ has already been granted, and since we find a substantial compliance with
the writ; or (2) they could have shown by affidavit that on account of sickness or infirmity it, nothing further in this connection remains to be done.
those persons could not safely be brought before the court; or (3) they could have
presented affidavits to show that the parties in question or their attorney waived the right The attorney for the petitioners asks that we find in contempt of court Justo Lukban,
to be present. (Code of Criminal Procedure, sec. 87.) They did not produce the bodies of Mayor of the city of Manila, Anton Hohmann, chief of police of the city of Manila, Jose
the persons in whose behalf the writ was granted; they did not show impossibility of Rodriguez, and Fernando Ordax, members of the police force of the city of Manila,
performance; and they did not present writings that waived the right to be present by Modesto Joaquin, the attorney for the Bureau of Labor, Feliciano Yñigo, an hacendero of
those interested. Instead a few stereotyped affidavits purporting to show that the women Davao, and Anacleto Diaz, Fiscal of the city of Manila.
were contended with their life in Davao, some of which have since been repudiated by
the signers, were appended to the return. That through ordinary diligence a considerable The power to punish for contempt of court should be exercised on the preservative and
number of the women, at least sixty, could have been brought back to Manila is not on the vindictive principle. Only occasionally should the court invoke its inherent
demonstrated to be found in the municipality of Davao, and that about this number either power in order to retain that respect without which the administration of justice must falter
returned at their own expense or were produced at the second hearing by the or fail. Nevertheless when one is commanded to produce a certain person and does not
respondents. do so, and does not offer a valid excuse, a court must, to vindicate its authority, adjudge
the respondent to be guilty of contempt, and must order him either imprisoned or fined.
The court, at the time the return to its first order was made, would have been warranted An officer's failure to produce the body of a person in obedience to a writ of habeas
summarily in finding the respondents guilty of contempt of court, and in sending them to corpus when he has power to do so, is a contempt committed in the face of the court. (Ex
jail until they obeyed the order. Their excuses for the non-production of the persons were parte Sterns [1888], 77 Cal., 156; In re Patterson [1888], 99 N. C., 407.)
far from sufficient. The, authorities cited herein pertaining to somewhat similar facts all
tend to indicate with what exactitude a habeas corpus writ must be fulfilled. For example, With all the facts and circumstances in mind, and with judicial regard for human
in Gossage's case, supra, the Magistrate in referring to an earlier decision of the Court, imperfections, we cannot say that any of the respondents, with the possible exception of
said: "We thought that, having brought about that state of things by his own illegal act, he the first named, has flatly disobeyed the court by acting in opposition to its authority.
must take the consequences; and we said that he was bound to use every effort to get Respondents Hohmann, Rodriguez, Ordax, and Joaquin only followed the orders of their
the child back; that he must do much more than write letters for the purpose; that he chiefs, and while, under the law of public officers, this does not exonerate them entirely,
must advertise in America, and even if necessary himself go after the child, and do it is nevertheless a powerful mitigating circumstance. The hacendero Yñigo appears to
everything that mortal man could do in the matter; and that the court would only accept have been drawn into the case through a misconstruction by counsel of telegraphic
clear proof of an absolute impossibility by way of excuse." In other words, the return did communications. The city fiscal, Anacleto Diaz, would seem to have done no more than
not show that every possible effort to produce the women was made by the respondents. to fulfill his duty as the legal representative of the city government. Finding him innocent
That the court forebore at this time to take drastic action was because it did not wish to of any disrespect to the court, his counter-motion to strike from the record the
see presented to the public gaze the spectacle of a clash between executive officials and memorandum of attorney for the petitioners, which brings him into this undesirable
the judiciary, and because it desired to give the respondents another chance to position, must be granted. When all is said and done, as far as this record discloses, the
demonstrate their good faith and to mitigate their wrong. official who was primarily responsible for the unlawful deportation, who ordered the
police to accomplish the same, who made arrangements for the steamers and the The undersigned does not entirely agree to the opinion of the majority in the decision of
constabulary, who conducted the negotiations with the Bureau of Labor, and who later, the habeas corpusproceeding against Justo Lukban, the mayor of this city.
as the head of the city government, had it within his power to facilitate the return of the
unfortunate women to Manila, was Justo Lukban, the Mayor of the city of Manila. His There is nothing in the record that shows the motive which impelled Mayor Lukban to
intention to suppress the social evil was commendable. His methods were unlawful. His oblige a great number of women of various ages, inmates of the houses of prostitution
regard for the writ of habeas corpus issued by the court was only tardily and reluctantly situated in Gardenia Street, district of Sampaloc, to change their residence.
We know no express law, regulation, or ordinance which clearly prohibits the opening of
It would be possible to turn to the provisions of section 546 of the Code of Civil public houses of prostitution, as those in the said Gardenia Street, Sampaloc. For this
Procedure, which relates to the penalty for disobeying the writ, and in pursuance thereof reason, when more than one hundred and fifty women were assembled and placed
to require respondent Lukban to forfeit to the parties aggrieved as much as P400 each, aboard a steamer and transported to Davao, considering that the existence of the said
which would reach to many thousands of pesos, and in addition to deal with him as for a houses of prostitution has been tolerated for so long a time, it is undeniable that the
contempt. Some members of the court are inclined to this stern view. It would also be mayor of the city, in proceeding in the manner shown, acted without authority of any legal
possible to find that since respondent Lukban did comply substantially with the second provision which constitutes an exception to the laws guaranteeing the liberty and the
order of the court, he has purged his contempt of the first order. Some members of the individual rights of the residents of the city of Manila.
court are inclined to this merciful view. Between the two extremes appears to lie the
correct finding. The failure of respondent Lukban to obey the first mandate of the court We do not believe in the pomp and obstentation of force displayed by the police in
tended to belittle and embarrass the administration of justice to such an extent that his complying with the order of the mayor of the city; neither do we believe in the necessity
later activity may be considered only as extenuating his conduct. A nominal fine will at of taking them to the distant district of Davao. The said governmental authority, in
once command such respect without being unduly oppressive — such an amount is carrying out his intention to suppress the segregated district or the community formed by
P100. those women in Gardenia Street, could have obliged the said women to return to their
former residences in this city or in the provinces, without the necessity of transporting
In resume — as before stated, no further action on the writ of habeas corpus is them to Mindanao; hence the said official is obliged to bring back the women who are still
necessary. The respondents Hohmann, Rodriguez, Ordax, Joaquin, Yñigo, and Diaz are in Davao so that they may return to the places in which they lived prior to their becoming
found not to be in contempt of court. Respondent Lukban is found in contempt of court inmates of certain houses in Gardenia Street.
and shall pay into the office of the clerk of the Supreme Court within five days the sum of
one hundred pesos (P100). The motion of the fiscal of the city of Manila to strike from the As regards the manner whereby the mayor complied with the orders of this court, we do
record the Replica al Memorandum de los Recurridos of January 25, 1919, is granted. not find any apparent disobedience and marked absence of respect in the steps taken by
Costs shall be taxed against respondents. So ordered. the mayor of the city and his subordinates, if we take into account the difficulties
encountered in bringing the said women who were free at Davao and presenting them
In concluding this tedious and disagreeable task, may we not be permitted to express the before this court within the time fixed, inasmuch as it does not appear that the said
hope that this decision may serve to bulwark the fortifications of an orderly government women were living together in a given place. It was not because they were really
of laws and to protect individual liberty from illegal encroachment. detained, but because on the first days there were no houses in which they could live
with a relative independent from one another, and as a proof that they were free a
Arellano, C.J., Avanceña and Moir, JJ., concur. number of them returned to Manila and the others succeeded in living separate from their
Johnson, and Street, JJ., concur in the result. companions who continued living together.

To determine whether or not the mayor acted with a good purpose and legal object and
whether he has acted in good or bad faith in proceeding to dissolve the said community
of prostitutes and to oblige them to change their domicile, it is necessary to consider not
Separate Opinions only the rights and interests of the said women and especially of the patrons who have
been directing and conducting such a reproachable enterprise and shameful business in
TORRES, J., dissenting: one of the suburbs of this city, but also the rights and interests of the very numerous
people of Manila where relatively a few transients accidentally and for some days reside, subject to the police and sanitary regulations conducive to the maintenance of public
the inhabitants thereof being more than three hundred thousand (300,000) who can not, decency and morality and to the conservation of public health, and for this reason it
with indifference and without repugnance, live in the same place with so many should not permitted that the unfortunate women dedicated to prostitution evade the just
unfortunate women dedicated to prostitution. orders and resolutions adopted by the administrative authorities.

If the material and moral interests of the community as well as the demands of social It is regrettable that unnecessary rigor was employed against the said poor women, but
morality are to be taken into account, it is not possible to sustain that it is legal and those who have been worrying so much about the prejudice resulting from a
permissible to establish a house of pandering or prostitution in the midst of an governmental measure, which being a very drastic remedy may be considered arbitrary,
enlightened population, for, although there were no positive laws prohibiting the have failed to consider with due reflection the interests of the inhabitants of this city in
existence of such houses within a district of Manila, the dictates of common sense and general and particularly the duties and responsibilities weighing upon the authorities
dictates of conscience of its inhabitants are sufficient to warrant the public administration, which administer and govern it; they have forgotten that many of those who criticize and
acting correctly, in exercising the inevitable duty of ordering the closing and censure the mayor are fathers of families and are in duty bound to take care of their
abandonment of a house of prostitution ostensibly open to the public, and of obliging the children.
inmates thereof to leave it, although such a house is inhabited by its true owner who
invokes in his behalf the protection of the constitutional law guaranteeing his liberty, his For the foregoing reasons, we reach the conclusion that when the petitioners, because of
individual rights, and his right to property. the abnormal life they assumed, were obliged to change their residence not by a private
citizen but by the mayor of the city who is directly responsible for the conservation of
A cholera patient, a leper, or any other person affected by a known contagious disease public health and social morality, the latter could take the step he had taken, availing
cannot invoke in his favor the constitutional law which guarantees his liberty and himself of the services of the police in good faith and only with the purpose of protecting
individual rights, should the administrative authority order his hospitalization, reclusion, or the immense majority of the population from the social evils and diseases which the
concentration in a certain island or distant point in order to free from contagious the great houses of prostitution situated in Gardenia Street have been producing, which houses
majority of the inhabitants of the country who fortunately do not have such diseases. The have been constituting for years a true center for the propagation of general diseases
same reasons exist or stand good with respect to the unfortunate women dedicated to and other evils derived therefrom. Hence, in ordering the dissolution and abandonment
prostitution, and such reasons become stronger because the first persons named have of the said houses of prostitution and the change of the domicile of the inmates thereof,
contracted their diseases without their knowledge and even against their will, whereas the mayor did not in bad faith violate the constitutional laws which guarantees the liberty
the unfortunate prostitutes voluntarily adopted such manner of living and spontaneously and the individual rights of every Filipino, inasmuch as the women petitioners do not
accepted all its consequences, knowing positively that their constant intercourse with absolutely enjoy the said liberty and rights, the exercise of which they have voluntarily
men of all classes, notwithstanding the cleanliness and precaution which they are wont renounced in exchange for the free practice of their shameful profession.
to adopt, gives way to the spread or multiplication of the disease known as syphilis, a
venereal disease, which, although it constitutes a secret disease among men and In very highly advanced and civilized countries, there have been adopted by the
women, is still prejudicial to the human species in the same degree, scope, and administrative authorities similar measures, more or less rigorous, respecting prostitutes,
seriousness as cholera, tuberculosis, leprosy, pest, typhoid, and other contagious considering them prejudicial to the people, although it is true that in the execution of such
diseases which produce great mortality and very serious prejudice to poor humanity. measures more humane and less drastic procedures, fortiter in re et suaviter in forma,
have been adopted, but such procedures have always had in view the ultimate object of
If a young woman, instead of engaging in an occupation or works suitable to her sex, the Government for the sake of the community, that is, putting an end to the living
which can give her sufficient remuneration for her subsistence, prefers to put herself together in a certain place of women dedicated to prostitution and changing their
under the will of another woman who is usually older than she is and who is the manager domicile, with the problematical hope that they adopt another manner of living which is
or owner of a house of prostitution, or spontaneously dedicates herself to this shameful better and more useful to themselves and to society.
profession, it is undeniable that she voluntarily and with her own knowledge renounces
her liberty and individual rights guaranteed by the Constitution, because it is evident that In view of the foregoing remarks, we should hold, as we hereby hold, that Mayor Justo
she can not join the society of decent women nor can she expect to get the same respect Lukban is obliged to take back and restore the said women who are at present found in
that is due to the latter, nor is it possible for her to live within the community or society Davao, and who desire to return to their former respective residences, not in Gardenia
with the same liberty and rights enjoyed by every citizen. Considering her dishonorable Street, Sampaloc District, with the exception of the prostitutes who should expressly
conduct and life, she should therefore be comprised within that class which is always make known to the clerk of court their preference to reside in Davao, which manifestation
must be made under oath. This resolution must be transmitted to the mayor within the of contempt of court, and in sending them to jail until they obeyed the order. Their
shortest time possible for its due compliance. The costs shall be charged de officio. excuses for the non production of the persons were far from sufficient." To corroborate
this, the majority decision cites the case of the Queen vs. Barnardo, Gossage's Case
ARAULLO, J., dissenting in part: ([1890], 24 Q. B. D., 283) and added "that the return did not show that every possible
effort to produce the women was made by the respondents."
I regret to dissent from the respectable opinion of the majority in the decision rendered in
these proceedings, with respect to the finding as to the importance of the contempt When the said return by the respondents was made to this court in banc and the case
committed, according to the same decision, by Justo Lukban, Mayor of the city of Manila, discussed, my opinion was that Mayor Lukban should have been immediately punished
and the consequent imposition upon him of a nominal fine of P100. for contempt. Nevertheless, a second order referred to in the decision was issued on
December 10, 1918, requiring the respondents to produce before the court, on January
In the said decision, it is said: 13, 1919, the women who were not in Manila, unless they could show that it was
impossible to comply with the said order on the two grounds previously mentioned. With
respect to this second order, the same decision has the following to say:
The first order, it will be recalled, directed Justo Lukban, Anton Hohmann,
Francisco Sales, and Feliciano Yñigo to present the persons named in the writ
before the court on December 2, 1918. The order was dated November 4, 1918. In response to the second order of the court, the respondents appear to have
The respondents were thus given ample time, practically one month, to comply become more zealous and to have shown a better spirit. Agents were dispatched
with the writ. As far as the record disclosed, the mayor of the city of Manila to Mindanao, placards were posted, the constabulary and the municipal police
waited until the 21st of November before sending a telegram to the provincial joined in rounding up the women, and a steamer with free transportation to
governor of Davao. According to the response of the Attorney for the Bureau of Manila was provided. While charges and countercharges in such a bitterly
Labor to the telegram of his chief, there were then in Davao women who desired contested case are to be expected, and while a critical reading of the record
to return to Manila, but who should not be permitted to do so because of having might reveal a failure of literal fulfillment with our mandate, we come to conclude
contracted debts. The half-hearted effort naturally resulted in none of the parties that there is a substantial compliance with it.
in question being brought before the court on the day named.
I do not agree to this conclusion.
In accordance with section 87 of General Orders No. 58, as said in the same decision,
the respondents, for the purpose of complying with the order of the court, could have, (1) The respondent mayor of the city of Manila, Justo Lukban, let 17 days elapse from the
produced the bodies of the persons according to the command of the writ; (2) shown by date of the issuance of the first order on November 4th till the 21st of the same month
affidavits that on account of sickness or infirmity the said women could not safely be before taking the first step for compliance with the mandate of the said order; he waited
brought before this court; and (3) presented affidavits to show that the parties in question till the 21st of November, as the decision says, before he sent a telegram to the
or their lawyers waived their right to be present. According to the same decision, the said provincial governor o f Davao and naturally this half-hearted effort, as is so qualified in
respondents ". . . did not produce the bodies of the persons in whose behalf the writ was the decision, resulted in that none of the women appeared before this court on
granted; did not show impossibility of performance; and did not present writings, that December 2nd. Thus, the said order was not complied with, and in addition to this
waived the right to be present by those interested. Instead, a few stereotyped affidavits noncompliance there was the circumstances that seven of the said women having
purporting to show that the women were contented with their life in Davao, some of returned to Manila at their own expense before the said second day of December and
which have since been repudiated by the signers, were appended to the return. That being in the antechamber of the court room, which fact was known to Chief of Police
through ordinary diligence a considerable number of the women, at least sixty, could Hohmann, who was then present at the trial and to the attorney for the respondents,
have been brought back to Manila is demonstrated by the fact that during this time they were not produced before the court by the respondents nor did the latter show any effort
were easily to be found in the municipality of Davao, and that about this number either to present them, in spite of the fact that their attention was called to this particular by the
returned at their own expense or were produced at the second hearing by the undersigned.
The result of the said second order was, as is said in the same decision, that the
The majority opinion also recognized that, "That court, at the time the return to its first respondents, on January 13th, the day fixed for the protection of the women before this
order was made, would have been warranted summarily in finding the respondent guilty court, presented technically the seven (7) women above-mentioned who had returned to
the city at their own expense and the other eight (8) women whom the respondents granted their liberty, the respondent has not given due attention to the same nor has he
themselves brought to Manila, alleging moreover that their agents and subordinates made any effort to comply with the second order. In other words, he has disobeyed the
succeeded in bringing them from Davao with their consent; that in Davao they found said two orders; has despised the authority of this court; has failed to give the respect
eighty-one (81) women who, when asked if they desired to return to Manila with free due to justice; and lastly, he has created and placed obstacles to the administration of
transportation, renounced such a right, as is shown in the affidavits presented by the justice in the said habeas corpus proceeding, thus preventing, because of his notorious
respondents to this effect; that, through other means, fifty-nine (59) women have already disobedience, the resolution of the said proceeding with the promptness which the nature
returned to Manila, but notwithstanding the efforts made to find them it was not possible of the same required.
to locate the whereabouts of twenty-six (26) of them. Thus, in short, out of the one
hundred and eighty-one (181) women who, as has been previously said, have been Contempt of court has been defined as a despising of the authority, justice, or
illegally detained by Mayor Lukban and Chief of Police Hohmann and transported to dignity of the court; and he is guilty of contempt whose conduct is such as tends
Davao against their will, only eight (8) have been brought to Manila and presented before to bring the authority and administration of the law into disrespect or disregard. . .
this court by the respondents in compliance with the said two orders. Fifty-nine (59) of ." (Ruling Case Law, vol. 6, p. 488.)
them have returned to Manila through other means not furnished by the respondents,
twenty-six of whom were brought by the attorney for the petitioners, Mendoza, on his It is a general principle that a disobedience of any valid order of the court
return from Davao. The said attorney paid out of his own pocket the transportation of the constitutes contempt, unless the defendant is unable to comply therewith. (Ruling
said twenty-six women. Adding to these numbers the other seven (7) women who Case Law, vol. 6, p. 502.)
returned to this city at their own expense before January 13 we have a total of sixty-six
(66), which evidently proves, on the one hand, the falsity of the allegation by the
It is contempt to employ a subterfuge to evade the judgment of the court, or to
respondents in their first answer at the trial of December 2, 1918, giving as one of the
obstruct or attempt to obstruct the service of legal process. If a person hinders or
reasons for their inability to present any of the said women that the latter were content
prevents the service of process by deceiving the officer or circumventing him by
with their life in Mindanao and did not desire to return to Manila; and, on the other hand,
any means, the result is the same as though he had obstructed by some direct
that the respondents, especially the first named, that is Mayor Justo Lukban, who acted
means. (Ruling Case Law, vol. 6, p. 503.)
as chief and principal in all that refers to the compliance with the orders issued by this
court, could bring before December 2nd, the date of the first hearing of the case, as well
as before January 13th, the date fixed for the compliance with the second order, if not While it may seem somewhat incongruous to speak, as the courts often do, of
the seventy-four (74) women already indicated, at least a great number of them, or at enforcing respect for the law and for the means it has provided in civilized
least sixty (60) of them, as is said in the majority decision, inasmuch as the said communities for establishing justice, since true respect never comes in that way,
respondent could count upon the aid of the Constabulary forces and the municipal police, it is apparent nevertheless that the power to enforce decorum in the courts and
and had transportation facilities for the purpose. But the said respondent mayor brought obedience to their orders and just measures is so essentially a part of the life of
only eight (8) of the women before this court on January 13th. This fact can not, in my the courts that it would be difficult to conceive of their usefulness or efficiency as
judgment, with due respect to the majority opinion, justify the conclusion that the said existing without it. Therefore it may be said generally that where due respect for
respondent has substantially complied with the second order of this court, but on the the courts as ministers of the law is wanting, a necessity arises for the use of
other hand demonstrates that he had not complied with the mandate of this court in its compulsion, not, however, so much to excite individual respect as to compel
first and second orders; that neither of the said orders has been complied with by the obedience or to remove an unlawful or unwarranted interference with the
respondent Justo Lukban, Mayor of the city of Manila, who is, according to the majority administration of justice. (Ruling Case Law, vol. 6, p. 487.)
decision, principally responsible for the contempt, to which conclusion I agree. The
conduct of the said respondent with respect to the second order confirms the contempt The power to punish for contempt is as old as the law itself, and has been
committed by non-compliance with the first order and constitutes a new contempt exercised from the earliest times. In England it has been exerted when the
because of non-compliance with the second, because of the production of only eight (8) contempt consisted of scandalizing the sovereign or his ministers, the law-
of the one hundred and eighty-one (181) women who have been illegally detained by making power, or the courts. In the American states the power to punish for
virtue of his order and transported to Davao against their will, committing the twenty-six contempt, so far as the executive department and the ministers of state are
(26) women who could not be found in Davao, demonstrates in my opinion that, concerned, and in some degree so far as the legislative department is
notwithstanding the nature of the case which deals with the remedy of habeas corpus, concerned, is obsolete, but it has been almost universally preserved so far as
presented by the petitioners and involving the question whether they should or not be regards the judicial department. The power which the courts have of vindicating
their own authority is a necessary incident to every court of justice, whether of fortifications of an orderly Government of laws and to protect individual liberty from illegal
record or not; and the authority for issuing attachments in a proper case for encroachments.
contempts out of court, it has been declared, stands upon the same immemorial
usage as supports the whole fabric of the common law. . . . (Ruling Case Law,
vol. 6, p. 489.)

The undisputed importance of the orders of this court which have been disobeyed; the
loss of the prestige of the authority of the court which issued the said orders, which loss
might have been caused by noncompliance with the same orders on the part of the
respondent Justo Lukban; the damages which might have been suffered by some of the
women illegally detained, in view of the fact that they were not brought to Manila by the
respondents to be presented before the court and of the further fact that some of them
were obliged to come to this city at their own expense while still others were brought to
Manila by the attorney for the petitioners, who paid out of his own pocket the
transportation of the said women; and the delay which was necessarily incurred in the
resolution of the petition interposed by the said petitioners and which was due to the fact
that the said orders were not opportunately and duly obeyed and complied with, are
circumstances which should be taken into account in imposing upon the respondent
Justo Lukban the penalty corresponding to the contempt committed by him, a penalty
which, according to section 236 of the Code of Civil Procedure, should consist of a fine
not exceeding P1,000 or imprisonment not exceeding months, or both such fine and
imprisonment. In the imposition of the penalty, there should also be taken into
consideration the special circumstance that the contempt was committed by a public
authority, the mayor of the city of Manila, the first executive authority of the city, and
consequently, the person obliged to be the first in giving an example of obedience and
respect for the laws and the valid and just orders of the duly constituted authorities as
well as for the orders emanating from the courts of justice, and in giving help and aid to
the said courts in order that justice may be administered with promptness and rectitude.

I believe, therefore, that instead of the fine of one hundred pesos (P100), there should be
imposed upon the respondent Justo Lukban a fine of five hundred pesos (P500), and all
the costs should be charged against him. Lastly, I believe it to be my duty to state here
that the records of this proceeding should be transmitted to the Attorney-General in order
that, after a study of the same and deduction from the testimony which he may deem
necessary, and the proper transmittal of the same to the fiscal of the city of Manila and to
the provincial fiscal of Davao, both the latter shall present the corresponding informations
for the prosecution and punishment of the crimes which have been committed on the
occasion when the illegal detention of the women was carried into effect by Mayor Justo
Lukban of the city of Manila and Chief of Police Anton Hohmann, and also of those
crimes committed by reason of the same detention and while the women were in Davao.
This will be one of the means whereby the just hope expressed in the majority decision
will be realized, that is, that in the Philippine Islands there should exist a government of
laws and not a government of men and that this decision may serve to bulwark the
Republic of the Philippines "Experience is the oracle of truth."1
Manila -James Madison

EN BANC Before the Court are consolidated petitions 2 taken under Rule 65 of the Rules of Court,
all of which assail the constitutionality of the Pork Barrel System. Due to the complexity
G.R. No. 208566 November 19, 2013 of the subject matter, the Court shall heretofore discuss the system‘s conceptual
underpinnings before detailing the particulars of the constitutional challenge.
ROSALIA V. DE LEON SENATE OF THE PHILIPPINES represented by FRANKLIN "Pork Barrel" is political parlance of American -English origin.3 Historically, its
M. DRILON m his capacity as SENATE PRESIDENT and HOUSE OF usage may be traced to the degrading ritual of rolling out a barrel stuffed with
REPRESENTATIVES represented by FELICIANO S. BELMONTE, JR. in his capacity pork to a multitude of black slaves who would cast their famished bodies into the
as SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE, Respondents. porcine feast to assuage their hunger with morsels coming from the generosity of
their well-fed master.4 This practice was later compared to the actions of
x-----------------------x American legislators in trying to direct federal budgets in favor of their
districts.5 While the advent of refrigeration has made the actual pork barrel
G.R. No. 208493 obsolete, it persists in reference to political bills that "bring home the bacon" to a
legislator‘s district and constituents.6 In a more technical sense, "Pork Barrel"
SOCIAL JUSTICE SOCIETY (SJS) PRESIDENT SAMSON S. refers to an appropriation of government spending meant for localized projects
ALCANTARA, Petitioner, and secured solely or primarily to bring money to a representative's
vs. district.7Some scholars on the subject further use it to refer to legislative control
HONORABLE FRANKLIN M. DRILON in his capacity as SENATE PRESIDENT and of local appropriations.8
HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, Respondents. In the Philippines, "Pork Barrel" has been commonly referred to as lump-sum,
discretionary funds of Members of the Legislature, 9 although, as will be later
x-----------------------x discussed, its usage would evolve in reference to certain funds of the Executive.

G.R. No. 209251 II. History of Congressional Pork Barrel in the Philippines.

PEDRITO M. NEPOMUCENO, Former Mayor-Boac, Marinduque Former Provincial A. Pre-Martial Law Era (1922-1972).
Board Member -Province of Marinduque, Petitioner,
vs. Act 3044,10 or the Public Works Act of 1922, is considered11 as the
PRESIDENT BENIGNO SIMEON C. AQUINO III* and SECRETARY FLORENCIO earliest form of "Congressional Pork Barrel" in the Philippines since the
BUTCH ABAD, DEPARTMENT OF BUDGET AND MANAGEMENT, Respondents. utilization of the funds appropriated therein were subjected to post-
enactment legislator approval. Particularly, in the area of fund release,
DECISION Section 312 provides that the sums appropriated for certain public works
projects13 "shall be distributed x x x subject to the approval of a joint
PERLAS-BERNABE, J.: committee elected by the Senate and the House of Representatives.
"The committee from each House may also authorize one of its members
to approve the distribution made by the Secretary of Commerce and "Congressional Pork Barrel" projects under the SLDP also began to cover
Communications."14 Also, in the area of fund realignment, the same not only public works projects, or so- called "hard projects", but also "soft
section provides that the said secretary, "with the approval of said joint projects",21 or non-public works projects such as those which would fall
committee, or of the authorized members thereof, may, for the purposes under the categories of, among others, education, health and livelihood. 22
of said distribution, transfer unexpended portions of any item of
appropriation under this Act to any other item hereunder." C. Post-Martial Law Era:

In 1950, it has been documented15 that post-enactment legislator Corazon Cojuangco Aquino Administration (1986-1992).
participation broadened from the areas of fund release and realignment
to the area of project identification. During that year, the mechanics of the After the EDSA People Power Revolution in 1986 and the restoration of
public works act was modified to the extent that the discretion of Philippine democracy, "Congressional Pork Barrel" was revived in the
choosing projects was transferred from the Secretary of Commerce and form of the "Mindanao Development Fund" and the "Visayas
Communications to legislators. "For the first time, the law carried a list of Development Fund" which were created with lump-sum appropriations of
projects selected by Members of Congress, they ‘being the ₱480 Million and ₱240 Million, respectively, for the funding of
representatives of the people, either on their own account or by development projects in the Mindanao and Visayas areas in 1989. It has
consultation with local officials or civil leaders.‘" 16 During this period, the been documented23 that the clamor raised by the Senators and the Luzon
pork barrel process commenced with local government councils, civil legislators for a similar funding, prompted the creation of the
groups, and individuals appealing to Congressmen or Senators for "Countrywide Development Fund" (CDF) which was integrated into the
projects. Petitions that were accommodated formed part of a legislator‘s 1990 GAA24 with an initial funding of ₱2.3 Billion to cover "small local
allocation, and the amount each legislator would eventually get is infrastructure and other priority community projects."
determined in a caucus convened by the majority. The amount was then
integrated into the administration bill prepared by the Department of
Under the GAAs for the years 1991 and 1992,25 CDF funds were, with
Public Works and Communications. Thereafter, the Senate and the
the approval of the President, to be released directly to the implementing
House of Representatives added their own provisions to the bill until it
agencies but "subject to the submission of the required list of projects
was signed into law by the President – the Public Works Act.17 In the
and activities."Although the GAAs from 1990 to 1992 were silent as to the
1960‘s, however, pork barrel legislation reportedly ceased in view of the
amounts of allocations of the individual legislators, as well as their
stalemate between the House of Representatives and the Senate. 18
participation in the identification of projects, it has been reported 26 that by
1992, Representatives were receiving ₱12.5 Million each in CDF funds,
B. Martial Law Era (1972-1986). while Senators were receiving ₱18 Million each, without any limitation or
qualification, and that they could identify any kind of project, from hard or
While the previous" Congressional Pork Barrel" was apparently infrastructure projects such as roads, bridges, and buildings to "soft
discontinued in 1972 after Martial Law was declared, an era when "one projects" such as textbooks, medicines, and scholarships. 27
man controlled the legislature,"19 the reprieve was only temporary. By
1982, the Batasang Pambansa had already introduced a new item in the D. Fidel Valdez Ramos (Ramos) Administration (1992-1998).
General Appropriations Act (GAA) called the" Support for Local
Development Projects" (SLDP) under the article on "National Aid to Local
The following year, or in 1993,28 the GAA explicitly stated that the release
Government Units". Based on reports,20 it was under the SLDP that the
of CDF funds was to be made upon the submission of the list of projects
practice of giving lump-sum allocations to individual legislators began,
and activities identified by, among others, individual legislators. For the
with each assemblyman receiving ₱500,000.00. Thereafter,
first time, the 1993 CDF Article included an allocation for the Vice-
assemblymen would communicate their project preferences to the
President.29 As such, Representatives were allocated ₱12.5 Million each
Ministry of Budget and Management for approval. Then, the said ministry
in CDF funds, Senators, ₱18 Million each, and the Vice-President, ₱20
would release the allocation papers to the Ministry of Local Governments,
which would, in turn, issue the checks to the city or municipal treasurers
in the assemblyman‘s locality. It has been further reported that
In 1994,30 1995,31 and 1996,32 the GAAs contained the same provisions In 1999,42 the CDF was removed in the GAA and replaced by three (3)
on project identification and fund release as found in the 1993 CDF separate forms of CIs, namely, the "Food Security Program Fund,"43 the
Article. In addition, however, the Department of Budget and Management "Lingap Para Sa Mahihirap Program Fund,"44and the "Rural/Urban
(DBM) was directed to submit reports to the Senate Committee on Development Infrastructure Program Fund," 45 all of which contained a
Finance and the House Committee on Appropriations on the releases special provision requiring "prior consultation" with the Member s of
made from the funds.33 Congress for the release of the funds.

Under the 199734 CDF Article, Members of Congress and the Vice- It was in the year 200046 that the "Priority Development Assistance Fund"
President, in consultation with the implementing agency concerned, were (PDAF) appeared in the GAA. The requirement of "prior consultation with
directed to submit to the DBM the list of 50% of projects to be funded the respective Representative of the District" before PDAF funds were
from their respective CDF allocations which shall be duly endorsed by (a) directly released to the implementing agency concerned was explicitly
the Senate President and the Chairman of the Committee on Finance, in stated in the 2000 PDAF Article. Moreover, realignment of funds to any
the case of the Senate, and (b) the Speaker of the House of expense category was expressly allowed, with the sole condition that no
Representatives and the Chairman of the Committee on Appropriations, amount shall be used to fund personal services and other personnel
in the case of the House of Representatives; while the list for the benefits.47 The succeeding PDAF provisions remained the same in view
remaining 50% was to be submitted within six (6) months thereafter. The of the re-enactment48 of the 2000 GAA for the year 2001.
same article also stated that the project list, which would be published by
the DBM,35 "shall be the basis for the release of funds" and that "no funds F. Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo (Arroyo) Administration (2001-2010).
appropriated herein shall be disbursed for projects not included in the list
herein required." The 200249 PDAF Article was brief and straightforward as it merely
contained a single special provision ordering the release of the funds
The following year, or in 1998,36 the foregoing provisions regarding the directly to the implementing agency or local government unit concerned,
required lists and endorsements were reproduced, except that the without further qualifications. The following year, 2003, 50 the same single
publication of the project list was no longer required as the list itself provision was present, with simply an expansion of purpose and express
sufficed for the release of CDF Funds. authority to realign. Nevertheless, the provisions in the 2003 budgets of
the Department of Public Works and Highways 51 (DPWH) and the
The CDF was not, however, the lone form of "Congressional Pork Barrel" DepEd52 required prior consultation with Members of Congress on the
at that time. Other forms of "Congressional Pork Barrel" were reportedly aspects of implementation delegation and project list submission,
fashioned and inserted into the GAA (called "Congressional Insertions" or respectively. In 2004, the 2003 GAA was re-enacted.53
"CIs") in order to perpetuate the ad ministration‘s political agenda. 37 It has
been articulated that since CIs "formed part and parcel of the budgets of In 2005,54 the PDAF Article provided that the PDAF shall be used "to fund
executive departments, they were not easily identifiable and were thus priority programs and projects under the ten point agenda of the national
harder to monitor." Nonetheless, the lawmakers themselves as well as government and shall be released directly to the implementing agencies."
the finance and budget officials of the implementing agencies, as well as It also introduced the program menu concept,55 which is essentially a list
the DBM, purportedly knew about the insertions. 38 Examples of these CIs of general programs and implementing agencies from which a particular
are the Department of Education (DepEd) School Building Fund, the PDAF project may be subsequently chosen by the identifying authority.
Congressional Initiative Allocations, the Public Works Fund, the El Niño The 2005 GAA was re-enacted56 in 2006 and hence, operated on the
Fund, and the Poverty Alleviation Fund.39 The allocations for the School same bases. In similar regard, the program menu concept was
Building Fund, particularly, ―shall be made upon prior consultation with consistently integrated into the 2007,57 2008,58 2009,59 and 201060 GAAs.
the representative of the legislative district concerned.” 40 Similarly, the
legislators had the power to direct how, where and when these Textually, the PDAF Articles from 2002 to 2010 were silent with respect
appropriations were to be spent.41 to the specific amounts allocated for the individual legislators, as well as
their participation in the proposal and identification of PDAF projects to
E. Joseph Ejercito Estrada (Estrada) Administration (1998-2001).
be funded. In contrast to the PDAF Articles, however, the provisions projects; (b) allotment released has not yet been obligated for the original
under the DepEd School Building Program and the DPWH budget, scope of work, and (c) the request for realignment is with the concurrence
similar to its predecessors, explicitly required prior consultation with the of the legislator concerned.71
concerned Member of Congress61anent certain aspects of project
implementation. In the 201272 and 201373 PDAF Articles, it is stated that the "identification
of projects and/or designation of beneficiaries shall conform to the priority
Significantly, it was during this era that provisions which allowed formal list, standard or design prepared by each implementing agency (priority
participation of non-governmental organizations (NGO) in the list requirement) x x x." However, as practiced, it would still be the
implementation of government projects were introduced. In the individual legislator who would choose and identify the project from the
Supplemental Budget for 2006, with respect to the appropriation for said priority list.74
school buildings, NGOs were, by law, encouraged to participate. For
such purpose, the law stated that "the amount of at least ₱250 Million of Provisions on legislator allocations75 as well as fund realignment76 were
the ₱500 Million allotted for the construction and completion of school included in the 2012 and 2013 PDAF Articles; but the allocation for the
buildings shall be made available to NGOs including the Federation of Vice-President, which was pegged at ₱200 Million in the 2011 GAA, had
Filipino-Chinese Chambers of Commerce and Industry, Inc. for its been deleted. In addition, the 2013 PDAF Article now allowed LGUs to be
"Operation Barrio School" program, with capability and proven track identified as implementing agencies if they have the technical capability
records in the construction of public school buildings x x x." 62 The same to implement the projects.77 Legislators were also allowed to identify
allocation was made available to NGOs in the 2007 and 2009 GAAs programs/projects, except for assistance to indigent patients and
under the DepEd Budget.63 Also, it was in 2007 that the Government scholarships, outside of his legislative district provided that he secures
Procurement Policy Board64 (GPPB) issued Resolution No. 12-2007 the written concurrence of the legislator of the intended outside-district,
dated June 29, 2007 (GPPB Resolution 12-2007), amending the endorsed by the Speaker of the House.78 Finally, any realignment of
implementing rules and regulations65 of RA 9184,66 the Government PDAF funds, modification and revision of project identification, as well as
Procurement Reform Act, to include, as a form of negotiated requests for release of funds, were all required to be favorably endorsed
procurement,67 the procedure whereby the Procuring Entity68(the by the House Committee on Appropriations and the Senate Committee
implementing agency) may enter into a memorandum of agreement with on Finance, as the case may be.79
an NGO, provided that "an appropriation law or ordinance earmarks an
amount to be specifically contracted out to NGOs."69 III. History of Presidential Pork Barrel in the Philippines.

G. Present Administration (2010-Present). While the term "Pork Barrel" has been typically associated with lump-sum,
discretionary funds of Members of Congress, the present cases and the recent
Differing from previous PDAF Articles but similar to the CDF Articles, the controversies on the matter have, however, shown that the term‘s usage has
201170 PDAF Article included an express statement on lump-sum expanded to include certain funds of the President such as the Malampaya
amounts allocated for individual legislators and the Vice-President: Funds and the Presidential Social Fund.
Representatives were given ₱70 Million each, broken down into ₱40
Million for "hard projects" and ₱30 Million for "soft projects"; while ₱200 On the one hand, the Malampaya Funds was created as a special fund under
Million was given to each Senator as well as the Vice-President, with a Section 880 of Presidential Decree No. (PD) 910,81 issued by then President
₱100 Million allocation each for "hard" and "soft projects." Likewise, a Ferdinand E. Marcos (Marcos) on March 22, 1976. In enacting the said law,
provision on realignment of funds was included, but with the qualification Marcos recognized the need to set up a special fund to help intensify, strengthen,
that it may be allowed only once. The same provision also allowed the and consolidate government efforts relating to the exploration, exploitation, and
Secretaries of Education, Health, Social Welfare and Development, development of indigenous energy resources vital to economic growth. 82 Due to
Interior and Local Government, Environment and Natural Resources, the energy-related activities of the government in the Malampaya natural gas
Energy, and Public Works and Highways to realign PDAF Funds, with the field in Palawan, or the "Malampaya Deep Water Gas-to-Power Project",83 the
further conditions that: (a) realignment is within the same implementing
unit and same project category as the original project, for infrastructure
special fund created under PD 910 has been currently labeled as Malampaya pork barrel of lawmakers and various government agencies for scores of ghost
Funds. projects."96 The investigation was spawned by sworn affidavits of six (6) whistle-
blowers who declared that JLN Corporation – "JLN" standing for Janet Lim
On the other hand the Presidential Social Fund was created under Section 12, Napoles (Napoles) – had swindled billions of pesos from the public coffers for
Title IV84 of PD 1869,85 or the Charter of the Philippine Amusement and Gaming "ghost projects" using no fewer than 20 dummy NGOs for an entire decade.
Corporation (PAGCOR). PD 1869 was similarly issued by Marcos on July 11, While the NGOs were supposedly the ultimate recipients of PDAF funds, the
1983. More than two (2) years after, he amended PD 1869 and accordingly whistle-blowers declared that the money was diverted into Napoles‘ private
issued PD 1993 on October 31, 1985,86 amending Section 1287 of the former law. accounts.97 Thus, after its investigation on the Napoles controversy, criminal
As it stands, the Presidential Social Fund has been described as a special complaints were filed before the Office of the Ombudsman, charging five (5)
funding facility managed and administered by the Presidential Management Staff lawmakers for Plunder, and three (3) other lawmakers for Malversation, Direct
through which the President provides direct assistance to priority programs and Bribery, and Violation of the Anti-Graft and Corrupt Practices Act. Also
projects not funded under the regular budget. It is sourced from the share of the recommended to be charged in the complaints are some of the lawmakers‘ chiefs
government in the aggregate gross earnings of PAGCOR. 88 -of-staff or representatives, the heads and other officials of three (3)
implementing agencies, and the several presidents of the NGOs set up by
IV. Controversies in the Philippines. Napoles.98

Over the decades, "pork" funds in the Philippines have increased On August 16, 2013, the Commission on Audit (CoA) released the results of a
tremendously,89 owing in no small part to previous Presidents who reportedly three-year audit investigation99covering the use of legislators' PDAF from 2007 to
used the "Pork Barrel" in order to gain congressional support. 90 It was in 1996 2009, or during the last three (3) years of the Arroyo administration. The purpose
when the first controversy surrounding the "Pork Barrel" erupted. Former of the audit was to determine the propriety of releases of funds under PDAF and
Marikina City Representative Romeo Candazo (Candazo), then an anonymous the Various Infrastructures including Local Projects (VILP) 100 by the DBM, the
source, "blew the lid on the huge sums of government money that regularly went application of these funds and the implementation of projects by the appropriate
into the pockets of legislators in the form of kickbacks." 91 He said that "the implementing agencies and several government-owned-and-controlled
kickbacks were ‘SOP‘ (standard operating procedure) among legislators and corporations (GOCCs).101 The total releases covered by the audit amounted to
ranged from a low 19 percent to a high 52 percent of the cost of each project, ₱8.374 Billion in PDAF and ₱32.664 Billion in VILP, representing 58% and 32%,
which could be anything from dredging, rip rapping, sphalting, concreting, and respectively, of the total PDAF and VILP releases that were found to have been
construction of school buildings."92 "Other sources of kickbacks that Candazo made nationwide during the audit period.102 Accordingly, the Co A‘s findings
identified were public funds intended for medicines and textbooks. A few days contained in its Report No. 2012-03 (CoA Report), entitled "Priority Development
later, the tale of the money trail became the banner story of the Philippine Daily Assistance Fund (PDAF) and Various Infrastructures including Local Projects
Inquirer issue of August 13, 1996, accompanied by an illustration of a roasted (VILP)," were made public, the highlights of which are as follows: 103
pig."93 "The publication of the stories, including those about congressional
initiative allocations of certain lawmakers, including ₱3.6 Billion for a ● Amounts released for projects identified by a considerable number of
Congressman, sparked public outrage."94 legislators significantly exceeded their respective allocations.

Thereafter, or in 2004, several concerned citizens sought the nullification of the ● Amounts were released for projects outside of legislative districts of
PDAF as enacted in the 2004 GAA for being unconstitutional. Unfortunately, for sponsoring members of the Lower House.
lack of "any pertinent evidentiary support that illegal misuse of PDAF in the form
of kickbacks has become a common exercise of unscrupulous Members of ● Total VILP releases for the period exceeded the total amount
Congress," the petition was dismissed.95 appropriated under the 2007 to 2009 GAAs.

Recently, or in July of the present year, the National Bureau of Investigation ● Infrastructure projects were constructed on private lots without these
(NBI) began its probe into allegations that "the government has been defrauded having been turned over to the government.
of some ₱10 Billion over the past 10 years by a syndicate using funds from the
● Significant amounts were released to implementing agencies without whatever form and by whatever name it may be called, and from approving further
the latter‘s endorsement and without considering their mandated releases pursuant thereto.106 The Alcantara Petition was docketed as G.R. No. 208493.
functions, administrative and technical capabilities to implement projects.
On September 3, 2013, petitioners Greco Antonious Beda B. Belgica, Jose L. Gonzalez,
● Implementation of most livelihood projects was not undertaken by the Reuben M. Abante, Quintin Paredes San Diego (Belgica, et al.), and Jose M. Villegas, Jr.
implementing agencies themselves but by NGOs endorsed by the (Villegas) filed an Urgent Petition For Certiorari and Prohibition With Prayer For The
proponent legislators to which the Funds were transferred. Immediate Issuance of Temporary Restraining Order (TRO) and/or Writ of Preliminary
Injunction dated August 27, 2013 under Rule 65 of the Rules of Court (Belgica Petition),
● The funds were transferred to the NGOs in spite of the absence of any seeking that the annual "Pork Barrel System," presently embodied in the provisions of
appropriation law or ordinance. the GAA of 2013 which provided for the 2013 PDAF, and the Executive‘s lump-sum,
discretionary funds, such as the Malampaya Funds and the Presidential Social
● Selection of the NGOs were not compliant with law and regulations. Fund,107 be declared unconstitutional and null and void for being acts constituting grave
abuse of discretion. Also, they pray that the Court issue a TRO against respondents
Paquito N. Ochoa, Jr., Florencio B. Abad (Secretary Abad) and Rosalia V. De Leon, in
● Eighty-Two (82) NGOs entrusted with implementation of seven hundred
their respective capacities as the incumbent Executive Secretary, Secretary of the
seventy two (772) projects amount to ₱6.156 Billion were either found
Department of Budget and Management (DBM), and National Treasurer, or their agents,
questionable, or submitted questionable/spurious documents, or failed to
for them to immediately cease any expenditure under the aforesaid funds. Further, they
liquidate in whole or in part their utilization of the Funds.
pray that the Court order the foregoing respondents to release to the CoA and to the
public: (a) "the complete schedule/list of legislators who have availed of their PDAF and
● Procurement by the NGOs, as well as some implementing agencies, of VILP from the years 2003 to 2013, specifying the use of the funds, the project or activity
goods and services reportedly used in the projects were not compliant and the recipient entities or individuals, and all pertinent data thereto"; and (b) "the use of
with law. the Executive‘s lump-sum, discretionary funds, including the proceeds from the x x x
Malampaya Funds and remittances from the PAGCOR x x x from 2003 to 2013,
As for the "Presidential Pork Barrel", whistle-blowers alleged that" at least ₱900 specifying the x x x project or activity and the recipient entities or individuals, and all
Million from royalties in the operation of the Malampaya gas project off Palawan pertinent data thereto."108 Also, they pray for the "inclusion in budgetary deliberations
province intended for agrarian reform beneficiaries has gone into a dummy with the Congress of all presently off-budget, lump-sum, discretionary funds including,
NGO."104 According to incumbent CoA Chairperson Maria Gracia Pulido Tan but not limited to, proceeds from the Malampaya Funds and remittances from the
(CoA Chairperson), the CoA is, as of this writing, in the process of preparing "one PAGCOR."109 The Belgica Petition was docketed as G.R. No. 208566. 110
consolidated report" on the Malampaya Funds. 105
Lastly, on September 5, 2013, petitioner Pedrito M. Nepomuceno (Nepomuceno), filed a
V. The Procedural Antecedents. Petition dated August 23, 2012 (Nepomuceno Petition), seeking that the PDAF be
declared unconstitutional, and a cease and desist order be issued restraining President
Spurred in large part by the findings contained in the CoA Report and the Benigno Simeon S. Aquino III (President Aquino) and Secretary Abad from releasing
Napoles controversy, several petitions were lodged before the Court similarly such funds to Members of Congress and, instead, allow their release to fund priority
seeking that the "Pork Barrel System" be declared unconstitutional. To recount, projects identified and approved by the Local Development Councils in consultation with
the relevant procedural antecedents in these cases are as follows: the executive departments, such as the DPWH, the Department of Tourism, the
Department of Health, the Department of Transportation, and Communication and the
On August 28, 2013, petitioner Samson S. Alcantara (Alcantara), President of the Social National Economic Development Authority.111 The Nepomuceno Petition was docketed
Justice Society, filed a Petition for Prohibition of even date under Rule 65 of the Rules of as UDK-14951.112
Court (Alcantara Petition), seeking that the "Pork Barrel System" be declared
unconstitutional, and a writ of prohibition be issued permanently restraining respondents On September 10, 2013, the Court issued a Resolution of even date (a) consolidating all
Franklin M. Drilon and Feliciano S. Belmonte, Jr., in their respective capacities as the cases; (b) requiring public respondents to comment on the consolidated petitions; (c)
incumbent Senate President and Speaker of the House of Representatives, from further issuing a TRO (September 10, 2013 TRO) enjoining the DBM, National Treasurer, the
taking any steps to enact legislation appropriating funds for the "Pork Barrel System," in Executive Secretary, or any of the persons acting under their authority from releasing (1)
the remaining PDAF allocated to Members of Congress under the GAA of 2013, and (2) Whether or not (a) the issues raised in the consolidated petitions involve an actual and
Malampaya Funds under the phrase "for such other purposes as may be hereafter justiciable controversy; (b) the issues raised in the consolidated petitions are matters of
directed by the President" pursuant to Section 8 of PD 910 but not for the purpose of policy not subject to judicial review; (c) petitioners have legal standing to sue; and (d) the
"financing energy resource development and exploitation programs and projects of the Court‘s Decision dated August 19, 1994 in G.R. Nos. 113105, 113174, 113766, and
government‖ under the same provision; and (d) setting the consolidated cases for Oral 113888, entitled "Philippine Constitution Association v. Enriquez" 114 (Philconsa) and
Arguments on October 8, 2013. Decision dated April 24, 2012 in G.R. No. 164987, entitled "Lawyers Against Monopoly
and Poverty v. Secretary of Budget and Management" 115 (LAMP) bar the re-litigatio n of
On September 23, 2013, the Office of the Solicitor General (OSG) filed a Consolidated the issue of constitutionality of the "Pork Barrel System" under the principles of res
Comment (Comment) of even date before the Court, seeking the lifting, or in the judicata and stare decisis.
alternative, the partial lifting with respect to educational and medical assistance
purposes, of the Court‘s September 10, 2013 TRO, and that the consolidated petitions II. Substantive Issues on the "Congressional Pork Barrel."
be dismissed for lack of merit.113
Whether or not the 2013 PDAF Article and all other Congressional Pork Barrel Laws
On September 24, 2013, the Court issued a Resolution of even date directing petitioners similar thereto are unconstitutional considering that they violate the principles
to reply to the Comment. of/constitutional provisions on (a) separation of powers; (b) non-delegability of legislative
power; (c) checks and balances; (d) accountability; (e) political dynasties; and (f) local
Petitioners, with the exception of Nepomuceno, filed their respective replies to the autonomy.
Comment: (a) on September 30, 2013, Villegas filed a separate Reply dated September
27, 2013 (Villegas Reply); (b) on October 1, 2013, Belgica, et al. filed a Reply dated III. Substantive Issues on the "Presidential Pork Barrel."
September 30, 2013 (Belgica Reply); and (c) on October 2, 2013, Alcantara filed a Reply
dated October 1, 2013. Whether or not the phrases (a) "and for such other purposes as may be hereafter
directed by the President" under Section 8 of PD 910, 116 relating to the Malampaya
On October 1, 2013, the Court issued an Advisory providing for the guidelines to be Funds, and (b) "to finance the priority infrastructure development projects and to finance
observed by the parties for the Oral Arguments scheduled on October 8, 2013. In view of the restoration of damaged or destroyed facilities due to calamities, as may be directed
the technicality of the issues material to the present cases, incumbent Solicitor General and authorized by the Office of the President of the Philippines" under Section 12 of PD
Francis H. Jardeleza (Solicitor General) was directed to bring with him during the Oral 1869, as amended by PD 1993, relating to the Presidential Social Fund, are
Arguments representative/s from the DBM and Congress who would be able to unconstitutional insofar as they constitute undue delegations of legislative power.
competently and completely answer questions related to, among others, the budgeting
process and its implementation. Further, the CoA Chairperson was appointed as amicus These main issues shall be resolved in the order that they have been stated. In addition,
curiae and thereby requested to appear before the Court during the Oral Arguments. the Court shall also tackle certain ancillary issues as prompted by the present cases.

On October 8 and 10, 2013, the Oral Arguments were conducted. Thereafter, the Court The Court’s Ruling
directed the parties to submit their respective memoranda within a period of seven (7)
days, or until October 17, 2013, which the parties subsequently did. The petitions are partly granted.

The Issues Before the Court I. Procedural Issues.

Based on the pleadings, and as refined during the Oral Arguments, the following are the The prevailing rule in constitutional litigation is that no question involving the
main issues for the Court‘s resolution: constitutionality or validity of a law or governmental act may be heard and decided by the
Court unless there is compliance with the legal requisites for judicial inquiry, 117 namely:
I. Procedural Issues. (a) there must be an actual case or controversy calling for the exercise of judicial power;
(b) the person challenging the act must have the standing to question the validity of the
subject act or issuance; (c) the question of constitutionality must be raised at the earliest
opportunity ; and (d) the issue of constitutionality must be the very lis mota of the since said reform is geared towards the 2014 budget, and not the 2013 PDAF Article
case.118 Of these requisites, case law states that the first two are the most which, being a distinct subject matter, remains legally effective and existing. Neither will
important119and, therefore, shall be discussed forthwith. the President‘s declaration that he had already "abolished the PDAF" render the issues
on PDAF moot precisely because the Executive branch of government has no
A. Existence of an Actual Case or Controversy. constitutional authority to nullify or annul its legal existence. By constitutional design, the
annulment or nullification of a law may be done either by Congress, through the passage
By constitutional fiat, judicial power operates only when there is an actual case or of a repealing law, or by the Court, through a declaration of unconstitutionality. Instructive
controversy.120 This is embodied in Section 1, Article VIII of the 1987 Constitution which on this point is the following exchange between Associate Justice Antonio T. Carpio
pertinently states that "judicial power includes the duty of the courts of justice to settle (Justice Carpio) and the Solicitor General during the Oral Arguments:126
actual controversies involving rights which are legally demandable and enforceable x x
x." Jurisprudence provides that an actual case or controversy is one which "involves a Justice Carpio: The President has taken an oath to faithfully execute the law, 127 correct?
conflict of legal rights, an assertion of opposite legal claims, susceptible of judicial Solicitor General Jardeleza: Yes, Your Honor.
resolution as distinguished from a hypothetical or abstract difference or dispute. 121 In
other words, "there must be a contrariety of legal rights that can be interpreted and Justice Carpio: And so the President cannot refuse to implement the General
enforced on the basis of existing law and jurisprudence." 122 Related to the requirement of Appropriations Act, correct?
an actual case or controversy is the requirement of "ripeness," meaning that the
questions raised for constitutional scrutiny are already ripe for adjudication. "A question Solicitor General Jardeleza: Well, that is our answer, Your Honor. In the case, for
is ripe for adjudication when the act being challenged has had a direct adverse effect on example of the PDAF, the President has a duty to execute the laws but in the face of the
the individual challenging it. It is a prerequisite that something had then been outrage over PDAF, the President was saying, "I am not sure that I will continue the
accomplished or performed by either branch before a court may come into the picture, release of the soft projects," and that started, Your Honor. Now, whether or not that …
and the petitioner must allege the existence of an immediate or threatened injury to itself (interrupted)
as a result of the challenged action." 123 "Withal, courts will decline to pass upon
constitutional issues through advisory opinions, bereft as they are of authority to resolve Justice Carpio: Yeah. I will grant the President if there are anomalies in the project, he
hypothetical or moot questions."124 has the power to stop the releases in the meantime, to investigate, and that is Section 38
of Chapter 5 of Book 6 of the Revised Administrative Code128 x x x. So at most the
Based on these principles, the Court finds that there exists an actual and justiciable President can suspend, now if the President believes that the PDAF is unconstitutional,
controversy in these cases. can he just refuse to implement it?

The requirement of contrariety of legal rights is clearly satisfied by the antagonistic Solicitor General Jardeleza: No, Your Honor, as we were trying to say in the specific
positions of the parties on the constitutionality of the "Pork Barrel System." Also, the case of the PDAF because of the CoA Report, because of the reported irregularities and
questions in these consolidated cases are ripe for adjudication since the challenged this Court can take judicial notice, even outside, outside of the COA Report, you have the
funds and the provisions allowing for their utilization – such as the 2013 GAA for the report of the whistle-blowers, the President was just exercising precisely the duty ….
PDAF, PD 910 for the Malampaya Funds and PD 1869, as amended by PD 1993, for the
Presidential Social Fund – are currently existing and operational; hence, there exists an xxxx
immediate or threatened injury to petitioners as a result of the unconstitutional use of
these public funds.
Justice Carpio: Yes, and that is correct. You‘ve seen the CoA Report, there are
anomalies, you stop and investigate, and prosecute, he has done that. But, does that
As for the PDAF, the Court must dispel the notion that the issues related thereto had mean that PDAF has been repealed?
been rendered moot and academic by the reforms undertaken by respondents. A case
becomes moot when there is no more actual controversy between the parties or no
Solicitor General Jardeleza: No, Your Honor x x x.
useful purpose can be served in passing upon the merits. 125 Differing from this
description, the Court observes that respondents‘ proposed line-item budgeting scheme
would not terminate the controversy nor diminish the useful purpose for its resolution xxxx
Justice Carpio: So that PDAF can be legally abolished only in two (2) cases. Congress power is among the constitutional mechanisms that gives life to the check and balance
passes a law to repeal it, or this Court declares it unconstitutional, correct? system inherent in our form of government.

Solictor General Jardeleza: Yes, Your Honor. It is the general policy of the Court to sustain the decisions of administrative authorities,
especially one which is constitutionally-created, such as the CoA, not only on the basis of
Justice Carpio: The President has no power to legally abolish PDAF. (Emphases the doctrine of separation of powers but also for their presumed expertise in the laws
supplied) they are entrusted to enforce. Findings of administrative agencies are accorded not only
respect but also finality when the decision and order are not tainted with unfairness or
Even on the assumption of mootness, jurisprudence, nevertheless, dictates that "the arbitrariness that would amount to grave abuse of discretion. It is only when the CoA has
moot and academic‘ principle is not a magical formula that can automatically dissuade acted without or in excess of jurisdiction, or with grave abuse of discretion amounting to
the Court in resolving a case." The Court will decide cases, otherwise moot, if: first, there lack or excess of jurisdiction, that this Court entertains a petition questioning its rulings. x
is a grave violation of the Constitution; second, the exceptional character of the situation x x. (Emphases supplied)
and the paramount public interest is involved; third, when the constitutional issue raised
requires formulation of controlling principles to guide the bench, the bar, and the public; Thus, if only for the purpose of validating the existence of an actual and justiciable
and fourth, the case is capable of repetition yet evading review.129 controversy in these cases, the Court deems the findings under the CoA Report to be
The applicability of the first exception is clear from the fundamental posture of petitioners
– they essentially allege grave violations of the Constitution with respect to, inter alia, the The Court also finds the third exception to be applicable largely due to the practical need
principles of separation of powers, non-delegability of legislative power, checks and for a definitive ruling on the system‘s constitutionality. As disclosed during the Oral
balances, accountability and local autonomy. Arguments, the CoA Chairperson estimates that thousands of notices of disallowances
will be issued by her office in connection with the findings made in the CoA Report. In
The applicability of the second exception is also apparent from the nature of the interests this relation, Associate Justice Marvic Mario Victor F. Leonen (Justice Leonen) pointed
involved out that all of these would eventually find their way to the courts. 132 Accordingly, there is
a compelling need to formulate controlling principles relative to the issues raised herein
in order to guide the bench, the bar, and the public, not just for the expeditious resolution
– the constitutionality of the very system within which significant amounts of public funds
of the anticipated disallowance cases, but more importantly, so that the government may
have been and continue to be utilized and expended undoubtedly presents a situation of
be guided on how public funds should be utilized in accordance with constitutional
exceptional character as well as a matter of paramount public interest. The present
petitions, in fact, have been lodged at a time when the system‘s flaws have never before
been magnified. To the Court‘s mind, the coalescence of the CoA Report, the accounts
of numerous whistle-blowers, and the government‘s own recognition that reforms are Finally, the application of the fourth exception is called for by the recognition that the
needed "to address the reported abuses of the PDAF" 130 demonstrates a prima facie preparation and passage of the national budget is, by constitutional imprimatur, an affair
pattern of abuse which only underscores the importance of the matter. It is also by this of annual occurrence.133 The relevance of the issues before the Court does not cease
finding that the Court finds petitioners‘ claims as not merely theorized, speculative or with the passage of a "PDAF -free budget for 2014."134 The evolution of the "Pork Barrel
hypothetical. Of note is the weight accorded by the Court to the findings made by the System," by its multifarious iterations throughout the course of history, lends a
CoA which is the constitutionally-mandated audit arm of the government. In Delos semblance of truth to petitioners‘ claim that "the same dog will just resurface wearing a
Santos v. CoA,131 a recent case wherein the Court upheld the CoA‘s disallowance of different collar."135 In Sanlakas v. Executive Secretary,136 the government had already
irregularly disbursed PDAF funds, it was emphasized that: backtracked on a previous course of action yet the Court used the "capable of repetition
but evading review" exception in order "to prevent similar questions from re-
emerging."137 The situation similarly holds true to these cases. Indeed, the myriad of
The COA is endowed with enough latitude to determine, prevent, and disallow irregular,
issues underlying the manner in which certain public funds are spent, if not resolved at
unnecessary, excessive, extravagant or unconscionable expenditures of government
this most opportune time, are capable of repetition and hence, must not evade judicial
funds. It is tasked to be vigilant and conscientious in safeguarding the proper use of the
government's, and ultimately the people's, property. The exercise of its general audit
B. Matters of Policy: the Political Question Doctrine. government. Heretofore, the judiciary has focused on the "thou shalt not's" of the
Constitution directed against the exercise of its jurisdiction. With the new provision,
The "limitation on the power of judicial review to actual cases and controversies‖ carries however, courts are given a greater prerogative to determine what it can do to prevent
the assurance that "the courts will not intrude into areas committed to the other branches grave abuse of discretion amounting to lack or excess of jurisdiction on the part of any
of government."138 Essentially, the foregoing limitation is a restatement of the political branch or instrumentality of government. Clearly, the new provision did not just grant the
question doctrine which, under the classic formulation of Baker v. Carr, 139applies when Court power of doing nothing. x x x (Emphases supplied)
there is found, among others, "a textually demonstrable constitutional commitment of the
issue to a coordinate political department," "a lack of judicially discoverable and It must also be borne in mind that ― when the judiciary mediates to allocate
manageable standards for resolving it" or "the impossibility of deciding without an initial constitutional boundaries, it does not assert any superiority over the other departments;
policy determination of a kind clearly for non- judicial discretion." Cast against this light, does not in reality nullify or invalidate an act of the legislature or the executive, but only
respondents submit that the "the political branches are in the best position not only to asserts the solemn and sacred obligation assigned to it by the Constitution." 144 To a
perform budget-related reforms but also to do them in response to the specific demands great extent, the Court is laudably cognizant of the reforms undertaken by its co-equal
of their constituents" and, as such, "urge the Court not to impose a solution at this branches of government. But it is by constitutional force that the Court must faithfully
stage."140 perform its duty. Ultimately, it is the Court‘s avowed intention that a resolution of these
cases would not arrest or in any manner impede the endeavors of the two other
The Court must deny respondents‘ submission. branches but, in fact, help ensure that the pillars of change are erected on firm
constitutional grounds. After all, it is in the best interest of the people that each great
Suffice it to state that the issues raised before the Court do not present political but legal branch of government, within its own sphere, contributes its share towards achieving a
questions which are within its province to resolve. A political question refers to "those holistic and genuine solution to the problems of society. For all these reasons, the Court
questions which, under the Constitution, are to be decided by the people in their cannot heed respondents‘ plea for judicial restraint.
sovereign capacity, or in regard to which full discretionary authority has been delegated
to the Legislature or executive branch of the Government. It is concerned with issues C. Locus Standi.
dependent upon the wisdom, not legality, of a particular measure." 141 The intrinsic
constitutionality of the "Pork Barrel System" is not an issue dependent upon the wisdom "The gist of the question of standing is whether a party alleges such personal stake in
of the political branches of government but rather a legal one which the Constitution itself the outcome of the controversy as to assure that concrete adverseness which sharpens
has commanded the Court to act upon. Scrutinizing the contours of the system along the presentation of issues upon which the court depends for illumination of difficult
constitutional lines is a task that the political branches of government are incapable of constitutional questions. Unless a person is injuriously affected in any of his
rendering precisely because it is an exercise of judicial power. More importantly, the constitutional rights by the operation of statute or ordinance, he has no standing." 145
present Constitution has not only vested the Judiciary the right to exercise judicial power
but essentially makes it a duty to proceed therewith. Section 1, Article VIII of the 1987 Petitioners have come before the Court in their respective capacities as citizen-taxpayers
Constitution cannot be any clearer: "The judicial power shall be vested in one Supreme and accordingly, assert that they "dutifully contribute to the coffers of the National
Court and in such lower courts as may be established by law. It includes the duty of the Treasury."146 Clearly, as taxpayers, they possess the requisite standing to question the
courts of justice to settle actual controversies involving rights which are legally validity of the existing "Pork Barrel System" under which the taxes they pay have been
demandable and enforceable, and to determine whether or not there has been a grave and continue to be utilized. It is undeniable that petitioners, as taxpayers, are bound to
abuse of discretion amounting to lack or excess of jurisdiction on the part of any branch suffer from the unconstitutional usage of public funds, if the Court so rules. Invariably,
or instrumentality of the Government." In Estrada v. Desierto, 142 the expanded concept of taxpayers have been allowed to sue where there is a claim that public funds are illegally
judicial power under the 1987 Constitution and its effect on the political question doctrine disbursed or that public money is being deflected to any improper purpose, or that public
was explained as follows:143 funds are wasted through the enforcement of an invalid or unconstitutional law, 147 as in
these cases.
To a great degree, the 1987 Constitution has narrowed the reach of the political question
doctrine when it expanded the power of judicial review of this court not only to settle Moreover, as citizens, petitioners have equally fulfilled the standing requirement given
actual controversies involving rights which are legally demandable and enforceable but that the issues they have raised may be classified as matters "of transcendental
also to determine whether or not there has been a grave abuse of discretion amounting importance, of overreaching significance to society, or of paramount public
to lack or excess of jurisdiction on the part of any branch or instrumentality of
interest."148 The CoA Chairperson‘s statement during the Oral Arguments that the previous case litigated and decided by a competent court, the rule of stare decisis is a
present controversy involves "not merely a systems failure" but a "complete breakdown bar to any attempt to re-litigate the same issue.153
of controls"149 amplifies, in addition to the matters above-discussed, the seriousness of
the issues involved herein. Indeed, of greater import than the damage caused by the Philconsa was the first case where a constitutional challenge against a Pork Barrel
illegal expenditure of public funds is the mortal wound inflicted upon the fundamental law provision, i.e., the 1994 CDF Article, was resolved by the Court. To properly understand
by the enforcement of an invalid statute. 150 All told, petitioners have sufficient locus its context, petitioners‘ posturing was that "the power given to the Members of Congress
standi to file the instant cases. to propose and identify projects and activities to be funded by the CDF is an
encroachment by the legislature on executive power, since said power in an
D. Res Judicata and Stare Decisis. appropriation act is in implementation of the law" and that "the proposal and identification
of the projects do not involve the making of laws or the repeal and amendment thereof,
Res judicata (which means a "matter adjudged") and stare decisis non quieta et movere the only function given to the Congress by the Constitution." 154 In deference to the
(or simply, stare decisis which means "follow past precedents and do not disturb what foregoing submissions, the Court reached the following main conclusions: one, under the
has been settled") are general procedural law principles which both deal with the effects Constitution, the power of appropriation, or the "power of the purse," belongs to
of previous but factually similar dispositions to subsequent cases. For the cases at bar, Congress; two, the power of appropriation carries with it the power to specify the project
the Court examines the applicability of these principles in relation to its prior rulings in or activity to be funded under the appropriation law and it can be detailed and as broad
Philconsa and LAMP. as Congress wants it to be; and, three, the proposals and identifications made by
Members of Congress are merely recommendatory. At once, it is apparent that the
The focal point of res judicata is the judgment. The principle states that a judgment on Philconsa resolution was a limited response to a separation of powers problem,
the merits in a previous case rendered by a court of competent jurisdiction would bind a specifically on the propriety of conferring post-enactment identification authority to
subsequent case if, between the first and second actions, there exists an identity of Members of Congress. On the contrary, the present cases call for a more holistic
parties, of subject matter, and of causes of action. 151 This required identity is not, examination of (a) the inter-relation between the CDF and PDAF Articles with each other,
however, attendant hereto since Philconsa and LAMP, respectively involved formative as they are of the entire "Pork Barrel System" as well as (b) the intra-relation of
constitutional challenges against the 1994 CDF Article and 2004 PDAF Article, whereas post-enactment measures contained within a particular CDF or PDAF Article, including
the cases at bar call for a broader constitutional scrutiny of the entire "Pork Barrel not only those related to the area of project identification but also to the areas of fund
System." Also, the ruling in LAMP is essentially a dismissal based on a procedural release and realignment. The complexity of the issues and the broader legal analyses
technicality – and, thus, hardly a judgment on the merits – in that petitioners therein herein warranted may be, therefore, considered as a powerful countervailing reason
failed to present any "convincing proof x x x showing that, indeed, there were direct against a wholesale application of the stare decisis principle.
releases of funds to the Members of Congress, who actually spend them according to
their sole discretion" or "pertinent evidentiary support to demonstrate the illegal misuse of In addition, the Court observes that the Philconsa ruling was actually riddled with
PDAF in the form of kickbacks and has become a common exercise of unscrupulous inherent constitutional inconsistencies which similarly countervail against a full resort to
Members of Congress." As such, the Court up held, in view of the presumption of stare decisis. As may be deduced from the main conclusions of the case, Philconsa‘s
constitutionality accorded to every law, the 2004 PDAF Article, and saw "no need to fundamental premise in allowing Members of Congress to propose and identify of
review or reverse the standing pronouncements in the said case." Hence, for the projects would be that the said identification authority is but an aspect of the power of
foregoing reasons, the res judicata principle, insofar as the Philconsa and LAMP cases appropriation which has been constitutionally lodged in Congress. From this premise, the
are concerned, cannot apply. contradictions may be easily seen. If the authority to identify projects is an aspect of
appropriation and the power of appropriation is a form of legislative power thereby
On the other hand, the focal point of stare decisis is the doctrine created. The principle, lodged in Congress, then it follows that: (a) it is Congress which should exercise such
entrenched under Article 8152 of the Civil Code, evokes the general rule that, for the sake authority, and not its individual Members; (b) such authority must be exercised within the
of certainty, a conclusion reached in one case should be doctrinally applied to those that prescribed procedure of law passage and, hence, should not be exercised after the GAA
follow if the facts are substantially the same, even though the parties may be different. It has already been passed; and (c) such authority, as embodied in the GAA, has the force
proceeds from the first principle of justice that, absent any powerful countervailing of law and, hence, cannot be merely recommendatory. Justice Vitug‘s Concurring
considerations, like cases ought to be decided alike. Thus, where the same questions Opinion in the same case sums up the Philconsa quandary in this wise: "Neither would it
relating to the same event have been put forward by the parties similarly situated as in a be objectionable for Congress, by law, to appropriate funds for such specific projects as
it may be minded; to give that authority, however, to the individual members of Congress
in whatever guise, I am afraid, would be constitutionally impermissible." As the Court practices that govern the manner by which lump-sum, discretionary funds, primarily
now largely benefits from hindsight and current findings on the matter, among others, the intended for local projects, are utilized through the respective participations of the
CoA Report, the Court must partially abandon its previous ruling in Philconsa insofar as it Legislative and Executive branches of government, including its members. The Pork
validated the post-enactment identification authority of Members of Congress on the Barrel System involves two (2) kinds of lump-sum discretionary funds:
guise that the same was merely recommendatory. This postulate raises serious
constitutional inconsistencies which cannot be simply excused on the ground that such First, there is the Congressional Pork Barrel which is herein defined as a kind of lump-
mechanism is "imaginative as it is innovative." Moreover, it must be pointed out that the sum, discretionary fund wherein legislators, either individually or collectively organized
recent case of Abakada Guro Party List v. Purisima155(Abakada) has effectively into committees, are able to effectively control certain aspects of the fund’s utilization
overturned Philconsa‘s allowance of post-enactment legislator participation in view of the through various post-enactment measures and/or practices. In particular, petitioners
separation of powers principle. These constitutional inconsistencies and the Abakada consider the PDAF, as it appears under the 2013 GAA, as Congressional Pork Barrel
rule will be discussed in greater detail in the ensuing section of this Decision. since it is, inter alia, a post-enactment measure that allows individual legislators to wield
a collective power;160 and
As for LAMP, suffice it to restate that the said case was dismissed on a procedural
technicality and, hence, has not set any controlling doctrine susceptible of current Second, there is the Presidential Pork Barrel which is herein defined as a kind of lump-
application to the substantive issues in these cases. In fine, stare decisis would not sum, discretionary fund which allows the President to determine the manner of its
apply. utilization. For reasons earlier stated, 161 the Court shall delimit the use of such term to
refer only to the Malampaya Funds and the Presidential Social Fund.
II. Substantive Issues.
With these definitions in mind, the Court shall now proceed to discuss the substantive
A. Definition of Terms. issues of these cases.

