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(MARCH 2016)

Antiretroviral combination
therapy of HIV infection in
adults and adolescents from
12 years of age):
12 years of age with the
Recommended dose is one
Abacavir Sulphate 600 mg following criteria:
J05AR02964T1001X tablet once daily. Not to be
1 and Lamivudine 300 mg A* i) Patients unsuitable or failed
X used in adults or adolescents
Tablet other HAART treatment
weigh less than 40kg.
ii) Patients who are at high
risk of renal impairment
iii) Patients with osteoporosis
or at high risk of bone loss
Only for treatment of:
i) Non insulin dependent
diabetes mellitus (NIDDM)
when diet therapy is
Initially 50 mg daily, increase
A10BF01000T1001X to 3 times daily up to 100 mg
2 Acarbose 50 mg Tablet A/KK ii) Non insulin dependent
X 3 times daily. Max 200 mg 3
diabetes mellitus (NIDDM) in
times daily
combination with existing
conventional oral therapy
where glycaemic control is
Reduction of intraocular
pressure in open-angle
250mg 1-4 times a day, the
Acetazolamide 250 mg S01EC01000T1001X glaucoma, secondary
3 B dosage being titrated
Tablet X glaucoma and peri-
according to patient response
operatively in angle-closure
Reduction of intra-ocular
pressure in open-angle Adult : 250-1000mg per
Acetazolamide 500 mg S01EC01000P4001X glaucoma, secondary 24hours, usually in divided
4 B
Injection X glaucoma and peri- doses for amounts over
operatively in angle-closure 250mg daily
Diluted with dextrose 5% and
infused IV. Initial, 150 mg/kg
IV in 200 ml over 60 minutes,
Acetylcysteine 200 mg/ml V03AB23520P3001X Antidote for paracetamol then 50 mg/kg IV in 500 ml
5 A*
Injection X poisoning over 4 hours, followed by 100
mg/kg IV in 1000 ml over 16
hours. Total dose: 300mg/kg
in 20 hour
Prevention of myocardial
infarct, stroke, vascular
Acetylsalicylic Acid 100 mg, B01AC06259T1001X
6 B occlusion and deep vein 1 tablet daily
Glycine 45 mg Tablet X
thrombosis. Transient
ischaemic attacks
300 - 900 mg every 4 - 6
Acetylsalicylic Acid 300 mg N02BA01000T4001X hours as required. Max 4 g
7 C Mild to moderate pain
Soluble Tablet X daily. Use in children not

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ADULT: initially 25-30 mg
i) Severe form of psoriasis daily for 2-4 weeks, then
including erythrodermic adjusted according to
psoriasis and local or response, usually within
generalized pustular range 25-50 mg daily for
psoriasis. further 6-8 weeks (max: 75
ii) Severe disorders of mg daily). In disorders of
8 Acitretin 10 mg Capsule A* keratinization, such as - keratinization, maintenance
congenital ichthyosis - therapy of less than
pityriasis rubra pilaris - 20mg/day and should not
Darier's disease -other exceed 50mg/day CHILD:
disorders of keratinization 0.5mg/kg daily occasionally
which may be resistant to up to 1 mg/kg daily to a max.
other therapies 35 mg daily for limited
ADULT: initially 25-30 mg
i) Severe form of psoriasis daily for 2-4 weeks, then
including erythrodermic adjusted according to
psoriasis and local or response, usually within
generalized pustular range 25-50 mg daily for
psoriasis. further 6-8 weeks (max: 75
ii) Severe disorders of mg daily). In disorders of
9 Acitretin 25 mg Capsule A* keratinization, such as - keratinization, maintenance
congenital ichthyosis - therapy of less than
pityriasis rubra pilaris - 20mg/day and should not
Darier's disease -other exceed 50mg/day CHILD:
disorders of keratinization 0.5mg/kg daily occasionally
which may be resistant to up to 1 mg/kg daily to a max.
other therapies 35 mg daily for limited
Infected skin, lesions, cuts,
D08AA03000L6001X Apply undiluted three times
10 Acriflavine 0.1% Lotion C+ abrasions, wounds and
X daily to the affected part.
i) ADULT: 500 mcg IV daily
for max of 5 days. CHILD:
1.5 mg/m2 once every 3
weeks (if weight less than 10
Actinomycin D i) For solid tumours
L01DA01110P4001X kg, 50 mcg/kg)
11 (Dactinomycin) 500 mcg/ml A ii) Gestational trophoblastic
X ii) 500 mcg IV on Days 2, 4,
Injection disease
6, 8, 10, repeat every 7 - 10
days or 500 mcg IV bolus on
Days 1 and 2, repeat every
15 days

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i) Mucocutaneous Herpes
Simplex infection in
immunocompromised and
AIDS patients
i) ADULT: initially 400 mg 5
ii) Primary and recurrent
times daily for 7 - 14 days.
Varicella Zoster infection in
CHILD less than 2 years: 200
immunocompromised and
mg 4 times daily, CHILD
AIDS patients
more than 2 years: 400 mg 4
iii) Severe Kaposi Varicella
times daily
Eruption (Eczema
ii), iii) and iv) ADULT: 200 -
400 mg 4 times daily. CHILD:
iv) Severe primary HSV
less than 2 years, half adult
infections (eg. Neonatal
dose; more than 2 years,
J05AB01000T1001X herpes, encephalitis, eczema
12 Acyclovir 200 mg Tablet A/KK adult dose
X herpeticum, genital herpes,
v) ADULT: 800 mg 5 times
gingival stomatitis, vaginal
daily for 7 days
delivery with maternal vulva
vi) ADULT: 20 mg/kg
(maximum: 800 mg) four
v) Severe and complicated
times daily for 5 days, CHILD
varicella infection (eg.
6 years: 800 mg four times
Encephalitis, purpura
daily. CHILD less than 2
years; 400mg 4 times daily,
vi) Severe zoster infection in
more than 2 years; 800mg 4
paediatrics (eg. Encephalitis,
times daily
purpura fulminans,
patients and facial, sacral
and motor zoster)
i) Mucocutaneous Herpes
Simplex infection in
immunocompromised and
AIDS patients.
i) ADULT: initially 400 mg 5
ii) Primary and recurrent
times daily for 7 - 14 days.
Varicella Zoster infection in
CHILD less than 2 years: 200
immunocompromised and
mg 4 times daily, CHILD
AIDS patients.
more than 2 years: 400 mg 4
iii) Severe Kaposi Varicella
times daily.
Eruption (Eczema
ii), iii) and iv) ADULT: 200 -
400 mg 4 times daily. CHILD:
iv) Severe primary HSV
less than 2 years, half adult
infections (eg. Neonatal
dose; more than 2 years,
Acyclovir 200 mg/5 ml J05AB01000L8001X herpes, encephalitis, eczema
13 A* adult dose.
Suspension X herpeticum, genital herpes,
v) ADULT: 800 mg 5 times
gingival stomatitis, vaginal
daily for 7 days
delivery with maternal vulva
vi) ADULT: 20 mg/kg
(maximum: 800 mg) four
v) Severe and complicated
times daily for 5 days, CHILD
varicella infection (eg.
6 years: 800 mg four times
Encephalitis, purpura
daily. CHILD less than 2
years; 400mg 4 times daily,
vi) Severe zoster infection in
more than 2 years; 800mg 4
paediatrics (eg. Encephalitis,
times daily.
purpura fulminans,
patients and facial, sacral
and motor zoster).

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ADULT: 5 mg/kg by IV
infusion 8 hourly for 5 days,
doubled to 10mg/kg every 8
hourly in varicella-zoster in
the immunocompromised
and in simplex encephalitis
(usually given for at least 10
days in encephalitis; possibly
for 14 - 21 days). NEONATE
& INFANT up to 3 months
with disseminated herpes
Treatment and prophylaxis of
simplex: 20mg/kg every 8
herpes simplex in
J05AB01000P4001X hourly for 14 days (21 days in
14 Acyclovir 250 mg Injection A* immunocompromised, severe
X CNS involvement), varicella-
initial genital herpes and
zoster 10-20mg/kg every 8
Varicella -Zoster
hourly usually for 7 days.
CHILD, 3 months - 12 years:
Herpes simplex or Varicella
Zoster: 250 mg/m2 8 hourly
for 5 days, doubled to 500
mg/m2 8 hourly for varicella-
zoster in the
immunocompromised and in
simplex encephalitis (usually
given for 10 days in
Apply 1 cm 5 times daily.
S01AD03000G5101 Only for the treatment of
15 Acyclovir 3% Eye Ointment A* Continue for at least 3 days
XX herpes simplex keratitis
after healing
Herpes simplex infections of
D06BB03000G1001 the skin, including initial and Apply every 4 hours for 5 - 10
16 Acyclovir 5% Cream A*
XX recurrent labial and genital days
herpes simplex infections
i) Mucocutaneous Herpes
Simplex infection in
i) ADULT: initially 400 mg 5
immunocompromised and
times daily for 7 - 14 days.
AIDS patients.
CHILD less than 2 years: 200
ii) Primary and recurrent
mg 4 times daily, CHILD
Varicella Zoster infection in
more than 2 years: 400 mg 4
immunocompromised and
times daily.
AIDS patients.
ii), iii) and iv) ADULT: 200 -
iii) Severe Kaposi Varicella
400 mg 4 times daily. CHILD:
Eruption (Eczema
less than 2 years, half adult
dose; more than 2 years,
J05AB01000T1002X iv) Severe primary HSV
17 Acyclovir 800 mg Tablet A/KK adult dose.
X infections (eg. Neonatal
v) ADULT: 800 mg 5 times
herpes, encephalitis, eczema
daily for 7 days
herpeticum, genital herpes,
vi) ADULT: 20 mg/kg
gingival stomatitis, vaginal
(maximum: 800 mg) four
delivery with maternal vulva
times daily for 5 days, CHILD
6 years: 800 mg four times
v) Severe and complicated
daily. CHILD less than 2
varicella infection (eg.
years; 400mg 4 times daily,
Encephalitis, purpura
more than 2 years; 800mg 4
times daily.
vi) Severe zoster infection in
paediatrics (eg. Encephalitis,

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purpura fulminans,
patients and facial, sacral
and motor zoster).
i) Third line treatment of: -
Severe rheumatoid arthritis -
Psoriatic arthritis - Ankylosing
spondylitis after failure of
conventional DMARDs or
other biologics
ii)Treatment of adults with
moderate to severe chronic
plaque psoriasis who have
not responded to, have
contraindication or are
i) Severe rheumatoid arthritis,
unable to tolerate
Psoriatic arthritis, Ankylosing
phototherapy and/or systemic
spondylitis: Subcutaneous 40
therapies including acitretin,
mg every other week
methotreaxate and
ii) Chronic plaque psoriasis:
Initial, 80 mg SC, followed by
iii) Crohn's Disease
40 mg SC every other week
a) For treatment of
starting one week after the
moderately to severely active
initial dose
Crohn's Disease in adult
iii) & iv) Crohn's disease &
Adalimumab 40 mg L04AB04000P5001X patients who have
18 A* Ulcerative colitis: 160mg at
Injection X inadequate response to
week 0 (dose can be
conventional therapy
administered as four
b) For treatment of
injections in one day or as
moderately to severely active
two injections per day for two
Crohn's Disease in adult
consecutive days) and 80mg
patients who have lost
at week 2. After induction
response to or are intolerant
treatment, the recommended
to infliximab
maintenance dose is 40mg
iv) Ulcerative Colitis - For
every other week via
treatment of moderately to
subcutaneous injection.
severely active ulcerative
colitis in adult patients who
have had an inadequate
response to conventional
therapy including
corticosteroids and 6-
mercaptopurine or
azathioprine, or who are
intolerant to or have medical
contraindications for such
Acne vulgaris where
comedones, papules and
Apply once daily to the
D10AD03000G1001 pustules predominate in
19 Adapalene 0.1% Cream A* affected areas after washing
XX those sensitive to benzoyl
at bedtime
peroxide or topical tretinoin
[third line treatment]
Acne vulgaris where
Apply once daily to the
D10AD03000G3001 comedones, papules and
20 Adapalene 0.1% Gel A* affected areas after washing
XX pustules predominate in
at bedtime
those sensitive to benzoyl

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peroxide or topical tretinoin
[third line treatment]

i) Treatment of chronic
HBeAg positive and HBeAg
negative hepatitis B infection
in adults with compensated
Adult (18-65 years): 10mg
liver function (lamivudine
Once Daily Renal Dose
should be tried first)
Adjustment : 10mg every
Adefovir Dipivoxil 10 mg J05AF08000T1001X ii) Lamivudine-resistant
21 A* 48hours (30-49ml/min); 10mg
Tablet X chronic hepatitis B virus
every 72hours (10-29ml/min);
infection with either
10mg every 7 days
compensated or
decompensated hepatitis
function (only by hepatologist
and gastroenterologist for
approved indications)
ADULT: Initially: 3 mg given
as a rapid IV bolus (over 2
seconds). Second dose: If
the first dose does not result
in elimination of the
supraventricular tachycardia
Rapid conversion of with in 1 or 2 minutes, 6 mg
Adenosine 3 mg/ml C01EB10000P3001X
22 B paroxysmal supraventricular should be given also as a
Injection X
tachycardia to sinus rhythm rapid IV bolus. Third dose: If
the second dose does not
result in elimination of the
supraventicular tachycardia
with in 1-2 minutes, 12 mg
should be given also as a
rapid IV bolus
Adrenaline Acid 1 mg by intravenous injection
C01CA24123P3001 Cardiopulmonary
23 (Epinephrine) Tartrate 1 B repeated every 3-5 minutes
XX resuscitation
mg/ml Injection according to response
The recommended dose is
2mg aflibercept, equivalent to
0.05mL (50 μL) given as
Treatment of neovascular intra-vitreal injection.
Aflibercept 40mg/ml S01LA05000P3001X
24 A* (wet) age-related macular Aflibercept treatment is
solution vial for injection X
degeneration (wet AMD). initiated with one injection per
month for three consecutive
doses, followed by one
injection every two months.
The recommended dose is
N06AX22000T1001X 25mg once daily at bedtime,
25 Agomelatine 25 mg Tablet A* Major depression
X maybe increased to 50mg
once daily at bedtime.
i) Child 12-24months: 200mg
as a single dose
ii) Adult & Child above 2
i) Single or mixed infestations
P02CA03000T1001X years: 400mg as a single
26 Albendazole 200 mg Tablet C+ of intestinal parasites
X dose for 3 consecutive days;
ii) Strongyloides infection
Child 12 - 24months: 200mg
as a single dose for 3
consecutive days

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i) Child 12-24months: 200mg
as a single dose
ii) Adult & Child above 2
i) Single or mixed infestations
Albendazole 200 mg/5 ml P02CA03000L8001X years: 400mg as a single
27 C+ of intestinal parasites
Suspension X dose for 3 consecutive days;
ii) Strongyloides infection
Child 12 - 24months: 200mg
as a single dose for 3
consecutive days
D08AX08000L9901X Use as antiseptic and Apply to the skin undiluted or
28 Alcohol 70% Solution C+
X disinfectant when needed
1 tablet once weekly
Osteoporosis in [70mg/5600 IU]. Patient
postmenopausal women with should receive supplemental
a history of vertebral fracture calcium or vitamin D, if
and whom oestrogen dietary vitamin D inadequate.
replacement therapy is The tablet should be taken at
contraindicated. Review least half and hour before the
treatment after 2 years and if first food, beverage, or
there is positive response, medication of the day with
Alendronate Sodium 70 mg
M05BB03972T1002 treatment may be continued plain water only. To facilitate
29 and Cholecalciferol 5600 IU A*
XX up to 5 years and then re- delivery to stomach and thus
evaluate. Treatment should reduce the potential for
be stopped if there is no esophageal irritation, it
positive response after 5 should only be swallowed
years. Otherwise, patient upon arising for the day with
needs to be given drug a full glass of water and
holiday for 1 to 2 years and patient should not lie down
then continue treatment shall for at least 30 minutes and
the benefit outweigh the risk. until after their first food of
the day.
Osteoporosis in
postmenopausal women with
a history of vertebral fracture
and whom oestrogen
replacement therapy is 70 mg once weekly. Swallow
contraindicated. Review the tablet whole with a full
treatment after 2 years and if glass of plain water only on
there is positive response, an empty stomach at least 30
Alendronate Sodium 70 mg M05BA04520T1001 treatment may be continued minutes before breakfast
30 A*
Tablet XX up to 5 years and then re- (and any other oral
evaluate. Treatment should medication); stand or sit
be stopped if there is no upright for at least 30
positive response after 5 minutes and do not lie down
years. Otherwise, patient until after eating breakfast
needs to be given drug
holiday for 1 to 2 years and
then continue treatment shall
the benefit outweigh the risk.
i) Renal osteodystrophy in
patients on haemodialysis Initial dose ADULT and
ii) Hypoparathyroidism and CHILD above 20kg body
pseudohypoparathyroidism weight: 1 mcg daily; CHILD
Alfacalcidol 0.25 mcg A11CC03000C1001
31 A/KK iii) Adjunct to the under 20kg body weight: 0.05
Capsule XX
management of tertiary mcg/kg/day. Maintenance
hyperparathyroidism dose : 0.25 mcg to 2 mcg
iv) Rickets and osteomalacia daily
v) Osteoporosis

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i) Renal osteodystrophy in
patients on haemodialysis Initial dose ADULT and
ii) Hypoparathyroidism and CHILD above 20kg body
pseudohypoparathyroidism weight: 1 mcg daily; CHILD
32 Alfacalcidol 1 mcg Capsule A/KK iii) Adjunct to the under 20kg body weight: 0.05
management of tertiary mcg/kg/day. Maintenance
hyperparathyroidism dose : 0.25 mcg to 2 mcg
iv) Rickets and osteomalacia daily
v) Osteoporosis
i) Renal osteodystrophy in
patients on haemodialysis
ii) Hypoparathyroidism and
33 Alfacalcidol 2 mcg/ml Drops A* iii) Adjunct to the NEONATES : 0.1 mcg/kg/day
management of tertiary
iv) Rickets and osteomalacia
v) Osteoporosis
Treatment of:
i) Renal osteodystrophy in
Adult: Initially, 1 mcg daily.
patients on haemodialysis
Maintenance: 0.25-1 mcg
ii) Hypoparathyroidism and
daily. Child: Premature
Alfacalcidol 2 mcg/ml A11CC03000P3001 pseudohypoparathyroidism
34 A* infants and neonates: 0.05-
Injection XX iii) Adjunct to the
0.1 mcg/kg daily; <20 kg:
management of tertiary
0.05 mcg/kg daily. Elderly:
0.5 mcg daily.
iv) Rickets and osteomalacia
v) Osteoporosis
For use as short acting Initial dose: 20 - 40 mcg/kg.
Alfentanil HCl 0.5 mg/ml N01AH02110P3001 narcotic analgesic in short Supplemental dose: 15
35 A*
Injection XX procedures and day-care mcg/kg or infusion 0.5 - 1.0
surgical procedures mcg/kg/min
Treatment of functional
G04CA01110T1001 symptoms related with
36 Alfuzosin HCl 10 mg Tablet A* 10 mg once a day pre bed
XX benign prostatic hypertrophy
20 mg/kg of body weight
administered once every 2
weeks as an intravenous
infusion. Monitoring It is
suggested that patients be
monitored periodically for IgG
antibody formation. Patients
who experience Infusion-
associated reactions
Alglucosidase alfa 5 mg/ml A16AB07000P4001X Infantile-onset Pompe suggestive of hypersensitivity
37 A*
Injection X disease may be tested for IgE
antibodies to alglucosidase
alfa. Treated patients who
experience a decrease in
benefit despite continued
treatment with Alglucosidase
Alfa, in whom antibodies are
suspected to play a role, may
be tested for neutralization of
enzyme uptake or activity.

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To be diluted with an equal
38 Alkaline Nasal Douche B To remove nasal plug volume of warm water before
i) Frequent and disabling
attacks of gouty arthritis (3 or
more attacks/year).
ii) Clinical or radiographic
signs of erosive gouty
arthritis. Initial dose: 100-300 mg
M04AA01000T1002 iii) The presence of daily. Maintenance: 300-600
39 Allopurinol 100 mg Tablet A/KK
XX tophaceous deposits. mg daily. Maximum: 900 mg
iv) Urate nephropathy. daily
v) Urate nephrolithiasis.
vi) Impending cytotoxic
chemotherapy or
radiotherapy for lymphoma or
i) Frequent and disabling
attacks of gouty arthritis (3 or
more attacks/year).
ii) Clinical or radiographic
signs of erosive gouty
arthritis. Initial dose: 100-300 mg
M04AA01000T1001 iii) The presence of daily. Maintenance: 300-600
40 Allopurinol 300 mg Tablet A/KK
XX tophaceous deposits. mg daily. Maximum: 900 mg
iv) Urate nephropathy. daily
v) Urate nephrolithiasis.
vi) Impending cytotoxic
chemotherapy or
radiotherapy for lymphoma or
Induction: 45 mg/m2 daily for
30 - 90 days. Maintenance:
45 mg/m2 daily for 2 weeks
All-Trans Retinoic Acid 10 L01XX14000C1001X Acute promyelocytic
41 A* every 3 months. Renal/or
mg Capsule X leukaemia
hepatic insufficiency:
25mg/m2 daily for 30-90
days. Refer to protocols
0.25 - 0.5 mg 3 times daily
(elderly or delibitated 0.25
N05BA12000T1001X mg 2-3 times daily),
42 Alprazolam 0.25 mg Tablet A/KK Anxiety disorders
X increased if necessary to a
total dose of 3 mg/day. Not
recommended for children
0.25 - 0.5 mg 3 times daily
(elderly or delibitated 0.25
N05BA12000T1002X mg 2-3 times daily),
43 Alprazolam 0.5 mg Tablet A Anxiety disorders
X increased if necessary to a
total dose of 3 mg/day. Not
recommended for children
0.25 - 0.5 mg 3 times daily
(elderly or delibitated 0.25
N05BA12000T1003X mg 2-3 times daily),
44 Alprazolam 1 mg Tablet A Anxiety disorders
X increased if necessary to a
total dose of 3 mg/day. Not
recommended for children

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0.05 - 0.1 mcg/kg/min by
For treatment of congenital
Alprostadil 500 mcg/ml C01EA01000P3001X continuous IV infusion, then
45 A* heart diseases which are
Injection X decreased to lowest effective
ductus arteriosus dependent
0.9 mg/kg (maximum of 90
mg) infused over 60 minutes
with 10% of the total dose
administered as an initial
intravenous bolus. Treatment
Alteplase 50 mg per vial B01AD02000P4001X Thrombolytic treatment of must be started as early as
46 A*
Injection X acute ischaemic stroke. possible within 4.5 hours
after onset of stroke
symptoms and after
exclusion of intracranial
haemorrhage by appropriate
imaging technique.
Aluminium Hydroxide 600 A02AB01250T1001X Dyspepsia, 600 mg- 1.2 g 4 times daily
47 A
mg Tablet X hyperphosphataemia and at bedtime or as required
Initial dose: 100 mg daily and
is increased to 100 mg twice
daily (not later than 4 p.m.)
Amantadine HCl 100 mg N04BB01110C1001
48 B Parkinson's disease after a week. Elderly over 65
Capsule XX
years: less than 100 mg or
100 mg at intervals of more
than 1 day
ADULT: (IM or IV): 15
mg/kg/day 8 - 12 hourly for 7
- 10 days. Maximum: 1.5
g/day. CHILD: 15 mg/kg/day
Amikacin 125 mg/ml J01GB06183P3003X Infections due to susceptible 8 - 12 hourly. Maximum: 1.5
49 A
Injection X organisms g/day. Neonates: Initial
loading dose of 10 mg/kg
followed by 7.5 mg/kg/day 12
hourly. Maximum
ADULT: (IM or IV): 15
mg/kg/day 8 - 12 hourly for 7
- 10 days. Maximum: 1.5
g/day. CHILD: 15 mg/kg/day
Amikacin 250mg/ml J01GB06183P3002X Infections due to susceptible 8 - 12 hourly. Maximum: 1.5
50 A
Injection X organisms g/day. Neonates: Initial
loading dose of 10 mg/kg
followed by 7.5 mg/kg/day 12
hourly. Maximum
i) Initially 1 - 2 tab daily
i) Diuretic as an adjunct to
Amiloride HCl 5 mg & adjusted according to
C03EA01900T1001X the management of
51 Hydrochlorothiazide 50 mg B response. Max : 4 tabs daily.
X oedematous states
Tablet ii) 1 -2 tabs daily as a single
ii) Hypertension
or divided dose
Dose to be individualised.
ADULT usually 500-2000 ml
B05BA01910P3001X Source of amino acids in
52 Amino Acids Injection A by IV. ADULT usual
X patients needing IV nutrition
requirement for amino acid:
1-2 g/kg/day

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Source of amino acids and Dose to be individualised.
Amino Acids with B05BA10910P3002X
53 A electrolytes in patients ADULT usual requirement for
Electrolytes Injection X
needing IV nutrition amino acid 1-2 g/kg/day
Source of amino acids, Dose to be individualised.
Amino Acids with Glucose B05BA10910P3003X carbohydrate and electrolytes ADULT usual requirement for
54 A
with Electrolytes Injection X in patients needing IV amino acid 1-2 g/kg/day,
nutrition carbohydrate 4-6 g/kg/day
Dose to be individualised.
Source of amino acids, ADULT: 500 - 2000 ml daily
Amino Acids, Glucose and
B05BA10910P3001X carbohydrate, lipid and given by IV. ADULT usual
55 Lipid with Electrolytes A
X electrolytes in patients requirement for amino acid 1-
needing IV nutrition 2 g/kg/ day, carbohydrate 4-6
g/kg/day, lipid 2-3 g/kg/day
Adult: Loading dose: 5 mg/kg
(ideal body weight) or 250-
500 mg (25 mg/ml) by slow
inj or infusion over 20-30 min.
Reversible airways Maintenance infusion dose:
Aminophylline 25 mg/ml R03DA05000P3001
56 B obstruction, acute severe 0.5 mg/kg/hr. Max rate: 25
Injection XX
brochospasm mg/min. Child: Loading dose:
same as adult dose.
Maintenance dose: 6 mth-9
yr: 1 mg/kg/hr and 10-16 yr:
0.8 mg/kg/hr.
200 mg 3 times daily for 1
week, then reduced to 200
mg twice daily for another
57 Amiodarone 200 mg Tablet A* Arrhythmias week. Maintenance dose,
usually 200 mg daily or the
minimum required to control
the arrhythmia
Initial infusion of 5mg/kg via
large venous access over 20-
120 minutes with ECG
Arrhythmias when other
Amiodarone 50 mg/ml C01BD01110P3001 monitoring; subsequent
58 A* drugs are contraindicated or
Injection XX infusion given if necessary
according to response up to
a maximum of 1.2 g in 24
Treatment of psychoses, Predominantly negative
particularly acute or chronic episodes: 50-300 mg once
schizophrenia disorders daily adjusted according to
characterized by positive the patient?s response.
symptoms(e.g. delusion, Mixed episodes with positive
N05AL05000T1001X hallucinations, thought and negative symptoms: 400-
59 Amisulpride 100 mg Tablet A*
X disorders) and/or negative 800 mg/day in 2 divided
symptoms(e.g. blunted doses adjusted according to
emotions, emotional and the patient?s response.
social withdrawal) including Should be taken on an empty
when the negative symptoms stomach (Preferably taken
predominate before meals)
Treatment of psychoses, Predominantly negative
particularly acute or chronic episodes: 50-300 mg once
N05AL05000T1002X schizophrenia disorders daily adjusted according to
60 Amisulpride 400 mg Tablet A*
X characterized by positive the patient?s response.
symptoms(e.g. delusion, Mixed episodes with positive
hallucinations, thought and negative symptoms: 400-

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disorders) and/or negative 800 mg/day in 2 divided
symptoms(e.g. blunted doses adjusted according to
emotions, emotional and the patient?s response.
social withdrawal) including Should be taken on an empty
when the negative symptoms stomach (Preferably taken
predominate before meals)
Initially 25mg 3 times a day.
Maintenance: 25-100mg daily
in divided doses.
Hospitalized patient:
100mg/day &gradually
Amitriptyline HCl 25 mg N06AA09110T1001X increase to 200-300mg/day.
61 B Depression
ELDERLY: initially 20-
30mg/day in divided doses w/
gradual increments. CHILD
under 16 years are not
Doses range from amlodipine
besylate 5 mg/valsartan 160
mg to amlodipine besylate 10
Essential hypertension in
mg/valsartan 320 mg
Amlodipine 10 mg and C09DB01935T1003X patients whose blood
62 A/KK ORALLY once daily, with
Valsartan 160 mg Tablet X pressure is not adequately
dose titration occurring every
controlled by monotherapy
1 to 2 weeks if necessary.
MAX amlodipine besylate 10
mg/valsartan 320 mg
C08CA01000T1002X 5 mg once daily. Max: 10 mg
63 Amlodipine 10 mg Tablet B Hypertension
X once daily
Doses range from amlodipine
besylate 5 mg/valsartan 160
mg to amlodipine besylate 10
Essential hypertension in
mg/valsartan 320 mg
Amlodipine 5 mg and C09DB01935T1002X patients whose blood
64 A/KK ORALLY once daily, with
Valsartan 160 mg Tablet X pressure is not adequately
dose titration occurring every
controlled by monotherapy
1 to 2 weeks if necessary.
MAX amlodipine besylate 10
mg/valsartan 320 mg
C08CA01000T1001X 5 mg once daily. Max: 10 mg
65 Amlodipine 5 mg Tablet B Hypertension
X once daily
One tablet daily i) A patient
whose blood pressure is not
adequately controlled on dual
therapy with amlodipine
besylate/valsartan/HCTZ. ii)
For convenience, patients
Treatment of essential receiving valsartan,
Amlodipine besylate 10mg,
hypertension. This fixed amlodipine and HCTZ from
valsartan 160mg, C09DX01941T1001X
66 A/KK combination drug is not seperate tablets may be
hydrochlorothiazide 12.5mg X
indicated for the initial switched to amlodipine
therapy of hypertension. besylate/valsartan/HCTZ
containing the same
component dosses. Dosage
may be increased after 2
weeks. The maximum
antihypertensive effect of

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besylate/valsartan/HCTZ is
reached within 2 weeks of
change in dose. The
maximum recommended
dose of amlodipine
besylate/valsartan/HCTZ is
10/320/25 mg. It can be
taken with or without food. It
is recommended to take it
with some water.
One tablet daily
i) A patient whose blood
pressure is not adequately
controlled on dual therapy
with amlodipine
ii) For convenience, patients
receiving valsartan,
amlodipine and HCTZ from
seperate tablets may be
switched to amlodipine
Treatment of essential
Amlodipine besylate 10mg, containing the same
hypertension. This fixed
valsartan 160mg, C09DX01941T1002X component dosses. Dosage
67 A/KK combination drug is not
hydrochlorothiazide 25mg X may be increased after 2
indicated for the initial
tablet weeks. The maximum
therapy of hypertension.
antihypertensive effect of
besylate/valsartan/HCTZ is
reached within 2 weeks of
change in dose. The
maximum recommended
dose of amlodipine
besylate/valsartan/HCTZ is
10/320/25 mg. It can be
taken with or without food. It
is recommended to take it
with some water.
One tablet daily
i) A patient whose blood
pressure is not adequately
controlled on dual therapy
with amlodipine
ii) For convenience, patients
Treatment of essential receiving valsartan,
Amlodipine besylate
hypertension. This fixed amlodipine and HCTZ from
5mg,valsartan C09DX01941T1004X
68 A/KK combination drug is not seperate tablets may be
160mg,hydrochlorothiazide X
indicated for the initial switched to amlodipine
12.5mg tablet
therapy of hypertension. besylate/valsartan/HCTZ
containing the same
component dosses. Dosage
may be increased after 2
weeks. The maximum
antihypertensive effect of
besylate/valsartan/HCTZ is

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reached within 2 weeks of
change in dose. The
maximum recommended
dose of amlodipine
besylate/valsartan/HCTZ is
10/320/25 mg. It can be
taken with or without food. It
is recommended to take it
with some water.
Amlodipine 5mg/losartan
50mg OR amlodipine
5mg/losartan 100mg orally
once daily. MAXIMUM
DOSE: amlodipine
5mg/losartan 100mg. No
Treatment of essential dosage adjustment in mild
hypertension in adults renal impairment. Not
Amlodipine Camsylate 5 mg
C09DB06935T1002X patients whose blood recommended in moderate to
69 and Losartan Potassium A/KK
X pressure is not adequately severe renal impairment or in
100 mg Tablet
controlled on either patients on dialysis. Not
monotherapy recommended in patients
who require lower dose of
losartan (25mg). Not
recommended in patients <
18 years as safety and
efficacy is not established in
this group
Amlodipine 5mg/losartan
50mg OR amlodipine
5mg/losartan 100mg orally
once daily. MAXIMUM
DOSE: amlodipine
5mg/losartan 100mg. No
Treatment of essential dosage adjustment in mild
hypertension in adults renal impairment. Not
Amlodipine Camsylate 5 mg
C09DB06935T1001X patients whose blood recommended in moderate to
70 and Losartan Potassium 50 A/KK
X pressure is not adequately severe renal impairment or in
mg Tablet
controlled on either patients on dialysis. Not
monotherapy recommended in patients
who require lower dose of
losartan (25mg). Not
recommended in patients <
18 years as safety and
efficacy is not established in
this group
Adults, the elderly and
children over 12 years: 10-
Ammonium Bicarbonate, R05CA04900L2101X 20ml, repeated after 4 hours
71 C Cough
Tincture Ipecac, etc Mixture X if required. Not more than 4
doses to be taken in any 24
Apply to affected nail once or
sometimes twice a week after
Amorolfine 5 % Nail D01AE16110L5001X
72 A* Fungal nail infections filling and cleansing, allow to
Lacquer X
dry, treat finger nail for 6
months, toe nail for 9 - 12

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months (review at intervals of
3 months)

Mild to Moderate infection:

25mg/kg/day (based on
Amoxicillin dose) in 2 divided
Amoxicillin & Clavulanate J01CR02961F2102X Infections caused by
73 A/KK dose. Severe infection:
228 mg/5 ml Syrup X susceptible organisms
45mg/kg/day (based on
Amoxicillin dose) in 2 divided
Infections caused by
CHILD less than 3 months:
susceptible organisms.
30mg/kg 12 hourly. 3 months
Amoxicillin 1 g & Respiratory tract, skin, soft
J01CR02961P4002X - 12 years: 30mg/kg 6 - 8
74 Clavulanate 200 mg A tissue, GUT infection,
X hourly. ADULT: 1.2 g by IV or
Injection septicaemia, peritonitis, post-
intermittent infusion 6 - 8
operative infection &
Infections caused by ADULT: 250 - 500 mg 3
J01CA04012C1001X susceptible strains of gram times daily. CHILD: 20 - 40
75 Amoxicillin 250 mg Capsule B
X positive and gram negative mg/kg/day in divided doses 8
organisms hourly
Infections due to beta-
lactamase producing strain
where amoxicillin alone is not ADULT & CHILD more than
Amoxicillin 500 mg & J01CR02961T1002X appropriate. Respiratory 12 years: Mild to moderate
76 A/KK
Clavulanate 125 mg Tablet X tract, skin, soft tissue, GUT infections: 625 mg twice
infection, septicaemia, daily.
peritonitis, post-operative
infection & osteomyelitis
Infections caused by
CHILD less than 3 months:
susceptible organisms.
30mg/kg 12 hourly. 3 months
Amoxicillin 500 mg and Respiratory tract, skin, soft
J01CR02961P4001X - 12 years: 30 mg/kg 6 - 8
77 Clavulanate 100 mg A tissue, GUT infection,
X hourly. ADULT: 1.2 g by IV or
Injection septicaemia, peritonitis, post-
intermittent infusion 6 - 8
operative infection and
Infections caused by ADULT: 250 - 500 mg 3
J01CA04012C1002X susceptible strains of gram times daily. CHILD: 20 - 40
78 Amoxicillin 500 mg Capsule B
X positive and gram negative mg/kg/day in divided doses 8
organisms hourly
CHILD less than 10 years:
Infections caused by
125 - 250 mg 8 hourly.
Amoxicillin Trihydrate 125 J01CA04012F1001X susceptible strains of gram
79 B CHILD less than 20 kg: 20 -
mg/5 ml Syrup X positive and gram negative
40 mg/kg/day in 3 - 4 divided
Amphotericin B 0.15% Eye S01A000801D2002X Fungal infection of the
80 A 1 drop hourly or 2 hourly
Drops X cornea
Amphotericin B 0.25% Eye S01A000801D2003X Fungal infection of the
81 A 1 drop hourly or 2 hourly
Drops X cornea
ADULT: 0.25 mg/kg/day by
IV infusion, gradually
Amphotericin B 50 mg J02AA01801P4001X increase if tolerated to 1
82 A Systemic fungal infections
Injection X mg/kg/day. Maximum in
severe cases: 1.5 mg/kg
daily or on alternate days.

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For neonates, lower doses
are recommended
ADULT: (1-) 2-6g daily
CHILDREN: (25-) 50-
Ampicillin Sodium &
J01CR01961F2101X Treatment of susceptible 100mg/kg daily
83 Sulbactam Sodium 250 A
X bacterial infections PREMATURE AND
mg/5 ml Suspension
NEWBORNS: 25-50mg/kg
ADULT: 375-750mg twice
Ampicillin Sodium & daily CHILDREN AND
J01CR01961T1001X Treatment of susceptible
84 Sulbactam Sodium 375 mg A/KK INFANTS: 25-50mg/kg/day in
X bacterial infections
Tablet 2 divided doses, if ≥ 30kg
use an adult dose
ADULT: 1.5 - 12 g/day in
divided doses 6 - 8 hourly.
Maximum: 4 g Sulbactam.
CHILD: 150-300 mg/kg/day 6
- 8 hourly. Prophylaxis of
Ampicillin Sodium 1g &
J01CR01961P4002X Treatment of susceptible surgical infections: 1.5 - 3 g
85 Sulbactam Sodium 500mg A
X bacterial infections at induction of anaesthesia.
May be repeated 6 - 8 hourly.
NEONATES: First week of
life, 75mg/kg/day in divided
doses every 12 hour

ADULT: 1.5 - 12 g/day in

divided doses 6 - 8 hourly.
Maximum: 4 g Sulbactam per
Ampicillin Sodium 500 mg &
J01CR01961P4001X Treatment of susceptible day. CHILD: 150-
86 Sulbactam Sodium 250 mg A
X bacterial infections 300mg/kg/day 6 - 8 hourly.
Prophylaxis: 1.5 -3 g at
induction of anaesthesia.
May be repeated 6 - 8 hourly
250 - 500 mg IM/IV every 4 -
6 hours. Maximum: 400
Treatment of susceptible mg/kg/day. Meningitis: 2 g 6
Ampicillin Sodium 500 mg J01CA01520P4001X bacterial infections (non beta- hourly. CHILD: 150
87 B
Injection X lactamase-producing mg/kg/daily IV in divided
organisms); meningitis doses. Usual children dose
less than 10 years, half adult
CHILD: 50 - 100 mg/kg/day 4
Treatment of susceptible
times daily. Under 1 year:
Ampicillin Trihydrate 125 J01CA01012F2101X bacterial infections (non beta-
88 B 62.5 - 125 mg 4 times daily, 1
mg/5 ml Suspension X lactamase-producing
- 10 years: 125 - 250 mg 4
times daily
Treatment of hormone
responsive metastatic or
89 Anastrozole 1 mg Tablet A* locally advanced breast 1 mg daily
cancer after failure of
Treatment of invasive
Loading dose of 200 mg on
candidiasis, including
day 1, then 100 mg once
Anidulafungin 100mg J02AX06000P3001X candidemia in adults when
90 A* daily thereafter for at least 14
Injection X intolerance or resistance to
days after the last positive
Amphotericin B or

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ADULT: Instill 1 drop, 3 - 4
Antazoline HCl, Hay fever, conjunctivitis,
times daily, into the lower
Tetrahydrozoline HCl and S01GA52110D2001 allergic conjunctivitis, vernal
91 A/KK eyelid. CHILD 2 - 12 years :
Benzalkonium Cloride Eye XX keratoconjunctivitis and
Instill 1 drop daily or twice
Drops eczematosa
Prevention of Rh(D)
sensitisation to Rh(D)- i) Antepartum prophylaxis:
negative woman: The recommended dose is a
i) Pregnancy/delivery of single dose of 300mcg
Rh(D)-positive infant administered by IV or IM
ii) Abortion/threatened injection ii) Postpartum
abortion, ectopic pregnancy prophylaxis: 300mcg should
Anti RhD Gamma Globulin
J06BB01000P3001X or hydatidiform mole be administered as soon as
92 300 mcg/2 ml Injection (150 B
X iii) Transplacental possible after delivery and no
mcg = 750 IU)
haemorrhage resulting from later than 72 hours
antepartum haemorrhage, thereafter, by IV or IM route.
amniocentesis, chorionic If the 72-hour limit is
biopsy or obstetric exceeded, anti-Rh (D)
manipulative procedures e.g. immunoglobulin must be
external version or abdominal administered anyway.
i) To be used when
conventional anti-rejection
therapy is not successful
ii) Treatment of aplastic
anaemia not responding to
oxymethalone after 3
months, in which there is
persistent pancytopenia with
repeated attacks of 10 - 30 mg/kg body weight
septicaemia and bleeding. daily. Slow IV infusion (over
L04AA03000P3001X iii) Severe aplastic anaemia at least 4 hours) diluted in
93 te Immunoglobulin (from A*
X with the following 250 - 500 ml Normal Saline.
Horse) Injection
parameters: For Graft versus host disease
a) Granulocyte less than treatment:40 mg/kg/day
0.5x109/L b) Platelet less
than 20x109/L
c) Reticulocyte less than
iv) As a conditioning regime
prior to transplant.
v) Graft-versus-host disease
20 iu/kg; half by IM and half
Antirabies Immunoglobulin J06BB05000P3001X Treatment of rabies, post-
94 B by infiltration around the
(Human) 300 iu/2ml X exposure
i) Prophylaxis of acute graft
i) 1.0 - 1.5 mg/kg/day for 2 - 9
days after transplantation of
ii) Treatment of acute graft
a kidney, pancreas or liver,
for 2 - 5 days after heart
Antithymocyte iii) Prophylaxis of acute and
L04AA04000P3001X transplantation
95 Immunoglobulin (from A* chronic graft versus host
X ii) 1.5 mg/kg/day for 3 - 14
rabbit) Injection disease
days iii) 2.5 - 5.0 mg/kg/day
iv) Treatment of steroid-
for 4 days
resistant, acute graft versus
iv )2.5 - 5.0 mg/kg/day for 5
host disease v)Treatment of
aplastic anemia

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v )2.5 - 3.5 mg/kg/day for 5

Initial dose of 100ml of

reconstituted antivenene
given by slow intravenous
infusion (2ml/min).
Treatment of patients who Subsequent dose can be
exhibit manifestations of given every 12 hours
96 Antivenene Cobra Injection B systemic envenoming according to the clinical
following a bite by Cobra symptoms. As product may
(Naja kaouthia). differ from batches and
manufacturer, it is strongly
recommended to refer to the
product insert on dosing
Initial dose of 30ml of
reconstituted antivenene
given by slow intravenous
infusion (2ml/min).
Treatment of patients who Subsequent dose can be
exhibit manifestations of given every 6 hours
Antivenene Pit Viper J06AA03000P3001X systemic envenoming according to the clinical
97 B
Injection X following a bite by Malayan symptoms. As product may
Pit Viper (Calloselasma differ from batches and
rhodostoma). manufacturer, it is strongly
recommended to refer to the
product insert on dosing

Treatment of patients who 1000 units by IV infusion over

Antivenene Serum (Sea J06AA03000P3003X exhibit manifestations of 1/2 to 1 hour. In severe
98 B
snake) 1000 units Injection X systemic envenoming cases 3000 -10000 units may
following a bite by sea snake. be required
Recommended initial dose is
Treatment of patients who
20ml by intravenous infusion.
exhibit manifestations of
The injection should be given
systemic envenoming
very slowly as 5 minutes by
following a bite by Indian
Antivenene Serum Snake J06AA03000P3004X direct slow intravenous route
99 B Cobra (Naja naja), Common
Polyvalent Injection X or 1hour by infusion. If
Krait (Bungarus caeruleus),
symptoms continue, further
Russell's Viper (Daboia
doses are administered as
russelli) and Saw-scaled
required until symptoms
Viper (Echis carinatus).
completely disappear.
In combination with other
125 mg 1 hour prior to
antiemetic agents for
chemotherapy on Day 1. To
prevention of delayed nausea
A04AD12000C1002 be given as part of a 3-day
100 Aprepitant 125 mg Capsule A* and vomiting associated with
XX regimen that includes a
initial and repeat course of
corticosteroid and a 5-HT3
highly emetogenic
In combination with other
80 mg once daily in the
antiemetic agents for
A04AD12000C1001 morning on Days 2 and Day
101 Aprepitant 80 mg Capsule A* prevention of delayed nausea
XX 3. To be given as part of a 3-
and vomitting associated with
day regimen that includes a
initial and repeat course of

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highly emetogenic corticosteroid & a 5-HT3
chemotherapy antagonist

All patients should receive a

1 ml IV test dose at least 10
minutes prior to loading dose.
Initially 2 million KIU bolus
Aprotinin 10,000 KIU/ml B02AB01000P3001X Only for Open Heart Surgery
102 A* followed by 2 million KIU in
Injection X (extracorporeal circulation)
heart-lung machine followed
by a slow infusion of 500,000
KIU/hr until end of surgery.
CHILD: 20,000 KIU/kg/day
D02AX00000G1001 As a soap or apply to the skin
103 Aqueous Cream C+ Dry skin
XX as an emollient cream
i) Treatment of acute
Schizophrenia: 10 or 15
episodes of schizophrenia
mg/day. Maintenance dose:
and for maintenance of
15 mg/day. Bipolar mania:
N05AX12000T1001X clinical improvement during
104 Aripiprazole 10mg Tablet A* Starting dose: 15 or 30
X continuation therapy.
mg/day. Dose adjustment
ii) Treatment of acute manic
should occur at intervals of
episodes associated with
not less than 24 hour
bipolar I disorder
i) Treatment of acute
episodes of schizophrenia Schizophrenia: 10 or 15
and for maintenance of mg/day. Maintenance dose:
clinical improvement during 15 mg/day. Bipolar mania:
105 Aripiprazole 15mg Tablet A* continuation therapy. Starting dose: 15 or 30
ii) Treatment of acute manic mg/day. Dose adjustment
episodes associated with should occur at intervals of
bipolar I disorder not less than 24 hour

Induction: 0.15 mg/kg/day IV

until bone marrow remission.
Total induction dose ≤ 60
Relapsed acute doses. Consolidation : 0.15
promyelocytic leukaemia mg/kg/day IV for 25 doses in
Arsenic Trioxide 1 mg/ml L01XX27550P3001X
106 A* (APML). To be prescribed by 5 weeks (5 days per week,
Injection X
consultant haematologist followed by 2 days
only interruption; treatment should
begin 3-6 weeks after
completion of induction
ADULT and CHILD over 12
years weighing over 35 kg : 4
tablets as a single dose at
the time of initial diagnosis,
again 4 tablets after 8 hours
and then 4 tablets twice daily
Artemether 20mg + P01BE52981T1001X Acute uncomplicated
107 B (morning and evening) on
Lumefantrine 120mg X falciparum malaria
each of the following two
days (total course comprises
24 tablets). INFANT and
CHILD weighing 5 kg to less
than 35 kg : A 6 dose
regimen with 1 to 3 tablets

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per dose, depending on

Weight 5-8kg, Age 6-11

months, Dose: One tablet
25/55mg OD x 3 days Weight
Treatment of acute
: 9-17kg, Age 1-6 years,
uncomplicated Plasmodium
Artesunate 100 mg and Dose : Two tablet 25/55mg
P01BF02000T1002X falciparummalaria, resulting
108 Mefloquine HCI 220 mg A OD x 3 days Weight :18-
X either from P. falciparum
Tablet 29kg, Age 7-12 years, Dose
mono-infection or mixed
:One tablet 100/220mg OD x
infection with P. vivax.
3 days Weight ≥30kg, Age
≥13 years, Dose:Two tablet
100/220mg OD x 3 days
Weight 5-8kg, Age 6-11
months, Dose: One tablet
25/55mg OD x 3 days Weight
Treatment of acute
: 9-17kg, Age 1-6 years,
uncomplicated Plasmodium
Artesunate 25 mg and Dose : Two tablet 25/55mg
P01BF02000T1001X falciparummalaria, resulting
109 Mefloquine HCI 55 mg A OD x 3 days Weight :18-
X either from P. falciparum
Tablet 29kg, Age 7-12 years, Dose
mono-infection or mixed
:One tablet 100/220mg OD x
infection with P. vivax.
3 days Weight ≥30kg, Age
≥13 years, Dose:Two tablet
100/220mg OD x 3 days
2.4mg of artesunate/kg body
weight, by intravenous (IV) or
intramuscular (IM) injection,
at 0, 12 and 24 hours, then
once daily until oral treatment
can be substituted. For adults
Treatment of severe malaria
and children with severe
P01BE03000P3001X caused by Plasmodium
110 Artesunate 60 mg Injection A malaria or who are unable to
X falciparum in adults and
tolerate oral medicines,
artesunate 2.4 mg/kg body
weight IV or IM given on
admission (time = 0), then at
12 hrs and 24 hrs, then once
a day for 5-7 days is the
recommended treatment.
ADULT: 100-250 mg once or
twice daily CHILD: 100 mg
Ascorbic Acid 100 mg A11GA01000T1002X
111 C+ Vitamin C deficiency three times daily for one
Tablet X
week followed by 100mg
daily until symptoms abate.
ADULT: 100-250 mg once or
twice daily CHILD: 100 mg
Ascorbic Acid 500 mg A11GA01000T1003X
112 C+ Vitamin C deficiency three times daily for one
Tablet X
week followed by 100mg
daily until symptoms abate.
Ascorbic Acid 500 mg/2 ml A11GA01000P3001 For prevention and treatment Therapeutic: Not less than
113 B
Injection XX of scurvy 250 mg daily in divided doses

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For second or third line i) Schizophrenia: - Acute
treatment in adult for: treatment in adults:
i) Schizophrenia Recommended starting and
ii) Bipolar Disorder - target dose of asenapine is
Monotherapy: Acute 5mg given twice daily. -
treatment of manic or mixed Maintenance dose: 5mg
Asenapine 10mg Sublingual N05AH05253T7002X episodes associated with twice daily.
114 A*
Tablet X Bipolar I disorder. - ii) Bipolar Disorder: -
Adjunctive therapy: As Monotherapy: 10mg twice
adjunctive therapy with either daily. Adjunctive therapy:
lithium or valproate for the 5mg twice daily with lithium
acute treatment of manic or or valproate. Dose can be
mixed episodes associated increased to 10mg twice daily
with Bipolar I Disorder. based on clinical response.
For second or third line i) Schizophrenia: - Acute
treatment in adult for: treatment in adults:
i) Schizophrenia Recommended starting and
ii) Bipolar Disorder - target dose of asenapine is
Monotherapy: Acute 5mg given twice daily. -
treatment of manic or mixed Maintenance dose: 5mg
Asenapine 5mg Sublingual N05AH05253T7001X episodes associated with twice daily.
115 A*
Tablet X Bipolar I disorder. - ii) Bipolar Disorder: -
Adjunctive therapy: As Monotherapy: 10mg twice
adjunctive therapy with either daily. Adjunctive therapy:
lithium or valproate for the 5mg twice daily with lithium
acute treatment of manic or or valproate. Dose can be
mixed episodes associated increased to 10mg twice daily
with Bipolar I Disorder. based on clinical response.
Hypertension and arrythmias;
Hypertension, angina
C07AB03000T1002X 50 - 100 mg daily, Angina;
116 Atenolol 100 mg Tablet B pectoris, myocardial
X 100 mg daily, Myocardial
infarction and arrhythmias
infarction; individualised
Hypertension and arrythmias;
Hypertension, angina
C07AB03000T1001X 50 - 100 mg daily, Angina;
117 Atenolol 50 mg Tablet B pectoris, myocardial
X 100 mg daily, Myocardial
infarction and arrhythmias
infarction; individualised
up to 70 kg: Initially 0.5
Attention deficit hyperactivity
mg/kg/day for at least 7 days,
disorder (ADHD) in children 6
then increased according to
years and older who do not
response. Maintenance: 1.2
respond to methylphenidate
Atomoxetine HCl 10 mg N06BA09110C1001 mg/kg/day. ADULTS and
118 A* or who have intolerable
Capsule XX ADOLESCENTS more than
effects or have tics.
70 kg: Initially 40 mg/day for
Diagnosis should be made
at least 7 days then
according to DSM IV criteria
increased according to
or the guidelines in ICD-10
response. Maintenance: 80
mg/day. Max 100 mg/ day
Attention deficit hyperactivity CHILD and ADOLESCENTS
disorder (ADHD) in children 6 up to 70 kg: Initially 0.5
years and older who do not mg/kg/day for at least 7 days,
respond to methylphenidate then increased according to
Atomoxetine HCl 18 mg N06BA09110C1002
119 A* or who have intolerable response. Maintenance: 1.2
Capsule XX
effects or have tics. mg/kg/day. ADULTS and
Diagnosis should be made ADOLESCENTS more than
according to DSM IV criteria 70 kg: Initially 40 mg/day for
or the guidelines in ICD-10 at least 7 days then

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increased according to
response. Maintenance: 80
mg/day. Max 100 mg/ day
up to 70 kg: Initially 0.5
Attention deficit hyperactivity
mg/kg/day for at least 7 days,
disorder (ADHD) in children 6
then increased according to
years and older who do not
response. Maintenance: 1.2
respond to methylphenidate
Atomoxetine HCl 25 mg N06BA09110C1003 mg/kg/day. ADULTS and
120 A* or who have intolerable
Capsule XX ADOLESCENTS more than
effects or have tics.
70 kg: Initially 40 mg/day for
Diagnosis should be made
at least 7 days then
according to DSM IV criteria
increased according to
or the guidelines in ICD-10
response. Maintenance: 80
mg/day. Max 100 mg/ day
up to 70 kg: Initially 0.5
Attention deficit hyperactivity
mg/kg/day for at least 7 days,
disorder (ADHD) in children 6
then increased according to
years and older who do not
response. Maintenance: 1.2
respond to methylphenidate
Atomoxetine HCl 40 mg N06BA09110C1004 mg/kg/day. ADULTS and
121 A* or who have intolerable
Capsule XX ADOLESCENTS more than
effects or have tics.
70 kg: Initially 40 mg/day for
Diagnosis should be made
at least 7 days then
according to DSM IV criteria
increased according to
or the guidelines in ICD-10
response. Maintenance: 80
mg/day. Max 100 mg/ day
up to 70 kg: Initially 0.5
Attention deficit hyperactivity
mg/kg/day for at least 7 days,
disorder (ADHD) in children 6
then increased according to
years and older who do not
response. Maintenance: 1.2
respond to methylphenidate
Atomoxetine HCl 60mg N06BA09110C1005 mg/kg/day. ADULTS and
122 A* or who have intolerable
Capsule XX ADOLESCENTS more than
effects or have tics.
70 kg: Initially 40 mg/day for
Diagnosis should be made
at least 7 days then
according to DSM IV criteria
increased according to
or the guidelines in ICD-10
response. Maintenance: 80
mg/day. Max 100 mg/ day
Hypercholesterolaemia and
C10AA05000T1002X coronary heart disease 10 mg once daily. Maximum:
123 Atorvastatin 20 mg Tablet A/KK
X intolerant or not responsive 80 mg daily
to other forms of therapy
Hypercholesterolaemia and
C10AA05000T1001X coronary heart disease 10 mg once daily. Maximum:
124 Atorvastatin 40 mg Tablet A/KK
X intolerant or not responsive 80 mg daily
to other forms of therapy
Hypercholesterolaemia and
C10AA05000T1004X coronary heart disease 10 mg once daily. Maximum:
125 Atorvastatin 80 mg Tablet A/KK
X intolerant or not responsive 80 mg daily
to other forms of therapy

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Initial intravenous bolus dose
of 6.75mg (using 7.5mg/ml
To delay imminent preterm solution for injection).
birth in pregnant women with Immediately followed by a
i) Regular uterine continuous high dose
contractions of at least 30 infusion (loading infusion 300
seconds duration at a rate of mcg/min using 7.5mg/ml
≥ 4 per 30 minutes concentrate for solution for
Atosiban 7.5 mg/ml G02CX01122P3001
126 A* ii) A cervical dilation of 1 to 3 infusion) during three hours,
Injection XX
cm (0 - 3 nulliparas) and followed by lower infusion of
effacement of ≥ 50% 100mcg/min up to 45 hours.
iii) Age ≥ 18 years Duration of treatment should
iv) A gestational age from 28 not exceed 48 hours. Total
until 33 completed weeks dose given during a full
v) A normal foetal heart rate. course should not exceed
330mg of the active
Adult & childn >2 mth 0.3-0.6
mg/kg IV. Endotracheal
intubation dose: 0.5-0.6
Muscle relaxant in general
mg/kg. Supplementary dose:
Atracurium Besylate 10 mg M03AC04197P3001 anaesthesia, Endotracheal
127 A* 0.1-0.2 mg/kg as required.
/ml in 2.5 ml Injection XX intubation, Aid controlled
Continuous infusion rates of
0.3-0.6 mg/kg/hr to maintain
neuromuscular block during
long surgical procedure.
Adult & childn >2 mth 0.3-0.6
mg/kg IV. Endotracheal
intubation dose: 0.5-0.6
Muscle relaxant in general
mg/kg. Supplementary dose:
Atracurium Besylate 10 mg M03AC04197P3002 anaesthesia, Endotracheal
128 A* 0.1-0.2 mg/kg as required.
/ml in 5 ml Injection XX intubation, Aid controlled
Continuous infusion rates of
0.3-0.6 mg/kg/hr to maintain
neuromuscular block during
long surgical procedure.
Atropine Sulphate 0.3%,
Subconjunctival injection to
Cocaine HCl 1.7%, S01F000183P3001X
129 A dilate pupils resistant to 1 - 2 drops
Adrenaline Acid Tartrate X
topical mydriatics
0.03% Mydriatic Injection
MYDRIASIS: one drop of a
1% solution supplemented
Determination of refraction, with one drop of 2.5 or 10%
strabismus, iritis and phenylephrine prior to
Atropine Sulphate 1% Eye S01FA01183D2001X
130 B iridocyclitis, after extra or surgery.
Drops X
intracapsular extraction of ANTERIOR UVEITIS or
MYDRIASIS : one drop of a
1% or 2% solution up to 3
times a day

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i) Adult: 300-600 mcg IM/SC
30-60 minutes before
anaesthesia. Alternatively,
300-600 mcg IV immediately
before induction of
anaesthesia. Child: >20 kg:
300-600 mcg; 12-16 kg: 300
mcg; 7-9 kg: 200 mcg; >3 kg:
100 mcg. Doses to be given
via IM/SC admin 30-60
i) Reduce vagal minutes before anaesthesia.
inhibition,salivary and ii) Adult: 500 mcg every 3-5
bronchiol secretion in minutes. Total: 3 mg. Max
anaesthesia Dosage: 0.04 mg/kg body
ii) Reversal of excessive weight.
bradycardia iii) Adult 0.6-1.2 mg before or
Atropine Sulphate 1mg/ml A03BA01183P3001X
131 B iii) Reversal of effect of with anticholinesterase
Injection X
competitive muscle relaxants iv) Adult: 0.6-1 mg IV/IM/SC,
iv) Overdosage with other repeated every 2 hr.
compounds having v) Adult: 2 mg IV/IM, every
muscarinic action 10-30 minutes until
v) Organophosphate muscarinic effects disappear
poisoning or atropine toxicity appears.
In severe cases, dose can be
given as often as every 5
minutes. In moderate to
severe poisoning, a state of
atropinisation is maintained
for at least 2 days and
continued for as long as
symptoms are present. Child:
20 mcg/kg given every 5-10
Recommended starting dose
for the first treatment cycle,
First line therapy for for all patients regardless of
intermediate-2 and high risk baseline haematology
Azacitidine Powder for MDS, CMMOL with 10-29% laboratory values, is
132 suspension for injection A* blasts with no transplant 75mg/m2 of body surface
100mg/vial option and elderly AML with area. Injected
20-30% blasts and subcutaneously. Daily for 7
multilineage dysplasia. days, followed by a rest
period of 21 days (28 day
treatment cycle)
i) Adult: 1-5 mg/kg/day.
Adjust dose according to
clinical response and
haematological tolerance.
Dose may also be given via
i) Prophylaxis of rejection in
IV administration.
L04AX01000T1001X organ and tissue transplant
133 Azathioprine 50 mg Tablet A ii) Adult: 1-3 mg/kg/day.
X ii) Auto-immune diseases
Discontinue treatment if there
iii) Rheumatoid arthritis
is no improvement after 12
iii) Adult: Initially, 1
mg/kg/day given in 1-2
divided doses for 6-8 week,

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may increase by 0.5 mg/kg
every 4 week until response
or up to 2.5 mg/kg/day.
Maintenance: Reduce dose
gradually to achieve the
lowest effective dose.
Apply twice daily (sensitive
D10AX03000G1001 skin, once daily for 1st week).
134 Azelaic Acid 20% Cream A* Acne vulgaris
XX Treatment should not exceed
6 months
CHILD 36 - 45 kg: 400 mg,
26 - 35 kg: 300mg, 15 - 25 kg
Treatment of complicated 200 mg, less than 15 kg: 10
Azithromycin 200 mg/5 ml J01FA10011F1001X respiratory tract infections not mg/kg. To be taken daily for
135 A*
Granules X responding to standard 3 days or to be taken as a
macrolides single dose on day 1, then
half the daily dose on days 2
i) Treatment of complicated
respiratory tract infection not
responding to standard
ii) Adult treatment of
uncomplicated genital i) 500 mg daily for 3 days
136 Azithromycin 250 mg Tablet A* infections due to Chlamydia ii) 1 g as a single dose
trichomatis or susceptible iii) 1 g weekly
Neisseria gonorrhoea
iii) Prophylaxis against
Mycobacterium avium
complex in patients with
advanced HIV
500 mg IV as a single daily
dose for a minimum of two
Azithromycin 500 mg J01FA10011P4001X Only for treatment of severe days followed by 500 mg oral
137 A*
Injection X atypical pneumonia dose as a single daily dose to
complete a 7 - 10 days
ADULT: 400 mg twice daily.
Infections caused by
Severe infection: 800 mg
J01CA06000T1001X ampicillin-sensitive gram
138 Bacampicillin 400 mg Tablet B twice daily. CHILD more than
X positive& gram negative
25 kg: 12.5 - 25 mg/kg 12
ADULT: 5 mg 3 times daily.
Max: 80 mg daily. CHILD:
M03BX01000T1001 Spasticity of the skeletal
139 Baclofen 10 mg Tablet B 0.75 - 2 mg/kg daily (more
XX muscle
than 10 years, maximum: 2.5
mg/kg daily)
B05CB10907L5001X For irrigation during ocular
140 Balanced Salt Solution A Irrigate as directed
X surgery
For irrigation during
Balanced Salt Solution
intraocular surgery especially
PLUS (fortified with sodium B05CB10905L5001X
141 A in patients with poor cornea Irrigate as directed
bicarbonate, glucose & X
endothelium and poorly
controlled diabetes
For x-ray examination of the i) Up to 150 ml of a 50% -
Barium Sulphate V08BA01183L8001X
142 B alimentary tract: i) 200% suspension orally
Suspension X
Oesophagus ii) Up to 300 ml of a 30% -

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ii) Stomach and duodenum 200% suspension orally
iii) Colon iii) Up to 2 litre of a 30% -
200% suspension orally
ADULT & CHILD 2 years and
above & 35 kg or more: 20
mg /dose. 2 years or more
Prophylaxis of acute organ
L04AC02000P3001X but less than 35kg: 10
143 Basiliximab 20 mg Injection A* rejection in de novo renal
X mg/dose. First dose given
within 2 hours before start of
transplantation and second
dose 4th day after transplant
81 mg intravesically once
weekly for 6 weeks, followed
144 BCG 81 mg/3 ml A* Superficial bladder cancer by treatments at 3, 6, 12, 18,
and 24 months after initial
0.1 ml by intradermal
BCG Vaccine Freeze-Dried J07AN01000P4001X For the prevention of
145 C+ injection. INFANT under 12
Injection X tuberculosis
months: 0.05 ml
Adults: The usual
maintenance dose is one to
two inhalations (200-400
mcg) twice daily.If
needed,the dose can be
increased up to 1600
Beclomethasone Prophylaxis of asthma
R03BA01133A2101X mcg/day divided in two to
146 Dipropionate 100 mcg/dose B especially if not fully
X four doses : Children 6-12
Inhaler controlled by bronchodilators
years old: One inhalation
(200 mcg) two times daily
and dose may be increased
up to 800 mcg/day in divided
two to four doses if
Regular treatment of asthma
where use of a combination
product (inhaled
Dose recommended for
corticosteroid and long-acting
patients 18 years and above.
beta2 agonist) is appropriate
One or two inhalations twice
Beclomethasone in:
daily. The maximum daily
dipropionate 100mcg and i.Patients not adequately
R03AK07986A2101X dose is 4 inhalations daily.
147 formoterol fumarate A/KK controlled with inhaled
X No need to adjust dose in
dihydrate 6mcg pressurized corticosteroids and 'as
elderly patients. There are no
inhalation solution needed' inhaled short-acting
data available for use in
beta2 agonist or
patients with hepatic or renal
ii.Patients already adequately
controlled on both inhaled
corticosteroids and long-
acting beta2-agonists
ADULT: 1 - 2 puff twice daily.
Beclomethasone Prophylaxis of asthma May increase to 2 puff 2 - 4
148 Dipropionate 200 mcg/dose A/KK especially if not fully times daily CHILD: 1 puff
Inhaler controlled by bronchodilators twice daily. May increase to 1
puff 2 - 4 times daily

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ADULT and CHILD over 6
years: Apply 100 mcg (2
sprays) into each nostril twice
Prophylaxis and treatment of daily or 50 mcg (1 spray) into
R01AD01133A4101 perennial and seasonal each nostril 3 - 4 times/day.
149 Dipropionate 50 mcg/dose A/KK
XX allergic rhinitis and Maximum 400 mcg daily (8
Nasal Spray
vasomotor rhinitis sprays). When symptoms
controlled, reduce dose to 50
mcg (1 spray) into each
nostril twice daily
Wash and dry baby's bottom.
Apply by spreading the
Benzalkonium 0.01% D08AJ01000G1001X Prevention and treatment of cream evenly paying
150 B
Cream X nappy rash particular attention to the fold
of the skin, after every nappy
Low level disinfectant
Cleaning purposes: Dilute 1
Benzalkonium Chloride V07AV00100L9908X suitable for general cleaning
151 C in 10. Disinfection, use
Disinfectant Solution X and disinfection of hard
i) Treatment of mild to
moderately severe infections i) ADULT: 1.2 mega units IM
Benzathine Penicillin 2.4 J01CE08702P4001X
152 B due to Penicillin G-sensitive ii) For syphillis: 2.4 mega
MIU (1.8 g) Injection X
organisms units weekly for 1 - 3 weeks
ii) Treatment of syphillis
ADULT: Initially 1 mg daily,
i) Parkinson's disease
increase gradually.
N04AA01110T1001X ii) Drug induced
153 Benzhexol 2 mg Tablet B Maintenance: 5 - 15 mg daily
X parkinsonism
in 3 - 4 divided doses. (Max
iii) Dystonias
Benzoic Acid Compound
D01AE12952G5001 Apply sparingly to affected
154 Half Strength (Paed) C Tinea infections of the skin
XX area once or twice daily
Benzoic Acid Compound D01AE12952G5002 Tinea infections of thickened Apply sparingly to affected
155 C
Ointment XX skin of palms and soles area once or twice daily
Apply undiluted to the skin 1
or 2 times daily. Duration of
Benzoin Compound D08AX00000L5001X Infected skin, lesions, cuts,
156 C therapy, may be weeks to
Tincture X abrasions, wounds and burns
months depending on the
infection being treated
Apply 1-2 times daily
D10AE01241G3002 Mild to moderate acne
157 Benzoyl Peroxide 10% Gel B preferably after washing with
XX vulgaris
soap and water
Apply 1-2 times daily
D10AE01241G3001 Mild to moderate acne
158 Benzoyl Peroxide 5% Gel B preferably after washing with
XX vulgaris
soap and water
Used as a 30 seconds gargle
or rinse, undiluted. ADULT
Benzydamine HCl 0.15% A01AD02110M2001 For relief of painful condition 15 ml. CHILD less 12 years
159 B
Solution XX of the oral cavity 5-15 ml. Uninterrupted
treatment should not be more
than 7 days

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OVER 12 YEARS: 2-4 sprays
Temporary relief of painful (1-2mg) directly onto the
conditions of the mouth and sore/inflamed area and
throat including tonsillitis, swallow gently. Repeat every
sore throat, radiation 1 1/2 to 3 hours as
mucositis, aphthous ulcers, necessary. CHILDREN 6-12
pharyngitis, swelling, YEARS: 2 sprays (1mg)
Benzydamine Hydrochloride A01AD02110A4201X
160 A* redness, inflammatory directly onto sore/ inflamed
3.0 mg/ml throat spray X
conditions, post-orosurgical area and swallow gently.
and periodontal procedures. Repeat every 11/2 to 3 hours
(For pediatric and as necessary. CHILDREN
otorhinolaringology use. UNDER 6 YEARS: Not
Restrict to patients who are recommended. Uninterrupted
not able to gargle) treatment should not exceed
seven days, unless under
medical supervision
After bath, apply over the
whole body, neck down and
leave on for 24 hours then
wash off. Reapply for another
Benzyl Benzoate 12.5 % P03AX01252L2001X Scabies and pediculosis, for
161 C 24 hours, the first repeat
Emulsion (Child) X child under 2 years
application should be within 5
days of the initial application,
a third application may be
required in some cases
After bath, apply over the
whole body, neck down and
leave on for 24 hours then
wash off. Reapply for another
Benzyl Benzoate 25 % P03AX01000L2002X
162 C+ Scabies and pediculosis 24 hours, the first repeat
Emulsion (Adult) X
application should be within 5
days of the initial application,
a third application may be
required in some cases
i) Adult: 600mg - 3600mg (1 -
6 mega units) daily, divided
into 4 to 6 doses. Higher
doses (24 mega units) in
divided doses may be given
in serious infections such as
meningitis. Child 1 month to
i) Infections caused by 12 years old: 100mg/kg/day
Benzylpenicillin 1 mega unit J01CE01702P4001X
163 B susceptible organisms in 4 divided doses, not
(600 mg) Injection X
ii) Infective endocarditis exceeding 4g/day; Infants 1 -
4 weeks: 75mg/kg/day in 3
divided doses; Newborn
Infants: 50mg/kg/day in 2
divided doses
ii) 7.2 to 12g (12 - 20 mega
units) maybe given daily in
divided doses
1-2 drops every 15 minutes
Benzylpenicillin 10,000 S01AA14702D2002X
164 B Eye infection or accordingly to needs of the
units/ml Eye Drops X

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Benzylpenicillin 2,500 1-2 drops every 15 minutes
165 units/ml (1.5 mg/ml) Eye B Eye infection or accordingly to needs of the
Drops patient
i) ADULT: 600 - 1200 mg IM
4 times daily, increased if
necessary in more serious
i) Infections caused by
Benzylpenicillin 5 mega J01CE01702P4002X infections. CHILD: 50 - 100
166 B susceptible organisms
units (3 g) Injection X mg/kg body weight daily IV in
ii) Infective endocarditis
2 - 4 divided doses
ii) ADULT: 7.2 g daily by slow
IV infusion in 6 divided doses
Treatment of newborn baby
100 mg/kg (4 ml/kg) body
with birth weight of 700 g or
weight intratracheally up to 4
greater undergoing
Beractant Intratracheal doses in 1st 48 hr. Doses
R07AA02000L8001X mechanical ventilation for
167 Suspension (200 mg A* should not be given more
X respiratory distress
phospholipids in 8 ml vial) frequently than 6 hrly. To be
syndrome, whose heart rate
administered as soon as
and arterial oxygenation are
continuously monitored
i) Meniere's Syndrome as
defined by the following core
Given in doses of 8 to 16 mg
symptoms: - Vertigo (with
orally 3 times daily (total 24
Betahistine Dihydrochloride N07CA01110T1002X nausea/vomiting). - Hearing
168 A/KK to 48 mg/day) preferably with
16 mg Tablet X loss (Hardness of hearing). -
food. CHILD not
Tinnitus (ringing in the ears)
ii) Symptomatic treatment of
vestibular vertigo
i) Meniere's Syndrome as
defined by the following core
symptoms: - Vertigo (with
Betahistine Dihydrochloride N07CA01110T1003X nausea/vomiting). - Hearing 24-48mg in divided doses
169 A*
24 mg Tablet X loss (Hardness of hearing). - daily
Tinnitus (ringing in the ears)
ii) Symptomatic treatment of
vestibular vertigo
i) Meniere's Syndrome as
defined by the following core
Given in doses of 8 to 16 mg
symptoms: - Vertigo (with
orally 3 times daily (total 24
Betahistine Dihydrochloride N07CA01110T1001X nausea/vomiting). - Hearing
170 A/KK to 48 mg/day) preferably with
8 mg Tablet X loss (Hardness of hearing). -
food. CHILD not
Tinnitus (ringing in the ears)
ii) Symptomatic treatment of
vestibular vertigo
Suppression of inflammatory
0.5 - 9 mg daily in divided
and allergic disorders,
Betamethasone 0.5 mg H02AB01000T1001X doses. CHILD: 0.5 - 7.5
171 A congenital adrenal
Tablet X mg/m2/day divided every 6 -
hyperplasia, cerebral
12 hours
Apply sparingly to affected
Eczemas, prurigo nodularis,
Betamethasone 17-Valerate D07AC01256G1001 area 2 - 3 times daily then
172 B limited psoriasis in
0.01-0.05% Cream XX reduced to once daily when
appropriate in sites
improvement occurs
Apply sparingly to affected
Eczema, prurigo nodularis,
Betamethasone 17-Valerate D07AC01256G5001 area 2 - 3 times daily then
173 B limited psoriasis in
0.01-0.05% Ointment XX reduced to once daily when
appropriate in sites
improvement occurs

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Apply sparingly to affected
Eczemas, prurigo nodularis,
Betamethasone 17-Valerate D07AC01256G1002 area 2 - 3 times daily then
174 A psoriasis (excluding
0.1% Cream XX reduced to once daily when
widespread plaque psoriasis)
improvement occurs
Apply sparingly to affected
Eczema, prurigo nodularis,
Betamethasone 17-Valerate D07AC01256G5002 area 2-3 times daily then
175 A psoriasis (excluding
0.1% Ointment XX reduced to once daily when
widespread plaque psoriasis)
improvement occurs
Apply 2 - 3 drops every 2 - 3
Betamethasone Disodium S03BA03162D1001X Non-infected inflammatory
176 B hours, reduce frequency
Phoshate 0.1% Ear Drops X conditions
when relief obtained
Apply 2 - 3 drops every 2 - 3
Betamethasone Disodium S03BA03162D1002X Non-infected inflammatory
177 B hours, reduce frequency
Phoshate 0.5% Ear Drops X conditions
when relief obtained
1 - 2 drops every 1 - 2 hours
Betamethasone Disodium S01BA06162D2001X Non-infected inflammatory
178 A until controlled then reduce
Phosphate 0.1% Eye Drops X conditions of the eyes
Betamethasone Disodium
S01BA06162G5101 Non-infected inflammatory 2 - 4 times daily or at night
179 Phosphate 0.1% Eye A
XX conditions of the eyes when used with eye drops
Betamethasone Disodium Apply 2 - 3 drops 3 - 4 times
180 Phosphate and Neomycin B Allergic dermatosis in the ear daily, reduce frequency when
Sulphate 0.5% Ear Drops relief obtained
Betamethasone Disodium
S01CA05991D2001 Infected inflammatory
181 Phosphate and Neomycin A 2 - 3 drops every 2 - 3 hours
XX conditions of the eyes
Sulphate Eye Drops
Usual intravenous doses are
Pre-operative and in serious
up to 9 mg/day of the sodium
trauma or illness, shock, as
phosphate salt only. CHILD:
Betamethasone Sodium adjunctive therapy in
H02AB01162P3001X IM: 0.5 - 7.7 mg base/m2/day
182 Phosphate 4 mg/ml B rheumatoid disorders, ocular,
X divided every 6 - 12 hours.
Injection dermatologic and respiratory
allergic and inflammatory
IM: 0.6 - 9 mg divided every
12 - 24 hours
Chronic open-angle
Betaxolol 0.25% Eye S01ED02110D2001 One to two drops in the
183 A glaucoma, ocular
Suspension XX affected eye(s) twice daily
50 mg once daily (morning or
evening), with or without
food. Take on the same time
Advanced prostate cancer in each day. Adult: When used
L02BB03000T1001X combination with LHRH with gonadorelin analogue:
184 Bicalutamide 50 mg Tablet A*
X analogue therapy or surgical Usual dose: 50 mg once
castration. daily. May be started with or
at least 3 days before starting
gonadorelin analogue
Lowering of intraocular
pressure in patients with
open-angle glaucoma and
Bimatoprost 0.03% S01EE03000D2001X ocular hypertension who are 1 drop in affected eye(s)
185 A*
Ophthalmic Solution X intolerant of other intraocular once daily at evening
pressure lowering
medications or insufficiently
responsive to another

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intraocular pressure lowering
i) ADULT and CHILD over 10
years: 10 mg, CHILD less
i) Constipation than 10 years 5 mg insert
Bisacodyl 10 mg A06AB02000S2002X ii) Bowel preparation for rectally
186 C
Suppository X radiological procedures and ii) ADULT 10-20 mg, CHILD
surgery over 4 years 5 mg the
following morning before
procedures insert rectally
i) ADULT and CHILD over 10
years: 10 mg, CHILD less
i) Constipation than 10 years 5 mg insert
A06AB02000S2001X ii) Bowel preparation for rectally
187 Bisacodyl 5 mg Suppository C
X radiological procedures and ii) ADULT 10-20 mg, CHILD
surgery over 4 years 5 mg the
following morning before
procedures insert rectally
i) ADULT and CHILD over 10
years 5-10 mg, CHILD 4-10
years 5 mg. To be taken at
i) Constipation
night for effect on the
A06AB02000T1001X ii) Bowel preparation for
188 Bisacodyl 5 mg Tablet C following morning
X radiological procedures and
ii) ADULT 10-20 mg the night
before procedures, CHILD
over 4 years 5 mg the night
before procedures
As a mild antiseptic for
wounds and abscesses.
Bismuth Subnitrate,
R01AX30984G6001 Sterile gauze impregnated As directed for local
189 Iodoform and Liquid B
XX with paste for packing application
Paraffin Paste
cavities after otorhinological
Treatment of stable moderate
Bisoprolol Fumarate 2.5 mg C07AB07000T1001X to severe congestive cardiac 1.25 mg once daily to 5 - 10
190 B
Tablet X failure in addition to ACEI's mg daily
and diuretics
Treatment of stable moderate
Bisoprolol Fumarate 5 mg C07AB07000T1002X to severe congestive cardiac 1.25 mg once daily to 5 - 10
191 B
Tablet X failure in addition to ACEI's mg daily
and diuretics
15 - 30 mg weekly in divided
doses or 10 - 20 mg/m2 once
Squamous cell carcinoma,
or twice weekly or 10 mg/m2
germ cell tumours,
slow bolus in 15 minutes D1
Bleomycin HCl 15 mg L01DC01110P4001X lymphomas. Routes: SC, IM,
192 A and D15. Total
Injection X IV (either as bolus or as
dosage:should not exceed
infusion over 24 hours), intra-
300 mg. CHILD: 10 - 15
arterial, intra-pleural
mg/m2 over 6 hours every 3 -
4 weeks
Boric Acid with Spirit 2% S02AA03000D1001X 3 drops instilled into affected
193 C Perforated eardrum
w/v Ear Drops X ear 3 - 4 times daily
i) Treatment of multiple 1.3 mg/ m2/dose given as IV
L01XX32000P3001X myeloma in patient who have bolus injection twice weekly
194 Bortezomib 3.5 mg Injection A*
X received at least one prior for two weeks (days 1, 4, 8,
therapy. and 11) followed by a 10- day

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ii) For use in combination rest period (days 12-21). At
with conventional therapy for least 3 days should elapse
the treatment of previously between consecutive doses
untreated multiple myeloma of bortezomib
patients who are not eligible
for haematopoietic stem cell

For the treatment of

pulmonary arterial
hypertension (PAH) in
patients with WHO Class III Initially 62.5 mg bd for 4
C02KX01000T1001X or IV symptoms, to improve weeks, then increase to the
195 Bosentan 125 mg tablet A*
X exercise ability and decrease maintenance dose of 125 mg
the rate of clinical worsening bd
(To be used by those who
are trained and specialized in
treating and managing PAH)
Lowering of intraocular
Brimonidine Tartrate 0.15% S01EA05123D2001X pressure in patients with 1 drop in the affected eye(s)
196 A*
Ophthalmic X open-angle glaucoma or 3 times daily
ocular hypertension
Adult: Initially, 6-18 mg daily
in divided doses. Doses up to
197 Bromazepam 3 mg Tablet A Anxiety disorders 60 mg daily have been used.
Elderly: Max initial dose: 3
mg daily
Secretolytic therapy in acute
and chronic 4 to 8 mg SC, IM or IV 2 - 3
Bromhexine HCl 4 mg/2 ml R05CB02110P3001 bronchopulmonary diseases times daily (maximum 24mg/
198 A
Injection XX associated with abnormal day). Elderly: Max initial
mucous secretion and dose: 3 mg daily.
impaired mucous transport
1) Adults: 10 ml three times a
Secretolytic therapy in acute
day.Can increase up to 15 ml
and chronic
four times a day.
Bromhexine HCl 4 mg/5 ml R05CB02110L1001X bronchopulmonary diseases
199 B 2)Children 5 to 12 years : 5
Elixir X associated with abnormal
ml four times a day
mucous secretion and
3)Children 2 to 5 years: 5 ml
impaired mucous transport
two times a day
Secretolytic therapy in acute
ADULT and CHILD more
and chronic
than 12 years : 8 mg 3 times
Bromhexine HCl 8 mg R05CB02110T1001X bronchopulmonary diseases
200 B daily, 6 - 12 years : 4 mg 3
Tablet X associated with abnormal
times daily, 2 - 6 years : 4 mg
mucous secretion and
2 times daily
impaired mucous transport
i) Initially 1 - 1.25 mg at
bedtime increased gradually,
usual dose: 7.5 mg daily in
divided doses. Max 30 mg
i) Hypogonadism or
Bromocriptine Mesilate 10 G02CB01196T1003 daily
201 A/KK Galactorrhoea
mg Tablet XX ii) 1.25 - 2.5 mg at bedtime
ii) Acromegaly
for 3 days and may be
increased by 1.25 - 2.5 mg
every 3 - 7 days up to 30 mg
a day in divided doses

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i) Initially 1 - 1.25 mg at
bedtime increased gradually,
usual dose: 7.5 mg daily in
divided doses. Max 30 mg
i) Hypogonadism or daily
Bromocriptine Mesilate 2.5 G02CB01196T1001
202 A/KK Galactorrhoea ii) 1.25 - 2.5 mg at bedtime
mg Tablet XX
ii) Acromegaly for 3 days and may be
increased by 1.25 - 2.5 mg
every 3 - 7 days up to 30 mg
a day in divided doses

i) Initially 1 - 1.25 mg at
bedtime increased gradually,
usual dose: 7.5 mg daily in
divided doses. Max 30 mg
i) Hypogonadism or
Bromocriptine Mesilate 5 G02CB01196T1002 daily
203 A/KK Galactorrhoea
mg Tablet XX ii) 1.25 - 2.5 mg at bedtime
ii) Acromegaly
for 3 days and may be
increased by 1.25 - 2.5 mg
every 3 - 7 days up to 30 mg
a day in divided doses
ADULT: Initially 1 - 2 mg
Maintenance treatment of
twice daily. CHILD 3 months
Budesonide 1 mg/2 ml R03BA02000A3002X asthma as prophylactic
204 B - 12 years of age : 500 mcg -
Nebuliser Solution X therapy especially if not fully
1 mg. Maintenance dose :
controlled by bronchodilators
half of the above doses
ADULT: 200 - 1600 mcg daily
in 2 - 4 divided doses.
Maintenance treatment of Maintenance with twice daily
Budesonide 100 mcg/dose R03BA02000A2101X asthma as prophylactic dosing. CHILD more than 7
205 B
Inhaler X therapy especially if not fully years 200 - 800 mcg, 2 - 7
controlled by bronchodilators years 200 - 400 mcg. To be
taken orally in 2 - 4 divided
Asthma Maintenance therapy
i) Regular treatment of
Adult ≥18 yr 160 mcg to 320
asthma where use of a
mcg bd. Some patients may
combination (inhaled
require up to a max of 640
corticosteroid and long-acting
mcg bd. Adolescent 12-17 yr
beta2-agonist) is appropriate:
160 mcg to 320 mcg bd.
- Patients not adequately
Childn 6-11 yr 160 mcg bd,
controlled with inhaled
<6 yr Not recommended.
corticosteroids and 'as
Maintenance & relief Adult
needed' inhaled short-acting
≥18 yr 320 mcg/day either as
beta2-agonists. or
Budesonide 160 mcg and 160 mcg bd or 320 mcg
R03AKO7989A2101 - Patients already adequately
206 Formoterol 4.5 mcg A/KK either morning or evening.
XX controlled on both inhaled
Inhalation For some patients a
corticosteroids and long-
maintenance dose of 320
acting beta2-agonists.
mcg bd may be appropriate.
ii) Symptomatic treatment of
Patients should take 160 mcg
patients with severe COPD
additional inhalation as
(FEV1 <50% predicted
needed in response to
normal) and a history of
symptoms. If symptoms
repeated exacerbations, who
persist after a few minutes,
have significant symptoms
an additional inhalation
despite regular therapy with
should be taken. Not more
long-acting bronchodilators.
than 960 mcg should be

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taken on any single occasion.
A total daily dose of more
than 1280 mcg is not
normally needed, however a
total daily dose of up to 1920
mcg could be used for a
limited period. Patients using
more than 1280 mcg daily
should seek medical advice,
should be reassessed & their
maintenance therapy
reconsidered. Childn &
adolescent <18 yr Not
recommended. COPD Adult
≥18 yr 320 mcg bd.

ADULT: 200 - 1600 mcg daily

in 2 - 4 divided doses.
Maintenance treatment of Maintenance with twice daily
Budesonide 200 mcg/dose R03BA02000A2102X asthma as prophylactic dosing. CHILD more than 7
207 B
Inhalation X therapy especially if not fully years 200 - 800 mcg, 2 - 7
controlled by bronchodilators years 200 - 400 mcg. To be
taken orally in 2 - 4 divided
Asthma; Maintenance
therapy: Adult ≥18 yr 160
mcg to 320 mcg bd. Some
patients may require up to a
max of 640 mcg bd.
i) Regular treatment of Adolescent 12-17 yr 160 mcg
asthma where use of a to 320 mcg bd. Children 6-11
combination (inhaled yr 160 mcg bd, <6 yr Not
corticosteroid and long-acting recommended. Maintenance
beta2-agonist) is & relief: Adult ≥18 yr 320
appropriate:- mcg/day either as 160 mcg
- Patients not adequately bd or 320 mcg either morning
controlled with inhaled or evening. For some
corticosteroids and 'as patients a maintenance dose
needed' inhaled short-acting of 320 mcg bd may be
beta2-agonists. or appropriate. Patients should
Budesonide 320 mcg and R03AK07989A2102X
208 A/KK - Patients already adequately take 160 mcg additional
Formoterol 9 mcg Inhalation X
controlled on both inhaled inhalation as needed in
corticosteroids and long- response to symptoms. If
acting beta2-agonists. symptoms persist after a few
ii) Symptomatic treatment of minutes, an additional
patients with severe COPD inhalation should be taken.
(FEV1 <50% predicted Not more than 960 mcg
normal) and a history of should be taken on any
repeated exacerbations, who single occasion. A total daily
have significant symptoms dose of more than 1280 mcg
despite regular therapy with is not normally needed,
long-acting bronchodilators. however a total daily dose of
up to 1920 mcg could be
used for a limited period.
Patients using more than
1280 mcg daily should seek
medical advice, should be

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reassessed & their
maintenance therapy
reconsidered. Children &
adolescent less than 18 yr:
Not recommended. COPD;
Adult more than or equal to
18 yr: 320 mcg bd.

ADULT: Initially 1 - 2 mg
Maintenance treatment of
twice daily. CHILD 3 months
Budesonide 500 mcg/2 ml R03BA02000A3001X asthma as prophylactic
209 B - 12 years of age : 500 mcg -
Nebuliser Solution X therapy especially if not fully
1 mg. Maintenance dose :
controlled by bronchodilators
half of the above doses
ADULT and CHILD 6 years
and older. Rhinitis: 2 spray
Budesonide 64mcg Nasal R01AD05000A4103 Seasonal allergic, perennial into each nostril once daily in
210 A
Spray XX rhinitis and nasal polyposis the morning or 1 spray into
each nostril twice daily. Nasal
polyps : 2 spray twice daily
IV injection: 1 - 2 mg
Bumetanide 0.5 mg/ml C03CA02000P3001 Oedema used in furosemide repeated after 20 mins. IV
211 A*
Injection XX allergic patient infusion: 2 - 5 mg over 30 -
60 mins
C03CA02000T1001X Oedema used in furosemide 1 mg in the early evening. Up
212 Bumetanide 1 mg Tablet A*
X allergic patient to 5 mg daily in severe cases
Infuse at 6 - 15 ml/hour. Not
Bupivacaine 0.125% N01BB01110P3004X Epidural analgesia for
213 A to exceed 2 mg/kg in a single
Epidural Injection X postoperative pain relief.
ADULT: 2 - 4 ml. Not to
Bupivacaine 0.5 % Heavy N01BB01110P3003X
214 A Used for spinal anaesthesia exceed 2 mg/kg in a single
Injection X
Regional nerve block or
epidural block: 15 - 30 ml.
For peripheral sympathetic Nerve block of finger or toe: 2
N01BB01110P3002X nerve and epidural (excluding - 6 ml. Maximum: 2 mg/kg
215 Bupivacaine 0.5 % Injection B
X caudal) anaesthesia and body weight in any 4 hours
obstetrics anaesthesia period, equivalent to 25 - 30
ml in adults of average
10 - 40 ml (0.25 %) or
Bupivacaine 0.5 % with maximum : 2 mg/kg body
N01BB51975P3001X Regional nerve block or
216 Adrenaline 1:200,000 B weight in any 4 hours period,
X epidural block.
Injection equivalent to 25 - 30 ml of
0.5% solution

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Once weekly transdermal
patch/for hospital use only.
Patient aged 18 years and
over. Initial dose: 5 mcg/hr
Treatment of non-malignant For elderly: Renal
pain of moderate intensity impairment. No special dose
when an opioid is necessary adjustments necessary in
for obtaining adequate patients with renal
Buprenorphine 10mcg/hr N02AE01110M7001 analgesia. Not suitable for impairment Hepatic
217 A*
transdermal patch XX the treatment of acute pain. impairment Patients with
Restrictions: For elderly hepatic insufficiency should
patients or patients with be carefully monitored during
comorbidities/difficult to the treatment with
swallow buprenorphine patch.
Alternate therapy should be
considered. Patch should be
used with cautions in severe
hepatic impairment patient
Once weekly transdermal
patch/for hospital use only.
Patient aged 18 years and
over. Initial dose: 5 mcg/hr
For elderly: Renal
Treatment of non-malignant
impairment. No special dose
pain of moderate intensity
adjustments necessary in
when an opioid is necessary
patients with renal
for obtaining adequate
impairment Hepatic
Buprenorphine 5mcg/hr N02AE01110M7003 analgesia. Not suitable for
218 A* impairment Patients with
transdermal patch XX the treatment of acute pain.
hepatic insufficiency should
Restrictions: For elderly
be carefully monitored during
patients or patients with
the treatment with
comorbidities/difficult to
buprenorphine patch.
Alternate therapy should be
considered. Patch should be
used with cautions in severe
hepatic impairment patient

i) ADULT: Initial: 2 - 4 mg
daily. Maintenance: 0.5 - 2
mg daily. Stop when white
blood cell less than 20 x
i) Chronic myeloid leukaemia 109/L. CHILD: 60 mcg/kg
(CML) and other body weight daily
L01AB01000T1001X myeloproliferative diseases ii) CHILD: Induction 60
219 Busulfan 2 mg Tablet A
X ii) Haemopoietic stem cell mcg/kg body weight daily
transplant (HSCT)- refer to (maximum 4 mg) if
specific protocols leucocytes more than
20,000/mm3 and platelets
more than 100,000/mm3.
Maintenance 10 - 30mcg/kg
(maximum 2 mg daily)

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For use in combination with
cyclophosphamide as a
0.8 mg/kg of ideal body
conditioning regimen prior to
weight or actual body weight,
allogeneic hematopoietic
whichever is lower via central
stem cell transplantation
venous catheter as a 2-hour
(HSCT) for chronic
infusion on the basis of every
L01AB01000P3001X myelogenous leukemia in
220 Busulfan 6 mg/ml Injection A* 6 hours for 4 days, for a total
X selected cases with high risk
of 16 doses. For obese or
of liver toxicity and
severely obese patients, IV
intolerance to oral busulfan.
Busulfan should be
To be prescribed by
administered based on
paediatric oncologist and
adjusted ideal body weight
consultant haematologist
trained in transplant only.
i) 0.5mg per week given in 1
i) Treatment of
or 2 (one-helf of one 0.5mg
tablet) doses per week
G02CB03000T1001 ii) HIV mothers only: Prevent
221 Cabergoline 0.5 mg Tablet A* ii) Prevention of puerperal
XX lactation 2 tab first day after
lactation and suppression of
delivery. Interruption of
lactation in HIV infected
laction: 0.25mg 12 hourly for
mothers only
2 days
Soothes and relieves nappy
rashes, prickly heat, minor
D04AX00000G1001 Apply to the affected area as
222 Calamine Cream C+ skin irritations, insect bites
XX required, 1-3 times daily
and sunburn, Pruritic skin
Soothes and relieves nappy
rashes, prickly heat, minor Apply to the skin as required
223 Calamine Lotion C+ skin irritations, insect bites and allow to dry, 1-3 times
and sunburn, Pruritic skin daily
Soothes and relieves nappy
rashes, prickly heat, minor Apply to the skin as required
Calamine with 0.25 - 0.5% D04AX00952L6001X
224 C skin irritations, insect bites and allow to dry, 1 - 3 times
Menthol Lotion X
and sunburn, Pruritic skin daily
Calamine with 0.5% Phenol D04AX00952G1001 Apply to the affected area as
225 C For use as a mild astringent
Cream XX required
Apply to the skin as required
Calamine with 2 - 6% D04AX00952L6002X
226 C Acne vulgaris and allow to dry, 1 - 3 times
Precipitated Sulphur Lotion X
ADULT Apply to the affected
skin lesions twice daily.
Maintenance therapy may be
achieved with less frequent
application. The weekly dose
Calcipotriol 50 mcg/g D05AX02000G1001 Only for the treatment of
227 A* should not exceed 100 g.
Cream XX Psoriasis Vulgaris
CHILD over 6 years, apply
twice daily. 6-12 years
maximum 50gm weekly, over
12 years maximum 75gm

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ADULT Apply to the affected
skin lesions twice daily.
Maintenance therapy may be
achieved with less frequent
application. The weekly dose
Calcipotriol 50 mcg/g D05AX02000G5001 Only for the treatment of
228 A* should not exceed 100 g.
Ointment XX Psoriasis Vulgaris
CHILD over 6 years, apply
twice daily. 6-12 years
maximum 50gm weekly, over
12 years maximum 75gm
Calcipotriol 50 mcg/ml D05AX02000L9901X Only for the treatment of Apply to scalp twice daily.
229 A*
Scalp Solution X Psoriasis Vulgaris Maximum 60 mL weekly.
Apply once daily up to 4
Calcipotriol Hydrate 50
weeks with maximum weekly
mcg/g & Betamethasone D05AX52952G5001
230 A* Resistant plaque psoriasis dose of 100g and maximum
Dipropionate 0.5 mg/g XX
treatment area 30% of body
Should be applied to affected
areas once daily. The
recommended treatment
period is 4 weeks for scalp
areas and 8 weeks for non-
Calcipotriol monohydrate 50 Topical treatment of scalp
D05AX52952G3001 scalp areas. The body
231 mcg/g and Betamethasone A* and non-scalp plaque
XX surface area treated with
dipropionate 0.5 mg/g Gel psoriasis vulgaris in adults
calcipotriol containing
products should not exceed
30% and maximum dose
should not exceed 15g or
100g/ week
5-10 IU per kg body weight in
500mL physiological saline
daily by i.v. infusion over at
Calcitonin (synthetic H05BA01000P3002X least 6 hours or by slow i.v.
232 A* Acute hypercalcaemia
Salmon) 100 IU Injection X injection in 2-4 divided doses
spread over the day. Renal
impairment: Dosage
adjustment needed.
Calcitonin (Synthetic
233 Salmon) 200 IU Nasal A* Osteoporosis 200 units daily
5-10 IU per kg body weight in
500mL physiological saline
daily by i.v. infusion over at
Calcitonin (Synthetic H05BA01000P3001X least 6 hours or by slow i.v.
234 A* Acute hypercalcaemia
Salmon) 50 IU Injection X injection in 2-4 divided doses
spread over the day. Renal
impairment: Dosage
adjustment needed.

