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The Imploder

for stronger and better crops!

The “Imploder” water treatment creates a

measurable and validated effect on plant
growth, seed germination and bio mass yields
– resulting in stronger and better crops.
The Imploder
– Water Energiser
Successful seed germination
and accelerated plant growth
THE IMPLODER revitalizes water quickly, is easy
to install, has no maintenance or moving parts, is cost effective
and produces amazing results. THE IMPLODER water treatment creates
a measurable and validated effect on plant growth, seed germination and bio mass yields
resulting in stronger, better crops It saves money on water consumption and energy costs.
For a modest investment farmers can greatly improve their bottom line. It is easy to install,
operate and maintain.
THE IMPLODER device facilitates the supply of required nutrients into plants by causing a
de-clustering effect on water – known as ‘absorption efficiency effect’ and ‘redox potential’
– in other words it makes water more ‘energized’ and soluble. We have demonstrated, with
independently validated trials, effects of over 300%.
This powerful technology has a magnetic array with a unique directional nozzle. The
combination of these forces creates “IMPLOSION”, the sorting and phase locking of the plasmic
forces of water, creating centripetal intense flux lines, resulting in dynamic spin rate and
smaller water cluster size.
Use it in all agricultural operations, including hydroponics and greenhouse food production.
Benefits of The Imploder: Related industries are food and health technology (anti-aging effects), breweries, wineries
• Revitalized water can be (faster fermentation), farm waste management, sewage treatment, water purification,
achieved quickly and easily, swimming pools, ice skating rinks, snow production, domestic water consumption, (try it in the
shower – you will feel GREAT!)
• Less amount of water is
Also used for fuel efficiency enhancement, hydrogen generation, tar sands oil production,
required for plant growth,
bio-mass ethanol production (quicker more efficient fermentation and water separation), and
• Cost effective, seed storage through related Phase Conjugate Dielectrics.
• Uses established infrastructure, Third world communities will have a cost effective means for improving farming methods,
• Measurable and repeatable increasing food yields and purifying water.
increase in germination rate, In the near future, every farm, dwelling and community will have THE IMPLODER water
treatment device installed.
• Increase in stem width,
• Increase in leaf size, Entropy of Tap Water vs. Magnetic Water
• Increase in plant height,
• Sustainable, environmentally 3.5

friendly, 3
Series 2
Series 1
• No moving parts, minimal wear 2.5
Entropy Isol.

2 Tap water (BLUE) Magnet Water (RED)

and tear, Entropy Avg. (magnetic water) = 1.43
• No ‘parts’ to be replaced or 1
Entropy Avg. (tap water) = 2.66

dispose of increases bottom 0.5

line for all users. 0

0 20 40 60 80 100 120

Capture number (3 sec intervals)

Manufactured by
The Fractal Field Company
Phone: +1 310 651 8123
Water Passing Through TheIMPLODER:
Dramatic Solubility Increase
Reduced Molecular Cluster Size
Increase Molecular Order & Charge
Powerful Growth Serving Effects.

The Imploder
US 310 651 8123
Skype danwinter

$750 USD.

Here is a recent update:

more growth effect results-
Regular Water TheIMPLODER Water> actual userphotos!
Difference in Plant Mass - 328 %
French (&English) Contact:
Colin Touchie
France: +33 (0)4 68 96 51 15

Also: revolutionize sprouting efficiency!

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