Before the Court proceeds to resolve the substantive issues of these cases, it must first B. Substantive Issues on the Congressional Pork Barrel.
define the terms "Pork Barrel System," "Congressional Pork Barrel," and "Presidential
Pork Barrel" as they are essential to the ensuing discourse. 1. Separation of Powers.

Petitioners define the term "Pork Barrel System" as the "collusion between the a. Statement of Principle.
Legislative and Executive branches of government to accumulate lump-sum public funds
in their offices with unchecked discretionary powers to determine its distribution as The principle of separation of powers refers to the constitutional demarcation of the three
political largesse."156 They assert that the following elements make up the Pork Barrel fundamental powers of government. In the celebrated words of Justice Laurel in Angara
System: (a) lump-sum funds are allocated through the appropriations process to an v. Electoral Commission,162 it means that the "Constitution has blocked out with deft
individual officer; (b) the officer is given sole and broad discretion in determining how the strokes and in bold lines, allotment of power to the executive, the legislative and the
funds will be used or expended; (c) the guidelines on how to spend or use the funds in judicial departments of the government."163 To the legislative branch of government,
the appropriation are either vague, overbroad or inexistent; and (d) projects funded are through Congress,164belongs the power to make laws; to the executive branch of
intended to benefit a definite constituency in a particular part of the country and to help government, through the President, 165 belongs the power to enforce laws; and to the
the political careers of the disbursing official by yielding rich patronage benefits. 157 They judicial branch of government, through the Court, 166 belongs the power to interpret laws.
further state that the Pork Barrel System is comprised of two (2) kinds of discretionary Because the three great powers have been, by constitutional design, ordained in this
public funds: first, the Congressional (or Legislative) Pork Barrel, currently known as the respect, "each department of the government has exclusive cognizance of matters within
PDAF;158 and, second, the Presidential (or Executive) Pork Barrel, specifically, the its jurisdiction, and is supreme within its own sphere." 167 Thus, "the legislature has no
Malampaya Funds under PD 910 and the Presidential Social Fund under PD 1869, as authority to execute or construe the law, the executive has no authority to make or
amended by PD 1993.159 construe the law, and the judiciary has no power to make or execute the law." 168 The
principle of separation of powers and its concepts of autonomy and independence stem
Considering petitioners‘ submission and in reference to its local concept and legal from the notion that the powers of government must be divided to avoid concentration of
history, the Court defines the Pork Barrel System as the collective body of rules and these powers in any one branch; the division, it is hoped, would avoid any single branch
from lording its power over the other branches or the citizenry. 169 To achieve this enforcement of the law violates the principle of separation of powers and is thus
purpose, the divided power must be wielded by co-equal branches of government that unconstitutional."177 It must be clarified, however, that since the restriction only pertains
are equally capable of independent action in exercising their respective mandates. Lack to "any role in the implementation or enforcement of the law," Congress may still
of independence would result in the inability of one branch of government to check the exercise its oversight function which is a mechanism of checks and balances that the
arbitrary or self-interest assertions of another or others. 170 Constitution itself allows. But it must be made clear that Congress‘ role must be confined
to mere oversight. Any post-enactment-measure allowing legislator participation beyond
Broadly speaking, there is a violation of the separation of powers principle when one oversight is bereft of any constitutional basis and hence, tantamount to impermissible
branch of government unduly encroaches on the domain of another. US Supreme Court interference and/or assumption of executive functions. As the Court ruled in Abakada: 178
decisions instruct that the principle of separation of powers may be violated in two (2)
ways: firstly, "one branch may interfere impermissibly with the other’s performance of its Any post-enactment congressional measure x x x should be limited to scrutiny and
constitutionally assigned function";171 and "alternatively, the doctrine may be violated investigation.1âwphi1 In particular, congressional oversight must be confined to the
when one branch assumes a function that more properly is entrusted to another." 172 In following:
other words, there is a violation of the principle when there is impermissible (a)
interference with and/or (b) assumption of another department‘s functions. (1) scrutiny based primarily on Congress‘ power of appropriation and the budget
hearings conducted in connection with it, its power to ask heads of departments
The enforcement of the national budget, as primarily contained in the GAA, is to appear before and be heard by either of its Houses on any matter pertaining to
indisputably a function both constitutionally assigned and properly entrusted to the their departments and its power of confirmation; and
Executive branch of government. In Guingona, Jr. v. Hon. Carague 173 (Guingona, Jr.),
the Court explained that the phase of budget execution "covers the various operational (2) investigation and monitoring of the implementation of laws pursuant to the
aspects of budgeting" and accordingly includes "the evaluation of work and financial power of Congress to conduct inquiries in aid of legislation.
plans for individual activities," the "regulation and release of funds" as well as all "other
related activities" that comprise the budget execution cycle. 174 This is rooted in the Any action or step beyond that will undermine the separation of powers guaranteed by
principle that the allocation of power in the three principal branches of government is a the Constitution. (Emphases supplied)
grant of all powers inherent in them.175 Thus, unless the Constitution provides otherwise,
the Executive department should exclusively exercise all roles and prerogatives which go
b. Application.
into the implementation of the national budget as provided under the GAA as well as any
other appropriation law.
In these cases, petitioners submit that the Congressional Pork Barrel – among others,
the 2013 PDAF Article – "wrecks the assignment of responsibilities between the political
In view of the foregoing, the Legislative branch of government, much more any of its
branches" as it is designed to allow individual legislators to interfere "way past the time it
members, should not cross over the field of implementing the national budget since, as
should have ceased" or, particularly, "after the GAA is passed." 179 They state that the
earlier stated, the same is properly the domain of the Executive. Again, in Guingona, Jr.,
findings and recommendations in the CoA Report provide "an illustration of how absolute
the Court stated that "Congress enters the picture when it deliberates or acts on the
and definitive the power of legislators wield over project implementation in complete
budget proposals of the President. Thereafter, Congress, "in the exercise of its own
violation of the constitutional principle of separation of powers." 180 Further, they point out
judgment and wisdom, formulates an appropriation act precisely following the process
that the Court in the Philconsa case only allowed the CDF to exist on the condition that
established by the Constitution, which specifies that no money may be paid from the
individual legislators limited their role to recommending projects and not if they actually
Treasury except in accordance with an appropriation made by law." Upon approval and
dictate their implementation.181
passage of the GAA, Congress‘ law -making role necessarily comes to an end and from
there the Executive‘s role of implementing the national budget begins. So as not to blur
the constitutional boundaries between them, Congress must "not concern it self with For their part, respondents counter that the separations of powers principle has not been
details for implementation by the Executive." 176 violated since the President maintains "ultimate authority to control the execution of the
GAA‖ and that he "retains the final discretion to reject" the legislators‘ proposals.182 They
maintain that the Court, in Philconsa, "upheld the constitutionality of the power of
The foregoing cardinal postulates were definitively enunciated in Abakada where the
members of Congress to propose and identify projects so long as such proposal and
Court held that "from the moment the law becomes effective, any provision of law that
identification are recommendatory."183 As such, they claim that "everything in the Special
empowers Congress or any of its members to play any role in the implementation or
Provisions [of the 2013 PDAF Article follows the Philconsa framework, and hence, Provision 4 which authorizes the "Secretaries of Agriculture, Education, Energy, Interior
remains constitutional."184 and Local Government, Labor and Employment, Public Works and Highways, Social
Welfare and Development and Trade and Industry190 x x x to approve realignment from
The Court rules in favor of petitioners. one project/scope to another within the allotment received from this Fund, subject to
among others (iii) the request is with the concurrence of the legislator concerned."
As may be observed from its legal history, the defining feature of all forms of
Congressional Pork Barrel would be the authority of legislators to participate in the post- Clearly, these post-enactment measures which govern the areas of project identification,
enactment phases of project implementation. fund release and fund realignment are not related to functions of congressional oversight
and, hence, allow legislators to intervene and/or assume duties that properly belong to
At its core, legislators – may it be through project lists,185 prior consultations186 or the sphere of budget execution. Indeed, by virtue of the foregoing, legislators have been,
program menus187 – have been consistently accorded post-enactment authority to in one form or another, authorized to participate in – as Guingona, Jr. puts it – "the
identify the projects they desire to be funded through various Congressional Pork Barrel various operational aspects of budgeting," including "the evaluation of work and financial
allocations. Under the 2013 PDAF Article, the statutory authority of legislators to identify plans for individual activities" and the "regulation and release of funds" in violation of the
projects post-GAA may be construed from the import of Special Provisions 1 to 3 as well separation of powers principle. The fundamental rule, as categorically articulated in
as the second paragraph of Special Provision 4. To elucidate, Special Provision 1 Abakada, cannot be overstated – from the moment the law becomes effective, any
embodies the program menu feature which, as evinced from past PDAF Articles, allows provision of law that empowers Congress or any of its members to play any role in the
individual legislators to identify PDAF projects for as long as the identified project falls implementation or enforcement of the law violates the principle of separation of powers
under a general program listed in the said menu. Relatedly, Special Provision 2 provides and is thus unconstitutional.191 That the said authority is treated as merely
that the implementing agencies shall, within 90 days from the GAA is passed, submit to recommendatory in nature does not alter its unconstitutional tenor since the prohibition,
Congress a more detailed priority list, standard or design prepared and submitted by to repeat, covers any role in the implementation or enforcement of the law. Towards this
implementing agencies from which the legislator may make his choice. The same end, the Court must therefore abandon its ruling in Philconsa which sanctioned the
provision further authorizes legislators to identify PDAF projects outside his district for as conduct of legislator identification on the guise that the same is merely recommendatory
long as the representative of the district concerned concurs in writing. Meanwhile, and, as such, respondents‘ reliance on the same falters altogether.
Special Provision 3 clarifies that PDAF projects refer to "projects to be identified by
legislators"188 and thereunder provides the allocation limit for the total amount of projects Besides, it must be pointed out that respondents have nonetheless failed to substantiate
identified by each legislator. Finally, paragraph 2 of Special Provision 4 requires that any their position that the identification authority of legislators is only of recommendatory
modification and revision of the project identification "shall be submitted to the House import. Quite the contrary, respondents – through the statements of the Solicitor General
Committee on Appropriations and the Senate Committee on Finance for favorable during the Oral Arguments – have admitted that the identification of the legislator
endorsement to the DBM or the implementing agency, as the case may be." From the constitutes a mandatory requirement before his PDAF can be tapped as a funding
foregoing special provisions, it cannot be seriously doubted that legislators have been source, thereby highlighting the indispensability of the said act to the entire budget
accorded post-enactment authority to identify PDAF projects. execution process:192

Aside from the area of project identification, legislators have also been accorded post- Justice Bernabe: Now, without the individual legislator’s identification of the project, can
enactment authority in the areas of fund release and realignment. Under the 2013 PDAF the PDAF of the legislator be utilized?
Article, the statutory authority of legislators to participate in the area of fund release
through congressional committees is contained in Special Provision 5 which explicitly Solicitor General Jardeleza: No, Your Honor.
states that "all request for release of funds shall be supported by the documents
prescribed under Special Provision No. 1 and favorably endorsed by House Committee Justice Bernabe: It cannot?
on Appropriations and the Senate Committee on Finance, as the case may be"; while
their statutory authority to participate in the area of fund realignment is contained in: first , Solicitor General Jardeleza: It cannot… (interrupted)
paragraph 2, Special Provision 4189 which explicitly state s, among others, that "any
realignment of funds shall be submitted to the House Committee on Appropriations and
Justice Bernabe: So meaning you should have the identification of the project by the
the Senate Committee on Finance for favorable endorsement to the DBM or the
individual legislator?
implementing agency, as the case may be‖ ; and, second , paragraph 1, also of Special
Solicitor General Jardeleza: Yes, Your Honor. research made by my staff, that neither the Executive nor Congress frontally faced the
question of constitutional compatibility of how they were engineering the budget process.
xxxx In fact, the words you have been using, as the three lawyers of the DBM, and both
Houses of Congress has also been using is surprise; surprised that all of these things
Justice Bernabe: In short, the act of identification is mandatory? are now surfacing. In fact, I thought that what the 2013 PDAF provisions did was to
codify in one section all the past practice that had been done since 1991. In a certain
sense, we should be thankful that they are all now in the PDAF Special Provisions. x x x
Solictor General Jardeleza: Yes, Your Honor. In the sense that if it is not done and then
(Emphasis and underscoring supplied)
there is no identification.
Ultimately, legislators cannot exercise powers which they do not have, whether through
formal measures written into the law or informal practices institutionalized in government
agencies, else the Executive department be deprived of what the Constitution has vested
Justice Bernabe: Now, would you know of specific instances when a project was as its own.
implemented without the identification by the individual legislator?
2. Non-delegability of Legislative Power.
Solicitor General Jardeleza: I do not know, Your Honor; I do not think so but I have no
specific examples. I would doubt very much, Your Honor, because to implement, there is
a. Statement of Principle.
a need for a SARO and the NCA. And the SARO and the NCA are triggered by an
identification from the legislator.
As an adjunct to the separation of powers principle, 194 legislative power shall be
exclusively exercised by the body to which the Constitution has conferred the same. In
particular, Section 1, Article VI of the 1987 Constitution states that such power shall be
vested in the Congress of the Philippines which shall consist of a Senate and a House of
Solictor General Jardeleza: What we mean by mandatory, Your Honor, is we were Representatives, except to the extent reserved to the people by the provision on initiative
replying to a question, "How can a legislator make sure that he is able to get PDAF and referendum.195 Based on this provision, it is clear that only Congress, acting as a
Funds?" It is mandatory in the sense that he must identify, in that sense, Your Honor. bicameral body, and the people, through the process of initiative and referendum, may
Otherwise, if he does not identify, he cannot avail of the PDAF Funds and his district constitutionally wield legislative power and no other. This premise embodies the principle
would not be able to have PDAF Funds, only in that sense, Your Honor. (Emphases of non-delegability of legislative power, and the only recognized exceptions thereto would
supplied) be: (a) delegated legislative power to local governments which, by immemorial practice,
are allowed to legislate on purely local matters; 196 and (b) constitutionally-grafted
Thus, for all the foregoing reasons, the Court hereby declares the 2013 PDAF Article as exceptions such as the authority of the President to, by law, exercise powers necessary
well as all other provisions of law which similarly allow legislators to wield any form of and proper to carry out a declared national policy in times of war or other national
post-enactment authority in the implementation or enforcement of the budget, unrelated emergency,197or fix within specified limits, and subject to such limitations and restrictions
to congressional oversight, as violative of the separation of powers principle and thus as Congress may impose, tariff rates, import and export quotas, tonnage and wharfage
unconstitutional. Corollary thereto, informal practices, through which legislators have dues, and other duties or imposts within the framework of the national development
effectively intruded into the proper phases of budget execution, must be deemed as acts program of the Government.198
of grave abuse of discretion amounting to lack or excess of jurisdiction and, hence,
accorded the same unconstitutional treatment. That such informal practices do exist and Notably, the principle of non-delegability should not be confused as a restriction to
have, in fact, been constantly observed throughout the years has not been substantially delegate rule-making authority to implementing agencies for the limited purpose of either
disputed here. As pointed out by Chief Justice Maria Lourdes P.A. Sereno (Chief Justice filling up the details of the law for its enforcement (supplementary rule-making) or
Sereno) during the Oral Arguments of these cases:193 ascertaining facts to bring the law into actual operation (contingent rule-making).199The
Chief Justice Sereno: conceptual treatment and limitations of delegated rule-making were explained in the case
of People v. Maceren200 as follows:
Now, from the responses of the representative of both, the DBM and two (2) Houses of
Congress, if we enforces the initial thought that I have, after I had seen the extent of this
The grant of the rule-making power to administrative agencies is a relaxation of the The fact that the three great powers of government are intended to be kept separate and
principle of separation of powers and is an exception to the nondelegation of legislative distinct does not mean that they are absolutely unrestrained and independent of each
powers. Administrative regulations or "subordinate legislation" calculated to promote the other. The Constitution has also provided for an elaborate system of checks and
public interest are necessary because of "the growing complexity of modern life, the balances to secure coordination in the workings of the various departments of the
multiplication of the subjects of governmental regulations, and the increased difficulty of government.203
administering the law."
A prime example of a constitutional check and balance would be the President’s power
xxxx to veto an item written into an appropriation, revenue or tariff bill submitted to him by
Congress for approval through a process known as "bill presentment." The President‘s
Nevertheless, it must be emphasized that the rule-making power must be confined to item-veto power is found in Section 27(2), Article VI of the 1987 Constitution which reads
details for regulating the mode or proceeding to carry into effect the law as it has been as follows:
enacted. The power cannot be extended to amending or expanding the statutory
requirements or to embrace matters not covered by the statute. Rules that subvert the Sec. 27. x x x.
statute cannot be sanctioned. (Emphases supplied)
b. Application.
(2) The President shall have the power to veto any particular item or items in an
In the cases at bar, the Court observes that the 2013 PDAF Article, insofar as it confers appropriation, revenue, or tariff bill, but the veto shall not affect the item or items to which
post-enactment identification authority to individual legislators, violates the principle of he does not object.
non-delegability since said legislators are effectively allowed to individually exercise the
power of appropriation, which – as settled in Philconsa – is lodged in Congress.201 That The presentment of appropriation, revenue or tariff bills to the President, wherein he may
the power to appropriate must be exercised only through legislation is clear from Section exercise his power of item-veto, forms part of the "single, finely wrought and exhaustively
29(1), Article VI of the 1987 Constitution which states that: "No money shall be paid out considered, procedures" for law-passage as specified under the Constitution. 204 As
of the Treasury except in pursuance of an appropriation made by law." To understand stated in Abakada, the final step in the law-making process is the "submission of the bill
what constitutes an act of appropriation, the Court, in Bengzon v. Secretary of Justice to the President for approval. Once approved, it takes effect as law after the required
and Insular Auditor202 (Bengzon), held that the power of appropriation involves (a) the publication."205
setting apart by law of a certain sum from the public revenue for (b) a specified purpose.
Essentially, under the 2013 PDAF Article, individual legislators are given a personal Elaborating on the President‘s item-veto power and its relevance as a check on the
lump-sum fund from which they are able to dictate (a) how much from such fund would legislature, the Court, in Bengzon, explained that: 206
go to (b) a specific project or beneficiary that they themselves also determine. As these
two (2) acts comprise the exercise of the power of appropriation as described in
The former Organic Act and the present Constitution of the Philippines make the Chief
Bengzon, and given that the 2013 PDAF Article authorizes individual legislators to
Executive an integral part of the law-making power. His disapproval of a bill, commonly
perform the same, undoubtedly, said legislators have been conferred the power to
known as a veto, is essentially a legislative act. The questions presented to the mind of
legislate which the Constitution does not, however, allow. Thus, keeping with the
the Chief Executive are precisely the same as those the legislature must determine in
principle of non-delegability of legislative power, the Court hereby declares the 2013
passing a bill, except that his will be a broader point of view.
PDAF Article, as well as all other forms of Congressional Pork Barrel which contain the
similar legislative identification feature as herein discussed, as unconstitutional.
The Constitution is a limitation upon the power of the legislative department of the
government, but in this respect it is a grant of power to the executive department. The
3. Checks and Balances.
Legislature has the affirmative power to enact laws; the Chief Executive has the negative
power by the constitutional exercise of which he may defeat the will of the Legislature. It
a. Statement of Principle; Item-Veto Power. follows that the Chief Executive must find his authority in the Constitution. But in
exercising that authority he may not be confined to rules of strict construction or
hampered by the unwise interference of the judiciary. The courts will indulge every
intendment in favor of the constitutionality of a veto in the same manner as they will accounting and budgeting practice considered as one purpose, e.g., MOOE
presume the constitutionality of an act as originally passed by the Legislature. (maintenance and other operating expenses), in which case the related purposes shall
(Emphases supplied) be deemed sufficiently specific for the exercise of the President‘s item veto power.
Finally, special purpose funds and discretionary funds would equally square with the
The justification for the President‘s item-veto power rests on a variety of policy goals constitutional mechanism of item-veto for as long as they follow the rule on singular
such as to prevent log-rolling legislation,207 impose fiscal restrictions on the legislature, correspondence as herein discussed. Anent special purpose funds, it must be added that
as well as to fortify the executive branch‘s role in the budgetary process.208 In Section 25(4), Article VI of the 1987 Constitution requires that the "special appropriations
Immigration and Naturalization Service v. Chadha, the US Supreme Court characterized bill shall specify the purpose for which it is intended, and shall be supported by funds
the President‘s item-power as "a salutary check upon the legislative body, calculated to actually available as certified by the National Treasurer, or t o be raised by a
guard the community against the effects of factions, precipitancy, or of any impulse corresponding revenue proposal therein." Meanwhile, with respect to discretionary funds,
unfriendly to the public good, which may happen to influence a majority of that body"; Section 2 5(6), Article VI of the 1987 Constitution requires that said funds "shall be
phrased differently, it is meant to "increase the chances in favor of the community disbursed only for public purposes to be supported by appropriate vouchers and subject
against the passing of bad laws, through haste, inadvertence, or design." 209 to such guidelines as may be prescribed by law."

For the President to exercise his item-veto power, it necessarily follows that there exists In contrast, what beckons constitutional infirmity are appropriations which merely provide
a proper "item" which may be the object of the veto. An item, as defined in the field of for a singular lump-sum amount to be tapped as a source of funding for multiple
appropriations, pertains to "the particulars, the details, the distinct and severable parts of purposes. Since such appropriation type necessitates the further determination of both
the appropriation or of the bill." In the case of Bengzon v. Secretary of Justice of the the actual amount to be expended and the actual purpose of the appropriation which
Philippine Islands,210 the US Supreme Court characterized an item of appropriation as must still be chosen from the multiple purposes stated in the law, it cannot be said that
follows: the appropriation law already indicates a "specific appropriation of money‖ and hence,
without a proper line-item which the President may veto. As a practical result, the
An item of an appropriation bill obviously means an item which, in itself, is a specific President would then be faced with the predicament of either vetoing the entire
appropriation of money, not some general provision of law which happens to be put into appropriation if he finds some of its purposes wasteful or undesirable, or approving the
an appropriation bill. (Emphases supplied) entire appropriation so as not to hinder some of its legitimate purposes. Finally, it may
not be amiss to state that such arrangement also raises non-delegability issues
considering that the implementing authority would still have to determine, again, both the
On this premise, it may be concluded that an appropriation bill, to ensure that the
actual amount to be expended and the actual purpose of the appropriation. Since the
President may be able to exercise his power of item veto, must contain "specific
foregoing determinations constitute the integral aspects of the power to appropriate, the
appropriations of money" and not only "general provisions" which provide for parameters
implementing authority would, in effect, be exercising legislative prerogatives in violation
of appropriation.
of the principle of non-delegability.
Further, it is significant to point out that an item of appropriation must be an item
b. Application.
characterized by singular correspondence – meaning an allocation of a specified singular
amount for a specified singular purpose, otherwise known as a "line-item."211 This
treatment not only allows the item to be consistent with its definition as a "specific In these cases, petitioners claim that "in the current x x x system where the PDAF is a
appropriation of money" but also ensures that the President may discernibly veto the lump-sum appropriation, the legislator‘s identification of the projects after the passage of
same. Based on the foregoing formulation, the existing Calamity Fund, Contingent Fund the GAA denies the President the chance to veto that item later on." 212 Accordingly, they
and the Intelligence Fund, being appropriations which state a specified amount for a submit that the "item veto power of the President mandates that appropriations bills
specific purpose, would then be considered as "line- item" appropriations which are adopt line-item budgeting" and that "Congress cannot choose a mode of budgeting which
rightfully subject to item veto. Likewise, it must be observed that an appropriation may be effectively renders the constitutionally-given power of the President useless."213
validly apportioned into component percentages or values; however, it is crucial that
each percentage or value must be allocated for its own corresponding purpose for such On the other hand, respondents maintain that the text of the Constitution envisions a
component to be considered as a proper line-item. Moreover, as Justice Carpio correctly process which is intended to meet the demands of a modernizing economy and, as such,
pointed out, a valid appropriation may even have several related purposes that are by lump-sum appropriations are essential to financially address situations which are barely
foreseen when a GAA is enacted. They argue that the decision of the Congress to create c. Accountability.
some lump-sum appropriations is constitutionally allowed and textually-grounded.214
Petitioners further relate that the system under which various forms of Congressional
The Court agrees with petitioners. Pork Barrel operate defies public accountability as it renders Congress incapable of
checking itself or its Members. In particular, they point out that the Congressional Pork
Under the 2013 PDAF Article, the amount of ₱24.79 Billion only appears as a collective Barrel "gives each legislator a direct, financial interest in the smooth, speedy passing of
allocation limit since the said amount would be further divided among individual the yearly budget" which turns them "from fiscalizers" into "financially-interested
legislators who would then receive personal lump-sum allocations and could, after the partners."219 They also claim that the system has an effect on re- election as "the PDAF
GAA is passed, effectively appropriate PDAF funds based on their own discretion. As excels in self-perpetuation of elective officials." Finally, they add that the "PDAF impairs
these intermediate appropriations are made by legislators only after the GAA is passed the power of impeachment" as such "funds are indeed quite useful, ‘to well, accelerate
and hence, outside of the law, it necessarily means that the actual items of PDAF the decisions of senators.‘"220
appropriation would not have been written into the General Appropriations Bill and thus
effectuated without veto consideration. This kind of lump-sum/post-enactment legislative The Court agrees in part.
identification budgeting system fosters the creation of a budget within a budget" which
subverts the prescribed procedure of presentment and consequently impairs the The aphorism forged under Section 1, Article XI of the 1987 Constitution, which states
President‘s power of item veto. As petitioners aptly point out, the above-described that "public office is a public trust," is an overarching reminder that every instrumentality
system forces the President to decide between (a) accepting the entire ₱24.79 Billion of government should exercise their official functions only in accordance with the
PDAF allocation without knowing the specific projects of the legislators, which may or principles of the Constitution which embodies the parameters of the people‘s trust. The
may not be consistent with his national agenda and (b) rejecting the whole PDAF to the notion of a public trust connotes accountability, 221 hence, the various mechanisms in the
detriment of all other legislators with legitimate projects. 215 Constitution which are designed to exact accountability from public officers.

Moreover, even without its post-enactment legislative identification feature, the 2013 Among others, an accountability mechanism with which the proper expenditure of public
PDAF Article would remain constitutionally flawed since it would then operate as a funds may be checked is the power of congressional oversight. As mentioned in
prohibited form of lump-sum appropriation above-characterized. In particular, the lump- Abakada,222 congressional oversight may be performed either through: (a) scrutiny
sum amount of ₱24.79 Billion would be treated as a mere funding source allotted for based primarily on Congress‘ power of appropriation and the budget hearings conducted
multiple purposes of spending, i.e., scholarships, medical missions, assistance to in connection with it, its power to ask heads of departments to appear before and be
indigents, preservation of historical materials, construction of roads, flood control, etc. heard by either of its Houses on any matter pertaining to their departments and its power
This setup connotes that the appropriation law leaves the actual amounts and purposes of confirmation;223 or (b) investigation and monitoring of the implementation of laws
of the appropriation for further determination and, therefore, does not readily indicate a pursuant to the power of Congress to conduct inquiries in aid of legislation. 224
discernible item which may be subject to the President‘s power of item veto.
The Court agrees with petitioners that certain features embedded in some forms of
In fact, on the accountability side, the same lump-sum budgeting scheme has, as the Congressional Pork Barrel, among others the 2013 PDAF Article, has an effect on
CoA Chairperson relays, "limited state auditors from obtaining relevant data and congressional oversight. The fact that individual legislators are given post-enactment
information that would aid in more stringently auditing the utilization of said roles in the implementation of the budget makes it difficult for them to become
Funds."216 Accordingly, she recommends the adoption of a "line by line budget or amount disinterested "observers" when scrutinizing, investigating or monitoring the
per proposed program, activity or project, and per implementing agency." 217 implementation of the appropriation law. To a certain extent, the conduct of oversight
would be tainted as said legislators, who are vested with post-enactment authority,
Hence, in view of the reasons above-stated, the Court finds the 2013 PDAF Article, as would, in effect, be checking on activities in which they themselves participate. Also, it
well as all Congressional Pork Barrel Laws of similar operation, to be unconstitutional. must be pointed out that this very same concept of post-enactment authorization runs
That such budgeting system provides for a greater degree of flexibility to account for afoul of Section 14, Article VI of the 1987 Constitution which provides that:
future contingencies cannot be an excuse to defeat what the Constitution requires.
Clearly, the first and essential truth of the matter is that unconstitutional means do not Sec. 14. No Senator or Member of the House of Representatives may personally appear
justify even commendable ends.218 as counsel before any court of justice or before the Electoral Tribunals, or quasi-judicial
and other administrative bodies. Neither shall he, directly or indirectly, be interested merely specifies guideline for legislative or executive action. 226 Therefore, since there
financially in any contract with, or in any franchise or special privilege granted by the appears to be no standing law which crystallizes the policy on political dynasties for
Government, or any subdivision, agency, or instrumentality thereof, including any enforcement, the Court must defer from ruling on this issue.
government-owned or controlled corporation, or its subsidiary, during his term of office.
He shall not intervene in any matter before any office of the Government for his In any event, the Court finds the above-stated argument on this score to be largely
pecuniary benefit or where he may be called upon to act on account of his office. speculative since it has not been properly demonstrated how the Pork Barrel System
(Emphasis supplied) would be able to propagate political dynasties.

Clearly, allowing legislators to intervene in the various phases of project implementation 5. Local Autonomy.
– a matter before another office of government – renders them susceptible to taking
undue advantage of their own office. The State‘s policy on local autonomy is principally stated in Section 25, Article II and
Sections 2 and 3, Article X of the 1987 Constitution which read as follows:
The Court, however, cannot completely agree that the same post-enactment authority
and/or the individual legislator‘s control of his PDAF per se would allow him to perpetuate ARTICLE II
himself in office. Indeed, while the Congressional Pork Barrel and a legislator‘s use
thereof may be linked to this area of interest, the use of his PDAF for re-election
Sec. 25. The State shall ensure the autonomy of local governments.
purposes is a matter which must be analyzed based on particular facts and on a case-to-
case basis.
Finally, while the Court accounts for the possibility that the close operational proximity
between legislators and the Executive department, through the former‘s post-enactment Sec. 2. The territorial and political subdivisions shall enjoy local autonomy.
participation, may affect the process of impeachment, this matter largely borders on the
domain of politics and does not strictly concern the Pork Barrel System‘s intrinsic Sec. 3. The Congress shall enact a local government code which shall provide for a
constitutionality. As such, it is an improper subject of judicial assessment. more responsive and accountable local government structure instituted through a system
of decentralization with effective mechanisms of recall, initiative, and referendum,
In sum, insofar as its post-enactment features dilute congressional oversight and violate allocate among the different local government units their powers, responsibilities, and
Section 14, Article VI of the 1987 Constitution, thus impairing public accountability, the resources, and provide for the qualifications, election, appointment and removal, term,
2013 PDAF Article and other forms of Congressional Pork Barrel of similar nature are salaries, powers and functions and duties of local officials, and all other matters relating
deemed as unconstitutional. to the organization and operation of the local units.

4. Political Dynasties. Pursuant thereto, Congress enacted RA 7160, 227 otherwise known as the "Local
Government Code of 1991" (LGC), wherein the policy on local autonomy had been more
specifically explicated as follows:
One of the petitioners submits that the Pork Barrel System enables politicians who are
members of political dynasties to accumulate funds to perpetuate themselves in power,
in contravention of Section 26, Article II of the 1987 Constitution 225 which states that: Sec. 2. Declaration of Policy. – (a) It is hereby declared the policy of the State that the
territorial and political subdivisions of the State shall enjoy genuine and meaningful local
autonomy to enable them to attain their fullest development as self-reliant communities
Sec. 26. The State shall guarantee equal access to opportunities for public service, and
and make them more effective partners in the attainment of national goals. Toward this
prohibit political dynasties as may be defined by law. (Emphasis and underscoring
end, the State shall provide for a more responsive and accountable local government
structure instituted through a system of decentralization whereby local government units
shall be given more powers, authority, responsibilities, and resources. The process of
At the outset, suffice it to state that the foregoing provision is considered as not self- decentralization shall proceed from the National Government to the local government
executing due to the qualifying phrase "as may be defined by law." In this respect, said units.
provision does not, by and of itself, provide a judicially enforceable constitutional right but
xxxx Notwithstanding these declarations, the Court, however, finds an inherent defect in the
system which actually belies the avowed intention of "making equal the unequal." In
(c) It is likewise the policy of the State to require all national agencies and offices to particular, the Court observes that the gauge of PDAF and CDF allocation/division is
conduct periodic consultations with appropriate local government units, nongovernmental based solely on the fact of office, without taking into account the specific interests and
and people‘s organizations, and other concerned sectors of the community before any peculiarities of the district the legislator represents. In this regard, the allocation/division
project or program is implemented in their respective jurisdictions. (Emphases and limits are clearly not based on genuine parameters of equality, wherein economic or
underscoring supplied) geographic indicators have been taken into consideration. As a result, a district
representative of a highly-urbanized metropolis gets the same amount of funding as a
The above-quoted provisions of the Constitution and the LGC reveal the policy of the district representative of a far-flung rural province which would be relatively
State to empower local government units (LGUs) to develop and ultimately, become self- "underdeveloped" compared to the former. To add, what rouses graver scrutiny is that
sustaining and effective contributors to the national economy. As explained by the Court even Senators and Party-List Representatives – and in some years, even the Vice-
in Philippine Gamefowl Commission v. Intermediate Appellate Court: 228 President – who do not represent any locality, receive funding from the Congressional
Pork Barrel as well. These certainly are anathema to the Congressional Pork Barrel‘s
original intent which is "to make equal the unequal." Ultimately, the PDAF and CDF had
This is as good an occasion as any to stress the commitment of the Constitution to the
become personal funds under the effective control of each legislator and given unto them
policy of local autonomy which is intended to provide the needed impetus and
on the sole account of their office.
encouragement to the development of our local political subdivisions as "self - reliant
communities." In the words of Jefferson, "Municipal corporations are the small republics
from which the great one derives its strength." The vitalization of local governments will The Court also observes that this concept of legislator control underlying the CDF and
enable their inhabitants to fully exploit their resources and more important, imbue them PDAF conflicts with the functions of the various Local Development Councils (LDCs)
with a deepened sense of involvement in public affairs as members of the body politic. which are already legally mandated to "assist the corresponding sanggunian in setting
This objective could be blunted by undue interference by the national government in the direction of economic and social development, and coordinating development efforts
purely local affairs which are best resolved by the officials and inhabitants of such within its territorial jurisdiction."234 Considering that LDCs are instrumentalities whose
political units. The decision we reach today conforms not only to the letter of the pertinent functions are essentially geared towards managing local affairs, 235 their programs,
laws but also to the spirit of the Constitution. 229 (Emphases and underscoring supplied) policies and resolutions should not be overridden nor duplicated by individual legislators,
who are national officers that have no law-making authority except only when acting as a
body. The undermining effect on local autonomy caused by the post-enactment authority
In the cases at bar, petitioners contend that the Congressional Pork Barrel goes against
conferred to the latter was succinctly put by petitioners in the following wise: 236
the constitutional principles on local autonomy since it allows district representatives,
who are national officers, to substitute their judgments in utilizing public funds for local
development.230 The Court agrees with petitioners. With PDAF, a Congressman can simply bypass the local development council and
initiate projects on his own, and even take sole credit for its execution. Indeed, this type
of personality-driven project identification has not only contributed little to the overall
Philconsa described the 1994 CDF as an attempt "to make equal the unequal" and that
development of the district, but has even contributed to "further weakening infrastructure
"it is also a recognition that individual members of Congress, far more than the President
planning and coordination efforts of the government."
and their congressional colleagues, are likely to be knowledgeable about the needs of
their respective constituents and the priority to be given each project." 231 Drawing
strength from this pronouncement, previous legislators justified its existence by stating Thus, insofar as individual legislators are authorized to intervene in purely local matters
that "the relatively small projects implemented under the Congressional Pork Barrel and thereby subvert genuine local autonomy, the 2013 PDAF Article as well as all other
complement and link the national development goals to the countryside and grassroots similar forms of Congressional Pork Barrel is deemed unconstitutional.
as well as to depressed areas which are overlooked by central agencies which are
preoccupied with mega-projects.232 Similarly, in his August 23, 2013 speech on the With this final issue on the Congressional Pork Barrel resolved, the Court now turns to
"abolition" of PDAF and budgetary reforms, President Aquino mentioned that the the substantive issues involving the Presidential Pork Barrel.
Congressional Pork Barrel was originally established for a worthy goal, which is to
enable the representatives to identify projects for communities that the LGU concerned C. Substantive Issues on the Presidential Pork Barrel.
cannot afford.233
1. Validity of Appropriation. clearly and certainly appears from the language employed (In re Continuing
Appropriations, 32 P. 272), whether in the past or in the present. (Emphases and
Petitioners preliminarily assail Section 8 of PD 910 and Section 12 of PD1869 (now, underscoring supplied)
amended by PD 1993), which respectively provide for the Malampaya Funds and the
Presidential Social Fund, as invalid appropriations laws since they do not have the Likewise, as ruled by the US Supreme Court in State of Nevada v. La Grave: 242
"primary and specific" purpose of authorizing the release of public funds from the
National Treasury. Petitioners submit that Section 8 of PD 910 is not an appropriation To constitute an appropriation there must be money placed in a fund applicable to the
law since the "primary and specific‖ purpose of PD 910 is the creation of an Energy designated purpose. The word appropriate means to allot, assign, set apart or apply to a
Development Board and Section 8 thereof only created a Special Fund incidental particular use or purpose. An appropriation in the sense of the constitution means the
thereto.237 In similar regard, petitioners argue that Section 12 of PD 1869 is neither a setting apart a portion of the public funds for a public purpose. No particular form of
valid appropriations law since the allocation of the Presidential Social Fund is merely words is necessary for the purpose, if the intention to appropriate is plainly manifested.
incidental to the "primary and specific" purpose of PD 1869 which is the amendment of (Emphases supplied)
the Franchise and Powers of PAGCOR.238 In view of the foregoing, petitioners suppose
that such funds are being used without any valid law allowing for their proper Thus, based on the foregoing, the Court cannot sustain the argument that the
appropriation in violation of Section 29(1), Article VI of the 1987 Constitution which states appropriation must be the "primary and specific" purpose of the law in order for a valid
that: "No money shall be paid out of the Treasury except in pursuance of an appropriation law to exist. To reiterate, if a legal provision designates a determinate or
appropriation made by law."239 determinable amount of money and allocates the same for a particular public purpose,
then the legislative intent to appropriate becomes apparent and, hence, already sufficient
The Court disagrees. to satisfy the requirement of an "appropriation made by law" under contemplation of the
"An appropriation made by law‖ under the contemplation of Section 29(1), Article VI of
the 1987 Constitution exists when a provision of law (a) sets apart a determinate or Section 8 of PD 910 pertinently provides:
determinable240 amount of money and (b) allocates the same for a particular public
purpose. These two minimum designations of amount and purpose stem from the very Section 8. Appropriations. x x x
definition of the word "appropriation," which means "to allot, assign, set apart or apply to
a particular use or purpose," and hence, if written into the law, demonstrate that the
All fees, revenues and receipts of the Board from any and all sources including receipts
legislative intent to appropriate exists. As the Constitution "does not provide or prescribe
from service contracts and agreements such as application and processing fees,
any particular form of words or religious recitals in which an authorization or
signature bonus, discovery bonus, production bonus; all money collected from
appropriation by Congress shall be made, except that it be ‘made by law,‘" an
concessionaires, representing unspent work obligations, fines and penalties under the
appropriation law may – according to Philconsa – be "detailed and as broad as Congress
Petroleum Act of 1949; as well as the government share representing royalties, rentals,
wants it to be" for as long as the intent to appropriate may be gleaned from the same. As
production share on service contracts and similar payments on the exploration,
held in the case of Guingona, Jr.: 241
development and exploitation of energy resources, shall form part of a Special Fund to
be used to finance energy resource development and exploitation programs and projects
There is no provision in our Constitution that provides or prescribes any particular form of of the government and for such other purposes as may be hereafter directed by the
words or religious recitals in which an authorization or appropriation by Congress shall President. (Emphases supplied)
be made, except that it be "made by law," such as precisely the authorization or
appropriation under the questioned presidential decrees. In other words, in terms of time
Whereas Section 12 of PD 1869, as amended by PD 1993, reads:
horizons, an appropriation may be made impliedly (as by past but subsisting legislations)
as well as expressly for the current fiscal year (as by enactment of laws by the present
Congress), just as said appropriation may be made in general as well as in specific Sec. 12. Special Condition of Franchise. — After deducting five (5%) percent as
terms. The Congressional authorization may be embodied in annual laws, such as a Franchise Tax, the Fifty (50%) percent share of the Government in the aggregate gross
general appropriations act or in special provisions of laws of general or special earnings of the Corporation from this Franchise, or 60% if the aggregate gross earnings
application which appropriate public funds for specific public purposes, such as the be less than ₱150,000,000.00 shall be set aside and shall accrue to the General Fund to
questioned decrees. An appropriation measure is sufficient if the legislative intention finance the priority infrastructure development projects and to finance the restoration of
damaged or destroyed facilities due to calamities, as may be directed and authorized by While the designation of a determinate or determinable amount for a particular public
the Office of the President of the Philippines. (Emphases supplied) purpose is sufficient for a legal appropriation to exist, the appropriation law must contain
adequate legislative guidelines if the same law delegates rule-making authority to the
Analyzing the legal text vis-à-vis the above-mentioned principles, it may then be Executive245 either for the purpose of (a) filling up the details of the law for its
concluded that (a) Section 8 of PD 910, which creates a Special Fund comprised of "all enforcement, known as supplementary rule-making, or (b) ascertaining facts to bring the
fees, revenues, and receipts of the Energy Development Board from any and all law into actual operation, referred to as contingent rule-making.246 There are two (2)
sources" (a determinable amount) "to be used to finance energy resource development fundamental tests to ensure that the legislative guidelines for delegated rule-making are
and exploitation programs and projects of the government and for such other purposes indeed adequate. The first test is called the "completeness test." Case law states that a
as may be hereafter directed by the President" (a specified public purpose), and (b) law is complete when it sets forth therein the policy to be executed, carried out, or
Section 12 of PD 1869, as amended by PD 1993, which similarly sets aside, "after implemented by the delegate. On the other hand, the second test is called the "sufficient
deducting five (5%) percent as Franchise Tax, the Fifty (50%) percent share of the standard test." Jurisprudence holds that a law lays down a sufficient standard when it
Government in the aggregate gross earnings of PAGCOR, or 60%, if the aggregate provides adequate guidelines or limitations in the law to map out the boundaries of the
gross earnings be less than ₱150,000,000.00" (also a determinable amount) "to finance delegate‘s authority and prevent the delegation from running riot. 247 To be sufficient, the
the priority infrastructure development projects and x x x the restoration of damaged or standard must specify the limits of the delegate‘s authority, announce the legislative
destroyed facilities due to calamities, as may be directed and authorized by the Office of policy, and identify the conditions under which it is to be implemented. 248
the President of the Philippines" (also a specified public purpose), are legal
appropriations under Section 29(1), Article VI of the 1987 Constitution. In view of the foregoing, the Court agrees with petitioners that the phrase "and for such
other purposes as may be hereafter directed by the President" under Section 8 of PD
In this relation, it is apropos to note that the 2013 PDAF Article cannot be properly 910 constitutes an undue delegation of legislative power insofar as it does not lay down a
deemed as a legal appropriation under the said constitutional provision precisely sufficient standard to adequately determine the limits of the President‘s authority with
because, as earlier stated, it contains post-enactment measures which effectively create respect to the purpose for which the Malampaya Funds may be used. As it reads, the
a system of intermediate appropriations. These intermediate appropriations are the said phrase gives the President wide latitude to use the Malampaya Funds for any other
actual appropriations meant for enforcement and since they are made by individual purpose he may direct and, in effect, allows him to unilaterally appropriate public funds
legislators after the GAA is passed, they occur outside the law. As such, the Court beyond the purview of the law. That the subject phrase may be confined only to "energy
observes that the real appropriation made under the 2013 PDAF Article is not the ₱24.79 resource development and exploitation programs and projects of the government" under
Billion allocated for the entire PDAF, but rather the post-enactment determinations made the principle of ejusdem generis, meaning that the general word or phrase is to be
by the individual legislators which are, to repeat, occurrences outside of the law. construed to include – or be restricted to – things akin to, resembling, or of the same kind
Irrefragably, the 2013 PDAF Article does not constitute an "appropriation made by law" or class as those specifically mentioned, 249 is belied by three (3) reasons: first, the
since it, in its truest sense, only authorizes individual legislators to appropriate in violation phrase "energy resource development and exploitation programs and projects of the
of the non-delegability principle as afore-discussed. government" states a singular and general class and hence, cannot be treated as a
statutory reference of specific things from which the general phrase "for such other
2. Undue Delegation. purposes" may be limited; second, the said phrase also exhausts the class it represents,
namely energy development programs of the government; 250 and, third, the Executive
department has, in fact, used the Malampaya Funds for non-energy related purposes
On a related matter, petitioners contend that Section 8 of PD 910 constitutes an undue
under the subject phrase, thereby contradicting respondents‘ own position that it is
delegation of legislative power since the phrase "and for such other purposes as may be
limited only to "energy resource development and exploitation programs and projects of
hereafter directed by the President" gives the President "unbridled discretion to
the government."251 Thus, while Section 8 of PD 910 may have passed the
determine for what purpose the funds will be used." 243 Respondents, on the other hand,
completeness test since the policy of energy development is clearly deducible from its
urged the Court to apply the principle of ejusdem generis to the same section and thus,
text, the phrase "and for such other purposes as may be hereafter directed by the
construe the phrase "and for such other purposes as may be hereafter directed by the
President" under the same provision of law should nonetheless be stricken down as
President" to refer only to other purposes related "to energy resource development and
unconstitutional as it lies independently unfettered by any sufficient standard of the
exploitation programs and projects of the government." 244
delegating law. This notwithstanding, it must be underscored that the rest of Section 8,
insofar as it allows for the use of the Malampaya Funds "to finance energy resource
The Court agrees with petitioners‘ submissions. development and exploitation programs and projects of the government," remains legally
effective and subsisting. Truth be told, the declared unconstitutionality of the (PDAF Use Schedule/List);254 and (b) "the use of the Executive‘s lump-sum, discretionary
aforementioned phrase is but an assurance that the Malampaya Funds would be used – funds, including the proceeds from the x x x Malampaya Funds and remittances from the
as it should be used – only in accordance with the avowed purpose and intention of PD PAGCOR x x x from 2003 to 2013, specifying the x x x project or activity and the
910. recipient entities or individuals, and all pertinent data thereto" 255 (Presidential Pork Use
Report). Petitioners‘ prayer is grounded on Section 28, Article II and Section 7, Article III
As for the Presidential Social Fund, the Court takes judicial notice of the fact that Section of the 1987 Constitution which read as follows:
12 of PD 1869 has already been amended by PD 1993 which thus moots the parties‘
submissions on the same.252 Nevertheless, since the amendatory provision may be ARTICLE II
readily examined under the current parameters of discussion, the Court proceeds to
resolve its constitutionality. Sec. 28. Subject to reasonable conditions prescribed by law, the State adopts and
implements a policy of full public disclosure of all its transactions involving public interest.
Primarily, Section 12 of PD 1869, as amended by PD 1993, indicates that the
Presidential Social Fund may be used "to first, finance the priority infrastructure ARTICLE III Sec. 7.
development projects and second, to finance the restoration of damaged or destroyed
facilities due to calamities, as may be directed and authorized by the Office of the The right of the people to information on matters of public concern shall be recognized.
President of the Philippines." The Court finds that while the second indicated purpose Access to official records, and to documents and papers pertaining to official acts,
adequately curtails the authority of the President to spend the Presidential Social Fund transactions, or decisions, as well as to government research data used as basis for
only for restoration purposes which arise from calamities, the first indicated purpose, policy development, shall be afforded the citizen, subject to such limitations as may be
however, gives him carte blanche authority to use the same fund for any infrastructure provided by law.
project he may so determine as a "priority". Verily, the law does not supply a definition of
"priority in frastructure development projects" and hence, leaves the President without
The Court denies petitioners‘ submission.
any guideline to construe the same. To note, the delimitation of a project as one of
"infrastructure" is too broad of a classification since the said term could pertain to any
kind of facility. This may be deduced from its lexicographic definition as follows: "the Case law instructs that the proper remedy to invoke the right to information is to file a
underlying framework of a system, especially public services and facilities (such as petition for mandamus. As explained in the case of Legaspi v. Civil Service
highways, schools, bridges, sewers, and water-systems) needed to support commerce Commission:256
as well as economic and residential development." 253 In fine, the phrase "to finance the
priority infrastructure development projects" must be stricken down as unconstitutional While the manner of examining public records may be subject to reasonable regulation
since – similar to the above-assailed provision under Section 8 of PD 910 – it lies by the government agency in custody thereof, the duty to disclose the information of
independently unfettered by any sufficient standard of the delegating law. As they are public concern, and to afford access to public records cannot be discretionary on the part
severable, all other provisions of Section 12 of PD 1869, as amended by PD 1993, of said agencies. Certainly, its performance cannot be made contingent upon the
remains legally effective and subsisting. discretion of such agencies. Otherwise, the enjoyment of the constitutional right may be
rendered nugatory by any whimsical exercise of agency discretion. The constitutional
D. Ancillary Prayers. 1. duty, not being discretionary, its performance may be compelled by a writ of mandamus
in a proper case.
Petitioners’ Prayer to be Furnished Lists and Detailed Reports.
But what is a proper case for Mandamus to issue? In the case before Us, the public right
to be enforced and the concomitant duty of the State are unequivocably set forth in the
Aside from seeking the Court to declare the Pork Barrel System unconstitutional – as the
Court did so in the context of its pronouncements made in this Decision – petitioners
equally pray that the Executive Secretary and/or the DBM be ordered to release to the
CoA and to the public: (a) "the complete schedule/list of legislators who have availed of The decisive question on the propriety of the issuance of the writ of mandamus in this
their PDAF and VILP from the years 2003 to 2013, specifying the use of the funds, the case is, whether the information sought by the petitioner is within the ambit of the
project or activity and the recipient entities or individuals, and all pertinent data thereto" constitutional guarantee. (Emphases supplied)
Corollarily, in the case of Valmonte v. Belmonte Jr. 257 (Valmonte), it has been clarified access to these documents should not be proscribed. Thus, in Valmonte, while the Court
that the right to information does not include the right to compel the preparation of "lists, denied the application for mandamus towards the preparation of the list requested by
abstracts, summaries and the like." In the same case, it was stressed that it is essential petitioners therein, it nonetheless allowed access to the documents sought for by the
that the "applicant has a well -defined, clear and certain legal right to the thing demanded latter, subject, however, to the custodian‘s reasonable regulations,viz.: 259
and that it is the imperative duty of defendant to perform the act required." Hence,
without the foregoing substantiations, the Court cannot grant a particular request for In fine, petitioners are entitled to access to the documents evidencing loans granted by
information. The pertinent portions of Valmonte are hereunder quoted: 258 the GSIS, subject to reasonable regulations that the latter may promulgate relating to the
manner and hours of examination, to the end that damage to or loss of the records may
Although citizens are afforded the right to information and, pursuant thereto, are entitled be avoided, that undue interference with the duties of the custodian of the records may
to "access to official records," the Constitution does not accord them a right to compel be prevented and that the right of other persons entitled to inspect the records may be
custodians of official records to prepare lists, abstracts, summaries and the like in their insured Legaspi v. Civil Service Commission, supra at p. 538, quoting Subido v. Ozaeta,
desire to acquire information on matters of public concern. 80 Phil. 383, 387. The petition, as to the second and third alternative acts sought to be
done by petitioners, is meritorious.
It must be stressed that it is essential for a writ of mandamus to issue that the applicant
has a well-defined, clear and certain legal right to the thing demanded and that it is the However, the same cannot be said with regard to the first act sought by petitioners, i.e.,
imperative duty of defendant to perform the act required. The corresponding duty of the
respondent to perform the required act must be clear and specific Lemi v. Valencia, G.R. "to furnish petitioners the list of the names of the Batasang Pambansa members
No. L-20768, November 29,1968,126 SCRA 203; Ocampo v. Subido, G.R. No. L-28344, belonging to the UNIDO and PDP-Laban who were able to secure clean loans
August 27, 1976, 72 SCRA 443. immediately before the February 7 election thru the intercession/marginal note of the
then First Lady Imelda Marcos."
The request of the petitioners fails to meet this standard, there being no duty on the part
of respondent to prepare the list requested. (Emphases supplied) The Court, therefore, applies the same treatment here.

In these cases, aside from the fact that none of the petitions are in the nature of 2. Petitioners’ Prayer to Include Matters in Congressional Deliberations.
mandamus actions, the Court finds that petitioners have failed to establish a "a well-
defined, clear and certain legal right" to be furnished by the Executive Secretary and/or Petitioners further seek that the Court "order the inclusion in budgetary deliberations with
the DBM of their requested PDAF Use Schedule/List and Presidential Pork Use Report. the Congress of all presently, off-budget, lump sum, discretionary funds including but not
Neither did petitioners assert any law or administrative issuance which would form the limited to, proceeds from the x x x Malampaya Fund, remittances from the PAGCOR and
bases of the latter‘s duty to furnish them with the documents requested. While petitioners the PCSO or the Executive‘s Social Funds." 260
pray that said information be equally released to the CoA, it must be pointed out that the
CoA has not been impleaded as a party to these cases nor has it filed any petition before
Suffice it to state that the above-stated relief sought by petitioners covers a matter which
the Court to be allowed access to or to compel the release of any official document
is generally left to the prerogative of the political branches of government. Hence, lest the
relevant to the conduct of its audit investigations. While the Court recognizes that the
Court itself overreach, it must equally deny their prayer on this score.
information requested is a matter of significant public concern, however, if only to ensure
that the parameters of disclosure are properly foisted and so as not to unduly hamper the
equally important interests of the government, it is constrained to deny petitioners‘ prayer 3. Respondents’ Prayer to Lift TRO; Consequential Effects of Decision.
on this score, without prejudice to a proper mandamus case which they, or even the
CoA, may choose to pursue through a separate petition. The final issue to be resolved stems from the interpretation accorded by the DBM to the
concept of released funds. In response to the Court‘s September 10, 2013 TRO that
It bears clarification that the Court‘s denial herein should only cover petitioners‘ plea to enjoined the release of the remaining PDAF allocated for the year 2013, the DBM issued
be furnished with such schedule/list and report and not in any way deny them, or the Circular Letter No. 2013-8 dated September 27, 2013 (DBM Circular 2013-8) which
general public, access to official documents which are already existing and of public pertinently reads as follows:
record. Subject to reasonable regulation and absent any valid statutory prohibition,
3.0 Nonetheless, PDAF projects funded under the FY 2013 GAA, where a Special release of which is subject to compliance with specific laws or regulations, or is subject to
Allotment Release Order (SARO) has been issued by the DBM and such SARO has separate approval or clearance by competent authority." 263
been obligated by the implementing agencies prior to the issuance of the TRO, may
continually be implemented and disbursements thereto effected by the agencies Based on this definition, it may be gleaned that a SARO only evinces the existence of an
concerned. obligation and not the directive to pay. Practically speaking, the SARO does not have the
direct and immediate effect of placing public funds beyond the control of the disbursing
Based on the text of the foregoing, the DBM authorized the continued implementation authority. In fact, a SARO may even be withdrawn under certain circumstances which will
and disbursement of PDAF funds as long as they are: first, covered by a SARO; and, prevent the actual release of funds. On the other hand, the actual release of funds is
second, that said SARO had been obligated by the implementing agency concerned prior brought about by the issuance of the NCA, 264 which is subsequent to the issuance of a
to the issuance of the Court‘s September 10, 2013 TRO. SARO. As may be determined from the statements of the DBM representative during the
Oral Arguments:265
Petitioners take issue with the foregoing circular, arguing that "the issuance of the SARO
does not yet involve the release of funds under the PDAF, as release is only triggered by Justice Bernabe: Is the notice of allocation issued simultaneously with the SARO?
the issuance of a Notice of Cash Allocation [(NCA)]." 261 As such, PDAF disbursements,
even if covered by an obligated SARO, should remain enjoined. xxxx

For their part, respondents espouse that the subject TRO only covers "unreleased and Atty. Ruiz: It comes after. The SARO, Your Honor, is only the go signal for the agencies
unobligated allotments." They explain that once a SARO has been issued and obligated to obligate or to enter into commitments. The NCA, Your Honor, is already the go signal
by the implementing agency concerned, the PDAF funds covered by the same are to the treasury for us to be able to pay or to liquidate the amounts obligated in the SARO;
already "beyond the reach of the TRO because they cannot be considered as ‘remaining so it comes after. x x x The NCA, Your Honor, is the go signal for the MDS for the
PDAF.‘" They conclude that this is a reasonable interpretation of the TRO by the DBM. 262 authorized government-disbursing banks to, therefore, pay the payees depending on the
projects or projects covered by the SARO and the NCA.
The Court agrees with petitioners in part.
Justice Bernabe: Are there instances that SAROs are cancelled or revoked?
At the outset, it must be observed that the issue of whether or not the Court‘s September
10, 2013 TRO should be lifted is a matter rendered moot by the present Decision. The Atty. Ruiz: Your Honor, I would like to instead submit that there are instances that the
unconstitutionality of the 2013 PDAF Article as declared herein has the consequential SAROs issued are withdrawn by the DBM.
effect of converting the temporary injunction into a permanent one. Hence, from the
promulgation of this Decision, the release of the remaining PDAF funds for 2013, among Justice Bernabe: They are withdrawn?
others, is now permanently enjoined.
Atty. Ruiz: Yes, Your Honor x x x. (Emphases and underscoring supplied)
The propriety of the DBM‘s interpretation of the concept of "release" must, nevertheless,
be resolved as it has a practical impact on the execution of the current Decision. In
Thus, unless an NCA has been issued, public funds should not be treated as funds
particular, the Court must resolve the issue of whether or not PDAF funds covered by
which have been "released." In this respect, therefore, the disbursement of 2013 PDAF
obligated SAROs, at the time this Decision is promulgated, may still be disbursed
funds which are only covered by obligated SAROs, and without any corresponding NCAs
following the DBM‘s interpretation in DBM Circular 2013-8.
issued, must, at the time of this Decision’s promulgation, be enjoined and consequently
reverted to the unappropriated surplus of the general fund. Verily, in view of the declared
On this score, the Court agrees with petitioners‘ posturing for the fundamental reason unconstitutionality of the 2013 PDAF Article, the funds appropriated pursuant thereto
that funds covered by an obligated SARO are yet to be "released" under legal cannot be disbursed even though already obligated, else the Court sanctions the dealing
contemplation. A SARO, as defined by the DBM itself in its website, is "aspecific of funds coming from an unconstitutional source.
authority issued to identified agencies to incur obligations not exceeding a given amount
during a specified period for the purpose indicated. It shall cover expenditures the
This same pronouncement must be equally applied to (a) the Malampaya Funds which
have been obligated but not released – meaning, those merely covered by a SARO –
under the phrase "and for such other purposes as may be hereafter directed by the the power of appropriation by giving them personal, discretionary funds from which they
President" pursuant to Section 8 of PD 910; and (b) funds sourced from the Presidential are able to fund specific projects which they themselves determine, it has similarly
Social Fund under the phrase "to finance the priority infrastructure development projects" violated the principle of non-delegability of legislative power ; insofar as it has created a
pursuant to Section 12 of PD 1869, as amended by PD 1993, which were altogether system of budgeting wherein items are not textualized into the appropriations bill, it has
declared by the Court as unconstitutional. However, these funds should not be reverted flouted the prescribed procedure of presentment and, in the process, denied the
to the general fund as afore-stated but instead, respectively remain under the President the power to veto items ; insofar as it has diluted the effectiveness of
Malampaya Funds and the Presidential Social Fund to be utilized for their corresponding congressional oversight by giving legislators a stake in the affairs of budget execution, an
special purposes not otherwise declared as unconstitutional. aspect of governance which they may be called to monitor and scrutinize, the system
has equally impaired public accountability ; insofar as it has authorized legislators, who
E. Consequential Effects of Decision. are national officers, to intervene in affairs of purely local nature, despite the existence of
capable local institutions, it has likewise subverted genuine local autonomy ; and again,
As a final point, it must be stressed that the Court‘s pronouncement anent the insofar as it has conferred to the President the power to appropriate funds intended by
unconstitutionality of (a) the 2013 PDAF Article and its Special Provisions, (b) all other law for energy-related purposes only to other purposes he may deem fit as well as other
Congressional Pork Barrel provisions similar thereto, and (c) the phrases (1) "and for public funds under the broad classification of "priority infrastructure development
such other purposes as may be hereafter directed by the President" under Section 8 of projects," it has once more transgressed the principle of non-delegability.
PD 910, and (2) "to finance the priority infrastructure development projects" under
Section 12 of PD 1869, as amended by PD 1993, must only be treated as prospective in For as long as this nation adheres to the rule of law, any of the multifarious
effect in view of the operative fact doctrine. unconstitutional methods and mechanisms the Court has herein pointed out should
never again be adopted in any system of governance, by any name or form, by any
To explain, the operative fact doctrine exhorts the recognition that until the judiciary, in semblance or similarity, by any influence or effect. Disconcerting as it is to think that a
an appropriate case, declares the invalidity of a certain legislative or executive act, such system so constitutionally unsound has monumentally endured, the Court urges the
act is presumed constitutional and thus, entitled to obedience and respect and should be people and its co-stewards in government to look forward with the optimism of change
properly enforced and complied with. As explained in the recent case of Commissioner of and the awareness of the past. At a time of great civic unrest and vociferous public
Internal Revenue v. San Roque Power Corporation, 266 the doctrine merely "reflects debate, the Court fervently hopes that its Decision today, while it may not purge all the
awareness that precisely because the judiciary is the governmental organ which has the wrongs of society nor bring back what has been lost, guides this nation to the path forged
final say on whether or not a legislative or executive measure is valid, a period of time by the Constitution so that no one may heretofore detract from its cause nor stray from
may have elapsed before it can exercise the power of judicial review that may lead to a its course. After all, this is the Court‘s bounden duty and no other‘s.
declaration of nullity. It would be to deprive the law of its quality of fairness and justice
then, if there be no recognition of what had transpired prior to such adjudication." 267 "In WHEREFORE, the petitions are PARTLY GRANTED. In view of the constitutional
the language of an American Supreme Court decision: ‘The actual existence of a statute, violations discussed in this Decision, the Court hereby declares as
prior to such a determination of unconstitutionality, is an operative fact and may have UNCONSTITUTIONAL: (a) the entire 2013 PDAF Article; (b) all legal provisions of past
consequences which cannot justly be ignored.‘" 268 and present Congressional Pork Barrel Laws, such as the previous PDAF and CDF
Articles and the various Congressional Insertions, which authorize/d legislators –
For these reasons, this Decision should be heretofore applied prospectively. whether individually or collectively organized into committees – to intervene, assume or
participate in any of the various post-enactment stages of the budget execution, such as
but not limited to the areas of project identification, modification and revision of project
identification, fund release and/or fund realignment, unrelated to the power of
congressional oversight; (c) all legal provisions of past and present Congressional Pork
The Court renders this Decision to rectify an error which has persisted in the chronicles Barrel Laws, such as the previous PDAF and CDF Articles and the various
of our history. In the final analysis, the Court must strike down the Pork Barrel System as Congressional Insertions, which confer/red personal, lump-sum allocations to legislators
unconstitutional in view of the inherent defects in the rules within which it operates. To from which they are able to fund specific projects which they themselves determine; (d)
recount, insofar as it has allowed legislators to wield, in varying gradations, non- all informal practices of similar import and effect, which the Court similarly deems to be
oversight, post-enactment authority in vital areas of budget execution, the system has acts of grave abuse of discretion amounting to lack or excess of jurisdiction; and (e) the
violated the principle of separation of powers; insofar as it has conferred unto legislators phrases (1) "and for such other purposes as may be hereafter directed by the President"
under Section 8 of Presidential Decree No. 910 and (2) "to finance the priority SO ORDERED.
infrastructure development projects" under Section 12 of Presidential Decree No. 1869,
as amended by Presidential Decree No. 1993, for both failing the sufficient standard test ESTELA M. PERLAS-BERNABE
in violation of the principle of non-delegability of legislative power. Associate Justice

Accordingly, the Court‘s temporary injunction dated September 10, 2013 is hereby WE CONCUR:
declared to be PERMANENT. Thus, the disbursement/release of the remaining PDAF
funds allocated for the year 2013, as well as for all previous years, and the funds See Concurring Opinion
sourced from (1) the Malampaya Funds under the phrase "and for such other purposes MARIA LOURDES P. A. SERENO
as may be hereafter directed by the President" pursuant to Section 8 of Presidential Chief Justice
Decree No. 910, and (2) the Presidential Social Fund under the phrase "to finance the
priority infrastructure development projects" pursuant to Section 12 of Presidential
Decree No. 1869, as amended by Presidential Decree No. 1993, which are, at the time See Concurring Opinion NO PART
this Decision is promulgated, not covered by Notice of Cash Allocations (NCAs) but only ANTONIO T. CARPIO PRESBITERO J. VELASCO, JR.
by Special Allotment Release Orders (SAROs), whether obligated or not, are hereby Associate Justice Associate Justice
ENJOINED. The remaining PDAF funds covered by this permanent injunction shall not
be disbursed/released but instead reverted to the unappropriated surplus of the general
fund, while the funds under the Malampaya Funds and the Presidential Social Fund shall I concur and also join the concurring I join the Opinion of Justice Carpio,
remain therein to be utilized for their respective special purposes not otherwise declared opinion of Justice Carpio. subject to my Concurring &
as unconstitutional. TERESITA J. LEONARDO-DE Dissenting Opinion.
Associate Justice Associate Justice
On the other hand, due to improper recourse and lack of proper substantiation, the Court
hereby DENIES petitioners‘ prayer seeking that the Executive Secretary and/or the
Department of Budget and Management be ordered to provide the public and the DIOSDADO M. PERALTA LUCAS P. BERSAMIN
Commission on Audit complete lists/schedules or detailed reports related to the Associate Justice Associate Justice
availments and utilization of the funds subject of these cases. Petitioners‘ access to
official documents already available and of public record which are related to these funds I join the concurring opinion of J. A.T.
must, however, not be prohibited but merely subjected to the custodian‘s reasonable MARIANO C. DEL CASTILLO Carpio of the ponencia
regulations or any valid statutory prohibition on the same. This denial is without prejudice Associate Justice ROBERTO A. ABAD
to a proper mandamus case which they or the Commission on Audit may choose to Associate Justice
pursue through a separate petition.
The Court also DENIES petitioners prayer to order the inclusion of the funds subject of Associate Justice Associate Justice
these cases in the budgetary deliberations of Congress as the same is a matter left to
the prerogative of the political branches of government.
Finally, the Court hereby DIRECTS all prosecutorial organs of the government to, within Associate Justice Associate Justice
the bounds of reasonable dispatch, investigate and accordingly prosecute all government
officials and/or private individuals for possible criminal offenses related to the irregular,
See Concurring Opinion
improper and/or unlawful disbursement/utilization of all funds under the Pork Barrel
Associate Justice
This Decision is immediately executory but prospective in effect.
I certify that the conclusions in the above Decision had been reached in consultation <> (visited October
before the cases were assigned to the writer of the opinion of the Court. 17, 2013).