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i) 0.25 mcg 2 times daily
ii) Initial dose 0.25 mcg. In
patients with normal or only
slightly reduced serum
calcium levels, doses of 0.25
ii) Renal osteodystrophy in
mcg every other day is
A11CC04000C1001 patients on haemodialysis
235 Calcitriol 0.25 mcg Capsule A/KK sufficient
XX iii)Hypoparathyroidism and
iii) 0.25 mcg/day given in the
iv) ADULT and CHILD 3
hyperparathyroidism in renal
years and older : Initially 0.25
mcg/ml. CHILD less than 3
years : 10 to 15 ng/kg/day
Management of
Initially dose, depending on
hypocalcaemia and/or
severity, 1 mcg (0.02 mg/kg)
A11CC04000P3001 secondary
236 Calcitriol 1 mcg/ml Injection A* to 2 mcg 3 times weekly,
XX hyperparathyroidism in
approximately every other
patients undergoing chronic
renal dialysis
Management of
Initially dose, depending on
hypocalcaemia and/or
severity, 1 mg (0.02 mg/kg)
A11CC04000P3002 secondary
237 Calcitriol 2 mcg/ml Injection A* to 2 mg 3 times weekly,
XX hyperparathyroidism in
approximately every other
patients undergoing chronic
renal dialysis
ADULT: Typical oral doses of
calcium carbonate range
from about 3gm to 7gm daily
in divided dose. US National
Foundation suggest the
i) Elemental calcium
calcium-based phosphate
Calcium Carbonate 500 mg A12AA04121C1001X supplementation ii)
238 B binder should not exceed
Capsule X Phosphate binder in chronic
1.5gm daily in those with
renal failure patients
kidney failure. CHILD (12-18
years old): 1.25gm 3 or 4
times daily with or before
meals and adjusted as
To be used only for
elemental calcium
Calcium Carbonate 500 mg A12AA04121T1001X supplementation and Initial 2.5 g daily and
239 B
Tablet X phosphate binding activity in increased up to 17 g daily
patients with chronic renal
The maximum infusion rate
Calcium Chloride Dihydrate, depends on the needs of the
Sodium Chloride, patient in fluid replacement
Replacement of extracellular
Magnesium Chloride and electrolytes, patient’s
fluid losses in the case of
Hexahydrate, Sodium B05BB01905P6002X weight, clinical condition, and
240 A isotonic dehydration, where
Acetate X biological status. Adults,
acidosis is present or
Trihydrate,Potassium elderly, adolescents:500ml-
Chloride, and Malic Acid 3L/24hr. Babies, children:
Solution 20ml to 100ml/kg/24 hr.

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IM (Lead encephalopathy):
1000 mg/m (2)/day IM in
divided equal doses 8 to 12
hours apart, for 5 days.
Therapy is interrupted for 2 to
4 days, and followed by an
additional 5-day course of
Calcium Disodium Edetate V03AB03999P3001X therapy, if indicated. Do not
241 A Lead Poisoning
200 mg Injection X exceed the recommended
daily dosage. IV: 1000 mg/m
(2)/day administered IV over
8 to 12 hours for 5 days.
Therapy is interrupted for 2 to
4 days, and followed by an
additional 5-day course of
therapy, if indicated.
i) 1-2 g (2.25-4.5 mmol).
CHILD 50 mg/kg
ii) ADULT 1g (2.2 mmol) by
i)Acute hypocalcaemia
Calcium Gluconate 10% A12AA03000P3001X slow IV injection followed by
242 B ii)Hypocalcaemic tetany
Injection X continuous infusion of 4 g
iii)Cardiac resuscitation
(8.8 mmol) daily
iii) IV or intracardiac injection,
10 ml
For prophylaxis of calcium
Calcium Lactate 300 mg A12AA05125T1001X ADULT 1-5 g daily in divided
243 C deficiency and treatment of
Tablet X doses
chronic hypocalcaemia
15 - 30g daily in 2-3 divided
Calcium Polystyrene V03AE01999F2101X Hyperkalemia resulting from doses. Each dose should be
244 A
Sulphonate Powder X acute or chronic renal failure suspended in 30 - 50ml of
water and administered orally
i) Metastatic breast cancer in
i) & ii) 1250 mg/m2 twice
elderly and poor performance
daily (morning and evening)
status patients and refractory
for 2 weeks, every 21 days.
to taxanes.
iii) Recommended for a total
ii) Metastatic colon cancer,
of 24 weeks (8 cycles of 2
first line in elderly and poor
weeks of drug administration
performance status patients.
L01BC06000T1002X and 1 week rest period.
245 Capecitabine 150 mg Tablet A* iii) Colon cancer, adjuvant
X iv) In combination with a
therapy for stage III (Duke's
platinum on day 1, give
Stage C) following surgery.
capecitabine 1250 mg/m2
iv) First line treatment of
twice daily for 14 days.
patients with advanced
Repeated every 3 weeks for
gastric cancer in combination
8 cycles or optimum number
with a platinum-based
of cycles
i) Metastatic breast cancer in i) & ii) 1250 mg/m2 twice
elderly and poor performance daily (morning and evening)
status patients and refractory for 2 weeks, every 21 days
to taxanes iii) Recommended for a total
ii) Metastatic colon cancer, of 24 weeks (8 cycles of 2
246 Capecitabine 500 mg Tablet A* first line in elderly and poor weeks of drug administration
performance status patients and 1 week rest period
iii) Colon cancer, adjuvant iv) In combination with a
therapy for stage III (Duke's platinum on day 1, give
Stage C) following surgery iv) capecitabine 1250 mg/m2
First line treatment of twice daily for 14 days.

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patients with advanced Repeated every 3 weeks for
gastric cancer in combination 8 cycles or optimum number
with a platinum-based of cycles
i) Initially 12.5 mg twice daily.
Maintenance: 25-50 mg 2 - 3
times daily, may be
increased to maximum 450
mg/day in divided doses
ii) Initially 6.25 - 12.5 mg 3
times daily, increase after
several days to 25 - 50 mg 3
i) Hypertension
times daily
C09AA01000T1002X ii) Congestive heart failure
247 Captopril 25 mg Tablet B iii) Start 3 days after MI
X iii) Post-myocardial infarction
Initially 6.25 mg daily,
iv) Diabetic nephropathy
gradually increased to 37.5
mg daily in divided doses.
May increase after several
week to 150 mg/day in
divided doses if needed and
iv)75 - 100 mg daily in
divided dose.
Instill no more than 0.5 ml
Carbachol 0.01% S01EB02100D2001X For intraocular use for miosis
248 A gently into the anterior
Intraocular Solution X during surgery
ADULT: Initially, 100-200 mg
once or twice daily gradually
increased by increments of
100-200 mg every 2 week.
Maintenance: 0.8-1.2 g daily
in divided doses. CHILD: 10-
Carbamazepine 100 mg/5 N03AF01000L9001X 15 years: 0.6-1 g daily; 5-10
249 A Epilepsy
ml (2% w/v) Syrup X years: 400-600 mg daily; 1-5
years: 200-400 mg daily; less
than or equal to 1 year: 100-
200 mg daily. Alternatively,
10-20 mg/kg body weight
daily in divided doses. Max:
Adult: 1.6 g daily
ADULT: Initial, 200 mg twice
daily for the first week, may
increase dosage by 200
mg/day at weekly intervals
until optimal response is
Carbamazepine 200 mg CR N03AF01000T5001X obtained. Maximum 1.6
250 A Epilepsy
Tablet X g/day. CHILD: usual
maximum dosage 1000
mg/day in children 12-15
years of age, 1200 mg/day in
patients above 15 years of

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i) ADULT: 100 - 200 mg 1 - 3
times daily increased
gradually to usual dose of 0.8
- 1.2 g daily in divided doses.
CHILD: Up to 1 year: 100 -
200 mg daily; 1 - 5 yrs: 200 -
400 mg daily; 5 - 10 years:
400 - 600 mg daily; 10 - 15
years: 0.6 - 1 g daily
ii) The initial dosage of 200 to
Carbamazepine 200 mg N03AF01000T1001X i) Epilepsy
251 B 400mg should be slowly
Tablet X ii) Trigeminal neuralgia
raised daily until freedom
from pain is achieved
(normally at 200mg 3 to 4
times daily). The dosage
should then be gradually
reduced to the lowest
possible maintenance level.
In elderly patients, an initial
dose of 100mg twice daily is
ADULT: Initial, 200 mg twice
daily for the first week, may
increase dosage by 200
mg/day at weekly intervals
until optimal response is
Carbamazepine 400 mg CR N03AF01000T5002X obtained. Maximum 1.6
252 A Epilepsy
Tablet X g/day. CHILD: usual
maximum dosage 1000
mg/day in children 12-15
years of age, 1200 mg/day in
patients above 15 years of
Contact irritant dermatitis, Apply sparingly and rub into
Carbamide (Urea) 10 % D02AE01000G1001 infantile eczemas, acute and affected area 2 - 3 times daily
253 B
Cream XX chronic allergic eczemas, and when required after
icthyosis, hyperkeratotic cleansing skin
A single IV dose of 100mcg
(1ml) is adminitered by bolus
Prevention of uterine atony injection, slowly over
and postpartum hemorrhage 1minute, only when delivery
Carbetocin 100 mcg/ ml H01BB03000P2001X
254 A* following elective cesarean of the infant has been
Injection X
section under epidural or completed by caesarean
spinal anaesthesia section under epidural or
spinal anaesthesia, before or
after delivery of the placenta.
ADULT: Initially, 10-60mg
daily in divided doses given 8
hourly. Maintenance: 5 to
H03BB01000T1001X 20mg daily. CHILDREN > 6
255 Carbimazole 5 mg Tablet B Hyperthyroidism
X years: Initially 15mg daily in
divided doses. CHILDREN 1-
6 years: Initially 7.5mg daily
in divided doses

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360 - 400 mg/m2 BSA, by IV
infusion over 15 mins to 1
hour on Day 1 every 4
weeks. Alternatively,
prescription may be based on
Adult solid tumours, Area Under Curve (AUC)
Carboplatin 150 mg L01XA02000P4001X
256 A* paediatric tumours. Salvage calculations. CHILD: 500-600
Injection X
therapy for lymphoma mg/m2 over 1 hour once
every 3 weeks. Salvage
regimes in lymphomas - refer
to specific protocols. Starting
dose in renal impairment,
please refer to product insert.
360 - 400 mg/m2 BSA, by IV
infusion over 15 mins to 1
hour on Day 1 every 4
weeks. Alternatively,
prescription may be based on
Adult solid tumours, Area Under Curve (AUC)
Carboplatin 450 mg L01XA02000P4002X
257 A* paediatric tumours. Salvage calculations. CHILD: 500-600
Injection X
therapy for lymphoma mg/m2 over 1 hour once
every 3 weeks. Salvage
regimes in lymphomas - refer
to specific protocols. Starting
dose in renal impairment,
please refer to product insert.
Initially 250 mcg deep IM inj.
The dose may be repeated at
Carboprost Tromethamine G02AD04999P3001 Postpartum haemorrhage
258 A* intervals of 15-90 min if
250 mcg Injection XX refractory to oxytocin
necessary. Max total dose: 2
Dilute 20 ml to 1 L of Ringer
solution (cooled to 2-8 °C
prior to use). Initial rapid
Cardioplegia solution
For myocardial instillation into aortic root at
containing Potassium
B05XA16934P3001X preservation(prevent 300 ml/m² body surface
259 Chloride, Magnesium A*
X myocardial damage) during area/min for 3 minutes.
chloride & Procaine HCl
cardiac surgery Should myocardial activity
persist or recur instill at
300ml/m² body surface
area/min for 2 minutes
3.125 mg twice daily for 2
weeks, then 6.25 mg twice
daily for 2 weeks, then 12.5
Treatment of stable moderate
mg twice daily for 2 weeks
C07AG02000T1002 to severe congestive cardiac
260 Carvedilol 25 mg Tablet A/KK then 25 mg twice daily
XX failure in addition to ACEI's
(titrated up to the highest
and diuretics
tolerated level). Max: <85 kg:
25 mg bid; >85 kg: 50 mg
3.125 mg twice daily for 2
weeks, then 6.25 mg twice
Treatment of stable moderate
daily for 2 weeks, then 12.5
C07AG02000T1001 to severe congestive cardiac
261 Carvedilol 6.25 mg Tablet A/KK mg twice daily for 2 weeks
XX failure in addition to ACEI's
then 25 mg twice daily
and diuretics
(titrated up to the highest
tolerated level). Max: <85 kg:

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25 mg bid; >85 kg: 50 mg
i) Confirmed systemic fungal
infection in patients who are
refractory or intolerant to
other fungal therapies.
ii) For pediatric patient (12
month and older) for the
i) Invasive aspergillosis &
following indications :
invasive candidiasis: ADULT:
a) Empirical therapy for
Initially, 70 mg infused over 1
presumed fungal infections in
hour followed by subsequent
febrile, neutropenic patients
doses of 50 mg/day.
b) Treatment of invasive
Oesophageal candidiasis:
Caspofungin Acetate 50 mg J02AX04122P4001X candidiasis, including
262 A* ADULT: 50 mg by slow IV
Injection X candidemia and the following
infusion over approximately 1
Candida infections ; intra-
abdominal abscesses,
ii) For all indications, a
peritonitis and pleural space
loading dose of 70mg/m2 on
D1 followed by maintenance
c) Treatment of esophageal
dose of 50mg/m2 od.
d) Treatment of invasive
Aspergillosis in patients who
are refractory to or intolerant
of others therapy (eg :
Amphotericin B)
For adult and pediatric
i) Invasive aspergillosis &
patient (12 month and older)
invasive candidiasis: ADULT:
for the following indications:
Initially, 70 mg infused over 1
a) Treatment of invasive
hour followed by subsequent
candidiasis, including
doses of 50 mg/day.
candidemia and the following
Oesophageal candidiasis:
Candida infections ; intra-
ADULT: 50 mg by slow IV
abdominal abscesses,
infusion over approximately 1
Caspofungin Acetate 70 mg J02AX04122P4002X peritonitis and pleural space
263 A* hour daily
Injection X infections
ii) Child (12months to 17
b) Treatment of invasive
years) : For all indication) A
Aspergillosis in patients who
single 70mg/m2 loading dose
are refractory to or intolerant
(not to exceed an actual dose
of others therapy (eg :
of 70mg) by slow IV infusion
Amphotericin B)
over 1hour; followed by
c) Treatment of esophageal
50mg/m2 (not to exceed an
candidiasis (need to follow
actual dose of 70mg)
the current indications)
Infections caused by
susceptible organisms
CHILD :> 1 mth: 20 mg/kg
including Staphylococcus
daily in 3 divided doses,
aureus and H. influenzae,
Cefaclor 125 mg/5 ml J01DC04000F2101X increased to 40 mg/kg daily if
264 A treatment of sinusitis and
Suspension X necessary, <1 yr: 62.5 mg tid,
infections involving the
1-5 yr: 125 mg tid, >5 yr: 250
respiratory tract, skin and
mg tid. Maximum: 1 g daily
skin structure, bone and joint,
and urinary tract

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i) 375 mg twice daily
i) Adult pharyngitis, tonsillitis,
ii) 375 mg or 500 mg twice
skin& soft tissue infections
J01DC04010T5001X daily
265 Cefaclor 375 mg MR Tablet A ii) Bronchitis
X iii) 750mg twice daily
iii) Pneumonia
iv) 375mg twice daily or 500
iv) Lower UTI
mg once daily
ADULT: 250 mg 3 times daily
Infections caused by
for 10 days. For severe
susceptible organisms
infections, double the
including Staphylococcus
dosage. Maximum: 4 g daily.
aureus and H. influenzae,
J01DC04000C1002X CHILD :> 1 mth: 20 mg/kg
266 Cefaclor 500 mg Capsule A treatment of sinusitis and
X daily in 3 divided doses,
infections involving the
increased to 40 mg/kg daily if
respiratory tract, skin and
necessary, <1 yr: 62.5 mg tid,
skin structure, bone and joint,
1-5 yr: 125 mg tid, >5 yr: 250
and urinary tract
mg tid. Maximum: 1 g daily
ADULT: Uncomplicated
Infection caused by
infections: 500 - 1000 mg 2 -
3 times daily. Moderately
microorganism, infection of
severe and severe infections:
the respiratory tract,
500 - 1000 mg 3 - 4 times
Cefazolin Sodium 1 g J01DB04520P3001X urogenital tract, skin and soft
267 A daily. Severe life-threatening
Injection X tissue, bile duct, bones and
infections: 1 - 1.5 g 4 times
joint, endocarditis, systemic
daily. Rarely, dose up to 12 g
septic infection, peri-
daily. CHILDREN >1 month:
operative/ surgical
25-50mg/kg/day in 3-4
divided dose
Febrile neutropenia, ADULT: 1 - 2 g twice daily for
septicaemia, lower most infections. For severe
respiratory tract infection, infections including febrile
268 Cefepime 1 g Injection A* urinary tract infection, skin neutropenia: 2 g 3 times
and skin structure infections, daily. CHILD:2 mth - 16 yr:
gynaecologic and intra- ≤40 kg: 50 mg/kg every 8-12
abdominal infections hr for 7-10 days
Febrile neutropenia, ADULT: 1 - 2 g twice daily for
septicaemia, lower most infections. For severe
respiratory tract infection, infections including febrile
269 Cefepime 500 mg Injection A* urinary tract infection, skin neutropenia: 2 g 3 times
and skin structure infections, daily. CHILD: 2 mth - 16 yr:
gynaecologic and intra- ≤40 kg: 50 mg/kg every 8-12
abdominal infections hr for 7-10 days
ADULT: 1 - 2 g twice daily IM
or IV. By IV, adult dose may
be doubled. Maximum: 16 g
daily in divided doses. CHILD
Cefoperazone Sodium 1 g J01DD12520P4002X Infections due to gram-
270 A & INFANT: 50 - 200
Injection X negative bacteria
mg/kg/day in 2 - 4 divided
doses. NEONATE less than
8 days: 50 - 200 mg/kg/day
12 hourly
ADULT: 1 - 2 g twice daily IM
or IV. By IV, adult dose may
be doubled. Maximum: 16 g
Cefoperazone Sodium 2 g J01DD12520P4003X Infections due to gram-
271 A daily in divided doses. CHILD
Injection X negative bacteria
& INFANT: 50 - 200
mg/kg/day in 2 - 4 divided
doses. NEONATE less than

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8 days: 50 - 200 mg/kg/day
12 hourly

ADULT: 1 - 2 g twice daily. In

severe or refractory
infections the daily dosage of
i) Treatment of infections due sulbactam/cefoperazone may
to multi-drug resistance be increased up to 8g (4g
Cefoperazone Sodium 500 pathogens producing B- cefopreazone activity)
272 mg & Sulbactam Sodium A lactamase CHILD: 40 - 80 mg/kg/day in
500 mg Injection ii) Treatment of infections 2 to 4 equally divided doses;
caused by Acinetobacter in serious or refractory
species infections, may increase to
160mg/kg/d in 2 - 4 equally
divided doses.

ADULT: 1 - 2 g twice daily IM

or IV. By IV, adult dose may
be doubled. Maximum: 16 g
daily in divided doses. CHILD
Cefoperazone Sodium 500 J01DD12520P4001X Infections due to gram-
273 A & INFANT: 50 - 200
mg Injection X negative bacteria
mg/kg/day in 2 - 4 divided
doses. NEONATE less than
8 days: 50 - 200 mg/kg/day
12 hourly
ADULT: 1 g 12 hourly (up to
J01DD01520P4002X Infections due to gram- 12 g/day in severe cases).
274 Cefotaxime 1 g Injection A
X negative bacteria CHILD: 50 - 180 mg/kg/day
in 4 - 6 divided doses
ADULT: 1 g 12 hourly (up to
Cefotaxime 500 mg J01DD01520P4001X Infections due to gram- 12 g/day in severe cases).
275 A
Injection X negative bacteria CHILD: 50 - 180 mg/kg/day
in 4 - 6 divided doses
600mg administered every
Treatment of complicated
12 hours by intravenous
skin and soft tissue infections
infusion over 60 minutes for
(cSSTI) in adults Restriction:
Ceftaroline Fosamil 600mg 5-14 days. Dose adjustment
J01D102000P4001X Restricted for only
276 Powder for concentrate for A* in renal impairment: - CrCl >
X complicated SSTI in patients
solution for infusion 30 to ≤50 ml/min : 400mg
who are unable to tolerate or
every 12 hours - CrCl <
not responding to
30ml/min is not
ADULT: 1 g 8 hourly or 2 g
12 hourly. In severe
J01DD02520P4003X Severe gram negative
277 Ceftazidime 1 g Injection A infections: 2 g 8 hourly.
X bacterial infections
CHILD: 25 - 150 mg/kg/day
in 2 - 3 divided doses
ADULT: 1 g 8 hourly or 2 g
12 hourly. In severe
J01DD02520P4004X Severe gram negative
278 Ceftazidime 2 g Injection A infections: 2 g 8 hourly.
X bacterial infections
CHILD: 25 - 150 mg/kg/day
in 2 - 3 divided doses
ADULT: 1 g 8 hourly or 2 g
12 hourly. In severe
Ceftazidime 250 mg J01DD02520P4001X Severe gram negative
279 A infections: 2 g 8 hourly.
Injection X bacterial infections
CHILD: 25 - 150 mg/kg/day
in 2 - 3 divided doses

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ADULT: 1 g 8 hourly or 2 g
12 hourly. In severe
Ceftazidime 500 mg J01DD02520P4002X Severe gram negative
280 A infections: 2 g 8 hourly.
Injection X bacterial infections
CHILD: 25 - 150 mg/kg/day
in 2 - 3 divided doses
i) 250 mg by deep IM
J01DD04520P4001X i) Gonorrhoea
281 Ceftriaxone 0.25 g Injection A/KK ii) single IM injection 250 mg
X ii) Chancroid
only. For severe infection up
to 100 mg/kg/day
ADULT: 1 - 2 g once daily.
Severe infection: 4 g daily at
12 hour intervals. INFANT &
CHILD, 3 weeks - 12 years:
20 - 80 mg/kg body weight
J01DD04520P4002X Infections caused by
282 Ceftriaxone 0.5 g Injection A daily. CHILD with body
X susceptible organisms
weight 50 kg or more: adult
dose. NEONATE up to 2
weeks: 20 - 50 mg/kg body
weight daily, not to exceed
50 mg/kg
ADULT: 1 - 2 g once daily.
Severe infection: 4 g daily at
12 hour intervals. INFANT &
CHILD, 3 weeks - 12 years:
20 - 80 mg/kg body weight
J01DD04520P4003X Infections caused by
283 Ceftriaxone 1g Injection A daily. CHILD with body
X susceptible organisms
weight 50 kg or more: adult
dose. NEONATE up to 2
weeks: 20 - 50 mg/kg body
weight daily, not to exceed
50 mg/kg
ADULT: 250 mg twice daily;
Upper and lower respiratory
UTI: 125 mg twice daily.
Cefuroxime Axetil 125 mg J01DC02233T1001X tract, genito-urinary tract,
284 A/KK CHILD:30 mg/kg/day in 2
Tablet X skin & soft tissue and urinary
divided doses, up to 500 mg
tract infections (UTI)
Cefuroxime Axetil 125 mg/5 J01DC02233F2101X Infections caused by 30 mg/kg/day in 2 divided
285 A
ml Suspension X susceptible organisms doses, up to 500 mg daily.
ADULT: 250 mg twice daily;
Upper and lower respiratory
UTI: 125 mg twice daily.
Cefuroxime Axetil 250 mg J01DC02233T1002X tract, genito-urinary tract,
286 A/KK CHILD:30 mg/kg/day in 2
Tablet X skin & soft tissue and urinary
divided doses, up to 500 mg
tract infections (UTI)
ADULT: 750 mg every 6 - 8
hours as IM or IV. Severe
infections: 1.5 g every 6 - 8
Infections caused by
Cefuroxime Sodium 1.5 g J01DC02520P4003X hours as IV. CHILD: 30 - 100
287 A susceptible organisms,
Injection X mg/kg/day in 3 - 4 divided
surgical prophylaxis
doses or 2-3 divided doses in
neonates. Surgical
prophylaxis: 1.5 g IV
ADULT: 750 mg every 6 - 8
Infections caused by
Cefuroxime Sodium 250 mg J01DC02520P4001X hours as IM or IV. Severe
288 A susceptible organisms,
Injection X infections: 1.5 g every 6 - 8
surgical prophylaxis
hours as IV. CHILD: 30 - 100

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mg/kg/day in 3 - 4 divided
doses or 2-3 divided doses in
neonates. Surgical
prophylaxis: 1.5 g IV
ADULT: 750 mg every 6 - 8
hours as IM or IV. Severe
infections: 1.5 g every 6 - 8
Infections caused by
Cefuroxime Sodium 750 mg J01DC02520P4002X hours as IV. CHILD: 30 - 100
289 A susceptible organisms,
Injection X mg/kg/day in 3 - 4 divided
surgical prophylaxis
doses or 2-3 divided doses in
neonates. Surgical
prophylaxis: 1.5 g IV
i) ADULTS: 200 mg once
daily. May increase to 200
mg bid, if necessary. CHILD
not recommended ii) 100mg
twice daily, increased if
necessary to 200 mg 2 times
daily; CHILD not
recommended iii) 400mg as
a single dose on first day
i) Osteoarthritis ii)
followed by 200mg once daily
M01AH01000C1001 Rheumatoid Arthritis iii)
290 Celecoxib 200 mg Capsule A on subsequent days iv)
XX Acute pain iv) Ankylosing
Initial, 200 mg once daily or
100 mg twice daily; if no
effect after 6 weeks, may
increase to max. 400 mg
daily in 1-2 divided doses. If
no response following 2
weeks of treatment with 400
mg/day, consider
discontinuation and
alternative treatment
i) ADULTS: 200 mg once
daily. CHILD not
ii) 100 mg twice daily,
increased if necessary to 200
mg 2 times daily; CHILD not
iii) 400 mg as a single dose
on first day followed by 200
i) Osteoarthritis
mg once daily on subsequent
M01AH01000C1002 ii) Rheumatoid Arthritis
291 Celecoxib 400 mg Capsule A* days
XX iii) Acute pain iv) Ankylosing
iv) Initial, 200 mg once daily
or 100 mg twice daily; if no
effect after 6 weeks, may
increase to max. 400 mg
daily in 1-2 divided doses. If
no response following 2
weeks of treatment with 400
mg/day, consider
discontinuation and
alternative treatment
Respiratory tract infections, CHILD: 25 - 100 mg/kg/day
Cephalexin Monohydrate J01DB01010F2101X
292 B ear, nose and throat every 6 hourly. Maximum: 4 g
125 mg/5 ml Syrup X
infections, urinary tract daily

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infections, obstetric and
gynaecologic infections

i) 250 mg 6 hourly
i) Respiratory tract infection, ii) 250 - 500 mg 6 hourly
urinary tract infection iii) 1 - 1.5 g 3 times daily or 4
Cephalexin Monohydrate J01DB01010C1001X
293 B ii) Complicated, recurrent or times daily. Maximum: 6
250 mg Capsule X
chronic infections, bronchitis g/day Child: 25-100 mg/kg
iii) Pneumonia daily in divided doses. Max: 4
g daily.
i) 250 mg 6 hourly
i) Respiratory tract infection, ii) 250 - 500 mg 6 hourly
urinary tract infection iii) 1 - 1.5 g 3 times daily or 4
Cephalexin Monohydrate J01DB01010T1001X
294 B ii) Complicated, recurrent or times daily. Maximum: 6
250 mg Tablet X
chronic infections, bronchitis g/day Child: 25-100 mg/kg
iii) Pneumonia daily in divided doses. Max: 4
g daily.
i) 250 mg 6 hourly
i) Respiratory tract infection, ii) 250 - 500 mg 6 hourly
urinary tract infection iii) 1 - 1.5 g 3 times daily or 4
Cephalexin Monohydrate J01DB01010C1002X
295 B ii) Complicated, recurrent or times daily. Maximum: 6
500 mg Capsule X
chronic infections, bronchitis g/day Child: 25-100 mg/kg
iii) Pneumonia daily in divided doses. Max: 4
g daily.
i) 250 mg 6 hourly
i) Respiratory tract infection, ii) 250 - 500 mg 6 hourly
urinary tract infection iii) 1 - 1.5 g 3 times daily or 4
Cephalexin Monohydrate J01DB01010T1002X
296 B ii) Complicated, recurrent or times daily. Maximum: 6
500 mg Tablet X
chronic infections, bronchitis g/day Child: 25-100 mg/kg
iii) Pneumonia daily in divided doses. Max: 4
g daily.
ADULT and CHILD over 6
Urticaria, allergic dermatoses
years: 10 mg daily or 5 mg
R06AE07110T1001X (insect bites, atopic eczema),
297 Cetirizine HCl 10 mg Tablet A/KK twice daily. Child 2-6 years: 5
X perennial rhinitis, allergic
mg once daily or 2.5 mg
twice daily
D08AJ04000L6001X As shampoo and cleansing
298 Cetrimide 1-2% Lotion. C+ Apply to affected area
X agent
Prevention of premature Given by SC 0.25 mg/day,
ovulation in patients given either in the morning
undergoing a controlled beginning on the day 5 or 6
299 Cetrorelix 0.25 mg Injection A* ovarian stimulation, followed of ovarian stimulation or in
by oocyte pick-up and the evening beginning on day
assisted reproductive 5, and continued until
techniques ovulation induction
For neo-adjuvant treatment
Administered once a week.
of KRAS wild type metastatic
The very first dose is 400mg
colorectal cancer with the
cetuximab per m2 body
aim of liver resection with the
surface area with a
following conditions:
recommended infusion
Cetuximab 5 mg/ml Solution L01XC06000P5002X i) The primary colorectal
300 A* period of 120 minutes. All
for Infusion X tumour has been resected or
subsequent weekly doses
is potentially resected.
are 250mg per m2 body
ii) The metastatic disease is
surface area each with a
confined to the liver and is
recommended infusion
period of 60 minutes. The
iii) The patient is fit enough to

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undergo surgery to resect the maximum infusion rate must
primary colorectal tumour not exceed 10mg/min.
and to undergo liver surgery
if the metastases become
resectable after treatment
with cetuximab.
iv)The treatment is limited to
16 weeks
i) ADULT 0.5-1 g given 3-4
times daily. CHILD half adult
ii) Need to be dissolved in
liquid (slurry consistency).
ADULT and CHILD over 12
years: initial 30-100 g or 1-2
i) Diarrhoea and food g/kg; repeat initial dose as
poisoning soon as possible or 20-50 g
Charcoal, Activated 250 mg A07BA01000T1001X ii) Reduce absorption of every 2-6 hours. CHILD over
301 C
Tablet X drugs, plant, inorganic poison 1-12 years, 25-50 g or 1-2
and chemicals in poisoning g/kg; may repeat half the
cases initial dose every 2-6 hour as
needed. CHILD to 1 year of
age, 1 g/kg; may repeat half
the initial dose every 2-6
hours as needed. For
maximum efficacy administer
within 1 hour after ingestion
of toxic compound
ADULT: Acute poisoning: 50
- 100g in suspension. Severe
Emergency treatment of
Charcoal, Activated 50 g A07BA01000F1001X poisoning: 50 - 100g as an
302 A acute oral poisoning and
Granules X initial dose followed by 20g
drug overdose
every 4 - 6 hours.
CHILDREN: 1g/kg/dose
ADULT: 0.5 - 1 g (max 2 g)
with plenty of water at
bedtime. CHILD: Neonate:
30-50 mg/kg; up to 100
mg/kg may be used with
respiratory monitoring. 1 mth-
Chloral Hydrate 200 mg/5 N05CC01010L2101X
303 B Preoperative sedation 12 yr: 30-50 mg/kg (max: 1
ml Mixture X
g); up to 100 mg/kg (max: 2
g) may be used; 12-18 yr: 1-2
g. Doses to be taken 45-60
minutes before procedure.
May be given rectally if oral
route is not available.
General: Initial: 0.1 -0.2
mg/kg body weight daily for 4
- 8 weeks maintanance:
given either by reduced daily
Low grade lymphoma,
L01AA02000T1001X dosage or intermittent course
304 Chlorambucil 2 mg Tablet A chronic lymphocytic
X of treatment. Chronic
leukaemia. Ovarian cancer
Lymphocytic Leukaemia:
initial : 0.15mg/kg/day untill
total leukocyte count has
fallen to 10,000peruL, then

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resumed treatment untill 4
weeks after the end of the
first course then continued at
a dosage 0.1mg/kg/day.
Instill 1 drop of a 0.5%
solution every 2 hr. Increase
Chloramphenicol 0.5% Eye S01AA01000D2001X Broad spectrum antibiotic in dosage interval upon
305 C
Drops X superficial eye infections improvement. To continue
treatment for at least 48 hr
after complete healing
Treatment of ocular ADULT and CHILD : Apply to
infections involving the the conjunctiva, a thin strip
Chloramphenicol 1% Eye S01AA01000G5101
306 C conjunctiva and/or cornea (approximately 1 cm) of
Ointment XX
caused by chloramphenicol ointment every 3 hours or
susceptible organisms more frequently
CHILD: 25 - 50 mg/kg/day in
4 divided doses. Severe
infections, premature& full-
Typhoid fever, salmonella
term infants less than 2
Chloramphenicol 125 mg/5 J01BA01126L8001X infections, meningitis,
307 B weeks: 25mg/kg/day in
ml Suspension X cholera, anaerobic and
divided doses. Full-term
rickettsial infections
infants more than 2 weeks:
up to 50mg/kg/day in divided
ADULT: 500 mg 4 times daily
Treatment of typhoid,
or 50 mg/kg/day in 4 divided
Chloramphenicol 250 mg J01BA01126C1001X paratyphoid fevers,
308 B doses. Maximum dose: 4
Capsule X bronchopneumonia and
g/day. CHILD: 25 - 100
enteric infection
mg/kg/day in 4 divided doses
Apply 2 - 3 drops into the ear
Chloramphenicol 5% w/v S02AA01000D1001X Acute otitis media, otitis
309 C 2 - 3 times daily. Not to be
Ear Drops X externa with perforation
used for long term
Adult: 50 to 100 mg/kg/day in
4 divided doses. Premature
Treatment of typhoid, and full-term neonates: 25
Chloramphenicol Sodium J01BA01520P4001X paratyphoid fevers, mg/kg/day in 4 divided
310 B
Succinate 1 g Injection X bronchopneumonia and doses. Full-term infants >2
enteric infection wk: 50 mg/kg/day in 4 divided
doses. Children: 50-100
mg/kg/day in 4 divided doses
Chlorhexidine Gluconate R02AA05137M2001 Rinse mouth with 10 ml for
311 C As a gargle
0.2 % Mouthwash XX about 1 minute twice daily
Skin Preparation: Use
Chlorhexidine Gluconate 2%
in Isopropyl Alcohol 70% and
Chlorhexidine Gluconate D08AC52137L9902X Use as disinfectant in central allow to dry. Catheter
312 C
2% in Alcohol 70% Solution X venous catheter care bundle acces:Apply to catheter ports
or hubs prior to accessing the
line for administering fluids or
Surgical hand disinfection:
Apply 5ml to clean hands and
Surgical hand
Chlorhexidine Gluconate D08AC02137M9901 forearms for 1 min. Rinse
313 C+ scrub/disinfection, pre-op
4% Scrub XX and repeat with another 5ml
skin preparation
for a further 2 mins and then
rinse and dry. General skin

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disinfection: Apply
appropriate quantity to wet
area and scrub for 1 min.
Rinse thoroughly & dry

i) Preoperative skin
Chlorhexidine Gluconate D08AC02137L9901X i) & iii) 1 : 10 in 70 % Alcohol
314 C+ ii) Wounds or burns
5% Solution X ii) 1 : 100
iii) Emergency disinfection of
Pre-op surgical hand
disinfection: Spread 5ml
throughly over both hands
and forearms, rubbing
vigorously. When dry apply a
further 5ml and repeat
Chlorhexidine Gluconate procedure. Antiseptic hand
5% Solution 1:10 in 70% D08AC52137L9901X To be used undiluted for disinfection on the ward:
315 C+
alcohol with lanolin as X hand and skin disinfections Spread 3ml throughly over
emollient the hands and wrist rubbing
vigorously until dry.
Disinfection of patient's skin:
Prior to surgery, apply to a
sterile swab and rub
thoroughly over the operation
site for a minimum of 2 mins
316 Chlorinated Lime Powder C Antiseptic and disinfectants Not applicable
Apply to affected areas
Chlorinated Lime Solution & D08A000999G9901X
317 C Wound or ulcer undiluted as a cleansing
Buffered Acetate Solution X
ADULT 600 mg base stat,
300 mg 6 - 8 hours later and
a further 300 mg on each of 2
following days. CHILD 3 - 4
Chloroquine Phosphate 250
P01BA01162T1001X Treatment of malaria - acute years: 150 mg base stat, 75
318 mg Tablet (150 mg C
X attack mg 6 hours later, then 75 mg
Chloroquine base)
daily for 2 days. CHILD 5 - 8
years : 300 mg stat, 150 mg
6 hours later, then 150 mg
daily for 2 days
10 - 20 mg IM or SC,
repeated if required. Not to
Chlorpheniramine Maleate R06AB04253P3001X
319 B Allergic conditions exceed 40 mg in 24 hours.
10 mg/ml Injection X
10 - 20 mg over 1 minute by
slow IV
CHILD 2 - 5 years : 1 mg
Symptomatic treatment of every 4 - 6 hours (maximum
Chlorpheniramine Maleate R06AB04253L9001X
320 C allergic conditions responsive 6 mg daily) 6 - 12 years : 2
2 mg/5 ml Syrup X
to antihistamine mg every 4 - 6 hours
(maximum 12 mg daily)
ADULT: 4 mg every 4 - 6
Symptomatic treatment of
Chlorpheniramine Maleate R06AB04253T1001X hours. Maximum 24 mg daily.
321 C allergic conditions responsive
4 mg Tablet X CHILD 2 - 5 years : 1 mg
to antihistamines
every 4 - 6 hours (maximum

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6 mg daily) 6 - 12 years : 2
mg every 4 - 6 hours
(maximum 12 mg daily)

ADULT: Initial dose - 25 mg 3

times daily according to
response up to 1 g daily.
PAEDIATRIC: Up to 5 years:
Chlorpromazine HCl 100 N05AA01110T1002X Psychosis mania and
322 B 0.5 mg/kg body weight every
mg Tablet X agitation
4 - 6 hours (Maximum 40 mg
daily). CHILD 6 - 12 years: A
third to half adult dose
(Maximum 75 mg daily)
ADULT: Initial dose - 25 mg 3
times daily according to
response up to 1 g daily.
PAEDIATRIC: Up to 5 years:
Chlorpromazine HCl 25 mg N05AA01110T1001X Psychosis mania and
323 B 0.5 mg/kg body weight every
Tablet X agitation
4 - 6 hours (Maximum 40 mg
daily). CHILD 6 - 12 years: A
third to half adult dose
(Maximum 75 mg daily)
Apply thin strip
Chlortetracycline 1% Eye S01AA02000G5101 Eye infections requiring a (approximately 1 cm) to the
324 B
Ointment XX broad spectrum antibiotic conjuctiva 2 to 4 hourly or
more frequently.
Apply directly to affected
Chlortetracycline 1-3 % D06AA02000G1001
325 B Bacterial skin infections area twice daily as required
Cream XX
for 1 - 2 weeks
Prophylactic ADULT: First
dose of 0.5 ml SC/IM
followed after 1 - 4 weeks by
a second dose of 1 ml.
CHILD: 1 - 5 years: 0.1 ml
(1st dose), 0.3 ml (2nd dose).
J07AE01000P3001X CHILD; 5 - 10 years: 0.3 ml
326 Cholera Vaccine B Immunisation of cholera
X (1st dose), 0.5ml (2nd dose).
Booster: For optimum long-
term protection, a booster
dose is recommended for
adults after 2 years. Children
2-6 years should receive a
booster dose after 6 months.
i) Hypercholesterolemia
ii) Familial
hypercholesterolemia - Hypercholesterolemia:
heterozygous Adjunct: initial, 4 g orally 1-2
C10AC01000M4001 iii) Generalized times daily, maintenance, 8
327 Cholestyramine Resin 4 G A
XX atherosclerosis to 16 g in divided doses, max
iv) Diarrhoea due to bile acid 24 g daily CHILD: 50 - 150
malabsorption mg/ kg 6 - 8 hourly oral
v) Pruritus of skin associated
with partial biliary obstruction
For relief of the pain and
Choline Salicylate 8.7%,
N02BA03900G3001 discomfort in mouth ulcers
328 Cetylkonium Chloride B Apply to area 4 times daily
XX and sores, infant teething
0.01% Dental Gel
and denture irritation

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i) Women undergoing
superovulation prior to 250 mcg 24-48 hour after the
Choriogonadotropin Alfa assisted reproductive last administration of an FSH
329 250 mcg/0.5 ml Injection in A* techniques such as in-vitro or hMG preparation, when
Prefilled Syringe fertilization (IVF) optimal stimulation of
ii) Anovulatory or oligo- follicular growth is achieved.
ovulatory women
i) & ii) Induction of ovulation:
5000 - 10,000 units one day
i)Treatment of infertile
following last dose of
Chorionic Gonadotrophin women to induce ovulation
G03GA01000P4001 menotropin. Up to 3 repeat
330 Human (HCG) 5000 IU A* ii) As a luteal support in
XX injections of 5000 units each
Injection controlled ovarian
may be given within the
hyperstimulation cycles
following 9 days to prevent
insufficiency corpus luteum
For adults and adolescents
Prophylactic treatment of
over 12 years of age with
asthma in adults,
mild to moderate asthma is
R03BA08000A2101X adolescents and children
331 Ciclesonide 160mcg Inhaler A* 160 to 640mcg per day:
X over 6 years (follow current
severe asthma dose may be
indication) Not meant for 6
increased to 1280mcg per
i & ii) Initially 12.5 - 15
mg/kg/day, beginning on the
day before transplant.
Maintenance approx 12.5
mg/kg/day for 3 - 6 months
Only for: i) Patients in whom before being tapered off to
donor specific transplantation zero by 1 year of
cannot be carried out and in transplantation
young children to minimise iii) 3 mg/kg/day in 2 divided
side-effects of steroids doses for first 6 weeks. May
ii) Follow-up cases of bone increased gradually to
marrow transplant maximum 5 mg/kg.
iii) Patients with severe Treatment withdrawn if no
rheumatoid arthritis not response after 3 months
responding to other second iv) ADULT: 5 mg/kg/day in 2
line drugs divided doses. CHILD: 6
332 Ciclosporin 100 mg Capsule A* iv) Patients with idiopathic mg/kg/day in 2 divided
nephrotic syndrome who are doses. Patients with
steroid toxic or poor permitted levels of kidney
response to failure, the starting dose must
cyclophosphamide not more than 2.5 mg/kg/day
v) Severe aplastic anemia, v) 12 mg/kg/day.
pure red cell aplasia vi) 2.5 mg/kg/day in 2 divided
vi) Cases of recalcitrant doses increasing if there is
psoriasis and atopic eczema no improvement after 4
vii) Treatment of chronic weeks by 0.5 -1 mg/kg/month
ocular inflammatory up to maximum 5 mg/kg/day
disorders/uveitis vii) 5 mg/kg/day in 2 divided
doses, may increase to 7
mg/kg/day in resistant cases.
Maintenance: Less than 5
mg/kg/day especially during

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i & ii) Initially 12.5 - 15
mg/kg/day, beginning on the
day before transplant.
Maintenance approx 12.5
Only for : i) Patients in whom mg/kg/day for 3 - 6 months
donor specific transplantation before being tapered off to
cannot be carried out and in zero by 1 year of
young children to minimise transplantation iii) 3
side-effects of steroids mg/kg/day in 2 divided doses
ii) Follow-up cases of bone for first 6 weeks. May
marrow transplant increased gradually to
iii) Patients with severe maximum 5 mg/kg.
Rheumatoid arthritis not Treatment withdrawn if no
Ciclosporin 100 mg/ml Drink L04AD01000L5002X responding to other second response after 3 months
333 A*
Solution X line drugs iv) ADULT: 5 mg/kg/day in 2
iv) Patients with idiopathic divided doses. CHILD: 6
nephrotic syndrome who are mg/kg/day in 2 divided
steroid toxic or poor doses. Patients with
response to permitted levels of kidney
cyclophosphamide failure, the starting dose must
v) Severe aplastic anaemia, not more than 2.5 mg/kg/day
pure red cell aplasia v) 12 mg/kg/day
vi) Cases of recalcitrant vi) 2.5 mg/kg/day in 2 divided
psoriasis and atopic eczema doses increasing if there is
no improvement after 4
weeks by 0.5 -1 mg/kg/month
up to maximum 5 mg/kg/day

i & ii) Initially 12.5 - 15

mg/kg/day, beginning on the
day before transplant.
Maintenance approx 12.5
Only for: i) Patients in whom
mg/kg/day for 3 - 6 months
donor specific transplantation
before being tapered off to
cannot be carried out and in
zero by 1 year of
young children to minimise
side-effects of steroids
iii) 3 mg/kg/day in 2 divided
ii) Follow-up cases of bone
doses for first 6 weeks. May
marrow transplant
increased gradually to
iii) Patients with severe
maximum 5 mg/kg.
rheumatoid arthritis not
Treatment withdrawn if no
responding to other second
response after 3 months
line drugs
L04AD01000C1001X iv) ADULT: 5 mg/kg/day in 2
334 Ciclosporin 25 mg Capsule A* iv) Patients with idiopathic
X divided doses. CHILD: 6
nephrotic syndrome who are
mg/kg/day in 2 divided
steroid toxic or poor
doses. Patients with
response to
permitted levels of kidney
failure, the starting dose must
v) Severe aplastic anemia,
not more than 2.5 mg/kg/day
pure red cell aplasia
v) 12 mg/kg/day
vi) Cases of recalcitrant
vi) 2.5 mg/kg/day in 2 divided
psoriasis and atopic eczema
doses increasing if there is
vii) Treatment of chronic
no improvement after 4
ocular inflammatory
weeks by 0.5 -1 mg/kg/month
up to maximum 5 mg/kg/day
vii) 5 mg/kg/day in 2 divided
doses, may increase to 7
mg/kg/day in resistant cases.

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Maintenance: Less than 5
mg/kg/day especially during

i) 3 - 5 mg/kg/day until
i) Post bone marrow tolerate orally
Ciclosporin 50 mg/ml L04AD01000P3001X
335 A* transplant ii) 2 - 3 mg/kg/day for
Injection X
ii) Solid organ transplant recipients who are unable to
take orally
Improvement of the maximal
and pain-free walking
distances in patients with
336 Cilostazol 100 mg Tablet A* intermittent claudication, who 100 mg twice daily
do not have rest pain and
who do not have evidence of
peripheral tissue necrosis.
Traditionally used for the
Cimicifuga Racemosa
HG03WA5001T1001 relief of hot flushes,
337 Rhizome Extract 20 mg A 20 mg twice daily
XX sweating, restlessness
associated with menopause
338 Cinnarizine 25 mg Tablet B Vestibular disorders One tablet 3 times daily
ADULT: the dosage range is
100-400mg twice daily
Gonorrhoea: 100mg single
dose Upper and Lower
Urinary Tract Infection:
Treatment of infections due 100mg bd Upper and Lower
Ciprofloxacin 100 mg/50 ml J01MA02125P3001X
339 A to susceptible bacterial Respiratory Tract Infection:
Injection X
strains 200mg bd-400mg twice daily
Cystic Fibrosis with
psuedomonal Lower RTI:
400mg bd Others: 200-
400mg bd inhalation Anthrax:
400mg bd

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Suggest to rephrase ADULT:
the dosage range is 100-
400mg twice daily
Gonorrhoea: 100mg single
dose Upper and Lower
Urinary Tract Infection:
Treatment of infections due
Ciprofloxacin 200 mg/100 J01MA02125P3002X 100mg bd Upper and Lower
340 A to susceptible bacterial
ml Injection X Respiratory Tract Infection:
200mg bd-400mg twice daily
Cystic Fibrosis with
psuedomonal Lower RTI:
400mg bd Others: 200-
400mg bd inhalation Anthrax:
400mg bd
Treatment of infections due ADULT: 125-750 mg twice
341 Ciprofloxacin 250 mg Tablet A to susceptible bacterial daily. Acute gonorrhoea: a
strains single dose of 250 mg
Treatment of infections due ADULT: 125-750 mg twice
342 Ciprofloxacin 500 mg Tablet A to susceptible bacterial daily. Acute gonorrhoea: a
strains single dose of 250 mg
i) 2 drops every 15 minutes
for the first 6 hours, then 2
drops every 30 minutes for
the rest of the first day.
Second day: 2 drops every
hour. Subsequent days (3rd -
Treatment of bacterial
14th day): 2 drops every 4
infections caused by
Ciprofloxacin HCl 0.3% S01AX13110D2001X hours. Treatment may be
343 A* susceptible strains in
Ophthalmic Solution X continued after 14 days if
i) corneal ulcers
corneal re-epithelialization
ii) bacterial conjunctivitis
has not occured
ii) 1 - 2 drops every 2 hours
into the conjunctival sac
while awake for 2 days and
1-2 drops every 4 hours while
awake for the next 5 days
Administered as bolus
intravenous injection. May be
As an adjunct to general administered as infusion in
anaesthesia to facilitate ICU patients at a rate of
endotracheal intubation, to 3mcg/kg/min. Adult dose:
provide skeletal muscle a) Induction: 0.15mg/kg over
Cisatracurium Besylate 2 M03AC11197P3001
344 A* relaxation during surgery and 5-10 secs,
mg/ml Injection XX
to facilitate mechanical b) Maintenance: 0.03 mg/kg.
ventilation. Restricted to
patients with lung problem Children 2-12 years:
such as asthma. a) Induction: 0.1 mg/kg over
5-10 secs,
b) Maintenance: 0.02 mg/kg

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Germ cell tumours: 20
mg/m2 daily for 5 days every
3 weeks for 3 - 4 courses.
Ovarian tumours: 75 mg/m2
once every 3 weeks as part
of combination therapy with
paclitaxel or 50-60mg/m2 IV
once every 3 weeks as a
Germ cell tumours, ovarian single agent. Baseline
345 Cisplatin 10 mg Injection A tumours, adult solid tumours, creatinine clearance,
lymphomas pretreatment hydration and
forced diuresis are
mandatory. CHILD:
100mg/m2 over 6 hours once
every 3 weeks. Lymphomas:
Refer to protocols CHILD:
100mg/m2 over 6 hours once
every 3 weeks. Lymphomas:
Refer to protocols
Germ cell tumours: 20
mg/m2 daily for 5 days every
3 weeks for 3 - 4 courses.
Ovarian tumours: 75 mg/m2
once every 3 weeks as part
of combination therapy or
100 mg/m2 IV once every 3
weeks as a single agent.
Germ cell tumours, ovarian
L01XA01000P3002X Baseline creatinine
346 Cisplatin 50 mg Injection A tumours, adult solid tumours,
X clearance, pretreatment
hydration and forced diuresis
are mandatory. CHILD:
100mg/m2 over 6 hours once
every 3 weeks. Lymphomas:
Refer to protocols CHILD:
100mg/m2 over 6 hours once
every 3 weeks. Lymphomas:
Refer to protocols
CHILD: 8 - 12 years: 30 - 40
kg 10 mL, 4 - 8 years: 20 - 29
Treatment of complicated
kg 7.5 mL, 2 - 4 years: 12 -
Clarithromycin 125 mg/5 ml J01FA09000F1001X respiratory tract infections not
347 A* 19 kg 5 mL, 1 - 2 years: 8 -
Granules X responding to standard
11 kg 2.5 mL, less than 8 kg:
7.5 mg/kg. To be given twice
daily. Maximum dose: 1g/day
Only for
i) treatment of complicated i) 250 - 500 mg twice daily.
respiratory tract infection not Up to 6 - 14 days
Clarithromycin 250 mg J01FA09000T1001X
348 A* responding to standard ii) 500 mg twice daily with
Tablet X
macrolides omeprazole & amoxicillin. Up
ii) eradication of Helicobacter to 2 weeks
pylori infection

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Susceptible infections Adult:
500 mg bid for 2-5 days.
Dose to be infused over 60
minutes in a 0.2% solution;
revert to oral therapy
Only for treatment of
whenever possible. Child: 1
Clarithromycin 500 mg J01FA09000P3001X complicated respiratory tract
349 A* mth-12 yr: 7.5 mg/kg every
Injection X infection not responding to
12 hr. Dose to be given via
standard macrolides
infusion into proximal vein.
Dosage Recommendation
CrCl (ml/min)<30 : Half the
dosage or double dosing
i) ADULT: 150 - 300 mg
every 6 hours; up to 450 mg
i) Skin and soft tissue every 6 hours in severe
infections, bone& joint infections; Max: 1.8g/day
infections CHILD: 3 - 6 mg/kg every 6
ii) Cerebral toxoplasmosis hours. Children weighing <10
Clindamycin HCl 300 mg J01FF01110C1001X
350 A* iii) Children less than 8 years kg should receive at least
Capsule X
old:Treatment and 37.5 mg every 8 hr.
prophylaxis of malaria in ii) 600 mg 6 hourly for 6
combination with quinine, as weeks iii) 10mg/kg twice a
an alternative to doxycline day, in combination with
quinine. The combination to
be given for 7 days
i) ADULT: 0.6 - 2.7 g daily (in
2 - 4 divided doses); up to
4.8 g daily;
i) Skin and soft tissue CHILD over 1 month, 20 - 40
Clindamycin Phosphate 150 J01FF01162P3001X infections, bone & joint mg/kg/day or 350 mg/m2/day
351 A*
mg/ml Injection X infections in 3 - 4 divided doses
ii) Cerebral toxoplasmosis ii) 1200 mg every 6 hours for
3 weeks followed by 300 mg
orally every 6 hours for
another 3 weeks
The initial dose in adults and
adolescents >15 yr should be
low (5 to15mg daily), if
necessary, increased
gradually to a maximum daily
As adjunctive therapy in dose of about 80mg. Doses
N05BA09000T1001X patients with epilepsy not of up to 30mg may be taken
352 Clobazam 10 mg tablet A*
X adequately stabilised with as a single dose in the
their basic medication. evening. The initial dose in
children from 3 to15 yr is
normally 5mg. A
maintenance dose of 0.3 to
1.0mg/kg body weight daily is
usually sufficient.
Apply sparingly once or twice
Short term treatment only of
daily, changing to lower
more resistant dermatoses
potency therapy as soon as
Clobetasol Propionate D07AD01133G1001 eg. psoriasis, recalcitrant
353 A condition is controlled. For
0.05% Cream XX eczemas, lichen planus,
mild to moderate use
discoid lupus erythematosus
maximum for 2 weeks. For
and other conditions which
moderate to severe

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do not respond satisfactorily maximum duration 4
to less potent steroids consecutive weeks. Max: 50
Apply sparingly once or twice
Short term treatment only of daily, changing to lower
more resistant dermatoses potency therapy as soon as
eg. psoriasis, recalcitrant condition is controlled. For
Clobetasol Propionate D07AD01133G5001 eczemas, lichen planus, mild to moderate use
354 A
0.05% Ointment XX discoid lupus erythematosus maximum for 2 weeks. For
and other conditions which moderate to severe
do not respond satisfactorily maximum duration 4
to less potent steroids consecutive weeks. Max:50
Apply up to four times daily
Clobetasone Butyrate D07AB01255G1001 Eczema and dermatitis of all
355 A/KK until condition improves, then
0.05% Cream XX types
reduce frequency
Apply up to four times daily
Clobetasone Butyrate D07AB01255G5001 Eczema and dermatitis of all
356 A until condition improves, then
0.05% Ointment XX types
reduce frequency
M05BA02011T1011 Treatment of hypercalcaemia 2 tablets in single or two
357 Clodronate 800 mg Tablet A*
XX due to malignancy divided doses
i) ADULT: 100 mg each other
day or 50 mg daily with
100mg Dapsone & 300mg
once a month with 600mg
rifampicin under supervision.
Maximum: 200 mg/day.
CHILD: 10-14 yr: 50mg
i) Previously untreated
clofazimine on alternate days
leprosy patients
with 50mg dapsone & 150
Clofazimine 100 mg J04BA01000C1002X ii) Leprosy patients resistant
358 B mg clofazimine with 450 mg
Capsule X to sulphones
rifampicin once a
iii) Suppression of lepra
month.Maximum: 100
ii) 100 mg daily
iii) 200-300mg usually
effective. Treatment with
minimum suppression dose
continued for at least 6
i) ADULT: 100 mg each other
day or 50 mg daily with
100mg Dapsone & 300mg
once a month with 600mg
rifampicin under supervision.
Maximum: 200 mg/day.
i) Previously untreated
CHILD: 10-14 yr: 50mg
leprosy patients
clofazimine on alternate days
J04BA01000C1001X ii) Leprosy patients resistant
359 Clofazimine 50 mg Capsule B with 50mg dapsone & 150
X to sulphones
mg clofazimine with 450 mg
iii) Suppression of lepra
rifampicin once a
month.Maximum: 100
ii) 100 mg daily
iii) 200-300mg usually
effective. Treatment with
minimum suppression dose

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continued for at least 6

50 mg daily from 2nd - 6th or

5th - 9th day of menstrual
cycle. Increase dose
gradually by increments of 50
mg if there is no response
until a dosage of 200 mg
Clomiphene Citrate 50mg G03GB02136T1001 daily is achieved (starting as
360 A Anovulatory infertility
Tablet XX early as 30 days afer the
previous course). Further
treatment may not be
recommended if pregnancy
has not occurred after a total
of 6 treatment cycles.

Initially 10 mg daily,
increased gradually as
necessary to 30 - 150 mg
daily in divided doses or as a
single dose at bedtime; max
250 mg daily. ELDERLY
initially 10 mg daily increased
carefully over approximately
Clomipramine HCI 25 mg N06AA04110T1001X Depression, obsessive-
361 A 10 days to 30 - 75 mg daily;
Tablet X compulsive disorder.
Child: ≥10 yr: Initially, 25 mg
daily, increased gradually
over 2 wk. Max: 3 mg/kg/day
or 100 mg daily, whichever is
smaller. Give in divided
doses. Once titrated, dose
may be given as a single
dose at bedtime.
i) & ii) ADULT: Initial dose
should not exceed 1.5mg/day
divided into 3 doses, may be
increased in increments of
0.5mg every 3 days until
seizures are controlled.
Maintenance dose: 3-
6mg/day. Maximum:
20mg/day. CHILD up to 10
years: initial dose 0.01-0.03
N03AE01000T1001X i) Epilepsy
362 Clonazepam 0.5 mg Tablet B mg/kg/day in 2-3 divided
X ii) Non-epileptic myoclonus
doses, increased by no more
than 0.25-0.5mg every third
day, maximum 0.2mg/kg/day.
CHILD 10-16 years: initial
dose 1-1.5mg/day in 2-3
divided dose, may be
increased by 0.25-0.5mg
every third day until individual
maintenance dose of 3-
6mg/day is reached.
N03AE01000T1002X i) Epilepsy i) & ii) ADULT: Initial dose
363 Clonazepam 2 mg Tablet B
X ii) Non-epileptic myoclonus should not exceed 1.5mg/day

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divided into 3 doses, may be
increased in increments of
0.5mg every 3 days until
seizures are controlled.
Maintenance dose: 3-
6mg/day. Maximum:
20mg/day. CHILD up to 10
years: initial dose 0.01-0.03
mg/kg/day in 2-3 divided
doses, increased by no more
than 0.25-0.5mg every third
day, maximum 0.2mg/kg/day.
CHILD 10-16 years: initial
dose 1-1.5mg/day in 2-3
divided dose, may be
increased by 0.25-0.5mg
every third day until individual
maintenance dose of 3-
6mg/day is reached.

Rapid detoxification in 4-5

days (use with naltrexone): 6
mcg/kg ORALLY divided in 3
doses 6 to 8 hours apart the
first day, increasing to 11
Rapid opiod detoxification
Clonidine HCl 0.025 mg N02CX02110T1001X mcg/kg divided in 3 doses
364 A combination use with
Tablet X given day two, tapering to 0.6
mcg/kg the third day. Rapid
opioid detoxification for 7
days (use with naltrexone) :
0.1 to 0.2 mg every 4 hours
as needed
Prevention of myocardial
infarct, stroke or established
peripheral arterial disease.
365 Clopidogrel 75 mg Tablet A* As second/third line 75 mg once daily
treatment in patients who are
sensitive to acetylsalicylic
acid & intolerant to ticlopidine
i) Focal dystonias
Clostridium Botulinum Toxin M03AX01000P4001 ii) Hemifacial spasm
366 A* 20 - 200 units 3 months once
Type A 100 units XX iii) Spasticity including
cerebral palsy
Initially 20 U/kg divided
between both calf muscles.
May be titrated 10-30 U/kg
Clostridium Botulinum Type i) Focal dystonias
up to max of not >1000
A toxin haemagglutinin M03AX01000P4003 ii) Hemifacial spasm
367 A* U/patient. Should only be
complex 300 units/vial XX iii) Spasticity including
used in children > 2 years of
powder for injection cerebral palsy
age. Repeat injections given
not less than 3 months from
previous injection.
Initially 20 U/kg divided
Clostridium botulinum Type i) Focal dystonias
between both calf muscles.
A toxin haemagglutinin M03AX01000P4002 ii) Hemifacial spasm
368 A* May be titrated 10-30 U/kg
complex 500U/vial powder XX iii) Spasticity including
up to max of not >1000
for injection cerebral palsy
U/patient. Should only be

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used in children > 2 years of
age. Repeat injections given
not less than 3 months from
previous injection.

Rub in gently onto affected

and surrounding skin 2 or 3
Cutaneous candidiasis, Tinea
D01AC01000G1001 times daily continuing for
369 Clotrimazole 1% Cream B corporis, Tinea cruris, Tinea
XX about 2 weeks beyond the
pedis and Tinea versicolor
dissapearance of all
Otomycosis; concomitant
370 Clotrimazole 1% Ear Drop B therapy with antibiotics and 4 to 5 drops 3 to 4 times daily
corticosteroid ear drops
Apply gently onto affected
Cutaneous candidiasis, tinea
D01AC01000L6001X and surrounding skin area 2
371 Clotrimazole 1% Solution A orporis, tinea cruris, tinea
X or 3 times daily continuing for
pedis and tinea versicolor
2-4 weeks
200 mg once daily, preferably
Clotrimazole 200 mg G01AF02000S1002X
372 B Vaginal candidiasis at bedtime for three
Vaginal Tablet X
consecutive days
Clotrimazole 500 mg G01AF02000S1003X 500 mg as a single one-time
373 B Vaginal candidiasis
Vaginal Tablet X dose
Treatment of susceptible
Cloxacillin Sodium 125 J01CF02520L8001X bacterial infections, notably Child: 50-100 mg/kg in
374 B
mg/5 ml Suspension X penicillinase-producing divided doses every 6 hr
Treatment of susceptible
ADULT: 250 - 500 mg every
Cloxacillin Sodium 250 mg J01CF02520C1001X bacterial infections, notably
375 B 6 hours. Child: 50-100 mg/kg
Capsule X penicillinase-producing
in divided doses every 6 hr.
ADULT: 250 to 500 mg every
Treatment of susceptible 6 hours depending on type
Cloxacillin Sodium 250 mg J01CF02520P4001X bacterial infections, notably and severity of infection.
376 B
Injection X penicillinase-producing CHILD less than 20 kg: 25 to
staphylococci infections 50 mg/kg/day in equally
divided doses every 6 hours
Treatment of susceptible
ADULT: 250 - 500 mg every
Cloxacillin Sodium 500 mg J01CF02520C1002X bacterial infections, notably
377 B 6 hours. Child: 50-100 mg/kg
Capsule X penicillinase-producing
in divided doses every 6 hr.
ADULT: 250 to 500 mg every
Treatment of susceptible 6 hours depending on type
Cloxacillin Sodium 500 mg J01CF02520P4002X bacterial infections, notably and severity of infection.
378 B
Injection X penicillinase-producing CHILD less than 20 kg: 25 to
staphylococci infections 50 mg/kg/day in equally
divided doses every 6 hours
Initial dose: 12.5 mg (once or
twice) daily, increase slowly
N05AH02000T1002X Treatment of resistant in steps of 25 - 50 mg up to
379 Clozapine 100 mg Tablet A
X schizophrenia 300 mg daily within 2 - 3
weeks. Maximum 900

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Initial dose: 12.5 mg (once or
twice) daily, increase slowly
N05AH02000T1001X Treatment of resistant in steps of 25 - 50 mg up to
380 Clozapine 25 mg Tablet A
X schizophrenia 300 mg daily within 2 - 3
weeks. Maximum 900
Coal Tar 1- 6 % in Dandruff, seborrhoeic
D05AA00946G5003 Apply to the affected areas
381 Betamethasone 17 - B dermatitis, atopic dermatitis,
XX sparingly 1-2 times daily
Valerate 0.01 % Ointment eczema and psoriasis
Dandruff, seborrhoeic
dermatitis, atopic dermatitis,
eczema and psoriasis. Used Apply sparingly to the
D05AA00000G5001 as a mild astringent for the affected area 1-3 times daily
382 Coal Tar 1-9% Ointment B
XX skin, as a soothing and starting with low strength
protective application in preparations
eczema and as a protective
to slight excoriation
Dandruff, seborrhoeic
383 Coal Tar 20% Solution B dermatitis, atopic dermatitis, Use 100 ml in a bath
eczema and psoriasis
Coal Tar and Salicylic Acid Dandruff, seborrhoeic
384 (various concentrations) B dermatitis, atopic dermatitis, Apply to the affected areas
Ointment eczema and psoriasis
Coal Tar with Salicylic Acid Dandruff, seborrhoeic
D05AA00000L5202X Apply to the affected areas or
385 (various concentrations) B dermatitis, atopic dermatitis,
X as in product leaflet
Solution eczema and psoriasis
Maximum total dose
To produce local anaesthesia
recommended for application
or vasoconstriction during
N01BC01110L5001X to the nasal mucosa in
386 Cocaine 10% Solution B endoscopic nasal surgery,
X healthy adult is 1.5 to 2
turbinectomy septoplasty,
mg/kg of a 10% cocaine
polypectomy etc
D05AA00946G5001 Scalp psoriasis and severe Rub a small amount into the
387 Cocois Co. Ointment B
XX seborrhoeic dermatitis scalp gently
i) Initial dose, 0.5-1.2 mg,
and then 0.5-0.6 mg every
hour until relief of pain is
i) Acute gout and prophylaxis
obtained or vomiting or
of recurrent gout.
diarrhoea occurs (Maximum:
ii) Leucocytoclastic Vasculitis
8 mg). The course should not
either cutaneous or systemic
be repeated within 3 days.
M04AC01000T1001 involvement, Behcet's
388 Colchicine 0.5 mg Tablet B Prevention of attacks during
XX syndrome, Urticarial
initial treatment with
vasculitis, Systemic sclerosis,
allopurinol or uricosuric
Sweet's syndrome and
drugs: 0.5 mg 1-3 times daily.
severe recalcitrant aphthous
ii) 0.5 mg 1-3 times daily
depends on disease and
severity, up to a maximum of
3 mg/day

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A minimum of 5 days
treatment is generally
recommended. For the
treatment of respiratory
exacerbations in cystic
fibrosis patients, treatment
should be continued up to 12
days. Children and adults
(including elderly): Up to
60kg: 50,000 units/kg/day to
a maximum of 75,000
units/kg/day. The total daily
dose should be divided into
three doses given at
Intravenous administration
approximately 8-hour
for the treatment of serious
intervals. Over 60kg: 1-2
infections caused by Gram
million units three times a
Colistimethate Sodium 1 negative bacteria, when more
J01XB01520P4001X day. The maximum dose is 6
389 million IU per vial A* commonly used systemic
X million units in 24 hours.
(Polymyxin E) antibacterial agents may be
Renal impairment: In
contraindicated or may be
moderate to severe renal
ineffective because of
impairment, excretion of
bacterial resistance.
colistimethate sodium is
delayed. Therefore, the dose
and dose interval should be
adjusted in order to prevent
accumulation. Suggested
Dosage Adjustment in Renal
Impairment (for over 60 kg
body weight): - Mild (CrCl 20-
50 ml/min): 1-2 million units
every 8 hr. - Moderate (CrCl
10-20 ml/min): 1 million units
every 12-18 hr. - Severe
(CrCl <10 ml/min): 1 million
units every 18-24 hr.
Eradication therapy for
Colloidal Bismuth Subcitrate A02BX05136T1001X Helicobacter Pylori in 240 mg twice daily for 1-2
390 A
120 mg Tablet X combination with antibiotics weeks
and antisecretory drugs
Replacement of extracellular
100-1000 ml by IV or
Compound Sodium Lactate B05XA30125P6001X losses of fluid and
391 C according to the needs of the
(Hartmanns Solution) X electrolytes, as an alkaliniser
i) Osteoporosis associated
with oestrogen deficiency
ii) Female hypoestrogenism i) 0.3 - 0.625 mg daily
Conjugated estrogens 0.3 G03CA57000T1003 iii) Vasomotor symptoms ii) 0.3- 1.25mg daily for
392 A
mg Tablet XX associated with oestrogen 3weeks, then off for 1 week
deficiency iii) & iv) 0.3mg-1.25mg daily
iv)atrophic vaginitis and
Management of moderate to
Conjugated Estrogens
severe vasomotor symptoms
0.625 mg & G03FA12295T1002X
393 A associated with menopause, 1 tablet daily
Medroxyprogesterone X
prevention and management
Acetate 2.5 mg Tablet
of postmenopausal

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osteoporosis, atropic vaginitis
and atropic urethritis in post
menopausal woman with
intact uterus

i) Osteoporosis associated
with oestrogen deficiency
ii) Female hypoestrogenism i) 0.3 - 0.625 mg daily
Conjugated Oestrogens G03CA57000T1001 iii) Vasomotor symptoms ii) 0.3- 1.25mg daily for
394 A
0.625 mg Tablet XX associated with oestrogen 3weeks, then off for 1 week
deficiency iii) & iv) 0.3mg-1.25mg daily
iv)atrophic vaginitis and
Intravaginally or topically 0.5-
2g daily depending on
severity of condition.
Administration should be
cyclic, with 3 weeks on
conjugated estrogens and
one week off. Estrogens
Atrophic vaginitis and post should be used for the
Conjugated Oestrogens G03CA57000G1001
395 A menopausal atrophic shortest duration possible
0.625 mg/g Cream XX
urethritis when treating atrophic
vaginitis. Every 3 to 6 months
attempts should be made to
taper or discontinue therapy
and conjugated estrogens
should be titrated to give the
lowest possible dosage to
control symptoms
Continuous Ambulatory
For chronic renal diseases
Peritoneal Dialysis (CAPD)
requiring dialysis and acute
Solution containing 2.3% B05DB00908H2504 Dose depending on clinical
396 B therapy-resistance renal
glucose (Calcium XX cases
failure eg. prior to transfer to
1.75mmol/L) & (Calcium
a dialysis centre
For chronic renal diseases
Continuous Ambulatory requiring dialysis and acute
B05DB00908H2501 Dose depending on clinical
397 Peritoneal Dialysis Solution B therapy-resistance renal
XX cases
containing 1.5% Dextrose failure eg. prior to transfer to
a dialysis centre
For chronic renal diseases
Continuous Ambulatory requiring dialysis and acute
B05DB00908H2502 Dose depending on clinical
398 Peritoneal Dialysis Solution B therapy-resistance renal
XX cases
containing 2.5% Dextrose failure eg. prior to transfer to
a dialysis centre
For chronic renal diseases
Continuous Ambulatory requiring dialysis and acute
B05DB00908H2503 Dose depending on clinical
399 Peritoneal Dialysis Solution B therapy-resistance renal
XX cases
containing 4.25% Dextrose failure eg. prior to transfer to
a dialysis centre
One unit intrauterine device
to be inserted into the uterine
Copper 250 mm2 G02BA02000M9001 cavity on the last day of the
400 B Intrauterine contraception
Intrauterine Device XX menstrual flow or in the first
days afterwards. It is advised
that the Multiload Cu 250

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devices are replaced every 3

One unit intrauterine device

to be inserted into the uterine
cavity on the last day of the
Copper 375 mm2 G02BA02000M9002 menstrual flow or in the first
401 B Contraception
Intrauterine Device XX days afterwards. It is advised
that the Multiload Cu 375
devices are replaced every 5
The tip of the crystal should
D08A000183F9901X be moistened by dipping in
402 Copper Sulphate Crystal C Wounds
X water and applied carefully to
the lesion
Controlled Ovarian
Stimulation (COS) in
combination with a GnRH Women with Body Weight
antagonist for the ≤60 kg: A single dose of 100
development of multiple mcg should be administered.
Corifollitropin Alfa
G03GA09000P5001 follicles in woman Women with Body Weight
403 100mcg/0.5ml solution for A*
XX participating in an Assisted >60 kg: A single dose of 150
Reproductive Technology mcg should be administered.
(ART) program Restriction: Details : Refer to Product
As second line treatment Information
alternative to other
recombinant FSH
Controlled Ovarian
Stimulation (COS) in
combination with a GnRH
Women with Body Weight
antagonist for the
≤60 kg: A single dose of 100
development of multiple
mcg should be administered.
Corifollitropin Alfa follicles in woman
G03GA09000P5002 Women with Body Weight
404 150mcg/0.5ml solution for A* participating in an Assisted
XX >60 kg: A single dose of 150
injection Reproductive Technology
mcg should be administered.
(ART) program Restriction:
Details : Refer to Product
As second line treatment
alternative to other
recombinant FSH

For salt losing congenital 20-30 mg/m2 daily. Doses

Cortisone Acetate 5 mg H02AB10122T1002X adrenal hyperplasia in may be divided with two-
405 B
Tablet X newborn and paediatric thirds in the morning and
patients one-third late in the afternoon
i) and iii) Massage into
affected area until the
medication is completely
absorbed. Repeat as
i) Pruritus needed. Apply 2 or 3 times
406 Crotamiton 10 % Cream A/KK ii) Scabies daily
iii) Insect bite reactions ii) Apply to the whole body
from below the chin. 2nd
application is applied 24 hr
later. May need to use once
daily for up to 5 days.

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i) Prophylaxis of anaemia:
250-1000 mcg IM every
ii) Uncomplicated pernicious
anaemia or Vitamin B12
malabsorption: Initial 100
mcg daily for 5-10 days
i) Prophylaxis of anaemia
followed by 100-200 mcg
Cyanocobalamin 0.1 mg B03BA01000P3001X ii) Uncomplicated pernicious
407 B monthly until complete
Injection X anaemia or Vitamin B12
remission is achieved.
Maintenance: up to 1000
mcg monthly. CHILD 30-50
mcg daily for 2 or more
weeks (to a total dose of 1-
5mg). Maintenance: 100 mcg
monthly to sustain remission
i) Prophylaxis of anaemia:
250-1000 mcg IM every
ii) Uncomplicated pernicious
anaemia or Vitamin B12
i) Prophylaxis of anaemia
malabsorption: Initial 100
associated with Vitamin B12
mcg daily for 5-10 days
Cyanocobalamin 1 mg B03BA01000P3002X deficiency
408 B followed by 100-200 mcg
Injection X ii) Uncomplicated pernicious
monthly until complete
anaemia or Vitamin B12
remission is achieved.
Maintenance: up to 1000
mcg monthly. CHILD 30-50
mcg daily for 2 or more
weeks (to a total dose of 1-
ADULT 50-150 mcg daily.
Cyanocobalamin 50 mcg B03BA01000T1002X Vitamin B12 deficiency of
409 B CHILD 50-105 mcg daily in 1-
Tablet X dietary origin
3 divided doses
1 drop every 5 - 10 minutes;
Cyclopentolate 0.2% with not exceeding three times to
S01GA55990D2001 Dilating agent for premature
410 Phenylephrine 1% Eye A produce rapid mydriasis.
XX babies
Drops Observe infants closely for at
least 30 minutes
1 drop of solution in eye(s);
may repeat after 5 to 10
minutes if needed. INFANT :
Single instillation of 1 drop of
0.5% solution in the eye;
Cyclopentolate 0.5% Eye S01FA04000D2001X apply pressure to
411 A Mydriasis and cycloplegia
Drops X nasolacrimal sac for 2 to 3
minutes; observe infant
closely for at least 30
minutes for signs or
symptoms of systemic

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ADULT: 1 drop of solution in
eye(s); may repeat after 5-10
minutes if needed. CHILD: 1
drop of solution in eye(s);
may repeat after 5-10
Cyclopentolate 1% Eye S01FA04000D2002X
412 A Mydriasis and cycloplegia minutes if needed. Pre-
Drops X
treatment on the day prior to
examination is usually not
necessary. If desirable, 1 or 2
drops may be instilled the
evening prior to examination.
i) ADULT: 600 - 750 mg/m2
IV once every 3 weeks as
part of combination regime.
CHILD: Dose variable
depending on disease and
protocol. Range 600 mg/m2
to 2 g/m2 infusion over 1
hour to 6 hours (lower doses
can be given as bolus). Care
with pre and post-hydration.
Mesna to be given with
doses more than 1 g/m2.
Higher doses are used in
i) Solid tumours (adult and haematopoetic stem cell
paediatric), leukaemia, non- transplant-refer to specific
Hodgkin's lymphoma, protocols
multiple myeloma ii) 750 mg/m2 BSA monthly
ii) Severe lupus nephritis for 18 months
Cyclophosphamide 1 g L01AA01000P4002X (Class III and IV) iii) 750 mg/m2 BSA monthly
413 A
Injection X iii) Other systemic vasculitis for 6 months. Dose can be
iv) Systemic lupus adjusted up to 1,000 mg/m2
erythematosus, rheumatoid BSA to achieve adequate
arthritis, polyarteritis nodosa, leucocyte suppression
wegener granulomatosis iv) 500 - 1000 mg
v) Pemphigus vulgaris intravenously (Regime varies
according to indication).
Starting dose may be given
fortnightly then at monthly
intervals followed by 3
monthly intervals
v) 500 mg infusion on the
2nd day of the
cyclophosphamide pulsed
regime, the cycle is repeated
every 4 weeks up to 6 cycles
or till remission followed by
oral cyclophosphamide

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i) ADULT: 600 - 750 mg/m2
IV once every 3 weeks as
part of combination regime.
CHILD: Dose variable
depending on disease and
protocol. Range 600 mg/m2
to 2 g/m2 infusion over 1
hour to 6 hours (lower doses
can be given as bolus). Care
with pre and post-hydration.
Mesna to be given with
doses more than 1 g/m2.
Higher doses are used in
i) Solid tumours (adult and haematopoetic stem cell
paediatric), leukaemia, non- transplant-refer to specific
Hodgkin's lymphoma, protocols
multiple myeloma ii) 750 mg/m2 BSA monthly
ii) Severe lupus nephritis for 18 months iii) 750 mg/m2
Cyclophosphamide 200 mg L01AA01000P4001X (Class III and IV) BSA monthly for 6 months.
414 A
Injection X iii) Other systemic vasculitis Dose can be adjusted up to
iv) Systemic lupus 1,000 mg/m2 BSA to achieve
erythematosus, rheumatoid adequate leucocyte
arthritis, polyarteritis nodosa, suppression
wegener granulomatosis iv) 500 - 1000 mg
v) Pemphigus vulgaris intravenously (Regime varies
according to indication).
Starting dose may be given
fortnightly then at monthly
intervals followed by 3
monthly intervals
v) 500 mg infusion on the
2nd day of the
cyclophosphamide pulsed
regime, the cycle is repeated
every 4 weeks up to 6 cycles
or till remission followed by
oral cyclophosphamide
i) Solid tumours, leukaemia,
lymphoma, autoimmune
disorders, autoimmune i) ADULT: 50 - 100 mg/day.
bullous diseases, connective Monitor full blood count
tissue disease, pyoderma (FBC), liver function, urine
gangrenosum microscopy and renal
ii) For severe lupus nephritis function. CHILD, up to 1
Cyclophosphamide 50 mg L01AA01000T1001X (Class III & IV), systemic year: 10 - 20 mg daily, 1 - 5
415 A
Tablet X vasculitis and steroid years: 30 - 50 mg daily, 6 -
resistant/dependent 12 years: 50 - 100 mg daily
nephrotic syndrome ii) 2 mg/kg/day for 3 - 4
iii) Systemic lupus months
erythematosus (SLE), iii) 1 - 1.5 mg/kg/day orally in
rheumatoid arthritis, divided doses
polyarteritis nodosa, wegener
ADULT: Initial: 250 mg every
Cycloserine 250 mg J04AB01000C1001X Multi-Drug Resistance
416 A* 12 hours for 14 days, then
Capsule X Tuberculosis treatment
administer 0.5 - 1 g daily in 2

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failure. (For respiratory divided doses for 18 - 24
physicians) months (maximum daily
dose: 1 g). CHILD: 2-12 yr: 5
mg/kg bid; 12-18 yr: 250 mg
bid for 2 wk then adjusted to
a max dose of 1 g daily

To increase tear production

in patients whose tear
production is presumed to be
suppressed due to ocular
inflammation associated with 1 drop twice a day in each
Cyclosporine Ophthalmic S01XA18000D2001X
417 A* keratoconjunctivitis sicca. eye approximately 12 hours
Emulsion 0.05% X
Increased tear production apart.
was not seen in patients
currently taking anti
inflammatory drugs or using
punctal plugs.
1 tablet daily for 21 days on
the first day of the cycle,
followed by 7 tab free days.
Cyproterone Acetate 2 mg
G03HB01954T1001 Androgen dependent Starting on day 2 to 5 is
418 & Ethinyloestradiol 0.035 A*
XX diseases in women allowed, but during the first
mg Tablet
cycle a barrier method is
recommended for the first
7days of tablet taking.
i) After orchidectomy, 100 mg
once daily or twice daily
ii) If used together with LHRH
agonists, the initial dose is
Cyproterone Acetate 50 mg G03HA01122T1001 100 mg twice daily for 5 to 7
419 A* Carcinoma of prostate
Tablet XX days before the start of
LHRH agonist, then 100 mg
twice daily for 3 to 4 weeks
together with the LHRH
Standard doses 100 - 200
mg/m2 daily over 5 - 10 days.
i) Central nervous system
Higher doses for
ii) Meningeal leukemia
1000 - 3000 mg/m2 daily
iii) Non Hodgkin's Lymphoma
over 3 - 5 days depending on
iv) High dose cytarabine as
specific protocols. CHILD:
conditioning to cytoreduce
Dose variable depending on
the disease before stem cell
disease and protocol. Range
transplant for relapsed or
L01BC01000P4004X from 100 mg/m2 to 3 g/m2
420 Cytarabine 1 g Injection A refractory leukemia
X twice daily. May be given as
v) As salvage for acute
SC, IV bolus or infusion.
lymphocytic leukemia
Intrathecal dose: Less than 1
vi) As salvage for acute
year: 15 mg, 1 - 2 years: 20
myeloid leukemia
mg, 2 - 3 years: 25 mg, more
vii) As palliative
than 3 years: 30 mg.
chemotherapy in elderly
acute myeloid leukemia/
myelodysplastic syndrome

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Standard doses 100 - 200
mg/m2 daily over 5 - 10 days.
i) Central nervous system
Higher doses for
ii) Meningeal leukemia
1000 - 3000 mg/m2 daily
iii) Non Hodgkin's Lymphoma
over 3 - 5 days depending on
iv) High dose cytarabine as
specific protocols. CHILD:
conditioning to cytoreduce
Dose variable depending on
the disease before stem cell
disease and protocol. Range
transplant for relapsed or
L01BC01000P4002X from 100 mg/m2 to 3 g/m2
421 Cytarabine 100 mg Injection A refractory leukemia
X twice daily. May be given as
v) As salvage for acute
SC, IV bolus or infusion.
lymphocytic leukemia
Intrathecal dose: Less than 1
vi) As salvage for acute
year: 15 mg, 1 - 2 years: 20
myeloid leukemia
mg, 2 - 3 years: 25 mg, more
vii) As palliative
than 3 years: 30 mg.
chemotherapy in elderly
acute myeloid leukemia/
myelodysplastic syndrome
Standard doses 100 - 200
mg/m2 daily over 5 - 10 days.
i) Central nervous system
Higher doses for
ii) Meningeal leukemia
1000 - 3000 mg/m2 daily
iii) Non Hodgkin's Lymphoma
over 3 - 5 days depending on
iv) High dose cytarabine as
specific protocols. CHILD:
conditioning to cytoreduce
Dose variable depending on
the disease before stem cell
disease and protocol. Range
transplant for relapsed or
L01BC01000P4003X from 100 mg/m2 to 3 g/m2
422 Cytarabine 500 mg Injection A refractory leukemia
X twice daily. May be given as
v) As salvage for acute
SC, IV bolus or infusion.
lymphocytic leukemia
Intrathecal dose: Less than 1
vi) As salvage for acute
year: 15 mg, 1 - 2 years: 20
myeloid leukemia
mg, 2 - 3 years: 25 mg, more
vii) As palliative
than 3 years: 30 mg.
chemotherapy in elderly
acute myeloid leukemia/
myelodysplastic syndrome

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i) Following total knee
replacement: Initially ADULT
110mg (ELDERLY, 75 mg)
within 1- 4 hours after
surgery, then 220 mg
(ELDERLY, 150 mg) once
daily thereafter for 6-10 days
Following total hip
replacement: Initially ADULT
110 mg (ELDERLY, 75 mg)
within 1- 4 hours after
surgery, then 220 mg
(ELDERLY, 150 mg) once
daily thereafter for 28-35
ii) Recommended daily dose
i) Prevention of venous
is 300mg taken orally as
thromboembolic events in
150mg hard capsule twice
patients who have undergone
daily. Therapy should be
total knee replacement or
continued lifelong.
total hip replacement
iii) Recommended daily dose
is 300mg taken as one
ii) Reduction of the risk of
150mg capsule BD following
Dabigatran Etexilate 110 B01AE07999C1002X stroke and systemic
423 A* treatment with a parenteral
mg Capsule X embolism in patients with
anticoagulant for at least 5
non-valvular atrial fibrillation
days. The duration of therapy
should be individualized after
iii) Treatment of deep vein
careful assessment of the
thrombosis (DVT) and
treatment benefit against the
pulmonary embolism (PE)
risk for bleeding. ii) & iii) For
and prevention of recurrent
the following groups, the
DVT and PE in adults.
recommended daily dose is
220 mg taken as one 110mg
capsule twice daily: - Patients
aged 80 years or above -
Patients who receive
concomitant verapamil
Special patient population for
renal impairment: Renal
function should be assessed
by calculating the creatinine
clearance (CrCl) prior to
initiation of treatment with
Dabigatran to exclude
patients for treatment with
severe renal impairment (i.e.
CrCl < 30 ml/min).
Following total knee
replacement: Initially ADULT
110 mg (ELDERLY, 75 mg)
Prevention of venous within 1- 4 hours after
thromboembolic events in surgery, then 220 mg
Dabigatran Etexilate 75 mg B01AE07999C1001X
424 A* patients who have undergone (ELDERLY, 150 mg) once
Capsule X
total knee replacement or daily thereafter for 6-10 days
total hip replacement surgery Following total hip
replacement: Initially ADULT
110 mg (ELDERLY, 75 mg)
within 1- 4 hours after

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surgery, then 220 mg
(ELDERLY, 150 mg) once
daily thereafter for 28-35
i) Recommended daily dose
is 300mg taken orally as
150mg hard capsule twice
daily. Therapy should be
continued lifelong.
ii) Recommended daily dose
is 300mg taken as one
150mg capsule BD following
treatment with a parenteral
anticoagulant for at least 5
days. The duration of therapy
i) Reduction of the risk of should be individualized after
stroke and systemic careful assessment of the
embolism in patients with treatment benefit against the
non-valvular atrial fibrillation risk for bleeding. For the
Dabigatran Etexilate150 mg B01AE07999C1003X (AF). following groups, the
425 A*
Capsule X ii) Treatment of deep vein recommended daily dose is
thrombosis (DVT) and 220 mg taken as one 110mg
pulmonary embolism (PE) capsule twice daily: - Patients
and prevention of recurrent aged 80 years or above -
DVT and PE in adults. Patients who receive
concomitant verapamil
Special patient population for
renal impairment: Renal
function should be assessed
by calculating the creatinine
clearance (CrCl) prior to
initiation of treatment with
Dabigatran to exclude
patients for treatment with
severe renal impairment (i.e.
CrCl < 30 ml/min).
i) Malignant melanoma,
i) 250 mg/m2 for 5 days, may
sarcomas, neuroblastomas
Dacarbazine 100 mg L01AX04000P4001X be repeated every 3 weeks
426 A* and other childhood solid
Injection X ii) 375 mg/m2 IV every 2
ii) Hodgkin's Disease
i)200 - 800 mg daily for max
i)Endometriosis and
of 9 months
G03XA01000C1001 ii)200 mg daily for 12 weeks
427 Danazol 100 mg Capsule A/KK ii)Menorrhagia
XX ii)400 mg daily. Reduce to
iii)Prophylaxis of hereditary
200 mg daily after 2 months
attack free period
i) 200 - 800 mg daily for max
i) Endometriosis and
of 9 months
G03XA01000C1002 ii) 200 mg daily for 12 weeks
428 Danazol 200 mg Capsule A/KK ii) Menorrhagia
XX ii) 400 mg daily. Reduce to
iii) Prophylaxis of hereditary
200 mg daily after 2 months
attack free period
i) ADULT: 6 - 10 mg/kg
J04BA02000T1001X i)Leprosy weekly/ 1.4mg/kg daily
429 Dapsone 100 mg Tablet B
X ii) Dermatitis herpetiformis (around 50 - 100 mg daily).
CHILD: 1 - 2 mg/kg/day.

