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Suggested activities for the beginning of the school year

Integration, diagnosis, and setting


Every school’s mission is to educate children

for life. This education includes not only academic and
intellectual topics, but has to promote different aspects
that contribute to each student’s holistic growth.

Students must go through an adaptation

process that promotes their integration to the new
school year and all that it brings with it: new teacher, • Two weeks’ content
new classmates, new books, perhaps even a new • Generic activities
school. • Individual and group activities
• Activities designed to promote integration, including directions,
Amco gives an answer to these needs, time and needed materials.
suggesting a series of activities designed and adapted
for each grade. Our activities strengthen group
integration and include a series of diagnostic exams to
start the school year.
Note: It is very important that teachers come to school prepared
School integration generates the necessary with the necessary items for each activity.
conditions that will allow students to learn according
to their own potential. When children are active To download the Multiple Intelligences Test and the
participants in the learning process, the quality of diagnostic evaluations write the following in the search bar at
education is benefited in every way. Teacher@home:
Cuadernillo de inicio secundaria
Diagnostic evaluations are tools that allow Cuadernillo de inicio evaluaciones diagnósticas secundaria
us to recognize our students’ abilities and acquired Cuadernillo de inicio test de Inteligencias Múltiples
knowledge, setting the grounds for an excellent start.

During these first weeks of school we have

to meet the challenge of sharing what we know and
establish positive relationships with our students, so we
can bring out the best of them.
Suggested activities for the beginning of the school year 1st
Integration, diagnosis, and setting week

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

You Look Nicer
Topic This Is My Place Thermometer of Emotions You and I Look Alike? In or Outside?
When You’re Quiet

Icebreaker and group Icebreaker and group Icebreaker and group Icebreaker and group Icebreaker and group
Activity organization organization organization organization organization

Description Description Description Description Description Description

Timing 15 minutes 15 minutes 15 minutes 15 minutes 15 minutes

Finding a Time and Place

Topic This Is My Friend We’re Designers Multiple Intelligence Test A Barometer for Values
to Study

Design and organization Test to determine Handling different Decision making activity
Activity Students’ introduction
of the classroom setting students’ learning styles studying techniques

Description Description Description Description Description Description

Timing 40 minutes 40 minutes 40 minutes 40 minutes 40 minutes

Topic Mr/Mrs Honor Something I Enjoy Doing Let’s Get This Done! Lying Creating Maps

Emotional Intelligence Decorating the Disguising the truth Learning to create

Activity Teacher’s Introduction
activity work space activity effective maps and charts

Description Description Description Description Description Description

Timing 40 minutes 40 minutes 40 minutes 40 minutes 40 minutes

Suggested activities for the beginning of the school year 1st
Integration, diagnosis, and setting week

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

Topic A Letter of Introduction At Congress Where Are We Headed? Taking Notes Life Scenes

Describing qualities Analyzing school year and Handling different Fast decision making
Activity Writing down class rules
from peers subjects’ expectations studying techniques activity

Description Description Description Description Description Description

Timing 40 minutes 40 minutes 40 minutes 40 minutes 40 minutes

The Picture-Question Voyage Through

Topic Where Are They Hiding? Mood Check Through the Amazon
Game Senses

Activity An Emotional
Integration game Challenge solution Memory Game Trust activity
Intelligence activity

Description Description Description Description Description Description

Timing 40 minutes 40 minutes 40 minutes 40 minutes 40 minutes

Topic Students for Sale Getting to Know ME! Say It With Hieroglyphs A NASA Excercise Collage

Analysis of what works

Activity Team challenge Deciphering codes Decision making activity Conflict resolution
and doesn’t work

Description Description Description Description Description Description

Timing 40 minutes 40 minutes 40 minutes 40 minutes 40 minutes

Suggested activities for the beginning of the school year 2nd
Integration, diagnosis, and setting week

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

Oral Interaction Composition Grammar Reading Review Spelling & Listening
Diagnostic Test Diagnostic Test Diagnostic Test Design Review Design

The teacher will be in The teacher will be in

Previous knowledge Previous knowledge Previous knowledge charge of the review charge of the review
evaluation evaluation evaluation based on the results of based on the results of
the 2nd test. the 4th test.

Description Description Description Description Description Description

Timing 1h 1h 1h 1:30 hrs 1:30 hrs

Topic Swamp Island Maze People Platform A New Planet Island Game Throw a Conversation

Team challenge Team challenge Decision making Cooperative group

Activity Conversation activity
activity activity activity activity

Description Description Description Description Description Description

Timing 40 minutes 40 minutes 40 minutes 40 minutes 40 minutes

Reading Diagonstic Spelling and Listening Oral Interaction Composition Review Reading Diagonstic
Test Diagnostic Test Review Design Design Test

The teacher will be in The teacher will be in The teacher will be in

Previous knowledge Previous knowledge charge of the review charge of the review charge of the review
evaluation evaluation based on the results of based on the results of based on the results of
the 1st test. the 3rd test. the 5th test.

Description Description Description Description Description Description

Timing 1h 1h 1h 1:30 hrs 1:30 hrs

Suggested activities for the beginning of the school year 2nd
Integration, diagnosis, and setting week

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

Develop Communication
Topic Group Profile Sign Up Here Negotiating Compromise Pass a Problem

Group analysis Group organization Basic ground rules for Conflict management Mind for deliberate idea
activity activity good communication activity generation activity

Description Description Description Description Description Description

Timing 40 minutes 40 minutes 40 minutes 40 minutes 40 minutes

Topic How to Study Managing Stress Short-Term Planning Study Skills Challenge Ready, Set, Respond!

Handling different Handling different Handling different Handling different Game to encourage
studying techniques studying techniques studying techniques studying techniques flexible thinking

Description Description Description Description Description Description

Timing 50 minutes 50 minutes 50 minutes 50 minutes 10 minutes

Let’s Get Problem Do-It-Yourself

Topic Making a Conversation Plane Wreck Neighbors
Crazy! Comprehension

Communicative and Problem solving Activity to develop Creative writing and

Activity Problem solving activity
creative activity activity social skills thinking activity

Description Description Description Description Description Description

Timing 40 minutes 40 minutes 40 minutes 40 minutes 40 minutes

Suggested activities for the beginning of the school year 1st
Integration, diagnosis, and setting week

Day 1
Topic This Is My Place

Activity Icebreaker and group organization

To release the tension of the first moment. To promote interaction. To practice different types of organization. To encourage students to follow
directions precisely.

From the moment students enter the classroom, greet them one by one and ask them to read the sign you pasted in a visible place near
the door. Ask students to read all directions carefully and follow them thoroughly.

The sign must read as follows:

Description “Take a seat according to your birth date. You must consider the month and the day you were born. Do not consider the year. You
must not leave any empty spaces, nor behind, nor in front of you. When everyone is seated, the student in place #5 should raise
his/her hand and state that the group is ready to begin the activities for the day.”

Once students are ready, you may lead a discussion on what they think about the activity and how they felt while doing it. You may ask them
to look around and see if they feel comfortable with their places and the people around them or if they would like to move to a different seat
(they must give reasons in case they want to move to a different place, but try to convince them to stay where they are, if only for the day).

Sign with directions
Cards with consecutive numbers that should be placed in advance on every chair.

Timing 15 minutes

Suggested activities for the beginning of the school year 1st
Integration, diagnosis, and setting week

Day 1
Topic This Is My Friend

Activity Students’ introduction

OBJECTIVES: To integrate all students and provide them with time to share and develop interpersonal skills.

All the group, working in pairs.

Each student introduces his/her peer to the rest of the group, turning the presentation from something “mine” into something “ours”.
Ask students to work in pairs, suggesting to look for a classmate they don’t know that well. They will talk to each other for 10 minutes, asking
questions to get to know their peer better.
After that time, you ask a pair of students to step to the front. Each student will introduce his/her peer, trying to give as many details as
possible. The rest of the group will be allowed to ask up to 3 more questions, in case they want to know more about any of the students at
the front.
Continue until all students have introduced their peers.

It is important to make all students feel accepted and that they belong to the group. Everybody needs to know all other students’ names. The
questions to be asked should include hobbies, preferences, skills and abilities, etc.


Timing 40 minutes

Suggested activities for the beginning of the school year 1st
Integration, diagnosis, and setting week

Day 1
Topic Mr/Mrs Honor

Activity Teacher introduction and presentation

OBJECTIVES: To allow students to get to know their teacher better and break the ice in a respectful atmosphere.

Before class, make a drawing about yourself, your preferences, habits and image, and paste it on the board while saying “This is me.” Ask
students to make a KWL chart in a piece of paper, telling them they will only have 5 minutes to write under the first column all they know
about you at this point.
Once the 5 minutes are over, ask them to share what they wrote with 3 more classmates. They will have the chance to add information from
others to their lists.
When they’re done, ask them to group with other 6 classmates and follow the same procedure.
Now it’s time for them to move into the second column to write all the things they would like to know about their teacher. The same procedure
as for the first column will be followed, but they will discuss with the group in order to take out some list items so their lists don’t exceed 10
A round of questions addressed to the teacher begins. You might want to tell them you reserve the right not to answer questions that may
Description either be personal, or make you feel uncomfortable. With this you will show that we do not always have to please others just because they
ask us to do something we don’t like.
When the round of questions finishes, ask students to fill out the third column by writing what they knew and learned about their teacher.
Ask students to take a look at your drawing and tell if they think you draw yourself according to what they know now. Have them make a
drawing of themselves, just like yours.
When all drawings are ready, ask students to paste them throughout the classroom. All students will walk to see the drawings and ask
questions to obtain extra information about their classmates.
To end the activity, you may go into an idea-sharing time where students may comment on the results of the activity and express how they
felt about it.