MARIA LOURDES P. A. SERENO Chua, Yvonne T. and Cruz, Booma, B., "Pork is a Political, Not A
Chief Justice Developmental, Tool." <> [visited October 22,
2013].) See also rollo (G.R. No. 208566), pp. 328-329.

Morton, Jean, "What is a Pork Barrel?" Global Granary, Lifestyle Magazine and
Common Place Book Online: Something for Everyone, August 19, 2013.
Footnotes <
> (visited October 17, 2013).
*Dropped as a party per Memorandum dated October 17, 2013 filed by counsel 9
for petitioners Atty. Alfredo B. Molo III, et al. Rollo (G.R. No. 208566), p. 388. Jison, John Raymond, "What does the 'pork barrel' scam suggest about the
Philippine government?" International Association for Political Science Students,
** No part. September 10, 2013. < index.php/articles/item/93-what-
does-the-pork-barrel-scam-suggest-about-the-philippine-government> (visited
1 October 17, 2013). See also Llanes, Jonathan, "Pork barrel – Knowing the
The Federalist Papers, Federalist No. 20.
issue," Sunstar Baguio, October 23, 2013. <
2 baguio/opinion/2013/09/05/llanes-pork- barrel-knowing-issue-301598> (visited
Rollo (G.R. No. 208566), pp. 3-51; rollo (G.R. No. 208493), pp. 3-11; and rollo October 17, 2013).
(G.R. No. 209251), pp. 2-8.
"’Pork barrel spending,‘ a term that traces its origins back to the era of slavery approved on March 10, 1922.
before the U.S. Civil War, when slave owners occasionally would present a barrel
of salt pork as a gift to their slaves. In the modern usage, the term refers to 11
"Act 3044, the first pork barrel appropriation, essentially divided public works
congressmen scrambling to set aside money for pet projects in their districts."
projects into two types. The first type—national and other buildings, roads and
(Drudge, Michael W. "’Pork Barrel‘ Spending Emerging as Presidential Campaign
bridges in provinces, and lighthouses, buoys and beacons, and necessary
Issue," August 1, 2008
mechanical equipment of lighthouses—fell directly under the jurisdiction of the
director of public works, for which his office received appropriations. The second
ep 0.1261713.html#axzz2iQrI8mHM> [visited October 17, 2013].)
group—police barracks, normal school and other public buildings, and certain
4 types of roads and bridges, artesian wells, wharves, piers and other shore
Bernas, Joaquin G., S.J., The 1987 Constitution of the Republic of the protection works, and cable, telegraph, and telephone lines—is the forerunner of
Philippines: A Commentary, 2003 Edition, p. 786, citing Bernas, "From Pork the infamous pork barrel. Although the projects falling under the second type
Barrel to Bronze Caskets," Today, January 30, 1994. were to be distributed at the discretion of the secretary of commerce and
communications, he needed prior approval from a joint committee elected by the
Heaser, Jason, "Pulled Pork: The Three Part Attack on Non-Statutory Senate and House of Representatives. The nod of either the joint committee or a
Earmarks," Journal of Legislation, 35 J. Legis. 32 (2009). committee member it had authorized was also required before the commerce
< and communications secretary could transfer unspent portions of one item to
=hein.journals/jleg35&div=6&id=&page=> (visited October 17, 2013). another item." (Emphases supplied) (Chua, Yvonne T. and Cruz, Booma, B.,
"Pork by any name," VERA Files, August 23, 2013. <
Nograles, Prospero C. and Lagman, Edcel C., House of Representatives of the any-name/> [visited October 14, 2013]).
Philippines, "Understanding the ‘Pork Barrel,‘" p. 2.
12 23
Sec. 3. The sums appropriated in paragraphs (c), (g), (l), and (s) of this Act Ilagan, Karol, "Data A Day; CIA, CDF, PDAF? Pork is pork is pork,"
shall be available for immediate expenditure by the Director of Public Works, but Moneypolitics, A Date Journalism Project for the Philippine Center for
those appropriated in the other paragraphs shall be distributed in the discretion of Investigative Journalism, August 1, 2013 <
the Secretary of Commerce and Communications, subject to the approval of a day/cia-cdf-pdaf-pork-is-pork-is-pork/> (visited October 14, 2013).
joint committee elected by the Senate and the House of Representatives. The
committee from each House may authorize one of its members to approve the 24
Republic Act No. (RA) 6831.
distribution made by the Secretary of Commerce and Communications, who with
the approval of said joint committee, or of the authorized members thereof may, 25
Special Provision 1, Article XLIV, RA 7078 (1991 CDF Article), and Special
for the purposes of said distribution, transfer unexpended portions of any item of Provision 1, Article XLII (1992), RA 7180 (1992 CDF Article) are similarly worded
appropriation. (Emphases supplied) as follows: Special Provision 1.
Those Section 1 (c), (g), (l), and (s) of Act 3044 "shall be available for Use and Release of Funds. The amount herein appropriated shall be
immediate expenditure by the Director of Public Works." used for infrastructure and other priority projects and activities upon
approval by the President of the Philippines and shall be released directly
Section 3, Act 3044. to the appropriate implementing agency [(x x x for 1991)], subject to the
submission of the required list of projects and activities. (Emphases
Chua, Yvonne T. and Cruz, Booma, B., "Pork by any name," VERA Files, supplied)
August 23, 2013. <> (visited October 14,
2013). 26
Chua, Yvonne T. and Cruz, Booma, B., "Pork by any name," VERA Files,
August 23, 2013. <> (visited October 14,
Id. 2013).
17 27
Id. Id.

18 28
Id. Special Provision 1, Article XXXVIII, RA 7645 (1993 CDF Article) provides:
Nograles, Prospero C. and Lagman, Edcel C., House of Representatives of the Special Provision
Philippines, "Understanding the ‘Pork Barrel,‘"
< 14th/pork_barrel.pdf > (visited October 1. Use and Release of Funds.
17, 2013).
The amount herein appropriated shall be used for infrastructure and other
Chua, Yvonne T. and Cruz, Booma, B., "Pork by any name," VERA Files, priority projects and activities as proposed and identified by officials
August 23, 2013. <> (visited October 14, concerned according to the following allocations: Representatives,
2013). ₱12,500,000 each; Senators ₱18,000,000 each; Vice-President,
₱20,000,000. The fund shall be automatically released quarterly by way
Id. of Advice of Allotment and Notice of Cash Allocation directly to the
assigned implementing agency not later than five (5) days after the
22 beginning of each quarter upon submission of the list of projects and
Priority Development Assistance Fund (PDAF) and Various Infrastructures
including Local Projects (VILP), Special Audits Office Report No. 2012-03, activities by the officials concerned. (Emphases supplied)
August 14, 2013 (CoA Report), p. 2.
See Special Provision 1, 1993 CDF Article; id.
30 32
Special Provision 1, Article XLI, RA 7663 (1994 CDF Article) provides: Special Provision 1, Article XLII, RA 8174 (1996 CDF Article) provides:

Special Provisions Special Provisions

1. Use and Release of Funds. 1. Use and Release of Fund.

The amount herein appropriated shall be used for infrastructure, The amount herein appropriated shall be used for infrastructure,
purchase of ambulances and computers and other priority projects and purchase of equipment and other priority projects and activities, including
activities, and credit facilities to qualified beneficiaries as proposed and current operating expenditures, except creation of new plantilla positions,
identified by officials concerned according to the following allocations: as proposed and identified by officials concerned according to the
Representatives, ₱12,500,000 each; Senators ₱18,000,000 each; Vice- following allocations: Representatives, Twelve Million Five Hundred
President, ₱20,000,000; PROVIDED, That, the said credit facilities shall Thousand Pesos (₱12,500,000) each; Senators, Eighteen Million Pesos
be constituted as a revolving fund to be administered by a government (₱18,000,000) each; Vice-President, Twenty Million Pesos
financial institution (GFI) as a trust fund for lending operations. Prior (₱20,000,000).
years releases to local government units and national government
agencies for this purpose shall be turned over to the government financial The Fund shall be released semi-annually by way of Special Allotment
institution which shall be the sole administrator of credit facilities released Release Order and Notice of Cash Allocation directly to the designated
from this fund. implementing agency not later than thirty (30) days after the beginning of
each semester upon submission of the list of projects and activities by
The fund shall be automatically released quarterly by way of Advice of the officials concerned. (Emphases supplied)
Allotments and Notice of Cash Allocation directly to the assigned
implementing agency not later than five (5) days after the beginning of 33
Special Provision 2 of the 1994 CDF Article, Special Provision 2 of the 1995
each quarter upon submission of the list of projects and activities by the CDF Article and Special Provision 2 of the 1996 CDF Article are similarly worded
officials concerned. (Emphases supplied) as follows:
Special Provision 1, Article XLII, RA 7845 (1995 CDF Article) provides: 2. Submission of [Quarterly (1994)/Semi-Annual (1995 and 1996)]
Reports. The Department of Budget and Management shall submit within
Special Provisions thirty (30) days after the end of each [quarter (1994)/semester (1995 and
1996)] a report to the House Committee on Appropriations and the
1. Use and Release of Funds. Senate Committee on Finance on the releases made from this Fund. The
report shall include the listing of the projects, locations, implementing
The amount herein appropriated shall be used for infrastructure, agencies [stated (order of committees interchanged in 1994 and 1996)]
purchase of equipment and other priority projects and activities as and the endorsing officials. (Emphases supplied)
proposed and identified by officials concerned according to the following 34
allocations: Representatives, ₱12,500,000 each; Senators ₱18,000,000 Special Provision 2, Article XLII, RA 8250 (1997 CDF Article) provides:
each; Vice-President, ₱20,000,000.
Special Provisions
The fund shall be automatically released semi-annually by way of Advice
of Allotment and Notice of Cash Allocation directly to the designated xxxx
implementing agency not later than five (5) days after the beginning of
each semester upon submission of the list of projects and activities by 2. Publication of Countrywide Development Fund Projects. Within thirty
the officials concerned. (Emphases supplied) (30) days after the signing of this Act into law, the Members of Congress
and the Vice-President shall, in consultation with the implementing
agency concerned, submit to the Department of Budget and RA 8745 entitled "AN ACT APPROPRIATING FUNDS FOR THE OPERATION
Management the list of fifty percent (50%) of projects to be funded from OF THE GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES FROM
the allocation from the Countrywide Development Fund which shall be JANUARY ONE TO DECEMBER THIRTY ONE, NINETEEN HUNDRED NINETY
duly endorsed by the Senate President and the Chairman of the NINE, AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES."
Committee on Finance in the case of the Senate and the Speaker of the
House of Representatives and the Chairman of the Committee on 43
Special Provision 1, Article XLII, Food Security Program Fund, RA 8745
Appropriations in the case of the House of Representatives, and the provides:
remaining fifty percent (50%) within six (6) months thereafter. The list
shall identify the specific projects, location, implementing agencies, and Special Provision
target beneficiaries and shall be the basis for the release of funds. The
said list shall be published in a newspaper of general circulation by the
1. Use and Release of Fund. The amount herein authorized shall be used
Department of Budget and Management. No funds appropriated herein
to support the Food Security Program of the government, which shall
shall be disbursed for projects not included in the list herein required.
include farm-to-market roads, post harvest facilities and other agricultural
(Emphases supplied)
related infrastructures. Releases from this fund shall be made directly to
35 the implementing agency subject to prior consultation with the Members
See Special Provision 2, 1997 CDF Article; id. of Congress concerned. (Emphases supplied)
Special Provision 2, Article XLII, RA 8522 (1998 CDF Article) provides: 44
Special Provision 1, Article XLIX,

Special Provisions Lingap Para sa Mahihirap

xxxx Program Fund, RA 8745 provides:

2. Publication of Countrywide Development Fund Projects. x x x Special Provision

PROVIDED, That said publication is not a requirement for the release of
funds. x x x x (Emphases supplied)
1. Use and Release of Fund. The amount herein appropriated for the
37 Lingap Para sa Mahihirap Program Fund shall be used exclusively to
Chua, Yvonne T. and Cruz, Booma, B., "Pork by any name," VERA Files, satisfy the minimum basic needs of poor communities and disadvantaged
August 23, 2013. <> (visited October 14, sectors: PROVIDED, That such amount shall be released directly to the
2013). implementing agency upon prior consultation with the Members of
Congress concerned. (Emphases supplied)
Special Provision 1, Article L, Rural/Urban Development Infrastructure
Rollo (G.R. No. 208566), pp. 335-336, citing Parreño, Earl, "Perils of Pork," Program Fund, RA 8745 provides:
Philippine Center for Investigative Journalism, June 3-4, 1998. Available at
<> Special Provision
Id. 1. Use and Release of Fund. The amount herein authorized shall be used
to fund infrastructure requirements of the rural/urban areas which shall be
Id. released directly to the implementing agency upon prior consultation with
the respective Members of Congress. (Emphases supplied)
Special Provision 1, Article XLIX, RA 8760 (2000 PDAF Article) provides: such amount shall be released directly to the implementing agency or
Local Government Unit concerned: PROVIDED, FURTHER, That the
Special Provision allocations authorized herein may be realigned to any expense class, if
deemed necessary: PROVIDED, FURTHERMORE, That a maximum of
1. Use and release of the Fund. The amount herein appropriated shall be ten percent (10%) of the authorized allocations by district may be used
used to fund priority programs and projects as indicated under Purpose for the procurement of rice and other basic commodities which shall be
1: PROVIDED, That such amount shall be released directly to the purchased from the National Food Authority.
implementing agency concerned upon prior consultation with the 51
respective Representative of the District: PROVIDED, FURTHER, That Special Provision 1, Article XVIII, RA 9206 provides:
the herein allocation may be realigned as necessary to any expense
category: PROVIDED, FINALLY, That no amount shall be used to fund Special Provision No. 1 – Restriction on the Delegation of Project
personal services and other personal benefits. (Emphases supplied) Implementation The implementation of the projects funded herein shall
not be delegated to other agencies, except those projects to be
47 implemented by the Engineering Brigades of the AFP and inter-
See Special Provision 1, 2000 PDAF Article; id.
department projects undertaken by other offices and agencies including
Section 25 (7), Article VI, of the 1987 Philippine Constitution (1987 local government units with demonstrated capability to actually
Constitution) provides that implement the projects by themselves upon consultation with the
Members of Congress concerned. In all cases the DPWH shall exercise
technical supervision over projects. (Emphasis supplied)
"if, by the end of any fiscal year, the Congress shall have failed to pass
the general appropriations bill for the ensuing fiscal year, the general 52
appropriations law for the preceding fiscal year shall be deemed Special Provision 3, Article XLII, RA 9206 provides:
reenacted and shall remain in force and effect until the general
appropriations bill is passed by the Congress." (Emphasis supplied) Special Provision No. 3 – Submission of the List of School Buildings
Within 30 days after the signing of this Act into law, (DepEd) after
Special Provision 1, Article L, RA 9162 (2002 PDAF Article) provides: consultation with the representative of the legislative district concerned,
shall submit to DBM the list of 50% of school buildings to be constructed
every municipality x x x. The list as submitted shall be the basis for the
1. Use and Release of the Fund. The amount herein appropriated shall
release of funds. (Emphasis supplied)
be used to fund priority programs and projects or to fund counterpart for
foreign-assisted programs and projects: 53
Rollo (G.R. No. 208566), p. 557.
PROVIDED, That such amount shall be released directly to the 54
implementing agency or Local Government Unit concerned. (Emphases Special Provision 1, Article L, RA 9336 (2005 PDAF Article) provides:
Special Provision(s)
Special Provision 1, Article XLVII, RA 9206, 2003 GAA (2003 PDAF Article)
provides: 1. Use and Release of the Fund. The amount appropriated herein shall
be used to fund priority programs and projects under the ten point
Special Provision agenda of the national government and shall be released directly to the
implementing agencies as indicated hereunder, to wit:
1. Use and Release of the Fund. The amount herein appropriated shall
be used to fund priority programs and projects or to fund the required PARTICULARS PROGRAM/PROJECT IMPLEMENTING
counterpart for foreign-assisted programs and projects: PROVIDED, That AGENCY
A. Education Purchase of IT Equipment DepEd/TESDA/ See Special Provision 1, Article XLIX, RA 9524.
See Special Provision 1, Article XLVII, RA 9970.
Scholarship TESDA/CHED/
SUCs/LGUs 61
For instance, Special Provisions 2 and 3, Article XLIII, RA 9336 providing for
B. Health Assistance to Indigent Patients Confined at the DOH/Specialty the 2005 DepEd School Building Program, and Special Provisions 1 and 16,
Hospitals Under DOH Including Specialty Hospitals Hospitals Article XVIII, RA 9401 providing for the 2007 DPWH Regular Budget respectively
state: 2005 DepEd School Building Program Special Provision No. 2 – Allocation
Assistance to Indigent Patients at the Hospitals LGUs of School Buildings: The amount allotted under Purpose 1 shall be apportioned
Devolved to LGUs and RHUs as follows: (1) fifty percent (50%) to be allocated pro-rata according to each
legislative districts student population x x x; (2) forty percent (40%) to be
Insurance Premium Philhealth
allocated only among those legislative districts with classroom shortages x x x;
C. Livelihood/ Small & Medium Enterprise/Livelihood DTI/TLRC/DA/CDA (3) ten percent (10%) to be allocated in accordance x x x.
Special Provision No. 3 – Submission of the List of School Buildings:
Comprehensive Integrated Delivery of Social DSWD Within 30 days after the signing of this Act into law, the DepEd after
consultation with the representative of the legislative districts concerned,
D. Rural Barangay/Rural Electrification DOE/NEA shall submit to DBM the list of fifty percent (50%) of school buildings to be
Electrification constructed in every municipality x x x. The list as submitted shall be the
basis for the release of funds x x x. (Emphases supplied)
E. Water Supply Construction of Water System DPWH
Installation of Pipes/Pumps/Tanks LGUs 2007 DPWH Regular Budget

F. Financial Specific Programs and Projects to Address the Pro- LGUs Special Provision No. 1 – Restriction on Delegation of Project
Assistance Poor Programs of Government Implementation: The implementation of the project funded herein shall
G. Public Work Construction/Repair/ Rehabilitation of the following: DPWH not be delegated to other agencies, except those projects to be
Roads and Bridges/Flood Control/School buildings implemented by the AFP Corps of Engineers, and inter-department
Hospitals Health Facilities/Public Markets/Multi- projects to be undertaken by other offices and agencies, including local
Purpose Buildings/Multi-Purpose Pavements government units (LGUs) with demonstrated capability to actually
implement the project by themselves upon consultation with the
H. Irrigation Construction/Repair/ Rehabilitation of Irrigation DA-NIA representative of the legislative district concerned x x x.
Special Provision No. 16 – Realignment of Funds: The Secretary of
(Emphasis supplied) Public Works and Highways is authorized to realign funds released from
appropriations x x x from one project/scope of work to another:
Id. PROVIDED, that x x x (iii) the request is with the concurrence of the
legislator concerned
Rollo (G.R. No. 208566), p. 558.
x x x. (Emphasis supplied)
See Special Provision 1, Article XLVII, RA 9401. 62
Rollo (G.R. No. 208566) , p. 559, citing Section 2.A of RA 9358, otherwise
58 known as the "Supplemental Budget for 2006."
See Special Provision 1, Article XLVI, RA 9498.
Id. at 559-560. 53 of this Act and other instances that shall be specified in the IRR,
whereby the Procuring Entity directly negotiates a contract with a
64 technically, legally and financially capable supplier, contractor or
"As a primary aspect of the Philippine Government's public procurement
reform agenda, the Government Procurement Policy Board (GPPB) was consultant.
established by virtue of Republic Act No. 9184 (R.A. 9184) as an independent
inter-agency body that is impartial, transparent and effective, with private sector xxxx
representation. As established in Section 63 of R.A. 9184, the GPPB shall have
the following duties and responsibilities: 1. To protect national interest in all 68
As defined in Section 5(o) of RA 9184, the term "Procuring Entity" refers to any
matters affecting public procurement, having due regard to the country's regional branch, department, office, agency, or instrumentality of the government,
and international obligations; 2. To formulate and amend public procurement including state universities and colleges, government-owned and/or - controlled
policies, rules and regulations, and amend, whenever necessary, the corporations, government financial institutions, and local government units
implementing rules and regulations Part A (IRR-A); 3. To prepare a generic procuring Goods, Consulting Services and Infrastructure Projects.
procurement manual and standard bidding forms for procurement; 4. To ensure
the proper implementation by the procuring entities of the Act, its IRR-A and all 69
Rollo (G.R. No. 208566), p. 564, citing GPPB Resolution 12-2007.
other relevant rules and regulations pertaining to public procurement; 5. To
establish a sustainable training program to develop the capacity of Government 70
Special Provision 2, Article XLIV, RA 10147 (2011 PDAF Article) provides:
procurement officers and employees, and to ensure the conduct of regular
procurement training programs by the procuring entities; and 6. To conduct an
annual review of the effectiveness of the Act and recommend any amendments 2. Allocation of Funds. The total projects to be identified by legislators
thereto, as may be necessary. and the Vice-President shall not exceed the following amounts:

x x x x" <> (visited October 23, a. Total of Seventy Million Pesos (₱70,000,000) broken down into Forty
2013). Million Pesos (₱40,000,000) for Infrastructure Projects and Thirty Million
Pesos (₱30,000,000) for soft projects of Congressional Districts or Party
65 List Representatives;
GUIDELINES ON PARTICIPATION OF NON-GOVERNMENTAL b. Total of Two Hundred Million Pesos (₱200,000,000) broken down into
ORGANIZATIONS IN PUBLIC PROCUREMENT," approved June 29, 2007. One Hundred Million Pesos (₱100,000,000) for Infrastructure Projects
and One Hundred Million Pesos (₱100,000,000) for soft projects of
66 Senators and the Vice President.

Sec. 48. Alternative Methods. - Subject to the prior approval of the Head of the Special Provision 2, Article XLIV, RA 10155 (2012 PDAF Article) provides: 2.
Procuring Entity or his duly authorized representative, and whenever justified by Project Identification. Identification of projects and/or designation of beneficiaries
the conditions provided in this Act, the Procuring Entity may, in order to promote shall conform to the priority list, standard or design prepared by each
economy and efficiency, resort to any of the following alternative methods of implementing agency. Furthermore, preference shall be given to projects located
Procurement: in the 4th to 6th class municipalities or indigents identified under the National
Household Targeting System for Poverty Reduction by the DSWD.
For this purpose, the implementing agency shall submit to Congress said
priority list, standard or design within ninety (90) days from effectivity of
(e) Negotiated Procurement - a method of Procurement that may be
this Act. (Emphasis supplied)
resorted under the extraordinary circumstances provided for in Section
RA 10352, passed and approved by Congress on December 19, 2012 and legislator concerned. The DBM must be informed in writing of any
signed into law by the President on December 19, 2012. Special Provision 2, realignment approved within five (5) calendar days from its approval.
Article XLIV, RA 10352 (2013 PDAF Article) provides:
Special Provision 4 of the 2013 PDAF Article provides:
2. Project Identification. Identification of projects and/or designation of
beneficiaries shall conform to the priority list, standard or design prepared 4. Realignment of Funds. Realignment under this Fund may only be
by each implementing agency: PROVIDED, That preference shall be allowed once. The Secretaries of Agriculture, Education, Energy, Interior
given to projects located in the 4th to 6th class municipalities or indigents and Local Government, Labor and Employment, Public Works and
identified under the NHTS-PR by the DSWD. For this purpose, the Highways, Social Welfare and Development and Trade and Industry are
implementing agency shall submit to Congress said priority list, standard also authorized to approve realignment from one project/scope to another
or design within ninety (90) days from effectivity of this Act. (Emphasis within the allotment received from this Fund, subject to the following: (i)
supplied) for infrastructure projects, realignment is within the same implementing
unit and same project category as the original project; (ii) allotment
The permissive treatment of the priority list requirement in practice was released has not yet been obligated for the original project/scope of work;
revealed during the Oral Arguments (TSN, October 10, 2013, p. 143): and (iii) request is with the concurrence of the legislator concerned. The
DBM must be informed in writing of any realignment approved within five
Justice Leonen: x x x In Section 2 meaning, Special Provision 2, it (5) calendar days from approval thereof: PROVIDED, That any
mentions priority list of implementing agencies. Have the implementing realignment under this Fund shall be limited within the same classification
agencies indeed presented priority list to the Members of Congress of soft or hard programs/projects listed under Special Provision 1 hereof:
before disbursement? PROVIDED, FURTHER, That in case of realignments, modifications and
revisions of projects to be implemented by LGUs, the LGU concerned
Solicitor General Jardeleza: My understanding is, is not really, Your shall certify that the cash has not yet been disbursed and the funds have
Honor. Justice Leonen: So, in other words, the PDAF was expended been deposited back to the BTr.
without the priority list requirements of the implementing agencies?
Any realignment, modification and revision of the project identification
Solicitor General Jardeleza: That is so much in the CoA Report, Your shall be submitted to the House Committee on Appropriations and the
Honor. Senate Committee on Finance, for favorable endorsement to the DBM or
the implementing agency, as the case may be. (Emphases supplied)
See Special Provision 3 of the 2012 PDAF Article and Special Provision 3 of 77
the 2013 PDAF Article. Special Provision 1 of the 2013 PDAF Article provides:

Special Provision 6 of the 2012 PDAF Article provides: Special Provision(s) 1. Use of Fund. The amount appropriated herein
shall be used to fund the following priority programs and projects to be
implemented by the corresponding agencies:
6. Realignment of Funds. Realignment under this Fund may only be
allowed once. The Secretaries of Agriculture, Education, Energy,
Environment and Natural Resources, Health, Interior and Local xxxx
Government, Public Works and Highways, and Social Welfare and
Development are also authorized to approve realignment from one PROVIDED, That this Fund shall not be used for the payment of
project/scope to another within the allotment received from this Fund, Personal Services expenditures: PROVIDED, FURTHER, That all
subject to the following: (i) for infrastructure projects, realignment is within procurement shall comply with the provisions of R.A. No. 9184 and its
the same implementing unit and same project category as the original Revised Implementing Rules and Regulations: PROVIDED, FINALLY,
project; (ii) allotment released has not yet been obligated for the original That for infrastructure projects, LGUs may only be identified as
project/scope of work; and (iii) request is with the concurrence of the
implementing agencies if they have the technical capability to implement See First Whereas Clause of PD 910.
the same. (Emphasis supplied)
See <> (visited October 17, 2013).
Special Provision 2 of the 2013 PDAF Article provides:
Sec. 12. Special Condition of Franchise. — After deducting five (5%) percent
2. Project Identification. x x x. as Franchise Tax, the Fifty (50%) percent share of the Government in the
aggregate gross earnings of the Corporation from this Franchise shall be
xxxx immediately set aside and allocated to fund the following infrastructure and
socio-civil projects within the Metropolitan Manila Area:
All programs/projects, except for assistance to indigent patients and
scholarships, identified by a member of the House of Representatives (a) Flood Control
outside of his/her legislative district shall have the written concurrence of
the member of the House of Representatives of the recipient or (b) Sewerage and Sewage
beneficiary legislative district, endorsed by the Speaker of the House of
Representatives. (c) Nutritional Control
See Special Provision 4 of the 2013 PDAF Article; supra note 76. (d) Population Control
Sec. 8. (e) Tulungan ng Bayan Centers

Appropriations. The sum of Five Million Pesos out of any available funds (f) Beautification
from the National Treasury is hereby appropriated and authorized to be
released for the organization of the Board and its initial operations. (g) Kilusang Kabuhayan at Kaunlaran (KKK) projects; provided, that
Henceforth, funds sufficient to fully carry out the functions and objectives should the aggregate gross earning be less than ₱150,000,000.00, the
of the Board shall be appropriated every fiscal year in the General amount to be allocated to fund the above-mentioned project shall be
Appropriations Act. equivalent to sixty (60%) percent of the aggregate gross earning.

All fees, revenues and receipts of the Board from any and all sources In addition to the priority infrastructure and socio-civic projects with the
including receipts from service contracts and agreements such as Metropolitan Manila specifically enumerated above, the share of the
application and processing fees, signature bonus, discovery bonus, Government in the aggregate gross earnings derived by the Corporate
production bonus; all money collected from concessionaires, from this Franchise may also be appropriated and allocated to fund and
representing unspent work obligations, fines and penalties under the finance infrastructure and/or socio-civic projects throughout the
Petroleum Act of 1949; as well as the government share representing Philippines as may be directed and authorized by the Office of the
royalties, rentals, production share on service contracts and similar President of the Philippines.
payments on the exploration, development and exploitation of energy
resources, shall form part of a Special Fund to be used to finance energy 85
resource development and exploitation programs and projects of the
1067-A, 1067-B, 1067-C, 1399 AND 1632, RELATIVE TO THE FRANCHISE
government and for such other purposes as may be hereafter directed by
the President. (Emphasis supplied)
1067-A, 1067-B, 1067-C, 1399 AND 1632, R ELATIVE TO THE F RANCHISE …………… P 2,500,000,000.00 (Lingap Para Sa Mahihirap Program
CORPORATION (PAGCOR)." While the parties have confined their discussion to
Section 12 of PD 1869, the Court takes judicial notice of its amendment and …………… P 5,458,277,000.00 (Rural/Urban Development Infrastructure
perforce deems it apt to resolve the constitutionality of the amendatory provision. Program Fund)
Section 12 of PD 1869, as amended by PD 1993, now reads: 2000…………… P 3,330,000,000.00

Sec. 12. Special Condition of Franchise. — After deducting five (5%) 2001…………… 2000 GAA re-enacted
percent as Franchise Tax, the Fifty (50%) percent share of the
government in the aggregate gross earnings of the Corporation from this 2002…………… P 5,677,500,000.00
Franchise, or 60% if the aggregate gross earnings be less than
₱150,000,000.00 shall immediately be set aside and shall accrue to the
2003…………… P 8,327,000,000.00
General Fund to finance the priority infrastructure development projects
and to finance the restoration of damaged or destroyed facilities due to
calamities, as may be directed and authorized by the Office of the 2004…………… 2003 GAA re-enacted
President of the Philippines.
2005…………… P 6,100,000,000.00
Rollo (G.R. No. 208566), p. 301.
2006…………… 2005 GAA re-enacted
2007…………… P 11,445,645,000.00
1990…………… ₱2,300,000,000.00
2008…………… P 7,892,500,000.00
1991…………… P 2,300,000,000.00
2009…………… P 9,665,027,000.00
1992…………… P 2,480,000,000.00
2010…………… P 10,861,211,000.00
1993…………… P 2,952,000,000.00
2011…………… P 24,620,000,000.00
1994…………… P 2,977,000,000.00
2012…………… P 24,890,000,000.00
1995…………… P 3,002,000,000.00
2013…………… P 24,790,000,000.00
1996…………… P 3,014,500,000.00 90
"Pork as a tool for political patronage, however, can extend as far as the
1997…………… P 2,583,450,000.00 executive branch. It is no accident, for instance, that the release of the
allocations often coincides with the passage of a Palace-sponsored bill.
1998…………… P 2,324,250,000.00
That pork funds have grown by leaps and bounds in the last decade can
be traced to presidents in need of Congress support. The rise in pork was
1999…………… P 1,517,800,000.00 (Food Security Program Fund)
particularly notable during the Ramos administration, when the president
and House Speaker Jose de Venecia, Jr. used generous fund releases to
convince congressmen to support Malacañang-initiated legislation. The These implementing agencies included the Department of Agriculture, DPWH
Ramos era, in fact, became known as the ‘golden age of pork.‘ and the Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD). The GOCCs
included Technology and Livelihood Resource Center (TLRC)/Technology
Through the years, though, congressmen have also taken care to look Resource Center (TRC), National Livelihood Development Corporation (NLDC),
after their very own. More often than not, pork-barrel funds are funneled National Agribusiness Corporation (NABCOR), and the Zamboanga del Norte
to projects in towns and cities where the lawmakers' own relatives have Agricultural College (ZNAC) Rubber Estate Corporation (ZREC). CoA
been elected to public office; thus, pork is a tool for building family power Chairperson‘s Memorandum. Rollo (G.R. No. 208566), p. 546. See also CoA
as well. COA has come across many instances where pork-funded Report, p. 14.
projects ended up directly benefiting no less than the lawmaker or his or
her relatives."(CHUA, YVONNE T. and CRUZ, BOOMA, "Pork is a Id.
Political, Not A Developmental, Tool."
<> [visited October 22, 2013].) 103
Id. at 546-547.
91 104
With reports from Inquirer Research and Salaverria, Leila, "Candazo, first Carvajal, Nancy, ―Malampaya fund lost ₱900M in JLN racket‖, Philippine
whistle-blower on pork barrel scam, dies; 61," Philippine Daily Inquirer, August Daily Inquirer, July 16, 2013 <
20, 2013, <http://newsinfo. fund-lost-p900m-in-jln-racket> (visited October 21, 2013.)
pork-barrel-scam-dies-61> (visited October 21, 2013.)
TSN, October 8, 2013, p. 119.
Rollo (G.R. No. 208493), pp. 9 and 341.
The Court observes that petitioners have not presented sufficient averments
Id. on the remittances from the Philippine Charity Sweepstakes Office‖ nor have
defined the scope of "the Executive‘s Lump Sum Discretionary Funds" (See rollo
Lawyers Against Monopoly and Poverty (LAMP) v. Secretary of Budget and [G.R. No. 208566], pp. 47-49) which appears to be too broad and all-
Management, G.R. No. 164987, April 24, 2012, 670 SCRA 373, 387. encompassing. Also, while Villegas filed a Supplemental Petition dated October
1, 2013 (Supplemental Petition, see rollo [G.R. No. 208566], pp. 213-220, and
Carvajal, Nancy, " NBI probes ₱10-B scam," Philippine Daily Inquirer, July 12, pp. 462-464) particularly presenting their arguments on the Disbursement
2013 <> (visited Acceleration Program, the same is the main subject of G.R. Nos. 209135,
October 21, 2013). 209136, 209155, 209164, 209260, 209287, 209442, 209517, and 209569 and
thus, must be properly resolved therein. Hence, for these reasons, insofar as the
Id. Presidential Pork Barrel is concerned, the Court is constrained not to delve on
any issue related to the above-mentioned funds and consequently confine its
98 discussion only with respect to the issues pertaining to the Malampaya Funds
See NBI Executive Summary. <
and the Presidential Social Fund.
summary-by-the-nbi-on-the- pdaf-complaints-filed-against-janet-lim-napoles-et-
al/> (visited October 22, 2013). 108
Rollo (G.R. No. 208566), pp. 48-49.
Pursuant to Office Order No. 2010-309 dated May 13, 2010. 109
Id. at 48.
During the Oral Arguments, the CoA Chairperson referred to the VILP as "the 110
source of the so called HARD project, hard portion x x x "under the title the To note, Villegas‘ Supplemental Petition was filed on October 2, 2013.
Budget of the DPWH." TSN, October 8, 2013, p. 69. 111
Rollo, (G.R. No. 208566), p. 342; and rollo (G.R. No. 209251), pp. 6-7.
112 125
Re-docketed as G.R. No. 209251 upon Nepomuceno‘s payment of docket Baldo, Jr. v. Commision on Elections, G.R. No. 176135, June 16, 2009, 589
fees on October 16, 2013 as reflected on the Official Receipt No. 0079340. Rollo SCRA 306, 310.
(G.R. No. 209251) p. 409.
TSN, October 10, 2013, pp. 79-81.
Rollo (G.R. No. 208566) p. 97.
Section 17, Article VII of the 1987 Constitution reads: Sec. 17. The President
G.R. Nos. 113105, 113174, 113766 & 113888, August 19, 1994, 235 SCRA shall have control of all the executive departments, bureaus, and offices. He shall
506. ensure that the laws be faithfully executed.
115 128
Supra note 95. Sec. 38. Suspension of Expenditure of Appropriations. – Except as otherwise
provided in the General Appropriations Act and whenever in his judgment the
116 public interest so requires, the President, upon notice to the head of office
POWERS AND FUNCTIONS, PROVIDING FUNDS, THEREFOR, AND FOR concerned, is authorized to suspend or otherwise stop further expenditure of
OTHER PURPOSES." funds allotted for any agency, or any other expenditure authorized in the General
Appropriations Act, except for personal services appropriations used for
Joya v. Presidential Commission on Good Government, G.R. No. 96541, permanent officials and employees.
August 24, 1993, 225 SCRA 568, 575. 129
Mattel, Inc. v. Francisco, G.R. No. 166886, July 30, 2008, 560 SCRA 504,
Biraogo v. Philippine Truth Commission of 2010, G.R. No. 192935, December 514, citing Constantino v. Sandiganbayan (First Division), G.R. Nos. 140656 and
7, 2010, 637 SCRA 78, 148. 154482, September 13, 2007, 533 SCRA 205, 219-220.
Joya v. Presidential Commission on Good Government, supra note 117, at Rollo (G.R. No. 208566), p. 292.
575. 131
G.R. No. 198457, August 13, 2013.
Southern Hemisphere Engagement Network, Inc. v. Anti-Terrorism Council, 132
G.R. Nos. 178552, 178554, 178581, 178890, 179157, and 179461, October 5, TSN, October 10, 2013, p. 134.
2010, 632 SCRA 146, 175.
Section 22, Article VII of the 1987 Constitution provides:
Province of North Cotabato v. Government of the Republic of the Philippines
Peace Panel on Ancestral Domain (GRP), G.R. Nos. 183591, 183752, 183893, Sec. 22. The President shall submit to the Congress within thirty days
183951, and 183962, October 14, 2008, 568 SCRA 402, 450. from the opening of every regular session, as the basis of the general
appropriations bill, a budget of expenditures and sources of financing,
122 including receipts from existing and proposed revenue measures.
Id. at 450-451.
123 134
Francisco, Jr. v. Toll Regulatory Board, G.R. No. 166910, 169917, 173630, Rollo (G.R. No. 208566), p. 294.
and 183599, October 19, 2010, 633 SCRA 470, 493, citing Province of North
Cotabato v. Government of the Republic of the Philippines Peace Panel on Id. at 5.
Ancestral Domain (GRP), G.R. Nos. 183591, 183752, 183893, 183951, and
183962, October 14, 2008, 568 SCRA 402, 405. 136
G.R. No. 159085, February 3, 2004, 421 SCRA 656.
124 137
Id. at 492, citing Muskrat v. U.S., 219 U.S. 346 (1913). Id. at 665.
138 156
See Francisco, Jr. v. Toll Regulatory Board, supra note 123, at 492. Rollo (G.R. No. 208566), p. 325.
139 157
369 US 186 82, S. Ct. 691, L. Ed. 2d. 663 [1962]. Id.

140 158
Rollo (G.R. No. 208566), pp. 295-296. Id. at 329.
141 159
Tañada v. Cuenco, 100 Phil. 1101 (1957) unreported case. Id. at 339.
142 160
406 Phil. 1 (2001). Id. at 338.

143 161
Id. at 42-43. See note 107.
144 162
Angara v. Electoral Commission, 63 Phil. 139, 158 (1936). Angara v. Electoral Commission, supra note 144, at 139.
145 163
La Bugal- B’laan Tribal Association, Inc. v. Sec. Ramos, 465 Phil. 860, 890 Id. at 157.
Section 1, Article VI, 1987 Constitution.
Rollo (G.R. No. 208566), p. 349.
Section 1, Article VII, 1987 Constitution.
Public Interest Center, Inc. v. Honorable Vicente Q. Roxas, in his capacity as
Presiding Judge, RTC of Quezon City, Branch 227, G.R. No. 125509, January 166
Section 1, Article VIII, 1987 Constitution.
31, 2007, 513 SCRA 457, 470.
Angara v. Electoral Commission, supra note 144, at 156.
Social Justice Society (SJS) v. Dangerous Drugs Board, G.R. No. 157870,
November 3, 2008, 570 SCRA 410, 421. 168
Government of the Philippine Islands v. Springer, 277 U.S. 189, 203 (1928).
TSN, October 8, 2013, pp. 184-185. 169
Re: COA Opinion on the Computation of the Appraised Value of the
Properties Purchased by the Retired Chief/Associate Justices of the Supreme
People v. Vera, 65 Phil. 56, 89 (1937). Court, A.M. No. 11-7-10-SC, July 31, 2012, 678 SCRA 1, 9-10, citing Carl Baar,
Separate But Subservient: Court Budgeting In The American States 149-52
See Lanuza v. CA, G.R. No. 131394, March 28, 2005, 454 SCRA 54, 61-62. (1975), cited in Jeffrey Jackson, Judicial Independence, Adequate Court
Funding, and Inherent Judicial Powers, 52 Md. L. Rev. 217 (1993).
ART. 8. Judicial decisions applying or interpreting the laws or the Constitution
shall form a part of the legal system of the Philippines. Id. at 10, citing Jeffrey Jackson, Judicial Independence, Adequate Court
Funding, and Inherent Judicial Powers, 52 Md. L. Rev. 217 (1993).
Chinese Young Men’s Christian Association o f the Philippine Islands v.
Remington Steel Corporation, G.R. No. 159422, March 28, 2008, 550 SCRA 180, See Nixon v. Administrator of General Services, 433 U.S. 425, 441-446 and
197-198. 451-452 (1977) and United States v. Nixon, 418 U.S. 683 (1974), cited in Justice
Powell‘s concurring opinion in Immigration and Naturalization Service v. Chadha,
154 462 U.S. 919 (1983).
Philconsa v. Enriquez, supra note 114, at 522.
G.R. No. 166715, August 14, 2008, 562 SCRA 251.
172 187
See Youngstown Sheet & Tube Co. v. Sawyer 343 U.S. 579, 587 (1952), See PDAF Article for the years 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011,
Springer v. Philippine Islands, 277 U.S. 189, 203 (1928) cited in Justice Powell’s and 2013.
concurring opinion in Immigration and Naturalization Service v. Chadha, 462 U.S.
919 (1983). 188
Also, in Section 2.1 of DBM Circular No. 547 dated January 18, 2013 (DBM
Circular 547-13), or the "Guidelines on the Release of Funds Chargeable Against
273 Phil. 443 (1991). the Priority Development Assistance Fund for FY 2013," it is explicitly stated that
the "PDAF shall be used to fund priority programs and projects identified by the
174 Legislators from the Project Menu." (Emphasis supplied)
Id. at 461. "3. Budget Execution. Tasked on the Executive, the third phase of
the budget process covers the various operational aspects of budgeting. The
establishment of obligation authority ceilings, the evaluation of work and financial To note, Special Provision 4 cannot – as respondents submit – refer to
plans for individual activities, the continuing review of government fiscal position, realignment of projects since the same provision subjects the realignment to the
the regulation of funds releases, the implementation of cash payment schedules, condition that the "allotment released has not yet been obligated for the original
and other related activities comprise this phase of the budget cycle." project/scope of work". The foregoing proviso should be read as a textual
reference to the savings requirement stated under Section 25(5), Article VI of the
175 1987 Constitution which pertinently provides that "x x x the President, the
Biraogo v. Philippine Truth Commission of 2010, supra note 118, at 158.
President of the Senate, the Speaker of the House of Representatives, the Chief
Guingona, Jr. v. Carague, supra note 173, at 460-461. Justice of the Supreme Court, and the heads of Constitutional Commissions
may, by law, be authorized to augment any item in the general appropriations law
177 for their respective offices from savings in other items of their respective
Abakada Guro Party List v. Purisima, supra note 155, at 294-296.
appropriations. In addition, Sections 4.2.3, 4.2.4 and 4.3.3 of DBM Circular 547-
178 13, the implementing rules of the 2013 PDAF Article, respectively require that: (a)
Id. at 287. "the allotment is still valid or has not yet lapsed"; (b) "requests for realignment of
unobligated allotment as of December 31, 2012 treated as continuing
Rollo (G.R. No. 208566), p. 179. appropriations in FY 2013 shall be submitted to the DBM not later than June 30,
2013"; and (c) requests for realignment shall be supported with, among others, a
Id. at 29. "certification of availability of funds." As the letter of the law and the guidelines
related thereto evoke the legal concept of savings, Special Provision 4 must be
Id. at 24. construed to be a provision on realignment of PDAF funds, which would
necessarily but only incidentally include the projects for which the funds have
Id. at 86. been allotted to. To construe it otherwise would effectively allow PDAF funds to
be realigned outside the ambit of the foregoing provision, thereby sanctioning a
Id. at 308. constitutional aberration.
Id. Aside from the sharing of the executive‘s realignment authority with legislators
in violation of the separation of powers principle, it must be pointed out that
185 Special Provision 4, insofar as it confers fund realignment authority to
See CDF Articles for the years 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, department secretaries, is already unconstitutional by itself. As recently held in
and 1998. Nazareth v. Villar (Nazareth), G.R. No. 188635, January 29, 2013, 689 SCRA
385, 403-404, Section 25(5), Article VI of the 1987 Constitution, limiting the
See PDAF Article for the year 2000 which was re-enacted in 2001. See also authority to augment, is "strictly but reasonably construed as exclusive" in favor
the following 1999 CIAs: "Food Security Program Fund," the " Lingap Para Sa of the high officials named therein. As such, the authority to realign funds
Mahihirap Program Fund," and the "Rural/Urban Development Infrastructure allocated to the implementing agencies is exclusively vested in the President,
Program Fund." See further the 1997 DepEd School Building Fund. viz.:
It bears emphasizing that the exception in favor of the high officials Department, the heads of the various executive departments are
named in Section 25(5), Article VI of the Constitution limiting the authority assistants and agents of the Chief Executive, and except in cases where
to transfer savings only to augment another item in the GAA is strictly but the Chief Executive is required by the Constitution or the law to act in
reasonably construed as exclusive. As the Court has expounded in Lokin, person or the exigencies of the situation demand that he act personally,
Jr. v. Commission on Elections: the multifarious executive and administrative functions of the Chief
Executive are performed by and through the executive departments, and
When the statute itself enumerates the exceptions to the application of the acts of the secretaries of such departments, performed and
the general rule, the exceptions are strictly but reasonably construed. promulgated in the regular course of business, are, unless disapproved
The exceptions extend only as far as their language fairly warrants, and or reprobated by the Chief Executive, presumptively the acts of the Chief
all doubts should be resolved in favor of the general provision rather than Executive. (Emphases and underscoring supplied; citations omitted)
the exceptions. Where the general rule is established by a statute with
exceptions, none but the enacting authority can curtail the former. Not Abakada Guro Party List v. Purisima, supra note 155, at 294-296.
even the courts may add to the latter by implication, and it is a rule that
an express exception excludes all others, although it is always proper in 192
TSN, October 10, 2013, pp. 16, 17, 18, and 23.
determining the applicability of the rule to inquire whether, in a particular
case, it accords with reason and justice. 193
TSN, October 10, 2013, pp. 72-73.

The appropriate and natural office of the exception is to exempt 194

Aside from its conceptual origins related to the separation of powers principle,
something from the scope of the general words of a statute, which is Corwin, in his commentary on Constitution of the United States made the
otherwise within the scope and meaning of such general words. following observations:
Consequently, the existence of an exception in a statute clarifies the
intent that the statute shall apply to all cases not excepted. Exceptions
At least three distinct ideas have contributed to the development of the
are subject to the rule of strict construction; hence, any doubt will be
principle that legislative power cannot be delegated. One is the doctrine
resolved in favor of the general provision and against the exception.
of separation of powers: Why go to the trouble of separating the three
Indeed, the liberal construction of a statute will seem to require in many
powers of government if they can straightway remerge on their own
circumstances that the exception, by which the operation of the statute is
motion? The second is the concept of due process of law, which
limited or abridged, should receive a restricted construction. (Emphases
precludes the transfer of regulatory functions to private persons. Lastly,
and underscoring supplied)
there is the maxim of agency "Delegata potestas non potest delegari,"
which John Locke borrowed and formulated as a dogma of political
The cogence of the Nazareth dictum is not enfeebled by an invocation of science . . . Chief Justice Taft offered the following explanation of the
the doctrine of qualified political agency (otherwise known as the "alter origin and limitations of this idea as a postulate of constitutional law: "The
ego doctrine") for the bare reason that the same is not applicable when well-known maxim ‘delegata potestas non potest delefari,‘ applicable to
the Constitution itself requires the President himself to act on a particular the law of agency in the general common law, is well understood and has
matter, such as that instructed under Section 25(5), Article VI of the had wider application in the construction of our Federal and State
Constitution. As held in the landmark case of Villena v. Secretary of Constitutions than it has in private law . . . The Federal and State
Interior (67 Phil. 451 [1987]), constitutional imprimatur is precisely one of Constitutions than it has in private law . . . The Federal Constitution and
the exceptions to the application of the alter ego doctrine, viz.: State Constitutions of this country divide the governmental power into
three branches . . . In carrying out that constitutional division . . . it is a
After serious reflection, we have decided to sustain the contention of the breach of the National fundamental law if Congress gives up its
government in this case on the board proposition, albeit not suggested, legislative power and transfers it to the President, or to the Judicial
that under the presidential type of government which we have adopted branch, or if by law it attempts to invest itself or its members with either
and considering the departmental organization established and continued executive power of judicial power. This is not to say that the three
in force by paragraph 1, section 12, Article VII, of our Constitution, all branches are not co-ordinate parts of one government and that each in
executive and administrative organizations are adjuncts of the Executive
the field of its duties may not invoke government and that each in the Passarello, Nicholas, "The Item Veto and the Threat of Appropriations
field of its duties may not invoke the action of the two other branches in Bundling in Alaska," 30 Alaska Law Review 128 (2013), citing Black‘s Law
so far as the action invoked shall not be an assumption of the Dictionary 1700 (9th ed. 2009). <>
constitutional field of action of another branch. In determining what it may (visited October 23, 2013).
do in seeking assistance from another branch, the extent and character
of that assistance must be fixed according to common sense and the 209
Immigration and Naturalization Service v. Chadha, 462 U.S. 919 (1983).
inherent necessities of the governmental coordination. (Emphases
supplied) 210
299 U.S. 410 (1937).
Section 1, Article VI, 1987 Constitution. 211
To note, in Gonzales v. Macaraig, Jr. (G.R. No. 87636, November 19, 1990,
191 SCRA 452, 465), citing Commonwealth v. Dodson (11 S.E., 2d 120, 176 Va.
See Rubi v. Provincial Board of Mindoro, 39 Phil. 660, 702 (1919). 281), the Court defined an item of appropriation as "an indivisible sum of money
dedicated to a stated purpose." In this relation, Justice Carpio astutely explained
See Section 23(2), Article VI of the 1987 Constitution. that an "item" is indivisible because the amount cannot be divided for any
purpose other than the specific purpose stated in the item.
See Section 28(2), Article VI of the 1987 Constitution.
Rollo (G.R. No. 208566), p. 421.
Abakada Guro Party List v. Purisima, supra note 155, at 288.
169 Phil. 437, 447-448 (1977).
Id. at 316.
Philippine Constitution Association v. Enriquez, supra note 114, at 522.
Id. at 421.
Bengzon v. Secretary of Justice and Insular Auditor, 62 Phil. 912, 916 (1936).
Id. at 566.
Angara v. Electoral Commission, supra note 144, at 156.
Id. at 567.
Abakada Guro Party List v. Purisima, supra note 155, at 287.
"It cannot be denied that most government actions are inspired with noble
205 intentions, all geared towards the betterment of the nation and its people. But
Id. at 292.
then again, it is important to remember this ethical principle: ‘The end does not
Bengzon v. Secretary of Justice and Insular Auditor, supra note 202, at 916- justify the means.‘ No matter how noble and worthy of admiration the purpose of
917. an act, but if the means to be employed in accomplishing it is simply
irreconcilable with constitutional parameters, then it cannot still be allowed. The
207 Court cannot just turn a blind eye and simply let it pass. It will continue to uphold
"Log-rolling legislation refers to the process in which several provisions
the Constitution and its enshrined principles. ‘The Constitution must ever remain
supported by an individual legislator or minority of legislators are combined into a
supreme. All must bow to the mandate of this law. Expediency must not be
single piece of legislation supported by a majority of legislators on a quid pro quo
allowed to sap its strength nor greed for power debase its rectitude.‘" (Biraogo v.
basis: no one provision may command majority support, but the total package
Philippine Truth Commission of 2010, supra note 118, 177; citations omitted)
will.” See Rollo (G.R. No. 208566), p. 420, citing Briffault, Richard, ―The Item
Veto in State Courts,‖ 66 Temp. L. Rev. 1171, 1177 (1993). 219
Rollo (G.R. No. 208566), p. 406.
Id. at 407. direction of economic and social development, and coordinating
development efforts within its territorial jurisdiction.
Bernas, Joaquin G., S.J., The 1987 Constitution of the Republic of the
Philippines: A Commentary, 2003 Edition, p. 1108. See Section 109 of the LGC.
222 236
Abakada Guro Party List v. Purisima, supra note 155. Rollo (G.R. No. 208566), p. 423.
223 237
See Section 22, Article VI, 1987 Constitution. Id. at 427.

224 238
See Section 21, Article VI, 1987 Constitution. Id. at 439-440.
225 239
Rollo (G.R. No. 208493), p. 9. Id. at 434 and 441.

226 240
See Pamatong v. Commission on Elections, G.R. No. 161872, April 13, 2004, See Guingona, Jr. v. Carague, supra note 173, where the Court upheld the
427 SCRA 96, 100-101. constitutionality of certain automatic appropriation laws for debt servicing
although said laws did not readily indicate the exact amounts to be paid
227 considering that "the amounts nevertheless are made certain by the legislative
1991." parameters provided in the decrees"; hence, "the Executive is not of unlimited
discretion as to the amounts to be disbursed for debt servicing." To note, such
230 Phil. 379, 387-388 (1986). laws vary in great degree with the way the 2013 PDAF Article works considering
that: (a) individual legislators and not the executive make the determinations; (b)
229 the choice of both the amount and the project are to be subsequently made after
the law is passed and upon the sole discretion of the legislator, unlike in
230 Guingona, Jr. where the amount to be appropriated is dictated by the
Rollo (G.R. No. 208566), pp. 95-96. contingency external to the discretion of the disbursing authority; and (c) in
Guingona, Jr. there is no effective control of the funds since as long as the
Philconsa v. Enriquez, supra note 114, at 523. contingency arises money shall be automatically appropriated therefor, hence
what is left is merely law execution and not legislative discretion.
Nograles, Prospero C. and Lagman, Edcel C., House of Representatives of
the Philippines, "Understanding the ‘Pork Barrel,‘" 241
Id. at 462.
< 14th/pork_barrel.pdf > (visited October
17, 2013). 242
23 Nev. 25 (1895).
< 243
Rollo (G.R. No. 208566), p. 438.
abolition-of-pdaf-august-23-2013/> (visited October 22, 2013).
234 Id. at 300.
Section 106 of the LGC provides:
The project identifications made by the Executive should always be in the
Sec. 106. Local Development Councils. – (a) Each local government unit nature of law enforcement and, hence, for the sole purpose of enforcing an
shall have a comprehensive multi-sectoral development plan to be existing appropriation law. In relation thereto, it may exercise its rule-making
initiated by its development council and approved by its sanggunian. For authority to greater particularize the guidelines for such identifications which, in
this purpose, the development council at the provincial, city, municipal, or all cases, should not go beyond what the delegating law provides. Also, in all
barangal level, shall assist the corresponding sanggunian in setting the
cases, the Executive‘s identification or rule-making authority, insofar as the field of the same provision nevertheless allows the Presidential Social Fund to finance
of appropriations is concerned, may only arise if there is a valid appropriation law "priority infrastructure and socio-civic projects throughout the Philippines as may
under the parameters as above-discussed. be directed and authorized by the Office of the President of the Philippines." It
must, however, be qualified that the 2nd paragraph should not be construed to
246 mean that the Office of the President may direct and authorize the use of the
Abakada Guro Party List v. Purisima, supra note 155.
Presidential Social Fund to any kind of infrastructure and socio-civic project
See Bernas, Joaquin G., S.J., The 1987 Constitution of the Republic of the throughout the Philippines. Pursuant to the maxim of noscitur a sociis , (meaning,
Philippines: A Commentary, 2009 Edition, pp. 686-687, citing Pelaez v. Auditor that a word or phrase‘s "correct construction may be made clear and specific by
General, 15 SCRA 569, 576-577 (1965). considering the company of words in which it is founded or with which it is
associated"; see Chavez v. Judicial and Bar Council, G.R. No. 202242, July 17,
248 2012, 676 SCRA 579, 598-599) the 2nd paragraph should be construed only as
Id. at 277.
an expansion of the geographical-operational limitation stated in the 1st
249 paragraph of the same provision and not a grant of carte blanche authority to the
§ 438 Ejusdem Generis ("of the same kind"); specific words; 82 C.J.S. President to veer away from the project types specified thereunder. In other
Statutes § 438. words, what the 2nd paragraph merely allows is the use of the Presidential Social
Fund for Flood Control, Sewerage and Sewage, Nutritional Control, Population
Rollo (G.R. No. 208566), p. 437, citing § 438 Ejusdem Generis ("of the same Control, Tulungan ng Bayan Centers, Beautification and Kilusang Kabuhayan at
kind"); specific words; 82 C.J.S. Statutes § 438. Kaunlaran (KKK) projects even though the same would be located outside the
Metropolitan Manila area. To deem it otherwise would be tantamount to unduly
Based on a July 5, 2011 posting in the government’s website expanding the rule-making authority of the President in violation of the sufficient
< standard test and, ultimately, the principle of non-delegability of legislative power.
malampaya-fund/>; attached as Annex "A" to the Petitioners‘ Memorandum), the
Malampaya Funds were also used for non-energy related projects, to wit: 253
Black‘s Law Dictionary (7th Ed., 1999), p. 784.

The rest of the 98.73 percent or ₱19.39 billion was released for non- 254
Rollo (G.R. No. 208566), pp. 48-49.
energy related projects: 1) in 2006, ₱1 billion for the Armed Forces
Modernization Fund; 2) in 2008, ₱4 billion for the Department of 255
Agriculture; 3) in 2009, a total of ₱14.39 billion to various agencies,
including: ₱7.07 billion for the Department of Public Works and 256
234 Phil. 521, 533-534 (1987).
Highways; ₱2.14 billion for the Philippine National Police; ₱1.82 billion for
[the Department of Agriculture]; ₱1.4 billion for the National Housing 257
Authority; and ₱900 million for the Department of Agrarian Reform. 252 Phil. 264 (1989).

For academic purposes, the Court expresses its disagreement with Id. at 279
petitioners‘ argument that the previous version of Section 12 of PD 1869 259
constitutes an undue delegation of legislative power since it allows the President Id. at 278.
to broadly determine the purpose of the Presidential Social Fund‘s use and
perforce must be declared unconstitutional. Quite the contrary, the 1st paragraph Rollo (G.R. No. 208566), p. 463.
of the said provision clearly indicates that the Presidential Social Fund shall be
used to finance specified types of priority infrastructure and socio-civic projects, 261
Id. at 459-462.
namely, Flood Control, Sewerage and Sewage, Nutritional Control, Population
Control, Tulungan ng Bayan Centers, Beautification and Kilusang Kabuhayan at 262
Id. at 304-305.
Kaunlaran (KKK) projects located within the Metropolitan Manila area. However,
with regard to the stated geographical-operational limitation, the 2nd paragraph
(visited November 4, 2013).