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Maximum: 100 mg/day
ii) ADULT: 50 - 300 mg daily
i) 45 - 60 mg/m2 IV daily for 3
- 5 days
ii) 25 - 45 mg/m2 once a
week for first 4 weeks during
induction phase. Caution:
Total cumulative dose of
daunorubicin and doxorubicin
i) Acute myeloblastic must not exceed 500 mg/m2
Daunorubicin HCl 20 mg L01DB02110P4001X leukaemia (AML) due to risk of cardiotoxicity.
430 A*
Injection X ii) Acute lymphoblastic CHILD: 30-45 mg/m2/dose
leukemia (ALL) infusion over 6 hours.
Schedule depends on
protocol. Need to check
cardiac function closely by
echocardiography every
cumulative dose of
100mg/m2 to max. 360
Myelodysplastic syndromes
(MDS) including: Previously
treated and untreated de
novo and secondary MDS of
15 mg/m2 by continuous IV
all French-American-British
infusion over 3 hours
subtypes (refractory anemia,
repeated every 8 hours for 3
refractory anemia with ringed
days. Repeat this treatment
sideroblasts, refractory
cycle every 6 weeks for a
L01BC08000P3001X anemia with excess blasts,
431 Decitabine 50 mg Injection A* minimum of 4 cycles.
X refractory anemia with
However, complete or partial
excess blasts in
response may take longer
transformation, and chronic
than 4 cycles. Treatment may
myelomonocytic leukemia)
be continued as long as there
and Intermediate-1,
is continued
Intermediate-2, and High-
Risk International Prognostic
Scoring System (IPSS)
Treatment of chronic iron
Initial 20 mg/kg/day. Starting
overload due to blood
dose can also be based on
Deferasirox 125 mg V03AC03000T4001X transfusions (transfusional
432 A* transfusion rate and existing
Dispersible Tablet X haemosiderosis) in adult and
iron burden. Max is 30
pediatric patients aged 2
years and above
Treatment of chronic iron
Initial 20 mg/kg/day. Starting
overload due to blood
dose can also be based on
Deferasirox 500 mg V03AC03000T4002X transfusions (transfusional
433 A* transfusion rate and existing
Dispersible Tablet X haemosiderosis) in adult and
iron burden. Max is 30
pediatric patients aged 2
years and above
Treatment of iron overload in
patients with thalassemia
25 mg/kg 3 times a day for
major for whom
V03AC02000T1001X total daily dose of 75 mg/kg.
434 Deferiprone 500 mg Tablet A* desferrioxamine therapy is
X Doses greater 100 mg/kg are
contraindicated or
not recommended
inadequate. Add on therapy
to desferrioxamine for

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thalassemia patients with
cardiac complication
A single subcutaneous
Post-Menopausal injection of 60 mg
Denosumab in 1.0 mL
Osteoporosis. (To be used by administered once every 6
solution (60 mg/mL) Pre‐ M05BX04000P4001
435 A* Orthopaedic Specialist, months. Patients should
filled syringe (subcutaneous XX
Rheumatologist and receive calcium and vitamin
Endocrinologist) D supplements whilst
undergoing treatment.
i) 2 g by IM immediately and
5 g by mouth after gastric
i) Acute iron poisoning in lavage
children ii) 0.5 - 1.5 g by IM injection
ii) Investigation and treatment daily
of haemochromatosis iii) Diagnosis: 5 mg per kg by
Desferrioxamine B
V03AC01196P3001X iii) Diagnosis and treatment slow intravenous infusion
436 Methanesulphonate 0.5 g A
X of aluminium toxicity in during the last hour of
patients with renal failure and haemodialysis. Treatment: 5
dialysis mg per kg once a week by
iv) Chronic iron toxicity or slow intravenous infusion
overload during the last hour of
iv) 30 - 50 mg/kg
ADULT: Induction, initially
3% in oxygen or nitrous
oxide/oxygen and increased
by 0.5%-1% every 2-3
i) Induction and maintenance breaths or as tolerated (up to
of anaesthesia in adult 11%), until loss of
437 Desflurane Liquid A ii) Maintenance of consciousness. Maintenance:
anaesthesia in infants & 2.5%-8.5% with or without
children concomitant nitrous oxide
CHILD: maintenance, inhaled
in concentrations of 5.2%-
10% with or without
concomitant nitrous oxide
Adults and Adolescents (12
R06AX27000T1001X Allergic rhinitis and chronic years of age and older): 5mg
438 Desloratadine 5 mg Tablet A*
X idiopathic urticaria once a day regardless of
i)ADULT and CHILD : 0.1-
0.2mg 3 times daily, up to
i) Central diabetes insipidus 0.1-1.2mg daily
ii) Primary nocturnal enuresis ii) ADULT & Child≥5 yr 0.2-
Desmopressin 0.1 mg H01BA02122T1001X
439 A iii) Treatment of nocturia 0.4mg at night
Tablet X
associated with nocturnal iii)Initially 0.1 mg at night.
polyuria in adult May be increased to 0.2 mg
and then to 0.4 mg by means
of weekly increase
i) ADULT and CHILD : 0.1-
i) Central diabetes insipidus
0.2mg 3 times daily, up to
ii) Primary nocturnal
0.1-1.2mg daily
Desmopressin 0.2 mg H01BA02122T1002X enuresis
440 A ii) ADULT & Child≥5 yr 0.2-
Tablet X ii) Treatment of nocturia
0.4mg at night
associated with nocturnal
iii) Initially 0.1 mg at night.
polyuria in adult
May be increased to 0.2 mg

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and then to 0.4 mg by means
of weekly increase

i) ADULT: 10 - 20 mcg 1-2

Desmopressin 100 mcg/ml H01BA02122A4101X i) Diabetes Insipidus times daily. CHILD: 5 -
441 A
Nasal Spray X ii) Primary nocturnal enuresis 10mcg 1-2 times daily
ii) 10-40 mcg nocte
Desmopressin Acetate 4 H01BA02122P3001X ADULT: 1 - 4 mcg IV daily.
442 A Diabetes insipidus
mcg/ml Injection X CHILD :0.4 mcg daily
Tablets must be taken in the
order directed on the
package every day at about
Contraception. Only for
the same time with some
women who should not take
Desogestrel 0.075 mg G03AC09000T1001 liquid as needed. One tablet
443 A* combined oral contraceptives
Tablet XX is to be taken daily for 28
(COCs) eg Obese, smoker,
consecutive days. Each
migraine, breast feeding
subsequent pack is started
immediately after finishing
the previous pack.
One tablet daily for 21 days
Desogestrel 150 mcg &
G03AA09954T1002X starting on 1st day of menses
444 Ethinylestradiol 20 mcg A/KK Oral contraception
X followed by 7 tablet-free
1 tablet daily for 21 days,
Desogestrel 150 mcg & subsequent courses
445 Ethinylestradiol 30 mcg C+ Contraception repeated after 7 day interval
Tablet (during which withdrawal
bleeding occurs)
Desvenlafaxine Succinate Recommended dose is 50mg
446 50 mg Extended Release A* Major depression once daily, with or without
Tablet food.
i) Prophylaxis and
management of nausea and
vomiting in cancer
chemotherapy, post- 0.5mg to 10mg daily is given
operation and palliative care, for oral administration,
Dexamethasone 0.5 mg H02AB02000T1001X
447 A ii) Treatment of depending upon the disease
Tablet X
adrenocortical function being treated. Up to 15 mg
abnormalities, daily in severe disease.
iii) Any other treatment
requiring corticosteroid
i) Prophylaxis and
management of nausea and
vomiting in cancer
chemotherapy, post-
0.5mg to 10mg daily is given
operation and palliative care,
Dexamethasone 4mg H02AB02000T1003X for oral administration,
448 A ii) Treatment of
Tablet X depending upon the disease
adrenocortical function
being treated.
iii) Any other treatment
requiring corticosteroid

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Treatment of ocular
Apply 1 - 1.5 cm 3 - 4 times
Dexamethasone and inflammation when
S01CA01990G5101 daily, may be used
449 Neomycin Sulphate and A concurrent use of an
XX adjunctively with drops at
Polymyxin B Eye Ointment antimicrobial is judged
Treatment of ocular
Dexamethasone and
inflammation when 1 - 2 drops hourly for severe
Neomycin Sulphate and S01CA01990D2001
450 A concurrent use of an cases and 4 - 6 hourly for
Polymyxin B Sulphate XX
antimicrobial is judged mild infection
Ophthalmic Suspension
Acute steroid responsive
Dexamethasone Sodium S01BA01162D2001X
451 A inflammatory and allergic 1 - 2 drops 4 - 6 times a day
Phosphate 0.1% Eye Drops X
i) Prophylaxis and
management of nausea and
vomiting in cancer
chemotherapy, post-
Initially 0.5 - 9 mg IM, IV or
Dexamethasone Sodium operation and palliative care,
H02AB02162P3001X infusion daily, depending
452 Phosphate 4 mg/ml B ii) Treatment of
X upon the disease being
Injection adrenocortical function
iii) Any other treatment
requiring corticosteroid
Symptomatic treatment of ADULT: 2 mg 3 times daily.
Dexchlorpheniramine R06AB02253T1001X
453 B allergic rhinitis and allergic CHILD : 2 - 12 years : 2 mg 3
Maleate 2 mg Tablet X
dermatoses times daily
CHILD 2 - 5 years : 0.5 mg
Dexchlorpheniramine R06AB02253L9001X Symptomatic treatment of every 4 - 6 hours; 6 - 11
454 B
Maleate 2 mg/5 ml Syrup X allergic rhinitis years : 1 mg every 4 - 6
i) Not to be infused for more
i) Sedation of intubated and than 24 hours, 1 mcg/kg over
mechanically ventilated ICU 10 minutes as loading dose.
patients. For use only by Maintenance dose: 0.2 - 0.7
Dexmedetomidine HCl 100 N05CM18110P4001 specialist anaesthetist mcg/kg/hr
455 A*
mcg/ml Injection XX ii) For sedation of non- ii) Not to be infused for more
intubated patients prior to than 24 hours, 1 mcg/kg over
and/or during surgical and 10 minutes as loading dose.
other procedures Maintenance dose: 0.2 - 0.7
Condition associated with
Initially 500-1000 ml by
peripheral local slowing of
B05AA05000P6001X infusion, further doses are
456 Dextran 40 Injection A* the blood flow, prophylaxis of
X given according to the
post surgical thromboembolic
patient's condition
For parenteral replenishment
of fluid and minimal
B05BA03000P6002X According to the needs of the
457 Dextrose 10% Injection B carbohydrate calories as
X patient
required by the clinical
condition of the patient
For parenteral replenishment
of fluid and minimal
B05BA03000P6003X According to the needs of the
458 Dextrose 20% Injection B carbohydrate calories as
X patient
required by the clinical
condition of the patient

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For parenteral replenishment
of fluid and minimal
B05BA03000P3004X According to the needs of the
459 Dextrose 30% Injection B carbohydrate calories as
X patient
required by the clinical
condition of the patient
For parenteral replenishment
of fluid and minimal
B05BA03000P6001X According to the needs of the
460 Dextrose 5% Injection B carbohydrate calories as
X patient
required by the clinical
condition of the patient
For parenteral replenishment
of fluid and minimal
B05BA03000P3005X According to the needs of the
461 Dextrose 50% Injection B carbohydrate calories as
X patient
required by the clinical
condition of the patient
V04CA02000F2101X Use as a diagnostic agent for
462 Dextrose Powder B 75 g stat
X diabetes
i) ADULT and CHILD more
than 10 year, ORALLY: 60 -
100 ml RECTALLY, contrast
medium should be diluted
with 3-4 times its volume of
water. ORALLY: CHILD less
i) Contrast medium for the
than 10 years,: 15- 30 ml
radiological examination of
the gastrointestinal tract
contrast medium should be
(primarily in cases in which
Diatrizoate Meglumine and diluted with 3 times its
V08AA01254L9901X barium sulphate is
463 Sodium Amidotrizoate A volume of water. RECTALLY:
X contraindicated)
Solution CHILD more than 5 years,
ii) Computerised tomography
contrast medium should be
in abdominal region
diluted with 4-5 times its
iii) Treatment of Mecolinium
volume of water. Younger
patients a dilution with 5
times its volume is
ii) Adult, orally, 25-77 mL in
1000 mL tap water 15-30
minutes prior to imaging
i) ADULT: 2-10 mg 3-4 times
daily. CHILD 6 months and
older: 0.12 - 0.8 mg/kg daily
in divided doses, every 6-8
i) Muscle spasm of varied
N05BA01000T1001X ii) ADULT: 2 mg 3 times
464 Diazepam 2 mg Tablet B aetiology, including tetanus
X daily, increased in severe
ii) Anxiety disorders
anxiety to 15 - 30 mg daily in
divided doses. ELDERLY (or
delibitated) half adult dose.
CHILD (night terrors), 1 - 5
mg at bedtime
Status epilepticus - ADULT:
0.5 mg/kg repeated after 12
hours if necessary. CHILD
Diazepam 5 mg Rectal N05BA01000G2001 Status epilepticus, skeletal
465 C (febrile convulsions,
Solution XX muscle spasm
prolonged or recurrent): 0.5
mg/kg (maximum 10 mg),
repeated if necessary. Not

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recommended for children
below 2 years
i) ADULT: 2-10 mg 3-4 times
daily. CHILD 6 months and
older: 0.12 - 0.8 mg/kg daily
in divided doses, every 6-8
i) Muscle spasm of varied
N05BA01000T1002X ii) ADULT: 2 mg 3 times
466 Diazepam 5 mg Tablet B aetiology, including tetanus
X daily, increased in severe
ii) Anxiety disorders
anxiety to 15 - 30 mg daily in
divided doses. ELDERLY (or
delibitated) half adult dose.
CHILD (night terrors), 1 - 5
mg at bedtime
i) Status epilepticus, by slow
IV: 5-10 every 10-15 minute
(rate not more than 5
mg/min), to a total dose of 30
mg, may repeat in 2 hour if
needed. Infants 30 days to 5
years, 0.05-0.3 mg/kg/dose
given over 2-3 minutes, every
15-30 minutes to a total dose
of 5 mg, repeat in 2-4 hours if
necessary. CHILD more than
5 years, 1 mg by slow IV,
every 2-5 minutes, maximum
i) Status epilepticus
N05BA01000P3001X 10 mg, repeat in 2-4 hours if
467 Diazepam 5 mg/ml Injection B ii) Skeletal muscle spasm
X necessary
iii) Anxiety disorders
ii) Skeletal muscle spasm, by
slow IV or IM, 5-10 mg
repeated if necessary in 3-4
hours. CHILD (tetanus): 30
days - 5 years, 1-2 mg IM or
IV slowly every 3-4 hours as
needed. 5 years and above,
5-10 mg IM or IV slowly
every 3-4 hours if needed
iii) Anxiety disorders, 2-10
mg by slow IV (not more than
5 mg/min). Repeat if
necessary every 3-4 hours
Post-traumatic inflammation
of the tendons, ligaments &
M02AA15520G3001 Apply 3 - 4 times daily and
468 Diclofenac 1% Gel A joints. Localised forms of soft
XX gently rubbed in
tissue rheumatism and
degenerative rheumatism
Diclofenac Suppositories are
Pain and inflammation in normally inserted one, two or
Diclofenac 100mg M01AB05520S2004
469 A rheumatic disease and three times a day up to a
Suppository XX
juvenile arthritis maximum total daily dose of
150 mg.
Pain and inflammation in ADULT: 75 - 150 mg daily in
Diclofenac 12.5 mg M01AB05520S2001
470 A rheumatic disease and divided doses. CHILD 1-12
Suppository XX
juvenile arthritis years, 12.5- 25 mg daily

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Pain and inflammation in ADULT: 75 - 150 mg daily in
Diclofenac 25 mg M01AB05520S2002
471 A rheumatic disease and divided doses. CHILD 1-12
Suppository XX
juvenile arthritis years, 12.5- 25 mg daily
ADULTS: Initial dose of 150
mg daily. Mild or long term:
75 - 150 mg daily in 2 to 3
divided doses after food.
M01AB05520T1001 Pain and inflammation in Maximum 200mg/day.
472 Diclofenac 50 mg Tablet B
XX rheumatic disease PAEDS more than 6 months:
1 - 3 mg/kg body weight daily
in divided doses. Maximum
3mg/kg/day (Max
ADULTS: 75 - 150 mg daily
in divided doses. Maximum
Pain and inflammation in 150mg/day. PAEDS more
Diclofenac Sodium 50 mg M01AB05520S2003
473 A rheumatic disease and than 6 months: 1 - 3 mg/kg
Suppository XX
juvenile arthritis body weight daily in divided
doses. Maximum 3mg/kg/day
(Max 150mg/day).
IM 75 mg once daily (2 times
daily in severe cases) for not
Diclofenac Sodium 75 mg/3 M01AB05520P3001 Pain and inflammation in
474 A/KK more than 2 days. Max
ml Injection XX rheumatic disease
150mg/day. Not suitable for
ADULT less than 60 kg: 125
mg twice daily or 250 mg
once daily; more than 60 kg:
400 mg once daily or 200 mg
Didanosine 100 mg Tablet J05AF02000T1002X HIV infection, in combination
475 A* twice daily. CHILD: 2 weeks
(ddI) X with other antiretrovirals
to less than 3 months:
50mg/m2 twice daily; 3-8
months: 100mg/m2 twice
ADULT less than 60 kg: 125
mg twice daily or 250 mg
once daily; more than 60 kg:
400 mg once daily or 200 mg
Didanosine 2 g Oral J05AF02000F2101X HIV infection, in combination
476 A* twice daily. CHILD: 2 weeks
Solution (ddI) X with other antiretrovirals
to less than 3 months:
50mg/m2 twice daily; 3-8
months: 100mg/m2 twice
ADULT less than 60 kg: 125
mg twice daily or 250 mg
once daily; more than 60 kg:
400 mg once daily or 200 mg
Didanosine 25 mg Tablet J05AF02000T1001X HIV infection, in combination
477 A* twice daily. CHILD: 2 weeks
(ddI) X with other antiretrovirals
to less than 3 months:
50mg/m2 twice daily; 3-8
months: 100mg/m2 twice
ADULT less than 60 kg: 250
mg once daily; 60 kg or
Didanosine 250 mg Enteric J05AF02000C1001X HIV infection, in combination
478 A* greater: 400 mg once daily.
Coated Capsule X with other antiretrovirals
Dose may varies if taken in
combination with tenofovir

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ADULT less than 60 kg: 250
mg once daily; 60 kg or
Didanosine 400 mg Enteric J05AF02000C1002X HIV infection, in combination
479 A* greater: 400 mg once daily.
Coated Capsule X with other antiretrovirals
Dose may varies if taken in
combination with tenofovir
One tablet daily. Treatment
can be started on any day of
G03DB08000T1001 menstrual cycle. Tablets
480 Dienogest 2mg tablet A/KK Treatment of endometriosis
XX must be taken continously
without regard to vaginal
i) 1 mg/kg on the first day
and increased gradually over
3 days to 6 mg/kg daily in
i) Bancrofti filariasis,
divided doses. This dosage is
onchocerciasis, loasis,
Diethylcarbamazine Citrate P02CB02136T1001X maintained for 21 days.
481 B creeping eruption
50 mg Tablet X ii) 13 mg/kg once daily for 7
ii) Ascariasis
days. CHILD : 6 - 10 mg/kg 3
iii) Tropical eosinophilia
times daily for 7 days
iii) 6 mg/kg/day in 3 divided
doses for 21 days
Rapid digitalisation: 0.75 -1.5
mg in divided doses over 24
hours; less urgent
digitalisation, 250 mcg-500
mcg daily (higher dose may
Heart failure , with atrial be divided). Maintenance :
C01AA05000T1001X fibrillation, supraventricular 62.5mg -500 mcg daily
482 Digoxin 0.25 mg Tablet B
X arrhythmias (particularly, (higher dose may be divided)
atrial fibrillation) according to renal function
and in atrial fibrillation,on
heart rate response; usual
range, 125-250 mcg daily
(lower dose may be
appropriate in elderly)
Rapid digitilisation: ADULT &
Heart failure with atrial
CHILD over 10 years, initially
Digoxin 250 mcg/ml C01AA05000P3001X fibrillation, supraventricular
483 A 0.75 - 1.5 mg, followed by
Injection X arrhythmias (particularly atrial
250 mcg 6 hourly until
digitilisation is complete
Rapid digitalization, give in
divided doses;
mcg/kg; FULLTERM: 25-35
mcg/kg; CHILD 1-2 years :
35 to 60 mcg/kg; CHILD 2-5
years: 30-40 mcg/kg; CHILD
Heart failure, supraventricular 5-10 years: 20- 35 mcg/kg;
484 Digoxin 50 mcg/ml Elixir B arrhythmias (particularly atrial CHILD over 10 years: 10-15
fibrillation) mcg/kg. For daily
maintenance doses or for
gradual digitalization, give
20% to 30% of oral
digitalizing dose for
premature infants or 25% to
35% of oral digitalizing dose
for all other pediatric patients

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Rapid digitalisation: 1-1.5 mg
in divided doses over 24
hours; less urgent
digitalisation, 250 mcg-500
mcg daily (higher dose may
Heart failure, with atrial be divided). Maintenance:
C01AA05000T1002X fibrillation, supraventricular 62.5 - 500 mcg dailly (higher
485 Digoxin 62.5 mcg Tablet B
X arrhythmias (particularly, dose may be divided)
atrial fibrillation) according to renal fuction,
and in atrial fibrillation, on
heart-response; usual range
:125 - 250 mcg daily (lower
doses may be appropriate in
the elderly)
ADULT: 30 - 60 mg every 4 -
Dihydrocodeine Tartrate 30 N02AA08123T1001X For the control of moderate 6 hours. PAED, over 4 yrs:
486 B
mg Tablet X to severe chronic pain 0.5 - 1 mg/kg body weight
every 4-6 hours
Adjunct in elderly with mild to
Dihydroergocristine or Co-
C04AE01196T1001X moderate dementia,
487 dergocrine Mesilate 1 mg A/KK 3-6 mg daily in divided doses
X prevention of migraine and
vascular headache
Treatment of angina pectoris
in the following cases:
i) inadequate response or Initially 30mg tds, may
C08DB01110T1001X intolerance to beta-blockers increase to 60mg tds (elderly
488 Diltiazem HCl 30 mg Tablet B
X and Isosorbide Dinitrate initially twice daily; increased
ii) contraindication to beta- if necessary to 360 mg daily.
iii) coronary artery spasm
Usual Adult & Adolescent
Dose: Antiemetic; or
Antivertigo agent:
Intramuscular, 50 mg
repeated every four hours as
needed. Intravenous, 50 mg
in 10 mL of 0.9% sodium
chloride injection,
administered slowly over a
period of at least two
Prevention and relief of
minutes, repeated every four
motion sickness, treatment of
hours as needed. Usual
vertigo, nausea or vomiting
Pediatric Dose: Antiemetic;
Dimenhydrinate Injection N07CA00000P2001 associated with electroshock
489 B or Antivertigo agent:
10ml/vial (50mg/ml) XX therapy, anaesthesia and
Intramuscular, 1.25 mg per
surgery; labyrinthine
kg of body weight or 37.5 mg
disturbances and radiation
per square meter of body
surface, every six hours as
needed, not to exceed 300
mg per day. Intravenous,
1.25 mg per kg of body
weight or 37.5 mg per square
meter of body surface, in 10
ml of 0.9% sodium chloride
injection, administered slowly
over a period of at least two
minutes, every six hours as

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needed, not to exceed 300
mg per day.
For prevention and treatment ADULT: 50-100 mg every 4
of motion sickness. Also hours as needed. For motion
used as anti-emetic agent in sickness, take medicine at
irradiation sickness, least 30 minutes, and
postoperative vomiting, drug preferably 1-2 hours before
Dimenhydrinate Syrup N07CA00000L9003X
490 B induced nausea and travelling. Usual adult
15mg/5ml X
vomiting, and for prescribing limit: Up to 400
symptomatic treatment of mg daily. CHILD: Children 6-
nausea and vertigo due to 12 years: 25-50 mg every 6-8
Meniere`s disease and other hours as needed (maximum
labyrinthine disturbances. of 150 mg daily).
ADULT: 50-100 mg every 4
hours as needed. For motion
Prevention and treatment of
sickness, take medicine at
the nausea, vomiting and
least 30 minutes, and
dizziness associated with
preferably 1-2 hours before
Dimenhydrinate Tablet N07CA00000T1001X motion sickness.
491 B travelling. Usual adult
50mg X Symptomatic treatment of
prescribing limit: Up to 400
nausea and vertigo caused
mg daily. CHILD: 6-12 years:
by Meniere's disease and
25-50 mg every 6-8 hours as
other vestibular disturbances.
needed (maximum of 150 mg
By IM: 2.5 - 3 mg/kg every 4
hours for 2 days, 2 - 4 times
Poisoning by antimony,
on the third day, then 1 - 2
arsenic, bismuth, gold,
times daily for 10 days or
Dimercaprol 50 mg/ml V03AB09000P3001X mercury, possibly thallium;
492 B until recovery. For ophthalmic
Injection X adjunct (with calcium
use : instillation of 50 mg/ml
disodium edetate) in lead
oily solution in conjunctival
sac, within 5 minutes of
3 mg vaginal tablet to be
inserted high into the
Dinoprostone (Prostagladin G02AD02000S1001 posterior formix. A second 3
493 A Induction of labour
E2) 3 mg Vaginal Tablet XX mg tablet may be inserted
after 6-8 hours if labour is not
established. Max 6 mg
i) Acute attack: 6 tablets daily
for the first 4 days, then 4
i) Haemorrhoids tablets daily in 2 divided
Diosmin 450 mg and C05CA53931T1001X
494 A/KK ii) Chronic venous doses for 3 days and 2
Hesperidin 50 mg Tablet X
insufficiency tablets thereafter. Chronic: 2
tablets daily
ii) 2 tab daily with meals

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Allergic rhinitis
1) Adults & Children over 12
years of age: 25 to 50 mg 3
to 4 times a day
2) Children 6 to 12 years of
age: 10 mg 3 to 4 times a
3) Children 1 to 6 years of
age: 5 mg 3 to 4 times a day.
Diphenhydramine Maximum daily dosage <300
495 Hydrochloride 10 mg/5 ml C Cough and allergic rhinitis mg (adults and children)
Oral solution Cough and cold
1) Adults: 25 mg every 4 hrs.
Not to exceed 150 mg in 24
2) Children (6 to 12years):
12.5 mg every 4 hours. Not
to exceed 75 mg in 24 hours
3) Children (2 to 6 years):
6.25 mg every 4 hours. Not
to exceed 25 mg in 24 hours
ADULT: 5 - 10 ml 2 - 3 times
Diphenhydramine daily. CHILD : 2.5 - 5 ml 2 - 3
496 Hydrochloride 14 mg/5 ml C Cough times daily (not to be used in
Expectorant children less than 2 years of
ADULT: 5 - 10 ml 2 - 3 times
Diphenhydramine daily. CHILD : 2.5 - 5 ml 2 - 3
497 Hydrochloride 7 mg/5 ml C Cough times daily (not to be used in
Expectorant children less than 2 years of
ADULT initially 4 tablet
Diphenoxylate HCl 2.5mg
A07DA01922T1001X followed by 2 tablet 4 times
498 with Atropine Sulphate B Acute diarrhoea
X daily until diarrhoea is
0.025mg Tablet
Prophylactic: 2 or 3 doses by
deep SC or IM injection, 0.5
Diphtheria and Tetanus J07AM51963P3001X Immunisation against or 1 ml. Each second dose at
499 C+
Vaccine Injection X diphtheria and tetanus 4 - 6 weeks then 4 - 6
months. Booster at 4 - 6
Therapeutic: 10,000 - 30,000
units by IM or IV. Increase to
Diphtheria Antitoxin J07AF01000P3001X
500 B Diphtheria 40,000 - 100,000 units in
Injection X
severe cases. Doses up to
30,000 units may be given IM
Diphtheria, Pertussis, Immunisation of children
Tetanus and Conjugated J07AG52000P3001X against Haemophilus Type B
501 C 0.5 ml given by IM
Haemophilus Type B 10 X infections, diphtheria, tetanus
mcg Vaccine and pertussis
Primary vaccination: 3 doses
of 0.5 ml each within the first
Active immunisation against
Diphtheria, Pertussis, 6 months of life. Administer
J07CA05963P3001X diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis
502 Tetanus and Hepatitis B C+ each dose at intervals of at
X and hepatitis B in infants
Vaccine least 4 weeks. A booster
from 6 weeks onwards
dose can be administered in
the second year of life

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By deep SC or IM injection: 3
doses each of 0.5 or 1 ml
Prophylactic immunisation with intervals of 6 - 8 weeks
Diphtheria, Pertussis, J07AJ52963P3001X
503 C against diphtheria, pertussis and 4 - 6 months respectively
Tetanus Vaccine Injection X
and tetanus between the doses. Booster
1 and 5 years after primary
Diphtheria, Tetanus,
Acellular Pertussis, Immunisation of children
Inactivated Polio Virus, against Diphtheria, Tetanus, Primary : 0.5 ml by IM at 1 - 2
504 Haemophilus Influenza C+ Acellular Pertussis, Polio and months intervals Booster :
Type B (DTaP-IPV-HiB) Haemophilus Influenza Type Second year of life
Vaccine Injection (Single B infection
As an adjunct to oral
B01AC07000T1001X anticoagulation/ antiplatelet 75-150 mg 3 times daily to be
505 Dipyridamole 75 mg Tablet B
X therapy in the prophylaxis of taken 1 hour before meals
cerebrovascular events
i) ADULT: 5 mg daily 30
minutes before breakfast.
Increase at intervals of 3 - 4
days if necessary to
maximum of 20 mg daily.
i) Myasthenia gravis
CHILD: Up to 10 mg daily
ii) Prevention and treatment
Distigmine Bromide 5 mg N07AA03320T1001X according to age
506 A of post-operative intestinal
Tablet X ii) Urinary retention: 5 mg
atony, urinary retention and
daily 30 minutes before
neurogenic bladder
breakfast. Neurogenic
bladder : 5 mg daily or on
alternate days 30 minutes
before breakfast

For application to skin or

Short contact treatment for
Dithranol 0.1 - 5% in D05AC01000G5001 scalp. 0.1-0.5% suitable for
507 A plaque psoriasis and
Vaseline/ Ointment XX overnight treatment. 1-2% for
alopecia areata
max 1 hour.
Apply liberally and carefully
Treatment of quiescent or
Dithranol 1 % in Lassars D05AC01000G6001 to the lesions with a suitable
508 A chronic psoriasis of the skin,
Paste XX applicator. A dressing may
scalp and alopecia areata
be applied
Initial 0.5-1 mcg/kg/min by IV,
maintenance 2.5-
10mcg/kg/min. Frequently,
Dobutamine 12.5 mg/ml C01CA07110P3001 doses up to 20mcg/kg/min
509 A Hypotension and heart failure
Injection XX are required for adequate
hemodynamic improvement.
On rare occasions,infusion
rates up to 40mcg/kg/min

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i) 75 mg/m2 IV over 1 hour
after doxorubicin 50 mg/m2
and cyclophosphamide 500
i) Adjuvant treatment of mg/m2 every 3 weeks for 6
patients with high risk node- cycles
positive breast cancer in ii) 75 mg/m2 IV over 1 hour
combination with doxorubicin every 3 week in combination
and cyclophosphamide with doxorubicin 50 mg/m2
ii) Breast cancer, locally iii) Administer IV over 1 hour
advanced or metastatic, not every 3 weeks.
previously on cytotoxic Chemotherapy-naive patients
therapy, in combination with 75 mg/m2 immediately
doxorubicin followed by 75 mg/m2
iii) First line therapy in non cisplatin over 30-60 mins or
Docetaxel 40mg/ml L01CD02000P3002X small cell lung cancer in carboplatin (AUC 6
510 A*
Injection X stage 3- 4 and performance mg/mL/min) over 30-60
status 0-1, in combination minutes. Monotherapy of non
with cisplatin small cell lung cancer
iv) Inoperable locally (NSCLC) after failure of prior
advanced squamous cell platinum-based
carcinoma of head and neck, chemotherapy 75 mg/m2
in combination with cisplatin iv) 75 mg/m2 as a 1 hour
and 5-FU for induction infusion followed by cisplatin
treatment 75 mg/m2 over 1 hour, on
v) Prostate cancer, in day one, followed by 5-
combination with fluorouracil as a continuous
prednisolone infusion at 750 mg/m2 per
day for five days. This
regimen is administered
every 3 weeks for 4 cycles.
Chronic dyspepsia: CHILD
2.5 mL/10 kg body weight 3
times daily and once more in
the evening if necessary.
Dosage may be doubled in
Domperidone 1 mg/ml A03FA03000L8001X Nausea, vomiting, dyspepsia, adults & childs over 1 year.
511 B
Suspension X gastro-esophageal reflux Acute and subacute
conditions (particularly
nausea and vomiting).
CHILD: 5 mL/10 kg
bodyweight. All to be taken 3-
4 times daily
Chronic dyspepsia ADULT
10 mg 3 times daily. Acute
A03FA03253T1001X Nausea, vomiting, dyspepsia, and subacute conditions
512 Domperidone 10 mg Tablet B
X gastro-esophageal reflux (particularly nausea and
vomiting):ADULT 20 mg 3-4
times daily
Treatment of mild to
moderate dementia in
Alzheimer's disease, as well 5 - 10 mg once daily at
513 Donepezil HCl 10 mg Tablet A as in patients with severe bedtime. Maximum 10 mg
Alzheimer's disease. daily
[psychiatrists and
neurologists only]

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Treatment of mild to
moderate dementia in 5 - 10 mg once daily at
514 Donepezil HCl 5 mg Tablet A Alzheimer's disease, as well bedtime. Maximum 10 mg
as in patients with severe daily
Alzheimer's disease.
Initiated at 5mg/day (one a
Treatment of mild to day dosing), should be
moderate dementia in maintained for at least 1
Alzheimer's disease, as well month in order to allow the
Donepezil Hydrochloride N06DA02110T4002X
515 A* as in patients with severe earliest clinical responses
10mg Orodispersible Tablet X
Alzheimer's disease. and to allow steady state
[psychiatrists and concentration to be achieved.
neurologists only] The maximum recommended
daily dose is 10 mg.
Initiated at 5mg/day (one a
Treatment of mild to day dosing), should be
moderate dementia in maintained for at least 1
Alzheimer's disease, as well month in order to allow the
Donepezil Hydrochloride N06DA02110T4001X
516 A* as in patients with severe earliest clinical responses
5mg Orodispersible Tablet X
Alzheimer's disease. and to allow steady state
[psychiatrists and concentration to be achieved.
neurologists only] The maximum recommended
daily dose is 10 mg.
Initial dose 2-5 mcg/kg/min
with incremental changes of
5-10 mcg/kg/min at 10-15
minutes intervals until
Dopamine HCl 40 mg/ml C01CA04110P3001 Non-hypovolemic adequate response is noted.
517 B
Injection XX hypotension Most patients are maintained
at less than 20 mcg/kg/min. If
dosage exceeds
50 mcg/kg/min, assess renal
function frequently
500mg every 8 hours as a
pneumonia (VAP) patients at
one hour infusion for 5 to 14
Doripenem Monohydrate J01DH04000P4001X risk or involving multidrug
518 A* days according to severity,
500 mg Injection X resistant pathogens
site of infection and the
especially Pseudomonas
patient's clinical response.
aeruginosa infections
Monotherapy: 1 drop 3 times
daily. Adjunctive therapy with
an ophthalmic beta-blocker: 1
drop 2 times daily. When
substituting for another
All glaucoma patients where ophthalmic antiglaucoma
beta-blockers are agent with this product,
Dorzolamide HCl 2% S01EC03110D2001
519 A* contraindicated and when discontinue the other agent
Ophthalmic Solution XX
intraocular pressure is not after proper dosing on one
well controlled by other drugs day and start Trusopt on the
next day. If more than 1
topical ophthalmic drug is
used, the drugs should be
administered at least 10 mins
Initially 75 mg (ELDERLY 50-
Dothiepin HCl 25 mg N06AA16110C1001
520 A Depression of any aetiology 75 mg) daily in divided doses
Capsule XX
or single dose at bedtime,

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increased gradually as
necessary to 150 mg daily
(ELDERLY 75 mg may be
sufficient), up to 225 mg daily
in some circumstances.
CHILD is not recommended
Initially 75 mg (ELDERLY 50-
75 mg) daily in divided doses
or single dose at bedtime,
increased gradually as
521 Dothiepin HCl 75 mg Tablet A Depression of any aetiology necessary to 150 mg daily
(ELDERLY 75 mg may be
sufficient), up to 225 mg daily
in some circumstances.
CHILD is not recommended
Doxazosin Mesilate 4 mg C02CA04196T5001X 4 mg once daily to maximum
522 A* Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia
CR Tablet X 8mg/day
i) 30 - 75 mg/m2 IV as a
single dose at 21 day
ii) 25 - 45 mg/m2 once a
week for the first 4 weeks
during induction or re-
induction phase (refer to
specific protocol. Caution:
Total cumulative dose of
i) Solid tumours, leukaemia, doxorubicin must not exceed
Doxorubicin HCl 10 mg L01DB01110P4001X non-Hodgkin's lymphoma 550 mg/m2 due to risk of
523 A
Injection X ii) Leukaemia (ALL induction) cardiotoxicity. CHILD: 30
iii) Multiple myeloma mg/m2/dose over 6 - 24
hours for 1 - 2 days. Need to
check cardiac function
closely by echocardiography
every cumulative dose of 100
mg/m2 to maximum 360
iii) 9 mg/m2 over 24 hours
infusion for 4 days at monthly
i) 30 - 75 mg/m2 IV as a
single dose at 21 day
ii) 25 - 45 mg/m2 once a
week for the first 4 weeks
during induction or re-
induction phase (refer to
i) Solid tumours, leukaemia, specific protocol. Caution:
Doxorubicin HCl 50 mg L01DB01110P4002X non-Hodgkin's lymphoma Total cumulative dose of
524 A
Injection X ii) Leukaemia (ALL induction) doxorubicin must not exceed
iii) Multiple myeloma 550 mg/m2 due to risk of
cardiotoxicity. CHILD: 30
mg/m2/dose over 6 - 24
hours for 1 - 2 days. Need to
check cardiac function
closely by echocardiography
every cumulative dose of 100
mg/m2 to maximum 360

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iii) 9 mg/m2 over 24 hours
infusion for 4 days at monthly
ADULT: 200 mg on the first
Doxycycline 100 mg J01AA02000C1001X Infections due to susceptible day followed by 100 mg daily.
525 B
Capsule X organisms Severe infections: 200 mg
ADULT: 200 mg on the first
J01AA02000T1001X Infections due to susceptible day followed by 100 mg daily.
526 Doxycycline 100 mg Tablet B
X organisms Severe infections: 200 mg
i) Heavy metal poisoning:
i) Treatment of severe lead
900mg-1800mg daily.
poisoning, it is used as
Duration of treatment is
adjunctive treatment
dictated by the urinary heavy
following initial treatment with
metal excretion.
another chelating agent. May
Simultaneous oral vitamin B6
D-Penicillamine 0.25 g M01CC01000C1001 also be used as sole therapy
527 A replacement with at least
Capsule XX in the treatment of
40mg daily is essential
asymptomatic patients with
ii) Wilson's disease: 0.25g -
moderately elevated blood
1.5g daily on an incremental
basis. Maximal daily dose:
ii) Wilson's Disease: to aid in
2g. Maintenance dose: 0.75g
elimination of copper ions
- 1g daily
ADULT: 60 mg once daily up
to a maximum dose of
Major depressive disorder,
N06AX21110C1001 120mg/day (in divided doses)
528 Duloxetine 30 mg Capsule A* diabetic peripheral
neuropathic pain
under 18 years not
ADULT: 60 mg once daily up
to a maximum dose of
N06AX21110C1002 Major depression, diabetic 120mg/day (in divided doses)
529 Duloxetine 60 mg Capsule A*
XX peripheral neuropathic pain CHILD and ADOLESCENT
under 18 years not
Benign prostatic hyperplasia
530 Dutasteride 0.5 mg Capsule A* in men with an enlarged 0.5 mg daily
prostate gland
Combination therapy for the
treatment of moderate to
severe symptoms of BPH
Dutasteride 0.5mg and G04CA52953C1001
531 A* i) Large prostate (>30g) One capsule daily
Tamsulosin 0.4mg Capsule XX
ii) Poor risk or not fit for
iii)Those who are awaiting
their turn for surgery
i) Dysmenorrhoea i) 10 mg bd from day 5 - 25 of
ii) Endometriosis cycle
iii) Dysfunctional uterine ii) 10 mg bd - tds from day 5 -
Dydrogesterone 10 mg G03DB01110T1001 bleeding (to arrest and to 25 of the cycle or
532 A/KK
Tablet XX prevent bleeding) continuously
iv) Threatened abortion iii) To arrest bleeding :10 mg
v) Habitual abortion bd with an oestrogen once
vi) Post menopausal daily for 5 - 7 days, To

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complaints (hormone prevent bleeding : 10 mg bd
replacement therapy in with an oestrogen once daily
combination with oestrogen) from day 11 - 25 of the cycle
iv) 40 mg at once, then 10mg
8hrly until symptoms remit
v) 10 mg bd until 20th week
of pregnancy
vi) 10-20 mg daily during last
12-14 days of each cycle
i) Intravenous injection on
over several minutes, 500 -
700 mcg/kg (after or with
i) For reversal of atropine sulphate 600 mcg)
Edrophonium Chloride 10 N07AA00100P3001X neuromuscular block ii) Intravenous injection 2 mg
533 B
mg/ml Injection X ii) Diagnosis of myasthenia followed by 8 mg if no
gravis response occurs within 30
seconds. CHILD: 20 mcg
followed by 80 mcg/kg after
30 seconds
ADULT: 600 mg once daily.
than 17 years, more than 40
kg: 600 mg once daily, 32.5 -
less than 40 kg: 400 mg once
Combination therapy for HIV daily, 25 - less than 32.5 kg:
infections with a protease 350 mg once daily, 20 - less
534 Efavirenz 100 mg Capsule A* inhibitor and or Nucleoside than 25 kg: 300 mg once
Reverse Transcriptase daily, 15 - less than 20 kg:
Inhibitors (NRTIs) 250 mg once daily, 13 - less
than 15 kg: 200 mg once
daily. No studies in children
less than 3 years or less than
13 kg. Formulation unsuitable
for children less than 40 kg
ADULT: 600 mg once daily.
than 17 years, more than 40
kg: 600 mg once daily, 32.5 -
less than 40 kg: 400 mg once
daily, 25 - less than 32.5 kg:
Combination therapy for HIV
350 mg once daily, 20 - less
infections with a protease
J05AG03000C1003X than 25 kg: 300 mg once
535 Efavirenz 200 mg Capsule A* inhibitor and or Nucleoside
X daily, 15 - less than 20 kg:
Reverse Transcriptase
250 mg once daily, 13 - less
Inhibitors (NRTIs)
than 15 kg: 200 mg once
daily. No studies in children
less than 3 years or less than
13 kg. Formulation unsuitable
for children less than 40 kg

ADULT: 600 mg once daily.

Combination therapy for HIV ADOLESCENT & CHILD less
infections with a protease than 17 years, more than 40
536 Efavirenz 50 mg Capsule A* inhibitor and or Nucleoside kg: 600 mg once daily, 32.5 -
Reverse Transcriptase less than 40 kg: 400 mg once
Inhibitors (NRTIs) daily, 25 - less than 32.5 kg:
350 mg once daily, 20 - less

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than 25 kg: 300 mg once
daily, 15 - less than 20 kg:
250 mg once daily, 13 - less
than 15 kg: 200 mg once
daily. No studies in children
less than 3 years or less than
13 kg. Formulation unsuitable
for children less than 40 kg
ADULT: 600 mg once daily.
than 17 years, more than 40
kg: 600 mg once daily, 32.5 -
less than 40 kg: 400 mg once
Combination therapy for HIV daily, 25 - less than 32.5 kg:
infections with a protease 350 mg once daily, 20 - less
537 Efavirenz 600 mg Tablet A/KK inhibitor and or Nucleoside than 25 kg: 300 mg once
Reverse Transcriptase daily, 15 - less than 20 kg:
Inhibitors (NRTIs) 250 mg once daily, 13 - less
than 15 kg: 200 mg once
daily. No studies in children
less than 3 years or less than
13 kg. Formulation unsuitable
for children less than 40 kg
Individualised dosage based
on the patient's platelet
Short term use in idiopathic
count. Adult Initially 50 mg
thrombocytopenic purpura
once daily. East Asian patient
Eltrombopag Olamine 25 B02BX05999T1001X patients as bridging therapy
538 A* 25 mg once daily. Then,
mg Film-coated Tablet X for splenectomy or surgery
adjust dose to maintain
and in cases of severe
platelet count
≥50,000/microliter. Max: 75
mg daily.
539 Emulsificants Ointment C Xerosis and ichthyosis Use as a soap and emollient
i) Initially 5 mg daily,
(ELDERLY 2.5 mg once
daily), usual maintenance
dose 10 - 20 mg daily.
C09AA02253T1002X i) Hypertension Maximum: 40 mg/day in 1 - 2
540 Enalapril 10 mg Tablet B
X ii) Congestive heart failure divided doses
ii) Initially 2.5 mg daily, usual
maintenance dose 20 mg
daily in 1 - 2 divided doses;
maximum: 40 mg/day
i) Initially 5 mg daily,
(ELDERLY 2.5 mg once
daily), usual maintenance
dose 10 - 20 mg daily.
C09AA02253T1003X i) Hypertension Maximum: 40 mg/day in 1 - 2
541 Enalapril 20 mg Tablet B
X ii) Congestive heart failure divided doses
ii) Initially 2.5 mg daily, usual
maintenance dose 20 mg
daily in 1 - 2 divided doses;
maximum: 40 mg/day
i) Initially 5 mg daily,
C09AA02253T1001X i) Hypertension
542 Enalapril 5 mg Tablet B (ELDERLY 2.5 mg once
X ii) Congestive heart failure
daily), usual maintenance

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dose 10 - 20 mg daily.
Maximum: 40 mg/day in 1 - 2
divided doses
ii) Initially 2.5 mg daily, usual
maintenance dose 20 mg
daily in 1 - 2 divided doses;
maximum: 40 mg/day
i) Prophylaxis fo DVT
especially in surgical
patients: moderate risk, 20
mg SC approximately 2
hours before surgery then 20
mg every 24 hours for
minimum 7 - 10 days, high
risk (eg orthopaedic surgery,
i) Prevention of Deep Vein medical patients, 40mg every
Thrombosis(DVT) especially 24 hours for at least 6 days
in perioperative and high risk until patient ambulant, max
Enoxaparin Sodium 20 mg B01AB05520P5001X
543 A* surgical cases 14 days.
Injection X
ii) Treatment of DVT ii) Treatment of DVT or
iii) Unstable angina and non pulmonary embolism, 1.5
Q wave Myocardial Infarction mg/kg every 24 hours,
usually for 5 days and until
adequate oral anticoagulation
iii) Unstable angina and non-
myocardial infarction 1 mg/kg
every 12 hours, usually for 2
- 8 days
i) Prophylaxis for DVT
especially in surgical
patients: moderate risk, 20
mg SC approximately 2
hours before surgery then 20
mg every 24 hours for
minimum 7 - 10 days, high
risk (eg orthopaedic surgery,
medical patients, 40mg every
i) Prevention of Deep Vein
24 hours for at least 6 days
Thrombosis(DVT) especially
until patient ambulant, max
in perioperative and high risk
Enoxaparin Sodium 40 mg B01AB05520P5002X 14 days.
544 A* surgical cases
Injection X ii) Treatment of DVT or
ii) Treatment of DVT
pulmonary embolism, 1.5
iii) Unstable angina and non
mg/kg every 24 hours,
Q wave Myocardial Infarction
usually for 5 days and until
adequate oral anticoagulation
iii) Unstable angina and non-
myocardial infarction 1 mg/kg
every 12 hours, usually for 2
- 8 days

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i) Prophylaxis fo DVT
especially in surgical
patients: moderate risk, 20
mg SC approximately 2
hours before surgery then 20
mg every 24 hours for
minimum 7 - 10 days, high
risk (eg orthopaedic surgery,
i) Prevention of Deep Vein medical patients, 40mg every
Thrombosis(DVT) especially 24 hours for at least 6 days
in perioperative and high risk until patient ambulant, max
Enoxaparin Sodium 60 mg B01AB05520P5003X
545 A* surgical cases 14 days.
Injection X
ii) Treatment of DVT ii) Treatment of DVT or
iii) Unstable angina and non pulmonary embolism, 1.5
Q wave Myocardial Infarction mg/kg every 24 hours,
usually for 5 days and until
adequate oral anticoagulation
iii) Unstable angina and non-
myocardial infarction 1 mg/kg
every 12 hours, usually for 2
- 8 days
Parkinson's Disease. An
adjunct to standard
levodopa/benserazide or 200 mg to be taken with each
levodopa/carbidopa for use in daily dose of levodopa/dopa-
546 Entacapone 200 mg Tablet A patients with parkinson's decarboxylase inhibitor. Max
disease and end of dose 2g daily. May be taken with
motor fluctuations, who or without food
cannot be stabilised on those
0.5-1mg once daily. Renal
First line treatment of Chronic
Dose Adjustment: 0.5-1mg
Hepatitis B in patients who
every 48hours (30-49ml/min);
J05AF10000T1001X satisfy the criteria for
547 Entecavir 0.5 mg Tablet A* 0.5-1mg every 72hours (10-
X treatment and require long-
29ml/min); 0.5mg-1mg every
term therapy or have a very
5-7 days (<10ml/min; HD or
high baseline viral load
Myotonic symptoms
associated with cervical
Eperisone HCl 50 mg M03BX09110T1001
548 A syndrome, periarthritis of 50 mg 3 times daily
Tablet XX
shoulder and lumbago
spastic paralysis
Ephedrine 0.5% w/v Nasal R01AA03110D6001 Decongestion of the upper 2 drops 3 times daily.
549 A/KK
Drops XX respiratory tract Maximum use for 1 week
By IM, SC or IV. Severe,
acute bronchospasm: 12.5-
25 mg. Further dosage
Treatment of bronchial
should be determine by
spasm in asthma, adjunct to
patient response. When used
Ephedrine HCl 30 mg/ml R03CA02110P3001 correct haemodynamic
550 B as a pressor agent: ADULT
Injection XX imbalances and treat
25 - 50 mg SC/IM. If
hypotension in epidural and
necessary, a second IM dose
spinal anaesthesia
of 50 mg or an IV dose of 25
mg may be given. Direct IV
injection, 10 - 25 mg may be

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given slowly. Maximum
parenteral ADULT dose: 150
mg in 24 hours. CHILD : 3
mg/kg or 100 mg/m2 SC or
IV daily, in 4 - 6 divided
75 - 90mg/m2 body area
injected IV in 3 - 5 min,
repeated at 21 day
Breast cancer, Non- intervals.Higher doses up to
Hodgkin's lymphoma, 135mg/m2 as single agent
551 Epirubicin 10 mg Injection A* Leukaemia (ALL induction), and 120mg/m2 as
gastric cancer, ovarian combination (effective in
cancer treatment of breast cancer)
CHILD: 50 mg/m2 over 6
hours. Schedule depends on
75 - 90mg/m2 body area
injected IV in 3 - 5 min,
repeated at 21 day
Breast cancer, Non- intervals.Higher doses up to
Hodgkin's lymphoma, 135mg/m2 as single agent
552 Epirubicin 50 mg Injection A* Leukaemia (ALL induction), and 120mg/m2 as
gastric cancer, ovarian combination (effective in
cancer treatment of breast cancer)
CHILD: 50 mg/m2 over 6
hours. Schedule depends on
i) As monotherapy for
maintenance treatment in
patients with locally
150 mg taken at least one
advanced or metastatic non-
hour before or two hours
small cell lung cancer
after the ingestion of food
(NSCLC) with stable disease
once daily. Reduce in steps
after 4 cycles of standard
of 50 mg when necessary.
platinum-based first-line
Continue treatment until
L01XE03110T1003X disease progression or
553 Erlotinib 100 mg Tablet A* ii) For the treatment of
X unacceptable toxicity occurs.
patients with locally
May require dose
advanced or metastatic
modifications when
NSCLC after failure of at
coadministered with strong
least one prior chemotherapy
CYP3A4 inhibitors or
regimen. Restricted to non-
inducers; or in cigarette
smoker, female, epidermal
smoking patients.
growth factor receptor
(EGFR) positive and Asian
patients only
i) As monotherapy for 150 mg taken at least one
maintenance treatment in hour before or two hours
patients with locally after the ingestion of food
advanced or metastatic non- once daily. Reduce in steps
L01XE03110T1002X small cell lung cancer of 50 mg when necessary.
554 Erlotinib 150 mg Tablet A*
X (NSCLC) with stable disease Continue treatment until
after 4 cycles of standard disease progression or
platinum-based first-line unacceptable toxicity occurs.
chemotherapy. May require dose
ii) For the treatment of modifications when

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patients with locally coadministered with strong
advanced or metastatic CYP3A4 inhibitors or
NSCLC after failure of at inducers; or in cigarette
least one prior chemotherapy smoking patients.
regimen. Restricted to non-
smoker, female, epidermal
growth factor receptor
(EGFR) positive and Asian
patients only.
i) Patient with confirm ESBL
producing gram-negative
ADULT: 1 g once daily.
ii) Empiric treatment for
J01DH03520P4001X CHILD 3 month to 12 years:
555 Ertapenem 1 g Injection A* severe community acquired
X 15 mg/kg twice daily. Not to
pneumonia or other
exceed 1 g/ day
infections when
Pseudomonas aeruginosa is
not suspected.
Child: 30-50 mg/kg daily,
increased to twice the usual
J01FA01238F2101X Treatment of susceptible dose in severe cases. 2-8 yr:
556 Ethylsuccinate 200 mg/5 ml B
X bacterial infections 1 g daily in divided doses; <2
yr: 500 mg daily in divided
Adult 400 mg 6 hrly or 800
mg 12 hrly. Max: 4 g/day.
Childn 30-50 mg/kg in
J01FA01238T1001X Treatment of susceptible divided doses. Childn 2-8 yr
557 Ethylsuccinate 400 mg B
X bacterial infections 1 g/day in divided doses in
severe cases. Infant & childn
≤2 yr 500 mg/day in divided
Child: 30-50 mg/kg daily,
increased to twice the usual
J01FA01238F2102X Treatment of susceptible dose in severe cases. 2-8 yr:
558 Ethylsuccinate 400 mg/5 ml B
X bacterial infections 1 g daily in divided doses; <2
yr: 500 mg daily in divided
Only for treatment of
i) certain forms of meningitis
ii) septicaemia not
responding to usual
iii) mycoplasma pneumonia Adult & Child: 25 - 50mg/kg
Erythromycin Lactobionate J01FA01129P3001X
559 A* iv) infection with gram- /day infusion every 6 hours.
500 mg Injection X
positive organisms (e.g. Maximum: 4 g/day.
tetanus, streptococcal
infection) associated with
Penicillin allergy, only when
oral erythromycin cannot be
Child: 30-50 mg/kg daily,
increased to twice the usual
Erythromycin Stearate 250 J01FA01258T1001X Infections due to susceptible dose in severe cases. 2-8 yr:
560 B
mg Tablet X organism 1 g daily in divided doses; <2
yr: 500 mg daily in divided

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i) ADULT by IV injection over
1-5 minutes, initially 50
units/kg 3 times weekly
adjusted according to
response in step of 25
units/kg 3 times weekly at
interval of at least 4 weeks.
CHILD initially as for adult.
i) Treatment of anaemia
Maintenance, bodyweight
associated with chronic renal
under 10 kg usually 75-150
failure. Dialysis patients who
units/kg 3 times weekly,
are haemoglobin less than 8
bodyweight 10-30 kg usually
Erythropoietin Human g or exhibiting symptoms of
B03XA01000P5005X 60-150 units/kg 3 times
561 Recombinant 10,000 IU/ml A* anaemia although
X weekly, bodyweight over 30
Injection haemoglobin more than 8 g
kg usually 30-100 units/kg 3
and pre-transplant cases
times weekly
ii) Anaemia in cancer (non-
ii) ADULT by SC injection
myeloid malignancies) with
(max. 1 ml per injection site),
concomitant chemotherapy
initially 150 units/kg 3 times
weekly, increased if
appropriate rise in
haemoglobin not achieved
after 4 weeks to 300 units/kg
3 times weekly. Discontinue if
inadequate response after 4
weeks at higher dose
i) ADULT by IV injection over
1-5 minutes, initially 50
units/kg 3 times weekly
adjusted according to
response in step of 25
units/kg 3 times weekly at
interval of at least 4 weeks.
CHILD initially as for adult.
i) Treatment of anaemia
Maintenance, bodyweight
associated with chronic renal
under 10 kg usually 75-150
failure. Dialysis patients who
units/kg 3 times weekly,
are haemoglobin less than 8
bodyweight 10-30 kg usually
Erythropoietin Human g or exhibiting symptoms of
B03XA01000P5001X 60-150 units/kg 3 times
562 Recombinant 1000 IU/0.5ml A* anaemia although
X weekly, bodyweight over 30
Injection haemoglobin more than 8 g
kg usually 30-100 units/kg 3
and pre-transplant cases
times weekly
ii) Anaemia in cancer (non-
ii) ADULT by SC injection
myeloid malignancies) with
(max. 1 ml per injection site),
concomitant chemotherapy
initially 150 units/kg 3 times
weekly, increased if
appropriate rise in
haemoglobin not achieved
after 4 weeks to 300 units/kg
3 times weekly. Discontinue if
inadequate response after 4
weeks at higher dose

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i) ADULT by IV injection over
1-5 minutes, initially 50
units/kg 3 times weekly
adjusted according to
response in step of 25
units/kg 3 times weekly at
interval of at least 4 weeks.
CHILD initially as for adult.
i) Treatment of anaemia
Maintenance, bodyweight
associated with chronic renal
under 10 kg usually 75-150
failure. Dialysis patients who
units/kg 3 times weekly,
are haemoglobin less than 8
bodyweight 10-30 kg usually
Erythropoietin Human g or exhibiting symptoms of
B03XA01000P5002X 60-150 units/kg 3 times
563 Recombinant 2000 IU/0.5ml A anaemia although
X weekly, bodyweight over 30
Injection haemoglobin more than 8 g
kg usually 30-100 units/kg 3
and pre-transplant cases
times weekly
ii) Anaemia in cancer (non-
ii) ADULT by SC injection
myeloid malignancies) with
(max. 1 ml per injection site),
concomitant chemotherapy
initially 150 units/kg 3 times
weekly, increased if
appropriate rise in
haemoglobin not achieved
after 4 weeks to 300 units/kg
3 times weekly. Discontinue if
inadequate response after 4
weeks at higher dose
i) ADULT by IV injection over
1-5 minutes, initially 50
units/kg 3 times weekly
adjusted according to
response in step of 25
units/kg 3 times weekly at
interval of at least 4 weeks.
CHILD initially as for adult.
i) Treatment of anaemia
Maintenance, bodyweight
associated with chronic renal
under 10 kg usually 75-150
failure. Dialysis patients who
units/kg 3 times weekly,
are haemoglobin less than 8
bodyweight 10-30 kg usually
Erythropoietin Human g or exhibiting symptoms of
B03XA01000P5003X 60-150 units/kg 3 times
564 Recombinant 3000 IU/0.3ml A* anaemia although
X weekly, bodyweight over 30
Injection haemoglobin more than 8 g
kg usually 30-100 units/kg 3
and pre-transplant cases
times weekly
ii) Anaemia in cancer (non-
ii) ADULT by SC injection
myeloid malignancies) with
(max. 1 ml per injection site),
concomitant chemotherapy
initially 150 units/kg 3 times
weekly, increased if
appropriate rise in
haemoglobin not achieved
after 4 weeks to 300 units/kg
3 times weekly. Discontinue if
inadequate response after 4
weeks at higher dose

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i) ADULT by IV injection over
1-5 minutes, initially 50
units/kg 3 times weekly
adjusted according to
response in step of 25
units/kg 3 times weekly at
interval of at least 4 weeks.
CHILD initially as for adult.
i) Treatment of anaemia
Maintenance, bodyweight
associated with chronic renal
under 10 kg usually 75-150
failure. Dialysis patients who
units/kg 3 times weekly,
are haemoglobin less than 8
bodyweight 10-30 kg usually
Erythropoietin Human g or exhibiting symptoms of
B03XA01000P5004X 60-150 units/kg 3 times
565 Recombinant 4000 IU/0.4ml A anaemia although
X weekly, bodyweight over 30
Injection haemoglobin more than 8 g
kg usually 30-100 units/kg 3
and pre-transplant cases
times weekly
ii) Anaemia in cancer (non-
ii) ADULT by SC injection
myeloid malignancies) with
(max. 1 ml per injection site),
concomitant chemotherapy
initially 150 units/kg 3 times
weekly, increased if
appropriate rise in
haemoglobin not achieved
after 4 weeks to 300 units/kg
3 times weekly. Discontinue if
inadequate response after 4
weeks at higher dose
i) 10 mg once daily; may be
increased to max 20 mg
ii) Panic disorder with or
without agoraphobia: Initially
i) Major depression 5 mg for the first week,
N06AB10124T1001X ii) Treatment of panic thereafter increased to 10 mg
566 Escitalopram 10 mg Tablet A*
X disorder with or without daily. Max 20 mg daily,
agoraphobia ELDERLY initially half the
adult dose, lower
maintenance dose may be
sufficient. CHILD and
years not recommended
Tachycardia and
Esmolol HCl 10 mg/ml C07AB09110P3001X By IV infusion usually within
567 A* hypertension in perioperative
Injection X range of 50 - 200 mcg/kg/min
i) 20mg daily for 4-8 weeks
ii) 40mg daily for 10 days in
i) Gastro-oesophageal reflux
A02BC05000T1002X combination with amoxicillin
568 Esomeprazole 20 mg Tablet A* disease
X 1g twice daily or
ii) H. pylori eradication
clarithromycin 500mg twice
i) Acute erosive/ ulcerative i) 20- 40 mg once daily for 2-
Esomeprazole 40 mg A02BC05000P3001X oesophagitis 5 days ii) 80 mg by IV bolus
569 A*
Injection X ii) Non -variceal upper followed by 8mg/hour
gastrointestinal bleed infusion for 72 hours
i) 20mg daily for 4-8 weeks
i) Gastro-oesophageal reflux
A02BC05000T1001X ii) 40mg daily for 10 days in
570 Esomeprazole 40 mg Tablet A* disease
X combination with amoxicillin
ii) H. pylori eradication
1g twice daily or

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clarithromycin 500mg twice

Essential Phospholipids,
cyanocobalamine, A05BA00924C1001X Nutritional supplement in liver
571 A/KK Please refer to product leaflet
tocopheryl, pyridoxine, X disorders
thiamine, riboflavine
One tablet daily without pill-
Hormone Replacement
free interval, starting with 1
Therapy for women with
Estradiol 1 mg & Estradiol 1 mg of Estradiol for first 14
G03FB08954T1001X disorders due to natural or
572 mg with Dydrogesterone 10 A* days, followed by 1mg
X surgically induced
mg Estradiol with 10 mg
menopause with intact
Dydrogestrone daily for the
next 14 days
Hormone replacement
therapy for oestrogen
Estradiol 1 mg & deficiency symptoms in
G03FA01122T1001X 1 tablet per day without
573 Norethisterone Acetate 0.5 A* women more than 1 year
X interruption
mg Tablet after menopause and
prevention of osteoporosis in
post menopausal women
i) Hormone replacement
therapy for the relief of One tablet daily, taken
symptoms due to oestrogen continuously without
Estradiol 1 mg with
G03FB08954T1002X deficiency interruption. Should be used
574 Dydrogesterone 5 mg A*
X ii) Prevention of only in postmenopausal
postmenopausal women more than 12 month
osteoporosis in women with a after menopause
Oestrogen replacement 1 mg daily continuously or 21
Estradiol Valerate 1 mg G03CA03256T1002
575 A* therapy - only those who day regimen with 1 week of
Tablet XX
cannot tolerate Premarin tablet free interval
Pre and post menopausal
Start on the 5th day of
syndrome, primary and
menstrual cycle - 1 tab daily
Estradiol Valerate 2 mg and secondary amenorrhea,
for 21 days then stop for 7
Norgestrel 500 mcg with G03FB01953T1001X menstrual irregularities.
576 B days. If patient forgets dose
Estradiol Valerate 2 mg X Deficiency symptoms after
at usual time, it should be
Tablet oophorectomy or radiological
taken within following 12
castration for
noncarcinomatous disease
i) Moderately to severe Adult & geriatric dose:
rheumatoid arthritis as Rheumatoid arthritis,
monotherapy or in psoriatic arthritis, ankylosing
combination with spondylitis; 50 mg SC once-
methotrexate in patients with weekly for once-weekly
inadequate response to dosing or 25 mg SC twice
L04AA11000P4001X methotrexate alone. ii) Active weekly (individual doses
577 Etanercept 25 mg Injection A*
X polyarticular-course juvenile should be separated by 72 to
idiopathic arthritis in children 96 hours) for twice-weekly
2-17 years with inadequate dosing. Plaque psoriasis;
response to, or who have Initial: 50 mg SC twice
proved intolerant of weekly, 72 to 96 hours apart;
methotrexate. maintain initial dose for 3
iii) Psoriatic arthritis as months (starting doses of 25

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monotherapy or in or 50 mg once weekly have
combination with also been used successfully).
methotrexate in patient’s Maintenance dose: 50 mg
inadequate response to SC once weekly. Paediatric
methotrexate alone. dose (2 to 17 years): Juvenile
iv) Active ankylosing idiopathic arthritis; 0.8 mg/kg
spondylitis in adults (max. 25 mg/dose) SC once
v) Moderate to severe plaque weekly for once-weekly
psoriasis who failed to dosing or 0.4 mg/kg (max. 25
respond to, or who have a mg/dose) SC twice weekly
contraindication to, or are (individual doses should be
intolerant to other systemic separated by 72 to 96 hours)
therapy including for twice-weekly dosing.
cyclosporine, methotrexate or

i) Moderately to severe
rheumatoid arthritis as Adult & geriatric dose:
monotherapy or in Rheumatoid arthritis,
combination with psoriatic arthritis, ankylosing
methotrexate in patients with spondylitis; 50 mg SC once-
inadequate response to weekly for once-weekly
methotrexate alone. dosing or 25 mg SC twice
ii) Active polyarticular-course weekly (individual doses
juvenile idiopathic arthritis in should be separated by 72 to
children 2-17 years with 96 hours) for twice-weekly
inadequate response to, or dosing. Plaque psoriasis;
who have proved intolerant of Initial: 50 mg SC twice
methotrexate. weekly, 72 to 96 hours apart;
iii) Psoriatic arthritis as maintain initial dose for 3
578 Etanercept 50 mg Injection A* monotherapy or in months (starting doses of 25
combination with or 50 mg once weekly have
methotrexate in patient’s also been used successfully).
inadequate response to Maintenance dose: 50 mg
methotrexate alone. SC once weekly. Paediatric
iv) Active ankylosing dose (2 to 17 years): Juvenile
spondylitis in adults idiopathic arthritis; 0.8 mg/kg
v) Moderate to severe plaque (max. 25 mg/dose) SC once
psoriasis who failed to weekly for once-weekly
respond to, or who have a dosing or 0.4 mg/kg (max. 25
contraindication to, or are mg/dose) SC twice weekly
intolerant to other systemic (individual doses should be
therapy including separated by 72 to 96 hours)
cyclosporine, methotrexate or for twice-weekly dosing.
Adult: 15-25mg/kg daily (max
1200mg) or 50mg/kg
Ethambutol HCl 200 mg J04AK02110T1001X
579 B Tuberculosis biweekly (max2000mg).
Tablet X
Children: 15-25mg/kg daily or
50 mg/kg twice weekly.
Adult: 15-25mg/kg daily (max
1200mg) or 50mg/kg
Ethambutol HCl 400 mg J04AK02110T1002X
580 B Tuberculosis biweekly (max2000mg).
Tablet X
Children: 15-25mg/kg daily or
50 mg/kg twice weekly.
N01AA01000L9901X To remove adhesive plaster Dose depending on the route
581 Ether Solvent C
X from the skin and procedure

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i) Oral contraception
ii) Treatment of acne vulgaris
in women seeking oral
iii) Treatment of symptoms of 1 tab daily for 28 consecutive
Ethinylestradiol 20 mcg & G03AA12954T1002X
582 A* premenstrual dysphoric days starting on 1st day of
Drospirenone 3 mg Tablet X
disorder (PMDD) in women menstrual bleeding.
who choose to use an oral
contraceptive as their method
of contraception.

1 tablet to be taken daily for

21 executive days starting on
Ethinylestradiol 20 mcg & G03AA10954T1001X the first day of menses. Each
583 A/KK Oral contraception
Gestodene 75 mcg Tablet X subsequent pack is started
after a 7 days tablet free
i) Prevention of pregnancy
ii) Treatment of moderate
acne vulgaris not controlled
by conventional therapy (e.g Beginning on day 1 of cycle,
Ethinylestradiol 20 mcg &
G03AA07954T1002X topical preparations and oral 1 tablet daily for 21 days
584 Levonorgestrel 100 mcg A/KK
X antibiotics) in post- followed by 7 tablet-free
menarchal, premenopausal days.
women more than or 14
years who accept
As second-line therapy in the
ADULT: 15-20mg/kg daily, in
treatment of Multi Drug
divided doses if necessary;
Resistant Tuberculosis only
maximum dose 1g/day.
J04AD03000T1001X in combination with other
585 Ethionamide 250 mg Tablet A* CHILD: 10-20mg/kg in 2-3
X efficacious agents and only
divided doses or
when therapy with isoniazid,
15mg/kg/24hrs as a single
rifampicin, or other first-line
daily dose.
agents has failed.
ADULT: Initially, 500 mg
daily. Increased by 250 mg at
intervals of 4-7 days to usual
dose of 1-1.5 g daily.
Maximum: Up to 2 g, under
strict supervision. CHILD:
Greater than or equal to 6
Ethosuximide 250 mg/5 ml N03AD01000L9001X years: Same as adult dose;
586 B Absence seizures
Syrup X less than 6 years: Initially,
250 mg daily. Increased
gradually to usual dose of 20
mg/kg daily. Maximum:
Children greater than or
equal to 6 years: Same as
adult dose; less than 6 years:
Up to 1 g
For minor surgical
procedures including lancing Spray to affected area at a
587 Ethyl Chloride 100ml Spray C boils, incision and drainage distance of about 30cm until
of small abscesses, pain due a fine white film is produced
to athletic injuries and pain

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due to injection

Adult: 300 mcg/kg given

slowly over 30-60 seconds
Induction of general into a large vein in the arm.
Etomidate 20 mg/10 ml N01AX07000P3001X anaesthesia for Child: Up to 30% more than
588 A*
Injection X haemodynamically unstable the standard adult dose.
patients Elderly: 150-200 mcg/kg,
subsequently adjusted
according to effects.
A single implant inserted
subdermally and can be left
in place for three years. The
589 Etonogestrel 68 mg Implant A/KK Contraception implant can be removed at
any time but not later than
three years after the date of
i) CHILD: 60-120 mg/m2/day
by IV for 3 - 5 days every 3 -
6 weeks depending on
i) For treatment of children
with solid tumours, juvenile
ii) Maintenance or palliative
myelomonocytic leukemia
chemotherapy for elderly
(JMML) and Langerhan cell
acute myeloid leukemia,
Etoposide 100 mg/5 ml L01CB01000P3001X histiocytosis
590 A* consolidation therapy for
Injection X ii) Leukaemia, lymphoma
acute lymphoblastic
iii) Testicular cancer, lung
leukemia, stem cell
cancer, gestational
mobilization (Refer to
trophoblastic disease, gastric
cancer, sarcoma
iii) 100 mg/m2 by IV every
other day for 3 doses
repeated every 3-4 weeks
Normal adult dose is 175mg-
200mg daily for 5
consecutive days orally,
followed by recession
Treatment of small cell lung
L01CB01000C1003X (withdrawal) interval of 3
591 Etoposide 50mg capsule A* cancer and malignant
X weeks. Repeat administration
as necessary. Increase or
reduce dose as appropriate,
according to the particular
disease or symptoms.
i) OA: 60 mg once daily. RA:
90 mg once daily
i) Acute and chronic
ii & iii) Acute gouty arthritis
treatment of signs and
and acute pain: 120 mg once
symptoms of osteoarthritis
M01AH05000T1002 daily (Given the exposure to
592 Etoricoxib 120 mg Tablet A* (OA) and rheumatoid arthritis
XX COX-2 inhibitors, doctors are
advised to use the lowest
ii) Acute gouty arthritis
effective dose for the shortest
iii) Acute pain
possible duration of
i) Acute and chronic i) OA: 60 mg once daily. RA:
593 Etoricoxib 60 mg Tablet A* treatment of signs and 90 mg once daily
symptoms of osteoarthritis ii & iii) Acute gouty arthritis

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(OA) and rheumatoid arthritis and acute pain: 120 mg once
(RA) daily (Given the exposure to
ii) Acute gouty arthritis COX-2 inhibitors, doctors are
iii) Acute pain advised to use the lowest
effective dose for the shortest
possible duration of
i) OA: 60 mg once daily. RA:
90 mg once daily
i) Acute and chronic
ii & iii) Acute gouty arthritis
treatment of signs and
and acute pain: 120 mg once
symptoms of osteoarthritis
M01AH05000T1001 daily (Given the exposure to
594 Etoricoxib 90 mg Tablet A* (OA) and rheumatoid arthritis
XX COX-2 inhibitors, doctors are
advised to use the lowest
ii) Acute gouty arthritis
effective dose for the shortest
iii) Acute pain
possible duration of
Indicated for the prophylaxis
An initial dose regimen of
of organ rejection in adult
0.75 mg b.i.d., which is
patients at low to moderate
recommended for the general
immunological risk receiving
L04AA18000T1001X kidney and heart transplant
595 Everolimus 0.25mg tablet A* an allogeneic renal or cardiac
X population. The daily dose of
transplant in combination
everolimus should always be
with ciclosporin for
given orally in two divided
microemulsion and
doses (b.i.d.).
Indicated for the prophylaxis
An initial dose regimen of
of organ rejection in adult
0.75 mg b.i.d., which is
patients at low to moderate
recommended for the general
immunological risk receiving
L04AA18000T1003X kidney and heart transplant
596 Everolimus 0.75mg tablet A* an allogeneic renal or cardiac
X population. The daily dose of
transplant in combination
everolimus should always be
with ciclosporin for
given orally in two divided
microemulsion and
doses (b.i.d.).
Treatment of post-
menopausal women with
advanced breast cancer
597 Exemestane 25 mg Tablet A* whose disease has 25 mg once daily
progressed following
tamoxifen and non-steroidal
aromatase inhibitors
Ezetimibe 10 mg & C10BA02000T1001X Primary Usual starting dose: 10/20
598 A*
Simvastatin 20 mg Tablet X hypercholesterolemia mg/day
i) Co-administration with
statins for patients who have
chronic heart disease or are
chronic heart disease
equivalent or familial 10 mg once daily. Not
599 Ezetimibe 10 mg Tablet A* hypercholesterolaemia with recommended for children
target LDL-C not achieved by less than 10 years old
maximum dose of statins
ii) Monotherapy in patients
with documented biochemical
intolerance to statins

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Ezetimibe 10mg/ C10BA02000T1003X Primary Usual starting dose: 10/20

600 A*
Simvastatin 40mg Tablet X hypercholesterolemia mg/day
Dose varies according to the
patient and the
circumstances of the
i) Mild haemorrhage: initial
dose of 30 units/kg body
Prevention and control of
B02BD04000P9901X bleeding in patients with
601 Factor IX Injection A ii) Moderate haemorrhage:
X factor IX deficiency due to
initial dose of 50 units/kg
haemophilia B
iii) Major
haemorrhage/surgery: Initial
dose of 75 - 100 units/kg.
Half of these doses may be
repeated after 18-24 hrs if
Amount and frequency of
administration should be
calculated on an individual
patient basis. Individual
dosage requirements can
i) Treatment and
only be identified on the
perioperative prophylaxis of
basis of regular
bleeding in acquired
determinations of the
deficiency of the prothrombin
individual plasma levels of
complex coagulation factors,
the coagulation factors of
such as deficiency caused by
interest or on the global tests
treatment with vitamin K
of the prothrombin complex
antagonists, or in case of
levels (INR, Quick's test) and
overdose of vitamin K
Factor IX, Factor II, Factor a continuous monitoring of
B02BD01000P4001X antagonists, when rapid
602 VII and Factor X In A* the clinical condition of the
X correction of the deficiency is
Combination Injection patient. An approximate
required. ii) Treatment and
calculation is as follows:
perioperative prophylaxis of
Required dose (IU) = body
bleeding in congenital
weight (kg) x desired factor
deficiency of any of the
rise (IU/dl or % of normal) x
vitamin K dependent
reciprocal of the estimated
coagulation factors only if
recovery, i.e. Factor II = 53
purified specific coagulation
Factor VII = 59 Factor IX =
factor product is not
77 Factor X = 56 As product
may differ from one to
another, it is strongly advised
to refer to the manufacturer
(product insert) in regards to
dosing calculation.
Initially 4.5 KIU (90 mcg)/kg
body weight IV bolus over 2-
Treatment of bleeding
5 minutes, followed by 3-6
episodes and prevention of
KIU (60-120 mcg)/kg body
excessive bleeding in
Factor VIIa (Recombinant) weight depending on type &
B02BD08000P4005X connection with surgery in
603 eptacog alfa (activated) 100 A* severity of haemorrhage or
X patients with inherited or
KIU (2 mg) Injection surgery performed. Dosing
acquired haemophilia with
interval: initially 2-3 hour to
inhibitors to coagulation
obtain haemostasis and until
factors VIII or IX
clinically improved. If
continued therapy is needed,

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dose interval can be
increased successively to
every 4, 6, 8 or 12 hours

Initially 4.5 KIU (90 mcg)/kg

body weight IV bolus over 2-
5 minutes, followed by 3-6
Treatment of bleeding KIU (60-120 mcg)/kg body
episodes and prevention of weight depending on type &
excessive bleeding in severity of haemorrhage or
Factor VIIa (Recombinant)
B02BD08000P4004X connection with surgery in surgery performed. Dosing
604 eptacog alfa (activated) 50 A*
X patients with inherited or interval: initially 2-3 hour to
KIU (1 mg) Injection
acquired haemophilia with obtain haemostasis and until
inhibitors to coagulation clinically improved. If
factors VIII or IX continued therapy is needed,
dose interval can be
increased successively to
every 4, 6, 8 or 12 hours
i. Von Willebrand Disease:
Spontaneous Bleeding
Episodes: Initially, factor VIII
12.5-25 IU/kg and ristocetin
cofactor 25-50 IU/kg followed
by factor VIII 12.5 IU/kg and
ristocetin cofactor 25 IU/kg
subsequently every 12-24
hrs. Minor Surgery: Factor
VIII 30 IU/kg and ristocetin
cofactor 60 IU/kg daily. Major
i) The treatment and
Surgery: Initially, factor VIII
prophylaxis of haemorrhage
30-40 IU/kg and ristocetin
or surgical bleeding in Von
cofactor 60-80 IU/kg followed
Willebrand Disease (VWD)
by factor VIII 15-30 IU/kg and
when 1-deamino-8-D-
ristocetin cofactor 30-60
Factor VIII (Human blood arginine vasopressin
B02BD06000P4002X IU/kg subsequently every 12-
605 coagulation factor) & Von A* (desmopressin, DDAVP)
X 24 hrs. Prophylaxis: Factor
Willebrand factor Injection treatment alone is ineffective
VIII 12.5-20 IU/kg and
or contraindicated. ii)The
ristocetin cofactor 25-40
treatment and prophylaxis of
IU/kg 3 times weekly.
bleeding associated with
ii. Hemophilia A therapy:
factor VIII deficiency due to
Minor haemorrage: 10-15
haemophilia A.
IU/kg every 12-24 hours.
Moderate to severe
haemorrhage: 15-40 IU/kg
every 8 to 24 hours. Minor
surgery: Loading dose 20-30
IU/kg, maintenance dose 15-
30 IU/kg. Major surgery:
Loading dose 40-50 IU/kg,
maintenance dose 10-40
IU/kg. Prophylaxis: 25-40
IU/kg three times weekly As

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product may differ from one
to another, it is strongly
advised to refer to the
manufacturer (product insert)
in regards to dosing

The dosage and duration of

treatment should be
i) Control and prevention of
individualised and taking into
bleeding episodes in adults
account the severity of factor
and children (0-16 years)
VIII deficiency, location and
with hemophilia A.
extent of bleeding and
ii) Surgical prophylaxis in
patient's clinical condition.
adults and children with
Dose can be calculated by
hemophilia A.
Factor VIII (Recombinant) using:
B02BD02000P4001X iii) Routine prophylactic
606 Octocog Alfa 250 IU A* i. Required dose (IU) = body
X treatment to reduce the
Injection weight (kg) x desired factor
frequency of bleeding
VIII rise (IU/dl or % of
episodes and the risk of joint
normal) x 0.5 (IU/kg) or
damage in children with no
ii. Expected factor VIII rise (%
pre-existing joint damage.
of normal) = 2 x (dose
Not indicated fot the
administered)/ bodyweight
treatment of von willebrand's
(kg) Dose administered
should be titrated to patient's
clinical response
i) Control and prevention of The dosage and duration of
bleeding episodes in adults treatment should be
and children (0-16 years) individualised and taking into
with hemophilia A. account the severity of factor
ii) Surgical prophylaxis in VIII deficiency, location and
adults and children with extent of bleeding and
Factor VIII (Recombinant)
B02BD02000P4002X hemophilia A. patient's clinical condition.
607 Octocog Alfa 500 IU A*
X iii) Routine prophylactic Dose can be calculated by
treatment to reduce the using:
frequency of bleeding i. Required dose (IU) = body
episodes and the risk of joint weight (kg) x desired factor
damage in children with no VIII rise (IU/dl or % of
pre-existing joint damage. normal) x 0.5 (IU/kg) or
Not indicated for the ii. Expected factor VIII rise (%

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treatment of von willebrand's of normal) = 2 x (dose
disease. administered)/ bodyweight
(kg) Dose administered
should be titrated to patient's
clinical response.

i) Treatment and prophylaxis

of hemorrhages in
hemophilia A and B patients
with inhibitors.
ii) Treatment and prophylaxis
of hemorrhages in non-
hemophilic patients who have
developed inhibitors to As a general guideline, a
Factors VIII, IX and XI. dose of 50 to 100IU/kg body
iii) Treatment of patients with weight is recommended, not
Factor VIII Inhibitor B02BD03000P4001X
608 A acquired inhibitors to Factors exceeding an individual dose
Bypassing Activity Injection X
X and XIII. of 100IU/kg bw and a
iv) In the combination with maximum daily dose of
Factor VIII concentrate for a 200IU/kg bw.
long-term therapy to achieve
a complete and permanent
elimination of the Factor VIII
inhibitor so as to allow for
regular treatment with Factor
VIII concentrate as in
patients without inhibitor.
Dose varies according to the
patient and the
circumstances of the
bleeding. i) Mild to moderate:
Usually a single dose of 10-
Prevention and control of ii) More serious
B02BD02999P9901X bleeding in patients with haemorrhage/minor surgery:
609 Factor VIII Injection A
X factor VIII deficiency due to Initially 15-25 units/kg
classical haemophilia A followed by 10-15 units/kg
every 8 - 12 hours if required
iii) Severe
haemorrhage/major surgery:
Initial: 40 - 50 units/kg
followed by 20 - 25 units/kg
every 8-12 hrs.
Dose to be individualised.
Fat Emulsion 10% for IV B05BA02000P6001X Source of lipid in patients ADULT usual lipid
610 A
Infusion Injection X needing IV nutrition requirement 2-3 g/kg/day.
INFANT 0.5 - 1 g/kg/day
Dose to be individualised.
Fat Emulsion 20% for IV B05BA02000P6002X Source of lipid in patients ADULT usual lipid
611 A
Infusion Injection X needing IV nutrition requirement 2-3 g/kg/day.
INFANT 0.5-1 g/kg/day

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Initiate at 5 mg once daily.
612 Felodipine 10 mg Tablet A/KK Hypertension Usual dose, 5 - 10 mg once
daily in the morning
Initiate at 5 mg once daily.
613 Felodipine 5 mg Tablet A/KK Hypertension Usual dose, 5 - 10 mg once
daily in the morning
As second line therapy after
failed gemfibrozil in patients:
i) Hypercholesterolemia and
hypertriglyceridemia alone or
combined [type IIa,IIb,III and
V dysplipidemias] in patients
unresponsive to dietary and
other non-pharmacological
C10AB05000T1002X measures especially when 145mg once daily, with or
614 Fenofibrate 145 mg tablet A/KK
X there is evidence of without food
associated risk factors
ii) Treatment of secondary
hyperlipoproteinemias if
hyperlipoprotenemia persists
despite effective treatment of
underlying disease
iii) Dyslipidemia in Type 2
Diabetes Mellitus
As a second line drug in the ADULT and CHILD over 2
management of chronic years previously treated with
severe cancer pain not a strong opioid analgesic,
responding to non-narcotic initial dose based on
Fentanyl 12mcg/h N02AB03136M7005 analgesic. Not to be used in previous 24-hour opioid
615 A*
Transdermal Patch XX opiod naive patients.The use requirement (consult product
is to be restricted to pain literature). If necessary dose
specialists, palliative should be adjusted at 72-
medicine specialists and hour intervals in steps of 12-
oncologists 25 mcg/hr
Patients who have not
previously received a strong
opioid analgesic, initial dose,
one 25 mcg/hour patch to be
As a second line drug in the
replaced after 72 hours.
management of chronic
Patients who have received a
Fentanyl 25 mcg/h N02AB03136M7001 cancer pain. The use is to be
616 A* strong opioid analgesic, initial
Transdermal Patch XX restricted to pain specialists,
dose based on previous 24
palliative medicine specialists
hours opioid requirement
and oncologists.
(oral morphine sulphate 90
mg over 24 hours = one 25
mcg/hour patch). Not
recommended in children.
Patients who have not
previously received a strong
As a second line drug in the opioid analgesic, initial dose,
management of chronic one 25 mcg/hour patch to be
Fentanyl 50 mcg/h N02AB03136M7002 cancer pain. The use is to be replaced after 72 hours.
617 A*
Transdermal Patch XX restricted to pain specialists, Patients who have received a
palliative medicine specialists strong opioid analgesic, initial
and oncologists dose based on previous 24
hours opioid requirement
(oral morphine sulphate 90

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mg over 24 hours = one 25
mcg/hour patch). Not
recommended in children.

Dose should be
individualized according to
age, body weight, physical
status, underlying
pathological conditions and
type of surgery and
anaesthesia. ADULT:
Premedication: IM 50 - 100
mcg, 30 - 60 mins prior to
surgery. Adjunct to general
anaesthesia: Induction IV 50
Short duration analgesia - 100mcg, repeat 2 - 3 mins
during pre-medication intervals until desired effect is
Fentanyl Citrate 50 mcg/ml N01AH01136P3001 induction and maintenance of achieved. IV/IM 25 - 50mcg
618 A
Injection XX anaesthesia, and in the in elderly and poor risk
immediate post-operative patients. Maintenance: IV/IM
period. 25 - 50mcg. Adjunct to
regional anaesthesia:
IM/slow IV 50 - 100mcg when
additinal analgesia is
required. Post-operatively
(recovery room): IM 50 -
100mcg for pain control,
tachypnoea and emergency
delirium. May be repeated in
1- 2 hours as needed. CHILD
(2 - 12 years): Induction &
maintenance: 2 - 3 mcg/kg.
Ferric Ammonium Citrate CHILD up to 1 year 5 ml, 1 -
B03AB06136L2101X Prevention and treatment of
619 800 mg/10 ml Paediatric C 5 years 10 ml, taken well
X iron-deficiency anaemias
Mixture diluted with water
Anemia due to iron
deficiency, megaloblastic
Ferrous controlled release anemia where there is an
500 mg, Vitamin B1, associated deficiency of
Vitamin B2, Vitamin B6, Vitamin C and Vitamin B-
620 Vitamin B12, Vitamin C, A/KK complex particularly in One tablet daily
Niacinamide, Calcium pregnancy. In primary health
Pantothenate, Folic Acid clinic, the indication is
800 mcg Tablet restricted to anemia due to
iron deficiency in pregnant
women ONLY.
Adult: Usual dose range: Up
to 600 mg daily. May
Ferrous Fumarate 200 mg B03AA02138T1001X Prevention and treatment of increase up to 1.2 g daily if
621 C+
Tablet X iron-deficiency anaemias necessary. Child: As syrup
containing 140 mg(45 mg
iron)/5ml. Preterm neonate:

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0.6-2.4 ml/kg daily; up to 6
years old: 2.5-5ml twice daily

i) Reduction in the duration of i) Adult: SC or IV 5

neutropenia and incidence of mcg/kg/day. Initiation: 24 - 72
febrile neutropenia in hours after chemotherapy.
cytotoxic chemotherapy for Duration: Until a clinically
Filgrastim (G-CSF) 30 L03AA02000P3001X malignancy except chronic adequate neutrophil recovery
622 A*
MU/ml Injection X myeloid leukemia and is achieved (absolute
myelodysplastic syndrome neutrophil count of at least 1
ii) Haemopoeitic stem cell x 109/L on 2 consecutive
transplantation (HSCT)/stem days)
cell harvesting ii) Refer to protocol
i) Reduction in the duration of i) ADULT: 5 mcg/kg/day by
neutropenia and incidence of SC or IV. Initiation: 24 - 72
febrile neutropenia in hours after chemotherapy.
cytotoxic chemotherapy for Duration: Until a clinically
Filgrastim 30 MU in 0.5 ml L03AA02000P5001X malignancy except chronic adequate neutrophil recovery
623 A*
Injection X myeloid leukemia and is achieved (absolute
myelodysplastic syndrome neutrophil count of at least 1
ii) Haemopoeitic stem cell x 109/L on 2 consecutive
transplantation (HSCT)/stem days)
cell harvesting ii) Refer to protocol
5 mg a day as a single dose.
Clinical responses occur
within 12 weeks - 6 months
G04CB01000T1001 Treatment and control of
624 Finasteride 5 mg Tablet A* of initiation of therapy. Long-
XX benign prostatic hyperplasia
term administration is
recommended for maximal
Treatment of patients with
relapsing forms of multiple
sclerosis to reduce the
625 Fingolimod 0.5mg Capsule A* frequency of clinical 0.5mg orally once daily
exacerbations and to delay
the accumulation of physical
Urinary frequency and
ADULT: 200 mg 3 times
Flavoxate HCl 100 mg G04BD02110T1001 incontinence, dysuria,
626 A daily. CHILD under 12 years
Tablet XX urgency, bladder spasm due
not recommended
to catheterisation
i) Sustained monomorphic
ventricular tachycardias
ii) Preexcited atrial fibrillation Ventricular arrhythmias: 100
associated with Wolff- mg twice daily, maximum 400
Parkinson White Syndrome mg/day (usually reserved for
iii) Reciprocating Atrio- rapid control or in heavily
Flecainide Acetate 100 mg C01BC04122T1001X Ventricular tachycardias built patients), reduced after
627 A*
Tablet X (AVT) associated with Wolff- 3 - 5 days if possible.
Parkinson White Syndrome Supraventricular arrhythmias:
iv) Supraventricular 50 mg twice daily, increased
tachycardias due to Intra- if required to maximum of
Atrio Ventricular Nodul 150 mg twice daily

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i) Oropharyngeal candidiasis:
50 - 100 mg daily for 7 - 14
days (Maximum 14 days)
except in severely
i) Oropharyngeal candidiasis, immunocompromised
atrophic oral candidiasis patients, treatment can be
associated with dentures, continued for longer periods.
other candidal infections of Atrophic oral candidiasis
mucosa associated with dentures: 50
ii) Tinea pedis, corporis, mg daily for 14 days. Other
cruris, versicolor and dermal candidal infections of
candidiasis mucosa: 50 - 100 mg daily
iii) Invasive candidal & for 14 - 30 days. CHILD: 3 - 6
cryptococcal infections mg/kg on first day then 3
(including meningitis) mg/kg daily (every 72 hours
iv) Prevention of relapse of in NEONATE up to 2 weeks
Fluconazole 100 mg J02AC01000C1002X
628 A cryptococcal meningitis in old, every 48 hours in
Capsule X
AIDS patients after NEONATE 2 - 4 weeks old)
completion of primary ii) 50 mg daily for 2 - 4
therapy weeks, maximum 6 weeks
v) Prevention of fungal iii) 400 mg initially then 200 -
infections in 400 mg daily for 6 - 8 weeks.
immunocompromised CHILD: 6 - 12 mg/kg daily
patients considered at risk as (every 72 hours in NEONATE
a consequence of HIV up to 2 weeks old, every 48
infections or neutropenia hours in NEONATE 2 -4
following cytotoxic weeks old) iv) 100 - 200 mg
chemotherapy, radiotherapy daily
or bone marrow transplant v) 50 - 400 mg daily. CHILD:
3 - 12 mg/kg daily (every 72
hours in NEONATE up to 2
weeks old, every 48 hours in
NEONATE 2 - 4 weeks old)
i) Oropharyngeal candidiasis, i) 50 - 100 mg daily for 7 - 14
atrophic oral candidiasis days (Maximum 14 days)
associated with dentures, except in severely
other candidal infections of immunocompromised
mucosa patients, treatment can be
ii) Tinea pedis, corporis, continued for longer periods.
cruris, versicolor and dermal Atrophic oral candidiasis
candidiasis associated with dentures: 50
iii) Invasive candidal& mg daily for 14 days. Other
cryptococcal infections candidal infections of
(including meningitis) mucosa: 50 - 100 mg daily
iv) Prevention of relapse of for 14 - 30 days. CHILD: 3 - 6
Fluconazole 2 mg/ml J02AC01000P9901X
629 A cryptococcal meningitis in mg/kg on first day then 3
Injection X
AIDS patients after mg/kg daily (every 72 hours
completion of primary in NEONATE up to 2 weeks
therapy old, every 48 hours in
v) Prevention of fungal NEONATE 2 - 4 weeks old)
infections in ii) 50 mg daily for 2 - 4
immunocompromised weeks, maximum 6 weeks
patients considered at risk as iii) 400 mg initially then 200 -
a consequence of HIV 400 mg daily for 6 - 8 weeks.
infections or neutropenia CHILD: 6-12 mg/kg daily
following cytotoxic (every 72 hours in NEONATE
chemotherapy, radiotherapy up to 2 weeks old, every 48
or bone marrow transplant hours in NEONATE 2 - 4

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weeks old)
iv) 100 - 200 mg daily
v) 50 - 400 mg daily. CHILD:
3 - 12 mg/kg daily (every 72
hours in NEONATE up to 2
weeks old, every 48 hours in
NEONATE 2 - 4 weeks old)

i) Oropharyngeal candidiasis:
50 - 100 mg daily for 7 - 14
days (Maximum 14 days)
except in severely
i) Oropharyngeal candidiasis, immunocompromised
atrophic oral candidiasis patients, treatment can be
associated with dentures, continued for longer periods.
other candidal infections of Atrophic oral candidiasis
mucosa associated with dentures: 50
ii) Tinea pedis, corporis, mg daily for 14 days. Other
cruris, versicolor and dermal candidal infections of
candidiasis mucosa: 50 - 100 mg daily
iii) Invasive candidal & for 14 - 30 days. CHILD: 3 - 6
cryptococcal infections mg/kg on first day then 3
(including meningitis) mg/kg daily (every 72 hours
iv) Prevention of relapse of in NEONATE up to 2 weeks
630 Fluconazole 50 mg Capsule A cryptococcal meningitis in old, every 48 hours in
AIDS patients after NEONATE 2 - 4 weeks old)
completion of primary ii) 50 mg daily for 2 - 4
therapy weeks, maximum 6 weeks
v) Prevention of fungal iii) 400 mg initially then 200 -
infections in 400 mg daily for 6 - 8 weeks.
immunocompromised CHILD: 6 - 12 mg/kg daily
patients considered at risk as (every 72 hours in NEONATE
a consequence of HIV up to 2 weeks old, every 48
infections or neutropenia hours in NEONATE 2 -4
following cytotoxic weeks old)
chemotherapy, radiotherapy iv) 100 - 200 mg daily
or bone marrow transplant v) 50 - 400 mg daily. CHILD:
3 - 12 mg/kg daily (every 72
hours in NEONATE up to 2
weeks old, every 48 hours in
NEONATE 2 - 4 weeks old)
ADULT: 100 - 200 mg/kg
Flucytosine 2.5 g/250 ml J02AX01000P9901X Treatment of systemic fungal daily in 4 divided doses by IV
631 A*
Injection X infection infusion over 20 - 40 minutes
not more than 7 days
J02AX01000T1001X Only for the treatment of ADULT: 50 - 150 mg/kg/day
632 Flucytosine 500 mg Tablet A*
X fungal meningitis in 4 divided doses
40 mg /m2 given daily for 5
B-cell chronic lymphocytic
consecutive days every 28
leukemia who have not
days. Courses may be
responded to or whose
repeated every 28 days,
Fludarabine Phosphate 10 L01BB05162T1001X disease had progressed
633 A* usually for up to 6 cycles.
mg Tablet X during or after treatment with
Duration of treatment
at least one standard
depends on treatment
alkylating-agent containing
success and tolerability of the

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25 mg/m2 daily for 5
consecutive days every 28
B-cell chronic lymphocytic
days. May be administered
leukaemia who have not
up to the achievement of a
responded to or whose
maximal response (usually 6
Fludarabine Phosphate 50 L01BB05162P4001X disease had progressed
634 A* cycles) and then the drug
mg Injection X during or after treatment with
should be discontinued.
at least one standard
Reduce dose by up to 50% in
alkylating-agent containing
patients with mild to
moderate renal impairment
As an adjunct to Adrenocorticoid insufficiency
glucocorticoids in the (chronic): ADULT 1 tablet
management of primary daily. Salt-losing
Fludrocortisone Acetate 0.1 H02AA02122T1001X
635 A adrenocortical insufficiency in adrenogenital syndrome:
mg Tablet X
Addison's disease and ADULT 1 - 2 tablets daily.
treatment of salt-losing CHILD and INFANT 0.5 - 1
adrenogenital syndrome tablet daily
i) Initial, 0.2 mg IV over 30
seconds; if desired level of
consciousness not obtained
after an additional 30
seconds, give dose of 0.3 mg
IV over 30 seconds; further
doses of 0.5 mg IV over 30
seconds may be given at 1-
minutes intervals if needed to
maximum total dose of 3 mg;
patients with only partial
response to 3 mg may
require additional slow
titration to a total dose of 5
mg; if no response 5 minutes
after receiving total dose of 5
i) Diagnosis and/or
mg, overdose is unlikely to
management of
be benzodiazepine and
benzodiazepine overdose
further treatment with
Flumazenil 0.1 mg/ml V03AB25000P3001X due to self-poisoning or
636 B flumazenil will not help
Injection X accidental overdose
ii) 0.2 mg IV over 15
ii) Reversal of sedation
seconds; if desired level of
following anaesthesia with
consciousness is not
obtained after waiting 45
seconds, a second dose of
0.2 mg IV may be given and
repeated at 60-seconds
intervals as needed (up to a
maximum of 4 additional
times) to a maximum total
dose of 1 mg; most patients
respond to doses of 0.6 to 1
mg; in the event of
resedation, repeated doses
may be given at 20-minutes
intervals if needed; for repeat
treatment, no more than 1
mg (given as 0.5 mg/minute)
should be given at any one

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time and no more than 3 mg
should be given in any one

i) ADULT: 5 - 10 mg daily
preferably at night. ELDERLY
i) Migraine prophylaxis more than 65 years: 5 mg at
ii) Maintenance treatment of night. Maintenance 5-day
Flunarizine HCl 5 mg N07CA03110C1001
637 B vestibular disturbances and treatment at the same daily
Capsule XX
of cerebral and peripheral dose
disorders ii) 5 - 10 mg at night. If no
improvement after 1 month,
discontinue treatment
Moisten tip with tear fluid
Diagnostic fluorescein
from lower fornix, sterile
Fluorescein 1 mg S01JA01520M9901X angiography or angioscopy of
638 B water or ophthalmic solution
Ophthalmic Strip X the fundus and of the iris
and gently stroke across the
Diagnostic fluorescein
Fluorescein Sodium 10% in S01JA01520P3001X angiography or angioscopy of
639 A 500 mg IV
5 ml Injection X the fundus and of the iris
Treatment of steroid 1-2 drops qds. During the
Fluorometholone 0.1% S01BA07000D2001X
640 A* responsive ocular initial 24-48 hr, dose may be
Ophthalmic Suspension X
inflammation increased to 2 drops 2 hrly.
500 - 600 mg/m2 IV in
combination with other
cytotoxic agents, repeated
Cancers of gastro-intestinal every 3 weeks or 300 - 450
tract, breast and pancreas, mg/m2 IV slow bolus daily for
Fluorouracil 1 g/20 ml L01BC02000P4002X
641 A* head and neck. 5 days in combination with
Injection X
Ophtalmological indication: biological response
trabeculectomy modifiers, repeated every 4
weeks or 3000 - 3750 mg/m2
as a continuous infusion over
5 days in combination with a

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platinum compound every 3
to 4 weeks

15 mg/kg (max: 1 g/day),

L01BC02000T1001X may be given once weekly
642 Fluorouracil 100 mg Tablet A Colorectal cancer
X for maintenance. Max: 1
Intravenous Infusion: 15
mg/kg bodyweight (to a
maximum of 1 g daily) diluted
in 300-500mL of 5% glucose
given over a period of 4
hours. 12 mg/kg bodyweight
daily for 3 consecutive days.
Cancers of gastro-intestinal Providing there are no signs
tract, breast and pancreas, of toxic effects, the patient
Fluorouracil 50 mg / ml in 5 L01BC02000P4001X
643 A* head and neck. may then be given 6mg/kg
ml Injection X
Ophtalmological indication: I.V. on the 5th, 7th and 9th
trabeculectomy days. If after the 9th day
there is still no sign of
toxicity, the patient may be
placed on maintenance
therapy. Maintenance
Therapy: 5 - 10mg/kg
bodyweight by I.V. injection
once a week.
i) 20 mg once daily increased
after 3 weeks if necessary,
usual dose 20 - 60 mg
(ELDERLY 20 - 40 mg) once
daily max 80 mg once daily
(ELDERLY max 60 mg once
ii) Initially 20 mg once daily
i) Depression
Fluoxetine HCl 20 mg N06AB03110C1001 increased after 2 weeks if
644 A ii) Obsessive-compulsive
Capsule XX necessary, usual dose 20 -
60 mg (ELDERLY 20 - 40
mg) once daily, max 80 mg
(ELDERLY max 60 mg) once
daily, discontinue if no
improvement within 10
weeks. CHILD and
years are not recommended
By deep IM, initial test dose
of 5-20 mg, then after at least
7 days. 20 - 40 mg repeated
Flupenthixol Decanoate N05AF01135P2001X at intervals of 2 - 4 weeks.
645 B Chronic psychoses
20mg/ml lnjection X Maximum 400 mg weekly.
Usual maintenance dose 50
mg every 4 weeks to 300 mg
every 2 weeks. ELDERLY,

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initially quarter to half adult
dose. CHILD not
recommended. Deep IM
recommended. Not for IV use

By deep IM : Test dose 12.5

mg (6.25 mg in ELDERLY),
then after 4-7 days 12.5 mg-
Fluphenazine Decanoate 25 N05AB02135P3001X Long term management of
646 B 100 mg repeated at intervals
mg/ml Injection X psychotic disorders
of 14-35 days, adjusted
according to response.
CHILD not recommended
L02BB01000T1001X Metastatic prostatic
647 Flutamide 250 mg Tablet A* 250 mg 3 times daily
X carcinoma
Treatment of nasal
symptoms (rhinorrhea, nasal Adults/Adolescents (≥12
congestion, nasal itching and years) : 1-2 sprays (27.5
sneezing) and ocular mcg/spray) in each nostril
Fluticasone Furoate 27.5 R01AD08139A4101
648 A* symptoms (itching/burning, once daily. Children (2-11
mcg/dose Nasal Spray XX
tearing/watering, and years) : 1-2 sprays (27.5
redness of the eye) of mcg/spray) in each nostril
seasonal and perennial once daily
allergic rhinitis.
ADULT and CHILD more
than 16 years
i) Mild asthma : 100 mcg -
250 mcg twice daily
ii) Moderate asthma : 250 -
500 mcg twice daily
iii) Severe asthma : 500 mcg
- 1000 mcg twice daily.
Alternatively, the starting
Fluticasone Propionate 125 R03BA05133A2101X Prophylactic treatment for dose of fluticasone
649 B
mcg/dose Inhaler X asthma dipropionate may be gauged
at half the total daily dose of
beclomethasone dipropionate
or equivalent administered by
inhalation. CHILD 4 - 11
years, 50 mcg twice daily
(maximum 100 mcg twice
daily), CHILD 1-4 years, 50-
100mcg microgram twice
For depression, initially 50 -
100 mg daily in the evening,
increased if necessary to 300
mg daily (over 150 mg in
650 Fluvoxamine 100 mg Tablet B Depression divided doses); usual
maintenance dose 100 mg
daily. CHILD and
years not recommended

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For depression, initially 50 -
100 mg daily in the evening,
increased if necessary to 300
mg daily (over 150 mg in
651 Fluvoxamine 50 mg Tablet B Depressive disorder divided doses); usual
maintenance dose 100 mg
daily. CHILD and
years not recommended
i) ADULT initially 10-20mg
mg daily for 14 days or until
haematopoietic response
i) For the prevention and
obtained. Daily maintenance:
treatment of folate deficiency
2.5 mg-10mg .CHILD up to 1
B03BB01000T1001X states
652 Folic Acid 5 mg Tablet C+ year:250 mcg/kg daily; 1 to 5
X ii) For the prevention of
years:2.5mg/day;6-12 years:
neural tube defect in the
ii) 5 mg daily starting before
pregnancy and continued
through the first trimester
i) Infertility treatment in
anovulatory women who
i) 75 - 150 IU daily, should
have been unresponsive to
commence within the first 7
treatment with clomiphene
days of the menstrual cycle
and increased by 37.5 IU or
Follitropin Alpha ii) Stimulation of follicular
G03GA05000P3002 75 IU at 7 or 14 days interval.
653 (Recombinant Human FSH) A* development for intra-uterine
XX Max daily dose 225 IU
300 IU/0.5 ml Injection cycles
ii) 150 - 225 IU daily
iii) Stimulation of follicular
commencing on days 2 or 3
development in assisted
of the cycle. Max daily dose
reproductive technology in
450 IU
the management of infertility

i) Infertility treatment in
anovulatory women who i) 75 - 150 IU daily, should
have been unresponsive to commence within the first 7
treatment with clomiphene days of the menstrual cycle
citrate and increased by 37.5 IU or
Follitropin Alpha
G03GA05000P3001 ii) Stimulation of follicular 75 IU at 7 or 14 days interval.
654 (Recombinant Human FSH) A*
XX development for intra-uterine Max daily dose 225 IU
75 IU Injection
cycles ii) 150 - 225 IU daily
iii) Stimulation of follicular commencing on days 2 or 3
development in assisted of the cycle. Max daily dose
reproductive technology in 450 IU
the management of infertility
Infertility treatment in
anovulatory women who
To be individualized. Give in
have been unresponsive to
multiples of 50 IU. Starting
treatment with clomiphene
Follitropin Beta dose can be 50 IU - 200 IU
G03GA06000P3002 citrate. Stimulation of
655 (Recombinant Human FSH) A* daily. It can be a step-up
XX follicular development for
300 IU Injection regime or a step-down,
intra-uterine insemination
depending on the protocol
cycles and assisted
and the ovarian response
reproductive technology in
the management of infertility.

