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Cooling Tower Measurement Criteria, Data Me

Building Information Pre-ECP Post-ECP

Measured/Nameplate Predicted
Bld Rm Name Loc Op Hours Demand (kW) Op Hours
ID /#

surement Criteria, Data Measurements, and Cost Results

Post-ECP Post-ECP Acceptance Pre-ECP Financial Predicted Financial

Predicted Measured
Demand (kW) Demand (kW) Date By Elect Cost Elect Cost
Use $ Use $
(kWh) (kWh)
Predicted Financial Year 1 - Post-ECP Yearly Reconciliation
Savings Guarantee Op Hours Demand (kW) Cost Savings Amount Deduction
$ $ $ $ Over From
Guarantee Payment
($) ($)
conciliation Year 1+N - Post ECP Yearly Inspection
Verified Verified
Deficiencies Date By Inspected Deficiencies Date By
Corrected Corrected
Acceptance Report

The acceptance M&V check for ECP-09 - Cooling Towers was performed on 4/22/03. The
"CT Data" worksheet lists thefans and pumps that were inspected and verified during
acceptance in columns marked "Post-ECP Acceptance."

All items in the "Accept_Checklist" were completed and six deficiencies were found. All
deficiencies have been corrected.

Measurements taken during acceptance were recorded in the appropriate acceptance columns
and the cost of the verifications and measurements was recorded in "MeasSpecs" of this
spreadsheet, "ECP_09_CLGTWR.xls".

The Acceptance Report will be contain all tabs (worksheets) in this workbook, updated with
current measurements and data.

The following table lists the individuals that performed the acceptance tests:

Name Title Specialty

1 William K. Donaldson Engineer I Metering/Surveys
2 Jim A. Carlson Engineer I Metering/Surveys
3 Carl K. Matheson Technician Metering/Surveys

B. K. Wilson - Manager Date

Acceptance Checklist
ECP-09 - Cooling Towers

Documents Yes
Inspect design docs for complete set x
Inspect docs for design conditions documentation x
Complete all required sections of "ECP09_CLGTWR.xls" x
All equipment / users manuals in place x
All operations and maintenance requirements documented and accepted x
Vendor Certifications / Tests
Certificate for construction performed to local / OSHA codes and requirements x
Perform structural analysis for new cooling tower mounting
Vendor tests (include results) x
Overall condition
Specified equipment is installed per manufacturers specifications x
Verify inverter rated motors installed if inverters used. x
Adequate air flow to motors x
Proper paint priming and exterior coatings x
Access to maintenance and inspection areas at local / OSHA requirements x
Verify hearing protection accessible if required by codes x
Color coding and proper labeling on equipment (if required by USAF) x
Verify performance tests specification / all parameters specified complete x
Measure Power of each motor at full speed. x
Perform load calculations, deliver to USAF. x
Specify all parameters and equipment used in testing - Record in Excel Spreadsheet x
Verify starter sequence is correct (w/ mfrs requirements) - Record information x
Verify all safety controls operate correctly - Record information x
Verify blowdown controls operate correctly - Record information x
Verify fan / pump motor sequences operate correctly - Record information x
Verify water treatment controls operate correctly - Record information x

Accepted – USAF Date Certified By – “The ESCO” Date

Annual Report Year 1

The annual reconciliation for the ECP-09 - Cooling Tower requires that all fans, pumps and fill
materials be inspected for deterioration on an annual basis. Inspection will occur at the end of
each year to ensure that all systems are functioning as guaranteed. The annual verification and
reconciliation calculations can found in the "ECP09_CLGTWR.xls" worksheet. After the
inspection was conducted, all deficiencies were corrected.

A summary of the predicted savings along with the savings guarantee is listed in the table
below. As a result of meeting the guaranteed savings, full payment with no deductions will be

The Annual Report contains all tabs (worksheets) in this workbook ("ECP09_CLGTWR.xls"),
updated with current measurements and data.

Savings Summary
Predicted Savings $ -
Guaranteed Savings $ -
Measured Savings $ -
Amount Over Guarantee $ -
Payment Deductions $ -

and verification inspections:

Name Title Specialty

1 Jim Johnson Engineer I Metering/Surveys
2 Kim D. Anderson Engineer I Metering/Surveys
3 Carl K. Matheson Technician Metering/Surveys

Accepted – USAF Date Certified By – “The ESCO” Date

Measurement Specifications and Costs

ECP-09 - Cooling Towers

Measurement Instrument Used

Cost Calibration
Date Purpose $/Each Type By 1
Accuracy Type Mfr Model Type 2
Date By3 Comments
Acceptance Power
4/22/03 Test $30/motor Power WKD ± 1% Analyzer Extech 380801 Annual 1/21/03 GGL
Calibrated per manufacturer’s
Acceptance Power
specifications. Does not
4/22/03 Test $30/motor Power JAC ± 1% Analyzer Extech 380801 Annual 1/21/03 GGL
include travel.
Acceptance Power
4/22/03 Test $30/motor Power CKM ± 1% Analyzer Extech 380801 Annual 1/21/03 GGL

Note: Calibration Standard was included in Phase II Report

1 Initials of indivual taking the measurements
2 Frequency of calibration was included in Phase II Report and is 1 year
3 Initials of the individual responsible for calibrating the metering equipment.
M&V Contract Deliverables Tracking Form for Year 1 thru Year N
ECP-09 - Cooling Towers
ESCO Delivery USAF Acceptance
Year Reports Signature Date Signature Date
Year 1 Annual
Year 2 Annual
Year 3 Annual
Year 4 Annual
Year 5 Annual
Year 6 Annual
Year 7 Annual
Year 8 Annual
Year 9 Annual
Year 10 Annual
Year 11 Annual
Year 12 Annual
Year 13 Annual
Year 14 Annual
Year 15 Annual
Year 16 Annual
Year 17 Annual
Year 18 Annual
Year 19 Annual
Year 20 Annual
Year 21 Annual

Other Contract
Required after
Year 1 thru 21
Cooling Tower Data Column Definitions
Column Symbol Definition / Equations
Bld ID
Rm Name / #
Op Hours
Demand (kW)
umn Definitions
Definition / Equations
Building identification name or number.
Room name or number where the controlled equipment is located.
Location of the equipment in the room.
Annual measured operating hours.
Measured power of the equipment includes fan and pump power.
The date that the observation(s) was made.
The initials or name of the individual performing the inspection.

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