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Compiled Labor Notes

1st meeting
- Where the project/undertaking/specific
Security of Tenure duration is not specified in the contract, EE
will be considered a regular employee
In cases of regular employment, the employer shall immediately. Never a project EE.
not terminate the services of an employee except for 4. Regular
just caused or when authorized by the LC. - An employment shall be deemed regular
where the employees has been engaged to
An employee who is unjustly dismissed from work perform activities which are usually
shall be entitled to reinstatement without loss of necessary or desirable in the usual business
seniority rights and other privileges and to his full or trade of the employer.
back wages, inclusive of allowances, and to his other 5. Seasonal
benefits or their monetary equivalent computed from - employment is for the duration of the
the time his compensation was withheld from him up season
to the time of his actual reinstatement. (Art 294 LC)
Atty. Nolasco: Any breach in the conditions found in
Classes of employees: each type of EE, the EE would be considered as a
regular EE.
1. Casual
- They should not be hired for more than a Instances where the EMPLOYER may terminate
year, whether continuous or broken. (even employer-employee relationship (Art. 297)
with leaves/ suspension without pay) (SeGroCO)
- Employee shall be hired for the activity alone
2. Probationary a) Serious misconduct or willful disobedience
- Term should not exceed 6 months from the by the employee of the lawful orders of his
the date the employee started working, employer or representative in connection
unless it is covered by an apprenticeship with his work;
agreement stipulating a longer period. b) Gross and habitual neglect by the employee
- The services of an employee who has been of the trust reposed in him by his employer
engaged on a probationary status may be or duly authorized representative;
terminated for a just cause or when he fails c) Commission of a crime or offense by the
to qualify as a regular employee in employee against the person of his employer
accordance with reasonable standards made or any immediate member of his family or
known by the employer to the employee at duly authorized representatives; and
the time of his engagement. d) Other analogous to the foregoing.
- Must be known from the first day. If not
made known, EE will be treated as a regular Instances where the EMPLOYEE may terminate
employee from Day 1. (Different from employer-employee relationship (Art. 300)
regularization of EE who are hired in excess
of 6 months) a) An Employee may terminate without just
- If you would continue to hire an EE after the cause the employer- employee relationship
project or undertaking, that EE will only be by serving a written notice on the employer
considered a regular EE after the expiration at least one (1) month in advance. The
of the period (after 6 months). employer upon whom no such notice was
3. Project served may hold the employee liable for
- Employment has been fixed for specific damages.
project or undertaking the completion or b) An employee may put an end to the
termination of which has been determined relationship without serving any notice on
at the time of the engagement of the the employer for any of the following just
employee. causes: (SICO)
- If you would continue to hire an EE after the
project or undertaking, that EE will only be 1. Serious insult by the employer or his
considered a regular EE after the expiration representative on the honor and person
of the period. of the employee;

Compiled Labor Notes

2. Inhuman and unbearable treatment d. Connection with employees’ work

accorded the employee by the employer
or his representative; E. Loss of Confidence
3. Commission of a crime or offense by the a. A,O,C(same as above)
employer or his representative against b. It justifies the loss of trust by the
the person of the employee or any of employer to the employee
the immediate members of his family; c. Employee must be holding a
and position of trust
4. Other causes analogous to any of the d. It should not be used as subterfuge
foregoing. for causes which are improper,
illegal, and unjustified
e. Must be genuine and not a mere
Standards on Just Causes – An employer may afterthought to justify an earlier
terminate an employee for any of the ff grounds: action taken in BF
F. Commission of a Crime or Offense
A. Serious Misconduct – To be a valid ground for
termination, the following must be present: a. A,O,C (same as before) punishable
by prohibited law
a. There mus be misconduct b. Must be committed by the
b. Must be of such grave and employee against the person of
aggravated character employer, any immediate member
c. It must relate to the performance of of his/her family, or his/her duly
the employee’s duties authorized representative
d. There must be showing that the
employee becomes unfit to G. Analogous Causes
continue working for the employer
a. Act or Omission similar to those
B. Willful Disobedience specified just causes
b. Must be voluntary and/or willful on
a. Must be disobedience or the part of the Ee.
b. Must be wilfull or intentional, NOTE: NO ACT OR OMISSION SHALL BE CONSIDERED
characterized by a wrongful and AS ANALAGOUS CAUSES UNLESS EXPRESSLY
c. Order violated must be reasonable, REGULATIONS OR POLICIES
lawful, and made known to the
d. Must pertain to duties which he has Standards on Authorized Causes
been engaged to discharge (In-ReRe-CD)

C. Gross and Habitual Neglect of Duties NOTE: The requirement of due process shall be
complied with upon service of a written notice to the
a. Neglect of Duty employee and the appropriate Regional Office of the
b. Gross and Habitual in Character DOLE at least 30days before the effectivity of the
termination, specifying the ground or grounds for
D. Fraud and Willful Breach of Trust termination
a. Must be act, omission, or
concealment A. Installation of Labor-Saving Devices
b. Involves breach of legal duty, trust,
or confidence justly reposed a. Introduction of Machinery,
c. Commited against the employer or Equipment or other devices
his representative b. Must be in GF