Sheets of paper, colors , and writing supplies

Timing 40 minutes

Suggested activities for the beginning of the school year 1st
Integration, diagnosis, and setting week

Day 1
Topic Students for Sale

Activity Team challenge

To motivate students to work cooperatively and develop persuasion skills.

Cut out some advertisements from magazines or newspapers. Make sure you choose items that appeal to your class. If you can’t find any,
think up a few imaginary advertising slogans and details of nonexistent products and special offers.

1. Bring the materials you have gathered into class and use them to “brainstorm” advertising slogans. This will warm the group up in
preparation for the second part of the activity.
2. Divide the class into teams of 3 to 5 students. Ask each group to think of a product they would like to be. Once this has been decided,
move into the marketing phase. A student from each team is selected to represent the product they have chosen. Each team must prepare
Description a promotional advertising “spiel (describe extravagantly)” for their products. The products must at least show one talent from each of the
members of the team. Team members should consult each other about what they should say. Exaggerating is to be encouraged. Walk
around the class, supplying vocabulary, helping with ideas, and correcting mistakes if necessary.
3. When the class is ready, each team presents their “product” to the group and gives the promotional spiel. The product should try to
demonstrate some of the talents attributed to him or her wherever possible. For example, the marketing person says she can speak French
and the product says “Oui!” The promotion should be similar to a TV commercial, with a commentator, some visual action, and a slogan
which should be repeated by all the team.
4. When all teams are done with their presentations, the whole group will vote and decide which product is the one they would buy.

Flipcharts, colors, markers, or iPad in case the school has Amco Brilliant.

Timing 40 minutes

Suggested activities for the beginning of the school year 1st
Integration, diagnosis, and setting week

Day 1
Topic A Letter of Introduction

Activity Describing qualities from peers

To identify and describe personal qualities in order to reach a common goal.

All students, as a group, are asked to think of a company they would like to work for and a job they are truly interested in. After they have
thought of both, ask them to write a letter to that company stating their qualifications and abilities, highlighting which, in their opinion, should
be highly valued. Students will be asked to include personal aspects and qualifications that may be of interest for this job. It is important for
them to make an effort to select the best traits for each person in their groups and add them to give a description as if they were one single
Once the letters are ready, ask a representative from each team to read them out loud to the rest of the class. Students will vote to decide
who the best candidate is and who will get the job.


Have students work in small groups and make clear that the letters should include information that might help them land the job easily, so
they would have to write a letter which is exhaustive in qualities.
It is convenient for them to make a list of positive aspects first to guarantee the person who reads the letter will have a very positive
impression. The teacher will need to strengthen these qualities.

2 sheets of paper per student

Timing 40 minutes

Suggested activities for the beginning of the school year 1st
Integration, diagnosis, and setting week

Day 1
Topic Where Are They Hiding?

Activity Integration game

To make use of students’ imagination and previous knowledge of vocabulary in order to find as many words as possible. To encourage team

Whole group divided into even teams.

Description Make a list of words from 8 to 12 letters each.
Say the first word and have students define it. From that moment, students in each group must start writing all the words they can think of,
using only the letters of the given word.
After 3 minutes, each team reads their list while others verify if the new words are correct.
Give a point for the team who gets the most words and give another word to continue playing.
Make it clear students will not be allowed to copy from others.

Sheets of paper and writing supplies.

Timing 40 minutes

Suggested activities for the beginning of the school year 1st
Integration, diagnosis, and setting week

Day 2
Topic Emotions Thermometer

Activity Icebreaker and group organization

To break tensions of the first encounter. To promote interaction while practicing different organization strategies. To encourage following
directions accurately.

Before students go into the classroom, their places should be arranged in groups of 4.
From the moment they go in, greet each student and ask them to read the sign previously pasted in a visible place, next to the door.
Ask students to carefully read the directions on the sign and follow them thoroughly.

The sign must read:

“Make a line around the classroom, taking your place alphabetically, according to your name’s first letter. In case the letter from
your name is the same as someone else’s, consider the first letter of both your surnames. You must not leave any empty spaces,
nor behind, nor in front of you. Once the line is complete, all students must take a seat, according to the numbers on each chair,
without moving them. When everyone is seated, the last student should raise his/her hand and state that the group is ready to
begin the activities of the day.”

Once students are ready, ask them to write how they feel on a post-it or paper strip. Ask them to paste their papers on the thermometer, next
to the number they consider the best for their feelings. When all papers are pasted, you may start a discussion about the whole group’s mood.
If you want to extend the activity, you can ask students about the feelings that have influenced the mood of the group.

Sign with directions
Cards with numbers that will be placed on each chair of each team.
A cardboard thermometer with numbers 1 to 10
Post-its or paper strips for each student

Timing 15 minutes

Suggested activities for the beginning of the school year 1st
Integration, diagnosis, and setting week

Day 2
Topic We’re designers

Activity Design and organization of the classroom setting

To design the way the classroom furniture will be distributed as well as the setting, working in teams and practicing decision making and
organization skills.

Students will be asked to work in teams.
Each team will be provided with enough sheets of paper to draw the classroom design they consider the most appropriate.
They may decorate the classroom by choosing a theme or a free design, with elements of their interest.
Teams should also take into account the distribution of seats and teacher’s desk, placing them in such a way that they leave a free space
for activities that require movement.
When all teams finish their designs, they will have to choose a speaker to talk about why their design must be selected.
Once all teams have submitted their designs, they will vote to see which is more convincing to the group and start planning the way in which
the work will be distributed to decorate the classroom.

Enough sheets of paper, colors, writing supplies.

Timing 40 minutes

Suggested activities for the beginning of the school year 1st
Integration, diagnosis, and setting week

Day 2
Topic Something I Enjoy Doing

Activity An Emotional Intelligence activity

OBJECTIVES: To have students name an activity they engage in because of the feelings of accomplishment it generates. To have students
give themselves credit for one or more accomplishments.

Introduce the topic by saying:
Our topic today is about the pleasure we get from accomplishing things. Sometimes that pleasure is enough to bring us back again and again
to the same activity. So let’s talk about, “Something I Enjoy Doing Because It Gives Me a Feeling of Accomplishment.”
Perhaps you like the challenge of playing chess. You don’t win every time, but when you do, you feel so great that you can’t wait to play
another game. Maybe you get similar feelings from tennis, painting, developing computer programs, surfing the Web, fixing dinner for your
family, or helping your dad fix things around home. What you share doesn’t have to be big and impressive, just something that causes you
to feel proud­, that motivates you to repeat the experience.
Description Think about it for a few moments.
Let students write down their experience. Ask them get into small teams to talk about it and see if they find someone else who shares their

Once done, guide students into a group discussion with questions such as:
1) What motivates you to do the thing you described, the actual activity or the feelings you get from doing the activity?
2) What feelings and sensations do you experience when you accomplish something?
3) How do accomplishments build your self­-esteem?

If you want to extend the activity, you may ask them if they like to be praised when doing something for others.

MATERIALS: Sheets of paper and writing supplies

Timing 40 minutes

Suggested activities for the beginning of the school year 1st
Integration, diagnosis, and setting week

Day 2
Topic Getting to Know ME!

Activity An analysis of what works and doesn’t work for each student

OBJECTIVES: To analyze what works and what doesn’t work for students, based on their behaviors and feelings when performing different
activities or going through different situations.

Tell students about the importance of getting to know ourselves as much as possible, in order to improve and manage our feelings and
Have students fill in the first “I Am” printout. Ask them to get into teams and share their results.
Guide a discussion on what they found about others.
Do the same with the “Am I Assertive?” and “Get a Grip on Anger” printouts.
To finish the activity, you may want to move into a group discussion on how they felt while doing all this.

Printouts for “I Am”, “Am I Assertive”, and “Get a Grip on Anger”, (one per student)

Log in to Teacher@home and write the following on the search bar:

Cuadernillo de inicio secundaria. Getting to Know ME!

Timing 40 minutes

Suggested activities for the beginning of the school year 1st
Integration, diagnosis, and setting week

Day 2
Topic At Congress

Activity Writing down class rules

OBJECTIVES: To have students create classroom rules by making individual and group decisions.

Each student is asked, individually, to define 10 rules he/she considers important for the classroom. Then ask students to move into 4 groups.
Each student’s rules must undergo consensus with the team, so that they come up with only 10.
Once done , each team will merge with another group and do the same procedure, to come up with only 10 rules .
Do the same until there’s just one group and this turns into a group activity where the rules obtained are subjected to analysis to determine
which ones are final.
Description The whole class writes all rules on cardboard pieces. Once they are done, paste them on the wall.
Add a cardboard rectangle at the bottom of the rules, so each student signs his or her name, to show they have read and agreed to the rules.
If you want , you may add your own rules if you consider students missed any important ones.

A cardboard rectangle for the signatures
Crayons, markers, or colors
Masking or duct tape

Timing 40 minutes

Suggested activities for the beginning of the school year 1st
Integration, diagnosis, and setting week

Day 2
Topic Mood Check

Activity An Emotional Intelligence activity

OBJECTIVES: To help students develop more awareness of their feelings and how they affect others. To promote a better understanding of
emotions and the willingness to explore and share emotional states with other people. To encourage students to be able to better redirect
their energy and regain their motivation through the identification of mood states.

