Mixed-Species Malaria Infections in Humans

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Review TRENDS in Parasitology Vol.20 No.

5 May 2004

Mixed-species malaria infections in

Mayfong Mayxay1,2, Sasithon Pukrittayakamee3, Paul N Newton1,4
and Nicholas J White1,3,4
Wellcome Trust– Mahosot Hospital –Oxford Tropical Medicine Research Collaboration, Microbiology Laboratory,
Mahosot Hospital, Vientiane, Lao PDR
Faculty of Medical Sciences, National University of Laos, Vientiane, Lao PDR
Faculty of Tropical Medicine, Mahidol University, 420/6 Rajvithi Road, Bangkok, 10400, Thailand
Centre for Clinical Vaccinology and Tropical Medicine, Churchill Hospital, Oxford, OX3 7LJ, UK

Mixed-species malaria infections are often not recog- Mixed infections

nized or underestimated. In Asia, surveys usually report Even in areas of low transmission, a high proportion of
that < 2% of infections are mixed, whereas therapeutic malaria infections is with more than one genotype from a
studies in vivax or falciparum malaria have demon- particular species. Because several malaria parasite
strated a high prevalence (up to 30%) of infection with species of humans are usually present in a particular
the other malaria species during convalescence, sug- area, infections with more than one species of Plasmodium
gesting covert co-infection. In epidemiological studies, at the same time are also expected. Indeed, these were
a high prevalence of cryptic mixed-malaria species described soon after the identification of malaria parasites
infection has been detected by sensitive PCR tech- of humans and their speciation, but there has been only
niques. Concurrently infecting malaria species are sporadic interest in this aspect of malariology until
mutually suppressive with Plasmodium falciparum recently. Infections with multiple pathogens, transmitted
tending to dominate Plasmodium vivax, but P. vivax by the same vector or route, have been described in other
attenuating the severity of P. falciparum. There is evi- infections. For example, mixed infections with Lyme
dence for some cross-species immunity. These inter- disease, human granulocytic ehrlichiosis and babesiosis,
actions have important clinical and public health transmitted by Ixodes ticks occur together in northeastern
implications. USA [3], and positive associations between geohelminths
are common globally [4].
As you read this article, ,6 – 10% of the world population In clinical practice, mixed malaria infections are often
harbour malaria parasites in their bloodstream. Despite not recognized. Mixed infections diagnosed by microscopy
over a century of attempts to control malaria, the disease in patients admitted to hospital and in epidemiological
continues to cause high morbidity and mortality, and kills surveys are a small proportion (, 2%) of the total
between one and five people every minute. Several factors prevalence [5,6]. This represents both observer error,
contribute to this failure, including the spread of drug- difficulty in distinguishing the young ring-form parasites
resistant Plasmodium falciparum parasites, anopheline of the four malaria species of humans, the undetectable
mosquito resistance to insecticides, socio-economic and presence of P. vivax and P. ovale liver hypnozoites, and that
political factors, and the lack of access for the majority of many infections are at densities below the threshold of
the world population to effective, inexpensive antimalarial detection by microscopy (, 1 £ 108 parasites in an adult).
drugs. In addition, despite over a century of research, However, longitudinal studies of patients who have not
much of the biology of malaria parasites and how they been re-exposed to malaria after the initial malaria
interact with their human host and with each other attack have demonstrated that mixed infections are
remains to be discovered. remarkably common, with the delayed appearance of
Of the four species of malaria parasites that infect one cryptic species, following treatment for the species
humans (P. falciparum, Plasmodium vivax, Plasmodium which was patent at presentation [5,7]. For example, in
malariae and Plasmodium ovale), P. falciparum and Thailand, over one-third of patients presenting with acute
P. vivax are the most common. Plasmodium falciparum P. falciparum malaria harbour cryptic P. vivax simul-
causes the most severe disease and almost all fatalities, taneously [5]. Conversely, , 8% of patients presenting with
whereas P. vivax, although usually considered to be P. vivax malaria harbour cryptic P. falciparum simul-
benign, causes repeated debilitating relapses, rare life- taneously [8]. If antimalarial treatment does not eradicate
threatening complications [1], and low-birth-weight the cryptic species, it often becomes patent during
(LBW) infants of infected mothers [2]. LBW also increases convalescence.
the risk of death in the newborn. In support of these observations, recent work using
sensitive PCR detection of parasite DNA has demon-
Corresponding author: Nicholas J White (nickw@tropmedres.ac). strated a much higher prevalence of mixed infections than
www.sciencedirect.com 1471-4922/$ - see front matter q 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.pt.2004.03.006
234 Review TRENDS in Parasitology Vol.20 No.5 May 2004