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Infertility treatment in
anovulatory women who
To be individualized. Give in
have been unresponsive to
multiples of 50 IU. Starting
treatment with clomiphene
Follitropin Beta dose can be 50 IU - 200 IU
G03GA06000P3001 citrate. Stimulation of
656 (Recombinant Human FSH) A* daily. It can be a step-up
XX follicular development for
50 IU Injection regime or a step-down,
intra-uterine insemination
depending on the protocol
cycles and assisted
and the ovarian response
reproductive technology in
the management of infertility.
The recommended dose to
be administered by SC
injection once daily is: 5mg
for body weight less than
50kg, 7.5mg for body weight
50 to 100kg, 10mg for body
weight greater than 100kg.
i) Treatment of acute Deep Treatment should be
Fondaparinux Sodium 12.5
B01AX05520P5002X Vein Thrombosis (DVT). continued for at least 5 days
657 mg/ml Injection in Prefilled A*
X ii) Treatment of Pulmonary and until adequate oral
Embolism (PE) anticoagulation is established
(INR 2 to 3). Concomitant
treatment with vitamin K
antagonists should be
initiated as soon as possible,
usually within 72 hours. The
usual duration of treatment is
5 to 9 days

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i) 2.5 mg once daily given by
SC, administered 6 hr
following surgical closure
provided homeostasis has
been established. Usual
duration of therapy is 5 to 9
days; for hip fracture
patients, an extended course
of up to 24 days is
ii) ADULT more than 18
years: 2.5 mg once daily
given by SC, initiated as
soon as possible after
i) Prevention of venous diagnosis and continued for
thromboembolic events up to 8 days or until hospital
(VTE) in orthopedic surgery discharge. If patient needs to
(e.g. hip fracture, major knee undergo PCI, unfractionated
or hip replacement surgery), heparin to be admin as per
abdominal surgery in patients local practice protocol, taking
at risk of thromboembolic into account the patient's
complication. bleeding risk and time of last
ii) Treatment of unstable dose of fondaparinux.
angina or non-ST segment Fondaparinux may be
Fondaparinux Sodium 2.5 B01AX05520P5001X
658 A* elevation myocardial restarted no earlier than 2 hr
mg/0.5 ml Injection X
infarction [UA/NSTEMI] in after sheath removal.
patients for whom urgent iii) ADULT more than 18
invasive management (PCI) years: 2.5 mg once daily; first
is not indicated. dose to be given IV (directly
iii) Treatment of ST segment through an existing IV line or
elevation myocardial as infusion in 25 or 50 ml of
infarction (STEMI) in patients 0.9% saline over 1-2 min),
managed with thrombolytics subsequent doses to be
or are not receiving other given SC. Treatment to be
forms of reperfusion therapy initiated as soon as diagnosis
is made and continued up to
a max of 8 days or until
hospital discharge, whichever
comes earlier. If patient
needs to undergo non-
primary PCI, unfractionated
heparin to be admin as per
local practice protocol, taking
into account the patient's
bleeding risk and time of last
dose of fondaparinux.
Fondaparinux may be
restarted no earlier than 3 hr
after sheath removal
Framycetin Sulphate 0.5%,
Dexamethasone 0.05% and S01CA01991D1001 Apply 2 - 3 drops 3 to 4 times
659 A/KK Otitis externa
Gramicidin 0.005% Ear XX daily
Initially 20 -40 mg IM or slow
Frusemide 10 mg/ml C03CA01000P3001 IV (rate not exceeding 4
660 B Pulmonary oedema
Injection XX mg/min). CHILD: 0.5 - 1.5
mg/kg. Max: 20 mg daily

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ADULT: Initial 40 - 80 mg on
morning if required, can be
increased to a max of 1 g/day
661 Frusemide 40 mg Tablet B Pulmonary oedema in certain cases especially in
chronic renal failure. CHILD :
1 - 3 mg/kg daily

Adult: 100-150g every 2-4

hours. Child: 1-2g/kg. (100g
V03AB00000F2101X Adsorbent in pesticide of Fuller's Earth is mixed with
662 Fuller's Earth Powder C
X poisoning 200ml water. Repeat until
Fuller's Earth is seen in stool
(normally between 4-6 hours)
ADULT: 1 oral or 1 nasal
Local antibiotic, anti- inhalation 4 hourly, withdraw
inflammatory treatment of if no improvement after 7
Fusafungine 1% Nasal R02AB03000A4101X
663 A infectious and inflammatory days. CHILD : 1 oral or 1
Spray X
syndromes of the respiratory nasal inhalation 6 hourly,
mucosa withdraw if no improvement
after 7 days
Treatment of infections
caused by susceptible
ADULT: 500 mg 3 times
organisms especially
Fusidate, Sodium 250 mg J01XC01520T1001X daily, skin and soft tissue
664 A* Staphylococcal infections
Tablet X infection: 250 - 500 mg twice
including Methicillin Resistant
Staphylococcus aureus
1 drop in conjunctival sac 12
hourly. To be continued for 2
days after the eye appears
normal. On the first day of
665 Fusidic Acid 1% Eye Drops A For staphylococcal infections treatment, may be applied
more frequently: 1 drop 4
hourly. Surgical prophylaxis :
1 drop every 12 hours, 24 -
48 hours before operation
Skin infections caused by
staphylococci, streptococci,
D06AX01000G1001 corynebacterium Apply to affected area 2 - 3
666 Fusidic Acid 2% Cream A
XX minutissumun and other times daily
sodium fusidate-sensitive
Inflammatory dermatosis
where bacterial infection is
likely to occur eg atopic Uncovered lesion- Apply 2 to
Fusidic Acid 2% in eczema, discoid eczema, 3 times daily. Covered
667 Betamethasone Valerate A/KK stasis eczema, seborrhoic lesions- Less frequent
0.1% Cream dermatitis, contact dermatitis, applications may be
lichen simplex chronicus, adequate
psoriasis, discoid lupus
ADULT: 15 ml 3 times daily.
Treatment of infections
CHILD 1 - 5 years: 5 ml 3
caused by staphylococcal
Fusidic Acid 50 mg/ml J01XC01000L8001X times daily; 5 - 12 years: 10
668 A* especially Methicillin
Suspension X ml 3 times daily. INFANT : 1
Resistant Staphylococcus
ml/kg body weight daily in 3 -
aureus (MRSA)
4 divided doses

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ADULT: 500 mg 3 times daily
diluted to 250 - 500 ml
Treatment of severe
infused slowly over 2 hours.
staphylococcal infections
Maximum: 2 g daily. CHILD
Fusidic Acid 500 mg J01XC01520P4001X especially Methicillin
669 A* and INFANT : 20 mg/kg/day
Injection X Resistant Staphylococcus
divided into 3 equal doses
aureus (MRSA). To be used
infused slowly over 2 - 4
in combination therapy only

ADULT & CHILD > 12 yrs:

900-3600mg/day. Therapy
may be initiated by
administering 300mg TDS on
day 1, or by titrating the dose
as: 300mg once on day 1,
i) Add-on therapy for
300mg BD on day 2, 300mg
intractable partial epilepsy,
TDS on day 3. Thereafter,
refractory to standard anti-
then dose may be increased
epileptic drugs ii) Treatment
in 3 equally divided doses up
of various types of
N03AX12000T1002X to max 3600mg/day.CHILD
670 Gabapentin 100 mg Tablet A* neuropathic pain, both
X 3-12 yr: Initially 10-15
peripheral (which includes
mg/kg/day in 3 divided dose.
diabetic neuropathy, post-
Effective dose: CHILD 3 to
herpetic neuralgia, trigeminal
less than 5 yrs: 40mg/kg/day
neuralgia) in adult more than
in 3 divided doses, CHILD 5-
18 years
12 yrs: 25-35mg/kg/day in 3
divided doses ii) ADULT:
900mg/day in 3 equally
divided doses. Max

ADULT & CHILD > 12 yrs:

900-3600mg/day. Therapy
may be initiated by
administered 300mg TDS on
day 1, or by titrating the dose
as: 300mg once on day 1,
i) Add-on therapy for
300mg BD on day 2, 300mg
intractable partial epilepsy,
TDS on day 3. Thereafter,
refractory to standard anti-
may be increased in 3
epileptic drugs
equally divided doses up to
ii) Treatment of various types
Gabapentin 300 mg N03AX12000C1001 max 3600mg/day.CHILD 3-
671 A* of neuropathic pain, both
Capsule XX 12 yr: Initially 10-15
peripheral (which includes
mg/kg/day in 3 divided dose.
diabetic neuropathy, post-
Effective dose: CHILD 3 to
herpetic neuralgia, trigeminal
less than 5 yrs: 40mg/kg/day
neuralgia) in adult more than
in 3 divided doses, CHILD 5-
18 years
12 yrs: 25-35mg/kg/day in 3
divided doses ii) ADULT:
900mg/day in 3 equally
divided doses. Max

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ADULT & CHILD > 12 yrs:
900-3600mg/day. Therapy
may be initiated by
administered 300mg TDS on
day 1, or by titrating the dose
as: 300mg once on day 1,
i) Add-on therapy for
300mg BD on day 2, 300mg
intractable partial epilepsy,
TDS on day 3. Thereafter,
refractory to standard anti-
may be increased in 3
epileptic drugs
equally divided doses up to
ii) Treatment of various types
N03AX12000T1001X max 3600mg/day.CHILD 3-
672 Gabapentin 600 mg Tablet A* of neuropathic pain, both
X 12 yr: Initially 10-15
peripheral (which includes
mg/kg/day in 3 divided dose.
diabetic neuropathy, post-
Effective dose: CHILD 3 to
herpetic neuralgia, trigeminal
less than 5 yrs: 40mg/kg/day
neuralgia) in adult over 18
in 3 divided doses, CHILD 5-
12 yrs: 25-35mg/kg/day in 3
divided doses ii) ADULT:
900mg/day in 3 equally
divided doses. Max

i) MRI of the liver for the

detection of focal liver lesions
in patients with known or
suspected primary liver
cancer (e.g. Hepatocellular
carcinoma) or metastatic
i) MRI of liver: 0.05ml/kg
ii) MRI of the brain and spine
body weight. This
where it improves the
corresponds to 0.1ml/kg of
detection of lesion and
the 0.5M solution
provides diagnostic
ii) MRI of brain & spine:
Gadobenate Dimeglumine V08CA08996P3001X information additional to that
673 A* 0.1mmol/kg body weight.
Injection Solution X obtained with unenhanced
This corresponds to 0.2ml/kg
of the 0.5M solution
iii) Contrast-enhanced MR-
iii) MRA: 0.1mmol/kg body
angiography where it
weight. This corresponds to
improves the diagnostic
0.2ml/kg of the 0.5M solution
accuracy for detecting
clinically significant steno-
occlusive vascular disease in
patients with suspected or
known vascular disease of
the abdominal or peripheral
In adults, adolescents and
children aged 2 years and
older with diagnostic difficulty
especially in patients with A single intravenous injection
renal impairment for: of 0.1 mmol/kg (equivalent to
Gadobutrol 1 mmol/ml V08CA09000P3001X
674 A* i) Contrast enhancement in 0.1 ml/kg body weight). Max:
injection X
cranial and spinal magnetic 0.3 mmol/kg (equivalent to
resonance imaging (MRI). 0.3 ml/kg body weight)
ii) Contrast enhanced MRI of
liver or kidneys in patients
with high suspicion or

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evidence of having focal
lesion to classify these
lesions as benign or
iii) Contrast enhancement in
Magnetic Resonance
Angiography (CE-MRA).
The usual dose in adults,
children, and neonates is 0.2
mL/kg (0.1 mmol/kg)
intravenously. For cranial and
spinal imaging, a further dose
of 0.2 mL/kg (0.1 mmol/kg)
may be given within 30
minutes if necessary; in
i) Cranial and spinal adults this second dose may
Gadopentetate V08CA01000P3001X magnetic resonance imaging be 0.4 mL/kg (0.2 mmol/kg).
675 A
Dimeglumine 469 mg/ml X ii) Whole body magnetic For whole body imaging in
resonance imaging adults and children over 2
years, a dose of 0.4 mL/kg
(0.2 mmol/kg) may be
needed in some cases to
produce adequate contrast
and in special circumstances
a dose of 0.6 mL/kg (0.3
mmol/kg) may be used in
The recommended dose is
0.1 mmol/kg (equivalent to
High risk patients undergoing 0.2 mL/kg in adults, children
Magnetic Resonance and infants. In angiography,
Gadoterate Meglumine
V08CA02254P3001X Imaging for cerebral and depending on the results of
676 (Gadoteric Acid) 0.5 mmol/ A
X spinal disease, diseases of the examination being
ml Injection
the vertebral column and performed, a second injection
other whole body pathology may be administered during
the same session if
0.1ml/kg body weight
Gadoxetic acid disodium For use in adults for the
(equivalent to 25 µmol per kg
0.25 mmol/ml solution for V08CA10520P3001X enhancement of magnetic
677 A* body weight). Not
injection (10ml pre-filled X resonance imaging (MRI) of
recommended for patients
syringe) focal liver lesions
younger than 18 years
Apply lotion to entire body
Gamma Benzene P03AB02100L6001X
678 C Scabies from neck down for 8 to 12
Hexachloride 0.1 % Lotion X
hours, then rinse
Apply a sufficient quantity of
shampoo onto clean, dry
hair; generally 1 ounce is
sufficient, no more than 2
Gamma Benzene ounces should be used.
679 Hexachloride 0.1% in Oil C Head lice Work the shampoo into hair
Solution thoroughly and allow to
remain on hair for 4 minutes.
Add small quantities of water
and massage until a good
lather forms. Rinse

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thoroughly and towel dry
Scabies Adult: Apply a thin
layer of 1% topical
preparation onto all skin
Gamma Benzene P03AB02100G1002
680 A/KK Only for scabies in adult areas from the neck to toes.
Hexachloride 1% Cream XX
Completely wash off from the
body with warm water after 8-
12 hr.
Treatment of Initial: 5 mg/kg infused over 1
cytomegalovirus (CMV) hour 12 hourly for 14 - 21
disease in days (CMV retinitis
immunocompromised treatment) or 7 - 14 days
Ganciclovir Sodium 50 mg/ J05AB06520P3001X
681 A* patients, prevention of CMV (CMV disease prevention).
ml Injection X
disease during Long term maintenance: 6
immunosuppressive therapy mg/kg daily for 5 days/week
following organ or 5 mg/kg daily for 7
transplantation days/week
Prevention of premature
Given by SC 0.25 mg once
luteinizing hormone surges in
daily, starting on day 6 of
Ganirelix 0.25 mg/0.5 ml H01CC01000P2001 women undergoing controlled
682 A* ovarian stimulation and
Injection XX ovarian hyperstimulation for
continued until ovulation
assisted reproduction
For the treatment of patients
with locally advanced or
metastatic non-small cell lung
cancer (NSCLC) who have
previously failed
L01XE02000T1001X chemotherapy, and who have 250mg tablet once a day,
683 Gefitinib 250 mg tablet A*
X activating mutation of taken with or without food
epidermal growth factor
receptor (EGFR). Restricted
to non-smoker, female,
EGFR positive and Asian
patients only.
i) Alone or with cisplatin:
i) Locally advanced or
1000 mg/m2 day 1 & 8 every
metastatic non-small cell lung
3 weeks or 1000 mg/m2 day
1, day 8, day 15 every 4
ii) Locally advanced or
metastatic pancreatic cancer
ii) Initially 1000 mg/m2
iii) In combination with
weekly for 7 weeks followed
carboplatin in the treatment
by 1 week rest. Subsequent
of patients with recurrent
cycles 1000 mg/ m2 weekly
epithelial ovarian carcinoma,
for 3 weeks followed by 1
Gemcitabine HCl 1 g L01BC05110P4002X who have relapsed more
684 A* week rest
Injection X than six months, following
iii) Gemcitabine 1000 mg/m2
platinum-based therapy
as 30 minutes IV infusion day
iv) In combination with
1 & 8 of each 21-day cycle
paclitaxel for treatment of
followed by carboplatin on
patients with metastatic
day 1 to attain a target AUC
breast cancer who have
of 4 mg/ml/minute
relapsed following adjuvant/
iv) 1250 mg/m2 on days 1
neoadjuvant chemotherapy.
and 8 of each 21-day cycle
Prior chemotherapy should
with paclitaxel 175 mg/m2
have included an
given as a 3-hour infusion

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anthracycline unless clinically before gemcitabine on day 1
contraindicated of each 21-day cycle

i) Alone or with cisplatin:

i) Locally advanced or
1000 mg/m2 day 1 & 8 every
metastatic non-small cell lung
3 weeks or 1000 mg/m2 day
1, day 8, day 15 every 4
ii) Locally advanced or
metastatic pancreatic cancer
ii) Initially 1000 mg/m2
iii) In combination with
weekly for 7 weeks followed
carboplatin in the treatment
by 1 week rest. Subsequent
of patients with recurrent
cycles 1000 mg/ m2 weekly
epithelial ovarian carcinoma,
for 3 weeks followed by 1
who have relapsed more
week rest
Gemcitabine HCl 200 mg L01BC05110P4001X than six months, following
685 A* iii) Gemcitabine 1000 mg/m2
Injection X platinum-based therapy
as 30 minutes IV infusion day
iv) In combination with
1 & 8 of each 21-day cycle
Paclitaxel, for treatment of
followed by carboplatin on
patients with metastatic
day 1 to attain a target AUC
breast cancer who have
of 4 mg/ml/minute
relapsed following adjuvant/
iv) 1250 mg/m2 on days 1
neoadjuvant chemotherapy.
and 8 of each 21-day cycle,
Prior chemotherapy should
with paclitaxel 175 mg/m2
have included an
given as a 3-hour infusion
anthracycline unless clinically
before gemcitabine on day 1
of each 21-day cycle
Cervical dilatation: 1 pessary
Gemeprost (Prostagladin
G02AD03000S1001 Inducing abortion in the first 3 hourly before surgery to a
686 E1 Synthetic Analogue) 1 A
XX trimester max of 5 pessaries over 24
mg Pessary
ADULT: 1200 mg/day in 2
Treatment of divided doses, 30 minutes
Gemfibrozil 300 mg C10AB04000C1001
687 A/KK hyperlipoprotinaemias before breakfast and dinner.
Capsule XX
(TYPES IIA, IIB, III, IV, V) Dose range from 0.9-1.5 g
688 Gentamicin 0.1% Cream A* For localised infections Apply 2 - 3 times daily
Broad spectrum antibiotic in 1 - 2 drops every 4 hours, in
Gentamicin 0.3% Eye S01AA11183D2001X superficial eye infections and severe infection dosage may
689 A/KK
Drops X also for Pseudomonas be increased up to 2 drops
aeruginosa every hour
Conjunctivitis, blepharitis,
Gentamicin 0.3% Eye S01AA11183G5101 keratitis, keratoconjunctivitis, Apply into the conjunctival
690 A/KK
Ointment XX episcleritis, dacrocystitis, sac 3 - 4 times daily
corneal ulcers, styes and
infected eye socket
Broad spectrum antibiotic in
Gentamicin 3% Fortified S01AA11183D2002X superficial eye infections and Dose according to the needs
691 A
Eye Drops X also for Pseudomonas of the patient

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Treatment of chronic
J01GB03183P1001X osteomyelitis of post- 7.5 - 22.5 mg chains to fill
692 Gentamicin 7.5 mg Beads A
X traumatic, post-operative or affected cavity
hematogenous origin
ADULT: 3 - 5 mg/kg/day 8
hourly IM or IV. CHILD up to
Gentamicin Sulphate 10 J01GB03183P3002X Infections due to susceptible
693 B 2 weeks: 3mg/kg every 12
mg/ml Injection X organisms
hours; 2 weeks - 12 years: 2
mg/kg 8 hourly
ADULT: 3 - 5 mg/kg/day 8
hourly IM or IV. CHILD up to
Gentamicin Sulphate 40 J01GB03183P3003X Infections due to susceptible
694 B 2 weeks: 3mg/kg every 12
mg/ml Injection X organisms
hours; 2 weeks - 12 years: 2
mg/kg 8 hourly
Inflammatory and allergic
conditions involving
superficial eye structures and
when bacterial infection is
Gentamicin Sulphate and
S01CA05990D2001 present : conjunctivitis,
695 Betamethasone Disodium A/KK 2 drops 3 - 4 times daily
XX blepharitis, keratitis,
Phosphate Eye Drops
episcleritis, dacryocystitis,
hordeolum, meibomianitis,
injuries involving anterior
segment of the eye
Inflammatory and allergic
conditions involving
superficial eye structures and
when bacterial infection is
Gentamicin Sulphate and
S01CA05990G5101 present : conjunctivitis, Thin coating of ointment 3 - 4
696 Betamethasone Disodium A
XX blepharitis, keratitis, times daily
Phosphate Eye Ointment
episcleritis, dacryocystitis,
hordeolum, meibomianitis,
injuries involving anterior
segment of the eye
Range: 2.5 - 15 mg daily
(with or immediately after
Diabetes mellitus type 2.
A10BB01000T1001X breakfast). Initially 2.5 mg
697 Glibenclamide 5 mg Tablet B Restriction : Use only in
X daily increasing by 2.5 mg
patient under 65 years old
required for metabolic
control. Max: 20mg daily.
Initially, 30mg daily at
breakfast time, may increase
Gliclazide 30 mg Modified A10BB09000T5002X in successive steps to 60, 90
698 B Diabetes mellitus type 2
Release Tablet X or 120mg daily at 1 month
intervals. Max daily dose:
Initially, 30mg daily at
breakfast time, may increase
in successive steps to 60, 90
or 120mg daily at 1 month
Gliclazide 60 mg Modified A10BB09000T5001X
699 B Diabetes mellitus type 2 intervals (except in patients
Release Tablet X
whose blood glucose level
was not reduced after 2
weeks of treatment). Max
daily dose: 120mg

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Initially 40-80mg daily. A
single dose should not
exceed 160mg and when
higher doses are required, a
A10BB09000T1001X twice daily split dosage is
700 Gliclazide 80 mg Tablet B Diabetes mellitus type 2
X advised and should be
divided. Maximum daily dose:
320mg. For elderly, starting
dose should be 40mg twice
Adult, children > 20kg: 1mg
by SC, IM or IV. Children <
20kg: 0.5mg. If patient does
Glucagon (Lyophilised) 1 H04AA01000P4001X Management of not respond within 10
701 B
mg/ml Injection X hypoglycaemia minutes, administer IV
glucose. Repeat in 20
minutes if necessary.

20 minutes or more
immersion is recommended
2% formulation - High level for endoscopes before the
V07AV00000L9905X disinfection for heat sensitive session and between
702 Glutaraldehyde Solution 2% A
X equipments such as patients after thorough
endoscopes cleaning based on
A06AX01000L5001X As a lubricant and osmotic
703 Glycerin C+ Apply to area when required
X dehydrating agent
Glycerin 25% and Sodium A06AG20921G2001
704 C+ Constipation 1 enema as required
Chloride 15% Enema XX
0.5-1 mg sublingually may be
repeated every 5 minutes
Prophylaxis and treatment of
Glyceryl Trinitrate 0.5 mg C01DA02221T1001X until relief is obtained. Seek
705 C angina and left ventricular
Sublingual Tablet X physician if the pain persists
after a total of 3 tablets in a
15 minutes period.
Initial 5 mcg/min delivered via
infusion pump. Subsequent
Prophylaxis and treatment of titration must be adjusted to
Glyceryl Trinitrate 5 mg/ml C01DA02221P3001
706 A angina, left ventricular failure. clinical situation with dose
Injection XX
Not for direct IV injection. increment becoming more
cautious as partial response
is seen.
At the onset of an attack, one
or two metered sprays should
be administered on or under
the tongue. A spray maybe
repeated approximately
every 5 minutes as needed.
Glyceryl Trinitrate Aerosol Prophylaxis and treatment of
C01DA02221A1001 No more than 3 metered
707 Spray 400mcg (metered B angina and left ventricular
XX sprays are recommended
dose) failure
within 15 minute period. If
chest pain persists after a
total of 3 sprays, prompt
medical attention is
recommended. Aerosol may
be used prophylactically 5 to

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10 minutes before engaging
in activities that might
precipitate an acute attack

The dosage depends on the

Glycine 1.5% Irrigating B05CX03000H3001 Bladder irrigation during
708 A extent of the procedure and
Solution XX genitourinary surgery
its duration
i) Pre-op: 4 mcg/kg via IM
administration 30-60 mins
i) To reduce secretions before procedure.
(respiratory tract) for certain Intraoperative: 0.1 mg via IV
Glycopyrrolate 200 mcg/ml A03AB02320P3001X types of surgery administration, repeat at 2-3
709 A*
Injection X ii) Reversal of neuromuscular min intervals when needed.
block in patients where Max: 400 mcg/dose.
atropine is contraindicated ii) 0.2 mg by IV for each 1 mg
of neostigmine or 5 mg
One capsule daily. The
recommended dose is the
For maintenance
inhalation of the content of
bronchodilator treatment to
one capsule once daily using
relieve symptoms in adult
Glycopyrronium 50mcg, inhaler. It is recommended to
R03BB06320A2001X patients with chronic
710 Inhalation Powder Hard A/KK be administered, at the same
X obstructive pulmonary
Capsules time of the day each day. No
disease (COPD). COPD
relevant use of
diagnosis is confirmed by
glycopyrronium in pediatric
population (<18 years) for
i) Rheumatoid arthritis (RA):
In combination with
methotrexate (MTX), is
indicated for: - The treatment
of moderate to severe active
i) Rheumatoid arthritis 50mg
rheumatoid arthritis in adult
given as a subcutaneous
patients when the response
injection once a month, on
to DMARD therapy including
the same date each month.
MTX has been inadequate. -
ii) Psoriatic arthritis 50mg
The treatment of active,
Golimumab 50mg (0.5ml) given as a subcutaneous
L04AB06000P5001X severe and progressive
711 solution for injection in a A* injection once a month, on
X rheumatoid arthritis in adult
pre-filled syringe the same date each month.
patients not previously
iii) Ankylosing spondylitis
treated with MTX.
50mg given as a
ii) Psoriatic arthritis (PsA):
subcutaneous injection once
Golimumab alone or in
a month, on the same date
combination with MTX, is
each month.
indicated for: The treatment
of active psoriatic arthritis in
adult patients when the
response to previous
DMARD therapy has been

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iii) Ankylosing spondylitis
(AS): Golimumab (used
alone) is indicated for: The
treatment of active
ankylosing spondylitis in
adult patients when the
response to conventional
therapy has been

oma uteri and assissted One 10.8mg depot injected
Goserelin 10.8 mg Depot L02AE03000P2002X reproduction,breast cancer in subcutaneously into the
712 A
Injection X premenopausal and anterior abdominal wall,
perimenopausal women every 12 weeks.
suitable for hormonal
oma uteri and assissted
Goserelin 3.6 mg Depot L02AE03000P2001X reproduction,breast cancer in 3.6 mg depot injection every
713 A
Injection X premenopausal and 28 days
perimenopausal women
suitable for hormonal
ADULT 1 mg twice daily or 2
mg once daily with the first
Prevention and treatment of
dose to be administered
nausea and vomiting
Granisetron HCl 1 mg A04AA02110T1001X within 1 hour prior to
714 A associated with
Tablet X cytostatic therapy and can be
chemotherapy and
given for up to 1 week
following radiotherapy.
Maximum 9 mg/day
i) ADULT 1-3 mg as an IV
bolus not not less than 30
i) Prevention and treatment seconds; maximum 9
of nausea and vomiting mg/day. CHILD over 2 years;
associated with single dose of 10-40 mcg/kg
Granisetron HCl 1 mg/ml A04AA02110P3001X
715 A chemotherapy and as an IV infusion; maximum 3
Injection X
radiotherapy mg/day
ii) Post-operative nausea and ii) ADULT 1 mg by slow IV
vomiting injection over 30 seconds
prior to induction of

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ADULT: 500 mg daily up to 1
g daily in divided doses, 2-8
Dermatophyte infections of wk in hair and skin infections,
Griseofulvin (Ultramicrosize
D01BA01000T1001X the skin, scalp, hair and nails, 6 mth in fingernail infections
716 125 mg = 250 mg B
X where topical therapy has and 12 mth or more for
Microsize) Tablet
failed or inappropriate toenail infections. CHILD: 10
mg/kg daily in divided doses
or as a single dose
For acute renal failure,
chronic renal failure,
Haemodialysis Concentrate B05ZA00908H1001X Dose depending on clinical
717 A overhydration, intoxication,
with Acetate X cases
adjustment of acid-base and
electrolyte balance
For acute renal failure,
chronic renal failure,
Haemodialysis Concentrate B05ZA00908H1002X Dose depending on clinical
718 A overhydration, intoxication,
with Bicarbonate X cases
adjustment of acid-base and
electrolyte balance
Haemophilus Influenza Immunisation of infants
719 Type B Conjugate Vaccine C against Haemophilus 0.5 ml IM
Injection (Single Dose) Influenzae Type B
Adult: 0.5-5 mg bid/tid, may
increase up to 100 mg daily
in severe or resistant cases.
Usual maintenance: 3-10 mg
N05AD01000T1001X Schizophrenia and other
720 Haloperidol 1.5 mg Tablet B daily. Child: >3 yr: Initially,
X psychoses
25-50 mcg/kg daily in 2
divided doses, increased
gradually if necessary. Max:
10 mg/day.
Adult: 0.5-5 mg bid/tid, may
increase up to 100 mg daily
in severe or resistant cases.
Usual maintenance: 3-10 mg
N05AD01000T1002X Schizophrenia and other
721 Haloperidol 5 mg Tablet B daily. Child: >3 yr: Initially,
X psychoses
25-50 mcg/kg daily in 2
divided doses, increased
gradually if necessary. Max:
10 mg/day.
ADULT: IM or IV , 2 mg - 10
mg then every 4 - 8 hours
Haloperidol 5 mg/ml N05AD01000P3001
722 B Acute psychoses and mania according to response to total
Injection XX
maximum 18 mg daily. Use in
child is not recommended

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i) By IV injection, loading
dose of 5000 units (10,000
units in severe pulmonary
embolism) followed by
continuous infusion of 15-25
units/kg/hr. By SC injection
(for DVT) of 15,000 units
every 12 hours (laboratory
monitoring on daily basis
essential to adjust dose).
Small adult or child, lower
i) Prophylaxis and treatment
loading dose then, 15-25
of venous thrombosis and
units/kg/hr by IV infusion, or
pulmonary embolism.
250 units/kg every 12 hours
ii) Treatment of myocardial
by SC injection.
Heparin 1000 units/ml B01AB01520P3001X infarction and arterial
723 B ii) As i), for unstable angina
Injection X embolism.
and acute peripheral arterial
iii) Prevention of clotting in
arterial and heart surgery and
iii) Prophylaxis in general
for prevention of cerebral
surgery, by SC injection,
5000 units 2 hour before
surgery, then every 8-12
hours for 7 days or until
patient is ambulant, during
pregnancy (with monitoring),
5000-10000 units every 12
hours. An adjusted dose
regimen may be used for
major orthopaedic surgery or
low molecular weight heparin
may be selected
i) By IV injection, loading
dose of 5000 units (10,000
units in severe pulmonary
embolism) followed by
continuous infusion of 15-25
units/kg/hr. By SC injection
(for DVT) of 15,000 units
every 12 hours (laboratory
monitoring on daily basis
i) Prophylaxis and treatment
essential to adjust dose).
of venous thrombosis and
Small adult or child, lower
pulmonary embolism.
loading dose then, 15-25
ii) Treatment of myocardial
units/kg/hr by IV infusion, or
Heparin 5000 units/ml B01AB01520P3002X infarction and arterial
724 B 250 units/kg every 12 hours
Injection X embolism.
by SC injection.
iii) Prevention of clotting in
ii) As i), for unstable angina
arterial and heart surgery and
and acute peripheral arterial
for prevention of cerebral
iii) Prophylaxis in general
surgery, by SC injection,
5000 units 2 hour before
surgery, then every 8-12
hours for 7 days or until
patient is ambulant, during
pregnancy (with monitoring),
5000-10000 units every 12
hours. An adjusted dose

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regimen may be used for
major orthopaedic surgery or
low molecular weight heparin
may be selected

Heparin Sodium 50 units in B01AB01930P3001X To maintain patency of Flush with 5 ml (50 units)
725 B
Sodium Chloride Injection X peripheral venous catheters every 4 hours or as required
Vaccination against hepatitis
A especially in those at risk 0.5 ml per injection. ADULT
of exposure to hepatitis A and CHILD more than 15
virus such as: years: A single primary dose
Hepatitis A, Inactivated
J07BC02000P5001X i) Visitors followed by a booster dose 6
726 Vaccine 160 antigen units A
X ii) Chronic hepatitis B and C - 12 months later. CHILD 2 -
patient 15 years: A single primary
iii) Those requiring dose followed by a booster
vaccination against hepatitis dose 6 - 12 months later
i) Adults: Recommended
Dose: 1000-2000 IU IM and if
necessary, the dose should
be increased or repeated.
Children: Inject 32-48 IU/kg
of body weight, should be
administered within 7 days
after exposure to HBsAg
(preferably within 48 hrs).
i) For post-exposure
Neonates: Recommended
prophylaxis of hepatitis B
Initial Dose: 100-200 IU. The
Hepatitis B Immunoglobulin J06BB04000P3001X ii) Prophylaxis against
727 A 1st dose should be
(Human) Injection X recurrence of hepatitis B
administered within 5 days
infection in chronic hepatitis
after birth (preferably within
B post liver transplantation
48 hrs) and booster dose
should be 32-48 IU/kg body
weight. The booster dose
should be administered
between 2 and 3 months
after the 1st administration.
ii) Different regimens
depending on hepatitis B
virus (HBV) DNA positivity
ADULTS over 20 years: 10
mcg/dose. ADOLESCENT 11
- 19 years: 5 mcg/dose.
Immunisation against
Hepatitis B Vaccine J07BC01000P4001X 10 years: 2.5 mcg/dose.
728 C+ infections caused by
Injection X INFANTS born to HBsAg
Hepatitis B virus
positive mothers: 3 doses of
0.5 ml each. Second dose to
be given after 1 month and
booster dose after 6 months

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i) Adult: Instill 1 or 2 drops of
2% solution immediately
before the procedure, repeat
at 5-10-minute intervals if
necessary. Child: Instill 1
drop of 2% soln immediately
i) Mydriasis and cycloplegia before the procedure, repeat
S01FA05330D2003X for refraction at 10-min intervals if
729 Homatropine 2% Eye Drops B
X ii) Treatment of anterior necessary.
segment inflammation ii) Adult: Instill 1-2 drops of
2% bd-tds up to every 3-4 hr
as needed. Child: 3 mth- 2 yr:
instill 1 drop of 0.5% soln
once daily or on alternate
days. >2 yr: instill 1 drop of
1% or 2% soln bd.
i) ADULT 25 g. CHILD 0.6
g/kg body weight
i) Acute hypovolemic shock
ii) Maximum daily dose is 2g
B05AA01000P3001X ii) Hypoproteinaemia
730 Human Albumin Injection B iii) 1 g/kg before exchange
X iii) Neonatal
transfusion. Dose is given at
rate of 1 ml of 25% solution
per minute
i) Hypogammaglobulinaemia i) 50 mg/kg body weight daily
and other deficiency states for 5 days, then 25 - 50
ii) Severe refractory mg/kg weekly for
idiopathic thrombocytopenia maintenance according to the
purpura (platelet less than severity of the condition
20,000) with internal ii) 400 mg/kg daily for 5 days
bleeding, particularly central with a further dose of 400
Human Normal Globulin J06BA02000P3001X
731 A nervous system mg/kg as required
Injection X
iii) Septicaemia in iii) Septicaemia in
immunocompromised immunocompromised
patients or patients not patients or patients not
responding to antibiotics responding to antibiotics
iv) Chronic lymphocytic iv) 250 mg/kg per month
leukaemia not responding to Dose varies depending on
conventional therapy brand used
For the prevention of cervical
Given by IM into deltoid
Human Papillomavirus cancer due to papilloma
J07BM02000P3001X region. ADULT and CHILD
732 (Types 16, 18) Vaccine C+ virus. To be used as part of
X 10 - 25 years, 3 doses of 0.5
Injection the public health program
mL, at 0, 1 and 6 months
For the prevention of cervical Given by IM into deltoid
Human Papillomavirus cancer due to papilloma region or higher anterolateral
733 (Types 6, 11, 16, 18) C+ virus. To be used as part of thigh. ADULT and CHILD 9 -
Vaccine Injection the public health program 26 years, 3 doses of 0.5 mL,
only at 0, 2 and 6 months
i) Slow IV injection, ADULT:
5-10 mg diluted with 10ml
sodium chloride 0.9%. May
Hydralazine HCl 20 mg C02DB02110P3001 Hypertensive crisis in be repeated after 20-30
734 B
Injection XX pregnancy minutes if necessary.
ii) IV infusion 200-300
mcg/minutes. Maintenance
dose 50-150 mcg/minutes

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ADULT: Diuretics; 25-200 mg
daily. Hypertension 12.5-25
mg daily CHILD: Oedema
and hypertension; Adjunct; 1
to 2 mg/kg ORALLY daily in
single or two divided doses;
Children 2-12 years old MAX
Hydrochlorothiazide 25 mg C03AA03000T1001X
735 B Diuretic, hypertension dose, not to exceed 100 mg
Tablet X
ORALLY daily; Infants less
than 6 months old, may
require doses up to 3 mg/kg
ORALLY daily in two divided
doses, Infants up to 2 yrs old:
MAX dose, not to exceed
37.5 mg ORALLY daily
ADULT: Diuretics; 25-200 mg
daily. Hypertension 12.5-25
mg daily CHILD: Oedema
and hypertension; Adjunct; 1
to 2 mg/kg ORALLY daily in
single or two divided doses;
Children 2-12 years old MAX
Hydrochlorothiazide 50 mg C03AA03000T1002X
736 B Diuretic, hypertension dose, not to exceed 100 mg
Tablet X
ORALLY daily; Infants less
than 6 months old, may
require doses up to 3 mg/kg
ORALLY daily in two divided
doses, Infants up to 2 yrs old:
MAX dose, not to exceed
37.5 mg ORALLY daily
Inflammatory and pruritic Apply to affected part 2-3
Hydrocortisone 1% & D07CA01952G1001 manifestations of times daily (occasionally may
737 B
Neomycin 0.5% Cream XX corticosteroid responsive cause sensitisation to
dermatoses Neomycin)
Inflammatory and pruritic Apply sparingly to affected
D07AA02000G1001 manifestations of area 2 - 3 times daily until
738 Hydrocortisone 1% Cream B
XX corticosteroid responsive condition improve, then
dermatoses reduce frequency
Inflammatory and pruritic Apply sparingly to affected
Hydrocortisone 1% D07AA02000G5001 manifestations of area 2 - 3 times daily until
739 B
Ointment XX corticosteroid responsive condition improve, then
dermatoses reduce frequency
Glucocorticoid replacement
therapy in primary or
secondary adrenal ADULT: 20 - 30 mg daily in
Hydrocortisone 10 mg H02AB09000T1001X
740 B insufficiencies and long term divided doses. CHILD: 10 -
Tablet X
management of congenital 30 mg daily in divided doses
adrenal hyperplasia in
ADULT 100 mg 1-2
times/day for 2-3 weeks. If
Hydrocortisone Enema A07EA02000G2001 Adjunctive treatment for
741 B used for longer than 3 weeks,
0.1% XX ulcerative colitis and proctitis
taper treatment over 2-3
Conditions responsive to Initially 100 - 500 mg IV over
Hydrocortisone Sodium H02AB09520P4001X
742 C systemic or local 30 seconds to more than 10
Succinate 100 mg Injection X
glucocorticoid injection minutes. Dose may be

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therapy especially in repeated at intervals of 2, 4
emergencies or 6 hours

Instill 1 - 2 drops into the ear

Hydrogen Peroxide 1.5% S02AA06241D1001X
743 C To soften impacted ear wax as required (leave for a few
Ear Drops X
Hydrogen Peroxide 6%
(=approx. 20 vol) shall be
dispensed. For cleansing
wounds: 1.5% to 6% solution
apply 2-3 times daily or when
nescessary. As a
mouthwash: rinse the mouth
for 2-3 minutes with 15ml of
Skin disinfection, particularly
Hydrogen Peroxide 20 D08AX01241L9901X hydrogen peroxide 6%
744 C cleansing and deodorising
volume Solution X diluted in half a tumblerful of
wounds and ulcers
warm water 2-3 times daily.
Disinfecting cleaned
equipment: immersion for 30
minutes in 6% solution. As
ear drop for removal of wax:
hydrogen peroxide 6%
diluted with 3 parts of water
preferably just before use
i) Initially 400 mg daily in
divided dose. Maintenance:
i) SLE and mixed connective
200 - 400 mg daily
tissue disease for skin, joint
Hydroxychloroquine P01BA02183T1001X ii) ADULT: 400 - 600 mg
745 A and serosa
Sulphate 200 mg Tablet X daily. Maintenance: 200 - 400
ii) Second line therapy for
mg daily. CHILD : up to 6.5
acute rheumatoid arthritis
mg/kg daily (maximum
400mg daily)
V07AY00250G4001 Apply sufficiently for
746 Hydroxyethyl Cellulose Jelly B For lubricating purpose
XX lubricating purpose
ADULT daily dose up to 20
ml/kg/day. Normally 500-
1500 ml. The rate of infusion
Therapy and prophylaxis of
may approach 20 ml/kg/hour
Hydroxyethyl Starch 6% B05AA07000P9901X hypovolaemia and shock in
747 B in acute haemorrhagic shock,
Injection X connection with surgery
slower rates in burns and
trauma, infections and burns
septic shock. CHILD under
10 years do not exceed 15 ml
G03DA03128P2001 Habitual and threatened 250 - 500 mg once weekly by
748 Caproate 250 mg/ml A
XX abortion IM injection
i) Intermittent therapy: 80
mg/kg orally as a single dose
i) Solid tumours
every 3rd day. Continuous
ii) Chronic myelocytic
therapy: 20 - 30 mg/kg orally
leukaemia and
as a single dose dly.
myeloproliferative disease
Hydroxyurea 500 mg L01XX05000C1001X Concomitant therapy with
749 A iii) Severe psoriasis eg.
Capsule X irradiation: 80 mg/kg orally as
Extensive plaque psoriasis,
a single dose every 3rd day
erythrodermic psoriasis,
(administration of
pustular psoriasis -as third
hydroxyurea should be
line therapy.
started at least 7 days before
initiation of irradiation and

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continued during
radiotherapy as well).
ii) Continuous therapy (20 -
30 mg/kg orally as a single
dose daily, therapy should be
interrupted if the white blood
cell count drops below
2500/mm3, or the platelet
count below 100,000/mm3.
iii) 500 mg tds.

Initially 25 mg at night,
increased if necessary up to
25 mg 3-4 times daily.
Hydroxyzine HCl 25 mg N05BB01110T1001X ADULT and CHILD more
750 A Allergic pruritus
Tablet X than 10 years : 50 - 75 mg; 6
- 10 years: 25 - 50 mg; 2 - 5
years: 12.5 - 25 mg; to be
taken daily in divided doses
200-600 mcg given as SC or
Hyoscine Hydrobromide A04AD01330P3001X To reduce oral secretions IM 60 minutes before
751 B
400 mcg/ml Injection X before surgery induction of anaesthesia.
CHILD: 15 mcg/kg
Gastrointestinal tract and
ADULT 40mg 4 times a day.
Hyoscine N-Butylbromide 1 A03BB01320L5001X genito-urinary tract spasm,
752 B CHILD 6-12 years old: 10mg
mg/ml Liquid X dyskinesia of the biliary
3 times a day.
Gastrointestinal tract and
ADULT 40mg 4 times a day.
Hyoscine N-Butylbromide A03BB01320T1001X genito-urinary tract spasm,
753 B CHILD 6-12 years old: 10mg
10 mg Tablet X dyskinesia of the biliary
3 times a day.
Gastrointestinal tract and
20 mg IM/IV repeated after
Hyoscine N-Butylbromide A03BB01320P3001X genito-urinary tract spasm,
754 B 30 min if needed. Max: 100
20 mg/ml Injection X dyskinesia of the biliary
mg daily.
Tear deficiency, ophthalmic
Hypromellose 0.3% Eye S01XA20000D2002X 1 - 2 drops several times a
755 B lubricant; for relief of dry eyes
Drops X day
and eye irritation
Symptomatic relief of severe
Hypromellose 0.3%, dry eye conditions and as
S01KA02000G3201 Instill 1-2 drops in affected
756 Carbomer 980 Ophthalmic B lens lubricant during
XX eye(s) as needed
Gel ophthalmic diagnostic
Treatment of
osteoporosis to reduce the
risk of fracture. Review
treatment after 2 years and if
there is positive response,
Ibandronic Acid 150 mg M05BA06000T1003 treatment may be continued
757 A* 150 mg once monthly
Tablet XX up to 5 years and then re-
evaluate. Treatment should
be stopped if there is no
positive response after 5
years. Otherwise, patient
needs to be given drug
holiday for 1 to 2 years and

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then continue treatment shall
the benefit outweigh the risk.
Dosage: ADULT: 200 - 400
mg 3 times daily after food,
maximum 3.2 g daily. CHILD:
M01AE01000T1001 Pain and inflammation in 30-50 mg/kg body weight
758 Ibuprofen 200 mg Tablet B
XX rheumatic disease daily in divided doses,
maximum 2.4g daily. Lowest
effective dose for the shortest
possible duration.
2 - 3 drops 3 - 4 times daily
Ichthammol Glycerin 10% S02AA30000D1001X Ear wick for otitis externa
759 C and in ear wick for otitis
Ear Drops X with oedema
i) Induction phase: 12 mg/m2
IV slow bolus on Days 3, 5
i) Acute promyelocytic
and 7. Consolidation phase,
month 1: 12 mg/m2 IV on
ii) Relapse Acute myeloid
L01DB06110P4002X Days 1 and 2. Repeat
760 Idarubicin 10 mg Injection A* leukemia (with sibling match)
X monthly for 3 courses
iii) Acute myeloid leukemia,
ii) 12 mg/m2 D1-3
acute lymphoblastic leukemia
iii) 12 mg/m2 D1-3 as part of
(salvage therapy)
FLAG-IDA regimen. Children:
10mg/m2 IV daily for 3 days
i) Induction phase: 12 mg/m2
IV slow bolus on Days 3, 5
i) Acute promyelocytic
and 7. Consolidation phase,
month 1: 12 mg/m2 IV on
ii) Relapse Acute myeloid
L01DB06110P4001X Days 1 and 2. Repeat
761 Idarubicin 5 mg Injection A* leukemia (with sibling match)
X monthly for 3 courses
iii) Acute myeloid leukemia,
ii) 12 mg/m2 D1-3
acute lymphoblastic leukemia
iii) 12 mg/m2 D1-3 as part of
(salvage therapy)
FLAG-IDA regimen. Children:
10mg/m2 IV daily for 3 days
Hunter syndrome 0.5 mg/kg of body weight
Idursulfase 2 mg/ml A16AB09000P3001X
762 A* (Mucopolysaccharidosis II, administered every week as
Injection X
MPS ii). an intravenous infusion.
i) 1.2 - 2.4 g/m2/day for 3 - 7
days as a 30 - 120 minutes
infusion. Alternatively, can
also be given as a single high
i) Solid tumours dose, eg. 5 g/m2 in a 24 hour
763 Ifosfamide 1 g Injection A* ii) Leukaemia infusion. Cycles may be
iii) Lymphoma repeated every 3 - 4 weeks
ii) CHILD: 400 - 3000
mg/m2/day for 3 - 5 days
according to protocol
iii) Refer to protocols
i) ADULT and CHILD: i) ADULT: Chronic phase
Philadelphia positive (Ph+) chronic myeloid leukemia:
chronic myeloid leukaemia in 400 mg once daily.
chronic phase and in early Accelerated phase or blast
Imatinib Mesylate 100 mg L01XE01196T1001X acceleration after failure of crisis chronic myeloid
764 A*
Tablet X interferon therapy leukemia: 600 mg once daily.
ii) Treatment of patients with CHILD more than 2 years,
unresectable and/or chronic and advanced phase
metastatic malignant chronic myeloid leukemia:
gastrointestinal stromal 340 mg/m2 daily. Max: 800

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tumours (GIST) who are mg/day
positive for CD117/c-kit ii) ADULT : 400mg/day

i) ADULT and CHILD: i) ADULT: Chronic phase

Philadelphia positive (Ph+) chronic myeloid leukemia:
chronic myeloid leukaemia in 400 mg once daily.
chronic phase and in early Accelerated phase or blast
acceleration after failure of crisis chronic myeloid
Imatinib Mesylate 400 mg L01XE01196T1002X interferon therapy leukemia: 600 mg once daily.
765 A*
Tablet X ii) Treatment of patients with CHILD more than 2 years,
unresectable and/or chronic and advanced phase
metastatic malignant chronic myeloid leukemia:
gastrointestinal stromal 340 mg/m2 daily. Max: 800
tumours (GIST) who are mg/day
positive for CD117/c-kit ii) ADULT : 400mg/day
Non-neuronopathic (Type 1)
or chronic neuronopathic
(Type 3) Gaucher disease
and who exhibit clinically
significant non-neurological
manifestations of the
Dosage should be
disease. The non-
individualized to each patient.
neurological manifestations
Initial dosages range from
of Gaucher disease include
Imiglucerase 400 IU A16AB02000P4002X 2.5 units/kg of body weight 3
766 A* one or more of the following
Injection X times a week to 60 units/kg
conditions: - anemia, after
once every 2 weeks.
exclusion of other causes,
Administered by intravenous
such as iron deficiency -
infusion over 1-2 hours.
thrombocytopenia - bone
disease, after exclusion of
other causes, such as
Vitamin D deficiency -
hepatomegaly or
Based on type or severity of
infection, susceptibility of
pathogen(s) and patient
condition including body
weight and renal function.
ADULT: 1 - 2 g/day in 3 - 4
Severe infections caused by divided doses. Maximum: 4
susceptible pathogens g/day or 50 mg/kg/day.
Imipenem 500 mg and J01DH51961P4002X especially useful in infections Infusion rate: less than 500
767 A*
Cilastatin 500 mg Injection X involving ESBL organisms. mg dose: over 20 - 30
Not to be used for minutes, more than 500 mg:
prophylaxis dose over 40 - 60 minutes.
CHILDREN: ≥ 40kg body
weight should receive adult
INFANTS: <40kg body
weight should receive
15mg/kg at six hour intervals.

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The total daily dose should
not exceed 2g.

Initially up to 75 mg daily in
divided doses increased
gradually to 150 - 200 mg (up
to 300 mg in hospital
Imipramine HCI 25 mg N06AA02110T1001X patients); up to 150 mg may
768 B Depression
Tablet X be given as a single dose at
bedtime. ELDERLY initially
10 mg daily; increased
gradually to 30 - 50 mg daily;
CHILD is not recommended
Treatment of external genital Apply to affected area at
D06BB10000G1001 and perianal warts or bedtime for 3 times a week
769 Imiquimod 5 % w/w Cream A*
XX condyloma acuminata in for up to 16 weeks; leave on
adults skin for 6-10 hours
Immunoglobulin Tetanus Prophylaxis of tetanus: IM
J06BB02000P3001X Passive immunization
770 Human 250 Units/Vial B 250 units. Treatment of
X against tetanus
Injection tetanus: IM 30 - 300 units/kg
Maintenance bronchodilator Once-daily inhalation of the
treatment of airflow content of one 150/300
Indacaterol Maleate 150 R03AC18253C9901
771 A* obstruction in adult patients microgram capsule.
mcg Inhalation Capsule XX
with chronic obstructive Maximum dose is 300
pulmonary disease (COPD). microgram once-daily.
Maintenance bronchodilator Once-daily inhalation of the
treatment of airflow content of one 150/300
Indacaterol Maleate 300 R03AC18253C9902
772 A* obstruction in adult patients microgram capsule.
mcg Inhalation Capsule XX
with chronic obstructive Maximum dose is 300
pulmonary disease (COPD). microgram once-daily.
ADULT: 800 mg every 8
i) Post-exposure prophylaxis
hours. CHILD
(PEP) among healthcare
(investigational): 500 mg/m2
workers in high-risk HIV
every 8 hours (patients with
occupational exposure
Indinavir Sulfate 400 mg J05AE02183C1001X smaller body surface area
773 A* ii) For therapy as part of
Capsule X (BSA) may require lower
combination antiretroviral
doses of 300 - 400 mg/m2
treatment on adult HIV
every 8 hours). Dosage may
patients ie Highly Active Anti-
varies depending on types of
Retroviral Therapy (HAART)
combination therapy used.
Adult: As supp: 100 mg to be
Indomethacin 100 mg M02AA23000S2001 Pain and inflammation in inserted at night and
774 B
Suppository XX rheumatic arthritis repeated in the morning if
50 - 200 mg daily in divided
Indomethacin 25 mg M01AB01000C1001 Pain and inflammation in
775 B doses, with food. Child not
Capsule XX rheumatic disease

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i) Rheumatoid arthritis:
ADULT over 18 years old: 3
mg/kg at 0, 2, 6 weeks, then
i) Rheumatoid arthritis
every 8 weeks; May increase
(moderate to severe), in
to 10 mg/kg or increase
combination with
dosing frequency to 4 weekly
for patients with incomplete
ii) Ankylosing spondylitis in
response. Discontinue if no
patients with active disease
response by 12 weeks of
despite treatment with
initial infusion or after dose
iii) Crohn's Disease in
ii) Ankylosing spondylitis:
L04AB02000P4001X patients who have an
776 Infliximab 100 mg Injection A* ADULT over 18 years: 5
X inadequate response to
mg/kg IV over 2 hour given at
conventional therapies.
week 0, 2, and 6 then every
iv) Fistulizing Crohn's
6-8 weeks. Discontinue if no
Disease in patients who have
response by 6 weeks of initial
an inadequate response to
conventional therapies
iii), iv) & v)5 mg/kg given as
v) Ulcerative Colitis in
an intravenous infusion over
patients who have an
a 2-hour period followed by
inadequate response to
additional 5 mg/kg infusion
conventional therapies
doses at 2 and 6 weeks after
the first infusion, then every 8
weeks thereafter
Influenza Vaccine
(Inactivated, trivalent) CHILD 6-35 months: Single
Injection (containing 3 Prophylaxis of influenza for dose of 0.5 ml IM or deep
strains, two type A J07BB02963P3001X frontliners (KKM staff and SC; 3-8 years: 1-2 doses of
777 B
subtypes, of which one X essential services personnel) 0.5 ml IM ADULT & CHILD
must include pandemic A and in high risk groups more than 9 years: Single
(H1N1) and one Type B dose of 0.5 ml IM
Prevention of influenza and
influenza related
Influenzae Vaccine complications in high risk
19 to 59 years: Single dose
(Inactivated,Trivalent) Type adult patients, in particular
of 0.1ml 9mcg/strain
A (H1N1) 15 mcg, Type A J07BB02963P5002X individuals who have chronic
778 B intradermally. ≥ 60 years:
(H3N2) 15 mcg & Type B X cardiovascular, pulmonary,
Single dose of 0.1ml
15 mcg Haemagglutinin metabolic or renal disease, or
15mcg/strain intradermally
Injection who are
immunocompromized and
elderly patients
Prevention of influenza and
influenza related
Influenzae Vaccine complications in high risk
18 to 59 years: Single dose
(Inactivated,Trivalent) Type adult patients, in particular
of 0.1ml 9mcg/strain
A (H1N1) 9 mcg, Type A J07BB02963P5001X individuals who have chronic
779 B intradermally. ≥ 60 years:
(H3N2) 9 mcg & Type B 9 X cardiovascular, pulmonary,
Single dose of 0.1ml
mcg Haemagglutinin metabolic or renal disease, or
15mcg/strain intradermally
Injection who are
immunocompromized and
elderly patients

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25% Insulin Lispro & 75%
Patients with Type 2 diabetes Dose to be individualized.
Insulin Lispro Protamine
A10AD04000P5001X whom experience The average daily insulin
780 100 U/ml Suspension for A*
X hypoglycemia with the use of requirement is between 0.5
Injection in Prefilled
human premixed insulin. to 1.0 units/kg body weight
50% Insulin Lispro & 50%
Patients with Type 2 diabetes Dose to be individualized.
Insulin Lispro Protamine
A10AD04000P5002X whom experience The average daily insulin
781 100U/ml Suspension for A*
X hypoglycemia with the use of requirement is between 0.5
Injection in Prefilled
human premixed insulin. to 1.0 units/kg body weights.
Diabetic Type 1 and 2 in Dose to be individualised.
Insulin Aspart 100 IU/ml A10AB05000P3001X patients that still experienced The average daily insulin
782 A*
Injection X hypoglycaemia with use of requirement is between 0.5
human insulin to 1.0 units/kg body weight
Diabetic type 1 and 2 in Dose to be individualised.
Insulin Aspart 30% and
A10AD05000P3001X patients that still experienced The average daily insulin
783 Protaminated Insulin Aspart A/KK
X hypoglycaemia with use of requirement is between 0.5
70% 100 U/ml Injection
human insulin to 1.0 units/kg body weight
i) Type 1 Diabetes patients
on basal bolus regimen,
whom experience
hypoglycemia with Individualized dose given via
conventional insulin, to be SC once or twice daily.
used in combination with Initiate at a dose of 10IU or
Insulin Detemir 100 IU/ml rapid or short-acting insulin. 0.1-0.2IU/kg. For twice daily
784 Injection in Prefilled A/KK ii) Type 2 Diabetes patients dosing, the evening dose can
syringe/cartridge on oral anti-diabetics and be administered either with
basal insulin regimen or the evening meal, at bedtime,
basal bolus insulin regimen or 12 hours after the morning
whom experience dose.
hypoglycemia with
conventional basal insulin.

ADULT and CHILD over 6

years: individualised dose
i) Diabetes mellitus type I in
given by SC, once daily at
Insulin Glargine 300IU/3ml A10AE04000P5001X adults and child over 6 years
785 A/KK the same time every day.
Prefilled Pen for Injection X ii) Diabetes mellitus type II in
Adult patients who are insulin
naïve may be initiated with
10IU daily.
Glulisine should be given
shortly (0-15 min) before or
soon after meals. Apidra
Treatment of adults, should be used in regimens
Insulin Glulisine 100u/ml adolescents and children 6 that include an intermediate
786 solution for injection in pre- A* years or older with diabetes or long acting insulin or basal
filled pen 3ml mellitus, where treatment insulin analogue and can be
with insulin is required. used with oral hypoglycaemic
agents. The dosage of Apidra
should be individually

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i) As initial therapy in children
with Type 1 diabetes
ii)Type 1 diabetes patients on
basal bolus regimen, not
controlled or experience
hypoglycaemia with
conventional insulin, to be
used in combination with
long-acting insulin Dose to be individualized.
iii)Type 2 diabetes patients The average daily insulin
Insulin Lispro 100 IU/ml
A10AB04000P5001X on basal bolus or premixed requirement is between 0.5
787 Injection in Prefilled A*
X regimen, not controlled or to 1.0 units/kg body weight,
experience hypoglycaemia given within 15 minutes
with conventional insulin, to before meal.
be used in combination with
intermediate-acting insulin or
long-acting insulin iv)Patients
with diabetes in pregnancy
with poor postprandial control
or experience hypoglycaemia
with conventional short-
acting insulin
Dose to be individualised.
The average daily insulin
requirement is between 0.3-
Insulin Recombinant 1.0 units/kg body weight/day.
Neutral Human Short Acting A10AB01000P3001X Daily insulin requirement may
788 B Diabetes mellitus
100 IU/ml Injection in 10ml X be higher in patients with
vial insulin resistance, and lower
in patients with residual,
endogenous insulin
Dose to be individualised.
The average daily insulin
requirement is between 0.3-
1.0 units/kg body weight/day.
Insulin Recombinant
A10AB01000P5001X Daily insulin requirement may
789 Neutral Human Short-acting B Diabetes mellitus
X be higher in patients with
100IU/ml Penfill and Refill
insulin resistance, and lower
in patients with residual,
endogenous insulin
Insulin Recombinant Dose to be individualised.
Synthetic Human A10AC01000P3001X The daily insulin requirement
790 B Diabetes mellitus
Intermediate-Acting X is usually between 0.3 and
100IU/ml in Vial for Injection 1.0IU/kg /day
Dose to be individualised.
The average daily insulin
requirement is between 0.3-
1.0 units/kg body weight/day.
Insulin Recombinant
A10AD01000P3001X Daily insulin requirement may
791 Synthetic Human Premixed B Diabetes mellitus
X be higher in patients with
100IU/ml in Vial for Injection
insulin resistance, and lower
in patients with residual,
endogenous insulin

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Insulin dependent diabetes
mellitus, non insulin
dependent diabetes
Insulin Recombinant unresponsive to treatment to Dose to be individualised.
Synthetic Human, A10AC01000P5001X diet or oral hypoglycaemics, The daily insulin requirement
792 B
Intermediate-Acting 100 X hyperkalaemia to assure is usually between 0.3 and
IU/ml Penfill and Refill proper utilisation of glucose 1.0IU/kg /day
and reduce glucosuria in non
diabetic patients receiving
parenteral nutrition
Insulin dependent diabetes
mellitus, non insulin
dependent diabetes
unresponsive to treatment to Dose to be individualised.
Insulin Recombinant
A10AD01000P5001X diet or oral hypoglycaemics, The average daily insulin
793 Synthetic Human, Premixed B
X hyperkalaemia to assure requirement is between 0.5-
100 IU/ml Penfill and Refill
proper utilisation of glucose 1.0 units/kg body weight
and reduce glucosuria in non
diabetic patients receiving
parenteral nutrition
i) Initial: 3 MIU SC daily. If
intolerant, 1.5 MIU daily or 3
MIU 3 times a week or 1.5
MIU 3 times a week.
Maintenance: 1.5-3 MIU SC
3 times a week
ii) Patient > 18 years: 3 MIU
daily (days 1-3), 6 MIU daily
(days 4-6), 9 MIU daily (days
iii) Patient > 18 years: Initially
For the treatment of
escalating dose to 18-36 MIU
i) Hairy cell leukaemia
SC/IM for 10-12 weeks.
ii) Chronic myelogenous
Maintenance: up to 36 MIU 3
times a week
Interferon Alfa - 2a 3 MIU L03AB04000P3001X iii) AIDS related Kaposi's
794 A* iv) 2.5-5 MIU/m2 SC 3 times
Injection X Sarcoma
a week for 4-6 months.
iv) Chronic hepatitis B
CHILD: up to 10 MIU/m2
v) Chronic hepatitis C vi)
BSA v) Monotherapy: Initial:
Advanced renal cell
3 - 6 MIU SC 3 times a week
for 6 months. Maintenance: 3
MIU 3 times a week for an
additional 6 months.
vi) As an adjunct to cytotoxic
chemotherapy: An escalating
dose of 3 MIU 3 times a
week for 1 week, then 9 MIU
3 times a week for 1 week,
then 18 MIU 3 times a week
thereafter for 3-12 months

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i) 2 MIU SC or IM 3 times a
ii) Patient more than 18
years: 3 - 9 MIU 3 - 5 times a
week or daily depending on
iii) Patient more than 18
For the treatment of
years. Initially escalating
i) Hairy cell leukaemia
dose to 18-36 MIU SC/IM for
ii) Chronic myelogenous
10-12 weeks. Maintenance:
up to 36 MIU 3 times weekly
Interferon Alfa-2b 18 MIU L03AB05000P5001X iii) AIDS related Kaposi's
795 A iv) 2.5-5 MIU/m2 SC 3 times
Multidose Injection Pen X sarcoma
weekly for 4-6 month. CHILD:
iv) Chronic hepatitis B
up to 10 MIU/m2 BSA
v) Chronic hepatitis C
v) 3 MIU for 12 months
vi) Advanced renal cell
vi) As an adjunct to cytotoxic
chemotherapy: An escalating
dose of 3 million IU 3
times/week for 1 week, then
9 million IU 3 times/week for
1 week, then 18 million IU 3
times/week thereafter for 3-
12 month SC or IM
i) 2 MIU SC or IM 3 times a
ii) Patient more than 18
years: 3 - 9 MIU 3 - 5 times a
week or daily depending on
iii) Patient more than 18
For the treatment of
years. Initially escalating
i) Hairy cell leukaemia
dose to 18-36 MIU SC/IM for
ii) Chronic myelogenous
10-12 weeks. Maintenance:
up to 36 MIU 3 times weekly
Interferon Alfa-2b 30 MIU L03AB05000P5002X iii) AIDS related Kaposi's
796 A iv) 2.5-5 MIU/m2 SC 3 times
Multidose Injection Pen X sarcoma
weekly for 4-6 month. CHILD:
iv) Chronic hepatitis B
up to 10 MIU/m2 BSA
v) Chronic hepatitis C
v) 3 MIU for 12 months
vi) Advanced renal cell
vi) As an adjunct to cytotoxic
chemotherapy: An escalating
dose of 3 million IU 3
times/week for 1 week, then
9 million IU 3 times/week for
1 week, then 18 million IU 3
times/week thereafter for 3-
12 month SC or IM

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i) 2 MIU SC or IM 3 times a
ii) Patient more than 18
years: 3 - 9 MIU 3 - 5 times a
week or daily depending on
iii) Patient more than 18
For the treatment of
years. Initially escalating
i) Hairy cell leukaemia
dose to 18-36 MIU SC/IM for
ii) Chronic myelogenous
10-12 weeks. Maintenance:
up to 36 MIU 3 times weekly
Interferon Alpha - 2a 4.5 L03AB04000P3002X iii) AIDS related Kaposi's
797 A* iv) 2.5-5 MIU/m2 SC 3 times
MIU Injection X Sarcoma
weekly for 4-6 month. CHILD:
iv) Chronic hepatitis B
up to 10 MIU/m2 BSA
v) Chronic hepatitis C
v) 3 MIU for 12 months
vi) Advanced renal cell
vi) As an adjunct to cytotoxic
chemotherapy: An escalating
dose of 3 million IU 3
times/week for 1 week, then
9 million IU 3 times/week for
1 week, then 18 million IU 3
times/week thereafter for 3-
12 month SC or IM
i) 2 MIU/m2 SC or IM 3 times
a week
ii) 4 - 5 MIU/m2 SC daily.
Treatment must be
discontinued after 8 to 12
weeks of treatment if at least
a partial haematological
remission or a clinically
meaningful cytoreduction has
For the treatment of not been achieved
i) Hairy cell leukaemia iii) Patient > 18 years : 30
ii) Chronic myelogenous MIU/m2 SC or IM three times
leukaemia a week until disease
Interferon Alpha 2b 3 MIU L03AB05000P3001X iii) AIDS related Kaposi's progression or maximal
798 A*
Injection X sarcoma response has been achieved
iv) Chronic hepatitis B after 16 weeks of treatment.
v) Chronic hepatitis C iv) 5 MIU daily or 10 MIU
vi) Advanced renal cell three times a week for 16
carcinoma weeks. CHILD: 3 MIU/m2
three times a week for the
first week of therapy followed
by dose escalation to 6
MIU/m2 (maximum of 10MIU)
three times a week SC for a
total duration of 16 to 24
v) 3 MIU SC or IM 3 times a

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i) Relapsing-remitting
multiple sclerosis (RRMS):
Reduction of frequency and
degree of severity of clinical
relapses in ambulatory
patients characterized by at
least two attacks of
neurological dysfunction over
Interferon beta -1b 250mcg L03AB08000P4001X the preceding two year 0.25 mg (8 MIU) by SC
799 A*
(8MIU) Injection X period, followed by complete injection every other day
or incomplete recovery
ii) Secondary progressive
multiple sclerosis
(SPMS):Reduction of
frequency and severity of
clinical relapses and for
slowing the progression of
Multiple sclerosis of the
L03AB07000P5001X relapsing remitting type with
800 Interferon Beta-1a 22 mcg A* 22 mcg 3 times weekly
X 2 or more relapses within the
last 2 years
Multiple sclerosis of the
L03AB07000P5002X relapsing remitting type with
801 Interferon Beta-1a 44 mcg A* 44 mcg 3 times weekly
X 2 or more relapses within the
last 2 years
V08AA03000P3001X According to the procedure
802 Iodamide Injection A For hysterosalpingography
X and route of administration
i) Pre-operative treatment of
Iodine and Potassium H03CA00200L9901X i) 1 ml daily in divided doses
803 B thyrotoxicosis
Iodide Solution X ii) 2 - 3 ml daily
ii) Thyrotoxicosis crisis
X-ray contrast medium for
cardioangiography, cerebral
angiography, peripheral
arteriography, abdominal
Iodixanol 320 mg I/ml V08AB09000P3001X Depending on type of
804 A angiography, uroloraphy,
Injection X examination
venography, CT
enhancement, lumbar,
thoracic and cervical
X-ray contrast medium for
use in adults and children for
arteriography, urography,
phlebography and CT-
enhancement. Lumbar,
thoracic, cervical
myelography and computed
V08AB02000P3001X Dose depending on the route
805 Iohexol Injection A tomography of the basal
X and procedure
cisterns, following
subarachnoid injection.
Arthrography, endoscopic
retrograde pancreatography
(ERCP), herniography,
sialography and studies of
the gastrointestinal tract

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i) Neuroradiology :
cisternography and
ii) Angiograph : cerebral
arteriography, thoracic
aortography, abdominal
For angiography and cardiac
angiocardiography, selective
cases- dose depending on
visceral arteriography,
the route and procedure. For
V08AB04000P3001X peripheral arteriography,
806 Iopamidol Injection A selected vascular
X venography, digital
examination - bottles of 30 ml
subtraction angiography
and 100 ml; dose depending
(DSA), DSA of cerebral
on the route and procedure
arteries, DSA of peripheral
arteries, DSA of abdominal
iii) Urography : intravenous
urography iv) Contrast
enhancement in CT
Scanning, arthrography,
i) For angiography,
urography, aortography and
the visualization of body
Iopromide 300mg injection
V08AB05000P3001X cavities ii) Contrast Dose depending on the route
807 (623 mg of iopromide with A
X enhancement during and procedure
300 mg of iodine per mL)
computerized tomography iii)
To check functioning of a
dialysis shunt
i) For angiography,
urography, aortography and
the visualization of body
Iopromide 370mg injection cavities
V08AB05000P3002X Dose depending on the route
808 (769 mg of iopromide with A ii) Contrast enhancement
X and procedure
370 mg of iodine per mL) during computerized
iii) To check functioning of a
dialysis shunt
Only for treatment of:
i) Patients with ischaemic
heart disease who develop
extrasystole with salbutamol
or terbutaline
ADULT: 500 mcg up to 4
ii) Patients with chronic
Ipratropium Bromide times daily. CHILD 5 - 12
R03BB01320A3001X bronchitis who have airway
809 0.0125% Nebulising B years : 125 - 250 mcg up to 4
X obstruction and who do not
Solution (125 mcg/ml) times daily, 12 years : 250 -
respond to salbutamol or
500 mcg up to 4 times daily
terbutaline. Reversible
airways obstruction,
particularly in chronic
obstructive pulmonary

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Only for treatment of:
i) Patients with ischaemic
heart disease who develop
extrasystole with salbutamol
or terbutaline
ADULT: 500 mcg up to 4
ii) Patients with chronic
Ipratropium Bromide times daily. CHILD 5 - 12
R03BB01320A3002X bronchitis who have airway
810 0.025% Nebulising Solution B years : 125 - 250 mcg up to 4
X obstruction and who do not
(250 mcg/ml) times daily, 12 years : 250 -
respond to salbutamol or
500 mcg up to 4 times daily
terbutaline. Reversible
airways obstruction,
particularly in chronic
obstructive pulmonary
Acute attacks: 1 unit dose
vial. In severe cases not
Management of reversible relieved by 1 unit dose vial, 2
Ipratropium Bromide 0.5 mg
R03AK04320A3001X bronchospasm associated unit dose vials may require,
811 and Salbutamol 2.5 mg per B
X with obstructive airway patient should consult a
diseases doctor immediately.
Maintenance : 1 unit dose
vial 3 - 4 times daily
ADULT & CHILD more than 6
years; Acute asthma 2 puffs.
Management of symptoms in Severe cases: if breathing
chronic obstructive airway has not noticeably improved
Ipratropium Bromide 20 disorders with reversible after 5 mins, 2 further puffs
812 mcg and Fenoterol 50 B bronchospasm such as may be taken. Intermittent
mcg/dose Inhaler bronchial asthma and chronic and long-term treatment 1-2
bronchitis with or without puffs for each administration,
emphysema up to max 8 puffs/day
(average: 1-2 puffs three
times daily)
Management of reversible inhalations 4 times daily.
Ipratropium Bromide 20
R03AK04320A1001X bronchospasm associated Maximum: 12 inhalations
813 mcg and Salbutamol base B
X with obstructive airway daily. CHILD under 12 years
100 mcg/dose Inhalation
diseases not recommended

Only for treatment of :

i) Patients with chronic
20 - 40 mcg 3 - 4 times daily.
bronchitis who have airway
In the early treatment, up to
obstruction and who do not
80 mcg 3 - 4 times daily.
Ipratropium Bromide 20 R03BB01320A1001X respond to Salbutamol or
814 B CHILD up to 6 years : 20
mcg/dose Inhalation X Terbutaline
mcg 3 times daily, 6 - 12
ii) Patients with ischaemic
years : 20 - 40 mcg 3 times
heart disease who develop
extrasystole with Salbutamol
or Terbutaline
Irbesartan 150 mg and Hypertension in patients who
815 Hydrochlorothiazide 12.5 A/KK cannot tolerate ACE 1 tablet daily
mg Tablet inhibitors because of cough
Hypertension, diabetic
C09CA04000T1001X nephropathy (in patients who
816 Irbesartan 150 mg Tablet A/KK 150 mg to 300 mg daily
X cannot tolerate ACE
inhibitors because of cough)

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Irbesartan 300 mg & Hypertension in patients who
817 Hydrochlorothiazide 12.5 A/KK cannot tolerate ACE 1 tablet daily
mg Tablet inhibitors because of cough
Hypertension, diabetic
C09CA04000T1002X nephropathy (in patients who
818 Irbesartan 300 mg Tablet A/KK 150 mg to 300 mg daily
X cannot tolerate ACE
inhibitors because of cough)
Only for patients with
colorectal cancer who:
In combination therapy (for
i) have relapsed within 6
previously untreated
months after the end of
patients): 180 mg/m2 once
adjuvant chemotherapy with
every 2 weeks as an IV
5-fluorouracil-based regime
infusion over 90 mins
ii) have progressive disease
followed by infusion with
Irinotecan HCl Trihydrate 20 L01XX19110P3002X despite 5-fluorouracil
819 A* folinic acid and 5-fluorouracil.
mg/ml Injection X chemotherapy for advanced
In monotherapy (for
previously treated patients):
iii) good performance status
350 mg/m2 administered as
(WHO of 2 or less) The
an intravenous infusion over
treatment must be given in a
90 minutes period once every
tertiary oncology centre or
3 weeks
have clearance in writing by
an oncologist
Only for patients with
colorectal cancer who:
In combination therapy (for
i) have relapsed within 6
previously untreated
months after the end of
patients): 180 mg/m2 once
adjuvant chemotherapy with
every 2 weeks as an IV
5-fluorouracil-based regime
infusion over 90 mins
ii) have progressive disease
followed by infusion with
Irinotecan HCl Trihydrate 40 L01XX19110P3001X despite 5-fluorouracil
820 A* folinic acid and 5-fluorouracil.
mg/2 ml Injection X chemotherapy for advanced
In monotherapy (for
previously treated patients):
iii) good performance status
350 mg/m2 administered as
(WHO of 2 or less) The
an intravenous infusion over
treatment must be given in a
90 minutes period once every
tertiary oncology centre or
3 weeks
have clearance in writing by
an oncologist
Dosage and duration of
therapy are dependent upon
the extent of iron deficiency.
Manifest iron deficiency: 1
chewable tablet two to three
times daily until a
Treatment of latent and
normalization of the
Iron (III)-hydroxide manifest iron deficiency and
hemoglobin value is
polymaltose complex (IPC) B03AD04250T2001X prevention of iron and folic
821 A/KK achieved. Afterwards the
100mg iron and 0.35mg X acid deficiency before, during
therapy should be continued
folic acid chewable tablet after pregnancy (during
with 1 chewable tablet daily
at least until the end of
pregnancy to replenish the
iron stores. Latent iron
deficiency and prevention of
iron and folic acid deficiency:
1 chewable tablet daily

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An initial test dose of 0.5 ml
should be given over the
desired route. For severe iron
Iron Dextran 50 mg Fe/ml B03AC06000P3001X Severe iron deficiency
822 B deficiency anaemia, 1-2 ml
Injection X anaemia
daily given by deep IM.
Dosage is individualized
according to total iron deficit
Dialysis patients on Individualised dosage.
erythropoietin therapy, ADULT and ELDERLY:
second and third trimester Cumulative dose is to be
pregnancy and post partum administered in single doses
anaemia patients with iron of 100 - 200 mg of iron 2 - 3
Iron Sucrose 100 mg/5 ml B03AC02250P3001X
823 A/KK deficiency: times weekly depending on
Injection X
i) who are not responsive to Hb level. By IV drip infusion,
oral iron therapy slow IV injection or directly
ii) who may be at risk of into the venous limb of the
allergic reactions to iron dialyser. Total cumulative
dextran injection dose: 1000 mg
i) Induction- Initiate at a
concentration of 0.5 %
i) Induction and ii) Maintenance- 1 - 2.5 % in
824 Isoflurane Liquid B ii) Maintenance of oxygen or nitrous oxide
anaesthesia mixture. 0.5 - 0.75 % with
oxygen and nitrous oxide for
Caesarian section
i) & ii) ADULT 5-8mg/kg daily
J04AC01000T1001X i) Tuberculosis
825 Isoniazid 100 mg Tablet B (Max 300mg) or 15-20mg/kg
X ii)Tuberculous meningitis
biweekly (max 1200mg)
i) & ii) ADULT 5-8mg/kg daily
J04AC01000T1002X i) Tuberculosis
826 Isoniazid 400 mg Tablet B (Max 300mg) or 15-20mg/kg
X ii)Tuberculous meningitis
biweekly (max 1200mg)
If given as IM: Initially 0.2 mg
(1 ml of 1:5000 solution),
followed by 0.02-1 mg
depending on clinical
response. If given as SC: 0.2
mg (1 ml of 1:5000 solution),
Complete heart block (third-
followed by 0.15-0.2 mg
degree artrioventricular
Isoprenaline HCl 0.2 mg/ml C01CA02110P3001 depending on clinical
827 B block) not responding to
Injection XX response. If given as IV : 1-2
atropine, while waiting for
mg in 500 ml of dextrose 5%,
cardiac pacing
infused at a rate of 0.5-2
ml/min while the patient's
EKG is being monitored. The
dose should be titrated to
produce the desired clinical
If given as IM: Initially 0.2 mg
(1 ml of 1:5000 solution),
followed by 0.02-1 mg
Complete heart block (third-
depending on clinical
degree artrioventricular
Isoprenaline HCl 1 mg/5 ml C01CA02110P3002 response. If given as SC: 0.2
828 B block) not responding to
Injection XX mg (1 ml of 1:5000 solution),
atropine, while waiting for
followed by 0.15-0.2 mg
cardiac pacing
depending on clinical
response. If given as IV : 1-2
mg in 500 ml of dextrose 5%,

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infused at a rate of 0.5-2
ml/min while the patient's
EKG is being monitored. The
dose should be titrated to
produce the desired clinical
2-10 mg/hour IV infusion
Isosorbide Dinitrate 1 mg/ml C01DA08221P3001 Treatment for angina pectoris after dilution, higher doses up
829 A
Injection XX and left ventricular failure to 20 mg/hour may be
Prophylaxis and treatment i) 30 - 120 mg daily in divided
Isosorbide Dinitrate 10 mg C01DA08221T1001X for: doses
830 B
Tablet X i) Angina ii) 40 - 160 mg, up to 240 mg
ii) Left ventricular failure if required
Isosorbide Mononitrate 50 C01DA14221C2001 Prophylaxis and treatment of
831 A 50 mg daily
mg SR Capsule XX angina pectoris
Initiate at 30 mg for 1st 2-4
days to avoid headache.
Isosorbide-5-Mononitrate 30 C01DA14221T5001X Prophylaxis and treatment of
832 A Usual dose: 60 mg once
mg SR Tablet X angina pectoris
daily, may be increased to
120 mg once daily
Isosorbide-5-Mononitrate 60 C01DA14221T5002X Prophylaxis and treatment of 60mg once daily, increase to
833 A
mg SR Tablet X angina pectoris 120 mg daily
0.5-1 mg/kg of body weight
per day (in two divided
doses) for 15 to 20 weeks;
the maximum recommended
dose is 2mg/kg of body
Only for treatment of weight per day. After about 4
i) Severe nodulo-cystic acne weeks, therefore, dosage for
D10BA01000C1001 ii) Acne conglobata the maintenance treatment
834 Isotretinoin 10 mg Capsule A*
XX iii) Acne fulminans iv) Severe should be adjusted within the
acne vulgaris failing range 0f 0.1-1mg/kg daily to
conventional treatment. meet individual need.
Treatment usually lasts a
total of 16 weeks. There
should be an interval of at
least 8 weeks before re-
starting treatment.
0.5-1 mg/kg of body weight
per day (in two divided
doses) for 15 to 20 weeks;
the maximum recommended
Only for treatment of dose is 2mg/kg of body
i) Severe nodulo-cystic acne weight per day. After about 4
ii) Acne conglobata weeks, therefore, dosage for
D10BA01000C1002 iii) Acne fulminans the maintenance treatment
835 Isotretinoin 20 mg Capsule A*
XX iv) Severe acne vulgaris should be adjusted within the
failing conventional treatment range 0f 0.1-1mg/kg daily to
WARNING: THIS DRUG IS meet individual need.
TERATOGENIC Treatment usually lasts a
total of 16 weeks. There
should be an interval of at
least 8 weeks before re-
starting treatment.