Make a poster size “Six Families of Emotions” chart and laminate it. This way it can be erased and used over and over again. A sample
chart is provided.
1. Ask students to sit in a circle with the chart in the middle. Introduce the topic asking students to think about a time they were able to sail
through homework because they were excited by a project and in a great mood. Now ask them to reflect on a time when even the smallest
homework assignment seemed overwhelming.
2. Ask students to look at the chart and identify their present emotional state, or the state in which they started class.
3. One by one, have students go up to the laminated chart and use a colored marker to make a dot next to the emotion that best describes
how they feel.
Description 4. When all students have made their dots, discuss the findings. Here are some key questions.
As we look at the board and where people have placed their dots, what patterns do we see?
How might these emotional patterns affect classroom experience today?
How aware of your mood were you when you walked through the classroom door?
How aware were you of the mood of your fellow classmates when you walked through the door?
Did anyone in the class influence your mood when you walked through the door? How?
What can we do to change the classroom mood to make it more productive?
5. At the conclusion of the exercise, ask students to describe how assessing their moods improved or worsened the rest of the classroom

Six Families of Emotions chart
Log in to Teacher@home and write the following on the search bar:
Cuadernillo de inicio secundaria. Mood Check

Timing 40 minutes

Suggested activities for the beginning of the school year 1st
Integration, diagnosis, and setting week

Day 3
Topic You Look Nicer When You´re Quiet

Activity Icebreaker and group organization

OBJECTIVES: To break the tension of the first moment. To promote interaction. To practice different ways of organization. To motivate the
accurate tracking of directions.

Before students enter the classroom, you must tell them this:
“Carefully read all directions in the sign. Do not enter the classroom until you have understood directions perfectly. You can talk about
directions with your classmates but only before you enter the classroom.”
Once this is said, allow 3-4 students to read the sign (previously pasted near the door) and to go in to the classroom. Do not allow any student
to go in until they have read and understood directions.
The sign must read:

“You must complete this activity in absolute silence. You cannot talk or even whisper once you get into the room. Once inside, you
must sit according to your height. The shortest student will take the number 1 spot and the tallest student must take the last one
. You must not leave any empty spaces, nor behind, nor in front of you. When everyone is seated, the student in spot #12 should
raise his/her hand and state that the group is ready to begin the activities for the day.”

Sign with directions
Cards with consecutive numbers that should be placed in advance on every chair.

Timing 15 minutes

Suggested activities for the beginning of the school year 1st
Integration, diagnosis, and setting week

Day 3
Topic Multiple Intelligence Test

Activity Test to determine students’ learning styles.

OBJECTIVES: To determine the learning style of each student in order to choose the activities that best suit them.

Multiple Intelligences mean the culmination of respect for individuality and diversity of our students, they demonstrate that we develop
different intelligences and our students make use of them in their daily lives. Howard Gardner puts forward two proposals for understanding
multiple intelligences:
Intelligence is dynamic, not static, we can all develop our intellectual abilities, and those of our students.
Description Intelligence is plural, we have each and every one of them, as there are several ways to be smart.
He defines intelligence as the ability to solve real problems, create effective products, and find or create problems.
1. Verbal-linguistic intelligence: They are good for reading, writing, conversation, storytelling and wordplay. Learn through readings, lectures,
writings and discussions; easily communicate ideas orally or in writing. They have a rich vocabulary, spelling, and think with words.
2.Visual-space: They have artistic skills, they are careful with details, colors and spaces, enjoy painting, sculpture and drawing. They learn
through images, display solutions to problems, have a great capacity to locate spaces, draw, create and think with images.
3. Logical-mathematical: They enjoy numbers, calculations , and sequences or series. They learn more easily when they use logic or numbers
in the process. They solve logic problems, have an abstract thought in symbols, patterns and numbers, they think clearly and analytically.
4. Kinesthetic: Combine body and mind and can reproduce exact movements due to their excellent motor skills. They use the body to
express and think from gestures, animations, movement and body language. They learn when movement is involved in the teaching-learning
process, by using their hands. They have excellent coordination and enjoy sports, acting and dancing.

Suggested activities for the beginning of the school year 1st
Integration, diagnosis, and setting week

Day 3

5. Musical: They have the ability to express and communicate through music. They enjoy listening, playing an instrument and distinguish
rhythms , bass and treble sounds and tones. They learn through music, listen to music, hum or whistle melodies; read and write music, and
enjoy sports, music and dancing.
6. Interpersonal intelligence: They are characterized by their sensitivity to others’ moods, feelings, temperaments and motivations, and
their ability to cooperate in order to work as part of a group. This intelligence is often misunderstood with being extroverted or liking other
people. Those with this intelligence communicate effectively and empathize easily with others, and may be either leaders or followers. They
typically learn best by working with others and often enjoy discussion and debate.
7. Intrapersonal intelligence: They have a deep understanding of the self; what one’s strengths/ weaknesses are, what makes one unique,
Description being able to predict one’s own reactions/emotions. It has to do with introspective and self-reflective capacities.
8. Naturalist intelligence: They discriminate among living things, such as plants or animals, and develop an understanding of other features
of the natural world, such as weather or geology. Farmers, botanists, and hunters are examples of roles where this intelligence is used.
Spending time outside on a regular basis facilitates naturalistic intelligence. Touching, seeing, and smelling plants outdoors is far different
from looking at pictures of the same plants. They are very observant and can use their categorization or classification abilities with the
abundance of natural materials outside their setting.

Multiple Intelligence Test and writing supplies

Timing 40 minutes

Suggested activities for the beginning of the school year 1st
Integration, diagnosis, and setting week

Day 3
Topic Let’s Get This Done!

Activity Decorating the work space

OBJECTIVES: To leave the classroom ready to begin activities, by considering the design students have already made and approved.

Students will decorate the classroom and arrange the furniture following the design they have chosen. Tell them to decorate the classroom
according to their design and make them aware of the time limit. Specify also that the classroom must be kept tidy and clean by the time
the activity is over.
We suggest to have students work in teams, giving them a different space to work on, so they all finish at the same time. It is convenient to
have all materials ready beforehand and ask students to contribute by bringing materials they may have at home.

All necessary materials to decorate the room (color papers, stapler, scotch tape, posters, calendar, cutouts from magazines, drawings, mark-
ers, colors, etc.).

Timing 40 minutes

Suggested activities for the beginning of the school year 1st
Integration, diagnosis, and setting week

Day 3
Topic Say It With Hieroglyphs

Activity Deciphering codes

OBJECTIVES: To crack the code behind the hieroglyphs in order to promote reasoning and allow students to develop social skills.

Students are asked to work in teams .
10 minutes will be given to each team to generate their own code using symbols, pictures or numbers and making sure the code is not easy
to guess.
Once time has expired, teams will be asked to use their codes to draft a question about one or two aspects of the class they would like to
discuss .
Description The questions will then be exchanged between the different teams. Each team will first try to solve the code and guess what the question
is about.
Once the questions have been deciphered, each team will write the answer using the same code in which the questions were written.
If a team can not solve the code, it must seek help from the team that produced it. Students cannot request the full code but only clues to
help them figure it out.
Once they get the answers, each team will discuss them with the whole class in order to analyze how much the new suggestions favor

MATERIALS: Sheets of paper and writing supplies

Timing 40 minutes

Suggested activities for the beginning of the school year 1st
Integration, diagnosis, and setting week

Day 3
Topic Where Are You Headed?

Activity Analyzing the school year and student’s expectations.

OBJECTIVES: To establish the school year’s goals and what is expected from each student.

Write the following three rules on the board and tell students these will be considered as the basic rules for everybody to observe and follow:
1) Follow directions thoroughly from the first time they are given.
2) Always arrive to class on time and ready to work.
3) Respect others and myself.
Once the basic rules are established, ask students to write down on a piece of paper the answers to these questions:
1) Why am I here?
2) What am I here for?
3) What is expected of me, in order to reach goals?
4) What do I expect from my teachers, so we can achieve the goals we all have?
Description Ask students to get into teams and share their answers in order to reach a consensus and come up with only one answer for each question.
Each team should give their answers while a student writes them on the board.
The class rules (already stated in the previous activity) will now be evaluated based on the given answers. Ask the group if they think any of
the previous rules should be modified or deleted in order to create a better working atmosphere. Needed changes to the classroom rules
will now be made.
Ask each team to make a list of materials/supplies they consider necessary to work in class.
Then, go through the rubrics to evaluate students’ work.
Have students brainstorm on the characteristics an assignment must have in order to get a good grade.
They will also comment on what they think is expected from them in terms of behavior, participation, how to relate to their peers, how the
work must be done when working with a team.
Close the activity having students share how they felt about it.

MATERIALS: Sheets of paper and writing supplies

Timing 40 minutes

Suggested activities for the beginning of the school year 1st
Integration, diagnosis, and setting week

Day 3
Topic Through the Amazon

Activity Challenge solution

OBJECTIVES: To recognize and analyze team’s performance, identifying the roles of each participant within the group, the positions of
leadership exercised by members, conflict management style, communication channels and the values that
​​ guide group behavior.

1. Give the following information to the group:
You are hikers lost in the Amazon rainforest. A group of cannibals has followed you for hours. At this time you face a mighty river which you
must cross to save your lives. The only way to cross the river is holding hands, otherwise the strong river flow will drag you all and you will
all drown in a matter of minutes, or you will be devoured by piranhas. It is essential for ALL members of the group to cross, NONE of you
Description can be left behind.
There are some rocks that you can step on to cross the river. Very poisonous insects live on these rocks. You have to be careful so you are
not bitten. If any of you is bitten, you will not be able to move the area where you were stung. You should try to cross as quickly as possible.
Remember that you are followed by cannibals who will be happy to include you as part of their dinner.
2. Have students begin with the activity and get organized by discussing what they should do to accomplish the challenge.
3. Once they have crossed the river, start a group discussion so they can analyze the dynamic of the group, if they reached their goal, team
work, leadership, conflict administration, communication, and values.

MATERIALS: Bands to simulate the bite of insects or piranha bites, materials to simulate a river with stones.

