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EDS Part-1

Water vapors are formed due to evaporation

one barrel of petrol is equal to 159 liters

a mile converted in k.m is measured as 1.6 km

1 imperial gallon measures 4.54 liters

1 u.s gallon measures is 3.78 liters

most abundant element found in earths atmosphere is oxygen

black gold is the name of petroleum products

lack of vitamin A causes poor night vision

Air contain 21% of oxygen

Black board chalk is made of lime

WHO recommended normal cholesterol level is less then 200

Stomatitis is inflammation of the mouth and lips

Rickets is disease caused by deficiency of Calcium

Purest water is nature is in form of rain

Diabetes Mellitus is caused by deficiency of Insulin

AIDS is disease caused by Virus

Hypertension is most common due to cardiovascular disease

Important Facts About Human Body:

Largest and strongest Bone in the body: Femur (thigh bone)

Smallest Bone in the body: Stapes in ear

Number of Cells in the body: 75 trillion

Volume of Blood in the body: 6 litres (in 70 kg body)

Number of Red Blood Cells(R.B.C.):

1. In male: 5 to 6 million/cubic mm
2. In female: 4 to 5 million/cubic mm

Life span of Red Blood Cells(R.B.C.): 100 to 120 days

Life span of White Blood Cell(W.B.C.): 3-4 days

Normal White Blood Cell(W.B.C.) count: 5000-10000/cubic mm

Time taken by R.B.C. to complete one cycle of circulation: 20 seconds

Other name of Red Blood Cell (R.B.C.):


Largest White Blood Cells:


Smallest White Blood Cells: Lymphocyte

Who discovered Blood Group: Karl Landsteiner

Blood Platelets count: 150,000 - 400,000 platelets per micro litre

Haemoglobin (Hb):
1. In male: 14-15 gm/100 c.c. of blood
2. In female: 11-14 gm/100 c.c. of blood

Hb content in body: 500-700 gm

pH of Urine: 6.5-8

pH of Blood: 7.36-7.41

Volume of Semen: 2-5 ml/ejaculation

Normal Sperm Count: 250-400 million/ejaculation

Menstrual cycle: 28 days

Menopause age: 45-50 years

Blood clotting time: 3-5 minutes

Weight of Brain: 1300-1400 gm in human adult

Normal Blood Pressure (B.P.): 120/80 mm Hg

Universal blood donor: O

Universal blood recipient: AB

Average body weight: 70 kg

Normal body temperature: 37 degree celsius

Breathing Rate at rest: 12-16/minute

Number of Spinal Nerves: 31 pairs

Largest Endocrine Gland: Thyroid gland

Gestation period: 40 weeks or 9 calendar months

Normal Heart Beat at rest: 72 beats per minute

Largest Gland: Liver

Largest Muscle in the body: Gluteus

Maximus or Buttock Muscle

Smallest Muscle in the body: Stapedius

Largest Artery: Aorta

Largest Vein: Inferior Vena Cava

Largest and longest Nerve: Sciatic Nerve

Longest Cell: Neurons (nerve cells)

Minimum distance for proper vision: 25 cm

Pulse rate: 72 per minute

Thinnest Skin: Eyelids

Weight of Heart: 200-300 gm .

Important Facts About Human Body:

Largest and strongest Bone in the body: Femur (thigh bone)

Smallest Bone in the body: Stapes in ear

Number of Cells in the body: 75 trillion

Volume of Blood in the body: 6 litres (in 70 kg body)

Number of Red Blood Cells(R.B.C.):

1. In male: 5 to 6 million/cubic mm
2. In female: 4 to 5 million/cubic mm

Life span of Red Blood Cells(R.B.C.): 100 to 120 days

Life span of White Blood Cell(W.B.C.): 3-4 days

Normal White Blood Cell(W.B.C.) count: 5000-10000/cubic mm

Time taken by R.B.C. to complete one cycle of circulation: 20 seconds

Other name of Red Blood Cell (R.B.C.):


Largest White Blood Cells:


Smallest White Blood Cells: Lymphocyte

Who discovered Blood Group: Karl Landsteiner

Blood Platelets count: 150,000 - 400,000 platelets per micro litre

Haemoglobin (Hb):
1. In male: 14-15 gm/100 c.c. of blood
2. In female: 11-14 gm/100 c.c. of blood

Hb content in body: 500-700 gm

pH of Urine: 6.5-8

pH of Blood: 7.36-7.41

Volume of Semen: 2-5 ml/ejaculation

Normal Sperm Count: 250-400 million/ejaculation

Menstrual cycle: 28 days

Menopause age: 45-50 years

Blood clotting time: 3-5 minutes

Weight of Brain: 1300-1400 gm in human adult

Normal Blood Pressure (B.P.): 120/80 mm Hg

Universal blood donor: O

Universal blood recipient: AB

Average body weight: 70 kg

Normal body temperature: 37 degree celsius

Breathing Rate at rest: 12-16/minute

Number of Spinal Nerves: 31 pairs

Largest Endocrine Gland: Thyroid gland

Gestation period: 40 weeks or 9 calendar months

Normal Heart Beat at rest: 72 beats per minute

Largest Gland: Liver

Largest Muscle in the body: Gluteus

Maximus or Buttock Muscle

Smallest Muscle in the body: Stapedius

Largest Artery: Aorta

Largest Vein: Inferior Vena Cava

Largest and longest Nerve: Sciatic Nerve

Longest Cell: Neurons (nerve cells)

Minimum distance for proper vision: 25 cm

Pulse rate: 72 per minute

Thinnest Skin: Eyelids

Weight of Heart: 200-300 gm .

International Boundaries names

 Pak-Afghan Boundary demarcated by Sir Mortimer Durand in 1896, Durand Line

 Sino-India Boundary Demarcated by Sir Henry McMahon in 1914, McMahon Line
 Ind-Pak Boundary by Cyril Radcliffe in 1947, Radcliffe Line
 Germany line of Fortification with France is known as Siegfried line
 South & North Vietnam Boundary before unification was 17th Parallel
 Pakistan Claims of Demarcation, which India Denis is 24th Parallel
 Libyan & Sudan boundary is known as 20th Parallel
 Egyptian & Sudanese boundary is 22nd Parallel
 Boundary line between North and South Korea is known as 38th Parallel
 U.S.A & Canadian boundary line known as 49th Parallel.
 Boundary between France & Germany is known as Maginot Line
 East Germany & Poland Boundary line is known as Oder–Neisse line
 Boundary between Russia & Finland is known as Mannerheim Line
 G.K about subjects