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Treatment of gastrointestinal
symptoms of functional, non-
ulcer dyspepsia (chronic
A03FA00110T1001X gastritis) i.e sensation of 50 mg 3 times daily before
836 Itopride HCl 50 mg Tablet A*
X bloating, early satiety, upper meal
abdominal pain or discomfort,
anorexia, heartburn, nausea
and vomiting
i) 200 mg daily for 1 week. If
no response after 1 week,
continue treatment for
Treatment of: another week
i) oral and/or oesophageal ii) 100 - 200 mg twice daily
Itraconazole 10 mg/ml Oral J02AC02000L9901X candidiasis for 2 weeks. If no response
837 A*
Solution X ii) fluconazole resistant after 2 weeks, continue
and/or oesophageal treatment for another 2
candidiasis weeks. The 400 mg daily
dose should not be used for
more than 14 days if there
are no signs of improvement
i) 200 mg once daily for 7
i) Dermatomycosis including ii) 100 mg daily for 15 days
pityriasis versicolor iii) 200 mg twice daily for 7
ii) Oral candidiasis days
Itraconazole 100 mg J02AC02000C1001X iii) Palmar tinea manus and iv) 200mg twice daily for 1
838 A/KK
Capsule X plantar tinea pedis week per month for 2 months
iv) Fingernail onychomycosis v) 200 mg twice daily for 1
v) Toenail onychomycosis week per month for 3 months
vi) Vulvovaginal candidiasis vi)200 mg morning and
evening for 1 day or 200 mg
once daily for 3 days
i) Symptomatic treatment of
chronic stable angina
pectoris in patients with
normal sinus rhythm, who
have a contraindication or
intolerance to beta blockers
ii) Treatment of coronary
artery disease. Symptomatic
treatment of chronic stable
Initial dose 5 mg twice daily.
angina pectoris in coronary
May increase dose after 3-4
artery disease patients with
weeks to 7.5 mg twice daily
normal sinus rhythm.
C01EB17110T1001X depending on response.
839 Ivabradine 5 mg Tablet A* Ivabradine is indicated: - in
X ELDERLY, initial dose 2.5
patients unable to tolerate or
mg twice daily and titrate to a
with a contraindication to the
maximum of 7.5 mg twice
use of beta-blockers - or in
combination with beta-
blockers in patients
inadequately controlled with
an optimal beta-blocker dose
and whose heart rate is > 60
bpm. Treatment of chronic
heart failure. Ivabradine is
indicated in chronic heart
failure NYHA II to IV class

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with sinus rhythm and whose
heart rate is ≥75bpm, in
combination with standard
beta-blocker therapy or when
beta- blocker therapy is
contraindicated or not
i) Symptomatic treatment of
chronic stable angina
pectoris in patients with
normal sinus rhythm, who
have a contraindication or
intolerance to beta blockers
ii) Treatment of coronary
artery disease. Symptomatic
treatment of chronic stable
angina pectoris in coronary
artery disease patients with
normal sinus rhythm.
Ivabradine is indicated: - in Initial dose 5 mg twice daily.
patients unable to tolerate or May increase dose after 3-4
with a contraindication to the weeks to 7.5 mg twice daily
C01EB17110T1002X use of beta-blockers - or in depending on response.
840 Ivabradine 7.5 mg Tablet A*
X combination with beta- ELDERLY, initial dose 2.5
blockers in patients mg twice daily and titrate to a
inadequately controlled with maximum of 7.5 mg twice
an optimal beta-blocker dose daily
and whose heart rate is > 60
bpm. Treatment of chronic
heart failure. Ivabradine is
indicated in chronic heart
failure NYHA II to IV class
with sinus rhythm and whose
heart rate is ≥75bpm, in
combination with standard
beta-blocker therapy or when
beta- blocker therapy is
contraindicated or not
i) ADULT: 1 - 2 g daily IM in 1
i) Treatment of gonorrhoea - 2 equally divided doses.
and neonatal meningitis CHILD: 30 - 50 mg/kg/day in
J01GB04183P4001X ii) Treatment of TB patients 1 - 2 divided doses
841 Kanamycin 1 g Injection A*
X who require reserved second ii) ADULT: 2 g daily IM in 2
line drugs but have no pre- equally divided doses twice a
existing renal complications week or 1 g once daily 3
days a week
IV Initially, 1-4.5 mg/kg IV, a
Sole anaesthetic for short
dose of 2 mg/kg produces
procedures or induction of
Ketamine 10 mg/ml N01AX03110P3001X anesth for 5-10 mins. IM
842 B anaesthesia in certain types
Injection X Initially, 6.5-13 mg/kg IM, a
of patients (e.g in shock
dose of 10 mg/kg produces
anesth for 12-25 mins.
IV Initially, 1-4.5 mg/kg IV, a
Sole anaesthetic for short
Ketamine 50 mg/ml N01AX03110P3002X dose of 2 mg/kg produces
843 B procedures or induction of
Injection X anesthesia for 5-10 mins. IM
anaesthesia in certain types
Initially, 6.5-13 mg/kg IM, a

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of patients (e.g in shock dose of 10 mg/kg produces
states) anesthesia for 12-25 mins.
Apply twice weekly for 2 - 4
844 Ketoconazole 2% Shampoo A/KK Resistant dandruff only weeks. Prophylaxis: Once
every 1 - 2 weeks
i) 200 mg with meal once
i) Pityriasis versicolor daily for 10 days
Ketoconazole 200 mg J02AB02000T1001X ii) Systemic mycosis (other ii) 200 - 400 mg daily for 4
845 A/KK
Tablet X skin mycoses) weeks - 6 months
iii) Nail infections iii) 200 - 400 mg daily for 6 -
12 months.
As a short term treatment for
M02AA10000G3001 Apply onto affected areas 2-4
846 Ketoprofen 2.5% Gel A traumatic lesions, sprains,
XX times daily up to 10 days.
tendinitis, oedema, bruises
200mg in the morning or
Ketoprofen 200 mg Slow M01AE03000C2002 Pain and inflammation in evening. Should be taken
847 A/KK
Release Capsule XX rheumatic disease with food: Take immediately
after meals.
Treatment of signs &
symptoms of arthritis
deformans, periarthritis
Ketoprofen 30 mg M02AA10000M7001 humero-scapularis, tendinitis, Apply 1 plaster to the
848 A
Transdermal Plaster XX peritendinitis, sore muscle, affected area twice daily
swelling, pain resulting from
trauma (eg. contusion,
distorsion, sprain).
By deep IM into gluteal
To be used only in treatment muscle, 50-100 mg every 4
Ketoprofen 50 mg/ml M01AE03000P3001
849 A* of acute inflammatory hours. Maximum 200 mg in
Injection XX
conditions 24 hours for up to 3 days.
Child not recommended
Prophylaxis and reduction of
i) Ocular itching due to
inflammation and associated
allergic conjunctivitis
symptoms following ocular
Ketorolac Tromethamine S01BC05239D2001 ii) Prophylaxis and reduction
850 A surgery: 1 drop 3 times daily
0.5% Eye drops XX of inflammation and
starting 24 hours pre-
associated symptoms
operatively and continuing up
following ocular surgery
to 3 weeks post-operatively.
ADULT: 60mg as a single
dose via IM inj or 30mg as a
Short term management of
Ketorolac Tromethamine 30 M01AB15239P3001 single IV dose. Alternatively,
851 A* moderate to severe
mg/ml Injection XX 30mg every 6 hr via IM or IV
postoperative pain
admin up to a max of 120mg
ADULT: 100 mg (50 mg in
elderly) daily with food,
increased at intervals of 14
Labetalol HCl 100 mg C07AG01110T1001 Hypertension (including in days to usual dose of 200 mg
852 B
Tablet XX pregnancy) twice daily, up to 800 mg
twice daily (3 - 4 divided
doses if higher dose). Max:
2.4 g daily
ADULT: 100 mg (50 mg in
elderly) daily with food,
Labetalol HCl 200 mg C07AG01110T1002 Hypertension (including in
853 B increased at intervals of 14
Tablet XX pregnancy)
days to usual dose of 200 mg
twice daily, up to 800 mg

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twice daily (3 - 4 divided
doses if higher dose). Max:
2.4 g daily

ADULT: 20mg injected slowly

for at least 2 min, followed by
40-80mg dose every 10 min,
Labetalol HCl 5 mg/ml C07AG01110P3001
854 B Hypertension crisis if necessary upto 300 mg.
Injection XX
Patient should remain supine
during and 3 hr after the
Atrophic vaginitis: 1 vaginal
tablet daily for 6-12 days
followed by a maintenance
dose of 1 vaginal tablet for 1-
2 days per week Restoration
i) Atrophic vaginitis due to therapy: 1-2 vaginal tablet
estrogen deficiency during daily for 6-12 days
menopause and post- Administration The vaginal
menopause, or as co- tablets should be inserted
medication to systemic deeply into the vagina in the
Lactobacillus acidophilus
G03CC06953T1001 hormone replacement evenings before bedtime.
855 100 million viable cells and A/KK
XX therapy In cases of a very dry vagina,
estriol 0.03mg vaginal tablet
ii) Restoration of the vaginal tablet can be
Lactobacillus flora after local moistened with 1 or 2 drops
and/or systemic treatment of water before insertion into
with anti-infective agents or the vagina.
chemotherapeutic agents During menstruation,
treatment should be
interrupted and resumed
afterwards Should not use
vaginal douches or rinses
during treatment
i) ADULT 15 ml twice daily
adjusted to patient's need.
CHILD 0.5 ml/kg/dose once
A06AD11000L5001X i) Constipation or twice daily
856 Lactulose 3.35 g/5 ml Liquid C+
X ii) Hepatic encephalopathy ii) 30-50 ml 3-4 times daily,
dose adjusted to produce 2-3
soft stools daily. CHILD 1
ml/kg/dose 3-4 times daily
ADULT: 150 mg twice daily
or 300 mg once daily.
HIV infection in combination
Lamivudine 10 mg/ml Oral J05AF05000L9901X INFANT under 1 month: 2
857 A* with other antiretroviral
Solution X mg/kg twice daily. CHILD 3
month or over: 4 mg/kg twice
daily. Maximum 300 mg daily
Adult: 100 mg once daily. For
Management of chronic patients with
hepatitis B infection concomitant HIV infection:
858 Lamivudine 100 mg Tablet A* associated with evidence of 300 mg once daily or in 2
hepatitis B viral replication divided doses. Child: >2 yr: 3
and active liver inflammation mg/kg once daily. Max: 100

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ADULT: 150 mg twice daily
or 300 mg once daily.
HIV infection in combination
J05AF05000T1002X INFANT under 1 month: 2
859 Lamivudine 150 mg Tablet A/KK with other antiretroviral
X mg/kg twice daily. CHILD 3
month or over: 4 mg/kg twice
daily. Maximum 300 mg daily
i) Adjunctive or monotherapy
for partial seizures and
generalised tonic-clonic
seizures not satisfactorily
controlled with other
i) Up to 200 mg daily in single
N03AX09000T1002X antiepileptic drugs
860 Lamotrigine 100 mg Tablet A or divided dosage
X ii) Prevention of mood
ii) 25- 200 mg daily
episodes in adult 18 years
and above with bipolar
disorder, predominately by
preventing depressive
Lamotrigine 25 mg
N03AX09000T2001X Add-on therapy in intractable 25 mg daily - 50 mg twice
861 Dispersible/Chewable A
X partial seizures daily
a) Add-on therapy in patients
not taking Valproate: week 1
and 2: 2 mg/kg/day twice
daily, week 3 and 4: 5
mg/kg/day twice daily.
Maintenance: 5 - 15
mg/kg/day twice daily b) Add-
on therapy in patients taking
Lamotrigine 5 mg
N03AX09000T2002X Management of seizures in Valproate or other anti-
862 Dispersible/Chewable A
X children aged 2 - 12 years epileptic drugs, week 1 and
2: 0.2 mg/kg/day as a single
dose (children less than 25
kg may take 5 mg on
alternate days), week 3 and
4: 0.5 mg/kg/day as a single
dose. Maintenance dose: 1 -
5 mg/kg/day once daily or
twice daily
i) Adjunctive or monotherapy
for partial seizures and
generalised tonic-clonic
seizures not satisfactorily
controlled with other
i) Up to 200 mg daily in single
N03AX09000T1001X antiepileptic drugs
863 Lamotrigine 50 mg Tablet A or divided dosage
X ii) Prevention of mood
ii) 25- 200 mg daily
episodes in adult 18 years
and above with bipolar
disorder, predominately by
preventing depressive

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i) 30mg daily in the morning
for up to 4 weeks (duodenal
ulcer) or up to 8 weeks
(gastric ulcer). Maintenance:
ii) 30mg OD in the morning
for up to 8 weeks if not
i) Peptic ulcer disease
healed. Maintenance: 15mg
ii) Reflux oesophagitis
iii) Zollinger-Ellison
A02BC03000T1001X iii) Initially 60mg OM & adjust
864 Lansoprazole 30 mg Tablet A* Syndrome
X as required. Daily doses
iv) For eradication of
>120mg should be given in 2
Helicobacter pylori in
divided doses.
combination with antibiotic
iv) 30 mg twice daily in
combination with any of the 2
antibiotics (clarithromycin
500 mg twice daily ,
amoxicillin 1 g twice daily or
metronidazole 400 mg twice
daily) for 1-2 weeks
Phosphate binding agent for
Initial: 750 to 1500 mg/day in
the treatment of
divided doses with meals,
hyperphosphataemia in
then titrate in increments of
Lanthanum Carbonate V03AE03130T2004X dialysis patients with
865 A* 750 mg/day at intervals of 2
1000mg Chewable Tablet X sustained hypercalcaemia of
to 3 weeks. Maintenance:
more than three months and
1500-3000 mg/day in divided
doses. Max: 3750 g/day
Hurler and Hurler-Scheie
forms of
Mucopolysaccharidosis I 0.58 mg/kg of body weight
Laronidase 2.9 mg/5ml A16AB05000P3001X
866 A* (MPS I) and for patients with administered once-weekly as
Injection X
the Scheie form who have an intravenous infusion
moderate to severe
i) 5,000 iu/m2 for 10 days
during induction, 10,000
iu/m2 also used with high
i) Acute lymphoblastic dose methotrexate rescue in
L-Asparaginase 10,000 IU L01XX02000P3001X
867 A* leukemia consolidation phase of acute
Injection X
ii) Non-hodgkin's lymphoma lymphoblastic leukemia
ii) CHILD: 5,000 - 25,000
iu/m2 per dose depending on
For reduction of Intraocular
Pressure (IOP) in patients
Latanoprost 0.005% and with Open-angle Glaucoma
S01ED51990D2004 1 drop in the affected eye(s)
868 timolol maleate 0.5% eye A* (OAG) and Ocular
XX once daily
drops Hypertension (OH) who are
insufficiently responsive to
topical beta-blocker.
The recommended dosage is
Reduction of elevated one drop (1.5 µg) in the
Latanoprost 0.005% Eye S01EE01000D2001X intraocular pressure in affected eye(s) once daily in
869 A*
Drops X patients with open-angle the evening. If more than one
glaucoma topical ophthalmic drug is
being used, the drugs should

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be administered at least five
(5) minutes apart
Loading dose: 100 mg once
i) Persistent active
L04AA13000T1001X daily for 3 days.
870 Leflunomide 10 mg Tablet A* rheumatoid arthritis
X Maintenance: 10-20 mg once
ii) Active psoriatic arthritis
Loading dose: 100 mg once
i) Persistent active
L04AA13000T1002X daily for 3 days.
871 Leflunomide 20 mg Tablet A* rheumatoid arthritis
X Maintenance: 10-20 mg once
ii) Active psoriatic arthritis
Recommended starting dose:
25 mg once daily on days 1
to 21 of repeated 28 day
In combination with
cycle with dexamethasone 40
dexamethesone is indicated
mg once daily on days 1 to 4,
Lenalidomide 10 mg L04AX04000C1002X for the treatment of multiple
872 A* 9 to 12 and 17 to 20 of each
Capsule X myeloma patients who have
28 day cycle for the first 4
received at least one prior
cycles of therapy, thereafter
dexamethasone 40 mg once
daily on day 1 to 4 every 28
day cycle
Recommended starting dose:
25 mg once daily on days 1
to 21 of repeated 28 day
In combination with
cycle with dexamethasone 40
dexamethesone is indicated
mg once daily on days 1 to 4,
Lenalidomide 15 mg L04AX04000C1003X for the treatment of multiple
873 A* 9 to 12 and 17 to 20 of each
Capsule X myeloma patients who have
28 day cycle for the first 4
received at least one prior
cycles of therapy, thereafter
dexamethasone 40 mg once
daily on day 1 to 4 every 28
day cycle
Recommended starting dose:
25 mg once daily on days 1
to 21 of repeated 28 day
In combination with
cycle with dexamethasone 40
dexamethesone is indicated
mg once daily on days 1 to 4,
Lenalidomide 25 mg L04AX04000C1004X for the treatment of multiple
874 A* 9 to 12 and 17 to 20 of each
Capsule X myeloma patients who have
28 day cycle for the first 4
received at least one prior
cycles of therapy, thereafter
dexamethasone 40 mg once
daily on day 1 to 4 every 28
day cycle
Recommended starting dose:
25 mg once daily on days 1
to 21 of repeated 28 day
In combination with
cycle with dexamethasone 40
dexamethesone is indicated
mg once daily on days 1 to 4,
L04AX04000C1001X for the treatment of multiple
875 Lenalidomide 5 mg Capsule A* 9 to 12 and 17 to 20 of each
X myeloma patients who have
28 day cycle for the first 4
received at least one prior
cycles of therapy, thereafter
dexamethasone 40 mg once
daily on day 1 to 4 every 28
day cycle

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i) Treatment of hormone
responsive metastatic or
locally advance breast
cancer after failure of
ii) Adjunct for node positive
L02BG04000T1001X postmenopausal women with
876 Letrozole 2.5 mg Tablet A* 2.5 mg once daily
X early breast cancer (positive
or unknown oestrogen or
positive progesterone
receptor status / receptor
status) who have received 5
years of adjuvant tamoxifen
Leucovorin Calcium
V03AF03390T1001X Treatment of folic acid 15 mg every 6 hours for the
877 (Calcium Folinate) 15 mg A
X antagonist overdose next 48 - 72 hours
i) 200mg/m2 by slow IV
injection over a minimum 3
minutes, followed by 5-
Fluorouracil or 20mg/m2 IV
i) Biochemical modulator for followed by 5-Fluorouracil. In
5-Fluorouracil in the both cases, treatment is
treatment of colorectal repeated daily for 5 days;
Leucovorin Calcium
V03AF03237P3001X cancer may repeat at 4-week
878 (Calcium Folinate) 3 mg A
X ii) As rescue for high dose intervals for 2 courses then
methotrexate 4- to 5-week intervals
iii) Megaloblastic anaemias ii) 15 mg (approximately
due to deficiency of folic acid 10mg/m2) every 6 hours for
10 doses, starting 24 hours
after the beginning of the
methotrexate infusion
iii) Up to 1 mg daily
i) 200mg/m2 by slow IV
injection over a minimum 3
minutes, followed by 5-
Fluorouracil or 20mg/m2 IV
followed by 5-Fluorouracil. In
both cases, treatment is
repeated daily for 5 days;
i) Biochemical modulator for
may repeat at 4-week
5-Fluorouracil in the
intervals for 2 courses then
treatment of colorectal
Leucovorin Calcium 4- to 5-week intervals
V03AF03237P3002X cancer
879 (Calcium Folinate) 50 mg A ii) 15 mg (approximately
X ii) As rescue for high dose
Injection 10mg/m2) every 6 hours for
10 doses, starting 24 hours
iii) Gestational trophoblastic
after the beginning of the
methotrexate infusion
iii) 6 - 12 mg exactly 30 hours
after each dose of
methotrexate. In EMA-CO
regime for high risk
gestational trophoblastic
disease, use 30 mg IM
i) Endometriosis
Leuprolide Acetate 11.25 L02AE02122P5002X
880 A* ii) Hormonal therapy in 11.25 mg every 3 months
mg Injection X
advanced prostate cancer

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i) 3.75 mg monthly for 3 - 6
i) Endometriosis
Leuprolide Acetate 3.75 mg L02AE02122P5001X months
881 A* ii) Hormonal therapy in
Injection X ii) 3.75 mg IM or SC injection
advanced prostate cancer
i) ADULTS and
years): Starting dose: 250 mg
twice daily, Increase dose to
500 mg twice daily after 2
i) Monotherapy therapy in the week. Dose can be further
treatment of partial onset increased by 250 mg twice
seizures with or without daily every 2 weeks
secondary generalization in depending upon the clinical
patients from age 16 years of response. Max: 1500 mg
age with newly diagnosed twice daily.
epilepsy ii) ADULT more than 18
ii) Adjunctive treatment in years and ADOLESCENT
partial onset seizures with or (12 to 17 years) more than or
without secondary equal to 50 kg: Initially 500
Levetiracetam 100 mg/ml N03AX14000P3001X generalization in adults and mg twice daily may be
882 A*
Injection X children from 4 years of age increased up to 1500 mg
with epilepsy; juvenile twice daily. Dose changes
myoclonic epilepsy and can be made in 500 mg twice
idiopathic generalized tonic daily increments or
clonic epilepsy from 12 years decrements 2 to 4 weekly.
of age. To be initiated when CHILD (4 to 11 years) and
conventional IV antiepileptic ADOLESCENT (12 to 17
drugs failed to achieve years) less than 50 kg :
control, or oral form is Initially 10 mg/kg twice daily,
temporarily not feasible in may be increased up to 30
seizure emergencies mg/kg twice daily. Dose
changes should not exceed
increments or decrements of
10 mg/kg twice daily every 2
weeks. CHILD more than or
equal to 50 kg: Adult dose
CHILD: 4-11 years and
adolescent (12-17 years) less
As adjunctive therapy in the
than 50 kg: Initially 10 mg/kg
treatment of partial onset
twice daily, may be increased
Levetiracetam 100 mg/ml N03AX14000L9901X seizures with or without
883 A* up to 30 mg/kg twice daily.
Oral Solution X secondary generalization in
Dose changes should not
adults and children from 4
exceed increments or
years of age with epilepsy
decrements of 10 mg/kg two
times daily twice weekly

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i) Monotherapy ADULTS and
years): Starting dose: 250 mg
twice daily, Increase dose to
500 mg twice daily after 2
week. Dose can be further
increased by 250 mg twice
daily every 2 week
i) Monotherapy therapy in the
depending upon the clinical
treatment of partial onset
response. Max: 1500 mg
seizures with or without
twice daily.
secondary generalization in
ii) ADULT more than 18
patients from age 16 years of
years and ADOLESCENT
age with newly diagnosed
(12-17 years) more than or
equal to 50 kg: Initially 500
ii) Adjunctive treatment in
Levetiracetam 250 mg N03AX14000T1001X mg twice daily may be
884 A* partial onset seizures with or
Tablet X increased up to 1500 mg
without secondary
twice daily. Dose changes
generalization in adults and
can be made in 500 mg twice
children from 4 years of age
daily increments or
with epilepsy; juvenile
decrements 2-4 weekly.
myoclonic epilepsy and
CHILD (4-11 years) and
idiopathic generalized tonic
ADOLESCENT (12-17 years)
clonic epilepsy from 12 years
less than 50 kg : Initially 10
of age
mg/kg twice daily, may be
increased up to 30 mg/kg
twice daily. Dose changes
should not exceed
increments or decrements of
10 mg/kg twice daily every 2
weeks. CHILD more than or
equal to 50 kg: Adult dose
i) Monotherapy ADULTS and
years) : Starting dose: 250
mg twice daily, Increase dose
to 500 mg twice daily after 2
i) Monotherapy therapy in the
week. Dose can be further
treatment of partial onset
increased by 250 mg twice
seizures with or without
daily every 2 week
secondary generalization in
depending upon the clinical
patients from age 16 years of
response. Max: 1500 mg
age with newly diagnosed
twice daily.
ii) ADULT more than 18
ii) Adjunctive treatment in
Levetiracetam 500 mg N03AX14000T1002X years and ADOLESCENT
885 A* partial onset seizures with or
Tablet X (12-17 years) more than or
without secondary
equal to 50 kg: Initially 500
generalization in adults and
mg twice daily may be
children from 4 years of age
increased up to 1500 mg
with epilepsy; juvenile
twice daily. Dose changes
myoclonic epilepsy and
can be made in 500 mg twice
idiopathic generalized tonic
daily increments or
clonic epilepsy from 12 years
decrements 2-4 weekly.
of age
CHILD (4-11 years) and
ADOLESCENT (12-17 years)
less than 50 kg : Initially 10
mg/kg twice daily, may be
increased up to 30 mg/kg

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twice daily. Dose changes
should not exceed
increments or decrements of
10 mg/kg twice daily every 2
weeks. CHILD more than or
equal to 50 kg: Adult dose
Surgical anesthesia: Lumber
epidural: 10 - 20 ml (50 - 150
Production of local or mg), caesarean section: 15 -
regional anesthesia for 30 ml (75 - 150 mg),
Levobupivacaine 5mg/ml N01BB10110P3001X
886 A surgery and obstetrics, and intrathecal: 3 ml (15 mg),
Injection X
for postoperative pain peripheral nerve block: 1 - 40
management ml, ilioinguinal/iliohypogastric
block. CHILD : 0.25 - 0.5
ml/kg (1.25-2.5 mg/kg)
Symptomatic treatment of
Children above 12 years and
allergic rhinitis (including
Levocetirizine R06AE09110T1001X adults: 5 mg orally once daily
887 A* persistent allergic rhinitis)
Dihydrochloride 5 mg Tablet X (Swallow whole, do not
and chronic idopathic
Initially 1 cap tds. Max initial
dose: 6 caps/day. Patients
previously on immediate-
Levodopa 100 mg and
N04BA02977T4001X preparations: Initially dose
888 Benserazide 25 mg A* Parkinson's Disease
X should substitute every
Dispersible Tablet
100mg of Levodopa with 1
controlled-released cap,
given at same dosage
frequency as before.
Increase every 2-3 days.
Patients not receiving
Levodopa before, initially 100
- 125 mg 3 - 4 times daily
adjusted according to
response. Maintenance: 0.75
Levodopa 100 mg and N04BA02000T1001X
889 B Parkinson's disease - 2 g in divided doses. In
Carbidopa 25 mg Tablet X
patients previously treated
with Levodopa the dose
should be about 20 - 25% of
the dose previously being
Initial: 100/25 mg 1-2
times/day, increase every 3-4
days until therapeutic effect,
optimal dosage: 400/100 mg
to 800/200 mg/day divided
Levodopa 100 mg,
N04BA02977C1001 into 4-6 doses. Dose: 200/50
890 Benserazide 25 mg HBS B Parkinson's Disease
XX mg used only when
maintenance therapy is
reached and not to exceed
levodopa 1000-1200
mg/benserazide 250-300 mg
per day

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The optimum daily dosage
must be determined by
careful titration of levodopa in
each patient. The daily dose
should preferably be
optimised using 1 of the 4
available tablet strengths
150/37.5/200mg or
ne). Patients should be
instructed to take only 1
tablet/dose administration.
While the experience with
total daily dosage >200 mg
Levodopa 100 mg, carbidopa is limited, the
N04BA03977T1002X Idiopathic Parkinson's
891 Carbidopa 25 mg and A* maximum recommended
X disease
Entacapone 200 mg Tablet daily dose of entacapone is
2000 mg and therefore the
maximum dose, for the
strengths of 50/12.5/200 mg,
100/25/200 mg and
150/37.5/200 mg, is 10
tablets/day. Ten (10) tablets
of the strength 150/37.5/200
mg equals carbidopa 375
mg/day. Therefore, using a
maximum recommended
daily dose of carbidopa 375
mg, the maximum daily dose
of 200/50/200 mg is 7 tablets
per day. The maximum total
daily levodopa dose
administered should not
exceed 1500 mg.
The optimum daily dosage
must be determined by
careful titration of levodopa in
each patient. The daily dose
should preferably be
optimised using 1 of the 4
available tablet strengths
Levodopa 150 mg, 150/37.5/200mg or
N04BA03977T1003X Idiopathic Parkinson's
892 Carbidopa 37.5 mg and A* 200/50/200mg
X disease
Entacapone 200 mg Tablet levodopa/carbidopa/entacapo
ne). Patients should be
instructed to take only 1
tablet/dose administration.
While the experience with
total daily dosage >200 mg
carbidopa is limited, the
maximum recommended
daily dose of entacapone is
2000 mg and therefore the

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maximum dose, for the
strengths of 50/12.5/200 mg,
100/25/200 mg and
150/37.5/200 mg, is 10
tablets/day. Ten (10) tablets
of the strength 150/37.5/200
mg equals carbidopa 375
mg/day. Therefore, using a
maximum recommended
daily dose of carbidopa 375
mg, the maximum daily dose
of 200/50/200 mg is 7 tablets
per day. The maximum total
daily levodopa dose
administered should not
exceed 1500 mg.
Initial: 100/25 mg 1-2
times/day, increase every 3-4
days until therapeutic effect,
optimal dosage: 400/100 mg
to 800/200 mg/day divided
Levodopa 200 mg, N04BA02977T1001X into 4-6 doses. Dose: 200/50
893 B Parkinson's Disease
Benserazide 50 mg Tablet X mg used only when
maintenance therapy is
reached and not to exceed
levodopa 1000-1200
mg/benserazide 250-300 mg
per day
The optimum daily dosage
must be determined by
careful titration of levodopa in
each patient. The daily dose
should preferably be
optimised using 1 of the 4
available tablet strengths
150/37.5/200mg or
ne). Patients should be
Levodopa 200 mg, instructed to take only 1
N04BA03977T1004X Idiopathic Parkinson's
894 Carbidopa 50 mg & A* tablet/dose administration.
X disease
Entacapone 200 mg Tablet While the experience with
total daily dosage >200 mg
carbidopa is limited, the
maximum recommended
daily dose of entacapone is
2000 mg and therefore the
maximum dose, for the
strengths of 50/12.5/200 mg,
100/25/200 mg and
150/37.5/200 mg, is 10
tablets/day. Ten (10) tablets
of the strength 150/37.5/200
mg equals carbidopa 375
mg/day. Therefore, using a

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maximum recommended
daily dose of carbidopa 375
mg, the maximum daily dose
of 200/50/200 mg is 7 tablets
per day. The maximum total
daily levodopa dose
administered should not
exceed 1500 mg.
Patients not receiving
Levodopa before, initially 100
- 125 mg 3 - 4 times daily
adjusted according to
response. Maintenance: 0.75
Levodopa 250 mg and N04BA02000T1002X
895 B Parkinson's disease - 2 g in divided doses. In
Carbidopa 25 mg Tablet X
patients previously treated
with Levodopa the dose
should be about 20 - 25% of
the dose previous being
The optimum daily dosage
must be determined by
careful titration of levodopa in
each patient. The daily dose
should preferably be
optimised using 1 of the 4
available tablet strengths
150/37.5/200mg or
ne). Patients should be
instructed to take only 1
tablet/dose administration.
While the experience with
total daily dosage >200 mg
Levodopa 50 mg, carbidopa is limited, the
N04BA03977T1001X Idiopathic Parkinson's
896 Carbidopa 12.5 mg & A* maximum recommended
X disease
Entacapone 200 mg Tablet daily dose of entacapone is
2000 mg and therefore the
maximum dose, for the
strengths of 50/12.5/200 mg,
100/25/200 mg and
150/37.5/200 mg, is 10
tablets/day. Ten (10) tablets
of the strength 150/37.5/200
mg equals carbidopa 375
mg/day. Therefore, using a
maximum recommended
daily dose of carbidopa 375
mg, the maximum daily dose
of 200/50/200 mg is 7 tablets
per day. The maximum total
daily levodopa dose
administered should not
exceed 1500 mg.

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J01MA12000T1001X Community acquired
897 Levofloxacin 250 mg Tablet A* 500 mg daily for 7 - 14 days
X pneumonia
Levofloxacin 500 mg J01MA12000P3001X Community Acquired
898 A* 500 mg daily for 7 - 14 days
Injection X Pneumonia
J01MA12000T1002X Community acquired
899 Levofloxacin 500 mg Tablet A* 500 mg daily for 7 - 14 days
X pneumonia
Emergency contraception
1.5 mg as a single dose as
within 72 hours of
soon as possible after coitus
Levonorgestrel 1.5 mg G03AC03000T1001 unprotected sexual
900 A* [preferably within 12 hours
Tablet XX intercourse for the female
but no later than after 72
victim of sexual violence to
prevent unwanted pregnancy
Levonorgestrel 150 mcg 1 tablet daily for 21 days from
901 and Ethinyloestradiol 30 C+ Contraception first day of the cycle, followed
mcg Tablet by 7 tab free days
i) & ii):One unit intrauterine
device to be inserted into the
uterine cavity within 7 days of
the onset of menstruation or
i) Contraception (Initial immediately after first
Levonorgestrel 52 mg G02BA03000P1001 release rate of 20 mcg/24 trimester abortion.
902 A*
Intrauterine System XX hours). Postpartum insertion should
ii) Idiopathic menorrhagia be postponed until 6 weeks
after delivery.Can be inserted
at any time of amenorrheic
woman. One unit IUD is
effective for 5 years
Start at low dose and
increase at 2-4 weeks
interval. Adult: Initially, 50-
100 mcg/day may increase
by 25-50 mcg at
approximately 3 to 4 weeks
intervals until the thyroid
deficiency is corrected.
Levothyroxine Sodium 100 H03AA01520T1001X
903 B Hypothyroidism Maintenance: 100-200
mcg Tablet X
mcg/day. CHILD; 0 - 3
months: 10 - 15 mcg/kg/day;
3 - 6 months: 8 - 10
mcg/kg/day; 6 - 12 months: 6
- 8 mcg/kg/day; 1 - 5 years: 5
- 6 mcg/kg/day; 6 - 12 years:
4 - 5 mcg/kg/day; more than
12 years: 2 -3 mcg/kg/day
Start at low dose and
increase at 2-4 weeks
interval. Usual recommended
dose for
i) Treatment of benign
euthyroid goitre: 75-200mcg.
Levothyroxine Sodium 25 H03AA01152T1003X
904 B Hypothyroidism ii) Prophylaxis of relapse
mcg Tablet X
after surgery for euthyroid
goitre: 75-200mcg
iii) Substitution therapy in
hypothyroidism: ADULT
Initially, 25-50mcg/day.
Maintenance: 100-

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200mcg/day. CHILDREN
Initially 12.5-50mcg/day,
Maintenance: 100-
150mcg/m2 body surface
iv) Concomitant
supplementation during anti-
thyroid drug treatment of
hyperthyroidism: 50-100mcg
v) Suppression therapy in
thyroid cancer: 150-300mcg
Start at low dose and
increase at 2-4 weeks
interval. Usual recommended
dose for
i) Treatment of benign
euthyroid goitre: 75-200mcg.
ii) Prophylaxis of relapse
after surgery for euthyroid
goitre: 75-200mcg
iii) Substitution therapy in
hypothyroidism: ADULT
Levothyroxine Sodium 50 H03AA01520T1002X Initially, 25-50mcg/day.
905 B Hypothyroidism
mcg Tablet X Maintenance: 100-
200mcg/day. CHILDREN
Initially 12.5-50mcg/day,
Maintenance: 100-
150mcg/m2 body surface
iv) Concomitant
supplementation during anti-
thyroid drug treatment of
hyperthyroidism: 50-100mcg
v) Suppression therapy in
thyroid cancer: 150-300mcg
Used for painless
venepunctures, radial artery
cannulations before
extradural/spinal and other
Apply a thick layer under
Lidocaine 25mg and N01BB52974G1001 regional blocks in children
906 A occlusive dressing at least 1
Prilocaine 25mg Cream XX above 1 year old and adults.
hour before the procedure
Also used in chronic renal
failure patients for insertion of
A-V fistulas and shunts for
Indicated for the symptomatic
relief of neuropathic pain
1 patch /day (Adults &
associated with previous
elderly. Cover the painful
herpes zoster infection (post-
area once daily for up to 12
herpetic neuralgia, PHN).
Lidocaine Medicated N01BB02110M6001 hr w/in 24-hr period.
907 A* Restrictions:
Plaster 5% w/w XX Subsequent plaster-free
i) For elderly patients with
interval: At least 12 hr. Not
polymedication status whom
more than 3 plasters should
certain treatment was
be used at the same time)
contraindicated or not

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ii) Prescribed by pain
specialist only.
For surface anaesthesia in
N01BB02110A4001X dental practice, in
908 Lignocaine 10 % w/w Spray B Spray to affected part
X otorhinolaryngology and
Lignocaine 2 % with For local anaesthesia By infiltration: 0.5 - 1 ml; not
909 Adrenaline (1:80,000) B including infiltration, nerve to exceed 7 mg/kg body
Injection and plexus blocks weight
Use for endotracheal tubes
and instruments, painful
procedures in the ear, nose
and throat, burns, wounds, Apply to affected area 10
910 Lignocaine 2% Jelly B abrasions, lacerations; mins before catheterization,
catheterisation of the male etc
and female urethra and for
symptomatic treatment of
cystitis and urethritis
As 2% soln: For pain: 300 mg
For post-tonsilectomy, sore
rinsed and ejected for mouth
throat, dumping syndrome,
and throat pain; or gargled
hiccough, reflux vomiting,
Lignocaine 2% Viscous N01BB02110L5001X and swallowed if necessary
911 A painful lesions of the mouth,
Solution X for pharyngeal pain. Not to
cardiospasm, instrumentation
be used more frequently than
of the respiratory and
every 3 hr. Max (topical oral
digestive tract
soln): 2.4 g/day.
Adult Male Instil 20 mL slowly
into the urethra until it
reaches external sphincter,
proximal to the prostrate.
Subsequently, apply
compression at the corona
To provide local anaesthesia for several mins. Fill the
and lubrication during length of the urethra w/ the
catheterization, exploration remaining gel. Sounding
Lignocaine 2% with N01BB52974G3001 by sound and other procedure or cytoscopy Instill
912 B
Chlorhexidine 0.05% Gel XX endourethral operations and 40 mL (in 3-4 portions) into
examinations, cytoscopy and the insertion area then allow
symptomatic treatment of 5-10 mins for anaesth to take
painful cystitis and urethritis effect. Adult Female Prior to
urological procedure, instill 5-
10 mL in small portions to fill
the whole urethra & allow
anaesth to take effect in 3-5
mins.Childn <12 yr Up to 6
For anaesthesia of mucous Bronchoscopy, 2 - 3 ml with
membranes of the suitable spray; biopsy in
N01BB02110L5002X oropharyngeal, tracheal and mouth, 3 - 4 ml with suitable
913 Lignocaine 4 % Solution B
X bronchial areas eg. in spray or swab (with
laryngoscopy and adrenaline if necessary);
bronchoscopy maximum 7.5 ml
50-100 mg IV as a bolus,
Ventricular tachycardia and repeated after 5 minutes if
Lignocaine HCl (Lidocaine) C01BB01110P3002X
914 B ventricullar fibrillation. To be necessary. Maintenance : 1-4
100 mg/ml Injection X
diluted before use mg/min by IV infusion under
ECG monitoring

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Local anesthesia: ADULT
Maximum: 100 mg; CHILD
Local anesth by infiltration IV Maximum: 3 mg/kg Cardiac
regional anesthesia and arrhythmias: ADULT 50-100
nerve block. Emergency mg IV. Maximum: 200-300
Lignocaine HCl (Lidocaine) N01BB02110P3001X
915 B management of ventricular mg/hour; CHILD Loading
2% Injection X
arrhythmias particularly after dose: 0.5-1 mg/kg IV
myocardial infarction and repeated if necessary up to
cardiac surgery 3-5 mg/kg followed by a
continuous infusion of 10-50
50-100 mg IV as a bolus,
Ventricular tachycardia and repeated after 5 minutes if
Lignocaine HCl (Lidocaine) C01BB01110P3001X
916 B ventricullar fibrillation. To be necessary. Maintenance : 1-4
20 mg/ml Injection X
diluted before use mg/min by IV infusion under
ECG monitoring
According to patient’s weight
and nature of procedures,
maximum 200mg. For most
obstetric procedures, the
N01BB02110P3002X Local or regional anaesthesia preparation is diluted to
917 Lignocaine HCl 1% Injection C+
X for episiotomy repairs 0.5%, which gives the
maximum effect with the
least toxicity. [lignocaine 1%,
1 part and normal saline or
sterile distilled water, 1 part]
Preparation of nasal mucosa
for surgery (eg. Cautery to
Little’s area), aid the
Adults and children over 12
treatment of acute nose
years: 5 squirts per nostril.
bleeds and removal of
Children: 8 to 12 years 3
Lignocaine HCl 5% and foreign bodies from the nose,
N01BB02984A4101X squirts per nostril, 4 to 8
918 Phenylephrine HCl 0.5% A* topical anaesthesia of the
X years 2 squirts per nostril, 2
Nasal Spray pharynx prior to direct or
to 4 years 1 squirt per nostril.
indirect laryngoscopy, topical
Doses are to be administered
anaesthesia and local
once only.
vasoconstriction prior to
endoscopy of the upper
Lignocaine, Aluminium
C05AX03931G5001 Anorectal pain, pruritis, Apply once or twice daily. Not
919 Acetate, Zinc Oxide and A/KK
XX inflammation and irritation for prolonged use
Hydrocortisone Ointment
Lignocaine, Aluminium 1 suppository to be used
C05AX03931S2001X Anorectal pain, pruritis,
920 Acetate, Zinc Oxide and B once or twice daily. Not for
X inflammation and irritation
Hydrocortisone Suppository prolonged use
FUKKM restriction: As add-
on therapy for patient who
failed therapy and/or
Adults: 5 mg once daily.
contraindicated/unable to
When linagliptin is added to
tolerate metformin and/or
A10BH05000T1001X metformin, the dose of
921 Linagliptin 5 mg tablet A* sulphonylurea.
X metformin should be
 Management of
maintained and linagliptin
diabetes in patients with
administered concomitantly.
renal failure where

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ed and elderly with
multiple co morbidities
that always experience
hypoglycemia with other
antidiabetic. Not to be
used in diabetic patient
whose HBA1c is more
than 9%.
ADULT: 600 mg twice daily
MRSA patient with severe for 10 - 14 days. CHILD: 10
J01XX08000P3001X sepsis requiring intensive mg/kg 3 times daily.
922 Linezolid 2 mg/ml Injection A*
X care and not clinically PREMATURE NEONATES
responding to vancomycin less than 7 days: 10 mg/kg
twice daily
MRSA patients with severe CHILD: 10 mg/kg 3 times
Linezolid 20 mg/ml J01XX08000L8001X sepsis requiring intensive daily. PREMATURE
923 A*
Suspension X care and not clinically NEONATES less than 7
responding to vancomycin days: 10 mg/kg twice daily
ADULT: Above 12 years 600
MRSA patient with severe mg every 12 hours for 10-14
J01XX08000T1001X sepsis requiring intensive days. CHILD: 10 mg/kg 3
924 Linezolid 600 mg Tablet A*
X care and not clinically times daily. PREMATURE
responding to vancomycin. NEONATES less than 7
days: 10 mg/kg twice daily
ADULT 10-30 ml daily at
night but should not be taken
925 Liquid Paraffin C Constipation immediately before going to
bed. CHILD not
i) Prophylaxis and treatment
Dose depends on the
of acute mania and
preparation used. Doses
hypomania episodes
Lithium Carbonate 300 mg N05AN01121T1001X should be adjusted to
926 A ii) Prophylaxis of manic
Tablet X produce a serum-lithium
depression in bipolar illness
concentration of 0.4-1
or bipolar depression and
recurrent depression
Acute diarrhoea: ADULT: 4
mg stat, followed by 2 mg
after each unformed stool (up
Adjunct to rehydration in to 5 days). Usual 6- 8 mg
927 Loperamide 2 mg Capsule B acute diarrhoea in adult also daily. Max: 16 mg daily.
in chronic diarrhoea in adult Chronic diarrhoea: Initially 4-
8 mg daily in divided doses,
adjust according to response.
Max: 16 mg daily
Adult: (Therapy-naive
patients) 400/100 mg bd or
800/200 mg once daily;
As second line protease
patients): 400/100 mg bd.
Lopinavir 100 mg and J05AE06964T1002X inhibitor if intolerant to
928 A Concomitant therapy
Ritonavir 25 mg Tablet X indinavir/ ritonavir as part of
(efavirenz, nevirapine,
HAART regimen.
amprenavir, fosamprenavir or
nelfinavir) 400/100 mg bd.
Children >40 kg or w/ BSA
>1.4 m2 as adult dose.

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Adult: (Therapy-naive
patients) 400/100 mg bd or
800/200 mg once daily;
As second line protease
patients): 400/100 mg bd.
Lopinavir 200 mg and J05AE06964T1001X inhibitor if intolerant to
929 A Concomitant therapy
Ritonavir 50 mg Tablet X indinavir/ ritonavir as part of
(efavirenz, nevirapine,
HAART regimen
amprenavir, fosamprenavir or
nelfinavir) 400/100 mg bd.
Children >40 kg or w/ BSA
>1.4 m2 as adult dose.
Tab Adult Therapy-naive
patients 400/100 mg bd or
800/200 mg once daily.
patients 400/100 mg bd.
Concomitant therapy
(efavirenz, nevirapine,
Management of patients with amprenavir, fosamprenavir or
asymptomatic and nelfinavir) 400/100 mg bd.
Lopinavir 80mg/Ritonavir J05AE06964L9901X symptomatic (early or Can be used w/ no dose
930 A
20mg (per ml) Oral Solution X advanced) HIV Infection with adjustment. Childn >40 kg or
CD4 cell counts <50 cubic w/ BSA >1.4 m2 Adult dose.
mm Oral Soln Childn 6 mth-12 yr,
15-40 kg 10/2.5 mg/kg bd; 7
to <15 kg 12/3 mg/kg bd.
Max: 5 mL bd in childn >40
kg. W/ efavirenz or
nevirapine 15-45 kg 11/2.75
mg/kg bd; 7 to <15 kg
13/3.25 mg/kg.
ADULT and CHILD over 6
Allergic rhinitis, chronic
R06AX13000L9001X years: 10 mg once daily.
931 Loratadine 1 mg/ml Syrup A urticaria and other allergic
X CHILD 2 - 6 years: 5 mg
dermatological disorders
once daily
ADULT and CHILD over 6
R06AX13000T1001X Allergic rhinitis and allergic years 10 mg once daily.
932 Loratadine 10 mg Tablet B
X dermatoses CHILD 2 - 6 years: 5 mg
once daily
Loratadine 5 mg and For treatment of allergic
R01BA52988T1001X ADULT and CHILD over 12
933 Pseudoephedrine Sulphate A/KK rhinitis and allergic
X years 1 tablet twice daily
120 mg Tablet dermatoses
i) 1 - 4 mg increase to 10 mg
daily in divided doses.
N05BA06000T1001X i) Severe anxiety ELDERLY (or delibitated) half
934 Lorazepam 1 mg Tablet A/KK
X ii) Insomnia adult dose
ii) 1 - 2 mg at bedtime Not
recommended in children

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Hypertension: Usual starting
and maintenance dose: 50
mg once daily. Maximum
increasing the dose to 100
Patients intolerant of ACE
mg once daily. Patients with
inhibitors, only in the
intravascular volume-
treatment of
depletion starting dose of 25
C09CA01500T1001X i) Hypertensive patient with
935 Losartan 50 mg Tablet A/KK mg once daily. Renal
X left ventricular hypertrophy
protection in Type 2 diabetic
ii) Hypertension in diabetics
patients with proteinuria and
with proteinuria or
hypertension, starting dose:
50 mg once daily, may be
increased to 100 mg once
daily based on blood
pressure response
Fixed dose combination is
not indicated for initial
i. Usual starting &
maintenance dose: 1 tab of
losartan & HCTZ 50/12.5 mg
once daily. May be increased
to 2 tab of losartan & HCTZ
50/12.5 mg or 1 tab of
losartan & HCTZ 100/25mg
once daily if blood pressure
remain uncontrolled after
Hypertension in patients who
about 3 weeks of
Losartan Potassium 100 mg cannot tolerate ACE
C09DA01935T1004X combination therapy with
936 & Hydrochlorothiazide 25 A* inhibitors because of cough,
X losartan & HCTZ 50/12.5mg.
mg Tablet hypertensive patient with left
Max: 1 tab of losartan &
ventricular hypertrophy
HCTZ 100/25mg once daily
or 2 tab of Losartan & HCTZ
50/12.5 mg once daily.
ii. Usual starting dose: 50 mg
losartan once daily, may be
titrated with a combination of
losartan 50mg & HCTZ 12.5
mg, maybe substituted with
losartan 100mg & HCTZ
12.5mg, followed by losartan
100 mg & HCTZ 25 mg once

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Fixed dose combination is
not indicated for initial
i. Usual starting &
maintenance dose: 1 tab of
losartan & HCTZ 50/12.5 mg
once daily. May be increased
to 2 tab of losartan & HCTZ
50/12.5 mg or 1 tab of
losartan & HCTZ 100/25mg
once daily if blood pressure
remain uncontrolled after
Hypertension in patients who
about 3 weeks of
Losartan Potassium 100 mg cannot tolerate ACE
C09DA01935T1003X combination therapy with
937 and Hydrochlorothiazide A* inhibitors because of cough,
X losartan & HCTZ 50/12.5mg.
12.5 mg Tablet hypertensive patient with left
Max: 1 tab of losartan &
ventricular hypertrophy
HCTZ 100/25mg once daily
or 2 tab of Losartan & HCTZ
50/12.5 mg once daily.
ii. Usual starting dose: 50 mg
losartan once daily, may be
titrated with a combination of
losartan 50mg & HCTZ 12.5
mg, maybe substituted with
losartan 100mg & HCTZ
12.5mg, followed by losartan
100 mg & HCTZ 25 mg once
Patients intolerant of ACE
inhibitors, only in the
treatment of:
Usual starting dose: 50 mg
Losartan Potassium 100 mg C09CA01500T1002X i) Hypertensive patient with
938 A/KK once daily. May be increased
Tablet X left ventricular hypertrophy
to 100 mg once daily.
ii) Hypertension in diabetics
with proteinuria or
Hypertension in patients who 1 tablet once daily, may
Losartan Potassium 50 mg cannot tolerate ACE increase to maximum dose
939 and Hydrochlorothiazide A/KK inhibitors because of cough, losartan 100 mg/
12.5 mg Tablet hypertensive patient with left hydrochlorothiazide 25 mg
ventricular hypertrophy once daily
Magnesium Sulphate 45% D11AX05183G6001 Inflammatory skin conditions
940 C Apply under dressing
Paste XX such as boils and carbuncles
i) Mild hypomagnesemia
(ADULT): 1gm magnesium
sulphate (8mEq) IM every 6
hours for 4 doses. Severe
i) Treatment and prophylaxis
hypomagnesemia (ADULT):
of acute hypomagnesaemia
0.25 g/kg IM over 4 hours.
ii) Prevention and treatment
Magnesium Sulphate 50% B05XA05183P3001X Alternative dose of 5g may
941 C of life-threatening seizures in
Injection X be given by slow intravenous
the treatment of toxemias of
infusion over 3 hours
pregnancy (pre-eclampsia
ii) Toxemia of pregnancy: An
and eclampsia)
initial intravenous dose of
4gm of magnesium sulphate
is recommended. Followed
by an intramuscular dose of

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4-5gm into each buttock. This
may be followed by a dose of
4-5gm into alternate buttocks
every 4 hours as needed.
Alternatively, the initial dose
IV dose may be followed by
an infusion of 1-2gm/hr
Magnesium Trisilicate A02AA10912L2101X 10-20 ml 3-4 times daily
942 C Heartburn, dyspepsia
Mixture X before meals
ADULT 1-2 tablet to be
chewed up to 6 times a day
Magnesium Trisilicate A02AA10912T1001X
943 C Heartburn, dyspepsia before meals. CHILD over 6
Tablet X
years one tablet to be taken
3-4 times a day
As a buffering agent for
reconstituting didanosine
powder for oral
DDI should be mixed with
administration so as to
Magnesium, Aluminium water and diluted with the
V07AB00900L8001X prevent acid degradation of
944 Hydroxide and Simethicone C appropriate dose of antacids
X didanosine which is used for
Suspension to a final concentration of 10
the treatment of paediatric
mg per ml
patients (more than 6 months
old) with symptomatic HIV
Wet hair, apply shampoo and
work up lather. Leave for 15
945 Malathion 1 % Shampoo C+ Lice infestation minutes and rinse, comb.
Repeat if necessary after 7 -
9 days
0.25- 2 g/kg IV of a 15% to
25% solution over 30-60
Mannitol 10% Injection (10 B05BC01000P3001X
946 A Cerebral oedema minutes. Safety and efficacy
g/100 ml) X
not established in children
under 12 years of age
0.25- 2 g/kg IV of a 15% to
25% solution over 30-60
Mannitol 20% Injection (20 B05BC01000P3002X
947 A Cerebral oedema minutes. Safety and efficacy
g/100 ml) X
not established in children
under 12 years of age
For active immunization The vaccine should be
against measles and rubella reconstituted only with the
in infants, children, diluent supplied (sterile water
adolescents and young for injection) using a sterile
adults at risk. Immunization syringe and needle. With
of susceptible non-pregnant gentle shaking the dried cake
adolescent and adult females is easily dissolved. After
Measles and Rubella Virus is indicated if certain reconstitution the vaccines
948 Vaccine Live, Attenuated C precautions are observed. should be used immediately.
(Freeze-dried) 10 doses/vial The vaccine can be safely A single dose of 0.5ml should
and effectively given be administered by deep SC
simultaneously with DTP, DT, injection into the anterolateral
TT, Td, BCG, Polio Vaccine aspect of upper thigh in
(OPV and IPV), Haemophilus infants and upper arm in
influenza type B, Hepatitis B, older children. If the vaccines
Yellow fever vaccine and is not used immediately then
vitamin A supplementation. it should be stored in the dark

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at 20C and 80C for no longer
than 6 hours.
Prophylaxis against measles
By SC or IM injection, 0.5 ml
Measle's Vaccine Injection J07BD01000P4001X and to prevent development
949 C+ as a single dose at 12 - 15
(10 doses) X of infection (if given within 72
months of age
hours of contact)
Measles, Mumps and For immunisation of children Subcutaneous or by
950 Rubella (MMR) Vaccine C+ against measles, mumps and intramuscular injection, 0.5
Injection (Single Dose) rubella ml
Mebeverine HCl 135 mg A03AA04110T1002X
951 B Irritable bowel syndrome 135 mg 3 times daily
Tablet X
Meclozine HCl 25 mg and R06AE55919T1001X Nausea and vomiting of 1 - 2 tablet 2 - 3 times daily in
952 B
Pyridoxine 50 mg Tablet X pregnancy severe cases
1 tablet 3 times daily. The
Mecobalamin 500 mcg M09AX00000T1001 dosage should be adjusted
953 B Peripheral neuropathies
Tablet XX according to age of patient
and severity of symptoms
i) 5-10 mg daily for 5-10 days
started anytime during cycle
ii) 5-10 mg daily for 5-10
i) Secondary amenorrhoea
Medroxyprogesterone G03DA02122T1002 days on day 16-21 of
954 B ii) Abnormal uterine bleeding
Acetate 10 mg Tablet XX menstrual cycle. Optimum
due to hormonal imbalance
secretory transformation 10
mg daily for 10 days from day
16 of the cycle
Breast carcinoma,
Medroxyprogesterone L02AB02122T1002X
955 A endometrial carcinoma, renal 200-500 mg orally daily
Acetate 100 mg Tablet X
i) 5-10 mg daily for 5-10 days
started anytime during cycle
ii) 5-10 mg daily for 5-10
i) Secondary amenorrhoea
Medroxyprogesterone G03DA02122T1001 days on day 16-21 of
956 B ii) Abnormal uterine bleeding
Acetate 5 mg Tablet XX menstrual cycle. Optimum
due to hormonal imbalance
secretory transformation 10
mg daily for 10 days from day
16 of the cycle
Prevention of pregnancy and
Medroxyprogesterone G03AC06122P3001 150mg to be administered
957 B to provide long term
Acetate 50 mg/ml Injection XX once every 3 month
Breast carcinoma,
Medroxyprogesterone L02AB02122T1001X
958 A endometrial carcinoma, renal 200-500 mg orally daily
Acetate 500 mg Tablet X
ADULT: 250 - 500 mg 3
times daily after meals.
CHILD over 6 months: 6.5 -
Mefenamic Acid 250 mg M01AG01000C1001
959 B Mild to moderate pain 25 mg/kg daily 3 - 4 times
Capsule XX
daily for not longer than 7
days except in juvenile
ADULT: 250 - 500 mg 3
times daily after meals.
CHILD over 6 months: 6.5 -
Mefenamic Acid 250 mg M01AG01000T1001
960 B Mild to moderate pain 25 mg/kg daily 3 - 4 times
Tablet XX
daily for not longer than 7
days except in juvenile

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Treatment of malaria: ADULT
and CHILD 25 mg/kg usually
given over 2-3 days.
Prophylaxis of malaria:
Mefloquine HCl 250 mg P01BC02110T1001X For multi-drug resistant ADULT 250 mg once a week.
961 A*
Tablet X cases of malaria only CHILD over 5 kg : 5 mg/kg
once a week; prophylaxis
should start 1-3 weeks before
departure and continue for 4
weeks after last exposure
i) Initially 7.5 mg daily. May
Only for patients not be increased to 15 mg daily
responding to other NSAIDs ii) initially 15 mg daily. May
962 Meloxicam 7.5 mg Tablet A/KK in the treatment of be reduced to 7.5 mg daily.
i) painful osteoarthritis Maximum 15 mg daily. Child
ii) rheumatoid arthritis under 12 years not
i) Multiple myeloma i) 8 - 10 mg/m2 for 4 days
ii) Neuroblastoma, every 4 weeks
963 Melphalan 2 mg Tablet A rhabdomyosarcoma ii) 10 - 35 mg/m2 once every
iii) Recurrent neuroblastoma month For dose regimes,
(palliative) refer to protocols
200 mg/ m2 IV infusions in
High dose conditioning
divided doses for Day 1 to
L01AA03000P4001X therapy for stem cell
964 Melphalan 50 mg Injection B day 3 followed by IV
X transplantation in multiple
infusions of autologous stem
Adult Initially 5 mg/day on the
1st week, 5mg twice a day on
As monotherapy or as the 2nd week, then 15
adjunctive therapy with mg/day (10mg in the morning
Memantine HCI 10 mg N06DX01110T1001X cholinesterase inhibitors for and 5mg in the evening) on
965 A*
Tablet X the symptomatic treatment of the 3rd week. From the 4th
patients with moderate to week on, continue treatment
severe Alzheimer's disease. with maintenance dose of 20
mg/day (10mg twice a day).
Max: 20 mg/day.
Adult Initially 5 mg/day on the
1st week, 5mg twice a day on
As monotherapy or as the 2nd week, then 15
adjunctive therapy with mg/day (10mg in the morning
Memantine HCl 20 mg N06DX01110T1002X cholinesterase inhibitors for and 5mg in the evening) on
966 A*
Tablet X the symptomatic treatment of the 3rd week. From the 4th
patients with moderate to week on, continue treatment
severe Alzheimer's disease. with maintenance dose of 20
mg/day (10mg twice a day).
Max: 20 mg/day.
Immunisation against
meningococcal diseases
Meningococcal A, C, Y, W J07AH04000P4001X Prophylaxis: 0.5 ml
967 B caused by Neisseria
135 Vaccine Injection X intramuscular injection.
meningitis Group A, Group C,
Group Y or Group W-135
Menotrophin 150 IU
Treatment of infertility where
Injection (Follicle
G03GA02954P4002 clomifene has fail or SC or IM injection according
968 Stimulating Hormone 150 A*
XX stimulation of follicle growth to patients response
IU and Luteinizing Hormone
as part of an assisted
150 IU)

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reproductive technology

Treatment of infertility where

Menotrophin 75 IU Injection clomifene has fail or
(Follicle Stimulating G03GA02954P4001 stimulation of follicle growth SC or IM Injection according
969 A*
Hormone 75 IU and XX as part of an assisted to patient's response
Luteinizing Hormone 75 IU) reproductive technology
The recommended initial
dose of MENOPUR is 75-150
IU daily. The subsequent
dosing should be adjusted
Anovulation in women who according to individual
Menotrophin, Highly have been unresponsive to patient response.
Purified 75 IU Injection treatment with clomiphene Adjustments in dose should
970 (Follicle Stimulating A* citrate or stimulation of follicle not be made more frequently
Hormone 75 IU and growth as part of an assisted than every 7 days. The
Luteinizing Hormone 75 IU) reproductive technology recommended dose
(ART) increment is 37.5 IU per
adjustment and should not
exceed 75 IU. The maximum
daily dose should not be
higher than 225 IU.
Menthol 1.6% in Industrial R01AX30000A9901X Decongestion of the upper
971 C As directed for local use
Methylated Spirit Inhalation X respiratory tract
Adult: Single site in the jaw:
Mepivacaine HCl 2% with For local anaesthesia 36 mg (1.8ml). Entire oral
972 Adrenaline (1:100,000) B including infiltration and cavity: 180 mg (9 ml). Max:
Injection nerve blocks 400 mg (20 ml) per single
dental procedure
For dental local anaesthesia Adult: Single site in the jaw:
including infiltration and 54 mg (1.8 ml). Entire oral
Mepivacaine HCl 3% N01BB03110P3001X
973 B nerve blocks on patients in cavity: 270 mg (9 ml). Max:
Injection X
whom adrenalin might be 400 mg (13.3 ml) per single
contraindicated dental procedure
Leukaemia adults: 2.5mg/kg
or 80-00mg/m2 p.o per day,
given as a single dose. To be
increased at the end of 4
i) Langerhan's cell
weeks, If necessary, up to
5mg/kg p.o per day.
ii) Acute lymphoblastic
Mercaptopurine 50 mg L01BB02000T1001X Maintainance dosage are
974 A leukaemia
Tablet X 1.5mg/kg -2.5mg/kg p.o per
iii) Acute promyelocytic
day Children age 5 and older:
leukaemia APML
Induction: 2.5mg/kg/day p.o
once daily. Maintanance
dose: 1.5mg/kg
p.o once daily or 70-
100mg/m2 p.o once daily.

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i. Emperical treatment for
presume infections in
patients (adult and children)
ADULT: 0.5g - 1g 8 hourly
with febrile neutropenia, used
CHILD: (aged 3 months and
J01DH02000P4002X as monotherapy or in
975 Meropenem 1 g Injection A* over): 10-40mg/kg 8 hourly, if
X combination with anti-virals
body weight over 50kg, adult
or antifungal agent
dosage should be used
ii. Septicaemia
iii. Serious infections in renal
impaired patients
i. Emperical treatment for
presume infections in
patients (adult and children)
ADULT: 0.5g - 1g 8 hourly
with febrile neutropenia, used
CHILD: (aged 3 months and
Meropenem 500 mg J01DH02000P4001X as monotherapy or in
976 A* over): 10-40mg/kg 8 hourly, if
Injection X combination with anti-virals
body weight over 50kg, adult
or antifungal agent
dosage should be used
ii. Septicaemia
iii. Serious infections in renal
impaired patients
Ulcerative colitis: 1 g
suppository insert rectally
once daily at bedtime. The
dose may be increased to
500 mg 3 times daily if the
response is inadequate after
2 weeks of therapy. To
Inflammatory bowel disease
A07EC02259S2002X achieve maximum benefit, it
977 Mesalazine 1 g Suppository A of ulcerative colitis and
X is recommended that the
Crohn's disease.
suppository be retained in the
rectum for a minimum of 1 to
3 hours or longer. The usual
course of therapy, depending
upon response, may last
from 3 to 6 weeks. CHILD not
Ulcerative colitis: 1 g
suppository insert rectally
once daily at bedtime. The
dose may be increased to
500 mg 3 times daily if the
response is inadequate after
2 weeks of therapy. To
Inflammatory bowel disease
Mesalazine 250 mg A07EC02259S2001X achieve maximum benefit, it
978 A of ulcerative colitis and
Suppository X is recommended that the
Crohn's disease.
suppository be retained in the
rectum for a minimum of 1 to
3 hours or longer. The usual
course of therapy, depending
upon response, may last
from 3 to 6 weeks. CHILD not
ADULT: 250 - 500 mg 3 - 4
Inflammatory bowel disease times daily for 3 - 6 weeks.
Mesalazine 250mg MR A07EC02259T1001X
979 A of ulcerative colitis and CHILD up 2 years with
Tablet X
Crohn's disease. Crohn's disease: 20 - 30
mg/daily in divided doses

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ADULT: 250 - 500 mg 3 - 4
Inflammatory bowel disease times daily for 3 - 6 weeks.
Mesalazine 500mg MR A07EC02259T1002X
980 A of ulcerative colitis and CHILD up 2 years with
Tablet X
Crohn's disease. Crohn's disease: 20 - 30
mg/daily in divided doses
Inflammatory bowel disease 60 ml (4g) at bedtime,
Mesalazine 6.67% w/w A07EC02259G2001
981 A of ulcerative colitis and retained overnight,
Enema XX
Crohn's disease. approximately 8 hours
IV injection at a dosage of
20% of the corresponding
oxazaphosphorine dose at
the times 0 hour
For prevention of urotoxic
(concurrently with the
V03AF01520P3001X effects of oxazaphosphorines
982 Mesna 100 mg/ml Injection A oxazaphosphorine), 4 hours
X e.g. ifosfamide and
and 8 hours thereafter.
CHILD: Dose given at greater
frequency (e.g. 6 times) and
a shorter intervals (e.g. 3
Initial dose:1.25 mg/250 mg
As second-line therapy when ORALLY once daily; titrate in
diet, exercise and initial increments of 1.25 mg/250
Metformin 500 mg and treatment with sulphonylurea mg per day every 2
983 Glibenclamide 2.5 mg B or metformin do not result in weeks,2.5 mg/500 mg to 5
Tablet adequate glycemic control in mg/500 mg ORALLY twice
patients with type 2 diabetes daily; titrate in increments of
mellitus 5 mg/500 mg up to MAX 20
mg/2000 mg once daily
Initial dose:1.25 mg/250 mg
As second-line therapy when ORALLY once daily; titrate in
diet, exercise and initial increments of 1.25 mg/250
treatment with sulphonylurea mg per day every 2
Metformin 500 mg and A10BD02926T1002X
984 B or metformin do not result in weeks,2.5 mg/500 mg to 5
Glibenclamide 5 mg Tablet X
adequate glycemic control in mg/500 mg ORALLY twice
patients with type 2 diabetes daily; titrate in increments of
mellitus 5 mg/500 mg up to MAX 20
mg/2000 mg once daily
Diabetes mellitus who
500 mg once daily. Maximum
Metformin HCl 500 mg A10BA02110T5001X experienced gastrointestinal
985 A/KK dose 2000 mg once daily
Extended Release Tablet X side effects with normal
with evening meal
Initial: 500mg orally twice
daily with food. Maintenance:
Metformin HCl 500 mg A10BA02110T1001X Titrate in 500mg increments
986 B Diabetes mellitus
Tablet X weekly, doses up to 2000 mg
daily may be divided into 2
equal doses.
Diabetes mellitus who
500 mg once daily. Maximum
Metformin HCl 750 mg A10BA02110T5003X experienced gastrointestinal
987 A/KK dose 2000 mg once daily
Extended Release Tablet X side effects with normal
with evening meal
Initial 10-20mg per day,
increasing by 10-20mg per
N07BC02110L9001X Detoxification treatment of
988 Methadone 5mg/ml Syrup A/KK day until there are no signs of
X narcotic addiction
withdrawal or intoxication.
Usual dose 40-60mg/day

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i) 50 mg/m2 once every 3
weeks in combination with
other drugs (for this dose,
use the 50 mg preparation)
ii) 50 mg IV Day 1, 3, 5, 9
every 3 weeks. For high risk
gestational trophoblastic
disease, use 100 mg/m2 as
part of EMA-CO regime
iii) High dose regimes: 500 -
3000 mg/m2 per dose may
be used, employing the 500
mg preparations. CHILD:
Central nervous system
i) Solid tumours prophylaxis for acute
ii) Gestational trophoblastic leukaemia 2 gm/m2 over 24
Methotrexate 1000mg L01BA01520P3005X
989 A disease hours with folinic acid rescue,
Injection X
iii) Acute leukaemias, 3 doses for B-cell lineage. 4
lymphomas doses for T-lineage all every
3 weeks. Relapse acute
lymphoblastic leukaemia
(ALL): 1 gm/m2 over 36
hours with folinic acid rescue
every 3 weeks for 9 doses,
maintenance: 50 mg/m2
every 2 weeks. B-cell
lymphoma: 3 gm/m2 over 3
hours with folinic acid rescue
for three doses. Methotrexate
level monitoring
recommended when using
high dose regimens.

i) ADULT: 20 mg/m2 weekly.

CHILD: 20 - 30 mg/m2
weekly according to protocol
ii) Relapsed acute
lymphoblastic leukaemia
(ALL): 100 mg/m2/day for 5
days 6 weekly according to
i) Acute lymphoblastic
iii) Dose used by
leukaemia and acute
dermatologist: 5 - 25 mg
promyelocytic leukemia
weekly. Liver biopsy after
L01BA01000T1001X cumulative dose of 1.5 gram
990 Methotrexate 2.5 mg Tablet A ii) Extensive plaque
X and repeat liver biopsy with
psoriasis, erythrodermic
additional gram received.
psoriasis, pustular psoriasis,
Maximum cumulative dose is
Reiter's syndrome,
4 gram. Monitor full blood
connective tissue disease
count (FBC), renal and liver
iv) Rheumatoid arthritis,
psoriatic arthropathy: dose
used by rheumatologist: 2.5
mg/week orally starting dose,
increasing to 7.5 - 20

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i) 50 mg/m2 once every 2 - 3
weeks in combination with
other drugs
ii) 50 mg IV Day 1, 3, 5, 9
every 3 weeks. For high risk
gestational trophoblastic
disease, use 100 mg/m2 as
part of EMA-CO regime
iii) High dose regimes: 500 -
3000 mg/m2 per dose may
be used, employing the 500
mg preparations. CHILD:
Central nervous system
prophylaxis for acute
leukaemia 2 gm/m2 over 24
hours with folinic acid rescue,
3 doses for B-cell lineage. 4
doses for T-lineage all every
3 weeks. Relapse acute
lymphoblastic leukaemia
(ALL): 1 gm/m2 over 36
i) Solid tumours hours with folinic acid rescue
ii) Gestational trophoblastic every 3 weeks for 9 doses,
disease maintenance: 50 mg/m2
iii) Acute every 2 weeks. B-cell
Methotrexate 50 mg L01BA01520P3001X
991 A leukaemia/lymphomas iv) lymphoma: 3 gm/m2 over 3
Injection X
Rheumatoid arthritis, hours with folinic acid rescue
psoriatic arthropathy, for three doses. Methotrexate
severe/erythrodermic level monitoring
psoriasis recommended when using
high dose regimens. The 500
mg strength is not for
intrathecal (IT) use. Dosage
for intrathecal treatment and
prophylaxis in leukaemia:
less than 1 year: 5 mg, 1 - 2
years: 7.5 mg, 2 - 3 years: 10
mg, more than 3 years: 12.5
mg. IT preparation must be
clearly stated/verified.

iv) Dose used by

rheumatologist: 10 - 15 mg
IM injection or oral weekly.
Dose used by dermatologist:
10 - 25 mg IM injection

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i) 50 mg/m2 once every 3
weeks in combination with
other drugs (for this dose,
use the 50 mg preparation)
ii) 50 mg IV Day 1, 3, 5, 9
every 3 weeks. For high risk
gestational trophoblastic
disease, use 100 mg/m2 as
part of EMA-CO regime
iii) High dose regimes: 500 -
3000 mg/m2 per dose may
be used, employing the 500
mg preparations. CHILD:
Central nervous system
prophylaxis for acute
i) Solid tumours leukaemia 2 gm/m2 over 24
ii) Gestational trophoblastic hours with folinic acid rescue,
Methotrexate 500 mg/20 ml L01BA01520P3002X
992 A disease 3 doses for B-cell lineage. 4
Injection X
iii) Acute leukaemias, doses for T-lineage all every
lymphomas 3 weeks. Relapse acute
lymphoblastic leukaemia
(ALL): 1 gm/m2 over 36
hours with folinic acid rescue
every 3 weeks for 9 doses,
maintenance: 50 mg/m2
every 2 weeks. B-cell
lymphoma: 3 gm/m2 over 3
hours with folinic acid rescue
for three doses. Methotrexate
level monitoring
recommended when using
high dose regimens.
Apply 0.1% lotion to area to
Repigmenting agent in vitiligo be exposed to the UVA light (
993 Methoxsalen 1% Lotion A in conjuction with controlled need to dilute the 1% lotion
doses of UVA or sunlight to 0.1% lotion, otherwise the
skin will burn)
0.2 - 0.6 mg/kg/body weight.
For repigmentation of larger
Methoxsalen 10 mg D05BA02000C1001 Protection before exposure to lesions (greater than 6 cm
994 A
Capsule XX sunlight, psoriasis and vitiligo sq): 20 mg/day 2 hours
before exposure. Take with
food or milk
Treatment of anaemia Non Erythropoiesis
associated with chronic renal Stimulating Agent (ESA)-
failure in the following treated patients: 0.6 mcg/kg,
circumstances: once every two weeks (IV or
Methoxy Polyethylene
i) Patients who require 2 or SC). When the Hb is >11g/dl,
Glycol-epoetin Beta 100 B03XA03000P5001X
995 A* more subcutaneous administration can be
mcg/0.3 ml Injection in X
erythropoietin injections per reduced to once monthly
Prefilled Syringe
week and need to travel to using the dose equal to twice
obtain the injections. the previous two weekly
ii) Patients who are on high dose. ESA-treated patients:
doses of subcutaneous 120-360 mcg once monthly

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erythropoietin injections eg. or 60-180 mcg every two
6000 units or more per time weeks.
and require more than 1
injection of conventional
erythropoietin per time.
iii) Patients who require 2 or
more erythropoietin injections
per week and where
compliance is an issue.

Treatment of anaemia
associated with chronic renal
failure in the following
Non Erythropoiesis
i) Patients who require 2 or
Stimulating Agent (ESA)-
more subcutaneous
treated patients: 0.6 mcg/kg,
erythropoietin injections per
once every two weeks (IV or
week and need to travel to
SC). When the Hb is >11g/dl,
Methoxy Polyethylene obtain the injections.
administration can be
Glycol-epoetin Beta 120 B03XA03000P5005X ii) Patients who are on high
996 A* reduced to once monthly
mcg/0.3 ml Injection in X doses of subcutaneous
using the dose equal to twice
Prefilled Syringe erythropoietin injections eg.
the previous two weekly
6000 units or more per time
dose. ESA-treated patients:
and require more than 1
120-360 mcg once monthly
injection of conventional
or 60-180 mcg every two
erythropoietin per time.
iii) Patients who require 2 or
more erythropoietin injections
per week and where
compliance is an issue.
Treatment of anaemia
associated with chronic renal
failure in the following
Non Erythropoiesis
i) Patients who require 2 or
Stimulating Agent (ESA)-
more subcutaneous
treated patients: 0.6 mcg/kg,
erythropoietin injections per
once every two weeks (IV or
week and need to travel to
SC). When the Hb is >11g/dl,
Methoxy Polyethylene obtain the injections.
administration can be
Glycol-epoetin Beta 150 B03XA03000P5006X ii) Patients who are on high
997 A* reduced to once monthly
mcg/0.3 ml Injection in X doses of subcutaneous
using the dose equal to twice
Prefilled Syringe erythropoietin injections eg.
the previous two weekly
6000 units or more per time
dose. ESA-treated patients :
and require more than 1
120-360 mcg once monthly
injection of conventional
or 60-180 mcg every two
erythropoietin per time.
iii) Patients who require 2 or
more erythropoietin injections
per week and where
compliance is an issue

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Treatment of anaemia
associated with chronic renal
failure in the following
Non Erythropoiesis
i) Patients who require 2 or
Stimulating Agent (ESA)-
more subcutaneous
treated patients: 0.6 mcg/kg,
erythropoietin injections per
once every two weeks (IV or
week and need to travel to
SC). When the Hb is >11g/dl,
Methoxy Polyethylene obtain the injections.
administration can be
Glycol-epoetin Beta 200 B03XA03000P5007X ii) Patients who are on high
998 A* reduced to once monthly
mcg/0.3 ml Injection in X doses of subcutaneous
using the dose equal to twice
Prefilled Syringe erythropoietin injections eg.
the previous two weekly
6000 units or more per time
dose. ESA-treated patients:
and require more than 1
120-360 mcg once monthly
injection of conventional
or 60-180 mcg every two
erythropoietin per time.
iii) Patients who require 2 or
more erythropoietin injections
per week and where
compliance is an issue.
Treatment of anaemia
associated with chronic renal
failure in the following
Non Erythropoiesis
i) Patients who require 2 or
Stimulating Agent (ESA)-
more subcutaneous
treated patients: 0.6 mcg/kg,
erythropoietin injections per
once every two weeks (IV or
week and need to travel to
SC). When the Hb is >11g/dl,
Methoxy Polyethylene obtain the injections.
administration can be
Glycol-epoetin Beta 50 B03XA03000P5002X ii) Patients who are on high
999 A* reduced to once monthly
mcg/0.3 ml Injection in X doses of subcutaneous
using the dose equal to twice
Prefilled Syringe erythropoietin injections eg.
the previous two weekly
6000 units or more per time
dose. ESA-treated patients :
and require more than 1
120-360 mcg once monthly
injection of conventional
or 60-180 mcg every two
erythropoietin per time.
iii) Patients who require 2 or
more erythropoietin injections
per week and where
compliance is an issue.
Treatment of anaemia
associated with chronic renal
failure in the following Non Erythropoiesis
circumstances: Stimulating Agent (ESA)-
i) Patients who require 2 or treated patients: 0.6 mcg/kg,
more subcutaneous once every two weeks (IV or
erythropoietin injections per SC). When the Hb is >11g/dl,
Methoxy Polyethylene
week and need to travel to administration can be
Glycol-epoetin Beta 75 B03XA03000P5004X
1000 A* obtain the injections. reduced to once monthly
mcg/0.3 ml Injection in X
ii) Patients who are on high using the dose equal to twice
Prefilled Syringe
doses of subcutaneous the previous two weekly
erythropoietin injections eg. dose. ESA-treated patients :
6000 units or more per time 120-360 mcg once monthly
and require more than 1 or 60-180 mcg every two
injection of conventional weeks
erythropoietin per time.
iii) Patients who require 2 or

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more erythropoietin injections
per week and where
compliance is an issue
Relief of minor aches and
pains of muscles and joints To be massage well to the
Methyl Salicylate 25% M02AC00260G5001
1001 C+ associated with simple affected area, 3 - 4 times
Ointment XX
backache, arthritis and daily.
rheumatic conditions.
Adult: 250 mg 2 - 3 times
daily, gradually increased at
intervals of 2 or more days,
maximum; 3 g/day. Elderly:
initially 125 mg twice daily,
increased gradually,
1002 Methyldopa 250 mg Tablet B Hypertension maximum; 2 g daily. Child:
Initially, 10 mg/kg or 300
mg/m2 daily in 2-4 divided
doses; increase as
necessary. Max: 65 mg/kg, 2
g/m2 or 3 g daily, whichever
is least.
Adult and children: 1 to 2
mg/kg (0.1 to 0.2 mL/kg of a
For treatment of idiopathic
Methylene Blue 1% V03AB17100P3001X 1% solution) IV very slowly
1003 B and drug-induced
Injection X over 5 minutes. This dosage
can be repeated if necessary
after one hour.
CHILD over 6 years, initially
5 mg 1 - 2 times daily,
increased if necessary at
weekly intervals by 5 - 10 mg
daily to maximum of 60 mg
Methylphenidate HCl 10 mg N06BA04110T1001X Attention deficit hyperactivity daily in divided doses;
1004 A
Tablet X disorder (ADHD) discontinue if no response
after 1 month, also suspend
periodically to assess child's
condition (usually finally
discontinued during or after
CHILD over 6 years:
Individualize dosage, to be
taken once daily in the
morning. Dose may be
adjusted in increments to a
maximum of 54 mg/day, at
weekly interval. Patient new
Methylphenidate HCl 18 mg N06BA04110T5002X Attention deficit hyperactivity
1005 A* to methylphenidate: starting
Extended-release Tablet X disorder (ADHD)
dose 18 mg once daily;
adults 18mg or 36mg once
daily. Patient currently using
methylphenidate: 18 - 36 mg.
Maximum 54 mg/day.
Discontinue if no response
after 1 month
Methylphenidate HCl 20 mg N06BA04110C2003 Attention deficit hyperactivity 20 mg once daily to be taken
1006 A*
LA Capsule XX disorder (ADHD) in the morning. Dosage be

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adjusted in increments to a
maximum of 60 mg/day

CHILD over 6 years:

Individualize dosage, to be
taken once daily in the
morning. Dose may be
adjusted in increments to a
maximum of 54 mg/day, at
weekly interval. Patient new
Methylphenidate HCl 36 mg N06BA04110T5003X Attention deficit hyperactivity
1007 A* to methylphenidate: starting
Extended-release Tablet X disorder (ADHD)
dose 18 mg once daily;
adults 18mg or 36mg once
daily. Patient currently using
methylphenidate: 18 - 36 mg.
Maximum 54 mg/day.
Discontinue if no response
after 1 month
20 mg once daily to be taken
Methylphenidate HCl 40mg N06BA04110C2002 Attention deficit hyperactivity in the morning. Dosage be
1008 A*
LA Capsule XX disorder (ADHD) adjusted in increments to a
maximum of 60 mg/day
i) Intramuscular
administration: anti- i. Intramuscular route
inflammatory treatment, a) Asthma: may be used in
treatment of hematological place of a short burst of oral
and oncological disorders, steroids in vomiting or non-
endocrine disorders adherent patients. The
ii) Intrasynovial, periarticular, recommended dose is 80-
intrabursal or soft tissue 120mg intramuscularly as a
administration: Indicated as one-dose
adjunctive therapy for short b) Adrenogenital syndrome:
term administration in : 40mg every two weeks
Synovitis of osteoarthritis, c) Rheumatoid arthritis
rheumatoid arthritis, acute (maintenance): 40-120mg
and subacute bursitis, acute weekly
gouty arthritis, epicondylitis, d) Dermatologic lesions
Methylprednisolone Acetate H02AB04134P3001X
1009 A* acute nonspecific (acute severe dermatitis,
40mg injection X
tenosynovitis, post-traumatic chronic contact dermatitis,
osteoarthritis seborrheic dermatitis): 40-
iii) Intralesional use in 120mg weekly for 1-4 weeks
alopecia areata, discoid ii. Intraarticular route
lupus erythematosus; Recommended dose is 4 to
keloids, localized 80 milligrams, depending
hypertrophic, infiltrated upon the size of the joint.
inflammatory lesions of Injections may be repeated at
granuloma annulare, lichen intervals of 1 to 5 or more
planus, psoriatic plaques, weeks in chronic cases
lichen simplex chronicus iii.Intralesional route 20 to 60
(neurodermatitis) *Restricted milligrams
to patients experiencing side methylprednisolone acetate
effects with triamcinolone injected into the lesion
Suppression of inflammatory
and allergic disorders, 15 - 30 mg/kg daily. Large
Methylprednisolone Sodium H02AB04520P4001X
1010 A cerebral oedema, doses may be repeated 4 - 6
Succinate 0.5 g Injection X
immunosuppression hourly for up to 48 hours
treatment of haematological

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and oncological disorders,
treatment of shock states and
endocrine disorders

Suppression of inflammatory
and allergic disorders,
cerebral oedema,
15 - 30 mg/kg daily. Large
Methylprednisolone Sodium H02AB04520P4002X immunosuppression
1011 A doses may be repeated 4 - 6
Succinate 1 g Injection X treatment of haematological
hourly for up to 48 hours
and oncological disorders,
treatment of shock states and
endocrine disorders
i) CHILD over 5 years: 2.5 - 5
ml 3 times daily. 3 - 5 years 2
i) Dyspepsia, flatulence,
ml 2 - 3 times daily. 1 - 3
hiatus hernia, peptic
years: 1 ml 2 - 3 times daily.
ulceration, reflux
Under 1 year: 1 ml 2 times
Metoclopramide HCl 1 A03FA01110L9001X oesophagitis, gastritis,
1012 B daily
mg/ml Syrup X duodenitis, cholelithiasis,
ii) Single dose given 10
nausea, vomiting
minutes before examination.
ii) Promote bowel transit
CHILD over 5 years: 2.5 - 5
during diagnostic procedures
ml. Between 3 - 5 years: 2
ml. Under 1 year: 1 ml
i) ADULT over 20 years: 10
mg 3 times daily. ADULT
i) Dyspepsia, flatulence, between 12 - 20 years: 5 mg
hiatus hernia, peptic 3 times daily. CHILD under
ulceration, reflux 12 years: 0.12 mg/kg/dose 6
Metoclopramide HCl 10 mg A03FA01110T1001X oesophagitis, gastritis, - 12 hourly
1013 B
Tablet X duodenitis, cholelithiasis, ii) Single dose 5 - 10 minutes
nausea, vomiting before examination; ADULT
ii) Promote bowel transit and CHILD over 15 years: 10
during diagnostic procedures - 20 mg; CHILD less than 15
years: 0.12 mg/kg/dose 6 -
12 hourly
i) ADULT over 20 years: 10
mg 3 times daily. ADULT
i) Dyspepsia, flatulence, between 12 - 20 years: 5 mg
hiatus hernia, peptic 3 times daily. CHILD under
ulceration, reflux 12 years: 0.12 mg/kg/dose 6
Metoclopramide HCl 5 A03FA01110P3001X oesophagitis, gastritis, - 12 hourly
1014 B
mg/ml Injection X duodenitis, cholelithiasis, ii) Single dose 5 - 10 minutes
nausea, vomiting before examination; ADULT
ii) Promote bowel transit and CHILD over 15 years: 10
during diagnostic procedures - 20 mg; CHILD less than 15
years: 0.12 mg/kg/dose 6 -
12 hourly
Adult: 5-10 mg daily,
increased if necessary to 20
Oedema in congestive
mg daily. Max: 80 mg in 24
C03BA08000T1002X cardiac failure, nephrotic
1015 Metolazone 2.5 mg Tablet A* hr. Elderly: Initially, 2.5
X syndrome and impaired renal
mg/day or every other day.
Should be taken with food.
Take after breakfast.