Timing 40 minutes

Suggested activities for the beginning of the school year 1st
Integration, diagnosis, and setting week

Day 4
Topic You and I Look Alike

Activity Icebreaker and group organization

OBJECTIVES: To break tension of the first moment. To promote interaction. To practice different ways to get organized. To motivate the ac-
curate tracking of directions.

Before students enter the classroom, instruct them as follows:
Tell them to separate into two even groups with the same number of students each. Once both groups are complete, they must
now divide into two new groups: one for all students with straight hair and another one for all students with curly hair. Now they
Description must sit according to the length of their hair. The student with the shortest hair should take the place on the chair with #1 and the
one with the longest hair will take the last chair. When everyone is seated, all students with curly hair should raise their hand and
state that the group is ready to begin the activities for the day.

Note: You may wanto to consider different characteristics other than straight and curly hair.

Cards with consecutive numbers that will be placed on each chair.

Timing 15 minutes

Suggested activities for the beginning of the school year 1st
Integration, diagnosis, and setting week

Day 4
Topic Finding a Time and Place to Study

Activity Handling different studying techniques

OBJECTIVES: This activity will help students create a format to write down their daily homework assignments, find the best time and place
to study, understand the importance of keeping this time and place consistent, and identify at least two classmates they can call for help if
they have questions about their homework assignments.

Description Download material related to the Finding a Time and Place to Study activities. Log in to Teacher@home and write the following on the
search bar: Cuadernillo de inicio secundaria. Finding a Time and Place to Study. Print the material according to the number of students in
your class.
Read the resource material in advance in case you want to make any changes.

MATERIALS: printouts of the different resources, writing supplies, chart paper

Timing 40 minutes

Suggested activities for the beginning of the school year 1st
Integration, diagnosis, and setting week

Day 4
Topic Lying

Activity Disguising the truth activity

OBJECTIVES: To exchange and compare personal information.

1. Have the students work in pairs. (If this activity is done at the beginning of the course as suggested, you may wish to assign the pairs
yourself, since the students may not know one another and may feel bashful about pairing off.)
2. Tell the students they have to talk to their partners about themselves. One partner will talk while the other takes notes. Then they reverse
roles. Tell them that they can reveal as much or as little about themselves as they like, but that about three-quarters of what they say should
be lies.
Description 3. Have the students repeat this process two or three times with different partners. Each time they meet a new partner, they give different
information. However, the information should be about the same topic. In other words, they talk about the same subjects with each partner
but tell different lies about these subjects to each partner.
4. Now have the students report back to the whole group about what they heard from each of their partners, using the notes they took in
each interview. As each student reports, all those who met the same person listen carefully and then point out the discrepancies between
the stories that person told. The fun comes in trying to decide what the truth really is, with everyone speculating about everyone else.
5. Each person finally tells the truth, leaving everybody knowing something about him or her.

MATERIALS: Sheets of paper and writing materials

Timing 40 minutes

Suggested activities for the beginning of the school year 1st
Integration, diagnosis, and setting week

Day 4
Topic A NASA Excercise

Activity Decision making activity

OBJECTIVES: To contrast the quality and effectiveness of making decisions individually and as a group.

Provide each student with a printout of the list of items and give from 5 to 10 minutes for them to arrange the list items in order of importance.
Students are not allowed to talk to each other.
Once they finish, divide them into groups of 6-8 members and choose an observer for each team. Give a new list per group so students share
what they did individually and help others rearrange numbers in the new list.
Finally, they will have to compare the individual results to the ones from the group, and to the ones you have in the teacher’s list (you may
want to tell them the ones in your list come from NASA experts).
Log in to Teacher@home and write the following on the search bar:
Cuadernillo de inicio secundaria. A NASA Excercise

EVALUATION: Evaluate the results:

Did you get better results when working as part of a group?
What has group discussion given you?
Was it easy to make a group decision?
What did all of you have to do in order to make a final decision?

MATERIALS: Writing supplies and printouts with the list of items

Timing 40 minutes

Suggested activities for the beginning of the school year 1st
Integration, diagnosis, and setting week

Day 4
Topic Taking notes

Activity Handling different studying techniques

OBJECTIVES: To understand the importance of taking notes in school and at work. To compare and practice several ways to take notes
from material presented orally.

Description Download material related to the Taking Notes activities. Log in to Teacher@home and write the following on the search bar: Cuadernillo de
inicio secundaria. Taking notes. Print the material according to the number of students in your class.
Read the resource material in advance in case you want to make any changes.

MATERIALS: Printouts of the different resources, writing supplies, index cards (optional)

Timing 40 minutes

Suggested activities for the beginning of the school year 1st
Integration, diagnosis, and setting week

Day 4
Topic The Picture-Question Game

Activity Memory Game

OBJECTIVES: To encourage verbal communication. To develop analysis and detailed observation skills.

Before Class:
Cut out three fairly detailed pictures from a magazine. Street scenes or household interiors which contain a lot of detail are most suitable.
In Class:
1. Hold up one of the pictures to the class for about 45-60 seconds. Then put the picture down where no one can see it and ask memory
questions such as: “What color is the ... ?” “How many ... are there?” “What’s on the right of the …?” and so on. Tailor your questions to the
needs and level of your class. You may wish to show the picture two or even three times, following each showing with further questions as
described above.
2. Divide the class into two teams, A and B. Give each team one picture. Tell them to prepare twelve memory questions for the other team to
answer. Go around and check that the questions are in correct English.
3. Team A is shown team B’s picture for up to a minute. Team B now asks its questions, which team? A has to answer. Award points for correct
answers. Write the points on the board or get one of the students to do so. The questioning can take place in several ways:
a. Team B members can take turns asking the questions with team A members either answering in turn or working together as a panel.
b. You may also pair students so that each student works with a partner from the opposing team. This maximizes student participation, since
each student asks, or has to answer, all twelve questions. If the class works this way, it is of course essential for each team member to have
all the questions in written form.
c. Each member of team B takes two or three questions and asks team A, one by one.
After the questioning, however it is done, Team A should be allowed to see the picture again to check both the points its members had not
remembered and those that they had.
4. Now show Team A’s picture to Team B, and repeat Step 3 with Team A as inquisitors and Team B as respondents.

MATERIALS: 3 detailed pictures from magazines, paper and writing supplies

Timing 40 minutes

Suggested activities for the beginning of the school year 1st
Integration, diagnosis, and setting week

Day 5
Topic Icebreaker

Activity Inside or outside

OBJECTIVES: To break tension of the first moment. To promote interaction. To practice different ways to get organized. To motivate the ac-
curate tracking of directions.

Ask students to form two groups: in the first group gather students who prefer to spend free time indoors, and in the second group those who
prefer spending free time outdoors. In case they like both, ask them to choose only one.
Description Once they are divided, ask them to form smaller groups based on the last thing they did on their free time. When they find more classmates
who did the same or similar activities, they must look for an empty space in the classroom to seat and share their experiences.
Encourage students to comment not only on the experience itself, but on how they felt, the people they were with, the places they visited,
if they had fun, and any other details that may enrich the activity.


Timing 15 minutes

Suggested activities for the beginning of the school year 1st
Integration, diagnosis, and setting week

Day 5
Topic A Barometer of Values

Activity Decision making activity

OBJECTIVES: To promote the analysis of situations that require making decisions.

Divide the classroom into two, if possible draw a line to separate the two halves. All students are standing in the middle. A “neutral” student
reads a statement, as if he/she were the referee.
Ask students that agree with the statement to step to the left and people who don’t agree step to the right.
The debate begins at this point. If any student wants to soften his/her radical decision, he/she might step to the center and give his/her rea-
sons for it. Other students may feel they agree with this new position and decide to do the same and move to the center as well. Try to encour-
age students to think if they want to change their initial position. They all should give reasons whether they change or keep the same position.
Here you have some reference statements that may help, but you can still use some of your own.
- Violence always generates more violence.
- There have always been wars and we haven’t been able to change this.
- Educating for peace is educating for disobedience.
- The only way to avoid an invasion is by the use of violence.
- Where there’s justice there’s always peace.
- Non violence means to “turn the other cheek”.
- A violent protest may be justified by some situations that lack justice.


Timing 40 minutes

Suggested activities for the beginning of the school year 1st
Integration, diagnosis, and setting week

Day 5
Topic Creating Maps

Activity Learning to create effective maps and charts.

OBJECTIVES: To identify and analyze elements in a mind map, a chart, and a concept map. To establish the differece between the three of
them and use them correctly when dealing with a certain amount of information.

Paste the silhouete flashcards right at the center of the board and ask a student to volunteer and choose the icon that best represents him/
Explain we use mind mapping to branch from our ideas or topics. Now paste the 4 flashcards related to food and tell the student to choose
the one that represents his/her favorite food, so everyone knows more about him/herself.
Explain to students that as we are not limited to one branch with mind mapping, we can ask another question. Paste the beverage flashcards
and ask the volunteer to choose the one that represents his/her favorite beverage.
Tell students that as we can branch from more than just our main topic, you will ask another question. Paste the flashcards showing different
times of a day and ask the volunteer to express which represents the time when he likes to eat his/her favorite food. Say you will add one
more branch and ask the student to choose the icon that best represents what he/she uses to eat his favorite food (fork, hand, or chop-
Description Now say that as you’ve already branched from his/her favorite food, this time you’re adding one more branch to his/her favorite beverage and
ask the student to choose the icon that best represents at which temperature he/she likes his/her beverage to be (flame, ice).
Finally, create one more branch to finish the mind map and ask the student to choose the icon that best represents how much of his/her
chosen beverage he/she likes to drink in one sitting.
Once students have understood the basis of mind mapping, tell them they can work the same way for concept-mapping but using concepts
instead of images. Give them a short story and group them into teams to create a mind map out about the story.
You can ask them to share their mind maps with the group and, as an extension activity, you may want to ask them to individually rewrite the
story by using only the mind maps they’ve created.