appreciated from microscopy [9,10]. Failure to detect blood cells for P. vivax invasion. Activation of non-specific
mixed infections could result in inadequate or incorrect host-defence mechanisms (e.g. augmentation of splenic
treatment. A missed diagnosis of P. falciparum within a clearance by the inflammatory response, fever) could limit
mixed infection could potentially result in severe disease. multiplication of the accompanying parasite – particu-
larly at the stage of exponential growth. Cross-species
Plasmodium species interactions immunity has been demonstrated experimentally in
The classical experiments in humans conducted before the simian and murine malaria species. In human malaria,
Second World War [11 –13] showed reciprocal numerical there are suggestions from clinical studies (Maitland et al.,
dominance of one species over the other after simultaneous 1996 as cited in Ref. [17]) [19] and there is in vitro evidence
inoculation of P. falciparum with P. vivax, and P. vivax with for short-lived heterologous immunity to the toxin from
P. malariae. These experiments suggested that different vivax and falciparum malaria parasites. Maitland et al.
malaria parasites mutually interact or antagonize each [17] suggest that the cross-species immunity is likely to be
other in the infected host. Jeffery [14] found no cross- antitoxic, rather than antiparasitic in character. Inhi-
protection between P. falciparum and P. vivax, but found bition of rosetting by immune sera shows some cross-
evidence that P. ovale ameliorated subsequent P. falci- species activity. Heterologous immunity between pairs
parum infections. of parasite species might not be symmetrical with, for
That malaria species interact has been supported by example, P. ovale being less susceptible to anti-P. falci-
subsequent field observations. First, the prevalence of parum immunity than vice versa.
mixed infections in cross-sectional malaria surveys is less
than would be expected from the prevalence of single- Geographical distribution of mixed infection
species infections [15]. Second, there is reciprocal season- The characteristics and distribution of malaria species,
ality in the prevalence of different species [16]. For anopheline mosquitoes, the individual host and their
example, in Vanuatu, P. vivax and P. falciparum demon- interaction determine the spectrum of mixed infections.
strate a striking reciprocal seasonality, not attributable to The global distribution of malaria species is uneven:
mosquito vector behaviour or abundance, or to drug use – P. falciparum is predominant in Africa, Papua New
P. falciparum infection appears to suppress P. vivax Guinea and Haiti, whereas P. vivax is more common in
parasitaemia [17]. In recent studies from Papua New Central and parts of South America, North Africa, the
Guinea, it was shown that over a period of 61 days, 82% of Middle East and the Indian sub-continent. The prevalence
semi-immune children harboured more than one species of of both species is approximately equal in other parts of
Plasmodium and that peaks of parasitaemia followed a South America, East Asia and Oceania. Plasmodium vivax
sequential pattern without concurrent high parasitaemias is rare in sub-Saharan Africa, whereas P. ovale is rare
of more than one species. The data were consistent with outside West Africa. Plasmodium malariae is found in
inter-species interactions that were density-dependent most areas, but is relatively uncommon outside Africa. In
resulting in a relatively stable total Plasmodium parasit- Thailand, as in many countries where both P. falciparum
aemia [18]. Third, longitudinal studies and PCR studies and P. vivax are found in approximately equal proportions
have demonstrated that cryptic mixed-infections are com- (Luxemburger et al., 1996 as cited in Ref. [21]), when the
mon [5,6,8,9]. Fourth, there is evidence from Sri Lanka that incidence of one species rises, the reported incidence of the
the severity of malaria symptoms is reduced in individuals other falls; whether this represents a true reciprocal
with limited pre-exposure to different species [19]. relationship or is an artifact of reporting is not clear.
Although malaria parasites appear to engage in mutual
suppression, which species suppresses which remains Anopheline mosquitoes
controversial. Many studies suggested that P. falciparum At least seven species of Anopheles have been shown to
suppresses P. vivax, although the reverse might also occur carry more than one species of human Plasmodium in the
[8]. In a recent analysis of 73 datasets of infections with field [6]. For example, mixed P. falciparum and P. vivax
multiple Plasmodium spp., little consistency was found; of were simultaneously found in Anopheles dirus [22],
22 significant associations between P. falciparum and P. falciparum, P. vivax and P. malariae in Anopheles
P. malariae, 14 were positive, and of 26 associations maculatus [23], and all four malaria species of humans can
between P. falciparum and P. vivax, 17 were negative. be carried by Anopheles gambiae [24].
Associations between malaria species tended to be positive Because female anopheline mosquitoes sample human
in Africa and negative in Asia [4]. Which species blood repeatedly during their lives, different Plasmodium
suppressed which probably depends on factors such as spp. and different genotypes within species could accumu-
the relative rates of replication, the timing of inoculation, late. A higher prevalence of mixed-species infections would
competition for nutrients and red blood cells, and through be expected in older than in younger mosquitoes [6].
the host immune response, either through early activation However, in areas of low transmission, such repeated
of non-specific host defence mechanisms or via hetero- sampling will be unusual and presumably most mixed
logous immunity [20]. Whereas P. vivax infects only young infections in mosquitoes are due to simultaneous infection
red blood cells up to 14 days after leaving the marrow by gametocytes of multiple species at one feed. In contrast
(Simpson et al. 1999 as cited in Ref. [1]), P. falciparum, to the prevalence studies in humans, the frequency of
although preferring younger red blood cells, can also infect mixed species in mosquitoes occur at frequencies greater
older red blood cells [1]. Hence, dyserythropoiesis caused than or equal to that predicted from the frequency of
by P. falciparum infection reduces the availability of red single-species infections [6]. This could result from the
Review TRENDS in Parasitology Vol.20 No.5 May 2004 235

