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Fall 2017 Baumgartner

Guidelines for MCH Group Presentations

30 minute Presentations: 20 min for formal presentations + 10 min for questions from audience

First half of presentation (~10 min) is teaching the class/audience on this topic:

1. General overview of your topic area

o This is your time to educate on the big picture
 Stats/epidemiology of topic (how big is the problem—demographics, risk factors,
existing access and/or barriers to prevention, care and treatment, other important
 Relevant global policies and guidance documents on issue
2. Focused overview of your specific topic—time to dive deeper
o More details on what is known and not known
 Stats/epidemiology of topic
 Efforts to address issues for population-specific health outcomes (any evidence-
based interventions, any relevant policies, most recent or ongoing research to
address issue)

Second half of presentation (~10 min) is advocating to the class/audience to support a specific
financial investment for a program to address your identified focused issue:

3. Advocate for your strategic investment to improve the problem in one country/region
o Could be a novel but promising intervention that needs to be used (and evaluated) in a
new context or with a new population
o Could be an existing evidence-based intervention that needs renewed attention or more
widespread support for scaling up
4. Address some financial aspect of your proposed intervention/program (many options)
o Highlight the known cost-effectiveness of the program and how governments could
eventually pay for it
o Try to sell the benefits for private/donor investments in the program in the future
o Highlight issues of out-of-pocket patients costs and health insurance
o Argue this is a global public good that donors should always support
o Any other relevant financial aspects of your program

 Teams are pitching to those who can implement and fund new interventions and practices—
Ministries of Health, global aid donors, and/or social impact investors.
 In the 20-minute presentation, teams must convince the class, acting as grant reviewers, policy
experts and/or community advisory board members that we should approve of their plan.
 Students may choose background articles to circulate to the class prior to their presentations, and
can include multi-media if they feel it would be appropriate and enhance their presentation.
 PowerPoint slides are required. Printed copies of the slides are due to the instructor on the day
that the students give their presentation.
 At least one slide must have names of all team members and on the last slide of your ppt
presentation (which you do not need to show during the formal presentation), please include all
references used. Generally expect ~1 slide = 1 minute
 Logic models/theory of change could help make link between your MCH program and ultimate
MCH health impact

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