If the school has Internet access, teacher can download the iMindMap, FreeMind, or any other app designed to create mind maps and let
students discover how to work with them.

MATERIALS: Flashcards including: A person’s silhouette (male & female), 4 different food items, 4 different beverages, 4 flashcards showing
different times of day, flashcards for a fork, a hand, chopsticks, burning flame, ice cube, 3 glasses (full-filled, half-filled, and empty).

Timing 40 minutes

Suggested activities for the beginning of the school year 1st
Integration, diagnosis, and setting week

Day 5
Topic Collage

Activity Conflict resolution

OBJECTIVES: To analize the attitudes and mechanisms a competitive activity brings out, as well as the different ways to face it.

Students can only use the material the teacher places on the central table. The group is divided into 3 teams of equal number of people and
a fourth group of 3 observers (1 per group). Each team has to behave according to specific instructions (see list below). They each have 20
minutes to make a collage that represents, for example, the four seasons. All parts of the collage must be glued to a cardboard and labeled
with, at least, the title. Near the end of the 20 minutes, all teams have to turn in their collage. Observers will be responsible for deciding which
group performed better.
Once given the general assignments and having divided the group, you can give students a few minutes to get organized and decide the
roles of each member of the team. Emphasize that no one can take a different role from the one they selected. Place the materials at the
center and let them begin with the activity.
Each team, without going into a debate, will talk about how they felt , JUST FEELINGS. After this, observers state, as objectively as possible,
if students performed according to their roles. Then you can open a debate on attitudes in a competitive environment: What results were
obtained with different attitudes : violent , passive , non-violent... ? What reactions were generated ? What kind of answers can be effective
to do “ what is right “? Who do you consider was helpful to compete and who to cooperate?
Observers: They do not intervene at all. They only take notes on what happens: the strategy of each group, their organization, relationships
among them, the roles they assume, significant phrases, etc.
Group 1: Their objective is to win no matter what. This allows them to do anything, including taking material from other groups and even
stealing their ideas. They do not cooperate with other groups and will not risk to allow another group perform better than them.
Group 2: They work on their collage without messing with anything or anyone, while not encountering any difficulties. Their stance is to
shun difficulties or conflicts, never to face them. In case of receiving orders or aggression, their posture is that of submission and compliance.
While no other team messes with them, they continue to work calmly.
Group 3: Its main motto is that every group has the right to make the collage, so they will ask for the cooperation of other groups. They must
deal with conflict in a positive way and try to mediate conflicts between groups.

MATERIALS: Four cardboards, two pairs of scissors, one bottle of glue, one set of markers, and one old magazine

Timing 40 minutes

Suggested activities for the beginning of the school year 1st
Integration, diagnosis, and setting week

Day 5
Topic Life Scenes

Activity Quick decision making

OBJECTIVES: To practice making fast decisions and avoiding stress when having a time limit.

Ask for 4 small groups of volunteers.
Each group will only have 3 minutes to get organized and decide how to represent a scene from a still picture (there could be a little
movement but preferably none) and talking is not allowed. The picture should represent everyday situations.
Each group will represent the scenes, one after another. The rest of the group observes and writes down their thoughts for each scene: What
they think is being represented and any other comment they want to add.
All the group gets together to debate on the activity by answering the following questions:
How did I feel?
How did we all feel?
What can we improve next time we are given a role?
Can anyone guess what the scene is? (Ask this for each of the scenes represented.)
What would have happened if volunteers had more time to preprare their scene?
Is having so little time a stressing factor that may push you to perform differently or maybe incorrectly?
How can you describe the decisions we make in real life compared to the ones we took here?

MATERIALS: Sheets of paper and writing supplies

Timing 40 minutes

Suggested activities for the beginning of the school year 1st
Integration, diagnosis, and setting week

Day 5
Topic Voyage through Senses

Activity Trust activity

OBJECTIVES: To develop the senses and promote trust and self-esteem among students.

Prepare all materials beforehand and keep it as a surprise for students. Tell them to seat on the floor, in a comfortable position that helps
them relax.
Give each student a scarf to cover their eyes. Ask them to make 4 teams and assign a sense to each. Members of each team will be in charge
of handing out all materials from their sense and helping other students to develop it.

- Hearing: Ask students to pay attention to their hearing and listen to the surrounding sounds, both in and outdoors, their own breathing,
their classmates’ voices, etc. Students in this team will play the recording with different sounds of nature or any special effects you have
chosen. Give the team some musical instruments to play different sounds (they can also produce sounds of rain, horses, or any other con-
venient ones).
- Taste: Ask all students to pay attention to their taste. Students in this team will provide others with some food, candy or any other edible
substances. Tell students to get ready to receive the first taste. Continue with all food items and try to combine two of them once in a while.
- Smell: Ask students to pay attention to their smell. Students in this team will help by passing items to other students. You may like to mix
powder flavors with water or use scents and flowers.
- Touch: Now ask students to pay attention to their touch. Students in this team will help monitor that all other students are doing what they’re
asked to do. Have students feel the touch of the clothes they are wearing, how the air feels when it touches their faces, when their bodies
touch the floor, etc. You may want to give them some cold, hot, rough or smooth objects to touch. Ask the members of this group to join and
have all the group use their hands to feel different parts of their bodies, and play some soft music while doing this.
Ask them to stand up and start touching things around them.
After some time, ask students to go back to their seat and be still. Have them remove the scarfs and follow their impulse (they may like to
hug a classmate).
Finish the activity by leading a group discussion on how everyone felt and what they learned.

MATERIALS: Scarfs or handkerchiefs for each student, materials for each team

Timing 40 minutes

Suggested activities for the beginning of the school year 2nd
Integration, diagnosis, and setting week

Day 6
Topic Oral Interaction Diagnostic Test

Activity Previous knowledge evaluation

Diagnostic tests are instruments that allow us to recognize the abilities and knowledge acquired throughout the past years; they are organ-
ized as a set of questions, directly linked to last year’s graduate profile.
These tests allow us to ensure the success of our students based on their results.
Download material related to the Oral Interaction diagnostic test from Teacher@home. Print according to the number of students in your
Give precise and clear directions for them to perform well.

Timing 1h

Suggested activities for the beginning of the school year 2nd
Integration, diagnosis, and setting week

Day 6
Topic Swamp Island Maze

Activity Team challenge actvity

OBJECTIVES: To transport the entire team across the quicksand swamp using only the “safe” grass clumps in a specific order.
Referring to the map of the “safe” specified route, the Leader uses “Swampy” (the squeaker toy) to confirm the “safe” island pattern as players
take each step. Team members must return to the back end of the team’s line if they step on an “unsafe” island. Team members must rotate
turns attempting to discover the safe route across the swamp. There are exactly “14 “ mandatory safe steps to cross the swamp. Only one
person may be crossing the swamp at any one time.
- Do this activity without voice communication, no talking!
- Team members must all stay on the final safe island until all team members cross the swamp.
- Alter the safe clumps/route in some specific pattern (really devious!)
- To allow more than one person crossing the swamp at any one time, you probably need a separate squeaker and facilitator for each crosser.
MATERIALS: 20 8x10 sheets of paper and masking tape, “start” and “finish” boundary markers, Squeaker toy, a map of the “safe” specified
Description route
14 13



11 12




Timing 40 minutes

Suggested activities for the beginning of the school year 2nd
Integration, diagnosis, and setting week

Day 6
Topic Reading Diagnostic Test

Activity Previous knowledge evaluation

Diagnostic tests are instruments that allow us to recognize the abilities and knowledge acquired throughout the past years; they are organ-
ized as a set of questions, directly linked to last year’s graduate profile.
These tests allow us to ensure the success of our students based on their results.
Download material related to the Reading diagnostic test from Teacher@home. Print according to the number of students in your class.
Give precise and clear directions for them to perform well.

Timing 1h

Suggested activities for the beginning of the school year 2nd
Integration, diagnosis, and setting week

Day 6
Topic Group Profile

Activity A group analysis activity

Objective: To get to know the group’s preferences better.

Trace an outline of the human body on a big piece of paper. List the following topics outside the outline next to the coordinating body part:
Head: Dreams or goals we have (for our community). Ears: Things we like to listen to.
Eyes: How we like other people to see us. Shoulders: Problems young people may have to face.
Hands: Things we like to make or do (with our hands). Stomach: Things we like to eat.
Heart: Things we feel strongly about. Right foot: Places we would like to go.

Post outline of body on the wall. Invite participants to come up to the poster and write things or paste pictures to represent each area. This
is done grafitti style, free form. After everyone has had a chance to participate, ask for volunteers to report to the group on what is listed.

What are the common interests? Shared goals? Dreams?
Were there any themes?
What are the things we feel strongly about? How do these relate to our group’s work?

Outline of the body drawn in a very big piece of paper.

Timing 40 minutes

Suggested activities for the beginning of the school year 2nd
Integration, diagnosis, and setting week

Day 6
Topic How to Study

Activity Handling different study techniques

OBJECTIVES: To understand classroom behavior and preparation shown to be effective for learning. To identify and practice strategies to
prepare for tests.

Download material related to the How to Study activities. Log in to Teacher@home and write the following on the search bar:
Cuadernillo de inicio secundaria. How to Study. Print according to the number of students in your class.
Read the resource material in advance in case you want to make any changes.

MATERIALS: Printouts of the different resources for each student, the digestive system resource for teachers, writing supplies, index cards

Timing 50 minutes

Suggested activities for the beginning of the school year 2nd
Integration, diagnosis, and setting week

Day 6
Topic Let’s Get Problem Crazy!