under-recognition of mixed infections and that trans- microscopist is important in identifying mixed infections,
mission can occur at gametocytaemias slightly lower than even expert microscopists can misdiagnose low-density
the level of microscopic detection. Comparison of the mixed infections as single infections [8]. Therefore, the
prevalence of mixed-species infections in mosquitoes and overall proportion of mixed infections detected microscopi-
humans suggests little relationship [6], but the analysis is cally is underestimated. Mixed infections can be detected
bedeviled by different timings and locations of sampling of by more sensitive PCR detection of species-specific DNA at
mosquitoes and humans, and more sensitive assays for one time point, or through longitudinal follow up, outside
Plasmodium in mosquitoes (enzyme immunoassays) than of a malaria-endemic area, of patients treated for an
in humans (slide microscopy). There is also evidence that apparent single-species infection.
the anopheline mosquitoes co-infected with microfilaria
and Plasmodium retard the development of each other and PCR detection
increase mosquito mortality [25]. In Thailand and in Laos, mixed infections detected on
admission and in epidemiological surveys using micro-
Host factors scopy have been reported as , 2% and ,1%, respectively
Intrinsic host factors might also determine the prevalence [26 –28]. This increases to , 55 – 65% when more sensitive
of mixed infections. For example, people in west Africa detection methods, such as PCR, are used (Table 1). As
whose red blood cells lack the Duffy antigen will not expected, double-species mixed infections are more com-
acquire mixed infections with P. vivax because Duffy- mon than triple- and quadruple-species mixed infections.
negative red blood cells are resistant to infection with Double-species infections can commonly be detected both
P. vivax. It remains unclear whether thalassaemias and by microscopy and by PCR methods, whereas most triple-
human leukocyte antigen (HLA) polymorphisms, associ- and quadruple-species infections are usually identified by
ated with altered risk for falciparum malaria, also PCR and are very infrequent (,5%) [29 – 32] (May et al.,
influence risk for acquiring other Plasmodium spp. [1]. 1999 as cited in Ref. [30]).
Travelling to different malaria endemic areas could
contribute to mixed infections because a person could Longitudinal studies
acquire different Plasmodium spp. from different areas. Studies with long-term follow up of patients who presented
with malaria with one parasite species upon the admission
Frequency of mixed infections blood film examination have demonstrated a high preva-
The apparent frequency of mixed infections is dependent lence of patent infection with another species during
on the methods used for parasite detection. Conventional convalescence (Tables 2 and 3). This method will also
examination by microscopy at the time of the initial underestimate the true prevalence of mixed infections
diagnosis of malaria has a relatively low sensitivity for because it relies on treatment failure or, in the case of
multiple infections for at least four reasons: (i) it is difficult P. vivax or P. ovale, relapse because only some infections
to distinguish young ring-forms of the four Plasmodium with these parasites will be resistant to the antimalarial
spp. by microscopy. (ii) The species might be present at treatment or will relapse. The majority of reports are from
a low parasite density, beneath that of detection by Bangkok where patients were followed up in hospitals
microscopy (i.e. , , 50 parasites ml21 blood). (iii) A micro- outside the area of malaria transmission for $28 days,
scopist, on finding one species, might not search the slide excluding re-infection as a confounding factor [8]. In
for a rare second species. (iv) The blood might be clear Bangkok, ,30% of patients treated for falciparum malaria
of parasites, but hypnozoite stages persist in the liver develop subsequent patent P. vivax parasitaemia without
(P. vivax and P. ovale). Although experience of the re-exposure [5]. This indicates that the patients harboured

