Practical Method FR Evaluating Ground Fault Current Distribution in Station, Towers and Ground Wire

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IEEE Transactions o n Power Delivery, Vol. 13, No.

1, January 1998 123


Ljubivoje M.PopoviC, Senior Member, IEEE

JP "Elektroprivreda Srbije", Belgrade, Yugoslavia
Abstract: The paper presents an original analytical procedure which was to represent the lumped parameter ladder circuit by an equivalent
enqbles a quick and, for practical purposes sufficiently accurate evaluation distributed parameter ladder circuit and to solve it by differential equations.
of the significant parts of the ground fault current, for a fault at any of the However, the process gives satisfactory results only when the line and the
towers of a transmission l i e of an arbitrary number of spans. The line sections presented in this manner are sufficiently long [12]
advantages of the method are the simplicity and accuracy of the formulae for Recently, by using Kirchoff s laws, the principle of superposition and
solving uniform ladder circuits of any size (from one up to an infinite the summation of geometric series, equations were derived which take lnto
number of pis) and any terminal conditions. The formulae are obtained by consideration the discrete nature of the lumped parameter ladder circuits
applying the "general equations of the line represented by discrete [8,14]. However, the procedure is not finalized, so that the solutions are
parameters" on a specific electrical circuit formed by a transmission line valid only for certain specific cases from the point of view of possible
ground wire during ground faults. terminal conditions. Finally, by deriving the "general equations of the line
The presented method is suitable for analyses aimed at evaluating the represented by discrete parameters" [IS], it can be said that the problem of
maximum substation grounding system fault current, at selecting the ground lumped parameter ladder circuits is definitively solved
wire capable of withstanding the fault currents and at the prediction of step On the basis of the above mentioned equations, the paper derives
and touch voltages near transmission towers. relatively simple formulae for the manipulation of lumped parameter ladder
circuits of any size and any terminal conditions The advantage of using
INTRODUCTION these formulae is demonstrated here on the example of solving the problem
of predicting the maximum station grounding system fault current. It
During ground faults in power systems, large currents and raised demonstrates that this problem can be solved without a computer even for
potentials appear at places where they do not exist in normal operating cases when faults outside the station need to be considered. The
conditions. In order to economically and securely protect against undesired approximations that are made are those that we are otherwise forced to
consequences, such as loss of a human life, bumdown of transmission assume in the design stage because of the uncertainty of the basic data of
ground wires and the damage to sensitive telecommunications equipment soil resistivity.
entering power stations, it is necessary to evaluate as precisely as possible Finally, the paper presents a formula for evaluating the line length
the value and distribution of the ground fault current in worst fault above which the line can be considered as infinite from the point of view of
conditions. The problem here lies in the fact that the distribution of the groundmg effects of the ground wire(s)
ground fault current and the critical fault location cannot be evaluated in all
caSes by using simple rules Under certain conditions, the prediction of the FAULTS ON OVERHEAD LINES NEAR THE STATION
maximum current flowing between the grounding system and surrounding
carth cannot be performed without including in the analysis the faults on a In designing grounding systems of HV mstallations, one of the
transmission line [7,8,9,14] In current engineering practice the parts of the objectives is to make the proposed solution as economical as possible, which
ground fault current is analyzed for two important additional reasons. The means that it should satisfy real needs without excessive expenditure This
first is the selection of the size of the ground wire capable of withstanding can be done only if it is possible to accurately predict the part of the fault
the anticipated fault current [6,11,12], while the other is the evaluation of current which will be injected into the earth through the station ground grid
the potential rise of the faulted tower [3,5] and the extemal grounding circuits The problem appears when ?he fault
Extensive work has been undertaken, especially in the last two decades, location producing the mammum value of this part of the fault current,
to model transmission networks for ground fault current analysis. The which we shall simply call the earth current as in 171, is not obvlous In that
advantages and drawbacks of the great number of developed methods and case, the number of fault studies which must previously be performed
procedures have been presented in detail in [12], so that here we shall only significantly increases [7]
point out that in their development and improvement two tendencies can be In principle, a ground fault anywhere in the power system causes fault
clearly distinguished On one hand, an effort is made to make these methods currents through the grounding systems of all substations with grounded
more convenient in applications [2,3,9,10,14] due to the great number of neutral@) However, for finding the worst fault location it is sufficient to
cases that have to be analysed. On the other hand, the authors try to improve analyze the faults occurring in the considered station itself and on the
the procedure further by including new, less important factors, but which, in outgoing lines (e g [2]) A complete analysis can show that, in some cases,
some especially complex and unfavorable conditions, can contribute to an the worst fault is placed on one of the outgoing lines, at a certain, critical
economically and technically acceptable solution [7,8,13] distance from the station
More accurate methods have been developed by using special matrix
Example system
techniques. However, theoretical and practical considerations have shown
that the relative error propagation can be a problem when solving a large
The simplicity and strength of the method will be demonstrated on a
complex matrix. Ways of overcoming this problem have been observed in an simple system composed of one overhead line through which generatmg
exact and simple solution for uniform ladder circuits 181. station A supplies a hstnbution station B
Since the late 1960's many authors (Endrenyi, Poter, Finsh, Johnson, Fig 1 shows parts of the fault current when a single-line-to-ground
Sebo, Fesonen, Dawalibi, Mukhedhar, etc.) have presented methods for the fault occurs at an arbitrary (n-th) tower of the line
solution of ladder circuits. The approach generally used by these authors In practice, the values of the grounding resistance of towers are not
equal In the design stage, however, we are obliged to adopt an approximate
value which we then attribute to a larger number of towers This is based on
PE-019-MD-0-02-1997 A paper recommended and approved by the IEEE earth geological charactenstics common to the sites whcre the towers will be
Substations Committee of the IEEE Power Engmeenng Soclety for publication in the located [121
IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery. Manuscnpt submitted December I O , 1993;
made avalable for pnnting February 20. 1997 The impedances Z s apd Z , are calculated by using formulae based on
Carson's theory of the ground current retum path (e g [2]) Impedance Z, is
determined only in relation to the faulted phase conductor [IO], because we
cannot assume that a line section of a few spans is transposed Furthermore,
keeping in mind that we need the cuirent I, in worst fault conditions, we
assume that the faulted conductor is the most distant one from the ground
0885-8977/98/$10.00 0 1997 IEEE