Activity Problem solving activity

OBJECTIVES: To promote communication of mathematical ideas

The Mangoes Problem 
Read the mangoes problem to the students.
One night the King couldn’t sleep, so he went down into the Royal kitchen, where he found a bowl full of mangoes. Being hungry, he took
1/6 of the mangoes.
Later that same night, the Queen was hungry and couldn’t sleep. She, too, found the mangoes and took 1/5 of what the King had left.
Still later, the first Prince awoke, went to the kitchen, and ate 1/4 of the remaining mangoes.
Even later, his brother, the second Prince, ate 1/3 of what was then left.
Finally, the third Prince ate 1/2 of what was left, leaving only three mangoes for the servants.
How many mangoes were originally in the bowl?
Before students actually solve the problem, ask them to discuss, in groups, possible strategies to solve the problem. Possible strategies
- Guess and check
- Draw a picture
- Work backward
- Write an equation (use a variable)
Distribute the The Mangoes Problem activity sheet so students may see the text of the entire problem and have a place to show their work.
(The solution is 18 mangoes.)
Once they have given their answers, go through each of the suggested strategies with them to get into the right solution.  

Sailors and Coconuts 

If there is enough time, pose the following problem to the students: (This time let students work on their own using the strategies you’ve
already given them.)
Three sailors were marooned on a deserted island that was also inhabited by a band of monkeys. The sailors worked all day to collect
coconuts but were too tired that night to count them; they agreed to divide them equally the next morning.

Suggested activities for the beginning of the school year 2nd
Integration, diagnosis, and setting week

Day 6

During the night, one sailor woke up and decided to take his share. He found that he could make three equal piles, with one coconut left
over, which he threw to the monkeys. Thereupon, he put his own share in a pile down the beach, and left the remainder in a single pile near
where they all slept.
Later that night, the second sailor awoke and, likewise, decided to take his share of coconuts. He also was able to make three equal piles,
with one coconut left over, which he threw to the monkeys.
Somewhat later, the third sailor awoke and did exactly the same thing with the remaining coconuts.
In the morning, all three sailors noticed that the pile was considerably smaller, but each thought that he knew why and said nothing. When
they then divided what was left of the original pile of coconuts equally, each sailor received seven and one was left over, which they threw
to the monkeys.
How many coconuts were in the original pile?
Distribute the The Sailors and Coconuts Problem activity sheet so students may see the text of the entire problem and have a place to show
their work.
As in the previous problem, students should use various strategies to solve this problem. (The solution is 79 coconuts.)
MATERIALS: Printouts of the problems for each team (you can download them form T@h).

Log in to Teacher@home and write the following on the search bar:

Cuadernillo de inicio secundaria. Let’s Get Problem Crazy!

Timing 40 minutes

Suggested activities for the beginning of the school year 2nd
Integration, diagnosis, and setting week

Day 7
Topic Composition Diagnostic Test

Activity Previous knowledge evaluation

Diagnostic tests are instruments that allow us to recognize the abilities and knowledge acquired throughout the past years; they are organized
as a set of questions, directly linked to last year’s graduate profile.
These tests allow us to ensure the success of our students based on their results.

Download material related to the Composition diagnostic test from Teacher@home. Print according to the number of students in your class.
Give precise and clear directions for them to perform well.

Timing 1h

Suggested activities for the beginning of the school year 2nd
Integration, diagnosis, and setting week

Day 7
Topic People Platform

Activity Team challenge activity

OBJECTIVES: To get everyone inside the inner square without touching anything outside.

Divide the group into 4 or 5 teams. Create an inner 2’ x 2’ and an outer 6’ x 6’ tape outline of a square for each team. Everybody starts outside
the 6’ x 6’ square.
Explain the rules of the game:
a. Participants may only touch the outside of the outer square and the inside of the inner square as they complete the task.
b. The area in between the squares is off limits.
c. The entire group must participate.
d. If a participant touches the space between the two boxes, they may no longer use that part of the body.
e. Once everyone is in the inner box, they must hold their position for 10 seconds.
Description f. If one member dominates the leadership, take away his/her ability to speak.
g. If the group is slow to actively attempt the exercise, set a time limit by which they must finish.
h. If the group completes the activity easily, make the inner box smaller.
Lead a discussion with the following questions:
What were some of the challenges in completing this activity? How did you overcome them? Who was the leader? How was it decided? How
did the time constraint affect the activity of the group? Did your group plan first or just started acting? Was this method effective or ineffective?
What would you do different in the future?

Alternative: Use a raised 2’ x 2’ platform instead of tape. After the entire group gets onto the platform, everyone must be off the ground
for 10 seconds.
MATERIALS: Masking tape

Timing 40 minutes

Suggested activities for the beginning of the school year 2nd
Integration, diagnosis, and setting week

Day 7
Topic Spelling & Listening Diagnostic Test

Activity Previous knowledge evaluation

Diagnostic tests are instruments that allow us to recognize the abilities and knowledge acquired throughout the past years; they are organized
as a set of questions, directly linked to last year’s graduate profile.
These tests allow us to ensure the success of our students based on their results.
Download material related to the Spelling & Listening diagnostic test from Teacher@home. Print according to the number of students in
your class.
Give precise and clear directions for them to perform well.
Carefully check your students’ answers.

Timing 1h

Suggested activities for the beginning of the school year 2nd
Integration, diagnosis, and setting week

Day 7
Topic Sign Up Here

Activity Group organization activity

OBJECTIVES: To explain how these skills are important for group organizing and to analyze how each student will contribute to make the
group stronger.

DESCRIPTION: Place pieces of the newsprint around the room. From the list of topics below, write a different topic of interest on the top of
each newsprint. Also include a related question you want students to answer about each topic:
_ I like to speak or perform in public. (What group(s) have you spoken to or performed in front of?)
_ I like to work on computers. (What programs do you know?)
_ I can speak a language other than English. (Which one?)
_ I would be excited to travel in the U. S. or abroad. (Where? Where have you traveled?)
_ Making friends is an important part of my life. (Who are your best friends?)
_ My family is one of the things that makes me happy. (What do you like about them?)
_ There are things that I would like to change in this school. (What?)
_ There are things that I would like to change in our community. (What?)
Description _ The voting age should be moved from 18 to 21. (If you could vote, what law would you vote to change?)
_ I have organized or helped to organize an event, celebration, fund-raiser, meeting, wedding, or conference. (Describe.)
Instruct participants to walk around the room, look at the different topics, sign their name on any of the sheets that represent topics in which
they have an interest, and answer the question on each sheet.
After everyone has had a chance to sign the sheets, ask a person that has signed each sheet to read the names of the people that have
also signed it.
Have students get together into the groups they now belong to and let them talk about the question and the comments they have written. Tell
them to comment on how they can take advantage of having the same interests as a group.
As a class, you can now discuss these questions: What interests does the group have? How many different interests are represented in the
group? Which chart had the greatest interest? Which chart had the least interest? What does this say about the group as a whole? Is there
a pattern? What comments are made?

MATERIALS: 6-10 pieces of large newsprint, tape, and pencils

Timing 40 minutes

Suggested activities for the beginning of the school year 2nd
Integration, diagnosis, and setting week

Day 7
Topic Managing Stress

Activity Handling different studying techniques

OBJECTIVES: To identify causes of stress for students. To recognize that people have different ways of perceiving the same situation
(stressful or not). To identify one or more healthy ways to reduce stress.

Description Download material related to the Managing Stress activities. Log in to Teacher@home and write the following on the search bar:
Cuadernillo de inicio secundaria. Managing Stress. Print according to the number of students in your class.
Read the resource material in advance in case you want to make any changes.

MATERIALS: printouts of the different resources, writing supplies, index cards (optional)

Timing 50 minutes

Suggested activities for the beginning of the school year 2nd
Integration, diagnosis, and setting week

Day 7
Topic Making a Conversation

Activity Communicative and creative activity

OBJECTIVES: To make conversation in a creative way.

Each student writes a sentence on a piece of paper. Collect the papers and redistribute them to the class so that no student gets his or her
own paper. Divide the class into groups of three to five students. Allow five to ten minutes for groups to meet and discuss or practice a scene.
The scene can be about anything, but it must include the sentences written on the pieces of paper. Finally, the class assembles and each
group improvises its scene.
Each team can write sentences for the other teams to perform. The content of sentences should have no restrictions and can be seen as a
challenge from one team to another.
The written sentences should be embedded in the scene and sound as natural as possible. Students must work creatively to find ways to
incorporate three or more seemingly unrelated sentences into one coherent conversation.
Each participant should respond to the conversation and actions of the others. That is, a scene should not consist of three or more separate
pieces of conversation, but an integrated whole. Encourage students to add anything that they wish to develop their themes.
Emphasize the different strategies the actors employ to make transitions from one topic to another.
MATERIALS: Sheets of paper and writing supplies


Suggested activities for the beginning of the school year 2nd
Integration, diagnosis, and setting week

Day 8
Topic Grammar Diagnostic Test

Activity Communicative and creative activity

Diagnostic tests are instruments that allow us to recognize the abilities and knowledge acquired throughout the past years; they are organized
as a set of questions, directly linked to last year’s graduate profile.
These tests allow us to ensure the success of our students based on their results.
Download material related to the Grammar diagnostic test from Teacher@home. Print according to the number of students in your class.
Give precise and clear directions for them to perform well.