Table 1. Mixed infections not detected by microscopy of admission blood slide, but detected by PCR techniquesa
Mixed infections tested Mixed infections tested Cryptic species Countries Refs
positive by microscopy (%) positive by PCR (%)
0/23 (0) 4/23 (17) Pv Australia [51]
1/137 (0.5) 9/173 (5) Pv Thailand –b
0/189 (0) 52/189 (27.5) Pm Guinea Bisseau [52]
1/196 (0.5) 25/196 (13) Pv; Pm Thailand –c
0/48 (0) 6/48 (12.5) Pf; Pv Thailand [53]
18/475 (4) 356/548 (65) Pf; Pv; Pm; Po Thailand [9]
0/100 (0) 17/100 (17) Pf; Pv Venezuela –b
11/159 (7) 44/159 (28) Pf; Pm; Po Equatorial Guinea [54]
2/192 (1) 9/192 (5) Pv; Pm; Po Spain –d
80/1470 (0.005) 113/173 (65) Pf; Pv; Pm; Po Papua New Guinea [55]
2/58 (3.4) 27/117 (23.1) Pf; Pv; Pm; Po Laos [28]
7/300 (2.3) 26/151 (17) Pf; Pv; Pm; Po Thailand [56]
0/160 (0) 21/160 (13) Pf Thailand [34]
At the presentation of the patients, mixed-species malaria infection is usually underestimated when detected microscopically, but this is more common when detected by the
more sensitive technique – PCR. The overall median (range) ratio of PCR to microscopy diagnosed mixed infection in this review was 6% (0– 25%). Please note that the results
from different papers might not be directly comparable. Abbreviations: Pf, Plasmodium falciparum; Pm, Plasmodium malariae; Po, Plasmodium ovale; Pv, Plasmodium vivax.
Data obtained from Postigo et al. (1998) and Brown et al. (1992) as cited in Ref. [40].
Data obtained from Snounou et al. (1993) as cited in Ref. [39].
Data obtained from Rubio et al. (1999) as cited in Ref. [54].

236 Review TRENDS in Parasitology Vol.20 No.5 May 2004

both P. falciparum and P. vivax parasites at presentation, relapse in Southeast Asia [7,33] which is about three weeks
but that the recurrence of P. vivax was a relapse from without hypnozoitocidal treatment. This suggests that
persistent liver stages because blood-stage infection P. vivax appearance following treatment for P. falciparum
should have responded to the acute treatment. However, is due to relapse. The retarded appearance of P. vivax after
as only some 60% of infections relapse in Thailand, this the clearance of P. falciparum in patients treated with long
suggests a staggering 30 out of 60 (50%) of infections are half-life drugs suggests that the antimalarial drug
with the two malaria species. The timing of the appearance concentrations suppress asexual P. vivax relapse para-
of asexual P. vivax in the peripheral blood following sitaemia until they can become patent or cure the first, but
treatment for P. falciparum depends on the antimalarial not the second, relapse [7,33]. Approximately 10% of
drugs used. A shorter interval (less than four weeks) was patients treated for P. vivax and followed up without
observed in the patients treated with short half-life potential re-exposure to malaria had subsequent appear-
antimalarial drugs, such as the artemisinin compounds ance of P. falciparum. This figure has been confirmed by
or quinine, and a longer interval (four to six weeks) in PCR detection studies, which demonstrated ,10 – 13%
patients treated with long half-life drugs, such as cryptic P. falciparum in blood samples from patients
mefloquine or chloroquine (CQ) [1]. The more rapid diagnosed as having vivax malaria by microscopy [7,34].
appearance of P. vivax in patients treated with short The mean onset of P. falciparum appearance in most cases
half-life drugs corresponds to the interval period of P. vivax is less than two weeks. Unlike P. vivax, P. falciparum