Fig. 1. Parts of the ground fault current

The notations used in this circuit have the following meanings:
Fig.2. Equivalent circuit
If total ground fault current
I,&) ground currcnt componcnts Icft and right of the fault location,F Thc gotations used in thc circuit have thc following mcanings:
I, earth current in station A
auxiliary driving source at fault location whose voltage is
I, fault current through the ground wire(s) on the first span,
the same as the voltage at the source station
counted from station A
potential of the faulted tower
Za(Zb) impedance of the grounding system of substation A (B) which
does not include the grounding effects of the ground wire@) of
the considcred line currcnt source uscd to replace the inductive coupling
sclf impedance of the ground wire(s), per span between the ground wire(s) and phase conductor
Z, positive and negative sequence impedance at fault location
Zm mutual impedance between the ground wire(s) and the faulted
zero sequcnce impedance of the system at station A (B)
phase conductor, per span
R tower footing resistance zero sequence impedance of the line from the fault location
n number of spans to the fault location, counted from station A to the station A (B) and
N overall number of spans. remote ground.
Currcnt I, circulates only through the neutral(s) in the station A, while Pa = - ZLV (4)
currcnt Ib circulates through the neutral(s) in station B. When the fault
occurs inside the station A, current I, circulates only in the axial direction
through the ground grid elements and so it cannot cause any potential toward
remote earth irrespectively of its value. However, when thefault occurs on k z 1 . t . I;G (5)
the line, the value of current I, decreases in magnitude, but a part of it,
current Ie (Fig 1) flows into earth and creates a potential in the grounding
In expression (5), parameter Z, designates the grounding impedance of
the ground wire of an infinite line. In accordance with 131, it is determined
system of Station A. The remaining part of current Ia, current I,, returns to by:
the system through the ground wire and grounding connections in station A.
The nearer fault produces the larger current I,, but most of it, due to the
proxlmity of station A, returns through the ground wire. It is necessary to
dctcrminc thc currcnt IC at critical distance when it reaches its maximum.
Impedances Qb and Pb can also be determined from expressions (3)
and (4), only then it is necessary to introduce the corresponding number of
Equivalent circuit and necessary analytical expressions
spans, i.e. to replace n with m = N n.
Thc powcr system that we have adopted in Fig.1 can be reprcscntcd by On the basis of the equivalcnt circuit in Fig. 2 and thc givcn
the equivalent circuit in Fig.2, by using: expressions, by varying n and by performing sequential calculations, it is
- method of symmetric components possible to determine, for any line, the extreme values of the current I,,
- driving point technique (e.g. [I 11) currcnt I, and the potcntial of any towcr, Vh.
- dccoupling technique (e.g. [3,8]) and The analysis can be performed on a line of an arbitrarily complex po-
- general equations of the line represented by discrete parameters wer system, which means multiple lines, multiple sources, multiple substa-
~ 1 . tions, different voltage levels, substations with connected neutrals, etc. Befo-
re that, it is necessary to calculate the positive, negative and zero-sequcnce
The currents generated by current sources are determined by the impedances of the system at terminal points of the considered line. Also, in
foIIo;iing we11known relations: order to calculate Ie, the equivalent circuit should be formed in such a way
to retain one branch which directly wnncccts points A and G (Fig. 2). The
equivalent impedance in this branoh should be determined so that the current
I, is divided into two components. One of them circulates through the
neutral(s) in station A, while the other flows through the remaining grounded
ncutral(s) in the systcm, with thc cxccption of the part of the systcm supplicd