Notice of Cash Allocation (NCA). Cash authority issued by the DBM to central,
regional and provincial offices and operating units through the authorized
government servicing banks of the MDS,* to cover the cash requirements of the

*MDS stands for Modified Disbursement Scheme. It is a procedure

whereby disbursements by NG agencies chargeable against the account
of the Treasurer of the Philippines are effected through GSBs.**

** GSB stands for Government Servicing Banks. (Id.)

TSN, October 10, 2013, pp. 35-36.
Commissioner of Internal Revenue v. San Roque Power Corporation, G.R.
No. 187485, October 8, 2013, citing Serrano de Agbayani v. Philippine National
Bank, 148 Phil. 443, 447-448 (1971).
Republic of the Philippines representatives from the rank-and-file employees and a representative from the officials
SUPREME COURT nominated by their recognized organization. 6
Each Board has the duty to (1) prescribe the rules and guidelines for the allocation,
EN BANC distribution and release of the Fund; (2) set criteria and procedures for removing from the
service officials and employees whose revenue collection falls short of the target; (3)
G.R. No. 166715 August 14, 2008 terminate personnel in accordance with the criteria adopted by the Board; (4) prescribe a
system for performance evaluation; (5) perform other functions, including the issuance of
ABAKADA GURO PARTY LIST (formerly AASJS)1 OFFICERS/MEMBERS SAMSON rules and regulations and (6) submit an annual report to Congress. 7
GOROSPE and EDWIN R. SANDOVAL, petitioners, The DOF, DBM, NEDA, BIR, BOC and the Civil Service Commission (CSC) were tasked
vs. to promulgate and issue the implementing rules and regulations of RA 9335, 8 to be
HON. CESAR V. PURISIMA, in his capacity as Secretary of Finance, HON. approved by a Joint Congressional Oversight Committee created for such purpose. 9
GUILLERMO L. PARAYNO, JR., in his capacity as Commissioner of the Bureau of
Internal Revenue, and HON. ALBERTO D. LINA, in his Capacity as Commissioner Petitioners, invoking their right as taxpayers filed this petition challenging the
of Bureau of Customs, respondents. constitutionality of RA 9335, a tax reform legislation. They contend that, by establishing a
system of rewards and incentives, the law "transform[s] the officials and employees of
DECISION the BIR and the BOC into mercenaries and bounty hunters" as they will do their best only
in consideration of such rewards. Thus, the system of rewards and incentives invites
CORONA, J.: corruption and undermines the constitutionally mandated duty of these officials and
employees to serve the people with utmost responsibility, integrity, loyalty and efficiency.
This petition for prohibition1 seeks to prevent respondents from implementing and
enforcing Republic Act (RA) 93352 (Attrition Act of 2005). Petitioners also claim that limiting the scope of the system of rewards and incentives only
to officials and employees of the BIR and the BOC violates the constitutional guarantee
of equal protection. There is no valid basis for classification or distinction as to why such
RA 9335 was enacted to optimize the revenue-generation capability and collection of the
a system should not apply to officials and employees of all other government agencies.
Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR) and the Bureau of Customs (BOC). The law intends to
encourage BIR and BOC officials and employees to exceed their revenue targets by
providing a system of rewards and sanctions through the creation of a Rewards and In addition, petitioners assert that the law unduly delegates the power to fix revenue
Incentives Fund (Fund) and a Revenue Performance Evaluation Board (Board). 3 It targets to the President as it lacks a sufficient standard on that matter. While Section 7(b)
covers all officials and employees of the BIR and the BOC with at least six months of and (c) of RA 9335 provides that BIR and BOC officials may be dismissed from the
service, regardless of employment status. 4 service if their revenue collections fall short of the target by at least 7.5%, the law does
not, however, fix the revenue targets to be achieved. Instead, the fixing of revenue
targets has been delegated to the President without sufficient standards. It will therefore
The Fund is sourced from the collection of the BIR and the BOC in excess of their
be easy for the President to fix an unrealistic and unattainable target in order to dismiss
revenue targets for the year, as determined by the Development Budget and
BIR or BOC personnel.
Coordinating Committee (DBCC). Any incentive or reward is taken from the fund and
allocated to the BIR and the BOC in proportion to their contribution in the excess
collection of the targeted amount of tax revenue. 5 Finally, petitioners assail the creation of a congressional oversight committee on the
ground that it violates the doctrine of separation of powers. While the legislative function
is deemed accomplished and completed upon the enactment and approval of the law,
The Boards in the BIR and the BOC are composed of the Secretary of the Department of
the creation of the congressional oversight committee permits legislative participation in
Finance (DOF) or his/her Undersecretary, the Secretary of the Department of Budget
the implementation and enforcement of the law.
and Management (DBM) or his/her Undersecretary, the Director General of the National
Economic Development Authority (NEDA) or his/her Deputy Director General, the
Commissioners of the BIR and the BOC or their Deputy Commissioners, two
In their comment, respondents, through the Office of the Solicitor General, question the Accountability of
petition for being premature as there is no actual case or controversy yet. Petitioners Public Officers
have not asserted any right or claim that will necessitate the exercise of this Court’s
jurisdiction. Nevertheless, respondents acknowledge that public policy requires the Section 1, Article 11 of the Constitution states:
resolution of the constitutional issues involved in this case. They assert that the
allegation that the reward system will breed mercenaries is mere speculation and does Sec. 1. Public office is a public trust. Public officers and employees must at all
not suffice to invalidate the law. Seen in conjunction with the declared objective of RA times be accountable to the people, serve them with utmost responsibility,
9335, the law validly classifies the BIR and the BOC because the functions they perform integrity, loyalty, and efficiency, act with patriotism, and justice, and lead modest
are distinct from those of the other government agencies and instrumentalities. lives.
Moreover, the law provides a sufficient standard that will guide the executive in the
implementation of its provisions. Lastly, the creation of the congressional oversight
Public office is a public trust. It must be discharged by its holder not for his own personal
committee under the law enhances, rather than violates, separation of powers. It ensures
gain but for the benefit of the public for whom he holds it in trust. By demanding
the fulfillment of the legislative policy and serves as a check to any over-accumulation of
accountability and service with responsibility, integrity, loyalty, efficiency, patriotism and
power on the part of the executive and the implementing agencies.
justice, all government officials and employees have the duty to be responsive to the
needs of the people they are called upon to serve.
After a careful consideration of the conflicting contentions of the parties, the Court finds
that petitioners have failed to overcome the presumption of constitutionality in favor of
Public officers enjoy the presumption of regularity in the performance of their duties. This
RA 9335, except as shall hereafter be discussed.
presumption necessarily obtains in favor of BIR and BOC officials and employees. RA
9335 operates on the basis thereof and reinforces it by providing a system of rewards
Actual Case And Ripeness and sanctions for the purpose of encouraging the officials and employees of the BIR and
the BOC to exceed their revenue targets and optimize their revenue-generation
An actual case or controversy involves a conflict of legal rights, an assertion of opposite capability and collection.15
legal claims susceptible of judicial adjudication. 10 A closely related requirement is
ripeness, that is, the question must be ripe for adjudication. And a constitutional question The presumption is disputable but proof to the contrary is required to rebut it. It cannot be
is ripe for adjudication when the governmental act being challenged has a direct adverse overturned by mere conjecture or denied in advance (as petitioners would have the Court
effect on the individual challenging it. 11Thus, to be ripe for judicial adjudication, the do) specially in this case where it is an underlying principle to advance a declared public
petitioner must show a personal stake in the outcome of the case or an injury to himself policy.
that can be redressed by a favorable decision of the Court. 12
Petitioners’ claim that the implementation of RA 9335 will turn BIR and BOC officials and
In this case, aside from the general claim that the dispute has ripened into a judicial employees into "bounty hunters and mercenaries" is not only without any factual and
controversy by the mere enactment of the law even without any further overt legal basis; it is also purely speculative.
act,13 petitioners fail either to assert any specific and concrete legal claim or to
demonstrate any direct adverse effect of the law on them. They are unable to show a
A law enacted by Congress enjoys the strong presumption of constitutionality. To justify
personal stake in the outcome of this case or an injury to themselves. On this account,
its nullification, there must be a clear and unequivocal breach of the Constitution, not a
their petition is procedurally infirm.
doubtful and equivocal one.16 To invalidate RA 9335 based on petitioners’ baseless
supposition is an affront to the wisdom not only of the legislature that passed it but also
This notwithstanding, public interest requires the resolution of the constitutional issues of the executive which approved it.
raised by petitioners. The grave nature of their allegations tends to cast a cloud on the
presumption of constitutionality in favor of the law. And where an action of the legislative
Public service is its own reward. Nevertheless, public officers may by law be rewarded
branch is alleged to have infringed the Constitution, it becomes not only the right but in
for exemplary and exceptional performance. A system of incentives for exceeding the set
fact the duty of the judiciary to settle the dispute. 14
expectations of a public office is not anathema to the concept of public accountability. In
fact, it recognizes and reinforces dedication to duty, industry, efficiency and loyalty to
public service of deserving government personnel.
In United States v. Matthews,17 the U.S. Supreme Court validated a law which awards to either in the object to which it is directed or by the territory within which it is to
officers of the customs as well as other parties an amount not exceeding one-half of the operate.
net proceeds of forfeitures in violation of the laws against smuggling. Citing Dorsheimer
v. United States,18 the U.S. Supreme Court said: The equal protection of the laws clause of the Constitution allows classification.
Classification in law, as in the other departments of knowledge or practice, is the
The offer of a portion of such penalties to the collectors is to stimulate and grouping of things in speculation or practice because they agree with one
reward their zeal and industry in detecting fraudulent attempts to evade payment another in certain particulars. A law is not invalid because of simple inequality.
of duties and taxes. The very idea of classification is that of inequality, so that it goes without saying
that the mere fact of inequality in no manner determines the matter of
In the same vein, employees of the BIR and the BOC may by law be entitled to a reward constitutionality. All that is required of a valid classification is that it be
when, as a consequence of their zeal in the enforcement of tax and customs laws, they reasonable, which means that the classification should be based on
exceed their revenue targets. In addition, RA 9335 establishes safeguards to ensure that substantial distinctions which make for real differences, that it must be
the reward will not be claimed if it will be either the fruit of "bounty hunting or mercenary germane to the purpose of the law; that it must not be limited to existing
activity" or the product of the irregular performance of official duties. One of these conditions only; and that it must apply equally to each member of the
precautionary measures is embodied in Section 8 of the law: class. This Court has held that the standard is satisfied if the classification or
distinction is based on a reasonable foundation or rational basis and is not
SEC. 8. Liability of Officials, Examiners and Employees of the BIR and the BOC. palpably arbitrary.
– The officials, examiners, and employees of the [BIR] and the [BOC] who violate
this Act or who are guilty of negligence, abuses or acts of malfeasance or In the exercise of its power to make classifications for the purpose of enacting
misfeasance or fail to exercise extraordinary diligence in the performance of their laws over matters within its jurisdiction, the state is recognized as enjoying a
duties shall be held liable for any loss or injury suffered by any business wide range of discretion. It is not necessary that the classification be based on
establishment or taxpayer as a result of such violation, negligence, abuse, scientific or marked differences of things or in their relation. Neither is it
malfeasance, misfeasance or failure to exercise extraordinary diligence. necessary that the classification be made with mathematical nicety. Hence,
legislative classification may in many cases properly rest on narrow distinctions,
Equal Protection for the equal protection guaranty does not preclude the legislature from
recognizing degrees of evil or harm, and legislation is addressed to evils as they
may appear.21 (emphasis supplied)
Equality guaranteed under the equal protection clause is equality under the same
conditions and among persons similarly situated; it is equality among equals, not
similarity of treatment of persons who are classified based on substantial differences in The equal protection clause recognizes a valid classification, that is, a classification that
relation to the object to be accomplished.19When things or persons are different in fact or has a reasonable foundation or rational basis and not arbitrary. 22 With respect to RA
circumstance, they may be treated in law differently. In Victoriano v. Elizalde Rope 9335, its expressed public policy is the optimization of the revenue-generation capability
Workers’ Union,20 this Court declared: and collection of the BIR and the BOC.23 Since the subject of the law is the revenue-
generation capability and collection of the BIR and the BOC, the incentives and/or
sanctions provided in the law should logically pertain to the said agencies. Moreover, the
The guaranty of equal protection of the laws is not a guaranty of equality in the
law concerns only the BIR and the BOC because they have the common distinct primary
application of the laws upon all citizens of the [S]tate. It is not, therefore, a
function of generating revenues for the national government through the collection of
requirement, in order to avoid the constitutional prohibition against inequality, that
taxes, customs duties, fees and charges.
every man, woman and child should be affected alike by a statute. Equality of
operation of statutes does not mean indiscriminate operation on persons merely
as such, but on persons according to the circumstances surrounding them. It The BIR performs the following functions:
guarantees equality, not identity of rights. The Constitution does not require
that things which are different in fact be treated in law as though they were Sec. 18. The Bureau of Internal Revenue. – The Bureau of Internal Revenue,
the same. The equal protection clause does not forbid discrimination as to which shall be headed by and subject to the supervision and control of the
things that are different. It does not prohibit legislation which is limited Commissioner of Internal Revenue, who shall be appointed by the President
upon the recommendation of the Secretary [of the DOF], shall have the following (7) Prevent and prosecute smuggling and other illegal activities in all ports under
functions: its jurisdiction;

(1) Assess and collect all taxes, fees and charges and account for all (8) Exercise supervision and control over its constituent units;
revenues collected;
(9) Perform such other functions as may be provided by law. 25
(2) Exercise duly delegated police powers for the proper performance of its
functions and duties; xxx xxx xxx (emphasis supplied)

(3) Prevent and prosecute tax evasions and all other illegal economic activities; Both the BIR and the BOC are bureaus under the DOF. They principally perform the
special function of being the instrumentalities through which the State exercises one of
(4) Exercise supervision and control over its constituent and subordinate units; its great inherent functions – taxation. Indubitably, such substantial distinction is germane
and and intimately related to the purpose of the law. Hence, the classification and treatment
accorded to the BIR and the BOC under RA 9335 fully satisfy the demands of equal
(5) Perform such other functions as may be provided by law. 24 protection.

xxx xxx xxx (emphasis supplied) Undue Delegation

On the other hand, the BOC has the following functions: Two tests determine the validity of delegation of legislative power: (1) the completeness
test and (2) the sufficient standard test. A law is complete when it sets forth therein the
Sec. 23. The Bureau of Customs. – The Bureau of Customs which shall be policy to be executed, carried out or implemented by the delegate. 26 It lays down a
headed and subject to the management and control of the Commissioner of sufficient standard when it provides adequate guidelines or limitations in the law to map
Customs, who shall be appointed by the President upon the recommendation of out the boundaries of the delegate’s authority and prevent the delegation from running
the Secretary[of the DOF] and hereinafter referred to as Commissioner, shall riot.27 To be sufficient, the standard must specify the limits of the delegate’s authority,
have the following functions: announce the legislative policy and identify the conditions under which it is to be
(1) Collect custom duties, taxes and the corresponding fees, charges and
penalties; RA 9335 adequately states the policy and standards to guide the President in fixing
revenue targets and the implementing agencies in carrying out the provisions of the law.
Section 2 spells out the policy of the law:
(2) Account for all customs revenues collected;
SEC. 2. Declaration of Policy. – It is the policy of the State to optimize the
(3) Exercise police authority for the enforcement of tariff and customs laws;
revenue-generation capability and collection of the Bureau of Internal Revenue
(BIR) and the Bureau of Customs (BOC) by providing for a system of rewards
(4) Prevent and suppress smuggling, pilferage and all other economic frauds and sanctions through the creation of a Rewards and Incentives Fund and a
within all ports of entry; Revenue Performance Evaluation Board in the above agencies for the purpose
of encouraging their officials and employees to exceed their revenue targets.
(5) Supervise and control exports, imports, foreign mails and the clearance of
vessels and aircrafts in all ports of entry; Section 4 "canalized within banks that keep it from overflowing" 29 the delegated power to
the President to fix revenue targets:
(6) Administer all legal requirements that are appropriate;
SEC. 4. Rewards and Incentives Fund. – A Rewards and Incentives Fund,
hereinafter referred to as the Fund, is hereby created, to be sourced from the
collection of the BIR and the BOC in excess of their respective revenue targets promulgated under this Act, subject to civil service laws, rules and
of the year, as determined by the Development Budget and Coordinating regulations and compliance with substantive and procedural due process:
Committee (DBCC), in the following percentages: Provided, That the following exemptions shall apply:

Excess of Collection of the Percent (%) of the Excess Collection to 1. Where the district or area of responsibility is newly-created, not
Excess the Revenue Targets Accrue to the Fund exceeding two years in operation, as has no historical record of collection
30% or below – 15% performance that can be used as basis for evaluation; and
More than 30% – 15% of the first 30% plus 20% of the
remaining excess 2. Where the revenue or customs official or employee is a recent
transferee in the middle of the period under consideration unless the
The Fund shall be deemed automatically appropriated the year immediately transfer was due to nonperformance of revenue targets or potential
following the year when the revenue collection target was exceeded and shall be nonperformance of revenue targets: Provided, however, That when the
released on the same fiscal year. district or area of responsibility covered by revenue or customs officials or
employees has suffered from economic difficulties brought about by
natural calamities or force majeure or economic causes as may be
Revenue targets shall refer to the original estimated revenue collection
determined by the Board, termination shall be considered only after
expected of the BIR and the BOC for a given fiscal year as stated in the
careful and proper review by the Board.
Budget of Expenditures and Sources of Financing (BESF) submitted by the
President to Congress. The BIR and the BOC shall submit to the DBCC the
distribution of the agencies’ revenue targets as allocated among its revenue (c) To terminate personnel in accordance with the criteria adopted in the
districts in the case of the BIR, and the collection districts in the case of the BOC. preceding paragraph: Provided, That such decision shall be immediately
executory: Provided, further, That the application of the criteria for the
separation of an official or employee from service under this Act shall be
xxx xxx xxx (emphasis supplied)
without prejudice to the application of other relevant laws on accountability
of public officers and employees, such as the Code of Conduct and Ethical
Revenue targets are based on the original estimated revenue collection expected Standards of Public Officers and Employees and the Anti-Graft and Corrupt
respectively of the BIR and the BOC for a given fiscal year as approved by the DBCC Practices Act;
and stated in the BESF submitted by the President to Congress. 30 Thus, the
determination of revenue targets does not rest solely on the President as it also
xxx xxx xxx (emphasis supplied)
undergoes the scrutiny of the DBCC.
Clearly, RA 9335 in no way violates the security of tenure of officials and employees of
On the other hand, Section 7 specifies the limits of the Board’s authority and identifies
the BIR and the BOC. The guarantee of security of tenure only means that an employee
the conditions under which officials and employees whose revenue collection falls short
cannot be dismissed from the service for causes other than those provided by law and
of the target by at least 7.5% may be removed from the service:
only after due process is accorded the employee. 31 In the case of RA 9335, it lays down
a reasonable yardstick for removal (when the revenue collection falls short of the target
SEC. 7. Powers and Functions of the Board. – The Board in the agency shall by at least 7.5%) with due consideration of all relevant factors affecting the level of
have the following powers and functions: collection. This standard is analogous to inefficiency and incompetence in the
performance of official duties, a ground for disciplinary action under civil service
xxx xxx xxx laws.32 The action for removal is also subject to civil service laws, rules and regulations
and compliance with substantive and procedural due process.
(b) To set the criteria and procedures for removing from service officials and
employees whose revenue collection falls short of the target by at least At any rate, this Court has recognized the following as sufficient standards: "public
seven and a half percent (7.5%), with due consideration of all relevant interest," "justice and equity," "public convenience and welfare" and "simplicity, economy
factors affecting the level of collection as provided in the rules and regulations
and welfare."33 In this case, the declared policy of optimization of the revenue-generation The power of oversight has been held to be intrinsic in the grant of legislative
capability and collection of the BIR and the BOC is infused with public interest. power itself and integral to the checks and balances inherent in a democratic
system of government. x x x x x x x x x
Separation Of Powers
Over the years, Congress has invoked its oversight power with increased
Section 12 of RA 9335 provides: frequency to check the perceived "exponential accumulation of power" by the
executive branch. By the beginning of the 20th century, Congress has delegated
SEC. 12. Joint Congressional Oversight Committee. – There is hereby created a an enormous amount of legislative authority to the executive branch and the
Joint Congressional Oversight Committee composed of seven Members from the administrative agencies. Congress, thus, uses its oversight power to make sure
Senate and seven Members from the House of Representatives. The Members that the administrative agencies perform their functions within the authority
from the Senate shall be appointed by the Senate President, with at least two delegated to them. x x x x x x x x x
senators representing the minority. The Members from the House of
Representatives shall be appointed by the Speaker with at least two members Categories of congressional oversight functions
representing the minority. After the Oversight Committee will have approved the
implementing rules and regulations (IRR) it shall thereafter become functus The acts done by Congress purportedly in the exercise of its oversight powers
officio and therefore cease to exist. may be divided into three categories,
namely: scrutiny, investigation and supervision.
The Joint Congressional Oversight Committee in RA 9335 was created for the purpose
of approving the implementing rules and regulations (IRR) formulated by the DOF, DBM, a. Scrutiny
NEDA, BIR, BOC and CSC. On May 22, 2006, it approved the said IRR. From then on, it
became functus officio and ceased to exist. Hence, the issue of its alleged encroachment Congressional scrutiny implies a lesser intensity and continuity of
on the executive function of implementing and enforcing the law may be considered moot attention to administrative operations. Its primary purpose is to determine
and academic. economy and efficiency of the operation of government activities. In the
exercise of legislative scrutiny, Congress may request information and
This notwithstanding, this might be as good a time as any for the Court to confront the report from the other branches of government. It can give
issue of the constitutionality of the Joint Congressional Oversight Committee created recommendations or pass resolutions for consideration of the agency
under RA 9335 (or other similar laws for that matter). involved.

The scholarly discourse of Mr. Justice (now Chief Justice) Puno on the concept of xxx xxx xxx
congressional oversight in Macalintal v. Commission on Elections34 is illuminating:
b. Congressional investigation
Concept and bases of congressional oversight
While congressional scrutiny is regarded as a passive process of looking
Broadly defined, the power of oversight embraces all activities undertaken at the facts that are readily available, congressional investigation involves
by Congress to enhance its understanding of and influence over a more intense digging of facts. The power of Congress to conduct
the implementation of legislation it has enacted. Clearly, oversight investigation is recognized by the 1987 Constitution under section 21,
concerns post-enactment measures undertaken by Congress: (a) to Article VI, xxx xxx xxx
monitor bureaucratic compliance with program objectives, (b) to determine
whether agencies are properly administered, (c) to eliminate executive c. Legislative supervision
waste and dishonesty, (d) to prevent executive usurpation of legislative
authority, and (d) to assess executive conformity with the congressional The third and most encompassing form by which Congress exercises its
perception of public interest. oversight power is thru legislative supervision. "Supervision" connotes a
continuing and informed awareness on the part of a congressional committee
regarding executive operations in a given administrative area. While both Its opponents, however, criticize the legislative veto as undue encroachment
congressional scrutiny and investigation involve inquiry into past executive upon the executive prerogatives. They urge that any post-enactment
branch actions in order to influence future executive branch measures undertaken by the legislative branch should be limited to
performance, congressional supervision allows Congress to scrutinize the scrutiny and investigation; any measure beyond that would undermine the
exercise of delegated law-making authority, and permits Congress to retain part separation of powers guaranteed by the Constitution. They contend that
of that delegated authority. legislative veto constitutes an impermissible evasion of the President’s veto
authority and intrusion into the powers vested in the executive or judicial
Congress exercises supervision over the executive agencies through its veto branches of government. Proponents counter that legislative veto enhances
power. It typically utilizes veto provisions when granting the President or an separation of powers as it prevents the executive branch and independent
executive agency the power to promulgate regulations with the force of law. agencies from accumulating too much power. They submit that reporting
These provisions require the President or an agency to present the proposed requirements and congressional committee investigations allow Congress to
regulations to Congress, which retains a "right" to approve or disapprove any scrutinize only the exercise of delegated law-making authority. They do not allow
regulation before it takes effect. Such legislative veto provisions usually provide Congress to review executive proposals before they take effect and they do not
that a proposed regulation will become a law after the expiration of a certain afford the opportunity for ongoing and binding expressions of congressional
period of time, only if Congress does not affirmatively disapprove of the intent. In contrast, legislative veto permits Congress to participate prospectively
regulation in the meantime. Less frequently, the statute provides that a proposed in the approval or disapproval of "subordinate law" or those enacted by the
regulation will become law if Congress affirmatively approves it. executive branch pursuant to a delegation of authority by Congress. They further
argue that legislative veto "is a necessary response by Congress to the accretion
Supporters of legislative veto stress that it is necessary to maintain the balance of policy control by forces outside its chambers." In an era of delegated authority,
of power between the legislative and the executive branches of government as it they point out that legislative veto "is the most efficient means Congress has yet
offers lawmakers a way to delegate vast power to the executive branch or to devised to retain control over the evolution and implementation of its policy as
independent agencies while retaining the option to cancel particular exercise of declared by statute."
such power without having to pass new legislation or to repeal existing law. They
contend that this arrangement promotes democratic accountability as it provides In Immigration and Naturalization Service v. Chadha, the U.S. Supreme Court
legislative check on the activities of unelected administrative agencies. One resolved the validity of legislative veto provisions. The case arose from the
proponent thus explains: order of the immigration judge suspending the deportation of Chadha pursuant to
§ 244(c)(1) of the Immigration and Nationality Act. The United States House of
It is too late to debate the merits of this delegation policy: the policy is too Representatives passed a resolution vetoing the suspension pursuant to §
deeply embedded in our law and practice. It suffices to say that the 244(c)(2) authorizing either House of Congress, by resolution, to invalidate the
complexities of modern government have often led Congress-whether by decision of the executive branch to allow a particular deportable alien to remain
actual or perceived necessity- to legislate by declaring broad policy goals in the United States. The immigration judge reopened the deportation
and general statutory standards, leaving the choice of policy options to proceedings to implement the House order and the alien was ordered deported.
the discretion of an executive officer. Congress articulates legislative The Board of Immigration Appeals dismissed the alien’s appeal, holding that it
aims, but leaves their implementation to the judgment of parties who may had no power to declare unconstitutional an act of Congress. The United States
or may not have participated in or agreed with the development of those Court of Appeals for Ninth Circuit held that the House was without constitutional
aims. Consequently, absent safeguards, in many instances the reverse of authority to order the alien’s deportation and that § 244(c)(2) violated the
our constitutional scheme could be effected: Congress proposes, the constitutional doctrine on separation of powers.
Executive disposes. One safeguard, of course, is the legislative power to
enact new legislation or to change existing law. But without some means On appeal, the U.S. Supreme Court declared § 244(c)(2) unconstitutional. But
of overseeing post enactment activities of the executive branch, the Court shied away from the issue of separation of powers and instead
Congress would be unable to determine whether its policies have been held that the provision violates the presentment clause and bicameralism. It held
implemented in accordance with legislative intent and thus whether that the one-house veto was essentially legislative in purpose and effect. As
legislative intervention is appropriate. such, it is subject to the procedures set out in Article I of the Constitution
requiring the passage by a majority of both Houses and presentment to the (2) investigation and monitoring41 of the implementation of laws pursuant to the
President. x x x x x x x x x power of Congress to conduct inquiries in aid of legislation. 42

Two weeks after the Chadha decision, the Court upheld, in memorandum Any action or step beyond that will undermine the separation of powers guaranteed by
decision, two lower court decisions invalidating the legislative veto provisions in the Constitution. Legislative vetoes fall in this class.
the Natural Gas Policy Act of 1978 and the Federal Trade Commission
Improvement Act of 1980. Following this precedence, lower courts invalidated Legislative veto is a statutory provision requiring the President or an administrative
statutes containing legislative veto provisions although some of these provisions agency to present the proposed implementing rules and regulations of a law to Congress
required the approval of both Houses of Congress and thus met the which, by itself or through a committee formed by it, retains a "right" or "power" to
bicameralism requirement of Article I. Indeed, some of these veto provisions approve or disapprove such regulations before they take effect. As such, a legislative
were not even exercised.35(emphasis supplied) veto in the form of a congressional oversight committee is in the form of an inward-
turning delegation designed to attach a congressional leash (other than through scrutiny
In Macalintal, given the concept and configuration of the power of congressional and investigation) to an agency to which Congress has by law initially delegated broad
oversight and considering the nature and powers of a constitutional body like the powers.43 It radically changes the design or structure of the Constitution’s diagram of
Commission on Elections, the Court struck down the provision in RA 9189 (The power as it entrusts to Congress a direct role in enforcing, applying or implementing its
Overseas Absentee Voting Act of 2003) creating a Joint Congressional Committee. The own laws.44
committee was tasked not only to monitor and evaluate the implementation of the said
law but also to review, revise, amend and approve the IRR promulgated by the Congress has two options when enacting legislation to define national policy within the
Commission on Elections. The Court held that these functions infringed on the broad horizons of its legislative competence. 45 It can itself formulate the details or it can
constitutional independence of the Commission on Elections. 36 assign to the executive branch the responsibility for making necessary managerial
decisions in conformity with those standards. 46 In the latter case, the law must be
With this backdrop, it is clear that congressional oversight is not unconstitutional per se, complete in all its essential terms and conditions when it leaves the hands of the
meaning, it neither necessarily constitutes an encroachment on the executive power to legislature.47 Thus, what is left for the executive branch or the concerned administrative
implement laws nor undermines the constitutional separation of powers. Rather, it is agency when it formulates rules and regulations implementing the law is to fill up details
integral to the checks and balances inherent in a democratic system of government. It (supplementary rule-making) or ascertain facts necessary to bring the law into actual
may in fact even enhance the separation of powers as it prevents the over-accumulation operation (contingent rule-making).48
of power in the executive branch.
Administrative regulations enacted by administrative agencies to implement and interpret
However, to forestall the danger of congressional encroachment "beyond the legislative the law which they are entrusted to enforce have the force of law and are entitled to
sphere," the Constitution imposes two basic and related constraints on Congress. 37 It respect.49 Such rules and regulations partake of the nature of a statute50 and are just as
may not vest itself, any of its committees or its members with either executive or judicial binding as if they have been written in the statute itself. As such, they have the force and
power.38 And, when it exercises its legislative power, it must follow the "single, finely effect of law and enjoy the presumption of constitutionality and legality until they are set
wrought and exhaustively considered, procedures" specified under the aside with finality in an appropriate case by a competent court. 51 Congress, in the guise
Constitution,39 including the procedure for enactment of laws and presentment. of assuming the role of an overseer, may not pass upon their legality by subjecting them
to its stamp of approval without disturbing the calculated balance of powers established
Thus, any post-enactment congressional measure such as this should be limited to by the Constitution. In exercising discretion to approve or disapprove the IRR based on a
scrutiny and investigation. In particular, congressional oversight must be confined to the determination of whether or not they conformed with the provisions of RA 9335,
following: Congress arrogated judicial power unto itself, a power exclusively vested in this Court by
the Constitution.
(1) scrutiny based primarily on Congress’ power of appropriation and the budget
hearings conducted in connection with it, its power to ask heads of departments Considered Opinion of
to appear before and be heard by either of its Houses on any matter pertaining to Mr. Justice Dante O. Tinga
their departments and its power of confirmation40 and
Moreover, the requirement that the implementing rules of a law be subjected to approval In sum, two steps are required before a bill becomes a law. First, it must be approved by
by Congress as a condition for their effectivity violates the cardinal constitutional both Houses of Congress.54 Second, it must be presented to and approved by the
principles of bicameralism and the rule on presentment. 52 President.55 As summarized by Justice Isagani Cruz 56 and Fr. Joaquin G. Bernas, S.J.57,
the following is the procedure for the approval of bills:
Section 1, Article VI of the Constitution states:
A bill is introduced by any member of the House of Representatives or the
Section 1. The legislative power shall be vested in the Congress of the Senate except for some measures that must originate only in the former
Philippines which shall consist of a Senate and a House of chamber.
Representatives, except to the extent reserved to the people by the provision on
initiative and referendum. (emphasis supplied) The first reading involves only a reading of the number and title of the measure
and its referral by the Senate President or the Speaker to the proper committee
Legislative power (or the power to propose, enact, amend and repeal laws)53 is vested in for study.
Congress which consists of two chambers, the Senate and the House of
Representatives. A valid exercise of legislative power requires the act of both chambers. The bill may be "killed" in the committee or it may be recommended for approval,
Corrollarily, it can be exercised neither solely by one of the two chambers nor by a with or without amendments, sometimes after public hearings are first held
committee of either or both chambers. Thus, assuming the validity of a legislative veto, thereon. If there are other bills of the same nature or purpose, they may all be
both a single-chamber legislative veto and a congressional committee legislative veto are consolidated into one bill under common authorship or as a committee bill.
Once reported out, the bill shall be calendared for second reading. It is at this
Additionally, Section 27(1), Article VI of the Constitution provides: stage that the bill is read in its entirety, scrutinized, debated upon and amended
when desired. The second reading is the most important stage in the passage of
Section 27. (1) Every bill passed by the Congress shall, before it becomes a a bill.
law, be presented to the President. If he approves the same, he shall sign it,
otherwise, he shall veto it and return the same with his objections to the House The bill as approved on second reading is printed in its final form and copies
where it originated, which shall enter the objections at large in its Journal and thereof are distributed at least three days before the third reading. On the third
proceed to reconsider it. If, after such reconsideration, two-thirds of all the reading, the members merely register their votes and explain them if they are
Members of such House shall agree to pass the bill, it shall be sent, together with allowed by the rules. No further debate is allowed.
the objections, to the other House by which it shall likewise be reconsidered, and
if approved by two-thirds of all the Members of that House, it shall become a law. Once the bill passes third reading, it is sent to the other chamber, where it will
In all such cases, the votes of each House shall be determined by yeas or nays, also undergo the three readings. If there are differences between the versions
and the names of the members voting for or against shall be entered in its approved by the two chambers, a conference committee58 representing both
Journal. The President shall communicate his veto of any bill to the House where Houses will draft a compromise measure that if ratified by the Senate and the
it originated within thirty days after the date of receipt thereof; otherwise, it shall House of Representatives will then be submitted to the President for his
become a law as if he had signed it. (emphasis supplied) consideration.

Every bill passed by Congress must be presented to the President for approval or veto. The bill is enrolled when printed as finally approved by the Congress, thereafter
In the absence of presentment to the President, no bill passed by Congress can become authenticated with the signatures of the Senate President, the Speaker, and the
a law. In this sense, law-making under the Constitution is a joint act of the Legislature Secretaries of their respective chambers…59
and of the Executive. Assuming that legislative veto is a valid legislative act with the
force of law, it cannot take effect without such presentment even if approved by both The President’s role in law-making.
chambers of Congress.
The final step is submission to the President for approval. Once approved, it
takes effect as law after the required publication. 60
Where Congress delegates the formulation of rules to implement the law it has enacted statute creates the presumption that the legislature intended separability, rather
pursuant to sufficient standards established in the said law, the law must be complete in than complete nullity of the statute. To justify this result, the valid portion must be
all its essential terms and conditions when it leaves the hands of the legislature. And it so far independent of the invalid portion that it is fair to presume that the
may be deemed to have left the hands of the legislature when it becomes effective legislature would have enacted it by itself if it had supposed that it could not
because it is only upon effectivity of the statute that legal rights and obligations become constitutionally enact the other. Enough must remain to make a complete,
available to those entitled by the language of the statute. Subject to the indispensable intelligible and valid statute, which carries out the legislative intent. x x x
requisite of publication under the due process clause,61 the determination as to when a
law takes effect is wholly the prerogative of Congress. 62 As such, it is only upon its The exception to the general rule is that when the parts of a statute are so
effectivity that a law may be executed and the executive branch acquires the duties and mutually dependent and connected, as conditions, considerations, inducements,
powers to execute the said law. Before that point, the role of the executive branch, or compensations for each other, as to warrant a belief that the legislature
particularly of the President, is limited to approving or vetoing the law. 63 intended them as a whole, the nullity of one part will vitiate the rest. In making the
parts of the statute dependent, conditional, or connected with one another, the
From the moment the law becomes effective, any provision of law that empowers legislature intended the statute to be carried out as a whole and would not have
Congress or any of its members to play any role in the implementation or enforcement of enacted it if one part is void, in which case if some parts are unconstitutional, all
the law violates the principle of separation of powers and is thus unconstitutional. Under the other provisions thus dependent, conditional, or connected must fall with
this principle, a provision that requires Congress or its members to approve the them.
implementing rules of a law after it has already taken effect shall be unconstitutional, as
is a provision that allows Congress or its members to overturn any directive or ruling The separability clause of RA 9335 reveals the intention of the legislature to isolate and
made by the members of the executive branch charged with the implementation of the detach any invalid provision from the other provisions so that the latter may continue in
law. force and effect. The valid portions can stand independently of the invalid section.
Without Section 12, the remaining provisions still constitute a complete, intelligible and
Following this rationale, Section 12 of RA 9335 should be struck down as valid law which carries out the legislative intent to optimize the revenue-generation
unconstitutional. While there may be similar provisions of other laws that may be capability and collection of the BIR and the BOC by providing for a system of rewards
invalidated for failure to pass this standard, the Court refrains from invalidating them and sanctions through the Rewards and Incentives Fund and a Revenue Performance
wholesale but will do so at the proper time when an appropriate case assailing those Evaluation Board.
provisions is brought before us.64
To be effective, administrative rules and regulations must be published in full if their
The next question to be resolved is: what is the effect of the unconstitutionality of Section purpose is to enforce or implement existing law pursuant to a valid delegation. The IRR
12 of RA 9335 on the other provisions of the law? Will it render the entire law of RA 9335 were published on May 30, 2006 in two newspapers of general
unconstitutional? No. circulation66 and became effective 15 days thereafter. 67 Until and unless the contrary is
shown, the IRR are presumed valid and effective even without the approval of the Joint
Section 13 of RA 9335 provides: Congressional Oversight Committee.

SEC. 13. Separability Clause. – If any provision of this Act is declared invalid by WHEREFORE, the petition is hereby PARTIALLY GRANTED. Section 12 of RA 9335
a competent court, the remainder of this Act or any provision not affected by such creating a Joint Congressional Oversight Committee to approve the implementing rules
declaration of invalidity shall remain in force and effect. and regulations of the law is declared UNCONSTITUTIONAL and
therefore NULL and VOID. The constitutionality of the remaining provisions of RA 9335
In Tatad v. Secretary of the Department of Energy,65 the Court laid down the following is UPHELD. Pursuant to Section 13 of RA 9335, the rest of the provisions remain in force
rules: and effect.

The general rule is that where part of a statute is void as repugnant to the SO ORDERED.
Constitution, while another part is valid, the valid portion, if separable from the
invalid, may stand and be enforced. The presence of a separability clause in a
Puno, C.J., Quisumbing, Ynares-Santiago, Carpio, Austria-Martinez, Corona, Carpio- See La Bugal-B’Laan Tribal Association, Inc. v. Ramos, G.R. No. 127882, 01
Morales, Azcuna, Tinga, Chico-Nazario, Velasco, Jr., Nachura, Reyes, Leonardo-de- December 2004, 445 SCRA 1.
Castro, Brion, JJ., concur.
Tañada v. Angara, 338 Phil. 546 (1997).

Section 2, id.

Footnotes 16
Central Bank Employees Association, Inc. v. Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas, G.R.
No. 148208, 15 December 2004, 446 SCRA 299.
* Advocates and Adherents of Social Justice for School Teachers and Allied
Workers. 17
173 U.S. 381 (1899).
1 18
Under Rule 65 of the Rules of Court. 74 U.S. 166 (1868).
2 19
An Act to Improve Revenue Collection Performance of the Bureau of Internal Black’s Law Dictionary, Special De Luxe 5th Edition, West, p. 481.
Revenue (BIR) and the Bureau of Customs (BOC) Through the Creation of a
Rewards and Incentives Fund and of a Revenue Performance Evaluation Board 20
158 Phil. 60 (1974).
and for Other Purposes.
3 Id. Citations omitted.
Section 2, RA 9335.
4 Ambros v. Commission on Audit, G.R. No. 159700, 30 June 2005, 462 SCRA
Section 3, id. 572.
Section 4, id. 23
Section 2, RA 9335.
Section 6, id. 24
Section 18, Chapter 4, Title II, Book IV, Administrative Code of 1987.
Section 7, id. 25
Section 23, id.
Section 11, id. 26
Pelaez v. Auditor General, 122 Phil. 965 (1965).
Section 12, id. 27
Eastern Shipping Lines, Inc. v. POEA, G.R. No. L-76633, 18 October 1988,
166 SCRA 533.
Cruz, Isagani, Philippine Constitutional Law, 1995 edition, p. 23.
Cruz, Isagani, Philippine Political Law, 1991 edition, p. 97.
Bernas, Joaquin, The 1987 Constitution of the Republic of the Philippines: A
Commentary, 1996 edition, pp. 848-849. 29
Panama Refining Co. v. Ryan, 293 U.S. 388 (1935), (Cardozo, J., dissenting).
Cruz v. Secretary of Environment and Natural Resources, 400 Phil. 904 30
Section 5, Rule II, Implementing Rules and Regulations of RA 9335.
(2000). (Vitug, J., separate opinion)
De Guzman, Jr. v. Commission on Elections, 391 Phil. 70 (2000).
32 49
See Section 46(b)(8), Chapter 6, Title I, Subtitle A, Book V, Administrative Eslao v. Commission on Audit, G.R. No. 108310, 01 September 1994, 236
Code of 1987. SCRA 161; Sierra Madre Trust v. Secretary of Agriculture and Natural
Resources, 206 Phil. 310 (1983).
Equi-Asia Placement, Inc. v. Department of Foreign Affairs, G.R. No. 152214,
19 September 2006, 502 SCRA 295. People v. Maceren, 169 Phil. 437 (1977).

34 51
453 Phil. 586 (2003). Mr. Justice (now Chief Justice) Puno’s separate opinion See Eslao v. Commission on Audit, supra.
was adopted as part of the ponencia in this case insofar as it related to the
creation of and the powers given to the Joint Congressional Oversight 52
It is also for these reasons that the United States Supreme Court struck down
Committee. legislative vetoes as unconstitutional in Immigration and Naturalization Service v.
Chadha (462 U.S. 919 [1983]).
Id. (italics in the original)
Nachura, Antonio B., Outline Reviewer in Political Law, 2006 edition, p. 236.
Section 26, Article VI of the Constitution provides:
Metropolitan Washington Airports Authority v. Citizens for the Abatement of
Aircraft Noise, 501 U.S. 252 (1991). Section 26. (1) Every bill passed by the Congress shall embrace only one
subject which shall be expressed in the title thereof.
(2) No bill passed by either House shall become a law unless it has
Id. passed three readings on separate days, and printed copies thereof in its
final form have been distributed to its Members three days before its
See Mr. Justice (now Chief Justice) Puno’s separate opinion in Macalintal. passage, except when the President certifies to the necessity of its
immediate enactment to meet a public calamity or emergency. Upon the
E.g., by requiring the regular submission of reports. last reading of a bill, no amendment thereto shall be allowed, and the
vote thereon shall be taken immediately thereafter, and
42 the yeas and nays entered in the Journal.
See Mr. Justice (now Chief Justice) Puno’s separate opinion in Macalintal.
43 See Bernas, supra note 48, p. 762.
See Tribe, Lawrence, I American Constitutional Law 131 (2000).
44 Philippine Political Law, 2002 edition, Central Lawbook Publishing Co., Inc.,
pp. 152-153.
Id. at 141. 57
The Philippine Constitution for Ladies, Gentlemen And Others, 2007 edition,
46 Rex Bookstore, Inc., pp. 118-119.
Metropolitan Washington Airports Authority v. Citizens for the Abatement of
Airport Noise, supra. 58
The conference committee consists of members nominated by both Houses.
47 The task of the conference committee, however, is not strictly limited to
Edu v. Ericta, 146 Phil. 469 (1970). reconciling differences. Jurisprudence also allows the committee to insert new
provision[s] not found in either original provided these are germane to the subject
Bernas, Joaquin, The 1987 Constitution of the Republic of the Philippines: A of the bill. Next, the reconciled version must be presented to both Houses for
Commentary, 2003 edition, p. 664 citing Wayman v. Southward, 10 Wheat 1 ratification. (Id.)
(1852) and The Brig Aurora, 7 Cr. 382 (1813)).
Supra note 56. law-making body to the administrative body to adopt rules and
regulations intended to carry out the provisions of the law and implement
60 legislative policy." (Id., at 686, citing Cruz, Philippine Administrative Law, 2003
Supra note 57.
Edition, at 24.) Law book authors are likewise virtually unanimous that the power
See Section 1, Article III of the Constitution. In Tañada v. Tuvera (230 Phil. of the executive branch to promulgate implementing rules arises from legislative
528), the Court also cited Section 6, Article III which recognizes "the right of the delegation. Justice Nachura defines the nature of the rule-making power of
people to information on matters of public concern." administrative bodies in the executive branch as "the exercise of delegated
legislative power, involving no discretion as to what the law shall be, but merely
62 the authority to fix the details in the execution or enforcement of a policy set out
As much is recognized in Article 2 of the Civil Code which states that "Laws
in the law itself." (A.E. Nachura, Outline Reviewer in Political Law [2000 ed.], at
shall take effect after fifteen days following the completion of their publication
272.) He further explains that rules and regulations that "fix the details in the
either in the Official Gazette, or in a newspaper of general circulation in the
execution and enforcement of a policy set out in the law" are called
Philippines, unless it is otherwise provided." Tañada recognized that "unless it is
"supplementary or detailed legislation". (Id., at 273.) Other commentators such
otherwise provided" referred to the date of effectivity. Simply put, a law which is
as Fr. Bernas (Bernas, supra note 48, at 611), De Leon and De Leon (H. De
silent as to its effectivity date takes effect fifteen days following publication,
Leon & H. De Leon, Jr., Administrative Law: Text and Cases (1998 ed), at 79-80;
though there is no impediment for Congress to provide for a different effectivity
citing 1 Am. Jur. 2d 891) and Carlos Cruz (C. Cruz, Philippine Administrative Law
(1998 ed), at 19-20, 22, 23) have similar views.
It has been suggested by Mr. Justice Antonio T. Carpio that Section 12 of RA
The Congress may delegate the power to craft implementing rules to the
9335 is likewise unconstitutional because it violates the principle of separation of
President in his capacity as the head of the executive branch, which is tasked
powers, particularly with respect to the executive and the legislative branches.
under the Constitution to execute the law. In effecting this delegation, and as with
Implicit in this claim is the proposition that the ability of the President to
any other delegation of legislative powers, Congress may impose conditions or
promulgate implementing rules to legislation is inherent in the executive branch.
limitations which the executive branch is bound to observe. A usual example is
the designation by Congress of which particular members of the executive
There has long been a trend towards the delegation of powers, especially of branch should participate in the drafting of the implementing rules. This set-up
legislative powers, even if not expressly permitted by the Constitution. (I. Cortes, does not offend the separation of powers between the branches as it is
Administrative Law, at 12-13.) Delegation of legislative powers is permissible sanctioned by the delegation principle.
unless the delegation amounts to a surrender or abdication of powers. (Id.)
Recent instances of delegated legislative powers upheld by the Court include the
Apart from whatever rule-making power that Congress may delegate to the
power of the Departments of Justice and Health to promulgate rules and
President, the latter has inherent ordinance powers covering the executive
regulations on lethal injection (Echegaray v. Secretary of Justice, 358 Phil. 410
branch as part of the power of executive control ("The President shall have
[1998]); the power of the Secretary of Health to phase out blood banks (Beltran v.
control of all the executive departments, bureaus and offices…" Section 17,
Secretary of Health, G.R. No. 133640, 133661, & 139147, 25 November 2005,
Article VII, Constitution.). By its nature, this ordinance power does not require or
476 SCRA 168); and the power of the Departments of Finance and Labor to
entail delegation from Congress. Such faculty must be distinguished from the
promulgate Implementing Rules to the Migrant Workers and Overseas Filipinos
authority to issue implementing rules to legislation which does not inhere in the
Act. (Equi-Asia Placement v.DFA, G.R. No. 152214, 19 September 2006, 502
presidency but instead, as explained earlier, is delegated by Congress.
SCRA 295.)
The marked distinction between the President’s power to issue intrabranch
The delegation to the executive branch of the power to formulate and enact
orders and instructions or internal rules for the executive branch, on one hand,
implementing rules falls within the class of permissible delegation of legislative
and the President’s authority by virtue of legislative delegation to issue
powers. Most recently, in Executive Secretary v. Southwing Heavy
implementing rules to legislation, on the other, is embodied in the rules on
Industries (G.R. Nos. 164171, 164172 &168741, 20 February 2006, 482 SCRA
publication, as explained in Tañada v. Tuvera (G.R. No. L-63915, 29 December
673), we characterized such delegation as "confer[ring] upon the President
1986, 146 SCRA 446). The Court held therein that internal regulations applicable
quasi-legislative power which may be defined as the authority delegated by the
to members of the executive branch, "that is, regulating only the personnel of the
administrative agency and not the public, need not be published. Neither is powers". Executive orders are not the vehicles for rules of a general or
publication required of the so-called letters of instructions issued by permanent character in the implementation or execution of laws. They are the
administrative superiors concerning the rules or guidelines to be followed by their vehicle for rules of a general or permanent character in the implementation or
subordinates in the performance of their duties." (Id., at 454) The dispensation execution of the constitutional or statutory powers of the President himself.
with publication in such instances is rooted in the very nature of the Since by definition, the statutory powers of the President consist of a specific
issuances, i.e., they are not binding on the public. They neither create rights nor delegation by Congress, it necessarily follows that the faculty to issue executive
impose obligations which are enforceable in court. Since they are issued orders to implement such delegated authority emanates not from any inherent
pursuant to the power of executive control, and are directed only at members of executive power but from the authority delegated by Congress.
the executive branch, there is no constitutional need for their publication.
It is not correct, as Justice Carpio posits, that without implementing rules,
However, when the presidential issuance does create rights and obligations legislation cannot be faithfully executed by the executive branch. Many of our key
affecting the public at large, as implementing rules certainly do, then publication laws, including the Civil Code, the Revised Penal Code, the Corporation Code,
is mandatory. In explaining why this is so, the Court went as far as to note that the Land Registration Act and the Property Registration Decree, do not have
such rules and regulations are designed "to enforce or implement existing Implementing Rules. It has never been suggested that the enforcement of these
law pursuant to a valid delegation." (Id., at 254.) The Court would not have laws is unavailing, or that the absence of implementing rules to these laws
spoken of "valid delegation" if indeed the power to issue such rules was indicates insufficient statutory details that should preclude their enforcement.
inherent in the presidency. Moreover, the creation of legal rights and (See DBM v.Kolonwel Trading, G.R. Nos. 175608, 175616 & 175659, 8 June
obligations is legislative in character, and the President in whom legislative 2007, 524 SCRA 591, 603.)
power does not reside cannot confer legal rights or impose obligations on the
people absent the proper empowering statute. Thus, any presidential issuance In rejecting the theory that the power to craft implementing rules is executive in
which purports to bear such legal effect on the public, such as implementing character and reaffirming instead that such power arises from a legislative grant,
rules to legislation, can only emanate from a legislative delegation to the the Court asserts that Congress retains the power to impose statutory conditions
President. in the drafting of implementing rules, provided that such conditions do not take on
the character of a legislative veto. Congress can designate which officers or
The prevalent practice in the Office of the President is to issue orders or entities should participate in the drafting of implementing rules. It may impose
instructions to officials of the executive branch regarding the enforcement or statutory restraints on the participants in the drafting of implementing rules, and
carrying out of the law. This practice is valid conformably with the President’s the President is obliged to observe such restraints on the executive officials,
power of executive control. The faculty to issue such orders or instructions is even if he thinks they are unnecessary or foolhardy. The unconstitutional nature
distinct from the power to promulgate implementing rules to legislation. The latter of the legislative veto does not however bar Congress from imposing conditions
originates from a different legal foundation – the delegation of legislative power to which the President must comply with in the execution of the law. After all, the
the President. President has the constitutional duty to faithfully execute the laws.
Justice Carpio cites an unconventional interpretation of the ordinance power of This stance is called for by judicial restraint as well as the presumption of
the President, particularly the power to issue executive orders, as set forth in the constitutionality accorded to laws enacted by Congress, a co-equal branch. It is
Administrative Code of 1987. Yet, by practice, implementing rules are never also finds support in Pelaez v. Auditor General (122 Phil. 965 [1965]).
contained in executive orders. They are, instead, contained in a segregate
promulgation, usually entitled "Implementing Rules and Regulations," which 65
346 Phil. 321 (1997). Emphasis in the original.
derives not from the Administrative Code, but rather from the specific grants in
the legislation itself sought to be implemented. 66
In particular, the Philippine Star and the Manila Standard.

His position does not find textual support in the Administrative Code itself. 67
Section 36, IRR of RA 9335.
Section 2, Chapter 2, Title 1, Book III of the Code, which defines "Executive
orders" as "[a]cts of the President providing for rules of a general or permanent
character in the implementation or execution of constitutional or statutory
Republic of the Philippines towards trade liberalization and economic globalization. Liberalization, globalization,
SUPREME COURT deregulation and privatization, the third-millennium buzz words, are ushering in a new
Manila borderless world of business by sweeping away as mere historical relics the heretofore
traditional modes of promoting and protecting national economies like tariffs, export
EN BANC subsidies, import quotas, quantitative restrictions, tax exemptions and currency controls.
Finding market niches and becoming the best in specific industries in a market-driven
and export-oriented global scenario are replacing age-old "beggar-thy-neighbor" policies
that unilaterally protect weak and inefficient domestic producers of goods and services.
In the words of Peter Drucker, the well-known management guru, "Increased
G.R. No. 118295 May 2, 1997
participation in the world economy has become the key to domestic economic growth
and prosperity."
Philippine Senate and as taxpayers; GREGORIO ANDOLANA and JOKER ARROYO
Brief Historical Background
as members of the House of Representatives and as taxpayers; NICANOR P.
NATIONAL ECONOMIC PROTECTIONISM ASSOCIATION, CENTER FOR To hasten worldwide recovery from the devastation wrought by the Second World War,
ALTERNATIVE DEVELOPMENT INITIATIVES, LIKAS-KAYANG KAUNLARAN plans for the establishment of three multilateral institutions — inspired by that grand
FOUNDATION, INC., PHILIPPINE RURAL RECONSTRUCTION MOVEMENT, political body, the United Nations — were discussed at Dumbarton Oaks and Bretton
DEMOKRATIKONG KILUSAN NG MAGBUBUKID NG PILIPINAS, INC., and Woods. The first was the World Bank (WB) which was to address the rehabilitation and
PHILIPPINE PEASANT INSTITUTE, in representation of various taxpayers and as reconstruction of war-ravaged and later developing countries; the second, the
non-governmental organizations, petitioners, International Monetary Fund (IMF) which was to deal with currency problems; and
vs. the third, the International Trade Organization (ITO), which was to foster order and
EDGARDO ANGARA, ALBERTO ROMULO, LETICIA RAMOS-SHAHANI, predictability in world trade and to minimize unilateral protectionist policies that invite
HEHERSON ALVAREZ, AGAPITO AQUINO, RODOLFO BIAZON, NEPTALI challenge, even retaliation, from other states. However, for a variety of reasons, including
GONZALES, ERNESTO HERRERA, JOSE LINA, GLORIA. MACAPAGAL-ARROYO, its non-ratification by the United States, the ITO, unlike the IMF and WB, never took off.
ORLANDO MERCADO, BLAS OPLE, JOHN OSMEÑA, SANTANINA RASUL, RAMON What remained was only GATT — the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade. GATT
REVILLA, RAUL ROCO, FRANCISCO TATAD and FREDDIE WEBB, in their was a collection of treaties governing access to the economies of treaty adherents with
respective capacities as members of the Philippine Senate who concurred in the no institutionalized body administering the agreements or dependable system of dispute
ratification by the President of the Philippines of the Agreement Establishing the settlement.
World Trade Organization; SALVADOR ENRIQUEZ, in his capacity as Secretary of
Budget and Management; CARIDAD VALDEHUESA, in her capacity as National After half a century and several dizzying rounds of negotiations, principally the Kennedy
Treasurer; RIZALINO NAVARRO, in his capacity as Secretary of Trade and Round, the Tokyo Round and the Uruguay Round, the world finally gave birth to that
Industry; ROBERTO SEBASTIAN, in his capacity as Secretary of Agriculture; administering body — the World Trade Organization — with the signing of the "Final Act"
ROBERTO DE OCAMPO, in his capacity as Secretary of Finance; ROBERTO in Marrakesh, Morocco and the ratification of the WTO Agreement by its members.1
ROMULO, in his capacity as Secretary of Foreign Affairs; and TEOFISTO T.
GUINGONA, in his capacity as Executive Secretary, respondents. Like many other developing countries, the Philippines joined WTO as a founding member
with the goal, as articulated by President Fidel V. Ramos in two letters to the Senate
(infra), of improving "Philippine access to foreign markets, especially its major trading
partners, through the reduction of tariffs on its exports, particularly agricultural and
PANGANIBAN, J.: industrial products." The President also saw in the WTO the opening of "new
opportunities for the services sector . . . , (the reduction of) costs and uncertainty
associated with exporting . . . , and (the attraction of) more investments into the country."
The emergence on January 1, 1995 of the World Trade Organization, abetted by the
Although the Chief Executive did not expressly mention it in his letter, the Philippines —
membership thereto of the vast majority of countries has revolutionized international
and this is of special interest to the legal profession — will benefit from the WTO system
business and economic relations amongst states. It has irreversibly propelled the world
of dispute settlement by judicial adjudication through the independent WTO settlement
bodies called (1) Dispute Settlement Panels and (2) Appellate Tribunal. Heretofore, trade (b) to adopt the Ministerial Declarations and Decisions.
disputes were settled mainly through negotiations where solutions were arrived at
frequently on the basis of relative bargaining strengths, and where naturally, weak and On August 12, 1994, the members of the Philippine Senate received a letter dated
underdeveloped countries were at a disadvantage. August 11, 1994 from the President of the Philippines, 3 stating among others that "the
Uruguay Round Final Act is hereby submitted to the Senate for its concurrence pursuant
The Petition in Brief to Section 21, Article VII of the Constitution."

Arguing mainly (1) that the WTO requires the Philippines "to place nationals and On August 13, 1994, the members of the Philippine Senate received another letter from
products of member-countries on the same footing as Filipinos and local products" and the President of the Philippines4 likewise dated August 11, 1994, which stated among
(2) that the WTO "intrudes, limits and/or impairs" the constitutional powers of both others that "the Uruguay Round Final Act, the Agreement Establishing the World Trade
Congress and the Supreme Court, the instant petition before this Court assails the WTO Organization, the Ministerial Declarations and Decisions, and the Understanding on
Agreement for violating the mandate of the 1987 Constitution to "develop a self-reliant Commitments in Financial Services are hereby submitted to the Senate for its
and independent national economy effectively controlled by Filipinos . . . (to) give concurrence pursuant to Section 21, Article VII of the Constitution."
preference to qualified Filipinos (and to) promote the preferential use of Filipino labor,
domestic materials and locally produced goods." On December 9, 1994, the President of the Philippines certified the necessity of the
immediate adoption of P.S. 1083, a resolution entitled "Concurring in the Ratification of
Simply stated, does the Philippine Constitution prohibit Philippine participation in the Agreement Establishing the World Trade Organization." 5
worldwide trade liberalization and economic globalization? Does it proscribe Philippine
integration into a global economy that is liberalized, deregulated and privatized? These On December 14, 1994, the Philippine Senate adopted Resolution No. 97 which
are the main questions raised in this petition for certiorari, prohibition "Resolved, as it is hereby resolved, that the Senate concur, as it hereby concurs, in the
and mandamus under Rule 65 of the Rules of Court praying (1) for the nullification, on ratification by the President of the Philippines of the Agreement Establishing the World
constitutional grounds, of the concurrence of the Philippine Senate in the ratification by Trade Organization."6 The text of the WTO Agreement is written on pages 137 et seq. of
the President of the Philippines of the Agreement Establishing the World Trade Volume I of the 36-volume Uruguay Round of Multilateral Trade Negotiations and
Organization (WTO Agreement, for brevity) and (2) for the prohibition of its includes various agreements and associated legal instruments (identified in the said
implementation and enforcement through the release and utilization of public funds, the Agreement as Annexes 1, 2 and 3 thereto and collectively referred to as Multilateral
assignment of public officials and employees, as well as the use of government Trade Agreements, for brevity) as follows:
properties and resources by respondent-heads of various executive offices concerned
therewith. This concurrence is embodied in Senate Resolution No. 97, dated December ANNEX 1
14, 1994.
Annex 1A: Multilateral Agreement on Trade in Goods
The Facts General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade 1994
Agreement on Agriculture
On April 15, 1994, Respondent Rizalino Navarro, then Secretary of The Department of Agreement on the Application of Sanitary and
Trade and Industry (Secretary Navarro, for brevity), representing the Government of the Phytosanitary Measures
Republic of the Philippines, signed in Marrakesh, Morocco, the Final Act Embodying the Agreement on Textiles and Clothing
Results of the Uruguay Round of Multilateral Negotiations (Final Act, for brevity). Agreement on Technical Barriers to Trade
Agreement on Trade-Related Investment Measures
By signing the Final Act,2 Secretary Navarro on behalf of the Republic of the Philippines, Agreement on Implementation of Article VI of he
agreed: General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade
(a) to submit, as appropriate, the WTO Agreement for the consideration Agreement on Implementation of Article VII of the
of their respective competent authorities, with a view to seeking approval General on Tariffs and Trade 1994
of the Agreement in accordance with their procedures; and Agreement on Pre-Shipment Inspection
Agreement on Rules of Origin The Ministerial Decisions and Declarations are twenty-five declarations
Agreement on Imports Licensing Procedures and decisions on a wide range of matters, such as measures in favor of
Agreement on Subsidies and Coordinating least developed countries, notification procedures, relationship of WTO
Measures with the International Monetary Fund (IMF), and agreements on technical
Agreement on Safeguards barriers to trade and on dispute settlement.

Annex 1B: General Agreement on Trade in Services and Annexes The Understanding on Commitments in Financial Services dwell on,
among other things, standstill or limitations and qualifications of
Annex 1C: Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual commitments to existing non-conforming measures, market access,
Property Rights national treatment, and definitions of non-resident supplier of financial
services, commercial presence and new financial service.
On December 29, 1994, the present petition was filed. After careful deliberation on
Understanding on Rules and Procedures Governing respondents' comment and petitioners' reply thereto, the Court resolved on December
the Settlement of Disputes 12, 1995, to give due course to the petition, and the parties thereafter filed their
respective memoranda. The court also requested the Honorable Lilia R. Bautista, the
Philippine Ambassador to the United Nations stationed in Geneva, Switzerland, to submit
a paper, hereafter referred to as "Bautista Paper," 9 for brevity, (1) providing a historical
background of and (2) summarizing the said agreements.
Trade Policy Review Mechanism
During the Oral Argument held on August 27, 1996, the Court directed:
On December 16, 1994, the President of the Philippines signed7 the Instrument of
Ratification, declaring:
(a) the petitioners to submit the (1) Senate Committee Report on the
matter in controversy and (2) the transcript of proceedings/hearings in the
NOW THEREFORE, be it known that I, FIDEL V. RAMOS, President of Senate; and
the Republic of the Philippines, after having seen and considered the
aforementioned Agreement Establishing the World Trade Organization
(b) the Solicitor General, as counsel for respondents, to file (1) a list of
and the agreements and associated legal instruments included in
Philippine treaties signed prior to the Philippine adherence to the WTO
Annexes one (1), two (2) and three (3) of that Agreement which are
Agreement, which derogate from Philippine sovereignty and (2) copies of
integral parts thereof, signed at Marrakesh, Morocco on 15 April 1994, do
the multi-volume WTO Agreement and other documents mentioned in the
hereby ratify and confirm the same and every Article and Clause thereof.
Final Act, as soon as possible.
To emphasize, the WTO Agreement ratified by the President of the Philippines is
After receipt of the foregoing documents, the Court said it would consider the case
composed of the Agreement Proper and "the associated legal instruments included in
submitted for resolution. In a Compliance dated September 16, 1996, the Solicitor
Annexes one (1), two (2) and three (3) of that Agreement which are integral parts
General submitted a printed copy of the 36-volume Uruguay Round of Multilateral Trade
Negotiations, and in another Compliance dated October 24, 1996, he listed the various
"bilateral or multilateral treaties or international instruments involving derogation of
On the other hand, the Final Act signed by Secretary Navarro embodies not only the Philippine sovereignty." Petitioners, on the other hand, submitted their Compliance dated
WTO Agreement (and its integral annexes aforementioned) but also (1) the Ministerial January 28, 1997, on January 30, 1997.
Declarations and Decisions and (2) the Understanding on Commitments in Financial
Services. In his Memorandum dated May 13, 1996, 8 the Solicitor General describes
The Issues
these two latter documents as follows:
In their Memorandum dated March 11, 1996, petitioners summarized the issues as letter, spirit and intent of Section 19, Article II and Sections 10 and 12,
follows: Article XII of the 1987 Constitution.

A. Whether the petition presents a political question or is otherwise not 2. Whether or not certain provisions of the Agreement unduly limit, restrict
justiciable. or impair the exercise of legislative power by Congress.

B. Whether the petitioner members of the Senate who participated in the 3. Whether or not certain provisions of the Agreement impair the exercise
deliberations and voting leading to the concurrence are estopped from of judicial power by this Honorable Court in promulgating the rules of
impugning the validity of the Agreement Establishing the World Trade evidence.
Organization or of the validity of the concurrence.
4. Whether or not the concurrence of the Senate "in the ratification by the
C. Whether the provisions of the Agreement Establishing the World Trade President of the Philippines of the Agreement establishing the World
Organization contravene the provisions of Sec. 19, Article II, and Secs. Trade Organization" implied rejection of the treaty embodied in the Final
10 and 12, Article XII, all of the 1987 Philippine Constitution. Act.

D. Whether provisions of the Agreement Establishing the World Trade By raising and arguing only four issues against the seven presented by petitioners, the
Organization unduly limit, restrict and impair Philippine sovereignty Solicitor General has effectively ignored three, namely: (1) whether the petition presents
specifically the legislative power which, under Sec. 2, Article VI, 1987 a political question or is otherwise not justiciable; (2) whether petitioner-members of the
Philippine Constitution is "vested in the Congress of the Philippines"; Senate (Wigberto E. Tañada and Anna Dominique Coseteng) are estopped from joining
this suit; and (3) whether the respondent-members of the Senate acted in grave abuse of
E. Whether provisions of the Agreement Establishing the World Trade discretion when they voted for concurrence in the ratification of the WTO Agreement.
Organization interfere with the exercise of judicial power. The foregoing notwithstanding, this Court resolved to deal with these three issues thus:

F. Whether the respondent members of the Senate acted in grave abuse (1) The "political question" issue — being very fundamental and vital, and being a matter
of discretion amounting to lack or excess of jurisdiction when they voted that probes into the very jurisdiction of this Court to hear and decide this case — was
for concurrence in the ratification of the constitutionally-infirm Agreement deliberated upon by the Court and will thus be ruled upon as the first issue;
Establishing the World Trade Organization.
(2) The matter of estoppel will not be taken up because this defense is waivable and the
G. Whether the respondent members of the Senate acted in grave abuse respondents have effectively waived it by not pursuing it in any of their pleadings; in any
of discretion amounting to lack or excess of jurisdiction when they event, this issue, even if ruled in respondents' favor, will not cause the petition's
concurred only in the ratification of the Agreement Establishing the World dismissal as there are petitioners other than the two senators, who are not vulnerable to
Trade Organization, and not with the Presidential submission which the defense of estoppel; and
included the Final Act, Ministerial Declaration and Decisions, and the
Understanding on Commitments in Financial Services. (3) The issue of alleged grave abuse of discretion on the part of the respondent senators
will be taken up as an integral part of the disposition of the four issues raised by the
On the other hand, the Solicitor General as counsel for respondents "synthesized the Solicitor General.
several issues raised by petitioners into the following": 10
During its deliberations on the case, the Court noted that the respondents did not
1. Whether or not the provisions of the "Agreement Establishing the question the locus standi of petitioners. Hence, they are also deemed to have waived the
World Trade Organization and the Agreements and Associated Legal benefit of such issue. They probably realized that grave constitutional issues,
Instruments included in Annexes one (1), two (2) and three (3) of that expenditures of public funds and serious international commitments of the nation are
agreement" cited by petitioners directly contravene or undermine the involved here, and that transcendental public interest requires that the substantive issues
be met head on and decided on the merits, rather than skirted or deflected by procedural Judicial power includes the duty of the courts of justice to settle actual
matters. 11 controversies involving rights which are legally demandable and
enforceable, and to determine whether or not there has been a grave
To recapitulate, the issues that will be ruled upon shortly are: abuse of discretion amounting to lack or excess of jurisdiction on the part
of any branch or instrumentality of the government.
CONTROVERSY? OTHERWISE STATED, DOES THE PETITION The foregoing text emphasizes the judicial department's duty and power to strike down
INVOLVE A POLITICAL QUESTION OVER WHICH THIS COURT HAS grave abuse of discretion on the part of any branch or instrumentality of government
NO JURISDICTION? including Congress. It is an innovation in our political law. 16As explained by former Chief
Justice Roberto Concepcion, 17 "the judiciary is the final arbiter on the question of
(2) DO THE PROVISIONS OF THE WTO AGREEMENT AND ITS whether or not a branch of government or any of its officials has acted without jurisdiction
THREE ANNEXES CONTRAVENE SEC. 19, ARTICLE II, AND SECS. or in excess of jurisdiction or so capriciously as to constitute an abuse of discretion
10 AND 12, ARTICLE XII, OF THE PHILIPPINE CONSTITUTION? amounting to excess of jurisdiction. This is not only a judicial power but a duty to pass
judgment on matters of this nature."
LIMIT, RESTRICT, OR IMPAIR THE EXERCISE OF LEGISLATIVE As this Court has repeatedly and firmly emphasized in many cases, 18 it will not shirk,
POWER BY CONGRESS? digress from or abandon its sacred duty and authority to uphold the Constitution in
matters that involve grave abuse of discretion brought before it in appropriate cases,
committed by any officer, agency, instrumentality or department of the government.
PROMULGATING RULES ON EVIDENCE? As the petition alleges grave abuse of discretion and as there is no other plain, speedy or
adequate remedy in the ordinary course of law, we have no hesitation at all in holding
that this petition should be given due course and the vital questions raised therein ruled
upon under Rule 65 of the Rules of Court. Indeed, certiorari, prohibition
and mandamus are appropriate remedies to raise constitutional issues and to review
and/or prohibit/nullify, when proper, acts of legislative and executive officials. On this, we
have no equivocation.
We should stress that, in deciding to take jurisdiction over this petition, this Court will not
The First Issue: Does the Court
review the wisdom of the decision of the President and the Senate in enlisting the
Have Jurisdiction Over the Controversy?
country into the WTO, or pass upon the merits of trade liberalization as a policy
espoused by said international body. Neither will it rule on the propriety of the
In seeking to nullify an act of the Philippine Senate on the ground that it contravenes the government's economic policy of reducing/removing tariffs, taxes, subsidies, quantitative
Constitution, the petition no doubt raises a justiciable controversy. Where an action of the restrictions, and other import/trade barriers. Rather, it will only exercise its constitutional
legislative branch is seriously alleged to have infringed the Constitution, it becomes not duty "to determine whether or not there had been a grave abuse of discretion amounting
only the right but in fact the duty of the judiciary to settle the dispute. "The question thus to lack or excess of jurisdiction" on the part of the Senate in ratifying the WTO
posed is judicial rather than political. The duty (to adjudicate) remains to assure that the Agreement and its three annexes.
supremacy of the Constitution is upheld." 12 Once a "controversy as to the application or
interpretation of a constitutional provision is raised before this Court (as in the instant
Second Issue: The WTO Agreement
case), it becomes a legal issue which the Court is bound by constitutional mandate to
and Economic Nationalism
decide." 13
14 This is the lis mota, the main issue, raised by the petition.
The jurisdiction of this Court to adjudicate the matters raised in the petition is clearly
set out in the 1987 Constitution, 15 as follows:
Petitioners vigorously argue that the "letter, spirit and intent" of the Constitution Petitioners aver that these sacred constitutional principles are desecrated by the
mandating "economic nationalism" are violated by the so-called "parity provisions" and following WTO provisions quoted in their memorandum: 19
"national treatment" clauses scattered in various parts not only of the WTO Agreement
and its annexes but also in the Ministerial Decisions and Declarations and in the a) In the area of investment measures related to trade in goods (TRIMS,
Understanding on Commitments in Financial Services. for brevity):

Specifically, the "flagship" constitutional provisions referred to are Sec 19, Article II, and Article 2
Secs. 10 and 12, Article XII, of the Constitution, which are worded as follows:
National Treatment and Quantitative Restrictions.
Article II
1. Without prejudice to other rights and obligations under
DECLARATION OF PRINCIPLES GATT 1994, no Member shall apply any TRIM that is
AND STATE POLICIES inconsistent with the provisions of Article II or Article XI of
GATT 1994.
xxx xxx xxx
2. An illustrative list of TRIMS that are inconsistent with
Sec. 19. The State shall develop a self-reliant and independent national the obligations of general elimination of quantitative
economy effectively controlled by Filipinos. restrictions provided for in paragraph I of Article XI of
GATT 1994 is contained in the Annex to this Agreement."
xxx xxx xxx (Agreement on Trade-Related Investment Measures, Vol.
27, Uruguay Round, Legal Instruments, p. 22121,
Article XII emphasis supplied).