Compiled Labor Notes

c. Purpose of introduction must be such as status, efficiency, seniority,

valid such as to save on physical fitness, age, and financial
cost,enhance efficiency and other hardship for certain workers
justifiable economic reasons
d. No other option available to the D. Closure or Cessation of Operation
employer than the introduction of
such machinery a. Must be a decision to close or cease
e. Must be fair and reasonable criteria operation of the enterprise by the
in selecting employees to be management
terminated b. Decision was made in GF
c. No other option available to the ER
B. Redundancy except to close operations

a. Must be superfluous positions or E. Disease

services of employees a. Employee must be suffering from
b. The positions or services are in any disease
excess of what is reasonable b. Continued employment of the
demanded by the actual employee is prohibited by law or
requirements of the enterprise to prejudicial to his/her health as well
operate in an economical and as to the health of his/her co-
efficient manner workers
c. GF in abolishing position c. Must be certification by a
d. Must be fair and reasonable criteria competent public health authority
in selecting employees to be that the disease is incurable within
terminated a period of 6 months even with
e. Adequate proof of redundancy such proper medical treatment
as but not limited to the new
staffing pattern, feasibility studies NOTE: For the first three reasons, First-In,
on the viability of the position, job Last-Out rule shall apply, except when EE
description, and the approval by volunteers to be terminated.
the management of the
Termination of employment based on just causes
C. Retrenchment (DO No. 147-15)

a. Must be necessary and likely to The requirement of two written notices served on the
prevent business losses employee shall observe the following:
b. The losses, if already incurred, are
not merely de minimis, but a.) The first written notice should contain:
substantial, serious, actual, and
real, or if only expected, are 1. The specific causes or grounds for
reasonably imminent termination as provided for under Article
c. The expected or actual losses must 297 of the LC, and company policies, if any.
be proved by sufficient and 2. Detailed narration of the facts and
convincing evidence circumstances that will serve as basis for the
d. Retrenchment must be in GF for the charge against the employee. A general
advancement of its interest and not description of the charge will not suffice; and
to defeat or circumvent the EE’s 3. A directive that the employee is given
right to security of tenure opportunity to submit a written explanation
e. Must be fair and reasonable criteria within a reasonable period.
in ascertaining who would be
dismissed and who would be “Reasonable period”- at least 5 calendar days from
retained among the employees, the receipt of the notice to give the employee an

Compiled Labor Notes

opportunity to study the accusation, consult or be - An employee who has or had Tuberculosis
represented by a lawyer or union officer, gather data shall not be discriminated against. He/she
and evidence, and decide on the defenses against the shall be entitled to work for as long as they
complaint. are certified by the company’s accredited
health provider as medically fit and shall be
b.) After serving the first notice, the employer restored to work as soon as his/her illness is
should afford the employee ample controlled.
opportunity to be heard and to defend - Sexual harassment is considered a serious
himself/herself with the assistance of misconduct. It is reprehensible enough but
his/her representative if he/she desires, as more so when in inflicted by those with
provided in Article 299 (b) of the LC. moral ascendancy over their victim.

“Ample opportunity to be heard”- any Payment of Separation Pay

meaningful opportunity (verbal or written) given
to the employee to answer the charges against Separation pay shall be paid by the employer to an
him/her and submit evidence in support of employee terminated due to installation of labor-
his/her defense, whether in a hearing, saving devices, redundancy, retrenchment, closure or
conference or some other fair, just and cessation of operations not due to serious business
reasonable way. losses or financial reverses and diseases.

An employee terminated due to installation of labor

Termination of employment based on authorized saving devices or redundancy
- Separation pay equivalent to at least 1
The requirements of due process shall be deemed month pay or at least 1 month pay for every
complied with upon service of a written notice to the year of service, whichever is higher, a
employee and the appropriate Regional Office of the fraction of 6 months service is considered as
DOLE at least 30 days before the effectivity of the 1 whole year.
termination specifying the ground or grounds for
termination. An employee terminated due retrenchment

Causes of termination under the CBA - Separation pay equivalent to 1 month pay or
atleast ½ month pay for every year of
An employee may also be terminated based on the service, whichever is higher, a fraction of 6
grounds provided under the CBA. months service is considered as 1 whole
Other causes of Termination
An employee terminated due to closure or cessation
a.) The employer may also terminate an of business operations not due to serious business
employee based on reasonable and lawful losses
grounds specified under its company
policies. - Separation pay equivalent to 1 month pay or
b.) An employee found positive for use of at least ½ pay for every year of service,
dangerous drugs shall be dealt with whichever is higher, a fraction of 6 months
administratively which shall be a ground for service is considered as 1 whole year.
suspension or termination. - Where closure is due to serious business
losses or financial reverses, no separation
- An employee shall not be terminated from pay is required.
work based on actual, perceived or
suspected HIV status. An employee terminated due to disease
- An employee shall not be terminated on the
basis of actual, perceived or suspected - Separation pay equivalent to at least 2
Hepatitis B status. month salary or ½ month salary for every

Compiled Labor Notes

year of service, whichever is higher, a Contract between a legitimate labor union and the
fraction of 6 months service is considered 1 employer concerning wages, hours of work, and all
whole year. other terms and conditions of employment in a
bargaining unit.