 father of economy is Adam Smith

father of Biology & Zoology is Aristotle

father of Chemistry is Antonie Cavoiser

father of Botany is Theophrastus

father of Quantam mechanics is Max planc

father of Classical Mechanic is Isaac Newton

father of Modern Anatomy & Astrology is Nicholas Copernicus

father of Comedy is Artisthophanus

father of Internatioanl Law is Hugo Grotius

father of History is Herodotus

father of Medicine is Hippocrates

father of Surgery is Al-Zahrawi

father of Computer Science is Alan turing

General Knowledge about Sindh Part-1

Sindh is situtaed on Indian Plate

Ibn-e-hawqal Baghdadi prepared 1st map of Sindh

Thar Ranks #9 globally in deserts

Sindh has a 310 KM of coastline

Indus River starts from Kailash Mountains

age of indus river is 6.5 million years old

Indus ranks 21st Length wise with a length of 3180 KM

Indus dried up in 1819 due to a massive earthquake

Sukkur Barrage is also known as Llyod Bridge, it has 66 gates and 4725 feet long

Sukkur barrage was inaugrated by lord Wellington on 13th jan 1932

Kotri Barrage is also known as Ghulam Muhammad Barrage named after then Governor

it is 2984 Feet Long and started in 1955 13th March

Guddu Barrage is located in Kashmore with a length of 4445 feet and 64 gates

Guddu barrage was inaugrated on 1st March 1965

there are total of 3 barrages in Sindh, 8 total in Pakistan.

General Knowledge about Sindh Part-2

Kirthar Range is situtated in Sindh.

Kirthar Mountain Range is 315 K.M in distance

Highest Point of kirthar range is Gorakh Hill at 5688 feet, located near Dadu.

Bado Hill Station is located near sehwan

Height of Bado Hill Station is 3000 feet.

Karoonjhar Mountain range is located in tharparkar with a lenght of 19 KM

Hondal shah Mausoleum lies in Keenjhar Lake

keenjhar lake lies near thatta being 2nd largest fresh water lake in pakistan

Dilyar Lake is situated in Sanghar district

Approx there are 1200 lakes in Sindh.

Mangroves forest are located in thatta and karachi

General Knowledge about Sindh Part-3

Unarkot was built by Jam unar in taluka Golarchi

Dalilkot belongs was Mir Dalil talpur , located near nawabshah

hyderabad fort was built by Mian Ghulam Shah Kalhoro in 1772

Janki Bandar Kot is siutated near thatta district

Umar Kot is named after the Ruler umar soomro, located in thar

Ratokot is siutated near Bhambor approx built around 9th century

Rano-kot was built during Kalhoro Dynasty, its located near Mirpur Sakro

Ranikot is the largest fort with an area of 32 Km, its origins are disputed, lcoated near Sann

Ranikot has two forts in it namely, Meerikot and Shergarh

Kot Diji was built by Mir Sohrab Talpur, started in 1803 and completed in 1830, it is located
near Khairpur district

Kot Diji fort is also known as fort ahmadabad.

Fort of Manora was built by Mir Karam Khan Talpur in 1797, its situated near manora

General Knowledge about Sindh Part-4

Port Qasim Authority was established through an act of parliament on June 29, 1973

Bhanbore Port is 54 KM away from Karachi

Debal port was destroyed by a storm

Jakhi port was situtated in Thatta

Shah port was built by Mian Ghulam Shaha Kalhoro, located in thatta district.

Keti Bandar is origanlly known as lehri port.

Karachi harbor works was established to maintain Lehri Port

Karachi harbor works was established in 1880

Karachi harbor works was renamed to Karachi Port Trust in 1886

thar covers over 21000 sq miles

British captured nangarparkar in 1834

Moen-jo-Daro was excavated by Sir John Marsal in 1923

Kaho-jo-Daro is located in MirpurKhas district, found by Sir John Jacob

Chanw jo Daro is situtaed in Nawabshah

Jhukar Jo Daro is located in Larkana District found in 1921

Amri Jo Daro is located about 28 km near sehwan

Sindh Produces 54755 Barrel Oil Daily

Sindh Produces 75% of Natural Gas

Delhi Sulatanate

the Period between 1206 - 1526 is known as Delhi Sultanate

5 Dynasty based Delhi sultante

1 dynasty was Slave Dynasty Started by Qutub-ud-Din Aibak in 1206

Razia Sultana belonged to slave dynasty

slave dynasty ended in 1290

2nd Dynasty was Khilji Dynasty started by Jalal-ud-din khilji 1290

khilji dynasty ended in 1320 with only 30 years of rule

3rd Dynasty was tughluq Dynasty started in 1320 by Gazi Malik also known as Ghiyas-ud-
din tughluq

tughluq Dynasty ended in 1414

4th dynasty was the Sayyid Dynasty started by Khizr Khan who invaded delhi in 1414.

Sayyied Dynasty was sub-ordinate of amir timur and ended in 1451 with four rules only.

last dynasdty was the Lodi dynasty started by Bahlul lodhi in 1451
the rule of Lodhi dynasty and Delhi Sultanate came to and end in 1526 with the battle of
East India Company

EIC was established when Queen Elizabeth I signed a royal charter on 31st dec 1600

First EIC ships reached India in the area of Surat in 1608

EIC established its first trading post in Machli Patnam INDIA in 1611

King James I sent Sir Thomas Roe to india to secure a commercial treay with Emperor
Jahangir in 1612

After the treaty of 1615, EIC got exclusive rights to build factories in india, first Factories
were built in Surat in 1619

first fort was established in 1640 named St.George Fort at Madras

in 1670 King Charles II gave the right to company to bear arms, defend, build forts and
acquire territories.

Fort William was built in 1696 in Calcutta

the fort was taken by Nawab of bengal in 1756 then again Lord Clive of EIC took over the
fort in 1757

Battle of Plassey took place on 23rd june 1757, which established the EIC as reckoning
force in Bengal.

Regulating Act of 1773 gave the parliament control of EIC and Lord Warren Hasting was
installed as the first governor General of Fort William.

in 1778 the EIC troops rose to 67,000 from 3000 in 1750

EIC Act of 1833 removed all trade monopolies of EIC.