NATIONAL ECONOMY AND PATRIMONY The Annex referred to reads as follows:

xxx xxx xxx ANNEX

Sec. 10. . . . The Congress shall enact measures that will encourage the Illustrative List
formation and operation of enterprises whose capital is wholly owned by
Filipinos. 1. TRIMS that are inconsistent with the obligation of national treatment
provided for in paragraph 4 of Article III of GATT 1994 include those
In the grant of rights, privileges, and concessions covering the national which are mandatory or enforceable under domestic law or under
economy and patrimony, the State shall give preference to qualified administrative rulings, or compliance with which is necessary to obtain an
Filipinos. advantage, and which require:

xxx xxx xxx (a) the purchase or use by an enterprise of products of

domestic origin or from any domestic source, whether
specified in terms of particular products, in terms of
Sec. 12. The State shall promote the preferential use of Filipino labor,
volume or value of products, or in terms of proportion of
domestic materials and locally produced goods, and adopt measures that
volume or value of its local production; or
help make them competitive.
(b) that an enterprise's purchases or use of imported (b) In the area of trade related aspects of intellectual property rights
products be limited to an amount related to the volume or (TRIPS, for brevity):
value of local products that it exports.
Each Member shall accord to the nationals of other
2. TRIMS that are inconsistent with the obligations of general elimination Members treatment no less favourable than that it
of quantitative restrictions provided for in paragraph 1 of Article XI of accords to its own nationals with regard to the protection
GATT 1994 include those which are mandatory or enforceable under of intellectual property. . . (par. 1 Article 3, Agreement on
domestic laws or under administrative rulings, or compliance with which Trade-Related Aspect of Intellectual Property rights, Vol.
is necessary to obtain an advantage, and which restrict: 31, Uruguay Round, Legal Instruments, p. 25432
(emphasis supplied)
(a) the importation by an enterprise of products used in or
related to the local production that it exports; (c) In the area of the General Agreement on Trade in Services:

(b) the importation by an enterprise of products used in or National Treatment

related to its local production by restricting its access to
foreign exchange inflows attributable to the enterprise; or 1. In the sectors inscribed in its schedule, and subject to
any conditions and qualifications set out therein, each
(c) the exportation or sale for export specified in terms of Member shall accord to services and service suppliers of
particular products, in terms of volume or value of any other Member, in respect of all measures affecting
products, or in terms of a preparation of volume or value the supply of services, treatment no less favourable than
of its local production. (Annex to the Agreement on Trade- it accords to its own like services and service suppliers.
Related Investment Measures, Vol. 27, Uruguay Round
Legal Documents, p. 22125, emphasis supplied). 2. A Member may meet the requirement of paragraph I by
according to services and service suppliers of any other
The paragraph 4 of Article III of GATT 1994 referred to is quoted as Member, either formally suppliers of any other Member,
follows: either formally identical treatment or formally different
treatment to that it accords to its own like services and
The products of the territory of any contracting party service suppliers.
imported into the territory of any other contracting
party shall be accorded treatment no less favorable than 3. Formally identical or formally different treatment shall
that accorded to like products of national origin in respect be considered to be less favourable if it modifies the
of laws, regulations and requirements affecting their conditions of completion in favour of services or service
internal sale, offering for sale, purchase, transportation, suppliers of the Member compared to like services or
distribution or use, the provisions of this paragraph shall service suppliers of any other Member. (Article XVII,
not prevent the application of differential internal General Agreement on Trade in Services, Vol. 28,
transportation charges which are based exclusively on the Uruguay Round Legal Instruments, p. 22610 emphasis
economic operation of the means of transport and not on supplied).
the nationality of the product." (Article III, GATT 1947, as
amended by the Protocol Modifying Part II, and Article It is petitioners' position that the foregoing "national treatment" and "parity provisions" of
XXVI of GATT, 14 September 1948, 62 UMTS 82-84 in the WTO Agreement "place nationals and products of member countries on the same
relation to paragraph 1(a) of the General Agreement on footing as Filipinos and local products," in contravention of the "Filipino First" policy of the
Tariffs and Trade 1994, Vol. 1, Uruguay Round, Legal Constitution. They allegedly render meaningless the phrase "effectively controlled by
Instruments p. 177, emphasis supplied). Filipinos." The constitutional conflict becomes more manifest when viewed in the context
of the clear duty imposed on the Philippines as a WTO member to ensure the conformity In general, therefore, the 1935 provisions were not
of its laws, regulations and administrative procedures with its obligations as provided in intended to be self-executing principles ready for
the annexed agreements. 20 Petitioners further argue that these provisions contravene enforcement through the courts. They were rather
constitutional limitations on the role exports play in national development and negate the directives addressed to the executive and to the
preferential treatment accorded to Filipino labor, domestic materials and locally produced legislature. If the executive and the legislature failed to
goods. heed the directives of the article, the available remedy
was not judicial but political. The electorate could express
On the other hand, respondents through the Solicitor General counter (1) that such their displeasure with the failure of the executive and the
Charter provisions are not self-executing and merely set out general policies; (2) that legislature through the language of the ballot. (Bernas,
these nationalistic portions of the Constitution invoked by petitioners should not be read Vol. II, p. 2).
in isolation but should be related to other relevant provisions of Art. XII, particularly Secs.
1 and 13 thereof; (3) that read properly, the cited WTO clauses do not conflict with The reasons for denying a cause of action to an alleged infringement of board
Constitution; and (4) that the WTO Agreement contains sufficient provisions to protect constitutional principles are sourced from basic considerations of due process and the
developing countries like the Philippines from the harshness of sudden trade lack of judicial authority to wade "into the uncharted ocean of social and economic policy
liberalization. making." Mr. Justice Florentino P. Feliciano in his concurring opinion in Oposa
vs. Factoran, Jr., 26 explained these reasons as follows:
We shall now discuss and rule on these arguments.
My suggestion is simply that petitioners must, before the trial court, show
Declaration of Principles a more specific legal right — a right cast in language of a significantly
Not Self-Executing lower order of generality than Article II (15) of the Constitution — that is
or may be violated by the actions, or failures to act, imputed to the public
By its very title, Article II of the Constitution is a "declaration of principles and state respondent by petitioners so that the trial court can validly render
policies." The counterpart of this article in the 1935 Constitution 21 is called the "basic judgment grating all or part of the relief prayed for. To my mind, the court
political creed of the nation" by Dean Vicente Sinco. 22 These principles in Article II are should be understood as simply saying that such a more specific legal
not intended to be self-executing principles ready for enforcement through the right or rights may well exist in our corpus of law, considering the general
courts. 23They are used by the judiciary as aids or as guides in the exercise of its power policy principles found in the Constitution and the existence of the
of judicial review, and by the legislature in its enactment of laws. As held in the leading Philippine Environment Code, and that the trial court should have given
case of Kilosbayan, Incorporated vs. Morato, 24 the principles and state policies petitioners an effective opportunity so to demonstrate, instead of aborting
enumerated in Article II and some sections of Article XII are not "self-executing the proceedings on a motion to dismiss.
provisions, the disregard of which can give rise to a cause of action in the courts. They
do not embody judicially enforceable constitutional rights but guidelines for legislation." It seems to me important that the legal right which is an essential
component of a cause of action be a specific, operable legal right, rather
In the same light, we held in Basco vs. Pagcor 25 that broad constitutional principles need than a constitutional or statutory policy, for at least two (2) reasons. One
legislative enactments to implement the, thus: is that unless the legal right claimed to have been violated or disregarded
is given specification in operational terms, defendants may well be
unable to defend themselves intelligently and effectively; in other words,
On petitioners' allegation that P.D. 1869 violates Sections 11 (Personal
there are due process dimensions to this matter.
Dignity) 12 (Family) and 13 (Role of Youth) of Article II; Section 13
(Social Justice) of Article XIII and Section 2 (Educational Values) of
Article XIV of the 1987 Constitution, suffice it to state also that these are The second is a broader-gauge consideration — where a specific
merely statements of principles and policies. As such, they are basically violation of law or applicable regulation is not alleged or proved,
not self-executing, meaning a law should be passed by Congress to petitioners can be expected to fall back on the expanded conception of
clearly define and effectuate such principles. judicial power in the second paragraph of Section 1 of Article VIII of the
Constitution which reads:
Sec. 1. . . . the State shall protect Filipino enterprises against unfair foreign
competition and trade practices.
Judicial power includes the duty of the courts of justice to
settle actual controversies involving rights which are In the pursuit of these goals, all sectors of the economy and all regions of
legally demandable and enforceable, and to determine the country shall be given optimum opportunity to develop. . . .
whether or not there has been a grave abuse of discretion
amounting to lack or excess of jurisdiction on the part of xxx xxx xxx
any branch or instrumentality of the Government.
(Emphasis supplied) Sec. 13. The State shall pursue a trade policy that serves the general
welfare and utilizes all forms and arrangements of exchange on the basis
When substantive standards as general as "the right to a balanced and of equality and reciprocity.
healthy ecology" and "the right to health" are combined with remedial
standards as broad ranging as "a grave abuse of discretion amounting to As pointed out by the Solicitor General, Sec. 1 lays down the basic goals of national
lack or excess of jurisdiction," the result will be, it is respectfully economic development, as follows:
submitted, to propel courts into the uncharted ocean of social and
economic policy making. At least in respect of the vast area of
1. A more equitable distribution of opportunities, income and wealth;
environmental protection and management, our courts have no claim to
special technical competence and experience and professional
qualification. Where no specific, operable norms and standards are 2. A sustained increase in the amount of goods and services provided by the nation for
shown to exist, then the policy making departments — the legislative and the benefit of the people; and
executive departments — must be given a real and effective opportunity
to fashion and promulgate those norms and standards, and to implement 3. An expanding productivity as the key to raising the quality of life for all especially the
them before the courts should intervene. underprivileged.

Economic Nationalism Should Be Read with With these goals in context, the Constitution then ordains the ideals of economic
Other Constitutional Mandates to Attain nationalism (1) by expressing preference in favor of qualified Filipinos "in the grant of
Balanced Development of Economy rights, privileges and concessions covering the national economy and patrimony" 27 and
in the use of "Filipino labor, domestic materials and locally-produced goods"; (2) by
On the other hand, Secs. 10 and 12 of Article XII, apart from merely laying down general mandating the State to "adopt measures that help make them competitive; 28 and (3) by
principles relating to the national economy and patrimony, should be read and requiring the State to "develop a self-reliant and independent national economy
understood in relation to the other sections in said article, especially Secs. 1 and 13 effectively controlled by Filipinos." 29 In similar language, the Constitution takes into
thereof which read: account the realities of the outside world as it requires the pursuit of "a trade policy that
serves the general welfare and utilizes all forms and arrangements of exchange on the
basis of equality ad reciprocity"; 30 and speaks of industries "which are competitive in
Sec. 1. The goals of the national economy are a more equitable
both domestic and foreign markets" as well as of the protection of "Filipino enterprises
distribution of opportunities, income, and wealth; a sustained increase in
against unfair foreign competition and trade practices."
the amount of goods and services produced by the nation for the benefit
of the people; and an expanding productivity as the key to raising the
quality of life for all especially the underprivileged. It is true that in the recent case of Manila Prince Hotel vs. Government Service Insurance
System, et al., 31 this Court held that "Sec. 10, second par., Art. XII of the 1987
Constitution is a mandatory, positive command which is complete in itself and which
The State shall promote industrialization and full employment based on
needs no further guidelines or implementing laws or rule for its enforcement. From its
sound agricultural development and agrarian reform, through industries
very words the provision does not require any legislation to put it in operation. It is per
that make full and efficient use of human and natural resources, and
se judicially enforceable." However, as the constitutional provision itself states, it is
which are competitive in both domestic and foreign markets. However,
enforceable only in regard to "the grants of rights, privileges and concessions covering
national economy and patrimony" and not to every aspect of trade and commerce. It the growth in international trade commensurate with the needs of their economic
refers to exceptions rather than the rule. The issue here is not whether this paragraph of development." These basic principles are found in the preamble 34of the WTO
Sec. 10 of Art. XII is self-executing or not. Rather, the issue is whether, as a rule, there Agreement as follows:
are enough balancing provisions in the Constitution to allow the Senate to ratify the
Philippine concurrence in the WTO Agreement. And we hold that there are. The Parties to this Agreement,

All told, while the Constitution indeed mandates a bias in favor of Filipino goods, Recognizing that their relations in the field of trade and economic
services, labor and enterprises, at the same time, it recognizes the need for business endeavour should be conducted with a view to raising standards of living,
exchange with the rest of the world on the bases of equality and reciprocity and limits ensuring full employment and a large and steadily growing volume of real
protection of Filipino enterprises only against foreign competition and trade practices that income and effective demand, and expanding the production of and trade
are unfair. 32 In other words, the Constitution did not intend to pursue an isolationist in goods and services, while allowing for the optimal use of the world's
policy. It did not shut out foreign investments, goods and services in the development of resources in accordance with the objective of sustainable development,
the Philippine economy. While the Constitution does not encourage the unlimited entry of seeking both to protect and preserve the environment and to enhance the
foreign goods, services and investments into the country, it does not prohibit them either. means for doing so in a manner consistent with their respective needs
In fact, it allows an exchange on the basis of equality and reciprocity, frowning only on and concerns at different levels of economic development,
foreign competition that is unfair.
Recognizing further that there is need for positive efforts designed to
WTO Recognizes Need to ensure that developing countries, and especially the least developed
Protect Weak Economies among them, secure a share in the growth in international trade
commensurate with the needs of their economic development,
Upon the other hand, respondents maintain that the WTO itself has some built-in
advantages to protect weak and developing economies, which comprise the vast majority Being desirous of contributing to these objectives by entering into
of its members. Unlike in the UN where major states have permanent seats and veto reciprocal and mutually advantageous arrangements directed to the
powers in the Security Council, in the WTO, decisions are made on the basis of substantial reduction of tariffs and other barriers to trade and to
sovereign equality, with each member's vote equal in weight to that of any other. There is the elimination of discriminatory treatment in international trade relations,
no WTO equivalent of the UN Security Council.
Resolved, therefore, to develop an integrated, more viable and durable
WTO decides by consensus whenever possible, otherwise, decisions of multilateral trading system encompassing the General Agreement on
the Ministerial Conference and the General Council shall be taken by the Tariffs and Trade, the results of past trade liberalization efforts, and all of
majority of the votes cast, except in cases of interpretation of the the results of the Uruguay Round of Multilateral Trade Negotiations,
Agreement or waiver of the obligation of a member which would require
three fourths vote. Amendments would require two thirds vote in general. Determined to preserve the basic principles and to further the objectives
Amendments to MFN provisions and the Amendments provision will underlying this multilateral trading system, . . . (emphasis supplied.)
require assent of all members. Any member may withdraw from the
Agreement upon the expiration of six months from the date of notice of
Specific WTO Provisos
withdrawals. 33
Protect Developing Countries
Hence, poor countries can protect their common interests more effectively through the
So too, the Solicitor General points out that pursuant to and consistent with the foregoing
WTO than through one-on-one negotiations with developed countries. Within the WTO,
basic principles, the WTO Agreement grants developing countries a more lenient
developing countries can form powerful blocs to push their economic agenda more
treatment, giving their domestic industries some protection from the rush of foreign
decisively than outside the Organization. This is not merely a matter of practical alliances
competition. Thus, with respect to tariffs in general, preferential treatment is given to
but a negotiating strategy rooted in law. Thus, the basic principles underlying the WTO
developing countries in terms of the amount of tariff reduction and the period within
Agreement recognize the need of developing countries like the Philippines to "share in
which the reduction is to be spread out. Specifically, GATT requires an average
tariff reduction rate of 36% for developed countries to be effected within a period of six rather, it means avoiding mendicancy in the international community.
(6) years while developing countries — including the Philippines — are required to effect Independence refers to the freedom from undue foreign control of the
an average tariff reduction of only 24% within ten (10) years. national economy, especially in such strategic industries as in the
development of natural resources and public utilities. 36
In respect to domestic subsidy, GATT requires developed countries to reduce domestic
support to agricultural products by 20% over six (6) years, as compared to only 13% for The WTO reliance on "most favored nation," "national treatment," and "trade without
developing countries to be effected within ten (10) years. discrimination" cannot be struck down as unconstitutional as in fact they are rules of
equality and reciprocity that apply to all WTO members. Aside from envisioning a trade
In regard to export subsidy for agricultural products, GATT requires developed countries policy based on "equality and reciprocity," 37 the fundamental law encourages industries
to reduce their budgetary outlays for export subsidy by 36% and export volumes that are "competitive in both domestic and foreign markets," thereby demonstrating a
receiving export subsidy by 21% within a period of six (6) years. For developing clear policy against a sheltered domestic trade environment, but one in favor of the
countries, however, the reduction rate is only two-thirds of that prescribed for developed gradual development of robust industries that can compete with the best in the foreign
countries and a longer period of ten (10) years within which to effect such reduction. markets. Indeed, Filipino managers and Filipino enterprises have shown capability and
tenacity to compete internationally. And given a free trade environment, Filipino
Moreover, GATT itself has provided built-in protection from unfair foreign competition and entrepreneurs and managers in Hongkong have demonstrated the Filipino capacity to
trade practices including anti-dumping measures, countervailing measures and grow and to prosper against the best offered under a policy of laissez faire.
safeguards against import surges. Where local businesses are jeopardized by unfair
foreign competition, the Philippines can avail of these measures. There is hardly Constitution Favors Consumers,
therefore any basis for the statement that under the WTO, local industries and Not Industries or Enterprises
enterprises will all be wiped out and that Filipinos will be deprived of control of the
economy. Quite the contrary, the weaker situations of developing nations like the The Constitution has not really shown any unbalanced bias in favor of any business or
Philippines have been taken into account; thus, there would be no basis to say that in enterprise, nor does it contain any specific pronouncement that Filipino companies
joining the WTO, the respondents have gravely abused their discretion. True, they have should be pampered with a total proscription of foreign competition. On the other hand,
made a bold decision to steer the ship of state into the yet uncharted sea of economic respondents claim that WTO/GATT aims to make available to the Filipino consumer the
liberalization. But such decision cannot be set aside on the ground of grave abuse of best goods and services obtainable anywhere in the world at the most reasonable prices.
discretion, simply because we disagree with it or simply because we believe only in other Consequently, the question boils down to whether WTO/GATT will favor the general
economic policies. As earlier stated, the Court in taking jurisdiction of this case will not welfare of the public at large.
pass upon the advantages and disadvantages of trade liberalization as an economic
policy. It will only perform its constitutional duty of determining whether the Senate Will adherence to the WTO treaty bring this ideal (of favoring the general welfare) to
committed grave abuse of discretion. reality?

Constitution Does Not Will WTO/GATT succeed in promoting the Filipinos' general welfare because it will — as
Rule Out Foreign Competition promised by its promoters — expand the country's exports and generate more
Furthermore, the constitutional policy of a "self-reliant and independent national
economy" 35 does not necessarily rule out the entry of foreign investments, goods and Will it bring more prosperity, employment, purchasing power and quality products at the
services. It contemplates neither "economic seclusion" nor "mendicancy in the most reasonable rates to the Filipino public?
international community." As explained by Constitutional Commissioner Bernardo
Villegas, sponsor of this constitutional policy: The responses to these questions involve "judgment calls" by our policy makers, for
which they are answerable to our people during appropriate electoral exercises. Such
Economic self-reliance is a primary objective of a developing country that questions and the answers thereto are not subject to judicial pronouncements based on
is keenly aware of overdependence on external assistance for even its grave abuse of discretion.
most basic needs. It does not mean autarky or economic seclusion;
Constitution Designed to Meet not only relates to the trade in goods . . . but also to the flow of investments and money .
Future Events and Contingencies . . as well as to a whole slew of agreements on socio-cultural matters . . . 40

No doubt, the WTO Agreement was not yet in existence when the Constitution was More specifically, petitioners claim that said WTO proviso derogates from the power to
drafted and ratified in 1987. That does not mean however that the Charter is necessarily tax, which is lodged in the Congress. 41 And while the Constitution allows Congress to
flawed in the sense that its framers might not have anticipated the advent of a borderless authorize the President to fix tariff rates, import and export quotas, tonnage and
world of business. By the same token, the United Nations was not yet in existence when wharfage dues, and other duties or imposts, such authority is subject to "specified limits
the 1935 Constitution became effective. Did that necessarily mean that the then and . . . such limitations and restrictions" as Congress may provide, 42 as in fact it did
Constitution might not have contemplated a diminution of the absoluteness of under Sec. 401 of the Tariff and Customs Code.
sovereignty when the Philippines signed the UN Charter, thereby effectively surrendering
part of its control over its foreign relations to the decisions of various UN organs like the Sovereignty Limited by
Security Council? International Law and Treaties

It is not difficult to answer this question. Constitutions are designed to meet not only the This Court notes and appreciates the ferocity and passion by which petitioners stressed
vagaries of contemporary events. They should be interpreted to cover even future and their arguments on this issue. However, while sovereignty has traditionally been deemed
unknown circumstances. It is to the credit of its drafters that a Constitution can withstand absolute and all-encompassing on the domestic level, it is however subject to restrictions
the assaults of bigots and infidels but at the same time bend with the refreshing winds of and limitations voluntarily agreed to by the Philippines, expressly or impliedly, as a
change necessitated by unfolding events. As one eminent political law writer and member of the family of nations. Unquestionably, the Constitution did not envision a
respected jurist 38explains: hermit-type isolation of the country from the rest of the world. In its Declaration of
Principles and State Policies, the Constitution "adopts the generally accepted principles
The Constitution must be quintessential rather than superficial, the root of international law as part of the law of the land, and adheres to the policy of peace,
and not the blossom, the base and frame-work only of the edifice that is equality, justice, freedom, cooperation and amity, with all nations." 43 By the doctrine of
yet to rise. It is but the core of the dream that must take shape, not in a incorporation, the country is bound by generally accepted principles of international law,
twinkling by mandate of our delegates, but slowly "in the crucible of which are considered to be automatically part of our own laws. 44 One of the oldest and
Filipino minds and hearts," where it will in time develop its sinews and most fundamental rules in international law is pacta sunt servanda — international
gradually gather its strength and finally achieve its substance. In fine, the agreements must be performed in good faith. "A treaty engagement is not a mere moral
Constitution cannot, like the goddess Athena, rise full-grown from the obligation but creates a legally binding obligation on the parties . . . A state which has
brow of the Constitutional Convention, nor can it conjure by mere fiat an contracted valid international obligations is bound to make in its legislations such
instant Utopia. It must grow with the society it seeks to re-structure and modifications as may be necessary to ensure the fulfillment of the obligations
march apace with the progress of the race, drawing from the vicissitudes undertaken." 45
of history the dynamism and vitality that will keep it, far from becoming a
petrified rule, a pulsing, living law attuned to the heartbeat of the nation. By their inherent nature, treaties really limit or restrict the absoluteness of sovereignty.
By their voluntary act, nations may surrender some aspects of their state power in
Third Issue: The WTO Agreement and Legislative Power exchange for greater benefits granted by or derived from a convention or pact. After all,
states, like individuals, live with coequals, and in pursuit of mutually covenanted
The WTO Agreement provides that "(e)ach Member shall ensure the conformity of its objectives and benefits, they also commonly agree to limit the exercise of their otherwise
laws, regulations and administrative procedures with its obligations as provided in the absolute rights. Thus, treaties have been used to record agreements between States
annexed Agreements." 39 Petitioners maintain that this undertaking "unduly limits, concerning such widely diverse matters as, for example, the lease of naval bases, the
restricts and impairs Philippine sovereignty, specifically the legislative power which under sale or cession of territory, the termination of war, the regulation of conduct of hostilities,
Sec. 2, Article VI of the 1987 Philippine Constitution is vested in the Congress of the the formation of alliances, the regulation of commercial relations, the settling of claims,
Philippines. It is an assault on the sovereign powers of the Philippines because this the laying down of rules governing conduct in peace and the establishment of
means that Congress could not pass legislation that will be good for our national interest international organizations. 46 The sovereignty of a state therefore cannot in fact and in
and general welfare if such legislation will not conform with the WTO Agreement, which reality be considered absolute. Certain restrictions enter into the picture: (1) limitations
imposed by the very nature of membership in the family of nations and (2) limitations
imposed by treaty stipulations. As aptly put by John F. Kennedy, "Today, no nation can remunerations paid by the United States to its citizens for labor and
build its destiny alone. The age of self-sufficient nationalism is over. The age of personal services performed by them as employees or officials of the
interdependence is here." 47 United States are exempt from income tax by the Philippines.

UN Charter and Other Treaties (b) Bilateral agreement with Belgium, providing, among others, for the
Limit Sovereignty avoidance of double taxation with respect to taxes on income.

Thus, when the Philippines joined the United Nations as one of its 51 charter members, it (c) Bilateral convention with the Kingdom of Sweden for the avoidance of
consented to restrict its sovereign rights under the "concept of sovereignty as auto- double taxation.
limitation."47-A Under Article 2 of the UN Charter, "(a)ll members shall give the United
Nations every assistance in any action it takes in accordance with the present Charter, (d) Bilateral convention with the French Republic for the avoidance of
and shall refrain from giving assistance to any state against which the United Nations is double taxation.
taking preventive or enforcement action." Such assistance includes payment of its
corresponding share not merely in administrative expenses but also in expenditures for (e) Bilateral air transport agreement with Korea where the Philippines
the peace-keeping operations of the organization. In its advisory opinion of July 20, agreed to exempt from all customs duties, inspection fees and other
1961, the International Court of Justice held that money used by the United Nations duties or taxes aircrafts of South Korea and the regular equipment, spare
Emergency Force in the Middle East and in the Congo were "expenses of the United parts and supplies arriving with said aircrafts.
Nations" under Article 17, paragraph 2, of the UN Charter. Hence, all its members must
bear their corresponding share in such expenses. In this sense, the Philippine Congress
(f) Bilateral air service agreement with Japan, where the Philippines
is restricted in its power to appropriate. It is compelled to appropriate funds whether it
agreed to exempt from customs duties, excise taxes, inspection fees and
agrees with such peace-keeping expenses or not. So too, under Article 105 of the said
other similar duties, taxes or charges fuel, lubricating oils, spare parts,
Charter, the UN and its representatives enjoy diplomatic privileges and immunities,
regular equipment, stores on board Japanese aircrafts while on
thereby limiting again the exercise of sovereignty of members within their own territory.
Philippine soil.
Another example: although "sovereign equality" and "domestic jurisdiction" of all
members are set forth as underlying principles in the UN Charter, such provisos are
however subject to enforcement measures decided by the Security Council for the (g) Bilateral air service agreement with Belgium where the Philippines
maintenance of international peace and security under Chapter VII of the Charter. A final granted Belgian air carriers the same privileges as those granted to
example: under Article 103, "(i)n the event of a conflict between the obligations of the Japanese and Korean air carriers under separate air service agreements.
Members of the United Nations under the present Charter and their obligations under
any other international agreement, their obligation under the present charter shall (h) Bilateral notes with Israel for the abolition of transit and visitor visas
prevail," thus unquestionably denying the Philippines — as a member — the sovereign where the Philippines exempted Israeli nationals from the requirement of
power to make a choice as to which of conflicting obligations, if any, to honor. obtaining transit or visitor visas for a sojourn in the Philippines not
exceeding 59 days.
Apart from the UN Treaty, the Philippines has entered into many other international pacts
— both bilateral and multilateral — that involve limitations on Philippine sovereignty. (i) Bilateral agreement with France exempting French nationals from the
These are enumerated by the Solicitor General in his Compliance dated October 24, requirement of obtaining transit and visitor visa for a sojourn not
1996, as follows: exceeding 59 days.

(a) Bilateral convention with the United States regarding taxes on (j) Multilateral Convention on Special Missions, where the Philippines
income, where the Philippines agreed, among others, to exempt from tax, agreed that premises of Special Missions in the Philippines are inviolable
income received in the Philippines by, among others, the Federal and its agents can not enter said premises without consent of the Head
Reserve Bank of the United States, the Export/Import Bank of the United of Mission concerned. Special Missions are also exempted from customs
States, the Overseas Private Investment Corporation of the United duties, taxes and related charges.
States. Likewise, in said convention, wages, salaries and similar
(k) Multilateral convention on the Law of Treaties. In this convention, the (TRIPS) 49 intrudes on the power of the Supreme Court to promulgate rules concerning
Philippines agreed to be governed by the Vienna Convention on the Law pleading, practice and procedures. 50
of Treaties.
To understand the scope and meaning of Article 34, TRIPS, it will be fruitful to restate
(l) Declaration of the President of the Philippines accepting compulsory its full text as follows:
jurisdiction of the International Court of Justice. The International Court of
Justice has jurisdiction in all legal disputes concerning the interpretation Article 34
of a treaty, any question of international law, the existence of any fact
which, if established, would constitute a breach "of international Process Patents: Burden of Proof
1. For the purposes of civil proceedings in respect of the infringement of
In the foregoing treaties, the Philippines has effectively agreed to limit the exercise of its the rights of the owner referred to in paragraph 1 (b) of Article 28, if the
sovereign powers of taxation, eminent domain and police power. The underlying subject matter of a patent is a process for obtaining a product, the judicial
consideration in this partial surrender of sovereignty is the reciprocal commitment of the authorities shall have the authority to order the defendant to prove that
other contracting states in granting the same privilege and immunities to the Philippines, the process to obtain an identical product is different from the patented
its officials and its citizens. The same reciprocity characterizes the Philippine process. Therefore, Members shall provide, in at least one of the
commitments under WTO-GATT. following circumstances, that any identical product when produced
without the consent of the patent owner shall, in the absence of proof to
International treaties, whether relating to nuclear disarmament, human the contrary, be deemed to have been obtained by the patented process:
rights, the environment, the law of the sea, or trade, constrain domestic
political sovereignty through the assumption of external obligations. But (a) if the product obtained by the patented process is
unless anarchy in international relations is preferred as an alternative, in new;
most cases we accept that the benefits of the reciprocal obligations
involved outweigh the costs associated with any loss of political
(b) if there is a substantial likelihood that the identical
sovereignty. (T)rade treaties that structure relations by reference to
product was made by the process and the owner of the
durable, well-defined substantive norms and objective dispute resolution
patent has been unable through reasonable efforts to
procedures reduce the risks of larger countries exploiting raw economic
determine the process actually used.
power to bully smaller countries, by subjecting power relations to some
form of legal ordering. In addition, smaller countries typically stand to
gain disproportionately from trade liberalization. This is due to the simple 2. Any Member shall be free to provide that the burden of proof indicated
fact that liberalization will provide access to a larger set of potential new in paragraph 1 shall be on the alleged infringer only if the condition
trading relationship than in case of the larger country gaining enhanced referred to in subparagraph (a) is fulfilled or only if the condition referred
success to the smaller country's market. 48 to in subparagraph (b) is fulfilled.

The point is that, as shown by the foregoing treaties, a portion of sovereignty may be 3. In the adduction of proof to the contrary, the legitimate interests of
waived without violating the Constitution, based on the rationale that the Philippines defendants in protecting their manufacturing and business secrets shall
"adopts the generally accepted principles of international law as part of the law of the be taken into account.
land and adheres to the policy of . . . cooperation and amity with all nations."
From the above, a WTO Member is required to provide a rule of disputable (not the
Fourth Issue: The WTO Agreement and Judicial Power words "in the absence of proof to the contrary") presumption that a product shown to be
identical to one produced with the use of a patented process shall be deemed to have
been obtained by the (illegal) use of the said patented process, (1) where such product
Petitioners aver that paragraph 1, Article 34 of the General Provisions and Basic
obtained by the patented product is new, or (2) where there is "substantial likelihood" that
Principles of the Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights
the identical product was made with the use of the said patented process but the owner
of the patent could not determine the exact process used in obtaining such identical So too, since the Philippine is a signatory to most international conventions on patents,
product. Hence, the "burden of proof" contemplated by Article 34 should actually be trademarks and copyrights, the adjustment in legislation and rules of procedure will not
understood as the duty of the alleged patent infringer to overthrow such presumption. be substantial. 52
Such burden, properly understood, actually refers to the "burden of evidence" (burden of
going forward) placed on the producer of the identical (or fake) product to show that his Fifth Issue: Concurrence Only in the WTO Agreement and
product was produced without the use of the patented process. Not in Other Documents Contained in the Final Act

The foregoing notwithstanding, the patent owner still has the "burden of proof" since, Petitioners allege that the Senate concurrence in the WTO Agreement and its annexes
regardless of the presumption provided under paragraph 1 of Article 34, such owner still — but not in the other documents referred to in the Final Act, namely the Ministerial
has to introduce evidence of the existence of the alleged identical product, the fact that it Declaration and Decisions and the Understanding on Commitments in Financial Services
is "identical" to the genuine one produced by the patented process and the fact of — is defective and insufficient and thus constitutes abuse of discretion. They submit that
"newness" of the genuine product or the fact of "substantial likelihood" that the identical such concurrence in the WTO Agreement alone is flawed because it is in effect a
product was made by the patented process. rejection of the Final Act, which in turn was the document signed by Secretary Navarro,
in representation of the Republic upon authority of the President. They contend that the
The foregoing should really present no problem in changing the rules of evidence as the second letter of the President to the Senate 53 which enumerated what constitutes the
present law on the subject, Republic Act No. 165, as amended, otherwise known as the Final Act should have been the subject of concurrence of the Senate.
Patent Law, provides a similar presumption in cases of infringement of patented design
or utility model, thus: "A final act, sometimes called protocol de cloture, is an instrument which records the
winding up of the proceedings of a diplomatic conference and usually includes a
Sec. 60. Infringement. — Infringement of a design patent or of a patent reproduction of the texts of treaties, conventions, recommendations and other acts
for utility model shall consist in unauthorized copying of the patented agreed upon and signed by the plenipotentiaries attending the conference." 54 It is not
design or utility model for the purpose of trade or industry in the article or the treaty itself. It is rather a summary of the proceedings of a protracted conference
product and in the making, using or selling of the article or product which may have taken place over several years. The text of the "Final Act Embodying
copying the patented design or utility model. Identity or substantial the Results of the Uruguay Round of Multilateral Trade Negotiations" is contained in just
identity with the patented design or utility model shall constitute evidence one page 55 in Vol. I of the 36-volume Uruguay Round of Multilateral Trade Negotiations.
of copying. (emphasis supplied) By signing said Final Act, Secretary Navarro as representative of the Republic of the
Philippines undertook:
Moreover, it should be noted that the requirement of Article 34 to provide a disputable
presumption applies only if (1) the product obtained by the patented process in NEW or (a) to submit, as appropriate, the WTO Agreement for the consideration
(2) there is a substantial likelihood that the identical product was made by the process of their respective competent authorities with a view to seeking approval
and the process owner has not been able through reasonable effort to determine the of the Agreement in accordance with their procedures; and
process used. Where either of these two provisos does not obtain, members shall be
free to determine the appropriate method of implementing the provisions of TRIPS within (b) to adopt the Ministerial Declarations and Decisions.
their own internal systems and processes.
The assailed Senate Resolution No. 97 expressed concurrence in exactly what the Final
By and large, the arguments adduced in connection with our disposition of the third issue Act required from its signatories, namely, concurrence of the Senate in the WTO
— derogation of legislative power — will apply to this fourth issue also. Suffice it to say Agreement.
that the reciprocity clause more than justifies such intrusion, if any actually exists.
Besides, Article 34 does not contain an unreasonable burden, consistent as it is with due The Ministerial Declarations and Decisions were deemed adopted without need for
process and the concept of adversarial dispute settlement inherent in our judicial system. ratification. They were approved by the ministers by virtue of Article XXV: 1 of GATT
which provides that representatives of the members can meet "to give effect to those
provisions of this Agreement which invoke joint action, and generally with a view to
facilitating the operation and furthering the objectives of this Agreement." 56
The Understanding on Commitments in Financial Services also approved in Marrakesh Ramos dated August 11, 1994, 59 the senators
does not apply to the Philippines. It applies only to those 27 Members which "have of the Republic minutely dissected what the Senate was concurring in, as follows:
indicated in their respective schedules of commitments on standstill, elimination of
monopoly, expansion of operation of existing financial service suppliers, temporary entry THE CHAIRMAN: Yes. Now, the question of the validity of the
of personnel, free transfer and processing of information, and national treatment with submission came up in the first day hearing of this Committee yesterday.
respect to access to payment, clearing systems and refinancing available in the normal Was the observation made by Senator Tañada that what was submitted
course of business."57 to the Senate was not the agreement on establishing the World Trade
Organization by the final act of the Uruguay Round which is not the same
On the other hand, the WTO Agreement itself expresses what multilateral agreements as the agreement establishing the World Trade Organization? And on
are deemed included as its integral parts, 58 as follows: that basis, Senator Tolentino raised a point of order which, however, he
agreed to withdraw upon understanding that his suggestion for an
Article II alternative solution at that time was acceptable. That suggestion was to
treat the proceedings of the Committee as being in the nature of briefings
Scope of the WTO for Senators until the question of the submission could be clarified.

1. The WTO shall provide the common institutional frame-work for the And so, Secretary Romulo, in effect, is the President submitting a new . .
conduct of trade relations among its Members in matters to the . is he making a new submission which improves on the clarity of the first
agreements and associated legal instruments included in the Annexes to submission?
this Agreement.
MR. ROMULO: Mr. Chairman, to make sure that it is clear cut and there
2. The Agreements and associated legal instruments included in should be no misunderstanding, it was his intention to clarify all matters
Annexes 1, 2, and 3, (hereinafter referred to as "Multilateral by giving this letter.
Agreements") are integral parts of this Agreement, binding on all
Members. THE CHAIRMAN: Thank you.

3. The Agreements and associated legal instruments included in Annex 4 Can this Committee hear from Senator Tañada and later on Senator
(hereinafter referred to as "Plurilateral Trade Agreements") are also part Tolentino since they were the ones that raised this question yesterday?
of this Agreement for those Members that have accepted them, and are
binding on those Members. The Plurilateral Trade Agreements do not Senator Tañada, please.
create either obligation or rights for Members that have not accepted
them. SEN. TAÑADA: Thank you, Mr. Chairman.

4. The General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade 1994 as specified in Based on what Secretary Romulo has read, it would now clearly appear
annex 1A (hereinafter referred to as "GATT 1994") is legally distinct from that what is being submitted to the Senate for ratification is not the Final
the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade, dated 30 October 1947, Act of the Uruguay Round, but rather the Agreement on the World Trade
annexed to the Final Act adopted at the conclusion of the Second Organization as well as the Ministerial Declarations and Decisions, and
Session of the Preparatory Committee of the United Nations Conference the Understanding and Commitments in Financial Services.
on Trade and Employment, as subsequently rectified, amended or
modified (hereinafter referred to as "GATT 1947"). I am now satisfied with the wording of the new submission of President
It should be added that the Senate was well-aware of what it was concurring in as shown
by the members' deliberation on August 25, 1994. After reading the letter of President SEN. TAÑADA. . . . of President Ramos, Mr. Chairman.
THE CHAIRMAN. Thank you, Senator Tañada. Can we hear from submission is, I believe, stating the obvious and therefore I have no
Senator Tolentino? And after him Senator Neptali Gonzales and Senator further comment to make.
SEN. TOLENTINO, Mr. Chairman, I have not seen the new submission
actually transmitted to us but I saw the draft of his earlier, and I think it In praying for the nullification of the Philippine ratification of the WTO Agreement,
now complies with the provisions of the Constitution, and with the Final petitioners are invoking this Court's constitutionally imposed duty "to determine whether
Act itself . The Constitution does not require us to ratify the Final Act. It or not there has been grave abuse of discretion amounting to lack or excess of
requires us to ratify the Agreement which is now being submitted. The jurisdiction" on the part of the Senate in giving its concurrence therein via Senate
Final Act itself specifies what is going to be submitted to with the Resolution No. 97. Procedurally, a writ of certiorari grounded on grave abuse of
governments of the participants. discretion may be issued by the Court under Rule 65 of the Rules of Court when it is
amply shown that petitioners have no other plain, speedy and adequate remedy in the
In paragraph 2 of the Final Act, we read and I quote: ordinary course of law.

By signing the present Final Act, the representatives agree: (a) to submit By grave abuse of discretion is meant such capricious and whimsical exercise of
as appropriate the WTO Agreement for the consideration of the judgment as is equivalent to lack of jurisdiction. 61 Mere abuse of discretion is not
respective competent authorities with a view to seeking approval of the enough. It must be grave abuse of discretion as when the power is exercised in an
Agreement in accordance with their procedures. arbitrary or despotic manner by reason of passion or personal hostility, and must be so
patent and so gross as to amount to an evasion of a positive duty or to a virtual refusal to
In other words, it is not the Final Act that was agreed to be submitted to perform the duty enjoined or to act at all in contemplation of law. 62 Failure on the part of
the governments for ratification or acceptance as whatever their the petitioner to show grave abuse of discretion will result in the dismissal of the
constitutional procedures may provide but it is the World Trade petition. 63
Organization Agreement. And if that is the one that is being submitted
now, I think it satisfies both the Constitution and the Final Act itself . In rendering this Decision, this Court never forgets that the Senate, whose act is under
review, is one of two sovereign houses of Congress and is thus entitled to great respect
Thank you, Mr. Chairman. in its actions. It is itself a constitutional body independent and coordinate, and thus its
actions are presumed regular and done in good faith. Unless convincing proof and
THE CHAIRMAN. Thank you, Senator Tolentino, May I call on Senator persuasive arguments are presented to overthrow such presumptions, this Court will
Gonzales. resolve every doubt in its favor. Using the foregoing well-accepted definition of grave
abuse of discretion and the presumption of regularity in the Senate's processes, this
Court cannot find any cogent reason to impute grave abuse of discretion to the Senate's
SEN. GONZALES. Mr. Chairman, my views on this matter are already a
exercise of its power of concurrence in the WTO Agreement granted it by Sec. 21 of
matter of record. And they had been adequately reflected in the journal of
Article VII of the Constitution. 64
yesterday's session and I don't see any need for repeating the same.
It is true, as alleged by petitioners, that broad constitutional principles require the State to
Now, I would consider the new submission as an act ex abudante
develop an independent national economy effectively controlled by Filipinos; and to
protect and/or prefer Filipino labor, products, domestic materials and locally produced
goods. But it is equally true that such principles — while serving as judicial and
THE CHAIRMAN. Thank you, Senator Gonzales. Senator Lina, do you legislative guides — are not in themselves sources of causes of action. Moreover, there
want to make any comment on this? are other equally fundamental constitutional principles relied upon by the Senate which
mandate the pursuit of a "trade policy that serves the general welfare and utilizes all
SEN. LINA. Mr. President, I agree with the observation just made by forms and arrangements of exchange on the basis of equality and reciprocity" and the
Senator Gonzales out of the abundance of question. Then the new promotion of industries "which are competitive in both domestic and foreign markets,"
thereby justifying its acceptance of said treaty. So too, the alleged impairment of Padilla and Vitug, JJ., concur in the result.
sovereignty in the exercise of legislative and judicial powers is balanced by the adoption
of the generally accepted principles of international law as part of the law of the land and Footnotes
the adherence of the Constitution to the policy of cooperation and amity with all nations.
1 In Annex "A" of her Memorandum, dated August 8, 1996, received by
That the Senate, after deliberation and voting, voluntarily and overwhelmingly gave its this Court on August 12, 1996, Philippine Ambassador to the United
consent to the WTO Agreement thereby making it "a part of the law of the land" is a Nations, World Trade Organization and other international organizations
legitimate exercise of its sovereign duty and power. We find no "patent and gross" Lilia R. Bautista (hereafter referred to as "Bautista Paper") submitted a
arbitrariness or despotism "by reason of passion or personal hostility" in such exercise. It "46-year Chronology" of GATT as follows:
is not impossible to surmise that this Court, or at least some of its members, may even
agree with petitioners that it is more advantageous to the national interest to strike down 1947 The birth of GATT. On 30 October 1947, the
Senate Resolution No. 97. But that is not a legal reason to attribute grave abuse of General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) was
discretion to the Senate and to nullify its decision. To do so would constitute grave abuse signed by 23 nations at the Palais des Nations in Geneva.
in the exercise of our own judicial power and duty. Ineludably, what the Senate did was a The Agreement contained tariff concessions agreed to in
valid exercise of its authority. As to whether such exercise was wise, beneficial or viable the first multilateral trade negotiations and a set of rules
is outside the realm of judicial inquiry and review. That is a matter between the elected designed to prevent these concessions from being
policy makers and the people. As to whether the nation should join the worldwide march frustrated by restrictive trade measures.
toward trade liberalization and economic globalization is a matter that our people should
determine in electing their policy makers. After all, the WTO Agreement allows
The 23 founding contracting parties were members of the
withdrawal of membership, should this be the political desire of a member.
Preparatory Committee established by the United Nations
Economic and Social Council in 1946 to draft the charter
The eminent futurist John Naisbitt, author of the best seller Megatrends, predicts an of the International Trade Organization (ITO). The ITO
Asian Renaissance 65 where "the East will become the dominant region of the world was envisaged as the final leg of a triad of post-War
economically, politically and culturally in the next century." He refers to the "free market" economic agencies (the other two were the International
espoused by WTO as the "catalyst" in this coming Asian ascendancy. There are at Monetary Fund and the International Bank for
present about 31 countries including China, Russia and Saudi Arabia negotiating for Reconstruction — later the World Bank).
membership in the WTO. Notwithstanding objections against possible limitations on
national sovereignty, the WTO remains as the only viable structure for multilateral trading
In parallel with this task, the Committee members decided
and the veritable forum for the development of international trade law. The alternative to
to negotiate tariff concessions among themselves. From
WTO is isolation, stagnation, if not economic self-destruction. Duly enriched with original
April to October 1947, the participants completed some
membership, keenly aware of the advantages and disadvantages of globalization with its
123 negotiations and established 20 schedules containing
on-line experience, and endowed with a vision of the future, the Philippines now
the tariff reductions and bindings which became an
straddles the crossroads of an international strategy for economic prosperity and stability
integral part of GATT. These schedules resulting from the
in the new millennium. Let the people, through their duly authorized elected officers,
first Round covered some 45,000 tariff concessions and
make their free choice.
about $10 billion in trade.
WHEREFORE, the petition is DISMISSED for lack of merit.
GATT was conceived as an interim measure that put into
effect the commercial-policy provisions of the ITO. In
SO ORDERED. November, delegations from 56 countries met in Havana,
Cuba, to consider the to ITO draft as a whole. After long
Narvasa, C.J., Regalado, Davide, Jr., Romero, Bellosillo, Melo, Puno, Kapunan, and difficult negotiations, some 53 countries signed the
Mendoza, Francisco, Hermosisima, Jr. and Torres, Jr., JJ., concur. Final Act authenticating the text of the Havana Charter in
March 1948. There was no commitment, however, from
governments to ratification and, in the end, the ITO was chairman of the panel of eminent economists, it provided
stillborn, leaving GATT as the only international initial guidelines for the work of GATT. The Contracting
instrument governing the conduct of world trade. Parties at their 13th Sessions, attended by Ministers,
subsequently established three committees in GATT:
1948 Entry into force. On 1 January 1948, GATT entered Committee I to convene a further tariff negotiating
into force. The 23 founding members were: Australia, conference; Committee II to review the agricultural
Belgium, Brazil, Burma, Canada, Ceylon, Chile, China, policies of member governments and Committee III to
Cuba, Czechoslovakia, France, India, Lebanon, tackle the problem facing developing countries in their
Luxembourg, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, trade. The establishment of the European Economic
Pakistan, Southern Rhodesia, Syria, South Africa, United Community during the previous year also demanded
Kingdom and the United States. The first Session of the large-scale tariff negotiations under Article XXIV: 6 of the
Contracting Parties was held from February to March in General Agreement.
Havana, Cuba. The secretariat of the Interim Commission
for the ITO, which served as the ad hoc secretariat of 1960 The Dillon Round. The fifth Round opened in
GATT, moved from Lake Placid, New York, to Geneva. September and was divided into two phases: the first was
The Contracting Parties held their second session in concerned with negotiations with EEC member states for
Geneva from August to September. the creation of a single schedule of concessions for the
Community based on its Common External Tariff; and the
1949 Second Round at Annecy. During the second second was a further general round of tariff negotiations.
Round of trade negotiations, held from April to August at Named in honour of US Under-Secretary of State
Annecy, France, the contracting parties exchanged some Douglas Dillon who proposed the negotiations, the Round
5,000 tariff concessions. At their third Session, they also was concluded in July 1962 and resulted in about 4,400
dealt with the accession of ten more countries. tariff concessions covering $4.9 billion of trade.

1950 Third Round at Torquay. From September 1950 to 1961 The Short-Term Arrangement covering cotton
April 1951, the contracting parties exchanged some 8,700 textiles was agreed as an exception to the GATT rules.
tariff concessions in the English town, yielding tariff The arrangement permitted the negotiation of quota
reduction of about 25 per cent in relation to the 1948 restrictions affecting the exports of cotton-producing
level. Four more countries acceded to GATT. During the countries. In 1962 the "Short Term" Arrangement became
fifth Session of the Contracting Parties, the United States the "Long term" Arrangement, lasting until 1974 when the
indicated that the ITO Charter would not be re-submitted Multifibre Arrangement entered into force.
to the US Congress; this, in effect, meant that ITO would
not come into operation. 1964 The Kennedy Round. Meeting at Ministerial level, a
Trade Negotiations Committee formally opened the
1956 Fourth Round at Geneva. The fourth Round was Kennedy Round in May. In June 1967, the Round's Final
completed in May and produced some $2.5 billion worth Act was signed by some 50 participating countries which
of tariff reductions. At the beginning of the year, the GATT together accounted for 75 per cent of world trade. For the
commercial policy course for officials of developing first time, negotiations departed from the product-by-
countries was inaugurated. product approach used in the previous Rounds to an
across-the-board or linear method of cutting tariffs for
1958 The Haberler Report. GATT published Trends in industrial goods. The working hypothesis of a 50 per cent
International Trade in October. Known as the "Haberler target cut in tariff levels was achieved in many areas.
Report" in honour of Professor Gottfried Haberler, the Concessions covered an estimated total value of trade of
about $410 billion. Separate agreements were reached
on grains, chemical products and a Code on Anti- promote the expansion and progressive liberalization of
Dumping. trade in textile products while at the same time avoiding
disruptive effects in individual markets and lines of
1965 A New Chapter. The early 1960s marked the production. The MFA was extended in 1978, 1982, 1986,
accession to the general Agreement of many newly- 1991 and 1992. MFA members account for most of the
independent developing countries. In February, the world exports of textiles and clothing which in 1986
Contracting Parties, meeting in a special session, amounted to US$128 billion.
adopted the text of Part IV on Trade and Development.
The additional chapter to the GATT required developed 1982 Ministerial Meeting. Meeting for the first time in
countries to accord high priority to the reduction of trade nearly ten years, the GATT Ministers in November at
barriers to products of developing countries. A Committee Geneva reaffirmed the validity of GATT rules for the
on Trade and Development was established to oversee conduct of international trade and committed themselves
the functioning of the new GATT provisions. In the to combating protectionist pressures. They also
preceding year, GATT had established the International established a wide-ranging work programme for the
Trade Centre (ITC) to help developing countries in trade GATT which was to lay down the groundwork for a new
promotion and identification of potential markets. Since Round 1986. The Uruguay Round. The GATT Trade
1968, the ITC had been jointly operated by GATT and the Ministers meeting at Punta del Este, Uruguay, launched
UN Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD). the eighth Round of trade negotiations on 20 September.
The Punta del Este Declaration, while representing a
1973 The Tokyo Round. The seventh Round was single political undertaking, was divided into two sections.
launched by Ministers in September at the Japanese The first covered negotiations on trade in goods and the
capital. Some 99 countries participated in negotiating a second initiated negotiation on trade in services. In the
comprehensive body of agreements covering both tariff area of trade in goods, the Ministers committed
and non-tariff matters. At the end of the Round in themselves to a "standstill" on new trade measures
November 1979, participants exchanged tariff reductions inconsistent with their GATT obligations and to a
and bindings which covered more than $300 billion of "rollback" programme aimed at phasing out existing
trade. As a result of these cuts, the weighted average inconsistent measures. Envisaged to last four years,
tariff on manufactured goods in the world's nine major negotiations started in early February 1987 in the
industrial markets declined from 7.0 to 4.7 per cent. following areas tariffs, non-tariff measures, tropical
Agreements were reached in the following areas: products, natural resource-based products, textiles and
subsidies and countervailing measures, technical barriers clothing, agriculture, subsidies, safe-guards, trade-related
to trade, import licensing procedures, government aspects of intellectual property rights including trade in
procurement, customs valuation, a revised anti-dumping counterfeit goods, and trade-related investment
code, trade in bovine meat, trade in dairy products and measures. The work of other groups included a review of
trade in civil aircraft. The first concrete result of the Round GATT articles, the GATT dispute settlement procedure,
was the reduction of import duties and other trade barriers the Tokyo Round agreements, as well as the functioning
by industrial countries on tropical products exported by of the GATT system as a whole.
developing countries.
1994 "GATT 1994" is the updated version of GATT 1947
1974 On 1 January 1974, the Arrangement Regarding and takes into account the substantive and institutional
International Trade in Textiles, otherwise known as the changes negotiated in the Uruguay Round GATT 1994 is
Multifibre Arrangement (MFA), entered into force. It an integral part of the World Trade Organization
superseded the arrangements that had been governing established on 1 January 1995. It is agreed that there be
trade in cotton textiles since 1961. The MFA seeks to a one year transition period during which certain GATT
1947 bodies and commitments would co-exist with those Through Senate President Edgardo Angara
of the World Trade Organization.
2 The Final Act was signed by representatives of 125 entities, namely
Algeria, Angola, Antigua and Barbuda, Argentine Republic, Australia, Ladies and Gentlemen:
Republic of Austria, State of Bahrain, People's Republic of Bangladesh,
Barbados, The Kingdom of Belgium Belize, Republic of Benin, Bolivia, I have the honor to forward herewith an authenticated copy of the
Botswana, Brazil, Brunei Darussalam, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cameroon, Uruguay Round Final Act signed by Department of Trade and Industry
Canada, Central African Republic, Chad, Chile, People's Republic of Secretary Rizalino S. Navarro for the Philippines on 15 April 1994 in
China, Colombia, Congo, Costa Rica, Republic of Cote d'Ivoire, Cuba, Marrakesh, Morocco.
Cyprus, Czech Republic, Kingdom of Denmark, Commonwealth of
Dominica, Dominican Republic, Arab Republic of Egypt, El Salvador,
The Uruguay Round Final Act aims to liberalize and expand world trade
European Communities, Republic of Fiji, Finland, French Republic,
and strengthen the interrelationship between trade and economic policies
Gabonese Republic, Gambia, Federal Republic of Germany, Ghana,
affecting growth and development.
Hellenic Republic, Grenada, Guatemala, Republic of Guinea-Bissau,
Republic of Guyana, Haiti, Honduras, Hong Kong, Hungary, Iceland,
India, Indonesia, Ireland, State of Israel, Italian Republic, Jamaica, The Final Act will improve Philippine access to foreign markets,
Japan, Kenya, Korea, State of Kuwait, Kingdom of Lesotho, Principality especially its major trading partners through the reduction of tariffs on its
of Liechtenstein, Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, Macau, Republic of exports particularly agricultural and industrial products. These
Madagascar, Republic of Malawi, Malaysia, Republic of Maldives, concessions may be availed of by the Philippines, only if it is a member
Republic of Mali, Republic of Malta, Islamic Republic of Mauritania, of the World Trade Organization. By GATT estimates, the Philippines can
Republic of Mauritius, United Mexican States, Kingdom of Morocco, acquire additional export from $2.2 to $2.7 Billion annually under
Republic of Mozambique, Union of Myanmar, Republic of Namibia, Uruguay Round. This will be on top of the normal increase in exports that
Kingdom of the Netherlands, New Zealand, Nicaragua, Republic of Niger, the Philippines may experience.
Federal Republic of Nigeria, Kingdom of Norway, Islamic Republic of
Pakistan, Paraguay, Peru, Philippines, Poland, Potuguese Republic, The Final Act will also open up new opportunities for the services sector
State of Qatar, Romania, Rwandese Republic, Saint Kitts and Nevis, in such areas as the movement of personnel, (e.g. professional services
Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Senegal, Sierra Leone, and construction services), cross-border supply (e.g. computer-related
Singapore, Slovak Republic, South Africa, Kingdom of Spain, Democratic services), consumption abroad (e.g. tourism, convention services, etc.)
Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka, Republic of Surinam, Kingdom of and commercial presence.
Swaziland, Kingdom of Sweden, Swiss Confederation, United Republic of
Tanzania, Kingdom of Thailand, Togolese Republic, Republic of Trinidad The clarified and improved rules and disciplines on anti-dumping and
and Tobago, Tunisia, Turkey, Uganda, United Arab Emirates, United countervailing measures will also benefit Philippine exporters by reducing
Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, United States of America, the costs ad uncertainty associated with exporting while at the same time
Eastern Republic of Uruguay, Venezuela, Republic of Zaire, Republic of providing means for domestic industries to safeguard themselves against
Zambia, Republic of Zimbabwe; see pp. 6-25, Vol. 1, Uruguay Round of unfair imports.
Multilateral Trade Negotiations.
Likewise, the provision of adequate protection for intellectual property
3 11 August 1994 rights is expected to attract more investments into the country and to
make it less vulnerable to unilateral actions by its trading partners (e.g.
The Honorable Members Sec. 301 of the United States' Omnibus Trade Law).

In view of the foregoing, the Uruguay Round Final Act is hereby O
submitted to the Senate for its concurrence pursuant to Section 21, S
Article VII of the Constitution.
4 11 August 1994
A draft of a proposed Resolution giving its concurrence to the aforesaid
Agreement is enclosed. The Honorable Members

V Senate
r Through Senate President Edgardo Angara
u Ladies and Gentlemen:
y I have the honor to forward herewith an authenticated copy of the
Uruguay Round Final Act signed by Department of Trade and Industry
y Secretary Rizalino S. Navarro for the Philippines on 13 April 1994 in
o Marrakech (sic), Morocco.
r Members of the trade negotiations committee, which included the
s Philippines, agreed that the Agreement Establishing the World Trade
, Organization, the Ministerial Declarations and Decisions, and the
Understanding on Commitments in Financial Services embody the results
( of their negotiations and form an integral part of the Uruguay Round Final
S Act.
D By signing the Uruguay Round Final Act, the Philippines, through
. Secretary Navarro, agreed:
(a) To submit the Agreement Establishing the World Trade Organization
F to the Senate for its concurrence pursuant to Section 21, Article VII of the
I Constitution; and
E (b) To adopt the Ministerial Declarations and Decisions.
The Uruguay Round Final Act aims to liberalize and expand world trade
V and strengthen the interrelationship between trade and economic policies
affecting growth and development.
A The Final Act will improve Philippine access to foreign markets,
M especially its major trading partners through the reduction of tariffs on its
exports particularly agricultural and industrial products. These y
concessions may be availed of by the Philippines, only if it is a member
of the World Trade Organization. By GATT estimates, the Philippines can y
acquire additional export revenues from $2.2 to $2.7 Billion annually o
under Uruguay Round. This will be on top of the normal increase in the u
exports that the Philippines may experience. r
The Final Act will also open up new opportunities for the services sector ,
in such areas as the movement of personnel, (e.g., professional services
and construction services), cross-border supply (e.g., computer-related (
services), consumption abroad (e.g., tourism, convention services, etc.) S
and commercial presence. G
The clarified and improved rules ad disciplines on anti-dumping and .
countervailing measures will also benefit Philippine exporters by reducing )
the costs and uncertainty associated with exporting while at the same
time providing a means for domestic industries to safeguard themselves F
against unfair imports. I
Likewise, the provision of adequate protection for intellectual property E
rights is expected to attract more investments into the country and to L
make it a less vulnerable to unilateral actions by its trading partners (e.g.,
Sec. 301 of the United States Omnibus Trade Law). V
In view of the foregoing, the Uruguay Round Final Act, the Agreement
Establishing the World Trade Organization, the Ministerial Declarations
and Decisions, and the Understanding on Commitments in Financial
Services, as embodied in the Uruguay Round Final Act and forming and
integral part thereof are hereby submitted to the Senate for its
concurrence pursuant to Section 21, Article VII of the Constitution.

A draft of a proposed Resolution giving its concurrence to the aforesaid

Agreement is enclosed.

e 5 December 9, 1994

t Senate President
u Senate Manila
Dear Senate President Angara: L

Pursuant to the provisions of Sec. 26 (2) Article VI of the Constitution, I V

hereby certify to the necessity of the immediate adoption of P.S. 1083 .
to meet a public emergency consisting of the need for immediate
membership in the WTO in order to assure the benefits to the Philippine 6 Attached as Annex A, Petition; rollo, p. 52. P.S. 1083 is the forerunner
economy arising from such membership. of assailed Senate Resolution No. 97. It was prepared by the Committee
of the Whole on the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade chaired by
Sen. Blas F. Ople and co-chaired by Sen. Gloria Macapagal-
Arroyo; see Annex C, Compliance of petitioners dated January 28, 1997.
y 7 The Philippines is thus considered an original or founding member of
WTO, which as of July 26, 1996 had 123 members as follows: Antigua
t and Barbuda, Argentina, Australia, Austria, Bahrain, Bangladesh,
r Barbados, Belguim, Belize, Benin, Bolivia, Botswana, Brazil, Brunei
u Darussalam, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cameroon, Canada, Central African
l Republic, Chili, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cote d'Ivoire, Cuba, Cyprus,
y Czech Republic, Denmark, Djibouti, Dominica, Dominican Republic,
Ecuador, Egypt, El Salvador, European Community, Fiji, Finland, France,
y Gabon, Germany, Ghana, Greece, Grenada, Guatemala, Guinea, Guinea
o Bissau, Guyana, Haiti, Honduras, Honkong, Hungary, Iceland, India,
u Indonesia, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Jamaica, Japan, Kenya, Korea, Kuwait,
r Lesotho, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Macau, Madagascar, Malawi,
s Malaysia, Maldives, Mali, Malta, Mauritania, Mauritius, Mexico, Morocco,
, Mozambique, Myanmar, Namibia, Netherlands — for the Kingdom in
Europe and for the Netherlands Antilles, New Zealand, Nicaragua,
Nigeria, Norway, Pakistan, Papua New Guinea, Paraguay, Peru,
Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Qatar, Romania, Rwanda, Saint Kitts and
Nevis, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent & the Grenadines, Senegal, Sierra
Leone, Singapore, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Solomon Islands, South
Africa, Spain, Sri Lanka, Surinam, Swaziland, Sweden, Switzerland,
Tanzania, Thailand, Togo, Trinidad and Tobago, Tunisia, Turkey,
Uganda, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, United States, Uruguay,
Venezuela, Zambia, and Zimbabwe. See Annex A, Bautista Paper, infra.
D 8 Page 6; rollo p. 261.
9 In compliance, Ambassador Bautista submitted to the Court on August 23 Bernas, The Constitution of the Philippines: A Commentary, Vol. II,
12, 1996, a Memorandum (the "Bautista Paper") consisting of 56 pages 1988 Ed., p. 2. In the very recent case of Manila Prince Hotel v. GSIS,
excluding annexes. This is the same document mentioned in footnote no. G.R. No. 122156, February 3, 1997, p. 8, it was held that "A provision
1. which lays down a general principle, such as those found in Art. II of the
1987 Constitution, is usually not self-executing."
10 Memorandum for Respondents, p. 13; rollo, p. 268.
24 246 SCRA 540, 564, July 17, 1995. See also Tolentino vs. Secretary
11 Cf . Kilosbayan Incorporated vs. Morato, 246 SCRA 540, July 17, of Finance, G.R. No. 115455 and consolidated cases, August 25, 1995.
1995 for a discussion on locus standi. See also the Concurring Opinion of
Mr. Justice Vicente V. Mendoza in Tatad vs. Garcia, Jr., 243 SCRA 473, 25 197 SCRA 52, 68, May 14, 1991.
April 6, 1995, as well as Kilusang Mayo Uno Labor Center vs. Garcia, Jr.,
239 SCRA 386, 414, December 23, 1994. 26 224 SCRA 792, 817, July 30, 1993.

12 Aquino, Jr. vs. Ponce Enrile, 59 SCRA 183, 196, September 17, 1974, 27 Sec. 10, Article XII.
cited in Bondoc vs. Pineda, 201 SCRA 792, 795, September 26, 1991.
28 Sec. 12, Article XII.
13 Guingona, Jr. vs. Gonzales, 219 SCRA 326, 337, March 1, 1993.
29 Sec. 19, Art. II.
14 See Tañada and Macapagal vs. Cuenco, et al., 103 Phil. 1051 for a
discussion on the scope of "political question." 30 Sec. 13, Art. XII.

15 Section 1, Article VIII, (par. 2). 31 G.R. No. 122156, February 3, 1997, pp. 13-14.

16 In a privilege speech on May 17, 1993, entitled "Supreme Court — 32 Sec. 1, Art. XII.
Potential Tyrant?" Senator Arturo Tolentino concedes that this new
provision gives the Supreme Court a duty "to intrude into the jurisdiction
33 Bautista Paper, p. 19.
of the Congress or the President."
34 Preamble, WTO Agreement p. 137, Vol. 1, Uruguay Round of
17 I Record of the Constitutional Commission 436.
Multilateral Trade Negotiations. Emphasis supplied.
18 Cf . Daza vs. Singson, 180 SCRA 496, December 21, 1989.
35 Sec. 19, Article II, Constitution.
19 Memorandum for Petitioners, pp. 14-16; rollo, pp. 204-206.
36 III Records of the Constitutional Commission 252.
20 Par. 4, Article XVI, WTO Agreement, Uruguay Round of Multilateral
37 Sec. 13, Article XII, Constitution.
Trade Negotiations, Vol. 1. p. 146.
38 Justice Isagani A. Cruz, Philippine Political Law, 1995 Ed., p. 13,
21 Also entitled "Declaration of Principles." The nomenclature in the 1973
quoting his own article entitled, "A Quintessential Constitution" earlier
Charter is identical with that in the 1987's.
published in the San Beda Law Journal, April 1972; emphasis supplied.
22 Philippine Political Law, 1962 Ed., p. 116.
39 Par. 4, Article XVI (Miscellaneous Provisions), WTO Agreement, p.
146, Vol. 1, Uruguay Round of Multilateral Trade Negotiations.
40 Memorandum for the Petitioners, p. 29; rollo, p. 219. 1. Having met in order to conclude the Uruguay Round of Multilateral
Trade Negotiations, representatives of the governments and of the
41 Sec. 24, Article VI, Constitution. European Communities, members of the Trade Negotiations Committee,
agree that the Agreement Establishing the World Trade Organization
42 Subsection (2), Sec. 28, Article VI, Constitution. (referred to in the Final Act as the "WTO Agreement"), the Ministerial
Declarations and Decisions, and the Understanding on Commitments in
Financial Services, as annexed hereto, embody the results of their
43 Sec. 2, Article II, Constitution.
negotiations and form an integral part of this Final Act.
44 Cruz, Philippine Political Law, 1995 Ed., p. 55.
2. By signing to the present Final Act, the representatives agree.
45 Salonga and Yap, op cit 305.
(a) to submit, as appropriate, the WTO Agreement for the
consideration of their respective competent authorities
46 Salonga, op. cit., p. 287. with a view to seeking approval of the Agreement in
accordance with their procedures; and
47 Quoted in Paras and Paras, Jr., International Law and World Politics,
1994 Ed., p. 178. (b) to adopt the Ministerial Declarations and Decisions.

47-A Reagan vs. Commission of Internal Revenue, 30 SCRA 968, 973, 3. The representatives agree on the desirability of acceptance of the
December 27, 1969. WTO Agreement by all participants in the Uruguay Round of Multilateral
Trade Negotiations (hereinafter referred to as "participants") with a view
48 Trebilcock and Howse. The Regulation of International Trade, p. 14, to its entry into force by 1 January 1995, or as early as possible
London, 1995, cited on p. 55-56, Bautista Paper. thereafter. Not later than late 1994, Ministers will meet, in accordance
with the final paragraph of the Punta del Este Ministerial Declarations, to
49 Uruguay Round of Multilateral Trade Negotiations, Vol. 31, p. 25445. decide on the international implementation of the results, including the
timing of their entry into force.
50 Item 5, Sec. 5, Article VIII, Constitution.
4. the representatives agree that the WTO Agreement shall be open for
51 Uruguay Round of Multilateral Trade Negotiations, Vol. 31, p. 25445. acceptance as a whole, by signature or otherwise, by all participants
pursuant to Article XIV thereof. The acceptance and entry into force of a
52 Bautista Paper, p. 13. Plurilateral Trade Agreement included in Annex 4 of the WTO Agreement
shall be governed by the provisions of that Plurilateral Trade Agreement.
53 See footnote 3 of the text of this letter.
5. Before accepting the WTO Agreement, participants which are not
54 Salonga and Yap, op cit., pp. 289-290. contracting parties to the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade must
first have concluded negotiations for their accession to the General
Agreement and become contracting parties thereto. For participants
55 The full text, without the signatures, of the Final Act is as follows: which are not contracting parties to the general Agreement as of the date
of the Final Act, the Schedules are not definitive and shall be
Final Act Embodying the Results of the subsequently completed for the purpose of their accession to the General
Agreement and acceptance of the WTO Agreement.
Uruguay Round of Multilateral Trade Negotiations
6. This Final Act and the texts annexed hereto shall be deposited with the
Director-General to the CONTRACTING PARTIES to the General
Agreement on Tariffs and Trade who shall promptly furnish to each
participant a certified copy thereof.

DONE at Marrakesh this fifteenth day of April one thousand nine hundred
and ninety-four, in a single copy, in the English, French and Spanish
languages, each text being authentic.

56 Bautista Paper, p. 16.

57 Baustista Paper, p. 16.

58 Uruguay Round of Multilateral Trade Negotiations, Vol. I, pp. 137-138.

59 See footnote 3 for complete text.

60 Taken from pp. 63-85, "Respondent" Memorandum.

61 Zarate vs. Olegario, G.R. No. 90655, October 7, 1996.

62 San Sebastian College vs. Court of Appeals, 197 SCRA 138, 144,
May 15, 1991; Commissioner of Internal Revenue vs. Court of Tax
Appeals, 195 SCRA 444, 458 March 20, 1991; Simon vs. Civil Service
Commission, 215 SCRA 410, November 5, 1992; Bustamante vs.
Commissioner on Audit, 216 SCRA 134, 136, November 27, 1992.

63 Paredes vs. Civil Service Commission, 192 SCRA 84, 94, December
4, 1990.

64 Sec. 21. No treaty or international agreement shall be valid and

effective unless concurred in by at least two-thirds of all the Members of
the Senate."