Right to Self- Organization

Hanging question: Purpose of creating labor union
It is the policy of the State to promote the free and
responsible exercise of the right to self- organization Workers association
through the establishment of a simplified mechanism – no CBA; no employer-employee relationship
for the speedy registration of labor unions and (Intermittent workers)
workers’ association, determination of
representation status and resolution of inter/intra-
union and other related labor disputes. Formation of labor union

Only legitimate or registered labor unions shall have 1) Set a conference (commonality of interest)
the right to represent their members for collective 2) Elect officers; draft constitution and by laws
bargaining for other purposes. 3) If independent labor unions, 20 % (List of
members shall be submitted to DOLE)
Workers’ association shall have the right to represent
their members for purposes other than collective How will you organize a labor union?
1. Identification of the bargaining unit
Bargaining Unit 2. Organization of the labor union
3. Register the labor union
Group of employees sharing mutual interest w/n a
given employer unit, comprised of all or less that of all Summary of Procedure involved in Labor Relations
the entire body of employees in the employer unit or
any specific occupational or geographical grouping 1.) Bargaining Unit
w/n such employer unit. 2.) Creation of Labor Union
3.) Labor Union/Org to Legitimate Labor
Bargaining Agent Union/Org
4.) Choosing the bargaining agent
A legitimate labor union organization duly recognized 5.) Collective Bargaining
or certified as the bargaining representative or agent 6.) Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA)
of all the employees in a bargaining unit.
If there is disagreement:
Labor Union/Organization
7.) Grievance machinery (if provided for in the
Any union/association of employees in the private CBA)
sector which exists in whole or in part for the purpose 8.) Peaceful concerted activities
of collective bargaining, mutual aid, interest,
cooperation, protection or other lawful purposes.

Legitimate Labor Organization 2nd meeting

Any labor organization in the private sector registered
or reported with the Department (DOLE) in Retirement (Art. 302 LC)
accordance with the rules
An employee may be retired upon reaching the
Collective Bargaining Agreement retirement age established in the collective
bargaining agreement or other applicable
employment contract.

Compiled Labor Notes

In case of retirement, the employee shall be entitled

to receive such retirement benefits as he may have Requirements for Registration (Art.240 of LC)
earned under existing laws and any collective (50-OM-1-4)
bargaining agreement and other agreements:
Provided, however, That an employee’s retirement Any applicant labor organization, association or group
benefits under any CB and other agreements shall not of unions or workers shall acquire legal personality
be less than those provided herein. and shall be entitled to the rights and privileges
granted by law to legitimate labor organizations upon
Existing Agreement bet. Er and Ee v. Labor Code issuance of the certificate of registration based on the
following requirements.
- EA shall prevail if it grants greater benefits to
an employee a) Fifty pesos (P50.00) registration fee;

22.5 days- equivalent pay/year of service b) The names of its officers, their addresses,
Optional Retirement- 60 yrs the principal address of the labor
Compulsory Retirement- 65 yrs organization, the minutes of the
organizational meetings and the list of the
GR: 5 years minimum years of service for you to workers who participated in such meetings;
acquire retirement benefits
XPN: If there is an existing retirement plan c) The names of all its members comprising at
Retirement pay: equivalent to at least ½ month least twenty percent (20%) of all the
salarary for every year of service, a fraction of at least employees in the bargaining unit where it
6 months being considered 1 whole year. seeks to operate; (As amended by Executive
Order No. 111, December 24, 1986)
- Unless the parties provide for broader
inclusions, the term ½ month salary shall d) If the applicant union has been in existence
mean 15 day plus 1/12 of the 13th month pay for one or more years, copies of its annual
and the cash equivalent of not more thank 5 financial reports; and
days of service incentive leaves.
e) Four (4) copies of the constitution and by-
Underground mining employee laws of the applicant union, minutes of its
adoption or ratification, and the list of the
- 50-60 yrs, atleast 5 years of service as members who participated in it.
underground mine worker may retire and
shall be entitled to all retirement benefits

Retail, service and agricultural and retail

establishments or operations Rights of a Legitimate Labor Organization ( R- C-Af-
Employing not more than 10 employees or workers
are exempted from the coverage of Art 302 of LC. a) To act as representative of its members for
purposes of CB
Nothing in Article 302 shall deprive any employee of b) To be certified as the exclusive
benefits to which he may be entitled under existing representative of all the employees in an
laws or company policies or practices. appropriate bargaining unit for the purposes
of CB
NOLASCO: Bargaining Unit and Labor Union c) To be furnished by the employer, upon
difference written request, with its annual audited
financial statements within 30 days from the
date of receipt of the request, after the
union has been duly recognized by the