Govt of India Act 1853 supervised that the EIC would continue to run on its own unless the
Parliament thinks otherwise.

in 1858 the company was nationalized and the Crown took control.
Important Pakistan State Owned Companies

1. PIA
founded on 23rd october 1946 as Orient Airways at Calcutta, later shifted to Pakistan
in 1947.
Nationalized in 1955.
C.E.O Musharraf Rasool Cyan

2. Pakistan Railways
Founded 13th May 1861, took over after parition.
CEO: javed anwer

3. Oil and Gas Development

founded: 4 April, 1961
Chairman: Zahid Muzzafar

4. Karachi Shipyard ( only shipyard in pakistan )

Founded in 1957
M.DL Syed Hassan Nasir Shah

5. National Telecommunication Corporation

Founded in 1995 by splitting TNT
M.D: Viqar Rashid Khan

6. Pakistan Tobacco Company

Founded in 1947, took over Imperial Tobacco Company
MD & CEO: Syed Javed Iqbal

7. Pakistan Petroleum
Founded: 5th june 1950
M.D & CEO: Syed Waqim Bukhari

8. Pakistan Post:
Founded August 15th 1947
Chairperson: Rubbina Tayyab

9. Pakistan State Oil

Founded: 30th Dec 1976 by merger of Premier Oil & State Oil
M.D & CEO: Shaikh Imran Ul Haque

10. Pakistan Steel Mills

Founded: 30 dec 1973
CEO: Shakeel Ahmed Mangnejo

11. Utility Stores Corporation

Founded in 1973
M.D: Iftikhar Ahmed Shalwani

12. Water and Power Development Authority

Founded: 12th feb 1958
Chairman: Lt.Gen Muzammil
13. Pakistan Ordinance Factories
Founded in 1951
Chairman: Lt.Gen Sadiq

14. Pak-Arab refinery

Founded in 1974
M.D: Syed Tariq Rizvi
15. Random Pak Affairs Solved
17. Chachnama was written in Sindhi

Mohammad Bin Qasim Stayed at Makran for 1 Month

1st largest mosque built in India at Bhopal

Ibn-e-Batuta travelled for 28 years

Sultan Qutub-ud-din Ruled for 5 years

Khilji Dynasty lasted for 30 years, shortest amongst the Delhi Sultanate

Queen Noor Jehna WAs born at iran

4 Mughal Kings Sat on throne in single year of 1719

Raja Ranjit Singh ruled for 40 years

Karachi was occupied in 1839

J.N Mandal chaired the inaugral sessino of 1st Constituent Assembly

Kashmir was made a part of Mughal Empire in oct 1586

Lord Listowel was the sec of state at the time of partition

Independence bill was passed on 18th july 1947

1st coutnry to recognize Pakistan was egypt on 16th Aug 1947

Ibn-e-Batuta was made ambassador to China in tughlaqs Reign

Mahmud of Ghazni invaded india 17 times

Some Important Wars ( 1526 - 1947 )

1. 1st Battle of Panipat - 1526

o babur Mughal V/S Lodi Kingdom
o start of Mughal Rule in india
2. Battle of Ghagra - 1529
o Mughal, Allies V/S Lodi & Bengal Sultanate
o Bihar Annexed by Mughal Empire

3. Deccan Wars ( 1681-1707 )

o Mughal V/S Martha
o Maratha Victory
4. Childs War ( 1686-1690 )
o Company V/S Mughal Empire
o Mughal victory

5. Nadir Shah Invasion ( 1738-1739 )

o Afsharid Empire V/S Mughal Empire
o Delhi Sacked & Looted

6. Siege of Trihcinpoly 1741

o Carnatic Nawab V/S Maratha
o Maratha Victory

7. Expedition in Bengal ( 1741-1748 )

o Maratha V/S Nawab of Bengal
o Stalemate

8. Battle of Vasai 1739

o Portugese V/S Maratha
o Maratha Victory

9. 1st Anglo-mysore war ( 1767-1769 )

o Mysore, Hyderabad State V/S Company, Marathas and Carnatic
o Mysore victory

10. 2nd Anglo-Mysore war ( 1770-1784 )

o Mysore, French & Dutch V/S Company & Great Britian
o Mysore Win
11. 3rd Anglo Mysore War ( 1789-1792 )
o Mysore & French V/S Company, Great Britian, Maratha & Hyderabad
o Treaty of Seringapatam- Mysore Lost some of its territory

12. 4th Anglo-Mysore war ( 1798-1799 )

o Mysore, Carnatic Nawab & Mughals V/S Company, Hyderabad & Travanacore
o Subjugation of Mysore

13. Anglo Martha war ( 1775-1782 )

o Maratha V/S British Empire & Company
o Maratha Victory - Treaty of Salbai

14. 2nd Anglo Martha war ( 1803-1805 )

o Maratha V/S Company
o British Advance - treaties of Deogaon, Surji & Rajghal

15. 3rd Anglo-Martha war ( 1817-1818 )

o Maratha V/S British Empire plus company
o End of Maratha Rule

16. Battle of Plassey 1757

o Great Britian, Company V/S Mughal Empire, Bengal & French
o British Victory- Bengal Annexed

17. Battle of Buxar 1764

o Company V/S Mughals, Nawab of Bengal & nawab of oudh
o British Victory

18. 1st Anglo-Afghan war ( 1839-1842 )

o Emirate of Afghanistan V/S British Empire & Company
o Afghan Victory

19. 1st Opium war ( 1839-1842 )

o British V/S Qing Dynasty China
o British Victory - Treaty of Nanking

20. Sikkim Expedition 1888

o Tibet V/S British Empire
o British Victory

21. Boxer Rebellion ( 1899-1901 )

o 8 Nation alliance V/S Qing Dynasty & Boxers
o Alliance Victory - Boxer Protocol Signed

22. 3rd Anglo-Afghan war 1919

o Emirate of Afghanistan V/S British Empire & Company
o Emirates Diplomatic Win - Treaty of Rawalpindi

23. Operation Masterdom ( 1945-1946 )

o United Kingdom, France & Japan V/S Viet Min
o Operation Succesful - French rule in Indochina

Religious & Educational Movements

1. Shaikh Ahmed Sirhind

o Sheikh Ahmed Sirhind was also known as Imam Rabbani Hazrat Mujadid Alaf
o Shiekh Ahmed Sirhindi was born at Sirhind on june 15, 1564, Was the
Descendant of Caliph Hazrat Umar
o Mujadid -Alaf-Sani means the one who brought revival of islam in 2nd
o Recieved Khilafat from father in Chistiya & Suharwardiya order
o He was improsined in fort Gwalior beacuse of not offering prostation to
emperor Jahangir
o Emperor Jahangir set him free after two years and gifted 1000 rupees plus a
o Sheikh Ahmed Sirhind stayed at the royal court of Emperor for 3 years before
going to back to his area
o Passed away on Dec 10, 1626

2. Hazrat Shah Walliulah Muhadis Dehlvi

o Hazrat Shah Walliulah Muhadis Dehlvi was born as Qutub-ud-din on 21st feb
1703 in delhi
o His father was Shah Abdur Rahim, who was incharge of compilation of fatwa-
o Shah Waliullah is regarded as the father of modern muslim india
o He asked help from Ahmed Shah Abdali against Maratha's which led to the
3rd battle of Panipat 1761
o Shah translated Holy Quran to Persian and later his two sons translated it into
urdu language
o Shah wrote 50 books, famous is Hujjat-ul-baligha
o Passed away on August 20, 1762