Table 2. Mixed infections with Plasmodium vivax detected following treatment for Plasmodium falciparum malariaa
Antimalarial treatment Mixed infections tested Onset of P. vivax appearance Refs
positive (%) after antimalarial treatment
(range) [SD]
Artemisinin derivatives alone or in combination
ATS 13/82 (16) 20 (15– 24) –d
ATS 23/80 (29) (12 –34) [57]
ATS 11/25 (44) (12 –28) [58]
ATS þ DOX 16/55 (29) (18 –29) –d
ATS þ MFQ 57/308 (18.5) Within 63 days of follow up – b,e
ATM 2/38 (5) 11 and 21 [61]; – c
ATM 9/46 (20) (14 –23) [63]
ATM 1/5 (20) 22 [59]
ATM 38/87 (44) (13 –32) –d
ATM þ LMF 54/359 (15) 32 (23– 43) [60]; – b
ATM þ LMF 83/309 (26.5) Within 63 days of follow up – b,e
ATS or ATS þ azithromycin or LMF 8/80 (10) (7 –23) [8]
ATM þ MFQ 0/44 No P. vivax appearance –d
ATM, ATS or QN 16/382 (4) ? [62]
MFQ or halofantrine, and MFQ combinations
MFQ 1/46 (2) 52 [63]
MFQ 46/145 (32) 47 (30– 65) [5]
MFQ 3/40 (7.5) 38 [5] or (33 –42) [64]
MFQ 43/118 (36) (29 –63) –f
MFQ 1/65 (1.5) 28 [65]
MFQ 12/82 (15) 36 [9] or (23 –45) [66]
MFQ 43/118 (36) (29 –63) –f
MFQ þ DOX 1/54 (2) 21 –d
Halofantrine 7/62 (11) (14 –28) [65]
QN and QN combinations
QN 12/55 (23) 21.6 [3] –g
QN 1/23 (4) ? [51]c
QN þ CQ 3/25 (11) (29 –51) [67]
QN þ CQ 3/35 (12) (51 –59) [67]
QN þ clindamycin 12/60 (20) 25.1 (1.4) –g
QN þ Fansidar 1/23 (4) 60 [51]; – c
QN þ TET 8/25 (33) 29 [9.7] or (21 –50) [67]
QN þ TET 13/46 (28) 23 (18– 47) –d
QN þ TET 9/48 (19) 24.8 [3.2] –g
QN þ TET 8/25 (33) (21 –50) [67]
QN þ TET 13/46 (28) 23 (18– 47) –d
QN þ TET 17/78 (18) 28 (15– 21) –d
The data extracted from the papers gave the average days in different ways, so these are shown as median (range) or mean [SD]. Abbreviations: ?, data not available; ATM,
artemether; ATS, artesunate; CQ, chloroquine; DOX, doxycycline; LMF, lumefantrine; MFQ, mefloquine; QN, quinine; SD, standard deviation; TET, tetracycline.
Studies conducted in endemic areas.
Studies conducted outside Thailand.
Data obtained from Meek et al. (1986) and Looareesuwan et al. (1997) as cited in Ref. [40].
Data obtained from van Vugt et al. (1998) as cited in Ref. [60].
Data obtained from Harinasuta et al. (1983) as cited in Ref. [64].
Data obtained from Pukrittayakamee et al. (2000) as cited in Ref. [7].

Review TRENDS in Parasitology Vol.20 No.5 May 2004 237

Table 3. Mixed infections with Plasmodium falciparum detected following treatment of Plasmodium vivax malariaa
Antimalarial treatment No. of mixed infections tested positive (%) Onset of P. falciparum appearance after antimalarial Refs
treatment (days) [SD]
CQ 6
Halofantrine 2
PQ 3
Overall 11/166 (7.0) 13.1 [5.7] or (5 – 21) –b
CQ 104/992 (10.5) 12.6 [6.8] or (1 – 28) [46]
ATS þ PQ 1 23
PQ 2 10, 25
SP 2 9, 12
SP þ PQ 1 7
Overall 6/66 (9.0) 14 [7.0] [68]
CQ 6/324 (2.0) Within 28 days [21]; – c
CQ þ PQ 10/258 (4.0) Within 63 days
CQ 2
PQ 3
Overall 5/60 (8.0) (11– 26) –b
ATM 2/40 (5) 11 [61]; – d
AMQ ? 14 [69]; – c,d
CQ 4 (2 –21)
CQ þ PQ 4 (17– 21)
PQ 7 (2 –9)
Azithromycin 6 (8 –19)
Halofantrine 1 13
SP 1 7
Overall 23/234 (10) 10.4 [6.1] or (2 – 21) [8]
CQ 104/994 (10.5) 12.6 [6.8] or (1 – 28) [70]
The data extracted from the papers gave the average days in different ways, so these are shown as median (range) or mean [SD]. Abbreviations: AMQ, amodiaquine; ATM,
artemether; ATS, artesunate; CQ, chloroquine; PQ, primaquine; SD, standard deviation; SP, sulfadoxine– pyrimethamine; ?, data not available.
Data obtained from Pukrittayakamee et al. 2000 as cited in Ref. [7].
Studies conducted in endemic areas.
Studies conducted outside Thailand.