Compiled Labor Notes

d) To own property, real or personal, for the b. The members shall be entitled to full and
use and benefit of the LO and its members. detailed reports from their officers and
e) To sue and be sued in its registered name representatives of all financial transactions
f) To undertake all other activities designed to as provided for in the constitution and by-
benefit the organization and its members, laws of the organization;
including cooperatives, housing, welfare and
other projects not contrary to law. c. The members shall directly elect their
officers, including those of the national
The income and property of a LLO (grants, gifts, union or federation, to which they or their
donations etc.) – free from taxes union is affiliated, by secret ballot at
intervals of five (5) years. No qualification
Reportorial Requirements (Article 252 of LC) requirements for candidacy to any position
(COAM) shall be imposed other than membership in
good standing in subject labor organization.
The following are documents required to be The secretary or any other responsible union
submitted to the Bureau by the legitimate labor officer shall furnish the Secretary of Labor
organization concerned: and Employment with a list of the newly-
elected officers, together with the
a) Its constitution, by laws or amendments appointive officers or agents who are
thereto, the minutes of ratification, and the entrusted with the handling of funds, within
list of members who took part in the thirty (30) calendar days after the election of
ratification of the constitution and by-laws officers or from the occurrence of any
within 30 days from adoption or ratification change in the list of officers of the labor
of the constitution and by-laws or organization; (As amended by Section 16,
amendments thereto; Republic Act No. 6715, March 21, 1989)
b) Its list of officers, minutes of the election of
officers and list of voters within 30 days from d. The members shall determine by secret
election; ballot, after due deliberation, any question
c) Its annual financial report within 30 days of major policy affecting the entire
after the close of every fiscal year; and membership of the organization, unless the
d) Its list of members at least once a year or nature of the organization or force majeure
whenever required by the Bureau. renders such secret ballot impractical, in
which case, the board of directors of the
Failure to comply with the above requirements shall organization may make the decision in
not be a ground for cancellation of union registration behalf of the general membership;
but shall be subject the erring officers or members to
suspension, expulsion from membership, or any e. No labor organization shall knowingly admit
appropriate penalty. as members or continue in membership any
individual who belongs to a subversive
organization or who is engaged directly or
Rights and conditions to membership in a LO (Art. indirectly in any subversive activity;
250 of LC)
f. No person who has been convicted of a
The following are the rights and conditions of crime involving moral turpitude shall be
membership in a labor organization: eligible for election as a union officer or for
appointment to any position in the union;
a. No arbitrary or excessive initiation fees shall
be required of the members of a legitimate g. No officer, agent or member of a labor
labor organization nor shall arbitrary, organization shall collect any fees, dues, or
excessive or oppressive fine and forfeiture other contributions in its behalf or make any
be imposed; disbursement of its money or funds unless
he is duly authorized pursuant to its

Compiled Labor Notes

constitution and by-laws; resolution duly authorized by a majority of

all the members at a general membership
h. Every payment of fees, dues or other meeting duly called for the purpose. The
contributions by a member shall be minutes of the meeting and the list of
evidenced by a receipt signed by the officer participants and ballots cast shall be subject
or agent making the collection and entered to inspection by the Secretary of Labor or his
into the record of the organization to be kept duly authorized representatives. Any
and maintained for the purpose; irregularities in the approval of the
resolutions shall be a ground for
i. The funds of the organization shall not be impeachment or expulsion from the
applied for any purpose or object other than organization;
those expressly provided by its constitution
and by-laws or those expressly authorized by l. The treasurer of any labor organization and
written resolution adopted by the majority every officer thereof who is responsible for
of the members at a general meeting duly the account of such organization or for the
called for the purpose; collection, management, disbursement,
custody or control of the funds, moneys and
j. Every income or revenue of the organization other properties of the organization, shall
shall be evidenced by a record showing its render to the organization and to its
source, and every expenditure of its funds members a true and correct account of all
shall be evidenced by a receipt from the moneys received and paid by him since he
person to whom the payment is made, which assumed office or since the last day on which
shall state the date, place and purpose of he rendered such account, and of all bonds,
such payment. Such record or receipt shall securities and other properties of the
form part of the financial records of the organization entrusted to his custody or
organization. under his control. The rendering of such
account shall be made:
Any action involving the funds of the
organization shall prescribe after three (3) 1. At least once a year within thirty
years from the date of submission of the (30) days after the close of its fiscal
annual financial report to the Department of year;
Labor and Employment or from the date the
same should have been submitted as 2. At such other times as may be
required by law, whichever comes earlier: required by a resolution of the
Provided, That this provision shall apply only majority of the members of the
to a legitimate labor organization which has organization; and
submitted the financial report requirements
under this Code: Provided, further, that 3. Upon vacating his office.
failure of any labor organization to comply
with the periodic financial reports required
by law and such rules and regulations The account shall be duly audited and
promulgated thereunder six (6) months after verified by affidavit and a copy thereof shall
the effectivity of this Act shall automatically be furnished the Secretary of Labor.
result in the cancellation of union
registration of such labor organization; (As
amended by Section 16, Republic Act No. m. The books of accounts and other records of
6715, March 21, 1989) the financial activities of any labor
organization shall be open to inspection by
k. The officers of any labor organization shall any officer or member thereof during office
not be paid any compensation other than hours;
the salaries and expenses due to their
positions as specifically provided for in its
constitution and by-laws, or in a written