3. Syed Ahmed Shaheed Barelvi

o Syed Ahmed Shaheed Barelvi was born on 29th November 1786 into a Rai
Barely family
o started as a Sawar in the service of Nawab of tonk and left tonk when it was
declared Dar-ul-Hard by Shah Abdul Aziz
o Was a disciple of Shah Walliulah's son Shah Abdul Aziz & took Bait in 1807
o Syed Ahmed's objectives were to create a islamic state, thus started an
armed struggle, 1st battle was at Akora on 21st dec 1826

4. Fraizi Movement
o Haji Shariatullah was born in 1781 in shamail, Faridpur District
o Left for Hijaz ( arabia ) in 1799 and came back ion 1820
o he started Fraizi movement to give up un-Islamic practices and act upon their
duties as Muslims
o He was inspired by Sheikh abdul Wahabi, who stared Wahabi movement in
o Passed away in 1840
o His son Muhammad Mohsin, known as Dadhu Mian, succeeded Haji
o During the revolt of 1857, he was put under arrest for organizing the
peasants of Faridpur districts against the British government. He died in
o Mir Nasir Ali was known as titu Mir, born in 1782.
o Titu Mir was able to defeat Krishna Deva and set up government.
o In 1831, Titu Mir died fighting the British forces.

5. Aligarh Movement

o Sir Syed Ahmed Khan was born in delhi on 17 oct 1817

o Maternal Grandfather was prime minister in mughal court for 8 years
o Sir syed Joined Govt Service in 1838, Became munsif in 1841 @ fatehpur
sikri, Chief Judge in 1846 @ Delhi
o He was appointed as a member of imperial council in 1877 & Knighted in
o in 1859 sir syed started a school at muradabad, 2nd school was at Ghazipur
1863 & 3rd school at Aligarh in 1875
o MAO school started at aligarh was promoted to college in 1877.
o A scietific society was established by sir syed at Ghazipur in 1864
o Muhammadan Educational conference was started in 1866
o He died on 27th March 1898

6. Tehreek-i-Deoband

o Started with Madarsah Dar-ul-uloom-i-Deoband at Saharanpur on 14th April

o the idea was floated by Haji Muhammad Abid
o Maulana Muhammad Qasim was the 1st Principal & Mulana Muhammad Yaqub
as a Head Master
o by 1931, Madarsah had 900 students across india
o Jamiat-ul-ullema Pakistan was formed by Maulana thanvi
o Mualan Qasim died on 15th apr 1880

7. Nadvat-ul-ulema Lucknow
o Established in 1894 by Maulvi Abdul Ghafoor, Maulana Shibli Naumani and
Maulana Abdul Haq at Lucknow
o Established with purpose of imparting knowledge in western & religious
o Regular Functions were started on 2nd dec 1898
o Maulana Shibli was born in 1857 @ Azamgarh, resigned from aligarh in 1904
and later joined Nadvat-ul-ulema
o Abdul Kalam Azad was a pupil of Mulana Shibli Naumani

8. Anjuman-e-Hayat-Islam
o founded on 2nd sept 1884 in Masjid Bakan Khan, Mochi gate, Lahore.
o 1st president of the institute was Khalifa Hameedudin
o To collect funds for the institute, a scheme Muthi Bhar Aata was launched
o 1st Girls school opened in 1925 & islamia women college in 1938

9. Sindh Madarsah, Karachi

o Syed Hassan Ali Affandi Founded this institute in Bolton Market, 1885.
o The institute was inaugrated by Lord Duffin
o Sindh Madarsah Karachi was upgraded to Sindh Mulsim college in 1943.
o Quaid-i-Azams will granted a sizeable portion to this institute, as he
completed his matriculation here.
President: Mamnoon hussain -12th- age 77 - office 2013

P.M: Shahid Khaqan Abbasi - 28th- age 59 - office 1 aug 2017

C.justice: Mian Saqib Nisar - 25th- age 64 - office 31st dec 2016

Attornry G: Akhtar Ausaf Ali - 32nd - age 61- 29th march 2016

Auditor G: Javaid JAhangir - 20th - office August 2017

Governor SBP: Tariq Bajwa- 19th- office 7 july 2017

DG ISI : Lt.Gen Naveed Mukhtar 21st - 11-dece-2016

DG ISPR: Maj.Gen Asif Ghafoor office 15 dec 2016

Chairman JOCS: General Zubair hayat - 15th - 28 nov 2016

COAS: Qamar Javed Bajwa - 10th - 28 nov 2016

CNS: Zafar Mahmood Abbasi - june 2017

CAS: Mujahid Anwar Khan - 19 march 2018

Old and New names of cities in pakistan

Hyderabad: NeeronKot

Quetta: Shal Kot (other sources claim it Shah Kot )

Jacobabad : Khan Garh

Sialkot: Salwan Kot

Attock : Campbell pur

Faisalabad : Lyallpur

Sahiwal : Montgomery

Bin Qasim : Pepri

Muslim Bagh : Hindu Bagh

Pak Pattan : Ajothanpur

Islamabad : Raj Shahi

Karachi : Kalanchi / Kolachi

Lahore : Mahmoodpur

Gujranwala : Khan pur

Zhob : Fort Samemars

Peshawar : Persha pur

Swat : Rowdanya

Benazirabad : Nawabshah

Larkana : Chandka

Charsadda : Pushkalawati

Umerkot : Amarkot
Old and New names of cities and countries

Abyssian Ethopia
Angora Ankara
Batavia Jakarta
Burma Myanmar
Ceylon Sri Lanka
Christina Oslo
Congo Zaire
Constantipole Istanbul
Dacca Dhaka
Dutch Gyena Surinam
Edo tokyo
Formosa Taiwan
Holland The Netherlands
Mesopotamia Iraq
Oea Tripoli
Peking beijing
Rhodesia Zimbabwe
Stalingrad Volgograd
Turicum Zurich

Constitution 56, 62, 73

1956 Constitution

1. Constitution of 1956 was passed from National Assembly on

A. 29th January, 1956
B. 29 February, 1956
C. 29 April, 1956
Answer= B

2. In formation of 1st Constitution ______ played very important role

A. Skandar Mirza
B. Muhammad Ali Bogra
C. Ch. Muhammad Ali
3. Constitution of 1956 was enforced on
A. 23rd Feb, 1956
B. 14th Aug, 1956
C. 23rd March, 1956

4. The Constitution of 1956 was framed by the Constituent Assembly in the name of
A. Peoples
B. President
C. Prime Minister

5. The Constitution of 1956 was to assented to by the

A. President
B. Governor General
C. Both (a) and (b)

6. Constitution of Pakistan, 1956 declared Pakistan as

A. Islamic Republic of Pakistan
B. Republic of Pakistan
C. None of the above

7. Definition of the State was provided in Article ______, of the Constitution of 1956
A. 2
B. 3
C. 5

8. Part ______ of the Constitution of 1956 was granting fundamental rights

A. One
B. Two
C. Three

9. According to the Constitution of, 1956 there shall be _____ form of government in
A. Parliamentary
B. Presidential
C. None of the above