Timing 1h

Suggested activities for the beginning of the school year 2nd
Integration, diagnosis, and setting week

Day 8
Topic A New Planet

Activity Decision making activity

OBJECTIVES: To provide students with the information they need in order to reach a consensus and make smart decisions.
Explain that each person will receive a list of 30 famous or important people.
Due to air pollution, the Earth’s ozone is too thin. In a few days, the earth will be too hot for people to survive. NASA is going to send a rocket
to a new planet so humans will not become extinct. However, only 10 of the 30 people on the list can go. Each person has 10 minutes to
decide who will go.
Distribute a copy of the new planet worksheet to each person (copies on white paper).
Next, divide the group into teams of 3-4. Give each group a worksheet. Each group has 15 minutes to come up with their list of people for
the new planet.
Ask each group to select a recorder and a reporter.
Group process questions:
- How did you make your decisions individually?
- How did your group make its decisions?
- What were the challenges you faced? How did you handle conflict? Did you have to compromise?
- Did a leader emerge? What was the leader’s style? How did she/he lead?
- What values influenced your decisions? Where do our values come from?
- What can happen when people with different values get together? (Point out any stereotypes that seemed to influence decisions. Reinforce
no judgments in this group.)
MATERIALS: copies of worksheet (1 per student)

Log in to Teacher@home and write the following on the search bar:

Cuadernillo de inicio secundaria. A New Planet

Timing 40 minutes

Suggested activities for the beginning of the school year 2nd
Integration, diagnosis, and setting week

Day 8
Topic Oral Interaction Review Design

Activity The teacher will be in charge of the review based on the results of the 1st test.

After having revised the diagnostic exams, the teacher should make a list including the concepts or topics that were the most difficulty for
Design a review strategy to improve these aspects.
Description We suggest you have a follow up plan for those students who had a not such a good performance, so you can support them throughout the
school year.

A series of exercises and activities designed by the teacher.

Timing 1h

Suggested activities for the beginning of the school year 2nd
Integration, diagnosis, and setting week

Day 8
Topic Develop Communication Guidelines

Activity Basic ground rules for good communication

OBJECTIVES: To create a list of guidelines for effective communication in your current groups. To analyze how in order to work together
effectively we need to communicate effectively.

Begin by telling students that in order to effectively work together we need to communicate effectively.
Discuss the question: “How do you want to receive information from team members?”
Ask students to identify phrases, tone of voice, intent and methods that they would like others to use in communications.
Each group gives a guideline that the teacher then writes on the board.
Clarification of phrases or values is done at this time.
Make sure everyone in the group can repeat what the guidelines mean.
Ask students to share their small group list with the whole group to create a framework for communications that everyone can use.
Have students discuss what differences arose over using some phrases or concepts and how they clarified these ideas.
It is important to complete the exercise by having the group define clearly what is meant by each of the suggested guidelines.
• Confidentiality may mean different things to different people.
• Honesty with each other may range from nice to brutal, depending on the individual.
• The right to give information or not may be vital to building a feeling of safety into the group.

MATERIALS: board, colored pens

Timing 40 minutes

Suggested activities for the beginning of the school year 2nd
Integration, diagnosis, and setting week

Day 8
Topic Short-Term Planning

Activity Handling different studying techniques

OBJECTIVES: To use a 4-step process to create a daily schedule.

Students will be able to:
1. List activities
2. Prioritize
3. Estimate how long each task will take.
4. Use timed events first
Download material related to the Short-Term Planning activities. Log in to Teacher@home and write the following on the search bar:
Cuadernillo de inicio secundaria. Short-Term Planning. Print material according to the number of students in your class.
Read the resource material in advance in case you want to make any changes.

MATERIALS: Printouts of the different resources, writing supplies including highlighters for each student

Timing 50 minutes

Suggested activities for the beginning of the school year 2nd
Integration, diagnosis, and setting week

Day 8
Topic Plane Wreck

Activity Problem solving activity

OBJECTIVES:  To make conversation in a creative way.

Break the group into teams of three. One member will play the role of observer, another member the role of A and the third member B.

The situation: A and B were flying a plane that suddenly developed engine trouble and crashed on a deserted island with no water. They will
be rescued in a few days, but they must have water if they are to survive. They have some materials to make a container to hold rainwater.
The only problem is that B received a heavy blow on her head and is now both blind and mute. A has badly burned hands and is not able
to use them at all. But they must build the container if they are to live. A rain cloud is quickly approaching, and they must have the container
finished before it reaches the island. A few drops are already beginning to fall.
The observer ties A’s hands behind his back and blindfolds B. B is not to say a word during the entire building process. The observer takes
notes on how well the two people work together. How good are the directions? How well are they carried out? How cooperative are the two
people? If the container is not built in 20 minutes, the two people stop. Everyone assembles into a big group again to discuss.
Once students finish, try asking them these questions to lead a discussion on the activity:
1) How did the person playing A feel? B? What did the observer notice?
2) What does the container look like? If it were made of wood and nails instead would it hold water?
3) What would have improved the cooperation between A and B?
4) What did you learn about the division of labor in a cooperative task?

MATERIALS: Each group needs: Blindfold, 5 or 6 odd shaped pieces of cardboard, a roll of cellophane or masking tape, a piece of rope at
least 3 feet long.

Timing 40 minutes

Suggested activities for the beginning of the school year 2nd
Integration, diagnosis, and setting week

Day 9
Topic Reading Review Design

Activity The teacher will be in charge of the review based on the results of the 2nd test.

After checking the diagnostic exams, the teacher should make a list including the concepts or topics that were the most difficulty for students.
Design a review strategy to improve these aspects.
We suggest you have a follow up plan for those students who had a not such a good performance, so you can support them throughout the
school year.

A series of exercises and activities designed by the teacher.

Timing 1:30 hrs

Suggested activities for the beginning of the school year 2nd
Integration, diagnosis, and setting week

Day 9
Topic Island Game

Activity Cooperative group activity

OBJECTIVES: To exchange information in order to compare and justify decisions.

Before Class
Prepare copies of the outline of an imaginary island drawn on a grid with numbers going down and letters going across, so that the points
on the map can be easily referred to, for example A5 or C3.
In Class
1. Brainstorm about the details that can be found on maps, such as rivers, resorts, industrial areas, roads, airports, nature reserves, tourist
attractions, cities, forests, and so on. Make a list on the board.
2. Divide the class into small groups and give each group a copy of the map. Ask each group to fill in their maps together, discussing where
to put such features as have already been mentioned in step 1.
Students should use the map to build up the picture of a whole society. Encourage them to name the island and the cities, specify natural
resources etc. The more details they include, the more interesting the exercise becomes. Each group may decide whether its map is large
scale or small scale. Some may view it as an entire nation, others as just a speck in the sea.
Description Circulate correcting mistakes, asking students to explain what they have filled in and providing help with the language as necessary.
Give each group another blank map. Then seat each group opposite another, and ask the two groups to exchange information about their
respective islands.
The information should be dictated and the blanks filled in with the details of the opposite group’s map but without looking at it. This is made
possible by using the reference grid, for example:
“A river flows from A2 to D3, passing through B2 and C3.”
“There’s a small industrial park just south of the capital, which is in the middle of D2.”
Only when all the information has been taken down may one group see the other’s map. Invite discussion and comparison of the original
and the attempted copy.
Finish with a short general discussion.
MATERIALS: Copies of a map outline as described.

Log in to Teacher@home and write the following on the search bar:

Cuadernillo de inicio secundaria. Island Game

Timing 40 minutes

Suggested activities for the beginning of the school year 2nd
Integration, diagnosis, and setting week

Day 9
Topic Composition Review Design

Activity The teacher will be in charge of the review based on the results of the 3rd test

After having revised the diagnostic exams, the teacher should make a list including the concepts or topics that were the most difficulty for
Design a review strategy to improve these aspects.
Description We suggest you have a follow up plan for those students who had a not such a good performance, so you can support them throughout the
school year.

A series of exercises and activities designed by the teacher.

Timing 1:30 hrs

Suggested activities for the beginning of the school year 2nd
Integration, diagnosis, and setting week

Day 9
Topic Negotiating Compromise

Activity Conflict management activity

OBJECTIVES: To share strategies and best practices for internal team conflict management and problem solving.

All teams have internal conflicts. The best teams identify and negotiate solutions to these conflicts. In groups of three or four:
• Brainstorm types of internal team conflicts on sticky notes or index cards (for instance: missing meetings, work not done on time, etc.).
• Group the types of conflicts into related clusters.
• Identify strategies that they have or could use to negotiate to manage conflict or solve a team problem.
• Transcribe these strategies in point form on cards.
Make sure everyone can identify the group strategies.
Share positive strategies with the whole group. The teacher collects the point-form strategies and has them word processed and distributed
to students.
Lead a group discussion to select a strategy that you could use right away.

MATERIALS: Discussion, sticky notes, index cards, written materials

Timing 40 minutes

Suggested activities for the beginning of the school year 2nd
Integration, diagnosis, and setting week

Day 9
Topic Study Skills Challenge

Activity Handling different studying techniques

OBJECTIVES: To have fun reviewing some of the study skills learned. To think creatively about skills that will help them in school and life.
To view study skills issues with humor.

Description Download material related to the Study Skills Challenge activities. Log in to Teacher@home and write the following on the search bar:
Cuadernillo de inicio secundaria. Study Skills Challenge. Print material according to the number of students in your class.
Read the resource material in advance in case you want to make any changes.

MATERIALS: Printouts of the different resources, writing supplies, 10 paper bags, assorted rewards for game winners(30-40)

Timing 50 minutes

Suggested activities for the beginning of the school year 2nd
Integration, diagnosis, and setting week

Day 9
Topic Neighbors

Activity An activity to develop social skills

OBJECTIVES: To describe in detail. To promote relationships among students based on their likes. To develop social skills.