Compiled Labor Notes

n. No special assessment or other Atty. Nolasco: Agency fees are can be deducted to
extraordinary fees may be levied upon the non - union members.
members of a labor organization unless
authorized by a written resolution of a When will there be a valid deduction of agency fees?
majority of all the members in a general - There must be a benefit on the part of non-
membership meeting duly called for the union members
purpose. The secretary of the organization - Only in an organized establishment
shall record the minutes of the meeting
including the list of all members present, the Requirements for a local chapter to acquire legal
votes cast, the purpose of the special personality
assessment or fees and the recipient of such
assessment or fees. The record shall be The chapter shall be entitled to all other rights and
attested to by the president. privileges of a legitimate labor organization only upon
submission of the following documents:
o. Other than for mandatory activities under
the Code, no special assessments, attorney’s a) The names of the chapter’s officers, their
fees, negotiation fees or any other addresses, and the principal office of the
extraordinary fees may be checked off from chapter; and
any amount due to an employee without an
individual written authorization duly signed b) The chapter’s constitution and by-laws;
by the employee. The authorization should Provided, That where the chapter’s
specifically state the amount, purpose and constitution and by-laws are the same as
beneficiary of the deduction; and that of the federation or the national union,
this fact shall be indicated accordingly.
p. It shall be the duty of any labor organization
and its officers to inform its members on the Check off
provisions of its constitution and by-laws,
collective bargaining agreement, the - The method of deducting from an
prevailing labor relations system and all their employer’s pay, the amounts due to the
rights and obligations under existing labor union for fees, fines or assessments.
- The express consent of employee (Written
For this purpose, registered labor organizations may authorization signed by Ee) is required
assess reasonable dues to finance labor relations before a valid check off can be had.
seminars and other labor education activities.
- Failure of the union to comply with the
Any violation of the above rights and conditions of requirements set out by law invalidates the
membership shall be a ground for cancellation of questioned special assessment.
union registration or expulsion of officers from office,
whichever is appropriate. At least thirty percent - Attorney’s fees cannot be deducted without
(30%) of the members of a union or any member or the employee’s written consent.
members specially concerned may report such
violation to the Bureau. The Bureau shall have the Requisites of a valid check off: (ARF)
power to hear and decide any reported violation to
mete the appropriate penalty. 1. There must be individual written
authorization from the employees
2. The purpose of the fees must be the one
Criminal and civil liabilities arising from violations of
provided in the Constitution or by-laws of
above rights and conditions of membership shall
the union
continue to be under the jurisdiction of ordinary
3. When there is no such provision, there must
be a written resolution as approved by the
board of directors with ratification by
majority of members of the union.

Compiled Labor Notes

minutes of the election of officers, and the

FEDERATION c.) Voluntary dissolution by the members. (2/3
A union not One with at Not Directly of members in a meeting duly called for that
affiliated with least 10 LLOs organizer created by purpose)
any national that are the for CB but a National
federation or exclusive merely for Union or a Employer for cancellation of certification Requisites
union. bargaining mutual aid federation. Note: Membership misrepresentation is a valid
representative and ground for cancellation
Given legal in the BU that protection. Upon Unorganized establishment for baragaining Agent
personality they represent issuance of Hanging question: When may an employer file a
upon issuance Itinerant, a charter petition for cancellation?
of a certificate ambulant, certificate - When requested to bargain collectively and
of registration. rural and by the union status is in doubt.
self National
Once issued by employed Union or Modes in determining Collective Bargaining Agent
a certificate by and those Federation.
the BLR, then who do Unorganized Organized
they are not have Atty. Establishment Establishment
recognized as definite Nolasco: (no existing CBA yet) (there is already a LLO
a LLO. They employers Distinguish and an existing CBA)
will then have IU from LC. 1. SEBA 1.Run-off
legal 2. Run-off 2.Re run
personality. 3. Re run 3.Certification Election
4. Certification 4.Consent Election
5. Consent 1.
Atty. Nolasco: Financial Transactions of the Labor
Union – percentage requirement ( 20% voted for it of SEBA Certification
the 20 %)
2/3 = magic number for major decisions - Only in unorganized establishment (only 1
30 days- magic number for submission of reports (any
change of officers/amendment of by laws0 Requirements for request of SEBA certificate:

Grounds for cancellation of certification (Art. 246 of 1. Name & Address of the requesting LLO
LC) 2. Name & Address of company where it
The following may constitute grounds for cancellation 3. Bargaining unit sought to be represented
of union registration: 4. Approx. no. of employees in the BU
5. Statement of existence/non- existence of
a.) Misrepresentation, false statement or fraud other labor organization/CBA
in connection with the adoption or
ratification of the constitution and by-laws or Re-run election
amendments thereto, the minutes of
ratification, and the list of members who Refers to an election conducted to break a tie
took part in the ratification; between contending unions, including between “no
union and one of the unions. It shall likewise refer to
b.) Misrepresentation, false statement or fraud an election conducted after a failure of election has
in connection with the election of officers,

10 | P a g e
Compiled Labor Notes

been declared by the election officer and/or affirmed - The purpose of this bar is to give chance to
by the med- arbiter. the union to conclude a CBA with the
employer within 1 year.
Atty. Nolasco: When there will be a re-run, there will
be a notice, 5 days from election, and 10 days from 2. Contract bar Rule
posting, you can now conduct the re-run. In failure of - Existing CBA bars any other labor
election, there is a 6-month period. organization from filing a petition for CE
except within 60 day period.
Run-off election
3. Bargaining deadlock rule
An election between the labor unions receiving the - Provides that a petition for CE can only be
two highest number of votes in a certification or entertained if there is no pending bargaining
consent election with 3 or more choices, where such deadlock submitted to conciliation or
a certified or consent election results in none of the 3 arbitration or which has become the subject
or more choices receiving majority of votes for all of a valid notice os trike or lockout.
contending unions at least 50% of the number of - The purpose is to ensure stability in the
votes cast. relationship of the workers ad the
Consent Election

