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TSLB 3043 Phonetics and Phonology is a subject that I was introduced to in this
semester. It was taught by Madam Yeoh Phaik Kin. This subject was a new exposure
for me and I have learnt and gained many new knowledge and information via this
subject. This subject contents 7 topics which were all covered by Madam Yeoh. Topic
1 is overview of English Phonetics and Phonology. By the end of the topic, I was able
to distinguish between Phonetics and Phonology, clarify the roles of the vocal organs
in speech production and produce the English sounds found in the International
Phonetics Alphabet (IPA).
The following topic is English Consonants. This is one of the most interesting
topics in Phonetics and Phonology where I have learnt how to describe and
pronounce English consonants. Moreover, I was exposed to a wide knowledge of
English consonants on their place and manner of articulation and also voicing
whereby I am able to identify whether the consonant is voiced or voiceless.
Topic 3 is on English Vowels. This topic seems easy but its not as easy as we
think it is. Vowels taught in school days and this has a major difference. We are
exposed to a deeper knowledge of vowels in this topic. In this topic, I am introduced
to monophthongs, diphthongs and triphthongs. Vowels are categorized below these
three names. I have learnt about short vowels and long vowels too. Also, I am able to
identify the IPA symbols and transcribe them from its orthographic form.
Moving on, topic 4 is on syllable. Syllable looks familiar but when going through
in deep in this topic, I find it quite tough compared to other topics. However, I was
able make it through. By the end of the session I was able to define ‘syllable’ and
identify the parts in the structure of the English syllable. Differentiating between
strong and weak syllables was interesting and challenging as well. Moreover, I am
able to identify and mark the syllabic consonants.
The following topic is Stress Patterns. In stress pattern we learn about stress
timing, stress in simple words and complex words. By the end of the topic, I am able
to explain the importance of stress timing. Next, determine the characteristics of
stress. Characteristics of stress is divided into two which is primary stress and
secondary stress. Also, able to differentiate between stress in simple words and
compound words.
Intonation is topic 6. We learn about forms of intonation and functions of
intonation in this topic. I have learnt that without intonation, speech would be
monotonous. I have also learnt that intonation involves pitch and changes in pitch.
Intonation is also a heavy topic where you have got to remember the tones involved it
is not easy to identify them.
The final topic is aspects of connected speech. In this topic, we learn about
rhythm, assimilation, elision, linking, liaison, juncture and contraction. This is one of
the most interesting topics in Phonetics and Phonology. By the end of the session, I
am able to differentiate the types and analyse the sentence of rhythm. Also, I am able
to define all aspects of connected speech in the English language.

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