1. Give each student a piece of paper. Tell the students that each one is to draw a house on his or her paper. They are to work alone. When
the houses are drawn, they are to fold the papers in two so that the houses cannot be seen. The papers are collected, placed in the center
of the table, and shuffled. Each student then picks one and unfolds it.
2. Now ask the students, one at a time, to describe the house in detail. Ask them to describe the occupants, the furniture, the colors used in
the different rooms, the location of the house, and any other details they can think of.
3. Next, arrange all the drawings face up on the table. Ask each student to choose one that he or she likes and write his or her name on the
back. There should be only one name on each drawing.
4. Then have the class, working together, arrange the houses in groups of three. (If the number of drawings is not divisible by three, one
or two groups may have four houses.) Let the students develop their own criteria for grouping the houses. Provide no more guidance than
“houses that you think go well together.”
5. When the sets of houses are formed, ask those whose names appear on the drawings to sit together and create a three-minute skit that
illustrates or depicts the relationships among the “neighbors” who live in the three (or four) houses.
6. Have each group present its skit to the group.

MATERIALS: Sheets of paper, colors, and writing supplies

Timing 40 minutes

Suggested activities for the beginning of the school year 2nd
Integration, diagnosis, and setting week

Day 10
Topic Spelling & Listening Review Design

Activity The teacher will be in charge of the review based on the results of the 4th test

After checking the diagnostic exams, the teacher should make a list including the concepts or topics that were the most difficulty for students.
Design a review strategy to improve these aspects.
We suggest you have a follow up plan for those students who had a not such a good performance, so you can support them throughout the
school year.

A series of exercises and activities designed by the teacher.

Timing 1:30 hrs

Suggested activities for the beginning of the school year 2nd
Integration, diagnosis, and setting week

Day 10
Topic Throw a Conversation

Activity Conversation activity

OBJECTIVES: To discuss a predetermined subject.

1. Draw the following table on the board. Divide the class into groups of seven (if possible) and explain the game. Tell them that they are going
to discuss a subject. Throws of the dice will determine how long the discussion will last, what the subject will be, what their attitude toward it
will be, and how many students will take part.
2. Explain that one student throws the die. The number he or she throws determines the time in minutes the discussion will take, that is, 11
means five minutes. The next student throws to determine the subject. For example, if the dice falls in 3 it means home. The third student
throws to determine the personal attitude of the students to the topic; for example if the dice falls in 1 it means proud. The next student throws
to determine the number of participants the conversation will have, for example, if the dice falls in 6 it means two. This student also chooses
those to be involved. Using the above throws as an example, two selected students have to speak for five minutes about home, in a proud
3. While the selected students hold their conversation, the others should listen to make sure that they do not deviate from the subject. The
language should also be checked and the listeners should note whether or not the mood is appropriate. One of the listeners should be
appointed as time-keeper. After each conversation the students who did not participate should be asked to comment on what they heard.
About two or three rounds of the game should be enough for each lesson.  
MATERIALS: One dice per group of 7 students

Log in to Teacher@home and write the following on the search bar:

Cuadernillo de inicio secundaria. Throw a Conversation

Timing 40 minutes

Suggested activities for the beginning of the school year 2nd
Integration, diagnosis, and setting week

Day 10
Topic Grammar Review Design

Activity The teacher will be in charge of the review based on the results of the 5th test.

After cheking the diagnostic exams, the teacher should make a list including the concepts or topics that were the most difficulty for students.
Design a review strategy to improve these aspects.
We suggest you have a follow up plan for those students who had a not such a good performance, so you can support them throughout the
school year.

A series of exercises and activities designed by the teacher.

Timing 1:30 hrs

Suggested activities for the beginning of the school year 2nd
Integration, diagnosis, and setting week

Day 10
Topic Pass a Problem

Activity Mind for deliberate idea generation activity

OBJECTIVES: Brainstorm a wide range of ideas for a “situation or problem”. Order them in terms of perceived usefulness (or other criteria).

Think of 5 different problems students may find a little hard to solve. Write down those problems and put them each into an envelope.
Tell students the more divergent the ideas, the more paths are available for examination.
Ask one student to choose an envelope for the whole group to see what the problem is.
Divide the class into 5 groups. Give each group an envelope and ask them to read the problem inside and pass it to another group until they
have received all 5 envelopes.
Each group must follow this procedure for all envelopes:
• Brainstorm the most divergent and outrageous ideas to solve the problem.
• Repeat with the next envelope until the first envelope returns to you.
• Order the items in the first/last envelope in terms of perceived usefulness (or other criteria).
All groups should be able to come up with outrageous ideas and then agree on an order of ideas on some basis.
Make sure everyone in the group has contributed to the process.
Lead a discussion by asking the following: What helped you generate ideas? What hindered you? How did you order the ideas?
NOTE: At all times explain process, monitor and support participation and the exchange of ideas.

MATERIALS: Problem situations, envelopes with the number of sheets of paper equal to the number of small groups.

Timing 40 minutes

Suggested activities for the beginning of the school year 2nd
Integration, diagnosis, and setting week

Day 10
Topic Ready, Set, Respond!

Activity Game to encourage flexible thinking

OBJECTIVES: To help understand the different reactions to difficult situations and how our responses affect those around us.

Before You Play:
1. Download the Response cards, Situation cards, spinner. Carefully cut out the Response cards and Situation cards.
2. Place the Response cards and the Situation cards facing down on the playing surface.
3. Decide who will be the leader first.
4. The leader deals 5 Response cards to each player.
How to Play:
1. The leader picks the top card from the Situation card pile and reads it to the group.
2. The leader chooses a response category by spinning a pencil on the spinner and selecting the category the pencil points to (or by simply
dropping a coin on the spinner and choosing the category the coin lands on). The leader then reads the type of response to the group.
3. The other players look at their cards and place the response they think is best face down in a pile on the table.
4. The leader collects the Response cards (without noting who put down which card) and reads them to the group.
5. The leader discusses why each response might be a good response to this situation and picks the response he or she thinks is the very
6. The player who put down that card is the winner of this round and receives the Situation card.
7. Each player picks another Response card from the pile (players should always have 5 cards).
8. The player seated to the left of the first leader is now the leader and play continues.
9. The first player to receive 5 Situation cards is the winner.

Suggested activities for the beginning of the school year 2nd
Integration, diagnosis, and setting week

Day 10

Example Round:
- The leader picks the Situation card that says: Your teacher says, “Please stay after class”.
- The spinner lands on: Most selfish response.
- The other players put down cards that say: Ask why; ignore; and refuse.
- The leader might tell the group that asking why is not a selfish response because it is okay to ask teachers for explanations. Ignoring the
teacher is rude and might make the teacher angry. But refusing to stay after class is the most selfish because you are doing what you want
to do rather than what the teacher asks.
- The leader asks who put down the refuse card.
- The player who put down the refuse card wins the round and receives the Situation card.
- When the spinner lands on Spinners Choice the leader can pick any of the categories from the spinner (or make up one of their own).
- This game comes with blank Situation and Reaction cards. You can use a pencil to add your own situations and responses. If you do not
Description want to use them, remove the blank cards from the deck before you play.
- It is important to remind players that there are no right or wrong answers. The purpose of the game is to have open discussion.
- Sometimes players may not have a card in their hand that fits the situation. In those cases, players can put down the card that is closest to
how they would react. Or they can just put down a card they want to get rid of.
- Players are encouraged to explain why they put down the card they chose. The leader can listen to the explanation and consider it when
selecting the best response.
- Some of the Situation cards are YIKES! Cards. These cards have situations that are funny or uncomfortable. They add some humor (and
reality) to the game.

MATERIALS: printouts

Log in to Teacher@home and write the following on the search bar:

Cuadernillo de inicio secundaria. Ready, Set, Respond!

Timing 40 minutes

Suggested activities for the beginning of the school year 2nd
Integration, diagnosis, and setting week

Day 10
Topic Do-It-Yourself Comprehension

Activity Creative writing and thinking activity

OBJECTIVES: To practice answering questions and narrating a passage based on given questions.

Before Class
Prepare about ten comprehension questions similar to those used in standard comprehension tests. They can be based either on an existing
passage from a textbook or on a passage that does not actually exist. Bring in whatever structures and vocabulary you wish to practice or
reinforce. Up- or downgrade the questions to suit the level of the class. An example of a set of questions not based on a text but simply made
Description up is as follows:
1. Why was David so exhausted when he got back to the village?
2. Was he surprised to find the village deserted? Why or why not?
3. The writer suggests three possible reasons why the village had been abandoned. Write two of them.
4. What did David discover on opening the front door of his cottage?
5. What would you have done in these circumstances? What did David do?
6. Which of the girls was real and which was a figment of David’s imagination?
7. What led David to the realization that something was terribly wrong?
8. Do you think he was justified in being so violent? Why or why not?
9. How many survivors were discovered before dawn? What was done with the remains of those who did not survive?
10. What would be a good title for the passage you have written?

Suggested activities for the beginning of the school year 2nd
Integration, diagnosis, and setting week

Day 10

In Class
1. Review with the students the standard comprehension exercise technique in which they read a passage and then answer questions about
it. If you have used exercises of this kind recently, you may wish to remind them of specific passages and questions.
Tell them that they are going to do a variation of this technique this time. In fact, they are going to do such an exercise backwards.
2. Present the questions you have prepared to the students. You can either write them on the board or pass out copies of them. Tell the
students that this time they are not to answer the questions but instead they are to write a passage on which the questions could be based.
They are to be sure that every question can be answered by reading the passage they write. (This allows the students to use their creative
Description imagination within a framework set by you.)
3. When the passages have been completed, have them read aloud. You will probably find as many striking similarities as you will
dissimilarities. Let the class discuss and compare the passages they have written.
4. Finally, if you have based your questions on a real passage, present this to the class either by reading it aloud, putting it on the board,
or passing out duplicated copies. Discuss how the students’ passages compare with the original. If you did not base your questions on an
actual passage, this is the time to say so.

MATERIALS: Sheets of paper and printouts if you decide to give one to each group.

Timing 40 minutes


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