by the considcred line. Also, the presented solution of ladder networks can
The cquivalcnt impcdanccs Q, and Pa, according to Appendix I, are be applied to reduce the amount of calculations necessary in methods which,
dctcrmincd by: by treating each phase conductor scparately, desire greatcr accuracy or
analysis of other types of faults [7,11].
Finally, the presented analytical expressions can be used in evaluation
of the ground fault currcnt distribution, for a fault in a substation supplicd
(3) by a line composcd of two or more diffcrent sections. Such cases are not
rare in current appliaqces and usually appear whcn a newly built substation
has to be connected to a nearby existing line.
The same equivalent circuit can be used for the prediction of the
maximum value of current Iw.In that case the worst fault position is a priori
Simplified equivalent circuit and approximate expressions known, the tower closest to the source station [6],so that we can use the
following expression:
In practice, the neutral(s) in distribution substations is frequently
isolated and, even in cases when it is grounded, its contribution to the fault
current in many cases can be neglected (ZoA<<Z0g).This means that the
branch with current Ib and, therefore, the current source Iib in the equivalent
circuit in Fig2 can be disregarded. At the same time, this means that the
influence of the ground wire to the right of the fault location can be The same equivalent circuit could also be used for the prediction of the
represented only by its grounding impedance which, according to [S5] is potential of the faulted tower, Vb. When the line is long enough and the
defined as: fault far away enough from the ends so that the sections left and right from
(kzm - 1) 2& f ( k Z m f k) ZbZ, the fault location can be considered as infinite, the branches with
znb = (kZm t k) Z , + (kzm - k 2 ) z b (7) impedances Qa and Qb (Fig. 2) can be omitted, while the expression for
impedance Zn, taking into consideration expressions (6) and (14), reduces to
or, if this impedance incorporates the footing resistance of the faulted tower, the following very simple form:

ZAb = znb - z, (8)

Also, in many practical cases, impedances Za and Zb have such small

values (for HV installations in 1SO kV networks and over, often in the range
A line or its section with N spans can be considered as infinite from the
from 0.05 to 0.2 Cl) that their influence on the value of Iemax can be neglec- point of view of grounding effects if, according to considerations presented
ted [7]. This eliminates the necessity of preliminary design of grounding in Appendix IV, the following condition is satisfied:
systems of stations at the line ends [9, 10, 111, while the corresponding
equivalent circuit and the whole calculation procedure becomes much 1
ln(1 + -)
simpler. N>Na =
On the basis of the previous approximations, the circuit in Fig. 2 is
modified into the circuit given in Fig. 3.
Na active line length expressed in number of spans
T--t7----1F E arbitrarily small, a priori adopted number.
According to (17), the active length of the line depends on the type of
the ground wire (Zs), towers footing resistance and the desired degree of
accuracy. That means that the "a priori" simplification of the substations
grounding system and the application of expression (6) (e.g. [S, 21) should
be based on defined criteria.

Simplified procedure for determining the maximum of current Ie

Fig.3. Simplified circuit for the calculation of current Ie
The results of the quantitative analysis presented in this paper (Fig.6)
Impedance Zf on the circuit is determined by: show that, depending on the length of the line, the worst fault location can be
found at the end of the line or at a certain, critical distance, which we shall
Z*=ZAfnZ; (9)
designate as "c". We shall make a preliminary assumption that the line is
where infinite, as in that case the worst fault location is surely on the line and,
according to Appendix 11, we can estimate c by:

where the coefficient r is defined as: 1 - Zm/Z,.