65 Reader's Digest, December 1996 issue, p. 28.

Republic of the Philippines In the regular course, the regional trial courts and this Court have concurrent
SUPREME COURT jurisdiction1 to hear and decide petitions for quo warranto (as well as certiorari,
Manila prohibition and mandamus), and a basic deference to the hierarchy of courts
impels a filing of such petitions in the lower tribunals. 2 However, for special and
EN BANC important reasons or for exceptional and compelling circumstances, as in the
present case, this Court has allowed exceptions to this doctrine. 3 In fact, original
petitions for certiorari, prohibition, mandamus and quo warranto assailing acts of
legislative officers like the Senate President4 and the Speaker of the House 5 have
been recognized as exceptions to this rule.
G.R. No. 134577 November 18, 1998
The Facts
SEN. TEOFISTO T. GUINGONA, JR. and SEN. MARCELO B. FERNAN, respondents. The Senate of the Philippines, with Sen. John Henry R. Osmeña as presiding
officer, convened on July 27, 1998 for the first regular session of the eleventh
Congress. At the time, in terms of party affiliation, the composition of the Senate
was as follows: 6
10 members — Laban ng Masang Pilipino (LAMP)
The principle of separation of powers ordains that each of the three great branches of
7 members — Lakas-National Union of Christian Democrats-United
government has exclusive cognizance of and is supreme in matters falling within its own
constitutionally allocated sphere. Constitutional respect and a becoming regard for she
sovereign acts, of a coequal branch prevents this Court from prying into the internal Muslim Democrats of the Philippines (Lakas-NUCD-
workings of the Senate. Where no provision of the Constitution or the laws or even the
Rules of the Senate is clearly shown to have been violated, disregarded or overlooked, UMDP)
grave abuse of discretion cannot be imputed to Senate officials for acts done within their
competence and authority. This Court will be neither a tyrant nor a wimp; rather, it will 1 member — Liberal Party (LP)
remain steadfast and judicious in upholding the rule and majesty of the law.
1 member — Aksyon Demokrasya
The Case
1 member — People's Reform Party (PRP)
On July 31, 1998, Senators Miriam Defensor Santiago and Francisco S. Tatad instituted
an original petition for quo warranto under Rule 66, Section 5, Rules of Court, seeking 1 member — Gabay Bayan
the ouster of Senator Teofisto T. Guingona, Jr. as minority leader of the Senate and the
declaration of Senator Tatad as the rightful minority leader. 2 members — Independent

On August 4, 1998, the Court, upon receipt of the Petition, required the respondents and ——
the solicitor general "to file COMMENT thereon within a non-extendible period of fifteen
(15) days from notice." On August 25, 1998, both respondents and the solicitor general
23 — total number of senators 7 (The last six members are all
submitted their respective Comments. In compliance with a Resolution of the Court dated
classified by petitioners as "independent".)
September 1, 1998, petitioners filed their Consolidated Reply on September 23, 1998.
Noting said pleading, this Court gave due course to the petition and deemed the
controversy submitted for decision, without need of memoranda, on September 29, 1998. On the agenda for the day was the election of officers. Nominated by Sen. Blas F.
Ople to the position of Senate President was Sen. Marcelo B. Fernan. Sen.
Francisco S. Tatad was also nominated to the same position by Sen. Miriam 4. Did Respondent Fernan act with grave abuse of discretion in
Defenser Santiago. By a vote of 20 to 2, 8 Senator Fernan was declared the duly recognizing Respondent Guingona as the minority leader?
elected President of the Senate.
The Court's Ruling
The following were likewise elected: Senator Ople as president pro tempore, and
Sen. Franklin M. Drilon as majority leader. After a close perusal of the pleadings 10 and a careful deliberation on the
arguments, pro and con, the Court finds that no constitutional or legal infirmity or
Senator Tatad thereafter manifested that, with the agreement of Senator Santiago, grave abuse of discretion attended the recognition of and the assumption into
allegedly the only other member of the minority, he was assuming the position of office by Respondent Guingona as the Senate minority leader.
minority leader. He explained that those who had voted for Senator Fernan
comprised the "majority," while only those who had voted for him, the losing First Issue:
nominee, belonged to the "minority."
The Court's Jurisdiction
During the discussion on who should constitute the Senate "minority," Sen. Juan
M. Flavier manifested that the senators belonging to the Lakas-NUCD-UMDP Party Petitioners principally invoke Avelino v. Cuenco 11 in arguing that this Court has
— numbering seven (7) and, thus, also a minority — had chosen Senator jurisdiction to settle the issue of who is the lawful Senate minority leader. They
Guingona as the minority leader. No consensus on the matter was arrived at. The submit that the definitions of "majority" and "minority" involve an interpretation of
following session day, the debate on the question continued, with Senators the Constitution, specifically Section 16 (1), Article VI thereof, stating that "[t]he
Santiago and Tatad delivering privilege speeches. On the third session day, the Senate shall elect its President and the House of Representatives its Speaker, by a
Senate met in caucus, but still failed to resolve the issue. majority vote of all its respective Members."

On July 30, 1998, the majority leader informed the body chat he was in receipt of a Respondents and the solicitor general, in their separate Comments, contend in
letter signed by the seven Lakas-NUCD-UMDP senators,9 stating that they had common that the issue of who is the lawful Senate minority leader is an internal
elected Senator Guingona as the minority leader. By virtue thereof, the Senate matter pertaining exclusively to the domain of the legislature, over which the Court
President formally recognized Senator Guingona as the minority leader of the cannot exercise jurisdiction without transgressing the principle of separation of
Senate. powers. Allegedly, no constitutional issue is involved, as the fundamental law
does not provide for the office of a minority leader in the Senate. The legislature
The following day, Senators Santiago and Tatad filed before this Court the subject alone has the full discretion to provide for such office and, in that event, to
petition for quo warranto, alleging in the main that Senator Guingona had been determine the procedure of selecting its occupant.
usurping, unlawfully holding and exercising the position of Senate minority leader,
a position that, according to them, rightfully belonged to Senator Tatad. Respondents also maintain that Avelino cannot apply, because there exists no
question involving an interpretation or application of the Constitution, the laws or
Issues even the Rules of the Senate; neither are there "peculiar circumstances" impelling
the Court to assume jurisdiction over the petition. The solicitor general adds that
From the parties' pleadings, the Court formulated the following issues for there is not even any legislative practice to support the petitioners' theory that a
resolution: senator who votes for the winning Senate President is precluded from becoming
the minority leader.
1. Does the Court have jurisdiction over the petition?
To resolve the issue of jurisdiction, this Court carefully reviewed and deliberated
2. Was there an actual violation of the Constitution? on the various important cases involving this very important and basic question,
which it has ruled upon in the past.
3. Was Respondent Guingona usurping, unlawfully holding and
exercising the position of Senate minority leader?
The early case Avelino v. Cuenco cautiously tackled the scope of the Court's of the government.' It is concerned with issues dependent upon the wisdom, not
power of judicial review; that is, questions involving an interpretation or [the] legality, of a particular measure." 19
application of a provision of the Constitution or the law, including the rules of
either house of Congress. Within this scope falls the jurisdiction of the Court over The Court ruled that the validity of the selection of members of the Senate
questions on the validity of legislative or executive acts that are political in nature, Electoral Tribunal by the senators was not a political question. The choice of these
whenever the tribunal "finds constitutionally imposed limits on powers or members did not depend on the Senate's "full discretionary authority," but was
functions conferred upon political bodies." 12 subject to mandatory constitutional limitations. 20 Thus, the Court held that not
only was it clearly within its jurisdiction to pass upon the validity of the selection
In the aforementioned case, the Court initially declined to resolve the question of proceedings, but it was also its duty to consider and determine the issue.
who was the rightful Senate President, since it was deemed a political controversy
falling exclusively within the domain of the Senate. Upon a motion for In another landmark case, Lansang v. Garcia, 21 Chief Justice Roberto Concepcion
reconsideration, however, the Court ultimately assumed jurisdiction (1) "in the wrote that the Court "had authority to and should inquire into the existence of the
light of subsequent events which justify its intervention;" and (2) because the factual bases required by the Constitution for the suspension of the privilege of
resolution of the issue hinged on the interpretation of the constitutional provision the writ [of habeas corpus]." This ruling was made in spite of the previous
on the presence of a quorum to hold a session 13 and therein elect a Senate pronouncements in Barcelon v. Baker 22 and Montenegro v. Castañeda 23 that "the
President. authority to decide whether the exigency has arisen requiring suspension (of the
privilege . . .) belongs to the President and his 'decision is final and conclusive'
Justice Feria elucidated in his Concurring Opinion: "[I] concur with the majority upon the courts and upon all other persons." But the Chief Justice cautioned: "the
that this Court has jurisdiction over cases like the present . . . so as to establish in function of the Court is merely to check — not to supplant — the Executive, or to
this country the judicial supremacy, with the Supreme Court as the final arbiter, to ascertain merely whether he has gone beyond the constitutional limits of his
see that no one branch or agency of the government transcends the Constitution, jurisdiction, not to exercise the power vested in him or to determine the wisdom of
not only in justiceable but political questions as well." 14 his act."

Justice Perfecto, also concurring, said in part: The eminent Chief Justice aptly explained later in Javellana v. Executive
Secretary: 24
Indeed there is no denying that the situation, as obtaining in the
upper chamber of Congress, is highly explosive. It had echoed in The reason why the issue under consideration and other issues of
the House of Representatives. It has already involved the President similar character are justiciable, not political, is plain and simple.
of the Philippines. The situation has created a veritable national One of the principal bases of the non-justiciability of so-called
crisis, and it is apparent that solution cannot be expected from any political questions is the principle of separation of powers —
quarter other than this Supreme Court, upon which the hopes of the characteristic of the presidential system of government — the
people for an effective settlement are pinned. 15 functions of which are classified or divided, by reason of their
nature, into three (3) categories, namely, 1) those involving the
. . . This case raises vital constitutional questions which no one can making of laws, which are allocated to the legislative department; 2)
settle or decide if this Court should refuse to decide them. 16 those concerning mainly with the enforcement of such laws and of
judicial decisions applying and/or interpreting the same, which
. . . The constitutional question of quorum should not be left belong to the executive department; and 3) those dealing with the
unanswered. 17 settlement of disputes, controversies or conflicts involving rights,
duties or prerogatives that are legally demandable and enforceable,
which are apportioned to courts of justice. Within its own sphere —
In Tañada v. Cueno, 18 this Court endeavored to define political question. And we
but only within such sphere — each department is supreme and
said that "it refers to 'those questions which, under the Constitution, are to
independent of the others, and each is devoid of authority not only
be decided by the people in their sovereign capacity, or in regard to which full
to encroach upon the powers or field of action assigned to any of
discretionary authority has been delegated to the legislative or executive branch
the other departments, but also to inquire into or pass upon the
advisability or wisdom of the acts performed, measures taken or it involved "the legality, not the wisdom, of the manner of filling the Commission
decisions made by the other departments — provided that such on Appointments as prescribed by [Section 18, Article VI of] the Constitution."
acts, measures or decisions are within the area allocated thereto by
the Constitution. The same question of jurisdiction was raised in Tañada v. Angara, 29 wherein the
petitioners sought to nullify the Senate's concurrence in the ratification of the
Accordingly, when the grant of power is qualified, conditional or World Trade Organization (WTO) Agreement. The Court ruled: "Where an action of
subject to limitations, the issue of whether or not the prescribed the legislative branch is seriously alleged to have infringed the Constitution, it
qualifications or conditions have been met, or the limitations becomes not only the right but in fact the duty of the judiciary to settle the
respected is justiciable or non-political, the crux of the problem dispute." The Court en banc unanimously stressed that in taking jurisdiction over
being one of legality or validity of the contested act, not its wisdom. petitions questioning, an act of the political departments of government, it will not
Otherwise, said qualifications, conditions or limitations — review the wisdom, merits or propriety of such action, and will strike it down only
particularly those prescribed by the Constitution — would be set at on either of two grounds: (1) unconstitutionality or illegality and (2) grave abuse of
naught. What is more, the judicial inquiry into such issue and the discretion.
settlement thereof are the main functions of the courts of justice
under the presidential form of government adopted in our 1935 Earlier in Co v. Electoral Tribunal of the House of Representatives 30 (HRET), the
Constitution, and the system of checks and balances, one of its Court refused to reverse a decision of the HRET, in the absence of a showing that
basic predicates. As a consequence, we have neither the authority said tribunal had committed grave abuse of discretion amounting to lack of
nor the discretion to decline passing upon said issue, but are under jurisdiction. The Court ruled that full authority had been conferred upon the
the ineluctable obligation — made particularly more exacting and electoral tribunals of the House of Representatives and of the Senate as sole
peremptory by our oath, as members of the highest Court of the judges of all contests relating to the election, the returns, and the qualifications of
land, to support and defend the Constitution — to settle it. This their respective members. Such jurisdiction is original and exclusive. 31 The Court
explains why, in Miller v. Johnson [92 Ky. 589, 18 SW 522, 523], it may inquire into a decision or resolution of said tribunals only if such "decision or
was held that courts have a "duty, rather than a power," to resolution was rendered without or in excess of jurisdiction, or with grave abuse
determine whether another branch of the government has of discretion" 32
"kept within constitutional limits."
Recently, the Court, in Arroyo v. De Venecia, 33 was asked to reexamine the
Unlike our previous constitutions, the 1987 Constitution is explicit in defining the enrolled bill doctrine and to look beyond the certification of the Speaker of the
scope of judicial power. The present Constitution now fortifies the authority of the House of Representatives that the bill, which was later enacted as Republic Act
courts to determine in an appropriate action the validity of the acts of the political 8240, was properly approved by the legislative body. Petitioners claimed that
departments. It speaks of judicial prerogative in terms of duty, viz.: certain procedural rules of the House had been breached in the passage of the bill.
They averred further that a violation of the constitutionally mandated House rules
Judicial power includes the duty of the courts of justice to settle was a violation of the Constitution itself.
actual controversies involving rights which are legally demandable
and enforceable, and to determine whether or not there has been a The Court, however, dismissed the petition, because the matter complained of
grave abuse of discretion amounting to lack or excess of concerned the internal procedures of the House, with which the Court had no
jurisdiction on the part of any branch or instrumentality of the concern. It enucleated: 34
Government. 25
It would-be an unwarranted invasion of the prerogative of a coequal
This express definition has resulted in clearer and more resolute pronouncements department for this Court either to set aside a legislative action as
of the Court. Daza v. Singson, 26 Coseteng v. Mitra, Jr. 27 and Guingona Jr. v. void because the Court thinks the House has disregarded its own
Gonzales 28 similarly resolved issues assailing the acts of the leaders of both rules of procedure, or to allow those defeated in the political arena
houses of Congress in apportioning among political parties the seats to which to seek a rematch in the judicial forum when petitioners can find
each chamber was entitled in the Commission on Appointments. The Court held their remedy in that department itself. The Court has not been
that the issue was justiciable, "even if the question were political in nature," since
invested with a roving commission to inquire into complaints, real determine the minority leader belongs. As a result, petitioners assert, Respondent
or imagined, of legislative skullduggery. It would be acting in excess Guingona cannot be the legitimate minority leader, since he voted for Respondent
of its power and would itself be guilty of grave abuse of discretion Fernan as Senate President. Furthermore, the members of the Lakas-NUCD-UMDP
were it to do so. . . . In the absence of anything to the contrary, the cannot choose the minority leader, because they did not belong to the minority,
Court must assume that Congress or any House thereof acted in the having voted for Fernan and accepted committee chairmanships.
good faith belief that its conduct was permitted by its rules, and
deference rather than disrespect is due the judgment of that body. We believe, however, that the interpretation proposed by petitioners finds no clear
support from the Constitution, the laws, the Rules of the Senate or even from
In the instant controversy, the petitioners — one of whom is Senator Santiago, a practices of the Upper House.
well-known constitutionalist — try to hew closely to these jurisprudential
parameters. They claim that Section 16 (1), Article VI of the constitution, has not The term "majority" has been judicially defined a number of times. When referring
been observed in the selection of the Senate minority leader. They also invoke the to a certain number out of a total or aggregate, it simply "means the number
Court's "expanded" judicial power "to determine whether or not there has been a greater than half or more than half of any total."36 The plain and unambiguous
grave abuse of discretion amounting to lack or excess of jurisdiction" on the part words of the subject constitutional clause simply mean that the Senate President
of respondents. must obtain the votes of more than one half of all the senators. Not by any
construal does it thereby delineate who comprise the "majority," much less the
Dissenting in part, Mr. Justice Vicente V. Mendoza submits that the Court has no "minority," in the said body. And there is no showing that the framers of our
jurisdiction over the petition. Well-settled is the doctrine, however, that jurisdiction Constitution had in mind other than the usual meanings of these terms.
over the subject matter of a case is determined by the allegations of the complaint
or petition, regardless of whether the plaintiff or petitioner is entitled to the relief In effect, while the Constitution mandates that the President of the Senate must be
asserted. 35 In light of the aforesaid allegations of petitioners, it is clear that this elected by a number constituting more than one half of all the members thereof, it
Court has jurisdiction over the petition. It is well within the power and jurisdiction does not provide that the members who will not vote for him shall ipso
of the Court to inquire whether indeed the Senate or its officials committed a facto constitute the "minority," who could thereby elect the minority leader. Verily,
violation of the Constitution or gravely abused their discretion in the exercise of no law or regulation states that the defeated candidate shall automatically become
their functions and prerogatives. the minority leader.

Second Issue: The Comment 37 of Respondent Guingona furnishes some relevant precedents,
which were not contested in petitioners' Reply. During the eighth Congress, which
Violation of the Constitution was the first to convene after the ratification of the 1987 Constitution, the
nomination of Sen. Jovito R Salonga as Senate President was seconded by a
Having assumed jurisdiction over the petition, we now go to the next crucial member of the minority, then Sen. Joseph E. Estrada. 38 During the ninth regular
question: In recognizing Respondent Guingona as the Senate minority leader, did session, when Sen. Edgardo J. Angara assumed the Senate presidency in 1993, a
the Senate or its officials, particularly Senate President Fernan, violate the consensus was reached to assign committee chairmanships to all senators,
Constitution or the laws? including those belonging to the minority. 39 This practice continued during the
tenth Congress, where even the minority leader was allowed to chair a
Petitioners answer the above question in the affirmative. They contend that the committee. 40 History would also show that the "majority" in either house of
constitutional provision requiring the election of the Senate President "by majority Congress has referred to the political party to which the most number of
vote of all members" carries with it a judicial duty to determine the concepts of lawmakers belonged, while the "minority" normally referred to a party with a lesser
"majority" and "minority," as well as who may elect a minority leader. They argue number of members.
that "majority" in the aforequoted constitutional provision refers to that group of
senators who (1) voted for the winning Senate President and (2) accepted Let us go back to the definitions of the terms "majority" and "minority." Majority
committee chairmanships. Accordingly, those who voted for the losing nominee may also refer to "the group, party, or faction with the larger number of
and accepted no such chairmanships comprise the minority, to whom the right to votes," 41 not necessarily more than one half. This is sometimes referred to as
plurality. In contrast, minority is "a group, party, or faction with a smaller number Sec. 2. The officers of the Senate shall be elected by the majority
of votes or adherents than the majority." 42 Between two unequal parts or numbers vote of all its Members. Should there be more than one candidate
comprising a whole or totality, the greater number would obviously be the majority for the same office, a nominal vote shall be taken; otherwise, the
while the lesser would be the minority. But where there are more than two unequal elections shall be by viva voce or by resolution.
groupings, it is not as easy to say which is the minority entitled to select the
leader representing all the minorities. In a government with a multi-party system Notably, the Rules of the Senate do not provide for the positions of majority and
such as in the Philippines (as pointed out by petitioners themselves), there could minority leaders. Neither is there an open clause providing specifically for such
be several minority parties, one of which has to be indentified by the Comelec as offices and prescribing the manner of creating them or of choosing the holders
the "dominant minority party" for purposes of the general elections. In the thereof, At any rate, such offices, by tradition and long practice, are actually
prevailing composition of the present Senate, members either belong to different extant. But, in the absence of constitutional or statutory guidelines or specific
political parties or are independent. No constitutional or statutory provision rules, this Court is devoid of any basis upon which to determine the legality of the
prescribe which of the many minority groups or the independents or a acts of the Senate relative thereto. On grounds of respect for the basic concept of
combination thereof has the right to select the minority leader. separation of powers, courts may not intervene in the internal affairs of the
legislature; it is not within the province of courts to direct Congress how to do its
While the Constitution is explicit on the manner of electing a Senate President and work. 46 Paraphrasing the words of Justice Florentino P. Feliciano, this Court is of
a House Speaker, it is, however, dead silent on the manner of selecting the other the opinion that where no specific, operable norms and standards are shown to
officers in both chambers of Congress. All that the Charter says is that "[e]ach exist, then the legislature must be given a real and effective opportunity to fashion
House shall choose such other officers as it may deem necessary." 43 To our mind, and promulgate as well as to implement them, before the courts may intervene. 47
the method of choosing who will be such other officers is merely a derivative of
the exercise of the prerogative conferred by the aforequoted constitutional Needless to state, legislative rules, unlike statutory laws, do not have the imprints
provision. Therefore, such method must be prescribed by the Senate itself, not by of permanence and obligatoriness during their effectivity. In fact, they "are subject
this Court. to revocation, modification or waiver at the pleasure of the body adopting
them." 48 Being merely matters of procedure, their observance are of no concern
In this regard, the Constitution vests in each house of Congress the power "to to the courts, for said rules may be waived or disregarded by the legislative
determine the rules of its proceedings." 44 Pursuant thereto, the Senate formulated body 49 at will, upon the concurrence of a majority.
and adopted a set of rules to govern its internal affairs. 45 Pertinent to the instant
case are Rules I and II thereof, which provide: In view of the foregoing, Congress verily has the power and prerogative to provide
for such officers as it may deem. And it is certainly within its own jurisdiction and
Rule I discretion to prescribe the parameters for the exercise of this prerogative. This
Court has no authority to interfere and unilaterally intrude into that exclusive
ELECTIVE OFFICERS realm, without running afoul of constitutional principles that it is bound to protect
and uphold — the very duty that justifies the Court's being. Constitutional respect
Sec 1. The Senate shall elect, in the manner hereinafter provided, a and a becoming regard for the sovereign acts of a coequal branch prevents this
President, a President Pro Tempore, a Secretary, and a Sergeant-at- Court from prying into the internal workings of the Senate. To repeat, this Court
Arms. will be neither a tyrant nor a wimp; rather, it will remain steadfast and judicious in
upholding the rule and majesty of the law.
These officers shall take their oath of office before entering into the
discharge of their duties. To accede, then, to the interpretation of petitioners would practically amount to
judicial legislation, a clear breach of the constitutional doctrine of separation of
powers. If for this argument alone, the petition would easily fail.
Rule II
While no provision of the Constitution or the laws or the rules and even the
practice of the Senate was violated, and while the judiciary is without power to
decide matters over which full discretionary authority has been lodged in the the contested public office and to oust the holder from its enjoyment. 54 The action
legislative department, this Court may still inquire whether an act of Congress or may be brought by the solicitor general or a public prosecutor 55 or any person
its officials has been made with grave abuse of discretion. 50 This is the plain claiming to be entitled to the public office or position usurped or unlawfully held
implication of Section 1, Article VIII of the Constitution, which expressly confers or exercised by another. 56 The action shall be brought against the person who
upon the judiciary the power and the duty not only "to settle actual controversies allegedly usurped, intruded into or is unlawfully holding of exercising such
involving rights which are legally demandable and enforceable," but likewise "to office. 57
determine whether or not there has been a grave abuse of discretion amounting to
lack or excess of jurisdiction on the part of any branch or instrumentality of the In order for a quo warranto proceeding to be successful, the person suing must
Government." show that he or she has aclear right to the contested office or to use or exercise
the functions of the office allegedly usurped or unlawfully held by the
Explaining the above-quoted clause, former Chief Justice Concepcion, who was a respondent. 58 In this case, petitioners present no sufficient proof of a clear and
member of the 1986 Constitutional Commission, said in part: 51 indubitable franchise to the office of the Senate minority leader.

. . . the powers of government are generally considered divided into As discussed earlier, the specific norms or standards that may be used in
three branches: the Legislative, the Executive and the Judiciary. determining who may lawfully occupy the disputed position has not been laid
Each one is supreme within its own sphere and independent of the down by the Constitution, the statutes, or the Senate itself in which the power has
others. Because of that supremacy[, the] power to determine been vested. Absent any clear-cut guideline, in no way can it be said that illegality
whether a given law is valid or not is vested in courts of justice. or irregularity tainted Respondent Guingona's assumption and exercise of the
powers of the office of Senate minority leader. Furthermore, no grave abuse of
Briefly stated, courts of justice determine the limits of power of the discretion has been shown to characterize any of his specific acts as minority
agencies and offices of the government as well as those of its leader.
officers. In other words, the judiciary is the final arbiter on the
question whether or not a branch of government or any of its Fourth Issue:
officials has acted without jurisdiction or in excess of jurisdiction,
or so capriciously as to constitute an abuse of discretion amounting Fernan's Recognition of Guingona
to excess of jurisdiction or lack of jurisdiction. This is not only a
judicial power but a duty to pass judgment on matters of this nature. The all-embracing and plenary power and duty of the Court "to determine whether
or not there has been a grave abuse of discretion amounting to lack or excess of
This is the background of paragraph 2 of Section 1, which means jurisdiction on the part of any branch or instrumentality of the Government" is
that the courts cannot hereafter evade the duty to settle matters of restricted only by the definition and confines of the term "grave abuse of
this nature, by claiming that such matters constitute a political discretion."
By grave abuse of discretion is meant such capricious or whimsical
With this paradigm, we now examine the two other issues challenging the actions, exercise of judgment as is equivalent to lack of jurisdiction. The
first, of Respondent Guingona and, second, of Respondent Fernan. abuse of discretion must be patent and gross as to amount to an
evasion of positive duty or a virtual refusal to perform a duty
Third Issue: enjoined by law, or to act at all in contemplation of law as where the
power is exercised in an arbitrary and despotic manner by reason of
Usurpation of Office passion and hostility. 59

Usurpation generally refers to unauthorized arbitrary assumption and exercise of By the above standard, we hold that Respondent Fernan did not gravely abuse his
power 52 by one without color of title or who is not entitled by law thereto. 53 A quo discretion as Senate President in recognizing Respondent Guingona as the
warranto proceeding is the proper legal remedy to determine the right or title to minority leader. Let us recall that the latter belongs to one of the minority parties
in the Senate, the Lakas-NUCD-UMDP. By unanimous resolution of the members of I concur in the judgment of the Court, but I disagree that "[it] has jurisdiction over
this party that he be the minority leader, he was recognized as such by the Senate the petition [in this case] to determine whether the Senate or its officials
President. Such formal recognition by Respondent Fernan came only after at least committed a violation of the Constitution or gravely abused their discretion in the
two Senate sessions and a caucus, wherein both sides were liberally allowed to exercise of their functions and prerogatives."1
articulate their standpoints.
The Court has no jurisdiction over this case. The question who constitute the
Under these circumstances, we believe that the Senate President cannot be minority in the Senate entitled to elect the minority leader of that chamber is
accused of "capricious or whimsical exercise of judgment" or of "an arbitrary and political. It respects the internal affairs of a coequal department of the government
despotic manner by reason of passion or hostility." Where no provision of the and is thus addressed solely to that august body.
Constitution, the laws or even the rules of the Senate has been clearly shown to
have been violated, disregarded or overlooked, grave abuse of discretion cannot Courts have no power to inquire into the internal organization and business of a
be imputed to Senate officials for acts done within their competence and authority. house of Congress except as the question affects the rights of third parties or a
specific constitutional limitation is involved.
WHEREFORE, for the above reasons, the petition is hereby DISMISSED.
For this reason this Court has declined to take cognizance of cases involving the
SO ORDERED. discipline of members2 of the legislature and the application and interpretation of
the rules of procedure of a house.3 For indeed, these matters pertain to the
Narvasa, C.J., Davide, Jr., Melo, Puno, Martinez, Quisumbing and Pardo, JJ., internal government of Congress and are within its exclusive jurisdiction.
Dean Sinco has pointed out that the Speaker of the House of Representatives and
Romero, J., Please see separate opinion. the President of the Senate are not state officers. They do not attain these
positions by popular vote but only by the vote of their respective chambers. They
Bellosillo, J., No part. Did not take part in deliberation. receive their mandate as such not from the voters but from their peers in the
house. While their offices are a constitutional creation, nevertheless they are only
legislative officers. It is their position as members of Congress which gives them
Vitug, J., Pls. see separate opinion.
the status of state officers. As presiding officers of their respective chambers,
their election as well as removal is determined by the vote of the majority of the
Kapunan, J., I concur with Justice Mendoza's concurring and dissenting opinion. members of the house to which they belong.4 Thus, Art VI, §16(1) of the
Constitution provides:
Mendoza, J., Please see concurring and dissenting opinion.
The Senate shall elect its President and the of Representatives its
Purisima, J., Join concurring and dissenting opinion of Justice Mendoza. Speaker, by a majority vote of all its respective Members.

Each House shall choose such other officers as it may deem


Separate Opinions This is likewise true of the "other officers" of each house whose election
and removal rest solely within the prerogative of the members and is no
concern of the courts.

MENDOZA, J., concurring in the judgment and dissenting in part; Indeed, in those cases in which this Court took cognizance of matters pertaining
to the internal government of each house, infringements of specific constitutional
limitations were alleged.
In Avelino v. Cuenco,5 the question was whether with only 12 senators present It is true that in Cunanan v. Tan 11 this Court took cognizance of the case which
there was a quorum for the election of the Senate President, considering that, of involved the reorganization of the Commission as a result of the realignment of
the 24 members, one was in the hospital while another one was abroad. The case political forces in the House of Representatives and the formation of a temporary
called for an interpretation of Art. VI, §10(2) of the 1935 Constitution which alliance. But the Court's decision was justified because the case actually involved
provided that "A majority of each House shall constitute a quorum to do business. the right of a third party whose nomination by the President had been rejected by
. . ." While initially declining to assume jurisdiction, this Court finally took the reorganized Commission. As held in Pacete v. The Secretary of the
cognizance of the matter. As Justice Perfecto, whose separate opinion in support Commission on Appointments. 12 where the construction to be given to a rule
of the assumption of jurisdiction was one of the reasons which persuaded the affects persons other than members of the legislative body, the question
Court to intervene in the Senate imbroglio, stated, "Whether there was a quorum presented is judicial in character.
or not in the meeting of twelve Senators . . . is a question that calls for the
interpretation, application and enforcement of an express and specific provision of In contrast to the specific constitutional limitations involved in the foregoing
the Constitution."6 In his view, "The word quorum is a mathematical word. It has, cases, beyond providing that the Senate and the House of Representatives shall
as such, a precise and exact mathematical meaning. A majority means more than elect a President and Speaker, respectively, and such other officers as each house
one-half (1/2)." 7 shall determine "by a majority vote of all [their] respective Members," the
Constitution leaves everything else to each house of Congress. Such matters are
In Tañada v. Cuenco,8 the question was whether the majority could fill the seats political and are left solely to the judgment of the legislative department of the
intended for the minority party in the Senate Electoral Tribunal when there are not government.
enough minority members in the Senate. Again, the question was governed by a
specific provision (Art. VI, §11) of the 1935 charter which provided that the This case involves neither an infringement of specific constitutional limitations
Electoral Tribunals of each house should be composed of "nine Members, three of nor a violation of the rights of a party not a member of Congress. This Court has
whom shall be Justices of the Supreme Court . . . I and the remaining six shall be jurisdiction over this case only in the sense that determining whether the question
Members of the Senate or of the House of Representatives, as the case may be, involved is reserved to Congress is itself an exercise of jurisdiction in the same
who shall be chosen by each House, three upon the nomination of the party way that a court which dismisses a case for lack of jurisdiction must in a narrow
having the largest number of votes and three of the party having the second sense have jurisdiction since it cannot dismiss the case if it were otherwise. The
largest number of votes therein." There was, therefore, a specific constitutional determination of whether the question involved is justiciable or not is in itself a
provision to be applied. process of constitutional interpretation. This is the great lesson ofMarbury v.
Madison 13 in which the U.S. Supreme Court, while affirming its power of review, in
The cases9 concerning the composition of the Commission on Appointments the end held itself to be without jurisdiction because the Judiciary Act of 1789
likewise involved the mere application of a constitutional provision, specifically granting it jurisdiction over that case was unconstitutional. In other words, a court
Art. VI, §18 of the present Constitution which provides that the Commission shall doing a Marbury v. Madison has no jurisdiction except to declare itself without
be composed of "twelve Senators and twelve Members of the House of jurisdiction over the case.
Representatives, elected by each House on the basis of proportional
representation from the political parties and parties or organizations registered I vote to dismiss the petition in this case for lack of jurisdiction.
under the party-list system represented therein." Undoubtedly, the Court had
jurisdiction over the cases.

On the other hand, as long as the proportional representation of political parties ROMERO, J., separate opinion;
and organizations is observed the Court has held itself to be without jurisdiction
over the choice of nominees. In Cabili v. Francisco, 10 it declined to take
"Loyalty to petrified opinion never yet broke a chain or freed a human soul."
cognizance of a quo warranto suit seeking to annul the recomposition of the
Senate representation in the Commission and to reinstate a particular senator
after satisfying itself that such recomposition of the Senate representation was not These words vividly inscribed just beneath Mark Twain's bust at the Hall of Fame
a "departure from the constitution mandate requiring proportional representation veritably speaks about the creativity and dynamism which ought to characterize
of the political organizations in the Commission on Appointments."
our perspective of things. It instructs us to broaden our horizon that we may not in Tolentino, the facts as presented in Arroyo being radically different from the
be held captive by ignorance. Free and robust thinking is the imperative. former. In keeping with my view that judicial review is permissible only to uphold
the Constitution, I pointed out that the legislative rules allegedly violated were
But there are times when one has to render fealty to certain fundamental precepts purely internal and had no direct or reasonable nexus to the requirements and
and I believe that this occasion presents an opportunity to do so. Thus, as I join proscriptions of the Constitution in the passage of a bill which would otherwise
the majority and cast my vote today for the denial of the instant petition, may I just warrant the Court's intervention.
be allowed to reiterate jurisprudential postulates which I have long embraced, not
for the sake of "loyalty to petrified opinion" but to stress consistency in doctrine In the instant case, at the risk of being repetitious, I again take a similar stand as
in the hope that all future disputes of this nature may be similarly resolved in this the ones I made in the two cited cases.
Although this case involves the question of who is the rightful occupant of a
This is not actually the first time that the Court has been invited to resolve a matter Senate "office" and does not deal with the passage of a bill or the observance of
originating from the internal processes undertaken by a co-equal branch of internal rules for the Senate's conduct of its business, the same ground as I
government, more particularly the Senate in this case. Earlier, in the landmark previously invoked may justify the Court's refusal to pry into the procedures of the
case of Tolentino v. Secretary of Finance, et al.,1 we were confronted, among other Senate. There is to me no constitutional breach which has been made and, ergo,
things, by the issue of whether a significant tax measure namely, Republic Act. there is nothing for this Court to uphold. The interpretation placed by petitioners
No. 7716 (Expanded Value-Added Tax Law), went through the legislative mill in on Section 16 (1), Article VI of the 1987 Constitution clearly does not find support
keeping with the constitutionally-mandated procedure for the passage of bills. in the text thereof. Expressium facit cessare tacitum. What is expressed puts an
Speaking through Justice Vicente V. Mendoza, the majority upheld the tax end to that which is implied. The majority vote required for the election of a Senate
measure's validity, relying on the enrolled bill theory and the view that the Court is President and a Speaker of the House of Representatives speaks only of such
not the appropriate forum to enforce internal legislative rules supposedly violated number or quantity of votes for an aspirant to be lawfully elected as such. There is
when the bill was being passed by Congress. I took a different view, however, from here no declaration that by so electing, each of the two Houses of Congress is
the majority because of what I felt was a sweeping reliance on said doctrines thereby divided into camps called the "majority" and the "minority." In fact, the
without giving due regard to the peculiar facts of the case. I underscored that "offices" of Majority Floor Leader and Minority Floor Leader are not explicitly
these principles may not be applied where the internal legislative rules would provided for as constitutional offices. As pointed out by my esteemed colleague,
breach the Constitution which this Court has a solemn duty to uphold. It was my Justice Artemio V. Panganiban, who penned the herein majority opinion, even on
position then that the introduction of several provisions in the Bicameral the theory that under paragraph 2, Section 16 (1) of Article VI of the Constitution,
Committee Report violated the constitutional proscription against any amendment each House shall choose such other officers as it may deem necessary, still "the
to a bill upon the last reading thereof and which this Court, in the exercise of its method of choosing who will be such officers is merely a derivative of the exercise
judicial power, can properly inquire into without running afoul of the principle of of the prerogative conferred by the aforequoted constitutional provision." With the
separation of powers. prerogative being, therefore, bestowed upon the Senate, whatever differences the
parties may have against each other must be settled in their own turf and the
Last year,2 Arroyo, et al. v. de Venecia, et al.3 presented an opportunity for me to Court, conscious as it is of its constitutionally-delineated powers, will not take a
clarify my position further. In that case, Congressman Joker Arroyo filed a petition perilous move to overstep the same.
before the Court complaining that during a session by the House of
Representatives, he was effectively prevented from raising the question of quorum
which to him tainted the validity of Republic Act No. 8240, or the so-called "sin
taxes" law. The Court, speaking again through Justice Mendoza, dismissed Mr. VITUG, J., separate opinion;
Arroyo's petition, arguing in the main that courts are denied the power to inquire
into allegations that, in enacting a law, a House of Congress failed to comply with The 1987 Constitution, like the counterpart 1935 and 1973 Constitutions, has
its own rules, in the absence of showing that there was a violation of a continued to be implicit in its recognition of the time-honored precept of
constitutional provision or the rights of private individuals. Concurring with the separation of powers which enjoins upon each of the three co-equal and
majority opinion, I discerned a need to explain my position then because of independent, albeit coordinate, branches of the government — the Legislative, the
possible misinterpretation. I was very emphatic that I did not abandon my position
Executive and the Judiciary — proper acknowledgment and respect for each other. tyranny, is what has been envisioned by and institutionalized in the 1987
The Supreme Court, said to be holding neither the "purse" (held by Congress) nor Constitution.
the "sword" (held by the Executive) but serving as the balance wheel in the State
governance, functions both as the tribunal of last resort and as the Constitutional There is no harnbook rule by which grave abuse of discretion may be determined.
Court of the nation.1 Peculiar, however, to the present Constitution, specifically The provision was evidently couched in general terms to make it malleable to
under Article VII, Section 1, thereof, is the extended jurisdiction of judicial power judicial interpretation in the light of any contemporary or emerging millieu. In its
that now explicitly allows the determination of "whether or not there has been normal concept, the term has been said to imply capricious and whimsical
grave abuse of discretion amounting to lack or excess of jurisdiction on the part of exercise of judgment, amounting, to lack or excess of jurisdiction, or at the power
any branch or instrumentality of the government."2 This expanded concept of is exercised in an arbitrary or despotic manner such as by reason of passion or
judicial power seems to have been dictated by the martial law experience and to personal hostility. When the question, however, pertains to an affair internal to
be an immediate reaction to the abuse in the frequent recourse to the political either of Congress or the Executive, I would subscribe to thedictum, somewhat
question doctrine that in no small measure has emasculated the Court. The term made implicit in my understanding of Arroyo vs. De Venecia,4 that unless an
"political question," in this context, refers to matters which, under the infringement of any specific Constitutional proscription thereby inheres the Court
Constitution, are to be decided by the people in their sovereign capacity or in will not deign substitute its own judgment over that of any of the other two
regard to which discretionary authority has been delegated to the legislative or branches of government. Verily, in this situation, it is an impairment or a clear
executive branch of the government. disregard of a specific constitutional precept or provision that can unbolt the steel
door for judicial intervention.
The Supreme Court, nevertheless, should not be thought of as having been tasked
with the awesome responsibility of overseeing the entire bureaucracy. I find it here In the instant settings, I find insufficient indication to have the case hew to the
opportune to reiterate what I have stated inTolentino vs. Secretary of Finance,3 viz: above rule.

I cannot yet concede to the novel theory, so challengingly Accordingly, I vote for the dismissal of the petition.
provocative as it might be, that under the 1987 Constitution the
Court may now at good liberty intrude, in the guise of the people's Separate Opinions
imprimatur, into every affair of government. What significance can
still then remain, I ask, of the time honored and widely acclaimed
MENDOZA, J., concurring in the judgment and dissenting in part;
principle of separation of powers if, at every turn, the Court allows
itself to pass upon at will the disposition of a co-equal, independent
and coordinate branch in our system of government. I dread to think I concur in the judgment of the Court, but I disagree that "[it] has jurisdiction over
of the so varied uncertainties that such an undue interference can the petition [in this case] to determine whether the Senate or its officials
lead to. The respect for long standing doctrines in our committed a violation of the Constitution or gravely abused their discretion in the
jurisprudence, nourished through time, is one of maturity, not exercise of their functions and prerogatives."1
timidity, of stability rather than quiescence.
The Court has no jurisdiction over this case. The question who constitute the
Pervasive and limitless, such as it, may seem to be, judicial power still minority in the Senate entitled to elect the minority leader of that chamber is
succumbs to the paramount doctrine of separation of powers. Congress is political. It respects the internal affairs of a coequal department of the government
the branch of government, composed of the representatives of the people, and is thus addressed solely to that august body.
that lays down the policies of government and provides the direction that
the nation must take. The Executive carries out that mandate. Certainly, the Courts have no power to inquire into the internal organization and business of a
Court will not negate that which is done by these, co-equal and co-ordinate house of Congress except as the question affects the rights of third parties or a
branches merely because of a perceived case of grave abuse of discretion specific constitutional limitation is involved.
on their part, clearly too relative a phrase to be its own sentinel against
misuse, even as it will not hesitate to wield the power if that abuse For this reason this Court has declined to take cognizance of cases involving the
becomes all too clear. The exercise of judicial statesmanship, not judicial discipline of members2 of the legislature and the application and interpretation of
the rules of procedure of a house.3 For indeed, these matters pertain to the In Tañada v. Cuenco,8 the question was whether the majority could fill the seats
internal government of Congress and are within its exclusive jurisdiction. intended for the minority party in the Senate Electoral Tribunal when there are not
enough minority members in the Senate. Again, the question was governed by a
Dean Sinco has pointed out that the Speaker of the House of Representatives and specific provision (Art. VI, §11) of the 1935 charter which provided that the
the President of the Senate are not state officers. They do not attain these Electoral Tribunals of each house should be composed of "nine Members, three of
positions by popular vote but only by the vote of their respective chambers. They whom shall be Justices of the Supreme Court . . . I and the remaining six shall be
receive their mandate as such not from the voters but from their peers in the Members of the Senate or of the House of Representatives, as the case may be,
house. While their offices are a constitutional creation, nevertheless they are only who shall be chosen by each House, three upon the nomination of the party
legislative officers. It is their position as members of Congress which gives them having the largest number of votes and three of the party having the second
the status of state officers. As presiding officers of their respective chambers, largest number of votes therein." There was, therefore, a specific constitutional
their election as well as removal is determined by the vote of the majority of the provision to be applied.
members of the house to which they belong.4 Thus, Art VI, §16(1) of the
Constitution provides: The cases9 concerning the composition of the Commission on Appointments
likewise involved the mere application of a constitutional provision, specifically
The Senate shall elect its President and the of Representatives its Art. VI, §18 of the present Constitution which provides that the Commission shall
Speaker, by a majority vote of all its respective Members. be composed of "twelve Senators and twelve Members of the House of
Representatives, elected by each House on the basis of proportional
Each House shall choose such other officers as it may deem representation from the political parties and parties or organizations registered
necessary. under the party-list system represented therein." Undoubtedly, the Court had
jurisdiction over the cases.
This is likewise true of the "other officers" of each house whose election
and removal rest solely within the prerogative of the members and is no On the other hand, as long as the proportional representation of political parties
concern of the courts. and organizations is observed the Court has held itself to be without jurisdiction
over the choice of nominees. In Cabili v. Francisco, 10 it declined to take
cognizance of a quo warranto suit seeking to annul the recomposition of the
Indeed, in those cases in which this Court took cognizance of matters pertaining
Senate representation in the Commission and to reinstate a particular senator
to the internal government of each house, infringements of specific constitutional
after satisfying itself that such recomposition of the Senate representation was not
limitations were alleged.
a "departure from the constitution mandate requiring proportional representation
of the political organizations in the Commission on Appointments."
In Avelino v. Cuenco,5 the question was whether with only 12 senators present
there was a quorum for the election of the Senate President, considering that, of
It is true that in Cunanan v. Tan 11 this Court took cognizance of the case which
the 24 members, one was in the hospital while another one was abroad. The case
involved the reorganization of the Commission as a result of the realignment of
called for an interpretation of Art. VI, §10(2) of the 1935 Constitution which
political forces in the House of Representatives and the formation of a temporary
provided that "A majority of each House shall constitute a quorum to do business.
alliance. But the Court's decision was justified because the case actually involved
. . ." While initially declining to assume jurisdiction, this Court finally took
the right of a third party whose nomination by the President had been rejected by
cognizance of the matter. As Justice Perfecto, whose separate opinion in support
the reorganized Commission. As held in Pacete v. The Secretary of the
of the assumption of jurisdiction was one of the reasons which persuaded the
Commission on Appointments. 12 where the construction to be given to a rule
Court to intervene in the Senate imbroglio, stated, "Whether there was a quorum
affects persons other than members of the legislative body, the question
or not in the meeting of twelve Senators . . . is a question that calls for the
presented is judicial in character.
interpretation, application and enforcement of an express and specific provision of
the Constitution."6 In his view, "The word quorum is a mathematical word. It has,
as such, a precise and exact mathematical meaning. A majority means more than In contrast to the specific constitutional limitations involved in the foregoing
one-half (1/2)." 7 cases, beyond providing that the Senate and the House of Representatives shall
elect a President and Speaker, respectively, and such other officers as each house
shall determine "by a majority vote of all [their] respective Members," the
Constitution leaves everything else to each house of Congress. Such matters are things, by the issue of whether a significant tax measure namely, Republic Act.
political and are left solely to the judgment of the legislative department of the No. 7716 (Expanded Value-Added Tax Law), went through the legislative mill in
government. keeping with the constitutionally-mandated procedure for the passage of bills.
Speaking through Justice Vicente V. Mendoza, the majority upheld the tax
This case involves neither an infringement of specific constitutional limitations measure's validity, relying on the enrolled bill theory and the view that the Court is
nor a violation of the rights of a party not a member of Congress. This Court has not the appropriate forum to enforce internal legislative rules supposedly violated
jurisdiction over this case only in the sense that determining whether the question when the bill was being passed by Congress. I took a different view, however, from
involved is reserved to Congress is itself an exercise of jurisdiction in the same the majority because of what I felt was a sweeping reliance on said doctrines
way that a court which dismisses a case for lack of jurisdiction must in a narrow without giving due regard to the peculiar facts of the case. I underscored that
sense have jurisdiction since it cannot dismiss the case if it were otherwise. The these principles may not be applied where the internal legislative rules would
determination of whether the question involved is justiciable or not is in itself a breach the Constitution which this Court has a solemn duty to uphold. It was my
process of constitutional interpretation. This is the great lesson ofMarbury v. position then that the introduction of several provisions in the Bicameral
Madison 13 in which the U.S. Supreme Court, while affirming its power of review, in Committee Report violated the constitutional proscription against any amendment
the end held itself to be without jurisdiction because the Judiciary Act of 1789 to a bill upon the last reading thereof and which this Court, in the exercise of its
granting it jurisdiction over that case was unconstitutional. In other words, a court judicial power, can properly inquire into without running afoul of the principle of
doing a Marbury v. Madison has no jurisdiction except to declare itself without separation of powers.
jurisdiction over the case.
Last year,2 Arroyo, et al. v. de Venecia, et al.3 presented an opportunity for me to
I vote to dismiss the petition in this case for lack of jurisdiction. clarify my position further. In that case, Congressman Joker Arroyo filed a petition
before the Court complaining that during a session by the House of
Representatives, he was effectively prevented from raising the question of quorum
which to him tainted the validity of Republic Act No. 8240, or the so-called "sin
taxes" law. The Court, speaking again through Justice Mendoza, dismissed Mr.
ROMERO, J., separate opinion;
Arroyo's petition, arguing in the main that courts are denied the power to inquire
into allegations that, in enacting a law, a House of Congress failed to comply with
"Loyalty to petrified opinion never yet broke a chain or freed a human soul." its own rules, in the absence of showing that there was a violation of a
constitutional provision or the rights of private individuals. Concurring with the
These words vividly inscribed just beneath Mark Twain's bust at the Hall of Fame majority opinion, I discerned a need to explain my position then because of
veritably speaks about the creativity and dynamism which ought to characterize possible misinterpretation. I was very emphatic that I did not abandon my position
our perspective of things. It instructs us to broaden our horizon that we may not in Tolentino, the facts as presented in Arroyo being radically different from the
be held captive by ignorance. Free and robust thinking is the imperative. former. In keeping with my view that judicial review is permissible only to uphold
the Constitution, I pointed out that the legislative rules allegedly violated were
But there are times when one has to render fealty to certain fundamental precepts purely internal and had no direct or reasonable nexus to the requirements and
and I believe that this occasion presents an opportunity to do so. Thus, as I join proscriptions of the Constitution in the passage of a bill which would otherwise
the majority and cast my vote today for the denial of the instant petition, may I just warrant the Court's intervention.
be allowed to reiterate jurisprudential postulates which I have long embraced, not
for the sake of "loyalty to petrified opinion" but to stress consistency in doctrine In the instant case, at the risk of being repetitious, I again take a similar stand as
in the hope that all future disputes of this nature may be similarly resolved in this the ones I made in the two cited cases.
Although this case involves the question of who is the rightful occupant of a
This is not actually the first time that the Court has been invited to resolve a matter Senate "office" and does not deal with the passage of a bill or the observance of
originating from the internal processes undertaken by a co-equal branch of internal rules for the Senate's conduct of its business, the same ground as I
government, more particularly the Senate in this case. Earlier, in the landmark previously invoked may justify the Court's refusal to pry into the procedures of the
case of Tolentino v. Secretary of Finance, et al.,1 we were confronted, among other Senate. There is to me no constitutional breach which has been made and, ergo,
there is nothing for this Court to uphold. The interpretation placed by petitioners The Supreme Court, nevertheless, should not be thought of as having been tasked
on Section 16 (1), Article VI of the 1987 Constitution clearly does not find support with the awesome responsibility of overseeing the entire bureaucracy. I find it here
in the text thereof. Expressium facit cessare tacitum. What is expressed puts an opportune to reiterate what I have stated inTolentino vs. Secretary of Finance,3 viz:
end to that which is implied. The majority vote required for the election of a Senate
President and a Speaker of the House of Representatives speaks only of such I cannot yet concede to the novel theory, so challengingly
number or quantity of votes for an aspirant to be lawfully elected as such. There is provocative as it might be, that under the 1987 Constitution the
here no declaration that by so electing, each of the two Houses of Congress is Court may now at good liberty intrude, in the guise of the people's
thereby divided into camps called the "majority" and the "minority." In fact, the imprimatur, into every affair of government. What significance can
"offices" of Majority Floor Leader and Minority Floor Leader are not explicitly still then remain, I ask, of the time honored and widely acclaimed
provided for as constitutional offices. As pointed out by my esteemed colleague, principle of separation of powers if, at every turn, the Court allows
Justice Artemio V. Panganiban, who penned the herein majority opinion, even on itself to pass upon at will the disposition of a co-equal, independent
the theory that under paragraph 2, Section 16 (1) of Article VI of the Constitution, and coordinate branch in our system of government. I dread to think
each House shall choose such other officers as it may deem necessary, still "the of the so varied uncertainties that such an undue interference can
method of choosing who will be such officers is merely a derivative of the exercise lead to. The respect for long standing doctrines in our
of the prerogative conferred by the aforequoted constitutional provision." With the jurisprudence, nourished through time, is one of maturity, not
prerogative being, therefore, bestowed upon the Senate, whatever differences the timidity, of stability rather than quiescence.
parties may have against each other must be settled in their own turf and the
Court, conscious as it is of its constitutionally-delineated powers, will not take a Pervasive and limitless, such as it, may seem to be, judicial power still
perilous move to overstep the same. succumbs to the paramount doctrine of separation of powers. Congress is
the branch of government, composed of the representatives of the people,
that lays down the policies of government and provides the direction that
the nation must take. The Executive carries out that mandate. Certainly, the
VITUG, J., separate opinion; Court will not negate that which is done by these, co-equal and co-ordinate
branches merely because of a perceived case of grave abuse of discretion
The 1987 Constitution, like the counterpart 1935 and 1973 Constitutions, has on their part, clearly too relative a phrase to be its own sentinel against
continued to be implicit in its recognition of the time-honored precept of misuse, even as it will not hesitate to wield the power if that abuse
separation of powers which enjoins upon each of the three co-equal and becomes all too clear. The exercise of judicial statesmanship, not judicial
independent, albeit coordinate, branches of the government — the Legislative, the tyranny, is what has been envisioned by and institutionalized in the 1987
Executive and the Judiciary — proper acknowledgment and respect for each other. Constitution.
The Supreme Court, said to be holding neither the "purse" (held by Congress) nor
the "sword" (held by the Executive) but serving as the balance wheel in the State There is no harnbook rule by which grave abuse of discretion may be determined.
governance, functions both as the tribunal of last resort and as the Constitutional The provision was evidently couched in general terms to make it malleable to
Court of the nation.1 Peculiar, however, to the present Constitution, specifically judicial interpretation in the light of any contemporary or emerging millieu. In its
under Article VII, Section 1, thereof, is the extended jurisdiction of judicial power normal concept, the term has been said to imply capricious and whimsical
that now explicitly allows the determination of "whether or not there has been exercise of judgment, amounting, to lack or excess of jurisdiction, or at the power
grave abuse of discretion amounting to lack or excess of jurisdiction on the part of is exercised in an arbitrary or despotic manner such as by reason of passion or
any branch or instrumentality of the government."2 This expanded concept of personal hostility. When the question, however, pertains to an affair internal to
judicial power seems to have been dictated by the martial law experience and to either of Congress or the Executive, I would subscribe to thedictum, somewhat
be an immediate reaction to the abuse in the frequent recourse to the political made implicit in my understanding of Arroyo vs. De Venecia,4 that unless an
question doctrine that in no small measure has emasculated the Court. The term infringement of any specific Constitutional proscription thereby inheres the Court
"political question," in this context, refers to matters which, under the will not deign substitute its own judgment over that of any of the other two
Constitution, are to be decided by the people in their sovereign capacity or in branches of government. Verily, in this situation, it is an impairment or a clear
regard to which discretionary authority has been delegated to the legislative or disregard of a specific constitutional precept or provision that can unbolt the steel
executive branch of the government. door for judicial intervention.
In the instant settings, I find insufficient indication to have the case hew to the Sen. Juan M. Flavier — Lakas-NUCD-UMDP
above rule.
Sen. Miriam Defensor-Santiago — People's Reform Party
Accordingly, I vote for the dismissal of the petition. (PRP)

Footnotes Sen. Sergio R. Osmeña — Liberal Party (LP)

1 § 21 (1), BP 129; § 5 (1), Art. VIII, Constitution. Sen. Francisco S. Tatad — PRP

2 See Manalo v. Gloria, 236 SCRA 130, 138-139, September 1, Sen. Gregorio B. Honasan — LP (Independent)
1994; citing People v. Cuaresma, 172 SCRA 415, 423-24, April 18,
1989, and Defensor-Santiago v. Vasquez, 217 SCRA 633, 651-652, Sen. Juan Ponce Enrile — LP (Independent)
January 27, 1993.
Sen. Anna Dominique M.L. Coseteng — LAMP
3 Uy v. Contreras, 237 SCRA 167, September 26, 1994; Vergara Sr. v.
Suelto, 156 SCRA 753, December 21, 1987. Sen. Loren Legarda-Leviste — Lakas-NUCD-UMDP

4 Avelino v. Cueno, 83 Phil 17 (1949); Guingona, Jr. v. Gonzales, 214 Sen. Renato L. Cayetano — Lakas-NUCD-UMDP
SCRA 789, October 20, 1992.
Sen. Vicente C. Sotto III — LAMP
5 Arroyo vs. De Venecia, 277 SCRA 268, August 14, 1997.
Sen. Aquilino Q. Pimemtel, Jr. — LAMP
6 The solicitor general, in his Comment dated August 21, 1998,
attributed to the 23 members of the Senate the following party
Sen. Robert Z. Barbers — Lakas-NUCD-UMDP
Sen. Rodolfo G. Biazon — LAMP
"Senate President Marcelo B. Fernan — Laban ng Masang
Sen. Blas F. Ople — LAMP
Sen. Raul S. Roco — Aksyon Demokratiko
Sen. John Henry R. Osmeña — LAMP
Sen. Ramon B. Magsaysay, Jr. — Lakas-National Union of
Sen. Robert S. Jaworski — LAMP
— Christian Democrats-
Sen. Ramon B. Revilla — Lakas-NUCD-UMDP
United Muslim Democrats
Sen. Teofisto T. Guingona, Jr. — Lakas-NUCD-UMDP
of the Philippines, (Lakas-
Sen. Tessie Aquino-Oreta — LAMP"
(Rollo, pp. 63-64. See also Comment of Respondent
Guingona, Jr., rollo, p. 41.)
Sen. Franklin M. Drilon — LAMP
7 One position was vacant, because of the election of the 20 § 11, Art. VI of the 1935 Constitution.
incumbent, Gloria Macapagal Arroyo, as the Vice President of the
Philippines. 21 42 SCRA 448, December 11, 1971.

8 Senator Fernan abstained from voting. (Petition, p. 4; rollo, p. 6. 22 5 Phil 87 (1905).

Comment of the solicitor general, p. 2; rollo, p. 63.)
23 91 Phil 882 (1952).
9 Senators Robert Z. Barbers, Renato L. Cayetano, Juan M. Flavier,
Teofisto T. Guingona Jr., Loren Legarda-Leviste, Ramon B. 24 50 SCRA 30, 84, 87, March 31, 1973.
Magsaysay Jr., and Ramon B. Revilla.
25 Art. VIII, § 1, par. 2.
10 The Petition was signed by both petitioners; the Comment of
Senate President Fernan, by Senator Fernan himself and Attys. Mary
26 180 SCRA 496, December 21, 1989, per Cruz, J.
Jane L. Zantua and Lani Grace R. Songco; the Comment of Senator
Guingona, by Atty. Ricardo G. Nepomuceno Jr.; the Comment of the
OSG, by Sol. Gen. Ricardo P. Galvez, Asst. Sol. Gen. Carlos N. 27 187 SCRA 377, July 12, 1990, per Griño-Aquino, J.
Ortega and Associate Solicitor Rico Sebastian D. Liwanag; while the
Consolidated Reply, by Sen. Miriam Defenser Santiago. 28 214 SCRA 789, October 20, 1992, per Campos Jr., J.

11 83 Phil 17 (1949). 29 272 SCRA 18, 47, May 2, 1997, per Panganiban, J.

12 Bernas, The Constitution of the Republic of the Philippines: A 30 199 SCRA 692, July 30, 1991, per Gutierrez Jr., J.
Commentary, Vol. II, 1988 ed., p. 282.
31 Citing Lazatin v. HRET, 168 SCRA 391, 1988.
13 § 10 (2), Art. VI of the 1935 Constitution, reads:
32 Citing Robles v. HRET, 181 SCRA 780, 1990.
"(2) A majority of each House shall constitute a quorum to do
business, but a smaller number may adjourn from day to day and 33 277 SCRA 268, August 14, 1997, per Mendoza, J.
may compel the attendance of absent Members in such manner and
under such penalties as such House may provide." 34 At p. 299.

14 Supra, p. 72. 35 Alleje v. Court of Appeals, 240 SCRA 495, January 25, 1995;
Sarmiento v. Court of Appeals, 250 SCRA 108, November 16, 1995;
15 At p. 76. Times Broadcasting Network v. Court of Appeals, 274 SCRA 366,
June 19, 1997; Chico v. Court of Appeals, G.R. No. 122704, January
16 At p. 78. 5, 1998.

17 At p. 79. 36 Perez v. De la Cruz, 27 SCRA 587, 603 (1969), citing Webster's

International Dictionary, Unabridged; Concurring Opinion of J.
18 103 Phil 1051, 1068 (1957), per Concepcion, J. Perfecto in Avelino v. Cueno, supra, p. 80. See also Petition, rollo, p.
12, citing Black's Law Dictionary, 6th ed., 1990.
19 Ibid., p. 1067, citing 16 CJS 413.
37 P. 15; rollo, p. 55.
38 Citing Record of the Senate, 8th Congress, Vol. I, No. 14, p. 9. 52 91 CJS 551, citing State ex rel Daniel v. Village of Mound, 48
NW2d 855, 863.
39 Citing Record of the Senate, 9th Congress, Vol. III, No. 47-A, pp.
88-94. 53 67 CJS 317, citing Wheat v. Smith, 7 SW 161.

40 Then Minority Leader Ernesto C. Maceda chaired the Committees 54 Lota v. Court of Appeals, 2 SCRA 715, 718, June 30, 1961.
on Constitutional Amendments, Revision of Codes and Laws; and
on Foreign Relations. Senator Honasan chaired the Committees on 55 § 2, Rule 66, Rules of Court.
Agrarian Reform; on Peace, Unification and Reconciliation; and on
Urban Planning, Housing and Resettlement. Senator Coseteng was 56 § 5, ibid. See also Municipality of San Narciso, Quezon v. Mendez
the chair of the Committees on Civil Service and Government Sr., 239 SCRA 11, 18, December 6, 1994; Tarrosa v. Singson, 232
Reorganization; and on Labor, Employment and Human Resources. SCRA 553, 557, May 25, 1994.
(See footnote 40 of Respondent Guingona's Comment, supra.)
In this regard, the Court notes that Petitioner Santiago has no
41 Webster's New World Dictionary, 2nd college ed., 1972. standing to bring the instant petition for quo warranto, for she does
not claim to be rightfully entitled to the position of Senate minority
42 Ibid. leader. We have ruled in the past:

43 § 16 (1), second par., Art. VI of the Constitution. "Nothing is better settled than that a petitioner, in
a quo warranto proceeding to try title to a public
44 § 16 (3), Art. VI of the Constitution. office, must be able to show that he is entitled to said
office. Absent such an element, the petition must be
45 Rules of the Senate (see Appendix "A," Guide to the Senate by dismissed. This is a principle that goes back to
Reginald M. Pastrana and Demaree J.B. Raval). Acosta v. Flor [5 Phil 18, 22], a 1905 decision. There,
the doctrine has been laid down that: 'No individual
46 New York Public Interest Research Group, Inc. v. Steingut, 353 can bring a civil action relating to usurpation of a
NE2d 558. public office without averring that he has a right to
the same; and at any stage of the proceedings, if it be
shown that such individual has no right, the action
47 Concurring Opinion in Oposa v. Factoran Jr., 224 SCRA 792, 818,
may be dismissed because there is no legal ground
July 30, 1993.
upon which it may proceed when the fundamental
basis of such action is destroyed.' This has been the
48 Osmeña Jr. v. Pendatun, 109 Phil 863, 870-871 (1960), citing 76 exacting rule, since then, followed with stricter
CJS 870. See also Arroyo v. De Venecia, supra. firmness in Cuyegkeng v. Cruz [108 Phil 1147], where
this Court held that one who does not claim to be
49 Ibid. See also Enrique M. Fernando, Constitution of the entitled to the office allegedly usurped or unlawfully
Philippines Annotated, 1977, pp. 188-189. held or exercised by, another, but who 'merely
asserts a right to be appointed' thereto, cannot
50 Ledesma v. Court of Appeals, 278 SCRA 656, 681, September 5, question the latter's title to the same by quo warranto.
1997. In other words, one whose, claim is predicated solely
upon a more or less remote possibility, that he may
51 I RECORD OF THE CONSTITUTIONAL COMMISSION 436. be the recipient of the appointment, has no cause of
action against the office holder." (Garcia v. Perez, 99
SCRA 628, 633-34, September 11, 1980, per De 4 VICENTE G. SINCO, PHILIPPINE POLITICAL LAW 171-172 (11th ed.
Castro, J.) 1962).

However, any question on standing has been rendered moot by the 5 83 Phil. 17 (1949).
inclusion of Petitioner Tatad, who claims to have the right to the
contested office. 6 Id., at 50.

57 § 1, Rule 66, Rules of Court. In relation to this rule, Respondent 7 Id., at 79.
Fernan claims that he is not a proper party to the case, because he
did not usurp nor is he unlawfully holding or exercising the office of 8 103 Phil. 1051 (1957).
minority leader. While the action commenced by petitioners was
denominated aquo warranto petition under Rule 66, the Court notes
9 Daza v. Singson, 180 SCRA 496 (1989); Coseteng v. Mitra, Jr., 187
that among the principal averments made was that Respondent
SCRA. 377 (1990); Guingona, Jr. v. Gonzales, 214 SCRA 789 (1992).
Fernan committed grave abuse of discretion in recognizing
Respondent Guingona as the Senate minority leader. Such
averment brings the petition within the purview of 10 88 Phil. 654 (1951).
a certiorari proceeding under Rule 65. A basic principle in remedial
law states that it is not the title given by the parties to the action 11 115 Phil. vii (1962).
which determines its nature, but the averments made in the
pleadings. The case may, thus, be treated as a 12 40 SCRA 58 (1971).
joint certiorari and quo warranto action and, as such, Respondent
Fernan is a proper, if not necessary, party thereto. 13 Cranch 137, 2L.Ed. 60 (1803).

58 Batario Jr. v. Parentela Jr., 9 SCRA 601, November 29, 1963; ROMERO, J., separate opinion;
Caraon-Medina v. Quizon, 18 SCRA 562, October 29, 1966.
1 235 SCRA 630.
59 Commissioner of Internal Revenue v. Court of Appeals, 257
SCRA 200, 209, June 4, 1996, per Kapunan, J.; citing Philippine 2 August 14, 1997.
Airlines, Inc. v. Confesor, 231 SCRA 41, March 10, 1994, and other
cases. See also Imutan v. Court of Appeals, 102 SCRA 286, 292
3 G.R. No. 127255; 277 SCRA 268 (1997).
January 27, 1981.
VITUG, J., separate opinion;
MENDOZA, J., concurring and dissenting opinion;
1 Justice Jose C. Vitug, The court and its Ways, The Court System
1 Majority Opinion. p. 18.
Journal, June 1998, Volume 3 No. 2.
2 Alejandrino v. Quezon, 46 Phil. 83 (1924) (suspension of senator 2 Sec. 1, Article VIII.
for disorderly conduct for assaulting a fellow senator): Osmeña v.
Pendatun, 109 Phil. 863 (1960) (suspension of senator for disorderly
behavior for imputing bribery to President Garcia) 3 235 SCRA 630, 720.

