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Syria: Ministry of Higher Education Capacity Building

Project (HECBP)
Application for UK study
Please complete all sections in English and tick boxes as appropriate.
See also ‘Application Guidelines’ in the HECBP Student Handbook.
Please submit this completed application form with all your academic certificates and
transcripts, 2 signed references and evidence of your English Language qualifications, e.g.
IELTS certificate.
Address for correspondence: c/o Tim Stobbs / Zoe Hancock, British Council, Bridgewater
House, 58 Whitworth Street. Manchester. M1 6BB. UK.

Personal details
Mr √ Mrs Miss Ms

Family name (please spell your name as it Forename(s):

appears, or will appear on your passport):
Mostafa Kaswar

Marital Status: Date of Birth:

Married Single √ 14/04/1985

Home address: (BC use only) Telephone Numbers:

Al Mazzeh Home: 00963 11 6663741
Damascus Work:
Syria Mobile: 00963 932 039461

Next of kin Relationship to you Address:

Marwan Mostafa My Father Al Mazzeh-Damascus-Syria
Mobile: 00963 933 863268
Home: 00963 11 6663741

Employer details
Name of employer Job title Responsibilities Date from Date to
Damascus University/ Teacher Assistant. Assisting in teaching 03/12/2009 Until now
Science Faculty/ “Renewable Energies”
Environmental Science subjects.
Syrian Oil Ministry/ Electrical Engineer. On Job Training. 19/05/2009 02/12/2009
Syrian Oil Company/
Al Furat Oil Company.
Arabic Trading & Electrical Engineer. Electrical Calculation of 09/03/2009 01/05/2009
Construction Company. International Medical
Centre in Damascus.

Studying in the UK
See also ‘Application Guidelines’ in the HECBP Student Handbook

General field of specialisation (e.g. Drama ) Electrical Power Engineering

Specific area of Specialisation, (e.g. C16th English Drama) Renewable Energy

Title of PhD (if known)

 If you are applying for a master’s degree ONLY do not complete the third column of the table
 If you are applying for a PhD ONLY do not complete the middle column of the table below and
attach your research proposal on a separate sheet.
 -Of you are applying for Master’s AND PhD complete all sections in the table below.

UK University preferences+ UK master’s course * (title and Possible PhD supervisor #

(name of UK University) Department/School)
1 Heriot-Watt University. Renewable Energy and
Distributed Generation (School
of Engineering and Physical
2 Newcastle University. Renewable Energy Flexible
Training Programme “REFLEX”
(Energy Institute/ Faculty of
Science, Agriculture and

+ your application will be sent to your first preference initially

* check the UK university website for the exact course title of the course you want to follow
# check the UK university website for possible PhD supervisors and give the name here

Academic qualifications / history

Institution Qualification gained Main subjects studied Date from Date to
Damascus University/ Bachelor of Science Renewable Energy1+2; Wind 2003 2008
Mechanical & Electrical Degree in Electrical Power1+2; Electrical Power
Engineering Faculty. Power Engineering/ Electronics1+2; Power System
Renewable Energies Economics; High Voltage
Section. Engineering1+2; Solar Cells;
Electrical Power Storage;
Protection of Electrical Power
Systems; Water & Thermal
Power Stations; Electrical
Machines1+2+3; Modelling of
Electrical Power Systems;
Electrical Networks Analysis;
Electrical Networks Design;
Automatic Control1+2;
Programming1+2+3; Electrical
Circuits1+2; Power &
Environment ...........etc.
All subjects are shown in

Key of grades (for UK universities)
Level Score
Distinction 90+
Excellent 80-89
Very Good 70-79 √ My graduation average is (76.1%)
Good 60-69
Acceptable 50-59

English Language Qualifications

Test Please tick as relevant Score Date of test
Other (please state)

Personal statement / objectives

Write a clear and detailed description of your study objectives. Be specific about your major field and your
specialised interests within this field. Describe the kind of programme you expect to undertake and explain
how your plans fit with your previous training, professional experience and future objectives and career path.
Unclear, incomplete or impractical proposals can result in you being referred to a university not suited to your
needs or you not being accepted at your chosen university.

I obtained my bachelor degree in Electrical Engineering in 2008, from The Electrical Power Engineering and
Renewable Energies Department in Damascus University. I was ranked second among the graduating class.
Most of the world concern now days is the environmental issues which is very important aspect of any new
study in the energy sector. Environmental damage can be minimized when using renewable energy which is
considered a good action in Kyoto protocol. That is a very important advantage when thinking about what
motivate me to go ahead in this particular type of study.
My objective is to pursue further studies in the field of renewable energies and obtain my MSc and PhD
degrees. I am interested in the new approach of distributed power generation, which is utilized in Wind Energy
Technologies. I am particularly interested in the mechanisms of integrating wind farms with utility grid.
I would like to enrol in an MSc program in Renewable Energy to improve my knowledge and skills. Afterwards,
I am determined to pursue a PhD degree through a research work in the fields of Distributed Generation and
Wind Energy. I believe to have sufficient preparation for graduate studies, through my previous coursework in
Damascus University, and especially through my graduation project. The topic of my project was designing an
offshore wind farm in Syria, and it gave me valuable experience.
I can see that renewable energy will help to overcome most of the energy problems here in Syria especially
the usage of wind and solar energies which is widely available in Syria and can be economically installed to
generate electrical power in good prices. The world leading countries, such as United Kingdom, are starting to
be more and more aware of the advantages which can be achieved from using renewable energy so why
Syria can't follow those countries, and take the benefits of the international experiment?
As soon as I obtain my PhD, I will return to Syria and pursue an academic career in Damascus University. I
believe that Renewable Energies have vital role in the future of mankind in general, and the development of
my country in specific. Thus, I am eager to have my contribution in introducing it and making it practicable in
my country.

Referee 1 Referee 2
Prof. Hashem Oirkozek. Prof. Kamal Naji.
Dean of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering Professor in Mechanical and Electrical Engineering
Faculty/ Damascus University. Faculty/ Damascus University.
Tel.: 00963 11 5423433-5425977-5418999 Mobile: 00963 944 219015
Fax: 00963 11 5423296
E-Mail: E-Mail:

Funding / sponsorship
Has your funding under the HECBP been confirmed? Yes √ No

If ‘No’ please give details of other funding or sponsorship

I certify that the information provided above is accurate and correct

(submission of false or inaccurate information may result in disqualification)
Signature Date 29/12/2009

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