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Students should be working towards finishing up their
science fair projects. If possible, try to have it done early
so that students can present it to the class and we can tweak their presentation
before the event.
Our next big event is the St. Patrick’s Day Kermess. Our booth is the nachos
We emphasize the spiritual,
and hot Cheetos booth. We will need to decorate the booth as well as people to
intellectual, and physical volunteer to man the booth. I will get back to you when I know more about the
development of each details. I will be putting up a sign-up sheet for the booth the first week of
individual. March, so, be on the lookout for it outside the classroom.


Students will add and subtract This week’s spelling unit are words with r-
greater numbers with and without controlled vowels using the letters air, ear,
regrouping. We will continue working on the are, ere and eir. In language, we will focus on
next set of multiplication tables: the 4’s. Stu- pronouns, adjectives and adverbs as well as
dents will have the opportunity to practice the learn where different parts of speech are po-
4 times tables through the use of wrap sitioned in the English language. We will
arounds, flash cards and centers. We will continue to work on writing and research
begin working on division on Fridays. skills. In reading, students will work on key
Please practice their basic addition and sub- questions in biographies. We will look at bi-
traction facts with them. They will need to ographies of Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Ed-
have a good grasp of these facts in order to do ison and Elizabeth Cady Stanton. Students
well in adding and subtracting greater num- will also work on reading informative selec-
bers and regrouping. Tutoring for math is tions. Tutoring for reading is available on
available on Mondays from 3:30-4:30. Tuesdays from 3:30-4:30.

ALL needs to be done in cursive. Students may use pen for their dictation and
spelling tests. We will continue to practice forming letters in cursive during
SCIENCE-Students will have an assessment over the last part of
their astronomy booklet. Students will use their study guide
throughout the week to study for the test. In the meantime, we will
begin the next booklet on the periodic table of elements.
RELIGION-This week students will complete the chapter on
holiness and assess their knowledge of Unit 2. This week’s
Word of the Week is merciful-showing or exercising compas-
sion and forgiveness. This Week’s Good News comes from
Luke 6:.35-36
SOCIAL STUDIES-This week students will learn about people in
communities, who they are and how they got there. This is to
include immigrants and their influence on communities. We
will continue our work on map skills as well.

The only drop off is on Stanton Street. The Arizona parking lot is not a
drop off. Parents need to park and walk students to the school at the
crosswalk if they are using the parking lot. The lot behind the gym and
the church is also not to be used to drop off students. Thank you, in ad-
vance, for your cooperation!
We are collecting Price’s bottle caps and Box Tops for Education. Please
help us out by sending these items in when you purchase milk or other
products with box tops for education.
We are also collecting soda pop tops. Please send those in when you
have the opportunity.
February 18 NO SCHOOL-President’s Day
February 21 Mass-4B
February 22 Father/Daughter event-Information from H&S forthcoming
February 26 Eye exams for students in grades 3K, 5K, 1st, 3rd, 5th and 7th
February 27 Home & School meeting @ 7:45
February 28 Mass-8A

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