Agreed upon by the parties with or without the Atty. Nolasco:

intervention of DOLE. SEBA, Certification Election, Consent Election, Run
off and Re run
- Med Arbiter will determine if there is only
Certification Election one LLO in the bargaining unit
- Med Arbiter may still validly issue SEBA
- Process of determining the sole and Certification if there are more than one LLO
exclusive bargaining agent for purposes of (if they represent different bargaining
collective bargaining interest)
- Not proper if there is no employer-employee - e.g. Rank and file employees may have two
relationship bargaining units (regular and night shift
1. Filed within the freedom period Who may file a Petition for Certification Election?
2. Verified petition
3. Written consent of at least 25% of all the 1. if establishment is unorganized (an employer
employees of the bargaining unit may file a petition)
2. 1 LLO
Who may file:
1. Legitimate Labor Organization Several different representation of BU
2. Employer, when requested to bargain - there can still be a valid issuance of a SEBA
collectively and union status is in doubt. even if there is several bargaining units
representing the same interests
When to file:
Certification election and Consent election
GR: Anytime in the absence of CBA
EXC: Twin Majority Rule
1. Certification Year Bar Rule
1. Majority of the members of the BU must
- Provides that no petition for a CE may be have voted
filed within 1 year from the date of a valid 2. Majority of the valid votes cast
certification, consent, or run off election.

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*Failure of elections result when one of the majories NOLASCO: There may be spoiled ballots and invalid
is not met. votes which must be segregated.

Q: How do you determine SEBA in an unorganized


3rd meeting Modes in determining bargaining unit in an

organized establishment

*Tips for midterms: Memorize verbatim 1) Certification election

Expect objective type of questions; only 2 situational 2) Run off
3) Re run
Requisites for Run-off election 4) Consent Election
5) SEBA Certification
1) 3 or more choices
2) No choice (“No union) receiving Atty. Nolasco: SEBA Certification may still be had if
majority of the valid votes cast there are more than one (1) LLO for as long as they
3) The total of the two highest unions represent different interests (ex: regular and night
would be at least 50% of the shift Rank and File)
number of the voters cast
4) No objections or challenges which Q: When may a med arbiter validly issue a SEBA
if sustained, may substantially alter Certification in an organized establishment?
the result. A: When there still remains only one LLO in an
5) There is a valid election (majority of organized establishment after the expiration of the
employees in BU voted) CBA.

Failure of Election
Atty. Nolasco: The No union cannot be at
least 50% + 1 because there will be no way If less than the majority failed to cast their votes,
that the two highest unions would total to at there is a failure of election.
least 50%. Clearly, the bargaining unit does
not want a union. There should be also no Re-election may be had upon appeal of any of the
failure of elections. unions to be held within 6 months after the first
Problem: 100 employees, 51 employees who
voted Formation of CBA

A- 15 Procedure in Collective Bargaining (Art. 261 of LC)

B- 16
No union - 20 a) When a party desires to negotiate an
agreement, it shall serve a WRITTEN NOTICE
Answer: Run off is proper since the upon the other party with a statement of its
requisites are present in this case. No union proposals. The other party shall make a
garnered the highest number of votes, the REPLY thereto not later than 10 calendar
votes of the contending unions are more days from receipt of such notice;
than that required. b) Should differences arise on the basis of such
notice and reply, either party may request
Twin Majority Rule (Certification Elections) for a conference which shall begin not later
than 10 calendar days from the date of
1) Majority of the total number of employees in the request;
bargaining unit should have participated in voting. c) If the dispute is not settled, the Board shall
2) Majority of the valid votes cast intervene upon request of either or both
parties or at its own initiative and

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Compiled Labor Notes

immediately call the parties to conciliation

meetings. The Board shall have the power to In two conspicuous places within workplace for at
issue subpoena requiring the attendance of least 5 days prior to ratification. Posting is mandatory,
the parties to such meetings. It shall be the non compliance will render the CBA ineffective
duty of the parties to participate fully and (Association Trade Unions v. Trajano)
promptly in the conciliation meetings the
Board may call; Retroactivity
d) During the conciliation proceedings in the
Board, the parties are prohibited from doing - If the agreement within 6 months from the
any act which may disrupt or impede the expiration of the CBA- Day immediately
early settlement of the disputes; and following expiry date of CBA
e) The Board shall exert all efforts to settle - If agreement was reached beyond 6 months-
disputes amicable and encourage the parties date agreed by the parties
to submit their case to Voluntary Arbiter. - During assumption of jurisdiction over a
labor dispute- date fixed by the Secretary of
Duty to bargain collectively (Art 263 of LC) Labor

The performance of a mutual obligation to meet and Employer as Bystander Rule (Article 271)
convene promptly and expeditiously in good faith for
the purpose of negotiating an agreement with respect In all cases, whether the petition for certification
to wages, hours of work, and all other terms and election is filed by an employer or a legitimate labor
conditions of employment including the proposals for organization, the employer shall not be considered a
adjusting any grievances or questions arising under party thereto with a concomitant right to oppose a
such agreement and executing a contract petition for certification election.
incorporating such agreements if requested by either
party but such duty does not compel any party to The employer’s participation in such proceedings shall
agree to a proposal or to make any concession. be limited to:

1) Being notified or informed of

Automatic Renewal Clause petitions of such nature;
2) Submitting the list of employees
Parties shall observe the status quo and continue in during the pre- election conference
full force and effect, the existing CBA during the should the Med-Arbiter act
freedom period and/or until a new agreement is favorably on the petition.
reached. The automatic renewal clause pertains only
to the economic provisions of the CBA; it does not Petition during Freedom Period
include the representational aspect (PICOP Resources
v. Taeca) Art 264. Duty to bargain collectively when there
exists a CBA
Hold-Over Principle
When there is a collective bargaining agreement, the
Despite the lapse of the formal effectively of the CBA, duty to bargain collectively shall also mean that
it will continue to have forever and effect until a new neither party shall terminate nor modify such
CBA shall have been validly executed (Meralco v. agreement during its lifetime. However, either party
Quisimbing) can serve a written notice to terminate or modify the
agreement at least sixty (60) days prior to its
Automatic Incorporation Clause expiration date. It shall be the duty of both parties to
keep the status quo and to continue in full force and
Existing laws form part of a valid CBA without need effect the terms and conditions of the existing
for the parties to make reference to it. agreement during the 60-day period and/or until a
new agreement is reached by the parties.

Posting and Publication

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The purpose is to ensure stability in the relationships agreement during the 60-day period and/or until a
of the workers and the management by preventing new agreement is reached by the parties.
frequent modifications of any CBA earlier entered
into by them in GF and for the stipulated original Duty to bargain when there is no CBA
It is the mutual obligation of the employer and SEBA
Contract Bar Rule to meet and convene.

Existing CBA bars any other labor organization from The purposes of the meeting and convening are:
filing a petition for CE except within 60 day freedom
(1) To negotiate an agreement on wages, hours of
Instances where the contract bar rule will not apply? work, and all other terms and conditions of
A: if the CBA is void employment, including mandatory provisions for
grievances and arbitration machineries
Certification-year bar rule
(2) To execute a contract incorporating such
Provides that no petition for a CE May be filed within agreement
one year from the date of a valid certification,
consent, or run off election. Thus if an election had
been held but not one of the unions won, a PCE May
be filed again but only after 12 months. The same ban Kind of compliance
shall apply even if “NO UNION” won in the previous
election. The purpose of this bar is to give a chance to “prompt, expeditious, in good faith”
the union to conclude a CBA with the employer within
1 year. GR: Both parties must mutually observe the
terms in the CBA
Collective Bargaining Exception: If they agree to shorten the
period of CBA
Collective bargaining is a process where the parties
agree to fix and administer terms and conditions of Hold Over Principle – it May automatically
employment which must not be below the minimum be renewed
standards fixed by law, and set a mechanism for
resolving their grievances. Q: Until when may the old CBA recognize the
old CBA?
Art. 218 - It is the policy of the State to promote and A: Retroactive effect (if such CBA is executed
emphasize the primacy of free collective bargaining by the parties within 6 months right after the
and negotiations, including voluntary arbitration, expiration)
mediation and conciliation, as modes of settling labor After expiration of 6 months: will now fix as
or industrial disputes. to when the new CBA will take effect)

Duty to collectively bargain What are the strikeable grounds?

When there is a collective bargaining agreement, the 1. Union busting

duty to bargain collectively shall also mean that 2. Unfair Labor Practice
neither party shall terminate nor modify such 3. Bargaining Deadlock
agreement during its lifetime. However, either party
can serve a written notice to terminate or modify the
agreement at least sixty (60) days prior to its UNION UNFAIR BARGAINING
expiration date. It shall be the duty of both parties to BUSTING LABOR DEADLOCK
keep the status quo and to continue in full force and PRACTICE
effect the terms and conditions of the existing

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Compiled Labor Notes

There is an ULP violates A situation - Secretary of Labor shall assume jurisdiction:

attempt on the the consti between the If there is imputed interest, and if there is an
part of the Er rights of the labor and the impending strike, it may assume as well as
to dismantle workers and management the President
the LU. employees to of the
self- company - Effect of assumption of jurisdiction:
organization. where there is Secretary will observe status Quo and
These are also failure in the dismissed employees shall be reinstated
criminal collective
offenses bargaining Duration of the CBA
against the negotiations
State. resulting in a a) 5 years -as to the term of the Bargaining
stalemate. Agent and Representation Aspect
No period 15 days 30 days
No votation Votation Votation b) 3 years - as to Economic Aspect and all other
needed needed needed provisions

Atty. Nolasco: First 3 years of CBA, Er and Ees are

Cooling-off Period allowed to amend the provisions of the CBA. It will not
affect representation.
Observe cooling off period:
Note: New SEBA to implement existing CBA until
1. 30 days for Bargaining deadlock; negotiations may be validly had
2. 15 days for Unfair Labor Practice;
Q: P have agreed to a new CBA, not organized
- In case of union busting, where the existence
of the union is threatened, the cooling off If CBA has been signed today, will that also be
period shall not apply and the union may effective today:
take action immediately.
A: NO. 30 days