3 Arroyo v. De Venecia, 277 SCRA 268 (1997) (power of each house 4 277 SCRA 268, 289.
to determine its rules of proceedings)
Petitioners filed a Motion for Reconsideration1 and a Supplemental Motion for
Reconsideration,2 praying that the Court reverse its decision of April 28, 2010, and grant
Republic of the Philippines their petition for certiorari.
Manila In their Motion for Reconsideration, petitioners argue that our constitutional and
jurisprudential histories have rejected the Court’s ruling that the foreign policy
EN BANC prerogatives ofthe Executive Branch are unlimited; that under the relevant jurisprudence
and constitutional provisions, such prerogatives are proscribed by international human
rights and international conventions of which the Philippines is a party; that the Court, in
G.R. No. 162230 August 13, 2014 holding that the Chief Executive has the prerogative whether to bring petitioners’ claims
against Japan, has read the foreign policy powers of the Office of the President in
ISABELITA C. VINUY A, VICTORIA C. DELA PENA, HERMINIHILDA MANIMBO, isolation from the rest of the constitutional protections that expressly textualize
LEONOR H. SUMA WANG, CANDELARIA L. SOLIMAN, MARIA L. QUILANTANG, international human rights; that the foreign policy prerogatives are subject to obligations
MARIA L. MAGISA, NATALIA M. ALONZO, LOURDES M. NAVARO, FRANCISCA M. to promote international humanitarian law as incorporated intothe laws of the land
ATENCIO, ERLINDA MANALASTAS, TARCILA M. SAMPANG, ESTER M. PALACIO, through the Incorporation Clause; that the Court must re-visit its decisions in Yamashita
MAXIMA R. DELA CRUZ, BELEN A. SAGUM, FELICIDAD TURLA, FLORENCIA M. v. Styer3 and Kuroda v. Jalandoni4 which have been noted for their prescient articulation
DELA PENA, EUGENIA M. LALU, JULIANA G. MAGAT, CECILIA SANGUYO, ANA of the import of laws of humanity; that in said decision, the Court ruled that the State was
ALONZO, RUFINA P. MALLARI, ROSARIO M. ALARCON, RUFINA C. GULAPA, bound to observe the laws of war and humanity; that in Yamashita, the Court expressly
ZOILA B. MANALUS, CORAZON C. CALMA, MARTA A. GULAPA, TEODORA M. recognized rape as an international crime under international humanitarian law, and in
HERNANDEZ, FERMIN B. DELA PENA, MARIA DELA PAZ B. CULALA,ESPERANZA Jalandoni, the Court declared that even if the Philippines had not acceded or signed the
MANAPOL, JUANITA M. BRIONES, VERGINIA M. GUEVARRA, MAXIMA ANGULO, Hague Convention on Rules and Regulations covering Land Warfare, the Rules and
EMILIA SANGIL, TEOFILA R. PUNZALAN, JANUARIA G. GARCIA, PERLA B. Regulations formed part of the law of the nation by virtue of the Incorporation Clause;
BALINGIT, BELEN A. CULALA, PILAR Q. GALANG, ROSARIO C. BUCO, that such commitment to the laws ofwar and humanity has been enshrined in Section 2,
GAUDENCIA C. DELA PENA, RUFINA Q. CATACUTAN, FRANCIA A. BUCO, Article II of the 1987 Constitution, which provides "that the Philippines…adopts the
PASTORA C. GUEVARRA, VICTORIA M. DELA CRUZ, PETRONILA 0. DELA CRUZ, generally accepted principles of international law as part of the law of the land and
ZENAIDA P. DELA CRUZ, CORAZON M. SUBA, EMERINCIANA A. VINUYA, LYDIA adheres to the policy of peace, equality, justice, freedom, cooperation, and amity with all
C. MANGILIT, VERGINIA M. BANGIT, GUILERMA S. BALINGIT, TERECITA The petitioners added that the statusand applicability of the generally accepted principles
PANGILINAN, MAMERTA C. PUNO, CRISENCIANA C. GULAPA, SEFERINA S. of international law within the Philippine jurisdiction would be uncertain without the
TURLA, MAXIMA B. TURLA, LEONICIA G. GUEVARRA, ROSALINA M. CULALA, Incorporation Clause, and that the clause implied that the general international law forms
CATALINA Y. MANIO, MAMERTA T. SAGUM, CARIDAD L. TURLA, et al. in their part of Philippine law only insofar as they are expressly adopted; that in its rulings in The
capacityand as members of the "Malaya Lolas Organizations," Petitioners, Holy See, v. Rosario, Jr.5 and U.S. v. Guinto6 the Court has said that international law is
vs. deemed part of the Philippine law as a consequence of Statehood; that in Agustin v.
THE HONORABLE EXECUTIVE SECRETARY ALBERTO G. ROMULO, THE Edu,7 the Court has declared that a treaty, though not yet ratified by the Philippines, was
HONORABLE SECRETARY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS DELIA DOMINGOALBERT, THE part of the law of the land through the Incorporation Clause; that by virtue of the
HONORABLE SECRETARY OF JUSTICE MERCEDITAS N. GUTIERREZ, and THE Incorporation Clause, the Philippines is bound to abide by the erga omnesobligations
HONORABLE SOLICITOR GENERAL ALFREDO L. BENIPAYO, Respondents. arising from the jus cogensnorms embodied in the laws of war and humanity that include
the principle of the imprescriptibility of war crimes; that the crimes committed against
RESOLUTION petitioners are proscribed under international human rights law as there were undeniable
violations of jus cogensnorms; that the need to punish crimes against the laws of
BERSAMIN, J.: humanity has long become jus cogensnorms, and that international legal obligations
prevail over national legal norms; that the Court’s invocation of the political doctrine in
the instant case is misplaced; and that the Chief Executive has the constitutional duty to
afford redress and to give justice to the victims ofthe comfort women system in the 1. The contentions pertaining tothe alleged plagiarism were then already lodged
Philippines.8 withthe Committee on Ethics and Ethical Standards of the Court; hence, the
matter of alleged plagiarism should not be discussed or resolved herein. 13
Petitioners further argue that the Court has confused diplomatic protection with the
broader responsibility of states to protect the human rights of their citizens, especially 2. A writ of certioraridid not lie in the absence of grave abuse of discretion
where the rights asserted are subject of erga omnesobligations and pertain to jus amounting to lack or excess of jurisdiction. Hence, in view of the failureof
cogensnorms; that the claims raised by petitioners are not simple private claims that are petitioners to show any arbitrary or despotic act on the part of respondents,the
the usual subject of diplomatic protection; that the crimes committed against petitioners relief of the writ of certiorariwas not warranted.14
are shocking to the conscience of humanity; and that the atrocities committed by the
Japanese soldiers against petitionersare not subject to the statute of limitations under 3. Respondents hold that the Waiver Clause in the Treaty of Peace with Japan,
international law.9 being valid, bound the Republic of the Philippines pursuant to the international
law principle of pacta sunt servanda.The validity of the Treaty of Peace was the
Petitioners pray that the Court reconsider its April 28, 2010 decision, and declare: (1) that result of the ratification by two mutually consenting parties. Consequently, the
the rapes, sexual slavery, torture and other forms of sexual violence committed against obligations embodied in the Treaty of Peace must be carried out in accordance
the Filipina comfort women are crimes against humanity and war crimes under with the common and real intention of the parties at the time the treaty was
customary international law; (2) that the Philippines is not bound by the Treaty of Peace concluded.15
with Japan, insofar as the waiver of the claims of the Filipina comfort women against
Japan is concerned; (3) that the Secretary of Foreign Affairs and the Executive Secretary 4. Respondents assert that individuals did not have direct international remedies
committed grave abuse of discretion in refusing to espouse the claims of Filipina comfort against any State that violated their human rights except where such remedies
women; and (4) that petitioners are entitled to the issuance of a writ of preliminary are provided by an international agreement. Herein, neither of the Treaty of
injunction against the respondents. Peace and the Reparations Agreement,the relevant agreements affecting herein
petitioners, provided for the reparation of petitioners’ claims. Respondents aver
Petitioners also pray that the Court order the Secretary of Foreign Affairs and the that the formal apology by the Government of Japan and the reparation the
Executive Secretary to espouse the claims of Filipina comfort women for an official Government of Japan has provided through the Asian Women’s Fund (AWF) are
apology,legal compensation and other forms of reparation from Japan. 10 sufficient to recompense petitioners on their claims, specifically:

In their Supplemental Motion for Reconsideration, petitioners stress that it was highly a. About 700 million yen would be paid from the national treasury over the next
improper for the April 28, 2010 decision to lift commentaries from at least three sources 10 years as welfare and medical services;
without proper attribution – an article published in 2009 in the Yale Law Journal of
International Law; a book published by the Cambridge University Press in 2005; and an b. Instead of paying the money directly to the former comfort women, the
article published in 2006 in the Western ReserveJournal of International Law – and make services would be provided through organizations delegated by governmental
it appear that such commentaries supported its arguments for dismissing the petition, bodies in the recipient countries (i.e., the Philippines, the Republic of Korea,and
when in truth the plagiarized sources even made a strong case in favour of petitioners’ Taiwan); and
c. Compensation would consist of assistance for nursing services (like home
In their Comment,12 respondents disagree withpetitioners, maintaining that aside from helpers), housing, environmental development, medical expenses, and medical
the statements on plagiarism, the arguments raised by petitioners merely rehashed those goods.16
made in their June 7, 2005 Memorandum; that they already refuted such arguments in
their Memorandumof June 6, 2005 that the Court resolved through itsApril 28, 2010 Ruling
decision, specifically as follows:
The Court DENIESthe Motion for Reconsiderationand Supplemental Motion for
Reconsideration for being devoid of merit.
1. Petitioners did not show that their resort was timely under the Rules of Court. The petition for certioraricontains the following averments, viz:

Petitioners did not show that their bringing ofthe special civil action for certiorariwas 82. Since 1998, petitioners and other victims of the "comfort women system,"
timely, i.e., within the 60-day period provided in Section 4, Rule 65 of the Rules of Court, approached the Executive Department through the Department of Justice in
to wit: order to request for assistance to file a claim against the Japanese officials and
military officers who ordered the establishment of the "comfort women" stations
Section 4. When and where position filed. – The petition shall be filed not later than sixty in the Philippines;
(60) daysfrom notice of judgment, order or resolution. In case a motion for
reconsideration or new trial is timely filed, whether such motion is required or not, the 83. Officials of the Executive Department ignored their request and refused to file
sixty (60) day period shall be counted from notice of the denial of said motion. a claim against the said Japanese officials and military officers;

As the rule indicates, the 60-day period starts to run from the date petitioner receives the 84. Undaunted, the Petitioners in turnapproached the Department of Foreign
assailed judgment, final order or resolution, or the denial of the motion for Affairs, Department of Justice and Office of the of the Solicitor General to file
reconsideration or new trial timely filed, whether such motion is required or not. To their claim against the responsible Japanese officials and military officers, but
establish the timeliness of the petition for certiorari, the date of receipt of the assailed their efforts were similarly and carelessly disregarded; 20
judgment, final order or resolution or the denial of the motion for reconsideration or new
trial must be stated in the petition;otherwise, the petition for certiorarimust be dismissed. The petition thus mentions the year 1998 only as the time when petitioners approached
The importance of the dates cannot be understated, for such dates determine the the Department ofJustice for assistance, but does not specifically state when they
timeliness of the filing of the petition for certiorari. As the Court has emphasized in received the denial of their request for assistance by the Executive Department of the
Tambong v. R. Jorge Development Corporation: 17 Government. This alone warranted the outright dismissal of the petition.

There are three essential dates that must be stated in a petition for certiorari brought Even assuming that petitioners received the notice of the denial of their request for
under Rule 65. First, the date when notice of the judgment or final order or resolution assistance in 1998, their filing of the petition only on March 8, 2004 was still way beyond
was received; second, when a motion for new trial or reconsideration was filed; and third, the 60-day period. Only the most compelling reasons could justify the Court’s acts of
when notice of the denial thereof was received. Failure of petitioner to comply with this disregarding and lifting the strictures of the rule on the period. As we pointed out inMTM
requirement shall be sufficient ground for the dismissal of the petition. Substantial Garment Mfg. Inc. v. Court of Appeals:21
compliance will not suffice in a matter involving strict observance with the Rules.
(Emphasis supplied) All these do not mean, however, that procedural rules are to be ignored or disdained at
will to suit the convenience of a party. Procedural law has its own rationale in the orderly
The Court has further said in Santos v. Court of Appeals: 18 administration of justice, namely: to ensure the effective enforcement of substantive
rights by providing for a system that obviates arbitrariness, caprice, despotism, or
The requirement of setting forth the three (3) dates in a petition for certiorari under Rule whimsicality in the settlement of disputes. Hence, it is a mistake to suppose that
65 is for the purpose of determining its timeliness. Such a petition is required to be filed substantive law and procedural law are contradictory to each other, or as often
not later than sixty (60) days from notice of the judgment, order or Resolution sought to suggested, that enforcement of procedural rules should never be permitted if it would
be assailed. Therefore, that the petition for certiorariwas filed forty-one (41) days from result in prejudice to the substantive rights of the litigants.
receipt of the denial of the motion for reconsideration is hardly relevant. The Court of
Appeals was notin any position to determine when this period commenced to run and As we have repeatedly stressed, the right to file a special civil action of certiorariis
whether the motion for reconsideration itself was filed on time since the material dates neither a natural right noran essential element of due process; a writ of certiorariis a
were not stated. It should not be assumed that in no event would the motion be filed later prerogative writ, never demandable as a matter of right, and never issued except in the
than fifteen (15) days. Technical rules of procedure are not designed to frustrate the exercise of judicial discretion. Hence, he who seeks a writ of certiorarimust apply for it
ends of justice. These are provided to effect the proper and orderly disposition of cases only in the manner and strictly in accordance with the provisions of the law and the
and thus effectively prevent the clogging of court dockets. Utter disregard of the Rules Rules.
cannot justly be rationalized by harking on the policy ofliberal construction. 19
Herein petitioners have not shown any compelling reason for us to relax the rule and the (c) There is an urgent need for the writ to prevent irreparable injury to the
requirements under current jurisprudence. x x x. (Emphasis supplied) applicant; and no other ordinary, speedy, and adequate remedy exists to prevent
the infliction of irreparable injury.26
2. Petitioners did not show that the assailed act was either judicial or quasi-judicial on the
part of respondents. In Marquez v. The Presiding Judge (Hon. Ismael B. Sanchez), RTC Br. 58, Lucena
City,27 we expounded as follows:
Petitioners were required to show in their petition for certiorarithat the assailed act was
either judicial or quasi-judicial in character. Section 1, Rule 65 of the Rules of It is basic that the issuance of a writ of preliminary injunction is addressed to the sound
Courtrequires such showing, to wit: discretion of the trial court, conditioned on the existence of a clear and positive right of
the applicant which should be protected. It is an extraordinary, peremptory remedy
Section 1. Petition for certiorari.—When any tribunal, board or officer exercising judicial available only on the grounds expressly provided by law, specifically Section 3, Rule 58
or quasi-judicial functions has acted without or in excess of its or his jurisdiction, or with of the Rules of Court. Moreover, extreme caution must be observed in the exercise of
grave abuse of discretion amounting to lack or excess of jurisdiction, and there is no such discretion. It should be granted only when the court is fully satisfied that the law
appeal, nor any plain, speedy, and adequate remedy in the ordinary course of law, a permits it and the emergency demands it. The very foundation of the jurisdiction to issue
person aggrieved thereby may file a verified petition in the proper court, alleging the facts a writ of injunction rests in the existence of a cause of action and in the probability of
with certainty and praying that judgment be rendered annulling or modifying the irreparable injury, inadequacy of pecuniary compensation, and the prevention of
proceedings of such tribunal, board or officer, and granting such incidental reliefs as law multiplicity of suits. Where facts are not shown to bring the case within these conditions,
and justice may require. the relief of injunction should be refused. 28

The petition shall be accompanied by a certified true copy of the judgment, order, or Here, the Constitution has entrusted to the Executive Department the conduct of foreign
resolution subject thereof, copies of all pleadings and documents relevant and pertinent relations for the Philippines. Whether or not to espouse petitioners' claim against the
thereto, and a sworn certification of nonforum shopping as provided in the third Government of Japan is left to the exclusive determination and judgment of the
paragraph of Section 3, Rule 46. However, petitioners did notmake such a showing. Executive Department. The Court cannot interfere with or question the wisdom of the
conduct of foreign relations by the Executive Department. Accordingly, we cannot direct
3. Petitioners were not entitled to the injunction. the Executive Department, either by writ of certiorari or injunction, to conduct our foreign
relations with Japan in a certain manner.
The Court cannot grant petitioners’ prayer for the writ of preliminary mandatory
injunction. Preliminary injunction is merely a provisional remedy that is adjunct to the WHEREFORE, the Court DENIES the Motion for Reconsideration and Supplemental
main case, and is subject to the latter’s outcome. It is not a cause of action itself. 22 It is Motion for Reconsideration for their lack of merit.
provisional because it constitutes a temporary measure availed of during the pendency
of the action; and it is ancillary because it is a mere incident in and is dependent upon SO ORDERED.
the result of the main action.23Following the dismissal of the petition for certiorari, there is
no more legal basis to issue the writ of injunction sought. As an auxiliary remedy, the writ LUCAS P. BERSAMIN
of preliminary mandatory injunction cannot be issued independently of the principal Associate Justice
In any event, a mandatory injunction requires the performance of a particular
act.1âwphi1 Hence, it is an extreme remedy,25to be granted only if the following MARIA LOURDES P. A. SERENO
requisites are attendant, namely: Chief Justice

(a) The applicant has a clear and unmistakable right, that is, a right in esse;
(b) There is a material and substantial invasion of such right; and
83 Phil. 171 (1949).
Associate Justice Associate Justice
G.R. No. 101949, December 1, 1994, 238SCRA 524.
G.R. No. 76607, February 26, 1990, 182 SCRA 644.
Associate Justice
Associate Justice
No. L-49112, February 2, 1979, 88 SCRA 195.
(no part)
Associate Justice
Associate Justice
Id. at 426-427.
Associate Justice Associate Justice Id. at 427-428.
Associate Justice Associate Justice
Id. at 665-709.
No part 13
Associate Justice LEONEN
Associate Justice Id. at 686-690.
Id. at 690-702.
Id. at 703-706.
Pursuant to Section 13, Article VIII of the Constitution, I certify that the conclusions in the
above Resolution had been reached in consultation before the case was assigned to the 17
G.R. No. 146068, August 31, 2006, 500 SCRA 399, 403-404.
writer of the opinion of the Court.
G.R. No. 141947, July 5, 2001, 360 SCRA 521, 527-528.
Chief Justice 19
Id. at 527-528.
Rollo, p. 18.
Footnotes G.R. No. 152336, June 9, 2005, 460 SCRA 55, 66.
Rollo, pp. 419-429. Buyco v. Baraquia, G.R. No. 177486, December 21, 2009, 608 SCRA 699,
Id. at 435-529. 23
Id. at 704.
75 Phil. 563 (1945).
Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas Monetary Board v. Antonio-Valenzuela, G.R. No.
184778, October 2, 2009, 602 SCRA 698, 715, citing Lim v. Court of Appeals,
G.R. No. 134617, February 13, 2006, 482 SCRA 326, 331.
I Regalado, Remedial Law Compendium, Seventh Revised Edition, p. 638.
Philippine Leisure and Retirement Authority v. Court of Appeals, G.R. No.
156303, December 19, 2007, 541 SCRA 85,99-100.
G.R. No. 141849, February 13, 2007, 515 SCRA 577.
At 589.
football, lotteries, etc.) and such other forms of amusement and
recreation including games of chance, which may be allowed by
law within the territorial jurisdiction of the Philippines and which
will: x x x (3) minimize, if not totally eradicate, the evils,
malpractices and corruptions that are normally prevalent in the
conduct and operation of gambling clubs and casinos without
direct government involvement.

xxx xxx xxx

G.R. No. 144463 January 14, 2004
Sec.10. Nature and term of franchise. – Subject to the terms and conditions established
SENATOR ROBERT S. JAWORSKI, petitioner, in this Decree, the Corporation is hereby granted for a period of twenty-five (25) years,
vs. renewable for another twenty-five (25) years, the rights, privileges and authority to
PHILIPPINE AMUSEMENT AND GAMING CORPORATION and SPORTS AND operate and maintain gambling casinos, clubs, and other recreation or amusement
GAMES ENTERTAINMENT CORPORATION, respondents. places, sports, gaming pools, i.e. basketball, football, lotteries, etc. whether on land or
sea, within the territorial jurisdiction of the Republic of the Philippines.
On March 31, 1998, PAGCOR’s board of directors approved an instrument denominated
YNARES-SANTIAGO, J.: as "Grant of Authority and Agreement for the Operation of Sports Betting and Internet
Gaming", which granted SAGE the authority to operate and maintain Sports Betting
The instant petition for certiorari and prohibition under Rule 65 of the Rules of Court station in PAGCOR’s casino locations, and Internet Gaming facilities to service local and
seeks to nullify the "Grant of Authority and Agreement for the Operation of Sports Betting international bettors, provided that to the satisfaction of PAGCOR, appropriate
and Internet Gaming," executed by respondent Philippine Amusement and Gaming safeguards and procedures are established to ensure the integrity and fairness of the
Corporation (hereinafter referred to as PAGCOR) in favor of respondent Sports and games.
Games and Entertainment Corporation (also referred to as SAGE).
On September 1, 1998, PAGCOR, represented by its Chairperson, Alicia Ll. Reyes, and
The facts may be summarized as follows: SAGE, represented by its Chairman of the Board, Henry Sy, Jr., and its President,
Antonio D. Lacdao, executed the above-named document.
PAGCOR is a government owned and controlled corporation existing under
Presidential Decree No. 1869 issued on July 11, 1983 by then President Pursuant to the authority granted by PAGCOR, SAGE commenced its operations by
Ferdinand Marcos. Pertinent provisions of said enabling law read: conducting gambling on the Internet on a trial-run basis, making pre-paid cards and
redemption of winnings available at various Bingo Bonanza outlets.
SECTION 1. Declaration of Policy. – It is hereby declared to be the policy
of the State to centralize and integrate all games of chance not Petitioner, in his capacity as member of the Senate and Chairman of the Senate
heretofore authorized by existing franchises or permitted by law in order Committee on Games, Amusement and Sports, files the instant petition, praying that the
to attain the following objectives: grant of authority by PAGCOR in favor of SAGE be nullified. He maintains that PAGCOR
committed grave abuse of discretion amounting to lack or excess of jurisdiction when it
xxx xxx xxx authorized SAGE to operate gambling on the internet. He contends that PAGCOR is not
authorized under its legislative franchise, P.D. 1869, to operate gambling on the internet
b) To establish and operate clubs and casinos, for amusement for the simple reason that the said decree could not have possibly contemplated internet
and recreation, including sports, gaming pools (basketball, gambling since at the time of its enactment on July 11, 1983 the internet was yet
inexistent and gambling activities were confined exclusively to real-space. Further, he Before proceeding with our main discussion, let us first try to hurdle a number of
argues that the internet, being an international network of computers, necessarily important procedural matters raised by the respondents.
transcends the territorial jurisdiction of the Philippines, and the grant to SAGE of
authority to operate internet gambling contravenes the limitation in PAGCOR’s franchise, In their separate Comments, respondents PAGCOR and SAGE insist that petitioner has
under Section 14 of P.D. No. 1869 which provides: no legal standing to file the instant petition as a concerned citizen or as a member of the
Philippine Senate on the ground that he is not a real party-in-interest entitled to the avails
Place. – The Corporation [i.e., PAGCOR] shall conduct gambling activities or of the suit. In this light, they argue that petitioner does not have the requisite personal
games of chance on land or water within the territorial jurisdiction of the Republic and substantial interest to impugn the validity of PAGCOR’s grant of authority to SAGE.
of the Philippines. x x x
Objections to the legal standing of a member of the Senate or House of Representative
Moreover, according to petitioner, internet gambling does not fall under any of the to maintain a suit and assail the constitutionality or validity of laws, acts, decisions,
categories of the authorized gambling activities enumerated under Section 10 of P.D. No. rulings, or orders of various government agencies or instrumentalities are not without
1869 which grants PAGCOR the "right, privilege and authority to operate and maintain precedent. Ordinarily, before a member of Congress may properly challenge the validity
gambling casinos, clubs, and other recreation or amusement places, sports gaming of an official act of any department of the government there must be an unmistakable
pools, within the territorial jurisdiction of the Republic of the Philippines." 1 He contends showing that the challenged official act affects or impairs his rights and prerogatives as
that internet gambling could not have been included within the commonly accepted legislator.2 However in a number of cases,3we clarified that where a case involves an
definition of "gambling casinos", "clubs" or "other recreation or amusement places" as issue of utmost importance, or one of overreaching significance to society, the Court, in
these terms refer to a physical structure in real-space where people who intend to bet or its discretion, can brush aside procedural technicalities and take cognizance of the
gamble go and play games of chance authorized by law. petition. Considering that the instant petition involves legal questions that may have
serious implications on public interests, we rule that petitioner has the requisite legal
The issues raised by petitioner are as follows: standing to file this petition.

I. WHETHER OR NOT RESPONDENT PAGCOR IS AUTHORIZED UNDER P.D. Respondents likewise urge the dismissal of the petition for certiorari and prohibition
NO. 1869 TO OPERATE GAMBLING ACTIVITIES ON THE INTERNET; because under Section 1, Rule 65 of the 1997 Rules of Civil Procedure, these remedies
should be directed to any tribunal, board, officer or person whether exercising judicial,
II. WHETHER RESPONDENT PAGCOR ACTED WITHOUT OR IN EXCESS OF quasi-judicial, or ministerial functions. They maintain that in exercising its legally-
ITS JURISDICTION, OR GRAVE ABUSE OF DISCRETION AMOUNTING TO mandated franchise to grant authority to certain entities to operate a gambling or gaming
LACK OR EXCESS OF JURISDICTION, WHEN IT AUTHORIZED activity, PAGCOR is not performing a judicial or quasi-judicial act. Neither should the act
RESPONDENT SAGE TO OPERATE INTERNET GAMBLING ON THE BASIS of granting licenses or authority to operate be construed as a purely ministerial act.
OF ITS RIGHT "TO OPERATE AND MAINTAIN GAMBLING CASINOS, CLUBS According to them, in the event that this Court takes cognizance of the instant petition,
AND OTHER AMUSEMENT PLACES" UNDER SECTION 10 OF P.D. 1869; the same should be dismissed for failure of petitioner to observe the hierarchy of courts.

III. WHETHER RESPONDENT PAGCOR ACTED WITHOUT OR IN EXCESS OF Practically the same procedural infirmities were raised in Del Mar v. Philippine
ITS JURISDICTION OR WITH GRAVE ABUSE OF DISCRETION AMOUNTING Amusement and Gaming Corporationwhere an almost identical factual setting obtained.
TO LACK OR EXCESS OF JURISDICTION WHEN IT GRANTED AUTHORITY Petitioners therein filed a petition for injunction directly before the Court which sought to
TO SAGE TO OPERATE GAMBLING ACTIVITIES IN THE INTERNET. enjoin respondent from operating the jai-alai games by itself or in joint venture with
another corporate entity allegedly in violation of law and the Constitution. Respondents
contended that the Court had no jurisdiction to take original cognizance of a petition for
The above-mentioned issues may be summarized into a single pivotal question: Does
injunction because it was not one of the actions specifically mentioned in Section 1 of
PAGCOR’s legislative franchise include the right to vest another entity, SAGE in this
Rule 56 of the 1997 Rules of Civil Procedure. Respondents likewise took exception to
case, with the authority to operate Internet gambling? Otherwise put, does Presidential
the alleged failure of petitioners to observe the doctrine on hierarchy of courts. In
Decree No. 1869 authorize PAGCOR to contract any part of its franchise to SAGE by
brushing aside the apparent procedural lapse, we held that "x x x this Court has the
authorizing the latter to operate Internet gambling?
discretionary power to take cognizance of the petition at bar if compelling reasons, or the
nature and importance of the issues raised, warrant the immediate exercise of its In the Del Mar case where a similar issue was raised when PAGCOR entered into a joint
jurisdiction."4 venture agreement with two other entities in the operation and management of jai alai
games, the Court,8 in an En Banc Resolution dated 24 August 2001, partially granted the
In the case at bar, we are not inclined to rule differently. The petition at bar seeks to motions for clarification filed by respondents therein insofar as it prayed that PAGCOR
nullify, via a petition for certiorari and prohibition filed directly before this Court, the has a valid franchise, but only by itself (i.e. not in association with any other person or
"Grant of Authority and Agreement for the Operation of Sports Betting and Internet entity), to operate, maintain and/or manage the game of jai-alai.
Gaming" by virtue of which SAGE was vested by PAGCOR with the authority to operate
on-line Internet gambling. It is well settled that averments in the complaint, and not the In the case at bar, PAGCOR executed an agreement with SAGE whereby the former
nomenclature given by the parties, determine the nature of the action. 5 Although the grants the latter the authority to operate and maintain sports betting stations and Internet
petition alleges grave abuse of discretion on the part of respondent PAGCOR, what it gaming operations. In essence, the grant of authority gives SAGE the privilege to actively
primarily seeks to accomplish is to prevent the enforcement of the "Grant of Authority participate, partake and share PAGCOR’s franchise to operate a gambling activity. The
and Agreement for the Operation of Sports Betting and Internet Gaming." Thus, the grant of franchise is a special privilege that constitutes a right and a duty to be performed
action may properly be characterized as one for Prohibition under Section 2 of Rule 65, by the grantee. The grantee must not perform its activities arbitrarily and whimsically but
which incidentally, is another remedy resorted to by petitioner. must abide by the limits set by its franchise and strictly adhere to its terms and
conditionalities. A corporation as a creature of the State is presumed to exist for the
Granting arguendo that the present action cannot be properly treated as a petition for common good. Hence, the special privileges and franchises it receives are subject to the
prohibition, the transcendental importance of the issues involved in this case warrants laws of the State and the limitations of its charter. There is therefore a reserved right of
that we set aside the technical defects and take primary jurisdiction over the petition at the State to inquire how these privileges had been employed, and whether they have
bar. One cannot deny that the issues raised herein have potentially pervasive influence been abused.9
on the social and moral well being of this nation, specially the youth; hence, their proper
and just determination is an imperative need. This is in accordance with the well- While PAGCOR is allowed under its charter to enter into operator’s and/or management
entrenched principle that rules of procedure are not inflexible tools designed to hinder or contracts, it is not allowed under the same charter to relinquish or share its franchise,
delay, but to facilitate and promote the administration of justice. Their strict and rigid much less grant a veritable franchise to another entity such as SAGE. PAGCOR can not
application, which would result in technicalities that tend to frustrate, rather than promote delegate its power in view of the legal principle of delegata potestas delegare non potest,
substantial justice, must always be eschewed. 6 inasmuch as there is nothing in the charter to show that it has been expressly authorized
to do so. In Lim v. Pacquing,10 the Court clarified that "since ADC has no franchise from
Having disposed of these procedural issues, we now come to the substance of the Congress to operate the jai-alai, it may not so operate even if it has a license or permit
action. from the City Mayor to operate the jai-alai in the City of Manila." By the same token,
SAGE has to obtain a separate legislative franchise and not "ride on" PAGCOR’s
A legislative franchise is a special privilege granted by the state to corporations. It is a franchise if it were to legally operate on-line Internet gambling.
privilege of public concern which cannot be exercised at will and pleasure, but should be
reserved for public control and administration, either by the government directly, or by WHEREFORE, in view of all the foregoing, the instant petition is GRANTED. The "Grant
public agents, under such conditions and regulations as the government may impose on of Authority and Agreement to Operate Sports Betting and Internet Gaming" executed by
them in the interest of the public. It is Congress that prescribes the conditions on which PAGCOR in favor of SAGE is declared NULL and VOID.
the grant of the franchise may be made. Thus the manner of granting the franchise, to
whom it may be granted, the mode of conducting the business, the charter and the SO ORDERED.
quality of the service to be rendered and the duty of the grantee to the public in
exercising the franchise are almost always defined in clear and unequivocal language.7 Davide, Jr., C.J., Puno, Vitug, Panganiban, Quisumbing, Sandoval-Gutierrez, Carpio,
Austria-Martinez, Corona, Carpio-Morales, Callejo, Sr., Azcuna, and Tinga, JJ., concur.
After a circumspect consideration of the foregoing discussion and the contending
positions of the parties, we hold that PAGCOR has acted beyond the limits of its
authority when it passed on or shared its franchise to SAGE.

Rollo, p. 18.

Philippine Constitutional Association v. Enriquez, G.R. No. 113888, 19 August
1994, 235 SCRA 506; Bayan (Bagong Alyansang Makabayan) v. Zamora, G.R.
No. 138570, 10 October 2000, 342 SCRA 450.
Kilosbayan Inc. v. Guingona, G.R. No. 113375, 5 May 1994, 232 SCRA 110;
Lopez, et al. v. Philippine International Air Terminals Co., Inc, et al., G.R. No.
155661, 5 May 2003.

Del Mar v. Philippine Amusement and Gaming Corporation, G.R. No. 138298,
29 November 2000, 346 SCRA 501; citing Fortich, et al. v. Corona, et al., G.R.
No. 131457, 24 April 1998, 289 SCRA 624.

Abad v. Court of First Instance of Pangasinan, Br. VIII, G.R. Nos. 58507-08, 26
February 1992, 206 SCRA 567, 579; Solid Homes, Inc. v. Court of Appeals, 337
Phil. 605 (1997).
Serrano v. Galant Maritime Services, et al., G.R. No. 151833, 7 August 2003.
Supra, note 3.

Del Mar v. Philippine Amusement and Gaming Corporation, et al., 416 Phil. 172
Bataan Shipyard & Engineering Co., Inc. v. PCGG, G.R. No. No L-75885, 27
May 1987, 150 SCRA 181.
310 Phil. 722 (1995).
Republic of the Philippines offense allegedly due to the correctional nature of the penalty of imprisonment prescribed
SUPREME COURT for the offense. The motion to quash was subsequently reduced to writing on June 13,
Manila 1975. 3 On August 21, 1975, the municipal court denied the motion to quash for lack of
merit. 4 On September 2, 1975, private respondents filed a motion for the reconsideration
EN BANC of the aforesaid denial order on the same ground of lack of jurisdiction, but with the
further allegation that the facts charged do not constitute an offense considering that
G.R. No. L-45127 May 5, 1989 Section 32 of Republic Act No. 4670 is null and void for being unconstitutional. In an
undated order received by the counsel for private respondents on October 20,1975, the
motion for reconsideration was denied. 5
PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES, represented by the Provincial Fiscal of
Leyte, petitioner,
vs. On October 26, 1975, private respondents filed a petitions 6 for certiorari and prohibition
HON. JUDGE AUXENCIO C. DACUYCUY, CELESTINO S. MATONDO, SEGUNDINO with preliminary injunction before the former Court of First Instance of Leyte, Branch VIII,
A, CAVAL and CIRILO M. ZANORIA, respondents. where it was docketed as Civil Case No. B-622, to restrain the Municipal Judge,
Provincial Fiscal and Chief of Police of Hindang, Leyte from proceeding with the trial of
said Criminal Case No. 555 upon the ground that the former Municipal Court of Hindang
The Office of the Solicitor General for petitioner.
had no jurisdiction over the offense charged. Subsequently, an amended
petition 7 alleged the additional ground that the facts charged do not constitute an
Adelino B. Sitoy for private respondents. offense since the penal provision, which is Section 32 of said law, is unconstitutional for
the following reasons: (1) It imposes a cruel and unusual punishment, the term of
imprisonment being unfixed and may run to reclusion perpetua; and (2) It also constitutes
an undue delegation of legislative power, the duration of the penalty of imprisonment
REGALADO, J.: being solely left to the discretion of the court as if the latter were the legislative
department of the Government.
Involved in this special civil action is the unique situation, to use an euphemistic phrase,
of an alternative penal sanction of imprisonment imposed by law but without a On March 30, 1976, having been advised that the petition of herein private respondents
specification as to the term or duration thereof. was related to Criminal Case No. 1978 for violation of Presidential Decree No. 442
previously transferred from Branch VIII to Branch IV of the erstwhile Court of First
As a consequence of such legislative faux pas or oversight, the petition at bar seeks to Instance of Leyte, Judge Fortunate B. Cuna of the former branch transferred the said
set aside the decision of the then Court of First Instance of Leyte, Branch IV, dated petition to the latter branch for further proceedings and where it was subsequently
September 8,1976, 1 penned by herein respondent judge and granting the petition docketed therein as Civil Case No. 5428. 8 On March 15, 1976, the petitioner herein filed
for certiorari and prohibition with preliminary injunction filed by herein private an opposition to the admission of the said amended petitions 9 but respondent judge
respondents and docketed therein as Civil Case No. 5428, as well as his resolution of denied the same in his resolution of April 20, 1976. 10 On August 2, 1976, herein
October 19, 1976 2 denying the motions for reconsideration filed by the parties therein. petitioner filed a supplementary memorandum in answer to the amended petition. 11
Subject of said decision were the issues on jurisdiction over violations of Republic Act
No. 4670, otherwise known as the Magna Carta for Public School Teachers, and the On September 8, 1976, respondent judge rendered the aforecited challenged decision
constitutionality of Section 32 thereof. holding in substance that Republic Act No. 4670 is valid and constitutional but cases for
its violation fall outside of the jurisdiction of municipal and city courts, and remanding the
In a complaint filed by the Chief of Police of Hindang, Leyte on April 4, 1975, herein case to the former Municipal Court of Hindang, Leyte only for preliminary investigation.
private respondents Celestino S. Matondo, Segundino A. Caval and Cirilo M. Zanoria,
public school officials of Leyte, were charged before the Municipal Court of Hindang, As earlier stated, on September 25, 1976, petitioner filed a motion for
Leyte in Criminal Case No. 555 thereof for violation of Republic Act No. 4670. The case reconsideration. 12 Likewise, private respondents filed a motion for reconsideration of the
was set for arraignment and trial on May 29, 1975. At the arraignment, the herein private lower court's decision but the same was limited only to the portion thereof which sustains
respondents, as the accused therein, pleaded not guilty to the charge. Immediately the validity of Section 32 of Republic Act No. 4670. 13 Respondent judge denied both
thereafter, they orally moved to quash the complaint for lack of jurisdiction over the motions for reconsideration in a resolution dated October 19, 1976. 14
The instant petition to review the decision of respondent judge poses the following We note with approval the holding of respondent judge that —
questions of law: (1) Whether the municipal and city courts have jurisdiction over
violations of Republic Act No. 4670; and (2) Whether Section 32 of said Republic Act No. The rule is established beyond question that a punishment authorized by
4670 is constitutional. statute is not cruel or unusual or disproportionate to the nature of the
offense unless it is a barbarous one unknown to the law or so wholly
We shall resolve said queries in inverse order, since prior determination of the disproportionate to the nature of the offense as to shock the moral sense
constitutionality of the assailed provision of the law involved is necessary for the of the community. Based on the principle, our Supreme Court has
adjudication of the jurisdictional issue raised in this petition. consistently overruled contentions of the defense that the punishment of
fine or imprisonment authorized by the statute involved is cruel and
1. The disputed section of Republic Act No. 4670 provides: unusual. (Legarda vs. Valdez, 1 Phil. 146; U.S. vs. Pico, 18 Phil. 386;
People vs. Garay, 2 ACR 149; People vs. Estoista 93 Phil. 647; People
Sec. 32. Penal Provision. — A person who shall wilfully interfere with, vs. Tiu Ua. 96 Phil. 738; People vs. Dionisio, 22 SCRA 1299). The
restrain or coerce any teacher in the exercise of his rights guaranteed by language of our Supreme Court in the first of the cases it decided after
this Act or who shall in any other manner commit any act to defeat any of the last world war is appropriate here:
the provisions of this Act shall, upon conviction, be punished by a fine of
not less than one hundred pesos nor more than one thousand pesos, or The Constitution directs that 'Excessive fines shall not be
by imprisonment, in the discretion of the court. (Emphasis supplied). imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishment inflicted.' The
prohibition of cruel and unusual punishments is generally
Two alternative and distinct penalties are consequently imposed, to wit: (a) a fine ranging aimed at the form or character of the punishment rather
from P100.00 to P1,000.00; or (b) imprisonment. It is apparent that the law has no than its severity in respect of duration or amount, and
prescribed period or term for the imposable penalty of imprisonment. While a minimum apply to punishments which never existed in America, or
and maximum amount for the penalty of fine is specified, there is no equivalent provision which public sentiment has regarded as cruel or obsolete
for the penalty of imprisonment, although both appear to be qualified by the phrase "in (15 Am. Jur., p. 172), for instance there (sic) inflicted at
the discretion of the court. the whipping post, or in the pillory, burning at the stake,
breaking on the wheel, disemboweling, and the like (15
Am. Jur. Supra, Note 35 L.R.A. p. 561). Fine and
Private respondents contend that a judicial determination of what Congress intended to
imprisonment would not thus be within the prohibition.'
be the duration of the penalty of imprisonment would be violative of the constitutional
(People vs. de la Cruz, 92 Phil. 906). 16
prohibition against undue delegation of legislative power, and that the absence of a
provision on the specific term of imprisonment constitutes that penalty into a cruel and
unusual form of punishment. Hence, it is vigorously asserted, said Section 32 is The question that should be asked, further, is whether the constitutional prohibition looks
unconstitutional. only to the form or nature of the penalty and not to the proportion between the penalty
and the crime.
The basic principle underlying the entire field of legal concepts pertaining to the validity
of legislation is that in the enactment of legislation a constitutional measure is thereby The answer thereto may be gathered from the pronouncement in People vs.
created. In every case where a question is raised as to the constitutionality of an act, the Estoista, 17 where an "excessive" penalty was upheld as constitutional and was imposed
court employs this doctrine in scrutinizing the terms of the law. In a great volume of but with a recommendation for executive clemency, thus:
cases, the courts have enunciated the fundamental rule that there is a presumption in
favor of the constitutionality of a legislative enactment. 15 ... If imprisonment from 5 to 10 years is out of proportion to the present
case in view of certain circumstances, the law is not to be declared
It is contended that Republic Act No. 4670 is unconstitutional on the ground that the unconstitutional for this reason. The constitutionality of an act of the
imposable but indefinite penalty of imprisonment provided therein constitutes a cruel and legislature is not to be judged in the light of exceptional cases. Small
unusual punishment, in defiance of the express mandate of the Constitution. This transgressors for which the heavy net was not spread are, like small
contention is inaccurate and should be rejected. fishes, bound to be caught, and it is to meet such a situation as this that
courts are advised to make a recommendation to the Chief Executive for An apparent exception to the general rule forbidding the delegation of legislative
clemency or reduction of the penalty... authority to the courts exists in cases where discretion is conferred upon said courts. It is
clear, however, that when the courts are said to exercise a discretion, it must be a mere
That the penalty is grossly disproportionate to the crime is an insufficient basis to declare legal discretion which is exercised in discerning the course prescribed by law and which,
the law unconstitutional on the ground that it is cruel and unusual. The fact that the when discerned, it is the duty of the court to follow. 21
punishment authorized by the statute is severe does not make it cruel or unusual. 18 In
addition, what degree of disproportion the Court will consider as obnoxious to the So it was held by the Supreme Court of the United States that the principle of separation
Constitution has still to await appropriate determination in due time since, to the credit of of powers is not violated by vesting in courts discretion as to the length of sentence or
our legislative bodies, no decision has as yet struck down a penalty for being "cruel and the amount of fine between designated limits in sentencing persons convicted of a
unusual" or "excessive." crime. 22

We turn now to the argument of private respondents that the entire penal provision in In the case under consideration, the respondent judge erronneously assumed that since
question should be invalidated as an 49 "undue delegation of legislative power, the the penalty of imprisonment has been provided for by the legislature, the court is
duration of penalty of imprisonment being solely left to the discretion of the court as if the endowed with the discretion to ascertain the term or period of imprisonment. We cannot
lattter were the legislative department of the government." agree with this postulate. It is not for the courts to fix the term of imprisonment where no
points of reference have been provided by the legislature. What valid delegation
Petitioner counters that the discretion granted therein by the legislature to the courts to presupposes and sanctions is an exercise of discretion to fix the length of service of a
determine the period of imprisonment is a matter of statutory construction and not an term of imprisonment which must be encompassed within specific or designated limits
undue delegation of legislative power. It is contended that the prohibition against undue provided by law, the absence of which designated limits well constitute such exercise as
delegation of legislative power is concerned only with the delegation of power to make an undue delegation, if not-an outright intrusion into or assumption, of legislative power.
laws and not to interpret the same. It is also submitted that Republic Act No. 4670 vests
in the courts the discretion, not to fix the period of imprisonment, but to choose which of Section 32 of Republic Act No. 4670 provides for an indeterminable period of
the alternative penalties shall be imposed. imprisonment, with neither a minimum nor a maximum duration having been set by the
legislative authority. The courts are thus given a wide latitude of discretion to fix the term
Respondent judge sustained these theses of petitioner on his theory that "the principle of of imprisonment, without even the benefit of any sufficient standard, such that the
separation of powers is not violated by vesting in courts discretion as to the length of duration thereof may range, in the words of respondent judge, from one minute to the life
sentence or amount of fine between designated limits in sentencing persons convicted of span of the accused. Irremissibly, this cannot be allowed. It vests in the courts a power
crime. In such instance, the exercise of judicial discretion by the courts is not an attempt and a duty essentially legislative in nature and which, as applied to this case, does
to use legislative power or to prescribe and create a law but is an instance of the violence to the rules on separation of powers as well as the non-delegability of legislative
administration of justice and the application of existing laws to the facts of particular powers. This time, the preumption of constitutionality has to yield.
cases." 19 What respondent judge obviously overlooked is his own reference to penalties
"between designated limits." On the foregoing considerations, and by virtue of the separability clause in Section 34 of
Republic Act No. 4670, the penalty of imprisonment provided in Section 32 thereof
In his commentary on the Constitution of the United States, Corwin wrote: should be, as it is hereby, declared unconstitutional.

.. At least three distinct ideas have contributed to the development of the It follows, therefore, that a ruling on the proper interpretation of the actual term of
principle that legislative power cannot be delegated. One is the doctrine imprisonment, as may have been intended by Congress, would be pointless and
of separation of powers: Why go to the trouble of separating the three academic. It is, however, worth mentioning that the suggested application of the so-
powers of government if they can straightway remerge on their own called rule or principle of parallelism, whereby a fine of P1,000.00 would be equated with
motion? The second is the concept of due process of laws which one year of imprisonment, does not merit judicial acceptance. A fine, whether imposed
precludes the transfer of regulatory functions to private persons. Lastly, as a single or as an alternative penalty, should not and cannot be reduced or converted
there is the maxim of agency "Delegata potestas non potest delegari." 20 into a prison term; it is to be considered as a separate and independent penalty
consonant with Article 26 of the Revised Penal Code. 23 It is likewise declared a discrete
principal penalty in the graduated scales of penalties in Article 71 of said Code. There is 5 Ibid., 37-38.
no rule for transmutation of the amount of a fine into a term of imprisonment. Neither
does the Code contain any provision that a fine when imposed in conjunction with 6 Ibid., 19-24.
imprisonment is subordinate to the latter penalty. In sum, a fine is as much a principal
penalty as imprisonment. Neither is subordinate to the other. 24 7 Ibid., 56-61.

2. It has been the consistent rule that the criminal jurisdiction of the court is determined 8 Ibid., 5.
by the statute in force at the time of the commencement of the action. 25
9 Ibid., 62-63.
With the deletion by invalidation of the provision on imprisonment in Section 32 of
Republic Act No. 4670, as earlier discussed, the imposable penalty for violations of said
10 Ibid., 64-62.
law should be limited to a fine of not less than P100.00 and not more than P1,000.00, the
same to serve as the basis in determining which court may properly exercise jurisdiction
thereover. When the complaint against private respondents was filed in 1975, the 11 Ibid., 68-79.
pertinent law then in force was Republic Act No. 296, as amended by Republic Act No.
3828, under which crimes punishable by a fine of not more than P 3,000.00 fall under the 12 Ibid., 106-112.
original jurisdiction of the former municipal courts. Consequently, Criminal Case No. 555
against herein private respondents falls within the original jurisdiction of the Municipal 13 Ibid., 113-116.
Trial Court of Hindang, Leyte.
14 Ibid., 117-138.
WHEREFORE, the decision and resolution of respondent judge are hereby REVERSED
and SET ASIDE. Criminal Case No. 555 filed against private respondents herein is 15 16 Am. Jur. 2d, 631.
hereby ordered to be remanded to the Municipal Trial Court of Hindang, Leyte for trial on
the merits. 16 Rollo, 98-99.

SO ORDERED. 17 93 Phil. 647 (1953).

Fernan, C.J., Narvasa, Melencio-Herrera, Gutierrez, Jr., Cruz, Paras, Feliciano, 18 24 C.J.S. 1187-1188.
Gancayco, Padilla, Bidin, Sarmiento, Cortes, Griño-Aquino and Medialdea, JJ., concur.
19 Rollo, 98.

20 Cited in Bernas, The Constitution of the Republic of the Philippines,

Footnotes Vol. II, 1988 Ed., 73.

1 Rollo, 80-105. 21 16 Am. Jur. 2d, 902.

2 Ibid., 117-138. 22 Ohio ex rel. Lloyd vs. Dollison 194 U.S. 445, cited in 16 Am. Jur. 2d,
3 Ibid., 25-30.
23 People vs. Basalo 101 Phil. 57 (1957).
4 Ibid., 31.
24 People vs. Crisostomo, 5 SCRA 1048 (1962); People vs. Ignacio, 13
SCRA 153 (1965).

25 People vs. Paderna 22 SCRA 273 (1968); People vs. Mariano, et al.,
71 SCRA 600 (1976); Lee, et al. vs. Hon. Presiding Judge, etc., et al.,
145 SCRA 408 (1986).
Republic of the Philippines A temporary restraining order prayed for by the petitioners was issued by this Court on
SUPREME COURT January 29, 1991, enjoining the respondents from enforcing the Executive Order and
Manila statute in question.

EN BANC The facts are as follows:

Pursuant to Art. X, §18 of the 1987 Constitution, Congress passed R.A. No. 6734, the
Organic Act for the Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao, calling for a plebiscite to
G.R. No. 96754 June 22, 1995 be held in the provinces of Basilan, Cotobato, Davao del Sur, Lanao del Norte, Lanao del
Sur, Maguindanao, Palawan, South Cotabato, Sultan Kudarat, Sulu, Tawi-Tawi,
CONGRESSMAN JAMES L. CHIONGBIAN (Third District, South Cotobato) Zamboanga del Norte, and Zamboanga del Sur, and the cities of Cotabato, Dapitan,
ADELBERT W. ANTONINO (First District, South Cotobato), WILFREDO G. Dipolog, General Santos, Iligan, Marawi, Pagadian, Puerto Princesa and Zamboanga. In
CAINGLET (Third District, Zamboanga del Norte), HILARION RAMIRO, JR. (Second the ensuing plebiscite held on November 16, 1989, four provinces voted in favor of
Division, Misamis Occidental), ERNESTO S. AMATONG (Second District, creating an autonomous region. These are the provinces of Lanao del Sur,
Zamboanga del Norte), ALVIN G. DANS (Lone District, Basilan), ABDULLAH M. Maguindanao, Sulu and Tawi-Tawi. In accordance with the constitutional provision, these
DIMAPORO (Second District, Lanao del Norte), and CONGRESSWOMAN MARIA provinces became the Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao.
CLARA A. LOBREGAT (Lone District, Zamboanga City) petitioners,
vs. On the other hand, with respect to provinces and cities not voting in favor of the
HON. OSCAR M. ORBOS, Executive Secretary; COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN SEC. Autonomous Region, Art. XIX, § 13 of R.A. No. 6734 provides,
REGIONS X AND XII, CHAIRMAN OF THE REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL That only the provinces and cities voting favorably in such plebiscites
FOR REGION X, CHAIRMAN JESUS V. AYALA, CABINET OFFICERS FOR shall be included in the Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao. The
REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT FOR REGIONS XI and XII, DEPARTMENT OF LOCAL provinces and cities which in the plebiscite do not vote for inclusion in the
GOVERNMENT, NATIONAL ECONOMIC AND DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY Autonomous Region shall remain in the existing administrative
SECRETARIAT, PRESIDENTIAL MANAGEMENT STAFF, HON. GUILLERMO regions. Provided, however, that the President may, by administrative
CARAGUE, Secretary of the DEPARTMENT OF BUDGET and MANAGEMENT; and determination, merge the existing regions.
HON. ROSALINA S. CAJUCUM, OIC National Treasurer, respondents.
Pursuant to the authority granted by this provision, then President Corazon C. Aquino
IMMANUEL JALDON, petitioner, issued on October 12, 1990 Executive Order No. 429, "providing for the Reorganization
vs. of the Administrative Regions in Mindanao." Under this Order, as amended by E.O. No.
CAJUCOM, respondents. (1) Misamis Occidental, at present part of Region X, will become part of
Region IX.

(2) Oroquieta City, Tangub City and Ozamiz City, at present parts of
MENDOZA, J.: Region X will become parts of Region IX.

These suits challenge the validity of a provision of the Organic Act for the Autonomous (3) South Cotobato, at present a part of Region XI, will become part of
Region in Muslim Mindanao (R.A. No. 6734), authorizing the President of the Philippines Region XII.
to "merge" by administrative determination the regions remaining after the establishment
of the Autonomous Region, and the Executive Order issued by the President pursuant to (4) General Santos City, at present part of Region XI, will become part of
such authority, "Providing for the Reorganization of Administrative Regions in Mindanao." Region XII.
(5) Lanao del Norte, at present part of Region XII, will become part of under the penultimate paragraph of Sec. 13, Art. XIX of R.A. 6734 and
Region IX. Ordinance appended to the 1986 Constitution apportioning the seats of
the House of Representatives of Congress of the Philippines to the
(6) Iligan City and Marawi City, at present part of Region XII, will become different legislative districts in provinces and cities. 1
part of Region IX.
As their protest went unheeded, while Inauguration Ceremonies of the New
Petitioners in G.R. No. 96754 are, or at least at the time of the filing of their petition, Administrative Region IX were scheduled on January 26, 1991, petitioners brought this
members of Congress representing various legislative districts in South Cotobato, suit for certiorari and prohibition.
Zamboanga del Norte, Basilan, Lanao del Norte and Zamboanga City. On November 12,
1990, they wrote then President Aquino protesting E.O. No. 429. They contended that On the other hand, the petitioner in G.R. No. 96673, Immanuel Jaldon, is a resident of
Zamboanga City, who is suing in the capacity of taxpayer and citizen of the Republic of
There is no law which authorizes the President to pick certain provinces the Philippines.
and cities within the existing regions — some of which did not even take
part in the plebiscite as in the case of the province of Misamis Occidental Petitioners in both cases contend that Art. XIX, §13 of R.A. No. 6734 is unconstitutional
and the cities of Oroquieta, Tangub and Ozamiz — and restructure them because (1) it unduly delegates legislative power to the President by authorizing him to
to new administrative regions. On the other hand, the law (Sec. 13, Art. "merge [by administrative determination] the existing regions" or at any rate provides no
XIX, R.A. 6734) is specific to the point, that is, that "the provinces and standard for the exercise of the power delegated and (2) the power granted is not
cities which in the plebiscite do not vote for inclusion in the Autonomous expressed in the title of the law.
Region shall remain in the existing administrative regions."
In addition, petitioner in G.R. No. 96673 challenges the validity of E.O. No. 429 on the
The transfer of the provinces of Misamis Occidental from Region X to ground that the power granted by Art. XIX, §13 to the President is only to "merge regions
Region IX; Lanao del Norte from Region XII to Region IX, and South IX and XII" but not to reorganize the entire administrative regions in Mindanao and
Cotobato from Region XI to Region XII are alterations of the existing certainly not to transfer the regional center of Region IX from Zamboanga City to
structures of governmental units, in other words, reorganization. This can Pagadian City.
be gleaned from Executive Order No. 429, thus
The Solicitor General defends the reorganization of regions in Mindanao by E.O. No. 429
Whereas, there is an urgent need to reorganize the as merely the exercise of a power "traditionally lodged in the President," as held
administrative regions in Mindanao to guarantee the in Abbas v. Comelec,2 and as a mere incident of his power of general supervision over
effective delivery of field services of government agencies local governments and control of executive departments, bureaus and offices under Art.
taking into consideration the formation of the Autonomous X, §16 and Art. VII, §17, respectively, of the Constitution.
Region in Muslim Mindanao.
He contends that there is no undue delegation of legislative power but only a grant of the
With due respect to Her Excellency, we submit that while the authority power to "fill up" or provide the details of legislation because Congress did not have the
necessarily includes the authority to merge, the authority to merge does facility to provide for them. He cites by analogy the case of Municipality of Cardona
not include the authority to reorganize. Therefore, the President's v. Municipality of Binangonan,3 in which the power of the Governor-General to fix
authority under RA 6734 to "merge existing regions" cannot be construed municipal boundaries was sustained on the ground that —
to include the authority to reorganize them. To do so will violate the rules
of statutory construction. [such power] is simply a transference of certain details with respect to
provinces, municipalities, and townships, many of them newly created,
The transfer of regional centers under Executive Order 429 is actually a and all of them subject to a more or less rapid change both in
restructuring (reorganization) of administrative regions. While this development and centers of population, the proper regulation of which
reorganization, as in Executive Order 429, does not affect the might require not only prompt action but action of such a detailed
apportionment of congressional representatives, the same is not valid
character as not to permit the legislative body, as such, to take it For purposes of this Decree, the coverage of the
efficiently. continuing authority of the President to reorganize shall
be interpreted to encompass all agencies, entities,
The Solicitor General justifies the grant to the President of the power "to merge the instrumentalities, and units of the National Government,
existing regions" as something fairly embraced in the title of R.A. No. 6734, to wit, "An including all government owned or controlled corporations
Act Providing for an Organic Act for the Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao," as well as the entire range of the powers, functions,
because it is germane to it. authorities, administrative relationships, acid related
aspects pertaining to these agencies, entities,
He argues that the power is not limited to the merger of those regions in which the instrumentalities, and units.
provinces and cities which took part in the plebiscite are located but that it extends to all
regions in Mindanao as necessitated by the establishment of the autonomous region. 2. [T]he President may, at his discretion, take the following actions:

Finally, he invokes P.D. No. 1416, as amended by P.D. No. 1772 which provides: xxx xxx xxx

1. The President of the Philippines shall have the continuing authority to f. Create, abolish, group, consolidate, merge, or integrate
reorganize the National Government. In exercising this authority, the entities, agencies, instrumentalities, and units of the
President shall be guided by generally acceptable principles of good National Government, as well as expand, amend, change,
government and responsive national government, including but not or otherwise modify their powers, functions and
limited to the following guidelines for a more efficient, effective, authorities, including, with respect to government-owned
economical and development-oriented governmental framework: or controlled corporations, their corporate life,
capitalization, and other relevant aspects of their charters.
(a) More effective planning implementation, and review
functions; g. Take such other related actions as may be necessary
to carry out the purposes and objectives of this Decree.
(b) Greater decentralization and responsiveness in
decision-making process; Considering the arguments of the parties, the issues are:

(c) Further minimization, if not, elimination, of duplication (1) whether the power to "merge" administrative regions is legislative in character, as
or overlapping of purposes, functions, activities, and petitioners contend, or whether it is executive in character, as respondents claim it is,
programs; and, in any event, whether Art. XIX, §13 is invalid because it contains no standard to
guide the President's discretion;
(d) Further development of as standardized as possible
ministerial, sub-ministerial and corporate organizational (2) whether the power given is fairly expressed in the title of the statute; and
(3) whether the power granted authorizes the reorganization even of regions the
(e) Further development of the regionalization process; provinces and cities in which either did not take part in the plebiscite on the creation of
and the Autonomous Region or did not vote in favor of it; and

(f) Further rationalization of the functions of and (4) whether the power granted to the President includes the power to transfer the
administrative relationships among government entities. regional center of Region IX from Zamboanga City to Pagadian City.

It will be useful to recall first the nature of administrative regions and the basis and
purpose for their creation. On September 9, 1968, R.A. No. 5435 was passed
"authorizing the President of the Philippines, with the help of a Commission on First, the question of standard. A legislative standard need not be expressed. It may
Reorganization, to reorganize the different executive departments, bureaus, offices, simply be gathered or implied. 10 Nor need it be found in the law challenged because it
agencies and instrumentalities of the government, including banking or financial may be embodied in other statutes on the same subject as that of the challenged
institutions and corporations owned or controlled by it." The purpose was to promote legislation. 11
"simplicity, economy and efficiency in the government." 4 The Commission on
Reorganization created under the law was required to submit an integrated With respect to the power to merge existing administrative regions, the standard is to be
reorganization plan not later than December 31, 1969 to the President who was in turn found in the same policy underlying the grant to the President in R.A. No. 5435 of the
required to submit the plan to Congress within forty days after the opening of its next power to reorganize the Executive Department, to wit: "to promote simplicity, economy
regular session. The law provided that any reorganization plan submitted would become and efficiency in the government to enable it to pursue programs consistent with national
effective only upon the approval of Congress. 5 goals for accelerated social and economic development and to improve the service in the
transaction of the public business." 12 Indeed, as the original eleven administrative
Accordingly, the Reorganization Commission prepared an Integrated Reorganization regions were established in accordance with this policy, it is logical to suppose that in
Plan which divided the country into eleven administrative regions. 6 By P.D. No. 1, the authorizing the President to "merge [by administrative determination] the existing
Plan was approved and made part of the law of the land on September 24, 1972. P.D. regions" in view of the withdrawal from some of those regions of the provinces now
No. 1 was twice amended in 1975, first by P.D. No. 742 which "restructur[ed] the regional constituting the Autonomous Region, the purpose of Congress was to reconstitute the
organization of Mindanao, Basilan, Sulu and Tawi-Tawi" and later by P.D. No. 773 which original basis for the organization of administrative regions.
further "restructur[ed] the regional organization of Mindanao and divid[ed] Region IX into
two sub-regions." In 1978, P.D. No. 1555 transferred the regional center of Region IX Nor is Art. XIX, §13 susceptible to charge that its subject is not embraced in the title of
from Jolo to Zamboanga City. R.A. No. 6734. The constitutional requirement that "every bill passed by the Congress
shall embrace only one subject which shall be expressed in the title thereof" 13 has
Thus the creation and subsequent reorganization of administrative regions have been by always been given a practical rather than a technical construction. The title is not
the President pursuant to authority granted to him by law. In conferring on the President required to be an index of the content of the bill. It is a sufficient compliance with the
the power "to merge [by administrative determination] the existing regions" following the constitutional requirement if the title expresses the general subject and all provisions of
establishment of the Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao, Congress merely the statute are germane to that subject. 14 Certainly the reorganization of the remaining
followed the pattern set in previous legislation dating back to the initial organization of administrative regions is germane to the general subject of R.A. No. 6734, which is the
administrative regions in 1972. The choice of the President as delegate is logical establishment of the Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao.
because the division of the country into regions is intended to facilitate not only the
administration of local governments but also the direction of executive departments Finally, it is contended that the power granted to the President is limited to the
which the law requires should have regional offices. As this Court observed in Abbas, reorganization of administrative regions in which some of the provinces and cities which
"while the power to merge administrative regions is not expressly provided for in the voted in favor of regional autonomy are found, because Art. XIX, §13 provides that those
Constitution, it is a power which has traditionally been lodged with the President to which did not vote for autonomy "shall remain in the existing administrative regions."
facilitate the exercise of the power of general supervision over local governments More specifically, petitioner in G.R. No. 96673 claims:
[seeArt. X, §4 of the Constitution]." The regions themselves are not territorial and political
divisions like provinces, cities, municipalities and barangays but are "mere groupings of The questioned Executive Order No. 429 distorted and, in fact,
contiguous provinces for administrative purposes." 7 The power conferred on the contravened the clear intent of this provision by moving out or
President is similar to the power to adjust municipal boundaries 8 which has been transferring certain political subdivisions (provinces/cities) out of their
described in Pelaez v. Auditor General9 or as "administrative in nature." legally designated regions. Aggravating this unacceptable or untenable
situation is EO No. 429's effecting certain movements on areas which did
There is, therefore, no abdication by Congress of its legislative power in conferring on not even participate in the November 19, 1989 plebiscite. The
the President the power to merge administrative regions. The question is whether unauthorized action of the President, as effected by and under the
Congress has provided a sufficient standard by which the President is to be guided in the questioned EO No. 429, is shown by the following dispositions: (1)
exercise of the power granted and whether in any event the grant of power to him is Misamis Occidental, formerly of Region X and which did not even
included in the subject expressed in the title of the law. participate in the plebiscite, was moved from said Region X to Region IX;
(2) the cities of Ozamis, Oroquieta, and Tangub, all formerly belonging to
Region X, which likewise did not participate in the said plebiscite, were What has been said above applies to the change of the regional center from Zamboanga
transferred to Region IX; (3) South Cotobato, from Region XI to Region City to Pagadian City. Petitioners contend that the determination of provincial capitals
XII; (4) General Santos City: from Region XI to Region XII; (5) Lanao del has always been by act of Congress. But as, this Court said in Abbas, 16 administrative
Norte, from Region XII to Region IX; and (6) the cities of Marawi and regions are mere "groupings of contiguous provinces for administrative purposes, . . .
Iligan from Region XII to Region IX. All of the said provinces and cities [They] are not territorial and political subdivisions like provinces, cities, municipalities and
voted "NO", and thereby rejected their entry into the Autonomous Region barangays." There is, therefore, no basis for contending that only Congress can change
in Muslim Mindanao, as provided under RA No. 6734. 15 or determine regional centers. To the contrary, the examples of P.D. Nos. 1, 742, 773
and 1555 suggest that the power to reorganize administrative regions carries with it the
The contention has no merit. While Art. XIX, §13 provides that "The provinces and cities power to determine the regional center.
which do not vote for inclusion in the Autonomous Region shall remain in the existing
administrative regions," this provision is subject to the qualification that "the President It may be that the transfer of the regional center in Region IX from Zamboanga City to
may by administrative determination merge the existing regions." This means that while Pagadian City may entail the expenditure of large sums of money for the construction of
non-assenting provinces and cities are to remain in the regions as designated upon the buildings and other infrastructure to house regional offices. That contention is addressed
creation of the Autonomous Region, they may nevertheless be regrouped with to the wisdom of the transfer rather than to its legality and it is settled that courts are not
contiguous provinces forming other regions as the exigency of administration may the arbiters of the wisdom or expediency of legislation. In any event this is a question
require. that we will consider only if fully briefed and upon a more adequate record than that
presented by petitioners.
The regrouping is done only on paper. It involves no more than are definition or
redrawing of the lines separating administrative regions for the purpose of facilitating the WHEREFORE, the petitions for certiorari and prohibition are DISMISSED for lack of
administrative supervision of local government units by the President and insuring the merit.
efficient delivery of essential services. There will be no "transfer" of local governments
from one region to another except as they may thus be regrouped so that a province like SO ORDERED.
Lanao del Norte, which is at present part of Region XII, will become part of Region IX.
Narvasa, C.J., Feliciano, Padilla, Regalado, Davide, Jr., Romero, Bellosillo, Melo,
The regrouping of contiguous provinces is not even analogous to a redistricting or to the Quiason, Puno, Vitug, Kapunan and Francisco, JJ., concur.
division or merger of local governments, which all have political consequences on the
right of people residing in those political units to vote and to be voted for. It cannot be
overemphasized that administrative regions are mere groupings of contiguous provinces
for administrative purposes, not for political representation.
Petitioners nonetheless insist that only those regions, in which the provinces and cities
1 Rollo, p. 23-24, Petition (G.R. No. 96754).
which voted for inclusion in the Autonomous Region are located, can be "merged" by the
2 179 SCRA 287 (1989).
To be fundamental reason Art. XIX, §13 is not so limited. But the more fundamental
reason is that the President's power cannot be so limited without neglecting the 3 36 Phil. 549 (1917).
necessities of administration. It is noteworthy that the petitioners do not claim that the
reorganization of the regions in E.O. No. 429 is irrational. The fact is that, as they 4 R.A. No. 5435, § 1.
themselves admit, the reorganization of administrative regions in E.O. No. 429 is based
on relevant criteria, to wit: (1) contiguity and geographical features; (2) transportation and 5 §4.
communication facilities; (3) cultural and language groupings; (4) land area and
population; (5) existing regional centers adopted by several agencies; (6) socio- 6 INTEGRATED REORGANIZATION PLAN, Ch. II, Art. I, §1.
economic development programs in the regions and (7) number of provinces and cities.
7 Supra note 2 at 300-01. Abbas in fact sustained the constitutionality of
Art. XIX, §13 of R.A, No. 6734 against claims that it contravened Art. X,
§10 of the Constitution which requires approval by a majority of the votes
in a plebiscite of the merger of provinces, cities, municipalities and

8 Act No. 1748.

9 122 Phil. 965, 973-4 (1965). See also Government of the Philippine
Islands v. Municipality of Binangonan, 34 Phil. 518 (1916); Municipality of
Cardona v. Municipality of Binangonan, 36 Phil. 547 (1917).

10 Edu v. Ericta, 35 SCRA 481 (1970).

11 See Rabor v. Civil Service Commission, G.R. No. 111812, May


12 R.A. No. 5435, §1.

13 Art. VI, §26(1).

14 Sumulong v. COMELEC, 73 Phil. 288 (1941); Association of Small

Landowners in the Philippines v. Secretary of Agrarian Reform, 175
SCRA 365 (1992).

15 Petitioner's Memorandum, G.R. No. 96673, pp. 5-6.

16 Supra note 2 at 300.

Republic of the Philippines (c) The equalization of the taxes and royalties applied to indigenous or renewable
SUPREME COURT sources of energy vis-à-vis imported energy fuels;
(d) An environmental charge equivalent to one-fourth of one centavo per kilowatt-
EN BANC hour (₱0.0025/kWh), which shall accrue to an environmental fund to be used
solely for watershed rehabilitation and management. Said fund shall be managed
G.R. No. 159796 July 17, 2007 by NPC under existing arrangements; and

ROMEO P. GEROCHI, KATULONG NG BAYAN (KB) and ENVIRONMENTALIST (e) A charge to account for all forms of cross-subsidies for a period not
CONSUMERS NETWORK, INC. (ECN), Petitioners, exceeding three (3) years.
DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY (DOE), ENERGY REGULATORY COMMISSION (ERC), The universal charge shall be a non-bypassable charge which shall be passed on and
NATIONAL POWER CORPORATION (NPC), POWER SECTOR ASSETS AND collected from all end-users on a monthly basis by the distribution utilities. Collections by
LIABILITIES MANAGEMENT GROUP (PSALM Corp.), STRATEGIC POWER the distribution utilities and the TRANSCO in any given month shall be remitted to the
UTILITIES GROUP (SPUG), and PANAY ELECTRIC COMPANY INC. PSALM Corp. on or before the fifteenth (15th) of the succeeding month, net of any
(PECO),Respondents. amount due to the distribution utility. Any end-user or self-generating entity not
connected to a distribution utility shall remit its corresponding universal charge directly to
DECISION the TRANSCO. The PSALM Corp., as administrator of the fund, shall create a Special
Trust Fund which shall be disbursed only for the purposes specified herein in an open
NACHURA, J.: and transparent manner. All amount collected for the universal charge shall be
distributed to the respective beneficiaries within a reasonable period to be provided by
the ERC.
Petitioners Romeo P. Gerochi, Katulong Ng Bayan (KB), and Environmentalist
Consumers Network, Inc. (ECN) (petitioners), come before this Court in this original
action praying that Section 34 of Republic Act (RA) 9136, otherwise known as the The Facts
"Electric Power Industry Reform Act of 2001" (EPIRA), imposing the Universal
Charge,1and Rule 18 of the Rules and Regulations (IRR) 2 which seeks to implement the Congress enacted the EPIRA on June 8, 2001; on June 26, 2001, it took effect. 7
said imposition, be declared unconstitutional. Petitioners also pray that the Universal
Charge imposed upon the consumers be refunded and that a preliminary injunction On April 5, 2002, respondent National Power Corporation-Strategic Power Utilities
and/or temporary restraining order (TRO) be issued directing the respondents to refrain Group8 (NPC-SPUG) filed with respondent Energy Regulatory Commission (ERC) a
from implementing, charging, and collecting the said charge. 3 The assailed provision of petition for the availment from the Universal Charge of its share for Missionary
law reads: Electrification, docketed as ERC Case No. 2002-165.9

SECTION 34. Universal Charge. — Within one (1) year from the effectivity of this Act, a On May 7, 2002, NPC filed another petition with ERC, docketed as ERC Case No. 2002-
universal charge to be determined, fixed and approved by the ERC, shall be imposed on 194, praying that the proposed share from the Universal Charge for the Environmental
all electricity end-users for the following purposes: charge of ₱0.0025 per kilowatt-hour (/kWh), or a total of ₱119,488,847.59, be approved
for withdrawal from the Special Trust Fund (STF) managed by respondent Power Sector
(a) Payment for the stranded debts4 in excess of the amount assumed by the Assets and
National Government and stranded contract costs of NPC 5 and as well as
qualified stranded contract costs of distribution utilities resulting from the Liabilities Management Group (PSALM)10 for the rehabilitation and management of
restructuring of the industry; watershed areas.11

(b) Missionary electrification;6 On December 20, 2002, the ERC issued an Order 12 in ERC Case No. 2002-165
provisionally approving the computed amount of ₱0.0168/kWh as the share of the NPC-
SPUG from the Universal Charge for Missionary Electrification and authorizing the Relative thereto, NPC-SPUG is directed to submit a quarterly report on the following:
National Transmission Corporation (TRANSCO) and Distribution Utilities to collect the
same from its end-users on a monthly basis. 1. Projects for CY 2002 undertaken;

On June 26, 2003, the ERC rendered its Decision13 (for ERC Case No. 2002-165) 2. Location
modifying its Order of December 20, 2002, thus:
3. Actual amount utilized to complete the project;
WHEREFORE, the foregoing premises considered, the provisional authority granted to
petitioner National Power Corporation-Strategic Power Utilities Group (NPC-SPUG) in 4. Period of completion;
the Order dated December 20, 2002 is hereby modified to the effect that an additional
amount of ₱0.0205 per kilowatt-hour should be added to the ₱0.0168 per kilowatt-hour
5. Start of Operation; and
provisionally authorized by the Commission in the said Order. Accordingly, a total
amount of ₱0.0373 per kilowatt-hour is hereby APPROVED for withdrawal from the
Special Trust Fund managed by PSALM as its share from the Universal Charge for 6. Explanation of the reallocation of UC-ME funds, if any.
Missionary Electrification (UC-ME) effective on the following billing cycles:
(a) June 26-July 25, 2003 for National Transmission Corporation (TRANSCO);
and Meanwhile, on April 2, 2003, ERC decided ERC Case No. 2002-194, authorizing the
NPC to draw up to ₱70,000,000.00 from PSALM for its 2003 Watershed Rehabilitation
(b) July 2003 for Distribution Utilities (Dus). Budget subject to the availability of funds for the Environmental Fund component of the
Universal Charge.16
Relative thereto, TRANSCO and Dus are directed to collect the UC-ME in the amount of
₱0.0373 per kilowatt-hour and remit the same to PSALM on or before the 15th day of the On the basis of the said ERC decisions, respondent Panay Electric Company, Inc.
succeeding month. (PECO) charged petitioner Romeo P. Gerochi and all other end-users with the Universal
Charge as reflected in their respective electric bills starting from the month of July
In the meantime, NPC-SPUG is directed to submit, not later than April 30, 2004, a
detailed report to include Audited Financial Statements and physical status (percentage
of completion) of the projects using the prescribed format.1avvphi1 Hence, this original action.