As this expression is a transcendental equation, the solution is deter-
Impedances Zl,' and Zl," in (11) represent the positive and zero mined graphically. This estimation is a little rough, but it helps us to
sequence impedance of the line whose length is equal to one span. According significantly reduce the necessary sequential (tower to tower) ground fault
analyses. Thus, for example, for the line under consideration with ACSR
to given circuits (Figs. 2 and 3), impedance Z, represents the grounding
g.wire and R = 30 n, we obtain c = 17.2, while the analysis of towers n =
impedance at the fault location determined by:
17, 18 and 19 show that the critical fault is located at the 18th tower.

The fault location determined in this manner and the corresponding

value of current Ie, however, ars critical only if the line is long enough
where impedance Z',b (Zb = O), from expressions (7) and (8), is: (Fig.6). It is necessary for the total number of spans to be greater than the
limit number of spans, NI, which is, according to Appendix 111, determined
by the expression:

In cases when the line can be considered as infinite, the following still rVph- zA1emaxc
simpler expression can be used 2 ' s Iemaxc

Zm - Z, 04)
z'nb(W) = =
4 2 Re - real part of the expression in parenthesis

- Iemaxfor a fault at c
If the condition is not satisfied (N < NI), the worst fault location is at N 230
the end of the line. Using Fig. 3 in the case n=N the corresponding current,
under the assumption z b F= 0, is: A--- R=’on

As it could be seen from the outlined procedure, the critical value of

the current I, for the line of arbitrary length can be determined w t h a steel g. wire


significantly reduced number of sequential ground fault analysis. When the ‘-30 ACSR g. wire
generatmg station has more than one outgoing h e , the outlined procedure
should be applied to each of them The whole procedure can be performed
5 10 20 N n
without the use of computers
Fig.5. Current I, as a function of fault location

The quantitative analysis will be performed in order to complete the I I e max I

qualitative picture of the considered phenomenon. With this in mind, we
shall consider only the influence of the main factors: total line length, type of
I I f ( 0 )I
-steel g. wire
material used for the ground wire and the tower footing resistances.
Let us assume that the line, which connects station A and B in Fig.1, is
--- ACSR g.wire
a 110 kV line with aluminudsteel 240140 mm2 phase conductors. The
ground wire is, in one case, steel 50 mm’, while in the other it is ACSR
95/55 “ 2 .
Line impedances per one span are determined on the bases of the
following assumptions: average length of the span is 250m; specific soil
resistance along the line is 50nm. The resistances per unit length of phase
conductors, steel and ACSR g. wire are: 0.12; 3.5 and 0.299Wkm, while
geometric mean radii are 8.53; 0.00249 and 6.23 mm, respectivelly; while
the line configuration in all the studied cases is as in Fig. 4.

Fig.6. The current I, as a function of line length

Quantitative analysis performed with ample varying of parameters

shows that under the conditions: 2, and Zbe[O, 0, 2 n] and Zog=m, or
Z o ~ < < z othe
~ , use of the circuit shown in Fig. 3 gives slightly conservative
Fig. 4 Disposition of line conductors (dimensions in meters) results. Bearing in mind the uncertainty of basic data on the soil resistivity
and the final goal of the calculation (safety conditions), we may regard this
The source impedances Z A + = Z A - = J 3 6Q and 2,’ = J 2 IC2 are as desirable. If the presented conditions are not fullfilled, the more complete
chosen so that the fault currents are typical of those found in most power circuit from Fig. 2 should be used. In this case the calculation may also be
systems significantly reduced by using expression (18).
On the basis of given data and following the procedure outlined in the
paper, we obtained the results displayed in Fig 5 In order to get a better Method validation
By applying the data used to obtain the results shown in Fig. 6, the
insight mto the considered effects, current I, in the diagram is expressed as a calculation was performed by utilizing the more rigorous method (a
part of the total ground fault current for the fault occurring in station A computer program based mainly on the procedure presented in [7]). The
If@) most xnportant results from both calculations are presented in Table 1.
From Fig 5 it IS possible to see that in case of the ACSR ground w r e
and R = 30Q current I, does not reach its maximum for the fault on the Ime,
but only then when the fault occurs at the end of the line Therefore, it was
necessary to investigate the critical fault position as a function of the line
length The results of calculations are displayed in Fig 6
Fig 6 shows that, for all the studied cases, up to a certain limit length
of the lme (NI, Nz, N3 and N4), current I,,, occurs when the fault is at the
end of the line (at substation B) When the line length exceeds this critical
limit, current I, remains practically constant with the firther mcrease of
the line length At the same time, the critical fault position moves on the line
to a certain distance from substation A, which also does not change with the The companson of the presented results shows that the error in value
further increase in line length of the current I,, in all the studied cases is negligibly small (less than

