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Kyle Magaliff

My Philosophy of Science Education

Our day to day lives are embedded in fascinating scientific processes happening all
around us. Guiding students to discover the amazing natural phenomena of our world is my goal
as a science teacher. Through student-centered lessons rooted in coherent, democratic, inquiry-
based learning, I teach science to spark curiosity in students. As a teacher, I make science fun. I
make science challenging. And most of all, I make science meaningful.
To witness a plant grow using sunlight and carbon dioxide, to experience the heat trapped
within a greenhouse, and to visit a local river to collect water samples is to directly engage with
our unique natural world. Whether we realize it or not, we are connected to each and every one
of these aspects of science. I seek to put this phenomena in front of students eyes to allow them
to manipulate and discover on their own terms. My students learn science by actively behaving,
well, like a scientist. I challenge students to formulate their own questions, ideas, and theories
about the world.
I believe engaging with the local community and focusing content on current, real world
issues creates long lasting learning experiences. Science is not an isolated subject; it extends far
beyond laboratories and classroom walls. It is influenced by and helps shape our economy,
technology, social life, health, and politics. Helping students understand and make those
connections is where science becomes meaningful, whether it is a simple connection to their own
life or working on a project that directly influences their community. That community can be as
close as their classroom, school, or town, or it can be as far reaching as their state, region, or
even country. Giving students the chance to create real change in their community empowers
them to be engaged citizens.
My approachable teaching style follows constructivist approaches, eliciting ideas from
students and building off of their current conceptions. If there is an avenue that lets students
reach concepts on their own, I take that route. I view myself as a facilitator in the classroom,
guiding students to arrive at their own conclusions. I seek to provide my students choice in terms
of how they learn best and in the way they demonstrate that learning. To my classroom
management and grading policies, student’s ideas are a part of my democratic classroom
The purpose of school encompasses much more than content knowledge. Schools are a
rite of passage for every student, and every student is on their own unique journey. As they pass
through each step, there are endless opportunities to instill the values our society seeks to uphold.
Respect for one another and openness to all people, ideas, and backgrounds are staples of my
classroom culture. Our job as educators is not only to teach, but to be responsible and caring role
models to students as well.
In my classroom, the scientific process is always underway. I believe curiosity for science
is innate to each and every student—the task at hand is how to spark that curiosity.

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