10. According to the Constitution of 1956 ______ was the Head of State
A. President
B. Prime Minister
C. Governor General
11. Minimum age to become President was held _____, year in 1956 Constitution
A. 35
B. 40
C. 45

12. According to the Constitution of 1956 there shall be _____ legislature in country
A. Bi cameral
B. Uni Cameral
C. Tri Cameral

13. According to the Constitution of 1956 ______ was the highest Court of country
A. Supreme Court
B. Federal Court
C. High Court

14. According to the Constitution of 1956 _____ were declared as National Languages
A. Urdu and English
B. Urdu and Hindi
C. Urdu and Bengali

15. 1956 Constitution provided ______ form of government for the country
A. Unitary
B. Federal
C. Both (a) and (b)

16. The Constitution of 1956 was consisting ______ Articles, and ______, parts
A. 240 Articles 10 parts
B. 280 Articles 7 parts
C. 234 Articles 13 parts

17. Constitution of 1956 _____ part was dealing with Fundament Rights
A. Part one
B. Part two
C. Part three

18. Constitution of 1956 prevails for _________,

A. 2 years
B. 2
C. 3 years

19. The Constitution of 1956 was abrogated on

A. October, 1958
B. June, 1956
C. July, 1956

20. The Constitution of 1956 was enacted by the assembly in the name of
A. In the name of Islam
B. In the name of Pakistan
C. In the name of peoples

21. Strength of Membership of National Assembly According 1956 Constitution was

A. 340
B. 310
C. 240

22. Constitution of 1956 provided _____ form of election

A. Direct
B. Indirect
C. None of the above

23. Constitution of 1956 provided _____ citizenship of the citizens of the country
A. Single
B. Double
C. Both (a) and (b)

24. According 1956 Constitution powers and authorities were

A. In the hand of Center
B. In the hands of Provinces
C. Divided between (a) and (b)

25. The Constitution of 1956 suggested _____ kind of government for the country
A. Parliamentary From
B. Presidential Form
C. Dictatorship


1. Constitution, of 1962 was made on

A. 23rd March, 1962
B. 28 February, 1962
C. 14 August, 1962
2. Constitution of 1962 was consisting
A. 250 Articles, and 10 parts
B. 260 Articles, and 9 parts
C. 234 Articles, and 12 parts

3. Constitution of 1962, provided ______ form of government

A. Parliamentary
B. Presidential
C. None of the above

4. Constitution of 1962, provided ______ election for President

A. Direct
B. Indirect
C. Both (a) and (b)

5. According to Constitution of 1962, age limit to cast vote was________

A. 21 years
B. 20 years
C. 18 years

6. According to Constitution of 1962, President was elected through

A. Parliament
B. Provincial assemblies
C. Electoral College

7. According to Constitution of 1962, minimum age limit for President-ship was

A. 35 years
B. 40 years
C. 45 years

8. Article _______ , of the Constitution of 1962, empowered President with

power of dissolution of National Assembly
A. 13
B. 23
C. 33

9. Under Article 13 of the Constitution of 1962 _____ can be impeached

A. President
B. Prime-Minister
C. Speaker
10. The Constitution of 1962, held ______ religion for Speaker of National Assembly
A. Islam
B. Non believer
C. No restriction upon

11. The Constitution of 1962, provided Federation consisting centre and ______ provinces
A. 2
B. 3
C. 1

12. Total strength of Members of National Assembly according to Constitution of 1962, was
A. 156 members
B. 218 members
C. 318 members

13. According to Constitution of 1962, Provincial Assemblies were consisting ______

A. 200
B. 218
C. 220

14. In initial name of the Country in 1962 Constitution was held

A. Republic of Pakistan
B. Islamic Republic of Pakistan
C. Islamic Democratic Pakistan

15. Through an amendment in ______ 1962, name of the State was declared Islamic
Republic of Pakistan instead of Republic of Pakistan
A. December
B. October
C. August

16. According to Constitution of 1962 ______ was the Chief Executive of the Country
A. President
B. Prime-Minister

17. Term and Tenure of President Office in Constitution of 1962, was

A. 4 years
B. 5 years
C. 6 years
18. According to Constitution of 1962, ______ was the highest Court of the country
A. Supreme Court
B. Federal Court
C. Federal Shariat Court

19. Constitution of 1962, provided ______ Legislature

A. Uni Cameral
B. Bi Cameral
C. Tri-Cameral

20. As per Constitution of 1962 age limit for Judge of Supreme Court was
A. Sixty years
B. Sixty two years
C. Sixty five years

21. As per Constitution of 1962 retiring age of High Court Judge was
A. Sixty years
B. Sixty two years
C. Sixty five years

22. As per Constitution of 1962, ______ were held National Languages

A. Urdu
B. Bengali
C. Both (a) and (b)

23. According to Constitution of 1962, _____ was given to provinces

A. Provincial autonomy
B. Independence
C. Self control

24. Constitution of 1962 declared _____ as Capital of the country

A. Karachi
B. Lahore
C. Islamabad

25. Article 29 of the Constitution of 1962 empowered President in absence of National

Assembly to promulgate an ______ with the same powers and force as an Act of the
A. Ordinance
B. Instrument
C. Bill
26. By Article 226 of the Constitution of 1962 Field Marshal Ayub Khan was become the First
______ of Pakistan
A. Chief Executive
B. Martial Law Administrator
C. President

27. Constitution of 1962 was replaced by

A. Provisional Constitution Order of 1969
B. Legal Frame Work Order of 1971
C. Constitution of 1973

28. Constitution of 1962, was abrogated on

A. March, 1969
B. June, 1970
C. July 1970 of 1962

29. Constitution of 1962 remained for

A. Six years
B. Seven years
C. Eight years

30. The Constitution of 1962 is also famous as

A. One man show
B. Sign of dictatorship
C. Absolute Constitution

31. Constitution of 1962 was abrogated by

A. General Tikka Khan
B. General Agha Muhammad Yahya Khan
C. General Asghar Khan


1. Constitution of 1973 was authenticated and published in the official Gazette on

A. 23rd March, 1973
B. 12th May, 1973
C. 12th April, 1973

2. The Constitution of 1973 came into force on

A. 23rd March, 1973
B. 12th May, 1973
C. 14th August, 1973

3. Constitution of 1973 consist

A. 250 Articles,
B. 280 Articles
C. 285 Articles

4. Constitution of 1973 consist ______

A. 6 schedules
B. 7 schedules
C. 8 schedules

5. Objectives Resolution was passed on

A. January, 1949
B. February, 1949
C. March, 1949
D. None of above

6. According to Objectives Resolution sovereignty over the entire Universe belongs to

A. Public of Pakistan
B. Almighty Allah
C. Government of Pakistan
D. None of above

7. According to Objectives Resolution authority enjoyed by the peoples of Pakistan within

limits prescribed by Almighty Allah as sacred _______
A. Trust
B. Right
C. Duty
D. None of above