5%). The errors may be explained by the following. Total value of the
current If is determined here by using symmetric components, i. e. by
utilizing the approximation that the transmission line is completely
symmetric. The configuration shown in Fig. 4 was chosen to emphasis the The value of the impedances Z, for the worst fault tower and the
effects of the approximation, for most of the other possible l i e towers immediately adjacent to it in real conditions differ very little, so that
configurations errors would be even smaller than the ones shown here. we can write:

z,(e) = 2, (c + 1) (25)
On the basis of this approximation and the circuit in Fig. 3, it follows:
The paper presents a practical method for ground fault analysis, neces-
sary in designing grounding systems in cases when faults outside the station
need to be considered. The method can also be used for the design of new
transmission lines in order to select the size of the ground wire capable of By using approximations (25) and (26), expression (24) can be trans-
withstanding the fault current, as well as for evaluating safety conditions formed into:
near the transmission towers.

APPENDIX I - General solution of uniform ladder circuits

Lumped parameter ladder circuits shown in Fig. 7 are generally used to According to the results presented in Fig. 5, distance c can be
present the ground wire and its grounding points through the towers. considered sufficiently large for introducing another approximation:

N.1 '2N

I I I i l
If we now assume that the l i e is infinite, which does not have an
influence on the critical fault position according to the results of the
quantitative analysis, it is possible, using (12), to write:

kC+l ZUI
Fig. 7. Finite ladder circuit with arbitrary terminations Z,(C) - 2, = - (29)
2kC 2

The voltages and the currents at the ends of this circuit, according to Finally, from (24) and (3), we get:
[15], are related by the following equations: Q,(e+O 2
iry- ( k C- 1)
Zn(c) k+l
By introducing approximations (23), (24) and (25) and by using the
equivalent circuit in Fig.3, expression (30) can be transformed into equation

APPENDIX 111 - The worst fault in the supplied substation

We see in Fig. 6 that when the length of the line is under a certain limit
If the ladder circuit in Fig. 7 is replaced by only one equivalent pi, length, the worst fault location is in the supplied substation. We will
formed by the span impedance, Q, and by two connections (impedances) to
ground, P, on the basis of Kirchoffs laws, we obtain the following determine this length from the condition of equality of the current I,, when
equations: the fault is at the end of the line, and the same current, when the fault is at a
certain, critical distance (Fig. 6). This means that according to (20) we can
write the following equation:

Z A + NI z',-- Iemaxc (3 1)

Equating the coefficients from the system of equations (22) with the
corresponding coefficients from the system of equations (2 l), we obtain that from which we get (19).
Q and P are determined in accordance with (3) and (4).
APPENDIX IV - Active length of the ground wire

APPENDIX I1 - Critical fault position on the line We shall assume that we have a transmission line and that its length is
infinite, i.e. that its end is somewhere in infinity. We shall fictiously divide
We shall evaluate the fault location which produces the maximum this line into two sections: one from the beginning to an arbitraly point N
along the line and the other, from point N to infinity. Then the circuit formed
value of Ie under the assumption that the increase of this current near the
by the transmission line ground wire, according to [15], can be represented
maximum must be negligible. This condition, as seen from the circuit in
by the equivalent circuit in Fig. 8.
Fig.3, can be expressed by the following approximation:

By setting the above relation algebraically we get:

* The author uses the opportunity to point out to an error which appeared in the
original reference. The exponent of the parameter k should be N+1, not 2N+1 as
stated in [15]. Fig. 8 Equivalent circuit for the ground wire of an infinite line

The notations in Fig. 8 have the following meanings: E. Thapar, S. Madan, "Current for Design of Grounding Systems",
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Liubivo-ie M PopoviC was born in

Markovac, Serbia, Yugoslavia, on
Feb 24. 1944 He received his BS,
M S and PhD degrees in electrical
engineering from the University of
Belgrade in 1969, 1983 and 1991
respectively He has worked o n the
design of different power system
installations in "Elektrodistribucija
- Beograd". For the last fourteen
years he has been a leading
research engineer in the field of
grounding problems and short
circuit currents.
He is a Senior Member of the IEEE Power Society.

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