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Hypertension: Initially 100 mg
to maximum 400 mg daily,
Angina: 50 mg - 100 mg in 2
Hypertension, angina,
Metoprolol Tartrate 100 mg C07AB02123T1002X - 3 times daily. Myocardial
1016 B myocardial infarction,
Tablet X infarction: 200 mg daily in
divided doses. Arrythmias: 50
mg - 300 mg in 2 - 3 times
Hypertension: Initially 100 mg
to maximum 400 mg daily,
Angina: 50 mg - 100 mg in 2
Hypertension, angina,
Metoprolol Tartrate 50 mg C07AB02123T1001X - 3 times daily. Myocardial
1017 B myocardial infarction,
Tablet X infarction: 200 mg daily in
divided doses. Arrythmias: 50
mg - 300 mg in 2 - 3 times
Anaerobic infections Adult:
As a 1-g suppository 8 hrly
for 3 days, then 12 hrly.
Substitute oral therapy as
soon as possible. May be
unsuitable for initiating
therapy in severe infections.
Child: <1 yr: 125 mg; 1-5 yr:
Metronidazole 0.5 g P01AB01000S2001X 250 mg; 5-10 yr: 500 mg. All
1018 B Anaerobic infection
Suppository X doses to be given 8 hrly for 3
days, then 12 hrly thereafter.
May be unsuitable for
initiating therapy in severe
infections. Prophylaxis of
postoperative anaerobic
bacterial infections Adult: 1 g
8 hrly starting 2 hr before
Anaerobic bacterial infections
Adult: Initially, 800 mg
followed by 400 mg 8 hly for
about 7 days. Other
recommended doses: 500
mg 8 hrly or 7.5 mg/kg 6 hrly
(max: 4 g in 24 hr). Child: 7.5
mg/kg 8 hrly. Elderly: Use
lower end of adult dose
recommendations. Do not
admin as a single dose.
Metronidazole 200 mg P01AB01000T1001X
1019 B Anaerobic infection Prophylaxis of postoperative
Tablet X
anaerobic bacterial infections
Adult: 400 mg by mouth 8
hrly in the 24 hr prior to
surgery followed
postoperatively by IV or
rectal admin until oral therapy
is possible. Other sources
recommend that oral doses
be initiated only 2 hr prior to
surgery and that number of
doses for all admin routes be

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limited to a total of 4. Elderly:
Dose reduction may be
necessary. Tab: Should be
taken with food.
Metronidazole 200 mg/5 ml P01AB01000L8001X CHILD: 7.5 mg/kg 3 times
1020 B Anaerobic infection
Suspension X daily for 7 days
ADULT: 500 mg IV infusion 8
hourly. CHILD: 7.5 mg/kg
body weight every 8 hours.
Metronidazole 500 mg/100 J01XD01000P9901X Neonates: 15mg/kg LD,
1021 A Anaerobic infections
ml Injection X followed by 7.5mg/kg every
12 hourly. 1 month to 18
years: 7.5mg/kg (maximum
500mg) every 8 hours.
Dosage for adults,
adolescents ≥ 16 years of
age and the elderly for the
treatment of invasive
candidiasis: - Body weight >
40kg: 100mg/day* - Body
weight ≤ 40kg: 2mg/kg/day*
*If the patient?s response is
inadequate, e.g. persistence
of cultures or if clinical
condition does not improve,
Treatment of invasive the dose may be increased to
candidiasis, including 200 mg/day in patients
Micafungin Sodium 50mg
J02AX05520P4101X candidemia in adults when weighing > 40kg or
1022 Powder for Solution for A*
X intolerance or resistance to 4mg/kg/day in patients
Amphotericin B or weighing ≤ 40kg. Treatment
Fluconazole. duration for invasive
candidiasis: The treatment
duration of candida infection
should be a minimum of 14
days. The antifungal
treatment should continue for
at least one week after two
sequential negative blood
cultures have been obtained
and after resolution of clinical
signs and symptoms of
i) Fungal infections: Tinea
pedis, Tinea corporis, Tinea
capitis and other
Apply sparingly and rub
dermatophyte infections
gently onto affected area 1-2
D01AC02221G1001 caused by Trichophyton and
1023 Miconazole 2% Cream B times daily continuing for 14
XX Epidermophyton species
days after lesions have
ii) Antifungal agent that has
been in various candida
infections including vaginal
Miconazole Nitrate 2% D01AC02221F2001X Skin infections caused by Dust powder over infected
1024 A
Powder X dermatophytes or Candida area 1 - 2 times daily

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Usual sedative range 2.5 -
7.5 mg (about 70 mcg/kg by
IV injection over 30 seconds).
Premedication by IM injection
70 - 100 mcg/kg 30 -60
Pre-operative sedation,
minutes before surgery;
induction of general
ELDERLY: 1 - 1.5 mg/kg.
Midazolam 5 mg/5 ml N05CD08110P3001 anaesthesia, premedication
1025 A Induction: Induction by slow
Injection XX and sedation in ICU and
IV infusion 200 - 300 mcg/kg
sedation for minor
(ELDERLY 100 - 200
mcg/kg. CHILD over 7 years
150 - 200 mcg/kg);
Maximum: 0.35mg/kg.
Sedation in ICU 0.03 - 0.2
Usual sedative range 2.5 -
7.5 mg (about 70 mcg/kg by
IV injection over 30 seconds).
Premedication by IM injection
70 - 100 mcg/kg 30 -60
Pre-operative sedation,
minutes before surgery;
induction of general
ELDERLY: 1 - 1.5 mg/kg.
Midazolam 5 mg/ml N05CD08110P3002 anaesthesia, premedication
1026 A Induction: Induction by slow
Injection XX and sedation in ICU and
IV infusion 200 - 300 mcg/kg
sedation for minor
(ELDERLY 100 - 200
mcg/kg. CHILD over 7 years
150 - 200 mcg/kg);
Maximum: 0.35mg/kg.
Sedation in ICU 0.03 - 0.2
ADULT: Usually 7.5 - 15 mg
at bedtime; or for
premedication, 30 - 60
N05CD08253T1001 Pre and post-operative
1027 Midazolam 7.5 mg Tablet A/KK minutes before the
XX sedation
procedure. For ELDERLY,
debilitated or impaired
liver/kidney function: 7.5 mg
Minocycline 100 mg J01AA08110C1002X As second-line treatment for
1028 A* 100 mg daily 6 - 18 months
Capsule X leprosy only
J01AA08110C1001X As second-line treatment for
1029 Minocycline 50 mg Capsule A* 100 mg daily 6 - 18 months
X leprosy only
ADULTS and CHILD above
12 years old: Initially 5 mg
daily in single or divided
doses (elderly 2.5 mg). May
1030 Minoxidil 5 mg Tablet A* Severe hypertension increase by 5 - 10 mg daily at
intervals of 3 or more days
until optimum control is
achieved. Maximum 50 mg
Initially 15 mg daily at
bedtime increased according
to response up to 45 mg daily
Mirtazapine 15 mg N06AX11000T4001X
1031 A* Major depression as a single dose at bedtime
Orodispersible Tablet X
or in 2 divided doses. CHILD
and ADOLESCENT under 18
years not recommended

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Initially 15 mg daily at
bedtime increased according
to response up to 45 mg daily
Mirtazapine 30 mg N06AX11000T4002X
1032 A* Major depression as a single dose at bedtime
Orodispersible Tablet X
or in 2 divided doses. CHILD
and ADOLESCENT under 18
years not recommended
Mitomycin C 0.002% Eye S01AX00000D2003X Pterygium, conjunctival 1 - 2 drops several times a
1033 A
Drops X tumour, glaucoma surgery day
Mitomycin C 0.02% Eye S01AX00000D2001X Pterygium, conjunctival 1 - 2 drops several times a
1034 A
Drops X tumour, glaucoma surgery day
Mitomycin C 0.04% Eye S01AX00000D2002X Pterygium, conjunctival 1 - 2 drops several times a
1035 A
Drops X tumour, glaucoma surgery day
i) 10 - 20 mg/m2 body
i) Gastrointestinal, lung,
surface area (BSA) given as
breast, cervical cancers
a single dose through a
ii) Bladder tumours
running IV infusion repeated
iii) Opthalmological
every 6 - 8 weeks. The whole
conditions: conjunctival
schedule may be repeated
squamous neoplasia,
Mitomycin-C 10 mg L01DC03000P4001X depending on the bone
1036 A* squamous cell carcinoma of
Injection X marrow
conjunctiva, trabeculectomy
ii) 10 - 40 mg daily or every
chronic lymphocytic
other day (intravesical)
leukaemia, chronic
iii) 0.4 mg topically as a
myelogenous leukaemia.
single application for
Gastric, colorectal, lung
opthalmological conditions,
duration: 1 to 3 minutes
10 - 12 mg/m2 IV daily for 3
days, in combination with
other cytotoxic agents. Refer
to protocol. CHILD: 5 - 10
Acute leukaemia, elderly mg/m2 daily for 3 - 5 days
patients with acute myeloid according to protocol.
Mitoxantrone 20 mg/10ml L01DB07110P3001X leukaemia (AML), Treatment of acute
1037 A*
Injection X relapsed/resistant acute leukaemia, ADULT: 8 - 12
leukaemia, non-Hodgkin's mg/m2/day once daily for 4 -
lymphoma (NHL) 5 days. CHILD more than 2
years: same as adult dose.
CHILD 2 years: 0.4
mg/kg/day once daily for 3 - 5
Mixed Gas-Gangrene Prophylactic: 25,000 units IM
1038 Antitoxin 25,000 units/5 ml B Mixed gas-gangrene or IV. Therapeutic: Not less
Injection than 75,000 units IV
Initially 300 mg daily in
divided doses. Gradually to
increase up to 600 mg daily
Moclobemide 150 mg N06AG02000T1001 Treatment of depressive
1039 A* in divided doses depending
Tablet XX syndrome
on response. Usual range
150 - 600 mg daily. Not
recommended in children
For primary volume
replacement in
Modified Fluid Gelatin 4% B05AA06905P9901X hypovolaemia, peri-operative ADULT 500 - 1500 ml given
1040 B
Injection X stabilization of the circulation, as IV infusion
extracorporeal circulation

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(haemodialysis and heart-
lung machine)
Administered by intravenous
For primary volume
infusion only. Total dosage
replacement in
and rate of infusion depend
hypovolaemia, peri-operative
upon the amount of blood
Modified Polypeptides B05AA10905P9901X stabilization of the circulation,
1041 B loss and hemodynamic
(Polygeline) 3.5% Injection X haemodilution,
parameters. The usual dose
extracorporeal circulation
is 500 to 1000 milliliters (mL),
(haemodialysis and heart-
with total dosage not to
lung machine)
exceed 2500 mL daily
i) As secondary prophylaxis
SC or IV 250 mcg/m2/day.
and therapeutic use against
Initiation: 24 to 72 hours after
chemotherapy induced
Molgramostim 300 mcg L03AA03000P4002X chemotherapy. Duration:
1042 A* leucopenia according to
Injection X Until a clinically adequate
clinician's discretion
neutrophil recovery is
ii) Haemopoietic stem cell
transplantation (HSCT)
Apply thin layer to the
affected skin areas once
Steroid responsive
daily until the lesion heals or
dermatosis and vitiligo. Used
Mometasone Furoate 0.1% D07AC13139G1001 for a duration of 3 weeks
1043 A* where a potent steroid is
Cream XX whichever is
required for short duration
sooner.Massage gently and
not more than 6 weeks
thoroughly until the
medication disappears.
ADULT and CHILD over 12
years: 100 mcg/day (2
sprays) to each nostril once
daily. Maximum 200 mcg (4
Mometasone Furoate 50 R01AD09139A4101 sprays) once daily. Reduce
1044 A* Allergic rhinitis
mcg Aqueous Nasal Spray XX to 50 mcg (1 spray) once
daily when control achieved.
CHILD 6 - 12 years old: 50
mcg (1 spray) to each nostril
once daily
45 ml diluted with half a glass
(120 ml) of water, followed by
one full glass (240 ml) of
water to be taken depending
on the time of the procedure.
For morning procedure, 45
ml dilute with half glass of
water should be taken at 7
am and the second 45 ml at
Monobasic Sodium Bowel cleansing prior to
A06AG01162L5001X 7 pm on the day before the
1045 Phosphate 48%, Dibasic A colonoscopy, radiological
X procedure. For afternoon
Sodium Phosphate 18% examination or bowel surgery
procedure, the first dose
should be taken at 7 pm on
the day before and the
second dose at 7 am on the
day of the procedure. Solid
food must not be taken
during the preparation period;
clear fluids or water can be
taken liberally. Not

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recommended for use in
Chronic treatment of asthma
and relief of symptoms of CHILD more than 15 years
Montelukast Sodium 10 mg R03DC03520T1001
1046 A/KK seasonal allergic rhinitis for and ADULT: 10 mg daily at
Tablet XX
children more than 15 years bedtime
and adults
Asthmatics, not controlled on
high dose inhaled
12 months - 5 years: 1
Montelukast Sodium 4 mg R03DC03520F1001 corticosteroids more than
1047 A* packet of 4mg oral granules
Oral Granules XX 1600 mcg/day and with co-
daily at bedtime
morbid allergic disorders.
Chronic treatment of asthma
Asthmatics, not controlled on
high dose inhaled
CHILD 6 - 14 years: One 5
Montelukast Sodium 5 mg R03DC03520T2001 corticosteroids more than
1048 A* mg chewable tablet daily at
Tablet XX 1600 mcg/day and with co-
morbid allergic disorders.
Chronic treatment of asthma
For use in management of
5-20 mg or more regularly
Morphine HCl 10 mg/5 ml N02AA01110L9901X moderate to severe pain
1049 B every 4 hours as needed in
Solution X especially that associated
terminal pain
with neoplastic disease
Prolonged relief of severe 10 - 60 mg 12 hourly
pain associated with intervals, depend upon the
Morphine Sulphate 10 mg N02AA01183T5001X neoplastic disease; assists in severity of the pain. Children
1050 A
Controlled Release Tablet X procuring sleep where (more than 1 year of age)
sleeplessness is due to pain with severe cancer pain: 0.2 -
or shock 0.8mg/kg 12 hourly.
5-10 mg every four hours.
Morphine Sulphate 10 mg N02AA01183T6002X Relief of moderate to severe
1051 A* The dose may be increased
Immediate Release Tablet X pain (cancer patient)
according to needs
Morphine Sulphate 10 mg N02AA01183S2001X Relief of severe chronic pain 15 - 30 mg regularly every 4
1052 A*
Suppository X (cancer patient) hours
ADULT: 5-20mg SC or IM
every 4 hours in terminal pain
For moderate to severe pain CHILD: Up to 1 month: 0.15
Morphine Sulphate 10 N02AA01183P3001X
1053 B especially that associated mg/kg body weight; 1 - 12
mg/ml Injection X
with neoplastic disease months: 0.2 mg/kg body
weight; 1 - 5 years: 2.5 - 5
mg ; 6 - 12 years: 5 - 10 mg
Morphine Sulphate 20 mg N02AA01183S2002X Relief of severe chronic pain 15 - 30 mg regularly every 4
1054 A*
Suppository X (cancer patient) hours
Prolonged relief of severe
pain associated with
10 - 60 mg 12 hourly
Morphine Sulphate 30 mg N02AA01183T5002X neoplastic disease; assists in
1055 A intervals, depend upon the
Controlled Release Tablet X procuring sleep where
severity of the pain
sleeplessness is due to pain
or shock
Morphine Sulphate 30 mg N02AA01183S2003X Relief of severe chronic pain 15 - 30 mg regularly every 4
1056 A*
Suppository X (cancer patient) hours
5-10 mg every four hours.
Morphine Sulphate 5 mg N02AA01183T6001X Relief of moderate to severe
1057 A* The dose may be increased
Immediate Release Tablet X pain (cancer patient)
according to needs

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Prolonged relief of severe 10 - 60 mg 12 hourly
pain associated with intervals, depend upon the
Morphine Sulphate 60 mg N02AA01183T5003X neoplastic disease; assists in severity of the pain. Children
1058 A
Controlled Release Tablet X procuring sleep where (more than 1 year of age)
sleeplessness is due to pain with severe cancer pain: 0.2 -
or shock 0.8mg/kg 12 hourly.
CHILD more than 1 year and
Treatment of conjunctivitis
Moxifloxacin 0.5% S01AX22110D2001X ADULT: 1 drop to affected
1059 A* caused by susceptible
Ophthalmic Solution X eye(s) 3 times daily for 7
Second line therapy for
Severe Community Acquired
Pneumonia (CAP) patients IV or Oral: 400 mg once
with co-morbidity or with daily. The recommended
Moxifloxacin 400 mg J01MA14110P3001X recent antibiotic therapy, total treatment duration for
1060 A*
Injection X suspected infections of sequential administration
resistant pathogens including (intravenous followed by oral
Streptococcus pneumoniae, therapy) is 7 to 14 days
Haemophilus influenzae &
Mycoplasma pneumoniae.
Second line therapy for
Severe Community Acquired
Pneumonia (CAP) patients IV or Oral: 400 mg once
with co-morbidity or with daily. The recommended
J01MA14110T1001X recent antibiotic therapy, total treatment duration for
1061 Moxifloxacin 400mg Tablet A*
X suspected infections of sequential administration
resistant pathogens including (intravenous followed by oral
Streptococcus pneumoniae, therapy) is 7 to 14 days
Haemophilus influenzae &
Mycoplasma pneumoniae.
A11BA00901D5001X For prevention and treatment INFANT less than 1 year: 1
1062 Multivitamin Drops B
X of vitamin deficiencies ml daily
Initially 2 - 4 pairs IV 4 - 8
hourly, reducing to 1 pair IV
A11BA00901P3001X For prevention and treatment daily. For less serious cases,
1063 Multivitamin Injection B
X of vitamin deficiencies 1 pair IV 1 - 2 times daily or
based on individual
A11BA00901L9001X For prevention and treatment CHILD 5 ml daily or based on
1064 Multivitamin Syrup C+
X of vitamin deficiencies manufacturer
A11BA00901T1001X For prevention and treatment 1 - 2 tablets daily or based on
1065 Multivitamin Tablet B
X of vitamin deficiencies individual requirements
Skin infection by
Staphylococcus aureus
Adults and child over 1 year,
D06AX09000G1001 (including MRSA),
1066 Mupirocin 2% Cream A apply up to 3 times daily for
XX Staphylococcus epidermidis
up to 10 days
and beta-haemolytic
ADULT and CHILD: Apply up
1067 Mupirocin 2% Ointment A For MRSA infections only to three times daily for up to
10 days

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i) Renal transplant rejection:
ADULT: 1 g twice daily.
i) Prophylaxis of acute organ CHILD (3 months and older):
rejection in patients receiving 600 mg/m(2)/dose, twice
allogenic renal, cardiac and daily; maximum daily dose, 2
hepatic transplant g/10 mL. Cardiac transplant
Mycophenolate Mofetil 250 L04AA06236C1001X
1068 A* ii) Used with steroids for rejection: 1.5 g twice daily.
mg Capsule X
induction and maintenance of Hepatic transplant rejection:
severe lupus nephritis 1.5 g twice daily
resistant or intolerant to ii) Induction phase: 2 - 3
cyclophosphamide therapy g/day for up to 6 months.
Maintenance phase: dose
gradually tapers to 1 g/day
i) Renal transplant rejection:
ADULT: 1 g twice daily.
i) Prophylaxis of acute organ CHILD (3 months and older):
rejection in patients receiving 600 mg/m(2)/dose, twice
allogenic renal, cardiac and daily; maximum daily dose, 2
hepatic transplant g/10 mL. Cardiac transplant
Mycophenolate Mofetil 500 L04AA06236T1002X
1069 A* ii) Used with steroids for rejection: 1.5 g twice daily.
mg tablet X
induction and maintenance of Hepatic transplant rejection:
severe lupus nephritis 1.5 g twice daily
resistant or intolerant to ii) Induction phase: 2 - 3
cyclophosphamide therapy g/day for up to 6 months.
Maintenance phase: dose
gradually tapers to 1 g/day
Prophylaxis of acute
transplant rejection in adult
Mycophenolate Sodium L04AA06520T1001X patients receiving allogenic
1070 A* 720 mg twice daily
180mg Tablet X renal transplant in
combination with ciclosporin
and corticosteroids
Prophylaxis of acute
transplant rejection in adult
Mycophenolate Sodium L04AA06520T1002X patients receiving allogenic
1071 A* 720 mg twice daily
360mg Tablet X renal transplant in
combination with ciclosporin
and corticosteroids
Perioperative analgesia, for
Nalbuphine HCl 10 mg/ml N02AF02110P3001X 10 - 20 mg SC, IM or IV
1072 B relief of moderate to severe
Injection X every 3 - 6 hours
For the complete/partial
reversal of narcotic
depression including 0.005 - 0.01 mg/kg body
respiratory depression weight repeated at intervals
Naloxone HCl 0.02 mg/ml V03AB15110P3001X
1073 B induced by opioids such as of 2 - 3 minutes according to
Injection X
natural and synthetic the patient's needs by IM, IV
narcotics. Diagnosis of or SC
suspected acute opioids
For the complete/partial
reversal of narcotic
Initially 0.4 - 2 mg IV
depression including
Naloxone HCl 0.4 mg/ml V03AB15110P3002X repeated at intervals of 2 - 3
1074 B respiratory depression
Injection X minutes according to
induced by opioids such as
patient's needs
natural and synthetic
narcotics. Diagnosis of

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suspected acute opioids
Initial 25 mg may be
increased to 50 mg.
Maintenance: 350 mg
Adjunct in relapse prevention
weekly; administered as 50
Naltrexone HCl 50 mg N07BB04110T1001X treatment in detoxified
1075 A mg daily. Dosing interval may
Tablet X formerly opioid-dependant
be lengthened to improve
compliance; 100 mg on
alternate days or 150 mg
every third day
ADULT: 25 - 50 mg every 3
Nandrolone Decanoate 25 A14AB01135P3001X weeks by IM. CHILD over 2
1076 A Anabolic therapy
mg/ml Injection X years: 25 - 50 mg every 3 to
4 weeks
i) 0.5 - 1 g daily in 2 divided
i) Rheumatic arthritis,
osteoarthritis and ankylosing
ii) 750 mg initially then 250
M01AE02000T1001 spondylitis
1077 Naproxen 250 mg Tablet A/KK mg 8 hourly
XX ii) Acute gout
iii) 500 mg initially then 250
iii) Muscular skeletal
mg every 6 - 8 hour as
disorder, dysmenorrhoea
i) Rheumatic arthritis,
osteoarthritis and alkylosing
Naproxen Sodium 275 mg M01AE02520T1001 spondylitis 550 mg- 1100 mg in two
1078 A
Tablet XX ii) Acute gout divided doses
iii) Muscular skeletal disorder
and dysmenorrhoea
Apply sparingly to affected
D06AX04256G1001 Infections of the skin due to
1079 Neomycin 0.5% Cream B area up to 3 times daily (For
XX susceptible organisms
short term use, 1 - 2 weeks)
Treatment of the following
conditions where bacterial
infection is present or likely to
Apply sparingly to affected
Neomycin 0.5% in occur: eczemas, prurigo
D07CC01947G1001 area 2 - 3 times daily. (May
1080 Betamethasone 17-Valerate B nodularis, psoriasis
XX cause sensitisation to
0.01% Cream (excluding widespread
neomycin. Use with caution)
plaque psoriasis),
neurodermatoses, anal and
genital intertrigo
Treatment of the following
conditions where bacterial
infection is present or likely to
Apply sparingly to affected
Neomycin 0.5% in occur: eczemas, prurigo
D07CC01947G5001 area 2 to 3 times daily. (May
1081 Betamethasone 17-Valerate B nodularis, psoriasis
XX cause sensitisation to
0.01% Ointment (excluding widespread
Neomycin. Use with caution)
plaque psoriasis),
neurodermatoses, anal and
genital intertrigo
Treatment of the following
conditions where bacterial
Apply sparingly to affected
Neomycin 0.5% in infection is present or likely to
D07CC01947G1002 area 2 - 3 times daily (May
1082 Betamethasone 17-Valerate A occur: eczemas, prurigo
XX cause sensitisation to
0.1% Cream nodularis, psoriasis
neomycin. Use with caution)
(excluding widespread
plaque psoriasis),

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neurodermatoses, anal and
genital intertrigo
Treatment of the following
conditions where bacterial
infection is present or likely to
Apply sparingly to affected
Neomycin 0.5% in occur: eczemas, prurigo
D07CC01947G5002 area 2 to 3 times daily. (May
1083 Betamethasone 17-Valerate A nodularis, psoriasis
XX cause sensitisation to
0.1% Ointment (excluding widespread
neomycin. Use with caution)
plaque psoriasis),
neurodermatoses, anal and
genital intertrigo
Apply sparingly to affected
D06AX04256G5001 Infections of the skin due to
1084 Neomycin 0.5% Ointment B area up to 3 times daily (For
XX susceptible organisms
short term use, 1- 2 weeks)
1 - 2 drops in the affected
Neomycin with Polymyxin B
S01AA30990D2001X Eye infections that require a eye 2 - 4 times daily. In
1085 Sulphate and Gramicidin A
X broad spectrum antibiotic severe infections : 1 - 2 drops
Eye Drops
every 15 - 30 minutes
i) ADULT: 1 - 2.5 mg at
suitable intervals by SC, IM
or IV. Usual total daily dose 5
- 20 mg. CHILD: 200 - 500
mcg at suitable intervals
i) Myasthenia gravis
Neostigmine throughout the day.
N07AA01183P3002X ii) Reversal of non-
1086 Methylsulphate 2.5 mg/ml B NEONATE: 50 - 250 mcg
X depolarising neuromuscular
Injection every 4 hours
ii) By IV injection over 1
minute, 50 - 70 mcg/kg
(maximum 5 mg) after or with
atropine sulphate 0.6 - 1.2
ADULT: 4 - 6.5 mg/kg/day IM
or IV in 2 - 3 equally divided
doses for 7 - 14 days.
Netilmicin Sulphate 100 J01GB07183P3002X Maximum: 7.5 mg/kg/day.
1087 A Systemic infections
mg/2 ml Injection X CHILD: 5 - 7.5 mg/kg/day 8 -
12 hourly depending on
gestation and age. Maximum:
7.5 mg/kg/day
ADULT: 4 - 6.5 mg/kg/day IM
or IV in 2 - 3 equally divided
doses for 7 - 14 days.
Netilmicin Sulphate 150 J01GB07183P3003X Maximum: 7.5 mg/kg/day.
1088 A Systemic infections
mg/2 ml Injection X CHILD: 5 - 7.5 mg/kg/day 8 -
12 hourly depending on
gestation and age. Maximum:
7.5 mg/kg/day
ADULT: 4 - 6.5 mg/kg/day IM
or IV in 2 - 3 equally divided
doses for 7 - 14 days.
Netilmicin Sulphate 50 mg/2 J01GB07183P3001X Maximum: 7.5 mg/kg/day.
1089 A Systemic infections
ml Injection X CHILD: 5 - 7.5 mg/kg/day 8 -
12 hourly depending on
gestation and age. Maximum:
7.5 mg/kg/day

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Combined with other
antiretrovirals: 200 mg once
daily for the 1st 14 days; up
to 200 mg twice daily if rash
Treatment of HIV-1 infection does not develop. Re-
1090 Nevirapine 200 mg Tablet A/KK in combination with other introduce at a lower dose for
antiretroviral agents the 1st 14 days if treatment is
interrupted for >7 days,
necessitate reintroduction at
a lower dose for the first 14
The total daily dose should
not exceed 400mg.
Nevirapine may be dosed in
paediatric patients either by
body surface area (BSA) or
by body weight.
i) By BSA using the Mosteller
formula: the recommended
oral dose for paediatric
Treatment of HIV-1 infection
Nevirapine 50mg/5ml Oral J05AG01000L8001X patients of all ages is 150
1091 A/KK in combination with other
Suspension X mg/m2 once daily for 2
antiretroviral agents
weeks followed by 150
mg/m2 twice daily thereafter.
ii) By body weight: -<8 years
of age: 4 mg/kg once daily for
2 weeks followed by 7 mg/kg
twice daily thereafter. -≥8
years: 4 mg/kg once daily for
2 weeks followed by 4 mg/kg
twice daily thereafter.
Adult over 18 years old: 15
mg patch on waking (usually
in the morning) and remove
16 hours later (usually at
For the treatment of tobacco
bedtime) for 8 weeks, then
dependence by relieving
10 mg patch daily for 2
Nicotine 10 mg/ 16 hour N07BA01000M7005 nicotine withdrawal
1092 A/KK weeks followed by one 5 mg
Transdermal Patch XX symptoms, thereby
patch daily for another 2
facilitating smoking cessation
weeks. Apply to dry non-hairy
in smokers motivated to quit.
skin site. Application limited
to 16 hours in a 24-hr period
in each case. Review at 3
For the treatment of tobacco
dependence by relieving
Nicotine 14mg/24 hour N07BA01000M7002 nicotine withdrawal Apply 1 patch daily for 24
1093 A/KK
Transdermal Patch XX symptoms, thereby hours as in the product leaflet
facilitating smoking cessation
in smokers motivated to quit.
Adult over 18 years old: 15
For the treatment of tobacco
mg patch on waking (usually
dependence by relieving
in the morning) and remove
Nicotine 15 mg/ 16 hour N07BA01000M7006 nicotine withdrawal
1094 A/KK 16 hours later (usually at
Transdermal Patch XX symptoms, thereby
bedtime) for 8 weeks, then
facilitating smoking cessation
10 mg patch daily for 2
in smokers motivated to quit.
weeks followed by one 5 mg

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patch daily for another 2
weeks. Apply to dry non-hairy
skin site. Application limited
to 16 hours in a 24-hr period
in each case. Review at 3
For the treatment of tobacco
Smokes ≤ 20 sticks/day,
dependence by relieving
chew 2mg gum. Smokes ≥
N07BA01000M9901 nicotine withdrawal
1095 Nicotine 2 mg Gum A/KK 20 sticks/day, chew 4 mg
XX symptoms, thereby
gum. (MAX 24 pieces /day
facilitating smoking cessation
for up to 12 week.)
in smokers motivated to quit.
For the treatment of tobacco
dependence by relieving
Apply 1 patch daily for 24
Nicotine 21mg/24 hour N07BA01000M7003 nicotine withdrawal
1096 A/KK hours as in the product
Transdermal Patch XX symptoms, thereby
facilitating smoking cessation
in smokers motivated to quit.
For the treatment of tobacco
Smokes ≤ 20 sticks/day,
dependence by relieving
chew 2mg gum. Smokes ≥
N07BA01000M9902 nicotine withdrawal
1097 Nicotine 4 mg Gum A/KK 20 sticks/day, chew 4 mg
XX symptoms, thereby
gum. (MAX 24 pieces /day
facilitating smoking cessation
for up to 12 week.)
in smokers motivated to quit.
Adult over 18 years old: 15
mg patch on waking (usually
in the morning) and remove
16 hours later (usually at
For the treatment of tobacco
bedtime) for 8 weeks, then
dependence by relieving
10 mg patch daily for 2
Nicotine 5 mg/ 16 hour N07BA01000M7004 nicotine withdrawal
1098 A/KK weeks followed by one 5 mg
Transdermal Patch XX symptoms, thereby
patch daily for another 2
facilitating smoking cessation
weeks. Apply to dry non-hairy
in smokers motivated to quit.
skin site. Application limited
to 16 hours in a 24-hr period
in each case. Review at 3
For the treatment of tobacco
dependence by relieving
Apply 1 patch daily for 24
Nicotine 7mg/24 hour N07BA01000M7001 nicotine withdrawal
1099 A/KK hours as in the product
Transdermal Patch XX symptoms, thereby
facilitating smoking cessation
in smokers motivated to quit.
Prophylactic: 15 - 30 mg
For prophylaxis and daily. Therapeutic: 50 - 250
1100 Nicotinic Acid 50 mg Tablet B treatment of Vitamin B3 mg daily. Maximum single
deficiency dose: 200 mg. Maximum
dose in 24 hours: 800 mg
100 - 200 mg 3 times daily,
gradually increased over 2 -
4 weeks to 1 - 2 g 3 times
Nicotinic Acid 500 mg C10AD02000T1001X daily with or after meals.
1101 B Hyperlipidaemia
Tablet X CHILD: 100 - 250 mg/day in
3 divided doses with meals,
increase 100 mg/day weekly
or 250 mg/day every 2 - 3

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weeks as tolerated.
Maximum: 10 mg/kg/day

10 - 30 mg 3 times daily.
1102 Nifedipine 10 mg Capsule B Hypertension Maximum: 120 - 180 mg per
Initial dose of 10 mg twice
daily. Usual range 10 - 30 mg
C08CA05000T1001X 3 times daily. Maximum: 120
1103 Nifedipine 10 mg Tablet B Hypertension
X - 180 mg per day. Elderly:
Dose reduction may be
For the treatment of adult
300mg twice daily. Dose
patients with newly
adjustments or
L01XE08110T1001X diagnosed Philadelphia
1104 Nilotinib 150mg capsule A* modifications:For
X chromosome positive chronic
neutropenia &
myelogenous leukemia in the
chronic phase (CP).
Treatment of chronic phase
and accelerated phase
Philadelphia chromosome
positive chronic myelogenous
leukaemia (CML) in adults
who: 400 mg twice daily, 12 hours
L01XE08110C1001X i) Failed imatinib ie no apart. No food should be
1105 Nilotinib 200 mg Capsule A*
X cytogenic response and no taken two hours before and 1
haematological response by hour after taking the dose
12 months
ii) Have molecular resistance
to Imatinib as shown by
molecular mutation studies
iii) Are intolerant to Imatinib
IV infusion of 1 mg/hour for a
Prophylaxis & treatment of
period of 2 hours (about 15
ischaemic neurological
mcg/kg/hour). IV therapy
Nimodipine 10 mg/50 ml C08CA06000P9901 deficits caused by cerebral
1106 A* should be started no later
Infusion Solution XX vasospasm following
than 4 days after
subarachnoid haemorrhage
haemorrhage & continue for
of aneurysmal origin
up to 10 - 14 days
Prophylaxis & treatment of
ischaemic neurological
C08CA06000T1001X deficits caused by cerebral 360 mg daily in divided doses
1107 Nimodipine 30 mg Tablet A*
X vasospasm following for 7 days
subarachnoid haemorrhage
of aneurysmal origin
5 - 10 mg at bedtime.
ELDERLY or debilitated 2.5 -
1108 Nitrazepam 5 mg Tablet B Epilepsy (infantile spasms) 5 mg. CHILD not
recommended. Increasing
slowly according to response
Acute uncomplicated urinary
Nitrofurantoin 100 mg J01XE01000T1002X Uncomplicated lower urinary
1109 B tract infections Adult: 50-100
Tablet X tract infections
mg 4 times daily for 7 days.

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Dual-release preparation:
100 mg bid. Child: >3 mth
and older children: 3 mg/kg
daily in 4 divided doses.
Prophylaxis of uncomplicated
urinary tract infections Adult:
50-100 mg at bedtime. Child:
>3 mth and older children: 1
mg/kg once daily.
Number of factor IX units
required = body weight (kg) x
desired factor IX increase (%
or units/dL) x reciprocal of
Treatment and prophylaxis of observed recovery (units/kg
Nonacog alfa 1000 IU B02BD09000P4003X bleeding in patients with per units/dL). Average dose
1110 A*
injection X haemophilia B (congenital for secondary prophylaxis for
factor IX deficiency) previously treated adult
patients (PTP) was 40
units/kg (range 13 to 78
units/kg) at intervals of 3 to 4
Number of factor IX units
required = body weight (kg) x
desired factor IX increase (%
or units/dL) x reciprocal of
Treatment and prophylaxis of observed recovery (units/kg
Nonacog alfa 2000 IU B02BD09000P4004X bleeding in patients with per units/dL). Average dose
1111 A*
injection X haemophilia B (congenital for secondary prophylaxis for
factor IX deficiency) previously treated adult
patients (PTP) was 40
units/kg (range 13 to 78
units/kg) at intervals of 3 to 4
Number of factor IX units
required = body weight (kg) x
desired factor IX increase (%
or units/dL) x reciprocal of
Treatment and prophylaxis of observed recovery (units/kg
Nonacog alfa 250 IU B02BD09000P4001X bleeding in patients with per units/dL). Average dose
1112 A*
injection X haemophilia B (congenital for secondary prophylaxis for
factor IX deficiency) previously treated adult
patients (PTP) was 40
units/kg (range 13 to 78
units/kg) at intervals of 3 to 4
Number of factor IX units
required = body weight (kg) x
desired factor IX increase (%
or units/dL) x reciprocal of
Treatment and prophylaxis of observed recovery (units/kg
Nonacog alfa 500 IU B02BD09000P4002X bleeding in patients with per units/dL). Average dose
1113 A*
injection X haemophilia B (congenital for secondary prophylaxis for
factor IX deficiency) previously treated adult
patients (PTP) was 40
units/kg (range 13 to 78
units/kg) at intervals of 3 to 4

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Noradrenaline Acid Tartrate Septic shock and shock Infuse and titrate to desired
1114 (Norepinephrine Bitartrate) A where peripheral vascular pressure response. Range:
1 mg/ml Injection resistance is low 0.05 - 0.5 mcg/kg/minute
1 tablet daily starting on the
Norethisterone 0.35 mg G03AC01000T1001
1115 C+ Contraception first day of the menstrual
Tablet XX
By deep IM injection only.
First injection is within first 5
days of the cycle. The next 3
Norethisterone Enanthate G03AC01257P3001
1116 B Contraception injections are given at 8
200 mg/ml Injection XX
weeks interval after which the
injection interval should be
extended to 12 weeks
ADULT and CHILD more
Superficial infections of the than 1 year : 1-2 drops 4
S01AX12000D2001X eye (Pseudomonas times daily. First day : 1 - 2
1117 Norfloxacin 0.3% Eye Drops A*
X aeruginosa and MRSA) and drops two hourly during
its adnexae waking hours (depending on
Apply liberally to affected
area twice daily or as
required. After lesion has
disappeared continue
Prevention and treatment of
Nystatin 100,000 units/g D01AA01000G1001 treatment for 10 days to
1118 C cutaneous infections caused
Cream XX prevent relapses. Nail
by Candida albicans
infection: Cut nails as short
as possible. Apply cream
once daily until growth of new
nail has set in
Apply liberally to affected
area twice daily or as
required. After lesion has
Prevention and treatment of disappeared continue
Nystatin 100,000 units/g D01AA01000G5001 cutaneous or mucocutaneous treatment for 10 days to
1119 C
Ointment XX infections caused by Candida prevent relapses. Nail
albicans infection: Cut nails as short
as possible. Apply cream
once daily until growth of new
nail has set in
Prevention and treatment of
NEWBORN: 50,000-100,000
candidiasis of the skin and
units daily. CHILD up to 5
mucous membranes,
years: 100,000 -500,000
Nystatin 100,000 units/ml A07AA02000L8001X protection against candidas
1120 B units 6 hourly. CHILD up to
Suspension X overgrowth during
6-12 years and ADULT:
antimicrobial /corticosteroid
500,000-1,000,000 units 3 to
therapy and as selective
4 times daily
decontamination regimens
Prevention and treatment of
candidiasis of the skin and
ADULT: 500,000 -1,000,000
mucous membranes,
units 6 hourly, according to
Nystatin 500,000 units A07AA02000T1001X protection against candidas
1121 B severity of infections. CHILD:
Tablet X overgrowth during
100,000-500,000 units 6
antimicrobial /corticosteroid
therapy and as selective
decontamination regimens

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i) Acromegaly
ii) Treatment of patients with
symptoms associated with
endocrine tumours
i, ii and iii) Initially 0.005 - 0.1
iii) Carcinoid tumours with
mg SC 1 - 2 times daily,
features of the carcinoid
increase gradually up to 0.1 -
syndrome, VIPomas,
0.2 mg 3 times daily
Octreotide 0.05 mg/ml H01CB02122P3002 iv) 0.1 mg 3 times daily for 7
1122 A gastrinomas/Zollinger-Ellison
Injection XX consecutive days, starting on
syndrome, GRFomas,
the day of operation, at least
1 hour before laparotomy
iv) Prevention of
v) 25 mcg/hour for 5 days by
complications following
continous IV infusion
pancreatic surgery
v) Emergency management
of bleeding gastro-
eosophageal varices in
patients with cirrhosis
i) Acromegaly
ii) Treatment of patients with
symptoms associated with
endocrine tumours
i, ii and iii) Initially 0.005 - 0.1
iii) Carcinoid tumours with
mg SC 1 - 2 times daily,
features of the carcinoid
increase gradually up to 0.1 -
syndrome, VIPomas,
0.2 mg 3 times daily
Octreotide 0.1 mg/ml H01CB02122P3001 iv) 0.1 mg 3 times daily for 7
1123 A gastrinomas/Zollinger-Ellison
Injection XX consecutive days, starting on
syndrome, GRFomas,
the day of operation, at least
1 hour before laparotomy
iv) Prevention of
v) 25 mcg/hour for 5 days by
complications following
continous IV infusion
pancreatic surgery
v) Emergency management
of bleeding gastro-
eosophageal varices in
patients with cirrhosis
i) Adjunctive treatment for
active acromegaly
(second/third line therapy in
whom surgery or
radiotherapy is inappropriate
or ineffective- based on level
of growth hormone and high
IGF-1 and residual pituitary
Octreotide Acetate 20 mg H01CB02122P2001 10 - 30 mg every 4 weeks as
1124 A* ii) Treatment of symptoms
Injection XX deep intragluteal injection
associated with functional
endocrine tumours.
iii) Carcinoid tumours with
features of the carcinoid
syndrome, VIPomas,
syndrome, Insulinomas, for

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pre-operative control of
hypoglycemia and for
maintenance therapy,
i) Adjunctive treatment for
active acromegaly
(second/third line therapy in
whom surgery or
radiotherapy is inappropriate
or ineffective- based on level
of growth hormone and high
IGF-1 and residual pituitary
ii) Treatment of symptoms
associated with functional
Octreotide Acetate 30 mg H01CB02122P2002 10 - 30 mg every 4 weeks as
1125 A* gastro-entero-pancreatic
Injection XX deep intragluteal injection
endocrine tumours.
iii) Carcinoid tumours with
features of the carcinoid
syndrome, VIPomas,
syndrome, Insulinomas, for
pre-operative control of
hypoglycemia and for
maintenance therapy,
Acute otitis media with CHILD: 1 - 12 years: 5 drops
tympanostomy tubes, chronic twice daily for 10 days.
Ofloxacin 0.3% Otic S02AA00000D1001X suppurative otitis media with ADULT and CHILD over 12
1126 A/KK
Solution X perforated tympanic years: 6 - 10 drops twice
membranes and otitis daily and remain in the ear
externa about 10 minutes
i) As second-line treatment of
ii) As second-line treatment i) 400 mg/day
1127 Ofloxacin 100 mg Tablet A for tuberculosis and multidrug ii) 400 mg twice daily
resistant tuberculosis (MDR- iii) 200 mg twice daily
TB) iii) Sequential therapy for
UTI and pyelonephritis
200 mg IV twice daily for 3 -
5 days followed with 200 mg
J01MA01000P4001X Sequential therapy for UTI
1128 Ofloxacin 200 mg Injection A tablet twice daily for 3 - 5
X and pyelonephritis
days as maintenance dose (if
i) 5 - 10 mg once daily,
increase to 10 mg once daily
i) Acute and maintenance
within 5 - 7 days, adjust by 5
treatment of schizophrenia
- 10 mg/day at 1 week
and other psychoses where
intervals, maximum 20
Olanzapine 10 mg N05AH03000T4002X positive and or negative
1129 A* mg/day
Disintegrating Tablet X symptoms are prominent
ii) 10 - 15 mg once daily,
ii) Short-term use for acute
increase by 5 mg/day at
mania episodes associated
intervals of not less than 24
with Bipolar 1 disorder
hours. Maintenance 5 - 20
mg/day; maximum 20 mg/day

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i) 5 - 10 mg once daily,
increase to 10 mg once daily
i) Acute and maintenance
within 5 - 7 days, adjust by 5
treatment of schizophrenia
- 10 mg/day at 1 week
and other psychoses where
intervals, maximum 20
N05AH03000T1002X positive and or negative
1130 Olanzapine 10 mg Tablet A* mg/day
X symptoms are prominent
ii) 10 - 15 mg once daily,
ii) Short-term use for acute
increase by 5 mg/day at
mania episodes associated
intervals of not less than 24
with Bipolar 1 disorder
hours. Maintenance 5 - 20
mg/day; maximum 20 mg/day
i) 5 - 10 mg once daily,
increase to 10 mg once daily
i) Acute and maintenance
within 5 - 7 days, adjust by 5
treatment of schizophrenia
- 10 mg/day at 1 week
and other psychoses where
intervals, maximum 20
N05AH03000T1001X positive and or negative
1131 Olanzapine 5 mg Tablet A* mg/day
X symptoms are prominent
ii) 10 - 15 mg once daily,
ii) Short-term use for acute
increase by 5 mg/day at
mania episodes associated
intervals of not less than 24
with Bipolar 1 disorder
hours. Maintenance 5 - 20
mg/day; maximum 20 mg/day
i) 5 - 10 mg once daily,
increase to 10 mg once daily
i) Acute and maintenance
within 5 - 7 days, adjust by 5
treatment of schizophrenia
- 10 mg/day at 1 week
and other psychoses where
intervals, maximum 20
Olanzapine 5mg N05AH03000T4001X positive and or negative
1132 A* mg/day
Disintegrating Tablet X symptoms are prominent
ii) 10 - 15 mg once daily,
ii) Short-term use for acute
increase by 5 mg/day at
mania episodes associated
intervals of not less than 24
with Bipolar 1 disorder
hours. Maintenance 5 - 20
mg/day; maximum 20 mg/day
S02DC00000D1001 3 - 4 drops 3 - 4 or as
1133 Olive Oil Ear Drops C Impacted wax softener
XX directed
Temporary prevention of
Olopatadine hydrochloride S01GX09110D2002 One drop in each affected
1134 A* ocular itching due to allergic
ophthalmic solution 0.2% XX eye once a day
i) For adults and adolescents i) Adult & adolescent ≥12 yr,
(≥12 years), for severe 150-375 mg SC every 2-4
persistent allergic asthma wk, according to body wt &
whose symptoms are baseline serum total IgE
inadequately controlled with level.. For subcutaneous
inhaled corticosetroids administration only. Do not
ii) For Children (6 to <12 administer by the intravenous
years of age): As add-on or intramuscular route.
Omalizumab 150 mg therapy to improve asthma ii) Appropriate dose and
1135 (powder and solvent for A* control with severe persistent dosing frequency of
solution) allergic asthma who have omalizumab is determined by
positive skin test or in vitro baseline IgE (IU/ml),
reactivity to a perennial aero measured before the start of
allergen and frequent treatment, and body weight
daytime symptoms or night- (kg). Prior to initial dosing,
time awakenings and who patients should have their
have had multiple IgE level determined for their
documented severe asthma dose assignment. Based on
exacerbations despite daily these measurements 150-

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high-dose inhaled 375mg in 1 -3 injections may
corticosteroids, plus a long- be needed for each
acting inhaled beta 2 agonist administration. Patients
whose baseline IgE levels or
body weight in kilograms are
outside the limits of the
dosing table should not be
given omalizumab. For
subcutaneous administration
i) 20 - 80 mg 1 - 2 times daily
up to 8 - 12 weeks
ii) 20 mg twice daily in
Only for : combination with any of the 2
i) Reflux oesophagitis antibiotics (clarithromycin
ii) For eradication of 500 mg twice daily,
Helicobacter pylori infection amoxicillin 1 g twice daily or
1136 Omeprazole 10 mg Capsule A/KK iii) Benign peptic ulcer not metronidazole 400 mg twice
responding to conventional daily) for 1 - 2 weeks
therapy iii) 20 mg once daily for 4 - 6
iv) Zollinger-Ellison weeks
Syndrome iv) ADULT: 20 - 120 mg once
daily adjusted according to
the patient's response.
CHILD 0.4 - 0.8 mg/kg/day
i) 20 - 80 mg 1 - 2 times daily
up to 8 - 12 weeks
ii) 20 mg twice daily in
Only for : combination with any of the 2
i) Reflux oesophagitis antibiotics (clarithromycin
ii) For eradication of 500 mg twice daily,
Helicobacter pylori infection amoxicillin 1 g twice daily or
1137 Omeprazole 20 mg Capsule A/KK iii) Benign peptic ulcer not metronidazole 400 mg twice
responding to conventional daily) for 1 - 2 weeks
therapy iii) 20 mg once daily for 4 - 6
iv) Zollinger-Ellison weeks iv) ADULT: 20 - 120
Syndrome mg once daily adjusted
according to the patient's
response. CHILD 0.4 - 0.8
Only for :
i) Reflux oesophagitis
ii) For eradication of
i) 40 mg IV once daily when
Helicobacter pylori infection
A02BC01000P4001X oral therapy is inappropriate
1138 Omeprazole 40 mg Injection A* iii) Benign peptic ulcer not
X ii) 40- 160 mg by IV in single
responding to conventional
or divided doses
iv) Zollinger-Ellison

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i)8 mg given by IV infusion
over 15 minutes or by IM
immediately before treatment
followed by 8 mg orally every
12 hours for up to 5 days.
CHILD 5 mg/m2 body
surface IV over 15 minutes
immediately before
i) Prevention of nausea and chemotherapy followed by 4
vomiting induced by mg orally every 12 hours for
Ondansetron 2 mg/ml A04AA01110P3001X chemotherapy and up to 5 days
1139 A
Injection X radiotherapy ii) Prevention : 4 mg given by
ii) Postoperative nausea and IV at induction of
vomiting anaesthesia. CHILD over 2
years, 100 mcg/kg (max
4mg) by slow IV before,
during or after induction of
anaesthesia. Treatment of
postoperative: 4 mg by IM or
slow. CHILD over 2 years
100 mcg/kg (maximum 4mg)
by slow IV
i) 8 mg 1 - 2 hours before
treatment then 8 mg every 12
hours for up to 5 days.
CHILD, treatment by infusion
followed by 4 mg by mouth
i) Prevention of nausea and
every 12 hours for up to 5
vomiting induced by
A04AA01110T1001X chemotherapy and
1140 Ondansetron 4 mg Tablet A ii) Prevention of
X radiotherapy
postoperative nausea and
ii) Postoperative nausea and
vomiting, 16 mg 1 hour
before anaesthesia or 8 mg 1
hour before anaesthesia
followed by 8 mg at intervals
of 8 hours for a further 2
i) 8 mg 1 - 2 hours before
treatment then 8 mg every 12
hours for up to 5 days.
CHILD, treatment by infusion
followed by 4 mg by mouth
i) Prevention of nausea and
every 12 hours for up to 5
vomiting induced by
A04AA01110T1002X chemotherapy and
1141 Ondansetron 8 mg Tablet A ii) Prevention of
X radiotherapy
postoperative nausea and
ii) Postoperative nausea and
vomiting, 16 mg 1 hour
before anaesthesia or 8 mg 1
hour before anaesthesia
followed by 8 mg at intervals
of 8 hours for a further 2

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i) 8 mg given by IV infusion
over 15 minutes or by IM
immediately before treatment
followed by 8 mg orally every
12 hours for up to 5 days.
CHILD 5 mg/m2 body
surface IV over 15 minutes
immediately before
i) Prevention of nausea and chemotherapy followed by 4
vomiting induced by mg orally every 12 hours for
Ondansetron 8 mg/4ml A04AA01110P3002X chemotherapy and up to 5 days
1142 A
Injection X radiotherapy ii) Prevention : 4 mg given by
ii) Postoperative nausea and IV at induction of
vomiting anaesthesia. CHILD over 2
years, 100 mcg/kg (max
4mg) by slow IV before,
during or after induction of
anaesthesia. Treatment of
postoperative: 4 mg by IM or
slow. CHILD over 2 years
100 mcg/kg (maximum 4mg)
by slow IV
ADULT: 200 - 400 ml (1 - 2
sachets) for every loose
motion. CHILD: 200 ml (1
sachet) for every loose
A07CA00905F2101X Replacement of fluid and motion. In severe
1143 Oral Rehydration Salt C
X electrolytes loss in diarrhoea dehydration 100 ml/kg for 3 -
4 hours. INFANT: 1 - 1.5
times their usual feed volume
(50 ml per stool for small
Initially 150 mg daily in
Orphenadrine 100 mg M03BC01110T1001
1144 A Painful muscle spasm divided doses. Maximum:
Tablet XX
400 mg daily
Manual reprocessing, at least
12 minute immersion time at
room temperature (20 degree
High level disinfectant for
celcius) is required.
Ortho-phthalaldehyde V07AV00000L9909X sensitive endoscopes or
1145 A Automatic endoscope
0.55% Solution X semi-critical reusable medical
reprocessor, at least 5
minute immersion time at a
minimum of 25 degree
celcius is required
Only for patients with
colorectal cancer who:
i) have relapsed within 6
months after the end of
adjuvant chemotherapy with
5-fluorouracil-based regime
L01XA03000P4001X 85 mg/m2 IV repeated every
1146 Oxaliplatin 50 mg Injection A* ii) have progressive disease
X 2 weeks
despite 5-fluorouracil
chemotherapy for advanced
iii) good performance status
(WHO of 2 or less). The
treatment must be given in a

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tertiary oncology centre or
have clearance in writing by
an oncologist
ADULT: Initially 5 mg 2 - 3
times daily increased if
necessary to maximum 5 mg
For the relief of symptoms of
4 times daily. ELDERLY:
bladder instability associated
Initially 2.5 - 3 mg twice daily,
with voiding in patients with
increased to 5 mg twice daily
Oxybutynin Chloride 5 mg G04BD04110T1001 uninhibited neurogenic or
1147 A* according to response and
Tablet XX reflex neurogenic bladder (ie
tolerance. CHILD over 5
urgency, frequency, urinary
years, neurogenic bladder
leakage, urge incontinence,
instability: 2.5 - 3 mg twice
daily increased to 5 mg twice
daily to maximum 3 times
i) As a second line drug in
the management of opioid
responsive, moderate to
severe chronic cancer pain Initially 5 mg every 4 to 6
ii) As a step-down analgesic hours, increased if necessary
Oxycodone HCl 10 mg
N02AA05110C1002 drug in post-operative according to severity of pain,
1148 Immediate Release A*
XX procedures (Initiated by usual max. 400 mg daily, but
palliative medicine some patients may require
physicians, oncologists, higher doses
haematologists and pain
specialists only)
Management of moderate to
CHILDREN more than 18
severe chronic cancer pain
years, opioid-naive patients:
non-responsive to morphine
10 mg 12 hourly. Renal or
Oxycodone HCl 10 mg N02AA05110T5001X (in accordance with WHO
1149 A* hepatic impairment: 5 mg 12
Prolonged Release Tablet X step-wise ladder of chronic
hourly. Titrate dose carefully,
pain management) [Initiated
as frequently as once a day if
by Chronic Pain Specialist
necessary, to achieve pain
i) As a second line drug in
the management of opioid
responsive, moderate to
severe chronic cancer pain Initially 5 mg every 4 to 6
ii) As a step-down analgesic hours, increased if necessary
Oxycodone HCl 20 mg
N02AA05110C1003 drug in post-operative according to severity of pain,
1150 Immediate Release A*
XX procedures (Initiated by usual max. 400 mg daily, but
palliative medicine some patients may require
physicians, oncologists, higher doses
haematologists and pain
specialists only)
Management of moderate to
severe chronic cancer pain
CHILDREN more than 18
non-responsive to morphine
years, opioid-naïve patients:
Oxycodone HCl 20 mg N02AA05110T5002X (in accordance with WHO
1151 A* 10 mg 12 hourly. Renal or
Prolonged Release Tablet X step-wise ladder of chronic
hepatic impairment: 5 mg 12
pain management)
hourly. Titrate dose carefully,
[Initiated by Chronic Pain
as frequently as once a day if
Specialist only]

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necessary, to achieve pain

Management of moderate to
severe chronic cancer pain
Initially, 10 mg every 12
non-responsive to morphine
hours, increased if necessary
(Initiated by palliative
Oxycodone HCl 40 mg N02AA05110T5003X according to severity of pain,
1152 A* medicine physicians,
Prolonged Release Tablet X usual max. 200 mg every 12
hours, but some patients may
require higher doses
haematologists and pain
specialists only)
i) As a second line drug in
the management of opioid
responsive, moderate to
severe chronic cancer pain
Initially 5 mg every 4 to 6
ii) As a step-down analgesic
hours, increased if necessary
Oxycodone HCl 5 mg drug in post-operative
N02AA05110C1001 according to severity of pain,
1153 Immediate Release A* procedures
XX usual max. 400 mg daily, but
Capsules (Initiated by palliative
some patients may require
medicine physicians,
higher doses
haematologists and pain
specialists only)
Adults over 18 years: The
following starting doses are
recommended. A gradual
increase in dose may be
required if analgesia is
inadequate or if pain severity
increases. IV Bolus: Dilute to
1 mg/ml in 0.9% saline, 5%
dextrose or water for
injections. Administer a bolus
dose of 1 to 10 mg slowly
over 1-2 minutes. Doses
For the treatment of
should not be administered
moderate to severe pain in
more frequently than every 4
patients with cancer and
Oxycodone Hydrochloride N02AA05110P3001X hours. IV Infusion: Dilute to 1
1154 A* post-operative pain. For the
10 mg/ml Injection X mg/ml in 0.9% saline, 5%
treatment of severe pain
dextrose or water for
requiring the use of a strong
injections. A starting dose of
2 mg/hour is recommended.
IV PCA: Dilute to 1 mg/ml in
0.9% saline, 5% dextrose or
water for injections. Bolus
doses of 0.03 mg/kg should
be administered with a
minimum lock-out time of 5
minutes. SC Bolus: Use as
10 mg/ml concentration. A
starting dose of 5 mg is
recommended, repeated at
4-hourly intervals as

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required. SC Infusion: Dilute
in 0.9% saline, 5% dextrose
or water for injections if
required. A starting dose of
7.5 mg/day is recommended
in opioid naïve patients,
titrating gradually according
to symptom control. Cancer
patients transferring from oral
oxycodone may require much
higher doses (see below).
Transferring patients
between oral and parenteral
oxycodone: The dose should
be based on the following
ratio: 2 mg of oral oxycodone
is equivalent to 1 mg of
parenteral oxycodone. It
must be emphasised that this
is a guide to the dose
variability requires that each
patient is carefully titrated to
the appropriate dose.
Adults and paediatric patients
from 18 years of age: The
usual starting dose for opioid-
naïve patients or patients
The management of presenting with moderate to
moderate to severe chronic severe chronic pain
pain unresponsive to non- uncontrolled by weaker
Oxycodone Hydrochloride narcotic analgesics. The opioids is one tablet
10mg and Naloxone N02AA55900T1002X opioid antagonist naloxone in 10mg/5mg at 12 hourly
1155 A*
Hydrochloride Dihydrate X the fixed combination is intervals, or one tablet
5mg Tablet added to counteract and/or 5mg/2.5mg 12-hourly for
prevent opioid-induced patients with mild hepatic
constipatio. For pain impairment and patients with
specialist only renal impairment. The dose
should then be cautiously
titrated, as frequently as
every 1-2 days if necessary,
to achieve pain relief.
Adults, elderly and children
over 12 years: Usual starting
Management of moderate to dose for opioid-naive patients
severe chronic cancer pain or patients presenting with
non-responsive to morphine moderate to severe pain
in accordance with WHO uncontrolled by weaker
Oxycodone Hydrochloride step-wise ladder of chronic opioids (especially if they are
1156 10mg Controlled Release A* pain management. (Initiated receiving concurrent
Tablet by palliative medicine sedatives, muscle relaxants
physicians, oncologists, or other CNS medicines) is
anaesthesiologists, 10mg 12 hourly. The dose
haematologists and pain should then be carefully
specialists only) titrated with longitudinal
patient monitoring, assessing
whether the pain is opioid

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responsive and providing the
patient significant pain relief.
Patients with renal or hepatic
impairment: The
recommended adult starting
dose should be reduced by
1/3 to 1/2, and each patient
should be titrated to
adequate pain control
according to their clinical
Adults and paediatric patients
from 18 years of age: The
usual starting dose for opioid-
naïve patients or patients
The management of presenting with moderate to
moderate to severe chronic severe chronic pain
pain unresponsive to non- uncontrolled by weaker
Oxycodone Hydrochloride narcotic analgesics. The opioids is one tablet
20mg and Naloxone N02AA55900T1003X opioid antagonist naloxone in 10mg/5mg at 12 hourly
1157 A*
Hydrochloride Dihydrate X the fixed combination is intervals, or one tablet
10mg Tablet added to counteract and/or 5mg/2.5mg 12-hourly for
prevent opioid-induced patients with mild hepatic
constipatio. For pain impairment and patients with
specialist only renal impairment. The dose
should then be cautiously
titrated, as frequently as
every 1-2 days if necessary,
to achieve pain relief.
Adults, elderly and children
over 12 years: Usual starting
dose for opioid-naive patients
or patients presenting with
moderate to severe pain
uncontrolled by weaker
opioids (especially if they are
receiving concurrent
Management of moderate to
sedatives, muscle relaxants
severe chronic cancer pain
or other CNS medicines) is
non-responsive to morphine
10mg 12 hourly. The dose
in accordance with WHO
should then be carefully
Oxycodone Hydrochloride step-wise ladder of chronic
N02AA05110T5302X titrated with longitudinal
1158 20mg Controlled Release A* pain management. (Initiated
X patient monitoring, assessing
Tablet by palliative medicine
whether the pain is opioid
physicians, oncologists,
responsive and providing the
patient significant pain relief.
haematologists and pain
Patients with renal or hepatic
specialists only)
impairment: The
recommended adult starting
dose should be reduced by
1/3 to 1/2, and each patient
should be titrated to
adequate pain control
according to their clinical

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Adults and paediatric patients
from 18 years of age: The
usual starting dose for opioid-
naïve patients or patients
The management of presenting with moderate to
moderate to severe chronic severe chronic pain
pain unresponsive to non- uncontrolled by weaker
Oxycodone Hydrochloride narcotic analgesics. The opioids is one tablet
40mg and Naloxone N02AA55900T1004X opioid antagonist naloxone in 10mg/5mg at 12 hourly
1159 A*
Hydrochloride Dihydrate X the fixed combination is intervals, or one tablet
20mg Tablet added to counteract and/or 5mg/2.5mg 12-hourly for
prevent opioid-induced patients with mild hepatic
constipation. For pain impairment and patients with
specialist only renal impairment. The dose
should then be cautiously
titrated, as frequently as
every 1-2 days if necessary,
to achieve pain relief.
Adults, elderly and children
over 12 years: Usual starting
dose for opioid-naive patients
or patients presenting with
moderate to severe pain
uncontrolled by weaker
opioids (especially if they are
receiving concurrent
Management of moderate to
sedatives, muscle relaxants
severe chronic cancer pain
or other CNS medicines) is
non-responsive to morphine
10mg 12 hourly. The dose
in accordance with WHO
should then be carefully
Oxycodone Hydrochloride step-wise ladder of chronic
N02AA05110T5303X titrated with longitudinal
1160 40mg Controlled Release A* pain management (Initiated
X patient monitoring, assessing
Tablet by palliative medicine
whether the pain is opioid
physicians, oncologists,
responsive and providing the
patient significant pain relief.
haematologists and pain
Patients with renal or hepatic
specialists only)
impairment: The
recommended adult starting
dose should be reduced by
1/3 to 1/2, and each patient
should be titrated to
adequate pain control
according to their clinical
Adults and paediatric patients
from 18 years of age: The
The management of
usual starting dose for opioid-
moderate to severe chronic
naïve patients or patients
pain unresponsive to non-
presenting with moderate to
Oxycodone Hydrochloride 5 narcotic analgesics. The
severe chronic pain
mg and Naloxone N02AA55900T1001X opioid antagonist naloxone in
1161 A* uncontrolled by weaker
Hydrochloride Dihydrate X the fixed combination is
opioids is one tablet
2.5mg Tablet added to counteract and/or
10mg/5mg at 12 hourly
prevent opioid-induced
intervals, or one tablet
constipation. For pain
5mg/2.5mg 12-hourly for
specialist only
patients with mild hepatic
impairment and patients with

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renal impairment. The dose
should then be cautiously
titrated, as frequently as
every 1-2 days if necessary,
to achieve pain relief.
Newborn (up to 4 weeks): 1
Acute cold, paranasal
Oxymetazoline HCI 0.01% R01AA05110D6003 drop. Infant (1 - 12 month): 1
1162 A* sinusitis, syringitis, otitis
Nasal Drops XX - 2 drop. Doses to be given
twice or three times daily
1 - 2 drops twice daily in
Oxymetazoline HCl 0.025% R01AA05110D6001 Acute colds, paranasal
1163 A/KK each nostril for child more
(Paediatric) Nasal Drops XX sinusitis and otitis media
than 1 year
2 - 3 sprays into each nostril
Oxymetazoline HCl 0.025% R01AA05110A4101X Acute colds, paranasal
1164 A twice daily for child more
(Paediatric) Nasal Spray X sinusitis and otitis media
than 1 year
Oxymetazoline HCl 0.05% R01AA05110D6002 Acute colds, paranasal 1 - 2 drops twice daily in
1165 A/KK
(Adult) Nasal Drops XX sinusitis and otitis media each nostril
2 - 3 sprays into each nostril
Oxymetazoline HCl 0.05% R01AA05110A4102X Acute colds, paranasal
1166 A twice daily, maximum 6
(Adult) Nasal Spray X sinusitis and otitis media
sprays per nostril/day
ADULT and CHILD: 1 - 5
mg/kg daily in one daily dose.
Anaemias caused by the
Usual effective dose 1 - 2
Oxymetholone 50 mg A14AA05000T1001X administration of myelotoxic
1167 A mg/kg/day, given for a
Tablet X drugs, treatment of AIDS-
minimum trial of 3 - 6 months
wasting syndrome
because response may be
Conjunctivitis, dacryocystitis,
Oxytetracycline with blepharoconjunctivitis,
S01AA30947G5101 Apply into the conjunctival
1168 Polymyxin B Sulphate Eye B keratitis, trachoma,
XX sac 4 times daily
Ointment blepharitis, pre-op
prophylaxis against infection
IV: 0.5 - 1 milliunits/minute;
gradually increase dose in
increments of 1 - 2
milliunits/minute until desired
contraction pattern is
Oxytocin 10 units/ml H01BB02000P3001X
1169 B Induction of labour established; dose may be
Injection X
decreased after desired
frequency of contractions is
reached and labor has
progressed to 5 - 6 cm
i) 1 ml IM, may be repeated
after 2 hours. Should not
exceed 3 ml within 24 hours
i) Prevention and treatment
Oxytocin 5 units & ii) For routine management of
G02AC01900P3001 of post partum haemorrhage
1170 Ergometrine Maleate 0.5 C+ third stage of labour, 1 ml IM
XX ii) Management of third stage
mg/ml Injection following delivery of the
of labour
anterior shoulder or
immediately after delivery of
the child

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i) Treatment of recurrent
breast cancer, after failure of i) 175 mg/m2 IV over 3 hours
anthracycline-based every 3 weeks
chemotherapy ii) 175 mg/m2 IV over 3 hour
ii) Primary adjuvant therapy followed by cisplatin 75
in advanced ovarian cancer mg/m2 in every 3 weeks or
Paclitaxel 100 mg/16.6 ml L01CD01000P3002X
1171 A* in combination with cisplatin 135 mg/m2 IV over 24 hours
Injection X
iii) Treatment of locally followed by cisplatin 75
advanced or metastatic non- mg/m2 every 3 weeks
small cell lung cancer iii) 135 mg/m2 IV over 24
(NSCLC) in chemonaive hours followed by cisplatin 75
patients in combination with mg/m2 every 3 weeks
platinum compounds
i) Treatment of recurrent
breast cancer, after failure of i) 175 mg/m2 IV over 3 hours
anthracycline-based every 3 weeks
chemotherapy ii) 175 mg/m2 IV over 3 hour
ii) Primary adjuvant therapy followed by cisplatin 75
in advanced ovarian cancer mg/m2 in every 3 weeks or
Paclitaxel 30 mg/5 ml L01CD01000P3001X
1172 A* in combination with cisplatin 135 mg/m2 IV over 24 hours
Injection X
iii) Treatment of locally followed by cisplatin 75
advanced or metastatic non- mg/m2 every 3 weeks
small cell lung cancer iii) 135 mg/m2 IV over 24
(NSCLC) in chemonaive hours followed by cisplatin 75
patients in combination with mg/m2 every 3 weeks
platinum compounds
Initiation: Deltoid IM 150 mg
eq on Day1, followed by
deltoid IM 100 mg eq on one
week later. Maintenance:
Second or third line treatment Monthly dose of 75 mg eq
Paliperidone 100 mg N05AX13000P2004X of acute and maintenance (this can be increased or
1173 A*
Prolonged Release Injection X treatment of schizophrenia in decreased based on
adults individual patient’s tolerability
and/or efficacy). These
monthly maintenace dose
can be administered in either
the deltoid or gluteal muscle
Initiation: Deltoid IM 150 mg
eq on Day1, followed by
deltoid IM 100 mg eq on one
week later. Maintenance:
Second or third line treatment Monthly dose of 75 mg eq
Paliperidone 150 mg N05AX13000P2005X of acute and maintenance (this can be increased or
1174 A*
Prolonged Release Injection X treatment of schizophrenia in decreased based on
adults individual patient’s tolerability
and/or efficacy). These
monthly maintenace dose
can be administered in either
the deltoid or gluteal muscle
ADULT 6 mg once daily in
the morning, adjusted if
necessary; usual range 3 -12
Paliperidone 3 mg N05AX13000T5001X Second or third line treatment
1175 A* mg daily. Renal impairment
Extended Released Tablet X of schizophrenia
(creatinine clearance
between 10-50 mL/min) 3 mg
once daily. Avoid if creatinine

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clearance less than
Initiation: Deltoid IM 150 mg
eq on Day1, followed by
deltoid IM 100 mg eq on one
week later. Maintenance:
Second or third line treatment Monthly dose of 75 mg eq
Paliperidone 50 mg N05AX13000P2002X of acute and maintenance (this can be increased or
1176 A*
Prolonged Release Injection X treatment of schizophrenia in decreased based on
adults individual patient’s tolerability
and/or efficacy). These
monthly maintenace dose
can be administered in either
the deltoid or gluteal muscle
ADULT 6 mg once daily in
the morning, adjusted if
necessary; usual range 3 -12
mg daily. Renal impairment
Paliperidone 6 mg N05AX13000T5002X Second or third line treatment
1177 A* (creatinine clearance
Extended Released Tablet X of schizophrenia
between 10-50 mL/min) 3 mg
once daily. Avoid if creatinine
clearance less than
Initiation: Deltoid IM 150 mg
eq on Day1, followed by
deltoid IM 100 mg eq on one
week later. Maintenance:
Second or third line treatment Monthly dose of 75 mg eq
Paliperidone 75 mg N05AX13000P2003X of acute and maintenance (this can be increased or
1178 A*
Prolonged Release Injection X treatment of schizophrenia in decreased based on
adults individual patient's tolerability
and/or efficacy). These
monthly maintenace dose
can be administered in either
the deltoid or gluteal muscle
ADULT 6 mg once daily in
the morning, adjusted if
necessary; usual range 3 -12
mg daily. Renal impairment
Paliperidone 9 mg N05AX13000T5004X Second or third line treatment
1179 A* (creatinine clearance
Extended Released Tablet X of schizophrenia
between 10-50 mL/min) 3 mg
once daily. Avoid if creatinine
clearance less than
For the prevention of serious
lower respiratory tract
Palivizumab 100mg J06BB16000P3001X disease caused by 15 mg/kg IM once a month
1180 A*
Injection X respiratory syncytial virus during season of RSV risk
(RSV) in paediatric patients
at high risk of RSV disease
Dose depends on the initial
Hypercalcaemia of
Pamidronate Disodium 30 M05BA03520P3001 serum calcium levels. Doses
1181 A* malignancy (tumour -induced
mg Injection XX range from a single infusion
of 30 - 90 mg
Hypercalcaemia of
Pamidronate Disodium 90 M05BA03520P3002 Dose depends on the initial
1182 A* malignancy (tumour -induced
mg Injection XX serum calcium levels. Doses

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range from a single infusion
of 30 - 90 mg

Treatment of pancreatic
exocrine insufficiency due to Initially 1 - 2 capsules with
1183 Pancreatin 150 mg Capsule A/KK conditions such as cystic each meal. May increase to 5
fibrosis, chronic pancreatitis - 15 capsules daily
and non-pancreatic diseases
ADULT: Initially 50 - 100
mcg/kg IV, then 10 - 20
Muscle relaxant as an mcg/kg as required. CHILD >
Pancuronium Bromide 2 mg M03AC01320P3001
1184 B adjunct to general 2 YEARS: Initially 60 - 100
/ ml lnjection XX
anaesthesia mcg/kg then 10 - 20 mcg/kg.
Intensive care, by IV, 60
mcg/kg every 60 - 90 minutes
40 mg twice daily until oral
Pantoprazole 40 mg A02BC02000P3001X Bleeding peptic ulcer and administration can be
1185 A*
Injection X acute stress ulceration resumed. CHILD not
i) 40 mg twice daily in
combination with any of the 2
antibiotics (Clarithromycin
i) Helicobacter pylori 500 mg twice daily,
eradication Amoxicillin 1 g twice daily or
ii) Peptic ulcer disease Metronidazole 400 mg twice
iii) Erosive and non-erosive daily) for 1-2 weeks
1186 Pantoprazole 40 mg Tablet A* reflux oesophagitis (GERD ii) 40 mg daily for 2 - 4 weeks
and NERD) iii) 20 - 40 mg daily on
iv) Zollinger-Ellison morning for 4 weeks
Syndrome v) Prevention of iv) Initially 80 mg daily, dose
NSAID induced gastropathy can be titrated up or down as
v) 20 mg daily. CHILD not
Relief of cerebral and
peripheral ischaemia ADULT: 30 - 120 mg may be
Papaverine HCl 120 A03AD01110P3002X associated with arterial repeated every 3 hours as
1187 A
mg/10ml Injection X spasm and myocardial necessary. CHILD: 6 mg/kg
ischaemia complicated by daily in 4 divided doses
Body Weight (BW) ≤ 10kg:
7.5mg/kg, max: 30mg/kg BW
>10kg to ≤ 33kg: 15mg/kg,
max 60mg/kg not exceeding
2g BW >33kg to ≤ 50kg:
Paracetamol 10mg/ml in
N02BE01000P3101X Mild to moderate pain and 15mg/kg, max 60mg/kg not
1188 100ml Solution for IV A
X pyrexia exceeding 3g BW >50kg
(with risk of hepatotoxicity):
1g, max 3g BW >50kg
(without risk of
hepatotoxicity): 1g, max 4g
OR as in the product leaflet
CHILD: up to 1 year: 60 - 120
mg. 1 - 5 years: 120 - 240
Paracetamol 120 mg/5 ml N02BE01000L9001X Mild to moderate pain and
1189 C+ mg. 6 - 12 years: 240 - 480
Syrup X pyrexia
mg per dose. Repeat every 4
- 6 hours when necessary.

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Maximum of 4 doses in 24


than 12 years old: 500mg -
1g every 4-6 hours CHILD 6 -
12 years : 250 - 500 mg; 1 - 5
years : 125 - 250 mg; 3 - 11
Symptomatic relief of fever months : 80 mg inserted
Paracetamol 125 mg N02BE01000S2002X and post operative pain every 4 - 6 hours if
1190 C+
Suppository X whom cannot tolerate oral necessary, maximum 4
preparations. doses in 24 hours. INFANTS
under 3 months should not
be given Paracetamol unless
advised by doctor; a dose of
10 mg/kg (5 mg/kg if
jaundiced) is suitable.
than 12 years old: 500mg -
1g every 4-6 hours CHILD 6 -
12 years : 250 - 500 mg; 1 - 5
years : 125 - 250 mg; 3 - 11
Symptomatic relief of fever months : 80 mg inserted
Paracetamol 250 mg N02BE01000S2001X and post operative pain every 4 - 6 hours if
1191 B
Suppository X whom cannot tolerate oral necessary, maximum 4
preparations. doses in 24 hours. INFANTS
under 3 months should not
be given Paracetamol unless
advised by doctor; a dose of
10 mg/kg (5 mg/kg if
jaundiced) is suitable.
ADULT: 500 - 1000 mg every
N02BE01000T1001X Mild to moderate pain and
1192 Paracetamol 500 mg Tablet C+ 4 - 6 hours, maximum of 4 g
X pyrexia
Occlusion or partial occlusion
S02DA30900D1001 of the external auditory
1193 Turpentine Oil and B Instill 5 drops into the ears
XX meatus by soft wax or wax
Chlorbutol Ear Drops
Paraffin Mole Alba (White D02AC00000G5001
1194 C Xerosis and ichthyosis Apply to the affected area
Soft Paraffin) XX
1195 Paraffin Mole Flava C Xerosis and ichthyosis Apply to the affected area
The usual intramuscular dose
of paraldehyde for status
epilepticus is 0.15 to 0.3
milliliter/kilogram, a moderate
additional dose (0.05
1196 Paraldehyde Injection C Status epilepticus milliliter/kilogram) may be
necessary. The dose may be
repeated in 2 to 6 hours and
no more than 5 milliliters
should be administered in
one site

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40 mg followed by 20 or 40
mg every 6 to 12 hours, as
Management of post
required. Use limited to two
Parecoxib Sodium 40mg M01AH04520P3001 operative pain in the
1197 A* days only with a maximum
Injection XX immediate post operative
dose of 80 mg/day. Reduce
setting only
the initial dose by 50% in
elderly less than 50 kg
Recommended dose is 800
mg ORALLY once daily.
For treatment of advanced Should be taken without food
Pazopanib Hydrochloride L01XE11110T1001X
1198 A* and/or metastatic renal cell (at least one hour before or
200 mg Tablet X
carcinoma (RCC) two hours after meal). The
dose should not exceed 800
Recommended dose is 800
mg ORALLY once daily.
For treatment of advanced Should be taken without food
Pazopanib Hydrochloride L01XE11110T1002X
1199 A* and/or metastatic renal cell (at least one hour before or
400 mg Tablet X
carcinoma (RCC) two hours after meal). The
dose should not exceed 800
Administered as a slow (one
hour) intravenous perfusion,
Infections due to gram-
J01MA03196P3001X after diluting the contents of
1200 Pefloxacin 400 mg Injection A positive and gram-negative
X the 400 mg in 250 ml 5%
glucose (two perfusions daily,
morning and evening)
i) Infections due to gram-
positive and gram-negative
ADULT i) 800 mg/day in 2
J01MA03000T1001X pathogens
1201 Pefloxacin 400 mg Tablet A divided doses
X ii) Uncomplicated UTI,
ii) 800 mg stat
chancroid gonococcal
Adults (≥18 years): One 6
mg dose (a single pre-filled
syringe) of pegfilgrastim for
each chemotherapy cycle,
administered as a
subcutaneous injection
approximately 24 hours
Reduction in the duration of
following cytotoxic
neutropenia, the incidence of
chemotherapy. Renal
febrile neutropenia and the
incidence of infection as
Pharmacokinetics of
Pegfilgrastim Pre-filled manifested by febrile
L03AA13000P5001X pegfilgrastim is not expected
1202 Syringe 6 mg/0.6 ml (10 A* neutropenia in patients
X to be affected by renal
mg/ml) treated with cytotoxic
impairment. Hepatic
chemotherapy for malignancy
(with the exception of chronic
Pharmacokinetics of
myeloid leukaemia and
pegfilgrastim is not expected
myelodysplastic syndromes)
to be affected by hepatic
impairment. Paediatric
population: Insufficient data
to recommend the use of
pegfilgrastim in children and
adolescents under 18 years
of age.

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i) Combination therapy with
Ribavirin: ADULT: SC 1.5
mcg/kg/week CHILD and
ADOLESCENT (3-17 yr): SC
Treatment of:
Peginterferon Alfa-2b 80 L03AB10000P5002X 60 mcg/m2/week for 24-48
1203 A* i) Chronic Hepatitis C
mcg Injection X weeks Monotherapy: ADULT:
ii) Chronic Hepatitis B
SC 1 mcg/kg/week for 24
weeks to 1 year
ii) SC 1.0 - 1.5 mcg/kg once
weekly for 52 weeks
i) Chronic hepatitis C usually
in combination with ribavirin
(Important to establish
i) 180 mcg weekly SC with
hepatitis C virus (HCV)
ribavirin 800 mg daily for 24
genotype and viral load
weeks in patients in genotype
where combination treatment
2 and 3 and 180 mcg weekly
is advocated)
SC with ribavirin (1000 -
ii) For the treatment of both
Peginterferon Alpha-2a 135 L03AB11000P5002X 1200 mg) for 48 weeks for
1204 A* HbeAg-positive and HbeAg-
mcg Prefilled Syringe X those with genotype 1 and 4.
negative chronic hepatitis B
135 mg dose may be used
with compensated liver
for patients who cannot
disease and evidence of viral
tolerate the 180 mcg dose
replication who are not
ii) 180 mcg weekly SC for 48
responding or tolerating oral
antiviral therapy (Initiated by
Hepatologist and
Gasteroenterologist only)
i) Chronic hepatitis C usually
in combination with ribavirin
(Important to establish
i) 180 mcg weekly with
hepatitis C virus (HCV)
ribavirin 800 mg daily for 24
genotype and viral load
weeks in patients in genotype
where combination treatment
2 and 3 and 180 mcg weekly
is advocated)
with ribavirin (1000 - 1200
ii) For the treatment of both
Peginterferon Alpha-2a 180 L03AB11000P5001X mg) for 48 weeks for those
1205 A* HbeAg-positive and HbeAg-
mcg Prefilled Syringe X with genotype 1 and 4. 135
negative chronic hepatitis B
mg dose may be used for
with compensated liver
patients who cannot tolerate
disease and evidence of viral
the 180 mcg dose
replication who are not
ii) 180 mcg subcutaneously
responding or tolerating oral
once a week for 48 weeks
antiviral therapy (Initiated by
Hepatologist and
Gasteroenterologist only)
i) Monotherapy: SC at a dose
of 0.5 or 1 mcg/kg once
weekly for at least 6 months.
Combination therapy: 1.5
Treatment of:
Pegylated Interferon Alpha- L03AB10000P5003X mcg/kg/week SC in
1206 A* i) Chronic Hepatitis C
2b 100 mcg Injection X combination with ribavirin
ii) Chronic Hepatitis B
ii) 1-1.5 mcg/kg once weekly
for at least 24 weeks and up
to 52 weeks.

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i) Monotherapy: SC at a dose
of 0.5 or 1 mcg/kg once
weekly for at least 6 months.
Combination therapy: 1.5
Treatment of:
Pegylated Interferon Alpha- L03AB10000P5004X mcg/kg/week SC in
1207 A* i) Chronic Hepatitis C
2b 120 mcg Injection X combination with ribavirin
ii) Chronic Hepatitis B
ii) 1-1.5 mcg/kg once weekly
for at least 24 weeks and up
to 52 weeks.
i) Monotherapy: SC at a dose
of 0.5 or 1 mcg/kg once
weekly for at least 6 months.
Combination therapy: 1.5
Treatment of:
Pegylated Interferon Alpha- L03AB10000P5005X mcg/kg/week SC in
1208 A* i) Chronic Hepatitis C
2b 150 mcg Injection X combination with ribavirin
ii) Chronic Hepatitis B
ii) 1-1.5 mcg/kg once weekly
for at least 24 weeks and up
to 52 weeks.
i) Monotherapy: SC at a dose
of 0.5 or 1 mcg/kg once
weekly for at least 6 months.
Combination therapy: 1.5
Treatment of:
Pegylated Interferon Alpha- L03AB10000P5001X mcg/kg/week SC in
1209 A* i) Chronic Hepatitis C
2b 50 mcg Injection X combination with ribavirin
ii) Chronic Hepatitis B
ii) 1-1.5 mcg/kg once weekly
for at least 24 weeks and up
to 52 weeks.
50 mg/m2 IV every 4 weeks
for as long as the disease
does not progress & patient
continues to tolerate
i) For patients with platinum- treatment.For doses <90 mg:
resistant ovarian cancer dilute in 250 ml Dextrose 5 %
where the disease relapses in Water. For doses >90 mg:
within 6 months after dilute in 500 ml Dextrose 5 %
completion of the initial in Water. To minimize the
platinum-based risk of infusion reactions, the
chemotherapy initial dose is administered at
ii) For patients with platinum- a rate no greater than 1
sensitive ovarian cancer mg/minute. Renal
Pegylated Liposomal L01DB01110P3003X
1210 A* where the disease responds impairment: No dose
Doxorubicin HCl 20 mg/vial X
to first-line platinum-based adjustment required in
therapy but relapses 12 patients with creatinine
months or more after clearance 30-156 ml/min, no
completion of the initial pharmacokinetic data are
platinum based available in patients with
chemotherapy. As third line creatinine clearance of less
therapy for very selected than 30 ml/min. Hepatic
patients. (Gyne Oncology impairment: At initiation of
Specialist only) therapy: Bilirubin 1.2 - 3.0
mg/dl, the first dose is
reduced by 25 %, Bilirubin >
3.0 mg/dl, the first dose is
reduced by 50 %.

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Initial therapy 500 mg/m (2)
In combination with Cisplatin IV over 10 minutes on day 1,
for the 2nd line treatment of followed 30 minutes later by
patients with locally cisplatin 75 mg/m(2) infused
Pemetrexed Disodium 100 L01BA04016P3002X advanced or metastatic non IV over 2 hours; repeat cycle
1211 A*
mg Injection X small cell lung cancer every 21-days. Prior
(NSCLC) other than chemotherapy : 500 mg/m(2)
predominantly squamous cell IV, as a single-agent, over 10
histology minutes on day 1 of each 21-
day cycle
Initial therapy 500 mg/m(2) IV
In combination with Cisplatin over 10 minutes on day 1,
for the 2nd line treatment of followed 30 minutes later by
patients with locally cisplatin 75 mg/m(2) infused
Pemetrexed Disodium 500 L01BA04016P3001X advanced or metastatic non IV over 2 hours; repeat cycle
1212 A*
mg Injection X small cell lung cancer every 21-days. Prior
(NSCLC) other than chemotherapy : 500 mg/m(2)
predominantly squamous cell IV, as a single-agent, over 10
histology minutes on day 1 of each 21-
day cycle
Only for the treatment of 4 mg/kg once daily by slow
Pentamidine Isethionate P01CX01198P3001X
1213 A* pneumonia due to IV infusion for at least 14
300 mg Injection X
Pneumocytosis carinii days
Pentoxifylline 400 mg C04AD03000T1001X
1214 A/KK Peripheral vascular disease 400 mg 2 - 3 times daily
Tablet X
High level disinfectant or Immersion time based on
Peracetic Acid and V07AV00000L9906X
1215 A sterilant for heat labile manufacturer
Hydrogen Peroxide X
endoscopes recommendation
Essential hypertension, for
patients whose blood One tablet daily, preferably
Perindopril 4 mg and C09BA04900T1001X
1216 A/KK pressure is insufficiently taken in the morning and
Indapamide 1.25 mg Tablet X
controlled by perindopril before a meal.
i) 4 mg as single dose, may
be increased to a single 8 mg
dose. ELDERLY: Start
treatment with 2 mg dose. In
renal insufficiency, dose
should be adapted according
to creatinine clearance
ii) Single starting oral dose of
i) Hypertension 2 mg should be increased to
C09AA04000T1001X ii) Congestive heart failure a single 4 mg once BP
1217 Perindopril 4 mg Tablet B
X iii) Stable coronary artery acceptability has been
disease demonstrated
iii) 4 mg once daily for 2
weeks, may be increased to
8 mg once daily. ELDERLY:
2 mg once daily for 1 week,
then 4 mg once daily for the
following week, may be
increased up to 8 mg once
i) Hypertension i) 4 mg as single dose, may
C09AA04000T1002X ii) Congestive heart failure be increased to a single 8 mg
1218 Perindopril 8 mg Tablet B
X iii) Stable coronary artery dose. ELDERLY: Start
disease treatment with 2 mg dose. In

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renal insufficiency, dose
should be adapted according
to creatinine clearance
ii) Single starting oral dose of
2 mg should be increased to
a single 4 mg once BP
acceptability has been
iii) 4 mg once daily for 2
weeks, may be increased to
8 mg once daily. ELDERLY:
2 mg once daily for 1 week,
then 4 mg once daily for the
following week, may be
increased up to 8 mg once
For chronic renal disease
Peritoneal Dialysis Solution B05DB00908H2001 Dose depending on clinical
1219 B requiring dialysis and for
(1.5% Dextrose 5 Litres) XX cases
acute renal failure
For chronic renal disease
Peritoneal Dialysis Solution B05DB00908H2002 Dose depending on clinical
1220 B requiring dialysis and for
(4.25% Dextrose, 2 Litres) XX cases
acute renal failure
As a once replacement for a
single glucose exchange as
Administered as a single
part of a continuous
daily exchange for the long
ambulatory peritoneal
dwell in continuous
dialysis (CAPD) or
Peritoneal Dialysis with B05DB00908H2003 ambulatory peritoneal
1221 A* automated peritoneal dialysis
7.5% Icodextrin Solution XX dialysis or automated
(APD) regimen for the
peritoneal dialysis. The
treatment of chronic renal
recommended dwell time is 8
failure, particularly for
to 16 hours
patients who have lost ultra
filtration on glucose solutions
Apply thoroughly to all body
P03AC04000L6001X parts. Leave on for 8 - 14
1222 Permethrin 5% w/v Lotion A* Treatment of scabies
X hours. Not recommended for
children less than 2 years old
ADULT: Initially 4 mg 3 times
daily adjusted according to
N05AB03000T1001X Schizophrenia and other response, maximum 24 mg
1223 Perphenazine 4 mg Tablet B
X psychoses daily. ELDERLY: 1/4 to 1/2
adult dose. CHILD not
ADULT: 0.5 - 2 mg/kg SC or
For relief of moderate to IM every 3 - 4 hours if
severe pain (medical and necessary. CHILD: by IM 0.5
Pethidine HCl 100 mg/2 ml N02AB02110P3002X
1224 B surgical), pre-anaesthetic - 2 mg/kg. Up to 1 year : 1- 2
Injection X
medication and obstetrical mg/kg weight IM, 1 - 5 years :
analgesia 12.5 - 25 mg IM, 6 - 12 years:
25 - 50 mg IM
ADULT: 0.5 - 2 mg/kg SC or
For relief of moderate to IM every 3 - 4 hours if
severe pain (medical and necessary. CHILD: by IM 0.5
Pethidine HCl 50 mg/ml N02AB02110P3001X
1225 B surgical), pre-anaesthetic - 2 mg/kg. Up to 1 year : 1- 2
Injection X
medication and obstetrical mg/kg weight IM, 1 - 5 years :
analgesia 12.5 - 25 mg IM, 6 - 12 years:
25 - 50 mg IM

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ADULT: 60 - 180 mg daily
Phenobarbitone 30 mg N03AA02000T1002X
1226 B Epilepsy on. CHILD: Up to 8 mg/kg
Tablet X
ADULT: 10 mg/kg IV at a rate
of not faster than 100
mg/minute. Initial maximum
dose does not exceeding 1
gm. Daily maintenance of 1 -
Phenobarbitone Sodium N03AA02520P3001X
1227 B Status Epilepticus 4 mg/kg/day. CHILD: 10 - 20
200 mg/ml Injection X
mg/kg/dose loading dose,
followed by repeated doses
at 10 mg/kg/dose (strictly in
ICU setting). Maintenance 5 -
8 mg/kg/day
1228 Phenol 80% w/w Liquid C As disinfectant Use in various dilutions
Hypertensive episodes 1 mg/kg daily over at least 2
Phenoxybenzamine HCl C04AX02110P3001X
1229 A* associated with hours into large vein. Do not
100 mg/2 ml Injection X
phaeochromocytoma repeat within 24 hours.
i) ADULT: 500 - 750 mg 6
hourly.CHILD; up to 1 year:
i) Treatment or prophylaxis of 62.5 mg, 1 - 5 years: 125 mg,
infections caused by 6 - 12 years: 250 mg 6 hourly
Phenoxymethyl Penicillin J01CE02500T1001X
1230 C susceptible organisms ii) ADULT: 125 - 250 mg
125 mg Tablet X
ii) Prophylactic, rheumatic twice daily. CHILD: 25 - 50
fever mg/kg in divided doses every
6 - 8 hours. Maximum: 3
CHILD: Up to 1 year: 62.5
Treatment or prophylaxis of
Phenoxymethyl Penicillin J01CE02500F2101X mg 6 hourly; 1 - 5 years: 125
1231 C infections caused by
125 mg/5 ml Syrup X mg 6 hourly; 6 - 12 years:
susceptible organisms
250 mg 6 hourly
i) ADULT: 500 - 750 mg 6
hourly.CHILD; up to 1 year:
i) Treatment or prophylaxis of 62.5 mg, 1 - 5 years: 125 mg,
infections caused by 6 - 12 years: 250 mg 6 hourly
Phenoxymethyl Penicillin J01CE02500T1002X
1232 C susceptible organisms ii) ADULT: 125 - 250 mg
250 mg Tablet X
ii) Prophylactic, rheumatic twice daily. CHILD: 25 - 50
fever mg/kg in divided doses every
6 - 8 hours. Maximum: 3
Mydriasis and
vasoconstriction: 1 drop of
2.5% or 10% solution,
repeated in one hour if
necessary. Chronic
For pupillary dilation in mydriasis: 1 drop of a 2.5%
uveitis, for refraction without or 10% solution 2 - 3 times a
Phenylephrine HCI 2.5% S01FB01110D2001X
1233 B cyclopegic. For fundoscopy day. Uveitis with posterior
Eye Drops X
and other diagnostic synechiae (treatment) or
procedures synechiae, posterior
(prophylaxis): 1 drop of a
2.5% or 10% solution,
repeated in one hour if
necessary, not to exceed
three times a day. Treatment

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may be continued the
following day, if necessary

Mydriasis and
vasoconstriction: 1 drop of
2.5% or 10% solution,
repeated in one hour if
necessary. Chronic
mydriasis: 1 drop of a 2.5%
For pupillary dilation in or 10% solution 2 - 3 times a
uveitis, for refraction without day. Uveitis with posterior
Phenylephrine HCl 10% S01FB01110D2002X
1234 B cyclopegic. For fundoscopy synechiae (treatment) or
Eye Drops X
and other diagnostic synechiae, posterior
procedures (prophylaxis): 1 drop of a
2.5% or 10% solution,
repeated in one hour if
necessary, not to exceed
three times a day. Treatment
may be continued the
following day, if necessary
ADULT and CHILD more
than 6 years: 300-400
mg/day in 3 - 4 divided doses
before meals. Maximum: 600
Phenytoin Sodium 100 mg N03AB02520C1002
1235 B Epilepsy mg/day. CHILD: Initially 5
Capsule XX
mg/kg/day in 2 - 3 divided
doses. Maintenance: 4 - 8
mg/kg/day. Maximum: 300
ADULT: Patients with no
previous treatment may be
started on 1 teaspoonful or 5
mL (125 milligrams) 3 times
daily. It is then individualized
to the patient. An increase to
5 teaspoonfuls (625
Phenytoin Sodium 125 N03AB02520L8001X milligrams) may be made if
1236 B Epilepsy
mg/5ml Suspension X necessary. CHILD: Initially 5
mg/kg/day in 2 - 3 divided
doses. Maintenance: 4 - 8
mg/kg/day. Maximum: 300
mg/day. Children over 6
years and adolescents may
require the minimum adult
dose (300mg/day).
ADULT and CHILD more
than 6 years: 300-400
Phenytoin Sodium 30 mg N03AB02520C1001 mg/day in 3 - 4 divided doses
1237 B Epilepsy
Capsule XX before meals. Maximum: 600
mg/day. CHILD: Initially 5
mg/kg/day in 2 - 3 divided

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doses. Maintenance: 4 - 8
mg/kg/day. Maximum: 300

i) Status epilepticus: ADULT

10 - 15 mg/kg by slow IV.
Maximum 50 mg/minute.
Maintenance: 100 mg
orally/IV every 6 - 8 hours.
Phenytoin Sodium 50mg/ml N03AB02520P3001X
1238 B Status epilepticus CHILD 15 - 20 mg/kg by slow
lnjection X
IV. Maximum: 1 - 3
ii) Neurosurgery 100 - 200
mg IM approximately at 4
hourly interval
Phosphate Solution For supplemental ionic
B05XA09902L5001X According to the needs of the
1239 containing Sodium Acid A phosphorus for correction of
X patient
Phosphate 1.936 g /15 ml hypophosphataemia
2 capsules to be taken orally,
Phyllanthus Niruri Extract HA05BA5999C1001
1240 A/KK Liver tonic 3 times a day, before or after
250 mg Capsule XX
S01EB01110D2001X Miotics in chronic open-angle
1241 Pilocarpine 1% Eye Drops B 1 drop 1 - 4 times a day
X glaucoma
S01EB01110D2002X Miotics in chronic open-angle
1242 Pilocarpine 2% Eye Drops B 1 drop 1 - 4 times a day
X glaucoma
S01EB01110D2003X Miotics in chronic open-angle
1243 Pilocarpine 4% Eye Drops B 1 drop 1 - 4 times a day
X glaucoma
Adult and children more than
12 years: 4.5g 6 hourly, for
Piperacillin 4 g & Febrile neutropenia, lower
J01CR05961P3001X neutropenia adult and
1244 Tazobactam 500 mg A* respiratory tract infection and
X children more than 50kg:
Injection severe sepsis
4.5g 6 hourly. Children less
than 50kg: 90mg/kg 6 hourly
ADULT: 100 - 150 mg/kg
IM/IV in divided doses.
Increase to 200 - 300 mg/kg
in severe infections & at least
Piperacillin Sodium 4 g J01CA12520P4002X Infections due to 16 g in life-threatening
1245 A
Injection X Pseudomonas aeruginosa infections. Single dose over 2
g: IV route only. Maximum:
24 g/day. CHILD: 50-75
mg/kg/dose every 6 - 8
30 - 160 mg/kg/day orally or
N06BX03000P3001X Treatment of cerebral parenterally 2 times daily or 3
1246 Piracetam 1 g Injection A*
X functional impairment to 4 times daily. Maximum:
24 g/day
Initially 7.2 g daily in 2 - 3
Mild cognitive impairment, divided doses, increased
post concussional head according to response by 4.8
1247 Piracetam 1.2 g Tablet A* syndrome, head injury g daily every 3 - 4 days to
disorder, chronic vertigo and maximum of 20 g daily.
myoclonus CHILD under 16 years not

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Children with learning 30 - 160 mg/kg/day orally. To
N06BX03000L5001X disability, progressive be given 2 times daily or 3 - 4
1248 Piracetam 20% Solution A*
X myoclonic epilepsy and times daily. Maximum 24
hypoxia g/day
As monotherapy: 150 - 250
mg as 3 - 5 divided doses
N04BC08000T5001X daily. As combination with L-
1249 Piribedil 50 mg Tablet A* Parkinson disease
X dopa therapy: 50 - 150 mg
daily (50 mg per 250 mg of L-
i) 20 mg daily, maintenance
10 - 30 mg daily, in single or
i) Rheumatoid arthritis, divided doses
osteoarthritis, ankylosing ii) 40 mg daily in single or
M01AC01000C1001 spondylitis divided doses for 2 days,
1250 Piroxicam 10 mg Capsule A/KK
XX ii) Acute musculoskeletal then 20 mg daily for 7 - 14
disorders days
iii) Acute gout iii) 40 mg initially, then 40 mg
daily in single or divided
doses for 4 - 6 days
Starting with 0.5mg daily, the
dosage should be
progressively increased. The
average maintenance
dosage is 1.5mg daily in
N02CX01253T1001X Prophylactic treatment of
1251 Pizotifen 0.5 mg Tablet B divided doses or as a single
X vascular headache
dose at night. Max dose: 4.5
mg/day and 3 mg/dose.
Child: >2 yr: Up to 1.5 mg
daily in divided doses. Max
dose: 1 mg/dose.
Primary injection: 1 single
Prevention of pneumococcal injection (0.5 ml) only.
infections in high risk Booster: Must not be given
Pneumococcal Vaccine J07AL01000P3001X subjects from the age of 2 within 5 years except in very
1252 A
(Polyvalent) X years including patient with a high risk patient who
history of splenectomy or received the vaccine while
scheduled splenectomy under immunosuppressive
Apply 2 - 3 drops carefully to
lesion after protecting
surrounding area with
Podophyllum 10 - 20% D06BB04000L7001X
1253 B External anogenital warts vaseline. Wash off after 6
Paint X
hours or if feel burning
sensation and repeat 2 - 3
times weekly or once weekly
Local treatment of cervical
and vaginal inflammation and
tissue damage eg. discharge For cauterization, undiluted
due to bacterial, trichomonal once or twice weekly whilst
Policresulen 360 mg/g G01AX03900L9901X
1254 A and fungal infections, for vaginal douches, to be
Concentrate X
protrusions of endocervical diluted 1 part concentrate to
mucosa (erosion), 5 parts of water
haemostasis following biopsy
or excision of uterine polyps
Poliomyelitis Oral Live J07BF02000D5001X Immunisation against Two drops (0.1 ml). Primary
1255 C+
Vaccine (10 Doses) X poliomyelitis immunization: 1 oral dose at

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3,4 & 5 month of age.
Booster doses at 1-4 years &
7 years.
The usual dose of potassium
citrate is 30 - 60 mEq/day
orally in 3 or 4 doses with
meals or within 30 minutes
A12BA02955L9001X For treatment of calcium and
1256 Polycitra Syrup C after meals. ADULT: 15 ml 3
X uric acid stones
times daily well diluted with
water. CHILD 5-15 ml 3 times
daily, after meals and at
1 sachet dissolved in 1 L of
water. 2-3 L of oral solution
are required. When morning
Bowel cleansing prior to surgery is planned, the oral
colonoscopy, radiological solution is given in the late
Polyethylene Glycol A06AD15000F2101X examination or colonic afternoon the day prior. If
1257 A
/Macrogol 4000 Powder X surgery. Suitable for patients surgery is scheduled in
with heart failure or renal afternoon, the oral solution
failure should be given on the same
day for ingestion to be
completed three hours before
3 drops 3 - 4 times daily.
External auditory meatus and
Polymyxin B Sulphate
canal to be thoroughly
10,000 U, Neomycin Treatment of bacterial
S02CA03991D1001 cleansed and dried before
1258 Sulphate 5 mg and B infection and inflammation of
XX each application but soap
Hydrocortisone 10 mg Ear the external auditory meatus
should not be used as the
antibiotics may be inactivated
by it
Prophylaxis of invasive Prophylaxis of invasive
fungal infections in the fungal infections: 200mg
following adult patients: (5ml) three times a day. The
i. Patient receiving remission- duration of therapy is based
induction chemotherapy for on recovery from neutropenia
acute myelogenous leukemia or immunosuppression. For
(AML) or myelodysplastic patients with acute
syndrome (MDS) expected to myelogenous leukemia or
result in prolonged myelodysplastic syndromes,
Posaconazole 40mg/ml J02AC04000L8001X neutropenia and who are at prophylaxis with
1259 A*
Oral Suspension X high risk of developing posaconazole should start
invasive fungal infections. several days before the
ii. Haematopoietic stem cell anticipated onset of
transplant (HSCT) recipients neutropenia and continue 7
who are undergoing high- days after the neutrophil
dose immunosuppressive count rises above
therapy for graft versus host 500cell/mm3. Increasing the
disease and who are at high total daily dose above 800mg
risk of developing invasive does not further enhance the
fungal infections. exposure to posaconazole.
Dosage depends on the age,
Potassium Chloride 0.15% Prevention and treatment of weight, clinical and biological
1260 w/v & Sodium Chloride B potassium, sodium and (acid-base balance)
0.9% w/v Injection chloride depletion conditions of the patient and
concomitant therapy.