8. Objectives Resolution provided that the State shall exercise its powers and authority
through _______
A. Dictators
B. Elected representatives of peoples
C. Both (a) and (b)
D. None of above

9. Objectives Resolution stress that the Muslims of Pakistan shall enable to order their lives
A. Secular
B. As per teachings of Islam
C. Both (a) and (b)
D. None of above

10. According to Objectives Resolution minorities shall be made

A. Free to serve their lives according to their own religion
B. Bound to serve their lives according teachings of Islam
C. To serve their lives according to government policies
D. None of above

11. According to Objectives Resolution independence of the judiciary shall be

A. Attached
B. Fully secured
C. Developed
D. None of above

12. Objectives Resolution demanded that Pakistan

A. Shall play its positive role for international community
B. Play model role for Muslim Countries
C. Both (a) and (b)
D. None of above

13. Objectives Resolution was set as ______ in 1973 Constitution

A. Preamble
B. Annexure
C. First Schedule

14. The Constitution of 1973 declared Pakistan as

A. Republic of Pakistan
B. Islamic Republic of Pakistan
C. Federation of Pakistan

15. As per Article 1 of the Constitution territories of Pakistan shall comprise

A. The Province of Balochistan, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Punjab Sindh, Federal Capital and
B. Balochistan, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Punjab, Sindh and FATA
C. Balochistan, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Punjab, Sindh and Islamabad Capital Territory

16. Islam to be the State religion of Pakistan as provided in _____ of the Constitution of
A. Article 1
B. Article 2
C. Article 2(A)

17. According to Article 2A Objectives Resolution is _____ Part of the Constitution

A. First
B. Corroborative
C. Substantive

18. The basic duty of every citizen of Pakistan is that

A. He must be faithful person
B. He must play creative role for development of Pakistan
C. He must be loyalth to Pakistan

19. Loyalty to state and obedience to Constitution and law is basic duty of every citizen of
Pakistan and it is provided in
A. Article 5 of the Constitution
B. Article 5-A of the Constitution
C. Article 6 of the Constitution
D. None of above
20. Any person who abrogates or subverts or suspends or held in abeyance, or attempts or
conspires to abrogate or suspend or held in abeyance, the Constitution by use of force or
show of force or by any other unconstitutional means shall be guilty of
A. High treason
B. Felony
C. Sedition

21. As per Article 6(3) ______ is empowered to provide punishment of persons found guilty
of high treason
A. Majlis-e-Shoora (Parliament)
B. Supreme Court
C. Law enforcement agencies
D. None of above

22. Definition of the State is provided in Article _____ of the Constitution of 1973
A. 7
B. 8
C. Both (a) and (b)
D. None of above

23. Articles ______ to _______ of The Constitution of 1973 are providing Principles of Policy
A. 18 to 28
B. 29 to 40
C. 28 to 38
D. None of above

24. Article 8 Constitution of 1973 describe any law inconsistent with or in derogation of
Fundamental rights
A. To be void
B. To be illegal
C. To be valid

25. No person shall be deprived of life or liberty save in accordance with law as provided in
A. Article 8 of the Constitution of 1973
B. Article 9 of the Constitution of 1973
C. Article 10 of the Constitution of 1973

26. Articles ______ to _______ of the Constitution deals with Fundamental Rights
A. 8 to 28
B. 8 to 30
C. 8 to 32

27. Any right which has been provided by the Constitution of 1973 is called
A. National right
B. Inherent right
C. Fundamental right

28. Safeguards as to arrest and detention is provided in _______ of the Constitution

A. Article 8
B. Article 10
C. Article 12

29. Article 10-A of the Constitution deals with

A. Right to fair trial
B. Right to safeguard against illegal detention
C. None of above

30. Right to fair trial is ______ right of every citizen of Pakistan

A. Fundamental
B. Inherent
C. Natural

31. Slavery, forced labour, etc. are prohibited in Article ______, of the Constitution of 1973
A. 11
B. 11-A
C. None of above

32. Article 12 of the Constitution of 1973 provided protection against

A. Terrorism
B. Illegal detention
C. Retrospective punishment

33. Article 13 of the Constitution protects from

A. Illegal
B. Unfair trial
C. Double punishment

34. No person shall be subjected to torture for the purpose of extracting evidence is
provided in Article _____, of the Constitution 1973
A. 14
B. 14(I)
C. 14(2)

35. Article 15, of the Constitution of 1973 provided freedom of

A. Speech
B. Movement
C. Schooling

36. Freedom of assembly is provided in Article _____ of the Constitution of 1973

A. 121
B. 15
C. 16

37. Freedom of ______ is provided in Article 17 of the Constitution of 1973

A. Assembly
B. Association
C. None of above

38. Article 18 of the Constitution, 1973 deals with

A. Freedom of trade
B. Freedom of business or profession
C. Both (a) and (b)

39. Every citizen shall have the right to have access to information in all matters of public
importance subject to regulation and reasonable restrictions imposed by law is provided in
Article ______, of The Constitution of 1973
A. 18
B. 19
C. 19A

40. Article ______ of the Constitution, 1973 provided safeguard against taxation for the
purpose any particular religion
A. 20
B. 21
C. 22
Some info about sindh


Population: 47.8 Million ( 2017 )