has no hypnozoite stage. Therefore, the appearance of Patients co-infected with P. vivax were 1.8 (95% CI; 1.2–2.6)
P. falciparum after P. vivax treatment derives from times less likely to become anaemic than those with
circulating erythrocytic asexual stages not killed by the P. falciparum only. Gametocyte carriage was also reduced
drugs used to treat P. vivax (usually CQ, which is not when compared with single infections with P. falciparum
effective against P. falciparum in Thailand and in most of (Price et al., 1999 as cited in Ref. [36]). On the Thai–Burma
the rest of the world). A study in Thailand [8] also border, pregnant women whose first attack of malaria during
suggested that the appearance of P. falciparum following pregnancy was caused by P. vivax had a significantly lower
clearance of P. vivax might be due to difficulties in risk of developing P. falciparum later in the pregnancy [2].
differentiating the ring forms of P. falciparum and This evidence raises the possibility that if vivax, but not
P. vivax on the admission slide. An alternative explanation falciparum, malaria is controlled, falciparum malaria
is that the intra-hepatic pre-erythrocytic stage of could become a more serious public health problem. This
P. falciparum might be prolonged in a mixed infection. is of relevance to empirical treatment. Most malaria is
treated on the basis of symptoms, without parasitological
Benefit of mixed infections to the host confirmation. If CQ is used for the treatment of vivax
The implications of mixed infections to the host remain malaria in areas of high-level resistance to P. falciparum,
controversial. Some workers have suggested that mixed the reduction in prevalence of vivax infection might
infections are beneficial, whereas others have suggested that therefore prevent P. vivax attenuating P. falciparum.
they are detrimental to the host. In the 1930 s, clinical Thus, the severity of disease could be increased. At higher
studies of human malariotherapy for neurosyphilis demon- levels of transmission, mixed infections with other species
strated that P. falciparum suppressed P. vivax parasitaemia might also protect against clinical disease resulting from
when both species were inoculated simultaneously [11,13]. P. falciparum. African children with mixed infections
Naturally acquired mixed infections with other less severe comprising P. falciparum and P. malariae and/or P. ovale
malaria species appear to attenuate the severity of had fewer or no symptoms compared to those with single-
P. falciparum infection [6,17,21,35] (Luxemburger et al., species infections in admission blood samples [29]. This is
1996 as cited in Ref. [21]). For instance, in western Thailand, consistent with the negative association between mixed
patients in whom only P. falciparum was diagnosed were infections (P. falciparum and P. malariae) and fever [37].
more likely to develop severe disease (5.7%) than those Plasmodium vivax has a much lower pyrogenic density
presenting with P. falciparum and P. vivax mixed infections than P. falciparum, but how pyrogenic density is altered in
(1.6%) (Luxemburger et al., 1997 as cited in Ref. [21]). mixed infections is not known [1].
238 Review TRENDS in Parasitology Vol.20 No.5 May 2004