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Maximum recommended
dose of potassium is 2 to 3

By slow IV infusion
depending on the deficit or
For the correction of severe
the daily maintenance
Potassium Chloride 1 g/10 B05XA01100P3001X hypokalaemia and when
1261 B requirements. 1 g diluted in
ml Injection X sufficient potassium cannot
500 ml normal saline or
be taken by mouth
glucose and given slowly
over 2 - 3 hours
Potassium Chloride 1 g/15 A12BA01100L2101X 1 g once or twice daily until
1262 C Potassium depletion
ml Mixture X serum potassium is restored
ADULT: 2 - 3 tablets daily.
For the treatment and
Potassium Chloride 600 mg A12BA01100T5001X Severe deficiency: 9 - 12
1263 B specific prevention of
SR Tablet X tablets daily or according to
the needs of the patient
ADULT: 15-30 ml well diluted
with water. CHILD up to 1
year: 2.5 ml 3 times daily; 1 -
Potassium Citrate 3 g/10 ml A12BA02955L2101X For systemic or urine 5 years: 5 ml 3 times daily; 6
1264 C
and Citric Acid Mixture X alkalinization - 12 years: 10 ml 3 times
daily. To be taken well diluted
with water, after meals and at
Potassium Dihydrogen B05XA06170P3001X For treatment of Up to 10mmol phosphate
1265 A
Phosphate Injection X hypophosphataemia administered over 12 hours
Pre-operative management
H03CA00200L2101X ADULT and CHILD: 50 - 250
1266 Potassium Iodide Mixture B of hyperthyroidism and
X mg 3 times daily
Cleansing and deodorising
Potassium Permanganate D08AX06362L9901X As soaks or wet dressing 1 -
1267 C+ suppurative eczematous
1:10,000 Solution X 3 times daily or as required
reactions and wounds
Cleansing and deodorising
Potassium Permanganate D08AX06362L9902X As a bath once to twice daily
1268 C suppurative eczematous
1:20,000 Solution X or as required
reactions and wounds
Skin operation prior to To be applied undiluted in
Povidone Iodine 10%
D08AG02000L9902X surgery, in cleansing open pre-operative skin
1269 (equivalent to 1% iodine) B
X wounds, as an antiseptic for disinfection and general
operative wounds infections antisepsis.
Spread 5 ml over both hands
and rub thoroughly for about
5 minutes. Rinse thoroughly.
Repeat if desired. Pre-
Povidone Iodine 7.5%
D08AG02000L9901X As preoperative scrub for operative use on patient:
1270 (equivalent to 0.75% iodine) B
X hands and skin Apply scrub and rub
thoroughly for about 5
minutes. Rinse off using a
sterile gauze saturated with

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Adult: Used in combination
with atropine. Admin atropine
via IM/IV inj and repeat as
needed until patient shows
signs of atropine toxicity.
Maintain atropinisation for at
least 48 hr. As soon as the
effects of atropine are
observed, 1-2 g of
pralidoxime (chloride, iodide
or mesilate) may be given via
Antidote in the treatment of IM/IV inj. Repeat dose after 1
organophosphorus hr, then every 8-12 hr, if
insecticide poisoning and in necessary. In severe
Pralidoxime 25 mg/ml V03AB04000P3002X
1271 B the control of overdosage by poisoning, continuous
Injection X
anticholinergic drugs used in infusion of 200-500 mg/hr
the treatment of myasthenia may be given, titrated
gravis according to response.
Alternatively, pralidoxime
chloride may be given at an
initial dose of 30 mg/kg via IV
infusion over 20 minutes or
IV inj over 5 minutes,
followed by IV infusion at 8
mg/kg/hr. Max: 12 g/24 hr.
Child: As mesilate: 20-60
mg/kg. Renal impairment:
Dose adjustment may be
Dose escalation: 0.125 mg 3
times daily on week 1 then
0.25 mg 3 times daily week 2
then 0.5 mg 3 times daily on
week 3. Increase by 0.75 mg
at weekly intervals if needed
Treatment for signs and
up to maximum of 4.5
symptoms of advanced
Pramipexole mg/day. Patient on levodopa:
N04BC05110T1001X idiopathic Parkinson's
1272 Dihydrochloride 0.125 mg A* Reduce dose. Renal
X disease. It may be used as
Tablet impairment: In patient with
monotherapy or in
creatinine clearance <
combination with levodopa
20ml/min, the daily dose of
pramipexole should be
started at 0.125 mg daily
instead of 0.25mg and the
maximum dose should not >
1.5 mg daily
Dose escalation: 0.125 mg 3
times daily on week 1 then
0.25 mg 3 times daily week 2
Treatment for signs and
then 0.5 mg 3 times daily on
symptoms of advanced
week 3. Increase by 0.75 mg
Pramipexole N04BC05110T1002X idiopathic Parkinson's
1273 A* at weekly intervals if needed
Dihydrochloride 1 mg Tablet X disease. It may be used as
up to maximum of 4.5
monotherapy or in
mg/day. Patient on levodopa:
combination with levodopa
Reduced dose. Renal
impairment: In patient with
creatinine clearance <

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20ml/min, the daily dose of
pramipexole should be
started at 0.125 mg daily
instead of 0.25mg and the
maximum dose should not >
1.5 mg daily
Dose escalation: 0.375
mg/day on week 1, 0.75
mg/day on week 2, 1.5
mg/day on week 3. Increase
Treatment for signs and by 0.75 mg at weekly
symptoms of advanced intervals if needed up to a
N04BC05110T5001X idiopathic Parkinson's max of 4.5 mg/day. Patient
1274 Dihydrochloride Extended A
X disease. It may be used as on l-dopa: reduce dose.
Release 0.375mg Tablet
monotherapy or in Renal Impairment: CrCl 30-
combination with levodopa 50 mL/min Initially 0.375 mg
every other day. May be
increased by 0.375 mg at
weekly intervals to max 2.25
Dose escalation: 0.375
mg/day on week 1, 0.75
mg/day on week 2, 1.5
mg/day on week 3. Increase
Treatment for signs and by 0.75 mg at weekly
symptoms of advanced intervals if needed up to a
N04BC05110T5003X idiopathic Parkinson's max of 4.5 mg/day. Patient
1275 Dihydrochloride Extended A
X disease. It may be used as on l-dopa: reduce dose.
Release 1.5mg Tablet
monotherapy or in Renal Impairment: CrCl 30-
combination with levodopa 50 mL/min Initially 0.375 mg
every other day. May be
increased by 0.375 mg at
weekly intervals to max 2.25
Co-administered with aspirin,
is indicated to reduce the rate
of thrombotic cardiovascular
(CV) events (including stent
thrombosis) in patients with
acute coronary syndromes
who are to be managed with
Initiate treatment with a
percutaneous coronary
single 60mg oral loading
intervention (PCI) as follows:
dose. Continue at 10mg/5mg
B01AC22110T1002X STEMI with or without
1276 Prasugrel HCl 10 mg Tablet A* once daily with or without
X diabetes, UA and NSTEMI
food. Patients should also
with diabetes, age <75yrs
take aspirin (75 mg - 325 mg)
old, weight >60kg, without
history of TIA stroke and
clinically suspected
clopidogrel resistance
subset. (Only to be used in
Cardiology Centre as third
line treatment/ adjunctive

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10 - 20 mg once daily.
Maximum: 40 mg daily. In
Hypercholesterolaemia and
patients concomitantly taking
coronary heart disease
cyclosporine, with or without
intolerant or not responsive
Pravastatin Sodium 20 mg C10AA03520T1001X other immunosuppressive
1277 A/KK to other forms of therapy. In
Tablet X drugs: Initial dose is
health clinics, Pravastatin is
10mg/day and titration to
restricted to HIV patients on
higher doses should be
performed with caution.
Maximum dose 20mg/day.
Initially 0.5 mg 2 - 3 times
daily, the initial dose on
retiring to bed at night;
1278 Prazosin HCl 1 mg Tablet B Hypertension increased to 1 mg 2 - 3 times
daily after 3 - 7 days: further
increased if necessary to
maximum 20 mg daily
Initially 0.5 mg 2 - 3 times
daily, the initial dose on
retiring to bed at night;
1279 Prazosin HCl 2 mg Tablet B Hypertension increased to 1 mg 2 - 3 times
daily after 3 - 7 days: further
increased if necessary to
maximum 20 mg daily
Initially 0.5 mg 2 - 3 times
daily, the initial dose on
retiring to bed at night;
1280 Prazosin HCl 5 mg Tablet B Hypertension increased to 1 mg 2 - 3 times
daily after 3 - 7 days: further
increased if necessary to
maximum 20 mg daily
Vitamin and mineral
Pre/Post Natal Vitamin & A11AA03903C1001X 1 capsule daily or based on
1281 C+ supplement for use during
Mineral Capsule X individual requirements
pregnancy and lactation
Vitamin and mineral
Pre/Post Natal Vitamin & A11AA03903T1001X 1 tablet daily or based on
1282 C+ supplement for use during
Mineral Tablet X individual requirements
pregnancy and lactation
i) 5 - 25 mg daily in divided
i) Replacement therapy for
ii) 10 - 20 mg/m2 body
primary and secondary
Prednisolone 3 mg/5 ml H02AB06000L9001X surface daily in divided doses
1283 B adrenocortical insufficiency
Syrup X iii) ADULT: 5 - 60 mg daily.
ii) Adrenogenital syndrome
CHILD: 0.5 - 2 mg/kg/day in
iii) Other therapy
divided doses every 6 - 8
hours or as a single daily
i) 5 - 25 mg daily in divided
i) Replacement therapy for
ii) 10 - 20 mg/m2 body
primary and secondary
H02AB06000T1001X surface daily in divided doses
1284 Prednisolone 5 mg Tablet B adrenocortical insufficiency
X iii) ADULT: 5 - 60 mg daily.
ii) Adrenogenital syndrome
CHILD: 0.5 - 2 mg/kg/day in
iii) Other therapy
divided doses every 6 - 8
hours or as a single daily

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i) Initially, 75 mg twice daily.
May be increased to 150 mg
twice daily after 3-7 days.
i) Second line treatment of
Max: 600 mg/day after an
neuropathic pain in patients
Pregabalin 150 mg N03AX16000C1002 additional 7-day interval
1285 A* who do not response to first
Capsules XX ii) Initially, 75 mg twice daily.
line drugs
May be increased to 150 mg
ii) Fibromyalgia
twice daily within 1 week or
225 mg twice daily. Max: 450
i) Initially, 75 mg twice daily.
May be increased to 150 mg
twice daily after 3-7 days.
i) Second line treatment of
Max: 600 mg/day after an
neuropathic pain in patients
N03AX16000C1001 additional 7-day interval
1286 Pregabalin 75 mg Capsule A* who do not response to first
XX ii) Initially, 75 mg twice daily.
line drugs
May be increased to 150 mg
ii) Fibromyalgia
twice daily within 1 week or
225 mg twice daily. Max: 450
i) 15 mg daily for 14 days,
increased to higher doses or
longer course if resistance in
i) Treatment of malaria P.vivax occurs.
Primaquine 7.5 mg base P01BA03162T1001X ii) Prophylaxis together with a ii) ADULT: 30 mg once
1287 B
Tablet X schizonticide such as weekly. CHILD: 0.5 mg once
chloroquine weekly Child: 250 mcg/kg
daily for 14 days. Should be
taken with food. Take with
meals to avoid GI discomfort.
ADULT: Initially 1 tablet daily
in the evening, increasing by
1 tablet every 4 - 7 days to 3
1288 Primidone 250 mg Tablet B Epilepsy - 4 tablets daily. Maximum
dosage: 1.5 g daily in divided
doses. CHILD: 6 - 8 years:
Up to 1/2 adult dose
Hyperuricemia associated
with gout and gouty arthritis
M04AB01000T1001 (for cases allergic to 500 mg to 1000 mg twice
1289 Probenecid 500 mg Tablet A
XX allopurinol or serum uric acid daily
not controlled by allopurinol
ADULT: 300,000 - 900,000
units (300 - 900 mg) IM daily.
Procaine Benzylpenicillin Treatment of infections due
J01CE09702P4001X CHILD: Up to 1 year: 150 mg
1290 Aqueous 3 mega units (3 g) B to Penicillin G-sensitive
X IM daily. 1 - 5 years: 300 mg
Injection organisms
IM daily. 6 - 12 years: 600
mg IM daily
ADULT: 300,000 - 900,000
units (300 - 900 mg) IM daily.
Treatment of infections due
Procaine Penicillin Fortified J01CE09702P4002X CHILD: Up to 1 year: 150 mg
1291 B to Penicillin G-sensitive
4 MU Injection X IM daily. 1 - 5 years: 300 mg
IM daily. 6 - 12 years: 600
mg IM daily
Procarbazine HCl 50 mg L01XB01110C1001X Adult: Monotherapy: Initially,
1292 A Lymphomas
Capsule X 50 mg/day, increased by 50

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mg daily to 250-300 mg daily
in divided doses. Continue
doses until max response is
achieved or appearance of
signs of toxicity.
Maintenance: 50-150 mg/day
or 1-2 mg/kg daily until a
cumulative dose of at least 6
g. Combination Therapy: 100
mg/m2 on days 1-14 of each
4- or 6-wk cycle. Child:
Initially, 50 mg/m2 daily, up
to 100 mg/m2 adjust
according to response.
Nausea and vomiting Adult:
As maleate or mesilate: 20
mg, further doses are given if
needed. Recommended
buccal dose: As maleate: 3-6
i) Severe nausea and
mg bid. Vertigo Adult: As
Prochlorperazine Maleate N05AB04253T1002X vomiting
1293 B maleate or mesilate: 15-30
5mg Tablet X ii) Vertigo/labyrinthine
mg daily, given in divided
doses. May reduce gradually
to 5-10 mg daily.
Recommended buccal dose:
3-6 mg bid. May be taken
with or without food.
Deep IM injection, 12.5 mg
i) Severe nausea and
repeated if necessary after 6
Prochlorperazine Mesylate N05AB04253P3001X vomiting
1294 B hours and then followed by
12.5 mg/ml Injection X ii) Vertigo/labyrinthine
an oral dose. Not
recommended in children
i) Initial dose 2.5mg TDS,
increasing by 2.5-5mg/day at
intervals of 2 or 3 days until
i) All forms of Parkinson's the optimum clinical
disease (idiopathic paralysis response is achieved. Usual
agitants), post-encephalitis maintenance dose: 15-
and arteriosclerosis 30mg/day. Max: 60mg/day
Procyclidine HCl 5 mg/ ml N04AA04110P3001X ii) To control troublesome ii) Initial dose 2.5mg TDS,
1295 B
Injection X extrapyramidal symptoms increasing by 2.5mg daily
induced by neuroleptic drugs until symptoms are relieved.
including pseudo- Usual maintenance dose: 10-
parkinsonism, acute dystonic 30mg/day. IV Emergency: 5-
reactions and akathisia 10 mg. IM Emergency: 5-10
mg as a single dose, may
repeat after 20 mins if
needed. Max: 20 mg/day.
200-300mg daily orally. For
supplementation of the luteal
Progesterone 100 mg G03DA04000C1001 Supplementation of the luteal
1296 A* phase during in IVF, 400-
capsule XX phase
600mg per day in 2-3 divided
doses to be insert vaginally.
90 mg intravaginally daily
Progesterone 8% Vaginal G03DA04000G3001 Treatment of infertility due to
1297 A* from day of egg retrieval till
Gel XX inadequate luteal phase
pregnancy established

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Oedema and inflammation in
M09AB00000T1001 conjunction with other
1298 Prolase Tablet B 2 tablet 4 times daily
XX physical or chemotherapeutic
By deep IM: ADULT: 25 - 50
mg, maximum 100 mg.
CHILD 5 - 10 years: 6.25 -
Promethazine HCl 25 mg/ml R06AD02110P3001
1299 B Allergic conditions 12.5 mg. By slow IV: 25 - 50
Injection XX
mg in a solution of 2.5 mg/ml
in water for injection.
Maximum 100 mg
CHILD 2 - 5 years: 5 - 15 mg
Promethazine HCl 5 mg/5 R06AD02110L9001X
1300 B Allergic conditions daily 5 - 10 years : 10 - 25
ml Syrup X
mg daily
Deep anaesthesia:1 or 2
drops in the (eyes) every 5 to
10 minutes for 3 to 5 doses.
For minor surgical
Proparacaine HCI 0.5% S01HA04110D2001 Topical anaesthesia in procedures: instill 1 to 2
1301 B
Ophthalmic Drops XX ophthalmic procedures drops every 5 to 10 minutes
for 1 to 3 doses. Tonometry
and/or tonography
procedure: 1 to 2 drops in
each eye before procedure.
Treatment of urinary
ADULT: 15 mg twice daily to
incontinence, urgency and
3 times daily, increase to 4
frequency in neurogenic
times daily if required. Max
Propiverine HCl 15 mg G04BD06110T1001 detrusor overactivity
1302 A* dose: 60 mg daily. CHILD
Tablet XX (detrusor hyperreflexia) and
more than 5 years: 0.2 to 0.4
in idiopathic detrusor
mg/kg per day in 2 divided
overactivity (overactive
Adult: Induction: 20- 40 mg
by injection or infusion every
10 sec. Usual dose: 1.5-2.5
mg/kg. Maintenance: 4-12
mg/kg/hr or intermittent bolus
inj of 20-50 mg. Child: >8 yr:
Induction dose of 2.5 mg/kg.
Maintenance dose: 9-15
Induction & maintenance of mg/kg/hr by IV infusion or
Propofol 10mg/ml (1%) N01AX10000P9901X general anaesthesia. intermittent bolus inj. Elderly:
1303 A*
Injection X Sedation of ventilated ICU Including neurosurgical and
patients debilitated patients: Infuse at
a rate of 20 mg every 10 sec.
Maintenance: 3-6 mg/kg/hr.
Usual dose needed: 1-1.5
mg/kg. Duration of use: Can
be administered for a
maximum period of 7 days.
Sedation: 0.3 - 4 mg/kg/hour
up to 3 days

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Adult: IV Induction and
maintenance of general
anesth Induction: 40 mg
every 10 sec. Maintenance:
4-12 mg/kg/hr or intermittent
Induction & maintenance of boluses of 20-50 mg.
Propofol 20mg/ml (2%)
N01AX10000P9902X general anaesthesia. Sedation In diagnostic and
1304 emulsion for injection of A*
X Sedation of ventilated ICU surgical procedures: Initial: 6-
patients 9 mg/kg/hr by infusion.
Maintenance: 1.5-4.5
mg/kg/hr. For ventilated
patients: 0.3-4 mg/kg/hr.
Monitor lipid concentrations if
duration of sedation >3 days.
Slow IV injection in a dose of
1 mg over 1 minute, repeated
if necessary every 2 minutes
until a maximum of 10 mg
Propranolol HCl 1 mg/ml C07AA05110P3001X Arrhythmias and
1305 A has been given in conscious
Injection X thyrotoxicosis crisis
patients and 5 mg in patients
under anaesthesia. CHILD:
25 - 50 mcg/kg slow IV with
appropriate monitoring
Dysrythmias, tachycardia,
Propranolol HCl 10 mg C07AA05110T1001X hypertrophic obstructive
1306 B 10 - 40 mg 3 - 4 times daily
Tablet X cardiomyopathy (For
cardiologist only)
i) Initially 80 mg twice daily
increased as required to a
usual range of 160 - 320 mg
daily. CHILD: Initial doses of
1 mg/kg in divided doses,
can be increased to 2 - 4
mg/kg/day in divided doses
ii) Initial dose of 40 mg 2 - 3
times daily. Maintenance 120
- 240 mg daily
iii) 40mg 4 times daily for 2 -
3 days then 80 mg twice
i) Hypertension
daily, beginning 5 - 21 days
ii) Angina
after infarction
iii) Myocardial infarct
Propranolol HCl 40 mg C07AA05110T1002X iv) 10 - 40 mg 3 - 4 times
1307 B iv) Cardiac arrhythmia
Tablet X daily
v) Portal hypertension
v) Initially 40 mg twice daily.
vi) Migraine
The dose may be increased
vii) Thyrotoxicosis
as required up to 160 mg
twice daily
vi) Initial prophylaxis dose: 40
mg 2 - 3 times daily. The
dose may be increased at
weekly intervals up to 160
mg daily
vii) Adjunct: 10 - 40 mg 3 - 4
times daily. CHILD:
Arrythmias, thyrotoxicosis:
0.25 - 0.5 mg/kg 3 - 4 times
daily as required

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ADULT Initially 300-450mg in
8 hourly intervals (can be
given up to 600-900mg/daily)
until symptoms are controlled
in 1-2 months. Maintenance
Propylthiouracil 50 mg H03BA02000T1001X 50-150mg daily for at least
1308 B Hyperthyroidism
Tablet X 12-18 months. CHILDREN 6-
10 years: 50-150mg.
CHILDREN > 10 years: 150-
300mg daily. All doses are to
be given in 3 divided doses
daily. Taken with food.
5 ml slow IV injected over 10
minutes. If administered
within 15 minutes of heparin
dose, 1 mg will neutralise
approximately 100 units of
Heparin overdose and heparin. If longer time has
following cardiac or arterial elapsed, less protamine is
surgery or dialysis required. Not more than 50
Protamine Sulphate 10 V03AB14183P3001X
1309 B procedures when required to mg should be injected at any
mg/ml Injection X
neutralize the effects of one time. The dose is
heparin administered during dependent on the amount
extracorporeal circulation and type of heparin to be
neutralised, its route of
administration and the time
elapsed since it was last
given and blood coagulation
Trophic lesions in patients
with arterial occlusive
disease and with chronic
Protein Free D03AX00000G4001 venous insufficiency, burn
1310 A Apply 3 - 5 times daily
Haemodialysate 10% Jelly XX injuries, impaired wound
healing, decubitus ulcers and
skin ulcer caused by
Eyes disorders e.g. burns,
Protein Free scalds, ulcers, prevention
1311 Haemodialysate 20% Eye A and treatment of radiation Instill 1 drop 3 - 4 times daily
Gel dermatitis, traumatic and
ischaemic wound
Trophic lesions in patients
with arterial occlusive
disease and with chronic
Protein Free
D03AX00000G5001 venous insufficiency, burn
1312 Haemodialysate 5% A Apply 3 - 5 times daily
XX injuries, impaired wound
healing, decubitus ulcers and
skin ulcer caused by
Painful and inflammatory
affliction on the oral mucosa,
Protein Free
D03AX00000G6001 gums and lips, teething pain, Apply to lesions 3 - 5 times
1313 Haemodialysate Dental A
XX denture pressure sores, oral daily
Adhesive Paste
and maxillofacial surgery and
dressing after scaling

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ADULT and CHILD: 2 years
Pyrantel Pamoate 125 mg P02CC01127T1001X and older - single dose
1314 C Intestinal nematodes
Tablet X 10mg/kg body weight once.
Maximum 1 g
ADULT and CHILD: 2 years
Pyrantel Pamoate 250 mg P02CC01127T1002X and older - single dose
1315 C Intestinal nematodes
Tablet X 10mg/kg body weight once.
Maximum 1 g
Adult: 20-40mg/kg daily (max
1500mg) or 50mg/kg
Pyrazinamide 500 mg J04AK01000T1001X
1316 B Tuberculosis biweekly (max 2000mg).
Tablet X
Children: 20-30mg/kg daily or
30-40mg/kg thrice weekly.
ADULT: 30 - 120 mg at
suitable intervals throughout
the day, total daily dose 0.3 -
Pyridostigmine Bromide 60 N07AA02320T1001X
1317 B Myasthenia gravis 1.2 g. CHILD up to 6 years
mg Tablet X
initially 30 mg, 6 - 12 years
initially 60 mg, usual total
daily dose 30 - 360 mg
i) Pyridoxine-dependent i) INFANT 4 mg/kg daily for
convulsions in infant short periods
ii) Sideroblastic anaemia ii) 100 - 400 mg daily in
iii) B6-deficient anaemia in divided doses
Pyridoxine HCl 10 mg A11HA02110T1001X adult iii) ADULT 20 - 50 mg up to 3
1318 C+
Tablet X iv) Prophylaxis to peripheral times daily
neuritis in isoniazid therapy iv) Prophylaxis 10 mg daily,
v) Nausea and vomiting of therapeutic 50 mg 3 times
pregnancy and irradiation daily
sickness v) 20 - 100 mg daily
i) Pyridoxine-dependent i) INFANT 4 mg/kg daily for
convulsions in infancy short periods
ii) Sideroblastic anaemia ii) 100 - 400 mg daily in
iii) B6-deficient anaemia in divided doses
Pyridoxine HCl 50 mg/2 ml A11HA02110P3001X adult iii) ADULT 20 - 50 mg up to 3
1319 B
Injection X iv) Prophylaxis to peripheral times daily
neuritis in isoniazid therapy iv) Prophylaxis 10 mg daily,
v) Nausea and vomiting of therapeutic 50 mg 3 times
pregnancy and irradiation daily
sickness v) 20 - 100 mg daily

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i) Initial titration schedule
over 4 days: 25 mg twice
daily on Day 1, increase in
steps of 25 - 50 mg 2 to 3
times daily on Days 2 and 3
to reach target dose of 300 -
400 mg daily by Day 4, given
in 2 - 3 divided doses.
Institute further dose
adjustments, if indicated, at
intervals of 2 days or more, in
steps of 25 - 50 mg twice
i) Schizophrenia ii) 100 mg (Day 1), 200 mg
ii) Short term treatment of (Day 2), 300 mg (Day 3) &
acute manic episodes 400 mg (Day 4). Further
associated with bipolar I dosage adjustments up to
Quetiapine Fumarate 100
N05AH04138T1002X disorder, either monotherapy 800 mg/day by Day 6 should
1320 mg Immediate Release A*
X or adjunct to lithium or be in increments of not more
divalproex than 200 mg/day. Adjust
iii) Treatment of depressive dose within the range of 200
episodes associated with - 800 mg/day depending on
bipolar disorder clinical response and
tolerability of the patient.
Usual effective dose range:
400 - 800 mg/day
iii) 50 mg ORALLY once a
day on Day 1, then 100 mg
once daily on Day 2, then
200 mg once daily on Day 3,
then 300 mg once daily on
Day 4 (all doses given at
bedtime); patients requiring
higher doses should receive
400 mg on Day 5, increased
to 600 mg on Day 8 (week 1)
i) & ii) 300 mg once daily on
Day 1 then 600 mg on Day 2.
Maintenance dose: 400 to
800 mg once daily. Maximum
dose: 800 mg daily
i)Schizophrenia iii) 50 mg on Day 1, 100 mg
Quetiapine Fumarate 200 ii) Moderate to severe manic on Day 2, 200 mg on Day 3
1321 mg Extended Release A* episodes in bipolar disorder and 300 mg on Day 4.
Tablet iii) Major depressive Recommended daily dose is
episodes in bipolar disorder 300 mg. May be titrated up to
600 mg daily. In elderly or
hepatic impairment:Start with
50mg/ day, may be increased
in increments of 50mg /day to
an effective dose.

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i) Initial titration schedule
over 4 days: 25 mg twice
daily on Day 1, increase in
steps of 25 - 50 mg 2 to 3
times daily on Days 2 and 3
to reach target dose of 300 -
400 mg daily by Day 4, given
in 2 - 3 divided doses.
Institute further dose
adjustments, if indicated, at
intervals of 2 days or more, in
steps of 25 - 50 mg twice
i) Schizophrenia ii) 100 mg (Day 1), 200 mg
ii) Short term treatment of (Day 2), 300 mg (Day 3) &
acute manic episodes 400 mg (Day 4). Further
associated with bipolar I dosage adjustments up to
Quetiapine Fumarate 200
N05AH04138T1004X disorder, either monotherapy 800 mg/day by Day 6 should
1322 mg Immediate Release A*
X or adjunct to lithium or be in increments of not more
divalproex than 200 mg/day. Adjust
iii) Treatment of depressive dose within the range of 200
episodes associated with - 800 mg/day depending on
bipolar disorder clinical response and
tolerability of the patient.
Usual effective dose range:
400 - 800 mg/day
iii) 50 mg ORALLY once a
day on Day 1, then 100 mg
once daily on Day 2, then
200 mg once daily on Day 3,
then 300 mg once daily on
Day 4 (all doses given at
bedtime); patients requiring
higher doses should receive
400 mg on Day 5, increased
to 600 mg on Day 8 (week 1)
i) & ii) 300 mg once daily on
Day 1 and 600 mg on Day 2.
Maintenance dose: 400 - 800
i) Schizophrenia mg once daily. Maximum
Quetiapine Fumarate 300 ii) Moderate to severe manic dose: 800 mg daily
1323 mg Extended Release A* episodes in bipolar disorder iii) 50 mg on Day 1, 100 mg
Tablet iii) Major depressive on Day 2, 200 mg on Day 3
episodes in bipolar disorder and 300 mg on Day 4.
Recommended daily dose is
300 mg. May be titrated up to
600 mg daily
i) & ii) 300 mg once daily on
Day 1 and 600 mg on Day 2.
i) Schizophrenia Maintenance dose: 400 - 800
Quetiapine Fumarate 400 ii) Moderate to severe manic mg once daily. Maximum
1324 mg Extended Release A* episodes in bipolar disorder dose: 800 mg daily
Tablet iii) Major depressive iii) 50 mg on Day 1, 100 mg
episodes in bipolar disorder on Day 2, 200 mg on Day 3
and 300 mg on Day 4.
Recommended daily dose is

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300 mg. May be titrated up to
600 mg daily

i) & ii) 300 mg once daily on

Day 1 then 600 mg on Day 2.
Maintenance dose: 400 to
800 mg once daily. Maximum
dose: 800 mg daily.
iii) 50 mg on Day 1, 100 mg
i) Schizophrenia
on Day 2, 200 mg on Day 3
ii) Moderate to severe manic
Quetiapine Fumarate 50 mg N05AH04138T5001X and 300 mg on Day 4.
1325 A* episodes in bipolar disorder
Extended Release Tablet X Recommended daily dose is
iii) Major depressive
300 mg. May be titrated up to
episodes in bipolar disorder
600 mg daily. In elderly or
hepatic impairment: Start
with 50mg/ day, may be
increased in increments of
50mg /day to an effective
By slow intravenous infusion
(over 4 hours). ADULT: 20
mg/kg followed by 10 mg/kg
every 8 hours. CHILD : 20
mg/kg followed by 10 mg/kg
Quinine Dihydrochloride P01BC01110P3001X Severe and complicated
1326 B every 12 hours, initial dose
600 mg/2 ml Injection X malaria
should be half in patients
who have received quinine,
quinidine or mefloquine
during the previous 12 or 24
300 - 600 mg daily.
Treatment: 1.2 - 2 g daily in
divided doses. CHILDS less
than 1 year : 100 - 200 mg
Quinine Sulphate 300 mg P01BC01183T1001X Severe and complicated daily, 1 - 3 years : 200 - 300
1327 B
Tablet X malaria mg daily, 4 - 6 years: up to
500 mg daily, more than 7
years : up to 1 g daily. All
above doses are given for 7
days in 2 - 3 divided doses
i) Treatment and i) 10-20 mg daily for 4-8
maintenance of erosive or weeks, maintenance 10-20
Rabeprazole Sodium 20 mg A02BC04520T1001X
1328 A* ulcerative gastroesophageal mg daily
Tablet X
reflux disease (GERD) ii) 20 mg daily at morning for
ii) Duodenal ulcers up to 4-8 weeks
Prophylaxis: 3 dose (1 ml
each) schedule on D0, D7
Rabies Human Diploid Cell Pre-exposure and post- and D28. Booster dose after
1329 Vaccine (Lyophilised) B exposure vaccination against every 2 - 3 years. Post
Injection rabies exposure prophylaxis: use
after attack of a potential
rabid animal: 1 dose on D0,

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D3, D7, D14 and D28. In
previously vaccinated
individuals 2 doses on D0
and D3

Prevention and treatment of

Raloxifene HCl 60 mg G03XC01110T1001
1330 A* postmenopausal 1 tablet daily
Tablet XX
Raltgeravir combination with
other antiretroviral agents is
400mg administered orally,
indicated for the treatment of
twice daily with or without
J05AX08500T1001X HIV-1 infection in patients
1331 Raltegravir 400 mg tablet A* food, to be given combination
X who are contraindicated to
with other antiretroviral
boosted Protease Inhibitor or
who are intolerant to boosted
Protease Inhibitor.
i) Hypertension: Initially 2.5
mg once daily, increased at
intervals of 1 - 2 weeks to
i) Hypertension and maximum 10 mg once daily;
congestive heart failure ii) Congestive heart
Post-myocardial infarction iii) failure:Initially 1.25 mg once
Reducing risk of myocardial daily. Max: 10 mg/day ii)
1332 Ramipril 2.5 mg Tablet A infarction, stroke or Initially 2.5 mg twice daily for
cardiovascular death in 2 days then increased to
diabetics or patients with maximum 5 mg twice daily iii)
increased cardiovascular Initially 1.25 - 2.5 mg once
risks daily, increased to 5 mg once
daily after 1 week, maximum
dose: 10 mg once daily after
3 weeks
i) Hypertension: Initially 2.5
mg once daily, increased at
intervals of 1 - 2 weeks to
i) Hypertension and maximum 10 mg once daily;
congestive heart failure ii) Congestive heart
Post-myocardial infarction iii) failure:Initially 1.25 mg once
Reducing risk of myocardial daily. Max: 10 mg/day
1333 Ramipril 5 mg Tablet A infarction, stroke or ii) Initially 2.5 mg twice daily
cardiovascular death in for 2 days then increased to
diabetics or patients with maximum 5 mg twice daily
increased cardiovascular iii) Initially 1.25 - 2.5 mg once
risks daily, increased to 5 mg once
daily after 1 week, maximum
dose: 10 mg once daily after
3 weeks

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i) Treatment of Neovascular
(wet) Age-Related Macular
Degeneration (ARMD).
ii) Treatment of visual
0.5 mg (0.05ml) as a single
impairment due to diabetic
intravitreal Injection.Interval
macular edema (DME).
between 2 doses should not
iii) Treatment of visual
be shorter than 1 month, then
impairment due to macular
monitor for visual acuity
edema secondary to retinal
Ranibizumab 10 mg/ml S01LA04000P3001X monthly. Treatment is given
1334 A* vein occlusion (RVO).
Intravitreal Injection X monthly & continued until
iv) Treatment of visual
max visual acuity is
impairment due to choroidal
achieved, confirmed by
neovascularization (CNV)
stable visual acuity for 3
secondary to pathologic
consecutive monthly
myopia (PM).
Note: Indication ii) and iii)
approved to be used by
retinal specialist only
(PFUKKM 1/2015)
i) 150 mg twice daily (at
morning and night) or 300 mg
on night for 4-8 weeks.
i) Benign gastric and
Maintenance: 150-300 mg on
duodenal ulcer ii) Reflux
A02BA02110T1001X oesophagitis
1335 Ranitidine 150 mg Tablet B ii) 150 mg twice daily or 300
X iii) Non-ulcer dyspepsia
mg on night for 8-12 weeks
iv) Zollinger-Ellison
iii) 150 mg daily or twice daily
iv) 150 mg and may be
increased as necessary to 6
Ranitidine 150 mg/10 ml A02BA02110L9001X CHILD 2-4 mg/kg 2 times
1336 B Peptic ulcer disease
Syrup X daily. Maximum 300 mg daily
i) ADULT: Slow IV injection of
50 mg diluted to 20 ml and
given over at least 2 minutes.
i) Benign gastric/ duodenal May be repeated every 6-8
ulceration, reflux hours or IV infusion at rate of
oesophagitis, Zollinger 25 mg/hour for 2 hours, may
Ranitidine 25 mg/ml A02BA02110P3001X
1337 B Ellison Syndrome be repeated at 6-8 hours
Injection X
ii) Stress ulcer prophylaxis in intervals or IM. CHILD: 1
post-operative and high risk mg/kg/dose 6-8 hourly.
patients ii) Initial slow IV injection of
50 mg, then continuous
infusion of 125-250
i) 150 mg twice daily (at
morning and night) or 300 mg
on night for 4-8 weeks.
i) Benign gastric and
Maintenance: 150-300 mg on
duodenal ulcer
A02BA02110T1002X ii) Reflux oesophagitis
1338 Ranitidine 300 mg Tablet B ii) 150 mg twice daily or 300
X iii) Non-ulcer dyspepsia
mg on night for 8-12 weeks
iv) Zollinger-Ellison
iii) 150 mg daily or twice daily
iv) 150 mg and may be
increased as necessary to 6

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For IV use only. ADULT:
Induction: Bolus infusion:
1µg/kg over 30-60 seconds;
Continuous infusion: 0.5-
1µg/kg/min; Maintenance:
Continuous infusion: 0.025 to
2 µg/kg/min. CHILD (1-12
years of age): Induction:
Insufficient data; Neonates:
IV infusion 0.4-1.0
mcg/kg/minute depending on
i) As an analgesic agent for
the anaesthetic method and
use during induction and/or
adjust according to patient
maintenance of general
response, supplemental IV inj
anaesthesia during surgical
of 1 mcg/kg dose may be
procedures including cardiac
given. 1-12 yr: initially 0.1-1
mcg/kg by IV inj over at least
ii) Continuation of analgesia
N01AH06110P4001 30 seconds (excluded if not
1339 Remifentanil 5 mg Injection A* into the immediate post-
XX needed), followed by IV
operative period under close
infusion 0.05-1.3
supervision, during transition
mcg/kg/minute depending on
to longer acting analgesia.
the anaesthetic method and
iii) Provision of analgesia and
adjust according to patient
sedation in mechanically
response, supplemental IV
ventilated intensive care
bolus inj may be admin
during infusion. 12-18 yr: 0.1-
1 mcg/kg IV inj over at least
30 seconds (excluded if not
needed), followed by IV
infusion of 0.05-2
mcg/kg/minute depending on
anaesthetic method and
adjust according to patient
response, supplemental IV
bolus inj may be admin
during infusion.
OHA naïve patient: Start
dose with 0.5mg per meal
Patients transferred from
another oral hypoglycaemic
agent: Start dose with 0.5-
Type 2 diabetes mellitus (as 1mg per meal In combination
monotherapy or in with metformin: Start dose as
1340 Repaglinide 2 mg Tablet A* combination with metformin 0.5mg per meal Titrate every
when metformin alone is 1-2weeks according to blood
inadequate) glucose response. Max
single dose: 4mg before each
main meal. Max total daily
dose: 16mg. Doses to be
taken within 30 minutes of
meals, 2-4 meals a day

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ADULT (more than 18 years
old): 50mg/kg/day
Recommended: Body weight:
≤ 75kg should receive
1000mg daily as two 200mg
capsules in the morning and
three 200mg capsules in the
evening Body weight: >75kg
For the treatment of chronic
J05AB04000C1001X should receive 1200mg as
1341 Ribavirin 200 mg Capsule A* hepatitis C (in combination
X three 200mg capsules in the
with interferon alfa-2a/2b)
morning and three 200mg
capsules in the evening
Genotype 1,4: 48 weeks
Genotype: 24 weeks duration
should be individualized in
accordance with the baseline
characteristics of the
CHILD: 2.5-10 mg/day in
A11HA04000T1001X For prevention and treatment
1342 Riboflavine 3 mg Tablet C divided doses. ADULT: 5-30
X of riboflavine deficiency
mg/day in divided doses
CHILD: 20 mg/kg body
Rifampicin 100 mg/5 ml J04AB02000L9001X weight daily in 1 - 2 doses.
1343 A Tuberculosis and leprosy
Syrup X Up to 1 year: 10 mg/kg body
weight in a single daily dose
i) ADULT: 450 - 600 mg as a
single morning dose. CHILD:
10 - 20 mg/kg body weight
daily in 1 - 2 doses. Directly
i) Tuberculosis
observed therapy (DOT): 10
J04AB02000C1001X ii) Leprosy
1344 Rifampicin 150 mg Capsule B mg/kg twice weekly or 3
X iii) Prophylaxis for
times/week. Maximum: 600
meningococcal meningitis
ii) 600 mg/day
iii) 600 mg twice daily for 2
Patient more than or 71 kg: 5
Rifampicin 150 mg,
tab/day, 55 -70 kg: 4 tab/day,
Isoniazid 75 mg & J04AM05000T1001X Initial phase (2 months) of
1345 B 38-54 kg: 3 tab/day, 30-37
Pyrazinamide 400 mg X tuberculosis treatment
kg: 2 tab/day. To be taken as
a single dose
Rifampicin 150 mg, ADULT: 30 - 37 kg: 2 tablets
Treatment of both pulmonary
Isoniazid 75 mg, daily, 38 - 54 kg: 3 tablets
J04AM06000T1001X and extrapulmonary
1346 Pyrazinamide 400 mg & B daily, 55 - 70 kg: 4 tablets
X tuberculosis, in the intensive
Ethambutol HCl 275 mg daily, more than 70 kg: 5
treatment phase
Tablet tablets daily
30-37kg: 2 tablets once daily,
For pulmonary tuberculosis in
38-54kg: 3 tablets once daily,
Rifampicin 150mg + J04AM02000T1001X which organisms are
1347 B 55-70kg: 4 tablets once daily,
Isoniazid 75mg tablet X susceptible in continuation
Above 70kg: 5 tabs once
phase treatment for 4 months

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i) Tuberculosis ADULT: Daily
doses: 10mg/kg/day Body
weight doses: 10-15/kg/day
CHILD: 10 - 20 mg/kg body
weight daily in 1 - 2 doses.
Maximum daily dose: 600mg
Directly observed therapy
(DOT): 10 mg/kg twice
i) Tuberculosis
weekly or 3 times/week.
J04AB02000C1002X ii) Leprosy
1348 Rifampicin 300 mg Capsule B Maximum: 600 mg
X iii) Prophylaxis for
ii) Leprosy: ADULT: 600
meningococcal meningitis
mg/day CHILDREN: 10mg/kg
iii) Prophylaxis for
meningococcal meningitis:
ADULT: 600 mg twice daily
for 2 days CHILDREN:
10mg/kg twice daily for 2
days INFANT: 5mg/kg twice
daily for 2 days"
Rifampicin: 600 mg once
monthly, Dapsone: 100 mg
Rifampicin, Dapsone & J04AM02961T9901X For the treatment of leprosy daily, Clofazimine: 300 mg
1349 B
Clofazimine X and tuberculosis once monthly and 50 mg
daily (or 100 mg on alternate
Ringers Solution (contained As a source of electrolytes
sodium chloride, potassium B05XA30905P6001X and water for According to the needs of the
1350 B
chloride and calcium X hydration/replenishing of patient
chloride) chloride
ADULT : 2 mg in 1 - 2 divided
doses on first day then 4 mg
in 1 - 2 divided doses on 2nd
day then 6 mg in 1 - 2 divided
doses on 3rd day (slower
titration appropriate in some
patients); usual range 4 - 8
mg daily; dose above 10 mg
N05AX08000T1001X Psychoses and
1351 Risperidone 1 mg Tablet B daily only if benefit outweigh
X schizophrenia
risk (maximum 16 mg daily).
Elderly (or in hepatic or renal
impairment): initially 0.5 mg
twice daily increased in steps
of 0.5 mg twice daily to 1 - 2
mg twice daily. Not
recommended in children
under 15 years
ADULT: 2 mg in 1 - 2 divided
doses on 1st day then 4 mg
in 1 - 2 divided doses on 2nd
day then 6 mg in 1 - 2 divided
doses on 3rd day (slower
Risperidone 1 mg/ml Oral N05AX08000L5001X Psychoses and
1352 A titration appropriate in some
Solution X schizophrenia
patients); usual range 4 - 8
mg daily; dose above 10 mg
daily only if benefit outweighs
risk (maximum 16 mg daily).
Elderly (or in hepatic or renal

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impairment): initially 0.5 mg
twice daily increased in steps
of 0.5 mg twice daily to 1-2
mg twice daily. Not
recommended in children
under 15 years
ADULT : 2 mg in 1 - 2 divided
doses on first day then 4 mg
in 1 - 2 divided doses on 2nd
day then 6 mg in 1 - 2 divided
doses on 3rd day (slower
titration appropriate in some
patients); usual range 4 - 8
mg daily; dose above 10 mg
N05AX08000T1002X Psychoses and
1353 Risperidone 2 mg Tablet B daily only if benefit outweigh
X schizophrenia
risk (maximum 16 mg daily).
Elderly (or in hepatic or renal
impairment): initially 0.5 mg
twice daily increased in steps
of 0.5 mg twice daily to 1 - 2
mg twice daily. Not
recommended in children
under 15 years
Treatment of acute and
chronic schizophrenic
psychosis and other 25 mg IM every 2 weeks.
psychotic conditions, in which Dose increments (if required)
Risperidone 25 mg Injection N05AX08000P3001X
1354 A* positive and negative to 37.5 mg or 50 mg can be
(Long Acting) X
symptoms are prominent. It considered after a minimum
also alleviates affective of 4 weeks on each dosage
symptoms associated with
Treatment of acute and
chronic schizophrenic
psychosis and other 25 mg IM every 2 weeks.
psychotic conditions, in which Dose increments (if required)
Risperidone 37.5 mg N05AX08000P3002X
1355 A* positive and negative to 37.5 mg or 50 mg can be
Injection (Long Acting) X
symptoms are prominent. It considered after a minimum
also alleviates affective of 4 weeks on each dosage
symptoms associated with
Treatment of acute and
chronic schizophrenic
psychosis and other 25 mg IM every 2 weeks.
psychotic conditions, in which Dose increments (if required)
Risperidone 50 mg Injection N05AX08000P3003X
1356 A* positive and negative to 37.5 mg or 50 mg can be
(Long Acting) X
symptoms are prominent. It considered after a minimum
also alleviates affective of 4 weeks on each dosage
symptoms associated with
IV 0.05 mg/min to be
gradually increased by 0.05
mg/min every 10-15 minutes.
Ritodrine HCl 50 mg/5 ml G02CA01110P3001
1357 A Prevention of preterm labour IM injection: 10 mg 4-6
Injection XX
hourly. Continue treatment
for 12-48 hours after ceased

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Progressive or advanced HIV ADULT: (Single PI) initially
infection in combination with 300 mg twice daily, increase
other antiretroviral agents. by 100 mg twice daily
J05AE03000C1001X Criteria for use: a) Clinical increments to 600 mg twice
1358 Ritonavir 100 mg Capsule A*
X AIDS daily. (Dual PI) Initially
b) CD4 less than 350 cells or 200mg BD, then increase by
c) Viral load more than 100mg BD & reaching 400mg
10,000 copies/ml BD within 2 wk.
Progressive or advanced HIV ADULT: 400 - 600 mg twice
infection in combination with daily. CHILD: >1 month,
other antiretroviral agents. initiate at dise of 25mg/m2
J05AE03000L9901X Criteria for use: a) Clinical twice daily, titrate dose
1359 Ritonavir 80 mg/ml Solution A*
X AIDS upward every 2-3 days by
b) CD4 less than 350 cells or 50mg/m2 twice daily
c) Viral load more than (maximum dose 600mg twice
10,000 copies/ml daily)
i) 375 mg/m2 BSA
i) Treatment of patients with administered as an IV
relapsed or chemo-resistant infusion through a dedicated
low grade or follicular B-cell line once weekly for 4 weeks
Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma ii) Combination with CHOP
ii) Adjunctive therapy with (cyclophosphamide,
combination chemoagents for doxorubicin, prednisone and
aggressive Non-Hodgkin vincristine) as 375 mg/m2
Lymphoma iii) Severe active BSA on day 1 of each
rheumatoid arthritis with chemotherapy cycle for 8
Rituximab 10 mg/ml L01XC02000P3001X
1360 A* inadequate response or cycles after IV administration
Injection X
intolerance to other disease- of the glucocorticoid
modifying anti-rheumatic component of CHOP.
drugs (DMARDs) including iii) 1000 mg IV infusion
one or more tumour necrosis followed by a second 1000
factor (TNF) inhibitor mg IV infusion two weeks
therapies iv) Maintenance in later iv) 375mg/m2 BSA once
relapsed/ refractory follicular every 3 months until disease
lymphoma after response to progression or for a
induction therapy maximum period of two
10 mg once daily. Initial dose
should be taken 6 to 10 hour
Prevention of venous post-surgery provided that
B01AX06000T1001X thromboembolism in patients haemostasis has been
1361 Rivaroxaban 10 mg Tablet A*
X undergoing elective hip or established. Duration of
knee replacement surgery treatment: Major hip surgery
5 weeks. Major knee surgery
2 weeks
i) Prevention of stroke and
systemic embolism in adult
patients with non-valvular i) 20mg once daily or 15mg
atrial fibrillation with one or once daily (for patients with
more risk factors, such as moderate renal impairment
B01AX06000T1002X Congestive heart failure (creatinine clearance 30-49
1362 Rivaroxaban 15 mg Tablet A*
X (CHF), hypertension, age ≥ ml/min)
75 yrs, diabetes mellitus, Dosage: ii) & (iii) 15mg BD
prior stroke or transient for 21 days, followed by
ischaemic attack. 20mg OD.
ii) Treatment of deep vein
thrombosis (DVT), and

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prevention of recurrent DVT
and pulmonary embolism
(PE) following an acute DVT
in adults.
iii) Treatment of Pulmonary
Embolism (PE), and
prevention of recurrent DVT
and pulmonary embolism
(PE) following an acute PE in
i) Prevention of stroke and
systemic embolism in adult
patients with non-valvular
atrial fibrillation with one or
more risk factors, such as
Congestive heart failure
(CHF), hypertension, age ≥
75 yrs, diabetes mellitus, i) 20mg once daily or 15mg
prior stroke or transient once daily (for patients with
ischaemic attack. moderate renal impairment
B01AX06000T1003X ii) Treatment of deep vein (creatinine clearance 30-49
1363 Rivaroxaban 20 mg Tablet A*
X thrombosis (DVT), and ml/min)
prevention of recurrent DVT Dosage (ii) & (iii) 15mg BD
and pulmonary embolism for 21 days, followed by
(PE) following an acute DVT 20mg OD.
in adults.
iii) Treatment of Pulmonary
Embolism (PE), and
prevention of recurrent DVT
and pulmonary embolism
(PE) following an acute PE in
Initial dose 1.5 mg 2 times
daily, may increase by 1.5
For psychiatrists and
mg 2 times daily every 2
neurologists only. Mild to
Rivastigmine 1.5 mg N06DA03123C1001 weeks to maximum of 6 mg 2
1364 A* moderately severe dementia
Capsule XX times daily. If treatment is
associated with Alzheimer's
interrupted for several days,
or Parkinson's disease
should be reinitiated at the
lowest daily dose
Initial dose 1.5 mg 2 times
daily. May be increased after
a minimum of 2 weeks of
For psychiatrists and treatment to 3 mg 2 times
neurologists only. Mild to daily. Subsequently to 4.5 mg
Rivastigmine 2 mg/ml Oral N06DA03123L9901X
1365 A* moderately severe dementia 2 times daily, up to maximum
Solution X
associated with Alzheimer's of 6 mg 2 times daily. If
or Parkinson's disease treatment is interrupted for
several days, should be
reinitiated at the lowest daily
Initial dose 1.5 mg 2 times
For psychiatrists and
daily, may increase by 1.5
neurologists only. Mild to
N06DA03123C1002 mg 2 times daily every 2
1366 Rivastigmine 3 mg Capsule A* moderately severe dementia
XX weeks to maximum of 6 mg 2
associated with Alzheimer's
times daily. If treatment is
or Parkinson's disease
interrupted for several days,

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should be reinitiated at the
lowest daily dose
Initial dose 1.5 mg 2 times
daily, may increase by 1.5
For psychiatrists and
mg 2 times daily every 2
neurologists only. Mild to
Rivastigmine 4.5 mg N06DA03123C1003 weeks to maximum of 6 mg 2
1367 A* moderately severe dementia
Capsule XX times daily. If treatment is
associated with Alzheimer's
interrupted for several days,
or Parkinson's disease
should be reinitiated at the
lowest daily dose
Initial, 4.6 mg/24 hr patch
Mild to moderately severe TOPICALLY once daily; after
Rivastigmine 4.6mg/24hr N06DA03123M7001 dementia associated with a minimum of 4 weeks and
1368 A*
Transdermal Patch XX Alzheimer's or Parkinson's good tolerability, increase the
disease dose to 9.5 mg/24 hr patch
once daily
Initial dose 1.5 mg 2 times
daily, may increase by 1.5
For psychiatrists and
mg 2 times daily every 2
neurologists only. Mild to
N06DA03123C1004 weeks to maximum of 6 mg 2
1369 Rivastigmine 6 mg Capsule A* moderately severe dementia
XX times daily. If treatment is
associated with Alzheimer's
interrupted for several days,
or Parkinson's disease
should be reinitiated at the
lowest daily dose
Initial, 4.6 mg/24 hr patch
Mild to moderately severe TOPICALLY once daily; after
Rivastigmine 9.5 mg/24hr N06DA03123M7002 dementia associated with a minimum of 4 weeks and
1370 A*
Transdermal Patch XX Alzheimer's or Parkinson's good tolerability, increase the
disease dose to 9.5 mg/24 hour patch
once daily
i) Mild to moderately severe
dementia associated with
Alzheimer's or Parkinson's
disease. Initial, 4.6mg/24 hours patch
ii) Severe dementia of the TOPICALLY once daily, after
Alzheimer's type: - Patient a minimum of 4 weeks of
with mild to moderately treatment and if well
severe dementia (currently tolerated, this increased to
Rivastigmine Transdermal N03DA03123M7003
1371 A* on lower strength of 9.5mg/24 hours or 13.3mg/24
Patch 13.3mg/24 hours XX
rivastigmine patch) and hours (individual responses
developed to severe to rivastigmine may vary and
dementia. - Use as second some patients may derive
line/alternative option if the additional benefit from higher
first line medication with oral doses)
tablet failed or patients are
not able to tolerate the oral

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Adult: Initially, 600 mcg/kg by
inj. Higher doses of 1 mg/kg
may be used for intubation
during rapid sequence
induction of anaesthesia.
Maintenance: 150 mcg/kg by
inj (may reduce to 75-100
mcg/kg if inhalational
anaesthesia is used) or by
infusion at a rate of 300-600
mcg/kg/hr. Doses should be
based on lean body weight
As an adjunct to general
for obese patients weighing
anaesthesia to facilitate
>30% above the ideal body
endotracheal intubation, to
weight. Child: Infants and
provide skeletal muscle
Rocuronium Bromide 10 M03AC09320P3001 children >1 mth: Initially, 600
1372 A* relaxation during surgery and
mg/ml Injection XX mcg/kg by inj. Maintenance:
to facilitate mechanical
150 mcg/kg by inj or by
ventilation in adults, children
infusion at a rate of 300-600
and infants from 3 months of
mcg/kg/hr, maintenance
doses may be required more
frequently than in adult
patients. Elderly: Reduced
maintenance doses: 75-100
mcg/kg. Renal impairment:
Initially, 600 mcg/kg by inj.
Maintenance: 75-100
mcg/kg. Hepatic impairment:
or biliary tract disease:
Initially, 600 mcg/kg by inj.
Maintenance: 75-100
ADULT: Initially 2 mg once
daily for the 1st week. May
be increased by 2 mg at ≥1
week intervals. Max: 24
mg/day. Switching from
ropinirole immediate-
realease to prolonged-
Treatment of idiopathic release tablet; dose of
Ropinirole HCI 2 mg N04BC04110T5003X Parkinson?s disease. It may ropinirole prolonged release
1373 A*
Extended Release Tablet X be used as monotherapy or tablet should be based on the
in combination with levodopa total daily dose of ropinirole
immediate-release tab the
patient was taking. Tablets
should be taken at a similar
time each day with or without
food, must be swallowed
whole and must not be
chewed, crushed or divided.

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ADULT: Initially 2 mg once
daily for the 1st week. May
be increased by 2 mg at ≥1
week intervals. Max: 24
mg/day. Switching from
ropinirole immediate-
realease to prolonged-
Treatment of idiopathic release tablet; dose of
Ropinirole HCI 4 mg N04BC04110T5004X Parkinson?s disease. It may ropinirole prolonged release
1374 A*
Extended Release Tablet X be used as monotherapy or tablet should be based on the
in combination with levodopa total daily dose of ropinirole
immediate-release tab the
patient was taking. Tablets
should be taken at a similar
time each day with or without
food, must be swallowed
whole and must not be
chewed, crushed or divided.
0.25 mg 3 times daily
Parkinson disease in younger gradually increasing till
Ropinirole HCl 0.25 mg N04BCO4110T1001 patients and patients with adequate response obtained
1375 A*
Tablet XX dyskinesias, especially peak up to a maximum of 24
dose dyskinesias mg/day. Most patients need
3-9 mg/day
0.25 mg 3 times daily
Parkinson disease in younger gradually increasing till
N04BCO4110T1002 patients and patients with adequate response obtained
1376 Ropinirole HCl 1 mg Tablet A*
XX dyskinesias, especially peak up to a maximum of 24
dose dyskinesias mg/day. Most patients need
3-9 mg/day
Dose adjusted according to
patient physical status and
nature of procedure.
i) Lumbar epidural: 15-25 ml
of 7.5 mg/ml solution;
Caesarean section, 15-20 ml
i) Surgical anaesthaesia of 7.5 mg/ml solution in
Ropivacaine HCl 2 mg/ml N01BB09110P3001X
1377 A* including obstetrics incremental doses (max. total
Injection X
ii) Acute pain management dose 150 mg).
ii) Lumbar epidural: 10-20 ml
of 2mg/ml solution followed
by 10-15 ml of 2 mg/ml
solution at interval at of least
30 minutes. Labour pain 6-10
ml/hour of 2mg/ml solution
Dose adjusted according to
patient physical status and
nature of procedure. i)
Lumbar epidural: 15-25 ml of
7.5 mg/ml solution;
i) Surgical anaesthaesia
Ropivacaine HCl 7.5 mg/ml N01BB09110P3002X Caesarean section, 15-20 ml
1378 A* including obstetrics
Injection X of 7.5 mg/ml solution in
ii) Acute pain management
incremental doses ( max .
total dose 150 mg).
ii) lumbar epidural: 10-20 ml
of 2mg/ml solution followed
by 10-15 ml of 2 mg/ml

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solution at interval at of least
30 minutes. Labour pain 6-10
ml/hour of 2mg/ml solution
Type 2 diabetes with insulin
resistant features. Prescribed
to new patients only if
inadequate glycaemic control
with all other combination of
oral antidiabetic medications
(such as sulphonylureas,
metformin, acarbose or
DPPIV inhibitors) and is the
only suitable alternative. Use
of rosiglitazone in
combination with insulin (for
new patients) is not 4 mg once daily or in 2
A10BG02000T1002X recommended. Combined divided doses, may be
1379 Rosiglitazone 4 mg Tablet A*
X use with insulin should be increased to 8 mg/day in 1-2
limited to existing cases with divided doses after 12 week
stable glycaemic control and
requires close monitoring in
view of increased risk of fluid
retention, weight gain and
hypoglycaemia. In cases of
existing use in patients with
optimal glycaemic control,
rosiglitazone should be
continued with close
monitoring of cardiovascular,
osteoporosis and fracture
Initially 5-10 mg once daily
(5mg in patients with pre-
disposing factors to
myopathy), increased if
necessary at intervals of at
least 4 weeks to 20 mg once
daily, increased after further
4 weeks to 40 mg daily
ONLY in severe
Dyslipidaemia not responsive
hypercholesterolemia with
C10AA07390T1002X to atorvastatin 40 mg or
1380 Rosuvastatin 10 mg Tablet A* high cardiovascular risk.
X equivalent doses of other
Patient of Asian origin,
patients on concomitant
ciclosporin/fibrate and
patients with risk factors for
(including personal/family
history of muscular
disorders/toxicity), the
maximum dose should be 20
mg daily

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Initially 5-10 mg once daily
(5mg in patients with pre-
disposing factors to
myopathy), increased if
necessary at intervals of at
least 4 weeks to 20 mg once
daily, increased after further
4 weeks to 40 mg daily
ONLY in severe
Dyslipidaemia not responsive
hypercholesterolemia with
C10AA07390T1003X to atorvastatin 40 mg or
1381 Rosuvastatin 20 mg Tablet A* high cardiovascular risk.
X equivalent doses of other
Patient of Asian origin,
patients on concomitant
ciclosporin/fibrate and
patients with risk factors for
(including personal/family
history of muscular
disorders/toxicity), the
maximum dose should be 20
mg daily
A single daily dose should be
initiated at 4mg/24 h and
Rotigotine 2 mg per 24 hour N04BC09000M7001 For stage IV Parkinson then increased in weekly
1382 A*
Transdermal Patch XX Disease with peak dyskinesia increments of 2mg/24 h to an
effective dose up to a
maximal dose of 16mg/24 hr.
A single daily dose should be
initiated at 4mg/24 h and
Rotigotine 4 mg per 24 hour N04BC09000M7002 For stage IV Parkinson then increased in weekly
1383 A*
Transdermal Patch XX Disease with peak dyskinesia increments of 2mg/24 h to an
effective dose up to a
maximal dose of 16mg/24 hr.
A single daily dose should be
initiated at 4mg/24 h and
Rotigotine 6 mg per 24 hour N04BC09000M7003 For stage IV Parkinson then increased in weekly
1384 A*
Transdermal Patch XX Disease with peak dyskinesia increments of 2mg/24 h to an
effective dose up to a
maximal dose of 16mg/24 hr.
A single daily dose should be
initiated at 4mg/24 h and
Rotigotine 8 mg per 24 hour N04BC09000M7004 For stage IV Parkinson then increased in weekly
1385 A*
Transdermal Patch XX Disease with peak dyskinesia increments of 2mg/24 h to an
effective dose up to a
maximal dose of 16mg/24 hr.
Rubella Virus Vaccine J07BJ01000P3001X Immunization against rubella
1386 C 0.5 ml SC as a a single dose
Injection (Single injection) X (German measles)
For the treatment of disease- The recommended starting
related splenomegaly or dose is 15 mg twice daily for
symptoms in adult patients patients with a platelet count
with primary myelofibrosis between 100,000/mm3 and
L01XE18162T1002X (also known as chronic 200,000/mm3 and 20 mg
1387 Ruxolitinib 15mg tablet A*
X idiopathic myelofibrosis), twice daily for patients with a
post-polycythemia vera platelet count of
myelofibrosis or post- >200,000/mm3. There is
essential thrombocythemia limited information to
myelofibrosis. Place in recommend a starting dose

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therapy: To be used as 3rd for patients with platelet
line after hydroxyurea and counts between 50,000/mm3
other best available and <100,000/mm3. The
treatment such as danazol maximum recommended
and S.C. Interferon starting dose in these
patients is 5 mg twice daily
and the patients should be
titrated cautiously.
The recommended starting
dose is 15 mg twice daily for
For the treatment of disease-
patients with a platelet count
related splenomegaly or
between 100,000/mm3 and
symptoms in adult patients
200,000/mm3 and 20 mg
with primary myelofibrosis
twice daily for patients with a
(also known as chronic
platelet count of
idiopathic myelofibrosis),
>200,000/mm3. There is
post-polycythemia vera
L01XE18162T1003X limited information to
1388 Ruxolitinib 20mg tablet A* myelofibrosis or post-
X recommend a starting dose
essential thrombocythemia
for patients with platelet
myelofibrosis. Place in
counts between 50,000/mm3
therapy: To be used as 3rd
and <100,000/mm3. The
line after hydroxyurea and
maximum recommended
other best available
starting dose in these
treatment such as danazol
patients is 5 mg twice daily
and S.C. Interferon
and the patients should be
titrated cautiously.
The recommended starting
dose is 15 mg twice daily for
For the treatment of disease-
patients with a platelet count
related splenomegaly or
between 100,000/mm3 and
symptoms in adult patients
200,000/mm3 and 20 mg
with primary myelofibrosis
twice daily for patients with a
(also known as chronic
platelet count of
idiopathic myelofibrosis),
>200,000/mm3. There is
post-polycythemia vera
L01XE18162T1001X limited information to
1389 Ruxolitinib 5mg tablet A* myelofibrosis or post-
X recommend a starting dose
essential thrombocythemia
for patients with platelet
myelofibrosis. Place in
counts between 50,000/mm3
therapy: To be used as 3rd
and <100,000/mm3. The
line after hydroxyurea and
maximum recommended
other best available
starting dose in these
treatment such as danazol
patients is 5 mg twice daily
and S.C. Interferon
and the patients should be
titrated cautiously.
2 ml may be inhaled up to 4
times daily over a period of 3
Asthma and other conditions
Salbutamol 0.5 % Inhalation R03AC02183A3001 minutes per inhalation (0.5 ml
1390 B associated with reversible
Solution XX diluted in 2.5 ml of normal
airways obstruction
saline by inhalation over 5 to
15 minutes)
500 mcg by SC/IM injection 4
hourly or 250 mcg by slow IV.
Asthma and other conditions If required, by IV infusion,
Salbutamol 0.5 mg/ml R03CC02183P3001
1391 A associated with reversible initially 5 mcg/min adjusted
Injection XX
airways obstruction according to response and
heart rate, usually in the
range 3 - 20 mcg/min

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ADULT : 100 - 200 mcg up to
Asthma and other conditions
Salbutamol 100 mcg/dose R03AC02183A1001 3 - 4 times daily. CHILD : 100
1392 B associated with reversible
Inhalation XX mcg increased to 200 mcg if
airways obstruction
CHILD 2 - 6 years : 1 - 2 mg
3 - 4 times daily, 6 - 12 years
Asthma and other conditions
R03CC02183T1001 : 2 mg 3 - 4 times daily.
1393 Salbutamol 2 mg Tablet B associated with reversible
XX CHILD over 12 years and
airways obstruction
ADULT : 2 - 4 mg 3 - 4 times
Asthma and other conditions CHILD 2 - 6 years : 1 - 2 mg
Salbutamol 2 mg/5 ml R03CC02183L9001X
1394 B associated with reversible 3 - 4 times daily, 6 - 12 years
Syrup X
airways obstruction : 2 mg 3 -4 times daily
CHILD: 100 - 200 mcg.
Asthma and other conditions Maintenance: 100 - 200 mcg
Salbutamol 200mcg/dose R03AC02183A2001
1395 B associated with reversible 2 - 4 times daily. ADULT: 100
Inhaler XX
airways obstruction - 400 mcg. Maitenance : 100
- 400 mcg 2 - 4 times daily
Infusions containing 5 mg in
500ml (10 mcg/ml) at the rate
of 10 - 45 mcg/min increased
at intervals of 10 minutes
until evidence of patient
Salbutamol 5 mg/5 ml R03CC02183P3002 Prevention of uncomplicated response as shown by
1396 A*
Injection XX premature labour only reduction of strength,
frequency or duration of
contractions; maintain rate
for 1 hour after contractions
have stopped, then gradually
reduce by 50% every 6 hours
i) ADULT, acute attack 1-2 g
4 times daily until remission
occurs (if necessary
corticosteroids may also be
given), reducing to a
maintenance dose of 500 mg
4 times daily, CHILD over 2
years, acute attack 40-60
i) Treatment of inflammatory
Salicylazosulphapyridine mg/kg daily, maintenance
A07EC01000T1001X bowel disease of ulcerative
1397 (Sulfasalazine) 500 mg A/KK dose 20-30 mg/kg daily
X colitis and Crohn's disease
Tablet ii) ADULT, initially; 0.5-1
ii) Rheumatoid arthritis
g/day, increase weekly to
maintenance dose of 2 g/day
in 2 divided doses, maximun
3 g/day. CHILD over 6 years,
juvenile rheumatoid arthritis:
30-50 mg/kg/day in 2 divided
doses up to a maximum of 2
Salicylic Acid 1 - 2% in
D07XA01952G5001 Apply sparingly to affected
1398 Hydrocortisone 1% B Seborrhoeic capitis
XX areas 1-2 times daily
Seborrhoeic dermatitis, scalp
Salicylic Acid 2 - 10% D01AE12000G1001 Apply sparingly to the
1399 C psoriasis and hyperkeratotic
Cream XX affected area 2-3 times daily
skin conditions

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Seborrhoeic dermatitis,
Salicylic Acid 2 - 10% D01AE12000G5001 Apply sparingly to the
1400 C scalp, psoriasis and
Ointment XX affected area 2-3 times daily
hyperkeratotic skin disorders
Apply sparingly to the
Seborrhoeic dermatitis,
D01AE12000L6001X affected area 2-3 times daily.
1401 Salicylic Acid 2 % Lotion B scalp, psoriasis and
X Wash with cleanser 2 - 3
hyperkeratotic skin conditions
times per day
Apply daily and protect
surrounding skin (eg with soft
1402 Salicylic Acid 20% Ointment C Plantar warts paraffin or specially designed
plaster) ,may need to
continue up to 3 months
Apply the paste liberally and
Salicylic Acid, Starch, Zinc D01AE12952G6001
1403 C Use as a protective or base carefully to the lesions twice
Oxide Paste XX
ADULT and CHILD more
Salmeterol 25 mcg and Regular treatment of
R03AK06989A2102X than 12 years : 1 - 2 puff
1404 Fluticasone Propionate 125 A* reversible obstructive airway
X twice daily. CHILD over 4
mcg Inhalation diseases including asthma.
years : 1 puff twice daily
Regular treatment of
reversible obstructive airway ADULT and CHILD more
diseases including asthma in than 12 years : 2 puff twice
Salmeterol 25mcg and
R03AK06989A2104X children, where use of lower daily. CHILD over 4 years : 2
1405 Fluticasone Propionate A*
X dose of a combination puff twice daily No data on
50mcg Inhalation
(bronchodilator and inhaled use for children aged under 4
corticosteroids) is years.
i) Regular treatment of
reversible obstructive airways i) ADULT and CHILD more
diseases including asthma than 12 years: 1 puff twice
Salmeterol 50 mcg and
R03AK06989A2101X ii) For the regular treatment daily.
1406 Fluticasone Propionate 250 A/KK
X of chronic obstructive ii) For COPD: Dose is one
mcg Inhalation
pulmonary disease (COPD) inhalation 50/250mcg to
including chronic bronchitis 50/500mcg twice daily.
and emphysema
i) Regular treatment of
reversible obstructive airways
i) ADULT and CHILD more
Salmeterol 50 mcg and diseases including asthma
R03AK06989A2106X than 12 years : 1 puff twice
1407 Fluticasone Propionate 500 A* ii) Chronic obstructive
X daily
mcg Inhalation pulmonary disease including
ii) ADULT 1 puff twice daily
chronic bronchitis and
FUKKM restriction: As add-
on therapy for patient who
failed therapy and/or Recommended starting dose
contraindicated/unable to and maintenance dose in
tolerate metformin and/or patients with normal renal
sulphonylurea. function and mild renal
i) As add on therapy in type 2 insufficiency (CrCl more than
1408 Saxagliptin 2.5 mg Tablet A/KK diabetes patients 50 ml/min) is 5 mg once
inadequately controlled on daily. For patients with
metformin monotherapy and moderate to severe renal
high risk of hypoglycaemia, insufficiency (CrCl less than
especially elderly patients or equal to 50 ml/min) dose is
with co-morbidities. 2.5 mg once daily
ii) As add on therapy in type
2 diabetes patients

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inadequately controlled with
a sulphonylure and
intolerant/contraindicated for
metformin therapy
iii) As add on therapy in type
2 diabetes patients
inadequately controlled on
metformin and sulphonylurea
combination therapy
iv) In patients with renal
failure where metformin
contraindicated Not to be
used in patients with HbA1c
> 8% on single/combination
OAD, as insulin initiation is
The recommended starting
dose of in patients who need
5mg of saxagliptin and who
are not currently treated with
metformin is 5mg
saxagliptin/500 mg metformin
extended-release once daily
FUKKM restriction: As add- with gradual dose escalation
on therapy for patient who to reduce the gastrointestinal
failed therapy and/or side effects due to metformin.
contraindicated/unable to In patients treated with
tolerate metformin and/or metformin, the dose of
sulphonylurea. should provide metformin at
Saxagliptin 2.5mg and  Indicated as an adjunct the dose already being taken,
1409 Metformin HCl 1000mg A to diet and exercise to or the nearest therapeutically
Extended-Release Tablet improve glycemic appropriate dose. Patients
control in adults with who need 2.5mg saxagliptin
type 2 diabetes mellitus in combination with
when treatment with metformin extended-release
both saxagliptin and may be treated with
metformin is 2.5mg/1000mg. Patients who
appropriate. need 2.5mg saxagliptin who
are either metformin naive or
who require a dose of
metformin higher than
1000mg should use the
individual components. Max
daily recommended dose is
FUKKM restriction: As add-
on therapy for patient who
failed therapy and/or
contraindicated/unable to
2.5-5mg once daily. Patients
tolerate metformin and/or
with CrCl < 50ml/min, and
A10BH03000T1002X sulphonylurea.
1410 Saxagliptin 5 mg Tablet A/KK when coadministered with
X i) As add on therapy in type 2
strong CYP450 3A4/5
diabetes patients
inhibitors: 2.5mg OD
inadequately controlled on
metformin monotherapy and
high risk of hypoglycaemia,
especially elderly patients

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with co-morbidities.
ii) As add on therapy in type
2 diabetes patients
inadequately controlled with
a sulphonylure and
intolerant/contraindicated for
metformin therapy
iii) As add on therapy in type
2 diabetes patients
inadequately controlled on
metformin and sulphonylurea
combination therapy
iv) In patients with renal
failure where metformin
contraindicated Not to be
used in patients with HbA1c
> 8% on single/combination
OAD, as insulin initiation is
The recommended starting
dose of in patients who need
5mg of saxagliptin and who
are not currently treated with
metformin is 5mg
saxagliptin/500 mg metformin
extended-release once daily
FUKKM restriction: As add- with gradual dose escalation
on therapy for patient who to reduce the gastrointestinal
failed therapy and/or side effects due to metformin.
contraindicated/unable to In patients treated with
tolerate metformin and/or metformin, the dose of
sulphonylurea. should provide metformin at
Saxagliptin 5mg and  Indicated as an adjunct the dose already being taken,
1411 Metformin HCl 1000mg A to diet and exercise to or the nearest therapeutically
Extended-Release Tablet improve glycemic appropriate dose. Patients
control in adults with who need 2.5mg saxagliptin
type 2 diabetes mellitus in combination with
when treatment with metformin extended-release
both saxagliptin and may be treated with
metformin is 2.5mg/1000mg. Patients who
appropriate. need 2.5mg saxagliptin who
are either metformin naive or
who require a dose of
metformin higher than
1000mg should use the
individual components. Max
daily recommended dose is
FUKKM restriction: As add- The recommended starting
on therapy for patient who dose of in patients who need
failed therapy and/or 5mg of saxagliptin and who
Saxagliptin 5mg and contraindicated/unable to are not currently treated with
1412 Metformin HCl 500 mg A tolerate metformin and/or metformin is 5mg
Extended-Release Tablet sulphonylurea. saxagliptin/500 mg metformin
 Indicated as an adjunct extended-release once daily
to diet and exercise to with gradual dose escalation
improve glycemic to reduce the gastrointestinal

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control in adults with side effects due to metformin.
type 2 diabetes mellitus In patients treated with
when treatment with metformin, the dose of
both saxagliptin and should provide metformin at
metformin is the dose already being taken,
appropriate. or the nearest therapeutically
appropriate dose. Patients
who need 2.5mg saxagliptin
in combination with
metformin extended-release
may be treated with
2.5mg/1000mg. Patients who
need 2.5mg saxagliptin who
are either metformin naive or
who require a dose of
metformin higher than
1000mg should use the
individual components. Max
daily recommended dose is
For treatment of shock due to
burns, crushing injuries,
abdominal emergencies and
where there is a predominant
ADULT 12.5-25 g (250-500
loss of plasma fluids and red
Selected Plasma Protein 5 B05AA02000P3001X ml) by IV. CHILD usual dose
1413 B blood cells, emergency
g/100 ml Injection X 33 ml/kg body weight at rate
treatment of shock due to
of 5-10 ml/min
haemorrhage and in infants
and small children in the
initial therapy of shock due to
dehydration and infection
Only for treatment of late 5 mg twice daily at breakfast
1414 Selegiline HCl 5 mg Tablet A* stage Parkinsonism with on and lunch. Maximum 10
and off phenomenon mg/day
Dandruff: apply 5-10 mL
topically twice weekly for 2
weeks, then 1-4 times per
month, as needed, leave on
for 2-3 min, then rinse
Selenium Sulphide 2.5% D11AC03180L5201X Dandruff, seborrheic thoroughly. Seborrheic
1415 A/KK
Shampoo X dermatitis of scalp dermatitis of scalp: apply 5-
10 mL topically twice weekly
for 2 weeks, then 1-4 times
per month, as needed, leave
on for 2-3 min, then rinse
Depression, obsessive-
compulsive disorder: 50
mg/day, may increase in
steps of 50mg at weekly
Major depression, obsessive-
N06AB06110T1001X interval, max: 200mg/day.
1416 Sertraline HCI 50 mg Tablet B compulsive disorder (OCD),
X Panic disorder: Initially 25
panic disorder
mg/day. After 1 week,
increase dose to 50 mg/day.
All dose changes should be
made at intervals of more

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than 1 week, max: 200

Control of
hyperphosphatemia in adult
patients receiving
haemodialysis and peritoneal
Starting dose is one or two
dialysis. Restriction:
800mg tablets three times
Sevelamer carbonate 800mg
per day with meals. Adjust by
V03AE02121T1001X tablet should be used in
1417 Sevelamer 800mg Tablet A* one tablet per meal in two
X context of multiple
weeks interval as needed to
therapeutic approach which
obtain serum phosphorus
include calcium supplement,
target (1.13 to 1.78mmol/L).
1, 25-hydroxy Vitamin D3 or
one of its analogues to
control the development of
renal bone disease.
i) Adult: Given via a
calibrated vaporiser: Up to
5% v/v with oxygen or a
mixture of oxygen and nitrous
To be used only for
oxide. Child: Given via a
N01AB08000L5001X i) induction and
1418 Sevoflurane Liquid A* calibrated vaporiser: Up to
X ii) maintenance of
7% v/v.
ii) Adult: 0.5-3% v/v with or
without nitrous oxide. Child:
0.5-3% v/v with or without
nitrous oxide.
ADULTS ≥ 18 years: The
recommended dose is 20mg
three times a day. Tablets
should be taken
approximately 6 to 8 hours
apart with or without food.
ELDERLY (≥65 years):
Dosage adjustments are not
Treatment of adult patients required in elderly patients.
with pulmonary arterial Clinical efficacy as measured
hypertension classified as by 6-minute walk distance
WHO functional class II and could be less in elderly
Sildenafil Citrate 20 mg G04BE03136T1004X III, to improve exercise patients.
1419 A*
Film-coated Tablet X capacity. Efficacy has been IMPAIRED RENAL
shown in primary pulmonary FUNCTION: Initial dose
hypertension and pulmonary adjustments are not required
hypertension associated with in patients with renal
connective tissue disease. impairment, including severe
renal impairment (creatinine
clearance <30ml/min). A
downward dose adjustment
to 20 mg twice daily should
be considered after a careful
benefit-risk assessment only
if therapy is not well-

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FUNCTION: Initial dose
adjustments are not required
in patients with hepatic
impairment (Child-Pugh class
A and B). A downward dose
adjustment to 20mg twice
daily should be considered
after a careful benefit-risk
assessment only if therapy is
not well-tolerated.
D08AL01221L6001X Apply undiluted to affected
1420 Silver Nitrate 0.5% Lotion B Use as antiseptic
X area for a limited period
Prevention and treatment of
infections in severe burns, Burns: Apply 3 mm thick
Silver Sulfadiazine 1% D06BA01199G1001 leg ulcers where infections layer twice daily with sterile
1421 B
Cream XX may prevent healing and for applicator. Leg ulcer: apply at
the prophylaxis of infections least 3 times a week
in skin grafting
Hypercholesterolaemia and
C10AA01000T1001X coronary heart disease 10 - 20 mg once daily.
1422 Simvastatin 10 mg Tablet B
X intolerant or not responsive Maximum: 80 mg daily
to other forms of therapy
Hypercholesterolaemia and
C10AA01000T1002X coronary heart disease 10 - 20 mg once daily.
1423 Simvastatin 20 mg Tablet B
X intolerant or not responsive Maximum: 80 mg daily
to other forms of therapy
Hypercholesterolaemia and
C10AA01000T1003X coronary heart disease 10 - 20 mg once daily.
1424 Simvastatin 40 mg Tablet B
X intolerant or not responsive Maximum: 80 mg daily
to other forms of therapy
FUKKM Restriction: As
add-on therapy for patient
who failed therapy and/or
contraindicated/unable to
tolerate metformin and/or
 Management of
diabetes in patients with ADULT over 18 years, 100
renal failure where mg once daily: 100mg once
A10BH01000T1003X metformin/sulphonylurea daily CrCl ≥ 30 to <
1425 Sitagliptin 100 mg Tablet A*
X is 50ml/min: 50mg once daily
contraindicated/untolerat CrCl < 30 ml/min: 25mg once
ed and elderly with daily
multiple co-morbidities
that always experience
hypoglycemia with other
Not to be used in diabetic
patient whose HbA1c is more
than 9%.
FUKKM restriction: As add- ADULT over 18 years, 100
on therapy for patient who mg once daily: 100mg once
A10BH01000T1001X failed therapy and/or daily CrCl ≥ 30 to <
1426 Sitagliptin 25 mg Tablet A*
X contraindicated/unable to 50ml/min: 50mg once daily
tolerate metformin and/or CrCl < 30 ml/min: 25mg once
sulphonylurea. daily

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 Management of
diabetes in patients with
renal failure where
ed and elderly with
multiple co morbidities
that always experience
hypoglycemia with other
Not to be used in diabetic
patient whose HbA1c is more
than 9%
FUKKM restriction: As add-
on therapy for patient who
failed therapy and/or
contraindicated/unable to
tolerate metformin and/or
i) Type 2 diabetes patients,
especially the elderly, with
multiple co-morbidities that
always experience 50 mg/500 mg twice daily.
Sitagliptin 50 mg and hypoglycaemia with other The recommended maximum
1427 Metformin HCl 1000 mg A* antidiabetics who are daily dose is 100 mg
Tablet inadequately controlled on sitagliptin plus 2000 mg
metformin or sitagliptin alone metformin
or already being treated with
the combination of sitagliptin
and metformin.
ii) Newly diagnosed type 2
diabetes patients with high
baseline HbA1c and multiple
co-morbidities who may
experience hypoglycaemia
with other antidiabetics.
FUKKM restriction: As add-
on therapy for patient who
failed therapy and/or
contraindicated/unable to
tolerate metformin and/or
i) Type 2 diabetes patients,
especially the elderly, with
50 mg/500 mg twice daily.
multiple co-morbidities that
Sitagliptin 50 mg and The recommended maximum
A10BD07926T1001X always experience
1428 Metformin HCl 500 mg A* daily dose is 100 mg
X hypoglycaemia with other
Tablet sitagliptin plus 2000 mg
antidiabetics who are
inadequately controlled on
metformin or sitagliptin alone
or already being treated with
the combination of sitagliptin
and metformin.
ii) Newly diagnosed type 2
diabetes patients with high
baseline HbA1c and multiple

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co-morbidities who may
experience hypoglycaemia
with other antidiabetics.

FUKKM restriction: As add-

on therapy for patient who
failed therapy and/or
contraindicated/unable to
tolerate metformin and/or
i) Type 2 diabetes patients,
especially the elderly, with
multiple co-morbidities that
always experience 50 mg/500 mg twice daily.
Sitagliptin 50 mg and hypoglycaemia with other The recommended maximum
1429 Metformin HCl 850 mg A* antidiabetics who are daily dose is 100 mg
Tablet inadequately controlled on sitagliptin plus 2000 mg
metformin or sitagliptin alone metformin
or already being treated with
the combination of sitagliptin
and metformin.
ii) Newly diagnosed type 2
diabetes patients with high
baseline HbA1c and multiple
co-morbidities who may
experience hypoglycaemia
with other antidiabetics.
FUKKM restriction: As add-
on therapy for patient who
failed therapy and/or
contraindicated/unable to
tolerate metformin and/or
- Management of diabetes in ADULT over 18 years, 100
patients with renal failure mg once daily: 100mg once
A10BH01000T1002X where daily CrCl ≥ 30 to <
1430 Sitagliptin 50 mg Tablet A*
X metformin/sulphonylurea is 50ml/min: 50mg once daily
contraindicated/untolerated CrCl < 30 ml/min: 25mg once
and elderly with multiple co daily
morbidities that always
experience hypoglycemia
with other antidiabetic.
Not to be used in diabetic
patient whose HbA1c is more
than 9%.

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Treatment of symptoms of
gastro-oesophageal reflux
eg. acid regurgitation,
Sodium Alginate 1000 heartburn, indigestion due to
mg/10 ml & Potassium A02BX13915L8001X the reflux of stomach Adult, elderly & children ≥12
1431 A*
Bicarbonate 200 mg/10 ml X contents not responding to year: 5-10 mL.
Suspension conventional antacids or as
an addition to PPI when PPI
alone fails to control the
Depend on the type of
Sodium and Meglumine V08AA01993P3002X procedure and the degree
1432 B For IV pyelography
Diatrizoate 58-60% Injection X and extent of contrast
i) 3 g in every 2 hours until
i) Relief of discomfort in mild
Sodium Bicarbonate 1 g/15 A02AH00131L2102X urinary pH exceeds 7
1433 B urinary tract
ml Mixture X ii) Maintenance of alkaline
ii) Alkalinisation of urine
urine 5-10 g daily
For acceleration of excretion
in drug intoxication (where IV infusion of 2 - 5 mmol/kg
Sodium Bicarbonate 4.2% B05XA02131P3001X excretion of the drug into the body weight over a period of
1434 B
(0.5 mmol/ml) Injection X urine is accelerated by 4 - 8 hours or according to
elevated urine pH) and for the needs of the patients
Sodium Bicarbonate 5% w/v S02DC00131D1001 To soften the impacted ear
1435 C 2-3 drops 3-4 times daily
Ear Drops XX wax
For acceleration of excretion
in drug intoxication (where
According to the needs of the
Sodium Bicarbonate 8.4% B05XA02131P3002X excretion of the drug into the
1436 B patient. In severe shock due
(1 mmol/ml) Injection X urine is accelerated by
to cardiac arrest: 50 ml by IV
elevated urine pH) and for
CHILD up to 1 year 5 ml; up
Sodium Bicarbonate A02AH00131L2101X Heartburn for rapid relief of
1437 C to 1-5 years 10 ml in 4 to 6
Mixture (Paediatric) X dyspepsia
divided doses
For relieving of discomfort in
mild urinary tract infection,
symptomatic relief of dysuria
Sodium Bicarbonate, Citric 4 - 8 g (1- 2 sachets)
to enchance the action to
Acid, Sodium Citrate and B05CB10955M4001 dissolved in a glass of cold
1438 B certain antibiotics especially
Tartaric Acid - 4 g per XX water 4 times daily as
some sulphonamides. In gout
sachet prescribed
as urinary alkalinizers to
prevent cystallisation of
Sodium Bicarbonate,
Magnesium Carbonate, A02AH00912L2101X Heartburn, for rapid relief of ADULT 10-20 ml 3 times
1439 C
Tincture Cardamom X dyspepsia daily
Compound Mixture
Bowel cleansing before
colonic surgery, colonoscopy
ADULT 133 ml (1 bottle)
Sodium Biphosphate 16%, or radiological examination to
A06AG01162G2001 administered rectally. CHILD
1440 Sodium Phosphate 6% A ensure the bowel is free of
XX more than 2 years half the
Rectal Solution solid contents. It is not to be
adult dose (66.6ml)
used for treatment of

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45 ml diluted with half a glass
(120 mL) of water, followed
by one full glass (240 mL) of
water. Timing of doses is
dependent on the time of the
procedure. For morning
procedure, first dose should
Bowel cleansing before be taken at 7 a.m. and
colonic surgery, colonoscopy second at 7 p.m. on day
Sodium Biphosphate 16%, or radiological examination to before the procedure. For
1441 Sodium Phosphate 6% A ensure the bowel is free of afternoon procedure, first
Solution solid contents. It is not to be dose should be taken at 7
used for treatment of p.m. on day before and
constipation second dose at 7 a.m. on day
of the procedure. Solid food
should not be taken during
the bowel preparation period.
However clear fluids or water
can be taken liberally. CHILD
under 12 years not
For replenishing fluid and
Sodium Chloride 0.18% B05XA03904P6001X energy and for restoring or According to the needs of the
1442 B
with Dextrose 10% Injection X maintaining the concentration patient
of sodium and chloride ions
For replenishing fluid and
Sodium Chloride 0.18%
B05XA03904P6004X energy and for restoring or According to the needs of the
1443 with Dextrose 4.23% B
X maintaining the concentration patient
of sodium and chloride ions
For replenishing fluid and for
100 - 1000 ml by IV or
Sodium Chloride 0.45% B05XA03100P6001X restoring / maintaining the
1444 B according to the needs of the
Injection X concentration of sodium and
chloride ions
For replenishing fluid and
Sodium Chloride 0.45% B05XA03904P6002X energy and for restoring or According to the needs of the
1445 B
with Dextrose 10% Injection X maintaining the concentration patient
of sodium and chloride ions
For replenishing fluid and
Sodium Chloride 0.45% B05XA03904P6005X energy and for restoring or According to the needs of the
1446 B
with Dextrose 5% Injection X maintaining the concentration patient
of sodium and chloride ions
Sodium Chloride 0.9% Eye S01XA03000D2001X
1447 C Irrigation of conjunctival sac 1 - 2 drops every 3 - 4 hours
Drops X
For replenishing fluid and for
100 - 1000 ml by IV or
Sodium Chloride 0.9% B05XA03100P6002X restoring/maintaining the
1448 C+ according to the needs of the
Injection X concentration of sodium and
chloride ions
For replenishing fluid and
Sodium Chloride 0.9% with B05XA03904P6003X energy and for restoring or According to the needs of the
1449 C+
Dextrose 5% Injection X maintaining the concentration patient
of sodium and chloride ions
Addition of sodium electrolyte
in parenteral nutrition bags
Sodium Chloride 20% B05XA03100P9902X According to the needs of the
1450 B especially in paediatrics or
Injection X patient
neonates with restricted fluid

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Sodium Chloride 3% B05XA03100P9901X Acute dilutional According to the needs of the
1451 B
Injection X hyponatraemia patient
Labelling of erythrocytes for
Sodium Chromate V09GX00143L9901X Usual dose range : 10 - 200
1452 A* the investigation of
(Chromium-51) Solution X microcuries IV by IV injection
haemotological disorders
Dose depending on clinical
cases. Usually, 30 ml given
Prophylaxis for aspiration
Sodium Citrate 0.3 M B05CB02136L9901X 10- 60 minutes before
1453 B pneumonitis (use as an oral
Solution X anaesthesia prior to elective
cesarean surgery is an
effective antacid
Sterile solution for irrigation
Sodium Citrate 3.8% B05CB02136H3001 Dose depending on clinical
1454 B or washout of infected
Solution XX cases
Citrates and citric acid
solutions are used to correct
the acidosis of certain renal
ADULT 10 - 20 ml. CHILD up
tubular disorders to treat
to 1 year 2.5 ml tds; 1-5 year
Sodium Citrate, Citric Acid B05CB02136L2101X metabolic acidosis for long-
1455 B 5 ml tds; 6-12 years 10 ml
Mixture 3 g/10 ml X term urine alkalinization for
tds. To be taken well diluted
prevention and treatment of
with water
uric acid and calcium kidney
stones and as nonparticulate
neutralizing buffers
Prevention and treatment of
allergic conjunctivitis
Sodium Cromoglycate 2% S01GX01520D2001 including seasonal and
1456 A/KK 1 or 2 drops 4 times daily
Eye Drops XX perennial allergic
conjunctivitis and vernal
V07AV00000T1001X Low and medium level
1457 Dichloroisocyanurate 2.5 g C 50 - 10,000 ppm av chlorine
X disinfectant
V07AV00000T1002X Low and medium level
1458 Dichloroisocyanurate 5 g C 50 - 10,000 ppm av chlorine
X disinfectant
Skin infections caused by
staphylococci, streptococci,
Sodium Fusidate 2% D06AX01520G5001 corynebacterium Apply to affected area 2 - 3
1459 A
Ointment XX minutissumun and other times daily
sodium fusidate-sensitive
Adults: The recommended
dosage is individual. The
recommended daily dosage
of phosphate during
intravenous nutrition would
Indicated in adult patients normally be 10-20mmol. This
Sodium glycerophosphate and infants as a supplement can be met by using 10-20ml
1460 for addition into infusion A in intravenous nutrition to of sodium glycerophosphate
solution, 20ml vial meet the requirement of to the infusion solution or to
phosphate. the admixture for which
compatibility has been
proved. Infants: The
recommended dosage is
individual. The recommended
dose for infants and

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neonates is 1.0-1.5 mmol/kg

Sodium Hypochlorite V07AV00000L9903X Low-level disinfectant and Antiseptic: less than 0.5%.
1461 C
Solution X antiseptic Disinfectant: 5%
Sodium Iodide (Iodide-131) V09FX03200P3001X Used in the determination of
1462 A* 5 - 50 millicuries
Injection X various thyroid functions
Sodium Iodide (Iodine-131) V09FX03200C1001X Determination of various 5 - 10 milicuries (5 mCi for
1463 A*
Capsule X thyroid functions whole body scan)
Sodium Iodide (Iodine-131) V10XA01200C1001X i) Thyrotoxicosis i) 2 - 30 millicuries
1464 A*
Capsule (Therapeutic) X ii) Thyroid carcinoma ii) 80 - 300 millicuries

Sodium Iodide (Iodine-131) V10XA01200L9901X i) Thyrotoxicosis i) 5-25 millicuries

1465 A*
Solution X ii) Thyroid carcinoma ii) 30-150 millicuries
Adult: 300 mg sodium nitrite
IV over 3 minutes followed
after 5 minutes with 12.5g
sodium thiosulphate IV
administered over 10
minutes. CHILD: 4 - 10
mg/kg of sodium nitrite (max:
300 mg) followed by 400
mg/kg of sodium thiosulfate,
Sodium Nitrite 30 mg/ml V03AB08220P3001X
1466 B For cyanide poisoning as a 25 or 50% solution
Injection X
(max: 12.5 g).
concentration should not
exceed 30-40%. If symptoms
of cyanide toxicity recur, the
doses of nitrite and
thiosulfate may be repeated
after 30 min at half the initial
i) By IV infusion, initially 0.5-
1.5 mcg/kg/min, then
adjusted before
increasement of 0.5
mcg/kg/min every 5 mins
i) Hypertensive crisis within range 0.5-8
ii) Controlled hypotension mcg/kg/min (lower doses in
Sodium Nitroprusside 10 C02DD01520P3001
1467 A during anaesthesia in order patients already receiving
mg/ml Injection XX
to reduce bleeding in surgical other antihypertensives); stop
procedures if marked response not
obtained with max dose in 10
minutes. Use only in infusion
with 5 % Dextrose IV.
ii) By IV infusion, max: 1.5

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Polycythemia vera, chronic Initially 5 millicuries, follow if
myeloid and chronic necessary by a dose of not
Sodium Phosphate V10XX01162P3001X
1468 A* lymphocytic leukaemia and more than 3 or 4 millicurie at
(Phosphorus-32) Injection X
palliative treatment of bone intervals of not less than 2
metastases months
ADULT: Oral: 15 g 1 - 4
times/day. Rectal: 30 g in
Treatment and prevention of 100 ml 2% methylcellulose
hyperkalaemia associated and 100 ml water as a daily
Sodium Polystyrene V03AE01520F2101X with anuria or severe oliguria, retention enema. Retain for 9
1469 A
Sulphonate Powder X in dialysis patients or those hours followed by non-
on prolonged peritoneal sodium cleansing enema.
dialysis CHILD: 1 g/kg in 1 - 4 doses
in acute hyperkalemia.
Maintenance : 0.5 g/kg/daily
0.5-2 mL into the submucosal
layer at the base of the
Sclerotherapy of oesophageal varix or the
Sodium Tetradecyl C05BB04183P3001X oesophageal varices, haemorrhoid; several
1470 A*
Sulphate 1 % Injection X haemorrhoids and varicose injections may be given at
veins different sites, max. total
injected 10-15 mL of 1% per
0.5-2 mL into the submucosal
layer at the base of the
Sclerotherapy of oesophageal varix or the
Sodium Tetradecyl C05BB04183P3002X oesophageal varices, haemorrhoid, several
1471 A*
Sulphate 3 % Injection X haemorrhoids and varicose injections may be given at
veins different sites, max. total
injected 10-15 mL of 1% per
Apply to all affected parts of
Sodium Thiosulphate 10- D01AE00181L9901X Fungicides. For the treatment the body and face with a
1472 C
20% Solution X of pityriasis versicolor brush after a bath once daily
or twice daily or 3 times daily
Adult: To be given after 300
mg of sodium nitrite has been
admin over 5-20 min: 12.5 g
of sodium thiosulfate (50 ml
of a 25% solution or 25 ml of
a 50% solution) given over
10 min. Methaemoglobin
concentration should not
exceed 30-40%. If symptoms
of cyanide toxicity recur, the
Sodium Thiosulphate 500 V03AB06181P3001X doses of nitrite and
1473 B For cyanide poisoning
mg/ml Injection X thiosulfate may be repeated
after 30 min at half the initial
doses. Child: To be given
after 4-10 mg/kg of sodium
nitrite (max: 300 mg) has
been admin: 400 mg/kg of
sodium thiosulfate, as a 25 or
50% solution (max: 12.5 g).
concentration should not
exceed 30-40%. If symptoms

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of cyanide toxicity recur, the
doses of nitrite and
thiosulfate may be repeated
after 30 min at half the initial

i) Epilepsy: ADULT: Initially

600 mg/day in 2 - 3 divided
doses, dose may be
increased by 200 mg at 3-
day intervals to max 2.5
g/day. Usual maintenance
dose: 1-2 g/day (20-30
mg/kg/day). CHILD: More
than 20 kg. Initially 400
mg/day with spaced
increases until control is
achieved (usually 20-30
mg/kg/day), dose may be
increased to 35 mg/kg/day.
Less than 20 kg 20
mg/kg/day, in severe cases
the dose may be increased
i) Epilepsy
provided plasma
Sodium Valproate 200 mg N03AG01520T1001 ii) Treatment and prevention
1474 B concentration can be
Tablet XX of mania associated with
bipolar disorders
ii) Treatment and prevention
of mania associated with
bipolar disorders: Adults: The
recommended initial dose is
1000mg/day. The dose
should be increased as
rapidly as possible to achieve
the lowest therapeutic dose,
which produces the desired
clinical effects. The
recommended maintenance
dosage for the treatment of
bipolar disorder is between
1000mg and 2000mg daily.
In exceptional cases, the
dose may be increased to not
more than 3000mg daily.