Area: 140,914 sqKm

C.M : Syed Murad Ali Shah - 29th CM - office 29th july 2016

Governor: Muhammad Zubair Umair - took office 4th feb 2017

Speaker: Agha Siraj Durrani - 12th Speaker - took office May 30th 2013

Chief Justice: Muhammad Ali Shaikh- 23rd CJ - took office 15th march 2017

I.G: Allah Dino Khoja - 17th IG - took office 12th March 2016

Districts: 29

Seats in National Assembly: 75

Seats in Provincial Assembly: 168

LPG: liquefied petroleum gas

TNT: tri nitro toluen

RNA: ribonucleic acid

CNG: compressed natural gas

ATP: Adosine Tri Phosphate

RBC: red blood cells

ECG: electro cardio gram

PVC: poly vinyl chloride

RAM: random access memory

CFC: chloro floro carbon

LASER: light amplification by stmileated emission of radiation

RADAR: radio decetion and tagning

AIDS: acquired immune deficieny syndrome

ROM: read only memeory

LAN: local area netwrok

WWW: world wide web

DNA: deoxyribonucleic acid

SONAR: sound navigation and ranging

SARS: severe acute respiratory syndrome

NTP: network time protocol

RQ: respiratory quotient

NPN: negative postiive negative

PNP: purine nucledoside phosporylase

WAN: wide area network

CPU: central processing unit

BCG: bacillus calmette guerin

STP: standard time protocol

ATP: andosine triphospate

KWh: Kilo watt hour

BTU: british thermal unit

LDL: low density lipoprotien

MAF: million acre feet

HDL: hardware description language

MCV: mean corpuscular volume

UHF: ultra height frequency

LED: light emitting diode

LCD: liquid crytsal display

BASIC: beginners all purpose symbolic instruction code

MASER: microwave amplification by stimulated emission of radiation

ETT: Educational telecommunications and technology

HST: High speed technology

DBS: Data base server

CRO: cathode ray oscilloscope

BOT: build, operate and transfer

AMU: atomic mass unit

EMF: electro motive force

ADH: anti diuretic hormone

GeV: giga electro volt

CRT: cathode ray tube

CNS: central nervous system

Amemndments to Constitution of 1973

1st - redefined boundaries of Pakistan - may 4th 1974

2nd - Defined Muslims and decalred Ahmadis as non mulsims - Sept 7, 1974

3rd - Extended period of preventive detention - Feb 18, 1975

4th - Addition to seats of minorities and took back power from courts to grant bail to
preventive detention - nove 21, 1975

5th - Widened scope of restriction of high court - sept 5 , 1976

6th - Retirement age set of Chief justice of supreme court at 65 and Chief jsutice of high
court at 62 - December 22nd 1976

7th- prime minister to obtain vote of confidence - may 16th 1977

8th- Parliamentary to Semi-presidential form of government, powers added to presidency -

november 18th 1985

9th- shaira law to be supreme law of land ( bill lapsed because assembly dissolved) !986

10th- interval period between national assemblies set to 130 days - march 29th 1987
11th- revision of reserved seats of women - 1989

12th- Speedy trial for 3 years - 1991

13th- Stripped power of president to dissolve assembly - 1997

14th dismissal of parliamentarians if they deflect - july 3rd, 1997

15th bill to impose sharia law as supreme law - 1998 ( did not passs)

16th increased term for appointed on quota system from 20 to 40 years -1999

17th reversal of 13th amendment - 2003

18th removal of presidential powers - april 8, 2010

19th take powers from Chief Justice of Pakistan for the appointment of ad hoc judges and
transferred them to the Judicial Council of Pakistan (JCP) - dec 22, 2010

20th- about care taker government and free fair election - 14th feb 2012

21st- Speedy military trial courts - january 7 2015

22nd- qualification and procedure for the appointment of the chief election commissioner
(CEC) and members of the Election Commission of Pakistan (ECP) - 2016

23rd- extension of 2 years to military courts - 2017

A few selected Autobiographies

the story of my experiments with the truth

-Mahatma Gandhi

Friends, Not Master

- General Ayub Khan

Daughter of Destiny
-Benazir Bhutto

If i am assasinated
-Z.A Bhutto

Wings of fire
-Abdul Kalam Azad

In the line of fire

-Pervaiz Musharraf

Imran khan ( pakistan )

-Imran Khan

Chah-yousuf se sada
-Yousif Raza Gillani

Haan main baghi hoon

-Javed Hashmi

-Sheikh Rasheed

From Memory
-Feroz Khan Noon

Forgotten Years
-Sir Zafarullah Khan

Bandit Queen of India

-Phoolen Devi

I am Malala
-Malala Yousifzai

Songs of blood and sword

-Fatima Bhutto

Rock and Roll Jihad

-Salman Ahmed

Rulers and Dynasties of Sindh

Rai Dynasty 495 to 632 A.D

Brahman Dynasty 632 to 711 A.D

Arab Rule 711 to 1050 A.D

Soomro Dynasty 1050 to 1350 A.D

Sama Dynasty 1350 to 1520 A.D

Argun Dynasty 1520 to 1555 A.D

Turkhan Dynasty 1555 to 1592 A.D

Mughal Rule 1592 to 1700 A.D

Kalhora Dynasty 1700 to 1843 A.D

British Rule 1843 to 1947 A.D

Pre-Partition part 1

Dara Azam attacked sindh in 327 BC

Greek Came to sindh in 325 BC

Rai Sahasi was the last king of Rai Dynastty

Rai dynasty was replaced by Brahman Dynasty

Raja Dahir was the last king of Brahman Dynasty

Bin Qasim Had an army of 1500 soldiers

Mahmood Ghaznavi attacked Sindh in 1026 AD

Sama Dynasty was Established by Jam Bambino

Ibn-e-batuta came to sindh in 1434

Mirza Abdul Rahim Khan Khanan annexed sindh on behalf of Mughal Empire

Aurangzeb was given Sindh as a fief in 1649

Mian Yaar Muhammad Kalhoro founded the Kalhora Dynasty in 1701

Madad Khan Pathan Looted Sindh in 1739

Battle of Haani was fought between Talpurs and Kalhora's

Pre-Partition part 2

Sir Charles Napier Conquered Sindh in 1843

Sindh was brought under Bombay Residency in 1847

Jinnah called a session to separate Sindh on 25th march 1927

Tipu Sultan Allied with france against British

Sea Route to india discovered in 1498

Emperor Jehangir allowed the British to trade in India

Bahadur Shah Zafar last Mughal Emperor was exiled to Rangoon

Al-halal weekly was started by Abdul Kalam Azad

Shah Jahan was also known as Prince of Builders

Governor General of Fort William became Governor General on India in !833

Delhi Became capital in 1911

Dr. Annie Besant is known as the heroine of Quit India Movement

Partition of Bengal Took Place in 1905

Deobandi School of Religion started in 1867

All round table conference were held in London

St.George Fort was the 1st British Fort in India

Khilafat movement reflected Hindu-Muslim unity

Pre-Partition part 3

Queen Victoria Appointed Empress of India in 1877

Swadeshi movement was first Anti-British Movement

Lord Dalhouise introduced Indian Civil Service

Subuktuguin A turkish slave became the master of ghanzi dynasty

Lodhi dynasty was founded by Bhalul Lodhi

Qutub-ud-Din was the First Muslim independent ruler to be crowned on 24th june 1206 at

Mohammad Ghauri Overtrhow and Killed Prithvi Raj in 1192 A.D

Shah Waliullah was born on 21st February 1703 A.D

Sir syed Ahmed Khan was appointed to Imperial Legislative Council in 1878

First Constituent Assembly lasted 7 years

Institution of Khilafat was abolished in 1924

RadCliffe Award was announced on 17th August 1947

Urdu-Hindi Controversy happened in the year 1867

Jinnah left Congress in 1920

Lal Shahbaz Qalandar's Real name was Hazrat Usman Marvadi

Partition of India Plan was announced on 3rd June 1947

Jinnah Dismissed 1st Chief Minister Sindh Muhammad Ayub Khuhro on april 26th 1948

Liaqat Ali Khan was Assasinated on 16th October, 1951

Indus Water Treaty was signed in Karachi on 19th September 1960

Pakistan Peoples Party was formed in Lahore 1967

Legal Framework Order was promulgated by Yahyha Khan on Marach 30th 1970

East Pakistan separated on 16th December 1971

Zakat & Ushr Ordinance on 20th june 1980
Post Partition

1st governor general Jinnah

1st President of Pakistan.Major General Iskandar Mirza.