Union Busting - A range of activities Duty to register- Not ministerial, discretionary

undertaken to disrupt or prevent the
formation of trade unions. Union busting Strike v. Picketing
tactics can refer to both legal and illegal
activities and can range anywhere from STRIKE PICKETING
subtle to violent. any temporary Picketing - The
stoppage of work purpose of pickets
by the concerted is said to be a
Q: Secretary of Labor may interrupt when? action of means of
employees as a peaceable
Employer: reduced offer result of an persuasion.
Employee: improved offer industrial or labor
Next: Secret balloting voting A coercive Picketing involves
- If there will be agreement on the employees measure resorted merely the
will resume operations, will allow employees to by laborers to marching to and fro
to return to work enforce their at the premises of
demands. The idea the employer,
Q: Hospitals, Healthcare? behind a strike is usually
A: strikes should be avoided that a company accompanied by
engaged in a the display of

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Compiled Labor Notes

profitable business placards and other 5. A strike must be approved by a majority vote
cannot afford to signs making of the members of the union and a lockout must be
have its production known the facts approved by a majority vote of the members of the
or activities involved in a labor Board of Directors of the Corporation or Association
interrupted, much dispute. or of the partners in a partnership, obtained by secret
less, paralyzed. ballot in a meeting called for that purpose.
There is a stoppage Pickets are still
of work in strikes done after office 6. A strike or lockout vote shall be reported to
hours the NCMB-DOLE Regional Branch at least 7 days
before the intended strike or lockout subject to the
cooling-off period.

7. In the event the result of the strike/lockout

ballot is filed within the cooling-off period, the 7-day
Q: Requirements for Strike requirement shall be counted from the day following
the expiration of the cooling-off period (NSFW vs.
Answer: Art. 278 of LC Ovejera, G.R. No. 59743, May 31, 1982).

1. It must be based on a valid and factual 8. The dispute must not be the subject of an
ground; assumption of jurisdiction by the President or the SLE,
2. A strike or lockout notice shall be filed with a certification for compulsory arbitration, or
the NCMB at least 15 days before the submission to compulsory or voluntary arbitration or
intended date of the strike or lockout if the a subject of a pending case involving the same
issues raised are unfair labor practices, or at grounds for the strike or lockout.
least 30 days before the intended date
thereof if the issue involves bargaining NOTE: When, in his opinion, there exists a labor
deadlock. dispute causing or likely to cause a strike or lockout in
an industry indispensable to the national interest, the
NOTE: The failure of the union to serve the Secretary of Labor and Employment may assume
company a copy of the notice of strike is a jurisdiction over the dispute and decide it or certify
clear violation of Section 3, Rule XXII, Book V the same to the Commission for compulsory
of the Rules Implementing the LC. The arbitration. Such assumption or certification shall
Constitutional precepts of due process have the effect of automatically enjoining the
mandate that the other party be notified of intended or impending strike or lockout as specified
the adverse action of the opposing party in the assumption or certification order.
(Filipino Pipe and Foundry Corp. v. NLRC, G.R.
No. 115180, November 16, 1999). If one has already taken place at the time of
assumption or certification, all striking or locked out
3. In cases of dismissal from employment of employees shall immediately return-to-work and the
union officers duly elected in accordance with the employer shall immediately resume operations and
union constitution and by-laws, which may constitute readmit all workers under the same terms and
union-busting where the existence of the union is conditions prevailing before the strike or lockout.
threatened, the 15-day cooling-off period shall not
apply and the union may take action immediately Atty Nolasco:
after the strike vote is conducted and the result
thereof submitted to the DOLE. Requirements for a valid strike or lockout

There should be a votation: Strike vote + Lockout vote

4. Notice of conduct of strike vote 24 hours and a notice if strike or lockout respectively.
before the intended strike vote is filed with the DOLE
(compliance with the 24-hour prior notice rule). National Concern Principle (Art. 278 of LC)

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Strikes and lockouts in hospitals, clinics and similar

medical institutions shall, to every extent possible, be
avoided, and all serious efforts, not only by labor and
management but government as well, be exhausted
to substantially minimize, if not prevent, their adverse
effects on such life and health, through the exercise,
however legitimate, by labor of its right to strike and
by management to lockout.

In labor disputes adversely affecting the continued

operation of such hospitals, clinics or medical
institutions, it shall be the duty of the striking union
or locking-out employer to provide and maintain an
effective skeletal workforce of medical and other
health personnel, whose movement and services shall
be unhampered and unrestricted, as are necessary to
insure the proper and adequate protection of the life
and health of its patients, most especially emergency
cases, for the duration of the strike or lockout.

In such cases, therefore, the Secretary of Labor and

Employment may immediately assume, within
twenty-four (24) hours from knowledge of the
occurrence of such a strike or lockout, jurisdiction
over the same or certify it to the Commission for
compulsory arbitration.

Q: is the employer allowed to get employees in

replacement to those employees who are in strike?
A: Employer may allow to replace employees
temporarily, but it should not be raised later on to
refuse the employer to return

EXTRA READ: DOLE – 40-H – Jurisdiction and

Authority if Secretary of Labor

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