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The Debt versus Equity Financing Alternative

High Rock Industries is a company which engaged in the purchase of undeveloped acreage which
was then developed for industrial use. Over the past fifteen years, the company had become the
dominant mid-Atlantic developer of office parks. Kathleen Crawford is the president and CEI of Hugh
Rock Industries, reflected upon the company’s growth since its inception in 1975. That growth, indicated
of the activity in land development in the mid-Atlantic region of the United States, carried with it a
persistent need for expansion capital. The company’s plan, from inception, had been deal in only the
most potentially profitable land acquisition.
Crawford was intent upon having the infrastructure necessary to make he company’s strategy
work, thus having the best people on staff was the key element. The staff had not only well-qualified
accountants and marketing people, but appraisers and specialized analysts who addresed leasing, zoning
requirements, and population patterns. As a result, strategy had always been defined in terms of specific
competencies, which led to clearly defined products and markets.
The revenue and profits of HRI increased at a steady pace, which means it provides access to
higher-priced, and hopefully, better situated property, hence faster profit growth. The debentures
currently outstanding with coupon rate 9.5% and carry AAA rating. Most typical firms with similar bond
rating has maximum 55% in their capital structure.
Kathleen Crawford was interested to a tract of land in the general vicinity of Washington DC. The
land was to the west of the DC metro area along the border shared by Maryland and Virginia. The
development in that area was primarily commercial and had become the site of some very-well situated
office parks and federal office buildings. The area was occupied by several US offices of foreign
governments and business. HRI considered the asking price of $6million to be most reasonable and they
forecasted buying this land will increase HRI EBIT to 20%. The forecast was based upon the occupancy
rate of commercial property in the immediate area, a forecast of commercial construction, and HRI’s
skill in managing such property. To acquire the land, HRI should raise the funds, and as alternatives are:
Debt: 7% coupon, 15 years maturity, flotation cost $200,000, possibility of sinking fund $400,000
Equity : Market price $ 30
Preferred stock : $100 preferred stock with net price $93.5 after brokerage fees, with stock yield 8%
HRI has to choose which alternative is best to the company to raise the S6million funds.

1. The proposed acqusition seem to fit HRI’s business pattern as HRI is engaged in the purchase of
undeveloped acreage which was then developed for industrial use, especially in office parks. T he
acquisition proposal land located in urban areas that has a good development in commercial and had
become the site of some very-well situated office parks and federal office buildings. The acquisition
considered as a profitable project by the assessment of her high skill financial staff as it will increase
the EBIT to 20% which in line with the company’s plan, from inception, had been deal in only the
most potentially profitable land acquisition.
2. There are several criterias to analyse the financial decision, in this case, we will highlighted more to
flexibility, risk, and income.  YOU DON’T HAVE to calculate 
(Spreadsheet is attached as Table 1)
The cost of capital was calculated as below:
a. Debt (ignoring the sinking fund)
Calculated with Excel, for N=15; Icoupon=7%; FV=$6,000,000; PV=$5,800,000;PMT=$420,000,
found that rd = 7.37%, hence cost of debt after tax = 7.37%(1-30%) = 5.16%
b. Debt (with sinking fund)
Calculated with Excel, for N=15; Icoupon=7%; FV=$6,000,000; PV=$5,800,000;PMT=$820,000,
found that rd = 11.3%, hence cost of debt after tax = 11.3%(1-30%) = 7.91%
c. Equity
Calculated by ROE = rs= Net income / Common equity = $2,042,488/ $34,000,000 = 6.01%
d. Preferred stock
Known as dividend yield = rps = 8%
Based on debt to asset ratio, common stock and preferred stock alternatives has lower value
compare to debt alternatives, however the value for debt alternatives was still within range (less
than 55%). Same thing goes for TIE, common stock and preferred stock alternatives has higher value
compare to debt alternatives. But, based on cost of capital, debt without sinking funds has the less
cost of capital, and based on ROE, debt has the highest ROE among all alternatives. Thus, the
reccomendation will goes to debt without sinking funds.
3. All informations that stated in debt alternatives are useful. Besides that, the other useful information
is net income and total common equity because they are used to calculate ROE and also yield on
preferred stock and the tax rate. The income statement and balance sheet data also supporting the
4. The calculation before and after the new capital is required through debenture, can be showed in
Table 2.
(Spreadsheet is attached)
Our findings are that through the additional debt, it will increase the debt ratio but it also increases
the TIE ratio. Although debt ratio increases but it still below the industry ratio, so the company still
has the capacity to increase its debt.
5. A sinking fund is a method by which an organization sets aside money over time to retire its
indebtedness. More specifically, it is a fund into which money can be deposited, so that over time its
preferred stock, debentures or stocks can be retired. For the organization retiring debt, it has the
benefit that the principal of the debt or at least part of it, will be available when due. For the
creditors, the fund reduces the risk the organization will default when the principal is due: it reduces
credit risk. However, if the bonds are callable, this comes at a cost to creditors, because the
organization has an option on the bonds: the firm will choose to buy back discount bonds (selling
below par) at their market price, while exercising its option to buy back premium bonds (selling
above par) at par.
As seen in Table 1, the sinking funds will add aditional expense to firms and will increase the cost of
debt. Thus, it will effect in decision. If the company is risky, then investor required higher return so
company can consider of using sinking fund in secure their debt holder position. But in this case, the
company bond rating is triple A which is considered as less risky company, supported with HRI
reputation within the financial community, so that’s why the company unlikely use the sinking fund.
PV = 6,000 – 200
F = 6,000
PMT = 7% * 6,000 = 420
PMT = 420
6. The additional informations that would have been useful in HRI analysis are dividend and growth for
common stock to calculate rs more accurately and precisely. Industry comparable ratios..
7. The estimate level of EBIT after purchase is useful in calculating new ROE and TIE.
8. As addition with Answer for Question number 3, the investment bankers also should explain if
additional debt will affect current HRI bond ratings.
9. The current debt to asset ratio is 47.66% before the debt is acquired. As HRI want to mantain the
debt to asset ratio in range 48-55%, HRI only can have space for increasing debt up to 7% from
current. But however, additional $6million in debt will add to 53,02% which still below the maximum
limit. If after this company still have plan to issue long term debt, the company only has the capacity
to increase its debt not more than 2%. Low flexibility..!!! because its already closed to the maximum
10.The flexibility, risk and income can be considered and measured as below:
Flexibility: Does increasing debt restrict the firm for seeking more debt in the future due to high debt
levels? Does increasing debt violate loan covenants or result in the potential for loan covenants to
be violated with poor performance?
Measured by debt to asset ratio compare to industry limit.
Risk (financial): Can the company meet debt service (interest and principal) especially when times
are tough? How volatile are the company’s earnings and cash flow?
Measured by TIE, cost of capital.
Income: How do the different financing alternatives impact earnings per share (EPS) and return on
equity (ROE)?
Measured by ROE and EPS. But we can’t count the EPS since there is no price…
Flexibility, risk, and income are major factors in selecting a financing alternative. They can be
measured through D/A ratio, TIE, cost of capital, and ROE. For HRI case, they can consider to use debt
without sinking funds as their D/A ratio and TIE were still in industry limit, and ROE has the highest value
among all alternatives, meanwhile the cost of capital is lowest compare to others. HRI can consider to
ignore sinking funds regarding to its existing level of interest rates and its reputation within the financial
community. Company might give expected dividend and growth to calculated cost of equity more
precisely. In future, company has to solved its debt or consider raised equity to get additional funds

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