1st Prime minister of Pakistan Liaquat Ali Khan.

1st chief Justice of Pakistan Abdur Rasheed.

1st Foreign Minister of Pakistan Sir Zafarullah Khan

1st Governors (post independence:

Punjab: Sir Francis Moody(15 august 1974 to August 1949)

Sindh : Sheikh Ghulam Hussain Hidaya tullah (15 August 1947 to 4 October 1948)
KPK: Sir George Caningham(15 August 1947 to 8 april, 1948)
Balcohistan :Lt. General Riaz Hussain (1 July 1970 to 21 December 1971)

1st woman provincial Governor in Pakistan Begum Rana Liaquat ali Khan.

1st woman minister of the Federal Cabinet Begum Viqar-un-Nisa Noon (Minister of State for
Tourism Development Corporation from 5 July, 1978 to 23 august 1978).

1st chief ministers (post independence)

a) The Punjab b) Sindh c)N.W.F.P d) Baluchistan

a)Punjab Iftikhar Hussain Mmdot (till 14 November, 1948)

b)Sindh Muhammad Ayub Khuro (till april 1948)
c)KPK Abdul Qayyum Khan (till 17 april, 1953)
d)Balochistan Sardar Ataullah Khan Mengal (till 15 February, 1973)

first woman prime minister of Pakistan Benazir Bhutto

first commanders-in-chief of the following:

a) Pakistan Army
b) Pakistan Navy
c) Pakistan Air Force

a)Amry General Sir Frank Maservi (15 August 1947 to 10 February 1948)
b)Navy Rear Admiral Gefford James Wilfried (15 August 1047 to 2 Februaryy, 1953)
c)Air Force Air Marhsal Zafar Ahmed Chaudhry (3March 1972 to 15 April, 1974).

first woman newspaper editor of PakistanDr. Maleeha Lodhi.

first Lady pilot operates regular PIA flight in Pakistan Maliha Sami of Quetta.
first woman jet pilot of Pakistan Mrs. Ayesha Rubina Naveed

Post Partition Part-2

1st attempted Coup happened in 1951 which was led by Maj.Gen Akbar Khan

Liaqat Ali Khan Visited United Stated in 1950 to meet his counterpart Henry Truman

Pakistan Aligned itself to United States in 1953

In 1958 Ayub khan was named First Chief Martial Law Administrator

Pakistan joined United Nations on 30th September 1947

Republic of China was recognized by Pakistan in January 1949

Pakistan joined IMF and World Bank in 1949

Ayub Khan became 1st Pakistan Commander of Chief of Army on 6th sep 1949

Liaqat Ali Khan was assassinated on 16th oct 1951

United Nations adopted anglo-american resolution on Kashmir

Mohammad Ali Bogra was sworn in as 3rd Prime Minister of Pakistan on Apr 17

1st Foreign Minister Sir Zafarullah khan became member of International Court of Justice on
october 7th, 1954

1st five Year Plan was introduced in 1956.

Hussain Shaheed Suharwardy was sworn in as 5th Prime Minister sept12th 1956

1st Martial Law was imposed in oct 7, 1958 by Ayub Khan

Capital was moved to islamabad in 1960

Post Partition Part-3

1st trade agreement with China was signed on 5th june 1963

RCD was formed between turkey, Iran and Pakistan in the year 1964

Runn of Kutch Accord was signed between India and Pakistan on june 30, 1965

Sheikh Mujib Anounced his 6 points in karachi on 12th february 1966

General Yahya Became C in C on sept 17 1967

Pakistan Peoples Party was formed on 1st of December 1967

2nd Martial Law was imposed on 25th March 1969 by Gen Yahya
1st Ordinance Factory was inaugrated at gazipur on 1st july 1970

Karakoram Hughway was opened on 16th feb 1970

India attacked East Pakistan on 22nd November 1971

Dhaka fell on December 16th, 1971 Giving birht it Bangladesh

Simla Agreement was signed on 2nd of july 1972

Sindhi Language Biull was introduced by Chief Minister Mumataz Ali Bhutto onn july 3rd,

KANUPP was started on oct 28, 1972

Bangladesh was recognized by Pakistan in 1974

Pakistan and Bangladesh started Diplomatic ties on october 5th, 1975

Zia was chosen C in C on march 1st, 1976

A.Q khan research lab started in 19876

3rd Martial Law was imposed in 5th july 1977

MArch 18th, 1978 Lahore high Court announced Death penalty of Bhutto

All Pakistan Mohajir Students Organization was formed by Altaf Hussain

Zia chosen was 6th president on sept 16, 1978

Hudood ordinance was enacted in 1979

Govt Started collecting Zakat in 1980

Post Partition Part-4

Zia Accepted a 6 year Aid package of United States in 1981 of $ 3.2 Billion

Ombudsman order promulgated on january 25th 1983

Nuclear test Kirana-1 was carried out on 1983, publicized in 2000

After Ban on Student organizations, Altaf hussain formed MQM on april 27th, 1984

Mohammad Khan Junejo was Appointed 10th Prime Minister on march 23rd, 1985

Benazir Returned on April 10, 1986

Ojheri Camp incident happened on 10th April 1988

Shaira Ordinance on 15th june 1988

Zia died in a plane crash on 18th august 1988

Benzair became 1st lady PM on 2nd december 1988

Pakistan rejoined Common Wealth in 1989

Pakistan sent expedition to antartica in 1990, being 37th country to do so.

1st battle tank Al-Khald was made with china help

Post Partition Part-5

Islamabad Motorway was launched on 12th January 1992

Farooq Laghar was 8th president on Pakistan, sworned in on 18 apr 1992

Pakistan won cricke world cip on 25th march, 1992

First women Police Station was started on jan 25th, 1995 by Benazir Bhutto

Imran Khan launched PTI on 25th April 1996

Chagi hills Nuclear test was done on may 28th 1998

Shaheen, Nuclear capable short range missile was made on apr 15th 1999

Kargil war ended on july 26th 1999

Nawaz placed under house arrest on oct 12th, 99

Local government ordinance was passed on aug 14th, 2000

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