Mixed infections with P. vivax are associated with lower malaria. This has not been observed in large prospective
P. falciparum parasitemia compared with P. falciparum series in Thailand or Vietnam. Double infections
single infections [29]. Co-infection with P. vivax is also (P. falciparum and P. vivax) or triple infections
associated with significantly fewer P. falciparum geno- (P. falciparum, P. ovale and P. malariae) have been
types per infection [38]. In therapeutic trials, patients associated with more severe anaemia compared with that
with mixed P. vivax and P. falciparum infections had a in a single infection [8,30,46]. There is also conflicting
lower risk of treatment failure compared with those with evidence as to whether spleen size is increased or reduced in
P. falciparum single infections (Price et al., 1997, as cited patients with mixed infections compared with those with
in Ref. [36]). Children with mixed infections of P. falciparum single-species infections [15,47]. The main danger of missed
and P. malariae and/or P. ovale had higher antibody titres mixed infections is that the incorrect treatment could be
compared with single infections [29], although the given. Missed falciparum malaria results in the risk of
significance of this observation is uncertain. Mathematical developing subsequently severe, possibly fatal, disease.
modeling suggests that P. malariae can reduce the peak Missed vivax and ovale infections could result in repeated
parasitaemia of subsequent P. falciparum infection by 50% debilitating infections and their associated economic and
and that P. vivax can maintain stable P. falciparum social consequences, and missed vivax malaria during
parasitaemia during acute infections [39,40]. pregnancy could result in the birth of a baby with LBW.
Interactions between Plasmodium spp. might also affect An additional practical concern is that inapparent mixed
the prevalence and infectivity of gametocytes. If parasite infection might confound comparisons between comparative
production is diverted to non-pathogenic sexual stages, this clinical trials of antimalarial drugs and in vivo investi-
could be of benefit to the patient, but if this increased malaria gations of the pathophysiology of malaria with consequent
transmission, mixed-species infections might have an impor- adverse influences on public health policy.
tant negative public health impact. McKenzie et al. [41]
analyzed the neurosyphilis malariotherapy data and found Diagnosis
that earlier and increased P. falciparum gametocyte pro- The diagnosis of mixed malaria infections is difficult in
duction was associated with prior or concurrent P. malariae clinical practice. Recurrent fever following clearance of a
infection when compared with P. falciparum single infec- malaria species should not be assumed to represent a
tions. By contrast, in Papua New Guinea, the presence of treatment failure; subsequent appearance of another
P. falciparum gametocytes in the peripheral blood was species from cryptic mixed infections should be considered
associated with reduced infectivity of concurrently present and the blood film examined carefully to determine the
P. vivax gametocytes [42]. In western Thailand, the risk of species of the parasite. Speciation can be difficult if the
gametocyte carriage of P. falciparum was reduced 3.5-fold circulating stages of both species are immature and if
when the infection was mixed with P. vivax (Price et al., there is doubt, P. falciparum parasites should be diag-
1999 as cited in Ref. [36]). Hence, measures that pre- nosed. The P. falciparum histidine-rich protein-2 (HRP2)
ferentially target vivax malaria, such as use of CQ in areas dipstick test has been shown to be useful in identifying co-
with CQ-resistant P. falciparum, could increase the trans- infection with P. falciparum, in patients presenting with
mission of falciparum malaria. However, there is also evidence apparently single-species vivax malaria: the sensitivity was
that the presence of P. falciparum gametocytes reduces the 75% and specificity 89% [8]. This indicates that the sub-
infectivity of P. vivax gametocytes in mixed infections [42]. patent P. falciparum parasite density was close to that of
Cross-species non-specific immune responses have detection by microscopy. Rapid dipstick tests based on the
been suggested as an explanation for the attenuation of detection of parasite lactate dehydrogenase enzyme can
P. falciparum disease severity by vivax co-infections. detect both P. falciparum and non-P. falciparum parasites
Maitland et al. [17] proposed the existence of an antitoxic (i.e. P. vivax, P. ovale and P. malariae) on the same strip [1].
cross-immunity between P. falciparum and P. vivax which Unfortunately, this test cannot distinguish between
controls, rather than eliminates, the infection. They P. falciparum infection only, and mixed infections with
suggested that infection with P. vivax might result in the P. falciparum and P. vivax. PCR techniques, although useful as
development of a cross-species immunity that ameliorates a research tool, are too expensive and cumbersome for routine
the clinical course of subsequent P. falciparum infection. diagnostic use in the tropics, and are prone to contamination.
Downregulation of cytokine cascades might also be import-
ant [37]. The recent observation that febrile temperatures Treatment
are associated with increased P. falciparum cytoadherence There have been no specific recommendations for the
in vitro [43] suggests the possibility that the lower body treatment of mixed infections and we have found only one
temperatures found in patients with mixed infections clinical study specifically addressing this issue [48]. The
including P. falciparum might be associated with less immediate drug treatment for infections with P. falciparum
cytoadherence and hence the observed milder disease. mixed with another malaria species should be the rec-
ommended treatment for falciparum malaria because
Disadvantages of mixed infections to the host P. falciparum infection is potentially fatal. The optimum
A minority of clinical studies suggests that mixed therapeutic regimen will differ, based on the local sensitivity
infections with Plasmodium spp. could be associated pattern of P. falciparum [1]. In general, P. vivax is equally or
with more severe disease. In India, Gopinathan and more susceptible to antimalarial drugs compared with that
Subramanian [44,45] found that mixed infections with by P. falciparum, with two potential exceptions. In a small
P. falciparum and P. vivax were associated with cerebral cohort study conducted in an area of the Amazon without
Review TRENDS in Parasitology Vol.20 No.5 May 2004 239