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ADULT: Initially 600 mg/day;
dose may be increased by
200 mg at 3-day intervals to
max 2500 mg/day. Usual
maintenance dose: 1000-
2000 mg/day (20-30
mg/kg/day). CHILD: More
Sodium Valproate 200 mg/5 N03AG01520L9001X than 20 kg. Initially 400
1475 B Epilepsy
ml Syrup X mg/day with spaced
increases until control is
achieved (usually 20-30
mg/kg/day), dose may be
increased to 35 mg/kg/day.
Less than 20 kg, 20
mg/kg/day. Severe cases: 50
mg/kg daily
ADULT and CHILD above 10
years: 10 to 15 mg/kg/day IV,
may increase 5 to 10
Sodium Valproate 400 mg N03AG01520P4001 mg/kg/week to achieve
1476 B Status epilepticus
Injection XX optimal clinical response
(Maximum 60 mg/kg/day or
less with a therapeutic range
of 50 to 100 mcg/mL)
Symptomatic treatment of
urge incontinence and/or
5mg od. Dose can be
Solifenacin Succinate 5 mg G04BD08000T1001 increased urinary frequency
1477 A* increased to 10mg if
Tablet XX and urgency as may occur in
patients with overactive
bladder syndrome.
i) Growth failure due to
inadequate endogenous
i) 0.7-1 mg/m2/day or 0.025-
growth hormone.
0.035 mg/kg/day SC/IM.
ii) Growth failure in girls due
Somatropin 10 mg (30IU) H01AC01000P5002 ii) 1.4 mg/m2/day or 0.045-
1478 A* to gonadal dysgenesis
Injection XX 0.05 mg/kg/day SC.
(Turner syndrome).
iii) 0.035 mg/kg/day or 1
iii) Growth failure in short
mg/m2/day SC
children born small
gestational age (SGA)
i) Growth failure due to
inadequate endogenous
i) 0.7-1 mg/m2/day or 0.025-
growth hormone
0.035 mg/kg/day SC/IM
ii) Growth failure in girls due
Somatropin 12 mg (36IU) H01AC01000P3002 ii) 1.4 mg/m2/day or 0.045-
1479 A* to gonadal dysgenesis
Injection XX 0.05 mg/kg/day SC
(Turner syndrome)
iii) 0.035 mg/kg/day or 1
iii) Growth failure in short
mg/m2/day SC
children born small
gestational age (SGA)
i) Growth failure due to
growth hormone insufficiency i) 0.7-1 mg/m2/day or 0.025-
ii) Growth failure in girls due 0.035 mg/kg/day SC/IM
Somatropin 5mg (15IU) H01AC01000P3004 to gonadal dysgenesis ii) 1.4 mg/m2/day or 0.045-
1480 A*
Injection XX (Turner syndrome) 0.05 mg/kg/day SC
iii) Growth failure in short iii) 0.035 mg/kg/day or 1
children born small mg/m2/day SC
gestational age(SGA)

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i) Growth failure due to
growth hormone insufficiency i) 0.7-1 mg/m2/day or 0.025-
ii) Growth failure in girls due 0.035 mg/kg/day SC/IM
Somatropin 8 mg (24IU) H01AC01000P3003 to gonadal dysgenesis ii) 1.4 mg/m2/day or 0.045-
1481 A*
Injection XX (Turner syndrome) 0.05 mg/kg/day SC
iii) Growth failure in short iii) 0.035 mg/kg/day or 1
children born small mg/m2/day SC
gestational age(SGA)
Supraventricular and
ventricular arrhythmias Adult:
Initially, 80 mg/day as single
or in 2 divided doses,
increased gradually every 2-3
days. Usual dose: 160-320
mg/day in 2 divided doses.
C07AA07110T1002X Life-threatening ventricular
1482 Sotalol HCl 160 mg Tablet A* Ventricular tachyarrythmias
X arrhythmias Adult: Initially, 80
mg bid, increased gradually
every 3 days to 240-320
mg/day in divided doses if
needed. Maintenance: 160-
320 mg/day in divided doses.
Max: 480-640 mg in divided
Supraventricular and
ventricular arrhythmias Adult:
Initially, 80 mg/day as single
or in 2 divided doses,
increased gradually every 2-3
days. Usual dose: 160-320
mg/day in 2 divided doses.
C07AA07110T1001X Life-threatening ventricular
1483 Sotalol HCl 80 mg Tablet A* Ventricular tachyarrythmias
X arrhythmias Adult: Initially, 80
mg bid, increased gradually
every 3 days to 240-320
mg/day in divided doses if
needed. Maintenance: 160-
320 mg/day in divided doses.
Max: 480-640 mg in divided
ADULT: 100 - 200 mg daily in
Oedema and ascites in divided doses. Increase to
Spironolactone 25 mg C03DA01000T1001X
1484 B cirrhosis of the liver, 400 mg if required. CHILD:
Tablet X
congestive heart failure initially 3 mg/kg daily in
divided doses
Infant: 0 - 13 days old: 0.5
mg/kg/dose twice daily. Infant
14 days and older and
J05AF04000L5001X HIV infection, in combination
1485 Stavudine 1 mg/ml Solution A* weighing less than 30 kg: 1
X with other antiretrovirals
mg/kg twice daily; more than
30 kg and <60kg: 30 mg
twice daily
ADULT more than 60 kg: 40
mg twice daily; less than 60
J05AF04000C1001X HIV infection, in combination
1486 Stavudine 30 mg Capsule A/KK kg: 30 mg twice daily. CHILD
X with other antiretrovirals
<30kg: 1mg/kg twice daly;
>30kg refer to adult dosage

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Fixed dose triple therapy for
treatment of HIV infection in
adults once patients have
Stavudine 30 mg, been stabilized on the SLN 30: 30-60 kg 1 tablet
1487 Lamivudine 150 mg & A/KK maintenance regimen of twice daily. SLN 40 ≥60 kg 1
Nevirapine 200 mg Tablet nevirapine 200 mg twice daily tablet twice daily
and have demonstrated
adequate tolerability to
ADULT more than 60 kg: 40
mg twice daily; less than 60
J05AF04000C1002X HIV infection, in combination
1488 Stavudine 40 mg Capsule A* kg: 30 mg twice daily. CHILD
X with other antiretrovirals
<30kg: 1mg/kg twice daly;
>30kg refer to adult dosage
Fixed dose triple therapy for
treatment of HIV infection in
adults once patients have
Stavudine 40 mg, been stabilized on the SLN 30: 30-60 kg 1 tablet
1489 Lamivudine 150 mg & A* maintenance regimen of twice daily. SLN 40 ≥60 kg 1
Nevirapine 200 mg Tablet nevirapine 200 mg twice daily tablet twice daily
and have demonstrated
adequate tolerability to
Myocardial infarction:
1,500,000 units over 30 - 60
minutes. Pulmonary
embolism: 250,000 units by
Streptokinase 1,500,000 IU B01AD01000P4001X Acute myocardial infarction,
1490 A* IV infusion over 30 minutes,
Injection X acute pulmonary embolism
then 100,000 units every
hour for up to 12-72 hours
with monitoring of clotting
ADULT: 15 mg/kg daily; max:
1 g daily. Reduce max daily
dose to 500-750 mg in
patients >40 yr. As part of an
intermittent therapy: 25-30
mg/kg/day 2-3 times/wk;
Streptomycin Sulphate 1 g J01GA01183P4001X max: 1.5 g/dose. Not >120 g
1491 B Tuberculosis
Injection X over the course of treatment
should be given unless there
are no other treatment
options. Child: 20-40 mg/kg
(max: 1 g) daily or 25-30
mg/kg (max: 1.5 g) 2-3 times
Treatment of
osteoporosis to reduce risk of
Strontium Ranelate 2 g M05BX03000F1001
1492 A* vertebral and hip fractures 2 g sachet once daily
Granules XX
when biphosphonates are
contraindicated or not
High level disinfection for
Succindialdehyde 11% & Immersion time is based on
V07AV00000L9907X endoscopes,
1493 Dimethoxytetrahydrofuran A manufacturers
X ultrasonicprobes,
3% recommendation
anaesthesia equipment etc

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i) 2 g twice daily or 1 g 4
times daily for 4-6 weeks or
i) Benign gastric and in resistant cases up to 12
1494 Sucralfate 1 g Tablet A duodenal ulceration weeks (maximum 8 g daily)
ii) Stress ulcer prophylaxis ii) 1 g 6 times daily
(maximum 8 g daily). CHILD
not recommended
2 mg/kg sugammadex is
recommended, if
spontaneous recovery has
Indicated for reversal of occurred up to at least the
neuromuscular blockade reappearance of second
induced by rocuronium and twitch tension of the train-of-
vecuronium in selective four (T2). 4 mg/kg
Sugammadex 100 mg/ml V03AB35000P3001X patient group: obese, elderly, sugammadex is
1495 A*
Injection X underlying cardiovascular recommended if recovery
disease. For pediatric has reached at least 1- 2
population, sugammadex is post-tetanic counts (PTC).
recommended for routine For immediate reversal
reversal following administration of
rocuronium a dose of 16
mg/kg sugammadex is
Chloroquine resistant
falciparum malaria acute
attack Adult: Per tab contains
pyrimethamine 25 mg and
sulfadoxine 500 mg: 2-3 tabs
as a single dose. Do not
repeat for at least 7 days.
Child: Pyrimethamine 25mg +
Treatment of Plasmodium Sulfadoxine 500mg (Tablet):
falciparum malaria in patients <2 yr (5-10 kg): 1/2 (half) tab
in whom chloroquine as a single dose; 2-5 yr (>10-
Sulfadoxine 500 mg and
P01BD51981T1001X resistance is suspected and 20 kg): 1 tab as a single
1496 Pyrimethamine 25 mg B
X malaria prophylaxis for dose; 5-10 yr (< 20-30 kg): 1
travellers to areas where 1/2 (one and half) tab as a
chloroquine-resistant malaria single dose; 10-14 yr (> 30-
is endemic 45 kg): 2 tab as a single
dose. Do not repeat for at
least 7 days. Renal
impairment: Dose reduction
may be needed. Severe:
contra-indicated. Hepatic
impairment: Dose reduction
may be needed. Severe:
Mild to moderate infections:
more than 2months: 8 - 12mg
Sulphamethoxazole 200 mg Trimethoprim/kg/day divided
J01EE01961L8001X Infections caused by
1497 & Trimethoprim 40 mg/5ml B every 12hours. Serious
X susceptible pathogens
Suspension Infections: 15-20mg
Trimethoprim/kg/day divided
every 6hours.

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i) ADULT: 960 mg twice daily
increased to 1.44 g twice
daily in severe infections.
CHILD: 36 mg/kg daily in 2
divided doses increased to
54 mg/kg/day in severe
i) Severe or complicated ii) Treatment: ADULT &
infections when oral therapy CHILD over 4 weeks: 120
is not feasible mg/kg/day PO/IV infusion in
Sulphamethoxazole 400 mg
J01EE01961P3001X ii) Treatment and prophylaxis 2 - 4 divided doses for 14
1498 & Trimethoprim 80 mg A
X of pneumocystis carinii days. Prophylaxis: ADULT:
pneumonia (PCP) in 960 mg once daily or 960 mg
immunocompromised on alternate days (3 times a
patients week) or 960 mg twice daily
on alternate days (3 times a
week). CHILD 6 weeks - 5
months: 120 mg twice daily
on 3 consecutive days or 7
days per week; 6 months - 5
years: 240 mg; 6 - 12 years:
480 mg
i) ADULT: 1 - 3 tablets twice
ii) Treatment: ADULT &
CHILD over 4 weeks: 120
mg/kg/day in 2 - 4 divided
i) Severe or complicated
doses for 14 days.
infections due to susceptible
Prophylaxis: ADULT: 960 mg
Sulphamethoxazole 400 mg once daily or 960 mg on
J01EE01961T1001X ii) Treatment and prophylaxis
1499 & Trimethoprim 80 mg B alternate days (3 times a
X of pneumocystis carinii
Tablet week) or 960 mg twice daily
pneumonia (PCP) in
on alternate days (3 times a
week). CHILD; 6 weeks - 5
months: 120 mg twice daily
on 3 consecutive days or 7
days per week; 6 months - 5
years: 240 mg; 6 - 12 years:
480 mg
When used in scalp
disorders, a small amount of
cream should be rubbed
gently into the roots of the
hair. When used in skin
Sulphur 2% & Salicylic Acid D10AB02951G1001 Acne vulgaris and
1500 C disorders, the cream should
2% Cream XX seborrhoeic dermatitis
be applied sparingly to the
affected area. Apply once
daily or until noticeable
improvement, then once or
twice a week
200-400 mg twice daily; 800
mg daily in predominantly
Acute and chronic negative symptoms and 2.4 g
1501 Sulpiride 200 mg Tablet B schizophrenia, chronic daily in mainly positive
delusional psychoses symptoms. Elderly, lower
initial dose; increased
gradually according to

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response. Child under 14
years not recommended

N02CC01000T1002 Treatment of acute migraine 50 mg per attack and not

1502 Sumatriptan 100 mg Tablet A/KK
XX attacks more than 300 mg daily
Sumatriptan 50 mg Fast N02CC01000T5001 Treatment of acute migraine 50 mg per attack and not
1503 A
Disintegrating Tablet XX attacks more than 300 mg daily
N02CC01000T1001 Treatment of acute migraine 50 mg per attack and not
1504 Sumatriptan 50 mg Tablet A/KK
XX attacks more than 300 mg daily
6 mg given by SC as soon as
possible after onset. Dose
may be repeated once after
Sumatriptan 6 mg/0.5 ml N02CC01000P5001 Treament of acute migraine
1505 A not less than 1 hour if
Injection XX attacks and cluster headache
needed. Max. 12 mg in 24
hours. Child not
Apply to exposed areas at
least 30 minutes prior to solar
Sunscreen 5 - 20% w/w D02BA02000G1001 exposure; reapply after
1506 B Photodermatitis
Cream XX swimming, prolonged
perspiration and after 2 hours
of continuos sun exposure
Intravenous: Muscle relaxant
in general anaesthesia Adult:
As chloride: single dose of
0.3-1.1 mg/kg injected;
supplementary doses of 50-
100% of the initial dose may
be given at 5-10 min
intervals. Max dose
(repeated IV injection or
Suxamethonium Chloride M03AB01100P3001 Muscle relaxant as an continuous infusion): 500
1507 B
50 mg/ml lnj XX adjunct to anaesthesia mg/hr Child: As chloride: <1
yr: 2 mg/kg; 1-12 yr: 1 mg/kg.
Intramuscular: Muscle
relaxant in general
anaesthesia Adult: As
chloride: 3-4 mg/kg. Max total
dose: 150 mg Child: As
chloride: <1 yr: Up to 4-5
mg/kg; ≥1 yr: Up to 4 mg/kg.
Max dose: 150 mg.

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Diagnostic test for
investigation of
adrenocortical insufficiency
Adult: As plain preparation:
Measure plasma cortisol
concentration immediately
before and exactly 30 min
after IM/IV inj of 250 mcg.
Post-inj rise in plasma
cortisol concentration ≥200
nmol/l (70 mcg/l) if normal
adrenocortical function. As
depot preparation (if
Diagnostic test to inconclusive results with plain
Synthetic ACTH
H01AA02000P3001X differentiate primary adrenal preparation): Measure
1508 (Tetracosactrin Acetate) A
X from secondary (pituitary) plasma cortisol concentration
250 mcg/ml Injection
adrenocortical insufficiency before and exactly 30 min, 1,
2, 3, 4 and 5 hr after an IM inj
of 1 mg tetracosactide
acetate depot. Adrenocortical
function normal if the post-inj
rise in plasma cortisol
concentration increases 2-
fold in 1st hr, and continues
to rise steadily. Expected
levels in 1st hr: 600-1,250
nmol/l, increasing slowly up
to 1000-1800 nmol/l by 5th
hr. Child: IV 250 mcg/1.73
m2 BSA. Intramuscular
For short-term and
intermittent long-term therapy Adult ≥16 years: Apply
in the treatment of patients 0.03% or 0.1% to the
with moderate to severe affected skin twice daily and
atopic dermatitis in whom the rub in gently and completely.
use of alternative, Children ≥ 2 years: Apply
D11AH01000G5002 conventional therapies are 0.03% ointment thinly to the
1509 Tacrolimus 0.03% Ointment A*
XX deemed inadvisable because affected skin bd and rub in
of potential risks, or in the gently and completely.
treatment of patients who are Treatment should be
not adequately responsive to continued for 1 week after
or are intolerant of clearing of signs & symptoms
alternative, conventional of atopic dermatitis.
For short-term and Adult ≥16 years: Apply
intermittent long-term therapy 0.03% or 0.1% to the
in the treatment of patients affected skin twice daily and
with moderate to severe rub in gently and completely.
atopic dermatitis in whom the Children ≥ 2 years: Apply
D11AH01000G5001 use of alternative, 0.03% ointment thinly to the
1510 Tacrolimus 0.1% Ointment A*
XX conventional therapies are affected skin bd and rub in
deemed inadvisable because gently and completely.
of potential risks, or in the Treatment should be
treatment of patients who are continued for 1 week after
not adequately responsive to clearing of signs & symptoms
or are intolerant of of atopic dermatitis.

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alternative, conventional

i) Primary
immunosuppression in liver
and kidney allograft
recipients. ii) Liver and
kidney allograft rejection
0.1-0.2 mg/kg/day for liver
resistant to conventional
transplantation and at 0.15-
L04AD02000C1003X immunosuppressive agents.
1511 Tacrolimus 0.5 mg Capsule A* 0.3 mg/kg/day for kidney
X It is recommended to be
transplantation administered
used concomitantly with
as 2 divided doses.
adrenal corticosteroids.
Because of the risk of
anaphylaxis. Injection should
be reserved for patients
unable to take capsules only.
i) Prophylaxis of kidney
transplant rejection:
Tacrolimus PR therapy
should commence at dose of
0.20-0.30 mg/kg/day
administered once daily in
the morning. Administration
should commence within 24
hours after completion of
ii) Prophylaxis of liver
transplant rejection:
Tacrolimus PR therapy
should commence at a dose
of 0.10-0.20 mg/kg/day
i) Prophylaxis of transplant
administered once daily in
rejection in adult kidney or
the morning. Administration
liver allograft recipients.
Tacrolimus 0.5mg should commence within 12-
L04AD02000C2203X ii) Treatment of kidney or
1512 Prolonged-Release Hard A* 18 hours after completion of
X liver allograft rejection
Capsule surgery. iii) Treatment of
resistant to treatment with
allograft rejection: Increased
other immunosuppressive
doses of tacrolimus,
medicinal products in adult.
supplemental corticosteroid
therapy, and introduction of
short courses of mono-
/polyclonal antibodies have
all been used to manage
rejection episodes. If signs of
toxicity such as severe
adverse reactions are noted,
the dose of Tacrolimus PR
might need to be reduced.
iv) Treatment of allograft
rejection after kidney or liver
transplantation: For
conversion from other
immunosuppressants to once

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daily Tacrolimus PR,
treatment should begin with
the initial oral dose
recommended in kidney and
liver transplantation
respectively for prophylaxis
of transplant rejection.
v) Conversion of Tacrolimus
to Tacrolimus PR: Allograft
transplant patients
maintained on twice daily PR
capsules dosing requiring
conversion to once daily PR
should be converted on a 1:1
(mg:mg) total daily dose
basis. Tacrolimus PR should
be administered in the
morning. (Please refer to the
product leaflet for further
information on dosage)

i) Primary
immunosuppression in liver
and kidney allograft
ii) Liver and kidney allograft
rejection resistant to 0.1-0.2 mg/kg/day for liver
conventional transplantation and at 0.15-
1513 Tacrolimus 1 mg Capsule A* immunosuppressive agents. 0.3 mg/kg/day for kidney
It is recommended to be transplantation administered
used concomitantly with as 2 divided doses.
adrenal corticosteroids.
Because of the risk of
anaphylaxis. Injection should
be reserved for patients
unable to take capsules only.

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i) Prophylaxis of kidney
transplant rejection:
Tacrolimus PR therapy
should commence at dose of
0.20-0.30 mg/kg/day
administered once daily in
the morning. Administration
should commence within 24
hours after completion of
ii) Prophylaxis of liver
transplant rejection:
Tacrolimus PR therapy
should commence at a dose
of 0.10-0.20 mg/kg/day
administered once daily in
the morning. Administration
should commence within 12-
18 hours after completion of
iii) Treatment of allograft
rejection: Increased doses of
tacrolimus, supplemental
corticosteroid therapy, and
introduction of short courses
i) Prophylaxis of transplant of mono-/polyclonal
rejection in adult kidney or antibodies have all been
liver allograft recipients. ii) used to manage rejection
Tacrolimus 1mg Prolonged- L04AD02000C2201X Treatment of kidney or liver episodes. If signs of toxicity
1514 A*
Release Hard Capsule X allograft rejection resistant to such as severe adverse
treatment with other reactions are noted, the dose
immunosuppressive of Tacrolimus PR might need
medicinal products in adult. to be reduced.
iv) Treatment of allograft
rejection after kidney or liver
transplantation: For
conversion from other
immunosuppressants to once
daily Tacrolimus PR,
treatment should begin with
the initial oral dose
recommended in kidney and
liver transplantation
respectively for prophylaxis
of transplant rejection.
v) Conversion of Tacrolimus
to Tacrolimus PR: Allograft
transplant patients
maintained on twice daily PR
capsules dosing requiring
conversion to once daily PR
should be converted on a 1:1
(mg:mg) total daily dose
basis. Tacrolimus PR should
be administered in the
morning. (Please refer to the
product leaflet for further
information on dosage)

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i) Primary
immunosuppression in liver
and kidney allograft
ii) Liver and kidney allograft
rejection resistant to 0.1-0.2 mg/kg/day for liver
conventional transplantation and at 0.15-
1515 Tacrolimus 5 mg Capsule A* immunosuppressive agents. 0.3 mg/kg/day for kidney
It is recommended to be transplantation administered
used concomitantly with as 2 divided doses.
adrenal corticosteroids.
Because of the risk of
anaphylaxis. Injection should
be reserved for patients
unable to take capsules only.
i) Prophylaxis of kidney
transplant rejection:
Tacrolimus PR therapy
should commence at dose of
0.20-0.30 mg/kg/day
administered once daily in
the morning. Administration
should commence within 24
hours after completion of
ii) Prophylaxis of liver
transplant rejection:
Tacrolimus PR therapy
should commence at a dose
of 0.10-0.20 mg/kg/day
administered once daily in
the morning. Administration
should commence within 12-
i) Prophylaxis of transplant
18 hours after completion of
rejection in adult kidney or
liver allograft recipients.
iii) Treatment of allograft
Tacrolimus 5mg Prolonged- L04AD02000C2202X ii) Treatment of kidney or
1516 A* rejection: Increased doses of
Release Hard Capsule X liver allograft rejection
tacrolimus, supplemental
resistant to treatment with
corticosteroid therapy, and
other immunosuppressive
introduction of short courses
medicinal products in adult.
of mono-/polyclonal
antibodies have all been
used to manage rejection
episodes. If signs of toxicity
such as severe adverse
reactions are noted, the dose
of Tacrolimus PR might need
to be reduced.
iv) Treatment of allograft
rejection after kidney or liver
transplantation: For
conversion from other
immunosuppressants to once
daily Tacrolimus PR,
treatment should begin with
the initial oral dose
recommended in kidney and
liver transplantation

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respectively for prophylaxis
of transplant rejection.
v) Conversion of Tacrolimus
to Tacrolimus PR: Allograft
transplant patients
maintained on twice daily PR
capsules dosing requiring
conversion to once daily PR
should be converted on a 1:1
(mg:mg) total daily dose
basis. Tacrolimus PR should
be administered in the
morning. (Please refer to the
product leaflet for further
information on dosage)

i) Primary
immunosuppression in liver
and kidney allograft
ii) Liver and kidney allograft
rejection resistant to 0.01-0.05 mg/kg for liver
conventional transplant and 0.05-0.1
1517 Tacrolimus 5mg/ml Injection A* immunosuppressive agents. mg/kg for kidney transplant
It is recommended to be as 24-hours continuous
used concomitantly with infusion.
adrenal corticosteroids.
Because of the risk of
anaphylaxis. Injection should
be reserved for patients
unable to take capsules only.
Tamoxifen Citrate 20 mg L02BA01136T1001X 20 mg in 1-2 divided doses.
1518 A Breast cancer
Tablet X Max: 40 mg/day
Second line treatment of
functional symptoms of
benign prostatic hyperplasia
Tamsulosin HCl 400 mcg G04CA02110T5001 (BPH) in patients who do not
1519 A* 400 mcg once daily
Extended Release Tablet XX tolerate first line drugs or
when first line drugs are
inappropriate or

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Dandruff, seborrhoeic Massage into wet hair, rinse
Tar, Coal Tar and Oleyl D05AA00952L5001X
1520 A/KK dermatitis and atopic and repeat. Use once or
Alcohol Liquid X
dermatitis twice weekly
Technetium-99m as
pertechnetate is obtained by
elution with a sterile solution
of Sodium Chloride 0.9%.
The dosage depend on type
of scan
i) Thyroid scintigraphy: 18.5-
80 MBq (0.5-2.2 mCi)
Scintigraphy performed 20
minutes after intravenous
ii) Salivary gland
scintigraphy: 40 MBq (1.1
mCi) Scintigraphy performed
immediately after intravenous
injection and at regular
intervals up to 15 minutes
iii) Meckel?s diverticulum
scintigraphy: 400 MBq (10.8
mCi) Scintigraphy performed
immediately after intravenous
injection and at regular
interval up to 30 minutes
iv) Brain scintigraphy: 370-
Sodium pertechnetate is 800 MBq (10-22 mCi) Rapid
used for scintigraphy or sequential images are taken
nuclear scan particularly of immediately within the first
Technetium-99m Sterile V09CA01000P3001X
1521 A* the brain and thyroid to minute after intravenous
Generator X
prepare various technetium- administration, static images
99m labelled injections for 1 to 4 hours later. Thyroid
selective organ imaging and coriod plexus should be
blocked to avoid non-specific
99mTc uptake
v) Cardiac and vascular
scintigraphy: 740-925 MBq
(20-25 mCi) Red cells are
labeled in vivo or in vitro by
pretreating with a reducing
agent. Dynamic images are
taken in the first minute after
intravenous administration,
followed by regular images
over 30 minutes
vi) Gastrointestinal bleeding:
740-925 MBq (20-25 mCi)
Red cells are labeled in vivo
or in vitro by pretreating with
a reducing agent. Dynamic
images are taken in the first
minutes after intravenous
administration, followed by
regular images at appropriate
intervals for up to 24 hours
vii) Lacrimal duct
scintigraphy: 2-4 MBq each

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eye (50-100 mCi) Drops are
instilled into eye and dynamic
images are taken over 2
minutes, followed by static
images at appropriate
intervals over 20 minutes

Tegafur 100 mg & uracil L01BC53980C1001X 300-600 mg daily in 2-3

1522 A* Non small cell lung cancer
224 mg Capsule X divided doses
ADULT and CHILD over 16
years: 600 mg once daily.
Treatment of chronic Renal Dose Adjustment:
J05AF11000T1001X hepatitis B in patients with 600mg every 48hours (30-
1523 Telbivudine 600 mg Tablet A*
X evidence of viral replication 49ml/min), 600 mg every
and active liver inflammation 72hours. (<30ml/min; not
requiring dialysis); 600mg
every 96 days (ESRD)
Hypertension in patients who
1524 Telmisartan 40 mg Tablet A/KK cannot tolerate ACE 40mg - 80mg once daily
inhibitors because of cough
Telmisartan 80 mg & Hypertension in patients who
1525 Hydrochlorothiazide 12.5 A/KK cannot tolerate ACE 1 tablet daily
mg Tablet inhibitors because of cough
Treatment of essential
hypertension in adults:
i) Replacement
therapy:Patients receiving
telmisartan and amlodipine
from separate tablets may
instead receive one tablet Single-pill combination
containing the same should be taken once daily.
component doses Initiate with telmisartan
Telmisartan 80 mg and C09DB04935T1002X ii) Add on therapy: Patients 80mg/amlodipine 5mg one
1526 A/KK
Amlodipine 10 mg Tablet X who blood pressure is not tablet per day. The maximum
adequately controlled on recommendation dose is
telmisartan or amlodipine telmisartan 80mg/amlodipine
monotherapy 10mg one tablet per day.
iii) Initial therapy: May also
be used as initial therapy in
patients who are likely to
need multiple drugs to
achieve their blood pressure

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Treatment of essential
hypertension in adults: i)
therapy:Patients receiving
telmisartan and amlodipine
from separate tablets may
Single-pill combination
instead receive one tablet
should be taken once daily.
containing the same
Initiate with telmisartan
component doses ii) Add on
Telmisartan 80 mg and C10BX03935T1008X 80mg/amlodipine 5mg one
1527 A/KK therapy: Patients who blood
Amlodipine 5 mg Tablet X tablet per day. The maximum
pressure is not adequately
recommendation dose is
controlled on telmisartan or
telmisartan 80mg/amlodipine
amlodipine monotherapy iii)
10mg one tablet per day.
Initial therapy: May also be
used as initial therapy in
patients who are likely to
need multiple drugs to
achieve their blood pressure
i) Hypertension in patients
who cannot tolerate ACE
inhibitors because of cough
ii) Reduction of the risk of
myocardial infarction, stroke,
C09CA07000T1002X or death from cardiovascular i) 40mg - 80mg once daily
1528 Telmisartan 80 mg Tablet A/KK
X causes in patients 55 years ii) 80mg once daily
or older at high risk of
developing major
cardiovascular events who
are unable to take ACE
Concomitant phase:
75mg/m2 daily with
radiotherapy for 42 days,
In patients with glioblastoma
followed by 6 cycle of
multiforme who fulfill all the
adjuvant treatment. Adjuvant
following criteria:
Temozolomide 100 mg L01AX03000C1003X phase: Additional 6 cycles of
1529 A* i. Total /near total resection
Capsule X adjuvant phase. Cycle 1-
ii. ECOG/WHO performance
150mg/m2 once daily for 5
status 0-2
days followed by 23 days
iii. Age less than 60 years
without treatment. Cycle 2-6 :
200mg/m2 once daily for 5
days per 28-day cycle
Concomitant phase:
75mg/m2 daily with
radiotherapy for 42 days,
In patients with glioblastoma
followed by 6 cycle of
multiforme who fulfill all the
adjuvant treatment. Adjuvant
following criteria:
Temozolomide 20 mg L01AX03000C1001X phase: Additional 6 cycles of
1530 A* i. total /near total resection
Capsule X adjuvant phase. Cycle 1-
ii. ECOG/WHO performance
150mg/m2 once daily for 5
status 0-2
days followed by 23 days
iii. Age less than 60 years
without treatment. Cycle 2-6 :
200mg/m2 once daily for 5
days per 28-day cycle

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Acute myocardial reinfarction
where streptokinase is Less than 60 kg: 30 mg, 60 -
contraindicated due to 69 kg: 35 mg, 70 - 79 kg: 40
Tenecteplase 10,000 unit B01AD11000P4001X previous streptokinase mg; 80 -90 kg: 45 mg, 90 kg
1531 A*
(50 mg) Injection X induced antibodies. or above: 50 mg. Administer
[Indicated when antibodies single IV bolus over 5-10
was given more than 5 days seconds
and less than 12 months]
Treatment of HIV-1 infection
in adults in combination with
Tenofovir Disoproxil other antiretroviral agents
1532 Fumarate 300 mg & A/KK (such as non-nucleoside 1 tablet once daily.
Emtricitabine 200 mg Tablet reverse transcriptase
inhibitors or protease
i) Treatment of HIV-1 infected
adults in combination with
300mg once daily. Renal
other antiretroviral agents.
Dose Adjustment: 300mg
ii) Use as first line
every 48hours (30-49ml/min);
Tenofovir Disoproxil J05AF07138T1001X monotherapy for chronic
1533 A* 300mg every 72hours (10-
Fumarate 300 mg Tablet X hepatitis B or as a rescue
29ml/min); 300mg every 7
therapy for patients with drug
days after dialysis
resistance hepatitis B virus
(according to resistant profile
or treatment guidelines).
Only for treatment of Benign Initially 1 mg at night,
G04CA03110T1001 Prostatic Hyperplasia. Not to increased in a stepwise
1534 Terazosin HCl 1 mg Tablet A/KK
XX be used for treatment of fashion to 2 mg, 5 mg or 10
hypertension mg once daily
i) Initially 1 mg at night,
increased in a stepwise
fashion to 2 mg, 5 mg or 10
i) Treatment of Benign mg once daily.
1535 Terazosin HCl 2 mg Tablet A/KK Prostatic Hyperplasia. ii) Initial: 1mg once daily at
ii) Hypertension bedtime, Maintenance: 1-
5mg once (morning or
evening) or twice daily. Max:
i) Initially 1 mg at night,
increased in a stepwise
fashion to 2 mg, 5 mg or 10
i) Treatment of Benign mg once daily.
1536 Terazosin HCl 5 mg Tablet A/KK Prostatic Hyperplasia. ii) Initial: 1mg once daily at
ii) Hypertension bedtime, Maintenance: 1-
5mg once (morning or
evening) or twice daily. Max:
Fungal infections especially 250 mg once daily for 6
Terbinafine HCl 250 mg D01BA02110T1001X
1537 A/KK onchomycosis caused by weeks for fingernails: 12
Tablet X
dermatophytes weeks for toenails
ADULT and CHILD more
Bronchial asthma, chronic than 12 years: 1 inhalation 6
bronchitis, emphysema and hourly. Severe cases: Single
Terbutaline 0.5mg/dose R03AC03183A2001
1538 B other lung diseases where dose may be increased to 3
Inhaler XX
bronchospasm is a inhalation. Maximum 12
complicating factor inhalation/24 hour. CHILD 3-
12 year: 1 inhalation 6 hourly.

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Severe cases: Single dose
may be increased to 2
inhalation. Maximum 8
inhalation/24 hour

SC, IM or slow IV: 250-500

mcg up to 4 times daily.
CHILD 2 - 15 years
Bronchial asthma, chronic
10mcg/kg to a maximum of
bronchitis, emphysema and
Terbutaline Sulphate 0.5 R03CC03183P3001 300 mcg. Continuous IV
1539 B other lung diseases where
mg/ml Injection XX infusion, as a solution
broncoconstriction is a
containing 3 - 5 mcg/ml, 1.5 -
complicating factor
5 mcg/minute for 8 - 10
hours; reduce dose for
ADULT: 5 - 10 mg 2 -4 times
daily, additional doses may
Asthma and other conditions be necessary in severe acute
Terbutaline Sulphate 10 R03AC03183A3001
1540 B associated with reversible asthma. CHILD up to 3 years
mg/ml Nebulizer Solution XX
airways obstruction : 2 mg, 3 - 6 years : 3 mg, 6 -
8 years : 4 mg, over 8 years :
5 mg 2 - 4 times daily
2 mg IV bolus over 1 minute.
Maintenance: 1 - 2 mg IV
bolus 4 - 6 hourly until
Terlipressin 1mg/5mg H01BA04000P4001X Acute oesophageal variceal
1541 A* bleeding is controlled, up to
Injection X bleeding
24 - 36 hours. The maximum
daily dosage is 120-150
mcg/kg body weight.
By IM only. Hypogonadism
250 mg every 2-3 weeks. To
Only for treatment of male maintain an adequate
infertility, protein deficiency androgenic effect 250 mg
during convalescence after every 3-6 weeks. Potency
Testosterone 250 mg/ml G03BA03000P3001
1542 A* surgery and wasting disorder. disorders 250 mg every 4
Injection XX
In women, supplementary weeks. Male climateric
therapy of progressive disorders: 250 mg every 3-4
mammary carcinoma weeks. Repeated 6-8 weeks
courses at 2-3 months
2 doses of 0.5 mL IM at an
interval of 4-8 wk, followed by
J07AM01000P3001X Immunization against tetanus
1543 Tetanus Toxoid Injection C+ the 3rd dose 6-12 mth later.
X infection
Booster: 0.5 mL IM every 10
Adult: 250-500 mg 6 hrly.
Tetracycline HCl 250 mg J01AA07110C1001X Infections caused by
1544 B Max: 4 g/day. Child: ≥12 yr
Capsule X susceptible pathogens
Max: 2 g daily
Adult: 250-500 mg 6 hrly.
Tetracycline HCl 250 mg J01AA07110T1001X Infections caused by
1545 B Max: 4 g/day. Child: ≥12 yr
Tablet X susceptible pathogens
Max: 2 g daily

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First line induction therapy in
newly diagnosed multiple
myeloma, salvage therapy in
relapsed multiple myeloma
and maintenance therapy in
1546 Thalidomide 50 mg Capsule A* multiple myeloma 50 mg to 200 mg daily
(contraindicated for pregnant
women; pregnancy test for
females in reproductive age
group before starting
treatment should be done).
Used in myocardial perfusion
scintigraphy, acute
myocardial infarction and
post-surgical assessment of
Thallous Chloride (Thallium- V09GX01100P3001
1547 A* coronary artery bypass graft As IV infusion
201) Injection XX
patency, muscle perfusion
scintigraphy, visualisation of
brain and thyroid tumours
and metastases
ADULT: 125 mg 3 - 4 times
daily after food, increased to
Reversible airways
R03DA04000T1001X 250 mg if required. CHILD: 1
1548 Theophylline 125 mg Tablet B obstruction, acute severe
X - 15 years : 5 mg/kg/dose (up
to 600 mg/ day) every 3 - 4
times daily
ADULT: 250 mg 2 times
Reversible airways
Theophylline 250 mg Long R03DA04000T5001X daily. CHILD under 12 years :
1549 B obstruction and acute severe
Acting Tablet X Up to 10 mg/kg body weight
2 times daily
ADULT: 125 mg 3 - 4 times
daily after food, increased to
Reversible airways
Theophylline 80 mg/15 ml R03DA04000L9001X 250 mg if required. CHILD 1 -
1550 B obstruction and acute severe
Syrup X 15 years : 5 mg/kg/dose (up
to 600 mg/day) every 3 - 4
times per day
i) For the prevention or
i) Mild to chronic deficiency:
treatment of Vitamin B1
10-25 mg daily. Severe
deficiency syndromes
deficiency: 200- 300 mg daily
Thiamine HCl 100 mg/ml A11DA01110P3001X including beri-beri and
1551 B ii) 500 mg every 8 hours for 2
Injection X peripheral neuritis associated
days, followed by 100 mg 2
with pellagra
times daily until patient can
ii) Wernicke-Korsakoff
take oral dose
i) For the prevention or
i) Mild to chronic deficiency:
treatment of Vitamin B1
10-25 mg daily. Severe
deficiency syndromes
deficiency: 200- 300 mg daily
Thiamine Mononitrate 10 A11DA01221T1002X including beri-beri and
1552 C ii) 500 mg every 8 hours for 2
mg Tablet X peripheral neuritis associated
days, followed by 100 mg 2
with pellagra
times daily until patient can
ii) Wernicke-Korsakoff
take oral dose
i) For the prevention or i) Mild to chronic deficiency:
treatment of Vitamin B1 10-25 mg daily. Severe
Thiamine Mononitrate 3 mg A11DA01221T1001X
1553 C deficiency syndromes deficiency: 200 - 300 mg
Tablet X
including beri-beri and daily
peripheral neuritis associated ii) 500 mg every 8 hours for 2

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with pellagra days, followed by 100 mg 2
ii) Wernicke-Korsakoff times daily until patient can
Syndrome take oral dose

Refer to specific protocols.

Usually 100 mg/m2 for 5 - 7
days (acute myeloid
For acute leukaemia and leukaemia) or up to 2 weeks
1554 Thioguanine 40 mg Tablet A chronic granulocytic (chronic myeloid leukaemia
leukaemia for accelerated/ advanced
disease). CHILD: 40 - 60
g/m2 daily according to
i) ADULT: For induction 200 -
400 mg. For repeat injection
3 - 5 mg/kg over 10 - 15
i) General anaesthesia, seconds until desired depth
induction of anaesthesia is obtained.
Thiopental Sodium 500 mg N05CA19520P3001
1555 B ii) Anticonvulsant for cases Not FDA approved for use in
Injection XX
resistant to conventional pediatric patients
anticonvulsants in the ICU ii) 75 - 125 mg IV single
dose; for local-anaesthetic
induced convulsion: 125 -
250 mg IV over 10 minutes
A01AD11985M2001 For sore throat and minor
1556 Thymol Compound Gargle C To be gargled 3-4 times daily
XX mouth inflammation
A two-injection regimen is
recommended for thyrotropin
administration.The two-
injection regimen is
thyrotropin 0.9 mg
intramuscularly (IM), followed
by a second 0.9 mg IM
injection 24 hours later. After
reconstitution with 1.2 mL
Thyrogen (thyrotropin alfa) is
Sterile Water for Injection,
indicated for use as an
1.0 mL solution (0.9 mg
adjunctive treatment for
thyrotropin alfa) is
radioiodine ablation of thyroid
administered by
tissue remnants in patients
Thyrotropin alfa 0.9mg/ml H01AB01000P3002X intramuscular injection to the
1557 A* who have undergone a near-
Injection X buttock. For radioiodine
total or total thyroidectomy
imaging or treatment,
for well-differentiated thyroid
radioiodine administration
cancer and who do not have
should be given 24 hours
evidence of distant
following the final Thyrogen
metastatic thyroid cancer.
injection. Diagnostic
scanning should be
performed 48 hours after
radioiodine administration,
whereas post-therapy
scanning may be delayed
additional days to allow
background activity to

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Treatment of complaints
resulting from the natural or
surgical menopause & in
1558 Tibolone 2.5 mg Tablet A* cases at high risk for breast 2.5mg daily
carcinomas where general
hormone replacement
therapy is contraindicated
a) Patient who failed
clopidogrel readmitted to
hospital with recurrent
atherothrombotic event while
patients are on clopidogrel.
b) ACS patients with:
i) STEMI - going for invasive Initially, 180mg as single
B01AC24000T1001X (PCI), dose followed by 90mg bd
1559 Ticagrelor 90 mg Tablet A*
X ii) NSTEMI/UA - intermediate with maintenance dose of
to high risk (based on TIMI ASA 75-150 mg daily.
iii) Other complicated ACS
cases treated either
medically or invasively via
PCI or CABG (risk of Stent
thrombosis, 3VD etc.)
i) Prevention of thrombotic
stroke for patients who are
sensitive /intolerant to
Acetysalicylic Acid
Ticlopidine HCl 250 mg B01AC05110T1001X ii) Maintenance of coronary 250 mg twice daily taken with
1560 A/KK
Tablet X bypass surgery or food
iii) Maintenance of patency of
access in patients on chronic
Initially, 1 drop of 0.25% 2
Elevated intraocular
Timolol Maleate 0.5% Eye S01ED01253D2002 times daily, if clinical
1561 A pressure, chronic open angle
Drops XX response is not adequate, 1
drop of 0.5% 2 times daily
i) ADULT: 2 g as a single
dose for 2 - 3 days. CHILD 3
years and older: 50 mg/kg
daily for 3 days
i) Amoebiasis ii) ADULT: 2 g as a single
1562 Tinidazole 500 mg Tablet B ii) Urogenital trichomoniasis dose (repeated once if
and giardiasis necessary). Sexual partners
should be treated
concomitantly with the same
dose. CHILD 6 years and
older : single dose of 1 gram

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i) Treatment of DVT and PE,
in conjunction with warfarin:
175 anti-Factor Xa IU/kg SC
once daily for at least 6 days.
ii) Thromboprophylaxis in
i) Treatment of deep vein patients with: Moderate risk
thrombosis (DVT) and of thrombosis (general
pulmonary embolism (PE), surgery):3,500 anti-Factor Xa
Tinzaparin sodium 10,000
not amounting to IU SC 2 hrs before surgery
anti-Factor Xa IU/ml B01AB10520P5001X
1563 A* hemodynamic instability. and postoperatively, 3,500
Injection in Prefilled X
ii) Prevention of post- anti-Factor Xa IU once daily
operative DVT in patients for 7-10 days. High risk of
undergoing general and thrombosis (eg. total hip
orthopaedic surgery. replacement):4,500 anti-
Factor Xa IU SC or 50 anti-
Factor Xa IU/kg body weight
SC 2 hrs before surgery and
then once daily until the
patients has been mobilized.
i) Treatment of DVT and PE,
in conjunction with warfarin:
175 anti-Factor Xa IU/kg SC
once daily for at least 6 days.
ii) Thromboprophylaxis in
i) Treatment of deep vein patients with: Moderate risk
thrombosis (DVT) and of thrombosis (general
pulmonary embolism (PE), surgery):3,500 anti-Factor Xa
Tinzaparin sodium 20,000
not amounting to IU SC 2 hrs before surgery
anti-Factor Xa IU/ml B01AB10520P5002X
1564 A* hemodynamic instability. and postoperatively, 3,500
Injection in Prefilled X
ii) Prevention of post- anti-Factor Xa IU once daily
operative DVT in patients for 7-10 days. High risk of
undergoing general and thrombosis (eg. total hip
orthopaedic surgery. replacement):4,500 anti-
Factor Xa IU SC or 50 anti-
Factor Xa IU/kg body weight
SC 2 hrs before surgery and
then once daily until the
patients has been mobilized.
Skin fungal infections
Gently massage into the
D01AC07000G1001 resistant to antifungal drugs
1565 Tioconazole 1% Cream A affected and surrounding
XX such as miconazole and
area 1-2 times daily
Adult & Child > 12yr: Insert
Tioconazole 100 mg G01AF08000S1001X
1566 A Vulvovaginal candidiasis nightly on retiring for 3-6 or
Vaginal Tablet X
14 days
Apply 4.6 g intravaginally
Tioconazole 6.5% Vaginal G01AF08000G5001 prior to bedtime as a single
1567 A Vulvaginal candidiasis
Ointment XX dose therapy, therapy may
extend to 7 days

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i) Maintenance
bronchodilator treatment to
relieve symptoms of patients
with chronic obstructive
pulmonary disease (COPD)
in which the diagnosis of
COPD is confirmed by
ii) As add-on maintenance
Tiotropium 2.5mcg/puff R03BB04320A3001X bronchodilator treatment in 5 mcg (2 puff) once daily, at
1568 A/KK
solution for inhalation X adult patients with asthma the same time of the day
who are currently treated with
the maintenance combination
of inhaled corticosteroids
(≥800µg budesonide/day or
equivalent) and long-acting
β2-agonist and who
experienced one or more
severe exacerbations in the
previous year.
Long term maintenance
treatment of bronchospasm
and dypsnoea associated
Contents of one capsule is
with COPD. Tiotropium has
Tiotropium Bromide 18 mcg R03BB04320C9901 inhaled once daily with the
1569 A/KK usually been added to
Inhalation Capsules XX Handihaler inhalation device
standard therapy (e.g.
at the same time of the day.
inhaled steroids,
theophylline, albuterol
Unstable angina or non-ST
segment elevation
myocardial infarction with the By IV infusion, 0.4
following: elevated cardiac mcg/kg/min for 30 minutes,
Tirofiban HCl 0.25 mg/ml B01AC17110P9901X
1570 A* markers, refractory chest then 0.1 mcg/kg/min for at
Injection X
pain, ST-segment changes least 48 hours, maximum 108
and thrombolysis in hours
myocardial infarction (TIMI)
risk score 4
Indicated for the treatment of
moderate to severe active
rheumatoid arthritis (RA) in Recommended dose for
adult patients: rheumatoid arthritis of
i) with inadequate respond or tocilizumab for adult patients
intolerance to conventional is 8mg/kg given once every 4
disease- modifying weeks as a single-drip IV
antirheumatic drugs infusion over 1 hour. It should
(DMARDS) be diluted to 100 ml by a
Tocilizumab 20 mg/ml L04AC07000P3001X
1571 A* ii) who has failed antitumour healthcare professional with
Injection X
necrosis factors (antiTNFs) sterile 0.9% w/v sodium
iii) where TNF is chloride solution over 1 hour.
contraindicated (patients with For patients whose body
history of pulmonary weight is more than 100kg,
tuberculosis [PTB]) It also doses exceeding 800mg per
can be used as monotherapy infusion are not
or with combination with recommended
methotrexate (MTX) and/ or
other DMARDS.

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Treatment of overactive 4 mg once daily. May
Tolterodine Tartrate ER 4 G04BD07123C2002 bladder with symptoms of decrease to 2 mg once daily
1572 A*
mg Capsule XX urinary, frequency or urge depending on response and
incontinence tolerability
ADULT: Initially 25-50mg
nightly for 1 week.
Subsequently at wkly or bi-
wkly intervals, increase dose
by 25-50 to 100mg/day in 2
divided doses. CHILD aged 2
and above: Approx 5-9
N03AX11000T1003X Add-on therapy for
1573 Topiramate 100 mg Tablet A* mg/kg/day in 2 divided
X intractable partial epilepsy
doses. Titrate at 25mg (or
less, based on a range of 1-
3mg/kg/day) nightly for the
1st week. Subsequently at 1
or 2 wkly intervals, with
increments of 1-3 mg/kg/day
in 2 divided dose.
ADULT: Initially 25-50mg
nightly for 1 week.
Subsequently at wkly or bi-
wkly intervals, increase dose
by 25-50 to 100mg/day in 2
divided doses. CHILD aged 2
and above: Approx 5-9
Topiramate 15 mg Capsule N03AX11000C1001 Add-on therapy for
1574 A* mg/kg/day in 2 divided
Sprinkle XX intractable partial epilepsy
doses. Titrate at 25mg (or
less, based on a range of 1-
3mg/kg/day) nightly for the
1st week. Subsequently at 1
or 2 wkly intervals, with
increments of 1-3 mg/kg/day
in 2 divided dose.
ADULT: Initially 25-50mg
nightly for 1 week.
Subsequently at wkly or bi-
wkly intervals, increase dose
by 25-50 to 100mg/day in 2
divided doses. CHILD aged 2
and above: Approx 5-9
Topiramate 25 mg Capsule N03AX11000C1002 Add-on therapy for
1575 A* mg/kg/day in 2 divided
Sprinkle XX intractable partial epilepsy
doses. Titrate at 25mg (or
less, based on a range of 1-
3mg/kg/day) nightly for the
1st week. Subsequently at 1
or 2 wkly intervals, with
increments of 1-3 mg/kg/day
in 2 divided dose.

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ADULT: Initially 25-50mg
nightly for 1 week.
Subsequently at wkly or bi-
wkly intervals, increase dose
by 25-50 to 100mg/day in 2
divided doses. CHILD aged 2
and above: Approx 5-9
N03AX11000T1001X Add-on therapy for
1576 Topiramate 25 mg Tablet A* mg/kg/day in 2 divided
X intractable partial epilepsy
doses. Titrate at 25mg (or
less, based on a range of 1-
3mg/kg/day) nightly for the
1st week. Subsequently at 1
or 2 wkly intervals, with
increments of 1-3 mg/kg/day
in 2 divided dose.
ADULT: Initially 25-50mg
nightly for 1 week.
Subsequently at wkly or bi-
wkly intervals, increase dose
by 25-50 to 100mg/day in 2
divided doses. CHILD aged 2
and above: Approx 5-9
N03AX11000T1002X Add-on therapy for
1577 Topiramate 50 mg Tablet A* mg/kg/day in 2 divided
X intractable partial epilepsy
doses. Titrate at 25mg (or
less, based on a range of 1-
3mg/kg/day) nightly for the
1st week. Subsequently at 1
or 2 wkly intervals, with
increments of 1-3 mg/kg/day
in 2 divided dose.
Only to be used to cover
Trace Elements and B05XA30905P3001X daily loss of electrolyte and 10 ml added to 500-1000 ml
1578 A*
Electrolytes (Adult) Solution X trace elements for patient on solution, given by IV infusion
parenteral nutrition
According to the needs of the
patient. INFANT and CHILD
weighing 15 kg or less: Basal
requirements of the included
trace elements are covered
Only to be used to cover by 1 ml/kg/day to a maximum
Trace Elements and
B05XA30905P3002X daily loss of electrolyte and dose of 15 ml. CHILD
1579 Electrolytes (Paediatric) A*
X trace elements for patient on weighing 15 kg or more, a
parenteral nutrition daily dose of 15 ml, should
meet basic trace element
requirements. However, for
patients weighing more than
40 kg the adult preparation
trace element should be used
Post-operative pain, chronic
Tramadol HCl 100 mg N02AX02110S2001X cancer pain, analgesia/pain
1580 A 100mg rectally up to qds
Suppository X relief for patients with
impaired renal function
Post-operative pain, chronic
50 - 100 mg every 4 hours.
Tramadol HCl 100 mg/ml N02AX02110D5001 cancer pain, analgesia/pain
1581 A Max: 400 mg daily. Not
Drops XX relief for patients with
recommended in children
impaired renal function.

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Moderate to severe acute or ADULT: 50mg initially, can
chronic pain (eg. Post- take another 50mg after 30 -
operative pain, chronic 60 min if pain not relieved.
Tramadol HCl 50 mg N02AX02110C1001
1582 A/KK cancer pain and Max 400 mg daily. CHILD:
Capsule XX
analgesia/pain relief for 1mg/kg/dose repeated every
patients with impaired renal 6 hours (Max: 2mg/kg/dose
function) and 100mg/dose)
Moderate to severe acute or ADULT: IV/IM/SC 50 -
chronic pain (eg. Post- 100mg. (IV inj over 2-3 min
operative pain, chronic or IV infusion). Initially 100
Tramadol HCl 50 mg/ml N02AX02110P3001X
1583 A cancer pain and mg then 50 - 100 mg every 4
Injection X
analgesia/pain relief for - 6 hours. . Max: 400 mg
patients with impaired renal daily. CHILD (1 year and
function) above): 1 - 2mg/kg/dose
ADULT: Slow IV 0.5-1 g (10 -
15 mg/kg) 3 times daily.
Tranexamic Acid 100 mg/ml B02AA02000P3001X Haemorrhage associated Continuous infusion at a rate
1584 B
Injection X with excessive fibrinolysis of 25 - 50 mg/kg daily.
CHILD: slow IV 10 mg/kg/day
2-3 times daily
ADULT: 1-1.5 g (15-25
mg/kg) 2-4 times daily.
CHILD: 25 mg/kg/day 2-3
Tranexamic Acid 250 mg B02AA02000C1001X Haemorrhage associated times daily. Menorrhagia
1585 B
Capsule X with excessive fibrinolysis (initiated when menstruation
has started), 1 g 3 times daily
for up to 4 days; maximum 4
g daily
Used only in adjuvant setting
for patients with HER2 over- Initial loading dose is 4 mg/kg
expressed breast cancer, administered as a 90 minutes
that is HER2 3+ by IV infusion. Subsequent
Trastuzumab 440 mg L01XC03000P4001X
1586 A* immunohistochemistry and doses is 2 mg/kg
Injection X
over-expressed by FISH administered as 30 minutes
(Fluorescence in situ IV infusion weekly for 51
hybridization) and high risk weeks
To decrease intraocular
pressure (IOP) in patients
Travoprost 0.004% & S01ED51990D2003 with open-angle glaucoma or 1 drop in the affected eye(s)
1587 A*
Timolol 0.5% Eye Drops XX ocular hypertension who are once daily
insufficiently responsive to
other topical anti glaucomas
Apply thinly to the affected
area once daily or twice daily.
Acne vulgaris, recalcitrant
D10AD01000G3001 Avoid exposure to sunlight.
1588 Tretinoin 0.01% Gel A/KK cases of acne (comedonal
XX Duration of treatment: 8-12
weeks is required before any
noticeable response
Apply thinly to the affected
area once daily or twice daily.
Acne vulgaris and recalcitrant
D10AD01000G1001 Avoid exposure to sunlight.
1589 Tretinoin 0.05% Cream A/KK cases of acne (comedonal
XX Duration of treatment: 8 - 12
weeks is required before any
noticeable response

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Apply thinly to the affected
area once daily or twice daily.
Acne vulgaris and recalcitrant
D10AD01000G1002 Avoid exposure to sunlight.
1590 Tretinoin 0.1% Cream A cases of acne (comedonal
XX Duration of treatment: 8 - 12
weeks is required before any
noticeable response
Triamcinolone Acetonide A01AC01351G3101 Apply a thin layer to affected
1591 B Oral and perioral lesions
0.1% Oral Paste XX area 2-4 times daily
Smaller joints: 2.5 - 5 mg and
larger joints: 5 - 15 mg.
Triamcinolone Acetonide 10 H02AB08351P3001X Inflammation of joints, bursae
1592 A Treatment should be limited
mg/ml Injection X and tendon sheaths
to 1 mg/injection site to
prevent cutaneous atrophy
Allergies, dermatoses,
Triamcinolone Acetonide 40 H02AB08351P3002X rheumatoid arthritis and 40-80 mg deep into the
1593 A/KK
mg/ml Injection X inflammatory opthalmic gluteal muscle
ADULT: Initially 5 mg twice
daily, increase by 5 mg after
1 week, then at 3-day
intervals. Maximum 40
Trifluoperazine HCI 5 mg N05AB06110T1001X
1594 B Psychotic disorder mg/day. CHILD up to 12
Tablet X
years: Initially up to 5 mg
daily in divided doses
adjusted to response, age
and body weight
C01EB15110T1001X Prophylactic treatment of
1595 Trimetazidine 20 mg Tablet B 20 mg 3 times daily
X episodes of angina pectoris
35 mg twice daily in the
Trimetazidine 35 mg MR C01EB15110T5001X Prophylactic treatment of
1596 B morning and evening with
Tablet X episodes of angina pectoris
ADULT: 200 mg daily in 1 or
2 divided doses or 300 mg
daily as a single dose. Acute
infection: 200 mg twice daily.
Treatment of urinary tract
Trimethoprim 100 mg J01EA01000T1001X CHILD: 6-8 mg/kg/day in 2
1597 B infections due to susceptible
Tablet X divided doses. 6 - 12 years:
100 mg twice daily; 6 months
- 5 years: 50 mg twice daily.
6 weeks - 5 months: 25mg
twice daily
ADULT: 200 mg daily in 1 or
2 divided doses or 300 mg
daily as a single dose. Acute
Treatment of urinary tract infection: 200 mg twice daily.
Trimethoprim 300 mg J01EA01000T1002X
1598 B infections due to susceptible CHILD: 6 - 12 years: 100 mg
Tablet X
pathogens twice daily; 6 months - 5
years: 50 mg twice daily. 6
weeks - 5 months: 25mg
twice daily
5 - 10 mg daily, 2 - 4 hours
before exposure to sunlight.
1599 Trioxsalen 5 mg Tablet A Vitiligo To increase pigmentation: 10
mg daily, 2 hours prior to UV

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Decongestion of the upper
respiratory tract in common
ADULT and CHILD more
Triprolidine HCl 1.25 mg cold, hay fever, allergic and
R01BA52110L9001X than 12 year : 10 ml. CHILD
1600 and Pseudoephedrine HCl B vasomotor rhinitis and
X 6 - 12 years : 5 ml 2 - 5 years
30 mg per 5 ml Syrup sinusitis. Doses to be taken
: 2.5 ml
twice daily or three times
ADULT 2.5 mg every 4 - 6
hours; maximum dose 10
mg/day. CHILD (syrup) 6 - 12
Decongestion of the upper years : 1.25 mg every 4 - 6
Triprolidine HCl 2.5 mg and respiratory tract in common hours; maximum dose 5
1601 Pseudoephedrine HCl 60 B cold, hay fever, allergic and mg/day 4 - 6 years : 0.938
mg Tablet vasomotor rhinitis and mg every 4 - 6 hours;
aerotitis maximum dose 3.744 mg/day
2 - 4 years : 0.625 mg every
4 - 6 hours; maximum dose
2.5 mg/day
1 intramuscular injection
every 4 weeks. The
i) Treatment of confirmed
treatment must be started in
central precocious puberty
the first 5 days of the
(preterm sexual
menstrual cycle. The duration
development) in girls under 9
of treatment depends on the
years, boys under 10 years
initial severity of the
of age
endometriosis and the
ii) Genital and extragenital
L02AE04000P2001X changes observed in the
1602 Triptorelin 3.75 mg Injection A endometriosis (stage I to
X clinical features. In principle,
stage IV). Treatment should
the treatment should be
not be administered for more
administered for at least 4
than 6 months. It is not
months and for at most 6
recommended to start a
months. It is not
second treatment course with
recommended to start a
triptorelin or another GnRH
second treatment course with
triptorelin or another GnRH
Topical use to produce
S01FA06000D2002X 1 - 2 drops several times a
1603 Tropicamide 1% Eye Drops A/KK cycloplegic refraction for
X day
diagnostic purposes
Symptomatic treatment for
urge incontinence and/or
increased urinary frequency
1 tablet twice daily. Tablet
and urgency as may occur in
should be swallowed whole
patients with overactive
with a glass of water before
bladder (eg. Idiopathic or
Trospium Chloride 20mg G04BD09100C1001 meals on empty stomach.
1604 A* neurologic detrusor
coated tablet XX Severe renal impairment
overactivity) Place in therapy:
(CrCl between 10 & 30
As first line treatment for
mL/min/1.73 m2): 1 tab daily
overactive bladder in patients
or every 2nd day
with Parkinsonism,
Alzheimer's or other cognitive
V04CF01000P3001X For routine Mantoux 10 units is injected
1605 Tuberculine PPD Injection B
X (tuberculin sensitivity) test intradermally
Active immunization against ADULT and CHILD 6 years
1606 Typhoid Vaccine Capsule B typhoid fever in adult and of age or older, 1 capsule on
child 6 years of age or older days 1, 3 and 5

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0.5 ml single IM injection into
Active immunization against
Typhoid Vaccine Injection J07AP02000P3001X the deltoid or vastus lateralis,
1607 B typhoid fever in adult and
(20 doses) X may reimmunize with 0.5 ml
child more than 2 years
IM every 3 years if needed.
Dosage is one tablet to be
Emergency contraception taken orally as soon as
within 4-5 days of possible, but no later than
Ulipristal Acetate 30mg G03AD02122T1001
1608 A unprotected sexual 120 hours (5 days) after
Tablet XX
intercourse for sexual assault unprotected sexual
victim. intercourse or contraceptive
To be individualized. 75 IU-
150 IU daily and maybe
Urofollitropin (FSH) 150 IU G03GA04000P3002 Stimulation of follicular
1609 A* increased or decreased by
Injection XX growth in infertile women
up to 75 IU/day at 7 or 14
day intervals if necessary
To be individualized. 75 IU-
150 IU daily and maybe
Urofollitropin (FSH) 75 IU G03GA04000P3001 Stimulation of follicular
1610 A* increased or decreased by
Injection XX growth in infertile women
up to 75 IU/day at 7 or 14
day intervals if necessary
ADULT: Acute pulmonary
embolism: IV loading dose
4400 iu/kg over 10 mins,
maintenance 4400 iu/kg/hour
for 12 hours. Peripheral
Treatment of thromboembolic vascular occlusion: infuse
disease such as mycocardial 2500 iu/ml into clot at a rate
infarction, peripheral artery of 4000 iu/min for 2 hours.
1611 Urokinase 6000 IU Injection A occlusion, pulmonary This may be repeated up to 4
embolism, retinal artery times. Hyphaema: 5000 IU in
thrombosis and other 2 ml saline solution is
ophthalmologic use injected and withdrawn
repeatedly over the iris. If
residual clot remains, leave
0.3ml in the anterior
chambers for 24-48 hours to
facilitate futher dissolution
10-15 mg/kg daily in 2 to 4
divided doses usually for 3
Cholestatic liver diseases months to 2 years. If there is
Ursodeoxycholic Acid 250 A05AA02000C1001X
1612 A (eg. primary biliary cirrhosis, no decrease in stone size
mg Capsule X
primary cholangitis etc) after 18 months, further
treatment seems not to be
Body weight less than 100kg:
Treatment of moderate to
Initial dose of 45 mg SC,
severe plaque psoriasis in
followed by 45 mg 4 weeks
adults who failed to, or who
later, then every 12 weeks
Ustekinumab 90 mg/ml L04AC05000P3002X have contraindication to, or
1613 A* thereafter. Body weight more
Injection X are intolerant to conventional
than 100 kg: initial dose 90
systemic therapies including
mg SC, followed by 90 mg 4
ciclosporin, methotrexate and
weeks later, & then every 12
photochemotherapy (PUVA).
weeks thereafter.

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For adult patients who have
received other than kidney
transplant, the recommended
dose is 900 mg (two 450 mg
tablets) once a day starting
For the prevention of within 10 days of
cytomegalovirus (CMV) transplantation until 100 days
Valganciclovir 450 mg J05AB14110T1001X disease in CMV-negative post-transplantation. For
1614 A*
Tablet X patients who have received a adult patients who have
solid organ transplant from a received a kidney transplant,
CMV-positive donor the recommended dose is
900 mg (two 450 mg tablets)
once a day starting within 10
days of transplantation until
200 days post-
i) Adults: Dosage should start
at 500mg daily increasing by
200mg at three-day intervals
i) In the treatment of
until control is achieved. This
generalized or partial
is generally within the dosage
epilepsy, particularly with the
range 1000mg to 2000mg
following patterns of
per day. Children: >20KG:
seizures: absence,
500mg/day (irrespective of
myoclonic, tonic-clonic,
weight) with spaced
Valproic Acid and Sodium atonic-mixed as well as, for
N03AG01520T5001 increases until control is
1615 Valproate (ER) 500mg B partial epilepsy: simple or
XX achieved.
Tablet complex seizures, secondary
ii) Initial dose of 1000mg/day,
generalized seizures, specific
to be increase rapidly as
syndrome (West, Lennox-
possible to achieve lowest
therapeutic dose, which
ii) Treatment and prevention
produce desired clinical
of mania associated with
effects. Recommend initial
bipolar disorders.
dose is 1000mg & 2000mg
daily. Max dose 3000mg
Valsartan 160 mg and
C09DA03935T1005X Treatment of essential
1616 Hydrochlorothiazide 12.5 A/KK 1 tablet once daily
X hypertension
mg Tablet
i) 80 or 160 mg once daily.
May be increased to 320 mg
Patients who cannot tolerate once daily.
ACE inhibitors because of ii) 40 mg twice daily.
C09CA03000T1002X cough, in Uptitration to 80 mg and 160
1617 Valsartan 160 mg Tablet A/KK
X i) Hypertension mg twice daily. Max: 320 mg
ii) Heart failure in divided doses.
iii) Post myocardial infarction iii) 20 mg twice daily.
Uptitration to max of 160 mg
twice daily.
Valsartan 80 mg and Hypertension in patients who
1618 Hydrochlorothiazide 12.5 A/KK cannot tolerate ACE 1 tablet once daily
mg Tablet inhibitors because of cough

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i) 80 or 160 mg once daily.
May be increased to 320 mg
once daily.
Patients who cannot tolerate
ii) 40 mg twice daily.
ACE inhibitors because of
Uptitration to 80 mg and
C09CA03000T1001X cough, in
1619 Valsartan 80 mg Tablet A/KK 160mg twice daily. Max: 320
X i) Hypertension
mg in divided doses.
ii) Heart failure
iii) 20 mg twice daily
iii) Post myocardial infarction
increased over several
weeks to 160mg twice daily if
Slow IV infusion, ADULT:
500 mg over at least 60
minutes every 6 hours or 1 g
over at least 100 minutes
every 12 hours. NEONATE
Vancomycin HCl 500 mg J01XA01110P4001X Only for the treatment of up to 1 week, 15 mg/kg
1620 A*
Injection X MRSA and CAPD peritonitis initially, then 10 mg/kg every
12 hours. INFANT 1 - 4
weeks, 15 mg/kg initially then
10 mg/kg every 8 hours.
CHILD over 1 month, 10
mg/kg every 6 hours
0.5 mg once daily for Day 1-
3, then 0.5 mg twice daily for
Varenicline Tartrate 0.5 mg N07BA03123T1001X
1621 A/KK Smoking cessation treatment Day 4-7, then 1 mg twice
and 1 mg Tablet X
daily; duration of treatment is
12 weeks
0.5 mg once daily for Day 1-
3, then 0.5 mg twice daily for
Varenicline Tartrate 1 mg N07BA03123T1002X
1622 A/KK Smoking cessation treatment Day 4-7, then 1 mg twice
Tablet X
daily; duration of treatment is
12 weeks
i) Health staff working with
children, pregnant women,
transplant, cancer and
patients who are at high risk
of contacting varicella and
transmitting it to at risk
ii) Transplant patients or
candidates who are: ADULT and CHILD 13 years
a) Immunocompetent and not or more: 2 doses of 0.5 ml
Varicella Virus Vaccine Live J07BK01000P4001X receiving SC injection separated by 4 -
1623 A*
Attenuated Injection X immunosuppressant drugs, 8 weeks apart. CHILD 12
do not have graft versus host months - 12 years: 0.5ml SC
disease 2 years or more after as a single dose
b) Susceptible to Varicella-
Zoster virus at least 3 weeks
before grafting
iii) Children:
a) with impaired humoral
b) HIV-infected children more
than 12 months of age, in

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CDC class N1
(asymptomatic) or A1 (mildly
symptomatic) with age
specific CD4 more than 25%
c) with conditions that require
systemic steroid therapy less
than 2 mg/kg body weight or
a total of 20 mg/day of
prednisolone or its
equivalent. [Those receiving
high doses of systemic
steroids at 2 mg/kg body
weight or more of
prednisolone for more than 2
weeks may be vaccinated
after steroid therapy has
been discontinued for at least
three months]
iv) Acute lymphoblastic
leukemia (ALL) patients with
negative history of varicella
a) are 12 months to 17 years
of age
b) have leukemia in
remission for at least 12
c) have a peripheral blood
lymphocyte count 700 cells/
mm3 or more. [If platelet
count of greater
100,000/mm3 within 24 hours
of vaccination are not being
submitted to radiotherapy.
Chemotherapy should be
withheld for seven days
before and after
v) Susceptible subjects in
clinical trials who will be
submitted for chemotherapy
vi) Children and susceptible
patients on chronic dialysis
i) 5 - 20 units SC or IM every
4 hours
ii) 20 units in 100 - 200 ml
i) Pituitary diabetes insipidus
Vasopressin 20 units/ml H01BA01000P3001X 5% dextrose saline over 15
1624 A ii) Oesophageal variceal
Injection X minutes as infusion which
may be repeated after at
intervals of 1 - 2 hours.
Maximum: 4 doses

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MONTHS Initial: 80-100
mcg/kg as inj. Maintenance:
20-30 mcg/kg, adjust
according to response.
As an adjunct in anaesthesia Alternatively, as continuous
Vecuronium Bromide 10 M03AC03320P3001
1625 A* to produce skeletal muscle infusion at 0.8-1.4
mg/10 ml Injection XX
relaxation mcg/kg/min after initial IV
dose of 40-100 mcg/kg.
to 4 months: Initially 10 - 20
mcg/kg, then incremental
dose to achieve response
MONTHS Initial: 80-100
mcg/kg as inj. Maintenance:
20-30 mcg/kg, adjust
according to response.
As an adjunct in anaesthesia Alternatively, as continuous
Vecuronium Bromide 4 M03AC03320P3002
1626 A* to produce skeletal muscle infusion at 0.8-1.4
mg/ml Injection XX
relaxation mcg/kg/min after initial IV
dose of 40-100 mcg/kg.
to 4 months: Initially 10 - 20
mcg/kg, then incremental
dose to achieve response.
i), ii) & iii) ADULT: 75 mg
once daily. May increase
dose by 75 mg/day every 4
days to a maximum dose of
i) Depression
225 mg/day, (severe
ii) Generalized anxiety
depression: max:
Venlafaxine HCl 150 mg N06AX16110C2002 disorder
1627 A* 375mg/day)
Extended Release Capsule XX iii) Social anxiety disorder
iv) 37.5 mg/day for the first 4-
(social phobia)
7 days after which the dose
iv) Panic disorder
should be increased to 75 mg
once daily. CHILD and
years not recommended.
i), ii) & iii) ADULT: 75 mg
once daily. May increase
dose by 75 mg/day every 4
days to a maximum dose of
i) Depression
225 mg/day, (severe
ii) Generalized anxiety
depression: max:
Venlafaxine HCl 75 mg N06AX16110C2001 disorder
1628 A* 375mg/day)
Extended Release Capsule XX iii) Social anxiety disorder
iv) 37.5 mg/day for the first 4-
(social phobia)
7 days after which the dose
iv) Panic disorder
should be increased to 75 mg
once daily. CHILD and
years not recommended
Initially 5-10mg given by slow
Verapamil HCl 2.5 mg/ml C08DA01110P3001 IV over at least 2 minutes.
1629 A/KK Supraventricular tachycardia
Injection XX The dose can be repeated
10mg 30 minutes after the

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first dose if the initial
response is not adequate.

i) Supraventricular ADULT: 40 - 80 mg 3-4 times

Verapamil HCl 40 mg C08DA01110T1001X
1630 B tachyarrhythmias (SVT) daily. In oral long term
Tablet X
prophylaxis ii) angina therapy, max: 480 mg daily
FUKKM restriction: As add-
on therapy for patient who
failed therapy and/or
contraindicated/unable to
tolerate metformin and/or
- Treatment of type 2
diabetes mellitus 50 mg/850 mg or 50 mg/1000
Vildagliptin 50 mg and patients who are unable mg twice daily. Maximum
1631 Metformin HCl 1000 mg A* to achieve sufficient daily dose is 100 mg
Tablet glycaemic control at vildagliptin plus 2000 mg
their maximally tolerated metformin hydrochloride.
dose of oral metformin
alone or who are
already treated with the
combination of
vildagliptin and
metformin as separate
FUKKM restriction: As add-
on therapy for patient who
failed therapy and/or
contraindicated/unable to
tolerate metformin and/or
- Treatment of type 2
diabetes mellitus 50/500mg or 50/850mg or
Vildagliptin 50 mg and patients who are unable 50/1000mg twice daily.
1632 Metformin HCl 500 mg A* to achieve sufficient Maximum daily dose is
Tablet glycaemic control at 100mg vildagliptin and
their maximally tolerated 2000mg metformin.
dose of oral metformin
alone or who are
already treated with the
combination of
vildagliptin and
metformin as separate
FUKKM restriction: As add-
on therapy for patient who
failed therapy and/or
contraindicated/unable to
50 mg/850 mg or 50 mg/1000
tolerate metformin and/or
Vildagliptin 50 mg and mg twice daily. Maximum
A10BD08926T1001X sulphonylurea.
1633 Metformin HCl 850 mg A* daily dose is 100 mg
X - Treatment of type 2
Tablet vildagliptin plus 2000 mg
diabetes mellitus
metformin hydrochloride.
patients who are unable
to achieve sufficient
glycaemic control at
their maximally tolerated

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dose of oral metformin
alone or who are
already treated with the
combination of
vildagliptin and
metformin as separate

FUKKM restriction: As add-

on therapy for patient who
failed therapy and/or
contraindicated/unable to
tolerate metformin and/or
i) As second line therapy in
type 2 diabetes patients
inadequately controlled on
maximal tolerated dose of
metformin monotherapy and
high risk of hypoglycaemia.
ii) As second line therapy in
type 2 diabetes patients
inadequately controlled on
maximal tolerated dose of
sulphonylurea and
intolerant/contraindicated for
metformin therapy.
iii) As third line therapy in
type 2 diabetes patients ADULT over 18 years: 50mg
A10BH02000T1001X inadequately controlled with bd when combine with
1634 Vildagliptin 50 mg Tablet A*
X dual OAD combination metformin, 50 mg od when
therapy with sulphonylurea combine with sulphonylurea
and metformin
iv) As a monotherapy in type
2 diabetes mellitus patients
inadequately controlled by
diet and exercise alone and
for whom metformin is
inappropriate due to
contraindications or
v) An adjunct to diet and
exercise to improve
glycaemic control in patients
with type 2 diabetes mellitus:
As a dual therapy in
combination with insulin in
patients with insufficient
glycaemic control. Insulin
dose and regimen should be
optimized before addition of
Adult: Initially, 3.7 mg/m2,
Hodgkin's disease,
increase dose weekly based
Vinblastine Sulphate 10 mg L01CA01183P3002X choriocarcinoma resistant to
1635 A on WBC counts in
Injection X other chemotherapeutic
increments of about 1.8
agents, non-small cell lung
mg/m2 until leukocyte count

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cancer, Langerhans cell decreases to about
histiocytosis 3000/mm3, or maximum
weekly dose of 18.5 mg/m2
reached. Usual dose: 5.5-7.4
mg/m2 per week. Do not
administer next dose, even
though 7 days have lapsed
unless the leukocyte count
has returned to at least
4000/mm3. Child: Initial 2.5
mg/m2 of BSA, increased
dose at weekly intervals in
increments of about 1.25
mg/m2 until leukocyte count
decreases to about 3000/
mm3, or maximum weekly
dose of 12.5 mg/m2 reached.
Do not increase dose once
leukocyte count reaches
approximately 3000
cells/mm3, instead, a dose of
1 increment smaller to be
admin at wkly intervals for
maintenance. Do not
administer next dose, even
though 7 days have lapsed
unless the leukocyte count
has returned to at least
i) ADULT: 1.4 mg/m2 weekly
(maximum 2 mg weekly)
ii) Refer to protocol
i) Solid tumours
iii) 1.4 mg/m2 weekly
ii) Gestational trophoblastic
(maximum 2 mg weekly)
Vincristine Sulphate 1 mg L01CA02183P3001X iv) 0.4 mg/m2 IV continuous
1636 A iii) Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma
Injection X infusion on days 1 - 4
iv) Multiple myeloma
v) Refer to protocol. CHILD:
v) Acute lymphoblastic
1 mg/m2 to 2 mg/m2 weekly
according to protocol (0.05
mg/kg for infants less than
i) Single agent: Adult
30mg/m2 IV administered
over 6-10 minutes once
weekly Combination with
cisplatin : 30mg/m2 IV
administered over 6-
i) First line treatment in non-
10mintes once weekly
small cell lung cancer in
L01CA04000P4001X combination with cisplatin IV
1637 Vinorelbine 10 mg Injection A* combination with
X on days and 29 and then
every 6 weeks or Vinolrebine
ii) Metastatic breast cancer
administered at a dose of
25mg/m2 IV weekly in
combination with cisplatin
given every 4 weeks at a
dose of 100mg/m2
ii) 25 - 30 mg/m2 diluted in

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saline solution, infused over
6 - 10 minutes, administered
weekly or vinolrebine maybe
given as an 8mg/m2 IV
BOLUS followed by 8mg/m2
as a 96-hour intravenous

i) Single agent: Adult

30mg/m2 IV administered
over 6-10 minutes once
weekly Combination with
cisplatin : 30mg/m2 IV
administered over 6-
10mintes once weekly
combination with cisplatin IV
on days and 29 and then
i) First line treatment in non- every 6 weeks or Vinolrebine
small cell lung cancer in administered at a dose of
1638 Vinorelbine 50 mg Injection A* combination with 25mg/m2 IV weekly in
cisplatin/ifosfomide combination with cisplatin
ii) Metastatic breast cancer given every 4 weeks at a
dose of 100mg/m2
ii) 25 - 30 mg/m2 diluted in
saline solution, infused over
6 - 10 minutes, administered
weekly or vinolrebine maybe
given as an 8mg/m2 IV
BOLUS followed by 8mg/m2
as a 96-hour intravenous
Not more than 10 ml daily,
Vitamin A & D (Cod Liver A11CB00901L5001X allowance being made for
1639 C Prevention of ricketts
Oil) X Vitamin D obtained from
other sources
0.06 - 0.6ml (2,500-25,000 IU
of Vitamin A and 250-2,500
Vitamin A & D Concentrate A11CB00901L5002X
1640 B Prevention of ricketts IU of D) daily, allowance
25,000 units/0.6ml Liquid X
being made for A and D
obtained from other sources
Children with measles
i) 0-5 months, 50,000 IU
malnutrition and serious
Vitamin A 50,000 IU A11CA01000C1001 ii) 6-11 months, 100,000 IU
1641 C infections. Category C can
Capsule XX iii) 1-5 years, 200,000 IU.
use this drug for Orang Asli
Frequency twice daily
and in Sabah
Vitamin B Complex 10 ml A11EX00901P3001X Prophylaxis and treatment of
1642 B 1-2 ml daily by IM
Injection X vitamin B deficiency
A11EA00901T1001X Prophylaxis and treatment of
1643 Vitamin B Complex Tablet C+ 1-2 tablets daily
X vitamin B deficiency

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Mild cases: 1 ampoule given
For deficiency or raised
Vitamin B1, B6, B12 A11DB00901P3001X by IM 2-3 times weekly.
1644 B requirement of Vitamin B1,
Injection X Severe cases: 1 ampoule
B6, B12
For deficiency or raised
A11DB00901T1001X 1 - 3 tablets 3 times daily
1645 Vitamin B1, B6, B12 Tablet B requirement of Vitamin B1,
X swallowed unchewed.
B6, B12
To improve appetite and
growth. Neurasthenia,
nausea and vomiting in
Vitamin E, B12, B6, A11E000901T1001X
1646 A pregnancy, radiation 1 - 2 tablet daily
Nicotinamide Tablet X
sickness and neuritis due to
isoniazid therapy and
Prophylaxis of vitamin K
deficiency bleeding in
neonates Child: Neonate:
0.5-1 mg, given as a single
dose via IM inj. Alternatively,
2 mg may be given orally,
Vitamin K1 1 mg/ml B02BA01000P3001X Vitamin K deficiency in
1647 C+ followed by a 2nd dose of 2
Injection X neonates
mg after 4-7 days.
Intravenous Vitamin K
deficiency bleeding in
neonates Child: Infant: 1 mg
by IV/IM/SC inj, further doses
may be given if necessary
Haemorrhage associated
0.5 - 20 mg by very slow IV
Vitamin K1 10 mg/ml B02BA01000P3002X with hypoprothrombinaemia
1648 B at a rate not exceeding 1 mg
Injection X caused by overdose of
per minute
Healthy neonate 2 mg orally
at birth or soon after followed
by 2 mg at 4 - 7 days.
Exclusively breastfed baby,
in addition, 2 mg orally at
monthly intervals until end of
Vitamin K1 Mixed Micelle 2 B02BA01000P3004X Prevention of bleeding in breastfeeding period.
1649 B
mg/0.2 ml Injection X neonates Neonate at special risk, 1 mg
IM/IV at birth or soon after if
oral route is not suitable.
Treatment: 1 mg IV initially.
Further doses depend on
clinical picture and
coagulation status
i) Treatment of
Adult and Children 12 years
and greater: Loading dose: 6
patients with progressive,
mg/kg 12 hourly for first 24
possibly life-threatening
hours. Maintenance:
infections such as invasive
i) 4 mg/kg 12 hourly
Voriconazole 200 mg J02AC03000P3001X aspergillosis, fluconazole-
1650 A* ii) 3 mg/kg 12 hourly. Dose
Injection X resistant serious invasive
may be increased to 4 mg/kg
candidiasis, serious fungal
12 hourly if response is
infections caused by
inadequate. Children aged
Scedosporium species and
2years to <12years with
Fusarium species
normal hepatic and renal
ii)Prevention of breakthrough

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fungal infections in febrile function: No loading dose
high-risk neutropenic patients needed; 7mg/kg 12hourly

i) Treatment of
immunocompromised Adult and Children 12 years
patients with progressive, and greater and over 40 kg:
possibly life-threatening Loading dose: 400 mg 12
infections such as invasive hourly for first 24 hours.
aspergillosis, fluconazole- Maintenance: 200 - 300 mg
resistant serious invasive 12 hourly. Less than 40 kg:
J02AC03000T1002X candidiasis, candidiasis of Loading dose: 200 mg 12
1651 Voriconazole 200 mg Tablet A*
X the oesophagus, serious hourly for first 24 hours.
fungal infections caused by Maintenance: 100 - 150 mg
Scedosporium species and 12 hourly. Children aged
Fusarium species 2years to <12years with
ii) Prevention of normal hepatic and renal
breakthrough fungal function: No loading dose
infections in febrile high-risk needed; 200mg 12hourly
neutropenic patients
i) Treatment of
patients with progressive,
possibly life-threatening
years and greater and over
infections such as invasive
40 kg: Loading dose: 400 mg
aspergillosis, fluconazole-
12 hourly for first 24 hours.
resistant serious invasive
J02AC03000T1001X Maintenance: 200 - 300 mg
1652 Voriconazole 50 mg Tablet A* candidiasis, candidiasis of
X 12 hourly. Less than 40 kg:
the oesophagus, serious
Loading dose: 200 mg 12
fungal infections caused by
hourly for first 24 hours.
Scedosporium species and
Maintenance: 100 - 150 mg
Fusarium species
12 hourly
ii) Prevention of breakthrough
fungal infections in febrile
high-risk neutropenic patients
Initially 10 mg daily for 2
days. Maintenance dose, 3-9
Warfarin Sodium 1 mg B01AA03520T1001X Treatment and prophylaxis of
1653 B mg daily according to the INR
Tablet X thromboembolic disorders
(taken at the same time each
Initially 10 mg daily for 2
days. Maintenance dose, 3-9
Warfarin Sodium 2 mg B01AA03520T1002X Treatment and prophylaxis of
1654 B mg daily according to the INR
Tablet X thromboembolic disorders
(taken at the same time each
Initially 10 mg daily for 2
days. Maintenance dose, 3-
Warfarin Sodium 3 mg B01AA03520T1003X Treatment and prophylaxis of
1655 B 10 mg daily according to the
Tablet X thromboembolic disorders
INR (taken at the same time
each day)
Initially 10 mg daily for 2
Warfarin Sodium 5 mg B01AA03520T1004X Treatment and prophylaxis of
1656 B days. Maintenance dose, 3-
Tablet X thromboembolic disorders
10 mg daily according to the

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(MARCH 2016)

INR (taken at the same time
each day)

As a diluent and vehicle for

V07AB00000P3001X According to the needs of the
1657 Water for Injection C+ the administration of
X patient
White Petroleum Anhydrous Keeping the eye lubricated
S01XA20900G5101 Apply a small amount into the
1658 Liquid Landin, Mineral Oil A and comfortable during the
XX eye
Eye Ointment night
i) Prophylaxis of maternal-
foetal HIV transmission
during labour and delivery
Adult: Loading dose: 2
mg/kg, followed by
continuous infusion of 1
mg/kg/hr until umbilical cord
is clamped. If caesarean
section is planned, start the
IV infusion 4 hr before the
operation. Renal and Hepatic
impairment: Dose reduction
may be needed. HIV infection
(to be discuss: not in
To reduce the rate of
indication) Adult: 1-2 mg/kg
maternal-foetal transmission
every 4 hr, given as 2-4
of HIV in:
J05AF01000P3001X mg/ml infusion over 1 hr.
1659 Zidovudine 1% Injection A i) HIV-positive pregnant
X Child: As continuous infusion:
women over 14 weeks of
20 mg/m2/hr. Alternatively,
as intermittent infusion: 120
ii) Their newborn infants
mg/m2 every 6 hr. Renal
impairment: Haemodialysis
or peritoneal dialysis: 1
mg/kg every 6-8 hr.
ii) Prophylaxis of HIV
infection in neonates Child:
Neonates: 1.5 mg/kg every 6
hr. Start treatment within 12
hr after birth and continue for
1st 6 wk of life. Dose to be
given via IV infusion over 30
minutes. Renal impairment:
Dose adjustment may be
i) HIV infection Adult: 600 mg
daily in divided doses, in
combination with other
antiretroviral agents. Child: 6
i) Management of patients wk - 12 yr: 160 mg/m2 every
with asymptomatic and 8 hr. Max: 200 mg every 8 hr.
symptomatic (early or May be used in combination
1660 Zidovudine 10 mg/ml Syrup A* advanced) HIV infections with other anti-retrovirals.
with CD4 cell counts less Renal and Hepatic
than 500 cu. mm. impairment: Dose reduction
ii) Neonatal prophylaxis may be needed.
ii) Prophylaxis of HIV
infection in neonates Child:
Neonates: 2 mg/kg every 6 hr
for 1st 6 wk of life, starting

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(MARCH 2016)

within 12 hr after birth. Renal
and hepatic impairment:
Dose adjustment may be

i) HIV infection Adult: 600 mg

daily in divided doses, in
combination with other
antiretroviral agents. Child: 6
wk - 12 yr: 160 mg/m2 every
8 hr. Max: 200 mg every 8 hr.
i) Management of patients May be used in combination
with asymptomatic and with other anti-retrovirals.
symptomatic (early or Renal and Hepatic
1661 Zidovudine 100 mg Capsule A/KK advanced) HIV infections impairment: Dose reduction
with CD4 cell counts less may be needed.
than 500 cu. mm ii) Prophylaxis of HIV
ii) Neonatal prophylaxis infection in neonates Child:
Neonates: 2 mg/kg every 6 hr
for 1st 6 wk of life, starting
within 12 hr after birth. Renal
and hepatic impairment:
Dose adjustment may be
HIV infection in combination
Zidovudine 300 mg & J05AR01964T1001X ADULT and CHILD over 12
1662 A/KK with at least one other
Lamivudine 150 mg Tablet X years: 1 tablet twice daily
antiretroviral drug
HIV infection Adult: 600 mg
daily in divided doses, in
combination with other
antiretroviral agents. Child: 6
wk - 12 yr: 160 mg/m2 every
i) Management of patients
8 hr. Max: 200 mg every 8 hr.
with asymptomatic and
May be used in combination
symptomatic (early or
with other anti-retrovirals.
J05AF01000T1001X advanced) HIV infections
1663 Zidovudine 300 mg Tablet A* ii) Prophylaxis of maternal-
X with CD4 cell counts < 500
foetal HIV transmission Adult:
cu. mm
100 mg 5 times daily or 200
ii) HIV positive pregnant
mg tid or 300 mg bid. Start
treatment after 14th wk of
gestation until the start of
labour. Haemodialysis or
peritoneal dialysis (CrCl <10
ml/min: 100 mg every 6-8 hr.
Skin protective in various
D02AB00000G1001 skin conditions such as Apply 3 times daily or as
1664 Zinc Oxide Cream C+
XX nappy rash, eczema and required
problem skin

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(MARCH 2016)

Skin protective in various
D02AB00240G5001 Apply 3 times daily or as
1665 Zinc Oxide Ointment C skin conditions such as
XX required
nappy rash and eczema
Insert 1 suppository night and
For relief of pruritus, burning morning after bowel
zinc oxide, benzyl benzoate
C05AX04931S1001X and soreness in patients with movements; do not use for
1666 and balsam peru C
X haemorrhoids and perianal longer than 7 days OR
conditions please refer to the product
ADULT: Initially 10 mg (every
2 hour) or 20 mg (every 4
Ziprasidone 20 mg/ml N05AE04110P3001X Acute agitation in
1667 A* hour). Maximum: 40 mg/day.
Injection X schizophrenia
IM administration more than
3 days has not been studied
i) Treatment of
hypercalcaemia of
malignancy 4 mg reconstituted and
Zoledronic Acid 4 mg M05BA08000P3001 ii) Prevention of skeletal should be given as a 15
1668 A*
Injection XX related events in patients minutes IV infusion every 3-4
with multiple myeloma weeks
involving multiple bone
10-mg tablet daily. Stilnox
should always be taken just
before going to bed. In
Zolpidem Tartrate 10 mg N05CF02123T1001X elderly patients or patients
1669 A For treatment of insomnia
Tablet X with hepatic insufficiency:
Dosage should be halved ie,
5 mg. Dosage must never
exceed 10 mg/day.
For adults, usually 100 to
As adjunctive therapy in the 200mg of zonisomide is to be
treatment of partial seizures administered orally 1 to 3
in adults with epilepsy. times a day initially. The dose
N03AX15000T1001X Restrictions: As adjunctive is gradually increased at
1670 Zonisamide 100mg tablet A*
X therapy in the treatment of every one to two weeks up to
partial seizures in adults with 200-400mg daily, in 1 to 3
epilepsy when 1st line and divided dose. The maximum
2nd line therapy failed. daily dose should not exceed
600mg per day.
Acute Schizophrenia and
Other Acute Psychoses;
Severe Acute States of
Agitation; Mania: Oral
treatment: Usually 10-50
Zuclopenthixol 20 mg/ml N05AF05000D5001X Only for psychoses with
1671 A* mg/day. In moderate to
Drops X insight or compliance
severe cases initially 20
mg/day increased, if
necessary, by 10-20 mg/day
every 2-3 days to ≥75 mg

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(MARCH 2016)

Clopixol-Acuphase: Clopixol-
Acuphase is administered by
IM injection. The dosage
range should normally be 50-
150 mg (1-3 mL) IM repeated
if necessary, preferably with
a time interval of 2-3 days. In
a few patients, an additional
injection may be needed 24-
48 hrs following the 1st
injection. In the maintenance
therapy, treatment should be
Only for treatment of agitated
continued with oral Clopixol
and violent patients suffering
Zuclopenthixol Acetate 100 N05AF05122P3002X or Clopixol Depot IM after the
1672 A* from schizophrenia who are
mg/2 ml Injection X following guidelines: Change
not responding to the
to Oral Clopixol: 2-3 days
available standard drugs
after the last injection of
Clopixol-Acuphase, a patient
who has been treated with
100 mg Clopixol-Acuphase,
oral treatment should be
started at a dosage of about
40 mg daily, possibly in
divided dosages. If
necessary, the dose can be
further increased by 10-20
mg every 2-3 days up to 75
mg or more.
Clopixol-Acuphase: Clopixol-
Acuphase is administered by
IM injection. The dosage
range should normally be 50-
150 mg (1-3 mL) IM repeated
if necessary, preferably with
a time interval of 2-3 days. In
a few patients, an additional
injection may be needed 24-
48 hrs following the 1st
injection. In the maintenance
therapy, treatment should be
Only for treatment of agitated
continued with oral Clopixol
and violent patients suffering
Zuclopenthixol Acetate 50 N05AF05122P3001X or Clopixol Depot IM after the
1673 A* from schizophrenia who are
mg/ml Injection X following guidelines: Change
not responding to the
to Oral Clopixol: 2-3 days
available standard drugs
after the last injection of
Clopixol-Acuphase, a patient
who has been treated with
100 mg Clopixol-Acuphase,
oral treatment should be
started at a dosage of about
40 mg daily, possibly in
divided dosages. If
necessary, the dose can be
further increased by 10-20
mg every 2-3 days up to 75
mg or more.

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(MARCH 2016)

By deep IM injection test
dose 100 mg followed after 7
Only for treatment of agitated - 28 days by 100 - 200 mg or
and violent patients suffering more followed by 200 - 400
Zuclopenthixol Decanoate N05AF05135P2001X
1674 B from schizophrenia who are mg at intervals of 2 - 4 weeks
200 mg/ml Injection X
not responding to the adjusted according to
available standard drugs response. Maximum 600 mg
weekly. Child not

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