Let copies of this Order be furnished petitioner NPC-SPUG and all distribution utilities Petitioners submit that the assailed provision of law and its IRR which sought to
(Dus). implement the same are unconstitutional on the following grounds:

SO ORDERED. 1) The universal charge provided for under Sec. 34 of the EPIRA and sought to
be implemented under Sec. 2, Rule 18 of the IRR of the said law is a tax which is
to be collected from all electric end-users and self-generating entities. The power
On August 13, 2003, NPC-SPUG filed a Motion for Reconsideration asking the ERC,
to tax is strictly a legislative function and as such, the delegation of said power to
among others,14 to set aside the above-mentioned Decision, which the ERC granted in
any executive or administrative agency like the ERC is unconstitutional, giving
its Order dated October 7, 2003, disposing:
the same unlimited authority. The assailed provision clearly provides that the
Universal Charge is to be determined, fixed and approved by the ERC, hence
WHEREFORE, the foregoing premises considered, the "Motion for Reconsideration" filed leaving to the latter complete discretionary legislative authority.
by petitioner National Power Corporation-Small Power Utilities Group (NPC-SPUG) is
hereby GRANTED. Accordingly, the Decision dated June 26, 2003 is hereby modified
2) The ERC is also empowered to approve and determine where the funds
collected should be used.
3) The imposition of the Universal Charge on all end-users is oppressive and 4624 of the EPIRA, which imposes fines and penalties for any violation of its provisions or
confiscatory and amounts to taxation without representation as the consumers its IRR.25
were not given a chance to be heard and represented. 18
The Issues
Petitioners contend that the Universal Charge has the characteristics of a tax and is
collected to fund the operations of the NPC. They argue that the cases 19 invoked by the The ultimate issues in the case at bar are:
respondents clearly show the regulatory purpose of the charges imposed therein, which
is not so in the case at bench. In said cases, the respective funds20 were created in order 1) Whether or not, the Universal Charge imposed under Sec. 34 of the EPIRA is
to balance and stabilize the prices of oil and sugar, and to act as buffer to counteract the a tax; and
changes and adjustments in prices, peso devaluation, and other variables which cannot
be adequately and timely monitored by the legislature. Thus, there was a need to
2) Whether or not there is undue delegation of legislative power to tax on the part
delegate powers to administrative bodies.21 Petitioners posit that the Universal Charge is
of the ERC.26
imposed not for a similar purpose.
Before we discuss the issues, the Court shall first deal with an obvious procedural lapse.
On the other hand, respondent PSALM through the Office of the Government Corporate
Counsel (OGCC) contends that unlike a tax which is imposed to provide income for
public purposes, such as support of the government, administration of the law, or Petitioners filed before us an original action particularly denominated as a Complaint
payment of public expenses, the assailed Universal Charge is levied for a specific assailing the constitutionality of Sec. 34 of the EPIRA imposing the Universal Charge and
regulatory purpose, which is to ensure the viability of the country's electric power Rule 18 of the EPIRA's IRR. No doubt, petitioners havelocus standi. They impugn the
industry. Thus, it is exacted by the State in the exercise of its inherent police power. On constitutionality of Sec. 34 of the EPIRA because they sustained a direct injury as a
this premise, PSALM submits that there is no undue delegation of legislative power to result of the imposition of the Universal Charge as reflected in their electric bills.
the ERC since the latter merely exercises a limited authority or discretion as to the
execution and implementation of the provisions of the EPIRA. 22 However, petitioners violated the doctrine of hierarchy of courts when they filed this
"Complaint" directly with us. Furthermore, the Complaint is bereft of any allegation of
Respondents Department of Energy (DOE), ERC, and NPC, through the Office of the grave abuse of discretion on the part of the ERC or any of the public respondents, in
Solicitor General (OSG), share the same view that the Universal Charge is not a tax order for the Court to consider it as a petition for certiorari or prohibition.
because it is levied for a specific regulatory purpose, which is to ensure the viability of
the country's electric power industry, and is, therefore, an exaction in the exercise of the Article VIII, Section 5(1) and (2) of the 1987 Constitution27 categorically provides that:
State's police power. Respondents further contend that said Universal Charge does not
possess the essential characteristics of a tax, that its imposition would redound to the SECTION 5. The Supreme Court shall have the following powers:
benefit of the electric power industry and not to the public, and that its rate is uniformly
levied on electricity end-users, unlike a tax which is imposed based on the individual 1. Exercise original jurisdiction over cases affecting ambassadors, other public
taxpayer's ability to pay. Moreover, respondents deny that there is undue delegation of ministers and consuls, and over petitions for certiorari, prohibition, mandamus,
legislative power to the ERC since the EPIRA sets forth sufficient determinable quo warranto, and habeas corpus.
standards which would guide the ERC in the exercise of the powers granted to it. Lastly,
respondents argue that the imposition of the Universal Charge is not oppressive and 2. Review, revise, reverse, modify, or affirm on appeal or certiorari, as the law or
confiscatory since it is an exercise of the police power of the State and it complies with the rules of court may provide, final judgments and orders of lower courts in:
the requirements of due process.23
(a) All cases in which the constitutionality or validity of any treaty, international or
On its part, respondent PECO argues that it is duty-bound to collect and remit the executive agreement, law, presidential decree, proclamation, order, instruction,
amount pertaining to the Missionary Electrification and Environmental Fund components ordinance, or regulation is in question.
of the Universal Charge, pursuant to Sec. 34 of the EPIRA and the Decisions in ERC
Case Nos. 2002-194 and 2002-165. Otherwise, PECO could be held liable under Sec.
But this Court's jurisdiction to issue writs of certiorari, prohibition, mandamus, quo The conservative and pivotal distinction between these two powers rests in the purpose
warranto, and habeas corpus, while concurrent with that of the regional trial courts and for which the charge is made. If generation of revenue is the primary purpose and
the Court of Appeals, does not give litigants unrestrained freedom of choice of forum regulation is merely incidental, the imposition is a tax; but if regulation is the primary
from which to seek such relief.28 It has long been established that this Court will not purpose, the fact that revenue is incidentally raised does not make the imposition a tax. 36
entertain direct resort to it unless the redress desired cannot be obtained in the
appropriate courts, or where exceptional and compelling circumstances justify availment In exacting the assailed Universal Charge through Sec. 34 of the EPIRA, the State's
of a remedy within and call for the exercise of our primary jurisdiction. 29 This police power, particularly its regulatory dimension, is invoked. Such can be deduced from
circumstance alone warrants the outright dismissal of the present action. Sec. 34 which enumerates the purposes for which the Universal Charge is
imposed37 and which can be amply discerned as regulatory in character. The EPIRA
This procedural infirmity notwithstanding, we opt to resolve the constitutional issue raised resonates such regulatory purposes, thus:
herein. We are aware that if the constitutionality of Sec. 34 of the EPIRA is not resolved
now, the issue will certainly resurface in the near future, resulting in a repeat of this SECTION 2. Declaration of Policy. — It is hereby declared the policy of the State:
litigation, and probably involving the same parties. In the public interest and to avoid
unnecessary delay, this Court renders its ruling now. (a) To ensure and accelerate the total electrification of the country;

The instant complaint is bereft of merit. (b) To ensure the quality, reliability, security and affordability of the supply of
electric power;
The First Issue
(c) To ensure transparent and reasonable prices of electricity in a regime of free
To resolve the first issue, it is necessary to distinguish the State’s power of taxation from and fair competition and full public accountability to achieve greater operational
the police power. and economic efficiency and enhance the competitiveness of Philippine products
in the global market;
The power to tax is an incident of sovereignty and is unlimited in its range,
acknowledging in its very nature no limits, so that security against its abuse is to be (d) To enhance the inflow of private capital and broaden the ownership base of
found only in the responsibility of the legislature which imposes the tax on the the power generation, transmission and distribution sectors;
constituency that is to pay it.30 It is based on the principle that taxes are the lifeblood of
the government, and their prompt and certain availability is an imperious need. 31 Thus, (e) To ensure fair and non-discriminatory treatment of public and private sector
the theory behind the exercise of the power to tax emanates from necessity; without entities in the process of restructuring the electric power industry;
taxes, government cannot fulfill its mandate of promoting the general welfare and well-
being of the people.32
(f) To protect the public interest as it is affected by the rates and services of
electric utilities and other providers of electric power;
On the other hand, police power is the power of the state to promote public welfare by
restraining and regulating the use of liberty and property. 33 It is the most pervasive, the
(g) To assure socially and environmentally compatible energy sources and
least limitable, and the most demanding of the three fundamental powers of the State.
The justification is found in the Latin maxims salus populi est suprema lex (the welfare of
the people is the supreme law) and sic utere tuo ut alienum non laedas (so use your
property as not to injure the property of others). As an inherent attribute of sovereignty (h) To promote the utilization of indigenous and new and renewable energy
which virtually extends to all public needs, police power grants a wide panoply of resources in power generation in order to reduce dependence on imported
instruments through which the State, as parens patriae, gives effect to a host of its energy;
regulatory powers.34 We have held that the power to "regulate" means the power to
protect, foster, promote, preserve, and control, with due regard for the interests, first and (i) To provide for an orderly and transparent privatization of the assets and
foremost, of the public, then of the utility and of its patrons. 35 liabilities of the National Power Corporation (NPC);
(j) To establish a strong and purely independent regulatory body and system to and well-being of the community, that comprehensive sovereign authority we designate
ensure consumer protection and enhance the competitive operation of the as the police power of the State.46
electricity market; and
This feature of the Universal Charge further boosts the position that the same is an
(k) To encourage the efficient use of energy and other modalities of demand side exaction imposed primarily in pursuit of the State's police objectives. The STF
management. reasonably serves and assures the attainment and perpetuity of the purposes for which
the Universal Charge is imposed, i.e., to ensure the viability of the country's electric
From the aforementioned purposes, it can be gleaned that the assailed Universal Charge power industry.
is not a tax, but an exaction in the exercise of the State's police power. Public welfare is
surely promoted. The Second Issue

Moreover, it is a well-established doctrine that the taxing power may be used as an The principle of separation of powers ordains that each of the three branches of
implement of police power.38 In Valmonte v. Energy Regulatory Board, et al. 39 and government has exclusive cognizance of and is supreme in matters falling within its own
in Gaston v. Republic Planters Bank,40 this Court held that the Oil Price Stabilization constitutionally allocated sphere. A logical corollary to the doctrine of separation of
Fund (OPSF) and the Sugar Stabilization Fund (SSF) were exactions made in the powers is the principle of non-delegation of powers, as expressed in the Latin
exercise of the police power. The doctrine was reiterated in Osmeña v. Orbos41 with maxim potestas delegata non delegari potest (what has been delegated cannot be
respect to the OPSF. Thus, we disagree with petitioners that the instant case is different delegated). This is based on the ethical principle that such delegated power constitutes
from the aforementioned cases. With the Universal Charge, a Special Trust Fund (STF) not only a right but a duty to be performed by the delegate through the instrumentality of
is also created under the administration of PSALM. 42 The STF has some notable his own judgment and not through the intervening mind of another. 47
characteristics similar to the OPSF and the SSF, viz.:
In the face of the increasing complexity of modern life, delegation of legislative power to
1) In the implementation of stranded cost recovery, the ERC shall conduct a various specialized administrative agencies is allowed as an exception to this
review to determine whether there is under-recovery or over recovery and adjust principle.48 Given the volume and variety of interactions in today's society, it is doubtful if
(true-up) the level of the stranded cost recovery charge. In case of an over- the legislature can promulgate laws that will deal adequately with and respond promptly
recovery, the ERC shall ensure that any excess amount shall be remitted to the to the minutiae of everyday life. Hence, the need to delegate to administrative bodies -
STF. A separate account shall be created for these amounts which shall be held the principal agencies tasked to execute laws in their specialized fields - the authority to
in trust for any future claims of distribution utilities for stranded cost recovery. At promulgate rules and regulations to implement a given statute and effectuate its policies.
the end of the stranded cost recovery period, any remaining amount in this All that is required for the valid exercise of this power of subordinate legislation is that the
account shall be used to reduce the electricity rates to the end-users.43 regulation be germane to the objects and purposes of the law and that the regulation be
not in contradiction to, but in conformity with, the standards prescribed by the law. These
2) With respect to the assailed Universal Charge, if the total amount collected for requirements are denominated as the completeness test and the sufficient standard test.
the same is greater than the actual availments against it, the PSALM shall retain
the balance within the STF to pay for periods where a shortfall occurs.44 Under the first test, the law must be complete in all its terms and conditions when it
leaves the legislature such that when it reaches the delegate, the only thing he will have
3) Upon expiration of the term of PSALM, the administration of the STF shall be to do is to enforce it. The second test mandates adequate guidelines or limitations in the
transferred to the DOF or any of the DOF attached agencies as designated by law to determine the boundaries of the delegate's authority and prevent the delegation
the DOF Secretary.45 from running riot.49

The OSG is in point when it asseverates: The Court finds that the EPIRA, read and appreciated in its entirety, in relation to Sec. 34
thereof, is complete in all its essential terms and conditions, and that it contains sufficient
Evidently, the establishment and maintenance of the Special Trust Fund, under the last standards.
paragraph of Section 34, R.A. No. 9136, is well within the pervasive and non-waivable
power and responsibility of the government to secure the physical and economic survival
Although Sec. 34 of the EPIRA merely provides that "within one (1) year from the (e) To liquidate the NPC stranded contract costs, utilizing the proceeds from
effectivity thereof, a Universal Charge to be determined, fixed and approved by the ERC, sales and other property contributed to it, including the proceeds from the
shall be imposed on all electricity end-users," and therefore, does not state the specific universal charge.
amount to be paid as Universal Charge, the amount nevertheless is made certain by the
legislative parameters provided in the law itself. For one, Sec. 43(b)(ii) of the EPIRA Thus, the law is complete and passes the first test for valid delegation of legislative
provides: power.

SECTION 43. Functions of the ERC. — The ERC shall promote competition, encourage As to the second test, this Court had, in the past, accepted as sufficient standards the
market development, ensure customer choice and penalize abuse of market power in the following: "interest of law and order;"51 "adequate and efficient instruction;"52 "public
restructured electricity industry. In appropriate cases, the ERC is authorized to issue interest;"53 "justice and equity;"54 "public convenience and welfare;"55 "simplicity,
cease and desist order after due notice and hearing. Towards this end, it shall be economy and efficiency;"56 "standardization and regulation of medical education;" 57 and
responsible for the following key functions in the restructured industry: "fair and equitable employment practices."58 Provisions of the EPIRA such as, among
others, "to ensure the total electrification of the country and the quality, reliability, security
xxxx and affordability of the supply of electric power"59 and "watershed rehabilitation and
management"60 meet the requirements for valid delegation, as they provide the
(b) Within six (6) months from the effectivity of this Act, promulgate and enforce, in limitations on the ERC’s power to formulate the IRR. These are sufficient standards.
accordance with law, a National Grid Code and a Distribution Code which shall include,
but not limited to the following: It may be noted that this is not the first time that the ERC's conferred powers were
challenged. In Freedom from Debt Coalition v. Energy Regulatory Commission,61 the
xxxx Court had occasion to say:

(ii) Financial capability standards for the generating companies, the TRANSCO, In determining the extent of powers possessed by the ERC, the provisions of the EPIRA
distribution utilities and suppliers: Provided, That in the formulation of the financial must not be read in separate parts. Rather, the law must be read in its entirety, because
capability standards, the nature and function of the entity shall be considered: Provided, a statute is passed as a whole, and is animated by one general purpose and intent. Its
further, That such standards are set to ensure that the electric power industry meaning cannot to be extracted from any single part thereof but from a general
participants meet the minimum financial standards to protect the public interest. consideration of the statute as a whole. Considering the intent of Congress in enacting
Determine, fix, and approve, after due notice and public hearings the universal charge, to the EPIRA and reading the statute in its entirety, it is plain to see that the law has
be imposed on all electricity end-users pursuant to Section 34 hereof; expanded the jurisdiction of the regulatory body, the ERC in this case, to enable the
latter to implement the reforms sought to be accomplished by the EPIRA. When the
Moreover, contrary to the petitioners’ contention, the ERC does not enjoy a wide latitude legislators decided to broaden the jurisdiction of the ERC, they did not intend to abolish
of discretion in the determination of the Universal Charge. Sec. 51(d) and (e) of the or reduce the powers already conferred upon ERC's predecessors. To sustain the view
EPIRA50 clearly provides: that the ERC possesses only the powers and functions listed under Section 43 of the
EPIRA is to frustrate the objectives of the law.
SECTION 51. Powers. — The PSALM Corp. shall, in the performance of its functions
and for the attainment of its objective, have the following powers: In his Concurring and Dissenting Opinion62 in the same case, then Associate Justice,
now Chief Justice, Reynato S. Puno described the immensity of police power in relation
to the delegation of powers to the ERC and its regulatory functions over electric power as
a vital public utility, to wit:
(d) To calculate the amount of the stranded debts and stranded contract costs of
Over the years, however, the range of police power was no longer limited to the
NPC which shall form the basis for ERC in the determination of the
preservation of public health, safety and morals, which used to be the primary social
universal charge;
interests in earlier times. Police power now requires the State to "assume an affirmative
duty to eliminate the excesses and injustices that are the concomitants of an
unrestrained industrial economy." Police power is now exerted "to further the public utilization of existing generation capacity; extremely high and uncompetitive power rates;
welfare — a concept as vast as the good of society itself." Hence, "police power is but poor quality of service to consumers; dismal to forgettable performance of the
another name for the governmental authority to further the welfare of society that is the government power sector; high system losses; and an inability to develop a clear
basic end of all government." When police power is delegated to administrative bodies strategy for overcoming these shortcomings.
with regulatory functions, its exercise should be given a wide latitude. Police power takes
on an even broader dimension in developing countries such as ours, where the State Thus, the EPIRA provides a framework for the restructuring of the industry, including the
must take a more active role in balancing the many conflicting interests in society. The privatization of the assets of the National Power Corporation (NPC), the transition to a
Questioned Order was issued by the ERC, acting as an agent of the State in the exercise competitive structure, and the delineation of the roles of various government agencies
of police power. We should have exceptionally good grounds to curtail its exercise. This and the private entities. The law ordains the division of the industry into four (4) distinct
approach is more compelling in the field of rate-regulation of electric power rates. Electric sectors, namely: generation, transmission, distribution and supply.
power generation and distribution is a traditional instrument of economic growth that
affects not only a few but the entire nation. It is an important factor in encouraging Corollarily, the NPC generating plants have to privatized and its transmission business
investment and promoting business. The engines of progress may come to a screeching spun off and privatized thereafter.67
halt if the delivery of electric power is impaired. Billions of pesos would be lost as a result
of power outages or unreliable electric power services. The State thru the ERC should be
Finally, every law has in its favor the presumption of constitutionality, and to justify its
able to exercise its police power with great flexibility, when the need arises.
nullification, there must be a clear and unequivocal breach of the Constitution and not
one that is doubtful, speculative, or argumentative. 68Indubitably, petitioners failed to
This was reiterated in National Association of Electricity Consumers for Reforms v. overcome this presumption in favor of the EPIRA. We find no clear violation of the
Energy Regulatory Commission63 where the Court held that the ERC, as regulator, Constitution which would warrant a pronouncement that Sec. 34 of the EPIRA and Rule
should have sufficient power to respond in real time to changes wrought by multifarious 18 of its IRR are unconstitutional and void.
factors affecting public utilities.
WHEREFORE, the instant case is hereby DISMISSED for lack of merit.
From the foregoing disquisitions, we therefore hold that there is no undue delegation of
legislative power to the ERC.
Petitioners failed to pursue in their Memorandum the contention in the Complaint that the
imposition of the Universal Charge on all end-users is oppressive and confiscatory, and
Associate Justice
amounts to taxation without representation. Hence, such contention is deemed waived or
abandoned per Resolution64 of August 3, 2004.65 Moreover, the determination of whether
or not a tax is excessive, oppressive or confiscatory is an issue which essentially WE CONCUR:
involves questions of fact, and thus, this Court is precluded from reviewing the same. 66
As a penultimate statement, it may be well to recall what this Court said of EPIRA: Chief Justice

One of the landmark pieces of legislation enacted by Congress in recent years is the LEONARDO A. QUISUMBING CONSUELO YNARES-SANTIAGO
EPIRA. It established a new policy, legal structure and regulatory framework for the Associate Justice Associate Justice
electric power industry. The new thrust is to tap private capital for the expansion and
improvement of the industry as the large government debt and the highly capital-
intensive character of the industry itself have long been acknowledged as the critical ANGELINA SANDOVAL-
constraints to the program. To attract private investment, largely foreign, the jaded GUTIERREZ
Associate Justice
structure of the industry had to be addressed. While the generation and transmission Associate Justice
sectors were centralized and monopolistic, the distribution side was fragmented with over
130 utilities, mostly small and uneconomic. The pervasive flaws have caused a low MA. ALICIA AUSTRIA-MARTINEZ RENATO C. CORONA
Sec. 4 [vv] of the EPIRA provides that Stranded Debts of NPC refer to any
Associate Justice Associate Justice unpaid financial obligations of NPC which have not been liquidated by the
proceeds from the sales and privatization of NPC assets.
Associate Justice Associate Justice Sec. 4 [uu] of the EPIRA also provides that Stranded contract costs of NPC or
distribution utility refer to the excess of the contracted cost of electricity under
DANTE O. TINGA MINITA V. CHICO-NAZARIO eligible contracts over the actual selling price of the contracted energy output of
Associate Justice Associate Justice such contracts in the market. Such contracts shall have been approved by the
ERB as of December 31, 2000.
Rule 4 (ddd) of the IRR provides that Missionary Electrification refers to the
Associate Justice Associate Justice
provision of basic electricity service in Unviable Areas with the ultimate aim of
bringing the operations in these areas to viability levels.
Manila Electric Company, Inc. v. Lualhati, G.R. Nos. 166769 and 166818,
Pursuant to Section 13, Article VIII of the Constitution, I certify that the conclusions in the December 6, 2006.
above Decision had been reached in consultation before the case was assigned to the 8
writer of the opinion of the Court. IRR, Rule 4 (bbbb) states that Small Power Utilities Group or SPUG refers to
the functional unit of NPC created to pursue Missionary Electrification function.
Chief Justice ERC Record for ERC Case No. 2002-165, pp. 1-7.
PSALM is a government-owned and controlled corporation created under Sec.
49 of the EPIRA, which shall take ownership of all existing NPC generation
assets, liabilities, IPP contracts, real estate and all other disposable assets. All
Footnotes outstanding obligations of the NPC arising from loans, issuances of bonds,
securities and other instruments of indebtedness shall be transferred to and
1 assumed by the PSALM.
Sec. 4 (ddd) of the EPIRA provides that the Universal Charge refers to the
charge, if any, imposed for the recovery of the stranded cost and other purposes 11
pursuant to Section 34 hereof. ERC Record for ERC Case No. 2002-194, pp. 1-5.
Rules and Regulations to Implement Republic Act No. 9136, entitled "Electric Supra note 9, at 110-122.
Power Industry Reform Act of 2001, (IRR) approved on February 27, 2002, 13
particularly Rule 4 (rrrr) provides that the "Universal Charge" refers to the charge, Id. at 215-224.
if any, imposed for the recovery of the Stranded Debts, Stranded Contract Costs
of NPC, and Stranded Contract Costs of Eligible Contracts of Distribution Utilities NPC-SPUG's Motion for Reconsideration dated August 13, 2003 also prayed
and other purposes pursuant to Section 34 of the EPIRA. that it be allowed (1) to have flexibility in the utilization of UC-ME considering its
mandate to implement the MEDP responsive to the needs and constraints of
3 missionary electrification; (2) to authorize it to re-prioritize its CAPEX and its
Particularly denominated as Complaint dated September 15, 2003; rollo, pp. 3-
15. OPEX to the extent possible, for CY 2003; and (3) to give it the flexibility to
reallocate available UC-ME funds among the revised priority activities/projects for
CY 2003, Id. at 225-236.
Id. at 237-239. If the offender is a government official or employee, he shall, in addition,
be dismissed from the government service with prejudice to
16 reinstatement and with perpetual or temporary disqualification from
Supra note 11, at 110-122.
holding any elective or appointive office.
Rollo, p. 8.
If the offender is an alien, he may, in addition to the penalties prescribed,
Supra note 3. be deported without further proceedings after service of sentence.

Osmeña v. Orbos, G.R. No. 99886, March 31, 1993, 220 SCRA 703; Valmonte Any case which involves question of fact shall be appealable to the Court
v. Energy Regulatory Board, G.R. Nos. L-79601-03, June 23, 1988, 162 SCRA of Appeals and those which involve question of law shall be directly
521; and Gaston v. Republic Planters Bank, No. L-77194, March 15, 1988, 158 appealable to the Supreme Court.
SCRA 626.
The administrative sanction that may be imposed by the ERC shall be
These funds are the Oil Price Stabilization Fund (OPSF) and Sugar without prejudice to the filing of a criminal action, if warranted.
Stabilization Fund (SSF).
To ensure compliance with this Act, the penalty of prision correccional or
Petitioners' Memorandum dated October 6, 2004; rollo, pp. 123-138. a fine ranging from Five thousand pesos (₱5,000.00) to Five million
pesos (₱5,000,000.00), or both, at the discretion of the court, shall be
22 imposed on any person, including but not limited to the president,
PSALM's Memorandum dated December 8, 2004; id. at 154-167.
member of the Board, Chief Executive Officer or Chief Operating Officer
23 of the corporation, partnership, or any other entity involved, found guilty
OSG's Memorandum dated January 4, 2005; id. at 168-187. of violating or refusing to comply with any provision of this Act or its IRR,
other than those provided herein.
SECTION 46. Fines and Penalties. — The fines and penalties that shall be
imposed by the ERC for any violation of or non-compliance with this Act or the Any party to an administrative proceeding may, at any time, make an
IRR shall range from a minimum of Fifty thousand pesos (₱50,000.00) to a offer to the ERC, conditionally or otherwise, for a consented decree,
maximum of Fifty million pesos (₱50,000,000.00). voluntary compliance or desistance and other settlement of the case. The
offer and any or all of the ultimate facts upon which the offer is based
Any person who is found guilty of any of the prohibited acts pursuant to shall be considered for settlement purposes only and shall not be used
Section 45 hereof shall suffer the penalty of prision mayor and a fine as evidence against any party for any other purpose and shall not
ranging from Ten thousand pesos (₱10,000.00) to Ten million pesos constitute an admission by the party making the offer of any violation of
(₱10,000.000.00), or both, at the discretion of the court. the laws, rules, regulations, orders and resolutions of the ERC, nor as a
waiver to file any warranted criminal actions.
The members of the Board of Directors of the juridical companies
participating in or covered in the generation companies, the distribution In addition, Congress may, upon recommendation of the DOE and/or
utilities, the TRANSCO or its concessionaire or supplier who violate the ERC, revoke such franchise or privilege granted to the party who violated
provisions of this Act may be fined by an amount not exceeding double the provisions of this Act.
the amount of damages caused by the offender or by imprisonment of
one (1) year or two (2) years or both at the discretion of the court. This 25
PECO's Memorandum dated April 18, 2005; rollo, pp. 205-210.
rule shall apply to the members of the Board who knowingly or by neglect
allows the commission or omission under the law. 26
Supra note 21, at 125.
Emphasis supplied.
Francisco, Jr. v. Fernando, G.R. No. 166501, November 16, 2006, citing (c) The equalization of the taxes and royalties applied to indigenous or
People v. Cuaresma, 172 SCRA 415, 423-424 (1989). renewable sources of energy vis-à-vis imported energy fuels;
Lacson Hermanas, Inc. v. Heirs of Cenon Ignacio, G.R. No. 165973, June 29, (d) An environmental charge equivalent to one-fourth of one centavo per
2005, 462 SCRA 290, 294 and Santiago v. Vasquez, G.R. Nos. 99289-90, kilowatt-hour (₱0.0025/kWh), which shall accrue to an environmental
January 27, 1993, 217 SCRA 633, 652. fund to be used solely for watershed rehabilitation and management.
Said fund shall be managed by NPC under existing arrangements; and
Mactan Cebu International Airport Authority v. Marcos, 330 Phil. 392, 404
(1996). (e) A charge to account for all forms of cross-subsidies for a period not
exceeding three (3) years.
Proton Pilipinas Corporation v. Republic of the Philippines, G.R. No. 165027,
October 16, 2006, citing Province of Tarlac v. Alcantara, 216 SCRA 790, 798 Osmeña v. Orbos, supra note 19, at 710, Gaston v. Republic Planters Bank,
(1992). supra note 19, at 632, Tio v. Videogram Regulatory Board, No. L-75697, June
18, 1987, 151 SCRA 208, 216, and Lutz v. Araneta, 98 Phil. 148 (1955).
National Power Corporation v. City of Cabanatuan, 449 Phil. 233, 248 (2003).
Supra note 19, at 539; Decided jointly with Citizen's Alliance for Consumer
33 Protection v. Energy Regulatory Board., G.R. Nos. L-78888-90, and Kilusang
Didipio Earth-Savers' Multi-Purpose Association, Inc. (DESAMA) v.
Gozun, G.R. No. 157882, March 30, 2006, 485 SCRA 586, 604, citing U.S. v. Mayo Uno Labor Center v. Energy Regulatory, Board., G.R. Nos. L-79690-92.
Torribio, 15 Phil. 85, 93 (1910) and Rubi v. The Provincial Board of Mindoro, 39
Phil. 660, 708 (1919). Supra note 19, at 632-633.
34 41
JMM Promotion and Management, Inc. v. Court of Appeals, G.R. No. 120095, Id. at 710-711.
August 5, 1996, 260 SCRA 319, 324.
Last paragraph, Sec. 34, EPIRA provides: The PSALM Corp., as administrator
Philippine Association of Service Exporters, Inc. v. Hon. Ruben D. Torres, G.R. of the fund, shall create a Special Trust Fund which shall be disbursed only for
No. 101279, August 6, 1992, 212 SCRA 298, 304, citing Philippine the purposes specified herein in an open and transparent manner. All amount
Communications Satellite Corporation v. Alcuaz, 180 SCRA 218 (1989). collected for the universal charge shall be distributed to the respective
beneficiaries within a reasonable period to be provided by the ERC.
Progressive Development Corporation vs. Quezon City, G.R. No. 36081, April
24, 1989, 172 SCRA 629, 635, citing Manila Electric Company v. El Auditor IRR of the EPIRA, Rule 18, SECTION 6, also provides:
General y La Comision de Servicios Publicos, 73 Phil. 133 (1941); Republic v.
Philippine Rabbit Lines, 143 Phil. 158, 163 (1970). (a) Pursuant to the last paragraph of Section 34 of the Act, PSALM shall
act as the administrator of the funds generated from the Universal
The purposes are: Charge. For this purpose, the PSALM shall create a STF to be
established in the Bureau of Treasury (BTr) or in a Government
(a) Payment for the stranded debts in excess of the amount assumed by Financing Institution (GFI) that is acceptable to the DOF. Separate STFs
the National Government and stranded contract costs of NPC and as well shall be established for each of the intended purposes of the Universal
as qualified stranded contract costs of distribution utilities resulting from Charge. Funds shall be disbursed in an open and transparent manner
the restructuring of the industry; and shall only be used for the intended purposes specified in Section 3 of
this Rule.
(b) Missionary electrification; 43
EPIRA, Sec. 33, last paragraph and IRR, Sec. 5 (f), Rule 17.
44 55
IRR, Sec. 6 (f), Rule 18. Calalang v. Williams, 70 Phil. 726, 733 (1940).

45 56
IRR, Sec. 4, Rule 21. Cervantes v. Auditor General, 91 Phil 359, 364 (1952).

46 57
Supra note 23, at 177-178, citing Osmeña v. Orbos, supra note 19. Tablarin v. Gutierrez, No. L-78164, July 31, 1987, 152 SCRA 731.
47 58
Abakada Guro Party List v. Ermita, G.R. Nos. 168056, 168207, 168461, The Conference of Maritime Manning Agencies, Inc. v. Philippine Overseas
168463 and 168730, September 1, 2005, 469 SCRA 10, 115-116. Employment Administration, supra note 49.

48 59
The recognized exceptions to the general principle are as follows: Sec. 2(a) and (b), Declaration of Policies of the EPIRA.
(1) Delegation of tariff powers to the President under Section 28(2) of Supra note 37.
Article VI of the Constitution;
G.R. No. 161113, June 15, 2004, 432 SCRA 157, 182.
(2) Delegation of emergency powers to the President under Section 23(2)
of Article VI of the Constitution; 62
Id. at 219-220 (Emphasis supplied).

(3) Delegation to the people at large; 63

G.R. No. 163935, February 2, 2006, 481 SCRA 480, 515-516, citing Freedom
from Debt Coalition v. Energy Regulatory Commission, supra note 61.
(4) Delegation to local governments; and
Rollo, pp. 108-109
(5) Delegation to administrative bodies. Abakada Guro Party List v.
Ermita, supra note 47, at 117 and Santiago v. Comelec, 336 Phil. 848, 65
Republic v. Kalaw, G.R. No. 155138, June 8, 2004, 431 SCRA 401, 406.
897-898 (1997), citing People v. Vera, 65 Phil. 56 (1937).
Lopez v. City of Manila, G.R. No. 127139, February 19, 1999, 303 SCRA 448,
Equi-Asia Placement, Inc. v. DFA, G.R. No. 152214, September 19, 2006, 460, citing Ty v. Trampe, 250 SCRA 500 (1995).
citing Beltran v. Secretary of Health, 476 SCRA 168, 191 (2005); The
Conference of Maritime Manning Agencies v. Philippine Overseas Employment 67
Freedom from Debt Coalition v. Energy Regulatory Commission, supra note
Agency, 313 Phil. 592, 606 (1995); and Eastern Shipping Lines, Inc. v. Philippine 61, at 171-172.
Overseas Employment Agency, G.R. No. L-76633, October 18, 1998, 166 SCRA
533, 543. 68
Arceta v. Mangrobang, G.R. Nos. 152895 & 153151, June 15, 2004, 432
50 SCRA 136, 142, citing Lacson v. The Executive Secretary, 361 Phil. 251, 263
Emphasis supplied. (1999).
Rubi v. Provincial Board of Mindoro, supra note 33, at 706.

Philippine Association of Colleges and University v. Secretary of Education, 97
Phil. 806, 814 (1955).
People v. Rosenthal, 68 Phil. 328, 342 (1939).

Antamok Gold Fields v. CIR, 70 Phil. 340 (1940).
Republic of the Philippines (1) That the Secretary of the Interior has no jurisdiction or authority to suspend
SUPREME COURT and much less to prefer by himself administrative charges against the petitioner
Manila and decide also by himself the merits of the charges as the power to suspend
municipal elective officials and to try and punish them for misconduct in office or
EN BANC dereliction of duty is lodged in some other agencies of the government;

G.R. No. L-46570 April 21, 1939 (2) That the acts of the respondent in suspending the petitioner from office and in
preferring by himself charges against him and in designating a special
JOSE D. VILLENA, petitioner, investigator to hear the charges specified in Exhibit A are null and void for the
vs. following reasons:
(a) Because the Secretary of the Interior, by suspending the petitioner,
Vicente del Rosario for petitioner. has exercised control over local governments when that power has been
Office of the Solicitor-General Ozaeta for respondent. taken away from the President of the Philippines by the Constitution for
the to abrogate and the power to abrogate means the power to power to
control has been interpreted to include the power usurp and the power to
usurp necessarily includes the power to destroy;
This is an original action of prohibition with prayer for preliminary injunction against the
(b) Because even if the respondent Secretary of the Interior has power of
Secretary of the Interior to restrain him and his agents from proceeding with the
supervision over local governments, that power, according to the
investigation of the herein petitioner, Jose D. Villena, mayor of Makati, Rizal, which was
constitution, must be exercised in accordance with the provisions of law
scheduled to take place on March 28, 1939, until this case is finally determined by this
and the provisions of law governing trials of charges against elective
court. The respondent was required to answer, but the petition for preliminary injunction
municipal officials are those contained in section 2188 of the
was denied.
Administrative Code as amended. In other words, the Secretary of the
Interior must exercise his supervision over local governments, if he has
It appears that the Division of Investigation of the Department of Justice, upon the that power under existing law, in accordance with section 2188 of the
request of the Secretary of the Interior, conducted an inquiry into the conduct of the Administrative Code, as amended, as the latter provision govern the
petitioner, as a result of which the latter was found to have committed bribery, extortion, procedure to be followed in suspending and punishing elective local
malicious abuse of authority and unauthorized practice of the law profession. The officials while section 79 (C) of the Administrative Code is the general law
respondent, therefore, on February 8, 1939, recommended to the President of the which must yield to the special law;
Philippines the suspension of the petitioner to prevent possible coercion of witnesses,
which recommendation was granted, according to the answer of the Solicitor-General of
(c) Because the respondent Secretary of the Interior is exercising an
March 20, 1939, verbally by the President on the same day. The Secretary of the Interior
arbitrary power by converting himself into a complainant and at the same
suspended the petitioner from office on February 9, 1939, and then and thereafter wired
time judge of the charges he has preferred against the petitioner;
the Provincial Governor of Rizal with instruction that the petitioner be advised
accordingly. On February 13, 1939, the respondent wrote the petitioner a letter,
specifying the many charges against him and notifying him of the designation of Emiliano (d) Because the action of the respondent Secretary of the Interior is not
Anonas as special investigator to investigate the charges. The special investigator based on any sworn statement of any private person or citizen of this
forthwith notified the petitioner that the formal investigation would be commenced on government when section 2188 of the Administrative Code requires the
February 17, 1939, at 9 a. m., but due to several incidents and postponements, the same complaint against elective municipal officials to be under oath in order to
had to be set definitely for March 28, 1939. Hence, the petition for preliminary injunction merit consideration by the authorities.
referred to in the beginning of this opinion.
Petitioner prays this Honorable Court:
The petitioner contends in his petition:
(a) To issue a writ of preliminary injunction against the respondent restraining suspension from office of the herein petitioner by the respondent was authorized
him, his agents, attorneys and all persons acting by virtue of his authority from by the Chief Executive, who is empowered by section 64 (B) of the Administrative
further proceeding against the petitioner until this case is finally determined by Code to remove officials from office; (Par. 7.)
this court;
5. That the petition does not allege facts and circumstances that would warrant
(b) To declare, after the hearing of this petition, that the respondent is without the granting of the writ of preliminary injunction under section 164 of the Code of
authority or jurisdiction to suspend the petitioner from the office of mayor of Civil Procedure; (Par. 8.)
Makati and to order his immediate reinstatement in office;
6. That it is a well-settled rule "that courts of equity have no power to restrain
(c) To declare that the respondent has no authority to prefer charges against the public officers by injunction from performing any official act which they are by law
petitioner and to investigate those charges for the grant him that power the required to perform, or acts which are not in excess of the authority and
respondent would be acting as prosecutor and judge of the case of his own discretion reposed in them." (Par. 9)
The issues presented in this case may be reduced to an inquiry into the legal authority of
Upon the other hand, the Solicitor-General contends in his answer: the Secretary of the Interior (a) to order an investigation, by a special investigation
appointed by him, of the charges of corruption and irregularity brought to his attention
1. That section 79 (C) in relation with section 86 of the Revised Administrative against the mayor of the municipality of Makati, Province of Rizal, who is the petitioner
Code expressly empowers the respondent as Secretary of the Interior to "order herein, and (b) to decree the suspension of the said mayor pending the investigation of
the investigation of any act or conduct of any person in the service of any bureau the charges.
or office under his department" and in connection therewith to "designate an
official or person who shall conduct such investigation"; (Par. 4.) Section 79 (C) of the Administrative Code provides as follows:

2. That although section 2188 of the Revised Administrative Code, invoked by The Department Head shall have direct control, direction, and supervision over
the petitioner, empowers the provincial governor to `receive and investigate all bureaus and offices under his jurisdiction and may, any provision of existing
complaints made under oath against municipal officers for neglect of duty, law to the contrary notwithstanding, repeal or modify the decisions of the chiefs
oppression, corruption or other form of maladministration of office', said section of said bureaus of offices when advisable in the public interest.
does not preclude the respondent as Secretary of the Interior from exercising the
power vested in him by section 79 (C) in relation with section 86 of the Revised The Department Head may order the investigation of any act conduct of any
Administrative Code; and that, moreover, said section 2188 must be read in person in the service of any bureau of office under his department and in
relation with section 37 of Act No. 4007, known as the Reorganization Law of connection therewith may appoint a committee or designate an official or person
1932; (Par. 4 [b].) who shall conduct such investigations, and such committee, official, or person
may summon, witness by subpoena and subpoena duces tecum, administer oath
3. That at the commencement of the investigation the petitioner did not question and take testimony relevant to the investigation.
the power or jurisdiction of the Department of the Interior to investigate the
administrative charges against him but merely contended that the filing of said The above section speaks, it is true, of direct control, direction, and supervision over
charges was not in accordance with law for the reason that they did not bear the bureaus and offices under the jurisdiction of the Secretary of the Interior, but this section
oaths of the complainants; (Par. 5.) should be interpreted in relation to section 86 of the same Code which grants to the
Department of the Interior "executive supervision over the administration of provinces,
4. That the authority of a department head order the investigation of any act or municipalities, chartered cities and other local political subdivisions." In the case
conduct of any person under his department necessarily carries with it by of Planas vs. Gil (37 Off. Gaz., 1228), we observed that "Supervision is not a
implication the authority to take such measures as he may deem necessary to meaningless thing. It is an active power. It is certainly not without limitation, but it at least
accomplish the purpose of the investigation, such as by suspending the officer implies authority to inquire into facts and conditions in order to render the power real and
under investigation to prevent coercion of witnesses; and that, furthermore, the effective. If supervision is to be conscientious and rational, and not automatic and brutal,
it must be founded upon a knowledge of actual facts and conditions disclosed after The Solicitor-General argues that section 37 of Act No. 4007, known as the
careful study and investigation." The principle there enunciated is applicable with equal Reorganization Law of 1932, by providing, "the provisions of the existing law to the
force to the present case. contrary notwithstanding," that "whenever a specific power, authority, duty, function, or
activity is entrusted to a chief of bureau, office, division or service, the same shall be
We hold, therefore, that the Secretary of the Interior is invested with authority to order the understood as also conferred upon the proper Department Head who shall have
investigation of the charges against the petitioner and to appoint a special investigator for authority to act directly in pursuance thereof, or to review, modify or revoke any decision
that purpose. or action of said chief of bureau, office, division or service", should be interpreted to
concede to the Secretary of the Interior the power to suspend a mayor of a municipality.
As regards the challenged power of the Secretary of the Interior to decree the The argument is so generally sweeping that, unless distinctions are made, the effect
suspension of the herein petitioner pending an administrative investigation of the charges would be the complete abrogation at will of the powers of provincial and municipal
against him, the question, it may be admitted, is not free from difficulties. There is no officials even in corporate affairs of local governments. Under the theory suggested by
clear and express grant of power to the secretary to suspend a mayor of a municipality the Solicitor-General, the Secretary of the Interior could, as observed by able counsel for
who is under investigation. On the contrary, the power appears lodged in the provincial the petitioner, enter into a contract and sign a deed of conveyance of real property in
governor by section 2188 of the Administrative Code which provides that "The provincial behalf of a municipality against the opposition of the mayor thereof who is the local
governor shall receive and investigate complaints made under oath against municipal official authorized by law to do so (sec. 2196, Revised Administrative Code), or in behalf
officers for neglect of duty, oppression, corruption or other form of maladministration of of a province in lieu of the provincial governor thereof (sec 2068, Ibid.), and otherwise
office, and conviction by final judgment of any crime involving moral turpitude. For minor exercise powers of corporate character mentioned in sections 2067 and 2175 of the
delinquency he may reprimand the offender; and if a more severe punishment seems to Revised Administrative Code and which are lodged in the corresponding provincial and
be desirable he shall submit written charges touching the matter to the provincial board, municipal officials. And if the power of suspension of the Secretary of the Interior is to be
furnishing a copy of such charges to the accused either personally or by registered mail, justified on the plea that the pretended power is governmental and not corporate, the
and he may in such case suspend the officer (not being the municipal treasurer) pending result would be more disastrous. Then and thereunder, the Secretary of the Interior, in
action by the board, if in his opinion the charge be one affecting the official integrity of the lieu of the mayor of the municipality, could directly veto municipal ordinances and
officer in question. Where suspension is thus effected, the written charges against the resolutions under section 2229 of the Revised Administrative Code; he could, without
officer shall be filed with the board within five days." The fact, however, that the power of any formality, elbow aside the municipal mayor and himself make appointments to all
suspension is expressly granted by section 2188 of the Administrative Code to the non-elective positions in the municipal service, under section 2199 of the Revised
provincial governor does not mean that the grant is necessarily exclusive and precludes Administrative Code; he could, instead of the provincial governor, fill a temporary
the Secretary of the Interior from exercising a similar power. For instance, counsel for the vacancy in any municipal office under subsection (a), section 2188, as amended, of the
petitioner admitted in the oral argument that the President of the Philippines may himself said Code; he-could even directly appoint lieutenants of barrios and wrest the authority
suspend the petitioner from office in virtue of his greater power of removal (sec. 2191, as given by section 2218 of the Revised Administrative Code to a municipal councilor.
amended, Administrative Code) to be exercised conformably to law. Indeed, if the Instances may be multiplied but it is unnecessary to go any further. Prudence, then,
President could, in the manner prescribed by law, remove a municipal official, it would be dictates that we should hesitate to accept the suggestion urged upon us by the Solicitor-
a legal incongruity if he were to be devoid of the lesser power of suspension. And the General, especially where we find the path indicated by him neither illuminated by the
incongruity would be more patent if, possessed of the power both to suspend and to light of our own experience nor cemented by the virtuality of legal principles but is, on the
remove a provincial official (sec. 2078, Administrative Code), the President were to be contrary, dimmed by the recognition however limited in our own Constitution of the right
without the power to suspend a municipal official. Here is, parenthetically, an instance of local self-government and by the actual operation and enforcement of the laws
where, as counsel for petitioner admitted, the power to suspend a municipal official is not governing provinces, chartered cities, municipalities and other political subdivisions. It is
exclusive. Upon the other hand, it may be argued with some degree of plausibility that, if not any question of wisdom of legislation but the existence of any such destructive
the Secretary of the Interior is, as we have hereinabove concluded, empowered to authority in the law invoked by the Government that we are called upon to pass and
investigate the charges against the petitioner and to appoint a special investigator for determine here.
that purpose, preventive suspension may be a means by which to carry into effect a fair
and impartial investigation. This is a point, however, which, for the reason hereinafter In the deliberation of this case it has also been suggested that, admitting that the
indicated, we do not have to decide. President of the Philippines is invested with the authority to suspend the petitioner, and it
appearing that he had verbally approved or at least acquiesced in the action taken by the
Secretary of the Interior, the suspension of the petitioner should be sustained on the
principle of approval or ratification of the act of the Secretary of the Interior by the With reference to the Executive Department of the government, there is one purpose
President of the Philippines. There is, to be sure, more weight in this argument than in which is crystal-clear and is readily visible without the projection of judicial searchlight,
the suggested generalization of section 37 of Act No. 4007. Withal, at first blush, the and that is, the establishment of a single, not plural, Executive. The first section of Article
argument of ratification may seem plausible under the circumstances, it should be VII of the Constitution, dealing with the Executive Department, begins with the
observed that there are certain prerogative acts which, by their very nature, cannot be enunciation of the principles that "The executive power shall be vested in a President of
validated by subsequent approval or ratification by the President. There are certain the Philippines." This means that the President of the Philippines is the Executive of the
constitutional power and prerogatives of the Chief Executive of the Nation which must be Government of the Philippines, and no other. The heads of the executive departments
exercised by him in person and no amount of approval or ratification will validate the occupy political positions and hold office in an advisory capacity, and, in the language of
exercise of any of those powers by any other person. Such, for instance, is his power to Thomas Jefferson, "should be of the President's bosom confidence" (7 Writings, Ford
suspend the writ of habeas corpus and proclaim martial law (par. 3, sec. 11, Art. VII) and ed., 498), and, in the language of Attorney-General Cushing (7 Op., Attorney-General,
the exercise by him of the benign prerogative of mercy (par. 6, sec. 11, idem). Upon the 453), "are subject to the direction of the President." Without minimizing the importance of
other hand, doubt is entertained by some members of the court whether the statement the heads of the various departments, their personality is in reality but the projection of
made by the Secretary to the President in the latter's behalf and by his authority that the that of the President. Stated otherwise, and as forcibly characterized by Chief Justice
President had no objection to the suspension of the petitioner could be accepted as an Taft of the Supreme Court of the United States, "each head of a department is, and must
affirmative exercise of the power of suspension in this case, or that the verbal approval be, the President's alter ego in the matters of that department where the President is
by the President of the suspension alleged in a pleading presented in this case by the required by law to exercise authority" (Myers vs. United States, 47 Sup. Ct. Rep., 21 at
Solicitor-General could be considered as a sufficient ratification in law. 30; 272 U. S., 52 at 133; 71 Law. ed., 160). Secretaries of departments, of course,
exercise certain powers under the law but the law cannot impair or in any way affect the
After serious reflection, we have decided to sustain the contention of the government in constitutional power of control and direction of the President. As a matter of executive
this case on the board proposition, albeit not suggested, that under the presidential type policy, they may be granted departmental autonomy as to certain matters but this is by
of government which we have adopted and considering the departmental organization mere concession of the executive, in the absence of valid legislation in the particular
established and continued in force by paragraph 1, section 12, Article VII, of our field. If the President, then, is the authority in the Executive Department, he assumes the
Constitution, all executive and administrative organizations are adjuncts of the Executive corresponding responsibility. The head of a department is a man of his confidence; he
Department, the heads of the various executive departments are assistants and agents controls and directs his acts; he appoints him and can remove him at pleasure; he is the
of the Chief Executive, and except in cases where the Chief Executive is required by the executive, not any of his secretaries. It is therefore logical that he, the President, should
Constitution or the law to act in person or the exigencies of the situation demand that he be answerable for the acts of administration of the entire Executive Department before
act personally, the multifarious executive and administrative functions of the Chief his own conscience no less than before that undefined power of public opinion which, in
Executive are performed by and through the executive departments, and the acts of the the language of Daniel Webster, is the last repository of popular government. These are
secretaries of such departments, performed and promulgated in the regular course of the necessary corollaries of the American presidential type of government, and if there is
business, are, unless disapproved or reprobated by the Chief Executive, presumptively any defect, it is attributable to the system itself. We cannot modify the system unless we
the acts of the Chief Executive. (Runkle vs. United States [1887], 122 U. S., 543; 30 Law. modify the Constitution, and we cannot modify the Constitution by any subtle process of
ed., 1167: 7 Sup. Ct. Rep., 1141; see also U. S. vs. Eliason [1839], 16 Pet., 291; 10 Law. judicial interpretation or constitution.
ed., 968; Jones vs. U. S. [1890], 137 U. S., 202; 34 Law. ed., 691; 11 Sup. Ct., Rep., 80;
Wolsey vs. Chapman [1880], 101 U. S., 755; 25 Law. ed., 915: Wilcox vs. Jackson The petition is hereby dismissed, with costs against the petitioner. So ordered.
[1836], 13 Pet., 498; 10 Law. ed., 264.)
Avanceña, C. J., Diaz, and Concepcion, JJ., concur.
Fear is expressed by more than one member of this court that the acceptance of the
principle of qualified political agency in this and similar cases would result in the
assumption of responsibility by the President of the Philippines for acts of any member of
his cabinet, however illegal, irregular or improper may be these acts. The implications, it
is said, are serious. Fear, however, is no valid argument against the system once Separate Opinions
adopted, established and operated. Familiarity with the essential background of the type
of government established under our Constitution, in the light of certain well-known
VILLA-REAL, J., concurring in the result:
principles and practices that go with the system, should offer the necessary explanation.
I concur in the result. The Secretary of the Interior is nowhere given the power to each of these officials has his own powers and duties and I doubt seriously if it has ever
suspend a municipal elective officer pending charges, and in the absence of such power been the intention of the legislative to confuse their duties and prerogatives, for
he may not suspend him. The power to suspend cannot be implied even from an otherwise it would be difficult, if not impossible, to limit and fix responsibility. The
arbitrary power to remove, except where the power to remove is limited to cause; in such respondent himself could not have so understood the law when, under the facts, in order
case, the power to suspend, made use of as a disciplinary power pending charges, is to suspend the petitioner he found it necessary to obtain the express authority of the
regarded as included within the power of removal (46 Corpus Juris, sec. 142, page 982). President of the Philippines.
Provincial governors alone are expressly empowered to suspend municipal officers
under certain conditions by section 2188 of the Revised Administrative Code, and the MORAN, J., concurring and dissenting:
President of the Philippines by section 2191, as amended, of the same Code. Though
the suspension of the petitioner by the Secretary of the Interior was unauthorized, the I concur in the result.
implied approval by the President of the Philippines validated such suspension.
The ratio dicidendi of the case is contained in the following paragraph of the majority
IMPERIAL, J., concurring and dissenting: decision:

I concur in the result because in my opinion (1) the President of the Philippines, under . . ., that under the presidential type of government which we have adopted and
sections 64 (b), and 2191 of the Revised Administrative Code, as the latter has been considering the departmental organization established and continued in force by
amended, and section 11 (1), Article VII, of the Constitution, is vested with the power to paragraph 1, section 12, Article VII, of our Constitution, all executive and
expel and suspend municipal officials for grave misconduct, and it appears that the administrative organizations are adjuncts of the Executive Department, the heads
suspension was ordered by virtue of that authority; and (2) the Secretary of the Interior of the various executive departments are assistants and agents of the Chief
acted within the powers conferred upon him by section 79 (C), in connection with section Executive, and, except in cases where the Chief Executive is required by the
86, of the Revised Administrative Code, as amended, in ordering an administrative Constitution or the law to act in person or the exigencies of the situation demand
investigation of the charges against the petitioner, in his capacity as mayor of the that he act personally, the multifarious executive and administrative functions of
municipality of Makati, Province of Rizal. the Chief Executive are performed by and through the executive departments,
and the acts of the secretaries of such departments, performed and promulgated
It is a fact that, as a result of the investigation conducted by the Division of Investigation in the regular course of business, are, unless disapproved or reprobated by the
of the Department of Justice, the respondent, in turn, ordered the administrative Chief Executive, presumptively the acts of the Chief Executive. . . .
investigation of the petitioner and recommend his temporary suspension to the President
of the Philippines to preclude him from exerting pressure upon the witnesses who would If by this proposition it is meant that the power of suspension residing in the President
testify in the investigation, and that the President of the Philippines, through Secretary may validly be exercised by the Secretary of the Interior in his own name, and his act,
Jorge B. Vargas, stated that he had no objection to the suspension. The act of the unless disapproved or reprobated by the President, is presumptively the act of the
President of the Philippines, in my opinion, was an exercise of his power to suspend the President, I disagree. The implications involved in the proposition are serious. Suppose
petitioner and the statement that he had no objection was, at bottom, an order of the Secretary of Justice, pending proceedings against a judge of first instance, suspends
suspension. The circumstance that in the communication which the respondent him temporarily, a power vested in the President (section 173, Adm. Code), is the
addressed to the petitioner it appeared as though the suspension had been ordered by suspension valid in the silence of the President? Suppose the Secretary of Public Works
him, is immaterial and does not alter the merits of the case, as the facts disclose that the and Communications removes the Director of Posts , is the removal the act of the
order of suspension came directly from the President of the Philippines. President if not disapproved by the latter? Suppose the Secretary of the Interior grants
conditional pardon to a prisoner, is the pardon valid unless reprobated by the President?
However, I dissent from the conclusion of the majority that, under the existing The answer are self-evident.
presidential system of government and in view of the fact that the department secretaries
are, in the last analysis, agents of the executive, the acts of the said officials are It is true that the majority decision makes exception of the powers which the Chief
presumptively deemed the acts of the executive and that, consequently, the suspension Executive, by Constitution, by law, or by the exigencies of the situation, should exercise
of the petitioner directed by the respondent should be considered, under the same in person. The distinction, however, thus sought to be established between the powers
theory, as the suspension decreed by the President of the Philippines. I believe that the which the President should exercise in person and those which he may exercise thru the
principle thus enunciated is at once dangerous and without legal sanction. Under the law
department secretaries, if it exists at all, is extremely shadowy and in fact can nowhere Thus, while in one provision the Constitution vests in the President of the Philippines the
be found in the Constitution, in the law or practices of administration. On the contrary, the executive power of the government, in another the same Constitution recognizes the
weight of wisdom and authority is that powers committed or intrusted by the Constitution powers of the department secretaries conferred upon them by law. The apparent conflict
or by law to the President must be exercised by him positively and in person. The only between the two provisions is reconciled by the Constitution itself by means of the power
functions of the President which, in my opinion, may be performed by the department of control vested in the President over the executive departments. That power of control
secretaries are those which are preliminary or preparatory to the exercise of his powers, could not have been intended to wipe out or supersede all the powers of the department
such as, in investigation, research and other inquiries which may be necessary for a wise secretaries, for, otherwise, those powers would not have been continued in force by the
and judicious exercise of his judgment or discretion. This opinion finds corroboration in Constitution. It would certainly be an absurdity in the Constitution to recognize and at the
section 79-A of the Administrative Code. same time abrogate those powers. On the contrary, the creation of the power of control
implies the preservation, not the destruction, of all the powers conferred by law upon the
The proposition contained in the majority decision is even of much wider scope than is department secretaries. In fact, the majority admits the existence of those powers,
above stated, for it conveys the idea that all the functions of the executive branch of the subject, of course, to the powers of control of the President. Now, the power of control
government are in the President, with the executive departments as mere adjuncts to may or may not be exercised. If not exercised, the acts of the department secretaries in
him and the department secretaries his mere assistants or agents with no authority, pursuance of their powers would remain in full force and effect, and are their own acts
function or responsibility of their own, except those emanating from the President, and and not the President's. If exercised, by way of disapproval or reprobation of the acts of
that, therefore, as they cannot act but at the will of the President, all their acts, unless the department secretaries, the acts so reprobated are still their acts and not the
disapproved or reprobated by the President, are presumptively the acts of the President's.
Presidents. This sweeping statement is undoubtedly inspired by section 1, Article VII, of
the Constitution, which provides that "the executive power shall be vested in a President There is more theory than law in the statement that the personally of the department
of the Philippines." It disregards, however, the true meaning of other provisions of the secretaries is but the projection of that of the President. There is more truth in the
Constitution, such as paragraph 1 of section 12 of the same article, which provides that language used by Chief Justice Taft, as quoted in the majority opinion, to the effect that
"executive departments of the present Government of the Philippine Islands shall "each head of a department is, and must be, the President's alter ego in the matters of
continue as now authorized by law until the National Assembly shall provide otherwise." that department where the President is required by law to exercise authority" (emphasis
(Emphasis supplied.) supplied.). For it is only when the President exercises his authority and powers that the
department secretaries act merely as his assistants, agents or advisers, and, in such
According to section 74 of the Administrative Code ". . . the departments are established cases, their acts are his. But when they act in accordance with the powers vested in
for the proper distribution of the work of the executive, for the performance of the them by law, they act with a personality separate from and no less distinct than that of
functions expressly assigned to them by law, and in order that each branch of the the President himself, if the recognition accorded to their powers by the Constitution is to
administration may have a chief responsible for its direction and policy." (Emphasis mean anything at all. And the fact that the government we have instituted is a
supplied.) To give effect to this provision, each department head is expressly vested with presidential one in no wise destroys what the law has created and the Constitution has
broad as well as specific powers commensurate with his responsibility, such as the recognized. The presidential system of government could not have been intended to
powers to ". . . promulgate, whenever he may see fit to do so, all rules, regulations, supersede a government of laws for a government of men.
orders, circulars, . . . necessary to regulate the proper working and harmonious and
efficient administration of each and all of the offices and dependencies of his department, If, as stated by the majority, all the official acts of the secretaries of the departments are
and for the strict enforcement and proper execution of the laws relative to matters under presumptively the acts of the President, it must follow that the President is presumptively
the jurisdiction of said department" (section 79-B, Adm. Code); the power of direction responsible therefor. That this corrollary proposition cannot be maintained is obvious. At
and supervision over such bureaus and offices under his jurisdiction, and to repeal or every instance, he would be called upon to accountability for acts of which he might not
modify the decisions of the chief of said bureaus or offices when advisable in the public have any knowledge at all and for which he could in no wise be held responsible. In the
interest (section 79-C, Adm. Code; section 37, Act No. 4007); the power to appoint complicated activities of each department, multifarious official acts have to be performed
subordinate officers and employees whose appointment is not expressly vested by law in from time to time. Very often these acts are performed in pursuance of powers and
the President, and to remove and punish them except as specially provided otherwise in duties expressly lodged in them by law; and, occasionally, upon authority and direction of
accordance with the Civil Service Law (section 79-D, Adm. Code), etc. All these powers the President in the latter's exercise of his power of control. In the performance of such
are continued in force by the Constitution. acts, executive and administrative discretion had to be exercised for which responsibility
must accordingly be exclusive and purely personal. To hold the President presumptively
responsible for such acts would suggest, in effect, the necessity on the part of the bureau, office, division or service, the same shall be understood as also
President to exercise constant and unrelaxing vigilance over all the official acts of the conferred upon the proper Department Head who shall have authority to act
secretaries of the departments, under hazard of being involved in endless difficulties. directly in pursuance thereof, or to review, modify or revoke any decision or
The manifold exigencies of government render such a suggestion inconceivable. action of said chief of bureau, office, division or service.

My view, therefore, is that the department secretaries may act in a purely advisory There can be no question that the word "division" in the above provision has no other
capacity or under the direction and authority of the President in the latter's exercise of his reference than to provinces and municipalities (Chapter 2 and section 86, Adm. Code). It
constitutional power of control, and, in such cases, the proposition contained in the is then evident that this provision confers upon the Secretary of the Interior the power
majority decision applies, because then, the department secretaries act purely for the residing in the provincial governor (section 2188, Adm. Code) to decree the suspension
Chief Executive. However, they may also act in pursuance of the powers and duties of the petitioner pending an administrative investigation of the charges against him. That
conferred upon them by law and continued in force by the Constitution, and, unless the this is the true meaning of the law, the majority does not question.
President desires to intervene, in appropriate cases, by interposing his constitutional
power of control, the acts of the department secretaries are exclusively their own, and Fear, however, has been expresses in the majority opinion that this view may result in
they are likewise exclusively responsible therefor. It follows that when a department the complete abrogation of the powers of provincial and municipal officials even in
secretary acts in his own name and not by order or authority of the President, he is corporate affairs of local governments. Instances are cited in which the Secretary of the
presumed to be so acting in pursuance of a power conferred upon him by law, and when Interior may exercise for himself the powers vested by law in provincial governors and
the power is not thus conferred, his act is null and void. And if the power is conferred municipal mayors as to matters of both governmental and corporate functions of
expressly upon the President, he must exercise it positively and in person with such provinces and municipalities, such as, the power to veto, the power to appoint, and the
assistance, advice and recommendation of the corresponding department head, as he power to enter into contracts. Whether or not the Secretary of the Interior can thus
himself may choose to demand. Accordingly, the bare statement made by the President exercise the powers vested by law in provincial and municipal executives in the
of his non-objection to the action taken by the Secretary of the Interior in the present instances cited, to the complete abrogation of provincial and municipal autonomy, is a
case is not a sufficient exercise of his power to suspend, for it may mean neither question which I need not discuss now. Other provisions of law and a number of
approval nor disapproval. The President probably believed, and indeed rightly as I shall collateral questions may have to be inquired into if any safe conclusion is to be formed.
hereafter show, that the power to suspend the petitioner also resided in the Secretary of But even if, as feared, the law has the effect of nullifying the powers conferred upon
the Interior, and called upon to exercise his power of supervision, he confined himself to provincial and municipal executives, can there be any doubt that the law can do so? The
making a mere statement of non-objection to the latter's exercise of his power. This, in same authority that creates those powers may withdraw or qualify them at will or provide
my opinion, is the most rational explanation of the passive attitude thus observed by the effective measures of supervision over their exercise. The extent or even the existence
President. I am almost sure that had he intended to exercise his own power to suspend, of local autonomy is a matter which lies within the exclusive prerogative of the
he would have done so, as usually, in a manner that would not admit of any possibility of Legislature to define. If the law is clear, or duty to apply it is just as clear, irrespective of
doubt. how destructive it may be of the autonomy of local governments. To refuse to apply a
law, which is otherwise applicable and is valid and constitutional, simply because it does
Moreover, besides the written statement of non-objection made by the President, it is violence to our theory of government, would, in effect, be imposing ourselves upon the
claimed by the Solicitor-General that the President expressly and orally approved the legislature department of the government and an intrusion into its own sphere of
order of suspension issued by the Secretary of the Interior. Such supposed oral approval constitutional authority.
alleged in the respondent's answer is, however, deemed controverted by the petitioner,
according to section 104 of Act No. 190, and, not being supported by proof, it cannot be Moreover, the law is not of such "destructive authority" as the majority has pictured it to
considered as true fact in the disposition of this case. be. The philosophy behind this provision is apparent. It is intended to supply possible
omissions or inactions on the part of the subordinate officers concerned by reason of the
If I agree with the result, it is not therefore on the broad proposition relied upon by the entanglement arising from partisan activities. The power which the law confers upon the
majority, but from what is necessary implied from express provisions of law. Section 37 department head is undoubtedly susceptible of abuses. But what power is not
of Act No. 4007 provides: susceptible of abuse? In the enactment of the law, the legislature undoubtedly relied
much on the sense of patriotism and sound judgment of the department head. It is
The provisions of the existing law to the contrary notwithstanding, whenever a perhaps the intention of the law that the department head should exercise his power in a
specific power, authority, duty, function or activity is entrusted to a chief of manner compatible with the autonomy given the local governments, and that he should
act directly only when the exigencies of the situation require him to act in the interest of
the Nation. Thus, the department head is given ample discretion. The possibility of a
mischievous or disastrous abuse of power on his part is not entirely without any remedy
at all. The presidential power of control over executive departments and the existence of
judicial remedies may afford effective check or redress. In the instant case, there is no
showing that the Secretary of the Interior has abused, or even intended to abuse the
power of suspension. If a capricious and whimsical use of such power presents itself to
us for determination in some future time, then and there must we declare where one
power begins and the other ends.

As the law, therefore, is not unconstitutional, we would be ignoring it clear provision if not
applied in this case.

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