malaria transmission, five days of clindamycin cured available information suggests that SP and possibly
patients with a single infection with P. falciparum, but clindamycin are not appropriate for treating mixed
patients with P. falciparum plus P. vivax infections had P. falciparum and P. vivax infections. Malaria control
longer parasite clearance times and all had P. vivax measures and vaccination targeted at one malaria species
recrudescence or, less likely, hypnozoite relapse three to could affect the clinical epidemiology of sympatric Plas-
four weeks after chemotherapy [48]. Sulfadoxine– pyri- modium spp. In particular, widespread use of CQ could
methamine (SP) should not be used alone in the treatment worsen the severity of resistant falciparum malaria by
of mixed infections including P. vivax because vivax suppressing the other competing species.
parasites rapidly develop resistance to pyrimethamine
[1,49]. SP plus artesunate combination therapy has been Acknowledgements
investigated in small trials as treatment for both We are grateful for very useful comments by anonymous reviewers and for
P. falciparum and P. vivax in Papua New Guinea, the help of Francois Nosten and Vasee Morthy. We apologize to all those
whose work we have been unable to discuss and cite due to space
including patients with mixed infection, suggesting that
constraints. The authors are supported by the Wellcome Trust of the UK.
SP –artesunate clears parasites of both species rapidly, but
that increases in the frequency of mutations in the
dihydrofolate reductase (dhfr) gene threaten its efficacy. 1 White, N.J. (2003) Malaria. In Manson’s Tropical Diseases (Cook, G.C.
More research is required before this combination can be and Zumla, A., eds), pp. 1205– 1295, Saunders
recommended for mixed infections [49]. 2 Nosten, F. et al. (1999) Effects of Plasmodium vivax malaria in
All other primary treatments for falciparum malaria kill pregnancy. Lancet 354, 546– 549
the asexual stages of all other human Plasmodium spp. 3 Thompson, C. et al. (2001) Coinfecting deer-associated zoonoses: Lyme
disease, babesiosis, and ehrlichiosis. Clin. Infect. Dis. 33, 676– 685
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nation of artesunate (4 mg kg21 day21) for three days) plus multiple species parasite infections. Parasitology 122, 233– 251
mefloquine (15 mg kg21 on Day 1 followed by 10 mg kg21 on 5 Looareesuwan, S. et al. (1987) High rate of Plasmodium vivax relapse
Day 2), or artemether plus lumefantrine are both very following treatment of falciparum malaria in Thailand. Lancet 2,
effective regimes [1]. However, these combinations will not 1052– 1055
6 McKenzie, F.E. and Bossert, W.H. (1999) Multispecies Plasmodium
kill hypnozoites of P. vivax and P. ovale. Treatment of
infections of humans. J. Parasitol. 85, 12 – 18
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infection should include a hypnozoitocidal drug (e.g. ial drugs in vivax malaria. Trans. R. Soc. Trop. Med. Hyg. 95, 524 – 528
primaquine 0.25–0.33 mg kg21 day21 for 14 days), for 8 Mayxay, M. et al. (2001) Identification of cryptic coinfection with
radical cure of P. vivax and P. ovale. For mixed infections Plasmodium falciparum in patients presenting with vivax malaria.
Am. J. Trop. Med. Hyg. 65, 588– 592
with benign malaria species (P. vivax, P. ovale and
9 Zhou, M. et al. (1998) High prevalence of Plasmodium malariae and
P. malariae), treatment with oral CQ (a total dose of 25 mg Plasmodium ovale in malaria patients along the Thai-Myanmar
over three days) followed by primaquine should be given. border, as revealed by acridine orange staining and PCR-based
However, CQ might not be effective in the areas where CQ- diagnosis. Trop. Med. Int. Health 3, 304 – 312
resistant P. vivax exists, such as Papua New Guinea and 10 Kawamoto, F. et al. (1999) How prevalent are Plasmodium ovale and
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pregnancy is not currently possible because primaquine is Plasmodium vivax and falciparum. Am. J. Trop. Med. 17, 855 – 861
contraindicated. Species-specific malaria vaccination and 12 Boyd, M.F. and Kitchen, S.F. (1938) Vernal vivax activity in persons
control measures might also have an impact on the nature of simultaneously inoculated with Plasmodium vivax and Plasmodium
mixed-species infections. That this might occur is suggested falciparum. Am. J. Trop. Med. 18, 505 – 514
by the large increase in P. malariae prevalence associated 13 Mayne, B. and Young, M.D. (1938) Antagonism between species of
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with a malaria control programme in Tanzania, which
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16 Molineaux, L. et al. (1980) A longitudinal study of human malaria in
need to be addressed in future vaccine trials. the west African Savanna in the absence of control measures:
Relationships between different Plasmodium species; in particular
Conclusions Plasmodium falciparum and Plasmodium malariae. Am. J. Trop. Med.
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20 Richie, T.L. (1988) Interactions between malarial parasites infecting
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